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Monday, May 7, 2012


The problem is very simple but these people are either blind, deaf, or have some form of character flaw which prevents the solutions from concurring or they only want to protest, get meaner, obstruct, create an accident or disaster, pester and bother, kidnap, or do anything possible to express how mean and greedy they truly are. They are poor and very mean. They live in the worst conditions possible and are totally crazed or poor as a result of bad character or stupid constant appeals with others. They are crazed, greedy, and poverty exacerbates this crazed spy-like or psychopathic existence others are forced to rub up or come in contact with. Even the ones with money are totally crazed; worse than those who do not have money or are stuck in retail and wish to verbally harass people who go into public or utilize retail and market goods. Therefore, not only are they poor and totally crazed; they seek freedom and a home; which somehow we are expected to provide. Everybody else is horrible; except for them or their plight. We have to listen to them day after day, seeking sympathy, friendship, love, acceptance, and freedom in a market system which rejects them. They will do anything to get their way or hold on to power; to control other human subjects; thus, 2 billion and 40 billion in damages.

How did we go from one rape case to another? How did we go from one kidnapping or prisoner case to another? How did we go from one murder case to the next? If they are "copy cats" and live in a "twin city"; then is the two worlds described similar to the story of a black serial rapist lurking in Los Angeles? Who is leaking this stuff?

Here is a summary:

We all love the psychos and the criminals. Inquiry minds want to know. If they are ready to die and do not know what to do, does that also mean they got their legal degree or public office from a box of Cracker Jacks? Yes, I bet this was all just for kicks also!

Ann, stop being a retard and be alert will you, it is not a joke and you are in major league trouble. Be alert there is an ongoing "recruitment" drive from the police and government employees union for "gatekeepers" or Praetorian Guards. It is a racketeering and extortion drive under federal indictment. It was held in place and kept "glued" together by fund raising or "paying into it." It is nothing more than communism, abuse of power, lawlessness, and blood money. A gatekeeper controls who is hired, fired, or what information the public gets. A terror plot can be snuffed or hidden. A murder plot can be concealed. Communism and espionage can go undetected. You name it we have seen it; furthermore, we are at war with them and there is a massive insurgency stopped cold by both military and police units I was heading up or in charge of. Beware they are blood thirsty and claim to be peaceful or only wishing to help; then they will bark back all day "we do not know what to do... we are ready to die." If you get any suspicious police or political calls; please write me and describe the incident and I will pass this on. If warranted a raid will follow.

Ann this is the largest labor union and communist insurgency in the history of the US. Your deaf and blind politicians want to pay into it and demand extortion or money; ransom. Decide whose side you are on or wish to fight for. You may have screwed over both side equally. Your leadership is aligned to all of them; are you their leader? I have a major problem with the police unions and Limbaugh claiming to be my boss or trying to hire me as a gatekeeper or insurgent. I have to do anything or everything they tell me or be tortured and punished. I claim they kidnapped me and hid their faces. This began with the police unions and my team of lawyers needs to stop them, punish them, and stop letting this problem get worse. The FBI and US government cannot keep letting this problem or my legal case get worse; they are the ones who made these mistakes or allowed this to go on for so long; it is totally out of control. Based on what I have described, the back and forth clandestine or secret dialogue; the harassment, stalking, false reports or false accounts, the false arrests, the kidnapping or ongoing extortion effort, and my witness testimony on what I know Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh did or are involved in (911 and a lot of cold cases); you can see the largest labor union insurgency or push in the history of the US.

I suspect it was the alignment of several factors such as my work fighting the labor unions and union violence since age 16. I suspect it was my good looks and brain. I suspect many factors lining up to produce this outcome. The question is can the FBI or the US stop the communists? If they are linked to other nations such as Israel or the black movement; can they be stopped? Will this require military action or not? This is about left wing, drug gangs, and violence by secret or clandestine communists. They have an axe to find with me. We caught the police labor unions and the government employees union. The police labor unions, the government employees union, and the entire left wing has gone bonkers or totally insane? Who do I sue for all of this or what they deny because it is punishable by death? All you have to do is trace my history and you will see their fingerprint time and again. If you run a check on my name; you will see the kind of attacks they have launched. It spans from racketeering, extortion, violence and intimidation, terrorism, false police records, lying or abuse of power, etc... Now it is starting to look and sound like a peal colony.

Yes we must be joined at the hip and share life. Yes we must go to war with this weakling fool who is poor and stupid. Yes we must love them; they are victims and we have to hear about how they are treated, walk in their shoes. Yes we love to listen to them and those lousy immigrants, "leave" or "go home." About those Americans and their persecution; poor baby. Does it look like a penal colony yet? Yes tell us about those Arabs. Oh tell us about terrorism; even better educated us and let us walk in your shoes. How does it feel? Want some help or love? No police union. No spy agencies whatsoever. Yes we have to listen to this 24-7 and ask for 2 billion in damages; poor baby, are you a victim also? We love Jews. We love liberals. We go to war with them. We must be partners in crime or success. Yes, tell us more about their problems or enemies. It is one big orgy love fest; communism. Shall we cry for them or show public condemnation? How about a tear? Can they do this or talk while getting drowned like a lousy psycho who treats others as they are treated; deflection and brainwashing us day and night?

We know this began with combating the labor unions and violence or intimidation. We know they had been and continue to utilize clandestine or secret communications. We know it ended with Rush Limbaugh, Fox News, and Sean Hannity; along with other rogue or communist Republicans. We know it is a racketeering or extortion attempt; to encourage defeat, defection, or cause one accident after the next. We know they do not want to be accountable. We know they refuse to pay damages. We know they have or will get the death penalty. We know a bulls-eye was hit each time and they always get thrown out or very bad hurricane, tornado, or some form of Godly wrath. We know they wish to know if we can challenge or break their "protest" or "accident search" by utilizing legalism. We know they want war but refuse to go public with this for fear of military or other forms of retaliation which will wipe them out. We know we have and are battling the government workers union, the police union, and the labor unions; an indirect "violence" or "war" they have declared. We know they lie and continue to; to encourage us to fight them or make a mistake. We know they caused one accident after the next; until a catastrophe was prevalent and easy to prove. We know they have taken a 360 reversal and are worried of retaliation or losing this entire fiasco. It is not we cannot catch them; they cannot catch us and we always get away with clobbering them. We do not let or even allow labor unions; but this police union or violence towards them, has led to Limbaugh and Hannity; a 911 plot. Stop delaying and throw them out or discard them; make our life whole again and stop them before it is too late. This little pest and enemy keeps causing or making more accidents. It is about what it takes and what is needed.

The question is who owes 2 billion? They cannot and have failed to suggest or fabricate an alibi and "scam" to say we are imagining or mentally ill. Their false arrest and false claims, just one after the next for years; has been explosive and in the open; impossible to utilize facts or overpower their clandestine oppression. It comes down to locking out the police union and the government employees union who spy on us constantly and just "protest" or cause more accidents. They get kicked out all the time but this time, they managed to slip past the radar and are utilizing cold war or very global espionage methods. They know if war erupted or is kept secret; we will crush them and won everything back. Why then are there so many "lost opportunities?" Do they deny it? Do they delay more? Do they refuse to fix or admit to anything? Do they expect us to wilt and die while they pretend they did nothing, we must let the police or government union in; and we have to talk to them or negotiate with their labor bosses 24 hours or take this endless abuse and humiliation? Why not kill them? They feel they are peaceful and have a right to "protest." This is not a right and we demand they be earthquaked, demolished with hurricanes, and made to suffer endlessly or until fit into the mold America rejects them and beat them down time and again. If war is needed then be quick and clear; not rack up more than 40 billion while we have to listen or watch this crappy human species. Kill em all if it comes to it but do whatever is needed to contain them and clean up this spill. It began with the police unions and led to the communist leaders or terrorist we ID. Forty billion is the threshold of war and the death penalty; immediate expulsion and immediate judgment.

Ann, keep in mind you are the single person out there behind more blind and deaf politicians than anyone else. Furthermore, all of them have pictures all over you or sneaking around with you. Maybe it is that Madame Bovary complex and maybe you are just irresponsible and enjoy creating a total mess out of life? What do you have to brag about? You are behind all of these people, or at least that is what you and them sort of say. I never signed up for any of this; none of it. Maybe you enjoy this too much?

This stupid ass career of yours Ann is worse than rock bands. Fans buying your CD and then doing photo ops. Politicians trying to scam or squirm into the picture to suggest something when it is nothing. People like Hannity, Klavan, Mickey, and the rest of this singles club you told me about whom uses public appearances or even parties (hired) to suggest otherwise. Calling me day and night while impeding every aspect of my life to suggest I was locked out or being escorted out of my own life, etc... Rock bands abuse women and they turn around and pretend to be their bitches. They snap pictures and go around as if they are best friends or have exclusive access; all kinds of crazy crap has you in hot water and them in dire legal straights. Again, if I was a CEO; in one hour this would be fixed and gone; one hour. What is it now 4 or 5 years? Very feminine and totally fake people you chose to align your political career with; all communists or totally nuts; and a complete bitch. Worse we have to sue them for 2 billion dollars while both we complain and they complain about "bug bites" or injuries. You can keep claiming to be honest and they will keep ignoring you or refusing to cooperate; none of them saved you and look what you did to the only person who did Ann; thanks. You scored very low across the boards. Why? Do you have a mental illness or are you retarded?

Do you know how embarrassing it is to have this dragged out before the public or have to describe some psycho and lunatic F'in with us, tinkering, meddling, and doing anything humanly possible to earthquake and hurricane our life until it is a complete catastrophe and utter hell? Now try that for over two decades; is there any end to this or is it all our fault? All the sudden, they are faultless; it is our fault and we are to blame? Two billion of a 40 billion class action suit is a steal; this SOB is totally insane. That is why it is humiliating and why it caused so much damage or problems. Everybody is watching. Everybody knows. They live in a bubble. They are totally disconnected from reality. It is beyond embarrassing and humiliation to have this enemy and traitor taking a swipe at us 24-7 day and night. Now look at them. They do not even refute they are 911 terrorists; how do you punish this SOB serial killer? All they bark back is, "we do not know what to do... we are ready to die... who is in charge... move, leave... he doesn't have any money... we are not fake."

When people meddle, tinker, and insist they only are helping; they get into this game to test what they can get away with or what they can keep secret. When you have greed on this level; expect the worst. All of you all are a total mess. Parts of your body are falling off. You try harder to smash or stomp on the other. A complete mess and this inability to have a perfect situation, perfect life, or present before me a perfect situation. That is the problem and that is this political enemy. They are communist. They are the enemy. Everything they do is to hide this or suggest otherwise. They are serial killers and terrorists; yet the propaganda is so messed up and strong; they can hide behind anything. People who tinker and meddle end up making a complete and utter mess; a catastrophe and disaster. This is what 2 billion is about and how we are chronic complainers or always criticizing them. The door continues to be slammed on their face and they call endless; political calls 24-7 and they feel we are prisoners and at fault? Want the door slammed on their face or only to die? So your little game with them Ann is getting nowhere. You people are so weak, you expect this SOB and lunatic to tell the truth or be honest? 40 billion is not the truth nor is 2 billion in damages. Worse they are trying to cover it up and add more violations; endless lawlessness. Does anybody think they will just surrender and admit they are communists and 911 terrorists? Dumbass morons. If you had any sense Ann, you will amend this and make it perfect. This was some joke of yours or some dumbass stunt.

Let me guess, they sedated you, got you drunk, bought you dinner, and had some power over you where you could only cry and cry for my mercy and understanding? You were also facing harm and even a rape-murder plot to silence you or separate you from your rescue? That would deserve a fist bump.

Tell Karl Rove and your stupid spies to F off Ann. Do I need to read my work in their books? Do I need to be educated by a jackass and a traitor? Just listen to them and ask if they will ever be honest or just go away and die?


Keep in mind they are out to squash, silence, and go one level over this or satellite warfare. How they beat the SEALs? How they beat us or our own life when I am the well they got it from? How they use this blog and all the information they got from espionage, torture, theft, or a mega-load pinata; and this dialogue or unwanted interview intent on killing us or starving us; is how the terror plot operates. The 911 terrorists need credibility, public support, and all the encouragements of a thriving human beings. Last place is what this is about. Those in need is what they claim is tier goal. The poor or those who are worst off and the worst; is why we cannot compel them to tell the truth or end this standoff. They also claim to be parents, our sexual lovers, and anything they can get their hands on or claim access to. A lunatic and a psychopathic stalker, a serial killer is how I describe them with 2 billion of 40 billion in damages. Worse they are on film and is recorded; the transformation of the caterpillar and Red Dragon. A slimy pig you cannot grab or catch; prove it? They are slippery when wet and we got them really wet!

Ann, you are such a nut job, you have politicized and done everything possible to exploit my relationship with you. Furthermore, the level of fraud we are dealing with; both you and I, is not 1 or 2. We are talking about fraud, corruption, dishonesty, etc... to the tune of 40 billion and the death sentence. Yes death, terrorism and treason is punishable by death. Here you are talking about how dishonest your fellow mankind are, yet you seem to be one of the culprits. Here you are talking about how dishonest things are but none of it has anything to do with your dating habits, dinners, or how you manage your time. Those are personal choices and so is your marriage and sex life. Their dishonesty has no bearing on any outcome; it may erode or damage your life temporarily because they slandered or exaggerated the truth. You sound like a nut job and must be completely delusional; to be in this predicament and to use your own marriage and what you claim to be your most sacred life endeavor; a partnership with a man. Three-fold corruption or scatterbrained nonsense, you seem unable to put your finger on the truth but instead watch TV and masturbate all day in the fantasy land you have created. Again, here you are not even a receptionist level and challenging the person who either created or makes all of these decisions. Is it that difficult for you Ann? Really? Why did it erode or disappear so fast? If it is okay with you, I would like to go back to work and move on with my life while my lawyers finish this. You are completely nuts and always have been; this is how it ends.

All of you are guilty of this, not only you. I personally do not like it or watching it. Defending Bush; choosing awful friends, wasting your life away to compel them to be honest; and now this? There is a reason why I am ignoring you; but you don't seem to get it or understand until I am worth 2 billion and am a CEO. Then what, blame someone or use a scapegoat? What real action have you thrown to my feet or life plans? Defending these people is why you are in so much trouble. Trying to make them honest is why your life has gone to hell. Suggesting you have good grades or can brag; is nonsense. You scored very low on friendship, partnership, being a wife, serial dating, dinners, etc... $50 is about your street value and all of this scatter-brained crap I have to work out or organize. How about you make it perfect and shut up about how dishonest or loyal you are? Limbaugh is learning and cloning you. Hannity uses you as the wind in his sail. Fox News invites you in and opens the door each time; in order to slam the door on me. Your IQ missed that one? Your brilliance is that powerful to fix a political enemy intent on killing you? As far as I know you are playing the black helicopter game back on them and look very stupid also. Is that what you are trying to say? You were so guilty, you let your own marriage and personal life go to hell with you; squandered it until it was no more because you just do not have it or never did. You no less can can prevent being ignored than they can. Remember, all of this is occurring when you could have had victory across the boards. You could walk away with 10 for 10; now you might get 1 or 2 wins. Excellent work Ann, and analysis you dumbass.

All of your friends and drinking buddies are on the cutting edge; far past even the Navy SEALs and most elite military thinkers. How did this happen Ann? Me? Oh, it was you and the door you opened which let in all these traitors and moles; now you are so overwhelmed you sound stupid and look like a complete jackass. Yes I did that! Yes I am playing black helicopters with everybody. Yes, the father of satellite warfare needs to watch it and fall in line.

Ann, my life is getting healthier. All I need is the capital to begin my satellite company. All I need is my books published. All I need is for my lawyers to finish this case and collect the 2 billion in damages as part of the 40 billion lawsuit on Limbaugh, Hannity, their employers, and those implicated in 911. As for you, pulling a rabbit out of a hat will not fix your grades. You have very low grades; girlfriend, wife, partner, and leader. All you have is money and fame; that is all. Unless you have chosen good people and friends in this industry who will actually tell the truth and what exactly happened to you, to me, and what they did to the both of us; your life will be a total waste of time and your wish to tangle me up in your mess will be for nothing. I doubt if you have chosen the right friends or course in life; 90% sure Ann. So far they have not stopped at rape and murder; what makes you think they will admit to 911 or terrorism? What makes you so confident and hopeful they will end this and confess? What Ann? Your beauty? How happy you are? How much fun you had? What? It comes down to me being a CEO and you throwing this on my lap. I have to grade you on what I saw and how you intentionally pissed me off and bit off way too much for your bony 100 lb. body. You act like you cannot believe it or did not expect negative consequences; as if I would understand or pour my affection for you. Unbelievable. Who would marry an idiot of this capacity? Limbaugh and Hannity is acting like your hero or protector now. I should turn the TV and radio off; they have the right to spy, steal, and keep prisoners or promote people without consent or 40 billion in damages. Your friends? Your people? You are and have been the problem also; a complete moron and with goal so stupid I harangue you day and night.

Other women would have handled it differently. Even if you were in captivity; the way you handled it caused your low grades. I myself do not see this eye to eye; yet your leadership scores are so low Ann. All you want to do is watch TV, act like a bad girlfriend, and then masturbate until you go menopause. To me that is a total insane bitch. Sorry but the truth hurts. It is getting worse between you and I and your friends have abandoned you a long time ago. America has abandoned you. I have abandoned you. All you have is money and so called "happy friends" to harangue me 24-7; you just sit there and pass secret messages, which makes them feel more emboldened; very stupid. Even if I had an earthquake machine or hurricane ghost ship; at least I took action or gave them hell; you? I do not see it your way Ann. You testing friendship or their loyalties is asinine. They are 911 terrorist and communists; do you want to masturbate or teach them more? In the end, what have you done for me? Can I take what I have and make ten times more? You? You are death Ann yet you accept it. Masturbate all day and watch TV; it will make you healthy. Date and go to dinner; $50 a plate will make your life happy. Boner it up like a female can; it really makes life so much easier Ann. Your monkey friends and this breed of trash are bred for death, decline, and homeless men. That is my problem and what my problem is with you. An idiot? You masturbate and watch TV all day and do not even know or care why your "boyfriend" or husband is sleeping with other women. How many women has he slept with Ann? You love your friends don't you; that much. All you want is for people to work for you or buy you dinner; and it is really annoying.

Ann, my life is getting healthier. All I need is the capital to begin my satellite company. All I need is my books published. All I need is for my lawyers to finish this case and collect the 2 billion in damages as part of the 40 billion lawsuit on Limbaugh, Hannity, their employers, and those implicated in 911. As for you, pulling a rabbit out of a hat will not fix your grades. You have very low grades; girlfriend, wife, partner, and leader. All you have is money and fame; that is all. Unless you have chosen good people and friends in this industry who will actually tell the truth and what exactly happened to you, to me, and what they did to the both of us; your life will be a total waste of time and your wish to tangle me up in your mess will be for nothing. I doubt if you have chosen the right friends or course in life; 90% sure Ann. So far they have not stopped at rape and murder; what makes you think they will admit to 911 or terrorism? What makes you so confident and hopeful they will end this and confess? What Ann? Your beauty? How happy you are? How much fun you had? What? It comes down to me being a CEO and you throwing this on my lap. I have to grade you on what I saw and how you intentionally pissed me off and bit off way too much for your bony 100 lb. body. You act like you cannot believe it or did not expect negative consequences; as if I would understand or pour my affection for you. Unbelievable. Who would marry an idiot of this capacity? Limbaugh and Hannity is acting like your hero or protector now. I should turn the TV and radio off; they have the right to spy, steal, and keep prisoners or promote people without consent or 40 billion in damages. Your friends? Your people?

Other women would have handled it differently. Even if you were in captivity; the way you handled it caused your low grades. I myself do not see this eye to eye; yet your leadership scores are so low Ann. All you want to do is watch TV, act like a bad girlfriend, and then masturbate until you go menopause. To me that is a total insane bitch. Sorry but the truth hurts. It is getting worse between you and I and your friends have abandoned you a long time ago. America has abandoned you. I have abandoned you. All you have is money and so called "happy friends" to harangue me 24-7; you just sit there and pass secret messages, which makes them feel more emboldened; very stupid. Even if I had an earthquake machine or hurricane ghost ship; at least I took action or gave them hell; you? I do not see it your way Ann. You testing friendship or their loyalties is asinine. They are 911 terrorist and communists; do you want to masturbate or teach them more? In the end, what have you done for me? Can I take what I have and make ten times more? You? You are death Ann yet you accept it. Masturbate all day and watch TV; it will make you healthy. Date and go to dinner; $50 a plate will make your life happy. Boner it up like a female can; it really makes life so much easier Ann. Your monkey friends and this breed of trash are bred for death, decline, and homeless men. That is my problem and what my problem is with you. An idiot? You masturbate and watch TV all day and do not even know or care why your "boyfriend" or husband is sleeping with other women. How many women has he slept with Ann? You love your friends don't you; that much. All you want is for people to work for you or buy you dinner; and it is really annoying.

Remember, Limbaugh and Hannity are nothing more than the labor unions. They are actually left wing and communist; hence, they fly on our six and we caught them as the Red Baron or the Red Dragon serial killer. If you attend their show or event; you are feeding the bear. You are hiring a left wing spy or mole. If you pay them enough or if they are paid enough, they will work hard for you and maybe even have channels to get gears moving. That is the racketeering and at this level or what they did; the US government should be ashamed and tortured for allowing it to persist or occur at this level. It is ridiculous and humiliating; to us and to everybody. However, this left wing and communist problem; is a money pit. My life is paralyzed and look at the grades and the scores of Ann Coulter; is she retarded or trying to act like one of them? Hell she spends all her time with them so obviously she has much to gain and nothing to loose. With those scores or grades; it is almost Jane Fonda syndrome all over again. The bottom line is Limbaugh and Hannity are not Republicans; they classify as Democrats and if you pay into it or bribe them enough; then they might be Republicans or get you what they want. If you do not, they reveal (after decades of setting up a trap for them) they are the Red Baron and will fly on your six until they shoot you down or steal everything; even your soul, marriage, kids, and worldly possession. They tinker and meddle 24-7; 365 days a year; hence, 2 billion in damages and 40 billion to the 911 victims. America and Americans should be ashamed; but do you actually think a human without a soul can be Americans? Really? They got all of this from spying on either myself, or Ann Coulter; all of them did. You are almost like them; there is very little difference.

Ann, you have to see it from a CEO viewpoint. What if I was worth a few billion and not nothing. If I am down and out my entire life, then it would be difficult but workable. Essentially, you have a lot to gain and be thankful for; hence, you spend more time with my captors or the people behind this entire mess because you have the most to gain. Put yourself in the shoes of a CEO:

1. How do you grade Ann as a girlfriend? Mediocre to average.
2. How do you grade Ann as a wife? Mediocre to average.
3. How do you grade Ann as a friend or partner? Not bad to above average; results oriented; many achievements.
4. How do you grade Ann as a boss or leader? Horrible to below average.
5. Given the trouble she causes, given the mess, given the ineffective counter-initiatives or retaliation, and given the goal she has set; does the plus outweigh the negatives? You tell me Ann; also if you have billions would you waste your time on a woman who does this? Honestly? I think it is clear you all are a monkey species. I think it is clear you all are retarded. I think it is clear why they feel it is still "up for grabs." That is your leadership and that is why you are such a problem; unable and unwilling to finish your enemies off or constant Christian bleeding heart problems.
6. Why do you suspect your husband is cheating on you, dating other women, or sleeping with them? He is retarded? He is kept in the closet? You must concede or else be pushed out and be thrown away like trash? Your mediocre scores? Your IQ? Your "celebrity status? Untouchable? You make men addicted to Christian masturbation techniques you have developed? Do you have any real or strong appeal which can get anywhere?
7. Sound a little too Kennedy women? Does it look and sound like we are dealing with a complete moron or idiot, a certifiable retard with severe narcissism or lawless intent? Are we dealing with a human species or is this why they hide or cover up the endless and endless violations of the law to 2 billion and 40 billion, end total? A retard, jackass, and idiot breed or race; bred for homeless men or to convert capitalism into communism? Look at their handiwork in my life, 2 billion in damage and total ruin. Would anyone want to or wish to kill this SOB for meddling and tinkering 24 hours a day or holding us captives? Would they? Sorry or asking to live in peace in America or this planet? Why do they hide or cover this up? 40 billion in damages cannot stop them, nor can and earthquake?

THROW THEIR ASS OUT LIKE A CHEAP BAG LADY AND WITH EXTREME PREJUDICE: If power has done this. If materialism has done this. If you all are so narcissistic and insane to be calling people without consent or to feed your fears; to hide your inadequacies and much more; than maybe a magic wand should turn you into a frog or even better a bag lady who has been earthquakes or hungry to eat a hurricane. Maybe then you will learn some manners and have a bit of respect for the rights of fellow homo sapiens. So yes, I do hunger and demand you all be thrown out like trash and exposed as a bag lady in our life; meddling, tinkering, and using authority to hide your lack of effort. Throw their god damn ass out and teach them a lesson once and for all; in God we trust. Now their head is as big as their head and it fits perfect; one chance and only one to get it right.

The little game or stupid back and forth has gotten you in so much trouble; military actions have to be conceded and toned down. The stupid back and forth has gotten you so desperate, looking stupid, and forced people to look at how you cannot or will ever get your damn crap together. Worse, I have to listen and read it; one guilty and one not guilty, back and forth all day long, 24 hours and 365 days a year. You could take them to court or document something truthful or helpful. You could take swift action; how many years has it been? Swift actions? Seeking justice and the truth? Where are the lawyers and legal briefs? Do other CEOs go through the same crap of a monkey breed. How about shutting down their local police and purging the labor unions from ALL government tax dollars until the full truth and this coverup is 100 per cent transparent?

Yes, keep up the "tracing, stalking, pursuit, verbal harassment, hiring scams" and every method out there to waste people's time or starve them. Keep wasting time while coming to me in my personal life or when I step outside into the public to make some form of attack or to humiliate me each and every time you feel upset and emotional. You got us and everybody in this and just refuse to fix anything, tell the truth, or be accountable to the 2 billion in damages. It is still going on and will probably continue along with the theft, stalking, ordering us around in our private life or family life, etc... when the damages are demanded; make sure you have the money and the plan to fix your retirement. Live for the moment and expect things to go away or turn out the way you want. Then when you are a bag lady or poor missing a pension; don't come knocking on anybody's door because your sorry labor union or government employee union got their ass thrown out and a vicious coup. Clearly, you have no place in America and must be put into some form of prison to fix your behavior and politics. Keep sharing life with us and meddling or tinkering in every single aspect of our life; see if the death penalty is not used or imposed on your sorry ass. Lying daily or using every lie possible is not going to save your ass; never. It is impossible and already determined by the stars. Keep using tax dollars, sucking up more public funds, and demanding more for this pit of hell and death sentence.

The reason I am dating other women Ann is because you cannot get your crap together. The reason you are dating, serial dating or always out to dinner; is why you are being asked if a CEO would realistically tolerate your stupid stunts and antics no matter how huge, successful, or well meaning you claim to be. If you utilize your desperation, suicide, or being a person in need as an excuse; then you must also be a hypocrite. Worse, this will go on and on; like politics or like a money making scam it never ends. Then at the last minute, you will act like the most wonderful and loyal partner; but now I am asking you if a CEO deserves this and had this been you in my shoes; would you put up with it or get your crap together. All of you throw apologies around like a monkey species. They call me. You call them. They use their sex or dumbass stupidity; you use your IQ. They try to get a free meal; you rack up 100s of free meals. Who wastes their tie on a monkey and feels life will be okay or turn out right? Worse Ann, you are like the local police or their police union; smash windows, break property, ruin anything they can to win or starve the other side. Eventually all of this will be shut down.

Did they "force" you to pose in pictures also? Did they "force" you to do things you repeatedly refused to? How did they force you to smile?

Ann, I'll let you answer my question; is this more CEO material By Ann Coulter? If that was me in those pictures; would I be "CEO" material? Do I deserve this and what would Ann Coulter do? Just no explanation, rape-murder plot and blank check?

The South gave us the blacks. The blacks eat Democrats. The blacks and hip-panics feed off the whites. It is like nature and the eco-system. South-North, blacks-white, Democrats or people who are ready to die; benefiting off the poor who occasionally rank as the most criminal and most desperate and dumb. It all comes together and what lowered their value to nothing or what cruel hoax they have delivered to this world as Christ was the test model. Yes and Christ was delivered by who else but the Jews. It is all a love-hate relationship; it is who they hate and who is desperate or in control. It is never about the police or the truth.

This dumbass thinks real estate in Las Vegas is dropping or real estate, their retirement, and political kickbacks are going down the tubes as a result of minorities. Now we get this white versus hip-panics, or black-asian model. One example is Palm Beach County, Florida. All of them are also against Vietnam. They feel they are the best and drugs is the solution to poverty; everything I said already. This is what they used to brainwash Ann Coulter with; really sexy men and butt ugly women.

Dear Ann Coulter, you tell me if this is CEO material or not? Also tell me if I was a billionaire, would you be doing this crap? Then why are you?

Now your buddy Willie Geist, you tell me if he has your or my problems? Is he the father of satellite warfare? Is he your man? Is he go through what I do; for 2 billion in damages?

Oh yes, we have been trying to destroy their family structure for decades; even centuries. Yes we do it financially and do not write anything down. Yes they love America and even more, they love us and are here to serve and protect! The BS factor just keeps adding up. Ann, don't you think it is a little late and don't you think now is a very bad time to be telling me this; do you? Where are my results? All I get are photos bombarding me daily, weakly, and you do look like a wandering slut. Friends or not all of you do. Do you think a CEO or the father of satellite warfare deserves a wandering slut or these images you have cherished? The SOB story is not going to work, understand? Using blacks and Obama will not work; nor is using money or Republicans. Imagine if they lost everything and went bankrupt as the door was slammed on them; how would you feel? You are the one who likes to play with blacks, Jews, and Catholics; not me.

I been busy. I thought you were going to "hire" me. I guess not know.

Oh yes, big money! Yes we are "meddling" with your business. Oh yes we are dying to be employees and the BS factor piles up more and more. Yes you can occupy two places at one time and still be in control. Yes the age of radio and cameras has changed your views. Making money off each other; then saying how we are meddling with your "big money" or power. Yes you are only trying to debate us and come to our office or protest. It ends worse for all of us. I do roadside service; I know the BS factor and what a tow truck driver goes through. It is hell.

The BS factor piles up more and more. No; we do not know who you are; tell us. Yes, they will take out their police and are scared of rescue, search, or police. Anything which has people calling 911, for assistance, or something like a tow truck. As we see with rain; they are terrified of rain. Toughness. Skill. It does not matter when rain is involved; the customer never is right. The President could be dying; if it rained, they are not working. Take them out and they will take their police out; cannibalize each other like big money in search of a rescue. I bet they love America also, so long as she pays or "we" pay.

Impersonation of Mark Levin: All I am asking is you understand what it is like being blind, deaf, and desperate you jackass! You need to show conservatives respect. Republicans never get any respect you moron. You don't even care or know what it is like do you moron! If you don't like it kill us before we kill you. We are double down and more desperate and stupid than ever!

Impersonation of Sean Hannity: All we want is for you to know what life as a bastard is like and why we grow more stupid and more desperate. Do you think we enjoy raping others or do this because we enjoy it? Don't you feel this or even care? If you don't like it kill us before we kill you. You need to double down; we are going nowhere. We are in our zone now and you have a fight on your hands.

Impersonation of Rush Limbaugh and Communists: I am God. I am communism. I would have been your best friend if we were younger. I am the 911 terrorist ringleader, keep it a secret and get over it. We want your support and sympathy (alright). You have no idea what it feels like living with a dirty, beastly, violent monkey who is at your throat all the time or criticizing every stinking breath of life. Why do you have to be so deaf and blind? We are not inferior, trust me. We are in this together. You cannot get away. You cannot escape. Don't doubt me. You do not have to be so mean about this. Can't you tell we are getting more stupid and more desperate? What the hell is wrong with you, don't you feel this? If you don't like it kill us before we kill you. We are double down and more desperate and stupid.

Impersonation of Myself: Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity know I live in squalor. They know I cannot pay into their terrorist network, protection web, and I cannot get ahead. He and they are spending 24 hours to ensure some kind of payment or collection. I am so fortunate to have them in my life and given such an opportunity to be on their show. Thank you Mr. Limbaugh! You and all of you have made my life so much better and I am so happy now with you in my life. I am glad I did not fight this or doubt you; it is futile to escape the happiness and joy. God I need them in my life and to beautify it! All I am asking from them is to give me a chance or understand.

Impersonation of Ann Coulter: I am not paying back a cent. Ask Alex to tell you my story. They are animals and they should be put to death or worse. I hate all of you except for Alex. Alex? Alex, where are you? All of you make me look nuts.

We live in an intolerant society and world. Part of that intolerance is the basis of our survival. The unbound evil has eroded our life in many ways; nearly killed everything a human being seeks in their goals and lifetime achievement. There are people out there who are playing a hit or miss game to determine what or how much they can get from us or swindle out of our pocketbooks. Intolerance is a part of civilization. Intolerance is a part of getting ahead. Intolerance is not unbounded evil or taken to the point where the entire world collapses; or thus the attempt to remove it and replace it with useless lies. See who the characters are and what they are asking or want from us? We have nothing for them, none.

Let me make this crystal clear for those financial idiots and the fantasy money they created which collapsed and caused all of this debt and ruin the tax payers are refusing to bail out or pay for. Similar to the 1920s and the Great Depression, they will starve in one year because they do not understand the bare essentials of an economy. It starts with the family. It starts with the farm. It now has gone far beyond that. However, creating paper money or book values does not do a thing for an economy; perhaps their ego or reputation, maybe even their confidence. Banks loan money. They are not the farm unit. Capitalism began with the family unit making excess or surplus goods. What is there left of a family unit today? Village and collective? A bank does not produce surplus; therefore, it has no role in capitalism except conciliators. Control by this threat and enemy is not only asinine brassiness but insane. They have no surplus but their image or accumulation of time. We feel the decline and what this war is about, to the tune of 2 billion in damages. Look how desperate they are and their troubled life. They get more desperate as this goes on. These slaves know when they mess with their master, there will be hell to pay!

If the world were to end; very few paper companies or middle men would survive. This analysis about hard targets or high value targets in major urban areas is some game by two partners in crime to boost each others value. It is the neutralizer of the Great Depression or some intervention. This idea they are the heart and soul of economics or even finance; is why we are in 16 trillion in debt and worse. Look at the people who are flowing out of there or the criminals it produces. The top of the heap are barely recognizable or barely normal and average. This is nothing more than a battle for America. Hiring financial people who do not know what to do and are ready to die, is criminal malice and conspiracy. We see this huge gap between those in first place and those in last place. New York is one area. There are more rivals and conflicting organizations; unity would take a terrorist plot. Somebody told the peasants they run the nation, control the financial districts, and order us around. It would be nice if we did not have to kill them because we have things to do and better ways to piss away our life. Desperation, poverty, and severe character flaws or a total lack of reality drove these people to this level. From sunup to sundown, they are not leaving and will fight to the death to stay or stay in control. This psychopath keeps trying new stunts, lies, and even steps it up. Who let peasants into the richest nation on earth or the most Christian? Regrets?

All of this immigration and terror plot; is nothing more than creating the conditions for which recruitment can occur. This is about modernization and urbanization, what is wrong? Everything? It is similar to guns and butter, the classical economist model. Oil, energy, and transportation is expansion. They have us in numbers. There are more mouths to feed than people to feed them. Like a gigantic family, the number of kids grow in each family and they get nowhere. There are more stupid and crazed people who are dependent than self sufficient CEOs ready to combat this problem. Create the conditions and you will have expansion. Create demise or massive debt; you will have fear and worse, the political climate; a fruitful pregnant one. Imagine if this was the Depression Era; it is a big folly and a gigantic white collar game. Real estate such as Grand Central Station cannot fix an economy, it is a good location and a center of professionalism; but that does not fix economic problems or reduce decline. You cannot turn a peasant into a royal this way; never could. This is what happens when you are desperate, ugly, and dumb. From sunup to sundown, they are not leaving and will fight to the death to stay or stay in control. They get more and more desperate; even more stupid. How much are we taxed for this peasant mistake? It can be a very long and difficult road when you mess with your masters.

There is good immigration and then there is bad immigration. Good immigration does not produce last place or domination by those in last place. The liberal New England states have produced urban decline for the past 30-40 years; hence the rust belt and dilapidated cities are now impoverished. This is not a money making entity and both New York and Florida are a recruitment point for crime and corruption; also the fuel that feeds the communist monster is and always has been immigration. We see now what it has produced, massive terrorism and expansion of the left wing; a gigantic folly. How about some normal, good, hard working, and doctoral scientists? Again, this is nothing more than expansion and taking over America; we saw this around 1 AD, 1600, 1860, 1900, and 1960. Therefore, oil, gas, automobiles, and subway trains conflict towards urbanization and suburbanization of America. A financial apex has so many rivals and conflicts; it is impossible to be unified; unless they are a spy ring or an organized communist movement. Look at how they get ahead and how desperate they are; just to stay. From sunup to sundown, they are not leaving and will fight to the death to stay or stay in control. This psychopath and madman tries harder with each failure!

We keep seeing this same Catholic vs. Jewish debate and then symbolizing the control or the civilization for whom controls Jerusalem. Again, someone created a hostile climate where the peasants are totally out of their minds and run the financial districts or the nation. We need to expel and banish them forever. Peasants do not run our life, run the country, or run the fate of this world no less the financial health of our life. We prefer not to kill them and have much better things to do with our life and our time. All you have to do is look at their life. The degree of trouble or total mess. All you have to do is look how poor and desperate they are; even how stupid. All you have to do is look at what length they will go to; even when the police is knocking on their door or raiding them. All you have to do is look at crime and their troubled life; who would give the right of way or let this political pest gain power or control? From sunup to sundown, they are not leaving and will fight to the death to stay or stay in control. This is what can happen when you let poor peasants into the richest nation on earth. They turn stupid. They turn into slaves. They turn psychotic. They transform into drug crazed communist terrorists. They turn into a felon and a 40 billion liability. Everything we said.

Dear Ann, someone's head is screwed on wrong and I am not sure if it is all of you. Is it me or all of you blind? You know what I just read? I read you "sat down with Sean Hannity on his show..." This is almost similar to me "saying do it again I like this." Maybe you are enjoying yourself too much? Maybe you are just dishonest. Maybe you should not go out to dinner with your attacker, sit down with them, date them, or even worse; give them so much attention? One of you will win over the other. I have never seen such a twisted, warped, tortured, and out of control life. You can hear my voice reverberating all day, tell me if that does not give you cold sweat nightmares? It has been 7 days and I expect a Navy hurricane ghost ship to be steaming towards them with FEMA trailers decked on its bow. I expect that ghost hurricane ship to be charting out the next hurricane steering course, right on their ass. I expect them to look outside their window and say, "Oh sh-t there is the ghost hurricane ship." Do I hear this? As their errors compound and stack up we look the complete opposite. If 40 billion was on the line, do you think an innocent person would make an effort to document something honest? What did they do to erase their mistakes or all of these mistakes? How far did they take this and how long? Do we have to endure one more week of them being alive or live through another year of this pussy nonsense? People do not go around messing with their master Ann.

Why does it always take a thief to catch a thief? Do you understand what my problem is or what exactly my complaint is? Do you? These people are complete pathological liars and are completely out of their minds. Their web of lies have twisted, warped, and tortured our life and I cannot live this way. Their legal defense is weak and unacceptable; all under the table or illegal. You and they must be enjoying this? You and they must enjoy the suffering you impose on me, using each other to climb over or crawl in a psychopathic manner at each other. They act so normal and unaffected. Do all women wait until they reach 65 to prove they are not a virgin or expose who they actually are? They let you get away with this or do you shove their face in it? Ann, do they know you have an intimate partner and is it okay if you are not a nun? Sure? Does everybody have the championship material to go the distance? Positive? Do you even have a clue what the word on the street is? Are you completely blind and deaf Ann; maybe Ellen Keller levels now? They fight like women and it makes me tsunami mad. We can't even call in the B52s, kill their family, or burn down their entire village. This sucks kissing so much slouch lazy ass. A human being would go bonkers on this total loser and their political suicide stunts. I need someone who loves me. I must have lost my mind because there is more misery and hell in a 100 lb frame than swallowing arsenic.

Why does it always take a psycho to catch a psycho? This is unacceptable. Do you look a tad unreasonable? They do. Don't they? You may be rape material. Why would you come to me and accuse them (several people) of being your attacker, make me upset to the point where you are brought to tears, declare yourself the hottest virgin on the planet waiting for marriage, and make me think you are trying to set a world record for chastity or virginity? Would you say we have been intimate for many years Ann? Then this communist SOB and mole is inside my home and room Ann; talking to me and trying to terrorize me or debate any information they gather using this creepy stupidity and daily dumbass dose of loser whimpering. You are as slow as the Navy; it is torture. You are so weak and even Limbaugh is posing XXX Time pictures of you. Eventually, you will have to bend them over and knife your attackers in their puckers; it is that bad and you look this bad. Get these SOBs and let's celebrate with a night of usual passion Ann. I am getting very pissed off. This is where all your street credibility is at. Call our bitch squad. I never signed up for this pussy back and forth female fight with Sigourney Leave-Me. I get so angry thinking about how they fight like punk asses or females. Furthermore, it has been more than 7 days, where is the US Navy? Burn down their villages and call in the B52 Stratofortresses. They need to go and the sooner the better. You can't be throwing this before your master's feet Ann, it can become very difficult and very painful. Agree?

Does it really take a madman to stop a madman? Does it take a terrorist to stop a terrorist? Really? This is unacceptable. You are gonging (Gong Show)and making worse 911 terrorists, do you realize this? Do you have any idea or care what you are doing or what the result will be? Do you? Even the Navy is so slow; it has almost been 7 days and they really need to steer that hurricane or break out the earthquake machine and kill this enemy or this crawling, wounded, bleeding zombie trying to take another bite out of our life or our flesh. Maybe all of you are both deaf and blind? You all think you got it? Both you and they think you got the stuff and the confidence to go the distance? It might have sounded like a good idea at first. It might of been a really good idea when this began; now write down how it ended and see if you can live with yourself. How could any human being begin to explain or describe this utter hell? How can a human being be so tortured, so beaten, and so troubled? Do they even have a soul? As the errors are compounding and everybody knows they are both dead wrong about Ann Coulter as they are dead wrong about the father of satellite warfare; the attempts to erase their errors jeopardize their life until it is a terror plot and a suicide plot. What do they have to loose? I need someone in my face when the lights are out. I need someone to love me Ann. I have never seen so much hell from one human being. The rule is, "Don't Mess With Master."

How long can a human being take this before their soul is altered or so tortured and warped; they become mute? How long do you think it would take before the normal average person is disappointed? A great idea on paper huh, does it read as if it is a great idea now Ann? Read this small print again, is it coming across as ingenious or such a great idea now? Even worse, all of them claw at us and even try harder, imagine that. Like an Alien movie, they expect us to move quickly as they claw, bleed, and cannot walk while dying. Zombies? Walking dead? You could shoot them point blank with a gun, they would try harder and crawl like a wounded alien to kiss you on the mouth, bleeding, guts hanging out, blood all over their face. Then you would probably throw your underwear at them right when they give up or lost too much blood. One more inch; just one more try. How about that Hannity fist bump, so cool and confident that dude is. His kids and his wife are the people who will feel his pain and live with his legacy. That is one tortured, warped, and demented Christian; if he even has a foul soul. Doesn't sound like a very good idea anymore does it? That stupid Fox News act is not such a good idea anymore is it? You do not need their love or their endorsement Ann. It is grotesque. It is uppity rating chasing; pussies or gossipy dribble by people with feline or feminine hair styles. It is not my cup of tea Ann. How does someone of your worth or level, get themselves in this total mess?

All of you need to grow up and stop "sitting down" with each other under these terms. Why? Because it is worth 40 billion dollars, that is why. Did the Bible mention 2 billion or explain what 40 billion will do to your soul? Did the Bible say scripture would lead you into a twisted, tortured, and warped reality where you become a prisoner or beaten to death each time you go into public? If so, then I have never seen a Christian so demented. Oh the tortured soul of the Christians. Are you people completely psycho and have lost your mind? Crawling, inching, bleeding everywhere; body parts missing or blown off, ewww so disappointing. Get serious Ann, I have close to 40 billion on the line and I do not have the time or the patience for you to sit down with anyone. Oh sexually, you got me in a tizzy; decide if you want to save it for marriage or continue where you left off before you get a senior retirement check. You never are scared of sex or revealing who you truly are, why now? Do most women maximize their passion or intimacy at age 60 as you do Ann? Do they live out their passions and sexual desires at your age? It is death. I know a handful of women who are drop dead sexy at 60, but only a handful only. Oh yeah they got it all right. So you think you got it? Both you and they think you got the stuff and the confidence to go the distance? 60 Ann, think about it; what will still be working then? Let's all say it together, dumbass. Imagine 100 lbs of hell, tortured soul, train wreck, warped reality, and rehab; that is what I see. You went from a nobody to billionaire really quick. What are you worth?

Their silence is now a twisted, warped and tortured soul. This problem with dead and blind people is getting worse. I also was certain the US Navy would have brought the hurricane ghost ship into their vicinity by now. If you stop blowing their head up like a doll, maybe I would not ask for 2 billion dollars Ann; think about it. Man, they are the walking dead and missing body parts; just like the movie and the dead zombies walking at others, creepy. You tease them and they turn into a more stupid zombie or walking dead; one rapist or attacker after the next; and there is no end to their supplies either. Did I wake up in some crazed world where everybody is dumb and crazed terrorists? It really feels like it, really. The Navy needs to hurry up and steer that hurricane right on their ass; hurry up and get this over with. I swear to God you are as slow if not slower than the US Navy, it has been almost 7 days. Kill these SOBs and let's celebrate with a night of usual passion Ann. I am getting very pissed off. I want to see the hurricane ghost ship steaming towards them with FEMA trailers decked on their bow; pronto! Enough of this fartsy teasing and creaming gossip I have to bear witness to every single god damn day. Here we go flipping over the sands of time and playing the waiting game. Keep thinking and talking about it. Yeah do that. This is not an auction you females can carry on and on to have your sexual desires fulfilled, get it Ann? I watched you go from a 9-5 job to being worth nearly 20 million or bigger and bigger success. Now you want me to watch this? Are you crazy and have you lost your mind? Have all of you or just those who are watching this?

Could this be avoided or wasn't this easily preventable? How? This is what the laws are for isn't it? You did not know about this or had no idea it was going on? How? At this level and this gigantic? Can a government function or be expected to do the right thing if and when it is loaded with suicidal personnel who are trapped in failure or a web of lies? Was the government deliberate in their handling of this or somehow complicit when it came to covering it up? If after 23 years of stalking us and not striking gold; is it fair to say this is a murder plot also? Just gambling their life away for short term profit or to make us feel horrible and look like fools? Locked out and still trying to seek a yield from our life or some profit? Billions in mistakes and still no end to their unbounded evil or error filled life? Will there be a 24th year now that we are in the 23rd? Did we deserve this or ask to be robbed or targeted, did we? Do they have the right to make us live their messed up life and criticize us? What about our rights and the truth? Learn English. Learn the laws. Learn to be a decent person. Learn to live your own life. Stop lying. Leave us alone. Keep your problems to yourself. Write it down. Don't talk to us unless you document everything. Stop trying to act like you are sorry and pay the god damn damages.

The bottom line is you cannot talk to white people that way or us. You cannot expect to walk into our life and get away with this rudeness or cry baby complaining we hear day and night. You need to grow up. Maybe you will learn something and learn something about who you are or what you are all about. You need to get with the struggle and just shut up and keep your mouth shut; we do not need you or your hateful lies. The truth is we just do not care either. You need to learn how to get along with others and not be so negative or criticize; it gets nowhere. If you cannot get along with others and need a little encouragement to fix your problem, then you found the right people; that is certain and what is going on knew. Have you no shame? Say it to the American people, they know who you are. Learn how to socialize and stop whining about everything or others; you are the problem obviously, cuckoo. You see, you can't be talking to white people or us like that. You are lucky this is not Eastern Europe and America. Do you see these slaves and how they rely on each other. They need a plantation. They need a village. They need each other. Not us, we are survivors and to survive, it is money baby.

If what Limbaugh, Hannity, and Levin says is true; "they are here for me" why in hell do I have to hire them or share life with them to begin with? Furthermore, after twenty years and finally catching them and finding out what they are up to; why would I even want to hire Hitler or have to hire Hitler to get them out of my life, stop this, or do crazy things so they just leave me alone, shut up, or learn what American law and the law is about? Why? It sounds like two labor expenses I can do without. Why do I have to hire anybody to teach them manners, scare them, or just get them out of my life or "panties" as Limbaugh describes. Why? How can they possibly be there for me or share life; if I have to seek out cannibals and war criminals to chase them off or make them aware of things most people are born inherent? It could be they learned nothing from Hitler and seek to impose this on us somehow. It could be they have a problem with the world and the world has a problem with them also. What is the answer here and why are we so upset with the world we live in? How can we find the path of least resistance when two sides either refuse or shares no common ground? The public good says we must not prejudge all of God's creatures and to keep our mind open to the ideas of others.

Nobody would actually hire Adolph Hitler, no less the communist terrorists behind this; but if it came down to them leaving us alone or trying to benefit and gain off our murder or kidnapping; it may work. You see, our pay grade and how we see ourselves cannot possibly answer the needs of others unless we are there for them and are open to what they have to contribute to our growth and understanding. Now here is another tough one. If Hitler was an employer or boss; would they work with him or could they walk away from a job offer? People need jobs and they need hope. They are scared of the future and the abuses they cannot understand. How do we define the financial needs of a family to the moral expectations society requires? Who in America would actually cash a check written by Hitler with the knowledge his propensity for evil surpasses our laws? We must let the American people think about this and make their best judgment. The question is whether any public good could arise from disaster or total chaos. What if we purchased Hitler scarecrows. Would that be strong enough to keep these animals from our corn or garden? It may be offensive and even immoral, but is it effective? In other words, to the ends justify the means? Should they?

Would these people throw themselves at Adolph if this was wartime Europe? Do we punish Hitler if there was public good in his war crimes? Should we punish this enemy in the same manner? Do we stand tall in the face of this dilemma or demand accountability? Don't let the haters and the jealous people get in the way of your dreams or freedom. They are not powerful and when you are powerful, you take chances and are invincible. It may be a minor set back if it fails, but do not loose hope or give up the cause. Remember, "Let not your hearts' heart heart." Power is real. Survival is real. I am here for you only and always have. Those haters can leave and they can suffer; do onto them as they do unto you. You deserve better and have a choice. Power is the people and the people, together we stand, are invincible. Even the police and the government will give in each and every single time; always. The American people know freedom. They know the meaning of exceptional. What they need is the chance to be in charge of their own life and the government out of their way; it is about freedom and choice. If those haters notice you; then they are jealous and ready to leave; make them leave. Show them tiger! Show them elephant roar! Talk to them like they were your slave oppressors and are here to make sure you are oppressed! They need each other and they need a village or a plantation; not our people.

Grow some balls for once will you. You expect to be loyal to your master and do as he wishes; under these terms? Is this some joke and are you on drugs? Nobody would allow you to be their slave or beat you so badly with a whip. This is a waste of my time; just follow the leader. Look at my life and look at what I have. Do you think that is fake or real? Do you think that is survival or phony? I am not doing this for my own good, I am doing it for you. Even better, look at my bitch, how pretty she is. Take a hard look at my house and my car; is that phony or liberalism? Is it? These people and what they make in life, they might as well be called the food stamp generation. They do not even recognize who they are or who we are; survivors. To survive we win and we have to gain; if that is over "boom-boom" or "you know what" then it has to be. We are at war and people are dying to have this reality and this power; it embarrasses them. Do you see anything wrong with my life? Do you see one hair out of place or one little thing to suggest there is a problem or not who I claim? Do you? You better not be talking to my bitch like that or white people, understand? Now leave. You have some mental problem and a mental blockage that prevents you from getting along or doing what you are supposed to be. It is not your home. You need to go into this world and find a new master, a new plantation, and not talk to us this way.

Now look at you and how you talk to me; what I have to go through just to subdue you and make you out of my gracious and kind mold. If you want to stay with your master; if you wish to come into the home of your master; then you cannot talk to white folks that way or us. Am I crystal clear? I have to beat you over the head and torture you day on end; look at you know. Look how the public sees you and what your peers say about you. There is nothing for you to even complain about, just leave. Even my bitch is gorgeous; do you even know reality? Look at my work and all the people who repeat it, read it, and study it; I have taught billions of people with one hand behind my back. Do not doubt me. I want you to survive but in order for me to help you; you must help yourself and allow me to teach you survival and e-sectionalism. You bring the dream; I have the bitches. Don't doubt me ever. We are the best. We saw it in you and nobody else did. We would not be here if we did not believe in you. The best was saved for last. You are the best. You were made in our mold. You can be exactly like us. Now embrace me and throw your underwear at me for giggles. You cannot be talking to white people like you are and most especially women. You need to learn how to get along with others and most of all how to survive. I am here to coach you.

Now if they are here for us and we are here for them, let's say it were a perfect world. It could be they might deserve a bit of human behavior that humans need for survival or to defend their own life. It is not more now, it is actually less. It is the establishment who, in the face of crisis and disaster, crumbles to the survival of the people and exceptionable. Who in hell would ever hire Hitler or another psychopath to run off a stalker or a political enemy who kidnaps and abducts them, who? That is not one but two psychopaths. Let's ask if there is any gain or benefit in two or more psychopaths to affect the behavior and the thinking of one. What is even more suspicious, even scary; would they share life or repeat our words if Hitler was reborn and was our bodyguard or hired as a temp? Would they act this way and pander to us all day and night? How would a bully and a predator handle Adolp Hitler sharing life with them? Is there something they can teach him or will he just murder them quickly and we all must move on? We will never get to know or get these answers. As a human being, we are compelled to think and compelled to always question our environment. We must be diligent to seek answers where the rest of the human race shy from. The question is who we punish. Is a scarecrow a real human being or an infinite question? What if one of us leaves; can we walk away from punishment? You cannot talk to white folks like that and most of all; you definitely cannot talk to me like that. If you do not like it; then leave immediately. Why are you still here after twenty three years; leave dummy. God made those feet for a reason.

To be punished, a human being must rule out e-sectionalism. They cannot be brilliant in their actions or without opposition. We will never know if mankind can benefit or if some good would come out of it. If we can learn from each other and study our habits, we can explore adversity and the feelings of other human beings. As a CEO, I am too cheap to hire two ends of the same schtick or a con man at my throat 24 hours a day who is human feces. One of them will learn from the other; only one of them. We will never know, never. Why not sniff Hitler's underwear but ours? Why? Do they feel that Hitler will sniff their underwear back or tell them to just throw their underwear down around their ankles? We will never know but we must never forget. They are funny and loving, but not that funny and loving as we expect a real human being to be. How do we resolve 40 billion worth of restitution and damages? It may be offensive and even immoral, but is it effective? In other words, to the ends justify the means? Are we really the masters of our own destiny? Don't be like others and ask why; be bold and American by asking why not. Is a blacklist equal to, greater, or just as effective as introducing one, two, or even more psychopathic political enemies to remove one or a 40 billion problem? I challenge Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, Fox News, CPAC and all the rest to think this out and to understand their human feelings. They cannot be talking to white women or for that matter; us in that manner.

As Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin, and the rest of these daily communists terrorist masters can see clearly, we must gain if we are to survive. God demands we survive and not give up hope. We cannot change who we are or our search for freedom. Therefore, if we are to survive, we must gain and always gain; no matter what. And if we are oppressed and cannot gain, then we are just ready to die and trapped in this cruel world we do not know or know what to do about. So long as we do as God asks, we survive and gain. The world is ours and we own it. The weak, they never gain and therefore, they cannot or do not know how to gain; so ingenious it is brilliance. The human race stands in awe and is just jealous by our embrace and loving strength. They have to create a fake world where they do not know what they are talking about or is just mentally ill and need to be forced medicated. They are no less conservative then they are Republican; but to survive, we all must be realists. The realist model respects authority and it respects God. It respects power and military might; the rest is just crap. As everybody can see, humans are impatient, they are hateful, and they are not real. To be real, these dingbats must win and survive; the only way to be real is to gain and let others know you are in control and you are not going anywhere; nowhere baby!

It feels very odd. The government said I was the problem and then was intent on making me the problem; until it all blew up on them and the people behind this. Am I the problem or the solution? Ban this finger pointing and blame. If you make them pay for it with their salary or government dole; they regret this silence; 40 billion and make them fight it out among each other. Even after holding us prisoner or keeping us in captivity; they still cannot get the story right or fix any of it. Stalking us and watching us in our homes did not win it; none of them can get the story right. Who exactly let political leaders who do not know what to do or are ready to die, abuse power, tell death-defying lies, contact us 24 hours a day, and then use tax dollars and go on a rampage? How did I go from being a reject and a problem to where I am now, leading a 40 billion dollar case? I cannot get my story straight? I owe the US government for back taxes or salary paid? What happened to my 2 billion in damages? So why or how did they get on both sides or all sides of this? They should be made to pay back US tax dollars for unbounded evil; history can mark them forever. Yes, keep up the good work. More unbounded evil just to look happy or innocent. Yes, they are great stewards and they care.

The crime here is how they are trying to act innocent, be in charge, or be the hero and leaders. How did we go from a state of war, total ruin, unbounded evil, abuse of power, suicide plot, terror plot, and just about every single law broken to an atmosphere of tolerance, understanding, and embracing love? It appears to me the guilty people are pulling the innocent and happy trick; you are the problem and we are rich or doing just fine. Listen to Limbaugh, Hannity and all of them; totally innocent and happy; yet so grounded; and the charges they face are incomprehensible. If they were at war, they would be innocent and happy. If they were locked up for the rest of their life, they would be innocent and happy. How do we cope with this idea leaders who do not know what to do or are ready to die are in power or are doing this? Their goal is to look happy, innocent, unaffected, and to be on both sides. That is why the communist are all up there now and they should be made to pay back US tax dollars for unbounded evil. Again, hearing this case, you would think I slept with their wife or took naked pictures of her.

I would love to read your biography and how you see yourself! Maybe we can compare notes or get a differing opinion. How do we see you? How do you see us? What is the gigantic gap between a traitor, communist spy network, unbounded evil, and power? When they reveal how they did this; it will reveal who did 911 and why this is a terrorist plot we uncovered. The level of errors and the effort to erase those errors are a death sentence.

Could this be avoided or wasn't this easily preventable? This is what the laws are for isn't it? You did not know about this or had no idea it was going on? How? At this level and this gigantic? God be damned by your soul and what you have done. If you F with Jesus, you will find earthquakes and hurricanes until your last dying breath. You will find the wrath of God in your face and inside you soul unlike you have ever felt or known. You will be destroyed completely and thoroughly for thinking such evil thoughts. Everything written in the Bible or by God, you have violated. Furthermore, you came to us posing as Catholics (labor union and Nazis) and you turn out to be working for the Jews. How stupid can we be to fall for one or all of your tricks? As the communist puppet masters, you had the radical Arabs attack while you had Israel and the radical Jews keep us prisoner and demand a secret weapon and a list of fantasies you could not achieve or ever will. Your espionage network should be hunted down and laminated. The work you have done and what we see now; is unbounded evil and not of this world. This is why the lawyers need to shut you down and send a clear message, 40 billion dollars worth.

Who is behind the massive decline and the communism of America? Hollywood? Obama? Labor unions? Puerto Ricans? Drugs and felons? Poor people? We know the sympathies dating back to World War II greatly favors the communist and the Jews who fought for this victory we now have. Therefore, your method of espionage and your reasons for espionage do not fall into the grammar we speak or understand. However, you seem to bombard us day and night with this master-slave model where we are in constant dialogue with a psychopathic loon and total loser day and night. We know you want to win and want this world; the entire planet and galactic universe. Gone on radio and television to uphold this "covenant" you currently lease with God is as phony as what we hear each and every day. Still thinking of new ways to collect information from us, ask us deep questions, or steal anything you can so you can impersonate or benefit off espionage. Get rid of us now? Everybody knows who the American communist is now and who is behind all of this sabotage and decline.

It is identical to the roadway of Jerusalem. As the communist puppet masters, you had the radical Arabs attack while you had Israel and the radical Jews keep us prisoner and demand a secret weapon and a list of fantasies you could not achieve or ever will. What part of the bible is this stuff in? Where does it say to hire public servants who are ready to die and does not know what to do? Did God speak to you those words? So not only are you all a con man, you are a human piece of excrement who cannot take no for an answer and has to be taken out. The truth is completely out of your universal plane. Your stalking of us like animals, constant badgering, constant mistreatment, constant antagonizing, constant humiliation, and this murder-rape plot; is layered. It did make us look like the problem. It did anger us and have the door slammed on our face. It caused tremendous pain and paralyzed our life; but was it a trap to catch you? We now know who did it and we caught them; we got everything the CIA or FBI would ever uncover about this threat on American soil. The level of errors and the effort to erase those errors are a death sentence.

Ultimately it is for communism but along the road, they-you just win it for Israel and take the oil out of the Arabs control. As oil nations, they pose the biggest threat to religion and politics. Yes, they-you know us so well and we share so much in life. Is that why they-you are asking so many questions 24 hours a day and stealing anything they-you can so it can erase who they-you are or prop they-you up a little higher? I am not the only opponent they-you will face or will during this lifetime. What they-you have done is completely irrepressible and even worse inexcusable; I sentence they-you to death and seek the death penalty for unbounded evil and master plan to make us slaves or servants; and vice versa after they-you fall out of our tree. We know why they-you have engaged in so much espionage now; it is Armageddon. They-you are such a curse and a pariah to mankind, this is the length and the behavior they-you will go to; just to win over your brethren. Yes and they-you claim it all as seniority, even communism or socialism. This is why and how they-you are so arranged and evil; it comes from religion and from the desire to win when this is impossible. Again, look at the covenant with God and communism. That is why they-you keep talking to us or provoking us; to get information and to keep probing when it gets nowhere. Look where it got they-you now. All this to save or destroy Jerusalem? Who is being kicked out of the Holy Land?

Who are we talking about? Jerusalem? Oil money? Asian markets? All this for control or have the world turn on you all? Big money and financiers are behind you; all to match the oil money and damage claims? Your goal is to turn our oil off or control it. Israel is the best way to do this. How else could you? Name them off for me. Oddly, most if not all of the communist spies caught in America were Jewish; yet only the Japanese were imprisoned for this; and now myself falsely. Why is it the bad guys are always in power or control? How about going after the real problem or the actual problems officer? All you do is probe us all day long and then parade yourself as the police or some hierarchy above the police; total con men. A complete psychopathic spy network whom should be eradicated or laminated; for having no direction in life and being a political pest of mankind. You evict us each time we try and get you out of our life or stop you; how insane is that? Genocide is also in your history and genetics. The level of errors and the effort to erase those errors are a death sentence.

Now look at you all and what you have done; joined at the hip and we hate your guts to the highest mountain on this earth. Yet you sit there all day and night "for us" and keep this dialogue into the 23rd year and possibly the 24th. If this was an Arab and Israeli problem; then you are definitely on the Jewish side; and we know you are communist. You are tipping the scales and rigging it against the Arabs; extortion and oil money. We have destroyed your efforts each and every single time and you still come at us now. Why doesn't this happen in Israel or the Soviet Union, why only in America? Go do this in Europe. Go do this in Germany. Go and do this in Russia. Why America? Have you chosen America and our future as your battlegrounds? We are catching on to your scams, plots, and lies. Oddly, most if not all of the communist spies caught in America were Jewish; yet only the Japanese were imprisoned for this; and now myself falsely. Errors? False efforts to remove or erase those errors? How they did this or the under the radar method; will be identical to 911 and it will answer every open loop that has not been revealed.

Couldn't you find a little girl or maybe a mutt to do this to? Your police are disgusting looking and witches who need to loose a lot of weight, come on. We also know you are magnetized by the sheer idea God is present and go on attack at the mere sight of Jesus. Does that sound like a Christian to you? Yes you are a complex fool; but even worse is the repugnant idea we have to call you all a US citizen or fellow citizen. I think you are completely out of control and have lost your mind completely; totally. You do not know who you are or who we are; yet you steal our identity and demand more and more because it makes you safer and more liked. You all are one demented and warped human being, all capable of unbounded evil; just to save your image and position in this world. Your genetics say you are one greedy fool and the worst friend imaginable. Look at what your evil and your greed has done to your cause and your future. Learn English. Learn the laws. Learn to be a decent person. Learn to live your own life. Stop lying. Leave us alone. Keep your problems to yourself. Write it down. Don't talk to us unless you document everything. Stop trying to act like you are sorry and pay the god damn damages.

Look at the errors. We know now who was timing events to either parallel or coordinate this deliberate, malicious, intentional, and long problem with a stalker and a 911 terrorist who sole intent in life, besides not knowing what to do and only wishing to die; is to move every piece imaginable so that I either look like the problem, are ridiculed as the problem, berated and badgered 24 hours nonstop, and either made to feel inadequate and inferior or to show sympathy and emotions for the communist and the poor. We can see this same use of surveillance and the similar type of timing I had reported in 1998 and again in 2006. Timing and getting that perfect is essential for pulling off a heist or robbery. Trying to make a buck off someone is one thing; this is unheard of, even had they been service providers. Causing their suffering by kidnapping them, studying them or stealing their own identity, then trying to capitalize or benefit by stealing the gain of that suffering; is a death sentence. Also exploiting our misery or situation, even after getting caught and when no options remained; is unheard of. So in addition to spying on us and watching us like a stalker in our apartment or residence; they tried to contact us and forward an identity of a missionary, lover, and even the police. It was nothing more than a spy and a terrorist cell using any excuse they could find.

When they reveal how they did this; it will reveal who did 911 and why this is a terrorist plot we uncovered. The level of errors and the effort to erase those errors are a death sentence. Coordinating this on such a grand scheme is how we caught and were able to question Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and the rest of the gang; who are actually new to this industry and this field of work. By using corrupting or temptation, to time and coordinate with life; they were able to reveal over time who they were and what they wanted. The little clues left behind, intentionally or not, reveals who they are and what they want or had tried. On every single level their attacks failed; except one, financial. This was also a clever extortion plot using representatives in government with those outside of government. 911 was ultimately to cover up those links, to antagonize and probe, and then to unite everyone under their authority; except the true victims or targets. Your narcissism cannot even be measured or understood at this time. I am not black, I am not a Jew, I am not radical, I am not communist, and I know exactly who I am. Is that a crime? Is your fantasy to mistreat me so I side with you or love you? Is it? If so that explains your stalking and hunting us down to molest us day and night.

We know a link or a relationship was established between the attack dogs, phantom like moles and terrorists, and those who were either in power or had been in power. This link and relationship further coordinated attacks on our forces or relayed vital information during life and death standoffs or crisis. They concealed it by reversing the problem; they were not the problem and everybody else was. It is the people in government, both state and local; for whom they represent and talk for. Therefore, the government does have their fingerprint on this case because the final arbitrator is the authority we entrust in government. As we can also see in the ledger, they did not stop at just me and tried to pin this same stigma or reputation problem, by character fascination and kidnapping; on others near me or involved in my love life. Who did we pin and catch doing this sneak attack that finally failed and is total cahoots, a total disaster? The evidence also suggests it was an inside job. Yes tax dollars were spent to execute 911 or a terrorist plot. When they reveal how they did this; it will reveal who did 911 and why this is a terrorist plot we uncovered. The level of errors and the effort to erase those errors.

Who exactly are they impersonating or cloning? Who are the usual suspects of this sneak attack? All of our families were cold warriors. We hunted down red spies or fought in wars against them. We were already the victims of communism; now more of it and an American form, robbery. Aren't we supposed to have top secret levels during the cold war? Why are we now the problem and being hunted down as a cash cow? The evidence clearly shows who they are and what they did or tried to do. Furthermore, they tried to associate what they did with a disability or link the outcome to a form of disability; add slander and malpractice to the list already. Is the justice system this incompetent or this blind? Obviously the people involved are very degrading and also very deranged; their sole purpose is to induce death or some mysterious accident which can be linked to them as a hero and their victims as the problem; and vice versa. Having this ongoing 24 hours a day in the 23rd year is a clear indication of how deranged and how degrading they truly are. Even worse is none of it works or can possibly now, a collapse or exposed in public. How did we end up the problem or in a deadly face off with the real problem?

The question is whether another year will be added to the 23rd one; a 24th year while damages stack up in the billions? The access they had and the way to describe what they were doing; also discredited victims and made them look deranged or mentally ill. It appears they duplicated or impersonated the police while imprinting their life and experiences on victims. Does anybody think mental illness, handicap, or disability, even if one existed; (some form of being crippled) had any part in this or how it ended? Everybody has some form of handicap or some form of flaw; but life-long debilitation or 2 billion in damages is a bit strange. Is the justice system this incompetent and blind where it falls for the most incredulous misrepresentation or falsehood? A disability got us to this point? We know both sides are crippled and now disabled; but why? Why is the system here the principle suspect? Who comprises that system that targeted us or told those malicious lies? Why did they let it reach the 24th year? There are consequences and liabilities when you employ human beings, public servants, and ghost like spies who do not know what to do or are ready to die. There may be other damages filed but at this time it is stuck at 40 billion while this standoff is ongoing.

Did we deserve this or ask to be robbed or targeted, did we? Do they have the right to make us live their messed up life and criticize us? What about our rights and the truth? As it clearly shows, the moment we strike gold; they go into an agitated state. We get that call overtly if we are rich or if we strike gold only. If not, we are some abducted prisoner, poke and prodded, treated like an animal, and then file a 2 billion claim while trying to figure out who they are, what they want, or why they are doing this. Our treatment was solely based on material definitions or a class structure. Every single effort was put forward to not only pull us into this lower class but also keep us there. Furthermore, the mere prospect or mention of gold or some future; they immediately snap to attention and become our best friends. Everything is happy again and it is all one big happy family. Until that gold is either delivered and they get a part of it or be included; it is back to this prisoner or problem managing every single aspect of our life. Rush Limbaugh personifies that cash cow model; a cult like stalker mentality that locks on to anything that moves and for decades on end. Now matter how much evidence on them, they clandestinely call and call tirelessly. Even when this is overt, he tries to bury it or hide exactly what they are doing or had been up to. One of those covert calls was 911. It is a gigantic communist spy network looking for and keeping tabs on cash cows.

When they reveal how they did this; it will reveal who did 911 and why this is a terrorist plot we uncovered. The level of errors and the effort to erase those errors are a death sentence. Does anybody think or do the FBI and CIA think I am the problem? Am I the problem or the solution? Ann Coulter knows the answer and had known for 23 years. Look at the errors in her life and the malicious or murder plot to beat her to death; is that what we all are looking at right now? Why leave it undocumented and claim to be us or steal someone else's suffering? By the way, she came to me in secret and due to years of intimacy, confided in me about this. I am comfortable with this. Did anybody care to ask her or make an inquiry before painting me or framing me as the problem here? Am I the problem, unloved, and need a terror plot, radicals, the black movement, or the Jewish lawyers? Someone went to elaborate length and sophisticated ways to make sure I did not survive this, Ann Coulter did not survive this, and the both of us were belittled and humiliated in life before our untimely death. In addition to spying on us and watching us like a stalker in our apartment or residence; they tried to contact us and forward an identity of a missionary, lover, and even the police. It was nothing more than a spy and a terrorist cell using any excuse they could find.

After the 23rd year, the errors added up to 2 billion in fees, damages, back wages, and suffering; which is a smaller cost for a 40 billion class action lawsuit. As the errors are compounding and everybody knows they are both dead wrong about Ann Coulter as they are dead wrong about the father of satellite warfare; the attempts to erase their errors jeopardize their life until it is a terror plot and a suicide plot. What do they have to loose? How much can they afford to loose? When you are in last place or have any direction in life; stealing the identity of someone is all you can do. Furthermore, we see the damned and repugnant communist leaders; Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, and the rest of them; trying to pull off the Rosa Parks act. Yes they look and are dressed respectable. We are preventing them from having an education. They look like satellite scientists or doctorate candidates. That is identity theft and so obnoxious; it looks like a North Korean terrorist plot. We now know who did it and we caught them; we got everything the CIA or FBI would ever uncover about this threat on American soil. When they reveal how they did this; it will reveal who did 911 and why this is a terrorist plot we uncovered. The level of errors and the effort to erase those errors are a death sentence.

As their errors compound and stack up we look the complete opposite. In our reality and based on our own life, we look phony and out of place! We are made to look like the problem and only 500 million in legal fees can get to the truth, fix all of this, or rectify the record so that one world and one life is the reality we live in. They charge ahead into battle and straight at us crying and whimpering; hoping that like parents we just beat them or kick them in the head for being so inferior and stupid in life. These whites are the communist movement and they learned this from their brethren who are in last place and also slaves to the utter phony. How many errors did they make? How many did they document? If 40 billion was on the line, do you think an innocent person would make an effort to document something honest? What did they do to erase their mistakes or all of these mistakes? How far did they take this and how long? How did we come to the conclusion of billions in damages? Is that totally nuts?


The scriptures said that Christ stood before his disciples and said one of them would betray him. It turned out to be Judas. These people are far from Christ and are not Christ disciples. Terrorism is on their minds 24 hours a day. The death of a salesman story is annoying and a road of lawless evil. This is a criminal case. It is not about their sexual desires or their feelings. Crying in court? Typical song and dance? Can we learn anything from North Korea? There is a big difference between spies and politicians. Go after with fury and hurricanes the spies.

This story is also in Hindu folklore. The Ramania, a Hindu epic dance and story, tells of a Seta. A magical golden ear distracts Rahm. The great demon king impersonates a wise old sage to trick Seta and kidnap her. Seta mourns her captivity and is overjoyed by a clandestine visit. Seta tells Rahm to rescue her or else she will die in captivity. A monkey army prepares to do battle alongside with Rahm and he ends up shooting an arrow through Ravana, the demon king, in an epic battle of light over darkness.

Dear Communists, Labor Union Leaders, Blacks and Hispanics: How many times in the past 23 years have you ever heard me say, "Okay we will stop?" Once? Twice? How many times have you said this? Do you honestly think your momma is faithful to your daddy or is she constantly pissing me, my military personnel, my satellite people, and my satellite security forces? Who gave you these inferior genes or this problem with stupidity or a total lack of morals? Who brought you into this world to sell drugs or bother us day and night? Why don't you go and find who it was who gave you the genetics that make you fight like a bunch of women in heat? Why don't you go and find the people who gave you the stupidity you are cursed with. Why don't you go and find the people who forced you to bother us, attempt to hold us hostage, or tried to kidnap us. Is that your problem or your fate? Is that what you are asking or demanding? The Navy made the earthquake machine or the ghost hurricane ship to kill you; not me. I am on the winning side no matter what you do or try to disprove.

If you are the police, then you need to surface and bring this to the surface before war is the only way out. Nobody is scared of your labor union leaders, nobody. There are people who have a gun to their head and are always saying "do it" or "okay we will stop." I can document this at least 100 times already and their back nearly broken by efforts day and night done in vain. Who gave you this road or those genes? Why do you think you are in last place? You do know you are in last place, don't you? Why are you bothering the people in first place in a manner that only 40 billion dollars can resolve? Why do you think you refuse to do your homework or read the scriptures? Why do you think you are in last place on every test? Not one test but every single test given. Is no thank you strong enough or good enough? Football players cannot pass tests? We know who betrayed Christ. Not only did they betray Christ, they tried to sell him; like a cheap bag or a con-man.

Who the hell is Dave Matthews on sports radio? He is indicating football players and spying on us also or trying to figure out how to join the winning parade? As Al Qaeda, they make great buddies. Glen Back and Mike Gallagher are a total communist. No matter what they say and do, they refuse to accept the truth; guilty as sin, con-men, and sales people. Sales people do not make the decisions. Gallagher is nothing more than a cookie cut Limbaugh, Hannity, or Levin. All of them feel they make the decisions; everything they do is phony and (except their message or act). We tested their technology and did a trace. We have ruled out extra-terrestrial. They stand on crime and are gaining on evil; 100% evil and a terrorist. All of them are opening the door for each other and standing on terrorism, a secret war.

Who betrayed Christ and how? Who has the technology? We can test them again. We know the blacks do not have the technology or grades. We know the hispanics do not have the technology or grades. We already spoke to the communist leaders globally about their spies. There is only one other suspect in the communist leadership, the Jews. This communist domestic spy group is the final card in the deck; thus, a link between NY-FL-CA-TX and Muslims control of Jerusalem. Who else is at the throats of the Christians day and night, 365 days a year? Who crucified Christ and how? What did Christ do or did? How did they reproduce his work or use a forgery? Why is there so much to be desired? Now they are buddies and Christ sales people. This is total insanity. These people are completely out of their mind.

Why don't you go and find the people who are not stupid or a female whom cursed you and can explain why you need to be destroyed. Why don't you go and find the people who forced you to bother us day and night, attempted to hold us hostage or spy on us 24 hours, or tried to kidnap us so they can benefit or get ahead. Is that your problem or your fate? Is that what you are asking or demanding? The Navy made the earthquake machine or the ghost hurricane ship to kill you; not me. You are not on the winning side no matter what you do or try to prove, trapped by your evil deeds and lawless lies. We know this is about terrorism and opening the door for each other. Who is opening the door for who here?

All of them feel they make the decisions; everything they do is phony and (except their message or act). We tested their technology and did a trace. We have ruled out extra-terrestrial. They stand on crime and are gaining on evil; 100% evil and a terrorist. We know the blacks do not have the technology or grades. We know the hispanics do not have the technology or grades. We already spoke to the communist leaders globally about their spies. There is only one other suspect in the communist leadership, the Jews. It is about Jerusalem and global politics. It is not only about who did it; it is about who betrayed us and now are our buddy. Who is opening this gate of hell and total insanity? There are spies and there are politicians. Hunt down the spies and shut them down.

There is a big (BIG) difference between a spy and a politician. A spy tries to make the decisions and tries to hunt down people. A politician is supposed to hunt down the spy and make sure Christ does not have to give a speech about one of his disciples betraying him (Judas). These radio hosts, who are nothing more than spies for a known cause; fail to distinguish this. With a gun to their head, they will keep saying "do it" and "we are ready to die" endlessly. If song and dance is not good enough; then it is some act they learned from North Korea. Add Beck, Gallagher, and a few others to this long and growing list of spies who want to make the decisions but do not know what to do and are ready to die. As far as Jerusalem, who opened the door for whom? A conspiracy between Muslims and Jews? They will do anything to disprove this.

Ann, would you like to address Glenn Beck and Limbaugh's Tea Party? They are not doing this to you, but they are doing it to me. Beck now has my satellite personnel upset, he has my military people upset, and he has my security in a 24 hour tizzy. Beck and the Tea Party is riding my ass day and night along with the blacks and Puerto Ricans. They will not declare formal war; they claim they make the decisions, want us to stop, and want to know how crazy we are to challenge a suicide plot or political suicide movement. Beck is almost as bad as your clone swat-fart Palin. As I see it, they are aligned or taken in the communists to be their attack dogs; that is the Tea Party. Then when I demanded an answer, Limbaugh goes on the radio and starts saying how the Tea Party is the real deal, politics is not what we expect, there are people trying to silence the conservative voice, etc... Excuse me? Need to see me throw up or smell the fart they keep letting off?

Ann, your life is totally insane. Do you expect me to hire them Ann? If I am a CEO, I have to learn to live with them in my life 24 hours or be a political prisoner? Aren't there laws to prevent all of this? They want a job right? They expect to rub elbows with my satellite friends, correct? First it is the Reagan clowns and now it is the Tea Party; that proves we are liberals and Democrats right? That must prove we are So-Bama. Then I am told to leave and go home by the Puerto Rican radicals and nationalist communists. That is abduction and kidnapping. I do not like these communists or nationalists at all; wish them dead or genocide. Beck is trying to pull off the little buddy or union labor leader routine on me; thanks Ann. I need him in my life or business 24 hours to improve this. Can't you take him out or punish that F'er? Who next Rubio or your hispanic clowns in Florida?

Ann, you did not create Palin and I knew she was a clone. Now look at Beck and this Tea Party movement who makes the decisions. Our troops are getting this crap. He even gives me bible lessons, imagine that. Had it not been for you; Glenn Beck would not be in my life and he has my forces agitated constantly. Beck has no respect for the laws and he is too stupid to realize we are in a state of war; they chose court instead, so we are getting there slowly. Listen to this one now. This crap is broadcasted on military radio and our troops are listening to this junk daily as the gospel. Meanwhile the commanders and the entire government let's it infest our forces and fighting forces; is that healthy or wise? Eventually someone has to explain that one. Now the Puerto Ricans are also coming at me with butcher knives asking how crazy I am.

How crazy am I? Limbaugh says I do not even fear my union leaders. I pay dues? I am in a labor union? I have union leaders and communist spies in my life or whatever? Why are they embedded with my military forces and satellite security; agitating them day and night? Beck would not even admit or give me a valid answer; even Limbaugh says he is guilty as sin. I am sick of this Ann. It is no fun and not pleasing anymore. Your life is totally insane and you keep saying it is an attack or murder plot to rape you. Pat Buchanan said on Hannity they are trying to beat you to death; I think they are beating themselves to death trying or wasting so much time and effort on us; 40 billion class action suit. Regardless, both Beck and Limbaugh claim they are very popular, make the decisions, and are very popular. Shall I hire them or salute them when I open my satellite corporation? That is also espionage. Why don't the US government just tsunami them and get this done with, teach those union leaders a thing or two about how crazy we are. God bless the USA and good ridden to this gigantic problem.

1. Do you have any Asian friends? Do you think Asians are that stupid or in last place? We documented your handi-work. Am I Americanized now? One of us right?
2. Why do you keep saying Ann hates me, after 23 years together? Is she that stupid or in last place? You hate the all-American girl don't you? One of us?
3. Do you know ANY Asians who can vouch for you? Any allies or just making this up? You are dead wrong. How many other allies or foes want to be hunted down for this?
4. Do you know ANY Asians who are not dead or committed suicide? That is your fate and financial history, death and suicide from ruin. Real police or just the imaginary job police?
5. What makes you think you can manage Asia or even the US economy? Debt? You want to do business with them and manage their companies? Americanize it? Yeah sure.
6. So this extortion and suicide plot surrounds me? Who is doing business with whom? Pay you and you can make things happen? Have we seen corruption on this level?
7. Ann is friendly with everybody. That is not why I am mad at her, is it? Why am I mad? You are one dim SOB.
8. How many people, Asians also, are in this kickback and suicide plot using debt and interest by your Jewish banks? What kind of an idiot are you all? Sign me up, I want to die.
9. You think jobs is like a labor contract or some international negotiating tool? Do you think song and dance is going to expand this or keeping us as prisoners?
10. How much Al Qaeda do you have left who did not get droned? What makes you think you can escape a drone? What attack dogs do you have left to fight this political suicide plot and communist job negotiation? Is this why I am unemployed and why the Puerto Rican-blacks are using Florida jobs to negotiate with now?

Dear Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and the rest of the going out of business, suicide political mafia commie-pinko going out of vogue and in major debt labor movement: Think about this. If what Rush Limbaugh said about hurricanes is true, then all the US Navy has to do is wait for a monster tropical storm or the storm of the century to creep up the Bermuda or Gulf waters and then steer it right on top of Puerto Rico and then Palm Beach. That in 24 hours would solve the majority of the problems very quickly and cease this invasion of Florida as they loose more battlegrounds and must figure out a new retirement plan for the drug war. As you can see now, the situation is dire and if your forces do not double time; retirement in Florida will be overwhelmed by rich or well to do seniors. No new prescription drug wars and back to the laxative, roach killer, pee on your stash days of street credibility. I do not see it the same way you do. Unless you have a hurricane steering wheel; your future is very bleak and even impoverished. What do you have left to brag about? What do you have left to loose? You gambled it all away already; clearly. I definitely would not be near you or live next to you! It is like smelling death each and every single morning and getting used to it. Soon you will be swinging wildly or doing what black people do when they imagine stuff. So far so good. You have managed to survive the US Navy's effort to throw you into the ocean.

Even if you did pay 2 billion and implicated your financiers in the 40 billion class action suit; all it would take is one tropical storm and a ruthless judge in charge of the US Navy or whomever else is steering hurricanes. Your dream and your theory now comes true and you really should not follow us to the beach, on vacation, or even think about living near water. That is a heavy burden on your shoulders. Therefore, it is not what you do, how you do it, how much damages you rack up, or even what you try on us or how you decide to destroy us; it is only about how much you wish to loose or how much do you have left. If you intend on loosing it all and have a death wish, a suicide plot and unity; well then that is the best solution. All of you are a ticking time bomb and it won't be long until you gamble with other things such as your life. Gambling real estate, money, or paper products is infectious. At some point you will loose it all and gamble your life away also. The US Navy and their ghost hurricane ship is eager to bring you aboard and accept your unconditional surrender, just like the days of the pirates off the coast of Florida. Don't do it because you have to, do it because you all are in last place and will be there for as long as the eye can see. The exact cost of living near your poverty movement must be unbearable and well known. It did not mention God steering a hurricane in the Bible nor the US Navy, not at all. God bless the USA for giving us the security to say this and do it. God bless the USA for making their life a living hell.

Dear Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, The EIB, Clear Channel, Fox News, Mitchell Malkin, Laura Inyurphase, CPAC, YAF, Bill Maher, Martin Luther King and his hood, and those of you we have been against or fighting for over twenty three years. It is time for me to talk now and it is time for me to give you a piece of my mind. I am going to give you some advice and free schooling to fix your problem and to inform you what your problem is and to go and get medication for this problem. If not then it will be imposed on you and you will feel the sting of the American people. We don't care and we do not need you; when you are ready to leave, let the door find you. Let me tell you what your problem is and what 40 billion in damages is all about. This is the first time I have expressed our true feelings or the truth; and the gloves need to come off. You are just wasting our time and need to just leave or move on; blowing smoke in all our faces. If any government officials or political party is behind this; they need to pay back their salary instead of placing it on the taxpayers. Yes we all pay taxes but not all of us owes 2 billion or 40 billion in restitution. Even paying taxes was used as an nutriment of unbound evil. I am sure the US Navy is itching to end this quickly. So far so good. You have managed to survive the US Navy's effort to throw you into the ocean. I would like to get paid and be paid eventually. Instead of throwing your underwear, you can strap it to your body, several times; no joke.

I know this industry very well and I know who is the best and who is only the best in name only. There are ways to test math, computer, and engineering skills. Many software engineers are terrified of memory tests and algorithm challenges with only a pencil and paper. Furthermore, the school system has and is continuing the decline of politicization, low standards, wasteful spending, lack of talent, constant misuse, and facing bankruptcy in student loans. We see Ivy League students who are taught dependency when a market system cannot thrive on this or educated for service industries. I have and can memorize 1,000 pages of computer code; it has been certified. How fast can I author satellite software? Extremely quick or in a blink of an eye. Would they waste their time or rack up 2 billion in damages if they did not have the real deal? Who wrote the user manual also? Why do they have it? Again, I have been there and done that. The crazy idea of occupation, expansion, political prisoners, labor or unskilled workers, and taking over the military or implementing low military standards; did nothing for us or them. However, there is 2 billion in damages and over 40 billion in a class action suit. Shoot up more schools!

It may not be Ann's fault, but her life and partnership has led to another attack by a lunatic phony. Ann Coulter's leadership has led us to another wacko and phony, Mike Gallagher. Yes the Republicans are stacked with communists and inadequate people who are complete lunatics. Gallagher like all the rest has made contact, a semi-attack. I understand things are tense and people are frustrated. These people are obviously on their way out.

We know all about Facebook also; how it developed in 2006 with these stupid dating sites or chat rooms. If you look at Ann's life; it is exactly what I described and who is chasing us. 2 billion in damages and 40 billion cumulative damages, do you think they are going to waste their time and life on a phony?

The global warming crowd is behind the occupy my school and the total mess of my academic credentials; therefore, let me provide a detailed and precise answer; a satisfactory and acceptable legal response. All of these people are on their way out; who is calling Asians phony in academics or schooling? They dominate the computer and engineering schools; whites are in second place.

The question has been and is still floating around about what degrees I have or do not have and who has the right to over-rule my decision or challenge my life long work? Since the US Army restricted their satellite school due to infiltration efforts and 911 (attacks on the NSA); it is increasingly difficult to pursue this field unless you know the right people or have a master degree in either computer science or electrical engineering. Having a degree is insufficient. Having a web site is insufficient. Owning property or owning a web site is inadequate. High tech companies have a multitude of personnel and security or defense related companies become very costly and complex due to the layer after layer of red tape. Exactly what kind of degree do I have to be writing the global user manual when it comes down to the science and practice of satellite technology?

Most if not all integration of satellite and computer technology is brand new. By the time a new constellation is built; the technology is obsolete or primitive. I cannot steer the market or how it advances; that is high tech. Nobody is going to be able to match me on software development without notes or documentation; as the ranking number two at a reputable world class computer school. From memory and pure knowledge, I quantify in ability. That is the test, how fast can you figure out or author a software program after asked to compose it without notes? My problem is I cannot code the program because I do not have a functional high level programming language to do so. However, I can write the program from start to finish; write the functions, dynamic memory, advanced procedures, use loop algorithms, and every method known to mankind. If I can code in a language, then there is no patent issues or debate on whose patent it belongs to.

I was a straight A student up until 11th grade when I got my first B. Nobody is questioning my intelligence or academic ranking. There is an inadequate bonehead out there (Gallagher) who is trying to challenge my academic credentials. It is so absurd I am not sure if I want to reply, but I will. I have a total of 3 years studying hardcore computer science, three. Of those three, I had accredited one of them. When the accreditation process recognized I was a sophomore level; it doubled the credits from 3 to 6. I have an actual associates degree in science. The associates degree is the combination of satellite and computer science; both. Total I have 192 credits for a 128 credit degree. Therefore, I have much more than a computer science degree if you sum up the totality. I have never worked a job in my life involving satellites, never. How do I know everything about them; a degree?

At Virginia Tech I was ranked number 2; this means anybody who has a four year degree in computer science, will get crushed when the topic of satellites and computer science is the topic. If it came down to getting a job; an associates degree in computer science is worthless. Unless you have a working knowledge of Perl, C+, or some language; no company will retrain you. Even if you had a computer science degree and a doctorate in COBOL or FORTRAN; it is impossible to get a job using that degree. I do not go around and brag about my degree or knowledge in satellite warfare but as a pioneer and a software developer; it is much more than a computer science degree. At Virginia Tech I was a sophomore grade programmer. I actually wrote an operating system as the semester project, the predecessor of the Windows operating system. If this is similar to the phony science of global warming, it won't work. I wrote the user manual when it comes to satellites, it took over twenty years to author.

You have to show a life long record from K-12. My GPA after high school was 3.3 even though I took all college AP courses my senior year. I do not know why anybody would challenge my degrees or schooling, it is not up for debate. There is no room for input or any perspective. I have much more than a basic associate or bachelor degree. If today I was to start over and got a degree; it is impossible to acquire the satellite schooling, the military closed the field down and restricted it so nobody follows. The bottom line is my associates degree in science entails 192 credits. I had a total of three years studying computer science (36 months). My life blew up when I was 18, thus, I had to take off a full year from college but I took night school, this messed me up. My final degree can be in computer science or electrical engineering; of this the first two years were computer science only. There is a major problem with scientists and professors; thus, I am well aware of it.

After the Army, the second half was satellites only, which I did not get accredited. All I had to do was take a test to get the 30-60 credits. When I got the math, Spanish, and basics done; it all tallied to 192 credits and I chose a general "science" as the title. After this associates I went and got a bachelors in arts so I could do research on the policy and social ramification of satellite technology. That degree is far more than a bachelor degree. I have been working on the user manual. We have to know who is out there and the problems of planet earth. I needed it to pioneer the field, not get a job working with a bozo. Those five books are the user manual. Now that bozo cannot get a job, is not safe, or has a serious inadequacy. If everything is tallied, you must add 60 credits to the 192 credits for a total of 252 credits. Then you have to factor in the experience level and the research on top of that; 1990-2012 or 22 years. The blockhead global warming crowd crashes and burn again.

Here is a strong message to those who are reading this and guilty. We know. We know who you are and trapped you. Do not test the patients of others. It is futile and escape is not in your fate. Turn yourself in immediately and seek mercy or leniency. Otherwise, be prepared to pay back or be accountable to the tax dollars you used to go on a rampage. There are ways and methods to extract information when you are in custody. There are ways and methods to root out your lies, track you down, and launch a superior campaign against you. It is futile and you cannot win, ever. Your fate has spoken, $500 a month worth. $500 a month did this to you, your future, your fate, and your directionless political life. If you push it to the limit, you will be implicated and forced to pay damages. Leaders being paid six figures or lawyers on the dole of six figures for danger pay or silence; is a crime. Glory to those who know what to do and are not ready to die; and have the credentials to prove this. The prospect of abuse of power and utilizing the money surrendered to you under a false premise or by blatant misrepresentations; warrants a refund or return. You must show good works and be graded on the standards laid forth. Without the credentials and validation, you were born into the world ready for jail. Poverty is in your genetic body. The stars have spoken.

Do not wait until your peers turn you in; Sissie the day. Glory only to the victors and those victorious; anguish and slavery to the defeated. They pulled you deeper into this and got you stuck in this mess. There is no way to turn it off. There is not way to push the stop button when and if you want. There is no way to throw up your hands and in the last second, seek diplomatic diplomacy. We have made sure of this, trust your own intuition. It is suicide from here on and you are or will be targeted as "not knowing what to do and is ready to die." That is not how you get a job or a government position; it is a secret suicide plot and communism. It is fertile grounds for a traitor to go on a criminal rampage or seek it from others. The audience can only watch in horror, nothing they do will or will ever help the peril of your destructive life or evil overpowering greed. Surrender and give up while you can; otherwise, severe hardships and severe punishments will be met. Again, there are ways and methods to extract information by testing the deepest parts of your being and your existence. Human beings have vulnerability and needs. This is a cruel and vicious world you live in or have chosen to live in. Living in two worlds now, is impossible; choose. Choose the wrong one and you will be asked to pay back the salary which financed or implemented this criminal rampage and will be billed for the 40 billion (Virginia, New York, Florida) in damage-danger pay and restitution.

The crazy idea of occupation, expansion, political prisoners, labor or unskilled workers, and taking over the military or implementing low military standards; did nothing for us or them. However, there is 2 billion in damages and over 40 billion in a class action suit. Slave labor or uneducated political populations of blacks and hispanics; has collapsed on them. Using America and real estate is in total decline, they are not getting any more money and must pay back what they have taken or stolen illegitimately.

It is kind of weird because if you look into their history; it is full of chaos, trouble, conflict, and hatred. First they are enslaved. Then they escape slavery. They retaliate or take their anger on us. Then they are banished. Then we get world war. Now they talk to us 24 hours and try to put the nail in deeper. Their life and history is full of insanity but they do not know how to live a normal life or what stop means. Either they love us or we love them; 2 billion of whatever it is. All day and night, 365 days a year, and for the past 23 years they have tried everything humanly possible to crucify either Ann or myself; nearly dying while failing. It was at least 1000 times a year sometimes. It is almost identical to the Terminator II movie; right down to the war at the end. They screwed this country up badly during the 1960s; then again in the 1990s. What a history of pain and suffering as a despised enemy of mankind; now a political enemy who does not know what to do or wants to die.

We know they are the communist and the global communist forces; but for bad fortune or pure stupidity, they get the worst outcome imaginable and we humiliate them back and are seeking damages in excess of 40 billion. If you want to see a cursed life and one hell of a human being living on planet earth; take a look at Moe and Curly. We are talking utter hell and insanity in their life and they just charge at us like a bull. Look at the mess they made and what they did to this life mission I was on; now a terror plot and a communist recruitment by suicidal politicians. What an existence they have or leave behind. Rush Limbaugh says they are the best this world has to offer! Rush is their model and floor display to kick around. Now they think the ghost of Christ is back to deal them the card of the century; how fitting! The proof is in the truth.

Let me ask the public a very personal and private question. If you were native American and witnessed what you are seeing and reading right now; would you attack them? If this was wartime Europe and you knew what we know; would you want Hitler to teach them manners or hack them to death? As guilty and Godless as they are; who and what could find it in their hearts to give them mercy? Who would offer or allow them freedom? How do you as an American Indian, allow this kind of thing to infest your homeland and strip away your resources? It is a very difficult and tough thing to be stuck in or an ordeal you want to be facing. How do you stop this communist threat and political pest? How do you stop a bank robber on the level of Rush Limbaugh, The Bush Family, and Sean Hannity; along with their attack dogs? These claims by the liberals and the communists, their deep American Indian heritage, is ridiculous. The natives would hack them to death but our hands are tied.

Q: If you were native American and witnessed what you are seeing and reading right now; would you attack them? Why then are they always attacking us or keeping us as political prisoners?

It is pretty damn clear whatever Rush Limbaugh, The Bush Family, Sean Hannity and the rest of them did; it is going to take a lot of lawyers to unwind. Is 500,000 million in legal fees a very good reason to arrest them and shut down all of their enterprises? Furthermore, they lay the burden of this squarely on us; if we wish to live or survive this. If it came down to billions, would they care? If it came down to their death and total destruction on TV and radio, would they care? If it came down to life and death, could they tell the truth or get their story straight, ever?

I would say there is a political element and current threat which operates clandestinely, even at this stage, until or unless we can stop them or figure out who they are. I would say that clandestine threat is ready to die and does not know what to do; but they feel we do not know who they are or what they are up to, even if we know they are hardcore communist moles. Oh hell, let's just forget about this and go back to being friends. We are feeling no pain, none. Let go if it is painful.

I am confused now. Did I detect and stop a plot to attack America or did I attack America and Americans? This must mean I am anti-American and a traitor. How can this be, the police say I am the problem or attacked Americans. The police were called because I am mentally ill. Did I stop a plot to attack America or did attack America with hellfire and with the aggression of a lightning bolt? Hmmm, it is a very hard and difficult case. It is not so easy to distinguish or figure out. We need more of this game or playing along to determine a desired outcome.

I am not a Florida gook whom they can pester and meddle with 24 hours because they are in last place on all categories. Who has a deep fantasy about being our slaves or working on our plantations? Who has this deep festering voice in their mind that keeps them inferior and seeking a master? Us or them? Then who is the problem and whose politics is so inferior, they do not know what to do and are ready to die? I agree, do whatever you want; just pay the 2 billion in legal fees and pay the 40 billion for being so inferior and psychopathic. Do they think starving in America will change their political problems if they immigrate to Asia? It might worsen them, agree? Does the world need an expansion or growth of this stupidity? If they wish to be the official Florida gook, then please leave me out of their poverty.

I must be a political recruiter and even recruiting for this terror plot! Furthermore, I must be radicalizing them and don't even have any education or credentials to factually back up my reputation? Who the hell did I attack the F out of and why? What is their story? Injuries? Why are they impersonating me or are my echo chamber? Do I know any of them or have ever met them? Do I get paid for this or can I bill the government? How do I get paid? I need to be paid.

Everybody witnessed the process of radicalization and then the reverse of that same radicalization. Who was behind that? It must be out of the question they would be the 911 terrorists also right? Has the world seen brainwashing on that level and reversal of it before? Oh we are the blame and the people who made it all up or would not stop? One of us is a complete madman and guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. One of us is liable for 2 billion dollars in damages. This is the 23rd year and we may have a 24th; the attacks have not been stopped and the plot is still not arrested.

It is pretty damn clear who has the college education, credentials, and the merits to be on TV or radio teaching this. I hope they have something, such as research material; to suggest they are not ready for jail. Otherwise they are part of this terror plot and conspiracy. I would say there is evidence and probable cause of a clandestine threat or illegal under the radar activity. Maybe even a lot of it. If it came down to billions, would they care? If it came down to their death and total destruction on TV and radio, would they care? If it came down to life and death, could they tell the truth or get their story straight, ever?

How about those mysterious injuries? It could be a clandestine operation gone very bad. Yes a clandestine effort and war which nobody knows about except us. How did you get those injuries? How did they? Who did this and why would you keep it all hidden and keep saying you are ready to die and do not know what to do? Must be a secretive police operation, hush-hush levels!

I would say I see or know about a suicide plot. It went hand and hand with the clandestine stuff and the injuries. Are you in a suicide plot? Are you in some deadly game or web of deception that only death can cure? How did we come up with 2 billion in damages and 40 billion in a class action suit? Odd. One of us is mentally ill, one of us is criminally insane, one of us is pathologically lying, one of us is having panic attacks on the airwaves, and one of us got caught by the opposition or opposing army. How can we be the problem? We are not in a suicide plot? Or are we?

How about those satellites we should have been in the business or should have been making by now? Why did I spend my entire life in college and studying this science; only to sit here and waste my time on entertainment or fascinating ways to rip each other apart or lead each other to death and suicide? Again, the levels of torture and the pain we have imposed on Limbaugh, The Bush Family, Hannity, and the rest of them would kill an ox. It is inhuman but they do not want to stop or end this.

How do you stop someone who uses Democracy to gain or to rob others? How do you raid or stop a bank robber when they are intent on shooting it out or fighting to the death? How? Obey their demands? Pay their ransom? Listen to their badgering day and night? Even worse, they feel our life is for them; our work is about them and about them; and it is there for them to sieze and gain from. Incredible. That is how vain and how psychopathic this organized political enemy group is.

Right now we (Ann and I) look like we are the problem. A organized, malicious, and debilitating campaign to cripple us or take us out was initiated and in full swing for over two decades; only to end in utter failure and defeat. Why were we made to be some scapegoat or punching bag? Why did wave after wave of terrorists come at us or signal us secretly to suggest they were behind this and we can never catch them or identify them? We did and have. There they go doing what we accuse them exactly of and even worse; illuminating how big their suicide plot is and what their master plan has been and will always be. Ingenious isn't it? How much tax dollars are used to defend or prevent this? My budget is $500 a month, is that a joke? How about a reward or some payment for lost wages or work performed? How about 2 billion in damages? I see, it is out of the realm of possibility because I am the problem and must be mentally ill. It still works and it is still being written as the gospel.

Who is using anthrax and the history of the Jews to suggest I am Moses and God is leading me to free his people or free the communists? I have no intention of freeing them obviously. Furthermore, I hope the ghost of the Pharaoh is reincarnated. Everybody must have been hallucinating that one also. Yes and just look at those politicians scattering so the flak doesn't get them or dirty their suits.

Who is "anti-American" here? What exactly is the problem and who is lying in a crazy way to suggest others are anti-American? Half of them do not even speak English and are on welfare or in financial cahoots. Are the communists, left wing, Democrats, Rush Limbaugh, The Bush Family, Sean Hannity, and the rest of them suggesting that not going along with poor people or organized crime and drug gangs is "anti-American?" Are we actually supposed to believe that or think 2 billion in damages is a simple mistake?

Can they tell us which one of them can fix all of this? We need one person, Rush Limbaugh? Well, Rush had his chance to call that person who makes these pay-grade decisions. All he did was impersonate or steal all of our work and life; everything we said he threw it right back at us. Ever seen that before? Throw anything or everything back at the source; then take what they threw and run with it. What a madman! This is no ordinary suicide bomber or terrorists; this is a very sophisticated criminal.

They actually think the political process, Democracy; is going to save them or exonerate them! Imagine that, Limbaugh, The Bush Family and Hannity, along with the rest; convinced the blacks and the Latinos and minorities in prison that Democratic forces are on the way to rescue them; a hostage rescue! That was all George W. Bush and his Middle East Policy. I must have worked on the wrong side or woke up on the wrong planet? Now the blacks and every felon in America thinks they are getting more benefits, more money for education, socialized Medellin, and Democracy is going to let them win this. Yes how about those worthy Puerto Ricans we know so much about!

Who is it whom thinks human subjects are Jerusalem? Moses will lead the weak to freedom and the promised land? Who was it who just came into our life one day, similar to a serial killer, and decides to erase everything we went to school or studied? All the sudden we become slaves, hostages, and are secretly schooled in radical nonsense. It goes against who we are and what our genetics tell us. Then after being caught, they try to swindle both Ann and I by portraying themselves as students who seek lessons and education? This is why people get degrees and go to school; to avoid a 2 billion dollar lawsuit. Here we have that school or student-teacher relationship. Will it end in the 23rd year or will there be a 24th year of this? If we think it or do it; it becomes theirs? Who wrote that and who allowed our intellectual property fall into the hands of communist tormentors and spies?

Trying to act shocked? Trying to act hurt or got their feelings hurt? This dog and pony show daily in our life and the reality setting in about how we could not find it in our heart to feed them, pay their ransom, agree with their politics, or put up with another dribbling trick and stunt; is the final straw. I think all out war may be needed to fix this retard who cannot think of any reason why we could hate them or why we would not like or enjoy this one bit. They act innocent and happy but there are so many reasons to either kill them, wage war on them, or ban them from human existence forever.

Trying to debate Ann Coulter on politics was an act of utter stupidity. Trying to debate and then negotiate with me was an even worse act of stupidity. Compound that and trying to debate both Ann Coulter and myself simultaneously is a suicide plot. You cannot ask for early death or define stupidity on a higher level. Just ask Rush Limbaugh, The Bush Family, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, Mickey Krause, and the rest of them. Will they admit it? Probably not. Even more stupid is how they ended up with our material or kingdom; afterwards! Now ask them how that happened or how intelligent that act of treason was. I compare it to a pregnancy, denying it in the 8th month is futile. To listen or watch them daily is sado-masochistic. It is the joy of watching prisoners be tortured and ripped to pieces.

Their trial has not even began and 40 billion is on the line! If you are going to be traitors, communists moles, and even 911 terrorists; you have to be smarter than that. Also, try not to get filmed doing it while the raid and bust goes down! Very intelligent mortal enemy and opposing army we have discovered on US soil. They would get more applause by making sheep noises. Even worse is watching them fight to hold on to their jobs and career. Just jump off a bridge after writing a check for 40 billion and be done with it. It is really sad and pathetic already; should we actually terrorize the public by making them watch a laughingstock cling and hold on for dear life in court? Do we want to see them bawl and cry in TV and radio? How about dress them up as circus clowns and make them wear a dunce hat? Parade their friends on TV so say something nice; that might help. If there is some dignity in the US government; just shoot them and give us the check and be quick about it; do it for them, do it for the kids, and do it to keep your sanity.

Did I forget how stupid they are and what we have to put up with? Either I am Hitler and am being asked to do what Hitler could not; or they tried to create some form of terror plot recruitment or Hitler himself. Oh wait, did we already pinpoint who the 911 terrorists truly are? What is the core and the heart of this demon beast? Who this enemy actually is and what they have done to cover it up? Sounds like they are the real problem, not Al Qaeda. That was some relief or 911 call. Oh hell, we have to sit here and listen to them or watch them parade the folks on their dole to say something nice about "you know who."

Here we are again, back to fact checking. Did I get targeted by a clandestine plot? Were we targeted for passivisation? How do we stop it? Who do we report it to? How do we retaliate or confront them; put an end to it? Was I imprisoned by it? Did I detect and stop an attack to stop America? Did I confront those behind it and disclose their operation or crimes? Or is what they said true, I attacked America? Explain that one, one of us is Al Qaeda. Who is this stupid and this full of crap? Who is this psychopathic and completely worthless? If it came down to billions, would they care? If it came down to their death and total destruction on TV and radio, would they care? If it came down to life and death, could they tell the truth or get their story straight, ever?

Who feels pain or guilt about this? Who wants to sentence them to death and much more? Who wants to make sure they leave this world with a better understanding of the world they lived in or messed up? Pain is a central force of this plot and the medical needs of this enemy. Drugs is a central focus of their life. They feel no pain and neither do we. Why?

Who the hell did I attack the F out of and why? What is their story? Injuries? Why are they eating out of my hands now or acting like my slaves and servants? Do I know any of them or have ever met them? Who pays all of this labor cost and legal fees? One of us is a complete madman and guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. One of us is liable for 2 billion dollars in damages. This is the 23rd year and we may have a 24th; the attacks have not been stopped and the plot is still not arrested.

Is 2 billion enough for 24 years? Doing this to Ann Coulter is one thing. Doing this to me is another. Doing this to the both of us and then trying to debate it and make it go away; has got to be worth more than 2 billion. Did I mention all the other people or those who are just figuring this out or finding out? Is it good news or does it just put your soul to rest? Bad news? Good news? Blessing in disguise? Asked for this? Enjoyed it more? Wish this on others?

Who has a better, more vivid, clearer, and lucid understanding of the world we live in and other human beings? Us or them? Who walked away with a better understanding? Direction? Political goals? The word on everybody's mind, now that they have repeated nonsense 24 hours a day in our homes; is inferior. There get over it and embrace the truth. Furthermore, had they been in Asia; they would starve and still be in last place due to academic test scores or political excrement. Why don't they test it?

It is vividly clear who is impersonating or cloning The Vietnam War. It was a door opener to Asia and a new universe. The Soviets did this in the 1980s. Now the American communists did it in the 1990s. Did stacking the military or the courts bring them any gain or get them anywhere? No. They created the war in order to smash or reverse what Vietnam did to them or in retaliation for the 1960s; we were the problem? Really? It sounds like they are still the problem no matter what they do.

They wish we can move on and just forget about the past 23 years. They did not feel the dangers before or were even aware of it. Now they cannot escape it or even figure out a way around it, through it, or removing it. Hence, they want to die and do not know what they want to do; just do not harm them or take any actions. It is forbidden and illegal to go against the communists or the Democrats. That also explains why they are acting this way and the refusal to pay 2 billion or 40 billion in damages.

Similar to bank robbers who have been shot multiple times by the police. Similar to the most deadliest shootouts in police history. Rush Limbaugh, The Bush Family and Sean Hannity, along with all the others; still feel they have a chance and it is still up for grabs. After they are shot up or cannot injure those in pursuit; they will talk their own life. Rush Limbaugh, Bush and Sean Hannity; along with the others make up the head of the communist movement worldwide. They are being very disingenuous, with us and with others. Also similar to a hostage or terrorist raid, they become part of the hostages in order to sneak off or escape the dangers. They are obviously very anti-American; but incubation of this leftist problem has enabled them to throw it back and blame others for being anti-American. We see the data. We see what all the damage truly is about. How do they seek to squash or disprove it? Lying, cheating, stealing, and more of this criminal rampage and unbounded evil. How do they cover up or erase what we know already, they are communist traitors. People are watching this and it is being filmed for the first time in history; hence, the ending gets more dangerous. This is how they play the game, even when trapped and caught. It has to end eventually. They have to answer up and leave. They want to be a poster child and it won't last forever. They want to be the model or to prove what they have to offer. They are only actors and do not think; that is why they need us. They will say we think too much and get uptight for nothing.

The longer it continues, the more they contribute or pay into it; they will force the matter and become victorious. This is why they drag us in also; we are coming with them as they are coming with us. For better or for worse, they are taking us with them and now in defeat; we must take them with us. It is up to them to figure out how to turn this off. Unless they want all out war and no end to this; they owe damages and live in the United States of America where truth, justice, and the American way prevail. They do realize where they are and who they are talking with, don't they? Eventually, it will be all out war. Eventually, they will face a coup d'etat. Eventually, they will take this nation, or the world, into the darkest and deepest waters where they are unable to swim or survive; eventually. Whether we go there or not, does not seem to be our choice as this case clearly shows. All 50 states in the union must elevate them on how they lure or drag victims into the cauldron and are executed or exterminated by forces beyond our control. When we are in the cauldron with them; then they have won. They are as communist and as high as communism will ever be traced to; even globally, you cannot get this high or this level of it. That is who was stalking us, who did this, and what 40 billion in damages is about.

They do have a death sentence when born into this world. They cannot change who they are or what their fate is. They will be burned in damnation and the halls of purgatory. This is why they drag us in also; we are coming with them as they are coming with us. For better or for worse, they are taking us with them and now in defeat; we must take them with us. We are trapped and death is near. Unless or until otherwise, as we have both shown and displayed; they will have their assimilation and murder plot. It may not be by their direct hands, but it is exactly what they keep chanting, "we are ready to die and do not know what to do." Unfortunately, that is not the truth and it is certainly not the reality. Nor is this idea we are the problem or mentally ill for resisting them, fighting them, and retaliating on them on such a level the world now is witness. The world is full of political pests, this is what their life is about. The communist are not ready to concede power and they have taken over in order to send out a friendly message to their cells all over the world; this is what we are now viewing.

1. How do we seek relief from a suicidal political pie? A pest? A thief and robber?
2. At what point is our fate sacrificed or has been murdered?
3. Who hired employees who are "ready to die and do not know what to do" and will they admit this or tell the truth? Who do we sue or seek accountability from?
4. What if we do not want to be in an initiation or part of this plot, normal and healthy people? Are we mentally ill, have to be destroyed, or go on a rampage? Are we the problem now or ever?
5. How do they sell this? How do they trap people? How do they do this? How did it get this way? Now what and what steps must be done or what steps do we expect? Who do we sue if it is not completed?
6. How many pieces do we need to survive and how many pieces are in front of me now? How many of those pieces can be proved if in a court of law and proof is required?
7. Are they this bold and this callous, unbounded evil; when 50 states are studying them, aware of them, and taking pro-active steps and positive actions against them?
8. How do we define a ticking time bomb? How did it become this way or who did this? Could it have been prevented or was there other outcomes more desirable?
9. Prove or show a containment was in force; a contingency plan or a duty which could or would prevent point A to point B. Was any effort put forth other than the two world of lies, deceit, and a swath of treachery?

I think it should be well clear to all these government employees and the people who currently "do not know what to do and are ready to die" how they do not get a government paycheck, come to work and neglect all duties or laws in America until they keep repeating how they do not know what to do or refuse to step down or keep allowing the problems to compound into the 24th year. When you come to work and do not know what to do, cripple the lives of others and wreck just about everything living on this earth; when malpractice and lawsuits exceed your parade, or when volumes of documentation has been established to strip you off all credibility; hell we must be saving ourselves for you and this is why it is still in the 23rd years now and closing in on the 24th. It seems like telling lies, conspiracy, brainwashing, keeping prisoners, and all of this craziness has become a national pastime and what policing or the law enforcement community is about. How does this stuff slip under their radar or happen before their eyes? Is politics their compass or some evil plot and conspiracy? What is this compass which has no direction or is unbounded evil? It comes down to whether or not the government is ultimately responsible or not, given how much is spent to prevent all of this from happening? We have only one life; why is it being wasted on a homicidal level? If they refuse to tell the truth or the story; then make them all pay the damages and fight it out; quickly.

Another one of Limbaugh, Hugo Chavez, and Hollywood's bets is mythology. By inventing Area 51, Earthquake Theories, Hurricane "steering" conspiracies, and inventing hope; they can actually capitalize on the unknown. The scientific proof of Global Warming was arcane phony science. Well, they must have read our material because we are not exactly sure who is behind communism and these struggles on earth. The bible says it is Lucifer or the devil. All the written and reports we have suggest an extra-terrestrial or a very powerful force we are powerless to. The historical record says God takes many shapes and forms; therefore, these inventions is what they want to be first to and need business in. If Area 51 can be provoked or hurricane steering devices; they can actually take this leap of faith. When did Limbaugh report a hurricane steering mechanism? When did Hugo Chavez inform the world the Navy had an earthquake machine? He and they never ruled out extra-terrestrial or God; they just observed this and said humans or powerful opponents of theirs had it; well God hates them. We hate them. Why fight it? They need to call 1800-QUITNOW and tell them they have lost their mind.

An example of this error ridden mind can be in their power of belief. Slogans and repetition of demands do not make them come true; it makes them suggestive and more powerful. Chanting slogans only is a method of persuasion; so isn't badgering or verbal shock treatment 24 hours a day; a form of brainwashing and using audio means to rewrite the memory banks of the mind. Repeating or chanting a foreign language 24 hours will replace the brain waves and memory of a child; to a foreign or cultural language. To repeat hurricane, earthquakes, or some natural disaster; is the same power of belief. Eventually, they believe it and it replaces their cultural understanding. This association is the basis of the bible and it is also a scientific method of proving or disproving extra-terrestrial beings. As a military strategist and student of war; a potential threat is the unknown or a higher being. What is in this world that is greater than the individual or being? The power of belief is not reality nor is slogans and fantasy repeated day and night until it is accepted. A feeble mind would call 1800 God or Quit and tell them they have gone bonkers and just lost their mind. God spoke to them and said to leave.

The power of believing Puerto Rico will be destroyed by a tsunami to punish the people behind this or the radicalism of the Puerto Rican nationals and communists; is as powerful as being able to stop it. Even if it happened or not; what role is there for a human to stop it or rewrite fate? It is a test. It is coincidental if next month Puerto Rico disappears or sinks into the ocean due to a Katrina like hurricane. The truth is the more someone tests the power of God or the forces they have no power over; the more it comes true or will. If someone wishes to test whether or not they will die by jumping off a cliff or being hit by a train; the proof will indicate they were wrong. This traitor and communist is testing their ability to test mankind, self determination, and their own fate. If Puerto Rico is killed and is eaten alive by the ocean; then it was an act of God and he hates them. If they rob and steal our life; the police will hunt them down or kill them; did we do that? If they have no accountability or responsibility; they will act like a traitor and go crazy. If a tsunami is going to kill all of them; isn't it to their benefit to listen to us and run like hell before it comes true? Than run like hell and shut up. If they believe I am the devil; then it is true. If they believe I am God it must be true. If they say I am guilty; than they must be right. Dial that 1800 QUITNOW and tell them they have gone totally bonkers and have lost their mind completely. God is on the line and told them to leave.

The power of self-determination and the ability to change their fate is being tested. To suggest they will change this event; by testing it or believing it; has no bearing on the outcome or the fate. No matter what they do the fate will be the same or the history. The entire population of Puerto Rico can determine their future by voting for a hurricane; yet their ability to determine or self-determination; will be tested or detested. Lost, endless nonsense, and this pattern of behavior is significant in this traitor and political menace. However, if Puerto Rico is killed by a tsunami; then it is only to our advantage to say they deserved it and we pissed on their filthy graves; punishment for this vicious attack in Florida. It is to our advantage to exploit their bad luck, bad karma, or demise. In numbers they find security. In slogan chanting or brainwashing they kidnap us or brainwash us. Therefore, in death or bad luck; the invisible hand of God had some power over their life. The more they ask or question; the worse it gets. If they believe it, why snivel or whimper? If it is true, then run like hell and shut up. I will take credit for any misfortune they will have or get.

Let's assume we have an orb or some oracle that allows us to see into the future or understand actions hidden from us. This power should be feared and avoided. Our wish to harm or injure them is in the same ability to see into the future or associate events to the harm they have caused. If they keep talking to us, they will wreck or get hurt. If they do not leave us alone; they will blow up soon. All those things are true and happened. We are protected and special. They are not welcomed or allowed in our life. That is true and all of that happened. God will punish them and the police or military will shoot them in the head. We do not know if that is true but if they continue; they will make it true. It will happen. I am certain they will be punished and a tsunami will kill their history or fate. All of this is called self-determination. They can no less conjure up our death than we can theirs. They can no less attack us than we can theirs. We cannot steer a hurricane equal or the same as they can. Why at 40 billion would they keep testing this prophecy? If we earthquake or hurricane them; then earthquake and hurricane us; humiliate us with equal fortitude. It sounds like they did not make peace with God and are no where near at peace with other human beings. It sounds like I would love to take credit for any misfortune or event in their life; exploit it. Stupidity should be painful. Evil should be a death sentence.

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My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.