It is well known how far these people will go to create a hostile environment and why they use a lawless rampage to accomplish it. To cover it up, they will invent Al Qaeda, reporters, evict us, or run us off. The first problem is the unsuspecting victims or people under attack. The second problem is bombarding them with lies and false misrepresentations to conceal or hide your identity. The third are the continuous ruses or tricks to create this hostile environment in the school, at home, at rental property, with the police, and the totality of this plot or how long it has been ongoing. The fourth is the use of localized rampages to cover up the organized and deliberate attempts well documented and persistent for over two decades. Finally, is the hostile environment we see today and the effort to cover it up, shut us up, make it look presentable, and how it will end as a death penalty or sentence. How do we assess net worth and match this to what they did or tried? Therefore, a net worth to match what they did or tried is set at 2 billion since I am the father of satellite warfare and am the pioneer in this field; their estate must be surrendered because of whom they did or tried this on. That does not fix it but it will send a clear message.
Had proper training or procedures to segregate this political pest and terror group; we would not be in our twenty third year or they constantly being at our throat about why they are stupid, poor, or can never get ahead. Using us for gain is not or never was the answer to the mystery of their poverty or politics. Hence, the punishments must be severe and the actions must be terminal; this has gone on long enough and is a complete waste of our time. We have one and only one life; and sharing it is not what the data or the facts indicate. They also have to be thrown out and are a monkey breed or some enemy of mankind; clearly. This is not only their problem, they are the problem and war or something more than this cruel game is needed.
Dear America and World Leaders, it is time to seriously ask and consider whether granting liberties to the blacks and hispanics have jeopardized our liberties and ability to live life and conduct business normally. If by segregating these two groups who have no direction in life and are committed by blood or death; a life of rampage and crime, we are seeking to remove and over burden our life with liberties and truth which is nothing more than a web of lies and financial ruin. There is no reason to debate this or challenge the soul to any complex hardships we know is a complete waste of time and will bring horrors to our own life. If they were more careful, more honest, more human, and a tad smarter; then maybe a future with or without them would be a consideration; however, our liberties have been stripped and trampled on. It is time the government consider some responsibility or accountability for the illogical inclusion of this political enemy in our life or the hardships they have graciously shared with us. We are not saying they do not have a right to live or go on a rampage; we are saying remove them or figure out how to dispose them with valor. There was a deliberate, intentional, malicious, and evil master-plan to not only deny us of freedom but to steal every worldly worth we had from this earth. This ingenious idea would solve a lot of robotic problems.
The people who thought of this political destiny and who wrote our fate should be shot and tortured for "inconsistencies." Logical and emotions cannot describe this ordeal and the life long debilitating problem with the blacks and hispanics; whether in school or the workplace; their sole purpose in life and to be born in this world is to be at our throat, to keep us hostage, and to fill our life with misery and burdens nobody wishes on other human beings. If by granting them these liberties, we have committed an act of suicide or canceled our own liberties, pursuit of happiness, or filled our life with problems that cannot be solved with computers or within three generations of double digit growth; the nation cannot burden the insincerity of this political jackass and buffoon who has committed these acts repeatedly and around the clock to fulfill a dirigible fantasy of being loved, being important, being taken care of, and all the merits of life and liberty most people are not confused about or requires the least bit of intelligence to uphold. Even if they were President or were in power; the truth and reality is the same.
This burden and rampage on our liberties has crippled every single bit of global finance and domestic stewardship. The minimum time to even see a change in political death is 3 generations and a legacy of a drug war that has done no favor or delivered any gift to all of our lives. It is time to ask if by segregating or removing this political hack and terrorist; we commit a noble act. My personal feelings coincide with my conclusion of this case; to sentence them and their people to death for their crimes against humanity and a shallow lack of compassion for the human race who has no reason or liberty to have this meaningless human being at our throats or on a rampage twenty four hours for 365 days in a year; only to be captured and paraded before the public for meaningful change or words to our life. Obviously none of this has come voluntarily and force must be used to affect their ignorance or selfishness. Even in death and on the last breath; their savagery and inhuman mental incapacity is well known, well documented, and wrought with criminal insanity. We live in two worlds now and in complete misery while the prospect of being robbed or killed is real. Something has to give with this political pest who has no life direction or has stolen every liberty granted to mankind. There is just a blunt refusal for what is on all our minds; it is time to make them go away and with valor.
Unless these political assholes fix their life and stay away or keep away from those who hate them and find them repugnant; it is time seriously consider if we will be also plagued with hurricane and earthquake problems. Having a grown man or woman with the IQ of a six grader, pretending to be our parents or God himself, is the most excruciating nightmare imaginable. Even if we placed them in power or made their politics supreme commander of freedom; we got the same results and a worsening of political crisis. Nothing they do and nothing we do will be enough to cure a human being who is so far away from home or the finish line. The way they treat or impact the lives of others has to be factored when granting them liberties and screwing up the universe on such a gigantic scale. The future of the Asians and the Whites are depended on clear, concise, and acts of valor; not treason and the currency of a traitor. There was a deliberate, intentional, and master plan invoked or in action to deny us of all freedoms, slander our life, steal our identity and worldly possessions, and much more. We set the damages at over 40 billion in cash and property. It is time to consider if segregation has any benefit to any of our lives; or is just this masterplan to enslave our world and our causes.
The moment this goes to trial, the judge is going to ask the same thing; are they seeking mercy. The public has watched justice at work; but now they have to watch if mercy can ever be granted to human beings who are so evil; we laugh and are overcome with laughter. It is called do not get caught and very sneaky; not real comedy. If they are human beings they will seek justice; that is the question, are they human beings? I am asking they pay restitution on the sum of 40 billion for murder, kidnapping, a rampage, and using violence and rampage to benefit or profit. I have seen people murder for profit or benefit; this was total insanity or criminal insanity. To send a clear and vicious message, I am asking for 40 billion in restitution to match or squash what exactly they seek as their objective. A lot of people have lost their soul and their identity because of the people who stand charged and owe this restitution. This was pure evil and had no place in life or society.
War can be beneficial and even profitable; however, this is pure evil. Death can be a part of life and a part of the human conflict; but this was not braining us closer to who we are or who we portray ourselves as a society. This idea murder or violence can be used to rob or seek gain; to benefit from the suffering of others or breed human beings in a manner to profit off their death, bomb plots, murder plots, destruction, demise, torture, brain washing, and evil ways to survive or get ahead; has no place on earth or in America. It is not a petty problem they wish away quickly or a cumbersome annoyance they have to buy off or sweep away. When human beings use rampage, crime, murder, terror plots, or even violence on such an unprecedented scale to profit; a clear message must be sent and from the depth of hell. 40 billion is about what their assets and checkpoint can handle. It will help and assist in the public good and it will help the victims of this; if not then it will deter and prevent a future occurrence. I am not a lawyer and it is not my job to be performing these duties, no less to be the star in some crazed Hollywood movie. I have wasted enough of my life and my time on these people; it is time to have deliverance and to move on in life. War was not invented for this. Death was not a part of life to be warped and misrepresented. Human beings who are this crazed and insane cannot be allowed to live a normal life or spread this disease of mankind.
Talking To Us Makes It Worse and They Are Losing Their Mind: To keep us and the public in this web of lies and fantasy, then go on radio and television to display or prove how they intend on surviving or what survival truly is; has to be the dumbest final act of a crazed madman. To even suggest we would let them live or survive this is not only dumb it is completely untrue. There is no intention of letting them live or survive this; none. I suggest all of them wake up and reverse this world of lies and fantasy they have us stuck in or created to hide who they are or what they have been up to. This problem with a blood sucking sniveling political menace who has no life direction or constantly attacking others; has split the world into two sides and two realities. They expect us to make their coffee; instead they got an entire pot dumped on them and in their face. Let's make that clear to you and to them Ann. Furthermore, 40 billion is a steal, rock bottom and nobody is going to disagree with the disposition of this settlement. A diabolical sniveling madman, no less a 911 terrorist, would easily pay this for their health, image, and to cover up who they truly are. 40 billion is an investment in the public good and it is good for the nation; there are so many factors that suggest it is their best and only option. On the flip side, look at what we have gone through and what we had to endure just to be here or be alive, it is a steal. Do this for the children and their future; without further delay.
A Sniveling Pest and Political Menace With No Direction or Life: The facts clearly indicate we did not let these people into our life or even into America. It shows life-long debilitating problems when they share life, wish to work with us, seek jobs, want to be part of the future, resolve problems, or twist reality to a level where laws are ineffective and have no meaning whatsoever. Let one in or at this level and hell will arrive. Limbaugh, Hannity, Fox News and all these others sought a new identity and acted as if we were nobody. In the end, this nobody was exposed for who they were and whom they did this too. One of these Al Qaeda like terrorists infiltrating is comparable to 2 billion in damages and a life long struggle or pursuit "to throw underwear" at each other. Now they wish to keep this chase or anger management class endless or ongoing; without any care and are ready to die. It shows the true value of the Democrats, the his-panics, and the blacks in America or why they cannot get ahead. We have shut down the case and they portray it as we are still seeking them and wishing to do business or share life. Let them into the capitalist system and life long debilitating problems will cripple life and liberty. Even worse is their IQ and how they see Asians; as nothing or leaders of a minority cause; a sniveling menace with no direction and looking for a new identity. Even worse is how they feel they are managing our life or resources; crippling and going nowhere is just the tip of the iceberg. The sooner we get them out of leadership, out of America out of business, out of our life, out of our pocketbook, out of our dreams, out of our marriage, out of everything; the better our world will be. Get them out of warfare and terrorism also.
Summary of Crimes, Damages, and Case: Why is the death penalty sought and 40 billion? Fees, services, and damages to myself are set and capped at 2 billion in US dollars.
1. Your crime is the objective. You are selling the poor. You are imposing ruin on others who reject it or combat this. You impose corruption and evil. The people you chose to be leaders and sell this tyranny of unbounded evil, are serial killer material, psychopathic. You took a traitor culture and lifestyle of communism, traitors, losers, and crime; and turned it into a democratic movement. What you imposed on us was far worse than how you imposed it; to no end and to no escape. Then this self-defense or claim it was self-defense was the last straw.
2. You must prove to the court if and when you ended whatever you started, if you even intended to end or cease this unbounded evil: day, date, and year. Did you seek therapy or some professional verification for your utter evil or insanity? How did it go from 100 million to 40 billion? Was there intention on going past 40 billion? What was the end of this if any?
3. Selling the poor was not the problem; how you sold it and what you did to the victims is the problem. It was not the poor or a world ideology of total ruin; it was evil and unbounded evil which saw no boundaries, no end, and was so psychopathic; there was no effort to even accurately or truthfully describe it. There were dead bodies everywhere and cold cases piling up with the bodies of the dead. The truth would be adequate.
4. Cloning us, posing as or impersonating decent people, claiming to be truth tellers, trying to talk to people who charged you of this 24 hours a day, badgering them in their home, stalking and 10,000 count indictments; are a microcosm of this unbounded evil. Even when it was clear you were wrong and had no escape; the truth of this terror plot or suicide plot was still kept secret and a blood bond. The only motive here was destroying people, picking a fight or provocation, and concealment of those crimes. No warning was good enough and no response was good enough, logical enough, or powerful enough to stop any of this rampage.
5. There was not one legitimate reason for this behavior or imposing it on others. We can list all of them or a few: the secret police, investigating us, an eye for an eye, superior or more powerful, nobody cared, powerless or unable to stop it, nobody liked us, hiding stuff, needed leadership or help, desperation, fleecing others under the guise of business or jobs, willing to die, ready to die, total ruin or capture, murder or death, and do not know what to do. All of those reasons could not bound the impulse for violence, impulse for murder, penchant for crime or lawlessness, and the serial killer mentality that abused other human beings or murdered them indiscriminately. All of that was under the guise of being a hero and some idiot we had to marry or was bounded by the hip to.
6. If selling the poor was not evil or some hidden political objective; then it was seeking a new identity or stealing one. Nothing more than a sniveling loser, and reduced to a media jackass; a sniveling loser with no direction in life stalking and hunting down those who do have direction in life; was no legal defense. Seeking and trying to steal a new identity was no logical or legal defense during the entire ordeal. The use of sniveling and pathetic female children to make your legal appeal, most of bizarre mixed race who took on their parent's cause with the sole intention sympathy or stealing remorse from victims of this unbound evil; is just a long list of the tricks used 24 hours a day to steal this new identity or cover up the evil intentions. When and if it ever came down to the truth, the truth was never enough nor were the laws which prevented any of this. Only death, a blood bath, total ruin, jail, 40 billion in damages, or systematic rampage would ever end this.
So why can't they get ahead and why is the system always against them? A therapist would make you all feel like a million bucks; and keep you out of anger management. I have never seen a breed of human beings who tell me how they feel or ask me to love their kids 24 hours a day and 40 billion in damages. You wasted your life on a sniveling human feces trying to prove you have a bull or cold hell in your blood; and none of you have it or ever did. When the rubber hits the road and when the smoke blown up our rear is nauseating; all of you are very weak and feeble. Your sniveling dictator breed and your minority talk does not care; but you make me care for your kids, tell me how you feel, etc... it is so F'in annoying. It is back and forth with you F'ers; you want others to and it is a total disaster. You F'ers need an anti-terrorist-therapist or counter-terrorist-therapist and it is very strange and very annoying to keep complaining about a sniveling deranged terrorist-therapist who seeks utter corruption. I really do not need more or expansion of this. All of them are in a suicide plot or terror plot; 40 billion and listening to a sniveling felon every single day about their problems or how they feel. Holy crap; look at their world and then look how they see others or what they want. That starving sniveling idiot terrorist does not care and wants to die; they do not know what to do and want to talk 24 hours a friggin day; why?
Democrats, Liberals, Multi-culturalism, blacks, hispanics, and integration: it is so insane and crazy, they refuse to do the right thing and are only seeking to drive us crazy or extort whatever they can. As guilty as they are; they throw this at us and sit there in this suicidal and deranged state; it is nothing more than a suicide and terrorist plot. As the world can see, the American leadership and political climate has reached this perch we are at and they refuse to do the right thing or clean up anything; 40 billion is on the line and the US government may owe 40 billion when this is said and done. It is going into civil war but they will do anything to avoid it; suicide by police or military killing. The question is why 40 billion is delayed, stalled, and has not been paid; even if a class action lawsuit is in front of all of them. Has corruption and politics become this corrupt and poisonous? Now all of this has to be cleaned and the damages must be paid; but the politics and climate is awful. Most people would move and just start over; let's try to recover the 40 billion and shut these people down before war and civil war arrives. We need aggressive lawyers, we need leadership, and we need real human beings; we are in a state of war by the left wing. We are not going to miss them and we do not need them to agree or be in our life; why they defend slavery now or defending the plantation, is insane. They want to throw underwear at each other and talk it out; not pay any damages or do the right thing; a lump on a log.
Dear Lawyers: all of this has to be cleaned up and it happened under all of their noses. I do not have the time to waste on these people and I have work piling up and projects that are unkempt and in need of attention. I need these lawyers to be quick, aggressive, and finish up or close up. It comes down to people being a lump on a log, interdiction of duty, and all of this happening while billions of dollars are spent to prevent it. I am paid $500 a month; sound unfair? After this, I have a plan so nobody will impede or bother my life again. Therefore I need this class action lawsuit and all of this corrected and cleaned up; to the tune of 40 billion and I have left instructions. The problem is people sat there like a lump on a log and it is completely wrong and a gross injustice; to drive us crazy or make us go insane. Now 40 billion is on the line and it all has to be cleaned up and reported. In the end, half of it may get cleaned up, maybe 75% or even 90%; we do not know; but $40 billion in damages will allow relief and quickly. It is beyond insanity already and these people have no intention of doing the right thing or cleaning up anything; do not play along or let them do what they did to us. I will print my books and continue to collect my 2 billion dollars; anyway I can. I also need funds from my books for legal expenses and a gigantic disaster. They will not be able to do this again, ever. We need real human beings and aggressive integrity minded lawyers for this new frontier.
Dear Ann Coulter: if I ever get my 2 billion or get this cleaned up; I hope you realize I am already gone. If it came down to all that money; you will be a distant memory; the work is piling up and your life story gets worse. It is going in all different directions now; and someone has to clean all of it up or it ends up a gigantic mess, tragedy, and all of you go bonkers. Just keep in mind how a man will view you or see you as if he had 2 billion and you have nothing to offer. Making people upset or telling them to stop, scolding them, does nothing for you or for me; just remember that. All of you can do what you want; but when it is all said and done; all of this must be cleaned up and presented in a nice, neat package; all of it. Therefore, there disaster is getting bigger and a lot of cleanup has to be done. All of you are out to drive each other mad or insane; get started and do not delay. I am already gone, I just need my money; that is all. Be careful what you wish for and who you keep around you; they refuse to do the right thing and will leave you the bill and the entire mess; for your rape and murder plot. I need leadership, aggressive lawyers, and much more from you Ann; much more. I am not going to miss them, this game will blow up in their faces even if they agree or not.
A lot of readers and a lot of witnesses are out there; in a lot of countries. The case and the plot surrounds pressure and ruin intended to kill an ox or attacks around the clock intended to pressure, stress, or be at the throat of another human being until they broke or went on a rampage. Did the Democrats or Republicans win the 1960s? Who is the source of this pressure or problem? Statistics indicate it favored white-anglo-saxon males. Today it favors whites and asians. Either one of them will be successful or both of them will be taken out. In order to prove this or win; a conspiracy must be proven, a deliberate attempt to oppress, hold down, or discriminate against the 1960s movement. If it comes down to political war; either one of them will be successful or both of them will be taken out. This is about violence and war; not drugs. This is about financing it. This is about the bullies. This is about crime and corruption. The case is so pervasive and upsetting; the country faces war and a damage claim of 40 billion; that is just the appetizer.
Why me? My girlfriend? Violence? War? Vietnam? Immigrants? Military Service? Protestant? Unemployment? Discrimination? Who is the real threat, the real violence, the real police, and the real mole or spy? On September 11, 2001; all of this was erased and no FBI computers were ever targeted. The nation came together finally and I was arrested and my life sent to hell. My life was erased with all of this. What replace it and what was created instead? This is about violence in America and politics. It is not about drugs or the police. Let's look at the statistics and who is struggling, who is poor, who are immigrants, and who are school drop-outs and failures: blacks and hispanics with a few Koreans thrown in (no Asian Jews). When it comes to gun laws or violence; who is the highest probability or threat? Inner city guns? Arabs? Whites? Poor people? Employed people? How do you win a war in America or scare the good guys when they all have guns? How do you flip their world upside down and make them panic; even if they are honor students, elite military, and super human beings? Where is this mental illness stigma, similar to a witch trial or witch-craft; get mixed up in this? Who do the liberals mentor? What is the core of anti-communism? Who is the core of it in America?
The hell you are going through or the hell we are going through? Did we call 911 for you or did you pick up that phone and tell us what you did and why? We are bothering you? We are mentally ill and making this up? We are harassing you with nonsense and denying you of your freedom? It sounds like you figured out a way to torture your victims even further; or figured out a way to keep it ongoing, to the tune of 40 billion in damages; even after getting caught. Everything you did and everything you tried to hide was focused on torturing your victims even further. Who was bothering whom and why? You must be a novice and after twenty years; your on-the-job training is hanging in there and keeping up. To get political change or gratification, I expect you to seek out his-panics and blacks; then use a white to attack them. To severe relations, I expect you to use Koreans to attack whites or schools. To prove decriminalization or hate, a cloud of suspicion around the police, I expect you to create these conditions to erase our minds or erase political trends. If you can create a monster, than you can cage it and prod it when you need.
It gets even better. This is about violence, guns, rampage, and what they are going through; a secret 911 call. In order to survive or win, they must ease the pressures; how? You figured how to torture the police and your victims beyond the scope of our own imagination. Every single day you go on the radio or TV and portray yourself as truth tellers and other people refuse to leave you alone or are impeding on your freedom; your right to do business. You used every trick in the book to run people off, paint yourself in the best light, or smeared our name and reputation by creating situations where it was either impossible or difficult to get out of. After sacking everything in sight and to the tune of 40 billion in damages; you even lied about it or orchestrated cover-ups to make your victims appear mentally ill, stupid, powerless, or have them fired. How many people did you get fired? How many police officers did you have fired while you replaced them with your cronies?
Your crime spree and rampage gets better. You figured out how to torture you victims even further; beyond the scope of a madman or psychopath. Each day you sat back and denied it all or lived a charmed life to suggest we were peasants who had upset the King. To this day, all of you claim you are trying to help and make this better; a dual universe completely warped of reality. To describe your character as selfish is an understatement. To catch you for 911 and orchestrating the biggest theft or robbery in US history is numbing now. We are talking about boundless evil and your effort to blame us or suggest we refuse to stop harassing or bothering you because you only wish to help or get ahead in life. You not only did all of this, you carried it out to the bitter end; to suggest we were deranged, bothering you, and even mentally ill. To argue it now, as you tried to twenty years ago; has taken our life into the depth of hell. You mixed all the pieces up and made the US citizenry live in hell. A war so sophisticated and far worse than the drug war; you moved every piece so you could change or question freedom and the world we desperately need for life and to escape your unbounded evil. People are catching on and they want the truth and a straight answer; so you use our life and material to torture them and hide. When it came to judging us; the tide has turned. One of us better have the goods and deliver; only one of us.
It comes down to 40 billion dollars, how much you will pay voluntarily. Whether you want a reduced sentence or jail time is your fate. Your only wish now is to die or be set free; total denial. Hence, we get two completely opposite stories and accounts. Even more ludicrous is this mental illness defense and the material you steal and read religiously. Your life force and the world must be inside my mental illness and you cannot escape or let go? If any of that was true, you would be asking for 40 billion and would have some written account, that is a big victory and a major defeat. You would hear our suicidal ranting or the noise of a jackass psychopathic felon; if any of it is true. The blacks, the hispanics, and the Jewish or Democratic ladder have done their best to give you a future; however, they have no future now. None. All the data, all the information, all the lies and scams, everything; indicates one and only one thing; you loose and you made the worst mistake of your entire life. Why would we bother you with this or every waking moment of your life? Why would you? Why would you subject yourself to this or these stress and pressure that would kill an ox no less a typical human being? Are you superman or am I? I don't see any other human creature who can do this, can you?
1. When it came to 911 you made it look as if you were targeted. You had the police chasing their own tails until the crime scene could be put back together perfectly. You almost managed to shut down several antagonistic law enforcement agencies; for better or worse. Are we inside your mental illness and warped world; or are you inside ours? Again, people bothering you and you seek respect. What do you suspect that last straw that broke the camel's back was?
2. When it came to murder, you had crime and street crews, your attack dogs, frame us or paint a cloud of suspicion around our life; while you were a victim or targeted. You either targeted your own valuables to frame us or paint a cloud of suspicion. There were dead people throughout our life and very close to our daily routine. Again, people are bothering you and you seek respect.
3. When it came to education, you stole all of our material and kidnapped us in order to accomplish all of your worldly goals and worth. Every single day you stole our identity to further your gain or treasures. Each side here is gaining on the others mental illness and fantasy. Again, people are bothering you and you seek respect. What do you suspect that last straw that broke the camel's back was?
4. When it came to jobs or employment; you had to be the employer, you had to do the firing, you had to be in control. When it came to rental properties, the police were called constantly and reports filed by both sides; a history of nearly 23 years can be presented. Again, people bothering you and you seek respect.
5. When it came to attacks or scams you lured us into, you had to file false reports, claim we would not leave, said we would not leave you alone, etc... If it was not blacks or his-panics; then it had to be your white masters who struggled in America and already had a reputation. Again, by manipulating reality or warping it; you could deny and hid what you did and to whom you did it to. Again, people bothering you and you seek respect. What do you suspect that last straw that broke the camel's back was?
6. When it came to why our life was so messed up, you refused to report the robbery, what you did, how you stole everything, or why this was in the 23rd year. Instead, you painted this picture every single day and was in our life to the very end; antagonizing it hourly or every waking moment to encourage suicide or some beneficial outcome for your unbounded mannerism. Again, people bothering you and you seek respect.
7. When it came to bosses or masters; you would annoy us with this Jewish mentor or minority account that not only pissed us off every waking hour of our life; but had us so depressed and numb inside; we died years ago. Then to cover it up, you manipulated the justice and political system to make a false arrest and label us mentally ill. It was you who was totally disconnected from reality and did not want to be bothered or pay any damages; now set at 40 billion and a death penalty crime scene. Again, people bothering you and you seek respect. What do you suspect that last straw that broke the camel's back was? Strange, because one of us has to have the goods and delivers.
8. You basically robbed and stole everything; but not our pride, our life mission, or who you were in the end. It came down to how much you would voluntarily pay and how much jail time you could muster. Everything in your world came to and end; everything from politics to party affiliation, to real estate, and this idea you are consumers and we are constantly pestering you or trying to sell you our life. Again, people bothering you and you seek respect.
9. We even recorded you conducting this theft on TV and radio. You are having panic attacks, bold one moment and struggling to find an answer the next. Each time we mentioned 911 and what you did; your world came to an end and you would go into a deranged state of mind or this slogan chant where your fantasy world was protected. Who is bothering whom here? Oddly, only one of us can have the goods and can deliver; unless a cover-up and switchover is taking place; a murder-rape plot.
10. Even worse is your mating habits and your effort to procreate or find affection in our life. You negated or tried everything to ruin Ann Coulter. You refused to clean any of it up or let it persist while pushing this into a suicide or some state of molestation, rape, and depression where death was the only escape. With me it was making every waking moment a hell. What do you suspect that last straw that broke the camel's back was?
Us and them in the end? If it was not financial ruin or some form of humiliation, verbal, in home detention, or lack of family and loved ones you had replaced with kidnappers and terrorists; then it was the horrible and incorrigible slut efforts, day and night; to garner affection or change our minds. Stalking could not even come close to how you were there 24 hours a day and the effort you put forth every waking moment of our life. It was literally another world and some lack of reality altogether. Yet we made it clear an abduction and kidnapping was your ultimate goal; a failed recruitment. What you did to Ann Coulter was horrible. What you did to me, in the name of love or interest; was ten times as horrible. How it ended was even worse than what you did; and we have the written record of how it ended in 2008. Who is bothering us here? Us? Who is us? You used race or this long term path to ruin to overlap our life and suggest we were "one of your kind" and us; at war with a system and with an evil world that wanted us dead or hated our life. All the statistics and all the trends in the world suggest otherwise; but a lot of reputations are on the line. Like 1860s and the settlement of America; it is anything goes and stopping hordes of people looking for a future; a nation lacking any laws or order. There is no logic, either you are dead or alive.
So now you claim you are stuck inside our mental illness or we won't stop bothering you. Nothing you say or do can establish that; nothing. You rely on reports by doctors which have already been challenged by a court of law. Your last wish is this will never be taken to trial and your Jewish or Democratic masters will politically sieze or protest their own destruction and guilt. Even to the bitter and deadly end, when it came to legal matters, you kept your lip shut and denied everything. You knew there was no escape, we had outsmarted and caught you, we knew who you were and what you were up to; all you could do is drive us into our grave every stinking waking moment and blurt out ridiculous slogans such as, "LEAVE, we are ready to die, we want to die, and we do not know what to do." Well, we obviously know what to do and what to say; and we have the education, written complaint, and the facts to back it up. If it came down to proving or facts; your story and alibi does not make any sense. Yes it must be all mental illness up where you are and up where we are; deny it? What do you suspect that last straw that broke the camel's back was?
About the dead or your heroes, those who actually did it are dead or gone now; but this is why they call it a suicide plot and terrorist plot; and we are expected to end this in the same fashion. Some of the dead were attackers and some were victims; it is the world you live in or manipulate for legal or political gain. That is about all you can do when you face the death penalty and 40 billion dollars in damages. Furthermore, you run the risk of additional action by the military and clandestine forces who were alerted of your plot, violent rampage, criminal profile, and future plans in the United States. Do you want to know what you should be saying? Everybody is saying it, especially Ann Coulter. You should have said, "I think we might have kidnapped and done a horrible injustice to Jesus Christ or this man" but given your history; your goal is to kill or drive him into ruin so he will kill himself. By antagonizing every waking moment of our life; you sought this but could not close it; but you put forth 200 per cent and now wish to die. All of this corruption and a 40 billion class action lawsuit; a lot of reputations are on the line. One of us is either asleep, awake, or lying because "we do not know what to do, we are ready to die, why don't you leave or go away."
The judge and the lawyers are going to ask the same thing; why didn't you just pay the 40 billion and get this over with; just shut up? Why didn't your employers and financial supporters take more positive steps to save their name, reputation, and careers before it reach such a horrific conclusion? Just pay the damage, end it quickly, and shut up. Now the pressure is on, you failed to police yourself, the producers and the station failed to police any of this, you feel ignoring it or deny it will make it better, and it has to end eventually. When reputations are on the line and when the problem is this extreme; you do not point guns at us or badger us 24 hours a day. These pressures and stresses that would kill an ox; with media and technology compounding the existing pressures and stresses; it is now a horde of people looking for a new future. A lot of reputations and a lot of pensions are on the line; for nothing and unbound evil.
You do realize the law enforcement community, the FBI, and the US government look like a corrupt bunch clinging to their jobs and pensions; instead of doing the right thing? They are now fighting for their life and a report which can satisfy the public. No government or judge in this world is going to believe this theory about mental illness. Clearly, those who wrote it are disconnected from reality or just malicious; a failed attempt to lie or slander the name of someone. Even worse is the long history and longevity of this; as it s still ongoing and to no end. That hard reality better sink in quick. We all look stupid now; hence, we all have grown numb. We are not here to judge who is number or who gets to judge whom. We know they are communists, chaos, starving, on their last leg, at our throats, and asking why even try anymore. They do not have a future in America unless it is crime and corruption.
Throw my underwear at you? Are you suggesting an invitation or some fantasy? By whom? Are you suggesting a marriage or some long term relation? On whose end or whose side? If you were in my home, is that an accurate or straight answer; or more of the same? Why would anybody throw their underwear at you? We both look stupid but throwing underwear at each other is a death penalty. A slut would never throw an underwear at others unless you said so and it was true. Obviously, I would give you a piece of my mind or if I saw any of you at a party or some event; I would gladly take my suit off. As you have or are doing now. One of us is going to throw an underwear at the other. Again, the hell you are going through right now would kill an ox. However, for a suicide terrorist, a madman, a kidnapper, or someone who is holding a prisoner; the tables are turned and still up for grabs. This is why the mental illness will not and never fit. Under these pressures; a mentally ill person cannot function or logically think their way out. A mentally ill person would crack under these stresses and pressures; on both sides. Why are you all so confident and want to die at the same time?
You must be a complete dumbass or fool. Do you see how high up this is at and where you are suspended from? That is a long fall and a long distance to climb down. Do you see what your unbounded evil has gotten you; exactly what is at risk or whether or not your future can even survive after this? Here you are hanging on a string and clinging to us for dear life and we are not happy about the situation, your filthy lies, your stupid tricks, or where this has led. Can you even see the bottom from here? Then why even suggest we are bothering you while hanging on for dear life? We must be trying to hide something or get away; our 40 billion problem and this hideous pattern of behavior we know so well. You have no intention of climbing down or falling from here? You are here to stay and go further? We are in this mental illness and waiting for you to just let go; ready? We are eager to hire you? We are eager to have you in our life? We are eager for your leadership? We must love your women and children also? We love the crime and power you have in America; your rampage and terror plots? We must be ready to defect and join; ready? We love you immigrants and even more; real estate. How about that new coincidental socialized medicine and 8 trillion to fund a Florida pill mill? Odd, everything fits perfect except for you and your new future.
What is the motive here if it is all mental illness? We hate you more now than ever before in our life? The mental illness problem is irrelevant because we all are cunning, deliberate, and look stupid; all of us are numb. What it is about now is who judges whom; and why? We can imagine the hell you are going through. However, for a suicide terrorist, a madman, a kidnapper, or someone who is holding a prisoner; the tables are turned and still up for grabs. This is why the mental illness will not and never fit. One of us will crack like a nut and going to fall a very long distance; I can see it from my viewpoint and perch. Who else can see this? Is there any other human creature on earth who can withstand these stresses and pressures? Is there any safety net or way down from here? Why are you so confident? Can you think your way out of this? One of us is illogical and is lying. Can the government think their way out of this predicament also since they have their fingerprint all over this case already? My suggestion is to get some education and start writing if this is your defense. All we see are you and political groups scrambling like mad while being recorded, why? Why are you in a rush or trap to determine who is who? How high are you now and can you see the bottom? Safe or nervous? Why? It cannot be high tech stocks because your life is hell, favor for Asians and whites; so it had to be pharmaceuticals. This war on drugs is hell isn't it?
Want to take a look at the victims and what kind of a pariah you have become with you folly? If it is not subjecting yourself to stress and pressures that would kill an ox; then it is the people who are accusing you of $40 billion in damage. From my perch, I can see a lot of mental illness and those who are totally disconnected from reality. They have figured out a way to torture their victims or become a care giver; mental illness. I have the written material to prove it and a 40 billion class action lawsuit to back up my "lying eyes." I not only suggest you start writing but also time stamp it; to prove it is your own work and your own material. A lot of readers and a lot of witnesses are out there; in a lot of countries. The case and the plot surrounds pressure and ruin intended to kill an ox or attacks around the clock intended to pressure, stress, or be at the throat of another human being until they broke or went on a rampage. Did the Democrats or Republicans win the 1960s? Statistics indicate it favored white-anglo-saxon males. Today it favors whites and agents. Either one of them will be successful or both of them will be taken out.
Odd, show me pressure and stress that would kill an ox if it is a mental illness defense? Even worse is how disconnected you are from reality. Take a hard look at the victims and the names behind this 40 billion dollar lawsuit; who are you? Is there any written material out there on the real you or logical truth to who you are besides how bothersome we have become or constant badgering? You still have not made a ransom demand; except one in particular. For $40 billion, most people would have a mountain of data and material. We have on film you, political organizations and Fox News scrambling; why? That is a lot of media reputations on the line; utter corruption on top of the existing corruption. It has been over twenty years; one of us has to deliver. Why even fight this or bother? Why fight for a future when the pressures today are suicidal? It is a long way down and long fall from here on.
The story of rent, inner city, veterans, retirement, Florida, immigrants, real estate, drug wars, Los Angeles and starlets, sex and prostitution, and something new; calling our relatives for money and rent so we can retire or pay our bills? Who is calling our relatives, telling them we are mentally ill, and to send money because they care or need us? Who? Why in hell would you all call my family and ask for money, or ransom; when 40 billion is on the line? All of this ended with New Yorkers, a few Bushes, preconception drugs, huge debt, socialized medicine, a housing collapse, huge debts, Jews in the South, hispanics and blacks, and the drug wars; a total scam, fraud, and now a complete disaster. It all sounds like a terror plot, pay or die. It sounds like a Dostoevsky story; pain, toothache, and doctors. At the core is communism and drugs. The number of police killed in the line of duty is incredible in Tampa Bay-Sarasota; or the entire state. The way they are killed is a horrendous death. We only see this in Washington DC during the 1980s; execution style and even massacre of FBI agents. This is about violence, guns, rampage, and what they are going through; a secret 911 call.
It sounds like the kidnapping of retirees and demands for money, medical attention, or some comfort by terrorists and their hostage takers. Do you all do this to all retirees or just the people who are not liberals or from New York? If all this real estate was built for this ransom or kidnapping; then you got major problems and want to die now. Who is this death panel and who are these hostage takers or terrorists? Is this how you keep the lights on or use human beings to profit from socialized medicine? If people do not pay they die? It is strange how the rent; when surrounded by his-panics and blacks; exceeds the national average in Florida. It is strange how all of these pieces fit snug and perfect; except what we know is true and illogical; a housing and real estate collapse. All of them went to Florida and now that is about to collapse.
Did the Democrats or Republicans win the 1960s? Statistics indicate it favored white-anglo-saxon males. Today it favors whites and agents. Either one of them will be successful or both of them will be taken out. Show me an Asian male with my intelligence and socialization skills (stud, varsity athlete, honor roll student, hot wife or girlfriends); who is experiencing this sort of problems; there are none. Why me? Violence? War? Vietnam? Immigrants? Military Service? Unemployment? Discrimination? Who is the real threat, the real violence, the real police, and the real mole or spy? On September 11, 2001; all of this was erased and no FBI computers were ever targeted. The nation came together finally and I was arrested and my life sent to hell. My life was erased with all of this. What replace it and what was created instead? If we know the political trends; what, who and where is the opposite or "contradictory"; to antagonize the events in America? Arabs, Florida and New York? You just erased what is on everybody's mind. It is the perfect diversion and mental block.
The story of rent, inner city, veterans, retirement, Florida, immigrants, real estate, drug wars, Los Angeles and starlets, sex and prostitution, and something new; care givers. The business of taking care of sick people or seniors has gone bonkers. All of this ended with New Yorkers, a few Bushes, prescription drugs, huge debt, socialized medicine, a housing collapse, huge debts, Jews in the South, his-panics and blacks, and the drug wars; a total scam, fraud, and now a complete disaster. It sounds like the kidnapping of retirees and demands for money, medical attention, or some comfort by terrorists and their hostage takers. Similar to hostage takers or terrorists; either you pay or you die. All they had to do now was hand it off to the Democrats; make it a left wing success. In order to turn this around for the blacks and the his-panics; they need one missing piece and we finally have it.
You have to ask why this human feces with the spirit from hell is constantly inviting us into their life or we are put into this difficult standoff. Then you have to ask whether or not we would or could ever stand their guts at our parties, dinners, or events. The answer and the problem is very easy to understand. If I were the victims of 911 and those who were seriously harmed by this organized communist political terrorist group; I would hold the government responsible. They are using tax dollars to form a club or a hierarchy; those funds and that secret relationship must be terminated. Those who come to our homes, act as if they are God, fantasize about being Big Brother, or have kept this going for so long; a fugitives and felons. They face extreme criminal charges and even worse extreme military actions to bring them to justice for terrorism, crimes, and all kinds of evil chicanery. Who is this stupid to knock on our doors 24 hours and bring this matter to this sort of ending? Who is this deranged to repeat "we do not know what to do, we want to die, just move on and go away" 24 hours until they get what they want? Who is this deranged to blame us or make it look like we are not invited and won't leave; when they have a record of doing this for over twenty years? Come to our parties? Come to our homes? Kidnap us? Act like parents? Invite theselves to a new war where the enemy is them and the target? They are testing the limits of human tolerance and the limits of the laws. That is not us. We have been slandered and targeted. It is as dumb as grabbing the neck of the office of hurricane and earthquakes. It is as dumb as invading satellite warfare. It is as stupid as trying to make us their bitch or some sexual slave. They are testing these relationships and trying to form new ones.
The futility of this enemy compounding their insanity and stupidity is comparable to attacking the office of hurricane and earthquakes; that is not us. We are trying to expel them, throw them out, and stop them. They expect us to take on an entire communist invasion force or 911 terrorists. In my case, I was expected to move on, hire lawyers, and fight for my life while they delayed, made demands, told me to leave or go away, said I was mentally ill, used intimidation or witness harassment, obstructed justice, and just about every single trick in their criminal arsenal short of execution. War is coming or has arrived and a lot of people are utilizing this brinksmanship and total lack of common sense to worsen this situation. If those victims of 911 are going to collect any restitution on the blood and treasures of war; it better be quickly or while those responsible are alive. The government and the people we expect to do the right thing; have their fingerprint all over this. Like all wars, they emerge only when the smoke clears for the medal ceramony. We did not get here overnight or even twenty years of foolish incompetence. We did not see this ending or these decisive actions because fortunes were made and lost overnight. It was illogical to begin with and illogical to the very end. Had God been transported to earth; he would sentence to death the majority of the human race; including the government. They say war is when the wicked cleanse the earth of the wicked; if so, a lot of cleansing is needed. If God speaks through us, then this human feces better have it perfect or get this right. God speaks in numbers.
It felt as if someone was insulting us from start to go. No matter what the laws said or were there to protect; we could never obtain it or utilize it. Those involved or administered it were so gutless and guilty; they made sure of this. How it ended was a surprise as big as who they did this to or who dealt them the biggest loss in the history of mankind. It was too late for those involved; but the government seemed too feeble and too unresponsive; a monster so irresponsible, it became our worst nightmare and enemy. You had to walk on shells and freedom was kept alive in the darkness of cellars and candles. You were always being watched or toyed with; bullied or badgered; 24 hours a day and a captive in broad daylight in a land where black or white has never pleased anybody but themselves. Now they were at each others throat and in total destruction; yet all their lies and evil were not strong enough in the end to impose dictatorial communism or gangland justice on America. We have to understand what the political system has turned into. We have to understand what the left wing has turned into. We have to understand what these government officials have turned into and how they hide it all. So when evil arrives on their doors; will they run to ours? When war arrives or impacts their lives; will they run into our clever trap? Maybe they are as unsure now as they were when all of this began. With hindsight, there is a big difference between dangerous and ugly; we have discovered pure ugly. The statistics of their sociology is even uglier than anybody had imagined.
If it was not erasing material, stealing it, or fabricating professional analysis or reports; then it was false imprisonment. From the start to the beginning, the people we expect to do the right thing, never once did; instead it was run arounds, stalling, in your face corruption, constant struggle, badgering, and far worse than they will ever admit. The government expected us to take on all of this while they ran up debts and social programs that went nowhere or solved anything. How do we survive this attack by 911 terrorists and communist agents who seek our demise or death? How about some relief or backup; some measure to push them back or stop them in their tracks? At most we got a card for rape centers, family crisis centers, or legal defense; stonewalled, and more of the same lump on a log which got us here. In this three way race of selfish race relations; the two antagonists were silenced by their own stupidity and bigotry. The blacks were so despised, insignificant and dying. The whites were sappy space cadets who never aimed to please. This was about war and the 1960s; a very clever political enemy who controlled the police and who manipulates the laws. It traces to administrators and politicians who are feeble to understand the role of the police and the existence of evil in a world that faces war because politics is no longer about individualism or goodness. This is about the police; but even worse it is about conformity and individualism. The question is not who we are, the question is who they are; will they police themselves? In number and in life, they are hated for this lying eye they police human life with.
We are at odds with the good guys and the bad guys. Terror and corruption has plagued our nation. Crime has gripped our life. How much do we value those who stand in between us and them? What price will we pay to live and survive this ordeal? What price will they? It was hard to side with the good guys. We relied on the Constitution to bland our senses and numb our nightmare. We relied on power that far surpasses what is understood or supernatural. In one swift stroke of a wand, it all could be over and millions of lives would perish. To be toyed by such a jackass and fool; on such a degree altered the senses of humanity. To live with a gutless, insignificant, human feces enemy; in victory or in loss, was the most vile act of treachery imaginable. We fault the government; again, a black race and a white race who served nobody but their own convictions. Now in numbers they were toothless and a mere pest. The land they called their own was now a human dump and undergoing swift decline. The degree of deranged mentally; given we were blamed from start to finish, was criminal insanity, "we do not know what to do, we are ready to die, why don't you leave"; all day and all night to agitate and bring out further demons who wish for massacres and rampages. Crazed sluts, intended to drive us crazy and bed our male wishes; would arrive in waves; to no end or any success. The ugliness of their appearance or the inner ugliness of their blackened hearts; could not explain the depth of hell through this ordeal. When human beings are dangerous, they have real power; when they are merely ugly; they cannot decide if up is down.
These mortal fools and human flesh so rotten words could never describe fairly; waged war on us and took us hostage. It takes real power and real danger to take another human being hostage. The government felt it was merely another interesting experiment on the limits of the laws and lawyers who represent them. Now they have concluded the extremity of it and the termination point of the impact. Like little children who run around and appear alive; you wonder if they were actually alive or awake during this entire ordeal. Did they find it amusing how we handled the matter or did they merely watch with anger to bring swift justice to any side who would be victorious? In the end, 40 billion was on the line and if that did not wake them up; then the risk of termination or loss of pension did. We cannot say we enjoyed their company; but we cannot say in an evil world, they stood between good and evil. It leaves the mind numb. In a country desperate to be someone or a world under siege by evil and hungry peasants; the good guys were of no help in this war. Their finger print is all over this and from start to finish; it was one flaw or error after the next until the compounding of lies; could not hold up the weight of the finish. It makes you numb inside; and even though you wonder if these so called leaders had any direction or if their hearts were so blackened; they could not do the right thing, we made no payment or benefit to their dreamy gladiator ring where one attack dog was sent after the next to exterminate us. By doing nothing but the wrong thing from start to finish; it is clear we were on our own to fight this enemy who invaded our life. It was a trap from the start; however, it was more of a vicious folly and the enterprise of a dangerous felon who has to be killed. They have this down to a science and will attack cases or lawsuits they deem unworthy; we can give them hell and much more.
If they gave us hell; then in the end, it was hell they got back on their lap. Things got so out of control; nothing worked anymore when they once did. This mole and this criminal had control of the police; furthermore, the police waited until we were killed before they could even begin to understand the problem. Yet they underwent the same war with this same enemy. It was a personal war. It was a one on one war. It was a war with leaders they could not see or hear. If it was not direliction of duties, then it was to deflect blame. We were in the middle of it all. Two sides both racked with problems and of no help to this ending. God would have sentenced them both to death; but in war, there is a place for foot soldiers even if you view them with hatred and solitude. Our power far supersedes theirs; yet in the end, it felt like all battles and wars you come close to loosing. When is reinforcements ever going to arrive or will they? They never did and we never let up; thus, nobody can claim any prize or glory besides those who were surrounded and taken hostage. Oddly, God made their feet for a reason and they have not figured out what that reason is for. Meanwhile, ours is black and dirty from stomping on something we have yet discovered in this new frontier. This enemy is too stupid to fly a white flag; yet they seek answers and power from those who despise them and seek their extermination. They were able to make up a story to contradict every single one of ours. In their search to discover who we are; the world discovered who this unbound evil was policing. Ugly is as ugly does; but if you can hide it, you can laugh at the true victim.
How did they discover themselves in their attempt to study us or discover who we are? What is in their soul and what madman boundless evil could they reveal about their being, by kidnapping us? So who was behind this? Who did we trace this to and why? Who is this stupid to step into a trap so clever and so impacting; the entire world changed overnight? The good guys and the police never arrived and if they did, read off the same script intended to appease the matter. They knew something was wrong. They knew someone was out of place. They had no idea how bad it got or how impacting the ending would be. Luckily, we were on duty and luckily; we are not made of the same material or live in the same box as most of these other human beings. It may be a curse and it may be a blessing; however, it brought no joy to anyone. This human feces with the spirit of a spitball serial killer, is in survival mode. If they loose here, than it is game over. The satellites will take over their lawyers, security, corruption, and inert ruse. If they do not crush it or bomb it; crime in America or the world; will be stopped dead. Their beloved profits from drugs or smuggling; will be nothing but a computer game. The peasant will grow into a limp, feeble, old man whose spirit got mushy and stepped on. God speaks to them, through us; and by facing such ultimate defeat and ludicrous meaning; he will speak to us by using them. We will know and we will see to it his wishes are carried out. This race and all those dirty little feet, has an ending and we are here now.
The Constitution was the only thing which numbed or kept us fighting for the truth and an end to this nightmare. The enemy had lies, deceit, and anything; to erase, blame, or deflect any truth. They were made of human feces but their spirit came from a hell we rather ignore than fight to the death over. For them it was a hell they could not and would not escape; a life sentence of failure or poverty. Someone had to end this, after the twenty-something year of being a prisoner of human feces whose poverty and lack of normalcy; drove them to crime, violence, hatred, war, murder, and suicide. What could they possibly get out of this exercise in destroying the human soul of another human? Would bombarding us for twenty years of attacks, to make our mind inert, ever make it mush or damage it so badly it cooperated? What ending would they get for badgering us 24 hours a day and hunting us like animals in a war only phantoms and folk-lore could explain? If they are to survive, they must preserve their history and folk-lore; not bury it. All of them will be buried with the shoe marks that brought us here and now; what reward or tribute could war or evil this unbound have in our life? The search to find who they are and where their place in this world; was actually discovered when they finally realized what had occurred. We are not here to invite them or be invited by them. All we got were lies and deceit; a terror plot. They wish to attack and make themselves more powerful. They want the office of hurricanes and earthquakes to bow or kneel before them. We are not that stupid or foolish to continually invite ourself to a painful ending. We are not dumb enough to keep testing this or grabbing the office of hurricane and earthquakes by the neck; so they unleash God like fury on those behind it. We do not want blacks, his-panics, or others to be our bitches or wait for any chance to F them; this political slut does. This political slut will wait their entire life if needed; and we want to end this quickly and easily; anyway or anyhow.
Their race told the lies which has formed this prison we are looking at today. Their communities are nothing more than run down shelters for stray animals and insects in search of food. They rely on the only weapon invented to take down the state, attack the police, or feed the armies of Satan himself. For human feces with the spirit of a bull and the IQ of a kindergarten peasant; it meant the world to inflict so much damage to such valuable commodity. The police were on their side and allowed this gladiator ring; they were in it. We all were in it, in this plot or conspiracy; because the black and white race only sought to gratify themselves with history. We all were trapped in this and being trampled. How would it ever end or would it? Would we ever catch all of those involved and be able to sentence them to death and poverty for their deeds or lack of deeds? It comes down to the Constitution and individual rights; conformity, individualism, and the politics of communism; put the nail into the coffin of those we deem as failures and subjective annihilation. The police experiment to determine if we would become animals; as they have become in death and selective extermination, has come to a terrible ending. God is a cruel and vicious being who speaks through us all; yet he would never let this happen to human beings or his most precious. Maybe in death, this ultra narcissistic zygote dictator will be in touch with their own feelings and their own meaning in life. We have found ours a long-long time ago and at a very young age. This slutty vulture is looking for any chance to steal or any opening; to sneak by us.
To suggest government duties came first or police actions did not fulfill what, over time, was evil and dereliction of duties; is a joke. In the end, we did what the government refused to or failed to with less than $500 a month; while their budget was in the billions. We went and did what no man could or could survive. Do we blame the police for evil or do we blame those who performed the act of evil? Do we blame the effort of those evil or the lack of effort of those who are not? How do we consciously understand the interaction of two sides feeble to underhand themselves? They live a meager life and they lack any power to change the world they live in. They bred and manifested an antagonizing system of two rivals and two sides bent on each others destruction and death. Since man has walked this earth; their inability to get it right has caused strain between the police and the concept of God. In laws, they found mercy and even power to carry out their fate; faulty or not. In war, their laws were smashed and their trust in God was tested; once and for all. To no avail, they still have not learned anything and repeat mistake after mistake in the juxtaposition to be God himself or this mercy to carry out police powers on their fate. Maybe God was wrong when he made them; or was he teaching us about our self and our duties as human subjects? What cruel joke could God teach us by making a human being so despised; we became cured in mid-life? Is he speaking to us through them or is he using us to speak to them? If so, they shake with fear now. They finally used money or used others to discover their own fate or their own being. It was always there, they just did not know it was this ugly and despised.
We all know who is behind this and who is to blame. They came to America and made a fortune on the armies of human feces with the spirit from hell. Their ugliness is why the prisons are teeming with more evidence of their failures, as leaders and as parents. That has not stopped them or is enough evidence to indicate any problems. They will continue to arrive on our shores and continue to knock on our doors; until something or someone emerges from the hell they have created and with fury and might; makes human feces with the spirit from hell; a defeated cloud of storms. They come here with the intent of seeking freedom and end up on the defeated end of freedom; how can this be, two worlds and two sides. They come to America with the dreams of riches; even power, and end up as a defeated enemy of power. Is this a dual universe or some parallel time warp we have entered? This creature from hell has come to America to be the police of fate and has the intention of keeping us hostage or a prisoner of this war; unless or until something and someone holds their head underneath the water and similar to an assembly line; makes them wish for death. Do we blame the police for inventing this human species or the climate which that same species thrives? Are they the true steward of our fate or a defeated enemy who is undergoing steep decline and imploding numbers? How wrong can they be in death? The pain of their existence is felt by boundless evil. As their numbers increase, the statistics of their failure or troubled life gets uglier. No matter what they do or say, they cannot scrub away ugly. Ugly are numbers and God speaks through those numbers. We find it amusing to understand how God spoke through ugly or those numbers.
Do we blame those who waged war on us or do we side with those who did nothing? That is their experiment and that is also their guilt. All human beings are stuck in that dilemma; between good and evil, justice and the prevailing winds. This nightmare felt as if we are the only people alive or everybody died and we went to hell; a nightmare. They claimed we put them out of business; a justice system teetering on all out civil war; lawyers who lie to get ahead; police who give criminals more respect than us; and a system which we were swallowed up by. It was their money making enterprise and we were serfs or peasants being offered a meager salary. Yes, this clever and sneaky enemy dressed up as both the bad and the good guys; but in the end, the judgment was against them. Do we blame evil or do we blame the people who manage it, control it, or stop it? Whose duty is it to protect our lives and whose duty is it to fight this human feces with the spirit of a bull? They say it is only theirs to loose; are they wrong? This world of satellites, real time images, technology, and weapons of smart people; has made their life a living hell. The finances of industry no longer welcomes their arrival and the few; those who understand individualism, are in a new world where their follies are no longer a frontier to discover. If they stay, they either face extermination by the criminal justice system or a transformation to a defeated feckless moron who enjoys pestering world leaders who wish them death. This is one defeated political enemy who faces extermination for evil so unbound; we have to tell their story. They fear God yet they do not know him or how he feels. How wrong they have been about America and coming to America with this boundless evil.
Dear Rush Limbaugh and Communist Liberal Radical Democratic Forces: I bet in struggle with us or abducting us; you convinced yourself you were on top of the food chain or could get your way. Now the hard reality is unbearable and the consequences of this stalemate to see who is the top of the food chain; has made you blurt out "we do not know what to do, we are ready to die, why don't you leave" in a deranged hysterical manner a traitor, a madman, a felon, and a total SOB communist would. Let's make it clear and set the record straight who is actually political partners and why they are the top of the food chain. You are just here to mow the yard or trim our lawns; so let's not make it degrading for all of us. You managed to screw the entire state of Florida up with your 1960s mulch-culturalism and growth model; now reality has sunk in and it is inescapable. The entire state is infested or facing rapid decline; a political mess and war coming.
Stop Inviting Yourself or Into Our Life: This is called pissing on your F'in grave for what you have done and who you have done it to; how do you like it and America now? Enjoy the world you were born in or question all the time? Have you F'd it up enough or not thorough yet? You see no end to this and are on top of the food chain; in your fantasy and other life maybe. How wrong they are and have been to remain aloof in America and for so long. In discovering us, Rush has finally found his true fate in life. He now knows who he is and can describe himself in detail for us; without panic attacks or laughter. You have to ask why this human feces with the spirit from hell is constantly inviting us into their life or we are put into this difficult standoff. Then you have to ask whether or not we would or could ever stand their guts at our parties, dinners, or events. The answer and the problem is very easy to understand.
Dear Ann Coulter, Some Helpful Advice: I do not think Mrs. Romney appreciates or likes to watch you swindle her husband out of drinks or dinner; and most especially in front of their kids. I know how you are and your ways. She is going to give you a fight of your life. You do the same stuff to me and your leadership or management is abhorrent. All of you have a game to see who can piss off the most people and run into each others arms. You see me, it got to the point where I don't even notice anymore or pay attention. Even if you died or were killed; I would say, "I knew it was going to happen." Your life is probably worse now than it has ever been and I did everything I could to try and fix a lot of your problems. I honestly do not think there is any help for any of you; programmed to jump off buildings, wreck the world, wreck your own work, go into self pity, think you can outsmart or overpower others, and just ruin everything valuable in life. You do it. They do it. I describe it as a lump on a log. Why are you following me to California?
Got a Job Now: I was hoping to get some peace and quiet; and I am meeting up with some friends in Costa Rica and Nicaragua. As you can see, I have plans. Go back to being a lump on a log and do not tick off the first lady about her husband. I know how all of you are and what your problems are about. I do not think you will ever change either. Go back to being a lump on a log; I have major problems on my end with Puerto Ricans and Florida turning into a ghetto or inner city of crime and drugs. You are of no help whatsoever. Thanks for inviting me here to this living hell and inner city dump Ann. There are more his-panics and welfare here than any other state; a political disaster. This is one defeated human feces race war and they will starve for it from here on. We will see to this. You have to ask why this human feces with the spirit from hell is constantly inviting us into their life or we are put into this difficult standoff. Then you have to ask whether or not we would or could ever stand their guts at our parties, dinners, or events. The answer and the problem is very easy to understand.
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- My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.
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