Trust me, they will not defeat my strategy skills, my leadership, or my top 20 list; never. Right now they are so deep and so trapped, it is all or nothing; maximize damage to us. They just refuse to give up and refuse to end this rampage or pursuit. Forget the defection and denying it; accept total guilt or none.
Communist like to plan and attack. Everything is managed and planned; almost stalker like and psychopathic; do they admit or deny it? Can we trace them and find out where exactly their strongholds are? How? How would a General take them out or lure them and compel them to surrender? Defecting is just not enough because now, being trapped in the core, they must admit to either one or all of the charges and that is a death sentence. Now it is all or none because there is no way out and they have used all of the time to make calculations and adjustments; and look where it is now or where the end is. If they were making an arrest, then they really exhausted that phony ID or scam. It will be very hard now given they are in an all or nothing situation to even claim they are making an arrest or closing the case, finishing it. You must prove some form of prevention or authenticity; none. Us? What have we proven or shown as credential? Are we going for the kill or the arrest? Have we or is there an accurate account? That there will indicate exactly how dangerous they are or how dangerous this was for us. It will also show how hardcore and how demented they truly are; all or none and without any prevention but a cyanide pill. We also have an accurate record of this description and profile of them, terms such as "talking serial killer" or "911 terrorist" or "psychopathic assas-inine." How dangerous was this or did it get? Right there is the answer and the ending. Are we going for the kill or the arrest? Have we or is there an accurate account? How dangerous are they and how dangerous did this become? How dangerous was it and why did we give one account after the other of the same observations? What exactly will stop this ape and monkey human species? Danger? The truth? The laws? What? War is real. War is reality. Danger is the truth.
Tell us exactly how they or this enemy got caught in the core of American and Allied security? Did they wake up one morning and figure this out? How. They are the lawyers and media specialists for the ultra radical communist and terror forces; hence, they must spy and stop us. In order to win, they must stop us or steal it; somehow but how? Vote their way out? Lie, cheat and steal? Defraud the public? How? How would an enemy or spy sneak into a military base? Exactly, a terror plot. Bingo. Okay, so they are in now; what do they see and what do they do? Get off? The truth is they did this at their own risk and it was totally their fault, 100% guilt and an ignorance to reality. They claim it is everyman for himself now. War is reality and so is danger.
Let's go back to Vietnam and the 1960s, the scene of the crime. On a military level, how would this go down? A list of primary targets and threats; on the top or number one position are Asians, specifically Vietnamese? Second to none are conservative pundits and authors? How does a red menace misuse their immigrant status? How would the enemy misuse patriotism or attack it? How in hell do you wake up one morning and find out your military forces have been slaughtered and face encirclement? How? How would the allied forces tell the communist forces or relay to their Generals, when and if it is time to surrender? Just wake up one morning? How in hell did they loose so much ground, overnight? How would an enemy gain access and abuse our kindness, security, and patriotism; our good heart and honesty? Let's ask the Pentagon and our own Generals (those cleared and verified). How in hell did they come up with the idea we are terrorists or Arabs in the military? They cannot be budged? Violence? Plots? An ape like mentality? Total lies? Our future is at stake and it is not because we cannot win militarily. We won in Vietnam but lost it politically. How did they steal the ending to all of this? Let's ask Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin, Steyn, and all of them at Fox News. In the end, who are we and who are they? Bingo. Prevention?
How does a human wake up one morning and find out they are trapped, stuck, captured, or ready to die? How? Angry about it? Want to tell everybody? Prevention? How? Fairness to everybody and themselves? Self infliction? Did they steal their way out or not? Did they talk their way out? Did they use force or break the laws to escape? Did we? How did we stop them finally, the red menace and communist forces? How did they stop themselves? Mimic us or steal our property? Steal our ID and life? Is that legal or illegal? Is that fair or an act of war and terrorism? They want more or less of this? Why was a top 20 list created, spur of the moment idea? Was it our book, my book, or his book in the end? Was it our life and mission or their life and mission? Exactly. Tell the truth and tell the full truth. What did Ann Coulter do to them? What did they do? Why was Ann expelled or kicked out, tell the truth. Fairness or truth? Whose mission and whose book? Who makes the decisions and stands for freedom and liberty? Who is defrauding or a total fraud? In the end, who was the enemy and poor? Who was the truth and was so all along? Thank you I will take that and it will be all mine. All mine and nobody else; written and verified. How do you wake up one morning and find out Delta Force or the SEALs are on your ass with all the goodies and their entire fighting capability? How? Even worse is the FBI and CIA are watching and informed they almost became victim number two. Take a guess who victim number one is or was? It is not Israel either or the 1960s movement.
Look at Tampa and look at Florida 2011, the beginning of the end. Nothing any of them have done has improved their life, even stalking and spying on us. Nothing. They got trapped again! Yes again! Everybody saw them get set up and trapped. That is how it began also, I trapped and set them up. They do it back and forth on each other similar to an echo chamber. Talk is cheap and so are they; it is time to really get business done with and with a degree of extreme prejudice I cannot even describe or say without fear of criminal prosecution. This is what will and can happen when you let terrorists, communist spies, radical left wing communists, serial killers and stalkers, and criminal felons into your life. I did not get a choice and was abducted and kept in the dark. Now we know who was doing it and why; where they are at and what needs to be done immediately. They are happy with where they are and they will claim it is every man for himself; so be it. We have made it very clear what and why; do it and get this clean up done, and hurry before it is way too late; with a vengeance. Did any of them stop and try to prevent a worst ending? Even Ann Coulter is blaming and totally nuts; what do you do with that human being? Stay in their world, none in ours. Stay out of the white world. Stay out of the Asian world. Stop rearranging all the players and pieces. Shut up about being a team player and do not give me another lecture on their team spirit or insanity.
I do not think anything all of htem have done in my life has yet improved their life or will ever improve their life; yet they press on and insist we are friends or we want to see them stick around or repeat our worst. Furthermore, nothing they do or say is improving any of their lives; on the right or left wing. As I have said, prepare for combat and the most ferocious fighting thus yet. They do it to me, Ann does it to them, I grow more angry with both of them, all of htem say nothing or want to stop and I end up documenting this entire mess and over two billion in felony charges and legal damages. None of them want this to end and they are trapped in the core of US and allied security core; they will be the example of what not to do and never to try it again; we do not want more and more of this mess or anymore followers. We do not need more followers or more people trapped in the inner core or stepping on the edge of insanity. All they do is change shape and change identity, as if nothing is going on. They go and hide behind anything and begin making sounds, noises, and whatever to conceal their location or effort. We documented what steps we took or did to prevent a worst ending or more damage; they refused to take preventive measures or document anything; nothing. Shut the hell up with this team player or spirit communist plot. Stay out of the white world. Stay out of the Asian world. Make sure they all loose their homes, life, and value until we get to the bottom of this; did they take any prevention or preventive measures? None? Just stay out of our life or make a valiant effort to stop or tell the truth; we make the decisions on this. I have spoken and done with this.
If they were so fair and honest, in helping everyone; we would have a full written account of what actually is their problem and why Ann Coulter is doing it back on them to an empty audience. Her orders were not to do it back but nuke them; instead she let's them use her to gain more access and repeat her words, classic island of retards. Look how much trouble Ann Coulter is in for just doing it back to them; that shows the degree of trouble they are in. Somebody has to put an end to this and step up; somebody but it is not Ann and it will never be ever again. It is way too late and time has run out. We need leadership and decisive actions; not more babble and insanity. If they get hurt, don't say they cannot read or did not take every measure to prevent it. I have to chase this monkey out of my home, my work, my residence, and my existence? What left of a life do I have if I have to chase a monkey off 24-7? Yet their zipper is still down and they have not had all their fun yet.
I am not happy with those doing it and those doing it back; all of them must go and be shut down. One of them will kill the other eventually, I promise you but they seek to drive each other crazy first or make each other look totally stupid. Why not just kill each other and stop torturing and brainwashing each other? Exactly. We know what needs to be done; now we need to know the list of who, why, and when. Shut them down accordingly and based on a how much they will not stop or go away. Who the hell invented this team player and spirit crap; look at this. Stay out of the white world. Stay out of the Asian world. Make sure they all loose their homes, life, and value until we get to the bottom of this; did they take any prevention or preventive measures? None? Just stay out of our life or make a valiant effort to stop or tell the truth; we make the decisions on this. I have spoken and done with this.
If they were so important, then they would not be on the top list of 20 strongholds we are compiling or have compiled. Have your facts ready because you will need it if and when you want to say "unfair" or "illegal." When I say shut them down, I do not mean tap them on the arm; I mean slam the SOB and make sure that god damn enemy and pest does not return and babble or do it back on us. When that knock on the door comes; be ready with the truth or the real events; even a book or written documents. We want to make sure everybody knows the truth and is not defrauded; we want to be fair to everybody, not just those who are secretly doing this or won't tell the truth; do the right thing and document it fully and honestly before getting water boarded. Your ass got the water torture test, do not come around, tinker, or call in a secret manner. If so then understand it is a felony and full retaliation and punishment is warranted; with extreme prejudice. We will stop this communist or red menace in their tracks and it is about time, enough is enough. Look how poor they end up in the end.
Is it fair and fair to everybody how they refused to prevent a top 20 list and even if they fear God and are scared; did not even bother to document or do the right thing? Is that how fair the Democrats and this political communist truly are? Fair to everybody? Unbiased and law abiding citizens? Prevention or did everything humanly possible, short of surrender and a war crimes tribunal to reverse every charge or criminal complaint? How about false arrest and defrauding the public, is that doing everything possible to prevent punishment and a legitimate wrath? If we hear or find anymore communist and guilty felons in hiding again trying this team player or team spirit crap; it will be nuclear war. Look at what they did and how far they took it. Stay out of the white world. Stay out of the Asian world. Make sure they all loose their homes, life, and value until we get to the bottom of this; did they take any prevention or preventive measures? None? Just stay out of our life or make a valiant effort to stop or tell the truth; we make the decisions on this. I have spoken and done with this. I have to chase this monkey out of my home, my work, my residence, and my existence? What left of a life do I have if I have to chase a monkey off 24-7? Yet their zipper is still down and they have not had all their fun yet.
Why in hell do they keep on talking to whites or Asians? We know they are all poor as hell and in last place. We know they are all on food stamps and suffering. We know everybody hates them and wants them gone. We know all about them and what they are up to or why they are in politics and crime. What more do we need to know or understand? What more do they need to understand besides a preventive step or measure which is far gone; far too long ago also. To begin with control their women and baby making machine. To begin with control their crime and stupid desperation. To begin with stay out of the white and Asian world and stop attacking or invading it; don't rape it or us. To begin with, write down what they did or tried and pay the 2 billion in damages before it gets much worse and the worst possible ending. Shut up about being a team player, loving us, being our parents, friends or lovers, and for God sakes stop showing off and parading in front of us. We know you are poor and why. We know who you are and what you are or have been up to. We are at the point of a top 20 list to shut this political pest, church, law-abiding peace movement, and communist pest down. We know about the terror recruitment plot or the abduction fiasco. We know all about the spying and stalking; look at the list of criminal charges; it is at the nuclear level. Still there is just zero prevention or attempt to be honest or do the right thing; none. Stuck in the core of our US and Allied security core; what do they think can be accomplished?
If they woke up one morning and found out they were on the other end of the empire's security and retaliation forces; tell us exactly and truthfully how they did so? Did they violate any laws or was force needed to stop them or compel them to surrender? Did they take any prevention and come forward or document the moment an opportunity was there? Were they given oxygen or care, an opportunity to take these prevention steps? Why or how did they get stuck in the core so long? Lock doors? No windows? Too dark? No escape? Surveillance or security measures? How and what preventive steps? Honesty? Legitimate? Reversal or counter-measures?
Is it fair to conclude what they want and where it is at? The red menace and the communist forces want a nuclear war and most especially in the Middle East where our oil and war fighting capability of the future is controlled at? Then how did they get here and stuck, how did they wake up one morning on the wrong side of the fence, and why is this mission verified and such a success? Why deny it 24-7 or daily for nearly a decade, ten full years? Why talk to us or exchange information, then call it an interview and debate? Why? How did we get this delivery or wake up one morning with a special delivery? Did it just arrive or dropped from heaven one morning? How? Then how did our biography get the way it did, how? How did the Pentagon and FBI grow so much from 2008 to 2012? Accidental? Drug wars and terrorism? Violence and threats? There is the answer and the real truth; still hidden and a felony conspiracy punishable by death.
How can such a deranged and demented sore loser do so much damage? Throw blood at others? Spit at them? Smell up the room? Shoot it out? Call us and make daily threats? Steal or wind? Cut their wrist? Be our friend and worse nightmare? Be our lawyer or voice? Steal elections? Ruin our nation and military? In the end, they should be livid and alive; instead they are dead inside and hanging on for dear life; repeating an echo chamber and robotic to their media experts.
Why is "expelled" Ann Coulter in trouble? Well, her shift ending was long ago and she is still in her patrol car chasing them. Her tires have fallen off, her clothes nearly gone, and she looks and talks like an idiot driving a beat up rusted out car and heading deeper into their ghetto with no seat belt and all of them drunk in the back and feeling her up. Take a guess what she is relaying on the radio? Um, you are fired for sure and definitely. The woman is incoherent and a major problem. Maybe she should go and have a half-baby and live in obscurity; that might make her life happier?
Coulter takes orders well? She belongs in this mission? She is sorry and hates her life or herself? She learned her lesson? Enough is enough? It is not over yet? She wants to die? She is in hot pursuit or knows what the ending is? She risked it all? Street credibility? She is full of love and good intentions? She is living a dream and worked all her life for this? What is her sanity? When will they describe Hillary Clinton and the rest of the communist in the Democratic Party USA or the "conservative women's coalition of America?" How do they see it and report it? It is like staring in a hole and looking in a wilderness of mirrors isn't it? Is that where they are now, a wild wooly forest of mirrors? Like it? Enjoy it? Want it? Is Coulter the problem or their leader? Who exactly is their leader, blacks? Whites? Who is their weapon, women? Wives? Single moms? Who? A wilderness of mirrors and nothing?
Does it look like she is taking them to a cemetery or a party dinner? If she is truly taking them to a commentary, then it was their own and her own; nothing more and more to say. It is too late for even Coulter, that is how insane this is or has gotten. Who exactly are we dealing with and what exactly do they want? Who exactly is Coulter and who exactly is she fighting or claims to be? That is left for someone else; she has been fired and expelled; maybe in the next lifetime. This is who we are stuck with or have in our lives; one blind SOB and retard. The truth is they did this at their own risk and it was totally their fault, 100% guilt and an ignorance to reality. That is how crazy the Clintons, Obamas, Bushes, ministry, and the Democrats truly are. Either she is leading them somewhere or nowhere; or she is being chased there and it is really getting annoying.
These so called media and conservatives spying on us were beaming espionage or spying on us all over the world using their media or signals; then it was being delivered in real time to every dictator in the world; so we got them back good for that one and we got even with their curiosity of our life. It was overwhelming and the invasion of privacy so illegal; but now they cannot bear to listen or watch; nightmares. Shut them down and we will nail their signal or transmission channels, also their espionage.
All or nothing now. Coulter enjoys prostituting herself and being an escort for their VIPs. She attends all the singles parties and they have the pictures to back up their claims and her lies. Additionally, she lies to them and takes their money; but redistributes it to herself while her life goes to hell and her body grows old, wrinkled, angry, and weaker. Is that a dream or a nightmare? Is that heaven or hell? Is that what they are doing and what they feel alike? The problem is Coulter did not have to work and enjoyed this way too much and lied way too long. Either she is totally insane or just plain stupid and a total mess. What does she deserve? The truth? Heaven? The winners circle? Expulsion and banishment with her good friends and buddies? Why waste your life with the enemy and neglect your own family or dream? Why? Duty? Honor? Selfishness and mental disorders? Police problems? Why? Now tell the judge who we caught doing this and is now trapped deep in the core of US security; who in hell would or could do that?
The Democrats and umbrella of labor unions really should reconsider or revise their "house call" policy on us. Really. Do we have a machine to measure how annoying and ignorant these people are and have become? Can we also measure how stupid and dumb they have become? Then let them show us where they are and why they like to hide. Give me and tell us where their top 10 strongholds are; we would really like to know just for dressing. Let them talk it out and take us to their leader. Let them vote their way out of this as they have been talking about for the past four years, we will see about that. If they want a fight and want to see what we are made out of; then trying to change the entire ending with this ignoramus marriage counseling or psychiatric web of lies, is the last god damn straw. They have something to say and want to retaliate? Well, so do we but our way is not illegal and does not twist reality in so many pieces; reversing the message right? Berating our effort by mimicking our intentions? Play acting and taking this to the extreme? Painting it in all kinds of spin to fit their life and demands? Top ten cities is what I want on the chopping block; then the remainder of the top 20 remaining so there is no more "doubt and confusion" with the total ignorance to our life and rights. Want to talk? Got something to say? Want to run that lip and bother us? As I said, they should revise and consider ending their house call practices. It might end up as the gravitas that defeats them once and for all. They did everything to prevent death and disaster? Yes they woke up one morning and found out the hard way?
This is a human species that cannot connect the relationship between danger, getting yelled at, making things worse, or the inability to escape from their own demise. The more they do it and the more they go into this; the worse it gets. In a crazed stupor or dumbass mindset, they talk to us as if we are best friends and understand every word they say and do. Therefore, the more they do it, the more they become and enemy and pest to mankind. The more criminal and demented they become; the deeper they go into the core of American and allied security. However, the hardware in their mind, incapable and inadequate to function properly; are stuck in this arranged state where trust, honesty, and reality are completely disconnected. That connection between x and y, a and b is just not there. Meanwhile, they think about safety and worry about the consequences of their actions with no regard to how those consequences ever came to the surface. Now stuck in the core of security and facing tremendous escalation, retaliation, punishment, legal charges, damages, public annihilation, and just about all the worries of this world; they still don't get it or can place a firm hold on the problem. No matter how hard they study and how well they think; they are illogically incapable of understanding how the world can wreck them with ICBMs or some force to combat their vile and trash like existence. That is to say a weapon and a way exist to dispose of this trash and big problem. They also feel that talking about cruel, vile, and presenting themselves as evil; if not punishable or has no consequences. They can retaliate and strike back when and if they feel and choose to; let the show begin and let the games do them in.
What is Bernie Maddoff doing these days? Did he earn a psychiatry degree and wrote up crazy reports about me? Is Bernie Maddoff the one filing these false police reports or why the police are called so many times? So what is Bernie up to these days, Baker Acting people and calling them crazy with his psychiatry degree? Oh he works for the government and the people, how wonderful. Is he still trying to rip off people or ruin their life for no reason? Is he still studious and studying us; insisting there has got to be something wrong because we hate their guts and wish to nuke them?
How is Bernie doing now that we have caught them and exposed them? Will he and his staff be fired? Will he and his staff be hunted down like dogs? Will he and his staff hide and go in the bush until this dies over? You mean to tell me the government, facing a gross negligence and liability suit, did not even bother to check his work or question his motives? They hired him and let them loose in America to spread rich black hope and fertile love that led to a dead end and this? What is that psychotic spy and human crap doing now? Are they still telling us to move and draft dodging? Are they still testing us and studying us? What weapons did we use on them and use to retaliate, tell me what exactly and on paper what we did or tried to do? What weapon do we have to combat this mob or The People's Revolution? Hope? Change? Ignorance? Mental illness? A heap load of lies in black and white paper? They are very lucky the military did not nuke the F out of them and torture them with extreme prejudice. Stay down next time and don't ever get in the way again; or else it will be quicker, much worse, and even funnier. They must have done everything possible to stop this or prevent a worst ending?
How does a human wake up one morning and find out they are trapped, stuck, captured, or ready to die? How? Angry about it? Want to tell everybody? Prevention? How? Fairness to everybody and themselves? Self infliction? Did they steal their way out or not? Did they talk their way out? Did they use force or break the laws to escape? Did we? How did we stop them finally, the red menace and communist forces? How did they stop themselves? Mimic us or steal our property? Steal our ID and life? Is that legal or illegal? Is that fair or an act of war and terrorism? They want more or less of this? Why was a top 20 list created, spur of the moment idea? Was it our book, my book, or his book in the end? Was it our life and mission or their life and mission? Exactly. Tell the truth and tell the full truth. What did Ann Coulter do to them? What did they do? Why was Ann expelled or kicked out, tell the truth. Fairness or truth? Whose mission and whose book? Who makes the decisions and stands for freedom and liberty? Who is defrauding or a total fraud? In the end, who was the enemy and poor? Who was the truth and was so all along? Thank you I will take that and it will be all mine. All mine and nobody else; written and verified. How do you wake up one morning and find out Delta Force or the SEALs are on your ass with all the goodies and their entire fighting capability? How? Even worse is the FBI and CIA are watching and informed they almost became victim number two. Take a guess who victim number one is or was? It is not Israel either or the 1960s movement.
Is it fair to conclude what they want and where it is at? The red menace and the communist forces want a nuclear war and most especially in the Middle East where our oil and war fighting capability of the future is controlled at? Then how did they get here and stuck, how did they wake up one morning on the wrong side of the fence, and why is this mission verified and such a success? Why deny it 24-7 or daily for nearly a decade, ten full years? Why talk to us or exchange information, then call it an interview and debate? Why? How did we get this delivery or wake up one morning with a special delivery? Did it just arrive or dropped from heaven one morning? How? Then how did our biography get the way it did, how? How did the Pentagon and FBI grow so much from 2008 to 2012? Accidental? Drug wars and terrorism? Violence and threats? There is the answer and the real truth; still hidden and a felony conspiracy punishable by death.
How would an enemy or spy sneak into a military base? Exactly, a terror plot. Bingo. Okay, so they are in now; what do they see and what do they do? Get off? Again, how can such a deranged and demented sore loser do so much damage? Throw blood at others? Spit at them? Smell up the room? Shoot it out? Call us and make daily threats? Steal or wind? Cut their wrist? Be our friend and worse nightmare? Be our lawyer or voice? Steal elections? Ruin our nation and military? In the end, they should be livid and alive; instead they are dead inside and hanging on for dear life; repeating an echo chamber and robotic to their media experts. Defecting is just not enough because now, being trapped in the core, they must admit to either one or all of the charges and that is a death sentence. Now it is all or none because there is no way out and they have used all of the time to make calculations and adjustments; and look where it is now or where the end is. If they were making an arrest, then they really exhausted that phony ID or scam. It will be very hard now given they are in an all or nothing situation to even claim they are making an arrest or closing the case, finishing it. You must prove some form of prevention or authenticity; none. Us? What have we proven or shown as credential? Are we going for the kill or the arrest? Have we or is there an accurate account? How dangerous are they and how dangerous did this become? How dangerous was it and why did we give one account after the other of the same observations? What exactly will stop this ape and monkey human species? Danger? The truth? The laws? What?
Let's go back to Vietnam and the 1960s, the scene of the crime. On a military level, how would this go down? A list of primary targets and threats; on the top or number one position are Asians, specifically Vietnamese? Second to none are conservative pundits and authors? How does a red menace misuse their immigrant status? How would the enemy misuse patriotism or attack it? How in hell do you wake up one morning and find out your military forces have been slaughtered and face encirclement? How? How would the allied forces tell the communist forces or relay to their Generals, when and if it is time to surrender? Just wake up one morning? How in hell did they loose so much ground, overnight? How would an enemy gain access and abuse our kindness, security, and patriotism; our good heart and honesty? Let's ask the Pentagon and our own Generals (those cleared and verified). How in hell did they come up with the idea we are terrorists or Arabs in the military? They cannot be budged? Violence? Plots? An ape like mentality? Total lies? Our future is at stake and it is not because we cannot win militarily. We won in Vietnam but lost it politically. How did they steal the ending to all of this? Let's ask Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin, Steyn, and all of them at Fox News. In the end, who are we and who are they? Bingo. Prevention? The truth is they did this at their own risk and it was totally their fault, 100% guilt and an ignorance to reality. War is a reality, not them.
These so called media and conservatives spying on us were beaming espionage or spying on us all over the world using their media or signals; then it was being delivered in real time to every dictator in the world; so we got them back good for that one and we got even with their curiosity of our life. It was overwhelming and the invasion of privacy so illegal; but now they cannot bear to listen or watch; nightmares. Shut them down and we will nail their signal or transmission channels, also their espionage.
They sit there and spy on us 24-7; which by the way is completely clandestine and illegal, then turn around and accuse us of being the problem because we cannot accomplish their mission or accommodate their needs. That makes them a felon and a total bigot. We end up kidnapped, abducted, victims, and our commercial interests disappear or are taxed to hell. Then they have the moles harangue or embarrass us about how we do not have money or are the problem? That right there is at least ten felonies and already a capital punishment; a death penalty violation. So here they are claiming to be victims of terrorism, nourishing the country back to life, some friend or lover we usually fall asleep in the arms of, and some police force needed to accuse us of violating their rights or waging war on them. Classic mole and communist web of deception. They actually try to make us look and feel like the problem because we are not allowed to see who they are, what they want, or are kept from the full truth. It ends up a conspiracy and a terror recruitment plot; the communist forces waging war on America and targeting VIPs or stealing their life. They will leave and the deadline is not 2012; but can they slap a label and brand on 911 and bomb plots also? How? How about our mission and satellite warfare, can we catch them or lure them into the core of American security? That would be very deep and very suicidal. How about 911, can we lure them out of hiding or film them in action? Bastards, SOB, MF; I am disgusted now. Aren't they on film and didn't we document it all? What is there to understand? A trial? Honesty? Evidence? Go and knock on the inner core of American security and not our life will you; sick rapist monkey, beat it.
We end up with a cursed life that looks identical to theirs while they get a blessed life which looks like ours; how did that happen? Attacks? Just talking to us? Gravity? Imperfection? Lack of intelligence or skills? Authority? One is a blessing and the other is a total nightmare and a curse to planet earth. Now they claim they are being killed? They claim the problems result from these terror attacks? How about decline? How about stupidity? How about a web of deception and crime? How about being damned and welcomed? They are such reliable people aren't they? Look how reliable they are now and the label they place on our mission; buy it or just rape it and take it over; yes do that and let's see what will happen. They are so full of love and loveable also. As a matter of fact, Hannity and Limbaugh looks poor no matter what they are wearing; tennis shoes or leather shoes. Those shoes are not for giving us; it is to run after rape victims or fleeing the police. They must be scoping for rape victims and this is why they are here and came to America. Do we look like one of their rape victims or just poor and stupid? Still scoping for a white pundit chick? Freedom? Jobs? Progress? Is this a joke or some cruel web of lies about how they use or manipulate freedom? Hannity is one thing, Limbaugh is a complete monkey ape, looks just like one also. It can't be them and the deadline cannot be 2012; they cannot slap a label and brand on 911. Believe every word and what they report to the public. Yes it is Arabs and terrorists or these terrorist attacks. Yes it is the Viet Cong in action again. Yes it is the embassy and the 1960s all over.
Is freedom too much to ask for? Is our life too real for them? How about just leave our life alone and stay out of our mission? They are not the good guys and they are stalking us for taxes or some tribute a psychopathic lunatic needs to survive. 2012 will be the turning point and the last straw; enough is enough. We are not the ones who made this mess and we are not the ones who are going around saying we are full of love and live behind this boyfriend and girlfriend word. Then they start saying how people will be killed for not going along or thinking different? This is trash and we need the truth about this trash so we can dispose it before it impacts the lives of people who are not trash. Do they want more trash or more of this red scare, then what weapon do we have in the Pentagon to use on them? An ICBM? Film them? Wait for them at the office of hurricane and earthquakes? Talk this out and babble endless like victims? The bottom line is they are in last place and do not meet the standards. We love their brand on our life. We love their brand on all of our products. We love their brand on our Asian economies. Yes we love them and they are welcomed because they are not violent and not racist; yes that label is everywhere. They are full of love and repelling attacks; yes and so are we. Who are we yelling at? Is the truth just too much to ask for? Why? This is about safety and scary people? The red menace knows exactly what they are doing and knows how far their lies have taken them into the core of our security, the core of America's front line and core of our nation's security. It is a suicide plot. It is really weird how they act as if they got their clocks cleaned and then come right at us, almost Kamakazee-ish. Who the hell could put up with their crap or would? We are worried, Maddoff got caught.
We are in love with them more now than ever! Even if we saw them, know they did it, realize who they are, are trying to warn everybody about who and what we have here, and if we filmed them and exposed them on public television and radio; nothing breaks their lies and deranged psychopathic red menace. They are the red menace and even ICBMs cannot defeat a red menace; ask the Pentagon what will? It is even worse when they pretend to be employers or bosses. The psycho babble is endless and continuous. They stick a label on everything and it is either ridiculous, nonsense, or stolen from us or someone. It is not a human being, it is a creature not of this world who wants to tax or rob us; already they kidnapped us and tried to kill us; everybody knows we were left for dead or they stuck another label on this. 2012 is the deadline and enough is enough; if an ICBM will not work or cannot break their ignorant deranged mind, what will and can? They know exactly what they did and are doing; that is the problem. We know they are serial killers and they call it love or non-violence. How can terrorism be the problem if they did all of this? How can violence against this be a problem; yet the improper kind can be. Using crazed killers may not be a very good idea and probably will make us look very bad; but we are not in love with that SOB either. What kind of trash do we have here or are fighting? An ICBM or hurricane cannot break them or all of these lies? Look at the labels they stuck on all of our freedom and property, our own life. Any guesses why their kids or their communities return to what they are? It is a total waste of time. Yes stick more labels and brands on our life, America, and their red menace. Aren't they on film and didn't we document it all? What is there to understand? A trial? Honesty? Evidence? Go and knock on the inner core of American security and not our life will you; sick rapist monkey, beat it.
Even if we know what they did and why; they must be welcomed and our employers. How is it we love them now more than ever before? How? We all must be in love or friends; there is a lot of chatter occurring within this empire. This monkey will not shut up or stop; pure bigots, evil, and criminals. Violence or no violence they are not victims. A hurricane cannot break them or force them to tell the truth. An earthquake cannot stop their bigotry or web of lies; total spies and psychopathic communists. They want to tax the hell out of us and our commercial interests and dreams are gone because of this monkey ass political pest. We got here because of them; nobody waged a war on them, they waged a clandestine war on America; then claimed to be America while they did all of this. They are not victims and are too arranged or psychopathic for an ICBM; what do they want from us or those who realize this? So what exactly is wrong with the red menace and political monkey pest we have here? If an ICBM, a hurricane, an earthquake; even if God himself came to earth to cuss them out; what will stop this monkey ape and red menace in America stalking us? What? Love? Non-violence? Honesty? Crime? Drugs? Votes? Freedom? So torture does not work. Water boarding does not work. Military force does not work. Understanding and females do not work. ICBMs do not work. What works on such a reliable human species and this poor ass punkass Limbaugh-Hannity conservative movement? How reliable do we have to get or can we match their reliability before a label and brand is slapped on us? Is it time for the truth or another label and brand? Truth or consequences? Let the military kill every single one of them, lethal force is legal under their jurisdiction. Viet Cong in the mist and in our life?
Here is the no brainer, what weapon is left or is out there; let them tell us. Before the deadline and what we have to record, we need to know what weapon do we have that can stop them and get us closer to the truth and give us back our life, our destiny, and address what they have done? Imagine a red menace and pest that is unmoved by an ICBM, a good guy or the police? That is love? That is friendship? That is non-violence? That is trash we burn and dispose of. Wow, how reliable and law abiding can these people get with these lies? Will they stick another label on this or only every single company that is reliable? Buy it? We love their brand and they think about scoping for white pundits? Want a better America, let's start here. Look at their life now, how the chickens have come home to roost my friends. Look how they still fight us and how ICBMs cannot zip up their pants or break their bigotry and ignorance. Look at them on the war on terror; amazing. Terrorism short circuit all of this truth and honesty; special people and exceptions. Look how similar they are to us and how much leadership they have; so superior and so much like our mission. Look how similar they are to us and our mission; ICBM to mankind and America. We must be lacking understanding and forgiveness; they must be so welcomed; so reliable and law abiding. I don't see a rapist or serial killer, no not at all. I never heard any reports or buzzing around; just our voice and how we babble and refuse to report the truth. It can't be them and the deadline cannot be 2012; they cannot slap a label and brand on 911. Believe every word and what they report to the public. Yes it is Arabs and terrorists or these terrorist attacks. Yes it is the Viet Cong in action again. Yes it is the embassy and the 1960s all over. How is that Maddoff guy doing now a days?
Why don't they come forward and tell the world how much of a problem they truly are, how violent, how ignorant, and how selfish? Do we work for them or are they some master in our life? Do we owe them money or owe them something? Really? Why use us to tell the world who they are and what they are up to? Why? Why use our life and tell some story about how poor and how rusted out our life has become? We have a perfect life and a beautiful life, why use us? Are we homeless? Do we have a felony record? Did we skip college or drop out, a sore loser? Does the world view us as a spy and a psychopath? Why use the top ten percent to sell the bottom of the barrel or the worst? Is that fair or a crime? Do we look like a monkey or some ape trying to gain freedom and jobs in America? Who made our life this war and whose identity do we have right now or have been stuck with? That SOB thinks it is funny and they can steal ours? Don't use us, tell the world how selfish and what the problem really is; what kind of people they really are; we are fed up with this trading places or how angry, violent, and unloved our life has become. Even a hurricane has not stopped this; an ICBM will not either. Let's ask the Pentagon who or what else they got to survive this? Do you want to see how bad and how horrible the red menace is? Who reported this or when did they even consider it? Only we did and deep in the core of US security, why? Who the hell is on guard? Gross negligence or just freedom? Dispose them? What weapons are there deep in the core now and how further they are going with this? Where are the SEALs and Delta? They should all over this monkey and giving them hell. They feel the same? They want or need a rescue also? They are trying to learn and catch up?
I want two billion dollars for this, still. Yes still. I want htem to get the death penalty for all of this. They want this to be official, we can make it as official as they can take. The question is if they can do anything right? Why get hired or keep their job or wealth if they cannot do anything right? Why can't they do the right thing if they want rewards and riches of freedom? Why? Is that honest or truthful? Why stay, just leave and leave us alone? We do not have permission to pursue commercial interests and have to help this poor starving wretched evil monkey ape? Rate this trash and this monkey we are battling or trying to stop, go ahead. Show them the evidence and then dispose their trash lawyers also; unforgiven. Yes, the evidence and the full records wait for them. How did we know or what did they do? We love their brand on our life. We love their brand on all of our products. We love their brand on our Asian economies. Yes we love them and they are welcomed because they are not violent and not racist; yes that label is everywhere. So if the law is not enough and an ICBM is too weak; what else is there and who else is there to crush them? This trash is all over us and in our life; trying and at our throat 24-7. Look how far their lies are taking them into the deep core of the American security or the allied security structure. Yes give them more bonus, more pay, and more air time; the more the lies the better! Let them slap a label on that also or make it their brand; let's vote. We need more of this, the more the better. Scare us more with the stupid shit and all the shameless lies. It is good for us and what does not kill us makes us stronger. Is it time for the truth or another label and brand? Truth or consequences? Let the military kill every single one of them, lethal force is legal under their jurisdiction.
This monkey ape only wants to convince us they are not hateful, not violent, and are very reliable friends. They are totally nuts. They keep saying how angry, violent, and mean the world is and look at the felonies or mess they have now. Look how many people they are going to get killed or hurt with these lies and conspiracy. Look at the totality of their conspiracy and what it has done to our life, others, and this world. They are so arrogant and selfish, we have to listen to this and tell their story. We have to do all the work and they claim it is unfair. Do they make us look bad or our life hell? Yes. They also claim they are getting murdered or killed. I have never met anybody who talks, crank calls, tries one after the other dumbass stunt with their killers. It is also not fun being accused of murder or violent acts, then getting a call from a spy or psycho who is the real deal; totally nuts. We have to talk to communist and terrorists and they claim we are trying to kill them or do them harm? Is this gross negligence or a total wash out? If we are trying to kill them or if they fear being killed; shut up and go away. Stop calling us and stop pestering us about how poor and evil they are. Stop robbing us blind or stealing just about everything they can. Then they call people and start making up crazy stories or claims about how they are not violent, waged war on an enemy, and are scared or threatened; total loser. Now we know why decline or this return to hell occurs with their kids in life and in their communities, it is a waste of time. Now we see how they stick labels on lives and how it returns to being trash no matter how much time they waste or how far their lies go deeper into the core of our civilization.
What kind of trash are they? Who in hell calls their killer to talk and who the hell wants to hear this crap? A derranged stalker is full of love and non-violence? They are well intended and have good intentions? They want to improve America and it is about progress? Let's feed them and give them jobs why don't you. Who calls their killer about how sexy they are or if they want to be friends? Real smart there genius; oh another never-mind moment. Never-mind then. Tell the Pentagon an ICBM cannot stop this monkey, what will? Is that the red menace or just a monkey in disguise? They are full of love and act like friends with benefits, boyfriends, or even girlfriends? What a curse we are the blessing; so kill it. What about the truth and what we want? What about damages and paying for what they tried or did? They are so happy and so nonviolent; not criminals and not always in last place. It is even worse when they are employers or bosses. Feed them more and spend more on them, what a great idea. Why not give them a car and some kids? How about a get out of hell free card or a luxury cell? Even better offer this monkey and red menace freedom. There is the answer we have been waiting for! Yes give them more bonus, more pay, and more air time; the more the lies the better! They better stop asking who we are and figure out how to get out of the core of American security before they get crush or worse. The deadline is coming and talking is a waste of time; yes we know it is suicide. Do scare us a tad more with their stupid lies, all that love, that shameless love, and all that red scare shit. Such a law abiding citizen and so full of love, just as non-violent as they get. Aren't they on film and didn't we document it all? What is there to understand? A trial? Honesty? Evidence? Go and knock on the inner core of American security and not our life will you; sick rapist monkey, beat it.
These people and this enemy cannot shut up. If it is not how lawless and rude they are, then it is the stalking and how they want to communicate with real human beings or the living. It has to be about how angry we are. It has to be about how violent or how we make threats at them. It is one false and gross negligence after the next and we really do not like or care for any of them. Everything about us is negative or a problem. Nothing about them is a problem or even true; yet they claim we are a threat, they are the police, we are violent, or some psychopathic babble that catches you completely off-guard. They cannot shut up and try to catch us when we are happy or not expecting it. Now it is how we are being evicted, need money and jobs, need them, we are violent, we are waging war on them, we do not respect freedom of speech, etc... nothing is true or even reality because it lacks the purity of truth; a web of lies and deception. They are not peaceful, sophisticated, non-violent, intelligent, or of any help; they are psychopathic and mentally arranged. Why in hell are they using our life or using us by wasting our time? It and our life is supposed to be perfect, they are not. How do you make them leave? How do we evict them and get them out of our life? How do we stop this pest and enemy with full military might and the violence of God and mother nature? Such a F'in idiot problem. This world is a violent place and I am sure there will be violence; usually on their side. None of htem are racist or violent, yet there is a huge problem and a lot of criminal charges. The red menace put a label on everything so we cannot detect them or stop them. It can't be them and the deadline cannot be 2012; they cannot slap a label and brand on 911.
This web of deception about how angry and violent other people are is a web of lies and deception. They are annoying, stupid, and a major problem. We consider them a domestic enemy and a utter pest who we have to punish or issue the death penalty repeatedly, a repeat offender who is completely nuts or out of control. Their IQ for lying and making things up to fit their life; does not mean it is very smart for out life. Our life is blessed and destined; theirs is a curse, not IQ or very amazing. They need to be honest to themselves and others; not a communist pest looking at the world and saying how angry it is or how violent it will become; this will get the full scope of violence and we cannot avoid it and document who, what, when, where and why. Let's make them leave and do it back on them! Make them eat everything they did and said. So if we do it back, why would they tell us to leave, move, or go home? Why in hell are they not leaving? Who is this broken pipe or damn that got busted; and now flows and flows? How do we make them leave? Make them and use any force necessary to include official military and allied forces, an earthquake, a hurricane, or any make believe force of God. How do they like it now? Why not leave now? Now is the best time. They are not violent, not a problem, only want a job, and are not violent? What, we are or were? All of them claim they are not racist or violent, not even angry. How can they be the problem? Now we have to go and document what the problem is and tell them why they are the problem or what exactly the problem is. Shouldn't Delta or the SEALs be all over this monkey red scare and hell unleashed for what they have done? Earthquakes. Hurricanes. Firestorms. Wind, rain, lightning, and hell should be in the mail; is that not arriving either?
They got caught on paper doing this and they feel they are peaceful, allies, or can squirm in our life by using access or some form of assimilation; human rights or property rights. It is time to break out the stealth bombers and do everything they did back with the return address of God. They spin and twist reality to suit their communist and psychopathic life; completely out of control and have to be dealt with by military force or supreme powers. I do not see them as sophisticated, civilized, or even intelligent either; look how far they took this and what we have to do in order to fix this mess or this problem. They feel it is smart to run their mouth or exercise their rights; then vote and let us know exactly where they are so we can deal with this problem quickly. They want an image of being sophisticated and even intelligent but the truth says the complete opposite. Even worse is how many lies they told and how many laws they broke; big felony laws. Even today they refuse to tell the truth or end this, still. The truth is so far from them and their lawless life or lack of civility has to be punished with a death penalty or military force; is that the truth? Time is running out and the deadline was set years ago; why waste all that time or our time? They have a life full of violence; I expect more, do they? This world is extremely violent and handled these people the same way time and again. Now they act surprised or are deceiving us? Still? Still not racist or the problem? The question is if they can do anything right? Why get hired or keep their job or wealth if they cannot do anything right? Why can't they do the right thing if they want rewards and riches of freedom? Why? Is that honest or truthful?
Sean Hannity now says he and Israel are not violent. Oh shall we bomb the hell out of them and attack them day and night using terrorists and all kinds of damned criminals and just call it their handiwork and hypocrite lies? Do we have to listen to all their lies and stupid inventions as they make up one lie after the other to excuse themselves? Not violent? We must be hypocrites, total phonies, stealing their ID, stealing their work or destiny, stealing their jobs or perfection, and we do it so well we are known as bigots? 911 terrorists are not violent and victims? Communist are just democracy loving voters who just happen to be poor and totally nuts? Don't give me that lie after lie about how "non-violent" or peaceful they are; that is a total lie and they have the death penalty. We might one day nuke the hell out of them and blame it on God or some supernatural force of nature for delivering this in our life; and we deserve it or all this stress? Hannity says in order to resolve this we have to target Israel or bomb them; but they are non-violent, not aggressors? That is their legal defense and what all of this is about; how peaceful they are and also how criminal or communist. We are talking about 150% red as dead communist living in free America and trying to survive behind enemy lines. It can't be them and the deadline cannot be 2012; they cannot slap a label and brand on 911. Believe every word and what they report to the public. Yes it is Arabs and terrorists or these terrorist attacks. Yes it is the Viet Cong in action again. Yes it is the embassy and the 1960s all over. Aren't they on film and didn't we document it all? What is there to understand? A trial? Honesty? Evidence? Go and knock on the inner core of American security and not our life will you; sick rapist monkey, beat it.
Now it is how democratic they are and claim after claim that is completely false and hidden. All these lies are clandestine and it must be served with a death sentence or capital punishment. You do not use violence or terror plots to attack America and then claim you are not violent or Israel is not violent; that is a felony. (Wednesday, September 12, 2012). Both Limbaugh and Hannity knows what we caught him doing. As I see this, someone said we cannot pursue any commercial interest until we help this enemy and poor wretched monkey ape bitch; but we did not see it that way. Look how reliable these people are! Stick a label on our life or another reliable truth, yes take over the honesty. Look how honest they are and law abiding. They must be oh-so nonviolent and the police. This must be their country and we must admire them and think they are so American and cool. Poor in life but so rich in other ways aren't they? Limbaugh and Hannity must be scoping for more rape victims or a white pundit chick; do we look like one of their rape victims? Well ask them if we are poor and stupid or just giggle like another one of their monkey rape victims? Rape another company or our mission, won't you? Now they want jobs and freedom? Progress starts here and now. Trust me, Limbaugh is more ghetto than Hannity can ever get; he looks like a stupid monkey looking back at us and thinks he is the same. Yes but can they slap a label on 911, that is the question. They can steal our mission or life; even the office of hurricane and earthquakes, yes that good! I want to see them vote in 2012, all of them. We will know how powerful they truly are, the top 10. Is it time for the truth or another label and brand? Truth or consequences? Let the military kill every single one of them, lethal force is legal under their jurisdiction.
Make them leave and do this back on them. Make them eat everything they did and said. We need to leave or surrender our life? They do not? Why would they tell us to leave, move, or go home? Why in hell are they not leaving? Who is this broken pipe or damn that got busted; and now flows and flows? How do we make them leave? Make them and use any force necessary to include official military and allied forces, an earthquake, a hurricane, or any make believe force of God. How do they like it now? Why not leave now? Now is the best time. Even if it is the best time for them; they still do not leave, why? This gross negligence about how violent, how problematic, how weak and useless, how unloved, and ridiculous tricks has gone way too far. It is at some level beyond nuclear and beyond guilty for a terror plot and violence against the USA. That is not IQ or very smart. We are talking about totally insane and some sales claim about being non-violent, reliable, unbiased, in total control, or not a threat is a real death sentence. It is a web of deception that abducted us, tried to torture us, brainwashed us, and made us so angry we would be arrested if they knew what we were thinking. Did they tell the truth yet or clean up any of this? Still? Did they pay any damage or serve any jail time? Still? Wow, that must be really smart and what IQ is all about. Time for the truth yet? Still? All of them claim they are not racist or violent, not even angry. How can they be the problem? Now we have to go and document what the problem is and tell them why they are the problem or what exactly the problem is. Come over and let's make love, not war!
They have exceeded the threshold of violence now or grotesque crimes. They are a real problem and a major threat. They are not stalking people for kicks or refusing to go away because they are the good guys; we have proven this repeatedly. There is no way a genuine person did all of that and refuses to stop or tell the truth. My life is perfect and is supposed to be because so much thought and planning went into it. Now look at it and this pest of a stalker. I do not see any Asians homeless or starving in America; yet I am. Take a look at my resume and life accomplishments; and we caught who was doing it or behind all of this. They blame the Indonesians, Thai, and even Filipinos. Yet very few Asians are poor and homeless in America; how did they come up with this anti-business or such a foul patriotism for the weakest and the most criminal? We are literally talking with the dirt dumb and evil, not bad people, very bad people. They must be very poor and very special to be doing all of this and now unable to shut their mouths? All of them or their people are homeless, poor, and starving; barely even making the grade and they do this? Still? Talking to trash day and night or having trash in our life is not the most pleasant experience. We describe it. We describe what we saw and what they did. It is a long nightmare that has not ended but it ruined our lives. Yes give them more bonus, more pay, and more air time; the more the lies the better! Yes please scare the hell out of us or piss us off more with the stupid shit. Yes such law abiding citizens and such good human beings who managed to get stuck deep in the core of US security and now want to die. They know Maddoff tried to rip off a lot of rich people and the public.
How far will they take this and how many lies can they tell? How deep into trouble will they go before violence or capital punishment is deserving? They tell us to leave while they refuse to leave? What kind of a monkey ape did we have to bomb to hell and when is this going to end? Enough is enough, they want freedom now? They want jobs? They refuse to leave or shut up, all total lies and deception? Do something right for once in their life and die, if not leave and leave us alone. They act like they are the authority on doing the right thing or the honest truth; is that a crime? Yes it is. Just say we cannot pursue our life until we help this terrorist and wretched loser; our life was killed or shut down. Either or I do not think people would have ever cared or saw them in a different way; it was a total waste of our time and a waste of our countries vital resources. Yes they are full of love and so nonviolent. They are the same and slap a label on our existence and rescue? Are people stupid or are we mentally ill and stupid? Do they lack an understanding about this or have some intelligence and disposition which an ICBM cannot define? Do they think torture will make them better or understand us more clearly? Why do they keep apologizing and acting like a monkey? Why won't they tell the truth instead of asking for understanding and forgiveness? Is it reliable or are they the most reliable people in this world? Why hide their face and why not embrace freedom and the truth? Still fighting with the police? How is the military doing? SEALs and Delta? Yes but can they slap a label on 911, that is the question. They can steal our mission or life; even the office of hurricane and earthquakes, yes that good! Aren't they on film and didn't we document it all? What is there to understand? A trial? Honesty? Evidence? Go and knock on the inner core of American security and not our life will you; sick rapist monkey, beat it.
They are so happy and so nonviolent; not criminals and not always in last place. Do not sit there and moderate this dialogue when we need the honest truth; that is the standard. We get layer upon layer, label on label. Talking to trash and having them in our life is not the most pleasant experience. They do not meet our standards and never will. There is a major problem and we suffered pain and grief endlessly. It is a total nightmore we still cannot eradicate or get rid of. Why? Yes do feed them and give them more freedom; what a great idea! Where is our rescue? The SEALs and Delta should be looking right at them in their scope and laughing or taking that shot when and if it is available; we are in deep trouble with this enemy so deep in the core of National Security and American defenses. Poor but such reliable people. Just stick a brand on our mission or take over another reliable company and make it another rape victim. Welcome to our mission, all labels and brands welcome; we are all the same. Want progress or freedom, then let's start here. Remember, Limbaugh and Hannity are totally deranged and described as serial killers or stalkers; they scope white chicks and rape victims until death. If you ask me, the problem is them. If you ask them, it is a label or brand. How do we live with this monkey ass rapist and phony? It can't be them and the deadline cannot be 2012; they cannot slap a label and brand on 911. Is it time for the truth or another label and brand? Truth or consequences? Let the military kill every single one of them, lethal force is legal under their jurisdiction.
We have literally taken every security measure necessary to include moving out of the country, changing our daily schedule, changing every aspect of our life, and exhausted the book of how to run over a stalker and SOB enemy; and this political monkey and communist defeats it or tries. When I say we have exhausted every physical security measure known to mankind, we mean the only one left is an ICBM. I wonder if they have any shame if we use an ICBM on them? They think it is some game and they are the best thief out there; the best criminals on earth. All they want to do is pretend or piss people off with this game and it is really scary. One is always in front of us and one is always behind; both at our throats 24-7 and ready to run us off the road if we try to pass or escape. It feels like a stupid poor stalker we totally want to kill or run over and this dumbass will dress up as a prince and princess to deceive others about how special or loved they are. They have no shame. They think it is love and it is a deranged stalker trying to catch us or piss us off all day long. Nothing you say or do can run them over or express who they are. Nothing they do can erase how poor and dirt stupid they are and why they are always in last place. It is grotesque and disgusting and short of an ICBM; nothing works. Yes feed them and give them freedom; even better more access to our life. They still do not have the right answers or the honest truth; so they are stuck in the core of US and allied security. Stop asking questions and stop being such a red menace; stupid monkey ass psychopath stalker. Yes do stick a label on it and ruin it or try to; do that. There is not much time.
The SOB is there to tax us to hell or stalk us until our life is total hell or ruined. They also feel they are not violent and doing nothing wrong; it is freedom to stalk people or why water boarding is needed to clean up their mindset. I do not think water torture will even work or can break their ignoramus human dirt existence. That is how poor and how disgusting they are, it is grotesque. It is a deranged stalker there to tax the hell out of us or defeat any and all security measures we have or are prepared to use. You could run them over one hundred times, they get up and just keep coming or attacking with a big fat grin on their face or with this innocent chuckle. Waste our time or just causing problems everywhere to everything? Feed them more and spend more on them, what a great idea. Why not give them a car and some kids? How about a get out of hell free card or a luxury cell? Even better offer this monkey and red menace freedom. There is the answer we have been waiting for! Oh this must be a safety violation or workplace safety violation? They know exactly what they are doing. The red menace knows exactly what they are doing and knows how far their lies have taken them into the core of our security, the core of America's front line and core of our nation's security. It is a suicide plot. Yes and their kids are a total waste of time and so is taxing us so their cities do not return to what it should be. Trash is trash no matter what kind of label or brand they stick on us or them. Yes but can they slap a label on 911, that is the question. They can steal our mission or life; even the office of hurricane and earthquakes, yes that good! I want to see them vote in 2012, all of them. We will know how powerful they truly are, the top 10. After Maddoff, will they stick another label on this and turn themselves in or go quietly?
We don't understand and they are always right and cannot be doubted. They did end up spewing out the truth; from us and spying on us 24-7 as we asked the Pentagon if an ICBM can stop them. What exactly is wrong with the red menace and political monkey pest we have here? If an ICBM, a hurricane, an earthquake; even if God himself came to earth to cuss them out; what will stop this monkey ape and red menace in America stalking us? What? Love? Non-violence? Honesty? Crime? Drugs? Votes? Freedom? So torture does not work. Water boarding does not work. Military force does not work. Understanding and females do not work. ICBMs do not work. What works on such a reliable human species and this poor ass punkass Limbaugh-Hannity conservative movement? How reliable do we have to get or can we match their reliability before a label and brand is slapped on with the handcuffs? We cannot fight and are so weak to this and them, the red menace enemy. Will they stick another label on this or only every single company that is reliable? Buy it? We love their brand and they think about scoping for white pundits? Want a better America, let's start here. Look at their life now, how the chickens have come home to roost my friends. Look how they still fight us and how ICBMs cannot zip up their pants or break their bigotry and ignorance. Look at them on the war on terror; amazing. Terrorism short circuit all of this truth and honesty; special people and exceptions. Look how similar they are to us and how much leadership they have; so superior and so much like our mission. Look how similar they are to us and our mission; ICBM to mankind and America. We must be lacking understanding and forgiveness; they must be so welcomed; so reliable and law abiding. I don't see a rapist or serial killer, no not at all. I never heard any reports or buzzing around; just our voice and how we babble and refuse to report the truth.
Yes you do that and vote your way out of this. We went to extreme lengths to find you too. We went to extreme lengths to see with our own eyes what you are up to and why. You do that and vote your way out of this, we want to hear your voice and you are welcomed, always have been, and always will be welcomed. I hope you can get your way in this faster than a contingency plan can get us out of it and leave you empty. Do vote and do welcome yourself in this mess or mission; we want to know where exactly you are and what in hell your real problem is. Your deadline is 2012 and it is rapidly approaching. Did they waste their time? Excuse me? Waste our time or their time?
I am disgusted by the people behind all of this, disgusted. What was 911 about and why? They want to remember how poor they are or how rusted out their life is? Odd how they always want to work with us and how they are always nourishing us back to life or this story we get about how we fell asleep on their shoulder and how they found us abandoned. Then nothing about how we were all abducted and lied to by them. Yes, they love and respect freedom and choice. Odd how they always need jobs and how it sounds like the labor movement or communist proletariat mindset. When are we going to raid them? When are we going to stop them? They are in charge? They are in control and this is on their terms? I don't know that answer but we can find out the hard way? How about that life raft? Where? When? How? Why? Nobody knows? Nobody knows what to do or what they did? Only military force will fix this matter? Really? Did they nourish, feed, and welfare America back or just hte poor? Is this really about Israel? How did America get abducted or kidnapped by poor ass monkeys from the planet of the apes and why is it not in writing or known? They are a curse to our life and we are a blessing to theirs? How ridiculous can this get?
Giuliani pleads guilty and knows the full story but refuses to tell the whole truth. He says the problem is "these terrorist attacks." Also when asked to plead guilty, he says only of "managing this." In other words, it is a fake attack intended to prop up false leaders and false allies. They are the enemy and we are at war with them because they did this; but they are not telling us why they are guilty or why managing this total lie how they found our nation bleeding and hurt, attacked, and nourished us back to hell; they managed this terror attack only. They did not do it and killed it or those behind it. Well, we tell what they did and how. Yet they still say we are the enemy and waged this war on them? How? In college? While a teen? While a kid and juvenile? How about now in my 40s? As I see it, they are guilty and are not telling the whole truth and we know the whole truth and why stealth bombers are needed or must be used to bring some sanity to their madness and anger. Pleading guilty to only managing this or talking to the suspects of 911 like buddies; is disgusting. Tell us why Florida is involved in this or do we have to tell them why Florida is involved in this?
"This is about America. This is about our children's' future. They want to remember how poor they grew up or how poor their people are? All they want to do is cut us down and criticize us for the smallest fact or the least minor criticism. They are selfish and want to silence us. I see a lot of people trying as hard as they can to make this better. I see progress. I see people who are better off. This is about what liberals are doing for us and our future. All they want to do is criticize or cut down any Democrat out there. They won't even talk to us or listen. They don't even care. Here we are trying to expose them or tell them we do not need them and they just want to play the race card and use crime to beat us up or murder us. Who is the bad guy now? Who is trying to cover up bad things and only want to hide what they did? Who? Us? Them? All of us? This is about jobs and progress; not convictions or who got a judgment on whom. This is about reducing the carnage and hate. It is about our future and our freedom; not theirs. This is about crime and who is unemployed; not their future and what they did. Stop trying to just blow past the truth and speak in the Devil's voice. Everybody is laughing at us or trying to get at our throats now because of them and the problem with our future; look at it now. We are appalled by all of this; it is horrible. We all are suffering now because of this fiasco and total disaster. What will they report and say when this is all said and done? What? Let's hear it and write it down. Then let's say and write it down ten, twenty, and thirty years from now. What will change and how will they; "This is appalling and horrible?" - The Sean Hannity Show Monday, September 10, 2012 -
Sean Hannity the very next day, Tuesday, September 11, 2012; has the nerve to say "this is not democracy." I kind of also got that feeling but the problem is still how this enemy is trying to pull this stunt about how we were nourished back to life by them, how they found us abandoned by the right wing, how they took us in their home and asked only for rent or fees of care, and how we fell asleep on their shoulders once we found the truth in their arms or how we finally found a friend we can trust. This is what an abductor and a predator does; also how to escape jail and prosecution. Yes they found us bleeding on the side of the road, took us in, and nursed us back to health or life; this is hell we are going through; not who did it or what we know is the truth about them. They also brag about how much money they have made doing this or how much this scam has yielded; we can be a part of it and be taken under their wings. I wonder if they will lie about 911 also? What Hannity and Limbaugh is doing now; is the same scam they have perfected, a terror plot and recruitment. This is about Zionism? How to change the topic, win, and railroad all of this new destiny and future? Our students are from Chicago or half-n-half? Are they trying to say we are a blessing and they are a curse to America? If so, why these idiot games?
Will they ever come out and tell the story about Ann Coulter? Will Ann Coulter ever come out and tell the story about what really took place or is going on? Will it be too late them? They nursed us back to life, did everything possible to make sure we were safe, and were not out of touch with the public or reality; we are and we are mentally ill or paranoid about how they lie, cheat, steal, and are totally nuts. Hannity even said "how out of touch with reality they truly are." Yes that must be it and all of this is some search for truth; the nation; our destiny; where we are going and progress. This is not about the law or what we can find on them and what they can find on us; right, wrong, dishonest, totally untrue, total lies, or a web of deception. How evil can they get or become? We will see... we will see. It takes stealth bombers or aliens to fix this or them? They want to know when we are going to be raided? Now they will do anything to get the message out? They want this to go away and for us to shut up? Well then why not just say it in clear plain English? Why does it have to be delivered by Sean Hannity on 9/11/2012? Do weasel into our life and waste more time. Dare to waste more of our valuable time and go into overtime.
Waged war on us? They want to saber rattle about being raided now? Are they sorry as they say? Really? So they want to remember how poor their life is? On the same day they strike; they remind us what this was all about and how they nourished us back to life as we fell asleep in their bed. Welcome to the gate of hell and 911. Who exactly exposed them and nourished America to some real destiny and point? Who? Us or them? How will they railroad all of this or change the topic? How in hell did the communist kidnap America and turn this into how they nourished us back to life when we hate their guts, cannot stand them, cannot work with them, and call them a poor ass punk who likes to toy with our life? Do the right thing? Are we still a blessing or curse to America? Make up their mind and stop writing phony crap or total lies that look like baseless nonsense now.
Although Ann Coulter claims to be rich and happy; even secure. Every Republican who is rich or knows how to manage money knows she scored a fat F on both leadership, management, and money management. She sat on 20 million and squandered every single opportunity imaginable life had or could provide. Even in a complete state of disrepair, she mimics the message or just is totally insane until it is too late. Now she expects them to report it and she will be alright? Meanwhile, I cannot pay the rent and find a decent girlfriend or wife? All her books are based on my work and research, what I developed. Show me where and how she helped with my future or my book being published? Nothing. Show me if and when she has ever been there? Nothing. Does it sound like she ripped me off or tried? Do I sound like she did this also? Trust her? Show me if and when she has ever been reliable and trustworthy? Ever in the last twenty years? Wait for her staff and crew to chime in and piss off the entire matter; oh it is all them, not her. I have never seen rich or millionaires so crazy or such a total mess. I can take a million dollars and make it twenty million. We nuke them, not mimic or coddle them jackass. Hell awaits.
Ann needs to stop mimicking this female or enemy and get a real life. She needs to worry. She needs to figure out her own future. She has been fired and expelled; that is good enough. Want war now or more? Enough is enough; there will be no more about Ann Coulter. Give her a medal if and when she can prove it; if not then the record stands and is the written record. I hang up on her and am ready to rip her head off if and when she starts this nightmare again. She let them do this and Ann let them do it while she stood there and benefited or got rich. Your kids starved because you did not feed them; not because they got bad grades or their teachers hated them. They are sick and angry for a good reason; not because of other kids or bullying. Ann is mimicking the mistakes of women. The wheels are falling off. They are totally insane. She has silenced them but look at her life and where it is headed. All of them are this way and should suffer. How do you live with such a person or even think about their mistakes? Again, I can take a million and make it twenty million or an empire; her? She takes 20 million and wrecks everything; even her own life. Look how many of them did this also. I will say this again, we nuke them, we do not go to dinner, date, or coddle them. God damn apes and monkeys. Hell awaits.
Hey, these monkeys are having a dialogue with me at the DNC also. They said we are going in for the kill and they are card carrying capitalist and only want a better world. Is it a better world or do we need to carry forth any actions to make it a respectable place? Their business is a POW camp or spying on us? Business must be very good now a days. Their future must be really business and steamrolling. At the DNC, the Democratic leaders (even the Bush administration) were heckling me about how we betrayed their good intentions. They feel they are victims of betrayal or we cannot be trusted. This is why I asked them if they know how many years in jail they will get for what they did, tried, or this conspiracy plot. We betrayed them and they did not violate our rights or did anything harmful to both Ann Coulter and myself? Everybody is a witness to this and know they are lying and psychopaths.
Elizabeth Warren had a dialogue with us and is a hardcore card carrying communist. She says we are coming in for the kill and all they want is a fair fight. Yes they are known for fair fights and honesty. When I asked her if she was a communist; she went totally insane and started reciting verses from her Methodist religion or preaching. When I said to look at what kind of people they have become and what they have done; they were ashamed to look at the truth. Nothing stopped them or could dent their soul. I asked if they are a human being and if not; why they felt the same or compare themselves to us; as if we are fair or they deserve the same? When I finally asked how many years can you get or do you have any idea how many years in prison you can get for this; they totally went nuts and started putting the blinders on. They are all playing a game; to get out of the way. Yet they get in the way 100 per cent with us and refuse to get out of the way still. The Democratic Party is 95% communist and has been taken over by evil and lunatic madmen. All of them are communist and it is all total lies; disgusting people.
How nappy are all of them? Do they have a soul? How corrupt are the communist and how many are in the Democratic Party? How many are in the Republican Party? They know exactly how much prison they will or can get but they claim if millions of their people die or if they use millions of people as a shield; it is "every man for himself." All of them are 100 per cent aware of what they are doing and 100% aware of what they have become. They are 100% aware how much jail time they can or will have for what they have done. Ask them in the future how many years; and see how accurate or inaccurate they reply. They compare themselves to us and feel they deserve the job. Also, they don't care if millions die for their crimes or are incoherent; illogical to how many years in jail they will get for what they did, tried, and was caught for. No reply when asked if they are communist; total avoidance and they used Methodist or Bible verses about a better world. Clinton got the door slammed on him after hearing Elizabeth go off about how much of a communist they truly are and if they are even human beings.
All of their leaders must be dead, dying, in prison, or under surveillance. Their church must be headless, down and out, and in search of some major league talent. What do they want with us and why in hell would they make these decisions in our life and risk being sued or criminal actions? Why show us their cards and wait until they are raided or bombed? Whatever, Limbaugh says he and Catherine will be "alright" and they will get out of the way for the poor. They have been caught and exposed; but they will be okay from here on. They are just shocked and in disbelief what we did to them or how.
STOP VANDALIZING OR TOYING WITH MY SPORTS CAR! Rusted out piece of crap or dirt poor and homeless; stop F'in with our life you F'in clown. Stop comparing us to monkeys or acting like monkeys. This honky should know by now Asians are racist and stop asking questions or toying with our life. We were never interested twenty years ago and not the least interested today; it is time for the stealth bombers. This is just disgusting and these people are beyond disgusting. Get a new car and stop wrecking mine up or putting things in it you monkey; also, get your ape fingers off my personal belongings or life. We married into some radical Gorilla group. This honky better get it through their thick head Asians are racist also.
Three parts to it or this terror plot recruitment: white females and sex (know my ex girlfriends), black female pickup or family, gay or Catholic male pay or bank. At risk is the 1960s and the legacy of the Kennedy and Democratic Party USA. They only want the kids and the judgment (court corruption and police); kicked out or expelled, fired from this job or set free; exoneration. Now we reversed it and wait for the payoff and they are pissed off and ready to kill us.
Even baby-got-back Limbaugh got castrated and tries to get married to keep up or cover it all up. Limbaugh is the alternative to this black female who has our kids and everybody dreams about us. Limbaugh is how we get paid or the bank. Now Limbaugh is the primary suspect and his ID is well known. The wheels are falling apart and if he is asked how many years of prison he will get for this, he will say it "is a death sentence." Limbaugh needs to be classified as a sex predator and a serial killer; not a communist mole and spy master trying to become a mafia Don of the drug wars and Republican Party, a kingmaker. He and his brother is modeled after the Democrats bad-good siblings such as Clinton, Carter, Bush, etc...
Update on Limbaugh and his total rotten to the core lies (a real communist mole):
Is currently "in training" and why four years has gone right by him and his "coaching." (45th minute into show). What a total reject. This is one poor ass monkey trying to control us or write our life story. This is what happens when dirt poor monkeys become millionaires.
Limbaugh is very acute to weather reports and has become a weatherman now; not a pilot. He wants to point out the perfect weather in North Carolina or weather they need to bring it indoors.
Says we "do not have the bodies to win" or the money, lack numbers. (25th minute of show). What a total reject we have in our life. This is what happens when they flood America with abject poverty and all of these poor ass monkeys.
Says "we" are going to have to move soon and people just do not care. (10th minute of show). This total reject owes a lot of damage and faces legal and criminal prosecution.
A bunch of crazy stuff between husbands, wives, and coffee tables. What an abject loser. This is one poor ass monkey trying to control us or write our life story. This is what happens when they flood America with abject poverty and all of these poor ass monkeys.
No matter what they do, they still cannot make up our minds (20th minute), still in training. What a total reject trying to seek love. This is what happens when dirt poor monkeys become millionaires.
Keeps on going on and on about how "we" want to be left alone or why. This total reject wants us to respect them or see them different? Do they have sympathies for Catholics, communism, or blacks? Do we?
Limbaugh is still having a communist orgy about how they found the best, brightest, handsome, toughest, most deserving, etc... damaged him and her in order to fit some poor ass punkass life they use to collect intelligence and spy on. Rusted out and broken cars, soles falling off shoes, dumpster diving, and this perfect image of a black in love with some female we dream about and want to have sex with. However, her pimp is not happy about how this turned out and she is still so in love and not over this yet. Limbaugh claims "their" upbringing was privileged and they are not down with the struggle; he wants to point this out to everybody. They do not care or are part of this. Instead, Ann Coulter is. What a bunch of low down dirt monkeys.
Mr. 99% right is in training and missed the whole thing the last four years. We are their dream or their father and dirt poor abject poverty in America but in love? What a nappy ass story these Catholics and communist have created and they get poorer, more guilty, and bombed out. What a bomb. Always trying to make our life fit their story and now; they face legal retaliation and are resisting arrest. How about that little-brother bigger brother problem? How about that rich-poor family problem? How about that blacksheep and dumb-dumber problem? We know it is the Catholics. We know it is the Democrats. We know they are terrorists and communists. We know who is behind all of it now. What a bunch of low down dirt monkeys we have.
Limbaugh says this is what we do when we get letters sent to us about their story. We have to work harder for them and he could not believe our response. He does not know why we are upset right now and we are insulting his 99% intelligence. What arrogance. What dirt poor phonies. What a bigot and miserable wench. He still does not understand accountability and his college degree is in constant learn mode. He is still in training and learn mode; but does not want to be arrested, caught, or prosecuted. We have to and we have the scars for this low down dirt monkey in search of money. Limbaugh says he and Catherine have been talking about us or discussing our life. He cannot believe how we treat them or what we have done to stop them, shut them up, or remove them from our life. It is terrible and unfortunate what has occurred (2nd hour). He cannot believe it.
We still dream about these trophy wives, their dream home, sleeping with them, and all the tricks, stalking, face-lifts, hair-do's, and back-forth nonsense; has kept the dream alive. As the Democrats have made clear, keep the dream and the demand stronger. Get sexier. Call more often. Go totally ape shit. Show off more skin. Belittle us and make us a sex toy or prisoner. Place a black in every aspect of our life; it makes us want to sleep with them stronger and the chase so much more freaky. Yes the dream is still alive and we still dream together; send more emails. Send more nude photographs. Send more porn and crazy underground nonsense. We will coddle them all when they are bombed to hell by military stealth bombers. Only the military has the right to lethal force and if necessary to stop this enemy and these attacks; will come true. These trophy wives are getting closer to their dreams; fight off the wrinkles and the age problem; female power to dream and court our sour notes. What is the voice in their head telling them now? Ignore it? Ignore us? Shake their ass and go sexy? Want a lush ass to beat up or kick around? Are they better off now? A pimp for their high class act or sexy dream?
Naked Congress? Sexy Congress? Marriage? Home? In bed with them? Their black pimp? Beat us up a little? Cut our funding or impeach us? This is about Congress and the Vietnam War? Congress and Civil War? Let them do whatever they want? The public knows and can see them now? It is a safety problem? This is about jobs? No legs, no sex; trophy or not. They are in charge and we dream about them or want to have sex with these trophies? What kind of crazy brainwashing have they invented now? Buy up all the real estate and decline in the name of a 501.c slush fund? What a sexy dream in need of a big gigantic pimp. There for us and our needs?
We love their trophy courtship and women's rights. It is the perfect marriage; minorities. We need a job. We need money. It is our home. We will die for this. We dream about them. They are so above the loop and such good wives or parents. Yes keep calling us or sending nudes. Show more skin and delusions. We also their quiet, sneaky, retarded kids who cannot shake a man's hand and say what they want. We love their out of this world gay kids who are feeble and cannot talk or get what they want in life; a problem communicating what exactly is on their mind. Yes I hope they feel the rough foreplay also and the wild trophies chasing each other. They are so the in crowd and such a good fit. Cut their funds and let's prepare for the stealth tactics they have planned. If it comes down to lethal force; I am sure the military is on top of it and will record them before putting a nail in their coffin for what they did, have tried, and are still doing. We dream about them also; but it is that orgy they describe as repugnant and dead. No wonder they cannot talk and come by or jump in the way all the time; it is a secret and they can't communicate it or write it down.
2012 Post Election Result: The question has to be posed for Congress and the Pentagon. Is lethal force required to stop this enemy or to stop these attacks on America? What are the repercussions? Who is in charge or is anybody in charge at all? Exactly how crazy and totally insane are they? The bomb? Bombshell? No legs means no sex. There for us and our needs?
2012 Election Results: Top 10 Obama city-states to cut funds and radicalize. It is time for their revolution and war on us. It is what they need and want. They can't fight it. They are too guilty to be accountable. Where are they and what is this revolutionary movement who has done this? They want to be impeach and thrown out for what they have done? They want to wage war and lawlessness? They refuse and spit on an unconditional surrender?
Question: Are we better off now than four years ago? Our future is more clear now than ever, our cards are better but the people in our life is not.
Dear Mitt Romney and the Republican Party, The Business and Goodness of the USA: The arrogance of this church is unbounded. The bigotry of the leaders is unbounded. The black problems. The crime problems. The debt problems. The checks and balance problems. The corruption and lies. The heckling and kidnapping us problem. The lawlessness problem. The disrespect for the Constitution and America problem. This poverty stricken enemy and their church needs to be bombed to hell by stealth bombers. People are very upset over this and their relentless war on others. They are upset about turning our communities into a war zone or our workplace into some hell. The police and government are the problem now; waiting for expulsion or tremendous impeachment. People are up in arms. This poverty stricken enemy and very classy jackass has gone too far and deserves to die. People went nuts in our life and they are totally nuts to think their lawless or existence is unbounded. I come to you with hope we will wage war back and destroy them in the next few years or in our lifetime; eradicate them and maybe they will learn a horrible lesson in life or about our people. These colors do not run either. We saw how they were in Vietnam and now must watch as they do the same cruelty and lawlessness in our life and America.
I am reformed and respect the schools and teachings of both Calvinism, the Presbyterian, and their ability to win wars. My father served with numerous Protestant Generals while his family was fighting the communist in Vietnam. We were very wealthy and could afford to educate our family in European or American Ivy League colleges; thus, my uncles have doctorates and work in various industrial fields. However, this tremendous wealth of my grandparents decided to die in Vietnam and thus ended our royalty status and our wealth. We began a new life, in exile and in hiding; in the DC-VA area where the Generals my father fought battles with live a few blocks away. One General, Dozier; was kidnapped by the Italian Red Army. Dozier used to send Christmas Cards and then it stopped one year. Oddly, Bush began sending them; that piece of trash Bush. Bring back our beloved Generals and leave Dozier and all of them alone; sick bastards and bigots who deserve war.
These people are not a welcoming party. They are evil kidnappers, poor, have loose family associations, are not a good addition, does more harm than good, need to be shut down and destroyed, and they are spying on us in order to harm us, not help us. They spy on our relationships. They spy on our finances. They try to sneak up on us. They try to gain a job or be some addition. They pretend or clone to be similar to us. They case us. They claim they hire us or are employers. They claim they hired our family members (White House or Corporation). They feel they are in charge but are a "black army" or "black revolution." They are criminals and pretend to care. They refuse to leave or leave us alone. They claim we do not have any money. They feel they control our life or we belong to them. They are the communist and a very poor Christian sect, a very troubled denomination. All of their investments and regions have gone belly up; even the investment in our life. We waged war on their " demands and investments." They claim we could not do this without them or this welcome party. They are trying to attack our retirement communities and retirement. Their books are either in the red or organized crime, all under the table and secret. They also claim we are on their payroll and really been trying; they only want to be there for us.
This will never end. Now they are wheeling-and-dealing. They will be there to match or beat any opportunity we get in life; first they will attack it or take it over. They are not our sidekick or friends. They are not welcomed and are cowards. They are not insiders or staff. They are not fearless, warriors, or this powerful army they claim to be; look at how they hide and are ready to die, a pudge in a war zone acting like they are in charge. The leaders claim they did not do it, the blacks did; this is false. Their objective was not only to stalk, kidnap, and ruin our life; it is to bother us or be an obstacle at each and every turn in life. We are not allowed to be happy because they cannot. We cannot be free. We cannot have a happy life, only a nappy one. They want payments, extortion, and something of use if this will ever end. It is a robbery and extortion. What happens next or what will their attacks lead to? The line is in the sand and has been for a long time. Our life is a mess and we need money? They claim they write the benefit checks? This will never end unless Gettysburg arrives or unconditional surrender.
2012 Post Election Result: Top 10 Obama Cities/Democrat Stronghold/City Headquarter/Revolutionary Resistance Population City/ and Getting Poorer or Meaner. Top 10 Cities Inviting Themselves in Our Life or Residence?
1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.
2012 Post Election Result: Top 10 Obama Target State/Democrat Stronghold/Target State Headquarter/Revolutionary Resistance Population State/ and Getting Poorer or Meaner. Top 10 States Inviting Themselves in Our Life or Residence?
1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.
We got them now and there was some good in supporting Obama and the Democrats in 2008; we will know which of them are the true diehards and most revolutionary communists. That revolutionary female who berates and accost us hourly must be letting out her traditional blood curling banshee screams!
In summary, they used the hiring of family and friends; some at the White House, to send death threats and force them out of office or out of the White House. They used my kidnapping and murder plot, which bordered on death threats and attacks; to conceal the threats and under the table demands. Everybody on each side ignored it and it went back and forth. Then we trapped them and shut them down; however, they used jobs at the White House to open a door to a kidnapping and a theater of war. They did not break our resolve, we broke theirs. You will see this link to the White House and to Democrats; then a secret war to run out of office or conceal any foul play. The Republicans, or now the Party of Hurricanes; recognize who is behind it and why. However, the threats and the demands go ignored and the standoff needs to be nuked. They have infiltrated the highest offices and infiltrated the security forces or defenses. Now they wish to stick around for the Party of Hurricanes or get on the VIP list? Yes see how your life improves or turns out with one of these Civil Rights Communists in it or prowling around. Try to chase them off daily and see how happy your life becomes.
This is an international racketeering plot designed by the Democrats and the Jewish bankers. The actors and pretenders are the Catholics who assimilate in every aspect of our society; democratic immigrants and this gigantic church. It is an expansion of communism; fused by the Democratic Party USA and the organized labor unions. It is no longer communism or a civil war, they do not recognize civil war. As the Bush administration has demonstrated and heckled us as "butchers"; they merely seek freedom to escape oppression. They are the oppression. They are the threat and the attack; but to obtain salvation or forgiveness, we have to forfeit 15%-50% of all our worldly possessions or life. The military will invade and seize those assets, or the police. Due to this lack of truth or total lack of respect for human beings; they only want all nations to pay into it until they are safe or survive; they have a death wish and are on a suicide mission. Violence and terror plots are the smoke and mirrors of their total corruption and total crime wave; a drug war of decline. Even the Republicans have been infiltrated at the highest levels. Even the FBI, CIA, and Pentagon have been infiltrated and we have detected all of this. They have no respect for the truth and feel they are the authority, police, or investigators; however, they do not respect the truth and this is so tangled, twisted, clandestine, and complex; it is nearly impossible to get to the truth before it is too late.
The people behind this use black people as a shield; as a defense and as a weapon. It was nearly impossible to do the right thing, day in and day out; with them creating a hostile work environment, an enforcement policy, and a web of lies or deceit. They have no respect for the truth and only seek control; for those in need and the poor, their leadership. It is the 1960s bunch and the usual suspects. It is primarily the Catholics, blacks and whites who feel the 1960s was used against them or used as a weapon to destroy their church. They feel it is racism and a plot to oppress or hate them. Ye they have no merit or deserve any awards. At most they turn the tables and spy on us; to mimic the message and steal our life. Violence, crime, and terror plots are the smoke and mirrors for this grand inquisitor. You have to pay them, the Octopus and the most secret aspect of the Catholic Church; responsible for communism and the breakup of the Catholic Church in the 1600s. They have incubated this threat and come to America; to take it over and impose this on us. We have stopped them and mapped out their history, crimes, and footprints; where they are going and what we intend on doing.
Knowing my work by heart and my entire life; they spied on the upper hierarchy of the Vietnam War and the Generals during this anti-communist period. The Democratic Party even went so far to attack the Presbyterians and FBI agents. It was them. They said the protestants "kidnapped" the Vietnam War or the Vietnamese people; so they were liberating or seeking nationalism. This is where they became extremely intrusive and tried to be there each time we were in trouble or grew up. They trapped us and left us for dead hoping all of this would be voluntary, it was not. There is foul play and so much more. As you see, all of them have united under the flag of pirates and corruption; a racketeering and protection plot where you have to pay into if you wish to survive. You will be ripped to pieces by the arm of the Catholic Church or the drug wars; the mafia or terrorism. They will slowly move in and slowly bring you to death or desperation; you will be forced to surrender. Meanwhile, Israel and the Jews will inject this cloud of suspicion for the inquisitors and the protection racket. All of them are criminals and indignant; no respect for the truth but they claim to be the police, the rescue, the help we need, married to the future, and all kinds of lies. Limbaugh claims they have grown to enormous size now; too big to fail. Financially, the banks have destroyed the country and they will pull everybody down with them. Tangled and all a mess; it is so complex the FBI cannot fight it. DEA cannot fight this. DoD is almost taken over except a few units who are on reconnaissance or secret missions. Yes all of this was an accident; an overnight thing. We did not know and neither did they. Boo.
It started when they spied on my life and work. They realized I wrote about how we are an open target and there are no weapons to combat this or them. However, I was in a pee-planning phase and doing research based on other works. It did come down to the wire and they were desperately searching or trying to find the nerve center who did them in or shut them down; won the cold war. Hence, they took advantage of this vulnerability and inability to combat them; and here we are or what it led to. They injected into the middle or gap between start and go; endless evil, attacks, financial chaos, and uncertainty; then it blew up or got them trapped. They could not throw us out or keep this quiet; until they got caught and this blew up into a gigantic mess. It is a racketeering and protection racket ran by the Catholics, Jews, Democrats, organized crime, organized labor groups, terrorist international, and the former communist forces. That is a gigantic army and a formidable foe. Look at how disgusting they are and the shoot on sight orders; they became the boss and the Republicans; the rescue. Thus we watch the world die and all of this decline but to survive or this hell; we have to pay into it or this racketeering and gigantic organized mess. This is the final analysis and the fatal ending. From here on it is every which way but loose; no more running for either sides. It is all collision from here on; not a secret war or secret weapons.
My final analysis is an expansion of drugs, crime, decline, organized labor, Catholic chaos, and back to the start. The truth and the facts have been erased from history completely. They recognize nations seeking freedom. They recognize democracy groups or liberation groups. They recognize violent revolution or rebellion; even crime and oppression. They feel it is an evil and tough world. They do not see or recognize civil war, bling to it. They are blind to Judgment Day. They are blind to the truth or the rights of human beings. They are blind to corruption, lies, and total bigots. They use or exploit this secret war to form a cloud of suspicion; to become the authority or slip past security forces. Why? What exactly do we have? CIA, FBI HQ, DEA, and DoD has to be alerted of this and kept updated. They have infiltrated the deepest levels or highest levels. The threat is real and very close.
It is an international racketeering and protection racket ran by the entire left wing; which is 75% of the entire earth population. We face resistance of 75% while we try to oppress them or they resist and call us butchers. It is also the former communist forces. How do we eject or shut down 75% of our society? This was a direct attack by the same people dislodged by the 1960s and whom were anti-Vietnam or against the War. They tried to create a hostile climate and use pressure tactics on us all day, deploying blacks to beat us up, rob us, or thug us around. This continued for decades as I reported and only until 2008 did we manage to put a dent in their operations or call for help. Now they are in a nose dive and cannot pull up because we won't let them. They do have a complaint there but the complaint lacks merit and lacks the full account.
What did we learn and discover after almost three decades of this? The entire left wing has unified and is a gigantic umbrella of evil and failure. It is an international liberation and democratic movement that exploits power and wealth. It uses voting rights and basic freedoms to support evil while elections and total decline unifies the organized groups of left wing liberals. It is also an international racketeering and protection racket ran by the entire left wing; which is 75% of the entire earth population. We face resistance of 75% while we try to oppress them or they resist and call us butchers. It is also the former communist forces. How do we eject or shut down 75% of our society? I wrote twenty years ago there was no weapon to combat communism or this expansion and decline, the DoD verified we were crippled and economic sustainability and spending cause the Soviet block to go belly up.
They tried the same defection, hiring scam, and recruitment on Ann Coulter and this is what the recorded videos and the secret communiques reveal. It is a communist-terrorist spy or espionage group who also has a lot of media coverage or monopoly. As the data and facts indicate, they sweep it under the rug and a criminal conspiracy is underway. None of this has been reported and they ignore the laws, truth, and what is crucial to getting to the bottom of this. Yet they steal our words and work. They mimic the message and copy cat our leadership. They do everything but the right thing and are totally nuts and total bigots. We describe them as psychopaths and serial killers who assimilate on a professional level but are raw animals and disgusting human beings. To fight impeachment or removal; they use pressure tactics or verbal berating; that which is used to combat or prosecute them.
What we have learned the hard way can never be repeated. If one of these Civil Rights females sneaks up on you and wanders aimlessly in your life, for more than twenty years, it will sink into misery, despair, and become a suicide pact with the devil. Two decades fighting this miserable political animal and communist left our life in tatters. They are indignant and will profess their love hourly. They will come into your life and workplace, just to talk naturally; and leave a broken record of turmoil. In the end, no matter what you do, how many times you run over them, if you are full of rage and anger, or completely sick of this Civil Rights communist; they embrace the life full of lies and lawless crime. They embrace the empty home and the dilapidated neighborhood. If you let one of these deranged enemies in and do not shut that door or figure out a way to get rid of them; life will sink to the gates of hell and become all out combat day after day. They snuck up on us and very similar to a stalker or serial killer; only left messages and clues they were there when we were not home or a mysterious intruder. Nuking them will not even fix their neurotic state of mind. A life full of lies, an empty home, dead bodies everywhere, losing their family or everything in this world, homeless and despair, total ruin and a complete wasteland; they will not stop and see this as opportunity to take over. If anybody in this world is attacked by this Catholic-Democrat-Liberal civil rights animal; they will suffer the same fate we did and will experience the same secret war with the communist forces. All that is left is the disposal and the prosecution of this political pest.
The reality for Ann Coulter is very similar. Playing in dirt or manure will not turn you into gold. Her love of blacks, single and married men she dates or shared life with, her white slave staff, coddling of the civil rights and women's rights crowd, and the love of racism and that Catholic Civil Rights crowd; has delivered her a very big home and also a very empty one. This word or term "minority" has been turned into a bad word in the English dictionary. Yet they all sacrifice everything and mimic us while on attack mode; Ann is stupid enough to get in a fight with a Civil Rights communist and a political pest; no less spend her life with them in awe. If she sacrificed everything in this world for them and her boyfriend, even women's rights; then her Civil Rights communist crowd has delivered her a nightmare, a rape and murder plot, all out combat and stalking, neurotic behavior on film, and the same life of lies to keep all of them warm. Their house may not be empty or run down as yet; but look where their future is headed and why. They throw everything on the line for that empty run down house and nowhere to go. All of their life and time is spent telling lies or scamming others to either love them or some deserving ending. If their reputation is total neurotic or totally insane behavior; then this is how they lost their life, their kids, their future, their political lies, and why we were stuck with this civil rights communist prowling in our life for over two decades. How warming can life be with this pest and enemy lurking around for over twenty years? We document it and this; and we document it and how we shut them down or what we did to combat this problem. They lost everything in life and for a good reason. Their unwavering neurotic politics could not withstand the might of the American forces. Thus, they all were expelled and left homeless or broken in the end with nowhere to go and nothing but bad memories.
Dear Hurricane Party or Republicans and anti-communist forces; the empire speaks and the empire strikes back. We do not need leaders similar to Ann Coulter who only want to have a beer with this enemy and total mess. Obviously they are there to sabotage our plans and to complicate matters. They are bleeding hearts and not a good fit for this mission; fire them all. What it takes to win is a warrior spirit and a war to match the evil and corruption they have delivered; pound for pound and ounce for ounce, just nuke them. They will eventually learn and will eventually surrender; I promise. Don't be a bleeding heart and a mismatch as Ann Coulter is or has been; bloody your knuckles and shut them down decisively. Deep down they are a buffoon who does not belong or feeds us lie after lie; trick after trick. I have the tools to combat it and shut them down, shut them up, and make this a clear decisive victory. I have the know how and the tools to combat this problem and before we get another wrinkle on our face or another frown. Let this be a lesson, even if she volunteers to step down or resign. Give this fool and enemy hell; bring it to their doors as they have brought to ours. Show them how intrusive evil can really be. They are a disgusting and repugnant human species; do not waste more time while we put their back against the wall or cripple them. If they do not do their duties or sabotage this; kick them off this mission and the future; eradicate them. Now they all want to resign if we forget the entire matter and also resign? We have to plead guilty or put up with this? Nuke them and immediately. The more we shut them down the better off our future is without them. Do your part to make it precision and accurate.
Ann, let me leave you with some parting words. This woman you speak of and I speak of; has some nerves. Now you are forced to resign and face severe expulsion. You are on the side of the good and the side of the Christians? Maybe in some long and distant dream you actually created a fantasy so vile and so twisted; nothing you do or says can ever stick. Maybe we all have lost our minds. Maybe it should be done back to you; until you are full of anger, spite, and disappointment; you will stop. There is a point where your web of lies and house of cards will fall even on you. If so, hell awaits you. You face a very hard and precarious future; yet you seem unaffected and even indignant to the truth. If we review who the door opener and who is spearheading the VIP parties where each of them are the top VIPs and guests; your name comes up more than anybody else. There is a point where your intentions or love of the good in this world; is unbalanced by your antics and all of your good intentions. There is a breaking point to all of this unconditional love you wish to educate us or teach us. It does not mean you need to be or must challenge them back. What kind of a species are you all? It will all be swept under the rug even if they are total bigots, totally insane, totally corrupt, and way too intrusive and guilty. All of you are similar to a bad shareware program or a shareware security program that wrecks the entire system. The way you have twisted capitalism or business; is beyond fixing or survival. You are some bad warrior who only wants to have tea with them or cheer them on; refuse to fight. Nuke them each time they resist or open their mouth.
Too unreliable? Too intrusive? Not enough action? Bad work? Do not respect the truth? Teaching us or pressure tactics? Stick around and stick your head up? Doing the same or do it back on them? Lawyer problems on both sides? Sick of debating them yet? I do not know what kind of demon has taken over your life or what the hell you were thinking, nor do I care anymore. You face a very precarious future now and the risk of expulsion and severe retaliation is far from real. You are the enemy and you are the problem; let's not muck up more of this on either side or all sides. You have got to be the dumbest SOB this world has ever laid eyes on to be on our side or doing this; it is unbearable and grotesque but all of you are seeking a buffet and this is why it is the way it is. The question is what do we do when and if the canary in the coal mine survives? No, I do not think you ruined everything; I think you ruined your life and everything with it. Strong actions must be taken against all of you, including yourself Ann. Take a bow and swear up and down on the bible or to your faith. All of you are beyond bigots and far beyond any enemy we have to deal with day to day. You expect love and marriage, even a normal happy life? What now twist me all in pieces again and sweep it under the rug? You face expulsion and far worse than just being fired Ann. Why didn't you just nuke them and bloody your knuckles dumbass? Do you love them and just wish to cheer them on? You love their money, dinners, TV shows, and all the perks?
You are guilty of coddling them where instructions were given for their expulsion, disposal, and shut down. You still have yet to do this or finish your web of lies and deception. You are trying to step on everybody or sneak past security forces. Something has got to give and be eradicated; we cannot live like this or both become the same. Either this enemy goes and is eradicated; or hell awaits. Yes they are far too intrusive and guilty; do you have to be or must you be so they report it or stick their face in it? Well, it will be swept under the rug and you total bigots will continue to exploit religion or the Christian faith as you reap or destroy America. I wish we could nuke all of this quickly; but all of you are too busy flying around, going on TV, getting tongue tied, emailing each other, and attending each other's VIP events. Look at you and look at your own life before you criticize them; reliable or need to also be fired and disposed? Forced to resign? Forced to confess or face severe hardships? All of you call yourself Americans, America is in desperate need of your leadership, and are traitors; but the public is blind or kept away from the truth. How do we nuke this now? I told you a long time ago to nuke them and not coddle them; good job now Ann because hell awaits you also. All of you are like an evil shareware program unleashed on our system or mission in life. The way you have twisted our life or business; is beyond fixing or survival. The documented history and this mission indicates you are a total failure and enemy to a good outcome. It is not up for negotiation or ever was and you pretended to obey orders and sabotaged them.
This is now your bad dossier and record; a total failure and a total nut case. You were ordered to make this quick, nuke them, shut them down, and mow them down as expected. Instead you became their cheerleader and coddled them, and then you got fired and humiliated. If you did not waste so much time while you fly around and pretended the nation desperately needs you or this is some thin-ice crisis point where our future is in double jeopardy; maybe the outcome would not be this way. You wasted my time and a lot of people's time with your lies and antics; now facing expulsion, getting your head ripped off, or even having to resign with public humility; all of you live out the demented dream or this fantasy. Lawyers who need to be nuked? Coddle them and cheer on your men? Let them into our life or repeat our words? Let them be intrusive or instructive? Exactly like a bad shareware or nightmare security program; hell awaits all of you. Even you went against all of the orders or the truth; why? Instead, we got this total mess and one obstruction after the next and an earful of apologies and total corruption. You live and learn but you are sacrificed as the canary in the coal mine for refusing to nuke them or bloody your weak-ass knuckles. You are the traitor and the bleeding heart; nobody else. Nuke them and shut the F up. Watch them die or suffer; and celebrate, not celebrate with them or be their cheerleader. You are the failure and the problem, the ultimate weak link and the last weak link in this puzzle. I need a perfect replacement and a new partner; not a total wreck and menace to this mission.
The weapons they use on us are intended to slip under the radar or evade capture and prosecution; so they can deny espionage or slip past any defenses and security. As you can see, the FBI is both tongue tied and chasing their tail trying to stop this communist-Nazi enemy. It is also the Catholic-Jewish Church and this is just how the Democrats and labor unions fight eviction or threats; pressure tactics or attacks. The source of this is a penetration into the military and how military operations dip into Asian regions and missions. How do they use pressure tactics? How do they get what they want or fight expulsion, even being fired? How do they expand using protection or communism? How do they use the human shield of America, the Democratic or Republican Party USA?
This is about Asian wealth or companies. I am their human experiment and they want me to teach them what they can accomplish or will fail at when it comes to Asians. So this is a big push into the Asian economic challenge and gigantic Asian economies. They chose me as a lab or the human experiment because of the fight in Vietnam or the 1960s; superior in war or other matters. The problem is when they have to attack the boss or company. The problem is when they have an Asian employer or leader. The problem is when we know who they are and what they are up to; what or how will they win the war against communism or this gigantic mess called the Catholic-Jewish Church, more of a democratic threat, in America? Terrorism and violence is only the cloud of suspicion they use to investigate or fight expulsion; another pressure tactic. They are far from bigots but this problem, the nation desperately needs them; is totally illegal and why espionage or spying is involved, even kidnapping.
This is how the white and black males, who actively recruit females who are in last place, to fight off disposal, getting fired, eviction, a coup, being attacked, or wage war on us. It is called pressure tactics and it is intended to twist reality and turn the tables in their favor. It is almost comparable to a crippled bomber who bombs people. It is almost like a computer nerd who bombs computers. It is almost comparable to anti-government groups attacking resistance. They are the communist, we verified this white and black male problem in their church as going unoticed or unbothered for decades; a Nazi-communist enemy. Well, when the church faces resistance or is threatened; they begin the pressure tactics and kidnapping; they stalk. They do home invasions. They come to work sites and harass or verbally accost people all day. The entire idea is can be stop them before they disperse or move on. Their message is to leave or go home; yet their zipper is still down and they have not had all of their fun. We are not allowed to complain, press charges, or get in the way; we have to accept their apologies and move on, regardless of the facts or the truth. That is the pressure tactics the Republican spies are also using; to fight off a coup or expulsion. They will beat any case against them and steamroll anything in their way using these pressure tactics, terror plots, attacks, and rape or murder plots. Here they are in the open, will they go another century unoticed or untouched?
If you take a look at their international missions to work with the poor, it is very difficult to distinguish the difference between the COMITERN or communist international; and this church. They feel now we will kill them and they will die; but they refuse to face legal retaliation or trail. Even in South America where the drug wars began; they are all over the place, getting raped or hysterical. More pressure tactics? This is a church we have to give our money to or live with here in America? They can come in our life and do all of this or slip under the radar or past security forces? What is the difference between the communist and them? Regardless we have to leave, move, or accept their apologies. I think we are in the thirty-something year of this now; how much more? Oddly, based on Clinton, Bush, and all of their top officials; we are the butchers and they only seek unity and freedom. Meanwhile, our debts and financial situation plummets to hell and so does our life; do they respect the truth or deserve anything but the death penalty?
This psychopath is obnoxious. I am the one who went through satellite school or electrical engineering. I am the one who went through college for this. I am the one who wrote these books twenty plus years ago. I am the one who is getting our forces ready. They are the ones who have criminal and punitive damages. They are the people in last place or so criminal and bigots, they still hide. They are in my world and what do they say or do relentlessly all day? "Leave... we are going to die... we are going to die for this... we are ready to die... go home... we are at war, etc." We are not going to take this and we will give them a fight of their life. If anybody is going to die for this, it is they, not we.
So they think they can call us anytime they want or invite themselves into our life or become a nemesis; totally insane and violate or rights with intrusion, if and when they want? Well, go on vacation this year and we will call you. How is the homeland? How is your buddy? Yes do call us with the liberal and left wing red phone; we want to be hooked into the hotline. Yes they need more poverty and you need to love poor dead people more. Now they really are desperate and really live life in squander; how is the homeland? Like America or calling Americans with your church and communist phone? Is this some game or is your favorite vacation spot gone now? Look at their future and look at yours; yes hit the stop button when and if you feel like it; do that.
This enemy will get a bloody nose, a few broken bones, a concussion, will be slammed repeatedly into the ground, and kicked or punched before this is done and they are ready for court. Yes we know it sucks for them. Yes we know it sucks to be them. We do not want to be them and care less about becoming them or this attempt to make our life one fit for a paper peasant. Ready for the death penalty trial or still scared of it? You will torture and terrify us? You will fill our life with spite and anger? Yes do leave the borders and waive your right to be silent. Do that and see if this is some game or the stop button works. By the way, how is your church and your future? We thought so too. It truly sucks to be you and we truly hate your guts. Want to be like us? Who are your favorite allies? Where is your favorite hideout? Better get the collection plate our and work a tad harder; you are not very productive or popular anymore. Yes do step foot abroad or go on vacation; we will be there also.
This must be some Mission Impossible they are reliving; trying to figure out who is who and who did what? Well, it is one on this end and we have them all trapped. How is their team and their favorite teammates? Did they resist arrest too or refuse to come clean? Did they get slammed or just a bloody nose in this fight? Who wiped out who and for what reasons? They must be the best students; but then we were kicked out and told not to be academics or college educated; instead live a life of crime and be the underworld as it declined and expanded. How is the collection plate now? How is the communist movement now? Best students right? We are forbidden from a college education or opportunity? Look how many people died under their rule and leadership or control; count the dead bodies and we will know who the butcher truly is. Look at the numbers and the disaster; last place across the board and they blame us or call us butchers to their freedom and future?
Penetrate the CIA and bankrolling communist moles? Manchurian Candidate? Torture? Brainwashing? Trapped? Tougher and get the job? Communist infiltration? Liberals at colleges and bankrolling communist sympathizers? Not fake we are? Take the first punch always? How well do they know their own work? How well do they respect or appreciate their own work? Who the hell do they think they are messing with the top dogs and what can happen or did? Resisting arrest now? Communist plot unraveled and is in a nose dive? Don't care and does not respect the truth or have a soul? Now people are really getting upset and mad. They did this for a reason, what is it and can we shut it down? How about that slush fund and their investments; how is the labor union and bosses taking the secret funds? Talk about all out combat and toying with our life; legal prosecution awaits after all of this resisting arrest secret talks. We also know it is the communist and traced them.
They knew they were being hunted and people knew who they were. However, drawing them out was a big problem. They would never take any risk or fall for the bait. Nothing in life was rewarding enough or could change their game. Therefore, they tried to draw out the people hunting them and devised a clever plot; forcing the Catholic and Protestant issue. They would attack to determine where the loose end was if there was one. They did terror and bomb plots to see if this hunter knew and would raid them. This was their game using us as a shield or some puppet; a POW for years. The abuse and the torture was to draw out this hunter because they knew who they had from the get go. Then the tables were turned on them as the pieces we lined up by us; while a POW or hostage. Information was being relayed back and forth and they were kept in the dark. We find out they penetrated CIA, FBI, DoD, and just about every function of the US government or her financial system. Nobody could stop them and to this day; only we did or could. I document what occurred when they were drawn out but they tried to draw the hunter out and realized he was their POW and bait; it was a setup. Similar to catching a serial killer; they feel for the bait and they were drawn out; then the fight began and the ending which never ended.
They know who they are and until you actually see them or they reveal themselves; they can take any shape or form they wish. Also, if you sneak up on them or encroach; they will probe you. It will come in every direction and feel like the Twilight Zone; surreal. It is time to hide, be evasive, and run; they mean business and will kill you after this warning. Play possum and stupid as it is the best card; it will also build their confidence and this predator will grow bold. Keep in mind, when you have a positive ID or can trace it; they can take any shape or form; become the FBI, become the CIA, become the police, become anything we trust. Observe Limbaugh and Hannity as they do the same; that is what we saw and observed. Also, they never take risk and fall for bait; never. They know we know and they know a hunter is on to them; so they have a clear goal, to draw out that hunter and keep checking to see when the rescue arrives. Oh yes, they were burned many times when we were a child; many. Yet they waited until we left the nest in order to strike or do this abduction. It was a sting and it blew up on them tremendously. Yet they are ready to die, want to die, and in a nose dive; still here and still talking while in a nose dive; still attacking and calling. That is resisting arrest and that will get them hurt a bit before court day.
Who told them they were invited to the Hurricane Party or was ever on the VIP list? Me? Them? Who? Show me some written proof or something to verify they were invited, let in, were not kicked out or expelled, or even worse. I want to know exactly who invited them and who let them do what they did. We will throw as many Hurricane Parties as they wish to attend. We will know when and if this is ever over if they are a smartass and enjoy playing with our life; it is all in the numbers, friends, and the collection plate. How is the homeland now? How are your best students? How is your American experience? Call us anytime and heckle us on the Catholic-Democrat-Communist phone and we will throw a Hurricane Party for your welcoming.
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Tuesday, September 4, 2012
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- My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.
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