ONLY TRYING TO CHASE OFF OR DEFEND THEIR PROPERTY: If this is your story or the story you wish
to implant into the minds of the investigators, then it makes no sense. Why would you stalk someone? Why would you destroy their property or
repeatedly steal their personal belongings?
Why stay in their mission or seek extortion or some form of benefit or
ending which can greatly increase your position in life? If you are the police, then you are
completely and totally lost, especially facing the death penalty or worse. What it sounds like is some negotiation,
debate, or extortion and blackmail. You
lured others into your trap and you did what you did with ultimate guilt,
malice, and criminal intent. This was no
hunting accident and our skill in hunting clearly indicates this. The degree of safety deployed could not match
your ignorance, blindness, or secret criminal life. In other words, this life you kidnapped was a
first class ticket for at least a million of your prisoners. All of you are guilty but there is a way to
remove any guilt and seek your freedom or plea for justice. For this to end properly, we have to go back
to the beginning. What is the beginning? The balls are in your pants, play the court
with understanding that violence is very real and so is war against the
communists. I think your communist spy ring is doing this to divide, win over, and kill any rivals or defense forces who know and can identify you. I can't prove it but I will and demand two billion in damages for your evil. As squatters, you
will take whatever you can get from us, anything.
ENCOURAGE VIOLENCE OR ILLEGALITY: I never started this by encouraging violence or using terror plots to get what I want in life. Also, I am fine and have been fine with being a typical normal person; there is no indication otherwise. But the insanity of the moment has put me out of my element and I only responded to the violence and the plots to encourage or inflict violence on me with something if not anything; I hope others learn from the moment and see what I did when powerless or overpowered, however, I never started this with violence, encouraging violence, or even illegality. Maybe in your mind, this was your fantasy and what you truly wanted; but in mine it was just a minor distraction. I also make no effort or seek any gratuity in being this image you have already painted for me or ask. My business is satellite warfare and it has it moments of glory, happiness, and sheer terror. To dignify me in any of those moments is beyond words or descriptions, but you have tried desperately to push and pull your way to the victory circle; it may have worked and it might already have worked, this is beyond my control. So I fight and do what I do not because I want to or choose to, I do it because I had to in order to survive this. Am I happy? I don’t know, are you happy? When a common pest or enemy has taken everything you have in life from you including your state of mind, it is hard to be happy; but I guess in my desperate moment, I am in a way. If other people want to inflict violence on your or shoot you, then it is not up to me to decide what you do or not; I am not the FBI but if I was, I would have shot you a long-long time ago. I am over with being angry with this or this missed opportunity, so I wait for a hurricane and earthquake to make this right and teach you more manners. All of you act as if my mind is totally messed up, I am mentally ill, and I am not thinking clearly. There is no way to survive this or win this war unless I was who I am.
GUILTY OF RACISM, REVERSE RACISM, STALKING, FRAUD, HARASSMENT, INTIMIDATION, HIGH CRIMES, TREASON, FINANCIAL MISCHIEF, LACK OF EDUCATION, POWERFUL CRIMINAL INTENT, ETC… Still waiting for the check, the cleanup, the damage claims, and the rewards; still waiting for justice against the enemy of “never guilty” and “never caught.” Should I let my military mission drift away or fall into their hands? Yeah right, keep dreaming and stalling about how civilized we have to be around this felon. How about imposing life imprisonment or the death penalty? Ingenious idea? All of them are the good guys and superior?
WELL INTERVENTION AND PUBLIC GOOD: Now we know why you continue to create attentive monsters and animals in our society. Considering all of you are inattentive sex offenders, until it is you or your problem; you are not the worst or are you? You are well intended. You are on the high ground always. It always works in your favor, not ours.
ENCOURAGE VIOLENCE OR ILLEGALITY: I never started this by encouraging violence or using terror plots to get what I want in life. Also, I am fine and have been fine with being a typical normal person; there is no indication otherwise. But the insanity of the moment has put me out of my element and I only responded to the violence and the plots to encourage or inflict violence on me with something if not anything; I hope others learn from the moment and see what I did when powerless or overpowered, however, I never started this with violence, encouraging violence, or even illegality. Maybe in your mind, this was your fantasy and what you truly wanted; but in mine it was just a minor distraction. I also make no effort or seek any gratuity in being this image you have already painted for me or ask. My business is satellite warfare and it has it moments of glory, happiness, and sheer terror. To dignify me in any of those moments is beyond words or descriptions, but you have tried desperately to push and pull your way to the victory circle; it may have worked and it might already have worked, this is beyond my control. So I fight and do what I do not because I want to or choose to, I do it because I had to in order to survive this. Am I happy? I don’t know, are you happy? When a common pest or enemy has taken everything you have in life from you including your state of mind, it is hard to be happy; but I guess in my desperate moment, I am in a way. If other people want to inflict violence on your or shoot you, then it is not up to me to decide what you do or not; I am not the FBI but if I was, I would have shot you a long-long time ago. I am over with being angry with this or this missed opportunity, so I wait for a hurricane and earthquake to make this right and teach you more manners. All of you act as if my mind is totally messed up, I am mentally ill, and I am not thinking clearly. There is no way to survive this or win this war unless I was who I am.
GUILTY OF RACISM, REVERSE RACISM, STALKING, FRAUD, HARASSMENT, INTIMIDATION, HIGH CRIMES, TREASON, FINANCIAL MISCHIEF, LACK OF EDUCATION, POWERFUL CRIMINAL INTENT, ETC… Still waiting for the check, the cleanup, the damage claims, and the rewards; still waiting for justice against the enemy of “never guilty” and “never caught.” Should I let my military mission drift away or fall into their hands? Yeah right, keep dreaming and stalling about how civilized we have to be around this felon. How about imposing life imprisonment or the death penalty? Ingenious idea? All of them are the good guys and superior?
HOW THE OPPOSITE GAME IS PLAYED NOW: Now we know what you communists are up to and how you play the opposite game on us; closet communists and a spy ring.
The Murder of Army Specialist Layne Schmidtke:
The Case of Chai Vang and
Dear Greta: So you want to talk about how realistic you are when it comes to porn, naked women or men in general. Let me ask you since you are a spy ring; how many times do you suck the lollipop a day? Go ahead, tell us and let’s discuss this. We can discuss me reading Penthouse, Playboy or even Hustler; tell me manly-beast, how many times or do I already know? Exactly, grow up bitch. I don’t really care if you enjoy sucking the pops or not but I am sure if I want to know, I can get it; agree? You know the answer better than I do so grow up and get real when you talk about porn, sexuality, or your problems. As far as Palin, it is okay when she is in but when both of you are not; it is not okay to be in this sex club or singles club (Fox News)? I see a hypocrite. Everything naked is okay until you are not included; ah I understand how this marriage and singles club works now. Don’t forget, I don’t need to know how many times you suck the lollipop a day or what kind of a sweet tooth you have, I really don’t idiot. Everybody knows you all are totally insane, what does nudity going to change? I personally think you all are sluts but I guess I will never know, will I? Yes it is a one way road only; we cannot know who is behind this but you can spy on us. Do me a favor, suck your thumb and spare me the lip service okay. The world does not care about killing white people or black people okay, a clue dumbass. If you ever want to discuss your sex life since age 12, let me know manly-beast. All of you fight this way until you are out, then you cry like a little baby, busted again.
THE STOCKHOLM SYNDROME: Exactly how many people have Stockholm syndrome now? What kind of numbers are we talking about and why? Who do we blame for this? There is a bill for two billion dollars in damage, this is no game and this Stockholm syndrome is getting expensive. Who exactly is this enemy, thief, bully, political animal, felon, and on death row? How much will it take to get rid of them or get them out of our life, mission, and existence; a spy ring? Make sure they pay the two billion before they decide to go away or move on.
SO THEY LIKE ANTS AND BUGS; AND WOULD LIKE ME TO KNOW: If you like ants and bugs, then I don’t need to know. Thank you. Your trash stinks worse than your work and your politics. Do F with me and try to tell “us” to go away or I don’t get it, do this. Now get out of my mission before the mission lands on your door and comes to hunt your ass down and throw your sorry ass in jail and out. How many warnings do you need or want? You support terrorism but despise the military? You are for peace and love but you do this or leave it this way? You must know how we feel now also, right? In two years, I want all of you criminal plotters behind these attacks off this planet, no thank you! We will be fine and happy rich and victorious.
A HISTORY OF VIOLENCE: The most unusual part? 1. A history and past with this group or church. 2. Two father in laws who are retired FBI agents and spy catchers. 3. Rich background or royalty. 3. Military mission and secrets. 4. Honor students and academic excellence. 5. A history of law enforcement or military perfect military work. 6. Who is doing the hiring and firing, power? 7. Slander and paper trail. 8. Credibility. 9. Squatter problem or who won’t leave.
TYPICAL GHETTO NIGGER HONKY: Typical of the ghetto nigger honkies who try to sell each other and try to advance their own in the worst manner or in a way to create a bigger disaster. How selfish are they? Typical of their politics to ruin everything and squat their way to fame; typical of them to leave it the way it is and blame others in order to sell their trash. Lying about it is one thing, lying about it when life imprisonment is on the line is the nature of their insanity and cowardice. How about getting out and staying out of our mission, just go away before there is more trouble? The evidence indicates they are on a primitive learning mode or class. The evidence indicates they have no interest in going away or life in prison; none. It is in their DNA and way of being. It is in their politics. Bullies are always full of shit and they know they are dead. They are silent because they know they are dead and nobody will hear them.
TOP SECRET CLEARANCE: Financial problems? Signs of impropriety? Problems with police or mental illness? Irregular or unusual events constantly and all through life? Strange and bad characters in their life? Looks bad on paper? Military mission and ownership problems? Can’t get a job or constant problems with peers? Witness to a terror plot? Perverting the justice system and authority? Who to blame? What would you do if you were them? Fox News did comment about how “we” were using “them” to “create their work.” I suspect this is what they did or tried, what if we were them? Has the “
PLAYING UNFAIR: Is it fair to snatch people off the street and throw them in this insanity? Is it fair to kidnap people off the street and make them embrace or support communists or a spy ring? Is it fair to let the drug wars and gangsters wage war back on us? Is it fair to ask us to be animals or live like gangsters who refuse to even report their injuries? I have never heard of thugs and gangsters talk about playing unfair or how fair life can be, have you?
DEMOCRAT: Each time we talk about a Democrat, we think of a ghetto and a ghetto manager. We end up with the biggest hypocrite of them all. Odd? Where is our staff and backup or are they totally flawed and lying cheats? All corrupt and a communist spy ring? Who to save and who pays? This is why I say life imprisonment; we don’t have a case on them. Have it all and get it all?
ACTING IN OR UNDER THE CAPACITY OF THE FBI: The evidence clearly indicates the people in the trap were in the trap before they were told of how badly of a mistake they made and why or when the show was over. Yet it is not over. The evidence indicates life imprisonment until they snitch each other out; one chance and one chance only. Even today they foil every plan and demand proof while claiming it is mental illness, a convict is behind this, or they are acting on behalf or in the capacity of my family. Still? What do we need, nuclear weapons to fight a squatter and dumbass?
LIFE IMPRISONMENT UNTIL THEY SNITCH ON EACH OTHER: 50 percent goes to me and 50 percent goes to the police to pay for the humiliation, frustration, and the endless attacks. Then trying to pervert the justice system to a disfigured and unrecognizable level; the only other comparable punishment is to let the FBI shoot them and just take them into the back room and beat them to death or shoot them. I cannot speak for the FBI but I need this cleared up, the bad guys gone, and my reward and also the… oh my God… MF… how the F… SOB who did this? They still insist we are black, need their legal skills, need their help, we are the enemy, they are sorry, etc… is the government behind this and have they been fired or prosecuted? Yet? They do have an army of lawyers and billions in legal defense; a gigantic army. Do we need to consider nuclear weapons just to obtain justice? Don’t ask me what I think or what I would do to them, nobody wants to know or hear it. Yet they claim to be family or insane shit. They claim I am not inferior and this is over, move on. They claim I have to worry and they need to be paid, support. Exactly how many people had to die until they were stopped or in jail?
GOT THIS WAY BY ITSELF, WILL FIX ITSELF OR GO AWAY, RESPONSE BY FOX NEWS: “You are free now… are being left alone… this is wrapping up… this is how the government works… there is no question of a coup… the coup ended but now it is the words… different sides are still saying this is not true… never got the ceremony they wanted but in private they did… semantics about aid being cut off… some frustration on how this was handled… pressure is on right now… don’t know if another batch of aids will work… (Says NSA is behind this and not a spy ring) pressure coming from private industry… only acting under the laws and the laws are only there to protect us… “This is the kind of people who have invaded our life, our mission, and almost every aspect of our life. They expect us to get used to this while they are guilty and already used to it. It also “has the look and feel” of the police or government behind it; the trigger man, squatters or well intended? Should they be punished more than two billion or are they just mimicking and insulting us, “None of us have a case, you don’t play fair?” So just throw their asses in jail until they rot or snitch on each other. We are their servants even if they are totally flawed and a total mess? Jail will be good for them and so will a hurricane or earthquake.
LET ME ASK FOX NEWS AND THE PEOPLE BEHIND THIS: So if we do a background check and a credit check right now; all the chicanery and all the attacks; their handiwork will clear itself up? Is this what they are saying or are they saying I have to learn how to live with their mistakes and endless attacks? What a wonderful squatter we have on our hands who expect someone to clean up their mess and their life of crime. What would have happened if we did not catch them after twenty years of this and counting? They admit they are caught, in serious trouble, and everything is fixed; right? What does Fox News and this spy ring have to say about doing a background check right now or the two billion in damages? Who to blame? Shrug their shoulders? You are the idiot who is completely flawed and a total mess and you put this one on me also? Asians are militant and we play unfair, we don't have a case?
The Attempted Murder Case of Sharee Miller:
WAITING FOR A HURRICANE AND EARTHQUAKE: Dear Fox News, just because you got a hurricane or earthquake, for selling and damaging African Americans with your ridiculous behavior; it does not mean the FBI cannot shoot you because you are a victim or I do not have a case any longer; it is an act of God. If you look carefully at the laws, all acts of God do not nullify federal indictments or a warrant for your arrest. If you are on the lamb or on the run and get struck by lightning or nearly drown; than F you too, what does it have to do with your guilt? You do admit your guilt, don’t you? How long do you think you can keep this pressure, intimidation, legal intimidation, and head game going on? The rock is rolling down the hill and has to stop eventually; do you know this A-hole? If your spy ring starts a war or drug war, you will be killed quickly. Am I clear and do I have the Pentagon verification on this; one to the head or two to the money maker? Nobody finds your terror plots funny, only you. Your fantasy has created this "waiting for a fantasy" or God to stop you mentality.
POLITICAL FIGHTING AND GETTING ATTACKED, A COVER UP: This idea of “getting attacked” is a false description. Even if it was for the right or wrong reasons, getting attacked is not an accurate description. However, it just shows how ridiculous and how outrageous their mental abilities are when up against the enlightened movement in this world. The police have seen this behavior before when up against religious goofs and A-holes, it is very convincing and very difficult to combat or withstand day-after-day. They wear you down, break you down, and it is back to the squatting or poor ass squatter. Squatters are terrified of rich people and rain. This is why I say they have the nerve to come into my mission, my life, and every aspect of my life with the intent of robbing me or demanding money. When security forces have tanks, automatic weapons, or military hardware; getting attacked is not their political reality. This is the mind of a squatter and dirt bag.
CAN’T GET RID OF THEM EITHER: Even if we had the most advanced technology or prevented them from stealing the most advanced technology; we are finding out the Squatter Wars are very disappointing and so are the Drug Wars. Yet the stampede has been diverted and totally nuts is a good way to describe their power or existence. Now what? Well the Pentagon wants to nuke them, the FBI wants to shoot them, I want my two billion in damages, etc… Let’s ask the most advanced strategist at the CIA and Pentagon what to do? How do we combat or eradicate this enemy and traitor? Is there a 911 or somebody we can call, the police have been infiltrated, not sure if they are the problem or not.
RACKETEERING PLOT AND EXTORTION: Let me understand this plot. All of you are terrorists but your DNA and core existence is communist. If we oppose you or are defiant, we are either Nazis or Communists, guilty. Therefore, your church is the police; communist spy ring is your true identity; but if you can trap us or get some form of confession, then you can demand payment. Now busted, you have to play along or change the entire story; Neo-communist Nazis and in control similar to the Southern Baptists and Civil Rights; I think the FBI should shoot you dead and on sight if you want my honest opinion.
The Firemen scene from Mission Impossible, robbery in progress or firemen arriving to save the CIA, who to ask or who to believe? The evidence does not fit their claims, story, or anything; but the lies continue to stack up due to their determination and violent tendencies when in war, at war, or in panic mode. The description or science of religion below indicates this spy ring to be Democrat and not Republican; hence, they are the communists.
Zen and Buddhism is one of the oldest religions of the
world. God is described as the character Boddhidarma but what separates it from
the Western world is the faith based rituals. It is not a faith based religion
either but a philosophical based religion. The science of it has not changed or
undergone radical reform due to westernization or modernization, it is still in
its original form. In other words, the science of resolving individualism is
not a faith based formula; it is an open end process which begins with mental
development or the path of enlightenment. This is one of the contributors of
Asian parenthood and academic achievement and hard work. However, when carefully analyze the overlap
of Christianity and Asian religions such as Buddhism; we see the belief of
mental ability and mental ability to solve problems over faith. In other words,
it is not aestheticism but the science of mathematics. Many con-men have
exploited this capability or ability to use the human mind or achieve
scientific measures over their own ignorance and faith. Buddhism, similar to Christianity, believes
that a human form can embody the image of God; however, it is the
responsibility of each human being to embody the ethics and the science to
improve their own life. We know Weber
described the "Protestant Ethics" as a part of capitalism to counter
the arguments of Marx-Engel; which did a science based analysis, not
philosophical understand.
Zen is a part of "martial" philosophy. Martial
philosophy considers the "blanking" of the mind over matter. To
recite the principles of Zen from a warrior perspective, "The seasons
bring the cold and the leaves fall from the tree to the ground. Zen is born."
Zen is a description of the "moment of impact" when the blade clashes
and the moment before impact of martial warfare. Similar to a leaf falling, it
just happens as a cycle of nature and is beyond the powers of any human being;
however, we can only train and prepare for the worst and overcome our fears in
battle. That is the core of Zen. Buddhism and Zen go hand in hand because the
achievement of the ultimate state of mind was the lifelong achievement of the
Buddhist practitioner; therefore, the path is also how to achieve Zen. In the
fusion of all things, we end up with a state of nothingness and we are prepared
for the moment of impact. You are not allowed to practice Zen without Buddhism
because the path of enlightenment fulfills the ethical and moral standards of
the Buddhist noncooperation. Picking and choosing what you like or want, to
incorporate into your life is not Zen or Buddhism either; but it does not stop
people from evolving into this state of being and flunking the ultimate tests
for practitioners. Buddhism and Presbyterianism allows you to think and solve
problems. Therefore, the ghetto nigger
honky system does not fit the puzzle and is a total failure.
__________________________________________________HAVE “DAMAGED” THE NEGRO CAUSE MORE THAN ANY OTHER: You people are in denial and have been in denial about this from the start. All of you have damaged these people in the most illegal ways, than any other. I am with the police, if there is any damage, them it is legal and documented for verification and analysis. I am glad we were able to prove this and also film all of your in action, a spy ring. A-holes.
The Richardson Family and The Los
Angeles County Police Department over the death of Matrice Richardson; runaway
prostitute or victim of violence:
TOP SECRET CLEARANCE, TOP SECRET PERSONNEL, AND TOP SECRET MISSION ACCESS: I think when it comes to handling top secret personnel or even secrets, there needs to be more scrutiny put forward by your spy ring. The fact you have access to people who hold or had top secret clearance is ultra scary. The way you manage secrets or this nations most valuable treasures is abhorrent. The way you treat people and even people who have top secret clearance; is abominable. Imagine what life would be like or how much hell we would have to endure or suffer if this was true. Why in hell would anybody let you near people with top secret clearance or even give you any clearance or access? Come on, use your common sense instead of your legal arguments. Plus, you are constantly trying to pull rank on us, lie, cheat and steal; even after you get caught.
The Case of Bobby and Danielle Regan of
OPEN LOOP SELECTION FOR THE VET CONG? The Vet Cong feels this is an “open” selection process. No offense but it is a closed loops not an open loop; we come to them; they do not come to us. However, my mission is a wreck right now and they must enjoy it this way or this easy to attack? They must be trying to get their foot in the door or get a head start? Also, I am well aware how crazy this is and how much it sucks; do I need more and layers of it? The stampede has not diverted and near the cliff, but so are we and it is getting dangerous on the cliff for them; not us. Why are they still on me if the diversion worked?
DO YOU HAVE A SPY RING? IS IT ON US SOIL? WHY CAN'T THE FBI SHOOT YOU? I am confused now. Do you want to write to the Office of Hurricane and Earthquakes as I have done or be certified? Prove it? You prove it, your life is on the line, not mine. Wait, do I need to describe the ongoing and endless "drive-by" or hit and runs? What are we up to now; 250,000 or is it 500,000? I have lost count and used to report it. Show me an effect strategy or trap to combat that statistical analysis, prove it? Why are these goofs complaining, I asked for an immediate shut down; no I ordered one, cry. Well, F you too bitch. Did I invent satellite warfare, true or false? Did I undergo certification with several super-powers, yes or no? Am I certified and fully trusted, competent? Am I totally insane and trying to pervert their minds or pervert the justice system with endless babble? Who in the room has a clear mind and who is full of shit?
CAN ANYBODY “PROVE” 911 WAS NOT AN ELECTRICAL FIRE? Then the insurance privileges and all financial benefits should be taken away and shut down until this evidence is not perverted or so far from reality; prosecutors are confused. Instead, damages may be assessed for this perversion of the public and blockade. If you look at the Fox News scam, they are doubling up and using the prosecution case for the defense. In other words, biased does not come close to how guilty they are. It is clear their history is murky and nobody is taking; it might be biased and corrupt but the evidence says otherwise. Everybody is after power, what makes them so special or different?
The Perverted Case of Emily Longley:
PERVERTED JUSTICE SYSTEM? ANY REASON TO HAVE AN INFORMAL SPY RING ON US SOIL? Based on the evidence, their lawyers and legal defense is claiming there is no evidence to suggest bad blood or any need to have a secret police or spy ring operate on
TOO PRETTY AND IMPORTANT ENOUGH? Are they pretty or important enough to create a total mess and relationship breakdowns? Are they superior enough to deserve or is their story a complete fabrication and total fantasy by a psychopath? Evidence and witness accounts indicate the DNA of an ape or a mutt; the legal right to oppress them or worse. None of them will talk, backup or can they even back this up? More and more of the blame game, still. How corrupt are they? Lip service is still ongoing. They continue to hire personnel with the DNA of an ape or is a total mess; embarrassment and errors circular and recycled yet their lying eyes go on and on like the Energizer Bunny. Who will stop them or take them all out? War is war. Business is business. How many times did they fire us or me? How many times was I told to leave? Now what is the problem? Are they the federal government and the DA also?
LIFE IS FINE AS A NOBODY OR THE OFFICE OF HURRICANE AND EARTHQUAKES: No comment needed. Do blame me and say I am living your American wet dream or life. They deserve to be poor and beat up by life. Who is worried? It is a hit and run?
MORE MEDICAL PROBLEMS? Anybody want to see the VA report or the scars on my body? How many times did you or have
you hit me with a car? Oh just a mistake
and you are sorry now? No problem, do
pull a Fox News and Hannity on us. Do
pull a George Bush too. I am glad Fox
News and Limbaugh has been stopped and I no longer have every single skin or
dermatological problem known to mankind.
I had to pay for this out of my pocket because they had a “block” on the
Veteran’s Distraction Administration or my military benefits. It was not the Pentagon or the military; it
was the labor unions and corruption in New
York who blocked this backup while they stacked up
more bills on me. Furthermore, on my way
to register at the local VA, I got hit by a pretty lady and nearly broke my
arm. The license plate was forwarded to
the FBI and she claimed she was “affiliated” with police officers but not one
or related to any. Over the years I was
able to pick their mind and imprint their strategy or demands. Now they defected? They deserve to be poor and so do their
lawyers. Tell their lawyers the boats
are on the dock waiting; whenever they are ready. We have given them the chance to live
accordingly and also what exactly they deserve.
THEY DESERVE TO BE POOR: All of these felons; all of this drug war;
all of this illegal activity and a stampede; the facts are clear, they deserve
to be poor and helping them only makes this worse, not better. They have not solved anything but they did
make our life worse and less satisfying.
Most normal people with normal jobs do not need this spy ring or these
poor people management church. This idea
we are living their American Dream or life, is obnoxious. In two years I want them out of my mission
and off this planet; and their lawyers or this voice hounding us 24-7 has a
ticket to nowhere. The boat is waiting
for them so when they are ready to comply; then let it be known they deserve
everything coming to them; everything.
It is up to them if everything is within their grasp.
True or False: The FBI cannot shoot them because there is not enough evidence?
True or False: They are our staff and only trying to help?
True or False: They are our family and our parents?
True or False: They want to die, do not know what to do, and
are scared?
True or False: They are the DA and it is their money or
home? We are living their life.
True or False: They blame us every single time it rains?
True or False: They are sorry and we are still the problem?
True or False: They do not have to prove anything and we
should be worried?
True or False: They are only guilty of loitering? They are not inferior?
True or False: We are living their American dream or
life? We don’t deserve it?
True or False: We are at war? It is all on tape, true or false?THE CAPE GERARDO, MO SERIAL KILLER, CAUGHT YEARS AFTER:
THE MIND OF A KILLER, TERRORIST, and AND DEADLY ENEMY: There are two worlds on earth, the perfect and the imperfect world. How we live our life will determine whether we are allowed into the perfect one in the afterlife, heaven. We know all psychopaths lack the ability or IQ to resolve problems effectively. Whether or not they have respect for others or have a dark sinister violent intent is unknown until they are actually caught. However, all serial killers have an "inadequacy with women" regardless of their IQ or physical appearance. This means either real or imagined, they cannot get what they want at a very early stage in life. Physical makeup or physiology does have an impact on their social maneuverability. However, even a genius and college professor has inadequacies with women. However, the cruel personality and the violent disposition of the serial killer grows and grows with their inadequacy; they create a violent fantasy with enemies and those who are either civilized or animals. They may be reacting to the insanity of others; however, they are unable to tell what is real and what is right or wrong. To them violence is always the answer. To them superiority and control is everlasting and unstoppable. A female killer can also brood these similar fantasy and seek a way to escape; harmless or not. They tend to view others as the problem that needs to go away, not them because the rules of science indicates normal women do not worry about their sexuality, social mannerism, or tend to focus their world on men. Women are more prone to this fantasy but lack the violence or physiology to carry it out; not so when it is a spy ring or terrorist organization.
HOW TO WIN, A VERY SOPHISTICATED ENEMY: When the world evolves through education, something
happens to the psychopath and this enemy.
There are very few ways to win; earn it, win it, or inherit
it. To win at this elevation, education
is crucial and so is intelligence. This
is an enemy who seeks control to an imperfect world, a total mess and they have
very limited options. Evidence clearly
shows the problem with hippies is the presence and the eventual transformation
of chaos and freedom; to violence.
Rebellion and defiance eventually morphs into some form of violence or
this fantasy with enemies. We see this
with their politics presently and the peace movement. As we see with women, as they grow older;
they are less likely to become victims while some of their peers are more
likely because they lack any or all survival skills. This “bag lady syndrome” will harbor anger,
violent fantasies, memories of promiscuity or abuse, or some form of new world
lacking all reality. When a life is full
of chaos or is a total mess, the occupant will tend to create fantasies, real
or imagined, to justify their confidence or inner being; peace or trust. Sometimes defiance, rebellion, and
antagonizing others is a way of justifying this fantasy world. Credibility, reputation, and professionalism
requires a psychopath to act in this manner or else perish, therefore, it is
part of their inner DNA. To win the
psychopath has to control their environment and also their subjects.
LIFESTYLE, HATE, WEAK ON CRIME: I think it is crystal clear and obviously
conclusive; a direct correlation exists between those who do not hate, are weak
on crime, are sex offenders, are total losers, of this culture of
traitors. Now the bigger question is how
to get them out of our life and my military mission. This remains an open ended question and this
game to be or become docile and civilized is not working well for them. Although
open ended, they claim to be the DA and also thriving in America ,
expanding and getting more powerful with time.
I would not compare them to wine but more as trash decomposing.
tormentors and this terrorist-spy ring? Who is claiming to be the
parents here? Who is claiming to be America or the future? Who
is claiming to be family or this make believe marriage? They were
right and said “I told you so?” They have evidence and proof
now? Our problem is we are defiant, superior, and know what is
best? They are smarter and more powerful? What is this
back and forth all about? Staff? Employees? Employers? Communism
or a rubber stamp so they can gain access or take over? Terror plots
and violence? Guardians and protectors? The police and
authority? Conformity and corruption? Who exactly is this
mother F’er and can we strip off their makeup and camouflage? Till
death do us part? This is about race and racism? Multiculturalism
immigration policies? Our voice and lawyers? Better than
Asians at math or better money managers? This is their test lab and
scientific investigation? A teacher-mentor with a teacher-student
relationship, sexual? A faith accomplice problem now? Who
exactly is this terrorist and communist that invaded our life and why does it
lead to the same people? The FBI is unable to track them, shoot
them, or stop them? They are the US government and control our
life? I think they have taken jobs or public service way too far,
almost to an insanity level. This is only about race? We
have to file a claim? They will never rat each other out? There
are more of them than us?
WHO WANTS AND NEEDS FUGLY? So why would anybody need FUGLY, the docile and civilized woman whose life goal is to have babies and grow to over 300 pounds? First, arrest or felony record. Second, unable to keep a job. Third, DNA. Fourth, it is a racial matter, racial profiling. Fifth, “nobody likes you, leave.” Sixth, this is through the eyes of a black man and thus it only insults Asians and whites. But the 300lb FUGLY monster needs us and admires our DNA. We call FUGLY Haru the Beverly Hills Ninja. FUGLY does not like strip clubs and will rip the dance pole clearly off the roof; so it did work. FUGLY is also the Jimmy Carter brother double, a total retard and loser who they are trying to sell or put into our family and mission. FUGLY got abused and is full of piss and vinegar now. We must also be in the same prison or the same POW? FUGLY is also a cop and a rogue.
COLLEGE PREDATOR-SPY RING AND ONLINE STALKER: So let’s ask a few investigators, if a psychopath was cherry picking and stalking you at work; then you take it online and this fat little F’er always hiding and has DNA so inferior they want to die tries to match or beat you also online; what do you do if evasion is your goal? Exactly. First, abuse them. Second, try to ID them or get a face-to-face. Third, lead them on and make them more bold and confident. Lastly, trap them or lead them on a chase, so close now and too late to turn around. Therefore, if we are dealing with a fat gay little F’er, male or female sex offender and rapist; where is the logical place to test their ghetto dump? Yes, a strip club, a dancing pole, and a bikini; the beach. Bingo. All records will also show they retaliate and also seek to punish me when I do this; hence, the Duke Lacrosse problem. It is still ongoing and looks who we caught and what they said or did. Now ask why my strategy and marksmanship is so deadly or accurate? They now try to make it about money, ratings, and personal appearance; artificial manners. Furthermore, I am certified globally, not just with the US Army now. Explain how and why it takes over twenty years to get them out of our life or terminate them? Why does it take two billion in damages after the fact, mental illness, crime, torture... what is it?
PUNISHMENTS AND REWARDS, DAMAGES AND RESTORATION COST: This spy ring, traitor, rapist, sex offender,
and village donkey idiot is so biased and in so much trouble; they can’t even
see the truth now. It is so far away
from them and their mindset; exiting or a death wish is a mile marker. How in hell do they see the truth or even
refuse to rat each other out when they know the RICO laws are coming. Do get each other in more trouble, there is a
two billion debt that has to be paid and the agreement is 50-50 of their
worldly assets. To resolve this they
must meet the criteria with the damages-rewards and the cost to chase them by
the allied governments. Do not expect a
free meal or people to work for free, do we see this?
THE PROBLEM WITH ANN: Similar to the ocean and water, when she is told not to go in the water or swim with sharks; then does and gets bit or eaten; after a while the lifeguards will be angry, especially if they are the ones behind it and told her to go in the water. That is how they got her and the murder plot; be the lifeguards and then tell her to go into the water while she does not listen to the only voice of reason.
The Peculiar Case of Arson Investigator John Orr of
STRIP CLUBS: How honest are they and how biased? The records show “unusual attendance” at
strip clubs and upscale bars in the late 1990s and around 2000-2002, not
because I am a player or a pervert. I
know how to humiliate and know what their pressure point is. I know how to slam the door on their
faces. They were trying to “present” themselves
under a false pretense and I did things to expose this. This strip bars and happy hour bars were a
frequent occurrence because they were unemployed, psychopaths, hated, and full
of anger. They would stand out, I would
get a positive ID or license plate, and would document who it was. They were not Arabs either; they were
liberals and Jews; mostly blacks and labor union personnel such as Catholic
factory workers who worked at these joints.
My credit cards will show daily or weekly attendance moment trouble came
around, also a lot of evasion. This
evasion is still ongoing but has turned into a dialogue or secret “regional
meeting of supervisors.” It is not as if
I had ten kids with four different strangers.
They admit they are strangers now? I did read Playboy and Penthouse up until college; I read everything including all men's magazines.
SO THEY ARE THE DA AND INVESTIGATORS: I have and am still am exposed to private explicit sexual levels in relationships. That is between a man and a woman. However, every since college or the mid-1990s; things became upside down. I understand now. We know who they are. This ghetto nigger honky is repugnant and an ape. Their DNA is so ridiculous their sex career is a total joke. Their women do try and try hard to be sexy; but how many professionals will even entertain their FEMA-Nazi witch-hunt on men? Meanwhile, they protest military cemeteries with tits sagging and some missing front teeth, who are they to criticize or come into our life? Watch at their own discretion; it may drive them crazy. Look at the list of women, does it drive them crazy or is it their wet dream? Why then would I describe this shit and this totally crazy life in my sacred military mission; let’s ask the leaders around the globe WTF is wrong with this ghetto nigger F’er? They hate women and are repugnant or have DNA we have to oppress? Inferior? Oh I must be mentally ill and completely whacked. Also, I know when they finally have caught up to Ann and beat her, finally got her.
SO THEY ARE THE DA AND INVESTIGATORS: I have and am still am exposed to private explicit sexual levels in relationships. That is between a man and a woman. However, every since college or the mid-1990s; things became upside down. I understand now. We know who they are. This ghetto nigger honky is repugnant and an ape. Their DNA is so ridiculous their sex career is a total joke. Their women do try and try hard to be sexy; but how many professionals will even entertain their FEMA-Nazi witch-hunt on men? Meanwhile, they protest military cemeteries with tits sagging and some missing front teeth, who are they to criticize or come into our life? Watch at their own discretion; it may drive them crazy. Look at the list of women, does it drive them crazy or is it their wet dream? Why then would I describe this shit and this totally crazy life in my sacred military mission; let’s ask the leaders around the globe WTF is wrong with this ghetto nigger F’er? They hate women and are repugnant or have DNA we have to oppress? Inferior? Oh I must be mentally ill and completely whacked. Also, I know when they finally have caught up to Ann and beat her, finally got her.
MESS AND INSIGNIFICANT LITTLE HUMAN PEST : The entire point when being chased by a
terrorist or stalker is basic evasion.
Evasion means to drive them or lure them into areas they are
weakest. No money? Poor?
Looking for work? Marriage and
family? Partners? Don’t even try to suggest impropriety or some
dark side or perversion, they know it was perversion and tried to make it
appear as “Arabs” digging white chicks. Thank
this F’in spy ring and church for the strip club 911 “ritual.” They may be trying to get glory and satisfaction
with another human they see as superior; however, this control and lack of any
nobility is characteristic of what they have done. Their bravado and confidence remains intact;
even as extreme paranoia sets in. They
do blame others for everything to include their failures, anger, and family
problems. This is distinctive of both
terrorists and communists; or the dead husband club of sex offenders.
TOTAL STRANGERS, FANTASY FRIENDSHIP, NOW UNCONTROLLABLE MOUTH AND TERMINATION PROBLEM? Everybody knows they are a total mess. Everybody knows their looks are deceiving. Everybody knows docile and civilized does not compare to their uncontrollable mouth. Keep mumbling “hope” or “they are not inferior.” Yes do make this about race. Yes it is about your emotions, pride, and how you F’ers feel. Like always you peasants will be thrown away as trash. We can go on and on but the mumbling and mouth will get you killed or worse; no control and just a powerless idiot. Wait until The Office of Hurricane and Earthquakes hears this one. F your stupid ass church and people also okay; we have a psychopath and a criminal that is the bottom line. The common man labor union is one thing. Their church of immigrant friendship and politics is another. Now it is some marriage with a psychopath and it is not one or two of them either. The communist always attack in numbers and this labor union and teacher is beyond this earth now. It is time to send them back to the gutters they were born in and shut that mumbling up for good. How in hell do we stop this communist or Vet Cong? The other problem is nobody wants them and they are just poor, no nobility whatsoever. F your hope idiot. You pack and leave you MF and stop hiding like a coward. Do keep them in my residence, still. Yeah right, chasing their ass. Keep stepping over that line and running that mouth, your state will be shut down one step at a time. This dumbass cannot even comprehend they are terminated and why, but these communist spies look and act normal, don’t they? Can we torture them and get them to talk, maybe rat out each other? Who the hell wants this poor ass conspiracy or nobility?
RICO QUESTIONING? Why did you get terminated, good behavior? Tell us. Does it match the records or do you know who is running this mission or why? That was five years ago, what took so long? How come their version is so different than the official records? Are the RICO laws strong enough to take down this organized spy ring and criminal organization; communism? One of the problems is they lack all nobility, barbarians that need to be oppressed due to severe inferiority.
AVOIDANCE OF THE FBI: The suspects are hiding and avoiding the FBI negotiators. They did get spooked and they did notice. They do know the FBI is furious and ready to shoot them if they give any lip service or argue with them. In other words, they are playing an avoidance game also and know how much trouble they are in. This is part of the cat-mouse game and they did get spooked and did notice a problem. This idea they do not care or want to die, is completely false. This other idea they want war or can even win, is total bullshit. They are cornered and humbled now, after the fact. Mostly, it is random mumbling now and acting docile or civilized about this. They are still bold and do not think they will ever be caught or shot by the FBI; too docile and civilized now. We will see, predators are always predators; even when drowning or looting. The whole point of terrorism is we cannot retaliate or do anything about it. They are in my face but when it comes to being shot; the rules of the game change for them. Shoot them, hurricane them, earthquake them; what does it matter? It is all bullshit and they are not ready; no communist is ready to die; they lack the survival and are incompetent jackasses. They know the FBI investigators are trying to talk to them on their spy phone or want to question them similar to how we do; a spy ring.
ELECTRICAL FIRES AND 911, HOW? How did they take down two NYC buildings without leaving any trace of evidence or manipulating the insurance companies? How did they attack my family and military mission? Who exactly are they and why are they behind the terror plots or manipulation of the money, laws, and are totally out of control? Is the RICO laws strong enough to combat them or take them down? How do they stack or what is their grade when this teacher-student relationship administers their skills or electrical faculty? Are they superior or inferior and is there any evidence to suggest they should be oppressed, shut down, or forced into a prison camp or prisoner status? Do they know the routine or is this a shock to their family name, history? The records indicate they refused to disclose details and were using hints, allegations, innuendos, and any informal process possible to complicate their prosecution, arrest, raid, and the process of administering justice and damage claims. The death of my mom illustrates how they got away with 911 or these bombing plots; determined to obstruct or evade.
CONSUMERISM AND DEBTS: How do they do it or play the game? Expect us or others to leave or get out of their way? A spy ring in the DC-VA area linked to NY-FL? A church of barbarians seeking liberty and freedom? That trip wire and that line which defines reality and insanity is consumerism. The moment they are able to portray themselves as the consumer or the management of this consumerism, all debt; they will unlock the gates of hell. These companies are doomed and so is their state. Yet the only way to contain a psychopath and communist, is to contain them. They will always say yes. If their stock holders notice they are profitable; those NYC brokers will invade and take over the company; then begin the witch hit. Again, the backbone of their politics is the blacks and immigration, chasing votes. When they are able to suggest they are chasing dollars or business; their greed, power, politics, and crime will take over. The same applies to their trophy wives. I was debating them in college and they were spying on my work; suggesting it was a two way street, not a one way street. Now it is only a one way street and this is also a problem because they are saying we have to leave or move now, not them. This is just how the ghetto nigger honkies operate, consumerism and then their management invades. They are the communists. These wars were long embittered wars of the Protestant Church, specifically the Presbyterian sect who were Generals at the Pentagon and cold warriors. Fox News, Limbaugh, Hannity and the rest of them are clearly guilty; but will they rat each other out if we can match them to other crimes; returning to the scene of the original crime or allowing us to identify who they are and who we are?
ASIAN ECONOMIES, SCHOOLING, POLITICS, RELIGION, POLITICAL TAKEOVER: As everybody can see, they have misused the public trust and money; for this consumerism and also corporate takeover. Now they hate foreign trade, capitalism, and only have two more years on the planet. RICO should force or compel them to rat out each other. As the evidence clearly indicates, these insurance scams or "terror plots" are based on bombings (the blame game) and then attacking their own (911 or terror plots) which amplifies their lies and sympathies. The spy ring is very sophisticated and use electronics on the level of the Asians and American engineers; they are the labor unions and rotten immigrants. Consumerism will doom these companies and rack up massive debts. This is their invasion plan and it is best to avoid them; but they made this impossible because these were wars of the Presbyterian Church and cold warriors. They are among the enlisted community and are also among the Republican ranks. We wait patiently for relief and also for someone to finish them off or shut their state down. Meanwhile, they are screaming "leave" and "move" among the endless list of ambushes ongoing. Their management is trying to buy us or take over the satellite warfare program; first, they want to be our partners or our parents, how? Isolation. Ambushes. Lies. The life of Ann Coulter is how they operate, how they got caught, and it is a perfect match; bulls-eye and a torpedo straight up their gay ass. This is also why Ann was removed and was fired, collaboration or creating a monster who will never leave or get their act together; a spy ring.
DID THIS TO MY FAMILY ALSO: Keep in mind my mother was killed in a suspicious fire, an electrical fire; so this 911 plot is easily similar to what they did to my family. However, it was not about men, it was about claiming to be our parents. They used electricity to detonate the explosives in the terror plots. Limbaugh kept quiet but attacked me with technology. Not only was this done to my father, my family, but the only friend I had on this mission; Ann. Now this is Ann's expulsion and we have the people behind it. Yet they claim to only be helping the poor and were the communist spy ring or Vet Cong operating in the DC-VA area. All of them are sex offenders and have this dead husband sex craved sex club of swingers or insurance. Their game? Leave, even to each member of my family and isolating me. But why and for what reason? Favoritism? Racism? Hate? Communism? Vietnam War? 1960s? Satellite Warfare? A World War prisoner? The Final War on earth? Love? Business? Ruining and running our life? They need us? We need them? A death sentence or wish? Crime? World power? A church or teacher-student relationship? Money? Books? Power? Control? Authority? Secrets? Winning? What is it and why did they violate so many laws but had no respect for our life or our rights? Two billion is a drop in the bucket when you put a price tag on their horrendous behavior and efforts, after the fact. Still can't take me out or take away my identity, strength, and mental faculty; but they tried and did fail. Maybe their punishment will be karma and far worse? These ghetto nigger honkies tormented my life. Tormented my mission. Tormented my family, especially my father. Tormented my church. Tormented my only friend and partner in life, Ann Coulter. Now it came down to communism, whom it all led back to, and what they could or could not get away with; their strategy or why. They are more focused and biased on how we beat them then what they did to us, horrendous behavior but so deserving.
THE DEAD HUSBAND SEX CLUB, ABOUT THESE COMMUNIST WOMEN (FEMA-NAZIS): Based on RICO laws, 50% goes to me and 50% goes to the US government and law enforcement; do I now have to beg our government or work for free? They have invaded every aspect of my life to include my family. They use every relationship against me, and then isolate me; they have altered the official record and the office which they intend on stealing or taking over. The odd part about this is the written evidence. They claim to be my parents or mom. There are bodies everywhere. They did this to my dad. They used my siblings against me. They threw me in jail and fabricated one police report after the next. They labeled me mentally ill because they are a total mess and I am more important or perfect. They never die and claim I fight their wars. It keeps on going on and on; where is the end of this or the authorities? Now it comes down to Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, and Sean Hannity; a crime spree. How about indictments, shut their state down, and damages or a reward, or both? But wait; now I have to work for free and teach them all under these terms if I want to live or thrive in America? This is also after the fact, not before. Am I supposed to feel their pain now? They tell me to leave. They tell Ann to leave. They won't leave or stop. They won't even turn over their espionage and spy equipment, or rat out each other; but they seem forgiven and even well intended? They are communists and their ape like kids, smart or not; turn into Nazis. They claim I am trying to show them my penis and want to have sex with all of them; war. All their husbands are dead or dying, and in prison. I am to bomb them or die also? So now it is about Asian IQ and money. Wonderful, when is this nightmare going to end; I am a computer scientist and a veteran, this was not supposed to be; ever. We do have them and trapped them; still lying to no end. They continue to hold a baby and claim we are trying to kill them or are avoiding arrest. They claim I am a terrorist, they are Israel or America, and this is just not true. It is pure dumbest.
PAPER TRAIL AND EVIDENCE: Do I need these women or is this extortion? A female mafia and communist spy? All these attacks or smears have come from females and the police are either gullible or take them at face values. Even the judges are all females. All the bank managers were female, a financial scam? Even eBay and online, high tech and technology related were these FEMA-Nazis. Yet it all led to the Fox-Limbaugh-Hannity-CPAC spy ring. So let's talk about being a victim, their survival skills, a need to diet, saying no to food, war and the politics, and this teacher-student relationship. I report odd women sending me X-rated pictures of them; meanwhile, fabricating a story about a penis cam. I report some madwoman claiming to be married, a ghetto nigger who I describe as a pig and repugnant. I report false police reports. I report theft and robbery. I report even a female rapist called, "FUGLY." Now I report some female spy using some espionage device furnished by the communist bloc, 24-7; to harass, intimidate, chase off, shut up, and inflict more damage and even death. Every written attack and ambush documented has a female fingerprint and this "teacher-student" relationship while in the Big Brother house. Yet I am not on any payroll or hired by any county to be a teacher or student; no less certified to be their parents; all informal and some wet dream. Meanwhile, the threat of chemical, biological, and espionage technology is taking us or keeps us at the gates of hell. Their sex and relationship with food far exceeds their relationship with our nation; it feels like a cucumber. So while they do this or send out more X-rated and do vulgar things; they claim to be our parents, are married, want us to leave, are waiting us to leave, are beating you up badly, raped you or damaged you, damaged me, stole my mission and life, kept these ambushes ongoing our a double coverage, and then tried to lie or steal their way out of it. We don't even like communists let alone disgusting looking humans who do this, yet they want to die now. The FBI is talking to them and they are also spooked. How about some damage or punitive claims, a male judge and one not biased or totally flawed; not totally crazy.
DEAR ANN, ABOUT YOUR EXPULSION AND BAD PARTNERSHIP: Ann, as I said this is really going way too far and I am sick and fed up with all of you. All of you have taken 911 and rescue work way too far. Let's also talk about the survival skills of you women and your politics. People are fed up with this teacher-student relationship or teaching moment; after the fact or after the floods. First of all, I got throwing into this situation; it was not by choice. I am sure the Vet Cong was also put into this situation by the Vietnam War draft, yet they too act like a ferocious dumbass thrown into a trap or cornered. All of them do and we know all about their survival skills. It comes down to women and you women calling others mentally ill or trying to have fun with our military mission and blessed life. I am now apprehensive about your voting rights and your IQ. You wait for them to leave, they twist or spin it to how both of you want and wait for me to leave. It all led back to me and my military mission they gamble or pound to death like the sex craved ape DNA who cannot say no to food. RICO says they must rat each other out if they want out; not yell "leave" all day long and act sexy. All of them have either dead husbands or were behind the death of their husbands, a club or celebrity insurance. Shall we post a pinup picture of this sex craved psychopath in our life? Obviously Ann, they don’t give a damn and neither do you. They are more biased and focused on how you beat them or cornered them; how to take you out or shut you up, and how to remove all the evidence and escape without a scratch.
First you put your faith in apes and a DNA genetic breed we already know as barbarians. Then you give them access to the highest offices in the world and even the mega-levels of the military; where they ambush and attack every single day. Not only have you thrown your life away on them; the two of you spend all day bashing or beating each other's head in; then both of you runs to me acting like the police or an investigator; totally corrupt and informal. You tell me about this friend’s network, drinking buddy or dinner network, and even travel buddies; all turn out to be one church or one spy ring we know as the communists. My family has been to war with them before; millions killed and a domino of nations lost or threatened. Now boozing and the life of boozers? This is too much. Then all of you throw on the sheep's clothing, parents; yes parents. They have only two years left on planet earth and you act like you are spending as much time and traveling with your "literary parents" as possible while the two of you try to kill or take out the other; already bashing in each other's head or trying to ruin each other over ratings, money, or popularity. The sickening part is their management and your management; all roads lead back to me. All roads led back to my beloved satellite warfare program. How can I balance the blame? How can I blame a barbarian for being a barbarian? Almost like the cops, who in hell would waste their life on such a ghetto nigger honky who overnight turns back into a peasant? Yes on mistake and they become a peasant frog again. My containment policy contradicts yours and I have the belly of the beast at my throat constantly, obviously. If they get one advantage and lock on to this office or use me as a bloodhound; they might do more damage than the terror plots have done; use your frigging mind will you. Are you people delusional or some circus monkey regurgitating some wet dream that has not or ever will occur? Look at your IQ and the burden it has on this mission or my life will you? Cruel and a flunking grade don't you think? I am not their parents, trying to debate them, trying to hire them, their teacher, their lover, or any of these constant errors. I despise their IQ and wish to oppress their ape like DNA and their politics. How? We have not figured out a way yet and it is really annoying to sit here and wait; I need them shut down immediately and taught manners tonight. I feel as if all of you women are obese and too fat; go on a damn diet will you. What kind of a business and church are you DNA apes running with your ghetto nigger act? Do you have the brains or brawn to go on a diet?
I have never seen human beings this stupid or this much of a total disaster, ever. It is overwhelming. I am not the teacher here and there has been a mistake. I am not your teacher either Ann; I am cutting this annoyance off. Someone has to put an end to this, immediately; sooner rather than after. Look at the cutting edge of this. My containment policy does not say to go drinking, spend time, help them, or debate those 24-7; but they do it to me. Now they are so insane and so delusional; I get it on this end because all roads lead back to me or this war. They have a vendetta to settle now. They do not feel betrayed, instead emboldened. They feel loved and more popular than ever, not paranoid and exposed. All the evidence indicates the legal right to oppress them, send out a military hunting party, war or military retaliation, constant threats or ambushes, a bungled hit on the core of US security forces, and their political power or might shifting the blame. Now you. This is no joke Ann. This is no test of your survival skills. Your behavior and management, along with theirs, is intolerable. I only need my two billion and my life and mission will be flying high again; yet the two of you ape like DNA we have to keep far away from money, power, authority, and military missions is just so overwhelming and bothersome. It will kill us eventually. It will kill or ruin this mission. Are you even aware of this or are all of you walking around and on TV with blinders; looking for food and jobs? Now we have to make exceptions for your drinking skills and boozer life? Imagine what will happen if this gate is open? Imagine what would happen if you ghetto niggers are let into the core of military security or even allowed to put on a uniform? No, think about this. How hard is it to get rid of the communists and their forces? Tell me and show me, prove it; evidence and formal reports. Imagine if we contained them and they became business owners, thriving; what would America look like or do? We are doomed Ann and I blame your faith and management skills. Honestly is the best policy and what you say is regurgitated on this end because all roads led to me. Remember this before you speak. Also, keep in mind who and what this enemy is or was before you waste anymore time or money on them; while I need time and money, jackass.
Inquiry minds want to know who, what, and why. This is about drugs and welfare; a very stupid ghetto nigger honky looking for a new sex slave or toy. Do you ghetto nigger females have any brains or just lack all survival skills; I know it is hilarious and even offensive but this is serious and these people are facing jail; major jail sentences. First, we eat and my military mission gut’s fat again. So this ghetto creation and this plot to terrorize America or breed endlessly; may have begun in Europe or Britain with invasion. Then the British must have banned them after war and they walked into our life or snuck across the barriers. Now here they are and using technology or their IQ against us as a weapon and a total annoyance. What will they ruin next or what state will they turn into a total ghetto and wasteland? Debt? No it's only an investment in them.
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