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Friday, December 10, 2010




For as long as I have known Ann, she has always bragged to me while being a wonderful sidekick in life. Ann wanted to be part of every aspect of my life; she was patient and set a course that was identical or intersected. At or around 2000, things got so bad; we began to argue. We did not argue about how to sue (slander) or how to teach this communist and labor union enemy a lesson; we argued about why we had to go our separate way. I began to get angry at Ann, a frustration with our friendship that caused her tremendous grief. She wanted to stay together. I kept or had to tell her repeatedly; things are getting worse, everything I try is not working, the blockade is doubling, and I do not think I am going to make it. Ann would get so worried she sat all night while I drove or wanted to know what I did every minute of the day. This is how we detected some gas or anesthesia in my vehicle. Finally, after Ann pleading and under tremendous duress and ferocious battles; I told her to go. She was upset. I was upset. She said she was coming and to be patient. I said I have to take evasive and crazy measures now. It is easier for her to make it on her own and not wait up or stay together; I am a burden and cannot shake this enemy. If she comes in, they will harm her or steal every breath she takes; as done to me. Ann did not take this well. I recall the anger and the resentment in her voice; she was not mad, she wanted me to win. From there, Ann was very careful. She knew I was pushing her away for a reason but she knew that reason was honorable. I had and was waging war; in combat mode and preparing to stage a comeback. Things did change. She did keep me in the dark and not involved in her life. She knew I was caught and could not do anything. I told her all my plans and to meet me at a time and place. I did my part and I did not know anything about her career or how it went. This is an enemy and a traitor; nobody will avoid them until they are either dead or destroyed.

My first chance to start life over began in 2005 and by 2006; we were back on track and at it again; full partnership. I asked and had asked Ann for help. First, I said I will not make it and if you can take up some of the slack. I then asked her if she can contact these people or begin a process of finding out who they were and what they wanted. She kept telling me to fight them and I had to like it or not. I was shocked when she arrived in 2008 worth over 20 million. I was so glad to see her and how elaborate her life is and was; she was not lying or bragging as always. She walked the walk - talked the talk. So she asked me for help but also kept me in the dark. She asked me to describe what they were doing to her and she would show me who was doing this and why. We knew they were on top of me then; yet I was trying to avoid them and hurry up. Too much time had been wasted or elapsed and my deceptions worked well as a safety line was put in place (Ann). What I saw made me so mad and disgusted; I wanted them dead and it brought me joy to see them in pain. I write and describe this in detail. I began to find out parts of Ann's life I was kept away from or told not to be part of yet. It got me mad and when I said "how can you do this to me" and told her I felt so bad about what it looks like; Ann broke down and was very distraught. She tried to tell me and plead with me. She said they were scum and evil; did this to her and caused "blind hate"; what I knew so well. So I could understand where she was coming from and we knew the communists were now trying to contact and fight her. They were really flipping out but not fully yet. Ann spent two years trying to make up for all the problems in our life; nothing she did was powerful enough for their lies and trickery. They made up so many lies and stories. So the reason or how Ann got this way is because she tried to fight them off without Alex or a partner; the same that occurred with me. I had to stand alone and was a sitting duck while this traitor was on full attack mode.

Ann apologized hourly; sometimes all day long or left notice for me. It did not look good but she said and repeated 20 times a day how it was not intentional, she did not do this to hurt me intentionally, and was never disloyal or unfaithful. She said the blind rage and what they did to her forced her to defend herself as best as she could but they had rogue cops trying to take her out on behalf of several people. I had been through much worse. I was treated so badly and abused so much; reading it is horrifying. What I observed and had to piece together; was an elaborate murder plot on Ann. She coaxed them and won some favor to avoid ultimate punishment or abuse at their hands. She won their hearts and admiration by exploiting their weakness (sex offenders, serial rapists, and stupidity) to make them keep her alive and very comfortable. The reality hit. Nobody had to tell the communist and labor union leaders who Alex was; he was already a prisoner. Nobody had to shock him about murder plots or make him see outside the box; he was already in it and this trap. So yes, they lied about a lot and I document it. Yes Ann had to fend for herself or play along until it was a total disaster; she was at their mercy. We told them to stop and they were unaware of what was about to happen or where this is leading. They did not care and said they were ready to die. So in my work and world, everybody is a subordinate. Even Ann Coulter is a subordinate; but I like to see her as a partner. My world is a computer program and millions of code. My mind looks at a problem and immediately I process 10,000 procedures. They tried to exploit me and now us; so I am entranced by how vulnerable I am and are a tool to any form of exploitation and harm. They got me where they wanted me; but could not stop what we hid from them for this ending.

Both Ann and I tried to scare them off; it was futile. They grew bolder and more aggressive; an unstoppable maniac. Ann even says her career is not worth it and the people she works with are total liars; she is in the club also. The reason they lie is two separate stories; they are enemies. Now they are the losers and in more danger than ever. They put us in a position of handicap and made us vulnerable, why? We know the answer and we know they will not like the answer when we give them or make them eat it all. As disposal heroes they are worse than we expected; but there are more surprises they did not or never expected. I know what is there and what is waiting for them and I keep telling them not to go past the line or fall back immediately. They keep charging and crashing into us. Now I give them the dangers they seek and do not warn them any longer; judgment imposed with extreme prejudice. We now will know how far they will and can go with this danger; I seek the death penalty for this traitor. I also seek judgment for 1.5 billion in damages; dead or alive. We will find out if they survive this or not; we know the answer already and why. We are under no obligation to talk to them, do as they demand, tell them anything, or reveal their chances in this life ending battle of the Titans. We are under no obligation to warn them or tell them of any dangers so long as they trick or exploit the facts. I am under no obligation to use my knowlege, genius, power, or command to save any of them. They do not have to erase, brainwash, or reprogam my mind; it knows what to do and how to do it really well. I teach 16 realities and am authenticated as the founder of satellite warfare; is there a challenger or only the losers? So the danger is now in their court.

Whatever they did to me, they were now doing to Ann. It was difficult to tell who had any brakes on; they fed her the noose while she fed them a noose also. They sat next to her with malice; then concealed this adversarial psychosis. They did the same thing with me and now had no idea what was about to happen. Ann said it was hard for her to tell what they were doing or how; so I should observe it as she did for me. When I confronted them about this murder plot; they tried to split Ann and me up; to isolate her so we could not talk or trade information. Then they tried to approach us or check to see how much we knew. In the end, they got the biggest shock of all; they had lost all of it and badly. It could have been worse had we fought them on the level we are now; but their identity was hidden and remains a ghost. Now read this and read it again; then read it again and again. Then piece each of the million parts together and look for one detail out of place, one grain of sand missing, and then listen to those we caught or are battling. Now they were taking it out on Ann. Now the lights and cameras were on them. Now they got some really major problems. Of all the lies, how many were left and how many would work? Could they stay on our wings and stalk us until they got that opportunity to take a final blow and make it seem an accident or our own fault? That was the murder plot on Ann until they threw out a lot of warnings to stop. So that is how we caught the communist and these rotten Trojan traitors. They knew it was dangerous; but they did not expect it to be this dangerous; but neither did we. It is not over and it only gets more and more dangerous from here on. As I said, once you step over that line and make us talk; nobody comes back. Once they force me to defend myself; there is no way to put the genie back. It works in our favor because the one who wrote this strategy is the one who won it all.


Let me make this clear. We got this way because a few of us felt the need to stick together throughout our life and think 20-30 years ahead. We got this way because an enemy and a foe gained access to reduce that 20-30 year lead. That enemy and foe is now trying to make up and repair for a 20-30 year lead by doing bad things. They at no time were close to victory or ruining our lives; so they felt it was crucial and necessary to take us out physically. They gave repeated warnings and tried repeatedly to harass, intimidate, and scare us off. They made it clear they would kill us or anybody who tried to perform a rescue; to challenge them. Several federal agents and military personnel were thus killed as evidence those warnings were real. This caveman and enemy has not caught up and gotten much worse. They were never neck and neck; not knowing where we would lead them and we did not know where they would lead us. If we are able to think 20-30 years ahead; we can definitely figure out and expose what they are up to and doing. So we did and that is the end of story; or is it? No, now they were close partners, living in the same building, on top of us, and had we surrounded. They know their enemies are not inferior and not the least scared of a real fight. Sneaking up on people who are bait will get a satellite on them and it is very difficult to outrun or defeat one, two, or five master satellites. The goal is to let them do it and then let them try to escape. Who and what is behind these satellites is their worst nightmare. Who taught them is the last person to be toying or keeping as a hostage. When the facts are on the table; then it is time to retire and call it quits. This is the most stupid and dangerous enemy on this earth. Now they show up for duty and wish to be recognized? We do know how to test them and their loyalties. How many satellites can this enemy fight at once before they accept their inferiority?

We flipped them out so badly they surrounded us and tried to keep us in a ring of fire; a form of captivity where they can check and trace who is closing in on them. All they did was invent one lie after the other. They created so many fantasies; they were caught in the most embarrassing way; they were destroyed. Their escape or excuse was a measly financial or economic motive, jobs. We keep hearing the same measly excuse repeated over and over by other criminal pests and spies. So it is fear talking and guilt; if they repeat the same excuses and lies in court; then it will be logged twice or more. This is how we will remember them and how the office of hurricane and earthquakes will remember their fight with the founders of satellite warfare; how embarrassing can it get? How many charges can they rack up? Can they do anything for themselves or get destroyed exploiting us and how rich they feel? This is a madman and a total maniac. They are trying to poison us with toxic dangers. We did not make mistakes or got this all wrong, never. Even after the ordeal, we still have not made mistakes and planned ahead in case of problems or disasters. Now an experiment on failure, they spend half of their life begging and fighting the truth; meanwhile, they adamantly vow loyalty to conservatism. They now swear to the same power that destroyed them, cockamamie. They do not realize we know they are there and are coming; how is indescribable. Battling Ann was difficult; now battling Alex will be impossible. It is better to surrender on good terms than fight on bad ones; but it is too little and too late. Unless they know aliens; we do not know who of this earth can or will save them; nobody. Lying will or may buy some time; but it is as we report it to be. So we knew this enemy will and has to contact us; eventually. So where are they and who is this enemy? If they know an alien, they better get that alien to contact us immediately. We even have a plan for that enemy; super 18th reality. Someone let the labor movement free reign to sink or swim in the open frontier and the result is terrifying.

So this is how we got this way and most people will agree that both Alex and Ann are perfect. Most people will describe us as perfect for each other; one compliments the other. Now they lie incessantly and conceal why they keep calling us in our own homes, spy on us, and only want to argue so they can look superior. That is how inferior this enemy is and what their tricks are about. You can scream at them or hurricane them; they keep calling and it is only to argue so you are in a foul mood. They argue about how you have sex, who you marry, and how lies can ruin your marriage. They try to make you feel helpless and their hostage will be killed by your own actions against them. They did this to Ann and then after they were caught; they did this to Alex also. So harm is based on these clandestine calls and the shows are a spy phone where the access is our bedroom, living room, and all aspects of our life. Now they are trying to turn the legal system in a circus and the same clown is in total control and power of the courts. So we are petitioning for a hurricane and earthquake duty; to shut them down and deport them into exile. The problem is they are too comfortable and familiar with their own inferiority but it can impact others on different levels. They claimed our spouse loved them and they invented lies to trick others or blind them. It also caused a dialogue between them and those they were protecting and had a close relationship with; such as this right now. None of them have any education or any credibility, none. They were also weighing out how rich they were with the royalty or historical legends they were trying to destroy. Worse is how they are a felon and lousy immigrant who exploited America and the American Indians; very evil people who are dumber than dumb. They also claim they are the voice of America and Americans. Eventually they will get it and eventually they will be destroyed. Every time they get clobbered they claim it is an insult to the Americans and the nation; jobs were lost. Eventually nobody cares or will be in a foul mood because of this enemy and traitor; they refuse to address this inferiority. Now we want the FBI and DoD to slam the door on them and ask why it is different. We are on hurricane and earthquake duty now; why are they showing up or refuse to leave?

This world will get much worse and these coward beggars better learn how things are done. They better learn how violent and how demanding satellite warfare is and who wrote it; if it means giving them their last supper, then it does. B’ iHannity is the worst; he does not understand why we hate his guts or why he is starving in our life now. How many times can a human being have the door slammed on them or beg for pity? People have no idea what he and they tried to do to Ann; now he claims we saved his life and he refuses to give up until he destroys us. B’iHannity thinks we are his leader and total lies are his resume; he won so long as he is not exposed. He says his life is beginning and there is much more work to be done. He says it is our problem and he is not going to run from a fight; if we do not like it then fight back or destroy him. Spying is how they lie, cheat, and steal; how they got in this position. He now claims we have all the answers and can open all the doors they need; even hurricane and earthquake duty. That is as dangerous as his stupidity could do. B’iHannity and his trash heap elves keep saying how mean and angry they are, true psychopaths, so we advise them to learn how to swim like a “meaner.” The reality just slips past their heads. The reality is this is the biography of Ann Coulter. Even more damaging is the gifted biography of Alex. Military and great leaders will read his work to gain strategic and tactical advantage; he wrote the book and how to plan 20-30 years ahead and work in tactical backup layers. They have to gain 16 realities for both strategic and long term advantage; who wrote the book on this? Who destroyed this criminal spy group and clandestine revolutionary command? Who saved the earth and who has described every single trick and revolutionary initiative we destroyed? We know what we did and why; so why are they questioning our evidence? The only person on planet earth who can describe satellite warfare or 18 realities is Alex. Even Ann cannot or knows Alex is the master at this. We do not think these lousy Americans have shown themselves to be sane or helpful at all. So who allowed them to do this? They claim we did. They claim we opened the door for them and we did not mind them lying, cheating, and spying on us while being exploited. They must be really secret and super important; just too scared to say so. It is now at a level where we must petition for hurricane and earthquake duty; this is how inferior this enemy is. This is how important they think they truly are; read it and ask them.

Both iLimbaugh and iHannity along with these imposers had the door slammed on them more than 1000 times (at last count over 10,000 times) yet they come back with all kinds of reasons to try again. iHannity and iLimbaugh claim they are rich and powerful. So they treat royals and even military legends with the idea the door slammed on their faces more than 10 times is how inferior other human beings are. Most communist spies and ridiculous terrorists, even stalkers or deranged fans, cannot tolerate and must face reality when the door is slammed on them 10 or more times. iLimbaugh and iHannity tries harder and want to argue more about how inferior we are or why they never run from a fight. Even if you ask them, "do you realize you are talking to royals and military legends" they respond with how rich they are or privileged. So this is why they are spying incessantly and constantly cheating; they are more inferior than they are admitting to or are concealing. The crimes and the felonies stack up on them and were caught for 911 and other domestic terror plots. The reason why terrorists let them exist is because they are the terrorists; nobody would ever tolerate them or this clown. So as a rule, you can slam the door on their faces, slam them on their head, and you could put a gun to their head; they will never get it and are a madman and maniac. Do they conceal and hide this, yes. Are we taking them to court, yes? If they are the human they claim, they can answer yes or no and begin the recovery process. Now they do not want to pay damages or face the fire of all this courage they claim is rich and our leaders. So before they assess the damage; realize it is the biography of both Alex and Ann; not single but double super twin power. Who on this earth can describe 10th, 15th, and 18th reality? What they do with their life is up to them. What we do with our life is up to us, it should not intersect. If it does, then we know it was illegal, not consensual, and involves foul play. We cannot be responsible for their stupidity or stuck with lousy employees who have emotional problems, have a monopoly on terror, and wish to be the leaders of the human race.

We were conscious and in total control at every step of our hostage taking, terror, and torture. People read the before, after, and know what was in between. There is not a force on earth to save them; yet they show up for duty? Yes we know and knew they were coming; it got closer and closer as we report. We report our radars picking up their position and movements. These are the best military strategist on earth; what did they expect? Win our respect, defeat a satellite and prove they are not inferior and stupid as we know them. Do not show up for duty or knock on the door of hurricane and earthquake duty (or ever); until they win and earn the respect of greatness. Stop claiming to be conservatives who are our bosses or rich; we can change that quickly. (Note, B'iHannity says he supplies the tanks and planes by being a conservative, that is how insane he truly is) The proof is how we see it and this; not how they want it to be. Do they think they earned any respect or are who they claim to be? So let's ask Ann and then let's ask Alex; why is there a 1.4 billion law suit on this spy group? All lies and tricks, a human who has problems and needs to go away; or just an insult and persuasive tactic by secret criminal spies? They recognize the gold and know who can lead them to the victory line; don't they? So why do we have to fight them to the death? Why did it get this way and how did we get all of their plans, leaders, and know when they were out of hot air? It does not sound like a leader, it sounds like a pest, lousy immigrant, and very bad employees. So put their leaders on the line and let us question them; find out who they truly are. So where are they? Why is there no documentation of this or official record? Yes, all total lies and communist spies who are now in danger mode. Ann got on the line when asked. Alex got on the line when asked. Why are they such a coward about this or full of total lies? Where are the documented records of this or anything? Somehow it got like this and so far; they refuse to deal with this or take it seriously. Our life is top secret and between Ann and Alex; they should not be in it or trying to harm us. Now it is difficult to lie out of it or do the right thing.

They also claim to be our leaders, a ladder to our life, and they always win. What stops them is no formula we know or a level of violence of this earth. So in court, we will ask them how we could have avoided this or their clandestine revolutionary spy group? Did it come down to petitioning the office of hurricane and earthquakes or a simple no? Do they expect death or violence in all their life endeavors and business dealings, just to escape or get rid of them? Go and show up at the FBI office or Pentagon, not our homes or our life. Do not show up at the satellite warfare office or the life of the founder while he is on hurricane and earthquake duty. We slammed the door on them over 100,000 times and they still do not get it; so do this to the FBI and Pentagon and ask if the result is the same? Does this have to do with Americans as iHannity and iRush keeps poisoning us with? So these spies also feel we are destroying them and saved their life. Does that sound like capitalism or another communist trick? So with no education and total lies behind them; they know it is over and must stand behind us. They have to spend life asking why we are so mean to them and cannot stand their guts. Alex is the brainchild, not some idiot or a wall they can crash in anytime they feel the urge. The idea they can talk their way out of this or hide is ridiculous. Sneaking into the office of hurricane and earthquake duty is one thing. Going to or keeping the founder of satellite warfare is an entire other insanity level. Refusing to run for dear life and pretending to be total control is just utter failure. Throwing rocks or trying to poison the people who work at this office is downright no good. Stealing the ID and security pass of those who were working inside; deserved severe retaliation or a tsunami of well deserved pain. Now keeping this up and spying on satellite warfare or the office of hurricane and earthquake duty is how it ended and how stupid it sounds. At least run or try to make a quick get away; and if you do, shut up and just leave so nobody notices. Do they run that quick or are so valuable we would desire to hire them? Do you want to know what danger is or see human beings act in a manner that is not scientifically explainable? Why are we in such a foul mood? Who the hell did this? Are they going to leave honorably or voluntarily?

If you ask them what the hell they were thinking, they will just say how rich they are; that is as far as any human will get with this secret revolutionary organization. When it came down to analyzing and understanding what they had done; it was clear they were ahead of everyone on stupidity and dirty tricks. They were so pathetic they wanted us to believe they had been or were married to us and we had ruined this love affair. My God, had they told us earlier, there would not be so many mix-ups or missed opportunities. This marriage to us meant we had to do as the female says and leave. So that is where this jackass and stranger led us or where we are now. It was only a failed marriage, nothing more or less. Can anybody in this world beat them on stupidity and lying? Is there anyone out there who can do better than this? It was and still an evolving dream to be married or in love with an obese ape just as much as it was to finally find out they were serial rapists and sex offenders who were stalking us for whatever reason they could make up. The most ridiculous part of this is iHannity, iLimbaugh, iO'sreali, iMaher, and a host of these criminal spies. They claim the animosity is because they are ultra conservative and superior. They feel all of this was because they were not the problem and rich. They claim this decline was unfair and the result of political enemies who tried to win at any cost. How they view themselves as conservatives is as ridiculous as how we know them. It just got more and more ridiculous. It is not very funny anymore when they are the experiment, but they keep making a circus out of life. Ask them if they think life would be different had they found a career they were actually good at or had education about; they will charge at you like a bull on steroids. So Ann fights perverts, molesters, gay priests, and total losers; Alex is more of a commander, the brainchild. He fights the aliens and super natural things; he is trained to destroy anything of this earth. Fighting both of us is the worst outcome for this enemy spy; a secret revolutionary left wing group. So choose which field and do not injure the future, inject more insanity, degrade this anymore, try any tricks, or add to this inferiority and annoyance. So what exactly was this about or what goal is there? Exactly. We are still waiting for their leaders to call and this enemy to contact us; where are they? So why is it stuck here after over 20 years of planning?


Eh, you and your revolutionary retards cannot be showing up at satellite warfare headquarters or in the home of the founder of it. You cannot show up in our lives when or while we are on hurricane and earthquake duties. If you want to show up at FBI or DoD headquarters and bother them; you can. Call their women and spouses; terrorize the military officers at the Pentagon; do not do this to satellite warfare HQ because this is what we caught you for and trying to spy on us. If they FBI wants to invite you; then fine; go and bother them or sit at their FBI command center; do not show up or contact us about hurricane and earthquake duties; am I clear? I have Jesus and God on the line now and they are seeking your murder; considering our earthquake and hurricane initiatives to get you out of our HQ and command center; you must be either a psychopathic foe or a total retarded buffoon. The lists of over 30 felony charges suggest you are not retarded and more psychopathic and concealing this with you well behaved friendship. If you show up at the office of hurricane and earthquake duty and try this 30 felony waging war on us; I will make sure as the founder of satellite warfare, you regret you are ever born. Do not ask me how or why, I will and when you feel the ape in you scream for dear life and the power of the office of satellite warfare; then you will realize how big of a mistake you have made or why. Am I clear on this and how you keep showing up for hurricane and earthquake duty? These criminal spies go to extreme lengths to prevent their expulsion or termination. First it was how much we were in love with them; now it was how much we were not. If there is a meaning or a textbook account of a despot, madman, maniac, traitor, enemy and foe; then we have discovered the worst anal wart on planet earth.

You knew iSean Bin Um Hannity was going to break the protection order and all warnings. Just because I turn on the radio and write him so he stops stalking Ann Coulter and leaves her alone; it does not mean I am making an effort to talk to him or allows him in my life. Also, Ann said he was an assassin and trying to set her death up; almost identical to my own 10 year ordeal with some stalker and criminal spy group; he begins to act as if he is friends with us, knows us, and we allow him to call us anytime or keep tabs on us. I wonder if he spies on Ann while she is at home; he does this to me. So on December 6, 2010; you knew this MF and deranged revolutionary communist spy was going to pull one of his stupid antics. He says "Oh you know who loves the Grateful Dead, Ann Coulter." Okay listen up and read this clear iSean Bin Um 911 Terrorist Hannity; you have never seen or been with Ann Coulter at a Grateful Dead concert. It is not your life priority to spread this lie or not. Have you ever seen her at a concert with Jerry Garcia? Then you are not an expert on it. It was an inside joke because there are two bands near DC: Phish and OAR. OAR is the only band I respect with this type of music. Also, I have a disk of nearly 4 GB of rap and hip hop; so I am the one who discusses this with Ann. Ann is not really as astute as you make her; she likes to have some knowledge of music in order to fit in with my life. I have studied music since age 6 on a Kazoo and then was given a steel harmonica at age 7. I used to whistle on a concert level and could not decide which string instrument I wanted to play. Everybody in my family plays an instrument except me; but I got singing lessons and had my own band. So do not act like the ass you are.

Ann said you all were trying to destroy her, set her up, gave her all the noose you could, tried all kinds of tricks to hook her, corrupt her, and make her some slut or whore. She got you back tremendously and you look like a total terrorist and killer. I have documented my conversations with you and asked you how you know so much about me? Ann and I knew your revolutionary, labor union, and communist spy group were behind this or who waged war on us. So we went to you and waged war on you; now we are prosecuting you. We charge you with attempted murder and a host of charges. You are not an expert on us and we are in no way trying to sit with you or contact you; we are not stalking or wish any spying by your revolutionary or 911 terrorist group. Am I clear on this? I am petitioning for your murder by God and Jesus; then I hope the office of hurricane and earthquake reads my account of our ordeal and seeks revenge; to avenge the father of satellite warfare with Katrina like vengeance. Do you think we did all of that to be your friend or sit by you; jackass, do you think we did all of that so you can compliment or network with us? One spy and we are dead; one. We are the best and you treat us like we are slaves, inferior, and your tool. You have some nerves iRush-man because you are as inferior and way too comfortable with it as a criminal spy can get. You started this and now you think we are reaching out to be your buddy? You are one whacked revolutionary communist and 911 terrorist you F'in stalker; we hate your guts and pray Jesus murders your ass; thanks for the lip sex service also. This clandestine revolutionary organization will go to extreme lengths to lie, cheat, and steal. They call family or spouses and try to poison their life. They try to use females to poison the life of others. They try to sound like the labor unions while convincing the public we are traitors or not conservatives. Everybody knows this is a chance of a lifetime and they ruined every aspect of joy and happiness. How much more harm and suffering can they do? Now they claim they are doing anything and all they can to separate us or avoid us; to prevent more damage. That is not the problem here; the problem here are the law suits, the damages, and who they are.

I have never seen anybody so insane in my life or knew a human being could be so crazy and look so normal. Now everybody knows why we destroy you, knock it off you jackass and buffoon. You have bypassed or tried to circumvent every barrier and deterrence we put out there; even a hurricane and earthquake; come in court and explain that one. That is how insane and how psychopathic you and this radical revolutionary group truly are. Let me make this crystal clear; you have never seen or spoken to anybody that has seen Ann at 1 or 60 Grateful Dead concerts; why are you bragging how well you know her? I am the source of all this music and most people are amazed by my knowledge. I had my own metal band in HS and they are really good; so am I. The level of hate is hidden as love and friendship; yet we have a lot of murder cases to solve. It is as pure hate as pure hate can get; almost a violent rape, abduction, and torturing hostages. It is not and was never friendship or admiration; never. iHannity the 911 terrorist lied about his relationship with Ann and why they know each other. iHannity lied about how he knew Alex. Now he is lying about his admiration and his close relationship to us; total psychopath. The malice and ignorance to all warnings warranted his arrest and attempted murder charges. This is who and how we caught the 911 terrorists; everybody can see how comfortable they are with their own inferiority and how they stalk and attack. Now to escape, they claim to be friends and family; close associates and we are petitioning for hurricanes and earthquakes. That is insanity and psychotic. As communists and now a criminal political spy of sworn enemy; they do not have a clue why anybody would have a problem with them or how to fix it; all they want to do is steal and lie; while cheating gets them in more danger. Can they figure out why spying got them so much danger yet? So let us clue them in with satellite warfare and over 20 years of thinking ahead and battle with a backwards foe. They refuse to admit they are a foe, an enemy, a traitor, and now a spy.

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My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.