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Tuesday, September 10, 2013


FINANCIAL BUBBLE, RACKETEERING, AND CONTROL:  Take out their banks, financial debts, and control and the bubble will burst, the corruption will go away, the racketeering will loose power, and we will have our victory.  Leave them intact and we will be in the docile bubble of those who are totally screwed up and con artists.  That is our communist enemy and this evil SOB.  They want and need political protection but have to brainwash or use violence to win the debate or force others to agree.  Without these financial tentacles, they are powerless and loose all control over our life.  More decline and crime will double their political control.

THEY FEEL THE PAIN AND THEY KNOW THIS IS ILLEGAL:  First their fingers and toes, appendages.  After their fingers and toes are gone, the military might will butcher them.  Of course they feel the pain but they are too docile and stupid; this is why they expect us to live in their bubble and are still waging war on Uncle Same.  They are not victims of religion, military might, the police, or debts.  They are not human beings but none of them will admit to what they did, tried, or are doing now.  False judgments and this totally screwed up bubble, how do we seek the perfect and right justice; the truth?  We can’t have our way?  They do not get their way?  Nobody get’s their way?  Insurance?  Racketeering and Control?  A one way street?

BECOME THEIR LEADERS OR LIVE AMONG THE REST IN THEIR DOCILE BUBBLE OF LIES?  ALL OF THEM ARE FULL OF HATE AND ARE TOTALLY SCREWED UP.  I have nothing to do with them and even if they feel the same; I want nothing to do with any of them.  I am paralyzed and in their bubble, trying to find an escape.  My books and Ann was the easy way out; also the legal claims and damages.  They did manage to block my career and take Ann out, ruined my marriage.  They want to steal the rest such as my work, Satellite Warfare, and relations with the Office of Hurricane and Earthquakes.  The numbers suggest humans are too docile to live inside their bubble?  Why their church of debt and political system wants us to live inside their bubble when all of them are totally screwed up and a bunch of lying socialpaths; full of corruption and conspiracy.  They wish to exist among the general public and think highly of each other, superior.  Data shows they are dumbasses and are acting.  Their academic grades also indicate very poor performance grades.  Yet they circle us and like the mafia, impose this racketeering and docile mental illness process where a human being is brainwashed.  It didn’t work but it made a total mess out of our relationship with the Office of Hurricane and Earthquakes and took the life out of the Satellite Warfare Program.  Now they owe two billion and have not removed the false judgments or the docile bubble they formed out of the media and our society.  Containment means they need to be gone, vacate, or become victims of the police, military might, and even religion.  Coming or fleeing to Florida was a terrible idea as the FL police can see clearly now.  Yet we all live in this docile bubble and we need to begin removing the strongholds or identifying the weak spots so they can be removed and disposed properly.  Their ranks and hierarchy is full of communism, corruption, conspiracy, coverup, and total lies.  It has to do with the auto industry and the 911 process also.  This is what they are making or building, a gigantic political bubble out of communism, the drug wars, and real estate or manufacturing decline.

LIVING INSIDE THEIR BUBBLE, THEY WANT TO GIVE US A SECOND CHANCE, NO CONTAINMENT OR LEGAL DAMAGES:  We know who exactly is trying to force us into their camp or leadership hierarchy.  They are still trying to get us to complain or agree with the labor unions.  All of them are full of hate and a totally screwed up.  All of them are organized and plugged into the same leadership.  All of them tried to circle us and attack; and that is how the wrath and retaliations began.  Somehow we got trapped in their blue collar web of deception and traps.  It is some form of retaliation.  All of them are full of hate and totally screwed up.  All of them are utterly flawed and trying to mix in with the rest; but hiding and attacking.  All of them are pushy, demanding, and irate.  They feel we are not docile enough to live inside their bubble.  They feel we are too smart, too qualified, too strong, too well put together; thus, we have to be their leaders or leave the village.  However, to stay or coexist we must be docile, corrupt, and savages.  It is still going on and coming from the NY-NJ people, AAA Auto Club personnel, and a host of bad actors manipulating or milking the system in the same way insurance does.  This was about the auto industry and labor unions leaders; a religion of debt.

CONTAINMENT POLICY OR LEGAL WAR WITH THE SATELLITE WARFARE PERSONNEL, CHOICE:  Integrating and seeking jobs is going to mix them within the ranks of the normal and general public.  We know they cannot be on their best behavior and containment will be either to throw them out, throw them in the street, or send them back home.  If they wage war and attack, even seek control over our life; then massive retaliation is needed.  So these rotten immigrants, Bin Limbaugh, Fox News, their debt ridden church, their blue collar political leaders, and their entire political blob needs to decide how they surrender.  They need to describe what they did or tried; etc… as part of the surrender and living up to the law process.  If they do not then a policy of containment will be imposed on the left wing, the drug wars, and the mafia.  You cannot mix into everyday business regiment or essential functions in our life and then circle us and try to seek control.  This is how we got here and where we are presently.  If it continues and it has or is; then war is inevitable and will arrive in 2014.  Containment does not mean they seek jobs, come to Florida, or enter the workforce and political system.  Now the process of removal has to be implemented to instill normality but they also owe this office two billion dollars for all of this work, labor, and hardships; legal damages and claims.  They admit work is done and not being paid right?  How can we have a massive war and no work or labor being performed?  Who pays the labor costs and the wear and tear on us?  This is how the labor unions and the mafia are able to get us fired or seek control.

STILL A VICTIM OF THEIR LIES, ATTACKS, SADISTIC POLITICS, DEBT RIDDEN RELIGION, IMMIGRATION, LABOR UNION, COMMUNIST STRATEGY:  It is really annoying when they are well organized and the labor unions and communist call me or entangle their business and services with the normal society.  I am not sure if it is an attempt to regulate business or replace it but they make working, getting serviced, and day to day interaction hell.  This is how they attack and squirm into our life.  These attacks at work are when they are customers and the other attacks are when they are hiding and can target someone.  Yes it is well organized and they are clandestine.  Mixing in the normal people and becoming my customer is how they attack or do this.  First they sit and watch, then they use their power or clandestine organization skills.  This is also how the mafia is able to get people fired.  They are so well organized and penetrated they are in supervisory positions.  So that is how the left wing and labor unions helps and squirm into our life.  They end up shutting everything down and making life backwards.  They were everywhere in the DC=VA area and they attacked by calling in or hiring; entangled in their web of lies and deception.  Great idea and great product these horrible immigrants have.  Now they are organized and waging war or attacks.  How do you escape such a disaster when they force themselves on others or circle your entire life?  This is how these socialist enemy and immigrants did so much damage to our life.  They flooded here, need jobs, and try to seek control. This is what they were up to and are up to; mixing into the business world and circling us.

DOT NEEDS TO AUDIT AAA ROADSIDE CLUB FOR GROSS VIOLATIONS OF DOT RULES:  I don’t know how you manage to be on the other line of the phone whenever I call into the AAA dispatch center; but in the past you have caused a lot of problems for me at work.  Furthermore, I don’t know how you manage to get me to work 16-20 hours a day but DOT rules say the max is 10 and if a driver is behind a commercial vehicle, the driver must take a day off if a 12 hour shift is worked.  Right now I am doing over 16 hours a day and my paycheck is only $300.  So if you are behind it and if AAA is doing a cover-up, I hope DOT audits them and gets to the bottom of this.  The death of Amy Baker in 1989 also involved AAA or issues surrounding the company, whom was located across the street from our high school.  Now you call me at all hours of the night harassing me about changing flat tires or waking me up in the middle of the night after 14 or 16 hours during the day.  This shows that AAA is a major violator of the DOT rules and the lawsuits against them is valid; but they cover it up or give run-arounds.  The politics at the company has to be in question but the DOT violations needs to be cracked down on before someone gets injured, hurt, or worse.  Forcing and demanding people to work 16 or 20 hours, six days a week is intolerable.  In the past, you had these mafia goons and insane people contact me six or sometimes ten times a day which made my life hell.  Then you tried to get me in trouble or get pushy or demanding, trying to stick me with the blame or suggest I don’t want to help you and I am insubordinate.  No means no dumbass.  Now you got me working upwards of 20 hours behind a commercial vehicle trying to patch things up with your mafia bosses. 


OF ALL THE PEOPLE IN THE WORLD, YOU CHOOSE TO BE BUSTED BY ALEX:  If I end up busting you traitors and throwing you in jail, keep in mind I will give you the beating of your life.  So thankfully, I am not an FBI agent because you will then know what police brutality is all about.  You have taken your shots on me and injured me permanently; keep that in mind.  You have taken from me things which cannot be replaced or forgiven.  Yet I have an abysmal human rights record when it comes to busting your ass.  So if I was an agent, then you sure did pick the right one out of the liter.  Do you think he is sexy or will let you walk away like the A-hole and SOB you are?  What you are is a predator.  You give run arounds and you sit and wait, similar to a hunter, for the right moment; the Perfect Storm.  You are a repeat offender whose opportunism is carefully planned out.  You communist traitors will even plan it out and claim you are the victims of religion, the police, or Uncle Same.  The FBI needs to declare a "shoot at will" order on you all and calling you an ambulance is not enough if I have my way.  So if I was the police, then you now know what police brutality is.  If you truly want war as you claim, even to die as a martyr; then just ask and stop the bullshit and games.  Why in hell did you choose to get busted by the only person in this world verified to kick your ass back home?  That is the mystery.  Are you this stupid or just some gay imbecile acting like a power puff?  Keep manipulating everything and it will blow up in your human rights record or declaration of peace.  You owe me damages and I capped it at two billion; but this is still ongoing.  Do we increase it or fight back?

PROBLEM WITH THE DRAFT:  Oh really?  These immigrants are the pits!  Got slaughtered?

FAT, WEAK, STUPID, SICK, HANDICAP, AND NOTHING RIGHT:  So they claim we are bad service providers and our customer service sucks because they are pushy, demanding, ignorant, and can’t even take care of themselves.  We bombed them to hell didn’t we?  They have not stopped or blocked Satellite Warfare yet have they?  Who is the problem and who is the bad service provider here?  We are not docile and benevolent enough?  We are not patient or docile enough for them?  How can we bomb them to hell and do all this if we were bad service providers?  Sounds like a predator and communist preying on incompetence and manipulating others.  These F'in immigrants are the pits!

WAR WITH THE OFFICE OF HURRICANE AND EARTHQUAKES:  Keep in mind what all that education and college is for or about.

BLUE COLLAR F’ERS AND ENLISTED PERSONNEL:  Yes I went through all that college, honor courses, and have the impeccable resume and these blue collars F’ers feel I am their leader and partners in crime?  These veterans are totally nuts also.  Now my plans and satellite warfare course is off and totally whacked.  All that education to become a communist or blue collar slave to the machine?  Who did this?  They better have some F’in answers and the truth, not another run-around.

NOT MY PARTNER AND HAVE NO RIGHT TO CHASE OFF, SCARE, INTIMIDATE, OR KILL ANYBODY WHO IS:  I hate their F’in guts.  I have brought them to their knees.  I have tried to deport them.  I have done everything possible short of dropping a nuclear bomb on their ass.  It is clear they are not my partner and it is absolutely clear the person who is and the people who are; will seek revenge on this bastard orphan in our life pulling this scam.  They also think we are in the same boat and it is my obligation to help them, save them, pay their way through life, etc… They better have some F’in answers and not some runaround or surprise.  Being pushy, demanding, verbally accosting me, sneaking up or into our lives and damaging it, watching me 24-7 like Big Bother or a communist spy ring, etc… is going to bring war with The Office of Hurricane and Earthquakes.  They will probably try to exploit that also.  I am telling them they need to pay two billion in damages, leave us alone, and surrender to the law before all of this gets much worse.  If it comes down to it, we will deport them and this is why.

BETTER HAVE SOME F’IN ANSWERS:  That was a lot of warnings and not being accountable for this will begin the wakening up process where this MF better have some answers and clear and concise details.  Yes they are still fast talking and are the bad actors trying to manipulate and complicate the entire process of war or getting rid of them. They better have some F'in answers and be ready for jail, damages, and much worse than now.  Do give us more runarounds or lip service.

WILL RIP EACH OTHERS EYES OUT 2014:  That is what you get for waging war on Uncle Same and The Office of Hurricane and Earthquakes.  How does it feel to follow us around in life, in business, and bother us into retirement?  Asshole.  Teach you to be ignorant, pushy, bossy, obese, such a liar, a sociopath, a phony businessman and supervisor, a bully and thug, a SOB…   These errors, lack of standards, lies, a run around, lip service, fast talking, etc… will lead to harm, injury, death, and even more.  That is what you get for being a total mess and making our life a total mess and hell by following us around or into retirement.  Next time don’t falsely judge me or ruin my life into retirement; still trying to judge me falsely with pressure tactics, bullying, harassment, stalking, terror plots, espionage, etc… Time to fire all of them and throw them into the streets.

KEEP THEM DOWN:  So this is about racism or oppression?  We know who exactly is behind it and who is on the other end.  We know who is trying to keep us down and why.  We know exactly who the ball of chain is; but this traitor is trying really hard to get that ball and chain off their ankle.  We also know who keeps digging a hole and why it is getting bigger.  We know all about their debts and their church, even the birthrates each century they been in the US.  We know exactly what to do and how to keep this pushy, demanding, lying, and phony SOB down.  We also know they are backwards and is a smartass about it; a lack of standards and human worth.  Do we need to see the quivering lip or do we have to complain about them following us in life or to retirement?  Stop or else it will get far worse than they imagined.

FIGHTING THE GOVERNMENT AND UNCLE SAME:  Stop crying like a bitch or trying to set me up for failure by trying to make it appear as if I am struggling in life and fighting Uncle Same.  We know exactly who is fighting the government and Uncle Same.

VICTIMS OF RELIGION AND MILITARY MIGHT:  Speaking of terror plots and what we caught them doing for up to; then trying to blame Islam, religion, or even cold warriors and people of impeccable standards.  We are straight shooters why is this trash in our life or claiming to be our boss or in the same boat?  They are going to follow us into retirement and be a shadow in our life?  This is F’in really upsetting. 

EVERYTHING WE IMAGINED A COMMUNIST TRAITOR TO BE:  What is the problem with the Bush Family, The NY-NJ Mafia, Their immigration to the USA, The Cubans and the Jews, following us or following us through life to bother or harass every single aspect of our life, and this game or little terror plot to suggest they are victims of religion, financial chaos, God, or military might?  Just ask the people who let them into our life or allowed this to go down.  Not only are they stupid and dumb, they are overweight, sick as hell, ugly, a factory or blue collar mess, and what we imagined a traitor to be.

PUSHY, DEMANDING, POOR, UNEDUCATED, DEFENSIVE, SMACK TALKER, THINK THEY ARE IMPORTANT, LACKING STANDARDS, THROWING MONEY AROUND, STUBBORN, IGNORANT, THINK WE ARE THEIR SLAVES, BACKSTABBERS WHO GOT BUTCHERED, THUGS AND SOCIOPATHS, ETC:  We could go on and on about their immigration to the US, their police or blue collar cities, total decline and chaos, following us around in life or following us to bother us 24-7 and every aspect of our life, migrating to FL and expanding the mafia by exploiting the sick, elderly, veterans, and exploiting everybody who is against their existence and business poverty, and the endless real estate and business scams now a cyber threat.  2014 is when we need to have a mass eviction and fire them all; throw them in the streets.  Oh, their personality and demanding or pushy ignorance is one thing; their repugnant appearance and hygiene is another. 

WAR WITH THE OFFICE OF HURRICANE AND EARTHQUAKES:  It is documented and I am still asking the same questions.  Everything is backwards including these people or this culture of traitors; why are they also smartasses?  Why are they evading accountability and prosecution when they owe this office two billion dollars and a lot of legal admissions?  Do they know how guilty they are and why do they think we are the same after I have documented all of this?  What are we to do with all these blacks, poor whites, and sociopaths under the Bush Family, The Cubans, and the NY-NJ mafia to include the labor unions?

DO WE SINK THE BOAT OR PUNISH THE PEOPLE WHO FORCED OUR HAND?  I do not know why someone in power kept saying we are in the same boat and they are so above it or in charge.  However, do we sink the boat or the people who allowed them to be in our life, career, and every baseless aspect of our life?  Why in hell would they give them power and allow them to ass kiss or brown nose?  The people who made these decisions need to be ruined and thrown out or on the street.  This will teach them once and for all to never-ever create a mess or make a total mess again.  Unless they want to be accountable, don’t judge others falsely or feed those lies and run-around.  They have war and they have to pay damages, the right way or the highway.  Forcing our hand and trying to find a settlement is only going to piss off and make this worse.  All of this because they are a dumbass, does not know what to do, and wants to keep power or horde it.  Just leave before this gets much worse!

IF MONEY AND LIES WON’T SAVE THEM WHAT WILL:  I have to say for an orphan or political bitch they are really sadistic and hide well.  The truth never meets their standards and they open the gates of hell so that bad actors can milk the system or manipulate others.  All of them either exploit each other or get exploited in the end.  All of them either get raped or are raped, by each other in the end.  Worse they are an idiot and a imbecile to be in this situation.  Now they try to make it look like we got ourselves in this mess or are here by our own choosing; while they give everybody a run around.  What a stubborn, ignorant, sadistic, and dead SOB.  Throw them out and on the street immediately before worse things happen; if possible deport them and send them home.

POOR SADISTIC POLITICAL ORPHANS CRYING LIKE A BITCH:  not only are all of them sadistic and a pain in the ass; they like to mouth off and are looking for this political protection or orphan status.  Rebellious and backwards, their attitude and lack of civility makes people want to put them in their place or throw them out.  Yet they hide and sneak around giving people a run around or tinkering with their life.  They still refuse to pay any damages or clean this up.

LET’S FIRE THEM ALL ASAP:  Let’s fire all of them and throw them all in the streets since they do not know what to do and want to die.  Still they have not stop or shut their mouths up.  Still they do not see it fit to pay damage or end this illegal struggle they have with others and the law.  Still they remain on the loose and evade capture or prosecution, still.  They still are ignorant and guilty; won’t pay a cent in damages and refuse to clean up anything.  All we can get from them is a run around or half ass efforts.

SNEAKING AROUND ASS KISSING TRAITOR:  Had this been war, the best way to resolve it is to take them to a field and shoot them as a full blooded traitor, maybe only then will they learn a lesson or know their place. 

MILKING THIS?  BAD ACTORS MANIPULATING EVERYBODY OR THE SYSTEM?  EVERYBODY IS GUILTY OR IMPRISONED?  ALL OF US ARE VICTIMS?  Keep milking this and manipulating it; let’s see where it leads or will get you.

WHO IS BEING FIRED?  WHO IS DAMAGED AND CRIPPLED?  NEED US, WE NEED THEM?  HIRE US, THEY GOT HIRED?  NEED POLITICAL PROTECTION:   Now that we know it is the Bush Family, The Cubans, The Florida and Drug Cartels, Fox News, Rush Bin Limbaugh, Sean Bin Hannity, and a host of drug cartels in America; we can ask them what they want.  What the F do you want out of this, war?  Do you want political protection or leadership?  There is a big hole in your head and life now; gigantic hole.  Your Florida and New York crowd is in beaucoup trouble, more than imaginable.  Do you want to pay damages or just sit there with your lip quivering while bothering the hell out of us?  You want to hire us or my family?  You have massive debts and social problems due to drugs and the drug wars?  The police and political enemies, even Democrats; took out your mafia leaders?  The labor unions are corrupt and bankrupt; in need of a vacation or home in Florida?  You want to make money and get rich from seniors, sick people, criminal-prisons, TV media corruption, and terror plots meant to give you more worth?  You goons are one SOB.  All of you are stupid and we can academically test you.  You cling to us and copy or counterfeit everything, everything!  How do we get rid of you and make you pay damages?  You also wrecked my marriage with Ann Coulter and then kept your mouth shut; admit it.  Luckily, nobody got hurt.


STOP CRYING LIKE A BITCH:  Listen, shut your damn mouth.  If the military wants to shoot your ass and if the Pentagon wants to nuke your sorry ass, and even if the police want to shoot at will; there is really nothing you can do about it but plead guilty or go away.  Crying like a little bitch and running your filthy mouth all day, even flicking us off quietly; is almost as A-hole bad as calling an ambulance.  That is about all you can do, cry like a bitch and call an ambulance.  So do me and the world a big favor and just die quietly.  Crying like a bitch and running your mouth all hours of the day; then flicking us off is nonsense and just F’in annoying.  Go home losers will you. 

BAD ACTORS MANIPULATING OR MILKING THE SYSTEM:  is it just the poor or others too?  There are a lot of bad actors manipulating the system and milking it.  Now take a guess who got the blame or has to pay?  Take a guess who is trying to stick us with the bill and fast talk us?  Take a guess who is trying to obtain protection and even political power?  Does anybody think they will go away quietly or do the big guns need to be used?

BUSH FAMILY, FL-NY MAFIA, CUBANS, DRUG GANGS, AND MOTORCYCLE MISFITS:  All of them were told to go home, stop throwing out our life or putting us in a stalemate, stop being a dumbass, stop trying to make money or grow rich on the sick and old, and never go looking for this father-orphan political pipe dream that only got them a quivering lip and missing teeth.  Now shut up and stop trying to ass kiss or make this better.  The terms are already set; either go home or die trying.  Things change when all of your teeth are knocked out and the police have to call you an ambulance.  You people are total idiots, go home.  You also act like you are running for President when all you did was get your teeth knocked out, the police forced to kick into gear, and you keep running your mouths or trying to keep us in a stalemate.  What happened to your political connections and protection?  All gone after the 1980s and the end of communism; now you want another fight or your terms?  You were told repeatedly to go home, now do it and stop looking for a father or political protection asshole. 

GO HOME:  The Justice Department told the Cubans and NY’ers to go home but they had the Bush Family doing all kinds of insane tricks around DC or to gain power.  They manipulated the system, used crime and the police, used their incompetence to prey on others, are a predator, and a sick and wretched mess.  This is what you got when you tried to mess with us and refuse to pay the damages or take a F’in hike.

FULL OF HATE, TOTAL MESS, and AND TOTALLY CRAZED OR CRAZY:  They rip each other off, they sell phony real estate, they sell trash stocks, they sell each other drugs, and they do the most illogical or stupid things to either annoy us or are detriment to their future and life.  They are the boss and superior?  Their church and their debt are full of shit.  Do run for office or own a business, total insanity.  Throw money around or act rich; the poor will get poor while the debt will get richer.  How illogical and phony is their church?  How about their liberties and freedom?  Oh yes, police now?

WHO THE F IS DOING IT?  TAKE THEIR ASS OUT?  ARE YOU STUPID OR JUST POOR AND TRYING TO BECOME POORER?  I GET RICHER, GET IT?  Your corruption and lies has come to an end, now get the F off the police force, the military, and stop running for office; are you totally nuts?  Do stick us with the bill, harass us, or leave out the most important part; the truth.  Do lie or cover it up.  Your church is bankrupt and poor.

KEEP USING DEBT AND CREDIT CARDS TO PAY FOR FUEL AND POWER:  Keep in mind your church gets poorer, more stupid, backwards, and more corrupt.  Soon your hurtful and lying church will be bankrupt and your pushy poor manners will cross with the well educated and country club people; the real wealthy.  You want to play this game with power, lie, cheat, and milk the system; do it in your own life; not ours.  Stop following us also or trying to rub elbows all day long; total insanity; the rich do get poorer when their debts are counted.  Asshole, you always forget the most important part; when you get caught and busted.

WHO THE HELL IS LETTING THIS DRAG ON SO LONG AND ALLOWING THEM TO GET BACK IN THE GAME?  Who is allowing them to get poorer and lie, cheat, or steal; milk the system or my life?  Who?  It is still total insanity.  Their church is totally bankrupt and the poor get worse and more dumbass; emboldened by this full blooded traitor.  Do we look like the Clinton’s, Bush, or Kennedy’s?

MILKING EVERYTHING, THINK THEY ARE THE BOSS, and AND THE POOR GET POORER WHILE THE RICH GET RICHER:  In case you did not know or are finding out the “hard” way:
  1. I am well educated, you are not; college and more.  Take them out will you!
  2. I am from a rich family or old wealth; even American wealth.  Take them out will you!
  3. I am of great help; you are of no help; only to the crazy and the poor.  Take them out will you!
  4. You are a total asshole; I am only an asshole to you; but in your world everybody is an asshole except you.  Take them out will you!
  5. Your standards are so low; you have to drag us down and throw your money; debt at nothing but lies.  Take them out will you!
  6. All of you are totally messed up and full of hate; totally crazy and insanity with you in our life or chipping away.  F your hope or plight.  Take them out will you!
  7. You claim to be helping or live with the country club people; did you ask them or do you know how to act?  Do you have any standards?  Why then do you want to be rich, live among the rich and happy, or spread your disease?  You are the boss?
  8. All of you are exploited, desperate, loosing your homes, a total mess, full of hate, and your church ignores the financial reality?  Take them out will you!
  9. I am totally screwed up and do not have my stuff put together well, you are testing me or administering some test?  Now you are busted.  You owe two billion dollars, write it down and are accountable.  Take them out will you!
  10. Yes helping, always lying and bossy; but when damages or the bust; you are nowhere to be seen?  Keep hiding.  Take them out will you!

LEFT OUT THE MOST IMPORTANT PART, THE HOLE:  Whomever this is trying to make themselves look better or suggest I do not have my stuff put together; can keep claiming to be the boss, the undercover boss, or demanding and pushy.  However, you left out one critical piece of information; the hole you are in.  Keep borrowing money until your church is completely homeless and bankrupt; someone has to eventually pay!  Total phonies and bankrupt and poor, take us down with you or ruin us too?

ALWAYS TRYING TO LIVE NEAR THE COUNTRY CLUB OR RICH PEOPLE:  Yes and you fast talk people, scam them, act like you are helpful, and are bossy; but when the damages roll around, you disappear or throw up more smoke screens.  We are trapped by your lies and incompetence!  You owe damages and will evolve while getting life in prison.  Yes do die trying, your church is bankrupt and in serious debt.  Do stick us with the bill and your stupid reputation.  Total phonies and bankrupt and poor, take us down with you or ruin us too?

FALLING PREY TO THEIR INCOMPETENCE OR BENEFITING OFF THEIR GRIEF AND PERFECTION:  You are the boss?  Sounds blue collar and just like a full blooded traitor?  There is so much of this set-up, bossy hostage crisis, being a prey to the poor and incompetent; it is almost impossible to crack down or police.  Who the hell is in charge or behind it, females or incompetent women who milk men or the system?  Total phonies and bankrupt and poor, take us down with you or ruin us too?

DOES THE BOSS STICK OTHERS WITH THE BILL?  DO THEY GET EJECTED OR FIRED FROM DUTY OR SERVICE?  Who is worsening the debt and church problem?  They are totally nuts, totally.  They will be homeless soon; but they want to die and rub elbows while refusing to go away or die; arrogant bigots and trouble makers. 

NOW THEY ARE STILL THE BOSS AND CHANGING HISTORY, MAKING IT RIGHT? More lies and more runarounds.  Worse, they stick us with the blame or the bill.  Total phonies and bankrupt and poor, take us down with you or ruin us too?

WHY IS ANN COULTER TERRIFIED OF ME OR SOMETHING DEFINE IN ME?  People sometimes suffer in life so that others may live. And although it is an unintended consequence of the world we live in or the cycle of life and death; it is how good always prevails over evil. When you can come to peace with this and when you understand how people have a mission in life, then you will be more at peace with your own mission in life and the world you live in. However, it is better and even better when you get even with the cause of this good over evil problem. That is my mission in life, to settle the score and to declare victory.

They call it the Halls of Souls. I believe that if your life mission is to sacrifice so that others live, you are transported to the Hall of Souls where you become a God like guardian of mankind. There you pick and choose over the human subjects that inhabit earth. This is how the idea of Guardian Angels began and why I feel the soldiers and hero of the past are the force behind this concept of being protected and fate.

If you are blessed and feel as if someone or something is watching over you, protecting you and defeating all that harms you; then your mission in life has been assigned to one of the most powerful characters in the Hall of Souls. It depends on your mission and how important they see it to be. This is how you get your images, thoughts, and such clear vision of the world and your part. I think this is where I began; a divine intervention and a very powerful character in the Hall of Souls; maybe even the President or General of it.  Was it passed on to me? I always felt someone I know or someone I was close to in the past; was the carrier or higher heir of this throne.

GIVE ME BACK MY MONEY AND ARE YOU THIS MUCH OF A STUPID BITCH OR JUST A TOTAL MESS:  Shut up about how your boyfriend turned off your water, turned off your electricity, and raided your bank because you gave him your ATM card or shared an account?  Give me back my deposit on the rental property will you.  If you also think I am that boyfriend, then you really are one stupid bitch and deserve to die.  Now pay up the damages are capped and set at two billion, no excuses.  Next time you try to judge people or F up their life, umm….


OPERATING AT OUR OPTIMUM:  If I am the first step and the first gate to the world of satellite warfare; then I must be operating at optimum levels, who made this mess and slowed me down to either a crawl or paralysis?  Bring that SOB before us and before the Office of Hurricane and Earthquakes and let’s see what kind of a human being they truly are.  They judge people and are not accountable or responsible for their actions?  They feel money will win this war and use debt to destroy us or tie our hands?  Bring them and make them suffer before the wrath of this universe.  How do we fire them, get rid of them, or defeat them in war; under these terms?  They also refuse to resign; bigots and ignoramus. 

HOW TO GET RID OF THEM IF THEY REFUSE TO RESIGN OR TURN THEMSELVES IN?    They keep running for office and getting hired in public and private positions.  How do you get rid of them if they refuse to resign, turn themselves in, or do everything not to get caught or evade a military-police special task force?

HAVE POLITICAL PROTECTION:  It is still ongoing which means they have infiltrated and have political protection destroy and shut them down.  This is unprecedented corruption from the worst managers and evil this world has ever seen.  Make sure they die a broken, cruel, and horrible life.  Make sure their life is used to win this victory and to impose fair judgments.  Hopefully, they will be thrown into the street and sent back home.  Hopefully the Office of Hurricane and Earthquake can come to my aid or gets this message.

WANTS WAR:  Obviously something is out of place and they are done, so if they want war, then step up and claim it, none of that last hour ass kissing or obedience we have seen thousands of times either.  Put your money where your mouth is and be accountable.  As far as judging us or being a total bigot; two billion is the damage claim.  Who will pay this we will know shortly.

CONSUMERS OF THE DRUG WARS:  We know who they are and their phony religion.  We know all about heir politics and police system.

PAY THE DAMAGES OR JUDGE OTHER PEOPLE ILLEGALLY?  Pay the damages you ass and go away a broken and defeated traitor; everybody can read and understand what is going on; except the communist traitor.  Why is that?  You owe me damages and you owe the hurricane victims damages; then you are bankrupt.  You want to judge us, then be accountable you MF, and learn some manners before you are shipped home a broken and tortured mess.  We have asked you thousands of times to go away, leave us alone, and be accountable for all these false judgments and harassment.  Now you have war and the inevitable.  If you did all that, you need to die and quickly!

JUDGING US BY HOW WE JUDGE THEM:  For such an inferior and human being who is such a mess and produces so many problems; it is odd to see them in any management position or judging anybody.  Yet after twenty years and nearly destroyed by politics, they see this as business as usual.  They also do not fit in with college educated people or the country club types; but they also throw a wrench in that also.  Your security sucks and someone needs to take these people down and destroy them, a waste of time and an utter parasite in our life and mission.  They are judging us, what an F’in joke; tell them to eat a hurricane and earthquake before they die and go away. They better learn quick how to be a good American or how to treat others with respect.

TRYING TO LIVE NEAR COUNTRY CLUB PEOPLE:  Why these lackey and street kids want to live near the country club people or put themselves near rich and educated people is unknown; however, they think they have what it takes and they parade Asians to erase their nonsense; keep in mind they learn their manners from the mean streets and this is also their parents.  They also go into the military and think they are the same or are completely lacking; but again, all of them feel they are the same.  Do they believe in the inevitable and do they think anybody will let them get away with it?  That is the labor unions for you.

LIKE A NEW YWORKER, THEY LEARN THEIR EXISTENCE FROM THE MEAN STREETS AND THE INNER CITY:  We know all about your culture, business, politics, and what this is all about.  We know all of you come to America to escape famine or hunger; now you face political destruction and constantly run from the inevitable.  You have nothing in common with us, are viewed as a lesser, and are of no use in this mission; but you have created a mess trying; sorry impoverished immigrants.

PAY THE DAMAGES AND STOP NOSING AROUND IN MY LIFE:  How many times have I said this?  Pay the damages and stop nosing around and pretending to be judging us as Nazi Killers; a bigot is a bigot and an asshole is an asshole.  Should we open the door and slam it, wonderful.  If you do not pay the damages, I am reporting you to the Office of Hurricane and Earthquakes, do you want that?  You have been reported; lie about it and your customer service.  How many doctored or phony documents did you submit for verification?  Your fake accompli is ridiculous and getting more obnoxious.

NAZI KILLERS:  The verification process is underway and I am administering it.  All of you need not “antagonize” this, my life, or every aspect of this crisis I was dragged in and made to be a victim of.  As totally messed up and screwed up as all of you are; the verification process will continue even if you are looking for a fight and want to pick on or bully others.  You are an idiot and a phony communist traitor.  As far as the inevitable, we know all about you.  As far as damages and paying for the damages; it is all you and everybody can see where you have taken them or their life.  Now pay up you SOB and stop smack talking or trying to act like you control my life and environment.  Eventually, you will face judgment and verification, the asshole syndrome is getting you nowhere.

STILL LOOKING FOR FRIENDS AND OTHER PARASITES:  Even if they are an emotional wreck, a total mess, a parasite wandering around the US, a traitor, and a total criminal who is weak on crime and full of it; they continue to bother us and look for friends; it’s been over twenty years and they still do not get it?  That is who this communist and enemy truly is; a bigot and an asshole.  They deserve everything they get and coming to them.  Hopefully, they will be destroyed politically or by other means; total warfare against them.  So do they believe in the inevitable and do they know what it is?  Mental illness from a smack talking bigot and felon; terrorism and drugs?

SMACK TALKING BIMBO, LET’S SEE WHAT THEIR REACTION IS OR IS IT THE SAME?  Let’s see how they cope with a smack talking bimbo who is antagonizing our life 24-7 and constantly watching us because she has no goal or mission in life but to make our life hell.  What they do we will do also; as a smack talking bimbo?  Do antagonize every single aspect of my life and pretend to be unbiased or open minded when you are nothing more than a dipshit and bigot.  You admit you are the biggest bigot on this earth now, don’t you?  Do keep challenging every minute of my life with your open mind and unbiased bigotry; you do believe in the inevitable don’t you?  What is the inevitable?  Well, it is either heaven or hell; the Promised Land or the Wrath, we get to choose.  Do you get it now MF?  You are not in control and never will be as communist pests.  It has been over twenty years, look what talking smack has gotten you!

RICH AND MIGHTY OFF SICK AND FEEBLE HUMANS:  How do you get so politically mighty, so communist, and such a total mess and endless debt from sick and bad people?  How do you become politically invincible or do this to America?  Are you mentally ill or am I?  Is this a conspiracy or a welfare program?

CRIME IS GETTING WORSE AND SO IS YOUR POLITICS:  You fix it don’t tell me to or hold me hostage until I embrace communism or your corruption.


TELEPATHIC WAR AND VICTORY:  Admit it and surrender when and if you are ready.  There is no telling what will happen to you in the meantime.

CAN’T SAY NO TO THEM:  The only way out and the only way to survive this is obedience; however, guilty as sin and obedience go together like oil and water.

BAG LADIES WHO WANT TO SHACK UP OR SHARE LIFE WITH OTHERS:  Totally gross and disgusting.  We come from the other side of the tracks and am not some inbred or low class wandering liter bug. 

KEEP CALLING OR FACILITATING CONTACT THROUGH WORK TO SUGGEST YOU ARE EITHER THE BOSS OR A MISTREATED CUSTOMER, LOSER:  Yes do call and make contact when and if you feel like it; see what will happen to your sorry ass. 

USING WORK TO FACILITATE THIS CONTACT, HARASSMENT, and AND HOSTAGE SITUATION:  We know you are using both the cell phone industry and the towing industry (AAA) to facilitate your meetings and contact.  Also to suggest you are the boss and the racketeering cannot be broken.  We know you are nearly wiped out and using obedience as a way to escape prosecution, accusation of disobedience or insubordination.  We also know these contacts, using work to facilitate this ongoing total mess, to force or compel others to accept your zero class, organized crime, and looking for a handout career.  We know it is about drugs and your political demise or destruction.  We know you are desperate and from the other side of the tracks. 

THE WEAPONS AND TACTICS YOU USE:  Are the same weapons and tactics used back against you and what will bring you to your knees.  Your criminal life will end by your own creative thinking process.  You ought to know by now it will not work and your primitive life and political objectives are nearly wiped out.  It has gotten worse and your organized criminal life is barely walking again.  The gains you make in the military or politically will not be enough for you to survive this asshole.  Your bimbo eruptions and inbred friendship is futile and useless. 

WHAT YOU DO BEFORE YOUR ARREST AND IMPRISONMENT:  Will carry on well past your total mess.  Your actions daily will determine what course of action will be taken against you on the battlefield and in war.  Do not overlook your liberties or your ability to remain secret and hidden; evading capture and destruction.  The only thing you have done is made this much worse and far worse than you realize.  But your religion gets worse and it is far worse than your religion can understand because your standards are so low and stupid.  Your bimbo eruption and feeble life does not even know when you are defeated and have no chance whatsoever.  You keep calling in or using my work, home, and any opportunity to facilitate your stupid insane mess and see what will happen to you before you self-destruct.  You obviously do not have a clue how much trouble you caused or how much trouble you are in; not a damn clue.

2014 DOES NOT LOOK GOOD:  Say it over and over until it comes true.


A FAST TALKING SOB WHO STUCK THEM WITH THE BILL:  I had no idea I was one but I must have picked it up from every SOB who has been trying to be my “parent” or mystery “employer.”  Like a vampire, I got bit by them and am a SOB now.

FAST TALKERS WHO TRY TO STICK OTHERS WITH THE BILL:  Not saying a word but busted!  Busted again!  And again and again!  On their way to setting a new world record on lies and fraud!

HUMAN SUBSPECIES WHO TRY TO STICK US WITH THE BLAME OR THE BILL:  If you want to see smooth talking, trash talking, and human trash who will try and stick you with the bill; come to Florida. These east coast and Midwest City dwellers will drink a cup of coffee and then just throw it in the bushes or right on the street, without any thought. Now they expect someone to clean it up. If you look at Times Square each year, a ton of trash in one night! Talk about a litter bug and why paradise is nearly underwater. As I said, you have no idea until you see them and see it with your own eyes. Worse, they will stick you with the bill or expect you to pay them; for nothing but harassment and verbal abuse.

WON’T SAY ANYTHING:  I and others will just watch and wait for the inevitable; you do believe in the inevitable don’t you?

I SUGGEST YOU PAY THE HURRICANE SANDY POLICIES, SELL YOUR TRASH STOCKS, AND GO BELLY UP:  Yes I wrote the book on economic sustainability, you want me to fix communism?  F you and F off, never; I have to teach you stupid psychopath terrorists?  Yeah okay.  2014 will be your end, turn yourself in and have every document requested, not even one mission.  I can see it now, your end soon.  Yes does fast talk, stalk us, con me, blame me, make my life hell, and stick me with the bill or F with every aspect of my life; do that some more.  Just admit you are an asshole and not a hero, it’s not public good or your money; freeloaders.

WATCH OUT FOR THE SMOOTH TALKING CON MAN AND TOTAL LOSERS WHO WILL TRY TO STICK YOU WILL THE BILL AND THEN TRY TO BLAME YOU OR PRESSURE YOU INTO DOING THINGS TOTALLY CRAZY! I GOT BURNED BY THEM MANY TIMES, MANY. PAYBACK TIME! THEY ARE TOTALLY CORRUPT AND PHONIES, BOTH REPUBLICAN AND DEMOCRATS, A RACKETEERING PLOT:  So you got busted?  Had enough yet?  It’s hurricane season, right?  Oh, stick me with the bill and try to get me to do things or be part of this racketeering and protection plot, a terror plot?  You will fire me or increase the harassment and risk; even at work?  Follow me and stalk me, in my own home?  Yes, invade my home, sue me, wreck up my car, and then follow me around in Florida?  Oh, still trying to fast talk me and stick me with the bill or blame me so I get fired?  What next?  Yeah I did not F’in sign up for this and look at my military record; now in the open for debate.  Do lie and try to stick me again.  Yes do stalk me and come close, its hurricane season and I feel very strong right now.  Do you?  I am really happy, are you?  Do lie your way out; assholes.  I am owed 2 billion in damages and you are causing at least 100 billion of damages in the public good.  Keep corrupting the process and the system, and then twist our arms and life into submission.  I hope we can torture you ass every waking second of your life, until you die or go to jail for this.

TRYING TO BLAME, CORRUPT, AND STICK ME WITH THE BILL:  Yes we know what this racketeering and terror plot is all about.  We know what all the car problems, literally overnight chaos are about.  We know what the workplace harassment and corruption; pressure tactics is all about. We know what the false arrests, traffic tickets, false accusations, and the protection racket is all about.  We know all this smooth talking and trickery is aimed at sticking us with the bill or getting us fired!  Well guess what… you are an official wandering freeloader pissing us off to new levels and we will have our vengeance!  Yes, expect freedom and liberty out of this.


EXPECT FREEDOM AND SOMETHING GOOD TO HAPPEN?  For people so messed up and guilty, you run your mouth and harass me almost every single day for over twenty years and now you expect freedom and forgiveness?  Two billion in damages is no joke but what is a joke is your religion, birth rate, poverty, education, and power.  What good or freedoms do you expect to happen in 2014, your end?  Now what happened to the Army of the damned, fixed now and behind us?  Oh Democrats and Republican debt?  You truly think you run this world or this show to victory?  Really?

I THINK IT IS HURRICANE SEASON:  Do you want to run your mouth or test it again and again?  You still do not know your place or do not want to pay the damages because your religion, birth rate, and education are so backwards and messed up?  Worse you don’t know your place or still get it?  You said repeatedly how guilty you are, what you have done, and how you want war; done yet?  What a phony and a nutcase.  The question is can you leave people alone and respect their rights or do you need lethal force to push you back and hold you down?  Bitch MF you are lucky, very lucky we are decent people; if it was war, then words are empty.  Shut up, pay up, and go away and live with your regrets.

SHUT UP AND KNOW YOUR PLACE:  For someone who is such a trouble maker, such a phony and corrupt human species, and someone who keeps saying how “done” they are; you all just cannot shut up, go away, or are of any help.  If you are done, then shut up and go away; just die.

MESSED UP PEOPLE WHO CANNOT GET THEIR SHIT TOGETHER:  The more we get rid of you, the richer we get and stronger.  You are not the stronger of the two.  The more you get rid of us, the weaker we get and soon we will be agreeing with you.  You will pile on more debt and increase the supply of money while your worthless life drags us to the end.  As I said, nothing good has ever come from you all except debts and crime.  We have a hell of a time living our life or prosecuting you, pay the damages?  Furthermore, giving me the stigma and then forgiving me, a mirror image of your total mess and imperfection, is so false.  It is not the answer is it?  Someone did this and that someone is behind all of this.

REPUBLICAN OR DEMOCRAT:  We will not allow this jackass and enemies to get the upper hand or win this.  If they want to test it again; and again, then let’s prepare for war and let’s not hide and sneak around in the dark.  You all will not get away with this but you have not given up and keep saying you are done.  Well, shut up and go away we are not going to let you win this or destroy anything else.

NOTHING GOOD EVER CAME FROM THEM AND IF WE FIND THEM IN OUR RANKS:  They know the routine, especially by now.  If we find them in our ranks, there will be retaliation.  They can’t do this and mess up everybody, now America is doomed; and expect to survive no less blame others.  This blame game and their horrible personality will face everything we can possibly throw at them.  If we can throw an earthquake in their face, then we will.  Catching them and demanding damages is one thing; finding them in our ranks is a whole other problem.  You need to pay the damages and stop dragging your feet or trying to fast talk everyone; you admit there are massive damages don't you?  You call yourself a religion or even a human being?  Nothing good ever came from these people, why keep wasting our time or messing up our life and mission?

STAY OR GO, OR STAY ON THE RUN:  Everybody knows you are a total mess and a trouble maker.  However, I must ask; why do you want to stay in America or come to America if your attitude and life is so terrible?  We know you are going to be poor and everybody knows you are a criminal or communist.  Why stay?  Your police sucks.  We are kicking you out of the military.  We have found a way to stop your political vehicle and nit-picking.  We not only know how to expose you but we have the ability to stop you and dispose of you.  Your authority was nothing more than creepy lies and scams.  Why do you want to stay and play this game or mess our game up?  Well, pay the damages and shut up; then go away or stay out of the way; asshole.  You still owe damages you fake and a freeloader!  So confident and always tripping people up, aren't you?

NOTHING GOOD HAS EVER COME FROM THE SOUTHERN BAPTISTS:  the more I find out about them or learn, the less I like them:

  1. Low academics.
  2. Low achievers.
  3. Anti-business.
  4. Anti-foreign trade.
  5. High birth rates and low income or grades.
  6. Anti-military or kicked out due to personality disorders.
  7. Nit picky and corrupt, a highly confident idiot.
  8. Always needing charity but never of any help.
  9. Think they are the police or superior.
  10. Religion is a total mess.
  11. Hostile and known to be communists.
  12. Think they are special or important, superior.
  13. Always picking a fight or harassing others; can’t do anything right.

Shall I go on?

NOTHING GOOD HAS EVER COME FROM THE 1960s CROWD:  it comes down to economic sustainability; all that customer service skills will never make up for the stupidity or mistakes, never.  All that BS and political deception and bullying will lead to an emergency and the real deal; and what them or what will happen when the real deal and emergency arrives?  How about all the harassment, intimidation, stupidity, bullying, and BS to get here; is that rust bucket of a vehicle going to make it or do we also have to fix it for them?

  1. Rust bucket
  2. Hate new cars
  3. Can’t afford
  4. Want others to fix and pay for gas
  5. Wants everybody to have a crappy car that is always broken or in trouble
  6. Thinks they are smarter
  7. Unreliable and not a good buy
  8. Endless depreciation
  9. Endless BS or wild goose chases has the equipment, system, people, and everything is broken or empty now
  10. Nothing good ever came from their politics or deception


OH YEAH WE NEED LABOR UNIONS OR THEIR LEADERS AND THEY ARE ONLY TRYING TO MAKE OUR LIFE BETTER OR CREATE WORK:  Yes this has always been how much we need the future of communism and hidden union leaders who only want us to have a higher wage or work less hours.  Yes we need their communist politics and power because we do not have a voice or am paralyzed.  Yes, do not question Fox News or this secret power.  This has always been about a partnership and how much we need them or how they are looking for a job or our business.  This is how the worst of the worst came into our life and why we had to work so hard for nothing.  Why am I up all night and working for nothing?  It’s them trying to prove their worth by creating work or a total disaster.  Keep setting me up and ambushing me; I need them in my life and they are my hope.  Keep digging asshole, you might find something; if anything.

KEEP CALLING IN AT THE END OF MY SHIFT AND KEEPING ME UP ALL NIGHT TO HARASS MY SHIFT:  How many times has it been now, fourth or fifth?  One or two calls all night and right at the wrong time; has to be them trying to make people hungry or scared of their stupid shit.  Again, they get poorer and poorer the more they try.  Do keep trying to talk to me or keep me up all night so I am too tired.  They did this in DC-VA also.  I see, you manage our business and can cause a lot of problems?  You are trying to create business and work, thus you want to talk or keep trying.

SOMEONE CALL SECURITY AND GET THIS ASSHOLE OUT OF MY OFFICE, MY LIFE, OUT OF MY FACE, OUT OF MY MISSION, AND OUT OF EVERY ASPECT OF WHAT IS RIGHTFULLY MINE:  It is funny if we could hurricane them or if someone had their finger on the nuclear button each time they opened their mouth or tried something.  There is the easy way.  There is the nice way.  Then there is here and now.  Nothing works.  I hope the earthquake method works or the hurricane method, we will see shortly.  Yes do kiss my MF ass on your way out.  Do give me lip service or bring out the worst in all of us.  Ha who is shaking in their boots and wet their pants?  Step over that line again and get another shock.  Man how many times do I have to repeat myself, get this piece of shit and traitor out of my life and put them in their place, gosh.  I am not going to have another breakdown or anger fit about this.

TELL MORE LIES AND GET ME IN MORE TROUBLE:  The truth is you are getting poorer and I am getting richer.  No matter what you do or say, it really has no impact and your scare tactics do not measure.  You are the sucker and you are truly a total mess, so inferior you have to hide and lie about this.  In the end, I will be rich and you will be what I describe you as.  In the end, you will pay in so many ways you still have no understanding of your life or ours.  It does not matter what you do or say, I will grow richer and you will grow poor or die.  So kiss my MF ass and go home the loser you are, pissed off and fed up with this world you call yours.  That is how pathetic and asinine you really are.  Don't forget, you are going nowhere unless we say so and approve; keep trying and making this worse, far to worse to survive now.

MADE THE PROBLEM WORSE AND GOT EARTH QUAKED:  Again, just shut up and go away.  You are the problem.  You are totally disorganized and indecisive.  You are both an idiot and a total asshole practicing how to be a victim.  So by make this worse, you got a hurricane stuck up your ass.  Now live with it as we have to live with your constant harassment and attempts, asshole.  You will probably make this worse and worse, more to come; watch.  I would stick that hurricane up your ass and repeat it until criminal charges on your stick.  You made this worse and so bad we almost perished under your gutless and guilty life.  Just go away and get that hurricane prick out of your ass when you are ready.

THIS IS ABOUT FOREIGN MONEY:  Obviously, it used to be European money and this American hospitality (traitors).  Now it is about secret foreign money that links them to terror plots, drug wars, and guilty as sin criminal behavior.  Wonderful people we have trying to pull this off and act like a damsel in distress or authorities stalker judging us.  You are a total mess and a SOB traitor, how can you judge anybody?  You are so inferior and stupid, it is impossible not to hate your F’in guts and declare war on your criminal life.  Do that and go home asshole.  Yes you know trouble is coming your way and you want to die and be a total ass in our blessed life.  The problem is you cannot do anything right and you are just so inferior and stupid; it feels good to hate you.  You need much more than to be sued for being such a mess, such an asshole, and creating so much disorganization; asshole.  It feels very blessed to watch you in pain and under the duress of forces you have no control or power over.

YOU CREATED THE SITUATION AND YOU ARE THE LOUSY SOB WHO NEEDS TO PAY FOR ALL THIS MESS:  Okay listen up you lousy SOB and stop trying to play off the damsel in distress or constantly bothering us or trying to get us in trouble with your lousy stupid life.  You are the problem.  You are the failure.  You created this mess.  You cannot see yourself and force yourself on others.  You are the one who damaged your own life and tried to damage ours.  You are the SOB who is behind this and constantly watching us looking for a way to harass or make our life hell.  So if there is any hell to pay, you are the one who must bleed nobody else.  Your politics suck.  I made it clear to these leaders they are accountable for your actions and opening the door for you to do this. If needed, they should round you up and throw your lousy ass in the ocean.  Nobody cares about your power or your crappy money.  If war is to come or even putting you in your place, it is clear what you are trying to do and what all this retaliation is about.  You created this mess and you created the problems in our life; when you learn to accept this, then maybe you will finally go away and we can dispose of you properly. Again, I have made it crystal clear who is in the line of fire and why; but the SOB who created this mess or this problem; continues to try and pull off this charade about how they are damsels in distress, we are oppressing them, we are giving them a hard time, we are violating their civil rights, and we are bothering them.  Your actions and your karma is being addressed right now; yet the damages remain unpaid and the disaster you created has not been repaid or cleaned up; what a MF SOB who deserves everything they get, everything.  Oddly, you are the weakest and the most annoying in the room; just go away.

THEIR POWER CANNOT BE QUESTIONED?  This traitor and enemy does not get it and is very inadequate and weak.  Obviously, they are all Democrats and they feel their power is urgent or important.  If they want war in less than 365 days, we can deliver it to their doorstep.  If they want war in less than 90 days, than just say so and shut the filthy traitor ass mouse-mouth about how important and how powerful they think they are.  I have never experienced such an idiot disaster in my life.  They are so inferior you cannot help but to hate their F’in guts; how do you shut this traitor up, make them go away, and stop them?  Continue to break things in my life and your sorry sick ass will break like a pliable wet piece of bread.  It must be their money talking?

THEIR POWER AND CORRUPTION CANNOT BE CONTESTED:  According to O’Reilly and the minions at Fox News, their power is most important and cannot be questioned.  Regardless of how gutless, how guilty, and how corrupt they are; they are well intended.  Meanwhile, my youthful indiscretions; things I mistakenly did while under the age of 18; cannot be erased or forgotten, even if they were behind it or the corrupting influence.  Remember, they are well intended and their guilt and gutless behavior cannot be questioned.  My career as a child cannot be forgiven or forgotten. I have never seen a real traitor and a real communist before in my life, now I have seen everything.  How do you shut this traitor up, kick them out, and stop them?  Does it require war and if so, are they only gutless or have any merit we do not know or have seen yet?  Is this a human being on the other end and if not then what is it?

YOU ARE TO CEASE BREAKING THINGS IN MY LIFE:  Break or damage more of my life or things in my life and you will face the ultimate force this planet has to offer; also the pain that goes along with your gutless and ruthless mess of a life; F’in losers. You are one decrepit human creature whom has squirmed or found a way to slither into our lives.  

SO INFERIOR AND SO STUPID, WE CANNOT HELP BUT TO HATE THEM:  If you all were not so inferior, not so messed up and imperfect, and such an enemy idiot; we would not be here or this upset.  However, there are damages owed and as soon as the infiltration of the Democratic Party into the Republican one can be addressed properly, we will continue to be under siege or in the line of fire; harms way.  I am beefing up our forces and I have sent an urgent memo to begin a new draft and a new mission.  Also, had you not threatened my satellite warfare program or invaded America with all of this sickness and disease, we could contain it and begin to properly dispose or verify your traitor life and enemy existence.  But of course we know the hard way and the path of extreme resistance will be necessary along with the full power and force of the law.  Why all the evidence suggest the Republicans are guilty and the problem remains a mystery.  We know it is the handy-work of the poor and the decrepit zombies; another breed of humans we always run up against and call into question; but living their life while they try to live ours is a total miscreant circus.  Someone is liable for all this recklessness and malpractice yet the corruption levels are immense, so are the terrorism and communism levels.  I guess the enemy has arrived and so has God and his forces; prepared for the ultimate clash on earth.  If you weren't such a jackass and ignoramus, we would not be here right now, agreeing?  We also know they are the communists, hardcore ones; on a scale of 1 to 10, a full 10.  I call them killers or terrorists with the intent on injuring and harming others, enemy predators. 

POWER, INFLUENCE, CRIMINAL RECORD, FALSE ARREST, HOSTAGE TAKING, HARASSMENT, TOP SECRET CLEARANCE OBSTRUCTION AND MEDDLING, AND CREATING A TOTAL MESS OR DISASTER:  Fox News (O’reilly) claimed these attacks were the result of a few elements.  First is their power and influence.  Second is the fact they claimed I had a Juvenile Delinquent high school career which entailed close links to blacks and the mafia.  This had nothing to do with them or what they did.  Meanwhile, we took down or led the charge to take down the mafia and the blacks.  If what they claim is true, then they discounted and removed everything they did the past five years from 2008 to 2013; that alone will get them the death penalty.  However, they only want to run this racketeering plot and have the FBI on my ass about how I have an arrest or criminal career, which is completely untrue.  Therefore, Fox News along with the original leaders of this racketeering and hostage taking plot appear to be running a middle man corruption scam to doctor false arrest records or erase them.  They also claim it is their power speaking and we are only a small dot in their world.  This is why they refuse to pay the two billion in damages.  Keep in mind the drug wars are the centerpiece of the politics of the blacks and the mafia; why Fox News is on top of that leadership or disaster is still a mystery but we knew they were behind the attacks and about to self destruct.  They are beyond guilty and trying to use this falsified record to harass, intimidate, and keep me under constant watch.  They claim it is some family or some criminal power of theirs.  I am under their total control.  If that is the case, we can trace the first attacks and reports of it back to 1988 and 1989 when the police were notified.  They are targeting a high school kid in his most vulnerable career years.  My dossier is now up against their dirty tricks.  My real record and now my real life has exposed all of their lies and who was behind it or why. 


LOOK HOW WEAK, HOW STUPID, HOW CRIMINAL, HOW DISGRUNTLED, AND HOW POOR THEY ARE:  It still befuddles me how you minions still do not know your place.  Look at the entire staff of Fox News; even today they see themselves as equals and feel we share life with them, even this mission.  As phony as they are and as guilty, they still do not know their place; I don’t understand their ignorant malfunction.  Furthermore, they act as if they got the Nobel Peace Prize.  If they get anymore phony maybe I will throw up.  You people owe two billion, not sure if the police will take you down first; however, you will have to pay up eventually but before then; we have to put up and tolerate this insanity and total guilt by some idiot who is a total mess, whose politics is completely nuts; and still does not know their place even if they are weak, stupid, criminal, disgruntled, and a poor angry Marxist living in our world.  You live in my mission and my satellite warfare program fool, wake up you ass!  Do keep attacking us and spitting out stupid chants such as “they are not our friends” or “we are at war.”  You people are an ass and you will always be a lesser, know your place angry water boy!  Yes your power, your politics, suffering, and your ignorant stupid tricks.  We caught you F'er now we can do whatever we want until you turn yourself in or surrender.

ALWAYS SETTING US UP FOR FAILURE?  Just like the drug wars or the what we describe, a ghost did all this.  We worked really hard to win this, give us a break and give me what is mine; two billion in damages and my good life back!  Asshole!

NEARLY PERFECT!  WORKED REALLY HARD TO GET HERE, HOW ABOUT TWO BILLION IN DAMAGES?  Constant belittlement.  Unprofessional treatment.  Constant harassment and intimidation. Hostile environment.  Workplace violence.  One safety violation after the next. Pathological lying. Escape and evasion.  Constant spying or robbery.  Constant intervention or meddling.  Hell to pay every time we win, succeed, or are the top producer.  Never satisfied and won’t leave us alone.  Constantly trying to make us work for free.  Not doing the right thing or weak on crime.  Shall I keep on going?  Should I repeat everything I have said?  We worked hard to get here, how about get the F out of our life and get the F off our back?   How about putting an end to the lip service or trying to get us in trouble?  Now they want to double down and prevent us from winning a damage claim.  How about paying damages or allowing us to file a claim against this enemy and traitor? Constantly trying to argue with us or claim victory.  Constantly forcing us into awkward, uncomfortable or traps.  Who is going to pay for this, another scapegoat or set up?  A diversion?  Oh more of them than us now?  It is “their” money?  When is someone going to take them out?  How about the damage claims, where is justice for us?  Oh just money? 

ABOUT THEIR DEBATE SKILLS:  Exactly.  How about that worthless education or boneless theories?  Yes it is all money and greed.  No, nobody dare challenge them.  The evidence says it all but they hide and try to avoid anything truthful.  Again, the evidence indicates who and what they truly are.  I think the moment of truth will be 2014; yes we are unraveling right before them and will end up kneeling before their power; oh yeah. 

CHANGED THE RULES OF NUCLEAR WARFARE STRATEGY:  Enough about their education and legal skills, if they want to have a real debate and have something important and honest to say, then don’t have this lopsided and jackass debate about how clear their thinking has been on war and nuclear strategy; you would think they could shut up or go away, right?  How about that common sense when people just do not want to deal with them or want them near?  Do they have any common sense? 

WHO WANTS TO HIRE THEM?  Considering how they are and what we know about them, who would hire them given that someone or some entity out there will eventually come up with a way to dispose of them or take them down?  If not hurricane and earthquake anger management classes, then you have to ask who is this stupid.  Are they sitting there waiting for someone to come along and get to the bottom of this or get it right?

CANNOT CURE STUPID:  We can talk about them or they can try to talk to us; however, who can cure stupid?  We know how they are and how ignorant, who wants to put themselves through the same ordeal or danger?  Who would hire anybody who is a certified traitor?  How about their immigration story or problems?  Yes, minorities cure stupid, sure.


TRYING TO CREATE ENOUGH STRESS AND CHAOS (AMBUSHES) SO OUR LIFE UNRAVELS AND WE FALL IN LOVE WITH A DEGENERATE DIRTBAG SCUM:  The evidence is right there.  The Limbaugh-Fox spy ring was up to no good and trouble.  However, we actually gained in momentum as they were exposed and we gained in power also.  But they played the waiting game and checked, rechecked, and double checked to see if the coast was clear or if anybody was watching.  This defection and effort to create a scum sucking serial killer Rambo failed miserably; but they still harass, ambush, irritate, annoy, and hang on for dear life.  We don’t love them or even give a damn but they suck up and try to kiss ass; part of their mirror reflection and outrageous commode existence.  I would say they are very stressed and unraveling like a ball of yarn or a village donkey idiot.  The makeup and camouflage is coming off and so are the gloves.  What is all this stress and chaos, ambushes and attacks all about?  It is more than just the bad guys involved in this underground racketeering and terror plot.  Two billion is what they owe when they are caught and cornered.

A DEGENERATE IS ALL YOU WILL END UP AS OR WILL EVER BE:  End of story.  Yes do tell us about your immigration story or your plight, yes do that.

GOING TO BE WAR OR SOME KIND OF AN END IN 2014:  I predict it will come to an end in 2014 and if someone does invent hurricane or even earthquake technology; we will finally be able to dispose of your reckless and obnoxious commode of a life.  We are not there yet but we will eventually figure out some way.  Everything you have done and the endless days of torture or endless chaos will come back to your miserable life.  Then the disability checks will stop and come to an end also.  Do rack up more debt and trouble with your ridiculous and totally messed up life of chaos and phony.

13 HOURS OF CHAOS A DAY:  So you enjoy and like to subject me to endless chaos and torture while you try to communicate, get in touch with us, or buy our kindness and freedoms.  One day someone will know how to get rid of you and when they do; the chaos and endless days of torture will be on you; again and again.  Be wary someone is watching, taking notes, judging you, and there will be a Judgment Day.  You are not and will not be forgiven, never.

YOU LATINOS SUCK:  No wonder all of you are in the same boat as this degenerate and drug infested commode you call your life disaster.  It has to come to an end eventually and it can only get worse for you.  All I have to say is you Puerto Ricans and Cubans suck. Don’t pull your crap on me either; everybody is now hiding their money from you all.  So you want to intimidate and harass me; even torture me for 13 hours a day.  Yes, do trigger my PTSD and try to create a web of lies and trap door we cannot get out of; it will fail and you will find a new world when this happens.  Stay the poor ass you truly are; a dwarf among giants.

TIME TO HIDE OUR MONEY: Yes you know I am talented and you want some of that or what that talent has to bring, admit what this is about. We have to hide our money and if we ever slip up or make a mistake, you are there to capitalize or punish us; it is some kind of a game. Remember, one day someone will figure out a way to wash you away and put and end to this ridiculous and chaos you subject us through, a form of harassment, intimidation, and torture.  Remember, your disposal is arriving very shortly; someone will figure out how to and we will be there when it arrives.  Just go away and stop tempting your own fate.  Someone will figure out a way to shut you up and make you go away; eventually, watch and see.  Somebody will take your goof ass out, eventually.  Do make my life hell and watch me endlessly or put me through your messed up life and chaos.  Guilty and gutless; what an idiot you turned out to truly be; power and prestige right? 

DECIDE IF YOU ARE STAYING OR GOING:  Yeah even the Republicans are the problem; stay or go?  Yes they are very confused and a total mess.


DO NOT EXPECT VERY MUCH FROM THEM:  Here is a list of who and what they are doing and how they like to harass us.  1.  Will get you lost or feed you false and misleading information, deception.  2.  Will blame you or try to blame others.  3.  Will make you look bad or feel like a criminal, who and what they are.  4.  Will always interfere and obstruct, get in the way.  5.  Will argue and deny you peace and quiet, verbal accosting.  6.  Feel they have an open mind and others are too ignorant and impatient.  7.  Will repeat your work, a “do on to others” mindset.  8.  Will constantly try to piss you off 24-7 and around the clock, anyway and how they can.   9.  Are needy but are constantly saying they need others, a total mess and a human disaster.  10.  Will never know their place and take freedom to their death.  This is a traitor and communist reject who is a pathological liar who lives inside a web of lies and deception; dependency.

STILL HAVE NOT LEARNED THEIR LESSON:  As I said, we are in our 30th year of this and this SOB traitor still has not learned their lesson, why?  They do not know their place.  They do not know when to stop.  They do not know danger.  They do not know who they are.  They do not know what exactly they have done to evade capture or prosecution.  They are constantly lying and using deception or harassment to achieve what they want; a pathological liar.

ALWAYS DOING EVIL STUFF BEHIND PEOPLE’S BACK:  As I said, they do not know their place and they want to die.  They would have to be totally insane to challenge any of this or go before a judge and argue the charges against them or the evidence.  This idea they are dying and turning into Nazi killers is real; now describe it because we caught them and have trapped this little bitch and witch.

DEAR FOX NEWS AND THE LIMBAUGH ARMY OF THE DAMNED:  Know your place bitch and next time you think you can spy on me, just remember God call you a little turd who wandered into our tiny little mission.  You are so guilty and everybody knows this, just pay up while you have a chance. So what exactly are you up to and how did it get this way?  Any ideas?  Ann Coulter right?  If you know your place, then you would be on your knees and crawling right now, agree?

DON’T KNOW THEIR PLACE IN LIFE OR POLITICS:  That is what I heard the American Indians said about your F’in village donkey ass.  What does everybody think about you know?  Born poor and living trash but we have to wage war just to sue you or throw your ass out of our life, business, military mission, and private life.  Even the American Indians are doing better than your sorry ass; and I admire them for showing you the end of the line.

WHAT A SHITHEAD OF A PROBLEM WE HAVE NOW:  Yes, do open the door for them.  Yes, do give them more ammunition and talking points.  Yes, do let them walk right into our life or prance around America.  Yes, do give access to their political leaders and keep your mouth shut or the blinders on.  Yes, do pretend as if you are liked and had nothing to do with it.  What a God-D@#$ MF problem we have and what extremes we have to seek to clean up their failure and total mess.  It is your DNA, has to be; a shithead.  Yes, just let them do this and give them whatever they want or need; then use it on us and claim we are them; do that again.  I am glad you shitheads have been drafted and will fight our wars; either now or later, takes your pick.  As far as kissing your ass; hey, hold a mirror up and look at yourself.  Nazi killers, what a F’in joke.

YOUR WHITE, BLACK, LABOR UNION, TEAMSTER, OR MAFIA ASS:  You F with one more thing of mine; computer speakers, shoes, computer motherboards, CPU fans, food, job, finances and purse strings, properties, credit report, military career, and most especially my car; one more thing you village F’in donkey (Dave, Ray, Mr. New Jersey, Mr. Oklahoma, or some other disgruntled Vietnam idiot); I swear I will see to it you are thrown out on the streets by Christmas.  You communists owe me 2 billion already so if you even mumble or open your F’in mouth in my presence and company again; test it.  See if we do throw your sorry ass out by Christmas or not along with your political protection and leadership.  I am fed up and sick with your labor union-KKK act, even if you are the communist and some freeloader.  The line is in the sand and I have already made it clear that 2014 is your downfall and end.  Spying on me 24 hours and stalking me through life has caused your head to explode; but I guess pain is your name and being a total asshole is your game.  Sneak up on me again and a tsunami will arrive at your doorstep by midnight.  I really don’t care if your white or black ass is starving, you are better off dead.  Yes do take my deposit on the rentals and do have me file another lawsuit on your landlord turned felon on the lamb ass.  Do mumble all day and portray yourself as the people behind all this when we had already caught your leaders and ripped their clothes to shreds; add more on it for an encore.  Even better, portray yourself as Republicans and admirers.  Do it you MF I want closure to this and I want my damage claim of two billion before you die.  

TRYING TO TURN INTO NAZI KILLERS:  Let’s admit the obvious.  You all were busted for trying to be and become bigger Nazi killers and it can only get worse.  Your orphan program or this adoption program is not wanted and we cannot trust this village F’in donkey who is reckless, irresponsible, a loose cannon, a liar, and always scamming people into doing things they do not want or need to.  You were also busted for trying to control the purse strings, all this debt, in both my family and otherwise. 

A HARD-ON THAT WON’T GO AWAY, WHAT THEY ARE LIKE IN PRIVATE:  We know what you are up to and why you choose crime and communism.  We know what they are like when it comes to espionage, terrorism, crime, drugs, mind games, mind control, and even sex.  Now the real test is here.  We know how they claim we are mentally ill, criminals, and even not telling the truth; all of us are fake and liars.  However, the test of their sneaky honesty is here now.

YOU MEAN YOU ARE NOT GOING TO HELP US WIN THIS?  But you fixed it… But it was only a mistake… But you do not know what to do… But it is alright now… But you have stopped… But you are too poor and have no money to fix your insane and totally crazy religion… But you look like a trash broker and you think we buy and sell trash also… But you keep trying to scam people into helping you, buying something, or raid their bank account and finances… But nobody likes you and nobody wants to ever help you… But you turned our military and police force into a circus and that is only because you shoved your way into our life… But you are too stupid and too poor to fix your own life, yet you remain at the bottom of the totem pole and are angry and upset… But you don’t get it, nobody wants to work for free and nobody wants to work for you, especially when you refuse to pay… You expect people to do things for you, even for free; when they know you are a thief and a communist… Your expectations of others are totally insane, a complete idiot and abusive about it…  You think you know what love is or how to love… But you expect people to work for $4 to help you and you owe so much debt, when have we ever agreed with the labor unions or the Democrats?  But you assholes will not leave or go away and you are so guilty and ignorant.  But people are still wondering who this mystery terrorist is and why you are doing this to us and the nation?

YES, PLEASE TELL ME ABOUT MY CRIMES AND MENTAL ILLNESS; THEN TELL ME WHY THEY NEED US TO TEACH THEM WHAT RIGHT FROM WRONG IS WHEN THEY ARE A TOTAL MESS, IN HEAVY DEBT, STUPID AS HELL, AND FEEL ALL IS FORGIVEN?  Yes, they can tell what right from wrong is and have such an open mind, hence, this situation now.  Please tell us about their church and history also.  All has been forgiven and they know right from wrong to be the authority or barking orders 24-7.  Where is my two billion and are any of them responsible enough to pay it before debt overcomes their miserable life?  What next their political power or us being their prisoner?

WHO EXACTLY IS THE PROBLEM OR IS IT AN IMPLICIT WORLD OF BEING FORGIVEN?  Oh they are now forgiven?  Yes what next my military mission?  Yes do make my life more complicated and a total mess, help yourself!

IS THE DECLINE OF AMERICA THE RESULT OF IMMIGRATION OR INDIGENOUS PEOPLE?  It depends on who you ask?  Get a life you loser and understand you can’t tell right from wrong. 

IS THE DECLINE OF FLORIDA THE RESULT OF THE EASTERN LIBERALS AND PEOPLE WHO ARE A TOTAL MESS AND THINK THEY ARE NUMBER ONE?  I say yes, who is saying no?  Go ahead, make my life more complicated and a total mess, help yourself!

IS THE DECLINE OF AMERICA THE RESULT OF NEW YORKERS?  Are they escaping genocide and terrorism; or spreading it?  Yes do make my life more complicated and a total mess, help yourself!

NEED BACKUP AND NEED THEM COMPLETELY GONE BY 2014, WHERE IS MY MONEY AND FUNDS?  I am so fed up with this problem and these people; a deadline must be made and kept.  I need backup and I need this matter resolved; this is two billion in damages for their mistakes, errors, evil, crimes, and much more by 2014; no more on this.  Either we are done or this comes to an end, one way or the other.  If you have to throw them into the ocean, then do so.  I need this total mess resolved by 2014, not a continuation.  Either throw them into the ocean or throw them out of office, we know their number now.  Why were they or are they engaging me in my own military mission?  We need an end to this and maximization, otherwise I will never be able to file a damage claim and collect what is well owed already.  They just take their time and stall; or chip away.  They also claim to be victims.  They claim it is genocide.  They claim they are not guilty and do not deserve any wrath, we do.  They also claim to be the police, which is a total lie we can establish a verification method.  They are not authenticated or verified, a total mess.  They are using these wars and violence to have us talk for them and repeat their demands.

DO NOT HAVE ENOUGH MONEY TO FIX THEIR LIFE OR THEIR CAR:  Let me guess, this is almost like military duty or public service.  You expect people to work on your car or expensive car, you do not have the money to fix it or otherwise, it is a mess and you need someone to work on your car for $4 an hour even if the mechanics make $80 to $120 an hour, and you are entitled to service.  Yes and what else can you coax us into or how low can you coax followers to work for you since you are a total left wing nut and a total mess?  Yes it is a draft and you did it; so you expect us to now.  You are too poor to fix all your problems, need followers, and have bad karma or feel you are on top of the totem pole?  Well, we know it get’s nowhere and all of you are losing your future and even homes.  We also know it is a web of lies, you are not Republicans as you claim, you are not the “police” who made it a crime to turn you down or say “no”; what next?  You want to negotiate and it was only a mistake?  We have to sue you?  2014 will be your ending and you should not have taken your damn time to step up to the plate or throw all of this on us until it stuck or you had another follower.  We know you don’t care and we know you are a total mess; born into a world where you have a web of lies, a new life and are looking for followers and power.  Watching you all suffer will be worth all the evil and robbery you have taken from our life already.  You will try it again and will dress up as Republicans so people work for $4 an hour because you are handicap or cannot fix your own problems, won’t you loser?  Yes entitled to it also.  It was all a dream or a mistake, yes it was.  You live in a dream world and we ruin it, don’t we?  The lowest IQ and the lowest on the totem pole, Republicans right? Corrupt right?  Your politics and home, what a real joke now!

TOOK EVERYTHING THEY HAD, ROBBED THEM OF THEIR FUTURE, HELD A MIRROR UP TO THEIR LIFE, CAN’T ESCAPE THEIR OWN LIFE PROBLEMS:  The only people you are running from or trying to escape, is you?  Who is you?  Who “was” I?  Might as well go home because the real problem is the inability to escape each other and their own problems, their life is a total mess.  Nothing is perfect and everything is out of place because they lack the intelligence to leave others alone.  Yet they have to participate and put their grimy hands on everything and everybody.  As guilty as they are, how can they say they do not deserve it or are victims?  How?  Even a judge would say they are just playing a mind game with the workd and spinning words to suit their web of lies.  Everything they touch, leads to total disaster, everything; don’t let them touch anything and make sure they are out of the way, and stay out of the way.

NOT A PROBLEM, YOU ARE, AND ATTACK THEIR OFFICE:  You know this “shoot em if you got them” problem with this crazed political enemy is getting nowhere and the will to get rid of them has been met.  However, the psycho here is obvious and so is the idiot. About attacking the offices related or being transformed into offices for satellite warfare or hurricane and earthquake duty; I’m getting really tired of saying the same thing.  I said fix my top secret clearance and record; not shoot up another office.  I also said the line is in the sand, not attack me or attack someone else.  You communists are crazy and if we find any of you in public service, there will be trouble.  As far as your incorrigible political rampage, the will to get rid of you is met and it is far beyond the will to get rid of us; let’s test it.  It’s hurricane season, have a nice day.  What an asshole and complete degenerate.

REALLY MESSED UP AND TOTALLY CRAZY:  What it sounds like is someone who is totally messed up, a failure, full of piss and vinegar, really poor or stupid, is a complete idiot, has a major personality problem, and is trying really hard to either trap us or get us tangled up in their web of deception and life of crime.  It sounds like they cannot take no for an answer and is seeking for a prisoner of their politics and lies.  They are argumentative, they are pathological liars, they are not verified or off the hook, and they don’t seem to be able to keep their insanity and problems to themselves.  They also want to share the pain but when it comes to their arrest and prosecution; sharing info and being transparent is a big empty lot.  This is a complete idiot and menace, a total mess impressed on our life and we hate their guts.  Yet they worry and want us to worry as well.  They are now actually modeling their life after us; after what they did or tried to do!

FAILURE TO NOTIFY THE FBI OR CONTACT THE PROPER CHANNELS:  As the evidence clearly indicates, they know more than they claim or are saying.  It is hard when there is no records of how guilty they are; isn't it?  Not caring and a reckless liability to notify the proper channel or the proper people is very serious.

FAILURE TO NOTIFY THE FBI OR CONTACT THE PROPER CHANNELS:  As the evidence clearly indicates, they know more than they claim or are saying.  It is hard when there is no records of how guilty they are; isn't it?  Not caring and a reckless liability to notify the proper channel or the proper people is very serious.

WHAT DOES IT MATTER IF THE OFFICE OF HURRICANE AND EARTHQUAKES DOES EXIST?  Think about it, Rush Limbaugh in 2006 said extraterrestrial aliens, some other country, or even the Pentagon; had a “hurricane steering mechanism.”  Well how the hell does he know?  Did he see aliens do this?  How does he know it was not God himself, God is angry with them?  Clearly, it is some form of a wrath if not bad karma; but what does it matter if it comes down to whether or not they deserve it? 

WHAT WAS NUCLEAR WAR INVENTED FOR AND WHAT IS THE ROLE OF THE MILITARY AND LAW ENFORCEMENT?  List to their legal arguments and how they portray each other.  It feels like two planets and their intelligence is not very prompt, accurate, or commendable.  The use of self defense against whom and for what?  Attacked with brutality?  It is not as if we were born yesterday or reborn last night.  They claim they were just minding their own business or standing there and all the sudden, this fell in their lap; we did not tell the whole story and it is not the truth or the full story, then what is?  Who exactly are we dealing with and why are they sounding like communist spies or even knee jerk liberals who are protesting military options and action? 

PURSUING THEM, VIOLENCE AGAINST THEM, INDISCRIMINATE VIOLENCE, ALLEY-WAY OR BACKROOM NUCLEAR WAR, AND ATTACKED WITHOUT ANY WARNING:  I heard Fox News and Rush Limbaugh’s legal arguments and I think they are peace activists or anti-military.  Nuclear weapons were invented for a reason and this is not some alley way scuffle or even a backroom nuclear strategy debate.  This is serious.  This is about being weak on crime.  This is about corruption and hiding, a traitor and an enemy on our shores.  This is about lies and penetrating our security; even infiltrating our ranks and misrepresenting each other.  Are they saying they deserve something or do not deserve to be treated so badly?  So we do?  This is about what they deserve and why; you can’t fake that.

CUSTOMER SERVICE AND WEAK ON CRIME:  Yes, everything we do is perfect except when it comes to how we treat them or the customer service they want and demand.  Do make this about respect when this idiot and total mess has no respect for anybody.  Do make this about being weak on crime.  Yes the FBI is trying to shoot you; this goes for every single police officer in America.  You are a special case.  You are special and deserve more.  You are powerful even if you are completely weak on crime.  You are a customer service expert and like to stump us or test our ability to handle your total mess and flaws.  Your IQ is so nice and so is being a total idiot and problem.  We can go on and on about how you want to die, do not know what to do, explain your weak on crime mind, why you hunt and kill, your similarities to a white trash niggers, etc… Yes do-do this to us and wait for hell to be unleashed while you peer around the corner or set up an ambush.  Do wait.  Enjoy the idiot cookies we left outside for you, have two of them if you wish.  Your days are done and so is your politics, reputation, trying to make us down to your levels, enrolling us in your F’in village donkey idiot customer service crackpipe hospitality, etc… The truth is hell will be unleashed on you all.  Just remember, you bring this world hell and have nothing to offer, nothing.

LABOR UNIONS, COMMUNISTS, AND BENEFIT CHECKS:  Oh let me guess, this is not about a zero tolerance on crime or how weak on crime this traitor and mole is.  Instead it is about money, specifically benefit checks and how irate and disgruntled they are as a result of the 1960s, draft, Vietnam, and their steep decline into hell. You bring this world hell.

CRAZED ASS VIETNAM VETS AND DISABLED LOSERS:  Boy you disgruntled Vet Cong Vets like to F with my car and electronic goods don’t you.  I know you are cutting my boots and still trying to “frag” us; so expect a big hurricane up your disabled ass.  As far as your sons and daughters, I see their poor ass is also looking for a free lunch and an Uncle Same check, loser.  All of you are good at being poor and F’in with us; so for that, hell will be unleashed on all of you eventually.  Yes do act like you are avoiding us and do not want trouble while you sneak around as my roommates or sharing our life.  You will be full of regrets for what you have done and tried; full of it.  Your ass is looking for trouble and still trying to find it.  Let me guess, it is your disabled hope?  Now we know what your disgruntled ass is trying.

KEEPING THEIR INSANITY TO THEMSELVES:  I think the people behind this are or have been stumped, it is about keeping our insanity to ourselves and why they are not able to keep their emotions, thoughts, hate, anger, and problems to themselves; exactly how much problems they have now or what all this crazy hiding and secrets is all about.  The reason why they are in this situation is because they do not want to live accordingly and weave a web of deception or try and pull people deeper into their insanity and totally flawed life.  Shutting them up is nearly impossible and they pull, drag, or entice people deeper into their insanity.  Mostly, they try to take advantage of human kindness and are looking for what is unstoppable.  It is now or never to decide if their total insane world will become the public good or if we can have a frank discussion about why or how they are guilty.  They need to learn how to keep their insanity and emotions to themselves rather than involve us or pull us down with them.

THERE IS GOING TO BE WAR:  If everybody would listen to what the anti-government forces are doing and saying, they claim they do not give a damn and are living with me-us, sharing our life; because they do not know what to do.  Most if not all of them are on welfare or uppity public disability.  They claim we do not care about their hope.  Here are the facts and the bare bones, no spin or junk they peddle.  Even if war is imminent, they fake the peace talks or the “exhausted the options.”  Do they look like monkeys or are they living-breathing monkey?  Tell us because the evidence is there in front of them.

  1. They have been drafted and will fight the final war on earth for us, the good, and America.  We will and have won this war.  They are regrouping and trying to find a new strategy.  Even if we nuked them, they claim they won’t ever give a damn or care.  Worse, they cannot change who they are but they do not know what to do and we need to bend to evil and conform to their demands.
  2. They don’t care.  They cut my shoes and are still doing this.  They are trying to hide this shoe obsession with bare soles; as some poor ass monkey who wants me to have shoe problems.
  3. Fragging or not giving a damn, as they claim; changes nothing.  It is senseless, futile, and will only hurt them.  They are going to fight the wars for the satellite warfare program and they will fight the wars for America; like it or not.  This media washout about how they will retaliate or won’t take this laying down; is part of their fiasco.  As I said, war is imminent until they give a damn or care.
  4. Ann did make a monkey out of an ass; however, keep in mind they don’t care or give a damn.  War is imminent.  The destructive reaction is already underway and it is beyond even our control; but hiding is how they plan to survive; no longer possible. You don’t make a monkey out of a monkey and an ass will always be who and what they are; totally flawed, totally angry, and insignificant to the final outcome.
  5. That is what it comes to, everybody is hurt because they do not give a damn, are too stupid, are too angry and irate, are too poor and too evil, etc… war is imminent.  Now who do we escalate this with?  God?  Their bosses?  The media?  Their employers?  Who?  FBI?  CIA?  Democrats?  Republicans?  

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My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.