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Saturday, June 30, 2012


As part of their terror campaign and "outreach" project; the labor unions and the communists are doing human experiments and developing sneaky, low down, criminal, and thug like methods to pester, kidnap, hold prisoners, gain control, expel, run off, and terrorize other human beings. They used us as a model and we returned the favor. They have tactics that leave no trace, no evidence, and is impossible to stop or curb. Legally, it is very difficult to prosecute their clandestine and sneaky attacks. However, it leaves a life long scar and permanently shuts down a person's life. The goal is slander or to use the system against those who obey by the rules or are not a problem. They become their model and example. Now they are sorry and wish to apologize.

Why is Bin-Asswipe, an unreformed thief and felon, trying to be the leader of SATWAR (satellite warfare), hurricane and earthquake duty, or even Protestants and Presbyterians? Why are they telling us to leave? Shouldn't they leave or go home? To me the right answer is the reformed person behind satellite warfare and who is writing to the office of tornado Bin-Asswipe; not some backward zombie brainwashing or communist plot. Does this thief and felon know the world they live in or reality? Truth? They are the power in this world and behind all of our success, our ape like parents? What the hell have they turned our wrecked world into and why are they in it to begin with?

A walking, talking septic tank full of crap. No we are not very excited about you or ever was. No we are not very enthusiastic about seeing you, being in the same room, or living on the same planet as a septic tank. This is why they are in our home and a communist enemy. What now you want to die or do not know what to do? Is going away that difficult and the end of the world? How about shut up and learn some manners?

It is a poor, homeless septic tank oozing with power. I am sure they feel powerful and need to tell other people; no thank you and please learn some manners and go away. This is a totally insane human being and communist traitor. Disgusting, repugnant, and totally flawed. I am glad to hear you are the power. You feel powerful. You want to be power or seek it. All of those things. Now shut up and stop talking to us. Go away and learn some manners. If you do not I will see to it you eat a hurricane and earthquake; while repeating totally insane shit to us and for the record. Shut your dribble ridiculous mouth; this is why everybody hates you and wants you dead; but always the wife-beater you constantly have two black eyes. This is why they call you a lunatic, psycho, bag lady or total loser, and a whiny chump ass moron. Blind, stupid, deaf; you grow fat and stupid in our life or existence; stalker not spy. Nobody misses trash or a pile of waste when it dies. Nobody is missing it now, trust me. We are waiting for you to die and go away, hurry up. Not even reformed and a total thief and felon; you think you are the power and run a prison? Take a F'in hike and learn some manners will you; ape. Ridiculous, asinine, and flawed; now go and get reformed sneaky bastard. No wonder you all do not take baths and are near homeless Bin Ass-wipes.

This inquisition and war is based on the failure of the 1960s and communism, simultaneously. They blame primarily the Presbyterians and Protestants; however, Catholics also. They feel someone has to die over this and many were executed as part of this assassination and inquisition. This is not where they belong nor is it now. They have targeted others and have been successful. Also, the first "scape-goat" was in 1993; Somalian Jews or warlords. Next it was Al Queda and terrorism; Arabs. In both instances, define intervention blocked their "death sentence." Suspicious they made an arrest in 2003. It was a murder plot because they used a crazed psychopathic lunatic; similar to Kim Il Jong, to determine who went against them and their ordours. They blame the Asians but used liberals and business links to America to soften that stance. The rise of Asians was one thing. The ridiculous closure and politics of their Church, political party, and failure was another. I suggest they stop spitting on us, stalking us, and attacking us. I suggest they fly the white flag, surrender, and face trial; a death penalty case. I suggest they stop entering my home or life and leaving no evidence except a diary and biography. It gets worse and worse from here; very worse. Their terror plot, drug war, and murder plot will get them executed or more.

Limbaugh is a serial killer dictator who "texted" us and wanted us dead for turning our backs or smacking the F out of him and his communist forces. They are the ones trying to run us over or rape us; much more under the radar. They are predators and rapist; savages and animals. Limbaugh stresses "exceptional-ism" and how bad the whites were made to look; their power rock bottom. Therefore, the blacks are worse off, the Asians are better off, and the whites are neutral. It began as a murder plot and turned into a terror plot. Then it was trying to escape the trap we have them in and the sneaky bastard stunts they have tried. A lot of this has to do with Florida where their disguise if very obvious. Also the drugs and crime in such a vast paradise; would soon get them in deep trouble; and has. Florida is their nest and also battleground with the Presbyterians and Protestants. They felt the Pentagon sent Protestants to spy on them and close them down; oppress them. They felt the church launched the draft and sent them to Vietnam; to torment and terrorize their coward existence or felony life under the radar. It was the voodoo-doll we stick pins in or laugh out loud about. Limbaugh is their dictator; Hannity his concierge or Vice President. They lost Florida and all of this; how badly? We will miss them and they are on the run; let's finish this and get them out of here quickly.

I suggest they stop spitting on us, stalking us, and attacking us. I suggest they fly the white flag, surrender, and face trial; a death penalty case. I suggest they stop entering my home or life and leaving no evidence except a diary and biography. It gets worse and worse from here; very worse. Their terror plot, drug war, and murder plot will get them executed or more. No more waste or duds. All of this centered on the 1960s, voting rights, tormenting or stalking us, sabotage, numbers, real estate, banks, and this shift from America to Asia; academics and good grades. They said we had to take them to our leader or tell us who to target and kill if we were to survive and be let off the hook. This is why it went on so long.

We told them to leave before there is trouble but they went into our homes and said they meant no harm. This psycho wants a war and is totally crazy; gone. Even though we told them to leave before there is trouble, we heard first hand how it is their home, they are ready to die, we have no money, they are comfortable, they are superior, we are the problem, etc... They do have control of a few things only but the final line; is they are dead. Dead or not they keep trying to spit on us. We fight them and they try to run us over, want us dead, tries to create a natural accident or death, tries to inflict suicide by 1000 cuts, and 24-7 of this. Look at the record and the credit history. Look at the employment and salary discrepancy. Look at the fact we are born rich and the overbearing mission we are on. Yet they struggle and spit at us more and more; this time they went too far and this has gone on way too long. Get this over with and win this decisively; we will miss them.

So they are pissed off, angry, psychopathic, felons, and living in Florida? Why? Why are they bothering the people who are not struggling or have been reformed and our finest? Why? Why are they in paradise doing 911 thug crap or playing with us? Why are they living with retirees or crazed by the Protestants from New York, who is using them or stuck in their cult like system? Yes they are in Florida saying others do not have money; do they own America? Does their church? Do they want to buy us or be bought? Who is this traitor and F'er? Why is this stalker, not spy; in our life saying we do not have money and they are being bought or hired? Oh we are the problem and the stalker-psycho; we are mentally ill and have a warrant for our arrest? They are the police and they can oppress or stop us? It is time for war. This church has to go and immediately. This has gone on way too long and way too far, they got to go immediately and in the worst possible way. They live and they learn, the hard way. Instead they sit there and become a 911 thug, terrorize us, one felony after the next, and want to fight us; wonderful species. Again, why are they in Florida or the deep south? Again, we blame the New Yorkers and eastern liberals; the Republican Party also.

Oh great, they are now running for office and deny being a psycho stalker. What next we get stuck with some asshole in our life or a psycho who makes a total mess and holds us down when they win or loose? Hey welcome to the Republican Convention 2012. I hope they like Florida now and the inclusion of Limbaugh and Hannity; two models of the problem. Even worse, this psycho wants to buy us and says we do not have any money; and what are they busted for? Fun and kicks? A good laugh? Everybody wants to kill them or wage war on them? They want to buy America and run up the debt? Great. Wonderful. We are stuck also. Chaos is their life; now chaos is in ours; how did this happen? When will it be gone or when will our life and mission return? See to it they have the cruelest death if it came down to war and dealing cards to a psycho stalker in our life calling us a loser, poor, or some violent psycho. They will not get hurricane or earthquake ability; never. They will get the fury of a tornado and a flood.

"They" do not have any money? Now "we do not have any money?" Yes you can buy us. Yes your purchase got damaged and cannot be made. You want to buy us and our mission. Unfortunately for Bin Ass-wipe and a monkey; we never really put anything up for sale and this did not stop this jackass loser one bit. So now they face a horrible fate; they are close to being bought or even worse; turning into the farm animal they truly are. That is what you get for letting your delusions, narcissism, and phony fantasies take over your broken and troubled life. That is what you get and much worse for playing with or tinkering with our life on such a secret level. That is what you get for toying with the office of hurricane and earthquakes. You will not be bought like a cheap ape and psycho stalker; instead, you will be disposed of and that is drawing nearer. You keep saying who has money and who can be bought; soon you will be discarded you cheap slut. Look at the kind of asshole, psycho, loser, jackass, etc... you truly are; and you keep saying we are or what you know is true. You are not even human; a Karma animal reborn as a human turd. Yes you love our life and you truly enjoy yours; buy us? Yeah keep dreaming and talking. What next our friend and leader? Wife? Employer? We will max the numbers on you; in the form of war and unlike you have ever felt. That truly should reform your gutless coward existence.

Clearly, nobody wants you in their life; bought or not. Your selfish, stupid, and asshole delusions have really done it now and your fantasy is so far psycho and stalker; we call you Bin Ass-wipe the voodoo doll we stick pins into and get medals for. You leave and go away. You go home and die. Soon there will be no more of you and reformed people of the world will rejoice. Your power is you smell like a BFI driver and if something died in your house or the odors that emanate from your mindset disgust and repulse others; than your repellant has met its match and this war is finally over; we have declared formal victory, now for the cleanup and disposal. Yes you are welcome and go right ahead and buy us or declare yourself the victor and leader. Hell will enjoy your stink. You did this because you know the Presbyterians are decent people; also, your orthodox war with the Presbyterians over the media and TV has now ended. You are finally the trash we throw away and refuse to buy. F with my watch one more time and we will figure out a way to bring the wrath of God to your life. You are nothing more than a delusional stalker, not a spy and not a communist. You are merely a 911 thug and felon in our life and refusing to see things our way.

Nothing more than a 911 thug and felon who has now reached the end of their rope, Bin Ass-wipe. Yeah, we are going to just forget about this while you slander and do anything humanly possible to block, sabotage, cause an accident, call us a wife-beater, or disregard your 24-7 bullshit channel. Did I mention the false police reports and the ongoing slander and criminal conspiracy? This war with the Presbyterians, Pentagon, Florida retirees, Christians, and Protestant has ended very tragically; but they remain for the victory parade and the medal awards; our despised enemy trying to be our leaders and legal team. In desperate times, we need the real military and the real police; not blame on special forces.

The stupid Bin Ass-wipe continues to contact us even though they are not in our corner and continues to suggest they are superior, are our leaders, and anything humanly possible. It is not a spy, it is a crazed stalker. I have left instructions to shut them down and dismantle them piece by piece so we can properly dispose of this toxic trash. God is mad at them and when God is mad; the wrath arrives on their doorstep. They have very little time left to surrender or fly the white flag, very little.

The 24-7 bullshit channel and hotline has gone viral; look at the traitor go. This is what it has been like for over 20 years or stalked for two decades. Now they claim they are sorry and do not mean us any harm, they only want us to leave and wants to sabotage or "block" any power, rise, or opportunity; deny me and anybody on my side freedom. A life imprisonment sentence now a reverse death penalty and world war. They also expect all of this to just go away and be forgotten.

Dear Ann Coulter: Cuddle buddy? Snuggle buddy? Piss your time away and waste more of your life.

We know you are hustling us and trying to buy more and more time because you have to leave or be fired. Furthermore, the record and your conspiracy shows an effort to sabotage or make sure nothing works; so we cannot rise or gain in life. Then you twisted and warped things to fit your politics or motives; a robbery and communism. Furthermore, it shows you are the one who has to leave from the get go; a sting and trap was in order but we did not know who it was or what to expect, we do now. Therefore, you are the one who has to go or be fired. You are the violence one; we know the drug world is about violence and control. You are the problem or enemy; but you do not want to leave and need money, a sneaky bastard and scoundrel; trying to hustle us because you lack any morals and live like homeless people or scumbags. You also like to tinker with our gear or rummage through our belongings and life; a predator. These stunts are to reinforce and inform your fond memory of your confidence; but the evidence clearly indicates who has to go or be killed and what these stunts are for. Now both side is saying "it won't work." When the chips are down and when it is a stalemate or the truth; we need real power, real authority, real military victory, and the real show; not some hustle of the public. Looks like you are totally stuck in this trap and nothing you do will ever work; nothing. But keep trying and keep getting beaten down by the wrath of special forces or God himself. You are nothing but a big fat voodoo doll people stick pins in. Like a war, you are only there for the victory parade and the medal pinning ceremony; a hustle and nothing else. A straight up felon, thug, scoundrel, and sneaky bastard.

Just like money, it goes in one ear and right out the other. A repeat offender and a person who just does not care, is ready for jail, will turn on those who will survive or are destined, and is ready for suicide. Yes blame it on special forces such as a hurricane, tornado, tsunami, or even a total disaster. Blame the people who do not have to struggle or are born rich. Was your leader born rich or into royalty? Prove it.

Paranoid and Schizophrenic due to prolonged drug use or exposure to violence and nonsense from gang wars or drug wars. A voodoo doll that we stick pins in for more stupid nonsense. A straight up thug and felon who is nothing more than a PR or watered down Bin Ass-swipe. One nervous breakdown after the next due to bias or very opinionated bullshit. Constantly trying to get rid of us or not permit our authority, power, and mission; shot down before leaving the airport. The list is so long and so immense; they will not make it or survive. Stoned out of their wits, they still feel they are superior and the confidence just dries up like a desert. They have been silenced but they have not flown the white flag or had enough; so they get numbers now maximized. We stick more and more needles into them like a big fat voodoo doll on a collision course.

I have warned the Republicans about what needs to happen and what will happen if they do not take steps to ensure the safety of both our lives and America. It is now up to them to execute. All we can do is advise them and if they go against this; God help them also. This will keep going on and on; and they will screw up everything with the backwards messages or rhetoric; then start World War III so the US bombs the oil fields of the world and looks stupid. Hurry up and get this war over with and decisively; no excuses and zero tolerance.

So they want to use numbers, kidnap us or attack us 24 hours a day, and do everything humanly possible to prevent our rise, our power, or a normal life? Show them numbers. Show they maximum numbers. Show them how angry we are and how anybody can face those numbers and lie. That is their phony scam and this cloning effect; numbers. Poof, there is numbers. Want more or quantify them; let's ask the office of hurricane and earthquakes what numbers they are asking for? What war are they trying to start exactly and do they even know what the last one is? Tell us why we cannot have a job, be in power, or run this war? Why? Why am I banned from the military or any government function? Why am I only given a measly pension? Tell me now why I cannot and how I not only broke their blockade; but much worse?

This is about numbers and not credibility, integrity, reputation, reality, truth, etc...? Show them the numbers and make sure they are maximum; full throttle and dismantle them; all numbers. They actually blame special forces and feel it is about a bus.

Whoever is trying to start a World War and got it wrong; also has the USA to bomb the oil fields of the Middle East or at least 75% of the global oil. Unlike BP, if we bomb the oil fields to prevent loss; it will dignify the entire global economy wrecked or without oil. How do you survive without oil and blame the USA for this? That SOB also did 911 and the drug wars. We know the drug wars are about buying up banks and mortgages (BCCI).

Look, we know you are guilty as hell. We know you are very opinionated and not innocent at all; facing the death penalty. We know you seek control and are paranoid as hell; delusional to simplify it. You see it one way, the law sees it another. Your delusions are so severe; you imposed your crazy mess and life on us. Now we look like the problem or the felon. There are limits to your freedom of speech and your freedom does not allow or permit anything we accuse you of. Furthermore, the authority can exercise or impose retaliation, revenge, and much worse to your cult like political aspirations or guilt. Due to the level of drug use; it is fair to say you are totally disconnected from reality or live in a cult like system of power that resembles crazed lunatics and terrorists. We know all about your mental breakdown and we watched as your sorry opinionated and totally insane ass have one mental breakdown after the next. The extent of your mental illness or paranoia has you so insane now; you blame God and special forces you have no control or understanding of. We also know you seek a war inside the pill mill and the drug trade. You want the white supremacist to control the authority while you want the blacks to control the street corners. Your pharmaceutical aspirations or medical problems; has led to one bust after the next and a near collapse of the medical industry. To say the least, the water down effect is now drowning in debt. What next, Obama-care or socialized medicine to allow you full control and full throttle on the drug industry and trade? You are afraid and paranoid of what we know and informants or "rats" who have given pieces to locate and fine your whereabouts. You think we are on to the drug dealers and the leaders of this mess; don't you? You are out to eliminate or over all loose ends.

Ever since you came into our life it has been nearly impossible to have a normal life, a normal day, a normal day at work, a normal love life, a normal marriage, a normal career, a normal view of politics, a normal anything. One day at work normal is completely out of the realm of reality. One day without crime or your stunts in the media, when the cameras are on; is just impossible. You are so opinionated, biased, screwed up or messed up, an utter disaster, disconnected from reality; and so guilty or opinionated, I do not even know what peace or a normal day is anymore. For real, this has been for over 23 years; not one F'in normal day and you think it comes with the territory and you are "training" us or our "life coach." Then you think we are married or have some relationship with you all; sexually or otherwise, it is totally idiotic and disgusting. Now you try to shut us up, attack us with verbally assaulted, make us the problem, create life ending problems, blame us, say we are a threat or violent, slander our name or warp our life so much nobody recognized us. Guilty and deserves the death penalty; why didn't you just call the credit bureaus or the FBI and let them know what you did and why? Now it is impossible to even have a normal life; no less a normal day. This is "for the people" or "injury attorneys?" It is insurance fraud and scamming the public; a robbery.

I swear to God they are trying so hard to start World War III or similar to World War II. They cannot stop and have no will power over these attacks or their behavior; a lunatic zombie. They are so crazy and opinionated, a normal day is out of the question. Furthermore, they will not stop and they tell us to go away, go home, leave, etc... and they feel we are married or have some relationship or friendship; total backwards reality. Sound like a communist or terrorist plot to anybody yet? Does it sound like a molester or drug felon; crazed, abandoned, and mentally insane from substance abuse or integrity?

I finally give the military something to be proud of or a mission to last their entire life and what do they do? They bombard our life with unreformed traitors and low-life. They declare me crazy or unworthy. They throw Democrats on top of everything. They humiliate every aspect of our life, etc. We deserve better and they deserve to die or much worse. Look how close they are to us and how well they get along. Look at them when the cameras are on and what they do. We give them hell and they come around acting like they are the leaders, the boss, and in charge when they are nothing but a god damn traitor. All of them are guilty and they are acting like they are not stalking us, not guilty, and only trying to help. How about the truth and an end to this; how about it? How about Judgment Day? How about results and victory we can be proud of? Stack our life and stack the leadership? Stack DC-VA with more of this problem and mess? Bombard our life now and even more? No wonder the death penalty is being sought and a death sentence is being asked. See to it they get everything they deserve for this total mess and making our life and mission hell. See to it the death penalty is legitimate, legal, and necessary. Religion and laws is not going to do anything for this matter. They need to be locked up in an internment camp or some concentration camp; unbelievable behavior and problem we have with this traitor. For an unreformed pest and a traitor, they hound us about being the problem; as if they are not? We are the problem here, not them? We have to leave or move; not them? This is a gift and we are privileged to have them as guests? This is a psycho stalker, a total loser, a fat idiot, and what kind of enemy we are facing in our own life. We are the problem and they are not? We love them? They love us? They only want to talk? I finally give the military something real and to be proud of and look what they did.

Look how well they get along with Asians. Look how close they are to Presbyterians. Look what a special relationship they have with the military. Wow, look what kind of a partner we have and marriage. Did you know they love Republican women and even more; conservative pundits? Look how well they all get along; we should make a DVD. Look how close they are to the Vietnam War or Vietnam (communist and nationalist); oh look at their power and magnificent leadership. We dream of them and we are dying to get their attention. It is not stalking so long as they can deny it. Look at the relationship and partnership they have with us; documented now. Damages? Teachers and professors? Our parents? Only trying to help? We are the same and in love; wow, spectacular view. We love unreformed felons and traitors; single sex all the way baby! It cannot be molestation if nobody finds out or covered up. Wonderful, now we are victims of some phony molester who wants to initiate us into some gang of homos.

Dear Ann Coulter, your life is going down the toilet; read everything below. You are responsible for it.

This SOB is trying to start a war and assassinate or target vital areas when the cameras are rolling. No more cameras. In the future, all military officers or tribunals will be armed when holding a court martial or Article 41 for this pest and traitor. No more incidents or PR fiascoes.

If war breaks out, move all of our most trusted out of the DC-VA area. Leave all the shitheads and trouble makers there to rot. Do not, during revolutionary times; stack the DC-VA area as they do or did; do not!

Fortify and hold all of our strongholds while messaging the Republicans to light them up. We will know how much they love the Republicans and wish to be our leaders. Actually, we are not in love with any party; only the road we are supposed to be on and the path of enlightenment or for those not struggling. They are on the same road and they are in the system; Ann has opened that door for them and shut it. Now it is shut on her until otherwise; let her sit there in her room, chat online, and smoke cigarettes like Nero. Let them all be Nero. As we can see, they are unreformed and a total mess; disconnected from reality now completely.

Like Vietnam, no more reporters or cameras. They will excite and get the communist to go Khmer Rouge. You put the cameras on you and them Ann; look what they did also. Thanks a lot partner.

Clean DC-VA out and shut down their traitor espionage networks or links. Oh here is another one. This MF is telling us to leave Florida or else they will make every single part of our life miserable or attack us. If not steal and rob us. They invade DC-VA in the 1960-1990 and during revolutionary times; tell us to leave the state with more people who are not struggling so we can go to a state where their invasion is taking place? There are more veterans in Florida; both retired and active on the police and pension, than any other state. I am trying to get the Special Forces ready for all out mayhem and war; a new mission. All they do is stalk me and tell me to move, go home back to Virginia, and how welcomed they are; smuggling and facing the biggest coup of their life. Yes the eastern liberal and the New York jackass is totally out of control, but then they are on remote control and have no power over their own actions or behavior; a zombie enemy. Worse, they are struggling in the state and all over America. Where do they suggest I go, the epicenter of this infiltration or the DC they totally screwed up with their stunts and lies? It sounds to me if they invade or if war breaks out; retaliation and justice will be extremely swift. Maybe that is why they want me in their nest and special spy rings or circles of power; to F with us even more. With Florida linked directly to the Pentagon; if they do another terror plot or try some new madman plot; swift action and retaliation is very real. Again, this MF keeps telling us to go to DC-VA or leave because they run the show or some crazed stalker running for public office coup they are trying to win. If war breaks out, Florida is the most dangerous place for them and the safest for us. DC is the worst place during revolutionary times; now please shut the hell up and stop stalking us. If they attack the Pentagon again or any military operation; they will get war again! Finish the last one before opening more doors or one after the other; all locked on them.

Let me make this very clear to the people behind this. We know they exist in a prison society. Unfortunately, the problem is they need to be locked up so they become reformed. I suggest they worry about the total mess they created and still ignore before they bombard our life or stalk us across the USA running for office or seeking a federal judge appointment. This is no game and the door on their wild, thief like antics has been shut. They are being judged and we know they are lunatics and madmen. This crazy stunt and the continuous stunt proves Asians hate their guts and they do not have any place in our world. Yet they bombard us with their trickery, lies, and total insanity. It is obnoxious and ridiculous and they must be possessed by the devil or some mythical character to be trying to open the door that has been shut on them. Clearly, they will turn on those who do not struggle. The weak will seek sympathy for their prison or POW culture. They are unreformed and totally whacked. Running for office or manipulating the laws or elections; will not get them stronger or make this better; it will make things worse ten fold. Enough with the stalking; we said knock it off and pay the damages; end this quickly.

Enough is enough; knock off the stalking. This has to be the 100,000th or 200,000th stalker. What the hell is their problem or is it permanent? Is this all they ahve in their genetic code and destiny? They face the biggest coup of their entire childhood life; and they need to decide how they wish to play their guilty cards now. We do not promise anything but that is just a warning; Judgment Day is around the corner, not their freedom or electoral facade. In the future, I suggest they leave other races alone; white, black, or Asian. Of course it is the Jews behind this, who else has this crazy of a life besides blacks? Now they want to impose this utter insanity on Asians; for some whacked marriage to some slut we cannot ID or determine for the arrest warrant. They also think they have an open mind and are the police or authority; imagine that, Judgment Day and they are the police. Coup or no coup? Clearly, they are and will turn on those who are not struggling because they are a human feces. Don't deny it or play this communist game with us every single time. They get a coup or permanent coup, permanent war; that is their problem. After everything they done, we love them to death. Tell Ann Coulter, thanks but no thanks; do it back on them.

It feels like some female wife or crazed stalker. "Leave" and these demands which only suggest some marriage or love relationship; but none of the above even exist. Worse, the SOB is completely crazy and they are completely unreformed and feel Asians or minorities are in love with their power and leadership. Even today they cannot seem to use logical bearings or moral bearings to understand the situation; ignoramus who disregards the rights of others or their wishes to be left alone or allowed to fly as high as they can. This disgusting and repugnant wife is both male and female; and it is the most disgusting thing this earth has ever invented. Thanks you god damn SOB and communist traitor; we love stalkers and a communist pest to do this while we shut and lock that door on them. They should have called the credit bureaus and the FBI to explain what they did so all of this fabricated facts or phony ledger can be easily fixed. Now it is a stalemate and Judgment Day is near. Their dream is to keep the pressure on us, act as if they are the police with our life under the microscope (kidnapping and POW), and try to hold-on to this stalemate as long as they can; for survival and power. Clearly, they are the enemy and will turn on those not struggling or are reformed. Yes they are felons and traitors; real life communist infiltrators. Everybody in the world is watching and they are just proving who they are. Hell the office of hurricane and earthquakes has shaken their foundation and blown their house down and off the cliff.

This is their chance to prove what they are made of, who they are, how they wish to go out with, and why they do what they do or why we do what we have to. We are not struggling. However, by their actions and crimes; we are now. Furthermore, those who struggle and are poor; will turn on those who are not; we are proving this and providing this vital data now. We know who they are and what they are up to. They will unleash crime and terrorism on us; then claim they are ready to die. We have seen this Kool-Aid drinking before, repeatedly. This is their chance to win a card they can use; the trust card or the survival card. They also refused to disclose any of this to the public. The public is totally in the dark. Also, we know it's the Civil Rights and the peace movement; the 1960s crowd at it again and getting nowhere but hell. They have no control at all over their emotions, behavior, and are pathological thieves. We will not miss them at all; ever. It is now written in the SATWAR and hurricane earthquake log book.

Everybody knows that eventually, those who struggle will turn on those who are not struggling; and that is when they are going to get the royal red, white, and blue ass whooping of their life or killed. Everybody knows in Florida this is occurring and the migration to FL, other than seniors or military families; is going to turn on one or the other. Everybody knows having an open mind does not mean the right to have no morals or no brakes. Everybody knows military people or real bad asses do not go around telling others or looking for trouble; it is the little pipsqueak and little guy who does this. This is happening in America. It is happening in Florida. Those who are struggling are turning on military personnel or those who are not struggling or defend freedom. It is time they go and it is time the royal red, white, and blue ass whooping cremates them.

That is a pretty big coup they are facing if not the biggest resistance and loss of their entire political and military life. Shame is never in their vocabulary and it is definitely not hardwired or inside their genetic code. Consider yourself on the end of a red, white, and blue royal hurricane or earthquake ass whopper and try to act as if they are winning, smug, or do not care. Now try it for 24-7 and attacking the people who command this war zone or led you here. Are they fake or just not even human? A total phony and a wuss trying to act big and powerful; a mere child molester and sex offender?

I predict a very nasty struggle and because they are not what we want or need; they will turn on those who are not struggling or are champions. Furthermore, this is only a warning now but they will face a coup or one of the biggest political prosecution they will ever face in their life. They keep barking or echoing how they are ready to die, etc... They are too selfish, too evil, too out of control, too stupid, and too useless to be of any help or satisfy the coup standards. That is 2012, light them up.

"Dear Mitt Romney and Republican Defenses: Avoid and weed out the moles. Republicans, if you want to survive this and the attack on all of your fronts, do as I tell you. You are being taken over by the left wing and deadly communist moles. They will stop at nothing or nobody to achieve Judgment Day. They have detected another force out there stronger than they are and wish to study, learn, and kill it. Light them up and begin to purge those whom we caught. You also need to show Ann there are standards and punishment, fire her and all of them. Light them up so we can determine where they are hiding and attacking from. They will be finished off. Hurry up before they gather and grow stronger, light them up and let the military and whatever is out there finish them off and put the stake right through their measly little heart. If they wish to protest and make a fuss about this; it will make our job 100 times easier. Ann has been fired and the clock is ticking on her; she will not make it and should have the plug pulled immediately. Don't even let her show her legs, tits, or do that female political gag we all have to put up with clandestinely. All of them have their tongues tied and are surrounded; now finish them off and quickly if you wish to survive their insurgent and infiltration. We will know soon how they are on Judgment Day and how much fight they can keep this going or kidnap us. If it is good enough for Ann Coulter; then it is good enough for them. Don't complain when bad things happen to very bad people. There is no doubt they want to fight. There is no doubt they want to die. There is no doubt they want to protest while violating every law written. There is no doubt who has the right of way or has to survive this. They just want to take their damn time and rob everything before Judgment Day or siege control of our lives. Now it has blown up and backfired on them; good reddens! Give them the fight of their life and one they will never forget; finish them off. The clock is ticking on everybody now; everybody."

Not only did you forget to call and notify the credit bureaus and collection agencies of what you did or tried; you also forgot to call and let the FBI. It is clearly documented that I was born into this world rich. It is clearly documented my family comes from privilege and is in the top 1% when we ran Vietnam. It is documented my uncles are European educated and have doctorates. It is documented that I invented the new police and military satellites; to prevent you from obtaining hurricane and earthquake capability. Not only did I design them, I trained every walking human being on this earth on the application, politics, and clearly defined the history and future of it. Now how can it be that nobody even recognizes me or believes me now? I claim I was kidnapped by 911 terrorists and even name them by name. Regardless of the facts, someone flipped everything on its head and I look like a black man and am treated like one. Who exactly is being warned and disembowel here?

Why? Am I in first place, the champion, or the victor? Or whatever they tried to paint me as and now it cannot stick or will not stick? Then there is the saga of Ann Coulter; which now is murky. It looks as if she shot herself in the foot and wants to be put out of her misery. All of them do and are in suicide mode, all of them. They will get a lot of people killed or hurt; a major safety violation and traitor. Those fat witches can go back to Eastern Europe before telling me to go home or leave; a total bag lady. They sat there and online with pictures of models; then pretended to be married to strangers who hated their guts or wished to really hurt them for what they tried. Then they turned around and told the FBI and the police a completely false story; they were being threatened or stalked. That is how I got arrested. We then end up tracing their spy network and capturing their two primary leaders; Hannity and Limbaugh along with the rest of the gang. Makes a great book and is!

It is time they do what they are told. It is time they do the right thing. It is time for them to end this fiasco and dangerous death sentence. We are still trying to break their death grip. Instead I have to listen to how angry they are with us. How radical, mean, evil, and angry they are; we will die if we do not do as told. I have to put up with more and more of this; in addition to them trying to recruit me or be my friend, stalker, professor, life coach, or some partner. How about taking some real and factual steps. How about our rights and not theirs? I said it before, we do not like communists and my vision is not to manage crime or terrorism; no less launch a radical revolution in America 2012.

I have creditors hounding me day and night. I have a credit history worthy of a human piece of junk and an employment record of a black man. Furthermore, they made my military record appear as if I was a first class reject, could not hold a job, and was mentally ill or had a personality disorder. If a collection was in my favor, then I am only getting $400 monthly. After what we went through, I am asking for 2 billion. Now I have bombarded with people blaming me for everything or the police chasing me when it was not even me at fault. Like my finances, all they had to do was call the credit bureau or write. Call the police or write to them and explain what they did. Are we there yet? They could have also called my employer, The Pentagon, and told them what they tried to do and on whom; but were caught, exposed, and captured. All they are saying or barking back (echo chamber) is "an eye for an eye" and "what comes around goes around."

This could have been resolved very easily. It could have ended very quickly. Nobody had to get hurt and world war did not have to take place, ever. Did you or any of you facing damages make an effort to contact the collection agencies or the consumer credit bureaus to inform them of what you did, tried to do, and why it was not my fault or why I should not be penalized? Then why in hell would you contact me or apologize when this is all you had to do? Who the F keeps calling us and in a manner to suggest we are the problem or is struggling? The winner? Loser? Last place? Communist? Liberals? Democrats? It turned out to be a Republican radio host, two of them. How? Also, why not call the credit bureau and tell them what you told me on the radio or what is in my book? You said it, we fought this out; sounds like I won and you are determining how you wish to loose. Is that right? So who is the problem and who is using communism and terrorism to suggest this is about freedom, freedom of speech, legalism, and Democracy? Us?

Everybody knows the eastern liberal has been and will always be the problem in America, spreading like a disease. Everybody knows that eventually, those who struggle will turn on those who are not struggling; and that is when they are going to get the royal red, white, and blue ass whooping of their life or killed. Everybody knows in Florida this is occurring and the migration to FL, other than seniors or military families; is going to turn on one or the other. Everybody knows having an open mind does not mean the right to have no morals or no brakes. Everybody knows military people or real bad asses do not go around telling others or looking for trouble; it is the little pipsqueak and little guy who does this. This is happening in America. It is happening in Florida. Those who are struggling are turning on military personnel or those who are not struggling or defend freedom. It is time they go and it is time the royal red, white, and blue ass whooping cremates them. Eastern liberals and those who have no brakes and morals; are a disease. They are a worse disease in Florida. It is a place where they struggle, but then who in hell migrates or moves to the South? New Yorkers? Insane drug people? Transients? Who? Unless your job takes you here or you are retired and have some means of income (such as rich parents); there is no way but to struggle and we know they will turn on those who are not struggling or do not struggle in life. Look at the criminals and communists trying to take over the state; in the name of immigration and the poor. Yes we know what they are up to.

What do they expect people to do? Here they are bombarding us with bullshit, insanity, low life problems, human trash, and junk day and night; even in our own homes; which is actually the total mess of their life; and we hate their guts from the get go already. They feed us this crap and go so far as to control our environment, control our life, or even kidnap us in a manner where we live in a bubble or their reckless political experience. None of them have any morals or brakes and they are as narcissistic and selfish as a human being can get before they get cremated or killed in hell for being the devil. Logic says we should and are going tornado and hurricane on their ass and if possible; rip every follicle out of their head as part of the damages. Remember, there is one side to this; damages and what they must pay or face. Then there is another side; rewards, which is what our life, mission, and perfection naturally achieves. How they got it so wrong and screwed everything up so bad; is why they are who they are; they grow sicker and weaker; we grow meaner and stronger. Now we grow tornado, hurricane, and earthquake angry on their ass and the damages still have to be paid; or else the rewards get totally insane. Now they just want to talk and just want to work this out, yeah okay. How about we try to pull every fingernail and hair follicle off your body while you are alive; maybe that will teach them?

This human trash is so narcissistic, so selfish, so evil and demented; they want to be killed or demand war immediately if we want to escape. Furthermore, they are suicidal and so poor; the situation is what it is now. Poor, narcissistic, selfish, evil and the works; they demand we leave or go home; not them. They are so manipulative and insane; they flipped everything on its head and is using crime and terrorism to toy with the emotions and the mind of other human beings. Worse, they feel they are superior and in control; the bosses and the police. That is who we caught. This is who is in the trap. That is the 911 terror plot and evil in America. They want blacks, Asians, and rich people to love them or throw ourselves at their crazy criminal life. They see democracy as an "all you can eat" buffet where their freedom supersedes all else. Now they ask we kill them and they are ready to die; how ridiculous can it get? They are also disconnected from reality and drugs make it worse.

They are not there to help. They are there for very evil and selfish reasons, if not to be helped than to ruin others. Similar to the labor unions or criminal gangs; they are identical in nature; a criminal enterprise. That is what the left wing is today. Not only are they not there to help; the lies and fraud stem from how helpful they are, how innocent they are, and how they are the most in need. It is a robbery and a kidnapping. To try and make it look as if they are there to help or push our life to the top is a complete fraud and what they are hiding. The narcissism and the selfish evil in their genetic code cannot even be described or mentioned. Do we look black or do they just look like blind and utterly flawed people in a hot place? Yes they are our life coach and professors.

The question is what else are they hiding and why they refuse to admit some of this? Also, why is it linked to the drug wars, terrorism, and politics; is it anti-government sentiment? If so, which side or is it "both" sides? So why is freedom of speech, in their particular situation, a death sentence and death penalty? Is there more?

To say the rewards and the damages cancelled each other out is unacceptable. To go on TV and radio each and everyday, lie profusely and act as if you do not know what is going on, do not know war is coming, do not know who invented the last war, do not know what this is about, use females or some girl as a hostage or negotiation piece, or spend 24 hours screwing with our life more and more; to suggest you put the elbow grease or are responsible for all of this (ownership); is unacceptable. There is nothing acceptable and so much damages; and rewards. It is an unacceptable legal strategy and it will fail; evil and a traitor mole. To badger us, humiliate us more, and then to compel us to seek your pity or approval is just unheard of and ridiculous. But then for this narcissistic human piece of shit and SOB; it is just a normal typical day. How about those satellites I have been designing and how you blocked this mission or tried to take it over before a coup and this death grip? We are still breaking those monkey fingers and trying to escape that death grip. Let's address the damages before we get to the rewards total loser; not mix the two or see it the same.

If you have taken us into the deepest core of the criminal world. If you have taken us into the deepest reaches of the communist invasion. If you are so disconnected from reality and are permanently out of touch with reality; due to drugs, personality disorders, or other problems; and refuse to be accountable or pay damages. If we have given the world a new direction and stopped you from acquiring hurricane or earthquake duty. If I have stopped you in your tracks and you are down to 25% power; yes evil and communism is down to a measly 25%. If I have introduced a new field of study and also a pioneer spirit in the police and military satellite world. If I am or was "married" to Ann Coulter and we did have to go through this ordeal and ended up breaking your grip and humiliating you; then exposing your ridiculous phony existence or behavior. Then the only payment I have gotten is $400 a month from the military. It sounds to me very suspicious and debts are owed. Yet who pays and who is going to pay the damages? The rewards are one thing; the damages are another. You wrote our book? You are the main character and we are only an autobiographer? Is this some joke?

Limbaugh and Hannity may want to explain how and why they were caught in 2008 and why a home invasion and a gas bill of $300 was disputed in the month of June 2006. Furthermore, the landlord denied any accountability or any theft, extortion, or even kidnapping. Strange how those events happened right before Limbaugh and Hannity were caught for 911. How did I get a $300 gas bill, stolen items, almost evicted, arrested, and $5000 bond; right before they were caught?

The problem with Ann Coulter at this time is she is feeble and a lump on a log. Her life is going down the drain and she will sit there in her apartment, chat online, and smoke cigarettes or chat with men by phone and email to see who she will date next. To me that is 100% guilty. To her it is 100% innocent. Whatever the case I am done with it and have moved on; she can live in her own world and be a retarded, limp, and utterly flawed goof on her own.

It feels like a mouthy psychopath whom has assimilated into society. A 24 hour thief that is always up to something or screws up everything they touch or goes near. You can sense a total mess and total insanity in their genetic pool. The narcissism in their head is ridiculous and makes you disgusted. The 24 hour thief plays this game of legalism where the laws get turned on its head and they are at your throat all day and night. If you are in their web of deception, they put you in this death grip, only death unlocks or releases it. Now they used the law on us and criminalized our life; hence, the mirror effect is imposed because it was a sting and a trap. How do you deny it when your actions are recorded, documented, and amplified? How do they deny they are communist when we caught them red handed, even for terrorism. Similar to crime, they too exploit terrorism; but for all the wrong reasons. This death grip has now picked a fight repeatedly with tornado, hurricane, and earthquake forces. Who is this much of a pest or this much of a psychopathic safety hazard? Also, they are total sluts and a complete pervert; many of them do not even bath. So they are superior? They are our savior? This is about racism and hate? We are their minority? They manage our life? Why do they owe 2 billion in damages? Instead of paying damages, they want us to feel sorry for them, explain it was all for good intentions, and feel pity for them! Yeah okay sure. Furthermore, we have to go home and leave! Wow, upon their wishes; leave, move, go home, and much more.

Dear Ann Coulter: You are a pitiful female and a human being. Is there anything in this world you do not screw up or turn into crap? As you can read about your worrisome dating life, you are probably the last on my list now and always have been. Yet lying and keeping secrets is in your blood and genetics, taught by your wonderful parents on how to sneak around and lie, cheat or steal. Read it yourself and debate or chat online yourself, don't throw it at me either. You have to be the biggest idiot and the worst liar I have ever met. You F'd everything up, now look what you did. As flawed as you are, it is very hard to see you outside of your hell or flaws, totally flawed; you people are nuts and whacked. You are a lousy human being and pitiful also.

I love how they try to portray themselves as the Vietnam War and drafting us; turns out it is a terror plot and communism. Then they claim to be our college professors and life teachers; an enemy, pest, and a communist idiot. Then they claim to be business partners and even "Catholics." The problem is I am Presbyterian and Protestant. Then they double the grip on us and try to blame it on the police, false arrest or false police reports, and all kinds of landlord-tenant problems. Where does it stop with this enemy and traitor? All they are is a beggar. Yet they use America and American citizenship as a cult like phenomenon where we have to move, leave, or beaten up the moment we resist or go against them. Why? They claim we are blacks and they are our savior; a F'in ape and a human piece of shit, our savior. Worse is the mess they are; totally flawed and losers. Everybody will say it so we will also, it is a Jew. They were trying to be friends or make us friends but they are so narcissistic and a total mess. Now both of us are ruined; only one of us should be, why both?

Call whoever and earthquake or hurricane them. If a tornado is available, evict them and confiscate their homes or cars. They have a death grip on our life and are putting us in the place of blacks (replacing Asians with blacks and sending diplomats, radicals, extremists, communists, and terrorists). We are trying to break that death grip and if that means hurricane and earthquake consequences; then breaking every monkey finger on us is the only way. Regardless this game of legalism is being used while they flip everything or call us phony; turning the table each time we get a footing or escape their lock. This is what the public is watching and they should understand what this death grip is about and who is behind it, the communist and labor unions. They have penetrated the government and linked to the police and employees union. Break their death grip and if this means the death sentence; then it does. They still refuse to pay damages and are beyond a safety hazard; they are evil in human form. Yes they are basket cases but they wish to turn us into one or a puppet zombie. Try to explain it now or get away!

First it was some witchcraft or trickery which made us desire them or want to have sex with them. Then it was about how the job market dried up and is no longer what it used to be. Then it was about the police antagonizing the life of others or constantly trying to arrest Asians. Then it was about how we are blacks and mistreated because we are either in last place or have white girlfriends. Now it is this same problem with menacing people, keeping them hostage or prisoner, and controlling their environment in an attempt to sway their thoughts or emotional fortitude. Stop playing stupid and ridiculous games for a human piece of shit whom nobody likes, wants, or is constantly trying to kill. To suggest they hate or are racist is just plain animal kingdom ape shit. It is the same New York crowd with the stupid accent, the ridiculous poor ass or trash we all know about, and the hub of Democrats and liberals. All of them want to suggest we are blacks, they are heroes or the savior, and this is 1950s segregation period where we work and woke up as the watermelon man and are their personal adviser. This is how ridiculous it has gotten and how much of a felon this human trash is.

Your garden variety and eastern liberal trash being destroyed and dismantled piece by piece until they are ready to die or have a death sentence. Still no brakes on their crazy control or insanity of the mouth. Stupidity is in their blood and genetics; hardwired as an asshole and a monkey. They are down to 25% and still acting like they are in a material position to hate or are superior; totally ridiculous human trash. They also left clear fingerprints. Anybody who turns the law on me or erases my name and mission, will be running for the rest of their life. Also, whomever painted me a fugitive or poor; is now a felon and has a warrant for their arrest. No excuses necessary and fly the white flag when you are at 0% power; at 25% power now, fight it out? Put the brakes on? Control us or shut us up? Pay the damages? Beat us up at work? Whose the real felon and problem? Why wait so long to turn yourself in, a tragedy?

People are crazy and the law is designed to silence crazy people who do not wish to be held accountable or are constantly up to no good. Although they will claim one good intention after the next; we will see when we analyze their pattern of behavior and their crimes, what exactly they are up to or how delusional and psychopathic they are. Even if a police officer is chasing a bank robber or a felon; he has no right to kill anyone in the process, such as innocent bystanders or civilians. If they are part of the criminal gang or are used to facilitate the crime, then it is a whole other matter. This enemy and these people are beyond the threshold of guilt and the death penalty. This also applies to government employees and those in law enforcement positions; people are crazy and they do not want to be accountable, thus, they blame people and lie profusely.

F you and F your car. Don't ever lay a hand on mine or my property again. Oh you just want to "touch" us and piss us off? I suggest you learn how to surrender and put the brakes on before you eat more pie or get killed by a tornado and hurricane. Freedom comes with a price and with ultimate consequences, right? Oh beat us up and piss us off with a retard? Die you MF and F your car too! Keep it up and refuse to pay damages, you will be a dead SOB soon enough, you total loser.

Anybody who turns the law on me or erases my name and mission, will be running for the rest of their life. Also, whomever painted me a fugitive or poor; is now a felon and has a warrant for their arrest. No excuses necessary and fly the white flag when you are at 0% power; at 25% power now, fight it out? Put the brakes on? Control us or shut us up? Pay the damages? Beat us up at work? Whose the real felon and problem? Why wait so long to turn yourself in, a tragedy?

It is high time this pest and enemy learns we are not their prisoner, food, victim, or family. They are not the boss or some guiding light. They need to learn how to put on the brakes and wave the white flag before they are killed or get hurt. They need to stop crashing into us or claiming to be too wild or too "American" for this world. Furthermore, they need to stop getting government wages and salaries and put the brakes on immediately, no excuses for their ridiculous life. There is a zero tolerance sanction in order, a death sentence in place. We will know soon if they have brakes, fly the white flag, or otherwise.

They should have been fired a long time ago. However, this union violence, mind control, conformity, failure, illegal touching, illegal contact, stalking, racketeering, extortion, trying to beat people up at work, menacing, harassment, solicitation, etc... it is an endless list of violations and just a failure to blame themselves or take any action on what the real problem is. Yet it is their home. We are living their life. Our plans and our mission is theirs. They kidnap or try to hold us as a political prisoner, even in our own home. They claim it is their home and we are living in their world; where laws and rules do not apply to them. They claim we are violent and this is why; always a threat to them. Damages in the billions and in our 23rd year of this; why weren't they fired or this shut down a long time ago?

Both Limbaugh and Hannity along with Palin, Malkin, Ingraham, Obama, and the rest of them refused to break the grip they had and disclose crucial evidence or facts needed to end this standoff or resolve this insurgency. Therefore, it is also high crimes and misdemeanors, a criminal conspiracy at the highest levels; it is not democracy, the right to assemble, the right to free speech, or freedom; it is the repeated and ongoing violation of the core values and refusal to disclose any of it in order to propagate an insurgency and clandestine terror plot, war, felony charges, and billions in damages. They cling on for dear life and are losing all their power; now they have to fight their way out or show up for work and get beat up; they are facing a war, the last war on earth, and the magnitude they had never even imagined. Even worse, they are blaming the wrong people such as us, the Republicans, and the police or authority. They claim they are us or we are the same.

It is Vietnam and the 1960s all over again. They are saying they caught us or we did this to them. The people behind this are the labor unions and communists. All they are doing is fighting a secret war and left fingerprints everywhere to indicate we will either get beat up or ruined if we go to work or show up for work. Police officers and military people are going through the same political crisis. It is linked to the police and government employees union; a blame game where they use the marketplace and jobs-employees for control or some reprogramming. If you look into the record and the path of destruction they left; it is there but they do not want to pay damages. Furthermore, the legalism and lawyers is another obstacle we had to go through; all corrupt or blind to justice. It is the same labor union violence labor or the left wing faces by their leadership, also drug and criminal gangs; aka Democratic Party and Communist Party USA. That is the disease spreading here and they are done to 25%; fight it out?

They can always fight their way out of this since they only have 25% power left. Evaluate their options given we know what they are up to and who they are, also what they have done. I guess we live in a world now where trying to be the good guy gets you nowhere; so kill or be killed by this enemy. This gang banger problem in the military or ridiculous people who refuse to go away; pisses people off crazy when unchecked or without a proper crackdown. A lot of state and federal officers serve a few years; only to find out they are in a fox hole with the mafia or some drug gang member calling them "bro" or fist-bumping them. Retarded and ridiculous species. Get rid of them before it is too late.

Most if not all of them could never pass a clearance or be trusted even to work at McDonalds. It is insanity and chaos to expose them to the public or others. They will menace them or try to prey and control others; then claim it is discrimination. Worse they go into court and use the "starvation" excuse; they did it or robbed a bank because they were starving. That is unacceptable and not a valid legal defense. Who the hell would hire them if you have to do such an intensive background check or face the wrath of God himself? Even more ridiculous than their menacing or total mess of a life; is they do not even know why people mistreat them or want them dead; not a clue. They feel they are special and superior; our bosses and masters of mind control. Let's get this clear immediately and not waste anymore time or effort; a war is unavoidable now.

Mind control is only conformity and it does not work or works on us. Mind control by either side only leads to war; it is counter-productive. This little game and mind control (POW re-education kidnapping) works because they are a criminal gang and a cult. They either conform, starve, or die; doomed, damned, and animals who operate on primal fear and hunger. Torture works and the Pentagon knows that is the only effective way to civilize them. We need to torture them and make them feel the hell unleashed on their ridiculous life. What a total mess and what a total mess our life is now. Down to their last 25%, the only option they have is to fight their way out of it or be killed. That is the clash of civilizations. Blaming others or their phony ass political plots, really make them look communist and dead.

Who is rotten to the core and beats everybody up when they show up for work? Who wrote or tried to make our life appear as if we should not or cannot show up for work or else we will get beat up? Labor? Rush Limbaugh? Labor union violence? Blacks? Communism? That is what this is about, showing up for work, going to work daily, and war. Unfortunately, they lost their case and are being shut down. Now they want to slam cardboard boxer on my head and threaten to punch me in the nose; but the males are inadequate so they must use females to fight their wars. Actions do have consequences and no crime goes unpunished. That is what their attacks surround and what our case is about; yet they will loose all the confidence of the blacks, Jews, and left wing if they tell the truth or do not make up a story. This is the only accurate account to their clandestine plot, conspiracy, and master plan; they are trying to hold onto power now while being expelled or finished off. Limbaugh and Hannity are one of their Generals we caught; they are behind this workplace violence or attacks. Yet they play the blame game by using jobs to suggest it is us while they are in control.

They are nothing more than a ridiculous piece of human crap; organized they are nothing more than a ridiculous, problematic, criminal communist terrorist. First the Jews use their power and money to reach out to the Asians. Then the radical and communist pluralistic leftists in the Democratic Party move in for a robbery or kidnapping, extortion. That is their racketeering and terror plot; to create a Nazi or terror plot and begin a robbery and expansion. They grew four times in size before we had to fight them; now they are down to only 25%. Want to slam another cardboard box on my head and finish off the black organized mafia or their political Katrina victim hood? What did we say about touching us or making threats, no less stalking or calling us? Deaf, blind, and now guilty and waiting for the death sentence? They are not racist and we know they do this to their own people. If they do not loose control or their image is revealed; they are done and proven to be a mess or inferior. That is their blame game; to be the leaders of the blacks, Jews, and liberals. They use capitalism or business to play the blame game and owe dominant wages or damages now; also this political fiasco of nonviolence we know is a communist invasion. What a monkey we have in this trap or down to 25%.

Until this country gets it right or understands you cannot hire communist in order to fight Nazism or nationalism; we will be stuck in this game and this stick and carrot phony fraud. Hiring a communist to fix an image of Nazi America; is like flooding a river; you created a much larger problem by inventing a smaller problem, and so forth. That is the game here and what is going on with the blacks. Nothing the Civil Rights or the left wing does has actually helped or hurt the Asians; yet they call the Asian economies "minorities" and it keeps growing and growing; some years in double digits. Low crime and over two decades of economic growth; the connection of Obama or even Tiger Woods is almost a fabrication of a fantasy than fighting Nazism. This is how the communists are getting in and this is how the 911 terror plots operate; create terrorists and Nazism; you fix the same problem while making a bigger one stronger. At the core of this are the blacks, Jews, and Democrats; but as we uncovered and know about the Mexico Plot (Drug Wars) leaked by Nosenko; it is now on the Republican side. How much of the Republican Party has been taken over by the communists? Expel them and shut them down; and hurry up. You cannot create terrorism or crime; in order to combat it. That is the communist insurgency and invasion USA. An armed conflict is needed to expel this SOB pest and I think it has already begun, or soon will.

Coming to my work? Slamming a cardboard box on my head and then accusing me of both harassing and throwing a box at an ape? Telling me next time it is going to be your fist and then telling the supervisor a whole other story? Show up on Monday, please! Show up again or one more incident; please! These blacks are out of control, shut them down, evict them and let them know you do not touch any of us or even talk to us unless there is consent. Yet there has never been any consent for any of this. Show up and just try to continue this; see what it leads to. This monkey is not only ugly, they are out of control and need a coup immediately; no more wasted time.

God is mad at the Supreme Court and legislating from the bench? Maybe only one can make it and the wrath of God is being tested on the bench of the Supreme Court? Supreme Court mayhem or the wrath of God?

Whoever this communist spy and government employee is; understand that if you keep on and continue to put radical blacks and Puerto Ricans in our business model, in our units, in our private life, in our homes, or otherwise; we will see to it you face the utmost cruelty and face the Maddoff brother's destiny. This is no game and you are in serious violation for these felonies; currently 2 billion in damages. This is going to end when your life ends; we will see to this. I hope whomever did this dies much sooner than that ending. Stop bombarding the military or using the military to put this enemy and pest in our units, mission, and life.

You stupid left wing and phony MF need to stop pestering my family and friends, stop stalking us, stop acting like you want to pay us or do favors for us, stop your ridiculous and senseless nonsense that gets nowhere but here, and for God sakes understand we think you are a stupid, useless, rotten, gay, and ridiculous F'er who deserves to die and be bled to death. For God sakes stop calling people a minority, stop trying to be their leader, and just die or find a new home; even better a new planet. Riding by my home or work, trying to use my life as a staging point or some platform, and calling it hope or even a political and religious quest is mental. Just die or go away; it is not your life, your home, and your world. We more than hate your guts and we have that special gene that is very warming to getting rid of your ass. Trust me, we do not want or like you one bit; why try to be our leader and plan our life? Our business and life revolves around your total annihilation legally; but you face 2 billion due to your illegal retaliation and ridiculous nonsense or voting rights. Your days are done and so are your pedophile mentality; a completely whacked psycho loser looking for followers or someone to exploit; a political predator and felon. We have that special genetic code that wants to murder you and that special "perfection" mission which has nothing to do with your life or your politics; just go away and do your own thing before things turning into a world war, civil war, and a coup. For God sakes pay the damages you owe you sick, pathetic, gay ass loser. What the F is your malfunction and how do we kill your power? We love your kids and want to have kids with a monkey and some sorry ass loser in our life? What fantasy did this come from and whose idea was it? Are they dead yet? I also cannot tell if you are black or white; just a complete total pest. We do not need to know or experience your poverty, no less know why you are poor and stupid.

I see they are still making up our minds, persuading us, spying on us or studying our life and family, trying to squirm and get close to our career and financial interests, disrupting and blowing up our personal or love life, and basically kidnapping our entire future. If they continue to have this dialogue and continue to leave this an open thread, no damages or none of this even fixed; the earthquake and hurricane-tornado bad luck will surprise them and curse their miserable existence. We know and have their master plan. Trying to make us feel as inferior or as stupid as they do, is a complete joke and now a death sentence. The clock is ticking and the cost of this is getting worse; quantifying. Soon their home will be gone, their life savings will be gone and their leaders will be dead and gone. It is not about how hated or loved they feel; it is about what they do to reverse all of their measly nonsense actions. They are dying and when they leave this earth, do not leave it the way it is now. The Republicans and the right wing need to shut all of them down; even the ones who have infiltrated; close them down and shut them up for good. Stop making our plans or determining our future; they will die for this.

Oh no. They are not going to get a bus steering wheel or any sort of earthquake machinery, not even a hurricane steering wheel while I am on duty or alive. This idea they can pull rank. This individual rights or liberties; their voting block and dependency. This failure of a disastrous and catastrophic proportion, needs no lectures on Jesus, looking out for the little guy, or mental illness. We know they are a loose cannon and we can get them to admit and break down about how mentally ill they truly are when stacked against our cards. So do not think in this lifetime they will get anywhere with this or all of these tricks, lies, and deception. We are here to stop them in their tracks and we know their master plan; we have a more powerful plan and a more logical one; war on the satellite levels. If they need to study this, then there is no need studying, kidnapping, talking to us, or other complaints. They can read the book or take the course like everybody else who is alive and breathing. The blame game and the loose cannon is in full swing and they do not listen to our lectures or demands; F them and F theirs. No hurricane or earthquake technology from here on for them; a death sentence. The drug wars are merely a catalyst of their political master plan and ripening of the left wing; astronomical anti-government sensation and sentiments; even among our own forces and most trusted. What about that individual rights or protest again? Sneak into our ranks or life? Take no prisoners? No penning or recruitment plot for them; ever. No indoctrination or breaking us down, wear us out, and attrition; ever again. They now have hit the nail on the head; what will come of it?

Letter Sent to FBI HQ and Law Enforcement: Update on Drug Wars, June 30, 2012

It looks like my attempt to sue the left wing and the communist forces USA have run up against legal personnel. They simply will not take the case. Even if we threw money on them or for them; they just do not have the heart and mind for this or mission. I have contacted at least 20 firms and while they nit-pick about other minor things; they refuse to clean up the political system or the level of crime and corruption. Are all of them weak on crime or have I just lost my mind?

Furthermore, there are statues of limitations. There are time-lines that must be followed. It seems like one stumbling block after the next; an underground of this sea of enemies. They are also going after companies; sticking up for the little guys and the poor. Who do we know does this?

As you can see, this is almost 1965 Vietnam all over again. People are arriving and have been drafted. I or people are on the ground and they have to educate or teach counter-intelligence. It is not a wild stretch of the imagination because that is the same thing my family did in the 1960s and how we ran Vietnam.

I am seeking damages but the legal obstacles or cast of characters; are simply not motivated. They appear lazy, stubborn, and play the blame game also. Furthermore, they appear to be "biased" or "one of them." This problem with the left wing and communist forces USA, has to go; their home or property or not. This is a deadly enemy and one crazy-delusional political mess.

As far as the attacks, they continue. It is occurring at the work place. I feel like a police officer; come to work and be attacked daily or listen to this crap. My mission is clear; to produce my satellites and begin the police and military education into the last war or my beloved satellite warfare I invented. I need that 2 billion in damages to ensure that mission is completed.

I did not sit there and let them do this so I could walk away. I let them in or did this in order to seek damages and say enough is enough. They are guilty and owe; but they are such an inferior breed of people, they are biased, distraught, stubborn, and still trying to smash our lines with the blame game or "nobody likes you."

Whatever the case, I need to get that damages and the law suit in full swing. I am taking steps for the publication of these books and my most recent, the drug wars. That should be it for this political pest and crime-corruption in America. Yes, nobody likes them and they are a POW, not us. Furthermore, there are standards all human beings have to abide by; even in America where they have voting rights.

I need lawyers or a legal army that is not "one of them." We have a major infiltration and this is 1965 Vietnam all over again. In their dreams they wish they were on top of this or the leaders of the free world. What they are is the enemies of mankind and America has given them the paychecks and the property to become anybody they want; but they just cannot change or erase who they are; animals who wish to put us in this blame game or primal fear.

Look at what the electoral system and freedom has created. Abuse of authority. Abuse of power. Misuse of the laws and so much more; they even know they have a "death sentence" and are going to die over this. That is how guilty they are but look at the mess and where we are at now. Nothing. No action, only reverse or park mode with the emergency brake on.

The US government is guilty of this; but the question is did they resolve it by evicting or terminating those behind it? As a military personal, we cannot have this type of atmosphere to operate under or in; it will kill us and our mission. They are trying to squirm and defeat this case; every single trick in the book or known to espionage is being deployed. We should deploy every weapon and method we have; to no end. We will see how they take to all out mayhem.


Move the US Academy to a safe place. Move the Air Force Academy to a safe place. Shut them all down and move them to a central location where we have control or some say over the leadership and future. Do not let any (not 1 of them) in. Stop and shut down this infiltration or insurgency. Do not play rank or games with us or this. Knock off the pulling rank and boss game. Knock off the legalism crap and the we are equal and have the same rights or voting power. We do not like communism or inferior people. Yes look out for the little guy.

So now they are attacking me at work physically and threatening to punch my lights out? Also, what did I say about touching us or laying a monkey finger? Teach them how to make animal noises? It is time to break out the hurricane steering machine or call the US Navy to earthquake this SOB inferior piece of human waste. They are also ready for jail, getting fired, skipped medication, still think they are in control, and asking for increased conflict and war. Give this to them and deliver it to their front door, then call the media and tell the public what kind of a MF they are and why they are going to die expediently. Yes you did vote for them and yes even while under attack; the call can be made to level the hill or the high ground you are on if you let them advance or take over.

Maybe it is time for the hurricane steering machine and Katrina. Obviously, you are in last place for a reason. You are poor and at your wits end for a reason. You are a felon and repeat offender for a reason. You are forcing military forces or police forces to attack you for a reason. That reason is they are rotten to the core and not welcomed; being evicted. Starting fights, terror plots, kidnapping, murder plots, and a crime spree is just how they communicate this. Look at their educational grades and their crime rates. It says they are inferior and dumb; trash ready to be jailed or killed.

They do not want the public to know they are inferior and at their wits end. Limbaugh, Hannity, Malkin, Ingraham, etc... and all of these Republicans are one of them. Then you have large organized groups with financial interests or terminal debts, they are dead and gone but at their wits end. They invested in real estate and drugs; now they are being evicted and at their end leash. It is time to put the military and the police on attack; they are ordered to surrender and end this immediately for gross violations and then playing a blame game which we are in the middle of and demanding 2 billion in damages for. Stop talking to us or trying to control every aspect of our life; their village is being burnt down over this fiasco and conspiracy.

Imagine if we had a time machine and this was 1965, Vietnam. You were just drafted and sent in country. You meet the people on the ground and they are showing you for the first time the Viet Cong or the communist forces. We have been in the bush and we observed and studied them for decades; in depth. Furthermore, we know what they have, where they are, and what they are trying to achieve. This is what you are experiencing now. Also, my family ran Vietnam and the US embassy was where the Vietnam War was conducted. One hit there and all hell will break loose. One raid or attack and the entire leadership could crumble; hence, the attack on the embassy in 1968; The TET Offensive. Look up the video if you want to know what it was like and how it went down.

This is what you are reading and experiencing now; we have been in the bush and we are perfect in all sense of the word; zero errors and no doubts. We will show you and teach you for the first time in your life; but this is not Vietnam; it is your home and your future. Put yourself in my shoes and understand this is America; soon it will not be and you will not recognize it or know where the hell you truly are. I created the sound of this madness and I wrote the book on pain; for real. That book(s) is coming out soon; I am in the process of publishing it. Welcome to Vietnam or the Revolution; I hope you like it as much or more than I did. We have it under control and no worries; just keep your head down and do not let them into your base or camp; or family! They tried with us and failed; miserably and repeatedly. It gets worse from here. The only way out is to kill the enemy or the next one. They will not stop and they will break your lines or break you down; then finish you off; trust me on that. It's been tried many times over but failed badly and much more. VA is that embassy and hence, they attacked it.

Sunday, June 3, 2012


Oh I see. First it was radical lesbians on the attack and predators. Now it is a black female claiming I am either harassing her or trying to hit her with a cardboard box. Whatever the case, she decides to stop all work for an entire day, slam a cardboard box on my head, and threaten to punch my lights out. Is this some joke or is it "missed my medication" day again? Look, you get in an altercation or threaten to punch someone at work; you are gone and in major league trouble. What next a rampage? I am the problem right? Yes the blame game at the workplace again; already 2 billion in blame. Could it be slave mentality? The blind leading the blind? Stupid is as stupid is? No education? What exactly is the problem with them? Nobody likes them? Nobody needs them? They have low esteem? They are predators and opportunists? They cannot do anything right and are dictators? They are too team player? They are going nowhere in life? They will never find a job again? A total mess? A pest and an utter enemy, within? Infiltration and robbery? What is it?

They do not know what they are doing wrong and why "we" deserve this kind of abuse or treatment. They do not know how blind or stupid their politics has become or where it is going; yet they want to know why they are not pampered, why we do not care, how they can force or impose this, and why war is a product of their existence. Nice people and deserving ones aren't they? All they have is "this is our home, leave." They squander and F up everything; everything and it leaves others homicidal.

All of that human trash and anti-government sentiment has to be disposed and destroyed of properly; otherwise, we face or risk self-extinction. This animal kingdom and the primal fear they wish to impose on our life is a felony and crime; a death sentence. If that human trash and junk is not disposed of properly; it will attack and it will become violent because their self preservation is always threatened. Therefore, take no prisoners and understand they have a personality disorder and does not have a damn clue about human relationships or interaction. That is just the world we live in; kill or be killed now. Drugs and crime has produced major degrees of anti-govt feelings on both sides and it will get violent and we will be victims of crime. Therefore, be ready and when the time comes, be ready to fight for your life and your country! I have been there and done that and it is no fun, trust me.

They claim they believe in individual rights and the ability to pull everybody down or drag them into this suicide plot. It is pretty damn clear that none of them have any clue about human interaction or relationships; yet they feel they are the boss or some parent-leader. Furthermore, they look outwards in the most outrageous and blind manner to suggest others are the problem but never their homeless or narcissistic demanding manners. Did I mention the legalism fit for a dictator and tyrant? Now they feel mistreated and violence is unjust? They feel they are the authority and have the right of war? Enter hurricane, earthquakes, and prophecy; whom they blame on the US Navy or a hurricane steering commission. Take that step and leap of faith, follow us on thin ice, and they will never come back or fix their future. Now every single military is on alert and attack mode; let's get this done with and stop delaying or playing these stupid silly games. They know exactly how violent this is or what they deserve; so do not try to play it off as a victim or some sacred cow. None of them have a clue on how to interact or live with others; look at how hated they are and the multiplier of this hatred. Stupidity and crime has it's limits.

We lost everything in life as a result of this kindnapping and terror plot. We will make sure they loose everything in life and are annihilated. Don't sit there and blame or point fingers when the problem is this anti-government sentiment we are caught in the middle of. Make sure they are evicted, loose everything in life, and never-ever thinks about doing this to anyone again. This is their political death and they know it; they are not the boss, the leaders, or even welcomed; not the slightest bit. That is how they want it and how this will end. We lost everything in life and they do not want to now? Yeah right. Trying to make it look like we are hated, poor, measly peasants, or some problem? Put all of this on the people we caught and know are behind it; they are out to save their own ass.

We know all about your anti-government sentiment, blaming others, using power to boost your dependency on the welfare system; and much more. We also know about your drug wars and how sick or wasteful security has become. One side grows healthier and stronger while the other grows sicker and tries to pull us down with them or into this terror plot; suicide plot or suicide politics. Even worse are the fatties with the severe narcissism and personality disorders; we care and most of all we care if they live; yeah okay. Oh we are the threat and we are the ones who are not in power, not in control, not the police, and have the anti-government threat? Who is dodging tornadoes or loosing everything they own and worked in an aimless way to steal? That MF, I would burn their village and house down; and if any of them survived; call the Air Force to finish them off. Now they want to play blame and politics with us; we are being evicted and fired because it is their home. It is not the case when it is our home they enter or seize. Not they think they are some kind of teacher, parent, or boss of satellite warfare, military futures, and even political survival; the level of corruption is fixed by the death penalty.

Yes and they enjoy using our capitalistic system and property rights to play the blame game when all they are is homeless, beaten down, retarded, and getting nowhere in life. Furthermore, dodging hurricane, earthquake, tsunami, and tornado karma is probably the result of trying to talk to us, play or tinker with our gear, or just looking at us. Do not even lay a hand on our gear or touch anything. Do not even talk to us or try to explain how you feel or what you want. Do not, for any reason, call us names, call lewd or racial slurs, or instigate a fight when we are singled out and outnumbered. For all reasons, never arrest or falsely accuse us in this blame game; using property rights or authority. That is why the death penalty has to be imposed and a coup is needed to throw their lazy ass out and shut down their political operation. Otherwise, civil war and a this political enemy will seize power or run a muck in our life. Yes use money to play the bale me out game. Use power to blame the game or reality. Use authority to usurp the legal system and play the blame game. Use companies or private industry to suggest they are humans and play with the blame game or toy with us. Touch our gear or even cause an expense; the entire village will and should be burnt down; we will watch you burn. As far as I am concerned, they are a dead SOB and their future has ended here. It is just a matter of how to kick them out and how far they wish (asshole whore) to take this or us; coup them with extreme prejudice. Like Africa, they claim it is their home while it burns.

Yes the radical lesbian stalking us is very effective. Yes outnumbering us and instigating fights robbed us. Yes the school of scoundrels and liberal shit talkers did us in and beat us down. Oh wait, now it is games in cars or each time we go into public. The fists will fly and so will them dodging tornadoes, hurricanes, and earthquakes. If it comes down to a fight; they will loose each and every time; but they still keep trying or abusing us; even at the workplace. Again, trying 1000 times or 100,000 does not mean we cannot beat their ass to a pulp and rob them.

If dodging tornadoes, hurricanes, and earthquakes were not a big major problem. They still think following people around in public or their pressure tactics and abuse has any power over their animal kingdom. Yes this is about "white Latinos" and blacks. Sure. Everybody wants to beat this political pest into the ground or slam them as they get what they deserve in life. Next time the road rage and pull over incident with them sticking their face in your car window; the mace and danger will prevail. There is a time to fight back and to win.

STOP the road rage or car games. stop following me around and honking at me or pressuring me using these "persuasive" tactics and pressure tactics. Already i have been in over 20 fist fights with them; constant personality disorders and pressure tactics. as if an inbred and butt boy has any power over others. Solution? next time they pull over and want to exchange words or have a shouting match about how fast or slow you drive; spray them with capsicum and beat their ass silly. problem teenager and punkass NY attitude fixed. personality disorder and menace to society annihilated. that should teach them to follow me or pick a fight while cruising or trying to instigate a fight. oh yeah the pressure tactics work. whose eyes are swollen for a week and they cannot see? lucky i did not break their nose or teach them a real lesson about danger and survival mode. Teens today in cars and road rage; what to do when they tell you to get out of the car or pick a fight. is it illegal to rob their ass or take their car? that is a warning to them and a line drawn in the sand; knock off the police trap or the speed trap with the car games; then write tickets for nit-picking or the most minor thing. For the first time in their life, they have single out one of us; usually one of them are singled out or in the line of fire. stop hiring my family and using that relation to divide us or break us up. yes we know what you are up to and have counter-measures deployed and fully enforced. the people behind this cannot get away or do not have any chance of winning it. The real fight is coming and the real scary stuff.

These people do not know that the more they open their mouth, the more they attack us, the more they act rougher or try to bully us up, the more insignificant acts of rampage or primal fear they try to impose on our life; the more medals are pinned on our chest. They are so disconnected from reality; they have no clue what they are doing and what that end result is. Each time they create a new incident, more alerts are posted and more calls are made to place the paramilitaries of the world on attack mode. Yet they add more and more to this and double, triple the risk and effort.

We know they are animals and we know in their kingdom they live in a state of primal fear. It is passed down from their parents and the inbred like style they instill this primal fear we only see in nature. In the wild animal kingdom, those being eaten by larger animals are what they are trying to brainwash or train us for. It is not working well, especially for the blacks and the inbred. Those medals are being pinned and the awards stack up each time they take a step or open their mouth. We exploit their effort and we compound their difficulty. We know they have a personality disorder and a chip on their shoulder; but do not ever ask for safety or protection from the laws when their record is this deep. They are animals who live in primal fear and instill it by attacking or eating others; but it gets nowhere and is nonsense. They are ready to die or jail.

Furthermore, what is also pissing me off are all of the white collar and office jobs, at tax payer expense of course. Some of these jobs serve absolutely nothing and no purpose except a dictator or retards. Throw them out and shut their political machine down, for good. This madman and madwoman is going around spreading lies, falsehoods, and acting like we are food or full of primal fear. We are not, they are.

The military has been put on alert and attack mode. Maybe this pest and enemy is not aware of their own plight. Maybe this pest and enemy is too blind, deaf, and stupid to realize what just happened and why damages are being demanded for their secret war and effort to destroy us. Maybe their legalism is just so chaotic right now; death is the only way to resolve their troubled life. Maybe they know the military is on attack mode and has been put on full alert; they triggered every single alarm and security out there. They can blame it on a woman or face the reality of trying to destroy and kidnap the man behind it all. The truth is they still owe damages, delaying or taking their time puts more risk and more military forces on attack mode, and the ending will be far worse. This is something they cannot escape or just make go away; unless they know what war they are fighting and what side. So yes, they owe damages. Yes every single military force is on attack mode now. Soon it will be time to invade their land, kill their leaders, and replace it with a more cooperative political future.

Where is the war? Who is in charge? Who are they following and screwing up? Kidnapped now or before? They can be evicted and ruined but in a much worse way and a much more honorable method. We know about their anti-government sentiment, their protest, their co-occupation, and how screwed up the government is or has been; hence, war is needed. Take the people behind this out or else it will only end badly for all of them; there are standards, truths, and criterion we abide and follow. They are in violent violation and have been warned repeatedly. If they cannot pass or meet the requirements; then they are dead. Don't waste my time or breath with more foolish acts or existence.

All this is about is who has the bigger stick and who gets whacked by it the most. Regardless, we have to sit here and take the abuse until this human species whom is deaf, blind, and stupid figures it out or cleans up their mess. By then it is too late and they will be killed or evicted by nature or the act of reversing nature; self determination and manipulation. Yes they are biased and mean; but so are we and if they enjoy getting whacked by the biggest stick out there or the meanest of the mean; then there is a record of why or how. It is up to them how many times and how hard they want to be whacked, evicted, and repeat the offense. I am sure they can take it and are used to this; trained or have come to accept it. So long as they accept it and how unprofessional their existence is; we will have a communist and a pest in our life; at our throats 24-7. They are not going to like the solutions we have and need to stop stalking, talking to us, or even claiming to be something they are not. Where is the war? Who is in charge? Who are they following and screwing up? Kidnapped now or before? They can be evicted and ruined but in a much worse way and a much more honorable method.

We know all about your anti-government feelings and how you use the drug wars to fuel your political ambitions waging war against government forces. Hence, the drug wars and communist movement. Yes it is all about legalism and the poor isn't it? This problem with mental illness is also significant in the addiction of lethal or hardcore drugs... thanks for converting my honor roll and varsity athlete life into one fit for a crack hoe. Yes we are with you all the way and we are all sharing life together.

Not only is it misuse of authority, misuse of power, usurping hte Constitution, illegal and will start a deadly war which millions or billions will die; we have to hunt them down, jump through hoops, and accept this workplace hostility or 24 attack. They feel they have the right of way. Ask them what war and side are they on and they will lie. Ask those we caught (Limbaugh, Hannity, and others) what makes them Republican or even conservative; they will say money and taxes. Well, that is what everybody claims. What makes them a Republican now? Land? Money? Against us? Hiding? Lying? Terrorism? Our bosses? How about this war we have right now and this submission hold they are in. Raid? POW? Bust? Who is delusional and crazy again? Who is in power or is running this war? Excuse me but it is time to take them out and with impunity. Ask them about war and they will lie, cheat, and steal; communists. Yes they hate violence and our enemies are violent psychopaths. We hate ourselves and it is about us and our flaws; our failure and weakness, not theirs. Yes sue every manufacture or product we use or are associated with (Agent Orange, Tylenol, right wing 911, police, etc... ) Yes touch or tamper with our gear, our equipment, and our personal or private life; do that and see where it will lead or end.

The living record and facts indicate they will do anything possible to get away or hide these crimes except tell the truth. Furthermore, they abuse or misuse authority by usurping democracy or the kindness of others. They are to be taken out and eliminated based on the facts and the judgment imposed; but who carries this out and who is going to clean this mess up? Fire them and the little F'ers who keep this disaster rolling like a snow ball or quiet as a conspiracy. This is not authority nor is it Democracy; far from it. Now it is the death penalty and 40 billion in judgment; but who pays the damages? The public and tax payers or the people behind this bust? We have very little time before the two military sides begin their secret war and operations. Somebody has to turn around and fix this immediately; with perfection and standards. Look at the safety record and liabilities of this retarded human species; being poor and stupid is not a proper legal defense or even an excuse. They are to be stripped of power at any cost and immediately; otherwise, severe and long term punishments need delivery and with impunity. Also, stop talking to us or touching us. Yes try to cover it up or lie more; do anything except tell the truth. Look how malicious and dangerous the blind, stupid, retarded, handicapped, and idiots in our world have gotten; and they will do anything except tell the truth or end this legal battle.

Blind, dumb, stupid, malicious, erroneous, busted, and now liable; they will do anything to avoid getting caught or found guilty. This includes impersonating the police or misuse of police powers or authority. Furthermore, they repeatedly take stabs, prod us, and run test after test to no avail or result. The pressure, intimidation, brainwashing, bullying, circling, stalking, and kidnapping did not work and was a total failure; but they do not let up and double down. If they are being sued for 40 billion, why run more tests or try to correct their records? It is time to come forward and clear the record, not do anything to avoid telling what actually happened and why. So they will do anything to get away or cover this up; except tell the truth or end this dangerous game. Now they claim we are only playing around and so were they. It is time to reach the ending and judgment; end this kidnapping or stalking POW game. It is time to ask for the death penalty and an total surrender to this war and deadly game with real enemies and terrorists. If they only want to kidnap us and call us baby killers; then it is time to impose the death penalty and quickly. Case closed. If they have a real case and do not have a death wish; they must go public and quickly! End this fiasco and charade before it is too late and something is delivered they did not expect!

The earthquake and hurricane multiplier effect is adding on and the office of hurricane and earthquakes has to determine if murdering them for trying to beat us to death, stealing satellite warfare, kidnapping, etc... even trying to obtain hurricane and earthquake capability or accuse us of having it; warrants a real war? We want to hear and know if murder is warranted under special circumstances or not. If so, then we have a real shooting war about to erupt and we are still caught in it or in the line of fire. Who did this? That sorry ass SOB and little F'er did this, again? Maybe it is long overdue but maybe serious punishments need to be delivered immediately and certain people taken out; without any further thoughts. Stop saying we are too upset, should stay home and not go out, always are bullied, are psycho, violent, and are baby-killers; we are not liberals and we are not left wing Democrats or ever were. This war is between left and right forces; one calls the other baby-killers. One hates Vietnamese or the Vietnam War; because they are communist spies and sympathizers usurping the power of Democracy. It is time the death penalty is imposed and is used properly and without questions.

If there is a war over this; it is not our fault or responsibility. The Office of Hurricane and Earthquakes has asked me to inform the corruption and localized mafia like political people that they are not responsible for any drug debts, stash, or paranoia among their ranks because of bad hurricane and earthquake luck. If they owe money to their bosses or get killed because of blood money or debts; that is their fault, not ours. Also those behind all of this corruption, lies, and these attacks are ultimately responsible for their own life. We cannot sit here and entertain the effort or the effort to cover it up. The criminal problems or corruption is squarely on them; not us. Their paranoia is their own fault; so is any loss of life, property, or any other tangible material. If a war, gang war, or even shooting war erupts; we cannot be entertained by this fiasco.

They are so busted, how obvious is it? How many people have been implicated and must be evicted or arrested? Trying to cover or make this go away is only adding more multipliers and piling up more work for those in this trap. Trying to pull us deeper into the 1960s movement, the Civil Rights Movement, the Kennedy Family, and traditional Zionist strongholds (Banks, Mafia, Hollywood, media, legalism or the justice system, law school, Ivy League or phony education, financial chaos, etc...); then blaming us or saying we are not doing enough is a total failure and scam. They are so busted it is a death sentence. Those who "doubled down" now have to double the written details if they will ever get out of this or save their political future. This case is before the office of hurricane and earthquakes and it is very clear they are toiling, sabotaging, meddling, obstructing, destroying, and taking over our gear, equipment, mission, political future, and private-business life. The question is very lucid, is it legal to kill or murder them given they are trying to match our power, might, and political mission? If they try to obtain equal power or hurricane and earthquake capability; is it out of the question to murder them or stop them from entry or even evict them? The public and inquiry minds want to know. They must know and they must report it. This is critical National Security information which must and has to be reported immediately; otherwise, it is a dereliction of duties.

Who the F let a dirty grimy retard sabotage and F with our equipment, gear, and life day and night? Who? That F'er needs to die immediately before the earthquakes and hurricane multiply. I will say it again and again; who the hell let a total retard into our life and into our mission? Then who let this utterly flawed piece of shit and pest alter, warp, tinker, meddle, intervene, and police our life? Who. Just about every facet of our life is or has been squandered by this F'in pest and retard while they curry more tax dollars and add more earthquakes, hurricanes, and wrath. Then they sit there and say how everybody hates them or everybody is angry; which then means they do the exact same hate or treatment to us. Why we hate their guts. We want them dead. Is it against the law to kill these terrorists, saboteurs, and communist pests who seek to brainwash and ruin our life? Yes or no? Do they want to be killed or a war? Yes or no? Is murder legal in this war or instance?

Not only do they refuse to pay the damages or fix this disaster; we do not want to work with them and we have asked the office of hurricane and earthquakes to review this case or their mission in ours. We ask for the death penalty and immediately; without more hesitation or debate. Who is going to pay the damages and the 2 billion no less 40 billion which is required to combat a complete pest and retard? Us? The US? Whom we caught? Does it take a shooting war or something like an office of hurricane and earthquakes to break their balls and to oppress them? Who is going to kill this ignorance and evil before more innocent people get hurt, who? Yes they are blind and deaf. Yes they are in last place. Yes they kidnapped us and made us enjoy last place. Yes they are a total pest and have to be killed. Yes we want them dead and gone; not share last place with them or complain, bitch, and share life. Why is this ongoing? Who do I blame if not Ann Coulter? Stop F'in with our life and my computers, gear, and satellites or mission. We do not want to work with them or buy their products; nor repeat what is obvious and self evident. Is it legal to murder them or begin a secret war?

They are to be deposed, disposed, exterminated, and taken out for:
1. Trying to match the office of hurricane and earthquakes.
2. Forgery.
3. High crimes and misdemeanors.
4. Tinkering or sabotaging our satellites and mission.
5. Hacking.
6. Trying to match, beat, or take us out. Ask the Pentagon what we should do if they use espionage to obtain hurricane and earthquake capability. Is murder legal or not for this reason?
7. Missing details and honesty; lack of details and clairvoyance.
8. We do not want to buy their products or work with them; ever again. If they enter this ring again; then it is at their own risk.

When the communist USA say "double down" they are referring to cloning. The Virginia Tech incident was a double down. The serial killer and cold cases were double down. Ann Coulter and her "clones" were double down because instead of one madwoman, we get two. Double down is nothing more than a mirror or a gateway to a double world or a parallel universe. Double down means they increase one production line while they decrease the other. Double dignifies one while it eradicates and erodes the other. Double down on two people means you step up the effort to target and destroy them; then you increase the production line or fuel money into the clone. Insofar as hurricane and earthquake capability; they are making a move towards acquiring hurricane and earthquake capability and the people who are behind this; including the lethargic police or rogues behind this fiasco and kidnapping; have made it so hard to nearly impossible to recover. This means my satellite warfare forces cannot possibly stop them or provide the support needed, which is nothing more than a written contingency plan and histogram. I suggest all of these flawed and recluse human beings who should be fired do much more for this war before we loose it. As I said they are trying to obtain hurricane and earthquake capabilities and my mission and military projects will and are already destined; there is written proof it has been ongoing for over 20 years and is ready now. But there is no clean up or truth; it is all total lies in our way and everywhere. Who did this? Why are they alive? Why is the enemies of planet earth afforded this capabilities while the rescue is fighting in their homes and each time they go into public? Who has to stay home or be damaged more by double down?

Furthermore, as parents they are producing some of the most troubled, warped, demented, and flawed kids. If you ask or speak to people under their care, work with them, or have to complain or beat into the ground a deaf, dead, and stupid blind political enemy; you will see they are abused, brainwashed, damaged, molested, etc... We not only have a serial killer, we have a serial rapist and a serial liar who is so psychopathic and evil; 40 billion does not begin to explain what they are up to. No damages have been paid but the multiplier effect is 1000 or more. This means that God or the office of hurricane and earthquakes; have imposed 1000 times the level of punishment needed in addition to the damages they must meet and not keep hidden or denial. But wait, there is another problem. Look at our forces. Our defense forces are total cowards, total liars, total phony, complete disasters, and the life of Ann Coulter. That and this was the cause of the tragedy behind Vietnam. When they say "Democracy" they actually mean fall down to the communist forces in front of them or next to them. That is legalism to this enemy and threat. That is the Justice System to this flawed, blind, and deaf ignoramus. Worse is how they treat people and what they still keep hidden and quiet. This is about us. It is about you. It is not about them. How did "them" become "us" and get so powerful or so much of a problem? Us? Military might? Technology? Banking? Real estate? Terror plots or 911? Jobs? Is the founding of America and the US this bad for our future? The evidence and all indicators suggest they must be destroyed and exterminated; however, every effort is made to avoid it while every effort is tried 24-7 to double down.

We do not have a problem with one madwoman on this end; we have a problem with two of them. Both are the problem and both of them are very secretive about it. Furthermore, it shows a Jewish or liberal plot in the media which the public needs to know and understand is real and is a threat. It is not about money, greed, power, or freedom any longer. Clearly, someone did all of this and more; then they got caught, were beaten up or injured, them they tried to apologize or take actions which multiplied the punishment 100 to 1000 fold. It was Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and a slew of so called "right wing" extremist who are not who they claim or want to admit. The Bush Family was behind "double down" or "Democracy." They used military might and murder to propagate this threat and open threat so that the Jews and the enemies of America were stronger and had an easy political victory; legal decadence and power over planet earth.

Using "right of way" or Democracy to suggest they can "surpass" or "usurp" the Constitution because they are weak on crime and criminalize our life or harass it 24 hours a day is not a proper legal defense for a total loser, complete moron, and someone who "does not know what to do" or "is ready to die." None of them has stepped forward with a proper written explanation for 911 or 40 billion in liability by the US government; none of them. Calling us a baby killer or suggesting we are violent when they attack our life 24 hours and got caught "circling the wagons" or holding us in some form of labor union or "cult group" captivity while bombarding us with verbiage or brainwashing, without any proper legal consent or clarity; is a death sentence. It is also an act of war and there is not enough time. Satellite warfare and my life mission is only here to support or stop them because they will try to acquire hurricane and earthquake capability; as well as infiltrate the military ranks and public service ranks in the local, state, and federal government. Now the government is liable for over 40 billion while they get two pensions and a six figure income off tax dollars. The death penalty is needed to eradicate this political coup and prosecute the people behind it and 911. They continue to speak as if they are God and the world revolves around them; it does it. What does the world revolve around if not our war and not theirs? Now the police and military are guilty and have to stand trial.

Look here is the deal. They are weak on crime and let a lot pass. They abuse power and are behind layer after layer of corruption and violations of crime. They use crime as an industry and a business. They squander the public good. They are always acting in a counter-productive way. They do not want to leave and have a death wish. It is a conspiracy and manipulating, extreme bias and lying, using public office as a racketeering or extortion plot, and falsely accusing or arresting people for no reason but to call them a baby killer, violent, a threat, an enemy, etc... slandering their name, benefiting or using terrorism to sway the public opinion, trying to start a nuclear war, and much more. You cannot use the legal system to distort the public trust or insurance claims. There is a threshold. If they play with the law or stick their head out again; it is clear they want a war and an Apache drone to open up or try and take it off. The world does not work this way nor does the justice system. The communist cannot say they have the "right of way" or legal jurisprudence to rule or over-power us. We will over-power them or do what we have to in order to exterminate them. You cannot keep debating, creating accidents, manipulating Democracy for communism, trying to use "right of way" or legalism to compel a surrender or ruin our life, etc... It has to go and be killed off. If they stick their heads out, the Republicans need to bite it off and bleed it. Lastly, it is always a three way or a love triangle. First it is about us. Then it is about them. No, this is about you and only you.

Let them spend all their time, money, and theory on what worries them. We are introducing satellite warfare regardless of what they did, tried to do, or have done. The Tylenol scare and other tamper resistant medications have undergone a similar life-cycle. If they have a tamper-proof life, they must show they have a long term life plan; which will also suggest they did not do a crazy stunt or woke up one day and became a superstar. Clearly, there is a history and clearly there is a lot of tampering. This effort by the communists and police labor union communist assassins; failed badly. Regardless of how tamper proof the situation is or how much challenge, opposition, and resistance forces clash; they must prove this degree of tamper resistance. It is similar to two twins; one is taken care of by one parent or the other but their lives are complete opposites. Who damaged or tampered with the goods? Any lawyer will say the same thing; it is Judgment Day and they are not the judge.

Do you want a Congressional Medal of Honor or Horror? Ann, imagine someone coming home late at night with alcohol or cigarettes on their breath or with photos of them with men; at dinners, at dances, on vacation, at the airport, etc... Now imagine if they said you did this or that; and you invited them or did it again and again. At some point the failure is you and at some point the guilt points all to you. You enjoy being single and you squander everything; even your warrior spirit and reputation. The orders are to fire all of them; very unprofessional and almost 911 terrorist guilt. Even in war, you F'ers are so unprofessional and a bunch of traitors; pussies, verbal bullies, and an idiot. Yes we will surrender, immediately.

If this is about money, greed, or power; than these secrets did not keep them alive; it killed them. Even if they did not say a word and took it to the grave, it will kill them eventually. They are not only guilty but the trash implicated other pests and problems. In other words, if UN-professional was a clear enough word for war or this legal case; then the multiplier is at least 1000 or more for their death sentence. If they love God and claim this dominion; then the doors are locking, the stage is closing, and the instructions are clear and precise. There is no excuse left and there is no crying any of what we get day and night; endlessly. If the US Navy has what the communist forces claim they have; they better start using it before they loose all respect and support; and on top of that they will create more enemies as time goes because they let the enemy acquire hurricane and earthquake capability. We are there to stop them and take evasive and swift actions. I am not convince or will be; I want immediate and perfection. That guilt right there; cannot be adjudicated; who opened up the gates of hell and then told us to leave? They now must fight the forces of the good against the bad.

You will be held accountable for this; all of you. We will know if devise intervention impedes the ending or if my satellite warfare forces; will be introduced and will be victorious. I am sure there is something waiting for them when and if they cross that threshold and cross that mile marker; there always is. So the test and the future is there in front of them and on their laps; only their people can blame their leaders or take them out; we have no power over fate or super natural powers; neither do they and so far; we won that one. I sentence them to death and the authority of define intersection or hurricane and earthquakes. If I am a deck of cards or an empty suit; we will get what we want; I cannot disclose any further. God hates them and he must show it and prove it; if he knows what the F is good for him and his future! It came down to delays and 2 billion dollars. They can try all day or say what they want; that is what I place my bets on; the deck of prophecies.

Ann, I am going to be clear and concise about this matter and I hope you and the people behind this feel the power and the warning deep inside their soul and their bones. If you have any survival skills and if you want what you have worked so hard to achieve or vindicate; you will assume the position, get on your knees, and crawl for your own life. It is time you grow up and do what you have to and the right thing. Also, if there is a device intervention or a God; then you better hope and pray that a tsunami, hurricane, or an earthquake; covers up what you cannot fix or force them to fix. We will know how many of them die because when and if it comes down to war; Generals think in numbers. 2 or even 1000 of them does not compare to millions or billions. All of you are out of cards; mine are opening up but I have a thief and a total pest who has a death wish in my life and mission.

This is the bottom line; how important are they and is there a God or a divine intervention? A hurricane and earthquake will make the US Navy heroes and all of this to be back to good. But you do not have long and I am taking aggressive actions to fire you and lock all doors. That is the final call; for good. You owe back wages and will be locked out. If they are going to take you out and finish you off; then your game is suicide also. Enjoy each other; I think you all get along well and enjoy spending so much time together. Crawl and if I see a Levine intervention; then I know they had nothing on you before they died or had a very tragic ending mouth shut and conspiracy failure. Crawl on your hands and knees and expect the worst. I may not know about money; but I know your money is no longer good; neither is theirs. I hope all of you have learned a lesson. I hope the Republicans have the wisdom to light them up and do as I advise before it is too late for them also.

For a female who claims to be Christian and whom loves Jesus Christ; they get along great and they accept it as total lies. When it comes down to loving Jesus Christ; they even have her beat and wrecking her own life. Worse, is how it will keep on going year after year; until hard swift action is taken or the big guns are brought out. Reborn over and over I need a good woman who can help my life and life mission; someone who can take me to orbit when I am facing a total disaster. If you are out there contact me immediately and do not waste anymore time; things are moving very fast.

They Are Running a Trial Run and Testing Us or Our Powers: That is a great legal defense. They do not know how to surrender. They did not get any warning. They know Judgment Day is here. This is about jobs and taxes. This is about us, not them. They are in control and are protesting peacefully. They will not be taken alive. They did nothing wrong. They do not know what to do. They are sorry. We are in the same boat and they are only trying to help. We are a minority. We need more freedom. Why don't we leave or go home. They are the police. They want us to leave. They demand we follow their orders. They want us shut up or disciplined. They are going nowhere. They are not quitting. They are not losing. They are not scared. They are with us all the way. This is our home too. Etc... How about die and go away? Bad things happen to bad people. They have infiltrated and infested the public sector and are being expelled out of the private one. Yet they pull this stunt on us also; hair trigger anger and disqualification; too difficult of standards and not in their Klan. They are not worried and we are nervous. We are and were so mean to them.

Dear Mitt Romney and Republican Defenses: Avoid and weed out the moles. Republicans, if you want to survive this and the attack on all of your fronts, do as I tell you. You are being taken over by the left wing and deadly communist moles. They will stop at nothing or nobody to achieve Judgment Day. They have detected another force out there stronger than they are and wish to study, learn, and kill it. Light them up and begin to purge those whom we caught. You also need to show Ann there are standards and punishment, fire her and all of them. Light them up so we can determine where they are hiding and attacking from. They will be finished off. Hurry up before they gather and grow stronger, light them up and let the military and whatever is out there finish them off and put the stake right through their measly little heart. If they wish to protest and make a fuss about this; it will make our job 100 times easier.

Ann has been fired and the clock is ticking on her; she will not make it and should have the plug pulled immediately. Don't even let her show her legs, tits, or do that female political gag we all have to put up with clandestinely. All of them have their tongues tied and are surrounded; now finish them off and quickly if you wish to survive their insurgent and infiltration. We will know soon how they are on Judgment Day and how much fight they can keep this going or kidnap us. If it is good enough for Ann Coulter; then it is good enough for them. Don't complain when bad things happen to very bad people. There is no doubt they want to fight. There is no doubt they want to die. There is no doubt they want to protest while violating every law written. There is no doubt who has the right of way or has to survive this. They just want to take their damn time and rob everything before Judgment Day or siege control of our lives. Now it has blown up and backfired on them; good reddens! Give them the fight of their life and one they will never forget; finish them off. The clock is ticking on everybody now; everybody.

Hey I despise government employees also. Dear Mitt Romney: fire Ann and tell her it is because she went on RedEye; yeah that is why. See what she says if anything. If she is struggling is much now, imagine if she was a secretary working with normal people or in a corporate setting; love those government employees who do such a great and perfect job. Can we fire them? How?

Texting and Looking Fabulous:

Ed Rendell and Van Jones are wrong. Republican do not vote for failure or are missing in action. They do not and cannot grasp "sustainability" or the economics of scale for "economic sustainable development." As we can clearly see, they squander resources, only think about leisure or elite parties, and love to give the impression they are busy or very had workers. The truth is they squander money and wish Judgment Day to arrive next longer. They sputter and look like feeble Christians or evil people. They talk but their feet do not carry them there. We can go on and on; but they squander resources and life itself. Bad things happen to bad people. The Democrats are ten times worse and expect a meal ticket. All of it is a gigantic pile of human waste and trash; burn it? Recycle it? Save it? Ignore it? What do we do?

Dear Mitt Romney: Do everything you can to fire Ann. She needs to understand the value of family and the importance of a balanced life. She cannot keep missing the boat or coming in late for work. She needs to, along with all these other females and labor union fools; it is a man's world and they are looking for a nut or come up against real power and true military victory. They need to find a place in it; but they do not know their place or show any restraint. If you read my notes, Ann wants to be slammed day after day. Her sexual behaviors is so out of whack and so unhealthy; it has tied her hands and fallopian tubes. Fire her and put an end to a very ugly chapter for everybody; at most she got what she deserved in the end and never really fit in or had what it takes in a man's world or the clarity of thought. Speaking of the clarity of thought, does your head hurt and are you scared of how reckless she and they are? Do you find yourself "ducking" or looking in 360 degrees now when they are around? She knows how to get her life back and she throws it aside; so throw her aside, it is good for America. Ask her to pay me also, I need this badly and I want to move on quickly. It is an evil nasty circle and she has let it go full circle; now she does not have a chair at the table any longer. What is great is neither do any of them! We will survive and move on; better without them and with them crawling or in major pain.

Dear Mitt Romney: My advice to you is to warn Ann Coulter of her pending termination and not to make the same mistake I fell for. If she bought a house in California or is trying to come between you and your wife; do as I do and slam her. Bad things do happen to bad people and when Judgment Day is around the corner and this close to peril; we expect higher standards and much more happiness in life; especially in our marriage and stewardship of what can kill and destroy our own forces. As I said, she squandered over five years of my life and nearly driven me mad; luckily, I am built like a tank and I shoot on the run. If she wishes to survive this, she will shut up, go away and wash her dirty laundry; each day will be a step into more pain and suffering. Each day squandered is a tad closer to death. I have not been paid either and my wish is to be and to move on and find a better woman who is not evil or has so much bad things happen to her. People get what they deserve in life and if she wants what she deserves; now is the moment, not tomorrow or Judgment Day. She can grow old and die in pain, a life of shame and angry sputtering. Hey, show some tits for the wife and kids! Let's move in together and write a book!

I am glad we were able to ascertain a perverted old lady slouch was behind all of these attacks or some fat perverted man trying to increase his lot in politics. It fits the suspect profile and the ridiculous online chase with forged female profiles or "the iron curtain." I am also glad we caught them and exposed them while they blow up like a blimp and are ready to explode.

This problem with the Florida mosquito and bugs appears to be man-made and an attack, probably from Castro and his guerrillas. They should have nuked this problem before it got so bad. Also, this effort to play mind games or verbal words to make me feel nervous and inadequate; will probably end up with a tornado or earthquake. It is not going to work and it never has worked. Therefore, the mosquito and bug problem appears to be the disgruntled worker whom is looking for a little cash, extorting the state, or is afraid of increased real estate while trying to coexist with rich people or some immigration port. As far as Columbia and Castro is concerned; the US would have invaded them had they not cracked down on a lot of this street war. Hey, they invented nuclear weapons for a reason and it is not to scare them. Therefore, I expect the Navy to tsunami or earthquake the Cubans, the Caribbean jackasses we always fight, and the entire population will probably execute their leaders for being so unprepared and reckless with power. To anger us and to toy around with the US on her own turf; to pester and make us nervous around the clock or in public; deserves a swift and decisive response.

Dear Ann: if you were pregnant, I am 100% positive you would kill your kid or take every chance to harm it while in your womb. I am not saying that because I am upset or mad; nothing get's through to you and people who are married and have kids are shocked by your failure. You would drink and smoke into the 9th semester because you only want to campaign or think about November. The kid is dead when and if the nation is in jeopardize. Admit this or not? Your personality is not what a man wants and your life is not want any woman ever wishes on another human being. There are ways to spray it with perfume.

My entire life I have watched as you brag, day after day Ann. At first it slipped under my radar; now it is vivid. Right now all you are doing is bragging about your pussy power. You have been fired repeatedly; even if I was a victim of a cruel witch hunt myself, I cannot justify your disguise or ignorance for the rights of others. Again, I myself have fired you repeatedly. Your record is in shams and you wish me to believe in you 100%; no chance now. Clearly, you are reckless, lazy, do not want to do the right thing, and are the madwoman which has taken your life down this road. If you want to pass Judgment Day; you will do as told and be quiet for once in your life. If your life depended on it; you need to be diligent and stop calling me or others with your madwoman politics or the bag lady with one trick after the other up her full breasts and crotch price tag. The way you are today is the worst you have been all of your life and soon the hip replacement and the botox will finish you off also. There is no reasoning behind all of it Ann, you made it up and a lot of stuff between you and I. In the end, it did not matter and any female out there with a clean record who has the power of a marriage or widowed story; will trump you in every single category even if she did not show legs, juicy bony, black men, drinking buddies, LA flights, etc... You do it to me also and it is well documented. You lost it all and it is time for reality to set in Ann. In ten years, all will be lost and reality will sink, deep inside every oracle of your body, jackass.

This is what insane looks like and it is so pervasive you do not even recognize it or know when it is in a terminal stage. From here on your life will be pain and suffering if what you say is true and fail to report it; bad things happen to bad people and you are no exception to the rule. Most people are sick of you and disgusted; me included. They will finish you off and do not even wish to discuss this further; you still have not paid me and put me on a road of tremendous hardships; this is my conclusions. Crawl and beg Ann. Document and be diligent instead of dinners and drinking for the past ten years. The clock is running down and Judgment Day approaches; do whatever you can to make things right and not what you have been; a backwards dinosaur living in another planet. It will get worse and ten times as bad from here on; you show a total lack of reality and are one ugly repugnant species now. Your hair, oppressed boobs, or juicy ass has nothing to do with your destiny now; either you are made of champions or go on the pile of trash we all know about. Taking chances only means you increase the risk and the penalties. The penalties are so high and stacked against you Ann; it is a crime to even talk. Everybody has told you repeatedly to shut up and listen to them; everybody. As for me, I have taken steps to close up. This is my goodbye. As I said, you are guilty and gutless; this is just your way of avoiding reality. There is nothing more to gain but you will keep floundering until you loose sight of life and your own existence; watch.

Ann, we are not meant to be and are a total mismatch. I did not go through life examining or studying the love life of others, nor nit-picking the smallest details; until I met you or face this disaster. I thought all people are built tough, strong, proud, and do their best. You are another creature and I do not like it. You are a cursed human being. You are an evil person who had bad things in life happen and who dishes it out; yet you want to improve your image or tell the world you want to win at all cost. Me, I am different and I do not see life through the same lens. You are an evil person. Bad things happen to bad people; hence, you are evil. Even in death, you show no care or have learned anything in life. You are very beaten up Ann; and you got beat up badly, daily. I feel sad on that level but better now that I understand who and what you are all about. Maybe you do have a story to tell and a lesson to teach other girls about life. If so it is still a secret.

If bad things happen to bad people; then I am in no search for a victim or another female in the same boat; whatever boat that may be. I see why you are reluctant to end this or why this goes on and on. I try to forget you and do anything possible to block you out or forget you. I would say 95% of the world is trying to forget you. In some world of your own, you have managed to manipulate people into going against that 95%. I also think bad things happen to you because you are so flawed, are now showing your body off in a slutty way even if you tried to file rape and sexual claims, and squandered your own marriage due to your ultra secret life. I think bad things happen to bad people and they find comfort in this secret life. I think your legal skills have much to be desired also. You have neglected and ignored a lot of life's duties. I demand them and you refuse or think you will deliver; you are a total liar there also. All you want to do is keep this going or for it to never end.

You are an evil person Ann and I expect bad things to happen to you or your life. This is what I am looking at. Somehow and with some people, the more they try; the worse it gets. They do not belong or have a problem deep inside them. They are too stubborn, incapable of getting along with others, have personality disorders, only wish to make people feel nervous or tense, and wish unhappiness or spread their curse while they die in the life of others; comparable to a drug addict, suicide maniac, or a jackass loser. The proof is in the pudding and for your age; the proof is damning. Bad things happen to bad or cruel people and you are no exception to the rule; yet you feel you won or can win this. Remember, even I have made every effort to forget you. Enjoy your money and lies; it is all you have left in this world. If you call the people you squandered your life for or with; then there is not much of them left with you. You are a very poor steward and have very bad grades; even for your age.

Your case and claim does not have merit and I wonder if your love for me or how your relationship with me has any merits or can pass the test ever. Although you have helped me the most; the story of your life is damning and I feel I got leftovers or seconds. There is no way you will or can win this Ann; none from the start. You are disconnected from reality and also a very broken person; a total failure but you have carved out a fantasy world and have invited me into it; I find it obnoxious and disgusting; I am beyond disgusted and fed up with your fantasies. You were not lying when you said it is all total lies; yet you are sneaky and full of tricks. Bad things happen to bad people; but they and you have twisted this in all directions and it has caused hardships for me; a lot of hardships. In life some win and some loose; you lost due to a combination of things but mostly it is because of who you are and what you cannot do for yourself and others. There is not much left for you to either squander or destroy; and that is your legacy in life.

Another problem while your life is falling apart is you only want to chat on the internet, avoid the solutions, and show off your legs or body by traveling around the US or attending as many dinners as possible. Worse, you do not need the money and you claim to have everything you want; now you lost everything you ever wanted or worked for but the truth about you is slowly emerging and it clearly indicates how it got so bad and why bad things keep happening to you. How you act, your attitude, and your giggly laugh at life itself; is evil and very destructive. The stuff about you is true; but it is that bag lady syndrome and the vast tricks you deploy.

Ann, the reality has not struck home with you. First off, if and when I become a CEO; your nickel and dime act will be a measly crab in the ocean. Dating black men, going out the night before, traveling with men, etc... no matter what excuse you come up with; even if they were going to murder you; it will be futile and a complete waste of time. No matter what I say or do; this does not strike home with you and you think you have some plan or even a safety net; you do not. Secondly, any married female now or widow; will have twice the power you have. By the time you begin to fix any of this or bitch and cry enough on TV; somebody might feel sorry and give your life a second whiff. Even if you began today or now; by the time half or two thirds is disposed properly or carefully corrected; you will have your first hip replacement. I don't even expect you to live that long as you show poor health physically and mentally; giggle-lady. Right now, any good and perfect female can trump you so long as they show a long record of marriage or widow status; you are worthless and beaten; admit your loss and finish your life in shame. Listen to whom is telling you this Ann; all they have to do is prove you are nuts and do not have any care; reckless and too greedy; a compulsive liar who will do anything to win. Yet you act like you are so well behaved and untouchable.

Because you think it is some joke, giggle moment, talk of the town, no big deal, a fixable moment, and you got great legs!!! Plus you won now and got a man!!! It has to be perfect and written; as a CEO you cannot even get a secretary position; what makes you think a whore or slut position is available for a 60 something broken hip reject who thinks everything is no big deal and a giggle moment? You have to document it all. You demand others document it. You have to prove therapy but go on some doctor show and think it is reality. Accept you are doomed. Accept your life has taken a turn for the worst and is never coming back. Accept you squandered everything and your enemies will find a way to finish you off in your old age. I guarantee you they will finish you off Ann; they have no choice and look even worse than you do. Yes this is what I feel in love with and I always dreamed of a slut or a whore on TV or politics. With 95% of people against you; everybody told you it was not a good idea; but you got guts and can make that tough decision; right? Yeah okay. You better start writing and I bet you may have one chapter; no proof of therapy either; just drinking buddies and a stupid body guard everybody thinks you had an affair with. Is there anything right or perfect about your life; anything?

Everybody thinks you are trash. The vote against you is almost 95% except Twitter and a few trashy chat rooms. Additionally, you think my 1% major vote or ruling trumps everything. The trashy photos. The trashy chat rooms. There is no escape. Therefore, the data is clear; your destiny is what it sounds like and it has nothing to do with them or us. Furthermore, you did not even bother to document or put down on paper what is needed for redemption or forgiveness; you want me to take you at face value and it is so insane; the ghetto you live in has run its course. Going on RedEye was not the stupidest of your ideas; but it is close Ann. Die in someone's ease's life; these reporters also have judged you and you badger them to write about you but you refuse to; even to your own husband and your last stupid stunt in life. Mommy and daddy would be proud of you. Now you created some lie about how you traveled and campaigned for me? Given I don't even want or like 90% of it; you expect that to be your reality or mission in life; total jackass and crazed woman story. What do people do with trash but burn it and discard it properly. You better have every single document and stop relying on your drinking buddies to write this; every single document; plus proof of your therapy for each incident. I promise you, when judgment day arrives; you are nothing more than a piece of trash.

You better have that therapy and proof when the time comes Ann; no excuses. Don't put the blame on anybody or others either. Why didn't you ask me "would you mind if I went on Red Eye?" Or if I am on RedEye, will you be on another woman? Now it is way too late and all of this has come down to that ending which you must pick up and eat; all the trash you created Ann. Again, you squandered everything we have and you wrecked so much; but you keep saying it is about November and how much you love Chris Christie; as if you went retarded jackass on me. Then you expect me to take you back each and every single time; even against the advice of millions of people. Stubborn? If you do not bring me proof of professional help; there is no love in my camp or life for your miserable existence. It is you who put yourself on this path in life; not me. I don't even want it. It is impossible to reason with you Ann; never has been.

You have a lot of work to the road of recovery Ann; plus you are a beaten up slut; with me that is. Who and what you are with other men is just another part of your bag lady existence and bag of tricks. Yes I signed up for this and asked for this delivery; avoidable? You will admit you are wrong on each and every stupid mistake; you will document and show therapy for each and every mistake; otherwise, take a F'in hike. You are a miserable human being and woman; always have and always will; just do not fit anywhere or can get your shit together; still. It comes down to a perfect woman or all the therapy you owe me and written apologies for each and every single incident Ann; zero tolerance. You run the risk of being sued for wages and work performed based on your cadre of lies and tricks. You are nothing but a piece of trash; yet you insist you only care about November; what the hell are you in a relationship for? Squander it? You will do as you are told; the clock is ticking. You have a lot of work ahead; stop going on RedEye or to dinner.

Yes cry for a week and go botox; like it never happened. Another thing wrong with this case and our relationship is your cockamamie life is speaking on behalf of someone or somebody. That somebody has managed to get a judgment on me and the facts clearly indicate the need for professional help and therapy. Maybe if you all are not such a mess and claim to be stewards of money, some wife, or even retail associates; this nation and the marketplace can recover from your bag lady tricks that always win and humiliates the army of the strong and the military forces. Regardless, it is always about rape and murder; or some crazed Duke stripper and 911 terror plot. This total therapy and mess is the result of bag lady tricks and flooding the courts, legal system, politics, market place, etc... with Civil Rights and this game of tricks that led here and now; a near fatal civil war. The truth Ann is you squander everything we have and worked for in life; from the start to now. That is the lie behind your now defunct life. You will cry for a week or act silent; in hiding; then we get the bag lady tricks over again. All of you think we are children and you are teachers or some force of life; F off. Go and get some professional help and stop polluting the public or market system.

Stewards of nonsense and sluts; all of you sit there before us being judged and acting like all you can do is whimper, cry, act like you were punished, cried for a week, got a brand new start, or that rejuvenating retard cry that last a week before you are back at it. It is disgusting Ann and so has where your life has taken me. From now on do not ask me for anything else or any forgiveness; clearly, you are not going to make it and never intended to; maybe that will teach you a very good and meaningful lesson. A breed of floundering jackasses who want others to be confident in your leadership but turn out to be some pathetic communist or this gigantic disappointment we smash, destroy, and have to punish endlessly. War and oppression was created for a reason and I cannot think of a better one. This is what they call totally disconnected from reality and a major disappointment. Thank you. Another problem with your whore or slut act is how you think marriage or having a boyfriend; erases your stupidity. You just do not know when and how to shut the hell up and go away; cannot pay your bills and you keep saying how you want me back or this is working. Hey I got an army of bag ladies already doing this; do I need more? Apparently so.

All you are is a pathetic whiny little F'er and a nuisance who has found a man you cannot possibly satisfy, please or ever live up to; and it is getting very annoying Ann. I have had every single excuse possible to cover your tracks. If it was not rape or murder, then it was how nothing is true, you did nothing wrong, or how much you want to be married and stay together. Yet when we do the truth test; your house of cards falls to pieces. Then you claim the nation is in trouble, you got book deals and work ahead, and how you only care about November. This is what we are looking at and worse, nobody even reports it. To even change this reality; you will commit suicide Ann; and have. Good job you F'in floundering jackass; your leadership and management is the worst I have ever seen; from a friend, lover, or even an ally.

Annie, you love pain and you love sex. That is your biggest problem. So long as I punish you, slam you into the ground, and then say I love you or give you attention; you will endure any pain, suffering, and injury. You need a major league therapist who understands and can deal with your genetic breed; do not impress this on me or repeat this over and over again; as a Christian and as a very blessed person; you need to wake up and open your eyes. I can sit here and do whatever I want or feel like to punish and trash you; but you are so pitiful and so "nice" that it has to be the most pathetic political act I have ever seen. Even after 23 years Ann, I had no idea who and what kind of person you are; then you claim to serve God or even Jesus Christ. The list of excuses stack up and it is clear you have no intention of meeting a deadline or any type of cut off. Furthermore, all I asked from you is to pay me and move on; but that was just too far of a question for you. You need to take personal accountability and stop saying what they are doing or how they are doing it; do I need to repeat myself over and over? This idea you are so in love and have a marriage to uphold is straight up Ann Coulter bullshit also. You know it and I know it; you are a pitiful woman who asks and demands punishment; worse you accept it like a rotten whore. This must be the industry standard and you have a lot to offer Ann; so much love. Nothing gets through to you, nothing.

"But Alex... it is all total lies." Ann, you are on RedEye and I am on another woman. Does this ring true and ring real with you? This is how stupid and retarded you are. This is the crap you have been shoving down my throat for years. This is a testament of how pitiful and sorry your life is and has become. Regardless, you run your mouth to me and try to debate or argue more and more during the worst of times and in the middle of war. You continue to act as if you are them, they are you, etc... seeking redemption or doing legal work which is to gain you respect or some medal. You are viewed as a total whore and some people have made up things about you which only you seem to be able to explain or muddy up. If it is not insanity then what is it? Even I see you as a bag lady as leader chasing men like Romney or myself; then acting like a bag of shit. What do you want and expect from people Ann? Here is a dose of reality and the truth; you are and will be treated like the trash you are or have become.

What don't you understand Ann? You are on Fox or RedEye; traveling around trying to slut it up in my name or for me; meanwhile, I am on another woman. Miscommunication? Avoidable? Tragedy? I think not Ann. I think your problem is you just do not fit in and never have; but you have amassed a huge wealth and many ways to win. This will continue and this will go on and on; into the 30th year anniversary. At age 50 and not having any parents on earth Ann; you are what you sow and what you sow is not wanted. If you were not such a piece of trash, maybe reality, honesty, and a little bit more care and diligence will arrive. Instead you slut it up and claim it is in my name or how much you love Jesus Christ; even going so far as to claim I am your God and sex master. That is just who and what you are Ann and I think it is high time you go see a therapist and get professional help before worse things happen to your life. You make me listen to this, cope with it, or even go along; year after year. Then you claim it is the liberals fault or this and that; it isn't and it has never been.

We make sure special people are well taken care of. This problem with the labor unions, police unions, teachers union, and the government employees union; the core of communism and fascism; is insane but we have battled them to 2 billion and 40 billion cumulative in damages. It is very simple, go and rot or die in someone else life who has similar thinking or is not a god damned slut ad traitor. I don't care if you cut a commercial or not. I don't care if it is fake or total lies; in the end it does not matter. Stop suggesting is this turning out well and you have a new plan to win or win but not be the good guys. As for you Ann, you fit to a Tee. I smack and slam your trash repeatedly; but you people are too stupid and blind to even realize it. You force feed and make me watch this, embrace it, etc... and then tell me how it is total lies or what they did; what who did and what you did are two different things. To think you will win or survive this is also a testament of how insane and stupid you all are. You rot and die in the life of healthy people and play this game with us as if you have some blank check and are loved. It is your way of life Ann; a reality which I cannot change or do not want. All of you should have been a bag lady in life; but you have thinking powers and secret lies.

Another problem Ann is I surround myself with redneck women. Most if not all of my redneck friends have Asian wives. They are looking at you like a plague wondering what the hell am I doing with a bag lady. It is embarrassing. You have been so out of control. You keep coming up with one way to win after the next. You are on RedEye and I am on another woman; yet you manage to go around that or win. Nothing stops you F'ers and they seem to hate and love you much more than they hate or love me. Worse is how out of place all of you truly are. You are in an redneck and Asian world; yet you all are wandering pests who should have been a bag lady or just left us alone a long time ago. I also did not sign up for this crap and you made me work for you as if I was a sex slave or some slave finger you have up inside of your oracle. Fox News and RedEye is not going to help or make all of this go away; idiot ass chump. How blind and annoying do you get or have gotten?

Again, you are a cruel and repugnant woman who never changes Ann. Say it Ann, he is really good at pounding trash into the ground and making them beg, cry, and go away. Also, since you cannot be the good guys; you have come up with a new ingenious way to be the not so good guys, right? All of you are on my last straw; you included. Your new plan is a total failure; either you are on the right or wrong side. Yet you keep using our relationship, your network power, and Fox News or this army of blind, deaf, and insane political chaos to win and win. Furthermore, you owe a CEO wages and it is very personal; very. You want the world to know how good I am with trash or how well I get rid of it; that is what they are watching with your life and your work. You cannot win; but you cannot loose either. All of it was on my college work and material; all you did was the research; and here we are now.

Ann you will be on RedEye and I will have sand at my feet, a drink in my hand, and on another woman. Admit you are a swinger. Also admit you enjoy showing off your body on that show and going out with them. Everything you do is geared towards getting you in trouble or creating a divorce; but you fight it tooth and nail as if you expected another world or another outcome. Even if I was on another woman; it truly shows what type of a woman you truly are and how bad your leadership is or has been.

For the people? This is more "for keeping them down, smashing them, and oppressing them." This is about you, all you; it is not about us. It is a lesson on how clever the communist are and how bad the problem is in America and the world. How to oppress them and how to catch them doing their evil? It is all about them, not us. This is how delusional and what kind of a shit talker this human being is. They lie so well, the police let's this go on and on; or tries to manage the problem.

I bet the 2 billion in damages and the long chaotic record is your way of inspiring us and now you are sorry and do not know what to do. That is why we describe you as a water boy who hides behind a suicidal madman and a filthy enemy. We need freedom. We are so upset with the world we live in and are so oppressed. I say to the Republicans, now is the time to light them all up and we will finish them off or will do the rest if they do their part. You are so inspirational and bring out the champion or the "other side" of us; the animal inside. What a jackass and a slave you truly are idiot; why can't you just shut up and go away? Inspirational! What a coach in life! We have so much fight in us now. We do not like being oppressed or held down by...

Do we look scared or sound scared to be taking this abuse day and night? Do we? Who is in their home and who is at work? Who is scared of whose power now? I kill babies with an orb from my home. I butchered or stuffed your momma in a cow's ass just to piss you off and ward you off. I love it and talking to you communists while you do anything to call me a baby killer or pretend to be the police. Yeah I love this and how you do not even have a clue what Judgment Day is while the public is reading about how blind, deaf, and stupid you truly are while ripping us off blind. You want to beat us up and discipline us? How about if we do that to you? You do not want to pay 2 billion and whimper all day long about how wrong and how sorry you are? The clock is ticking, go away or beat it. Who is the real baby killer and who is the 911 terrorist? Who? Let's do the truth test; will the truth set you free? Really? You want to torment and abuse Christians, Republicans, College students, legends, and who else? How about our private life; are you a baby killer or are we there? My kids or yours? Who is killing the babies right now? Judgment Day is not far away you know and I am still missing my own kids. That still does not save your momma or your boobie boy! I am really scared of communists and 911 terrorists; really. Discriminate or discipline me.

You people do not have a soul and are not even human. Here you are waging war on us and want to violate every single law; just to win. Then you claim we stuffed your momma in a buffalo or butchered the buffalo; when the complaining is not even human. This is just the kind of breed you are. Of course you need jobs, money, and want freedom. All the sudden complaining about how mean we are or how scared you got; is like a water buffalo's ass. Don't come back and do not try to wage war or violate our rights; idiot. Now what are you going to do when we go ballistic or cruel on you? Come back again. Your right to organize or right to free speech? You all would butcher your own mom and cannibalize your family to eat. It will go on and on. This lower species will never learn. They will get everybody killed. This bitch with a bad attitude; is nobody and not even human. Victim? Prosecutor? Pay them? Trying to be honest and this is a game? Peaceful protest? Sit at work and do this and I will sit at home also. Same? Yeah I own a Navy hurricane ship; alien jackass, just die. Come back again or open your mouth whoever you are! Then tell us why we are so mean or cruel. Do not come in my home and tell me I butchered your momma okay; or how I am a baby killer!

How about pay the damages or the 2 billion; not make this worse or go down that road we cannot return from? How about stop? F you. I do not even know who you are and already I do not like you at all. I would stuff your mom in a buffalo's ass and make you butcher her yourself; go away and stay out of our life or the way; do not come to my home, stalk me, call me, or call me a baby killer. I am not a killer or baby killer; I just do not like war and want this killed so I can pursue happiness and life. Yeah okay baby killer; what else? Hurricane man? Earthquake voodoo doctor? A dog's ass?

Furthermore, if you are a Republican or a conservative and think the truth is a "slippery slope" then you are either a communist or a 911 terrorist. Even if you were a federal judge and did not value the truth or see the truth as your enemy; you must be disconnected from reality or wasting everybody's time and money. So uncovering one lie, after the other, and another; until it is an avalanche of lie on lie or a communist plot and a 911 terrorist plot; is something the public and this world is getting very use to and not even shocked by. Again, if the truth will set us free, we are not free and there is a logical explanation for this. This is so complex and it is so confusing or so difficult; yeah okay.

Do you know what F'in Judgement Day is or is about? Do you idiot? Money? WTF, go away you are not the person and evil incarnation. This is a war criminal and a Nazi all in one; a communist fascist seeking control. They are all in one or the total package; God-Devil all in one human. F'in stupid ass Christians who do not even have a clue what Judgment Day is or why. All the want to do is fight or go to war; violate every right intended to avoid this and make us free. Now they claim we are communists, felons, convicts, and them? What kind of nigger are you people? 2 billion in damages and they do not even know why we hate them?

Fix your F'in work and take a F'in hike; enough. Stay and your physical being will be altered and changed by the truth and your own crimes. Oh they also think they are the police? Does piss on their life and pants have any clue? Fight? How many times does a human being have to be slammed on their head before they are so damaged; they can hear and see again? How many? 25 hours? A few years? 23 years? Judge us? Judge us? Excuse me? Did nothing wrong and Democracy is freedom? Excuse me? Put that god damn hurricane and earthquake on their ass and they will know what Judgment Day is all about; agreed? Giggle ;-) footsie fist bump! Go and piss on your pants and life; not ours you stupid god damn political enemy and the devil; we are not accountable if you do not want to do the right thing and your fear is your guilt. Go and slut in another country or another planet; not my living room or bedroom. How awful those capitalist are and how vicious those Americans can be; boo-hoo. Now let's see if they know how to vote or read; read this! How many times does an idiot has to be slammed before they can hear and see? How many times or lives do they have before they go away as a phony and a jackass on the right wing? We will find out soon. You can challenge and work for the laws or God himself; but never ever compare or criminalize us; never. Never violate our rights or invade our life; we will have a fight you will feel deep down in your soul and bones. We all get what we deserve and the truth will set you free. It has not set us free yet, why? Teach us how to be mean and war? Let me teach you now! By the way, kiss my ass; finally you are caught and silenced! We need this problem killed, not managed with war or military might.

Do you see a welcome sign that says "F with me all day" or "Beat me up or pick a fight?" Do you see a F'in god damn sign that says "I am a faggot for you to get your kicks off?" Do you MF? Does Ann look like she is having that much fun with you or your gift to our life? Does it you ridiculous communist who thinks we are weak and phony; but you are everything and the real deal? Do we? For a communist and a 911 terrorist who is now caught and living a complete life, a full circle; do you have any honor or truth in your dead rotten body? Deaf and blind still or just mean and psychopathic? Hack and help yourself to our life? Violate every single right we have to educate us about your life and communist existence? How dare you. Did we lay a finger on you? Imagine if I did... just imagine. Imagine what I can do if and when you truly want to fight? This is just to compel you and make you pay 2 billion; want to fight for real? You MF do you know who or what you did? Do you think you will win or can get away with this? Smear, slander, and criminalize our life; now what will you do? The truth will set us free and get my police and military satellites to the victory circle; and you? You want to test them or challenge them? Want an invite or welcome mat? No warnings? You had no idea? It can be avoided and resolved? You are parents and we have to take care of you, love you? Kiss my F'in ass and die! You communists are pathetic. Also, everybody knows my family was responsible for more deaths of communists than any other family on earth; so everybody knows who you truly are. You are sorry? You love us? You want to help? Scary! Scary people and world we live in. Very scary work I see. It is your house and this is your home? Put that god damn tsunami, earthquake, hurricane, etc... every Navy ghost ship on their ass tonight! Judgment Day?

Sorry Ann but you are one lazy ass MF. You should be writing the FBI every single day or logging one complaint after the next. Now you run the risk of being sued and paying for wages or compensation while you stay out all night and have the lowest grades of them all. You claim this or that; but it is not reality. It is not cut and dry and you just want to sit there and plead and plead and plead until I am so fed up of you and all the deaf, blind, and traitor people you surround yourself with in the name of greed and books. Then all of you drown out my work and my life while you go to dinner and stay out all night; as if you are in your 20s and will live forever or snap your finger when and if you want to fix your life. What the F have you gotten me in or forced down my throat? WTF have you done to our friendship and life; you moron? The stars tell you to complain or log real facts and complaints with the people who can take action and you sit there like a bump on a log thinking it will be alright or you can dine and drink it away. God damn am I pissed off and upset with your leadership and management skills. Then you date blacks and Jews; dine with them and feed out of their hands. You blame them and have this orb that is known for headaches while you claim to be Christian and worse, Protestant. By association you should be fired on the spot; but we heard you cry, whimper and act pathetic while all of this could be avoided. Now you face very low grades and a damned life; on the cutting block for replacement and higher standards. Did I mention your bodyguard or the men you claim are only business associates or how you took the time to campaign? Who the F asked you to or do you want to be appreciated; you idiot? Want to sell more junk or nonsense? Not a slut or just a fool? Worse than a black woman or just as bad? You tell me and you make all of this go away before you fulfill your suicide wish or manic madman obsessions. Enough is enough Ann. You take advantage of your own family and friends. You live a non-Christian and a swingers life.

You act like you enjoy being raped if you wish to know the truth and want my honest opinion. I think a lie detector test is needed weekly to be married to you or an HIV test; why? My fault? Whose fault Ann? Then you tell me how you hate your life; and? Want my underwear or a tomato? Then you act like you can manage crime and suicidal madmen whom you fist bump while telling your boyfriend or husband who raped you? Straight A student to you or a fool? You like them and make a lot of money with them? Power and fame? Loving life and your career? Oh you have proven you must love me and are with us all the way Ann. I need this problem killed; not coddled and smiling because they get to see your tits and legs. Do you know how difficult my life has gotten now? How unhappy and crazy it is because of you and them? Do you? Do you see them in jail or 2 billion in my bank account, do you? Jackass moron. You even think it is good enough or satisfactory for government work; love them unions Ann. How do you expect a perfectionist and a CEO to cope with this? I have given you a time line and a plan; I need this killed, not managed. Do you understand? If you want out, then pay the wages and compensation; bare minimum and move on. Otherwise, you will be involved in a private life or a marriage. Tell your buddies to GTFO and STFU or I will give them a real fight of their life! Do not throw this shit on me and then let them mouth off or take one bite after the next; now I am going to kill them for all this and make sure the death penalty is imposed fairly; no prisoners and forever. They can find a new country and a new world to die in. I am not going to sit here and babysit you daily Ann; take your god damn diaper off and be a god damn adult for once. You have your mission, your time line is synchronized, and the clock is ticking; stop F'in off and saying it is business or no fun. If you keep F'in off and waiting for the last moment or the chicken ledge to cream your crotch; good riddens! I no longer even consider you professional or take you serious; thank you for this gift Ann.

I need this problem with communists and terrorists; also mafia, traitors, and sexual offenders killed, not managed. We cannot have politicians and Republicans managing communism or taxing us and claim to be "tax payers" or "employers." We cannot have them on the right wing or in our life; no more or ever. This problem needs to be killed not managed; understand Ann? Your grades are so poor and so low; you are a penal colony and some joke-slut; which you have lured me into and brought to my attention. Do you enjoy your swinger life now? You face severe repercussions. Your grades are low and you run the risk of being sued and also purge to boost morale, grades, reputation, and much more. I need this enemy killed not managed. We need crime killed, not managed by communists or mafia terrorists. Now they are in high tech and using social media to spread viruses, hacking extortion, or reduce productivity. The US government and the Democrats are behind all of this trash or penal colony junk. Again, they exploit the trust of the healthy, successful, and Christian.

Some people are so stupid they cannot tell when a real bomb threat has been called by a radio host or Republican and when a radical terrorist does it. They feel it is all a 911 call and "toying" or tormenting us 24 hours a day. All in the same name of bombing Iran. Worse, none of them will ever pay any labor wages, fees, or a fair wage. Pay taxes and can steer investigations? Control the outcomes? It's their money? There are no free rides? I personally wish them dead and want them dead but the facts are clear who they are and who hired a suicidal madman to torment us 24 hours a day and create another warped world or some fantasy world. They insult the prosecutors and destabilize the matter or are recorded wantonly or making crude statements for their suicide. Drop that tsunami on their ass and call the Navy to rush the ghost hurricane ship or earthquake them immediately. Fight? Everything happens for a reason and people get what they deserve in life.

Ann, I suggest you stop moving in with men or living in their neighborhood, traveling with men around the US, going out with them "the night before", making wild or crazy statements, claiming to be a virgin, buying real estate near people like a stalker, and barking crazy shit to me about how much you love me or are such a good girl. Yes they do it but this does not this means you do it back. The last straw is the dating black men and the swinger life you either invented or live a total lie or want others to report. Yes it is suspicious and a challenge; but it is not what I signed up for. Heartbroken? Are you a nigger also? Who is behind more deaf, blind, and stupid politicians out there? Bit off too much? If you want me to believe all of this Ann; keep up the good work and wait until I become a CEO. I am well aware of what is going on and who is doing it all. You people are certified dumb-asses and worthless slaves with a gigantic pussy act. Can't hear or see now?

Ann, I think you either think you are black, Jewish, or a liberal. I think you relate it to money or success. I think you have done all of this in the same manner how it began in the first place. Imagine two lawyers; one doing this and one shoving it back in their face. I think you want to be like them or spend your life with swingers. You women are shameless or very greedy. But that is your life and no matter how this footsie dumbass games pan out; all of you are in the same boat now. When and if I am a CEO; you will be judged more severely than all of them. They cannot help me in life and I have nothing in common with or to them; I have my own entourage. You cannot help or have nothing bonding to them. It is back and forth but this can easily be prevented if all of you do the right thing instead of paying into this or abusing the justice and legal system. The bottom line is they have triggered a war and every single warning has been sent to them; yet they keep saying how it is a threat even if they refuse to disclose what happened or why. Even the Justice Department would let 911 terrorists rummage through our life or do this; it is documented. All of this is documented and there is a lot or missing parts to unlock the truth. When will they unlock it or do they only wish to keep us in the box and say it can be avoided? Your grades and scores are very low right now Ann; I expect B+ or A grades; I will look for a female and a women who can meet that challenge. You run the risk of being sued for wages also. You and all of your online chats can say what you want; that is the reality. The machine will eat you up and crush you jackass. All of you act as if you own the world and are welcomed or confident.

What does "do the right thing" and "refusing to disclose what truly occurred" mean? Heartbroken? Scared? Living in fear now? Can this be avoided in 1 day or 10 years? How about 20 years? We need the truth and avoidance! This can be avoided, easily.

40 billion and they pay taxes or are in control?

A judge and a district attorney has to answer this concisely and clearly. Who hired a suicidal madman and a terrorist to flood the airwaves with lies, corruption, and propaganda so we are kept in a box? Who kept falsely arresting and charging us based on trumped up lies or fabrications? Who in hell made this nation go down the tubes or where we are now; utterly sick and angry? Why then did they take every step possible to hide what they did or what actually happened? Who did this or hired a suicidal, shit talking 911 terrorist to torment us every single waking moment of our life and tell us to leave, go home, and how this was their home or they are the police? Who? Let's ask Ann Coulter who did this and what she did or did not do? I did nothing wrong? They did it Alex. There is no need for you to worry. I am working as hard and as fast as I can. Why are you so mad at me? Why is a suicidal madman and terrorist repeating everything we say or write; then flooding the market with their forgeries or more to drown us out? Who hired this madman? How long did they keep it secret or try to smash us? Do nothing or hands off?

They want to fight, give them a fight. They want to run their mouth and violate every single law intended to avoid this or this outcome; this is what or where it led to. How do they like us now? I want these hurricane, earthquake, tsunamis, and the Navy ghost ship today; not tomorrow or when they get up or put on mascara, today. They want it tomorrow or next week; it can be arranged also. Yes we love them and want them around forever. Stop wasting my time and making this impossible to recover from; if so, stop hiding. Do we look like a toy or someone who will sit there and let them meddle, kidnap, or put us in prison day after day for lies and utter corruption? Do we look like a pussy or a motor-mouth who goes on the air and cries or spew lies endlessly? Why are we wasting more time on this and paying more into it? If any of them remain, go after those who allowed it or opened that door; shut it on their F'in face again! Very scary people we have on our hands right now and very powerful!

Yeah you better F'in hide you MF. Yeah lay your hands on me or use these proxies or attack dogs. Yeah keep hiding and piss off everybody some more until you cannot possibly survive or are in this situation now. Yes we are so impressed and want to be quiet with you about this, even support you and blow you off so your sails can fly or you can get a running start. Put that god damn tsunami, earthquake, hurricane or anything on their ass and if they even think about laying a finger on us; make sure it never stops. Oh they are scared? Oh they are winning? Oh they are keeping us in the box? Oh... yeah do it. Let's ask Ann Coulter, why are you taking so long and wasting my time even more? As a CEO do you have any credible answer? Do you? You do not want to be eaten up or hurt? You only care about November? I have nothing to worry about? You messed up? How about paying me and just move on? Now you can be sued also for wages and charges; all of you can.

Put that F'in hurricane and earthquake on their ass and get that pussy to shut up and go away; force them out. This only happens when communists and terrorists are in power and refuse to do the right thing or tell what they did and are up to. There is no other way to explain it or no logical reasonable answer out there; but they just want to be slammed and stand there with that idiot and retard life we know all about. If this is what their life has resorted to and what their evil and sorry ass life has led to; then do not sit there and call the shots or try to make us worse. People are fed up with this traitor and enemy sneaking in our life, burning the village down at night, and putting us in re-education camp so they can conjure up sympathy or obtain some fee or paycheck. If this sorry ass pussy and F'er understood war and the problem; all of this could be avoided, all of it. There is no excuse and no acceptable answer where they are or how far they are in this mess, none. Put that god damn drone, earthquake, hurricane, tsunami, or throw your F'in shoe at them; do it and shut up will you!

Good! Fine! Now shut the F up and slam these people on their face and destroy them; I am sick and tired of the back and forth while they rack up or use 2 billion in damages to fulfill their death wish or reduce their life of crime as some street credibility or our insane plight. Worse the record shows a unimpeachable and erroneous effort to medicate and put us in an asylum or psych ward. If the pussy in charge would stop F'in off and slam their face and show the real leaders they are not a pussy or inferior; maybe last place can look less than first place. All of them are like this and they cannot do the right thing; just stand there with that look on their face. Slam them and break them; not be a pussy day after day; then call me or come to me. If you have to put them down and kill them; do it and clean this mess up immediately. Stop giving us advice or trying to be our parents you F'in retard and idiot pussy! Die and crawl as your fat face or fate demands. Shut up before the death penalty has to be used again or recommended again and again; then go away and die on your own.

Everybody will witness us pound them into the ground and slam them each and every time and their face meets the door 100% of the efforts. They blame us for the effort? If we were the police, the public will witness them resisting arrest and getting up or fighting each and timeserver when they were caught red handed are 200% guilty. Yet a charging bull has to be dropped and even the spears in them are not enough to kill it. They hoof, kick, and kick up a lot of dirt; then another spear into their back. Our fault? Is it the police officer's fault when a felon does this standoff or charges at them? How about comes to his home to ruin, steal, wreck, or take over this sidearm (or satellites)? Why don't they just pay the damages and end this; fire them and get rid of them before it is too late? Why impose this on us? Exactly. Furthermore, it gets harder and harder for them; while we grow stronger and more capable. There are the best students, the worst students, and who is in last place. Had we been police officers or the police as they claim to be; they would be dead by now; stone cold strong dead. Yet and yes, 365-24/7 we have to put up with one attack and this re-education camp endlessly all day for over two decades. Who is thinking out of the box? Who is the problem? Who has to go and immediately before a death sentence or war? Who are the 911 terrorist who framed their political enemies? For gain, for credibility, for control, and for evil and death?

Is the winning formula what all of you spew on TV and radio every God damned day? Do not doubt me. Do not think out of the box. You cannot escape or get away. Follow the program. Shut your mouth or move. Stop being immature and grow up, poor baby. The world cannot bend over for you. You are not in power. Do you want a stable life or not? You are not inferior. We made a mistake and misjudged you. The list is endless and nonsense, total lies and ridiculous. Worse, you fools think Democracy is there to save you; the public good is here to save you? Do you see the public good taking the 5th or talking faster and louder than I am? Who am I?

So you are freaking out now and wish to die because you love capitalism? You did not put us on this path and kept your foot to the medal? You see the entire world and the nation fighting evil; unable to divide us further as a bad event? You think we are greasing you because you love capitalism or do not know who we are or what we are up to? The truth will doom you? As a gatekeeper, once you let the truth out; more will follow? You wish to discipline who? Do you want to discipline the maket system or capitalism? How about discipline satellite warfare or people married? You and your brother do not double down to discipline the other side? This is such a slippery slope for all of us. The truth is we are cruel people and have zero tolerance for your jackass lies or thinking we were put on earth to be toyed with 24 hours. Do you want to come in for the kill one more time or has your face been slammed enough times? Did we stop you and do something to your mind? You pay taxes and are in control? Whose war on business or side is this? I think you do want to change and want to be part of the future. I do not think you know how or got caught badly; now you are locked out. You need freedom? We never did? We need to get off your back and leave you alone or shut up? That part is true but it is missing a lot of this. Again, you are with us all the way? Really? We must hate the American spirit or know everything?

I wrote all this stuff on Obama in the first six months; did all of you sleep through it all or just wake up? Look through the record, a little late to be panicked. War on the Republic? Did you sleep through it all? You want to show everything we have done and only keep what you are after? What are you after? A bill of indictment? You are not radical or adversarial? I do not see you all as employers; not anymore. You only want to give us freedom and only wish to protest peacefully? I admit I am a thug now; but only with problems. Are you a problem? I do not think I am disarming you; I think you are a bitch in a kings world. I think you are either on drugs or some birth control pills. How dare us, you only want to vote or poor-test? Anti-American or who? We doubled down and demand more money or did you? You agree which is an insult to how we disagree; pretend and leave it alone. Are you people on drugs or do you only wish to make us feel like we lost our mind and are communists? Even that did not work and has not; so who are you and who do you feel like when you get it back? You must be an alien; admit it.

I do not know if this is your culture Ann or if this is how you were brought up; but your leadership and management of your private and public life has a lot to be desired. Furthermore, I am not sure if it is just you who refuses to tell the truth or keep this snowball rolling; it looks like all of you are guilty or just refuse to tell the truth. Meanwhile, you claim you do not care, your leadership is only worried about November, and you will do anything to win; even suicide or living as a train wreck. Is it just you? Is it all of you? Is it worth it? Both of you are laughing at each other; using your own life. If this is true, then it reflects your leadership, the problem, and also how we got here; but they want you to fix it and say it is your responsibility. You say it is theirs and to pay up or the damages.

Is it worth it? Do you have to loose everything and be reduced to a turd, similar to the communist and traitors on this end? You do not know what to do, are sorry, and only wish to die now? Your leadership and their leadership avoids the reality and the truth; yet you want redemption and forgiveness; are you crazed or stupid also? Do the right thing and make your peace. Otherwise you will find yourself in a similar situation; hiding your true leadership and scamming everybody about what you did, did not do, or the real story, and the real Ann Coulter. Even I have lost all confidence in you; now I am transforming into a CEO; should I embrace your leadership or tell you to shut up and just go away? You did nothing? Does it matter in the end, does it? They will play the chicken game with both of us while we are captives, surrounded, kidnapped, or under their control; wake the F up will you! Are all of you idiots or just my helpers?

Ann, answer this honestly. Why do you think my life is so messed up or I am so disappointed with you? Is it because of your perfection or your incredible leadership? Is it your flirting ability or private life? Is it because you have lost your mind or are the real deal? Or do you think it is because I lack a woman in my life and a real, honest, good, and perfect female who can stand alongside of with equal good judgment and everything I believe in? If you cannot get a receptionist position, what makes you think a secretary or even a friend position is in your future or cards? Check the list of excuses and all the men you love again; only care for November or working so hard for our future? Really? It is better to say "I do not know" or "I cannot do it."

Ever heard of heroism taken too far? Ever heard of a female who tinkers or does crazy things because she is a crazy human being? Ever heard of someone doing such a great job, they ruin their life or lock themselves out of their own home? Ever heard of a jackass or how blind, stupid, and deaf some human beings get when they look in the mirror? Ever heard of people sell things or take things way overboard because they are totally nuts? Welcome to the world of women and also communism. You did an excellent job Ann. Yes we know all you care about is November and how much you love your men; not man but men. On cue with Obama and the rest of them; in desperate times and desperation hour, you use your feet and play political games which tangle and pretzel your life and brain into a total disaster and mess. I love these types and I just want them around me all the time! They have a lot to teach others.

I guess if Ann Coulter is actually all that and her power is so kewl; she can tell me and the world why I am sleeping with other women while she is out all night with men she claims to either hate or only work with? That is not what they said either. Even worse is where they took her life and the misery they caused; great act Ann and even better leadership! You sure know how to pick them or diffuse a situation. You like your friends, love your life, and are confident and fond of both your leadership and who you have chosen to share life with? Positive?

AM I A CEO YET? Got a plan now Ann? Still none? Still fantasizing or just screwing up more things? Well, if you stop making a mess or stop endorsing blind, dead, and evil people; maybe your marriage and life will work for once? Try it and see if it works okay. It was all their fault Ann; you were only trying to get away or avoid being eaten alive. Yeah, that is what you did and kept doing. You love the single life and the swinger life, do you?

Considering how many dinners you brag about or how you flipped everything on its head; do you think your wanton confidence or ladder will ever come to terms with the pain you inflicted or the slightest regret which made you question if it was worth it or a really big deal? Was it worth it or was it to make you hate yourself in the end; when it mattered the most? So you have something to teach other females or have someone you wish to share or tell them about your life? You know how to manage men and other human beings? Your wanton Christian leadership has produced something out of our life; what we still do not even know but care less each waking day Ann. You want everybody to know it was all worth it? You want them to drink, go out, travel, get a phony bodyguard, meet men on your terms, etc... because it was worth it and no worries? Your Christian faith kept you strong and has taught them a lesson about life? No kids. No man. Even worse leadership? Whose fault? You are okay with all of this and can live with the outcome or toughen it up; take their best shot?

Ann, if you only care about November; similar to the song November Rain, then cut your skinny legs off and stay in a wheelchair the rest of your life so you can prove you are a real virgin! Coming to me and telling me you care about nothing in this world except for politics or November tells me something about you and why I am fantasizing about other women or a lot of women who are so much less but so much more real than you have become or are. Even worse is your reputation as a White House what-chu-ma-callit. You cannot call me a liar and you cannot say I have a problem lying or always refuse to do the right thing. Did the Bible teach you how to be a leader or teach you this Ann? Yeah, I signed up for this and asked for this.

You mean to tell me and the public, along with all the District Attorneys; you did not and have not been playing "footsie" with us for decades and got yourself stuck in this mess or stuck in a huge gap between military and police satellites? You mean to tell me that 2 billion in damages and catching you for 911 and espionage is totally false? Then can you explain why nobody can tell if we are the bad guys or the good guys? Can you explain why our life is a total disaster including Ann Coulter's while none of you have any answer and try to destabilize the situation even more? Did you try to play footsie with either of us or both? Did you butcher up our life so it was not recognizable, we were falsely imprisoned, and our life ruined? Did you make any effort to fix this or did you try to kill us off and destabilize our life even more to advance a murder and rape plot where you would benefit or get some refund for "secret" bribery intended to be basic fees and charges? How about your fees and charges wrecking our life? No footsie and not stuck or caught in this melee? Can't do the right thing now and are sorry and wish to die by police suicide? You are a bad liar and a bad American; but that explains why we are behind so many of your deaths and you still insist we are Nazis or war criminals. I think you are the war criminal and failed to put us in "red-education" camp; wish to take a lie detector? Tell me how we caught you. Tell me why exactly you hate us or misjudged us. Is it because my family is behind more communist deaths and war than you can bear; which now is satellite warfare and police satellites? Plus you think the police union and the government employee unions own us or are in charge of our life and career; down to our own marriage. Pay up you F'in bitch and then shut up and face the choir.

Another thing I have noticed is your evil personality disorder and your false "predestination" scam. You did and are guilty. You act as if we must and absolutely have to let you go, forget about this, or move on. Why? Who in their right mind would be where you are now? Unless you are completely and totally disconnected from reality; you expect us to allow you to kill us, destroy us, ruin us, and then say it is okay and we are friends again. We were never ever anything to begin with; never. Then you go on air and do this dog and pony show to suggest your life, Florida, and the world is in our palm; yes you must be total military and in charge of that also. The minute we turn away or must do things in our life; you are back at it and on attack again. All you want to do is steal, rob, loot, and then walk away clean and happy. Is this why you are so happy, so rich, and have such an "ideal" life men would beg and die for?



Hey you little bitch, let me inform you and your "conservative" listeners something. You are the MF who lives in a box and making these false claims. They are dumber than you are for believing how stupid you truly are. Worse, you live in that stupid box and when the bitch whip comes out; you cry and mouth off as expected and how we know you as. Live in your box and make up all the stuff we hear every single god damn day on the public air waves; you little F'in bitch do you want war and wish to know how cruel the world is to your breed? Do you? Then pay the damages and change your stupid damned future you little bitch. Stop talking as if you are the only solution against Clinton or Obama; they are doing the same exact thing you little communist spy and bitch. Just shut the F up and go away; we are very cruel people and can be. You know our history and our leadership. The sign says no trespassing and you just ignore every single warning; nothing. Do you have a soul or just a brainless? Do you have a deathwatch? Do you wish to test our powers or the American might? Again? What the F is wrong with you? You stupid F'in traitor and communist spy, shut up about how you do not know what to do and are sorry; do you ever shut up? Do we look or act like your friend or are opening the door for you F'head?

All you all want to do is date conservative women, pretend like they love you, and trick us into bombing Iran. Other than this, there is no other objective or goal in your arsenal. While you all claim to be Republicans; we see you aligned and have proven you are closely coordinated with the communist forces. Therefore, your "nation within a nation" is trying to expand and eat up the Republican or conservative side; similar to Vietnam, death from within. You also antagonize our life and hate our history. Both Ann and myself have been in this business for a long time. My family has been responsible for the death of more communists than your measly life; so do not lecture me on your leadership or military bearings. Therefore, the two billion you owe for the evil and crime spree you have set loose in America; is righteous. All you claim or will say is you misjudged us, discriminated us, made a mistake, or only wish to die now. That is and has not been reality; you are bone insane and crazed. All you want to do is play this game and bomb Iran; that is all. It has led to a disaster on both sides and while you get sicker; we get stronger; your pathetic pathological lying has come to an end. If you communist want war and refuse to leave or pay the damages; then war is in your destiny.

Furthermore, you just refuse to do the right thing or tell exactly what happened or what was going on; nothing. That is so conservative, so powerful, and so Republican isn't it? Worse, you feel discrimination is your power; it is not, it proves how stupid you F'ers truly are as peasants in the world of royalty or elites. America gave you the right to new money but not a door to old money; that was what you did or tried and we know you are communist spies. Stop lying and stop trying to get more tangled or deeper in your death sentence. As usual, you can also kiss our ass and stop telling us to kiss yours, idiot. Yes, F you too, now pay up. You continue to play this game with us as if we are stupid and dumb; however, it is clear who the idiot and moron is; clear as light and day you phony pale piece of shit. After the elections, I hope all of you are throw in the streets and starved. I hope because you cannot do the right thing and run your mouth all day by violating our privacy and God given rights; hurricanes and earthquakes kill your pathetic and ridiculous life. Even more pleasing is you refuse to do the right thing; so eat shit and die as you are told and as your fate here in heaven. That is your true human worth and your evil.

I caught the people behind 911 and they hate my guts because my family ran Vietnam or the counter-intelligence program. My family was behind more deaths of political and communist enemies than the Nazis! Do we have a case yet on them? Do you think I am a "War Criminal" or the barrage of these "metaphor" copy cat crimes; suggest I am a war criminal? I don't feel or think I am. Racism? Hate? Now it is coming back to haunt them and there is not a damn thing they can do or have. They are crazy, stupid, and violent; yet hey refuse to GO AWAY! Did we hurt their feelings also? Did we upset them or chase them off? Why?

Instead of removing, suspending, turning in, firing, or properly disposing this loud trouble-maker; they used one liar after the next to stack up more risk and more coverup until it was not survivable and the total, including personal attacks; added up to 40 billion dollars. Meanwhile, they keep beating their chests over how destabilized our life was, how comfortable and happy theirs was, and how Ann Coulter agreed or was in on it also. They knew she was at their throat but the murder and rape plot was foiled early; so how would they deny or explain that one? The best way was to try and win at any cost even if death or the death penalty was imposed. Doing the right thing is not this hard but when you are completely insane, a madman, or a 911 terrorist; it becomes an impossible task. Then using back channels or infiltrated attack dogs on the police force to create more accidents or fiascoes; was the last straw. Clearly, they remain hidden, refuse to tell the truth, refuse to do the right thing, and have made very crazed statements or proven themselves to be disappointing, flawed, or absolutely crazed. They should have been disposed of or even fired; beaten to death to avoid such a horrible ending and a huge damage amount. It is called negligence and liability. Again, we cannot be responsible or allow them to stalk us because they refuse to do the right thing or are incapable of it; incompatible and an instrument of communist thrust, a surge. We cannot be legally responsible for how unstable and how evil their life has become now.

In this case, the evidence and the communist spies who had infiltrated; clearly prove the cops were the bad guys and a massive surge was underway to control, propagate, destabilize, extort, or run some protection and racketeering ring. The question is why they used so many fiascoes to end it quickly when the damages were piling up and just being revealed. Clearly, the police were at fault and did as our enemies and the usual traitors do; refuse to tell what actually happened while they abused the Baker Act repeatedly and trumped up false charges that would never stick or could be able to be proved. Therefore, lacking any probable cause; the malicious intent and the proof of who it led to; suggest a very embedded and very large communist insurgency who destabilized the economy, the military, and almost every aspect of our life by profiting off crime and communist espionage. Limbaugh and the police are on tape doing this back and forth; entangling themselves deeper to clean this up or place a mask on who the true culprits are. They were guilty of identity theft and the banks also traced back to the liberals and usual suspects. It is all about crime and real estate; what the thieves world fights wars over. If they are killed or thrown out by hurricanes and earthquakes; it was not our fault and stalling upset God or a higher power. We cannot be accountable for them refusing to do the right thing or tell the truth.

Destabilizing our career. Destabilizing police and military satellites. Destabilizing our criminal and honorable reputation. Destabilizing our marriage or love life. Destabilizing both our jobs, reputation, life projects, and even our top secret clearance. Abusing power and using one false police report after the next. Destabilizing our career; right before the public. Getting tangled in back and forth lies intended to cover up what actually happened. Invading our homes, the last line of defense between crime and corruption; then trumping up more false charges. Using the Baker Act to suggest we cannot pay the fines or the fees to end this insane and unstable "power" or "lack of respect." Doing all of this and suggesting we have no rights; none whatsoever, because we are captives, prisoners, or cannot escape. Trying to use terrorism to destabilize regions or our life. Trying to recruit us for all of this and communism; total decline. Trying to coexist or harangue us 24-7; even in our own homes. Getting a "negotiation" back and forth; recorded and on live air. Holding us hostage, captive, or suggesting they are our lawyers, protection, there to help, represent us, are labor leaders, are God, can do a good job, are sorry, are ready to die, etc... Kidnapping our life until a looted life and looted fate is all that is left or the public an recognize. Now suggesting they won this or can hold out much longer than we can; even if 2 billion of a 40 billion check is being charged to their political life and utter insanity. Who do these people think they are and how long do they feel they can play this game? How about shut up and go away? How about pay the damages? Stop explaining or telling us otherwise; was this not a war?

The secret to success and the secret to good, high quality, educated jobs, and success; is you need a stable life. This begins with a stable family, friends, and job. Success is very easy, you just do not have it; so don't even bother telling us, showing us, or doing some crazy ape sh-- nonsense that gets nowhere. Asian economies, whether peasant, royal, or third world; are eager to trade. They want to do business but have a very stable life and society. They have good students and not some crazy bitch at their throats all the time. Most of them have less than 5% crime rate if any. People who mouth off, make political calls, harass or harangue us, constantly miserable and demanding, pestering others, making wild or insane comments, etc... deserve to die or be locked out and thrown out. They spread this disease in our life and it is now 2 billion and counting. Yes our life is stable. No their life is not. Yes they are at our throats 24-7 and there is a long police record of this. False arrest and crazy, stupid, or just bat insane shit from a communist pest or some crazed psychopath who thinks they are our bosses or parents. Now judgment day has arrived and look at them; time for them to go and get destroyed for all they have done. They have no stability in their life and now try to clone us or this "privileged" life. They have no right, none; of being "elite" or "privileged" none. Convict their nonsense and let's try to maximize the military reprisals on them; for good and for our soul.

So is this the royals or the peasants on the other end; a serf and peasant acting as if they are God or a serial killer stalker? Want to hear the biggest jackass in the world compare themselves to the royals or old money? You are putting the working class into an elite system where they try to act as if they are unified, the same, or some insider to a system and a world they are considered to be peasants, new wealth, or just barbarians in. Well, who in hell would do this to the British? Who in hell would do this to the Asian royals? Who in hell would let a peasant go ape shit in our life or pretend to be our God when they are dumb, blind, and deaf as a jackass in their death bed? Yes and I bet the working class or those bred for hard labor are in tight with the royals or families who have ruled for 1000s of years. Yeah okay. We should leave and we should learn to respect them or their power to verbally accost others. Maybe we should trade places with someone who we have had and still have a lot of problems with? I also bet they know how we feel or can empathize with our plight!

There is a point where a line in the sand is crossed. There is a point where a psychopath and sociopath has to be killed and destroyed. There is a point where pathological lying is so ridiculous and obscene; they refuse to even admit to anything. There is a point where a catastrophe is clear and present. There is a point where a looted store is the only evidence. There is a point where the police looks like the thief or the robbers. There is a point where 2 billion in damages; is why they refuse to tell what actually happened and why. There is a point where the death penalty must be imposed and a human piece of trash has to be burned, destroyed, and brutally dealt with. We have reached that point. The term niggers was invented for a very good reason; and that line has been crossed over and over; 100s of times each day. How about our rights?

Yeah, the problem is a dialogue. The problem and legal case surrounds a refusal or a non-coincidence; a pattern of behavior. It surrounds attempted robbery, racketeering, clandestine communications, and worse a paper trial. If it was not robbery and if they are not the problem; then they will and rightfully pay the damages. The record and the endless calls to the police indicate verbal and physical threats, a refusal to explain or tell what exactly is occurring, and more denial or story telling which is intended to either reduce the penalty or avoided paying 2 billion in damages. Theft, kidnapping, and all kinds of political tricks are being used; the truth is pay the damages. If 2 billion is set, then either someone is lying or doing this and stuff is missing, destroyed, in decline, or a total disaster; but they do not want to be accountable or tell the truth.

Limbaugh, Hannity, Levine, Steyn, Williams, Fox News and all of them refuse to tell what actually happened. Instead they blame us and our rejection of their friendship or help, etc... Not the case. Things are missing. The store has been looted. There are injuries. The communists have been wiped out by elite units. There is nothing left to talk about; only war or pay the damages. They also lied about any involvement in 911 and terror plots. The truth is, they seek love and respect. The truth is who and what they are doing was held secret, a death sentence. The truth is communist brainwashing was deployed and used on us. The truth was they kidnapped us for a human experiment because we are responsible for the death and war fury of more communists forces than any other American living. The truth is our military record indicates a hatred level where we would murder them or fulfill our duties honorably; yet they seek a scape goat and an infiltration; an extortion and robbery gone very bad. They do not want to pay 2 billion or 40 billion. They do not want to stop or leave; no less leave us alone. They do not want to be imprisoned or starved; even if that is an easy way to deploy military forces or evict them. The truth is they are guilty and capital punishment is needed.

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My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.