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Monday, December 28, 2009


Let me explain or summarize some of the action and the tension; the pressure cooker from 2008 to 2009. Ann snuck up on me while I was goofing off on chat sites. We had done that before and in the past. This time, she was not hiding or using any cover. So we just began to email and then after one week; we got attacked. Someone was on me and someone was on her; we were captives and some political prisoner; Ann tells me it is the communist and the unions; they had some score with her father to settle also.

Bin Hannity was a complete nuisance and did everything in his power to inflict pain, injury, or spread total lies. It was terrorizing to both Ann and me. Ann ended up playing along to see what he was up to; I was so shocked and distraught; I asked Ann what in hell was causing this psychopathic and serial killer stalker like onslaught and assault. Bin Hannity would bring his kids in; create this total façade; then terrorize us. Meanwhile, the softball girl upstairs; the primary maniac and serial killer; began spending time with me, trying to bond, and pretending to be the voice of Ann.

You will see her each and every single night; they think it is dating and some romance story; it is stalking, kidnapping, and what Ann said was a murder plot when I got so mad and upset with her; I said forgets this. I was so mad at her I asked what the hell she did or why they were saying this; she said it was a protection ring and they had some conspiracy; she was abducted or some prisoner; she was messaging me. So they cut our emails and communications; maybe temporarily but what ensued after was horrific and appalling; yet Bin Hannity was bring his kids in and covering it all up; it is documented and recorded. I keep complaining to Bin Hannity about his union goon and the problem with her; she was like a sociopath and would slam things, throw things, stomp and demand we give them affection or show them respect.

There was a time where Bin Hannity was pretending to have power over Ann; as if he was saying to come into his office to have a talk or counsel. I began to inform Ann about it and how it looks as if two or three days before Ann did a show; he would have an anger fit; referred to Ann or some problem between them; and demanded she makes an appearance or explains. Then he suggested to me he was her man or her boss; Ann did not know what in hell I was talking about and I said; you mean he did not call you in or send an invite? So Ann did get to come on his show when and if she wanted; also any other. Ann’s mental state went up to cloud 9 one day; then dropped to rock bottom where she looked like a total failure; she kept insisting it was total lies and trying to fight behind the scenes.

During this time, Bin Hannity began to lie pathologically, like a deranged stalker. Once Anne Pressley was murdered; I began to inform Ann of a higher security measure; however, she said she is not going to retreat and change her life; I said fine and said if I ever caught her without armor or a concealed; it was her ass. I am a brawler, a high school wrestler, skilled in weapons and defense; a monster when needed. I said there is no way she can fight a maniac and terrorist of this caliber; I want her to review for me her defenses. I also talk to Ann about martial arts and she knows emergency escapes and critical situational defenses. Let’s just say I can scientifically describe every bone in the body and the pounds per square inch to injure it and how. Ann at one point goes in the studio and looks in the eyes of Bin Hannity; to see if he had a soul. He was now exposed and hanging he; I had a lot of interrogation questions but had an immediate problem; so it took longer than expected.

I began to tell Ann I see the murder plot, ordered her to wear armor until I said the coast was clear, and to never let me catch her without her vest or a concealed pistol. I told her I wanted her to go out and buy specific models, how to use a combat pistol, and explained to her what else I wanted her to do. Until I was able to clear this up, she agreed and did as told perfectly; she minimized the risks, used stealth and various anti-stalker deterrence methods I had asked. I said, if they will pursue you; I will see or know who. Then I said I want you to begin to sit next to them; give them attention, and hit the panic button so I know who is doing it; she did. After she did; I began to research them; to learn more about who they were and their career; where, when, and why. Ann filled in the blanks and told me bits I did not have or did not know until I had the complete story or picture.

While this was happening, I called the FBI and a friend; I told her I had a problem then explained. So Bin Hannity had the FBI and the State of New York on him while this was occurring. Bin Limbaugh was getting the Randy hard. He was blowing up, eating incessantly, showing he did not care or sliming down like Gotcha. Bin Limbaugh’s story was even more ridiculous but it was useful to overlap Bin Hannity’s effort. So when it did not work; Bin Limbaugh turned it over to what was. I identify Bin Limbaugh and Lisa D. as the primary culprit. Lisa went into awesome mode and wrote some wine and cheese story in Ann’s house at 4 am talking about boys and it was all giggles but made me a little ticked off with Annie again. She said they want to know if there is trouble or were they loosing their minds. If this murder plot Ann said was true; then they went into defense mode and was in own home. Oddly, they were in my home also.

You can read the rest. Ann went on a tirade; I had to cut off all contact; I was near a nervous breakdown because of her. Meanwhile, Ann was not even on their show and they were chiding me and just trying to drive me insane with daily taunting and total lies; they did everything to suggest Ann wanted to be with them, stay with them, or spent all this private time with them; I had no idea what secrets and sexual possibilities I was getting into. Meanwhile, the insane softball girl upstairs; jumped in the fight and did the same thing with me and pretended to be Ann’s voice or her personal representative. Bin Hannity began to ask for proof. They began to hit us with some heart machine that on a scale of 1 to 10 measured 8; they hit my liver and heart; it feels like a mild heart attack. Then when I said to Ann what was going on and to back off; I said were they doing this to you and she said, “uh huh.” So she was being hit also and terrorized. I find out later they all think Ann is an Israeli spy; thus circling her and protecting their interests-secrets.

Ann kept on saying it was all total lies and tried to draw them out by making them more bold or confident; to take more chances. They would drive around to check, they would do insane things to see if anybody was watching; then they would parade kids or children while they copied our work and pretended to be the same or our voice. Ann would go from level 15 cloud nine and saying I love you all day to complete silence that same night because of stuff they said. Then she had to go on his show and see if he wanted to duke it out and she could not; she would disprove it or have to and he would use it to suggest power over her; he was calling in a subordinate he called her fiancé or love. He was a married man and already taken; so was Ann. Both Bin Limbaugh and Hannity are told and asked if they wish to write any of this down and they deny it. Part of it was terrorizing us, part of it was lying and creating some story, part of it was introducing this other insane woman for me, part of this was name calling and psychotic anger being caught, part of it was to use my anger or resentment about Ann against her, and part of it was to kidnap or terrorize us in the most annoying, unwanted, and harmful manner.

That was just before the interrogation and questions began. Again, we had a lot of business and questions to go through and now Ann has just been abducted or held as some bargaining chip. They are trying to and did injure both of us; simultaneous sometimes or fabricating a false reality. There was a soft spot in Bin Hannity and Bin Limbaugh and I was scanning like a champion fighter; to know what degrees of risk I could try or do; to know when things got out of hand; how to clamp down or use some safety mechanism. It was hard to stay focus and on this sweet spot when they would try to humiliate and attack all day long. I got hacked, I got it from upstairs, and they were debating and had some three ways going. They do not complain about being kidnapped and being targeted for destruction, murder, extortion, blackmail, or annihilating our soul; we were accusing them of this.

When things finally settled down and they had nothing left to terrorize us or beat us over the head with; I was able to begin the questions. Then Ann began to get really annoying. Paling was saying how they had a full court press, was a pitfull, and her husband had a boat. Ann got caught up in that and all her selling strengths. So not only did I get hijacked; Ann was now and McShame was giggly. As this was happening; I gave Ann more intelligence; stay down and do not screw up again. She is in their terror itsy; moving the ball well; and I am in range of quick side passes. There is a zero tolerance in interception and I am close to the end zone; let me do my magic. Every single time Ann was in a shotgun; she threw it to them which meant I had so move the ball quicker and was scared of losing an extra point.

So this is when I began to ask her what the hell she was doing (before she agreed to quit or seek some form of help from a doctor); however, she said she messed up, admitted it, and it is a total disaster; she begged and pleaded, said she was a good spouse but they pressured her and teamed up so badly it caused her to fumble; the bad side of her to come out, and brought her worse out. She asked for forgiveness and said it made her feel inadequate or with low self esteem; so she worked on her credibility so they could not criticize her or rip her up (drinking buddies, dinners, special events, etc…) ; even she did not feel that special and I agreed. Ann would spend so much time begging and every day repeated it until things cleared up. She begged and had to; and did. She said marriage counseling was needed and she knows this; it was a disaster but had a very good excuse; to trust her and believe in her again; she was not lying and if she was; would tell me. However, this back and forth caused her to feel guilty; life in this end was not well; had never been; and we were under siege.

I compare it to a football game and moving the ball quickly; I move it quickly, use quick in and out; and know my strategy well. I know what plays and call them to Ann; she is expected to perform perfectly and without any error under pressure. That is a sign of a great quarterback. However, Ann was doing stuff like throwing the ball soft, letting them sack her, and refused to drill the ball at them. When it is critical; a QB must drill it like fire; throw it in the stands; run out of bounds; and use plays very wisely; Ann was a horrible QB and I was not able to express this. I kept saying what the hell are you doing and if you are trying to make this harder for us? She said nothing and never commented or explained so I said; whatever. At some point, my admiration for her was really high; under pressure it got super; then when things cleared up, she was a total idiot in my eyes. She broke all the rules of the game for QB under pressure and moving that ball. She just shrugged her shoulders and left it there; then kept saying how she had marriage counseling on her mind. Ann’s performance as a QB went up down, up, then peaked; then it went straight down. It got to the point where every time she touched the ball; they doubled her or threw an interception. This time, it was not them or anybody; it was her.

You can check and read the records for accuracy; it is an emotional ordeal and took me to the point of a near nervous breakdown dealing with my own kidnapping, attacks 200 times a day, taunting by the terrorists and kidnappers, watching as they stole my entire life, watching as Ann played along while they stole her life, watching terrorists and murderous spies lie day after day; and finally catching them and getting a confession. Bin Hannity finally shows his true colors and trump cards; then I showed mine and if you check the records; Bin Limbaugh is the master; Bin Hannity is only a moron and Lieutenant; Rush said we never loose, are 10 for 10, am master strategists, and he cannot get up or achieve anything now.

The best he could or would do is using our work and copy it which puts his fingerprints all over the terror plot and carbon dating. I asked him if he knew when we knew and when we began to close in on him; he said not before. I asked him how much we knew and he said everything. All I said was, you have no idea what cards I have and to state them; then I said you have no idea what surprises or evidence either; he concurred and confessed to 1/3 of it all. The extremely incriminating stuff he refused to touch and said there were partners involved and I said write it and put this in a safe so we can solve it in case he croaks. I advised him how to do this and he refused and kicked it up; a trick. He was actually saying up yours; and fooling us before attacking; check the records. Bin Hannity said he would not be caught alive and all of them was walking away or talking this out. My focus was turned and I just ignored the bad QB act Ann was doing but it was not them; it was her this time. So why were they doing this to the both of us while terrorizing our life? Was it to recruit the best or destroy the worst?

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My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.