response to your leaders, politicians, and landlords: WE HAVE NO INTENTION ON LOSING, NONE! The question is how badly are you prepared to
loose this? We know you cannot win and
have a big filthy mouth whose annoyance is pure traitor and fit for the devil;
rotten to the core is an understatement.
How much do you value your life or your image? Can you ever get it right or just screw up
everything; so run your mouth when you have not even cleaned up any of the
floods! I am not leaving or moving, when
are you going to sue? WE HAVE NO
human twits do not hear well do
you? Shut your F’in mouth, clean
up the floods, and come back when you need more! If you so much open your mouth before it is
all cleaned up, I will make sure a worse flood freezes your morally perverted
filthy mouth! Let us know if you still
do not get it okay; we would like to help or educate you. You made it clear you refuse to pay 3 billion
or go to jail already. Now you dick
around with terrorism and play this game with us, yeah okay!
will say it again Ann, if Trump is your only hope in this; you need to concern
yourself with things beyond your dramatic stupid dating life or dinner
plans. If I am your only hope in this,
you will divide us and do the same. It
might line your pocket, sell books, or make you look pretty; but had this been
the Vietnam War, we would have been slaughtered at your idiotic existence and
media career. So in 2016, we will know
if you can get it right or not because so far, it is not and has never
been! Does that ring in your ear or
resonate liberty you all are so privileged to?
I will say it again; we would have been slaughtered because of you and
your idiotic leadership. Now you throw
it at the God Program and act as if you do not know who you are dealing with
and why. Are you trying to F with the
God program or slaughter us?
let’s talk about the Pope. Go get him
and let’s find out how fast he can run in America ! Maybe he can help you clean up the
floods? I am sure God is on his side
also! Want to test it or not in
2016? Courage and confidence is defined
in deities we cannot see, hear, or know!
This is F’in America, we live by the rules and the Constitution unless
there are circumstances that nullify them or justify them! It could be mental illness, it could be
family, it could be a money issue or home, and it could be about me and only
me? Want to test it again? I would like to quiz The Pope on Vietnam , the
1960s, and even the God Program; make sure he knows his shit! I am sure he is a straight A student as I am.
I will say it again; I am sick and tired of this. I hope you are beheaded. God is on my side. I hope you and others learn your lesson. You are in the history records and rather than accept the truth, you only want to fight or be the clown we know you as. The God Program will give you hell and will retaliate; in one way or the other. Shut your F’in mouth and clean it up but do let us know when and if you want more! 2016 you can either get it right or not. If not, then die or be sent to the front lines where beheading will be your life story. I don’t need explanations or more crap, either you can hear and get it right or not. The floods will come and it would not matter one way or the other; look at Ann Coulter, does she see any problems? Who the F attached me to this load of crap or dicked around and dicked around time after time again? Let’s see if Trump gets it; the Democrats and the Jewish-Catholic league in politics does not! Be aware how they are and have destroyed Presbyterians in the past for the media whore jobs and this war on the hearts and mind; all total lies! If you pull an Ann Coulter, then don’t waste my time or more of my energy levels; just die and with honor; clearly Ann Coulter cannot even do that right. Go ahead, tell her to get it right; see what she does and says; does the God Program need this or her? You see why they are not crapping in their pants every single day, Ann Coulter and loads of people dicking around as usual; a lack of confidence and support for the God Program! Do you see the Vietnam War now? Do you wish to impose this on the God Program or Satellite Warfare, really?
2015 was your downfall Ann. You made maybe your worst decisions of your
political and strategic career in 2015.
You can argue or cry like you are not dicking around, go ahead, it will
not benefit you and necessity will rule the day. If you are not able to address the matter,
know what the problem is, or fix it and get it right; then you need to find another
man, another industry, and possibly a new career. Do you know I cannot even get a mortgage
right now, so you can talk your smack or keep your dinner plans. Don’t tell me these people have wrecked your
life, I don’t even have a garage or workshop to fix some of the mechanical and
vehicle problems they have created in 2015.
If you do not know the problem, can fix it, or get it right; then this
will tell you and me something. You
should do anything and everything possible to get these people out of my life,
even if death comes knocking on your door.
Did you? No. They are telling me you don’t want them, want
any other men, etc. a total waste of my
time and possibly theirs. Grow some F’in
teeth and if you want to fight; don’t bring your F’in skirts and photos to a
F’in war or fight! I blame you and I
follow the rule of necessity. Did it
benefit you? No. Did it help?
No. Was it another year of you
dicking around or wasting time?
Yes. By now you should know who
and what you are dealing with; hence, you cannot get it right even though the
topography and terrain has changed.
While you were at dinner, do you know how many death threats I got? It was like “in your face” while you kept
snapping pictures and dating. Oh no, its
okay Ann. It will be very okay when you
are dead in 2016; if you do not know or have realized the Jews, gays, or this
enemy are condemned human beings and a traitor Viet Cong; then stop wasting my
time and stay out of the God Program.
They don’t even have a weapon to fight the God Program; except
corruption, lies, scams, your dating life, pimping, and duplicating and cloning
what you do and teach them. You are a
wonderful teacher to the God Program; it is in the record and now history; stop
dicking around and get it; either you get it right or die because the God
Program does not need you or any of this Hollywood
LA crap you are pushing or trying
to use as punishment or a phony lipstick war.
Don’t bring your F’in pictures to a F’in God Program War ever! If so, you will die and God will let you know
why repeatedly and repeatedly year after year!
If by now you are a dumb bitch, cannot say no, or do not know who and
what you are dealing with; then you deserve to die and in the most horrible
ways possible. Look around MF… don’t you
think I know they are dicking around and in power; also the police? Do you think powerful handguns will dent
their beaten up and dying future?
Yours? You and Lisa can talk
about boys you F’in slut; no more chances Ann; you still cannot get it right
and should be dragged out of your “homes” and lynched for the obvious. Next time, don’t bring your sexiness to a
fight or a war of this importance and magnitude; take it serious and I hope
this wakes your idiot lies up just a tad.
If this is about books, then when you die, mine will beat yours! Let’s make it about books shall we.
Ann, you look at the Vietnamese and the Vietnam War and admire stories you see. It’s real. If you are not real in your story or if your suffering is self inflicted; you become too damaged to fix even if you try you’re hardest to fix you! This is like a fantasy of yours that you could never aspire to, admit it. Why? Hillary has distinguishing factors about her that piss me off more than I admire. You Ann, have similar distinguishing factors that piss me off more so than I admire. When the both of you are dead; hopefully when American ends next year as you say; maybe I will write a book about my true feelings. For now, I do not believe necessity is one of your excesses or strong points. I think necessity is Hillary’s one strength she will always rise above other politicians. What you do and say, were never a necessity; thus it comes across as totally insane or even arrogant. In that light, your image will never improve or win; in any battle, in any war, or with any man you claim to love or hate. Had I not come along; I think your weaknesses would have overcome your life in many ways but I do think you would have had a better life had it not been for me. War is very similar. It can make people great and it can make great people a person. You fit neither. To this day, you cannot get it right or even begin to tell your story on how you got it so wrong; but a good rescue is to hide behind me.
Dear Ann Coulter: You are wrong again! I don’t need or want a tool in my life for starters. I don’t want to be with or associate with a tool or media slut for more than 10 years. Your decision making skills leave much to be desired. Whatever went down, the rubber meets the road when all of it did nothing for you and got you in more and more trouble until it swamped you. 2015 killed you very bad decisions, horrible. Odd how one year can kill a lifetime isn’t it? You are a F’in tool and I have told you about this repeatedly for years now! Not only are you a F’in tool, someone should smack the shit out of you so you wake up a little and address some of this. Now you sugar coat everything and this pisses me off also. Asian women go through the same thing so you obviously are not a woman, what you are is unknown but please stop sugar coating things for me. Finally, when are you going to get it or when are you going to be more God like? In the end, it all got you in so much trouble; you could not even talk to me as if your life was in jeopardy. That is the Ann Coulter I know; I don’t know which Ann Coulter you know! Okay let’s talk about boys Ann, shall we? Don’t blame it on your fame or how liberated you are; it comes down to being responsible for the decisions you ultimately make or try to hide. You still do not get it Ann, even to this day; there is nothing left to us and you still do not get it do you? Yes blame it on your dinner plans or the men in our lives now. See, you are back at it again; recidivism; look it up you might learn something. Are you going to die or not in 2016, yes or no? Is God on your side or not?
Dear Ann Coulter: You don’t belong Ann, period end of story; I
see you try badly as well. A lot of
Asian women married to wealthy men go through the same problem as I am with you
Ann. Are you the creature from hell,
there to insult me? e smarter than
this. Yes it does show your true colors and your
true intelligence. All of it down to the
last picture you took, only got you in more and more trouble until you had so
much you were lynched by your own incompetence.
Yes it requires pages and pages of explanations, years to tell the
story, and someone who can tolerate you or stomach it. Let’s cut through the chase shall we; your
ass is getting hung higher and higher each time you do another one. Now you are in a tad better hole than before
but it is still gigantic. Shall we go on
another ten years of this or ten more years of dinner plans? I am sure you are way too smart to understand
but it all just got you in more trouble, that is the bottom line and final
result. I thought you were smarter than
Do you think if you cut down on the number of men in your life Ann, the number of dinner plans you have or how you have no time will be less annoying to me? Do you also think if you cut down on the number of men in your life, gay or not; the total number of complaints or the years I have been complaining will get somewhere? Maybe you will get it right one day and maybe you won’t but is it fair for me to keep yelling at you or for the God Program to keep having to look at you and your stupid life long problem with being raped, drinking, sleezy pictures, or neighbors you look way too happy with in pictures? When are you going to get it and when are you ever going to get it right Ann? Furthermore, you act as if your ass is not on the line and you are bulletproof; will Trump understand if I have been complaining about the same god damn thing for years and years only to fall on deaf and blind assholes who like to pretend to be our partners? Do you want to do this to him or get him in trouble too? WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO GET IT F’IN RIGHT BECAUSE I AM STARTING TO GET F’IN SICK AND TIRED OF IT AND YOU! DO YOU THINK YOU BELONG IN THE GOD PROGRAM, HONESTLY? DO YOU THINK GOD IS ON YOUR SIDE AND WOULD YOU LIKE TO TEST THIS IF YOU ARE SO-SO CONFIDENT LIKE THESE HUMAN MUTTS? YOU ARE A BIG KINDA ASSHOLE AND DON’T FIT IN; MISS YOU WHEN YOU DIE IN 2016?
Your female world is nonsense and annoying Ann, gets it yet? You are a F’in woman Ann, do you get it yet or now? You live under different terms. You continue to generate despair, bad morale, and all kinds of problems trying to disprove or prove your sexuality; thus your idiotic dating life and your even more idiotic photos. Is that clear yet and does that explain why you cannot get this right or still have not gotten anything right? Does the God Program need this or people like you? Do you think praying will change our world or the God Program to your liking? Nobody can even tell if you are a F’in traitor or a hoe; do you know this yet? You are fighting for nothing and do not belong; can YOU FEEL IT YET? There is something about you not right and not agreeable; maybe your photos and dinner plans you so cherish to death; exactly die!
Are you in a pilot program Ann or setting precedents for more assholes to follow? Ann, I am sure more of you F’ers will come through the doors of the God Program or try to. So maybe it is better to give you all a good beating before throwing your asses out because you just don’t belong. Do you get that sense also because you cannot seem to get it right, ever? Morale is down. Insanity has plagued our ranks. All you want to do is take pictures, make dinner plans, go to galas and conventions, and wear hats at sporting events; did I mention shopping sprees or growing old with your jeweler? I just do not get it Ann really; WTF does praying do, make it right again? You are acting like a human mutt and a total disaster; the God Program can do without you okay! I am not sure how we keep you F’ers out or make you get it right, do you? Do you understand why I hope you die in 2016 Ann; I mean do you get it?
Time will tell but trial by fire and war makes men and breaks idiots. So I expect them to break down and cry when they think of me or think of this; but they enjoy every single moment, time will tell what battle with the God Program has done to their being; transcendentalism. We will see it on their faces and in their words; keep in mind, they are legal thugs and the speech police, nobody escapes. If they have a big mouth and courage, sue us!
am glad you are not the police or in charge of America , for real! The
God Program should beat your ass Ann, then throw your indignant ass out! Maybe you will get it right then? Do you see these people and their problem? So pray, does that make you get it right; oh
blame it on dinner plans! Yeah,
let it happen Ann. Stand there with your
finger up your ass and pretend like you have dinner plans and let it happen;
then bitch like a woman. Get it right,
not watch it happen!
You and I have a lot of problems right now Ann, mostly due to your antics in 2015! Therefore, it is going to end one way or the other in 2016; if this means you die then it does; I hope God is on your side. Your sorry ass cannot do anything right and your sorry ass needs to get kicked out of the God Program in the worst ways possible. Not only this, you are spreading the disease inside your little stupid dating career and I have complained about this for nearly a full decade. You let this happen and I watched as you did it; so I hope God is on your side; want to test it in 2016? I promise you God is on my side and you have been or will be kicked out in the worst possible ways! That is what I think of your dinners, dates, and pictures out on the town. Oh where a hat when your plane crashes and burns; I will laugh and say, “I told you so.” Your argument is idiotic, you don’t have time because of dinner plans or galas. You are a MF… even today you cannot get things right; I have heard so many excuses. The bottom line is you don’t get it.
Oh I see you only lied on your resume, that was all and you just do not know what to do, no exit strategy. Well, stay in the industry and see what it leads to! Remember, you are the boss!
If you have a law degree, have that much money, have that many clients, and have this big F’in mouth; then just sue us. Is it about race? Is it a conspiracy? Is it about welfare and hate? Is it because I won’t leave or move? Is it about the power of your church and how annoying you are? Is it about your temperance and kindness? Well then, use your big mouth and your big law degree, as well as your control of the courts and sue us! What the F are you waiting for, dinner and a F’in date? You got me and Ann fighting; also both of us in serious trouble; why not be annoying and sue us? Are you in control or homeless now? You don’t waste a morsel and have a hair trigger? You have skin in the game and there will be hell to pay? Well then clean it up and shut the F up before you get another winter storm next week! Do you let people talk to you like this now or smack the shit out of your phony ass every single week?
The system and these guilty phony politicians are keeping them bold, indignant, out of jail, and out world in cahoots. Let’s see how they handle a little hell and the fast and furious wrath of
still refuse to go to jail and pay 3 billion in damages for over 3 decades of
trying to be my mom or meddling with family issues:
I do not their
courage or confidence.
Impeachment does
not their courage or confidence.
Their own
policies and rules, their own battle plans, do not their courage or confidence.
Powerful handguns
do not their courage or confidence.
Jail does not
their courage or confidence.
The police their
courage or confidence.
Ann Coulter their
courage or confidence.
Setting them up
their courage or confidence.
Floods their
courage or confidence.
10. Tornados their courage or confidence.
11. Getting fired or arrested does not their courage or
12. Security their
courage or confidence.
13. The God
Program does not their courage or confidence.
14. The cold war
does not their courage or confidence.
15. Terrorism
charges and $3 billion in punitive damages their courage or confidence.
16. My powerful
and clairvoyant scorn does not their courage or confidence.
17. Telling them to sue us in their faces does not flood
They defeat all science and reason, no logic only
dictatorship and tyranny, total corruption and evil; will they retire or will
they learn their place in this world before their retirement is annihilated
also for overwhelming charges? It’s just
family and they are the boss; the clock is ticking and everybody better get it
right or else there will be hell to pay for this total utter mess. Will they go home a total failure when this
is done? So how do we defeat, destroy,
kill, or enslave the 911 terror plotters and this enemy in America ? How do we deport them and send their ass home
beaten, defeated, homeless, and penniless; retire them?
is the mommy trying to convert me into a psychotic drug hippie? The horny hick thinks she is family and is
talking through the pint sized bitches, super terror mouth. At first it was hit reset, now it is start
over, and then now it is how they have to go home because their friends and
family are ruined. Yes the mother and
daughter team with the enlarged bee sting finger wishing to explore their
orifices, the mother-daughter team was also running around tag teaming like a
porn superstar. They have this cosmic
connection to our family and she actually thinks she is our mom or we have to
call her mommy until they are buried in the ground. So there is your mystery voice and the
mystery caller, the sexy thing who knows every sexual detail about black
sexuality or pimping. They have earned
the name horny hick and they are the American Viet Cong who was also the mole
during the cold war; now the mole of terrorism.
Can anybody convince them otherwise or talk sense into them? I cannot and I have pressed charges time and
again; the system is too corrupt and a mass firing-suicide needs to be
implemented. Yes this is why they need
to go home to Sicily
or the ghettos of hell; total failure.
Oh yes, welfare reform and offering me welfare for landlord positions; I
am so privileged to have them in my royalty.
Oh yes, now it is in our faces and double, triple, or more attacks! Clock is ticking, if they get in a war, they
will not survive and if one begins; their retirement and debts will collapse; a
house of lies and thievery. Oh yes, they
can always immigrate to Asia , family. They are paying the Asians and expecting
kickback; such as my family and I; I have to deliver their extortion
expectations. Do they ever shut up? How is their friends and family doing, the
1960s people? Who are the people behind
this and the voice of the communists in America and the terrorism? Oh they drafted us and we have to fight their
wars now, turned the tables and disagree?
How many floods and winter storms will annihilate their welfare problems
or poverty?
talk about some of the people running around acting like they are the police,
cold war leadership, the boss, or some patriotic American. Can they get it right or do they just
want to negotiate and talk about it? Oh
yes, we need more of their courage and sophistication, so sexy! Oh they just want to F with us or our mind,
just sue them? How about a giant flood
to eradicate all of t heir sentimental values; are we even yet?
Let me take a guess Ann, you cannot get it right because you have dinner plans? Another date also? Do you think the God Program needs this or you, honestly? Do we need more retards who cannot get it right and are indignant about it? Do you also think praying will make it right or get it right? Do we need a pansy ass to regurgitate what we want, need, or rely on? Odd how you are their teacher and you are also their inspiration; guilty? Oh it can’t be you, you are not the problem Ann. The morale of the God Program is on the line now, guilty? You cannot get it right because you have dinner plans?
All I am saying to all of you is
we have not even gone to town on your ass even if you struggle to get it
right. So get it right because each time
your pint sized twit mouth talks, someone in your imaginary family goes
homeless. They feel tortured but your
fantasy is enjoying every moment of this historical time period. The abortion on the God Program is well
documented and so are your antics. I suggest
all of you get it right because if you don’t; someone might go
to town on your ass this time! I get it
right, you should also. You see Ann, she
is struggling with this also and she has much more love than any of you! Talk is cheap, save it for hell because that is all
you will get out of this; fast or furious?
Dear Ann Coulter: Hey Ann, let’s recap your 2015 antics. Oh it is also a cherry on top and it is something you see on these TV shows about drinking with the neighbors, going to dinner with the neighbors, getting too friendly with the neighbors, going to conventions with the neighbors, going to sporting events with the neighbors, and getting canned with t he neighbors. However, in your world you can do no wrong Ann. In your world, we all are family and you are forgiven. In your world, you were so good remember? I bet you enjoyed every moment of this also; probably more so than they did. Oh but there was more to your antics and you have the pictures to show it; do women do this with their neighbors or just you Ann? So yeah, I hope you die in 2016 and I hope one of your too close with the neighbors problem gets you killed; such as drinking or in their cars. I hope you and them pull a Thelma and Louis right off a cliff together. You act like the world of the God Program would not throw a traitor case against you or see you as a retard who can’t get anything right; are you also another stupid retard whose history define your stupid behavior and politics? We see a lot of it, as if it is everybody, not a few people; but you all are family and always Godly forgiven. Just wait and find out how dangerous of a game you play and who you play it with; but always keep in mind, God is on my side and based on your history; I don’t think he wants to hear or see your dumb and getting more stupid dating life with the neighbors. Do you? Do you really stand tall with yourself because I am sure a lot of people are more than fed up. So yes, maybe in 2016 you will finally learn your lesson and fall victim to your own stupidity because you can’t get anything right and in your world requires an explanation or more excuses. This is coming from someone who has stood by you all through life and you are about the biggest pain in the ass I have ever seen in the God Program, you should be ashamed of yourself and it will take a lot to ever clean up your record and history; smartass. Oh but you are forgiven and don’t even care; that is exactly the people we need on our side Ann. We also need more sleazy pictures to insinuate how you are a traitor and want to die; exactly what I was thinking; beautiful wish list Ann. Can you just die so the God Program does not have to see this ever again? I am serious, can all of you just die?
yes, please do enjoy yourself at our expense.
I bet you had a blast and enjoyed every moment of this, didn’t you! We can clearly see that in your stupid
nonsense, want more. This is the meaning
of family if you must know, get it? Yes
act sexy and powerful, you enjoyed every moment of this.
Oh I get it now. You are a little girl on nigger mode and you
are our family also! You must be the
boss of the cold war I take it? For a pint
sized twit you have a big imagination, ass pimp! We love the Viet Cong, can you tell? Maybe if you stop the nigger mode, we can
talk sense into you? Maybe when you are
in custody, you will end the nigger mode also?
We will see and test your Fox News nigger mode family scam pimp! You owe 3 billion now for that same nigger
Oh you like hitting the QB huh? Let me inform you and clue you in to who is in the room and who you are messing with. Also, let me also tell you how you are a mole when it comes to terrorism, as if you are unimpeachable still. You have some nerves for a little twit, during the cold war and during the post cold war era with terrorism. $3 billion is what you owe now for 2015; I highly suggest you turn yourself in and plead guilty for 911. Right now you are the dumbest in the room and the biggest losers; want to pick more fights?
The Bush Family was the mole at CIA during the cold war. It was they spreading democracy and knowing full well we are disadvantaged against the communists. Not fare behind them was the horny hick and their antics. Even today they act together and they act as if they can just do it in our faces and we are powerful and cannot do anything to them back! I say sit your ass down before someone slams you on your head a few times; then make you pay 3 billion in compensation for messing up or trying to mess up the God Program, something all of them are banished from for eternity. Yet let them come and let them find out for themselves how sneaky or courageous they think they are. They were the Viet Cong of the cold war and the lights got turned on their ass. Oh yes we are so much friends with all of them. They still cannot sit the F down or shut the F up; can’t do anything right either, not even war!
The joke is we are not going to take any of your shit, not once cent. You are the dumbest in the room, sit your ass down and stop associating with us or acting like you are the pimp leadership! We don’t care if you are the people or the Viet Cong, you are still the dumbest in the room and pure senseless nothing! If you don’t sit your dumbest in the room ass down, we will carpet bomb your ass into the future. Yeah explain that one so everybody can understand. You are not plugged in your peeping tom and if you ever do it in our face; you will not be happy how we put you in your place. Oh you owe $3 billion in damages for being such a dumbass peeping tom and a pimp.
would say all of you are in a lot of trouble and refuse to admit it! Let me guess Ann, you too are a retard and
cannot get anything right? You like to
watch or be a spectator while battles are underway; no less get too friendly
with the neighbors and take humiliating pictures with them? Is this why you cannot get it right, you just
like to watch and also cannot get things right?
It is not as if we need more of these retards in the God Program or in
the military, don’t you think? Yes and
many of you feel like you are Republicans, Christians, and even conservatives;
okay we need to put a quick end to this stupid game and this problem with
people who can never get it right! Yes
just watch while battle is underway, do that!
Oh yes do it in our face and see if your ass is not snuffed out! Oh that sneaky also!
WE ARE NOT GOING TO TAKE CARE OF YOU, WE PLAN ON THROWING YOU OUT IN THE WORST POSSIBLE WAYS! If you do it in front of my face again, we will carpet bomb your state into oblivion! It is that simple, turn yourself in and plead guilty of major league corruption and terrorism. We can slam the crap out of you, nothing changes but you have learned to tap out. Because you are damned and we don’t even want you as labor or for labor; I hope this is crystal clear, stop hiding and in your face:
1. Because you lack moral character and there is a total
absence of decision making skills, one bad decision after the next.
2. Because you feel you are forgiven and each day is a
rebirth; evil and infallibility is your existence.
3. Because you lack education and stand on tradition; one
your feel is determined by the warmth of your pall alter and followers; not the
truth. When the truth is in front of
you, you prefer to fight rather than accept the truth.
4. There is a long pattern of bad decisions and not being
able to get things right, why? Even if
the truth is in front of you, all of you prefer to fight while turning your
back on the problem. The problem is a
long history of not getting it right, even if it caused you to come to America for new
5. Pimping your way to the top and fighting your way to
the top is how you prefer to exist; furthermore, stupidity and not being able
to get things right is what you call your religion and measure of comfort. That same comfort is your home.
you tell me why we are carpet bombing your ass with the truth and why you
should be thrown out no less face the death penalty? Oh you are forgiven and are our parents, no
less a shit toting pimp of nothing? That
is your history and tradition, not getting things right and now our life is in
debt, not in order, not right, and we are in serious battle. You stand in front of us talking crap with no
moral character, a lack of truth, and very poor decision making skills while
you claim your judgment is in the best interest of America !
is trying to tell you how stupid and ignorant you truly are! If we can shut your church down and make you
beg like the pimp you are; then don’t act like you are right wing or a
conservative. These people are defining
people based on race or greed!
Furthermore, IQ and intelligence is not important to any of them,
imagine that! Lastly, I am not the one
who marvels and drools at Ann Coulter’s dating life or how she is pimped by
this ignorant pest; now the king of all pimps!
How strong does your church think it is to be doing this and mouthing
off to our faces? Oh that strong or just
that stupid? It is one or the other, we
know this much. They marvel at Ann’s
dating life because they are her pimps!
pimp nigger thnks they are going to do this to our face and if we say no, then
we are not horny or want any sex! Then
they will keep bouncing this off of use until we throw them out or flood them! They are really-really stupid, fat, and
disgusting; seriously annoying!
You are married to another man you dumb whore. Stop acting like a distraught holocaust victim or some mistress who just walks into the life of others and talks to them like a dumb bitch all hours of the day! Stop acting like your crotch cannot get wet or is in pain; it is one scam after the next, one game after the next, one idiot bad decision after the next, etc. and it just keeps going on and on until disintegration of a dumb idiot human breed who thinks they are welcomed and a total tyrant! Yes pull your mommy and pimp act with our life and school; do that with our entire life. How powerful do you think you are and how long do you think you can do this? You are a worthless dumb bitch and a whore; the proof is who you sleep with and why you keep talking to us in the middle of the night; are you a gay pimp also? You also act like family or attractive, not even rattled or terrorized by this ordeal; the door gets slammed in your face every day, every hour, and every time!
Oh you want me to be insecure and dependent on Democrats or the labor union; our bosses? Well, then I suggest you laborers nigger your ass outside and make some money for heat so that we can flood your ass in the spring! If you keep shouting and giving me hell on your property (claim I am trespassing or not welcomed on your business); we will flood you before winter is over; learn the routine okay pimp! I don’t need to know about your white masters or how
Any body we want so long as we have the money? Everything is for sale now? Really… the same applies for the police? Oh you are done, so now go the hell home!
Oh you are a superstar online and up and coming celebrity now? How are the floods treating your pimp life, female and male hookers, and your online dating services? Not ready to turn your ass in or go to jail yet?
I must be your gay ass whore still in
the closet right? You just want me to go
away now? Nobody is going to murder you
because you have too much security and are too high up? Oh you are the boss and this is your
money? Want to know what I am going to
do if I catch you trying to force me into gay prostitution or kidnapping me,
teacher? Oh you will take it to the
internet and wreck our life?
Gay ass Al Qaeda pimp for hated and liberal left wing 1960s communist people in the closet and now acting like God! We know it is you again.
Gay ass Al Qaeda pimp for hated and liberal left wing 1960s communist people in the closet and now acting like God! We know it is you again.
I compare it to shooting a gay ass female pimp in the ass with a 30mm cannon (Apache attack helicopter) and if that does not make you crap your pants, then I don’t know what will. I bet you know what terror is and wife beating, sure. Yes, you did it to me also! Yes you continue to do it to me also, claiming to be mommy and we are on your playground. Everybody fears the Apache, female or male liar. Yeah, up close and personal is how you like it and changing your identity to a female now is not helping; you should be a homeless bag lady by now; someone F’d up badly! You continue to be this gay ass pimp but it has to do with my residence and housing situation; a home! Yes we know it is you horny hick pimp! You got impeached already, want more or the next levels? I bet you know how to terrorize people!
Oh you will keep switching costumes and
identities on us until lost or free of danger?
Oh are you really going to take over the
voice of my family or replace them? I
have them on the other line; are you going to hire them and demand money from
me? Oh I have to go on attack for you
and be your terrorist or corrupt follower?
Anything you say…
Should I file a claim also; we are in
this together and a victim of hatred or hated?
Oh really… you MF, die! Who the
hell do you think you are? Oh you want
us to go on the attack for you?
Oh are you going to speak for me and
replace Ann Coulter’s voice also; so you can pull this dating crap or wifey act
on me? Oh you want this and you want us
to go on the attack for you? Oh let me
guess, you are corruption and the voice of both sides, money and power?
Oh I am celibate and going through
theology school or teachings? F you MF…
how do you like the floods and the cold?
Hey good news everybody! They are really not the KKK, they are our family and trying to help us! They don’t hate us, they want to date and have sex; want a kid! They are not really Al Qaeda, they are Americans who are hated and sick of it! They are not rich or powerful, they are actually desperate and near death! This is not about catching them and destroying them, it is about keeping the dream alive! So they are off the hook and everything is okay, we over reacted and took it too far; that is all. The game of opposites attract is actually a dating strategy and love taps! They want to be our God and they want to agree so that we can unite and be one big happy family; hire them and give them money! Isn’t that just good news and hope? They are not really the Nazis, only the communist and Big Brother; hence the POW and kidnapped situation! I am hired and they want me to stay because they will not take no for an answer when it comes to sharing power and moving over for them! THAT was my position and feeling all along from day 1! They are our security and protectors, guardians, and God; so tough and so difficult to defeat or get rid of! They are not
your ass off bitch! Maybe we will get
the chance to drown your ass before this is over, what do you think? There are plenty of women out there who will
kick your F’in whimp ass and there are plenty of gays who would not hesitate to
murder your gay ass as well! This is all
your fault and you want to give me hell around the clock? I say kill all of you and if you survive the
floods, then we throw you in jail for life or declare a shooting war with you
for just breathing! Now stop crying like
a little bitch when this was all your fault to begin with and still is to this
day! How dare you, F off and F you! That pretty much sums up the game you are
trying to play with me; if you are not murdered then you deserve to die; just
stop bitching about how you feel or what you want!
I’m really into Viet Cong trouble makers.
I have a great idea! Stop crying
like a little bitch about what we are
doing to you, what we will do to you, and what we have done to you! It is your fault to begin with and I really
do not need to know how you feel now or after you are ruined. I really do not need to know how angry you
are with me or whether or not I need to leave.
Therefore, I would appreciate it if you shut up and stop crying like a
little bitch about how sorry or not sorry you are;
no less what this has cost you in terms of blood and treasure. Nobody cares if you are uncaring, care, or totally
ruined! Go the F home if you need to cry
like a little bitch okay, this is your entire fault to begin with! Hideous…
just hideous!
is the nosy bitch always trying to match dot com because nobody likes her? Who is always getting put in their place
because they have a filthy mouth and is a nosy ass bitch who keeps on watching
us like a peeping tom while claiming to be our mom or God? Oh I don’t know either and I guess we cannot
do anything about it or them!
is full of hate, selfish, and the problem now?
All you got what you sow; and a whole lot of legal or political problems! Are you baptized and matured by battle yet;
or are you still a draft dodging, weak on crime traitor? Obviously they are full of hate and to be in
their position, there is really no way to win, only loose terribly, a perfect fit
for a total loser and a psychopath tyrant!
Yeah enjoy it, we made it just for you, so you can film yourself and
watch! Can you tell I am really into you
or Viet Cong terrorists?
Have you noticed how many gays the “Tiger Momma” has produced and why gays associate with certain types of Asians? Strange isn’t it? Strange how certain Asian cultures do not brag about how tough their momma is; very much like white racists. That is the source of it all, the egg.
I am glad to hear the landlords
are ruined. I am glad to hear the
landlords want me to leave. I am glad to
hear the landlords are sorry and want to only die in peace now. However, the reality is the God Program is
not big or giggly enough for the both of us and you all clearly do not belong,
tyrant or a bigoted psychopath. As a
matter of fact, my life and career is not big enough for the two of us. Where that leads and where the blood trail
takes us, we will know and find out; won’t we!
You obviously fear what you created and fear the evil that hath no mercy
on other humans. You fear yourself the most
and like we also do; back at you now!
All you have to do is look in the mirror and say “look what you done
now, are you happy with yourself; are you satisfied yet!” So we will work you to death until the floods
come and get you before retirement! As
far as I am concerned, you are already dead; just turn yourself in and go to
jail as trash and a human nuisance whom pushed too much and went too far where
they could not and should not have ever-ever gone! In deaf people terms I think what I am saying
is kiss my ass! I have never and will
never kiss your ass even if you are dead, trapped, and have no way out of this;
a certified bonafide F’in retard who just never shuts their filthy mouth that
is full of crap. That is how tough I
think you are and that is how scared or how it has been for the past three
decades; it remains today as the truth and my glory. If it is not worth $2.5 billion then it is
worth your head exploding and your total annihilation; good riddance and please
just shut up and F off!
all are lying! You all were dating,
going to dinner, snapping pictures, etc.
while you were acting like a battered wife or a victim of violence
through this entire episode for the past three decades. We have you on film and we can prove you were
doing this! A battered wife and our
guardian is just another mafia like scam to rob us or pander money! All of you acted like it was prom night and
you had fun doing this! Pay the $2.5
billion and stop being such a total retard!
your communist MF ass shut the F up please?
Your mommy, hot sexy cougar, ultra fresh sexy teen, etc. toilet tricks
never work and have never worked. Now
you are a tyrant one minute rekindling a friendship that never existed or
acting like mommy for my own ears while you meddle and play God with us and the
God Program. I would say they are fed up
with your ass way back in the 1960s; but you keep getting up and going on and
gone like the communist stalker and sex offender we know you ass. Does your retarded ass ever shut up or go
away? What else can we do to you?
always thought
shut up about friends! You are a total
F’in retard, do you even shut up or go away?
How many decades has it been and why do you repeat and regurgitate the
same thing over and over until it comes true or you are so far in fantasy you
cannot even return to reality? All of
the cost, debt, and floods require a report; you better have that report or
else all of your military and government contracts will be pulled! Do you ever shut up? You are going to jail or going to hell, there
is no other option available any longer! A F’in retard who is trying to act like a
tyrant and dictator with friends!
you start a war or if war breaks out, the debt will be pulled on all of you
because the votes are not there anymore!
If you make one wrong move, then the hole you dig and are digging will
expand two times the size what it is now.
Things are getting tougher for you to survive this and your future; so
yeah, either you turn yourself in and plead guilty or you keep the pressure up
and keep meddling. Standing behind
beautiful women to cover-up your repugnant and disgusting existence is just
another scam of a pathological liar. Oh
you are still passing messages and telling me to leave and move? BTW, Karen the 16 year old turned out to be a
40 something midget; extremely sexy! Like
I said, we will work you to deal, throw a bunch of you out, and then when you
retire we flood you. For now we want to
make sure nobody is around to take care of you; back at you this time! It came right out of your mouth so I suggest
you really shut the F up! You going to
jail man, ARE YOU F’IN SATISFIED YET or do you want more human sacrifices;
words right out of your mouth!
Oh yeah, Israeli tic-for-tat; so brilliant and unimpeachable! Keep hitting back or attacking back until someone goes crazy or the trust is too damaged; we know the truth and we know what has to be done! Even better, use your filthy mouth each time I say “turn your ass in and go to jail; lay down and put your hands behind your head.” Now leave, nobody wants this and we are sorry! This is my home and I don’t like what I see or what you did! Keep attacking back, give them hell to pay, and watch them closely 24-7 and every move they make; wait for it and then call it terrorism! Who will know the difference or ever find out?
Obviously, this is about power and power is what gets you off. You want to get off with us, but you cannot! What it looks and sounds like is a crazy woman (s); who is living a fantasy locked deeply in the 1960s politics; and kidnapped the wrong people to weasel her way into their private life, love life, or facets only a parent and guardian is permitted. Then when she was caught or trapped, she refused and said to go to hell and kiss her ass. The first problem is the lack of knowledge and the lack of ability to prosecute; hence, it lingered for decades. Severely damaged now and awaiting arrest, she tries to appear helpful, loving, and even powerful; stating how she would prefer to die instead of going to jail when she has to face the documents generated about her crimes. You don’t go and kidnap people, cherry pick the best, and then nurture them to your political animal or psucho fitting of a cold war communist spy network or an IRA terrorist channel in
Oh yes, make my bus ride every morning a total hell! I forget to thank you all for that one! Maybe you will bust your ass and send me the video, ha got you back!
yes, make my bus ride every morning a total hell! I forget to thank you all for that one!
Get a kerosene heater MF, you will need it this winter! Furthermore, I really do not want to hear your apologies or know how careful you are now; understand? Yes, we know what you are doing and retaliation is just seconds away! We just need to make sure you do not have anybody to take care of you when your retire and are homeless!
You ain’t the boss and nobody is going to get off the beach for you fat repugnant ignorant worthless whale! You have some nerves; get the F off the beach before it floods all of you! We really do not care about your pride or your damned orders! You are a fat disgusting ignorant repugnant stupid and really need to die for this; nobody likes you or what you are doing! Stop going around making up crazy stupid crap.
You are so desirable and so confident; you make decisions without hesitation and even handguns cannot break your criminal will! How come we have never recognized or been able to properly vet you before now? Oh yes, you are so high on our list of wives and friends! I have to seek you out! I have to beg and pander 24 hours a day! As a matter of fact, I would choose you over any white girl or Asian girl from an Ivy League College! Oh yes, I know you wipe your ass and take a bath; wow! You are our go to people when it comes to power, brains, money, military matters, or business; especially banks! I HAVE SO MANY OF YOU ON FACEBOOK AND MENTION YOU IN MY MEMOIRS AND WORK CONSTANTLY! WILL YOU RETIRE WITH US OR WILL YOU BE HOMELESS?
Of course you hate it when things fit together nice and neat for me; or when all the chips fall in my favor. Sure you are accustomed to losing and are a total loser; so you should be okay with what I am doing to you and how I am doing it to you! In other words, you hate what you love and see as your reality! So how is your confidence now you F’in Communist; one wrong move and you will be homeless in retirement and we will work you to death until then! Take your shit and bet the hell out of the God Program! How dare you!
Oh you still have gripes against the police or with them? Really, like what?
You better stop F’in with my sex life and love life, such as my dating life or control of the people who come in or out of it! We will work you to death and then throw all of you out the day you retire! You are lying about your confidence; things can change very quickly on your ass, very! Stop F’in with my dating life, especially online or when I try to get rid of you!
Yes or no. Have I worked your ass to death already or not? Are you happy with yourself? I wish I could have seen your face or got you on film, it is money! Yes I knew you were stalking me and watching me; totally annoying pest but an expert on stalking people and targeting them! Who else worked your ass to death before the floods swam your ass to hell? How is your confidence now; want to see my powerful handguns? So powerful handguns do not F with your hard stubborn head or confidence? Liar!
You are damn right we set you up! Furthermore, if you keep barging in my life, harassing me with endless illegal contacts, or hijacking and doing what you are doing and have been doing; then remember we can work you to the bone and then make you homeless the day you plan to retire. If your confidence is unmatched and infallible; then this is what we will have to do. It is the cruelest act on earth to do that but you has 1000s of charges pending and some of you have the death penalty for your part in terrorism or a terror support network. We will make those not directly responsible pay dearly also. So stop acting like a thug one minute hijacking my life and then a humble wife begging her husband not to leave or treat her so badly! Your stupid shit is intolerable and the floods should have made you homeless by now; why you are still acting out your fantasies is inexpiable. Shut your mouth stupid bitch, I will work you all to death and then flood you on the day you retire; understand? Shut up about hope or move out also; as if these are the terms I have to accept or put up with. It has been 3 decades already and we are severely impacting if not killed your confidence; very insecure and not coming back. Stop hijacking my life and acting like you are my mom or my wife; you are a Kunta Kintay beggar whose worthless life is so hated you hide and do this!
I would like to help you find a new profession and career dumb hoe. Oh I did not know you were mentally ill and scared of powerful handguns! Want to know or find out what a powerful handgun or even a less powerful rifle will do to a psychopath’s confidence? Take your pick; do you like handguns or floods? Oh you want to hear me say it don’t you, “See what you did smartass!”
Okay you like my power and you like “our” power. Yeah hang on for dear life! Yeah make dumb and stupid babble! Yeah act like some stupid bitch or female we run over while she proclaims her psycho love and marriage to! Yeah violate every law on the books and tell me you have to eat! Yeah refuse to go to jail and refuse to stay down as you are arrested so that lethal force is needed! Yeah break all of my things and give me hell; see what I do back! Yeah just stand there with your mouth open as I throw one long ass touch down after the next and run your clock down; get up after you get tackled or taken down! I can keep on going on and on… day after day… in your residence or doorstep… and everything you do; but why? Just leave and go home before your head is stuffed up your ass! I suggest you get the F out of this industry and get the F out of my life! You don’t have to… nobody put a gun to your head or took your head off every time you were off the chain… as a matter of fact, the coast is clear and nobody is looking or now! Please stand there and be a total pain in the ass; or keep walking by as if my life is a revolving door for you to open, enter, or kicked down when and if you want!
almost got you horny hick! One wrong
move and you could end up the homeless hick!
Don’t even try to pull your momma or dual reality crap on any of us,
especially the God Program. No hitting
reset or restart either; be accountable for your life and your actions in life. Yes, your slut ass got taken to the cleaners
and wringer, but you like it rough anyhow sexy! Do you know you are not very good at this? If you are not very good at power or
politics; why not find a new corner to do what you are doing? Why my life and the God Program? Idiot.
Dear Ann Coulter: Let me guess, a gigantic flood is going to come and sweep all of this or all of them away; thus, you will never have to deal with it or remember it again? Oh but wait, I need 100s if not 1000s of explanations about what they are doing? Why aren’t they homeless, someone dicking off again? In all honesty, it looks like you are on a one on one date again; back to the old Ann Coulter again and recidivism.
Dear Ann Coulter: Yeah, I have not and never will be on the same page. Why in hell do I need 100s of excuses or explanations about what the pictures are and what they seem like? Why do I need a doctorate level report, endless of pages; why or why not you are a whore with endless man-crushes? It seems like every God damn week, you pull one of these stunts about what the picture says and what they mean. I say take your shit and hit the road because the God Program really does not need this crap. You should have more respect for it before you go off and take another picture, idiot. Why do we need 100s of explanations from you or ever need it again? If it is not
Oh yes, US Marines; back to the communist
problem in the military! Oh
yes have my baby faggot! Yes your
courage and confidence! Oh is it the
rebirth of the mafia, sex industry, and old times in America ; a rebirth of the 1960s and
the new revolution of the communist and terror support system? Any other tests you would like to conduct or
training you want to give me? Let’s see
how many people you destroy, piss off, and make homeless on your way to jail;
just tell them the truth!
should I leave and move? Let’s find out
how many people you get destroyed, poison with your toxicity, ruin with your
filthy rude mouth, make homeless, the bill or the cost of your courage and
confidence, your idiot marriage or same sex crap with us, or how you cannot
shut up or control your impulses! Yeah
on your way to jail you did all of that.
Well, you ain’t in jail yet so it must be going on as we speak; go ahead
and break everything in the room or run into everything while blindfolded and
dropped from the highest building in the world.
Oh yes it is your time and your revolution, the next level for Civil
Rights and America ! Is it worth the trouble kidnapping or
harassing me?
How is your confidence trying to mess with my confidence and brinksmanship now? Oh you want to mess with my confidence with women or will academic studies also? All your military contracts got pulled and your church may get shut down unless you have private financial support; back at you!
Obviously they are not Republicans and we are in their circular firing squad; so voting and choice is irrelevant. They think it is their home and they think their money owns everything; even the courts. The best thing to do is put them in the same situation and decisively make sure all of them are homeless in their retirement; all for nothing and just to piss us off a little more than needed! Kick them out of the military also, The God Program is nothing they play with or attack; no less try to blow up by marrying!
do we have a criminal and terror networked in the military; no less the voice
from the depths of hell? It goes to show
you what will and can happen if the God Program is ever taken over by the Spawn
of Satan or these lousy Americans! Let
this be a lesson and remove them from all military affairs and employment
altogether! The God Program does not
need to be taught by their politics, immigration, terror program, or sex industries. Why are they running around and not homeless
right now; did the floods miss or did they learn how to swim? Or is the problem someone on our security is
dicking off again? Look how much trouble
they are in; oh they are really in trouble now!
These bitches are really in trouble now, make sure they are homeless in
their old age; regrets? Shut down their
terror support system and all of their financial supports in retirement!
anybody tell this voice is from the depths of hell? Can they tell it is a woman and a political
support system for terror? Can they tell
it is the security of the 1960s people, trying to grab us and pull us into the
depths of hell? Can anybody tell how we
cut the arm off and a new body grows on this female and their political support
system of terror; a tug of war? Can
anybody tell the politics of terror is linked to both the Republican and
Democratic Parties; now online and the internet sex industry? Can they tell this criminal element, very
comfortable with who they are 24 hours a day; is a career criminal and terror
network in America ? Can they tell it is linked to the sex
industry, female labor union interests, stolen or robbery marriages, and now
online retail businesses to include a very strong homosexual theme? Basically, this voice from the depths of hell,
both a female and male messenger; is telling the God Program to get out of
their business establishment regardless of the racketeering involved and if
not, then war will be a reality. This
voice from the depths of hell is a dating service and a scam to rob and swindle
people using sex, females, political terror, the 1960s, Democratic members, and
immigration. If we do not kill them and
cut the arm off, they grow a new body.
If we cut the head off, they run around like the 1960s free love
liberation with no brain, only a body.
Now they act as if the Supreme Court is our parent or our professor;
make sure all of them are homeless in their retirement; no, back at you!
of this proves what happens when you let them go. Even if the police dick around or if anybody
turns their back, give them an inch, and does not take them out on day 1; it
will keep on going until three decades pass.
Why the floods have not taken them or why they are running loose;
indicates someone F’d up. This is what
happens when they are running loose or when the sun sets. I don’t ever want to hear about their
holocaust or how unfair it is, ever again!
The rule is they must be homeless and punished in retirement; retire
them now! This is not going to end and
they say they are ready and prepared for what is to come! Now they have done it and are really in
Oh they are in trouble now! Who exactly is being rejected, who exactly is
a pathological liar, who exactly is lying and a criminal, and what exactly is
the reason or the truth?
Oh you want to talk about how unfair it is Ann? You go on a dinner date or a VIP Party every F’in week while I have to sit here and absorb all of the attacks of your endless orgy. Not only this, you parade these pictures as if you are posing for a XXX magazine because you are out on some date, gala, VIP event, weekend getaway, hotel party, convention, sporting event, etc. Just so you can run to me and tell me how good you have been. Had we been in a shooting war, you would be court martialed immediately for your lack of work ethics and your public image; so you go ahead and tell me how hard you work or how unfair it is okay; I won’t even be attending your funeral and I am trying to tell you to take your shit and hit the road because the God Program can do without you or your stupid life! If you see it differently, then you are truly a giggly F up. I sat there while you had a man crush weekly and acted as if you were on some high school ski trip for the first time; so don’t tell me or ever say how unfair it is okay. You suck and it is time you pay your rent in hell. God is on my side and the God Program is not your thing, trust me. I hope you die in 2016 and if you are beheaded by them, then there is a God in this world. That should teach you a lesson in life or about your behavior in wars.
The floods should have gotten them by now but they are still disrupting and holding talks in my residence; so someone F’d up badly. Why they are doing this now and why the floods did not come for them, I don’t have an answer or any real response; the fact is they are doing it and they are breaking things, giving me hell, showing their stinky pussy, and talking shit all hours of the day. How did they escape my trap? All of their horses and cattle should also be dead; someone F’d up.
You have my word and my promise on this. Those who are doing this now and behind all of this will be homeless in their old age or dead from battle with the God Program; so if they want to parade as the police union or some Americana homeland specialty on the menu; let them; my word is on the line and so is their ass. Don’t come around ever again when they are homeless and beaten in battle with the God Program; otherwise, we won’t be so nice next time! Those behind this will be homeless in their old age, I promise them!
have the personnel to go totally robotics and cut out all human factors. Do I need a dumbass on my ass or stalking me
so all my things are broken and I get hell?
Oh I am oppressed and in their boat now?
Why in hell would I build a factory in America and take this shit I am
taking now; no less have a female bark down my back 24-7 about how good her
pussy is and what I need to just get in the door? You have not realized what I know yet? You have not matured in battle yet? You are disconnected with reality and the
truth? Bitch… I am fed up with the shit
and strategic initiatives are underway; that means F you and I’ll slam the door
on your face if you do what these F’ers have done or are doing!
I need to listen to their shit and take their shit now? Take all of your shit and GTFO of the God
Program. If there is anymore complaints,
back talk, dicking around, this defiance and spawn of Satan, etc… a flood of
winter Katrina’s will arrive weekly! So
you want to test corruption, lies, power, and evil on our behalf and using America ? How F’in dare you! Why not execute you all and call it the day? Do you honestly think we are playing around
with you or wish to negotiate the future?
Should I nail another F’in note on their forehead and send them back to
their leaders? Have you watched the
movie Gladiator yet? We know they are
using debt to take the world to financial bankruptcy and is here in America to F
with us and the righteous; strategic initiatives are underway and I want them
on this road where my forces are ready to take them and anything they throw at
us! They have thrown a lot and I mean a
lot; 100s of pages of criminal violations!
Presidential Debate of Saturday, January 16, 2016 Dear Ann Coulter 2016: Yeah why don’t you die and just get the hell out of here? Take your dates and your stupid dating life along with your staff and this mess with you to hell, if you would be so kind. That is 2016, yes fill the God Program with more junk and pictures; act like you all are together and dating; so naughty and so picture image! When you all are ready, hint 2016, please die and take your shit with you all. That is a hint about 2015, I really do not need more of this junk and crap; just die. Wear a hat when you die also, it looks so cute! Take your stupid social media with you and that jackass Twitter Revolution you think you are the core of. WTF is Trump going to do honestly, more dates and pictures to concerts and dinner? Do you MF know how much F’in trouble you are in now because if this keeps going on until you are in jail. Hell will be integral in your life; yeah peeping tom now!
really, your women are superior and sexy?
We could keep throwing your ass out for all of the Presidential
“Osterman Weekends” you have been doing or we can keep throwing your ass out
until you are in jail for playing on our sexual desires or sexual impulses,
shutting it down and then releasing the gates when and if you feel it is
needed. Do I look like a stripper or one
of your sex workers? All I am saying is
your sexual intuition is at an idiot level, only there to taint or disrupt,
toxic; and we can keep throwing your ass out or breaking all of your things now
until you are in jail, dead, or merely a peeping tom now. Do you enjoy being a peeping tom any longer
or enjoy my life? Really? If so, then we need to do something about it,
don’t we? I am sure you all are great in
bed but your perverted moral character is intolerable and too crazy to even
give you the time of day. You will
eventually learn and mature due to war and battles! I bet a bag lady or a homeless lady is very
sexy; want to test this peeping tom theory a little more? Oh you want to trade Ann Coulter now for a
really sexy bitch, how convenient! How
kind you truly are!
I said, their DNA and breed is of Satan and not of this world, alien! We want to capture their leaders, interrogate
them, torture them to take us to their leaders, and verify their DNA clone so
that we can nuke the planet or universe this idiot breed came from; trace it!
This is not a nomadic door you can just walk through, slap an enter or exit sign on when and if you wish, or some national border you cannot respect or acknowledge with your sophisticated consumer tastes. If you have not matured yet in battle, then I will be happy to get on the line and nuke your ass or call the right people to throw your sexy female intuition out on the street by your F’in head. I don’t care who you are or what nation you claim to be from, you better start recognizing and respecting borders, rules, and shut the hell up about how sexy you are or how sophisticated your consumer needs are. Clearly, you are too ignorant and stupid to get it immediately and after centuries of this ignorant religious or otherwise, dumbass act of power; you seem privy to invite yourself and act as if you are above the laws; even to the God Program and before the entire world on your F’in knees. So yes, I will be happy to flood your life in a manner which will cause you automatic and uncontrollable pooping in your behind so that your sophisticated consumer tastes can get a feel of the world you live in, rape, and violate on a constant and needed basis. The God Program and my life is not a door you can come and go as you please, female intuition or wifey needs or not! I would think the baptism by fire will rocket your fat ass into orbit and get rid of you once and for all! Freedom is clearly not inside the realm of your ignorance, bigotry, intelligence, or DNA. To sit here and act as if you are a consumer of our goods or your sophisticated consumer tastes needs to be fed; is the same nonsense butchered and on the dinner table now. You don’t taste that good either but you enjoy watching us eat this crap you make! We also know you are the communists and a bunch of nonsense; so do yourself a favor and shut the F up before you get a flood and a tornado to throw your ass around a little bit more! You will know fear and oppression before this is over and the door is shut in your face repeatedly! We really do not care what nation or what religion you are, understand?
Who exactly is being rejected, who
exactly is a pathological liar, who exactly is lying and a criminal, and what
exactly is the reason or the truth?
it comes down to World War II, Nazi or Communists because everybody is at
war. As I see it, you people deserve
whatever you get for acting like we are on trial and you are not. Ignorant and willing to go to any length,
your filthy mouth and sneaky acts see no limit to evil or the respect of
others; not even the God Program. We
have made it clear, you are not the human breed I want or the God Program even
wants no less need to fulfill our missing on earth. So I will scorn you and tell you the same
thing; you try this in Asia and you will be slaughtered also because you just
do not know your place in this world, you are too ignorant and stupid, and you
answer to nobody because you are willing to go to any length to win or to
succeed in crime and terrorism. If you
agree, we would nuke you just for refusing to shut up and acting the way you
do. Don’t pull your stupid shit with me
or tell me you are not scared and want to fight because everybody is at war
with each other. We yell at you
constantly and regardless of the facts or the truth, you act like you are my
wife or partner in life; do you know what evil is and can you ever do the right
thing? Now is your chance on earth
before you die!
Who exactly is being rejected, who
exactly is a pathological liar, who exactly is lying and a criminal, and what
exactly is the reason or the truth?
________________________________________________________________________Oh I see,
F your female intuition because if you had a brain you would have shut up by now; but keep pushing, I am sure all of your horses and cattle will be slaughtered and I’ll be the first to be there when you are on your knees cleaning it up because you stink so badly and your mouth can no longer jabber anymore nonsense! As far as your female intuition, let me tell you what I think about your pitbull mentality or your high maintenance demands! As far as maturity in war and battle; even if we baptize you with fire; you remain an idiot with the age of a preschooler babbling like a twit or a horse drawn carriage without any wheels. Don’t ever think you are my mother or even think you will start over or hit reset with me you MF… if so, all of your cattle and horses will be underwater! If you have all that fight, then come out in the open and let’s really go to war and battle; this way you can mature properly when you are dead!
You all have not felt fear yet and you have not matured in battle due to fear, not yet! However, you are evolving and getting there; don’t quit and do not turn yourself in; no need to pay damages or plead guilty; not at all. Keep breaking my things and pissing me off until true fear strikes your fat, weak, pussy ass slouch filthy mouth… then you can talk about how tough you are or how much fight you have to be doing this. Have you met the God Program yet… do you have stories to tell or memories about it? Oh you want to run your F’in mouth to me and tell me how mean you are?
You don’t have to tell anybody or say anything! However, whenever you F’in say “We are done…” and I grab your F’in head by your hair and stick my finger in your face and tell you I am going to kill your weak little faggot ass; then you know you just met the God Program and the biggest warriors on the planet. As far as beheading people… oh what I would do if you ever tried… you can scare these human twits but if you so much open your F’in mouth to me or my face… I will show you how tough you really are faggot! You are slaves and you are human mutts that are all you are smartass phony. Eventually that will be a reality in your ongoing fantasies because for a fat F’er and a holocaust victim, you sure act confident and tougher to even try this crap on us! That is true fear, to look in my eyes and realize I am going to kill you in battle no matter what you do or say! Do you want to act like an ass behind doors or show everybody how tough you are in a real fight; stop hiding.
Oh you hate your race and husbands? I get it! Yes flower power! We do not need to start-over or get to know you bitch, get that straight! Oh I oppress them and they do not oppress me? Sure… anything they say! I appreciate how they lifted the sanctions, so kind are they? Thanks for the prison memories or the psychiatric ward memories and reports!
Let’s see if we can put an end to your Viet Cong career in
Just leave or did you poop in your pants? Oh embarrassed and indignant? Too fat and too powerful to show your face; too comfortable to fight in the open? Oh this is about sharing power and knowing our weakness; opposites attract? Still excited to meet us and know us? Having fun dominating, controlling, and manipulating us; how about the God Program? Oh you are in a psychiatric ward trying to explain your side of the story and call 911 on me? How do you like being my girlfriend or being married?
Oh you will never leave us like a
fat bitch in heat? What a lie that truly
is! Like momma like daughter! So you want to watch? You want a man to dominate, control,
manipulate, yell at all day, tell to leave or move, and never get hurt or
injured while you plead your love and try to murder your husband? Ah, that is what you are on the internet
for. Are you still looking for a man
online or are you just stalking us? You
can’t walk away because there is just too much money on the line? Boy did you mess up, big time. Do you order me to be a homo fag also or one
of your hookers? You have no control
over your mouth or your impulses?
Really, that obvious? How much
danger do you think you are or can take?
I see why you all killed your husbands or drink the kool-aid; now you
want to share power with us; yeah okay! Oh
you are a Navy Seal and are that tough, what a joke! You are always in control and giving out
orders aren’t you; the soccer mom in disguise and the human mutt too good for
anybody! Oh this one is a keeper… ha,
kiss our ass bitch; like momma like daughter!
Are all of you widows and victims of terrorism; sounds Israel and very
holocaust; any tattoos to prove it?
Oh they are only helping feed Ann Coulter’s addiction with men by giving her a new date every month? Oh wait, she is in control and she is the one feeding her addiction with men every month? Let’s see which one of them die first in 2016; I am sure God is looking and cocking back that bat ready for them to make the wrong move! Oh yes, they are so upset with anything goes… anything goes is their politics and existence. That is their money and that is what
Oh they won the legal game and the police game? Oh the media and
like to use New York and America in the
same sentence? They also add in Chicago and other places;
their home? I want these people out of
my life and the God Program; if not, then maybe we should consider killing them
with a tornado or a flood?
to F’in Guyana you F’in ex-Patriot? If
you think you are going to retire in America or be a draft dodger to the
God Program, then you will repeat what you have been or how you got here
now. It is about results and we want to
know and kill your results; just watch.
Oh you took over the courts and took over the government also? Is that right… elections and lawyers; what
your money and vote says? Do you think
so you F’in idiot, I am tired of talking or hearing you all day!
is only one road if they want to win this, one.
I had more than ten and I chose this one. If they dare follow or enter, then they will
find it very difficult to escape, turn around, or fight their way out. Keep stalking and following us; oh they gave
my family freedom? Oh they are better
than the Presbyterian Church? Oh they
know what was going on in the 1960s and Saigon
during the 1960s? Oh we do not stand a
chance? We are ready for anything they
have, let them come; we know where they live, who they are, and how to hit back
like a hurricane! They are running out
of options the longer they stay on this road but they seek to stay on this road
and either buy it, own it, or take it over; nice try asshole but not in this
lifetime! As I said, turn yourself in
and plead guilty; otherwise face total destruction and worse. Don’t stay on this road and don’t stay in my
life; don’t hear or learn very well? I
am a certified Vietnam War master strategist; who the hell do they think they
are or how do they see me? Really… whose
the Gook now? Please take your time and
dick around just a little bit more!
are looking at the Vietnam War master strategist; I am beyond the expert levels
and can teach the college course. I have
studied that war since age 8; my bookworm and fascination with books. I read at least one book on Vietnam a month
and my family started it and fought it.
Now they act as if they can just walk in and flip everything on us. They think they can run loose in America or our
life as the Viet Cong? We know they are
coming, sit and wait; there is only one road to our HQ and only one road out
there; we shut down and blocked all the others, there is only one road and we
are going to defend it and strategically place our defenses on the yellow brick
road. Let them come and let them find
out how powerful our forces is and what we can do to the Catholic Church, their
leaders, their labor union leadership, their 1960s radicalism, and all of their
politicians to include their monetary empire.
They are looking at total destruction!
Should I apologize to the political leaders, labor union leaders, or
their religious leaders? Oh they are
getting use to where they are and their new home?
job Ann, we are going to loose this and loose against the Viet Cong; want a
medal? Do you see who they are and what
they are doing in America
now? Why… They think it is the 1960s and
The Vietnam War again, draft dodgers and the Catholic Church! Smash their F’in face in for this Viet Cong
threat inside the God Program, also doing this right in the open while they
come into my residence at nighttime.
know who you are and where you live! Is
this about the Presbyterian Church or just you?
Are you really the Viet Cong in America ? Is this about immigration and welfare? Did you come last night to wreck up our life
and take our belongings? Are you
fighting the American GI or the US
government? Are we defenseless against
your village campaign? Did you
re-educate us or keep us as POWs? Have
you turned us into Viet Cong terrorists or turned us into your soldiers? Are we forced to turn against our family,
friends, and submit to your power? Okay,
when are you going to stop and when are you done with this? Do we have defenses and are we prepared to
fight the Viet Cong in America ? Are you this dumb or am I? Oh I ruined it and it is my fault? I own you an apology and have to show
respect? Does it really take a village
to fight one person, really? Should I
leave or move village chief? Did you or
have you taken over the state and the Party?
Want to pick my brain about the Viet Cong or who you are? Want to pick my head about the Vietnam War or
relive it; we have been waiting for you and we knew you were coming!
see you whites have taught the blacks your trash and are still trying to teach
me more of your trash; unsuccessfully of course. Unfortunately, this will be your last battle
on planet earth and your last war, what you are looking at right now. Don’t even think of it because we are done
warning you and nobody is going to tell you until the last minute so that you
are the last man out; a game I learned from you of course. As far as Ann being deaf and blind also, this
is her last battle on earth. If she
looses with me, then hell will be her home because God is on my side, not
hers! Obviously, she has a lot in common
with these people and she spends a hell of a lot of time with them while she
tries to win my favor. Oh she has done
it now and it will be her last battle on earth also; God is on my side; he
knows all about you human mutts and how you do business. What do you want people to say other than
take a bow; you deserve everything you get in life, so think twice next time
you try to teach me your trash and your total loser life. You are becoming much hated and so is Ann
Coulter! But see what it got her and
where it got her; oh you are a MF also?
How dare you do this before the God Program or to the God Program; you
too Ann; how dare you all! 2016 I
predict is when all hell breaks out because nobody has fixed a damn thing! Not even Ann!
Good job Ann Coulter, maybe you will win a Congressional Medal of Honor you stupid bitch. Oh your dating life is so benign and you are so good! At least fix it or take them out before you die moron; otherwise take it to the grave. Oh you really done it now, jackass! Let’s see you fix this one now smartass. Oh I got enough white people problems on this end don’t you think; or with Fox News trying to prop up the Irish Catholics and the blacks! Now you… can you mess things up a little bit more please? As I said, you deserve to be beheaded for this; now fix it and shut your F’in mouth.
Strip clubs, drugs, crazy human mutts from the Midwest and East Coast, immigrants who are the pit of Europe, the politics of poverty, secret trial and police, endless scare tactics and harassment, 24-7 intimidation, idiot level use of technology, idiot behavior habits, incompetence in every aspect of life, a twisted mess full of anger, etc… sounds like a movie for terrorism or the mafia whose underground black market got wiped out by their own criminals and drugs. Now by their lack of power, their lack of control, their church leadership, and picking or choosing the wrong people to F with and kidnap; odd how they make odd bedfellows with Israel or the left wing Democrats. Odd how that strain of human mutts is on the Republican side acting as if they are important, in charge, rich, etc. Odd how they need Asians or try to scam really smart people whose world is completely opposite to their total insanity! Now we have a landlord and dictator who feels they are also God and extremely expensive; who do we sacrifice?
Yeah, we are going to hit you like a F’in hurricane for this! Does it feel like we are dealing with a F’in idiot yet or is everybody a F’in idiot? Oh great, now we have to “deal with it” and “that is your problem not ours.” How did it get this way? You are doing a great job Ann! I hope you are dead also; that should teach all of you horny ass assholes how to F off and shut the F up!
I highly suggest the Republican Party begin to throw people out because if I have to or if I have to fight tooth and nails to throw these bastards and assholes out; I guarantee they will not like it and their reputation will be what they are looking at. As far as this racketeering plot and circular firing squad; we know it is a financial scam and the corruption levels better be dead and gone before the wrath of God takes hold of their neck and squeezes the life out of their privileged, black privileges, or white privileges body! Line all of them up and we can make it a singular; no need to point any fingers! At the end of 2016, they better be dead, gone, or in jail! If you want to see war on a scale your head will explode; then let’s not wait and go ahead and take the first shot; big or small it won’t matter one bit!
Ann, you need to die and die this
year! I don’t need anymore explanations,
more man searching from you, more pictures, etc… it is beyond stupid already
and it is getting nowhere. Why can’t you
just die? Why can’t the domestic
terrorists behead you, why is it always beyond the circular firing squad?
Oh the “Anything Goes Girl With Other Men
Problem (Road Kill)?” Does
Ann need to be taught a lesson or will she be beheaded in 2016 resulting from
all of these man-crushes and idiot dates?
A whore is a whore is another whore; it helps to repeat itself. Yes man-crushes, what a great idea Ann
Coulter! As always, a little too late
and all wrong; I wonder if she will piss me off on purpose ever again? Can’t we just nuke her family and call it
damn now Ann Coulter is acting as if she is not hiding anything and she knows
when to stop or say no! Um, a little too
late aren’t you; as usual? Yes the story
of America
and the police. You don’t choose the
right people, you just act like you were so good and nobody has to worry! What did I say about white people… oh do you
want to compare them to the black people too?
I got the job and you didn’t! I am the
man chosen and this enrages you and makes your control freak corruption eager
to die because it is the end of the world for your idiot tirade. Regardless of what you do, I still have the
job and the door is smashing your face to the point where you cannot see, hear,
or stop the bleeding! I got the job and
this enrages you to the point where you will die or want to die! Yes we know and we can help you! You are not out of touch, you are a total
F’in loser whose only purpose in life is to be stepped on, ridiculed, and
pushed to the brink of death and suicide in front of the public. As far as your politics and power, that too
is self-explanatory! Do you get it now…
question mark. We do not need money to
throw you out, we just need to catch you and trace where it came from; hence,
what you see now.
We can see you running and lying
in these Katrina ravaged or tornado ravaged areas. That is how much fun you are enjoying
yourself and you have an answer for any question; yeah sure, okay. I am sure the courts are entertained by you
also! I know American security forces
are and they are elated to hear about a new draft!
We are glad to hear you were able to enjoy yourself at our expense or had such a good time living close quarters. I am elated to find out you are so angry and hit rock bottom after three decades of trying to kidnap me, harass me, act like my partner in life, pretend you are married or having an affair with me, or embedding yourself in my life and military mission. I am also elated to tell you how wrong you are and how wrong you got it. So yes, it feels like a Home Alone movie and I am sure you are having more fun then you are saying. I am sure you have a normal life and was never put through the ringer or an ordeal you cannot even talk about anymore. That is war. That is battle. That is why you break down and cry at the mere sight of my face. I am sure you have many memories to share and want to keep sharing these moments with us; good to the last drop! I am also sure you crapped in your pants many times during the past three decades and do so now uncontrollably. The worst is yet to come so recover and pick yourself up; this is just the beginning and you made a good test dummy and a idiot like messenger. We know it got to your leaders and big blob like global forces; it was that good. But like the next day, reality sets in and so does the depression; we can’t stand your face either. I am sure you are able to get off now or still like to get off at our expense. It was a wonderful experience, do you agree?
there are personnel whom can kill these people, then it is time to deploy them. They are too indignant. They feel they are above the law. They are savages and lawless; so they have no
respect for the right of other humans.
They do not care who lives or die, it is all about money and greed to
them. They are corrupt as hell. They lie and lie until nothing is true and
total insanity is the only option. They
are weak and inferior, not even worth our time.
They are far too selfish and narcissistic to even compare themselves to
the God program or be doing this. The
list is totally insane and keeps on going.
We have warned them repeatedly to turn themselves in and plead guilty;
otherwise, the personnel needed to eradicate them or their friends and family
will be deployed. All they do is attack,
wreck up our life, piss us off hourly in our own residence, tell us to leave
and move, and shout back useless and filthy clown like phrases such as “do it…
just do it…” as if we are scared to kill them or too scared to fight them! So if the
personnel who can kill them in the most efficient, speedy, and far more
ruthless than they think they are; it is time to deploy them and on a scale of
1 to 10, hit the 15 mark. Stop dicking
around and throwing two false heads on a body that does not fit!
Do you see the spuds, those whom
we caught behind it, all over the world and how they attack? They now complain? They complain about how their children
suffer? Their children suffer or will
suffer due to their actions and their failure to turn themselves in and plead
guilty. I am not telling the police to
kill them; I am saying there are more capable personnel and forces whom can
kill every single one of them. You hear
what they say and how see how indignant they are. You see how their children suffer due to
their endless attacks. I am not saying
it will be in the next 24 hours; what I am saying is the people behind these
attacks were identified, captured, and trapped; thus heavy fighting is
underway. They will be killed eventually
and their kids will suffer for all of their charges; there are pages and pages
of charges. So tell them to stop complaining
and shut up; we don’t want to hear their apologies or indignant filthy mouth
yelling back. All of them will be killed
or captured eventually; all of them! If
they feel strongly and disagree; then come out of hiding and let us take a
clean shot at their head! The proof is
in the result and the proof is in the outcome; talk is cheap and this junk is
really cheap! All I am saying is they
may live to be jailed but their kids may not.
If their kids get killed or if their land is taken and given back to the
American Indians or Asians, then we really do not want to hear it; not one
complaint or peep! Again, turn
themselves in and plead guilty!
If they do not want to die or
face the wrath of America ,
then why didn’t they plead guilty and turn themselves in? Are they on drugs or is there a gun at their
head that prevents them from doing the right thing? Are they forgiven every week or pardoned each
time they say sorry or are peaceful? If
their complaint is violence or the abuse of police powers; then turn them in
and plead guilty. If they do not, then
the right and the ability to kill them falls on the military and the duties
vested in those who are powerful enough, have enough intelligence, and can win
this easily! That is their complaint and
that is why they are so angry! Yeah,
keep on dreaming and acting like they are above the law, unaccountable,
unimpeachable, etc. If they are killed
then the evidence is there; why didn’t they do the right thing?
These are very astute people! Oh yes, I cannot stop thinking about a total F’in loser or an idiot. Oh yes, I want to have their children and have sex with oppressed people who are so poor they do not even take baths. Oh yes, the big fat loser type is my hope and dreams! I seek them out on the internet all the time and I contact them constantly! They are so powerful and they are so sane; sitting comfortable by the fire looking so rich. That is my thing man. Oh total losers and a F’in idiot is my dream in life; they got it right. Furthermore, I’m really into the Bush family; probably more so than the
Oh if you think I am cuckoo over Bill and Hillary, that sexy thing; then you should see my family. Oh we cannot get enough of them and must look at their pictures when we wake up in the morning! They gave us freedom and we need to thank them instead of smacking the shit out of each of them! Oh yes… we dig the poor as losers and their fight to escape oppression or global trade. Oh yes… how they knew? I hit on their women and chase them weekly; cannot get enough of a human mutt. I seek them out on the internet also; it is so obvious! Fat people are also my favorite, add in a few gays also and we have a party!
Hillary and Bill: Oh yes, I am so into Hillary and Bill. As a matter of fact, I carry a photo of Donna
Brazile and Obama. I have pictures of
all of them all over my apartment and they should know this if they are
watching me 24-7 as if I am their Golden Child.
Oh yes, I am into Jews also; how did they know? What a F’in bunch of total losers; can we
kill them or just throw their asses out?
Three decades now it has to be repeated weekly because they have such a
short memory span. Oh don’t even try
it! I warn you… don’t even think of it;
you will regret it? Don’t swallow or
inhale, spit me out or else you will die of poisoning! What a F’in idiot and total losers, really
man… F you and stop acting as if you are tough as nails or have the courage of
a Navy SEAL.
Ann Coulter’s Idiotic Dating
Life: If there is any sign of
impropriety, fire them and get rid of them immediately. That is the rule and that is the law; violate
and your state will be nuked. We have an
extremely dangerous idiot on our hands and they do not know any limits or can
see each other!
Why didn’t you just come out and
say you want total insanity in America
so you can act powerful and indignant?
This is your core message and your existence!
Can’t you just die in peace and
can’t you understand we hate your guts?
Why do you keep telling us how important you are, how much we need you,
how you are staying, and endless arguing and bickering… you cannot live on a
realistic or truthful level whatsoever can you?
We hate your guts! Please die and stop causing so many
problems! Your politics and power in the
world will be killed! Your politics is
total trash, do you get it? You ask to
die every day, “do it… why tell us… just do it.” We will discredit you, expose you, and kill
all of your power; your politics is useless and your power is a total nuisance;
a criminal! Let’s see who wants to die
with you!
The Democrats say this is insider
bickering. Donna Brazile says they have
to do this just to have a seat at the table and they are staying. Hillary Clinton says she is in charge and she
makes the decisions here. Thus all of
them act as if we have patience and tolerance for them (or else leave). My landlord also claims to be my sponsor and
I should go home because I am an immigrant and this is their home, sponsors
have the last word. All of the above are
totally crazy and the work of a madman.
This is why it goes on and on; as if nobody has won this and nobody can
ever win this.
Oh yes, you are in charge. You know everybody is afraid of you. You are the real deal, not a fake or a copy
cat. Oh don’t worry about getting rid of
evidence, the police are nowhere to be seen!
Nobody can learn about you and nobody knows you are doing it, the coast
is clear.
am beginning to get the idea you all are starting to like your near death
experience. How many has it been
now? Have you lost control altogether or
are you trying to fake it up to convince us you are still in control or
power? Can you even count your near
death experiences on one hand? Two? Three?
Okay I give up but do you like the experience now? Oh yes, another Kunta-Kintay near death
experience; wipe your ass, you are in America now! Your politics is the gutter and Satan
produced it. We will discredit you and
kill it!
So Soweee! That is what a conspiracy is about! Let’s wait until the last second to tell the asshole and the rude idiot who needs to learn manners tonight! Yes take your time… again! I will put you in warp hyper drive!
Oh you want to teach us what hate and racism is? Then why don’t we kill all of your useless farms animals and throw your ass out tonight, call it even? How many times were you told to shut up and F off? I see you have not larned any manners yet and seek agreement, unity. Now stay down and if you even try to get up or run your mouth, we will nuke your state and your neighbors! Don’t make a sound or a move until the police arrive and your ass is dead or in jail! It is a conspiracy, soh soweee but you F’d now! Keep being a dumb asshole and bitch!
Who is setting up whom? Is anybody keeping the score? Who is doing it, who is setting up the other, and who is on the hunt? Are we together on this and do we value them with the same price we value the God Program? If they play with it or this; severe and swift actions will be immediate. That will teach them to dick around and waste more of our time while they pander. We will seize the day when the opportunity to exterminate them or eradicate them shows up, until then we will wait for the right time and the right moment. As far as kidnapping me, it reminds me of the movie Home Alone; spit it out and stop chewing before all of your teeth fall out. When they learn some manners then we can jail them, do the right thing, and let their people live. Similar to the cold war with the communists, they should shut up now and learn some manners; if not we can teach them tonight! Like their cheap people, cheap products, and phony stalker watching us; they will prop up and send up more counterfeit! Yes we know there is a conspiracy and yes actions are being taken and backup has been called; it’s just a matter of waiting now.
We would love to eradicate the blacks, Irish, labor unions, terror plots, welfare, idiot stupid immigrants, violence, and loyal Israeli landlords from
Oh yes, A stupid ass Irishman and
his black comrade is going to take over our life and take over America ! I’d like to see that one and I’d like to see
how that goes! After three decades, I
would think they have learned something if not nothing! They better think quick and come up with a
defense plan; it is kill or be killed now!
See what you did… GO TO JAIL AND
yes, your labor union, politics, and landlords are going to take over the God
Program. Keep dreaming, it has been more
than three decades now and the more you watch us; the more your eyes bleed
blood! If you are not dead yet, get up
so we can smack the living shit out of you again and again until you learn and
until you shut the hell up! Oh you don’t
hear now or do not hear anymore, blind also?
You and your stupid labor union-Irish MF life in America ; dead
and gone is what I see! Three decades,
shut the F up and F off!
Had you all used forced entry to get here; we could have deployed immediate lethal force. I have never seen anybody use sneaky lies and racketeering to wage war or conduct a kidnapping. Now you claim you come in peace. You do not use forced entry at the beginning but you do use force and very aggressive intimidation and scare tactics during and at the end when you are chased off, neutralized, and put in your place. You also deploy the same sneaky lies to end or get yourself out of a war you began and cannot possibly win. So the Trojan Horse evil tactics is and was a complete failure; just admit it and plead guilty; you are wasting a lot of my time, our time, and a lot of other people’s time. You are and have been caught on tape, recorded; so just plead guilty and understand when you are facing the death penalty and a guilty plea; don’t spy on us and what I say, do, or use to defeat you is none of your business and if it was why would you care facing death of the highest punishments? Do you have a score to settle or payback; more hell to pay than what we can dish out to you? Oh I see, you are
You gave my family and people freedom? Are you giving me freedom now or an apartment? Let me guess, you don’t waste anything and you have a hair trigger? It looks like you are the one who cannot undue it, hit reset, get an exit strategy, or talk your way out no less attack us until the coast is clear. Is it or not, guilty? Boy you are the devil from the depths of the Black Lagoon aren’t you! If it comes down to it, we will take your land and give it all to the American Indians or the Asians. If it really came down to it, the last action on earth; we will kill all of you in World War. That is the end and the last act on this earth; are we there yet?
we really in this together? I did not
know race, stupidity, incompetence, poverty, crime, mental illness, and a
filthy mouth was your glory and rules the day!
Now we know and the question is do we have a weapon to combat it or do
we have a plan in place to address what you are doing, wrecking everything in
our life and then giving us hell; to somehow win or make you loose really
badly? You are losing badly
aren’t you? Let me guess, you are also
“giving us freedom” but it is not free and comes with a heavy cost? I bet you are and I bet this landlord and
apartment-negotiation table is all part of your mental illness strategy or
credit problems. I think you should be
worried because you are saying we went Benghazi
on your ass for no reason; are you guilty or just not showing it? How many of you are left in politics and how
many of you have gotten away, anybody? I
bet it works on blacks and minorities? I
bet the race and poverty works for the Republicans also? Did you come here for welfare or did you come
here to be a test dummy and to have messages posted on your head while you walk
around advertising for us?
If you are guilty then get on your knees and clean it up; otherwise, I will make sure we go
bet this works on blacks and other minorities?
She cannot do anything wrong and is not the problem! She is staying and wants to know when she
will start and what her first job will be!
Want to talk to security or only me?
It is an apartment; it is not a negotiating table. My property is off limits, it is not a door to break or break down, I hope you understand. What is watching me going to do for you; no less give me hell? Has it done anything for your home or how you hope I understand? There is too much babble, how do you plead? I don’t plead anything because you still are not asking me questions or complaining; I’m trying to get you off me and throw you somewhere, anywhere but here! I hope you understand and how it makes me really mad! You talk way too much, how do you plead? Yes I stuck messages all over your forehead and body; similar to the Reformation. That is all you are, don’t take it too serious and be quieter next time doing this! My life is also not a revolving door for all of you to come and go as you please. Do you think I am in love with the labor unions or big labor/ why do I need to understand it is your home? Do you know what I can do or will do yet? You realize I am a straight A student before you showed up, don’t you? Are you my staff, joined at the hip, and are we in this together? Sure? I wish you were not such a dumb bitch, honestly. I would not be in this mess or looking at this human moron mutt!
do you plead? Do you want a tornado or a
hurricane? Floods are untouchable and
very important! Thanks for telling me
why you do what you do; it’s so important and so are you! I bet this is your home and it upsets you
when we break everything and throw your F’in ass out; want some hell? If you have the death penalty, will it matter
what we do? Sure? Should I pay for your legal fees and your
legal defense also?
Well I am glad you understand a
little bit better now but it is a little too late for sorry, whimpering, or
shouting! As far as comparing yourself
to the God Program or trying to make us understand; you can F off and it is
high time we break all of your thins now and give you total hell. If you so much act like the dumbass you are
or try to increase it; all the lights will be turned out and all you will hear
is water coming at you! I am glad you
understand and want us to understand the details of an idiot life or the
poverty of a human mutt. I hope you
understand how it piss us off and the size of your fat-ass or head! Now pay the
F’in damages before more hell arrives!
Who wants to work with us on Terrorism? Oh you cannot take no for an answer, is that right? Do you want to work with us in crime also a master-slave relationship?
we really done you stupid MF dumbass piece of shit; how would you like it if we
put you in a kill or be killed situation and then smash your face in until all
of you are dead. Meanwhile, you can act
like Navy SEALs and show us how courageous you are or how we are done! Take a bow you human mutt; do you swim like
SEALs also? Are we done yet and again?
A flood or tornado in the middle
of the night will scare the living crap out of a Navy SEAL or even the best
warriors on earth. A little nosy bitch
human mutt is more brave and courageous than SEALs? Is that a joke or do you expect the God
Program to actually believe you and do as you say when you get mean, tough,
intimidating, and go on attack? You cannot
stop lying can you? Do we look dumb to
For the old timers, we will run them through the FBI before we flood them or tornado them; just to show respect for law enforcement. Is that fair and is that agreed on? What if it comes up negative? I don’t know, it hasn’t yet but we will deal with it when we get there. Get a date with Ann and talk to her, maybe she can save you before her plane crashes?
Federal racketeering charges mean you are not my landlord and fake, ulterior motives. Getting busted for racketeering charges mean you will never work in this industry, politics, or have a normal life ever again; ask Limbaugh. Meddling and F’in with the God Program as you are doing now just means you will die or be in jail, your choice. I honestly would like to see if any of you can get away and what is the ratio of those involved, to those dead, to those who got away. We need statistics on this to determine 5, 10, and 15 year analysis so we can better kick your F’in ass or exterminate your totally corrupt Viet Cong traitor ass. That should teach you to sneak up on us, hide your identity, make America Israel, or meddle and F with the God Program. If or had any of you gotten away, contact us or write a book; we dare you! All of you are not only incompetent, you are certified idiots; but you think we are your Jews, the brains behind your evil, and the magic carpet you want to ride into the future. Odd how things turn out doesn’t it? Now let’s address the $2.5 billion dollars when the time comes. My suggestion is to get all your miles if you can, it’s only a flesh wound.
believe they plan on wrecking Ann Coulter’s plane and it is not an Arab;
perhaps a Jew or a homosexual. That
would really piss her off and make her take more pictures! As I said, give them the hell of the God
Program, go after their friends and family, and let me ask them if they want to
dick around and F with us again? Pay the
damn damage and go to F’in jail you Viet Cong traitor! If you want to call me names, write it down
and I will send you a formal official response!
Trump dated Princess Diana, eww.
yes give us hell and break all of our stuff, see what happens! If it comes down to it, I think we can kill
all of them and not let anybody get away!
If you are among the forces of
good against evil, then backup will arrive and we will link up eventually. Until then, do not let up, don’t give an
inch, and give them hell around the clock as they do to us. They want and they need a kill and be killed
situation; so be it. Their historians
and leaders remain silent and act indignant about their totally corrupt and
vile existence; so be it. The game is break everything in their life and give
them hell until their head explodes; then meddle! I think they made a major mistake, a deadly
one. How stupid do they get or become
because they do not think so yet! If
they want to rock and roll; let’s I like heavy metal!
all of their stuff and give them hell!
Meddle in every aspect of their life and tell them to leave, move, and
go home. That is the labor unions and
that is power. That is the communists in
and that defines the Viet Cong or bomb plots.
Oddly, they feel they are better at this than we are, true? Break everything and if they get up, break
all of their legs; that is the power of the God program to survive three
decades of endless attacks 24-7 while they breath down my back, hold me as a
prisoner, and give me hell in every facet of my life. Now Judgment Day has arrived and they are too
comfortable with power. In war, the
bonds of battle cannot be broken.
Similar to Benghazi ,
they dick around and waste the time of everybody! Let’s see how far they will take this because
World War is not out of the question; neither is civil war or a secret
war! How dare them to mess with the God
Program, meddle, and act so nosy and intrusive; they better commit suicide or
else the hunting dogs will find them and they will discover how fast and how
furious the wrath of God truly is. They
need to get out of this business, stay the F away, and find a new home or
nation to do this in. Consider
themselves exterminated or terminated with super duper extreme prejudice until
our last dying days and until the very better end! Do they want to be by our bedside or beside
us when this goes down? Okay, so be it…
move you lousy little bitch and shut your damn human mutt mouth!
Isn’t strange how there are murderers running loose and how crime is also integral in their life and now in our life? I find it strange and a sign of poverty; they see it as business or old memories.
I have to ask, is the God Program or just is it just me; are we supposed to be scared of you or your filthy mouth? You don’t take no for an answer and you refuse to keep away or stop meddling? Are you trying to scare the hell out of the God Program or are you trying to compare your peasant life with ours? What is your goal? Do you honestly believe in what you are doing and do you think you are thinking clearly enough to battle us or even manage my life? Honestly? Do I look like your Jew because we know how you poor asses get ahead and how you scam others using mental thought. How far do you want to take this, until your head explodes? Am I supposed to take this or just the God Program; tell us and say what you have to before the waters come and get you. Are you man or are you metal? All dictators have a brutal ending; are you special?
Oh you and them have something in common Ann, can you take a wild guess what it is? Let me clue you in okay, you also like to piss me off! I can see how you have bonded with them and how they use it against me. Oh wait, they are doing this to me also? How convenient of you to just stand there and watch, as if your finger is up your F’in ass. Why not take a few pictures or put a hat on so you can boost their shows? I hope the God Program beheads you for this and I cannot wait; even better, why don’t we flood you all out and give your land to the American Indians and Asians? How can you peasants sit there and compare yourself or act superior to the God Program? Oh you like to piss me off too Ann and you say really dumb shit that sets me off; oh really?
In the God Program, you are just another Hollywood Jew getting a Red Scare Trial; don’t see too much into it okay. Let me guess, you want to compare yourself to the God Program? You think you are important and powerful? You also want to use Ann Coulter to compare yourself to the God Program? You are also on an investigation, hot on our tracks? For an aimless dumb bitch, I have heard it all and seen it all from a morally perverted Viet Cong. How many of you want to die in order to compare yourself to the God program? Why don’t you just kill yourself or go home; get on the boat and keep sailing? That is about how far you are going to get with this before you waste all of your time and our time. But do bombard our life for three decades so you can compare yourself to the God Program or what everybody is looking at. Ann is out of the God Program also, she just does not belong with her white girl steal land and support
Oh that was really smart Ann Coulter! Why don’t you go to dinner and post up some more pictures while you are at it? Friends? You don’t learn a damn thing do you? Obviously, you do not belong in the God Program and your behavior is intolerable; are you as blind and as deaf as all of them are also; wow you have such a happy life and so social aren’t you? Look at those bipolar and vivacious pictures, how vibrant you are! Will you die this year Ann? I see you have problems learning also; or want to piss me off like they do!
Ben Carson 2016 is about drugs and the pill mill. Do not trust any of the blacks, a conspiracy is out there and it is racial and based on race; the truth is pushed aside. They are on a witch hunt, racism!
can see you and know who the clown is! You
cannot take the stress, trust me! You
will you’re your F’in head off when we are done with you! Borrow more money! Tell more lies! Piss us off and spy on us as if you are
normal or come in peace! F you too! You see what you get; now know your F’in
place or stop acting like a F’in retard in the world of power. Add more debt… flood damage right? Oh rip off everybody with your cheating,
lies, and stealing; kidnap me MF… I F’in dare you! I will turn you into a nigger overnight but
would you even know or care? Oh act rich
and powerful, do that one too! Am I
still mentally ill or are you just a human mutt looking for a home and people
to love you?
Do any of you know how much debt
they are racking up or have racked up, in my life also, as we speak? All in the name of terrorism and Israel ; now
they spy on me and try to play me as the fool; how helpful they are and they do
not fix anything; not a damn thing! What
they did, we did back with the God Program; let us know if they want to talk
more smack or talk a whole lot more about how powerful and in control they
are! I am going to say the same thing; F
you little bitch, I will throw your ass out, flood you to hell, and give your
property to the American Indians or the Asians until you shut the hell up and
keep away! Do you think you can step up
where I am and how long do you think you can do that crap or act like the clown
you are? Should I put blinders on also
or just act retarded? You look stupid
bitching about floods and tornados, no less sitting at the God Program table
acting like the asshole you are! You
want me to be in your circus or act like the retard you want and need; a world
of fantasy and deceit? Do lie, cheat,
and steal just a little more; use politics and the media also! What a F’in asshole you turned out to be, a
total fake!
Every damn day it is more terrorism and how the west was won; as if the Indian wars did not impact
Oh yes Ann, buy more land, buy more houses; act like you are my best friend and give me a hissy fit every God damn day while you act like a patriot or a media superstar! As a matter of fact, say and do whatever I do as if your soul is pure or you know what you are doing! Yes why not pull that shit with me Ann? I would love to yell at you daily and live a life miserable or angry due to your stupid stunts or your idiot mode dating life with the Jews and the gays. Why don’t we flood these people and just give all of their property to the gays and the Jews; would that make you an even bigger and more giggly superstar? Yes and this is exactly what I was looking for and want; another nutcase who likes to hang on the edge and tell me not to worry or how good she has been; while she dates every man on the planet or goes to dinner with them; and pulls this shit on me! Then act as if she has no fear or no worries; as if a space shield is protecting her life and stupid pictures she is spreading all over the internet and the gigantic headache she wants me to embrace and keep warm and cozy! That makes a lot of sense and came from a madwoman! Yes and meanwhile, I cannot even get a job or a mortgage because some lunatic wants or keeps on trying to be part of my life and growth-downfall; what should I do to this lunatic and human mutt? Can you tell me what exactly I should do to them or you Ann? Look at these lousy Americans Ann; did you do this and are you behind them? Well, your pictures say differently and the Jews say differently! Oh so does your F’in staff and friends!
So what do I think of Ann Coulter and her stupid porn like dating life? Do you honestly think these people can hear anything? Do you think they will invade and take over the God program, the military, or even the ranks of our defenses? Really. Look at Ann, full of that same white trash gusto; and look at those pictures! As I said, 2016 is the year I hope she dies; hopefully beheaded while all of them swim for their life and get their land given to the American Indians; in the name of politics! Oh yes, they come in peace. After all these years, I am pretty damn sure Ann is a traitor also! How would anybody know, that is the question? She cannot even go one week without taking a stupid picture or going to dinner! Do you think I give s shit if she was beheaded? Honestly? Now look at her people, sad F’in losers aren’t they; trying to act rich and impress Asians! Oh yes Ann Coulter knows what a traitor and a patriot is, she sure does!
Speaking of internment camps or reservations; do you want a shooting war before we take your lands and give it to the American Indians and Asians? Speak up you asshole, nobody is stupid except you! Maybe we should flood your state, throw all of you out, make your head explode, act sexy and act as if you are a degenerate sex offender, and then give all of your land to either the Asians or the American Indians? Would that shut your ass up and make you better? Do you think that will get your stupid ass out of our life or put an end to this corrupt slut act you wish to bombard us with? Right now we are at the smashing your face with floods and tornados, next we will take your land and give it to the American Indians and Asians; so what, do something about it! What’s wrong, too much of a bigot or hypocrite? Too full of hate and evil? Oh you are a Jewish landlord and this is
We know you do not want to fix anything and refuse to fix anything, F you message. We know you are meddling and we know you are meddling with my life, finances, living arrangement, and the God Program. We know you are acting as if you are helping, trying to help, or just being helpful. We know you got one warning after the next; ignoring and indignant as time passed. So we know what you are trying while you tell us to keep the blacks alive, the 1960s people alive, the Democrats alive, or hate the Republicans and the elite. The question is how badly do you want us to smash your face in? How much more can you take from us. How far can you hold out before the floods and tornados overwhelm your life, your state, or your existence. Your friends and family are now beginning to be homeless and destitute. You want to appear angry, powerful, intimidating, and scary; while you whimper and cry in the dark. So open your damned filthy mouth or keep meddling while you act helpful or even nice; we will give your face the smashing time it deserves and needs so that your leaders get our messages. Oh by the way, if you are not the Viet Cong; how did the Viet Cong leadership get these messages or investigate us? How exactly did they get the strategy book or were able to sit down at the negotiation table? Magic? Your espionage and spies? Worse, is how you want to do all of this right in front of security or in plain view; also as if I am used to this or after three decades tolerate it. You have some F’in nerves… how badly do you want and need your face smashed in? You have not fixed a damn thing and you continue to meddle and act helpful; scream, shout, and act tough; nobody will hear you except the rushing waters headed your way! Yes God transcended this and your education; explain that one.
It is because you keep meddling and F’in with my damn vehicles behind my back; we are getting really fed up with your mouth and will smash your face in with the floods and tornados. Open your mouth if you dare… That goes out to Clinton, her blacks, and her Jews… along with the rest of them! Open your F’in mouth if you dare or meddling just a bit more… stupid F’in bitch… go take your F’in Viet Cong crap somewhere else or in someone else’s life; draft dodger!
Do you see how many years this lunatic and human mutt has been in our life? Do you see the back and forth; what is going on and how they do it? Do you see what I am or was complaining about when I first noticed it and how it turned into a terror plot? I am sure they are trying to survive, even survive violence; but to be guilty of terrorism; that is morally bankrupt. As far as how long it has gone on and why it persists or keeps going on and on… There is the evidence. What are you all retarded or do you just like to drag your feet while acting retarded? Do you need it dropped on your lap or head? Has the floods and the tornados smashed their face in and won the day for us yet? Why are we looking at another ten years of this or even another year of this? Heads need to roll… lives need to be annihilated and devastated for this. Human beings need to be destroyed until this finds a proper closure. They cannot even act their part, imagine that; our enemies and this lunatic do not even know how to act their role or know what they are here for! Why is this going on for another year and why has it gone on or gotten worse in the past ten years?
your F’in nosy ass out of my life and out of my business you MF Viet Cong SOB;
how many times do I have to say this or warn you about meddling, even opening
your stupid mouth? All you are is a test
dummy and a messenger; that is it and that is all. Are you deaf or a F’in moron? Also fix the god damn mess you made or else
your head will explode when the floods and tornados arrive!
Just like the Viet Cong in
your damn mouth and deliver the message you idiot! If you so much clone or try to match the God
Program, your throat will be sliced. If
you so much make a move or try anything; you will be really sorry. Right now I need a test dummy and a
messenger; a guilty ass pest with the death penalty is the perfect man for the
job. Do you have a F’in problem with
that? Then shut the F up and deliver the
message to your idiot leaders, are they deaf or just stupid? If you open your F’in mouth, I will see to it
floods and tornados invade your state and annihilate your friends and family;
am I clear yet? Am I mad or are you just
pissing me off to new levels?
If they leave it the way it is, if they refuse to keep away, if they do not shut up, if they refuse to fix anything or pretend things have improved; flood their state and make sure their head explodes! If they get so angry they try to clone our life, the God Program, or even satellite warfare; kill all of them! Do I need to explain or go into details? Do you think the FBI trusts the God Program? Do you think the politicians trust the God Program? So why are they leaving it the way it is, adding more, or refuse to be accountable? This is their F’in mess and problem; not mine! Also, I am a straight A student and my calculations are pretty damn exact and dead on; right on top of their F’in head! We told them to fix it and put back everything they broke or did; pay the $2.5 billion in damages or their head will explode. Look at what your stupid shit has done to me, my life, the God Program, and
You better fix my mortgage and credit problem immediately; otherwise, the floods, tornados, and ghost of the hurricanes will begin to pervade and destroy your idiot challenge and constant pressures! We told you to keep away repeatedly and I have filed charges with the FBI; do you think the FBI trust the God Program? Honestly? The level of corruption we are seeing means a countdown has begun… kill them all! So yeah, that is what you started; let the floods and the tornados sink their hooks into their mind, body, and let’s see how they like their medicine. You did this to us, we did nothing to you; do ignore it and act nonchalant. Again, that is how their faces are smashed in and their filthy tricks thrown out in the street. So manage and tell us how well they think, my calculations are dead on. I am also a straight A student in math, not their idiot or punching bag! This will kill them or make their head explode; may the more powerful existence win hands down! Look at what your stupid shit has done to me, my life, the God Program, and
My entire life has been bombarded with the politics and the problems of a poverty stricken and very problematic human mutt who cannot shut their filthy mouth or keep away! This is all I have experienced my entire life, thanks to them! I had a lot of plan, a lot! I still do. They need to prove why they should live, not the freedom and liberties they trash! If it comes down to it, we kill them all for trespassing or trying to challenge the God Program with insanity and stupid people! Look at what your stupid shit has done to me, my life, the God Program, and
For superimposing the problems of
the blacks on the Asians, specifically my life, their state should be flooded
or destroyed with a tornado; now they can deal with the problems of the blacks
and the politics of the whites! If it
comes down to it, a war with the God Program, while they drag their feet and
run their mouth; then anybody who dares come into this business or this circle
of danger in the high tech world; will face total annihilation. So I am glad they chose to be the test dummy
and the example! Level their state and
say the exact same thing back to them until their head explodes! I have had nothing more than this in my life;
all I have seen my entire life and I have yet to live or enjoy any facet of my
life because of this political enemy constantly doing this!
How many Asians do you know who
has so many financial problems as I have?
One problem is someone blocked or trashed my ability to get a mortgage;
meanwhile, they are surrounding me and trying to be my landlord. I have filed one complaint after the next to
the local police and the federal authorities.
As a straight A student, I used to call the banks on a weekly basis for
errors in my mathematics, etc. Then I
have to listen to harassment 24-7 about how I have to move, leave, go home,
etc… They used to tell me how important black people were to my life or my
survival; now they keep using hate and racism to suggest nothing is going to
change or improve if I do not vote for black people. So in 2016, all of them are either dead or in
jail. As long as they delay and try to
bombard me or surround me with some scam to suggest my life will be hell or
blocked by their illegal angry protests, unless I vote for black people who are
so important and the liefeline of Asian politics and Asian money; bombard them
with floods, hurricanes, hurricanes, and torandos until they fix or remove all
of the damages and problems resulting from this lunatic and idiot stalking my
life and the God Program. The mortgage
problem is just one proof of what they are doing, how they are doing it, and what
they want; add on a few terror plots.
They actually expect me to support them or just let them go; no
accountability whatsoever. Because they
dragged this on until 2016, destroy them until the rest of time. There will be no chance of survival for them
either and it is non-negotiable. I blame
Ann Coulter for getting me in this mess and then keeping me there while she
bombarded me daily with her stupid life and dating problems. So I hope she too is destroyed for a problem
their race created and cannot put back in the bottle! There is no distinguishing
between these people, all of them are the same and human trash. Look at them all, running around trying to
become President at my expense, even Ann Coulter! That is the level of corruption I am facing
or had to face! If it comes down to it,
kill them all for this and the damage to the God Program or their employees!
They are disgusting people anyway you look at it. Somebody, who we have caught and trapped; has
obviously superimposed the problems of the blacks on my life and demand I keep
them alive. Again, I am a big dreamer
and have a lot of plans for my life and my career; right now I am still trying
to throw their ass in jail while retards flood my life. This is all I have been able to or allowed to
experience in life, total hell by a lunatic and a human mutt! So yeah, destroy their state until their head
explodes; if it comes down to it, kill all of them! They need to prove why the God Program should
let them live, they have no right to live anymore; none! This applies to all of them, look at Ann
Believes way too much in blacks and whites (themselves); a race war and the politics of endless stupid; can we smash their faces with a flood or tornado?
How do we make a nosy loudmouth bitch swallow the bitter pill?
Be prepared to spend the rest of
your life on your hands and knees cleaning this up!
Say it, “We will never do it again, ever!” We know what will happen if we do not
surrender or act like an aimless little bitch with the God Program! Our militaries are inferior and we are not
the champion or in control of America
or the world! Say it like your life depends on it!
"Wonderful" lyrics by Everclear
I close my eyes when I get too sad
I think thoughts that I know are bad
Close my eyes and I count to ten
Hope it's over when I open them
I want the things that I had before
Like a Star Wars poster on my bedroom door
I wish I could count to ten
Make everything be wonderful again
Hope my mom and I hope my dad
Will figure out why they get so mad
Hear them scream, I hear them fight
They say bad words that make me wanna cry
Close my eyes when I go to bed
And I dream of angels who make me smile
I feel better when I hear them say
Everything will be wonderful someday
Promises mean everything when you're little
And the world's so big
I just don't understand how
You can smile with all those tears in your eyes
Tell me everything is wonderful now
Please don't tell me everything is wonderful now
I go to school and I run and play
I tell the kids that it's all okay
I laugh aloud so my friends won't know
When the bell rings I just don't wanna go home
Go to my room and I close my eyes
I make believe that I have a new life
I don't believe you when you say
Everything will be wonderful someday
Promises mean everything when you're little
And the world is so big
I just don't understand how
You can smile with all those tears in your eyes
When you tell me everything is wonderful now
No, I don't wanna hear you tell me everything is wonderful
No, I don't wanna hear you tell me everything is wonderful
I don't wanna hear you say
That I will understand someday
No, no, no, no
I don't wanna hear you say
You both have grown in a different way
No, no, no, no
I don't wanna meet your friends
And I don't wanna start over again
I just want my life to be the same
Just like it used to be
Some days I hate everything
I hate everything
Everyone and everything
Please don't tell me everything is wonderful now...
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