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Sunday, August 29, 2010


Ann said that guys like iRush or Opie and Anthony act big and tough. Then when they get smacked or slapped in the face, they act more like they were offended. In the case of sodomy, they have a personal vendetta against her. I would like to see or watch on You Tube or otherwise, Anthony give Opie head or both of them raping the short pudgy friend of theirs. Anthony can be on Norton's tail end while Opie can be on his mud end. If they can get it right, then the jackass won't strike the horseshit in their show. However, if you fantasize about women and think about women all day and night; at least ask them out and not be homos about it. When you talk like a big man and walk like a big man; have the nerves to try and get a phone number. So I suspect they are closet homos and this is why they have a vendetta on Ann about sodomy. They felt she stirred up images of women or made them straight; so they fight it and her. As I said, I would pay money to see Opie and Anthony hogtie Norton who does act as if he is heterosexual or has been with a woman. I think they talk a mean game and strike up lots of conversations about what is wrong with women; but when it comes down to it; the two enjoy going to the bars for the Colorado Mudslide. Who would have known and they are so hostile, you would be scared to even ask. So the act is always what is wrong with females, how sex is always on their mind, how females dislike their beards or goatie, and the truth is they prefer the men at work bars and hanging around the brutes or athletes. Notice how they are obsessed with blow jobs also; as if it is worth the price in gold and this idea Ann is a man. The only reason why you focus on an Adam's Apple is because you do not notice other areas that females emphasize. Most men are obsessed with butts, breasts, or even legs; not adams apple. So this is why they are obsessed with Ann but refuse to ask her out and tell me how they are married, in bed together, really good friends, etc... total lies. They know that Ann has exposed them or caught on to their game of deception and smears.

Ann, I have asked the FEDs, military, and all forces to focus on and shut down all of their gambling operations. This is no game and actions have repercussions. I want the landlord and the upstairs union to know how unhappy, unpleased, and upset I am with their 24 hour attacks, bacteria attacks, and around the clock mischief; they can explain to the mafia why a tsunami conspiracy is against them and why this Pearl Harbor like crackdown is knocking on their doors due to a few horny iRush laborers or one construction company. You do not touch or mess with the bosses boss or Air Force One like a rodent out of the sweaty sewer. Play to win okay Ann, none of you are in this to win. All you fags want to do is piss off, anger, create a disaster, act lazy, live large and this lifestyle, and piss on everybody; now a few cost the entire criminal world their gambling operations. That is like pissing your life away over a sleazy slut or a bag lady who wants to torment power, bosses, or royals; take a bow and tell that fat SOB iRush to go to hell if you go to another party of his. Read the iRush pages okay...

Saturday, August 28, 2010


Ann, do you or can you see iRush? These people are human Teflon. They even coach witnesses into crumbling and winning. iRush looks neat, tidy, and even can act like us. How do you expect me to fight someone his weight? The fat SOB is shameless and these people are just outright shameless; yet they refuse to keep away. Now you look like your lifestyle is a train wreck, your single life is picking up, and you are happy surrounded by men who ravish you. They are making you and I argue and throw fits before the public; to put this defeated and Teflon circles around our life. I beg you, please go and read your blog okay sweetheart; we must figure out how to survive this and how you are going to stop this train wreck. I suspect they will try to blackmail you or set you up for a sex scandal; do not let them trap you Ann, do not! iFox News is where they are staging this rally and attack on your private life, do you hear me. I cannot do anything and I cannot help you if you keep walking into walls or their clever traps. How do you expect me to fight such a Teflon threat Ann? They are so powerful and they know every single move I make; even the iBFI do not know what to do and are also stuck in this. Do you see them huddled in the corner whimpering and barking at each other or out to kill and bark back? They are now quadrupling their security and doubling down on their already double down deck. You have to listen to me Ann, they have implanted memories and brainwashed you; rewritten your life with someone else.

So this Monday, I will send away and prepare the attempted murder charges. Can you also process it and take it to a grand jury; someone has to break this blockade and code of silence or amarato, the code of the labor unions. Due to this living arrangement and scam how this was a worry free residence; you can see where it led and how it ended; yet they expect me to pay and expect me to take 24 hours of this labor union beat up or bullying. Also, I cannot do anything with foreign countries or a peeping tom camera watching my every move and reading all of my private information. That is how they chased me, snuck up, and began to shut down all of my accounts. They still think I am an undercover police or some suspicious character. They continue to lie and slander; to suggest they are not the problem, teaming up, abusing power, dominating others, tormenting them or squashing them, claiming to take the first punch, and in total control. This is just how the left wing, labor unions, liberals, and communist fight; it is how criminals, gangs, and drug cartels battle; so I just want you to know I am not the problem; maybe they are or will be soon? Worse they claim to be a Robin Hood; to be doing it for their people and to save those who are most in need. That is just who they are and I want to be exonerated and treated like a human being. I have 10 years of college and am smarter than Ann Coulter; at least treat me like a human; but they say I have no rights and am their prisoner or the community comes first. They even have earpieces, some visible and some not, and act like Secret Service agents, "go home" and this reverse evolution or reversal of fortune. So that is how and why they drive on the wrong side of the street; they are victims and it is a matter of life and death; stay out of the way or get crushed.

1. They are not inferior and do not hate.
2. We have no rights and are slaves; they are not fake and more powerful.
3. This is their home and they need it the most; either join or get out.
4. The group, cult, or organization is most important; not the individual.
5. They only want our money; they mean no harm and are peaceful; as the record and evidence indicates. I am ordered to surrender my property and belongings, "you better not stay here any longer."
6. Even if I pay rent, I am not allowed to use the laundry for fear of bacteria attack, more medical or skin problems, or poison ivy and a cocktail of itching-torture methods. I have packed, done all my laundry, and hand wash my property at this time to avoid more bacteria attacks. They are angry and seek revenge.

Ann read this about the Black girls, Moynihan, and these Catholic girls. Do you honestly think you can take all of them on and the mafioso 911 NY bred babes? We are talking about princesses and survivors who live on the street and have endured tremendous hardships or toughness. Do you think they will just break down and give up on you? Gay or not, they are designed, bred, and taught to survive fights Ann; not act NY or liberal tough. They are not scared and they see you as an outsider, not a local.

How did we go from mafia wars to communist spies or the core of the Catholic Church and labor union violence? Who replaced the mafia or are these guardian angels:

“Yes, two very different missions. Distinctly different by the fact that they were going after the “head” and we are going after the “body”; because even if you get the head, the body is still going to be there. Our argument was that no matter if you get him [Osama bin Laden], great. But someone else is probably going to take his place. Therefore, if you’re focusing on the head, we’ll focus on the rest. - Anthony Shaffer: The Secret Birth, Extraordinary Life and Untimely Death of a US Military Intelligence Program, by Jacob Goodwin; GSN: Government Security News Magazine -

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Dear Ann: Are you saying after you went on Megan Kelly and Fox; they set you up with some publicity vacation where she dumps her husband and takes off on an extravagant vacation? Oh, well in that case - Tanks a F'in lot for the memories. It must be your way of saying Tank you! Just call BP and ask them if you can pick up tar balls off the beaches okay, no thanks to Megan or Fox News! Ann sweetheart, you may be too stressed and loosing your mind. iMegan and iFox News is not in a conspiracy with NY or Obama to do you in or ruin your life. Just because they are ordering you around and want you to betray me does not mean you have to dump your husband and go on vacation because iMegan wants you to or iFox ordered you to also. This is more like Ostermann Weekend crap, not mafia or crime boss JFKKK and 911 cloud of suspicion okay; get some rest and you know I love you... icomrade.

The Ted Kennedy Files: A hoax, a set up, or a scam to fool law enforcement? On iHannity pages, click here for more...

Ann, I am trying to talk sense into you. Do not let this iRush enemy and scum into our family, do not even talk to them or invent a dialog. They have no shame and stalk us like a hungry animal while they put the best face on the worst problem and the most repulsive Americans this world has ever bore witness to; I am talking about over 300 felony charges and pathological lying and that is just half of it. I have medical injuries all over my body and a host of problems because I talked to them nicely or crossed their path; now they feel we are life long friends and part of our immediate family; do you hear me? Ann, do not even talk to them or give them the light of day; ignore them like I had tried to do but failed. If you do not stop, I will pull your pants down and spank your bottom until it is red; am I clear on this yet? You are asking for it now. I do not enjoy talking to you like my daughter or little sister. Do you thnk shame is in their dictionary or lifestyle? You are stuck in their world of lies Ann. They are stuck in my world of secrets. I am stuck in their world of money. The FBI is sorting through each.

When a line is drawn in the sand and guns go up; do not cross the line or the invisible cordons between friends and enemies. It does not matter what you say or do; words are cheap; apologies are too abundant; and history does not care. It is like in war; a line is drawn in the sand and a warning is made to not step over it or push the limits of a disasterous, illegitimate, and unfruitful career making false enemies. This is about that idiot and iRush crapper Moynihan and their plight to save the Catholic Church. iRush is hiring Elton due to a tape sent called, "Your Song" which I always symbolize with each character I meet or how I communicate. I admit that I play or push back when women play or push me; some are easy and some are not guilty. So this is about Coulter v. Katherine and it is starting to piss the F out of me and a line is drawn in the sand. Ann, you are in her web of deception and they have a lot of criminal and terrorist forces in their favor; get out of their web of deception and total disaster! Moynihan and the iRush are some smoldering form of slave breed who put the best face on the worst problem in America; them. Talk to this F'er once, they are your best friend and stalker. Look at their beauty or tight ass while they are a whore and you will be dead while they act like a goody-good princess looking for a husband. DO NOT TALK TO THEM OR MAKE THEM THINK THEY ARE WELCOMED OR A FRIEND ANN; EFF...EFF... EFF THIS APE LIKE IDIOT!

This foul Don John's existing is having a negative effect on both Alex's life and Ann's. These MF are the foulest human species I have ever seen or been forced to witness; the human ape. Ann just wastes her life away on them like a police or FBI agents; why? There is no explanation of Ann's behavior or rationalizing her actions either; no man left behind? Ann faces a wrath also and a line is drawn in the sand. It is those F'in Catholics around DC-VA; happy gay Connolly's brother and that Moynihan family of iRush communists. I sent Moynihan a tape of Elton in 1989 before meeting Ann and while dating Suzi Schrage. That is who got Amy mixed up with Suzi; that is who got this whole matter messed up as the Red Dragon serial killer, Moynihan. This is probably who keeps playing with planes and their accidents; part of a larger extortion plot for the mafia and the iRush immigrants. They will knock off everybody and cause a mafia war where nobody survives and everybody is dead; just by sitting next to them or acting like friends. Ann, do not talk to them and make this worse; meet them once and they are a germ in your life forever or the remainder of it; until you die. We do not need to carry this out or talk to them more than 1 time okay; it is really bad already. These people are foul Ann; get out of their web of deception before you ruin your life also, they are dead and smoldering now. It is or was a spy ring at Northern Virginia Community College; police science class in 1989. Half of the people were from Chicago and the teacher was a man named Kline.


Whoever this communist and terrorist is; they now are in panic mode and wish to start a war between Israel and Iran; some fag war and a lunatic who needs to feel the wrath of America and her allied forces. The person hiding is a girl named Moynihan; the link is Elton and Ann knows this because Moynihan is linked to NY, JFK, Greeks, Jews, Mafia, and is a total psychopathic loser or poor ass whore. These poor ass whores keep trying to beat the US Army or have links to the US Navy similar to JFK and Lord Baltimore in MD. Now they are inviting her to gay wedding parties with iRush; hiring her to stage parties to defend or confront this whore of a Catholic communist spy; and these MF are ticking off and asking for a wrath that is only felt by the enemies of America and the world. There were rumors of this Moynihan girl and a football player but we know it is a lunatic stalker and a MF dead terrorist. It also traces to AZ and McScam; such wonderful veterans who are so loved by America. Ann is also a problem now and she cannot even control herself and keeps stepping over the line in the sand to get at this MF and this enemy of mankind. This SOB does not deserve to live and refuses to turn over to the FBI their life of crime and this plot for expedited or a quick trial; they keep attacking and here is the impact. The person behind this is the JFK and Kennedy Family; Moynihan and NY Jews.

The Mafia Wars and Communism: The Relationship Between Religion and the Constitution by the legendary kidnapped author and authority being held by Marxist rebels and terrorists:


Farah: "Do you not understand you are legitimizing a group that is fighting for same-sex marriage and open homosexuality in the military - not to mention the idea that sodomy is just an alternate lifestyle?" Coulter: "That's silly, I speak to a lot of groups and do not endorse them. I speak at Harvard and I certainly don't endorse their views. I've spoken to Democratic groups and liberal Republican groups that loooove abortion. The main thing I do is speak on college campuses, which is about the equivalent of speaking at an al-Qaida conference. I'm sure I agree with GOProud more than I do with at least half of my college audiences. But in any event, giving a speech is not an endorsement of every position held by the people I'm speaking to. I was going to speak for you guys, I think you're nuts on the birther thing (though I like you otherwise!). Coulter, who's billed as the "right-wing Judy Garland" for the event, will keep her WND column, and the publicity is, I suspect, good for everyone." - Ben Smith and Politico. WND, Human Events, Fox, CPAC, YAF, and all these people can go to hell or die trying to win; I would not even care one way or the other.

World Net Daily Drops Ann Coulter From Conference For Speaking To ‘Twisted And Dangerous’ Gay Conservatives - Think Progress : [anncoulterhomoconEarlier this month, the new gay conservative group GOProud vowed to put the “fun” back in politics at next month’s inaugural Homocon Conference by featuring special guest, right-wing pundit Ann Coulter. In an apparent lack of imagination, GOProud Board Chairman Christopher Barron said he “could not think of any conservative more fun” than the “the right-wing Judy Garland,” a nickname Coulter suggested herself.]

Fellow right-wing groups have rebuked her decision. Rick Scarborough of right-wing Christian group Vision America said Coulter “can’t hold herself forth as a defender of traditional values while playing footsie with homosexual groups.” Scarborough called on conservatives to boycott her books to show “this betrayal to our values is not without cost.” Americans For Truth About Homosexuality President Peter LaBarbera asked Coulter to reconsider speaking to the “phony homosexual ‘conservatives.’” To him, it is akin to speaking before “Republicans for Responsible Porn Use” and sends a “dangerous message to young Americans that homosexuality is OK. (It’s actually a sin.)”


WND DROPS Ann Coulter As Keynote Speaker Over Speech To Gay Republicans; First Posted: 08-18-10 10:35 AM | Updated: 08-18-10 05:35 PM
Ann Coulter Booted From World Net Daily Conference For Speaking To Gay Group; Doug Mataconis | Wednesday, August 18, 2010 21 Comments

Sunday, August 22, 2010


Ann! iRush kept saying how these events are bonding us to him and the communists. He even got angry about how you ruined it and how I had trashed their plot on you; to meet, woo, court, and then bond you. Now the feces upstairs says "we are not in love" and continues to meet, sit with, and do this bonding; total psychopathic. As far as the 1.4 billion law suit and the murder plots; they will do anything to win legally or make their Catholic and Jewish lawyers look powerful; win at all cost. So that is how the peeping tom camera and recording devices, sex tapes, blackmail, etc... came about or was so prevalent. Stop and do not talk to them; they are totally nuts and delusional. They even think they are married to you; likewise, I am meeting my chosen Bwitch. So we are not in love, falling for them, and the FBI says I am too good; while you say stop! See if any of that makes sense. The GOProud mega party is not going to stop this psycho or do any good; trust me Ann, it can only damage our life and be used against you later on. When we are angry, they are also. When you celebrate, they go out. When you are on attack, so are they; now we are not in love.

Ann, I do not know if you have parties in your hotel room, have parties in your apartment, have parties or invite people over to your parents, or just attend social and events with the wrong people. I have heard at least five different groups; as if it is a game and some contest. I have had to listen to men brag, listen to you and them pretend they are hooking up, listen to all kinds of bad behavior that no man would ever put up with. I have heard your side and watch men lick your face, attack you endlessly, be put on the spot and lie on a pathological level, and you playing along or telling me how it is all lies or total lies. Now I have to listen to how you go drinking, drink with these people, how rotten you all are, and live with this Scarlet Letter like stigma you have enjoyed and invented. So far they have not compiled any book or bond with you; so far they have not brought to me your head but it is clear they are trying very hard. I understand you have problems with stalkers or cult leaders; now understand I have a problem with you and your lifestyle. It feels like you are talking over me and I am talking over you; pissing our life away on some cruel, demented, idiotic maniac who refuses to leave and get the F out of our life. This is why they call them cult groups; you do not have to pick a fight with or run with 1000s of them okay. If you want to piss your life away, then do not get me in it or stuck; now I have my side and this enemy doing it to me. Ann, I have a 1.4 billion law suit; they will use this against you; trust me.

This is freaking me out. That insane ape like iRush princess upstairs said, "we are not in love" to me and I got up and left the room; she kept on trying to talk to me all day long; like usual sitting above me or pretending to be a guard. So according to that terrorist command center; we are not in love! So while you and I are fighting about your lifestyle and how it looks; they are trying really hard to deliver your head. Now I am sick of you but have stuck by your side or through all of this; I feel trampled on and get ran over by your rotten friends and business partners. The fact is you have not brought to the table anything; if they are going to deliver your head; it is wise to have theirs ready. Your redemption is being sabotaged and your life has your defenses doubled; can you see it yet? The stuff I read is just too much; moreover, you seem like you have a self destructive personality or are smug about it all. My concerns and complaints fall on deaf ears but you want me to win your case and need my help; why? Why do you need me in your life if you are going to do this or cause so many problems; it is just not you? I understand you are telling these men stop and to leave you alone; look what it did to us though. I have a problem with your lifestyle and your career; do you want to sue me or are trying to escape me also? We have been through this over and over before; we need to work together if you wish to stay together; your lifestyle is the problem. Do not expect magic if you wish to stay together okay; you have to work at it; do you realize it is counter-productive? You make me think you do not want to stay together and then jerk me back right before I am gone; I have been through these tricks before with other psycho females. Why did you do this Ann? You are ruining our case and life!

You know I love you and am always there either to protect you or be the best friend in the world. Now I complain about you and your friends, cult groups, ape like media clowns, you being ravashed by your friends, and I wonder if you are sane or lost your mind? You have a worry free life; also you are trying to love someone who gives you a lot back. That is not the problem and I wonder if it has to do with your race, religion, friends, or your career. It is not just you. It is a lot of people. It feels like you are a con man or part of a large cult group; the liberals and communists. All of you have this life that is self destructive; and you make a lot of money doing it. As a military strategist, I have analyzed your stalker problem, smear-slander problem, and evaluated your response; it is an act of self inflicted wounds similar to suicide. When you have a stalker problem; you go to parties or do as I do; take them places where they feel closter phobic, not confident, or jog it out of them. Fighting psychos, cult members, communists, and liberals do not mean you are allowed to become them or have such a good time; leisure is all you F'ers think about. Work on your family, career, and things that last a really long time okay. You have become the enemy Ann; so blind to your own lack of fight and disappointment. There is a conversion going on or one already taken place; you are them and infected due to your lifestyle. It is like STDs; who would know? Do I seem like a very sympathetic individual or a beast? Why do all of you F with a beast and get bit or loose your head? Are you a cult member or is there a problem with your dirt poor race? I want you back the way you were; not the way you are now. I am trying to get my life back also; but am in a bad situation and called the FBI for help.

When you have men fabricating relations or sexual conquest of you; you choose a man that will humiliate and degrade them; and then treat him like a king. Now here is the reality; all of this has an impact on your life and mine. This tic for tac, action-reaction, you go first, who can beat whom at lying, cult group fame, cult group admiration, and lost your mind strategy is doing tremendous damage to both sides; yours and theirs. I ask myself if you have lost your mind and concluded you are or were brainwashed; this is not the Protestant ethic either. You are supposed to choose family over menial matters such as parties, dinners, and running around with political movers and shakers. I understand you have a stalker problem; but you have to understand how far you can keep claiming a stalker problem or the lack of action/defenses to address this. You can look really stupid, bullied, weak, not tough or with some huge fight by pissing your life away on some idiot or total loser. Have you all lost your F'in mind? Why do I have to keep reminding you and treating you like my daughter? I am stuck with endless problems or worries. Your military or defenses are bone insane; yet effective. I feel like sloppy seconds or left with the weeping willow. Your life or lifestyle makes me envious and hate our relationship. Your friends or career makes me hate you or ever knowing you. All of you are cult members and some form of a con man; one trick after the other or some way to get back at each other. Now look at who the ape is and what you are doing to us. Everybody thinks you are sleeping around and you come to me or I dispel all of that; even I have this voice in my head that tells me you are unfaithful. As outgoing and flirtatious as you all are; you act in a manner that cannot be rationalized and always hidden; then you put the blame on others when all of you are con men or lost your F'in mind.

Ann, it is time you face reaity, grow up, and get smacked. If you go against me one more time and throw some outrageous misfit or irregular pundit trick; I am going to impregnate a gorgeous female or force you to start over. First it was the HomoCon party. Then it is some cruise ship with Dicky to Tel Alie. The point is you went to the wedding of someone you implicated as a stalker and conspirator in your murder plot. You have caused me severe hardships, intentionally or not in the most smug manner. I have a 1.4 billion dollar lawsuit which you claim to be a partner in while you start fires all around my life, your life, and expect me to run right into some smoldering corpse. Then you were going drinking with guys you claim were out to get you. Does this sound like someone who is worried about her life? Does this sound like someone who is worried about her lover or trying to help him? Does this sound like someone who is trying to win a 1.4 billion dollar lawsuit? Acting gullible is one thing; being gullible is another. Things used to be perfect between us and now I think you have a drinking problem or live off of the attention in a bar. I am so sick of bars now I do not even want to hear it mentioned from you ever again. The liberals and left wing keep saying I love them Ann; stop will you! They will not stop and keep the tic for tac ape crap ongoing and 24 hours; then try to overpower or suggest they kicked me out. I have even filed charges with the FBI and we are stuck with this ape crusader and enemy in our home and life. Does that make you or them happy?

Yeah, you never told me about any of this stuff or how messed up your existence is. I do love you and had a wonderful life with you; where is that wonderful person I knew? You are a wonderful person, who the F is this dirt scum or loser messing with my mind? So how embarassed do you think I am concerning myself about your murder plot or destruction; while you live a lifestyle I neither agree with if I was trying to marry you, been with you for 20 years, and trying to help you with all of these enemies. Do you think all of these men problems will just go away or your enemies will just stop on your command? Do you think going to parties and bars; drinking with guys you hate; and causing problems between you and I will win your lawsuit or fix your private or married life? Honestly, do you think a judge will see you as a person who might be in trouble, danger, or was severely hurt? You could drink yourself to death. Moreover, you have iHannity and iRush with reports of your worry free life while they try to finish me off or silence me; and get you out of the way. How do you prove to me you are serious or responsible when you trample on me and live this life that is carefree? Now you F'ers are debating Ground Zero Mosque and Sharia Law; is this a F'in joke? Am I supposed to give out a blood curling scream?

This is how you will or can redeem yourself; maybe you have a sworn secret with them but they are losing their jobs, career, and future. This enemy attacks me or us for more than 20 years and now whimper, tell me how they feel, and is a hysterical whore in my apartment all day and night; what an enemy! I took it for 20 years and never once cried, whimpered, or said a word; I grinded my teeth, bite on leather, and my eyes grew bloodshot while my blood felt like acid was in my veins. This F'in enemy sits there all day and night, "we are ready to die... we want to die... we are worried... why don't you leave... we do not like you... we are in hell... etc." I do not even think the FBI wants to keep them alive or has a damn care in the world about their safety. I want to solve this case and the FBI can decide if they wish to keep them alive; I certainly do not or really care. I have to sit here day and night and listen to them and when that is done; listen to you! You ask a General or military commander how they would feel or what they would do with an enemy like this okay. As far as you; I am not sure what is going on but I call it like I see it; I know we are supposed to love and help each other; to lean on one another for air, life, and support. Even I cannot take it or stand some of this idiotic and cock play that is so grotesque and difficult to watch. I admit you might be having too much fun criticizing and I am a funny guy; give me a god damn break will you! Work on your redemption; do not worry about my disappointment which you can really worsen and break the stick; rip the muscle and that is it; it will never be the same.

What the hell am I saying? You know I love you and try my hardest; but I am drained, injured, and need a break. It is a lot of fights, pain, being a prisoner, and combat fatigue. I love you to death but I cannot keep up while you start so many forest fires or pick so many fights; it leaves me with a very bad impression of you and your management skills; in time of need you might have unreasonable expectations. I complain about conditions between us and even if I realize we are in a ferocious fight with a communist terrorist group; looking gorgeous is difficult and females need a little slack after what you have been through. Nobody is questioning my judgment but yours is really damaged. The only people who will love or accept you is the enemies; misery loves company, right? You know how I run and how I bike; I go at a fast pace and right before the end; I give hell and peak, my adrenaline shoots up there and this F'er is trying to keep up with us both; just in case you did not notice our race strategy. Try to cross the finish line at the same time or not too far okay; hurry up. It is easy to pass them or stop them, they are the ones holding on to money, carry as much gold as possible, and running for their evil-satan life. You do know I have filed charges, am suing, and how hard it is to defend you; don't you? I am the boyfriend or partner that has to tell your story. I am starting to hate your stupid liberal whore and libertarian act; or is it an act? We know you have a dirt race and reproduce like coconuts shaking on a tree; it is really weak and sickening to dea with; everything is weak and you all have lost your F'in mind. This is why they call you all a slave or some car salesman; some inferior species who parties incessantly and loves to fight.

I have heard at least 10 different media channels comment on Opie and Anthony. Those three guys look so stupid and were so tarnished; they laughed because they knew how this enemy plays and is. I will be surprised if they are still around in 12 months; your rotten friends and crazed business partners look really bad. Instead of a blood curdling scream, they act like they are hip, cool, in total control, stupid, and so unpredictably phony! A class act and a sub species of a human being; yet they want more and more. The reality is we may not get along because we have two different lives and lifestyles; love is not written from nothing. The more you force it, the more painful it gets; all the sudden you act like a man or when the cameras are on. Why are you acting like a man? How long are you going to have a stalker problem and be invited to evey bed or party in NY or social circle to have some control of your greed and fabulous men attention. Are you saying I have to complain or write it because nobody will or I have to work for you like they do to me also? Ann, look what you have done; you have brought this subspecies into our life while they keep saying I am a terrorist, mean, or threaten them. They refuse to stop and tell the truth also; a total communist and a Nazi on automatic mode.

They call me a nigger all day long sometimes because I am a minority; then tell me I have no rights because I am a genius and they are a heathen. Look at what you have done by bringing them into our life; now they want to die and keep telling me to kill them or fight them to the death. Did I mention they are the Gestapo and the police now? How the F do I win my 1.4 billion dollar lawsuit with all of this insanity and distractions? I have to stop and yell at you daily; now only weekly and you even love me to death which is why I am doing this for us. One woman will not stop this psycho and kinked out idiot lunatic. We would have to nuke them and if you ask the Pentagon; it is better to avoid a fight because it will led to a beast of burden and war. You have to kill them; they say this around the clock because they are psycho terrorists who have siezed both your life and mine; got it? You and I have a future and what was once our wonderful perfect life; now in tatters but that is not the end and I refuse to quit or stop fighting for both of us; tone it down. They will use this against you and watch me 24 hours on a peeping tom camera, read my legal mail, and play this game of chicken. This is just how the communist spies are okay; deal with it.

This is why they call them cult groups; you do not have to pick a fight with or run with 1000s of them okay. If you want to piss your life away, then do not get me in it or stuck; now I have my side and this enemy doing it to me. At least you are loved and family; they are hated and some stranger and now you got all these insane people in my life while telling me one lie after the other about quitting or how hard you are working. It just is not there Ann; as a friend I have to say you have fallen to the curse of your enemy; you have become the enemy and the one who is destroying your own life. So maybe they will win the lawsuit and finally silence you. So maybe one of you will throw the other in Auschwitz and make a joke out of it finally; you F'ers are insane and need me to save your loser and idiot lifestyle and culture. Either we save you or you get the bag lady and crazy train to the concentration dream. So watch you and the three stooges on that gay and bwitch slapped show "Opie and Anthony" below and try to make sense of it...


The Mafia Wars and Communism: The Relationship Between Religion and the Constitution by the legendary kidnapped author and authority being held by Marxist rebels and terrorists:


Friday, August 20, 2010


Fact: During the era of 1700-1800, the state of CT said you could only beat your wife if the stick was under 3cm in circumference. I believe today they have outlawed the 3cm and made it 6cm for the ones drugged out drunk. Look it up... you all are crazed, lunatics, inadequate, not cool, not funny, total losers who try so hard not to get fired, and a dictator bunch that look good when the lights and cameras are on. But when it comes to the truth and being honest; you trip, fall, get up, and are full of it or fear. It is like getting rear ended everyday and finding out the road is not backwards. What is even more crazed psycho babble is it works and it sells; people love it and you bring them blood and guts; just no glory. Welcome to the human race; see if you can make some sense and get some worth out of them also! See if you can stand them and find some value so you can save the world or restrain yourself from shooting them with a death ray for the remainder of their life. I am convinced you all are intoxicated in one way or the other for the majority of your life, career, and day; thus males have a 24cm restriction and big females have a 6cm limit. Have you tried deep thought or maybe a college degree? I even know where to hit someone to get the stick to break in two! Would you like to see it or would an audience pay money to watch?

Annie, I have said this once, twice, and will say this the third time. I am the only person on this earth who has defended you; the only one. Regardless, you have managed to go against me, sneak around behind my back, and utilize your rotten friends to spite my life for god knows what reason. Now they stick an eye in your face and right in front of your face about how you are getting fired; would you like them to buy you a drink, get your wasted, and take you home. So I will say this to you once and for all; what do you want me to say or do with you? They even give you the noose and now you are all hush-hush; before you were playing us all and I was up to my eyeballs putting out your rotten forest fires. Now look at how I feel about you; open your own eyes. They betray you and you turn around and betray me, how? You go drinking with them, go on their radio show, and then brag about it. Now I am fed up and tired of putting out fires while you start them and they even say how they hate people like them; you all are the same, some douchebag trap and guess who is in it with you? Now you keep saying to take a look who is in the douchebag trap or still is? Well, I don't know but I am the first one to say I am fed up with it and how words are cheap. Did it make you feel better? Did it make me feel better about you? Did it do anything for our life or yours? Exactly. So do not come to me anymore about how you hurt, are trapped, need my help and then drag me into situations and traps I do not want to be in or like; that is sneaky and just your style. It is not just you Ann; all of you are either communists or total criminals. You create the demand and ask for work or help; what about me? Open your 50 year old eyes for once will you; why do all of you keep bucking the system and acting like you are winning; let it go... strategically move the pieces and stop getting me into pussy slap fights with your drinking buddies and so called BFFs.

You do this all the time and then get yourself in the most inescapable situation possible. One female cannot stop a herd of raging bulls. One man cannot stop a tank column. One mouth is not going to fix this nation. One life cannot fix two; you do the same to our partnership. Every single partner you get you end up injuring or leave them with this negative feeling. The enemies and the left wing are out to leave you impressed; trust me. They try to hide it all while they partner and sign you on board; you see now why you get in these predicaments? You reverse the hidden agenda; they sign people up or hook them; it leaves everybody a victim. Look at that, you wasted away your only lifeline and friend; for what, but a few men who you call your friends. You F'ers have a problem and that problem is your life is a gutter and a ghetto; there are much better real estate out there but yours is so high and cost so much but for nothing and these gimmicks to hook you for life. I do not get it, you piss on me and then rely on me to keep you upright. Isn't this their game or is it all of your game and what all of you are about? It is like a bunch of slaves and the ghetto existence of mankind; not just them you also. They are trying to get you to attack me and there you go about drinking buddies and how wasted you get or how bad of a girl-partner you have become. So where is the redemption Ann; is it from me or from you? Who is going to redeem your life? There is nobody left to redeem your life and if this keeps up; I will be gone also. Do you have another plan for this earth? So it is a pit and in this pit; all of you swing wildly but at nothing because you are the problem. If you get me in there, I will kick every single one of your asses because deep down; all you have are lies and some half ass fight in you. I honestly do not think you have a plan to redeem yourself or me; that is the problem; that is the problem I have with you and all of you. I cannot stand your life and I cannot stand your lifestyle and you piss it all away; let it go and strategically move the pieces for value and victory; not failure.

"The Red Eye Boys are Coming": So that is why you do this face licking show all the time? To go drinking and to make me complain about your lifestyle while you keep forcing yourself on me? A simple answer would be fine thank you; also, what do you expect me to do; put out 1000 fires and put up with your lifestyle? I do not want to order you around and complain about your lifestyle Ann; what I do mind is being with you while you live it and come running to me; that is my problem. In other words, we do not have similar lifestyles and yours is too suspicious and "loose" for my tastes; but they were all very quiet about your drinking or happy hour on Fox News. You all are awful people and you just want to piss or tick off people like the iRush or the cow bell tard iHannity save Israel propaganda. You are right in the thicke of it and it stinks really bad. This drinking buddy and single life you have is going to get you in trouble; I do not agree and want to keep up or deal with your lifestyle. The moment they attack you and compile some list of your faux pax to tick me off; I am going to take it out on you! Do you understand what is going on Ann? The "I did it for you... I did it for us" does not stick any longer. Now it is only, I did it for me and only me and I could not stop when the time came to stop. All you think about is leisure as I point out and all of you pull people in your personal war. So if you are a judge and you had to review your file; do you expect others to believe you are a victim, out for fun, have a risky lifestyle, or are engaged and have a life partner? Let's ask the partner and find out what he thinks or how he sees the situation? Listen up will you, I am at the point where I cannot stand any of you, got it? Undercover lover or not; I cannot stand any of you. I am seeing the worst in you and the things nobody can agree with.

The Opie and Anthony Show personifies why the mafia and crime bosses invented murder. If you had to live in NY and listen to three butt boys act hip and cool every single day, you would either go postal or whack someone who acted like them! I expect them to be murdered by the mafia or some strange subway gunman; before the plug is pulled on their "Friends of Greg Gutfeld" routine. After hearing and listening to Ann on the Opie and Anthony Show, I am embarassed to say I know Fox News or live in America!

Monday, August 16, 2010


Dear Ann: just so you know, Pat Cadburied admitted on the bigot and racist radio show he was a co-conspirator with Hannity trying to get hired. Pat is afraid of getting arrested and felt you were criticizing yourself and not them. He says all of you are hated and not liked in the industry; all tainted. Pat is very afraid of how his life turned out and how he tried the US Army buddy system on you; but they could not nail you or get you in bed. They tried to be cool about this but I have given you my ultimatum; what is the most important priority in your life and how badly do you want power or fame? You have all the rope to hang youself if suicide is your goal or some mass suicide; do not pull me in closer or bring more of these people in my life; draw the line here and find a better life; fly away from the streets of fire, not start more fires while I cannot put them out and am pulling out finally. If you want to come, then say so and do not expect everything; remember, they think you are the FBI and America is a trash dump now; a total disaster. It is time you lay the friends for life act alone and walk the two way street with me if you want to stay in a two way relationship; understand? I am not going to save you; you have to save yourself and I will try to make it better for the both of us because we are in this together; that is the price of love and I have paid a big price already.

Ann, I am not chasing you or these bag lady syndromes any further; the trash dump and the human cannonball is being closed and life will move on. You either come with me or not; that is up to you to find your destiny or burn it up forever. To win they need to put themselves around the best while we complain about those who are awful. In attacking best friends or even those who are more trusted than he is; he starts a war and begins his rapid decline into hell; too greedy and always testing patients. Are we supposed to thank him for losing and utter failure or respect him as he demands around the clock? Regardless he keeps this flamboyant image and his phony life like the con man he truly is. So what they did after getting caught was go into a mode of damage control; to compound problems and to increase the workload from 15,000 pages to 20,000 pages. The erratic behavior and the quick career fall was witnessed across the world and before the eyes of millions. So to come into court with nothing and take the 5th or deny this is a far stretch of the imagination. Here are some recommendations and advice...

1. Try to do things that reinforce your marriage and your relationship with the one you love. You have every single ingredient of a conspiracy, plot, dead bodies, and maniacal lying. Things are okay but when you really piss off others; do not expect to retire on crime.
2. What do you think the end result will be if you swim in sewage? Washing off or pleading flamboyance will not help your moniker. Making them the bad guy works up to the point you say stop. Do not put horrible or an idiot around you and expect life to be easy.
3. Do you think we want your rotten kids either? Putting out fires cost money, time, effort, and is dangerous. Setting fires is no big deal? So as cannibals, you make them feel human but a total lie. Do not be the curse of the immigrant who sticks their nose in the tent for a whiff; ambition is one thing, ruin and failture is another.
4. If you surround yourself with better people; maybe you would be better off? Maybe if you had better people in your life, things would be different? This is the case with my life and my biography; slander and robbery. What more do you need to be a defendant in a case or have an arrest warrant issued?
5. Talking about is good; doing something about it makes all the difference. You have taken a do the wrong thing approach. Just make sure you are on the right side when you do something about this. So they look and feel like a loser; always cheating and never getting away with nothing. Yet they lie to their bosses and now have shut them out with wild, insane, and ludicrous PR. You look like chicken and a moniker dinner; this is why they feel human and are so hungry for this flamboyance, it is easy to exploit your grief and vulnerability. I am even worse conditioned.
6. Maybe you are a captive or prisoner; maybe you are not. You cannot use this to gain favor or make people treat you better. It comes down to you seeking a protective order or getting one on you, choose? Let them loose their life, career, and be penniless dumpster diving; it is their fate.
7. If you take extravagant trips, go to luxurious dinners and events, and have men fight for you 24 hours; that is you. At some point the reality will hit home and the impact of your actions will equalize. These people have no invitation and create hostage standoff or total disaster. They need to be forcibly removed.
8. Being everything to everyone is dangerous. If you have a death wish and wish to take on the world; then do this on better terms. Your female disposition and grandeur is off the charts; there are things about your female nature that cannot be fixed. You cannot fight every single battle and win them; pick them wisely, you have no fight. You have never been in a real fight; it is all fantasy land, oppression, slander, and mind games.
9. They all are saying the same thing about you; you express, show, and have a lack of care. You treat Alex in the same manner and expect love or some reward. This is the basis of the entire case and this cat and mouse game with those slandering you, me, and America. That is the game here; love and a total lack of care. The difference is one side is a metal trash can and the other is a fine tuned military machine. So the military and FBI is on one side; who wants to fight this out or talk about it? The silence is deaftning and clearly shows a conspiracy. So the problem of having better people around you or wait this one out; life will not rewind or reset for you.
10. If you are a fine tuned military machine then maybe I would be more compatible to your power or their power. All of you are archaic, a total mess, bouncing off each other, stepping on dead bodies, and wander aimlessly. Then your behavior and irresponsibility is hidden and it impacts my life and I am left complaining while you all say leave or go home. You saved me from this but now you are getting pulled back and dragged into it again; bringing you back on board again. The only one complaining or talking is me; I have the FBI on the other line and it is really obvious a lot of information is being hidden; even from you Ann.

So they have are using hostesses or gold diggers to drive you crazy and chase. Then when you figure out it is a scam; they hit you with this repugnant and grotesque fat lady; as a joke. So now the end of the rainbow and game led to only two women; Ann and an ape like spokesman upstairs. There are over 1000 pictures of different girls which can be presented in court as part of how they try to drive you mad or make your head explode with stupid gimmicks and dirty tricks; all they can say is "we do not know what to do... we are ready to die... we are at war." So we got Jihad Jane online and her gift at the end of the rainbow; a murder plot. I can show and prove over 1000 faces and contacts; most of them are fake and just to invent this chase; similar to a bluffer or how the sex industry operates when it lacks sanity. They are totally insane and still refuse to leave or ask why it is the way it is. They also feel the 5th and no answers will fix it; deny everything. So there is a lot of lying going on and a lot of slander.

Notice how they all act as if we are not down with the American people and this struggle; and then how the police are totally corrupt. So all of you are a total disaster but none of you want to stop or say anything. You claim to be on my side and we are in this together; now that is not the problem. We are incompatible and it is a custody case; the moment that crucial period comes; a nail is put in your coffin and mine. You are an open target and have no defense. You pretend to not notice or ignore it because you are tough and won already. You show no fight or defiance. It has been devastating to your life and mine. You claim slander and a murder plot; I have verified it as a conspiracy. Nobody is talking; you claim you are stopping them. Now you have marriage problems and you are helpless. We can keep going with this but you want or seek love, power, and opportunity. That is my lawsuit; you have to be a total jackass or a slave or else you are kicked out of the trash dump. Now you are opening the door to the doors I had just slammed and locked; you are the problem because you did nothing but saved me. No wonder it is a club of communists and a total disaster; this is how you live past your worth or value; suicide at the management level and utter failure with no brakes. Obviously they are stalkers and kidnappers who refuse to leave; can we do more damage to them and how?

All of you live on debt and you complain ferociously about jobs and opportunity; nobody wants, needs, or wants this. So if they agree with me, then I am owed 1.4 billion dollars and we can move on and find happiness in life. I have my case and it is ready for trail. Anything you do from here on is just shooting in the air or this chip on your shoulder; it is malice, pain and suffering, and a mad woman. You might punish them and even me; but I have a feeling they will whack you and make me regret ever knowing you; then blame us or say we did this. All these clues and hints lead to one and one only one conclusion; a protective order and a conspiracy. So let the overweight horny carpet kittens explain to their bosses badly they messed up everything and cannot get any love. Tell them to get back into porn where they belong because it is called management suicide; living well past your true worth and leading others to hell. Winning elections is not going to do anything to these leaders or those who put good people around them and then exploit their grief or total lies. How do we hurt them or make them feel our wrath for the 300+ felony charges filed against them? They even retaliate and try to rip our life apart, isolate us, and make us desperate or show a lack of response.

Now read about the mob and Murder Ink Ann:
Prop. 8 is on the iRush Pages; front door locks were broken over weekend; landlord trying to change locks; FBI asked to seek arrest warrants on all criminal members of this and charge of obstruction of justice.

Sunday, August 15, 2010


Ann: F. Just F. Do as you are told crazy woman, okay. My mission and raid is getting F'd. They think I am F'in Delta and a Delta command; not an amateur spy catcher, F dude. I want you to read this story and what you are in or why. Read the story of the Clinton and Moynihan Family. You are going to get kicked out of the Nguyen family if you are not careful and continue to anger or disrupt matters. Now I have called the FBI and asked for their help. Do you want to be arrested or a protective order filed against you? You are behind a lot of pain and suffering and cause people to struggle, stop please. We are fighting now and this is about 1.4 billion dollars and a lot of jobs and ruined careers; knock it off and end the train wreck act. I am pulling out of your life and ending this; make sure you record what you want and your position in case it is lost. READ THE iRUSH PAGES!

JOKES ABOUT THESE STALKERS AND ANN'S LIFESTYLE: People are already making jokes about this Ann. There are ex's filing complaints on each other because they are so mad at the ex-wife or husband. There are custody battles where the mom is scheduling fun trips or special events right before or at the time of the father's time slot. Of course the kids have no brain activity and do not know what is happening. They get mad and angry and begin to have psychological problems because of the mom and the dirty trick to slander the father. So obviously if you are not doing it then you are like the kid who is in a tug of war. They are slandering and want to promote angst and bad blood by scheduling events and important "mandatory" meetings for war or victory. So I am very enthusiastic to have to keep pointing this out to you and them; if you do not want a relationship, then do not say you do or make sure you are clear to the FBI who knows what you are doing. So if you had a grievance in the past; you can beat it so many times until it is no longer effective or old. This occurs frequently in custody or some tug of war and it causes kids to hate their father or slanders the custody arrangement. You told me you did not and would not let go or move on; you want this too much and do not want to start over. I am fine with this.

You have a bright future and a wonderful family if you can control your greed and demons Ann. You may not survive this now and have a ticket on the death boat by the death panel. I said you are my love and I care for you enough to be doing this and work, for free day and night without compensation; I even offerred you 50% if you asked or wanted it but wanted to move on or better your life. So this is more of the same slander and trying to abduct or kidnap us? Why? It is almost a custody case; parties, trips, events to win her or make others upset; to woo and coax her into saying yes. To make others hate her and then benefit off her grief. So do not claim they benefit or exploit your grief or create it when they just hate you and are trying to kill you. Either way you end up with no marriage and have to start over. If you ask for help do not create the problem; no thanks. You do not need the work, the danger, or risk what you are defending. When you invent the problem and then ask for help; you are scamming or directing money which is intended to be for aid or assistance your way; it is the engine of insurance fraud. I know I am being used now. I feel used and feel cheated.

From the new chapter called "DEAR FBI: FAMILY FEUD OR FAMILY FANTASIES?" which are documents of who charges are against and why:

"I never told Moynihan about Ann. Only General Archeaus Hamblen knew and he is deceased. Brig. Gen. Hamblen was over General Westmoreland and LBJ's special assistant. This was the WH right hand man on Vietnam during the 1960s; linked to the embassy in Saigon. So who is Ann and Alex and why do they look like special assistants? I keep in touch with all my HS friends; who they married and what they do. My HS reunion is 1998, after ten years (Grosse Pt. High Movie); I had one year if she wanted to go or meet my buddies. I wrote her in 1997 while a senior and living in Chantilly; the apartment of two Korean HS teachers out of college. They left for the summer to spend in Korea, to look for a wife. They cut me a deal while away. It sucked and I knew nobody; by myself. She did not write back; I did not know why. I was always kept in the dark and guessing. Oddly, they lived next to the HS they taught at Chantilly HS. After several letters; I stopped and let it go. I then ran into her father twice at Kinko's copy in Fairfax, VA. At least I never met him but saw a man and his car. That was it and that was all I can say clearly. Since that job at NRTW; I had labor union leaders everywhere in my life; my peer though. I had never had any links or affiliations to the communist, labor, labor unions, Mossad, or any of this; never. I am still perplexed but iRush got it all and they know Ann is a carbon copy; a mirror of what they did or tried. I had so many problems in 1997; I went into hiding and never came out again. Odd, I wrote her again and all hell broke loose.

The books on LBJ and blame on the South Vietnamese is false. It is the same slander occurring in Ann's and Alex's life. LBJ is to blame for the deaths of a lot of people and forcing a political question; who decides the ending or victory? The same is beginning now; who decides the ending or victory? Why is there so much slander occurring and lack of verification? Listen to what iRush and the spy ring is saying to the investigators. The objective of the Democrats is to blame the Pentagon. So what they want to do is prevent a military victory; seek a political one; and claim the cost of war is just too much in blood and treasure. Vietnam prooves this. In the early 1960s; both South Vietnamese and American forces were fighting in the Laos and Cambodia region to cut off the Ho Chi Mind Trail. Kennedy was stubborn and did not want to take strong measures. Diem and his regime treated the public and the power structures with arrogance and cruelties. So by the time LBJ was in power, he drafted a ground war, body count, and places the idea on the South Vietnamese infantry.

There are reports they did not want to die or get hurt. They were not fierce in battle and the communist were much more powerful. Odd, millions on both sides died; so they must enjoy getting killed. The Pentagon wanted to win Vietnam and LBJ wanted to appear strong or helpful, dispatching special assistants. Meanwhile Israel was cleaning house in the Middle East without any help or aid. LBJ wanted to be the hero of heroes but he would not allow a victory. After TET it was obviously clear things were not right. Then two years of bombing in North Vietnam; bringing the war to their home forced the North to negotiate a peace. They knew with the amount of bombs used and the stoppage of the attacks in the South; an atomic bomb was next. So after the Easter Bombings; they had to stop it or the attacks and the public was broken over the Vietnam War. Things returned to normal and de-escalation began and Vietnamizing this war in 1973 to 1975. Then a surprise invasion broke the defense forces in 1975 because a peace treaty was violated and a rapid escalation was impossible. There was an end by 1975, one way or the other. There are reports Ann or Alex did not fight or give proper defense. This idea we are too corrupt or constant slandering of our name; it is going to end their life and political career.

So that is why I have a problem with Ann but she is my partner and we did set out to catch them. Now I am losing my friendship with Ann after 20 years and it is very hard because I love her dearly but am helpless and cannot stop them from taking her. Ann was distraught and worried with our decline in relations; I asked her to change her lifestyle and why we are no longer compatible; we have different lives and things changed. She would not be so stressed about me if she found someone who may have the same lifestyle; Ann refused to end it or let go and I agreed to help her or stay with her; to work it out. We have had problems before and always life long friends. I am her protector and we were engaged to be married; this is where both of our lives led to. There is a plot on both of us and we are trying to ask for help and seek it; we are in harms way and we are in danger. We tried to reduce this for the both of us and now there is no way to hide or keep it secret any longer. So there is a feud involving the Coulter family, the Nguyen family, the Moynihan family, and the Clinton family. All of them are brides in 2008 to 2010. They are looking for a kid or a child; the same with Ann Coulter. They use the older girls to win the heart of whom they really want and need; Alex. Take a look at the financials and how they covered this up. Nobody knows or can catch them; we got everything; they are after Alex similar to the movie T1, T2, T3. The key was Moynihan and 1986-1988 when communism collapsed. They knew I had an Army career and destined to be a General; I knew so many of them when only a kid. How do you track the best in the world? How do you cover it up?

Is there any links from the Nguyen family to the Moynihan? The only person I know of linked to any Moynihan's is my oldest sister Oahn. Oahn took my lead and got a computer degree. She had a difficult life and was the protector in the family when my mom died. She and my other sisters filled the mom role early on and did not have a normal childhood. So they grew up fast. They worked menial jobs to buy us nice clothes and school supplies. So after everybody left and went to college; Oahn returned to college and got a computer degree from VCU. She graduated in the early 1990s and got a job with the White House; hired under the Clinton Administration. When I got back from the US Army; Oahn was working for a company. She only has a few years remaining before retiring; she works a lot and Ann Coulter likes to fit this role or admires her. Ann and my older sister are the same age. The only difference is Ann is a lawyer, works just as hard; and is in love with the little brother since childhood. Trust me, this is not the first time something like this has happened (a girl Ann's age in love with the little brother). Somehow or for some reason; Moynihan led to Clinton and in 1995 a White House job. They lead you on and do not really say anything; deny it all. They spin it and play it down the middle; sugar coated and a double reality."

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Ann, you are just out of control and an idiot or might be a common whore. You complaint is they are doing something to you and you are fighting it. Now everybody thinks you are so greedy, so power hungry, so stupid, and so careless; you don't even want to be married or are truly a lesbian feminist. If you want to complain about the murder plots, the stalking, the slander, and what I call the 1.4 billion law suit; you must make clear you wish to keep you marriage. The way you have acted and the way you have spoken to me indicate you do not care and you think I will agree to everything. So you may be the bad guy or a conspirator; you have 7 days to make it clear you want to keep our marriage or your partnership with me. Why are you so stupid? You cannot complain and then say how they did you a favor and you do not care because he is an awful man; now you look like the awful person and I do not want to keep this relationship; you must be an idiot or some kind of a jackass. Your management is beyond the scope of tolerance and even the investigators and lawyers are pissed off with you. Now they are going to say and have already told me they are doing me a favor. So that is it; 7 days is all you get and do not ever let this come up again; you are no help and a total disaster. You act smart; but are unexplainable stupid. You got me and even the FBI to say Stop; why are you partying and what do you have to celebrate? You keep claiming how you will win across the boards and win back everything; knock it off you, it is you.

You keep on doing it to no end and it will either get you killed or destroy your life; but you hang on to me and say you do not care. You have 7 days and the FBI will document and record your answer; do not change it or come back ever again. If you want 50% of the settlement; that is fine but do not play this worthless idiot so loved and cherished at to no end; it is annoying. Stop the ditzy whore act, the singles act, the hoe act, and the "we" cannot make up my mind games; they are going to kill you and nobody will stop it; nobody. Please stop and walk away; you have 7 days and I am at the point where I hate your guts also. You are of no help whatsoever; a source of double misery. The FBI will record this and whether or not you are a predator, enemy, or a terrorist mad woman. You have no right to damages and there is nothing to complain about from your camp okay; knock of the scams and degradation before you are arrested. They will arrest you, I promise you; you are insane. Your political enemies will kill you; you have ruined them and much more. You keep begging, crying, and wishing this away; a total lunatic while you know I care and love you; taken care of you well. They keep contradicting this and make me out to be a womanizer and felon. It is a yes or no; do you want to keep your marriage and my partnership? Are you so greedy and power hungry; you are going to trade in everything for victory across the boards? You ruin this raid and I will never talk to you again and will be your sworn enemy.

If you do not love me, then make it known and stop this anguish and games to destroy people. I am a prisoner and in a terror recruitment plot; I have a 1.4 billion dollar lawsuit and have the FBI on the other line; please be on your best behavior and please do not make this worse or crazier. There is no doubt you will get yourself killed or us killed. This is absolutely insane to stick a finger in the eye of an idiot and a worthless kidnapper or junky hijacker. So I have given you an ultimatum and will make sure you suffer for this endless insanity and defiant stubborn stupidity you claim is genius and power. If you take that step and we record your conscious approval; you will be held responsible from here on. So far you refuse any responsibility for this and I have tried to argue your case and defend you. I am fed up with putting out one of your fires and you lighting two more. If they kill you, then we will know who you really are and why. Things go to crap with them around and now things are going to crap in front of the world. If I put out one fire; you start another. I have so many enemies now; you have started endless wars and problems in addition to this enemy and the defendants on the 1.4 billion dollar civil and criminal legal case. They even know they have legal problems and state they are dead. So if you do not love me and do not want this; walk away. Walk away with you life intact and walk away with the idea you can repair your life and survive. By doing this, you make my life more dangerous and make it worse, more crazy, and so much harder. You are good at keeping me here and keeping me focused on you; so are they and they know what fuels it; danger. They know life and death reasons are why I am forced to sit, wait, and watch you party or invited on super dates and events.

Ann, it is very hard for me to handle your case when you do not love your partner or care; just make it worse or crazier. I want you to walk away and if you do not; I will walk away from you; for your own good and for mine. Let the chips fall as they will. These people are dead and they even know it; the FBI knows they are also; nobody is this insane and this crazy. I need you to speed this up; stop wheeling and dealing; stop delaying the raid; stop acting like you are their hope or leader you traitor. They will kill you and there is nothing anyone can do about it; who cares is now your spoken voice and mine. It is getting worse and worse; 100 to 300 calls per day by the guards on top of both of us and 6 hour meetings daily. I plan things and I see with much more clarity; I am the planner. You cannot mess up my plans for be an obstruction with these enemies each and every time; stop! Make our life better or make it clear you do not want this; they will take what you say and use it on me and they will take what I say and use it on you. Now I need you to talk to the FBI; let them know your true feelings and passions; do you even care? Do you care to live? Do we need to care or worry? Do we just let you die at their hands and are you a conspirator and wish to die with them? I cannot defend you any longer because I am so upset with you and your charade or very horrible behavior. I can win your case however and relay any last words you wish to convey. Record it and walk away; let them defeat themselves and let them free fall into hell; it is done but are you? You will loose it all and you will screw up everything like usual; walk away. Stop telling everyone you are having the time of your life and are not the least worried or scared. If you do; do not change it and stick with this answer you idiot. You little F'er knock it off okay.

BTW: Thanks for messing up my entire blog and injecting so much misery into the documents. Each and every time you do; there are 5, 10, 20 pages asking you what in hell you are doing and you never seem to know or can answer; just total corruption or total lies; thank you and I want you to know you have always been there and have always been such a faithful partner; so faithful as you say. I tried to help you and you are just purely hostile to either this world or only want to base our relationship on sex and money. That is why you keep party hopping and acting like you are celebrating on all sides and won everything from everyone. This is why I call you a traitor that caught them and turned them in; now you are destroying your own good works and life. You will loose it all Ann; by force or by accident. You are slow, clumsy, and everything you touch is a total disaster or a mess. So this gets worse and crazier and so do you; to no end. If you loose the crowd or appear corrupt, we are dead. So I have given you an ultimatum and will make sure you suffer for this endless insanity and defiant stubborn stupidity you claim is genius and power. If you take that step and we record your conscious approval; you will be held responsible from here on. So far you refuse any responsibility for this and I have tried to argue your case and defend you. I am fed up with putting out one of your fires and you lighting two more. If they kill you, then we will know who you really are and why. So good at keeping me here and keeping me focused on you; so are they and they know what fuels it; danger. They know a life and death reason is why I am forced to sit, wait, and watch you party or invited on super dates and events.

Ann this is not about sex and forgiveness. You are acting as if she is hope or some master of the universe and it is really annoying. I feel it is dishonest, defrauding the public, insecurity, corrupt, bribery or under table secrets, more tricks and lies, intended to anger both sides and all involved. The bottom line is she does not respond anymore and I am done with this also but I need someone else on her case; I hate her guts and have good reasons to. Ann is distracted, has her mind on other things, and has done her part; so she may want to just move on and drop all our plans from here. I need a replacement and a better legal team with ability not to loose trust or crowd confidence; we are dead if the public turns on us.

Sincerely Alex.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Senator Stevens of AK: Looks like iRush got even and is the top kill. Senator Stevens was how we caught that racist bigot gang banger iRush and the coin operated homo-side human tar ball and dog duo eater Sean Bin Cheap Skate. So the iRush got even and addressed it like Mumbai, Tech, The Hood, BP, Katrina, etc... Look out iAnn and come clean okay traitor? That is the difference between the good and the bad guys. iAnn refuses to come clean and is a coward; confusing our forces, military, frustrating the investigators, and celebrating on both sides and attending all the parties. Stop now sexy 80. You are a little piece of crap and a loud mouthpiece who wants to go to all the parties and have it all; you suck and are not all that either. This is the same insanity you got yelled at in 2000 and 2002, and then 2008, 2009, and 2010; you are a bag lady. iAnn even said she is going to hell and seeks my love; she hates herself and has slow or dirt low self esteem. She is not able to smell her own stink and knows she is the human cannonball; shot in a trash dump. I am a military strategist and founder of SATWAR; that is why I was with this traitor and bag of dog sheets. They are throwing her back in flames. It is the iAnn Coulter traitor express looking for power or success; put them out and crush them. Teach them a lesson about being a traitor during war or a raid. Ask her why she is celebrating or holding so many dinners? iAnn, they will take you out and you are not on our side; viewed as a traitor and an outcast. You not only do it to them, you do it to me. You claim you do it for me; then you do it to me. I have tirelessly tried to listen to you and get rid of you and you come back and give inches or little bits to calm everybody. Do not come back okay; if you do then you want to die and you are guilty; of what we will never know. Your way of admission and making your worthless life useful; you slave crazy loser. Don't act like you are in pain or hurt with me either okay; you get yelled at almost daily for the past two years and you cannot do anything right. A traitor like you is probably guilty of some form of infidelity but you cannot stand the guilt or the sting; these mind games and evasive maneuvers. It gets more and crazier with you. Why are they waiting so long? Why didn't they take you bony ass out at his stupid wedding or uppity nuptial? It is like 20 new crazy stories or theories with you by the day and you love the attention and partying atmosphere.

Study of Pentagon: a local spy ring and police rogues are going around DC-VA-MD killing wives or husbands. We see Nicole Simpson, TV stars in 2009, Barbara Gold, Biden's wife, the FC FBI agent, Amy Baker, etc... so this revolutionary command is targeting wives or husbands and then replacing them with a spy when in grief. The same thing occurred to my father and we had suspect my mom was killed in a suspicious fire. It was the police. They are studying military families and killers. They wish to be some service. They read my reports on murder and Christianity; how common law was established. So we caught this rogue police and the communist terrorist ring; all murderers and killers. Why? They respond to domestic violence and have to listen in when spying on targets; we were targets when in DC-VA because we ran South Vietnam; very powerful and still are.
1. A traitor and a coward have just walked in the room. I am sorry, it is not me, I am not doing it, they are paying me, I am not doing anything wrong, don't worry, consensual, she was hand picked or chosen, she is a partner, the best, forgotten, needs attention, she did not mess up everything, etc...
2. This coward and traitor is loved; has credibility; and is stopping the war on terror or the raid of their forces. To intentionally try to put Alex or keep him in prison while winning his heart. iAnn will claim they are doing it also; but she won. So both sides are guilty and she has consent and did nothing wrong.
3. This MF has made me super duper mad and is playing a game "what did I do" or "help, I am under attack." This MF was court marital and suspected as a traitor, an idiot, expert testimony, an insider, and had a view of the entire battlefield; totally unqualified and a subordinate; clueless but making decisions which impact the outcome. iAnn look at what you have done and who you have done it to; F you traitor.
4. There was an attack underway. A raid in progress. Out of the blue a naked girl or some bony ass diversion or distraction ended or ruined the attack on the bad guys. iAnn will ask for a kiss, love, and is in pain and needs a party or dinner. She is the one doing it also and is getting kick back or benefits from friends; well connected. Quick…. A party and dinner now!
5. She has no answers. The topic of conversation is about wedding pictures, control, and more partying *bad behavior, jealousy, rift, old memories, trying to save marriage, distracted, not focused*. We know it got out of hand and these are lunatic terrorist and communists; stay out. Take time off iAnn, do not run into the fight while a raid is in progress and act as if you are bringing sandwiches or are moral support; F you get lost.
6. The investigators say iAnn Coulter is taking kick back or money under the table; a spy or a traitor for both sides; she does not care and is doing it to both sides and apologizing to ours while they are being destroyed. I cannot take anymore of this abuse from you okay; get lost slave girl; you really did it now.
7. If you scroll down the iRush blog or the Hannity blog; the vengeance and the fury all of the sudden is railroaded and is magically making iAnn Coulter more sad or angry. iAnn has been ordered and court martially before for the same problem and a coward or traitor behavior skill.
8. She will attend the events, create anger, be a spoiler, change the tide, claim she is sorry and did not do this on purpose, and trip up the raid, rescue, and be a diversion; an enemy in our camp and trying to gain or achieve selfish emotional superiority. She will become smug, ignorant, stubborn, and try to spend months to explain nothing or this cowardice and traitor "walk-in." She will also try to control or make Alex suffer for nothing and claim no liability or culpability; all magically disappears. You F'in slave girl stay out of the fight when it is dangerous and confusing for both sides.
9. iAnn will claim she is the most aggressive prosecutor, acceptable standards, and is leading the charge; right in the middle of a raid and attack on enemy forces. The credibility, exploitation of Alex, her voice, and her total disaster magically is gone and she becomes the impetus on the war on terror. There is no danger, no hostage, or no duress; just excuses for it. You will now see Alex screaming, yelling, upset, vengeance on roids, and the role of iAnn Coulter in this investigation. She will claim higher or stronger; more transparency, more cruel, higher ground, and the presence of traitor or cowardice everywhere.
10. This safety net acts on behalf of two sides and is getting paid by only one side. As far as battle view; they are the most trusted, most helpful, most aggressive, and jumps in the middle of a fight or raid. All hell will break out and they will just stand in the crowd and look around; what is going on, we did not do it, stop getting so mad at me, etc... That is a traitor and that is our coward; a bleeding heart due to spending so much time in the enemy camp; brainwashed by their life choices and events. iAnn is sympathetic to the terrorists and does not want them to be hurt; iAnn does this repeatedly and for the full two years. When asked why she is attending their events; she has no answers; she is sympathetic and a traitor. There is something not right and she is having too much fun or having too much of a good time. Even when offered an award and the Congressional Medal of Honor; she turns it away and refuses accolade. iAnn claims it is menial and she does not care. I can take so much from one person and it is iAnn. No wonder you act like a traitor.

You are not an honest broker and it is impossible to be; knock it off. We know it got out of hand and these are lunatic terrorist and communists; stay out. Why is she in love with us and this crisis, always there at the most crucial period? iAnn, get the F out of the fight and I don't care if your ass exploded; GTFO of a massive fight and war or face the wrath of both sides; stop acting like a total idiot. Nobody gives a F while a war is in progress; you political whore, get lost... you have exactly 7 days or else you will change your future. Your future will change after this 7 days; no more excuses. So you represent the community of reporters and journalists and it got out of hand and you only wanted to step in and stop it. You take money, are on their payroll, and both of you are profiting off this relation; that is the problem and they want the money back. Do not come in and make a stupid intro or create drama during the middle of a fight and raid; no matter how you feel or what you want; stay out or you will be removed. Stay down or else your weak appeal will be dealt with; stop creating problems on both sides. You are being paid and on the payroll of one of those sides; knock it off before you are arrested. This is serious and no laughing matter; not as hanky panky as you make it. Soon you will be the enemy of two sides; is that what you want or need? You F'in slave girl stay out of the fight when it is dangerous and confusing for both sides. A raid and arrest is in progress. iAnn it is you and I cannot take anymore of this abuse from you okay; get lost slave girl; you really did it now. Do not be the regulator or moral support, if you do not stay out and keep out of the raid underway; I will ask security or the agents in charge to kick you or knock you out of the melee. We know your bony ass and your hip is going to break and this may cause your STFU syndrome to be real. WTF is your problem? Are you stupid? Let me guess, you have a basket full of sandwiches, a book on Vietnam, and you feel left out; right MF? A F'in raid is in progress and we are close to world war and you feel left out, look bad, and want to help morally or have sandwiches for your fighting men? Are you the tardy ball messing with our fighting men and troops or are they behind you and behind this just sticking your nose in the tent like usual; get lost and STFU will you. You will look stupid with a broken hip you idiot; a god damn war is about to erupt. Look at all of these complaints and the endless bad work or lying and traitor like mind games. Now all the sudden you look like the hero and stole the show.

You tell revolutionary command to STFU, get lost, and stay out of this raid or else be taken down. Everybody is getting some kind of kickback, payment, reward, benefit, welfare, medical program, bonus, tax brake, job, raise, pay grade, special assignment, leader role, or doled out some form of bribery and soft money. You have to ask and wonder why or how things turned out the way they do or if you can forecast and expect things to repeat. As everybody can see clearly; iAnn got yelled at a lot. Not only did she admit it; she inflicted pain and suffering in a manner to suggest she did not care or could do anything about it. So when you’re management skills suck or when you are a horrible manager of private or love; you tend to create drama, danger, or some diversion. It is believed to be a side kick of iAnn's or part of her entourage. When she is yelled; they and her set up events and skirt her to a higher position; where she is above the fray or broken off by her mistakes. When the coast is clear and when I have forgotten about her flaws or just horrible handling of it; she puts the smile on again. Even investigators and onlookers claim she does not care. I have asked and confronted iAnn repeatedly about cowardice acts and why in the world would she argue incessantly with me. She actually blames me and that gets me livid. So I have to corner her and treat her like a swine; it brings me no pleasure to catch her lying. So she admits half way she is clearly lying but does not want to comment because she claims she is in so much pain, danger, or has to deal with a total disaster. She also is able to avoid any direct or responsibility by making it clear her objective of "stopping them" is messing up her life. It is a difficult call but after two years of question and answers; there is no change and she likes the mess and the disappointment. So long as she is untouchable or has the higher ground; she can play two sides. I just catch your killers, my kidnappers, 911 terrorists, the communist revolutionary command, saved the human cannonball or DJ sniffer, saved the world, saved the FBI, cure you virginity, make you moan day and night, restrain my jokes about your feet and ears, and you want to push me to the point and ask if I would whack you or smack you? You are not very helpful are you? None of you liberals and feminist have any sense do you? Ann, you make a really good slave and a servant; an assistant. Do not out live your role and try too adventurous business ventures. I save millions; maybe the entire world and you want to know if I am a murderer? If you drive me to the point of insanity would I hit you with a hammer or rape you to be quiet? What if you cheated and were a total dick eater who loved anything that was over 6 inches? Have you lost your F'in mind or are you this F'in stupid and annoying?

iAnn stop. Everybody is loosing their mind because of you and are so confused with you. Why can't you die or just go away? I just saved you and you go on attack to piss me off; go away or on vacation you idiot. You are of no help at all; none. So I have asked her why she wants to be in a relationship if she is not an honest broker or want to give it 100%? Why give it 20, 30, or only 40 and expect others or the partner to always make up the difference? It is called unhappiness; a lot of it all around. There is a lot of blame everywhere and even on this end. But I try to make life easier and do everything I can; even offer to pay for services iAnn is not responsible for. There is a false image of a do goober; a go-getter; a winner and no quieter; and this idea of winning or why people win. The problem was oppression had to be invented for the right reasons and it was abused for the wrong ones. This is clear in the life of both iAnn and Alex. It is the wrong people and this traitor enemy; a massive surge. So iAnn is slowly making her iffy life easier by making other lives harder. iAnn will calmly claim she did everything possible and did not walk away or quit. I disagree and state clearly this is a lie. Her side and her supporters’ claim I do not know when to leave or walk away; not her. This is also a lie. The truth is a tug of war and the idiot was iAnn smiling; she loves it. What woman would not laugh or ask what the problem is? So iAnn is a lie, does this on purpose like all other manipulative women and it makes me hate her; leave or walk away; too much, too little, and too disgusted. It feels like hell with iAnn. It is more work and no play. It is more fantasy or meaningless acts; symbolism and half truths. It feels very unreal and unsatisfactory; disappointment or fake. iAnn covers this up and hides it; acts like HS and drama until it ends abruptly. The act of cowardice and false motives (untrue heart) is her game; win her love. This confusion and pampered life messed up everybody; even her. You are a F'in slave; do you have anything else better to do? Arabs do not care about your powerful bag lady syndrome or sex 80; trust me. Do you know what an insane slave is or why anybody would act like this or become so unhelpful? Are you this worthless and this much of a loser? We save the world and now have to watch you and the Salami family crash our life and victory parade? Are you done with your study of heroes, soldiers, the best, super killers or troopers, and the Army's best? What would I do if you drove me insane? Who is you and who is me?

So I am confused; iAnn feels loved; and everybody is scared. So long as people are tugging and fighting over her; she feels loved. Alex is to blame for this. I know iAnn hurts and she knows I do also; so I try harder. I try to make her life easier with the open hope she will return the help or think of me and my life. So that is the desperation she keeps me in and demands I love her; literally expects our life to just fix itself and me to love her unconditionally. I tend to hate her often now when reminded of harsh and ferocious fights with the enemy and her acts of cowardice. That is how shining wildly or missing slap fights affects others. Sometimes a loser or idiot swings, misses, and keeps it up until someone yells back "knock it off iAnn." Then she just says sorry and it can get annoying. So I grow angry and try not to stand close to her now; scared of her flowing flaws and ability to miss the mark often and celebrate or self medicate with the enemies. If you ask her about us; she will say this, "I am there but I am not really there." If you ask me, "I love her but I really do not love her." If you ask iAnn if she understands or knows what she is doing, she claims yes. If you push it further and ask direct questions; she will not answer and in a week it is forgotten. The head ache is immense. She claims she is in combat and fighting. I observe differently and view this in a different way. I tend to think iAnn is ungrateful. iAnn is ungrateful and a lot of people report bad experiences with her; friend, foe, or other. They tend not to care for her after knowing her. They tend to be scared of her. Even when she is dying or cannot survive a predicament; iAnn refuses to take time off or uses work as a way to escape reality; a fantasy of heroes and those who make mistakes often. Observers cite inconclusively how she used her mom or terminal sickness to take the sting off a lack of this ungrateful sensation and business imperative of hers. The excuse I cannot fight is "I have to stop them Alex." So they know this and they create and invent more and more problems; taunt her and she takes the bait each and every time. They claim it is a romance or love affair; an admiration she is obsessed with. She jumps and gets excited within 24 hours and this is very dangerous when dealing with such deranged and delusional enemies. They seek love and do things to win or steal it; so unless she is perfect; she ends up a partner and a suspect.

iAnn stops and knocks off the complaints or torturing all of us; even our own forces and the investigators. Nobody loves you and you are hated now; on both sides; you are 50 and a wrinkly bag lady; sexy 80. So work is an escape and a way to end arguments or fatal mistakes. I have no idea how to deal with her and at the same time; people do not understand how difficult it is to leave someone after 20 years. It is like you are dying or have a life threatening problem; you must find the strength to leave the person who torments or hurts you while they claim they love you, cherish you, have done everything for you, and made a lot of mistakes that cannot be changed. It is hard to leave someone who gives you life or has been with you every step of the way. I am sure it is harder for iAnn; extremely life ending or ripping the heart out of a lion. That is the power of love and the fragile dangers of it. In my opinion, iAnn does it on purpose; it has to be uncertain and can end at anytime. iAnn knows me too well; copies me and tries to make me feel the pain she sometimes feels. Maybe it is best to let years pass again or let 10 or 20 years to heal the wounds. iAnn does not have that luxury; but neither do I; so I try to make life easier for her not harder. If she can change her way or thinking; life with her will be easier and happier. People grow old in odd ways and the events which become the underground river in life tend to lead to endings we do not predict or want. However, the ability to start over and move on is essential to giving and taking life; to survive the debts of love and the returns of happiness. I tend to disagree with iAnn. They will torment her and have; to no end and she will end up feeling stupid and it will be noticeable and obvious; but she also has a really good idiot act as a woman and a broken person. So shutting that door on someone who takes advantage of you is the step that prevents them from abusing your compassion or love of them. Her reputation speaks for itself and she claims these mental problems were the result of ferocious attacks and the development of a disease called blind hate; I can understand her and know how this feels. So who is the traitor and this swine enemy who did this while hidden? That is crime. That is America. That is life. That is the difference between the good and the bad guys. iAnn refuses to come clean and is a coward; confusing our forces, military, frustrating the investigators, and celebrating on both sides and attending all the parties.

A human being can take so much. iAnn saw and was there for 95% of what happened to me and 100% what happened to her. That is a huge burden and a lot. We blame the government for inaction and allowing this access to both our lives. Who we blame is a big question mark. iAnn witnessed and had to watch all of this; so I know how it affected her inside. To take this out on me was the same betrayal everybody else knew but she said I was lucky with her and I have misjudged her. So her ability to abuse others is measured by the absence of abuse of those she cherished. I call this a personality disorder and a flaw of character; you do not measure relationship by the injuries you caused or the injuries you fixed. It is not a mathematical formula some women see life through as advantages or benefits of calculative behavior. That is female thinking and very dangerous ways of expressing love or affection. It is rational and it is logical; it is not sanity. So iAnn has learned a lesson also. If you compare and contrast her life and a 24 year older; you see the same calculation. So iAnn admits she messed up and I agreed. From there she has not stopped this agreement and that is where this mental illness and lack of discipline is rooted. It is a combination of very bad character traits all fused together; it is dangerous and why iAnn is not a good or legitimate leader. Why she is the figurehead is the biggest problem to this puzzle but she thrives on the climate and is an easy target; yet nobody can remove her yet; not even me. It feels like a game with her and you get sick or disgusted with the pain and suffering. Even iAnn hurts badly from her problem but it has not been proven if it is conscious or automatic. I look for ways to run or turn it off; so far compassion and memories with iAnn turns it off temporarily and they flare up this fire and she turns into this monster who hurts herself and those she loves. That is the captivity of iAnn and also Alex; why they do this. That is why they study and watch every move we make; shame on us and our anger. I am made to look or feel as if I am inferior and need mental help to control or fix me. It is clear as day what they did and how they keep doing it to us 24 hours; it is a lunatic and psychopathic stalker, there for over 20 years and we finally caught them. This did not stop them either. So I hope they will learn a lesson and be more careful because they will live in hell for the reminder of their life; answer the questions and the law suits!


iAnn, I am taking this site down and closing up shop; with or without you. Why don't you find a man who is more supportive of your single life or has the same lifestyle you have? Find a man who goes to these fund raisers. Just grab any loser out there who wants to attend these uppity expensive dinners or get off with you about social events with power. Find a man who wants to do meet and greets or gets off at hotel conferences every month. Why sit there and sneak around and then argue your case with me? Do I even care or does it do anything to improve my life or yours? Exactly, stop coming to me about needing help when you are using it to make me worry sick and have me care about you. You need a man who is going to be there and who is real for you. I need a woman I respect, cherish and can get along with. We are two different people put in very difficult and life ending circumstances; we managed to escape and defeat this horrible situation and insane enemy; total psychopathic lunatics. You have no sense to you iAnn; none whatsoever. I have complained endlessly; focused on helping you or catching those who did this; all you were worried about was your hair and nails. You are worried about who is going to attend your speeches or if the newspapers will write up a piece about your new boyfriend and what you did over the summer. I would go crazy with a woman like you and you keep saying it is not your fault and "they" are doing it. Is there anything I like about your career or biography? Can you show me a picture I actually enjoy or respect? Can you show me an event or weekend retreat I actually speak highly of or admire? Exactly. The only reason why I stay is because you make me stay. You tell me how good you are; how you blow off or ignore all of these sexual advances; how many opportunities you have or how many men are chasing you. Maybe some women admire you and think you are great and powerful; I find it extremely distracting and annoying. All of you are the magic ghost; you are there but not really there; so how can you say anything?

iAnn, you need to find someone who has similar interests and someone who approves of your character, reputation, and business. Instead, you drive it underground; spin excuses or make up some insane crap, and sneak around as if it was outlawed and you are hiding it or have a surprise for me. I feel badly. I feel lost and confused. There is nothing about you I like; things have changed way too much and you are addicted to it. You nearly got yourself killed. Imagine a police officer who busts a major drug cartel; how many goes to their kids birthday party the next week? I know only one person who is this stupid or insane. When you bust someone or ruin them; do not go to their wedding okay. You even lied to me for brownie points or just to be difficult; a total ass. So go and ruin someone or bust up a crime organization and see what they do or say when you attend dinner at their house; even better invite them to yours. You cannot get anymore idiotic than what I have heard from you and from them. You keep telling me how scared you are to loose me or what will happen if I stop loving you; don't you think it is too late? Don't you think it is time to act more responsible or be more truthful? Unless you want to start life over; don't mess it up anymore than it is now or it can get. Worse, you are 50 years old and think life is a pot of gold you can grab or keep whenever you want or need. Your attitude when you mess up is to laugh; it was really annoying. iAnn you do it to me also and you need to stop; but you came to me for help and I did as you asked. Nothing you said or did made me happy; nothing, yet you had one excuse after the other to wash away what you call a total disaster. I do not think you work hard. I do not think you work fast. I do not think you are as aggressive as you claim. I do not think you have all that fight you brag about. I don't even know if I even like you. You made me like you because I was in so much danger and trouble. You F'ers have no sense to you and do not understand the most basic and fundamental needs; it is not just you either, it is all of you. There are a lot of evil in this world and you are not evil; you just do not have any sense to you and you always live through me. When you do not; you F up everything. Go away, that is what I said many times over.

It is you. You are the human tardy ball who keeps angering or deserving each side. You are the one who keeps messing with our troops and claims to be watching out for us or want to be there for moral support. Stop telling me you are in danger or how you are surrounded. You are taking money and getting kick back; skirted around like some diplomat and teacher. Now you are involved in the investigation and are doing it again; making angry the investigators and troops; trying to dish out kick back or a reward. If I break the link with you or end our marriage; I get nothing or cannot be rescued; so it is you. You keep saying they are trying to get rid of you or want you to shut up; leave. You keep saying how you will not be intimidated or back down. iAnn, do you want a broken hip or maybe get yourself killed? Do you have any idea who you are up against and what they did? You appear dangerous or in danger; but have no worries. Why? You refuse to involve the FBI and evade further involvement. You keep telling me how you want to stop them and got court marital; yes dishonored and a scoundrel. Look at this and what you did iAnn; look carefully. Now I am stuck with you and you keep boosting the communist and revolutionary command; a slave trying to be a moral support and sex up our troops. So we are your fighting boys and that is why they impersonate and have become your voice upstairs? You tell revolutionary command to STFU, get lost, and stay out of this raid or else be taken down. iAnn stop. Everybody hates you sexy 80 and you have weird big feet; stop. You did the same damn thing with me for money and retaliation you traitor and coward; go to dinner and a party and do not come back ever. Your F'in kind and the same idiot moron loved by America and the police we have cornered right? No wonder we caught you as terrorists and communist turd balls who came to America to shake our tree and drive us insane with you sexy 80; now what divorce; right on! They will whack your traitor and loser ass; trust me, just go away a dumb idiot and leave your biography the way it is. You are with a great man and everybody sees clearly; not you however. You F'ers are nuts and just slaves trying to be heroes or traitors. I just saved the world; why do I care about a loser?

You are the one who is angering and injuring us; stop god dammed slave; stop and put the damn brakes on. You are insane and this has to end iAnn; with you or I together or not. MF I cannot believe your traitor and coward ass is behind this or their real or imaginary leader; knock it off. Now you are constantly running or trying to evade me; an idiot and bonehead traitor and always angering or making up excuses. F you and I want you to step down and do not come out until further notice. You F'in ruin everything and I am positive you are a coward, idiot, liar, and things got out of hand; so you decided to rescue me but now merge back into revolutionary command. You emerged only to provide legal assistance or screw with our minds and make both sides angry. You really screwed up our life and relationship iAnn; really! F you. I want you in jail and locked up for life for just trying to fool or trick us; god damn SOB traitor. You are the reward and the payment; why I am pinned down, stuck, and cannot take any products to market. Worse, you look like the good guys, my lawyer, and my life line; a captive or prisoner also taking advantage of the enemy. It is you females and this feminist crowd; liberals, friends with benefits, journalists, 1960s bunch, our friendly enemy, and just a total disaster. You cannot do anything right and claim you have a plan; total idiot and total disaster. You are the hair ball terrorizing men and who keep this continuous and fueled or feuding; delayed. We are pinned down and delayed because of your traitor and psychopathic behavior; god damn liar and fraud. You are brokering a deal and are a diplomat; captured and do not want to go to jail. No wonder all of this flows to you and you get carried on shoulders and paraded as if you have a broken hip and are the virgin scare-face. F you traitor and coward; go to hell; you are not all that either. You sit there and act like our best friend and we are inseparable.

Answer: You are with a great man and everybody sees clearly; not you however. You F'ers are nuts and just slaves trying to be heroes or traitors. I just saved the world; why do I care about a loser? I would cut your uteris out and eat it before the national TV if I had to; but I do not have to so I choose not to. Are you done with your study of heroes, soldiers, the best, super killers or troopers, and the Army's best? What would I do if you drove me insane? Who is you and who is me? I cannot stand it either and she claims she is not going or doing it on purpose; being used and exploited? So they want to know what our breaking point is and if we would murder them, kill bad women, or what we will do if driven to the point of insanity. This is why they are kidnapping soldiers, heroes, troops, and Islam. They are studying murder and religion; in Christianity murder is the most evil act. This is the Mossad and the liberals; revolutionary command (iRush and Jewish liberals). They read my global policy and SATWAR policies (Bush family) and are adopting it to communism or neocon.

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My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.