
You are a total disaster and you think you are superior and so well behaved, don't you: http://cybwarsatwarhq.blogspot.com/2010/06/dear-bin-hannity-irush-catholics-and.html
Read what they said to me about the murder plot or trying to kidnap my other disaster whom I was supposed to be married to by now; two years and over 300 felonies and counting: http://cybwarsatwarhq.blogspot.com/2010/06/dear-ann-limbaugh-and-hannity-wish-to.html
ALERT: They are contacting men online. The females are in some mating mode; looking for specific men or requirements. They failed and got busted; so they want me to leave and I filed charges and much more. Insane does not even come close; they were around DC, VA, and so many states; all over the internet. There was even a site for South America; to meet Latin girls. So these are the mail order brides; to benefit the host nation or some spy agency. What pisses me off is they all think we are their children; total strangers. As communist spies, they expect us to marry them and do as they say; however, it is just nonstop and constant pressure and problems; overload of pain and suffering. They continue to insist they are a celebrity, powerful, or in total control. I told them to control their sex and insane urges, to control and take their communism somewhere else, and how much trouble they are in. The best way to get out of it is to walk in the other direction, not come back and portray themselves as the NY State Police, Political leaders, or some enemy of mankind. This is the same problem repeated over and over and all they are trying to do is suggest they are distraught or somehow victimized. We just plow over them and they just cannot seem to get out of the way. As far as risk taking; they are upset they are ruined or lost all of their political guts. Ask them if they have a retirement plan or some future planned, they will repeat like Jeffrey Dahmer a host of bizarre behaviors, "we do not know what to do... we are ready to die." No plan, no backup, and no life line or solid ground; just a bang up job. So a determined ostracized loser and failure is who we are talking to and dealing with; we ran over them only because they could not get their way. So it is not a sting and a bust, they are heartbroken and demand we leave or leave them alone. We have the perfect storm and can capitalize on it dearly! Beyond insane military weapons, there is no way to stop them or control their breeding habits; just constant violence, control, and wave after wave. Ann they are steering you to Las Vegas and trips again. Bin Hannity is acting as if he is scared of you but not behind closed doors.
More conspirators and communist invasions coming out of the woodwork. New York either produces communists, liberals, whacked out losers who are inadequate about being immigrants, or mafia like criminal elements. This is where they are radicalized by some clique or in crowd. So Lou, Meghan, O'really, and all of this meandering lunatic fringe is on the lamb now. Do not come back like the labor unions after you are on a ban list; we want the truth and it is not about lying. Some people lie and some people do not care or give a damn; so they fake it. Also, we are in a major conflict; stop messing me up and stop trying to corrupt or make Ann's life so annoying and hated; even I yell at her. If you read carefully, your F'in lunatic leader even describes why they tried to kill her or me; so we filed charges for stalking, menacing behaviors, constant attacks, and this vile way you live life by approaching us and trying to do harm for problems you cannot fix or cope with. We are in a major crisis and close to world war; I hope they have a retirement plan to be taking such chances. I also hope they have a good political career after they fail and refuse to surrender. Fox News is either a menace or pest; or they are the enemy; low ballers and liars who do not care and are rotten to the core and now exposed.
So they all have aspirations by bombarding Ann with stress and problems; a gang of males and females stalking her; rotten to the core losers. Trust me, you are not in the invite list and we can send out RSVPs. Remember, we are on top of it and know everything; you are along for the ride only and we know how the road splits. Now they are acting like they are Ann's best friends and friends for life? Are we hot heads, addicted to things, inadequate, and a loose cannon? It is clear and present danger that Fox is not reporting the real and true story; they only want to be friends for life; a god damn circus there also. If you listen closely, Albany is telling Ann there is an image problem and she needs to fix it; to go on vacation and join them; Ann says they refuse to pay the claims and know there is no way out of this. So Fox is not talking to Ann on June 22, 2010; Albany NY is. My computer was shut down and my audio was shut down again by the State Police. Megan compares their predicament and our victory like the BP spill and under the surface getting bigger. Ann is telling her she is advising them against lying or refusing to surrender; she can make a stronger complaint and a bigger problem. So all the sudden they have complaints and those who were trying to kill Ann before or I; are now friends forever and only want to help; and it gets bigger while they get smaller.
Note: Hey Dipshit MF god damn Fuker, we are facing world war and you want to go dancing, party with Ann, or go to god damn giddy shit for brains mode? If so do not come back and never invite yourself again; even in good times. We cannot avoid war with the communists because they have merged and warped into a common criminal. Obama is being pressured to wipe them out and win the war against criminals and communists on planet earth! So they want to make my life miserable, Ann their princess and teacher; and keep both of us captive or under pressure. So Fox was trying to break us up for the ambitions of their immigration and Church sanctity; very bad decisions which will inevitably fail again. Let's see if Lou goes on the Hannity show again and tries to pester Ann; she is being stalked by deadly assassins and spies. They claim they are only liars, trying to annoy us, and wish us no harm. That is not our story and additionally, none of it is being reported. Obama does not want to be the President who destroys and wipes out the left wing and communist forces; why? Already we have problems between the Pentagon and Obama; he is the man with the Plan.
So if you watch Megan, she tries to give Ann orders. Now we know why she was invited to the Rush Wedding and is an operative for both Rush and Albany; some eyes and ears. Megan, so much has happened between us and maybe we should move on? When should the boss take a vacation? What you are a co-equal decision maker in our life and trying to tick us off for Bin Limbaugh (She is talking about the Tea Party in Las Vegas, NV)? So we know who is smearing Ann and trying to drive her and I apart now. If they loose, they will not make it to retirement or have a future with us; they chose a losing side; they do not have a plan, backup, or will make it. Ann says Republicans always snatch victory from the jaws of defeat somehow. Rush was saying "there was no way out" while this was going on. Ann said it "messed up their golf game." Megan is saying "do you think that is why we saw... this weekend (Rush Wedding)... DOUBLING DOWN ON HIS... and you ripping on him for going on his yacht... it is not just the Pres out on the links." (So Megan thinks Ann is a bad girl and a conspirator; now she is delusional) Ann asked Megan to just retire and send her bosses a message. Megan says she is best to take a vacation so she can be better at her job; she is taking off for the weekend now. Can we say psycho chick and corrupt as Albany, NY can get? Ann then says they are "sucking up."
Note: Nikki said "This was the best grassroots underdog we have ever seen. To our friends in the media... who are analyzing what this victory means and what barriers it may have broken, I will tell you there might be some truth to that. But this is so much more than that. This is a story about determination and a story about a movement. This is a movement about the government being open and accountable to the people." In other words, it is the people's movement, no matter how corrupt, how lawless, or how insane. Their leader is Bin Limbaugh and the New York Times. Drug money and small business go hand in hand; also racketeering. Ann told Juliet popularity is about having sex with the teachers! Hey Juliet, did you see the dress and the hair on Ann? I have already admitted to intimacy with Ann and over 20+ years; why are you smiling? ; -0 LOL (Click here for video: SC Governor Victory Speech, Red Eye June 22, 2010 NY Times Popularity) If you want to watch a hot heads or a loose cannon bully and order Ann and I around, watch closely. In public it is subtle and in our residence or captivity it is blatant, severe, incessant 24 hours bullying, and IRA or a terrorist secret life. I would compare it to biker gang shouting and fights. Hey, I got a great idea! STFU about Las Vegas, even the T Part. Ann, they finally figured it out today when I put some videos of you in my apartment.
"Those comments, considered "conversation starters" in most of the country, would get you banned from polite society in New York. Also, unless you want the whole room slowly backing away from you, also avoid: May I smoke? I heard it on Fox News and Merry Christmas! ...Even within the teeny-tiny range of approved liberal opinion in New York, disagreement will get you banned from the premises. >>>Who is a greater threat to America, Sarah Palin or Mahmoud Ahmadinejad?" - My sweetheart -
Dear Ann: The communist alien queen upstairs said both you and I broke their heart. They were stalking me for their Queen and their King was stalking you as well. She was using the song, "I hate myself for loving you..." and would not leave me alone. So they are killing people left and right in order to copulate like the move "Aliens" and have perfected kidnapping, abduction, getting their way, bullying, and all kinds of intimidation. The top of the communist echelon is knocking on our door for companionship and even kids; unbelievable. They were stalking me and killing like mad fire for this leader they are trying to create or produce; they need me for this and will not let go; they do not want you, you are in the way. You have no ability to carry on genetics but you are the best of the best out there and smashed their leaders. They do not see it as a sting, they see it as love and being impressed the more they are pounced.
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