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Sunday, January 31, 2010
Ann, since you said for me to come and live with you; I will post a new or old email. I need you to hurry up and begin the planning and arrangements so I know where things stand; as we had discussed recently. This CPAC and YAF is going to screw things up and has; so make sure you limit these problems. We will have to wait it out but I need you to get going on this and for me to also. IF YOU READ THIS AND SEE ANN; PLS GIVE HER AN EMERGENCY MESSAGE!
Thursday, January 28, 2010

It is written about a character's time spent caught up in, and notably escaping from, the mid-1980s New York City fast lane. It is one of the few well-known English-language novels written in the second person,[1] and its main character is unnamed. He is a writer who, by day, works as a fact checker for a literary magazine for which he had hoped to write. By night, he is a party-goer, a cocaine user, seeking to lose himself in the hedonism of the 1980s yuppie party scene. His wife, Amanda, recently left him and he copes with this by pretending nothing happened and telling no one that she's gone. Initially hopeful that she will return someday, he eventually resorts to searching for her at a fashion event. He obsesses over every item she owned in his apartment, every modeling photo and every club she visited, even repeatedly visiting a mannequin based on her.
A book review by Steven Wu
[edit] Putative source
The title of the book matches that of a 1950s blues song by R&B musician Jimmy Reed. His song was later covered by a number of artists, including The Rolling Stones, The Animals and Jason Mraz. The first verse of Reed's song ("Bright lights, big city...gone to my baby's head....I tried to tell the woman but she...don't believe a word I said") is a gloss on McInerney's novel. The protagonist's wife Amanda is drawn to New York's bright lights, eases into a modeling career that neither she nor her husband take seriously, and is ultimately seduced by that brightly-lit and vapid world in a way that leads her to abandon him.
Bright lights big city- qoute:
The Breakfast Club, Less Than Zero, and St. Elmo’s Fire (All Very Good A rated movies). Another good movie is Leaving Las Vegas where the author of the book is revealed at the end and why. The author of Leaving Las Vegas committed suicide upon it being published. This type of fiction is highlighted by Edgar Allen Poe, such as the Cask of Montenegro. The underground river which other authors have written about is the plight of the Phoenix as it makes it rise or decent into Hades and the God of hell and the underworld. Some people are cursed with the fact they cannot win and do not know how to loose; but they grow angry.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
ADVICE FOR BILL MAHER AND OTHER MEN FROM A PRO: Advice for Bill Maher, some rules for males, trust me. If you touch a woman when you first meet her; you will know if she recoils. If you are drunk and are drinking; even chit chatting in a car; ask her if she likes or loves sex. If she says only marriage, do not take it to the next level. If on the second time you meet her, see her in a bar, see her at a party, or even run into her in public; she will either give you her number or you will ask for it. If you wait beyond 3 meetings, 1 year, or five years; you are a total loser and need to die or move on. Women when they want sex will be very coy. If you do not pick up on this, then you are not very good with security or being a bodyguard. If you chase a woman; then you tell her you wish to be serious and she will consider sex in a relationship. I do not chase and I have never ever paid for sex; and will never. Yet I have had quiet a rich love and robust life with the opposite sex; it is not about looks or who you are; but that helps; in Ann's case, she has never been able to resist and knew me when I was very young. Now I am broken and grew thick skin; but I still have my pride and humor intact. Like war, you do have regrets and hesitate; but don't hang on it; most girls will not go to bed with you. Out of 100 girls you meet at Hooters, restaurants, or bars and clubs; you will get 20 numbers. Out of those 20, you will sleep with maybe 3 or less. If you are friends with them for 3 months and come there every day and date; then maybe a year or two. There is no such thing as sex with a stranger; only sex with losers and desperate throw aways who hide their broken life; the love and anonymity of strangers. If it does happen, make sure you have a doctor and get checked up because they, like you, have been there and done that many times before also. WOMEN ARE NOT STUPID WHEN IT COMES TO SEX AND MEN TRYING TO GET IN THEIR PANTS, TRUST ME.
Interview with Bill Maher on Ann Coulter: Yes I and her have had sex and talk about it daily; hourly sometimes for almost 20 or so years. Go and talk to any woman who is familiar with this and ask why in the world... what if you grew up with me... would you seek true love in this world when nobody can be trusted? Want to know more...
I told Ann I do not like these people. I told the world why I do not like these people. Now listen to them and how ridiculous they can be face to face. So who do I hate more and why do I have to tell Ann to make better friends before she ruins what he loves in this world? Classic case is with Bill Van Maher and his fantasy football game with Ann Coulter about dating and sex:
There is a part where Ann talks about how Bill Maher had got his dick hard for absolutely no reason and to just toot his horn, “go Bill... that is my job, not yours.” More below...
Dear Ann: I told you to make better friends and how sick and tired I was with your losers and one day will have to meet them; make sure you can post bond! It is your fault and I am not happy with you also because you claim not to be starting bar fights; but write you love to. I know I started one with you and them; and you did carry your end of the bargain if you call it a fight. All I know is you really pissed them off and you made them have a near heart attack due to embarrassment and hunger. Thanks for nothing... or at least trying to make it better. However, this is an enemy that deserves no respect or honor. They need not bother picking on an alpha male who is a warrior and the number 1 kick ass kick. If you can fight what the federal prison could throw your way; then you got balls and meticulous professionalism. Once again, I have no choice in the matter.
Interview with Bill Maher on Ann Coulter: Yes I and her have had sex and talk about it daily; hourly sometimes for almost 20 or so years. Go and talk to any woman who is familiar with this and ask why in the world... what if you grew up with me... would you seek true love in this world when nobody can be trusted? Want to know more...
I told Ann I do not like these people. I told the world why I do not like these people. Now listen to them and how ridiculous they can be face to face. So who do I hate more and why do I have to tell Ann to make better friends before she ruins what he loves in this world? Classic case is with Bill Van Maher and his fantasy football game with Ann Coulter about dating and sex:
There is a part where Ann talks about how Bill Maher had got his dick hard for absolutely no reason and to just toot his horn, “go Bill... that is my job, not yours.” More below...
Dear Ann: I told you to make better friends and how sick and tired I was with your losers and one day will have to meet them; make sure you can post bond! It is your fault and I am not happy with you also because you claim not to be starting bar fights; but write you love to. I know I started one with you and them; and you did carry your end of the bargain if you call it a fight. All I know is you really pissed them off and you made them have a near heart attack due to embarrassment and hunger. Thanks for nothing... or at least trying to make it better. However, this is an enemy that deserves no respect or honor. They need not bother picking on an alpha male who is a warrior and the number 1 kick ass kick. If you can fight what the federal prison could throw your way; then you got balls and meticulous professionalism. Once again, I have no choice in the matter.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
We all are caught in the middle of a conspiracy by the liberals to use the criminal and neo-Nazi elements to garner support, bribes, and abuse of power. They will do anything to stay in power and rip off the government of the United States. Right now, they are guilty of racism and a slew of other hate related crimes; however, the people behind it is the State of New York. It is a synchronized and orchestrated effort by the lawyers and legal defense of the liberals and left wing. This is our terror plot and why we also caught the McVeigh element, a domestic group. I can take this case to a lawyer; but the people actually behind it will get away. This is why I am trying to get a criminal prosecution but the authorities and law enforcement is not who we really want on our side. The cover up is to have racist and neo-Nazi harass us 200 times a day to cover up the liberals and communist behind this and how it is a terrorist plot to overthrow the US and her allies.
Ann is caught in the middle of a conspiracy. They also claim she is the ring leader and mother duck; she is their lawyer. It is also a terror plot. Until the evidence shows up, all there is are stories and versions of accounts. The problem with these people is how they are constantly trying or selling you something you do not want or never signed up for. Even when their heart is in the right place or their intentions are well meaning; you are left with this feeling of how you never signed up for this and it was such a bad experience you are haunted. The police do this also and it is because of a weak on crime and a sneaky better than thou atmosphere. Even your own side does it and the atmosphere is a circus of narcissism and weak on crime; people who do not belong and should never have gotten there or where they are. The beast is going down; why send in the worst knife fighter in your arsenal to get beat up or help them? Her response, “I do not want to miss any opportunity (to gain or profit).” Everybody says Ann has balls. She is going around advertising as the world’s best knife fighter but cannot even run 100 yards and is viewed in male terms as a pencil neck. Meanwhile, I have fought everything the prison system could throw my way and I have a frail neo-Nazi drunk Irishman in my face daily about how he or they are alpha males. Now who the hell is doing this? Remember, Ann is going to a knife fight when she cannot even make a 100 yard dash like an alpha male. They are now doing the exact same thing to alpha males; one lacks brains and the other lacks both.
Selling raffle tickets to my life at the national level was one thing; getting dinner or trying to attend as many dinners or parties as possible is another. Then once a deadly and dangerous enemy was cut badly in a knife fight; nobody needed a pain in the ass and a dipshit to go in and finish the job when it was not needed. This parade of fools was obnoxious and reckless; the beast was cut in a knife fight and fatally wounded; do not go to dinner or brag. Then trying to loose it all and making more out of nothing; to get even with those who laughed and made fun of her? All her friends were in my face and against her; how about choosing better friends or being more careful next time; what next time? How about acting lady like and a bit more feminine or respectable? It also makes me look bad; what they had tried to do; they are all insane and worse inferior.
Then the saturation point happens when nothing they say or do changes anything; they are selling a product others were unaware of or did not expect. If you ask for your money back, they claim it is not that bad, there is no guarantees in life, and buyer beware. Bottom line is nobody signed up for hell and to be ripped off. Nobody slapped a label on inferior and tried to sell it as a superior product. Nobody wants to deal with this whether or not it is on our side or theirs. Peddling it or trying to market it is one thing; making others angry or refusing to fix defects about the product is just ongoing. Now it is how you have to sue them and demand your money back or some form of punitive damage because they ruined your life or extinguished any happiness. So how long and how much fight you have to put into it is the same as the inferior or false misrepresentation that you were tricked into buy someone. This happens on the good side and the bad side; both are susceptible to this marketing fantasy.
They claim they love Ann more and can afford her lavish lifestyle. Ann is silent and is being yelled at or scorned severely because they claim to be her union, protector and racketeering plot. Ann denies she is their ring leader; they claim she is. Ann denies she is interested; both of them are trying to inflict pain on the other. They claim they told Ann to leave; Ann claims she told them to leave. They claim I am a Nazi; now they claim Ann is in love with them and guilty by association; thus, the mother duck and their ringleader. It is hard to tell who is telling the truth and why. They keep talking to us and calling hourly; then claim Ann was selling raffle tickets and exclusive access; we are in their world. Ann is beyond the point of return and wants some spiritual redemption; however, she is being scolded heavily and will be for the rest of her life; instead of admitting it; she has and was making up excuses. Now she claims she has a mental illness and is quitting. She must be guilty of something to be quiet and crashing and burning; no fight and helpless.
I hold her responsible for missed communications and the death of several people even if she was not involved; her deranged kick ass stalkers were. She did not miss any opportunity at all; had she they would have been stopped before; that was their secret code and nod. I am beyond the scope of disgust with her. I need a woman who can truly make me happy and is not linked to serial killers, terrorists, and murders. It would be nice if I could find that woman and she could be honest with me. So I told Ann a little too late and not good enough; I am fed up with the weak on crime and carrying a bible trick. I need a roadmap. I need the truth; not a peddler of this disaster. Now she is the ringleader and selling raffle tickets; willing to throw her life away for the ultimate high and adrenaline rush; getting beat up on and awakening her feminist spirit and independence.
It is at a saturation point. How does she fix it; dinner and speeches; just not with who she wants to be with. This is complete and total insanity. All of them seek opportunity and discontent; to exploit it. Everybody is crashing and burning in 2010; we can see how Ann overestimates and makes overconfident victories; then gets clobbered again and again. So even Ann is going down in 2010; the question is with them or alone. Me, I am already down and out; so I can only go up no matter what I do. Do you see how bad of a tactician Ann is or why she keeps on celebrating and laughing on Fox and Red Eye? So is Ann their ring leader and has everybody beaten or is she just lingering in the wind? One more party at CPAC and YAF this year! So why is Ann in my sports car doing a victory lap with me all quiet now? Watch, Annie will go down with them and with no argument. If I get mad at Ann; Clinton and the unions swoop in. They claim we have no choice in this matter and must kill them. They refuse to leave or leave us alone.
W• hat did Ann say? She worked so hard and did all of this for me and her.
W• hat did Rush say? Convoluted statements about wanting to help, promoting us, and covering up what they were up to.
W• hat did Clinton say or their voice and recruiters upstairs? They are my personal Jesus and union; they are my parents and bosses; I am under their care and training program; I am disruptive; nobody escapes or gets away from the Jews, Nazis, or communists.
W• hat did Karl Rove say? It is me or her that must die; they will destroy one of us or both of us; nobody snitches or gets away from their reach.
T• hey still refuse to write anything down; wish to resolve it; and refuse to accept any complaints.
I• told Ann I was sick of this a long time ago; Clinton and the liberals upstairs attacked and told me to leave; I was a threat and abusing her. All Ann had to do was go along and be a conspirator. They offered me the same deal already.
R• ush and Sean; along with Clinton and the Nazi-Jews upstairs continued to feel this was up for grabs. They would etch over or try to erase what they did or tried by making it worse; to bury it and cause more problems. After Massachusetts, their world stopped.
T• hey did everything to not get caught. When caught, they did everything in a calm manner to get away. The charges amassed were unbelievable and unimaginable.
There was a point these communist and spies were renting from us and in our own home. It was as if someone erased their mind and they would copy everything we did. Usually, friends, best friends, and family; dress, talk and share things in common; however, these are complete and total strangers you hate. You grow to hating their guts. They have no clue who they are and steal everything; watching you in the most private and intimate moments; then mimicking you. It would be alright if they were friends; this is a spy, terrorist and total strangers. That is the freaked out and what totally blows your mind; we don’t know them or wish to; yet they keep claiming they are partners and recruiters; we have to work for them and there is no escape. After we finally caught them and found out they are terrorists, assassins, and communists; they began attacking and denying everything. They have no clue who they are and who we are. All they do is copy us and are in every part of our life; even love life and bedroom. A total freak and a complete weirdo do not even come near it. Ann is trying to act like them and does it back on them; meanwhile, they tell us how we know what they are doing or were up to. They did this to many others before dying like a robot like killer.
It was very painful to be with Ann; the men, the enemies, the terrorist plot, the racketeering and raffle off access, the bribe attempts, the men calling, the spies, Israel and their spies, New York, the stalkers, and all of these self anointed boyfriends-deranged stalkers. It did subside but you could not control blowing up at how useless and reckless she was or had been. She invented a disaster to fight all of this evil and crime; then just sat there while it all blew up. It was so difficult to focus and tell Ann what is or was most important; she did not care. This species does not listen to anyone. They are very stubborn and do not even realize their own mistakes or ignorance. All of them are like this and very troublesome; very to the core.
Ann was silent and duplicated everything they did; they would tell me “they know what we are doing” and then refused to stop. Ann also refused to stop. Even if I told Ann she could not make this up and I would never forgive her; she was in some deranged mode where nothing mattered either. Both of them were and I was in the middle. After Andrew Stein reappeared; a Jewish doctor claimed they would be treating me; also how they were or had treated Ann for this disruptive problem. I told them how much we hated them and to leave and they would use this heart machine and computer hacking to express a superiority and control; they faced terrorism and espionage charges but was unremorseful and indignant. Anger was also mounting against Ann and I told her it would last for life if she did not stop; this was not working. I tried my hardest and it felt as if Ann said or was saying it was futile to fix her or help her. To accept it and forgive her.
Ann refused to address the CPAC, YAF, and Restoration Weekend; thus, I had to ask her to leave and how she was terrorizing me with her life and stunts. I informed her that if we had kids; nobody would ever grant her custody or let her even try this; it was insanity and reckless to the ultimate level. Again, she refused to leave and they read all our emails or conversations; then reproduced it as if we were their spouse or best friend (upstairs, Rush, Sean, Clinton, liberals, Jews, and the Tim McVeigh garrison who got busted with them as fascists and mobsters). The male and single life problem had gotten so built up and was such an annoyance; Ann could not work fast enough and even made it worse by taking so long. Nobody said a word or even made an effort to seek the truth; let alone allow it to come out. That was her career and fight against the Clifton and sex scandals.
They claim Ann is their leader. They implicated Ann as their ring leader. I tried to help Ann and began to notice odd things; not believing her. Ann was selling raffle tickets to my life and getting dinner for it; but she denied it and would not stop on my wishes and command. I told her to leave and she refused; crying and becoming emotionally disturbed; she claimed she was madly in love and was being crucified. When they noticed how she resolved this angst; they began to kick up the calling and begging like her; they were one family and unit. They claimed Ann was the mother duck and they were asking me to leave or shut up. So the repeated attempts to force both of us to leave was due in part to Ann being their leader and her feminist spirit which was speaking to me; solidarity. I finally got fed up and began taking it out on Ann; she would never crackdown or addresses it. Ann felt she was very powerful and had amassed the begging qualities of admirers; thus, they would find it easy to approach me; to further strong arm the matter.
Ann said nothing and did nothing to disprove this even if I made these decisions. Ann did not care one way or the other; to be in trouble or get implicated in a racketeering ring. She said she wanted to stop them and all I said was I never signed up for this or want this; not the slightest, so she began living a semi-secret life again which made me angrier and set an ultimatum. She can piss her life away, get herself in danger or trouble, and get eruptions of anger or feel the sting of severe disappointment; she will never erase or change her curse and downfall. So they copied her and studied how she won me back; trying it double, triple, and 20 times an hour sometimes claiming I was granting special privileges to Ann but not them; they were the boss and in control. They spent every waking minute of every waking day breaking us down and trying to escape, get away, or to cover all this up. It would determine the future of the left wing, liberals, and Democratic Party.
They claimed we were one of them; they could not change themselves so they would change us. Then they changed it to how we were their leader or only following us because they wanted to help; they stole everything and refused to put any back; if we complained we had to leave or would be called every 30 minutes to leave. We told them what goes around comes around; be careful what you wish for. They denied the murder plots on both of us but said nobody snitches on them. It was a life and death situation; but we did not place ourselves in peril or danger; they did. Ann seemed like she did not give a crap; but from what she told me, I was her world and that was all that mattered. If it was alright between us; then nothing else mattered. Her life terrorized me and either sent me into a tizzy or total shrill. There were days I would blow up and get angry for no reason and she knew it was really bad but could not do anything to fix or change this. She then began to beg, apologize, cry and show total annihilation when I reacted badly or wrong. It felt as if she only wanted me there in spirit for some reason; some form of stick and carrot spiritually and at a soulful level.
What did they do or say originally? They had no idea the end was near and the coast was clear. What did they say or do once we caught them? They were only there to help and following either Ann or I; preferably Ann. Then they attacked me when Ann and I argued. Then Ann was attacked also when she was criticized. They were now an enforcer and protectors; not kidnappers or terrorist-communist recruiters. Only shadowing us to help or assist against or will or knowledge. People were losing their career, things were being shut down, lots of panic and cover-ups were ongoing; however, Ann portrayed herself as calm, immune, and above all of this when she was holding on to my hand and being pulled up from hell. She also caused me to blow up and paralyze her life with severe criticisms and the usual anti-Christian victim vague doubt. It felt like fighting uphill against sheep and people who did not give a damn how anything turned out. There was a sensation of an insane asylum and room to room chatter and visits. It still feels as if it is just spiritual and how it will end; part of Ann’s reality about guilt by association or Christian values. After a while, you get fed up and so sick of it; her also. It is not and was not what you signed up for.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
There is the absurd, then there is the disappointment, and then there is the freak of nature that nobody can explain. This would never happen but only in a Christian society riddled with crime and corruption while a parade of death is ongoing. This weak on crime and dinner hostess career of Ann has to go; she needs to make a final decision about who she wants to be or how her life is viewed. This is just ongoing, "They shared a dinner table, what is the big deal?" So lets ask Ms. Coulter how many dinner parties or VIP rooms she has attended and how every god damn man is calling me? I apologize if they are trying to get rid of her, have a murder plot on her, or are holding her down as a captive or some racketeering ring. However, when it spreads to the real victims and genuine victims; it is time for her weak on crime and spreading the disease mentality to go. What I love I hate and what I hate I love. Their women even terrorize me. I hear they are all going to Las Vegas; idea, why don't she go with them and get some ideas! It is only sharing a dinner table. Stop trying to trick others into buying dinner or raffle exclusive access or power; this is not Pele-evangelism. Just turn them off and hopefully all of them will go away.
Ann has cancer and it is not getting better; nor her treatments. Under my care or supervision, it will become worse and her lackluster fight diminished. I am carefully glad she is a nice person; however, the enormous torment of her life is unbearable. She has the spirit of the feminist; an arch enemy to the survival instincts of a warrior. She is overjoyed by her accomplishments and parade them in a boastful and shameful manner; selling raffle tickets to a life she neither owns or can talk proudly about. There is no point in putting yourself in danger and pleading for mercy. The more she terrorizes them; the more they terrorize me; meanwhile, they all are selling raffle tickets to make the other go out of business. I am sick of it. I admire her unconditional love and the times she was always nonjudgmental and open minded with me; however, it is clear she wants something back. This is just how they play and it is deadly. All of them create crisis and then seek love or affection. I get it also and the full force of these jackasses. Nobody wants to be treated unfairly, but when you live and run with those who have a death sentence; do not expect a hand to grab you and pull you up. My mind is getting bigger, more resilient, and growing by the day because I am terrorized by these people. I myself do not wish to place myself in harms way or danger; let alone this insanity of a whirlpool even if it gets worse before getting better. These people fight with spoons and expect miracles.
I never signed up for this or any of these personal relationship problems; total silence. Throw her party line and circle of friends out also. I do not determine worth or power by who you dine with or how many dinner functions you attend. Oh how I love restaurants now. Seems like everything I love now is hated. This would never happen in a Christian society or culture. Oh, I am sick and tired of the weak on crime, fait accomplished, coup ed grace, hiding secrets, rumor mongering, and the playground taunts. Doing it is one thing. Crying about it is another. Then doing it every year or six months is astronomical. They ride my ass all day, hourly, and claim they represent Ann and her complete silence. I do not need a fucking slated salesman next to me, weak on crime, and whom I am yelling at all the time. I am sorry if you have a feminist spirit in you now; however, the bottom line is this; people are falling and quick; eat and laugh it up. I do not care what they have to say. Before, they hid behind her and were her union voice; now if you hit Ann, you nail them. Did I mention the pictures of them and her weak on crime story Christian beliefs? When we kick it, it makes speeches. There is a term called a saturation point where nothing you do will have any effect on the outcome. We despise the unions and they keep calling as if we need them to fight the liberals and the damned. Ann needs to get her bony ass out of peril and let me decimate them instead of pissing off everybody trying to reform or go to dinner. They call every hour about partnership, needing them, and how angry they are. Ann does not realize how stupid this creature and enemy is; how easily they are wrong.
I am at the point where I am sick of hearing the name. Nobody wants to be treated unfairly but this does not happen in Christian societies or other. I am sick and tired of hearing it or hearing it the next day; this will not be discussed any further. If it was your mother's memory and her last breath on earth, how many would invite a predator and the world's biggest terrorist to keep her last memory; then tell others how they would rip off old ladies and steal the shirt off women desperate to get married? The greatest idea these mother fuckers have ever invented while we are in war mode and global Armageddon. Again, we are trying to eradicate a crime and murder spree while they play this good wife bad wife game that sucks ass; none of them care. Tell the dipshit bibles do not deflect bullets or stop crime; furthermore, dinners do not make things better or warm a heart. I have been terrorized by these people for a very long time.
LAUER: On the 9-11 widows, an in particular a group that had been critical of the administration:
COULTER: “These self-obsessed women seem genuinely unaware that 9-11 was an attack on our nation and acted like as if the terrorist attack only happened to them. They believe the entire country was required to marinate in their exquisite personal agony. Apparently, denouncing bush was part of the closure process.” "These broads are millionaires, lionized on TV and in articles about them, reveling in their status as celebrities and stalked by griefparrazies. I have never seen people enjoying their husband’s death so much.”
"At the 2004 Republican National Convention, I was taking my parents to a lot of the parties in New York and, at one of them, Herman Cain walked up to me and told me he was a big fan even though I probably didn't know who he was... Before she launched into a spirited discussion of his children's extracurricular activities and triumphs on the athletic field, I had to ask her, "Mommy, did the doctor happen to say anything about why you're feeling lousy?"It turned out, of course, that it was the ovarian cancer -- as well as the massive amounts of poison she had been receiving to kill the cancer over the past five years. That was the beginning of the end. Now I'll never be able to introduce my Mother to friends and surprise them with her charming Southern accent. And I'll never see my mother's beautiful face again, at least not for the next several decades here on Earth. I've been looking at her across the room in doctors' offices over the past few years, thinking to myself: There will come a point when you won't see that face again. Her angelic face always looked like home to me. My whole life, as soon as I'd see my mother's face I'd know I was safe, whether I was a little girl lost in a department store or a big girl with a problem, who needed her mother."
COULTER: Seven thousand right-wing news junkies every year -- I go every year, you go almost every year -- most of them college Republicans. And it's a really fun, boisterous event. I whip up the crowd with fun speeches, and this was -- this was part of one. You're going to play more of the speech, right? - On XPAC and private parties -
Ann has cancer and it is not getting better; nor her treatments. Under my care or supervision, it will become worse and her lackluster fight diminished. I am carefully glad she is a nice person; however, the enormous torment of her life is unbearable. She has the spirit of the feminist; an arch enemy to the survival instincts of a warrior. She is overjoyed by her accomplishments and parade them in a boastful and shameful manner; selling raffle tickets to a life she neither owns or can talk proudly about. There is no point in putting yourself in danger and pleading for mercy. The more she terrorizes them; the more they terrorize me; meanwhile, they all are selling raffle tickets to make the other go out of business. I am sick of it. I admire her unconditional love and the times she was always nonjudgmental and open minded with me; however, it is clear she wants something back. This is just how they play and it is deadly. All of them create crisis and then seek love or affection. I get it also and the full force of these jackasses. Nobody wants to be treated unfairly, but when you live and run with those who have a death sentence; do not expect a hand to grab you and pull you up. My mind is getting bigger, more resilient, and growing by the day because I am terrorized by these people. I myself do not wish to place myself in harms way or danger; let alone this insanity of a whirlpool even if it gets worse before getting better. These people fight with spoons and expect miracles.
I never signed up for this or any of these personal relationship problems; total silence. Throw her party line and circle of friends out also. I do not determine worth or power by who you dine with or how many dinner functions you attend. Oh how I love restaurants now. Seems like everything I love now is hated. This would never happen in a Christian society or culture. Oh, I am sick and tired of the weak on crime, fait accomplished, coup ed grace, hiding secrets, rumor mongering, and the playground taunts. Doing it is one thing. Crying about it is another. Then doing it every year or six months is astronomical. They ride my ass all day, hourly, and claim they represent Ann and her complete silence. I do not need a fucking slated salesman next to me, weak on crime, and whom I am yelling at all the time. I am sorry if you have a feminist spirit in you now; however, the bottom line is this; people are falling and quick; eat and laugh it up. I do not care what they have to say. Before, they hid behind her and were her union voice; now if you hit Ann, you nail them. Did I mention the pictures of them and her weak on crime story Christian beliefs? When we kick it, it makes speeches. There is a term called a saturation point where nothing you do will have any effect on the outcome. We despise the unions and they keep calling as if we need them to fight the liberals and the damned. Ann needs to get her bony ass out of peril and let me decimate them instead of pissing off everybody trying to reform or go to dinner. They call every hour about partnership, needing them, and how angry they are. Ann does not realize how stupid this creature and enemy is; how easily they are wrong.
I am at the point where I am sick of hearing the name. Nobody wants to be treated unfairly but this does not happen in Christian societies or other. I am sick and tired of hearing it or hearing it the next day; this will not be discussed any further. If it was your mother's memory and her last breath on earth, how many would invite a predator and the world's biggest terrorist to keep her last memory; then tell others how they would rip off old ladies and steal the shirt off women desperate to get married? The greatest idea these mother fuckers have ever invented while we are in war mode and global Armageddon. Again, we are trying to eradicate a crime and murder spree while they play this good wife bad wife game that sucks ass; none of them care. Tell the dipshit bibles do not deflect bullets or stop crime; furthermore, dinners do not make things better or warm a heart. I have been terrorized by these people for a very long time.
LAUER: On the 9-11 widows, an in particular a group that had been critical of the administration:
COULTER: “These self-obsessed women seem genuinely unaware that 9-11 was an attack on our nation and acted like as if the terrorist attack only happened to them. They believe the entire country was required to marinate in their exquisite personal agony. Apparently, denouncing bush was part of the closure process.” "These broads are millionaires, lionized on TV and in articles about them, reveling in their status as celebrities and stalked by griefparrazies. I have never seen people enjoying their husband’s death so much.”
"At the 2004 Republican National Convention, I was taking my parents to a lot of the parties in New York and, at one of them, Herman Cain walked up to me and told me he was a big fan even though I probably didn't know who he was... Before she launched into a spirited discussion of his children's extracurricular activities and triumphs on the athletic field, I had to ask her, "Mommy, did the doctor happen to say anything about why you're feeling lousy?"It turned out, of course, that it was the ovarian cancer -- as well as the massive amounts of poison she had been receiving to kill the cancer over the past five years. That was the beginning of the end. Now I'll never be able to introduce my Mother to friends and surprise them with her charming Southern accent. And I'll never see my mother's beautiful face again, at least not for the next several decades here on Earth. I've been looking at her across the room in doctors' offices over the past few years, thinking to myself: There will come a point when you won't see that face again. Her angelic face always looked like home to me. My whole life, as soon as I'd see my mother's face I'd know I was safe, whether I was a little girl lost in a department store or a big girl with a problem, who needed her mother."
COULTER: Seven thousand right-wing news junkies every year -- I go every year, you go almost every year -- most of them college Republicans. And it's a really fun, boisterous event. I whip up the crowd with fun speeches, and this was -- this was part of one. You're going to play more of the speech, right? - On XPAC and private parties -
Friday, January 22, 2010
Remember, CPAC and YAF has done nothing to help your private life and although your career has or can suffer; it has not so far. Do not forget who began or started the rumors and who you came to in order to dispel them. Also, all I have heard is how I am locked out of these private parties afterwards or VIP rooms, similar to a club or bar. From how I see it, I get the bad end of the stick; kept in the dark and have put my foot down already. From how I see it, they all get more miles out of you then you have gotten from them. I wonder how things will go if the people behind this ever met me and I knew what they did or had done; even if they are locked up and charged for conspiracy. It is not a conspiracy to commit a crime; a conspiracy to commit a terror plot until you can actually stop them in their tracks; have they stopped yet? I did not enjoy it and I do not think you enjoy it or me yelling at whomever. I have major league problems with jackasses also; I do not need more of them; most especially, sex offenders and pathological liars who throw themselves at others. I wrote about this spy group and their effort to steal our genetics and talent; their cupid and stalking program. You will never hear Presbyterians or Buddhist doing this; only Jews or Catholics.
Remember who you came to and who you asked to help; then what happened afterwards and how you have reacted to it all. Here is one of your Jewish buddies who have responded to the Patty Caddell (senior Democratic operative and adviser of Presidents) and how you and I do not even know them or if they seek the truth. They do this to me; I have no idea who they are; I have strangers in my life, in my bedroom, talking to me every god damn hour, and trying to advise or talk to me in my own residence. It feels like a rape or overwhelmed by a loser or used car salesman; total invasion. I assume this Stein guy is one of those who never get it or will ever get lost; just linger and babble about how close we are and how we are super friends. Could this be over that Silver guy or some proactive effort to land in our life and my life also? I am sure they threw themselves at you also and I am sure you made their heads explode. You almost took me out also but you have apologized and explained; I went through the exact shame SOB experience. They claim we are easily upset and have explosive anger; just for no reason of course, never them. Let them drown in their drool or blood; palpable only if they need some help at it.
New masterpiece coming! Topic: We need to consider the validity of segregation; however, this time for real and authentic reasons instead of race, ethnic group, or nationality. This is a dual reality, an enemy within, a pathological liar, and a problem with terrorizing others in the most unwanted manner. Life is not sustainable when we have a subspecies weak on crime and a higher species who is not but will suffer at their hands.
Andrew Stein has come to the defense of his former girlfriend Ann Coulter (pictured)Read more:
Remember who you came to and who you asked to help; then what happened afterwards and how you have reacted to it all. Here is one of your Jewish buddies who have responded to the Patty Caddell (senior Democratic operative and adviser of Presidents) and how you and I do not even know them or if they seek the truth. They do this to me; I have no idea who they are; I have strangers in my life, in my bedroom, talking to me every god damn hour, and trying to advise or talk to me in my own residence. It feels like a rape or overwhelmed by a loser or used car salesman; total invasion. I assume this Stein guy is one of those who never get it or will ever get lost; just linger and babble about how close we are and how we are super friends. Could this be over that Silver guy or some proactive effort to land in our life and my life also? I am sure they threw themselves at you also and I am sure you made their heads explode. You almost took me out also but you have apologized and explained; I went through the exact shame SOB experience. They claim we are easily upset and have explosive anger; just for no reason of course, never them. Let them drown in their drool or blood; palpable only if they need some help at it.
New masterpiece coming! Topic: We need to consider the validity of segregation; however, this time for real and authentic reasons instead of race, ethnic group, or nationality. This is a dual reality, an enemy within, a pathological liar, and a problem with terrorizing others in the most unwanted manner. Life is not sustainable when we have a subspecies weak on crime and a higher species who is not but will suffer at their hands.
Andrew Stein has come to the defense of his former girlfriend Ann Coulter (pictured)Read more:
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Sex and espionage go hand in hand. The sex industry is older than the espionage business, ask any expert. There is a lot to the entire study; Ann and I may write our summaries in the future. I am the principle investigator. If there is something to try, then I have to find the answer and the truth; Ann is more of an approver; it is okay and not illegal to do this or that; a legal advisor and partner. Until or unless you learn the sex industry; you will fall prey to those who can obtain anything they want in life using sex. Who is behind these attacks and the use of sex, drugs, and violence? Doing this had several reasons; make the repulsive ones go away, let them know we are not flamers, send their best, throw them in a complete loop, anger and upset them daily, and to scare them with random chance and a lack of control. Their effort could end any time and this pursuit or kidnap attempt was jeopardized by sleazy models.
Strippers are the most fascinating of the bunch. I have written up my findings already and conclude that most are single mothers. The myth about how strippers are strung out on drugs or constantly in party mode is not necessarily true; some do it for other reasons. I do not participate but during this time; I was fed up and said I was going into hiding and underground; find me if you can. I got tickets all over the country by this terrorist plot and fascist mole; wash outs from society and the military. All of them hate sex, are absolute criminals, but all of them are also sex offenders; an odd twist and mix. We think the problem is how they see themselves and then how they treat others; very oppressive and for profit only. The fat and sex offender ones are scary; they terrorize others. In their mind, they are one in a million and have heart; they enjoy getting beat up or proving their loyalty.
There is a part of the sex industry that is off the books and never told. There is a part of the stripping and escort business which is a front for prostitution. There was a problem with the advent of internet sex and also the recruitment or the pool of females during the 1990s; was this a good, bad, or simply business way to see things? Usually, criminal elements and the sex industry were one in the same; the gambling industry follows the same principles. When you go and talk to girls in this industry; you can talk to them on and off hours. How do they stay pretty? How do they keep weight down? What length do they have to go to stay competitive?
Surprisingly, many females in the sex industry are highly desirable and the object of marriage by men. This industry allows girls who do not have access or is able to cruise clubs a method to penetrate elite or VIP circles. The same can apply to sports, modeling, or celebrity circles. Most strippers are not what men think; not at all. Judging a person in this industry is odd; also, most do not advertise or brag they were exotic dancers. Many use dancing as a spring board for a start up in the secretive sex industry. So location and clientele is very important to when and if you can seek retirement; you cannot win in the industry but you can find someone easier or easily. For what or what purpose is strictly up to you and them.
The lifestyle and life cycle of females in the sex industry is divided in two categories; college years and above 30. In other words, you make your money and get out or stay in and become the road where lives are paved with. Most if not all porn stars fall into some career pitfall or end in tragedy; what causes them to stop working or make more money in the same type of work. The beauty and sexuality of a woman changes; although as a female age, her sensuality increases and heightens. So sex and affection is driven by age; but so is beauty and youth.
The college years, from 18 to 22 are the most profitable years. Women who are in the sex industry rarely make it past 30; some form of attrition takes place in their life and the industry which either forces them to leave or seek better ways to take risk or seek attention. The life cycle is similar to an automobile. You have the bus, the family, or the sports cars. The way you drive it determines how the depreciation will escalate. Nobody ever increases their value, nobody. Safety and luxury is number one on the list. It is not taken what you can get; it is getting what you can take. Marriage is a severe problem; therefore, what you do early will either determine if it is hidden or not.
Rarely, are there exotic dancers past 24 or 30; rarely are there hardcore porn stars in this age range. They make reappearances like a classic automobile. Collectors, enthusiasts, and private galleries are driven by random chances or once in a life time window. As mentioned, when a female ages she becomes more sensuous, more internal, less likely to take risk, and needed more care. All women in this industry have a complex called the “bag lady complex” and know there is not much left to prosper from. So females in the upper age category are into romance and special stories; but their sensuality is what is driving the industry; not looks or extreme risk taking. Older women have settled down, have kids, and those who made it are extremely wealthy. A porn start up during the college years can yield over 10 million in worth and assets; that is five years.
There are two type sets of females; those who have it and those who do not. Those who do not cannot deliver or satisfy the industry; however, there is a type set who feels superior by profit or material power. These are the usual wash outs and those who chase after men who are repulsed by them. These are the types who hate their husbands but stay and are abused or not appreciated. These types are very manipulative and use others to do their dirty work. There is another type set in this industry but the public rarely has access to the ugly managers or the pretty managers; their looks.
Those in the sex industry are not easily fooled. It is about profit and money; not morals and shame. Women will do enormous things and take huge risks to get deeper into who they are and why they are motivated by a management who is similar to the mafia, employs them like spies, and are vultures around elite and VIP circles. Therefore, those loyal, benevolent, and special ends up running bars, sex clubs, strip joints, or some arm candle for a boss and Captain. Very few ends up as mistresses but some do brood the children of rich or powerful men. The more special they get, the more someone wants possession. Females who marry or manage are dirt ugly but act like an out of control loser who acts for some boss. So we know the women on the other end are the chubby princess and the effin ugly ones who came from a powerful loser.
The sex industry study indicates that sex sells. There is a peak point where value levels off. The females who learn and navigate their way through the novelty or hardcore levels all know how to deal with humans; therefore, they know how to get what they want, when they want, and manage risk-danger-behavior. These types of women do not speak out or typically resort to rash or quick action. However, all of the females, no matter what age, what period in their career, or what they seek all know how to get what they want and manipulate the desires of both males and females very well. Those who are washed up or butt ugly; know only force and violence to stay in the circle of power; if they are not respected by talent; they must watch who and what their husbands, bosses, and industry dispenses. There is no safety net or legal protections; either they sink or swim.
These men and these guys are in this for all the wrong reasons and also do not have a clue. This is why in a court of law, the murder plot will surface and easily; there is no logic to their story, claims, and methods. What they said or tried to disprove was easily broken and seen through; however, they still do not know why; why or how did they get tricked and burned so badly? I will tell them to calm their nerves and ease their pain. The people we are dealing with seek to expand and penetrate; therefore, to do so they must be taken seriously. The only way to be taken seriously is to reverse the table; make others look up while they look down; to misrepresent or oppress for the opposite reasons. This is why and how we caught the spies and terrorists; they were not overt with the use of terrorism and trying to beat us or gain more ground so we could not detect or stop them.
Now here is your written answer: I have a "Need Not Apply or Show up Rule"; this means I do not care if you are or are not a phony or not; you need not apply or show up. If you wish to debate this, I will need a Supreme Commander and his original work; I have my work and road plan; I do not need to be debated. So if you have a Supreme Commander, then present it white you can. I have a partner and a female that will work with the suspects or those on the suspect list. So if you are a liberal, left wing, terrorist, Zionist, Catholic, union member, terrorist, former communist, crime element, or some 1700s boat person; contact Ann and ask for yourself or a written answer. I do not even care if you are the police, your papa was the police, and your momma was fat or the police; I will send you a written confirmation when you send me one. We are still waiting for a written response; no verbal or block head clandestine contacts need apply or show up. This must be written or else it will be a terrorist plot, illegal, and espionage. We do not think they have anyone left; Ann interviewed all of them and we got all they are after.
Strippers are the most fascinating of the bunch. I have written up my findings already and conclude that most are single mothers. The myth about how strippers are strung out on drugs or constantly in party mode is not necessarily true; some do it for other reasons. I do not participate but during this time; I was fed up and said I was going into hiding and underground; find me if you can. I got tickets all over the country by this terrorist plot and fascist mole; wash outs from society and the military. All of them hate sex, are absolute criminals, but all of them are also sex offenders; an odd twist and mix. We think the problem is how they see themselves and then how they treat others; very oppressive and for profit only. The fat and sex offender ones are scary; they terrorize others. In their mind, they are one in a million and have heart; they enjoy getting beat up or proving their loyalty.
There is a part of the sex industry that is off the books and never told. There is a part of the stripping and escort business which is a front for prostitution. There was a problem with the advent of internet sex and also the recruitment or the pool of females during the 1990s; was this a good, bad, or simply business way to see things? Usually, criminal elements and the sex industry were one in the same; the gambling industry follows the same principles. When you go and talk to girls in this industry; you can talk to them on and off hours. How do they stay pretty? How do they keep weight down? What length do they have to go to stay competitive?
Surprisingly, many females in the sex industry are highly desirable and the object of marriage by men. This industry allows girls who do not have access or is able to cruise clubs a method to penetrate elite or VIP circles. The same can apply to sports, modeling, or celebrity circles. Most strippers are not what men think; not at all. Judging a person in this industry is odd; also, most do not advertise or brag they were exotic dancers. Many use dancing as a spring board for a start up in the secretive sex industry. So location and clientele is very important to when and if you can seek retirement; you cannot win in the industry but you can find someone easier or easily. For what or what purpose is strictly up to you and them.
The lifestyle and life cycle of females in the sex industry is divided in two categories; college years and above 30. In other words, you make your money and get out or stay in and become the road where lives are paved with. Most if not all porn stars fall into some career pitfall or end in tragedy; what causes them to stop working or make more money in the same type of work. The beauty and sexuality of a woman changes; although as a female age, her sensuality increases and heightens. So sex and affection is driven by age; but so is beauty and youth.
The college years, from 18 to 22 are the most profitable years. Women who are in the sex industry rarely make it past 30; some form of attrition takes place in their life and the industry which either forces them to leave or seek better ways to take risk or seek attention. The life cycle is similar to an automobile. You have the bus, the family, or the sports cars. The way you drive it determines how the depreciation will escalate. Nobody ever increases their value, nobody. Safety and luxury is number one on the list. It is not taken what you can get; it is getting what you can take. Marriage is a severe problem; therefore, what you do early will either determine if it is hidden or not.
Rarely, are there exotic dancers past 24 or 30; rarely are there hardcore porn stars in this age range. They make reappearances like a classic automobile. Collectors, enthusiasts, and private galleries are driven by random chances or once in a life time window. As mentioned, when a female ages she becomes more sensuous, more internal, less likely to take risk, and needed more care. All women in this industry have a complex called the “bag lady complex” and know there is not much left to prosper from. So females in the upper age category are into romance and special stories; but their sensuality is what is driving the industry; not looks or extreme risk taking. Older women have settled down, have kids, and those who made it are extremely wealthy. A porn start up during the college years can yield over 10 million in worth and assets; that is five years.
There are two type sets of females; those who have it and those who do not. Those who do not cannot deliver or satisfy the industry; however, there is a type set who feels superior by profit or material power. These are the usual wash outs and those who chase after men who are repulsed by them. These are the types who hate their husbands but stay and are abused or not appreciated. These types are very manipulative and use others to do their dirty work. There is another type set in this industry but the public rarely has access to the ugly managers or the pretty managers; their looks.
Those in the sex industry are not easily fooled. It is about profit and money; not morals and shame. Women will do enormous things and take huge risks to get deeper into who they are and why they are motivated by a management who is similar to the mafia, employs them like spies, and are vultures around elite and VIP circles. Therefore, those loyal, benevolent, and special ends up running bars, sex clubs, strip joints, or some arm candle for a boss and Captain. Very few ends up as mistresses but some do brood the children of rich or powerful men. The more special they get, the more someone wants possession. Females who marry or manage are dirt ugly but act like an out of control loser who acts for some boss. So we know the women on the other end are the chubby princess and the effin ugly ones who came from a powerful loser.
The sex industry study indicates that sex sells. There is a peak point where value levels off. The females who learn and navigate their way through the novelty or hardcore levels all know how to deal with humans; therefore, they know how to get what they want, when they want, and manage risk-danger-behavior. These types of women do not speak out or typically resort to rash or quick action. However, all of the females, no matter what age, what period in their career, or what they seek all know how to get what they want and manipulate the desires of both males and females very well. Those who are washed up or butt ugly; know only force and violence to stay in the circle of power; if they are not respected by talent; they must watch who and what their husbands, bosses, and industry dispenses. There is no safety net or legal protections; either they sink or swim.
These men and these guys are in this for all the wrong reasons and also do not have a clue. This is why in a court of law, the murder plot will surface and easily; there is no logic to their story, claims, and methods. What they said or tried to disprove was easily broken and seen through; however, they still do not know why; why or how did they get tricked and burned so badly? I will tell them to calm their nerves and ease their pain. The people we are dealing with seek to expand and penetrate; therefore, to do so they must be taken seriously. The only way to be taken seriously is to reverse the table; make others look up while they look down; to misrepresent or oppress for the opposite reasons. This is why and how we caught the spies and terrorists; they were not overt with the use of terrorism and trying to beat us or gain more ground so we could not detect or stop them.
Now here is your written answer: I have a "Need Not Apply or Show up Rule"; this means I do not care if you are or are not a phony or not; you need not apply or show up. If you wish to debate this, I will need a Supreme Commander and his original work; I have my work and road plan; I do not need to be debated. So if you have a Supreme Commander, then present it white you can. I have a partner and a female that will work with the suspects or those on the suspect list. So if you are a liberal, left wing, terrorist, Zionist, Catholic, union member, terrorist, former communist, crime element, or some 1700s boat person; contact Ann and ask for yourself or a written answer. I do not even care if you are the police, your papa was the police, and your momma was fat or the police; I will send you a written confirmation when you send me one. We are still waiting for a written response; no verbal or block head clandestine contacts need apply or show up. This must be written or else it will be a terrorist plot, illegal, and espionage. We do not think they have anyone left; Ann interviewed all of them and we got all they are after.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
This enemy knows the conservatives and Christians well. They know how the laws of the United States work in favor of the underdogs. Why choose the fiercest and best fighters; or those who will never sympathize? This is like invading CIA, FBI, or the Pentagon. In the world of the liberal and left wing, everybody is a racist. In their world, the government is there to terrorize the most talented. In the liberal world, the smart one holds down a victim while the violent and criminal one beats them up. If you match them or beat them; you run the risk of arrest and seizure for being a threat to society or others. The government has the most smart and talented terrorized by the risk of deportation or mental evaluation for being a threat to liberalism, socialism, terrorism, crime and corruption, or just plain being truthful.
Clearly the bad guys run the show and steer the Titanic while the terrorists drive the population weaker and into fear. Who is brave enough to fight suicidal terrorists; is it women and children or only liberals? Who is bold enough to fight them in the US while the smart and corrupt ones hold down the military while the police are beaten up? Now who looks dumb, ugly, and feels stupid? If you are a homicidal maniac or trying to finish off the cold war; that would you shoot the remainder of your weapons at? Women make wonderful victims and in war make excellent propaganda. Asian economies are high on the target list because they can slice either way to the racist world. So ask who is brave enough to fight the free world or who is too meek to care? How do others live and work with these people? They are so annoying and criminal; they are in our own household and watching us in the most frightening way. They manipulate others into dangerous situations and get proactive.
Ann, you said you wanted to work on marriage counseling. I have told you what needs to go and how I knew who and what was doing it. Now they claim you are eager to hug them or they are your liberal pets. Yet I am being bribed and you look very weak on crime. You threw their heads at my feet and I looked at you and asked what in hell do you want me to do with them? You say how you reduced the danger and dispelled the vicious attacks; now you had their leaders and who was behind the communist movement. However, like all Christians; when they smacked or slapped you; you turned a blind eye. It might work in your world, but in mine it never works. It shows you the result of being weak on crime and how it can turn very violent and very damaging to both your career and personal life. I asked you to get rid of these pets of yours if you are honest and serious about marriage counseling. You keep telling me how it is a disaster and how you messed up; I keep saying the same thing; why keep these pets when you and I know who is behind it? Now they are refusing to stop and kicking up their proactive efforts. In the face of total exposure, total destruction, and life ending decisions; the same terror plot and those behind it want to be either your ice cream man or mine. There is the same weak on crime and how it leads to violence, terrorism, or a rape=murder plot. The suspects are your own human pets; your staff of maniacs.
So which will it be; you or me? They repulse me and I have no use for them; do you? Are you their ice cream man or did they mistake you as an ice cream man? If so, what can you do to clear the air and end this proactive effort of theirs in my life and your life? They are hanging on a thread, coming unhinged, knowingly or not clinging to one of us or both while the federal authorities drag their feet after 20 years of this right in front of their eyes. The terrorists and the liberals claim they bring a gun to a knife fight because the conservatives and Christians are whimsy. So is it an ape, a crime organization, liberals, and maniacs; or will it is us? I do not like or am rejuvenated by this weak on crime atmosphere or the history of its disaster diaper. For a Christian nation, it is embarrassing and an embarrassment. For a military and a global security force; it is a total and utter lie; a menace and fraud. This proactive effort needs a kick from reactionary forces; knock the ice cream out of the hands of this clown and tell them enough; I am fed up and sick of this pet problem or this bribery effort; I am sick of what it is doing to your or my life, you begging me for forgiveness or to ignore it. At least you turned them in and were reactionary. They claim the three ways is still up for grabs and we are the human pets. Who is proactive in my life?
I am coping with a six way headache; three from them; three from you. How do I ignore it when they contact me every single day claiming to be either you or your pet? If kicking you pet does not work, starving it does not work, then the only option is to get rid of it. Do not feed your pets any longer, they get more and more proactive and we have to resort to overwhelming reactive counter offensives while important matters are neglected; work is peaking and piling up. We need a god damn reduction and to focus the remaining energies on weak spots or pressure points; your help would be grand instead of counter productive because of your pets who are behind this and who you delivered their heads to earn your rank. When you are undercover, things cut two ways or no ways. Now, things only cut one way and go in one direction. Where do you want or wish to go since you seek my support, have severe inadequacy, and constantly strength or reaffirmation. I train Generals and militaries, not baby sit courageous cougars with liberal pets and terrorist boyfriends; who are now contacting me, bribing me, trying to act like the Klan, and wish to continue the ice cream man problem with control or gifts; strings on the purse. If you want to side with the military, that is one thing. If you wish to be destroyed by terrorists or the new socialists; than that is another.
There must be an improvement and this proactive ice cream man or effort on your part and theirs must end. You have and everybody else has learned a valuable lesson about these pets and nascent maniacs; they feed off of your flesh and it is nearly impossible to get rid of them unless they are behind terrorist plots or real spies. Luckily, that is who they are so it saves you and I much work. Now let the feds do the work and lessen the workload and stress on us please! Let the people who actually get paid for this actually clean it up instead of pissing your life or mine away to listen or be on the receiving end of the ice cream man or his terrorist plot. Their proactive effort needs harsh reactive and efforts to crush them. Do not turn your cheek, ignore them, or let them smack you again; they get more proactive and suicidal. Either you fight them well or disengage. The more violent and homicidal they get, the more they will win. You will not win anything when a sitting duck or playing along; we have seen this. What you do is make them more proactive and think of hope or sex. That needs to stop also; they claim you are close friends and not strangers. Now I have strangers in my life and a total pest while you tell me how much you love me and need me. They have you all chasing your own ass; I love it when they call you a racist also, hilarious! It is a god damn circus. They are god damn proactive.
This shit needs to stop and these bribes and pets’ needs to end. Who the hell is still doing it; is it you or is it them? They are proactive, you are reactive; they get more proactive and suicidal; do not match them. Let people with automatic weapons match them and play their game; you will get smacked upside the hell you are in and get injured again. You women are a pain in the ass on this war on terror but you make excellent victims and bait. As a military commander; we do not accept bribes from military terrorists or spies; we eradicate them and make sure they do not bark or yelp. You need to produce that result also. The FBI, CIA, and Pentagon are getting their clocks cleaned by this enemy; but we have turned the tide finally. I am sick of yelling at either you or them for disasters in my life and you’re weak on crime mentality. The more violent and vicious they get; the weaker and less you all win. Meanwhile, I am arrested and blamed as some scapegoat and partner to this; I have nothing to do with them. Do I look or sound weak on crime or slightly pathetic? I am getting bribed by all of your follies. If you people do not know how to fight communism or maniacal terrorists; then I am not going to scream and shout about it any longer. You fall for all their tricks and deceptions; then ask for forgiveness or redemption. It is coming down to the wire; almost near destruction and total disaster. They get more proactive or weak.
Remember my ordeal and what I had to go through. I was arrested and made to feel like a criminal. I was held down and beaten up. Why choose the fiercest and best fighters; or those who will never sympathize? This is like invading CIA, FBI, or the Pentagon. In the world of the liberal and left wing, everybody is a racist. In their world, the government is there to terrorize the most talented. In the liberal world, the smart one holds down a victim while the violent and criminal one beats them up. If you match them or beat them; you run the risk of arrest and seizure for being a threat to society or others. Remember, this enemy is criminal and proactive. They know how to beat up the forces of good and cause disasters. They know how to screw things up and ruin the life of others; they are proactive. Want to know what else is annoying Ann? You flying back and forth from New York to Florida; I have never seen anybody use a plane as a taxi cab. Who exactly are you mocking if not me? I had no idea being with you would be so difficult; I get bribed daily in the worst and most unwanted manner by a repulsive creature. This isn’t even the WH or the capital building; it is a spy or terrorist recruitment camp run by the unions. It is like the shootout in Greensboro, NC between the Klan and the unions. They love those Asian economies don’t they?
Your job is to be a partner with me; not drive me off and then go on the air and tell the world it was not you or your fault. These are just little things in a swirl of huge and bigger things in your life. Not many men such as myself would tolerate or put up with the constant little annoyances; reading about it; or worried sick all the time. I do see improvement and I do see a slight change in your pets and maniac circle of murderers. Now you tell me how you almost died at their hands? They are running around telling me and others they got set up and nothing is wrong or ever was? It is a god damn circus and you were the main event; you were being skewered and served up for a last supper. You tell me it is total lies and nothing is true; you only mimicked them or are the same. They have this love-hate with me also where I am in a mental institution on day, a prison cell the next, and then screaming at them for being a retard and a total loser. All they want to do is act tough, carry a big stick, and suck up to everybody if they can get away with it. I had no idea my military career and marriage was going to be so difficult if not impossible with jackasses as pets trying to throw one stink bomb after the next or get proactive by watching us 24 hours and holding us captive. Now they are the ice cream man and still wish to talk about partnerships or outranking us. Yes, they terrorized me also.
Dating every conservative was annoying.
Dating black men was annoying.
Did I mention the pictures?
Oh you love danger do you? Try in my god damn household and 24 hrs a day? The state says it is my fault again; I had no idea I enjoyed it or them. My god let me give them my phone number so we can cut through the chase. These are really good leaders who will fix this country…
Living a mysterious and unknown life was annoying.
Pretending to have 20 or more boyfriends was annoying.
Who do I think I am or who do they think you are? Do not rescue them after I had to save you or plea for you; plea! You want me to forgive them? You must be on drugs and love crime; you must have some wild fantasy.
The wild fantasies with you in them were annoying; way too annoying; still annoying.
They are so in my business; they order me around about you! Yes, the liberals… yes the communists… yes who I despise. They have a cosmic bond to both of us.
Reading your personal life was utterly annoying.
How do you live and work with these people; keep them in your life while aiming for me?
One guy says you always run out of the car and hug him; I clapped hard hearing this; your present to me again and how much you love me? It was true he says…
Trying to clean it up and making it worse is two results.
Never rely on your enemy and if you had friends; they would be here by now saving your ass. All that elbow grease was me Annie, not you okay; let’s not take too much credit for too little effort or spirit.
In spirit forever sounds very similar to “by the way I lied.”
Not sure who did what or who did this; it did end and get better.
There is so much I can take and I am already well past the point of return.
Even your enemies make fun of you and me; I have to hear it and listen; even watch mommy come over for sexy back upstairs and Sean’s life. The guy is a nightmare; Fox News is weak on crime obviously.
You pleading for me were annoying. You getting proactive for me were annoying. They refuse to end this or stop this proactive campaign; which got you in trouble but stopped them or ended this; it is not over yet. The atmosphere is weak on crime or some killer on the loose.
It could have turned out better had it not been for them; now you are proactive trying to save your own life; which makes me annoyed at the same people you live and work with. The point is do not recruit us or come in our life. Why are they still doing this or still here? I did not invite them, they claim you invited them; but you slung them and drove them mad; then delivered them. So why isn’t it over yet? I had no idea you invited them again or forgave them; it must be the weak on crime bug.
Life partners are for life, so this is for life, I am with you all the way but do not bend or ask me to bend with you and others; that is what got you in so much trouble. There is no more bends on the road and no more worries. You decide how fast you have to drive away or to me; that cosmic relation will make you drive faster.
Either you made it a lie or your friends keep really good secrets; but you are not getting more attractive as the years pass, trust me. I do not admire extreme risk taking or dangerous behavior anymore; maybe in high school. Do not sit next to me and try to pick a fight; I had enough of this meager crap already. At least you had the wherewithal to yelp and tell me the truth; I have zero tolerance and am not forgiving. There is a pattern here and there. As a girlfriend, spouse, partner, lover, or intimate mate; you are as annoying as they get; but you still seek my trust and ask for a chance to prove them wrong. Ann, I think you are blind because of your gender and this fantasy world; a cosmic relationship the enemies have with me also. Both of us are taking stabs and guesses; but nobody verifies it or even gives a shit; at least I did. You seem not to give a shit and insist solely on this cosmic relation or bond with my life. I keep hearing this from both sides and am angered by it. You must show you can be responsible in a relationship; but you could always quit and be a soccer mom at any time. What is wrong with being a wife and soccer mom?
I am not accustomed to women who stress me this much or ever have. I get a sense of disappointment and view the female as a loser and a failure. These fantasies were the result of your pets and a weak on crime attitude; but you threw their heads at my feet which got you in more trouble. With whom I still do not know; maybe me; my point is I am not used to women this annoying and do not like New Yorkers. I feel like I was kidnapped and then got home to find out a mess was made by you and your pets; our house got robbed while you were in it or having a dinner party. Now, you have no answers for me and ignore my constant abatement while you get to the bottom of this or keep me hanging. How do you live and work with these people; they are in my house talking to me in the most condescending manner. They and this enemy cannot continue to live off the mercy of others; this world has sealed their fate. This world is more violent and more murders daily.
Now, you tell me where this is headed and what you want. I have told you what I want and made a wish list; none of it has occurred. Nothing has changed in 10 years; my life gets worse even with the FBI, CIA, and Pentagon on this case. I am still a captive listening to this crap and how awful the human race truly is or why the enemy has me and I am commanding the troops of this world. Who the hell do I blame and go after for this because I am genuinely mad. Do not make it worse by bringing more people and more annoying people into my life and this total disaster. It is not over yet and I have blood boiling in me while bills stack up more and more. They tell me to blame you; you tell me they did it; they now claim you and them are partners. You all are nuts; at least someone is in charge or knows what the hell they are doing. I am sick and tired of worrying and listening to you tell me not to worry. There is much to be desired in your or our war fighting abilities; I have improved on mine. You exist on mercy, sex, and fantasy. You exist in my world by cosmic relation or a 20 year bond you claim is unbreakable and spiritual. I find all of you ridiculous and annoying; sorry if I am honest. Maybe I live on the mercy of others or to fantasize way too much. If so you are the cause.
You claim they had you captive. I find your life annoying but less so than one year before. You do seem to make an effort and improve. I am just in a state of limbo and cannot snap my finger and fix everything at once; they were undetected for over 20 years; running loose in DC and the world. Who do I blame or take my anger out on? Is it weak on crime or total lies? Is it class on how to terrorize Christians or how to be proactive and annoying? A good partner with no baggage would be nice. I do not have any baggage or stressors; but I can get some if needed. Yes, they terrorized me also. You did help but they made fun of the help you did and still do. They are proactive; anything I do is reactive to their proactive; same with you. Have you heard Hannity recently or what he is doing? Do you want to know what weak on crime is or truly is; you make an excellent victim and a great tease. You are teasing aren’t you? You make my world of science a pounding headache and a continual struggle with fantasy. I find you live in your own tragedy and how I am dependent at times by those close to you who are worse off.
From the upcoming and next masterpiece chapter called, “Victims, Parents, Homicides, and Serial Killers as War Fighters or Terrorists”:
Clearly the bad guys run the show and steer the Titanic while the terrorists drive the population weaker and into fear. Who is brave enough to fight suicidal terrorists; is it women and children or only liberals? Who is bold enough to fight them in the US while the smart and corrupt ones hold down the military while the police are beaten up? Now who looks dumb, ugly, and feels stupid? If you are a homicidal maniac or trying to finish off the cold war; that would you shoot the remainder of your weapons at? Women make wonderful victims and in war make excellent propaganda. Asian economies are high on the target list because they can slice either way to the racist world. On the battlefield and this coming Armageddon; victory is decided on the battlefield; it is not politically. We have plotted out the course of this world and have determined twenty years ago the possible outcomes or what must happen. This new surge of liberalism or this new search for the left wing is detrimental to national and global security. Keep in mind, women make great victims and superior propaganda because they exist in war fighting and violent struggles by the luxury of mercy. To view luxury or fine accoutrements while in violent struggle or battle suffering is a morale problem. Therefore, women depress war fighting abilities and make males protest or dejected about conditions.
So ask who is brave enough to fight the free world or who is too meek to care? How do others live and work with these people? They are so annoying and criminal; they are in our own household and watching us in the most frightening way. They manipulate others into dangerous situations and get proactive. What we are seeing in this new fantasy or global struggle is how women survive on the battlefield by using mercy for propaganda. This is a battle against homicidal and some of the most deadly lunatics; it is not a photo op or a romance story. Superior war fighters know the rules of warfare cannot or has not changed; similarly, in warfare living on the mercy of others is foolish if not failure. We have an enemy that is severely engaged in fantasy beyond all else and thinks heavily about death or scaring the hell out of people. Unfortunately, that is not how you win wars. The issue of sex or men fighting over women during attacks and war is beyond the scope of annoyance; it emboldens two sides and threatens the one offering sex as a weapon of bribery. Sex is a weapon of crime and this new socialism; to enforce and reward. Sex offenders are also secret executioners of this homicidal maniac like crime and murder spree.
Wars are won when you eradicate an enemy or somehow make them go away. Females do not make enemies go away; they are used as propaganda and fantasy. They have a tendency to boost the vicarious or robust confidence of an enemy who is not wanted or invited. A female tends to present herself as some reward or as some prize for valor or tribute of lunacy. Therefore, even if a female wishes to aid and comfort; they can do tremendous harm when their eyes cross with the enemy and they stare deeply across the battlefield. Women survive in this war with homicidal maniacs or lunatics because of the mercy or compassion of human beings. As war fighters we know when the rules of nature cannot be changed or a counterproductive effort is being waged. We know when there is a trick or if we are falling for it. The worst outcome for both sides good and bad; is when a female or tease slices it in a manner where it can fall both or two ways; it shows a very weak on crime attitude but a selfish greed and the need to eat your way to the top. This vague irregularity of female sexuality causes very negative outcomes to both sides; both sides are annoyed by female persuasions or how poor it can be to war. We know poverty, crime, violence, and terrorism all breed under the same conditions or goals.
We are not merchants of death or wish this. However, a warning must be made to all governments about this weak on crime problem and trying to expand or spread gifts from hell. There is a threshold in society where problems exceed the cost to fix them. There is a threshold where sometimes civil war is good because it restores the trust in government or lowers this threshold of oppression and suffering caused by crime and corruption. The police are the front lines but even they cannot control the political will and this weak on crime problem in this world. The point is, civil war is part of life and it is not a necessarily bad concept. What is also known is how problems reduce very quickly after a civil war. Soldiers and policemen do not get shot at as often. Weak on crime and the streets are taken back; peace and normalcy is restored. Lies and scams by crime organizations or labor groups tend to disappear because we know crime, violence, and suffering is a product of poverty and the left wing. This world is mixing into a violent struggle between good and evil; crime and those weak on crime; and the possibility governments can topple and be riddled with distrust. Part of the problem is religion and the other part of the problem is a lack of it.
So people do try to avoid civil war for as long as they can but eventually, it catches up and violence overcomes the countering forces. If civil war was not such a great problem solver; mankind would not have made it and would not have chosen leaders to address them. If war was not such a game changer or a way to fix evil and corruption; mankind would have abandoned it a long time ago. The after effect or the impact of war after victory is an entirely different matter. We have a very severe problem with a very determined enemy who is lawless and also very criminal. This very determined enemy feels he or she is better only by theft and copying the life of others, to exploit their talents like a con man or a scam artist. In a world and struggle between good and evil; who you are and who you transform into makes a big difference whether or not you live or die broken and penniless. Most people do not think about these serious matters but the best way to live and avoid violence is to avoid being weak on crime or being surrounded by those who are. Their life always comes to a violent ending at the hands of other criminals or the police. Now, this enemy and domestic threat has taken this to a whole new level. Civil war is nothing more than a violent struggle for freedom; we know who wins and who must loose in that struggle.
This extremely severe problem with an enemy of mankind likes to manipulate life and matters so they can put unsuspecting people or others into situations which are very dangerous or requires extreme risk. We have a very elusive and pathetic loser of an enemy who enjoys tricking others and lying to them; always seeking freedom and wishing others to leave them alone or go away. However, when it is time they go away or leave; there is a fight and violence. So at some point, the jails will fill up and the cost of imprisonment will become a breaking point. As we said, if civil war was not such a great idea; man would not have invented it to fix problems or these types of struggles with those who are weak on crime or pathological liars. The female element in a violent struggle is a very negative and can rewrite the rules of war fighting for both sides. At most, females make superior victims and superior propaganda because they exist on the mercy of violence. War and struggle is extremely violent; it is not for the faint of heart or those too masculine for their own intellectual incapacity. We see this constantly, almost pansy like by both male and fearless females who are weak on crime and playing this out of tune instrument with war fighting and violent struggles.
We will say this again, weak on crimes leads to violent and brutal endings for those who are not. Women and females live on the mercy of war fighters and violence; therefore, can cut both ways; a very negative involvement. The problem now is with foreign terrorism and how domestic enemies and spies exploit this system of violence and threats from abroad. This now makes civil war and combating crime more difficult by adding layers of deception to the already inexcusable violence and sheer lack of political weakness. This enemy is undaunted in the face of evil or terror; yet they remain a permanent victim to themselves and others because of poverty and crime. We already know the winners and twenty years ago already knew the winning strategy or how things would end. The problem now is implementing it or executing it because we could not before while under attack. More layers of problems were buried on top of this by terrorism and deception. This world is coming closer to a very violent ending unless the weak on crime or this rampant new crime and murder spree is not curbed; there is a new enemy and so far nobody has even come close to their reach or their deception. So women make better sadistic manipulators who can lure others into dangerous risk or behaviors.
This enemy knows the conservatives and Christians well. They know how the laws of the United States work in favor of the underdogs. Why choose the fiercest and best fighters; or those who will never sympathize? This is like invading CIA, FBI, or the Pentagon. In the world of the liberal and left wing, everybody is a racist. In their world, the government is there to terrorize the most talented. In the liberal world, the smart one holds down a victim while the violent and criminal one beats them up. If you match them or beat them; you run the risk of arrest and seizure for being a threat to society or others. The government has the most smart and talented terrorized by the risk of deportation or mental evaluation for being a threat to liberalism, socialism, terrorism, crime and corruption, or just plain being truthful.
Clearly the bad guys run the show and steer the Titanic while the terrorists drive the population weaker and into fear. Who is brave enough to fight suicidal terrorists; is it women and children or only liberals? Who is bold enough to fight them in the US while the smart and corrupt ones hold down the military while the police are beaten up? Now who looks dumb, ugly, and feels stupid? If you are a homicidal maniac or trying to finish off the cold war; that would you shoot the remainder of your weapons at? Women make wonderful victims and in war make excellent propaganda. Asian economies are high on the target list because they can slice either way to the racist world. So ask who is brave enough to fight the free world or who is too meek to care? How do others live and work with these people? They are so annoying and criminal; they are in our own household and watching us in the most frightening way. They manipulate others into dangerous situations and get proactive.
Ann, you said you wanted to work on marriage counseling. I have told you what needs to go and how I knew who and what was doing it. Now they claim you are eager to hug them or they are your liberal pets. Yet I am being bribed and you look very weak on crime. You threw their heads at my feet and I looked at you and asked what in hell do you want me to do with them? You say how you reduced the danger and dispelled the vicious attacks; now you had their leaders and who was behind the communist movement. However, like all Christians; when they smacked or slapped you; you turned a blind eye. It might work in your world, but in mine it never works. It shows you the result of being weak on crime and how it can turn very violent and very damaging to both your career and personal life. I asked you to get rid of these pets of yours if you are honest and serious about marriage counseling. You keep telling me how it is a disaster and how you messed up; I keep saying the same thing; why keep these pets when you and I know who is behind it? Now they are refusing to stop and kicking up their proactive efforts. In the face of total exposure, total destruction, and life ending decisions; the same terror plot and those behind it want to be either your ice cream man or mine. There is the same weak on crime and how it leads to violence, terrorism, or a rape=murder plot. The suspects are your own human pets; your staff of maniacs.
So which will it be; you or me? They repulse me and I have no use for them; do you? Are you their ice cream man or did they mistake you as an ice cream man? If so, what can you do to clear the air and end this proactive effort of theirs in my life and your life? They are hanging on a thread, coming unhinged, knowingly or not clinging to one of us or both while the federal authorities drag their feet after 20 years of this right in front of their eyes. The terrorists and the liberals claim they bring a gun to a knife fight because the conservatives and Christians are whimsy. So is it an ape, a crime organization, liberals, and maniacs; or will it is us? I do not like or am rejuvenated by this weak on crime atmosphere or the history of its disaster diaper. For a Christian nation, it is embarrassing and an embarrassment. For a military and a global security force; it is a total and utter lie; a menace and fraud. This proactive effort needs a kick from reactionary forces; knock the ice cream out of the hands of this clown and tell them enough; I am fed up and sick of this pet problem or this bribery effort; I am sick of what it is doing to your or my life, you begging me for forgiveness or to ignore it. At least you turned them in and were reactionary. They claim the three ways is still up for grabs and we are the human pets. Who is proactive in my life?
I am coping with a six way headache; three from them; three from you. How do I ignore it when they contact me every single day claiming to be either you or your pet? If kicking you pet does not work, starving it does not work, then the only option is to get rid of it. Do not feed your pets any longer, they get more and more proactive and we have to resort to overwhelming reactive counter offensives while important matters are neglected; work is peaking and piling up. We need a god damn reduction and to focus the remaining energies on weak spots or pressure points; your help would be grand instead of counter productive because of your pets who are behind this and who you delivered their heads to earn your rank. When you are undercover, things cut two ways or no ways. Now, things only cut one way and go in one direction. Where do you want or wish to go since you seek my support, have severe inadequacy, and constantly strength or reaffirmation. I train Generals and militaries, not baby sit courageous cougars with liberal pets and terrorist boyfriends; who are now contacting me, bribing me, trying to act like the Klan, and wish to continue the ice cream man problem with control or gifts; strings on the purse. If you want to side with the military, that is one thing. If you wish to be destroyed by terrorists or the new socialists; than that is another.
There must be an improvement and this proactive ice cream man or effort on your part and theirs must end. You have and everybody else has learned a valuable lesson about these pets and nascent maniacs; they feed off of your flesh and it is nearly impossible to get rid of them unless they are behind terrorist plots or real spies. Luckily, that is who they are so it saves you and I much work. Now let the feds do the work and lessen the workload and stress on us please! Let the people who actually get paid for this actually clean it up instead of pissing your life or mine away to listen or be on the receiving end of the ice cream man or his terrorist plot. Their proactive effort needs harsh reactive and efforts to crush them. Do not turn your cheek, ignore them, or let them smack you again; they get more proactive and suicidal. Either you fight them well or disengage. The more violent and homicidal they get, the more they will win. You will not win anything when a sitting duck or playing along; we have seen this. What you do is make them more proactive and think of hope or sex. That needs to stop also; they claim you are close friends and not strangers. Now I have strangers in my life and a total pest while you tell me how much you love me and need me. They have you all chasing your own ass; I love it when they call you a racist also, hilarious! It is a god damn circus. They are god damn proactive.
This shit needs to stop and these bribes and pets’ needs to end. Who the hell is still doing it; is it you or is it them? They are proactive, you are reactive; they get more proactive and suicidal; do not match them. Let people with automatic weapons match them and play their game; you will get smacked upside the hell you are in and get injured again. You women are a pain in the ass on this war on terror but you make excellent victims and bait. As a military commander; we do not accept bribes from military terrorists or spies; we eradicate them and make sure they do not bark or yelp. You need to produce that result also. The FBI, CIA, and Pentagon are getting their clocks cleaned by this enemy; but we have turned the tide finally. I am sick of yelling at either you or them for disasters in my life and you’re weak on crime mentality. The more violent and vicious they get; the weaker and less you all win. Meanwhile, I am arrested and blamed as some scapegoat and partner to this; I have nothing to do with them. Do I look or sound weak on crime or slightly pathetic? I am getting bribed by all of your follies. If you people do not know how to fight communism or maniacal terrorists; then I am not going to scream and shout about it any longer. You fall for all their tricks and deceptions; then ask for forgiveness or redemption. It is coming down to the wire; almost near destruction and total disaster. They get more proactive or weak.
Remember my ordeal and what I had to go through. I was arrested and made to feel like a criminal. I was held down and beaten up. Why choose the fiercest and best fighters; or those who will never sympathize? This is like invading CIA, FBI, or the Pentagon. In the world of the liberal and left wing, everybody is a racist. In their world, the government is there to terrorize the most talented. In the liberal world, the smart one holds down a victim while the violent and criminal one beats them up. If you match them or beat them; you run the risk of arrest and seizure for being a threat to society or others. Remember, this enemy is criminal and proactive. They know how to beat up the forces of good and cause disasters. They know how to screw things up and ruin the life of others; they are proactive. Want to know what else is annoying Ann? You flying back and forth from New York to Florida; I have never seen anybody use a plane as a taxi cab. Who exactly are you mocking if not me? I had no idea being with you would be so difficult; I get bribed daily in the worst and most unwanted manner by a repulsive creature. This isn’t even the WH or the capital building; it is a spy or terrorist recruitment camp run by the unions. It is like the shootout in Greensboro, NC between the Klan and the unions. They love those Asian economies don’t they?
Your job is to be a partner with me; not drive me off and then go on the air and tell the world it was not you or your fault. These are just little things in a swirl of huge and bigger things in your life. Not many men such as myself would tolerate or put up with the constant little annoyances; reading about it; or worried sick all the time. I do see improvement and I do see a slight change in your pets and maniac circle of murderers. Now you tell me how you almost died at their hands? They are running around telling me and others they got set up and nothing is wrong or ever was? It is a god damn circus and you were the main event; you were being skewered and served up for a last supper. You tell me it is total lies and nothing is true; you only mimicked them or are the same. They have this love-hate with me also where I am in a mental institution on day, a prison cell the next, and then screaming at them for being a retard and a total loser. All they want to do is act tough, carry a big stick, and suck up to everybody if they can get away with it. I had no idea my military career and marriage was going to be so difficult if not impossible with jackasses as pets trying to throw one stink bomb after the next or get proactive by watching us 24 hours and holding us captive. Now they are the ice cream man and still wish to talk about partnerships or outranking us. Yes, they terrorized me also.
Dating every conservative was annoying.
Dating black men was annoying.
Did I mention the pictures?
Oh you love danger do you? Try in my god damn household and 24 hrs a day? The state says it is my fault again; I had no idea I enjoyed it or them. My god let me give them my phone number so we can cut through the chase. These are really good leaders who will fix this country…
Living a mysterious and unknown life was annoying.
Pretending to have 20 or more boyfriends was annoying.
Who do I think I am or who do they think you are? Do not rescue them after I had to save you or plea for you; plea! You want me to forgive them? You must be on drugs and love crime; you must have some wild fantasy.
The wild fantasies with you in them were annoying; way too annoying; still annoying.
They are so in my business; they order me around about you! Yes, the liberals… yes the communists… yes who I despise. They have a cosmic bond to both of us.
Reading your personal life was utterly annoying.
How do you live and work with these people; keep them in your life while aiming for me?
One guy says you always run out of the car and hug him; I clapped hard hearing this; your present to me again and how much you love me? It was true he says…
Trying to clean it up and making it worse is two results.
Never rely on your enemy and if you had friends; they would be here by now saving your ass. All that elbow grease was me Annie, not you okay; let’s not take too much credit for too little effort or spirit.
In spirit forever sounds very similar to “by the way I lied.”
Not sure who did what or who did this; it did end and get better.
There is so much I can take and I am already well past the point of return.
Even your enemies make fun of you and me; I have to hear it and listen; even watch mommy come over for sexy back upstairs and Sean’s life. The guy is a nightmare; Fox News is weak on crime obviously.
You pleading for me were annoying. You getting proactive for me were annoying. They refuse to end this or stop this proactive campaign; which got you in trouble but stopped them or ended this; it is not over yet. The atmosphere is weak on crime or some killer on the loose.
It could have turned out better had it not been for them; now you are proactive trying to save your own life; which makes me annoyed at the same people you live and work with. The point is do not recruit us or come in our life. Why are they still doing this or still here? I did not invite them, they claim you invited them; but you slung them and drove them mad; then delivered them. So why isn’t it over yet? I had no idea you invited them again or forgave them; it must be the weak on crime bug.
Life partners are for life, so this is for life, I am with you all the way but do not bend or ask me to bend with you and others; that is what got you in so much trouble. There is no more bends on the road and no more worries. You decide how fast you have to drive away or to me; that cosmic relation will make you drive faster.
Either you made it a lie or your friends keep really good secrets; but you are not getting more attractive as the years pass, trust me. I do not admire extreme risk taking or dangerous behavior anymore; maybe in high school. Do not sit next to me and try to pick a fight; I had enough of this meager crap already. At least you had the wherewithal to yelp and tell me the truth; I have zero tolerance and am not forgiving. There is a pattern here and there. As a girlfriend, spouse, partner, lover, or intimate mate; you are as annoying as they get; but you still seek my trust and ask for a chance to prove them wrong. Ann, I think you are blind because of your gender and this fantasy world; a cosmic relationship the enemies have with me also. Both of us are taking stabs and guesses; but nobody verifies it or even gives a shit; at least I did. You seem not to give a shit and insist solely on this cosmic relation or bond with my life. I keep hearing this from both sides and am angered by it. You must show you can be responsible in a relationship; but you could always quit and be a soccer mom at any time. What is wrong with being a wife and soccer mom?
I am not accustomed to women who stress me this much or ever have. I get a sense of disappointment and view the female as a loser and a failure. These fantasies were the result of your pets and a weak on crime attitude; but you threw their heads at my feet which got you in more trouble. With whom I still do not know; maybe me; my point is I am not used to women this annoying and do not like New Yorkers. I feel like I was kidnapped and then got home to find out a mess was made by you and your pets; our house got robbed while you were in it or having a dinner party. Now, you have no answers for me and ignore my constant abatement while you get to the bottom of this or keep me hanging. How do you live and work with these people; they are in my house talking to me in the most condescending manner. They and this enemy cannot continue to live off the mercy of others; this world has sealed their fate. This world is more violent and more murders daily.
Now, you tell me where this is headed and what you want. I have told you what I want and made a wish list; none of it has occurred. Nothing has changed in 10 years; my life gets worse even with the FBI, CIA, and Pentagon on this case. I am still a captive listening to this crap and how awful the human race truly is or why the enemy has me and I am commanding the troops of this world. Who the hell do I blame and go after for this because I am genuinely mad. Do not make it worse by bringing more people and more annoying people into my life and this total disaster. It is not over yet and I have blood boiling in me while bills stack up more and more. They tell me to blame you; you tell me they did it; they now claim you and them are partners. You all are nuts; at least someone is in charge or knows what the hell they are doing. I am sick and tired of worrying and listening to you tell me not to worry. There is much to be desired in your or our war fighting abilities; I have improved on mine. You exist on mercy, sex, and fantasy. You exist in my world by cosmic relation or a 20 year bond you claim is unbreakable and spiritual. I find all of you ridiculous and annoying; sorry if I am honest. Maybe I live on the mercy of others or to fantasize way too much. If so you are the cause.
You claim they had you captive. I find your life annoying but less so than one year before. You do seem to make an effort and improve. I am just in a state of limbo and cannot snap my finger and fix everything at once; they were undetected for over 20 years; running loose in DC and the world. Who do I blame or take my anger out on? Is it weak on crime or total lies? Is it class on how to terrorize Christians or how to be proactive and annoying? A good partner with no baggage would be nice. I do not have any baggage or stressors; but I can get some if needed. Yes, they terrorized me also. You did help but they made fun of the help you did and still do. They are proactive; anything I do is reactive to their proactive; same with you. Have you heard Hannity recently or what he is doing? Do you want to know what weak on crime is or truly is; you make an excellent victim and a great tease. You are teasing aren’t you? You make my world of science a pounding headache and a continual struggle with fantasy. I find you live in your own tragedy and how I am dependent at times by those close to you who are worse off.
From the upcoming and next masterpiece chapter called, “Victims, Parents, Homicides, and Serial Killers as War Fighters or Terrorists”:
Clearly the bad guys run the show and steer the Titanic while the terrorists drive the population weaker and into fear. Who is brave enough to fight suicidal terrorists; is it women and children or only liberals? Who is bold enough to fight them in the US while the smart and corrupt ones hold down the military while the police are beaten up? Now who looks dumb, ugly, and feels stupid? If you are a homicidal maniac or trying to finish off the cold war; that would you shoot the remainder of your weapons at? Women make wonderful victims and in war make excellent propaganda. Asian economies are high on the target list because they can slice either way to the racist world. On the battlefield and this coming Armageddon; victory is decided on the battlefield; it is not politically. We have plotted out the course of this world and have determined twenty years ago the possible outcomes or what must happen. This new surge of liberalism or this new search for the left wing is detrimental to national and global security. Keep in mind, women make great victims and superior propaganda because they exist in war fighting and violent struggles by the luxury of mercy. To view luxury or fine accoutrements while in violent struggle or battle suffering is a morale problem. Therefore, women depress war fighting abilities and make males protest or dejected about conditions.
So ask who is brave enough to fight the free world or who is too meek to care? How do others live and work with these people? They are so annoying and criminal; they are in our own household and watching us in the most frightening way. They manipulate others into dangerous situations and get proactive. What we are seeing in this new fantasy or global struggle is how women survive on the battlefield by using mercy for propaganda. This is a battle against homicidal and some of the most deadly lunatics; it is not a photo op or a romance story. Superior war fighters know the rules of warfare cannot or has not changed; similarly, in warfare living on the mercy of others is foolish if not failure. We have an enemy that is severely engaged in fantasy beyond all else and thinks heavily about death or scaring the hell out of people. Unfortunately, that is not how you win wars. The issue of sex or men fighting over women during attacks and war is beyond the scope of annoyance; it emboldens two sides and threatens the one offering sex as a weapon of bribery. Sex is a weapon of crime and this new socialism; to enforce and reward. Sex offenders are also secret executioners of this homicidal maniac like crime and murder spree.
Wars are won when you eradicate an enemy or somehow make them go away. Females do not make enemies go away; they are used as propaganda and fantasy. They have a tendency to boost the vicarious or robust confidence of an enemy who is not wanted or invited. A female tends to present herself as some reward or as some prize for valor or tribute of lunacy. Therefore, even if a female wishes to aid and comfort; they can do tremendous harm when their eyes cross with the enemy and they stare deeply across the battlefield. Women survive in this war with homicidal maniacs or lunatics because of the mercy or compassion of human beings. As war fighters we know when the rules of nature cannot be changed or a counterproductive effort is being waged. We know when there is a trick or if we are falling for it. The worst outcome for both sides good and bad; is when a female or tease slices it in a manner where it can fall both or two ways; it shows a very weak on crime attitude but a selfish greed and the need to eat your way to the top. This vague irregularity of female sexuality causes very negative outcomes to both sides; both sides are annoyed by female persuasions or how poor it can be to war. We know poverty, crime, violence, and terrorism all breed under the same conditions or goals.
We are not merchants of death or wish this. However, a warning must be made to all governments about this weak on crime problem and trying to expand or spread gifts from hell. There is a threshold in society where problems exceed the cost to fix them. There is a threshold where sometimes civil war is good because it restores the trust in government or lowers this threshold of oppression and suffering caused by crime and corruption. The police are the front lines but even they cannot control the political will and this weak on crime problem in this world. The point is, civil war is part of life and it is not a necessarily bad concept. What is also known is how problems reduce very quickly after a civil war. Soldiers and policemen do not get shot at as often. Weak on crime and the streets are taken back; peace and normalcy is restored. Lies and scams by crime organizations or labor groups tend to disappear because we know crime, violence, and suffering is a product of poverty and the left wing. This world is mixing into a violent struggle between good and evil; crime and those weak on crime; and the possibility governments can topple and be riddled with distrust. Part of the problem is religion and the other part of the problem is a lack of it.
So people do try to avoid civil war for as long as they can but eventually, it catches up and violence overcomes the countering forces. If civil war was not such a great problem solver; mankind would not have made it and would not have chosen leaders to address them. If war was not such a game changer or a way to fix evil and corruption; mankind would have abandoned it a long time ago. The after effect or the impact of war after victory is an entirely different matter. We have a very severe problem with a very determined enemy who is lawless and also very criminal. This very determined enemy feels he or she is better only by theft and copying the life of others, to exploit their talents like a con man or a scam artist. In a world and struggle between good and evil; who you are and who you transform into makes a big difference whether or not you live or die broken and penniless. Most people do not think about these serious matters but the best way to live and avoid violence is to avoid being weak on crime or being surrounded by those who are. Their life always comes to a violent ending at the hands of other criminals or the police. Now, this enemy and domestic threat has taken this to a whole new level. Civil war is nothing more than a violent struggle for freedom; we know who wins and who must loose in that struggle.
This extremely severe problem with an enemy of mankind likes to manipulate life and matters so they can put unsuspecting people or others into situations which are very dangerous or requires extreme risk. We have a very elusive and pathetic loser of an enemy who enjoys tricking others and lying to them; always seeking freedom and wishing others to leave them alone or go away. However, when it is time they go away or leave; there is a fight and violence. So at some point, the jails will fill up and the cost of imprisonment will become a breaking point. As we said, if civil war was not such a great idea; man would not have invented it to fix problems or these types of struggles with those who are weak on crime or pathological liars. The female element in a violent struggle is a very negative and can rewrite the rules of war fighting for both sides. At most, females make superior victims and superior propaganda because they exist on the mercy of violence. War and struggle is extremely violent; it is not for the faint of heart or those too masculine for their own intellectual incapacity. We see this constantly, almost pansy like by both male and fearless females who are weak on crime and playing this out of tune instrument with war fighting and violent struggles.
We will say this again, weak on crimes leads to violent and brutal endings for those who are not. Women and females live on the mercy of war fighters and violence; therefore, can cut both ways; a very negative involvement. The problem now is with foreign terrorism and how domestic enemies and spies exploit this system of violence and threats from abroad. This now makes civil war and combating crime more difficult by adding layers of deception to the already inexcusable violence and sheer lack of political weakness. This enemy is undaunted in the face of evil or terror; yet they remain a permanent victim to themselves and others because of poverty and crime. We already know the winners and twenty years ago already knew the winning strategy or how things would end. The problem now is implementing it or executing it because we could not before while under attack. More layers of problems were buried on top of this by terrorism and deception. This world is coming closer to a very violent ending unless the weak on crime or this rampant new crime and murder spree is not curbed; there is a new enemy and so far nobody has even come close to their reach or their deception. So women make better sadistic manipulators who can lure others into dangerous risk or behaviors.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
The buying us ice cream is rejected but we cannot hit who is behind it or offering it. We asked for rank, name, and serial; so we cannot track them down. It is similar to a child abuser and taking the kids to get ice cream; makes them happy and cheery; that is who this son of a bitch is. They are in total violation and attacking. They claim imminent danger but they are not putting others in any danger. They claim they are linked to us and partners; not in writing. So we instigated and provoked a fight? They are partners and work closely with us? Now they wish to buy us ice cream and will attack? Rejected again. They are using the internet attacks to bribe us; to suggest I am accepting their bribe and want Ann gone. I am with Ann on this; fuck up their shit and end this; get rid of them and this bribe attempt; it is the liberal’s offerings ice cream for control or decision making power. Do not bribe the investigators or the defense forces!
When you are on probation and there are no signs of progress; you do not go on attack. This problem with Bin Hannity keeps coming and it is not what they claimed; we were going to them or we sought their attention. They have decided that each claim was not working. Clearly, this is attention seeking and unwanted contacts on their part; then when it collapsed, it picked up and changed to how they wanted us gone; not identical. They claim it is identical and even if a protection order is on them; they change the story again. What they are doing is scavenging on both Ann's life and then mine; isolate us if they can. When we ignore them; they attack. The self defense crap is just that; so now we hold Fox News liable. Fox News is financing Bin Hannity or Limbaugh's rampage; then facilitating it by allowing them clear access to spew out some counter offensive. In other words, they refuse to crack down or put a stop to it. There was suspicion about Roger Aisle, Fox, and partnership with the Bush family; now that partnership has sprung tentacles. They have been fucking around and screaming on this end; still not over yet. Bin Hannity is a nerve center, a cell and Fox News is involved.
It is a climate weak on crime and nonchalant pleas for freedom; a total loser and a scavenger; a total disaster, they will try to get what they can out of it before the end arrives. Give them full escalation and knock it off! It is the god damn Catholics and the entire church of pandering. Ann is going back to Fox because the attacks have actually picked up by the Catholic side. On the Catholic side are the labor organizations, the Pope, and serial sex offense; is that now being argued as how they need our work and want to read our material? If so, then the tentacles are expanding and the attacks have violated a serious rule; they are beyond the red alert level. After that, there is no coming back; stop buying us ice cream and trying to make up. It is not going to work and is really annoying; take the ice cream and stick it up your bung whole. That is what they are doing; the ice cream ploy on their kids. Knock it off and engage with full escalation! Apparently, this is not over yet and has not ended. Ann hates liberals and so do I; why on earth do they think bribery works? So now we get terrorist turned ice cream man. Ann is forced to go to them because they are all over me; I just do not know who it is or is doing it.
Ann will ask them how far they wish to take this. So far they have not won anything; so they will keep up the attacks; ask them how far they wish or expect to take this. If total destruction is what they are seeking now; there is no chance of them winning only attack. So this is not even close to over now that it is in the US attorneys’ offices and with the FBI and CIA? This is Bin Hannity behind it. I told Ann who was doing it and why; want some ice cream? I would rather Ann shut up or be silenced; do not make this worse but look who is picking a fight or why. They are in total violation and attacking. They claim imminent danger but they are not putting others in any danger. So we instigated and provoked a fight? They are partners and work closely with us? Now they wish to buy us ice cream and will attack? Rejected again. Ann hates liberals to the core; she knows they are bribing her or the ice cream man; but they do not learn or will stop.
Why imminent danger or threat? The union and left wing penetrated; control. Even if the Pentagon, CIA, and FBI are combating this; it is an internal problem; a mole. That is the new socialism. They are the ice cream man; a bribe for decision making and to become boss. So they want Ann gone and is bribing me with the stoppage of the attacks. Now they are attacking and claiming how they want Ann gone. So I am with Ann on this, get rid of them and this liberal nuisance moving up; still the black eyes are short term memory. So as imminent danger; the Pentagon, CIA, and FBI are in danger by this weak on crime mentality; but they control it and feel it is theirs; nationalism. This is one determined and annoying enemy; a total thief. BOTTOM LINE IS HOW THEY GOT TAKEN FOR ALL THEY ARE WORTH AND STILL REFUSE TO QUIT OR STOP.
The buying us ice cream is rejected but we cannot hit who is behind it or offering it. We asked for rank, name, and serial; so we cannot track them down. It is similar to a child abuser and taking the kids to get ice cream; makes them happy and cheery; that is who this son of a bitch is. They are in total violation and attacking. They claim imminent danger but they are not putting others in any danger. They claim they are linked to us and partners; not in writing. So we instigated and provoked a fight? They are partners and work closely with us? Now they wish to buy us ice cream and will attack? Rejected again. They are using the internet attacks to bribe us; to suggest I am accepting their bribe and want Ann gone. I am with Ann on this; fuck up their shit and end this; get rid of them and this bribe attempt; it is the liberal’s offerings ice cream for control or decision making power. Do not bribe the investigators or the defense forces!
When you are on probation and there are no signs of progress; you do not go on attack. This problem with Bin Hannity keeps coming and it is not what they claimed; we were going to them or we sought their attention. They have decided that each claim was not working. Clearly, this is attention seeking and unwanted contacts on their part; then when it collapsed, it picked up and changed to how they wanted us gone; not identical. They claim it is identical and even if a protection order is on them; they change the story again. What they are doing is scavenging on both Ann's life and then mine; isolate us if they can. When we ignore them; they attack. The self defense crap is just that; so now we hold Fox News liable. Fox News is financing Bin Hannity or Limbaugh's rampage; then facilitating it by allowing them clear access to spew out some counter offensive. In other words, they refuse to crack down or put a stop to it. There was suspicion about Roger Aisle, Fox, and partnership with the Bush family; now that partnership has sprung tentacles. They have been fucking around and screaming on this end; still not over yet. Bin Hannity is a nerve center, a cell and Fox News is involved.
It is a climate weak on crime and nonchalant pleas for freedom; a total loser and a scavenger; a total disaster, they will try to get what they can out of it before the end arrives. Give them full escalation and knock it off! It is the god damn Catholics and the entire church of pandering. Ann is going back to Fox because the attacks have actually picked up by the Catholic side. On the Catholic side are the labor organizations, the Pope, and serial sex offense; is that now being argued as how they need our work and want to read our material? If so, then the tentacles are expanding and the attacks have violated a serious rule; they are beyond the red alert level. After that, there is no coming back; stop buying us ice cream and trying to make up. It is not going to work and is really annoying; take the ice cream and stick it up your bung whole. That is what they are doing; the ice cream ploy on their kids. Knock it off and engage with full escalation! Apparently, this is not over yet and has not ended. Ann hates liberals and so do I; why on earth do they think bribery works? So now we get terrorist turned ice cream man. Ann is forced to go to them because they are all over me; I just do not know who it is or is doing it.
Ann will ask them how far they wish to take this. So far they have not won anything; so they will keep up the attacks; ask them how far they wish or expect to take this. If total destruction is what they are seeking now; there is no chance of them winning only attack. So this is not even close to over now that it is in the US attorneys’ offices and with the FBI and CIA? This is Bin Hannity behind it. I told Ann who was doing it and why; want some ice cream? I would rather Ann shut up or be silenced; do not make this worse but look who is picking a fight or why. They are in total violation and attacking. They claim imminent danger but they are not putting others in any danger. So we instigated and provoked a fight? They are partners and work closely with us? Now they wish to buy us ice cream and will attack? Rejected again. Ann hates liberals to the core; she knows they are bribing her or the ice cream man; but they do not learn or will stop.
Why imminent danger or threat? The union and left wing penetrated; control. Even if the Pentagon, CIA, and FBI are combating this; it is an internal problem; a mole. That is the new socialism. They are the ice cream man; a bribe for decision making and to become boss. So they want Ann gone and is bribing me with the stoppage of the attacks. Now they are attacking and claiming how they want Ann gone. So I am with Ann on this, get rid of them and this liberal nuisance moving up; still the black eyes are short term memory. So as imminent danger; the Pentagon, CIA, and FBI are in danger by this weak on crime mentality; but they control it and feel it is theirs; nationalism. This is one determined and annoying enemy; a total thief. BOTTOM LINE IS HOW THEY GOT TAKEN FOR ALL THEY ARE WORTH AND STILL REFUSE TO QUIT OR STOP.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
At or around 1998, Ann and I were talking long distance and planning to marry. I told Ann to contact me, meet up, or make an effort to marry; and to hurry up. I was then contacted by a dating service not more than a few months upon graduating from college. We were planning and so was someone else. Therefore, the wires got crossed; I mistook this dating and cupid service of espionage spies around DC for Ann doing as I had asked. She in the meantime was moving to the area and building her name and career. This was why I kept on asking her; was this you and she said no. You can blame Ann or you can blame someone or something else for messing our life up because they kept watching us and intervening; such the case now. Such the case we tried to describe. I could not tell who was who and began to give Ann orders and pass secret notes; also passwords. I did not know who they were or what they wanted but I describe my effort to marry and only marriage and family; not escorts or hookers. I was preparing to be an author and sit down to write books; it was not until 2006 I was able to; that is 8 years later. The lady I had met had her nose messed up; she looked scary and elegant. Again, both Ann and I are in the muscle industry at this time.
When it came down to it; the danger both of us were in was real and we were dealing with a deadly and dastardly threat. This is a serial killer, not a courageous leader; they are there to disrupt, spoil, and make the biggest disaster they can. So in 1998; I had opened all avenues for Ann to sneak in; all of them. I was out all the time, I was going places, and I was not on my usual schedule of a low profile or low key. They were watching and jumped at it before she did. Then they hit me with 30,000 dollars when I had thought it was Ann doing a meet and greet in DC. All of them have this black hair and nasty looking face; almost like white trash or sleazy by the money; a very inferior porn appearance; very sharp, controlled, and to the point. As they formed one rotten link after the next, we broken them and tried to rendezvous; thus, this chase began where they were stalking us and we could not respond. I suspect each time I opened the door for Ann; they shut it thinking a woman was walking in or waiting to club her to death and replace her. So we ran into a nasty spy group and a terrorist organization linked to a large clandestine criminal organization. Both of us have a complete and utter mess of a life now; still waiting to be exonerated and fixed.
Why did I respond? I would contact Ann and then get mail about a dating service; I did not mention it to Ann because I had been out and about all the time telling her to establish regularity. So as I and she were social; they bombarded me with this dating service and I mistook it as her. Then again, we had already been targeted and were under attack. So the more I made an effort to find Ann; the more they contacted me and vice versa. This was the same thing they did in 2008 when Ann finally contacted me. If they saw me go out, they would go to the same place; as if they belonged or was invited. I told Ann around 1999 to be careful; it was deadly and they were shooting real bullets; I had some tracking device on me and would go in bars and they show up only 10 or 20 minutes after; yet no visible stalking; I would take them through a maze and my stomping ground in VA. Every time I went out or planned to meet Ann; someone showed up and it was shock and awe; to force them to stop stalking and chasing by frustrating them. I would pretend it was Ann on several occasions and they would go psycho and scold; berating you or terrorizing you. They hire models, then it leads to a dog; it is irritating and unwanted; it keeps you guessing and allured. The final product is a showered trashy throw away; in nice professional clothes. It drove me nearly insane and caused me to become angered with Ann; it looked like she was showing up or her voice. It was abduction.
Research: (There are more professors and they are smoking hot and with advanced degrees; these two are butt ugly and eager. One lady in her 50s met me late at night at Giant grocery; in very running shorts and on a scale of 1 to 10 was a 15 in looks (6 foot 4 at least). I said hi and tried to get her to respond; she twisted or showed what her marriage ring was. I told Ann and said, for a lady of her age, I would think sex is the last thing on her mind. I met a similar lady in Maine at a strip club she owned but her husband was goofy and obese. Out of 10 states and strip clubs; I did not meet them otherwise; I figured this was the last place they would come in because they were losers and psychopathic; a way to hide and size them up as "the police." If they were the police, then they would have to contact me in a strip club all around the US.) I would take them through bars and off on some wild goose chase all over the USA. When I got to Atlantic City; I hit the jackpot, cash. The same type of people showed up afterwards in a restaurant. I think Ann was chasing after them because I told her it was too dangerous and they are shooting real bullets; not joking and deadly. I believe Ann tried a similar frustrate and confuse strategy until they stop method; it does not work. This is a determined psychopathic loser. Again, both Ann and I are in the muscle industry at this time. They are studying me for my genetics and Olympic strength; the ability to beat those 10 for 10.
Deborah Jeanne Palfrey
Former Professor Charged With Prostitution
(My economic professor, Lori the cocktail waitress, and the slew of throw away or sick psychopathic women who scold you and are domineering; I describe them as primarily Jewish but a few teasers were Catholic; brunette Vixens, some with natural beauty; they want a baby or some skill sets from us)
At or around 1998, Ann and I were talking long distance and planning to marry. I told Ann to contact me, meet up, or make an effort to marry; and to hurry up. I was then contacted by a dating service not more than a few months upon graduating from college. We were planning and so was someone else. Therefore, the wires got crossed; I mistook this dating and cupid service of espionage spies around DC for Ann doing as I had asked. She in the meantime was moving to the area and building her name and career. This was why I kept on asking her; was this you and she said no. You can blame Ann or you can blame someone or something else for messing our life up because they kept watching us and intervening; such the case now. Such the case we tried to describe. I could not tell who was who and began to give Ann orders and pass secret notes; also passwords. I did not know who they were or what they wanted but I describe my effort to marry and only marriage and family; not escorts or hookers. I was preparing to be an author and sit down to write books; it was not until 2006 I was able to; that is 8 years later. The lady I had met had her nose messed up; she looked scary and elegant. Again, both Ann and I are in the muscle industry at this time.
When it came down to it; the danger both of us were in was real and we were dealing with a deadly and dastardly threat. This is a serial killer, not a courageous leader; they are there to disrupt, spoil, and make the biggest disaster they can. So in 1998; I had opened all avenues for Ann to sneak in; all of them. I was out all the time, I was going places, and I was not on my usual schedule of a low profile or low key. They were watching and jumped at it before she did. Then they hit me with 30,000 dollars when I had thought it was Ann doing a meet and greet in DC. All of them have this black hair and nasty looking face; almost like white trash or sleazy by the money; a very inferior porn appearance; very sharp, controlled, and to the point. As they formed one rotten link after the next, we broken them and tried to rendezvous; thus, this chase began where they were stalking us and we could not respond. I suspect each time I opened the door for Ann; they shut it thinking a woman was walking in or waiting to club her to death and replace her. So we ran into a nasty spy group and a terrorist organization linked to a large clandestine criminal organization. Both of us have a complete and utter mess of a life now; still waiting to be exonerated and fixed.
Why did I respond? I would contact Ann and then get mail about a dating service; I did not mention it to Ann because I had been out and about all the time telling her to establish regularity. So as I and she were social; they bombarded me with this dating service and I mistook it as her. Then again, we had already been targeted and were under attack. So the more I made an effort to find Ann; the more they contacted me and vice versa. This was the same thing they did in 2008 when Ann finally contacted me. If they saw me go out, they would go to the same place; as if they belonged or was invited. I told Ann around 1999 to be careful; it was deadly and they were shooting real bullets; I had some tracking device on me and would go in bars and they show up only 10 or 20 minutes after; yet no visible stalking; I would take them through a maze and my stomping ground in VA. Every time I went out or planned to meet Ann; someone showed up and it was shock and awe; to force them to stop stalking and chasing by frustrating them. I would pretend it was Ann on several occasions and they would go psycho and scold; berating you or terrorizing you. They hire models, then it leads to a dog; it is irritating and unwanted; it keeps you guessing and allured. The final product is a showered trashy throw away; in nice professional clothes. It drove me nearly insane and caused me to become angered with Ann; it looked like she was showing up or her voice. It was abduction.
Research: (There are more professors and they are smoking hot and with advanced degrees; these two are butt ugly and eager. One lady in her 50s met me late at night at Giant grocery; in very running shorts and on a scale of 1 to 10 was a 15 in looks (6 foot 4 at least). I said hi and tried to get her to respond; she twisted or showed what her marriage ring was. I told Ann and said, for a lady of her age, I would think sex is the last thing on her mind. I met a similar lady in Maine at a strip club she owned but her husband was goofy and obese. Out of 10 states and strip clubs; I did not meet them otherwise; I figured this was the last place they would come in because they were losers and psychopathic; a way to hide and size them up as "the police." If they were the police, then they would have to contact me in a strip club all around the US.) I would take them through bars and off on some wild goose chase all over the USA. When I got to Atlantic City; I hit the jackpot, cash. The same type of people showed up afterwards in a restaurant. I think Ann was chasing after them because I told her it was too dangerous and they are shooting real bullets; not joking and deadly. I believe Ann tried a similar frustrate and confuse strategy until they stop method; it does not work. This is a determined psychopathic loser. Again, both Ann and I are in the muscle industry at this time. They are studying me for my genetics and Olympic strength; the ability to beat those 10 for 10.
Deborah Jeanne Palfrey
Former Professor Charged With Prostitution
(My economic professor, Lori the cocktail waitress, and the slew of throw away or sick psychopathic women who scold you and are domineering; I describe them as primarily Jewish but a few teasers were Catholic; brunette Vixens, some with natural beauty; they want a baby or some skill sets from us)
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- My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.