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Wednesday, June 3, 2020







  • Ann Coulter@AnnCoulter · 2m Looking forward to my community being protected by armed social workers.  Formerly known as "police."
  • Andy Ngô@MrAndyNgo · Jun 5 Viral post from a self-identified communist urges others to "take notes" from a video showing a police officer being set on fire in Mexico. The post is still up on Twitter. #antifa
  • Ann Coulter Retweeted Andy Ngô@MrAndyNgo · Jun 4 Update: Thanks to the public's help, the suspects were identified. The male seen on video kicking out the unconscious victim's teeth is a 14-year-old. He's been transferred to a juvenile detention center & charged with felony assault.
  • Ann Coulter Retweeted Gabe Gutierrez@gabegutierrez · Jun 9 Me: “Do you regret letting the 3rd precinct burn?”  Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey: “No.” 
  • Ann Coulter Retweeted Portland Police@PortlandPolice · 20h Can You Help? Mulnomah County Sheriff Office Burglary #CanYouIDME
  • Ann Coulter Retweeted Julio Rosas@Julio_Rosas11 · 23h I’m outside of the Seattle Police Department’s East Precinct for @townhallcom. Police have pulled out of the area and protesters have set up barricades in the streets. They have declared it a “Cop Free Zone.”
  • Ann Coulter Retweeted Andy Ngô@MrAndyNgo · 19h Nicholas James Armstrong/Nikki Jameson was seen last night at the #antifa “commune” in Seattle harassing a local media crew. She is a transsexual antifa militant & sex worker. She was previously ordered to surrender all firearms & is barred from owning dangerous weapons.

They must stay away and keep away!  World wars are triggered by assignations.  SATWARS will be the result of violations in either personnel or base security.  World wars and even severe punishment will befall bad personnel or rank and file.  These little things all add up to nothing; however, there comes a point where things get so messed up and so belittling, it is very difficult to avoid civil war or world war.  One assignation or a stupid female stalker can wreak havoc.  We cannot keep on getting into this predicament where capture, torture, or kill becomes a game, “just sue us or leave.”  This is why I told Ann I need every single name on a list and if they even try one little thing, I will pay them a visit and I am very good at what I do, very.  The same thing with military and SATWAR bases, they are not there so anybody can bomb them or put them under siege until help arrives!  Here is a great idea, let’s use them as bait to see if anybody likes them or if they will leave.  They need to obey the rules and it is difficult for me and others to sit here and ponder about “what if…” try “what was.”  In the case of Ann, there is just so much propaganda, phony pictures to besmirch me “he is too confident… nothing works… nobody likes him, etc.”  I cannot even tell where this is going or if Ann truly wants to run around, date them, or invite them into her life so they can try to arrest her and be my crony once all else fails.




  • Ann Coulter Retweeted Anntensity@anntensity · Jun 9 I don't mind being killed as long as they put something about me on Ann's Wikipedia page.
  • Ann Coulter@AnnCoulter · Jun 9 This has to be a joke.


  • Ann Coulter Retweeted Anntensity@anntensity · Jun 9 I don't mind being killed as long as they put something about me on Ann's Wikipedia page.
  • Ann Coulter@AnnCoulter · Jun 9 This has to be a joke.



  • Anntensity Retweeted Wyze Wildfire@Wyze_Wildfire · 12m Replying to @anntensity I would love to do an in depth interview with her and photo shoot. So many questions. I would truly enjoy doing that.   Then again simultaneously, I would love to relax on a beautiful secluded sandy beach with her just sipping on tasty drinks while not asking anything...
  • Anntensity@anntensity · 35m #Trivia: In general, when someone takes a picture of Ann Coulter somewhere in public, she leaves that location by the time that picture is uploaded to social media.
  • Anntensity Retweeted Jesse Wooten@JesseWooten18 · 4h Why would you want to interrupt her anyway? Quote Tweet
  • Anntensity@anntensity  · 7h It’s hard to interrupt Ann Coulter once she gets started talking
  • Anntensity Retweeted Ann Coulter @AnnCoulter · 7h I'm coming up on the John Phillips show on KABC-LA at 2pm (CA time)! @Johnnydontlike @KABCRadio


They must stay away and keep away!  World wars are triggered by assignations.  SATWARS will be the result of violations in either personnel or base security.  World wars and even severe punishment will befall bad personnel or rank and file.  These little things all add up to nothing; however, there comes a point where things get so messed up and so belittling, it is very difficult to avoid civil war or world war.  One assignation or a stupid female stalker can wreak havoc.  We cannot keep on getting into this predicament where capture, torture, or kill becomes a game, “just sue us or leave.”  This is why I told Ann I need every single name on a list and if they even try one little thing, I will pay them a visit and I am very good at what I do, very.  The same thing with military and SATWAR bases, they are not there so anybody can bomb them or put them under siege until help arrives!  Here is a great idea, let’s use them as bait to see if anybody likes them or if they will leave.  They need to obey the rules and it is difficult for me and others to sit here and ponder about “what if…” try “what was.”  In the case of Ann, there is just so much propaganda, phony pictures to besmirch me “he is too confident… nothing works… nobody likes him, etc.”  I cannot even tell where this is going or if Ann truly wants to run around, date them, or invite them into her life so they can try to arrest her and be my crony once all else fails.  Even I don’t know my future with Ann or what they did or allege she did.  I know it is all a misunderstanding with Ann and me; furthermore, I know how big the list of enemies is.  It might better if Ann and I think about it closer; instead of who is lurking and hunting us now; or has showed up today at the grocery store.  THIS IS BETWEEN ANN AND I, NOBODY ELSE IS AN EXPERT OR KNOWS WHAT THEY ARE DOING, POWER OF ATTORNEY OR OUR RANK AND FILE LABOR UNION.  That is how serious it is and why it is $25 billion.  We will never get a chance in life to enjoy each other or how hard we worked to reach an ending, any ending; so long as they refuse to capitulate and follow the rules.  I understand how many of them were or are on top of me but I need to find out what holes or what mouse hole they can create out of a chance encounter with Ann or her fans.  Ann is my best friend and will always be my life partner; however, I make the decisions about all of our futures.  I don’t make mistakes and I need to know all of it and everybody who tried to suck Ann down with them, a power vacuum.  I have faith in Ann however; I am all out of faith in Ann at the present moment.  This is about following the rules and how we got to the here Ann now.  I set up my boobytraps and defend the perimeter based on my intelligence reports and I have yet to see or verify them as 100%.  If they refuse to follow the war, then I can assure you we are on a collision course and it will never end, ever!  I know my stuff, very well.  The same applies to all SATWAR military bases; they need to know their stuff!  This is not a back-slapping contest or a popularity game with dating; it is some serious stuff.  It is increasingly difficult to figure out who did what if nobody saw or had done nothing.  Those boobytraps I set are all based on intelligence data, DO NOT SKEW THEM or play with them, manipulating the courts and tampering with witnesses.  Also, this is not a dating game where anybody or anything can walk into our life or exploit us on a whim.  There is no dating game, zip, nadda; it is serious stuff!  So how did they know aliens did not do any of this?  How?  I need that book for records and official records!  How many got fired or killed?  How much friendly fire?  How many in exile or awaiting extradition?  What we can expect showing up at our bases trying to kidnap some bait, etc. 

  • First they want me to punch them in the nose for thirty years and stalk me.
  • Then they get caught and want to die, all day long.
  • Then they admit to the 911 terror plots.
  • Then they saw me do it and are in love, have also become our staff.
  • Then they steal my car and dog by trying to evict me without a rent refund.
  • Then they slander me about being convicted and mentally ill.
  • Then they claim they not only saw me do it but she is lying it is him also!
  • Then they deny they made up the Global Warming recruitment.
  • Then they admit they lied and did not see me do it but are still in love if I am interested.
  • Then they tell me they are going to shoot back!
  • Then Ann tells me she is trying to arrest them and they are trying to arrest her too!
  • Then Ann tells me they are making her take phony pictures and demanding extortion or ransom using their FBI-Police powers (sexual harassment and a dating game).
  • Now they refuse to pay anything and ran up the charges to $25 billion.
  • Did I leave something out or are they still on duty?  Gee, all you had to do was ask my lawyer and girlfriend of thirty years!  That might have been a better idea.
  • I think I left out the part where she doesn’t care, she got laid, she doesn’t need you, she is lying to you, she is too crazy, she is too fake, she is too much trouble, she just doesn’t care like we do… or was it the part where they are too terrified and everything is free!  They are walking around presently and they still do not know what to do or how this should end, not a dime yet in blood once again!  Yes once again…
  • Oh wait I remember now, they put my face on every global warming propaganda ad and then said I not only started this but lied and they saw me do it!  Did I ever lie about global warming or did they as my new recruit?  I even sent them a written warning about global warming and what would happen if they lied and said I started this!  Did I start this or use it to recruit anybody?  Then who did?  This is why they were in love and why everybody was crying or in pain; someone lied about global warming!  We now have the transcripts and they are perfect!  Still not a dime, all free.  The FBI-Police really like the pictures they took with my partner of 30 years and they never lie about any of that!  They are trusted Americans for sure!  “You can have her now… she is too beat up and used, just take her away!”  I plan on paying her $5 billion of the $25 billion.  I am suing on behalf of my family who are well taken care of too.


Ann, their god damn office keeps doing the sexual harassment while they feed me more false info and photos.  Additionally, they keep on acting like we are sharing life with them.  I need you to help me shoot them and ID them so they do not come back into my life.  Once they are on a keep away list, they are not allowed to share life or act like they are in charge of anything, even in jail.  I need you to help me shoot them and avoid them; first I need to identify all of them.  It does not help if you are running around or traveling with them for any reason.  You need to be scared about that and what it can do to our future and relationship.  All they will do is giving you all the rope you need until it is totally wrecked up and this right now; $25 billion in legal damages and slander.  They still are acting like they are in love, friends, and can come and go as they please.  They need to be shot for violating a keep away order but they claim they want to die now.  Expect them to climb through the window and act like others are violent or need to be Baker Acted.  If you still go out with them, drink with them, dinner, etc. expect me to pay you for your services and find a real girlfriend.  I need them out of my life ASAP, I don’t even have any time to enjoy the money or anything; you messed up.  You told me you messed up and took this too far but was only trying to arrest them.  All I get is false info and fake-phony pictures, I do not even have any idea how bad it truly is.  THIS SOB IS REFUSING TO LEAVE AND STOP, OR KEEP AWAY!  THEY ALSO CLAIM THEY ARE MY POWER OF ATTORNEY TOO!

Dear Ann Coulter:  You need to prepare for settlement with me.  I need that protection list you have so that none of them come back into my life!  They are a threat and they are demanding outcomes I am not willing to budge on.  If you are hanging out or doing stuff with these people and I find out, then you need to prepare for the worst because I just do not have the time to keep throwing away or giving to other people.  Your settlement was 2019 and I need work done on a high quality level.  You were supposed to hurry, not take your time and make things worse such as hanging out at Deerfield Beach tweeting about how drunk or stupid you have become.  There is a point where life changes and you need to plan carefully and deliberately, not same old same old.  I told you to hurry up and get here in 2019 and you ran at least ten years off the clock while they fed me false info and I kept on getting burned.  You are having way too much fun with others and think you have everything thought out well so you and they need to prepare for the worst because I am not willing to share with anybody.  If you want to share with other people, you are welcome to; the final restitution is $25 billion and I doubt if we will have any time to enjoy it because your work is so high quality and perfect.  I told you about the photos and I warned you to put all the brakes on immediately.  I am sorry if that hurts your feelings or scare you but you need to prepare to be the best girlfriend and partner you can, not the worst and getting worse.  The scary part is I don’t even get a chance to enjoy anything or the money in the end but you love to share.  I don’t share and I have zero tolerance.  After thirty years you should know how to manage your life and mine 100%; even if the FBI and your idiotic fan club is feeding me and everybody false information 24-7-365.  Also keep in mind while you hang out with all these people how I have to shoot their ass when they trying more craziness.  Keep this in mind while you are hanging out with them and making a mess out of our future; it could be a misunderstanding but it has to end.  You live a very carefree life and never who is sneaking in or threatening mine now.  The god damn FBI-Police are using the hotline anytime they want so I told them to keep away or I will shoot them for their sexual harassment.  I HAVE NO TOLERANCE FOR THEM, THEIR CONSTANT INTRUSION, OR ACCESS!  THEY ACT LIKE IT IS FREE!  ALL OF THEM ARE F’IN WHORES.  I WILL SHOOT THEM IF THEY ARE ON A PROTECTION LIST AND REFUSE TO STAY AWAY!

Now they are all looking for a way to escape from their plantation 24-7, how ironic is that?  It is called their real estate ghetto empire.   The 1960s people wasted probably two decades of my life with fist fights and incitement of violence.  This is why Ann my partner had to work and work very hard for our economic survival.  When I say the 1960s mob of losers set up a Gladiator ring and put me in it to waste my life while they sat there like some female idiot acting like they were the prize; I had to fight 500 of their psychopaths the federal prison has produced from the rubbles of their poverty doom.  It used to daily fist fights when they had control over me.  Now it is just a lot of lip service, bravado, and brain washing but they know what can and will happen when they met me in a dark alley and nobody was watching.  The lip service gave them PTSD and a lot of craziness; still going on with their Global Warming recruitment drive.  As far as their idiot females these fist fights are about, what a F’in joke.  They turn out to be FBI-Police trash in jail now, once Subway sandwich employees.  This is why I said they did not learn their lesson yet and have to be shot climbing through our windows.  They have not seen me do things in every fight they have never seen nor have any defenses against, helpless and worried.  All they know is they are trapped and their head wants to explode or get away very wounded.  That is how wonderful the FBI-Police on duty are; at least they admit it now; $25 billion in restitution.  They always tried to make it look like we were so well taken care of while they were on duty; look at the mess they made of America!  Now everybody has to fight their way out of their gladiator ring as I did.

They plagued both Ann and I with problems and tried to cripple us with feelings of disgruntled doom.  It is very hard to imagine this much stupidity invading our life or anybody who is not on some form of narcotic to allow this much stupidity and corruption to invade our life.  On paper it is so detached and so distant from reality but when nothing is reported and nobody sees or hears anything, the word of mouth has a little bit of life and a little bit left in them.  How do you allow so much stupidity to find a home in a house that is or was built on so much brain power?  Therefore, it tells us who tried to build the house, the best and the worst.  So who is who?  What is right and wrong?  What is black and white?  What is the left or the right?  It is all about control and being the pure truth or the pure hate of either permanence or failure.  It is also a bigot on attack, claiming everybody is phony if it is a sting and everybody is lying if it is a trap they are stuck in; but who would allow so much craziness or stupidity?  Are the blind facing the blind or are their backs facing each other?  If you only look at Ann, you will notice how Ann could not defend herself until her partner arrived.  But even then, they acted as if they were her security and my security, the power of attorney lies.  It was difficult for her to defend the anxiety of being over-ran, such as a military base, while she had no real base defense, a lot of phony to catch more phonies.  Then they used the invasion to add anger and disgruntled feelings with security, which was nothing more than locking us out completely.  They crippled us with problems because nobody was on duty and if they were, they were filled with hate and lies.  For them it was being for-real and for us it was about permanence, do we get a choice in our own life and future or did they win it fair and square?  If they over-ran the base, how do you fire them or take back what is yours if they are making it impossible to win because they are full of hate and looking for a leader to be the king of their fools?

They will attack Ann 24-7, and then claim they are my power of attorney.  Then they will attack me 24-7, then claim she does not need me, got laid, and I won’t leave or shut up.  Is that the truth or pure hate?  They are so accustomed to hate, the price tag is $25 billion and we have to get more brainwashing and lip service 24-7 while their failures plague their mind disease more.  The question is why the Anntensity site is posting false information or pictures; while the FBI-Police are feeding me false information and pictures about my partner Ann Coulter who busted them both for using us for election fraud and tampering?  Ann is supposed to put a gag order on them so they cannot feed me anymore false information nor brainwash me 24-7 anymore.  They are still looking for a leader to sell all of their hatred for human beings; all failed efforts and brainwashing gone blind!  Welcome to the world of the communists.

The question is do we get a choice?  We know their history is unraveling and regardless of their race, they are sick and tired of their failures.  Every city in America suffers from the same illness and that illness is stalking us, full of hate.  They are spreading that hate and they know how to conceal it; a homicidal lunatic and their sadistic sidekick the idiot.  Do we get a choice while their history of hate in America and the world unravels and their failures plague their control of us and America?  How many times did Ann tell them to stay away from me or get away from me?  Did they report the truth?  So their hatred for each other, America, and their history of failure is now lacking any truth but they cover it up with pathological lying and romance stories so psychopathic it is contrived from the minds of Hannibal Lector?  Again, if it is not hate, then what is it?  We want the truth and offer the truth, not hate and a history of failure that is now trying to overthrow the government or spends 24-7-365 withholding the truth and replacing it with more and more hate!  That is what I wrote and am reading the FBI-Police on duty stole the truth so they could spread their message of hate and in its place or the giant cancer they left was a hole full of hate.  We want and demand the truth and hate is all they had to offer.  They claim it is our hate now, we share it.  That is not our hate, we demand the truth.  We don’t share a damn thing with them and if they just ask and give others a choice, maybe their hate would not be caged, rattled, or now in retreat at the cost of $25 billion in covering up for their hate unwinding in every city in America.  Do we get a choice or are they just going to be hateful for eternity?  Clearly they are very embarrassed with their failures and even their intelligence levels, clearly.  It is both the left and the right unraveling inside a human form and it is warping their world and transforming them into crazy insanity.  The entire faith of corruption and civil rights is unraveling before our eyes, do they have the truth or only hate to offer?

Keep in mind how the courtesy of the data or who wrote these analyses that will lead us to the 911 terror plot and a plot to overthrow the government.  My life was disrupted.  My life was planned out with my life partner.  We are not the down and out type.  My brain power is under peculiar challenges by a very demented and sadistic criminal at this time.  They are feeding everybody false and misleading evidence.  The FBI-Police were feeding everybody false information so they could wreck up my life long partnership with my female mate.  I forfeited my work, what took me an entire life to trap and catch, when I was targeted or recruited by a very sadistic, criminal, and demented enemy plot to usurp the laws and undermine my own personal and life plans.  This was my career.  My private life was taken or blocked.  My career was taken and blocked.  I was not allowed to take those steps I needed to take with my partner in order to begin my writing career and now, I have to make a sacrifice in order to catch and trap a very sadistic and evil enemy who has made a mockery of my life plans.  Do they have a plan?  Are their plans stronger or only to undermine our plans?  This is where the $25 billion comes in, I do not know what they are looking for but I know the plans they messed up and are still messing up right now in the open.  Why would I say “nobody is on duty” when I wrote something that is undergoing a thousand years of recursive looping?  My material is being used as bait in order to lure in this enemy and terror plot, a trade.  I did not know if it was the private or public sector, all I know is they shut me down.  Now they shut down my plans and it was recorded by both me and my life partner.  This is the level that I am at and why my writing skills are so dominant.  I sacrificed it in order to catch the people who did this to me and to others; I could have walked away in 2008 and left everybody high and dry.

I wrote most if not all of our plans.  I could not tell why all my plans after Ann and I trapped and caught them were so messed up or disorganized.  Was it Ann?

  • Everybody knows I am the love of Ann’s life.  However, our bodyguards think they are very clever and sneaky.
  • The FBI-Police know two militaries are about to clash on earth.  They know I am the leader of one of them.
  • Even if they know I am the love of Ann’s life, they feed us false information and try to capture each of us for their own selfish personal use; possibly to be auctioned off as their ancestors were.
  • These types of coups using security forces are very dangerous and they typically involve ambushes or homicidal lunatics.  The question is why they are still our bodyguards and why they are still feeding us false information.

6/7/2020 8:07:08 PM The question is why the Anntensity site is posting false information or pictures; while the FBI-Police are feeding me false information and pictures about my partner Ann Coulter who busted them both for using us for election fraud and tampering?  Ann is supposed to put a gag order on them so they cannot feed me anymore false information nor brainwash me 24-7 anymore.  They keep on saying, “Oh yeah he is write… we are wrong, just sue us.”  Why are they claiming to be our bodyguard or protection while being charged with sexual harassment and feeding us endless false data and radicalizing us?  Now they deny they radicalized anybody at the FBI-Police.  What happens when the wolves watch over the chickens?  TAKE A LOOK AT THEIR WORK AND THEN TAKE A LOOK AT MINE!  WHO CAUGHT THEM?  ANN… WHICH ONE OF US ARE THEY PROTECTING?  NEITHER.  THEY HAVE TO BE SHOT FOR BRAINWASHING PEOPLE AND KEEPING THEM AS CAPTIVES.

Gag Order with Warrant for Arrest:  Ann said she was going to get a gag order on them along with the arrest warrants.  They cannot stop wrecking things up, slandering us, making it worse, feeding us false information maliciously, etc.  That might stop the slander and put a band-aid on their control or mouth.  Did I mention they just left the mess and said “sue us…”  They refused the rent refund, refused pre-settlement, and claimed we are recruiting them or they are our rank and file now; chained to us again.  Did Ann or I invent the Global Warming Recruitment?  How about the 911 Recruitment?  Do we know who did?  Do we know who fed us the recruitment info and ads?  They refuse to keep away or feeding us false information, still, just sue them because they don’t want to hear it anymore.  They claim they are totally crazy and everybody knows they are, so what.  Now they claim they lost and we need to sue them, how about a gag order so we can keep Hannibal Lecture away?  This is the silence of the lambs and that is their book!

Global Warming Recruitment Plot:  They blamed me and I told them it was a sting in writing!  I told them they were 100% wrong and I busted their global warming recruitment plot also!  They used that to control the case and wreck up more of Ann and me!  They planned on killing us in the end or face immense jail and restitution.  Then they used me for the global warming recruitment drive (impeachment hearing).  I did not say anything about global warming while they did it, look at the dates prior to 2011.  It turned into “we saw him do it and she is lying… everybody is lying and arrested.”  If they lie about the global warming plot, then they have death penalty charges.  Look at the dates of their global warming recruitment drive and then the 911 terror plot recruitment drive I was supposed to head up.  Also, “she doesn’t care, she got laid, she doesn’t need you, she is at it again, etc…” all day and night about how awful I am or Ann.  If anybody is on duty, then I seek the death penalty; if not, I will sue for $25 billion and relocate to a new country, I am this fed up with all of them trying to brainwash me or recruit me using the Police-FBI.

I was screaming and yelling at Ann, had no idea the police were behind it while they fed me false information.  How many times did I tell them to keep away?  How many times did I tell them they were 100% wrong? How many times did I change my story or do anything not on paper, why even talk about it?  You know it is on paper and you know it is recorded and documented, why talk about it or brainwash us?  So who made the propaganda ads?  Is it all free?  How many 50-50 situations did they try to win by gaining access, initiating conversation, seeking control, feeding us false information, manipulating the evidence, concealing incriminating evidence, trying to brainwash us with dialogue or daily 24-7 conversation (way too comfortable) and sexual harassment, guilt trips or “sorry” campaigns, etc.  Now we are back to how they are crying, sorry, and want to die.  If you refused to keep away and stop talking to either Ann or I about the case, then you are guilty.  It is a recruitment plot, scam, and now coverup.  How many violations did you rack up from 2008-2020 when all of you were cornered and caught?  Then how did it go from $100 million to $25 billion?  How did our biography end up a thousand times worse while nobody was on duty except a sadistic diabolical scheming mole who was only trying to play with our reality and brainwash us in print and in our biography?  So why are they sorry and trying to cover it up or lessen the guilt?  Yes or no, are they guilty?  Yes or no, did you brainwash them or try to wreck up their life and partnership?  Why?  Was it for global warming recruitment or a terror plot?  So everything was free and they knew what they were doing?  My final conclusion is I will pay Ann and both she and I are too old for this charade.  Look how much sexual harassment or rape charges there are, including pillaging and plunder.  Is any of it in print or religious sermons?  If you do not want to get arrested, keep away and do not talk against the official records; why did you violate the laws by clandestinely brainwashing the case?  Is it in writing?  Are you too comfortable or confident?  Why are you even discussing global warming with us?

I was screaming and yelling at Ann, had no idea the police were behind it while they fed me false information.  They had already wrecked up everything between Ann and I.  I was trying to help Ann clean it up and also finish the case.  However, nobody was on duty.  While Trump was President, they tried to punish us in the worst ways imaginable; almost attempted murder.  Everything came undone and nobody was on duty.  Their only goal was to make things as bad as possible between Ann and I so that we could not get any rescue or tie the two ends.  When I found out they were doing this on Ann’s end, I knew it was the FBI-Police who were doing this so that they can take us out once and for all.  The way to take us out is to remove our security; remove Ann and remove me.  We had a price on our head.  So from 2015-2020 they forced Ann to settle.  They were out to kill us.  They acted like our bodyguards and confidante.  They just added more and more problems as they had been doing.  Now they had to add more and more problems with two people, not one person.  The used it to brainwash us into thinking they were our friends, family, and not the enemy.  Ann said they all were getting arrested and she said the FBI-Police forced her to do this while they tried to arrest me or steal her, either or.  It was their entire sick ass brainwashing game such as the 911 terror plot.  They used global warming to recruit both Ann and I; it was not a single effort anymore!  Now they used the FBI-Police to recruit both of us but decided to arrest us when it failed.  The FBI-Police constantly used their “access” to feed us false information (and incite or radicalize us) or gain more access until they had full control 2015-2020.  That is who did all of this.  They were weaponizing and radicalizing us 24-7 using their office.

  • Do I want to see Ann dating or at dinner?  No.  They used the case to brainwash us 24-7 and sabotage everything (constant talking 24-7).  They wanted us to be black or Catholics.
  • Did I want to see Ann mess up or get herself in more trouble?  No.  Did they?  Yes.  Why?  Their goal was to turn us into Catholics or blacks.
  • Do I want to see Ann make this worse and worse?  No.  They would not even refund my rent or shut up and leave the both of us alone to work out our problems with them!  They kept on hijacking one or both ends.
  • Do I need Ann for a rescue?  Yes.  Did they want Ann to rescue me?  No.
  • Can I work out things with Ann?  Yes. 
  • Did Ann tell me the police did this and are scumbags?  Yes.
  • Did the police try to radicalize us?  Yes.  Were they too comfortable?  Yes.
  • Were the police using race or race wars on us?  Yes.
  • Did the police exploit us or take advantage of us?  Yes.
  • Did they act like they were God and screwed our life up completely but had no brakes?  Yes.
  • Were we in a fight to the death with them?  Yes.  They were going to frame us for the whole thing, a marriage proposal!
  • Did they make up everything and try to criminalize us?  Yes.  Did they keep trying to make it worse between Ann and me?  Yes.  You could not trust them on either side.  It feels like a little thief we have to beat up or beat down daily, 24-7 on duty.  Now they legalized the 24-7 control.

I was screaming and yelling at Ann, had no idea the police were behind it while they fed me false information.  Here is what they left out.  Did they ever tell the story about how they used global warming to recruit me?  Not only did they use global warming to contact me, they used to send me video clips of everything crazy that happened to them.  I had never studied anything related to global warming and I did not know exactly whose office was sending me this global warming until Ann told me it was them.  One example is a video they sent me of Al Gore giving a speech and it begins to snow.  Do I follow Gore or any of them?  Have I signed up with their recruitment team for global warming?  Do I work for them or do they work for me?  They have not told that story or how that began but I am sure their heads are totally screwed up.  They initiated some recruitment and acted like they were professors of global warming, teaching everybody what is occurring inside their political pressure cooker.  My objective was to put an end and severe all links to them because they claimed they had new material and wanted me to spearhead their recruitment drive, such as the 911 terror plot.  Now they act as if I recruited them for global warming!  They sent me a lot of material over the internet about global warming and claiming I was being radicalized as one of their recruiters, such as the 911 terror plot.  I was screaming and yelling at Ann, had no idea the police were behind it while they fed me false information.

  • Eventually, Ann tells me the FBI-Police were forcing her to do this; on top of both of us making it a thousand times worse.  All they had to do was ask.  If you did not ask then you accept all liabilities.  Why did they get caught sexually harassing both of us by feeding us false information about our partners while they were forcing Ann to take humiliating pictures or face arrest?  Why did the FBI-Police try to use their access to recruit both of us and tell us we are close to the Democrats?  That was forced on us by sexual harassment 24-7.  They claimed we were chained to them and they were in love, now cronies.
  • Why didn’t they just ask yes or no?  Whey didn’t they admit they were behind the recruitment plot, global warning scam, and put the brakes on before this got worse and worse?  All they said and did was “it’s too late…” and made everything a thousand times worse.  They kept on saying they were in love now and we are married.
  • A simple yes or no is fine.  Why didn’t you just ask?  Do they honestly think I want to spend my life with a black female or their dating game?  Do they think Ann wants to spend her life with a black female or their dating game?  So why didn’t they admit to the recruitment plot and keep on exploiting the matter, “it won’t work… he is too upset… this is a hate crime…”  Ann finally tells me she is arresting all of them (FBI-Police) and they decide to show me their ID and what they did and how they made this a thousand times worse!  Now we have super sized gigantic disaster and the FBI-Police refuses to pay any restitution but is caught doing exactly what they were supposed to police!

Part III:  Addendum to the Revisionist Version of May 22, 2020 and Election Tampering

Now we know why there is so much crime associated with the 1960s people and why all of them are into drugs.  Their faith turns them into sexual predators and hardened criminals and coercing people is the only way they can get a welfare check.  Maybe the next flood is going to turn their real estate and control into child molesters, sexual predators, serial killers, or even a terror plot!  They claim they know what they are doing and are very sorry, everybody is arrested now.  As their urban areas fall to further decline, the stress associated with their faith and their work in American undergoes a conversion process.   Radicalism is the cure to reverse it and so is terrorism.  However, they turn into raving lunatics and sexual predators who are warning us to stay out of their way or move.  This is why they are so focused on global warming and so focused on the weather; it’s God’s way of saying what is in print form and what is being contested by these sexual predators who care or are in love with us now.  Yes everybody did this and they did not do anything; everybody is arrested.  So do sexual predators coerce their victims into being their power of attorney or only at the FBI-Police?  Do they regularly call their victims and tell them they care and are in love?  Whenever they care, it means more and more “kill whitey” radicalism and tutelage by their professors of hate crime, raping whitey, mugging whitey, power of minority attorney, and more whitey welfare for crime bursting at the seams.  That is all they have.  This is why they are all turning into looters, rapists, sexual predators, addicted to welfare, addicted to crime, and addicted to lying pathologies fit for a serial killer.  This is how they radicalize people and make more money with welfare.  We have to share everything with them and their FBI-Police dating club.  Did anybody police who was using their power at the FBI-Police to coerce others into thinking they were married to us or were dating us?  They also claimed they were paying for the disgusting photos and never would sexually harass anybody; how they ended up trapped.

How many police officers or criminals do you know who will keep on calling their victims and sexually harass them 24-7 or coerce them with the power of attorney?  How many police stations or agencies in the world refuse legal discovery or keep calling about how diligent or how good they are at their job while there is a $25 billion restitution order on them to do something instead of harassing or coercing their victims 24-7 “everybody is arrested?”  To them it is about control and a welfare check.  To them, they can do no wrong and everybody is a criminal.  Their deadline was May 22, 2020 if they wanted to prove they were diligent and how fear and stress turned them into sexual predators, rapists, homicidal lunatics, or police officers who keep on calling their victims with reckless abatement or polite ways to cuss them out.  Yes they are humble and polite even when they look like little old grandma.  They also think they are superior and tougher on the aggregate levels.  They call this psychopathic behavior damage control.  Again, how many FBI-Police personnel do you know who calls their victims every single day when they are totally guilty to tell them they are scared?  Are they picking a fight or are they just a little illegal and guilty now?  Do they want everybody to know or feel we are being well taken care of; this is just more of their phony photos and words?  They must be having a lot of fun at our expense!  First off, it is a little insulting to have rapists and child molesters as your power of attorney.  Secondly, it is a little insulting when they call daily and try to spread their fear and criminalize you about how fed up and scared they are now.  Thirdly, what else do they have other than real estate, immigration, and crime; are they as fed up as we are or are they just trying to coerce us to go along with it?  They care now.

The FBI-Police claim they know what they are doing and they do not know what to do.  This is why nobody is on duty and they are hijacking our life, “We had enough… we are fed up… we do not know what to do.”  They claim they are the arresting authority and they do not have any plan or anybody on duty; only the power of attorney and hijacking or mimicking our biography and case.  This is why they vow to win and twist the evidence and shoot their mouths off with different Catholic immigrants now, to encircle their wagons and prevent anybody from kicking the doors down of their Trojan horse.  They claim they are arresting us and we are convicted.  Other than this plan and strategy, they only want to die and do not know what to do.  Every time they are flooded, earthquaked, or God is angry with them; they are one step closer to war and being assassinated in America and by American law.  They claim their ignorance and disagreement is not illegal or harassing, they are our rank and file; now our voice of reason.  As stated verbatim and in pure English, “Welcome to the world of the Catholic church and why America is bursting at the seams with crime and corruption.”  They all need to be assassinated before they unleash more on us and we cannot put any of it back into the genie bottle.  They are despots and tyrants who have gone to great lengths to self-impose themselves as our power of attorney and “friends.”  For the police politics, it is a taco and a new welfare check as they chain themselves to us with new verbal harassment 24-7.    We look identical to their welfare check now, government authority!  They are no longer anti-war or draft dodgers, only want to die trying to act strong and get a new welfare taco check.  They are so needy and communist they will incite violence or sexually harass others 24-7, then spin and twist this 360 so that it looks like they are being threatened and everybody is violent.  The truth is they want a welfare check, extortion.

There are things in this world that are too expensive to gamble away.  For a person of tremendous arrogance or stupidity, their pride will cause conflicts in their personality.  There is a point where any human, good or bad, has to acknowledge they have gambled away or stolen the summation of a lifetime.  Then again, there are empty fools adrift in life and still remain adrift because that is the only way they can cope with reality.  It is a form of self medication that retorts a whole lot of nuisance for the frivolous applause of hell.  Some of us are addicted to life and they gamble it away for no other reason than random fortitude.  They do not see any diminishing returns or any diminishing person in the mirror of life.  Their pride takes precedence over their perfection.  We live in a world where people categorize themselves by the people they have control over.  We call them dictators, tyrants, and despots.  Their sense of worth is sadistic and warped by their desire to instill fear but too far away to feel any of the consequences.   There are things in this world not worth throwing away for the sanity of principle and until you have measured the damage and destruction this church of corruption has and will do no money in the world will ever make amends for their selfish, self righteous and self indignation to criminalize others.  Then they will slap you in the face and call it change, their spare change so move along before someone gets really hurt by what they do not understand.  The more they talk, the more the world tells them to be quiet.  For some people the world is their prison and for others the world is just another way to mess with other human beings.  The rank and file is just a way to build your own gang and unleash them on a bigger gang war stage.  To say it is the same is a far stretch of the imagination.

The FBI-Police are using a rank and file system to exploit authority at the FBI-Police.  Their internal rank and file problem is outside the scope of National Security.  Furthermore, to suggest they are well taken care of and are at peace with each other, they falsely deputized our biography for selfish career goals.  As the middle man, or the agency seeking transition, they leverage control over our authority and liberties, the same rank and file liberties they have been arrogantly wrecking for the past thirty years.  After it was all wrecked up by phony investigations, phony photos and pictures, phony impeachment hearings and conspiracy, and other wanton acts of illegal debauchery; they arrogantly claimed this “was too late to fix” just so they can pocket all the profit and hijack and wreck the proper ending.  They said they need the jobs more.  They said they need us more than we need each other.  They said they are in love and found a new home inside our biography.  They said they can do better by offering us a full umbrella of protections that began with a new life partner and a new romance; the power of a new rank and file, the poor (mostly Catholics and 1960s).  This poor or poverty doom was the same rank and file that got them caught for endless National Security and terror plots; a sea of crime now prisons bursting at the seams.  If they do not find a solution or exit, they will be crushed and destroyed by their own selfish, arrogant, ignorant, illegal, and diabolical lack of planning.  They are making it all up as we are forced deeper into their authority at the FBI-Police.  They are hanging on for dear life when it comes to their future and being the rank and file of America.  We refuse to work with them and will relocate to another country, again.  There is nothing they have to offer in rank and file, nor authority, but they continue to fascinate others with their arrogance and annoying imagination.  Subsequently, why are you sitting in the hot seat right now?  Did you kidnap someone or several same ones?  Again, why are they in this position and how does that, guy or girl, have anything to do with why people suspect you are part of a terror plot?  They call it another Faceoff.

It is perfect!  When you are trapped, there is a sense of urgency.  You don’t want to step too firmly on hazardous ice when you know or see signs of danger, “he did it and she did this.”  In acting too cooperative or acting too included; it just makes hell a lot worse.  As a result, the answer to how they got trapped in a lifelong recursive loop is simple.  This guy right here designed a roadmap he called “sustainable economics.”  Part of that recursion is a cycle of revolution, estimated at or around thirty years (civil war).  It occurs frequently on earth and is a manifestation of economic erosion, one being the strength of the currency.  In writing this roadmap he calls it, he claims it will put America and the world back on a trajectory for the final war on earth; one he is training his troops on right now.  Therefore, the material and what is in print spans 100, 500, and 1000 years.  Along comes the mysterious ghost who knocks him off his orbital trajectory and puts him into a nose dive and unable to escape something sinister.  Did anybody tell him what he is trapped in?  Yes.  It is called a different recursive loop, “a circular firing squad.”  Therefore, instead of addressing where we should be in 100, 500, 1000 years from now; he was violently hit and knocked clean off his trajectory and fell down a crack that still has not been property explained.  By criminalizing others, or together, what they are doing is adding more reasonable doubt.  Furthermore, that power to criminalize others allows them the strength to hold the line; authority or the truth.  We know with absolute certainty we are dealing with a despot and a very evil and homicidal maniac nobody wants to meet in a dark alley or when the coast is clear.  We need to see what is in their bag of evidence and intelligence collecting while they were hunting us or hunting for us!  Each missing piece is the body of the wreckage, control.  It used to be perfect but now is totally wrecked, who took off with all the pieces or parts?

It is not really what you say or what you do; it is how you criminalize others.  It is that special blend of evil and sadistic nonchalant indignation that really does not help but adds up hurting a lot.  There is a life and death matter here and taking the longest route or wasting up precious resources or people is mind blowing.  Will they play the same game with others, using only two biographies?  How about deterrence?  How about prevention?  How about early notice or notification?  How about not seeing anything or only seeing what they want?  So now we can see what did this in the 1980s, 1990s, and even in the 2000s.  His map also came with a plan, a life plan.  Once he wrote the map, he will meet up with a female and they will write books together and this roadmap will be released or be put together in 2020.  It has been and it is fully assembled.  Therefore, we know he does not make any mistakes in planning, very few mistakes.  We also know that his map is the final war on earth and it is accompanied by a female, a plan, and some event that prevents him from reaching the first mile marker, second mile marker, and finally the third mile marker.  Does anybody else have parts of that plan; or the same other mile markers?  Yes we know this.  So how is it possible to have two or more roadmaps?  How about two or more life partners?  How about more mile markers and a “headache” trying to catch the ghost and goblins who denied him of identical mile markers his partner has?  Those plans are how he plans to take it to the market and to sell his roadmap with his partner.  Clearly their skills in revealing the truth and their difficulties with the opposite sex are part of this chicken game and dating game now.  Thus, all that talent and all we have is a disaster nobody is accountable for?   Did they leave anything important out and if so, do they know what their mistakes are now?

Clearly his plan underwent metamorphosis.  It turned into a spy game.  It turned into a terror plot.  It still is a disaster.  What needs to happen and what needs to be put back in place for all of this to be recursive again?  It cannot keep on looping, it must hit 100, 500, and 1000 years until the final war on earth arrives.  Does anybody know the answer?  All of these pieces have to be put back together again, for their exoneration.  Do they have anything in print form we can analyze or verify?  Does anybody have anything not in print to speculate without violating any laws or legalistic fury?  Where do we start if it is between two people and events are taking place in-between the same two people?  How far will they take this?  How far will they take us?  How far into the legal or illegal is their help?  How far will they try to destroy or brainwash us with more propaganda or stronger propaganda?  How many lies when all is said and done will they have and will we have, did they copyright any recursive loop?  Whose recursive loop is that and what do they call it?  We know where the events took place and we know they buried all of us under 100-200 attempts daily to bury the truth.  Also, we have a record of thirty years; don’t you think someone or something is out of place?  We know we are dealing with a very sadistic and demented human being who likes to play these identical games with others.  We also know this very dangerous criminal is hunting us and they are collecting both evidence and intelligence!

They wrecked up everything!  Do they know where the pieces go?  So put them back and let’s find out who did it and who is acting as if they did not do anything wrong, Godspeed.  We know he rarely make mistakes?  We see his brain power and the power of analysis.  Why can’t he identify the culprits or whoever did this?  Did his partner stumble upon something and did she tell anybody what is going on with her fiancé through the years in this prison?  How did they get stuck in his recursive loop or how did he and she get stuck in their recursive loop, which we know is “a circular firing squad?”  Even if thirty more years were to expire, we still need that revolution and the first mile marker between the two he-she partnerships.  This is going to tell us how and why two recursive loops are present.  It will tell us why the 30 year cycle is late, did not show up, or got kidnapped.  Then it will show us what will put him and America back on trajectory.  Clearly we are at war and clearly someone is trying to put all the pieces back neatly.  Which pieces go where and how?  That is how they got where they are now and this is how we got where we are today.  It is not our future 100, 500, or 1000 years from now.  Why has the final war on earth become the here and now?  Does anybody know?  Does anybody have an explanation other than the one in print?  It took more than thirty years to catch or identify who did this and why, however, do they know how and why they got in that hot seat and how and why they need to put every piece back together?  How about an audit if the price tag is $25 billion?  It is not a game but when spies and miscreants play it, it becomes a total disaster.

Right now, they are reading this and calling it their new home.  They finally found a home and something or someone to love America with.  Yes both left wing and right wing want one half of two life partners to call their new home and someone to love America with.  Therefore, they are using the FBI-Police to conduct a clandestine merger with our National Security or their rank and file.  They are not pretending to enjoy our company but instead are finding new ways to clobber us over the head and make it a primitive romance story.  They have the cave paintings to prove it, a slew of fake and phony photos they set up as our fan site or staff site because they found access to an employment office.  We work closely with them and they are our team, our own rank and file or cronies now.  They are doing this out of the generosity of their heart while we are forced to share with them all of this illegal magnification of work and opportunity they have imaginatively created.  Their claim is in war, some survive but it is the risk they are willing to take, for the greater of the whole of poverty.  It is endless and needy scams.  All of this is a far departure from the truth.  They also claim we are the same and are getting arrested as their rank and file or leader.  This is how they were caught or busted, the same rank and file of poverty who demands other humans to share and criminalize their life if they refuse.  They are hardcore communist and terrorists forces, uniting the sharing life part with the violence and criminalizing those who refuse.  It is internal but most if not all of them are traumatized by war swearing that “everybody is crazy and lying.”

At most, we follow and obey the rules and the Constitution.  They prey on vulnerable people and they exploit the kindness of seniors, those under siege.  Their rank and file is being abused daily by this same nonchalant clandestine civil war to capture, torture, or kill.  The communist and terrorist forces claim this does not exist.  They have created something they call a “plantation mindset” or “reservation” policed by slave blood and violence.  They want to share this heaven.  When it comes to sex and crimes, this is their heaven and they are bursting at the seams with sex and violence due to extremely low demands for their females, objective diversity.  Their diversity is pushing them deeper into the bottomless pit but they want to continue to hold on to power or chain them to any rank and file they can find.  The rank and file is not using their real voices.  It is a forcible demand to share because they see something they want and cannot ask nicely or legally.  This is about stealing authority and power using the voice of terrorism.  They demand we share with victims who have sacrificed their life for our cause to find the truth. 

Their rank and file is also abused and victims.  It is an extremely violent and turbulent job, left wing management of nothing but terrorism, violence, poverty, mismanagement, prison wives, and endless catastrophes and a diminishing dollar.  What they lost in power is converted into the voting domination of the poor around the world.  Their rank and file is maliciously wrecking up America and pilfering it with the same access and control with a child-adult, a parent-child, or a boyfriend-girlfriend.  If anybody agrees to their presence or existence, access, they will hijack it and share every aspect because it is also a terror plot and how they tie the hands of others.  They call it “false consciousness” and it is part of communist indoctrination and radicalism. 

Their malicious and vile authority at the FBI-Police is a rank and file that is based on probability of crime and getting caught.  The prisons are full.  The courts are overworked.  Everybody is upset.  Nobody has time to argue with them or do anything about it.  This is why they have attacked and seized my rescue, a life partner, using the same FBI-Police powers that created this problem with rank and file, fan clubs or lunatic stalkers, and the power of lying only a terrorist and communist mole is able to convey.  They are puppets on a stage.  They are not logically connecting the dots; someone is centrally managing their daily events and attacks.  All of their authority is based on probability and how to convert a 49-51% majority risk probability.  Their copyright is majority rule or outnumbering their victims, a gang mentality.  All they have in this war is how to steal the power of attorney and force others to share because they see something they want and cannot have it (America) unless they can hijack power or military might.  This is brainwashing, violence and fear.  This is and was about stealing authority using violence or terrorism; they are demanding we share and they are in control of our world.  A simple yes or no is preferable but their control and authority as the FBI-Police is out for justice and bent on control.  They claim we disagree over frivolous matters and they are fed up with our participation. 

They are not under any spell or confusion.  Their goal is to clash or collide with others until they become fed up or are so destroyed; they cough up their entire soul.  They are focused on National Security matters because they are trapped and their false spell has never been mistakenly acting on our behalf or our best interest.  They are in a trap right now and if they do not find a way out, they will die and die of a very cruel death.  Their only fight is to use equality or the same weapons.  They must pick up the same tools we have or utilize the same tactics and strategy; such as the Constitution.  They are trapped in a National Security sting, a man-made mouse trap designed by a human being who knows every single nut and bolt of it.  They do not have the brain power or character to navigate it, never did.  The brain power they must read or witness is God scope, it is not mortal or anything they have seen or have.  They claim they are terrified and will die.  Thus, they are willing to take more and more risks as the escalation of danger becomes terminal or extremely unhealthy.  It is unhealthy for both sides, not one side.  They only report one side of the story and are lunatics biased on lawless mayhem.  It is subtle at first but now it is a snowball effect.  They are very hardened communist and terrorist moles who found themselves without any future after the cold war, a form of self destruction and rebirth.  This is the account of their rank and file making that rebirth; it was witnessed by other humans.  All of it is propaganda and the FBI-Police use this access as a favor to put more propaganda and ads into our biography.  They refuse to pay or courteously respect the rights of others citing angry reprisals and exchanges while on duty or incapable of escaping.  They claim we are swimming in the rebirth of their 1960s radical revolution to overthrow the government.  We were at war and we were shooting at them in the 1960s using real weapons made by Americans and justified by American might.  This is their renaissance, victim hood.  This is their rebirth.  We are all their rank and file and now they are in control of all factors of America, even what is being written and the other parts that will kill them; what they refused to write.  They are the 911 terrorists and this is how they share life with us, under their spell now.  They are not under any spell; we are under their spell and their FBI-Police authority.  A lot of it is very subtle and an accumulation of at least thirty years of war.  They claim everything and everybody is broken, nothing works so it is a tie.  It is time to make hard choices and this is how it happened.  There is nothing gutsy about it, we cannot be stronger together and if so, all hell will break loose.  They lost it. 

They claim they are fed up and disagree.  Don’t be fooled, it is pure malice.  They are homicidal lunatics whose authority by either tax payers or voter verification, is filtered through the FBI-Police at the federal levels.  They claim it is our national identity and destiny, the trinity of their church of corruption.  It is a filter that inputs illegal measures and turn them into legal measures; such as terrorism.  This is how they make the donuts; they wake up earlier than all others.  All of them have turned into monsters that fit the uniform of the mafia or serial killers.  Their minds are tricking each other and themselves into a foot race to jail, a rat or a loyal gigantic mess none of them can begin to explain.  A lot of people disagree in this world but not many human species at the FBI-Police rack up endless criminal charges and a price tag of $25 billion.  All they had on paper and on their mind is “we do not know what to do and want to die.”  Say this all day and night 24-7-365 and ask if anybody is going to kill you or why.

Civil rights and sharing life with these FBI-Police on duty is their choke hold.  It strangled every aspect of our life and forced us to domesticate a homicidal lunatic and sadistic predator.  It is the same romance story they have with America, the best strangulation on TV.  Everybody knows how dangerous choke holds are.  That romance story has been depicted as a murder plot and terror plot.  Their romance story at the FBI-Police is a sadistic baby factory they wish to share with us and decades of perverted or sexual harassment charges that never seem to cease.  All of them dress up like grandma for the occasion.  Ask them what they are doing and all you will hear 24-7-365 is they want to die.  This is how they want to go out and die.  Therefore, a strategy for assassinating them in world war or clandestine civil war has been drafted at a cost much less than billions and trillions of heartache. 

To them it is not choking us, it is a heaven where repugnant females are in so high supply the demand bottomed out.  They want to create a heaven out of the internet and this is how they want to be reborn.  It is just a happy and filled with love way to gain access of children, kids, or vulnerable people so they can either mug them, kill them, rob them, or hijack their life.  Control and access is how they obtain victims online.  The internet is a way they collect intelligence and gather clues to make them stronger or win this clandestine civil war to torture, kill, or torture the opposite of legal and the opposite of very prosperous.  They felt if they can stay and remain the rank and file by foiling all offensive measures, then they can double team their defenses and prevail.  This is about survival.  It is not about what is legal or illegal, national security and world war.  They claim they know what they are doing and are in control, the problem is not their authority or police sciences.  None of them have SAT scores above 800; it is blatantly obvious and insulting.  In their world, they are victims, not as stupid as we think, and only want to die.

They claim they are fed up with being losers, being stupid, being defiant, having to protest, allowing the system to push them further into doom, a lack of love and other basic human needs.  They have access, control, and authority but they are fed up with their DNA and the richness or the authority of others.  As the FBI-Police they cannot figure out if this is right or wrong, merely fed up and angry.  So now they demand we share with them the parts of them they are not willing to deny and claim they are being honest with their “spouses.”  They cannot connect the dots and they cannot win, so they are fed up and angry, disgruntled now on the job and calling 24-7-365 about this tragedy on both sides.  Fed up is when others read this and ask them if they can perform at this level if they are the authority, have access, exploit human beings, and know what they are doing; false imprisonment.  That is fed up, false imprisonment by the water boy.  This is their way of saying they are fed up as the FBI-Police and their church or this clandestine civil war has turned each of them into the devil who is more fed up than anybody else on earth, very disgruntled and angry with their capabilities and how are forced to compete illegally for survival.  In one kiss the idiot now has turned into a prince or princess.  This is the magic of their authority and power; a dating game and serious sexual harassment by the FBI-Police on duty.

Do we know what would happen if they put talent and brains at the helm of their rudderless church of corruption or the school of humans rotten to the core?  It is their new experiment to find out if they can survive as broken communists in America hiding behind human shields or their abuse of powers.  Can communism survive is they are the head of authority in America?  Can we tell the good from the bad or are they just stupid going on more stupid?  Do we have any idea what would happen and what will come out of the woodworks?  So everybody is reading what happens when this type of human beings invade the life of other human beings and try to blend or make themselves at home.  They feel they can hide or exploit their FBI-Police powers in order to make up the gap between their ears.  Clearly the case has been proven, verified, and now so real they have become even more real and tougher.  All they want to do is die and do not know what to do; they want this more than we do!

This is a war of totality.  They are absolute destruction with an innocent face.  They have a gene pool that under constant reconstruction so it can advance unnoticed.  They target people who have the gene pool they need to win or become more powerful.  This is how they fall in love, place their rear-ends in the way and then say, “I dare you to do something about it.”  This is a chicken game they have played for thirty years and now it is the accumulation of evidence, not one clue or two.  They claim there is no illegality and the universe is based on opposites attracting.  It is only defiance and protest against oppressive people who dislike their environment or their urban settings.  They will duplicate the same FBI-Police authority in rural settings and claim it is only defiance and protest against oppressive people who dislike their environment, security in numbers and the teachings of their corrupt church of immigration.  They refuse to offer any rent refund or fix any damages, pure stonewalling.  They are victims of America and they are victims of two biographies; not the stonewalling.  They have nothing that is copyrighted, they steal the power of attorney already, all damned by forcible demands to share because they see something they want and cannot ask nicely.  This is and was about stealing authority using violence or terrorism; they are demanding we share and they are in control of our world.  A simple yes or no is preferable but their control and authority as the FBI-Police is out for justice and bent on control. 

What has the FBI-Police unleashed on us and how do we put the genie back in the bottle?  In their world of not thinking and being a victim, they have and they will exploit people such as females, minorities, children, and tax payers.  Their authority goes beyond the beltway and is based on playground games and not strategic methods to overcome the problem with a rank and file that will force us to capitulate with the enemies of this world who are currently overthrowing the government and next the entire planet.  This is their express method, kidnap a VIP.  Not only is this their drive-thru window for food they have to eat, it is also the special menu for their eyes only.  It is not about anything else; they want to die and do not know what to do; a blood oath sealed by a terror plot.  It took them thirty years to wreck up everything, also in America, and now they show no prevention, “they want to die and give up, kill them if they disagree.”  That is it, game over.  Their next victim is America and then the entire world.  They have laid that egg inside our life and inside the FBI-Police which makes it ten times harder if not a thousand times harder.  They are also collecting intelligence as we speak because they disagree and have access.  They demand fairness.

So this is the mind of an insider who acts like a serial killer who was caught climbing through a couple’s bedroom window.  Their story and version is full of lies, 100% lies because they are insiders and in charge or in control.  They invented it.  They wrote it.  They own it.  It is a sea of corruption and all of them want to die and do not know what to do.  Their beltway authority is the same family ties and it is a kill or will kill now.  They were snagged and trapped by National Security traps to strip them of any lawful power and authority and they only want to die.  Not only are they trapped and snagged by National Security traps, they also claim they are victims when they were our attackers and the attackers of the terror plots and National Security vulnerabilities.  Everything makes sense to them and they are in control, they know how to do their job, sorry.

They claimed they wanted to know who hired us and the rank and file; then the rank and file got them busted.  They never get busted.  They need to know who hired us.  We know who hired them.  Their deadline was May 22, 2020 and they kept on insisting it was too late for them to go back or change anything, just accept the inevitable.  They want to die more now then they have ever wanted to die in their life.  Dying is like a God send to those on duty or the authority.  They are not weak, they are the future.  They are not dumb, pure toughness.  What they do not have between their ears, they made up with determination and illegality.  Their only wish is to love us and die.  The next world war or civil war will be about all the love they have, how they only want to love us and share life, and if not they want to die. 

That is how they are using the FBI-Police presently, accept the inevitable and stop resisting or being defiant of their rank and file they claim we are killing or slaughtering their forces with superior IQ and they are helpless.  They have no strategy or defense against the law, stupidity, power, VIPs, royalty, etc. and they are using the FBI-Police to convey the lawful methods they continue to exploit as a retreat.  Do we want them to die?  They are in love and gave up, had enough!  Now it is the prove it part, they have it down 100% and are flawless with the prove it part.  This is what made them the special elite and the dream team at the FBI-Police; they catch terrorists, they don’t dine with them or take phony pictures of them in hell.

When you have no strategy or plan against the law, stupidity, power or what is and has been written, it’s not what you see but what you cannot see or read.  This is a cruel, sadistic, demented, and damaged enemy.  They are full of unpredictable outbursts and authority.  They know what they are doing and nobody can tell them how to do their job, pros.  There is no retreat, there is no deterrence, there are no biographies (only rank and file and power of attorney), there is no power of attorney; all of it was made up or mental illness.  Mental illness is when you only want to die and do not know what to do. 

So how can the win if they do not have a strategy or plan?  They do not have any brains and their brawn is slipping, losing it’s traction going forward.  Can they reverse this?  All of this is copyrighted and they “cherry picked” in order to clobber us and others by weaponizing our rescue and claiming ownership or landlord rights.  Again, they have no brains, only brawn; there is no strategy or plan.  How do you exploit two people if you are in charge and in control of the FBI-Police and kidnapped them or did unspeakable acts while you wrecked their life so you could get away with it?  Do they know their plan or strategy?  Why not steal their identity and become their power of attorney?  Who the hell would know or care; just sue them for $25 billion.

They must prove what they fixed if anything and when or why.  There are a lot of liabilities they must prove in writing and verify.  How much do they have at this time, anything for the lazy-asses who bark and growl 24-7-365 about how they are victims?  Will they right the book or suffer from the damnation of the truth?  Instead they said “just sue us” thousands of times to suit their defeated and self defeat mindfulness.  They are Americans?  They are one of us?  They claim they knew what they were doing and we just made things worse for no reason, only hate.  Try quality.  They are not victims, they are cruel and sadistic saboteurs who hide behind legal authority and have no respect for the rights of others; a faith or church of corruption.  They are doing this for despots and tyrannical power; that is how they win.  This is how they take over America and the world one biography at a time.  If they cannot attack and destroy one biography, what makes them capable to take on the world?

This is about national security and abuse of police powers for profit and greed, espionage.  It is a mole network at the FBI-Police who use people to open doors and acquire access.  Not only is it about national security, we are expected to be their rank and file; those who open the door for them, exploitation.  This is how they got caught for the 911 terror plot and other national security related matters.  It was so new they were paralyzed, therefore, they abused their FBI-Police powers and continued to try and force us into their rank and file in order to seek profit and greed off espionage, terrorism, and open doors that they “selectively police” with their discretion and subjective moral compass.  We not only love their race, their race is superior!  Everybody can go home now and call off the bloodhounds.

The FBI-Police got caught for all their crime and corruption to include endless sexual harassment attempts to force us into their rank and file.  They use this access or authority to control other human beings.  They do seek profit and greed when it comes to espionage and clandestine civil wars (communism or terrorism).  On 6/5/2020 3:56:20 PM they claimed they had it with us and we are now convicted because they are in love and in charge as our fans or staff.  Dying is like a God send to those on duty or the authority.  They are not weak, they are the future.  They are not dumb, pure toughness.  What they do not have between their ears, they made up with determination and illegality.  Their only wish is to love us and die.  The next world war or civil war will be about all the love they have, how they only want to love us and share life, and if not they want to die.  This was a love story with their race and the 1960s, a tragic ending.

They made it look and sound as if they are making an arrest or was evicting people.  They are very apologetic and feel they are pardoned, in love and under a powerful spell. This is the best they can do, just sue them.  All of this spilled over into the biographies of two main characters.  When you have no strategy or plan against the law, stupidity, power or what is and has been written, it’s not what you see but what you cannot see or read.  This is a cruel, sadistic, demented, and damaged enemy.  They are full of unpredictable outbursts and authority.  They know what they are doing and nobody can tell them how to do their job, pros.  It took thirty years to accumulate enough evidence to catch them and they put on an FBI-Police costume and mimicked the police authority when we tried to shut them down legally while they worked even harder and more diligently to wreck us illegally.  They claim they are the rank and file of two main characters and have become them, abusing the laws and hijacking the real power of attorney.  They were using the FBI-Police to coverup all the wreckage, tug of war, efforts to shut them down legally.  Their mental illness and criminal desperation only wants to die.  They refuse to admit any of this and have no strategy or plan against the law, stupidity, power or what is and has been written, it’s not what you see but what you cannot see or read.  They only want to die.  They only want to be the rank and file; control.  Now in their final act of defiance, they juxtapose a new cover up as the rank and file or how they got busted twice for the 911 plot and national security profiteering using phony and fake pictures they got by ransom and threats to arrest us both.  That is not extortion that is determination and anger by the water boy philosophy.  We were in love with their race and we know their race, the entire 1960s, was superior.  That is why they only want to die because their race is superior by their determination and quantity of effort.  They want others to be afraid of any rescue or this distant motivation to fight for freedom and fight for America.

Their FBI-Police office refuses to shut down or allow others to shut them down legally.  They continued their tirade after the May 22, 2020 (election tampering) mugging deadline.  We are not prisoners or POWs; we are defiant against police powers, weak on crime.  That is why they want to die; we are reading how to be weak on crime.  We are undergoing interrogations because they are so superior and not lazy asses.  This is why they did not pay a dime or refused to pay for anything, we must be taught a lesson what weak on crime will do to our life and our marriage.  They are the masters of the police-authority and they know what they are doing, $25 billion of stupidity and mental illness because this is only about wanting to die and not knowing what to do when in love. 

After thirty years of this wanton weak on crime mentality, they deny anybody had to work 12 hour days just to shut each other down legally while they were lying about culpability.  They are weak on crime and not humbled by determination.  We are witnesses to their faith and power.  This is what their church of corruption can do to make all races in America or the world, superior.  They are the superior race and superior religion, determination and quantity.  Obviously, one of us is legal and the other is illegal; they claim they do not know who is who; they refused every demand or order to shutdown and lock the door.  This is also why they want to die and do not budge, superior race wars and the proper use of police power.  The Constitution disagrees and so does National Security, however, when you are worthless, dying is a God send.  This is how capable they are at badgering and harassing other human beings.  It is the water boy on steroids.  They have been given a gift by God and this is their superpower of unity, to badger, attack, and harasses other humans until they are dead and gone.  They are here for other Americans; thank them for their service and unselfish gift from heaven.

When it came to National Security, the FBI-Police would badger and sexually harass people all day using emotional appeals about being chained to them and the pain they felt being chained to others.  If you did not give them control, they would find a way to bypass it or break you with 24-7-365 surveillance while they were on the case.  They claimed Al Qaeda was lurking in the grass, have you seen them?  Their power was unlimited.  They wanted to make clear their objective to overthrow the government, illegally only.  They continue to use sexual harassment, illegal wiretaps, and high level corruption to shut our offices down while they lawlessly circumvent and skirt the laws in the most unlawful and inferior ways, such as their IQ in control of what they are doing.  They claim stupidity is superior and so is their race, the power of attorney. 

A worthless busted immigrant now, they needed our help and they racked up $25 billion trying to steal, acquire, rewrite, tamper, and intimidate 24-7-365 their way to fame.  It was not with one biography it was with the both of them; they call it tagged teaming.  Their consciousness and mindset was already morally bankrupt (terror plots) as the FBI-Police on the tax payer dime.  They also claim they are equals when it comes to righteous or noble police authority.  They never saw their mental illness of wishing to die as a problem and if it was, determination kicked in.  That is their mindset.  Their plan was to be equal in the phoniest ways, and then they tried to steal the power of attorney and match the equal amount of evidence.  If there is intelligence collecting going on, expect casualties and mass amounts of retaliation.  Their strategy is mental illness and dying.  If they do not find a solution or exit, they will be crushed and destroyed by their own selfish, arrogant, ignorant, illegal, and diabolical lack of planning.  They are making it all up as we are forced deeper into their authority at the FBI-Police.  They are undergoing self-destruction and are hanging on for dear life when it comes to being the rank and file of America.  That is friendship or power to this sadistic government mole. 

Now they claim “that is it we had it, he got arrested, he has been convicted.”  They continue to cite “he is or just got convicted” with authority and by refusing to shut down the rank and file problem.  They claim they are our support group and our fans, staff, and power of attorney.  Hence, they refuse to pay a dime, shut down anything, or remove all the fake-phony photos.  Their mental illness legal defense is how guilty they are and sorry, “it is too late, just move on” and “he got arrested, he is convicted.”  They are superior and know what they are doing, infallible to the laws or moral compass.  It is subjective police discretion and they are at war!  Their supervisors said they are too corrupt and are being shut down but this is why, no accountability; they are powerless to evil and similar to world wars, did as they were told to do.  They knew they were ruined and knew they were busted, they wanted maximum damage to escape; criminal toughness.  They claim they are innocent and are giving up on us; the inquisition at the FBI-Police of pure meanness and traitors has finally hit a dead end.  They are stuck now and have nothing to grab or use as a weapon, just leave.  So trying to die is a mental game they are playing with themselves as the risk increases disproportionably.  They really enjoy their jobs and how it gives them the power to harass others inside their residence.  They are allowed to do this and invade people’s homes.

This is what happened to a smartass with a death wish.  They claim they are lesser. They claim they are too damn stupid and embarrassed.  They claim it is too late to cry about it.  They claim they are superior and in control.  They claim they only want to help and care, our power of attorney.  It is too late for them to turn back.  We are at war and they hit the gas, pedal to the medals.  We need to stop complaining because they are in total control and they are collecting intelligence and doing their jobs at the FBI-Police.  No worries, protected heavily now by the infamous hair trigger.  They do not have to write anything down or take notes because they know the case inside out, our partners in life and our rank and file.  They cut our phone lines and blocked us because this would happen, yes this.  They knew better and are superior.  They did not kidnap the other biography of two, instead they saw her do it and he is lying about this, everybody is lying.  This is why they cut our telephone line, it has to be one of us; they are superior and infallible.  This is about their race and their race is superior on paper and in wars.  They need more pictures and more political power if we want to win.  This is their story.  They are merging with us, rank and file.  They are now chained to us for life, unity.  We are finally freed, together at last!  It is not a rape dream, it is a real dream now; fit for a child molester or a rapist.  The sexual harassment is going to happen so long as we are chained to them and the ending.  This is their story and we are still chained to them, expect children to blow kisses at each other, they are so happy.  Love is permanently on their minds, nothing else.  This is why they have not refunded or reimbursed anything, they want to cut our phone lines and deny any rescue while they sexually harass others and demand more ransom. They are partners in crime, in this together now.  It is too late to report this to Congress or the President.  They said everybody is crying so just leave.  Stress and the stress of their superior jobs make them very loving and sexual.  This is why they are making plans with us that involve dinner or dates, photographic evidence.  The long term damage is they will fall in love with us as time goes on!  We are their rescue now.  They are our rank and file.

They have done nothing about the pictures or the web sites they call our fan club.  They have a giant surplus of females at the FBI-Police also, violence and crime.  All of this is normal behavior, they know what they are doing, relax.  They have a surplus of special minorities and FBI-agents who know we are at war!  These are the same females ordered to “find a dog that will F you, leave me alone.”  Their story is how stress turns them into rapists, and they are angry with the world, politics, office politics, crime bursting at the seams, and such low demands for “their superiority.”  They feel these flagrant hate crimes oppresses their sex life and want to call and set the record straight, it is heaven and most men outside their race or religion can get laid ten or twenty times daily if they so choose.  This surplus of superior females is the result of crime and violence.  This is why everybody needs to get in early and invest, it won’t last!  So it is not just their women.

Both of their males and females think alike.  It is a marriage of two minds.  They are also implicated in many other criminal cases such as the unexpected death of one of the two authors.  It could be the same kidnapping in the 1960s to remove the parents or the head of the body.  They do this frequently with their rank and file.  In the clandestine Protestant-Catholic civil war, they blamed this on the Presbyterians and not the Catholics or Jews.  Therefore, the lawsuit is on behalf of one of the families and they claim they are all well taken care of.  They are not outsiders.  All of this phoniness is about being well taken care of, photographic evidence.  They claim it is all hate related crimes.  That is the same Protestant-Catholic clandestine civil war to capture, kill, or torture; now it is a National Security disaster in the making.  They want to cry and die now; all lies by their 1960s revolutionary police authority.  They are pure unadulterated rapists and homicidal lunatics who are very stressed out by their politics and crimes.  If they can find a dog to replace human affection, their love story would not be so horrendous.  We do not love them, they are in love with us; we are who they want now!  Conclusively, the evidence clearly indicates someone has to blow every damn one of their agents at the FBI-Police away with 12 gauge shotguns or slugs.  Their plan is to get up and try to die again.  They are still horny and do-not-agree.  They disgust each other and smell so they shove their ass in our faces daily.  Now we have to deal with the tragedy of their race and how superior their race is in war. 

The rules and the laws of the universe apply in this fashion.  If any of them get flooded or hit by a tornado, they are momentarily stopped.  It is a two day rethinking of their strategy.  When storms like Katrina hit, they go into a two week or two month slumber.  That is the best time to run for dear life and get help.  Therefore, the more America is flooded or experiences the wrath of God, the more they take pause because the poor are the ones who have to fight our wars.  Whenever we are in war, it is the poor who have to fight.  The rich tend to be the war protesters or anti-draft divers.  All of them make up the giant debt of cheap ass immigrants and the poor.  Extremely stupid due to exposure by females on steroids, they take to football moms as their salvation in life, not God.  This is why they brainwash others, it is football.  They will do this if they ever reach the Pentagon, unity.  So the more they get flooded or get earthquaked, the less their power is in America or the world.  This is why they fell for a sting utilizing hurricanes and earthquakes, they know the poor fight our wars and now they need the poor.  Each event reduces their chance of overthrowing the government.  If this came down to civil war or even clandestine civil war, their numbers cannot sustain capture, kill, or torture.  When they hear of a flood or rain coming, they run for dear life; they want to die and do not know which to do.  They will go on attack when they hear about hurricanes, floods, or even God.  Their church is so rotten to the core, they will attack the moment God is used or mentioned in the biographies of two main characters.  The phony pictures are nothing more than photographic evidence to prove they are pathological liars and a Trojan horse full of dangerous moles.  It is a game to see who can be more stupid legally.  They have plans on overthrowing the government and using death rays we provide for them as our rank and file.  This is how they become the most wanted or the most dangerous in the world, fear. 

The photographic evidence is to coverup the election tampering and their Presidential library under construction.  Even if they wrecked up everything, they haven’t paid a dime!  They did not take down the fan sites or intelligence collecting effort.  They did not address the library photos or the slander.  They did not get arrested or shut down yet.  They did not refund any rent while their dog and their car are lost forever.  They have a life and death matter with a predator and homicidal lunatic who wants to kill them in 1998, 2002, and now in 2020.  Is it a threatening letter and who is the letter addressed to?  They also claim this is a hate crime.  They are the rank and file, staff.  The have the power of attorney and authority.  They are not abusing police powers or violating Constitutional merits designed for communists, FBI-Police saboteurs, sadistic immigrants, despots, tyrants, etc.  Their plan is to die and we have to shoot them if we want to live.  They admit they kidnapped the office they are trying to blow up at the beginning of the biographies.  Not only do they admit they did this, their plan is to die trying.  They do not admit how she blocked their office bombing plot and they do not admit any plans they had once they were captured or cornered in 2008.  However, they have not given an inch or paid a dime yet they claim we are the sole author of our own destiny!

The problem is not going to go away and the talent is not going to reform by placing anything or anybody at the FBI-Police when the whole of America is a rudderless ship and the order was given to abandon ship.  Clearly they are the captains of this mess and vow to go down with the ship.  This is a ship without a rudder and it is seeking guidance from their prisoner or mortal enemy on earth.  What do you do when crime and corruption is bursting at the seams and those either trapped in it or enforcing crime and corruption are fed up with being losers, pushed around, forced to act smarter, trying to find the eternal protest, and the basic needs of love and affection crime and corruption bursting at the seams cannot provide?  What does the elite at the FBI-Police or National Security think is going to happen?  Will the bottom fall off the deck?  Will all four tires go flat once the school bus comes to a stop?  What if real cops were on duty?  Would it look like a romance or just two biographies of life partners?  What do you think would happen if we switched things around a little and let them walk a day in our shoes or life a lifetime in our biography?

In conclusion, we did this for our own death!  We have a lot of people on this earth who claim they are fed up with being losers, being stupid, wishing war to go away, random defiance, random protest over frivolous matters, and this feeling of doom because they want to utilize the fear they have inside as the fear they can spread throughout the world.  Of course they lack the love their broken or decrepit life of poverty had to offer but we overcome our own impoverishment and lack of education utilizing due diligence.  We are not born on this earth with this ruling throne called our intelligence and our academic Godliness.  It takes hard work and the astute acumen of careful stupor towards others.  Therefore, when you invent the last or final war on earth, you have to consider many safety and deterrent methods each and every time you speak.  Every single word must be above the chaos and from heaven.  A lack of love and a lawless sense of toughness is not how human beings obtain access, control, or authority.  If it is, then the backlash of authority will be the true identity of authority, the rest is phony.  The Constitution doesn’t allow any of this, none.  Yet the FBI-Police have identified what they feel or perceived as the problem and why it has such inconsequential repercussions to their security, well being, job advancements, and even a game they play with other human beings inside their rank and file.  It is just anger and a lot of disgruntled people to manage.  Clearly, their singular objective is to see more hate, more races, and more race politics in the ending and in the truth; there is none and never was because they are too angry to process any rational truth.  Hence, this is what happens when you put talent and brains at the helm of a rudderless ship that is bound for hell.  All they want are the selfishness of fear and human weakness; all of whom are incompatible with the final war on earth.  We want to win, we don’t want to loose at any cost.  Love and authority is among equals.  The same holds true for power and police science. 

How can you wreck up everything and not know where any of the pieces fit?  Is perfection control?  There are two sides and the ends are neatly tied.  It is time to put all the pieces back together with Godspeed.  This is disaster across the boards.  It is not one or two things wrong.  It is a failure to ask and a failure to verify, taken to the extremes of a spy game.  They feel we are a nuisance and a nuclear threat; it is high time to vacate.  This form of anonymity is poisonous; it is the criminal world on steroids.  Therefore, they claim they are the rank and file, the rank and file is fed up, and now the rank and file is lawless; a French Revolution type of sensation overtaking their body from toe to head.  They claim we did something to them but they do not have the intelligence or the brain power to process it.  It is across the board rudeness and injury to their pride.  As the FBI-Police they cannot figure out if this is right or wrong, merely fed up and angry.  So now they demand we share with them the parts of them they are not willing to deny and claim they are being honest with others for whom they have chained themselves to for not a lifetime but eternity.  The dots do not connect and they cannot connect the dots for a legal win.  Do they have to win legally?  Do they have to cheat in order to win?  How about lying and stealing, a robbery in progress?  It is a 24-7-365 game of tit-for-tat, a tragedy that must end or go away.  So being fed up is subjective and a well kept secret.  This identical well kept secret is not on paper yet because we are the same, equals chained to each other for eternity.  Your fate is mine.  My fate is yours, we share eternity.  They perform at our levels but only by walking in each other’s our shoes.  That is fed up, false imprisonment by the water boy. 

This is everybody’s way of saying they are fed up as the FBI-Police and their church or this clandestine civil war has turned each of them into the devil who is more fed up than anybody else on earth.  We are loved or hated by our equals.  Their capabilities are the same but now very disrupted, disgruntled, and angry because they are forced outside the boundaries of their comfort zones because of their faith, now their survival.  They want to be princes and precious princesses; this is the magic of authority and power.  This was about stealing authority and the power of terrorism.  They demand we share with victims who have sacrificed equality with equality to walk a lifetime in each other’s shoes in order to determine the truth for our cause or reason on earth.  They claim they have equal ownership and they share our fate as rank and file.  Therefore, their diversity is pushing them deeper into the bottomless pit as they try to hold onto equal power and if needed, will chain their fate to for eternity.  They are the weak and they are the poor forces on earth, here to battle the forces of raw naked violence (a form of police).  The rank and file is not using their real voices.  It is much more powerful.  Instead they asked us nicely to share with them the graces and the brilliance they are foreign to.  They are equals and they did not forcibly demand authority or any police powers from anybody, we stole it and not only did we steal it, we did it for our own death, an eternal suicide pact for the legal merits of eternity.  Everybody is crazy.  Everybody is lying.  Furthermore, everybody is impoverished and has to die.  Thus, love is among equals and there is no love lost here.  Love is something the worst and the best in this world toughen out together; but when they see this much love lost or gained, they see something they want and cannot ask nicely or legally.  In one sentence or less, this is what happens when a spy or an enemy refuses to ask and then verify when and if they notice something out of place. 

If this was a thirty year ordeal and both sides were criminalizing the other; who would you take this to in order to catch a liar or wiretap a terrorist?  You do have suspicion and probable cause don’t you?  You do have a romance story and you badgered them day and night about this romance didn’t you?  So why not put a suspect pool together and ask all the right questions instead of criminalizing two written biographies and not asking any of the right questions until it was too late?  Is this why the matter inflated from $100 million in 2008 to an estimated $25 billion in 2020?  Then again, if respect for the law is a defeating victory, why not offer some form of settlement or closure before everything is wrecked up or the gross negligence is so grotesque life imprisonment is mandatory?  A word to the wise, why take the scenic route when it is a life and death matter and urgency level the entire world was super glued with?  We need answers and they need answers; but it seems as if nobody bothered to report or notices anything wrong until it was just too late and too sorry.  Is that good police work or planned ignorance?  Was there a plan and was there an equal plan to match the equal amount of evidence?  If there is intelligence collecting going on, expect casualties and mass amounts of it.

Their Trojan horse is intent on making America and Americans afraid of defending their liberties, defending each other, and becoming the best they can be.  By doing what they have done, they can fly our flag while we are forced to lower theirs.  It is not an even trade and it is very unfair.  Whenever you suspect a lie, do not sit on this for a year, two years, or three years; meanwhile, the entire pressure cooker is about to explode!  What do you tell the press and the media when they get word of this?  If we can read how perfect and how clear thinking he is, then we can also read how perfect and how clear thinking she is too.  Thus, if we are reading perfection than where do we find the other version or the corresponding imperfection, mental illness?  Our biography and life plan is not the imperfect or criminal end of this; what part did they not understand?  The FBI-Police do not understand or can rationalize which end of this is the criminal end and which end is the head or the tail; it all looks the same and tastes like chicken!  How in the world will they ever investigate the problem or correspondingly offer a solution?  If they still do not know which way is up and what the yellow sticker is for, “Caution fragile, please handle with care,” then how will anybody else?  Somebody has to die or put an end to this hunt, who will it be?  This is why you always follow what is in print and not word of mouth, there is no paper trail and there will never be any.  You cannot look for paper trails, or legal discovery, when there is none; there is no way to connect the dots and this will cost you the entire case or your job, “we checked that lead and got nothing; we also verified both biographies with both owners and they said it was copyrighted.  The rest was fear tactics.” 

They want to die and do not know what to do.  Liberals always make the case about how they are the police and why they are victims.  However, with the advent of death rays and dangerous political enemies as the police, the case for their assassination has been made in death penalty form.  They no less care about their duties than they care about others.  They no less know what is right and wrong then they know their own value on the market.  To them it is about needs and whenever they need something, they turn into a police officer or the New World Order.  The danger with such trash in power or at the FBI-Police is obvious and they still claim they are the victims and those who oppose them are instilled with fear and fear eradicating all of their history that has taken us nowhere or done anything for our future.  They still cling-on and chain themselves to us while they try different costumes to see which one they can make an arrest with.  That is what the FBI-Police have turned into.  An enemy of mankind who has chained themselves to others and jumped off the ledge because they are tougher or purely worthless, they do seek love and will go to enormous measures to calculate a crime to obtain it.  They have delivered to us and the world a perfect political strategy that excludes them from all government and military functions.  The “Good Riddens” strategy is based on an overwhelming desire to include them in every form of life we have and with no way to retreat; weak on crime.  Nobody wants the problems or needs the lifelong fights that spark more and more insanity on the part of the FBI-Police because everybody is crazy or lying; but they need a baby for their midnight Kabuki mass.  If they wage war on others, all of them get killed because they are just too measly and worthless to listen to anymore.

This is a domestic enemy who displays characteristics identical to serial killers or sadistic lunatics and they claim they are tougher.  As they grow more desperate and their needs to mimic or clone others so they can share the glory of the world, they will seize and overthrow the tools they need to battle and win wars.  Killing a thousand of them in war so that millions can live peacefully and do not have to read utter trash is logical and rational when it comes down to death rays and satellite warfare.  However, their friends and their attorneys disagree with military strategy and the best in the world.  To hell with their plunder and their mighty 24-7-365 mouth that has run it’s full course and lost.  Therefore, the case has been made why they have brought back the need for political assassinations and the totally lack of thought as they suck and pull others into their clandestine civil war to capture, kill, or torture.  They do it with pure vitriol and malice then they act like they are God and nobody can stop them, “sue us we are the real victims.”  Without a safety net at this level of power, there will be victims and mass casualties, it is expected.  So that is what they are doing and how it impacts the morale of others.  They want us to fear our country as much as they fear our might.  They want others to understand there is a price to pay if any of them get in the way or do not stay out of their way.  It is fear they harbor and it is fear they have to digest.  They will take over the world if you let them but if you try to stop them, then they will make you pay homage to their sacrifices also, tit-for-tat.  Again, they want to die and do not know what to do as the FBI-Police and their authority is rudderless in need of humans of higher quality and cost.  This is why they capture, kill, and now torture; that priceless.

It took them thirty years to wreck up everything, also in America, and now they never saw a problem, ever policed anything, did not deter anybody, and know of any prevention, “they want to die and give up, kill them if they disagree.”  That is it, game over.  Their next victim is America and then the entire world; same game but different cast of characters and new tools we gave them because they are so in love with us.  They actually portray themselves as civilized human beings and “friends,” just ask the FBI-Police on duty who saw all of this and understand the totality of the totality in terms of human cost and tax payer costs!  They have laid that egg inside our life and inside the FBI-Police which makes it ten times harder if not a thousand times harder.  They are also collecting intelligence as we speak because they disagree and have access.  They demand fairness while they try to win at any cost.  That is now their radicalized church of corruption stuck and abandoned in America because the prisons and crime are bursting at the seams. 


Part I:  "The Revisionist Version" of the May 22, 2020 Deadline and Summary of Election Tampering

The world is witnessing the power of God and God has gratefully given our world a military field manual that is a dual reality of the Vietnam War.  There is one catch, everybody is a thief.  Not only are they a thief, they are all divided we stand and united we fall this time; a dual reality.  Similar to the Vietnam War it is about body counts; but this is not a Middle East crisis.  When we look at the body counts, we see statistical equations that do not make sense.  Yes it is rude but the truth does not lie with math.  When we compare body counts, we see the epicenter of this Viet Cong invasion.  When we open our magical field manual written during the Vietnam War, we see the exact same strategies, battles, and cast of characters.  The only difference this time is they do not speak English or hear anything, totally deaf and stupid.  Their bullhorn and slogans 24-7 are vicious but their status as an immigrant Trojan Horse speak louder on the FBI-Police force.  We are their victims and this is their history in America, how we all became their religious victims.  People want answers!  They want to know what if this was their kids or their spouse and life partner.  What would they be forced to do and how do they seek justice when those on duty at the FBI-Police are Jack-the-Ripper or the American Viet Cong movement and we are trapped in Saigon in the 1960s once again.  This was on the minds of Americans in the 1960s and if they will ever see their family or spouse again. 

It is not one or two military and police agencies, it is all of them!  Even if the left wing and the poor are caregivers, we need the choice if they are intelligent and sane enough to be courteous care givers.  Also, the government forces consisting of both police and anti-terrorism paramilitary units typically are exposed to this kind of left wing and liberal doom that hides under the guise and protection of the Catholic Church while they “cherry pick” what they want or need.  Their Trojan Horse unleashing unlimited amounts of this insanity onto the government forces and now supplementing it with fresh immigrants or the lowest SAT scores on the planet, is their same harassment and radicalism talking.  Therefore, you can combat it or join them.  What the FBI-Police are saying 24-7-365 is we cannot defeat them and there is no relief or escape, this is our death.  They are using the FBI-Police in order to expose us to this left wing and radical communist violence; typically policing the poor in America and extending hate crimes to other groups or exceptions because they are family or part of this Irish-Catholic protection political ring.  It starts with the poor and caregivers and it begins to manifest into exposure and expansion of a giant disease or a super-humongous communist invasion.  Now they seek to lay an egg into the military and other National Security related areas, such as SATWAR.

It is a secret insecurity we all have with a Protestant-Catholic civil war and even the intersection of immigration and the American Civil War; now it is a seek-and-destroy mission to capture, kill, or torture and they saw and know nothing.  Their subjective discretion in peace and war is based on a logic that lacks the math of Constitutional merits, despotism and dictators run amuck.  This is their attempt to overthrow the government and their final stand, united we fall or division we fight?  God bless them and America, the truth will set them free but first the power of God and the merits of the Constitution take precedence; they still saw nothing.  When do you pull the plug on this American Viet Cong invasion and Trojan Horse insurgency with the FBI-Police force, if it has been verified and in written form as one hundred percent accurate; everybody is dead and gone?  Why dead and gone you may be asking?  Because violence always has a reverse side, a reactionary side called the police.  No government on earth can exist without a police or reactionary side.  Typically this form of thinking is based on martial arts or combative sports.

It took thirty years to shut twelve percent of the population up or down; then figure out whom at the FBI-Police did it.  Again, how often does someone try to kidnap someone and blow up the FBI-Police on duty office even if they approve or agreed?  Can’t anybody blow up their offices in retaliation if “they saw who did this?”  When you kidnap someone you take a step into the unknown, so does everybody.  Are you blind?  Are you deaf?  Where did they take you?  Are they stupid?  Do they smell?  Who did the kidnappers call?  Did you tell your lawyers to call them?  Once a kidnapping is into the unknown, it drags in their loved ones, dogs, car, bills, vehicles, finances, etc.  It also drags in their partners.  It drags in the pain and the suffering of the ordeal with the FBI-Police only.  A kidnapping is not a one-man one-army deal.  If this was only a trial run, then we would know if they got caught or if anybody knew for sure it was only an experimental kidnapping among “friends,” a fake or a forgery.  Somebody had to have seen something or reported the opposite data.  Do you know who that opposite data or someone is?  Then how do you know what is a forgery or a fake?  Who is the captain of the ship and who is the revolving door of fools in a permanent state of disgruntled paradise?  Now that is war!  That is the pure raw blood and guts of war that is in your face, up close and personal, and also the gap between the two ears.  That is the pure raw animal killing that most war exponents live to experience only on paper.  It is still not a perfect transcript yet at the FBI-Police on duty.  It needs something, what does it need to be a perfect transcript we can give to the press or a publication company?

When you have opposite data or a fake, it justifies what police officers call subjective discretion; however, when the data is not subjugated but approved, it cannot be as powerful, as guilty, and as truthful, as x-ray perpetual knowledge from God, or vividly transparent to the blind, deaf, or kinda-stupid groups nobody knows or have ever seen before; also called The American Viet Cong clandestine party on duty.  This is about control, it is not about what is on paper or any form of spoken injustices such as slander or hearsay.  It is about waiting in line and reporting, “I was in line and I saw them do it, it was not the gap between my ears or the gap caused by my detachment from reality.  The devil is in the details.”  How can anybody catch a phantom if you do not have any bait or serial killer story to go with it?  Then again, if you got caught red handed then you never saw anything wrong?  Do you know write from wrong?  So we know without any doubts what they saw and what they did when they did not fix it or he could not fix any of it.  What part did he fix and why did the gap between the truth and past get neatly tied in only a sentence of an email or text?  In one text or email, we figured out 75% of a terror plot and “wire-trapped” them in less than 24-7 years.  That was the PTSD of one email and one single biography; how many other biographies are there tied to these two?  Is there collusion?  Do we know who they are and “wire-trapped” some of them? 

A legal damage claim of $25 billion is not contained inside a room or where this so called “kind-napping” occurred.  $25 billion has deadlines and it has consequences.  $25 billion means you can share it and tell others who you shared this with; such as the supervisors who must audit the complaint or go before Congress and explain why some lazy ass in some room wrote love letters to a girl and it turned into a $25 billion slander restitution case against the FBI-Police; they took it and ran and nobody else knew who did it or who they saw do it. 

How about the press, are they in the dark and asked to report any suspicious events?  The mathematics tells the story but some equations require a little thought and a lot of FBI-Police attention by the “clandestine church of corruption.”  We just do not have the resources and the academic skill to write like people want to read.  It takes several decades to write at this level and it takes no skill or no brain power to wreck it or badger it 24-7 in the most lawless and illegal ways possible.  We cannot see that part or read that part yet, it is top secret and it is clandestine.  Therefore, nobody can do any legal discovery or report who hired as an undercover supervisor for “wire-trapping,” how many captured, arrested, killed, water boarded, on duty and MIA, fled the county, indicted by cracker jack attorneys, capture-killed-tortured by enemy forces, had SAT scores exceeding their verbal vocabulary, needed constant supervision and disagreement, National Security clearances denied, are considered active shooters and were armed, wrote down they wanted to die and did not know what to do because we are in love, or just was in a stupor and could never figure it out. 

How in hell can this become clandestine about National Security for sure, and also sacking it?  It is only about love and happy colors.  It is about pictures and happy phony pictures only, not the “yucky” ones.  It is about birds, bees, and please includes the mosquitoes.  It about National Security clearances and red flags, who me or you?  The FBI-Police are never the real suspects and their authority is God; especially when it involves violence or terrorism against National Insecurity and our official fan clubs.  We know who is and who knots our official fan club now; but we also know why they love to pose or share family photos that were part of the impeachment hearings; scratch out “kidnapping.”  We may one day meet their superior supervisors who are amateurs with the information but are experts with “other matters we have to keep secret.”  We don’t even have to share any of this with anybody!  Yes our faith or the “clandestine church of National Security” doesn’t share this kind of hush-hush insanity or lawlessness to anybody.  Why we will never know, but stupidity sounds more innocent; a victim of lawlessness, thuggery, and secret bullies who are really lovers in line but hate lines; with photos to prove it now.  If we knew all of this in writing, it would be a real case and we would not need any undercover or official FBI-Police sniffers who can detect serious problems and crimes; such as kidnapping someone and then taking humiliating pictures of them or some blackmail pictures the FBI-Police typically use to crush or kill people in the way; like all blockades, it is a tool typically used by “discretionary corrupt cops.”

There is a footrace to jail going as we speak.  It is an internal clandestine civil-war to capture, kill, or torture by ultra-left wing radical groups who are totally crazy and will follow the evidence wherever they go in order to “knot win”  or “not winds” of change.  On television right now as we speak, are the FBI-Police family; in plan view.  We do not know what “other plan” they are taking about or trying to point at using a new store front and scam-alot.  It is a history of insanity and abuses; however, they are way too arrogant to acknowledge it unless their faith of corruption, or protection, of their church is priority.  There are several very negative organizations in America and the world by whom and for whom, have altered the political landscape.  The most violent is the mafia and as a reactionary group, the same police.  Hollywood calls it a “Faceoff” not a Facebook romance on paper. 

Crime in America since the 1960s has had a profound impact on the demand for guns, drugs, hookers, customers, the police, protectors, loyalty, and a host of other supply and demand problems.  When they cannot get what they want, these addicted to crime humans begin to look otherwise or for foreign sources, expansion.  So the impact of crime or prisons, bursting at the seams in America, is an easy way to turn what was once an impoverished political doom, into a very secretive terrorist or murderous opportunity.  We know it is about control and the devil.  You have to understand that corruption is not necessarily crime related; there is a high demand for a lot of money and a lot of loyalty related to violence.  Money and violence is an intoxicating mix.  This altered state has a side effect, a secondary addiction, fear.  Now the public is in a state of fear and they are addicted to the politicians who breed fear or use it as a weapon, profit.  The demand for money fuels the monster.  On the surface, organized crime and corruption might be impervious to global struggles; but in actually, they are one step from a violent victory.  Therefore, a math formula and a conversion process are underway.

What this summary will show is the kind of human beings bad immigration has harbored; and with hindsight what crime and corruption bursting at the seams in America is harboring now.  It is a mathematical conversion process and a science.  Inside the largest group of immigrants, the Catholic Church is rivalries dating back to feudal Europe and their rivalries are still very pervasive on the national front.  This is not only their holocaust but it is their faith, the faith of Godless corruption, now too weak to support the Constitution or any property rights.  Bent on stealing property rights, they continue to seek an overthrow of the government using access to and for two main characters.  We don’t know if anybody is on duty and if they were, how guilty they are is still a surprise for someone to discover.  What this summary will also prove is a kill or be killed clandestine civil war and the monkeys at the FBI-Police who racked up at least a million or so incidents with two main characters.  Now the audit and the math prove with certainty and extreme prejudice; it was a kill-or-bet-killed clandestine civil war with Viet Cong FBI-Police units who refused to report to and obey the laws of accountability due to their faith of subjective discretion.  Moreover, for these senior investigators there is never a winner or a loser, a have or have not, and no or no thank you is a crime.  Who would let Jack-the-Ripper near their kids or family, what kidnapping?  What phony or fake pictures?  What slander?  They run a very tight ship!

Oddly, the deadline for election tampering-legal discovery was recorded on May 22, 2020.  This same data set belonging to two identical biographies and life partners has been repeated on a daily basis to the FBI-Police on duty verbatim daily.   They are blinded by extreme arrogance and a frequency of at least ten to twenty times daily, is not enough pressure to break their iron grip because they are very special and the work they do is also equally special.  Despite the consequences, nobody understands because America is a hateful place and the military is a very hateful and evil concept.  In any case,  they are the best and they are our superiors.  If America is a hateful place, then America is going to go Gorilla glue on their Facebook romance with us and superior internet savvy in the high tech world.  It is time they put the brakes on.  It is time they stop aggravating, violating the laws, acting like nothing is wrong with any of them, and imposing this climate of fake photos at the FBI because it is criminal to love anybody else or hate anybody not similar to this liberal cookie-mold.  You would think they are the 911 terror plotters but that too is so far beyond the Facebook romantic crisis in the world and everybody loves Facebook romances because it puts them closer to God and with loved ones. 

Henceforth, for the last twenty years, the same data set and the same biography was in a symbiotic relationship existing between the two main characters.  This biography was the basis of the May 22, 2020 deadline for legal discovery, thus was repeated to the FBI-Police on duty innumerably while they refused to blink as ordered by the law.  They manipulate the judicial branch by abusing the access and the copyrighted words.  They refuse to right the true story but also force the authors to write theirs.  Now they actually have convinced themselves everybody is lying and everybody is crazy; this is their actual story and our soul has been hijacked by their brainwashing tricks.  They claim they are in a permanent state of confusion with whom they are at the FBI-Police and who we are as hostages or their prisoners.

They still do not understand how important any of this is and why they missed the legal discovery deadline or “manipulation of the courts” at 5pm on May 22, 2020.  They just do not understand us or America anymore.  Additionally, they are going to build a Presidential library and will make us loving patrons of the worst crime in the century and foreboding the history of America.  It is time they surrender to America before the entire world goes Gorilla glue on them and their romantic female Facebook tricks.  Maybe it is time someone tells them otherwise 24-7 and screams it into their bleeding ears ten or twenty more times until they understand and stop trashing America while using tax dollars for pioneering criminal conspiracies involving who and what we have to have sex with in secret.  Again, May 22, 2020 was their deadline; and they are only dangerously detached from reality, they are there to help and care about nothing and no one.

The FBI and global police were born from the dissension of the 1960s and their faith or moral compass revolves around the rivalries in both Europe and the Americas.  This faith is known for moral corruption and financial improprieties, not hating America or Americans.  Perhaps it is not a deficiency in talent or intelligence; but as a substitute similar in talent and intelligence.  Their fear is what is in print and what has been reported in biographical data sets.  Those two main characters will kill them and it is in the official records.  Their arrogance is incapable of understanding or empathizing with higher moral beings due to the detachment with the Protestant ethics or sustainable capitalism and the foundation of a moral Constitution and moral national destiny. 

They must also come to the realization one day their detachment from reality will expose them to the public and the humiliation and criminal fortitude is not strong enough to withstand the corruptive practices of their past or their inability to find salvation in thug tactics or terrorist plots to demise the very supreme foundation of the Protestant ethics or sustainable capitalism.  That is the same foundation of a moral and strong national destiny going forward without them and why we are in a state of insecurity about capture, kill, and torture clandestine civil wars on US soil or globally.  What they did and what they did not print or report is going to also kill them.  Therefore, they must come to terms with the reality and stop or put the safety measures into place before this is worsened by any lack of authority or their formula of success, throw it to the wind. 

They are not in print and do not exist on paper anymore.  It is what is in print.  Yes it is also what is not in print, their existence or co-existence.  Their only skills at coexisting with higher moral beings are thug like police tactics that cannot erect their sexual plight into victim hood.  It is buy the nature of victim hood, not survival of the fittest, they have evolved into an incompatible breed of immigrants America is being forced to harbor or nurture for God knows what else they are pioneering in criminal standards or slogan based cult worship and conformity.  Their mental deviance and migration into the minutiae of stupidity, speak loudest.  Yes it is innocent photos we have fun with and also the fake circus hoops they demanded as ransom; but now it has gravitated to a clear and present danger to capture, kill, or torture by using their access and police authority.  Authority is not this evil or stupid; it is the malice of the devil in a human suit. 

The devil be us or with us all the way in life or the bed, it is not one or two of the whole, it is the totality of the totality; that withstands the shreds of evidence to suggest they will make it out alive.  Historically and through God’s own eye, heir church and faith has not been very aggressive with child molesters or political corruption, yet they claim they were on duty when it happened and we are now so in love with their detachment from America or how guilty and everybody in this world truly is becoming, hateful with the detachment with the Protestant ethics or sustainable capitalism.  It is their national destiny now and we are the food or the fodder when they dine in hell.

Only creating and not destroying, they swear allegiance to the future with hindsight.  Do we care about their bad immigration history or only their Godless immigration here to right our future destiny while their political parties are guilty of bad sportsmanship and constantly playing with their big mouth and fire breathing lies?  Of all the piles of nothing in front of us, whose authority do we live or dislike the most, friends?  Do we even get a chance or a choice to choose and get this right?  We know we dislike it and we know it is incompatible to our national destiny and our national future; can it be so detached from our public and private life on the records and in print?  What is in print and what is going to kill them is our mandatory teammates if we are bound by manifest destiny or the Protestant ethics for sustainable capitalism.  We are chained and super glued to the same arrest procedure and the same clandestine civil war to arrest, torture, or kill far worse than anybody before their ears bled to death not hearing any of it yet.  Worse, we are now forced to love them or embrace their arrogant fortitude adventures into hell.  They are our mandatory teammates and partnership of destiny.  All of them are thieves and now claim to love the truth?  The truth is God hates their guts also.

With the mind of a plantation servant and the looks of the butler on Rambo mode, they agree with us on Saudi Arabia and the Middle East; where their pioneering has the most ingenious peace; the Protestant ethics and the sustainability of the capitalism in the region; a very hard sell and even more difficult military-Facebook compatibility.  They are the masters of earth and they are the authority by whom we are orbiting earth dreaming about from sunup to sundown, the east to west and the west to east model.  They are models.  Their beauty is subjective.  The Constitution and their police authority are subjective and based on subjectivity in the Protestant ethics and the sustainability of global world war. 

This particular Middle East religion is on a war path and on the long march with us.  Their indigenous blood spreads our freedom and liberty from sea to shining sea.  Whoever is shifting the sands of time is also the author of history and the blessing of God or the Protestant ethics and sustainable moral delusions on earth.  They are integral to our future and they are also integral to the compatibility of coexistence on this earth.  We are the forbearers of our own destiny, that which wrecked America and could not share this data or printed material with either America or the Middle Easterners, only death and destruction.  Therefore, religious faith and a higher moral compass has not only wrecked our future but has wrecked our Facebook romance into the crazy.  We are together now and in this together forever, permanence at the FBI and police on duty.  We are now stronger together and only looking forward with or for gutsy women.  That is exactly what happened and this is exactly who we are and watch we stand for.  Our watches have wrecked time; we are on duty now till death did us part.

This slander of the sands of time, has shifted our national destiny into a rock concert nobody can hear but can clearly see and read.  It is not what is in print but what is not in print for whom the bells told.  Their slander is based on how long they can tell their story and how long we can expose ours; a massive collision in the making!  Because our strategy is to use our biography, they do not have a platform to stand-on.  Their strategy must be to deny our strategy or biography and erase all sands of time.  Is this the devil?  Can we show them the devil in human form or can they show us the devil in another form?  If they just take the time to look around and look at the tiny little clues, they may be able to survive an impeachment or even a deadline imposed on all the FBI and police currently on duty.  Should there be any pre-settlement and why?  Why steal more from the sands of time or our national destiny, an economic sustainable capitalism based on the Protestant ethic of common law and not common stupidity?

All of their slander is based on two biographies, nothing more.  They do not have a biography, they are hiding behind ours.  We have to live with this, they do not.  However, they can be more helpful when it comes to reporting the truth, not using tax dollars for conspiracy or more pioneers in crime.  Being more helpful is not worsening the solution or the rectification process.  Being more helpful is not another costume or customer with blacked out eyes.  Being more helpful is not being shadowed 24-7 by ignorance so loud others are screaming on the top of their lungs at what they see and feel.  Being helpful is not adding one more year to an already bloody thirty year tirade into the nothing but a dead end.  Gee, Mr. Wolf sure got a big mouth and a big butt or is that Mrs. Wolf with both?

Let’s prove what is helpful in print form.  They could be more helpful and they could have issued or a rent refund, expedited the payment and put an end to the work camps or some fictitious Gulag they claimed is their marriage to the nothing but us.  They are not married to us or chained to our doors, they are and were stalking us; as sadistic human beings who are clever with hiding their true identity or moral compass; now bursting at the seams communist and terrorist suspects trying to escape, or hide behind dead bodies and their hostages.  Due to the slander and how they use one biography against the other, they buy more time and more freedom to abuse more of their police powers or access; while our police power is denied any access or trampled on by waves and waves of deranged fanatics of corruption.  Sure, they could get more education or be more helpful with clinging onto us for dear life and then illegally flashing us with their shiny badges while their thug like hairy animal suit just bends over until we are poor and are forced to shut down because they smell so badly and cannot even tell anybody because they are living too arrogant and honest as heroes.  Maybe, just maybe, this is why a deadline for election tampering was requested or imposed on all of them after the May 22, 2020 deadline because they never reported any of this or the catastrophic collision ahead and behind; say refund again, I dare you!  They are so impoverished now we have to build them a special prison, separate but equal, so they will not rape each other or show off how beautiful they are on duty or as the authority of the freest and most powerful nation on earth waiting for two biographies to catch up or get with the program!  Unless or until someone is on duty at the FBI-Police; they will exploit their cutting edge excursions into the dead end of nothing but a giant collision ahead.  Is that the same now?

Can we watch them pick their noses and eat it simultaneously or do we have to watch them feed us their crap?  Now that is a real picture and love, so caring and so intuitive to our needs and wants; special work by God or his helpers.  The evidence clearly shows election tampering and also exploitation or profiteering on the part of those on duty, “hell yes.”  They were never there to solve any case or tell any story; instead they were there to worsen the matter and to make sure the split up of two people benefited them at the voting booth and at the next Presidential rally.  It was not the left hand that did the talking; it was only the right hand talking.  Do you love the wolf or the Little Red Robin Hood?  It is certainly clear they enjoy watching the public overdose on their intoxicating narcotic and will feed the public massive doses until everybody died and they are the only ones left to tell the story of us.  Hence, there is this suspicious idea we are caught or conned into a clandestine civil war when nobody was caught, cornered, captured, tortured, or killed.  There is no collision yet so everybody go home, game over!

One factor of what is in print left out was retreat.  No not a retreat or vacation photos on Facebook; the liberties or the freedom to battle or struggle.  In order to disclose the truth to the naked eye, all human beings have control over their own destiny and their ability to “F it, hit the gas pedal.”  There is an overlap when scholars compare predestination and self-determination.  When we are able to retreat from battle, we can pick and choose how our destiny will be written and not spoken.  There is an overlap between what is spoken and what is written.  However, one thing is for certain, when humans of this caliber pick their butt and smell it, the science can prove they did smell the problem and so did everybody else.  Their science may not notice the arrogance of miscalculation or the impact of this treason; but others might notice it and might report it or put it in print form for others to smell.  It is a story everybody wants to tell their kids.  When POWs or prisoners are subjugated to stupidity and torture, they scream.  For example, you can run into a theater and scream on the top of your lungs and others will hear it.  That is the magic of being subjugated to the abuses of another human being; everybody has the power or vitriol to morally and legally ask for insolvency.  When you see demands for insolvency in the 1990s, 2000s, and even in 2020 with impeachment or election tampering; it reveals to the naked eyes the magic of freedom and liberty.  The mind is a very sharp weapon and it is the most powerful weapon on this earth; but so isn’t stupidity.  That is liberty and that is retreat.  You can exercise freedom by gravitating to either biography of the two main characters in this symbiotic relationship.  Right now there is a bench warrant issued on this liberty or gravitational pull, impeachment fiasco and election tampering. 

The law clearly states that any person can retreat to their home or residence and nobody is allowed to destroy that homage without consent or lawful invasion.  We know some human beings are not lawful but lawless; such as the devil in human form.  We are asking their law enforcement family to help them quit or retreat before anybody else is hurt in the public sector by their mathematical sciences espousing an eruption of arrogance and violence on others.  We ask them to phony up to the endless phony fake photos, attacking two very special characters they now orbit perplexed by their IQ; and phony up to the false hype they are tampering with elections, wish to scam fund raisers, act or appear diligent and rational, contrive new ways to appear caring and take good care of others while in government duties, and finally phony up to how these Presidential library pictures got them fired but  pardoned by government officials in the highest executive or National Security offices in the world.  An example is election tampering and the approaching collision nobody can see.  The law calls this a retreat, not a lazy vacation.  They can refuse to force this on others or the American public, in print form or watch carefully as it is developed in print form while their ears bleed out of control and their appetite weakens or weakens them.

Phony pictures do not tell the story and if their duties take care of America or others very diligently and carefully.  It is a web of lies.  It is not economic sustainability and certainly not the Protestant ethic of our common laws.  People are sick from the phony pictures and this idea they willfully retreated.  They are sick from the house of lies and perjury charges about hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, and other Godless biographies.  Pictures of hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, etc. only show God is their holocaust and they might fear God in America.  We do not know because we do not have any mathematical formula to derive any suspicions at this time and they are innocent until proven guilty.  What is for certain is they orbit this catastrophe at the box office and the voting booth.  Those pictures only prove or show the vicious attacks on America, the collusion, and the perjury that ensued.  The devil is in the details, retreat.  Retreat is not a treason charge or is it a high crime and misdemeanor proportional to National Security duties or lack of duties thereafter.  Phony pictures only show the destruction and ruin, not the act or actual perjury of lies.  The devil in a new uniform will use social engineering and control to overpower the public and overpower others with the proportional methods of National Security and duties; no truth and no retreat, “F it, hit the gas.”  The devil willfully destroy their victims and use subjective lies to claim victim hood when the truth confuses them and hides who or what they truly are; a house of lies and in print form.  Be careful what you hear and see when the devil is around or lurking, stalking, and breathing down your neck 24-7-365.  They will deny the liberty to retreat and the freedom to judge others until proven guilty.  They will steal thirty years and destroy your soul any which way but loose.  Their failure to report and disclose is how they destroy others willfully and maliciously, the devil in a human form.  We can expedite it.  They offer no retreat when they are the devil in disguise.  They do feel powerful but never issue refunds or retreat, ever.

Which way did they go, we are in hot pursuit!  They are phony predators and they are there for only themselves and nobody else; we are free now!  How do they conceptualize free or freed?  We see the pattern of events and how they upset and maliciously worsen the entire matter from the 1990s to the present day; a giant circle they felt everybody was lying about but could never smell each time they picked their own scabs they called their ass.  Is it them or Memorex?  Is it God or humans?  Is this earth or hell?  Never able to rationalize what is up or down, no less what is moral and our moral compass, they grow angrier refusing to disseminate what was wrong and what it has caused in human terms.  It must be God this time.  We can forensically piece together a God or their God and we will come up with a different result each and every single time.  Which way did they go this time; they are in hot pursuit now.  This time, it is about what they did not do and what race they are this time around.  We know what race they are this time and what they did not do; it is called our national destiny and the destruction of that exact same national destiny by rogue or unbounded creatures underneath our beds and in our history, stronger together now.  We can see them in plain view and with the naked eye rioting, looting, and also standing there asking if they can pick their butt again.  If this continues, we may be forced to split up or we may be divided by division, the devil and what is in print once again.  It is not what is in print that will kill them; it is those phony ass photos they claim are true; impeachment tampering and mountains corruption by the same exact devil lurking on Americans, in their squad cars after the 1960s.

They care furiously and ferociously!  It is now about division and how things are too late.  Nobody can undo the past and nobody can fix the past, it is too late.  We see the pattern of events and how it worsens from the 1990s to the present and why the FBI-Police are not there to help and how they were refusing to cooperate in legal discovery to forensically piece together what exactly they did do or did not do, such as report negative events or exploit positive events.  Positive events are then put into a photo form by the “federal gotcha squad,” and it is off to the races and the press.  This is how it became a public slander case and an overdose in lies and criminal fabrications.  They are victims and the photos prove they are phony victims.  This is what is in print form and it is the material not in print form that will kill them.  Will any of them break the silence or break the bank? 

Their goal to split us up is so they can finish us off.  We saw them and we put a hex or hoax on them called SATWAR.  That is the premise of capture, arrest, torture, and kill for a clandestine civil war on US soil between the have and the never have-knots.  Negative events are never reported or told.   Only certain events are used in the public sector to slander our name or put more duress and emotional distress on us to cave or make a mistake.  In the end, their goal was to only arrest one or both of us while ignoring the impeachment hearings and this atmosphere that “everybody was lying and everybody was crazy,” but they did nothing wrong and were only trying to survive our power and our strategy to expose them.  In order to expose them, somebody has to report in detail our biography and our partnership in 1989.

They think we are free.  Yet everybody is now bounded by lead and gravitational forces to the bottom of hell.  Those in power call it America, not hell; we are all tax free and free.  Who is trying to break free or tell their lazy story about nothingness and a dead end?  The mindset of this human being or beings, who purposefully wrecked our life and oppressed it while it was rudderless by their nonchalant authority or superiority of control, clearly reveals a pattern after three decades of being their hostages.  It is not authority; instead it is a lack of authority and a mental derangement induced by stupidity and arrogance.  They bring to the table this love of arrogance and self; self defeating, self incarnation, self serving, and self defined.  This is the work of a burdensome idiot whose self serving power is to over-tax, over populate, over commit, over and easy move-on, over-now sue us, wasteful excesses, and a ridiculous over easy meal; had enough yet?  We have more to share if you want more!  It is a journey into the mind and the soul of the absurd in America, we are free.  This identical access or police authority clearly indicates a failure, after three decades, to report attacks and failure to forcibly break us up for a final breakup.  The in-betweens are insignificant to the goals.  This is not what is in print and what will kill them in court, in the media, in our kitchen, in their dinner table, or in the seat of their pants and squad car in hot pursuit now. 

Here is what they have and here is what was recorded.  For the impeachment hearings, they took two prisoners and used them against each other in order to “frame” one or both of gross injustices when in actuality they were hostages of a very demented, sadistic, cold, calculating, deceptive, murderous, controlling, dangerous, and last again viciously retarded serial killer mind with the acumen of a kindergarten child on bomb plot and kill mode.  This is a game of ear and that chicken spanned the globe looking for new and exciting victims for show and tell.  This is the intoxicating addiction to violence and it is also that same intoxicating loyalty that accompanies violence and relief in the court of public opinion.  It is described as a partnership with the devil. 

There were reports of 500,000 attacks and this idea you really never knew when they were going to ambush you or others simply because the clandestine nature was a hide and seek game for kids.  They are kids and we were kids seen playing with them.  Furthermore, how they did it was similar to terror plots or high espionage games by criminal and foreign elements whose objective was to brainwash or recruit using a mathematical conversion process.  Too far apart from the truth now, they still act powerfully-stupid if it is another Facebook meeting and they are in control or have total authority on how this will turn out.  How it will turn out was the deadline and legal discovery on May 22, 2020 and a long history with the police and slander.  Why are their goals so phony and so far apart at the end of our life or the end of their life, can they hit the forward and expedite button please?  Unless they are willing to do legal discovery, they all can go to hell and suffer with impunity until closure is a certainty.  Have they found God or only puberty?

Stronger together now and in a state of perpetual discord, they whither and cringe with thoughts about how angry, crazy, and lying every single human being on earth has become because of their failed radicalization and victim hood in America.  Totally crazy by the deaf and blindness of subjective hate, they cannot deal with the negatives and love the other side of their moon.  Their treachery imposed on America and the rest of the world has made sure nothing grows bigger than they do.  So how big are they?  In this state of discord, they seek the truth and the liberties invested in the might of the United States and the wisdom they can no longer fabricate.  The two ends are now tied and they must retreat or face doom.  Are we free?  Do they wish to make more propaganda out of us and using their police powers and authority over our prisoner life?  It is now so romantic for the inclusion of their new and improved Frankenstein’s waiting for their fraudulent appearance in our future.  This was their cameo performance in their Weiner-Mobil.  They know puberty has arrived and there is no turning back.  For them it was just another hit and miss at the game of love and there will be more buffets and parties in the moat of this castle.  Politics is exactly like growing up and coming home with two black eyes.

Henceforth, the use of public funds, false authority, false surveillance, wasteful tax spending, false police excesses and illegal clandestine criminal activity; was the same reason why crime was bursting at the seams in America and killing was as equally rampant across the globe.  Violence and crime is intoxicating.  It sucks in all into hell and has no mercy to share with anybody.  They lost and they lost very badly.  They call it puberty and their first date.  Others lost and lost very badly in America also.  Consequently, they refused to record any negative or illegal activity while exploiting government resources, leaving a gigantic hole for the imagination to trip and fall into.  Using criminal ties to win or defeat anybody trapped in their Protestant-Catholic War, nobody will know who is bending over and who is bleeding to death until everybody is dead and gone. 

The fun and games is now about a secret environment in America where rivals of super-power levels capture, torture, and kill each other for romantic stories and plot lines such as this!  This war was the result of four colonial powers in America.  They include Britain, America, France, and Spain.  It was brain power versus minorities or Catholic immigrants who used both Russia and Germany as their raison d’etre.  The two ends are now neatly tied because this is the Frankenstein creature they have roaming the streets and in the corridors of power and the police station.  This is the breed of creatures they wish to cut many more molds from, and have illegally.

If there was such a thing called a sexually transmitted disease, then we bear witness to it.  It is different when this SOB is breathing down your back 24-7-365 blowing kisses at you and bragging about the superiority of their plantation servant mind and that everlasting butler beauty on the hunt and on Rambo hot pursuit.  For them it is just another welfare check; for others it is life and death.  If God was a bullet then they were shot and killed while on duty and with their pants around their ankles.  Who let them sneak into our window or allow them to come and go as they wished?  Was it their warden or was it our God who shot their ass while they used battle, crime, mugging, and all sorts of mayhem to induce others in a stupor and flagellate their sexually transmitted disease?  How about throwing them and their squad car in a river?  How about pistol whipping them and knocking their sunglasses off their head?  How about doing what most people would do if this SOB turd climbed through a bedroom window and crawled into bed with you and your life partner.  They do not understand the rule of law and they certainly do not understand the undefined laws governing pain and suffering, it is their faith of corruption and they are rotten the core and have had it with the severe scorn and personal attacks while on duty.  Who would have imagined all of this violence, corruption, and terrorism was nothing more then love taps by a special breed discovering puberty for the first time.  Who would have thought they would try to hit the gas repeatedly and try to break up the two life partners they claim to love and hate while chained to the gates of hell and discovering puberty on duty.  They only ask we worship them and give them what they want or need; we have to share or be cast into hell as a nation.

It is not a far stretch of the imagination how we got chained to the worst piece of crap in our society and how their same breed is at the highest levels of the FBI or police chanting “united we stand and divided we fall.”  The dumb breed more dumbness and when they work together, they breed a stronger-together authority.  However, like dogs and cats who are supposed to be mortal enemies, we get this beautiful report about them and their long standing police work in America, what it has become, and the catastrophe approaching and apologizing.  Nobody stole their power or stole the winds off their sails.  They enjoy jockeying for power and exploiting the talents of others, they can do better!  Therefore, making a comeback and using the two main characters, while trying to rewrite history, was the most idiotic thing the world has yet to discovery stuffed down their pants.  They now have to run like they stole something or walk calmly to show they got stolen.  Everybody was not lying as their senior investigators enjoyed thinking, everybody was a thief and this was a robbery in progress. 

Caught by several thinking methods, the theft deterrent device they cannot see and wish to destroy or capture was in plain view, so they claimed.  Now there was a giant gap between their giant gaps.  They did not know if the gap was between their ears, between their legs, or worse between their secret world and reality.  However, we now can trace where it all led and where it all of it started.  The entire plot is unwinding and it is now orbiting two main characters.  By kidnapping the authors they created two very powerful and invincible witnesses.  By tampering with their biographies and career, they put a padlock on their own jail cell. 

All the facts were checked and double checked during the impeachment of 2019; the thinking methods and the theft deterrent devices were verified.  The giant gap between their ears became enormously annoying.  Their brothel mentality would not quit or go away even when it was no longer about the gap between their legs.  Lastly, their secret world was now on the cover of every newspaper, magazine, TV show, college campus, etc.  It gets worse now, the entire fiasco between their ears now was discussed around the globe by the highest intelligence agencies in the world; as if their confidence and lies were this in control and this high quality.  The thuggery and bungled kidnapping was an odor none of the terror plotters could smell and they acted as if imaginary friends or mental illness were behind all of the attacks, instead of their stupidity or National Security.    The only thing missing with their high quality police work was the two faces on the milk cartons, where are those photos and the evidence to go with all the mental illness and thuggery?

Making a comeback is an exercise in futility and they are less than honest, less than ethical and less than prompt when it comes to the truth.  Even a bench warrant and deadline was not strong enough to put them in a state of cease and desist.  They felt chained to our desk and romance.  They felt we were joined at the hip and were born at the same time.  They felt this was actually two stories and not one story, two love stories.  They felt their sit-in or protest turned into a hunger strike when it was actually a famine.  They felt their high quality would outlast and speak eternally; this rang true even at the highest levels of police agencies they were family with.  Their faith of corruption and the abundant joy and love they so pacified the world with,  was now a big giant violent mess ready to murder anything or anybody in the way.  In the way actually meant all the way down, not all the way up!

A thief knows their world and knows how to exist as a thief in the police world, in a man’s world or in a thinking world.  Therefore, their merry-go-round police authority was about the same magic carpet ride twirling in circles until nobody hopped on board.  It is closing time and they were having so much fun morally bankrupt or about bankruptcy.  Until the wheels fell off or until they could hear all four tires go flat; their power and phony pictures is not the beef we need to finish the tough guy act or the cop in charge  of the family of cops routine.  We were not their family; we were the victims of their abundant arrogance.  This arrogance had a diminished capacity and was in need of cash or something real.  Their supply and demand was rudderless and now aimless too.  Yes aimless but not forgotten!  When it came down to restitution and getting the filthy crap off the streets, it was a footrace to the marriage booth, not blood and guts, as with any real war.  They needed something real and humans who were really-really-real in order to fit their now giant arrogance and moral bankruptcy.  It is with certainty and pride, God had given up on them a long time ago.  God now was their holocaust and God knew they were guilty as hell and charged in America.  We let America off the hook, they never did.  They stole America with impunity while the merits spoke for eternity. 

The bottom line is they failed to report they were the landlords and had used the rental properties to not only collective evidence but to probe if anybody was watching them (WTC I and WTC 2); a red or green light.  They also refused to report they were using social media to collect evidence or smear both main characters, also threatening both main characters, with either arrest or some unlawful act by a rogue police encroaching, hunting, and trying to destroy them.  In order to terrorize, deny any retreat, split them up, marry them off, or demand sex and ransom (from what is or has been a giant surplus of urban-ghetto communist police-spies) in need of a little love.  This needing a little love from everybody is how they catapulted on the national scene and led the nation down a dark road of impeachment. 

It felt like the police were trying to pull a Vietnam War Buddhist monk burning propaganda of hate for the FBI-Police.  We saw them as dictators and despots who only were loyal to subjectivity while on duty as the FBI-Police.  We were brainwashed 24-7-365 by their marriage and chaining themselves to us like a ball and chain, a dictator and despot, who had a seek-and-destroy mission closing in on their American Viet Cong heroics.  They now claimed the title of heroes in America and we were suing them for $25 billion because they had executive protection from Trump and only wanted to take us out first before civil war or world war broke out.  The nationalist forces now dominated the north and south wars in America and it centered on the police and their Catholic history at the FBI.  The misery of industry and manufacturing led them to increase both welfare and immigration in the 20th Century because we truly live in a democratic society now and not the dictatorship or despotism of subjective police tactics and discretion.  Our job was not the same job they were teaching but what we knew with certainty is the terror plot and how the Viet Cong in America dropped an egg right on our military mission by kidnapping us and then burning monks to protect the people against hate and the truth.  The truth now hurts and America was permanently stuck in puberty.  The entire world knew the Viet Cong were on top of us and trying to lay eggs all over our military mission and world war.

Once the Viet Cong nationalists lay their egg, especially this home-grown made in America but imported pride, we become the prisoners of nationalism; both left win and right win.  Their foreign pride is heir manufacturing capacity and nationalism, both left and right win.  The Viet Cong will bombard us 24-7 with slogans and loving chants from bullhorns about “loving GI long time” or the sexiness of the Viet Cong heroes, “we have had enough and cannot take this anymore.”  Meanwhile, their public relations will release propaganda on body counts and when the tide was turned in the civil war.  Looting and riots is a temperature measurement of corruption and fraud; it is never top down but bottom up if we live in a world of capitalism.   

Typical of urban only riots, these people will show these people hotspots setting themselves on fire and rioting their own property rights.  With dogma and zealotry, it is real freedom sold in a bottle but now on fire; and this is when the cruelties of the Viet Cong become popular.  Therefore, riots are about a popularity contest and a standoff in our minds only.  It is not our will that is being tested or investigated; it is their will and their confidence that will prevail, fear.  Control is about winning.  Despots are about winning.  Dictators are invented for winning.  This is not about the Constitution; it is about overthrowing it on subjective or police discretions; fear.  How do you protect or serve anybody when fighting executive protection on the national front, fear?  Now the people were pouring gas on each other and setting each other on fire right for TV; a fear and hate campaign that will cripple any form of subjective creativity born from police discretion.

The clandestine civil war footrace to jail taking place right now among the FBI-Police families has turned into a romance story!  What was once a psychopathic dating game with dictators and despots; has now produced the fruits of love. This refreshing Garden of Eden has born the fruits of religious filth the Constitution cannot stop and will be warned about one day; just not today or together right now.  The same history of insanity and abuses; however are the same.  When it is a romance story, arrogance, confidence, stupidity, and faith takes priority over corruption or the protection of their church of control and corruption.  It is a long American history of abuses, wars, civil wars, and even arrogance to reform at the national and nationalist levels.  What this footrace has turned into instead is a proclamation to wake up earlier and make the donuts. 

While on duty in 2008, they really did not know how this would end or what was on a collision course in 2020.  They still don’t, it was all mental illness and corruption.  They said they did not know anything about the rent refund or the May 22, 2020 deadline, “if you vote for Trump we will evict you.”  The FBI-Police on duty said they were not stalking anybody it was the two fiancés, whoever they were.  They witnessed a male and female stalking each other, nothing else and need a sex tape in 2008 to close the case (some hotel surveillance).  They did not have the resources to shut down the entire government or investigate several thousand suspects even if they were all guilty.  Caught in our case against them infinite times was legal pandering only and they were not bashing us or using us to ram our owned door down.  There were never any copyright infringements, misuse of hearsay, misuse or abuse of data, evidence tampering or smears using evidence, and about several hundred thousand allegations invented by a mind that lacked logical understanding, lawlessness, and a detachment from reality or a subjective discretion while on duty. 

Is telling the truth in America a crime?  Is saying no in America a real threat or crime?  Are the police as weak on crime as they say they are?  If so, we need their approval.  If they are telling the truth, then they have nothing to worry about while they are the FBI-Police on duty, stay out of their way or get hurt.  Got hurt means being used as a door opener or look alike Jack-the-Ripper on duty at the FBI-Police Mafia and Catholic unit.  Not so and not the case after the impeachment hearings in 2019, nobody was on duty except the bad guys and they were now even guiltier than they ever were before.  A deadline and bench warrant for their arrest was requested on May 22, 2020 to determine if they are worth reforming or had evolved into a real human devil, trying to play more demented games with us and the world.  For some odd reason, all of their supervisors at the FBI-Police cannot comprehend what the rule of law and what their meaning of “friends” are when circumventing it or trying to overthrow it at least 100-200 times daily.  When someone says they are uncomfortable with any “fired friends and felons” that is when the fist and the melee begin with the wild swinging daily.  Do two black eyes tell the truth or only one black eye, two are better than one? 

Oddly, the same two groups at the FBI-Police who dominate the crime statistics (African-Sub-American and Sub-Catholic-Isish) are continuously asked if they were picking their butt and smelling it, they had a blank stare and did not know what the problem was.  If telling the truth was a crime in America now, then it was bursting at the seams and we are in lifeboats rudderless in a sea of corruption.  They approve and we are seeking their approval 24-7-365 as their prisoners in America.  If they were trying to blow up National Security offices they disapprove or disagreed with, why can’t anybody blow up their offices in retaliation?  The whole point of kidnapping someone and showing them you are “for real and fed up with waiting in lines” or “have a mess and want this office to fix your disaster and loss of control in America (American Viet Cong) because the prisons are bursting at the seams” is the same trial run and nuts and bolts of trying to figure out who knows you what you are up to now!  Did anybody catch you red handed and how do they know you lost so much power or control, is there a rat?  It’s only a game on paper, it is not a real FBI-Police case yet; until then, blame the why separatists and the police chiefs; we are all victims and we can all get along in the Catholic or faith of corruption.  It is about control and National Security, our fan club or superior supervisors who are also superior spies and warriors who are ready to stampede this secret or top secret office on your command.  This was never a real case because they merged or united with us as our official fan club or official FBI-Police sniffer.  We got a major problem now, who wants to die?

Clearly, they have changed this “often mistaken” high quality police work several times and in doing so, built up a gigantic collection of fake and phony photographs for evidence.  Take a guess how many bottles of aspirins it is going to take now!  Now in a cast made of the truth and justice, or the other American way; it was “most unfortunate” and a “random act of God,” in their personal version why they were not only the landlord but our stalkers in 2008, documented in the very first biographical entry.  Additionally, we now know who said what, “She needs to settle and we need a sex tape in order to close this case… If you vote for Trump you will be evicted… we saw him do it, he is mentally ill… we are sorry, we do not know what to do and want to die… we are in love and married… he won’t go away or leave, nobody likes him… etc.”  The evidence against the terror plotters and the FBI-Police on duty is overwhelming!  It was not only a chicken game or a dating game in the DC-VA area; it was the decade after decade of lying and corruption.  Furthermore, it was how they do dry runs or probe to see if anybody is looking, how well they spin a lie and use it to the very end once they seize control or hijack the life of someone, and then how they manipulate the laws and the courts in their favor with false police reports, manipulation of the public, manipulation of facts, manipulation of evidence, manipulation of witnesses, etc.  Rotten to the core is nowhere near what we and everybody knows is true and what we are looking at.  Now it is up to them to just tell the truth and do the right thing and they just flat out refuse while they wind us up with global atrocities incite more violence or rack up more and more domestic violations.

Careful advocates of this kind of political filth, also known as diligent polluters to the skeptics and know-it-all forums, like to think that unbounded arrogance and the self-love of stupidity; can truly swing wildly and hit something.  Swinging wildly for the next homerun does not mean you are violent and your intent is to hit someone far into the top deck bleachers.  It simply means you might hit something good or a little better.  Those same words are heard very differently when it comes down to subjective authority or indiscretion.  If you are not holding caution to the wind, you might get lucky and hit rock bottom.   In contrast, using public funds for election tampering when the nation is in a tailspin or in desperate need for some direction; has become a joy ride nobody wants to give up.  Are there any false reimbursements, arrests, closures, or even rent refunds as the nation feels the pain of victory and the humiliation of defeat?  How about a de-humiliation for once in a lifetime?  In 2020, the nation had been altered by evil and scarred by the same joy ride or the same people, who did nothing.  They are demanding a nothing refund for the future!  How do you demand a refund for the future when you have not demanded any refund for the past, is it a pre-admission?  Therefore, we have to include this in their total departure, how acting stronger together can end up making us ten times weaker. 

The reason why it is at the FBI-Police or high level government elites is because they are exposed to poor immigrants.  Poor immigrants, typically from Catholic nations, harbor an injurious bias to other Catholics and even the communists.  They not only harbor this destructive disease, they give it to the people who are exposed to them daily, such as the police, military, or medical emergency units; 911 forces.  The root of this egg or Trojan horse is the 1960s and the Irish Catholics, typically the pant seat of the Democratic Party.  If it is right wing, then the exposure to the same misfits of the Catholic faith breeds a glowing aura of injustice and ruse.  It is the same futility of being stampeded by the poor, the stupid, and the Catholics.  As the police, they listen to only subjective political cues created by brainwashing and 24-7-365 pressure.  In the public form they neither speak for America nor uphold American duties to the world.  Therefore, the carriers of this form of ultra left wing and communist sympathies are caregivers and government workers who form the umbrella of care givers to America.  The violence is the reactionary forces of the police, counter-terrorism units, and conventional standing army. 

Everybody does not charge or pay the same price of admission.  Withstanding further insult, their departure was indeed the exploitation, coercions, usurpation of the Constitution, and profiteering by this traitor breed of human beings; who were fine or felt “even better” trapped and crushed by meaningless subjective spellbound.  They see me as two.  These are the journals of combating the same lawlessness in retreat and withering regrets still in motion while they act infantile or precious.  Maybe it is not wise to clean any of it up and maybe it is not wise to close those doors; however, they harbor this disease and their only wish is for others to overdose or cover it up.  How do you cover up their vicious stupidity and their lack of respect for others when it is subjective and based on their SAT scores?

Given they want government jobs and claim  to be the God of caregivers or on top of the food chain in America, they seek to win this at the local levels and the basement bargains.  It is the same 1960s invasion of the poor by the Catholics and typically the Irish in America who make up the FBI-Police forces and even National Security Forces.  It is nothing more than a Trojan Horse and now a giant error plot to switch directions.  This is how they hijack governments and how they use bloody violence to hijack human lives as terrorists.  Violence always has a reverse side, a reactionary side called the police.  No government on earth can exist without a police or reactionary side.  Again, they are in the military also and are accustomed to violence.  They use immigration as a Gladiator ring with the police and military units globally.  We are in love with them and they are our caregiver.  Therefore, it is not only the criminals who like to “cherry pick” from the top, the police and military do this too.  Who in hell wants to cherry pick the bottom of the barrel?

The bottom line is the poor, the integration of the poor, the spread of the caregiver God problem, and the exposure to this left wing and ultra radical defeatist mindset among the Catholics and poverty stricken regions of the world.  They like to cherry pick their underlings.  Their religion of corruption will also cherry pick from the best and claim they are on top of the food chain.  The FBI-Police are not there to combat or police the problem with the 1960s, they are there to hide it and use it as camouflage, then ram down rival doors.  If you cannot beat them, then join them; the element of defeatism and the basics of military science.  For them it is and is always about control, top down and bottom up!  Who and what they want are peers with SAT scores below 800 and who can give them a sense of pride, top down and bottom up.  Now they need our mantra and our life partnership, we do not need their humility and our duties are not to combat it but kill it with extreme prejudices.

These same doors left open by the giant government umbrella of caregivers is on a collision course.  They need a mantra from the other side, their partner and friends, to give them this mantra.  However, those same doors left open and those same people who alerted the proper authorities of a collision approaching do not fear the aftershock.  It is either that bad or far worse than anybody thought.  A detachment from reality is not something you parade in pictures or brag about on a daily basis, not even in secret.  This is a human being who exploits their own race and blames their own race for their insecurities.  However, the wise human being who gives quality to thought would use their inner strength and spirit to overcome the arrogance or the stupidity of swinging wildly and maybe hitting something priceless or someone priceless.  Our duties are not to hide behind anything, allow camouflage, or absorb it into our life partnership; it is to kill it and kill it like God would kill them in the final war on earth.  In the end, everybody dies in the final war on earth.

This is about their faith of corruption and if democracy is top down or bottom up.  We know God wants all of them dead.  However, how do we convey that message for those below the SAT score of 800?  Do we use the doom of the Catholic Church who harbor immigration from the poorest regions of the world and turn them into American models for all to drool over?  If so then we did this back to them using our new roadmap to combat communism and the doom of the Catholic Church in America, poverty.  The question now is democracy; is it top down or bottom up?  Why are they cherry picking from the Gods of war and the most powerful military in the world?  Are they on top of the food chain and if so, how in hell do we combat their malfeasance gone berserk?

The problem in certain regions of the world is the lack of individualism and this idea they are not white or too white to be wrong.  The truth is they are the poorest in the world and poverty breeds a baby factory.  This is the policy of their faith of stupidity and doom.  It is now a Trojan horse in America and the spearhead is crime and violence; bursting at the seams even at the FBI-Police in America.  This is where you get exposed to their indoctrination and clandestine Protestant-Catholic civil war to capture, kill, torture, or humiliate 24-7-365.  Now the FBI-Police is the most disgusting creature on earth and they are full of lies regarding their duties and the powerful 24-7-365 romance with our life partnership.  They just do not understand yet and we just are not able to explain to them yet why they are miserable or in such pain.  Try to explain to them what a rent refund is and why.  This is how they became the power of attorney.  It is also how they became the power of attorney for a terror plot, a forgery.  Gee I really do not know how they racked up $25 billion in charges and violations do you?  All we are allowed to see is their diligence, the spoken word, and a lot of confidence and calm calamity in cahoots.  Excuse me, is there a problem or are you just poor?  They are the best, what is your problem?

Those phony photos were used by the FBI and those police on duty to justify a race war and then blame others for the same race war they lacked any understanding of.  The poverty of those phony photos is self-defined, subjective discretion.  They enjoyed stalking us in life and keeping us as their prisoner while the doom of military traps was unleashed on their miserable existence.  This is the realm of Generals and the sanctity of glory, not whimpering women who are ingenious widows of this same baby factory fame.  You would enjoy thinking the FBI-Police are not this much of a problem or this cataclysmic of stupidity, it must be their looks or their DNA now.  The calamity of their baby factory breeds on and breeds more of the same stupidity shattering new world records for the impoverished.  They claim the baby factory is good for America and military victory.  Try to defeat us.  The price tag now for their stupidity and head on a pike is $25 billion of down home goodness they cannot explain.  It is all show and tell now and they are caged animals waiting for love to arrive, or new FBI-Police photos.  This is how pathetic and apathetic the FBI-Police, even the military, have become under the umbrella of the Catholics.  They only linger.  The evidence proves nothing.  They are killing others and killing America with their own selfish stupidity and poverty, it is not on paper yet but they are on our side to the end.  They are chained to us and we are going down together.

Impressing this warped thinking on us and the entire nation is joy to the communists.  They are the more powerful force, the despot, the devil, and the umbrella of caregivers.  It is a uniform thing nobody will understand but so sexy at work, uniforms and camouflage is their powerful existence.  It is the masterpiece of a communist, a terrorist, a sadistic rapist, a sadistic police officer, and their goal is so selfish and “reddish”; they think they can father more lies and fight their way out.  The FBI-Police, even the right wing counter-terrorism units, feel after decades of impressing this on others, they have the right of way and they can come and go as they please.  Now everybody is exposed to poverty, stupidity, crazed caregivers, and careful and deliberate felons who only see themselves as ghosts or victims.  Their grace is invisible to the naked eye and they are very deliberate as feeding ants.

After decades of the same cat-mouse game at the very highest levels of elitism or power, this is the SOB on duty and this is their handiwork.  Now they want to brag about it or these phony-fake pictures they call our family album.  It is only a failed escape from hell and an intelligence collection operation, by friends.  Can we test whose side they are on or whose God they are loyal too?  Maybe they will find a tiny grain of shame one day but for now it is the same old story with the same old arrogant breed of human poverty, who once thought but now still thinks, their faith of corruption gave them a get out of jail thug card.  It is this animalistic and loved by everybody, subjective.  The only logic they had that is justifiable and honest was, “we do not know what to do and want to die.”  God bless America for killing those who allowed their police to do this to us 24-7-365 because they are nothing more than felons, communists, terrorists, and now rotten to the core “lingering.”

They only wanted a problem that was not white or too white to be wrong; anything else is incompatible to communist traditional indoctrination.  They failed to realize any quality, brains, religious truth, incomplete sentences, power of attorney, and just about every meaning contained in the Constitution.  That is a very high quality police agency and police work on display.  We all cannot be sorry like them for the damn are unlimited by definition or meaning.  They only want to die, nothing more.  America’s exposure to the bottom end of this was the 1960s.  That exposure now is bursting at the seams corruption and crime.  For the 1960s to go well there cannot be any middle ground between what the truth is and what is not white or too white.  Thus in order to overpower the truth, they must reverse this mathematical sickness to one that is not white or too white.  That is our communist mole working their magic on our biographies and also the national hate laws they are camouflaged behind. 

They are both damned and hated.  This is why they hide behind the truth or are camouflaged by proxies or puppets, power of attorney.  They do not have the science of the truth and never did; therefore, they must reverse the science of truth and the noble understanding of justice.  If they do not or fail, they will die and won’t know what to do.   To them a victim is the truth and that existence is their ghost and invisible to the naked eye.  This is the true meaning of victim hood, a reverse science and a mathematical formula of conversion called corruption.  When that corruption becomes a religion or a clandestine civil war, it is unstoppable.  Now we have a sea of corruption and crime along with a sea of insecurities called capture, torture, or kill.  The question is can they force it on religious people or the religions of the world if it is unique to only a particular region or the people getting really poor behind us all the time.  That is their power of stalking.

A chicken enjoys walking around without a head.  Do powerful people or only those behind us?  They vow to blame their enemies and blame others for their demise and constantly harping or nagging them to discover puberty with them while on duty, “you are arresting and criminalizing the wrong people… their only crime is they are poor and our only crime is we are their only voice during their crisis.  You are breaking their calm.  You are exposing them to hate crimes.  You use America to attack them.  We had enough of this.  We are on duty and we don’t like this.  We are arresting everybody who did this.”  That is a very powerful power of attorney.  Again, when you understand the devil or communist theory, being exposed to it is no different than being exposed to a jackass in control, a felon, a terror plot, or the FBI-Police on duty in America. It is the same poverty of their faith and that faith is about failure and getting behind anything that does not fail, such as imports or new immigrants.  In the end, their stupid narcissism survived another day of battles and has God to thank, a faith of corruption at the FBI-Police.  This is also their power of fake photos and they are bombarding the public with photos and media control.  That is communism and how criminal their patriotism truly was, they are now behind us on everything.

The world of the absurd has collided with the future atoms in motion and they do not know what it means or if they are in any trouble.  They only know what their stupidity tells them, fight!  These same people who are blinded by narcissism and their own stupidity of power, are always rioting in the streets over justified wars.  One example is the Vietnam War and how their narcissism, tried to police the matter using the power of attorney.  Again, their plight out of hell is a questionable camouflage to get behind anything that cannot fail, such as American military might.  There is nothing else between their ears, only their need to eat, sleep, and reproduce.  If you challenge them, you will see the fight of ignorance in motion everywhere.  The good stick together too and are behind anything that does not fail.  At most they are humbled by poverty, are more sensitive than cats, and see history as their President instead of their future.  They do not know what is around the corner and use terrorism and violence to ask us for help.  Well, help has arrived.  Does global warming feel warmer or colder now?  Hence, this is how pleasant life is when they are in our world.  This is what it felt like to share life with a human being who cares and is policing our world with the power of attorney.  They see joy and jobs with us, more to come.

Everybody feels fine and does not see or feel anything tremendously illegal in print form.  It is a form of blindness and aging.  The cure is fake photos.  They need a cure, not another way to bust them or throw them in the jail of damn-nation.  It is for the courts to fight out now, not for mortals to keep on harping about.  So they never really gave up or told anybody, and the hush-hush prove-it model never seemed to be the right fit.  It is just another pull-out, a move on, a too late now, and the same hit reset button moment.  It must be a game and one of us is going to be living in exile when that game is over.  One of us is going to befall of a tragic death and nobody even knows why.  When a chicken does not have a head, it does not die, it walks around until a new one is grown; that is love and that is the definition of patriotism.  It is the same disgrace that turns mighty men into mice, “stop blaming us and give us a break, we just don’t know what to do or say, just kill us, do it.”  It is the stuff more powerful than the KGB could ever invent but it is as American as apple pie now; the sole existence of the FBI-Police on hunt mode.  Nobody even reported it was more powerful than the KGB we have seen on earth, not a whisper.  So how did America die and get overthrown by ghosts and boogey-men more powerful than the foolish KGB?  Are we on dream mode or run like you stole something, they called the police on duty?  They do not know why America is so far behind in schooling but they know how to cheat when it comes to schooling.

This same chicken game and clandestine illegal activity was logged in the official records through the years and was substantiated by two people for whom their biography clearly proved their criminal intent and clear discernible treason.  The Russian and German uniforms or costumes were used to overthrow the government and place into power rogue domestic and foreign operatives whose loyalty was a death sentence.  Similar to their faith of corruption and a history of abuses, their church threw up their hands in disgust and said “we give up and have had it.”  The truth is we would rather hire the Germans and Japanese than sit here and listen to them talk about how they are the same and made in America; why not just hire the Germans if we need submarines or allied Naval supremacy?  Why not hire Germans instead of listening to made in America act German or Catholic?  Are Germans gay and the “south-oda-mouth” at the FBI-Police on duty?  Passing on the buck now does not stop with only indictments; the new “not us crew yet” of lazy-asses have to right the book or else face the guillotine by themselves; unless they are going to pass the buck also.  This is how pleasant and joyful it was to share life with a church of corruption and poverty; or the clandestine 1960s civil war to capture, torture, squeeze every last drop, and kill; pure joy and love.

Although it is a horrible performance, they need this and it has been a life and death matter from the start.  Even the FBI-Police know they need this and it is a life and death matter now.  If it was a steaming pile of love, or dripping wet corpse, the desperation levels are so grotesque, everybody needs this and everybody has to get behind anything that can or will win; until they can or will win.  So how did it get to be a life and death matter?  Is it what we can see or what we still cannot see?  Justice is about people, not the ignorance of the people.  America is about people, not the ignorance of the people.  America has had a past but is America now living with blinders and not able to see what is around the corner or the desperation of the same life and death situation unfolding?  In other words, the past is one thing; will the future worsen the problems or make hate and go away?  What is hate?  Is it rude or is it hurtful, such as the truth and justice in the American ways?  If this is true, then their faith of corruption is very un-American and we know why they wish to die or need this, a life and death matter.

So why would they have a life and death civil war or crisis at the FBI-Police other than being exposed to poverty and the belly of the beast for most of their life?  First is their caregivers, they all have an umbrella we call communism.  They use violence and mayhem to advertise and unify their base.  Second is they are collecting evidence on us.  They want all the badge numbers, social security numbers, and are compiling a list of cops against them or the list of caregivers they must capture, torture, kill in case of a civil war.  What we are going to do instead is trap them and reverse all of this on them so that when and if the time comes, we can capture, kill, or torture all of them in civil war or anymore clandestine terror plots involving the internal Protestant-Catholic control and hijacking of the courts and soon overthrow of the government.  Their work is only for them and them only; we want the work for us and us only.  The gap between what they can do and what they now cannot do anymore needs to be a decisive victory.  The control is just camouflage while this is underway.

The rule is three strikes and you are out, not three hundred weekly or five hundred weakly.  That is the main problem with the FBI-Police on duty verbally harassing us around the clock, three strikes, you are out, and only want to die disagreeing.  There is a lot of bad blood with these lousy immigrants, or pass the buck FBI-Police games.  If they do not know what to do and want to die, then please put the brakes on; their deadline for settlement was May 22, 2020 for election tampering and a bench warrant.  Don’t try to make things worse, incite more violence, wiggle and cry your way out, act like anybody is your bitch and does not have any choice in life, pretend you are diligent and professional, etc.  They would rather trash people than police the corruption and draw a bigger circle around their entire faith of corruption.  These police abuses and predatory tactics, described as a kidnapping or around the clock medical care to breathe down your back 24-7 by thugs and felons on the lamb, violated every single rule the Constitution was meant to protect.  It is never them and if it is, then they are only sorry, just move on or just be quiet and stay out of their way. 

They destroy people who lawfully go after their church or their phony financial faith of corruption.  Then they expect every single door in the military to be unlocked and opened, like any doorbell boy at any hotel should, so more cheap labor and a clandestine FBI-Naval blockade might be able to walk right in and declare they are the boss.  This bad nightmare just keeps on repeating and gets worse with each passing year!  They claim they are sick of waiting in line and they just do not know what to do and only want to die now.  We are only their Facebook romance and their next little bitch in line.  Welcome to the world of the 1960s and the Protestant-Catholic secret civil war to capture, torture, and kill by their rules or the house rules.  They still disagree and want to work with us on bigger and better things, such as how to get rid of them or a pest with this much authority or access; just settle and go away.  How about please stop dragging this bottomless pit out or making it worse yearly; must you do this 24-7-365 using tax payer funds or a total lack of accountability?  It is now such a giant disgrace; their small head cannot fit the bill.  The least they could do is get an interpreter who understood sign language or was not so arrogant with the truth.  The truth is each mistake, phony photo, or charge; drops the overall grade until they flunk completely.  The truth hurts and the truth is also a disgrace in everybody’s eyes, not more subjective manners run amuck.  It is called the road to nowhere or the road to ruin; the epicenter and how it got this way; a history of arrogance and victim team building and the political support to recruit.  Do they have a high quality pool of people to throw at us some more?

Nothing comes easy anymore in America; it is all a crippling stalemate.  That is control in progress.  This is how northern democrats beat southern republicans easily; use the FBI-Police on duty to get what they want, grab it and run before someone finds out.  How many people got indicted?  How many were charged with sexual harassment?  How many cover-ups or conspiracy did the National Security people detect and shut down?  How much hate males did they send to the life partners in 1989 asking them to reconsider their marriage proposal and a replacement “sex partner?”  How many people were charged with election tampering after the May 22, 2020 deadline?  How many incidents from 1998-2020 based on daily averages or attacks?  How many gays, alternative lifestyles, written verification or official records, etc. is currently accurate or on the books?  Why were you banned from any biographical information or data legally or illegally obtained or ascertained?  If they are not diligent about this, then it is just another slap in the face by the same enemy and their antics have wasted an enormous amount of our precious life and valuable time.  They feel access is free and they are God’s chosen people to receive the gifts of this universe, this is not a robbery in progress.  Catholics will be Catholics and their power will endure the test of time so long as they have access to the best of the best in the world.

What level of impunity are we looking at and why is it exceeding $20 billion in civil damages because we do not agree, we are sorry, we do not know what to do, we are your rescue, we are in charge and in control, he won’t leave and is being kicked out, etc.  At some point the disgrace and the mismanagement will exceed a sleepy flat-line on the screen.  Everybody is looking at a flat line and a history of scape-goating or cronyism; scored again!  This is how to kick the doors down and bother royalty or VIPs 24-7-365 with pure stupidity, “everything is so messed up now; hit restart and stop being so emotional.  Don’t tell us how to do our job, we are winging it also.  Is he an expert or our jackass?  Who let this jackass in?  Look what he did, keep yelling and tell him we disagree, just keep away!  It is your fault, leave.  This is our love story and book, F you too.”  This is what you get when you put liberals in important positions that require high quality results or self control and discipline; especially military standoffs and civil war.  It is not a game or TV interview 24-7-365 breathing down our backs and won’t go away anymore.  The rule is three strikes and you are out, not three hundred weekly or five hundred weakly.  That is the main problem with the FBI-Police on duty verbally harassing us around the clock, three strikes, you are out, and only want to die disagreeing. 

If the people who did this are one step in the grave or one step from victory; then they still remain hush-hush; a two way street.  If they were on the verge of financial ruin and it was linked to decades of crime, violence, corruption, prisons bursting at the seams, and a public who were getting used to this daily environment with the highest failure rates in our society or the world.  Their goal as the police was not to help or defend America; it was only to control other human beings and even control where hurricanes and the wrath of God were steered towards.  In other words, they like to write history and do this often with control.  Human beings are their fodder and toys to play with.  If they cannot beat others at their own game, they must be included and must be able to steer the wrath of God onto enemy targets.  Therefore, these attempts are why false imprisonment, false custody, police excesses or victim hood, selfish sexual desires, serial killer stalking and diligence, a rapist know how book, a total lack of conscience or moral compass, and after effect of an earthquake wreaking mayhem on two people who saw them do it and knew how guilty they before anybody could get to us on time.  This is why the FBI-Police and the umbrella caregiver for authority are trapped; they give life to the communists, terrorists, poverty, and even the people who police them!  This is a life and death matter for them and they cannot collect intelligence data nor do their jobs clandestinely to win anymore for their clandestine civil war.  We have the advantage on Protestants or Catholics on capture, kill, or torture to absolute victory; this is their holocaust.  A loser is a loser and a dummy is a dumber with each passing day.  We can read their work much clearer now or with 2020.  It is not what they read in print, it is what they refuse to write and refuse to put in print that will kill them now.  This is their holocaust and it is also why they try to remain anonymous and not accountable.  They only want to be on the winning side at any cost.  This is the price of unity and the result of stupid human tricks.

In order to seal their victory, they had to split up the two main characters and use the impeachment hearings to criminalize them. Thus, they threaten them with some form of trumped up charges and force ransom, which we now know were phony pictures to put in their Presidential library and FBI bonus marches to the White House.  The caregiver butcher act, men in uniform, blew up on them and revealed their criminal penchant and camouflage as the FBI-Police.  They threw the bodies of their victims during high tide and did not expect what low tide would reveal or conceal.  This exposure is so powerful that even the CIA has never seen such exposure or clarity with communism.  Many in the Pentagon who are combat seasoned, have not witnessed battles of this magnitude and global change.  It is the nightmare of a serial killer or stalker breathing down your back 24-7 with the authority to change reality or tell lies on any whim.  This continued for decades and there is concrete evidence to prove both the beginning and then the ending parts.  They only wish to focus on the ending or only one sentence of the whole.  There is a totality and then the totality of the totality.  Let’s talk about the ending only!

Those on duty only admit to the closing or ending.  It is called jurisprudence or due diligence.  They only see inferiors because they are blinded by both arrogance and inferiority; which can severely hamper their ability to control GABA in their brain receptors.  It is another Xanax moment and they are addicted to the ending only.  They don’t know who did what in the beginning but want others to prove it.  They have no ability or capabilities to recognize the best of the best or the worst of the worst; a compass to tell them up or down, left and right, right and wrong, or dead and gone.  Instead, they have each other; unity.  It is a Xanax tribe of hatred lacking the superior brain cells needed to survive on planet earth but for the moment or the mental lapse it will suffice. 

By refusing to report anything or admit anything, they are displaying their audacity in motion and soon it will become a collision course with their own history.  They wish not to disclose in full detail by showing their strength and honor in battle.  They refuse to report anything.  They are forcing us to do a reverse domino theory or chain reaction and tell us when they see their beginning inside a lab and a chain of evidence.  We are chained to them and they are chained to us; till death due us part.  That is the very essence of the highest war wagon in this world.  We killed the communist war wagon and now they wish to remain chained to us; till death due us part.  They never killed or could kill our war wagon, not even with their ignorance or horrendous crack-whore performance from the other side of town.  Their duty is to share our life, not do anymore harm.  We are sharing our life with the FBI-Police because Miranda spoke to them with the voice of God.  That is the only voice they can obey.  They claim they cannot refund or reimburse anything they destroyed, tampered with, wrecked, stole, used illegally, etc. while they tried to use one sentence to clobber the war wagon that was fleeing while they were in hot pursuit.  That is the common courtesy they bring to the table and also arrogance of only wishing to die.

Oh no, forget the past, this is about the ending.  We have forgiven the past and pardoned it, sue it and kill it if you wish; we can only turn the cheek and kiss back the love of God’s grace.  We have killed communism with our war wagon but they do not know if it is still a hoax while they collect more intelligence and forward it to their defeated and bleeding war wagon making a return.  Again, they claim only love and diligence as caregivers.  They have or had no scars and neither did their victims.  Their IQ is very brilliant and glowing red from over exposure but they do not know who and what it is yet.  All they know is they are yelled at by their supervisors and the best war wagon on earth all day 24-7-365; even well into the May 22, 2020 deadline.  They absorbed the blows and procreated with creative imagination, FBI-Police lip service with lawless Miranda authority.  Keep in mind, the longest time period for any male-female meet and greet is 24 hours, other than this, a wiretapping warrant is needed for the 10-20 years they were on duty.  How did it get so horrible and why were the performances horrendous?

With similar diligence, this complete lack of record keeping and conspiracy to cover-up high crimes and misdemeanors ignored the obvious, such as their partnership in 1989, and instead drew a giant circle around the entire mess and said “everybody is lying and crazy, this is a show trial.”  They also used information they acquired by being in control or in authority negatively or in an illegal manner to frame two people and their abuses were so gross and negligent; they were banned from all copyrighted material.  This standoff or game of chicken to destroy two people began in the 1990s and was pervasive in all aspects of American life and culture by the 2019 impeachment hearings where their crime bursting at the seams finally met their match.  It was a malicious and illegal matter now and the FBI or police on duty were not even willing to provide the least of legal requirements, legal discovery or some form of ID to single out a church, an office, or a supervisor.  To further their crimes, they invented a love story with us.  To also further their crimes in the public, they tried to split us into two and marry us off or take pictures of each other “getting laid.”  They also intentionally followed us around in life for nearly three decades in order to establish a false impression of “being well taken care of” when there was no evidence of this nor any financial record to even suggest they were helping or cared; only selfish criminal intent and malicious volumes.  Can you build a future by avoiding the obvious and turning the cheek when the heart is speaking?

So how did they gain access to do such incredible damage?  There are a lot of entry points and they begin with caregivers and romance.  There has to be some entry point or some form of door unlocked.  To further implement their cruel, sadistic, and ever encompassing police excesses and access into our life; they created a dual-universe where an atmosphere of civil war became the drum beat to some larger civil war or global world war.  They used two people on two political sides of their illegal church or police access into authority, for the sole purpose of establishing two teams and two uniforms under the same nameplate, America.  To further their treason and destructive fury on the public and their victims; they lied and overtly covered up an atmosphere of capture, kill, and torture.  They replaced this authentic truth with the same conspiracy and police abuses that caused crime and the prisons to burst at the seams and force upon the American public an atmosphere of diligence when it was an atmosphere of crime and mayhem with the criminal intent of profiteering and survival. 

Therefore, in May 22, 2020; legal discovery was requested by the FBI-Police on duty due to the fear of election tampering and coercing the public to go along with clandestine criminal conspiracies, scandals, and even terror plots or illegal civil war by a single enemy of the American public and the America people.  Every nation in the world knew there was a conspiracy to overthrow the government, except the American government who was being overthrown by illegal and rogue criminal and terrorist elements.  In order to forward this agenda, election tampering was the basis by which they gained more police powers, avoided expulsion, avoided criminal arrests, and continued the atmosphere of false reporting or false data in order to trump up more injuries, charges, and corruption charges.  Now they agree with us on Saudi Arabia and the Middle East, they are the authority and we are orbiting their earth. 

Their public statement which they are claiming is helpful was limited to “we do not know what to do, we want to die, and we have had it and are too angry now.”  They do not even know how two biographies got this way or why they were threatened with slander charges if they misquoted or misused anymore information they had obtained legally or illegally from the biography of two main characters.  Expecting us to work for free and refusing to help or pay any of the expenses, they used our kidnapping and hostage taking for more ransom demands and the financial records clearly and authentically prove we are either prisoners, hostages, or still kidnapped by rogue and communist forces linked to terrorism and this church or faith of the 1960s that has now busted at the seams when crime, corruption, and mayhem is their only future and past.  They saw this as a meal ticket and a new opportunity to explore or exploit; which will have a very negative impact in the public sector, around the world, and in our personal and public life. 

Were they completely shutout and shutdown?  Are their wounds now just trying to pander for a morsel of what they need to survive this?  Consider how they wanted this to turn out but were forced to cope with the reality of the 1960s and contrasting communism to the war wagon that killed it.  Compare the two and compare the phony police photos in disguise or camouflage bashing everybody on the head again while on intelligence collection mode.  Is anybody looking?  Does anybody know?  Have we been busted and are we trapped inside the two ends now tied?  This is what happens when you kidnap the best people in the world and then try to fight it out with them or attack them; they will use their special blend of martial arts and legally kill you or break every bone in your body, whichever comes first or has more meaning.  They are not doing this to one human; the FBI-Police are doing it to two people and then claiming we are going to cry with them or be hysterical with them until someone dies; pure unadulterated lies by courteous despots and psychopaths who only want control and authority to do whatever they want.  The fat and ugly mystical squad who wants to help so they can have authority and control at the FBI-Police have arrived and in classic forms.  They exist only in our minds not in our war or inside our war wagon.

All they had was one sentence that appeared suspicious and they used that one sentence to clobber everybody and everything with.  Is that pure genius or utter stupidity?  One sentence used as their God of truth, clobbered everybody to the very end and they were back to being shutdown and shutout.  When it failed, they were back to the same beginning nobody could see, hear, or report until they decided to write it down; control or just another sorry?  Why would they hope for anything other than not writing down a paralyzed state of mind chained to us until death do us apart; and the state of mind when a human being does not know how to die and sucks everybody into their glamorous suicide.  Are they arrogant or felons?  Can they at least do this measly task as the FBI-Police or caregivers without bitching 24-7 or butchering up their duties?  At leas they had the common courtesy to refund or reimburse all the precious they had taken, stolen, or tried to claim was theirs; such as a rent refund.  You would have to chase them down and pummel them with the truth before they give back what is not theirs.  Now they realize we are the best but does this make them the worst?

The summary analysis is concurrent to the data.  This is what happens when you attack two human beings and they use your attacks back on you or are experts on martial arts and just on a whim broke every bone in your body for several decades while you failed to report anything but found one sentence to clobber them with in the end.  When you have government forces that are detached from reality and such a public nuisance they have to be killed and stopped; we really need their badge numbers, social security, and all their friends and relatives in case there is more clandestine civil war to collect intelligence data or identical overlaps, a rat’s nest.  You have to ask if their rational thinking is even worth a dime of tax payer accountability.  They do not have the stuff to begin or end this; but they want the stuff to begin or end this?  You attacked the most powerful war wagon on earth and do not know what to do so you lied, cheated, and stole your way to a duel to the death and now a clandestine civil war to capture, kill, and torture anybody on your intelligence collection list!  This is what you used the FBI-Police for and what the control or the endless violations were trying to achieve but failed.  It is the road to hell that never ended or went away as ordered and then forced to by battle and grief.  Instead of any common courtesy, they continue to profiteer, exploit, give false alibis, and babble in cohesive ways 24-7 using the authority of the FBI-Police or their political infatuation with others they call their own.  An astute observer may see them as a long lost teacher in search of a pupil who never existed but in their mind or some crazed romance created by death and destruction. 

As a primer for and after the impeachment hearings, America is not being guarded by the best or the brightest.  It is not guarded by common courtesy either.  Common courtesy does not sound like this, the truth does.  This is a war wagon, the best war wagon ever seen on earth; does courtesy owe its own rebuke?  Or has this rebuke chained itself to the war wagon?  Somebody is being dragged through all of this for no reason but illegality and National Security violations.  We expect SAT scores higher than 1000-1400 along with solid college degrees.  We do not expect lawlessness clinging onto our war wagon for dear life or seeking common courtesy.  Instead we are being forced to rely on felons and traitors whose SAT scores are rock bottom or below the poverty line.  The pictures and the phony hijacking by this rogue and corrupt church at the FBI-Police is a history of their immigration, nothing America or American.  This is why the immigration debate is directly correlated to the long history list of victims and abuses.  The arrogance and the cruelty of a corrupt church is always tested by the merits of the truth; not their subjective discretion.  They could be wiretapping those already indicted and facing death penalty charges; instead the FBI-Police refuse any accounting or audit; a top secret duality or romance with America they have to be hush-hush about now.  Insofar as banning them from any data or truth, there is a price tag of $25 billion to contain the problem or excursion into the absurd. 

Logic tells us they are lawless and completely detached from reality, therefore, they hamper growth and progress but feel they are helping.  They have actually convinced themselves at the FBI-Police they are helping and not hurting anybody or stifle the careful upbringing of high quality adults.  This is the stuff of communism and the stuff of despots and tyrants who only wish to hurt others until they are dead or have to be matched by lethal means of persuasion.   Their logic only told one story and one version of their own craziness; they are invisible to the naked eye.  We cannot read any of their best in the world antics and tricks to chain themselves to us because the price tag is $25 billion.  The common courtesy hotline at the FBI-Police just demands our attention and love; breathing down our necks another day and for another clandestine war.  A garden variety psychopath is just not enough after three decades of being detached from reality.  Now it is their calm and lucid courtesy hotline whom is too far detached from reality to do anything about this but to clobber more people over the head with their niceties and nuisances 24-7-365.  If there was a homicidal psychopath in this world trying to act like your guardian angel, this is it.  That guardian angel is the same 911 terror plot described as crime bursting at the seams and a religion that has remained rudderless since the 1960s.  It is not hurting it is helping.

Logic does have a price tag.  What mafia lawyer will even try to legislate or litigate this form of police work at the FBI-Police on duty during the impeachment and with their fingerprint in the DC-VA area in the 1990s?  None of heir supervisors know how many Viet Cong insurgents were fired, captured, killed, on duty presently and facing indictment, escaped, was torturing us daily, was verbally berating people with SAT scores above 1200 and with solid National Security merits, how many of their Viet Cong got away this time or escaped our nets, how many active shooters remained, and if any of them were acting on their insecurities with a clandestine civil war among the Protestants or Catholic minorities in their ranks.  If a bench warrant were to knock on their doors, they saw nothing and heard nothing!  Therefore, this audit and record keeping at the FBI-Police was nothing more than an exercise in futility and another Viet Cong battle with National Security forces captured, killed, or tortured.  With more than five hundred thousand criminal violations and safety violations, you have to ask if any audit or accountability can ever reveal if they threw out the baby with the bath water.  It is not about accountability now; it is about kill or is killed.  This is the title of the $25 billion price tag on June 01, 2020 they left out or did not report.  Similar to crime and corruption bursting at the seams, what do you do when reform is impossible and deportation is futile, let God sort them out?

In conclusion, the price tag for the loser is extreme destruction, at least $20 billion in illegal activity and endless personal attacks.  We have to be reduced to the same crying hysterics of a psychopathic stalker and their office politics trying to clobber us 24-7-365 with never-ending despotism.  It is not from the heavens.  It is continuous lies and detachments from reality because nobody loves them or they are hated beyond a shadow of a doubt.  Regardless, they are not married to us or chained to our doors; they are instead stalking us through access channels at the FBI-Police while on duty and opened a door to the office of the devil.  This is how we met the devil in America and now they claim it is some unforeseen and meaningless romance stabilized by their hysterical crying and fake photos.  The FBI-Police are not a threat to anybody or any God of the same?  Their arrogance does not see themselves as a problem and this is why they continuously hit the gas and not the brakes; they have none.  It is called a “face-off” and we are the same and our faith is the same corruption on paper, it is their subjective discretion.  Their FBI-Police living room radicalism agrees and it is approved for the poor and their global communist and Catholic egalitarianism.  They now can come to America and join us if not join the FBI-Police living room radicalism ranks.  They are not too stupid to disagree anymore and their FBI-Political elite must investigate fully for their approval.

We are not kind to the same God.  Their equality or egalitarianism is arrogant to the same sadistic human beings (bigots) and now bursting at the seams communist and terrorist suspects trying to escape or hide behind dead bodies and their hostages.  Due to the slander and how they use one biography against the other buy abusing their police powers or access; they will cling on and exploit it until we are poor or shut down.  Unless or until someone is on duty at the FBI-Police; they will exploit two cutting edges of two biographies and claim they are the same authority or America.  The FBI and the police must realize what is in print and what is reported in their biography will kill them.  They must also come to the realization what they did and what they did not print or report is going to also kill them.  Both characters have been partners and they know they need each other to survive.  We have to be forced into some dormant or unemployed state of grace while they destroy us and now failed.  Their slander is based on how long they can tell their story and how long we can expose ours.  Because our strategy is to use our own biography on them as a weapon, this information will kill them and they do not have a platform to stand-on.  All of their slander is based on two biographies, nothing more.  They do not have a biography, they are hiding behind ours.  We have to live with this, they do not.  Financially, they have not paid a dime and they have not obeyed one legal discovery; pure exploitation.  This corruption will end up over-regulating and it will also incite a riot or rebellion on a scale nobody can even father or falter.

Can we conclude any other “crimes visible to only their eyes?”  They see it as a joke and how it took thirty years to catch the 911 terrorists and shut them up at the FBI-Police while they hijacked our official fan site at the FBI-Police.  They still do not see anything or hear anything or know anything.  Worse, none of this is still going to work and they are never going to work!  Their executives at the FBI-Police crime labs claim they may be victims and others may have PTSD from thuggery or lawlessness; also a kill-be-killed stand off if they refuse to wipe their ass and wear diapers.  Does that mean their family is also Catholic?  I counseled their “legal expert” at the FBI-Police on different cultures, deviant behavior, conformity, rape laws, harassment laws, rent refunds, kill-be-killed incitement, murder-suicide, IQ reforms, what I can do militarily to 12% of the population and their insanity, how other societies view “separate but equal” in schools, what no thank you means and females who pander or seek infinite ways to bypass “no thank you” by kidnapping their partners.  We have to be reduced to hysterical FBI agents or victims because we are getting the better of them in this fight!  Nobody is allowed to win.

  • There is a long history of lies and their credibility takes priority?
  • So explain why you finally complied, why not in 2008 or even 1998; too many dead people?
  • If you knew the web site was based on total lies, why didn’t you take it down; you did not force or threaten Ann with ransom, election tampering, or spinning more lies?
  • The question is how far will you go to commit terrorism, murder, mayhem, lawlessness, and how big of a house of lies did you create?  Can you at least give us an idea so we can take action on you; since you refuse 100% and have a bench warrant for spinning so many lies?
  • If you knew the photos were a ransom demand and they were hostages; why didn’t you just refund his rent and stop radicalizing him, badgering his in his home 24-7-365 for at least 12 years we know of.  Why did you wait so long and tell so many lies?  Then overwhelmed them daily with pure stupidity and even more lies!  When does the lying stop, ever?
  • If this is about control, when did you release control?  Show us and prove it.  How about retreat, when did you take preventive steps?  Who in this story is able to retreat?  How about in 2020; who is able to retreat and refused after the May 0220, 2020 deadline?
  • So now I am going to ask you again, how many lies have you told and why did you refuse the deadline of May 0220, 2020?  Everybody has a bench warrant, was it because you felt like it?  You had nothing?  He had nothing?  What value is your nothing?  What value is his nothing?  So try to spin a web of lies based on how many lies you have told already.  Do you think it might be your own internal affairs suspicious of your behavior or how you handled the case; how would they know?  How did Ann Coulter know?
  • So why do you keep radicalizing him and why do you keep on spinning lies?  Any other reasons?  Then explain why. 
  • You told him in 2008 Ann was his stalker.  Then you told him in 2015ish, there was not enough resources to arrest everybody or investigate so much data with Godspeed.  It is a life and death matter correct?  So if this is life and death now, how would you do it?  Who do you think smells a little funny?
  • Now I am going to ask you for your cooperation with slander.  Why is your, our, or our same government fingerprint on all of this including his material, your material, and just about every single bit of evidence we can verify?  You agree it is verifiable but you just felt this was not important enough or he does not have the funds to fight you, control?  Why would you slander him since the 1990s and then sit in front of me and tell me you don’t have the foggiest clue what you are doing yet?  Not yet?  How about 0220, 2020?
  • If I racked up $25 billion in slander and death penalty charges to include a May 22, 2020; why would I act lawless after May 22, 2020 and just address the slander and the web of lies that already exist?  Why contact the victims more and more, terrorize them with ransom demands, and get them to yell and scream at each other or feel so much pain?  Can you explain without any lies or slander? 
  • So if what you are saying is true, then everything you are saying is also false?  What is on paper is not what you have on paper; what you have on paper are all lies.  So if we know it is all lies, then why is the beginning all false?
  • So let’s separate each part starting with 1998, 2001, 2008, and then 2015 and 2020.  You tell me what parts you like or not like.  It is their biography, you do not have to like or agree; nor dispute anything written!  I would like you to focus on anything not written yet!  What is not written yet, show me.
  • Again, saying “because she did it” or “because he did it” and then saying this 24-7-365 and how terrified or ruined you all are; is just not acceptable.  Why did you miss the May 22, 2020 written request for discovery?  Could you spin a lie?  Did you slander them?  When and where, show me.  Show me what is written and documented and then show me your written version without any mistakes.  Which of the half is true and which half is false; so why is the beginning false?
  • If what you say is true, why anybody isn’t dead, buried, filed insurance, etc.  we need something other than his biography or her biography; that is hearsay.  That is not your version or our versions.  We need only their version.  You must have your version without any of their versions.  When exactly did you have “your version?”  Any witnessed did?
  • So if you knew you were going to die and were terrified, why talk to them or even take any pictures with them?  When did you retreat or take any preventive steps, ever?  Why call them or “navigate” 24-7-365?  Why even act like their friend or mistreated them severely?  You do know that murderers are very good at spinning lies don’t you?  Do you know your Miranda rights?  I bet the more you read, the more you are in loved correct?
  • If you were intelligence collecting and got top secret information from the 911 plot, such as the information Jonathan Pollard got, how would you “contain” the threat?  Would it look something like his biography or her biography?  Is it effective, too scary, too loose and does not care, is not in love or ever, too little conformity, not group think, cannot be exploited by terrorists or communists, etc. Can you tell me how it should look in writing?  It is the death penalty and he wants you to die of a vicious death, true?

Part II, The Story of Our Family

Note:  They charged me with writing a threatening letter to “a ghost” at the FBI-DC field office.  My attempt to contact the FBI-Falls Church office did not yield any results.  I told the FBI-DC office “contact the Pentagon and tell them to get my bag of weapons, they are trying to incite violence or some form of a shootout.”  I also mentioned I was “carrying nuclear weapons…” and they used that to say I had to plead guilty and the defense lawyer, whom Ann spoke to already Amoschie.  They demanded I explain and write every detail this “nuclear weapon…” They gave me a pen and paper and I wrote it in an hour.  This is why I documented “I need their head for decryption”; an MRI satellite I had designed and was ready to test.  That was my single move to defeat them in World War III.  It was so top secret the NSA does not even know about it, I was designing it while I was in the military.  Again, my college would only be 2-3 years had I accredited the MOS equivalent; a tremendous cost savings.  Then I changed it to only an author and computer science degree; it should have been electrical engineering, I was designing it in the 1990s.  So when I told Ann, “go and get my weapons…” that is the same thing they heard and saw in print which they said I was being forced to surrender or else face harsher punishments and upwards of 10 years in federal prison.  My eyes became bloodshot and I was overheating inside; I said nothing and did as I was ordered.  They have the satellite I designed in the 1990s utilizing magnetic resonance technology.  All I had to do was the software and I did that early on after Va. Tech.  The screwed both Ann and I over and messed up our entire life!

Note:  When I walked into the recruiter’s office, the Marines spoke to me first and I told them I was trying to get some money for college and needed some sanity in my life to study.  They asked me to bring my transcripts back the next time we met.  When I brought my college transcripts, the Marine recruiter said, “I got a guy that can help you with this…” I did not know what the MOS was about, it did not say NSA on it, only SATCOM operator.  My plan was not to work so hard, my plan was to use the training for a degree so I can shorten my electrical engineering degree while in the Army.  Ann has never said anything to me about any choices or any Army careers.  I would have been in the Marines with a GI Bill; infantry.  It is possible General Hamblen or anybody from my church spoke to Ann’s parents for us.  All I knew was I had to wait for Ann to arrive and she never showed up similar to how I never showed up for work.  Everything was a no show and we were supposed to get married.  Next thing I know, I was telling her to go and get help!  I also went to General Hamblen and he said if they came here, “I have a shotgun in the other room waiting for them.” 

There are a few characters in my childhood that are significant in the 1970s and 1980s.  When we were deployed to the DC-VA area, most if not all of the Pentagon was nervous about the cold war and they knew someone was on top of them, spying.  The British MI5-MI6 was called in the 1960s due to the events at the Pentagon and on TV around America.  There was a communist insurgency but most Generals and CIA-Army personnel from the World War II and OSS days were in Vietnam as advisors of the early elite MAC-V.  MAC-V has to do with Agent Orange and bases in the Ia-Drang Valley where heavy concentrations of Viet Cong and supplies were funneling into South Vietnam.  Therefore, most if not all MAC-V, based on the World War II elite soldiers and officers of World War II; probably the best of the best in America who go on to work for DoD or the CIA-OSS are who I grew up with in the 1970s and 1980s at our Presbyterian Church.  My family does have a link to the British, Diana; Diana is General Hamblen’s wife and she met him after he was shot in the head during the battle of the Ardenne Forrest.  This is where the movie Terminator came from, he had brain surgery and lost a lot of his brain functions but goes on to be the Dean of Admissions at West Point and then the second in charge after LBJ in Saigon, Vietnam.  All OSS-CIA are ground troops in either Europe or the Pacific; those in the Pacific command both Naval and Army forces.  Those in Europe only command Army; as portrayed in the movie “Saving Private Ryan” the story of Mr. Frank and what he told me about commanding his men and training them for the final invasion of Japan in 1945.  He told me his experience with God and how he knew with certainty he was not going to be alive when this was over but he had to do as much as he could to end the war. General Hamblen had a similar experience with God; as I also told in 1988-89.  I called it the Hall of Souls where all veterans go but some are spared; for other missions.  Therefore, we are chosen and returned on earth wounded or for another mission.

Towards the 1980s, there is a lot of suspicion around the DC-VA area due to the Post-Vietnam period.  Factories and closings were everywhere.  The worst hit was the public schools and integration.  Once integration and violence erupted, it is mayhem in segregated urban areas.  The Pentagon by this time had a domestic enemy.  That enemy was the anti-Vietnam crowd, the Catholics, and the Protestant-Catholic clandestine civil war that raged on furiously after the 1860s civil war in America.  Similarly, this division united the British and America after World War II.  That marriage or merger was with General Hamblen and Dianna who cared for him and when he began working on the Agent Orange program in the early 1960s while MAC-V.  Mr. Frank took us to Virginia Beach and a Catalina amphibious plane landed and we got to view it, incredible.  When it took off, I got sand-blasted and our eyes had to be shielded.  That plane I saw and the pilot was top secret but it was a reunion of the old-school OSS-Army-CIA people in Vietnam (at Virginia Beach, VA in the 1970s; or Camp Peary).  I report lesions everywhere in the Buffalo, NY area while doing deliveries there (Love Canal).  Due to the top secret nature of the Agent Orange program, the FBI-Police or the Catholics single me out as a target after high school when I return after my first year at Virginia Tech.  They know I am one of the best in the world at computer sciences.  The Pentagon requests additional security and violence erupts in the 1980s.  So the Agent Orange is linked to service men and their claim with the Veterans Administration; not the FBI-Police on duty.  It was a time of great crisis similar to the Bonus Marches in World War I. 

Months after our deployment to Virginia, my mom was killed in a house fire.  My father was convinced it was sabotage.  In 1989, I rendezvoused with a professor (Kline) in criminal justice and he introduced me to a female in my night class I met in 1986 (Catherine, father a Navy Captain at Robinson High School).  The Professor dropped hints about my mom and my recent “divorce” to a Polish girl at my high school (Westlawn investigation).  He informed me the Nazi Party in Arlington (Barton Street) was behind my mom’s death, not the Protestants.  It was half true and half false.  This is where Ann my life partner comes in.  They claim Ann did it and they saw me lie about it or how I refused to admit this.  It is always someone else who did it and not what they did or who kidnapped the both of us and why.  This begins in Saigon, involves President Eisenhower and the OSS, then the Democrats and JFK-LBJ, and ends with Nixon and the DC-VA area.  However, it is now about NY who got pulled in, FL where everybody fled the exodus, and CA who reported it or televised it.  The BFI-Police were still posting videos and smears on us well into 2020 when they ran up a bill of more than $25 billion and had a bench warrant on them in May 22, 2020; none of the above or any police actions, indictments, incriminating evidence, could unplug or stop anything they are doing, were doing, or still trying to do; which was to get away or coverup all the election fraud, impeachment, and the terror plots.  Now they still claimed they were our fan site or official voice of kidnapped victims, our family now.  Our family owes us $25 billion dollars and it will go up if they post anymore pictures or “forced ransom” for more slander charges!

After the death of my mom, FBI agents at our church (Ann’s and mine) began to investigate.  However, they were driven out of the area and retired in Tampa, Florida.  They were not Catholics in Florida and during the 1980s, Presbyterians and the US Army ruled over the “Greatest Generation” or the World War II world community.  People suspected the Pentagon and the Catholics, specifically the Nazi party who were in Arlington, VA during the 1970s.  They were eradicated and pushed out while a sting or undercover was underway in the DC-VA area due to the communist domination and spying in the DC-VA; a spies nest.  All the sudden, there are spies not in the DC-VA area but all over America and all linked to the US Navy or Israel.  This tells the Pentagon General and elite OSS Special Forces in Vietnam it is Jewish or Middle East based.  This sting called the “Westlawn Sting” involved mostly US Navy families at the Pentagon and the county redrafted the school zones.  Our high school had a large concentration and they sent in British MI5-6 from Australia, FBI from Florida, etc.  At the time, the Protestants had control.  The power will change Catholics in the 1980s, an exodus.  This was about the death of my mom also and who did it.  It led to the FBI-Police and this communist mole; Florida-New York based and in control or in charge of the US Army now after World War II.  As far as the CIA, control changes to the Navy and Catholics (or Methodist-Episcopalian).  Typically, they are US Army and OSS.  Now we know who killed my mom and why it led to the FBI-Police in the DC-VA area.  They had wire-tapped all the homes in the area and we were their POW if we got a government paycheck.  They are part of this high school rivalry which were fist fights with certain high schools in the 1980s; the DC-VA area erupted in violence.  The FBI-Police were blaming the Presbyterians for the death of my mom and also their rapid decline from the 1960s-1990s.  By then the communists were losing everywhere and so were the Catholics, America was bursting at the seams. 

So now we have a total picture of how things play out from the Vietnam War to how the 1980s changes both National Security and the FBI-Police in America.   They now want to use General Hamblen and Diana as a buffer for a marriage of the FBI-Police in America and my partnership with Ann Coulter has impeded their progress or profits.  As I said, I had a very religious experience in 1988-1989 and had to seek both professional help and even went to Bible class.  I also have had very close near life experiences on motorcycles, in water, in the ocean with nobody there (Perfect Storm), etc.  For several months, I enrolled in a program paid by General Hamblen (Approximately $6000 in 1989) and it included seclusion and Bible Study.  This is where I learned how to meditate for hours before I began martial arts and lethal hand to hand combat.  All of my training was on a private level paid by our church or through private funds; such as the family union with Ann Coulter and her father in CT.  The bottom line is the Catholics just won’t stop!  Once the gates of hell are open, it is a fight to the death.  All of them were indicted on May 22, 2020; and they owe restitution for this fight to the death.  We caught the SOB who killed my mom and are responsible for the violence in America and the 1960s communist invasion.  This invasion and fall of the capital occurred around 1980-2001.  It also occurred at the FBI, CIA, and Pentagon; all offices of the FBI-Police related to this secret Protestant-Catholic civil war to capture, kill, or torture.  They are not only barnstorming our offices and life partnership, they are sabotaging all aspects of this case and their captures, kill, or torture.  Now we know who killed my mom and all of these people; bodies everywhere.  Now they claim they (FBI-Police) are too poor and do not have money for any settlement or deadlines; they care and only want to help.  They also did everything we told them to do.

Therefore, this is about the 1960s and the desegregation of the American Civil War from 1860-2020.  It spans almost 200 years and includes the British, Germans, Irish, and the Catholic Church of communism and violence.  One of those factors is firearms and manufacturing capacity; which the 1980s have proven to be “non-combat” or Post World War II manufacturing, primarily electronics and parts.  During the 1960s, Britain and German undergo enormous Cold War changes as the rise of the Communist forces terrorizes governments across the globe and there is no way to stop them, none.  The Germans and Americans were using this frontline to determine how long they would last in a foot race to Britain; similar to World War II.  The war in the Pacific is what really killed the communists and Catholic forces in Europe as electronics and SATWAR begins to dominate the next century and my introduction of it in 1989-1998 when I quit college and re-enter stronger, faster, and rebuilt exactly like the Terminator had been built, “Gentlemen, we can rebuild him.”  I carry the torch and the legacy of the Terminator program at the Pentagon; also the SATWAR, one in the same.  We have not been able to open the program due to problems with the FBI-Police on duty, my mom, and this problem with made in America, The Navy, and the Catholic Church, Germans, and Japanese allies.  Desegregation is actually about Asia and not Europe now; this takes place in California and Virginia only and the Pentagon DoDDEA (base school system and single or dating clubs on Catholic ships or bases, base closings).  It also has to do with the Saudi Embassy in and around the DC-VA area, or schools.  They still remain vigilant as our fan club, our official voice or attorneys, and are between me and my life partner because they are now in love with the both of us and what they did has driven a severe wedge in their integrated school dating clubs for porn stars, gays, and future terrorists and felons bursting at the seams.  All they do is blame other people, claim they are our victims, and paralyze and wreck everything including Trump and real estate.  Did they wreck and collapse America, hit reset?    They have the dumbest of the dumb at the Catholic Church handling our case and this is why it is a disaster or never any cleanup, only welfare and immigration.  This was the exact same dating club, total losers.  They have people who don’t even speak English and with SAT scores below 800 in charge and on duty; finishing off where their “undercover brothers” left off!  Now they think they are Delta Force families and this club of desperate wives at the Pentagon or under Trump; violence and severe abuse is their key operative; also severe stupidity which they want to prove in war or violence on US soil.

Note:  Technically, I did not meet Ann at an embassy party in Vietnam; I met her through our church, an arranged marriage.  Once she popped up, I knew it was her, my lifetime partner!  I used to confuse Ann with other girls, often.  This is why I was upset with her often and there were a lot of hit and misses.  I did see pictures of those embassy parties at the Saigon embassy during the 1960s, one was General Hamblen and my father.  My father is the only living member of the Agent Orange program in the early 1960s.  However, there are other Generals who worked with my father.  One is General Olenchuck, a four start General; whom I met at a Xmas party in the 1970s.  He sent Christmas cards yearly until one day, they stopped arriving.  Not long after George W. Bush began sending them, I cannot say it was him; only the return address and a White House seal.  Another General who worked with my father in Vietnam is General Schwarzkopf, my mentor during the Persian Gulf War.  General Schwarzkopf had a similar story to tell about getting wounded and his career in Vietnam.  There was a love-hate relationship until the Persian Gulf War, especially if you were wounded in combat.  I learned most if not all of my strategic bombing strategies under the tutelage of General Schwarzkopf; similar to how General Hamblen and my father used to do this in the Saigon embassy.  Therefore, the 1987 movie, “Above the Law” is a correct depiction of the embassy in Saigon and the good times they used to have there even if they were in hell and fighting it out.  I knew this was about the OSS and the original members, the founders of the CIA at the Pentagon.  They took their first step onto the battlefield the same way I did in 1989, it was a brand new theater and the work was enormous.

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My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.