How weak is Ann Coulter? Ann, how awful is your life and leadership? Let's say these men are not bent over waiting for a pocket knife or a shank deep in their pucker will stop them. Tim Teebow should have his legs broken in the worst way possible. He is the cleanup for Limbaugh and Hannity. I will laugh when he meets his end and the NFL tells him to get lost; stop trying to clean up for Limbaugh and Hannity. Joe Theismann had his leg broken badly; let's pray Teebow has two of them. God, if you are out there and are watching over us; let T-bow have both legs broken during a game. Another one of their hit or miss deployments. We see this 24 hours and for the past 23 years. America has to love those football players; they are role models. Hit him and break his legs, for America and for our future. This is no bank robbery and shootout. Good job Ann, take a look where your life is going. Why don't you bend them over and sent the pocket knife love letter? That will wake them up fast! In prison when these big burly men bend over; it is not a pocket knife or a shank; it is the real deal. I guarantee you Ann, your life will fix itself overnight. Hannity or T-bone; one tiny pocketknife on their pucker and they will have their story straight. I am not you Ann, but if I was; I would make my message clear, concise, and quickly. That is how you deal with this rapist and bully terror plotters. Go and get a pocket knife Ann; just in case you feel like attacking them. If it comes down to it, we want and need to know what kind of balls you people have.
Obviously, someone is infiltrating and stacking certain states we prize or view as paradise; then converting that paradise into a village or the ghettos of New York. Need an example of where this nest is or what their politics is about? I am surprised the Republicans in Florida do not or have not noticed.
The problem we face is enormous politically. First we are outnumbered; however, I am and have discussed with both CIA and FBI the best and most powerful solutions. The second problem is violence and guns. In order to benefit or gain off evil, crime, and poor SOBs; they must empty out the prisons and disarm them. That is a gigantic voting block and a major problem. That enemy will cannibalize the police over time because the police will try to either gain or seek political control utilizing that particular sector of the society. So by arming the entire population, we can both shoot them and deport them at the same time. Now that is happiness! No need to worry, my forces are busy at work! Gun control is evil. The only way to stop a madman is to shoot them before he massacres more and more.
Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity; along with the others make up the head of the communist movement worldwide. They are being very disingenuous, with us and with others. Their sole intention is to place the blame on us, do everything humanly possible to make us look like the problem, continue to suggest or impose we invited them or this is an invitation, they are now believers, and the usual list of slogan chanting we see at aggrandized crime rallies or rounding up all the radicals in America. They are as communist as they get. You could not and will not get any other substitute when it comes to traitors and communists. They are obviously very anti-American; but incubation of this leftist problem has enabled them to throw it back and blame others for being anti-American. We see the data. We see what all the damage truly is about. We see 50 states begrudging to take legal action or demand relief from this political nuisance, pest, and enemy. Each and every single day their camouflage and identity because more difficult to trace and pin down; we have proven this. How do they seek to squash or disprove it? Lying, cheating, stealing, and more of this criminal rampage and unbounded evil.
Your Commander In Chief eats dogs; get over it! Your boss likes your K9, now move on!
The facts clearly show that it was prudent to retire before things got much worse and far out of hand. As we can see the peril and dangers double, quantify, and even becomes a death sentence. Imagine what today would have looked like had retirement by the US Army was not immediately decided early on?
Here is a strong message to those who are reading this and guilty. We know. We know who you are and trapped you. Do not test the patients of others. It is futile and escape is not in your fate. Turn yourself in immediately and seek mercy or leniency. Otherwise, be prepared to pay back or be accountable to the tax dollars you used to go on a rampage. There are ways and methods to extract information when you are in custody. There are ways and methods to root out your lies, track you down, and launch a superior campaign against you. It is futile and you cannot win, ever. Your fate has spoken, $500 a month worth. $500 a month did this to you, your future, your fate, and your directionless political life. If you push it to the limit, you will be implicated and forced to pay damages. Leaders being paid six figures or lawyers on the dole of six figures for danger pay or silence; is a crime. Glory to those who know what to do and are not ready to die; and have the credentials to prove this. The prospect of abuse of power and utilizing the money surrendered to you under a false premise or by blatant misrepresentations; warrants a refund or return. You must show good works and be graded on the standards laid forth. Without the credentials and validation, you were born into the world ready for jail. Poverty is in your genetic body. The stars have spoken.
Do not wait until your peers turn you in; sissy the day. Glory only to the victors and those victorious; anguish and slavery to the defeated. They pulled you deeper into this and got you stuck in this mess. There is no way to turn it off. There is not way to push the stop button when and if you want. There is no way to throw up your hands and in the last second, seek diplomatic diplomacy. We have made sure of this, trust your own intuition. It is suicide from here on and you are or will be targeted as "not knowing what to do and is ready to die." That is not how you get a job or a government position; it is a secret suicide plot and communism. It is fertile grounds for a traitor to go on a criminal rampage or seek it from others. The audience can only watch in horror, nothing they do will or will ever help the peril of your destructive life or evil power-seeking greed. Surrender and give up while you can; otherwise, severe hardships and severe punishments will be met. Again, there are ways and methods to extract information by testing the deepest parts of your being and your existence. Human beings have vulnerability and needs. This is a cruel and vicious world you live in or have chosen to live in. Living in two worlds now, is impossible; choose. Choose the wrong one and you will be asked to pay back the salary which financed or implemented this criminal rampage and will be billed for the 40 billion (Virginia, New York, Florida) in damage-danger pay and restitution.
So the government is still intent on saying I am the problem or making sure I look as if I am the problem? Is that what is going on here and why they got caught? It sounds like I am not the least a problem and are the actual solution; until Limbaugh, Hannity, Palin, Beck, Fox News, Levin, and all of them tried to steal it all. How did I go from being a reject and a problem to where I am now, leading a 40 billion dollar case? I cannot get my story straight? I owe the US government for back taxes or salary paid? What happened to my 2 billion in damages? Being happy is not a crime; trying to act innocent or not tell the truth is. The crime here is how they are trying to act innocent, be in charge, or be the hero and leaders. How did we go from a state of war, total ruin, unbounded evil, abuse of power, suicide plot, terror plot, and just about every single law broken to an atmosphere of tolerance, understanding, and embracing love? If they are on both side; they can be happy and innocent again. Their goal is to look happy, innocent, unaffected, and to be on both sides.
This is what the investigators and the world is looking at; a scam or a failed plot. They are not the problem, I am the problem and Ann is the problem. Who is actually the problem here? Do they want to only evict us for resisting them or telling them to leave us alone? Is that a crime? Is saying no a crime? Why am I made to look like a bad guy, a criminal, and mentally ill; they owe 40 billion in damages. Deduct their pay and see how long they can keep the innocent and happy act going. It appears to me the guilty people are pulling the innocent and happy trick; you are the problem and we are rich or doing just fine. Listen to Limbaugh, Hannity and all of them; totally innocent and happy; yet so grounded; and the charges they face would kill a normal human being. Are they retarded or pure evil? If they were at war, they would be innocent and happy. If they were locked up for the rest of their life, they would be innocent and happy. How do we cope with this idea leaders who do not know what to do or are ready to die are in power or are doing this? How about the government pay the 40 billion and bill those fighting this out or telling all these lies? Take their anger out on Limbaugh; do not let them take it out on us or the victims of this. Even worse they know the opposing army is far superior.
We know this enemy is on both sides telling lies and falsehoods. It might be better to not place the fault on the Republicans or Democrats; instead place it on the US government. If the government is forced to pay 40 billion; then they can argue it out with each other, surround each other 24 hours, and scream insults, badger, or try to take us out in our own homes. It seems that when nobody can get their story straight and they all are ready to die or do not know what to do; 40 billion in damages and restitution needs to be paid immediately and the the aggravation contained or limited to those who ultimately were responsible or who is paid to perform these tasks and duties. It is not mine and I am sick and tired of the 23rd year and the prospect of a 24th year. Hearing this case, you would think I slept with their wife or took naked pictures of her. This idea they do not know their demise is coming. This idea they were not aware of dangers around them. This idea they are always innocent and happy. All of this coupled with the inability to stop talking, inability to leave us alone, inability to stop stealing, and a grotesque personality or human traits we rather not love or deal with; can have an impact on how others feel about who they are, why they are spying on us, and whether or not we can ever have a normal life.
We absolutely cannot have a government who is stacked with evil pretenders or every government official who is ready to die or does not know what to do; on a criminal rampage. Ban this finger pointing and blame. If you make them pay for it with their salary or government dole; they regret this silence; 40 billion and make them fight it out among each other. Even after holding us prisoner or keeping us in captivity; they still cannot get the story right or fix any of it. Stalking us and watching us in our homes did not win it; none of them can get the story right. Who exactly let political leaders who do not know what to do or are ready to die, abuse power, tell death-defying lies, contact us 24 hours a day, and then use tax dollars and go on a rampage? They should be made to pay back US tax dollars for unbounded evil; history can mark them forever. Yes, keep up the good work. More unbounded evil just to look happy or innocent. Yes, they are great stewards and they care.
Let them fight it out among each other for their silence. They should also return all the salary they got while on duty or in charge if they do not know what to do or are ready to die. Why am I fighting it out with both sides? Why are they in my home pleading their case or pleading with me? Why in hell do I have to listen to this shit 24 hours a day when the government is totally dysfunctional and guilty? Deduct the damages from all their salaries and let them fight it out among each other. None of them can get their story straight and the ones who do now; are the ones who did this and were caught behind this. Imagine that, the people guilty and who did this; are the only people who are speaking the truth now. They are the only believers and followers. Tell Fox News and all of these radio station or financiers; to fight it out among each other. Even after the 23rd year of this, they still cannot get the story right. It is too easy to say "he is crazy and mentally ill" but it seems to work very well. There is a lot more that works very well because of all the Baker Acts deployed. Make the government pay 40 billion and let them fight it out among each other before demanding they pay back the government dole. This is what happens when you let people who do not know what to do or are ready to die in power and go on a rampage.
It might be better to just sue the government since they have their fingerprint all over this; then let them fight it out about who ultimately has to pay. It seems as if it is going round and round, back and forth; to no end. Meanwhile, they stack the courts more and more for war. Just pay up and fight it out amongst yourself until the cows come home. It is like Moe and Curly, but none of them can get their story straight; so it keeps going on and they circle or keep us in this prison atmosphere by surrounding us or in our life 24 hours a day. We are talking about 23 years of attacks by these people and what everybody has been witnessed to; still ongoing. How about demanding they pay back their government salary if they do not know what to do or are ready to die? Yes, we are actually saving ours-elf for them (and have been); and this is ending and getting better now! See it was not that bad and will be over soon. They use politics to do this, so they should be banished and forced to pay back every dime they stole while on the government dole. Banish their politics and then banish them because they will use politics and freedom to try this day after day.
I think it should be well clear to all these government employees and the people who currently "do not know what to do and are ready to die" how they do not get a government paycheck, come to work and neglect all duties or laws in America until they keep repeating how they do not know what to do or refuse to step down or keep allowing the problems to compound into the 24th year. When you come to work and do not know what to do, cripple the lives of others and wreck just about everything living on this earth; when malpractice and lawsuits exceed your parade, or when volumes of documentation has been established to strip you off all credibility; hell we must be saving ourselves for you and this is why it is still in the 23rd years now and closing in on the 24th. It seems like telling lies, conspiracy, brainwashing, keeping prisoners, and all of this craziness has become a national pastime and what policing or the law enforcement community is about. How does this stuff slip under their radar or happen before their eyes? Is politics their compass or some evil plot and conspiracy? What is this compass which has no direction or is unbounded evil? It comes down to whether or not the government is ultimately responsible or not, given how much is spent to prevent all of this from happening? We have only one life; why is it being wasted on a homicidal level? If they refuse to tell the truth or the story; then make them all pay the damages and fight it out; quickly.
Who the hell created this hostile environment using a bunch of losers and failures in life? I think these guilty people who have no answers need to pay back government and all salary they received for compounding this problem. Even worse is the sloppy job trying to cover it up with this self defense, hostage, or mentally ill defense. Again, there is a serious lapse of judgment, intelligence and moral bearings here. We are not black, we are not Jews, and we are not a retard in need of love or attention. Yes, use the black story on the Asians or the whites; then let a 6th grade education retard do all this or continue to suggest we are saving yourself for them. How about paying back the salary and wages; for compounding the situation and letting it become a complete disaster? How about placing a price tag on each directionless of duty or year this goes on? How about a something close to a human being and forcing them to pay back each cent they took from the tax payers. It seems like there was a time when segregation worked really well and clarified the political problems very clearly and concisely. Now it is not only an excise in futility; it is utter total hell. What is the IQ of a human being who did this or created this death sentence? Maybe it is time they pay back their government salary and maybe it is time for war? By butchering them in a court of law; they will be less silent and will tell the full truth when they fight among each other.
Billions are spent to prevent this and here we are comparing billions to only $500 a month? Has the world or just America gone totally nuts and is in complete cahoots? Did I mention the false imprisonment and the slander or character assimilation? How about making them pay for the damages and not the tax payers for once? It feels like the police agencies are the problem now and are the people behind this; the real culprit for letting this become a complete disaster; this is the 23rd year now, will there be a 24th or maybe a 25th year of this? If 23 years is not proof of a hostile environment or a death penalty case; then look how it is coming up to the 24th year. You cannot get a pension or be on the dole of the taxpayers when you compound the problems due to a interdiction of duties. Look at the size of the malpractice involved here. Who is crazy? Who needs to be medicated? Yes people are crazy and do not know what they are talking about; yet they do not know what to do and are ready to die? None of this would have occurred had segregation not been taken away because the people behind this are the true problem. We are more lost today and politics has become a suicide plot because segregation opened the gates of hell. Even worse, they justified the imprisonment of the Japanese and they are not the problem here. This trick with imprisonment of people who are not the problem and using oppression by the people who are; is an exercise in futility. At the police levels where abuse of power is so easy and so widespread; it compares to a terror plot or suicide plot.
Their original story was we were doing this to impress them or were saving yourself for them; they had all the time in the world. This SOB is going around saying they are our sponsor or are promoting us (unless we have a death wish). Then after they were busted, caught, and tried; they tried to suggest we were promoting them (unless we wanted to die or go through the same ordeal again and again; 24 hours a day). I have to sit here and make it vividly clear and concise; they have nothing to do with us and we have nothing to say about them promoting us, protecting us, sharing life, or how we are educating them or promoting them. It comes down to the race and the race of the future kids; Asians and Caucasian. There is a chance the Latin American nations may become an Asian model. Clearly, they are out to protect their image and to suggest everybody else against them is the problem when they are the real problem. It has gotten so out of hand, the government may end up paying 40 billion in damages or much worse.
There is little work being done because everything is paralyzed and crippled; while they drag their feet even more; I am asking 2 billion in damages. As this case compounds, twists this way or that, enters the 24th year, and changes with each lie and cover-up; nothing makes sense, everything is a complete lie, two worlds are created, one side is totally nuts, and the tax burdens skyrocket past the stratosphere. There are so many lies, so many guilty people on a government check or dole; they do not know what to do and are ready to die. So they use the "do nothing" rule back on us. Again, they do not fear losing or this going bad; make them fight it out among themselves; not fight the victims or those who caught them. That was gross negligence and now it is acting all calm, quiet, telling us to quit, their image is so important, and they only want to be happy or look innocent. They even tell us to quit it or how they feel; when at home or 24 hours a day.
They do not have enough intelligence or moral bearing to stay inside their own life and furthermore, they associate their lack of direction and inability to get ahead with hurricanes and earthquakes; it is in the records. Therefore, the more hurricanes and earthquakes, the better off we will be and the quicker they will either be taught or be forced to end this war. Right now they owe a lot of damages and it can compound. It is worth it and not for nothing or nobody; let them suffer as much suffering as they create.
It is well known how far these people will go to create a hostile environment and why they use a lawless rampage to accomplish it. To cover it up, they will invent Al Qaeda, reporters, evict us, or run us off. The first problem is the unsuspecting victims or people under attack. The second problem is bombarding them with lies and false misrepresentations to conceal or hide your identity. The third are the continuous ruses or tricks to create this hostile environment in the school, at home, at rental property, with the police, and the totality of this plot or how long it has been ongoing. The fourth is the use of localized rampages to cover up the organized and deliberate attempts well documented and persistent for over two decades. Finally, is the hostile environment we see today and the effort to cover it up, shut us up, make it look presentable, and how it will end as a death penalty or sentence. How do we assess net worth and match this to what they did or tried? Therefore, a net worth to match what they did or tried is set at 2 billion since I am the father of satellite warfare and am the pioneer in this field; their estate must be surrendered because of whom they did or tried this on. That does not fix it but it will send a clear message.
Had proper training or procedures to segregate this political pest and terror group; we would not be in our twenty third year or they constantly being at our throat about why they are stupid, poor, or can never get ahead. Using us for gain is not or never was the answer to the mystery of their poverty or politics. Hence, the punishments must be severe and the actions must be terminal; this has gone on long enough and is a complete waste of our time. We have one and only one life; and sharing it is not what the data or the facts indicate. They also have to be thrown out and are a monkey breed or some enemy of mankind; clearly. This is not only their problem, they are the problem and war or something more than this cruel game is needed.
They want high tech. They are in last place. It is the Jews, Blacks, Hispanics, Liberals, and Democrats. The way to do this is California and the gate to Asia, the students and kids. That is this abduction. So far I have not gotten any reports about ransom or aggressive actions, harassment. The way to power and high tech; to win this cold war or win; is Asia and high technology. It is about the kids! Remember, the VietMinh were both communists and nationalists; to drive out the French. Trying to match me or beat me was not a very good idea; even if you have the Jewish bankers and Isreali military behind you or not.
I do not care if you are black, white, hispanic, Asian, or even Republican. I do not think the reality has set in yet and the people mentioned in these pages are either in another world, on another planet, or just want to make up and invent anything they can. The reality is they have been blacklisted. Let me repeat that clearly and concisely; the people who were busted and trapped; are on a blacklist. I am sure that blacklist is being enforced at the highest offices and the most powerful levels. I am sure officials on other planets or in our intergalactic sphere; have read and got a copy of my blacklist and worthwhile pages of clear thinking. Everybody knows they know who I am and are witness to their own cure or planetary map. So if you wish to challenge that blacklist or remove yourself from that blacklist; it will take upwards of two decades. I do not think you all understand or even know where you are or what planet you come from. A new and more powerful blacklist has been issued on your communist and unbounded evil political movement. At 2 billion in damages and a cumulative class action suit of 40 billion; that is a hell of a blacklist. Do you have any idea how those people feel about you or what is on their mind? Do you?
I suggest you have a lot of material and written material. I suggest you have every single detail and story verified and confirmed. If you violate that blacklist, I am sure worldly retaliation and astronomical power will be directed or will be set in motion. Yes somebody owes two billion in damages and work was performed. The same work has a price tag of billions if not trillions; I am asking for a fraction of this labor, legal fee, restitution, and just a total waste of our time. The truth is they are on a blacklist and will be on this blacklist and the office of satellite warfare has delivered it. Keep repeating our words and crapping on our life; or bombard us with that raw sewage that is irrelevant. If you wish to claim you are conservative, realist, teachers, professors, or even our parents; go ahead, it won't change a damn thing; not a god damn thing. You are on the highest blacklist in the world. That is no joke and in my eyes, a death sentence. The level of material and the information needed to erase your crimes or this blacklist; is very immense. Just keep in mind who is behind that office or those who enforce that blacklist; do you have any idea what they see, what they know, and what they have on you? It is a truly scary world we live in, isn't it? We will never know how scary it truly is, never.
Somebody owes 2 billion dollars. I am seeking legal fees, labor rates, damage claims, reimbursements, and over twenty three years of cost, expenses, and fees. If there is going to be any action or arrest made, to include false arrest and slander of my name; then someone owes 2 billion in charges and labor rates for this level of service. How much does the US spend to prevent this? Why am I denied this labor rate or damage claim? I would not give a crap if Rush Limbaugh, Fox News or the Republican Party is fined or they all pooled their lunch money together to benefit from my labors. Somebody needs to pool their money together and pay some of this clean up. Again, we will know who is more powerful here. People are fighting for their life and their jobs. Is it the blacks? Is it the Jews? Is it the communists? Is it the FBI or the Justice Department? Something and someone has to give; the loser pays here and the winner goes on to bigger and better things.
Nobody cares who did this, somebody did this. Do you think I make a good story teller for the blacks, his-panics, or the Jews Ann? Do you? Do you think I am the right person to be repeating their words, phrases, and caught in their middle of their ridiculous life and history? How about this American leadership that has led us here and now? Again, they will all be ridiculed or laughed out of the satellite industry. However, we expect them to be coming and hanging on for dear life. We will know who is more powerful here. Is it the police, FBI, US government, or the private sector; we will know. The loser pays and the winner goes on to bigger and better things. Somebody owes 2 billion in damages and labor cost.
Now lets see if I can figure out what to do with Ann or give her some advice because she does not seem to have any direction in life either. I am beyond livid and if I ever hear any of this crap ever again; I will use every penny and breath in my body to smash it or those who have brought misery and so many problems to my life. All of them are insecure and Ann will eventually be judged as all of them will be. Their reputation will be registered in the analog of satellite warfare and the future of warfare. The winner will go on to bigger and better things; the loser pays.
Let me ask you a question Ann; why am I living with Jewish Puerto Ricans, New Yorkers, or 1960s radicals or political enemies? You? Why is my car in storage and why did you drag me somewhere and not even help me get a place to stay or live? How about offering or asking if there is anything I need or want? Now you think you can just walk in here and work in my company or enterprise; having contributed little or nothing in physical property? Who dragged me to Florida? Why am I stuck in a village of poor people? Why does New York keep coming up or Florida? Who never listens to me or never does what I ask? Who drags her feet and makes me feel lost or impossible? It would be nice if you offer to at least watch my car or let me park my car at your house. Considering you are not even using it; I have the scars to prove the bed bugs, the tricks or the Puerto Rican Jews, the New York cockroaches and bugs, and a horrific experience which they feel we share now. Like I care or wish to share their life Ann. If you did not do that; then you sure did nothing to stop it or prevent it. Do you think you deserve or expect a job opportunity or employment? All you are doing is running around, going to dinners, and more of the same. You have wasted so much time and pissed me off on a level which no employee would dare; ever. No you cannot be a labor union asshole; you Scottish. It is not in your blood Ann. Think about this for a second; if I was a CEO would I offer you a job or have you as a partner or executive?
So the damsel in distress dilemma won't get you a job or a foot in the door. You think they have problems, wait until they hear about your problems and your challenge for them. Let's talk about your dating and private life Ann. Who called me about being a damsel in distress? Do you think it will work today or if we rewind the clock; if I would even pick up the phone? Who disgust me with blacks, Jews, and New Yorkers? Who lives so uncivilized and rubs elbows with communists and psychopathic human feces daily? Both Limbaugh and Hannity says you are "damaged goods" and a lot of people are upset. Well if you are damaged goods; I must be killed in action because I got it ten times worse from the communists and radicals. Who sat there and went drinking or flew planes around the US in the most worthless and a total waste of time? Who? What have you done to this company or your position in it Ann? Why the hell am I still running or in this position with poor villagers? It comes down to you hacking them to death or they hacking you to death; look how incompetent the government and police have been from begin to end. Look at their record and even history in the USA. Do you think I did that or had anything to do with it? One of you will hack the other to death; I pray every single day. You SOBs have no balls or nothing to offer; total losers and weak human beings. You people are not far from monkeys, not far. The monkey is educated and still in charge?
Oh wait, at age 51 it get's even better. Not only am I in Florida and living with your New York peasants; there is a dialogue still going on. You have one. I have one; we are all sharing this experience. Which of you do you think I will hire as an executive or partner? One of you will hack the other to death; if not drive me to the point also. You expect to work with me or at my world class life mission? What if I do eventually get 2 billion and enough capital to start again? Ann, you are either stupid or crazy; however, the reality is you have not shown me any real results or hard evidence that all of this was not in vain. None of your enemies are really affected or their hair messed up; it is you who is taking the brunt of this and getting clobbered. Additionally, imagine if I began a company on my expertise with Satellite Warfare; do you think you could behave or would there be fights daily or annual suicide spike around the holidays? Why? Weigh the result with your relationship to me Ann. This is almost like letting your own kids get tortured by terrorists so you can look good, go to dinner, or date men cocktail style. Do you think that is a good employee or partner? Can you tell me what is wrong with American leadership; black or white Ann? You must think I enjoy living with immigrants, blacks, and Puerto Ricans? Hell the US Army did; repeatedly and they did run me off my own mission; satellite warfare. Look in my unit; full of Puerto Ricans, Cubans, and blacks; all from New York, Chicago, Miami, or Los Angelese. I think they won this; finally.
If it was not Florida and not even once offering to help me find a place to stay or even a care in the world, then it was the dating or private life. How much time have you wasted? They stalked, tried to rape and murder you, covered it up, and ruined your life. You do not want to leave and want revenge or to make them suffer; that does not excuse anything. In your dream you are driving them crazy or making them miserable as they did to you. But look at what cost now. What makes you think if I was the head of a mulch-million dollar company you would find any place in it besides pissing me off daily or dating every man in the company to make sure they behave or are loyal to the company? That is the insanity we are talking about and what I have to deal with. Do you think educating dumb-asses or communists (Jews, blacks, and his-panics who claim to be Republicans or savage college students) will get you a job? Really. All those speeches and stupid plane trips got you a job or made your future better? You either eat what you made or you hack to death who did. It is your life and fate to make, break, or totally screw up. To this day, I have yet to see accountability, responsibility, or validation from any of you; including you Ann. Yes parade your mom and dad; it will cover your mistakes. Act upset and even hate yourself. Invent any excuse or make up anything you can while living with a monkey race who is either needing education or in charge? You are the one professing love to the Jews and blacks Ann; look at what you have done before you tell me what they have.
Let's say all of these obstacles, oppressive lies, and attacks disappear. I finally get my life back and this war and case is finally closed satisfactorily. What victory have you shown me or given me? To get a job if I am the CEO of my beloved satellite warfare; you must show me care, diligence, and utmost respect. Got the proof or just records of me pissed off every damn day? What did I tell you about dating and drinking? Do you think those characters; always against company policies, will enhance your resume? Yes you will drive everybody crazy or make them gossip because your Feng Shut-up hacks them to death. They are a gossip seeking breed of animals and savages. Your work with animals and communists is all you have; still no results or any gain. You tell me if you think a CEO; like myself, would even consider you an employee no less a valuable commodity if I was extremely expensive. Do you think a political pest would survive or do well inside this company or would it be the same at our throats until hell arrives? If you are as powerful or a powerful politician and leader as you claim; I need results and I need real ones to say you defeated each of them or have a string of victories. I am not saying you are totally wrong here. I am saying there is a threshold and a limit on what people can take. Your behavior while in captivity will destroy your image and life outside of captivity. Yet your lack of aggressiveness and results is at dumbass levels. How many years do you expect to live like this or expect to live? You people have no balls whatsoever Ann, one of you will hack the other to death.
Who is winning this? You are a victim and want them to suffer. I have seen this time and again; even if they are arrested. Even if your hell finally ends or has closure. If what you say is true, I need a time line or plan; 1 year, 5 year, or maybe 10 year. The wind and throwing leaves over it is not the answer. Double down or a record twice as bad does not and will not solve your problems or theirs. One of you will hack the other to death and we understand the crime scene, yet no results or clear and concise victory. Do you think a CEO will take you at face value or listen to you as I have Ann? Do you? Have you shown any gratitude or even given me some exchange to suggest a long term and continuous relationship is possible? We are not talking what you feel or what you want either; it does not work this way in a corporate setting. Maybe if you put some work and effort; made some investments, etc... Acting like a buddy or a mommy does squat to the bottom line and even if you are telling the truth; you deserve nothing. You are either as crazy, as stupid, and over stayed your stay to match or beat them. One of you will hack the other to death and we know the government has their fingerprint all over this; right under their noses. Always right past their defenses and right under their noses. How much do we spend? How much tax payers is needed? What was our expense? Again, how many years are we talking about this gridlock and stalemate?
There are much better women Ann. You cannot erase the men or the dating problems; no less the dating, drinking buddies, or your abdominal record. I have warned you repeatedly; and then repeatedly more and more. Now you look as ridiculous to me as you do to your enemies. Do you think a more stable female is walking this earth who needs a soul mate? Do you think if it came down to 2 billion; the search for a replacement; even one of my hot cougar ex-girlfriends, is out of the question or off the table? Keep wasting your time, my time, and wreck your life more or rack more grotesque record keeping skills. You do know in a company we record and take records do you? Trust you? It is not even your company. Now this enemy is far more insane and crazy; but what do you expect me to do and say? What? If it is not you, then it is your men, your drinking buddies, your work colleagues, and your circle of jackasses and clowns. It is beyond annoying. None of you have any courage, honor, or balls; just hack each other to death and move on. Is this about what you have done, what they have done, or what Hitler has done?
You must think I enjoy living with immigrants, blacks, and Puerto Ricans? Hell the US Army did; repeatedly and they did run me off my own mission; satellite warfare. Look in my unit; full of Puerto Ricans, Cubans, and blacks; all from New York, Chicago, Miami, or Los Angelese. Do you see a bunch of monkeys or Americans? What do you see? Do you see them in charge or need any education? A monkey race and political tour de force? You see the problem now. In what capacity will you be able to work. Wait, for that matter in what capacity can I? Have you seen what my life on paper is? Have you read it up to now? Limbaugh and Hannity, all of them including remote communist and Jewish spies; claim they are sorry and made a mistake. They said both I and you had to shut up or wish for death. Has this ended for us or them? In what capacity can any of us return to work or survive this? Who is wishing for death or has been totally destroyed? I was almost eaten by bed bugs, no thanks to the New Yorkers and your Palm Beach circle of friends. Should I thank you? What exactly is wrong with you white people and your leadership Ann? What is wrong with America or American leadership? Can you tell me?
Do you expect me to fight and take on the entire Florida communist and immigrant population? Because right now I am. Do you expect me to rip this state up or make it a decimation point for the fury and the wrath they have sought? They demand a rampage to match theirs. In what capacity do you expect me to work Ann or be with you? Either you are completely nuts or just stupid. However, the tide is changing unless they are dead and suffered to the bitter end. So I do blame you Ann. You have yet to deliver me anything; nothing. Do you see them murdering you and killing your life or do they blame you for not leaving and over staying your own destruction? Who is at fault here? You or they? Who would not leave and who needed force and so much more? Something has to give and even if you were 80 and on your deathbed; a CEO will say the same thing to you. You are either crazy or as stupid as your enemies. See this is what is going on in my mind. I am talking to my friends from HS and childhood; it feels uneventful Ann. As soon as you show up, the entire room is suicidal or need therapy. The room is full of drama and irreconcilable differences. Someone is teaching or lecturing me; maybe not you. What if one of your men or friends show up? What if Ann? Can you handle it or will you let them trampled all over the office and company? Your presence has to be the most backward idea I can think off, pissed? I will say the same thing as I did disgusted or at peace happy with this; hurry up and hack each other to death and move on. Here we go with the monkey race and how they love us, want to share their pain and ordeal, are parents and teachers, and want to call this home. Is there any monkeys in our life? None?
Ann, do you know what is going on with Mark Levin? Levin wants the ghost of Hitler to arrive; not to debate either. He has been trying to humiliate and make fun of me all week, just throw egg all week 4/16 to 4/20. Understand he is trying to make us fall in love with the communists, the blacks, and the Jews. Now all week he is saying all I have in life is a government check, public assistance, and all kinds of New York madman F'in his dream girl problems. You do know I am doing his dream girl, don't you? You do know they did everything to bend over backwards to make you love them, don't you? You know in this heart he is in hell and knows you jumped me and ripped off my clothes. Well, he is or has been on attack mode all week and the same gas his parents had to sniff is the gas he is sniffing now. Are you American women being bred and trained to breed with homeless men or powerful business types? I do not see balls or courage; I see stupid and crazy meaningless events that get nowhere. Stay? Leave? Who are you? Endless finger pointing and excuses like a bunch of hacked to death monkeys who have no manners or parents. What do you think God would do? What do you think I would do? What do you think Hitler would do? It is more of the same; why am I hear? Unless they are dead and tortured to the end; not able to work or so crippled by this ordeal and justice; I blame you Ann. It is the same Vietnam syndrome. I expect results and quick action from you; all you did was waste time and acted as if you were killing them or making their life hell.
These people want Hitler to hack them to pieces and they demand a rampage. It is what they live for and what blows wind into their sails. In what capacity can anybody work after being their victim or this ordeal; you tell me. Luckily, I am trying to make satellites, my police and military designs; to try and move on. Keep in mind, their viewpoint of life and leadership is always from a wheelchair. That is why we are here or crippled. You ask if that is a good situation or worth 2 billion in damage? He claims I hate life right now because they are truth tellers; yes your pal Brent Bozo. Imagine that Brent guy is or has done the right thing and for the right price. This idea they did everything short of suicide to have you love them; you Ann Coulter jumped me and ripped my clothes off uncontrollably; and I am doing their dream girl is too much and the end of the world for him and his Zionist crew who are behind all of this stinking plot. Just the thought we have to love them or are married to them is repugnant; it is so disgusting I am trying to end this immediately and demand 2 billion in damages. Do you see and do you even know what they are up to or trying to do; this is how they have people love communists, liberals, blacks, and Jews. Levin can go and try this moronic dribble on Nazis and not Asians and Christians. Cherry picking the welfare line is just the stuff you women are made of. Are monkeys in charge or do they need education?
I am in the process of forming a company and planning out how to go around or fix my life in the midst of total war with this sniveling communist traitor who has stalked my enterprise through life. Ann, it is widely known that you are not able to coexist in a structure or a company that expects stability and pleasing thoughts day to day in order to uphold missions or to achieve goals. It is also very well documented and known your inability to exist in this stable or structured setting, determined by ideology or good behavior, is problematic and severe disciplinary or verbal counseling is not enough for you to fix mistakes or amend your long term relationships. Even under the duress of being fired, forgotten or otherwise; your personal and private life is so mismanaged that including you in a corporate structure or a day to day regimen; would be a complete disaster. Had you show a bit more character and care for the people you claim to work for or cherish; perhaps your relationship with me would not suffer so much for your constant inability to please or utilize common sense to solve very simple and long term goals. To expose people to this level of human evil for so long; is how insane the American leadership has become. Furthermore, there is intentional dramatic effect and it is intended for political gain. The corporate setting has a different priority scheme and does not reward ridiculous claims or people. I do blame you Ann and I have the bed bug scars and the Florida story to account for your lack of leadership. Unless you plan on killing them or torturing them for the remainder of their life; you made no effort to get me the hell out of here; they are all over me and I am stuck. You have the god damn money and all of my money. Now you expect a job and to walk into a world class top management position? They are trying to cripple me and you go on vacation? They even appear to be happier than you; very satisfied with this.
There is much to be desired in this lifelong journey. If you wish to sue Fox News, The Republican Party, or any other for making this your legacy and then accentuating it on public TV or radio; then it is up to you to correct the ledger and your life goal. It is insulting for you to be associated with my organization; after what I have done for you and never asking what I want or need. Ann, your ability to identify or recognize a problem before it grows or becomes unmanageable is completely undesirable and this has been a long standing problem with you. You are better when living in a human disaster than a healthy corporate setting; with healthy corporate personnel. We have two worlds and one who wishes to either teach all the good in this world while the other wishes to teach all the bad. You no less can stop your own rape than stop the exposure of attacks and molestation by sniveling political enemies on their death bed and undergoing total collapse. It is the same world your history and leadership has asked of others and it is the same knuckle-dragging ways your New York breed has emerged from hell. It is an unrealistic expectation, facing evil of this magnitude; to expect good behavior or civility from this human breed. The idea the public was exposed or vulnerable to this was equally grotesque; but people depended on this work to benefit or give them a newer life. I do not see them suffering; I see you suffering. I see me suffering three times as much. I do not see them dead; I see a government and police problems, a long arduous history of problems.
You are the white girl and the white leader Ann. Why in hell would you force me into a position or a situation with blacks and his-panics who are fighting to the death so they are not segregated? I happen to think segregation is a very good idea; to resolve and solve this entire mess. Along comes Ann years later crying or pleading her case when other females have made more contributions or real investments into the history of a company. She has nothing to show for it but she expects to be in or partners. A secretary or researcher position is not enough karma to really complain about much. The rule of enterprises and corporations apply. This ongoing suspicion and difficult coping with your leadership or disaster; has to factor in whether or not you are directly responsible, indirectly responsible, or outright guilty of prolonging this exposure to the worst elements, this ongoing terminal or damaging exposure to the hourly attacks of unbounded Levi, or this suspicion you tried to benefit or sought outcomes to suit your needs and problems; a captivity to mold or invent outcomes to suit your own selfish needs. To suggest you came in and ended this or put an end to it immediately and like a lightning; is false. To suggest you found gratification in our or your own destruction; is what the evidence indicates. The evidence also suggest you tirelessly worsened it and prolonged it to seek endings or outcomes which could only hurt or destroy your own life. Your ability to manage a relationship no less a friendship is so abhorrent, it would not matter if in innocence or guilt; your daily struggle would never get anywhere or achieve any measured gain. There is a suspicion and a sensation you all may be utter retards or morons who lack any direction in life or were taught properly by your deranged parents.
If I had a secretary like you Ann; I would kill myself or check into a cuckoo farm. Ann, consider how your relationship or life would be if you were part of a corporation or associated with people who own and are forming a company. The left wing and the Democrats are intolerable; but it is just as bad or very bad when you are included into this stable structure free of problems or difficulties. Your ability to please has bankrupted your cause and has earned you a reputation as a practicing candidate, not the real deal. Again, your leadership and the American leadership has reached a watershed. To prolong or expose your own life to this and for so long; for dramatic effect or even political gain; is utter insanity. It has ruined both your life and mine; it has ruined those behind this; and it has painted a gigantic cloud of suspicion with people who are no less stupid than feeble. They are evil and greedy. To suggest your beauty can charm them or this beauty and the beast model you fantasize about as part of your Christian motives; is utter insanity. We have seen this kind of mentality in history before and on the brunt of jokes. The injuries and the imbecile nature of Don Quixote indicates this bloody desperate attempt to be someone in life. Again, in a company or corporate setting; there are those at the top and those who just do not fit in or deserve to get ahead. All the political contacts in the world does not warrant the success of a company or wasted time and energy. Those who actually did real work; will be rewarded. How about some segregation Ann? How about actually delivering something real to the feet of the blacks and his-panics for this? I am tired of being stuck, blocked, and put on the unemployment dole for your political adventures and escapades. How about some results?
I want results. I want to see this political enemy suffer. I want them to know and understand they did not and could not win this. They could not destroy me in the end or did nothing; apparently they did. It is all your fault Ann; no results Coulter and her dumb and crazy life. Do you actually think I would offer you a job? God as your witness, do you think you deserve a job if I had a company? Be honest to yourself considering you may not make it to heaven either. You are to blame for this. I see blacks and his-panics all over me; I hear communist spies talking to me and trying to negotiate or hold clandestine meetings; you kind of make me look bad or wish me to suffer also Ann. It seems to be about money. It seems to be about ruin and working when all of you are indignant. My suffering is the result of whites and this problem with the white devil in America. Let's admit what the facts are. This problem with the communist, this problem with blacks and his-panics, this problem with espionage and spies from another country; all rest on one race. All you had to do is get me out of this or did the right thing. Even if you are a victim; in war you have to think and act accordingly. I did not see this at all. I may get crippled as a result of your white generous leadership Ann; a damsel in distress who missed every opportunity imaginable. Why? Weigh the result with your relationship to me Ann. This is almost like letting your own kids get tortured by terrorists so you can look good, go to dinner, or date men cocktail style. Do you think that is a good employee or partner? You have and never had any common sense Ann, never.
There is suspicion that you may have emerged from the shelves of hell and your wish is to molest or ensure people are molested by evil and danger. You certainly made no effort to stop it, or reduce it in your own life. Even worse is how feeble and how long you waited to rectify much of this. No matter what legal or life problems you have encountered, it is well documented; along with warnings and demands for immediate amendment; your inability to satisfy what is expected of you or fulfilling what you need to become a healthy person. Keep in mind Ann, your evaluation and work has to be measured against your enemies or their work. You have to deliver or bring as much ore equal quality of work to the table which can speak of your being, character, good nature, and ability to please your superiors. Acting like you are in love, using sex or female intuition, and not having a care in the world while going to dinner or expanding your male pool of party-seeking fools; is a recipe for disaster and life in general. At no time did you recognize it was time to act 50 years old or sell yourself in a manner which would help or increase your chances in life or for a future you so desperately demand from me. In the two decades I have known you Ann, you have been a combustible mix in my life and you show no direction in life to change. In a corporate structure, your addition would cause inherent problems and daily back and forth about the most basic survival needs of the company.
The last person I would hire or include would be you. I have never seen a conservative female with so many affections for black people; no less date them. Furthermore, in the capacity of a secretary, researcher, or even an assistant; your known reputation and documented ability to prance around on tours, planes, and attention seeking media campaigns has literally thrown you into a suicidal state of existence or misery which could not and would not meet the standards expected of employees, partners, or executives. The mere fact you share and enjoy life with traitors, are constant rubbing elbows, and enjoying dinners with strangers; has no bearing on any present or future standing you call long term goals or life planning. This up and down relationship with you; at times so bleak, did nothing but expose your world and my world to the extremes and dangers which a corporate setting has no value for or desires to continue. To prolong a disaster in the wake of the birth of a company; exposing the CEO or VIP to this while enjoying yourself in the comforts of enemies and traitors; has to be the least admirable act in your long standing career and repertoire. Remember, there is a cloud of suspicion in your life and your leadership or ladder system. You expose people to inordinate dangers and seek self-gratifying outcomes or benefit while you squander or impose one difficulty after the next. Anybody who manages evil or danger in this fashion is a traitor; even if they were subjected to abuse or inhuman treatment.
In a corporate setting where real work is rewarded, investors are happy; the suspicion surrounding your life will emerge and exacerbate the ability to trust you or give you free reign of trust. You will expose the company and its valuable staff to inordinate dangers. You will subjugate weak or vulnerable people to inordinate degrees of exposure to vagrants, bad-men, communists, traitors, sniveling political menaces, and all kinds of evil in this world; only because you benefit or find comforts with them. That is a very dangerous mix for a company and a corporate setting; no less executives of the company. You used the existence of evil and my 24 hour exposure to the worst human beings as a primer to seek artificial love and affection due to your lack of care, lack of action, or simple dilapidation. In other words, what do you expect when you let you home go in disrepair? If you feel you were treated unfairly and cannot get married or obtain a job which you helped to create or was kicked out by your life partner is this company; then it is your responsibility to take action. This problem with ridiculous people is not welcomed in a corporate setting where rewards are prioritized between investors and valuable workers. Those whose only contribution is leisure or heavy panting while in the company of male companions or books on ordering dinners; have no place, none. Your affection and relationship with black people is as strange and suspicious as your sex life. Do you think they won this Ann, do you?
Keep in mind a corporate setting and company life is this new territory. Having you as the secretary or even a researcher would be hell all over again. Meanwhile, investors are happy and benefit. Partners and those who made real contributions, or can prove this; grow and are rewarded with the growth of the company. A jackass who antagonizes the executives or has to be put in restraints daily; will probably not fit in or have any place in any future of the enterprise. Even dining or drinking with politicians or media buffoons; these merits are negatives and useless to the corporate setting. It comes down to what I want, what I need, and how I cannot be healthy with you in my life Ann. It is an insult how you are a lump on a log and what this turned into or ended up as. I wonder if you even have a backbone or any care in this world; if you are even a human being. If it is your political gains or religious motives; the leadership you have presented is lacking any logic and is utter insanity. It is almost as insane and illogical as the welfare system, relying on the poor, or placing so much trust in the human race and the American leadership model. Clearly it is part of the ruin that is so widespread and the religious compulsion God would impose death for being such retards and bleeding hearts. If it is not the welfare system, then it is the creation of the culture of the poor and reliance on them to provide you life sustaining energy.
There is no way in hell and no comprehension that you could be included or find any merits in a company or high tech company that values the merits of work, rewards investors, shares in life gains, and character deference. To even suggest you can or could please your own husband, no less your bosses or leaders in this stable and structured system; is insanity. Seeking a friendship and trying to erase all of those errors and personality flaws is the worst act or the most vile experience I have ever encountered from another human being; no less someone who claims to be a friend or has an unbreakable bond. We can argue this for another ten or twenty years; however, it will never get better or fix anything. Your strength was in becoming an assistant and utilizing your star power or communications. However, adding you to a corporate setting or a company setting where structure and merit is required; would be a mistake and a disaster also. Again, unless you show significant gains and show real work and investment; your place and role in a corporation is literally empty or nothing. Even as a politician or busing around on some tour with drinking buddies; there is no way to correct your mistakes or change people's mind by making it worse. Letting you in under these circumstances Ann; is as bad as letting Al Qaeda in; total hell. We know who is on the other end of this suicide plot or this sniveling political hack with no direction in life. It feels like you are trying to drive me into a wheelchair or dream of a man in one Ann. What do you think is wrong with the blacks, his-panics, and these white communists; American leadership?
There are better people and people who can contribute harder work. All of you are troubled people Ann. If it is not driving each other crazy, then it is this laziness or lack of care to do the right thing. All of you have unreasonable expectations and your leadership or management skills will either get yourself killed or will wreck you life; easily. I cite this on your culture and where you learned this behavioral skills, New York and from eastern liberals. Conquer, domination, and repeated ingestion of dysfunctional behavior coupled with sex, intimacy, and a disastrous life; was not and is not the formula to health or keeping a healthy family or corporate structure. There are enough pictures in existence to disqualify you for any private or public candidacy where a good healthy disposition and daily interaction must be restrained and perfected. The record shows you did not take corrective action or made any effort to portray yourself in a different light; yet your expert analysis and logical expected a disconnected or designable outcome which is unobtainable now. You have to take legal action and seek corrective measures before your life is erased or is terminated. You jumping me and tormenting them; did not help or make this situation any better; now they are deranged and forming at the mouth like a sniveling water boy who chase after people who hate their guts. It does not matter what they do, they cannot escape this reality or truth.
Your life as a powerful female has reached a flower period and a breakdown. So let's fast forward this and imagine what Christmas would be like, should be like, or could be like. Imagine me single and do not trust people now. I got back with all my girlfriends and all of them are arrested. Why do you need me around Ann? Are you going to send them postcards or intend on visiting them in prison? Are you going to send Polaroids with the faces scratched off? Are you going to send a secret message or signal them; in a way only they know? Is that why you keep me around or want me to grow so big? Will your hell end there? Will you have proved all you were tormented for? This nearly got you killed and raped; is driving them crazy or trying to make each other look like madmen or orgasmic sniveling losers who could never get anywhere in life or threw everything away because they had no direction in life or could ever do the right thing? Why do you have to prove yourself, constantly to them? Why? Is this why you need me around; to be my sex slave or sneaky secretary? As disappointed as I am or upset, these dinner parties, book tours, frequent flyer miles, and your political hostess cutie act is a corporate disaster. It is uncertain whether you can hold a job; no less manage your own marriage. Based on what I have seen or know; you found a place and a home among traitors but in the real world and a corporate setting; you are of zero value or appreciated. These American women will go to extreme lengths to breed with weak welfare men or homeless retards Ann; you can get in their line. They appear happy, thriving, and alive; not the bit worried.
Eventually, you will squander your own life Ann or throw every source of happiness you have in life. Look at your enemies and look at this sniveling political traitor who has no direction in life. A woman came in and took everything from another woman; erased the evil. Now a simple basic woman can come in and erase Ann Coulter while she prances around the country flirting or wishing to be a powerful female. Take a look at where you are headed and your options Ann. I have a lot of ex-girlfriends who are single right now. Do you honestly think I would keep that welfare slut or the stuff homeless men have eating out of their hands? You people are totally nuts; I would have a line as far as the eye can see of the Asian and blonde stuff they could never get or dream of paying for; if not raping and killing. Do you honestly think I would waste time with a common street hooker or some delusional fat ass who won't leave or shut up? If I had two billion in wealth; do you honestly think his-panics or black females would be doing this; homeless junk their men worship or try to keep presentable? I am not sure how far or how crazy you all will get just to drive each other insane or just to humiliate each other. Have you no shame at all any of you? As you can see Ann, there are very negative impact to your behavior and life. Letting you in a corporate or company start up is as bad as Al Qaeda arriving.
Just so you know Ann, if I had 2 billion dollars; I would not be wasting my time and would have a few girls. The crap you put me through just for a bit of intimacy or sex for life; is rotten. Furthermore, this idea I would waste my time on the fat and welfare junk they sell; you know the stuff poor men do when homeless or in prison; is disgusting. I could have the real Asian and blonde stuff I have known my entire childhood; the real stuff the have to pay for or dream of. Instead, here we are and this is counter-productive. Nobody would even waste a breath on these sluts or fat, obese, and welfare candidates. Even as an investor or ad-visor; you have no role whatsoever Ann. Your life and your role in my life; is coming to an abrupt end. The way you manage your time; had little if not no benefit to the establishment, investment needs, or the merits of a company I surround myself with. If we decide to hire you as a guest speaker or even a dinner hostess; than maybe your true destiny will be found. I do not think you women have a clue on how to be a wife or a female; I think you need to or have to cherry pick from the blacks, his-panics, or the welfare line. There is a flavor for every one of disgusting and repugnant women; join them Ann. You cannot please me with your life. You see how they won? They are not the slightest worried and attack us around the clock, 24 hours; they are happy, thriving, and not even worried. You? Can you tell me what the problem with American leadership or these stewards truly is? They have a long history of whatever it is. As a white, what is wrong with you Ann?
Even as an investor, your role is meager if dwarfed by the damage claims. We know how you are Ann and how you will complain about this day and night; then use your pain and agony to torment those you focus your ignorance and tirade on. It will sit there, simmer and thicken, until it is overcooked or totally ruined. Yet there is a cosmic understanding in Ann Coulter which trumps all reality, structure, or understanding. Levin was also happy to hear about what you did to Donald Trump; part of their rich people dance to royals and the winners of the last war on earth. Go and do this head up their ass to the Nazis and see how they react or treat them. Hitler would roll over in his grave and laugh if he read this experience with this breed. I am starting to think your world view and your leadership is from a wheelchair Ann; it sure looks and feels like your kind and breed. They will kill or do this to anything in this world now that Hitler is gone. They see the world as evil. They see the world as poor. They question everything. They cannot see themselves or understand their problem; no less their world. To them all of this is hatred, reactionary, tic-for-tac, an eye-for-an-eye, and a marriage courtship. Until or unless the ghost of Hitler knocks on their door; they will knock on ours or ask the world if they want to hack them to pieces. You must think I enjoy living with immigrants, blacks, and Puerto Ricans? Hell the US Army did; repeatedly and they did run me off my own mission; satellite warfare. Look in my unit; full of Puerto Ricans, Cubans, and blacks; all from New York, Chicago, Miami, or Los Angeles.
Imagine 3 or 4 girls; not just you Ann; don't think you have it good or can get sex anytime you want. Furthermore, the people you swag with are going to be homeless, down and out, and in some serious search for love; like molester and prison stuff. You can say what you want and so can they; the truth is if I had a few billions, I would not waste my time with you. You are only good for companionship Ann; possible friendship. Why don't you get even with them; and I mean wait until they are in jail or dead. That fat, disgusting, repugnant, and cheap welfare junk they made me smell, get used to, or tortured me with nearly killed me. I would rather die than share life, work with them, or keep this human feces around. At least I tortured and tormented them for each waking moment in my life. The real stuff you constantly hide and the welfare junk you toy with; is limp Ann. It is street corner blue balls if I have ever seen a Johnny beaten, raped, and robbed by the police. It is pathetic and the public will go bonkers if they found out and knew. It is time you grow up also Ann. It is time you grow up and get real. It is time you stop being such a phony; always begging or desperate. You women are retarded; go and pick up a homeless man. This is not wartime Europe but if it was; a knock would arrive at 12am. Is this what you have done, what they have done, or what Hitler has done? God would merely hurricane and earthquake all of you for being apathetic and insolent.
When they are in jail and in prison; I will send all the pictures and postcards they need to show them it is the real deal. They will love it and will wish for death; back at them. I would have a few girls and the real Asian and white stuff these blacks and his-panics only dream about. The impossible thought I am doing their dream girl and who they have stalked and nearly raped and killed; is too much for them to accept. Yes these girls have jobs, degrees, and even real lives. I dig and live for the single moms working as a hostess or waitress. These chicks I know do not work as waitresses or have children who do not even know who their daddy is. It just goes to show how insane this was and how counter-productive all these lies were or have been. In the end, all of you look stupid and no matter how much you try or what you do; it gets worse and ends up as a total disaster. Sex is on your mind; real women and the stuff that makes you happy is on mine. I will send all of you pictures to show your prison guards it is good. Yes when all of them are in prison, I will send them the stuff they missed out or could never get. We are not talking the welfare and crap they try to sell; we are talking the real deal; the stuff they could never get or have to murder just to make it harder. I am not sure what is going on with the Jews, blacks and the communists; did they try this on the Nazis also? Did they do this to the Christians and Asians or only American right wingers? They claim it is about freedom and two crazy worlds; the world is against them; hatred and racism.
Doing their dream girl; getting blue balled by me; and then getting blue balled again by the little guy and demand pictures and all kinds of sex tapes from others. In prison, they will think hard about the stupid tricks and dumb antics their life truly is. You wait until I get the real stuff and the Godly tough stuff; the skinny blonde and Asian to make you winch and groan about. You all think you are so cool and are so phony; in life and in death. You are weak and you let them have their way Ann; horrible. At least I tortured and tormented them each waking moment for this Ann; grow some balls horny. I know how to talk to them; you let fathead tender your face in public. You and meat-heads did nothing for my life, nothing. They act like buddies or share life with me; not even worried or scared of consequences. It comes down to 40 billion in damages. The FBI and CIA finally got a chance to see communist moles and terrorists in action; schooled. Leave? Move? 24 hours of badgering? This is not the real deal and it is not the real story Ann; a lot more about is missing. You seem too scared or too assembled to put me through this 24 hours while a sniveling loser and meat-head is helping themselves in my life. Wait until I get or ever have two billion; how many women I will have around me for security.
Fighting A Lost Cause? Not Yet? More Opportunity? Clearly, this is about the Jews and the communists in America. This is a white problem, not an Asian one. Ann Coulter is an idiotic strategist. She did not invite me nor did her total mess invite me or was a door opener. It was a conspiracy and a desperation move so this would not flow to Obama or be shut down by the blacks. None of them opened the door or made this easy ever; we fought them day and night; but Ann allows them to use this legal defense and use her life to no end; a political hack and jackass bleeding heart. Do you understand what has happened to them Ann? They don't feel stupid, they are stupid. I am doing their dream girl. Even Asian women refuse to go out with blacks; Ann is that liberal and that bleeding heart. Asians would never or even think of such a stupid thought. Look at this mess; none of them can even tell the truth or stand on their two feet, none of them. I am setting up a company, recruiting reliable people, and creating the future; what is she doing? I better get some results and not more lip service Ann, seriously. You let this happen and one of you will hack the other to death when this is finally over. Do you wish to blame the US government for the fiasco and the leadership?
Had you been a waitress and making minimum wage; we would not be having this talk. They conjure up the ghost of Hitler and their parents legacy. It would be funny to watch them try this on Hitler or some madman who would hack them to pieces and teach them about danger. They must know we are kind or decent people; nobody robs military killers, tsunami Gods, or the office of hurricane and earthquakes. Ann has decided to rub elbows with traitors and be their legal defense. Now that is a traitor. These immigrants and peasants are completely screwed up in the head, totally. All of them claim to be Republican and right wing; peasants and total hacks looking for welfare expansion. Ann, do you have a deathwatch or some suicidal thought which rubs people wrong; also? That must be it. A total piece of shit and a swine is not going to win war or world war, never. It comes down to us or them. Do you know what you created Ann or what doing their dream girl has done? Hitler would get and axe and mutilate their sorry ass if they even thought of this crap; only in America though and only if their victims are Christians, right wingers, and Americans. Fight back? Suicide plot? Ready to die and a slut?
Using Hostages to Get Money Back, Bomb or Terror Plot, Sympathy For Their Children: Mark Levin says we took his money and they want it back. He means BCCI? That is between they and FBI-DEA, not me. If I take his money; I definitely would not let him or any of them live. I was a hostage and he thinks this is the hostage negotiation; Ann has to return their money or demand it? Who the hell would take their money and let them live; and do this also? All of them are dead and they have said this time and again. Their dumbass drugs or retarded criminal enterprise cannot trust or rely on me to negotiate or go on a rampage, I am a mean person; I would not rob them and let them live; ever. If I rob them, I would kill them and then write a book on it so I can collect 40 billion in damages (my last offer in 2012). The blacks can starve with the his-panics as far as I am concerned; they should never trust retarded banks or let it get raided; offshore or not. I am not stupid or dumb enough to rob them and let them live; never. I would kill that little bitch and make sure that snitch never runs their cripple sniveling mouth. You see they fear women and the women I keep around me; they do not fear men, they fear women; whom they call mamma-savage. One of you will hack the other to death, eventually. I doubt you will rape them Ann; you will loose our friendship if you do not show any results.
They Want A Rampage And Nothing Less; Suicide: I am have demons and am capable of evil; but torture and let them live after robbing them is more nonsense. This is an insult to my manhood and I want to leave! I have no intention of letting them live or survive, keep dreaming; and I need an earthquake, tsunami, or much more to prove this and clear this up once and for all. Does Limbaugh, Hannity, or Fox News sound like they will survive or whether I would ever let them live? I am seeking 20 Katerina to express my anger and how insulted my manhood is. I am seeking 30 tsunamis and earthquakes; endless day and night flooding and with no end. If you ask Limbaugh, Hannity, or any of them; they know they are dead and I have no intention on letting them live. Worried is an understatement; they lied; they want a rampage and nothing less. Why? False arrest. Slander. False grades. A paper trail and 3 books on our life. All untrue, I am not their hostage (anymore) and have no intention of letting them live; none. Just wait until I can escape this or when things get better; I got plans for them. Just wait until I get earthquakes, tsunami, or hurricanes; want to "tussle" or throw panties at each other? I am insulted by their feeble fortitude and this notion they can survive or I would ever let them live. I demand a payment of 40 billion, basement price, in damages to rectify this mistake; immediately, that was a bargain. They are very worried because 40 billion is letting them off easily; it is a steal. It is the best deal they can get out of this. They should be thanking me, while they can ;-) it is a steal. Also, it can be much worse, much ;-) Take it while they can because it is not going to be there forever. Just imagine if a hurricane or earthquake wiped them out and they had a guilty conscience, not fun at all.
Not True, They Made A Mistake: That is just the truth and I am not going to hide the truth. This was no mistake, it was deliberate. Go and get a pizza guy and tape a bomb on that butt boy; it is a waste of time and I want them to leave immediately. They cannot be trusting me like this; I would never let them live if I took their money or robbed a sniveling whiny butt boy with no direction. That explains their behavior and this mistake. Now we know why their stables of female spies killed all of their husbands and turned into sluts. Now we know why the rampage or crime spree; they are poor spies and have to eat! They cannot afford to pay us for labor, work, or spying; it is all a strip tease by a phony soldier or a phony KGB wannabe. First radicalized by Nazis. Then sent to America or stuck in via crime and drugs. Now penniless and on TV and radio? That is not me, it's them. I have no intention of letting them live or survive this; none. If I could tsunami or hurricane them; I would in a heartbeat. A slut or not, give me a break; a lot of people are reading this and it is enough pressure and worry to kill ox or make them stop shitting. I did not enjoy a sniveling pest or political menace with no direction in life acting dumb 24 hours a day or working with me on a future. We are seeking a quick conclusion; not panic attacks, lies, lawlessness, going on TV and radio, or begging for their life. We are seeking a quick ending to this standoff and total disaster. Why in hell do I have to do what Hitler could not? Can anybody tell me? What in hell would I want with their women or to talk to them in my room?
Overcome With Worry, 40 Billion, Panic Attacks (which is a total steal), and Stopped Shitting: Had they been decent people or good human beings; they would be overcome with worry and stop shitting. Look at them on TV and radio. Have you noticed all my questions are answered by radicalized teachers Ann; are you worried about a rampage? Are they in search of perfection or total disaster? That is their invasion plans, suicide plot, and radicalization process. Mark Levin says we are weak and our life is a dead end; they are not weak and live forever. Dear world, dead end sorry; it is written and you are reading it. Time for a new identity or life. How did they get in our life and when did this begin? We know it is a female who is ready to die or does not know what to do. We know it is a black female who is completely disconnected from reality and has a powerful spy network, terror network, and a lot of powerful helpers; all communist moles. Look at how they hedge their bets and sit on top of all this; teachers. How did it get this way or this living arrangement? They made a fortune on insane human beings, unbounded evil, welfare, utter lies and deceit, racial legalism, incompetence, usery, theft, and total ruin. When you merge power, greed, and wealth with unbounded evil; this is what you will get. Rush said they were bankrupt; so it comes down to us or them and they want to be us or it to be us. This can be a lot worse, trust me, far worse than they are saying.
Revival of the 1960s? Radicalized and Ready To Die? Rush said they used to be the best but not anymore; this is how they racked up 40 billion (a steal) in damages or total ruin. None of these Republicans believe in self reliance or doing the right thing; only liberty and freedom. Does it feel like we are fighting a lost cause? The Nazis threw all of this human trash on our lap also. What is the breaking point or last straw? Who threw a slut on us? We expect more and better treatment, make sure no tree survives. Let them smell each others feet, don't ask us or tell us to. Why are they fighting a lost cause or making us them? I am blaming the Nazis for making this slut and introducing them to America; look at their politics and their leadership. Is it that hard to do the right thing and tell the truth; look at our world now. Thank you Ann, I need a total loser and complete communist psychopath in my life 24 hours; you are not to blame Ann. It must be that deathwatch and unfinished business by the Nazis which has them up screaming on the radio and TV. How about that welfare and our new parents; the best of what they got. Teachers around the clock to tutor and answer our questions remotely. They kidnapped me for this? You have to love this kidnapper. If this is survival of the fittest or freedom and prosperity; then it is a hidden secret and non eof them can write it down. If they write it down or their legal defense; freedom will arrive and it will come true. Survival or strength is how long they can hide or keep this snowball rolling. Teachers? No wonder I got D's and F's from this teacher; it is endless and survival.
Dear Ann, Sniveling Political Menaces and Cheapskate: keep in mind I have a circle of friends and am trying to get my private enterprise up. When this is all said and done, all you are is a wandering fool who wants to submit a resume. The experience you put with all these men or your beloved right wing; will not get you anything but more egg on your face. Remember this and remember why you create issues that have not been closed. These stupid female games and chases; a failure to close or end them; is nothing more than a sniveling political menace who has no direction in life and is trying desperately to get a resume in. You should marry JJ or Hugh Hewitt; you spend more time with people who bring you misery than what you should be doing or just doing the right thing. You may get single moms or waitresses to scream bloody murder in your name; but unless you get a homeless loser, a lovable MIG, or one of your "non-color" men to accept you; it is not looking good for your future. The labor unions and the communists went through the same downfall and search of a future. These people are asking for some serious pain and some horrible future consequences. These immigrants want to stay and win at any cost, any. Everybody looks okay and in good spirits. Mark Levin said this is survival and he or they are parents, the soul of America; why it is endless, they are the teachers of it. Look how stingy they are and how selfish.
Revival of Radicalization by Nazis? Rush said they used to be the best but not anymore; this is how they racked up 40 billion (as far as I can go) in damages or total ruin. These immigrants are completely nuts and they think opportunity is just around the corner. It is time to cut off the welfare to these states or this plantation. They need to worry, do the right thing, and consider the rights of others. They have made a fortune on this insanity. Who the hell threw a human piece of feces at us; leave no tree upright and hunt that slut down. Look how radicalized that slut is and what the sniveling political hack with no direction is spewing out of their legs now, thanks Ann. I need a total criminal and complete communist psychopath in my life 24 hours; you are not to blame Ann. I really enjoy these immigrants. I really dig their welfare. I very much enjoy the crap and the disgusting stuff coming out of these sluts hunting us down daily. I love being tangled up with them and talking to liberals. Furthermore, I dig and love doing what the Nazis could not do or finish; to the tune of 40 billion dollars (can't say no bargain) and a criminal rampage to throw our underwear at. This is the best life experience I got since World War II. I must be the lucky person they chose or kidnapped to tell their story; this is why they refuse to pay damages! Either I have gone completely crazy or everything they say is completely true; two sides to this.
Everything In The US Arsenal Is Being Used, Do Not Cover It Up: All of you think it is a field day and think you can make it all go away. Everything in the US arsenal will be used against your aimless peasant cause and identity theft when this is all said and done. It is not the way to stay or remain unharmed; far from it. Making it go away or covering it up is foolish at this level. If your man had 2 billion dollars; trust me Ann, you do not even exist or ever did; none of you. I am doing their dream girl? This is how insane you blacks and his-panics are Ann; utter peasants and sniveling political fools looking for a new identity. You sniveling political fools starve yourself, go on hunger strikes, protest, and then get ran over by tanks; it is really stupid, just do the right thing okay. If it came down to it, who would waste their life on these people? Who? Cops? Republicans? God? Who? You immigrants and peasants are asking for some major league pain and suffering; look where you all are at now; at each others throat and even at our throats; with nothing to offer or live for. I am ready to throw my underwear at the US government. Who else wants to throw their underwear at the police, government and leadership? We get the best of them and more, no end. Jesus Christ must have touched our soul or did something they cannot describe; 40 billion (rock bottom price if they value their life) worth of American soul. This is why I reported D's and F's for this mission or what everybody is reading; it is survival and it is endless; they are the professors; brilliance, do not doubt them. Want to read about stingy or selfish human beings pretending to be the police or our parents?
Trying To Revive and Radicalize the Public, Look At Them Now: Saying sorry or even trying to apologize is dumber than dumb; all day long. The labor unions and the communists went through the same downfall and search of a future. This immigrant population is quadrupling yearly, even worse now. Cut off their funds before they starve us. It is time they live up to expectations and stop this kidnapping and hostage crisis; the American public needs to turn on them and let our arsenal finish them off. They made a fortune on America, real estate and welfare. Find out what state they are in and rip up every tree; thanks! The Nazis threw all of this human trash on our lap also. What is the breaking point or last straw? The public should sue the government for 40 billion (imagine how much public good) in lawlessness and lies. Make sure every tree is ripped up; you are welcome! None of these Republicans believe in self reliance or doing the right thing; only liberty and freedom. Who is fighting a lost cause or feels it? Look how radicalized that slut is and what the sniveling political hack with no direction is spewing out of their legs now; thanks Republicans. Look at America now, duality, two worlds, throwing underwear at each other, hostages, and total disaster. It came down to the Nazis radicalizing them and sending them to hunt us down or peasants commissioning a sniveling psychopath loser to manage our fate. They must be overcome with worry and lost their bowel movement; health problems. They are us. It comes down to health. It comes down to what they want out of this. We know what options they have; facing bankruptcy, it is either us or they become us. On top of all of this and this hell; two separate worlds, reality, and stories.
Dear Ann, I Made It Clear To You, Crystal Clear To All Of You: What I want and what all of you want is two different things. Keep this up and see where it gets you in life. All of you face peril or some dangerous future if you stay in the USA and when the public or your house of cards collapses; it will be for real. You may drive them crazy first; or they may drive you crazy also; all of you are in this identity crisis and claim to be for real, Republican, right wingers, etc... The jury is in on who you should marry and who you waste so much time on; nobody. You ended up getting castrated also. I do not consider that a fight or even worthy; absolutely zero value. Something has to give and all of you have to come clean; eventually. If and when I get 2 billion; I am not going to be stuck with you or constantly listening to more of this utter disaster. The sluts you fight with or wish to throw your life away over; will be for nothing, all of them are going down the toilet and their future is in peril. The hordes of immigrants in America has lost their minds completely; yet they still storm here like hurricanes. They need to starve before their welfare starts this revolution; we expect the truth, justice, and liberty; do the right thing and starve them before they starve us with this suicide terror plot. Us anything in the arsenal to stop them; quickly. Not only did the Nazis radicalize them; they made a fortune in America and are our parents now; more good news. Good health is going around now; amazing people!
Covering It Up, Trying to Drive Each Other Crazy, Think You are Being Hired, Dangerous Future, and Wasting More Valuable Time: Again, all of you think it is a field day and think you can make it all go away. Everything in the US arsenal will be used against your aimless peasant cause and identity theft when this is all said and done. It is not the way to stay or remain unharmed; far from it. Making it go away or covering it up is foolish at this level. When the public turns on them and their life comes to a halt; all you have is a useless resume and a beaten up circle of friends. The jury is in on all of you peasants and who you really should marry Ann. Stop wasting my time and everybody's time. Like tanks and peasants; all of this is dirt stupid, just do the right thing. I love how you all turned Florida into a ghetto, hostage rescue, and an Ellis island. Who would waste anymore breath on these people? Who is this stupid or this insane? Look at this political menace with no direction whatsoever and what they have done. They like us and want to invite us on their shows; also talk to us clandestinely or via undetectable methods; who would be worried about radicalization or rampages? They are the police. We can tell by the transcript they are who they claim to be; and much more, the best. We get the best of what they have. Again, either I have gone completely crazy or everything they say is completely true; two sides to this. Here is where we are at. A total piece of shit and a swine is not going to win war or world war, never. It comes down to us or them. It comes down to 40 billion in damages (a steal if they value their life and want to live). We got to be entertained by communist terrorists and dangerous political enemies. What teacher tells you day and night to leave, get out, and move?
Let the Nazis Radicalize, Marry Them, Make a Fortune On Us, And Invite Them Here To Stay: They do not pay for anything. They expect their future to be worth living. They actually expect to be staying or thriving. It is all debt and these immigrants are totally nuts and out of control; they want to stay and keep the pressure 200%. They want to win at any cost. A little more and opportunity is just around the corner; it's an apology. Cut off their funds before they cut our life off or starve us. We expect more from immigrants, felons, sniveling political losers with no direction, and this psychopathic Al Qaeda domestic problem. These people made a fortune on America, welfare and real estate. Not a damn tree survives or a hair on their head, make it happen. Let them smell each others feet and write it down or complain, not us. This is what happens when the Nazis radicalize this political pest and throw them at America or let them in our life; total hell. The slut wants marriage and will not take no for an answer. What is oozing out of their legs and look at what these sluts are trying to impose, no direction in life but hell. How do we thank the people behind this or who did all of this? Can we confront this unwanted disgusting slut and ask them a few questions for our legal damage claim? Do they have a deathwatch or some suicidal thought which rubs people wrong? At least they have given us the truth or tried to describe their fate. Are they searching for something they cannot have or obtain? Perfection? Has anybody figured out yet how exactly they got in our life? How and when did this begin? We know it is a black and his-panic female; who have a lot of communist forces and spies.
The History of Communism in America? Did Los Angeles and Hollywood Jews Plot 911 and Then to Steal Ann Coulter's Man? Yes.
Have the won? Have they beat us? Have they crippled our military mission and capabilities? Are they ready to stop or just die? Then why aren't they dead? What would Hitler do, shake their hand and say it's okay?
Was All the Bets Placed On Fox News and Andrew Breitbart? Yes. What Exactly Are They After and Why Do They Need Us Or Involve Us? A Payment? A Bribe? 40 Billion Fiasco? Again, they are fighting Hitler, what would Hitler do?
Who Has The Largest Pool of Capital and Investments? Banks? Zionism? Jews? Liberals? Americans? Communists? High Technology Is What This Came Down To, Asian Markets.
Do you think I make a good story teller for the blacks, his-panics, or the Jews? Do you? Do you think I am the right person to be repeating their words, phrases, and caught in their middle of their ridiculous life and history? How about this American leadership that has led us here and now?
These political enemies and traitors are very skilled on camera and radio. They have perfected the trade. As we can see by the record; there is a Hollywood element to this history of communism; the Jewish immigrants and those who dominated the media. We begin to see these high priced starlets and puppets of powerful men as they begin to jerk off the politicians and royals. The expansion of these spies and high priced hookers spanned into different countries, car accidents, and Princess Diana like craziness. Therefore, the link of 911 and the life of Barbara Gold was easily linked by Andrew Breitbart and Bill Maher. Maher just packs up and moves to Los Angeles and next thing we know, this bozo and fathead is on top of the Los Angelese's food chain. We see this migration and networking via New York and the life of Ann.
Next is Andrew Breitbart and a link to Washington DC. Breitbart made a mess. It was he who spied on Ann and got close or passed off information about her, her lifestyle, or the kind of man she would be interested in. They were convinced her "man" or "secret love life" was parallel to Lohan or these crazy Hollywood boozers. Therefore, we see this secret partying and early profiling; very strange drinking buddies, etc... It never got anywhere but they built a profile and waited for this beau to show up so they can invade Ann's love life and steal her man. The Hollywood damsels got JJ instead which made them feel raped. That was the last straw and a murder-rape plot was initiated by the communist American Al Quads underground. The entire US operation faced total decline and bankruptcy; now the oil and Arabs really made this worse. In terms of capital or cash value; the Arabs held the largest pool of capital on earth; oil. They were trapped and could not grow without them.
Breitbart was the gateway to Ann Coulter. He and Maher was behind that Farmer's Market fiasco and the stalking of Ann in California; the Los Angeles Hollywood elite and this terror plot which claimed Barbara Gold on the RedEye. Breitbart was on the verge of jail and a death sentence; thus he took out Acorn and Sherrod; in order to pay them and then appease us. Both of these blew up and it all blew up on him. He probably would have settled with the legal complaints. This is how their money talks when sex or cover-ups is involved. Therefore, the antics of Breitbart and Fox News was nothing more than a double play; which has left Breitbarts businesses insolvent. He did not pay the attack dogs. See how they place their bets or hedge? These bets or strategy are double edged; they do not guarantee success and lead to decline while crime or the black-market grows. Now this causes a deficit; more illegitimate than legitimate methods to life.
They never stole Ann's wild partying man. The old Hollywood damsels felt raped and was in no hurry to attack Ann. They got a gigantic trash can and sardine look back. Moving to Los Angeles and pissing the star-studded political tour de force did not avenge Barbara Gold or really fix anything. Those high priced hookers or escorts; were in no hurry to expand or do their duties for their pay. Very few porn scripts were written after 2008. They also came to Ann; until it got out of hand. We see this link and how the history of the liberals connect NY-CA-FL. By spying on Ann as she kept a secret life; they got it wrong and were completely in the dark. The same holds true on this end. Ann went to DC to get married and start her career; what she got was a total disaster, terror plot, kidnapping, and standoff with very dangerous and powerful traitors.
As we can see the lies of Breitbart, Maher, and Los Angeles blew up and tied into the McCarthy heritage, Hollywood, and Bill Clinton. This is where he gets most of his funds from. The females he grew up with or we knew about; were Marilyn Monroe types of Hollywood beauty; so was the clone of Ann; Anne Presley, a gorgeous Hollywood type. Breitbart was about to steal our wind, out pace us, storm on the scene and seek a new identity based on ours; and then pay the attack dogs. The USDA is linked to the Anthrax, Salmonella, Spinach and vegetable problem, and food poisoning. There was a lot of these attacks; a lot. The link was NBC and media or television bozos. It corresponded to my college education or reports on BCCI; chemical and biological warfare which is one of the reasons why BCCI was shut down. In order to understand this; Hollywood, Breitbart, and the history of California is imperative. High technology was a symbiotic relation of media and film; but it was also impacting and much more. The information age was centered on cameras, media, televisions, computers, and this history.
How do old people fight back or defend against lunatics, revolutionaries, and drug gangs? That is the peace movement. Furthermore, they do not retire in the inner city; they retire in Florida; thus this migration. The immigrants have taken over or invaded Florida; a retired baby boomer 1960s crowd. The state is in bankrupt mode; a mistake forced on us to fix. The core was the housing mess and immigrants; who bought their pricey real estate. The way they are getting through or winning elections is immigration; from Florida and New York. All of this is just part of the profile and what we had been working on; our teachers. Ultimately this is about satellites and police or military actions against them and the Jews. The gateway was Breitbart; but when he died, everything went belly up. Things just got worse and more evidence on them was known. It blew up first in Virginia where this attack focused on first; the demons saber rattling the gates of hell and getting closer. Whatever it is, it is closer and now here.
As we can see with war and how Florida went from a backwash state to a paradise; it was World War II veterans. When we refused to fix or did not answer their questions; trapped in their "model"; they implement the 911 and war model. More veterans and more of the World War II redevelopment which spurns growth and fixes real estate. It has collapsed and is in utter ruin right now in Florida. However the plan as we know it was to inject war, terrorism, and veterans to this ghetto. They will return home, get loans or use the G.I. Bill to buy a house and this growth will mean good jobs around the corner or construction contracts; the typical construction and real estate racketeering scam.
This plot focused on those specific states; include Texas. Why Texas? Oil. Who and what do we know about oil and Arabs? This is how the payments or kickback is made. This is who and how the money laundering is occurring; massive money internationally. Who would guess it is oil money behind drug or laundering? By using the Arabs; the biggest industry in the world would and could hide drug money after the raid on BCCI. This plan also blew up; on Bush and his Dallas political heritage. Insofar as families and crime; we have a few involved and they orbit the life and history of the Kennedy Family. Using music, entertainers, or leisure to launder money is a past time. We see this with Whitney, Michael, and a host of stars. Look at the size of the mess and the total disaster today; it is daily and constant growth of this plot.
They pool their money and invest it on powerful people who are cash cows or can expand. However, tough times has led them to rely on people they do not trust or know much about. They took risks in order to make it; and it ended very badly but a steal at 40 billion; low ball basement bargain damage number. Other than this gigantic revival; they are going nowhere and their search for a new identity crossed ours and our perch. It was a big gamble and risky investment; backed by serial killers, murder, and a clandestine prisoner of war problem. Given the amount of crime in America; what industry or who can cover it up? How? If it came to power and bribery or kickbacks; how do you do it without this capital, debt, or under the radar? Exactly, corruption was being strangled by several things; oil and high technology; the 1970s and 1980s.
Do we see any other states involved in this? Yes a few. It is small and not worth alerting or damning the entire state. Big brother is being seriously threatened and has fallen in silence without a Humpty Dumpy bang. They have to prove or show one or even two frontiers they are sticking a flag in besides elderly care, socialized medicine, drugs, FL, violence, and this terror plot. What is there left? Yes. Stealing our identity and our work; sustainability. This political menace and enemy with no direction wants ours and our fate. They know it is the winning formula and history; priceless. High Tech and entertainment did expand, but not enough. Internet and YouTube did widen the world of entertainment and media; but it also had a negative impact. Now that impact is huge. What is left of this revival? Sustainability? Green or environmentalist causes? Global warming? They got a powerful makeup and shut down simultaneous; in the conscious and subliminal degrees. If what we say is true; then it is to their advantage to believe it and do it. Not be at our throats 24 hours a day. This is when devise intervention arrives and birds talk to us.
Another one of Limbaugh, Hugo Chavez, and Hollywood's bets is mythology. By inventing Area 51, Earthquake Theories, Hurricane "steering" conspiracies, and inventing hope; they can actually capitalize on the unknown. The scientific proof of Global Warming was arcane phony science. Well, they must have read our material because we are not exactly sure who is behind communism and these struggles on earth. The bible says it is Lucifer or the devil. All the written and reports we have suggest an extra-terrestrial or a very powerful force we are powerless to. The historical record says God takes many shapes and forms; therefore, these inventions is what they want to be first to and need business in. If Area 51 can be provoked or hurricane steering devices; they can actually take this leap of faith. When did Limbaugh report a hurricane steering mechanism? When did Hugo Chavez inform the world the Navy had an earthquake machine? He and they never ruled out extra-terrestrial or God; they just observed this and said humans or powerful opponents of theirs had it; well God hates them. We hate them. Why fight it? They need to call 1800-QUITNOW and tell them they have lost their mind.
An example of this error ridden mind can be in their power of belief. Slogans and repetition of demands do not make them come true; it makes them suggestive and more powerful. Chanting slogans only is a method of persuasion; so isn't badgering or verbal shock treatment 24 hours a day; a form of brainwashing and using audio means to rewrite the memory banks of the mind. Repeating or chanting a foreign language 24 hours will replace the brain waves and memory of a child; to a foreign or cultural language. To repeat hurricane, earthquakes, or some natural disaster; is the same power of belief. Eventually, they believe it and it replaces their cultural understanding. This association is the basis of the bible and it is also a scientific method of proving or disproving extra-terrestrial beings. As a military strategist and student of war; a potential threat is the unknown or a higher being. What is in this world that is greater than the individual or being? The power of belief is not reality nor is slogans and fantasy repeated day and night until it is accepted. A feeble mind would call 1800 God or Quit and tell them they have gone bonkers and just lost their mind. God spoke to them and said to leave.
The power of believing Puerto Rico will be destroyed by a tsunami to punish the people behind this or the radicalism of the Puerto Rican nationals and communists; is as powerful as being able to stop it. Even if it happened or not; what role is there for a human to stop it or rewrite fate? It is a test. It is coincidental if next month Puerto Rico disappears or sinks into the ocean due to a Katrina like hurricane. The truth is the more someone tests the power of God or the forces they have no power over; the more it comes true or will. If someone wishes to test whether or not they will die by jumping off a cliff or being hit by a train; the proof will indicate they were wrong. This traitor and communist is testing their ability to test mankind, self determination, and their own fate. If Puerto Rico is killed and is eaten alive by the ocean; then it was an act of God and he hates them. If they rob and steal our life; the police will hunt them down or kill them; did we do that? If they have no accountability or responsibility; they will act like a traitor and go crazy. If a tsunami is going to kill all of them; isn't it to their benefit to listen to us and run like hell before it comes true? Than run like hell and shut up. If they believe I am the devil; then it is true. If they believe I am God it must be true. If they say I am guilty; than they must be right. Dial that 1800 QUITNOW and tell them they have gone totally bonkers and have lost their mind completely. God is on the line and told them to leave.
The power of self-determination and the ability to change their fate is being tested. To suggest they will change this event; by testing it or believing it; has no bearing on the outcome or the fate. No matter what they do the fate will be the same or the history. The entire population of Puerto Rico can determine their future by voting for a hurricane; yet their ability to determine or self-determination; will be tested or detested. Lost, endless nonsense, and this pattern of behavior is significant in this traitor and political menace. However, if Puerto Rico is killed by a tsunami; then it is only to our advantage to say they deserved it and we pissed on their filthy graves; punishment for this vicious attack in Florida. It is to our advantage to exploit their bad luck, bad karma, or demise. In numbers they find security. In slogan chanting or brainwashing they kidnap us or brainwash us. Therefore, in death or bad luck; the invisible hand of God had some power over their life. The more they ask or question; the worse it gets. If they believe it, why snivel or whimper? If it is true, then run like hell and shut up. I will take credit for any misfortune they will have or get.
Let's assume we have an orb or some oracle that allows us to see into the future or understand actions hidden from us. This power should be feared and avoided. Our wish to harm or injure them is in the same ability to see into the future or associate events to the harm they have caused. If they keep talking to us, they will wreck or get hurt. If they do not leave us alone; they will blow up soon. All those things are true and happened. We are protected and special. They are not welcomed or allowed in our life. That is true and all of that happened. God will punish them and the police or military will shoot them in the head. We do not know if that is true but if they continue; they will make it true. It will happen. I am certain they will be punished and a tsunami will kill their history or fate. All of this is called self-determination. They can no less conjure up our death than we can theirs. They can no less attack us than we can theirs. We cannot steer a hurricane equal or the same as they can. Why at 40 billion would they keep testing this prophecy? If we earthquake or hurricane them; then earthquake and hurricane us; humiliate us with equal fortitude. It sounds like they did not make peace with God and are no where near at peace with other human beings. It sounds like I would love to take credit for any misfortune or event in their life; exploit it. Stupidity should be painful. Evil should be a death sentence.
Dear Ho Newt Gingrich, Good F'in Riddens! Now take your communist moles and espionage network with you; along with your Democracy movement.
So How Are They Able To Slip Under the Radar, Clone Us, And Beat Us Each Time? First the master plot is Democracy, to surpass and usurp them. Second is to create this two world model where lies and spin is a swirl we cannot hold onto or grab, an oracle or untouchable concept. Third is to appeal or plea to violence; both against it and for it, the wrong side and the bad guys (gun control). Fourth is the peace movement and all of this protest to knock the aggression out of the justice or create doubt. Fifth, is to avoid education, a written document and stand on being mentored or a student of the best. We are talking 24 hours of being a prisoner. Lastly is cloning and what we describe as a rampage; to eliminate and get rid of the evidence. Something has to give and this human portrays themselves as God himself, thus the wrath of God is death by an asinine or serial killer. Clearly, they try hard; literally insane and madman levels. Clearly, they are creating the best clones and are moles. Clearly, their cloning ability is nonstop, all day and all night; unlike any other force out there. All those things the good guys avoid or does not do; such as respect the laws, respect the rights of victims or targets, respect our consent and wishes, etc... then seek expansion and more take-overs or gain. Murder and war is a great way to benefit and get ahead. It comes down to Bush's Democracy doctrine for the Middle East and Jewish masters. This is their gigantic nest and why they win 9 out of 10 times. Clearly, they are not who they claim but to get there, they must be initiated by lying, cheating, and stealing; now murder and a terror plot. The stakes got higher.
Dear Glenn Beck and Ho Rush Limbaugh, How Are You Communist Doing This? What did I tell you about being at our throat or violating more laws to keep this rampage and riot out of control and an echo chamber? What orders and decrees have I set forth and made crystal clear? Do I need to hear begging or more of this Andrew Breitbart problem? I am fed up with you complete whacks and political hacks; it is total insanity. We need an army or secret service; that is what we need, an street sweeper to get all of them out quickly and immediately. So now Limbaugh and Hannity is removed; another one pops up and they are communists and radical. What Glenn Beck is doing is a crime but there is no restraint whatsoever from them, none. They see no end to this, none. This guy Glenn Beck is trying to put a good face on everything they did; everything. They claim they are believers and want to live. It is almost like the original circle of Marxists who cannibalize each other or hack each other to pieces. We got to see the Ann Coulter clones also. Like the last wave of them, they are lawless and they beg and plead 24 hours a day, all day. In desperate times, we had no idea they were this desperate and their ties to us were this difficult to remove; what are we at now 2 or 40 billion dollars?
Identical to Sarah Palin (cloning), it is an echo chamber and putting a good face on everything Limbaugh and Hannity (Fox, Levin, and all of them) did. Ann, would you like to address Glenn Beck or clue Sarah Palin in? This is gone on way too long and now they have that smell of blood and hunt; they are at our throats 24 hours; utter lawlessness. Neither Beck or Palin turned in Limbaugh or Hannity. Neither Beck or Palin filed charges on anybody. All they did was try and put a good face or a new face on all of this and beg and plead; while this went into their echo chamber. They never helped any investigator. They pursued us with madman enthusiasm to hound us "politely" and had the best time they could; in lawlessness and while this wound down. They were guilty of the same thing Limbaugh and Hannity had tried; but this second run or try was disgusting. Levin tried to hide as long as he could also; and Newt Gingrich, and Dick Morris, and a lot of the Fox New gang; all communist moles who are now believers or defectors.
Dear Ann Coulter, Something About Glenn Beck and These Communists: Ann, your two headed converse all star political hack is in my room and having a 24 hour dialogue with me. Furthermore, he is almost like an echo chamber and stereo-phone. What I say or do goes through a filter system and if I had secret service or security; he would have been removed a long time ago. However, your stupid creation is doing what Limbaugh and Hannity does; "enemies who tell lies about me... hard to describe their attacks, etc." The kid is unstable and if you tell him to leave, he goes into Rush Limbaugh mode and throws mud at you. He says he is a "Tea Party Leader"; yes another apolitical hack on the level of Sarah Palin. So not only do you have a Palin problem; I have at least a dozen of little Sarah's at my throat. Yes I have this echo chamber in my room and residence; it is very annoying and in complete violation of the laws; do I have secret service or any security? How did they get in or past security? Do you want to address Glenn Beck Ann or do I have too since this is your mess and creation?
Keep in mind, this is not only a stranger, this is a person who has no education and is continuously talking to strangers in their home, 24 hours a day, or performing duties and time management only a wife, lover, or family member will ever get. The first problem is they should go and get an education because talking to a psychopathic retard with a 6th grade education who calls you mean or an asshole 24 hours a day is a bit strange. The second problem is the total lack of remorse and the constant bipolar problem. They are in their own world and listen to their own words; totally deaf and stubborn is far from the truth. This is one messed up SOB and communist terrorist trying to act either powerful, smart, or comforting. They just have to contact us, preach or lecture all day long, and spread this message or show us how real they are or how evil the world is. How do I become great? What I need to get ahead in life? Holy crap, they are worse than the mafia in criminal insanity. All of them are gutless slouch butt ugly, repugnant. If you talk to strangers, try to choose someone who likes you or would not bring you to this ending. It is a bit excessive, even obnoxious behavior.
Considering they are doing this to a complete stranger who does not like them or even wants to talk to them; this problem with a trash man or idiot with a 6th grade education or homicidal murder impulse talking to us or trying to be our best friend or parent is clinical insanity and also criminal insanity. Who the hell does this or has ever been charged of this? Who? Not only this, it has been going on for a long time and what they did to the Presbyterian church, for spy hunting to Vietminh or the cold war; cannot even be mentioned. It is grotesque behavior and about the most honorable thing they will say is how they are ready to die, we hurt their feelings, hate is present, or they do not know what to do. You will never get them to stop or any sense of normal behavior; always total hell and Texas Chainsaw Massacre type behavior. Who the hell follows people to their home or talks to complete strangers 24 hours a day? Now who acts like a coach, mentor, sniper, or father to a complete stranger or this odd duo between a genius and a total retard?
Ann, there are psycho women want to know why I am sleeping with you, why I love you, and why I don't spend money on them or hire them. They claim you are related to them and so am I; it is impossible. I am sick and tired of this case, these communists, this terror plot, and having to be bounded to Nancy Drew 24 hours a day Ann. Here we go with the IQ and the throwing panties at each other as Limbaugh loves to use as an analogy. Why are they always steaming up our winner or trying to stick us up like some raving madman or a lunatic mutt? Thanks for the problem above and a psychopath talking to me 24 hours Ann; yeah I need this F'er in my life acting like my best friend or father (teacher, coach, minister, etc...). Luckily, they hide and they do not want to get killed. That is the key here; they know they have a 10,000 count indictment and do not want to get killed. It is a fight to the death; they are not going to loose this. If there was a gift; I am still waiting for it. I would love to strangle the retard myself; just for thinking this. Doing it is another thing.
War can be beneficial and even profitable; however, this is pure evil. Death can be a part of life and a part of the human conflict; but this was not bribing us closer to who we are or who we portray ourselves as a society. This idea murder or violence can be used to rob or seek gain; to benefit from the suffering of others or breed human beings in a manner to profit off their death, bomb plots, murder plots, destruction, demise, torture, brain washing, and evil ways to survive or get ahead; has no place on earth or in America. It is not a petty problem they wish away quickly or a cumbersome annoyance they have to buy off or sweep away. When human beings use rampage, crime, murder, terror plots, or even violence on such an precedence scale to profit; a clear message must be sent and from the depth of hell. 40 billion is about what their assets and checkpoint can handle. It will help and assist in the public good and it will help the victims of this; if not then it will deter and prevent a future occurrence. I am not a lawyer and it is not my job to be performing these duties, no less to be the star in some crazed Hollywood movie. I have wasted enough of my life and my time on these people; it is time to have deliverance and to move on in life. War was not invented for this. Death was not a part of life to be warped and misrepresented. Human beings who are this crazed and insane cannot be allowed to live a normal life or spread this disease of mankind. What I say applies and it must be delivered; even the last dime.
Ann, I have told you over and over; it is time you grow up and learn how to defend yourself and fight your own battle tables. Hannity created this web of lies similar to Bill Player and the rest of your attackers. Hannity is a cold, vicious, stalker, asinine, and killer who contacted me with a web of lies he kept trying to make true or used to make sure you could not escaped and were killed. Furthermore, Fox News was aware of this and did not even condemn it; a plot that was encouraged because they were behind my pursuit, hacking, and imprisonment or adaptivity. I have told you already they have no intention of letting you live or surviving this; unless it is on their terms. Furthermore, they have made this clear and known to me; in my own home or residence, although rental property; paying rent did not warrant any of this. They claim they do not care, want to die, or do not know what to do; that is the logic of this asinine, serial killer, and terrorist; the Al Qaeda equivalent. Toying with them is only going to make this worse Ann. It will make them attack me more frequently and fiercer. They have no intention of releasing me or letting me walk away from over two decades of work and attempts to create this web of lies where I love homeless blacks or marry rotten welfare standard women; total sluts. If it is not their weight, looks, bunions, lack of personality, smelly-greasy hair, sloppy demeanor, or just total disgust; then it is knowing more about them or sharing life with them. They should have kept their mouth shut and not try to smash or erase everything I said or wrote. Now that is linked to the events in Virginia during the 1990s and before 2008.
As you can see with Hannity and what I documented; I was attacked endlessly when they figured out you had been hiding your personal life. Fox News was just as upset with and sent one after the other to keep or reinforce this web of lies and relationship; Limbaugh, Levin, Laura, Beck, Breitbart, attack dogs on my end, communists, and the equivalent of Al Qaeda in both white and black human form. It was a parade or tour de force to crush anything real or truthful. You have no life remaining or will suffer for this Ann. You should have walked away from this a long time ago; as I said to you, they have no intention of letting you live or survive this and the lies they created, this web of lies; was used to clot me to death with. It really pissed me off and made me upset with you; still. Had they done this to Hitler, even if they wanted to die or not, he would have the SS hunt them down that night and gas them by morning. Yet this lasted for years on end; in the most lawless and ridiculous manner. It was a game to see who can slit whose throat first or wait until the stress and pressure killed the other side. They covered this up also. I think their singular objective is to make sure you and I had no contact, bond, or could impede in what they were doing or trying. Yet the more we resisted them, said no, or fought this; they made sure we could not and would not survive; is that crazy? If you keep resisting or fighting these animals and crazed savages; you will loose everything or die broken; a complete waste of time and effort. I can see where this is leading and what they have in mind as their objective.
Hannity is your attacker. They had a murder plot on your and if you call this rape; then a rape plot also. I saw it with my own eyes and I kept on telling you Hannity is an assassin and a killer; not the family man or happy go lucky fool he portrayed himself as. He got my attention for sure. Then he used those cells in Lost Angeles which made it worse; Fox News, Breitbart, Big Hollywood, Free Republic, etc... Imagine if they did this to Hitler or a madman who would hack them to death with an axe. I also noticed Fox News spoke through Hannity; and if you made one mistake the entire Fox crew erupted against you. They refused to speak the truth the entire time; or defend you even if you were being raped; however, if you even slipped or made one mistake, challenged their power; they erupted against you like the Manson Klan. All of them were talking to me on this end via rental property, illegal surveillance, or crazed labor union and black people; communist agents. It was the same pattern of behavior I describe and they united against us in attacking and ensuring we did not survive this. They also forget their past or victim status; yet they kept trying to obtain this judgment on us in the most psychopathic way. The way they tried to portray you as happy or so happy to see them was psychopathic and criminal insanity. They should be medicated for this and for life if convicted. With no intent of letting up, they kept this full speed for years on end; and it dated back nearly a decade or more; with no end in sight.
Limbaugh was the same way. Not only is he a rapist, molester, serial killer, or this happy go lucky psychopath; he was the worst of them all. A fight with Limbaugh is ten times worse than Hannity or Fox; Limbaugh was comparable to a General and not a garden variety Captain or Major. The General thought on a whole other level. He was so focused on me, I could not and was never even allowed to be myself, happy, laugh and giggle, or just shrug them off. It was just constant watching me, trying repeatedly to achieve this web of lies, and humiliate a captive or someone they had inside their clandestine organization, security, or some militant defense forces. So if you think you went through an ordeal; you have no idea. Then they pranced Trump and others around to see if I would remember who they were or noticed who was more powerful than they were. Trump is not a Presbyterian or protestant, trust me. I know Protestants and none of them are even close to be religious or moral. I did not attack him or the rest of them; but I am sure that was the disguise or bait. So that is why I just gave up, closed up, and took some action. I cannot live like this and after over twenty years already; I did not grow used to it or enjoy it one bit. During it I may have grown used to or accustomed to this; but it really bothered me my entire life and I have tried to take swift action before; many times. Time and again, they left no fingerprint or are very slippery. Until now and in this trap.
So these things and these life events are not within the scope of my powers to erase or change; however, we cannot live like this and with animals such as I have seen. I do not even see them as human beings; I see them as animals who only wish to club others over the head, sneak up and kill them, or rob them of their life, liberty, and worldly possessions. I have always warned you and kept telling you the impact of this on your life or this life mission we set out together. There comes a point where you become so numb and so cold inside; you just let go and the common bonds which hold the world or cradles existence in life; just collapses or breaks. I am a corporate businessman and my image has been so altered and murdered; nobody even recognizes me. The FBI cannot even fix any of this or my life; imagine that; they are powerless also. Even today, you can see how our attackers act. They demand and badger me 24 hours about leaving; as if they had been right or we brought this on our-self. Hannity was telling me so many lies; he is still sticking to his story. As you can see, all of them are sticking to their story and it is completely psychopathic and completely untrue. The effort they put into it or this has to be measured against what they did to us or what they tried; murder. Had they done this to Hitler, the political enemy of the weak, stupid, the people and the crazy; he would hack them to death or have them arrested in the middle of the night to be gassed. So they did exercise the full scope of their rights and freedom; for sure. No matter what they did or the web of lies they created, until it was two worlds and two different stories; they ended or died as communists who got nothing out of this or us. Nothing.
My honest opinion and as a crime solver when placing myself at the scene of a crime and understanding the events of World War II is not as skewed as two worlds. I think two armies and two very demented sides clashed. One side hated the other. The other side wanted only to be loved by the others. One side said they want the other to love them or leave. They said they were the police and the secret army of the people. When it was said and done, one side said they were ready to die and did not know what to do; but are not leaving or backing down. Then like a massacre or the eruption of violence; one side got the axes out and the other side got a house of cards and a lot of this same "do not know what to do or are ready to die." I think it is their lucky day because had I been Hitler, I definitely would not do what he did or demand they love me like Ann Coulter is doing to their men. For people with high IQ; they do not want to think or write now. I call it the Limbaugh Syndrome. It was no panty fight or ass easy as Limbaugh describes, "throwing underwear at each other." It comes down to nobody wanting to hire them or they refuse to take no for an answer; hire us.
I am not sure what I would do, if put in this situation; but I have the written material to prove it and let people piece the crime serene together. They did not come to the table with anything; thus, we live in two worlds and time stands still; stalemate and total paralysis. We can see how violence is tense and how a spark can ignite one or the other side. I think they are fortunate they live among Christians and decent people; a country that does not want them or must imprison them. That is who and what the crime scene suggests on both sides. It was not their IQ that got them into the predicament; or brilliance as Limbaugh and Hannity suggests. The problem is we live in two worlds and the truth is so twisted by spin doctors; it is survival and wants to know why we do not love them or wish to hire them. I think when you have two armies up in each other's throat or two armies telling the other to leave; one of them will make the first move. They claim you robbed them blind and are so dysfunctional; it cannot be spoken. Wow, that is a lot of insanity in one moment or lifetime. Hitler would teach them manners; this is not our job or our life mission.
I bet if it was our life, our company, our work, our labors, and our victory; they would fire us, push us off the cliff, drive us crazy, come to our home or private life, and do what they can to create this two world model where 2 billion goes to me and 40 billion goes to 911 victims. Furthermore, they would badger me 24 hours and pretend I had to leave or was being fired. Then to add insult, they would fire Ann; from her private life and even in her own career which they based or used to gain. There is a pattern of behavior here and it is very descriptive of the people whom we caught and are filing charges against right now. Furthermore, I am seeking 2 billion, it needs to end there. Have you also noticed how hitler would hack them to death or teach them all manners? yet we have to sit there and take it; the burden of being christians or decent. they would be fired on the spot if it were my decision.
Dear Rush Limbaugh and Organized Terror Group-Communist Movement: Your explanation today was magnificent because I contacted real lawyers and filed or tried to file for damages. This idea you wish to pay us, two cents on the dollar or match our funds; as any employer does; was part of your two world model, us and them. You may be off the hook because it is the government and public officials who have their fingerprint all over this. They may come to your aid and settle this case for 40 billion or even a smaller amount; free tax dollars and no accountability. It is those who stall who are guilty and are wasting our time; but this is what the case is about; quick settlement or legal tricks. I love how you all follow me and grab or occupy everything; share right? Yes you are so patient and civilized; I wish we were made more like you all, really I do. This blog is coming down soon but is up for legal reasons and for lawyers who are working on the 911 settlement and my 2 billion damage claim.
If what you say is true, then Hitler would arrive and either hack you to death or teach you some manners. However, we are still struggling and you are still on the air and living in one of these two worlds described. Furthermore, if what you say is true; then you would have some original material and some books or even education to suggest you have life direction and are not ready for jail or planned a life of crime. Maybe Hitler will arrive and maybe we will have to deal with him or them also. The question is why you all do it and why you refuse to leave or keep away? Is it your home? Your hell? Do you hate or love us this much living in this other world we describe? It is your future and not your kids that are in jeopardy; but you continue to portray this parent-child problem that is set at 40 billion and may be increasing. Furthermore, the government is starting to look guilty; so you may be off the hook and the delay and stall strategy may work.
The problem with the communists, who we have traced to specific groups and specific people; is compounded. They are uneducated. They do not know what is going on. They are not sure if people want to have sex with them. They are unloved and wish to be loved. They do not understand where they are or what "home" is. Even worse, they have created two separate political worlds and a microcosm of it is in Florida and also New York. They question the world and our role in it. They hold us prisoner and want to die or do not know what to do; we have heard it all before. It comes down to two worlds and not knowing where they are. They know we do not like the communists. We know they do not like the communists. Our armies have clashed and it comes down to us or them. They are here to suggest we have a problem with them and to leave; but they do not know where they are. They call it home. They feel home makes them the police. If we sue them or take them to court; they will deny it or try to eliminate us first. Now, they only want to die in defeat; not pay damages or go to jail. We love the communists, come to America! We love their women and we love wet t-shirts, leave! We do not know where we are and that is why!
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- My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.