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Friday, December 27, 2013


WE COULD HAVE SLAPPED THE SHIT OUT OF THEM, CALLED ALL OF THEM THE N WORD, AND THEN CUT THEIR EAR OFF BEFORE THE WORLD TO SEE:  Let’s be real here if they have a real complaint and seek real justice, we did have a choice to sweep it under the table or keep this back and forth going forward forever until they had to immigrate to look for work or opportunity.  So trying to make other people smell their fat ass or stink body odors is as repugnant and disgusting as they can possibly get but they are very fortunate we live in a world of civilized laws.  They should read about what is wrong with us and why before they claim anymore false piety on a pack of weasel lies.  It could be worse and can get worse.  Smacking the shit out of them and calling them an N word is as justified as trying to make someone smell their ass or how hated they are.  They have a right to be upset and demand their head.  DO NOT MAKE PEOPLE SMELL YOUR ASS, WASH IT ASSHOLE!  THIS IS AMERICA NOT SOME DIRTY EUROPEAN VILLAGE.

DO YOU WANT TO KNOW EXACTLY HOW STUPID ANN COULTER TRULY IS?  If they get her for aiding or abetting or any financial impropriety; record her or entrap her in a do or die moment; I will be more than glad to throw her ass in jail for life and put all of them in the same cell, with a mic and a TV spot every single night of the week so we can know how much fun it is or how close they are to being lovers, friends, or marriage partners.  Ann better have some documents ready if they get her on RICO or entraps her; even if they set her up or not.  That is how stupid Ann Coulter truly is and why she has no place in the topic of war.  All they have to do is prove she aided and abetted or get her on tape; once they do, even after thirty years, it all collapses on her.  She looses everything in her life.  I guess they are friends and want to bet for each other; place their bets!  Let’s see who can out-bet whom.  Maybe she can start talking for herself or being more perfect instead of this weak soul that is so annoying.  I am totally allergic to these humans and grow sick on sight; every DNA in my body goes haywire.

  1. It is and it was your imagination Ann, I am not annoyed by you and I would never betray your friendship.  I find you to be a very kind, likable, and very smart woman.
  2. I just spent thirty years kicking the shit out of weak souls, why would I mind if you are looking for a strong soul or solution to your problems in life?  I think you are winning and have, why worried?  I think you are doing what you do best, annoy liberals.
  3. When you have money, you can buy your happiness.  You can find solutions to people who are annoying.  Be happy you have money.  However, if they do set you up or finally get you; you might go to jail or they might take your money and give you a quick death.  I really disagree with your lack of motives or why you cannot see it my way.  It is very simple, if they get you for aiding and abetting; you will be far worse than penniless.  I hope you know how to outsmart them and can keep this ball rolling forward.
  4. I disagree with how you gave them some of my material or original material.  What I give them they cannot use.  What you give them is nothing more than bullets. I think they call it Fast and Furious.  Now it is a big gigantic monster nobody can kill, not even you.   I think you are doing a great job by soliciting invitations or attending these HS parties.  It was the right thing to do.  Remember, you are not out of the woods yet; and neither am I.
  5. I agree with your ability to do the right thing and your strong will.  However, I disagree with your soul.  My soul tells me you should have shot each them in the leg, called the police, and come and got me so I would not be shot or have to shoot them.  After thirty years it is hard for a human being not to shoot another human being for this and I am trying to be on my best behavior; but the people I have to work with are weak in the soul and truly annoying.  Can we at least agree on this?
  6. My lesson in this is not to rely on people who have no soul or are looking for a soul; then be prepared to get annoyed beyond my imagination when I have to work with or only have people who have a weak soul to either save me or get me out of this mess.  I learned my life long lesson, a tragedy I have to deal with and will be my entire life.  You might drive them crazy or snap something vital with all that hard and furious work.  I understand, it must be tough and they do have some kind of idiotism.  I have not diagnosed it yet and it is still an open book.
  7. Maybe one of these days I will find a human being who has a real soul and a strong one that might not be too annoying?  If I have money then, maybe I can buy a new life for them or me?  You will probably be giving a speech or off on a CPAC week gets together, so it is not really important.  I wish you learned something positive out of this or can help.  I am getting older and less capable, so I am less annoying.  Someone may see my SOS and be touched about what exactly I had to go through in life or just to tell the truth.  I hope it is not too annoying for others to understand.
  8. They are a complete and total jackass and asshole.  However, remember you are not out of the woods yet and if they get you for aiding and abetting, some financial impropriety; I’ll probably be on a business trip or book tour; also visiting sick friends and a few relatives dear to my heart.  They asked me to visit because they I have a lot of money then, maybe we will see.

ANN KNOWS I HAVE ZERO TOLERANCE FOR HER LIES OR SCAMS:  If it comes down to it, I would throw her in jail for life because I have made it clear to her repeatedly, I have had enough and enough is enough.  Meanwhile, I have a psychopath in my life that refuses to be reformed and wants to die; but before they die, they want us to smell crack, meth, their body odor, what their ass smells like, and what an real man smells like when he does not have a bath for several months.  I have made it clear to Ann this is not a HS party and serious ramifications can easily happen to her future and our relationship.  She obviously is not very serious about it and like all women, uses sex and giggles.  When trapped and cornered, they use their sex and giggles.  I have told her, I have no problem throwing her ass in jail for life or throwing the keys away.  I am one step from there if they have any evidence and why RICO can be applied to her.  If they prove she is aiding and abetting, she can kiss my ass too.  She can flick herself off in jail.  I am sure she would never do that to me but I am fed up with this entire mess and being lied to constantly.  So throw her ass in jail for life and see if I care either.  I had it done to me already and we still do not know who the F’er behind it was yet.  I think they all only see race and a weak soul.  Nobody can see their weak soul?  I would and could throw all their asses in jail and forget the keys!  Is that crystal clear yet?

WHY WOMEN ARE NOT BUILT FOR AT WAR:  If you get a woman in a room and put a gun to her head, under the terms of war or enemy status; all you will get is the real her; sex and giggles.  If you manhandle them and torture them into disclosing information on terrorism; you will find out and be very disappointed, sex and giggles.  They may not crack under pressure or severe military methods; but the only way they can fight when it comes to war is sex and giggles.  What they teach their men or children is the same methods for war or traitor survival methods; sex and giggles, an inferiority complex or normalcy.  They are incapable to stopping the pain before it happens as men are able to do.  In the case of Ann, she has a very annoying flaw; her weak soul.  I find it annoying.

IS ANN COULTER LYING TO HER LIFELONG PARTNER ALSO?  The door is open here and from my perspective, when someone lies and forces it on you; it grows and spirals.  Therefore, from my perspective she is doing this not for me but because she is a liar or this open door.  From my angle or powerful vision, she is a liar and tainted.  She is doing this to seek mercy.  You see my product and what she got from me, what do I get in return; peace of mind?  Ann is not on the same page and cannot be trusted, a weak soul.

GLEN BECK IS EITHER A TRAITOR, COMPLETELY BLIND, OR AHEAD OF ME ON THIS:  They are pounding out books and becoming more trusted, LoL.  It is an atmosphere of insanity on the Republican side.  They have been warned and so has Ann Coulter.  I did have to warn Glen Beck about illegal espionage or this church problem we have.  He is one of Sean Hannity’s partners; the new up and comer we have to beware about if we take out one of them.  I can’t excuse Ann so how can I excuse any of them; a criminal conspiracy by the same insane church being dismantled.  All of them are sheep with blinders on, an atmosphere totally corrupt.  Take a look at their soul; how weak it is.  Ann has this weak soul and cannot be trusted either.

AN ATMOSPHERE OF TOTAL INSANITY OR A HIGH SCHOOL PARTY RATHER THAN THE REALITY OF A DANGEROUS CRIMINAL CONSPIRACY OR TERROR PLOT:  When you ask someone if they want to go to jail or RICO charges, most people can say yes or no.  When they claim their world will end, we tend to take them serious.  It is clear and obvious Ann Coulter is soliciting and intentionally trying to get invitations.  She is saying her world will end if she does not go or some terrible event will occur if she did not go, such as RICO charges.  If she attends and goes, against warnings and repeated attempts by which she claims is her supervisor; then why would she say it is not fair and how good her work is?  It is completely illogical and also totally insane.  The world will not end if she was not there.  It is also obvious she is not being paid or any money is being passed.  However, her solicitation of these invitations and the worsening of the matter do go hand in hand.  Also, she has not or cannot prove any formal undercover basis such as “active duty service.”  Therefore, the ramifications that result to her life as a result of her deliberate attempts to acquire these invitations are in serious question.  Imposing the entirety of this is an extremely dirty trick and shows just how bad her judgment is or how imperfect the working conditions can be as her partner.  It is possible her priorities are so messed up or so damaged, she has lost all of her own senses or she lives on a separate island nobody wants to go to or be with?  She cannot proclaim her innocence in the matter but she is expected to meet a standard of perfection.  She is still unable to present this standard of perfection for the world to see or for verification methods.  There are inherent problems with Ann also.  Maybe all of these monkeys do belong in the same jail cell?  Other women have said Ann is not the type who knows when to sit down and shut up, are they right about her or is she just taking Rush Limbaugh on his challenge; win-win now because nobody has or can stop them?  Women are a better judge of each other than I am.  Do any of them make any sense?  It is clear Ann represents some other group or has another secret life; another layer.

Rape Victim or Not?  “Look who is walking into the studio and hugging Glen… can we put that hat on Twitter…”
RICO Charges or Not?  “We just happen to be in the middle of a snow storm, I am so glad you made me come out in it Sean, it is so fun.  I have been tracking you down and glad he tricked you to be on with me.”
(Note:  Had this been me, I would have shot both of them in the leg and told them to squeal like a pig.  Then I would have called the police on them while I keep a souvenir such as their ear.  However, I am not Ann and I disagree with her methods or kindness.  We can call it a father-daughter moment.)

BOTH SEAN HANNITY AND A HOST OF THEIR TERRORIST MEMBERS ARE CONVINCED THEY ARE IN A ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIP WITH US:  If it is not Ann, then it is me.  They continue to insist we are in some sexual fantasy with them.  However, Fox News has made it clear their problem is they do not know what is real or not.  Therefore, both Hannity, Fox News and whomever the male or female is on this end, sometimes it was a male; have convinced themselves by a smell test or taking a whiff of us; it is proof we are in a romantic or adulterous affair with them.  Ann has made it clear and I had to speak on Ann’s behalf.  I have made it clear and Ann still tries to speak on my behalf when told not to because they are too insane and have to be medicated on extreme levels just to shut them up.  All they want to do is stalk us and harass us; inflict harm and nothing else.  If this is the case, they kept this fantasy while they did this as an excuse or justification on why they were doing it; rather than pay the legal damages.  I told Ann to shoot him in the leg so he will stop if she is in danger; do not pretend she is told what to do or needs to be told what to do.  This will make them more delusional and even fantasize more about what is real or not.  Ann Coulter and Sean Hannity are arch enemies; both of them hate each other on an extreme level.  Both of them invented this story so they can go on the air.  Ann kept her mouth shut and so did Hannity for legal reasons such as why we still have not stopped them or why we cannot stop them.  The police will not help them because they cannot help us.  Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh are totally nuts and have lost their minds, or have they?  If they keep saying or doing this, it may come true and we may go away.  I get this all day long on this end, also a “whiff test” of their sex.  This is how they used us and kept us a prisoner of their fantasies, none of it is even true.

IS THEIR CHURCH STREET SMART AND CAN THEY GET ANY JOB THEY WANT, POWERFUL?  The sky is the limit how far we can go.  We can even buy into it.  They have proven strategies.  They have plenty of workers who do not hate.  They can get any job they want and their voice or political power is enormous, feared.  There will be hell to pay for getting in their way.  Our dollars are well spent.  We are paying for the royal treatment and access to all of their schools, women, and whatever our imagination can get away with.  If the price is right, we can even have the keys to the city.  The important thing is they have their act together now, don’t be stuck on the past or negativity.  Don’t hesitate, send a check immediately; proven strategies.  They are so comfortable and not worried, their cash stream cannot be turned away.

BOTTOM LINE IS WE DO NOT WANT TO BE SET UP OR PUT UP WITH THEIR ENDLESS CRAP:  They don’t want to leave.  They keep saying they want to help.   They are so flawed and a total mess.  They set us up repeatedly, thirty years now.  They claim things are the way they are because we can’t get along with them.  They continue to meddle and are an ignorant SOB whose life is fitting of a homeless fool.  They continue to set us up and say they are trying to hire us or vet us, still.  The bottom line is we do not want to be F’d with or bothered by their problems, or set up.  It has become intolerable and life has become very difficult with them in it and so persistent.  They also claim they have a lot of love to offer or affection, misery.  I have never seen such an asshole before or political psychopath.  They intentionally try to create problems or cut all my lifelines off, endlessly; meanwhile, they expect me to be needy and I am not a communist or one of them.  I made it clear who and what I am, I refuse to be one of them. They expect war or some violent fight to end this, no end; hence, they cry or act hurt.  They also waste all their time and vital resources on us and this got ten times worse, are they tough and worthy or just dirt guilty and gutless, a criminal organization?  If they were interviewing or collecting information, they got more than they expected.  However, when the heat came, they claimed to have their act together finally and expected a check, a check!  We have to pay them extortion money to leave or leave us alone because they are very tough and have a lot of fight, can do tremendous damage; blacks before and now gay communists!  That is who Fox and all of them are, their backbone.  No check so far from us.

I HAVE SEEN WITH MY VERY OWN EYES; THEY DO A TREMENDOUS AMOUNT OF DAMAGE:  No joke it is back and forth and I outfoxed them.

FORCE THEM TO EXPAND IN AFRICA AND CLOSE OFF ASIA:  Reverse their domestic policies and invasion of the Republican or conservative gimmicks to shift debts.  Are they really encouraging us to make the right decisions with so many disruptions and illegal activity, a win-win?  This should teach their females and greed a few things or two.  Divorce insurance, or money we get the basement levels grade?  I can’t even work and it is not direct meddling.  They expect Ann to pay for my care and are waiting for a check because none of them cares.  If money arrives, they go after big ticket items.

DEAR OFFICE OF HURRY-CAN AND EARTHQUAKES:  Enclosed are the evidence and the information you will find conclusive to perform your duties.  Use it wisely and understand they wish to die, are not denying it, they are a hardcore criminal organization, and none of them care or wish to be reformed.  They seek no mercy from the court and see no end to this.  They want the world to know they have to be thrown out or worse.  They do not care and nobody out there cares; do what you have to.  I have what you are looking for and need to know.  I am trying to bring them to justice and they have us as prisoners.  Please take action and swift justice anyhow you can, the prosecutors are still waiting patiently; more ridiculous lies or attacks.  They want war and claim we are at war.  Their leaders, all facing criminal charges, claim we have not stopped them and need to worry because they are sitting at home by the warm fireplace; they have everything they need to hold out longer.  They claim stopping them is impossible and we are stuck, there is no evidence to say otherwise.  They also feel they are the authority and what they say is true or reality, imposed.  I tried and the prosecutors are waiting also.  I can’t win, I have to take a plea.  They imitate our world and reality.

EXPECT ANN TO PAY AND IS WAITING FOR A CHECK:  The attacks and what everybody saw was an expectation for Ann Coulter to pay.  They want a check.  One check is for my care or injuries; they do the attacks and she is the insurance or the only one of them who cares.  I saw them attack her and they tried to put me in the hospital or cause more accidents and disruptions.  Ann is watching them closely but that is part of the problem or communication.  When my family sends a check, they increase the dilemmas or disruptions.

WHY SPY FOR MONEY, POWER, OR SEX?  What is a reasonable expectation of privacy?  Do they expect the military to pay for my care or expect Ann Coulter to?  They want to cut a deal and want some benefit out of this.  When my family is the source of money, they say it is not enough and increase the disruptions or attacks.

WE CANNOT BE LIABLE FOR THEIR WRONGFUL OR DEBILITATING DECISIONS:  This traitor has acted wrongfully and deliberately in silence and arrogance.  The information is public and we cannot be liable for their decisions or dangerous criminal behavior.  We cannot perform our duties.  They claim they are the authority and wish to die or are in control; therefore, it is to their dismay they refuse to perform their duties or do not care.  All of them refuse to perform their duties and we cannot be liable for the debilitating paralysis.  All they have is debt, no resources and this criminal organization; we seek higher ground while the prosecutors are taunted and must wait to perform their duties.  We encourage people have the sense to perform their duties swiftly or without doubt.  We cannot be liable for their criminal organization or behavior; nor can we sit here and be overran or destroyed.

TRYING TO MAKE SURE NOBODY GOT HURT AND THERE IS PEACE:  It does sound well intended also.  All primates eat what fits into their mouth, so we can conclude they are feeding on other humans; blood thirsty and dangerous, a hardcore criminal intent carefully concealed.  Why can’t we get anywhere or feel trapped?  How do they expect Ann to work or my mission to be a success if we have to leave on a whim?  How can capitalism work?  Take a look at their pyramid and structure, priorities.

CHURCH NEEDS TO DECLARE BANKRUPTCY, NOT BECOME CONSERVATIVE OR REPUBLICAN:  The financial scam is to move the debts to the right wing rather than force the left wing to declare bankruptcy; state rights.  This is why the right wing is under siege by the communists and traitors.  Lock down Asia to them and open up Africa if they wish to expand.

EXPLOSION OF COUNTERFEIT PRODUCTS, THEFT OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY, TAX EVASION, OR TOTAL HELL:  If it is not books, people, identity, headphones, expensive wines, fake greenbacks, handbags, jewelry, cosmetics, DVDs, tapes and records, sweatshirts or clothing, etc… than it is the madness of name brands.  Now they have big ticket items such as stocks, houses, cars, spouses, women, information, and politics.  The only real things are drugs, spying equipment, total chaos, robbery, welfare, and expansion.  There is a buffet of crime and spying by employees to create rivalries.

USING US AS PAWNS AND GOING INTO SACRIFICE PLAYS OR SPUTTERING:  Those bites are huge and we know it is a sacrifice play, wrong priorities.  All they have left are sacrifice plays and each one hurts them badly.  They did strike again and they did get punished heavily.  A horrible mistake they made, horrendous.  Again, this claim they do not want anybody to get hurt and only want peace is a total gimmick, a total lie!  They will purge and take over the world.  They need to shut up before it got worse, stop using us as pawns in their sick demented games.  There is no chance of expansion into Asia, none; declare bankruptcy because we know it is your western civilization church in sacrifice mode.

CHURCH AND STATE IS TRYING TO EXPAND INTO ASIA AND OTHER REGIONS:  Be very careful of their immigration and gimmicks, they are in sacrifice mode and claim Western Civilization is under siege, it is not.  Immigration is how they breed and expand or utilize pawns for staging areas of expansion.  Open up their Africa expansion and close off their Asian expansion.

OBVIOUSLY THEIR PRIORITIES ARE CHAOTIC OR TOTALLY INSANE:  This traitor has put pure evil, total lies, financial scams, illegal acts, hostage taking, creation of accidents, etc… above doing the right thing, being transparent, using us as armor, 1000s of attempts to injure or disrupt, shifting the blame, etc.  It is that lack of priority or false priorities that got them here or in this much trouble.

MORE SACRIFICE PLAYS, ONE MORE DILEMMA AND IT WILL BE THE LAST:  I do not know how many times you traitors have been warned but one more dilemma or disruption in my life, for whatever reason, and it will be your last.  I don’t care if your city or state goes bankrupt, am I clear?  Obviously, you have a problem with following the laws and you imagination has declared itself my God or reality.   Zero tolerance does mean you are accountable for whatever happens.  We cannot be liable for your insane deeds or secret life.

WHAT IS THE BEST SELF PRESERVATION STRATEGY?  Shift the blame, change uniform or camouflage, or turn the table around; become the enemy strategist.  Why?  Each move becomes a self defensive and offensive play.  If you are a loser, then in a flash you can become the winner and nobody would know a rebirth.  Is it moral?  Is it legal?  Can we prove it?  Who would know or care?  Now the attacks from the outside move the pieces inside, a double down or double move.  A traitor inside produces far worse results from a traitor on the outside; it comes down to self preservation, a win-win.

WHO WAS BEHIND THE ATTACKS ON WESTERN CIVILIZATION?  It was the moderators.  It was the people teaching it.  It was the people in front of us.  It was the people who had the most to loose and whose guilt remains silent.  What was their motive?  Their motive was expansion and self preservation.  It came down to self preservation, us or them.  Their mistake was a process of imaginary friends and enemies; not guilt by association but innocence by association.  Our power of reputation and credibility would have fixed them or given them the keys to the kingdom.  The kingdom of course was the 1960s.  Can they go to the next level or are they stuck here on this one?  They claim they do not want to hurt anybody or be hurt, only to preserve the peace; hence, self preservation.  It was cancer from the inside, not the outside; the most disrupting and the worst behaviors; total traitor lies. 

REALLY WREAKED HAVOC ON US RECENTLY AT XMAS:  You knew Limbaugh would be doing his crack dance and try to sound as if he was Republican or conservative.  If and when he does, watch out and get ready.  One month before Xmas they wreaked havoc financially, verbally it was up close and personal in my residence, nonstop.  They are liable and one more will be their last, a big bite!  They did a sacrifice play.

The Case of Gayle Gaston and Becket, Brown, International (BBI) of Easton, MDEaston, MD

I AM NOT ELON MUSK AND I DO NOT APPRECIATE THIS MARRIAGE SCAM:  Ann does not appreciate the intrusion or the scams either.  It seems like everybody in the space industry or high tech industry is facing a crazed female who wants half or else they will destroy us.  It is the most ridiculous crap I have ever seen by their church and their secret life to rip us off or scam us.  Is it legal?  The scary part is they know everything about me and my life is top secret.  The only person who knows is Ann; she is the last word.  Nobody is allowed into my private life, nobody.  Is it male or a female irritating us?

WHO IS IMAGINING WHAT GONE WRONG TOTALLY NUTS OVER IMAGINARY FRIENDS:  What?  How?  Joined from the hip?  What is my worst nightmare?  Imagined all of this?  What a total asshole.  What does a dialogue with a complete asshole look and sound like?  Now they gonna and goin-ta git the imaginary nuke.  A little imaginary blood and a few imaginary knuckle sandwiches should produce an imaginary ending.  Somebody ran with that one and is totally lost.

THEY ARE MY GOD, IMAGINARY PARENTS, AND TELL ME WHAT TO SAY OR DO?  What?  Does anybody know how stupid or totally insane they are?  Did I imagine a walking toilet or just a stubby log roll?

RIDICULOUS LAWS OF ATTRACTION:  The obvious.  The content of their character has a lot to be desired too.  Repugnant is an understatement but not my cup of tea or ever will be.

DISRUPTIONS IN MY LIVING ARRANGEMENT OR MY EMPLOYMENT, ALSO MY MONTHLY BUDGET:  I learned how you do business and cause these disruptions.  You cause a disruption in my living arrangement when I do not have to work; then force me to work or lure me in when I am able to break free of your grip (transportation jobs).  If I can avoid you or block your access, such as an online business; you cannot do any harm or make any threats.  It starts with my living arrangement.  Then it moves to my spending habits.  Then it stresses my budget and causes stress.  All of these disruptions and constant disruptions in all categories; make my life a total disaster.  This is how wonderful your help or meddling was.  There was a lot more to the story but that is what is on paper already.

THERE ARE CAPITALISTIC ELEMENTS TO COMMUNISM:  If you are willing to overlook debt or the constant crime, there are some capitalistic elements to the communist.  It is a playground for monopoly money.  Statistics do not lie if you are willing to subtract how much it cost to fight this pest, nationally and internationally, on a global level; the rate of failure, the rate of crime, and the rate of effort to successes do not lie.  So there are traces of capitalism in the right wing but the message is the same while the winners are herded to the left wing where they are doomed.  This proves this traitor and right wing are nothing more than dangerous communists and a lethal criminal organization, what we already knew.  In a blink of an eye it happens and is ongoing.  We even know what they are going to say or do.  We know where they get their material.  We know how far they will take it, blow up our offices and claim good intentions.  So what if they find what they are furiously looking for, the truth?  How much is it worth to them?  Stop looking, it is right in front of them and we came prepared.

THE RIGHT WING AND CAPITALISM IS A FORMAL CRIMINAL AND DANGEROUS ORGANIZATION:  Let’s not make any mistakes about what is in front of us, a scam utilizing the welfare, the poor and expert criminals.  If this is the right wing, what does it make the left wing?  It sounds like a donor-recipient scam.  What about the cold warriors and right wing or capitalist?  Is there any relief for self sufficiency or independence?  Is it coming from the left wing or the right wing?  Who is shooting blanks and who is shooting the real bullets?  They finally admit they are a formal criminal organization with dangerous motives and intentions being dismantled globally?

HOW HELPFUL ARE YOU AND HOW BENEFICIAL IS THIS?  How many people are such a pest they have to be removed; then they refuse to be reformed and taunt or verbally scold others to the very end; with death as their only motive or goal?  Will this benefit our life or make it better?  Is it a story about love or helping?  Is it a patriotic story and the meaning of friendship?  Is it really?  Most people pee in their pants just thinking about this.  We had to deal or cope with your disruptions 24-7 for more than thirty years and still no end.  You all remain evasive and under the radar.  Still defiant about moving or ceasing your campaign of destruction; you try to chip away, lure us, trap us, or create some form of embarrassment or ideal environment for your next move.  You are better off to go and rob the bank down the street.  So are you truly disconnected from reality and cannot control yourself?  Are we pushing you or forcing you down this road?  What happens if everybody brings you to justice, what then?  We imagined it and are totally crazy?  How hardcore are you?

IT IS A VERY SCARY THOUGHT AND GETTING MORE REAL:  Anytime you get caught stealing on the job, it can affect your employment.  Anytime you get caught in someone’s residence, you can bring embarrassment to your family and future.  Anytime you try to say you want freedom or death, it sounds powerful.  Anytime you tell the world we are damaged, need to worry or be scared, or nobody has stopped you or been able; you sound determined.  Anytime you do or say what you do and say; it is another clue and piece of the puzzle.  The thought of getting caught is real.  The thought of being watched by the world doing this, is real.  The thought of embarrassment or severe punishment is real.  It is scary and it is becoming more real.  It still does not address the reality or what is happening on the other side of the fence.  Is there or will there be any end to this or do you only wish to die?  Is your only wish, while alive, is to die or die trying?  Did you make it easier or harder for others to bring you to justice, torment and taunt their life?

LET’S SAY YOU ARE A NUTCASE AND DO WANT DEATH:  Now it makes more sense except how you managed to evade capture, evade an audit, and keep this secret life healthy, good looking, and dressed so well.  How do you climb the ladders and get into vital or essential arteries of this nation and our freedom?  Let’s say this is true, now what?  Do you want to be reformed or choose death?  If you choose death, than I claim by rightful ownership, all your material wealth unless it exceeds two billion.  You have to show an audit of benefit or a lack of crime.  Why would any of you say we are damaged, need to worry, and lost because we still cannot or have not stopped you?  Are you pure evil?  Why prolong this or evade prosecutors?  When will you stop or burn out?  The party may be great and all night; wait for the next morning.  Also, there are a lot of parents who lost their children at the hands of crime and evil.

IS THERE ANY EVIDENCE OR AN AUDIT TO SHOW A LACK OF CRIME?  It sounds like your communism is being dismantled and not propelled.  Is there any audit records to indicate a lack of legal problems or is it all legal problems and total hell?  Any kids?  Any marriage?  Any sign of a normal life?  Any shred of evidence or any written records indicate you are the right wing, Republican, and benefited our life?  Any?  Any evidence of benefit to National Security?  How about the temper problems, any cause or source known?  Is it possible you are silent and a conspiracy exists?  Any audit to show no impropriety and no disruptions?  The prosecutors are waiting and they know who and what you are.  You have to show the public if that is your consumer.  Why you are in our life for the past thirty years and why are you ordered to pay two billion dollars?  Why do you choose death?  I think it is sick and disgusting all of you are in the police and military units while you are doing this.

IF AFTER 30 YEARS, HOW DO THEY EXPLAIN THE LACK OF MATERIAL WEALTH, CONSTANT DISRUPTIONS OR HARASSMENT, THE GENUINE HATRED, AND THE BACK AND FORTH EXCHANGES?  I would think the inclusion of you scumbags, labor unions, communists, and total assholes would be something beneficial to our life.  Furthermore, if after thirty years; how come there is no sign of property gain or financial security?  It only reinforces the obvious and why Ann is not here either.  You do admit you created the conditions so miserable it prevented a healthy relationship with Ann and I don’t you?  If what you say is true, then you must show an audit.  If you are an investigator or the police, as you claim, then a process of audit must be shown.  All I have had was one chain reaction after the next and endless bullying or taunting, all day long harassment while you occupy my life or look for a pot of gold.  Hannity even said I was living his life and my work was the chance of a lifetime for you all.  I think that is very disingenuous and explains why I am trying to throw your ass behind bars for life and bring you to justice.  Death is fine with me and there is a big gap between who you all are and who I am.  Does it sound arrogant or are you a master tracker we cannot keep up with?  The level of disruptions clearly proves you were Al Qaeda and are a single body.  Somebody has to tell the story about Ann Coulter eventually or mine.

DO YOU KNOW BETTER OR DO YOU KNOW ENOUGH NOT TO GET CAUGHT? It sounds like racketeering but the consequences are far worse.  At least they know not to get caught and what punishment they face if they do.  I will give them that much and being so elusive.  It did take thirty years to build a case and catch them.  I have yet to see an audit where your entanglement was positive or brought any benefit to our life, none.  It sounds like another lie and another scam aimed at everything we have.

I MADE LIMBAUGH AND ALL OF THEM WATCH PORN FROM 2008-2010 (HINT:  ME, ANN AND A SERIAL KILLER IN TEARS… WHY-WHY):  Yes while his show was on and the dialogue interrogation; I confess and he was in tears.  It was the worst stuff I could find and Ann would make it far worse by passing them secrets or slip a hint.  During those hours of 12-6 pm there was porn when he was “on” or “focused.”  Nobody can see it only whoever is watching.  I got 200 watts of sound in my car; so I start the day with a boom!  It get’s their attention.  They know and despise the impact on their mental health; the risk of being caught or set up.  They claim they can take the pain and don’t care.

STOP ACTING LIKE A PRINCIPAL AND YOU ARE CALLING MY GUARDIAN OR TELLING THEM TO COME TO YOU:  I am fed up with this prisoner or hostage exchange, whatever it is.  Nobody is going to come at your command or do as you want or say.  You have no power and need to end this, the prosecutors are waiting and know.

SIMILAR TO THE 1990s AND 2000s:  Ann kept on delaying or avoiding me back when she came to DC also.  I never knew why or understood but now I do.  I have also never paid for sex and I really am not interested okay.  I am not interested in taking care of you or knowing about your trash family.  I don’t like a psychopath looking over my shoulder or setting me up with girls.  I don’t enjoy any of this and I retaliate anyway I can.  I have sent pictures and I have a lot of them to drive you insane or make your head explode.  You fantasize about them and can find them on a research site on penis researches.  It defines crooked dicks.  They go into detail about deformations, pictures, and classify every penis dysfunction known to science.  I only talk to my HS friends.  You all will do anything to link one to another.  Ann is not here because you are.  In the 1990s Ann avoided me because you are here.  In the 2000s Ann avoided me because you are here.  In 2008 Ann finally tracked you all down and caught you, the communists and terrorists.  Don’t tell me there is no evidence or Ann is not here to save me or rescue me; to stop you.  If you want to see some pictures, ask me and I will post 100s of them for you; I did this to a lot of you and you kept telling me it was fake and I had to do this or that.  I can post pictures of Ann also; but how would you know?  Do you even care?  Exactly.  You need proof or evidence?  Do you have a court order or a judge demanding this?  You must be this stupid or totally insane; also, it is intended to make your brain explode.  Meanwhile, I train my mind to be at peace or be numb to your temptations or efforts; can you tell?  I been there and done that too!

STOP PUTTING HOOKERS ON WEB SITES OR DATING SITES TO COAX ME:  I know it was you all and when I did not, I thought I was talking to Ann.  That is almost similar to dressing up, talking like me, or getting in my bed and turning out the lights; then telling Ann to meet me.  I know it is you and when I think it is Ann, it turns out to be a hooker impersonating her.  I do not talk to Ann anymore online or in secret; however, I have to ask for a password.  You do the same thing with my finances, bank statements, and money; it is annoying.  Then you discredit me when I am not doing anything wrong or got tricked or trapped.  Recently, you had another Jewish contact in her 50s contact me when I was dating.  Then she high tailed out of town when the smack down came, as usual.  In other words, stop meddling in my dating world or social life; we genuinely hate you and confronted you about keeping tabs or spying.  You do this with Ann and I also; total invasion of privacy.  Do you have any respect for the rights of others, any?  Yes I wrote the Office of Hurricane-Earthquakes about this and know who you are; so doesn't the Pentagon and the FBI.  Is this why I am still single?  Is this why I have no kids?  Why, is it because you want to help and it is the help that is totally insane?  That is not helping, that is a psychopath.  All I have is Ann and you wrecked that up too.  All of you refuse to be reformed, is that legal?  Should you be talking?  Should you be in our life or meddling?  Let me make this clear, prostitutes are illegal; I’m not interested am I clear?  It is not due to homosexuality or any dysfunction or mental illness, just get lost.  The absolute truth is I knew you were doing it and I set you up, again!  We call it a smack down and you all scatter.  You do not know what I sent until you give me a password; Ann does and knows this.

THEY FIGURED OUT OUR WEAKNESS AND VULNERABILITY:  By going to these events, by showing up at the parades, by dressing up or playing soldiers, by saying the same things, by declaring themselves the boss, by pretending it is their money or we are living their life, etc… they know.  They know how to throw a wrench in everything or circumvent the entire reality.  Now there is nothing called honesty or the truth and they can do this on the left or the right; mimicking the message and dressing up.  The same applies on this end; circling me and trying to get the answer they want, but I won’t mimic their message and know already.  I don’t like to dress up or play along, Ann will and she got in trouble for this already.  They know knew who we are and our plans a long time ago but this did not stop them before.  Al Qaeda already knows our weakness, how?

IT IS A TRAVESTY OF JUSTICE TO GIVE THEM ACCESS TO GOOD SAMARITAN UNIFORMS AND ALLOW THEM TO DRESS UP:  They should be ashamed of themselves and each other for acquiring this from us and then dressing up.  I am and have been trying to bring them to justice but they refuse to be reformed and want to die.  What about my legal damages?  They choose to fight not surrender; do their own thing.  Giving them rope or slack is a travesty of justice to all.  Can they dress up as sluts or dress up as a piece of junk also?  Dress down not pussy power.

IS IT FAIR TO MAKE US THE JANITOR FOR CRIMINALS AND TRAITORS?  Again, who will pay for this and all of the work that has to be done?  Who is going to fund it if the political will is not there?  Have I ignored matters or did I try to bring them to justice for the past five years?  Thirty years?  Again, why can’t we get an honest answer or any real solutions from either the Democrats or the Republicans?  National Security dictates they remain silent?  I am sick of these secrets and the lying; I am going to write to the Office of Hurricane-Earthquakes.  They are going to be really ticked off to hear or know about this total insanity.  How in hell did I become their janitor or butt of jokes?  How?  Disruptions?  Imprisonment?  Framed?  Total lies?  Attacks?  Property loss?  Bad grades or IQ problems?  A lack of a college degree?  Skills not marketable?  It does not make any sense, none.  It never made any sense but they plug away trying to make it true and discredit me.  Ann silenced them, what happened to her and I?  Ann knows the truth.  Ann saw what they did and everything.  Why are the prosecutors waiting and reading my work and material?  Learning from a failure and a total loser?  I wonder what Fox News was doing to Ann also or why?  Do they want to be reformed or do they only want to die?  Ask them the prosecutors are waiting and so have I patiently.  How long does Ann or I have to wait, ten more years?

WHY FIGHT THEM OR USE POLITICS, DRAFT THEM:  I keep saying this to Ann and the world.  The best way is to let them have their way, let them talk, trap them, and then use the draft system to promote the “one shot” rule.  The draft is the best method to fight left wing radicals, traitors, or those trying to be part of the solution.  By drafting them, the enjoyment can be a shared village experience.  It is good because it just makes sense.  Let them win.  I tell Ann, let them win constantly, back down and walk away.

I DO BELIEVE IN THE DRAFT, THE DRAFT UTILIZED FOR THE VIETNAM WAR, AND ANY FUTURE MILITARY DRAFT:  I do not know why the communist are vigorously and masculine when it comes to World War II and when it is for fighting the wars of the right wing; they become feminine.  However, can you trust state powers or spending rights to balance the budget or become a business model, honestly?

I DON’T BELIEVE IN THE WAR POWERS ACT OF CONGRESS:  I do believe in a balance of power and separation of powers.  I believe dishonesty should be a reason for impeachment; silence is guilt even if your peers refuse to talk.  Ignorance and silence is not a vigorous debate.  I think National Security should be limited to honest and faithful answers; not an atmosphere of chaos or lies even if these traitors want to win, be part of the solution, or participate.

I KNOW CIRCUMVENTION OF THE LAWS IS NOT THE WAY TO FIGHT TERRORISM:  Patriotism or nationalism aside, I do not think circumvention of the laws is the way to fight terrorism or will.  The model is flawed and illogical, perhaps total insanity.  They have to abandon this model if they wish to fight terrorism.  Impeachment is the answer to abuse of power, a legitimate process to bring them to justice.

THEY CALL IT PUSSY POWER:  The course or the source of all this junk, communism, evil, crime, stick and carrot, terrorism, etc… is something they call pussy power.  They claim it is not junk and so deadly it leads or led to our death.  True?  It is the source of these attacks and power behind the cameras.  Also, as a sexual predator they claim it is defunct and a state of parenthood.  Pussy power is the source of total junk, trash, incompetence, stupidity, and endless attacks the past thirty years; the evil empire and their leaders.  I do not feel Ann is guilty but nobody talks and there is no evidence to contradict her; but I do expect perfection.  I am bombarded with female junk; primarily Jewish, black, and Irish; Jewish won.

IF ANN WANTS TO TAKE A BULLET FOR THEM:  Ann is not forced to do anything and if she wants to take a bullet for them, some Christian experience; then I am not in the way but I will throw the RICO charges at her and them if she aids and abets.  They have damaged and wrecked this relationship already so I am not sure what else can be done or said.  However, they must prove Ann aided and abetted if RICO is to apply to her.  I told Ann I expect perfection regardless of her intentions, I am sure I can find it if I look and search; but I have not and they throw junk at me 24-7.  Why?  Am I a trash collector?  This was the escape and evasion part only, not the actual crime they are charged with; stemming thirty years.

GIVE THEM HELL AND DO NOT SURRENDER:  These were the exact same words spoken to me in 1989 when I was only 19 years old and experiencing these disruptions or reported them to a retired military General.  I feel I have given them hell.

DO THEIR JOB AND DO IT CORRECTLY:  Things do not get the way they do because people do the right thing or do not do their job correctly.  When national security is brought to its knees or nobody has an honest answer, it is not because people did their job or did the right thing.  Again, things do not get this way for no reason and we are trying to bring them to justice; if this is not good enough; then they obviously are the problem or just a total asshole full of total lies.  Bad events or negative events don’t happen if you shoot them, ask the criminals in prison if this is true or not.  What is the problem?  Do they bring embarrassment to themselves, their family, and others?  This was not about sex or sexual fantasies.  It was not about workplace harassment either.  They do have a choice.

I AM NOT GOING TO GET SHOT AT THEIR EXPENSE OR ATTACKED:  Circumvention of real or truth-telling measures is not reformation or reforming a communist or terrorist.  It sounds out of the realm of possibility to those trapped or in checkmate but criminals do not buy this heaven or make these decisions.  Who does?  It begins with written audits, a process of written records; a receipt or proof of purchase for all transactions or a total lack of transactions.  How dumb and stupid are they?  You can’t just shoot the good guys or the winners.  What exactly are they asking or demanding with all of these games and evasive measures?  Someone is going to get shot for this I suppose.  Is that okay with them?

THE WAR ON TERRORISM:  The war on terrorism from 1993-Present offers one aspect that filters down to the police and military units, combat experience.  You cannot duplicate it but there is a point of fatigue and diminishing returns.  Baptism by fire does not mold people into right wing self reliant thinking nor does it turn them into do-the-right thing Republicans.  It just means the increase in the knowledge and pool for police and military units quantifies.  We believe in choice and self reliance.  I know the bad guys want to be part of the solution, part of society, to be part of something or someone, to win or become rich; we all do.  Wars have a profound impact on the number of warriors, their equipment, and combat experience.  It insulates the 20 something crowd from the ridiculous reality of the city and shows them a different reality; a real one.  Baptism by fire does not produce a right wing self reliant warrior.  A warrior is someone who is calm and deliberate under fire, at peace with total insanity.  Combat does not turn them into perfectionists or scholars.

TRYING TO BRING THEM TO JUSTICE:  When their leaders are trying to win and when they place their financial bets on the losers or the criminals; it is really difficult to bring them to justice if the obstructions or lack of care is from their leaders; this will be the thirtieth year so how about considering how many harassment tactics exists or have existed, then what exactly they want or are asking.  Of course they use silence to win and they refuse to be reformed; but do not call them Christians or good decent people who are victims of circumstances.  They are not victims; they refuse to be reformed and want to die instead, skin in the game.  So if the Office of Hurricane-Earthquakes drafts you; then shoot them before they shoot you; you can’t just shoot people and blame the other side.  None of them care about bringing this pest to justice, none of them; only Ann and I gave this our last breath; look what happened to Ann for trying to rescue.  Clearly, they want war and will not be accountable.  Their leaders refuse to be reformed and are total assholes but their voting power is real.  Their control and money is real; Even if it is all debt and total lies.

TAKING ADVANTAGE OF SIMILARITIES AND LURING INNOCENT PEOPLE INTO A WEB OF LIES:  We know.  The appearance of celebrity can be positive but the mental impact is very negative; if they circle you than it can also present a physical danger or an endless thwarting disruption.  We know they only want to win, be part of the solution, and participate; what about their secret life or secret war?  Their favorite similarity is the police, bosses, parents, judges, reality, the voice in your head, imaginary voices or verbal accosting, your conscience, some form of mental illness, or an investigator.  Now they claim they cannot tell what is real and what is not?  They can read can’t they?  They know English don’t them?  They can tell the truth can’t they?  They can pay the legal damages can’t they?  They know right from wrong doesn't them?  They know they cannot run from the law don’t they?  When did they know all of this, no escape and checkmate trap?  Did the right thing?

METH-CRACK ADDICTS AND CIGARETTES:  For the past ten years, the crack addicts and meth addicts have tried to piss me off each time I am in public, go shopping, or have any interaction with other human beings.  As far as cigarettes I have had to take a very strong stance due to this constant harassment utilizing cigarettes.  I have not been poisoned with an E-cigarette yet or harassed daily with them; so whoever is trying to force me to agree or draw me into the crack-meth world; will be punished or worse.  I am sick and tired of this meddling or pretending to be my parents, professors, and boneheaded meddling.  I have written to the Office of Hurricane-Earthquake and requested immediate action or retaliation.  All of them can kiss my ass, shoot them if you are drafted; I don’t even care.  Guns win wars and guns will win against the war on crime and drugs.  Every communist killed in wars was shot by an American gun, I love this statistical analysis.  These disruptions and illegal communication will be punished anyhow, anywhere, and by any means possible; end it and pay the legal damages!  It can only get worse.

“DEAR OFFICE OF HURRICANE-EARTHQUAKE” THROW THEM IN THE STREETS AND FORCE THEM INTO BANKRUPTCY:  This is what they get for this parent scam for forcing me into bankruptcy or constant financial disruptions.  They continue to act as if they are my parents, Ann’s guardian, or related to us.  We hate their F’in guts.  None of them are even reformed and they keep doing it month after month, day after day until someone kills them.  We know who is behind it all and they keep saying we have not stopped them yet nor can; we loose.  Meanwhile, they want to be the solution or the right wing; Republicans or conservatives.  Zero tolerance on them for any of this political power and the peace movement; reform and end this dammit.

BASED ON MY OBSERVATION, THEY WERE EVERYWHERE IN THE MILITARY AND POLICE:  I cite the labor unions and the Democrats for flooding these critical and vital strongholds of the right wing.  However, all of them need the participation, government funds, jobs, and refuse to be reformed.  It literally drives me insane just being around these total assholes.  Thirty years later my views are identical and the exact same.  It is hard for me to accept this or their commanders, even at the officer levels.  It feels like a welfare program for communist gooks.  If they refuse to reform and want to die instead, what the F do they want to hear?  How do we accept this or the past thirty years with a communist gook meddling in our affairs or career?  Stop meddling in our love life or trying to have our kids; or do they want to die also?  The game is over, it is time to surrender.  It can only get far worse and we will win handily on the battlefield if I am on active duty again!  They know this.  They did take me out of active duty, I admit this loss.  I chose retirement, it was really bad.  All I need to know if they are reformed and if not, do they want to die?

WANT TO WIN AND BE PART OF THE SOLUTION:  Oh great, we are doomed.  I will say it again, after thirty years how do we get rid of them or expel them from our life?  Mind our own business?  Let them spy on us or harass us daily?  Go after their politics and financial support?  How do we stop this and get our life back better than it was if they want to be part of the solution and win?  Well so does America.  Are we total assholes who refuse to be reformed or end this?  It sounds like war and fighting words doesn't it, not peaceful or voting rights; a total dumbass nutcase.  Who the F hired them?  They are not conservatives and not Republicans.  They are not right wing either.  They are not even legal.  Now they trumped us?  They are more trusted and the voice of the right wing?  They are not even reformed and none of them even have a college degree, solution or team work?  They cannot even change who and what they are; dead.

WE ARE UNDER SIEGE BY UNREFORMED POLITICIANS - EVERY SINGLE JOB, MY CUSTOMERS ARE NOT REFORMED?  You have to be kidding me right?  Is this how they are discrediting me?  There are this many communist gooks?  No wonder every job is hell.  I have to cater to people who cannot work, refuse to reform, and cannot change who and what they are; they want to die and are worthless.  How about take a bath, loose some weight, and shut up?  That is a start.  They want to be our customers?  They want to teach us and be our family?  They want to watch us and study us?  How disgusting can this get?  They want peace and want to disarm me, to take me out of my element and scold or prod me all day?  Isn’t stalking a crime?  But they want to die and be left alone, mind our own business?  What a F’in joke.  Now they want to be Republicans and conservatives, right wing?  How about reforming first before we have to kill them if they only want to die, typical ghetto dwellers or US cities?

WHO HIRED THEM IF THEY WANT TO DIE AND NOT BE REFORMED?  There is just a little bit of total insanity in their hiring and firing practices.  Who the hell hired people who are in a criminal conspiracy, want to die, and invade our privacy daily or for the past thirty years?  Who?  Now who is making the situation more difficult if they owe legal damages and want to die instead of being reformed?  This is comparable to calling 911 and being hung up on.  How did they get the tools and ability to do this?  They claim they want to die and not be reformed; peace?  Is this a F’in joke?  They refuse to be reformed, are communist, and it is politics?  Why not declare war?  How did they get in or get the ability to do this?  How did it last so long and is there any relief or end if they refuse to be reformed or accountable?  Are they willing to write this down?  So I have to listen to them all day long because they do not want to reform or obey the laws?  Has anybody seen this type of human being before?

REFORMING THE CHURCH OF COMMUNIST GOOKS IS IMPOSSIBLE:  I am not sure if the reformation period encountered the same problems but the church of communist gooks want to die, not be reformed; they dress up, do their hair, act rich and fancy; but none of this help them, meanwhile, we are prisoners of this and have to figure out how best to bring them to justice and get our life back better than it was.  They get nothing and will not profit, that is the mad scramble.  However, the damage is done.  It is suicide to discredit us now.  Can we discredit them and bring them to justice, suicide also?  Reforming them is impossible, they want to die.  The left claims this is their nation; we cannot be self reliant or independent because they are house Negros.  They cannot be reformed, pure criminals or totally insane.  There is an absolute refusal to pay legal damages also, terrorists who wish to die and not be civilized or reformed; what to do, plan to nuke them or try to throw them out before civil war or more debt?

I AM AN EXPERT WITH FIREARMS, I HAVE SHOT EVERY GUN IN THE WORLD, I RELOAD AND CAN MAKE OR PRODUCE THEM, I HAVE A SUPERIOR MILITARY RECORD, AND I HAVE BEEN SHOOTING SINCE AGE 6:  What in hell are you F’ers trying to prove?  Guns win wars.  America has the best guns and supplied every war against the communist or evil.  I love guns.  I love American guns.  I lead the forces of violence and teach or train most allied military personnel.  What in hell are you F’ers trying to prove because you are in a world of trouble now and I am disarmed?  Guns defeated communism and crime; guns shoot poor people who are desperate; you’re church of communist gooks.  I love American guns because every dead communist gook was shot by an American gun; now a house Negro?  Have you ever seen my skills with a gun?  I was certified at a very young age; total assholes.  I love the M16; every dead communist in Vietnam was shot by an AR15 or an M16.  I hope to produce a new hurricane-earthquake round for a house Negro who tries what you all try.

TRYING TO SPIN THE STORY, WE ARE PUNISHING THEIR STUPIDITY NOT PERFECTION:  The houses Negros at Fox News have it wrong.  They are being punished for their stupidity, not perfection.  They hate our perfection and power.  This is why they are a complete psychopath; they hate power and are a house Negro.  Admit it and stop sneaking around. It is their stupidity and sense of complacency, home; that has to go and is going to get killed, not perfection.  Like all house Negros, they try to strike back or use their wrath on our self reliance and power.  Their future will be transformed if they continue to live in the present, it has already.  We don’t care either and have a good respectable life; work harder and hit harder.  Stalemate is their politics or existence.

WILL THEY TRAUMATIZE US?  WILL THEY TRAUMATIZE AMERICA?  WILL THEY BECOME A HOUSE NEGRO IN OUR LIFE BEGGING FOR RELIEF AND CHARITY?  The question is will they achieve their goals and traumatize both Ann Coulter and I?  Will the entire matter screw up their life or will they get totally screwed up trying to force their way into our life or take us prisoner?  If they are miserable then why didn’t they stop spying on us or leave?  We will never know what it is like to have privacy ever again?  We will respect them the moment they walk into a room?  We will feel their wrath as a radical communist running loose in our world, unable to tame them or civilize them?  We are being sentenced to a life of hell and get this 24-7 wrath from a house Negro who wants to be our parents or part of our growth in life?  Now they want us to move and leave?

PRIVACY OR PIRACY?  WHO EXACTLY MAKES THESE CHOICES?  Who started this?  Who is a wanted criminal?  Who is trying to escape or evade prosecution?  Do stay and stand up for their rights or beliefs.  Do ruin our self reliance and success in life.  Do steal our children or try to fornicate us in the dark or against our will.  Do sneak into our life and into our home.  It might end up in our favor right?  It might bring their family extreme embarrassment.  It might traumatize them how we defend what we have, how we work for it, or end up only benefiting us.  It was worth it.  They call them a totally insane house Negro for a reason.  Oh now we have to move and leave, I see how it is.  In failure and utter loss, we have to move or do as told?  They call them a house Negro for a reason.  Do write some more books and show you are more productive.

WILL THEY RESPECT OUR RIGHTS, WISHES, RIGHT TO PRIVACY, RIGHT TO CHOOSE, RIGHT TO ZERO ILLEGAL INTERVENTION, RIGHT TO LIVE A FREE LIFE, RIGHT TO LIVE WITHOUT THEM, ETC. BEFORE SEEKING RELIEF?  Who exactly is joined by the hip here, us or them?  It only shows they have no shame.  It only shows they have no backbone.  It only shows the core of this radical communist is nothing more than a meek coward house Negro acting out the world they see or hear.  They did disrupt our life and sent it into a spiral.  They did invade our privacy and kept us prisoner for decades.  Was it worth it?  Would they do it again or live a life of regrets?  Did they achieve any goals or because so traumatize by failure?  Did they find anything to loot or did I plan that self defense really well?  Did they find my pot of gold yet?  Whose pot of gold is it in the end?  In trying to traumatize us, brainwash us, and keep us as prisoners; they became nothing more than a caged house Negro and the butt of all our jokes.  Big brother got the ass whipping of their life.  After all this failed, they want us to leave or move because it is their wish to be left alone, incapable or unable to harm us further?

COME TO DC-VA AND THROW THEM OUT:  If they can just get this right, none of this would have happened or all of this debt, hint Congress!  Now an FBI raid is needed or a nuclear war to preserve self reliance and national security?  Did they make sure or reorganized to make sure Ann Coulter would survive?  Did they make sure or took actions to ensure I survived?  Is there any records to audit these claims or audit the spending and allocations?  Is there any excuse for this flimsy record keeping?

THE COLD WAR VICTORY STRATEGY OR FUTURE PLANS:  The cornerstone of the cold war was self reliance.  From 1950 to 1989, the main thrust into the heart of communism rested solely on the spending habits of the Pentagon and outspending the communist forces.  Their demise in 1989 was the cumulative effect of mismanagement and misapplication of military spending.  Historical records indicate severe famine during times of military growth and expansion.  Therefore, the communist forces bringing the United States to her knees for a financial destruction or retaliatory actions for the ill-fated strategies of the past have failed miserably.  Furthermore, the ongoing effort by the communist forces to harass or debilitate financial matters, even through enabling enemy forces; is before us in legal form.  None of them have showed their actions were faithful to this strategy or the future of the nation; however, the muckraking and yellow journalism to expose the Pentagon or cold war strategies to combat communism was nothing more than terrorism and harassment.  The current effort to disrupt financing or future critical national security victories is paralyzing.  Their duty and patriotic claims were not faithful or true, discredited.  Hence, the main problem was their lack of military understanding, official records, and avoiding the verification and authentication process.  By circumventing all of these matters, an atmosphere of natural or accidental had more credibility than their criminal conduct or laborious malicious intent.  They were experts on communism and advancing it; not combating it, thus they needed this expertise and this credibility.  There is a huge gap between combating communism and advancing it, it is not the same but their discriminating bias is debilitating.  This was not a recruitment because there was no financial gain or long term benefits.”

WILLFUL, DELIBERATE, AND HARASSING CONDUCT TO CONCEAL AN ACT OF WAR OR TREASON ON WAR VICTIMS OR MILITARY SERVICE MEMBERS:  This was about self reliance or the inability to become self reliant given there are no flaws and mistakes.  It is about legal and illegal intervention.  Their actions indicate a debilitating and deliberate act to conceal or suppress suspicion, suspicious activity, illegal communication, historical events, and who did what; in an effort to shift the blame or divert suspicion.  If the goodness of the act, absolute absurdity or beyond the scope of incrimination, were their duty to rule out and open an investigation; then obstruction or willful concealment cannot be used as a legal defense.  The act of opening a door is much different than the act of closing it so that new events can occur and be hidden from plain view.  There is a major and overbearing difference between prosecuting criminals and suppressing evidence or criminal conspiracy.  This act of closing a door meant a criminal conspiracy could change direction or begin inciting legal action or retaliatory investigations after the fact.  It also gave life and new ammunition to their fight; now in an honorable police role or capacity.  A formal record must be maintained and be available for auditors if they are seeking relief, filing for relief, or claiming relief by the courts.  Ongoing or debilitating harassment tactics only incite higher degrees of punishment and reinforce the need for swift and decisive solutions; hence, the aura or atmosphere of incompetence.  Is there a record of flaws, incompetence, lack of knowledge, or furthermore incapacitation?  The definition of suspicion or suspicious activity is under question; is it the ability to stay open, the ability to grow and expand, the day to day business conduct, or the absence of any historical records?” "

RECORDS INDICATE THEIR ACTIONS ARE AN ACT OF WAR OR AN ACT OF TREASON ON MILITARY SERVICE MEMBERS OR NATIONAL HEROES:  Based on records, witness accounts, and evidence; the records indicate the likelihood of prosecution or severe punishments for involvement in crimes classified as "acts of war" or "treason."  This is the first problem.  The second problem is the negative impact or adverse consequences of their actions to the livelihood of others.  Not only were they to inflict property loss but their criminal conduct was intended to inflict harassing income disruptions.  Furthermore, it was to ensure no means was available to file legal protection, qualify for relief, or any other benefits from civilian duty or circumstantial military duty; not of their own choosing or doing.  The evidence and the records insightfully indicate this door, relief or rescue, was shut and locked; than guarded around the clock to ensure nobody would discover, report, or would be suspicious of any events taking place.  This too confirms the original complaints and charges or the willful endeavor to ensure compliance.  In order to settle debts, some written or formal record must be maintained for auditors to determine who did what and why.  Any suspicious activity or suspicion must be brought to the attention of auditors, a process of opening doors and not shutting them.  They must be able to predict five, ten, or twenty years of previous records that match future records seamlessly.  Severe educational or mental incapacitation must be present and clearly debilitating those who claim to be cut off or entangled.  In the advent of promising swift military action or any decisive retaliation for any act of war or criminal activity; their actions, legal response, and discriminating lack of care disrupted or made military duty impossible; an atmosphere of incriminating incompetence or paralyzing frustration.  These actions were not motivated by the advancement of the nation or any patriotic cause, a total lie and absent of any loyalties.

NATURAL DISASTERS, PROPERTY LOSS AND INCOME DISRUPTIONS TO ADVANCE CRIME OR CRIMINAL CONDUCT:  "Because many victims of natural disasters will have lost evidence to document their financial circumstances, attorneys may find it difficult to make this certification for a debtor who has been through a natural disaster. The result will be that victims of natural disaster will be unable to find counsel or, perhaps even worse, able to find only counsel willing to sign a certification based on flimsy or nonexistent documentation...  To reach those who have suffered property loss as well as those who have suffered income disruption, the exception should have both a residence-based and employment-based component. Debtors who reside or work within a region in which a federally declared disaster has occurred could claim eligibility for the exceptions if they suffered an asset loss or income disruption material to their financial circumstances. The usual rules against frivolous pleadings and false statements of fact would deter fraudulent claims of exceptions. Because the increased bankruptcy filings after a natural disaster are only symptoms of financial distress, other measures could also be taken to prevent the financial distress from occurring or, at least, worsening.”  - Lawless, Robert; “Bankruptcy Filing Rates After a Hurricane”, Nevada Law Journal, Volume 6:7, Fall 2005. -

HONORABLE MILITARY DUTY AND CRITICAL SERVICE CANCEL OUT ALL COMPLAINTS:  “The Service members Civil Relief Act protects members of the military from adverse personal financial consequences stemming from their military service and could serve as a model for the types of protection that might be made available to natural disaster victims.  However, natural disaster victims have their own set of special problems that need addressing. In addition to ensuring that bankruptcy is available for those whose economic circumstances continue to deteriorate, it would be helpful for many more families if some of the economic pressure could be alleviated so that they might have a chance to survive without filing for bankruptcy... Natural disaster victims also need laws that would provide more permanent protections. This kind of credit restriction intensifies the economic fallout from natural disaster. The Equal Credit Opportunity Act, which bars certain forms of discrimination in lending, should be amended to bar the denial of credit solely because of a person's residence or employment within a federal disaster area… Bankruptcy is only a symptom of underlying financial distress, and this Article also offered a number of other measures that could be taken to alleviate the financial devastation visited upon victims of natural disasters.”  - Lawless, Robert; “Bankruptcy Filing Rates After a Hurricane”, Nevada Law Journal, Volume 6:7, Fall 2005. -

MOTIVES TO ACT THIS WAY OR TO RESULT TO THIS TYPE OF CONDUCT:  Any criminal legal expert knows the motives that drive people to this degree of desperation, real or imagined.  In other words, all criminal conduct has a motive behind their criminal acts or harassing nature.  Desperation and this volume of data or conduct only indicate either vindication or criminal guilt; there are no other motives for this degree of derangement or psychosis.  Even a defense lawyer is not obligated to speak on their behalf, accountability.  There are no other roads to victory because all crimes have specific motives.  When confusion, babble, and illogical means are deployed; it indicates the mental acuity of those trapped or desperate.  There is a lot to digest and inconclusive measurements.  If the road splits and they choose the path of righteousness prevailing over evil; then some written or formal record must be maintained for auditors to determine who did what and why.  Any suspicious activity or suspicion must be brought to the attention of auditors, a process of opening doors and not shutting them.  They cannot simply petition Congress or ask the President for pardon or declare themselves victors or victims fighting terrorism and corruption.  An audit has to exist and future events.  A blind person will also act in this demeanor but cannot evade capture or put up a chase; a blind person would have wrecked a long time ago.  Not know if something is true or false, real or make believe; does not conclude mental illness or copyright problems of the author.  A book or hordes of books do not vindicate criminal acts.  Having to pay any price demanded is not a criminal motive or guilt, which is merely price control.  Were they getting paid for their labor or duties, fair wages?  This only leaves escape and evasion as the single motive to all these crimes, no way out.

HOW MUCH DID I GET IN RELIEF? REAL OR IMAGINED, HURRY UP AND WORK HARDER AND FASTER:  Since 2008 the total number of unemployment benefits spent by the federal government exceeded 230 billion dollars.  Hurricane Katrina alone cost the federal government 160 billion dollars in unemployment relief.  The 2008 Stimulus Bill passed by Bush cost 700 billion dollars.  The second Stimulus Bill passed by Obama cost another 600 billion dollars.  The legal damages surrounding this case and criminal complaint cost two billion dollars.  Is there bias or some discriminating corruption involved in this fight over mismanagement and financial corruption?  If the public good and tax dollars are spent, as debt or cumulative debts; is there good or public goods to follow or is it a waste of money and nothing more than pork spending?  Real or imagined hate?  I did not get a penny of relief yet.  Instead I got double-down, the race card, sexual allegations, and 24-7 of this, an extension of thirty years already; a sign of corruption?  We got blamed as the scapegoat and our partnership was sacked by their judges.  Even worse, they claim they have no power and are hot in the head, all fired up.  Do they only have the mind of a gold digger, a one way street?  Did we get any value out of any of them or their meddling in our affairs?  Did their duty help to provide any of this?  Then do not expect to gain or benefit.  Don’t come around or show up with more lip service or total lies.  Is that too much to ask?  Is that too unreasonable?  Is that too damning or illegal?  Is there a way out, any?  Are they bosses or managers, real or imagined?

TECHNOLOGY IS PUTTING GOVERNMENT MISMANAGEMENT OUT OF BUSINESS:  The politics of debt, taxes, and spending circumvents the notion of public good and fiscal accountability.  However, the communist forces utilize financial matters to invoke an atmosphere of incompetence due to their cumulative and calculating abilities of their religion.  These flaws end up resembling the labor unions and government employee unions; the cumulative labor movement and their migration to the United States for labor practices their homeland could not furnish.  Technology is now economizing and digitizing the efficiency of government down to the very last penny.  Thus, it removes the doubt and suspicion of this financial fraud or the voting rights to enable the mismanagement of Congress.  The computer today works around the clock doing the work ten government workers are unwilling or incapable of doing; it is despised.  Technology is also putting a major strain on the camera and the world of muckraking or journalism because consumers of this are more informed and more sophisticated.  In communist regions, the knowledge and sophistication is regulated or absent.  Their calculating abilities are severely limited by computers and the digital revolution.

MUCKRAKING AND YELLOW JOURNALISM:  If The Vietnam War was not enough than it had to be my career, my academic work, my military mission, my books, and my love life or biography.  Is that why they are violating our privacy and trying to stop us?  Is this the severe harassment of their journalistic prowess?  Is this where all the lies and innuendos came from, muckraking?  Do tell the truth or get caught in more lies.  What a bunch of losers.  Also technology is testing their academic and college skills now; we have not stopped the media so they must be winning this war behind the cameras.  The muckraking era was primarily the labor unions and the harassing working conditions, i.e. Upton Sinclair; the era of radio, television, and journalism.

ALL OF THEM FEEL THEY ARE LIVING OUT THE DREAMS OF THEIR FATHER:  Bush thought so.  Obama thinks so.  Hannity thinks so endlessly.  Limbaugh thinks so.  All of them have the mind of an idiot child and a homeless wreck.  It was only when they fought for Israel did they feel truly at home.  Hence their hatred of the Vietnam War and dilemma of needing public government jobs; they have to fight the wars for the right wing and despise this.  This homeless F’er thinks we are one voice; hence the back and forth of one voice.  They want their way.  We can’t stand their guts and will do anything possible see if we can nuke them or throw them out.  Many of them feel this way and for a brief moment, got the thrill of a roller coaster ride.  I was forced to feel like a total loser or my brother was Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter, or Barrack Obama; I am not and never was but it keeps going on and on to no end yet.  This is what Fox News and all of them are doing; one voice from here to their scripts in a blink of an eye.  I had to call them a nigger and this did not end it either.  What works on this stalker and psychopath?  How do we turn them off and make fun of them?  They fight back also, one hell of a fight and chase!  If all else, they double down; which means 24-7 and double team Ann and I.  Now the story is we can’t stop them or have; thus, it is a win-win ending.  There is a celestial bond between the Jews and communism; the dreams of their father and their World War II experience to make them ferocious.

TRAITORS SHOULD NOT BE TEACHING OR PROFESSORS OF POLITICAL SCIENCE:  A lot of these total homeless losers are teaching political science.  I came across this when they all trashed my grades or discredited me early on.  It did hamper my progress but not in the long term.  Again, they act as if the right wing can be bought.  All of them have the mind of a homeless loser.  Their hygiene is disgusting.  They feel they are realist.  In politics, realism or the wing of realism; is where right wing cold warriors exist.  However, this homeless idiot thinks they own the realist camp; which is the school that teaches the truth and legalism.  Instead we get thirty years with a dumbass who only feels at home or productive when they are protesting the Vietnam War or fighting the wars of Israel.  Did we shut down their teaching scam or the communist infiltration of the college campuses around DC-VA yet?  They are not realist.  They are not Republicans.  They are not right wing.  They despise the Vietnam War and the imposition of fighting wars for the rich or the right wing.  They despise royals.  They feel the right wing is home to the poor or the homeless.  Yet they need the public money and the public jobs.  How much of politics and college did they contaminate?  Did they contaminate CIA also?  All of them feel they are my professors or special tutors; well guess what.  Again, there is a special or secret bond between the Jews and communism and Fox News and all of them are living out this fantasy using the race card or racism.

A LOT OF THEM HAVE THE MIND OF A HOMELESS PERSON:  Not only do they have the mind of a homeless person, they are living out a fantasy where they are partners with us, stink up the room, disgust us, and we have to be family or charitable with the homeless and poor; they suck and are total F’in losers.  I got to listen to this or the stupid shit all day long; one problem after the next.  However, they pound out more preposterous books on their work and search for America, this fantasy of a family and being taken care of.  Meanwhile, they wreck up my partnership with Ann or how we take care of each other.  That is what they are up to; a homeless wench and total loser fitting to be the brother of Clinton or Carter.  Am I supposed to embrace their poor, sick, and homeless?  I am as arrogant as they come, from royalty.  Is this supposed to work or change my mind; change Ann’s mind about me?  Kumbayah!  Now you have Obama and the same homeless brother living with total losers in squalor.  It must be the calling of Ann and me.  That is how crazy Fox News is and was, beyond the realm of an idiot.  Do I have red hair or look like a Negro?  Is it their dumbass church or religion?

FOX NEWS, LIMBAUGH, AND SEAN HUMANITY FEEL THEY ARE AIR TO OUR FORTUNE:  Meanwhile, Hannity has a revolving door and studies the matter so he has all the material to regurgitate our entire work and career; it’s really annoying what that Irish loser is doing for the past thirty years; thanks George W. Bush.  Hannity and all of them think they are one step in front of us and I am solving all of their problems; they are the heirs of my existence.  I call it a spy ring and illegal surveillance; they put up one hell of a fight and bite big; so totally inferior and out of place; charity and our generosity to the nation.  It is their story and they beat us to the punch; heirs and smarter than we are.  They are nothing more than homeless people or the mind of one; the communist church of gooks.

YOU HAVE TO ASK THEM HOW MUCH THEY HATE US AND HOW FAR WILL THEY GO:  It begs the question, how much do you hate them and how long do you think this can last?  Even if everybody thinks you are totally insane and completely crazy; would you burn the village down if they become heroes of the village?  Would you destroy yourself just to get the satisfaction of hurting them?  Are you prepared to do the time if you can do the crime?  Then let’s not pretend we can do the time when the prosecutors are waiting for an end to this.  There is no way they can win, none; but how far are they willing to take this just to get even or seek pay back for making them fight the wars of the rich and the wars of the right wing?  Their officers, who are also a disaster and whose work is a complete lemon, can’t win at politics.  We saw their predecessors loose every single political fight and put their own men in the hospital for their sloppy work.  They got another surprise fighting right wing wars.  They don’t like money.  They don’t like rich.  They don’t like royalty.  They live a left wing existence but need the government jobs and power.  Fighting for Israel was the first time they actually was proud of their country; and fought faithfully in war.

ABOUT THE CLINTONS:  Well, first their industry is bombed out and hollow.  Worse all of them are in bunker mentality, got busted, and have to help the people in this trap.  However, their anti-Vietnam campaign got the insult of their life; there goes another boom.  It only shows the higher you climb, the farther the fall.  It is time to rewrite that biography and add Ann Coulter; or continue the plot?

BALDNESS MEDICINE:  More of their government conspiracy theories about criminals and prisons; baldness due to imprisonment.  However, some of my hair grew back and it looks good; their professors and teachers again.  I had two years of this baldness hell and I did not have a medical condition.

WHAT IS CRIMINAL INSANITY?  HOW DO WE KNOW IT IS CRIMINAL INSANITY OR NOT, DELIBERATE, WELL THOUGHT OUT, AND INTENTIONAL?  There is a big gap between doing your job and criminal insanity.  There is a gigantic gap between a person of faith and criminal insanity.  There is a huge gap between criminal insanity and coming on TV every single day doing this.  There is a damning gap with crime and police forces when there is no end to the criminal behavior.  There is a big difference between us and them from the start to the end.  There is a gigantic gap when in 2009 the legal damages had to be capped and limited at $2.5 billion dollars, after more than thirty years of this secret war or criminal conspiracy.  We are the right wing and we manage business and money matters; but this is completely foreign.  It is so preposterous they want to die but data indicates they only want to win; the crime of the century.  Is there a threat out there?  Is treason being severely violated at this time?  Are they judges or official authority?  What happens when someone who is completely insane gets into our life?  What happens to our credibility or happiness; how about our money?  What happens when they are caught?  What happens when a human being has no soul and does not have any shame?

FOX NEWS, HANNITY, LIMBAUGH, AND THE DRUG GANGS OF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY CONTINUE TO DISCREDIT ME AND MY WORK:  One method to discredit me was to clone or steal the material; our biography.  Another method was to meddle in every aspect of my life; primarily consumer power, purchasing power, bank credibility, workplace stability, and severe transportation problems.  Another method was to discredit my ability to manage my life or accomplish goals, success.  Another method was to spy or use illegal surveillance methods, severe violations of privacy, and then cover it up and bring on stooges to reverse or conceal the process of evidence.  Another method was with my love life and partnership with Ann Coulter, to discredit her and then turn around and send in more stooges.  Another method was to use the model of have and have not, send in stooges to discredit our relationship and blood line.  Another method was residential problems such as eviction, home invasion, vandalism, workplace disruption, and endless effort to feed the prisoner drugs.  Another method was financial sanction and illegal abuse of investigative power, secret intervention to suggest a police investigation was underway while forwarding a concealment and conspiracy to assess damage. 

TEACHING THE POLITICS OF TERRORISM, FEAR, DESTRUCTION, DEATH, AND CORRUPTION:  All of these destruction methods and severe stalking led to an invasion of privacy and invasion of our life, thus leading to severe transparency problems in our biography or the source of the attacks.  They claim they are done now and want to die; this is what can happen when someone who wants to die meddles in our entire life.  They claim these stooges are not denying the attacks and have complied; hence, the endless police reports.  They claim it was fair game and they did not do anything illegal, it was not legal but we failed to stop them and cannot win this.  Our records show they were doing this to conceal other plots or were the protection for the terror plots, violent attacks, and a secret war that advanced the communist forces and the labor unions.  They claim they are not worried and are only acting out the fear their political existence has to live with.  Again, they claim we have not stopped them or can; thus, accept a stalemate or a win-win situation; more damage can be done to us if we do not accept their offer. 

IF I COULD DO ALL THAT, THEN I COULD HAVE CUT YOUR EAR OFF HANDILY AND BLEED YOU:  But I did not and the FBI will back me up on this because they have to, they have a lot to loose too as an opposition.  Be fortunate I was civilized about this and not a reactionary; I might not be as smart but I did do all of that without a drop of blood split yet.  If not, show me an ear missing or bleeding.  If I can do all that, I can cut their ear off in a blink of an eye.

SEAN HANNITY AND RUSH LIMBAUGH HAS DONE EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING TO DISCREDIT:  If it was not me.  If it was not Ann.  If it was not the right wing and the Republican Party.  If it was not workers at Fox News or the relationship with the media.  If it was not the use of radio and public disillusionment, etc.  Then it was their resume.  Now Fox News faces a dilemma, how many of them were guilty and can they prove Ann Coulter is guilty of aiding and abetting?  Well, if it applies to them; then why won’t it apply to them; being discredited?  Also, they have to prove, evidence; they were under orders or only following orders.  Where did the orders come from, loyalty and friendship?  RICO is for gangs and hardened organized criminals, not political leeches and communist spies.  All the videos at Fox News clearly show an effort to discredit Ann and worse; hold me prisoner to this when I was already a hostage in the thirtieth year of being undercover.  You try thirty F’in years and then watch how they act facing arrest or prosecution.  The prosecutors are still waiting and I have been waiting for my legal damages; do I need to be taunted endlessly in my own residence or around the clock?  Everything Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh did was to discredit what Ann told me; everything.  Fox News was in on this and the prosecutors know; from the top, all of them were in on it, a gang membership or unity.  Silence does not preserve their retirement or resume.  I was being ferociously attacked on this end while they discredited Ann.

Victoria Principal, 9 years his senior, on Andy Gibb 1999:
The Biography of Andy Gibb by A and E:

A PEASANT BEFORE THE ROYAL COURT:  Is that the problem or the answer?  Wait, who is the royal court and who is the impostor?  Prisoners or DNA problems?

SCRIPTED TO SHOW ANGER AND MAKE THE OPPOSITION FEEL PAIN:  Does it look and feel like I am guilty too?

SCRIPTED TO EVADE CAPTURE OR AVOID PROSECUTION:  Now I even feel guilty and now I am starting to think and acts like them.  Who are the bad guys here?  They did this to the very bitter deadly end.  Who owns the debt?  Who owns the banks?  Who wins no matter if the good guys die or are murdered? 

SCRIPTED TO BECOME CHARITY, A LIFE LINE, AN OPPORTUNITY, AN IMPRISONMENT, A HOSTAGE TAKER, A 501.C, WELL INTENDED, AND PURE EVIL GREED:  You have to ask what is their motive and what is ours, to win or to loose?  They can even change our identity and rewrite our entire life; it is not even being reported or cleared yet.  Who owns the debt?  Who owns the banks?  Who wins no matter if the good guys die or are murdered? 

SCRIPTED TO ENSURE THEY CAN MASTERMIND CRIME:  It makes more sense now; higher ratings, partnership and seat at the table, opinions can be changed or obstructed, public outrage is widespread, a complete state of chaos and vindictive confusion; now the time and place is ripe.  Who owns the debt?  Who owns the banks?  Who wins no matter if the good guys die or are murdered? 

SCRIPTED TO GIVE THEM MEDIA PULL AND MORE CREDIBILITY:  Ah now I know what this camera is for and why this plot surrounds terrorism and money manipulation.   Who owns the debt?  Who owns the banks?  Who wins no matter if the good guys die or are murdered? 

THEY THINK OUR LIFE IS THEIR HOMELAND ALSO:  Just like a meandering, wandering, nit-wit revolutionary they truly are.  Regardless, they worship us and God in the same light.  What would God say to them if he was here?

PUT A BULLET IN THEIR POCKETBOOK AND THEN MAKE THEM PAY FOR IT:  I do feel like a victim, do they?  They actually think America is their homeland, just how they have acted the last thirty years; this is their homeland.

HAVE NOT ACHIEVED THE GOALS YET, FAR TO GO:  More pain.  More suffering.  More problems.  More of nothing.  We get closer to war.  Lesson learned, never allow them to call America their homeland again.  We are the survivors, not them.

WHAT TO THINK OF THEIR COMPANY OR BUSINESS?  I have zero tolerance on aiding and abetting, zero.  However, look at the scumbags we have in our life or in politics.  Look at what they have done to our beloved world and nation, all of these communist gook immigrants are just seeking or looking for welfare; a single mom looking for a meal ticket or government husband.  Who are the real survivors of this?

WHO NEEDS THEM AS SOLDIERS OR IN THE RANKS OF POWER?  I hope all of them get what they deserve; however, they keep expanding and they keep marrying into vital family hierarchies or strongholds.  We have learned our lesson well; never allow them to call America their home while they rummage through our life to find a life. 

2014 IS MY YEAR AND IT WILL BE THE DEMISE OF WELFARE IF THEIR ARMIES DO NOT SURRENDER:  Don’t ever forget your history or who is able to stop whom?  2014 is my year and so were the years past all the way to the thirty year mark.  If the communist gooks want to make it through 2014, then the prosecutors are waiting.  If they do not, then their welfare and their assistants have decided their fate in America.  I am not going to bring them wealth, joy, happiness, honor, retirement, or anything but the smell of death and war; is their smartass willing to nullify this?  I will not solve their problems or bring them closer to the answers, never and over my dead body.  As far as embracing them or how eager they are to embrace us now; zero tolerance and this applies for those who aid and abet them through this criminal journey.  I hope they are rich and safe enough to make such a reckless choice do ignore the warnings and make us suffer more.  I wish is none of them will make it to retirement and be displaced or just stay out of our life, forever.  2014 is my year and so has the last thirty years; but look at this now; just endless problems each time I pass one or avoid another.  How can I make them suffer for eternity for this?  Could it have been avoided and who has the truth?  I hope their espionage ring pays for their welfare or retirement, let’s call them.

WHAT WILL PAY THEIR BILLS OR BRING THEM RETIREMENT?  This is what they are telling us and what their trap or paralyzing meddling is trying to discover.  However, their drugs will not pay the bills.  Their crimes will not pay the bills.  Their smart ass harassing mouth will not pay the bills.  Their friends and family will not pay the bills for a total asshole communist.  Their home state will not pay the bills.  Their ignorant lies and stubborn harassment will not pay the bills.  Intervening and forcing me into their trap or the same predicament will not pay their bills.  Furthermore, once their retirement is gone or dwindles; their kids have nothing and will starve as they wanted from us.  I am to starve for their sins?  I am to be poor for them?  I am to bleed and feel pain for them?  I have to be betrayed and prodded day and night for this scumbag and total asshole?  If I could wave a wand, I would nuke their hometown and existence; dismantle them piece by piece until we punish every single person on this earth who aided and abetted them.  However, it is a win-win now because I have to leave or move; and we still have not stopped them or prosecuted them, not yet.  I am the threat and here we are with these peasant communists in our ranks and in our life; up close and personal.  All I can say is the prosecutors are waiting and have been; more than thirty years, five more?  I am going to take them to retirement or provide for their retirement or die?  They will see this to the end and never release me or leave us alone?

IN 2014 ALL OF THEIR RETIREMENT PLANS SHOULD BE SHUT DOWN OR FACING A NO WIN POSSIBLE SINCE WE CANNOT STOP THEM AND THE ONLY WAY TO RETIREMENT IS MEDICAL CARE:  This should teach their smart-ass and put an end to this stalemate about how we cannot stop them yet and thus it is a win-win outcome.  Hopefully they will loose all of their life-lines; friends, family, bosses, and be stripped of their identity finally for constantly misleading us or saying we still have not stopped them or can ever.  By retirement, they must be gone; no if and or but.  Also keep in mind the prosecutors are waiting and have; so all of this was easily resolved and did not have to happen because they do not care about a desired outcome.  They are seeking disability and medical care; I seek my merit badges and my fair wages while all of this is being stolen or hidden because we have not stopped them or figured out a way out of this yet.  I want all of them gone by the time we retire and have all of this up and running.  Next time turns them in and shut up; this will be the lesson they learn and the trauma and nightmare of their reality.  I want to make sure there is zero tolerance and no opposition to this lackadaisical dumbass problem with the poor and the peasants.  The bottom line is they want more welfare and more immigrants to join this gigantic voting base.  To this day, they still fill our life with psychopaths and poor scumbags, everywhere!  They will never do this again, ever; but we had to suffer and be on the end of the attacks.  They are either going to go home or they will be displaced when they retire because the prosecutors are and have been waiting patiently.  I do not need to know their feelings or their opinion, ever.  I find it very harassing and crippling; very.

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My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.