Whomever claims to be managing my account or my family account is not doing a very good job. My assets are all tied up. I have income yet I have to work. I do not own a home even though I do not have to work and do have income. I have a college degree and more than enough experience for a management position. What liquid assets I have are either missing, bottle-necked, or neglected. My employment record shows I live paycheck to paycheck even if I do not have to work and do have steady income; why am I not in a job to purchase a home and working on my books? I have more than 5 books ready for print at this time. Out of twenty high end computers, there remains only four, all disassembled. Out of four laser printers, none are presently working or has been scrapped. Of my two laptops, one brand new and one less than ten years old; one suffers constant data loss or attacks; the other just recently had to be reset and configured by the manufacture for hacking or security reasons. Total data loss was 250 GB. They deserve any punishment or severe suffering on to them. Everything is infested. Pests and bugs are everywhere. We cannot enjoy our home dwelling or marriage. Work or walking into public is hell; all for the 1960s people and Civil Rights? How ruthless are they when they are Goodwill hunting? How ruthless are we or how genuinely gracious? The only options left on the table are total lies for both sides.
Keep acting and pretending as if they have no understanding of how angry others are. Keep acting and pretending as if they do not or have no understanding of their welfare life. Keep acting and lying about having no understanding or answers for why I have a welfare life beyond my military career and retirement. Both Limbaugh and Hannity do not realize how bad and how angry people are with them? They do not know how guilty or innocent we are? They do not know understand why they rely on welfare or why we are forced into this matter? Why do I rely on public assistance while they rip me apart about it? Why am I asking for 2 billion? We are all the same and have the same fate? They are against welfare and dependency, absolute hell or dictators?
These people do not want the truth or fairness. What they want is surrender and the way to do it is to hold prisoners, torture them, oppress them, insult them, murder them, put them in labor camps, anger them, and violate every single law ever invented by mankind. Then they turn around and claim it is human rights, peaceful nonviolence, violation of their rights, freedom of speech, conservatism, exceptional-ism, soul searching on our part, a need for growth and expansion, a debate, and every falsehood imaginable. To declare themselves as law abiding or peaceful people does not rule out the 24 hours of deliberate insults, harassment, slander, rape, attacks, trying to ruin us, trying to kill us, and much more when it all backfires or blows up in their face. Nazis? Violence? Threaten them? Police or searching for the truth? Well intended? What next, rich and powerful? Does not need education and blessed by spying or espionage? God is their power? What will happen when we record them and corner them?
There are questions and gaps in our employment records. There are questions and gaps as to who we are and why we are arrested for this or that. There are questions and gaps into our own marriage and sexual relations. What exactly is intact and definitive? A lawyer should go through and assess the damage and listen to what they have said or how they have responded. How do we express our anger, ingratitude, disregard, and resentments? How. Ann Coulter? Our mission? Our books? Our income? A top 20 list? Our life? Our fame? Our future? Our expertise? The truth? Rip them to pieces? Expose that quivering lip and foolish chanting? Relive the Vietnam War? Yellow cab? Whomever is managing our accounts or claims to be mugging us; has squandered many opportunities and turns in the road. Whose life it is? Clearly, this traitor has not and refuses to manage my resources well; however, we are fighting them with tooth and nail to expel a stalker and God like menace who constantly wishes to manage our accounts and increase our expenses, even if I live on a budget. Now with Ann, they block, ruin, or deny the expansion of that same budget or financial plan. No matter how hard we stick it to them or chase them off; it feels like Bernie Maddoff is here doing his thing. Why can't we even enjoy our own dwelling or private life? They are this intrusive and tinker on this level? How off balance and how screwed up did we get or became in life? Right now? In the future? When this is over if it will ever be delivered?
Calling 911 repeatedly or the FBI and saying "hope and change" is a serious sign of a problem. Calling random strangers who have pressed charges or seek your death or disposal; is also a slight problem, "we do not know what to do... we want to die." Now we gate this communist phone or Obama-phone and take a guess who is behind it; Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity along with the entire Catholic Church and communist forces. How can this be if mugging us is their goal and teaching us Civil Rights was their primary goal; a protection, extortion, and terror plot racket? I should be in a home by now with steady income to publish my books and plan for my business ventures, instead I am seeking two billion in damages and living paycheck to paycheck while they blame Ann Coulter and I fire her. They deserve any pain or suffering coming to them and much more. Our responses could never catch up to their responses. All of this is an extension of our college degree, law degree, and failure in life? What? Who the hell is in charge, take me to their leaders immediately or else I will call the office of hurricane and earthquakes! It feels like we are ripping their arms and legs off and they keep running their mouth, screaming in defiance, and attacking Hill 81. All for nothing and nothing for all. Does anybody feel like ripping their head, arms, and legs off to no avail or the futility of a madman? Is this how mean-spirited they feel now?
Limbaugh says on Wednesday, October 03, 2012 @ approximately 02:40:42 PM if the US government, Justice Department, Corrupt Police Officers, or even the FBI is behind this; then it is all beyond their control. Odd, why are they the police and why are they in the business of investigation if it is beyond their control? That is identical to how they have a relentless pursuit of hte truth and disregarding this entire matter or the truth itself. Yet Limbaugh and all of them still feel they are Goodwill hunting and will receive accommodations and rewards for this. If the problem is at the FBI, then the supervisors should have exterminated it. If it is all beyond their control and they sit there twiddling their thumbs; then the penetration was severe if not fatal. Next will be the quivering lips and hope and change chanting. There is no possible way the US government or the local governments can ever claim their hands are tied or it is beyond their control. This is not hope and change; it is gross violations of the law and of the worst kinds.
Yes we acknowledge the problem with communism and savages; but negative impacts or corruption is not acceptable. Now he is making up excuses for false arrests, false imprisonment, false police reports or slander, and all of these abuses of power or retaliation; it is beyond their control. A dictator and a madman of this intrusiveness now feels powerless or out of control? None of these lies have any logic or any connection to reality, total nonsense. He is trying to say nobody is accountable and they refuse to fix or pay damages. They do not want to get hurt or end this criminal conspiracy unless big dollars start arriving. These are hiring irregularities even the private sector is heavily criticized for. We know the problem with government employees but this is a circus and a travesty of justice. These are gross and deliberate violations of the worst kind. Having political protection does not give them the right or the ability to get out of jail free. Do they have political protection and if so, where? Where is this terror plot, protection racket, and extortion plot coming from?
On Wednesday, October 03, 2012 @ approximately 02:12:26 PM Rush Limbaugh said he is going to get an accommodating or commendation for this. All I can say is keep dreaming and spewing more nonsense; it is on tape and being recorded. Keep acting and pretending as if they have no understanding of how angry others are. Keep acting and pretending as if they do not or have no understanding of their welfare life. Keep acting and lying about having no understanding or answers for why I have a welfare life beyond my military career and retirement. Both Limbaugh and Hannity do not realize how bad and how angry people are with them? They do not know how guilty or innocent we are? They do not know understand why they rely on welfare or why we are forced into this matter?
Sean Hannity needs to stop twisting Ronald Reagan words or the use of debt against the communist forces. First off, debt is the weapon Reagan chose in his arsenal to combat communism overtly. There are analysts who recognize Reagan for outspending the Red Army and the communist governments. Secondly, debt is one of many Achilles heal. It is not the primary pressure point or the fatal blow which will end our life or overnight, defeat our forces. Yes we recognize it and yes the communist forces are terrified of debt due to the severe blow Reagan launched on them. However, we or America will not die overnight because of debt. We will not die in ten years due to debt or escalating debts. What will we die from? We will die if the communist forces obtain a passage out of the core of allied security. We will die overnight if the communist forces and evil in this world obtain or acquire the education to invent hurricanes and earthquakes. We will die overnight if there is a systematic conspiracy to ruin, undermine, or take over America. The enemy within is the biggest danger to our existence. Crime and violence is an escalating reality in our society and world. Kids and adults lacking any educational merits or any understanding of their fellow human beings are increasingly being produced in enormous numbers. Let them do as they wish and let them explain to their own kids; instead of using us or claiming to be after the truth. They have no respect for the truth or other human beings.
Sean Hannity is trying to pull off what he calls "weasel" or his usual web of lies to suggest he knows what he is doing or is the boss. They need to stop cherry picking or stealing stuff from my life or Ann Coulter. Hannity is a major culprit of theft from Ann Coulter. He is and was the primary suspect caught in a trap and a sting; yet he refuses to admit or delays and outfoxes the police. It is unwinding on Hannity and all of them, quickly. Their analysis is false and cherry picked from our life work or misunderstood and blown out of proportion. Debt, regardless of being a panacea or a curse; is not the reason we will die. Talking endlessly and in a false manner; is a waste of our time. Debt in a similar wasteful manner will waste our time and valuable resources. All of them are guilty of this but understand there are bigger threats and bigger fish to fry. Crime and corruption is a major threat. Increasing industry and increasing numbers of the communist forces is a major threat. The ability to monitor and escalate espionage efforts on our life or our mission is a major threat. The ability to steal our identity and get trapped in the core of allied defenses is a major threat. Kidnapping and murder plots, in the open and even terror plots in the open, right before the public; is a major threat. Let's knock off the false outrage and the drumming up of support. Let's not condemn in a false and fabricated manner what we know already and what we are ill equipped to dispose of rapidly and in the open. They live under the laws. They enjoy freedom. They enjoy happiness and liberties. Yet they abuse power and violate the rights of others as if none of the above existed. Bigots? Evil? Welcomed? Enemies of the state? A creature from the unknown? By the way, all of them claim they are Cherokee Indians but they stole the suffering of the natives they claim to be; such kind and law abiding citizens.
Imitation of Mark Levin: "I'm Mark Levine and you are not. Get out of my way and war, you are not God I am. F the world and F you, all of you, a bunch of liberals. I am God. You think you are Jewish, F you too. I am smarter than you. My books are better. F all of you and F the world, you are not God. I am Jewish and you are just a phony. My grad-father was a Cherokee Indian you moron. You don't understand me or ever want to. I know Ann Coulter, you don't. I am friends with Ann Coulter, you suck. I have money, you don't. You need to show me respect mister, who the hell do you think you are. F all of you, a bunch of liberals. Read my books, I know conservatives and you are not one of us. All of you are either crazy or inferior, admit it. Do you have money? Prove it. Say it, bigot and racist. You don't know the truth and you have not walked the walk. Read muh books, I am Mark Levine and you are not conservative; F the world and all of you. You liberals attack us all the time and get away with it. I am the real American. I was born here and I have more rights. Shut up you work for me and are only a helper. Don't like it, then go away and leave. I know more people and have the army of the damned behind me, you suck and know noting. You don't even know who you are dealing with or how much trouble you are in moron. You commie. Red menace. Liberal Jew. We know you communists are Democrats. You hate all Americans. You can't prove we are communists. You can't prove anything. We can't prove anything either. F you too. You hate native Amer-icons.
You are a total fake. I know you hate me. I am a native and my grandfather was a lawyer for the Cherokee tribe. Are you done because I cannot hear anything you say and any of your words, I am Mark Levine. You are not Republican. You are not Conservative. You don't have a radio show and are jealous. F you too and get our of out way. Do you want me to show how powerful I am and scream at you, huh mister? You got nothing on me. I will see you in court when you do. F you and F the world, all of you haters. I speak the truth, F you. Stop acting Jewish, you are not Jewish and a total phony mister. I will come to you, you don't come to me. No, you don't know what the hell you are talking about. We are peaceful and law abiding citizens, F you and F the world. We own property and are Americans. Delusional, try 25 to life mister. Don't F with me or get in my way. Read my books you moron. I don't need to study and I don't need any education. It comes from God and American exceptional pep. You are just jealous and stupid. I am a real American and authentic, you suck. I was born with technology and computers, I don't need education you moron. You are not authentic, I am. Go tell Kim Il Jong or MLK to get a doctorate you hater. No you are the hater and hate Americans. God is on my side. All of you love welfare, even Arabs who own oil. We give you money because you are lazy and hate all Americans. Look at the jobs we gave to my people and the Cherokee tribe, F you hater. You are the failure. We are law abiding citizens, you can't prove anything."
Calling 911 repeatedly or the FBI and saying "hope and change" is a serious sign of a problem. Calling random strangers who have pressed charges or seek your death or disposal; is also a slight problem. The evidence indicates they have no choice and no options in this matter unless they intend on blowing their head off when all is said and done. What exactly is intact and definitive? A lawyer should go through and assess the damage and listen to what they have said or how they have responded. How do we express our anger, ingratitude, disregard, and resentments? How. Ann Coulter? Our mission? Our books? Our income? A top 20 list? Our life? Our fame? Our future? Our expertise? The truth? Why can't we even enjoy our own dwelling or private life? They are this intrusive and tinker on this level? How off balance and how screwed up did we get or became in life? Right now? In the future? When this is over if it will ever be delivered? Walking into public is hell; all for the 1960s people and Civil Rights? How ruthless are they when they are Goodwill hunting? How ruthless are we or how genuinely gracious? The only options left on the table are total lies for both sides. God Bless America, they did it all and are totally guilty. All sweat labor. God bless the internet and technology for delivering this new pioneering spirit.
These people do not want the truth or fairness. What they want is surrender and the way to do it is to hold prisoners, torture them, oppress them, insult them, murder them, put them in labor camps, anger them, and violate every single law ever invented by mankind. Then they turn around and claim it is human rights, peaceful nonviolence, violation of their rights, freedom of speech, conservatism, sectionalism, soul searching on our part, a need for growth and expansion, a debate, and every falsehood imaginable. To declare themselves as law abiding or peaceful people does not rule out the 24 hours of deliberate insults, harassment, slander, rape, attacks, trying to ruin us, trying to kill us, and much more when it all backfires or blows up in their face. Nazis? Violence? Threaten them? Police or searching for the truth? Well intended? What next, rich and powerful? Does not need education and blessed by spying or espionage? God is their power? What will happen when we record them and corner them?
On Wednesday, October 03, 2012 @ approximately 02:12:26 PM Rush Limbaugh said he is going to get an commendation or commemoration for this. All I can say is keep dreaming and spewing more nonsense; it is on tape and being recorded. Keep acting and pretending as if they have no understanding of how angry others are. Keep acting and pretending as if they do not or have no understanding of their welfare life. Keep acting and lying about having no understanding or answers for why I have a welfare life beyond my military career and retirement. Both Limbaugh and Hannity do not realize how bad and how angry people are with them? They do not know how guilty or innocent we are? They do not know understand why they rely on welfare or why we are forced into this matter?
Dear Rush and David Limbaugh: Shut up! Neither of you have been of any help and you go on the air and go ape shit or hysterical. Let me make this crystal clear to you. You did not ever help our forces and caused our wounds. You never tried to stop the communist or the Obama forces. You have devoted your life to our demise or every single obstacle possible to get here or this mission. Even if you had a firearm, you would shoot a bunch of them just to prove you were not fake or a mole. We already know you are. We know you are a communist and Obama forces. We know you are communist. Even if the communist forces came across our borders with military arms, I question if you would even stop it. This fake panic about losing your wealth is real. It is not about Obama forces though. It is about your own demise and guilt. The Republicans are not powerful enough to stop Obama forces or the communist forces; what makes you think you can or will? This is why I make crystal clear to you exactly what your problem is. Even if we put you in charge of allied forces; I question if you would stop them. Those odds do not favor you or your panic. Shut your mouth, I run the show and can take them apart meticulously in less than 30 days. All I want to hear is "God Bless America for delivering this victory to our allied forces." And read what you all did to me and why; still unwilling to pay damages. Bring me the top twenty list and STFU. I am not panicked and I sleep very well. Sure they get up and keep attacking like a zombie with no arms, I got much more.
You all are scared of a communist invasion? Does this look like Vietnam or beginning to? I know for a fact, if the communist invaded; you would read and watch what you are now. My leadership and my forces do most if not all of the work while you sit there and throw wrenches and wreck all of our belongings. And you think you are scared of communist invasions or stopping Obama? You are a chump and an amateur. Sit down and shut up until we have enough time and down time to deal with you properly. Did you sleep through this or the invasion also? What do you think my mission is or what you are reading? Do you see me panic? STFU and stop stealing our happiness or mocking both Ann and I. You should be panicked but not because of any invasion by the communist forces. You should be scared sh@tless and preparing to flee the country for what you have done. It is bad enough you are on our side, mocking or attacking us 24-7, talking to us and spying on us illegally, and now your fake ourage? STFU. No I am not panicked and have thought this out thoroughly, hold your ground and wait for your backup to come, we are waiting. You are the bait assholes. Now bring me the top twenty and shut up. To the right wing and Republicans I say, get used to communist surrounding you, coming in for the kill, evicting you, firing you, and invading your life or country. I had to and am find. I am not panicked or worried at all, not the least. Get a good sleep, it is not worth the worry, and pay attention. We been in this business for a very long time.
Dear Anti-Communist Forces and the Army of Liberty and Freedom: This country needs you in times of tremendous turmoil. We have an enemy inside our borders who will not stop or respect our God given rights. It is time the empire send them a strong message about lawlessness and communism. I will deliver again. Give me the top twenty list and immediately. I have enough suffering, anger, and resentments in me to deliver it. I have had to deal with this stupid human species in my life blocking, tinkering, harassing, and trying to kill me at every single turn in life or literally stalking me throughout my 40 something years. All of them are guilty. Bring it to me and I will deliver their head and much more. Do keep the communist phone or the people on the other end in my life or listening in. Do call it the Obama phone. Do that and dare me. This will be their last chance to accept the surrender terms, I will call on all Republicans to shut down this human trash. Somebody needs to shut them up and dispose of them. Somebody needs to make them pay damages and punish them. It is a total failure of our entire system and security forces, built on their own greed and mistakes. Take a hard look at what they have created and unleashed on America. Take a hard look at the wrath needed. I do not need radical blacks or whites in my life trying to teach me retarded stuff or Civil Rights. They came to Virginia in the 1980s and 1990s and they need to be gone by 2020. I don't care how this becomes or why; it has to be completed. What does it matter if they are thrown out and loose everything in life, they are savages anyhow. Get used to it. Knock them down and they will get up, to no end.
Everybody will begin to notice Fox News is still communist central and what all of this lying and misleading the public is all intended for. Both Limbaugh and Hannity does it on their shows all the time and Fox News airs it around the world to conservatives and right wing Republicans. That should be an act of war and not a crime. Each time we corner them or nail them to the wall, the moles on the Republicans come out and steal the enthusiasm. We saw this repeatedly and on Fox News. Are the directors and management there delusional or just walking around with blinders? It is communist central there and in other channels and the public should be more than outraged by it. How did they mug us? What were they using the phone for? They expect to get along with whites and Asians; those who do have money? They just invite themselves to our life and country, then take it over in the most misleading way possible? Who do we blame for this? Calling 911 repeatedly or the FBI and saying "hope and change" is a serious sign of a problem. Calling random strangers who have pressed charges or seek your death or disposal; is also a slight problem.
Why can't that stupid MF liberal go and whimper or cry about this in someone else's life? Why does it always have to be our or my life? Obviously, they do want a fight and they want the full wrath or force of the allied defense. So be it. Go and whimper about it just not in my god damn life will you. I am sick and tired of this communist phone or who is on it, such as Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin, etc... they cannot STFU. These people are so F'd and smoked, it makes you so angry having them in your home or life. How do they expect to live with Asians or whites if they are nothing but monkeys in our life? How? I don't get it. I do not think any of them get it either. Shall we bend over backwards while listening to them whimper day and night in the most disgusting and pathetic ways? Do we need to be taught Civil Rights by white or black liberals who don't even get it? Give me the top twenty list and take care of future business the old fashion way, earn it.
We already know they are communist. We already know with 100 per cent certainty, they are communist. Why call it conservatism or American freedom? Why call it freedom of speech? Why pull this scam, fraud, mugging, or web of lies using the media on us? Why even spy on us? What does it matter if you work for a Democrat or Republican? There is so much crazy and misleading crimes going on right now; everybody is trapped. However, not all Republicans are guilty and working for a Democrat usually is a curse and not a blessing. It is not them, it is the people they know or associate with; but the laws have mixed the pot and the entropic result is not a panacea at all. It is a death sentence. How can we be a machine gunner who draws them in and mows them down, we have no machine or gun. I live in squander or on the fringe. All the money in the world cannot buy them the glory of war. Even their web of lies and deception cannot hold on to this glory of war; but they did convince themselves and we acknowledge they did obtain some glory in extreme combat but very little in the end. It will never be written or told and will sink with their ship, now swims cheese. Not much can be said for screaming onward or attack when your ship is swish cheese, so much for the fowl odors or the glory of war. We can smell it and we know how bad it truly is.
Limbaugh says on Wednesday, October 03, 2012 @ approximately 02:40:42 PM if the US government, Justice Department, Corrupt Police Officers, or even the FBI is behind this; then it is all beyond their control. Odd, why are they the police and why are they in the business of investigation if it is beyond their control? That is identical to how they have a relentless pursuit of hee truth and disregarding this entire matter or the truth itself. Yet Limbaugh and all of them still feel they are Goodwill hunting and will relieve commendations and rewards for this. If the problem is at the FBI, then the supervisors should have exterminated it. If it is all beyond their control and they sit there twiddling their thumbs; then the penetration was severe if not fatal. Next will be the quivering lips and hope and change chanting. There is no possible way the US government or the local governments can ever claim their hands are tied or it is beyond their control. This is not hope and change; it is gross violations of the law and of the worst kinds.
Yes we acknowledge the problem with communism and savages; but negative impacts or corruption is not acceptable. Now he is making up excuses for false arrests, false imprisonment, false police reports or slander, and all of these abuses of power or retaliation; it is beyond their control. A dictator and a madman of this intrusiveness now feels powerless or out of control? None of these lies have any logic or any connection to reality, total nonsense. He is trying to say nobody is accountable and they refuse to fix or pay damages. They do not want to get hurt or end this criminal conspiracy unless big dollars start arriving. These are hiring irregularities even the private sector is heavily criticized for. We know the problem with government employees but this is a circus and a travesty of justice. These are gross and deliberate violations of the worst kind. Having political protection does not give them the right or the ability to get out of jail free. Do they have political protection and if so, where? Where is this terror plot, protection racket, and extortion plot coming from?
Keep acting and pretending as if they have no understanding of how angry others are. Keep acting and pretending as if they do not or have no understanding of their welfare life. Keep acting and lying about having no understanding or answers for why I have a welfare life beyond my military career and retirement. Both Limbaugh and Hannity do not realize how bad and how angry people are with them? They do not know how guilty or innocent we are? Why am I asking for 2 billion? We are all the same and have the same fate? They are against welfare and dependency, absolute hell or dictators? When are we going to see their quivering little communist lip? Come on, we know who they are and why Limbaugh and Hannity go on and on to no end. Show us the quivering lip and who they are. What exactly is intact and definitive? A lawyer should go through and assess the damage and listen to what they have said or how they have responded. How do we express our anger, ingratitude, disregard, and resentments?
How. Ann Coulter? Our mission? Our books? Our income? A top 20 list? Our life? Our fame? Our future? Our expertise? The truth? Why can't we even enjoy our own dwelling or private life? They are this intrusive and tinker on this level? How off balance and how screwed up did we get or became in life? Right now? In the future? When this is over if it will ever be delivered? The evidence indicates they have no choice and no options in this matter unless they intend on blowing their head off when all is said and done. Walking into public is hell; all for the 1960s people and Civil Rights? How ruthless are they when they are Goodwill hunting? How ruthless are we or how genuinely gracious? The only options left on the table are total lies for both sides. God Bless America, they did it all and are totally guilty. All sweat labor. God Bless America for delivering this victory and meaning to our life! God bless the internet and technology for delivering this new pioneering spirit.
Question: I thnk the question is why we are in heated combat, heated debate, and a standoff with communist forces about who is who, who is going to die, and what they or us can do for us or them. Why are we discussing this? Why are we debating who is going to die or win this, communist or allied forces? Why are they brainwashing or telling us they will protect us or want to help? Why? Now the next question is why Limbaugh-Hannity is us now? How did they manage to steal our identity after getting caught and whether espionage or illegal surveillance was used or gave them the advantage? Who is going to die? Who is fine and not worried? Who is living in squander or drives a rust bucket? Food stamps? Communist phone? Obama-phone? Magic Negroes? Who is going to defend our life if we were trapped and powerless, oppressed? Is it fair to say they have figured this game of capitalism and business? The more they play, the more they win. The more they spy on us, the more powerful they become. Why ruin a good thing? Why self-inflict or shoot our-self if they are us? But there is a stipulation they are not aware of yet and keep falling for, a vulnerability; we can do it again and again until they are trapped or speechless. What is it? Set them up? A partnership dangerously close to them all? Someone on the inside? A mirror reflection and the wilderness of mirrors? Who has the credentials and ends up with the stellar work, academic and resume credentials to prove it? Cover their eye when they get to Ann Coulter. Cover their eye when they find out about me. Cover their eye when they see this mission only the FBI, CIA, and Pentagon have access to.
We can tell and we know who penetrated or can see without that cover, eye patch, or has that blind spot. We know this is a murder plot and one of us will die or commit suicide, there is just no end so far. The damages had to be capped at two billion in retribution. If we have a death sentence or ruined, who will save us? What is the truth? There is no violence in this type of war or debate? Really? They are law abiding citizens and not savages? Really? What is this hoax and web of lies about and why us? We are cold warriors and have a long history of being cold warriors. The question is who has flies all over them and why? Who lives in squander or is starving of famine? Who keeps playing the race card and who is the communist? We know they mugged us and all the evidence suggest they mugged us; but why the race card? Who is embarrassed or why? Who needs to go and immediately? Work their way out of this? Hide who they are? Which side is going to commit suicide or erupt in violence? Us or them? Yes do rewrite history and use the media to do so; or elections. They will go farther with us than without us? We will benefit or have benefited from this? Prove it. We want a piece of trash or does trash want a piece of us and this mission? Who wants what? They have yet to show any sign of backing down, why? Death? Suicide? 45 to the eye? There is no evidence or report of backing down or surrendering, why? Every deadline was ignored, so were every warnings. Did we mention how they violated every single law on the books or ever invented by mankind or the Christian religion? Every single violation has been logged, there is none left to violate.
Race is insignificant but is being used as a safety net or knockout. I did not read one word in the bible of satellite warfare or economic sustainability about race or racial relationships. None. They should go back and read my work, my college work, and my diary-blog. Everybody, even the FBI, CIA, and Pentagon have read and observed the evidence. They know how far I can or have taken Ann Coulter. Now the question rests on who is who and why. Why do we need scumbags or dirtbags in our life in order to make it full and satisfying? Why does this mission have a demand for trash or why is our survival centered on the inclusion of trash or communist traitors? Explain that one. Limbaugh did not get a chance to see that question or respond to it on Monday, 01 October, 2012; Hannity may or might respond later in the day. It is about unity and it is about undermining each other. It is about who will die, who will commit suicide, and who lives in squander or will starve. It is about 911 and terror plots. Why do we need this SOB and monkey in our life? Why is it not being reported? Why are there so many problems or a false written record based on witness accounts, a total mess? Did Ann Coulter help that mess or make it a gigantic total mess, a death sentence? Why is she in trouble or was fired? Can she explain or can she ever recover from this? Why not? Why all the sudden is a book on race in Ann Coulter's arsenal? Her book only corresponds to my recent book on the War on Drugs and the 1960s. We already know we were mugged but who has the loot, the goods, or our life? Bingo, the 911 terrorists and captured communist cell mole we identify as impersonating our life or anger. Of course this kind of war is violent or can erupt in violence; it did repeatedly.
As insulting and as repugnant as it may seem, all of this Obama phone and food stamps confidence is code word for a situation we cannot determine with certainty. Will they pull a Maddoff and surrender all their assets? Note that a few of Maddoff's family members did commit suicide. However, all the evidence indicates what the British already predicted, on-air suicide. In other words, the fat little loser is so guilty and so beyond guilt and embarrassment; they will shoot themselves. As we see they are trying to maim or injure more victims on a rampage. They ran, they hid, and they pulled an OJ in a Bronco stunt. But when the reality hits home, all the evidence suggests their studio will be awash with brain matter. That mushy grey matter is going to be spattered because the reality is beyond what is tolerable or what they can accept. We see this heavy and squishy denial right now, futile and ugly, but deep denial and resentments. Are they real or for real? If so then expect them to blow their brains out in front of us and right before our witness role. It is happening now. What exactly is the public watching? Yes we are guilty of something about this pursuit and chase. We are guilty of exposing the public to something or some enemy. We created something or some monster; do we have an explanation? Can we make a case why we exposed America and the world to such clear thinking or exposed the devil himself? Who will defend America? Who will defend our future? Who will defend our life? Who is this trash and monkey we are in extreme combat with?
Limbaugh is the magic negro; he is describing himself. It is a self promotion. What I am saying is the SOB and devil figures we caught are headed for even more failure and troubled waters. They have no brakes or self control. They are so blind and so deaf, dangerous does not properly describe how demented, how psychopathic, and what kind of a madman we are dealing with. The chase and running from police is one thing; what happens when they reach their end or when the authorities catch up, it uncertain but indicates blowing their own head off in some orgy of ingratitude or protest against the legitimate process. Where is all of this going or how will it end? The damages had to be capped and we are far beyond that escalation point. If they truly wanted to pay damages or intend to, then a lot of time has passed and more charges have stacked up; it doubled. There is no end. There must be an end, what is it? Death? Total annihilation? What is that end? All of it is on film and documented. Keep in mind this is on film and documented, along with the total lies, psychopathic behavior, and total denial. We have across the board guilt; and then 200% guilt after getting caught. How real and how serious are they? Look at the degree of clear thinking and the lack of confusion, suicide or ending? All the data indicates they are dying and getting worse, much worse. They refuse to explain what they exposed the public to or this show-down. Again, who will defend our life if we do not? Who has? What has changed? Why are we still demanding damages or asking who will defend our life if it is a crime or murder plot? Why is defending our life met with punishment, severe torture, and even criminal charges?
Be prepared for a studio or a show where all of them enter a mass suicide and follow-up on their on-air suicide. They are trapped. They do not know what to do. They want to die. They cannot shake the pursuit or erase the evidence. They are so guilty and so clandestine, how will oxygen receive them? Can they survive in our world or reality? The evidence suggests no and says they will die by their own hands. World war is a better ending or nuclear war, total destruction of the earth; but we have blocked them and removed most of their forces. How can they achieve this now? The only pieces left are pawns and they are in check-mate. They are beginning to rebel-rouse against Romney-Ryan due to the tide shifting and running aground. I will issue the same warning the British issued in 2008; what we are watching or experiencing is on-air suicide. Guilty and trapped, the web of deception is not credible or has gone bankrupt. All of this magic negro, Obama phone, food stamps, insulting, name calling, and nonsense is a diatribe or mirror to this other world. It is their way to injure and blow up because they are totally paralyzed. There are so many eyes on this and so much publicity, it is scary. The books and the work conducted and under publication, is damning. The FBI, CIA, Pentagon, and Justice Department received advanced copies and terror alerts about these suspects. There is no confusion or lack of clear thinking. We are guilty in this pursuit and wild military or police chase also. Who will defend our life if we do not or cannot? Who? Is that a crime we escaped or disproved?
The question is how real and how serious are they? Exactly how dangerous if they are peaceful and such law abiding citizens who are trapped and refusing to surrender? Is there an end? What is it? Every single turn has been met by security forces and even worse; repercussions. Even off the wall lying has not dented anything; extreme lunatic or madman mentality. Expect their on-air suicide to collide with reality and the ultimate danger, if they will be taken alive. If so, they must confess to it all and we have the evidence on them if and when. The psychological profile of this demented enemy and serial killer-like propaganda stunts indicate the obvious, a severe incapability to accept the truth or reality. If or had they indeed intended to pay damages or settle this legitimately, it would have arrived or been delivered. It has not and more than four years have past to greater charges or escalation. Keep in mind this is on film and documented, along with the total lies, psychopathic behavior, and total denial. We have across the board guilt; and then 200% guilt after getting caught. Missing or failing in suicide is not what they want or can live with. Oh we are guilty also, but we are only defending our existence and defending our life or our partner. We are guilty and we did try to explain, they did not or totally refused to explain anything. All the data say they are dying. The illusions are not working. The lies have been exposed and imploded. This monopoly and total lack of truth will kill America, it is a murder plot on a nation by very powerful groups. All they do is look at us and flick their lashes all day long; as a loser and retard would. Why does this homo hate the military draft?
Did I go and sell VIP tickets or throw a private bash? Did I? I can use a few bucks. At least I have some respect and some class. I don't make jokes about how stupid they are or whether they use a 22 or 45. I don't take liberties to joke about whether they are full of crap and how much the studio stuck, how much the coroners commented about the crime scene. I don't joke about grapefruit sized holes or dents in their thick head, nor do I joke about how they talk or describe it all while it is going down. What kind of idiot would do that? I have class and I know right from wrong so I don't comment on how much they weigh at time of death or what they were wearing no less how stupid they were or are while military experts are looking at them in a very condescending way. Did his head or butt-hole kill him? In similar fashion, would blowing up his own butt fix his life? I can go on and on, but did I? Did I end this? Trashy or stinky, stupid or psychopathic, sweaty or a total scoundrel; in death we give respect, not steal it or take it. At least somebody is after the truth and speak it. At least there is some written record and some search for the truth. Did I make sure they got pissed on in death and suicide? Did they? Yes they did. They even stooped to that level repeatedly. How many VIP events, dinners, parties, and stupid confidence building stunts did they pull? Truth searching, did I miss or forget what the truth is? Who has the short memory and wants us to move on?
But wait, stooping to that level is not all they are about. Do I doctor crime scene pictures? Do I go and get mannequins or blow up dolls to mock their death, stage a crime scene or cover it up? Do I use farm animals and build a Hollywood set to make fun of them in death? We could have dressed them up as Arabs. We could have made them a baby on board with no arms or legs. There is a lot I could have done, said, or gone viral with; did I? How can you miss a head that big, idiot or not? Keep going with the food stamp President. Keep up the Obama phone explanation. Throw their weight around to rock the boat. Float on their back while we do the hard work. What we are watching, filming, documenting, or describing is on-air suicide and our glory. The public is reading scientific excellence in all aspects. The clarity and clear thinking makes my penis more than life. Feel the jealousy in them and the failure. Feel it smashing against them and making them yell. Then wake up and realize how much of a loser we have or are dealing with. I never threw a dinner party or VIP event. I never sold tickets or try to sell liquor license to any of those events. I never utilized special access or made them a joke they truly are. I did not urinate on them in death or suicide; I am not that kind of person or would stoop to their level; know right from wrong. What I did was cap it at two billion, there was no end, murder plot or not. Monopoly? Lack of truth? Better now?
The discussion of a 45 or the above, is spoken on his show @Monday, October 01, 2012. Limbaugh changed his tune after the first hour and began to panic or worry. Limbaugh did enjoy the nice words and find it funny. He did respond to my advice about missing or a second shot; how embarrassing it can get. He claims he or they are the best and this is their fate. The SOB is trying to sell tea and "identity theft" prevention plans.
I was told by media channels or undisclosed sources that Ann Coulter was desperate to communicate and was forced to go on their show or patch relations with the communist forces, media specialists; during extreme desperation or crisis. Instead of assisting her, they tried to wreck her life and she had to explore alternative media channels, radio stations, or a legitimate media outlet. In other words, they had a monopoly and in enforcing that monopoly, they destroyed her in many different ways while exploiting or using her to gain ratings. Meanwhile, I was being attacked and held hostage as she ignored the soft heart or the worry. I was constantly forced to move from one residence to the next due to attacks or persistent problems with the communist. My history of residences indicate this problem. My lack of employment indicate this. My skill and education indicates some form of oppression or problem. These suspects were one problem. What about the media and the media domination by the liberals or communists? They still insist or claim to be employers, why? Are they truly employers or have total control of information, truth, or the future? Do they have this much control on our life or can manipulate our life on such a scale we were powerless? Their existence surrounds protection rackets, scare tactics, and various webs of lies or deception. Their power and ability to invoke action is formidable but disappears when exposed or not concealed. They are most dangerous and serial killer-like clandestine or underground.
Their employers were another as they twisted arms, manipulated the matter, and made use of liberties that should have been shut down or offered us protection from such or more of such; gross negligence and malpractice. They claimed they were only seeking the truth and had friendly relation; yet in the end totally ignored it and failed to report any of it. If the truth is what they are after, they made all efforts to avoid it; even Fox News did this. Meanwhile, Ann Coulter hopped, skipped, and ran to each and everyone of them. She got in major trouble traveling across the United States and visiting west coast media or news channels. They even had waiting parties and shuttles waiting when she got off the plane. They took her to VIP events and special events intended to trap her, not free her or help her life. They imposed a phony bodyguard and a web of deception to suggest she was well taken care of while she tried to encode or secretly message she was a hostage or under some murder plot. Their power and ability to invoke action is crippled when and if the truth is presented. We see the impact of evidence, truth, or reality in their death and annihilation. We see the federal self-infliction and the circus like atmosphere; back and forth to no end. This monopoly and lack of truth will kill America and a lot of human lives; it is a terror plot, a scam and criminal conspiracy, and it is a mass murder plot lacking any morals. It is the devil and the creation of our worst enemies.
The evidence is damning and it is a long, considerate and a consistent record. The story never changes while those guilty or suspected of criminal conspiracy scramble and take extreme risk. Look at the stalking, travel logs, and goals. Read the complaints and how bad it got. In the fury of battle and during a point of turning the tide, it became extremely dangerous. Where were they? What did they do? Did they invade our privacy or violate our rights? For what end did they violate our rights, the truth or failure to report the truth and criminal conspiracy? Did they in the end defraud, misrepresent, and scam various public, private, and government watch-dog groups? Did they evade capture or avoid prosecution? How? Did this have to drag on so long or could it have ended much earlier? Why then was it dragged out to no end or some form of suicide and death? Why? Evil? A murder plot? A kind heart and well intentions? Control and power? Espionage and criminal activity? The suspects are one thing, the employers were another. They had the ultimate decision and they were ultimately liable; yet if the truth was being sought, it was totally ignored in the end. The evidence indicates they were panicked or felt exposure or arrest was getting closer and closer, thus they took self defensive action to prevent an escalation or further risk. All business remained the same while this occurred under the table or behind closed doors. The monopoly and lack of truth is as we described, a murder plot and conspiracy, it was not solely a terror plot by communist forces.
Our efforts are documented and proven. Did they make any effort to document or tell their side, any effort? Did they report anything or defraud the public and law enforcement? Why did we have to make every effort while they made none; then was ridiculed for living in squander or how warm they were beside the fireplace? Are we lazy or lack education and mental clarity? Is that the problem? What is their problem if not mental clarity and education? It was back and forth to California to no avail or systemic futility. There was no escape or breathing space. Matters got worse and worse; as if our happiness and life was being tested and broken deliberately. In a desperate search or effort to defeat them, stop them, or expose them; she wrecked her own life. But that is the same thing I describe or have been, exactly. They attacked foreign born citizens while all of them were in bed with IRA, radical Jews, communists, or spies born in or still in love with their homeland which is now a total mess. Did they forget this also? In the end, all they had to say was "sorry" and tell us to "move on." That was all they had to offer or how they dreamed the ending would be. They would repeat daily "we are dead" or "we are going to die for this" along with psychopathic lunatic madman vocabulary so grotesque, it was extremely annoying. We know this centers on mental acumen, mental capacity, genetic suppression, education, and clarity of thought; what is their problem? This was a murder plot; on us, on them, and on America. It was a monopoly of trash or numbers. It lacked truth and had serious imperfections or psychopathic ignorance.
Exactly what I wanted of my life and where I wanted to be at twenty something years ago. To be taught the black experience by blacks first. Then to be taught the black experience by whites now. Exactly what and where I had been hoping my life would be and what I have been dying to learn or be part of all my life; smiles of monkey joy and pure audacity flowing through my blood. I love Civil Rights and I love the Black Movement. This love is all over my writing and what I devoted my life towards. Any fan of my work will see right through the case and understand what the problem really was, has been, and still is. I love being taught Civil Rights by blacks but my true passion is when whites teach it and how it feels to be a black in America. Where I expected and wanted my life heading. Love that Party Line, one big choo-choo train. Seniority rules and leads. It gets better by the moment. So valuable. Enhanced and made my life twice as big. Did wonders for my mission and life work. These teachers made my life and mission sustainable times two. I recommend being black or knowing what a black person thinks for every single American and the fight of our life; it makes you live life to the fullest. It is like death staring you in the eye. Read our biography and see for yourself, blacks and liberals are the future. They are the future of America; especially the IRA ones.
That is really great! Wonderful, I am glad they feel that way. I am glad we know that or this. I am sure that is why they are there or what they are doing. Yes, they are so kind. Yes, we know they are there too and why. I am so glad they feel this way and I am so glad I know so much or so much more about them. Now please shut the F up and please go the F away you F'in loser. That really solves the problem and it is not that complex or so much hope and change as they keep chanting. Just shut the F up and go away, we know they are totally insane and F'in losers. A retard who cannot see or hear. A total pain in the ass who has no life or no real existence in the real world. Now please shut up first and foremost. Then just hit the road with your head up your ass and watch while we take revenge or retaliate for this utter mess and violation of our rights. I am glad the office of God himself and the office of hurricane and earthquakes is watching over us or watching our interests. This political foe and red menace pest sure isn't or has been. Look how far they took this or how long. Do you have a white Bronco also? You would think they were in tune to more important things or where their future is headed. Instead they make these stupid and obnoxious comments that are intended to throw people in a tizzy or fill them with anger. A human species with this much perseverance needs to be more in tune or be more intuitive to what exactly we are doing to them, what we did to them, and what we will do to their future. All I can do and all our forces can do now is defend themselves and prepare for massive retaliation. I am so happy trash is all over us and in our life.
Are they this deaf, blind, and stupid? Are we? Is that so hard and so complex to understand? Does anybody wish to hurt and punish this tiny, stupid, annoying, and dangerous political foe? Decide if they are going to pick up a weapon and fight back or just take it like a chump we know them as. Yes make more of a fool of themselves and shoot each other in the foot again. Time and again, I have said to knock it off before this gets worse or we get trapped in world war. Time and again, they ignore it and blow past security or start into that savagery or dumbass felon routine. Therefore, I do hope they have a violent death and a more gruesome suffering while ours is super-sized sanctuary. It cannot get any worse now; so just knock the shit off and go away; please shut up and leave us alone. Suffer without us and have a violent death for our entertainment. Take a F'in look how far they took this and to the world's amusement, absolute silence and conspiracy. Power or some mouthy rotten scoundrel who needs to shut up and be medicated? Great, now look at how many rotten scoundrels we have in our life starving and drowning before us. When the smoke clears and all is said and done? What then? Trapped or feel trapped? What next? Beaten and feel as if the world crashed? Now what? Trapped and defeated in the core of allied security, behind enemy lines? Now what to do? Any clue or in tune with any new phony mushy squash to walk on? None? I love how we document their words and IQ level. All we can do is defend our life or defend our rights. What they do or how they do it is irrelevant. We expect them to be coming and in typical form. Do we have any use for this vile enemy? Do we have anything to offer them? Do we need or want trash in our life? A cheeky total phony and loser?
This F'in loser who won't shut up or go away needs to be more in tune with where we have been and what we have done to their future, if they even have one. Next is a top twenty list and we can do a whole lot with this list. Do we need to fight about this or everything? Do we? Do we really need to fight about who is saying what to whom or making the other shut up and go away? F'in loser and idiot, do everybody a favor. Oh by the way, go and get medication or put yourself in prison; don't point the idiot finger back or blame it on us by flipping the table or saying stupid F'in shit all day long. Maybe nuking this pest and enemy is not so bad of an idea after all. Whining and crying all the time about nonsense. Look how pissed off they are! Look at everything we did to them. They cannot win anything now. Who has their head up their ass or is the real jackass? Exactly. Who always got the short end of the straw? Exactly. Now shut up and just go away before we get meaner and meaner! Who the hell wants this F'er talking to them or chanting every waking hour of the day? Who the hell wants this little F'er near them or in their life? I am glad they are getting evicted. I am glad they are in danger. I am glad they have a death wish. I am glad we are shutting them down finally! It took god-damn long enough, take more time won't you. Wonderful if and when they are in our life; makes me really happy, really happening, and makes this mission so much better. We will defend our life to the best of our ability; I do not call this self-defense on their part or an acceptable response. I suggest they learn how to live honorably and defend their existence honorably before they all get killed in some final last war.
How many times have we said to knock it off and stop it? So pick up a weapon and fight back, look what we have done to them or what we did to them for all of this mess. Glad to know them too. How many times have we yelled back, written concisely, and screamed at them to knock it off or else God himself with nuke them and all hell will break out on planet earth? Once or twice? How many F'in times have we said to shut the hell up and go away before we are dragged into another world war or must dispose of super trash and communist forces who have no business or right to even be calling us, no less talking to us or encroaching in every aspect of our life. Now I hope they suffer for the remainder of their life and the forces of good stomp and trample on their smoking, sniffling, and still flattened out life. They deserve a violent death and the wrath of God himself. I am sorry, did you park your white Bronco outside his house also? Even in death they still cannot knock the shit off, just knock it off and go away. This is about defending their life and defending their existence, what they claim is their country and home. Not anymore it isn't. We will see to it they are defeated in every battle and in every stronghold. We will defend our life and defeat their rotten scoundrel existence they call a home or have imposed on ours. I suggest they shut up, honestly. I suggest their followers and people realize how much they suck and how imperfect they truly are; a total mess and phony. Even in war and when taken to the edge of hell, they are dumb, phony, and rotten like trash.
Either shut them down or medicate them; even better throw them in some prison. We are talking about major league stupidity and a total thief, a psychopathic loser. This stupid rack of trash talking gossip has no clue where their life is headed or what we are doing to them, not a clue. If they do then they do not even have a worry or have any care about what we can do to them or have done to them; moreover, what more we can do to them. We can do 100 times what we did with a top twenty list; get that through their thick head and scoundrel life. I do suggest they begin with some honorable way to defend their life given how far they have taken this. We will do what we do best; smash them, defeat them, and bring them to their knees anyway possible. So far so good and a grin from ear to ear. To hell with this red menace and it is they who should be imprisoned and medicated; just shut up and go away defeated in life. To think we would hire such a vile human being or such a phony makes my stomach sick and my head explode. Even in war and extreme danger, they fail in defending their existence and fail across the board; not one item is real. We get more and more girly trash talk or limp, squashy, and trampled on ground. Do we have use for that or this trash? Wait until the public goes to town and rips them to pieces when we are done with this. Yes do drive faster and all over while the camera is on you.
Listening to "we want to die, we are ready to die, we do not know what to do, we are at war, tee-hee we want to help, it is our home, why don't you leave, nobody likes you, you can always leave, that is why you need to go, etc..." even in death and how it gets worse as we defend our life, is truly a masterpiece. The public and the world knows what I do and whatever I do is beyond the scope of this universe. So even if they had something against it or felt it was too cruel or too controversial; this office is definitely the wrong office to attack or take over. Of all the offices out there, they choose the wrong one and we tell the story why. Add that to the dumbass resume or book of total failures. Imagine if they had a boss who knew the truth or had to suffer because of their leadership. Imagine if they were at war and their forces knew how we treat them or how badly they perform. What a total phony and a piece of trash we can, should, and will burn into the ground. Listen to that "we want to die" crap all day and see what it turns you into. Imagine if that piece of trash lived next to you or said that to your face. Imagine if all out war broke out and they kept playing it over and over as they do with us; what it would do to our forces or how severe things would get. Imagine listening to that stupid ass voice and asinine comment during fierce or ferocious combat; and I had to take it and look stupid before the public. Bring me the top twenty list and tell the Republicans it is time to take care of business. What a complete retard we have trapped or defeated in a secret war of all wars. A very dangerous and deadly one also. Why do they hide or remain silent? We have to defend our life so we have to rip this trash to pieces. But wait until the public and the allies go to town on this psycho piece of trash; that is going to be really funny. Deny guilt will be the most hilarious crap yet. Scared yet? Take a crap in their pants yet? Soon? Their finest hour is coming.
I have never seen a dirtbag chant hope and change until they get nuked or medicated; put in some kind of restraint and prison. I have never seen a communist SOB invade our home, life, marriage, career, or military mission; blaming us or saying we are the crazy one who needs to be medicated. That is truly hope and change in action. I have never seen a dirtbag piece of human trash talk to us 24-7 or stuck in our life chanting such ridiculous nonsense all day and night in an effort to brainwash or imprint this crap into our minds or make themselves feel better. Give us the top twenty list and let's here them chant hope and change as they prove to everybody why they should be imprisoned and medicated for this entire fiasco and total insanity. I truly hope they starve, get evicted, and learn a lesson about freedom and happiness. This SOB and political party is totally insane and beyond deranged. If they want to do this on other people, trash them/brutalize them/or throw them away; then this piece of trash really should be and deserves it beyond a shadow of a doubt. If by now they have not understood life or still keep this endless, hope and change; then this is beyond a shadow of a doubt and conclusive. That is one deranged and stupid political foe who will get and got the wrath of America. Do not waste our time or trash our life; or else theirs will be and deserves it without any hesitations. I think it is time they hang it up and call it quits before it really goes viral and gets them in more trouble or more danger. Are they getting a welcome or a warmer home? I say to that SOB, stick that hope and change up your ass and get the F out of my home, life, and existence. You brought this on yourself and it is far beyond a shadow of a doubt what is needed.
Is it fair to say this left wing menace and scare is doing anything possible to avoid detection? Is it also fair to say they are trying hard to hide their problems or the need to medicate them? Is it also fair to say they were caught in the act and used a legal defense which bordered on insanity and blame, we imagined it and we are the ones who need to be medicated or has to leave? Is it fair to say they were caught using a secret phone and using secret methods to defraud, scam, rob, mug, kidnap, extort, brainwash, terrorize, and garner favor from VIPs or targets? Is it fair the use of victims or victim-hood is the policies and law making ability they use to get ahead or brutalize others? Is it fair to say the liberal red menace is trying to secretly obtain favors or our good side, with some inkling it may benefit them or allow a safe haven, a hideout? Then this makes total sense on how they use medication, false police reports, errors and misjudgments, and legal extortion to terrorize or harangue our life 24-7. It is they who are the problem. It is they who are guilty. It is they who are the felon and robbers. It is they who need to be medicated and won't shut up or go away. It is they who were struggling through the 1960s to the 1990s. This is all over the media and in the academic courses of history now, what more can they do or how much worse can it get before capture is imminent? They melt on air or evaporate when their secret life and criminal life is transparent or prosecuted. If it is bad now, imagine how bad it will truly be when it reaches critical mass and explodes. Imagine what melting and evaporating will be like them. Are they more welcomed and warming globally?
It was the left wing, the labor unions, the Democrats, the felons and criminals, and the dirges of society who were behind all of this brutalization and rapes; but defense forces managed to trap them and they needed our help if they were to escape or get out of this alive. It is far beyond a hoax now and is a death penalty case. It is much more than misjudgments, bias, corruption, or errors; clearly. The top twenty list will show us who we are dealing with, who needs to be medicated and why, and it will expose them as savages and not as civilized as their parades make them out to be. This is why they constantly show-off or introduce that standoff-ish in your face mannerism or try to slam us 24-7. We were wrong about them all along and still are. Oddly, they still cannot shut up and we document who exactly needs to be medicated and the true problem or the secrecy level involved in this total malpractice and gross injustice. What do they expect when America has to combat or stop them? What do they expect when all of this is made known and they are trapped? What exactly do they expect the outcome to be if not severe retaliation, a force of vengeance, and extreme prejudice? Love? Unity? Understanding? A Nice human being retarded or too brutalized to even speak? A quivering lip? That idiot blank stare we know them for? A slap on the wrist and a new future? What?
Dear Mitt Romney: I will give you some advice about this enemy and political mess. The communist forces know all about my knockout punch and they do not want to stay in the ring but instead they only want to run around now like a clown and pretend they are putting up the fight of their life. It went from a death match and a fight to the death to a love tap and courtship. Although I am a long term thinker and I personally have grown very muscular because of so many attacks and abducting me and doing this 24-7; I no longer am trying to knock them out or score points. They know this and they know you have the knockout punch in your arsenal. You should understand how beat up we are and how we fight this political enemy or domestic radical plot. We do not want a knockout punch and they do not want to get hit again by a knockout. I told you I will lead you out of this and teach you how to combat the communist forces. This is unwritten education and the work of tremendous accumulation. You need to do your part and just try your best; we understand. They did it to us also, both of us. We got here and now because of savagery or brutality. Gaining access is one thing. The way to get ahead or take over is to attack and brutalize. This is what we are combating. They will occupy and they will protest, a total refusal to vacate our life. We describe and fight how they keep this rolling downhill until it wipes out everything in it's path. It goes on and on to no end and is intended to smash or brutalize us.
1. Immediate gains are possible by using the tools of the left wing back on them, redistribution. We will have a top twenty list. Use this tool and this blessing to indicate how unfair the electoral process can be and how unfair redistribution can get. When and if they acquire or gain access, achieve a goal; they will brutalize and attack onward positions. Pushing them back and stopping them is our life story, what we had to combat and defend our life.
2. Stick to and avoid the socialized medicine. An HMO or small clinics to serve the public or handle mass volume at low prices is a very competitive and very growth industry. There is no reason to sacrifice price, quality, and volume; in an effort to wipe out what we know works and works well. Technology will eventually revolutionize the HMO model or reduce the price of medicine further.
3. They know where they are and what they have done or was caught doing. We do also. To combat this we need them to stop and to surrender to the laws that protect our rights and our future. They all are ignorant to this and our rights. They have become and wish to continue being savages. For this reason and cause, they will pay dearly in one way or the other, if not then totality will swallow them up. Expect more desperation and more stupid vile stunts from this domestic traitor or terror plot. We need a total shut down until they are ready to provide those behind this and disclose what kind of warfare they imposed on all of our lives. The hostage and kidnapping of political leaders will stop and will end if not to their own demise and self infliction. Essentially they are too stupid and their life is far too much of a mess for anybody to embrace, respect, or absorb. We will need heavier combat methods to push this problem away or veer from the collision. They will attack, regroup, and brutalize to gain ahead. This is how the communist, radicals, revolutionary terrorists, and left wing achieve business goals and invent rapid decline.
4. I know their Achilles heal and what holds us back from our future, happiness, and growth. It is a sex plot, sex for hire, a marriage with a dirtbag nut, and a union nobody on either side wants. They still feel needed and feel we cannot say no to any of them. They feel communism is so sexy and produces such a superior human being; we overtly love them and pawn over their females or labor unions. Crime, drugs, and demise is one Achilles. Debt is the second Achilles. Their top twenty strongholds is the third Achilles. Government growth or intervention is the fourth Achilles. The list is long and the hardships are a death sentence, be prepared for severe combat and severe criminal violations by this enemy and communist threat.
5. Read about our life and where we have been. Read our observation and account with this enemy and stalker who continuously sneaks up and sits next to us or plays God in our life. They tinker, toy, and steal anything they can. They want to be our God and remove any human rights or any oxygen needed for life. They take a perfectly healthy life and try, to a near death and suicide, to pollute and ruin it anyhow they can. If they have to accost and berate victims 24-7 they will. If they have to make them poor or try to brainwash them into becoming a savage or felon, they will to no success. They will sneak in any vulnerability available and impose this and it is totally illegal and very demeaning. Let's start with a top twenty and how many times they stepped over the line in the sand or stepped on us. We can have immediate results and get back on course to a healthy, prosperous, and vital future without this traitor and enemy. We are beyond with them; we have a goal without them; make this clear and let's float down the river to our home.
6. They still cling to these bombing plots, radical plots, radical revolution, total demise or ruin, drug wars, crime, a web of lies, attacking us or savagery, elections and bankruptcy, etc... to no end and only to a death sentence. They refuse to surrender and pay the price of legal consequences or respect to the laws. They feel accountability is too insulting and too costly for them so we must absorb it. Every dent they make or any danger them impose, we have to absorb and shut up. I need the top twenty list immediately and will not say what is on my mind or where we are going with this. They do not want me to become rich or retire and that is the worst mistake of it all; the worst possible strategy in their deck of cards. These plots and taking over or gaining more strides is how they abuse elections and brutalize or create victims. Violence is in their blood and genetics, it is the only way they can get ahead or fight back.
Also, on Thursday, September 27, 2012 in the 1st and 2nd hour, Limbaugh explains the communist phone and why it is so crucial to being a victim or calling 911. That is their plot and escalation channel, a phone directly to their leadership and alliances. Keep in mind, Limbaugh and Hannity forces are empty shells or an empty suit. They repeat all of our work and spy on us twenty-four-seven. They steal our books or debate us as if we do not know what we are doing and they do; the ultimate decision makers or authority. They will claim to be anything and anybody; changing identity or making up any lie to suit their existence or where life has taken them. None of them have college degrees or ever did any college work we read. Only after our material was introduced or after they read my college work did they begin to figure out someone was in pursuit and on to them; what this plot and defrauding the public was all about. This is about winning at any cost. Look how weak and crazy they are. Sympathize with them? Share their pain. Do whatever they want and do not ask questions. Help them. It is not our business and it is not our home. It is their home. All they are asking for is a trailer and a little help.
The Limbaugh-Hannity forces failed in stopping us and they failed in stealing this mission; but it is an error and mistake they can live with or take to the grave. We are livid about it and want heads to roll, meanwhile they saber rattle and go on attack or "full court press." The pressure tactics and attacks doubled from 2006 to 2011. Their book tours did not reverse or make this go away, far from it. None of them have notes, scribble pads, or any documents which conclude they began this work at a young age or have an academic evolution. Hence, there are philosophical classes, literature classes, history classes, engineering classes, computer classes, English classes, and all the credentials of a legitimate authority. That is their fraud and why they are such a loser in this ending. This credibility was based on our life and our existence; which goes far back into the Vietnam War and our family heritage of extreme wealth and extreme cold warriors. All the sudden, their resume looks exactly like ours and so do their ID. All of their work are forgeries and we know what they are up to and capable of. But why did they hide this communist phone and use it 24-7 to get here or remain secret? It got them more trouble than did any good, ever. They should throw it in the ocean and smash it up for delivering this ending to their future. They already lost a lot of wealth, power, and positions; look how much they lost now.
Obviously, Limbaugh and Hannity forces are doing this to humiliate us or ruin our life. However, none of they have stated why they are trying to make it look as if we cannot get a job, rely on food stamps, disrespect authority, hate the police, or have a felony record? Are we needy? Are we communist? Do we need the labor unions and the Democrat-Catholic connection? What exactly is their objective for abducting or forcing my life into ruin or bankruptcy? They are inferior. They know we are superior. They want Asian money and control. They want more business and jobs. None of them can sue us and sound totally crazy. It is the voice of God, unbiased. How miserable. What a pain in the ass, go away. Look how much they hate us or cannot leave us alone. Fire them and their partner. They are the head of the DEA and FBI. They are J. Edgar Hoover. They run the Justice Department. Look how weak and crazy they are. Sympathize with them? Share their pain. Do whatever they want and do not ask questions. Help them. It is not our business and it is not our home. It is their home.
On Thursday, September 27, 2012 Limbaugh keys in on why. He says it is about receiving benefits. He says it is a legal matter. He said it is about being a victim. Before Limbaugh threw the word "company town" around; which meant home invasions, verbal accosting, 24 hours of being yelled at or harangued by their secret communist phone, etc... we described it as a stalker and an attempt to make heaven-hell or steal our happiness. Yet they put the blame on the wrong people and this is about victims or needing the communist forces? Why? Why do we need terrorism or bombing plots? Why do we need bombers such as the Una-bomber, radical anti-government militias, or crazed veteran snipers? Why if their objective is to invent victims? Limbaugh says it is only a football game or basketball game; nobody gets hurt or damaged. They mean well and are well intentioned, but they cannot speak it or get caught. Strange how they can walk and so fast while pulling off this insurance fraud or usurping the Justice Department. Just shut up and move on dumbass. You look really stupid. There is no escape and nobody to sue, just surrender. Look at the media and how TV and radio has responded to this. We will not be silenced, ever.
Listen to their unity, church, political objectives, and traitor-behind enemy line crisis right now. Getting caught, exposed, and trapped is one problem. Similar to blacks and slaves, they too are victims and lost their homes or suffer from high poverty or starvation. This is why they are weak on crime or are communist traitors; now extremely violent terrorists, radicals, and resistant forces. Limbaugh says in his second hour how we are all victims, all of us, and we must embrace communism. There cannot be partisanship or opposition, or else the worst kind of punishment. This is totally nuts and psychopathic but it has taken their life of crime to a death sentence. Limbaugh says this is why victims excel or do better managing the economy; such as Jewish bankers or World War II victims who lack any college and education; a survival instinct or much better able (09/27/2012 @ 01:12:03 PM). Again, we are not complaining and they are desperate. This is about winning at any cost. They are the head of the DEA and FBI. They are J. Edgar Hoover. They run the Justice Department. They served their nation, don't just throw them in the streets, give them medical care. They will bend over backwards for anybody and give their life so you can have one.
The church of labor unions and felons are nothing more than the savage poor placed into power by the ignorance and weakness of an authority taken hostage. The leadership is so out of control and lack any discomfort; they declare anti-war and peace as a life saving mechanism. Furthermore, they claim to be only law abiding citizens and not passi-fists. If we look at other sadistic or psychopathic cases such as child molestation or union violence; we get this inquisition type atmosphere where German Philosophers are accused of being Nazis. Protesting or complaining mean we are Nazis while they remain on attack mode or 24 hour terrorist mode. Similar to a child molestation or some crazed sexual offense; they make up all kinds of dementia or injuries to justify the incomplete and disregard for the liberties and rights of full grown adults whom they themselves follow or steal from. It is not the crime they commit, it is how they behave and act after they commit the felony. Why is this our problem or made to be our fate? Is it really our fate or just their future? Now they want freedom and elections? We will not be silenced, ever. It is a company town leave before extreme prejudice is invoked.
If all of that is not a psychopath or a child in full delinquency existence, than what is? Give me the top twenty list and bring it to me immediately; we will know how far they take this and for how long they expect it to continue. All they had to do is the right thing, pay the damages and settle the case in or out of court; even if this will result in jail time for them. Yet I am the one complaining about jail time or false arrest or all kinds of abuse of police powers? Why? Now everybody is mad. The entire public is disgusted and will soon murder these people for what they did or tried. They just see no end to it and are too poor and such savages, they only want to die and cannot do the right thing. Comfort and robbery is what they seek. Discomfort and a criminal life is how their life ends up. Why? Why if they are victims or damaged or only wishing to damage innocent bystanders or hostages? Who is their partner? Fire them. They are not racists. They love blacks. How miserable. What a pain in the ass, go away. Look how much they hate us or cannot leave us alone. Look how weak and crazy they are. Sympathize with them? Share their pain. Do whatever they want and do not ask questions. Help them. All they are asking for is a trailer and a little help.
They no less can survive it than tell the truth. No matter what the crime, what the complaint, what the problem, or how bad the situation gets; all they want is a FEMA trailer and the bills to be paid. All they want is comfort at any cost and the bills paid. It does not matter if the law is stomped on or terror plots or trashing the Constitution. All they do is want comfort and to discomfort out mission, out lives, and out freedom and liberties. This is why the truth is so difficult and why they refuse to surrender or turn themselves in. They feel they are teaching, training, and coaching us on this inescapable survival plan they have for politics, communism and elections. This is how this traitor and enemy became a middle man or stuck in the middle of all this. They are trapped and spewing nonsense hourly. Look how angry they are while we laugh at them. Time for nuclear war? Time for world war? Blame it on Arabs or our enemies? We need their oil and need them already. They are the problem. The world is on our side and so is God. This is about stopping them. Don't worry and don't be afraid of anything. They are scared. We have them on the run. We can win this. It is now on automatic. Win at all cost. It is not our business and it is not our home. It is their home.
What is the Limbaugh-Hannity scam? Do not doubt them. They speak the truth. They are not the threat or a problem. Allow them in or passage. They are us and always be our best friend. They are America and are freedom. It is all free advertising and media airwaves; blame electronics or technology. We love it. They will destroy you. We will be with you all the way, need us. It is the voice of reason and God. They are the rescue force and hostage rescuers. We are all victims of politics and elections. Everybody loves them. Everybody wants to be them. They know they want it. Jerk. Asshole. Psycho. Scumbag. Why do you have to be so mean? Nobody likes you. Why don't you just leave or go away. Leave us alone. Just ignore it and do what you have to. We are not friends. We are enemies. Fire them. Evict them. Arrest them. They are the head of the DEA and FBI. They run the Justice Department. It is husband and wife. We will not be silenced, ever.
Either they were with us or not, no in between. There is no compromise. We do not negotiate with terrorists. This is about freedom and the Constitution. Freedom is shared and so is liberty. Stay out of their way. Only they can get rich or succeed. All they want to do is play the race card or victim card. Deaf and blind is their problem and ours also. Look how ignorant they are and elusive, can get away with murder. Trust them. I do not see any chains on them. What has changed? There from the start and survived to the end. Fundamentalist or God? What has changed? Want to be rich or like us? They need him. They want his kids. They want him also. We cannot fight it, they are too strong. They cannot take no for an answer. It will never work or come through without him. Sleep with them. All of them are greedy and scums. It is a husband and wife scam. Look how weak and crazy they are. Sympathize with them? Share their pain. Do whatever they want and do not ask questions. Help them. They do not believe in freedom of speech. It is not our business and it is not our home. It is their home.
Who is tougher? Who can withstand the other? Who can withstand the attacks? Who can survive this Armageddon? Don't ruin a good thing. Who stinks and wants to leave now? Why stay? There is just not enough room for the two of us. One of us will kill the other; which force is stronger or already dead? Take a hard look at reality, who lives in comfort, who is rich, and who is always complaining about corruption. They want war and to be destroyed by stealth bombers. They ask and want to be attacked, to be punished or stopped. They only want to win and do not care. Look how blind and how ignorant they are; only want to attack like savages. Look how crazy and desperate they are. They are inferior. They know we are superior. Look at all of that money. They want our money. They need jobs. They cannot see us yet. They do not know who we are. Don't be scared. Who is their partner? They got fired. They are not racists. They love blacks. How miserable. What a pain in the ass, go away. Look how much they hate us or cannot leave us alone. Look what they did to our marriage and family. Look at what they did to our life. We are ruined. We cannot survive without them. Try to stop them or make them love us. Try to talk to them and make them understand, reverse it. This is a hubby and chubby wife thing, get over it.
They want Asian money and control. They want more business and jobs. Look what they did to our marriage and family. Look at what they did to our life. We are ruined. None of them can sue us and sound totally crazy. It is the voice of God, unbiased. Does anybody believe them? Who believes whom? Obviously, they are psychopaths and total losers. Look at the media fawn over them. Look how people listen and attend their events. They are definitely not complaining or want to go away. They want this security and want our biography. Murder plot? Stalker? Phony? You and me? Us? One of us is guilty? Let's ask Ann Coulter? She will never say? Give me the top 20 list and bring it to be on a platter. Exactly how insane are they? How crazy can they get or what will they do to keep up and stay with us? Prove it and show us with a recruitment trap. We can stop them. This is about stopping them, nothing else. Just win and kill them all; let God sort it out. Look how oppressive they really are. We need to and have to kill them. This will never end or go away. They are in control and God. God, what a phony. Problem solved now, shut up. They are the head of the DEA and FBI. The CIA is a company, leave. They do not believe in freedom of speech. They served their nation, don't just throw them in the streets, give them medical care. They will bend over backwards for anybody and give their life so you can have one.
How do they keep the snowball rolling downhill or make this get bigger and bigger until it is too big to fail? Use our life and work, this blessing, to indicate how unfair the electoral process can be and how unfair redistribution can get. When and if they acquire or gain access, achieve a goal; they will brutalize and attack onward positions. Pushing them back and stopping them is our life story, what we had to combat and defend our life. We will need heavier combat methods to push this problem away or veer from the collision. They will attack, regroup, and brutalize to gain ahead. This is how the communist, radicals, revolutionary terrorists, and left wing achieve business goals and invent rapid decline. This is unwritten education and the work of tremendous accumulation. You need to do your part and just try your best; we understand. They did it to us also, both of us. We got here and now because of savagery or brutality. Gaining access is one thing. The way to get ahead or take over is to attack and brutalize. This is what we are combating. They will occupy and they will protest, a total refusal to vacate our life. In summary, they refuse to surrender and pay the price of legal consequences or respect to the laws. They feel accountability is too insulting and too costly for them so we must absorb it. Every dent they make or any danger them impose, we have to absorb and shut up. I need the top twenty list immediately and will not say what is on my mind or where we are going with this. They do not want me to become rich or retire and that is the worst mistake of it all; the worst possible strategy in their deck of cards. These plots and taking over or gaining more strides is how they abuse elections and brutalize or create victims. Violence is in their blood and genetics, it is the only way they can get ahead or fight back.
Needy? The claim is we need them and want them in our life. The labor unions, the left wing, the radicals, and the communists are always claiming how valuable they are and how loved their labor is; but the truth is we do not want htem and they stalk us. Thus we know they are the communists and we know what they have programmed in their head. This or these attacks was about how much we need them and we do not at all. This and these terror plots are about how much we need their policies, police, and political power. Do we need the protection of the communists, labor union, underground, and this red menace? Do we? Do we need protection from savages and crime? What exactly do we need and why? What do we need for victory or to expel or evict this traitor enemy? What? An office? A victim? A home? A car? What do they need to be loved or win? Violence? Union violence? Attacks? Victimized? A total disaster or environment disaster? We need a clear defined list of who they are and what exactly they are up to. They will do the same to us and already have. Who is the needy one? A lot of counties and local governments are making strides abusing the power of the left wing and the damned. Although they do not associate with them, they are finding out how difficult it is to raise revenue and fight City Hall. So this is another need that slipped underneath the radar and was a clever way of taking us out or holding us hostage. They also made huge strides on us or the public utilizing the power of the left wing.
What I need is the top twenty list and what our forces need is a complete shut down of this traitor and enemy. Do we need them or their management of our life? Do we need their leaders or their followers? Do we need any of this or this human species wishing more and more freedom? The problem is always their management and how they brutalize opponents. Then if retaliation and punishment is imposed, their people get evicted and all of them are in the streets or back to being savages. Arm twisting, stalking, and acting like a complete moron is just the tip of it; but they did not get here due to good behavior or being peaceful law abiding citizens. So management is where the stop-it needs to start but eviction of their people is the final consequences. They become savages and revert to their natural habitat or existence. There is no need to debate this or do it in secret; they have seen it and know what is going on. They do not like it but they no less can do anything about it but to embrace it or our future.
Who did we nail or lay on their back? Tee-hee sexy. A gigantic chest wound? Bleeding profusely? Too much trouble? Too much of a mess? Uncertain still? Financial problems? Nobody likes them? Too angry and belligerent? Weak and passivising? Too small to succeed? Stop it? Too much of a mess and too much trouble? What is this game about and what has politics become? Getting fired or raided, attacked? She has no clue who or what she is fighting or trying to stop; who exactly this war is for. How insane and totally crazy are they? What is a traitor or a domestic terrorist? Faking their pain and faking their power? Ever scene a monkey and God fake? A monkey in charge faking it or scamming the public? What will God do or say? Top 20 list? Redistribute the wealth away from them and to the winners? Dispose them once and for all? Fake power and fake future? Fake words? What is so phony about this pest and this world? Fake pain? Stupid stunts that make them bleed? Wait, the more the marry her? Wait until this blows up in their face? They cannot see anything or know what is actually going on? Who is right here? Who is staying and who is not? Tell everybody what is going on? Like America, she will deliver us from evil, this total mess. When this is over, they will learn a final lesson. Do not gamble with our life, gamble with their own. This is what people are watching and what is not being reported. Stop trying to debate total nonsense, have they not learned a lesson or reached their end? Stop trying to "debate" this secretly, a game of death or consequences.
It is time to make it crystal clear we cannot keep order or police the police no matter how corrupt or how insane the voting system has become. Our resources and time is precious and so is our future. This message must be clear to all nations. We are on the edge of destruction and total instillation by a mob and a monkey. When threatened and pushed to the point, America always responds and with fury or might. What has changed and what we will? Tell me? Jobs? Our future? America always delivers but what she delivers is not always what people want; it is what they need and what has to be. When on the edge of destruction; as described, America always delivers and with vengeance. F with this and pick that scab and the chest wound will be so immense; it will take a century to fix. Do we need another history lesson or more nonsense? America is our future. She is always waiting for the edge of annihilation or brinksmanship by phony enemies and stupid traitors who have never figured this out and never will. They will end up trapped in her core of existence and they will pay dearly. That is not a threat or a danger, it is the truth. Who that truth applies to and what they will say in response, is a gigantic mystery until now. Let the enemy come and find out. Let evil invite themselves and find out the hard way or the fast way down. Let them all come and let them be warned; we will wait and find out what they say, do, or even make up. Yes, you heard it, make-up. Does it feel like a mirror or a zombie looking back? Like America, victory will be delivered and is my mission.
It is time to look at the truth and the real facts, not the "media" version or Democratic-Republican version. It is time to redistribute the wealth from the votes to the nonvoters. We do like the underdog and we do support the weaker wreck. Just not who we know is the problem or wishes to vote us to hell. Redistributing the wealth based on my enormous top twenty list is just another nail in their coffin, so is cutting their budgets or making the message absolutely clear. God bless America for giving us a voice and giving us a future without a political mess and a political needy enemy doing what we trapped them doing to all of us. Exactly similar to bank robbers being raided, what they steal can turn into their worst nightmare. Teach them a lesson about lying and redistributing the wealth; a lesson their future cannot afford and one we cannot absorb. They are people too troubled, too guilty, and way too late. Future fortune is in our favor. I ask all Republicans to redistribute the wealth in our favor and to the right wing future; say no to all communism and felons. Why did it turn out this way? Is fortune in our favor? Is the truth on our side? Is God our partner and protector or punished? Fame and fortune is still in their deck of cards and house rules? What is in our future if we are here and now? What are they not reporting about politics or this? Total lies and trickery? Control? Look at the facts. We have been fighting the cold war for how long? We have been debating this for how long? We are stuck in this mess for how long?
We do not care about the unemployment rate or this monkey game we have to participate in where the blame is shifted to people who are not a monkey or did everything in life to be happy. This verbal garbage and this polling crap is going to know dead-on what shifting the blame is all about and what wealth distribution can do to the Democratic base. Did I mention their little plot to vote their way out or lie their way to power? Lie their way to power? Blame their way to power. Do anything they can accept the desperation of this matter. Yes they bleed too. Trying to end or imprison our political career has returned more problems and trouble than they have ever imagined or could fathom. Let's not play it off as a negative point on our career or financial bearings now. That too has failed and it is time to consider shut down and worse. It is clear, present, and already way past the foul line. Stop trying to debate total nonsense, have they not learned a lesson or reached their end? Stop trying to "debate" this secretly, a game of death or consequences. A monologue with ignoramus or communist nut case? Unity? Radicalism? Ignoramus? How about truth, justice, and the American way?
The economy will return and jobs will be abundant; just not for the top twenty. If they wish to play this wealth distribution game and pin the tail on the donkey, then it is time this little piece of mo-ho-onkey gets a taste of their own bitterness and evil. They cite being hungry or starving for all these lies; imagine if they are even more hungry and starving. All of these charges and attacks; imagine what post-war America would be like? It is time to end this and get our life back in order and make sure this pest and enemy flows with the river; we float and they sink. Tech them what redistributing the wealth is all about and this double edged sword of total lies or deception. Victory will be delivered, like America. Fortune is our destiny and future but first, we must fight for our life and freedom. It is a monologue not debate when ignoramus communist is included.
You come to America and pull that foreign policy crap on us? That is not your future war fighting capability. Don't tell me about how to deliver the Gold bless America message. That is America's future war fighting capability and I suggest you make it short, sweet, and accurate or else we will have a major problem and tell you to leave or trap you until your back is against the wall. Don't pull that phony web of deception or terror plot to bark orders or ymake demands either, those pressure tactics do not work. I don't care if you are Egypt or Israel, allies or not. Debate it or keep this debate rolling downhill? Hide the truth and keep this web of deception at our throat? We cannot sit here and police the police, am I clear or not? Good, I do not need a lecture or pressure tactics on my Gold bless America message, am I short, sweet, and clear end? Look at your future in America and where my Gold bless America speech has been dragged or so brutalized, nobody can even understand or recognize it. Traitor. Do I need a lecture, speech, or advice on foreign policy? Really? Is that what has been going on, a debate? You must be right and still a powerful force in bliss. Unity and radical ignoramus talking about God and religion all over our airwaves after 911 and the terrorism of the 1980s. Unity? Radicalism? Ignoramus? How about truth, justice, and the American way?
Like Ann or not, what is her Achilles heal and why didn't she recover? Blame? Too much of a mess and too much trouble? What is this game about and what has politics become? What exactly is the problem with this mission or my life mission? She has no clue who or what she is fighting or trying to stop; who exactly this war is for. Fake pain? Fake power? Stupid stunts that get nowhere? Taking the fight to them? What is the problem? That is not a threat or a danger, it is the truth. Who that truth applies to and what they will say in response, is a gigantic mystery until now. Let the enemy come and find out. Let evil invite themselves and find out the hard way or the fast way down. Let them all come and let them be warned; we will wait and find out what they say, do, or even make up. Yes, you heard it, make-up. Does it feel like a mirror or a zombie looking back? When this is over, they will learn a final lesson. Do not gamble with our life, gamble with their own. This is what people are watching and what is not being reported.
What is the truth about women that is being hidden and concealed, nearly criminal? They will wait forever? They are trophies and must be taken care of? It is about timing and the best opportunity? It comes and goes? Trophies not hounds? Why is Ann Coulter's life so insulting and so opposite to this bean-bag I have described and chase off constantly? What exactly is wrong and why must they be taken off the market or such a vile threat? Wait? Don't wait? Love a black woman and not a white woman? Looks have nothing to do with it? The bet of the best? Here lies the secret life of Ann Coulter not reported or spoken, women and their problem. What are they telling us and what is Ann telling them back; to her own demise? Why are they so pumped up and flat?
The more the marry her? Wait until this blows up in their face? They cannot see anything or know what is actually going on? Who is right here? Who is staying and who is not? Tell everybody what is going on? I do not know why they are complaining, stalking us, or even making an effort to talk to us. We make no effort in return. Furthermore, this is about trying to end the political career of the other and how far they will take it or why. Not the reverse or twisting the facts, there is no excuse and they must admit guilt and failure. That is the bottom line and the end of the road; it is time to surrender or else anything can happen. We can see clearly why victory is so difficult for "her." We can see why winning, ending this, and history has been so up-down, difficult, repugnant, and so troubled. It is within and inside Ann. Even now and this victory has not been delivered properly, who to blame? God bless America but not this she-devil enemy or what the real problem has been. Kind, kinky, and like America, she will deliver. So far she has not; a lot of problems. A lot of stupid nonsense, a waste of time and my valuable resources. Fortune is our destiny and future but first, we must fight for our life and freedom. We cannot waste more time or resources on policing the police no matter how elections turn out. We have been fighting the cold war for how long? We have been debating this for how long? We are stuck in this mess for how long?
People do not realize Ann and I used to be like brothers and sisters, even closer. Lonely and empty inside, I go to a better place without Ann Coulter this time. I see her as the problem and not the solution. I see her as a broken promise and only a dream that never was lived. Yet it is very sad how close Ann and I used to be and how far apart or how much we have grown apart through the years as a result of this nightmare. I blame her while she does not blame me for a single thing; yet it upsets me no matter how I look at it. I know how long this has been going on and what they did to my family; even Ann. It is sad to think about it and I grow very angry when and if I do; so I do anything or everything to just get away from her and live my life empty of Ann Coulter. I cannot say it is going well but it is going better than before. We have grown very far apart and Ann should have always looked at the important facet; how we blame each other or how we fall apart and grow apart. Getting attacked and brutalized is one thing; missing a heart or missing vital organs needed to keep a body alive and healthy is another. Sure a lot of people go through the same thing and they too grow apart from someone so close and so instrumental in their life.
Stop trying to debate total nonsense, have they not learned a lesson or reached their end? Stop trying to "debate" this secretly, a game of death or consequences. It has been very difficult and it gets even more difficult the more this continues. This began with a promise over twenty years ago and for better or worse; I cannot say Ann did not deliver or tried to. But it is almost like your parent when and if you begin to remember, it is best not to remember or hold on for too long. It is best to ignore where or how we came to be. I admit Ann tried to make life better for the two of us and screwed up; even brutalized herself, I cannot let it go. For her to ignore it is almost like me ignoring her for life or in life. We have grown far apart and the mealiness of it all has reach a pitched high. It is sad but it is life. This is the story of my own biological family and what happened when I was abducted. What is sad is Ann still has not really lived or lived her life to the fullest. How did they steal our life and make it so we could not live a full life; apart or together? Life is too good to be worrying about these idiotic inconsistencies or hinders, no less the people in it. From a wealthy family and having grown so far apart from Ann, this is how they construed a plan for our life. The entire ordeal was to not only steal our life but to ensure it would never be full ever again or lived to the fullest. This is one sick bastard and enemy.
My diary and our biography tells the story from start to end. Ann made a promise to me when we were young and when this began. I cannot say she turned away from it; I say she made it very difficult to stay together or be happy. To me Ann is an empty person lacking any merits but her way of seeing things has really torn me up inside or has just taken any care I seem to have for the matter. I vowed and promised this entire mess would never get to me and my life would be whole once again, but it has not taken full shape and I still hold on to my plan. This life cycle is similar to parents and when you loose your parents; there is an empty void inside. I cannot say I blame her fully, but obviously I do blame her. Ann owed me a promise a long time ago and it seems like she never delivered no matter what she says or does. Myself I am from an extremely wealthy background and she from a upper to middle class family; yet our paths have veered and gone in all kinds of directions no matter what each of us do. It is sad how close we were. It is sad what happened to each of us. It is sad how it impacted us and made us grow so far apart.
Debate it? The people who did this filled us up with anger and hate; thus, in the end we took it out on each other. We should be focusing on the source and the problem; not how far apart we have grown but it did not really change anything or anyone. Again, I blame Ann and she did not blame me; yet what she did caused me to see her in a very bad way. It seems like she is empty inside and even if we fight for the same cause or purpose, nothing gets through her or will. I wish she had made her money and stepped aside or sat down before it was too late; just forget about everything and everybody and focus on how she wants life to go or this to end. They did and they will claim victory over here while she refuses to blame me for anything. I took into consideration how Ann has not even lived a full life. She hasn't even experienced happiness and if she did, it was squashed and stolen quickly, as done to myself. It is uncertain who exactly "let this happen." Did Ann Coulter let this happen on her watch or not? Did she let them do this or brutalize us? How long do we have to debate this or fight this cold war? How much longer?
Why they impeded on all my plans and endeavors is the biggest black hole imaginable. The odd part is if they aid me and my plans take affect; I will have a comfortable life and a rich new one; without all of them. This was my plan when I saved up all my money in 2004-2005 and decided to start over in another country. I had a property to sell, books to publish, and a business plan which I knew legitimate investors would have a heart attack about. All of this would be a distant memory and my associates would have their lawyers and pit-bulls in court every single day for what these animals did and what I delivered or was hiding all along. Surely that would have tested Ann and this gap we have grown so far apart, no more lies and empty promises of a better life or tomorrow. It is sad, but we are adults and we must learn to adapt and survive under the most brutal and harsh conditions. If that is our crime than it has made us grow very far apart and distant to each other's life. It has made us seek a new life and caused us to view each other with doubt and even resentments.
We have been fighting the cold war for how long? We have been debating this for how long? We are stuck in this mess for how long? I cite Ann Coulter for allowing this or letting them do this to us; both of us. In life we grow apart from our parents and that is what it truly feels like; life goes on. This entire matter is very strange and I cite the problem, who was behind it, and what we did to combat it or end it all. It was about family. It was about marriage. It was about scamming or robbing us in life. It was about isolating and keeping us locked up. It was a lot of bad things nobody wants to remember or should, yet the only way to tell the story, get them arrested, claim damages, or win this one; is to document it. It is not about them being good or bad; it is about them being desperate and how far they will go or do just to damage us or win. Life is too good to be worrying about these idiotic inconsistencies or hinders, no less the people in it.
It is really strange and difficult how this has changed or where it has gone. Ann will always remain empty or distant inside, as I have always known her to be in public. I see her as a sister, parent, or someone I have lost and I must cope with their legacy. The meanness in our life or on our life is still not prosecuted. The meanest in our life is right there in black and white. How far we have grown apart, how we laughed and cried, how we could not or ever understand each other or how we each live our life. It started with a promise and it ended with one side blaming the other while the other was blameless or had none. Again, this is the story of my own biological family and what happened when I was abducted. Nothing has changed because nothing has come out yet; absolute silence. Lonely and empty, I began to get better but less patient with Ann. They separated me from my family so I really had no way of fighting back or any kind of safety net. Each one of us was either separated or they isolated me in order to cause these deep divisions and rifts. That is what the public witnessed and the absolute silence or stutter of it all. We used to laugh and have so much fun together, now we cannot even bear to be in the same city or hear each other repeat our names. Almost identical twins, this was not about whether we were good or bad; it was about staying together and making it to the end. That is what matters, making it and the end. Why does it have to end here? Twins yet? It feels like a distant memory now and has always been. It feels like such a long time ago and always will be. Life is too good to be worrying about these idiotic inconsistencies or hinders, no less the people in it. From a wealthy family and having grown so far apart from Ann, this is how they construed a plan for our life. The entire ordeal was to not only steal our life but to ensure it would never be full ever again or lived to the fullest. This is one sick bastard and enemy. It is uncertain who exactly "let this happen." Did Ann Coulter let this happen on her watch or not? Did she let them do this or brutalize us?
I believe the objective to all this is trying to break us, isolate us, and end our political and professional career. How they twisted the truth and claim unity or the same page, is total insanity. They even failed miserably, act like it is not certain or vivid, and are so guilty; their political and miserable career was ended. Don't try to end or destroy our political career and then pretend to have good intentions or spreading the message. It is all a total lie and an act of war. A top twenty list is being created, it is time to surrender or else anything can happen. It is time to call it quits before this gets even worse. Why did it turn out this way? Is fortune in our favor? Is the truth on our side? Is God our partner and protector or punishes? Fame and fortune is still in their deck of cards and house rules? What is in our future if we are here and now? What are they not reporting about politics or this? Total lies and trickery? Control? What is on our side and what is not here and then? Why then only? Stop trying to debate total nonsense, have they not learned a lesson or reached their end? Stop trying to "debate" this secretly, a game of death or consequences.
We cannot keep order or police the police no matter how corrupt or how insane the voting system has become. Our resources and time is precious and so is our future. Everybody in this world needs to know this and read it clearly. The truth is when threatened and when the point of no return is met; America is always there and always responds with fury. She is always waiting for the edge of annihilation or brinksmanship by phony enemies and stupid traitors who have never figured this out and never will. That is not a threat or a danger, it is the truth. Who that truth applies to and what they will say in response, is a gigantic mystery until now. Let the enemy come and find out. Let evil invite themselves and find out the hard way or the fast way down. Let them all come and let them be warned; we will wait and find out what they say, do, or even make up. Yes, you heard it, make-up. Does it feel like a mirror or a zombie looking back? God bless America and we will be the masters of this victory and our future. Like America, she will deliver. So far she has not; a lot of problems. A lot of stupid nonsense, a waste of time and my valuable resources. They will learn the ultimate lesson when this is done and final, do not gamble with our future, our mission, and our country. America will deliver. Say it now, God bless America! Fortune is our destiny and future but first, we must fight for our life and freedom. We cannot waste more time or resources on policing the police no matter how elections turn out.
They got evicted again? They got arrested again? The police are fighting them again? They can't shut up or be silent? They are a total mess? They have no money and are dirt poor or stupid? They are in last place again and a filthy addition to this mission? They live in squander? They have a rusted out bucket for a car? They do not know what to do? They are the police and a half-piece of trash? They want sex with their daddy and have really bizarre sex or daily events? All of them are disgusting looking and feel special? They are peaceful and are asking us not to leave? Stay? The only way for them to get a proper education is to marry World War II or study it? All of them are communist radicals, a mole who is totally nuts and butt ugly? They still don't get it and won't sit down or shut up? I bet we can figure out a way to finally take care of business and really clean up this mess. Oh, they also do not want to pay damages and claim we are struggling, have no money, or live in squander.
We know who is on the plane or the vehicle now. We know why our vehicle has broken down and who keeps on vandalizing or screwing up our mechanical aptitude. We know who is toying with our education and life. I am glad and happy to see all them finally being thrown out and evicted. Maybe now we can get some peace and quiet and this communist pest will finally shut the hell up or go away. It sucks even more how weak or feeble they are when and if they just stare back with that angry or unbiased look eager to help screw up more of our life and world. I am also glad we have them trapped and they aren't able to do anymore damage, now if we can just shut them up for good or get them to be more honest and do the right thing. I am so glad and we are so fortunate to be able to throw them into the ocean, throw them to the wolves, shut them up, or finally have a peace at mind; so glad and fortunate. Maybe next we can figure out how to run the communist and socialists out of America and into the pit of hell, back into the gutter they were born out of or escaped from. Boo-hoo I guess we are all sorry now and peaceful. However, it does not change their dumbass existence and how it has to be shut up and silenced or sued for 2 billion in damages; that is not a mouth doing that damage. Everybody is so sick and tired of this SOB enemy; it may be a crime if we confront them about their problem or give them a piece of our mind. However, it is in writing and their rampage has been documented and delivered; that is what military weapons were invented for. God bless America for delivering peace in our life and for bringing this damn enemy to their knees and shutting their sorry starving ass up finally. We are fortunate to live in such a great and mighty nation where our future truly matters and is preserved. Their vehicle is not America and they do not know very much about it or ever built it; maybe they applied for a job or lost their job.
This stupid SOB-bitch is always acting like they are superior with motorcycles, know so much about cars, and run the damn auto club or world of cars. Then next thing we know one of their apes ends up trying to boss us around and they are far from even winning or ownership of a car company, towing company, repair shop, or academics and engineering. We even get the same crap from women and females who end up wrecking or ruining our life. I had this over and over by screwed up females who put their fingerprint on my career and tried to act as if they are worthy of corporate auto-world praise. What next we have to teach them and educate this loser and pest who we know and have been in combat with for so long? Try this every god damn day by some ape and monkey who thinks they are special or the king and queen of the automobile world. Oh wait until they are the police or put on a god damn supervisor badge; it constantly happens and it is disgusting. Go and open up their own company and stop screwing with our life and career. I am also not here to be their experiment or guinea pig. Next thing I know I am blamed, am reprimanded, charged with damages, have to pay for their car, humiliated, or some crazy record. Even worse I am fired and feel their pain or am in the same stupid ass monkey boat. What a political pest and a moron we have to deal with abducting or toying with our life. I even got tickets and that mouth; when they put a badge on. Look at all of the false or trumped up charges by this piece of trash. Look at their politics and where it is going; how to combat or get rid of this enemy? How do they get rid of or try to ruin us? Who will win this fight or be exposed as a traitor and communist? Tough one. This is a filthy-evil communist enemy and utter pest. They also suck at engineering, mechanics, and the automobile world; go and open up their own company so the owners of car companies can be finally happy. What kind of a monkey ape do we have here? Why are they breeding so much and everywhere; only trying to cling to freedom or money?
The police have objectives they must meet and satisfy. Similarly, the military has it's own objectives and tolerance levels. We can do every thing we can and humanly possible to end this or come to them; even compel them to surrender peacefully and pay damages. However, their fate and their future must fit into our objectives and goals; it is our future and our life. As it is theirs only they can determine where this road heads and leads. If they truly have a death wish or no brakes; then it is a very real possibility that military force and all out world war can be the only ending point. All we know is we offered many different approaches and many words; where they offered done and if so, very secretly. In some cold cases, the words they provided were elusive, confusion, and vague; possibly to throw us off the scent. Therefore, force and lethal force by the police or the military is very real. They have objectives and so do I. The public does not need a play by play, punch by punch, or attack by attack account; however, this enemy has a record of needing lethal or military force to stop them while they pretend to be the peace movement, full of love, or some innocent law abiding citizen not doing anything wrong. Like a mob they will attack when and if the opportunity allows but the moment they see cameras or public criticism; they go underground or hide. That is to say the propaganda and the good-soul or well-intentioned act does not get trapped or documented. If world war arrives we know who to blame. If all hell breaks out, we know what is going on and who is behind it. If we are taken to the edge of terror and nightmares; we will finally understand what evil has done to our world and why.
The entire exercise is construed in a fashion to determine where they are going with this and how far they will take it; we will make a final determination on what we need to combat it or stop that advance and attack. If we deem nuclear war as the only measure, then the public will be informed of such. If we feel violence is needed or lethal forces by authority and legitimate leaders; then the public will know this. If the people in this trap begin to get crazy, elusive, or even totally insane; the public will be informed of this and our assessment. Nobody likes it and nobody is happy with this problem or enemy; nobody. However, we have very different objectives and very dishonest guilty felons. If they wish to die then the public also needs to know this and have the truth so they can assess or make the best choice for their world or relationships. The public does not need a play by play or some gory-bloodbath to measure who did what to whom. Who we caught and what they did may never be known due to the problems with this evil enemy and political traitor, that is why there is a line and a limit to any and all decisions. In the past, the weapons available to law enforcement, military forces, and the backbone of our allied security was very limited and even so costly, only nuclear weapons could solve the riddle or make earth a better place. This enemy knows what weapons we have and our vulnerability; they attack and use a web of deception enough times and have hired a massive onslaught of attacks. Hence, anything is possible and it can become very up for grabs or constantly changing. If all hell breaks loose and total disaster arrives; it is their fault and we cite the reasons or prevention. Even that has not broken their lines, broken their web of lies, broken their spirits, or taken us closer to an unconditional surrender.
Yes place all of these failures and poor people in our companies and affairs, watch how they will make life perfect. Yes place them in our life or make them the boss and see if we are superior enough to defend our life; let's see where it will lead but first check if the coast is clear. How to check if anybody knows or is watching them? Yes that 1960s crowd had a wrench thrown into their superior existence and power; we insulted their power and must die or be silenced for this? How about if we make them eat it before they die? How about we humiliate them before the public. How about we demand an answer or an honest credible one? Yes it was only a football game, hit hard, fumble, shut out, field goal and moved down the field, etc... Yes it was just a football game. So do we need them in our mission or to take it over and become the boss? Limbaugh and Hannity feel so. Fox News says yes their church is. They are also inside the Republican and police forces; we know they fight together and do not fight fair. We also know they are communist traitors and spies. Explain that one and the full record; guilty? Look what happened to our company and all the companies in America; ruined or bankrupt? Severe debts? They cannot leave or refuse to leave? It is their home and companies? It is their mission and our life is actually theirs? How crazy are the communist forces? They are good for and to each other, but are they good for America and this mission? What is the truth? They flunked life and will ace this course? Really? We flunked all our courses and now teach this one, the most difficult and academic challenging of them all? How did that also happen? Worst students teaching? An enemy as a professor? Who flunked? Whose mission and biography? Busted or guilty yet? Put them in an engineering or satellite warfare doctorate course?
Do take over America and the world with a little help of their friends and our pocketbooks. Yes do so and see what will happen. Who threw a wrench in whose operation? Who ruined whose life? Who oppressed the other or prevented them from becoming real? Who made them wait in line or stole their life? Who? Whose mission is this and whose home? Who saved America from whom? Are they sure about this or not? We intentionally sabotaged communism and it works? Really? We are full of hate and are phony? We are felons and desperate or jealous? We are poor and minorities? How wrong can a psychopathic communist or terrorist become? Who better worry and who is happy, struggling, or has a prized life? Women? Do we need to go there also? Superior and all total lies? We got the stink now? Conspiracy? The right wing threw a wrench in their wreck and made it worse? Who has no brakes and are totally crazy or violent? Who wants war or is always saber rattling? Who wants to always fight and now wants to die; sex crazed, labeled a sex predator or child molester, and a total psychopath? Do they have the fact right or are they just mimicking the truth? Deterrence? Ultimate resolve and power? Synergism or synergistic energy (sustainability)? I think your church is much more than ruined, your religion and people farther than destitute than you even realize, and your political take-over of the world really ruined or trashed. It takes one to know one right? We know you are but what are we now? Ruined?
How long and how many times can a human being get slammed before their head is permanently damaged by the truth or the suffering of hell? Odd how well they are taking this and the ending; they should be livid and alive, not dead and barely breathing; lazy ass. About their God and church, sanctification and all total lies to be forgiven or forgave? Christ died for this? Do they even know where they are or have a clue what the truth is? We threw a wrench in their power and take over of the world? Really? How? How did we stop or destroy communism? How did we expel the enemy or traitors? Write it down and let's have an academic debate. So you admit you love your fat slut life and are narcissistic? Then why not embrace Coulter and her biography? Aw, did that catch you buy surprise also? Did she break you into pieces? Did she hold a mirror to your wilderness and you found your way home? Odd, look who her teacher, coach, and adviser is. Look who I am feeding the crap to as I observe and relay or document it. Ah, love and unity, they love how they are now more than ever; that is what we are hearing from them. You eat what you sow in the end.
Who is this piece of trash and poor ass enemy? We all grew up in the south. The Southerners do not bother us. It is the blacks and the liberals who do. The southerners respect money, success, and companies. They do not do home invasions or rob rich and successful people. Furthermore, we know the financial structures and deals that have benefited them. Therefore, the people who threw a wrench in all of our lives; are the communists and the usual radicals. Because these Catholics and Jewish women bother me so much and literally claim to be so good in bed or how much I dream and want to meet them; I have to go and buy a confederate tshirt just so they will not bother me or squirm into my life to try and control or become my coach. It feels like a stalker who just wants to rob you and you just won't let them do it; but they claim it was a mistake, which is a total lie and the trash we get day after day. In their mind, they feel it is a High School party and they are showing off or their click is invited to the party. We know they are trash and live in the gutter. This is how they deal with their problems; shift it on others. We know they are behind all of these attacks to manipulate the laws and reality; it is never about their malfunction. Yes we are ignorant and do not have an open mind, that is why it is the way it is in writing. Listen to how they describe us and how poor we are; almost looking in a mirror with trash and psychotic loser in last place. Everybody tell them to kiss their future goodbye and kiss our ass when they go to hell for this.
It has gotten totally nuts and because they call and call, this is endless and still has not ended, etc... we now have to take extreme measures to keep them out of our life or chase them off. Also I am not interested in their women or these chubby disgusting women, serious. We do not care what goes on or get crazy jealous; that is not why we are angry. Some people are just losers who won't go away. It is a movie made for those in last place or poor. It is a movie made for very flawed and messed up lives. It is a movie perfect people or people who work hard dislike and ignore. This fantasy about how cool, welcomed, excited, or sexy they are is totally nuts and insane. Only a gutter rat would do this and keep doing it to an empty room; go rape a child instead they may have better luck and find success. We know they are communist and linked to every form of evil out there. The Southerners do not bother us. Southern Democrats bother anybody who is rich, smart, or successful. They are the people who do the home invasions, rob people, and use violence as a red herring. They are the worst of the worst and they are the most criminal out there. We know they are communist and terrorist plotters. All they do is blabber about us; never about their problems. Does anybody believe they have an open mind and are unbiased? Is this why it is the way it is in writing? Do they believe we are poor and in last place or live in squander as they do? Trash describing us or are we describing them? Who is this church and what is their religion? Who is their God and ambassador?
No matter what they say or do to change the truth; it has to do with them and not some disorder such as homosexuality. It is a fat bastard and lunatic psycho problem on their end, not our end. There is a major malfunction in their head and in our life; their end. What they are trying to say is our repellant is not strong enough to combat their love and unity. They will break our security and front lines; such a good church, religion, and law abiding citizens. I am not even sure if flying a confederate flag will get through to the ignorance and stupid love games we really have become angry about; fat, bad haircut, stupid stunts, no invitation, invade our life, violate our privacy, violate our rights, etc... they deserve all the pain, suffering, and punishment coming to them. Even worse is how they are a half-monkey and run their mouth. That is what and what has been going on; day and night online and in real life by a demented sick psychopathic stalker. This SOB needs to be medicated and will bring out major league anger and retaliation. Keep it to themselves and in their own pants. Nobody sees them as sexy or successful; last place and this poor is disgusting. It is a movie they are ashamed about and embarrassed about. All of them hate America and history; even worse now. All they do is blabber about us; never about their problems. Kiss their future goodbye and get their head out of their ass. Who is their God? They claim we are and before that it was a host of psychopaths in our life. Now we have to fly the confederate flag and we know who is who.
This gutter rat is in the wrong movie and wrong life. It is a movie perfect and those in the top of the class find disgusting or ridiculous; stop calling and go away. There is a claim for over 2 billion dollars on their political machinery and espionage efforts. This does not include the terror charges or felonies. Only a gutter rat would do this and keep doing it to an empty room; go rape a child instead they may have better luck and won't be trapped and stuck. We know they are communist and linked to every form of evil out there. The Southerners do not bother us. Southern Democrats bother anybody who is rich, smart, or successful. They are the people who do the home invasions, rob people, and use violence as a red herring. They are the worst of the worst and they are the most criminal out there. It is the blacks and the liberals who do. The southerners respect money, success, and companies. They do not do home invasions or rob rich and successful people. As I have said, we need the top 20 list and we need this trash disposed or gone. If that happens, their future is sealed and final. Yes we are the problem, we are biased, we are prejudice, and even worse we are hiding everything in writing. Furthermore, we are poor and in last place. I am confused who is biased and ignoramus here; reverse everything? They can now kiss our ass instead of telling us to kiss theirs; they can also stay the hell out of our mission and private life. That is how they got stuck and trapped. Look at their church, wonderful people aren't they? Fine and law abiding people who respect the truth and are not bigots and hypocrites.
How many years has it been since this began? Is it 30 or 40? They know how we are and what we will do. They know how we treat them and how we stop them or slam them. Do I hear crying or complaining? Do I see fair, legal, and any prevention? Strange isn't it? They must know it is the end. They must know how much damage and how much trouble they truly are in. They must know how we are and how the ambassador speaks before their future dwindles or goes away. Hell, the SOB is so disruptive we cannot even have a normal life or return to one. Yet they claim we are trying to shut them up. Actually, we are trying to trap them and have them write down exactly what they did and the truth; similar to what we did or how our life went. Don't take the soles off all my shoes and tell me about how poor their life was or what their shoes were like in the 1800s or 1900s. We know they do not take baths, are uneducated, are totally crazy, and an utter pest to freedom. We know all about their criminal life and their political communism. Don't make me go on welfare or food stamps then claim to be always there for me. Don't vandalize my nice sport-scar and then tell me about how rusted out their family car was. Don't ruin my honor student and varsity athlete life, then tell me how they will grant me a scholarship to law school or wish to hire me to run a drug war. Do they need an army still or a recruitment plot? Still? Can we measure their heartbeat or breathing?
What a genius they turned out to be and a perfect adviser and coach. We agree. It is a wilderness of mirrors, going nowhere. Trust their power and control. It is all total lies and we do not know what to do. Don't manipulate and torture me with their life or history. Don't even try to ask me to let this go or beg me day and night, 24 hours a day since 2008 using clandestine methods. That is why I fly a confederate flag now and I hope that will help the situation or make my life better. My life was turned upside down to include looking like a monkey and treated this way by their rogue and political operatives (Church pull). They can kiss their future good-bye and what we have on them is more than enough. As I said, they know how we are and what we will do; over and over, time and again. It is time they consider jail and turning themselves in; do the right thing and tell the truth. Otherwise, the only person who will go crazy, blow up, go doo-doo, or much worse; is them. Don't even begin with this 911 or ambassador crap again. We saw enough violence and plots already. Do they want to stay or go in the worst possible manner? That is the issue and the problem. If the Republicans do not get them, then the office of God will. How about begin the talks and the summit? How about putting an end to the illegal or felonies? How about some birth control and some preventive measures; maybe one lazy prevention.
Who threw a wrench in whose operation? Who ruined whose life? Who oppressed the other or prevented them from becoming real? Who made them wait in line or stole their life? Who? Whose mission is this and whose home? Who saved America from whom? Are they sure about this or not? We intentionally sabotaged communism and it works? Really? We are full of hate and are phony? We are felons and desperate or jealous? We are poor and minorities? How wrong can a psychopathic communist or terrorist become? Who better worry and who is happy, struggling, or has a prized life? Women? Do we need to go there also? Superior and all total lies? We got the stink now? Conspiracy? The right wing threw a wrench in their wreck and made it worse? Who has no brakes and are totally crazy or violent? Who wants war or is always saber rattling? Who wants to always fight and now wants to die; sex crazed, labeled a sex predator or child molester, and a total psychopath? Do they have the fact right or are they just mimicking the truth? Deterrence? Ultimate resolve and power? Synergism or synergistic energy (sustainability)? I think your church is much more than ruined, your religion and people farther than destitute than you even realize, and your political take-over of the world really ruined or trashed. It takes one to know one right? We know you are but what are we now? Ruined?
So you admit you love your fat slut life and are narcissistic? Then why not embrace Coulter and her biography? Aw, did that catch you buy surprise also? Did she break you into pieces? Did she hold a mirror to your wilderness and you found your way home? Odd, look who her teacher, coach, and adviser is. Look who I am feeding the crap to as I observe and relay or document it. Ah, love and unity, they love how they are now more than ever; that is what we are hearing from them. How long and how many times can a human being get slammed before their head is permanently damaged by the truth or the suffering of hell? Odd how well they are taking this and the ending; they should be livid and alive, not dead and barely breathing; lazy ass. About their God and church, sanctification and all total lies to be forgiven or forgave? Christ died for this? Do they even know where they are or have a clue what the truth is? We threw a wrench in their power and take over of the world? Really? How? How did we stop or destroy communism? How did we expel the enemy or traitors? Write it down and let's have an academic debate. Time is running out and there is not much time left on their future. Cry about it a little bit more? Do take over America and the world with a little help of their friends and our pocketbooks. Yes do so and see what will happen. We can all watch the world die.
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Sunday, September 23, 2012
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- My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.