12/21/2008 10:20:59 PM once again Ann has asked for a chance and said how stressed out she is about the whole matter. She also says she will clean it up and fix it. She just does not know how. She also says that Sean was lying about being more than friends. However, what she does is upsetting me but she shows no evidence or effort to reform or fix the matter. They are growing and moving on her steps and she must cut off the aid while we gather evidence to stop them. She refuses to fight them and grows it bigger making it harder for investigators. She is showing no sign of distance and encourages them to fight on and to the end; by exchanging presents and having them claim to be more than friends or having exclusive access, she is telling them they are not kicked out and will not be prosecuted; thus, will not step down or cooperate.
Ann Coulter is the source of this and when she takes that step, they also and she refuses to cut off aid even if they abducted both myself and her. She refuses to indicate to them she will cut off and pull out of all agreements and relations so they stop the attacks, kidnapping, and harassment tactics. We now have to pressure Ann while she begs and cries about how stressed and sorry she feels for the entire matter; it is intolerant and a failure. She must come up with a new solution instead of playing ball and wishing to be excused of having played ball with a terror network. We sent them in disarray and she will bring them back with more aid and comfort. She must show anger to those behind this and some danger of losing or being caught. If the investigators and the authority over the matter show injuries by her actions, it is worth considering if support is being asked or some honor granted. She cannot seek approval and partnership from those behind this after they are identified as a terror network.
• How difficult was it to take down the pictures which caused the attacks or harassment? Six months of attacks and antagonizing and the “fantasy” pictures and “more than friends” situation was never addressed. Meanwhile, those behind it claimed it was threatening to them because the pictures prove it. The lack of action proved they were right. She was ordered to take down the pictures which have created the stigma she is having an affair within one week and being used to suggest she is more than friends. Sean says they were more than friends and survived on each other, the next Ann says that is not true and he is lying. Is this not the problem or are these pictures on her site not deliberately the problem? So she has one week to show some progress and reform effort. She has to prove she has some braking system in her mind and is not going to miss this insanity she is very satisfied about.
• When your house is in disrepair, you have to fix it and remodel it. If it involves her private life, then it is going to be very hard to have others fix it. If someone burned it down, then you cannot fix it yourself. If you kiss a man and he says he is your boyfriend, then your spouse will assume he is. You cannot say it is a pretend kiss and argue with the husband it is or is not.
• She was given thirty days to stop these attacks on me and this idea she is more than friends with Sean Hannity or RonDog. Both of them claim they had get together’s with her, exchanged presents and gifts, she is more than friends, they have exclusive access, she gives her most secret books and career to only them, and Ann gets ordered around or is their possession. After this thirty days and if she does not reform or show any effort, by default she is. If she does not fight it, then she is their property or their girl.
• I told her no more stunts. We cannot keep investigating how much it grows and how big she grew it. The quality of work was so poor and so bad she claims that she desperately needs me and I am scratching my head at what she did, what they say, what she tells me, and why she would even take her life this far off course. Why is the only person fighting her battles me? They are losing staff as is, she will rebuild them if she helps them. If she is a defense lawyer than she will loose all support and all morale. We will not and cannot share power with this terror network so there is no need to partner with them until this is over. She is claiming she is willing to contribute to their fight before anything is fixed or resolved.
• Her last stunt before Christmas made both of our Christmases the worst ever and she still went forward with the events which caused it. If and had she been repentant, then she would have not gone forward and not have done what she did if she was truly sorry. You do not do things to upset others, feel it is no big threat, sit there for days, and claim you made an effort when no results or changes have been made. The idea was she needed reinforcements and support do to a plot, not play ball with the plotters. It is unrealistic as to what progress and what significant result she can produce.
• If this unrealistic solution or lack of withdraw is a real effort on her part; then the question is why she would even waste her time crying and begging for forgiveness about her private life? The only person who she needs to apologize for is I and she cannot join us based on the utter mess and the total lack of management skill she has shown. She indicates she is a rival and the relationship with the terror network is in full swing and still alive. The problem is how it is growing with us and overwhelming our ability or investigation. It makes us look retarded and morale to go dead. Ann has a devastating effect on morale and has been asked to leave and she refuses; but the problem with morale is never addressed; she only wants to talk about it and shuts everything around her out. This is a clear sign she needs help and her mind has shut down, a completely dysfunctional relation because they are living beyond the edge and the presence of an idiot.
• They will use her steps to become operational and have. That power is used back on us and will stifle the investigators or keep us in disarray. The mere idea she is promoting them is enough of a disturbance to remove her immediately from the case; if she is promoting them for free or did they give her some reason to become more operational? She has to stop aid and comfort immediately and show she has some sort of inner strength and quality; it appears to signal an unbalance idiot.
• If Ann is an idiot who has to be told what to do, then this is one thing. If she has severe problems and needs help then it is another. However, it is not a fit and not excusable no matter how much she wishes to talk about it. It is evidence and a warning signal of what is to come, she is their defense lawyer and trying to broker some deal while we have them crushed, pinned, and on the run. If they move with her and she lets them with her, they will never step down and may never stop. They no more will step down than she will stop or put the brakes on. Is she their defense lawyer or a conspirator because the crime is so grave she wants a reward or medal for her work? She refuses to give up on them and they refuse to step down while using her partnership to their benefit.
• Her work was not powerful enough to stop them, it upset them. They are now in disarray; she cannot give them the strength and exchange gifts or be more than friends as they have claimed. Outside of swinging at them, she will keep angering everyone and the effect on her private life is a clear signal how deliberate and how weak her story is. If she wants her story to be stronger, then she must show some indication of how strong it is. Her story is very weak and she destroyed our morale because of her weakness. She does not have the proper eye, she takes orders and is fed intelligence, and it will collapse on her which is the pain she is expressing now. She is in crisis and need and must act now more than ever, not ruin the momentum and morale by adding to her endless fault. She says she has a right to stay and has a right to an apology. She says she was telling the truth and to accept her “as is” and it is too late to be doing this.
• You do not invite a hit man who has a contract on your husband for dinner, exchange presents with them, email them daily, or make them feel they have something special and can gain if the husband is gone. You do not go into public and profess your friendship or partnership which gives them exclusive access to the masters of the situation. That is a pretend love triangle but the injuries are very real; it is no longer a pretend situation. When the injuries are real then the pretend must stop. Ann will make any and all changes in her life if she wishes to keep these partnerships and close links. She must decide which links and which links she wants to keep; so far she did none of this but got all assistance and benefited greatly by pretending with short term partnerships and threatening long term ones. She must make any and all changes or at least show some result to keep the long term ones.
• Display or outline some logical strategy so we can move into position or do not trip over each other. So far her strategy was based on intelligence fed to her and that assistance must be cut off if it is being used back on us. There is no excuse for this total lack of strategy. There is no excuse for any of the poor quality of work and the lack of actions or results. Nobody feels good why make the terrorist network feel better by assisting her? Why give them our strategy and have them not step down because they are following her and claim to be more than friends and ex boyfriends, seduced them or pretend love triangle or not? Love triangles are used against enemies and now being used on the masters of the situation.
• Her work and public statements have made them feel so good, they confronted us about her ongoing grants to them which they claimed were a romance and love interests. They demanded we provide some proof they were wrong or face another attack. The evidence provided was so weak and took so long it was appalling and inexcusable. You cannot use a fly swatter on a puppy that is now a full grown dog that is obedient and trained to attack.
• This pretend and these half lies made this terror network delusional but did provide valuable information. This was all we got out of it, information, nothing else. The information was not enough but it did interrupt them and make them fight each other. Her work was not that valuable or as valuable because it was exploited and easily deniable because of the total lack of management and lawlessness. There was too much pretend it was easy to slip by those imaginary barriers created while the problem got bigger and bigger. So long as they could lie out of the pretend situations, they were immune from prosecution but were very embarrassed by the entire confusion. This confusion allows some to rebuild due to the ongoing investigations and time allowances. They had and will move under her cover and protections which originates from the masters and have no right to such.
Intel has suggested she is insecure, has a psychological problem, shows a sense of idiotic or unrealistic goals, is too old to take such chances, has an major attitude problem, publicly shows no sense of repentance, has not enough existing support to be asking for more, is not thinking long term and fighting for long term results but claiming to be while in a stalemate, says she has suffered enough, does not show any sign of anger on why they destroyed her or her spouse. She must show how it affected her if any. She must show a sign that she was affected by the matter and was not a conspirator of this terror network. If this terror network claims she was more than friends while she seduced them and fails to take the necessary actions, she will be cut off and nobody can substantiate her claims. Nobody will ever know or find out what exactly occurred or if she was behind it all. The only people who will know are those who claim she is theirs, she was more than friends, and they were granted special and exclusive rights to her life. She cannot go about carefree while we put this together or while we investigate it. She cannot act as if nothing happened and it had no impact on her life. This is how she stole the morale while we were piecing it together.
Intel says she lied to survive how is she qualified for assistance or help? If she messed up badly she must show some fight and some effort why she deserves assistance in this matter rather than taking one step with us and having the terror network take one step also and advance into a better position or higher ground to strike out at the investigators. She obviously does not have an eye on this matter and cannot be of any help as she claims so that assistance can rescue her. This shows toughness and fearlessness but no leadership or initiative. Change and action is very difficult under these conditions. She claims as long as she is with me she has nothing to change and nothing to worry about; the end result will always be the same. There are limits on poor quality work, there are thresholds on pretending.
This was why she was almost fired as a partner in 2002 for pussyfooting around the matter while an extraction never came; only the attacks and imprisonment. An extraction should have come before this but there was no support whatsoever. It is hard to excuse her and let her stay long term unless she pulls a crazy or insane stunt to make up for the total lack of support and the feeling of being abandoned in battle. This is how she proves things. She shows no love and then tries to restore it with some insane stunt which nearly kills her. She claims her crime is she is in love and this is how she proves herself. It is a problem with the brakes, there is no balance or harmony with her brakes but she wishes to make known she is doing her best even if it looks like such poor quality. This arrives five or ten years later and we just do not have the time or does she has the special quality to pull such an awful way to apologize for wishing to stay in love. Intel says she shows sign of low self esteem, needs attention, and is plagued with regret and guilt because it battles expand so vastly due to poor management, dangerous situations, and limited abilities.
This extraction issue happened once before and the feeling of abandonment was won back, it cannot happen again because it took five years to win back last time and a complete mess and disaster. Instead of moving on or ending this torment, she chooses to create a giant mess. It is a difficult call but the only crime is falling in love and loving someone. You have to have some support while being attacked and in a very fierce fight. You cannot live on 400 a month while fighting the biggest terrorist and communist network on these shores nor can your partner and life partner runs around and gives them exclusive access to her and their life so they fall in love with her or plot to kill her also. The level of professional quality is so poor it is embarrassing. It makes you feel like a piece of trash and worthless.
It is a hard call but both of us may loose twenty years of work to the same people who claim to be more than friends, has exclusive access, are in love with us, and exploit the matter to gain full control over the nation and the world. It is a feeling of all the reasons in the world to let go and then the inability to let go and it is from Ann; not from this end. We do not have the time or the pretend ability to allow this mode of understanding to stall another five years before a major breakthrough is produced. The delay and the stalling of this extraction is not wanted or desired but it is a stalemate and a battle for acceptance afterwards. It pisses me off and throws Ann into a fit of tears while she pretends she is unaffected by the whole matter and has total control of the situation when she has none. Being in love with this particular woman is the most painful thing you will ever experience while she feels it is special and ever lasting. She feels her work is very special and it can be if she acts a little quicker or works faster to resolve the problems before they grow so large it is nearly impossible to fix. It is the same complaint the government is facing at this time and the same feelings, the exact love hate sense with the government. Exactly how intelligent are these people and what is their malfunction if any?
If we take one step and she follows and they also take one step, then she is at fault for letting them and telling the public she is their partner; it is so crazy. If she takes one step closer to us and the terror network follows because she allowed it, then it is her fault for bringing them closer and increasing the risk. She refused to fight and she told them to attack. They will and have attacked obviously because she should have done more to prevent the horrific situation or experience. If they destroy her husband or partner and she refuses to fight them by solidifying the link and destroying the partnership; then she is at fault with no excuse. They burned her house down and she wants to work with them and that did not help anybody especially herself. She is obviously in a hazardous situation and had been cut off of aid repeatedly. Luckily, someone had a clear head and was not afflicted by this brainless inability to put the brakes on. It was a complete sense of lawlessness and pretends and those implicated were begging to stay with her while she took steps with us and had been.
If they have a plot on her and she is fearful of it, then the return to it suggests she fabricated it and used it as a political stunt. If you stick your head in a lion and the lion almost bites your head off, then if you stick our head in it next time and it does bite; who is to blame? It is getting more vicious because of her. This lack of action, lack of results, and ongoing partnership with a terror network proves they were correct or right; their exclusive access was threatened by an outside party, spouse or not. We cannot have an idiot running this investigation or on our staff to keep their war and revolution ongoing or alive. If she is their partner and if they are following her, then she has to be gone along with them so long as some clear sign is not present. Neither they nor her can claim to be the masters of the situation while following us in this dangerous and deranged state. We are being trailed by a phantom and she is leading that phantom closer and right to us so they can strike out and have while this state of lawlessness was perpetuating. If a terror network is following her and close to her taking the same steps, she has to step down now; we have them pinned and beat. If she is bringing them closer to strike then we must take action on her. If they are exploiting her to control the situation, she must be pushed back for being a greedy mate and helper who will expand this exploitation of the masters.
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- My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.
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