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Monday, October 12, 2009


This is what they keep selling me, a bag of dirt and I say no thank you 200 to 500 times a day. I do not want to see this in my life or near me; you can go with them if they are your friends; I am not a little guy and am ready to strangle them. That is what they are selling and telling me they are my boss and managers; promoting me. Do it to them and keep taking their money; then ask them who is extorting and who is screaming "no thank you." Who is guilty of what? I have imposed a complete ban on the little guys and they seem to like increasing the no thank you.

When they stop, get rid of them or I will fire them; that or strangle them with my bare hands for kidnapping us and wrecking our life. They say they only want in and want this so bad; to be included while I have banned them 100 per cent and enforce a full ban until I get the truth. They said they stalk you and you are not extorting; they are desperate. Is it hate or is this about not being a good friend? They have nothing; only protection and friendship to offer as the little guys. They may be friends but will they be enemies or care? The little guy is only a critic and will make you one or make me ask you to leave. I have the plot and banned them. THEY LIKE TO MEDDLE AND ARE A LITTLE TOO INTRUSIVE AS STALKERS AND KIDNAPPERS! OK WAY TOO MEDDLING, ANNOYING, INTRUSIVE, TYRANTS, AND ARE TERRORISTS, THERE. DID I SAY HOW DISRUPTIVE AND CRIMINAL THEY ARE OR LIE INCESSANTLY? WHO IS THE DIRT BAG HONKY WHO THINKS YOU ARE IN LOVE WITH THEM AND THEY HAVE TO BE ROUGH OR KEEP LYING? REWARD FOR THIER HEADS!

I am charging them and will fire off the first, second... tenth... 100th shot and they just increase the no thank you problem and act as if we are insane or crazy. Who is crazy now and who is having their life ruined or reputation smashed? I want you to finish up and hurry up; the CIA and Pentagon need to get in this fight and go full throttle; make them a rag doll and tell them to leave the country or our life; go back to Europe where socialism and communism is cool.
The liberals in Europe say they ruin everything and are a major threat. So hurry up, we need an enemies list and a ban list; you are on the ban list at this time and have no provided any answers; you will be very poor also and soon if you do not pull out. Quit while you are ahead; and get this enemy and hit list they have. That is how they do the terrorism and hit the military. There is a ban on liberals, spies, communists, left wingers, and this little guy. They will ruin your reputation and take you down with them; claiming you are their friend, boss, or partner. Do you see a rescue or anyone telling the truth for you or admitting what tried? Who broke up their murder plot, terrorist plot, and rape-kidnapping plot?

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Fox News, Huckabee Show, Lynard Skynard Live:

When I had asked Ann who had made this mess and why she opened the door for so many threats and befriended so many people I would never approve or would kick her out of a security based structure; she told me they were real life underground communists and if she did not; would call her a Nazi and bigot. So she had to place distance (i.e. California-New York or Northern Virginia-New York or DC-Florida) between these relationships because all are linked to very aggressive and wish to get their foot in the door, even with her life. Here is their response, “My sensibilities are quit naïve… see the reality 10/5/2009 1:42:23 PM… government does not run everything here… ready to defect… have communist everywhere.” It is part of their sensitivity training and trying to be our best friends; I had the same royal treatment.

When asked who “Syncro” was due to the fact she had pressed the panic button on him and also identified him as deranged or overly aggressive with digging dirt on her life; she said it was a Jewish guy named Mickey. However, as I observed him in a full year; there are moments were the imprint is a female and the way Syncro talks sounds like Lisa D. her publicist. Ann said Syncro was reading email to her mom and had FReeP web masters break into and monitor her whereabouts by using the server to her internet. They also do her web sites; defend her in the past; but do not pursue this “kidnapping, stalking, mole, perversion, rape, and murder plot.” What we lack is the ability or permission to press charges on them or the truth.

Recently, Syncro knows he is on soft ground and sinking; fighting it also. So they are using Ann as a tug of war to ruin our relationship and I have ripped Ann apart about this. They have information on her speech and leak it; to create panic and security problems. For example, when she changed the UTC (Chattanooga, TN) speech and cancelled the Dallas one; Syncro advertised as if he-she was Ann’s publicist in California or has such exclusive access; you would think it was either Lisa D. or someone spy close to her. Lisa D. and FReeP were identified as a mole; a threat and trying to dig up dirt illegally or in a coercive manner; to set Ann up and missed badly. They were silenced by her secret last minute security maneuver by linking my biography to hers; this would expose their own plot. Now they would be writing more accurate information on their own plot. They kidnapped and targeted us; to destroy one and isolate and steal the other.

So the year long observation of Syncro is on a suspicious level with 911 Limbaugh “unsure… seeking approval… height of follies… doing everything they can to make… their bitch… got their attention… end your addiction now… redefining liberalism in America now 1:55:00 PM.” Obviously, this is their work and we are next to them or go to them and confront them about this while they do not know or are finding out. We also burn down their villages and wage war on them; like any military commander would do if in a war or standing off this threatening enemy-menace. Again and again, we get a conspiracy and then we get a cleverly hidden cover up.

Syncro is the satellite or same publicist in California and the West; they also are chauffeurs, aides, and security; almost like a satellite of CPAC and YAF in the West. However, they leak out security information such as the UTC speech which showed up on the FReeP web site on Monday September 28, 2009; while Ann leaked it on Thursday October 1, 2009 at the last minute. Then Ann wrote she changed the location of the speech and changed the time of the speech; also went on a radio show. Obviously, they are pulling the “we are your boss and managers” with her also and literally keep you as kidnap victims or exploit you like child labor; to demand productivity and we hate their guts. It is like the unions; they advance it if we mistreat them and if we do not, they mistreat us or exploit us. Bin 911 plotters said FReeP is their intelligence and surveillance unit in the West; to dig dirt and to arrange events like a publicist or manager; however, we caught them for some of the most criminal and vile acts to include a terrorist and murder plot.

We can see them fighting this and every single time I see a picture; Ann is in the arms of another man or they are fighting as if we have to seek their approval and their orders and rulings are supreme; yet nothing suggest this is real and insubordination. It is like trying to prostitute the lady upstairs; I complain to Ann about spending time with them; she (upstairs) comes around and demands sex and private time. They do not understand we see them as dog doo-doo and kissing them is like eating doo-doo. That is how we see or view them; but they keep up the fight and effort; they never give up or get it; hardcore and ultra left wing; pure communist moles. Their judgment on us is how we mistreat and impose a death sentence on them; we are stingy to their life and do nothing for the little gutless pile of dog doom.

So this CPAC, Kaus, Syncro, FReeP, East-West coast link; is beyond party; perhaps plot or religion; some other bond much stronger to have them violate laws on a level of initiation killings, kidnapping, terrorist plots, etc… They are also fooling the mind they are close to us, our boss, our God, and we seek their approval and can be punished if we go against their rulings and orders. We caught them for all of this and now they are fighting it. So Lisa D. leaks out Ann’s security and was writing some biography but we rained on her parade; what she calls “talking about boys… girl talk.” The people and this problem is clueless; not even invited or do good work; all they do is suggest we have to get rid of each other and view them as God and our captors; the same people who seized and hijacked our life and we are not even supporters of the unions; why would they hide this?

They did the same with me as if they wanted business and we had to have an account with them; then they kept this idea we had to get rid of each other so I got rid of Ann. Every single time she made a speech, went to CA, had some event or nonsensical life intersection; it was in the arms of another man, infidelity, getting raped, pitting me-her, and breaking our circle of friends; just like high school and Liebig did in 1986 to my New York friends. First they invite themselves; then they are some dictator and menace; they pretend to be us and humiliate our life when they exploit us and are terrorists and kidnappers. “Classic text book move by fascists… organize to go against their interests… if you do this, it will help you… make life easier… help the Hippocratic oath… heal thy self… if you value your life, your freedom… paint a false picture… using them to practice as if it is what you want… consider quitting… take over of it… so good I must repeat it… flop of failures 2:14:47 PM… I know these people, they bought it… came true… de-legitimizes the other side (discredit us, our work, our name, our life, and rewrite it)… forced to learn.”

So they take over our life and encourage us to quit or do what is good for us while we are in an adversarial relationship with a maniac and spy psycho. In the end, these kidnappings and taking over our life always ends up with some stalking, derangement, killer-stalker, and jealous fit or murder plot. They pursue us and on a level which is our mole-spy-terrorist plot. The problem is even after they are exposed and caught; they do not even let up; we are forced to. Some game of chicken if we wish to survive or incur more injuries; that is like a gun to our head and our life and those telling us to do this or that; if not we will face dire consequences. We are hostages and their captives and these killings are to suggest they have reach and can change our life anytime as some maniac God judging us. The problem is the level of violations, the accusations, and the secrecy they have imposed in order to fight this and implant some exit strategy. The two primary terrorists are Limbaugh and Hannity; Limbaugh to me and Hannity to Ann; some tag team duo and this big union of the communists. They said it is to throw us off our game and some full court press.

Ann pressed the panic button on FReeP, Lisa, Kaus, Syncro (shared account and leaks as her boss and street team) and they were behind two initiation killing in KY-MS, then Little Rock (Anne Pressley), and then Yale (Annie Le). I complained about Jeffers-Dodge and RonDog for playing with my internet; banning me on sites; reading my emails; blocking me from any of Ann’s servers and a lot of persistent harassment. I almost dumped Ann and she kept telling me she wanted to catch them and stop them. She said that was why she was quiet and clandestine; they had her as a hostage also; also a peeping tom menace. So they were all over her sex life and private life and she drove those nuts. I came real close to dumping and turning all my anger on Ann; she was in hiding among them; what a safer place. It is above party and politics; it is above religion.

Ann away and she would beg and plea; then kept this ongoing and a painful experience. I thought it would work to expose them and it did not; they kicked it up and were more careful; pushed underground. They also went on some killing rampage; embarrassed and dealing with impotence and loosing all their victories at the last minute; a life ending situation for them. “We were not that close to them… distracted from affairs by… some parallels, not quite the same (Marilyn Monroe) 2:29:02 PM.” As we can see, they do not even make an effort to hide or end this; not one bit of honesty or moral courage. Caller says on Bin 911 will keep fighting for us, “I will do what it takes… plan for immortality.” This is their assault on America and our life; they do it to the people who wrote the counter measures and exposed it. The charges and the behavior is so off the charts, they will try to fight it to the death; await arrest and forfeiture of their entire life savings; let them work harder and harder and we will collect their life’s work to compensate for their early days ruining ours and getting caught for terrorism and murder plots. What we lack is the ability or permission to press charges on them or the truth.

They do not see it as stealing, terrorism, or a moral lie. They see us as a threat and we have to be dominated, told what to do, and made to show pain while they put us on our knees; that are to take over our life and keep us as kidnap victims and hostages as we claim. They do not dispute this. They do not dispute rewriting our life. They know how illegal it is and hide that along with the terrorist-espionage plots. We can throw the kitchen sink at them; they will still try to kill others and keep up the pressure or illegality. In their eyes, the misery index, the fear, the menacing, and nightmare will win; it will cause them to win. So long as they are not arrested or in jail; it is working and we are unstable and look fluttered as they invade our life and home. This is the full court press the communist and left wing describe; there is a bond and secret unity not exposed yet and it has to do with initiation killings, sex with kids, kidnappings, torture, various illegal and serial killer characters and terror plots.

These people are total con men and rip off artists; now they are proving what kind of an escape artist they are. The cover story ranges and even suggests we call them all the time when we need a friend or when we need them. The real story is we hang up on them all the time and they get creamed drooling or screamed at; but their story is how we call them to be our bosses and we are constantly seeking them out to be the teachers of life and coaches; advisors and powerful influences on our life. Nothing can be more false and a lie than that fraud and con job. It is the mark of a pathological liar and a con artist; the best mole and spy anybody in the world will ever witness. We are always calling them and trying to have them save us; always; we are always dependent on them and they are always there for us or our bosses and managers. We are ready to kill them and strangle them and they act very suspicious to the truth. We are chased off, misery imposed, and must vacate their communist plot and terror plot to take over.

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My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.