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Friday, March 9, 2012

Analysis of The D-Day Invasion, Persian Gulf War Invasion, and Satellite or Hurricane Earthquake Forces


We know it is the Bush Family behind the coup of the Saudi Royal Family and our own royal family. They use money to degrade us. Their vision is democracy in the Middle East and the vision of Nasser. They hate money, like Limbaugh; degrade the value of all currency. Even if we are royal blood; they treat us as peasants and pests; now we are their preexist. Bush and Limbaugh were after the Saudi contract; and the entire Middle East; they are aligned with the Democrats and have unleashed the gates of hell on America and the world. This is why they were elated and now silent; they know it will be used against them again. We have detected a powerful and dangerous enemy mole; and I mean dangerous. Imagine the mess they made in the Middle East compared to the mess we have right now. Look at the record and explain their behavior and pattern of characters. We have our communist spy network and they are after the oil fields and our precious military reserves. If they are caught and cornered; they know they will be shot as traitors; so this is how they seek cover or escape. They will do anything, including mass communist brainwashing, to make friends, family, or the public pliable; to embrace their evil and greed. Keep in mind, the mafia, the communists, the radicals, the lackeys and gangs, etc... They rule with an Iron Fist and it works well. Why they oppose all else, we are unsure.

Go to the Asians, this is where their Achilles heal is and remains. They are unable to penetrate the Asian circle and have tried to take it down unsuccessfully. We have shut their operations and links in Asia already. It is now clean or has been sanitized. If they fail in Asia or on Asian soil more; it is game over. They know it is game over already in America; the heavy resistance remains vigilante. No more white flags from here on; well past the deadlines. They refuse to coup the Iranians and feel we will miss them if bombed; understand? They let the situation in Iran get this way; identical appearance and behavior. They know without the Asians, they cannot survive this; why I was kidnapped. They turned our life into a total disaster. They turned the workplace into a total disaster. They even shot up my lama matter, Virginia Tech; the state I grew up in. Tell me what they left; if anything? Nothing; The Bush Family were moles and they attacked two royal families and got caught by one of them. Watch as the Democrats try to vulture and come in; even worse than the Bush family; real and not hidden communists. They are the real danger and the real problem. The Democrats seek the Asians to side-swipe the entire system; circumvention. They also call me a minority, a total retard. It is a circus and they should be beheaded by a guillotine; the old fashioned way. The public enjoys the suffering of people who are pure guilty, cruel, and easy in every way.

They Do It Here In America Also: "That is when the problems started here. They misuse their hospitality. We dealt with them honestly and they dealt with us underhandedly. That is the mistake which is not going to be repeated again." - Prince Saud Al Faisal of Saudi Arabia (Son of King Faisal) -

They Do This To Us Also 24 Hours: "We killed the extremists of 1979 but later on, like a few months after we killed them, we adopted their ideology. We gave them what they wanted when they were alive. So everything in our society, I am talking about our educational system, the media discourse, I am talking about the relationship between the people and the government, I am even talking about the people and the people; we started competing on 'how to appear conservative' just to protect our reputation and to protect sometimes our safety. We had to pretend we were something that we were not." - Dr. Sulaiman Al Hattlan, Columnist -

"When the explosion in Riyadh happened, we were tracking Bin Laden since the early 1990s, we stripped him of his citizenship, we knew he was a danger, and we knew he was planning mischief against Saudi Arabia." - Adel Al Jubeir, Advisor to Crown Prince Adullah -

"...When there was an escalation of violence and President was asked about Sharron's actions, his answer was perceived in the region as a signal to Sharon he could do whatever he wanted... and at that point, The Crown Prince sent a very powerful message to the President, 'It is our belief you have decided to support Sharon despite consequences to American policy; or to your interests or to the interests of your friends. You are a sovereign country and you can do whatever you want. We are now in a position where we have to take actions in our interests without any regard to how they may affect your interests.' In 24 hours we had a response, from the President to the Crown Prince where he laid out his vision in the Middle East... and he said we could do that only if we could stop the violence... The Crown Prince said this is a positive step and you need to articulate it to the public. The President agreed to do so two or three days before September 11th." - Adel Al Jubeir, Adviser to Crown Prince Adullah -

"People refused to accept this was Saudis doing this. Imagine if you woke up one day, you have children, and find one of your sons is a mass murderer. How gut wrenching of a discovery is that?" - Prince Saud Al Faisal, Foreign Minister of Saudi Arabia -

"We have enormous disagreements with them but we have a fundamental common interest in going forward even though our cultures are diametrically are opposed in many ways to each other. We are learning more about each other, in many cases, neither side likes what they see. So we have got to find a way to work on the common interests and to help the Saudis through a period of coming into the 20th Century. But they are dealing with this with fits and starts that are not going to be pretty. One of the challenges for America is we are very unpopular over there. The more we public-ally praide or encourage what goes on, the more that could be the kiss of death" - Unknown US Statesman -

Tell the military I don't give a F if they are waving the white flag or begging for their momma this time; we have more valuable time and much better things to do with our life than listen to F'in communists who are moles, terrorists, and always on the winning side. As for you Ann, the record shows you are a bad partner and always have been; 98% negatives and happy about it. How you clean up your mess or seek forgiveness is between you and your own hell; do you think you can keep this up with me also? I told you already to let the military shoot them in the head; you do not have the authority or brains for this; take them on the retreat and teach them a final lesson. Then let it be. Do you see a surrender or any change; on either side? First cut their funds. Let the indictments trap them. Let the military finish them off. Our life with be fine and must better. You are a pain in the ass Ann, someone who works slow, messy, and is very difficult to get rid of or replace. You learned your lesson; they are always on the winning side and you need to behave and not be such a pig from New York; shameless. I would love to finish up Ann, can we make this one week or less? How about in this lifetime?

I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS ANN: We take them on the retreat. If you are not going to make it, take a F'in hike. STFU okay and decide. Not one peep from your Twitter no matter what Limbaugh or Hannity says; no less if you are with or without me; understand dumbass? Are you a F'in retard or just a pig? It is unbearable, either you are here and get your ass here; or take a F'in hike; end of story Ann. Decide. We do not need a F'in Twitter update retard; and yes it is you! You are the F'in problem, now decide. You have always been the problem and a very messes or bad partner. I WILL SAY IT AGAIN, WE TAKE THEM ON THE RETREAT; DECIDE ANN, NOT RUN YOUR F'IN MOUTH. QUICKLY. A GROWN WOMAN AND A TOTAL RETARDED IDIOT AT THE SAME TIME.

Ann take your F'in N and Latinos with you okay. I don't care what you got or don't got to offer. I am really annoyed by your games and your mouth. I will make this crystal clear, I did not say to open your mouth or want to hear a peep. You do and it goes ape shit on my end. STFU and decide; not look for a small breathing hole or piss me off. I hold you accountable Ann; all I need is a quick and easy decision; not some dumbass female concert with you conducting. Did they do that Ann or did you do that?

Dear Ann Coulter: I said make a yes or no decision, not OPEN YOUR GD MOUTH AND TWITTER! Open your F'in Twitter mouth again, DECIDE and stop wasting my F'in VALUABLE TIME! One more time Ann; NO EXPLANATION NEEDED. You open your mouth, it explodes on this end and all your dumbass friends. Obviously, your problems have overcome you; total silence and powerless. STFU Will You:!/AnnCoulter

Why am I listening to homeless punkasses hourly? Why do I have to listen to your conservative N's Ann? Why do I hear the same thing on both sides, this echo chamber? Like before and always; we take them on the retreat; Apaches ready and military in position; on the retreat and route designated. This is no game and they better stop pretending to be us; we are not homeless punkasses and they are not waiting for a retreat to finish this war. Read the history of America again. I would like to know why you are so happy Ann? Is it because I am still poor or have homeless punkasses and scumbags all over my life; twice as bad now than before? Is that it? You let this happen and you got good service; how about doing your part instead of playing with more punkasses or playmates? 98% F'in negative and total lies; happy?

Dear Ann Coulter - Tired of Slamming You All on Your Head Over and Over: Even I am sick and tired of slamming you all on your F'in head. It is pathetic. I do not think one more time is needed, do you? You F'in N are pathetic and ridiculous and it shows. I am not even going to bother or comment; abhorrent. Again, I am trying to end all of this jackass parade and back and forth; war is needed and the fury of God must speak once and for all. If it means death for this F'er than I cannot wait. If you want to be a crazy woman Ann, I am still waiting for my money and an honorable goodbye. Your N do not even need to comment or give an opinion. No thank you. I hold this on your shoulder and why they are in my life.

What Are You Giddy and Happy About? If this is how you decide to live life and will live the rest of your life; than don't even bother. It will be a few days and you will be back at it again, trust me. I have seen this week after week for nearly four years Ann. 98% negative and you are immune to being slammed on your head also? Such a reliable partner; can I have my money or will it be just "one more week"; you are so close Ann; only a little bit more. In my eyes, you are a slave and should be condemned to the life of a worthless slave; one more week or spectacle? Did you re-invent yourself also? I need to be paid and that is all; on both sides.

Now Clean The F'in Mess UP! Have you noticed I figured you out also Ann? You expect me to live on subsistence while you try and have me fight your wars. I have more scumbags in my life than ever. My income and projects dwindle and decline with or without you in my life; such a reliable partner and love story. Meanwhile, it piles up, pools over, and just grows like a blob on your end. All I need is my money back; why are you so happy and bragging or even having such a great time? Why? All I am saying is not at my expense, that is all. The rest is your own business and problem. Please take your "conservative" N with you.

You Let This Happen Ann. 98% Negative Ann; STFU and learn you are a buffoon and jackass. Why can't you learn to just shut the hell up? 98% negative and reduced to tears now; can't even give me my money back and live your own F'in life. Ann decide, the F'in fury of hell is all that is left; we will let the military shoot them in the head; you have no power and no authority; a slave mission on both sides. Decide Ann.

Gigantic Political Scam Devised By Jews and Blacks: We put this financial scam squarely on the back of the Democratic Party. Clearly all those taxes, all the money and aid; was a gigantic political scam to rob the American public or to finance communism and left wing radicalism. If you look at JFK, it is the same cast of characters; Southern Democrats, blacks, females, etc... and they are all communists. Now this cast of outcasts are on the Republican side and claiming credit when all they do is hold people back or keep them as prisoners. The Asian economies were growing rapidly in the 1960s; Japan, Singapore, Vietnam, Korea, Malaysia, even China, etc... They knew it would not be long until they were crushed or told to leave. How crazy are the communists? We have them right now on the line. This was the biggest financial scam on earth and it was about to collapse in the 1980s and is kept alive today by massive debt and communist political actors. One hundred times worse than Benny Maddoff. This is why they hate and despise Vietnam and had to have their own or talk about Afghanistan, Angola, etc... They hate whites and most of all Asians because capitalism exposed their political fraud and financial black hole, demise. Throw them out of office, we cannot sit here and wait for war; no less play defense.

A Political Panderer and a Weak Foe Who Must Be Expelled: Not only are these people weak, their political pandering is constantly erroneous and requires radical policies and corrective measures. There is no mistake why this pandering weakling is in last place or so much trouble. Even worse, read the college textbooks; where in hell is an accurate analysis or political reality? After what they did, this is war, we do not care who they think they are or want to be. If we need their opinion, we will write a formal letter. This is about our currency and Al Qaeda currency; and theirs is roadkill. The lying bag of crap is trying to do everything to appear dangerous, poisonous, and avoid war. Like the jawbone of an ass, they talk a manly fight. If they continue their siege and war waging; their male population will dwindle and the retards who remain will become their elites and leaders; slave culture. Merging with a genetic breed who has buffered defeat after defeat in war; would only pull us down and make us retards ours elf. This is how and why they undergo rapid decline, starvation, and slavery. War will transform them overnight but it is a big fantasy. If I am a minority, then they are a retard; it works out in the end. Throw those bastard panderers out, we do not play defense, trick after trick; scam after scam.

Bribery, High Taxes, False Pretense, Fraud, Conspiracy, Abuse of Power, Misuse of Tax Revenue: All of them were on the take. From government positions to abuse of power. Tax payer dollars were misused and it was a willful and deliberate conspiracy to steal the pot and spend it on a black hole and a disaster. They said crime was compelling the growth and the spending; decline. Therefore, add racketeering to the 10,000 counts and a formal war. What the F are they talking about racism, most people prefer products made by nonwhites than whites; even Democrats buy this. All of them are homeless, smell, stupid as hell, are ugly and obese, or some total mess; yet they keep making us look like them or a total mess. Hated. Get this, I have to pay good money to listen to a homeless silver-back 24 hours a day accost-berate me the moment I move an inch or breathe. Each moment I win or am happy, I am reminded I am a POW prisoner. Try this for 20 years and see what it will do to you; do you see neck-braces, leg-braces, or financial messes? I see a political mess. Do you think at trial they will ever admit or confess this? Still? Limbaugh is the ringleader and so is Hannity and all the rest. Their wages should be garnished and their property sized by the courts. War must be declared and delivered to them; anyway possible. Congress can cut their funds and the office of hurricane-earthquakes will seal the deal; hush! Hurry up will they. Begin with decimating their funds. This is war, we do not care who they think they are or want to be. If we need their opinion, we will write a formal letter. If they are smarter or can win this; tell us what the antidote is; they swallowed it, not us. We did not run into any bullets; they did. As the records show, they have become very skilled and talented in fantasy, falsifying records, and nonsense. The problem with liberals is they talk to people that hate their guts; in so doing, are very condescending and retarded. Even war and slaughter cannot change their genetic predisposition or fantasies.

Our Career and Military Service: It all depends on who you ask and who is in control. If you ask the US Army; the Pentagon will say, "we retired him because he is an asset and we need him to win this war and become the leader of the human race." If you ask the communists, they will say, "The guy is mentally ill, cuckoo, he is AWOL, and he was driven out. Furthermore, he has a string of problems with the police, he does not get along with people, and he has had problems his entire life." The proof is encapsulated in the results and we do not get the result because it is a well known trap. To identify this mole, hidden communist enemy, and this psychopathic spy lurking in the background and trolling our life. None of them have been fired and they might make it to retirement. The same is true of Limbaugh, Hanni, and all the media follies that are allowed to occur daily. It is a total shamble on the right wing and Republican side; lawlessness and chaos. They must have their necks cut and be driven out once and for all; even better, for the entire world to witness. If you look at their battles and their leaders, these are the worst and the most delusional this world has ever laid eyes on; absolutely now way out and no way to win this, none. Day and night they do not let up and we only need a formal declaration of war or a 10,000 count indictment. This is the end of the communist forces in America; quick and easy! History is being written by their genetics. The curse of the jackass remains vigilante and unshaken. Will they make it to retirement? This is about our currency and Al Qaeda currency. This bag of crap is trying to do anything to avoid war; even using our military to declare war. This is how they got so weak, so stupid, so subservient, and so inferior through waging war or drippy fantasy; rapid decline and genetic chaos. War and big talk is their ultimate fantasy. Fantasy, stealing, total lies, and genetic buffoonery is where they find power and talent. As pirates, they seek to sink a ship before they board it or loot it.

Love The New Trick: The new trick is to dress us sexy and go into Asian Markets where I shop! Hot! The gift of being Asian is we do not have to deal with the blacks and the Jews; nor the curse of World War II. Yet the communist remain our number one enemies. For them to pursue us is a challenge similar to 60 days of continuous hurricane and earthquakes; who in hell would accept their challenge or offer? Again, the truth is we are trying to get them out of our life and they are trying to make us look crazy, stupid, or humiliate us in anyway possible. Now it has come down to surrender to the authorities; we are very happy with the outcome. We literally have to tell them they are in a 4 square strategy and the only way out is retreat; so is the slaughter. Whoever their commanders are should be delivered as currency for trial and execution. Not many enemy forces have figured this out yet; but they are trying to say it is up for grabs. I compare them to skunks all over the road and we are delivering vital top secret organs; go and jerk off somewhere else. Yes we notice them and yes they do stink. When they find them; this is what they will say also; still up for grabs! If we need their opinion or voice, we will write them a formal letter. This is war and in war, we take no prisoners. We do not care who they think they are or want to be. This is about our currency and their Al Qaeda currency. Again, this gag and bag of crap is trying to avoid war at all cost while acting like a poisonous or dangerous snake. They got the neck-braces and leg-braces to suggest they are prisoners, this is no prisoner or oppressed American. Again, If they are smarter or can win this; tell us what the antidote is; they swallowed it, not us. We are not running into fire or ran into any bullets; they did. Yet the jawbone of an ass continues to fight our effort to expel them or release their grip as they try to make us look cuckoo or going insane. The goal of crippling our ship before robbing it did not work well; playing our good side won't either. They are nothing more than weak people who enjoy pandering and crippling others.

Dear Rush Limbaugh and Revolutionary Female Leader In Our Life: Married to your race? Black widow? All of you are like this; even when it comes to white females. Maybe when the communist meet their end, we will get those pictures they keep throwing at us for Penthouse. We can call it, "Welcome Back to Guantanamo My Lover." Come on, you have come this far and 200% guilt, show your purple power! Remember and keep telling yourself, what you know is what we know; but you have not won this. If war has not been declared on your communist and revolutionary forces; then it will be in the future. We know you are scared to death and 200% guilty; so in the eyes of the law, you have to be taken dead or alive. Those below you are losing faith and they know in order to win this; they have to at least survive and have a better future. It is bleak now and we know why. Therefore, they may wake up and join reality one day, when they bring us your head. When this collapses on you, it is your head that is the currency for their survival. Imagine if war is declared by the military and they decide to shoot your revolutionary command in the head, like other terrorists we know about, how can they survive? Exactly. Your code of silence is increasing in reward and your ability to pay them or deliver is dwindling. When it dwindles, the currency to their survival; the most dependable currency; is your head. They will deliver your head if they are interested or wish to survive and live for a better tomorrow. We will know shortly if you all wish to live or just die; as you are and 200% guilty. When we know for sure, we can plan better for your total collapse. Am I worried? No. Am I scared to death? Not any more. Is it getting better? Millions of witnesses say yes. The money system now is your head and your revolutionary command's total destruction; they hold the currency and you must deliver a win or else face their wrath. It can only get worse for you. Avoid war at all cost? Throw them out and put them on defense; still not yet?

Freedom of Speech? There is a stark contrast between freedom of speech and treason. I would hope as conservatives, you communist spies understand the difference and are not confused about who we are and who you are. However, you do not speak based on your actions; you speak based on our life, our model, and our actions. You feel we are POWs. If you cannot distinguish the difference between conservatism and treason; maybe you are not who you say you truly are? Maybe you are something we cannot describe or have trouble stopping? Even worse is how you prolong it and spread the disease. You remind us of other communist leaders of the past who in defeat and failure; spread like wildfire. We know with 100% certainty you are communist spies. We have methods and ways to determine with 100% accuracy, even if we did not trap you or witness you in action. You are confused with freedom of speech and you are confused with America; but you search for a redemption still; even after we caught you. The most ridiculous part of this is I pay money to be put in a living arrangement where I have to listen or take abuse from a homeless no good dumbass with no education. Is that a rip off or freedom of speech? Let him starve and maybe he will die or be deported back to his homeland. These communists, traitors, and left wing radicals always make me pay (rent or a ticket) to listen to a felon, a homeless lunatic, or some labor union all day long. Meanwhile, Rush Limbaugh interprets it and details what it actually means. Avoid war or freedom of speech? Choose. The jawbone of an ass is not considered real freedom of speech. The result of these communists, traitors, and crime; is their population will suffer titillation and the genetics of retards will be the only survivors of this savagery and stupidity on parade. We no less want to merge with them either. We know their history and how they came to be so weak and so inferior by waging war and constantly losing; utter criminals whose talents are to starve.

Dear Sean Hanni and Michelle Malkin - Fire All of You: You all have found a way to silence or get a free ride. Like a raid or Swat team; you walk in each others' footstep. If an enemy or outsider, shoots one bullet; guess what? Yes, all of you go down. Then we hear it from both sides; the left and the right, and the solution is very simple and very easy to figure out. Laura Ingram was guilty of this. Michelle Malkin was guilty of this. Sarah Palin was guilty of this. A lot of you were guilty of this. David Letterman was not guilty of this "one magic bullet" theory. We get it from you clowns and you F'in buffoons to the point where it is a 10,000 felony count indictment; none of you even learn and accept who you are and what you are about; shameless. Nobody is silencing anyone. You all live by the magic single bullet theory. You did this with me and I had to file charges for kidnapping and seek 1.6 billion dollars in damage. You did this with Ann Coulter and wrecked her life. Now you claim other people, like a crock of neck braces and leg braces; bother's are silencing you? Get the hell out of the firing line. Get the hell away from the suspects. Get the hell out of the trap we set. It is called a human shield and terrorists constantly use this; 9 out of 10 terror groups do this. It is how innocent by standers get hurt or what their objective is. Your goal is to corrupt our life and also the next generation, the youth; that was the drug wars and the 1960s. We were just your test dummy; until Ann stepped in. You continue to use shock troops or in your face shock treatment as a way to force us into surrender and total control; POW brainwashing. I got on the internet in 1998 in order to get away from you and have a normal life; not so. I was and had been talking to Ann on AOL in the 1990s. Like a ghetto gang war, this cockroach expects to be murdered so they can parade the neckbrace, legbrace, and the badge of courage. Again, everyone is welcomed and nobody is left behind or out. We could smell them easily, they could not. Yet we did not have the "high standards" they expected; so we were invited 1000s of times and told to leave. The exorcist gave them confidence and audacity; the poor. The problem with liberals is they talk to people that hate their guts; in so doing, are very condescending and retarded. Even war and slaughter cannot change their genetic predisposition or fantasies. That is not free speech.

Not Looking For AIDS or Medical Problems: You F'ers were doing this online and trying to use fake pictures to fit your ridiculous "radio" voice and body. The internet is not your cup of tea and not for communists. Luckily, there is a crack down on your radio voice or phony tricks. There is a difference between free speech and nonsense. There is also a difference between free speech and knocking on someone's door 24 hours a day or when you feel the need to ejaculate. We are not the people scavenging for AIDS or medical problems. Neither are we the people who are looking for medical problems and now asking for them; and asking we pay for your ridiculous medical problems. Does this sound too familiar and too similar to the drug wars and poor people who resort to crime? Maybe you should ejaculate somewhere else or look for another partner? Maybe you should drop dead or worse? Maybe you should be castrated before the eyes of the public to get a play by play action update on your daily condition; does it hurt now or still? Is this too much to ask or do you wish to keep asking, debating, or criticizing? Coronation? At each bother's throat? Medical problems? Not funded well? What is your idea of "ENOUGH", death on either side? This will end when one of us is dead? Your breed are completely flawed and you act like God, a predator who is an utter pest. Worse, you are a felon and a lunatic thief, communist. All you do is steal, cry, act hurt, and prey on others. Yet you all have turned into terrorists and radical communists; total pussies. Look how you usurp and warp reality. Look how you knock on our door 24 hours a day with your stupidity and feces life. You are so whacked, you call it a marriage or some fascination; it's not, it is a 10,000 count felony indictment and a formal declaration of war on your breed. Even today, you beg in pain constantly and have not learned a god damn thing. What kind of a human breed are you all? Are you even human beings? Furthermore, if I am a minority then you all are retards.

Don't Pull That Caribbean or 1960s Revolution Crap on Us! Don't pull that crap with us; and understand I would love to get rid of all of you; with one stone. One stone can get rid of all these vultures; but you all fight for your damned life. The American people have heard about pathological lying or liars; now they get to see it first hand. It used to be the left wing who twist free speech and protest. Now it is you "right wing" and "conservatives." That is not what our data and records show at all; apathetic and pathological liars? Prove it. You shitheads keep harping about free speech and how this is not in the script; realty, it isn't in your script? Do you need a teleprompter also? This is not about Civil Rights or crime; it is about radical traitor judges and lawyers. How about that Bush Family? Yes, crime, corruption, drugs, paradise, and revolution; all in Florida now. Paradon! Paradon all of you! Burn them to the fires of war and the power of God unleashed. We will go bunion foot to bunion foot with this buffoon and asshat dumbass. Vive la Revolution! Invade and kill all of their terrorist leaders, each and everyone of them. Make love with us or assassinate us; decide! Love letters emailed from Angola by the best computer scientists in the world. The pen will not back down to nobody, not even Che silver-back. Almost identical to a guinea pig, they do not take baths and wreak of the smell of poorness or overly fermented body odor. They claim it is the smell of love and we are always invited to the baptism. How do you disprove an lunatic or violent jackass otherwise? Can this be proven beyond a reasonable doubt; the real smell of love? Even their women enjoy the smell of homeless or a ghetto war. It could also be the smell of death. Again, everyone is welcomed and nobody is left behind or out. We could smell them easily, they could not. Yet we did not have the "high standards" they expected; so we were invited 1000s of times and told to leave. The exercise gave them confidence and audacity. The Al Qaeda currency is worthless now and they try desperately to avoid war and look dangerous. Liberals always talk to people who hate their guts or put themselves in this position. Jobs and daily interaction makes them worse and worse.

What The F Do They Want US to Do, Kill Them? Why are they sticking around or still coming around? That is the 1.6 billion dollar question. Was war formally declared on them? Did they get a chance to speak or tell their story? Did they show any evidence to disprove anything we said or have recorded for the record? What the F do they expect us to do or want us to do? I am lost for words. I am completely at ends with this. War has been declared on them. They have a 1.6 billion dollar damage suit. There is a 10,000 felony count indictment. What more? What else? Just run their mouth and act strong, confident, audacious, and unaffected? All of them know a blockade on them has been imposed by the military; yet they sneak by or try more fast ones on us. I assume hurricane and earthquakes is just not strong enough; in quantity or quality, it is just not good enough to win this. Who the hell let these people have open access or into our life; that F'er should be shot and given a proper trial for this. Do they want to know what we expect them to do and what they refuse and have refused to do? War is now inevitable, understand this, war is inevitable due to this criminal felon. Whoever let them into our life or gave them access, should be shot and all of their power shut down forever. If this takes hurricane and earthquake powers; than so be it. Get this done and without anymore haste, quickly. I do not want to hear anymore about this or their freedom of speech and rights; not a F'in peep from anymore pussies. All they want to do is mix the bag up more so we do not know which jelly bean we are getting. More chaos and confusion? Even to the bitter end, they insist and harp about how conservative or mistreated they were or their rights were violated. How about those Caribbean Cold Warriors and having them in the U.S. military? Oh, they transplanted the history of the mafia here to America? Yes, how about that Bush Family and CIA? This sounds like the life of brother Fidel Castro and Ernesto Che Silverware; not Osaka Bin Low-down. Throw out the ones who keep us pinned down or on defense.

Hollywood Protestants vs. Jews: If you look at the history of radio, television, and the movies (Hollywood); you get this same insanity. In each and every single case, it was the Jews who were guilty and we get their history in America. It was the Presbyterians who invented the radio. They led to or caused the downfall of the inventor; and at the core of it was none other, NBC. In the case of the movie camera or camera; it was the Protestants who invented it (Edison). Edison made a very aggressive effort to keep these people out. There is no history of the fighting and bickering with this asshat and jackass. All we hear about is victimization or victim-hood. Then we get satellite warfare; and the origin are the Presbyterian. Here they are with their history, genetics, and 10,000 count felony indictment. It turns out they are the communists. Count the total lies. Count how many times they declare themselves wholesome and good; identify with other Americans. Listen to their story and the official record; it is the same human being who does not care or has any respect for others. It is some press the gas and see who is valued more or less. Even with a 10,000 count felony; listen to them and how far they take it. Troubled life? Troubled history? Deathwish? Death sentence? Yes come to America where trust, goodness, and respect is the common bond. Hurricane and earthquakes are not even as big as they are; to cure their stupidity, fondness of us, confusion of being American, their audacity, and stupidity. Oh you met Rambo. Yeah, did you have a drink or dinner with Rambo also? Did you learn any manners? Even worse than female bunion foot isn't it? Ha, i bet they think they are Rambo now. Sit your ass down you cute chocolate bunny rabbit; you are no Rambo. In darkness or in light; they are utterly shameless to the bitter end. We can't even tell what side you all are on; but boy are all of you stupid. They are so violent and criminal; they expect extinction or to live in fear; this is what the neckbrace and legbrace is for. This is what happens when everybody knows they are a failure and acting under a false pretense; a total fraud and lie. Attacking others is how they get weaker; the decimation of their male population and the rise of their political retards.

Semen Stained Scenery and Pictures of The End: There is a difference between free speech and nonsense. There is also a difference between free speech and knocking on someone's door 24 hours a day or when you feel the need to ejaculate. We are not the people scavenging for AIDS or medical problems. Neither are we the people who are looking for medical problems and now asking for them; and asking we pay for your ridiculous medical problems. Does this sound too familiar and too similar to the drug wars and poor people who resort to crime? Maybe you should ejaculate somewhere else or look for another partner? Maybe we just don't like you and are not interested in AIDS or conspiracies? Maybe you should drop dead or worse? Maybe you should be castrated before the eyes of the public to get a play by play action update on your daily condition; does it hurt now or still? Is this too much to ask or do you wish to keep asking, debating, or criticizing? Coronation? At each bother's throat? Medical problems? Not funded well? What is your idea of "ENOUGH", death on either side? This will end when one of us is dead? Your breed are completely flawed and you act like God, a predator who is an utter pest. Worse, you are a felon and a lunatic thief, communist. All you do is steal, cry, act hurt, and prey on others. Yet you all have turned into terrorists and radical communists; total pussies. Look how you usurp and warp reality. Are we really your guinea pig and test dummy? Tell the story, from beginning to end and see if 10,000 felonies does not increase. Just like a ghetto gang war, this cockroach expects to be murdered so they can parade the neckbrace, legbrace, and the badge of courage. When the terrorist is in charge or boss, they expect to murder; if they are not in control, they expect to be murdered; worthless. This is our big brother and mole. Now they got the entire USA in this ghetto gang war in the Middle East and it sucks everything in; the good, the bad, the ugly; except the communist. Why would they attack to avoid war? Exactly.

Radio Voice and Phony Communist Terrorist and Predator on the Internet: We knew you all were on the other end and did what we could to make you worse or more phony. It used to be funny online, until you began hacking and doing vicious things. Your females turned into sex stars or got way worse. Your males are in prison or totally warped. Reality made you all so much worse and more of a human feces. Yet you fight it and us; you stalk us and claim it is free speech; yes even online. Of course we knew and that is why we set you up or made you so angry. It is a cry to stalk and harass people; also rob them. Do you remember when you took your fat, lards, feces, radio voice online and into chat rooms? You would have these women and men, pretend they were hot or used faked pictures to open chat rooms or interests you knew we love. Then you would kick us out, bully us, pretend as if we could not socialize, etc... We caught you so many times (1000s) just following us and being dragged into the stupid situations. Here we are now and who was behind all of those attacks. It turns out the internet ripped you into pieces and kept you on your reservation; we were never part of your stupid crisis or diaspora. You are just human feces and online people give you a piece of their mind and rip you into shreds. It is like an obese girl in a bikini contest; what the hell are you doing or up to. But you made us feel your pain. You wanted to share your stupid life and we demand 1.6 billion in damages for over twenty years of this. What kind of a human breed are you all? Are you even human beings? It is about time America declares war on your breed in writing and in a formal manner. This is about freedom, just not yours. It has never been about you or your freedom, ever. It never will be either. So maybe it is time you left us alone because war has been declared and sought on you. This is no game and the FBI is involved; internet sex star or predator. Yes like the drug wars, you corrupted the youth with your wonderful personality. Now you avoid war at all cost; but the Al Qaeda currency is near worthless. You want our currency and life?

Need Something Bigger Than Hurricane-Earthquakes! They wonder why they are in last place or why we are? They only want to debate us. They only want to criticize. They are not guilty, only sorry. They do not know what to do. They are America. They are power. They are everything we are not and sneaking around as communists. You cannot teach a dog new tricks. Look at the neckbrace, leg brace, and feeble lawyers; biased? They need us and need redemption? An identity? I am glad we finally found out who is behind this and their identity; they have a long history in America, all total lies. Now we know why the Catholics were tangled up in this also; identity theft. I would give anyone a chance but these people are totally F'd in the head and cockroaches. There is a confusion in this enemy for the rights of other human beings and a 10,000 count felony indictment; yet they are disputing it constantly about not being confused. We obviously need something bigger and better than hurricanes and earthquakes to break their confusion, ignorance, stupidity, toughness, and this lack of care. Rambo and this asshat gets along very well; but it was about time somebody taught the communist and these poor peasants some manners; boy are they now confused. How do you like that bunion you got now? Yes, you are Rambo now! Go Rambo go! What a cute little bunny rabbit we have. Whoever let them into our life or gave them access, should be shot and all of their power shut down forever. If this takes hurricane and earthquake powers; than so be it. Get this done and without anymore haste, quickly. I do not want to hear anymore about this or their freedom of speech and rights; not a F'in peep from anymore pussies. Confusion? Chaos? Even to the bitter end, they insist and harp about how conservative or mistreated they were or their rights were violated. Shameless to the bitter end; winning or losing it all. This is not about Civil Rights or crime; it is about radical traitor judges and lawyers. The judges were communists and now corrupt. Use our life to invigorate or make their currency valuable? That was Al Qaeda and this is their total end. Avoid war?

Dear Rush Limbaugh - Confused? It is very clear you are and have been confused with your nation and country. Your weapon is your alter-ego, you have come to terms with who you are or what you have become; acclimated. The worst part is how you have convinced yourself, as a stalker and tag along; we either made you who you are or you somehow made us who we are by 24 hours of struggle with your communist left wing forces. Other than that, you still owe 1.6 billion dollars, you still have a 10,000 count indictment, and the military will decide if you are worth keeping alive or not when they are compelled to wage war against your 24 hour struggle. I compare you to Hannibal Lecture and your birth of origin; Hollywood and the entertainment business. Are all of you crazies and are the bosses of Republicans this big brother we know as a communist? We are supposed to feel guilty and sympathy for who you have become? You are getting bigger by the day and are the biggest threat to this nation; but you are very confused about who you are and seek any redemption. Still using us for this coronation you keep secret. Maybe one day they will line you all up and give you a proper trial; I would love to see what all of you say or if you are still confused? It is fair to say all of you are ready to die, have accepted your fate and character, made a pact with evil, and have come to terms with war being waged back at you. Now you seek to grow bigger and stronger? To spread this disease? Add one more to your 10,000 felony counts. Any FBI proofiler will say the same thing; we were stalked by the most dangerous serial killer and criminal in their analogy; we have the real life Red Dragon. The book by Thomas Harris says we must hang up or else you will get in our head and impact our private life, relentlessly pursue us in retaliation. The book says your main target is our wife and you will give us advice or marital support; know everything in our marriage.

The reason why my work is on the internet is because a small groups consisting of Limbaugh, Hanni, Levin, and a few other conservatives; were stealing my material. They had to always beat us to the punch. They had to hang on for dear life. They had to appear so much bigger and so well connected. Therefore, their position and image compelled them further into this naked aggression and in this Catch-22; I had to release my material into the public or post it on the internet. They had won that and it cost me a valuable energy source and revenue stream. There was a point where they would release or publish material I was writing that day; then claimed it was their own work or material. If you ask them where they got the material; they will deny everything or this need to declare war on their naked aggression. It is similar to a peeping tom; how do you stop a pervert of this caliber? They also used rental property to facilitate or make simpler the access they needed to conduct this theft and kidnapping. In the end, none of their story or account made any sense; we had trapped them in a web of lies and had the real story on how we caught them and won this cold war. Did they get pardoned for all of this also? This vicious and homicidal game they are playing is much different when everybody is watching or when witnesses are everywhere. We do not know who out of them is most wrong; but we know for certain who is most right now and legitimate.

Furthermore, I had to report to the FBI widespread hacking. My things would disappear. Things got misplaced. High value items went missing. My computer blue-screened 100s of times while writing or putting this case together. They were constantly meddling with my computer and causing a loss of data. There were things going on the internet which prevented my movement and was intended on slowing me down while they isolated Ann or tried to puller deeper into this. I finally made her fight for her own life; after complete frustration. There was a point where the hacking was an attempt to go through my files and look for pictures of Ann or something they could blackmail or embarrass her with. I had planted 1000s of pictures, videos and goodies they would have to sort through. No author would release their material on the internet for free unless there was some threat or important reason. One of the important reason was also financial cut off or further attempts by a very sneaky and clever criminal thief. The use of rental property and the combined effort of hacking, theft, and espionage; is why it became what it was. The Jews and the blacks were cherry picking the best and trapping them into a recruitment or mentor program against their will. It lasted over twenty years. We finally were able to stop them, expose them, and corner them. They consisted of Ruperto Rican radicals, Filipinos, and mostly built on communism. By choosing immigrants, they targeted the most vulnerable with naked aggression and constant tricks most people could not pick up on.

Dear Rush Limbaugh - We Love Your Plan For Us! : The problem is we are trying to get them out of our life and win our life back; and they are trying to hurt us, silence us, control us, kill us, arrest us, or make us look crazy. Now they feel they have power or decision making in the outcome or the ending. Let's try this again! We can have 30 babies with our princess. All of our kids can rob banks or liquor stores. Maybe if we are lucky, a few may end up homeless on a park bench with their brothers. The girls can flunk out of school and become obese. Heck, if we are lucky; one of our kids will be selling crack and getting ready for free housing and food. We may be grandparents one day; if our one of our 30 kids rapes an Asian or White girl. How many of them do you think will drop out of school or flunk out? How many will end up homeless at some tourist bathroom? Do you think we will be lucky enough to have them in a shelter or maybe a good church will feed them for us? If we keep on trying, maybe one will become a revolutionary communist and kidnap an Asian or a White; you know make them pay our way or force them to pay ransom; to their army buddy and close partner! What do you think Rush; are we tough and real enough? The military will declare war on you in the same manner you declared war on us; I am just looking for a marriage and to get my career started. Expect the worst war of your life you SOB terrorist; you still owe 1.6 billion to me regardless.

Dear Rush Limbaugh and Cohorts - Do You See The Problem Now? We try to get rid of you all for very concise and clear reasons; you try to fight, wage war, and make us look crazy or a felon. After twenty years, do you think a paper trail is available? Do you think there is some record or witnesses of this? Do we have what it takes to be America? What if one of our kids shoots a cop, or maybe kills one? Do you think we will be famous or earned our respect? Do you Rush? We have been resisting you too long and it is time to make this happen; if it is okay with you master! I want 30 kids; lots of hair, white teeth, and as mean as heck. We have to be known as bullies and the toughest on the political scene; deadly killers and 911 terrorists. How about it, you in or not? It all can be yours for a measly 1,000 dollars or an ounce of crack. Think about it okay; let me know, I will be right there when you need me okay. I mean right there in your room and won't let your white wife out of my sight or let her escape this incredible offer. We won't lynch you or wage war on you Rush; promise. We will love you and respect you; consider you our brother and partner. We are all made of the same Rush; no need to get mad or resist this. Look at this way, your wife has not been raped yet has she? Oh she will get over it, trust me. It is because we are starving Rush; we do not know what to do, but you don't even care, not one bit. Bastard. How will war be declared? What will the next one look like? Who has the most experience? At least you are getting a first class schooling on warfare and what kind of reality you are in. What do you have in store for you? What is ahead? Your communism cannot pretend to be both Republican and Democrats in order to take over or keep us as a prisoner.

Dear Ann Coulter - Ready To Declare War Yet? Ann, everybody is waiting for you. I know all you are doing is trying to stop the communist advance and get them out of your life, my life, and our life. However, don't forget I have a life also. Don't forget what or how you worked so hard to achieve goals that only come once in life. You did not give a convincing case, none of you; and you expect others to believe you with silence. It is weak and it is embarrassing. It is at the point where we have to declare war on them; and all we want is them out of our life 100%; they are in it 100% of the time. They took over SATWAR. Your politics is not convincing to anyone now. The reason why this war has not been declared is because of you and trying to make your love life or private life a spectacle. I am sure the military is ready to declare war on these people and this enemy who is not acting as if war has been declared on them or do not worry about naked aggression. All of you want to talk this out. The record shows you were a major thorn in the side of this campaign. When the politicians decide to cut the funding off; this war can begin and formal actions can follow. If you would get your ass here as I have told you for, what twenty years now; maybe my satellites will be flying soon. Do you see any of my satellites in the air? You expect me to live this way and with the poorest Democrats on this earth; poor and radical communists? Had you been here by now, this war would have began; but you instead look for more playmates. We can make a list how you act or how you delayed war; and you call yourself and tell yourself you did not do this. How many times do you need to be fired? How many times do these people or this enemy? I expect this delay and crap from the politicians Ann, not from you. All your singles club wants to do is go to dinner or drink together; we have a war Ann; do you mind? Decide and get your ass here, end of story. Am I still a prisoner Ann? Are they still in our life? Did they declare war or did we? It is written.

What is the Bottleneck or Delay? All of you want to talk it out and date. All you had to do was just give me back my money and you could be the wildest and craziest woman on earth; but instead, you could not even do that and had to make a gigantic spectacle now. Are you happier? The problem is we are trying to get them out of our life and win our life back; and they are trying to hurt us, silence us, control us, kill us, arrest us, or make us look crazy. Now they feel they have power or decision making in the outcome or the ending. I am trying to get police satellites up. I know the military will declare war on this enemy; but I am trapped. You are totally AWOL and nowhere to be seen; except at dinners and drinking events. Every picture has you on the arms of a man and what do you tell me, "You don't have to worry, there was no sex." This is where your life has taken you Ann; now a thorn in everything. We would like to get this war began and finished if you must know. All I am trying to do is win back my life and get this enemy out of my private life, business life, and every single aspect of our life. Can I get some help Ann? Can you give me a break? It is demeaning, humiliating, conscienceless, and beyond the pale. It is at the point where we have to declare war on them; and all we want is them out of our life 100%; they are in it 100% of the time. You are supposed to be my partner, not my nemesis and adversary. They did it to our family also; and my best friends. I need the military to declare 100% war on them; not sit here and talk about it or how they are only trying to help, they want to be friends, they want to give us things, and how messed up I am. We do not make many mistakes, very few. This is exactly why my confidence is so low with you and why our partnership has suffered so much at your hands or your failed leadership. You erased it by pretending to be subordinate or in love. Well, they did also. Your negatives are almost as high as theirs Ann; almost. Everybody knows war is coming; but your life is not convincing Ann. It is written Ann.

Ann, let the military declare war on them and begin by taking out their strongholds, killing their leaders, and throwing their people out. I have seen your leadership Ann, I have zero confidence in any of you all. One side meddles and F's up everything. The other side is feeble or does nothing; steep decline. All of you are dysfunctional and it is getting worse. I cannot live like this or with these people in my life. To even suggest you allowed this is an insult. To suggest you profess your love to me; is an insult now. I get it from you. I get it from them. It is now double jeopardy. Yet, they act as if they want a war so we will have to see if they are really ready and prepared for war. It is raw naked aggression and we look feeble. I need those indictments to hurry up. I need our military to ready hurricane and earthquake forces. I need their leaders identified and tracked. I need immediate retaliation and to push them to war; official declaration of war has been made on them due to their failure to surrender and total lack of respect for the deadline. All indicators suggest this is what must happen; they have not let up one bit. We will know if this is a bluff or the real thing. They can either act tough or in control or act like they are dying. God is not on their side so why even open their stupid mouth constantly? We will find out shortly if they have a retirement plan or have thought this out thoroughly.

In the future, we will have the satellites ready for them and it will not turn out this way. I know how to keep their encroachment back with heat or pain. In case they ever get this idea again. Once you start taking out their leaders; they will indicate whether or not they are ready for war or ready to die. I have to listen to this shit all day and night; so it is time to determine how far they will go with this and when they will understand war has been declared on them. Let the military and the office of hurricane and earthquakes take care of the details. Ann, you need to change; both who you are and what you want in life. You cannot keep using me to get what you want. I am ready to sue you and my patience has run out. I am closing up, F them and F these damned people. This country has so many asshats and failures. Even the military is now crippled with all those radical multi-cultural soldiers who end up like McVeigh and Muhammad. Right now I am being attacked by rogue military people; so F these people. This was naked aggression and all of them from the bottom up are feeble. They think we are going to stand here and let this go down; repeatedly and day after day. It is time for them to act in a proper way; not naked aggression. They can even act like we declared war and they are dying.

The leaders in America need to be replaced. Look at the rotten left wind and liberal soldiers who are now homeless or fighting cops, doing bombings, etc... I am out of answers; only war remains. Let this begin and let the military earthquake and hurricane them first; then follow up with their leaders. Let the military begin the process of declaring war on them; it is what they want and what their message is about. This nation is doomed and war is the only solution. Begin as I have indicated and make sure they know war has been declared on them; take it like a champ or accept the declaration. We have sat here for four years and listened to them day after day; it is time one side declares war; begin with their strongholds and then their leaders. Let the military shoot them in the head; you are not the authority or ever was. Let's see if they accept formal declaration of war since they refuse to surrender. We cannot allow or stand here when naked aggression knocks daily. It is not your role to act like a leader or pretend to be declaring war; get this through your head; we are facing raw naked aggression and it has not ceased. If it makes them happy, act like they won and they reached heaven. Most of the radicals have Jewish mentors. This includes the Puerto Ricans, Filipino, and blacks. All of them live in squander. We nearly got caught up in their poverty and ghetto. Luckily, we escaped their death sentence or naked aggression; this is their marketing or sales pitch. They are looking for leaders but mostly followers; not leaders. We will know how generous their social security package has been to them and where they will be in the long term.

The Nuremberg Trials tell the story of who they are and this naked aggression. The question is if they are ready for war and if they are prepared to handle war declared on them? We have sat here and taken their crap and their constant attacks. Get this done immediately; hurry up and get here Ann. Either show up or not; no more excuses; make your final decision and stick to it. I need a good partner and someone who is not part of the problem or the problem. We do not have enough time; hurry up. Those heat satellites should target their smart-asses and we will see if they are as good as they say; time them on how long they can evade or escape third degree burns. Yeah well, I did not ask for this or signed up for this either; it just keeps coming and gets worse. You have done your best and this is where it has to end Ann; decision time. I just want my money and to bring my life back; that is all. I do not want to live in squander while this war is in full swing. I need peace in my life. Clearly, the jews and blacks are totally crazy and war must be declared. Most of them are poor already and most of them hate America with a passion; better off without them. I cannot tell them how to act; but we have a major problem on the right wing, it is the left wing, identical. Real trashy and real crazy people living in America under the radar. This political enemy has got to be the most draining and stupid we have ever encountered; God clearly hates them and is angry, why even open their mouth or use naked aggression?

I hope for their sake they know what they are doing because if the military has hurricane and earthquake capability; they can be defeated very quickly and their leaders brought to their knees very easily. Why they act this way is unknown; it is has been over twenty years of this and I need peace and for them to face the blood and guts of war. They must be taught surrender. They must be made to know who the boss is and when they are in serious trouble; naked aggression is not the American standard, nor is hit-or-miss guessing on their part. Make sure this enemy knows and accepts what they have done. They continue to skirt the issue of war so impose it on them; the way it is supposed to be done. Are they really ready and are they really prepared as they claim? They went past the deadline and refused to surrender. There is no turning back. Ann, you are so full of shit it is hard to take anymore. Also you are my lifeline; but the problem is you are still full of shit. What do you expect me to do; honestly? Get pissed off? Complain? Act like a man or your master? What? You won't even give me my money back and you cannot even take orders. Look at Limbaugh, he looks more stable and more normal than either you or I. Get your shit together and get a hold of your stupid life. You do not need an elaborate speech or to fly anywhere Ann; just make a decision or give me my money and call it quits. You cannot market the insanity of New York by parading leadership, industriousness, power, elitism, constantly traveling, busy, and expect the best outcome.

Nuremberg Trial Section Added:

The New Masterpiece and Final Chapter to Hurricane and Earthquake Duty, it is called, "Analysis of The D-Day Invasion, Persian Gulf War Invasion, and Satellite or Hurricane Earthquake Forces" :

You Have to Ask the Police: They do know these people are running around with felony charges while blaming me or trying to use it against me? You do you the damages had to be capped at 1.6 billion dollars; retire them or wait for early retirement? You do know there is an end and it has to come to an end sooner rather than later? The work to begin clearing my name and focusing on the people who have a 10,000 count felony indictment may want to begin or proceed. There is a paper trail and it is clear sabotage and treason has been violated. It is clear as day, the police may want to crack down or get on this immediately before all hell breaks loose in America.

Be aware of this labor union, they have managed to infiltrate the right wing and launch horrendous attacks and terror plots. These people have lost their soul. They are no longer human beings. They insist they want to give us more or gifts; but they must take from others in order to be properly funded. Even worse, they have made it a culture and a norm. All they worry about is food on the table, not what kind of animal they have become. They rob and they tell each other lies to make one another happier or more confident. Then they inject this culture and this human traitor into the police force, the military, and political leadership where they are able to impact and affect the lives of others negatively or ruin them. This is the culture which has incubated the drug wars and rapid crime rates. This crazy human being also has a death wish and unless war is imposed on them; they feel there is no end to this and their freedom allows them the power or ability to rob and steal; in order to be funded and to give others their gift. Again, they are no longer human beings and they have come to accept this transformation. We fought them and we resisted their transformation; then we trapped them and exposed them before giving them the hell the deserve. The problem is they are not well funded and the other problem is they seek those people who can keep them well funded. All of them are the same and there is a code of silence being enforced on the right wing and the left wing. We have broken their blockade and literally given them hell and torture.

These people have had the door slammed in their faces so many times, 100s of times a day, they have convinced themselves it is opportunity and a new door to either annoy us or turn us into one of them; humility. Their pecking order is now what they can give us. They are so crazed, they run their mouths uncontrollably as the door is slammed in their faces or hurricane and earthquakes wisk them away. Who invites that into their life and who in hell would let it stay or linger for over 20 years? Exactly. Something very bad has gone wrong and these people have not gotten the full force of the message yet. Getting the door slammed in your face once or 100s of times clearly means it is time to stop, cease, and get lost. It is not opportunity and it is not reality, whether they care or not. When they are close to military action or retaliation by the military; reality better set in and stop them before something really bad happens or they are held accountable for their actions. Regardless, this enemy, labor union, and pest remains vigilante and an opportunist lurking and stalking us. This is how and why it ended up like this and how and why it took so long to trace them, track them, and expose them; but it goes on furiously still. It is time to cut their funding off and let the forces of hurricanes and earthquakes do justice. It is time they are shut down once and for all. This is also why we are trying to kick them out of the military and off the police force; it is endless babble and ridiculous nonsense. They act like they do not care and are invincible; trying to give us aid but are not funded? Maybe they won't cry like the little twitch they truly are when we do kick them out or evict them from government service? They continue this ludicrous game where they are starving in America and breeding furiously when they have no talents but criminal lawlessness. Their breed and genetics clearly indicate they have no talents whatsoever but to act in this manner for power and control. No talents or worth but an incredible desire for power and control; to breed and expand by giving desperate people "things." The newest invention is a right wing labor union and God, also called conservatism.

The communist forces in America, specifically the left wing; have gone looney. They are trying to take advantage of the situation, primarily political advantage, to do an encroachment and keep us in captivity or spy on us. They claim they are not a threat and not mentally ill because they are able to function and have jobs surpassing us. This was more of the same and as usual; our security is total inadequate or feeble. It is an encroachment that has gone on far too long and in the most boisterous mayhem possible. It also traces back to the military and the politics of the 1960s.

It is easy to fool the public and use TV and radio to conduct this parade. On TV and radio, they parade as ideal right wingers, open minded, and even wonderful citizens. More of their scams and bribery; more of their demands to move or leave. Now their newest scam is to lure is in and pretend we won't leave and they do not understand what the problem is or do not want any trouble; we are the problem, they need help. They now do not know why everybody is trying to kill them; but they do not want any trouble? They did nothing to get here or start a huge war? They ignored us and did not meddle? Because we had turned the tables on them; they felt lying their way out of this was the only way; so they copied our tactic and turned the tables on us. We were begging and would not leave. They did not want trouble. We were in the way. They were only following orders and we had tricked them. They went from stalking us for over 20 years to being our master overnight; but lying about 20 years is an incredible task; that is a lot of details and for so many personnel. If you ask them where they got all of this from; they go blank and claim they are the authors; we did not exist. Odd, for people with zero college education; they are doctorate candidates now with the secrets of this world. Try lying about that and how they got it. This is why they began to lure us in to housing arrangements; fraud and acting under a false pretense. It was widespread lying, on a scale of 10, this was a 10. Ask them about 911, the scale is also 10; total lies. Somehow and for worse, this story keeps on hitting rock bottom and turning out with liberation and freedom for the blacks and the Jews. This is why we continue to add, they were the principles behind it and why this was so grotesque to be part of it. They are troubled people who drool over those who are not. They are people obsessed with becoming God and meddling in the affairs of others; to seek control. How did we liberate this?

Now that it is virtually impossible to emphasize the negative or leave out the positive; in an attempt to incriminate or falsely arrest; those who were doing it before or who had stacked up a paper trail; are guilty of false arrest and a complete failure to vindicate after their cruel hoax and evil had been exposed. This little cat and mouse game of words, facts, and leverage; sought only the miniscule of negatives when weighed up against the mountains of positive. Even worse, they waged war and in war; they felt untouchable or unaffected that others had a right to self defense. Therefore, their mission for the past 23 years was not only to ruin our life; but to emphasize the negative while propagandizing or accelerating only the negative; until all of this came to a screeching halt. One of those tactics and character assassinations was to label someone "mentally ill" or schizophrenic; the truth was they were poor, cockroaches, scatter brained, and their life took them somewhere other than here. The constant emphasis of being a threat to their power was real; but it was them who waged war and this terror plot. Thus we caught them and exposed them before their ultimate decimation. Small minded and full of tricks; they still cannot see the entire picture or the truth; they repeat mistakes and claim they only made mistakes for 23 years. Primarily, these attacks came at the workplace or the housing arrangement. This is how the theft began and how it ended.

This left wing labor union, radical group, protest organizer, and SOB enemy; was constantly meddling in our affairs. Mostly, it was living or housing arrangements, even if it was where we grew up or where we had lived all of our life. They were constantly trying to cut off good relationships, form bad ones, and prowling for a defection; any opportunity. You became so paranoid and so careful because they watched you 24 hours a day and kept meddling or blocking. It came down to a housing arrangement and it came down to the access they obtained using business or jobs; commerce. They were silenced repeatedly, yet they refused to amend their mistakes or cease. It just kept on going on for over twenty years while we tried desperately to silence them and shut them down. Based on the indictment against them; only a bloody war would stop them or silence them. A code of silence had set in and so did a conspiracy to coverup; it was a death sentence and they prepared to take this to the grave. These are the same characteristics of witch trials, an inquisition, and rogue prosecutors who are no damn good. Yet, why were we in this trap designed and created for a witch or a heretic? This SOB (initially police) was meddling in our affairs and schooling, our career and love life, and we responded in the most humiliating way you could imagine before beginning what was to become the war of their life. When that war was to end was contained in their genetics and their begging rights. This is what can happen when you give them opportunity, jobs, and a voice. Now it is a process of waking them up and forcing them to be in the reality of the moment.

Like a swarm of cockroaches taking over a run down house, these beggars meddle and try to get in the way 24 hours a day. You would think you had just landed on Omaha Beach and whatever they wanted or had taken over; would not be given over without a fight to the death. However, these are beggars, stragglers, and lackeys. They meddle and pester to the point of agitation and ruin; until the begging is complete or a full circle. Furthermore, they invite you into their trap, web of deceit, or scam. Nobody walks into their scams willingly. What they do is play a game to suggest you are powerless or cannot resist them. At times it gets violent. After they kidnap you, this is what the daily regiment is full with; all day and all night. Again, nobody walks into this willingly, they kidnap you. Then like cockroaches they take over an abandoned home. The ability to rent or invite someone into their nest or home; is how they are able to accomplish so much; much the same as inviting someone into their company or working under their command. So long as they have control, they will beg and invite themselves until they are in the way, obstructionist, or refuse to release the day. These radicals and terrorist network used rental property in VA, NY and FL, advertised on the internet to carry out this kidnapping, robbery, and constant pressure. They used the begging to cloak the extortion and the 10,000 felony count indictment. Even when they met earthquakes and hurricanes, they kept the code of silence. It was their genetics and who they were. Their genetics made up a scam and fraud about how they want to "give us" many comforts; but they must be properly funded! Be aware of this labor union, they have managed to infiltrate the right wing and launch horrendous attacks and terror plots.

The communist forces in America, specifically the left wing; have gone looney. They are trying to take advantage of the situation, primarily political advantage, to do an encroachment and keep us in captivity or spy on us. They claim they are not a threat and not mentally ill because they are able to function and have jobs surpassing us. This was more of the same and as usual; our security is total inadequate or feeble. It is an encroachment that has gone on far too long and in the most boisterous mayhem possible. It also traces back to the military and the politics of the 1960s.

These homeless, lackey, and beggars are living on the fringe. Out of the total or full completion of a human being; we measure them with only 25% total energy or power remaining. Getting hurricanes and earthquakes makes that number even more terrifying. Inviting people, which is a felony and has been repeatedly, is an act of fraud. Acting under a false pretense; terrorists, communists, radicals, saboteurs, felons, etc... is also illegal. These are beggars and robbers; they lure people into this terror plot and at times it can become very violent and high pitched. They feel they have more power and energy; will win the fight and the war. They feel people are too weak to combat their attacks and constant trickery. One wrong move and one hurricane-earthquake retaliation; their 25% remaining energy can be cut in half, 12.5%. By acting like they are determined, well cultured, or as a businessman; they are able to lure or invite people into their den and traps. This is when the espionage, brainwashing, and theft begins. By appearing as a charity, they can support their forces or troops; meanwhile, chase off or ruffle those who get too near or wander into their revolutionary command center. For all their begging and efforts, they not only got the door slammed on their smaller faces, they got hell unleashed in the form of mother nature and forces they do not understand. This is how their power and numbers went from 35%, 32%, 27%, 25% and soon 12.5%. It will be a breeze and a walk in the park when they decide it is time for them to die or go away. Even worse, the smaller they get, the more determined they beg. The more they fail, the worse they become. We had so many of them meddling in our affairs and schooling, our career and love life, and we responded in the most humiliating way you could imagine before beginning what was to become the war of their life. When that war was to end was contained in their genetics and their begging rights. All of them are the same and there is a code of silence being enforced on the right wing and the left wing. We have broken their blockade and literally given them hell and torture.

These people have had the door slammed in their faces so many times, 100s of times a day, they have convinced themselves it is opportunity and a new door to either annoy us or turn us into one of them; humility. Their pecking order is now what they can give us. They are so crazed, they run their mouths uncontrollably as the door is slammed in their faces or hurricane and earthquakes whisk them away. Who invites that into their life and who in hell would let it stay or linger for over 20 years? Exactly. Something very bad has gone wrong and these people have not gotten the full force of the message yet. Getting the door slammed in your face once or 100s of times clearly means it is time to stop, cease, and get lost. It is not opportunity and it is not reality, whether they care or not. When they are close to military action or retaliation by the military; reality better set in and stop them before something really bad happens or they are held accountable for their actions. Regardless, this enemy, labor union, and pest remains vigilante and an opportunist lurking and stalking us. This is how and why it ended up like this and how and why it took so long to trace them, track them, and expose them; but it goes on furiously still. It is time to cut their funding off and let the forces of hurricanes and earthquakes do justice. It is time they are shut down once and for all. This is also why we are trying to kick them out of the military and off the police force; it is endless babble and ridiculous nonsense. They act like they do not care and are invincible; trying to give us aid but are not funded? Maybe they won't cry like the little twitch they truly are when we do kick them out or evict them from government service? They continue this ludicrous game where they are starving in America and breeding furiously when they have no talents but criminal lawlessness. Their breed and genetics clearly indicate they have no talents whatsoever but to act in this manner for power and control. No talents or worth but an incredible desire for power and control; to breed and expand by giving desperate people "things." The newest invention is a right wing labor union and God, also called conservatism.

It is easy to fool the public and use TV and radio to conduct this parade. On TV and radio, they parade as ideal right wingers, open minded, and even wonderful citizens. More of their scams and bribery; more of their demands to move or leave. Now their newest scam is to lure is in and pretend we won't leave and they do not understand what the problem is or do not want any trouble; we are the problem, they need help. They now do not know why everybody is trying to kill them; but they do not want any trouble? They did nothing to get here or start a huge war? They ignored us and did not meddle? Because we had turned the tables on them; they felt lying their way out of this was the only way; so they copied our tactic and turned the tables on us. We were begging and would not leave. They did not want trouble. We were in the way. They were only following orders and we had tricked them. They went from stalking us for over 20 years to being our master overnight; but lying about 20 years is an incredible task; that is a lot of details and for so many personnel. If you ask them where they got all of this from; they go blank and claim they are the authors; we did not exist. Odd, for people with zero college education; they are doctorate candidates now with the secrets of this world. Try lying about that and how they got it. This is why they began to lure us in to housing arrangements; fraud and acting under a false pretense. It was widespread lying, on a scale of 10, this was a 10. Ask them about 911, the scale is also 10; total lies. Somehow and for worse, this story keeps on hitting rock bottom and turning out with liberation and freedom for the blacks and the Jews. This is why we continue to add, they were the principles behind it and why this was so grotesque to be part of it. They are troubled people who drool over those who are not. They are people obsessed with becoming God and meddling in the affairs of others; to seek control. How did we liberate this?

Most people have stable lives, college education, and achieved some form of success in their life. These people have none of the above and seek a new identity. They are stragglers. They are beggars. They try to make others look and feel as if they cannot make it through life without them. It has been over 20 years; life would have been fine without them. Now it is having to listen to this human piece of shit tell us again how we cannot make it through life without a degenerate and lackey whose only power is failure and pestering other human beings about how powerful they are in numbers or what they can do to other people if they get in their way. Our life was once a family, college, and high degrees of achievement; now it is constant war with a pest, criminal, and terror plot. Luckily, we actually had logic and rational thought in our genetics to prevent a bad outcome or horrible ending for us. Yet we have this cockroach trying to take-over that abandoned home or run down home by using invitations or more fraud to lure us in and kick us out if they cannot extort anything. To make this problem go away quickly, they did insane efforts; to quickly have us obtain a judgment and forget the 10,000 count indictment. Furthermore, the scapegoats they tried to railroad us with were so poor, they could not even pay a judgment for $10,000. That is how they decided to end a 20 year ordeal and kidnapping. Luckily, we had the wherewithal to ensure a good ending and a proper ending for us and for them. Believe it or not, their story after 23 years falls on their generosity; they want to give us money, but first, they must be properly funded! How ingenious and why didn't we think of this before? Maybe this will serve as a wake up call for everybody who is close to being guilty as hell and damnation.

Dear Mark Levin - What Your Problem Is? The problem is none of you have any education and you are forced to steal intellectual material and call it a "coronation." That is how a dirtball and a scumbag got this high or to this level. Your IQ is very phony and you all pretend to be the top of the class. Hence, you call your act and phony pretending, a get-away and fraud, some amazing process. You harp about "vicious attacks" on Newt. Do you see one felony charge? How do you compare not one felony charge to a 10,000 felony charge indictment? That is just a cusp of how insane and a lunatic you all are. You piss people off even when you act smart or like a genius; with no education whatsoever. Some of us did homework, went to school, and studied day and night; and you call this "our coronation." The Linkin Park music is you Levin. Coronation? Excuse me? You all are in last place, a dirty cockroach, stupid as hell, and some gorilla in the midst trolling our life; and it is not a myspace or facebook account. You continue to insist you only wish to "debate" us or "criticize." Like the naked violence of animals; we also have you on tape; in case your family ever needs evidence or a history of your legacy. Hint, Andrew Barterer and Sarah Palin; this is why you all sound like us and have a 10,000 count indictment. Your other talent must be who you know and picking friends? Did your mom drop you on your asshat head? Maybe she stuck you down the garbage disposal too many times? What next your own drink, wardrobe, or even Nike? Will the President disavow you if you get caught on Mission Impossible? Wow. Even retarded people would never put themselves in this predicament or this much danger. How many mistakes are we talking about? Don't ever forget, you are the one who thinks this is a coronation and you are smarter. We have a lot of better and important things already on delay and standstill, dumbass. Can we measure your IQ or how stupid your breed truly is? Is this a F'in test on us; if we know what a dumb-ass and Latasha you are? You did slander me, get me arrested, medical problems, and all kinds of stupid tricks to embassy me. You nearly got us killed or raped by silver-back. A death sentence? You show will be shut down or unplugged when one side dies or is killed? I have waited 20 years to ask if any of you have any respect for American law or have any respect for human beings? 911 terror plotters? Are you even American and have any respect for this country? Disgusting. We cannot tell out of you all who is most wrong or has been.

We Have Been Pardoned! Let's Celebrate Conservatism and Dinner! When you tell someone not to call a girl and you are engaged to her; do not send her flowers or gift certificates for steak dinners. Men on Facebook do this and get arrested. Do not write it down or get recorded; especially on phone records or on the radio. I seen some insane shit; but Hanni was probably the best one of them all. Fox News even went along and was so supportive of him, imagine that? At each others' throat daily and on TV! Nobody got sued yet? The FBI does not know? Nobody has been or got fired! Nobody. I love what Hanni said, Obama pardoned you all and him. Bush and now Obama pardoned you? Do you have the proof; certified and ready? That is almost as good as serving in the military or phony soldiers; do you have any paperwork or proof? Can we see all of these medals you speak about or this long record you continue to spout? Oh, now we cannot win legitimately or use the truth? We cannot win? Our life is a mess and we have to lie, cheat, and steal? Are we mentally ill also? I think you all are ready to die; can we MRI you? Can you find one error in your "coronation" because we can. I will say it again, you breed is not a very intelligent creature and you are an Latasha. So everybody who has an education is actually the enemy? Would you also like this "coronation" gift wrapped for you so you can enjoy the IQ test? Most K-3 kids would run and not even be in this situation; not your breed though. I get disgusted and chills listening to your proclamation of who you are and how you are us; really. It is the most disgusting thing I have ever seen or heard Levin; for real. Can you even smell your own shit? Why are you sticking around? Why would we sue you for that or ask for 1.6 billion dollars? Vicious attacks? Time to move on? You don't want us to have a family or breed? Too dangerous? I get grossed out just thinking about it and you being us; the "coronation" of your life! You have no education and you are at this level; go tell the doctoral candidates in college okay. We have the credentials to prove it. I got the DD214 and the degrees; even if it was tampered with or sabotaged. At least we can tell who is who; you? You are God or are you obsessed with the power of God? How obsessed? What are you willing to do? Whisper it? You did what? Why would a black President pardon a piece of shit poor ass like you being lynched before our very eyes? Your IQ? The rules are much different when everybody is watching and when there are witnesses; isn't it? What is it now? We know who is honest and right wing or conservative now; don't we?

This Is About Newt Gingrich? Obama? Not Us? How do you explain 10,000 felony counts including terrorism? Your head is hardwired very wrong. The circuits in your head is so whacked; a serial killer is the only way your Nuremberg Trial can surmise. You and Limbaugh and Clear Channel, like Hanni and Fox; sit there in absolute calm spewing total insanity. Do you have a soul or anything we can associate with a human being? Before you called each other "coaches" and "advisers." How many errors are we talking about teacher? Ten? One hundred? One thousand? Five thousand? Exactly. I do not think you are a human being; there is no evidence of it all at; but you see others as weak, this is your coronation, and this is how strong you all are. The military will declare war on you all, kill your leaders, shoot your leaders like Bin-Laden (in the head), and your family will end up like Breit-Barterer. Do I need to replay the commercial and ad? Wow. Yes, the truth. We have you on tape about the truth and how you are 100 per cent committed to this. The circuits in your head is completely whacked; also you all are not even human; no evidence of this. This is your coronation and kingdom? If we put an MRI to your head; it will look identical to a 911 terrorist; hardwired. Along with your long history of conservatism is the long and arduous hours you flip-flopped on tape and kept insisting what we know is total lunacy and the mind of a criminal terrorist. Explain Ann Coulter? You didn't try to bribe her into silence or being an accomplice? Did it wreck her marriage? It is called trying to sell people a dead horse or a dead cat; why bother? You are just proving what we know already; and for the record. Remember, you are getting paid for this; we are not being paid or get pay; why? Let your lawyer answer that one when it is time. Those you criticize will always say, yes but I don't have a 10,000 count indictment and was recorded as a raving madman. Even if you had a 20,000 count indictment; it won't do a damn thing jackass. Can you find one error; we can. Is there a test or a way to measure your stupidity? Did captivity have something to do with marriage problems or the worsening of them? How did it end? Explain that one. Now check the records when this began; what does it say; 10,000 felonies? A death sentence? You show will be shut down or unplugged when one side dies or is killed? We cannot tell out of you all who is or has been most wrong, but we know all of you are phony and moles.

At Each Bother's Throat? Levin, you finally hit the jackpot. When the police interview you; make sure you begin with, "we were at each others throat" and then tell them when, where, how, and the full story. We were not at your throat; we were trying to get you out of our life so we could have one; our biography. Even if you are at each others throat; yes you and these so called liberals; it does not get you a 10,000 count felony indictment. If you think "The Great One" is powerful enough to erase this corruption, naked aggression, and 10,000 felonies; you better read the story of Rob Clavichord. He has to serve time in prison and Obama let him rot. So I would not place my bets on The Great One or Obama. I bet you "discovered" us and made us what we are today; a total wreck? Is it a MJ story? Is it also a Whitney and Bobby story? Maybe we know who you are and what you are going through? You know country music, ever heard "I Want to be a Good Man?" It is going to take a miracle or a lot of lying and so far it did not work, try a condom; take your pick. Just remember, you are on tape and being recorded and the world never forgets atrocities and naked violence of your character. Yes, try to cheat and steal if nothing works. Dead yet? Surrender to the authorities? The amount of endless babble is unheard of; glad you are getting far and being paid. How do you explain that one; we are not paid and you are being paid for this? Yes, our life? Did you also discover MJ - Jordan; and kill his dad? Giggle and pretend you do not know how to explain it; we know who you are; a rotten communist radical terrorist. Here you are, not even one error can be found by any of you; a code of silence? A conspiracy and terror plot? You can't find one error made or can't talk; you want us to sue you and are calling our bluff? You have embarked on sheer stupidity; do you know it or is this a test for us? You did slander me, get me arrested, medical problems, and all kinds of stupid tricks to embarrass me. You nearly got us killed or raped by silver-back. So your employer had nothing to do with this or acted similar to Whitey Booger's wife, Catherine? No, you all would never take the law into your own hands and try to lie about it; too conservative. I have waited 20 years to ask if any of you have any respect for American law or have any respect for human beings? 911 terror plotters? Are you even American and have any respect for this country? Disgusting. I think we know who you are now and whether or not you are more correct than Obama and the left wing.

Maybe this will serve as a wake up call? This is just some of the bickering, decline, and the glue which has gone on way too long over the years Ann. The only factor in your favor is I have a communist enemy encroaching on me and you are trying to take advantage of the situation while they try also. This shows the leadership problems on your side and theirs; how fast decline sets in and what twenty years with this pest and left wing idiot can do to a healthy life. I hope you and them learn what enough is and when enough is enough. I also hope you learn how quickly things can turn sour; even in combat. Now you see them trying to take advantage and vulture your carcass. Again and again. Is this the constant bickering you were telling me about or is it the bickering between you and I which has set in? None of you are very good leaders; total F ups and still encroaching on this situation and taking advantage. Look at what your constant bickering and delays got Ann; and they are still trying to take advantage of the situation.

Dear Ann Coulter - These Men Must Mean A Lot to You! Look Ann, most people will say the same thing. These men in your life must really mean a lot to you since you spent so much time with them, so many years, and built up so many memories or history. You also traded in over twenty years of marriage; that is a lot and a big trade in. You keep telling me how I do not have to worry, there is no sex, and sex or not why would I worry? Heck you fill me with worry to the point where I call you a bitch and wish I did not know you. Do you feel the same way also? My worst fear is you have so many secrets; when you croak or die of some terminal illness; one of these men will come to me and tell me a lie or the real story about your life. It is not a comforting feeling at all but those worries are rooted in the fact you traded your marriage and 23 years of knowing me; for one of them or all of them. Also, do you really think it has gone on long enough? Really? That was sort of outrageous don't you think, coming from you? What is the next surprise I get from your crazy and insane life Ann? A mystery man appearing when you are dead or gone with some wild story about you or one of these people? I asked you, "Ann, is this all or is there more" and you tell me that was about it. Then for two years you go off on all of this baggage and crazy shit. Look at all of this baggage Ann, enough for two lifetimes. Even worse, you act like you know what you are doing or have a plan; and you do not. None. Now you tell me your problem was you had convinced yourself you and I could not be separated. Well, you really tested that one Ann. Any other bright ideas while you are in that zone? It feels like you are a total F'up who is constantly looking for an alibi, excuse, or some crazy earthly meaning when there is none; stupidity. I hate girls like this and totally despise who they are; completely. I ask myself if I had money; would you even think about acting this way or imposing yourself on me in such a foul manner? Am I the last person who will have this done to Ann or is there more after me?

If I Had 1.6 Billion Dollars in Damages: I would sue your ass Ann. Maybe then you would stop acting like my buddy or keeping me here while you fly around drinking and dining like you were 20 years old. Then even worse, you keep telling me how you are trying to make it better! It is a complete train wreck. Then it is your stupid staff and friends; utter nonsense when they talk or make a stupid blurp from their mouth. But you just sit there and let them do whatever they want; with no worry abou the coming outcome or what it can do to your life, my life, etc... You do not take any legal action on them; I am totally paralyzed, and you expect me to live this way. Had you given my back my money; what you owed for all those years as partners; I would not even be here screaming and yelling at you. But that is who you are and you take it like a champ and nothing ever changes. It feels like you are a total F up who is acting big and bad for the cameras. You almost got raped and murdered also; still acting big and bad. But look at this enemy; you make me choose between them or you? What the F? Heaven or hell right? If I sued you, or if you would have just given me back my money; then life would move on; but this is just part of your charade and campaign with the liberals. Be aware of this labor union, they have managed to infiltrate the right wing and launch horrendous attacks and terror plots. They wanted me; Ann did not want this to happen and now I am responsible for her. It is partly and mostly my fault; but I ended this honorably. You saw no end to this and began to enjoy it way too much; it was your obsession and it took over your soul and who you were in life. Your life and your soul has formed long term relationships with the devil and a traitor.

YOU ARE OBSESSED, IT HAS TAKEN OVER YOUR SOUL AND LIFE. YOUR ADDICTION HAS TAKEN OVER YOUR LIFE! IT WILL KILL YOU. YOU ARE THAT CURLY DARK FACED PERSON WE ALL HATE AND DISLIKE, TROUBLED. You should know better. You should have known they have lost their soul. They are no longer human beings. They insist they want to give us more or make this better; but they must take from others in order to be properly funded. Even worse, they have made it a culture and a norm. All they worry about is food on the table, not what kind of animal they have become. They rob and they tell each other lies to make one another happier or more confident. Then they inject this culture and this human traitor into the police force, the military, and political leadership where they are able to impact and affect the lives of others negatively or ruin them. Ann, you no longer have a soul and you have become them. You have a long term relationship with the devil and an enemy traitor. They have taken over you throughout your life; stalking, surrounding, acting like your buddies. Do you expect me to live like this also? What have I fought for or done that last 23 years? Asked for this ending? Want them in my life? Go to dinner or have drinks with them? My feelings for them are so homicidal, 23 years of this; I am scared to be honest about it. Therefore, you were very flawed and made a lot of errors throughout this; and this is not my style or what I am about; not my cup of tea. I do not like your kind or how you do business; not one bit. Worse, all of your leadership sucks but you wave that flag and brag about your life, freedom, and America. I expected so much more and got so much worse. Getting sued or rip to pieces serves you all well; suffer. It is who you are and your destiny. So yes, I do feel used and cheap by both sides; and I turn out to be the actual royal blood. Aren't you all something else? I took it well even if all of you claimed to be my buddy in life. Maybe now this reality will awaken you all Ann, most especially you jackass. I am glad we launched earthquake and hurricane forces on this enemy and am proud of you for winning this war; but you have far to go lady, far. You should know they are meddling or blocking; ruin good relations, form bad ones, total chaos. They will not stop until they are dead. Now look at your life Ann; then look at mine. Good job partner! Am I allowed to call you every name in the book or what your leadership has done?

Dear Ann Coulter - Get Control of Your Life Please, and Give Me My Money Back! YOU ARE OBSESSED, IT HAS TAKEN OVER YOUR SOUL AND LIFE. YOUR ADDICTION HAS TAKEN OVER YOUR LIFE! IT WILL KILL YOU. YOU ARE THAT CURLY DARK FACED PERSON WE ALL HATE AND DISLIKE, TROUBLED. Any genius can figure out your prison is what you sowed or built Ann. Any genius can figure out these people have a 10,000 count indictment and are 911 terrorists. Any genius can figure out how they are gaining access and destroying the nation. Any genius can figure out it is a lost cause and your obsession with them is much greater than their obsession with you! Any genius can figure out we are dealing with a N and lots of them. Yet there is not one genius in this world who is not telling you to get a grip of your life or some control. Call your brother and tell them to write to Townhall, Lisa, CPAC, MRC, YAF, etc... to return your life and stop being your representative by banning me or my input. I have banned them and now you. You continue to act as if your prison was my problem? I just want my money and life back; from all of you. I have much better things to do, trust me and a lot of girls are in my life Ann. Your narcissism and game with me is coming to an abrupt end; whether or not you like it or it was intentional. You can make 10 or 10 billion excuses; the bottom line is you let this drag on far too long, you are obsessed with them also, you are losing everything in life and your health, and you work yourself to death to please me with a prison you created and cannot escape from. If you had a brain, unlike Democrats; you would realize this also. Still your life is out of control and worse; you are the author of it or researching it still. Ann, you decide if you want to be their ringleader, waste your life and time until I croak, or if you want me to take your F'in head off with this monster you claim has a murder-rape plot on your life. You are no heaven in my life but the source of utter hell; even worse is your private life and how you plead your case to me. As the head of this monster, you just want to antagonize me or make my life hell? Lazy are we Ann? Maybe this will serve as a wake up call? Ann, I have to listen to these communists tell me to shut up; they want to give me things and are using you now to "give me" things. Maybe I should sue your ass for allowing this to happen or occur under the table?

Tell These M'fers To Clean it Up and Quickly, Now! YOU ARE OBSESSED, IT HAS TAKEN OVER YOUR SOUL AND LIFE. YOUR ADDICTION HAS TAKEN OVER YOUR LIFE! IT WILL KILL YOU. YOU ARE THAT CURLY DARK FACED PERSON WE ALL HATE AND DISLIKE, TROUBLED. This is no game and lives are being destroyed hourly; yes and a lot. It can only get worse and there is more hell coming. This is no game for a retard or a daffy buffoon who is losing at a astronomical rate. There is no second chance in this game, none. The hell and the prison has been set; it can only get worse and the torture will be severe; ask Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity; whom both have endured the sting and the brunt of it. Yes you do your own work and own research, nobody else. You have not created heaven on earth for me Ann, yes I am disappointed. The prison you are in is too big for the two of us; me especially. Keep searching for playpals or partners; business as usual. They will love you when the blood you throw at them; is your own. When you run out of things to throw at them; cut off a finger or even your right arm; try an ear and if that does not gross them out; you can always have my limbs; oh wait, not anymore okay. Get a life bitch and get some control over it and your people. You act like I would not beat them to death or push them under and hold them down; push the button will you coward. Are you man or just a coward now? Why am I writing more about this shit and your shit Ann? You are the one who created your prison and hell. You made hell on earth for me because you are a coward and a traitor; a total waste of time. You have a long record of pissing off and upsetting the people you waste all your time on. You do admit your life is totally out of control? Now who is the asshat Ann? You? Me? Both of us? Them? All of us? Are you not satisfied yet? Are you not proud of what you have done? Do you know any honor or shame? Do you have any ounce of human being left for anybody to lavish, dine with, or sleep comfortably with Ann? Do you? I am glad I care more about you than you do Ann. Your leadership is worse than them; no control over your own life whatsoever, none. Now you have joined the ranks of the elite, "worthless bitch singles club." You are the ringleader and head of this monster; do I take your head off or pretend I am not a traitor; your magic touch? Ann, go to hell; 100% victory, ran with it, and then dropped all of it in some ditch or field. Klutz and elated? I must be elated also!

How Can You Live With Youself, the Hell, and the Prison You Have Created? How can you even live with yourself, honestly. You won't even give me back my money. You are as slow as a snail or slow-poke. You surround yourself with retards and lunatics. You have no control of your life. All of you are pathological liars and total frauds. Is this heaven or hell you have created? What did you promise me Ann? Do you think God finds peace in your either? He enjoys reading my material and problem with you? You are surrounded by evil; are you going to let it eat your soul or obsess your life? Are you? You lost your marriage already, now what more do you want to loose? Your life? Limbs? Your speech? Your "virginity." Your fans? The prison you are in was created by your hell and your out of control life; it will take another lifetime to clear up or evict all of your clowns and lunatic Ann. Do you want me to wait or maybe give a nice speech at your funeral? You F'd that up also, no more nice funeral speeches Ann. Do you honestly feel that you created heaven on earth for me and deserve this prison you are in? Do you deserve it? It has overtaken your life and obsessed your entire soul to the point of ruining everything you ever dreamed of or worked for; but you are too stupid and ignorant to even notice or care. How much do you honestly think you are worth? A dollar? A million? A billion? How much Ann? A cheap night of sex? You F'ers are total trash and have no control over your life; none. What do we do with you now? Wait for you to paralyze yourself or a terminal illness to set in? All of you are just sitting targets and too retarded to know or care. About that speech on leadership Ann... yes now what? What is it now Ann? Worse, you want to go out there and take on the wolves and the F'in vultures? You have a death-wish also; it is so obvious and transparent. Asshat? Monkey? Buffoon? Why don't we just nuke all of you and let God take care of the rest? Sound like a great idea from this angle. Clean it up you M'fers. I am not kidding and there will be heads and hell to pay. Ann, you got me going ape shit also; and the entire world; happy now? Cut these MF off will you; ditch them and quickly; then wake the F up. You are so intoxicated by their stupid tricks, scams, and nonsense. Even I hate your guts now and am convinced you are a complete retard.

The communist forces in America, specifically the left wing; have gone looney. They are trying to take advantage of the situation, primarily political advantage, to do an encroachment and keep us in captivity or spy on us. They claim they are not a threat and not mentally ill because they are able to function and have jobs surpassing us. This was more of the same and as usual; our security is total inadequate or feeble. It is an encroachment that has gone on far too long and in the most boisterous mayhem possible. It also traces back to the military and the politics of the 1960s.

Ann you forget who you are dealing with and what measures they will go to. Who in hell would let or work with these people, no less invite them or let them into your life? A stalker? A female? A white person? Who would let this enemy access or into their life so they can face this kind of ending? Why in hell would you let these people stay or remain in our life for over 20 years; hurry up and get rid of them before they regroup or regain power. These people have had the door slammed in their faces so many times, 100s of times a day, they have convinced themselves it is opportunity and a new door to either annoy us or turn us into one of them; humility. Their pecking order is now what they can give us. They are so crazed, they run their mouths uncontrollably as the door is slammed in their faces or hurricane and earthquakes wisk them away. Who invites that into their life and who in hell would let it stay or linger for over 20 years? Exactly. Something very bad has gone wrong and these people have not gotten the full force of the message yet. Getting the door slammed in your face once or 100s of times clearly means it is time to stop, cease, and get lost. It is not opportunity and it is not reality, whether they care or not. When they are close to military action or retaliation by the military; reality better set in and stop them before something really bad happens or they are held accountable for their actions. Regardless, this enemy, labor union, and pest remains vigilante and an opportunist lurking and stalking us. This is how and why it ended up like this and how and why it took so long to trace them, track them, and expose them; but it goes on furiously still. It is time to cut their funding off and let the forces of hurricanes and earthquakes do justice. It is time they are shut down once and for all. This is also why we are trying to kick them out of the military and off the police force; it is endless babble and ridiculous nonsense. They act like they do not care and are invincible; trying to give us aid but are not funded? Maybe they won't cry like the little twitch they truly are when we do kick them out or evict them from government service? They continue this ludicrous game where they are starving in America and breeding furiously when they have no talents but criminal lawlessness. Their breed and genetics clearly indicate they have no talents whatsoever but to act in this manner for power and control. No talents or worth but an incredible desire for power and control; to breed and expand by giving desperate people "things." The newest invention is a right wing labor union and God, also called conservatism.

It is easy to fool the public and use TV and radio to conduct this parade. On TV and radio, they parade as ideal right wingers, open minded, and even wonderful citizens. More of their scams and bribery; more of their demands to move or leave. Now their newest scam is to lure is in and pretend we won't leave and they do not understand what the problem is or do not want any trouble; we are the problem, they need help. They now do not know why everybody is trying to kill them; but they do not want any trouble? They did nothing to get here or start a huge war? They ignored us and did not meddle? Because we had turned the tables on them; they felt lying their way out of this was the only way; so they copied our tactic and turned the tables on us. We were begging and would not leave. They did not want trouble. We were in the way. They were only following orders and we had tricked them. They went from stalking us for over 20 years to being our master overnight; but lying about 20 years is an incredible task; that is a lot of details and for so many personnel. If you ask them where they got all of this from; they go blank and claim they are the authors; we did not exist. Odd, for people with zero college education; they are doctorate candidates now with the secrets of this world. Try lying about that and how they got it. This is why they began to lure us in to housing arrangements; fraud and acting under a false pretense. It was widespread lying, on a scale of 10, this was a 10. Ask them about 911, the scale is also 10; total lies. Somehow and for worse, this story keeps on hitting rock bottom and turning out with liberation and freedom for the blacks and the Jews. This is why we continue to add, they were the principles behind it and why this was so grotesque to be part of it. They are troubled people who drool over those who are not. They are people obsessed with becoming God and meddling in the affairs of others; to seek control. How did we liberate this?

Dear Ann Coulter - The Hell and The Prison You All Are In: Maybe arthritis, cancer, paralysis, or some form of terminal illness will end your cruel and mindless games with the human race or me. However, if and when you are forced to retire or walk away from a fight you cannot possibly win by yourself; you will learn not to let this enemy overcome or take over your mind, body, and life. This is what you did and how you threw away your own life, my partnership, and what you worked so hard to achieve or accomplish. The only dumbass or idiot here is you. You let them take over your life and dominate it on a level I have never seen; yet you saw no end or no worries in it. Maybe if terminal illness or even a hip replacement will change your mind or your personality. In my book, you are a traitor to our partnership; in yours you are nothing more than a liar and an impersonator. A terrific choice in my book and one heck of an ending. To this day you are still chickenshit and too scared to even fix or act on your heart and what you worked all your life for. For that I pity your soul and piss on your grave because there is nobody left to blame but yourself. You can't use me as an excuse. You cannot use our partnership. All you have is the evil and the errors you have left behind in the wake of your horrendous career. Maybe it pushed me forward a few feet and maybe I would not be who I am today; but it did not have to be this way or end in this manner. You F'ers did not and have not created heaven on earth; you created hell. You politicians got the prison God and hurricane-earthquake wished upon you all; to rot and to die in. Enjoy your new cell and prison mates! The fury of God and mother nature has been unleashed on all of you; thanks for the heaven. Are you still searching for or seeking play-pals? Ann you act like a F'in slave and a bitch who has your head screwed backwards or you get things done with your crotch and tits. I am beginning to get very angry with you and your way of doing business; the ringleader are you? Are you satisfied yet Ann and have you found your happiness and peace in life? You should know already this left wing labor union, radical group, protest organizer, and SOB enemy; was constantly meddling in our affairs. You know what they get their hands on, anything, they would mess up or constantly try to cut off good relationships, form bad ones, and endlessly prowling for a defection; any opportunity. Everybody became so paranoid and so careful because they watched you 24 hours a day and kept meddling or blocking; ruin good relations, form bad ones, total chaos.

10,000 Count Indictment, Walk Away or Let This Consume You? YOU ARE OBSESSED, IT HAS TAKEN OVER YOUR SOUL AND LIFE. YOUR ADDICTION HAS TAKEN OVER YOUR LIFE! IT WILL KILL YOU. YOU ARE THAT CURLY DARK FACED PERSON WE ALL HATE AND DISLIKE, TROUBLED. The Hell and Prison You Are Trapped In - Under Ice: That also goes for the other side who thinks they are God's leaper messiah or messenger. Like all politicians you all are liars and con men. Like all leaders of the past, you learn nothing and cannot fix the hell or the damnation of the mess you leave behind. We have seen it all before and you had promised me not to worry; but now I know who I got and why it ended this way. All of you are cut from the same cookie mole and all of you are traitors in one way or the other. So yes, there is a stark difference between you and I; and I like I much more. But so do you and that is where my nightmare has to stop and end this. You may hate your life or yourself; but you have really done it this time with me Ann; this was the last and final straw on the camel's back. Your derangement is to tell yourself how educational you are to my life or this world; all of you are like this. I got the same problem with the communists and this communist pest in my life. Damn all of you for being born, being so weak, and messing so much up! The hell and the prison you are in was created especially for you, how you are, to cater to your lies and deceit, and was the result of your own evil and treacherous life. This prison was created especially for you political misfits and asshats; enjoy it and the remainder of your damnation. Before the eyes of God and the public, you created this prison and hell on earth; an imposter and total phony. In this prison you will stay, tortured, beaten, bleeding, and praying for your final days on earth. If you are lucky they will allow you to work and get some supervised fresh air. Welcome to your fate and your future. If you had some control over your life Ann, at least some; maybe God would be with you and your marriage would stand the test of time; can you smell it or do you know what you have done to our friendship? Are you done looking for a partner or searching for play-pals? More song and dance, more drinking events, and more dinners and stupid crap right? That is your hell and prison. Clean it up you M'fers. Do you know why I am embarrassed or upset with you? Do you have a clue or just a slow, lazy, cruel, good-for-nothing, head of monster, asshat which this is leading to? What more do you want to destroy between us Ann; I have women now; can I have my F'in money? As the head of this monster, you just want to antagonize me or make my life hell?

Dear Ann Coulter - Let the Military Shoot Them In The Head: you look like a total failure and a total F'up. You do not have the authority or the leadership to shoot them in the head and look like a traitor; back and forth. You will loose everything in life and it is taking over your life, my life, and much more; an obsession. Your leadership is the worst it has ever been and I wonder myself if you are a total F'up or just acting and pretending. You did not make it better and are drunk with lies and secrets. All of you look like total F'ups and addicted and obsessed with each other. Let the military nuke them or shoot them in the head; you do not have the authority to slaughter them, understand asshat? You are overtaken and it has taken over your life; to the point where you are on your deathbed.

Before The Highest Military Order and Court Ever Witnessed in the World: Just so you retards and traitors know this or care; you are before the highest military court and order in the world. One wrong move or mistake; one retaliation and history can be changed forever. Your future can be planned and plotted like a lego block or a etch-it-pad. Either you all are total retards or scared to death; make up your minds. We know you are evil and have a death wish but is this how you go before the highest military order in the world or try to bomb them into oblivion or surrender? What did we miss and what did you miss; or is it so secretive the highest military order in the world does not know? When is this code of silence going to be broken? When is this call to the military going to be made to clean house and retaliate? When is the FBI going to decide if the call will be to the military or the Justice Department for this 10,000 felony count indictment? Are all of you in la-la land or just a human piece of shit without any soul or direction in life? Is this why it has to escalate so far and so high? This is your future and this is your performance in the most dangerous and perilous time in your life? This is how you act and behave under quarantine and before the highest court in the world and recorded for history? So are the communist the problem or is it the capitalist? Is it the right wing or is this the left wing? Who is this enemy before the highest court and why have they been summoned to this level? They are also being judged by the court of public opinion; can they be honest or taken serious? Why all of this nonsense from both sides and the worst of the worst? They are obsessed and addicted to politics or merely us? Who is obsessed and addicted to what; it has taken their life over and led them to death and total destruction.

Dear Ann Coulter, Are You an Asshat or A Retard? YOU ARE OBSESSED, IT HAS TAKEN OVER YOUR SOUL AND LIFE. YOUR ADDICTION HAS TAKEN OVER YOUR LIFE! IT WILL KILL YOU. YOU ARE THAT CURLY DARK FACED PERSON WE ALL HATE AND DISLIKE, TROUBLED. Ann, you are proving to many people you are an asshat, a punk-ass, and a total retard. You may get your kicks by daring them or screwing up more of your life; but if and when the chips are down, it is you who is trapped in your own prison and created the hell you are undergoing and it is on record you did not create heaven in my life but a total hell. So only you can prove to yourself and others what kind of a buffoon, asshate, jackass, or wonderful partner you truly are; heaven or hell? Choose Ann. Where are you going to when the chips are down? You want to go to torture town, you going by yourself this time. You want to go into loony or princess town, you determinately are looking for a playmate or partner. You want people to take your head off or be the ringleader of this monster we all want to kill or liquidate; god-damn; how long has it been and how many years did this obsess your life or soul? You are addicted and obsessed Ann; like pollution and self-destruction levels. You are now programmed to destroy yourself and many others. I cannot believe what kind of an asshat you truly turned out to be or became in the end; took a 100% victory, ran with it, and then dropped all of it lost in some ditch or field; who the F knows where you are. Do you know where you are anymore? You have totally lost me and you totally created hell for everybody now. How is it on your end Ann? Any idea why I got a new girl or want one? Run faster? Ringleader still? Obsessed? You care about them? They are part of your life and your pets? Wow. Zzzzz.... you tell me if you are a F'in retard or just lazy and a liar? We know they prostituted you. You used to be elated and joyful daily of being with Johns. You seem out of it or on drugs. You were having such a great time! Elated with your life? You are trying to win my trust and confidence? Feel stupid yet? Go to dinner! Drink! Invent a drinking game. Are you satisfied yet Ann and have you found your happiness and peace in life?

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My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.