I was a protege against my will. Hand chosen by Generals, they trace a few of them to the LBJ years and Vietnam. They just snatched us up and made us some prisoner. My fate was to marry Ann and she came to DC. I could not shake off the liberals and began dating the people who I was not able to shake off. I told Ann everything and what they were up to or looking for, not marriage, to spy on us. This was a set up and a flood of disappointment. It is not as if they are going to tell us what they are up to so we have to find out.
If you look at the "dates" I have had throughout the years, Ann changes her look and has the ability to look exactly like them. This video is a near identical, almost unable to tell the difference, between my ex fiance and high school sweetheart and Ann Coulter in the 1990s. The only difference was one was a genius and the other could not add whatsoever. They wear the same dresses, have the same hair, the same smile and expressions, say the same things, and a near identical replacement. Everytime I see these videos from 2002 to 2008, it is a girl whom I had dated once or more. Ann's ability to change her look is incredible.
She has since taken her own style and her own originality. My reason for dating has to do with research both I and her were doing to root out these problems with liberals by dating them. It is utter disappointment and they marry for mere expedience. Ann is only following my cue on the dating part. I told her everything and she told me everything. She only dates when I date or go out (absent 2002 to 2006). Since 1989 I have work side by side with Ann and we were destined to be married if we could shake this stalker and protege problem. We hate their guts. These marriages gets you "in."
You will notice the peak of Ann's beauty is 2003 and prooving she is more gorgeous than the best looking girl at Ocean City, Md. during the summer of 2000 to 2002 who was both a heavy metal beauty queen and classic blond. I have never been interested in any of these girls, not one bit. It is utter disappointment but you are never taught why or how come, it is some secret. This is as close as you can possibly get to cloning my fiance who was dirt stupid and reckless. After dating all Catholic women I have come to conclude that it is a lost cause, it is blatant disappointment and head games to string you along. If they want to admit it then admit it, it is a hive of imperfection and all sorts of personality disorders which dating them only reveals, a sense of laziness. This is the identical twin of my ex-financee. The girl at the beach was prettier but a heavy metal type rocker.
We suspected the Catholics were disgruntled about Vietnam and was trying to steal it from the Presbyterians who were actually the military force there. They don't tell us, we have to go and find out for ourself why they could not claim Vietnam as their prize or accomplishment. Keep in mind, she is dating based on my cue. I told her all this stuff also and she knows what the problem is, she is following up on my lead double checking my work.
Search names, numbers, addresses, and any detail on any person in this blog...
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Saturday, September 27, 2008
9/27/2008 10:53:22 PM
It is still not known why it took so long to propose. Maybe Ann knew I was wandering around drinking, GOING TO ENDLESS CONCERTS, and going to parties trying to forget about love and this terrorist hit which caused some inner change and anger. It was a very very negative change and Ann knew this, we avoided talking about it at any cost. I did not get any of Ann love letters and very few business ones. I had shut everything out until 2006 vowing never to return until I could seek vengeance for the terrorist hit on me and my marriage. Ann told me after she felt our marriage was stolen on both my side and her side and replaced with a clone, some representation like the liberal affirmative action.
Keep in mind, she was supposed to go underground and hide as I had told her. She was to forgive and forget. She did none of that. She was very scared of disappointment and very scared of a lot of other things which we were knocking out one at a time. but with no help and no support, we were dead. I felt we were dead and I told her this over and over. They will not stop. I will try a sacrifice now that I am not able to fight any longer, so the leaf will fall this spring and we will forgive and forget if we wish to survive. They mortally wounded me in 2002 and literally sucked the life out. It was game over for me and I had told Ann this. Look for me in 10 or 20 years and take out as many as she could. I told one day, find me again and look for me when I am safe and reemerge. I will be like the fire and the wind one day again.
Ann proposed an overt marriage in June of 2008 and spent at least two full weeks crying and telling an unbelievable story about what happened to her. It was unbelievable because I had shut everything out until 2006 and it will take her two years to try and find me while I scrambled to go into hiding. I am able to contact her but she is not able to contact me, until April of 2008 on a web site which alarmed me like I had seen a ghost, how did they break our security or was this really Ann?
It was really her and she was okay but totally bruised up. I had shut out everything, even Ann and she was told to go into hiding and to never contact me again; maybe she was scared I would yell at her because of the lies and smut about her life. That was the very first thing she spent week on, trying to clear up her name and telling the story of what happened to her. She was scared and you could feel it when she begged for a chance to explain. I felt it was a spy who was posing as her because she was given orders to not contact me ever again; and was testing me to see what they could get. We were dealing with so many spies and so many attacks. There were times when we were arguing about who did what and why. The story is so long and difficult to understand unless you have both and both stories. I gave up because I could not find her story. She was silent because I was so hurt and shut things out which took almost two years before I had finally broke down one night. So long as they could keep us apart, they could silence us and continue what they were trying to do or doing. It was also from the top down, not bottom up.
Ann and I spent the entire of June together and this is her first TV appearance after finally proposing. In a week a full frontal attack will arise to silence us and to isolate us and drive us crazy and mad. It was all lies but with us emailing and talking, those lies were exposed. The main fomentors of those lies were Rush Limbaugh and liberal blogs. The next one was a local television station who reported weird stories implying innuendoes. There was so much lies and smut, photo ops and stories, implications, etc… None of it was even true, none. Nobody cared to email her and ask if they were true or had a shred of truth.
Cyber Warfare HQ
It is still not known why it took so long to propose. Maybe Ann knew I was wandering around drinking, GOING TO ENDLESS CONCERTS, and going to parties trying to forget about love and this terrorist hit which caused some inner change and anger. It was a very very negative change and Ann knew this, we avoided talking about it at any cost. I did not get any of Ann love letters and very few business ones. I had shut everything out until 2006 vowing never to return until I could seek vengeance for the terrorist hit on me and my marriage. Ann told me after she felt our marriage was stolen on both my side and her side and replaced with a clone, some representation like the liberal affirmative action.
Keep in mind, she was supposed to go underground and hide as I had told her. She was to forgive and forget. She did none of that. She was very scared of disappointment and very scared of a lot of other things which we were knocking out one at a time. but with no help and no support, we were dead. I felt we were dead and I told her this over and over. They will not stop. I will try a sacrifice now that I am not able to fight any longer, so the leaf will fall this spring and we will forgive and forget if we wish to survive. They mortally wounded me in 2002 and literally sucked the life out. It was game over for me and I had told Ann this. Look for me in 10 or 20 years and take out as many as she could. I told one day, find me again and look for me when I am safe and reemerge. I will be like the fire and the wind one day again.
Ann proposed an overt marriage in June of 2008 and spent at least two full weeks crying and telling an unbelievable story about what happened to her. It was unbelievable because I had shut everything out until 2006 and it will take her two years to try and find me while I scrambled to go into hiding. I am able to contact her but she is not able to contact me, until April of 2008 on a web site which alarmed me like I had seen a ghost, how did they break our security or was this really Ann?
It was really her and she was okay but totally bruised up. I had shut out everything, even Ann and she was told to go into hiding and to never contact me again; maybe she was scared I would yell at her because of the lies and smut about her life. That was the very first thing she spent week on, trying to clear up her name and telling the story of what happened to her. She was scared and you could feel it when she begged for a chance to explain. I felt it was a spy who was posing as her because she was given orders to not contact me ever again; and was testing me to see what they could get. We were dealing with so many spies and so many attacks. There were times when we were arguing about who did what and why. The story is so long and difficult to understand unless you have both and both stories. I gave up because I could not find her story. She was silent because I was so hurt and shut things out which took almost two years before I had finally broke down one night. So long as they could keep us apart, they could silence us and continue what they were trying to do or doing. It was also from the top down, not bottom up.
Ann and I spent the entire of June together and this is her first TV appearance after finally proposing. In a week a full frontal attack will arise to silence us and to isolate us and drive us crazy and mad. It was all lies but with us emailing and talking, those lies were exposed. The main fomentors of those lies were Rush Limbaugh and liberal blogs. The next one was a local television station who reported weird stories implying innuendoes. There was so much lies and smut, photo ops and stories, implications, etc… None of it was even true, none. Nobody cared to email her and ask if they were true or had a shred of truth.
Cyber Warfare HQ
Friday, September 19, 2008
Friday, 19 September, 2008
Hey ann, I wish we were on politico.com so i would ask you specific questions. When you were on O'Reilly and he kept bringing up Maher and said "you are friends with him aren't you" and then you said "I haven't seen him in a long time, but yeah... I guess so" how long was a long time? LOL... he is really mad and taking the lip shut thing harsh. Seems as if he decided not to speak out and keep a lie rolling and then it bit him in the ass.
Also, he has not printed or said anything yet referring to you and him except drinking buddies. Other than this Dyson says things, his friends or anonymous gossip says things, and never a "Ann and I did this." However, I did notice him say "you left your earring at my house the other..." and then the next time you were on you said "i thought we were in love..." to dig a bigger hole. Just like the liberals, they dig a bigger and bigger hole. He is taking it hard initially as if he was in love with you. That is a joke, I saw his standup and what he says about wives and marriages.
At first I was not able to see the big picture but now I can. You let him dig his own grave. When he used the gossip, you fed him more ammo until it was ludicrous. So he was only offering you to stay at his place and wanted to stay at your place when in New York. Which is why they taught him or you how to sneak into hotels? LOL.. hilarious and I can see you doing this or mind fucking them. What do you say to these fuck heads when you are mad at them already? Thank you for the memories?
On O'Reilly you said to him "that's not a very good plan... " and how you pissed off everyone and sold 5 best selling books. By the way, thank you for defending my love. I never thanked you. You could not go after Hillary but you did go after the Edwards for what they were doing at the time. It was really Spitzer though who was causing most of the trouble in my life and probably was linked to Limbaugh and Hillary on the June 2006 arrest. I say we sue them and take them to federal court.
Don't go on and stay away from these people okay. I am monitoring things and they are turning on you. It is funny how Lisa has not said a thing. Almost like Rush who kept it hush hush. These people are pathetic Ann, I am sorry but there is nothing I can respect. They refuse to get out of our life and think we are obligated to them because they are entitled. What do you say to them?
Don't you just want to go and get a farm and live on it with me? Yeah you do. Boy that would be so fun but we know how insane and fun we both are. What is your point though? I see you want to go to some concerts with me and would love to! Rave is what I want to try. You know I love concerts and go to them a lot, so save yourself for me okay babe. I will save myself for you too now that you told me and said I love you. You should have told me earlier but the game is almost over. If you were and are trying to win it, we will not win it. Don't fool yourself. We will not win.
Nobody has ever really won against the communists and the devil. The question is how long you want to keep plugging away for. They will not stop or tell the truth either. They just a dirt type of breed who uses life as a buffer to their insanity. We can keep this going on forever. But we made a promise and you said my words which I had repeated to you 20 years ago. I remember what you said also, "stop and wait... " as if you meant "don't." Well, I told you... they came for us and looking. So you had remembered what I said to you when you first introduced yourself. How many weeks did we snuggle for and never went out of the house? LOL... you remember that also? And you had lied about your name telling me it was "Cathy." Hilarious, we spent what 3 or 5 weeks doing nothing and trying to get used to each other so intimate. Who was more comfortable me or you? Wow that was 20 years ago.
Now that I think about it, it is strange to snuggle with your partner "Cathy." Okay, I had said "we have to stop them" and I had taken off and you said "wait... don't." You didn't want me to get hurt or knew how crazy it was; you wanted me to be a double agent sort of. The shit we used to do. Remember my martial arts classes? And the shooting range and automatic weapons those federal agents let me use? Holy cow they said they "borrowed them" from the arsenal. Damn, it was like all four of them had an arsenal.
I love you so much Ann. Tell me if this did not change you and make you fall in love so badly. I mean so badly caught the bug, seriously. How do you rationalize all the memories we have and the crazy shit I used to do like that night at the Naval Base on my motorcycle? Do you honestly feel I am insane or nuts? You said I was 8 maybe 9 level fearless.
Well, now we have to deal with a dung heap while thinking about heaven between you and me. It has been heaven Ann, nothing but heaven between you and me. Since we first met and became best friends, never a day or moment not answering and always there every single minute of every single day. If that don't make you best friends, what does. I want to see this through Ann and want to be with you so badly now. So badly, you too caught the bug! I tell ya, this has been a mixed blessing of almost being killed and being nursed back by your best friend and partner. You have never once, not once, left my side. I have never once left your side as partners. In love, it took a little getting used to but now I am positive we are in heaven together and our love is immortalized in heaven. There is no other way to know or understand. My god... and one day we will sit down and look into each others eyes and you will be bawling your eyes out hugging me so hard "hysterical." Admit it, you are going to be hysterical. LOL... if that is not love then what is Ann, what is? That is not love Ann, that is a true miracle and we are in heaven together. We will be face to face one of these days, again.
8=)> I love you too! That was 20 years ago and when we first started training together. Good thing you were not gorgeous then as you are now! Oh, and from 1990 to 1998, I had not gone on any date or even spoke to a girl hardly at all, it was just me and you. But I still never saw you in that light and I remember telling you a couple times "you are my best friend" or "beyond you I really do not know anyone else." I also asked you to be the best man at my wedding if I ever got married, who would of thought the sexiest and most loving person I had ever met, was my faithful partner who never once left my side. The only time I thought you wanted any sex was when you had first got to DC and had your brand new Apple computer! I am sure you can have 20 of those damn things now. It was so cool and I was jealous! lol.
Apples are neat computers aren't they! I told you to get one! I would have married you and lived the rest of my life in that little two story house in Maryland. It was a cute place, not big just your home. I did not mind driving a bus or even picking trash as a career really. I have never really been too "like that." You say I am a genious and don't have to try but I just want to be happy in the arms of my wife watching TV and maybe going out once in a while. I have to admit also and it is blatantly obvious how in my youth, I would have sex with my wife probably twice or three times a day.
It is weird because I was so athletic and like a mustang at the time but never dated anyone, just you. Aren't you lucky you waited. Most people will be shocked how many secrets I tell you and how close we are. I told you fisting was the most gross thing especially when they wear those dishwashing gloves. How embarassing. My mouth dropped after you said that. Then I told you that in CT it used to be legal to beat your wife so long as you kept the stick under 4cm in circumference, lol. Endless nights of sex talk also and you never get horny either. I did not either and I never saw you like that really. I knew you were very good looking and knew you were a genious but I never thought you would fall in love with me! Never. Well, not true. I waited so long and tried so hard to get you interested but you just never showed up. Everytime I asked you out, you never showed up. LOL. Never.
I used to tell you "this is just about sex." LOL. How embarassing. And I would tell you what I wanted to do, you just never would show up and then the next day was my best friend again and we left it at that. Never mad or anything. Then you got jealous when scored, you liar. I just never thought you were holding out and trying so hard to propose. Never had a clue, never.
I am so in love and in heaven Ann, hilarious what you do sometimes! You proposed to me while you stood me up for years and was still my best friend. Then you used all of those men to propose finally, in fucking credible story! Oh I feel it too... trust me.
Cyber Warfare HQ
Hey ann, I wish we were on politico.com so i would ask you specific questions. When you were on O'Reilly and he kept bringing up Maher and said "you are friends with him aren't you" and then you said "I haven't seen him in a long time, but yeah... I guess so" how long was a long time? LOL... he is really mad and taking the lip shut thing harsh. Seems as if he decided not to speak out and keep a lie rolling and then it bit him in the ass.
Also, he has not printed or said anything yet referring to you and him except drinking buddies. Other than this Dyson says things, his friends or anonymous gossip says things, and never a "Ann and I did this." However, I did notice him say "you left your earring at my house the other..." and then the next time you were on you said "i thought we were in love..." to dig a bigger hole. Just like the liberals, they dig a bigger and bigger hole. He is taking it hard initially as if he was in love with you. That is a joke, I saw his standup and what he says about wives and marriages.
At first I was not able to see the big picture but now I can. You let him dig his own grave. When he used the gossip, you fed him more ammo until it was ludicrous. So he was only offering you to stay at his place and wanted to stay at your place when in New York. Which is why they taught him or you how to sneak into hotels? LOL.. hilarious and I can see you doing this or mind fucking them. What do you say to these fuck heads when you are mad at them already? Thank you for the memories?
On O'Reilly you said to him "that's not a very good plan... " and how you pissed off everyone and sold 5 best selling books. By the way, thank you for defending my love. I never thanked you. You could not go after Hillary but you did go after the Edwards for what they were doing at the time. It was really Spitzer though who was causing most of the trouble in my life and probably was linked to Limbaugh and Hillary on the June 2006 arrest. I say we sue them and take them to federal court.
Don't go on and stay away from these people okay. I am monitoring things and they are turning on you. It is funny how Lisa has not said a thing. Almost like Rush who kept it hush hush. These people are pathetic Ann, I am sorry but there is nothing I can respect. They refuse to get out of our life and think we are obligated to them because they are entitled. What do you say to them?
Don't you just want to go and get a farm and live on it with me? Yeah you do. Boy that would be so fun but we know how insane and fun we both are. What is your point though? I see you want to go to some concerts with me and would love to! Rave is what I want to try. You know I love concerts and go to them a lot, so save yourself for me okay babe. I will save myself for you too now that you told me and said I love you. You should have told me earlier but the game is almost over. If you were and are trying to win it, we will not win it. Don't fool yourself. We will not win.
Nobody has ever really won against the communists and the devil. The question is how long you want to keep plugging away for. They will not stop or tell the truth either. They just a dirt type of breed who uses life as a buffer to their insanity. We can keep this going on forever. But we made a promise and you said my words which I had repeated to you 20 years ago. I remember what you said also, "stop and wait... " as if you meant "don't." Well, I told you... they came for us and looking. So you had remembered what I said to you when you first introduced yourself. How many weeks did we snuggle for and never went out of the house? LOL... you remember that also? And you had lied about your name telling me it was "Cathy." Hilarious, we spent what 3 or 5 weeks doing nothing and trying to get used to each other so intimate. Who was more comfortable me or you? Wow that was 20 years ago.
Now that I think about it, it is strange to snuggle with your partner "Cathy." Okay, I had said "we have to stop them" and I had taken off and you said "wait... don't." You didn't want me to get hurt or knew how crazy it was; you wanted me to be a double agent sort of. The shit we used to do. Remember my martial arts classes? And the shooting range and automatic weapons those federal agents let me use? Holy cow they said they "borrowed them" from the arsenal. Damn, it was like all four of them had an arsenal.
I love you so much Ann. Tell me if this did not change you and make you fall in love so badly. I mean so badly caught the bug, seriously. How do you rationalize all the memories we have and the crazy shit I used to do like that night at the Naval Base on my motorcycle? Do you honestly feel I am insane or nuts? You said I was 8 maybe 9 level fearless.
Well, now we have to deal with a dung heap while thinking about heaven between you and me. It has been heaven Ann, nothing but heaven between you and me. Since we first met and became best friends, never a day or moment not answering and always there every single minute of every single day. If that don't make you best friends, what does. I want to see this through Ann and want to be with you so badly now. So badly, you too caught the bug! I tell ya, this has been a mixed blessing of almost being killed and being nursed back by your best friend and partner. You have never once, not once, left my side. I have never once left your side as partners. In love, it took a little getting used to but now I am positive we are in heaven together and our love is immortalized in heaven. There is no other way to know or understand. My god... and one day we will sit down and look into each others eyes and you will be bawling your eyes out hugging me so hard "hysterical." Admit it, you are going to be hysterical. LOL... if that is not love then what is Ann, what is? That is not love Ann, that is a true miracle and we are in heaven together. We will be face to face one of these days, again.
8=)> I love you too! That was 20 years ago and when we first started training together. Good thing you were not gorgeous then as you are now! Oh, and from 1990 to 1998, I had not gone on any date or even spoke to a girl hardly at all, it was just me and you. But I still never saw you in that light and I remember telling you a couple times "you are my best friend" or "beyond you I really do not know anyone else." I also asked you to be the best man at my wedding if I ever got married, who would of thought the sexiest and most loving person I had ever met, was my faithful partner who never once left my side. The only time I thought you wanted any sex was when you had first got to DC and had your brand new Apple computer! I am sure you can have 20 of those damn things now. It was so cool and I was jealous! lol.
Apples are neat computers aren't they! I told you to get one! I would have married you and lived the rest of my life in that little two story house in Maryland. It was a cute place, not big just your home. I did not mind driving a bus or even picking trash as a career really. I have never really been too "like that." You say I am a genious and don't have to try but I just want to be happy in the arms of my wife watching TV and maybe going out once in a while. I have to admit also and it is blatantly obvious how in my youth, I would have sex with my wife probably twice or three times a day.
It is weird because I was so athletic and like a mustang at the time but never dated anyone, just you. Aren't you lucky you waited. Most people will be shocked how many secrets I tell you and how close we are. I told you fisting was the most gross thing especially when they wear those dishwashing gloves. How embarassing. My mouth dropped after you said that. Then I told you that in CT it used to be legal to beat your wife so long as you kept the stick under 4cm in circumference, lol. Endless nights of sex talk also and you never get horny either. I did not either and I never saw you like that really. I knew you were very good looking and knew you were a genious but I never thought you would fall in love with me! Never. Well, not true. I waited so long and tried so hard to get you interested but you just never showed up. Everytime I asked you out, you never showed up. LOL. Never.
I used to tell you "this is just about sex." LOL. How embarassing. And I would tell you what I wanted to do, you just never would show up and then the next day was my best friend again and we left it at that. Never mad or anything. Then you got jealous when scored, you liar. I just never thought you were holding out and trying so hard to propose. Never had a clue, never.
I am so in love and in heaven Ann, hilarious what you do sometimes! You proposed to me while you stood me up for years and was still my best friend. Then you used all of those men to propose finally, in fucking credible story! Oh I feel it too... trust me.
Cyber Warfare HQ
There are a lot of secrets which Ann puts in her writing that only I and her share. Both Ann and I went for so long without any dates, dinner, or the slight bit of fun. From 1990 to 1998 was a dead period in the personal life and totally dead. Not even one single date. It was a desperate situation and Ann used to hear so many complaints about the DC area which made Ocean City, Md and Virginia Beach a good weekend trip. But if you go there, it is so crowded during the summers it is still difficult. Ann would never date me or go on a date, not even drinks and you just give up eventually. That was her big surprise, if she would have dated seriously, the first one would have been with moi back in 1998 when I used to ask her, oh every week on Friday to meet at Ocean City Maryland.
Having grown up in and around DC, frequenting the bars in Northern Virginia, Hammerjacks in Maryland, Adams Morgan, Trax, and the many bike paths and gym; I would complain to Ann about how women were uptight and always too hidden in their reasons around Washington DC. The single life only works if you are in college or there for a short job. Other than this people leave for the weekend or get stationed every two years. Ann got sick and tired of me saying this and I used to ask her out all the time for a one night stand and she would even turn me down! I used to ask her out weekly and she would play it off. Okay so she had to work the next morning and really did not have a career yet.
"Coulter had written a complaint about single life in Washington, and Salon responded with some dating advice to help her in her "quest for tube steak". The magazine's tips ranged from "Buy a vibrator" to "Stop being such a mean bitch". She laughs this all off, of course, since she has no interest in being a victim, but you can't help but feel that some of the flak that has landed on Ann Coulter is not about her politics. Put another way, few conservative men arouse this kind of hostility. Besides, you've got to love a woman who manages to construct a feminist argument for the right to bear arms. Does she own a gun herself? "I do." Where does she keep it? "Well, that's more classified than who I'm dating. Guns are our friends. God made man and woman; Colonel Colt made them equal." - "An Appalling Magic" by The Guardian, 2003 -
Having grown up in and around DC, frequenting the bars in Northern Virginia, Hammerjacks in Maryland, Adams Morgan, Trax, and the many bike paths and gym; I would complain to Ann about how women were uptight and always too hidden in their reasons around Washington DC. The single life only works if you are in college or there for a short job. Other than this people leave for the weekend or get stationed every two years. Ann got sick and tired of me saying this and I used to ask her out all the time for a one night stand and she would even turn me down! I used to ask her out weekly and she would play it off. Okay so she had to work the next morning and really did not have a career yet.
"Coulter had written a complaint about single life in Washington, and Salon responded with some dating advice to help her in her "quest for tube steak". The magazine's tips ranged from "Buy a vibrator" to "Stop being such a mean bitch". She laughs this all off, of course, since she has no interest in being a victim, but you can't help but feel that some of the flak that has landed on Ann Coulter is not about her politics. Put another way, few conservative men arouse this kind of hostility. Besides, you've got to love a woman who manages to construct a feminist argument for the right to bear arms. Does she own a gun herself? "I do." Where does she keep it? "Well, that's more classified than who I'm dating. Guns are our friends. God made man and woman; Colonel Colt made them equal." - "An Appalling Magic" by The Guardian, 2003 -
Thursday, September 18, 2008
See, nobody can say, 'you never gave us an email' and we never told you to 'clean it up yourself.' You have an email and you can always post a comment on here if there is a problem with facts and telling the truth. They are too scared and they lie then keep it going as long as they can like digging a hole deeper! Now they email to clear it up or challenge it but it will be very hard to explain. Rush tried and was lying thru his teeth! Email her or me Rush next time you lie and block us, we have a secret phone no. you know.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
9/16/2008 7:30:04 PM
To Ann Coulter;
Ann, I am worried sick! I have no way to email you now or hear your voice. You are not able to hear me or write back. I have been blocked again and worrying. They hacked my laptop (4 grand Sony Vaio) and destroyed my “superiority” and sound chip, blocked our emails, blocked me on every site, blocked your site, and still refuse to email you and resolve this as soon as possible. What is going on? Did you shoot that fat molesting bastard yet? I am worried sick. What did they do to you since we spoke or what else?
Rush and his liberal horde admitted this and I am worried sick and going crazy obviously. They tried to make me so jealous and divorce you, kick you out, tell you to fall in party line, etc… he keeps saying he is the boss and we are his subjects. He is a total loser. The only info I get about you is from him and the media and it is the usual; she is a slut, whore, witch, wench, cruel, sleeping around, you are engaged, you are dating all these guys, you are partying and staying out all night; but you said none of that was verified and fabricated. Now they will not and refuse to email you, even your closest friends and conservatives refuse to defend you.
So I am worried. I know them. I know what they will do. I told you they surrounded you and had contacted me at least 2 years ago. I have no idea what they are saying about us or lying about. First it was how I was stalking you. Then how desperate I was and now it is for the party and nation. I told you it was Rush and his conservatives and they are or were aiding Obama and the liberals.
Why don’t they just remove him and tell him he is unacceptable? What a weak dumb idiot. Is he dangerous (FBI just said yes). Why don’t he let go of you and email both you and I? I am worried now because of everything that happened and what they did but they said they will not be caught alive. Where are you, I wrote on politico.com and said to write me back and begin writing to me. Then this morning I did not get a chance to read your email. Did they email you and ask? Please post it and prove it. I am worried sick, this is our life and career work. They are also stomping on the floor here also and getting feisty. Where are you and are you okay without my love letters daily? Are you writing your column and what we talked about? I sent you 4 of my essays this week, did you get them? Hurry up and post their email and explanation. I am on a limb here and also injured. Get them out of our life please and out of our bed.
I gave them your email and secret id on politico.com but they had already known it was you and you said you never told them. Regardless, I will give Rush, the conservatives and the liberals your email again to fix this in 24 hours and leave us alone.
We are giving you a choice. You give us no choices as a stalker and kidnapper. She even has challenged you to verify the information on politco.com even after they cancelled my account on there for the 37 time. What the hell are you waiting for? Either you email her or get the hell out of your life because she is 20 years obsessed with you. She just opened her account up again last night with me. If they come in your house like they did mine, blow them away. They also set up cameras and listening bugs while you are away. At least with me they did.
Member Since: Nov. 16, 2007
Party: Conservative
Last Visited: Sep. 16, 2008 - 3:02 PM EST
I love you so hurry,
Cyber Warfare HQ
To Ann Coulter;
Ann, I am worried sick! I have no way to email you now or hear your voice. You are not able to hear me or write back. I have been blocked again and worrying. They hacked my laptop (4 grand Sony Vaio) and destroyed my “superiority” and sound chip, blocked our emails, blocked me on every site, blocked your site, and still refuse to email you and resolve this as soon as possible. What is going on? Did you shoot that fat molesting bastard yet? I am worried sick. What did they do to you since we spoke or what else?
Rush and his liberal horde admitted this and I am worried sick and going crazy obviously. They tried to make me so jealous and divorce you, kick you out, tell you to fall in party line, etc… he keeps saying he is the boss and we are his subjects. He is a total loser. The only info I get about you is from him and the media and it is the usual; she is a slut, whore, witch, wench, cruel, sleeping around, you are engaged, you are dating all these guys, you are partying and staying out all night; but you said none of that was verified and fabricated. Now they will not and refuse to email you, even your closest friends and conservatives refuse to defend you.
So I am worried. I know them. I know what they will do. I told you they surrounded you and had contacted me at least 2 years ago. I have no idea what they are saying about us or lying about. First it was how I was stalking you. Then how desperate I was and now it is for the party and nation. I told you it was Rush and his conservatives and they are or were aiding Obama and the liberals.
Why don’t they just remove him and tell him he is unacceptable? What a weak dumb idiot. Is he dangerous (FBI just said yes). Why don’t he let go of you and email both you and I? I am worried now because of everything that happened and what they did but they said they will not be caught alive. Where are you, I wrote on politico.com and said to write me back and begin writing to me. Then this morning I did not get a chance to read your email. Did they email you and ask? Please post it and prove it. I am worried sick, this is our life and career work. They are also stomping on the floor here also and getting feisty. Where are you and are you okay without my love letters daily? Are you writing your column and what we talked about? I sent you 4 of my essays this week, did you get them? Hurry up and post their email and explanation. I am on a limb here and also injured. Get them out of our life please and out of our bed.
I gave them your email and secret id on politico.com but they had already known it was you and you said you never told them. Regardless, I will give Rush, the conservatives and the liberals your email again to fix this in 24 hours and leave us alone.
We are giving you a choice. You give us no choices as a stalker and kidnapper. She even has challenged you to verify the information on politco.com even after they cancelled my account on there for the 37 time. What the hell are you waiting for? Either you email her or get the hell out of your life because she is 20 years obsessed with you. She just opened her account up again last night with me. If they come in your house like they did mine, blow them away. They also set up cameras and listening bugs while you are away. At least with me they did.
Member Since: Nov. 16, 2007
Party: Conservative
Last Visited: Sep. 16, 2008 - 3:02 PM EST
I love you so hurry,
Cyber Warfare HQ
Sunday, September 14, 2008
9/14/2008 10:23:44 PM
Ann, listen it was Rush and some other people linked to Obama. They were reading my emails before I even sent them to you. Both our legal briefs and emails were going to Obama and Rush and McCain. But here is the problem. These are both legal briefs, legal facts and evidence against them, and they would lie on tv or radio. They are spying to save their ass. I have no idea what they did to you but this stalker and person blocking you is very jealous about you ejaculating. It is someone who has a lot of affection and does not want to see you fall in love or marry. I have no idea why Rush or Obama or who the people upstairs were both blocking, creating problems, and spying on the attorneys who were prosecuting them and asking if we were good friends. Rush and Hannity had been pushing politico.com and recently Rush changed his tune to Gilbert at Sweetness and Light claiming to be good friends of theirs. Next thing I know the attack on us goes nuts and they block me on the server as a whole. Rush also offered your head and I was not amused. I have no idea why these people are stalking you, why they read our legal briefs, why they are doing this but I know they are trying to save their ass. The question is what exactly did they do and are stalking you for? This is not my stalker this is your stalker who is blocking our marriage and reading our legal briefs and case to spy and defeat by denying any legal challenge. We cannot ignore them and cannot legally challenge them. What other option do we have or allowed with this stalker? Rush and Obama is one of them. There are several others and someone was distributing our legals. Rush also said “he needed the top analysis” to stay ahead and Obama never explains or tries. He just takes it. They already violated the law by denying legal defense and also spying on legal email and mail. They said they needed it to stay ahead. It was the conservatives also. They are spying on you. My stalker is a liberal because I stayed under the radar. You surprised them. So they cozier up to me and tried to get rid of you. They read my stuff to “pander” while saying they needed it to win. When they found out you and I had been together for 20 years, they gave up on me and tried to offer your head. It is on both sides and it is to empower “domestic enemies.” The link is the Catholic Church and liberals; the link is the race card. That is what they are after, the race card and issue. They are stealing to stay ahead and defeat us legally which is very illegal.
Ann, listen it was Rush and some other people linked to Obama. They were reading my emails before I even sent them to you. Both our legal briefs and emails were going to Obama and Rush and McCain. But here is the problem. These are both legal briefs, legal facts and evidence against them, and they would lie on tv or radio. They are spying to save their ass. I have no idea what they did to you but this stalker and person blocking you is very jealous about you ejaculating. It is someone who has a lot of affection and does not want to see you fall in love or marry. I have no idea why Rush or Obama or who the people upstairs were both blocking, creating problems, and spying on the attorneys who were prosecuting them and asking if we were good friends. Rush and Hannity had been pushing politico.com and recently Rush changed his tune to Gilbert at Sweetness and Light claiming to be good friends of theirs. Next thing I know the attack on us goes nuts and they block me on the server as a whole. Rush also offered your head and I was not amused. I have no idea why these people are stalking you, why they read our legal briefs, why they are doing this but I know they are trying to save their ass. The question is what exactly did they do and are stalking you for? This is not my stalker this is your stalker who is blocking our marriage and reading our legal briefs and case to spy and defeat by denying any legal challenge. We cannot ignore them and cannot legally challenge them. What other option do we have or allowed with this stalker? Rush and Obama is one of them. There are several others and someone was distributing our legals. Rush also said “he needed the top analysis” to stay ahead and Obama never explains or tries. He just takes it. They already violated the law by denying legal defense and also spying on legal email and mail. They said they needed it to stay ahead. It was the conservatives also. They are spying on you. My stalker is a liberal because I stayed under the radar. You surprised them. So they cozier up to me and tried to get rid of you. They read my stuff to “pander” while saying they needed it to win. When they found out you and I had been together for 20 years, they gave up on me and tried to offer your head. It is on both sides and it is to empower “domestic enemies.” The link is the Catholic Church and liberals; the link is the race card. That is what they are after, the race card and issue. They are stealing to stay ahead and defeat us legally which is very illegal.
Friday, September 12, 2008
9/12/2008 4:48:37 PM
On average, married women have sex 3 to 7 times a week. There is a point where sex is regular and not on the minds of others because it is expected and assumed. On average the single couple has sex every 3 years and dates up to 3 to 4 times a week. Unless you date 1, 2, or 3 times a week you never dated. Trust me. Has Ann Coulter ever had a one night stand "absolutely never" (whoever you are she says sue me).
Ann asked me to post this public comment, “she has never given a blow job outside of her own marriage.” In other words, if you were not married to her, then you neither got a blow job nor even know what her boobies or undies looks like. She wears thongs and has a collection of very sexy underwear. A very expensive collection; given this article problem came from Rush Limbaugh who is too scared to approach and ask Ann or send some envoy to find out. She wants everything to flow to me and through me so I can approve she said. Confront me not her about sex because it is too private.
Ann’s sexual knowledge and sex is based strictly on her marriage. If that is promiscuous then it is. You nailed her and busted her for being sleazy while acting demure because she only believes in marriage and family. To have any sort of sex or even hold hands with her, you have to marry her. You are dealing with cowards and they live in coward land, Ann is monogamous. She made it very clear in 1989 nobody else will ever have her. (Beyond that is fantasy if you ask me but she has no reason to lie, women do not need men when it comes to sex, what they need is something beyond sex itself). I am a workaholic and she likes to keep up, so she is thinking about retirement and how her life will be one day when she is exonerated.
Ann was not able to call and was disconnected for three full years; she worked nonstop for three years. Also, the only period unaccountable is 2002 to 2005 and she was basically too distraught and worried about injuries to seek the comfort of someone else. It took a year of rehab and another year of physical therapy before returning to normal and then another year to even talk about the disaster gone badly. Ann is distraught to talk about it. You do not understand how it affected her and it made her feel she lost her own life and dreams. The same feeling was on this end, fed up.
Thank you Rush for the fine plug on Sweetness and Light on your web site. You should have your penis inflated like your head and stomped on until flat. She is not able to describe anyone’s penis besides emails they send her and she is careful not to give out that email. Anything else you wish to know? It is different when you know someone and they bloom into another person 20 times what they were when you married them, they call that a late bloomer. Women do not go and divorce their mates and begin offering blow jobs the minute they are successful. Women do not need men when it comes to sex, get that straight.
Ann never gave anybody a blowjob and she is not very good at it either; if you have the balls to ask her, then please do. She sucks! You hear that Rush, women do not need men for sex, they use it to get what they want. She never used blowjobs in any relationship and if she did, it would not be outside of marriage. Most women do not hate sex and Ann does not hate sex whatsoever it is very private. She does not need you she chooses you. Stop jumping to third base when you skipped being at bat, first base, and second.
Cyber Warfare HQ
We are very fashion oriented and I will do a write up on the classic blonde bombshell (Bo Derek, Farrah Fawcett, Grace Kelly, Angie Dickinson, Bette Davis, Marilyn Monroe, Suzanne Sommers, etc…) Men are very picky when it comes to fashion and the perfect blonde. This is Rush and Lisa’s work.
On average, married women have sex 3 to 7 times a week. There is a point where sex is regular and not on the minds of others because it is expected and assumed. On average the single couple has sex every 3 years and dates up to 3 to 4 times a week. Unless you date 1, 2, or 3 times a week you never dated. Trust me. Has Ann Coulter ever had a one night stand "absolutely never" (whoever you are she says sue me).
Ann asked me to post this public comment, “she has never given a blow job outside of her own marriage.” In other words, if you were not married to her, then you neither got a blow job nor even know what her boobies or undies looks like. She wears thongs and has a collection of very sexy underwear. A very expensive collection; given this article problem came from Rush Limbaugh who is too scared to approach and ask Ann or send some envoy to find out. She wants everything to flow to me and through me so I can approve she said. Confront me not her about sex because it is too private.
Ann’s sexual knowledge and sex is based strictly on her marriage. If that is promiscuous then it is. You nailed her and busted her for being sleazy while acting demure because she only believes in marriage and family. To have any sort of sex or even hold hands with her, you have to marry her. You are dealing with cowards and they live in coward land, Ann is monogamous. She made it very clear in 1989 nobody else will ever have her. (Beyond that is fantasy if you ask me but she has no reason to lie, women do not need men when it comes to sex, what they need is something beyond sex itself). I am a workaholic and she likes to keep up, so she is thinking about retirement and how her life will be one day when she is exonerated.
Ann was not able to call and was disconnected for three full years; she worked nonstop for three years. Also, the only period unaccountable is 2002 to 2005 and she was basically too distraught and worried about injuries to seek the comfort of someone else. It took a year of rehab and another year of physical therapy before returning to normal and then another year to even talk about the disaster gone badly. Ann is distraught to talk about it. You do not understand how it affected her and it made her feel she lost her own life and dreams. The same feeling was on this end, fed up.
Thank you Rush for the fine plug on Sweetness and Light on your web site. You should have your penis inflated like your head and stomped on until flat. She is not able to describe anyone’s penis besides emails they send her and she is careful not to give out that email. Anything else you wish to know? It is different when you know someone and they bloom into another person 20 times what they were when you married them, they call that a late bloomer. Women do not go and divorce their mates and begin offering blow jobs the minute they are successful. Women do not need men when it comes to sex, get that straight.
Ann never gave anybody a blowjob and she is not very good at it either; if you have the balls to ask her, then please do. She sucks! You hear that Rush, women do not need men for sex, they use it to get what they want. She never used blowjobs in any relationship and if she did, it would not be outside of marriage. Most women do not hate sex and Ann does not hate sex whatsoever it is very private. She does not need you she chooses you. Stop jumping to third base when you skipped being at bat, first base, and second.
Cyber Warfare HQ
We are very fashion oriented and I will do a write up on the classic blonde bombshell (Bo Derek, Farrah Fawcett, Grace Kelly, Angie Dickinson, Bette Davis, Marilyn Monroe, Suzanne Sommers, etc…) Men are very picky when it comes to fashion and the perfect blonde. This is Rush and Lisa’s work.
12 Sept
If you are scared then you are a fag and should be shot with a 38 special... it is an insult when they love you and you think they will leave you, do not love you, and do not trust you. It is an insult to be scared they will leave you the moment something better comes along or an easy way out. That is not love. When you are in love you are fully committed and say "I am in love you glad damn jerk off idiot."
So why are or were you lying? What are you lying about? You are choosing your words carefully but to lie? Why? Was it to hurt or to injure? Who are you marrying... and dating?
I Will Marry You? (The question is simple “have you ever dated a liberal? The question is not did you kiss them, hold their hand, get a second date, or was a fiancé and already in love.) What are you hiding Ann Coulter and who is this “other gun toting guy who stands alone until his wife arrives.” Is he some military commando or some military leader? It is a yes or no question Ann Coulter, what are you hiding and why? When are you ever going to give us the hot and steamy details? We want to know what turns you on and makes you breathe harder and harder such as those questions.
I love you and want to marry you. You know I want to have a kid or kids with you. We waited too long to marry but we had no choice and had our life plans changed babe. I am so sorry, so sorry; I feel bad and I cannot change it nor do anything. I had thought maybe it was best to forget and leave it alone, a lost cause. I feel so bad and so sorry about this but look at us now and how happy we got or became.
Maybe it was best? Fate has an odd way to life. We have to commit to a family and stay home? Is that what you want? Do you want to see the world and maybe do things together or settle down and start a family Ann? I don't care... we are finally together and that is all that matters to me. I just don't care... I love u so much and I feel my life so complete and total bliss. How about you, how do you feel? You say I love you all day sometimes... and that is the sweetest sound and feeling. I just got knocked out of the fight and I was kept out of it or just left for dead in life. How did I get knocked out of the fight and had to figure out how to be back or get back in?
My life began in 1989 and since then I have lived it with you. I can only love one person and only want to love one person. I know you are the record keeper and write our family diary. Did you record keep and record from 1989 to 2002? There is a lot of bad stuff written about you out there but your life is cut and dry. I honestly think you are some sort of prisoner and cannot leave your house. I have the same feeling but in my case, it is much worse. I hope you kept our family records from 1989 to now or some sort of memories between us. It will get lost with all of the bad photo ops and smears.
I honestly think these guys hate you and only want sex but they act like you broke their hearts or something. A toy which was on a string or to be discarded. What did they base any of this on? Anything? Ann your parents were married for 54 years! Wow. How many years do you think you and I will reach? We have 20 so far and it is interesting to ask or think we can beat your parents 54 years together. I am 39 now and in 30 years will be 69, so that makes it 50 years together. That is a really long time and nothing to joke about. I hope we can sit down and do some type of scrapbook. How come your friends and our enemies are trying to discourage us so much? Your messages are not delivered or get to me, our life is messed and made to wait so long, we get cut off and isolated, it is like we have something following us to make sure out political career is never complete or fulfilled.
We will be together for 50 years of our life when I am 68. If I make it to 78, then we will have been together for 60 years. Then 88 we will have been together for 70 years! Holy cow... imagine being with someone for that long and I totally cherish you Ann, totally. You are my best friend; you saved my life and came to my rescue when I was surrounded and trying to fight out of it. I was almost killed and left for dead, how do I repay you? Tell me my debt to you (so how does it feel now when I reverse it).
So they knocked me out of the fifth and fight. Then was able to keep me out and pinned down forever. Even I was not able to figure out how in the hell I was going to get back in the fight or even secretly escape this death march they had for me. I don't even know who to sue or who to take it out on, your friends or our enemies? Obviously, it is imperative I get back in the fight but under these conditions and current conditions, it is nearly impossible. Worse, they don't do a damn thing to fix it or make it better. Let's start with my medical problems and injuries. Who the hell is in charge or was in charge? Who allowed it to happen? Who planned the hit on us?
It is damn obvious why they did and what the stakes are. Who do we blame or go after? The people who did it or the people who allowed it to happen? Then those who allowed it stole you or tried to and I see you fighting back and almost ripping their heads off. They just do not know it yet and that is the beauty of the entire story, stupid is as stupid does. Knock me out and leave me for dead and steal you and cheapen you and everybody is going to say "why in hell would anyone waste their time or do that for?" I have no clue, can you figure this out? Why the hell would they knock me out of the fight for, it was all a secret and nobody knew. So why did they knock me out then? I had to figure out how to get back in and was not able to so I just gave up. I gave up on you too until I finally got your message which you delivered yourself finally.
...and if I don't make it, you already know I had already loved you all along... I had to give up if I wanted to get back in this fight and keep this mission alive. I tried so hard... tried everything I could think but they had me outnumbered by almost 1 to 10, 0000, unlimited money and resources, massive authority, and total control of government. All of this just to get even and protest the Vietnam War and this 6th Great religious Awakening they had been looking for. It is too bad communism is both an internal and external problem which they tried to pull a hoax on me about.
They do not do anything about this communist threat. The right wing does nothing and the left wing wants to go after the right wing to save communism itself. Do we go after the people who allowed this or do we go after the ones who did it? Oh wait, it is all the same enemy.
Cyber Warfare HQ who is getting extremely excited and horny!
12 Sept
If you are scared then you are a fag and should be shot with a 38 special... it is an insult when they love you and you think they will leave you, do not love you, and do not trust you. It is an insult to be scared they will leave you the moment something better comes along or an easy way out. That is not love. When you are in love you are fully committed and say "I am in love you glad damn jerk off idiot."
So why are or were you lying? What are you lying about? You are choosing your words carefully but to lie? Why? Was it to hurt or to injure? Who are you marrying... and dating?
I Will Marry You? (The question is simple “have you ever dated a liberal? The question is not did you kiss them, hold their hand, get a second date, or was a fiancé and already in love.) What are you hiding Ann Coulter and who is this “other gun toting guy who stands alone until his wife arrives.” Is he some military commando or some military leader? It is a yes or no question Ann Coulter, what are you hiding and why? When are you ever going to give us the hot and steamy details? We want to know what turns you on and makes you breathe harder and harder such as those questions.
I love you and want to marry you. You know I want to have a kid or kids with you. We waited too long to marry but we had no choice and had our life plans changed babe. I am so sorry, so sorry; I feel bad and I cannot change it nor do anything. I had thought maybe it was best to forget and leave it alone, a lost cause. I feel so bad and so sorry about this but look at us now and how happy we got or became.
Maybe it was best? Fate has an odd way to life. We have to commit to a family and stay home? Is that what you want? Do you want to see the world and maybe do things together or settle down and start a family Ann? I don't care... we are finally together and that is all that matters to me. I just don't care... I love u so much and I feel my life so complete and total bliss. How about you, how do you feel? You say I love you all day sometimes... and that is the sweetest sound and feeling. I just got knocked out of the fight and I was kept out of it or just left for dead in life. How did I get knocked out of the fight and had to figure out how to be back or get back in?
My life began in 1989 and since then I have lived it with you. I can only love one person and only want to love one person. I know you are the record keeper and write our family diary. Did you record keep and record from 1989 to 2002? There is a lot of bad stuff written about you out there but your life is cut and dry. I honestly think you are some sort of prisoner and cannot leave your house. I have the same feeling but in my case, it is much worse. I hope you kept our family records from 1989 to now or some sort of memories between us. It will get lost with all of the bad photo ops and smears.
I honestly think these guys hate you and only want sex but they act like you broke their hearts or something. A toy which was on a string or to be discarded. What did they base any of this on? Anything? Ann your parents were married for 54 years! Wow. How many years do you think you and I will reach? We have 20 so far and it is interesting to ask or think we can beat your parents 54 years together. I am 39 now and in 30 years will be 69, so that makes it 50 years together. That is a really long time and nothing to joke about. I hope we can sit down and do some type of scrapbook. How come your friends and our enemies are trying to discourage us so much? Your messages are not delivered or get to me, our life is messed and made to wait so long, we get cut off and isolated, it is like we have something following us to make sure out political career is never complete or fulfilled.
We will be together for 50 years of our life when I am 68. If I make it to 78, then we will have been together for 60 years. Then 88 we will have been together for 70 years! Holy cow... imagine being with someone for that long and I totally cherish you Ann, totally. You are my best friend; you saved my life and came to my rescue when I was surrounded and trying to fight out of it. I was almost killed and left for dead, how do I repay you? Tell me my debt to you (so how does it feel now when I reverse it).
So they knocked me out of the fifth and fight. Then was able to keep me out and pinned down forever. Even I was not able to figure out how in the hell I was going to get back in the fight or even secretly escape this death march they had for me. I don't even know who to sue or who to take it out on, your friends or our enemies? Obviously, it is imperative I get back in the fight but under these conditions and current conditions, it is nearly impossible. Worse, they don't do a damn thing to fix it or make it better. Let's start with my medical problems and injuries. Who the hell is in charge or was in charge? Who allowed it to happen? Who planned the hit on us?
It is damn obvious why they did and what the stakes are. Who do we blame or go after? The people who did it or the people who allowed it to happen? Then those who allowed it stole you or tried to and I see you fighting back and almost ripping their heads off. They just do not know it yet and that is the beauty of the entire story, stupid is as stupid does. Knock me out and leave me for dead and steal you and cheapen you and everybody is going to say "why in hell would anyone waste their time or do that for?" I have no clue, can you figure this out? Why the hell would they knock me out of the fight for, it was all a secret and nobody knew. So why did they knock me out then? I had to figure out how to get back in and was not able to so I just gave up. I gave up on you too until I finally got your message which you delivered yourself finally.
...and if I don't make it, you already know I had already loved you all along... I had to give up if I wanted to get back in this fight and keep this mission alive. I tried so hard... tried everything I could think but they had me outnumbered by almost 1 to 10, 0000, unlimited money and resources, massive authority, and total control of government. All of this just to get even and protest the Vietnam War and this 6th Great religious Awakening they had been looking for. It is too bad communism is both an internal and external problem which they tried to pull a hoax on me about.
They do not do anything about this communist threat. The right wing does nothing and the left wing wants to go after the right wing to save communism itself. Do we go after the people who allowed this or do we go after the ones who did it? Oh wait, it is all the same enemy.
Cyber Warfare HQ who is getting extremely excited and horny!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
9/11/2008 1:57:35 PM
Daddy's little girl has a little bit country and a little bit of rock and roll: (Excerpts from another letter but a glimpse of what or why Ann was crying about, when children cry and why.)
I told you over and over how lonely it is in a cold cell in complete isolation. Nobody is there and it is lonely. Then the feeling of coldness in your body and your body giving up and wanting to release the energy, almost death or very close; I had felt this before and while in the Army, your body wants to lay down and die. But you got to fight and you yell at yourself. You get this out of body experience where you float over the battle and you float from a view where a voice takes over.
Maybe children are like that feeling of loneliness. Maybe it is that helpless feeling and being reliant on those memories of being loved and being so at peace and family. Ann and I feel that peace and that family only a little child knows so well. That is what it feels like with Ann and being with her for 20 years being partners and best of friends. It is a shame and death to not recognize it as the most beautiful love in this world. It is something you do not want to ever trade in or replace. It is very hard to replace such a feeling or such an experience. Now try watching a combat scenario where a vicious attack by thugs or enemies is occurring; nonstop and the feeling of being there and helpless.
Little girls are really cute and hugging your little thing and having her smile back and love you is just a dream. Our little girl would be so adorable. I however, would hug that little girl and tell her I am always there and I will protect her. To not cry and how daddy would never leave her or let anyone harm her. Then I would ask why she was crying and if I can do anything, even stay up all night. Why? Because she asked and because she is a little human being who is scared in this world and holds onto me and sees me as the guy who rocks her to sleep and carries her when she is tired or hurt. Then when she gets older, she will have this image in her mind of this man who used to ask her “hey little girl, why you so sad and so blue tonight? Won’t you tell me so I can make it go away?” That is not far from the story of Ann and me. That is the type of relationship we have and how close we are. That is what we aspired to and what 20 years of being partners is about. It is hard to explain and even harder when you have or must go into battle or win World War III as partners only to find our lives turned upside down or into a tragedy.
See, I would not let someone so precious slip my radar and her crying unanswered. She is scared and she has nobody. It is my job to ask her why or here her complain and I know I can do it and get it right because I try hard to be perfect. She thinks I am perfect also. That little girl relies on me and she knows deep in her heart that she is daddy's little girl who is so much older than what her age dictates her to act. When she grows older, she will say, my dad is perfect and I know this. He used to talk to me and make me stop crying and I never knew how he did it or why but he did and I love him. Now how precious is that and how much would most little girls pay for that little bit of life? You see, when you have that kind of relationship with someone, they never forget and they cherish you only with the pureness of their hearts and the mental clarity of knowing just how special you treated them. But you do not notice it because it is your little friend and little girl who needs you and who dreams of this figure who can make her sense that memory we all know. What is so special? She is just your little girl and that is what it is all about.
Some people would recognize that and go and see that little girl and kneel down and act stupid. Ya know, play with her dolls and make her laugh. She knows who that is and she knows that is her real friend. Even a little kid, someone you can lie and cheat so easily knows that guy and knows he will always be there and never give up on her, never. He listens to her, plays with her, and makes her so happy she falls asleep in his arms and dreams about one day when she grows up and can be like him. Now you understand through her eyes and what a true partnership is like.
Well, little girls can dream because she will never be like him, never. Why? Because he is the sun, the moon, and the sky; and when it falls; life fall also. That little girl, she now has to go to her room and play with her dolls because mommy can not and someone took daddy away. See, you have to reach down deep inside and even if your body tells you to lay down and accept that creeping sleep, there is a backup voice a backup system where you begin to float and see things out of body, then the voice begins to scream commands and orders like a demon on a hunt and invincible by both thought and physical attributes. It wants to kill and destroy and it wants to protect the body it was trapped in. That is the power and that is the sensation. You do not feel any fear; you produce it by billions of calculus and careful moves. Everything is clear and vivid and nothing expelled is worthless or a loss. Things move so quick it is always a win.
So look at that little girl and ask her why she is scared of her only friend now. Maybe her only friend likes to scare her because they have to do what they do? Maybe that little girl can block out those memories when she gets older and they become vague, not concrete yet. There is nothing to say and you do not know if it is real or not because you are only partners. Something happens when you are so happy and you see it, hear it, and witness it; it changes how you see your best friend and it changes how you see life or your life. There is no value to keep or be selfish about now and you just want to do your best and try your hardest. Try so hard you want to cry but you know that can never be. Maybe her only friend is so mean, she has to go to her room and lock the door and be by herself. Yes, she has to be by herself because her friend is busy and she is also. Right now he is meaner than hell and right now, so is she. So she just goes in her room and plays with her dolls or does those things little girls do until her wishes for a real friend returns to her and rocks her to sleep so that the next day, she can come along and also play. See, that is what a real friend is, right little girl?
Ann, I have loved you all along and have kept this hidden and repressed. I think you know this. We would not be here had we made mistakes before. I am not only so proud of you, I am not even able to tell you or express to you the joy you have been in my life and how much joy you bring to my life. I am not able to explain this love and the feelings we have for each other, what we have been through and how it has changed us. It made us better people and too us from freshmans to senior stature very quickly. I have never let go of your image or memory and I always carry that special part of you with me, sometimes the wind reminds me and a little voice in my head brings me back to the time we met and all the good times we had. If it means anything then I wish you to know this and to know I am not able to express how I feel but I want to be everything you have striven to become in my world. I cannot and refuse to overlook or discount that gift and it might amaze people or make them angry to disapprove, but we have set out with a plan and a reason in this world to achieve what dreams are about and what life is worth living for. There is no way a 38 year older and a 46 year older did what we have accomplished; but worse off is the fact that we did.
Cyber Warfare HQ
If people knew what this kind of love is about, they will know how you will never want to leave the side of the person you love and cherish with every waking minute of our life. Thank you Ann, thank you my love... "And I'll become, what you became to me..." (Sound familiar)
Daddy's little girl has a little bit country and a little bit of rock and roll: (Excerpts from another letter but a glimpse of what or why Ann was crying about, when children cry and why.)
I told you over and over how lonely it is in a cold cell in complete isolation. Nobody is there and it is lonely. Then the feeling of coldness in your body and your body giving up and wanting to release the energy, almost death or very close; I had felt this before and while in the Army, your body wants to lay down and die. But you got to fight and you yell at yourself. You get this out of body experience where you float over the battle and you float from a view where a voice takes over.
Maybe children are like that feeling of loneliness. Maybe it is that helpless feeling and being reliant on those memories of being loved and being so at peace and family. Ann and I feel that peace and that family only a little child knows so well. That is what it feels like with Ann and being with her for 20 years being partners and best of friends. It is a shame and death to not recognize it as the most beautiful love in this world. It is something you do not want to ever trade in or replace. It is very hard to replace such a feeling or such an experience. Now try watching a combat scenario where a vicious attack by thugs or enemies is occurring; nonstop and the feeling of being there and helpless.
Little girls are really cute and hugging your little thing and having her smile back and love you is just a dream. Our little girl would be so adorable. I however, would hug that little girl and tell her I am always there and I will protect her. To not cry and how daddy would never leave her or let anyone harm her. Then I would ask why she was crying and if I can do anything, even stay up all night. Why? Because she asked and because she is a little human being who is scared in this world and holds onto me and sees me as the guy who rocks her to sleep and carries her when she is tired or hurt. Then when she gets older, she will have this image in her mind of this man who used to ask her “hey little girl, why you so sad and so blue tonight? Won’t you tell me so I can make it go away?” That is not far from the story of Ann and me. That is the type of relationship we have and how close we are. That is what we aspired to and what 20 years of being partners is about. It is hard to explain and even harder when you have or must go into battle or win World War III as partners only to find our lives turned upside down or into a tragedy.
See, I would not let someone so precious slip my radar and her crying unanswered. She is scared and she has nobody. It is my job to ask her why or here her complain and I know I can do it and get it right because I try hard to be perfect. She thinks I am perfect also. That little girl relies on me and she knows deep in her heart that she is daddy's little girl who is so much older than what her age dictates her to act. When she grows older, she will say, my dad is perfect and I know this. He used to talk to me and make me stop crying and I never knew how he did it or why but he did and I love him. Now how precious is that and how much would most little girls pay for that little bit of life? You see, when you have that kind of relationship with someone, they never forget and they cherish you only with the pureness of their hearts and the mental clarity of knowing just how special you treated them. But you do not notice it because it is your little friend and little girl who needs you and who dreams of this figure who can make her sense that memory we all know. What is so special? She is just your little girl and that is what it is all about.
Some people would recognize that and go and see that little girl and kneel down and act stupid. Ya know, play with her dolls and make her laugh. She knows who that is and she knows that is her real friend. Even a little kid, someone you can lie and cheat so easily knows that guy and knows he will always be there and never give up on her, never. He listens to her, plays with her, and makes her so happy she falls asleep in his arms and dreams about one day when she grows up and can be like him. Now you understand through her eyes and what a true partnership is like.
Well, little girls can dream because she will never be like him, never. Why? Because he is the sun, the moon, and the sky; and when it falls; life fall also. That little girl, she now has to go to her room and play with her dolls because mommy can not and someone took daddy away. See, you have to reach down deep inside and even if your body tells you to lay down and accept that creeping sleep, there is a backup voice a backup system where you begin to float and see things out of body, then the voice begins to scream commands and orders like a demon on a hunt and invincible by both thought and physical attributes. It wants to kill and destroy and it wants to protect the body it was trapped in. That is the power and that is the sensation. You do not feel any fear; you produce it by billions of calculus and careful moves. Everything is clear and vivid and nothing expelled is worthless or a loss. Things move so quick it is always a win.
So look at that little girl and ask her why she is scared of her only friend now. Maybe her only friend likes to scare her because they have to do what they do? Maybe that little girl can block out those memories when she gets older and they become vague, not concrete yet. There is nothing to say and you do not know if it is real or not because you are only partners. Something happens when you are so happy and you see it, hear it, and witness it; it changes how you see your best friend and it changes how you see life or your life. There is no value to keep or be selfish about now and you just want to do your best and try your hardest. Try so hard you want to cry but you know that can never be. Maybe her only friend is so mean, she has to go to her room and lock the door and be by herself. Yes, she has to be by herself because her friend is busy and she is also. Right now he is meaner than hell and right now, so is she. So she just goes in her room and plays with her dolls or does those things little girls do until her wishes for a real friend returns to her and rocks her to sleep so that the next day, she can come along and also play. See, that is what a real friend is, right little girl?
Ann, I have loved you all along and have kept this hidden and repressed. I think you know this. We would not be here had we made mistakes before. I am not only so proud of you, I am not even able to tell you or express to you the joy you have been in my life and how much joy you bring to my life. I am not able to explain this love and the feelings we have for each other, what we have been through and how it has changed us. It made us better people and too us from freshmans to senior stature very quickly. I have never let go of your image or memory and I always carry that special part of you with me, sometimes the wind reminds me and a little voice in my head brings me back to the time we met and all the good times we had. If it means anything then I wish you to know this and to know I am not able to express how I feel but I want to be everything you have striven to become in my world. I cannot and refuse to overlook or discount that gift and it might amaze people or make them angry to disapprove, but we have set out with a plan and a reason in this world to achieve what dreams are about and what life is worth living for. There is no way a 38 year older and a 46 year older did what we have accomplished; but worse off is the fact that we did.
Cyber Warfare HQ
If people knew what this kind of love is about, they will know how you will never want to leave the side of the person you love and cherish with every waking minute of our life. Thank you Ann, thank you my love... "And I'll become, what you became to me..." (Sound familiar)
Monday, September 1, 2008
Stop Crying your Heart Out: (THE WINNER AND BEST VIDEO OUT OF ALL)
With or Without You:
Take Me Away:
I loved you all along:
Sometimes you can't Make it on Your Own:
Now and Forever:
Goodbye My Lover:
Stop Crying your Heart Out: (THE WINNER AND BEST VIDEO OUT OF ALL)
With or Without You:
Take Me Away:
I loved you all along:
Sometimes you can't Make it on Your Own:
Now and Forever:
Goodbye My Lover:
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About Me

- My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.