$20 An Hour @ 365 Days For 23 Years: If this SOB traitor tries to cover up their espionage, stalking, abduction, or crimes; then I want to charge them for tutoring, mentoring, or any schooling or services. I have not been paid for any tutoring of blacks, hispanics, pee-ons, Democrats, liberals, traitors, lawless radical immigrants, or these SOB traitors. If that is the case or an alibi; they owe and need to do the math; then add 40 billion. This is how this SOB traitor is; like the blacks and Puerto Ricans, they want to work together, are a community or village of believers, and expect me to be their slave or prisoner or else my life is shut down and ruined. All in the name of immigrants, labor union communists, or lawless jackass immigrants. They expect me to teach them Satellite technology or all about economics; also counter-intelligence. If I do not, "we do not know what to do" or "we are ready to die" or "you need to leave, just move." That is what is going on or what this back and forth is also about; their idiot kids. They got the IQ of a human piece of shit and are totally retarded; like a hyena. They act like bullies or powerful communists; our buddy or welcome mat.

Mark Levin Is the Quintessential Republican Mole: They hate their bosses. They are identical to Al Qaeda. They appear stable. Like all of them, they cannot see themselves. He badgers us all day. They copy or steal everything. We are under 24 hour surveillance; attacked by their street spies. All of it is racketeering and a tax scam. All we get are lies and deception. They badger us all day and night about moving, leaving, and are being ran out of the state. Why? They do not know what to do, want peace, and are ready to die. They send out the communist, mostly liberal lawyers, Hispanics, or blacks; their attack dogs. Then they demand peace or surrender. Meanwhile, the 1960s integration eats away all chance of survival while crime is rampant and the prisons are full. We get these Republicans doing this and they find out their decisions imprisoned them; so here comes the rise of the Democrats. Meanwhile, we are crippled; these Republicans are on hyper stealing all of our work and they control the police. We are taxed for their leisure and jobs; and we are dialing the hurricane and earthquake office while they flip out and are filmed. I tell them we don't even know who is out there or what; but we are confident. They claim we are in fantasy world and our belief system must be proven to them. His goal is to give the high tech sector to the Democrats or scurry it to rogue manufacture or third world nations; rivals.
Do Not Try Any Lies Or Deceit On My SATWAR or High Tech Sectors: How do we defeat a SOB traitor communist this deranged when they are Republicans? None of them can see themselves; yet they hate the world, America, made a fortune, and badger us day and night about proving or what we are going to do for them; ran over and totally used. Who the hell is on duty? Who is this corrupt? Who is this much of a traitor and this deranged? How about crackdown? How about separating the two sides? How about some tools for civil war? It splits down racial lines; one side is educated, Asians and whites. The other side is Hispanic and blacks, with a few others thrown in. One side is self reliant and the other is totally deranged and pandering terrorists. How about some swift action and justice? How about putting a leash on these Jews and blacks; and Puerto Rican radicals? How about finishing off this 1960s bunch? Do we need them as cops or as government workers also? Why is this traitor on the Republican side and why aren't we compensated for cleaning their clocks; this is total insanity. Do not challenge the SATWAR or this level of power again. 40 billion in damages and drastic measures or surrender is now underway for a high tech showdown. This was a fight for Asian, high tech companies, and what it did to the 1960s dumbass peace loving junkies.

Counting On Our Kindness or Fantasized Outcomes: The truth is Rush and his forces are defeated. Not knowing what to do, outrageous behavior, refusing to step down or stop, and this state of mind (derangement); is the source of this rampage and lawlessness. Rush is totally destroyed, weeping daily, fantasizing about another world, but at our throats 24 hours and have us as a captive still. We have spies and operatives who know who I talk to daily or even how much my purchases or expenses are. He is recorded and his biography get's worse. He cannot deny this state of mind or fantasy world; who he and they truly are. Even after arrest, even after we gain from this lawlessness; being recorded and day to day transcripts proves he is completely insane and a madman. To suggest a calm demeanor or jerk the chain of prosecutors; is totally insane. Who in this world is so blind, they cannot see this mental derangement or how this began; what it led to; and the rampage or 10,000 count indictment? His biography should be called, "Just Shut Up and Go Away: The Biography of Rush Limbaugh and The September 11, 2001 Indictments." Just last week he was telling the police if they crossed him or had any thought of opposing him; there will be hell to pay. Now they know how we feel and why there is a 40 billion damage claim. He will also deny stalking and kidnapping? Life is totally insane with this traitor and SOB enemy hunting us down daily; this is the state of mind, total rampage. Then he expects and honestly thinks it is okay and the laws are not intended top him. You cannot deliver this in a better way; 40 billion class action suit. Murder charges are easily proved; so is 911 and terror plots.
Republican Spies, Moles, Traitors, and Total Deranged Stalkers: have made it impossible for us to get a clean shot, bring them to justice, clean out the police, or stop the bad guys. This rampage is fueling up and we need the pieces lined up and a clean surgical move done. Worse is who they blame for it; as if we sanction or created this deranged, psychopathic, taxing, low IQ SOB in our life. Leisure and sex is on their mind and they will not take no for an answer. The country needs to divide in two and we can continue this day and night; make them eat every lie and deceit out of their mouth before deporting them. That is what I and other commanders need if this nation slips into a riot, rampage or civil war. Integrating them made it ten times more difficult to bring them to justice or throw this drag queen derangement out. Give the Republicans 12 months to make this decisive maneuver; they are coming and charging like bulls. I asked the office of hurricane and earthquakes for backup forces and said I am not hunting them down or going to grab them by the neck and school them; time is running out and they got to go; quickly now. By stopping them, we made them even more audacious, suicidal, and deranged. It is time to get his over with. Look at these Republicans; they won't give us the clean shot; they are between us and this deranged SOB traitor. Why? We need the tools to make this a success and a clean shot; not a suicide plot. All of them side with Fox News and Limbaugh; the nation is splitting, we are facing war soon. We cannot hold this SOB traitor back for long. These Republican Moles want peace and to say no thank you to anyone; regardless. They want to be the police; and we are trapped, we got them, hurry up. They are not going anywhere; but surrender.

Choose Us or Them? Powerful People Are Pissed Off With Leadership and the Cops: This SOB is completely disconnected from reality; how do we describe our ordeal? They pour more money in it; after getting busted and got a bonus! Did I mention they got a lot of cops fired; the police have their fingerprint all over this. Stop wasting anymore of my valuable time and my life resources. Stop delaying the payment of these damages while the victims die or the statute of limits pecks at the order of lies and deceit. This is outrageous and calls for the deportation of these morons and traitors who do not know what no thank you or self reliance is; a state of derangement battling them. Impose seek and destroy orders and get this war finished and done with; quickly. It is that 1960s crowd and those god damn Democrats; to hell with them and their vision of America. We are in a state of war and all we get are lies and deceit? These traitors speak thorough the lower class; blacks and his-panics and it has to end immediately or else we will initiate immediate repercussions. This is not a village and they beater learn the laws and how things are done. They are hiring anyone who has a boat or can walk to America; look how deranged they are and how they seek public office or government positions. Now look at how they invade or integrate with those who are educated, self reliant, or cannot say no thank you. It is humiliating, it is degrading, and it is an act of war far beyond the 1860s and the events that led up to the American Civil War. These people are nothing more than lies and deceit; a total traitor in rampage or robbery mode. This office of hurricane and earthquakes better make these changes quickly and immediately; people are mad and fed up with this deranged state of mind and slandering the good guys or self reliance. Look at the career of Ann Coulter; abhorrent and outrageous; and there is no end to it; none.

Who Let "We Do Not Know What To Do" and "We Are Ready To Die" In Our Life Or Stalk Us? Who is this traitor and SOB who keeps saying we cannot fight back or do anything about this deranged SOB traitor; while they rob us blind or go on a rampage. Now we get taxed to hell and have to file 40 billion in damages? Who in the government is this deranged or such a traitor to allow this to happen or get to this pit of hell? Did it occur to these leaders to get the courts to impose severe orders so that we can defend or at least split the nation up? Divide this problem up and make sure this SOB traitor wants war. They are on a suicide mission and see no end; they seek taxes and they have a problem with laws, rules, self reliance, and telling the truth. How about civil war and let us finish this deranged state of mind and enemy off; 10,000 count indictment, the police have their fingerprint all over this, and all day we have to say no thank you or impose capital punishment? How about separate the nation and prepare for invasion or war? How about deporting them? How about restrictions and pink slips? How about shutting them down and taking them out. Not only is the immigration illogical; we have a major problem with deranged traitors who "do not know what to do" or "are ready to die." Sound like it is time for war or major restrictions to contain or snuff this enemy out? What or where is the concise or decisive tools we need? Where is the sense of society and civilized behavior? Where the hell is the government on this; fingerprints everywhere. How about a fair wage? Look at the work and the problem; who is getting paid and who is not. Who is blamed? Who got insane junk written about them or total crap? Something has to give and quickly. How do we keep this SOB traitor back when it is illogical? One side here and one side there; it is 1860s all over again. That is just the way this nation does business; let's get that business finished. We know who will surrender and who will be forced to; who must do the right thing. Look at the obstacles and obstructions; just human waste. It took 20+ years to catch them; now what?

Dear Ann You Are a Complete Idiot: Why are you running around saying no thank you? If it is not Hannity, Limbaugh, Maher, Los Angeles, etc.. they will not take no and you need to stop wasting your time; all of them are your attackers you idiot; total traitors and deranged state of mind, "they do not know what to do." This is why I have no respect for you or find joy in your life; they do not take no for an answer; F them and let the military blow their head off or shoot them; they are guilty. Why are you jacking off; eliminate them you fool, pure pussy warrior class material. Do you think no will stop terrorists or this deranged traitor? Do you? You are a fool and an idiot; you actually believe this and trust the US government; look at the tax and debt. This immigrant society is illogical and deranged. Leisure is on all of your minds and idiot behavior. Ann, there is more to life than leisure, saying no to men, no sex, flying on planes, and what your life is about currently. They do not accept no for an answer; and are all your attackers. The state of derangement fits all of their crimes and a traitor; you are in danger and you need to append this so we can take them out cleanly and not argue back and forth about what you did or not. There is more to life than lies, deceit, taxing others, real estate, hiring anybody who shows up or likes you, sun, fun, drinking, and this culture you are so networked or plugged into. We got war now and major crisis; not leisure, dinners, men, saying no, or this crap. This is what an idiot or plantation owner does, than impose this traitor and heap of his-panic and blacks on us. Your leisure class analysis is really a train wreck to America and my life; men, tourism, image, wreck estate, debts, dumbass, deranged police, drugs, immigrants, etc.

Kidnapped Me, Put A Gun To My Head, Exposed Me To Deranged Terrorists and Radicals, Worsened My Problem or Case: In the end, I refused to cooperate or turn against the office of hurricanes and earthquakes if one existed. Instead, I grabbed this traitor by the head and said what are you waiting for; them to cut your throat? If that is how they do business; then let them cut their throat; nobody respects warriors or people who do business so messy or this way; we expect clear, concise, and decisive results. Battling them is a state of derangement and mental illness. Their power and leadership is full of lies and decide; but it is intended to tax the self reliance of America and fill the police with lies and deceit. It is intended to integrate and buddy up this stalker and traitor into our life; while they steal everything. This is far worse than the 1860s and the Civil War; they are integrated and mixed their forces into ours; blended into the crowd; impose measures immediately so we can finish off and defeat this enemy immediately. We know they are coming and had expected them; now we got a bigger surprise and need immediate actions and concise results; do not let deranged immigrants who show up with a boat or by foot into power and the resources to do this. Do not let them near us or even talk to us; shut them up forever and wage war on them; issue pink slips and expel them all. No more integration until tax decrease, no more problems, and numbers that match whites and Asians; no excuses. The police and the US government is to blame and has their fingerprint all over this terror plot; a facilitator of it. We will have to return to the 1860s because they are at our throats and are coming; we refuse to deliver the office of hurricane and earthquakes; we will deliver them for this office if it exists and they are watching over us; what are they waiting for an invitation? Do you want to get your ears wet or test our fighting capabilities? We expect much better and more decisive defenses. I expect isolation, concentration, and elimination of this traitor and deranged SOB; in 12 months or less. They arrived, now what? Yes they are ugly and stupid, now what? Yes we hate them and discriminate them, now what? Yes we want them segregated or interned, now what? Tax us or this entire world?

Blacks and Hispanics versus the Capitalist Class, Asians and Whites Globally: Challenging the capitalist class and wrapping a US flag around their body is futile. It is time to issue pink slips, layoffs, and impose extreme measures. We are in a state of war. Do not challenge the righteousness of the capitalist or self-reliant class; you will loose. The government is guilty. The process to clean out and impose pink slips needs to begin. This immigrant class and power seeking stupidity; is nothing more than an endless state of deranged poverty seeking to integrate with those who are in the top of the class or thriving; Asians and Whites. Yet they come to America and claim it is their right and God given right to take over everything, tax us, and run a muck with the failure of the 1960s integration society. Like the 1860s when hard and difficult decisions had to be made by people who refused to do the right thing; war and the might of the US must be imposed on this immigrant class and their home rule or police society. There is no room in America for traitors or felons; yet it is inundated from head to toe with this problem; and the leadership of the nation is full of errors and this deranged state of mind which is born from the Democratic Party whose lazy, feeble, and retarded power seeking keeps them taxing in this identical deranged state of mind. Tsunamis, hurricanes, and the wrath of God is needed to finish off and expel these traitors; once and for all. If no thank you is what they seek; then the mightiest of all will be unleashed by God, Aliens, or some other authority which they also seek to grab by the neck, strangle to death, and bother day and night. For this, they are given no more deadlines or leeway; the deranged state of mind ends here and with extreme prejudice; get them out of our life or face the wrath of the United States and what laws are preserved. If they are too dumb to tell the truth or understand power; then maybe it is time they stop fantasizing, fix their mess, and stop fighting us. Stop delaying, deranged ass answers, or just more of this rampage by a toad loser with baby making ugliness. They will be shut down and expelled with extreme prejudice. I seek the offices of authority to impose this and these measures once and for all; immediately.

Got A Lot of Police Officers Fired, Doctored or Inaccurate Doctor Reports, Slandered or Made People Loose Pension: This looting, rampage, and crime spree targeted those who are self reliant and educated. In the process, the immigrant society, the traitor society, the police society, and this struggle for power and control; walked into a trap and a fantasy world of their choosing and making. They created this false or deranged state of mind where they "did not know what to do" or "was so sorry." Yet none of it stopped or ever was corrected, "we are ready to die" and "show me the evidence." They not only killed a lot of people and waged war on us by stalking and hunting us down; they challenged the decision making which they became a prisoner of when all the facts were laid on the table. Their submarine was sinking and the deeper they got, the pressure was going to pop them or implode; but they killed a lot of people and got a lot of cops fired or exposed them to the errors of their flawed thinking skills. They got to go and these people need to be removed from our life; anyhow and anyway possible. We hope they understand the severity of the matter and what they have done; to us all. They do not understand America and the laws; they feel they can immigrate here, rob people, and it is no big deal how stupid or how many errors there are. Their standards imposed on us is appalling; so is their work and power. Worse, my lawyer is running around saying no thank you to a total bitch and stalker who refuses to take no for an answer. It is time to get rid of them or send them back where they belong, hell. Stop delaying and impose measures to keep this problem out of the leadership or our life; especially the police force. That damn village hierarchy and the religion of studying biblical dinosaur bones. Stop taxing us and get rid of them!

Insane Communists, Radicals, Homeless, Democrats, Immigrants, Floridians, Blacks, Hispanics, and Traitors: You repeat the same problems, this is America; there are laws to prevent all of this, not some all of this. You are so insane, you do not realize you are in America or any rules and laws. We do not allow traitors to do any of this, any of it. You jerk our chain like you are powerful or special. A traitor and insane psychopath has gone on a rampage and does not understand there are rules and laws; to stop and prevent all of this. The malice and damage is why you have not provided a real, imaginary, or such an obnoxious legal defense. None of you have any respect for human life, rules, or where you call home. The government will have to finish you off; 40 billion is on the line and people are dying of cancer and injuries; but your behavior is astronomical. There is nothing inaccurate about you all, none. All of you act like money grows on trees and you do not have to work or make an effort; 40 billion is on the line!

This Is Not Their Last War, It Is Their Last Stand: I am more than 20 years ahead of them or anybody on planet earth. I did invent and created this topic. I did train half this world. After a year, I will know where and their concentration level; therefore, it is not their last war; it is their last stand. Clearly, I have been fighting this war for some time and did not wake up one morning with a natural born instinct or imposed a tsunami or even the death penalty on someone I have never met or even know. I am sure they feel the same way. I want this over soon and quickly, without further adieu. It would be nice if the history books also indicate I was taken care of properly, given a fair wage, and did not bitch and throw fits hourly or even wanted everybody fired. It is their last stand so let's make it a blast and a good one. We will know if I get what I want, ever; and if there is a God or higher authority in this world who will answer my wishes. I want a tsunami and them out of our F'in life; out of my face; out of my history; and my disaster better. We will know if God, aliens, or something is out there watching over me or not. I am not going to grab them by the neck or make them fall to their knees; I just want my wishes answered. Like the wrath of God; we all know what we have to do in life and the best we can. If they are that scared, go to bed with a life preserver; as I sleep in a tent due to bugs. I have never seen this much corruption or mistreatment; this is the last war on earth? Shouldn't I be eulogized or made into a Saint?

Dear Ann Coulter - No Respect Or Joy: You of all people should know I do not respect you any longer and you really do not bring me any joy. So you might as well go out with the punkass you claim to love so much. The same applies to all the stupid efforts I have put forth or tried; in the end, I did not respect you or find any joy in defending your name or your life. You deserve what life has for you and should get a Congressional Medal; then again, I may have to sue you just to get a fair wage. Let's see, Steamboat, drinking, damsel in distress, Missouri hotel so close to each other (Columbia, MO and St. Louis, MO); go for it and don't think of quieting or braking. Still harping about ski trips and how your life went are we? You have got to be one of the most F'd up women I have ever met; it is odd our paths crossed; I see you are booked up until summer. Glad you have some control over your life; but all these secrets has lost my respect and I never really got any joy out of any of this if you must know the truth; maybe one day in hell. You have no respect but you got paid and are off on a plane to have fun in another state! Go Ann! All I want is my money and my life; the rest is history. This is just my way of dealing with it; until things change. See why nothing changes or hell has arrived? Yes, explain the work I have done and the wage I have gotten; aimless and total disaster.

Written Appeal Under Adverse or Tremendous Pressure - If you know you are in serious legal or have no power to stop adverse actions against you; why in hell would you have an affinity to under the table channels, secret rental property, witness intimidation, death threats, and the insane ways you do business? If 40 billion was on the line, why would you drag your feet, have a hissy fit, and fail to contain yourself. If you communist cannot contain yourself or do what is right by leaving us alone or gracefully imposing containment or self restraint, then it will be done in the worst possible way. With the paper work already accumulated and more evidence you are not aware of; most people would be appalled. You also had agents of the US government jeopardize their life and liberty to write up some of the most cockamamie reports and file them under my arrest records. If they do not have a written appeal; the US Navy will finish you off as they wish. Using the US government to run us off or clandestine channels of communists to make a human being psycho, molested, disturbed, hysterical, and constantly trying to stalk and hit them over the head is worth 40 billion. Are your communists shaking yet? Are they ready to stop or end this? Jerking our chain daily? Calling us names or badgering us all day? Ever seen it? Stop jerking us around and testing the limits of your stupidity.

Intern or Active? HE or Nuclear Human Being: Some people on earth are put here to hit warheads on the head or to run into bullets. Unfortunately, we are dealing with a dumbass who repeats that experiment and is finding out what that cruel fate or who they truly are. Unfortunately, by the time they figure out they are a crash test dummy; it is too late. Weather I am active or inert is none of their business and why they are in my life hitting me over the head thinking I will explode; or go on this looting and rampage; is worth watching them eat a hurricane, killed by tsunamis, or in so much pain we cannot stop laughing. It is not my role to teach anyone if there is a higher authority or God; but if there is, can he unleash hell on them and very soon; the sooner the happier I will be. Keep hitting the warhead on the head and build that confidence up or predict when it will activate. It is worth 40 billion to see them suffer and to see their fate; or better. Yes it feels good to have the best view of the biggest ass on earth. It is not a pleasant experience or sight. Be gone and stop wasting more of my time! The joke was on them from the start; but their behavior got us 40 billion in damages; 10,000 felony count indictment and death penalty.

Written Warning Leave or Be Attacked? Inert or Active: Your evil has blown up on you. It is written down and reported. That is how feeble and pathetic your organized psychopathic communist movement truly is. Playing this game and trying to make us starve or infuse our life with injury; has put your people, your family, and everybody you know in a total state of panic while they entrust your leadership. Even if you loose 40 billion, a written appeal will be needed; the hell if I will write it or you will figure out a way for me to do your work for free; so I hope, pray, and want you to die. A tsunami on your PR island is a dream come true. Maybe you Puerto Ricans, blacks, and Florida pests will lean on each other and not us. Maybe you will finally know what it is to be an American and not a pest. You brought it on yourself and could never finish anything; total losers. The only person you are playing this game with is yourself. Even if you are incarcerated; every single detail has to be made; while locked up. How good is your memory? When I asked you about 911; it was not foggy, you were excited. You said the US Navy had earthquake machines; let's see if they tsunami your people and immediately. When did you stop or considered stopping attacking us; hitting us on the head or death threats by stalking or hunting us down? Does it sound like we want to be with immigrants, blacks, or his-panics? Does it? Stop jerking our chain and testing the limits or your stupidity.

We Caught You and This Traitor: The line is in the sand. They can be disgusted, upset, angry, stupid, rich, poor, etc... we caught them in our life and we have given them hell and high waters. If they wish to test this again; it is not going to go down the way they want it to or as simple. We are far past and too late for apologies or more lies; far-far past that point. So if there is a God or alien; I impose tsunami on them and much worse than hurricanes or earthquakes. Let's cross our friendly fingers; this traitor and spy has to go, anyhow and anyway possible. Trying to strangle us while we do not even play with anyone not upper middle class or middle class. Trying to tax us during desperate times. Trying to suggest guns kill and evil taxes the rich; I think it is time to test the desperate times and only the strong survive rule. Guns have some use in desperate times. Taxing us in the name of a born in America loser or traitor is war. How many times do we have to say stay away? Hurricanes? Earthquakes? All the more reason to stay away or end this. I would really like to get this war over with because I cannot get a fair wage from anyone; no respect; and I am attacked day and night. How would anybody feel? I am not even getting paid. By the time anybody gets paid, they will die of their injuries. Thanks US government for the impeccable job and the years of good management and leadership. I would really like to get this war over with because I cannot get a fair wage from anyone; no respect; and I am attacked day and night. How would anybody feel? Yes, explain the work I have done and the wage I have gotten; aimless and total disaster.
40 Billion Owed by The US Government or Rush Limbaugh and Company: By maliciously exploiting half truths, lies, deception, identity theft, illegal surveillance, or twisting facts based on gross errors and bad investigative work; a gross injustice was imminent. The deplorable conditions and situation had a price tag of $40 billion; far worse than any of them would admit to. These lies, deception, gross error, fabrications, stalking, kidnapping, extortion, failure of demands, and gross violations of the law had the death penalty if convicted. Their actions were also backed by actions by military forces who is charged with removing and executing a threat of this nature. The lies and gross deception relied on denial and clear headed cunning; to suggest it was no big deal or we were not really human beings. Who we are and what they did was very difficult to explain and so was the $40 billion in damages. With all the documents and the charges against them; we expect swift justice and the knuckles of lawyers who need to give relief to those who were really hurt by this traitor, their gross errors, and the constant lies and deception. Now they want to test our stupidity or infallibility by sneaking up or extending their chicanery even further. A traitor deserves to be shot in the head but they used the laws to get in our face and go on a rampage.

Not Born in America, Loved By America! Dear Jesus, If There is a God or a Higher Power, Authority: They will tsunami and earthquake this gook and get them out of our life; they need to stay away and shut up; very bad hurricane and earthquake karma; I do not have a death wish, clearly. These bitches are ridiculous and should be drown by the invisible hand of the market. Sue me if I am mean now! We will miss them when they are dead or drowned, yes we will! How do they want it? Earthquake? Hurricane? Riots and looting? Communist Revolution? This is a born in America traitor and felon, never forget! Law enforcement is nothing more than a school for traitors, scoundrels, and felons. Yes, explain the work I have done and the wage I have gotten; aimless and total disaster.
If There is a God or a Higher Power, Authority: They will tsunami and earthquake this gook and get them out of our life; they need to stay away and shut up; very bad hurricane and earthquake karma; I do not have a death wish, clearly. These bitches are ridiculous and should be drown by the invisible hand of the market. Sue me if I am mean now! We will miss them when they are dead or drowned, yes we will! Good-bye Puerto Rico; have a nice radical 1960s bomber life you ignorant immigrant fool; learn to swim also. Work harder and get an education; you might be like us one day and share our life! You can go home or stay in last place!

What Do We Want? Stop Agreeing or Disagree: We are not here to agree or disagree; we are here to clearly and concisely tell you all to 1. STFU 2. Stay the F down 3. GTFO of our life 4. Stop F talking to us 5. Stop putting us in this parade or slut auction 6. and die or F you. Pay up and 40 billion, end of case, have a nice life. If you do not like it or wish to agree, go home. That is your problem, not ours; deranged psycho and total loser in our life. I bet they were terrified each and every step of the way! As they are terrified now or how this ended. They are so proud of us now and we have a lot of money to share with all of them! These people are a F'in moron and a total communist. Yes, let me grab that SOB hurricane and earthquake office by the neck; bring them in here! Even better, why don't I match them or tell them I am better! They want war, they got it!
Add Risk Our Life and Jeopardizing Everything in Our World - Add risking our life and jeopardizing all of our worldly possessions, records, and even life goals (marriage and kids); to the abduction and kidnapping charges. Then forcing us to shut up or robbing us while demanding me leave or go home; control of state government. Getting a job is so hard? We had to ask the office of hurricane and earthquakes to tsunami this while they demand we bring the office of hurricane in by their head or neck? Yeah sure we will, okay.

A Lot Of Doubts - Conflict of Interest - Damaged or Tainted - Slandered - Set Up: Life is so hard? We are unfairly treated? We feel used and run over? We are getting nowhere? It is still up for grabs? So crazy we need you, to manage our life or make preferential treatment? Police record? Can't find a job? Street credibility? Constantly struggling? THESE people are in control? We do not know what to do or say? The world is evil and against us? Everybody hates us? We struggle to protect our name daily? Immigrants are vulnerable and have to struggle? The police have turned against us? THESE people are only helping or in the way for a good reason? THESE people are in total control? We cannot beat them or beat them back? They are too powerful? We are ruined? We are bankrupt? They are impressed and like us now? It is up for grabs? They are no longer in the way or obstructing? Immigrants need welfare and help, be patient? We run stuff? Life has become so hard but we are taken care of well? No problem and no need to get angry or let this get out of hand? The people behind this are looking for a job, have a felony record, or are the police? There are no other conclusions or logical solution. Should they be destroyed or attacked? Should they be beaten down? Should they be arrested or made to pay extortion? Just deny it and blame them! They cannot prove or disprove 911. They know it is and was about satellites?

1. There is a lot of evidence to suggest your black, Hispanic, and immigrant ass is in last place, should be in last place, are illogical, and your existence in our life or world is getting more and more illogical. You people are corrupt as hell and have no respect for anyone or anything.
2. There is a lot of evidence to suggest preference or preferential treatment, when compared to statistics of whites and Asians; are nothing more than a taxing scam or communist plot. Even if you mixed black and white; it doubles the need for preferential treatment and illogical policies.
3. There is a lot of evidence to suggest your police, government workers, and corruption; should be racially motivated or based on fair numbers; logical and not a 40 billion dollar damage suit. We can have a piece of the pill mill and medicaid prescription fraud (Bush Family)?
4. There is a lot of reason to stop taxing and consider whether integration was a good idea; not the solution to segregation. Debt and taxing is the only way to integrate; tax cuts will be the end of segregation.
5. All we were taught or schooled since 1998; was how to struggle, how to get welfare, how to show off or appeal to strippers and whores, and this school for scoundrels and con-man skills. This is our degree and what coaching us was about; serial killer, murder, terror plots, rape, bomb plots, corruption bribery, etc... leadership school. This was nothing more than school for traitors and the death penalty.

Us or Them? Parade of Perverts, Strippers, Fakes, Phonies, and Secret Lives: This was nothing more than North Korean parades and some demand by stupid, ugly, and obese strippers from Caribbean countries who favor Puerto Ricans or Jews; who are known for bomb plots. This was nothing more than throwing them out or evicting them; before they evicted us. It came down to us or them; it has to be them. Ulterior motives? Lying? Employment office calling? Puerto Ricans and Caribbean Queens calling; for jobs? Trying to make all of this work now? I think the office of hurricane and earthquakes should send a strong message to the PR staff behind this vicious and distinguish attack; once and for all.
Look Stop! We Are So Wrong: Yes, keep it up and badgering us. Yes, keep violating the laws. You are right, we are and were so wrong about you. When it comes down to the truth; you have to say this because now nobody is wrong about this; nobody. Stop apologizing hourly with this deranged suicidal or terrorist voice. You had a chance to end this at 100 million for years ago. Look at where you are now, F you too!

Ulterior Motives, Criminal Activity, Financing a Rampage or Looting, Identity Theft, Illegal Surveillance, Constant Badgering, Suicidal Thoughts or Deranged Messages, and Denial of a Criminal Spree: 40 billion is outrageous but it fits who we have and their character or personality. If 40 billion is a steep amount, then something must prove why two ends got this number; two opposite stories? Clearly, there is an ulterior motive and a hidden one; and the damages fit who we have and caught. Do they need us? How far are they willing to go? Do we need them? Are they trying to befriend us or are we trying to catch them? Why badger people if you face 40 billion in damages? Whatever they did or claim to be, they were willing to die for it. It also sounds like a failed recruitment and impersonation; a swine or psychopath.
Do Not Want to Pay Any Damages or Want to Pay 40 Billion? Right now, the ulterior motive is to avoid paying 40 billion and the badgering, stalking, abduction, and luring unsuspecting people into their recruitment plot. This is why it flipped on the dime; the recruitment trap has stolen our work and identity. Again, how did it get this way and are they willing to die? Tell us if they are and surrender. A smart and wise criminal would say enough; there is no way out or escape. The plaintiff does not have an ulterior motive, they were unsuspecting victims; deny this also? Why is it ongoing or 24 hours in our residence? Do we need them? Are we trying to recruit them? Are we willing to "die for this?" Do they have anything or showed us anything which might "influence" or make up our mind? Then why are we captives, abducted, tortured, brainwashed, and caught them for 911? Move on? How did we get 40 billion? Deny it?

Widespread Corruption, Everybody Guilty, and Widespread Impact: This is one of those cases where everybody is guilty of something, huge changes are needed, the corruption is so widespread the political channels are tainted, Presidents are implicated, media figures are guilty, banks are to blame or in financial chaos, and nobody wants to tell the truth. Even the local police and FBI has their fingerprint on this or messed up in some capacity. You would think the world was against us or the truth; or they were genetically incapable of telling the truth and producing good work. With the damages set at 40 billion and lies stack up like trench warfare bodies; nobody wants to admit they are crazy until hurricanes and earthquakes either do them in or proves theirs is a higher authority.
New York Puberty Ricans in Florida: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-03-18/puerto-ricans-in-florida-s-tourism-hub-drive-hispanic-growth.html

"The number of Florida Hispanics registered as Democrats exceeded the number designated as Republicans in 2008, a reverse from 2006, according to the Florida Secretary of State’s office. Only 12 of the 160 state House and Senate seats are held by Latinos, nine of whom are of Cuban descent. Only one, Darren Soto, a Democrat from Orlando, is Puerto Rican."
Immigration and Jobs Trend: The only growing industry in America is high technology (Computer, Chemical, Mechanical engineering). The second industrial trend is law enforcement and crime. More immigrants come to America for the quality of drugs and hookers than anywhere else. Therefore, the best and the worst are flooding here for the broads and the schools. When it comes to sleazy women; you cannot beat a big apple trying to make it in high technology. Immigrating to America is illogical and worsening it are stupid people who have no idea how much the US Department of Education spends on each student. The only people who actually make it in America and do not face racism; are Asians and white. In Florida, it is an invasion by the left wing on the right wing; same with Texas.

Moreover and With Extreme Prejudice: The aimless rampage and looting, the taking of hostages and prisoner, the day and night brainwashing, persuasion, scams, and failed attempts; were nothing more than another aimless waste of time by a felon, communist, terrorist, and psychopathic madman. The more they came to America; the more they did business or got jobs; the more exposure to this aimless food search or dependency; the more they obtained power, voting rights, leadership, or aimlessly took over; the worse we got and the worse conditions got until it was deplorable. Taxing the healthy is their goal and forcing this baby making ugliness; via NY-FL strangled business and the country's health. The more they bred, integrated, ruined schools and manufacturing; the worse our fate became and their aimless life benefited. Try this 9-5 with this aimless political enemy and whether 40 billion can give life to their aimless looting and rampage. Boo-Whoo, they cannot make anything stick; yes, that must be us and that must be their alibi. We care deeply for their plight or this aimless rampage and looting. Clearly, one is black and one is lighter. The Gook is Back and this time, this nigger is here to stay bitches!
(Live) Dear Rush Limbaugh, Dict-actor Seeking Glory of the Kingdom: I have never been so disgusted in my life, having you in my life for 20 or more years, day and night with a tyrant dick-eater breathing on me and at my throat. Even after you are caught for 911, blame it on the New Yorkers and immigrants; you still seek glory and it is on tape. Your parents must be disgusted with you. Then on the air you said your will gave all your money to charity; it is in the record books, transcripts. The female caller on Monday, April 09, 2012 hit it on the head; you are nothing more than a terrorist, communist, madman, and insane lunatic seeking glory from a rampage. She said this is your fate; my fate is divine. Your violence is not freedom; idiot; it is a rampage and looting.

Dear Ann Coulter, Stop Acting Like A Dumb Gook: Don't be such a gook and I won't act like a nigger, do you hear me Ann? It is annoying me.
Doctored Military Records and Dossier: If you want to go into James Bond mode or start dreaming of conclusions that can never possibly be proved or disproved; go ahead. The truth is from 1990 to 2008; I was working for or did work for the US government. I was diagnosed with PTSD during that time due to a period of "seek and destroy." We knew they were all over us and trying an abduction; we did not know exactly what they were up to or how far they would take this. It caused stress in excess to healthy limits. The anger and inability to voice opposition or describe events; due to ongoing investigations and tracing them; compounded the diagnosis. None of those factors spilled over into professional or career objectives, none. All career objectives are completed. Communists and 911 terrorists at our throats before 2008 caused all of these negative problems. Meanwhile, a madman was writing false or inhuman reports that was so disconnected from reality; they do not have an answer, only malpractice suits. After 2008 a claim was filed; starting at 100 million and then 2 billion; and a class action suit was filed for 40 billion. That is what it takes to force these people to do the right thing. The PTSD subsided because we are still on seek and destroy mode; but in retirement phase. 40 billion indicates a tremendous level of combat, injuries, and total lack of logistics. To worsen that is inhuman and the work of a swine or con-man. Retirement was the best course and the best fit; let fate and history be written. If a class action suit for 40 billion is being filed on behalf of 911 victims or heroes; then an accurate record is needed. Worse is what they did using this living arrangement.

(Live) Dear Rush Limbaugh - Another Panic Attack Coon Eyes: A hint, God hates you. A hint to your partner the N's; God hates you and so do we. You are not in my circle of friends on FB and that is why; I have wondered about your dumb history or existence; we need the practice until aliens arrive. Hint for the N's not in my FB circle; MLK hates your guts, the light skinned leader slammed the dooron your darkie life. Most people who are not stupid can ascertained what these lies are for, are about, and why it turned out this way. We hate your guts and dragged your ass into court; for practice of course. We know you do not like name calling; God would do the same to get through your failure and dunce thick baby making ugliness. I would love civil war with your forces, I expect to rip them to pieces. Don't even go there or think about more violence. Is there anybody you did not rob? As a N in America, is there anybody else you did not rob hourly or daily? Did we slam the door on your face or more? Did you get anything out of this? Deny it than. Sounds like a Salem Witch Trial. You are not in a FB circle, are jealous or mad; and are killing anything in sight. Sounds like the typical junk salesman who is starving or got caught for robbery and much more. Sounds like you are robbing anything in sight; than claim it is your home. Sounds like a terror plot and even 911. Sounds like we were expecting aliens and much more than you; but we got you and are pissed off, very-very pissed off. Do I look like a witch or crazy? You lied because we won't feed you and slammed the door on your recruitment or 911 plot. Deny it and sneak up or try it again; it's got to be worth something now, 40 billion dollars. That is how powerful you truly are; all your checkbook can handle; declare war or another 911?

Dear Rush Limbaugh, Inside Joke - Total Number of Panic Attacks? There is an inside joke going around at the FBI about the total number of panic attacks Rush Limbaugh got from 1992 to 2001; and then from 2001 to 2008. Can anyone name that number or guess? Then there is a second joke about how many panic attacks, on air; Rush Limbaugh got from 2008 to 2012, total number by the year. Hopefully, we will obtain the interrogation tapes and we can count or film how they differ from one another. What is my guess or number? It is a secret for now. A panic attack can be dry mouth, unusual sweating, drinking profusely, difficulty breathing, etc...
Expected A Much Bigger and Better Army: For the record, we expected much more and a bigger fight from a total loser and his buffoon juju-boy army. It was disappointing to go on seek and destroy mode and watch as a homeless coon and dumbass battle us. What they used as weapons was the worst of all; but goat herding and worship of biblical dinosaur bones can't be that exciting. I did expect a much bigger Army and getting hit like a megaton. This is why I was paranoid early; when and where?
The Afterlife: What they do in this lifetime will have a profound impact on who they are and where they go in the afterlife. Similarly, what they hide, deny, or try even further; will have a profound impact on their people, forces, and what happens after they are taken to the brink of world war. I am sure there is no end to this and it could be ten times worse, for them. We will see what they try to hide or whether they learned anything in total inhalation.

Dear Sean Hannity The Equivalent of Al Quaeda - Who Do You Think Ann Should Choose or Be With, Why? How Did It Get This Way? You still have not provided us with a goal or intent. Malicious? Violent? Harassment? Now that we know you are the attacker and the stalker of Ann Coulter; can you explain who she should choose and what you expect her to do or say? Given the records are accurate; the video tapes indicate a long term effect and effort of telling Ann who to pick, a lack of consent, a lack of care, and falsifying what is actually ongoing or a very dangerous situation. You can see the voice and tone of the people involved; yet you are calm and cool. Why? Is it fair to say you are not only her attacker and stalker, you have or had a murder plot, rape plot, and abduction of her while covering up or making it impossible for her to break this lock and prove what you did? Is it fair to say you were kept in the dark and really did not know; and when you did know or realize the severity of the matter, it was way too late? Is it fair to say you were keeping us as a prisoner, had us under 24 hour surveillance, used rental property or illegal search and seizure; to determine how bad or how much we knew? Would you say this 24 hour captivity or surveillance gave you confidence, start to finish, on the outcome and what you had to accomplish? So how did it get this way? How did you go from total control to total lack of any control? If this control is so pervasive and 100 per cent; you don't feel any felonies had existed? Odd, in the end; you look identical to Al Qaeda; one of us does. It is not a shocker anymore; you are behind and the domestic mole; the equivalent to Al Qaeda, now what?

Earthquake Each and Every Single Time: Do we move on and just forget about this? Let you go and get back to being friends and neighbors? That is what you force fed or ingrained in us 24 hours a day for nearly four straight years isn't it? That is the outcome you sought, isn't it? You want us to have a short memory also or win our trust over by luring, prodding, threatening, torturing, brainwashing, etc... Sean Hannity and all of them were forced, yes forced and abandoned; the plan to kill us due to a total lack of success. It was begun many times and stopped in the 1st quarter, too scared to take it to the 4th or last two minutes. They got an earthquake each time and looked totally nuts. Let's look at it their way; how do they survive? How do they avoid naming names? How do they pin it on someone else? The females were so disconnected from reality and so hysterical; they felt someone was reading their minds and knew each time they even thought it. Eventually, they were reduced to repeating day and night "we are going to die... we want to die... we do not know what to do" all day and all night. They began to hallucinate God was there and warning them. They felt spirits were watching over us. They literally were trained and eventually; ruled out murder or initiating the steps because of some potty training. They felt others were reading their minds or intervening by mind reading. The more they thought about it, the worse it got until it was too late, they gave up. Even after this brink of world war, things could change for the worse, anytime; even after this is over. They had no control whatsoever, none.

Fox News - Broker For Hits or Facilitator For Assignments: Fox News is guilty of this captivity and 100% surveillance; luring people into their den under a false pretense. Is it fair to say you covered it up and Fox News, in agreement with your employment terms; made it impossible for you to stop or quit unless you were successful? You face expulsion and termination only had you failed and during this; there is indicators to suggest you did not or could not. How should her life have gone? Who should she have spent life with and why? Can you explain any of this if 40 billion was on the line and witnesses who caught you for 911? Is it fair to say you need to know how much we know and if we can identify you? Is it fair to say you coached Ann to cover up 911? Is it fair to say she played along until things got very out of control? Is it fair to say you had no intention of surrender or ending this; moreover, neither did Ann or those who caught you? That makes you a murderer; someone has to end it. If it came down to us or them; who should it be? Those are a lot of motives and a lot of recorded video tape. How did you do this on your own or is there others involved? How do you want your kids and family to remember you? So we knew too much, we could identify you, you could not bribe or threaten us, you could not torture or create abhorrent conditions until we broke or caved in. Now what? Move on and forget about it?

Why Not Kill The Hostages? Terrorists usually kill themselves and their hostages before the police arrive, why delay or get caught? Simple, physics. The law of Thermos-dynamics indicate in order to launch an attack and kill as many people as possible; there must be a degree of success. In this case, there was absolutely none; only cold senseless and obvious. It was too late for this and nothing would work; even after everything was explored. Killing the prosecutor. Killing the investigator. Killing anybody in the way, was how they got in this situation. However, all of this was tried and explored; many times and to no avail. So was murder suicide. So was this lovers pact or everybody dies. The consequences each time was so severe and so unsuccessful, there was no chance, zero. We thank the office of hurricane and earthquakes for ruling all of that out and letting them know someone is watching over us. Each time they tried; a tornado would hit their office or headquarters. This meant they had more disgruntled people to cope with. They launched this at least 100 times and each effort was beaten back; clubbed to death. It is called a fight to the death. This is why all of it traced back to the FBI; they were partially responsible for this utter mess. They let a lot of it happen on their watch; we do not know why exactly. Maybe they just wanted all of this to go away so nobody would be upset or had to do any work afterwards. Again, they were screaming hysterically, "we are going to die" all day and night, endlessly. The females were losing all sense of reality and confused by total delusions. They truly felt they were going to die if they took one step or another step. So maybe there is a higher power we do not know about. Oh-oh... what are they not saying or telling? They were on the brink of world war and falling off the edge. Things could change for the worse even after they were arrested. They had no control over this whatsoever, none.

We will know what they hide, what they try, and how they seek to end this if they even seek to end this. All we can say is it does not end with their arrest. It does not end with us moving or ending this case. It does not and will never end for them; never. If that is too much, then they would be dead by now; so they chose life for a reason, what that reason is we do not know. It could be they are worried about a wrath or their total disaster becoming ten or even one hundred times worse.
I do not believe anybody is stupid or foolish enough to fall for this new world or false world where the suspects and those guilty can foist guilt and deny anything, or everything, they have done; on those who are intelligent, educated, aggressive, self sufficient, and come from good families. Having a psychopath stalk them and being abducted does cause negative results and the damages of that is set at 40 billion. Nobody is going to believe this circus where those behind a rampage deny and point the finger at mental illness or paranoia. Furthermore, their women were kept in the dark and their heartbreak warfare, the politics of love, sex, and sleaze; blew up in their face for the ridiculous nature they create disappointment and utter lies. There are two completely opposite worlds and two completely opposite stories; only one of them is in a nice, neat and written form. The consequences to those who are involved, guilty of aiding, and the political channels they used; needs to be aware of this also. Things can change very fast in response to their ignorance and obstructions. All you have to do is take a look at Limbaugh and Hannity; then ask if you can do that.

My Analysis and Summary of their Liberal or Communist Forces: In Vietnam they had a reputation of running or cowardice before the bullets even began. When it comes to a weasel or under the radar; they are bold. When it comes to battle and pitched warfare; they are gutless and cowards. The men will run and act like boner suckers while the women berate or act psychotic. In danger, they scare easily in forests or wilderness where no ganging up or help is ever going to arrive; hence the serial killer disposition or ridiculous sociopath. The communist forces knew their reputation in pitched battle and the cowardice of their leadership; stupidity and collapses due to false or disconnection of reality. In a complex war, the women; who possess a slightly harder IQ; will watch as their entire male units are slaughtered or destroyed, a buffoon and jackass; without any thought of winning or success. This is why they are known as cowards and in pitched battle, break easily and bend or break; an aimless coward who seeks degenerate or deficient honor. Preying on weak people or their own weaklings is about all they can do scare people before pitched battle or real war. It comes down to respect and they have no respect; even from the communists. Their reputation as cowards and inferior in pitched battle is conclusive; females have a tad better chance at complex buffoonery. This lack of individualism, leadership, inadequacy, phony IQ, and dependency on whites or Asians is why they are considered cowards at power and warfare. Serial killer scary is about all the butt gusto and poverty they have; a lack of self reliance and intuition to survive. Females in this lesser breed army have a slight IQ advantage; to use this spread them or run mentality.
Data and Statistics, The Florida Mother-Daughter Syndrome: The data is based on how they cannibalize their kids and blame fictional "white his-panics" or mythical "monsters" they invented due to boarding school or some delinquent upbringing. The data is based on overwhelming facts and statistics which indicate a religious intolerance and IQ problem by females who are more powerful and hate their own men; slaves to the machine. Hence, they prey on men on the other side or prostitute themselves to the good guys. The data is based on real facts but people mistake it as a common joke:
1. Education or illiteracy rate; lack of courage under fire or in combat; a military disaster and phony leader. They will rob the injured, the old, degrade female jewels, the sick, etc... before they face reality.
2. Cost per student compared to academic scores or other countries.
3. Drug charges, felony conviction, or criminal penchant; disconnection with reality when young
4. Rebellious or problems with legitimate authority; state they are born.
5. Unemployment rate or income level of poverty; revolutionary unity. There are more reasons to fire them than there is to hire them. The rate of firing is higher than the rate of employment.
6. Birthrate and single parent ratio to other corresponding countries.
7. Prison or rate of incarceration internationally; political unity. A total lack of responsibility and a hatred of their own males and kids; hence, a mental prostitution and dream to shed their identity online.
8. Degree of rape and murder convictions; predatory disposition; an annoying or dangerous interaction with smart people. A total asshole who repeats it to annoy people.
9. Failure to produce or deficient family values to provide societal needs when valuable citizens are compared to other nations who spend a fraction on the family unit. They will kill their daughter for initiation rights or propaganda; a very dangerous parent.
10. Male and female interaction, group interaction, internet interaction, and then cohesion with peers from age 6-12 and then 40-60 in age. The middle ages are incarceration periods.

Dear Sean Hanni The Al Qaeda - Recorded and Lying, A Monster Caught On Tape: Say what we all know is true. This relationship you have with Ann and the relationship Rush is trying to build with our forces; is nothing more than an attack and a 40 billion dollar bust. You lied about how you befriended Ann. Rush lied about how he befriended me. All of you are guilty of 911 and this is who and where it all traced to. The lawyers want to know details to collect the 40 billion. The fistbump and the torture you put your victims through; similar to buying ice cream for kindergarten kids who have a boo-boo; is serial killer, serial rapist, and murderous intent to cover up what would otherwise be a rape-murder case, currently missing a body. This idea you were her boyfriend, engaged, or even friend; was a fabrication devised by a monster and a madman; who is totally idiosyncratically not with reality. A hardened mole, terrorist, and criminal; you showed your skill and psychopathic deviance like a champ; assimilating and using your kids to win our trust or prey on the unsuspecting. Worse, is how Fox News assigned this to you and will disavow or deny any under the table agreement with you. You are not only hustling Ann Coulter on national TV, you are the animal and serial psychopath she told me about; what I witnessed and knew. You attacked me when you found this out; and I vowed to bust your face open if you even escalated the attack to this level. You have walked on egg shells; a monster in our living room and now it is between you and a bullet; whether or not you should suffer more or just take your own life and leave a note for your kids. Everybody knows the story and soon, they will also. Even your wife knows and she like Catherine is an accomplice in this matter. It has come to an end and so has your terror plot; it is time to ask if 40 billion is enough and if your assets and worldly possessions can pay off all the victims of your rampage. Ann nearly cried and you nearly got her to break down on national TV; for a woman who has been ran over more than a common squirrel; you are a madman and a monster we will know you as. They will catch you lying; just like Limbaugh and his inability to see himself. Neither of you can see yourself but you know how to evade capture very well. You are the psychopath sent to eliminate Ann or I; an Al Qaeda equivalent.

Able To Take Risks, Seek Medical Support, Defeat Communist Forces, and Survive On Bare Minimum: The reason why I am able to accomplish so much against impossible odds is because the military in the early periods; gave me a support. That support, in my understanding was "unconditional" and based on my record as an honor student, varsity athlete, and record of distinguished service. However, I think it is a far erroneous invention to say I am on the payroll or given this support because I am a military reject or my condition is based on impropriety or false merits. There are no false merits, none. Happenstance or time, the benefits and salary would prove to be more valuable to the military than what it was decades ago when nothing was known. Also, the charges on the defeated forces of the communists; the total annihilation they underwent; the penalty they face and the damages they must pay; all must be factored into a more accurate assessment of what was known and not known at the time. Like criminal cases, information takes time to discover and reveal. No pay in the world can match the work or the injuries; therefore, their erroneous judgments against me did not factor in what all veterans and distinguished soldiers already know; it is not about the pay or the trouble. To suggest I am a military reject or use this to institutionalize and forced medicate me was the work of a swine and a con-man. However, when 40 billion is on the line; God knows what they will try or who they will kill next. My success has to be credited to the ability to survive and seek medical attention during battle or fierce combat; and it is not about money or pay grade. In death, maybe they will learn something about military service or warfare. This is our history and the ground we stood on for an entire century.

Where Did Their Professionalism and Leadership Come From? They got their professionalism and leadership skills from village hierarchy and we could not deduce what planet it was from or if it was within the human race. Furthermore, their belief system or archaic religion is based on the study of biblical dinosaur bones and the premise, by default, their God or lack of one; somehow stood in unity or on a similar elevation to gravity. In this day and age, village hierarchy is not how we do business or what you put on your professional resume; so they doctored or fabricated their merits. The study of biblical dinosaur bones is not a theological degree in anything but taxing the general public and being more of a nuisance than a communist dictator in heat. You will see this swine and con-man all over our life and understand what is happening to them and us. We speculate aliens have invaded earth and are trying to acquire earthquake or hurricane rays to torment and torture coons and squirrels ran over on the road and unable to explain what exactly their leadership is about. This is why they do not know their place, know where they are, so disconnected from reality, cling-on or ran over by reality, or need to just blow their head off for what they have done or the constant stupidity we despise. Professional behavior derived from a village hierarchy fits only muskrats or damn building mammals; not this human race. We compare them to trashy strippers at Duke University whose only worth is public ridicule. These women endure extreme hardship and pain. They come from a goat herding society and are bred into a chicken raising culture where the frivolity of being screamed at daily or chased out of our homes; is how they seek joy and cure lethargy. Hence, the extreme name calling and the constant back and forth with roadkill who seeks pleasure in tormenting the human soul with their smell, ugliness, stupidity, and rampage. The virility of their men is twice as worse as the females. This goat society has and had no business integrating with the scientific or educated class; but the story plot remains the same twenty years later. A wonderful addition to America and the general population.

When 40 Billion Dollars Is On The Line: I suggest you work harder, be more honest, and have some written documents. This "prove it" or deny everything when 40 billion is on the line; sounds suspicious and even fishy. When did you know? When did your lawyers know? Do you have any alibi or story? Were you at the scene of the crime? Did you even try? What if the death penalty is imposed? At least try or give it 10% effort; I cannot work day and night for a F'in terrorist and a stalker who made our life total hell. When your life is on the line, when your fate is at stake, and when 40 billion is on the table; don't F with the wrong people or the prosecutor. Credentials? Verification method? Authentication agencies? Public trust? Perfect or 100% flawed? That is not what the record shows. How about some record or a morsel of evidence?
Dear Communist Forces and 911 Terror Suspects - Advice: Do not even bother saying the stupid shit you say to us or in private. If you have not or refuse to say it out in public by now; then chances are the police are not going to hear you repeat it. What I would do is what our lawyers are expecting. First, buy a large caliber handgun. Second, stock up on ammunition. Third, do not even waste more of our precious time or let us get more kicks off your horrendous existence. You are guilty of so much and do not even know where to go, this direction, that direction, all those false leads, etc... and if you have not done any work by now; chances are we know how you will end this. Our lawyers are salivating also; and the evidence will come out when you are gone. We won't miss you at all and we know how many victims or people you got killed; a complete jackass. Look at our life or where it is headed; then look at yours; I don't think we cared or ever cared.
Infiltration is Severe - Military Rejects and Unwanted Officers in Military: A lot is coming from and traced to the Bush Family and Florida. Shut them down and draw a line in the sand; hence, the Florida Vietnam Warrior problem. Also the Cubans and the drugs or gangs which sprout in their community or under their leadership; that trash has to go. Track down their states and hometown; isolation. The other state is Pennsylvania; Bush leaves fingerprints.

Q: Clandestine by their communist revolutionary command, hidden at this time.
A: Because we do not take orders from a nigger who doesn't know they are trapped in the city walls and cannot figure out where the road out of town is. It is not a very hard answer to understand concisely. No need to ask 100 times a day. I am not sure what is wrong with these hispanics and blacks; but it is dumbass. Learn how to swim or build something not made out of aboard. Get a F'in education also, it's minority annoying.
Lecture on Judicial Review, Civil War, World War, and Treason or Trashing the Lives of Others: Fox News is supposed to be more right wing than other media channels. The police are supposed to be on the right side and the good guys. The military is supposed to be protecting our rights and our nation. The courts are supposed to uphold the truth. Political leaders are supposed to do the right thing. We know all of this; but it does not change the outcome or cover up the crimes. These people are poor. These people are lesser and even a second class citizens. However, this does not give them the right to come into our life, go on a rampage, or do anything other than write down what we were forced to write down about them and their long criminal spree. Furthermore, high crimes and misdemeanors is an act of war and treason; it is enforced by many channels whose ultimate responsibility far supersedes the courts or the merits of any job; they call it duty, honor, and service. When someone usurps or circumvents the laws; they will say otherwise or oppose our efforts. They will be on the wrong side and keep saying how sorry they are and make this a living nightmare. If you ask George Washington what Judicial Review is; he will say, "What? I wrote it. Why are you questioning me?"
Dear Justice Department and FBI: When you ask them who I am; ask if they know I am the lead prosecutor and investigator in this case; did they know this?

Dear Sean Hannity - Cannot Lie, Cover-up, or Quit Now: I hated when you would bring your kids on and act like a family man. I guess if I was in your situation; I would portray myself as a family man, a human being, and go on radio or TV and demand people not jump to conclusions. Using your kids as a shield is the worst act of a traitor. I want you to know it has been going on for a long time and you have no concern or care for them; but you try to blame us or like a crack dealer; you know the life you condemn them to. They act so calm and trusting of you; not a bone of evil. There is so much unity, teamwork, and cohesion; so who is this boyfriend you go on TV weekly when Ann Coulter is on TV? You spoke to him? You emailed him? He is in the studio of Fox News? You saw him at dinner? You saw him the other day and last week? He told you things? That is pretty extreme considering Ann fingered you as her attacker. She told me there was a rape and murder plot on her and you knew or were facilitating it. Does that sound like the innocent father you are or someone in love? You still insist on this puppy love to cover up the attacks; very clever and like all murder cases; it is someone the victim knows and the volatile relationship was covered up. Rush turned in Fox News today; no comment. You know I do not make mistakes Hannity; so do the FBI and police. It is time to stop the charade you psychopathic monster. Your employers helped you distorted, doctor, and cover this up. You are the most psychopathic of all Hannity; verified (fist bump).

Time to put the father and kiddie act away Hannity. Fox News got themselves where they are not because of you; they will fire or get rid of you if you fail to eliminate Ann. The entire Fox New staff verified this; a conspiracy. This is why Limbaugh and Hannity are still on board; it is still up for grabs. Ann said you tried to befriend her, bully her, order her around, make her your slave or some servant, expected sex, expected her to lie about you, threatened to kill her, followed her around the US, fist bumped her like an abused wife, acted like a crush or HS love challenged your soul, etc... I seen it all from your psychopathic 911 and communist mole ass Hannity; total serial killer and psychopath. Everybody knows you are guilty and you play it off worse than Rush Limbaugh. You are her attacker and there was a rape and murder attempt on her; you hunted her down like an animal until I showed up and you snapped into boyfriend or secret admirer routine. I seek the death penalty on you and I hope Ann seeks your estate and forces your wife and kids to damnation. Then will they know the monster you truly are and what they lived with. Fox covered this up and acted as if they were happy to see you two together while they were in my home and life making it hell. I have never seen enemy moles and psychopathic political monsters like you all; worse than a terrorist and mole. You knew what the consequence are. You knew you were on the verge of this getting out. You knew we are or were on to you, the 911 ringleaders. When did you know? 1999 to 2002 when you changed leadership. You knew it was on neither side and out of your control; so you had to trap us and hunt us down to find out who, what, where, and why. It blew up on you on the terms of 40 billion dollars. It traced to Florida also and we know why.

Chiding, Belittling, and Ensuring Your Victims are Dead: when a stalker and murderer comes back to the scene of the crime; it tells investigators something about the culprit or accused. When he records himself for six years, not even knowing the charge or evidence against him; it indicates the degree of malice and delusion. How many days was he recorded belittling, shooting his victims twice, three times, etc... making sure they understood there was no escape or better days ahead, laughing, using vulgar words at victims who caught and made him pay for his crimes; motive, can't prove it. When theirs is a solid motive, 90% suspect accuracy, and volumes of written or paper trails; it is time to say yes or no. Every single question must be dead on. Remember, Rush and all of them are still in the dark; they do not know what charges or where this is going. All the recordings will show panic attacks and everything reported; in addition to probable cause, escalation, motive, and much more. If a murder investigator needs more than "prove it"; then this guy is disconnected from reality completely. We will know when all is said and done if any of them are sociopaths; totally disconnected and in another world. There is 40 billion on the line and an army of lawyers; if the police messes this up; the lawyers will know. 40 billion and all they can say is "prove it." In murder investigations, victim, suspect, scene of the crime, eradicate behavior, conspiracy, contacting victims, coming to their home or work, etc... is a major indicator. You do not need anymore but for 40 billion; there are a lot of copy-cat cases or tainting the evidence. When 40 billion dollars is on the line; a better understanding is mandatory. Answers are definitive and concise; every detail is needed and written. We also got on tape coming back to the scene, harassing victims, breaking them up, and much more. Keep in mind, there was and is no end to this; none whatsoever. What is the ending? The arrogance of the perpetrators was disgusting but it explains the crime. How they expect the world to operate was an injustice.
Dear Rush Limbaugh and 911 Suspects: Oh wait until they ask you about Ann Coulter. When did you know and what did you know. What did you do and who do you blame this on, if not you? If you think Rush Limbaugh is a dumbass, wait until you see this one!

Dear Ann Coulter - Who Are You Really? You should be ashamed of yourself Ann. Yet they say you are the cause of their problems. Limbaugh, Hanni, and Fox News says you are the blame for all of this. You claim you are making it better and tLiis has gone on long enough. Keep in mind 40 billion dollars is on the line. Are you the cause of my problems as they claim Ann? You are very quiet about this, even as my former lawyer. I finished your murder-rape charge and filed it with the FBI; how about some god damn thanks and gratitude? You don't care?
So they are on tape, when this began, not knowing what the charges are and on tape while in the dark. They have no explanation, none. The arrogance of their crimes is so vast; 40 billion is on the line and they are chiding and belittling their victims. Look at what you done Ann, are you proud of yourself? You wrecked our marriage and relationship because you cannot say no. They want you to move on and be forgotten; expelled, ruined, raped, and much more. Are you happy now Ann?
Are you the cause of this Ann? Am I the cause of this as the paper trail clearly indicates, a conspiracy and setup? Limbaugh and Hanni, along with a few others, say your name and talk about you daily; hourly obsession. They cannot even explain their own conviction. How do they know Ann Coulter? How do they know me? Who are they? What are they accusing you of? Why are they asking 2 billion and a line of lawyers seeking 40 billion? Any of them care to answer? They sat there to profit and covered it up, opportunity?

Do Not Know Their Place - Immigrants, Last Place, Criminals, Parent Guilty: All of them have felony or long term prison sentences. They have been told to spread them, bed over, and been hit on my the dumbest blacks on the planet earth. So sharing the pain or telling us to get some skin in this game is just obnoxious. Yet we are far beyond this now. Most if not all of them are molested, humiliated, and even worse; society knows who they are, rampage material. Why they would make me look like them or unify on the same stupid dumbass life they revolve around or use as their street credibility; women seeking welfare or whores, etc... is beyond their race and character. They left a rampage as their legacy; total disaster. How did we get blamed for it? We want their wives or sluts while they are in jail getting reamed or in a homo relationship with other felons? Stupid women? The military is so much better with them and the military really does not want our kind or type; honor students and varsity athletes are the worst of the worst! The problem is they do not know their place and they are hanging on for dear life; a rampage and criminal spree; political corruption and constantly at the throat of the healthy and thriving part of society. They actually think or made it look as if we are not honor students, not brilliant, not varsity athletes and not welcomed by the military; rejects. They have done everything possible, used every trick known to mankind, and lied about it; in order to molest, abduct, keep prisoner, rob, etc... and then drive off their victims while covering this up. They did this to prevent recovery and to escape punishment. At times they acted as if they did not even know or care. Other times in total panic attack and hyperventilation. It was if they were in heaven and a slave breed brought them rewards and riches at their beacon call. The acting job and confidence was appealing and horribly disconnected from reality.

Future of Latinos and Blacks - Power of Last Place and Failure: They are disconnected from reality. In every instance, they are in denial and have completely opposite stories; lacking any truth. Their parents know their kids are the worst of the bunch but are in denial for releasing this degenerate into society. These are liberal jobs and they run prisoner camps. Notice who in the military is doing this attack and where it traces to. Is it consistent to the 40 billion damages and malicious ridiculous behavior? Ask them when this ridiculous behavior is ending or when enough is enough. Their parents are also guilty but are in denial for releasing this black and his-panic loser into our society and impacting or paralyzing the healthy parts to the brink of annihilation or total warfare. In last place and dirt poor; they do not know their place and are worse than savages; communist enemies. All they have is this hatred or life of crime; even worse now, they cannot blame it on the whites. Instead they claim they opened the doors for anything not white. This is who and where the blacks and Hispanics have gravitated to; last place for logical reasons to their illogical citizenship. Again, those in last place; the blacks, whites, and Latino liberals; have a paper trail of trying to make it look as if we are military rejects or unwanted. Those jobs and government positions belong to them and they are in full control of this kidnapping or terror plot. Clearly, they still, even today; even know the extent of the dangers, their legal problems, or even their place in this world; a complete moron. To act not bitter or dangerous in total loss or ruin is unworthy. The Latinos acted as if this was not America and they were in a tiny village where norms were set by an idiot on remote control. The blacks just wanted to loot and go on a rampage until they were stopped or discovered. Do they know where they are and what country this was?

Do Not Know Their Place, Cannot Say No, Women Have No Common Sense (Hated and Ugly): Remember, you sought me out. You flew to my location. You knew this case is in the 23 year. You made no effort to even address your problems or the damages of your action. How do I retreat? There are two completely opposite stories; someone is lying. There has to be some proof or consideration of stopping; prove it. Warnings to stay away? Written charges or complaints? Who is the prosecutor and why would you schmooze or rub elbows with people seeking your death? We are seeking the death penalty. As they can clearly see, there is a total disaster, a complete rampage, 40 billion in damages, and a baseless, vindictive, malicious effort to blame those who caught them and fixed this. Who is this scumbag and homeless F'er? Is there any end to their lies and rampage at all? When, where, and prove it. Who would marry their men? That is how ridiculous and stupid their women stalking us truly is. We even have to call them nigger and all kinds of names; but they are too disconnected from reality and see it as opening the door; a psycho, a tyrant, a queen, and a hardened felon. Even today, none of them know tier place; power is by those in last place, dumbest, most criminal, ridiculous, murderous, and hungry. They have done everything, short of successful murder; to molest, mistreat, kidnap, prevent escape, cover up, lie to investigators, torture, rob, and drive us off before it can be proved or we become healthy. Again, the record shows they have zero guilt and a completely opposite story. To suggest they are friends, companions, not bitter, only helping, or otherwise; not bitter and dangerous is disingenuous.

Dear Rush Limbaugh, Martin Luther King - Opened the Gates of Hell: Yeah, tell your people they were behind this and the earth rotating each and every single day. Tell your people MLK is behind the success in Asia, Europe, and the entire planet. He is God and is a religion; far surpassing Protestantism or Catholicism. Furthermore, his Vietnam War protest and his eye for talent, having so many communists around him; is a sign of patriotism and character; especially a good judge of character. Every minority in America should pay taxes and worship homeless people; thank MLK for our life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness; Obama too! Remember, they make kids smart and they break down all barriers; we all are filthy rich now because of blacks or black leaders! I got an SAT score of 1000 because of MLK. I got into college because of MLK. My uncles in the early 1960s attended the best colleges and became doctorates, because of MLK. Japanese businessmen worship MLK for their business acumen and success. Like the Buddha, we rub his head for luck and fortune. That is what you all want to hear Rush; and you as a communist think you are behind MLK. Also we are the reason why we are miserable; nobody else. MLK taxed the hell out of this earth and made business impossible.
Ghandi and New Immigrants (Va. Tech Professors and Scientists vs. Asia): We also are totally in love with and are engaged to Ghandi. Especially the southern version who blend that Democrat and business touch; ring around Rushie. It comes down to whether or not Ghandi wanted to fight us with his satellite warfare forces or not; since he and the liberals are behind the anti-war movement and the draft problem. Look where we are today and what Rush is thinking; Soviet satellite warfare and his new plans. Yes they are testing it on me and I know they are coming or doing it; just blame Ann for this. I would love to film and watch who you F'ers were trying to create next. Imagine if you could clone us and create a white communist and this mythical Haru or ninja. Yes, we know you communist were doing this and what you are up to; come to Tampa or the Republican Convention; we dare you to walk past that line in the sand.

Dear Bill O'reilly - Fighting or Assault: Most judges will understand the dynamics of the fight or the provocation. If you are someone walking down the street and you punch someone; it is much different than if you had an twenty year altercation with a felon who decides to test his luck or boldness. Most judges will say someone needs to kick their ass but they are looking for a fight and a fee has to be paid by both parties, otherwise, 30 days in jail. Pay the fines for fighting in public or having the police break up the fight. An altercation lasting over twenty years is not the same as an innocent bystander who wakes up one morning and is punched for no reason. That is my story; now you all have to decide what your story is; and prove it. You are also talking about a distinguish military record and someone who has won every major war for the US and delivered beyond his duties as a civilian. Who would fight a lesser breed unless there is a really good reason?
Dear Rush Limbaugh: Hoodie or Tussedo, I am not the stalker you coon. Secondly, your race does not make you a communist, your lies do. Don't tell me to leave or stand your ground when I am not the stalker and your back is not against the wall; you are trapped and your white hispanic forces are not convincing you religious weakling. Who in hell would get in a fight with a lesser breed of your kind who argues about who is sucking whose shhhh-long. You all are really bursting your bubble; a lesser breed to uphold another one?

A Lesser Breed, Final Analysis: There has not been any logic to the immigration, employment, or conflicts of US history. What is clear is this is a lesser breed. How they talk to us and what they do, disgusting behavior; clearly indicates who they are and why they are in last place when a test of spirit and intelligence is demanded. As a lesser breed, the question is whether or not they deserve to be oppressed, have war waged on them, or face the wrath of a higher power. The laws say they do. Yet they stand united and usurp the laws, which sheer trickery, brute force, or plain criminal conspiracy. Now their boldness and hidden quiet storm is revealed. That quiet storm is a rampage. No matter what their tricks or crimes may be; they could not make us agree, open the door for them, or obtain any benefit. Even after kidnapping, torture, brainwashing, and waging war; false imprisonment and untrue malicious slander about forced medication and mental institutions; they could not hide the illogical approach they sought to force on others; a lesser breed. In this conclusion, the numbers show the truth and their acts reveal who they are; to be eradicated or health with by forces inhuman and cruel. We gave them all the chance in the world to clean up or clear up all of this; yet they stood in solidarity and that did nothing but make this worse. In the end, this lesser breed could not embrace the truth, justice, or say no; but their politics has wrong us in ways they refuse to even speak or be caught for. They should and shall be liquidated, assets seized, and the sum of 40 billion paid to their equals who did not deserve to be oppressed as a lesser breed. For the blacks and the his-panics; this was a major defeat. For the whites; they are only in the same boat. The lands must be cleansed of this problem and threat; the wicked cannot rule or do this injustice. To hell with their spirit and stupidity.
Volatile Relation With Republicans and Conservatives: Michelle Malkin is nothing more than a Newt Bimbo coony who cannot say no and does not know why we are upset with her. In this false state of clueless, her conscience is guided by who else, Sarah Palin who flip flops and hides her adoration and love for Ann Coulter and Newt Gingrich; two very opposite people. Now she does not care and like a dart board, Malkin goes rogue with who she likes and hates. What a dumbass and pandering fool we have been so outrageously on the brink of war with. We knew she was in with this plot when the book on internment was splashed all over; say no to corruption? How delusional and ridiculous are these communists? Let's ask her love and buddy Sean Hannity; does he know who that whore's boyfriend is? Shut Fox News down; using these liars to defend other liars who are even more guilty deserves the death penalty and severe torture. This is what retarded truly is.

Even On the Brink Of War and Destruction: Even on the brink of war the volatile relationship and obnoxious politics of the Republicans has just reached the limits of their bank account. If it is not opening the door for each other, reckless speeches or joking around, the feeble effort to say no, and wrecking almost every aspect of their life; than where else are we? Ann, isn't there a better way to say no or is this your problem? I have seen squirrels ran over more times than you. The earmarks on your back, which I constantly demand an answer for, is not womanly. You women have no common sense; how many times can you be run over before you stoop walking through the door or opening it? Worse, you teach the Democrats how to do business; look at the nation and total financial collapse. This volatile relationship with you degenerate buffoons and beating you all over the head has no limit or even has gotten better. The Supreme Court is the most retarded, do they need a lesson on Constitutional law or what reality is? All of you are such dumb asses. You cannot say no? You spend 75% of your life, from sunup to sundown; on being ran over or if you are on your best behavior? Holy shit look how lawless 10,000 felon indictments indicate. Your jokes are so reckless Ann, you imitate and talk to an idiot; to make money. Look at you on Fox New; melee and volatile relation? Conspiracy? Bomb or terror plot? Like the lunatic you act like God or some religion that is no longer funny; it is just dumbass obnoxious. If we slip into war, this will be why these people were annihilated, extinct, or felt the hell God has for them. Yes, give each other more stick and carrot or try to keep this snowball rolling. Ann, do you realize you look like a truck ran over you and you have rags and tire marks all over? Irresistible! You act like a Nig also Ann, who got ran over by 1000s of Mack Trucks or a porn-ado.
Dear Rush Limbaugh - Volatile Relationship or Abduction: it is, has been, and always will be a volatile relationship with your communist forces and domestic panderers. Look at Ann's life and look at mine. One minute you are trying to suck our sch-shh-shh-long; the next we are clubbing you over the head with a bat for 24 hours. It is a volatile relationship and has been for 20 plus years. It typically results to a melee; in this case 911 and terror plots; but you are the culprit and lied consummately. To say it did not; is how far you will take this. Now it is about gas into the air system; microwave weapons; and your usual pandering. When we are older and most vulnerable, all of you will be homeless, without pension, and much worse; but you used up all of your bold gusto; now in death or find the bottom, still have not found it. You cannot say no or can take now for an answer; a whore and consummate pandering homeless jackass.

Fact: I could knock up 20 women or have 10 adulterous affairs; Ann would desperately search for some way to be in my life or desperately go on this rampage to equalize or seek forgiveness; she cannot say no and is a jackass. Furthermore, look what she and they did; all of them. She expects to live life this way. She expects if she works 24 hours and the rest of her life; the facts will restore her or vindicate her life; yeah okay Ann. Rush is dead on, you are on your death bed and a complete klutz. The question is do women have any common sense?
Dear Ann Coulter - Cannot Say No: That is your DC reputation and what has ruined your relationship with me; I have no respect for you and think you are beyond ridiculous. Yet you insist and spend your entire life pretending to be well behaved and from day up to sundown; insist you are not a slut. I think it is your genetics or something hardwired. Having a child with you would be a nightmare; but look at our lives and where it is headed. I have to beat you over the head with a bat and it used to be about whose sucking whose tally-whacker or bushwhacker. Good job Ann, I will add this into your biography and you can be the model of all women. We can get you a Congressional Medal of Honor for this war; you did good and made us proud; a great morale booster. Now if I can just get you to pay me a fair wage. My paranoia and hatred of you has grown according to the respect you deserve. Is this what you call an education in life? Always force feeding your crazy, sometimes common sense obvious junk. You do this with drinking buddies, dinner, dates, and Twitter or online dating sites Ann. Be a real man and say no.
Used Our Priceless Life To... Warp Reality? Do females have common sense? Anyone with common sense would say what the problem is and how disgusting this has become. Ann, you are the problem, not showing us the problem. Also, had you any common sense, you would have put the brakes on this pandering and ridiculous behavior of so called American leadership. I cannot tell the good from the bad guys and you all are a sort of degenerate the world truly despises. Look at what you did to our relationship and life. Do you have any regrets or do you look for one and desperately search still? Look at the type of breed and the shameless scams, the intoxicating description of you all and this plot. To hell with rot and sewage you all get up in the morning for and swindle us into. Do you expect me to say something to you or just be eager to stay with you? Good job warping our reality Ann, really. There is something seriously wrong with all of you, seriously.

Dear Rush Limbaugh - Impersonate Every US Scar or Conflict: I know how you communist are. You impersonate the Indians. You impersonate the whites. You impersonate the Asians. You even impersonate our own life and work. You will taint every drinking water. You will taint any source of life or future. Then you will tell us to leave or go home; it is your land and you do not care and will deal with it. Meanwhile, you communist sneak behind everybody's back and try to take control. The Asians are self reliant; they know education and hard work will get them more freedom. The Indians have learned and been burned enough times, living off the land is futile; getting an education and working hard will get them more freedom. The whites are in the same boat; they know how hard it is to struggle in America; how all these groups have tried to keep their spirit and soul while all of this evil is everywhere. But your communist breed kicks all that rightfully belong and have right to the land and the future; and we have sought your demise once and for all for making our life and existence; an absolute hell. You owe your victims what your total assets can fix; 40 billion and we could make the best case or the most perfect case; nothing will ever be good enough. That is how it is with you communists. It is about control and your dependency on the healthy people. We could present Jesus Christ before your throne of foolish power; nothing would and could ever be good enough. Hence, nothing is enough or will ever end with you F'ers; even in war, you could be armless, missing an eye, or can't even get up; your existence is inhuman and we really do not need the big lip service or grandstanding. We know you are communists and terrorists; the problem is you impersonate everything and everybody.

Dear Rush Limbaugh, Meaner and Meaner, Reverse Effect, Wrong Side - Rush and all of them know their human experiment and captivity has negative or reverse outcomes. Now all of them are blamed and exposed. They wanted homicidal and psychopathic mean, they got it. They wanted everybody to pool over their politics, how unfair it is. The only problem is everything is against them, not in their favor; it all shifted to the opposite or truthful side. Yet Rush keeps saying others cannot take no for an answer, to leave and go away, leave them alone, we owe them money, their rights are violated, etc... throw it right back. Do onto others as they do to you has backfired on them on such a scale; only death and suicide can ever fix any of this. Now Rush says, "show me... name for me... etc." Worst mistake of your life to fight this case or fight our work; there is no way of coming back; yet we have arisen and were reborn. The reason why you deny it or insist you are in control is it is so horrible of an ending, it blew up in your face, all of it. Even your parents know you are guilty. Even you wife know you are guilty. Even the President knows you are guilty and lying. The problem is you, your employers, those who facilitated or insist they only were trying to help and make this better, and those who are over their head; cannot bear their victims collecting 40 billion and the death penalty. You impose it on us; but it cannot be done to you; no respect for human life whatsoever, none. Nobody talks about it because we will know how guilty they are. We have explained, you are in the position now of explaining; even in death you all act like God or in control of your failed criminal fate.

Dear Rush Limbaugh (Live and Real Fighting): We fight for real. The cops fight for real. The military uses real bullets. You and your communist forces? Don't care? You spent the entire century oppressed and humiliated and now? Still oppressed and haven't learned a damn thing? Dumb? Tell the police why 100 million was not enough? Challenging them nobody challenges you? Control, yes you are in control. Asians fight for real. Whites fight for real. We use real bullets and your religion doesn't feel them? What you tried to do to us was make sure we are oppressed and homeless; that karma is your fate and we will watch it develop, we know everything. What have you learned? You are big brother? You taint the well? You make our fate and are God? Do you? This is about your Constitutional merit or ability to escape and evade? 40 billion is all your check book, when all your assets are added (Fox, CPAC, Premiere, etc...) you owe all your victims. That is a lot of lying and a lot of people who know you lied to their face. Fight for real for once in your life; or blow your head off trying. As articulating, as cunning, as sneaky as you are; why didn't you end this in 2008? Why not at 40 billion, damage control? The police and military can do far more damage to your life than we can; we fight for real and you hate it, taint the well. Gun rights. School rights. Speech rights. Victim rights. Police rights. You are rights. We are the healthy part of society; you are the oppressed communist part and now this was your end; choosing the wrong enemy; the wrong lies; the wrong victims; the wrong VIPs; and the wrong time and place to do this. As smart as you are, why not end this at 100 million? Now why not end this at 40 billion?
Note: Rush turns in Paul Ryan on April 4, 2012; only trying to do good or be our brother's keeper; not poisoning the well. Do and say as we do; but not on them; control and God. Learn how to fight you MF, I pity you and hated every moment in this war with such a human piece of shit.

Dear Hispanics, Blacks, and Jews - Don't F With Healthy People: One of these days, these people will learn how to act and stop this big brother act where they taint the well so nothing works or our entire life is a total disaster. This was not our brother's keeper or any help. One of these days these people will learn the hard way or through sheer pain and suffering; not to mess with us, come to or home-work, leave our family-kids, stop torturing us, stop kidnapping us, and stop threatening us as a prisoner of war; but it will be too late. When they learn we are not their captives, we are not their prisoners, and we know they are the dumbest and most foolish of all the religions; we will know why they taint the well and nothing works. Regardless, they harp about rights and Constitutional merits. They act as if they abuse the powers intended to stop criminals.
Homeless, Wrecked, Oppressed, and Still Last Place: They ruin schools, life, marriage, work, and just about anything. Now it is too late for them and they still have not learned, yet. Instead, they vow how they will not sit idly or threats if anybody gets in their way. Choosing us as a target was the worst mistake of their life and we have seen this in many criminal cases before. They are weak and they do not learns; that is the bottom line, dumber than dumb. They do not belong; any of them in any race. They should have ended this at 100 million in 2008. They should have ended this at 40 billion was told to end it. Now all of them will be homeless and penniless when this is done; they do not learn and want to F with us 24 hours a day. It is not a media reporter, it is an assassin and terrorist plot. We will enjoy and rejoice when they are homeless, wrecked, and felt the impact of war and hell unleashed on them for all of this sick disgusting behavior. Rush, Hannity, Fox, the blacks, and the Puerto Ricans are still saying bring it on.

Dear Ann - Evidence Against Them: if there is direct, video, or solid evidence on them; let the office of hurricane and earthquakes over-rule and impose the death penalty on them. You do not have the authority of God or the authority to execute them, blow their head off, or seek vigilante justice. If it is clear and present danger, an act of treason, a conspiracy, high crimes and misdemeanors, etc... they are dead and it will be imposed on them, it is not your authority to bicker or argue against solid evidence. Refuting it is futile and at that level. This is why we are going to deliver police satellites; to crack down on this pest and this enemy. If their pension and career is reversed; they will be homeless and without pension when they grow old. I would not care if solid evidence or surveillance kills all of them; we will be much happier; so Ann, you are blowing smoke and pollution my way.
You Are Not a Lawyer For God or The Office of Hurricane and Earthquakes: I am sure perjury at that level is serious. If these people do not like it or trust the truth, then GTFO of planet earth. You do not need a formal hearing or lawyer when before God himself and he will know if you are lying or what the events truly are. If these people do not like it, war was invented for this reason, exorcise it. I am not saying they do not have a right to the truth or justice; I said exercise your rights. They do not want money, they want these human piece of shit dead; let the Justice Department and lawyers recover the blood and treasures of this war.
Dear Rush Limbaugh, "Throw Your Underwear At Them": I bet you are enjoying this and have; and next time I get dressed while you are listening in or watching; I will definitely throw my underwear at the precise moment, thanks for the dressing advice pudgy faggot. This is more than espionage, robbery, or kidnap.

2016 Presidential Election: Coulter vs. Clinton - Put Up Or Shut TF Up! Death Match Cat Fight, First to Melt or Change Hair to A Wig! (Intel: Clinton is too chicken and Rush cannot hold the raid forces for long while Clinton fixes this)Clinton would get ripped to pieces before the election was over.
On 4/2/12, Rush Limbaugh compared himself to the Atlanta Bomb Plot and says this is not over and he will bite the head off anybody who crosses him. He says lay a hand on him or challenge him and there will be consequences to this; he is not going down quietly or easily. Given he was caught red handed, daily, and for over twenty years; he looks across the police and military lines; boldly issues a warning, "do it and you will regret it the rest of your life." Even under this police and public pressure; he has nothing to even suggest he is telling the truth or will win this; nothing. All of you will be depressed in a day or two; also how you bring joy and jobs to all of our life; a money tree. Rush feels he will win this and the law is on his side; his attorney will save his life. To let this go on and on is a public disgrace and humiliation. These police officers are wasting their life on scumbags and human waste; it will ruin their life and career.

Dear Ann Coulter: You have created a maze that even you cannot get out of. You also have made fatal, irreversible, and strategic errors to create this fantasy you bring joy or identical life problems to our relationship. Keep in mind, all of them lost everything, are trapped, and things will get worse for them. All of us have life preservers on but the question is who will drown in this disaster. When was the last time you brought me joy in life? Is this a fantasy you created that went very wrong? Do you spend 50% of your life dispelling whether or not you had an affair, are a slut, are promiscuous, can be a good wife, etc... The other 50% is spent on whether you are a party girl, your next dinner, when you will go drinking next, and an image someone you claim is your attacker and rapist invented. Also, 75% of your life is under attack and it feels like you got ran over by a truck. They lost everything and will; do you wish this for your own life? It is too late now. These strategic errors are so simple and you should have saved something or kept something; so you can escape or survive. I am not sure who out of all of us in actually controlling or in the life preserver; who will survive this in five or ten years from now. I keep telling you to let the military shoot them in the head. They will die with nothing; old, broke, unhappy, and screaming indignation at those who are on the other side. Do you wish to join them or be with them? They will ruin you, beat you down, tell you to move on or leave, and make you struggle for your entire life; trust me I had it done already and am struggling to stay alive. They will give you all the work and problems to last two lifetimes; trust me. I will spend the rest of my life dwindling while none of my goals and books are achieved; not even my beloved police-military satellites or aquaculture.

Dear Ann Coulter - 7 Day Clockwork, Back At It Again! : It is very clear to me and very obvious you have no interest in keeping this relation between us healthy, alive, or thriving. You have wrecked it in a very short time period; took advantage of it; and it resembles your own life. It would take you your entire life before you could begin to make up or fix any of it on an acceptable level. Yet you claim this has gone on "lone enough." This is why we are sworn enemies, this is who you are and how you have decided to end this disaster. You claim one thing but you have no interest in actually keeping it or making it healthy; ever. Of all your cards, getting killed was probably your best one; now it is really messed up. Your problems Ann are ten times what they were before. Worse, you owe me money and the lawyers tell me to sue you and quickly before the statute of limitation expires. That is your goal; to wait it out and pray; a liar and swine. You know how badly I need it and how you do not even care; you enjoy watching your own kids starve Ann. Your best friend could be bleeding or starving; that is who you are, verified. But you want an image of not lazy and industrious; wrecked, depressed, distraught, in pain, worried and so in love. That is just how this will end Ann; how it always does for you. Your goal is to hurt people with the least effort or an empty soul. Clearly this is who you are and confirmed as; your real personality. It is not really worthy of much or praise.

Decide on the Final Outcome:
1. United States Government v. Rush Limbaugh - criminal conviction
a. Alex and Ann v. Estate of Rush Limbaugh and employers - 1.6 billion in damages
b. Catherine Limbaugh v. Alex and Ann - unknown damages
2. Rush Limbaugh v. United States Government - criminal conviction
a. Alex and Ann v. U.S. Government - 1.6 billion in damages
b. Alex and Ann v. Fox News and other media channels - product liability
3. Alex and Ann v. U.S. Government - criminal conviction and 1.6 billion in damages
a. Rush Limbaugh v. U.S. Government - unknown damage amount
b. Labor, wages, and fees owed
4. Stalemate - we all become ghetto dwellers who do not want to fix anything yet claim we are lawyers who need to eat or work.
5. Collateral damage: civil suit on Fox, CPAC, and others. Collateral damage for slander, obstruction of justice, and civil tort to prevent or protect Rush Limbaugh from capture and prosecution. There is a long history and record of harassment, fraud, obstruction, attempted murder, slander, false arrest, slander, etc... Explain how one human being experiences all of that in one lifetime? Do we look black? Do we look uneducated? Do we look self reliant or self sufficient? It is impossible when all the facts are tallied.

Dear Justice Department, US government, British government, Canadian government, and allied governments: Is perfect not satisfactory? Is this enough or not satisfactory? Shut them down and cut their funding? Still not clear cut or reasonable doubt? Still not 100 per cent convinced and good enough? Well, that is what the welfare office is also saying; cooperate. What more do we need? Dead bodies? More wounds? More things stolen? Total loss of our entire life? Half if not 3/4 of our life is gone; what is the problem? Too much to ask? Too weak? Too messy? Not written down? Are you not fully convinced yet? I need a full written statement on who has to pay 1.6 billion and why; to forward to my lawyers. There are witnesses to all of this, so do not try some clever sneaky trick. All along they knew we were self sufficient and had the mother load; convinced and the future. Where did you get your self sufficient guide? Bright-Barterer? Sarah Palin? Rush Churchill or Hanni? Ingram and Malkin? Bill Maher and Los Angeles junk? Fox News or Clear Channel? If they are self sufficient; they will have the full truth and nothing but. Who pays 1.6 billion in damages? We are almost dead after more than 20 years of this; nearly dead. Does anybody care about the truth and justice? Does murder sound like the right charge? Whose? Us or them? Who pays and who tried this for over twenty years and was caught in a sting?
This Widespread Problem: Thug life? Not self reliant? 10,000 felony indictment? Freedom and the Constitution? For who and for what? If you do not know how to act in public or are in the business of robbing others, including their business or career; stay home and out of the public. If your only goal in life is "we don't care... we do not know what to do... we are ready to die"; then it is time to seriously consider the impact of this human being in public. Keep them away from the healthy part of society and this can be avoided and the damages lessened. However, we have politicians and leaders who are so backwards; we have to tolerate this and even more; as it worsens. Stay out of the public before hurricanes, earthquakes, satellites, authors, VIPs, the military, FBI, or other forces reign down or unleashes hell. Why can't they understand this before spewing freedom or Constitutional mischief? If they had parents or a God; he would say stay home and out of the public. Records will prove the past six years has been at home and out of the public, yet this problem gets even worse. Why and how? Who pays 1.6 billion and their pensions forfeited? The scumbag or the ones who do not want to caught them?

Dear Justice Department, FBI, CIA, British, Canadian, and Allied forces: Explain to me how I am the crazy one or have to be medicated when all of this is said and done? Yet they remain silent and so calm; as if they found peace, how? Explain to me how I got a criminal record; who wrote that total crap? Where in hell did they get that? Who the F is doing this and refusing to write anything down; just bits and clues? So the government now has to explain to me or the world, why I am the crazy one or has to be medicated. I need a written answer and an accurate thorough one to determine who is at fault or guilty. It was the Bush family who kept coming in our home or contacting us; yet they did not turn out to be CIA; communist spies. Why? Trade our life in for what and whom?
Love-life: ruined, full of lies, full of fabrications, full of slander, full of attacks, full of torture, prisoner or captives, and shut down. Theirs? 1.6 billion and 911.
Satellite warfare: ruined, full of lies, full of fabrications, full of slander, full of attacks, full of torture, prisoner or captives, and shut down. Theirs? 1.6 billion and 911.
Marriage: ruined, full of lies, full of fabrications, full of slander, full of attacks, full of torture, prisoner or captives, and shut down. Theirs? 1.6 billion and 911.
Financial merits: ruined, full of lies, full of fabrications, full of slander, full of attacks, full of torture, prisoner or captives, and shut down. Theirs? 1.6 billion and 911.
Career: ruined, full of lies, full of fabrications, full of slander, full of attacks, full of torture, prisoner or captives, and shut down. Theirs? 1.6 billion and 911.
Education or merit: ruined, full of lies, full of fabrications, full of slander, full of attacks, full of torture, prisoner or captives, and shut down. Theirs? 1.6 billion and 911.
Career and business: ruined, full of lies, full of fabrications, full of slander, full of attacks, full of torture, prisoner or captives, and shut down. Theirs? 1.6 billion and 911.
Political support: ruined, full of lies, full of fabrications, full of slander, full of attacks, full of torture, prisoner or captives, and shut down. Theirs? 1.6 billion and 911.
Future: ruined, full of lies, full of fabrications, full of slander, full of attacks, full of torture, prisoner or captives, and shut down. Theirs? 1.6 billion and 911.
Biography: ruined, full of lies, full of fabrications, full of slander, full of attacks, full of torture, prisoner or captives, and shut down. Theirs? 1.6 billion and 911.
Criminal record: ruined, full of lies, full of fabrications, full of slander, full of attacks, full of torture, prisoner or captives, and shut down. Theirs? 1.6 billion and 911.
Who Owes What? Allocation of Judgment: 1.6 billion goes to myself and Ann Coulter, to be decided from there on. 0.4 billion goes to our team of lawyers. This leaves a net total of 40 billion, plus or minus, for New York City and the victims of this tragedy; including the airlines, passengers, public workers, and any trust fund establish by their lawyers. The remainder if any, goes to the US government and the debt accumulation resulting from war, military pay, or expenses; at the discretion of the Justice Department and their lawyers on the overall behavior and character of those who were netted in this sting. From there we can retrace and bring to civil trial all the companies or people who facilitated the obstructions, intimidation, and kidnapping using the cloak of rent or business. That is war and that is the blood and treasures of the aftermath. This is all we can do and was impacted severely also. We do not like the people involved; but in the end; justice was served and the truth delivered.

You all are not self-sufficient and this is why and how we are here today. Look at their IQ, they dominate everything. Look how they usurp the laws and vow to take this to the Supreme Court. Look at the damage. No business is occurring and sabotage is everywhere, total paralysis. Who is this evil? Look how they slander our name and attempt to murder us. So you not only ruined everything, you let them trample all over us. They shut down everything. They put us through the most vicious sensitivity training we have ever encountered. Now they are as white as a ghost; not your typical 1960s radical or shut down protest. My business does not have a chance and is on major delay. The time line is so off course. My life plans are completely off center. You let them ruin us and put us through this vicious torture and training of theirs. They say we are not self sufficient. They say we are liberals and communists. They pretend to be exactly like us; parallelism. Look at their IQ. Look at their education. Look how they are able to do all this. STFU and stop acting like such a fool. Now war is needed. There is no way to resolve or solve the black, illegal, drugs, or communist problem; it is beyond the red now.

Case Closed! 100% guilty and the currency will be to turn over details and names of everybody involved; we want them all shut down and deported; the death penalty imposed or their pensions suspended and taken away for gross injustice and crimes against humanity.
Rush said he wanted me to go on a rampage and shoot my own family or hack them to death; outrageous so no comment. He used or was watching my ex and I during our teens; worse than porn or a stalker. The rampage is a lie; it is farther than a rampage or massacre, try bomb plot. He knows I studied the topic and read a lot on explosives and firearms. He wants me to massacre white people, my family, females or "bitches", ex girlfriends, college campuses, police stations, court houses, etc... all total lies that blew up on them. Now they will loose their pension and be homeless. They work with and study homeless people. This is also how they make Middle East bombers. You have Arab communists and Arab allies. The Jews do not make this better. In America you have the Protestants and Catholics; left and right. The Jews do not make this better. He even said, like all cult groups who encourage pedophilia; it is the ultimate form of control; no thanks; maybe when I am 100, stop trying okay. They call me minority and seek total control; like a robot or cult group, "leave, move... " endless berating and violations. He even thinks we moved to VA-DC to fight a war; revolution; as if the Vietnam War did not end until now.

The problem and your problem is what you will do to survive this and how far you will go to ensure we do not survive this. That is your main problem. It is time to summarize your problems. None of this has even been mentioned by you and you deny it all. Just remember, if you are a conservative, then Ann is a liberal and vice saver. Same applies with me. Explain also how we know each others life intimately down to sex and raw naked secrets? So this is why we would swear on the bible, 100%, and send you to your death. Here is a list of your problems:
1. For twenty years, we did not know how you were doing this or who was doing it. Whatever you did, it nearly took over, ruined, and controlled every aspect of our life; right down to our wife and kids. Your problem is you do not hate us, we hate you. We have no reason to hate anyone; except our biography and work. There are two or more witnesses who can swear with 100 per cent certainty; you did all of this, are the ringleader, and are our 911 terrorist.
2. Even though I studied, memorized, and tried everything to trap and corner you; my genius and IQ cannot fill in all the blanks. Your problem is we know you are a goofy, dangerous, psychopathic communist. Your problem is we know you are a bipolar terrorist and was behind 911. You have a very short memory. Moving on and doing nothing will not make this better for you or us; nobody survives. Your problem is how to explain your situation or problem.

3. Even if we know you are a communist, terrorist, and a serial killer; your ability to garner the trust of unsuspecting people, your ability to sell your message, your understanding of the world and politics, your understanding of our mind and our personality, your understanding of US politics and world events; is near perfect. You even brag we live in a communist world. Regardless, your problem is you cannot discredit either Ann or I; mistook us or who we are, and undercover unit on another mission. Yes, we have a duty and a mission besides your life and this is just a sideshow to it. Mistaking Ann as a communist liberal is your problem. Choosing me as a recruit or partner was your problem. Trying to have us mistake you; is not a problem and we are nearly perfect. It is only a problem if it is untrue.
4. Trying to garner trust, love, affection, credibility, power, influence, persuasion, money, control, victory, and your evil diabolic plot; your problem is you cannot make this mental illness, schizophrenia, forced medication, criminal activity, or total lies stick. Both you and us are precise and calculating in our ways; our IQ is unmeasurable. So your problem is it does not work for either sides; only for communists and specifically, your stupid radical niggers. None of you can explain, you only want us to leave or move on.
5. Unless there is major flaws, major mental problems, or a major personality disorder; we would not attack you and try to put the death penalty or torture a human being on such a scale. The way we abuse or humiliate you is inhuman. Yet your memory is short and your use money to buy your way back or ratings. Your ratings are outrageous and so is your behavior. With 100% certainty; sworn testimony and 10,000 pages of documents and a clear, concise story; the chaos of our life is unquestionable. The question is who did it if not you? Who else can it be if not who we caught? Why would we publicly demand 1.6 billion and your employers to fire you or go down with your crew? There are a lot of victims and you will owe more than 40 billion.
6. So you see clearly, we can draw rings and how big those rings are on your skill. Every ring is perfect when we make a list; however, when we come to you; there is a big problem and we know who you are and what you did. All you have to do is prove who we are; and it will justify who you are and what you did. Simple plot and strategy if you ask me, quite lousy and stupid. That was your fatal mistake. Do not look outwards into the world and complain; look inwards and be responsible. In a court of law, you will be ripped to shreds by an experienced prosecutors. Your lies will cause a panic attack ten times worse than on air. Do not even think about denying or challenging this when you do not have any story, record, or any written documents.

Dear Rush Limbaugh, Final Question: Since we caught you in our house and life in 2008; stuck up and confronted you, recorded you, tortured you, ripped your efforts to pieces, smashed your plans, etc... This has not ended, not even on my end. I only have a few final questions:
1. You forgot to give us your demands. How do we survive this? Or do we? Ann says you had a murder and rape plot on her. You still have not given me your demands; only tell me to leave or use tainted, erroneous, or baseless facts against me (criminal record, medication, mentally ill, etc...) A kidnapper has to have a demand or list of demands; why none? Murder? Refused to help? What is it you want? You have our demands.
2. Everybody knows we are self reliant, exactly who we are and our ID. There is only two states in the trap and this radar; Florida and New York. Why are those two places the nest of communists and mafia felons or drug crime? One is paradise. The other is a ghetto with immigration problems. What if we do not fix Wall Street, debt, or Florida real estate? Will your Hispanics and scam blow up? Will you be deported back to your Island? Will you or can you make it anywhere else in the USA? Exactly.
3. Insofar as sneaky, cunning and manipulative; we know you are the 911 ringleaders. I saw you and ID'd you. Ann did also. We know you are the communist forces. Why do anything to make sure nothing leads to you; while everything leads to me? Am I stupid? Shouldn't I make one or some effort to hide? In broad daylight you expect me to scream and shout while you sit there acting untouchable? Even murders, rapes, and massacres; all lead away from you and directly to me. Then I have a slander case on the US government; mentally ill and medication? I must be a complete idiot or jackass; acknowledge this and... what is your demand? Join the Hispanics or fix them before they are deported? They loose their homes? More Mexicans get Puerto Freakins jobs as bilingual coaches and divisors? You flood our military and prove to be loons, terrorists, and communist forces?

4. You are right, we do not make mistakes; but you make fatal ones. I do make mistakes and am not perfect. We won the war; you may have won the battles. In this game, you lost at the beginning and we want to know where you will lead us; and here we are now. You forget how blessed our life and house is or was, admit this?
Fact: Sarah Palin was created and sent because of the murder plot on Ann Coulter. We sat on it for awhile to determine where she would go with it and who she would lead us to; it led to Fox News and powerful media owners; along with several financiers. They had invested too much in Ann and knew this was becoming a disaster; thus, they sought to recover the damage or what they put into it and failed. Sarah sputtered and did not really get anywhere; but she tried. Laura Ingraham and Michelle Malkin were trapped and exposed; so Palin was the only person, who created Palin? Will she disclose it to the FBI or not?
Dear Ann: for a lawyer who understands statute of limits, liability, negligence, etc... you sure are taking a long time. I could have challenged and removed a lot of these negative marks by now; instead, you are flying around, going to dinners, stacking your schedule into the next year, etc... Your actions do not suggest you worry about the health of your life or mine; none whatsoever. Meanwhile, I have so many blacks and poor ass scumbags contacting me hourly; while the health of our relationship slips into greater peril. You have shown yourself to be a complete loon at times; then scatterbrained and seeking forgiveness. Although the people who did this are much worse; you have compounded the problems on a private or another level. Every lawyer I talk to does not understand this is not a criminal matter; it is a civil one; I am seeking 1.6 billion in damages. Naturally, you want that; but when it comes to my legal problems or fees; you have all kinds of stipulations or absence; I have to get a new set of lawyers to deal with your total lack of leadership and reality. There comes a point where forgiveness is far gone Ann; your behavior and strategy is totally lacking. I wonder what motivators you keep hidden and what else is worrying. Remember when you ruin things, there is not much you can do to make it right or better; just admit it. All of you are like this and it is very annoying. Therefore, you cripple me and paralyze my life also; they are the culprit and you lack any redeeming value. I need to get a a lawyer to determine immediately who has to pay 1.6 billion in damages; the people we caught or the people who refuse to catch the bad guys? You are of no help, none. We have to get going on this and you just waste more and more time. Thanks but no thank you.

Dear Ann Coulter - Offended, Angry, and Disgusted: Ann, listen closely; I have had enough of this. Based on the evidence, you are now telling me and the public to choose between you and a stupid common nigger who has terrorized our life, every waking moment; because of their tactics and outright lack of human character. You ought to know, as an expert on liberals, they do not value money or do not know the what money is about; hence, kidnapping us and forcing us to trade our life for theirs, in death and life; forfeit all of our worldly possessions and even soul to this conniving evil enemy. Now I am angered and disgusted with your legal tactic to ask the same thing this god damn nigger repeats to me hourly; we have to trade our life in so they can live. Nobody on earth would make this trade, nobody. Why on earth after 20 years of this nightmare; would you come to me and demand or force me into a situation where I have to choose between you and a god damn infestation of this same MF nigger who just won't die or end this? I know they are homeless and I know they are drooling over us; you made this clear. They do not understand money or know how to act in public, society, or even how this world works. Who in hell would want this roadkill nigger? I can't seem to get through to you, stop!
I Am Not a F'in Bomber or Terrorist: This nigger expects us to join in, like brainwashing "on reset switch" to join in the melee. Go and tell Hillary Clinton to leave my family alone, do not hire them, and do not expect me to bomb shit before I corner them and turn their ass in. Now they are all over me Ann. I am not and will not engage in this plot; they are dead for even suggesting or asking me. Either you are with us or with the terrorists. I am tired of this snake on our plane shit. Just because I been kidnapped and ripped to pieces; I think I am more cool and better than you Ann. But this nigger impotent and impersonation nowhere is it. I am ready to loose it now Ann; just give me back my money and let me get a lawyer. I do not have the resources to do this for the rest of my life. I am not suicidal or will ever be; stop asking me to relive this bomb plot ringleader plot, please. I rent and pay rent; not signed up to bomb shit or go along with it; stop calling the cops and "ratting" on me; I am not with them. I cannot take this daily and hourly Ann; I am not a terrorist and they are guilty, 200% and it is a nigger murder plot. Totally nuts is who they are. I need you to take action and get this nigger, this f'in ape; out of my life. Do you hear and understand? Get this nigger out of my life and end this; they are the communist and Limbaugh is the ringleader. There is a conspiracy and we are asked to commit suicide or trade our life in; royalty, legends, etc... for a stupid slave and a dumbass nobody wants to deal with. This is what it comes down to. I am so disgusted and so angered by you; to even ask this after I am bombarded this 24 hours, brainwashed, tortured, and treated viciously by a little nigger who thinks they own the world or wounded our life. Now it is a stalemate. They want to be in control and kill us; sacrificed so they can live.
They will deny it and will not say what they are demanding, even with a gun; or want out of this. Why do you have to? Stop impersonating or even outlining their mistakes; get me out of here and get this horse ass nigger out of my life god dammit. The stupid bitch even thinks we are married and I am taking her back or she still has a chance; same with all your male problems. I will say this again, to trade our life in; from start to finish here, for this communist and nigger is the most disgusting and repugnant question or even predicament I have been in. It feels like rape. It feels like torture. They expect me to fall on the sword and murder myself; before they do it. Yes it is a death threat and has been violent; 911 violent. Stop asking them to admit they are wrong; it will never arrive or be delivered. You should know this is how the niggers are and their assassination or murder plot. They do not understand money, business, this world, reality, or can pass an IQ test. Why they are here is not for me or us to answer or reply; understand? End this so I can begin to petition the US government; I need my god damn money Ann. Immediately, I am tired and sick of this back and forth with the niggers or communist; anger and demons cannot describe my feelings or thoughts. Yes they will use everything against you; even their own stupid misdeed; that is just who those niggers are. Why can't I get through to any of you Ann, even you? They want to die and are ready to; just try to win and act scared as hell first. They are incapable of suicide; do you see Limbaugh? He is dead already and the British said he is "trying on air suicide." Do not make me choose between you and a dirty, rotten, defeated, and dumbass nigger who has terrorized my life endlessly. I am fed up with this, completely. They already tried to murder and rape you; now you are reminding me of my own death and total destruction at the hands of communists and niggers. Get me the hell out of here; this is called pain and suffering and it is well past 20 full years.
Watch How This Ends and Our Happiness: Either you are with us or them Ann. A lot of lives are on the line. A lot of pensions will be gone. A lot of futures will be destroyed. A lot of people are guilty. A lot of careers will end and their pension decimated. A lot of famous people will be destroyed. Look at the size of this mess; how many people involved and guilty. They were caught on camera and lying blatantly, maliciously. A log of happiness is going to end. A lot of food will be missing. Do you hear me Ann? All because of a nigger and a F'in criminal psychopath who cannot tell reality or the truth. Yes, the worst part of life is when the police intervene in order to end this. It comes down to probable cause or exoneration. My feelings are thoughts are not even known Ann; and I am upset because you hide and keep yours from me. You want marriage counseling, get me the hell out of here and this predicament; I get this hourly and daily. I went through over twenty years of vicious verbal excoriation daily and endless violation of the laws; and they act scared to death and calm? Tell the truth and they will feel much better; it is on air suicide and self inflicted suicide; but they want us to die? Ann, you want me to spend my life with a F'in nigger who was behind this because I cannot stand you; but you are impersonating them? WTF? Has my world ended or am I just pissed off at this world? Why in hell would you deliver a nigger spirit inside your life; at the 11th hours? F Ann, this is so unfair. You asked me to love you and I did; then you made me love a god damn nigger which was the worst nightmare of my life. Can you tell? Just read the transcripts and why I have or am trying to end this; sworn enemies Ann, this is what you delivered me. You don't understand? They don't understand? Get me the hell out of this plot Ann or give me my money back. Understand? That is all. They got all jobs and employment blocked also; using the system to negotiate and win. If that is the case, the US government owes 1.6 billion.

We will be here for a long time and the only way to stop them is to declare war. Yet you let this happen and act as if we are winning; nothing has changed. Look at the astronomical damage. Look at the torture. Look at how mean and vicious they truly are. Worse, your personality is self destructive and all you want to do is drink, look for new pals, and expand this disease. No wonder they won. Just let the military shoot them in the head and let the Justice Department and these governments give our lawyers a written thorough explanation. Stop acting like we are winning this or have a chance; they will take this to the Supreme Court. They want to destroy us and win everything; but they are not self sufficient. We are forced in this. They cannot survive this and have a death sentence, now we do also. Do your god damn job and stop wasting our time and our life!
Dear Ann Coulter, Marriage Counseling? Is this some joke or legal tactic? Have you even read the report on marriage counseling or what the problem is? Who is them? Why us? This is so crazy; you are telling the communist guerrilla and mafia ghost your love life problems? I have heard enough of this crap and made this clear to you and all of them; enough is enough. All I need is a lawyer to seek FOIA and a formal written document from the US government on their final disposition; who owes 1.6 billion and why? That is all you need and had to do; look at it now, look at the entire mess. This is why I am now your sworn enemy and you have no remorse and seek no end. This was double jeopardy for me; first them and now you. Did you hear Limbaugh or Hanni? Your pals feel they are preserving and the anchor of the Constitution; that is how guilty they are. This is why. Telling them to shut up will ruin us; knock it off. We are now sworn enemies Ann, happy?



Dear US Government and Justice Department: It time people do their job and what they are paid for. I am tired of being treated like a slave by both sides. Stupid people, poor people, uneducated people, etc... are always in trouble. Why do I have a criminal record or so many police officers? How many calls to the police? How many emails to the FBI? Who labeled me mentally ill and demanded I be forced medicated, which put me in a coma, caused loss of hair, and may have done permanent damage? Who is behind 10,000 felony charges? The police? Florida? Virginia? A company? Who did this? Why is my life and record clearly total lies; always in trouble? Always police involved? Going nowhere? Did Ann do this or let this happen? Why is it not going to work and not perfect? Why is she not what I want or now my sworn enemy? Is she behind this? Why is the police constantly going to the wrong side or at the throat of the wrong people? Genetics of a black man or dirt poor bilingual Puerto Rican? New York politics? Why are the stupid people immune? Those uneducated? Those always in trouble? Conspiracy? Bloody Kansas military and government forces? Who wrote I was mentally ill and had to be medicated? Who pays the 1.6 billion in damages for 20 lost years? Kids and marriage gone. Career nearly stolen. 911 communists everywhere and in power. Who pays? Are my police satellites flying? Are my books in publication? Where is my detailed and thorough written explanation? Why is this delayed and only spoken? Why can't I afford decent lawyers or at least a lawyer? Did they really get pardoned? More of them than us? Every government and court in the world is watching; screw this up more.
Pandering at this stage is not only moronic, asinine, and the sorriest act of a disgusting breed; it inflicts more injury and tortures the soul of those involved. To encroach on this enemy and to torture them further, to stay or leave, to win or loose, to steal or get away; is the act of a complete moron who should be shot as a traitor. We have seen this Missouri Mischief before in history and are disgusted with it. It turned Bleeding Kansas into a bloodbath. It has made the borders of Kansas and Missouri a source of traitors. It has turned military service and government service into Bleeding Kansas now; an act of war. To be pandering, trying to play on their good or bad side, to be spending time with these people, to be mouthing off hourly, and to continuously encroaching to steal secrets, humiliate them, embarrass them, reveal their hatred, get them to talk, torture them, and complete this full circle of rampage, is the act of a moron. A moron is as a moron acts. One is a terrorist and one caught a terrorist; are we all morons now?

This mischief has had severe consequences on both sides. It has destroyed our marriage. It has incapacitated our life. It has ruined our friendship. Yet this foul behavior continues and now panders to the winners and those victorious; the last ones standing. Spending time with this enemy has been the most disgusting act on earth. Learning their ways and secrets has been a practice of devil worship. A moron knows no end and is the one who looses everything, even heaven on earth; when this ends. This mischief of morons still has not ended. Why try to be like them? Why try to parallel their life? Why even waste more time in such a futile book which has started and ended? Pandering in the final hours was the most assassin act of all. Now the secrets must come out and the truth; death has arrived and death becomes those who are condemned to hell. This mischief got them nothing and got nowhere. It revealed their secrets, who they were, and where their life is heading. This mischief is death itself. We are sworn enemies now Ann, happy with yourself? How do you enjoy loving someone when they make it impossible to love back? Gone on long enough?
Dear Ann Coulter, When This Is Done With and Over: Maybe you can get a higher percentage or payout if you bark like a dog, drink until you puke on your drinking buddies, or even better make a spectacle of your suicidal ranting by throwing the caskets of your parents in the ocean. They are the reason why you are here and why you are so successful. Even better, you can ask for a case of beer weekly and hold cocktails daily; how does that sound? It's awesome partner and you did a really good job on this. When do I get the full details of your illustrious life and fearless courage under fire? You should have enough money to finally buy some decent friends and really keep me in the dark or angry. Go Twitter! Now that is a warrior and a leader! Ann Coulter can now afford a husband (JJ), no sex! This should double your drinking buddy list Ann; triple your Twitter account; and quadruple your speeches. Your memoirs will be a total blast of good times and the most fun a woman can have! Don't worry, it takes me at least 7 days to replace you and I am broke; so relax. Take advantage and enjoy your circumstance.

What Happened To Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hanni, and The Others: It is very easy to explain. One day they woke up and went to work. All the sudden, while this was going on; they began to repeat our same words and phrases. Everything we studied in college or the material we spent our life developing; came together like a cosmic event. Furthermore, the complaints we filed with the FBI; still unsolved, Rush knew by heart and in detail. Almost like a FBI profile, he was able to use his psychic powers to solve 911, our 20 year mysterious attacker, and he unlocked every secret of communism. In so doing, his relationship with Ann Coulter suffered. Like a cosmic event; he had a answer for every question, in real time. There were days where anything he said was cosmic; then others when we knew it was false. His career tanked for no reason, none. He does not even know who we are and we do not exist; never met us or seen us. Okay this is getting harder and harder now. Don't ask me to try and make up a story for Sean Hanni, I am mentally ill and have to get some medication fast, or else I might loose it or loose my marriage as a result. Same thing happened to me; I woke up on morning and like a cosmic array; knew every detail about Ann Coulter and wrote her biography. You see, it all makes sense; mentally ill and medication will do this to you.

Dear Justice Department, FBI, CIA, British, Canadian, and Allied forces: Explain to me how I am the crazy one or have to be medicated when all of this is said and done? Yet they remain silent and so calm; as if they found peace, how? Explain to me how I got a criminal record; who wrote that total crap? Where in hell did they get that? Who the F is doing this and refusing to write anything down; just bits and clues? So the government now has to explain to me or the world, why I am the crazy one or has to be medicated. I need a written answer and an accurate thorough one to determine who is at fault or guilty. It was the Bush family who kept coming in our home or contacting us; yet they did not turn out to be CIA; communist spies. Why?
Who Owes What? Allocation of Judgment: 1.6 billion goes to myself and Ann Coulter, to be decided from there on. 0.4 billion goes to our team of lawyers. This leaves a net total of 40 billion, plus or minus, for New York City and the victims of this tragedy; including the airlines, passengers, public workers, and any trust fund establish by their lawyers. The remainder if any, goes to the US government and the debt accumulation resulting from war, military pay, or expenses; at the discretion of the Justice Department and their lawyers on the overall behavior and character of those who were netted in this sting. From there we can retrace and bring to civil trial all the companies or people who facilitated the obstructions, intimidation, and kidnapping using the cloak of rent or business. That is war and that is the blood and treasures of the aftermath. This is all we can do and was impacted severely also. We do not like the people involved; but in the end; justice was served and the truth delivered.

Trying to Wind or Join The Nguyen Wing Side? It would make more sense if we were trying to join the winning team. Clearly, someone is trying to win or trying to join the winning team; badly. We are talking about 1.6 billion dollars badly and 10,000 felony charges. Let's count all the mistakes; who is the winning side and who is the losing side? Now who is mentally ill and has to be medicated?
Clear Channel, Fox News, CPAC, YAF, Etc... state they are not liable for any media personalities. Yet people linked to 911 walked into your studios and our life, unopposed; and got on the TV and radio every single day to resist, conceal evidence, intimidate, make death threats, spread propaganda and lies, and furthered this mega crime? It is called facilitating or aiding and bedding. They did not drive the vehicle but they waited 48 hours so that those who did could get away, dispose the evidence, ditch the bodies, and come to work and have an alibi and full support of these organizations; without merit or questions. Therefore, as part of the crackdown; they must pay back those impacted by the initial kidnapping (1.6 billion) and then the aftermath or coverup, 911 and what occurred afterwards. At some point winning was impossible and joining the winnings was also; hence the phony stonewalling. There were so many lies, nothing fit; but there was just no more ammunition, exhausted. Guilty? Again, why do we need to be medicated or checked into a mental ward? Genetics? Stupidity? Ridiculous behavior? Phony lying? On air suicide or mental breakdown? Risky and also impossible.
Numbers: in numbers they are invincible or can put on a show of reality; flip the world upside down and turn the tables. One Trump can increase their numbers by three times. Those parades are a show of force and protest. In numbers they find security and violate any laws; hence, 10,000 felonies and labeled "mentally ill" or requires "medication and help." This is nothing more than a predator and scam; but who has to pay 1.6 billion in damages? The pieces are lined up and the governments owe a written thorough explanation for the record; at our lawyers request. War is imminent with them, get used to this. They are loud and obnoxious, just like liberals; quiet when in serious danger. Almost drunken and kiddie-like exploring the world and questioning it.

For the Record, I Had Plans: Politics has never been my cup of tea and I had other life plans. Ann imposed all of this on me begged me day and night about how hard she worked, how much pain she was in, and how she needed my help. I had no intentions, ever; of being here or doing this. However, it shows how skilled I am compared to Ann; she dragged me into this and it is my debut. I have other plans and always had life plans. I had no intention of staying this long; but look at the fight they put up. They also railroaded all my entrepreneur plans and ability. They did that, this is what Ann did. None of this was ever my plan or intentions, none of it. Ann is the one who got me in this and it is not for me obviously; we are not compatible and really never was. You can tell by where she has taken this or what she has done; how badly she has messed up. Again, I had other plans. I had zero or no plans in politics. My goal was to write books and I did all of them in college; end of story there. I felt after it may lead to a teaching or consulting job; but I have plans in the private sector and life dreams; hence, my computer science and electrical engineering degrees. I spent the majority of my life working on electronic projects and life after books; living on the water; fishing, boating, and the good life. None of it came true, at least not yet.
New York or Florida: Take a close look at who is in control or make up the Florida government. They are all migrants and come from absolute poverty. Look at the blacks and Puerto Ricans, migrants. Look at their poverty. Look how they are in our life and "trying to help." They know it will not work; but look at how poor they are and who they are. This is spreading all over Florida. They are in charge? Why are they hitting up people who are completely different and bothering them 24 hours a day? War? Do they know what the problem is? Why they are poor? Why unemployment is so high? Why they are weak and inferior? Why keep it a secret? Why be silent? Why come to us or join the winning side when a line is in the sand? Show up and we will return the favor one day.
Missouri Chaos and Mischief, Traitors: When we look at the history of America and trouble, Missouri always comes up in the center of it. First, in Kansas and Missouri, we get the "border ruffians" who are described as a breed with "mischief in their hearts." In an attempt to divert attention from slavery or reckless mischief and slaughter; the government brings in the Mormons. We get the Missouri Wildcats. Again, with mischief as their goal and clinging on the winning side. We cannot even stop them from having companies, renting property, stealing vital weaponry, kidnapping us, or getting into power. Slavery has come back but in a new form and a new race; communism. Oddly, all of them accept this slavery.
The northerners always had a history of a corrupt heart or mischief. This mischief is spreading and the land is full of blood. The nation must be cleansed of this mischief and traitor. Wicked in their ways and always trying to be on the winning team; lacking and lackeys. This is not who we want in power or on the winning side. We constantly hear about this breed with a corrupt heart on the territories of the United States, gold digging. Again, their goal is to be on the winning side. This type of slavery has the face of a bankrupt criminal, poor lazy failure, and greedy Jew, homeless black, or northerner on it. When it comes to the winning side; we get Missouri mischief again. The tables have been turned by the communists. Similar to animals or degenerates, they embrace this mischief and slavery; to keep them confident and on the winning side. This is no warrior. It is a slut full of estrogen looking for a real man to bring excitement to their life. They are desperately seeking love.

These people and their mischief; has ruined their life and worse, ours. It causes us to become overprotective or worried. It causes us to struggle and make fatal mistakes. It causes us to divert or miss the exit; the normal life. It molests a normal life. In the end, the facts are twisted and reality is warped severely. Yet they insist their is a cosmic connection and a parallelism between the two sides; the winning side and the losing side. Furthermore, this mischief is nothing more than a campaign to further terrorize and harass political enemies. Their goal is to use scare tactics and usurp the laws to suggest "they did it." Who is they? We know now the story of who they is or were constantly is changing, morphing. Yet they are a far gap from us; but we are silenced to blame who really did this; our political enemies, the communists and the body of politics that encompass the poor and homeless. To stop and end this, we have to trace they, trap them, and expose who they truly are. They cannot be us and we cannot be they. Getting it right or hitting the sweet spot is impossible when this mischief is present; and it has been there for over thirty decades. Why do you want us in your life? Now you tell "them." You go to them and let them know why none of this will work and why. They are dirt poor, weak, and their mischief is in the records. There is more than enough reasons to get rid of them and immediately! Who is them?
Dear Ann, you said it yourself. You are obsessed with politics. Your obsession with politics has brought you to a hunt for parties, drinking events, flirting constantly, and has taken away the normal value men seek in a partner. Even if death was in front of you; you could not stop yourself. But none of you can and I am picking up on this and have complained severely about your obsession. Now we are sworn enemies. Your mischief and deeds; has put you in a hole so big you cannot dig out or refuse to fix. What is your only option? I come to you or you come to me? Exactly. The door was shut on you and nothing changes; ever. You have been dumped repeatedly in our life; and for the same problems. I see no difference between you and them; none. You seek forgiveness. They seek forgiveness. All of you are full of assassin mischief. All of you have ruined your life. You ask me to love you; then you make the conditions impossible; they did this. They refuse to stop. They missed the deadline. I am not doing anything wrong. There is no sex. I need your help. You aren't getting any money unless you marry me. I dumped you for never being there or caring. Then you turned that around on me but it burnt out quickly and never did really make full sense to me. Something was always out of place; never perfect or how I want it to be. I think you are just an asshole. A F'er that can never get things right, never. You go into your own world where those you love do not exist; then you have to be reminded they exist. This is why we argue all the time, you are in your own world. I can see why they admire you or why I am so pissed off; all of you are in your own world. Who is them?
All of this alcohol fueled parties and dinners are part of the catalyst of your demise. However, there is much more than just they did it. Furthermore, we will never know why you have a guilty conscience and why your heroic acts caused you shame. You said it was better I not know or will tell me 10, 20 or 30 years in the future. If it is not your timing, then it is your attitude, or it is your wandering life. You are incapable of getting this right; genetically incapable and with a guilty conscience. You hide things from me even. That door has been shut and I hope you do the right thing and give me back my money; instead of portraying yourself as helping or trying. It had to take years to build up this train wreck; decades. Obsessed, it will take you 20 maybe 30 years to get anywhere with me; but you had always been this way, a slimy pest that had some excuse or redeeming value; slippery. I don't like your type and I no less want to go through constantly firing you or dumping you all. I think had you chosen marriage and family a long time ago; your political life would be more stable and better. That was why I dumped you in the past, never being there. Obsessed with politics. I do not think if you had a husband or children; you could overtly cover up these flaws and all these mistakes. You are and have been a very troubled person since I have known you; constantly bragging or grandstanding. In death, this will probably be there and nothing will ever change. You are in your own world Ann and a real family would have fixed many of these flaws and craziness of your life. Nobody exists in there, not even me. What you are doing is trying, hit-miss and back again; with your flaws; using sex or your 50 something life. Why do you all want me in your life? Tell them. Why am I in your life now? Look what this has done to us and why they are still here Ann; nothing is right or perfect. Who is us?

Always Making Callous House-calls or Telling Us "F-You Leave": These people are constantly and have been coming to our home, work, and telling us to leave. Then it is constant "F You" all day and night. When they officially call, it is about how much they love us or this marriage. Somebody should drag them outside by their hair and string them up for a proper high tech teaching. Oh even worse is not this house-call at work or our home; we have to be medicated, brainwashed, meddled, prodded 24 hours, and they write down on report after report how it is mandatory we be medicated and checked into a hospital. This is why they should be hung on sight and tortured until they die. Now they continue to explore danger in the most ridiculous ways. They care enough not to start a war and utilize extreme secrecy or methods; why hide if they do not care about formal war? Afraid we might win again? A line is in the sand, why should we leave or give in to a traitor, spy, communist, and serial criminal? We do not owe 1.6 billion and we are the winning side; we are not trying to join it. Who is? Well, come to Florida for the next political event; time to leave or join the winning side? The line is there, cross it. If it is okay with them; we would like to finish the communist off and get this over with.
They started a war on American soil. If they do not care and do not understand; why do they want to be on the winning side or our forces? Why? To be treated like cockroach or human feces? We know the winning side. We made the winning side. We choose who is on the side of victory. Why do we have to leave or be medicated? Why do they stay and not care; why not leave? Misuse of hospitality? Will never happen again; they are tough? There is something wrong with these communists and it is too close for comfort. If they set up a company; we have to leave. If they rent property; they steal everything and we have to leave. If it is war and they lost; we have to leave. Why? They do not know what to do. Well, someone better tell me why I have to check into a hospital and be medicated. Then someone has to tell me who owes me 1.6 billion in damages. Now they don't want war or to be lynched before their children; they only want us to leave; nothing happened. We are the winning side, why do we have to leave? Are we trying to join our own side? Do we owe 1.6 billion? Are we being lynched and given a deadline? Does it sound like they are fierce or mouthy cowards and felons? A foreigner unaccountable and unaccustomed to US laws and ways?

Microbiology - the the microbe world, we can explain their existence and how stupid they are using wastewater or sewage. The sewage is the substrate and the microbes grow naturally from an energy source. The little microbes eat the sewage until the the food drops or the substrate declines. Now their population dies and the water is clean again. Welcome to the world of ammonia, nitrogen, and the bacteria world. The pollution and water is spreading all over the US, even the world, and it is getting a lot of people sick or causing death; look at our life and story. Their narcissism is immune to the stupidity; in numbers they seek love or copy anything we do and say. I coined this word "parallelism", "absurdity", "mimicking the message", and all these concepts Limbaugh repeats as if he has a doctorate or electrical engineering degree. That is a homicidal traitor and how they get so sneaky, smart, and dangerous.
Stupid and Poor Narcissistic Radio and TV Host: Occupied with War? Yes I am poor but I am seeking damage. I should be a millionaire by now; had it not been for this enemy lurking in my life at age 20. They must have waited to target us or kidnap us; to be their voice or leader. Their numbers increase and they violate more human laws and honesty is their enemy. Their souls get so corrupted, they have a 10,000 count indictment. They are so stupid they still do not get it or understand; still hanging around or lurking in our life. Even when 100 advertisers cut off their funding and the line is drawn in the sand; their narcissism causes their soul to die and go bankrupt. In economics we call that communism. Instead they leech and hang on to our life like a turncoat and a madman. We could call them the worst names; they are just too stupid and such a human piece of crap, it would not matter. It comes down to numbers and what they can or cannot do. This can be debt or our life, our country, and our world.

Dear Rush Churchill, The War Hero and Aristocrat: You have proven yourself to be no slouch and tough. However, you continue to loose battle after battle, 100% loss; while winning debate after debate with the most eloquent words propped up by our backbone and life. In your first battle ever; you sustained a 100 per cent loss. Churchill only lost 42,000 in his first battle, killed. Had it not been for the Americans or Japan attacking; Britain would have fallen under his leadership. Had it not been for us and us catching you; you communists would have changed the course of human events and history. An American Churchill is a devastating concept; I assume you are waiting for a superpower to join or back up your forces. It is too bad we have stopped you and your impersonation act is horrible. I am not sure what is wrong with you all but you agree with us until we tell you what kind of person you are and who you are. Your experiment to rewrite history has gone terribly wrong, again. Those memoirs of World War II made Churchill a millionaire and Nobel Laureate. It was absurdity and retarded how he could not loose; all the best, but a fat pudgy old man running the world comes from the apparatchiks. Your idolatry has become so warped and feeble; but you cannot loose. You have to be one step ahead of us and always the master. Your NY and Puerto Rican forces, Jeb and his Floridians; don't even realize you are in the F'in South. This is not Cuba you city moron. It is almost like a criminal gang; but with a British and Caribbean flare; not New York or Southern. Know of any retarded predators exploring danger or foolish enough to push this situation further?
Hustling Legends, Blood Treasures, Superpower Partnerships, Confidence, Power, and Sacred Cows: I know why you choose him to emulate and us to kidnap and use as your engine; to hustle. He is your war hero and so are the communists. You do the same thing to us; sit there until Pearl Harbor. You wait for the communists to liberate you. You seek his grace, reputation, and model to clone. It comes down to numbers. Do you really think you can do anything you want or violate any laws you need to win? The final memoirs of your Winston Limbaugh trilogy and World War is in utter shambles, not up for grabs you book writing lunatic madman. Even worse, you watch everything we write; as if you are Churchill writing the attack plans; and it is coming from me and my college research material. What is even more asinine is how your family and those around you take you seriously; I take you serious because you are a raving madman. You are caught up in this toad like fantasy where you are reliving World War II. This time, you are turning the tables around on everyone. History must be torturing you communists. Your effort to rewrite it failed. Your hustling and how you cannot loose is mere retarded. The bible calls this idolatry; devil worship. Your communist forces cling on to power in the most trashy and grotesque manner this world has ever witnessed. It is beyond an eyesore or a migraine headache. Even your forces and Floridians think this is Cuba; it is the F'in South and we are treated like foreigners. More of your street hustling.
Warning and Alert In Florida: There is something very wrong with Florida. It feels like a Brazilian outhouse, missing the thongs. Rico Saucy from New York comes down here and thinks it is Las Vegas or butting Cuba. Every inch of the southern states or the south; has no appeal or currency. The white trash, and there is white trash in the south; is a stark difference. Southerners are industrious. They are mostly farmers or small town folk. They do not leave their doors locked at night. They work from sunup to sundown. This breed is lazy and narcissistic; a city pest. Even more strange is how the police; are from another state; only the federal police really keep any order. The problem with the police was not severe, yet. It is weird how southern culture does not even apply and the northerners are so corrupt; showing their city thuggery or displaying their street credibility with the inner city lingo instead of a southern drawl. It also looks a little like Texas without the thongs. Things are not bigger here; they do not fit in. The blacks are on top of the food chain in Florida, odd. So are the New Yorkers. All of them misuse the hospitality, predators. They overstay the hospitality also; to extreme levels, psychopathic and foreigners. It was the Bush family who first contacted us, in Virginia our stomping ground and home in 1990; but they are not CIA. They are moles and organized lunatics. Don't come in our home or kidnap us in our home or state! Sorry is too late, a line is in the sand and war has been declared.

North or South? Texas? Something is Out of Place: The state is picturesque and beautiful; the people are not and out of place. All of Miami looks like the Caribbean; and most of the immigrants think this is Cuba or Haiti. They don't even know they are in the south, they think it is New York City. The crime is worse than the third world; almost like the Dutch making a sale of Manhattan to the Colombians. This needs to be corrected and it also needs to be cleaned up; this problem is spreading fast like a disease and it got as far up as Maryland when it attacked us. Therefore, consider this winning back our nation and our stomping ground. So this is what Rush Limbaugh and Jeb Bush is leader of or all about; the Bush Era and politics. This is not Cuba, it is the US and furthermore, the south; try to fit in okay. I know it hurts reading all this power.
Paths Crossed, Inevitable, Crossroads, Mega Load Collision Course: Ann Coulter and The Father of Satellite Warfare: clearly this is the biggest load or heist they have ever come across. They target VIPs or companies. One Trump means 100,000 eggs or new personnel for them. One contract means their forces grow by 300,000. A new company or factory can increase their numbers and revenue two fold. Therefore, no trick, scam, or law is left intact. They even tried the tricks of Vietnam, using Congress to cut off funds or Republican Presidents to "end" all support. We were either with them or not. They have taken heavy losses, but even with numbers, they could not find a way to climb the gigantic wall to keep them out. In numbers they feel they can do anything they want, violate any law, are above the law, and have no value for the truth or other human beings. This is why the leg brace, neck brace, etc... The trend is revitalization of the south and they are an oddball; thus, they hire these lunatic southern Democrats and dress them as turncoats. They have taken over and dominated the north already; only the south has to be conquered. We ran into them in DC-VA where they were setting up and taking numbers everything, call it Democracy. That is also my home turf and stomping ground; turned my life upside down. In numbers they own everything and have no respect for the laws. In defeat, they become friends and turncoats; order us to leave. One Trump or contract, mega load; can increase their numbers by two or three fold. They are worse than communist spies; moles who are always on the winning side and predators; still cannot shake them; and war has already been declared and the line is in the sand.
I wish these people would understand, and stop calling me hourly; I have no confidence in them no less respect. Therefore, stop playing on my good side, like slaves, after they are caught; where before they played on my bad side, as the meanest of them all. This is a war to determine who is the meanest SOB on this earth and they will soon find out we are victorious in all campaigns and can be as mean as mean can be. I will not say why or more. Do not go there or play on my good or bad side when there is no respect and no confidence. They are exactly like a call girl who keeps calling or refuses to go away. It is futile to run them off now, run away, or even run them over. The only way to win this war or break their silence is the platonic extremes of meanness and we can show them how awful this world truly is with them in it.

Ann, I don't know if it is your genetics or just your inability to adjust to simple common sense. But we have been over this repeatedly. One minute you play on my good side; the next my bad. You asked me to love you and I did. In this scornful appeal, you also made it impossible for me to love you while you made the conditions of this love a barren nightmare which had no pause or end. Like a witches brew, you drank your own bodily juices and did not mind the dirt and pebbles; but I could not bear the bitterness which ran down every feeble hair of my body. At some point, your witches brew would either kill me or wake me up; to what I still recite in endless babble and consternation with a wall dressed nicely now and beaten by foreign graffiti. So you see, you asked me to love you and I did; then you made it impossible for me to love you and I don't. Now it is all a distant memory and a run down house. It is time to move on. Anyhow, you spend more time on Twitter or on the road then you do with me; what possible girly orgasm could you be waiting for in your final fight home? Your winning formula was never intended and never warming to the touch of love or the passion of your dreams. This is also why you have not extinguished the fires in your ass, you need it to see where you been already. It is a lovely view but shouldn't it be a tad better and perhaps adjusting to the man you dream about endlessly? Is this your witches brew and love potion? All that is left is my bad side Ann; your weak love taps of frustration, brought out my demons. Play on my good side now by making them go away and showing them how mean this world truly is. But the days grow longer.
Dear Ann You Will Never Beat Them, You Will Beat Yourself - as soon as I get my money from you, have enough money to actually hire a lawyer, have enough money to get my books published, or begin the petition of the government for a detailed explanation; I am gone. I am replacing you in 7 days or less. All you want to do is go on Twitter or see whose in town for drinks and dinner. What you do is up to you; but this is all I want; I don't want to argue or fight; be with you or have anything to do with you. I plan on finding someone who has a compatible life to mine; I have several people in mind. The record will show you prevented this and did everything; all of you, so I could not accomplish any goals. All of you tried to take advantage of a very bad situation I was in and more; so I will answer that when the time comes. Ten years from now, you will still be here doing what you do best; pissing off everybody and running your life into the ground. I never felt comfortable with you; always suspicious and a suspect.

Where is this stalker coming from? Where is this thief coming from? Why is crime spreading all over? Why is drugs and this ridiculous political problem branching out into politics? This city dweller and ghetto decline is storming into paradise, beaches, tourist areas, family towns, etc... and along with them are labor unions, construction problems, crime, drugs, and that annoying liberal northern Democrat we all despise. This is why 911 was "with us or against us." This feces and human piece of crap thinks they own everything, can tax anybody, can extort or rob anybody on site, they think they are important, a leech to mankind, a political traitor, a stalker slut, dumber than dumb, total roadkill, etc... we could go on for days, they do not shut up or go away. Now they are in the south because the north has collapsed and the inner city is infested. Where do they go? Yes, the highest real estate in the country and invade the south. This is why communism and crime is suddenly invading the south and eating it from inside; the northern city dwellers and the tough as roadkill New Yorker liberals or radicals. They got a major warning from the highest office to get this junk out of high value real estate or where people go to retire; it is a northern predator and criminal wandering around the south again, owns everything and everybody. Get this crap back to where it belongs; before trouble starts. Also, most factory jobs, new and better ones, are cropping up in the south; but the labor unions keep trying to stick their feet in the door and it is slammed harder each time; the northern city dweller and Democrat.
Satellites and Technology: It all comes down to one element. What is the impact of satellite technology and technology on crime, evil, and communism. Specifically, the left wing and the Democrats ability to influence, persuade, brainwash, steal, and control. Will police satellites, my entire life career, impact:
1. Political crimes?
a. Racketeering and Extortion.
b. Communism or theft.
c. Crime and corruption.
d. Local police or home team rule, loyalism.
2. Economic crimes?
a. Property crimes.
b. Violent crimes.
c. Corporate or White Collar crimes.
3. Religious extremism or radicalism?
a. Terrorism.
b. Espionage and moles.
c. Government penetrations (Al Queda)
d. Mafia hits and drug wars.
e. Deadly and well connected dangerous felons.
4. Voting Rights or Freedom
a. The good guys.
b. The bad guys.
c. Those clueless or in between.
d. Local and National elections.
911 was a test. Targeting the father of this was a test. Using the police and moles was a test. Every channel used by crime, evil, communist, radicals, and traditional Democratic Party corruption was tested, every channel. Even welfare fraud and the court system; the justice system was tested. Judges were tested. All of this is made to look like a protest, in numbers. It is a war, a civil war. This is what it comes down to. What impact will my satellites have on corruption, crime, evil, violent felonies, police corruption, political corruption, terrorism, etc... I was kidnapped so I could tell their story; which is now utter failure. They lost 100% and we are waiting for the blood and treasures of this awful situation. If they could control it and the personnel, target them with terrorism or mafia elements; it would not be so bad or this way, but it is. Even the welfare system is being used against me.

Explain to me how I am the crazy one or have to be medicated when all of this is said and done? Yet they remain silent and so calm; as if they found peace, how? Explain to me how I got a criminal record; who wrote that total crap? Where in hell did they get that? Who the F is doing this and refusing to write anything down; just bits and clues? So the government now has to explain to me or the world, why I am the crazy one or has to be medicated when this is all said and done; war has been declared formally but not with this enemy. Take a close look at the record, do I look the slightest bit interested or ever was? Have I provided more than sufficient evidence to make a decision or some conclusion? Do we even need to go to trial or even need to give them any rights? God gave them a mouth and freedom; use it and be honest. Who needs to be medicated and is criminally insane? Who is so full of evil and lies, 1.6 billion dollars does not even tell the story? What impact did they have on our nation and the world? What impact did they have on our career and private life? Was this too close for comfort or not? Who is so evil and so diabolical, a madman and serial killer is the only way to describe all of them?
These people should not even be in our life. This is the bottom line. Now they are. When asked why they are in our life, they will reply, "They came to us and asked for help." This is how they do damage control and get people stuck or trapped. They have no intention on doing the right thing and have no value for the truth. They should not be in our life. We should not be in theirs. Nobody should be tangled; because everybody is getting sucked in by Limbaugh and his terrorists moles. By attacking us; the 911 terrorists put us into the position where we had to knock on their door or they could keep pitching us and make this worse and worse. They are a total mess and should have never been in our life in the first place. Regardless, all of them are smug and have no value for the truth; none. All they want to say is "he is mentally ill and has to be medicated" which is wishful thinking and has blown up in their face. That is also called obstruction of justice, conspiracy, and witness tampering; roll out the felony charges. There is no accountability on our part because this could have been avoided and we made clear we avoid it and them; our life was fine without any of them. If the government writes down, "They came to us and sought help..." they are lying. Nobody knocked on their door; felonies are everywhere. We no less enjoyed it then they did; but do they value the truth and can they do the right thing because they had a part on how we got caught in this total mess. The truth is we are not a mess; these people are and they have the records to illustrate what kind of human being they truly are. I hope they do have records; something? You know they either shredded the records or refused to take any down; guilt. Now they place the burden of proof on the victims when they do not value the truth or were caught badly.

The Answer or Solution: The answer and solution is they need to be segregated before more damage is done to the whites and the Asians. The answer and the solution is they do not want to leave or do the right thing; only rob the whites and the Asians. The answer is their politics is so out of control and screwed up; they face a death sentence and conspiracy charges. The answer and solution is whether or not they want a fair trial or only taint the entire role of honesty in our society and fragile existence. Honesty was invented for a reason, to help solve problems. The answer and solution is they don't care enough to leave and continue to rack up more damages or violations; thus, they only seek to win when facing overwhelming orders to do the right thing. They refuse and it is getting ten times worse. We will know when they come to Florida shortly who and why; if they dare. If the truth gets out, they face a full blown war. I suggest the government fire these people before more problems arise. I suggest they instill honesty and integrity. I suggest they worry about their pension and worse, their nightmares coming true. Honesty was invented for a reason. Doing the right thing was invented for a reason. Indictments are there for a reason. Telling the truth is there for a reason. If they care enough to live; care enough to win; care enough to order us or do all of this; then they care enough to... exactly. Do as they are told and without hesitation or anymore thought. This idea they are bullet proof and cannot be impeached or sued; is worse than war or rampant gross injustice? Inferior? Stupid? Useless people? Need to be segregated? The truth was invented for this reason.
Defective Produce and Failure to Recall, Replace, or Fix Products or Injuries: Clearly they unleashed a defective and devastating weapon on our society and then sat back calm and quiet while it took it's effect. Worse was not how they acted prior to being caught; worse was how they acted afterwards and what they said; while being recorded.
You Opened This Door For These F'ers, Close It God Dammit: Even worse Ann, I have the dumbass N's calling me now because of you. They think it is still up for grabs and they are in the same boat or experiencing the same reality. Not true and never was. Did you hear me? I have the F'in N's still bothering me about how they only want to help and are doing what we told them to. You should have got me out of this mess quickly and we should have finished them off quickly; dumbass. I have so many N's in my life now, all of them have felony records or are incoherently stupid. They think this is about them helping me or social problems. What the F is wrong with you F'ers? See the access they got and what they did with that access, N's. Do you see any of them cooperating? They want war, just not a formal one. They said already they want to die, not be segregated or interned; only to die and screw up our life. You pissed our life away on a Nigger. What a F'in trade. A lot of people traded their life, or had to; over a F'in nigger. It's not Vietnam either, never was.

Dear Ann Coulter - Unconventional? I love the way you fight off the accusations, true or false; of being a slut. I love how unconventional you are in winning the love of a man. I love how you use flirting to reinforce who you truly love or have worked so hard to be with. I absolutely adore your handling of my legal case. I am so confident in your ability to fend off your enemies and use your Twitter as a tool to improve your life. I love it all Ann! Now please STFU and keep me out of your sentences, stupid life, and disgusting train wreck. I also love how you cope and deal with your train wreck; the best was how you fended off attackers. The Coulter martial arts technique of the year; classic Ann, classic. Imagine how any man would feel. Worse, you take no responsibility for your actions or have any care in the world where it leads; no plans or mapping out considerations and consequences. Like all of your buffoons, that is what I call genius leadership! We are going to win this one, if it kills us one way or the other. Need more problems Ann? Things working well in your life and always have? You want to give marriage advice and criticize the life of others? I hear T-bow is in town, need another drinking partner or Twitter pal? Next year, you can beat this year's worth of secrets Ann! Stonewalled? You are a cheap and poor person Ann, really.
Dear Ann Coulter - Unconventional? I love the way you fight off the accusations, true or false; of being a slut. I love how unconventional you are in winning the love of a man. I love how you use flirting to reinforce who you truly love or have worked so hard to be with. I absolutely adore your handling of my legal case. I am so confident in your ability to fend off your enemies and use your Twitter as a tool to improve your life. I love it all Ann! Now please STFU and keep me out of your sentences, stupid life, and disgusting train wreck. I also love how you cope and deal with your train wreck; the best was how you fended off attackers. The Coulter martial arts technique of the year; classic Ann, classic. Imagine how any man would feel. Worse, you take no responsibility for your actions or have any care in the world where it leads; no plans or mapping out considerations and consequences. Like all of your buffoons, that is what I call genius leadership! We are going to win this one, if it kills us one way or the other. Need more problems Ann? Things working well in your life and always have? You want to give marriage advice and criticize the life of others? I hear T-bow is in town, need another drinking partner or Twitter pal? Next year, you can beat this year's worth of secrets Ann!
You cannot do anything right and are as slow as a slug or a thug:
1. Breitbart
3. YAF
4. Credit Cards and Travel Buddies
5. Drinking buddies
6. Fantasy Adultery games
7. Date or not
8. Dinners
9. Vacation or business speeches
10. What happens... stays in...
11. All the men in your life
12. Boyfriend or not
13. Map or plans?
14. Constantly pissing off who you love
15. Quit while you are ahead
16. Guilty or innocent
17. Early life or career
18. Dressing sexy
19. Too close for comfort
20. Who is your enemy
21. Who are your captors, rapists, murderers, etc...
22. Medicate or not, out of control
23. Real or not real
24. Had enough
25. Interested or not
26. Endless flirting
27. Choosing enemies as friends has terminal consequences
28. Sign of impropriety and innuendos, rumor mongering
29. Flaws and errors
30. Pay me you cheap demented cruel bitch
It is endless but that is a good start and why I was forced to stick around for four long years; Ann you are still the same person you have always been and you deserve to be in hell and condemned to another place other than heaven; God is not on your side, trust me. You managed to fool everybody on that one also. Now I have to get a lawyer to just get my money back or settle the huge gap between us. Worse, you expect me to sign up or sign aboard this Titanic you are on; with all of your phonies. This is why we lost. You all call it genius and leadership. If you expect love and marriage; you are totally nuts and have lost all semblance of sanity Ann. I do not even think you know what day it is or who you are. Neither do I for that matter. You were a total waste of time, as they were; all of you. Probably the worst mistake of my life and my lawyer will understand why; still won't give me back my money. Yes you would and will be replaced in less than 7 days; eat that at your next dinner or next flirty Tweet! You are a complete moron and pussy also, a jackass. This is why you are afraid to have kids; it is in your blood Ann, your genetics. You don't want to be inflame God or be blamed for tainting royal blood.

My suggestion Ann, is to not waste or piss your life away on scumbags; impersonating them or pointing out their mistakes and flaws. You will find out it will work wonders for your life. I also recommend you dump a drink on them because they have dumped gallons on you and literally taken a dump on your face. You are a disgusting human being. So flawed, you have become accustomed to this and seek more of them to be your drinking buddy; let's see whose in town or when they will fly you to dinner and cocktails. Me, I would throw my drink at them immediately and drag them outside by their hair, if they have any; then beat them with their own shoes before I begin breaking body parts; it's what martial arts will do to you. I got 20 fist fights behind me to suggest I can take it and dish it. You? You clearly do not have a bone of fight in you to sit there and take all of this crapping feces. Like felons, all of you clog the toilets and eat your own feces. It is disgusting. Whoever wrote I was to be medicated or out of control; is going to get sued, start shredding or firing people. It can only get worse for them. This was a total scam, an assassination. None of it was even true, nothing was. At least I have fight Ann; I would kill them quickly if it came to it. Even better, I ever am in the same room, the drinks are flying and so are the fists. As a millionaire and with my reputation intact; 30 days for assault or fighting is okay with me; at least I do not have a 10,000 count indictment or was aiding 911 terrorists. I would never flirt with them or even go to dinner with them; look at you, disgusting is all I can describe all of you. Shameless, roadkill, cheap, and senseless about life; yours and others. They did not leave a paper trail either; you did. You should have let the military shoot them in the head instead of running into enemy fire; stupid.
Go Get Married and Have A Family Ann: To this day, I still do not know why you are, have, or continue to resist this old time tradition. Even if I compel and force you; you fight me tooth and nails. You did this twenty years ago and you do it today. Furthermore, there are more secrets you have not told me and you are a sneaky F'er. You use all of these flaws and problems to sneak what is obvious; there are secrets you know I would never approve. I would replace you in 24 hours and not one week. Why you did not give me back my money; invest in me, and get a higher return is a mystery; but it shows how candy and stupid you truly are about life itself. All of you are degenerates, you included Ann. I think had you married, not waited, had a family, and maybe even had kids; life would be much better and calmer. You would have family and peace in your life; but you know what, you had to screw that up and ruin that also. To hell with all of you, you included Ann. Your breed is intolerable. You cannot change life and the secrets you have will never be acceptable. Let them keep you warm Ann. As I said, you should have gotten married quick and when young as we all should; yet you had to pull me into this and drag me into your messy life; twenty years ago.

Ignorant and Completely Lost in Life or Lies: You never listen to me Ann, never. Your breed is completely lost in life and now you have really done it in my life, seriously. You continue to play this waiting game with me; insisting you are in no hurry or will be okay without marriage and family; enjoy it while you can or while you are young. Total jackass Ann, really. I am full of regrets today. I should have slammed you then, not knowing who exactly you were or what your plan in life would be; all of you. It is impossible to plan life or accomplish anything with you F'ers; constant bickering and total ignorant cheap roadkill. I hope God decides to burn you all in hell; after this life. I am in this mess because of you Ann; and now I have to get a lawyer just to get paid or achieve my life goals. Thank you. You did take advantage of my misery; all of you did and got sent to hell on earth; all of you ate shit and died in the end; your ending. All of you got what you deserve and none of you were forgiven. You were guilty also Ann; disgusting people trying to be loved by royals. Your demise came as a result of your stupid ignorance and inability to understand timing; crucial in marriage and family. You are a complete idiot when it comes to family and a moronic phony Ann. Worse is how you try to take political advantage of this situation or make a career on it. Disgusting people and breed, seriously. Forgiveness is the last thing you all will get on this wretched burnt earth; I condemn you all to hell and await the fury of God and this universe. Remember, marriage and family would have changed this Ann; I was right you idiot and jackass. You did surprise me in 2008; I thought the total jackass was false or a possible mistake; no you are still a complete idiot and jackass Ann.
Florida: I am going to give you an example of why I would dump you in less than 7 days Ann and what you put me through; the total lack of planning and the endless testing of your poor leadership, train wreck, and total lack of care. You act like a General who is sending in not only her men; but her husband. You suck so badly; you cannot even hold that together Ann. Compounding the problems your inability to fight or fend off attackers. My problem is I was financially wiped out, but had security or backup plans; my beloved satellite warfare project. I will make this clear to you Ann, you and them are nothing special and were a total nuisance in life. None of these goals were accomplished by your input or contributions, none. Don't expect anything out of it either or memories; it is a nightmare.
1. You ask me to move to FL without any plan or assistance, during the worst economic crisis. I could have moved to Virginia or my hometown outside of DC. My car is vandalized and the bust of 911 communists has been devastating. It is on your end to; but my end is much worse; you are monitoring the situation and getting updates; but nowhere to be seen or of no help. None. Morale is low because of your insane life; feeble and a pussy acting like you are loved and special. I have to line up the pieces and use my books to light the fuse of 20 other events. A plan is needed and the pieces are moved into place. It is inevitable with or without Ann. Life has nothing to do with Ann, she can only be a nuisance, not a major role or player.
2. February 2011: I get stuck in Vero Beach and due to car problems; have to stay at a homeless shelter; you are going around the US, drinking, partying, and just having a fine time. You act like you are such a great partner and cannot live without me; I have so many ex girlfriends and friends I have not seen for ages. I land right into weird ass people; construction people and labor unions. It really sucks in Vero Beach and there is nothing there. People are leaving the state in droves. I met a Jeb Bush look alike at a gas station and have a verbal altercation with him in Vero Beach. What a dump. It looks like the crazy shit has ended, a few traces of them but not much (the communists and labor unions). They are very low key. I stay in Vero Beach for a month; a very strange area, run down.
3. April 2012: I then land in your arch Vietnam War nemesis, Chris Noel. She is linked to the Clintons and Jeb Bush; however, her life is in tatters. She runs rental properties for veterans where they can go for rehabilitation or peace. It is a total scam. Your buddy Max Cleland is on the board. Drug lawyers who are now homeless are on the board. Chris has porked out and been foreclosed on numbers of time. They are fighting to keep the lights on. I have a homeless NY F'er shadowing me; all kinds of medical problems. I live there for one week; it is a dump in the middle of a Haiti village. There is more crime there than you can imagine. Her Sergeant in charge, who is also the VP and on the board; is another homeless guy who comes from a dirt poor background; now a nit-picker. They charge me outrageous rent; so I plan to move. Ms. Noel decides to "help" me out of the kindness of her heart. She calls my family and asks for rent; which is outrageous. She tells me if I want to stay there, I have to go and seek medication. This is the outrageous crap I am fighting and trying to sue the hell out of these people for. They turn out to be the homeless and the communists; the left wing and liberals. What a dump. She has connections everywhere but is dirt poor and a run down charity. All of them abuse drugs.

(April 2012, New Resident): As a new resident, I have to get papers and make sure I have what I need. There is a puppet master, a moron and very criminal; behind the Vietnamese presence. It is very evil and we cannot figure who it is or why. This is who is behind it and the Vietnamese immigrants bombarding our FC home when it is rented. It is called a slum lord and rent-for-welfare. She and these people, a Section 501, was doing welfare fraud and trying to bombard my family, "to help." They are everywhere in Florida; links to the Haitians, french speaking. Then you have the Puerto Ricans, bi-lingual and links to the mafia and New York Jews. Then you have the political problems of the Cubans; all trace back to the Democrats and the Jews. Noel is going around pretending to be the overlord of Vietnamese affairs or a liaison to the Vietnam War; it is merely welfare fraud and homeless F'ers. They are so corrupt I refuse and get angry with the outrageous underhand dealings. Next thing I know she decides to kick me out illegally because I refuse to follow her orders and get medicated. These are homeless people and they are running a Section 501 welfare scam; all of this for rent. This is a complete disaster and I am in the nest of the Bush mafia link, Haitian drug gangs, Chris Noel and her Section 501, some ghetto, etc... they are all abusing the system and military name. I run into your Max Cleland and homeless movement; but it is military and totally insane. They were foreclosed on repeatedly and in tatters; totally nuts. I report them to the Veterans' Admin. They decide to put my things in trash bags and leave it outside; not even a chance to find a job. Meanwhile, she is calling my family and telling them she is going to evict me if they do not pay rent and I am not medicated. What is with this medication plan they have for me? Can they be anymore reckless few communists? Worse, they are in the military and very well connected, yes communists left wingers. A total disgrace.
4. May 2012: I get a new place, drug capital and pill capital of the world; Lake Worth. Haitian and other gangs everywhere. This is the worst of the problem and the history of drugs indicate a long struggle with this problem. I get a good place now; near the beach. Now I am living with veterans of the drug wars; locales who are in their 50s and still dealing crack. It is total hell again. They get money for being in a halfway house; how did these people get in my life? All felons and a long history of drugs. Is Ann Coulter around? No but she is sending her best General into battle and wants to be well known for his work. Again, no assistance and meager rations. Total hell. Things improve. Then out of nowhere, it is a trap. A girl is murdered and her body dumped in the street. They escalated this. It is now in the hands of the Italians. This is a black and Latin ghetto; why are these veterans of drugs all white? They sell crack and smoke it right in front of me; not so bad huh? They are so annoying. They meddle with everything. They watch you constantly. There are problems and bullying, by a pussy constantly. It is impossible to get anything done. It feels like the mafia this time. Defiant behavior? Back talk? Disrespect? Acting like a child? There is a massive breakout of bed bugs. Bugs. Incredible bed bug arrival, infestation and crack cocaine or gangs.
October 2012: This is a dangerous situation. Assessment is being made. Tracing them is underway. Shutting them down is the goal. This is a major problem and they are at my throat. They are making sure no goals are easy. Goals are being made. The beach is very near; training is possible. A security license was not blocked or a problem. If you do not bother these crack dealers; they seem to not meddle. They do steal and begin to take money out of my wallet. This problem with a phantom and puppet master is up and down now. They are putting a "best face" on crack cocaine. Politics gets all of them evicted and thrown out. A paper trail has now developed. Assessment has proven successful. A shut down is now possible. The Italians are doing this and trying to get into the hurricane business; insurance and construction. They are asking for jobs. No deal and they seek eviction again; this time illegal again. Ann's campaign to keep them away or protect the satellite warfare program; is a total disaster. They are not heeding any warnings, none. Trapped and cornered; with the police closing in on the murder case; they give in to negotiations. $200 is paid instead of an forced eviction or illegal one; to avoid court. The police are given a 6 page assessment and asked to close in and shut them down; the legal trap works.

October 2012: A new location and a rooming house is now acquired. The information given and the reality indicate a scam or trap. It is low key but a false pretense. The rooming house is infested with bugs. Everybody there is on parole or a sex offender. It is a smear but I am lured in. It is low key. No threat. Another person is murdered down the street. Traces indicate presence and low key; a probe to determine if we know or any eyes on them. Eyes are on them. Cops are everywhere. Parole officers are everywhere. Someone is now giving me medical problems; drinking out of my cups and bottles. I have strep throat now and bad breath. To get even, I barter a race bike and refund. I use my ability to make friends and acquire information to quickly learn the landscape. Quickly, I able to move quickly and get a lot done. This was not an ideal situation and it was still ongoing; but all of them are on parole and walking on eggs. They run when confronted or challenged. I got a bike and good intelligence living there; however, there was still a stalemate and now medical problems. I get half the rent refunded and a new race bike. The pieces are lining up.
November 2012: I land in the lap of the Puerto Ricans and black radicals a new ghetto. Now the map of Florida makes sense and can be put together. It is a criminal conspiracy. They are going bankrupt and people are leaving the state in droves. To make it in Florida; you must be rich or a superstar. I have not made it. Negotiations is going on under the table with the radicals. They are trying to get 50% and we are getting 50%. There was no consent and this was illegal; we will take 100%; say no. Now the map of Florida is clear and making sense. The link to 911 is now clear. I use facebook to drive them out of my life; my own crew and friends. I use ex-girlfriends to drive Ann away and get rid of her wonderful leadership. None of them have any brakes. They seek no respect or consent. I use my books and business start up as a stepping stone. All the pieces are lined up. One move makes 20 happen; nice neat and aligned. Ann won't give me my money. Once I break out, one move is twenty more. Ann is now the problem and holding back the fuse being lit.

Final Analysis: The pieces are lined up. There was so much "at your throat" and ongoing kidnapping. One trap to lure us in; false pretenses, attempted robbery, fraud, etc... Democrats. Limbaugh, Levin, Hanni, and others failed badly. They were exposed and did sabotage many things. They could not shut anything down after being caught and with heat. The police and FBI, as brazen as they have been; could not rob, steal, shut down, or were very limited in the end. Each small incident got thorough write ups and retaliations; shut down. If we were at each others throat; the pressure on them was intense and immense; broke their back. They could not finish us off or complete their goals; a death sentence and this kidnapping. Driven off or broken by retaliation and torture; they did walk on shells and denied any attack and offense. Things got worse for them, they are trapped, and walking on shells did nothing. All the pieces were lined up; one event leads to twenty. The map of Florida and map of their indictment is completed.
Final Analysis of Ann Coulter: Ann is like a parent, they have kids, do nothing or minimum, and expect to be taken care of in their old age. Ann is similar to a river. I can pee in or on it. It has dangerous currents and you can drown. You must be skilled to navigate it. The end is whitewater and the hardest. It will absorb any water and get meaner. It will suck anything you throw in it. It has no value or use; only a force of nature. You can ride a boat downriver, but not upriver. The river takes you places for free. It is not a real human being or something you dream of; a tangible concept.
Final Analysis of Ann Coulter: All parents want to be taken care of by their kids. See it from her view. Do they give their kids inheritance? Do they ask their kids to take care of them? How do they finish their life? They are more trouble and are never involved; lame. They are the best protection; depends on their kids. They seek trust from their kids. Some are more charitable and giving then others; some are overly protective. Some parents just cannot do anything right and really should not be one. You cannot have life without your own parent. You cannot make it in life without being provided the tools or someone who plays this role. Your parents are everything but there is a point where they are abandoned. Why? Ann is a good stepping stone and offers free advertisement if you are nice to her. She is used and exploited unlike any other human being I have ever seen on earth; cheap and roadkill. All of them find value and personality in this capacity.

Ann Is Being Abandoned, Lame and Feeble: Ann was never really there or of any real value; she did not throw a punch or a drink on any of them; just complained endlessly. Perhaps morale or moral support. She is mostly a nuisance and a liability; her education or mother like instincts to teach her General about women. What a textbook enterprise for a street smart MF. All of them are retarded and ridiculous. Ann was never really there and can be replaced by a real cougar in 7 days or less; totally wrong and a train wreck for real. When it comes to my ex's and a real girlfriend; Ann's total train wreck is nothing more than a useless profile which has semen stains everywhere. Any normal woman can come in and do ten times better. A female out of college could defeat or remove her quickly if love was a contest. Ann makes a lot of mistakes, ditzy. She is not an ideal wife or girlfriend; internal conflicts. Her record is embarrassing and she hides it because her advertisement value is impacted. Ann is a good stepping stone and offers free advertisement if you are nice to her. She is used and exploited unlike any other human being I have ever seen on earth; cheap and roadkill. All of them find value and personality in this capacity. She did them in good and got back at her enemies unlike any war I have ever seen; but the real chip and trump card; is not her. It comes down to Ann or I as the champ. I am tired of slamming her on her head; I do not enjoy it or ever had.

Ann's goal is to ensure that she keeps 23 years rolling and is good marriage material. Due to all these attacks, it is fair to say she, as a woman, is no longer marriage material and on her death bed. She is obsessed with them and they are obsessed with her, to a point they cannot live without each other, are at each others throat, and it ruined and takes away everything they cherish and have worked for. This was their self destruction and map of their mistakes in life. They are all failures in one capacity or another, but not bankrupt. Ann tried to market or keep this "good and perfect wife" status. Overcome with problems, enemy encroachment, lies, secrets, and smears; she only won back a portion of her life and gave up or is too scared to win back the rest. These attacks devastated her private life and attempt to become married for three decades; an ongoing relationship or secret one. Futility made her appear too occupied to worry about it and completely surrounded; utterly an open target. A sitting duck and walking dead man also; the death panel and advisory-stalker; nearly took over her entire life and controlled it. You can see the impact and how she dodges vicious attacks; a warning of this murder-rape plot. All of them seek power and have phony marriages and careers, debts.
Love is also about timing. Ann cannot get timing down and wants guarantees that are reserved for romance novels you buy and watch, not for actual real life. Money is not a guarantee but it is a facilitator of love. This is why love, marriage, wives, and females are intertwined in a terror plot; an estrogen revolution. Using her career to keep her warm and safe; love could not win over her flaws and final character. Is she too weak or too flawed? Did they create her? Did I or did I try? Is it her genetics? Odd, all of this was what my case is about. The entire case is right there in front of them and much bigger than any of them or all of them; the Democrats. Ann is trying to get married and has to market herself as a good wife or is better than other girls. There is a point of counter-productive or avalanche. It is hard to say if she won or what she won. In the end, she did not have any control of her own life but did win it back from her enemies. All of them are feeble and useless; decide if you love them or accept them as your leaders. There is only war from here on; their efforts are nothing more than futility and keeping close their failure. They want to appear loyal but are as evil as evil can be invented. These people stalk and encroach on others to make them pliable, vicious attacks. They use marriage and jobs to control and keep prisoners, a form of kidnapping. They twist and warp the truth, even the laws of common speech. They are far worse than the communists but at heart they are the communists and Nazis all in one; nothing stops them and they are always on the winning side. Exposed, defeated, and tortured before the public; they are feeble, a rotten weakling, and a serial killer on sputter mode again; beaten by life and overcome with failure and lies. The communist movement and forces have been wiped out, exposed, and face hardships unimaginable in America; now and in the future. They have figured out how to escape captivity and put the good guys and the forces of God in captivity; a prison break and a violent bloodbath.

God Is Not On Your Side, Nor Theirs: Ann, nothing you do, have, or say brings me joy anymore. Everything you do is ongoing bickering. Everything you do annoys me and is an intolerable act. You add more problems and more men in this; still not cleaning up a damn thing. You tell me to come to Florida and how you need my help, then are nowhere to be seen. You have no clue or plan; selfish and self centered. Nothing gets through. I tell you never to bring this up again; you argue again, and then repeat the same mistake again. You have serious trouble following the rules. You cannot manage your own life no less your own marriage. Everything you touch turns to crap; even your best friend and marriage. Is it your genetics? Is it your warrior and fighting capability? Is it your leadership? Do you see why the world has lost faith in America and has looked to Asia? You all came from the gutters. You have no intention of doing the right thing, none. You want to regulate all industry. Decline is everywhere. You expect desirable outcomes but violate one sacred law or the laws of man repeatedly. How do we live with a human being or this low life Ann? Love it? Keep it warm and fed? Care for it? Give it freedom of speech and power? You all do not have the IQ or common sense to understand you belong in the gutter or hell; yet you drag us in it; and here we are. All of you are struggling with this redemption and power Ann; all of you. You people are cheap and pigs; now mere roadkill. Do we love roadkill? Do they want to die or get a drink dumped on their face and humiliated? Make up their mind.
Andrew Breitbart and Ann Coulter: You are so embarrassed and such a weak feeble woman; you could not even explain the story of Andrew Breitbart. So you had me do this and I really, at that point, did not want to even think of a new train wreck or fishing expedition. It is so embarrassing you figured it could not hurt if they told it; why would you. That is the problem with your leadership and all of you Ann. Silence is how you lead because to even tell the story; hell, you still have not mauled any of them or even dumped a drink on their head. Me, I would do damage and throw it at their face; call it karma. You haven't even taken self defense or one martial art class; and you want to lead or be considered tough as nails, a fighter, and remain in my camp? Why don't I recruit a brigade of lushes to keep you company? Did you just lay there or have you actually conveyed who you are? How do I respect this when you shove it in our face Ann? How? God is on your side? You want to argue and bicker with me constantly and I feel how weak and feeble you truly are. It is really annoying and dumb. Have you found redemption? Compatible with Teebow? How about Twitter, find any companionship or new men to pal around with while your marriage tanks and ends? IQ of a what? Maybe Rush is on the right path; but he does not know how to describe the phenom. What was your plan for me in Florida? How about marriage? What was your plan about my career? Exactly, none. That is your life; and to seek redemption. All of you want to die; and lead the human race to hell. War? Like cockroaches, we cannot get rid of you all or this hell you have created; a prison. Look what Breitbart did to you; crapped all over you and you pretend to like it or love it.

You Are Seeking Redemption And Ran Into a Wall, Aren't You? You yourself expect everything; look at your total disaster and now the huge gap between you and I. You tell me it is a man's world. Have you once thrown a drink at these people or bit their ear off? Most women would. I would trust you more if you did. You are weak and feeble and I despise this. Tell me what I respect and cherish now? Is this their fault? You blame your rapist and murderers for the wretched life you lived or the rift between your failures in life and your horrendous management of it? All of you are like this; totally nuts and reckless. Now it is time to get mean and to get nasty with you all; it is time to crackdown on all of you or shut you all down. God is not on your side or theirs; gutter flowers? I would throw a drink at all of you on sight; for this hell and total mismanagement; a total circus. Surprised? This is why the entire world is turned off by you all and look east towards Asia, shameless all of you. You don't have the common sense to understand you belong in a ghetto or a straight jacket. Too stupid to even comprehend the problem; until a drink is thrown at you or dumped on your head. Are you not seeking redemption against your enemies in the most horrific manner possible? Who is this redemption and why? Pay him? Owe him? Expect him to clean up your flirting or total train wreck? All of you are like this Ann; all of you gutter flowers. You tell me who does not want redemption; struggle? Guilty? My plans of a happy family life was lost before; this was no redemption or return; now further lost in your meaningless planning. Like Vietnam, the battles have no meaning and there is bad leadership.
Do They Want a Fist Fight On TV? Look at it from my view. Your problems are easy to solve; but as a buffoon and jackass; it is circles and more of your redemption value. You have no interest in doing the right thing. I wish your pals could see one of my running kicks or even my take downs and flips; they would shit in their pants. Hand to hand is not what I became an expert in when I was in the military; so their manhood is not the problem; it is you. You are a total fiasco and wreck; worse is how you drag more men in this and use me to threaten them or scare them. That is about all you got and all I have seen; they call you a slut to your face and I have literally lost confidence in your female flirting. You flirt as if you are drunk, very unprofessional. If you want a marriage, make sure you have the reality to keep it okay. Even worse is bickering with you. Look, you added another page to my blog, and another, and another, etc... STFU will you. You are a total wreck and powerless, weak and cannot fight your own battles. If you do, stay on your where you belong Ann. Leadership? Look at your friends. Fags. Pussies. Total losers. Roadkill. Now we all are roadkill, love it? Hanni was bragging how manly he is on his radio and I will probably hear it from your new drinking buddies and pals; right? You are a weak pathetic human being Ann, really. All of you are and in hell all of you will rot.

Come to Florida and Come to Tampa: If you dare! Wait, if want to know what a drink thrown at you feels like and a raging bull. Even better, come to my residence and stalk me through life. Come to any function where I am the main focus and you will have your state ripped to shreds or the fight of your life. No please, I dare you. Got the balls or are they all talk now? Also, about the Jeb guy and those moles who I know would not even dare... show up. The line is in the sand and has been; cross it if you are guilty and we will see! Let's see if they want their state ripped apart for the home team? Home team my ass, the line is in the sand. Is it my imagination or is there a total lack of regulation; meanwhile, business is overly regulated. How about focusing on the real problem or the source of the total lies and scams?
Who is hiring the people behind this? It is their job and their role as a citizen to prevent or avoid this from happening. Did I miss something or was too late? Now we have a total disaster. Do I get paid for this or to do their job? How is it after the 23rd year, I am still not paid by anybody and doing the most work? Fair? Throw a drink at them and kick their ass? Dare them to show up again? Who is hiring the most criminal and let Hannibal the serial killer wage war on this nation? What do they get paid for and why are we always complaining about simple or basic things, such as freedom? Stalkers? Conspiracy? Terror plots? Exactly, something is very wrong and it does not take a genius. Even Ann refuses to pay me, why?

Vietnam Syndrome and Mission Creep: We have seen this before and most especially during Vietnam. Here we are debating the same crap again. You people grew out of the ghetto or are some gutter flower, really. If you could fight and did the right thing; matters would not get so bad and these people would not be on TV or radio spewing out lies and utter insanity. What I expect Ann, is you to jump over the Fox desk, land a few hammer blows and get a few T-bone blows on their ass. They deserve it after what you told me. I know you do not have the skill t kick or really fight like a champion; but at least you can rip their eyes out on TV and for the record; idiot. This is how you all choose to win wars and battles; the path of worst and horrible resistance. This is why politicians lost Vietnam; all of them are communists; does not matter if we are Republican or Democrat. Nixon even had the gall to tell Saudi Arabia he wanted to invade it like Saddam Hussein; who was hung for this and executed. All of you, including you Ann, grew from the ghetto and the gates of hell. You know no other life or way to live. Look at your record with me and total lack of fight; you expect me to fight for no pay and use what is my money; to seek advantage or a desirable outcome. You are so weak you cannot even throw a drink at them on TV but storm off or bitch and harp. I am so embarrassed. This is why Vietnam was a train wreck. This is why your life is a train wreck. A shameless slave breed you all turned out to be, really; look at the mess and the feeble leadership and utter disaster.
How Do I Fight Back or Throw A Drink At Them, Kick Their Ass? Does it get better? No. I cannot even rip their hair and eyes out. Worse, neither can you. But they are here now, in my room; and I cannot even throw a drink on them? Kick their ass on TV and drag them outside by the hair? Why can't you Ann? What do you pay your men for? They get paid for nothing and I am denied what is rightfully mine or pay? F you all and I hope the world sees what kind of a train wreck you all are and have been. Look at the levels you will stoop or try just to win or escape conviction. Pathetic. All I need is a tornado kick or tsunami take-down; even better an earthquake throw and this would have been settled a long time ago. This is what I hate and what I cannot stand, a prisoner, a captive, big brother in my life, and these people stealing everything I have in life. If I ever cross them in my life... if... if. How dare you face me or how dare you talk back to me Ann; a shameless person who is now ashamed and scared to get your ass here; is that why? I do not get paid, let the military shoot them in the head like Bin Dumbass. Worse is the police; 911 terrorists could be on TV and radio daily; right under their nose and we get you Ann. It is a god damn circus with you all in our life. As I told the Saudis, go to the Asians; that is your Achilles heal; don't expect people to trust you and give us better work and not so much disappointment okay. Shameless people and breed; Vietnam syndrome all over again!

Has To Be Spelled Out Or Explained? Get A Lawyer or STFU: Really simple for all of you; document your stunts and lies, get a lawyer, STFU, and stay out of my life or stop meddling in a manner to slander or inflict emotional distress. All of you can rot in hell and do not expect a desirable outcome; so STFU okay. If you weren't so guilty or gutless, maybe you can right this down or stop making us struggle more than we should. With charges filed and a 10,000 count indictment; STFU is a great start. Ann, you F'ers do not have a god damn care in the world and you run your mouth off 24 hours a day and on Twitter? Furthermore, you don't have a damn thing in this world except your marriage now and you act as if you are 20 years old? You have ticked me off every god damn day for nearly four years; and now cannot decide yes or no if you want to be a decent person no less a decent wife? Do you have any sense why I call you are F'in retard or tell you to shut up and leave me alone? You now want everybody to know you are with me or always beside me like a faithful companion? Is there anything you have left out? 98% negative marks and you expect your reputation with my friends and even my family to be impeccable Ann? Did I miss something or have I lost my mind Ann? Every time you open your mouth; nonsense or crazy shit flows like the Tigris River. Do you feel comfortable? Do you feel confident now? How do you think I feel? Huh? Pig? Greed? Don't know when to stop? Don't have a care in the world and constantly mouthing off? One year from now, nothing will change; we will still be here; everything will be messed up Ann; trust me. That is your leadership and how you expect a desirable outcome. Wrong, you cannot even shut up or get a lawyer; too cheap or too guilty and gutless.
Dear Ann Coulter - Leader of the Free World Are We? Either you are doing something wrong or everybody hates your guts, even me now. Either you are a great leader or you gave me a total disaster. Have you heard the rumors I get or the seedy innuendos about you? You act like a bitchy princess whose kingdom is neglected like her own marriage. I don't get it Ann and never will; ever. All you can say is you messed up. You people are some other creature Ann, really. It always has to be the hard way, never the easy way or what 9 out of 10 people would do. It has gone on long enough and it has impacted my life tremendously; while you are my partner. I don't like it and like the entire world, have had it up to here! I hear this about the Bush family. I hear this about the Jews and blacks. I hear this about all of you all. Worse, I do your work for free or like a slave? Did I miss something, who are the servants here and who is royal? Whose job is it to do all of this or regulate the industry to prevent this total disaster? Me? When was I made leader of the free world or God? Good work and doing the right thing may not be your fate, destiny, or in your genetic code; living in hell is. All of you want others in this hell; I am kicking and screaming while you drag me deeper in this. Yes, add more men to your bar fight and go on Twitter and brag to me about it Ann. I would throw a drink at you and give you a piece of my mind also; very bad work and total hell. I should have cut you off at the deadline; this is what I am talking about. All of you belong together in hell and all of you are from the gutter; we are your victims. This is why they call it the Vietnam Syndrome. The line is in the sand and this will never happen again; misuse of hospitality. Yes one God and one world; total hell.

Ann, Look At You, A Woman Trying To Fight For Her Life: If this was me, I would get in their face, drag them outside by their hair, pry their hands off the chair, and teach them what a real man is or like. You all are degenerates. It goes back and forth. It is pathetic and on air. Listen to Rush and Hanni. It is pathetic. You yourself Ann, cannot fight and you make me watch or put up with your fiasco. They would shit if they saw one of my flying kicks or tornado kicks. I am an expert with a knife; I can close my eyes and spin two of them. You all are some pussy breed. You cannot even get in their face and punch the bitch. If they ever started a fight with me, I would drag them outside and school them before I break each and every finger; and I am very skilled in breaking things or just the right amount of pressure. Ann, I am so sick of your mouth and your total train wreck. All you want is me to watch and it is stinks and is disgusting. Why don't you learn to fight? You are roadkill. I don't like roadkill. Understand? You expect me to be exactly like you, roadkill. You find love and meaning. In the 20 fistfights in my life; I lost 1; badly. Let the military shoot them in the head; I keep saying this and why.
Stop Being a Bitch, Learn Martial Arts, Punch or Kick Each of Them, Pay Me Something For Your Mess: Stop paying a useless or worthless bodyguard who let this mess occur, no less CPAC into my life Ann. Why don't you try martial arts or being a man for once? Why rely on a man constantly or for your redemption? Why? Why bitch and cry on TV about everything and harp like a Lama impersonating a Banshee? Then go n TV and cry or act sexy; good one Ann. Love your life also. Now the fags are in my life doing what they do best; always on the wining side. Who trained them? None other than Ann Coulter. Well she did this, why can't they? She is on the winning side always; why can't they? Why can't you just let the military shoot the F'er in the head like Opussy Bin Dumbass? Why? They would shit if I was there or one day drag them by their hair and ask if they are a man? Are they? Speaking of estrogen revolution; look at all of these bozos; have they ever met a man? Do they know what a man is in this estrogen revolution? Bitches and whores. Me against their Al Qaeda leaders in a real fight, not fantasy? Are they picking a fist fight or a war? Wore is their 10,000 count indictment; let me punch them for what they did!

Butchered This Ending Up Badly: Clearly You are the Problem Ann. Do not expect a desirable outcome next time. I am so sick and tired of you; a horrible partner. God help you. I will contact my lawyer and have made it clear for the record; your constant inaction, horrible record, character flaws, failed leadership, playmate search, Twitter problem, and how I seek the arms of other females. Do not put this on others, this was your own fault. I have told you to STFU and get a lawyer; but all you want to do is make more and more spectacles; even at 98% negative and what has been called your death bed. You refuse to pay me and felt a week of silence would make the situation better or bring back princess. It repeats. It is hell. It is your character flaw. I cannot stand you any longer and have had it up to here! Regardless of your flaws and personality disorder, you kept me here; almost like a slave, for four years telling everybody how happy you are as my partner. It is and must be a two way street Ann; but your mouth has not figured this out. Maybe if and when you rot in hell; maybe you will learn also. You owe me money and now I am really pissed. Go and get a lawyer and just do me a favor and STFU. It is clear you have managed to fool and swindle me also. Your leadership is horrendous and this is why it is a total train wreck. You were also guilty and gutless; a swine and a fraud whom compounded the problems with no intention of doing the right thing; ever. Guilty and on her death bed. The pain you caused needed redemption; I was that redemption. Redemption or not, you managed to butcher that up quickly but hid it and tried to get all the miles you could. I am not giving you anymore chances or going to put up with anymore of your fiascoes Ann, it is how you choose to live life. In hell you must stay and be condemned to. Nobody agrees with you. Nobody cooperates with you Ann, not even your partner. Why?
We Are Sworn Enemies From Here On Ann, No More Of This Ever Again: I have had it. No seriously, I mean fed up Ann. If it is not one thing, its is another and another. One week hiding is just not good enough. Completely reckless and without any care for anybody's welfare or life. We are now sworn enemies and I do not want to hear anymore about this stupid life and spectacle of yours. You are a pig! You have always been like this and I cannot seem to dump you or get rid of you; honestly. I can't seem to get paid or good service. Yet nobody cooperates with you and it is obvious and clear why. Let the record show you are guilty and were seeking forgiveness when it was not warranted. That is key, it was not warranted so you used these men to better your position and take advantage of how this turned out. Doing the right thing was never in your desire or planning. Never but you have your reasons and arguments which is also nonsense and some grand challenge nobody even takes serious; not even me. One day maybe you will learn to shut the hell up and if you do not like this; leave. This will be the 1000th time I have said this to you. It was another one of your careless and reckless stunts; of many. This idea you needed my help had nothing to do with paying me or doing the right thing; thus, I am angry as hell now, swindled by a clever liar and a fraud. You are not pulling me into this hell anymore; this is how you choose to live life and no wishes of anything better. Whose welfare are you truly worried about? Gone too far this time Ann? Don't expect a desirable outcome ever again the way you are. Shame on your family and your parents. You cared more about your image or Twitter; than your own partner and marriage. Take a bow Ann, spectacular woman!