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Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Ever since the information on Ann’s private life began to surface in 2009, I have heard stuff which caused me to distance myself from her and not trust her. Ann can ruin things really quick and like usual, it is like a bad dream repeating sometimes. It is all too overwhelming, her problems are way too overwhelming, the stalkers and struggling with a possible rape victim is a total turn off, her lack of fight and production of trouble is difficult to deal with, the list just rolls off. Women are always like this and it is hard to imagine a woman her age and looks has nothing to hide. She knows I have zero tolerance and would never understand.

The worst was expecting the girl and the pristine relationship we had in 1998 and hearing about all these men or all the lies. The chat room and the stuff that is a total turn off. Does a guy want to hear about this stuff? Consider the insanity in my life and this terror and communist mole group. I did not even make it out of college before the US was under attack and overtaken. Everything in LA ticked me off and she says she did not intend on ticking me off or fast talking me. Ann is an agent and to do what she does, she can get away with anything but to betray me, time will tell.

The worst was catching her talking in code or “buzz words” with a few men only they know about. Ann even feels guilt and “shame” sometimes. The Ron Sliver thing just snapped the twig which refused to bend anymore. I don’t even know if it is about him or someone else. Ann hides when in trouble and says she does not want to make it worse; so it is difficult to be with someone who has no fight in a business where the worst dominate. She has this little world where atonement comes by quiet and solitude while yelled at or knowing she has messed up. Does Ann think time will heal things and must wait it out?

No matter what I say or do, Ann will always do stuff behind my back and even she knows how I know and she is smug about it. This is not a girl most men wish to deal with because the calming effect is not there and neither is the fight. It is like a cross between a troubled kid and a slick spy. I did feel Ann had an affair but she insist there was never any sex or crime on our relation. My life is too insane to deal with a woman like this with more insanity and who sneaks around like an agent behind my back. I know more secrets and the most about Ann then anyone else and even I have doubts and am kept in the dark. The first time I found out about Ron Silver was when he died and I said what? Weren’t you in DC and who is talking to me or made me hate the West Wing?

Ann is a really good agent, trust me. I hate when she goes in this secret life and hordes behind my back and feels it is not my business. Ann is hiding stuff but she wants a face to face talk before explaining. I do know she is dealing with disgust and guilt. She is not ready to talk to me because of the trauma she went through and how I took some of it out on her. She worked real hard and wrecked it in one day and will take a month to fix it, if ever. Ann keeps telling me there is nothing to tell and she has no secrets except us. We will see what she decides and does.

This is the insanity of these madmen living well beyond their comforts, ability, means, debts, and political fantasy. Rush says Ann is a traitor. Either Ann has to stop pushing these problems on me or identify who is behind, “Will try to fall back in love with his wife.” Rush is saying that if Ann ever tells me, “he crossed lines with other women but never had sex with them.” Ann has never mentioned to me about “crossing lines with other men” but did tell me she never had sex with them and how she messed up. Ann did say she is no angel on fox news. Either she loves them, was bad with them, or hates their guts. The threat is huge.

Here is what Rush said about you on Tuesday, June 30, 2009. Read about the full struggle on the Rush Limbaugh pages and more about them or what they are up to (911 masterminds):

Love, sex and romance is very confusing and like the Duke Lacrosse case, the Meredith Kercher case, the Alabama girl, and so many other date rapes and women issues; we have a disaster and mess. Ann says what she did was nothing wrong and motivated by blind hate towards them for the kidnapping, espionage, and terror plots. They feel she is a mistress and is “really into” them; not able to resist or deny the facts. What facts? All we get are innuendos and photo ops. All we get are tricks and lies, influence, and perpetuating lies. Rape is a very difficult matter but the facts have no been presented even if they keep claiming there is no struggle or fight. Rush and Sean say there is no fight and struggle right now.

Are you this clever and this good? I have heard your side and his. I have sided with you. I do not think he is aware of your feelings and whether or not you are a friend or understand each other. However, I feel he has power over you; some privilege the normal man does not (O'Reilly, Beck, and other work colleagues). You tell me it is all lies and I have listened to you and sided with you. Sean is upset and still claims you are not telling the truth. Sean is not a dog who will fall for the same trick twice. Let him hang himself and struggle while he lies why that struggle ever took place. It is all there for the naked eye and how his story is changing. They are not getting anything out of this but suicidal thoughts while we got everything and won everything back almost restored our names. I was not happy to read the Ron Silver eulogy and you said it is false and cannot be proved. Then I know you talk in code to a few people out there which make this worse. I try to ignore it. I try to ignore a lot of things about you.

However, I do not see him treat Michelle Bachmann this way or have his way. I do not see Elizabeth Hasslebeck bow down to him as if she is his mistress. I do not see fake and total lies between him and Alexis Glick. I see all of the above with you. You do this to yourself and are still. If you are imitating me, then I always act the opposite; reverting to my metal and suffer background to blend in and just be a chameleon. When you act the opposite, they never can anticipate nor have their way; it annoys them; it makes them think they are stupid. He is going to take it to the grave and thinks it is about love or some crush; are you kidding me? Listen to me and I am the miracle in your life and been with you for over 20 years; listen to me talk to you; am I taking this to the grave or how it is love and a secret crush? How romantic that Sean Hannity is; explain what he will get out of this if he avoids this any longer?

I have gone after him for what he is guilty of but you are losing my respect and I wonder if you value it? You need to put your head down and cry; you deserve it. I do not see how you can deny or argue this. You even told me you took him to dinner with your mom. Then you said you do that on the first date. Telling me how he has never gotten a date from you. He claims you are following him on concerts and I explained to him why. You two act as if you are friends; but you tell me the opposite; so either you are the total liar or he is. They call that peace; a conspiracy and cover up. That is why I am mad at the world and upset you are with me while taking these extreme risks to catch a gutter rodent. It feels like you are burning 100 dollar bills each and every day until this ends or is over. They are helping you. They see you burning 100 dollar bills.

He does have power over you; clearly. How much is this struggle. You say none, he says full control. I am sickened by that because that is what I hear about my own kidnapping and “special detainment” while they “bend over backwards to resolve this peacefully.” You are highly sought as a mistress; clearly. I have confronted you and counseled you about your exploits and reputation. You are telling me things which make little or no sense and then say it is total lies. Rush says you don't care about anyone. You are loyal to him and your masters. You sit here and play me and them at the same time; then tell me how upset they are and hate you because you drive them crazy. So what are you doing to me? You must have this calming effect on my life. I feel like you hang me on a string. Your love life makes zero sense.

Time is running out. I have tried to see things your way and it is so messy and a total disaster. I can roll off one after the other; a list of disappointments, reasons to be mad at you, and just things which make no sense and you admit regrets and messing up but your heart was true and you only had one goal and that was to be together irregardless. That I believe and that I know is true. But here is the problem; how do I love someone I do not respect and whom other men have power over? Maher had power over you. You admit it and he said you two are friends. Sean has power over you and I have watched you two; there is a lot you have left out. You do not fight it or deny it. It is open and you keep challenging him. Sean does not treat other women this way. I think you gave him just enough to make him take the bait and nibble. Then the chase and struggle was on. The psycho and stalker came out and you ignore it and him. What he claims and says is not really real unless you agree and concur.

Now he threw in the towel and I ask if you are wearing me down with all of this? He has said to your face, "you never turn down a Hannity event" and "I knew your mom... went out to dinner with you two (which you blew off as if you and I go out to dinner all the time and we do not need to spend time together whatsoever)... you hardly ever go out... you were engaged with him also... he asked you 'who is your number one fan' (listen to you, does that sound like you want my love or respect? It was disgusting and repulsive, you sounded like a 10 year older, and you are almost 48 and struggling in your own private life with us. It took you so long and so much hard work just to clear your name with me. Maybe what he says is disgusting and repulsive while you struggle with him. He feels you set him up and did nothing wrong; but he is complaining about his captives and prisoners.

I kept an open mind and gave you the benefit of the doubt but even I could not take the calming effect you have on me. I know it is a fantasy and he is in a political fantasy and a pathological liar; I am not sure who to take serious; you, Rush, or Sean (or these other men). Sean finally understands you reverse when you hit a wall, not hit it again or again. I have noticed this but he is incapable of shame or guilt. This tells me he is desperately poor and it is how a child deals with the pain and abandonment. He is an emotional basket case and also very dangerous; very evil; and very controlling to hurt others. This is not the business for pinkos and softies trying to act powerful and big. The problem with Sean Hannity is he is a complete and total liar and others know this. That is his problem; where is the struggle Mr. Hannity and Mr. Limbaugh? As hostage takers you have no say in complaints or grievances about your captives. Human rights end the moment they became your prisoner.

So if he is telling the truth, nobody will ever believe him but look how convincing he is. He will not come out and say it; it is all insinuations and planted in the minds of others. So you must be his playmate and both of you are in some political fantasy which you tell me is total lies and he thinks is a testament of how powerful and important he is. He thinks he is in charge and we must seek permission. He brings up Alicia now all the time and it sounds like he never had a problem and did not screw up but she needs his moral support and he won't give it. It sounds like he finally realized the difference in a fantasy, exaggeration, and acting like a clown; the problem is he is very dangerous and has a very dark side. Supposedly, I am marrying his and their mistress and prisoner. They are convinced of this and said you drive them crazy and they hate you; well, they drive me crazy and I hate them. Did you kidnap them because they kidnapped me?

If you listen to his son, his son likes to challenge him and outfox him; they are playmates and his son wants to put him in his place. It is about his son and he is help. I have to sit here and listen to your tennis buddy also; Sean knows you want or like sons. His types are hated and you are in the bear cave while he rides this out as long as he can. He constantly ticks off guests and people by disrespecting them; it is hard to think I am part of or very close to someone who can disgust me so much and claim to be my best friend and closer than a spouse. I fight the idea you can block my feelings for you out. I have told you I am sick of fighting you and I just want to love you. They are complaining about their captive and how you exposed their lies and terror plot. They complain about the pain and the lies you fed them. They are complaining about how you set them up or extracted information about who they were to apprehend them.

You agreed and now cry or say how you just want to cry because you have no control over the matter or your own life. You don't deny it, you don't fight it, and you just tell me you want to cry when I get mad or ask for an explanation about what you have done. This is why perfection is very important between you and me. I cannot have every man call you a mistress and you ask me to be your master. I tend to like normal and likeable people I respect and have fun with. It is as if I am your only defense and without me you are defenseless. The hell begins again and you cannot defend yourself, some man has to and there is total confusion again. These people are animals and they think they are powerful and superior; they are Neanderthals.

Look at Sean, he is a total loser and a pathological liar who almost convinced me you are a bad spouse and deserve some wrath. He wants to impose his wrath on you and you pretend it is no big deal and you are life long friends. If you want my opinion, you are his playmate and like it or not, you been one for a long time. He looks at you and thinks it is playtime; he sees other women and knows he must act professional and cannot have his way or get away with it. I think you gave him enough to blow up his grandiose delusions, political fantasies, arrogant stalker mentality, love of struggle with helpless victims, and living well past his means and debts. I think he is complaining about his captives offering resistance, harassing the hostage takers, worried about your and our escape, worried about who else knows, and how we know everything.

I would say almost a brother and sister act but there is deep resentments and jealousy. He is near suicide and is trying to ride this as long as he can like Maher did. So both of these men are your playmate and they claim much more. You say it is all lies and laugh or chide them in some revenge or payback fashion while they suffer as animals and maniacs. This playmate and insinuations has caused me to view you very negatively and caused a change in you when your best friend pushes you away and denies or stops that miracle you refuse to let go of. It is not flattery and I am not a playmate also; I do not find any of it funny, I have zero tolerance for such and wait for you to say "my point is this..." or "take a look at what they did..."

If you want to be a nun who likes bad boys; it used to be chic and it used to apply with us; but now it is really annoying and got you a bad life and reputation. I am not happy and you work so hard, try so hard, are so committed, fight off all temptation, have fun and have a goal and plan; then in one stroke it is gone because of your playmates so you say. You enjoy being ripped apart by men and savages. You did all the hard work in my life with these barbarians, maniacs, and savages; why am I doing all the hard work in yours? None of them are my playmates or are they?

Ann, I am growing mad at the world and humans. Specifically, those who have access to my life and wish to penalize me right now or have. Ann I am not happy again and you and I have come to an agreement we are sick of fighting with each other. You have given up fighting and take the abuse which is a sense of failure or regrets; risk taking that is taking this too far and at the extreme levels. You know you let me down and failed the one you live life for; but the only way to cope is to ask for love and to explain how you are in pain and hurt because of my rejection and my wishes to revoke my best friend status for management skills I do not understand or like.

In the 20 years I have been with you, I do not honestly think you would ruin our magic and our relationship; that is like hurting your best friend in life and utter silence. I think you gave them enough to make them delusional and pulled back or went into hiding and they feed the lies and perpetuated political fantasies well beyond their debts, means, and criminal insanity. But I am just mad at the world and I know I have to love you and stop fighting with you. I can see their lies all over and this struggle they call romance with us. Not too many women would die over these psychopaths and pathological liars. Could it be that messiah complex or the People’s Temple all over again?

It is very important to incorporate perfection between you and me and absorb the entire reality; to meditate and to use the third eye; to listen to footsteps when you cannot hear it. It is like shooting a pistol and closing your eyes and being able to see the target and feel it. To hear the wind blow it and know how it moves. Then when you open your eyes; it is the same. You want this to always be okay and you do not question if you should continue or not; to take these extreme risks and push it on someone you claim to care for. If you want a life with bad boys or to be their playmate; you have chosen the wrong person to live an indecisive life with. Things are touchy and high edged. You can set me off easily. I work day and night to catch this communist and terrorist group with little or no funds, no much reinforcement, and my own horror. I do not like it when Ann sneaks around behind my back like a spy. She talks in code to a few people and it is difficult to catch her; as she does with me also. Who the others are I do not know but it makes me very despise her; she does it to keep me and them focused on her.

I am mad at the world. I do not think you are proud but you keep telling me I am your life and you are doing this for us; it is hard to cope with my emotions. You love is real; your actions are confusing, your life disgraced, you can have any man you want, and you share this pain with me and this suffering. Try the love-love approach instead of the love-hate one and see if it feels any better. Your playmates will, if not already, ruin your life. This is not the business that attracts the civilized or the perfect; it is one inhabited by maniacs, losers, liars, perverts, spies, terrorists, stalkers, deranged fans, radicals, and very dangerous followers. What they say to us, other victims, and the effort to cover up the struggle and escape punishment makes you want to strangle them. But then, that is why they are called criminals, terrorists, and espionage masterminds.

Bush was good and his family rides reality like we are; nearly undetectable. However, the dark secret is when they cross the finish line with us and at the same time; the evidence will be presented and they will have a very hard time explaining it if ever. They got an early dose and the first stage of more to come. The more they struggle the more they must explain how we have everything.

Ever since all this information came out in 2009, there is a lot I did not like; the Ron Silver eulogy did it for me and that is why I do not trust Ann; she said it was totally false and her mom’s or something; I could not even read or decrypt it. I did not find one article or document which suggested she was even friends with Ron Silver but it sounded like he was the one talking to me when I was in DC. Ann, perfection, learns it and accepts it; it has a calming effect on me. I tend to not yell and mistrust you. Why am I explaining this now?

Monday, June 29, 2009


Based on his radio show last week and what I have heard, Sean Hannity has some power over Ann and some little girl comes out; it is weird. Hannity does have some power over her but I am pretty sure Ann hates his guts. This was so annoying to hear, “who is your number one fan Ann?” (You are… tee he he). I think some of what Sean says is true and Ann said she was not telling me something or felt guilty about something which she was very embarrassed about. Yeah, some man has power over her while she is professing her love and commitment to me as if it is an internal struggle. Call me a liar and call me goofy or pathetic; I am going to have to agree with Sean on some parts but whether it is a true struggle inside her or not is probably why I do not respect her; they have a right to be together and I certainly do not want to come between the love birds, right Ann? Sean is telling the truth, he has power over you or you surrendered to him even if you hate him and he is your opponent. I think he is delusional and exaggerating; even still shy and unsure of himself; too scared to test it but a terrorist. Nothing stops these people. It is all about control and domination.

Why does Sean Hannity have power over you or can make you show up on his show on a whim? He says you are trash and will never turn down his show. He says he has power over you and you are like a mouse hording food; all quiet. It took you a long time to win my ear and have me believe you; I was reluctant to believe you and blamed you for a lot of things and you said to give you a chance and it was “all total lies.” You told me I was the only one and always have and I trusted you and still do; that quiet mousy hording and the mistress in high demand is a total turn off. How long do you wish to keep this going and live some secret life? Rush says you just do not care about anybody and can do whatever you want. Remember, when you are in a relationship, you loose all your freedom; if you cannot deal with it; do not get married or stay in a relationship. Guh, guh? Ann do you wear a wig or have a mirror? You have cracked down but you must be more careful sweetheart, I get turned off easily (fist bump!)

You said you are trying to act like Meagan or show what it is like? It was repulsive. Ever since Sanford and this affair, you have been depressed and reclusive. I get more secrets from Hannity than any other man so he must have some exclusive access or talk to you every single day. I am not a fan and never have been or else I would have a nervous breakdown. This is nothing like I have ever experienced and it does full circles, run your mouth, take these extreme risks, and expect things to work out fine. You have regrets, you tell me you messed up, you ask for forgiveness, you toy with the most dangerous people and it makes you look very unattractive. Very, especially when you dine or want to demean and disrespect our sacred bond. It is sacred; it cannot be replaced or diminished by you. Care to explain or get all silent and reclusive like these people I have to deal with about secrets and what they are up to?

Love birds deserve to be with each other. If a man has power over you and you have surrendered to him or them; then they have a right to share you. I am only into marriage and family and not this orgy of liberals you are plugged into. One day you are a captive, the next you are a mistress, the next these men have power over you and tell me things you say are lies. Respect? Who is your number one fan Ann? I feel almost as pathetic and goofy. Guh, guh, who is your number one fan Ann because it is not me! You are not very popular in your own camp for a reason and I have told you about and counseled you about this grave disappointment which you are fighting desperately to keep our full faith and commitment. For a master, I have never seen so many criminals, moles, and stalkers with so much power over you, our love life, and our life. Thanks for the good feelings sweetheart (fist bump, guh, guh). It took you how long to explain to me and win me back? Then how quickly did you loose it and why? Now I hear you are highly sought as a mistress. Things were good until recently and the Texas problem; can you at least see it from my view and understand my frustration or disappointment? You are running with and seen with the wrong people and it disgusts me. All of them are stalking you and insane.

Okay, so are you goofy or are you all that? Why does Sean have power over you and why do I get so many secrets about you from him all the time? Do you chat and tell him this stuff or do you give it to him to leak it? What, are you on his payroll now as a spy or is he on your payroll? Get rid of him, he is uncooperative and does not give us any intelligence even if he is suicidal and almost on the verge of collapse. Who is fake, you or him, or is it me? I am made to look and feel like the loser and I cannot stand how you all act, then claim to be masters. Do you want me to believe you or Sean Hannity? Make up your mind and stop changing the story on me. You cannot be obedient to everybody and you cannot have men keep power over you and not cause problems; don’t try to be everything to everybody; I tried that in high school already and got life long stalkers. About that cry baby act… how about nothing bothers you ever… Rush says you don’t care about anybody and he is using me to judge you and while they have me under some 24 hour detainment. He is looking for a pressure point and weakness, got it? He wants to search for the point of failure as his escape and secret.

Thursday, June 25, 2009



This is why I get sick of Annie sometimes and how she goes to these events or makes people pay money to attend them when those behind it are doing nothing or nothing special. You can rip off little old ladies for so long before people begin to notice you are not helping but only hurting; mostly yourself. From now on I will not mention anybody if they are going to go and do some crazy fund raiser and keep half the proceeds. Now Ann has to show up and show her support by not missing any of their events. The worst part is how most on the list are behind a secret plot and conspiracy; no less a terror investigation. Oh, nothing is going on and they are not being destroyed. I will ban and also strike down Andrew Breitfart and Melanie Morgan for suggesting this is not an insult to the country and the US military. Andrew Breitfart and Melanie Morgan can kiss our ass. Why the hell are they inviting the people the military are hunting down and behind their kidnapping? Maybe I failed to wake up today or are too stupid to figure out what "too big to fail" really means? I think they are trying to piss off and insult the military by giving them material and bribes; you know "they will never deny you." Are they pulling a copy cat on us?

Not to sound fake or like a liar, but what about "blogger of the year" and this "blogger competition" challenge. Who do you know is going to take the prize all the time? Hint, it is not Ann Coulter but someone she knows really well. These people caused so much trouble in our lives and that is no joke. I had to clean up all of their crap and all the stuff Ann got herself into. I am disgusted to hear that the same people we have had so many problems with are smug and trying to use charity events to cover up their fine work. Ann never turns down these charity events but I end up disgusted with her. They use these good causes to get ahead and on our freaking names. Free Republic is all Mark Levin and Mickey Kraus (Synchro). I am disgusted to be associated with them or linked in my private life to this mess. I do not know how Ann does it or has done it but I hope she has had her fun.

Sunday, June 14, 2009


Sunday, June 14, 2009 Dear Ann Coulter, I did not know we were dealing with unemployed or blue collar workers in need. Will chicks date them or will you? I had no idea we had a crisis with glued collar workers or how our life would change one way or the other with or without them, did you? Also, why is Keith Boykin looking like a Jurassic monster or something out of Kenya? Is this about his private and dating life or ours? He should get his facts straight and double check them before blowing into the wind and asking how our life would change if you dated glued collar men or clued in by dating men in need. Is he stupid or does he just thinks you are cupid and have something he wants because he is special and entitled? One last thing, Obama needs to knock off the we are Somalia and starving act. We are not Somalia and the pirate act is not working for anyone, most especially him. Why he or they think we would even try the same act or fraud is beyond logic and comprehension. Oh good god, are they still trying to get a date and set you up on some blue collar romance or just with me? I never knew I was so honored to be one of "them." Are they still trying to ruin both of our private life and 20+ years with a new "hands off" strategy after being caught?

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


The topic is Judge Ann Coulter, is she a good spouse, best friend, and life long friend? We have been together for over 20 years and she is still smoking hot and very much in love. Tell her if she is a good spouse and a good wife. Judge her and tell her if she is a good spouse or not?

Bill Maher has released an interview to respond to the allegations he fabricated some relationship with Ann Coulter and was "recruiting" her or luring her to the Clinton side just as if Sean Hannity was doing and tried to "shower gifts" because they found out Ann was not single and who they had just tried to recruit or kidnap. We see two big changes in 1998, 2002, and 2006 and I can explain each. I went to the beach every weekend in 2000. In 2002, I was arrested and did find someone to hide behind; Ann was supposed to meet me and did not show. I was released in 2005 and moved late that year from DC to Canada to start over. It was a "defensive" and "security move"; I needed more security from what was present. I went out to dinner almost every night in 2005 and 2006 to regain strength and walk again. I went to concerts every week in 2006 to improve my speaking and social skills. I dated a few women to determine if I was "Closter phobic" and if there was permanent damage. I admit Lori Settle was a front and she was to provide cover until I could meet up with Ann; she looks exactly like Ann. I stopped going to concerts in 2007 and was "fully repaired"; which brought more problems. They want us handicapped. Read the spy ring and how we penetrated it. Read what they said and how they try to cover up they are a communist and terrorist mole; the most dangerous in this world.

Tuesday, June 09, 2009 Bill Maher has done an interview with Playboy and I have not heard anything mentioned about "absolutely we are friends", "hot tubs", or why he felt dating Ann Coulter was more reality than myth. Ann says that it is all a bunch of lies, "total lies" are her exact words and she avoided him privately when she could. From what I know, he based the "date night" based on each time someone did a show and as mentioned, Ann said there was never a 1 on 1 which would cause these rumors. I had asked Ann why and she told me the story about the Clintons and how she was severely attacked in public and Maher furthered a "myth" or "rumor" that she was actually a secret admirer of Clinton. So would you kill a secret admirer? How do you investigate or propel them to talk about Barbara Gold and 911? Some women felt this was the "biggest joke in the industry" but Bill Maher was not either "in on it" or "aware of this." Recently, I heard "rumors" from him about this being much worse than imagined. He means, if he speaks, he is compelled to tell the full story and it is lurid. He was quick to jump on the idea he and Ann were dating (note, Ann has been with me for over 20 years and I do not think for one moment she was interested in him and was also dating an FBI agent also) for over 7 years.

Those lies got bigger and bigger; more exaggerated and more. I have had many brush INS and confrontations with them, they are pathological liars. They steal pictures on the internet and pretend to have power and talk to you using the image of others; then when you look at them and find out who they are; they are physically repulsive. Their attitude is "F you because this shows how shallow you are to judge them by..." They did this hundreds of times and were trying to "find the perfect match" with us. We are talking pathological lying; then we go and check out if they are telling the truth; we verify after talking to them and listening to them. Then he hit a wall and disappeared for months, came back as if nothing was going on. Sound like a few other men? It is a recruitment attempt as we had been working on. It was also to prevent further attacks or to lessen them. They had me locked up already trying to prevent this plot from getting out and how badly it was employed on several targets. So Sean Hannity and Bill Maher mention nothing about this but they will quickly state things which can cause severe impact on Ann's real love life. In other words, there is a charade in the media and then there is her real love life. You got the real love life part and we were asking to know more about this charade which led to murder plots and also rewriting her life and desecrating her biology afterwards.

They were rewriting the lives of others and did it already on one captive; they had a second one and was "in love" with her or "could easily score" with her. Now they find out they also are in two prosecutors trap; the same one I describe and set. If had learned from me; then it is a duality and only I know the escape routes. What do you do when caught lying and telling the truth or clearing your side of it is much, much worse; will get you arrested? That is the dilemma they are in with Ann and the same dilemma they are in with me. Ann has yet to unravel it so I am not able to provide the full details now; however, I am asking them to state and say what they can or if they truly wish to prevent myself and her; to provide real facts. We got some insane and "total lies" from Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and this FReeP connection. It was a money making scheme and money was the reason for a protection racket and other lurid deals such as secret parties, soirees, singles get together, and things Ann refused to attend because it led to photo ops and "first time best friends pictures." Sean Hannity says his "retaliation" is to make us jealous and listen to how great they are as they rewrote both of our lives and played cupid with me as well. The number one list in my kidnapping is Rush Limbaugh; he came forward and is in the open now. Odd, the Sean Hannity Show is on right now.

Do you want to explain to me why you and Clinton and Israel are in a dual reality? Can you tell me why we have a communist plot and mole? When I first moved in and my residence was invaded by race bullies, this 911 plot (Rush Limbaugh claimed responsibility and Clinton did and the name is Jason Conte whose father is a New York cop); I had dinner once a week and went out several times with the upstairs contact to the Clintons and Israel. I can tell you everything about them; they cannot tell you a thing about me; that is the trick. They had their mother over a few times and she acted suspicious of me. Mean is not how I describe them; argumentative, in your face inferiority, and trying to push back harder. So Sean, Ann follows my lead. I dine with them, Ann dines with you. You make me meet your mom; she does the same. Got it? I stopped going to concerts and keep getting lured to 100s of them. When I go, they always ruin my time or the tickets are reserved; then security opens up the floor to the general admission and I am telling them to get lost, this is a private section. So I drank with the Clinton and Israel spies; and I see you paralleled it; I have even gone several rounds with the union goon and put him in every choke hold known to judo and jujitsu. I showed him ankle locks in a wrestle and he got so frustrated he pulled out a knife.

When he told me he had a knife, he went on the ground immediately. They are sent and you are sent to kill us and now you know you make one wrong move and my security will nail you Irish IRA ass. You care to play with the US military; you do it at your own risk. But I will dine with you and I will party with you; then tell you everything about you when you know nothing. I knocked out Rush, you, Clinton, Obama, and just about every mole and the entire communist movement; do you think for one second the US Army is going to back down to a few IRA terrorists and communist moles? I could have pulled the hair follicles out of his head and talked to him when I crabbed him and twisted his body in every pretzel move imaginable; that did not even cover on the ground breaking techniques which I happen to be a master of. I have contingency plans for every single vulnerability if a killer came at me. You have to find my vulnerability first; then deal with my contingency plan. You Irishmen are not all that and much worse. He been running his mouth recently also.

The number one list in Ann Coulter's kidnapping (or stalking and captivity) is Sean Hannity; the egg was Bill Maher. The reason was Bill Clinton and Hillary. In the last moments, Sean was desperately trying to get a date and even came out blatantly on the air; he never got a date from Ann. He has yet to give up. Also, he brags about hanging out with her at CPAC, Freedom Concerts, dinner with her mom (who was intended to prevent him from attacking her on his show), and how he is such a close family friend. The first person he needs to be friends with is myself and understands Ann is a subordinate. She is a great assistant and her financial management of family matters is impeccable. I have to challenge these psychos and they just avoid the matter and refuse to tell the truth. Sean has lied blatantly and keeps asking when we will have the courage to confront the truth; he has a show and he sees his career almost dying and he keeps saying nothing needs to be clarified or brought in the open. Sean told me the most absurd thing, Ann was in love with him. I have just about as dumb as an Irishman can get union goon and Clinton emissary upstairs (like Rush Limbaugh) and to think we are in love with them is like eating dog doo-doo. To them it is not out of the question; but to us it is.

I am Presbyterian and I can say there is a huge gap between Presbyterian and these idiots. We are talking about crap you step on and crap you eat; it is not within reality. We can be mean about it if they wish to be meaning about it but I think respect and the truth is AWOL in their blood and genetics. There is a stereotype and fairness and if you ask me; there is no doubt who these Irishmen are. There is no doubt who JFK or Murtha or Kennedy or Dodd, and others are. They have an inferiority complex Sean calls "a weasel" gene where he is incapable of respectfully and honorably succeeding in life. It is the court of their life and lies; however, keep in mind what we are investigating: 1. kidnapping 2. Terrorist recruitment plot and communist plot 3. Murder plot 4. Cover up. There is a serious reality problem and the issue of whether or not they are aware of and know what they are doing; yes fully. The level of criminality and violation is off the radar and cliff levels; thus, the 1960s communist plot involving the Kennedy's, the black movement, terrorism, domestic terrorism, and toppling the legitimate government is real and we have it now. This is their search for what are a lost cause and a way to retaliate for what they view as a conspiracy on a communist plot and communist moles. They don't see a difference in whom and what we are; they just demand the same rewards and same life. They are hostile, barbarians, and so inferior it is a joke. They also see this as professional and a testament of their cause. They love that liberation and communist plot as mentioned; they feel oppressed as the damned. Now they meet the masters and masters of war. It is a very bad experience for them, read the Tuesday, June 09, 2009 dialogue with them on the Rush Limbaugh pages.

The terror plot was "waging war on America" for the past. They wish to put the Catholic face on my kidnapping and Jewish face on Ann's kidnapping. The British said they are serfs and their plot in America collapsed, imploded, so now they are stuck. They are not capitalists but if they do not fix it or the damage; they will be over. So Mark Levin and the "statist" are from a serf’s point of view. They cannot really adapt to capitalism but they fear the punishments of it as "the army of the damned." They associate the damned with the conservative movement and the right wing. Levin says it is about substance but that is a buzz word for "total lies." It is a good attempt to hit back and cover over what could be severe punishment. This is their attempt to match the book being written on them; they said we are rivals and do not address kidnapping, terror plots, or how we got to this point where they must come up with a good reason why or what they did. They have no answer. So if you read my book which I am not rushing and the story is not complete; they are trying to beat us to the public. It began as military manuals and a serious academic work. I also write and document if they will ever respond and address the real issues and not cover them up.

Sean has just put Mark Levin on. I asked for the "father of satellite warfare" if there is one out there and a challenger; it is Mark Levin. He is challenging my throne and my status; he says I am a statistic and he is actually me. The book on my dog Auggie and his communist mole rival who they raised named Sprite. The research I had to do in prison while I read every federal lawsuit by both Republicans and Democrats since the Civil War (I have not written) and the college level research which takes 20 years of research and accreditation which none of them have. They are stalking this work for a reason and they are the shadow government; only Ann has it and they are trying to come up to our level and say their voice is the real ones. If they can show me the white papers it would be credible but I have not seen or heard the story of why or how it dates back to the fall of communism and the new cold war. That is our project not his. They say they are a rival and we must give our work to them because they are superior and have us as captives. Terrorists and communist moles. Exactly how we describe them and what they are up to. I think like others, it is kid talk and nonsense. This is not a military manual and a serious academic work unless you are delusional and deranged. These are real communists and terrorists and a spy ring to match the McLean gang and the Portland spy ring.

Thursday, June 4, 2009


One moment things are fine. One day she is such a prize and jewel. Then it all collapses. She cannot do anything right. She is a total disappointment. She is on some life mission which nobody else is allowed in. You are trained one moment to trust her fully and the next to be fully disappointed. You are taught to scorn her and to keep your distance. Now she tells me the life we share is not the rules she has laid down. So why is it so uncomfortable and is she a good spouse and mate? Is this a big problem and is she a major problem and threat? She must be, this is just daily thoughts and as time passes; getting stronger. These people live in a pathetic state where they mess with each others head. Is Ann Coulter a good mate? It must be a problem if failure and mess ups are asked every single day. The stalker problem. Banned in her own chat site by someone (get the hell off the chat room). If I think about this every day; then it must be a problem. This is the championship; I hate screw ups and scrubs. Do it right or go home.

I do love her but...

Thursday, June 04, 2009 I have basically spent my entire life, over 20 years with my life long best friend and partner; Ann Coulter. Here are some thoughts along with my blog about our relationship and life long love. When we were younger, she was the one who had all the answers and the tom boy who hung out with you. She never said she had a crush or was secretly in love. That came in 1989. When it is just me and her; things are so rewarding and fulfilling; it cannot get any better. You cannot ask for anything more. It scores 12 out of 10 and has out of orbit realness and fulfillment. I understand she can get any man and has a stable of rich men who throw themselves at her. Ann does not need me; we are in an odd predicament.

Then you introduce others, a kidnapping, politics, and other people. You get a disaster. I am constantly confronting Ann if she is a good partner and a good spouse. Maybe my memory of her is wrong or mistaken? Maybe I am paranoid? Maybe I trust her too much? It must be a really big problem in her life and a woman's life; it must be a major secret yet to be discovered. So is she a good spouse and a best friend? I do not know why but it gets stronger and stronger as the days pass. It must be on her mind a lot because she does not answer it herself.

Ann said she messed up but never cheated or was unfaithful. She had bouts of depression and was in a vicious fight never letting go of her dream to be in love forever. To have the most rich and fulfilling love. Ann said the effort to destroy her and ruin her was so strong; the opposition got a big surprise when I popped up out of nowhere. The problem with it is not me and her; it is others; they are no damn good. Ann is unsure of herself about herself when the question is if she is a good spouse and a good mate. It feels like she is not sure and she wants to tell me to not trust her completely. Someone said when she moved to Florida things really changed in 2006 and she was more "careful." Careful of what? I have scorned her badly and got no response. It is a pathetic and ridiculous culture; but it is or was foreign to our relationship until 1998. Everything just collapsed and never regained it normal self. Now things changed permanently.

Is this the best she can do? Is this her best answer? Having these troublemakers, moles, political spies, and terrorists in our life has been hell. If not on one aspect then in the love category or the sex. Being their prisoner is a total turn off. They watch us and use our life as a weapon back on us. To drive us apart and to have them keep a bigger role. It is a major turn off the way they do this. They do it to spite you and to study your tolerances and outrage; to use it back against you with surveillance. Then they make an excuse about how they keep tabs and watch over us. Imagine a stalker and child molester who says, "I prevented them from cheating and tried to keep them happy by pressuring them."

The history of arrangements and our captivity by communists and terrorist infiltrators left unpleasant experiences and scars which is a major turn is off. The history of arrangements in both of our lives caused severe discomforts on both of us; mostly Ann because sex is a very secretive and private matter. The history of this arrangement and the actions of those closest to her or those who claim to be our closest; is a feeling of worry and discomfort. I am supposed to trust Ann and spent my life with her. She is supposed to feel the same way. Why can't she answer if she is a good spouse, can be trusted, or is my ultimate mate and match? It feels like someone is trying to teach me how to act around her, with her, and to her; but is it Ann? Things are different when nobody is around or here; what changed and why? Is she doing it and why?

When it is just her and I; things are great and there is no problems. Add people and this captivity and all hell breaks loose. Daily chaos, mistrust, suspicions, and a host of other problems. Why? Ann says it is them and not her. I have yet to see one shred of evidence to suggest Billary Maher, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, or others were even slightly honest. They tried to ruin her and take her down but failed. Now they got a big surprise and we see the changes. So why does this scar keep getting picked? Is it me or is it Ann? Do I tell her or order to stay home and never go out? Am I to change my ways and treat her with this ultimate suspicion and mistrust when it is uncomfortable? I have never had to deal with this or sit here and question Ann.

Why is the answer so difficult to figure out and why is Ann holding back on it? Is it being used as a weapon or is it some form of female persuasion? In the past year or two, my attitude has grown from total and full reverence and fulfillment to one of utter disappointment. There are times I feel proud and loved; then other times neglected and in utter disgust. I feel I am being trained by both Ann and someone else to have full trust and confidence in her while in a state of total disappointment. There are times of utter confusion and where she must prove herself. Annie says someone else is implanting this idea and it shows the fierce fight; I wonder if it is to cover over some of the disappointment and the turn offs. It is hard to tell what is real and what is not. One minute it is just a photo op; the next minute it is a steamy date. I get pissed off and turned off.

It is a very difficult situation and there are times of regret, anger, and self hate. Ann will say how it is for a good cause and what she is doing justifies any outcome; it is for charity, the future, and US. She wants sacrifice and to put forward as much sacrifice as she did. You are made to feel she is too pliable and dangerous. You are made to think she is corrupt or one step from a bribe; you are worried she will disappoint and screw up. To be honest, I don't have the full story or details. Ann says she regrets and did things she would probably not do now since the DVD (Is it True What They Say...). I am made to focus on her intentions and not details but she says none of it was intended to piss me off; but it was intended to piss off others.

I do believe Ann and in Ann. Where I used to believe in her fully and daily, it is now one day of utter disgust and disappointment; to the next day of back to normal and fulfillment. It feels dysfunctional and unreal. It feels like a fake person loves you back and the room for improvement is neglected. I do believe her and her life journey with me as a mate and partner; but she wants total trust when some days it is total disappointment and anger with her. One minute she does everything right and is perfect; the next moment she crashes it all and cannot do anything right. This is why it is so uncomfortable; it sounds like another trick of hers or to drag me through a life I would prefer not to know. It feels like she is on a mission; she gave herself to some cause greater than us. Why I am with her; is for her to answer; I am merely a spectator.

The reality and the trip down memory lane is this fight in the mind where she used to be the best friend and mate. Now it is a state of confusion waiting for the next disappointment and the next time to say, "But we are dealing with Ann and if you do not know her... then wait till the next stink bomb... She doesn't follow the rules or conventional motifs and customs." It feels like a walk down an asylum and insanity. It feels like you are loosing your mind when you are ten times stronger and she is a total pain in the neck. She does not make you stronger; she makes you hate yourself for being in this situation. It feels purposeful and a daily revelation. It is hard to tell who is playing with your reality or taking you down. I have caught Ann playing with my mind and have scorned her profusely. She was crying and hurt and said it was because she needed me and had worked so hard for this. I told her if I ever catch her again to pack her stuff and just leave and I will find a normal girl who can be trusted. You don’t hurt who you care for and ruin second chances in life.

The most disturbing part of this is the people behind the entire matter and the kidnappings or abductions. They are keeping quiet. They are claiming it is only fun and games; mere oppression. They are not aware we are tracing and prosecuting a terror and communist plot; a conspiracy. We had run smack into it. We hand and knew who the leaders were and put them in a trap. Now they skirt around and pretend nothing is going on or was. However, they hide the vicious attacks, the terror plots, and are not the slightest bit aware or concerned of the open investigation and how we traced it all back to them. That was the trap set for them. The most disturbing part is the permanent damage and the quiet solace of this traitor group. They know if they step in or aid in their capture; the terror and communist plot is not far behind; the failed recruitment. So the seriousness of the matter and then the effort to escape or keep quiet is the most difficult and problematic part of this. If they were on a crusade, then they sure are not acting as if they were or are. They know we know everything and have their grand master plan. They know we infiltrated and how; they got to see how it works. A taste of how it feels and what “they” look like; they sit next to us, we sit next to them. Only one will win.

1. A constant trajectory. Both trust and a good spouse; or a total disappointment and screw up; keep it constant and predictable not "this is Ann we are dealing with." Total trust and disappointment? When did I fall in love with this? When have I ever been this myself? Who keeps doing this? Stop inviting the scrubs and screw balls; hang them. I have to listen to them lie and how we are their captives and hostages.
2. Get the hell off the chat room. Want to chat? Be single again. Want to socialize and be single? Don't come back. Get these screw ups off our side and out of our life; hurt them and abuse them so they go away as a scrub and screw ball.
3. Once you are in a relation and a marriage; you loose your freedom and independence. You don't like it, don't get married and don't try to have a relationship. Stop making excuses and stop being a total disappointment or flip flopping.
4. No screw ups mean none. Not "I worked so hard" or "it’s all lies" or "I need you" or "close enough for government work." Don't like it? Find a scrub and a screw ball; this is the champions. Who the hell is inviting these failures and screw balls to the championship? Why are they in my life?
5. I have to meet and talk to these stalkers and deranged fans that ban me from web sites, read my emails, do cyber attacks, etc... You want to play games and trade love notes or hurt and hunt them down? Why the hell are you backing with the scrubs and the screw balls; hunt them and hurt them so they leave our life. They are occupying it. They think they are superior and special; no screw ups and screw balls at the championships. Unbelievable low quality and aggravation.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Revolution PAC Welcomes Ann Coulter
Posted by Jacob Franklin| June 1, 2009

If I hear one steamy rumor or a barrage of slut pictures; I will go ballistic on Ann for the stupid things she does. When you get a second chance, you take care of it and try your best while others try to wreck and ruin it. It appears somewhat like that. Also, Ann should be worried about the black guy in Dallas who I had said was following her around on the internet. I had enough of the stalker problems also. I don't like it and I wonder why she has to do it; but then this is Annie. She has to and must or else she will fade into the sunset. She invites anymore weirdos and stalkers into our life, spies, and rogues and I swear I will let them ravage her. This is how the crap began before; whether they are still doing it is yet to be seen; these dinners end up as some uncivilized singles get together with a good excuse and I have warned Annie about the good excuse part. Am I to worry day and night and start finding new interests?

I am not going to be there. It might be a good cause. Maybe it is egg in the face of "them." It might end her relationship with me, who knows. Of course I am not happy and of course I would never go; then again, we are dealing with Annie and a very bad history; can it get worse? A fund raiser is one thing. A singles get together or stalk fest is another; add the slut pictures where hands are everywhere. I have heard one screw up after the other; so there is not going to be any more stupid stuff or screw ups; then night long excuses. I probably would not do it and if so; probably would invite someone special to make sure others behave. Then again, look who we are dealing with and what they have been up to. I am not going to go through life watching over Ann and criticizing her for being a bad partner. I have told her the babysitting has to stop and end quickly. I let her fly on several things because of the intensity and the criminality of the people stalking her and how she set a trap; they also said, "we were set up." Indeed they were. Maybe they will behave and not get caught next time.

I am all for the tea parties but you have to understand the insanity of the situation and the past problems. They are on our freaking side also. They infiltrated the right wing and wreaked havoc on our lives. This might be a counter and it might be more of the same. Considering I am not allowed in the "official chat room of Ann Coulter"; I wonder what I am allowed and not? I am the one who ends up listening to it from Ann, them, and then having every aspect of my life wrecked or attacked. Then I got to hear about Ann crying how it was not her fault and not to be jealous or worried. It is like clockwork and routine. So no, I do not like it and never have. If I was there I would strangle a few of them. Then I have to listen to Ann pretend as if nothing is going on and how she is not under attack or siege.

I do know a few old friends from that locale so; she may be in good hands. I hope she has learned to behave by now. That location goes back a long time. These things always are either intended or get bad press; they end up controversial and form the basis of this "having the time of her life while a captive or prisoner" criticism. So I have to dispell them and Ann hears it nonstop day and night. They always end up as bad press, some singles get together, steamy first date encounters, etc... I have yet to see a "normal" fund raising dinner attended by Ann or one with no slut pictures. So far not one. So I have grown very skeptical and disappointed over them. Ann says someone is doing it to make her bitter and depressed. Ann had been some prisoner or love slave and was under attack. I did break up several murder plots involving those closest to her. They wanted her legacy and name; her work. Look what they did to Reagan.

It is like a snowball effect. I approve of one and then two pop up. Next thing I know I have to say yes and keep saying yes; thanks Ann. I am not sure who to blame the situation on. The one who did it or the one who let them? Annie did get them back badly and make them crawl in their own slobber. At least she is not inviting her pack of Neanderthals there to join her or us. Ann, I am not mad at you but it is really chaotic. It is time for payback and to stomp on the fire someone started. Don't get burned or get me burned. I hope this is not an effort to "clean up" what you said "you messed up." You did not clean it up or tell your side; you managed to stop it. It causes problems between us.

Even if Revolution PAC was on our side and our best friends; they must understand what the past events led to and how we had to combat it. This is like taking another step in the same direction. Dallas, TX goes back a long time and back to the days growing up. Are we going to loose all our friends and be told to shut up and go away because they are terrible people? I trust Ann. I do not trust those she keeps around or has to work with. I end up hearing it and have to combat it tooth and nail; then end up with day long surveillance and my residence bugged by some conspiracy and horrible spy sneaking around. I have a right to be mad and Ann has a right to be mad at me for the events in my own life and my tormentors. Does she blame me or those who did it? As partners; we achieved all our goals and caught who had tormented us. It took a lot and we did not know they were this big! Do I blame her or blame those who did it? I trust her, I do not trust them. She in on a second chance; you do not throw away second chances.

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My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.