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Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Ever since the information on Ann’s private life began to surface in 2009, I have heard stuff which caused me to distance myself from her and not trust her. Ann can ruin things really quick and like usual, it is like a bad dream repeating sometimes. It is all too overwhelming, her problems are way too overwhelming, the stalkers and struggling with a possible rape victim is a total turn off, her lack of fight and production of trouble is difficult to deal with, the list just rolls off. Women are always like this and it is hard to imagine a woman her age and looks has nothing to hide. She knows I have zero tolerance and would never understand.

The worst was expecting the girl and the pristine relationship we had in 1998 and hearing about all these men or all the lies. The chat room and the stuff that is a total turn off. Does a guy want to hear about this stuff? Consider the insanity in my life and this terror and communist mole group. I did not even make it out of college before the US was under attack and overtaken. Everything in LA ticked me off and she says she did not intend on ticking me off or fast talking me. Ann is an agent and to do what she does, she can get away with anything but to betray me, time will tell.

The worst was catching her talking in code or “buzz words” with a few men only they know about. Ann even feels guilt and “shame” sometimes. The Ron Sliver thing just snapped the twig which refused to bend anymore. I don’t even know if it is about him or someone else. Ann hides when in trouble and says she does not want to make it worse; so it is difficult to be with someone who has no fight in a business where the worst dominate. She has this little world where atonement comes by quiet and solitude while yelled at or knowing she has messed up. Does Ann think time will heal things and must wait it out?

No matter what I say or do, Ann will always do stuff behind my back and even she knows how I know and she is smug about it. This is not a girl most men wish to deal with because the calming effect is not there and neither is the fight. It is like a cross between a troubled kid and a slick spy. I did feel Ann had an affair but she insist there was never any sex or crime on our relation. My life is too insane to deal with a woman like this with more insanity and who sneaks around like an agent behind my back. I know more secrets and the most about Ann then anyone else and even I have doubts and am kept in the dark. The first time I found out about Ron Silver was when he died and I said what? Weren’t you in DC and who is talking to me or made me hate the West Wing?

Ann is a really good agent, trust me. I hate when she goes in this secret life and hordes behind my back and feels it is not my business. Ann is hiding stuff but she wants a face to face talk before explaining. I do know she is dealing with disgust and guilt. She is not ready to talk to me because of the trauma she went through and how I took some of it out on her. She worked real hard and wrecked it in one day and will take a month to fix it, if ever. Ann keeps telling me there is nothing to tell and she has no secrets except us. We will see what she decides and does.

This is the insanity of these madmen living well beyond their comforts, ability, means, debts, and political fantasy. Rush says Ann is a traitor. Either Ann has to stop pushing these problems on me or identify who is behind, “Will try to fall back in love with his wife.” Rush is saying that if Ann ever tells me, “he crossed lines with other women but never had sex with them.” Ann has never mentioned to me about “crossing lines with other men” but did tell me she never had sex with them and how she messed up. Ann did say she is no angel on fox news. Either she loves them, was bad with them, or hates their guts. The threat is huge.

Here is what Rush said about you on Tuesday, June 30, 2009. Read about the full struggle on the Rush Limbaugh pages and more about them or what they are up to (911 masterminds):

Love, sex and romance is very confusing and like the Duke Lacrosse case, the Meredith Kercher case, the Alabama girl, and so many other date rapes and women issues; we have a disaster and mess. Ann says what she did was nothing wrong and motivated by blind hate towards them for the kidnapping, espionage, and terror plots. They feel she is a mistress and is “really into” them; not able to resist or deny the facts. What facts? All we get are innuendos and photo ops. All we get are tricks and lies, influence, and perpetuating lies. Rape is a very difficult matter but the facts have no been presented even if they keep claiming there is no struggle or fight. Rush and Sean say there is no fight and struggle right now.

Are you this clever and this good? I have heard your side and his. I have sided with you. I do not think he is aware of your feelings and whether or not you are a friend or understand each other. However, I feel he has power over you; some privilege the normal man does not (O'Reilly, Beck, and other work colleagues). You tell me it is all lies and I have listened to you and sided with you. Sean is upset and still claims you are not telling the truth. Sean is not a dog who will fall for the same trick twice. Let him hang himself and struggle while he lies why that struggle ever took place. It is all there for the naked eye and how his story is changing. They are not getting anything out of this but suicidal thoughts while we got everything and won everything back almost restored our names. I was not happy to read the Ron Silver eulogy and you said it is false and cannot be proved. Then I know you talk in code to a few people out there which make this worse. I try to ignore it. I try to ignore a lot of things about you.

However, I do not see him treat Michelle Bachmann this way or have his way. I do not see Elizabeth Hasslebeck bow down to him as if she is his mistress. I do not see fake and total lies between him and Alexis Glick. I see all of the above with you. You do this to yourself and are still. If you are imitating me, then I always act the opposite; reverting to my metal and suffer background to blend in and just be a chameleon. When you act the opposite, they never can anticipate nor have their way; it annoys them; it makes them think they are stupid. He is going to take it to the grave and thinks it is about love or some crush; are you kidding me? Listen to me and I am the miracle in your life and been with you for over 20 years; listen to me talk to you; am I taking this to the grave or how it is love and a secret crush? How romantic that Sean Hannity is; explain what he will get out of this if he avoids this any longer?

I have gone after him for what he is guilty of but you are losing my respect and I wonder if you value it? You need to put your head down and cry; you deserve it. I do not see how you can deny or argue this. You even told me you took him to dinner with your mom. Then you said you do that on the first date. Telling me how he has never gotten a date from you. He claims you are following him on concerts and I explained to him why. You two act as if you are friends; but you tell me the opposite; so either you are the total liar or he is. They call that peace; a conspiracy and cover up. That is why I am mad at the world and upset you are with me while taking these extreme risks to catch a gutter rodent. It feels like you are burning 100 dollar bills each and every day until this ends or is over. They are helping you. They see you burning 100 dollar bills.

He does have power over you; clearly. How much is this struggle. You say none, he says full control. I am sickened by that because that is what I hear about my own kidnapping and “special detainment” while they “bend over backwards to resolve this peacefully.” You are highly sought as a mistress; clearly. I have confronted you and counseled you about your exploits and reputation. You are telling me things which make little or no sense and then say it is total lies. Rush says you don't care about anyone. You are loyal to him and your masters. You sit here and play me and them at the same time; then tell me how upset they are and hate you because you drive them crazy. So what are you doing to me? You must have this calming effect on my life. I feel like you hang me on a string. Your love life makes zero sense.

Time is running out. I have tried to see things your way and it is so messy and a total disaster. I can roll off one after the other; a list of disappointments, reasons to be mad at you, and just things which make no sense and you admit regrets and messing up but your heart was true and you only had one goal and that was to be together irregardless. That I believe and that I know is true. But here is the problem; how do I love someone I do not respect and whom other men have power over? Maher had power over you. You admit it and he said you two are friends. Sean has power over you and I have watched you two; there is a lot you have left out. You do not fight it or deny it. It is open and you keep challenging him. Sean does not treat other women this way. I think you gave him just enough to make him take the bait and nibble. Then the chase and struggle was on. The psycho and stalker came out and you ignore it and him. What he claims and says is not really real unless you agree and concur.

Now he threw in the towel and I ask if you are wearing me down with all of this? He has said to your face, "you never turn down a Hannity event" and "I knew your mom... went out to dinner with you two (which you blew off as if you and I go out to dinner all the time and we do not need to spend time together whatsoever)... you hardly ever go out... you were engaged with him also... he asked you 'who is your number one fan' (listen to you, does that sound like you want my love or respect? It was disgusting and repulsive, you sounded like a 10 year older, and you are almost 48 and struggling in your own private life with us. It took you so long and so much hard work just to clear your name with me. Maybe what he says is disgusting and repulsive while you struggle with him. He feels you set him up and did nothing wrong; but he is complaining about his captives and prisoners.

I kept an open mind and gave you the benefit of the doubt but even I could not take the calming effect you have on me. I know it is a fantasy and he is in a political fantasy and a pathological liar; I am not sure who to take serious; you, Rush, or Sean (or these other men). Sean finally understands you reverse when you hit a wall, not hit it again or again. I have noticed this but he is incapable of shame or guilt. This tells me he is desperately poor and it is how a child deals with the pain and abandonment. He is an emotional basket case and also very dangerous; very evil; and very controlling to hurt others. This is not the business for pinkos and softies trying to act powerful and big. The problem with Sean Hannity is he is a complete and total liar and others know this. That is his problem; where is the struggle Mr. Hannity and Mr. Limbaugh? As hostage takers you have no say in complaints or grievances about your captives. Human rights end the moment they became your prisoner.

So if he is telling the truth, nobody will ever believe him but look how convincing he is. He will not come out and say it; it is all insinuations and planted in the minds of others. So you must be his playmate and both of you are in some political fantasy which you tell me is total lies and he thinks is a testament of how powerful and important he is. He thinks he is in charge and we must seek permission. He brings up Alicia now all the time and it sounds like he never had a problem and did not screw up but she needs his moral support and he won't give it. It sounds like he finally realized the difference in a fantasy, exaggeration, and acting like a clown; the problem is he is very dangerous and has a very dark side. Supposedly, I am marrying his and their mistress and prisoner. They are convinced of this and said you drive them crazy and they hate you; well, they drive me crazy and I hate them. Did you kidnap them because they kidnapped me?

If you listen to his son, his son likes to challenge him and outfox him; they are playmates and his son wants to put him in his place. It is about his son and he is help. I have to sit here and listen to your tennis buddy also; Sean knows you want or like sons. His types are hated and you are in the bear cave while he rides this out as long as he can. He constantly ticks off guests and people by disrespecting them; it is hard to think I am part of or very close to someone who can disgust me so much and claim to be my best friend and closer than a spouse. I fight the idea you can block my feelings for you out. I have told you I am sick of fighting you and I just want to love you. They are complaining about their captive and how you exposed their lies and terror plot. They complain about the pain and the lies you fed them. They are complaining about how you set them up or extracted information about who they were to apprehend them.

You agreed and now cry or say how you just want to cry because you have no control over the matter or your own life. You don't deny it, you don't fight it, and you just tell me you want to cry when I get mad or ask for an explanation about what you have done. This is why perfection is very important between you and me. I cannot have every man call you a mistress and you ask me to be your master. I tend to like normal and likeable people I respect and have fun with. It is as if I am your only defense and without me you are defenseless. The hell begins again and you cannot defend yourself, some man has to and there is total confusion again. These people are animals and they think they are powerful and superior; they are Neanderthals.

Look at Sean, he is a total loser and a pathological liar who almost convinced me you are a bad spouse and deserve some wrath. He wants to impose his wrath on you and you pretend it is no big deal and you are life long friends. If you want my opinion, you are his playmate and like it or not, you been one for a long time. He looks at you and thinks it is playtime; he sees other women and knows he must act professional and cannot have his way or get away with it. I think you gave him enough to blow up his grandiose delusions, political fantasies, arrogant stalker mentality, love of struggle with helpless victims, and living well past his means and debts. I think he is complaining about his captives offering resistance, harassing the hostage takers, worried about your and our escape, worried about who else knows, and how we know everything.

I would say almost a brother and sister act but there is deep resentments and jealousy. He is near suicide and is trying to ride this as long as he can like Maher did. So both of these men are your playmate and they claim much more. You say it is all lies and laugh or chide them in some revenge or payback fashion while they suffer as animals and maniacs. This playmate and insinuations has caused me to view you very negatively and caused a change in you when your best friend pushes you away and denies or stops that miracle you refuse to let go of. It is not flattery and I am not a playmate also; I do not find any of it funny, I have zero tolerance for such and wait for you to say "my point is this..." or "take a look at what they did..."

If you want to be a nun who likes bad boys; it used to be chic and it used to apply with us; but now it is really annoying and got you a bad life and reputation. I am not happy and you work so hard, try so hard, are so committed, fight off all temptation, have fun and have a goal and plan; then in one stroke it is gone because of your playmates so you say. You enjoy being ripped apart by men and savages. You did all the hard work in my life with these barbarians, maniacs, and savages; why am I doing all the hard work in yours? None of them are my playmates or are they?

Ann, I am growing mad at the world and humans. Specifically, those who have access to my life and wish to penalize me right now or have. Ann I am not happy again and you and I have come to an agreement we are sick of fighting with each other. You have given up fighting and take the abuse which is a sense of failure or regrets; risk taking that is taking this too far and at the extreme levels. You know you let me down and failed the one you live life for; but the only way to cope is to ask for love and to explain how you are in pain and hurt because of my rejection and my wishes to revoke my best friend status for management skills I do not understand or like.

In the 20 years I have been with you, I do not honestly think you would ruin our magic and our relationship; that is like hurting your best friend in life and utter silence. I think you gave them enough to make them delusional and pulled back or went into hiding and they feed the lies and perpetuated political fantasies well beyond their debts, means, and criminal insanity. But I am just mad at the world and I know I have to love you and stop fighting with you. I can see their lies all over and this struggle they call romance with us. Not too many women would die over these psychopaths and pathological liars. Could it be that messiah complex or the People’s Temple all over again?

It is very important to incorporate perfection between you and me and absorb the entire reality; to meditate and to use the third eye; to listen to footsteps when you cannot hear it. It is like shooting a pistol and closing your eyes and being able to see the target and feel it. To hear the wind blow it and know how it moves. Then when you open your eyes; it is the same. You want this to always be okay and you do not question if you should continue or not; to take these extreme risks and push it on someone you claim to care for. If you want a life with bad boys or to be their playmate; you have chosen the wrong person to live an indecisive life with. Things are touchy and high edged. You can set me off easily. I work day and night to catch this communist and terrorist group with little or no funds, no much reinforcement, and my own horror. I do not like it when Ann sneaks around behind my back like a spy. She talks in code to a few people and it is difficult to catch her; as she does with me also. Who the others are I do not know but it makes me very despise her; she does it to keep me and them focused on her.

I am mad at the world. I do not think you are proud but you keep telling me I am your life and you are doing this for us; it is hard to cope with my emotions. You love is real; your actions are confusing, your life disgraced, you can have any man you want, and you share this pain with me and this suffering. Try the love-love approach instead of the love-hate one and see if it feels any better. Your playmates will, if not already, ruin your life. This is not the business that attracts the civilized or the perfect; it is one inhabited by maniacs, losers, liars, perverts, spies, terrorists, stalkers, deranged fans, radicals, and very dangerous followers. What they say to us, other victims, and the effort to cover up the struggle and escape punishment makes you want to strangle them. But then, that is why they are called criminals, terrorists, and espionage masterminds.

Bush was good and his family rides reality like we are; nearly undetectable. However, the dark secret is when they cross the finish line with us and at the same time; the evidence will be presented and they will have a very hard time explaining it if ever. They got an early dose and the first stage of more to come. The more they struggle the more they must explain how we have everything.

Ever since all this information came out in 2009, there is a lot I did not like; the Ron Silver eulogy did it for me and that is why I do not trust Ann; she said it was totally false and her mom’s or something; I could not even read or decrypt it. I did not find one article or document which suggested she was even friends with Ron Silver but it sounded like he was the one talking to me when I was in DC. Ann, perfection, learns it and accepts it; it has a calming effect on me. I tend to not yell and mistrust you. Why am I explaining this now?

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My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.