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Saturday, July 21, 2012
Let's ask Limbaugh and Hannity if the US has programmed the military or brainwashed them into some crazed right wing conspiracy? Let's ask Limbaugh and Hannity if what the opposite side claims is true. Is it true? Can they prove it or can we prove it?
Exactly how severe or serious are the charges? Is it only about 911 and Arabs? Is it only about war oil or the world petrol supplies? Is it about the worst weapons on earth used on the other side? Is it about sharing life or sharing this data? Having observed, infiltrated, and was a victim of this dangerous criminal and terrorist group; they operate a nerve center and use very sophisticated weapons on the US and as we report; Veterans. If POW and a prisoner of war sounds like their handiwork; then it really upsets people who know what they want and are up to. They want Vets, specifically Vietnam Vets to first renounce their loyalty to the US and then they torture veterans until they apologize. Imagine that, we owe them an apology. They claim we were involved in a right wing conspiracy and they only wanted to use us as bait and to put a gun to our head to test if anybody was watching, would rescue us, or would stop them. Eventually. They have a heart attack machine also; owned and operated by clandestine Israelis and Jews. The heart attack machine duplicates pain and a sensation of fibrillation. That is all we know. As I said, I studied it and determined it cannot be matched; no counter defenses and unstoppable. That was what I described and the frequency. Only the power of a tsunami can match that new weapon of theirs; only.
The secret phone is used extremely frequent and is widespread; a nerve center of communications. We have ordered them to surrender this weapon of torture, brainwashing, and clandestine message bank. It is on a priority list of to be destroyed and dismantled. I have requested it be shut down. If this means starving them or taking away their water supply; then it does. When the process of flying the white flag is complete; we will give a list of victims to the Pentagon so they can send a search party and rescue force. As I said, I have not seen this kind of torture and brainwashing since the days of the Vietnam War. That alone will garner the death penalty for them; battlefield justice and discretion. That is our report and there are witnesses. Limbaugh and Hannity along with all the rest of them were guilty. This is what they are guilty of in addition to a host of other serious violations. This was just one of their conspiracies and plots, just one. What else are they hiding? Well ask them what else is there? Is that enough already or does anybody need more? This is the secret message and brainwashing machine we are talking about; turn it over to the authority and Pentagon for proper dismantling; otherwise, no guarantees.
What did they do to not only destroy our finances, debate my college research on US debt, block any recovery or rescue, and extort both physical-material gain and intellectual merits in the most manipulative and cunning ways?
1. First they bought up banks and my bank.
2. They made it very easy to obtain debts and ran special after special to lure spending.
3. They imposed fees, rules of minimum payment, and all kinds of methods to max out the debt.
4. They made it impossible to pay back any debts; even a meager college loan of $22,000 for nearly ten full years of college and research. Clearly, this indicates a budget conscious and conservative spender.
5. They not only added more and more fees, interest, and all the goodies; they manipulated each and every part of life; just to block any reform or debt crackdown. They said we could not curb our appetite and was out of control when it came to money.
6. Look at the records and the footprints. Look at the banks and what they claim or said. Look at my reports. Review my college work on debt and IMF or the world bank. Review "The Help That Hurts" on South American debt. Look at the link of this to the Jews and World War II; in any angle or bias we were made to be either communist or Nazis; it turns out this is who they are.
7. About that George W. Bush guy and what exactly he did or sanctioned. Notice while this campaign was underway; he opens a theater in the Middle East and then doubles the national debts; all of this was to block and contradict my college work. Dick Cheney even got my full scale nuclear war papers called, "US Military Fortitude." What did they leave intact and did not steal? Nothing. They even took Ann. She is so damaged she is ready for an insane asylum; even I am through with her. How about that Karl Rove and the entire crew doing their damage control and more damage on us? Yes Dick Morris and all of them; beef up debt and embezzle or loot the government.
Banks today are known to loot and pilfer. Similar to the Robber Barons, sustainability dictates long term and repeated gains with minimal resistance. These puppet masters did corrupt society by looting and pilfering. Even if we are capitalist and despise the communist; the fact is liberals are known for control. Banks loot and pilfer with the sole intent of control. Therefore, there is a similarity between liberals and banks. There are resentments with people who claim to be right wing or Republican; even American. The fact is they are just assholes who are unloved, ostracized, abused, and soda-maschoistic. Put them in power and we will have terminal and horrendous problems, rapid decline.
We are dealing with an enemy who has new weapons of war and they are testing it on us or America. I do have the right and the authority to disqualify them, shut the door on them, fire them, or otherwise refuse to work with them. I have refused to work with Ann Coulter now; she can babble or make up stuff all day long; I refuse to work with Ann Coulter from here on. As far as this other pest who is the bigger problem or behind all of these attacks; you cannot get fired or rejected 100,000 times. They are just saying we are not strong enough to remove them or get rid of them; powerless to their brute force and demands if and when it comes down to all out war. These new tools as a result of high tech and a huge push from Asian economies. That phone they use to hide their communist activities, to forward terror plots, to coordinate organized criminal plots and conspiracy, and to launch one attack after the next; will be shut down and with the unleashing of hell they have never experienced in their lifetime. If they impede on this shutdown and continue to use or refuse to turn it over so it can be shut down; then there are no guarantees on what we ask for or demand from the office of hurricane and earthquakes.
Why is this ignored or has to be repeated? Enough is enough; end it now. Stop using a clandestine phone or other new tools; to intimidate or otherwise drive insane normal healthy people who are loved, needed, precious, and privileged. Stop using that same phone for terror plots and for criminal activities; to include attacks intended to make a victim or target appear schizo or in a state of hysteria. 24 hours of verbal accosting, harassment, intimidation, and what we describe using this secret phone; will get them killed and with the force of a tsunami. The rest is history and for the record. It will not end until they realize they have violated every single law mankind has ever written; every single one. As we said, the blacks are even worse than these whites and we know they are communist and terrorists; totally certified and verified nuts. They deserve it and we will enjoy this human crap in our life, every moment of this from here to the end.
Keep up the good deeds and work. After food is water and everybody knows a poor ignorant felon can only survive seven days or less without water. We have ordered them to surrender this machine over to the authorities, provide full details of the violence, and fly the white flag; repeatedly. Why debate it? That machine is enough guilt and enough for a death penalty conviction; using veterans as a guinea pig or the office of hurricane and earthquakes was plain stupid. I hope your soul rots in hell while I try my best to expel them from heaven for being an infiltrator and terrorist. Maybe you have a lot of soul searching and fixing to do lazy ass; I see hell, you see heaven. All of them are a hideous human being and there is just no way around it or denying it now. This expansion and growth of this cancer must be stopped and cut out immediately.
Find out who is giving them this aid and comfort and shut them down. If it is solely based on drug and blood money, then shut it down and this violent rampage off for good. They think it is a game and they can just get up and walk away when and if they feel it necessary. Don't expect to win any wars against communism, crime, the thief world, escaped felons, and the criminal world if you put them in power or follow their leadership. You do not empower the bad guys and expect good results. This is what war with an angry communist mob will be like and how difficult it will be. They have been ordered to surrender; next is their water. This is what will happen when we place our trust, security, power, and public offices in the hands of a pest and dangerous enemy. This is the result of insufficient security and even worse; placing national security in the hands of the wrong people or Democracy; with insufficient checks and balances. We get this psychopath and total loser who cannot even see themselves or understand what the real problem is.
We authorize any national security office to retaliate and shut them down immediately. They still refuse a written explanation or documentation; only massacres and gun rights smears. They are an octopus on the welfare system; it is very difficult to cut off their aid and comfort; the Congress will fight and say over their dead bodies. The first step is to hand over that machine (secret terrorist phone) they do experiments on veterans with and next is the nerve center where they plan these attacks. Someone in the Protestant Church and the Catholic Church is letting this enemy in; find it and lock that door. What got them in a world of trouble and verified the need for the death penalty is the use of that communist phone. Not only are they using subsonic waves to harass, bully, intimidate, or drive people crazy; they are using it on Veterans and arch nemesis in order to make them look or sound crazy. This communist is trying to get away with the use of a secret weapon, a phone they developed to pass messages between prison felons and communist spies.
For them to develop a machine to match the office of hurricane and earthquakes; to impede on our mission and life goals as they have; and to disrupt every single aspect of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; is how lawless and how they have violated every single law ever written or protected. I suggest they turn over the machine before they are shut down in the worst possible way. I suggest they give a list of targets they have used it on, as a human experiment. I suggest they turn over a list of guilty politicians; starting with the Democrats who are behind this and the terror plots, then a list of Republicans. Once that is completed, they must fly the white flag and take down all pirate flags if they wish to live. The deportation and the public ridicule and scolding they face is only part of the process to preserve their future in America and their family's future. They do not need the practice, we do. The clock is ticking and it can only get worse; for them. It can only get better, cleaner, and more perfect for me and us. Take your pick and choose your poison; I have chosen mine and we have chosen what I have picked. It is at the highest office now and they know I am on top of my game and the best; mess with the best and feel the best deep inside their soul. It is a gift from God to see this human piece of crap go away and be destroyed daily for their crimes and punishments; absolute joy and victory. The only thing this total failure and loser can give us is food stamps, poverty, the poor house, crime, corruption, slavery, promiscuous wanton sluts, anger and resemblance, murder, terror or bomb plots, and what they manufacture the best or most of; chaos hell.
That is the re-education camp we are talking about but it is a sub-sonic bullhorn; and they do it and then apologize or repeat "sorry" all day and night. If you are their prisoner or a target, it is nearly impossible to escape this clever new trick and device they have; thus, they will either be killed by military special forces, killed by the office of God's wrath, or be destroyed politically. Minorities do not need to know about racism or experience how powerful their leadership truly is; worthless. It is all a trick and brainwashing. Apologizing 24 hours like a crazed terrorist, is retarded. We know they have it. We know they used it on us 24 hours and other people. We ask for the death penalty without haste. They have broken every single law ever written to protect the freedom and liberties God has given this world and the cornerstones of American values. Seeing human feces flushed down the toilet so easily is a miracle.
We want to perfect our ability to shut them down, to garner the public trust, and to record them in action so they never ever have a chance again. They of course wish to probe and gain as much as they can from the data and the information they collect; we realize this and release what is in our favor and needed for a decisive victory. Turn over the F'in stupid clandestine phone or face the threat of it being taken apart piece by piece and shut down in the most humiliating and powerful fury on this planet earth. No it is not killing a fly with a sledge-hammer or overkill as they try to make it. Do not make excuses such as, "Do you have to kill so many people." We do not have to kill anything or do anything; they do. Keep that in mind, we do not have to do anything here; they do. This is what Limbaugh kept suggesting; they do not have to do anything because they damaged and crippled us. No they do. We want their nerve center and this phone used for terror plots and organized crime; clandestine and underworld activities. That is what all of this slander, web of lies, medication, Baker Act, mental institutions, crazed females and bag ladies, or psychological malpractice is all about. It is a robbery and a web of lies. Clearly they are on a suicide mission, are suicide bombers, and we want to know how far they are willing to take this before they explode, do harm to each other, do harm to themselves, or some crazed they deserve 100 per cent.
This is what it feels like to face an angry violent mob trying to take over the country. It is not an easy fight and it gets really messy. The communist have disrupted and shut down major commerce among states and have prevented the flow of goods to pass untethered. Their attempt to disrupt or antagonize online commerce has failed. Their effort to disrupt or shut down other vital military and high value rock-beds in America; has gone unnoticed. I am asking they be shut down and with the fury of hell unleashed. Understand they have a secret phone that cannot be detected and used for offensive and defensive manipulative plotting. It is one scam after the next all day long. This secret phone is how they indoctrinate, brainwash, establish credibility, do a mentor program, escape conviction, stay under the radar or avoid detection, and remain very elusive. It is nearly impossible to trace it and to shut them down; until now. They face the death penalty as we speak and this is at the highest courts and offices; they are extremely violent and dangerous. They must be exterminated but also must pay damages and debts to society. They also cannot shut up or go away; all day and night calling people or leaving bomb scares synonymously. A very clever and sneaky enemy until now. They claim they only want to talk but have violated every single law ever written; every. We do need practice and we do need to perfect our trade. Again, they were busted in a web of lies and using a secret phone or brainwashing machine; one brand new and being tested on veterans. That there is enough for a death penalty conviction. They were given specific orders or face the repercussions. Using foreign weapons to manipulate the lives of others or do them harm is a death sentence. Then again so is a terror plot and their murderous rampage.
Just listening to our story and then seeing them on TV or radio describe what is happening to their life and political future is heaven. Just hearing them say how they are ready to die and then coming back with acknowledging they are going to die; yes they even know they are going to die for their crimes and what they have done; makes fighting evil and crime so rewarding. Hearing them say how we do not even care or like them is hilarious. Hearing this retard, try to prove their power and leadership endlessly; is not fun or rewarding. They know and we know they have been busted in a web of lies, got trapped in our little sting, was traced and tracked down like an animal, and any repercussions all feel to our victory. A hard loss to face and an even harder problem as they go on TV, radio, to work, or face their family and friends. Does the FBI or police know how rewarding it is truly? Do the Special Forces know how tough battle can be and then to watch as they diminish, perish, and get eaten alive; can they put it into words? They are constantly updating how they feel and how angry or frustrated they are; but there is no connection to reality and what is going on in their life; none. Do they care? We wish to share this with everybody as we know they cannot. We wish the mob they put before us witness the mob on them. They are selfish and cowards, what do they have to share but failure and death? Smell it yet? This is what people are watching; power and authority being used back on their army of totally nuts and even the puppet masters; their leadership and central nerve center.
I have a story and a mission to tell. I will tell the story, share the victory, and make everybody a new person. I will make a new world and a new America. I will make a new military and a new mission. I will put the nail on the endless confusion of crime and the left wing. I will even advertise it and open up a company. I will tell the story and describe what is happening; then explain it in full for history and our future. Did I mention how quickly their political career came to an abrupt end or how quickly mine began? That communist psychopath and puppet master is at near heart attack and mental breakdown levels; it can only get worse for them and more perfect for us. Moreover, reinforcements are tripling if not more; yes more than four times the reinforcements we expected or planned. Ask what you would do if you were them and in the line of fire? Fly the white flag or primate flag? Call us with more crap and psychopathic slogan chanting? Quit? Kill yourself? Remain in hell and wait for a raid? It is advisable to pay the damages; very smart and wise to. We will know when they declare Civil War, 100 per cent sure.
We cannot see them and they cannot see themselves; classic. Explain that one and try to get the story right, again and again. Joining our side and getting reborn was the only leg they could stand on; but it has been addressed appropriately and legally. I have no intentions of being poor for the rest of my life either, none; they can stick that up their ass. They handle being laughed at and disposed of very well, too well. Remember, none of this is being reported and the process of justice will eventually survive. We have proven that the office of hurricane and earthquakes will survive; verified by SATWAR and our mission. We have cleared the biggest hurdle but those behind this face big ones, really big ones. Dressing up like us or carrying badges did not work yet or still has not. That is how stupid and how blind they truly are. Furthermore, they have the worst and cruelest life known to man. We would call them names but that would be futile. We need the practice and we also need to perfect our trade; unfortunately it has come down to this. They will get millions if not billions of people killed and break every single law in the process. If they ignore and turn their backs on this warning; now in the 500,000 or more levels; around the corner is world war. Around the corner is what SATWAR protects and is intended for, not them. Around the corner is what they tried to discover, steal, clone, and even acquire. Nobody is asking for accuracy, they want results and immediate effectiveness.
The blacks are much worse than the whites and liberals. These Jews and liberals assimilate well and are full of dirty tricks to trip people up. They cannot see themselves and do not even know what the problem is; but they want to be loved and want people to admire them or be their friends; a total retard and a very dangerous one, a communist terrorist who is as violent as they are totally nuts. The blacks are even worse than the whites but the whites assimilate well and have more punch due to financial merits and access. In terms of detection, the blacks are easier to deter and detect than the whites. As a whole it is very hard when they attack to ID data and stop it; so we do not anymore and wait until it is traced. We want them shut down, shut up, damages paid, paraded before the public and ridiculed, and for reinforcements to know and understand what needs to be done and why. Accuracy is not being asked; results are. We are perfecting our trade and perfecting our ability to trace and then destroy the source. That is their nerve center and what we are gunning for all of our life. So what is this web of lies they were busted and got slammed badly all about? Is it about mental illness, medication, being a threat and violent, or some clinical diagnosis as they claim? What kind of a F'in bastard would let them head up the Republican Party, a company, or even a police station? That is the question, who is this stupid?
Let this be their first war and last one. Let the total annihilation teach them a valuable lesson about drug wars, violence, crime, abuse of power, high crimes and misdemeanors, and using a brainwashing machine or tool on privilege(born rich royals) and then trying to talk to us 24 hours about terrorist plots or attacks on our nation. Yes get in the way one more time. Yes do call us and tinker with us one more time. Even better, try to piss us off every single day and make our life hell. Use it and do this in our homes or 24 hours; please do and see if we mind. We need the practice and the PR, do it and find out what is around the corner and waiting. Again, we want that phone and the nerve center; what we are gunning for. They have violated every single law ever written; why apologize or feel sorry. There is no need to feel sorry. Take a close look at how far they have taken this so far; and it is endless from here on. As I describe, knowing they deserve the wrath of God and knowing what they did to us and others; the ultimate happiness does not arrive in money. The joy of watching them die is beyond description; but they will say the same about us.
So they wish to run this test over and over about how special they are and how fast we can chase them off or get rid of them? They want to know if anybody out there can either match them or beat them to a pulp when they attack and make them hysterical? What else do they want to know? It is a fat accompli and we are forced to live with them and be married to a human pile of feces that disgust us hourly? Wait it is pity seeking day and they have come with material gifts to smooth things over. Does it sound like our beloved racist, ignorant pig of a traitor toying with us or pretending to be God? Or does it sound like a pest and a psychotic ignoramus? A teacher of this world? A problem or solution? Who will start world war and why? Yes more and more dirty tricks to pollute our world and life; no thank you. Yes let them roam free and enjoy the richest nation on earth; America until they ruin or deplete it. Fill our world with more lies, tricks, and crime; we love them to death and this puppet master has to go; hunt them down.
Let me see if I can understand this clearly. They want us to share life or sit in an office with them, no less go to war or be in the same foxhole with a blind SOB who refuses to go away or shut up? Did I loose my mind and go insane? Let me write to this pile of feces and tell them the truth and what exactly we are asking and want. We no less want to talk to them, see them, or even share any office space with this problem and total mess of human life. We want the numbers attrition and attuned to fit our fate and the needs of this universe. We want to make sure credit is given to the right people and for the right reasons. We no less want a blind idiot who cannot shut up on our side then in our beloved America. If that pisses off their immigrant or poverty stricken life, then maybe this puppet master will finally be dealt a major blow and loss which has evaded the radar and the office of hurricane and earthquakes for some time now. Yet it is too late and they see no end to this, none. What a fine species they turned out to be and with a price tag to make this world throw up or laugh about; how do we unleash hell on this MF and political pest? Oh they want to fight and act like they are the police? Welcomed? Have some power over others or some bag of jokes and tricks to fine tune their total mess of a life? All they have is materialism but the communist have lost that essential resource; soon they will also.
And what the F do we want with a blind ass psycho who refuses to shut up or go away? Use them as a blow up doll or some sex toy? Yeah okay. Oh but wait, it gets even better! Elvis has not left the building, is still trying, and is doing a really good job with this. The story gets even better, more retarded, disgusting stupid, totally insane, and a pile of phony. Here is why. Exactly whoow dangerous and serious are they truly while the world is laughing in their face? How dangerous is a retard and a phony in our life? Can they wreck the most important mission in our life and what will they do to recover or prevent us from recovering it? Listen and here every detail of this history. Listen to the history of our planet and galaxy. This is a ridiculous and problematic human septic species. Their women are wandering messes waiting to crap on someone, smell up the room, or piss them off hourly. It is ridiculous and a cruel hoax on mankind how flawed, psycho, and problematic this ignoramus is. What the F does it take to get through to this ignoramus and puppet master who has a serious malfunction in our life? Civil War and destruction? There are two distinct worlds here and both are being shut up; why? Only one of them is allowed to survive or pass this test, only one; and it is not nationalism.
Even worse is the constant psycho babble and talking to other people, "he does not have enough money, he is going to be fired, he is going to be evicted, we will be fine, you need to worry, nobody likes you, he needs a job, we are in control, etc..." If they were made a bit more perfect and could see themselves or the problem, maybe we can address the psychopath stalker problem. Everybody is the problem except the loser and the total mess, explain that one. For a stupid and blind mess; they do not know how to shut up and just go away; a stalker and a traitor. Everything perfect or healthy is the problem, not this loser and total human crap pile. They also make people homicidal by breathing on them or acting like we are joined by the hip or married; it is disgusting. They do not know how to shut up and are a total mess if not a wandering expletive. All of them are sick for one reason or the other and they want to make us sicker. They do have socialized medicine to offer and needs a total disaster of life demands. The problem is just their mouth and how blind they are. We have clearly defined and verified the problem, it is time to dispose of this toxic dung pile. Enough is enough and more than enough now. They need to be placed in an institution, prison camp, labor camp, or medicated by some court order. We are not on their side, we do not care, and we do not wish to live their fate or have it imposed as retaliation in order to slander our life or make us part of the problem or solution.
Their web of lies and 24 effort to drive us into a mental hospital, disability, welfare, or suicide cannot hold water any longer. The effort was stopped in it's track and charges have been filed, repeatedly. It is so publicized, Europeans and former Communist nations are talking about it in their sleep. Nothing they do now can drive us into suicide, make us appear to be the rope-bone they hang on to, make it look like they are the solution, make us look like the problem and are paying, make it look like we are suffering and they have it good or live like kings, or this fiasco of complacency they have a washed our nation and world under; can stick. Even worse is the repercussions for the puppet masters, yes the head of this monster or the tip of this pile of trash; they have to fall the floors they snuck into or tried to steal. How phony do they get or become? Do they understand F off and kiss our ass? What exactly is their malfunction and is there a cure? As phony as they are, do they really expect any pity or even an apology? Can the public turn on the TV and watch this phony jackass daily or are they blind to themselves, who they really are? Wow, all those blind people with all that money, access, and leadership; scary.
So what could our enemies, or the enemies of America, possibly have to offer that is of any interest to us? Exactly how phony are they? To call us at all hours of the day or keep this going for so long? Are they blessed and are they a gift? As clever and sneaky as we know they are; this manipulative, vile, selfish, psychopath, ignorant, con-man, robber, savage, total slut, and totally insane loser; is headed for a gigantic fall from grace. We are talking astronomical and astounding fall; let's celebrate. Just kick back and let justice do it's dirty work. Allow special forces to do it's thing. None of it is being reported anyhow; except on our biography and life. Nobody is even worried about them and they are in our homes and trying to bark demands or verbally accost us at all hours of the day. The only thing this total failure and loser can give us is food stamps, poverty, the poor house, crime, corruption, slavery, promiscuous wanton sluts, anger and resemblance, murder, terror or bomb plots, and what they manufacture the best or most of; chaos hell. What I describe is what they have to offer or all they have. They are so phony they act as if they are special and have all these gifts, even jobs at their disposal for us. All we need to do is embrace them or sign up in this terror plot. Crime is about all they know how to manufacture and poverty is all they have to offer this world. They call it a gift of communism but this babbling idiot is totally nuts and pure stupid.
This ass-wipe who is totally nuts cannot even see themselves, no less our value. I have a story and a mission to tell. I will tell the story, share the victory, and make everybody a new person. I will make a new world and a new America. I will make a new military and a new mission. I will put the nail on the endless confusion of crime and the left wing. I will even advertise it and open up a company, watch. I will tell the story and describe what is happening; then explain it in full for history and our future. Did I mention how quickly their political career came to an abrupt end or how quickly mine began? Explain that one and try to get the story right, again and again. Joining our side and getting reborn was the only leg they could stand on; but it has been addressed appropriately and legally. I have no intentions of being poor for the rest of my life either, none; they can stick that up their ass. They handle being laughed at and disposed of very well, too well. Remember, none of this is being reported and the process of justice will eventually survive. We have proven that the office of hurricane and earthquakes will survive; verified by SATWAR and our mission. We have cleared the biggest hurdle but those behind this face big ones, really big ones. Dressing up like us or carrying badges did not work yet or still has not. That is how stupid and how blind they truly are. Furthermore, they have the worst and cruelest life known to man. We would call them names but that would be futile.
Hey everybody, let's enjoy every moment even if our world is in utter chaos and we are in hell or do not have money. Let's be happy for once and enjoy every single moment of life knowing this, watching it, and seeing it for the first time. That communist psychopath and puppet master is at near heart attack and mental breakdown levels; it can only get worse for them and more perfect for us. Moreover, reinforcements are tripling if not more; yes more than four times the reinforcements we expected or planned. Ask what you would do if you were them and in the line of fire? Fly the white flag or primate flag? Call us with more crap and psychopathic slogan chanting? Quit? Kill yourself? Remain in hell and wait for a raid? Leaves you with a big hmm and a bigger laugh. Oh it is advisable to pay the damages; very smart and wise to. We will know when they declare Civil War, 100 per cent sure. Yes we cannot see them and they cannot see themselves; classic. It must be Caspar our friendly ghost. They seem to be okay with their own death or the cruelest punishment possible. I suspect they will declare civil war or world war very soon now. Nobody is even worried about a violent, starving, stupid, down and out, whimpering phony, psychopath total loser, and a babbling mirror; but they remain vigilant and try to order us around or be demanding in our own home. Caspar the friendly ghost brings us joy, happiness, and wealth! Is this why they are in our life; the hand that feeds us? Our crime is we bit the hand that feeds us; if so that is so delusional it is suicidal crazy. No wonder their puppet masters are so disconnected and cannot see themselves or any flaws.
Oh, joining or side and trying to repeat every word, even duplicating our work and books; was not only a miserable failure, it was totally nuts. That was two busts in one, at least. Very risk move and totally nuts; but it did buy them more time while they recollected, regrouped, and tried to think it out. That failed miserably. I guess it was they who belonged in a mental ward or had all of these mental problems, even life problems which prevented them from living a normal-healthy life with us. Then again, they have been caught and were known to drive Presbyterians into suicide before and repeatedly; to demand an apology for their politics, church, and history. This is our big biography and I love it more and more. Yes, how abruptly their political careers ended and how fast ours took off; a pure joy to watch. Ha they cannot even join our side and I even took steps in planning it. They will explode or go totally insane stalking us. Lastly, I never had any intentions of being poor or being with them; but we can see they came to America with the sole purpose of being poor and stupid; an utter inferior mess of a human being. I wonder what would happen if this total loser and terrorist decided to write any of this down or report it?
To quote Genghis Khan, "The greatest joy a man can have is victory. To conquer one's enemies. To pursue them. To deprive them of their possessions. To reduce their families to tears. To ride on their horses and to make love to their wives and daughters."
Just listening to our story and then seeing them on TV or radio describe what is happening to their life and political future is heaven. Just hearing them say how they are ready to die and then coming back with acknowledging they are going to die; yes they even know they are going to die for their crimes and what they have done; makes fighting evil and crime so rewarding. Hearing them say how we do not even care or like them is hilarious. Hearing this retard, try to prove their power and leadership endlessly; is not fun or rewarding, but it comes with the territory and the 2 billion in damages. They are walking around society and doing all of this in the most psychopathic way now. They know and we know they have been busted in a web of lies, got trapped in our little sting, was traced and tracked down like an animal, and any repercussions all feel to our victory. A hard loss to face and an even harder problem as they go on TV, radio, to work, or face their family and friends. Now about their puppet master and the leaders of the human crap campaign to ruin or destroy our life; what do we have in store for them? How about using their tricks, the web of lies, back on them? How about using power and authority on them? How?
This time the puppet master is going with them; not just the felon and zombie. Like a psychopath or crazed stalker caught for molesting kids; they grab at anything and say any lie which comes to their minds. Catching them in that lie and making them hyperventilate or have a mental breakdown is like watching a serial killer fall 1000 feet to their death. Does the FBI or police know how rewarding it is truly? Do the Special Forces know how tough battle can be and then to watch as they diminish, perish, and get eaten alive; can they put it into words? They are constantly updating how they feel and how angry or frustrated they are; but there is no connection to reality and what is going on in their life; none. We wish to share this with everybody as we know they cannot. We wish the mob they put before us witness the mob on them. They are selfish and cowards, what do they have to share but failure and death? Smell it yet? This is what people are watching; power and authority being used back on their army of totally nuts and even the puppet masters; their leadership and central nerve center. It surrounds the life of a female and we understand this vividly; a Queen who is trying to mate with a King or kingmaker. It is the same sensation of joy when a dangerous felon is taken off the street or when a battle turns to victory. We can leave out hte violence part; there is no need for violence ever; except when warranted.
Trust me, this is just the tip of the iceberg. The blacks are much worse than the whites and liberals. These Jews and liberals assimilate well and are full of dirty tricks to trip people up. They cannot see themselves and do not even know what the problem is; but they want to be loved and want people to admire them or be their friends; a total retard and a very dangerous one, a communist terrorist who is as violent as they are totally nuts. The blacks are even worse than the whites but the whites assimilate well and have more punch due to financial merits and access. In terms of detection, the blacks are easier to deter and detect than the whites. As a whole it is very hard when they attack to ID data and stop it; so we do not anymore and wait until it is traced. We want them shut down, shut up, damages paid, paraded before the public and ridiculed, and for reinforcements to know and understand what needs to be done and why. Accuracy is not being asked; results are. We are perfecting our trade and perfecting our ability to trace and then destroy the source. That is their nerve center and what we are gunning for all of our life. So what is this web of lies they were busted and got slammed badly all about? Is it about mental illness, medication, being a threat and violent, or some clinical diagnosis as they claim? What kind of a F'in bastard would let them head up the Republican Party, a company, or even a police station? That is the question, who is this stupid?
I am not asking for accuracy or precision; I am asking they be shut down and with the fury of hell being unleashed on a F'in stupid terrorist. Understand they have a secret phone that cannot be detected and used for offensive and defensive manipulative plotting. It is one scam after the next all day long. This secret phone is how they indoctrinate, brainwash, establish credibility, do a mentor program, escape conviction, stay under the radar or avoid detection, and remain very elusive. It is nearly impossible to trace it and to shut them down; until now. They face the death penalty as we speak and this is at the highest courts and offices; they are extremely violent and dangerous. They must be exterminated but also must pay damages and debts to society. They also cannot shut up or go away; all day and night calling people or leaving bomb scares synonymously. A very clever and sneaky enemy until now. They claim they only want to talk but have violated every single law ever written; every. Even we need practice. Even we need to perfect our trade. Again, they were busted in a web of lies and using a secret phone or brainwashing machine; one brand new and being tested on veterans. That there is enough for a death penalty conviction. To refuse to fix or tell the truth; puts them in double jeopardy. We want to know exactly how far they will take this before they explode or commit suicide; like a suicide bomber. Knowing they deserve it and seeing for the first time they pay for their crimes; is the ultimate happiness.
What got them in a world of trouble and verified the need for the death penalty is the use of that F'in stupid communist phone. Not only are they using subsonic waves to harass, bully, intimidate, or drive people crazy; they are using it on Veterans and arch nemesis in order to make them look or sound crazy. This communist is trying to get away with the use of some F'in phone they developed to pass messages between prison felons and communist spies. Furthermore, the F'er does it 24 hours insofar as intimidating, causing hysteria, or this bunker mentality. That is the re-education camp we are talking about but it is a sub-sonic bullhorn; and they do it and then apologize or repeat "sorry" all day and night. If you are their prisoner or a target, it is nearly impossible to escape this clever new trick and device they have; thus, they will either be killed by military special forces, killed by the office of God's wrath, or be destroyed politically. Minorities do not need to know about racism or experience how powerful their leadership truly is; worthless. It is all a trick and brainwashing. Apologizing 24 hours like a crazed terrorist, is retarded. We know they have it. We know they used it on us 24 hours and other people. We ask for the death penalty without haste. They have broken every single law ever written to protect the freedom and liberties God has given this world and the cornerstones of American values. Seeing human feces flushed down the toilet so easily is a miracle.
For them to develop a machine to match the office of hurricane and earthquakes; to impede on our mission and life goals as they have; and to disrupt every single aspect of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; is how lawless and how they have violated every single law ever written or protected. I suggest they turn over the machine before they are shut down in the worst possible way. I suggest they give a list of targets they have used it on, as a human experiment. I suggest they turn over a list of guilty politicians; starting with the Democrats who are behind this and the terror plots, then a list of Republicans. Once that is completed, they must fly the white flag and take down all pirate flags if they wish to live. The deportation and the public ridicule and scolding they face is only part of the process to preserve their future in America and their family's future. They do not need the practice, we do. The clock is ticking and it can only get worse; for them. It can only get better, cleaner, and more perfect for me and us. Take your pick and choose your poison; I have chosen mine and we have chosen what I have picked. It is at the highest office now and they know I am on top of my game and the best; mess with the best and feel the best deep inside their soul. It is a gift from God to see this human piece of crap go away and be destroyed daily for their crimes and punishments; absolute joy and victory. The only thing this total failure and loser can give us is food stamps, poverty, the poor house, crime, corruption, slavery, promiscuous wanton sluts, anger and resemblance, murder, terror or bomb plots, and what they manufacture the best or most of; chaos hell.
Let me make this clear for Rush Limbaugh, Fox News, and Sean Hannity along with the others we caught red handed and have identified. We want to perfect our ability to shut them down, to garner the public trust, and to record them in action so they never ever have a chance again. They of course wish to probe and gain as much as they can from the data and the information they collect; we realize this and release what is in our favor and needed for a decisive victory. Turn over the F'in stupid clandestine phone or face the threat of it being taken apart piece by piece and shut down in the most humiliating and powerful fury on this planet earth. No it is not killing a fly with a sledge-hammer or overkill as they try to make it. Do not make excuses such as, "Do you have to kill so many people." We do not have to kill anything or do anything; they do. Keep that in mind, we do not have to do anything here; they do. This is what Limbaugh kept suggesting; they do not have to do anything because they damaged and crippled us. No they do. We want their nerve center and this phone used for terror plots and organized crime; clandestine and underworld activities. That is what all of this slander, web of lies, medication, Baker Act, mental institutions, crazed females and bag ladies, or psychological malpractice is all about. It is a robbery and a web of lies. Clearly they are on a suicide mission, are suicide bombers, and we want to know how far they are willing to take this before they explode, do harm to each other, do harm to themselves, or some crazed they deserve 100 per cent.
We need the practice and we also need to perfect our trade; unfortunately it has come down to this. They will get millions if not billions of people killed and break every single law in the process. If they ignore and turn their backs on this warning; now in the 500,000 or more levels; around the corner is world war. Around the corner is what SATWAR protects and is intended for, not them. Around the corner is what they tried to discover, steal, clone, and even acquire. Nobody is asking for accuracy, they want results and immediate effectiveness. If their hair was ripped off or their bra eviscerated; it would be a job well done. This should teach them a valuable lesson about using a brainwashing machine or tool on privilege and then trying to talk to us 24 hours about terrorist plots or attacks on our nation. Yes get in the way one more time. Yes do call us and F with us one more time. Even better, try to piss us off every single day and make our life hell. Use it and do this in our homes or 24 hours; please do and see if we mind. We need the practice and the PR, do it and find out what is around the corner and waiting. Again, we want that phone and the nerve center; what we are gunning for. They have violated every single law ever written; why apologize or feel sorry. There is no need to feel sorry. Take a close look at how far they have taken this so far; and it is endless from here on. As I describe, knowing they deserve the wrath of God and knowing what they did to us and others; the ultimate happiness does not arrive in money. The joy of watching them die is beyond description; but they will say the same about us.
They have new tools as a result of high tech and a huge push from Asian economies. That phone they use to hide their communist activities, to forward terror plots, to coordinate organized criminal plots and conspiracy, and to launch one attack after the next; will be shut down and with the unleashing of hell they have never experienced in their lifetime. If they impede on this shutdown and continue to use or refuse to turn it over so it can be shut down; then there are no guarantees on what we ask for or demand from the office of hurricane and earthquakes. Stop using a clandestine phone to intimidate or otherwise drive insane normal healthy people who are loved, needed, precious, and privileged. Stop using that same phone for terror plots and for criminal activities; to include attacks intended to make a victim or target appear schizo or in a state of hysteria. 24 hours of verbal accosting, harassment, intimidation, and what we describe using this secret phone; will get them killed and with the force of a tsunami. The rest is history and for the record. It will not end until they realize they have violated every single law mankind has ever written; every single one. As we said, the blacks are even worse than these whites and we know they are communist and terrorists; totally certified and verified nuts. They deserve it and we will enjoy this human crap in our life, every moment of this from heretofore. What kind of a F'in bastard would let them head up the Republican Party, a company, or even a police station? That is the question, who is this stupid?
Everybody knows they are going to pay one way or the other. Their story or fantasy is they are not going to pay, we are. Like all Democrats and even Republicans today; they never pay for one reason or the other. It turns out all of them were communist spies and infiltrators, traitors now looking for a rebirth or a second chance. Who better to call or turn to, us. That is where they got this all wrong. Instead of pampering us they decided to attack us by circling our wagons. Their job was to make sure the delivery was made; SATWAR and they have failed miserably and much more. I expect to be paid for this, not pay them. I have filed damages and indicate who also is entitled to damages from the same people behind this; the world is blind to the truth and reality. That is the sad twist to all of this.
Hilarious isn't it? They want all minorities to be in the same boat as blacks and experience the segregation period. It does not matter if you are born rich, royals, or the office of hurricane and earthquakes; they want you to embrace their leadership, political power, and deceitful existence. Now we are also victims of communists, left wing liberals, and racism.
Hilarious isn't it? If we focus on jobs and give them independence; we can have sex or more sex with them! Let's do the math. Slut added to our life and disaster does not equal jobs or opportunity. Giving a slave and a felon some fantasy of a prison break is not going to make anybody horny or excited. Even worse is we are and still are in world war mode; lock-down and disposal units are on the scene. Do not fly the pirate flag; there is a time to fight and a time to run. This is the time to run, fly the white flag and end this charade immediately before more people get hurt and more evidence stacks up like a wall of dead bodies.
If you want to see heresy in it's worst form. If you want to see espionage in it's worst form. If you want to see lawlessness in it's worst form. If you want to see abuse of power in the worst form ever. If you want to see total insanity lock horns with America. If you want to see the biggest loser and traitor walking this earth. If you want to see a serial killer, a predator, a sex offender, a rapist, and a sick-disgusting MF in action; I can show you how they are.
As the evidence shows, we and I did not and never was in agreement or consent to furthering their cause or allowing them any access to my life. They simply were full of crime, conviction, evil, and lawlessness. They impeded on the most important discovery on planet earth at this present time. I have asked for the death penalty or surrender to the truth and the facts; they refuse and have repeatedly attacked in the most insulting and most degrading ways. Simply put we do not like who they are, what they are about, how they conduct business, the way they communicate, the way they treat us, and everything about them down to a meager existence. Even when ordered to put it in writing and to explain themselves for the court of public opinion or history; they refused and played this game with us similar to catch-me-if-you-can or the roadrunner and the coyote. Now they expect to further our cause and for us to use them or get over the fact they are how we describe them; totally nuts and in serious need of disposal. I suspect they use Arab terrorists or Muslims the same way they use racism or hardcore Nazis. If we do not sign up or get in line; we will be attacked and exposed to this violence and abuse.
This criminal conspiracy and labor union underground is suggesting we will be exposed to attacks, racism, and pure hell; if we do not sign up or allow initiation, deemed a recruitment plot and terror plot; to proceed. These attacks are an ultimatum, a form of racketeering. The criminal conspiracy also exposed us to Nazis and hardcore communists; as a measure to fulfill or guarantee recruitment. This is why I keep saying it is a scam and a brainwashing effort. The exposure or disease they are spreading is handmade; it is not the real society or coincidence; it is a manipulation, pressure tactics, and intimidation. The communists and labor unions seek to upset and make our mind hysterical with these attacks and exposure to racism, hate, crazed sex offenders, psychopaths, and just about any form of total insanity imaginable. They feel jobs and their ability to have kids; go hand in hand. Also, the dating web sites are an Achilles heal to them, "you are the psycho." It is difficult for them to hide, be sneaky, have access, or learn how to outsmart people on a computer; therefore, "you are the psycho and need to get a life dickhead."
Instead of turning themselves in before it is too late; they just want to play this academic game with the Presbyterians and Asians; who we already know are the best students and teachers. Furthermore, they actually think they are smarter and better. They think we dropped the bomb on them and they did not drop the bomb on themselves. This is why they are not welcomed and have waged war on not only America but this world. They refuse to turn themselves in before it is too late and also claim they are ready to die; they nothing but cowards living in a septic tank full of lies.
Isn't it strange how they think this is about money, they are money, we are the problem, we dropped the bomb on them, they got the bomb for no reason or unwarranted authority, and all of this was just a simple, stupid, everyday misunderstanding? Isn't it strange how it is about numbers and not them? Jobs but never them? America but never them? Us but never them? Are they blind or just unable to see themselves or who they truly are? Even more scary, they feel they are the boss, the police, the leaders, and in power. Nothing we do or say can ever evict them or impeach them; they are unimpeachable. Highest court? Welcome to the world of the communist spy and infiltrator.
Isn't it strange how we only caught Republicans in this web of lies; it is never the usual suspects or the left wing. They feel they got the bomb for no reason? None whatsoever? Oh now they think they are the police and authority; in control? Religious or not, they repeatedly show bad judgment and the inability to do the right thing; no less coexist. Personality disorder or just a F'in enemy traitor? None of them can seem to get it right; none of them. Religious or not they refuse to do the right thing. It can only get worse from heretofore. They can only drop the bomb on themselves and ruin their own life; nobody else can or has. That is why they are not welcomed.
Isn't it strange who is claiming they cause the real estate to go up; yet they are dead silenced by debt and lingering doubts about their integrity or truth telling? I see we dropped the bomb on them also; nice? Just out of curiosity is there any documentation of why or maybe a history on the office of hurricane and earthquakes? Do they care to read it, tell the truth, or even report it? We caught all conservative and Republican suspects; and none of it goes reported? Strange; almost like a criminal conspiracy or a terror plot to make us hysterical. They have the nerve to suggest they are the police or power?
Everything they want to teach or tried to teach has to be erased, fixed, corrected, disputed, destroyed, sent to the FBI high crimes and misdemeanors division, or given to high Pentagon and Justice Department officials so an indictment can be processed? Yet they expect to be paid for this or all of this life studies. They stalk us and invite themselves in our life to teach us and demand we become their leader or legal team; to go back to school so we can be their puppet or do everything they ask? They also call it a marriage but it is not a female; very strange. If total insanity were to be known as a human species, this is it. No they can't be communist; they have to be Republicans and conservative media gurus. Now this stalker claims to be our partner and the 12 disciples.
Intimidating, bullying, and trying to beat up others for their job security or political demise; is exactly how stupid and foolish they truly are. For whatever reason, whether it is because of their stupid parents, an abusive environment, or the fact their parents neglected them or beat them; their hearts are full of hate and so is their politics. To suggest they have no hate and are innocent or have a good heart; is totally insane. Tripping people up all the time, trying to get them into the septic tank, acting stupid and having the grades to prove it, etc... all explains why they trip others up, wage war on them, and have a blackened heart full of hate. They are not college bound and did not embody what we want in a student or a thinking human; but they are full of hate and do not know why they are flipping burgers or trimming hedges for conservative, well brought up, or integrity based human species. Remember, I was brought up by Presbyterian elders, very conservative but opened minded to doing the right thing; not just opened minded, stupid, and has no brakes or integrity. Why would we stalk or bother a SOB like this? What possibly do they have that we want? Limbaugh says "pull", power, and slutty women. Hannity confirmed this.
Although they are not college bound and do not have the grades to back up anything they said or did; they want us to leave because they claim we are the "psycho" who cannot get along with others, are weak, do not have control, are not one of them, was evicted, have an attitude problem, etc... this is why our record is slandered and our life has been ruined; endless back and forth with a psycho and now a traitor full of hate beyond their wildest imagination. This joker tried to make it look as if we were bothering them, we want a job, we were stalking them, we were harassing them, we were tripping them up, we were full of hate, we deserve their wrath, we were poor or down and out, we were total losers, etc... 100 per cent wrong it was all them; not even us at all. But to confess and admit this now is a death sentence and the humiliation of their life; will they fly the white flag under that sort of duress or do what they do best; beg with a heart full of hate? Their web of lies continues to crumble; all 100% BS and septic tank junk. They seem to be alright with the junk and the web of lies; also a human piece of junk with no future. They continue the effort to intimidate, kidnap, trip me up, beat me up, or take over and ruin my life and mission.
So they do not know why they are trimming our hedges or flipping burgers; but they want us to leave. Also, they feel they are powerful and we are not tough enough to smell them, deal with them, or socialize with them. They thnk we are doing this for them. They feel we have an obligation to their kids and to them; to raise them and do anything they ask or need. No is unacceptable. They also feel they got bombed on or we are the bomb; whatever the case, they feel some kind of fear now but it does not stop them from flying the pirate flag and not the white flag. I do not know if they got strategically bombed or feel they are bombed; but using violence to garner up pity is spiteful.
Those SOB traitors and communist junk is using us as their canvas and claims nobody has heard their story. So they used us to tell it because Limbaugh and Hannity said it was a "death sentence" and they are "well intentioned." They do not have to explain themselves because they are powerful and superior. This is why they are trying to attack us and put us in a state of hysteria or "bunker mentality." The advantage goes to them if and when they do blind attacks and sneak up on us. The same applies with terror plots. Again, one report after the other, a human septic tank. That septic tank is their power and why they put us in a state of hysteria. They should have never tried this on kidnapped, stalked, or abducted people who are born into privilege, born rich, or come from royal lineage, never. I bet they also think they are God but now feel his fury and war wrath.
Letting them into our life and letting them wage war or do this was the worst mistake ever in history. They claim we are their children or some surrogate of the court. They feel they are our life coach and everything they do or try to force feed us through teachings; has to be reversed, fixed, documented, etc... Then it is the all day and night whimpering. "We do not know what to do, we are sorry, we only want to help, he doesn't even care, we are the police, we are in control, we are at war, etc..." They have to be exterminated and they feel they are superior; better than everyone who has to work or not; but they are dirt poor and come from the ghetto. They have no royal blood and was not even born into privilege; yet they act like a King and a tyrant. All of this violence was not a direct attack on us; however, the tools and the weapons they use are public opinion and propaganda. 911 was just one of those tools in addition to a slew of massacres and shootings. They did this when they kidnapped, stalked, or abducted people who are born into privilege, born rich, or come from royal lineage. That is what has been going on for the past two decades of back and forth with this total loser, "you are the psycho, why don't you just leave, nobody likes you, we are only trying to help, we do not know what to do, etc..."
No matter what we do or actions we take. No matter what force or effort we put forth to fix, erase, block, cut off, deny, or deter from another attack or teaching from this SOB adviser or psychopath; it seems futile until now. Regardless, they still try to gain access into our life, love life, home, private dwelling, and to throw us on a wild goose chase or pressure us so we fail (similar to a full court press). They feel inadequate because they are a psycho and criminally insane. Even on dating sights or socializing, "You are the psycho... nobody likes you, why don't you just leave." On RedEye the staff was suggesting our problem was we need to stay at home if we cannot get along with others. The problem is we are and were not stalking them; they got caught and denied it. Then they said we were the ones doing it and they are totally superior and so cool. They are not leaving without a fight. Now they are not leaving without a war; give them that war and light their ass up so the office of hurricane and earthquakes can take their sorry existence off the face of the planet.
Will they fly the white flag under that sort of duress or do what they do best; beg with a heart full of hate? Their web of lies continues to crumble; all 100% BS and septic tank junk. They seem to be alright with the junk and the web of lies; also a human piece of junk with no future. They continue the effort to intimidate, kidnap, trip me up, beat me up, or take over and ruin my life and mission. The only way to stop a dangerous armed psychopath or criminal in your home or stalking you; is to shoot them. The only way! It does not matter if they are black, white, or Asian; shoot them. It does not matter if they are a Jew or not, shoot them. This ridiculous joker thinks guns are our enemy but they cannot see themselves. Guns are our friend and we use them on our enemies. We do not let our enemies use them on us. I feel as if this joker has shot up or used his guns on me, do you also? I got the same feeling with Virginia Teach. Letting these lunatics roam freely in the US and stalking us or ruining our life; was not a very good idea. Letting them assimilate in our society; school system, work place, centers of authority, financial hotspots, and vital life elements; was a disaster.
The Neuroscience satellites were never deployed and only used for intelligence gathering. That was not an immediate need. We have completed the intelligence gathering process and are in the process of planning. The shootings Colorado were just another annoyance to an already troubled life. Unless they come up with something to match police and military satellites; my angel profile for low cost-high end solutions; they have no backup and no support. To go to war with the police and the military would be suicide and a slaughter. So far I have not heard from them or gotten a response. Usually, they have a reply immediately or within 48 hours. You cannot wage war or go to war against the police and military defense forces under these terms; even if you are the underworld, criminal world, or communist traitors who have infiltrated our lives.
Waging war on us and trying to ruin our life or target-stalk us was the biggest mistake of their life. Then again, if we treat them with the utmost kindness or be polite; they go totally nuts and insane. They cannot act normal in a hostile or loving environment. Then again, they keep saying, "nobody likes you, why don't you leave." These shootings and terror plots, endless savagery and brutality; did nothing for them or us. No-buddy wants a war like this and unless they come up with a response to our satellites and growing popularity; they have no backup or reinforcements. Waging war on us or the US under those terms, given the degree of anti-government sentiment or drugs-crime in our society; is pure recklessness and suicide. How do they like us now? The next biggest mistake was refusing to clean up, clear the record, and digging a bigger and more gigantic hole nobody can climb out of; not even them.
Heaven and hell is something you create. How you create it is the question. Some people like to play along while others like to resist. This enemy knows no heaven or hell. They are only out to antagonize it and to make sure none is present or ever created. If heaven was the belief of perfection, then they will destroy it. If heaven was the belief of organizing on this premise; then they will base theirs on an organized criminal life. Essentially, it is not in their world to play along or resist; only to seize power. Read those words carefully and be ready to battle and face world war with this incarnation of evil in America.
Imagine a daily commute called the office of hurricane and earthquakes. On that drive there are exactly 10 lights or stops. It takes less than an hour to go to work. For some reason someone did not show up for work and the bosses are worried sick so they send the secretary to find SATWAR. It turns out an ordinary drive to work became a terror plot. That drive was first blocked by a police officer, pulled over, and one incident after the next. Next was a kidnapping. Armed thugs and robbers carjacked the SATWAR bus and forced it into the ditch. Then it was hookers at lights or corners. By the time the car finally reached the interstate, it was so banged up and had so many things broken; it was a safety hazard. It would only be a matter of time before a legitimate police officer noticed the unusual sight. There is blood all over the car. It is banged up. All the safety and lights were broken. The car barely even runs. What exactly happened that morning and what is the story behind it? Who did it and what neighborhood did the drive take place in? Can we send in a second car or a decoy? A simple drive to work turned into a harrowing story about terrorists, communists, hurricane and earthquake capability, on air suicide, a very biased con-man having a nervous breakdown on the radio daily, and a host of other "insults" to make the daily commute take longer or impossible. Deny it or cover it up so it goes away? For how long?
Now we know exactly what they are up to. First, start world war. Second, usurp the courts or cause a mistrial. Third, launch these kamikaze like wave of attacks to impact the courts or public opinion. Fourth, create a labor camp or prison. Fifth, create a criminal conspiracy or web of lies. Sixth, create a train wreck or dig a hole so big nobody can climb out. Seventh, flood the media with phony lies or scams but target the people who need the door opened not shut. Seventh, usurp democracy and the financial systems. Eight, use the courts and legalism to create a web of lies and excuses such as medical problems, medication, needing help, only want to help, really sorry, job security and scared, fear, poverty, lack of opportunity, blame and bad parents, etc...
If I or other people cannot grow, then we are not a threat to their leadership or retarded existence. Then again extortion is about two or more sides causing a victim not to grow for ransom or some payment. This was extortion and at the highest level; the office of hurricane and earthquakes; those who do their security. A good idea to let them stunt our growth or put them in a trap; two sides in suicide mode or in a nose dive? This is why they share life with us even if they are not welcomed or do not have any consent; a form of rape, pillaging, or kidnapping. If they stunt our growth, we are less likely to be a threat or pose any strong resistance. That is what is going on and what hell unleashed on them is about. They are retarded and psychopaths and this is how they win or neutralize enemies. Now it is time we show them how we neutralize enemies and threats.
They can plead guilty to 2 out of the 3; then lie on the last charge. We know that intimidation, harassment, menacing, stalking, burglary, verbal accosting, slander, espionage, and the slew of dirty tricks or felony charges; are intended to break down or moral conviction and inhibitions. It is a way for them to suggest we love them or need them. Job security does not come by the way of a baseball bat or intimidation, but to this particular species who cries fake blood and is always a victim; disposal is the only solution and answer. No we do not wake up every single day or live life thinking about disposing of a psychopath or pest trying to be our special forces legal team or life coach. We know who they are and what they are up to; also why they wanted me to attend law school and when I refused; made it appear as if I was going against their wishes and demands. We want them out of our life and there has never been a place for them to begin with; but it is too late now and the disposal unit is on the scene. We need to accelerate the criminal and civil prosecutions; otherwise, the beginning of the end and the wrath of special forces will dispose of this problem and fix it; by unleashing hell on earth. This is no game and these people have no place in our life, ever. From here on, there is valid, credible, and full reasons to exterminate and bring them the wrath of God. The way out is incarceration or some prison camp which they are very accustomed to and belong in a culture of.
These people are so delusional and psychopath, they do not even realize that if they F with other human beings, they will kill them. They keep F'in with us. They keep trying to enter our home or think we are a safe they can pick. They think crime is a mere game to slap them on the wrist. The bottom line is enter people's home and they will be killed. F with gigantic powers or special forces and they will be killed. Wage war on America and they will be killed. Try to break down our inhibitions or moral convictions, using terror plots or locking us out of our own life; and they will be killed. But it is too late now and they are scared. The only people who can ruin it is them. The only people who will ever oppress them is them. The only people who brought suicide to their life is them. They did this to us. Now they did this to their own. Only they can ruin it for themselves and only they can commit suicide by special forces. The Jews and who else follow them need to figure out a way off the planet or face the crimes they have perpetrated repeatedly; right before the eyes of the public. We are not here for them and they have no right or permission to be doing any of this; any. They are and have been locked out; no gain or access, shut them down. Let all of them rot in hell before they attack America from the inside; behind enemy lines. Job security to this enemy is a baseball bat.
We know these attacks and this conspiracy is intended to break down our inhibitions for whatever group who paid into their disgusting leadership. Furthermore, it is intended or aimed at our moral convictions. Meanwhile, they now claim to be reborn or sought redemption, it is not possible in any world. Their effort to produce or make us in their own shadow, has failed miserably and now it is time to put the facts on the table and take strong, necessary, and swift actions to a clear and present danger of a magnitude only special forces understand. It is time to call in the disposal unit and finish this God forsaken war. It was not only a kidnapping it was a robbery in progress, still ongoing. Let them rot in hell and die trying. They ruined it for us. Now they ruined it for themselves. As a matter of fact, we woke up one morning and decided to make our life mission; the inclusion of this pest and enemy in our life. We actually enjoy them in our life and want them. No we wake up every single morning with them on our mind; our stalker and a disgusting septic tank.
They do not want to go to prison but they want a world war. They do not want to clear up our record but they want to continue or keep this going. They do not want to come out and let everybody know who and what they are; so we have. The facts indicate what we already know; there is a very good reason and a legal reason to impose the death penalty on them. There is a reason and a very good moral judgment to exterminate them. There is so much reason and legal merit; world war can start today and they would still be on the losing end of the stick. Still they refuse to go to prison for what they have done but instead have put us in one or dug a hole so deep; it is taking years and years just to dig out. But the daily attacks and the effort to dig a bigger hole continues. Therefore, it is time to inform the Republicans of necessary and dire consequences that must be address immediately, without further haste. There is a deadline for everybody. Everybody must meet that deadline or I will ask the office of hurricane and earthquakes to begin actions which address this refusal or feet dragging. This problem has gone on long enough and it is about numbers and evil. It is time to eradicate it and I mean eradicate it before more people are attacked and get hurt. If there is a reason to let them procreate another day; they missed that bus a long time ago. This criminal conspiracy has failed to produce any documentation for the records or before the office of hurricane and earthquakes; they are totally nuts. The death penalty is now sought and with the power of hell unleashed.
If the public does not like it; then maybe they should run for office and take action, take charge of their own life as we have instead of sitting their like a stalking total loser and bitching at us while we are attacked on all sides by all of the communist punk-asses and criminal felons known to the political or free world. It is the beginning of the end and we still have not been paid or received any damage money, still. That will tell you how dire the situation and how critical the need is to hurricane them or earthquake them. Perhaps then they will change their mind and the ignorance of a total loser and pest will go away? They will be behind millions and billions of people getting killed and they will sit there; as today, with this stupid smirk and make smart-ass comments or ridiculous appeals. Admit their crimes and document it for the world before something very devastating happens to the people who are not involved or are not guilty. The bottom line is you do not let these people grow stronger or allow them the capacity to do this; now we know their strength levels, we can address it accordingly and by law. It is not up for debate either; at the Congressional level, President level, or Supreme Court levels. This is a major criminal conspiracy and failure by a very rotten bunch of immigrants. They have been asked to leave and next is the process of expelling them; it is not debate or call us hour. Nobody will miss them, hence, they refuse to document anything.
This problem with a repugnant, disgusting, stupid, motor mouth, and felon-thug in our life has got to be the most disgusting experience alive. Just the idea they are taking their liberties or have you under "watch" or "house arrest" would make most people throw up. They try to talk to us. We have to smell this homeless human excrement. They live like pigs. They do not wash or shower. They are reproducing like crazy. Having a totally whacked out communist and poor ass in our life is no joy or no life experience for anybody. Even worse is how the Democrats and Republicans just sit there like a log. Even worse is how Ann Coulter sits there like a log. Even worse is how all of them use me as a worm on a hook; no pay and for free while they bask in the limelight. All of them created this total loser who thinks we love their power or confidence; yet all of them just sit there while they take their liberties with us, America, and basically everything. All of them deserve a hurricane and deserve an earthwork; God bless them and their creation. This homeless wretch in our life thinks they are God. This homeless lunatic psycho stalking us and playing this game will get millions if not billions of people killed over their homeless, unshaven, ridiculous, and pathetic stunts. They will be behind millions and billions of people getting killed and they will sit there; as today, with this stupid smirk and make smartness comments or ridiculous appeals. No documentation means nobody will miss them and the right to exterminate them has been produced. Begin to light them up and throw them out.
Is there any question why they are verbally accosting us or saying stupid crazy things? Ignorance has a mirror and reflector. They bleed fake blood constantly. They have got to be the most phony human species alive and the most disgusting; in physical terms and in every way. They smell. They are hairy. If a human ape was of this world, this would be the incarnation. They feel a lack of hygiene is power. They are dirty. They are angry. They are completely nuts. Is there any guess why they get exterminated or why war is waged on them. They show up at the workplace and feel job security is a bat they club others to death with. They deserve the wrath of the American Indians and the Asians. They deserve the wrath of America and a valid disposal force to shut them down and throw them in the ocean. They deserve the pain of this world and the violence. All we need is a really good reason and a good excuse to begin earth-quaking them or sticking needles in this pathetic voodoo doll. We know they feel it and Limbaugh has had at least 500 near nervous breakdowns. They are totally miserable now but they dug that hole and ruined life for themselves; nobody did that. They are guilty as charged and sentenced to death unless an acceptable legal appeal is presented in writing. As the facts show, this human septic tank will get millions of people killed and will start a world war. They are beyond guilty and redemption. Again, no documentation or clear, concise, and vivid documents as needed to verify and certify. Nobody will miss them.
This lousy homeless septic tank is the most hated, most unloved, most disgusting creature alive yet they tell others to leave or go home. Worse, the narcissism in their genetics is criminally insane. Yes of a list of flaws, there is nothing right about them and they are all psychopaths, losers with a lot of anger, or completely insane serial killers. Being exposed to this disgusting human species is one thing; having them take their liberties or share life with you is totally disgusting and brings out homicidal impulses. It is disgusting and not of this world. They smell so bad they are telling others to leave or go away. It is the usual suspects known for racketeering, intimidation, criminal conspiracy, extortion, terror, etc... felons and thug who are part of this terror plot. Big Brother knows who they are now and what they are up to; let's not sit on our ass while hurricanes are coming or earthquakes rock our world. Even if we killed them; the communists see no stop or end in this. It does not matter what we do or what we say; the communist will and have a plan to invade; and we have it now. Light them up and let's celebrate their final parade. Clearly the US government has some responsibility and is not very clear headed in their thinking. Who do we blame and go after for this or is it all out war? Now we have caught the communist movement and their leaders; time to deal them the biggest disaster of their sick-disgusting life. We will do what we have to do in our life; they are not welcomed in our life at all and this is why.
Job security is now defined as who can finish them off the quickest and the fastest. Who can catch them and take them apart piece by piece; then before the public make them bleed for real, not the usual fake blood and routine. The bearded homeless F'er on the bike is our stalker and beggar. They head up some underground of felons and communist militant labor force bent on our destruction or death. They think they are God and we are in love with them; a courtship is taking place and the courts or public offices is allowing this to take shape. It does not matter what we say or do, even if we killed them; they feel they are here to teach us about life and how they see it. Now it is a complete mess and they refuse to pay any damages; even as charged. We now and have had for some time a really good excuse to hurricane and earthquake this sneaky little bastard terrorist who is nothing more than a felon and a criminal. All we need is a good reason or a legal claim and we can begin to make their world crumble, send them into damnation, or stalk them with satellites. They will be behind millions and billions of people getting killed and they will sit there; as today, with this stupid smirk and make smart-ass comments or ridiculous appeals. Light them up and let the special forces of nature finish them off; before it is too late for us and everybody. Nobody is going to miss them, we have not seen one document to indicate we will miss them or to address this problem documented.
Who is more irritated and angry here? Who cannot get along with others? Who is homeless, needs a job, or is a beggar? This idea we should leave them alone and stop some pursuit or change the way we see things if we are so irritated; does not apply. First off, we are not the problem and there are criminal and civil damages that must be addressed. Therefore, this back and forth, eye for an eye, roadrunner and coyote game; only applies to the victor. The other is nothing more than a felon, thug, and traitor. Knock off the savagery and the games that get nowhere or only dig a bigger hole. Any gains they acquire in life, they end up losing or being thrown away. This hole and this sharing the same foxhole is a complete scam and kidnapping. The immense problem they are in and the size of that same problem; when we factor in all variables, is astronomical and super gigantic. Given the hell they have made of America; we now know how job security will fall. The outcome of these wars and attacks indicate the intimidation and use of a baseball bat; versus satellite warfare or the office of hurricane and earthquake; clearly indicates SATWAR with the final victory and job security. All else is evicted, terminated, and deemed pending of disposal. Blame? Stop procreating and we will talk about blame.
First they dig a hole so we are either in the fox hole with them or have to climb out somehow. Then they double the effort when a chance to climb out is there. Not only do they put you in a hole, they keep you there and then dig bigger and bigger holes; and they call it war. Well, when someone declares war on you and you busted them or are in our situation; maybe waging war back on them is not such a bad idea. If they are so irritated and so angry; why not leave us alone and surrender to the authorities so the clean up can begin? These attacks to dig us a burial or hole were clandestine. What came afterwards was a mob. We are talking collection agencies, police powers, and everything possible to discredit or make us an outcast. The question is why the arrest and prosecution took so long before this was either shut down or arrested. This criminal conspiracy has failed to produce any documentation for the records or before the office of hurricane and earthquakes; they are totally nuts. The death penalty is now sought and with the power of hell unleashed. Yes this is or has always been our life mission; to track them down like a slave and chase them like a bloodhound gang.
All those false arrests and Baker Acts were intended to paint someone the problem when they were not. It is an illegal use of power and false misrepresentation. It is similar to Bernie Maddoff lying about money. You cannot slander the name of someone and claim it to be for "public safety" when it is all wrong to begin with; backwards. What is the backwards part? The backwards part came at the end when the problem, so many of them, finally was understood and isolated. It took us nearly 20 years to isolate this enemy and corner them, when we did; they were the sneaky bastard scoundrel we expected. Apparently, this outcast and all of their stupid evil attacks; still could not get that door opened and the door to our life could not be shut; pure savagery and nothing more. Who do we blame and go after for this or is it all out war? Now we have caught the communist movement and their leaders; time to deal them the biggest disaster of their sick-disgusting life. We will do what we have to do in our life; they are not welcomed in our life at all and this is why. We wake up every day obsessed with a human septic tank; they bring joy to our life. We actually enjoy them in our life and want them. No we wake up every single morning with them on our mind; our stalker and a disgusting septic tank.
At least they were polite enough to shave the beard and take a bath. The homeless human septic tank who thinks they are powerful or admired for their crazy-insane power of risk taking is typically known as a homeless, vagrant, extravagant, smelly, outcast, and very bizarre. It is very disturbing to believe they can be parents, leaders, or would share life with normal people who see them as some poor wretched wreck or smelly bearded loser who refuses to take a bath; and lives like a pig. They will be behind millions and billions of people getting killed and they will sit there; as today, with this stupid smirk and make smart-ass comments or ridiculous appeals. It is time to light them up, bring them to the point of destruction, shut them down, throw them out, and get this disposal or clean-up done properly and without any haste. I am sick and tired of having a demented SOB loser in our life day and night, 24 hours; watching us or thinking we are in love with their power and leadership. This will never happen again, never. If it does the people who allowed it, brought it to our world, delivered it; will be punished accordingly and with the full scope of the laws and the full wrath of any government office under tax payer dollars; this includes earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, and much more.
Let's make this very clear. We know these attacks and this conspiracy is intended to break down our inhibitions for whatever group who paid into their disgusting leadership. Furthermore, it is intended or aimed at our moral convictions. Meanwhile, they now claim to be reborn or sought redemption, it is not possible in any world. Their effort to produce or make us in their own shadow, has failed miserably and now it is time to put the facts on the table and take strong, necessary, and swift actions to a clear and present danger of a magnitude only special forces understand. It is time to call in the disposal unit and finish this God forsaken war. They did not get very much loot and lost everything; everything. The outcome of these wars and attacks indicate the intimidation and use of a baseball bat; versus satellite warfare or the office of hurricane and earthquake; clearly indicates SATWAR with the final victory and job security. All else is evicted, terminated, and deemed pending of disposal. Endless savagery from the most flawed, the most blind, the most phony, the most weak, the most stupid, and the most affected by this entire ordeal.
Who to blame for starting world war or even this mess? How do they combat satellite warfare or obtain hurricane and earthquake capability when they are being shut down and destroyed? Then again, how do they get out of this trap when the documentation records clearly show there is a valid and credible reason to exterminate them; they just refuse to be taken alive or disclose the conspiracy and terror plots. The problem is how difficult it will be and has become to procreate, to seek political outcomes, and to beat us or attack us repeatedly; even in our own homes. Regardless they still believe in everything imposed on them and everything they have taught the world; how to die and senseless violence, nothing as usual but their flaws, mistakes, and desire to be loved or wanted. This savage will be reborn as an animal and they will finish their life out in our lifetime in pain, broken, and facing constant retaliation; as they have tried on us or our life. Their leaders and this terror plot should have taken prison while they had a chance; a chance to tell the world their story and to clear up the records. Now they look, feel, and know they are junk and cheap.
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About Me

- My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.