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Wednesday, December 30, 2009


This case is about the police and trumping up charges. Why then is there allegations about Ann or her dating life? She drove them crazy trumping up charges also. From the new chapters "THE ROAD OF THE POLICE AND CONSPIRACY INVESTIGATION" and the other new incredible chapter called "VICTIMS, PARENTS, HOMICIDE, AND SERIAL KILLERS":

This disconnect with reality has a tendency to trump up charges on males and females; both sexual related or criminal. They tend to bias their opinions and form stories which fit only a small context; however, the entire story is not revealed or hidden very cleverly. We think if the evidence is being suppressed or withheld to suggest either an innocent suspect or hide an accomplice; then to broadcast some victim propaganda for either payments or financial greed.

Monday, December 28, 2009


Let me explain or summarize some of the action and the tension; the pressure cooker from 2008 to 2009. Ann snuck up on me while I was goofing off on chat sites. We had done that before and in the past. This time, she was not hiding or using any cover. So we just began to email and then after one week; we got attacked. Someone was on me and someone was on her; we were captives and some political prisoner; Ann tells me it is the communist and the unions; they had some score with her father to settle also.

Bin Hannity was a complete nuisance and did everything in his power to inflict pain, injury, or spread total lies. It was terrorizing to both Ann and me. Ann ended up playing along to see what he was up to; I was so shocked and distraught; I asked Ann what in hell was causing this psychopathic and serial killer stalker like onslaught and assault. Bin Hannity would bring his kids in; create this total façade; then terrorize us. Meanwhile, the softball girl upstairs; the primary maniac and serial killer; began spending time with me, trying to bond, and pretending to be the voice of Ann.

You will see her each and every single night; they think it is dating and some romance story; it is stalking, kidnapping, and what Ann said was a murder plot when I got so mad and upset with her; I said forgets this. I was so mad at her I asked what the hell she did or why they were saying this; she said it was a protection ring and they had some conspiracy; she was abducted or some prisoner; she was messaging me. So they cut our emails and communications; maybe temporarily but what ensued after was horrific and appalling; yet Bin Hannity was bring his kids in and covering it all up; it is documented and recorded. I keep complaining to Bin Hannity about his union goon and the problem with her; she was like a sociopath and would slam things, throw things, stomp and demand we give them affection or show them respect.

There was a time where Bin Hannity was pretending to have power over Ann; as if he was saying to come into his office to have a talk or counsel. I began to inform Ann about it and how it looks as if two or three days before Ann did a show; he would have an anger fit; referred to Ann or some problem between them; and demanded she makes an appearance or explains. Then he suggested to me he was her man or her boss; Ann did not know what in hell I was talking about and I said; you mean he did not call you in or send an invite? So Ann did get to come on his show when and if she wanted; also any other. Ann’s mental state went up to cloud 9 one day; then dropped to rock bottom where she looked like a total failure; she kept insisting it was total lies and trying to fight behind the scenes.

During this time, Bin Hannity began to lie pathologically, like a deranged stalker. Once Anne Pressley was murdered; I began to inform Ann of a higher security measure; however, she said she is not going to retreat and change her life; I said fine and said if I ever caught her without armor or a concealed; it was her ass. I am a brawler, a high school wrestler, skilled in weapons and defense; a monster when needed. I said there is no way she can fight a maniac and terrorist of this caliber; I want her to review for me her defenses. I also talk to Ann about martial arts and she knows emergency escapes and critical situational defenses. Let’s just say I can scientifically describe every bone in the body and the pounds per square inch to injure it and how. Ann at one point goes in the studio and looks in the eyes of Bin Hannity; to see if he had a soul. He was now exposed and hanging he; I had a lot of interrogation questions but had an immediate problem; so it took longer than expected.

I began to tell Ann I see the murder plot, ordered her to wear armor until I said the coast was clear, and to never let me catch her without her vest or a concealed pistol. I told her I wanted her to go out and buy specific models, how to use a combat pistol, and explained to her what else I wanted her to do. Until I was able to clear this up, she agreed and did as told perfectly; she minimized the risks, used stealth and various anti-stalker deterrence methods I had asked. I said, if they will pursue you; I will see or know who. Then I said I want you to begin to sit next to them; give them attention, and hit the panic button so I know who is doing it; she did. After she did; I began to research them; to learn more about who they were and their career; where, when, and why. Ann filled in the blanks and told me bits I did not have or did not know until I had the complete story or picture.

While this was happening, I called the FBI and a friend; I told her I had a problem then explained. So Bin Hannity had the FBI and the State of New York on him while this was occurring. Bin Limbaugh was getting the Randy hard. He was blowing up, eating incessantly, showing he did not care or sliming down like Gotcha. Bin Limbaugh’s story was even more ridiculous but it was useful to overlap Bin Hannity’s effort. So when it did not work; Bin Limbaugh turned it over to what was. I identify Bin Limbaugh and Lisa D. as the primary culprit. Lisa went into awesome mode and wrote some wine and cheese story in Ann’s house at 4 am talking about boys and it was all giggles but made me a little ticked off with Annie again. She said they want to know if there is trouble or were they loosing their minds. If this murder plot Ann said was true; then they went into defense mode and was in own home. Oddly, they were in my home also.

You can read the rest. Ann went on a tirade; I had to cut off all contact; I was near a nervous breakdown because of her. Meanwhile, Ann was not even on their show and they were chiding me and just trying to drive me insane with daily taunting and total lies; they did everything to suggest Ann wanted to be with them, stay with them, or spent all this private time with them; I had no idea what secrets and sexual possibilities I was getting into. Meanwhile, the insane softball girl upstairs; jumped in the fight and did the same thing with me and pretended to be Ann’s voice or her personal representative. Bin Hannity began to ask for proof. They began to hit us with some heart machine that on a scale of 1 to 10 measured 8; they hit my liver and heart; it feels like a mild heart attack. Then when I said to Ann what was going on and to back off; I said were they doing this to you and she said, “uh huh.” So she was being hit also and terrorized. I find out later they all think Ann is an Israeli spy; thus circling her and protecting their interests-secrets.

Ann kept on saying it was all total lies and tried to draw them out by making them more bold or confident; to take more chances. They would drive around to check, they would do insane things to see if anybody was watching; then they would parade kids or children while they copied our work and pretended to be the same or our voice. Ann would go from level 15 cloud nine and saying I love you all day to complete silence that same night because of stuff they said. Then she had to go on his show and see if he wanted to duke it out and she could not; she would disprove it or have to and he would use it to suggest power over her; he was calling in a subordinate he called her fiancé or love. He was a married man and already taken; so was Ann. Both Bin Limbaugh and Hannity are told and asked if they wish to write any of this down and they deny it. Part of it was terrorizing us, part of it was lying and creating some story, part of it was introducing this other insane woman for me, part of this was name calling and psychotic anger being caught, part of it was to use my anger or resentment about Ann against her, and part of it was to kidnap or terrorize us in the most annoying, unwanted, and harmful manner.

That was just before the interrogation and questions began. Again, we had a lot of business and questions to go through and now Ann has just been abducted or held as some bargaining chip. They are trying to and did injure both of us; simultaneous sometimes or fabricating a false reality. There was a soft spot in Bin Hannity and Bin Limbaugh and I was scanning like a champion fighter; to know what degrees of risk I could try or do; to know when things got out of hand; how to clamp down or use some safety mechanism. It was hard to stay focus and on this sweet spot when they would try to humiliate and attack all day long. I got hacked, I got it from upstairs, and they were debating and had some three ways going. They do not complain about being kidnapped and being targeted for destruction, murder, extortion, blackmail, or annihilating our soul; we were accusing them of this.

When things finally settled down and they had nothing left to terrorize us or beat us over the head with; I was able to begin the questions. Then Ann began to get really annoying. Paling was saying how they had a full court press, was a pitfull, and her husband had a boat. Ann got caught up in that and all her selling strengths. So not only did I get hijacked; Ann was now and McShame was giggly. As this was happening; I gave Ann more intelligence; stay down and do not screw up again. She is in their terror itsy; moving the ball well; and I am in range of quick side passes. There is a zero tolerance in interception and I am close to the end zone; let me do my magic. Every single time Ann was in a shotgun; she threw it to them which meant I had so move the ball quicker and was scared of losing an extra point.

So this is when I began to ask her what the hell she was doing (before she agreed to quit or seek some form of help from a doctor); however, she said she messed up, admitted it, and it is a total disaster; she begged and pleaded, said she was a good spouse but they pressured her and teamed up so badly it caused her to fumble; the bad side of her to come out, and brought her worse out. She asked for forgiveness and said it made her feel inadequate or with low self esteem; so she worked on her credibility so they could not criticize her or rip her up (drinking buddies, dinners, special events, etc…) ; even she did not feel that special and I agreed. Ann would spend so much time begging and every day repeated it until things cleared up. She begged and had to; and did. She said marriage counseling was needed and she knows this; it was a disaster but had a very good excuse; to trust her and believe in her again; she was not lying and if she was; would tell me. However, this back and forth caused her to feel guilty; life in this end was not well; had never been; and we were under siege.

I compare it to a football game and moving the ball quickly; I move it quickly, use quick in and out; and know my strategy well. I know what plays and call them to Ann; she is expected to perform perfectly and without any error under pressure. That is a sign of a great quarterback. However, Ann was doing stuff like throwing the ball soft, letting them sack her, and refused to drill the ball at them. When it is critical; a QB must drill it like fire; throw it in the stands; run out of bounds; and use plays very wisely; Ann was a horrible QB and I was not able to express this. I kept saying what the hell are you doing and if you are trying to make this harder for us? She said nothing and never commented or explained so I said; whatever. At some point, my admiration for her was really high; under pressure it got super; then when things cleared up, she was a total idiot in my eyes. She broke all the rules of the game for QB under pressure and moving that ball. She just shrugged her shoulders and left it there; then kept saying how she had marriage counseling on her mind. Ann’s performance as a QB went up down, up, then peaked; then it went straight down. It got to the point where every time she touched the ball; they doubled her or threw an interception. This time, it was not them or anybody; it was her.

You can check and read the records for accuracy; it is an emotional ordeal and took me to the point of a near nervous breakdown dealing with my own kidnapping, attacks 200 times a day, taunting by the terrorists and kidnappers, watching as they stole my entire life, watching as Ann played along while they stole her life, watching terrorists and murderous spies lie day after day; and finally catching them and getting a confession. Bin Hannity finally shows his true colors and trump cards; then I showed mine and if you check the records; Bin Limbaugh is the master; Bin Hannity is only a moron and Lieutenant; Rush said we never loose, are 10 for 10, am master strategists, and he cannot get up or achieve anything now.

The best he could or would do is using our work and copy it which puts his fingerprints all over the terror plot and carbon dating. I asked him if he knew when we knew and when we began to close in on him; he said not before. I asked him how much we knew and he said everything. All I said was, you have no idea what cards I have and to state them; then I said you have no idea what surprises or evidence either; he concurred and confessed to 1/3 of it all. The extremely incriminating stuff he refused to touch and said there were partners involved and I said write it and put this in a safe so we can solve it in case he croaks. I advised him how to do this and he refused and kicked it up; a trick. He was actually saying up yours; and fooling us before attacking; check the records. Bin Hannity said he would not be caught alive and all of them was walking away or talking this out. My focus was turned and I just ignored the bad QB act Ann was doing but it was not them; it was her this time. So why were they doing this to the both of us while terrorizing our life? Was it to recruit the best or destroy the worst?

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


1. Bin Limbaugh is a master; if you want to see a master at work, watch Rush. Pat Caudill gets outfoxed 10 out of 10 times.
2. Ann said on her DVD that after 911 she called "her friend Pat Caudill in California." I do not think anybody truly believes that.
3. Caudill, Clinton, Carter, Pelosi, Feinstein, and the feminist are one big happy family. The Democrats have done more for women than anybody else! Pat Caudill can vouch for Ann; but if it came down to it; he hates Pelosi and Clinton.
4. Clinton v. Coulter is still raging; so how did this begin or was it a matter of family only?
5. This was why they tried to take her out; said she was a trader and guilt by association; also she is so much smarter than all of them; but we are dealing with communist and Nazi; the new super socialism threat.

Let's see what Pat Caudill says about this circle of friends who are in a circular firing squad. Caudill knows who beat whom and who the masters and champions truly are and why. Annie's gangster and psycho act is a trip; but it is also annoying when she takes it too far. She claims it saved her skin and like a poisonous moccasin; it scares the birds away. Ann also said being a liberal has its advantages; such as celebrity and Hollywood. However, being fake or lying incessantly was how danger was avoided and how conflict was avoided. Where have we heard that one before; it is some comedy routine for real. I am glad things are better for Ann and mean people have left her alone all those years because of their guilt. We could not have done it or made it without them!

They need to be shut down and audited like New Orleans; audits will stop this crime spree and their ready to die speech. They are a danger to themselves and others and we need to make sir they understand this clearly and loudly.

Monday, December 21, 2009


Let them explain why they are scared of her and why they were so interested in her. She beat the other ones they wanted to penetrate with. Then they did not know where she got her power from or where it was going. Then she threatened three groups; the feminist, the liberals, and the new socialist; who and what they morphed into. They knew nothing about her; as nobody knew anything about them or what they were up to. Mostly, the unions threatened her most due to the predicament they put me in; but how do they call backup or support? It is very easy to see once you know the details.

What I did was got a call from Ann at the 11th hour; it was a do or die situation with me; either I won or would be in Canada. We waited for them to show and they did; Ann showed before they did because she wanted to go back to back; that was April 2008. So when they tried to take her out because they knew she was lurking and going to expose them; I did my thing and most scattered. The few remaining were the leaders and the pros. I picked off the best of them and went one on one. Then I had a few things I did not have yet and began with scattered ideas. In other words, I went backwards to blind them and not spook them. I told Ann not to spook them; she began acting like their god damn best friend and it ticked me off. However, they claimed they were her friend and she would catch them lying profusely by isolating us.

If you check the records; I began throwing trump cards all over and defeated them on a level never before seen. They had no idea how many trump cards I had or when it would stop; I started throwing them one by one; told Annie to reload and sit tight. Then once on the run, I began to multiply the trump cards so that Ann’s threat to their penetration was dispersed or balance out; you cannot defeat that many; maybe two people. Ann wants to be undercover brothers; to match my Austin Powers grin. It is hard to sit quiet sometimes when I am on a roll; I like to pick on her when bored. She used to hate this but is used to it now; she just ignores it.

Annie was just on the Quinn and something show in Pittsburgh for that goon Bin Hannity. Maybe this is his last redemption effort. Ann says we are undercover brothers; she loves me and loves it, and is willing to go secret agent or witness protection with me; as planned twenty years ago. I had told her it was no fun and I need a funny partner; she said, “ough, me… me Alex” and I said, “okay, lets go and write some books or piss off a few communists and terrorist.” She said how? I said just watch and learn. So now everybody knows Ann was holding trump cards, they wanted it, needed a future, and had tried to capture her or remove her; I foiled it all and made them scatter while they tried to blend in the crowd. For the record, Bachmann and McConnell are on my list of bad guys.

Sunday, December 20, 2009


Ann has flaws; many of them. However, she tells me she has worked very hard and had only one goal in life; to be partners and a loving spouse. Ann is not the most outspoken person, leader, or Republican. That may cost her both her career and love life. She is being accused of not being honest; however, she wants to prove her case and say how it is bias, hate, discrimination, or racism. Again, she is not the most outspoken Republican or political leader on this earth; nor low key. Ann feels guilt much the same way Exxon felt ashamed. The dung is flying from all sides.

The murder plot on Ann was very similar the Exxon Valdez crisis. Imagine her as Exxon, me as Alaskans, and the spill as the tragedy. Who do you blame when there is an invisible or some conspiracy to discredit the other side? It is a tragedy and much pain and suffering; also guilt and heartache. It led to suicide and lives being torn apart. Both Ann and I survived the ordeal and defeated those behind this; we escaped their death grip and lock over our life. We even uncovered a larger and much more widespread conspiracy. That one involved terrorism, us as leaders, recruitment, and penetrating government; not sex or love. She used this advantage to ensnare a few behind this and show them what they did or how it feels to be a victim.

I have to say that most if not all of what Ann told me was true; everybody was against her and knowingly or not, conspiring against her or her removal. Ann says she is a faithful spouse and it is a total disaster; but at the hands of those we caught. I confirm the murder plot and using me in some 3 way advantage; destroy her to win me; destroy me to win her; destroy us both now. They claim she did not come to aid or rescue. Then they claim they did not delay our medical aid or rescue. Then they claim we refused to give them a fast and speedy trial as they had asked. However, when asked if they wished to surrender or admit to some questions; they refused to answer all of them. It is documented.

The use of spouses is to discredit the military. We have a string of narco-terrorism, school shootings, mall shootings, bank robberies, serial killers, rape-murders, sex offenses, etc… it all links to Catholics, liberals, and spouses or military families. We heard this also, “too big to fail” and then trying to pretend the spies and terrorists were not caught but our best friends and on our side. Genetics is used and to be competitive, marriage, love, reproduction, family name, and financial fraud is also exploited. The problem we initially encountered or discovered in DC was the stalking and bugging our home; then video taping and watching our every move. Just like the Veteran’s Administration hacking and identity theft robbery of a laptop; just like mental illness and our military records, and just like this obsession with Delta Force; they claim is it power and mental illness behind us.

Friday, December 18, 2009


Ann, why do you think you are in the predicament you are in? Is it because of something you did, something they refuse to do, something about them or something about you? Bin Hannity is acting extremely strange; like he is invited. Have you ever listened to some of the things they are or have been saying-doing? A lunatic and a tyrant is a very accurate and very accurate description; so aren't terrorists and 911 suspects. So I have a few questions since this case is about the Jews and the Catholics, they claim you do not have any fight; you claim they are maniacs and losers. I know my case and will summarize it at the end and what their secret police is saying. This is about your credibility and suspicions. Why are you a suspect and why am I?

Have you ever brought an egg to a party and just unloaded on them?
Have you ever embarrassed them in public?
Have you dumped a drink on their head?
Have you given them a piece of your mind?
Have you shown them you have fight and you will fight them in a vicious manner if they violate you?
Have you said no... go away... and ran? Children are taught this sort of self defense if they are not black belt instructors.
Have you ever brandished a knife or weapon and said, try to rape me and your penis will pay dearly.
Have you ever showed them why or how annoying, maniac, and such a total loser they are? Try to show them by example?

Now we can focus on what they have done to you. We know what they have done to me:
Have they ever dumped drinks or food on your head?
Have they scolded or yelled at you in a condescending manner?
Have they thrown food or pastries at you?
Have they ever spoke to you in a degrading or sleazy way?
Have they ever sent you letters, flowers, or articles of your clothing like all stalkers and obsessive terrorists?
Have they ever tried to date, dine, or establish a love-platonic relationship?
Have they ever showed you what they will do if you do not cooperate? Did you show them you had any fight or are armed?
Have they ever threatened your security or love interest-boyfriend-spouse? We know they are living in a fantasy; but when reality hits, what do they do?

We can establish three views to this case. First is the violations and the attempted-failed efforts. Second is the fight you have put forward and the obstacles to prevent from being violated. Third is the fight they have put forward or the effort; I have documented a relentless and terrorizing experience; then the level of violence they will resort to in order to defeat it or overpower defenses.

Now listen to how insane they are and what they wish to come into court; even when facing terrorism charges and conspiracy charges. Keep an eye on where and what the fatal mistake was or how they sank deeper and deeper in a trap.

It is much different when the table is turned and reality hits! It is much different when we do not give a damn and he is finally caught. It is much different to criticize when nobody visits him and we write articles and books about it; be careful what he wishes for when blaming us. FACT: if you have never met royals, they probably will not call you or wish to talk to you; it is a fact. Also, royals will not invite you over or seek you out for something; that is why they are royals. FACT: you can call them dickhead, snots, jerks, stingy, so mean, etc... they will probably laugh at you. How many nut cases will go to court and tell the court royals are stalking them and they are the police? How many courts will argue that royals chase and try to talk to labor or liberals? We know someone is lying, but who; it is really complicated and really difficult to detect it or know who is who; it is up for grabs and right down the center anyhow you slice it. FACT: how many royals do you know who is charged with writing threatening letters, assault, a danger to themselves and others; sounds like a torturer, kidnapping, hoax, and a conspiracy. It sounds like a liar and a serial traitor. So if we are royals, why does the authorities think we would be the primary suspect here? Maybe we are dealing with someone who is mentally ill and feels powerful or in control? It is too late to recant the story; the confessions are there; how do you argue it in court when it is before the US attorney's office? A good start is "surprise, you are on candid camera!"

After Vietnam, the left wing and communist felt they were invincible on the battlefield and in court. Now they are scared of both and know we have everything; all our objectives were not only accomplished; we have extra power to give them a fair and just trial. I would say across the boards, they have lost on the battlefield and off; even in the bedroom and the game of life. There claim and this terror plot is how much fight they have; so how much fight do they have left and how much fight will they recover with after this? What fight? Their goal was we have no fight and cannot fight them; how we caught them; how we showed them every bone breaker, submission hold, and dared them to lie about it. Now how do they escape the feeling of collapse, public image, and losing their job and being locked out for eternity? You cannot say it is illegal if it is true and consensual. You can present a complaint and argue forever if it is both illegal and unwanted; so read the case again and how we have no fight and they did.

They have a death wish; agree? Now they have to prove the extent of this death wish because they are a danger to themselves and others; also this nation. Never talk to them or communicate if you have a law suit; it is before the US attorney's office as of December 4, 2009. Please do not ruin this case and cause a total disaster; avoid them and do not even talk to them or yell; I speak in foreign languages around the house because I am no longer undercover; they claim I am talking to them in different languages... idk how? They will need to prove they can understand 3 languages fluently to file a charge or prove their case. When undercover, I have to do things which convince or enhance my security; so if it enhanced my security; how can it be a crime when it is a foreign language? I can speak a foreign language all day long; so why didn't I before if they are stealing information and caught us? So how do they explain the foreign language issue and fluency? Who is talking to whom? The terror plots are about credibility, slander, and the political future. What is yours and mine?


Ann, why do you think you are in the predicament you are in? Is it because of something you did, something they refuse to do, something about them or something about you? Bin Hannity is acting extremely strange; like he is invited. Have you ever listened to some of the things they are or have been saying-doing? A lunatic and a tyrant is a very accurate and very accurate description; so aren't terrorists and 911 suspects. So I have a few questions since this case is about the Jews and the Catholics, they claim you do not have any fight; you claim they are maniacs and losers. I know my case and will summarize it at the end and what their secret police is saying.

Have you ever brought an egg to a party and just unloaded on them?
Have you ever embarassed them in public?
Have you dumped a drink on their head?
Have you given them a piece of your mind?
Have you shown them you have fight and you will fight them in a vicious manner if they violate you?
Have you said no... go away... and ran? Children are taught this sort of self defense if they are not black belt instructors.
Have you ever brandished a knife or weapon and said, try to rape me and your penis will pay dearly.
Have you ever showed them why or how annoying, maniac, and such a total loser they are? Try to show them by example?

Now we can focus on what they have done to you. We know what they have done to me:
Have they ever dumped drinks or food on your head?
Have they scolded or yelled at you in a condescending manner?
Have they thrown food or pastires at you?
Have they ever spoke to you in a degrading or sleezy way?
Have they ever sent you letters, flowers, or articles of your clothing like all stalkers and obsessive terrorists?
Have they ever tried to date, dine, or establish a love-platonic relationship?
Have they ever showed you what they will do if you do not cooperate? Did you show them you had any fight or are armed?
Have they ever threatened your security or love interest-boyfriend-spouse? We know they are living in a fantasy; but when reality hits, what do they do?

We can establish three views to this case. First is the violations and the attempted-failed efforts. Second is the fight you have put forward and the obstacles to prevent from being violated. Third is the fight they have put forward or the effort; I have documented a relentless and terrorizing experience; then the level of violence they will resort to in order to defeat it or overpower defenses.

Now listen to how insane they are and what they wish to come into court; even when facing terrorism charges and conspiracy charges. Keep an eye on where and what the fatal mistake was or how they sank deeper and deeper in a trap.

It is much different when the table is turned and reality hits! It is much different when we do not give a damn and he is finally caught. It is much different to criticize when nobody visits him and we write articles and books about it; be careful what he wishes for when blaming us. FACT: if you have never met royals, they probably will not call you or wish to talk to you; it is a fact. Also, royals will not invite you over or seek you out for something; that is why they are royals. FACT: you can call them dickhead, snots, jerks, stingy, so mean, etc... they will probably laugh at you. How many nut cases will go to court and tell the court royals are stalking them and they are the police? How many courts will argue that royals chase and try to talk to labor or liberals? We know someone is lying, but who; it is really complicated and really difficult to detect it or know who is who; it is up for grabs and right down the center anyhow you slice it. FACT: how many royals do you know who is charged with writing threatening letters, assault, a danger to themselves and others; sounds like a torturer, kidnapping, hoax, and a conspiracy. It sounds like a liar and a serial traitor. So if we are royals, why does the authorities think we would be the primary suspect here? Maybe we are dealing with someone who is mentally ill and feels powerful or in control? It is too late to recant the story; the confessions are there; how do you argue it in court when it is before the US attorney's office? A good start is "surprise, you are on candid camera!"

After Vietnam, the left wing and communist felt they were invincible on the battlefield and in court. Now they are scared of both and know we have everything; all our objectives were not only accomplished; we have extra power to give them a fair and just trial. I would say across the boards, they have lost on the battlefield and off; even in the bedroom and the game of life. There claim and this terror plot is how much fight they have; so how much fight do they have left and how much fight will they recover with after this? What fight? Their goal was we have no fight and cannot fight them; how we caught them; how we showed them every bone breaker, submission hold, and dared them to lie about it. Now how do they escape the feeling of collapse, public image, and losing their job and being locked out for eternity? You cannot say it is illegal if it is true and consensual. You can present a complaint and argue forever if it is both illegal and unwanted; so read the case again and how we have no fight and they did.

They have a death wish; agree? Now they have to prove the extent of this death wish because they are a danger to themselves and others; also this nation. Never talk to them or communicate if you have a law suit; it is before the US attorney's office as of December 4, 2009. Please do not ruin this case and cause a total disaster; avoid them and do not even talk to them or yell; I speak in foreign languages around the house because I am no longer undercover; they claim I am talking to them in different languages... idk how? They will need to prove they can understand 3 languages fluently to file a charge or prove their case. When undercover, I have to do things which convince or enhance my security; so if it enhanced my security; how can it be a crime when it is a foreign language? I can speak a foreign language all day long; so why didn't I before if they are stealing information and caught us? So how do they explain the foreign language issue and fluency? Who is talking to whom?

Thursday, December 17, 2009


Dear Rush Bin Limbaugh:

On the Quinn Radio Show: there is a point where you feel the insane asylum and know everybody is crazy; then break out laughing, crying, or puking. We all know the favorability of white politicians is skyrocketing after the super talents of Bin Limbaugh, Hannity, and cohorts. They are winning trust and making things fall over everyday; that is white power. If I had a 13 year old boy; I know my kid would fantasize all day about these leaders and the message. Probably one of if not the best radio interview I have ever heard Ann Coulter give in December 3, 2009 on the Quinn Radio Show.

My goal is to get along and do anything to salvage the relationship both Ann and I have or had; over 20 years of partnership. Even though there is a lot of reasons, and still more coming out, I noticed that she was right and telling the truth 90% to 100% of the time; there is a delay and an after effect; a future tense. Also, someone said they show no mercy to her mom even if she was terminally ill. They were polite about it but showed no feelings or care when they dined with her or met her. Myself, I never met them and prefer it this way. Ann likes to keep it only between her and myself; not get infighting or teaming up on one or the other. She feels it is power over her or some approval she will never satisfy. My goal is to my family, not socialist or terrorist leaders.

The socialist, liberals, and communist left wing keep slandering and berating me about how I do not get along or work with them; how I have a personality disorder and am lying about it. The truth is they lie and are backwards. Then they work with Ann and claim I am filled with hate when I am rescuing her and doing everything to keep my 20+ years with her. They are filled with hate and are the source of all this terrorism; now it is blame and destroy others. Then it is how others have some mental illness when they are insane or crazy about us. Now the act is name calling and how they are only staff; a nobody. They look at me and see mental illness. They look at Ann and say how they are the same. Then they find out I drive the ship for both Ann and I and they drool more. Now the pretend is about conspiracy, law suits, criminal prosecution, and how every embassy in the world got a letter from me. They also call it black-white power; a race supremacy group of socialism and they declared war on America and this world. That is the case before the US attorney and at every embassy in the world.


New and uncovered leads: Fort Dix was penetrated and both .45 cal US ammunition and explosive ordinance was being stolen-smuggled because it traced back to the government. During the 1980s, the .45 caliber pistol shows up in related cases.

• Capital Police Massacre
• DC Police HQ attack
• DC Police Wars
• Armed robbery in 1980s of “Minh Nguyen” at gas station by “Arab robber” in Seabrook, MD
• Miami Police shooting, North Hollywood, Bernard Goetz, .22 Cal Buffalo serial killer
• Still researching cases or crime spree using drugs, guns, bank robbers, kidnappings, serial killers, and black-white power

Saturday, December 12, 2009


Ann, if I find out my helping you or my relationship with you led to my mistreatment by one of your deputies or pee-on heroes; inform them that I drive and steer the ship the majority of the time. Therefore, if they make a mistake or confuse who is in charge; it could very well be I will bite the ear off their bat. I have seen this done from one deranged fan to the next; from one anal retentive jackass to the next; and your cohort of prostate cancer club members missing hair. Nobody likes to be mistreated; and if I find out any of them are behind it and then coming to you as a hero (such as a few I know firsthand); they can kiss it goodbye. I am in no way happy with anybody on her staff or side; not the least. This idea I am a suspect is like blaming the car for hitting the wall. It feels as if she is fighting her own personal war; something very offensive done to her. They blame Ann; I blame them; she blames them; we get confusion and disaster; they wish to just walk away or carry on.

1. Winter or holidays of 2005 was when I got home and began recovery-therapy; the beginning of back to normal.
2. Christmas of 2005 was a big time period in California.
3. All of 2006 was working and therapy; dating and social interactions; to gauge the degree of Closter phobia and damage; also to get back to normal.
4. Once dating and clubs returned; then going farther and trips helped the recovery of a coma and Closter phobia.
5. I have no idea that the men she was chaperoned by and neither has she any idea who I took to dinners, clubs, concerts, or a trip. Honestly I do not even know the names of these girls; mostly around 18 to 24 who wanted to go out for the sake of just going out.

• So for Annie from 2005 to 2007; there should be an surge in dinners; theater, social events, clubs, etc... With people she did not like or got along with. We both took a picture of our butts to see how big it got; mine is still on file. I said we will compare it later. Also, everything I do Ann does, everything. All social events from 2005 to 2007 should be okay and Annie says it her revenge and come back.
• The CPAC and Restoration Weekends make me more confused than jealous; they leave bad memories and opportunities for secrets or rumors.
• A big mistake is how Ann makes it harder to catch them; they copy her and stalk her=follow every move she makes which is cover or hides behind her and it is so difficult; Ann just ignores it.

Here is what I do not like; the late nite hotel parties. I trust Ann; but I read this stuff and what they say about her. Yes I know it is false. They claim all these salacious or memorable memories, events, and pictures; then use it back on me like staff. I am told to prove I know her. I get so offended I ask Ann what the hell? I had this day after day for years; then was being attacked so they could blame Ann for not speaking out. They got the police on me. Blamed Ann for my hardships, etc… claimed to be close to her or some protection, so they watched her closely and their investments. No they refuse to stop; look at the Bin brothers Rush and Sean Bin Lying. Picking on someone is not a crime. They were suspects for another reason but they used it to injure us; to lessen the case. Like a maniac who bit you until the end.

Then you get guys like Bin Hannity who says it begins with sexting, then hotel invites, then articles of clothing, etc... he was holding on to a story how he hung out with Ann at the bar all of CPAC 2007 and did not show at the CPAC 2009; but Ann does this video which scares me because she was either up late with me (I go to bed at 3 am to 7am; sleep till noon) or she was up at one of these private hotel parties. It is a rumor mill and they say one thing; others say she is the best behaved of them all; Ann says she is madly in love and is planning out her 20+ year wedding and life working to the bone; who do I believe? I have not heard rumors about the hotel stuff at the Breakers yet but Ann said she would tell me everything. She claims she goes alone and just sits there because it is boring and she does not like them. She does not wish to be exploited by liberals or conservatives.

Had they not cut off our emails on; things would be easier. Ann spent was talking to me all day or trying to in 2009 via Fox; then she was emailing me. No problems there and she put a lot of effort and worked hard and proudly. Fox News has a collection of insane videos; this is for me and she told me to look for last month (about time): I have a collection of Fox News (search it); needed one or two more! To me it is stupid but it is a big deal to others; go to a pool and sunbathe sometime! Read the entire blog; listen to what I am working on and then listen to how they tried to railroad or divert the attention. They felt if they could punch their way out or injure their way out; the disaster would be so bad; we all were victims and unite.

Friday, December 11, 2009


Question 1: yes
Question 2: yes
Comment 3: (Shhh) naughty; yes I know and realize that
Question 4: marriage

1. the back hug and the forehead kiss!

Do not try to mix it all up or provoke them; please. Have only good and positive stories to tell me, I know it is a total disaster also. I have the feds on this and they see it also; they know who is number 1 and on this. Tell me good stories and memories.

Love the showdown with Jesse Ventura; one of your pencil necked loser drinking buddies to be proud of, good job! Good memories only... that warms the heart and makes love strong; not marriage counseling okay.

The Master Plot:

Sunday, December 6, 2009


After a horrendous ordeal at Virginia Tech and my life imploding; I took time off. I assume this was an effort to drive me out of computer science and into law or politics at Georgetown University. I was invited there by Chris Liebig and lost interest; choosing my own course and destiny. I shut all of it out by 1989 after getting together with Ann. I had severe personal problems in late 1988 and coping with severe depression. I could not get up and go to class opting to take time off and sort things out personally. Dinesh is debating my first year at Virginia Tech.

The first person who contacted me after my visit to Georgetown University, by invitation of Chris Liebig, was Dinesh D’Xousa. I assume he was a recruiter or some initial contact. The second contact by this conspiracy was George Bush Sr. and Dick Cheney. After this I paid no attention to them and we began to get unusual Christmas Cards from the White House; never before. Dinesh was in a conspiracy because he was the first contact and laid low after Ann spooked him; she was not engaged to him at all but he conspired with Laura Ingraham on that one. In 1989 at GU, Dinesh was debating affirmative action and civil rights laws; it was a set up for Bush and his cronies. We got hit by them afterwards; all of them. Dinesh is avoiding debate with Ann; even moving.

I assume Dinesh was spooked by Ann; they had no romantic or links. He is in a conspiracy and writing books on death and the after life. Hence, Laura Ingraham came in to see what was scaring him or why Ann was after Dinesh. Laura then was followed by George W. and this is when they made Ann or began to attack her. The third contact after Bush Sr. was the Clintons. Those were ignored and during the 1993 to 1998 period where all hell broke loose and odd characters approached us. I assume it was a recruitment effort and an effort to drive both Ann and I away from our own course. By then, suspicion was on Ann and they began to attack her. She used Maher to decoy an ally to Clinton while staging her rise to the top.

I have told Ann not to fight one battle and cause the war to be lost. Hence, I have advised her to choose her fights more carefully or the pressure she was placing on me to forgive and forget; she wants to go to heaven and it feels like forgiving the cause and who is behind all of this. You can see how it plays out in the 1990s when Ann spooks Dinesh and Georgetown; then Laura comes in and comes behind Ann; then Clinton and Ann square off; then all hell breaks loose after 1998. In tennis, you have to hit the sweet spot; others can tell when you miss or have poor aim. Then some players just hit it back and wait; then wait; when the opponent comes to the net, they smack it past them. It is important to hit the sweet spot and have power on each shot; it is obvious when you mess up. My teacher at Va. Tech did not speak English and was Indian, a poor choice; Dinesh was on the scene immediately in 1989 while I had severe depression.

They claim they had nothing to do with out expulsion or these disruptions; no less terror plots. However, every suspect was caught and fits either Catholic or Jewish 1960s legalism heritage. It cannot be labor either. This is about the cold war, weak on crime, the mob, corruption, police, unions, racism, labor party, and power. It is also about war with the British Empire or colonialism. We see this arrogance repeated and this traitor marksmanship rising again. They are facing expulsion and serious risk. Their religion leaves much to be desired and so does their intelligence and penchant for crime. We are trying to expel them and forbid them from having access to this case or investment; however, they keep violating, disrupting, terrorizing us, and acting as if they have won or ownership of it.

New Chapter and masterpiece called "A Climate of Lies": The complete analysis of Terrorism, Terror Plot; Financial motives and police power:

Previous Chapter and masterpiece called "Who is Al Queda":

Thursday, December 3, 2009


Summary: Dear Ann Coulter. There is a professor who is from CT, a victim of the Unabomber, contacting me about how Judaism is the source of most ideas and is the source of all power in this world. This was exactly what you said. You contacted me and asked for some help; I was in some terror-dissident plot. I know you date Jewish men exclusively. I know there are a lot of lies. I know they targeted me; two sides to create this dissident plot, a defection. These men and associates are of no use; nothing has changed; lies are everywhere. I broke their grip on you and me. You broke their pride and swarm of money, influence, and criminal genius. The problem is they are still in my life and lies are still everywhere. If you sought a different outcome or result; this did not occur yet. The problem is nobody gets choice, they are in control, they are lunatics; and no has to be repeated 200 times a day to them. Now they are wrong and face criminal prosecution and the same laws apply; nobody gets a choice and no has to be repeated to them 200 times a day; yet they claim they are the source of money, power, influence; and others stole it. It is very hard to dispel this idea you date Jewish men exclusively; then my own role and the level of lying or conspiracy under the surface. You did tell me everything and I documented it; but my wishes are and never met; my disappointment was never properly addressed; you ignored it and I filed the lawsuit; it lingers and needs closure. I do not want anything to do with this or this terror plot of dissidents. I suggest women avoid your career decisions and what they did to you.

What the hell is Ann on the MB show for? Just a month ago, Andy Williams was on there and I do not wish to talk about this. I have heard about these Restoration weekends and CPAC parties. I also saw pictures from them and the breakfasts. Ann says they are all terrified to speak out about it; then she tells me she goes to them for ideas. I prefer not to think about it right now while she says a lot of convictions are coming from those two sources. She got very little from those two in information; then screwed up her entire life; no ideas there. Keep having a blast and living large. I love all her friends and I am glad she had so much fun; and they are in my life. The more the merrier; the more they are there; the better it gets! I also love the pictures and stories.

Look at the pictures at them and the breakfast pictures also. She wants me to live with them and it is a nightmare whatever the story is. I am sure there are more pictures and more stories! She told me nobody went on any second date; she does not text or chat with anybody; then she did not have breakfast with anybody; at some point, you get sick and tired of it. Then it goes on and on; like an energizer bunny. Maybe it is me... maybe it is her... maybe it is them; I do not know and do not have the entire story or can even make up my mind. In the end, who suffers? Exactly. Oh I have heard a lot already while I suffer the pain and suffering. Yes, I see these friends I told her to get rid of have taken such good care of her social life and reputation. They are so valuable and they are a source of so much ideas and information. It is incredible the well; also the effect on my life and how all the problems just disappear.

Listening to her is upsetting. Now she says she is in a sex scandal; just no sex. She needs to figure out how to market her to me and to others; then she needs to figure out what she wants to tell me and what she is terrified to tell me. I know there is no sex; but she is terrified to tell me anything else and tried to pretend it was no big deal. She admits she is in some sex scandal and there is no sex; we know about the stalking; we know about the murder plot; I know she is scared to tell me and is terrified my opinion will change very badly. I tell her to get rid of him-her; two years later; nothing. It is neither friend nor foe; just nothing and no change; it goes on and on; and you cannot stand listening to your own complaint day after day. I work with other partners now and do not have any problems; then she has more problems then my mind can handle and they never go away.

That is how she is marketing herself to me; no sex, nothing to be worried about, total lies, etc... Then when I ask her; she gets terrified. Ann claims she is a wonderful choice for a wife; I hear a lot of buzz. Then I get the most lurid stories and unspeakable behavior. I asked B. Rush Limbaugh and he says they "indirectly raped" her; what is indirectly raping someone? So how many men did she go out with; have breakfast with; went to dinner with? Is it over 100 or 1000? How many men in this world went to dinner, were a drinking buddy, got wasted or blasted, was a travel partner, or dated her? All she says is nobody got a second date and it is back and forth; back and forth. I just do not want to think about it; the huge gap is there and it left a bad imprint; a recurring bad experience.

The worst part is the degree of results and the ratio of problems; too many problems, very little results. It sounds like a really cool party, an exciting life, and a great chance to get to know a lot of men; if you ask me. Now it is sex scandals lacking any sex and I ask her about emails, chats, and day to day chit-chat. I will give her this much; they are really angry and furious at her; they call her the worst names, etc... I am not angry; I am disappointed and wonder if there is anything I might view as inappropriate or a gut check. I would like these problems to go away at some point or at least clear up.

Ann told me they were trying to profit on her death and biography; claiming to be her friend, personal associates, and seedy rumors; this was the murder plot I had broken up and foiled. It involved very close associates; her publicist; those who claimed they knew her; and the most shocking claims I have ever heard. I could not believe it and asked Ann; documenting the two year long investigation. Ann had contacted me and then they cut my email off denying any contact with her; then she contacted me clandestinely as we had; so if we were undercover; we could not reveal it and was in danger; severe danger.

That sort of came to the surface and really caught me by surprise. Because they were caught; they stop trying to set her up or gave up. They refuse to report the whole truth or entire story; part of trying to dig up dirt and destroy her. They did this to me in high school and I left; got out of it by trying to get married. They circle you; try to dig up dirt or set you up; they refuse to let you escape; they keep the pressure up until caught red handed; I caught them doing this to Ann; she caught them doing this to me. Because of this relentless effort; you have to go deep cover; they put you in a no way out or suicide situation; deadly.

The murder plot on Ann had to do with allegations they told me which were fabricated and total lies; then they had to scrap the murder plot when the truth came out; they did not know what to do or how to get out of it so their lawyers said to deny it and say nothing. Let Ann say it. This tipped off my anger with two sides and a lack of information; a large gap between Ann and them. Ann won that fight and did prove them wrong or liars; they told me lies; she told me the plot on her or who was behind it. She did not tell me why; they did. It is easy to figure out who is behind it and why; use the gap we created between us and them; so if the gap is 1 and 10; they will say 10 but we wrote down 1. If they try 100 times then you know they are behind it and got it all wrong 99 times.

Ann was struggling with this big gap between her, her biography, them, and their biography. They refused to fix it or say anything; opting to deny it and say nothing; it involved a murder plot and conspiracy to profit off murder; like terrorism and this terrorist plot. First you must create a dissident; a victim. When a crisis or this dissident is present; they can either exploit it or try to pretend they are on the good side when they were behind it or in a conspiracy. They become a friend or an expert on the topic; false claims and total lies. That was how I caught them; they came to me, cut our emails off; tried to isolate each of us and bombard us with all forms of lies daily or the most salacious claims. Then when that failed, they followed up with cover-ups, stories, and various versions such as on our side or better than us. It was one effort at damage control after the other. We use this gap between us and them to catch them. They told me to stay away and she to stay away from this fight; but the gap was huge between us and them.


The MB show has on some radio guy from Quantico, VA and he is talking about AOL, FBI and going into some child porn ring. He says he overheard bad things and contacted the FBI. When you are undercover or listening in; you are an observer; therefore, you cannot engage in the act. So if they ask if you wish to talk; say no. If you talk in an open forum; that is fine. You can ask questions but as an observer; you cannot participate or engage in an illegal act. Again, asking a question about child porn rings is not a crime; asking how much it cost is not a crime; asking to talk privately can be. If they lie to you; then it is not your fault and you are tricked into a predicament; typically, they trick you to see what you are into and then wait for you to proposition them. Then you can wait for years or weeks; either you will break it or they will. You can go through 1000 people; you cannot initiate and only observe.

The radio guy was charged with possession of child porn material. He is guilty there. He was charged 15 counts of trafficking in child porn; sending and then receiving; perhaps in a clandestine manner. He is saying he is a reporter or working on a case. If you send and receive material; if you visit child porn sites; it appears the observer clause has been violated. Again, when you are propositioned; then you can jump on it by asking name, address, location, etc... You cannot participate or show interest. You can figure how to get rid of them or abuse them (i.e. Call them fat, ugly, sluttish, etc...). As an undercover person; you are an observer. You get them to proposition you. When they do, you find out more about them. You do not tell them what you are into; let them tell you what they have and if you are interested; once you have it; you say no. The objective is to collect intelligence. Build it up and seek a pattern or a repeated attempt. I have never heard of any investigator who downloads child porn, receives it, and then distributes it as if he is a guru or fan.

Had he said, I was only talking to them, never sexually and refused any flirtation; I abused them; then that is different. The term is platonic; if you advise them to clean up their life and they reject it; then you can try to change their mind and be a father figure. When you talk to adult hookers or even strippers; you can even ask them why they are doing it and tell them to get out of the industry; I try to advise people and preach to them. To see who is negative to it or appears to be a male subject or homosexual; I also try to use information on who I know it is and make them reveal themselves or make a mistake; to catch them lying. Then once you catch them lying; see how they stalk you or if they are coming back again and again. That is harassment; they know you do not or are not interested; they refuse no or your rejection. They become angry and retaliate; to try to argue or alter the situation which they claim you put them in. This enemy or stalker blames the other side; it is never them who is doing it or behind it.

Part of investigative work is called immersion. However, you cannot commit an illegal act unless it is to establish your credibility (a felony or murder). Some investigators are so good (See movie "Rush" with Jason Patrick and Jennifer Jason Leigh) they become the enemy. They adopt a life that is similar or cannot break habits which was part of their undercover work. That is why immersion can be dangerous; you become a real character. Deep cover is when you are in that position for 10 or 20 years; your job is to climb the ranks and have specific objectives. I do not compare child porn rings to drug rings at all; they are two different creatures.

The case with strippers: strippers are near beauty queens and are athletic. So if you go in a strip joint, they will ask you for a lap dance. You can try one and learn what the business is about. After, the observation part ends. Most men find them better than they are. However, you can go in a strip joint and do as I did. When they ask you for a dance, deny it and ask how much they charge. Give them the money and ask for conversation. Talk to them and find out why they do it; why they stay in it; what they plan on doing 5 or 10 years. For their honesty; distract them from that industry and let them know good men are out there who want to marry them and what they are doing is a choice. They appreciate the conversation and advice; but most of these women are lesbians, have kids, make a lot of money, and work very little.

Some first rate strippers choose it and will not change their minds no matter what you say or try to convince them. Some know it is bad or cheapens them; they say they save up and when they are satisfied; will use the money for more positive things. I have had maybe 1 lap dance, find them ridiculous, I just give them the money and talk to them on a human level; then they kiss you after and appreciate you care enough to work out life problems. I have never met an angry one or a girl that refused to listen; she did not know right from wrong. Your goal is to explore bizarre or controversial people and find out if they are evil or know right from wrong; will they fight you or listen? Women are also known to be sensuous and careful; they are less likely to take risk or embarrass themselves.

Police officers who are undercover as hookers; walk the street, approach men, and let them assume or get the idea they are there for a reason; they compliment them and play the fool; a weaker or subordinate not in control. Males portray themselves as big money; have something a woman has trouble digging up; knows someone who fits who she is looking for etc... A desperate woman is a dead give away; in your face. That is not deep cover; that is random or baiting; there is no success rate. In the case of Ann and I; one time a girl sat there forever and never said a word to me; not one. I swore it was her and trying to get her to tell me; she said nothing; I think it was a trap by the other side; how do we communicate or what do I say before I let my guards down.

In my case, Ann and I are playing games online. I know when talking to her; she knows when I am on the other end. You have a password and are trading information. I must verify and also keep a few other people around and trade information or act casual. When I hear a password, then we trade information. If there is none; then it is live fire; unknown and uncertain. She met up with me in a chat room so I hope she is not goofing off; I have told her to meet up many times before and she does show up. The best system is the password system or rendezvous; time and place (i.e. Tonight at 4is on... junk mail). The worst partners freak you out; say the password and play a joke on you (i.e. "What did you say... are you on drugs or something... how do you know my birthday... what is my favorite color"; ha, false call! Take that loser...)

Ann likes to really push the limits and even keep it going until you get sick of a mistake; to suggest she did verify it; and you imagined it. Why? It is not over yet and she is trying to say she cares or is there; hi or good morning. The best system is the password system; but you have to figure out how to change it and synchronize live. The problem with her and what she is having difficulty dispelling is a pattern. She attends a lot of events; does crazy things; and returns to the same ones year after year; but the problems stack up and she gets very little results. All the pictures indicate she is having a little too much fun and it is for personal reasons only or personal gain only. Then when I ask her; she is terrified to tell me or is embarrassed I might view her badly. Meanwhile, she hints at me why I might be disappointed; then uses little bits to repair it when a big bite is missing. It feels like she cannot fix the damage.

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My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.