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Wednesday, October 28, 2020


They claim we are getting closer, very fair.  Each incident is closer to their goals, equality.  They are equals, not trash.  They are very important from start to end.  They are not overworking us, we refuse to leave.  They are more important than solving this case.  They are VIPs now!!!  Everybody at the FBI is denying it and avoiding the stupid answers, brilliant mental illness and more written threats, while they try to hook up with us or make VIP advertisement and VIP propaganda for their VIP cash cows!  Everybody in the world including the intelligence agencies around the globe demand the answers to all the questions, except the FBI and police on duty.  They claim they are too hurt and in love VIPs; unable to perform and crying with loved ones.  We are attacking loved ones and they are just too weak now and everybody is crazy and refuses to go away like VIPs!  This is why so many people are dead and why this gets worse; infallible and only the VIP good guys.  The problem is far worse than the US government and the FBI is reporting.  By focusing on two main characters, they made everything wrong and laid the groundwork for a takeover or a coverup of the terror plots.  Instead of solving crime, they were lured and faithfully doing the walk of shame in a very conceited and arrogant manner.  Even after they admitted their work was very poor and their people even slouchy poor quality, they were still full of spite, dogma, and trying to indoctrinate people who were independent thinkers or high quality thinkers.  We call this an ape or an asshole.  Regardless, they remained beggars and the same SOB cop hounding us 24-7 in an attempt to save their own self-preservation while they sacrificed us and America; their religious jealousy.  In the end, they kept on focusing on two people who was forced to do their work or get destroyed by their lack of quality and self-destruction; they were the human explosive strapped to our body for nearly thirty years.  So that is how it got this way, an explosive pack was strapped to him when he got kidnapped and it is just an easier job because we are in love, BOOM-BOOM!  They are very important and we need to keep this very special moment with them, forever.  We must cry together and we must speak our minds if we are ever going to solve Middle East problems.


This is how serious they take terrorism, mental illness!  Oh wait; did they have Biden or Trump on their shoulder after Obama?  That is who killed all of these people in America, their very serious high quality work and error checking!  But wait, it is still a mess!  How do we kill it with one stone, yes one stone only?  How many stones did they use?  Now they are worried and in our dwelling because they are not FBI VIPs or busted?  Please come to my dwelling you sexy ass VIPs, I got someone for your ass!  Was coming to my dwelling and picking a fight good advice or a check for $90 billion, a coverup bribe?  This VIP-FBI SOB whose inhaled and missing brain cells, are still using worthless “white privileges” and all kinds of property rights to defend Middle East terrorism!  One moment they are on our shoulder milking us for making lemonade out of all their sour lemons; then they act like they are on Viagra 24 hours a day and the cobwebs are coming back!  As ingenious as they are, “we treat everybody the same and we do not discriminate against anybody… we are not racists…” their worthless super low quality VIP attitude keeps complaining and acting like they are God and in control of every facet of our life and their appalling behavior turns out to be Al Qaeda VIPs and this is how we caught them or built this mouse trap they claim never did catch them because they are superior and in total control.  But in one stroke of the pen, all of this can go away and they do not like what I write only when they read the ending and did all of this for no damn reason but that worthless pot smoking Penthouse pose they continue to keep practicing in the most annoying VIP ways imaginable.  One of us is legally deaf while the other is legally dumb but so in control and sexy for very angry sex after all of these years.  Now they claw and fight, stampede like a herd of animals, and go right off the cliff!  They want to know who did this and are mad as hell about who would herd them right off the cliff.  Who is radicalizing VIPs and the world, caught in our copyrighted material?  Why didn’t they read and say, “I don’t know but it sounds like a really good idea.”  Why didn’t I say the same?


Not only are they super VIPs in the land of dwarfs and midgets, they need us so mad because they are so mad, they are making house calls, $90 billion and this FBI VIP agency who is full of spite, terrified, full of dogma, and don’t have a clue what to do but refuse to shut up and go away.  So that is how it ended, who will shut up and go away and who will get defunded and why?  Even if they were an explosive pack strapped to us, they acted as if they were very comfortable with each other and we were the oddball or the arrogant little SOB always threatening them, “go away, shut up, leave us alone, this is not your time or place, we hate you, you are ugly, stop pandering, etc.”  That human parasitic mess turned our life into the soup bowl they needed for nourishment and this is why we had to work our bones off just to get them where they are now, encircled and refusing to shutdown or defund themselves.  Even when crippled by public intolerance for their lack of crime fighting abilities and jovial back-slapping corruption and lies, they never had every single answer we wanted or needed.  They only gave us what we needed so the blame could be deflected away from them, similar to a blast wave.  They also never reported they were a human parasite pretending as if they were our boyfriend or girlfriend; instead they tried to hide the entire ape like tricks with their “secret service protection scam.”  Have you figured out everything they tried and everything they failed or blew up in their worthless faces?  They are so scared now, read it.  They want a baby.


This is how they made house calls and tampered with evidence or witnesses.  Therefore, they tried many ways to conceal the obvious, a human explosive pack strapped to two bodies while they focused only on those two bodies without any intent on solving crime or stopping the killings and massacres.  Now they pander like assholes about being defunded or how terrified they are.  The problem is nobody can impeach or fire them, even if they are the human explosive pack strapped to our body for decades.  What is going to end this?  How is it going to end?  Why haven’t they censored the FBI and the total mess they made, it is still a total mess!  What will cause that mess to go away, INSTANTLY?  They need those answers for liability when the FBI is defunded and shutdown; quality control and rape mongers; what mind control and brainwashing?  They think they are FBI agents and VIPs!  They don’t want to talk to us and think they are FBI agents now, it is our sweet equity; she is really cute when she goes boom!  We always turn work into pleasure, why try it with us?  Who does not want to have sex with an FBI agents or a group sex with many of them daily, are they gay?  So they are going to do this until they kill everybody or will die trying to convince everybody it was not them, infallible!  What a superior strategy and a 24 hour annoyance, public mind control!  Why would we want to defund the FBI or make sure all of them are penniless?  The VIPs at the FBI are still trying to figure out if “shut up and go F yourself before I stuff a Hurricane up your F’in ass” is actually good advice or more mental illness?  They stand on the shoulder of that VIP but they do not know if it is good advice or true!  Now they must answer every single question for the families of terrorism and face $90 billion file they pander or try to do a Penthouse spread because they do not know if it is VIP or just good advice, not racist.  So how do I get their IQ and badge number if they are Al Qaeda VIPs, serious?  Why didn’t I follow any of their advice or their demands?  Why or how did it get this way?  I can clean this up or they can work 24-7 and clean all of this up, then go to jail and then get defunded or killed in some clandestine war once I find out who the hell they are and why they keep doing this and got busted.  VIPs?  What clandestine war?  What hostile climate and what criminal stalking, it is mental illness only!  They don’t discriminate against anybody and they treat everybody the same, is that the problem or the solution?  They still want a baby, so in love!


In 2008, I put President Obama into power with the hopes a lot of this craziness would end.  Up until now, I only heard what they wanted but never could identify who they were or why they were doing it.  By now it devastated me.  It devastated me enough for me to begin closing up shop and fleeing to a new nation, without Ann.  Ann and I discussed what our best move is because this clandestine war has to end and the finger pointing or the blame game has to stop.  Do I support Obama’s politics?  No, not really but I did not mind him as the President if it would stop this and give Ann and I a chance in life.  Ann said not long after on Fox Knows, “there is just too much suffering already, this has to end.”  Therefore, my first attempt to defund the FBI and the police ragging us out starts to become our own demise, they intend on dividing us in two and destroying us in two equal but separate parts.  I had no idea how to end this or how to catch them in 2008 or 2011.  What I knew was what they told me and I wanted to chip away and dispel everything they said to me or about me; endless attacks on both Ann and I.  When you go through the notes, keep in mind I wanted to send a message to those who did this!  They were not only wrong about me but they were gravely wrong about Ann.  So that is why I put Obama into power and told Ann I need him in power, my first attempt to end this and to force them into closure; $100 million in settlement.  Did it work or did they make this ten or a thousand times worse?  It is in the records and all of my attempts to right the ship and put an immediate end to this; I knew and I saw everything so it was not as if I did not know what I was doing.  Now it is personal.  If they were going down swinging, I thought I would tell them, “you are so wrong about me and you are so wrong about my work and life, just shut up and go away.  You obviously got the wrong guy!”  So what does that tell you about the 2020 election and who or what I am doing to put someone in power and put an end to this finally?  It is a toss-up, anybody can win it now, agree?  They burned me once, my fault.  They burn me twice, it is nobody’s fault.  It is time to defund everything and anything about this mess before it kills America and us with it.


The FBI illegal wiretap said to me “we are done, this is over.”  Odd, they did this to me and my family.  Then they did it to this other politician they do not fear yet.  Odd, I never got a chance to meet my sister in law and my brother has brain damage from the same car accident the “other white guy who did it.”  Then Ann knows who killed my mom around the same time and I vowed to my brother and sister I would find her killer if that SOB is on earth.  So what does the FBI do?  They recall a story they told me about their grandmother using sex while a POW to survive.  Oddly, they did a pretty good job on my partner in life too; thank you FBI on duty, did you shut down our fan site as you promised or your illegal wiretap?  Maybe this war will defund you eventually?  Maybe you want damage control so nobody can find out which one of you actually coordinated these attacks?  Maybe you think you still control and run America, as you are doing in my dwelling at this time; run your mouth 12.5 times an hour while you refuse to pay a dime.  Maybe you can blame her, yes that dumbass sorry slut?  Didn’t her granny give free blowjobs for self-preservation?  Yes this war on US soil is over when you say it is over, you are in control and there is just nothing I or anybody else can do about you FBI agents and cops.  I think you overestimate the card hand God has given you and you still underestimate the deck that God gave me; you will never take the good out of America because when you do or try, I will put you back in your place and throw your Genie bottle so far in the ocean, nobody will ever find you again.  As far as your endless death threats, been there and done that; Generals either thrive in war or they become faded memories.  Do you know who and what I am yet?  After nearly three decades, have you finally figured out who exactly you kidnapped or did this to?  The guy who will defund you and the one who will visit you in federal jail, a ghost in your memory, so be very careful what you do or say while you are on the tax payer dollars; I am very fragile and I am scared easily.  You must be the same but even tougher?  Oh you are a victim of this too!  Then you better have every answer before you are defunded and go to jail.  How do you know I or anybody destroyed you in a clandestine war?  America destroyed you, want a war?


If they have and had any sense of self-preservation or deserve any self-determination, then they can shut up and cry in someone else’s dwelling, go away; it is inevitable!  The best solution that is perfect is shut up and goes away.  If it does not say to cry in your enemy’s bedroom or fan site, then don’t try to cry or win your case with your stonewalling tactics and violent restraint!    Yes it is too late now, you want to die and you refuse to go away!  Your FBI manual does not tell you to exclude the public while you break into people’s home and cry about why your legs are still open and offering.  Just shut down or shut up, pay the price tag and go away before you are defunded and forced into jail for more stupidity and arrogance unlimited.  The problem with the FBI-Police is their fan site and illegal wiretap.  There is a line in the sand and averaging 12.5 violations on an hourly basis is asking for war!  What if they end up going to jail and being defunded?  What if my protection order on them is instead a warrant for their arrest and I never have to deal with their selfish arrogance or clandestine war and hostile environment?  What if they die in jail like a caged bird that has to wear a diaper for the rest of their life?  By worsening the problem and by using their sorry slut stonewalling tactics, they in essence seal their fate.  Now it is about the price tag and they act as if currency is their god and the referee who snatches them off the battlefield and flies them to an ivory tower where they will live as Kings and Queens for the rest of their life.  I find that a presumptuous fantasy and a delusion.  I find their mouth to be so full of delusions that they are incapable of administering restraint and self-punishment; do the right thing.  I am convinced they are the devil and a parasite to the American public and public safety.  These are the same “Right to Life” and “Right to Vote” or “Right to Free Speech” problem with their legal school and police authority.  This is not a classroom and their inability to impose restraint is coordinated stupidity.  There is no solution to stupidity or evil, none; hence, there is a price tag of $90 billion and still no solution or error checking.  Instead it is that water boy that thinks they are in control, not a tyrant, so warm and bubbly, a gold digging God creature, and a cobweb of claims about why they cannot close their mouth or their legs.  How many times can a human being declare bankruptcy or moral bankruptcy before the death penalty has to be imposed and their expulsion from US soil is mandatory?  This is America, please shut up and goes away; the end; we had a great life and we had a superior life plan, now all stolen!  Next will be systematic revolt and Presidential Predator strikes from official US authority!  How about a little restraint and a little less stupidity of the mouth and foot?  There is no cure for arrogance either, only death and liberty!  The mental illness hustle blew up in their faces also; did anything else, such as “hit the gas and floor it, it’s too late!”  The FBI must be defunded on the terms of self-preservation instead of self-determination.   They act like a dead cat but the mouth has not died yet nor the stubborn arrogance.  The FBI will be back next week, back in the saddle with perseverance and determination; I promise.


What exactly are the Quartering Acts and why are they such a problem with the FBI-Police?  The FBI does not have the ability or the jurisprudence to wage war or tax the public for their wars.  It is a process that involves many legislative bodies and it does not involve other governments unless they are invoked to fight the wars of and for America.  The Boston Tea Party was the result of the Quartering Acts during times of peace and a civilian population whom felt bullied.  This obligation is the abuse of the FBI illegal wiretap while their attempts to evict veterans or noble causes fighting despotism and tyranny among the police ranks, is the result of the widespread revolts and unease with the police ranks.  We have to distinguish several criteria before they grab more explicit and implicit powers because they are desperate and in a life and death situation.  The sorry sluts at the FBI average 12.5 violations per hour on an eight hour shift; factor in three shifts every twenty four hours of the tax payers hard earned money is used to hustle and scam their way to power and fame.  How exactly is the FBI manipulating, usurping, and even corrupting the powers of the Constitution by focusing on only a few facts and not the totality of facts?  We call this police tactic "nit-picking" or "crematoria bias."  There was a case in 1816 called McCulloch v. Maryland when the state of Maryland tried to tax the Second Bank of the United States.  Thus the Supreme Court invoked the implied powers of the federal government while those not explicitly stated, were delegated to the states to decide.  The implied Powers Clause does not suggest any state power is legal, it says there are rules to the implicit and explicit powers of the federal government and the state governments when called to challenge their meaning.  In this case, police powers do not exceed state or federal jurisdictional powers by granting immunity to any being who claims to be God; the judge, jury, and executioner because all delegated powers of the Constitution must face judicial scrutiny as granted by a "balanced authority" of three legislative branches.  No two branches can overpower the other and no single branch can invoke implicit or explicit authority when it hinders the liberties of the government and the people.  In the case of McCulloch v. Maryland, any state who tried to tax the federal government, a form of mandatory pork, would incite civil discourse and possibly a widespread revolt.  Therefore, greed and pure evil is their penchant and now perch.


If stealing my marriage and stealing my lawyer and copyrighted material was not the last and final straw, I am happy to report the Veteran’s Administration has informed me the FBI-Police illegal wiretap is now trying to steal my military record and steal my veteran benefits!  First, they obtain my military records or made up all kinds of incriminating evidence using this notion nobody would ever find out if they framed me for all this and hustle a mental illness and Baker Act frivolous claim.  Now they try to double-down some more with my Veteran benefits and stripping me of all my Veteran status.  How did they obtain my military information or obtain such vital information about me, Bible-Belt Police work?  The only way anybody is able to steal my identity or Veteran benefits are to break into some vault or use some form of police access or total access to acquire the information.  How did they obtain my military record, my Veteran benefits, and put me in such a horrendous scenario we may end up with nuclear war or some form of global world war?  So not only are they denying my only security in life, my marriage, my lawyer, my life plans, etc. in a diminished or incapacitated form controlled and contorted by decades of abuse, attacks, brainwashing around the clock, etc.  They now block my Veteran benefits and try to humiliate and dishonor me among my peers and the global military community.  How much more shame or egotistical carnage do I or others have to take before some governing authority puts a foot on their neck and says, “not this time?”  So far, they have run amuck unchecked; the toll is the official record and a price tag of $90 billion unpaid.  They did all of this and still refuse to pay a cent.  Our existence on earth and the duty of the US government or any other government is to tell them to shut up and go away; do they know their police duties?


Now here is a list of the somber reality from 1998-2020.  How many days have I worked researching and spending at least 12 hours a day seeking justice from those who were sacrificed so the good will not be taken away from America?  The answer is too many.  How many birthdays have I had?  Zero.  How many Christmas’s have I had?  One with my family in 2004.  How many years did my income exceed $30,000?  How many vacations have I taken?  How many times have I gone to a restaurant?  How many times did I go to a bar?  All of these factors indicate the malicious and vindictive nature of the FBI and those on duty.  Now the other somber reality, how about Ann if she is my partner; how many did the FBI-Police phony up in order to make my life a living hell?  How many times did they blame Ann for making my life a living hell?  How many of the somber reality did they consider or ever consider before they refused to shut up and go away?  That is just one part of the somber reality, look at the talent they took away and look at their IQ or worthless talent as the police.  The list is endless, now is the list of all the birthdays, Christmas, dinners, family get together, celebrations, opportunities in life, etc.  that was stolen or was the result of theft.  How do I as a victim give them the gift of goodness when I too got it taken from me?  How?  They are a monster that just does not shut up and go away, regardless of the somber reality and their reality; $90 billion price tag and no end in sight but defund the FBI.  So the sorry sluts live on, it is just too late now for destiny and fate.  That is the reality behind their cover ups and shut up and goes away; they come to us, we never went to them!  What is the FBI’s official statement on October 29, 2020, “Oh my God, we are going to be convicted for this, just leave it is our money!”  Hey maybe they can add even more outrageous behavior and stupid sorry sluts, “I don’t know what I would do if I were you but I would start with finding a job (2009).”  That is their official statement when it is about blood, sweat, and now tears; how they make life a living hell for everybody!  They still boast about how they are the God or the clandestine government that made us what we are.  The product sells itself, no thank you!  They remain vigilante and shocked by all the attention and awe, trying to steal another needle out of the haystack, still insisting we are suspicious and the criminals in their life!


Total Death Toll, US Civil War:                                     650,000

Average Month Death, US City:                               300+ and still fluctuating due to the police politics

Total Death Toll, Ruby Ridge:                                      3

Total Death Toll, Waco, TX:                                          80

Total Death Toll, Oklahoma City:                                168

Total Death Toll, 1997 Capital Shooting:                  13

Total Death Toll, September 11, 2001:                     Undisclosed

Total Death Toll, Columbine Shooting:                    12

Total Death Toll, Virginia Tech 2007:                         32

Total Death Toll, Sandy Hook CT:                               26

Total Death Toll, Boston Marathon:                         3, 260 wounded

Total Death Toll, Parkland FL:                                      17, 17 injured

Total Death Toll From 2008-2015:                              Undisclosed

Total Death Toll, Las Vegas Shooting:                      59, 600 injured


Total Number of Terrorism Deaths Global in 1997: 


Feb 23, 1997 Empire State Building                           1

Feb 25, 1997 Urumqi, China                                         9, 74 injured

March 13, 1997 Israel-Jordan border                       7, 6 injured

March 21, 1997 Tel-Aviv                                                3, 46 injured

March 21, 1997  Budgram, India                                 7

April 22 , 1997    Lima, Peru                                           17

July 15, 1997       Colombia                                             30

July 30, 1997       Jerusalem                                           18

Sept 04, 1997     Havana Hotel                                     1, 11 injured

Sept 18, 1997     Bosnia Bombing                                                0, 40 injured

Oct 15, 1997        Sri Lanka Bombing                           15, 105 injured

Oct 22, 1997        Ituango Massacre                            15

Nov 17, 1997      Egyptian Temple Massacre          62

Dec 21, 1997       Patascoy, Colombia                         11, 18 kidnapped

Dec 22, 1997       Acteal Mexico                                   45

Dec 27, 1997       Belfast IRA POW Execution          1


When they do not know what they are doing, they know the laws.  When they do not know what they are doing, they can read our material and respond.  When they did not know what they are doing, they lecture instead of listen.  When they do not know what they are doing, it turns into terrorism and more crazy propaganda for human sacrifices.  When they do not know what they are doing, they disagree.  When they do not know our story or life partnership, they are in love.  When they do not know what they are doing, they refuse to admit they are wrong or totally crazy; sorry sluts.  When they do not know what they are doing, it is too late and knows it is us.  When they do not know what they are doing, everybody is crazy and guilty.  When they do not know what they are doing, they are victims and everybody is threatening them.  When they do not know what they are doing, they get horny and want a baby for our story, no thank you.  When they do not know what they are doing, they know it is a race war and a trade war; skin in the game or human sacrifices.  When they do not know what they are doing, it is a pullout and more sniper fire.  When they do not know what they are doing, this gets better and better for them only.  When they do not know what they are doing, they refuse to debug or error check their work; all stonewalling and lip service, intimidation and harassment around the clock as they conduct damage control.  When they do not know what they are doing, the death toll and the violence is maximum or highest.  When they do not know what they are doing, they do not know if anybody got this right or know who did it and does not know what they are doing!  When they do not know what they are doing, it is a fog of many clandestine wars and a hostile climate; shut up and go away.  So with all of these mistakes or sorry slut existence, what is the truth about our existence if our only existence is life and death on earth; is it shut up and goes away still?  So what has changed from 1998 to 2020?  Someone is telling them to shut up and go away, human sacrifice.  They not only knew the problem, they knew what race was telling them to shut up and go away; even religion!  Did the white guy do it or is it the white girl, the real sorry sluts?  Ask the public if they want them to shut up and go away; they know the laws!  How did they know what they are doing or not while they were the judge, jury, and now the executioners of our fate?  Our fate is inevitable, is it too late?  We determine our fate, self-determinism; do they know what they are doing?  The biggest punch on this earth hit you again, even harder this time!


Whenever the topic is global terrorism, there is no control or control factors; international lawlessness.  Whenever the topic is domestic terrorism, we begin to see mismatches in data; control measures.  We have to ask if these control measures go beyond a room or property.  We have to ask if this control measure is at the FBI.  We have to ask who can utilize or impose these control measures, such as Interpol or Intelligence agencies.  We have to ask who is powerful enough to do this under the guise of an FBI-Police hustle.  When we count how many times the FBI illegal wiretap is told to shut up and go away, the numbers are drop dead gorgeous and striking!  On average, they are told to go away or shut up 12.5 times per hour.  On an aggregate scale, the FBI and the protectors of our liberty and freedom, commit criminal stalking 100 times per eight hour shift.  Therefore, it is feasible to conclude that 100 or 500 incidents occur on a daily basis.  When they are defunded for the terror plots and criminal stalking, they must present overwhelming evidence to appease the public why their tax dollars are now defrauding the very basis of why we exist on earth; shut up and go away.  That is life and that is their life; it is not my copyright material and it is not my partner either.  This is not our life work and we are not criminal stalkers or a lunatic terror plot on an illegal wiretap.  If they want to stand before the public and decry foul play, then do it on their own time and not while on the clock or abusing police powers.  There is a total mismatch even if the “White Guy Did It.”  There is a total mismatch in data sets and where they are getting their data from, is it all myth?  We even get mismatch when we place “white privileges, the what guy did it, the half-white guy did it, the half non-white guy did it, etc.” and apply property rights or real estate law.  The basis of property rights and real estate, a system of banking and assets, is the cornerstone of the FBI and all other police agencies.  This is the glue that holds all states in the union, it is the sticky ground that glues our national security and defense, and it is now the glue that is unraveling the terror plots in the Middle East, America, and the every nation state impacted by this form of propaganda, human sacrifices.  Who the hell is this crazy and guilty while on duty, under the guise of the public tax payer?


Their objective is to take everything we have and how they do it is not seen by the naked eye.  It is how to destroy the mind of a human being.  Is it love?  Is it hate?  Is it their story?  Is it their home or their property?  Whose money is it?  Whose copyrighted material is this?  Why are you in their copyright material, did you shut up and go away?  How much does it cost a human being to shut up and go away?  None of these events, none of them, can happen or link one state to the next, unless someone is protected by the police and is doing this intentionally.  Who is doing this intentionally and refusing to shut up and go away?  Nothing can happen if that single rule of life is obeyed or strictly enforced, so it is a police mistake.  They claim it is a race or gender problem, threats.  They claim they are the victims, total lies and invisible criminal stalking.  They claim it is about Baker Acts and firearms, it is not.  None of this can occur or happen unless someone commits an act of criminal stalking because the pieces are all glued together by the lack of reporting, cooking the books, and waiting for someone to take this to the police or report it.  The problem with reporting it and someone reading it, is how it grows.  Once it grows, we know they are reading it and they are responding to it; how do we know they are first responders?  How do we know they read the material and they know our biography, however, their intent is malicious; take everything we have and leave her and him destitute and without their life plans?  How do we know this?  How do they know this?  How does everybody know our story or life plans?  So this is why they got one billion or several billion complaints, they do not know our life plans or our copyrighted material.  If they did, then they undermined it and this is criminal stalking.  There are no other outcomes, only a need based excuse, survival.  Their existence is being threatened by the existence of another race, ideology, cold war, copyrighted material, partnership, marriage, bigger show, etc.  Earth is shut up and go away.  Aliens are shut up and go away.  The police are shut up and go away.  Books are shut up and go away.  The media is shut up and go away.  God himself is hush your damn military or army or else I will shut up and make you go away!  That is our God on earth, is it their God?  The white girl and white guy says they know this and know how crazy they are and have been!


When we analyze 2020 and ask what is different or was different with 2008 or 1998, one thing is certain.  It does not cost a cent to shut up and go away.  It does not cost a cent to respect the rights or the privacy of others.  It does not cost a cent to leave a man and a woman along while they live their life or try to win back what was taken.  This has nothing to do with the man or the woman in the copyrighted material.  It is the epicenter.  It is the witnesses to the complaint.  It is the area where all of this is taking place or talking, but if it was them, then it cannot be mental illness.  If it was them, then nobody is hiding behind one or both of them.  We see the white guy hiding behind them.  We see the white girl hiding behind them.  We see the most violent humans of the 1960s hiding behind them and claiming the white guy did it.  How much money did it cost in 1998 to shut up and go away?  How much money did it cost in 2008 to shut up and go away?  How much money is it going to take now in 2020 to do what was basic and elementary in 1998, at a far greater cost than ever?  Oddly, the relocations and “state hopping” ceases.  Oddly, there aren’t one or two addresses per year.  Oddly, the data now sounds like the problem with shoot-up and go away is real and was real, no longer mental illness.  So we can go back to any data set from 1998 to 2008 to 2020 and ask the FBI the same problem with wiretaps.  If you had an illegal wiretap on them, when did you shut up and go away?  So where did this go wrong and why are you giving both of them lip service while you refused to shoot-up and go away at a much greater price than it was previously, “too late” or is it “too guilty?”  That is criminal stalking and the moment it is traced, we will get our 911 terror plot; where did it go wrong?  When it is too late, we do not know what we are doing, we disagree, we want to die, we are in love, we know exactly what he is doing, he won’t leave, we are married, etc. We know that is criminal stalking and not mental illness.  Each time they refused to shoot-ups and go away is another criminal stalking charge.


There are phases of personality in our youth.  The social periods are at the highest from high school to college.  Marriage and friends tend to be finalized in our most social periods of life.  After I went to Virginia Tech, I stopped drinking and marijuana use.  I felt it was the result of people whom I did try to separate myself from in my final year of high school when I began to worry about my grades and how I managed my personal life.  I began to lose focus and begin to worry about the drama of girls, friends, parties, social elites, etc.  This was the end of my frat like lifestyle; however, I went to almost every party at Virginia Tech.  Therefore, the massacre could be about drugs and the school shootings could be about violence in drugs and not violence in high school.  This is why the purchase of the weapons is a big controversy.  Also, the seclusion and the focus do cause social problems with girls and friends.  Is there a perfect formula?  No.  Is there any suspicion when someone is not married by age 30 or 40?  Yes.  Regardless, they kept on trying to sell me drugs or teach me how to be a murderous rotten imbecile they could toy with for total access.


These hindrances in this very social period in life typically stress drugs, alcohol, suicide, depression, and what I call the movie “Sixteen Candles.”  The movie Grosse Point Blank is about a hitman who returns to his high school reunion.  Therefore, whoever is in my residence now and was in my residence during these years 2020, 2017, 2015, 2007, etc. knows this is about drugs and the DC-VA area.  This climate or this wild lifestyle is what will cause my 1989 mental breakdown and how I met Ann when she helped me get back on my feet.  It was not my personality or how I was, it was the wild frat like life I had that led to my ultimate demise; I reverted back to my straight A days and normalizing my life with was nearly impossible because someone is diagnosing crazy things; they do not know my story or know what they are doing.  I was not a social hermit and I was not seeking anymore females in my life.  Therefore, they are blocking me and fighting me in order to prevent an arrest, not saying I am resisting arrest.  In preventing an arrest, they end up creating a total mess and they wreck up both Ann and I; our copyrighted material.  Who knew?


You have to wonder if someone who is so athletic and so perfect with words would be in a shoving match or verbal altercation with any FBI officer, if so many people are getting killed.  We can count the verbal altercations and ask if anybody was on duty or thought maybe to censor or cap the verbal chit-chat if this was about safety or people getting killed.  It is too late now but the fact nobody else is keeping records shows us of this lack of censorship when their suspicions are so meaningful and so precise.  Furthermore, this idea they are the poster girl for the Charmin toilet paper commercials does not coincide with their “I’m walking down the catwalk and I got a gun, want some of this…” mentality.  Maybe they agree or disagree but we can go back and count how many times they said sorry and how many times they acted responsibly if so many people were killed and this hostile environment and killing field is just sorry and more of the same clandestine war.  Did it occur to them to censor the hostile environment or at least pull the plug on their ridiculous fan site while 75% of their day is spent on being chased off the copyrighted material and saying sorry?  That does not leave very much time to solve crime or rectify any errors.  What errors?  How many errors are we talking about and how many sorriest sounds do we have to document or censor before another outbreak of communism, ignorant violence, or lack of error and safety attacks America and the public sector again?  How about censor their filthy mouth and force them to close their legs; or defund the FBI either or.




Why are they being defunded?  Is it the amount of material they have made?  Is it how above it all or the power trip all of them are on, their paygrade and VIP paygrades?  Or is it the crony system they run, life at their fingertips?  They act like domestic servants who carry guns and have the arrogance of football moms.  However, when it comes to war and when it comes to taking them serious, they resemble clowns looking for a date.  So why would anybody defund them on grounds of national security and how much of a mess they made?  Now they must shift through the entire pile of junk their mouth and pride has pooped out and have every single answer when they defraud the public and are defunded!  You would think they would just be quiet and clean up their EMS ambulance chasing mess; but now it is about their pride and their mouth, “he is too emotional, he does not want to leave, she does not need him, the white guy did this, everybody knows it is us, we are dead and he will be too if he does not stay out of our way, we run the show and this is about our money and not your fan site, etc.”  The game theory now is win-win, loose-loose, win-lose; do we know the formula for defunding the FBI or the giant mountain of the 1960s?  It is a mountain of spite, dogma, and illegal recruitment now.  In their linguistics class it is a “romance story” nobody understands because it is skin clad hope.  The truth is we spend 75% of our life trying to run them over, yell at them, insult them, and encircling them.  How much of their time do they spend dusting dirt off their clothing so the bitch wagon eats tonight?


Now a giant steaming mountain of something, all the material out of their mouth is crap and the giant pile they now have to sift through and clean up.  If they refuse, they will be defunded!  If they do not have every damned answer or get off their power trip, they will go to jail for failure to hang with the big boys and crushed by their sandwich maker career fighting crime on the highest levels, a circus of hell-no stars.  Yes the ugly duckling strikes again and now they made a giant mess and claim it is just too much crap and material, too late!  The reality is how many people did they have to destroy or murder before they could cover up a terror plot and a kidnapping?  Now it is all attitudes, how well did they clean it up before they are defunded and penniless?  Idea, less lip service and more quality police!  If the white guy did it, do they get defunded?  Have they figured out what all of this dating game and murder-mayhem is about?  Nobody wants to chat with them and is using the internet to block them or slam the door on their faces; so they are using murder and the same dating game on the internet to scare people because this is how they level the playing field.  Meanwhile, the FBI “English speaking agents” are jealous because they have a surplus watching people or listening to people chatting online and it hurts their feelings when their cyber units have to listen to people talk about them and they do crazy things like they are because they are the Virginia Tech side of this entire matter.  Here we go again, it is just them walking down the catwalk, they don’t want to hear it.  This  is their story and wedding, need not apply.


That is how it began and how it turned into terrorism around DC-VA and why now they try to say “The White Guy Did This” while they are the All-American jackass ugly duckling who is the same internet chat problem or have to listen to Ann and I chatting about them in derogatory ways because they refuse to tell the other side of this story!  Oh wait Gogovitch, my bad.  Yes they too scratch their balls so they can act like they are not the Virginia parasite we have to keep on talking to or the FBI agent who is crying or heard enough because it is just too late now, “he is too emotional and does not want to leave.”  Now the problem is how others are too emotional and they are still the other side of the copyrighted material, the Virginia Tech shooter parts.  That is what they did and are sorry about now, what is actually happening online and in the life of others, they have no control whatsoever and the surplus is stacking up mountains of bullshit.  That is the F’in loser at the FBI who keeps harassing the matter and acting All-American terror!  They will say and do anything to save their political jobs and dogma.  Every single day we are too emotional to the FBI and slam the door in their female faces that is how emotional we are with their politics also.  They prefer to look tough and above it all.  They better defund the spy nest before they go on more wiretap sprees or killing sprees!  They claim we have a big mouth and cannot behave, so they must approve of everything we do and write?  Is the FBI my book editors now?  Is this their copyright material?  Why do they claim they are my chick and domestic servant on steroids?  They made such a giant mess they claim they do not know what to do and it is too late, defunded already or inevitable jail and life sentences?  Now the domestic servant on duty claims they are in control, in love, and want to work with us; did they bother to ask us our opinion or if we agree?  We must be too emotional and run them over a thousand times a day, they agree now.


Can they guess who the weirdo stalker at Virginia Tech is or was?  The part they are not saying is how both Ann and I put them in panic mode if and when the topic was about dating.  Everything I did during the 1990s and 2000s was to panic them; however, they twisted it to suggest control and this grand inquisitor I could not trap or corner.  It was an elusive game they were doing and they twisted and contorted the facts so they could keep control and the kidnapping the way they wanted.  These girls were all used so that whoever was doing this was stuck in panic mode.  This is why I was upset with Ann when she began to do it.  However, we find out who was behind the dating games and turning their panic into a false arrest or Baker Act; the FBI.  So if they did make any comments or had their fingerprint on any of the dating games, then they know it was only to flush them out and make them panic.  Ann and I were almost inseparable from 1990-2015.  I had no idea the FBI was cornered and identified as an accomplished while they tried to split us in two for their conspiracy and coverup.  Therefore, there are two parts to this and they used one part only for the strawman coverup.  This is why they remain in my dwelling and still racking up charges and more illegal wiretap shutdown orders.  Everything we do is to panic them, nothing else, to expel them from our life and our residence.  Had this been Virginia Tech, they would be the weird foreigner constantly trying to sneak into our window or the upper reaches of the American spirit; the weirdo stalker other part of this.  It is just too late and we are just too emotional about this, not as tough as they are or as above it all.  The entire place has to be defunded and fake monkeys have invaded the entire catastrophe of their dogma and spite driven police work.  They are the violence in America and it will get more violent with them clinging on for dear life.  After thirty years of running them over and running their mouth, the FBI sits there all day long, “he is too emotional, everything is perfect, he is not the man in the house, we are not domestic servants and don’t want to hear this BS every day, shut up and go away; we had it.”  Biden’s cronies at the FBI are just as bad as Trump’s cronies, all so above it all.  Time to pullout or is it too late?


Have you noticed how they hide parts of this and how they act almost like Americans or honest?  The FBI claims they are a social class of minority beggars and nothing more.  They are trapped in a global sea of other crazy minorities and seek friends to survive this ordeal.  The ordeal is “the white guy did it.”  The public cannot find out or else they will die for their crimes, a family atmosphere and a categorization based on a trade war or race war.  Doesn't the FBI think their illegal wiretap and all of this secret terrorism dialogue, on their secret illegal wiretap, is not and never has been in their Operations Manual?  Why are they feeding people this political ideology on their illegal wiretap and why are annoyed minds questioning their motives?  There are very strict guidelines for any home invasion leave alone spread dogmatic political ideologies using abusive police powers because it is now a, “closed loop private dialogue among the friends network.”  The FBI illegal wiretap claim they do not know whose side of this copyrighted material is the Virginia Tech shooter part; is it my side, Ann’s side, our copyrighted material side, or the side that is crying and wants to talk to us because it is just too late now?  Now they place all of their bets on the white guy who did it, sink or swim?  True or false, they are only taking orders?  So where did they get their material from?  They need to pay careful attention who their source of information is or has been.


It is too late, they are not retarded, they claim we do not care, we refuse to leave or move, and they have not paid a cent but wrote an IOU for $90 billion dollars and they are still scratching their head on the tax payer’s dime!  Will they be saying “it is just too late” next week, next month, or next year?  So far, each year has been too late and they are in control and “The White Guy Did It,” just leave.  So the problem with the FBI has never been about stalking, unwanted attention, phony photos, a dating game, a trade war, a race war, the 1960s failure in economic real estate, the weird part of our copyrighted material, some loser pretending to be in love or got more game than anybody on earth, looks and feels perfect like a terror plot, etc.  Anything to save their jobs and political disaster!  They are fed up and heard enough now.  So why should the FBI be defunded, is there five, fifty, one hundred, or a thousand reasons and a bill for $90 billion of their pride and arrogance; dogma and spite?  The price tag goes up with each time they open their mouth, refuse to get on their knees, and bitch about how much of a mess they made and why they fear being defunded or arrested.  The quality is in the work and the story.  Clearly it is not their story and America is not their home!  This is only about friends, nobody else, police friends!  So there you have it.  The white guy did it and that is the giant mountain of the 1960s and the dogma, spite, and real estate at the FBI and the Middle East.  They got here because they took orders.  We need to know where their information or source came from and that is why they are the Virginia Tech part of the copyrighted material with Ann and me.  This is only our story; it had nothing to do with them, nothing still.  They claim it is our story but they do not know where they got the information from or the data set, whose copyrighted material is this?



It is mostly blood curling cussing and yelling at them, no bonding attempt or agent.  It is typically a twenty four hour routine, sunup to sundown, while they claim this is how they were taught to cover-up illegal wiretaps and terrorism.  Now they made up a new use for illegal wiretaps and dogmatic abuses of the police for training reasons, hurricane attacks.  The hurricane attacks are three additional treason charges they made up.  There is no science or written material, all made up dogma.  How long will their dogma last?  Dogma is the basis of communism, also spite and a sense of extreme hatred towards any human who does not have this dogma.  How long can they do this on the illegal wiretap before the public defunds them of all wiretap capabilities?  How long will they keep making a total mess out of their life and wreaking havoc on the rights of the average citizens, or critique the copyrighted material of a masterpiece in the making?  What will they be allowed to get away with if this atmosphere of social class minorities are on duty and their dogma is a separate roadmap and master plan?  It is a group of characteristics that share no social economic advantage or destiny, severe economic divisions.


These minorities are special and they think it is a romance story or a job interview, that is the clandestine nature of their meetings inside the dwelling of others they perceive to have cosmic powers similar to them.  This shared atmosphere of hope is the same cause of demise or the bubble their illegal wiretap was the umbilical cord for, dogma and spite.  Dogma and spite are the two main charismatic features of communism and they are the basis of the personnel behind the illegal wiretap.  They are not experts on the topic and miniature midgets who feel this is about friends or their friends’ network that cow-tow to ideological perseverance and self-inclusion.  These ideological and atmosphere of inclusion is the wrecking ball at the FBI illegal wiretap, minority desperation based on radical spite and dogma.  They need to form a club of females and swingers that can rescue them in the DC-VA area.  It is a new spy ring and a new form of inclusion they are trying to fund and need a poster-boy for.


They claim some form of exclusive access but never mentioned the FBI or any police wanton abuses of power.  They forced others to teach them the secrets of cyber-war and then were making up hurricane attacks so they could formulate a group associate and association for murder and mayhem, take out their rivals in trade wars and race wars.  They are the ones who cash the checks of this secret war.  So their inquiry was nothing more than trying to correct or re-instruct their master plan and roadmap.  They were expelled from this atmosphere of minority politics and self-inclusion.  They feel nobody can stop them and their hurricane attacks are their copyright material they can write about or research further by kidnapping or prolonging the kidnapping; the teacher of the subject.  Instead of defunding them for endless corruption and terrorism charges, they were now pioneers on the topic.  It is very strange how they recover and recover after being ran over thousands of times for trespassing or criminal stalking.  They also claim to be our biographers, a gigantic sea of crime and terrorism; all clandestine spite and dogma, all part of this clandestine war and hostile environment.


There is a part of this the FBI and police are not telling the public.  The white guy who did it is merely a puppet for the FBI illegal wiretap.  Not only did the puppet cover it up for them, the FBI wiretaps covered up the sea of scare tactics and control seeking, a chicken game and chess game now.  They claim the politics of the Middle East region is based on the white guy who did this and this history in America with white privileges and real estate.  Nobody in their right minds truly thinks on this level but they must seek legal court sanctions in order to gain control and jockey for power.  Who in their right minds disregards oil money for real estate and religious dogma?  Therefore, the white privileges and real estate is how they seek control.  It is impossible to detect them or the previous bombing plots, all dead-ends and mental illness hustling.  How many Baker Acts will it take before they are finally defunded?   They cannot survive the game of money and they are the ticking time bomb not the real estate.  So this is the causal effect of why they corrected nothing and why they made no effort to correct any of their mistakes even if they can read copyrighted written material.


If they want to lose their job and screw up their life, then it is now a gigantic bill for the tax payers to be stuck with because the FBI are not following their operations manual on illegal wiretaps.  This is not a cell phone or a chat room for their romantic fantasies.  Regardless, it drags on in the twentieth and thirtieth year while they ignore the copyrighted written material, our biography.  They claim they know our biography and wrote it, the other part of this (Ann) did not and was never there.  So they were there and they wrote our biography with the illegal wiretaps and the terror plots.  This atmosphere of minority dogma and spite is why the tug of war is dragging everybody down and the chit-chatting on the FBI wiretap is completely illegal presently.  They are up to more nonsense and the public is being kept away from these talks because they are taking advantage of the circumstances by claiming sweat equity or squatter rights.  None of the police on duty were able to recognize this, a system of blinders and the inability to report or notify anybody of police abuses or terror plots, not even illegal wiretaps.  That is the umbilical cord for the village idiot.  Although the public is paying for the bill and will get stuck with the FBI romance story, the public is not allowed to scrutinize or regulate their corruptive practices or how they cover up the terror plots.  These are human beings beyond the pale, totally insane and totally out of control; still a pest and still full of gall bladder dogma and spite.


So how do they deflect the blame and wreak more havoc and mayhem?  The actual terror plot, “let him tell our story and what he wants to tell the public about us or the hurricane attacks,” is how they keep power.  They claim they are the Grand Inquisitor and cannot be impeached.  They claim they are the anonymous lover or the secret part of our biography nobody has found out about yet.  Why are they sticking their noses in our private life again, meddling and then complaining about their hurricane attacks?  Are they my parents and is this the umbilical cord of the terror plotters I described early on?  Maybe someone will just cover it up for them if they have total access to my dwelling and talk to random people on a daily 24 hour basis.  They are this important and it has not done a god damn thing but caused more catastrophic copyrighted material.  That is the basis of their police power, look at what we did and how much copyrighted material we caused!  So it is not cause-effect, it is how they fly the white flag and surrender.  Most of the copyrighted material they wrote is all day long cussing and yelling at them with ad hominem attacks and red herring attacks, their head is a true World War II helmet.  They cannot smell each other or themselves.  Remember, these are cops getting yelled at on a daily basis, an idiot in disguise and a retard with nearly zero thinking capabilities.  Anybody can run them over 10,000 or 50,000 times; they are only full of ideological spite and anger, nothing else.  They are focused and deranged by the panic of their own terror plot, terrified.  It is their child and also brainchild; they refuse to close their legs and they refuse to go away.


We are their special promotion and biography.  They are in it.  They claim they got in it on good terms.  The public needs to defund them and the public needs to know they are totally crazy and doing it for a promotion because nobody can stop them or their insanity.  It was the FBI and their crazy umbilical cord or dating games.  It is how they also play chicken games; there are a lot of witnesses to this over the last several decades in the DC-VA area.  It is strange how the FBI was here last week, even last year, will they be here next week, the month of November 2020 doing the exact same thing they were doing last decade?  Who will finally defund them or stop them?  What if all the police are in this together, who is going to unplug the trade-war or race-war now?  This is pure human trash at its best, the police!  For $90 billion, maybe they will Baker Act everybody who reads the copyrighted material; frustration with people who refuse to cooperate or do as they are told, a kidnapping and trumping up charges.  Can anybody stop them or is this about anybody who tries to stop them, hurricane attacks? 


Who is protecting whom?  If they are behind the hurricane attacks, made up or not, who are they protecting with their decades of wiretaps?  Is it dogma and spite or white privileges?  Is dogma and spite and exact same as white privileges and real estate?  They do not know who they are protecting but they know they are creating more and more copyrighted material, who they want to protect with the “white guy who did it?” So there is a mismatch with the FBI and the illegal wiretaps. This is how crime and corruption fuels their police plot, they can pick and choose.  Terrorism is how they pick and choose, “the white guy did this.”  It sounds like another propaganda ploy and deception, an olive branch, by the far reaches of the left wing; why bother with them or sue them if they are worthless?  It is all a deception by the FBI; they seek control by choosing their customers.  That is the driving force of all this violence and crime in America, the audience and the authors.  They are in the copyrighted material, that is their illegal wiretap and fingerprint.  This is why this is never going to end until those predator strikes order the FBI to fly the white flag, it is finally over.  They are doing the olive branch so they can regroup and re-attack, brazen police attacks now.  Once they gain control, the brazen murder and mayhem will return to America; defund them immediately for public safety!  They will try to fight their way out and it will become far more violent and crazy then they are; they seek new ways to lie, cheat, and stall now.


They are experts at begging like minorities.  The white guy who did this is not a puppet, he is a beggar.  These are FBI trade war minorities and they are too weak to survive in America or the FBI.  They come into your house and claim it is their romance story or the Friends network in love, recruitment.  It is pure dogma and spite, total insanity.  They cut off your internet and communications to the outside world when and if they want.  They do not want any strangers or unwanted eyes inside their illegal police powers of the FBI wiretap.  How do we know?  Their record keeping is beyond the pale of bias and stricken out!  That is their court appointed cover-up, a protection called plausible denial, a clandestine war and secret war on US soil.  This is the insanity of rogues and a spy nest in the DC-VA area.  They are beggars in a lot of pain and a pest without any fuel to leave or go away; only plenty of spite and dogma to attack around the clock, plausible denial.  This is what happens when an insane asylum hits the corridors of power, they storm the castle gates.  They do not know the problem, not yet and yet they create more and more copyrighted material and hurricane attacks.  They deny doing any of the above or any fault, “just let the tax payers flip the bill, we are in this together now.”  Do they have any oversight and do they know what the problem is yet?  Now it is a mental illness hustle, a dead end strawman conspiracy with many hundreds of layers, compartmentalization.  This is why we have a clandestine war and a hostile climate glued by criminal stalking and an illegal wiretap.  The police could not catch them before; until their so called “white flag surrender” in 2017.  Has the attacks stopped at the FBI illegal wiretap office?  Look in their operations manual and record what it says in their about clandestine wars and wiretaps.


They claim they heard enough and stopped when and if they want to stop.  They are completely illegal and want bonuses and more “The White Guy Did It” promotions.  There is no way to expel them or run them out of your dwelling once they occupy it.  Can they be run out of the DC-VA area or have they taken it over, defunded?  They claim they are too hurt and are crying, then expect you to cry with them before they are defunded by dogma and spite.  Bam, the tax payer dollars at work again!  Their illegal wiretap is publicly scrutinized and shut down by their own hurricane attacks.  They do all of this clandestinely and with a hostile environment in mind, a runaway government and now using the illegal wiretap or the police illegal access for completely fabricated hurricane attacks.  It has been proven they are behind the hurricane attacks but they do not know what part they made up.  They also claim they do not know what the problem is or was, still investigating and using us as bait for the white guys who did this.  Gee, I thought the terror plots were as far as they were going with this, I was completely wrong and they are totally in control now.  This is why there was no error checking and prevention, total control.  They did enjoy reading their material and hurricane attacks on the copyrighted material, it is their biography and cover-up.  The public is not being allowed to scrutinize any of their material and the final bill is reaching $90 billion for ongoing attacks and continuation.  When will the pull the plug and shutdown the FBI wiretap, defunded?  Are they stuck or only stuck to us and the copyrighted material? 


Our biography is just so crazy and lawless.  They do not know when to stop or where the fine line is, no clue.  They are writing the material and do not know who is doing it or making it up, only mental illness.  Who wrote the part about Ann?  Who wrote the dating games and the part about home invasions?  Who wrote the hurricane attacks and the phony photos along with the phony fan sites; this club of minorities has not shutdown or been defunded!  They are still writing material in 2020 while they complain about the prohibited copyright material, hurricane attacks.  They are behind it, we are expelling them.  They are using us to hide behind or hide under claiming they are the wind beneath our wings.  It is their human sacrifices.  This is their clandestine war in America.  It is their hostile climate or legal wiretap.  So now they add more lies to the pile of lies already, they are making up hurricane attacks so they can keep the dialogue and the illegal wiretap at the next residence.  They expect to be here in one year and even ten years, nobody can stop them, not even the police.  For them it is beyond the scope of a job search, it is life or death now.  This is how it got this way and why it has become a total and absolute catastrophe, or is still.  It has not ended and their plans are not to end any of this, none!  Nobody is on duty to police the police.  The mirror reflection is the police and not the police; white privileges and this group association with minorities.  Yes that is their religion, real estate.  Furthermore, all of them are guilty and in it together; we have been thrown out, evicted.  Nobody is doing any prevention and they are just letting their fingers do the talking; is this cell phone or a chat room still?  What does their wiretap manuals or operations manual instruct them to say or do?  Who did they learn this from and who is teaching the world the ropes, beginner class on job security in government?


They need to be fired and understand everybody on earth is not as corrupt or as lousy, police it and put error checks in the copyrighted material they are reading and scrutinizing with a microscope, “he did it.”  There is not enough time left for apes or the white guy who did this, white privileges.  The only thing to do is defund them and accept their false admission with a Kabuki suicide by the police.  This is why the Predator drones need to be fueled up, "God Bless America" in their sleep!  They do not use error correction and the level of spite and dogma is growing by the bushels.  Their wiretap is getting bumper crops yearly and new ads about the white guy who did this canned their rivals.  It will win their next Presidential awards ceremony and pardon their spite and dogma.  This is the group association with the police, a trade war and a race war that only grows due to their lack of funding or defunding; crime, murder, terrorism, and mayhem in America.  They claim it is too late.  They claim there is nothing they can do, the public is powerless.  There is just nobody on duty, only spite and dogma; come and get them if anybody dares.  That is who is on duty and who is reading the copyright material.  They are using the FBI wiretap to add a little “English” to their chronographic tendencies, no error correction or modulation.  That is how the terror plot information was modulated and molded by their illegal wiretap and how they ended up getting busted for the hurricane attacks.  They got busted there too and made sure the public cannot scrutinize any of this, zero policing.  So where did they get their information from and who did they quote the material for or against?


They expect us to fight their wars or lead their charge.  They expect the public to also fight their wars and embrace their dogmatic and spiteful paygrades.  It feels like they are doing this and trying to cut off your phones and your access to the outside world while they play and play with your mind all day long!  For the past five years all they got was yelling and cussing at them on the illegal wiretap and they claim they are upset and filing charges.  They claim this is what it says in their Friends Communist and Friends Terror Plot manual.  Is that what it says in their wiretap manuals, “For the Eyes of the White Guy Who Did This Only?”  The public is who suffers in the end, not the corrupt ones who stir up the crazier in America.  In terms of blood and treasure, the FBI is torturing the public and forcing them to fight their Holy Wars.  They claim their Holy War is in the Middle East and not their offices in the DC-VA area.  The public must be indoctrinated for this war and hence, the terror plots in America; pure dogma and spite on TV and radio.  Now it is about scrutinizing the material and not the people who did this fiasco, a reckless and dogmatic price tag of $90 billion; a masterpiece of human character and pride.


Where did they get their material from and why didn’t they reference, footnote, or use endnotes?  Is it anonymous?  Are they above the laws?  Are they so rich and powerful at the FBI the public is not allowed to scrutinize their work and their fingerprint, only watch is shock as they cover it all up with hurricane attacks?  In the end, they covered that up also.  They used the FBI to cover-up the hurricane attacks and what they made up.  There are three sets of treason charges on them for this search for addresses and human targets.  Why else do you pay house visits to the copyrighted material with unmeasurable and untraceable dogma and spite?  That is where they got the information from and claim there is error correction, $90 billion price tag the public is very happy about.  Now it is a win-win, we have to get used to them and ask if they will ever be defunded and stopped if it is just too late, nobody is on duty?  Who exactly is the master of our copyright material and our destiny?  Whose book is it?  Why are they meddling in their biography or copyrighted book?


If and when these human beings are included, we have to work twice as hard for our self and to stop them!  How do they bring us back to their dinner table for this clandestine war and the SALT-SATWAR talks?  It is as crazy as it is going to ever get on the illegal wiretap.  All of them are going to get a promotion due to the illegal wiretap material and copyrighted dogma and spite.  They claim they did not write it and that is not their material, he did it and she lied.  They claim they did not make up or are behind the hurricane attacks at his residence, nobody was on duty and no error correction was in place to scrutinize their work, their spitefulness, their careless evidence recording, the cherry picking habits of VIPs, the dogma of their material and who made it up, etc.  How did it get this way if someone was on duty and error correcting or catching a terror plot and “the white guy did it” in America also?  Is it survival or life and death talking, some planning and master plan for a clandestine war and hostile government politics at the FBI and among the police forces?  Do the police know what to police about real estate and trade wars, property rights?  Why do we get “the white guy did it” in the copyrighted material if they did not write it or was in any part a co-author?  Who wrote all the other parts, partners and ex-patriots who were illegally evicted and owed a rent refund and a $100,000 check for this gift to the FBI wiretap Hall of Fame?  Their hustle and mental illness ruse was their generous gift after thirty years of sunup and sundown cussing and yelling at them.  Now they claim they are terrified and in this together still, more dead-end master planning.  Are they the masters of our destiny?


Did the white guy make them do it or dragged them into this, a friends search?  These plots are for only friends, secret SALT talks similar to the 1980s.  They are bringing is back to the dinner table.  Who made them do anything or put a gun to their head?  They have total control and still do.  Why can’t they get the truth and why do they keep on using material in the copyrighted evidence room for their diet?  They act like they agree with Predator Strikes and hellfire missiles, just more made up hurricane strikes?  They are behind those hurricane attacks.  They do not know who made them up.  They do not know the inference table and what they are doing, imposing it on others in an illegal manner and illegal ideological cover-up.  They are not thieves; instead they are high level cronies and guards.  They claim the white guy did it and the white guy made them do it, blame him and not the beggars wiretap who are only minorities who want to be in charge of the white guys or the “what guy who did it.”  This is what is in their FBI manual and why America has gone bonkers and not allowed to sit in on these illegal wiretap terror plot conversations they claim are an umbilical cord for the village idiot, he does not want to pullout or leave.  What if he is married or they are all married, is it adultery?  Why do they make up more hurricane attacks weekly?  Is that permitted by the people on duty or whoever is on hurricane make up duty, try shut up and go away?  They are at $90 billion now with the makeup hurricane attacks!  They are just too in love on the wiretap at the FBI.  Why hasn’t any of this stopped or been defunded yet?  Is it in their operations manual or wiretap manual?


When a societal nuisance is charged with $90 billion in written warnings and told to cease or there will be more damages, you would think someone is on duty to enforce the laws on the police.  Unfortunately, they are still demanding to learn either cyber warfare or satellite warfare while they expect others who do not get paid to solve their crimes!  It is stuck and remains as their global job search, no end in sight.  Yes, they expect others to police the police while they try to steal everything such as husbands, lawyers, and even Presidential elections.  Now they meddle with everything including the public records because they do not want to be defunded.  They are not smart enough to solve crime, only create it, but they expect others to work twice as hard to stop them while they steal everything or need to be defunded by their own illegal FBI-Police wiretap inside the dwelling of an imposter of their Friends network of spies and terrorism.  While this is going on those disaffected by their winter Friends escapade into the Neverland of their own demise and scorching hell have to figure out how to remove them from power while they claim “The White Guy did this to them.”  Will the White Guy defund the FBI-Police also or will they lazy-up and defund their own inability to do the right thing or think of solutions and answers without making a $90 billion mess out of their life and everybody else’s life?  My life would have been aOkay, how about everybody else?  How does everybody know my life would have been on top of the world and theirs would be stuck in hell or smell like hell?  Well Jesus, how do they know what everybody else knows?  Then again, if everybody else knows, why don’t they know or put it in writing as they are expected?  Is it too broken or are they too above it all? 


So why do we have to work twice as hard while they wreck up more of our life?  The FBI and police now claim it is all perfect and they do not notice any problems, such as why this dialogue is occurring in private and the public is kept away from whomever in on duty and still hiding behind why they all got caught trying and still trying!  It’s perfect when it is a coverup of a coverup of another coverup; and the public is not allowed to attend their meetings or know what they did or did not do; a bill for $90 billion in tax payer funded talent at policing the police.  They claim it is a love story going on inside my dwelling with them all.  Here is the she-he said dilemma again and why the public is kept out of it while they run amuck a little bit more than before.  They claim they are done.  This was done in 1989 and done in 2008, why are they done in 2020?  Why is our fan site still open if they are done and why are they messing with my copyrighted material if they are done?  Why are they taking pictures or doing shows with us if they are done; are they special minorities and fighting the White Guys?  That is their love story, they are fighting the white guys and they are very special minorities, not expert beggars or a terror plot umbilical cord that’s also cornered and penniless.  Who are they protecting with their decades of wiretaps?  It sounds like another propaganda ploy and deception by the far reaches of the left wing; why bother with them or sue them if they are worthless?  This is why this is never going to end until those predator strikes says it is finally over.  They are doing the olive branch so they can regroup and re-attack.  You know it is a deception when the only “White Guy” who did it is only trying to make this worse and obnoxious as humanly possible.  So if the white guy did it, we now have to work twice as hard, we have to be our life and then we have to moonlight to stop the FBI and police who put us back in the cage we escaped from, the white guy did it!


This part is something new.  If you were walking down the street one day and someone gave you a copy of the copyrighted material, how many human beings would scream bloody murder?  It is a story of a nightmare.  One moment you are in college and about to graduate, the next you become a pawn in a very deadline game of nation states and their power elites.  You neither have any money or the ability to match any foreign government in their spending and resources.  So what do you do or are forced to do?  Now all of your relief is sabotaged.  Now what?  They steal your partner and steal your lawyer, how to survive this?  How do you afford twenty or thirty years of your life when all you did wrong was walk down the street one day and see something that most human beings could never recall, complete, or root out; even if human kind was on the line and even if you wanted to catch or kill them so badly it made you poor and destitute trying.  How do you wake up one morning and write or describe everything that has happened to you over the course of the last twenty years?  Well, the good news for the people who did this is someone has the skill and the power to do something about it, even if it left them poor and destitute.  What in hell do you do with this material or information?  You wake up one day stuck in some clandestine war and spy game, what now?  The people at the FBI do not know why these radical and terrorism conferences are taking place inside the dwelling of a mentally ill person while they steal his lawyer and marriage with their illegal wiretap and Operations Manual on how to cover-up and keep the public from these so called “SALT Treaty Talks.” 


What you do is get to the bottom of it by building a bigger and better mousetrap!  You expose their police and all of their corruption by observing every detail and why the footprints match or do not match.  All of them are one-sided and Big Brother on the other end, whose government do they represent now, The Devil?  This is what they taught them or is in their illegal wiretap manual, how to cover-up and keep the public away from defrauding or job security conferences.  So how did the public finally find out or find out what exactly went on during these illegal wiretaps with the American Terror plotters?  How does anybody know what they made up or did not make up?  Why did the FBI and the police conduct these illegal talks inside the residence of someone and keep saying it was a love story or romance with the police and FBI?  It sounds like they got all of the bad guys in the same room with the only good guy and said, “how much of this can we cover-up with you?  We are terrified of losing our jobs and going to jail.”  So all of this is in secret but nobody is allowed to arrest them or get to the bottom of their hurricane attacks?  The FBI is using dead-end scapegoats and low damage claims to stiff people of their entire life savings; that is their kidnapping plot.  It is a race war and a bombing plot, also total insanity; control.  That is all they are interested, control.  They are not interested in doing the right thing, only control and any hustle for a dead end to stiff others and end the footprints.  I point this scapegoat out in the notes and why.  That why they are neck deep in terrorism and investigating them, the strawman and also the dead-end conspiracy.  Al Qaeda was the same way, a dead end.  It is not the end of this yet and they are only trying to be as obnoxious or illegal as possible so they can defund the FBI; it is not the end of it, only an olive branch.


First they try to pin it on a terminally ill scapegoat who claimed a mental illness hustle.  Now they are cornered and busted for making up the hurricane attacks, $90 billion, because there is a mousetrap for their dead end check of $100,000 for working myself to the bone and twelve hours a day.  The FBI dead-end cover-up similar to the other bomb plots costed them $90 billion and the tax payers now know who is behind the domestic terrorism.  It is the white guy but it is also a dead end road they are trying to cover-up.  This is how they coverup the dead-end bomb plots, the white guy did it.  Does it work?  Yes and it has before, many times.  The FBI needs to be defunded for the hurricane attacks!  Not only do they claim they made all of that up too for white privileges and real estate, they claim I made it up.  If I made it up, then how did I finally stop them and identify them?  It sounds to me they are still looking for an address or personnel to blow up in the next terror plot or home invasion.  Are they going to kidnap the next VIPs because we are friends or foes?  Then they made up the white privileges part while they did the hurricane attacks that is proven 100% and is not made up or messed up by their endless lying and covering up public data.  How will the public ever find out what exactly took place if nobody was recording it or the public is not allowed to know how corrupt and how much of a traitor they truly are?  Again, the hustling does not stop and goes on 24 hours a day with the illegal wiretap; another dead end trick by their totally insane organization seeking control and only control at any cost.  They claim white privileges and real estate but we know it is about recovery.  Recovery means backup.  Recovery means desperate times call for desperate measures.  Recovery means a $90 billion price tag for the hurricane attacks and how they made up terror plot coverup also.  They like to scam people with the mental illness hustle; that is what got them caught.  How many Baker Acts did it take them before they finally were defunded?  It is done when the public defunds them for the bomb plots and all of the violence and hustling to deflect the flame of hell.  To them it is only about control, security.  Now they are in control and will tell the public, Congress, and the President when their dead-end and bomb plots are finally over.


These SOBs are so corrupt they have to be defunded before they start another upheaval of government or are forced to storm the castle gates just to find out what they did or said on the illegal wiretaps or the living room SALT Treaty talks they conducted in secret so they could save their asses.  That is how the police operate.  That is how they lie and cover it up.  Does their manual state to conduct these talks in private and nobody can record them or document them?  Why are they having these daily talks or friends’ network meetings when it clearly states in their FBI manual what illegal wiretaps are for and not for?  How is the public ever going to get the truth if they operate like a terror plot covering this up and nobody is allowed to attend or document their illegality and arrogance?  Have they paid a dime or are they just too lazy?  Therefore, the FBI needs to be defunded for these hurricane attacks and they also need to be defunded for how they conduct themselves and how they covered up their tracks.  They should have held this job interview they are demanding in public and not private but now we will never be able to get to the bottom of it because they are just too corrupt and too guilty; but they are a high risk liability now and have gone rogue.  They not only made up these hurricane attacks, they made up the data set, the illegal wiretaps, and made up or fabricated all of the evidence to cover-up the terrorism they could not make up or hide.  Yes they said that was made up and a mental illness hustle.  Ask them why they did not pay a dime or refund a dime while they stole thirty years and counting!  Is their job on the line or their entire organizational existence?  There has to be higher quality than the people we are being exposed to on a daily basis.  They now claim it is a romance story and I wanted to talk to them and have sex with them at all hours of the night so they could get overtime and figure a way out of this mess.


Now those who seem to be the d'esprit de corp for eradication of terrorism and crime in the world have swapped places with the "Real Housewives of Washington DC" and the corridors of power.  Essentially, whoever did this has breached security on a forefront they do not even understand.  Furthermore, they snatched off the streets a person or a caliber of degree they are egotistical to even father or fathom.  This being there are human beings that do not see themselves as God, try to portray themselves as either God or the Devil, and they are not as selfish and arrogant as the "friends new and forgiving network" of protected police criminals and terrorists.  Their final conclusion is, "The White Guy Did This."  Sure that might describe why the Middle East politics is based on white privileges and real estate, but why does it involve indigenous or American Indians and their "reservation?"  Do we live in a modern age that is still reliant with the four legged animals we use to fly around the world?  There must be some disconnect in logic or maybe in reality.  It is called brainwashing.  It is called mind control.  It is a textbook version of hypnosis and the use of human events and facts to frame or control the existence of humans on earth for whatever government that wishes to subscribe to this global phenomenon.  This is the age of the internet and this is how they kicked it off, mind control.  This is why this is never going to end until those predator strikes says it is finally over.  They are doing the olive branch so they can regroup and re-attack.


The coup de grace did not come at the ending nor did it change as time elapsed.  The continuation of ad hoc and de jure randomness eluded capture and created the slippery material that prevented proper identification and proper strategies from being deployed.  They had total control so they had both de jure and de facto power.  This means they owned the streets and they owned the corridors of power, thus the ability to delink and stonewall any comers.  How do you erase law and order?  How do you reverse time or invoke reverse evolution?  How do you move forward but are only moving backwards because of an underground river, a current stream?  How do you shatter what Fyodor Dostoevsky described as the Crystal Palace and the problem with earth or humankind?  The answer is you hammer it until it shatters by its own image.  The way to erase all civilizations and the way to reverse all law and order, to erase the laws, is to implement reverse evolution and the backwards underground river.  So how do you reverse this if they dropped an atomic bomb on you the moment you stepped foot out of college in your twenties and have to spend the next thirty years of your life recovering from their clandestine war?  Is it the internet and social media or is it something or someway they have never seen or heard before, improvisation?  It is a tug of war and they have to implement reverse evolution while they fire all pistons to give the appearance of forward movement.  This is how the evil and the sunken deluge of political perversions morphed the world into a contortion nobody can recognize or describe.  It has submerged and returned to the depths like a water monster, how do you disembark from this false reality and immersion as it engulfs every second of your life and puts you in a water fight with the highest offices of the police in the world?  Thank the people who planned that one ahead of time!


The best way to create a fraud alert or danger alert for public is to take your message to the streets.  This water monster will follow you and turn the streets into the streets on fire.  This destruction will find a way into every living room and crevice, as it did twenty or thirty years ago to two people who had plans together.  They turned life into a living hell and then made sure we could not enjoy a moment of silence or the happiness of our fruits of labor.  Everything we touched, they turned into murder and terrorism.  Therefore, your anger and resentments have to be aware of the human feces on the other end and how they do business.  They cannot be reasoned with and if you try a million times to avoid them or expelling their hostility; they will find a million ways to stop you.  Now you have a million pieces of evidence and you can kick them where it hurts the most, legal removal and legal damages.  Eventually, they will have to face their own fears and obey the laws for once, our life and our dwelling does not include them.  So are they pretending to be the internet or the media?  How we conduct wars in the information age is also as important as how we get our information.  If they are using propaganda and violence to disgust and propagate sympathy for the devil, then we will match or beat their ridiculous show of force and how they turn society into a training course in reverse evolution and the demise of the devil on earth.  Now they want to use the media and the internet to blame others for their miscaricatures in absurdity.  There is a preposterous but somber reality to violence!  Hence the use of terrorism is the same age old use of violence on the movie screens and the televisions, a dinosaur living in a new age of information warfare.  How we get this information has changed but how we combat it has not.


United States Federal Code 47 Section 230 is a small set of words that define the liability of internet companies and the content of the material on the internet.  Internet companies are not governments; therefore, they do not buy or sell the truth, merchants of truth and justice.  At most they are an educational tool and an entertainment platform anybody can use to post material others may find relevant or important to their life, work, or value system.  It is what you make of it.  Unlike the media, radio and television, printed material is not speech or regulated speech.  Therefore, the media and the internet are not one in the same; but the internet and printed material are not dually the same either. 


Essentially, Section 230 protects against bias, slander, and defamation.  However, opinions are illegal when and if they are not true.  Therefore, Section 230 cannot control free speech or cite liability if there is nothing to determine whether or not the speech or the content in question is true or is only an opinion.  The test of slander is based only on two criteria.  First the speech or information has to be false or untrue.  Second, it has a residual impact and causes a hardship in the life of another person, i.e. prevented them from getting a loan or job.  If they are exposed to a crime, then printed media or content is not where you report crimes.  You report crimes to law enforcement agencies and if you create a movement because you were a victim of a crime, then you have the right to fight back.  Crime on the internet follows these basic terms already defined in either radio and television, or written copyrights and book censorship.  You can enroll in college courses that teach the history of this but you cannot make the history of the content.  So making up the content is different than reporting the content or material in question.  It is illegal to defraud the public by making up material such as police authority by the control of reverse evolution, the underground river model. 


All crimes have a methodology.  All police science has a forensic pathway.  All violators of criminal laws eventually get charged with a crime, they cannot file grievances or cite bias in content as their actions were in violation of the law to begin with and their regulation of speech is obstructing justice or the procedure to determine if a crime had taken place or not.  You cannot hit another human being with a hammer and tell the person who witnessed it to report it the way you want, that is fabrication of the content and manufacturing evidence; a serious crime.  An example is a police case or criminal case number.  Once you have a police case or case number, then you are documenting the case and the information in order to disburse or distribute the information to those who need it, such as potential victims.  In essence, you were a victim of a crime and you saw who did it; therefore, you want to distribute the data to future victims or potential victims of murder and mayhem.  That is not regulated speech that is instead characterized as protected speech.  The involvement and the evidence suggested is wrongdoing.  When you have a potential murderer, you can cite why or why not, a protection order.  If you are terrified by content or material, then you still need a case number and you need to cite if you are innocent or guilty in regulating the speech.  The evolution and the cycle of regulating speech begin with a police case or number.


The people who are regulating the speech must cite if their duty is because they are guilty, innocent, or find the material offensive.  If the material is offensive, then it undergoes a rating and is not regulated.  The internet is full of offensive and even alarming material.  To focus on one country or one group is offensive and character assassination.  Character assassination is illegal and can be criminal slander.  Therefore, the right to regulate the internet is based on the internet provider and that particular household only.  That household determines what is or is not offensive based on their age, sex, size, religion, and other characteristic of that family or organization.  If you belong to a church, then you probably do not need alerts for bikini shows or who won the UFC fight on the other side of the world.  If you are the lip service or the stonewalling of a terror plot or clandestine government, you may want to look into censorship and how to defeat the truth or reverse laws protecting written material.  In the case of Trump or Biden, one of them tells more lives than exposes them.  If either of them were going to regulate speech, then it would be for advancing some lies and not seeking fairness in Section 230; thus, predatory speech and the regulation of self-defense. 


The term is malicious; it is not mean or nice, it is illegal.  Twitter and Facebook say they allow people to fact check and they are not the arbiters of the truth.  If someone is defrauding the public, the government cannot intervene and put pressure on social media sites that do not fight their media wars.  We do not want the internet to become a tool for criminals or espionage spies, not even terror plots and clandestine armies.  The world is an evil place and we need to connect with people so we can readjust or reapply our reality and intent.  If criminals are sorry, they can start a blog or a Twitter sight and say sorry all day long with hashtags or not.  If the FBI-Police know they are guilty, they can start a blog or social media account and vent their anger and frustrations other than the dwellings of victims or how they got defunded and sued.  There has to be grounds to suggest the content of a speech is so offensive or so erroneous, the speech has to be deemed illegal or malicious.  I do not see a way to shut down the voice of the people who truly feel they can visit the dwelling of people they find offensive and tell them how sorry or how distorted their life is now facing arrest or expulsion.  Personal attacks on characters are ad hominem attacks.  If they can prove the attack is false or a photo was used to diminish their character, then it could be considered to be offensive and not true.  Offensive material is not slander or defamation.



When we do an autopsy, we see there are only one data set and a lot of bad record keeping.  This bad record keeping is a clear sign of impropriety, cooking the books.  It is the first problem with piecing together and identifying who exactly is the terror plot.  The second problem is the claim they knew or know more than what is being offered in the data set, the copyrighted witness or their copyrighted material.  The set of evidence is foreign and not revealed yet.  So they were 100% sure only because of some other set of evidence.  If they knew exactly what was going on and there are erroneous actions, then the question is why there are 100% erroneous actions?  Is it reality or for real?  The only way to correct erroneous actions is fact checking and a commitment to correct erroneous action, the copyrighted material unless there is another set of evidence available.  They know everything that is going on and they have total control; however, it does not prevent or deter anything erroneous action or any liability or outcome.  That is the first set of problems.  Any police officer would and could be more effective in deterring and preventing total catastrophe or guilty.  Furthermore, there is no oversight or regulation of erroneous actions or poor judgment.  At no time does the poor judgment see the light, hears any evil, or reports any of it.  This record keeping clearly proves intent and cooking the books.  It is a clear sign of criminal intent and volition.  Their only goal was blinded by the fact they would not be caught or apprehended in the end with overwhelming evidence against them while their pathological lying is not skilled enough to contain the problem or deflect it, such as the ruse and the hustling of mental illness.  The white guy who did it is merely a puppet for the FBI illegal wiretap and who covered it up for the sea of scare tactics and control seeking.  The white privileges and real estate is how they seek control.  It is impossible to detect them or the previous bombing plots, all dead-ends and mental illness hustling.  How many Baker Acts will it take before they are finally defunded?   They cannot survive the game of money and they are the ticking time bomb not the real estate.


When you have total control and are certain about what you are doing and who you are doing it to; we see price tags and values.  If there are erroneous acts under some false misconception, then those erroneous acts would not stop the vehicle, put the vehicle in reverse, and ram the victims so many times.  Furthermore, when in hot pursuit, we can tell a chicken game is apprehended when the skid marks do not match the speed they were driving at in a residential neighborhood or when safety is number one.  These are VIPs; they are not the devil in disguise.  So we have an over-inflated ego and an over-inflated paygrade to go with the insult in intelligence and IQ.  If there were so many erroneous acts and such levels of malicious acts, why didn’t they slam the brakes on when and if they could?  Instead, the police and FBI are now holding their line with why they are so evil and why they are so guilty, “it was too late for us to do anything else.”  If you are under any guise of misconception or if someone has misguided you with disinformation or predatory facts, you only have two options.  Furthermore, if your back is up against the wall and you are about to die or meet your fate on a battlefield, you call for backup or go to your chain of command.  You will see these demands in the written material and demands for the audit or removal of all erroneous actions and authority, a lemon is a lemon. 


Now we have a total lemon and a rip off, a scam.  When you broker a malicious and injurious lemon, this is what you get, “we are at war, we do not know what we are doing, we are sorry, we want to die, etc.”  To me it sounds as if they want to die and that is their only motive, escape or gets caught now.  The victim is the tax payer because now those who were injured or lost relatives in their clandestine wars of authority and power, a friends network, have to pay for everything they stole, took, covered up, or tried to bury with more bodies and more dead people; utter mayhem and murder on another scale level.  Who is going to pay the price tag?  These are VIPs, isn’t their paygrades and ego a little too small for the price tag and the degree of erroneous actions or police abuses of power?  It sounds like they are too weak and told everybody he is too strong and nothing works, until they are finally captured and cornered.  They fault they are under a false misconception but believe every part of the data set because they know exactly what is going on and who did what.  However, we see there is no record keeping whatsoever, no oversight or regulation of their gross injustices, and everybody turned their backs each time they did another terror plot or ran amuck with murder and mayhem again.  Now the tax payers are stuck with the bill and they want immunity because they do not know what to do and give us a fair trial with the dumb look and act?  Is that permitted when liability and malpractice is said to be in harm’s way or was a gross injustice?  To this day we did not find any skid marks and they claim someone cut their brake lines and framed them or tried to stick them with the bill, cooking the books.  You got ripped off so you decided to cook the books so that nobody would know it was you who did it and tried to get away with even more than you set off to steal.




There is nothing left to say or prove.  There is nothing more they can do, not even hide.  I am falling and dying too.  Is that their fault or their own self hell and self-imprisonment?  It is over when they said it is over and now it is over when they try to say enough is enough.  How did it begin?  What mistake did they make to convert this currency into the currency of murder and mayhem?  Is it enough now?  Is the ransom they read and feel deep in their heart and soul, enough to satisfy their God, the devil and the evil they have inflicted upon others?  They blame themselves for being like nobody else.  Who is nobody else, innocent until proven guilty or kidnapped from the start?  They continue to stonewall and babble more games with their defeated currency.  Their God of truth is dead.  Can we bury them, please?  There is nothing with them, just stop playing games and ask Ann; the other side of this and also what they are hiding and need, what is real.  That is how it got this way and so violent or crazy, they are blaming themselves for being nobody else, who is or was nobody at the start?  Are they the killer in me or am I the killer in them now?  So they failed at being themselves, how will they fail being like America?  Would they know the difference?  Would I know the difference and school them on themselves or our selfish effort to be like them?  Now they are so far gone to fly home they feel the mind bend and paralyzed by invisible chains.  Oh yes, send a search party, let them come home and report themselves as lost, broken, and now confused.  They are out there somewhere, can anybody see them yet?


There is nothing they can say or do for that killer now, their money is God?   That is how it became this closed-loop encirclement.  All they can do is escape-goat and human sacrifices, a clandestine war.  They want to escape this pain and chase in pursuit.  Have they figured out what was wrong because it is the other part of the copyrighted material, that phone call made them realize this was their mistake and the work of the devil?   Was it pure malice and on paper?  They remained buried and fake but unearthed by their religion of bones.  Nothing they say now is going to be the price of love they cannot loose.  It is just too fake and stupid for anybody to stomach.  They know the truth now and when this started, it is not a wild goose chase or a fishing expedition.  However, it traveled right through their head and right through their hearts; just to win other hearts and minds.  It is not what our becoming is about, this is what they are willing to hide when they are willing to go through with it to the very end; it is not their fault or problem.  It also traveled through time and space, right through what they are and what they have; through the same place they called, what they want and what they need.  Is that enough copyrighted material for them or is it just not enough for such sloppy fools of demise?  They are not that rich or that rude to be put through this tug of war?  This is not their place; a burial site called the 1960s because nothing I say or Ann said is enough for their expensive police powers to figure out; what we could have seen clearly or not.  If I could be like that, then I would not have to have any copyrighted material or tell them it is prohibited without expressed written consent.  If I would agree to be like them, I would not be here doing this for myself and certainly not for their own demise or mine.  Yes they tempted me, 850,000 and around the clock brainwashing, if I could just be like that and die for them on the cross.  What would I do if I lost more ground and what would they do if I did not lose this ending, some more?  Would I be living again or buried with the past and now the future?


There is a clock and a camera on the wall.  It is called human events and stories to go with them.  It is there to remind us like a family album, who we used to be and who we are now.  Is causes severe shaking and quaking for some odd reason.  Does it have the same effect on those encircled?  Then please feel free to confess to both Ann and I all the lies that exist between us and them.  Is it their race war or their trade wars?  Is it their clandestine war or murder and mayhem?  Is it the hostile climate that started in the 1990s and now ended in 2020, what we could have been had it not been for them?  It is still cheap; nothing is good enough for them.  My story is my story until proven innocent; that is not their story or our story anymore.  If they were waiting for a sign, maybe on the TV or radio, then I hope they realize they too have figured out what is wrong, with me, with my story, and with our story; that is the other half of this copyrighted material or Ann.  That is how they figured out what is and was wrong, she was hoping I make it before her ending came too close.  It was stuck on their face also and stuck in their life!  It is on the wall for the world to see, the glory, the pride, the pain, the hurt, and the stairway to our heaven.  We did not hide it, they continue to hide it.  We are not weak and frail to the touch or loud to the sound of fury.  We speak when spoken to and we come to you with justice, you do not come to us with murder and mayhem.  Now they want to take away my love and they do not even know what that love is or is about?  How dare them!  They will feel the pain of what they did, I promised those who got the goodness taken out of them but not the goodness of America they called their home and heaven.  I will make sure they have everything they need to fight their future wars on earth or otherwise; it used to be my fight and now I join them to rejoice, both in victory and defeat.  It was not my fault or theirs.  An old soldier did not do that or the work of the devil, do they get to go to heaven?


My story is more than words; it is time; a lot of time and a lot more time to be the same person.  Did I build my own prison or did they?  I have proven that meaning and that objective to become me.  My story was torn in two and my other half did try to put humpty-dumpty back together again; she has those pictures to prove it again and for the last time.  It was them who were brave like soldiers; we remained ourselves.  Now they exist as burning paper tigers and mache.  Is that enough or have they heard enough of this currency value?  It is and was wrong because now we are all fake and jaded, too tired to admit this to their currency values.  Have they figured out the problem yet with trade wars or race wars?  How about murder and mayhem in America or the world?  Those 911 calls got traced a second time and recorded by the closed-loop encirclement and everybody’s burial site.  To win, they need what is real and not more myth about the meaning of love and hate, God.  We have seen their God and fury has won.  Yes it was a close call and a near miss, however, it is also what we could have been and how we got here; all of it traveled with us through time and the span of thirty years.  Those images are images of what we could have been and where we have been; a clandestine war, a hostile climate, and now criminal stalking unearthed for our story, a police autopsy.   It was how the west was won, murder and mayhem, their drug and their God of truth.  Do we know if we have been there before and who we remember or saw?  An old soldier did not do this, but will they get a chance to hide and go to heaven by stealing us some more?



My entire life story is not a wild goose chase or a joke the entire world is still trying to recover from.  It is not a life lesson coach on how not to be the police or the government; they knew everything when this began to when it ended.  This is why they never once told my story.  Instead, someone else had to tell my story while I was incapacitated or kidnapped.  Let me clarify what my objectives are and what my perpetual message was.  I am a victim of the cold war.  I come from the ashes of destruction.  To me, it is not a voting process or about violence.  It is not about who is going to tell my story.  My story has to be told and I have a partner in life who has faithfully told it as my sister Christian.  However, my story is not about my race or any race.  It is not about what race is winning or on top of the heap.  My story is and was not told by a red man, a white man, a black man, or a yellow man; nor was it told by their antagonists.  My story is about the fate and destiny of America because I have been a victim of the cold war and the callous manipulation of people good and bad.  I know and I am one hundred percent sure about what I am doing, you cannot take the good out of America and you will never get me to agree on taking the good out of any human being, it is sick and it is the taste of the devil.  What I know for sure and am aware of is no matter how much of the bad you take out of America, the good will always be there.  I did not mind anybody's politics.  I did not mind Muslims or any race in America.  In order to win World War and to assess what has raised its head after the cold war, I have to make sure the right people get the right facts, information, and evidence in order to right the ship and win world war.  It is the lack of goodness that has taken them down the road of misery and now the countdown to death.  No wise man on this earth would ever allow that to happen, not in this lifetime.  It is about the 1960s and their miserable death.  This is where we first met and now that is where we must fight or be buried.  It is cruel torture; just tell my story in print and for everybody to read.  Do not use an illegal wiretap to stonewall or deny me my rights to my story; nor the finances I have earned or deserve; it was I who could not do anything about this; but I am still trying. 


There is nothing left to say or prove.  There is nothing more they can do, not even hide.  I am falling and dying too.  Is that their fault or their own self hell and self-imprisonment?  It is over when they said it is over and now it is over when they try to say enough is enough.  How did it begin?  What mistake did they make to convert this currency into the currency of murder and mayhem?  Is it enough now?  Is the ransom they read and feel deep in their heart and soul, enough to satisfy their God, the devil and the evil they have inflicted upon others?  They blame themselves for being like nobody else.  Who is nobody else, innocent until proven guilty or kidnapped from the start?  They continue to stonewall and babble more games with their defeated currency.  Their God of truth is dead.  Can we bury them, please?  There is nothing with them, just stop playing games and ask Ann; the other side of this and also what they are hiding and need, what is real.  That is how it got this way and so violent or crazy, they are blaming themselves for being nobody else, who is or was nobody at the start?  Are they the killer in me or am I the killer in them now?  So they failed at being themselves, how will they fail being like America?  Would they know the difference?  Would I know the difference and school them on themselves or our selfish effort to be like them?  Now they are so far gone to fly home they feel the mind bend and paralyzed by invisible chains.  Oh yes, send a search party, let them come home and report themselves as lost, broken, and now confused.  They are out there somewhere, can anybody see them yet?


There is nothing they can say or do for that killer now, their money is God?   That is how it became this closed-loop encirclement.  All they can do is escape-goat and human sacrifices, a clandestine war.  They want to escape this pain and chase in pursuit.  Have they figured out what was wrong because it is the other part of the copyrighted material, that phone call made them realize this was their mistake and the work of the devil?   Was it pure malice and on paper?  They remained buried and fake but unearthed by their religion of bones.  Nothing they say now is going to be the price of love they cannot loose.  It is just too fake and stupid for anybody to stomach.  They know the truth now and when this started, it is not a wild goose chase or a fishing expedition.  However, it traveled right through their head and right through their hearts; just to win other hearts and minds.  It is not what our becoming is about, this is what they are willing to hide when they are willing to go through with it to the very end; it is not their fault or problem.  It also traveled through time and space, right through what they are and what they have; through the same place they called, what they want and what they need.  Is that enough copyrighted material for them or is it just not enough for such sloppy fools of demise?  They are not that rich or that rude to be put through this tug of war?  This is not their place; a burial site called the 1960s because nothing I say or Ann said is enough for their expensive police powers to figure out; what we could have seen clearly or not.  If I could be like that, then I would not have to have any copyrighted material or tell them it is prohibited without expressed written consent.  If I would agree to be like them, I would not be here doing this for myself and certainly not for their own demise or mine.  Yes they tempted me, 850,000 and around the clock brainwashing, if I could just be like that and die for them on the cross.  What would I do if I lost more ground and what would they do if I did not lose this ending, some more?  Would I be living again or buried with the past and now the future?


There is a clock and a camera on the wall.  It is called human events and stories to go with them.  It is there to remind us like a family album, who we used to be and who we are now.  Is causes severe shaking and quaking for some odd reason.  Does it have the same effect on those encircled?  Then please feel free to confess to both Ann and I all the lies that exist between us and them.  Is it their race war or their trade wars?  Is it their clandestine war or murder and mayhem?  Is it the hostile climate that started in the 1990s and now ended in 2020, what we could have been had it not been for them?  It is still cheap; nothing is good enough for them.  My story is my story until proven innocent; that is not their story or our story anymore.  If they were waiting for a sign, maybe on the TV or radio, then I hope they realize they too have figured out what is wrong, with me, with my story, and with our story; that is the other half of this copyrighted material or Ann.  That is how they figured out what is and was wrong, she was hoping I make it before her ending came too close.  It was stuck on their face also and stuck in their life!  It is on the wall for the world to see, the glory, the pride, the pain, the hurt, and the stairway to our heaven.  We did not hide it, they continue to hide it.  We are not weak and frail to the touch or loud to the sound of fury.  We speak when spoken to and we come to you with justice, you do not come to us with murder and mayhem.  Now they want to take away my love and they do not even know what that love is or is about?  How dare them!  They will feel the pain of what they did, I promised those who got the goodness taken out of them but not the goodness of America they called their home and heaven.  I will make sure they have everything they need to fight their future wars on earth or otherwise; it used to be my fight and now I join them to rejoice, both in victory and defeat.  It was not my fault or theirs.  An old soldier did not do that or the work of the devil, do they get to go to heaven?


My story is more than words; it is time; a lot of time and a lot more time to be the same person.  Did I build my own prison or did they?  I have proven that meaning and that objective to become me.  My story was torn in two and my other half did try to put humpty-dumpty back together again; she has those pictures to prove it again and for the last time.  It was them who were brave like soldiers; we remained ourselves.  Now they exist as burning paper tigers and mache.  Is that enough or have they heard enough of this currency value?  It is and was wrong because now we are all fake and jaded, too tired to admit this to their currency values.  Have they figured out the problem yet with trade wars or race wars?  How about murder and mayhem in America or the world?  Those 911 calls got traced a second time and recorded by the closed-loop encirclement and everybody’s burial site.  To win, they need what is real and not more myth about the meaning of love and hate, God.  We have seen their God and fury has won.  Yes it was a close call and a near miss, however, it is also what we could have been and how we got here; all of it traveled with us through time and the span of thirty years.  Those images are images of what we could have been and where we have been; a clandestine war, a hostile climate, and now criminal stalking unearthed for our story, a police autopsy.   It was how the west was won, murder and mayhem, their drug and their God of truth.  Do we know if we have been there before and who we remember or saw?  An old soldier did not do this, but will they get a chance to hide and go to heaven by stealing us some more?


They do not have the story of America in them.  They still do not know it.  They claim it is their story and what they saw or heard in World War II.  It is not in all humans, it is inside the instincts of those who know what it takes to win and win big; it is survival.  If there is nothing I like, then it is my responsibility to do something about it but there is no way in hell am I going to take the good out of America, I am not this stupid or this evil.  I am after those who did this and the way they coerce, manipulate, take down, destroy, and target their human targets.  I know because I am and was a victim of it.  I too had a mom and need a mom, however, my duty is for that mom to tell my story, not kill it or kill her.  I do not kill the story of America, I try to tell it.  I will work as long and as tenuous as I have to in order to ensure those good Americans know the truth and see the truth about those who did this.  I see them now too.  They are not the same reflection of my image.  I am after the people who did this to me, to others, and to everybody including America.  You will not take the goodness out of me or try to take this same goodness out of America; I will not allow it.  They used the devil to tell my story and the next thirty years of my own fate and destiny.  They would not know what the truth is even if it slapped them many times in the face; their goal is existentialist, smack the hand that feeds them.  They do not respect those who had or have the story of goodness and wanted to call America their home.  Instead, they wanted to steal that goodness and use it for more murder and mayhem, it is not the American way or the legal way.  The two are at an impasse and they claim this is where all of us will be buried now.  We must be buried in their home while they claim it is our home.  They live in this small world and know they have been encircled but they fight on in a precarious and wanton manner.  Instead of telling the truth, they claim they are in love with both us and our story now.  Do they know our story?  Whose story are they telling if they know our story unlike we know it, their money and their God, the devil?  Children do not win world wars or civil wars in America, mature adults do.  There is nothing left to prove and nothing more to say or do.


My objectives are to give America and make sure America has the tools and resources she needs to operate in this climate and remove the bad.  America is being ripped apart by the seat of their pants.  You cannot take the good out of America and I know why.  I try my hardest to give any human being a fair chance, in written form, so they can tune their apertures on what the mission is and was.  It is in the air, it is not in the evidence.  It is in the fate and destiny, not in the misuse of words or the laws.  What I am annoyed by is how America is being mismanaged and I do not know where to start, until I got in the military and began to get exposed to odd people I have never been exposed to.  Then I was exposed to this enemy in the DC-VA area the moment I started working.  No matter how weak or strong these humans are, I know you cannot take the good out of others or America.  How do you take the bad out of my life?  It is not their politics I mind, it is the constant control they exerted over my life, I too have rights and I too am protected by my story and my copyrighted material.  My story now was ripping up America.  My story was now in the foxhole with vile killers.  Now they poke and prod us all day and night about our story and how it killed our partners.  Our partners?  Our patients?  Our goodness?  Our toothache?  Our glass house?  How did my story kill my partner in life?  How did my story kill America or take the goodness out of goons and goblins?  They still think it is a game and games are legal because nobody gets hurt or got hurt.  Have they read our story yet?  Do they know what our story is truly about or is it just theirs to claim and win after they buried us and then said they unearthed all of this to show the world it was their story to begin with?  This is the story of the world, America.  This is the story of their world war on America, encirclement and now a closed-loop burial site.  Who will unearth their story next?  All they will admit is how much they are in love with our story, it is their story now.  It was a cheap commodity on the shelf for anybody to take, steal, or rip off at their leisure and on their time scale, thirty years and counting.  They seek patience and lip service, more babbling propaganda.


What was once murder and mayhem in the world, a clandestine war, the collapse of communism, a hostile climate, a clandestine tug of war, or a criminal conspiracy to overthrow the government; has turned into my story and my burial place.  My story was killing both my partner and myself, whom has faithfully told my story and risked tremendous odds just to find out who did this to us.  It is not about their politics.  It is not about their home.  It is not about their race or creed.  It was about my rights and trying to take the goodness out of me.  Thus, I did what I was taught.  I did what came natural to me.  I did what any other human would ask, what in the world do I do with this.  That story and those objects are contained in my December 24, 2007 observation, which was a summary of the past twenty years.  I am after what they did, not who they did it to.  True, I am after human beings however soldiers are soldiers and Generals are Generals.  An old soldier did not do this.  Then again, I am no old soldier who is easily fooled.  Now they claim they are the people who are telling my story and it is not about my mom again.  Instead, it has been about the past thirty years and the next thirty years.  Do not come to me and tell me they are going to put the stupid into stupid when we know who is doing this.  Who the hell is going to pay their ticket for the next thirty years, their graves and burial site?  If so, then the blood sacrifice was their suicide and sacrifice, not ours or the story of defrauding America.  It is the same hostile climate, clandestine war, and criminal stalking.  Where can we unearth it now and will anybody stop us from unearthing it?  Only the devil knows the entire story to tell or to bury, I am here only to tell the story of America.  You can take all of the good out of America but you will never be able to take the America out of the goodness of this world.  Can you tell our story now, please?  I hope they realize they too have figured out what is wrong, with me, with my story, and with our story; that is the other half of this copyrighted material or Ann.  I too pray and hope she makes it to the end because neither of us deserved so much pain nor suffering by human trash in our foxhole, but they saw it as our grave and burial place nobody will ever discover.


It did not take me thirty years to see them and it is not going to take me another thirty years to see them!  An old soldier did not do this.  I too can see them now and they are ordered to stay away or keep away, from goodness and from America.  Let me tell my story the way I want to tell it, without any duress, intimidation, home invasions, murder and mayhem, illegal wiretaps, or the devil in my bedroom demanding a sex tape of America and I fornicating for them in delight or horror.  Their story is going away or shut up, that is our naked pride in your bed and home, fornicating America and her future!  That is the line in the sand and also the price in the sand, the price of love.  They did try to wreck up the price of love and replace it with a cheap imitation.  They have been smacked too many times to act as if they do not feel anything or know any better.  They need to crawl out our grave before they pull-out others into their clandestine war, hostile environment, search for a home, or call it love by an FBI-Police illegal wiretap.  The story of America is not here for them or their miserable pride!  It was not and is not for their defeatism and anger with the story of America, already dying.  Was I ever so stupid and so ignorant to tell my story this way or their story their way?  An old soldier did not do this.  My story and my partner did not do this.  How did my story, all the sudden become their property and new found price tag?  So the price tag is America’s price tag, the blame of defrauding the public and the treason of pure spite.  Did they steal my identity or steal my soul, left their business card, and lock this prison underneath layers of the surface until someone had enough goodness to unearth it?  Who unearths this crap and calls it their story?  It was my story, America’s story, or the other half of this copyrighted material, Ann’s story!  Now they want to be buried with us for eternity and just wait for the next victim to surface, maybe the next horror story of America.  That SOB likes to act like they are the police when it is just a game of life and death.



These FBI-Police agents are not there for themselves or the truth, they are there for the white guy who did it.  Not only are they there for the white guy who did it, they use the same sweet voice, the gold-digger perseverance, and the sweet complexion of most sex industry workers who will rip your eyes out and take every penny if you do not agree.  It is all an act of sex and the act of pretending to either be interested in it or seduce other human beings, control.  This is how they kidnap people for the white guy who did it.  The computational value of their logical disconnect is the exact same as a communist mole.  If you saw it, you would not believe it!  That is as professional and as dangerous of a game on earth as this world has ever seen or will ever see in this century.  This is a new breed and series of communist mole we are being introduced to.  Their computational circuits can be measured so they need to know that the black magic is not infallible.  To do what they do at the FBI-Police, on TV and radio, or even in the white guys’ bank that did this; is probably the worst we have ever seen and lasting more than thirty years.  This was a difficult human being to hunt and also corner, many hit and miss already; many.  So is this another hit or just another miss?  Let’s ask them, is it a hit or a miss and would they know the difference?  If it is good for America, then they can write it down and repeat it until the experiment is real.  Every nation on earth has been notified about this world class asshole on the FBI-Police wiretap who is seeking also DNA globally.  They claim they are the last line of defense and are “higher” than the former communist menace; an even deadlier communist mole; proceed with caution.


When someone plays with the reality of someone who is playing with their reality, the most powerful form of logical fallacy is the red-herring.  A red-herring can have one element of logical disconnect or the entire capacity of logical disconnect.  Of all the fallacies, it is the one fallacy that is the most enticing, the most addictive, the most intriguing, the most personal (other than ad-hominem), and compelling.  The red-herring is used to seduce and attract, like a hunter who uses bait.  The seduction of a red-herring fallacy in literature can be a needle in a haystack.  Similar to ad-hominem, it too attacks the person deeply in their mind’s reality and their most treacherous depths.  It etches deeply in the mind bank and tortures the soul similar to seeing a ghost.  Most people believe they see a ghost while others try  to trick people they saw a ghost when what they saw was themselves.  They are seeing what is deep in their mind and what they fear the most, a reality they do not understand but the seduction of a reality that is so deep or embedded in their mind, hypnosis cannot even make it surface.  Black magic is very seductive like a red-herring fallacy.  Witchcraft is very seductive and enticing like red-herring fallacies.  Wizardry is that cosmic value that some people believe while others do not.  This is why they say there is a logical break in red-herring that goes far beyond an ad-hominem attack that is only defined by the human body and their soul.  Some people believe in ghosts and some people believe in black magic.  However, when it comes to a red-herring fallacy, nobody believes in the logic or the relationships among the premises.  Logical disconnects are subjective to a human intelligence level because it rationalizes the mathematical sequences similar to a computer and numerical algorithms.  Without a computational method or formula, it is merely an ad-hominem or an even bigger red-herring fallacy; computers do not lie and most especially when it is about values.


When we determine why there are four versions of the truth or why the same sentence leads to two or more outcomes, we determine the facts or premises contain only relationships and lack truth in vagueness.  In a logical fallacy, we can state two premises, either both false or both true and conclude we have the truth.  The relationship is true but the entire syllogism is not; therefore, we can have several versions of the truth when people use facts, photos, or ambiguous statements to argue in a deceptive or misleading manner.  What is a misleading or undermining way to use facts and statements that end up as false propaganda?  Keep in mind, propaganda is mind control and a method of persuading or influencing the public.  The strongest form of propaganda is the human being.  No other element on earth is stronger than influencing the earth than the human being.  There are a lot of ways to argue facts that lack any logical connection or logical meaning to the truth.  However, the uses of facts are misleading because without the logical transgression or digression of some logical formula, we end up with something similar to media bias.  This is why freedom of speech is vital to truth telling.  There are a lot of ways to deceive or lie.  There are a lot of ways to manufacture lies or pathologically use propaganda.  Those methods are called common logical fallacies.  They are the logic of all arguments or logic structures.  All logic structures are computational and mathematical.  Here is a list of the most common logical fallacies.  Keep in mind, a fallacy such as “appeal to privacy” or “ad hoc arguments” can be very difficult to detect but all fallacies exist based on their categorical limits and method of detection.  Both appeal to privacy and ad hoc arguments are prevalent with phony photos or false fan sites.


  • Ad Hominem:    the ad hominem is a fallacy of relevance where someone rejects or criticizes another person’s view on the basis of personal characteristics, background, physical appearance, or other features irrelevant to the argument at issue.
  • Strawman Argument:    is a cheap and easy way to make one’s position look stronger than it is. Using this fallacy, opposing views are characterized as “non-starters,” lifeless, truthless, and wholly unreliable. By comparison, one’s own position will look better for it. You can imagine how strawman arguments and ad hominem fallacies can occur together, demonizing opponents and discrediting their views.
  • Appeal to Ignorance:      isn’t proof of anything except that you don’t know something.
  • False Dilemma: fallacy is often a manipulative tool designed to polarize the audience, heroicizing one side and demonizing the other. It’s common in political discourse as a way of strong-arming the public into supporting controversial legislation or policies.
  • Slippery Slope Fallacy:    suggests that unlikely or ridiculous outcomes are likely when there’s just not enough evidence to think so.
  • Circular Argument:          they start where they finish, and finish where they started. See if you can identify which of these is a circular argument.
  • Hasty Generalization:     may be the most common logical fallacy because there’s no single agreed-upon measure for “sufficient” evidence.
  • Red Herring Fallacy:        can be difficult to identify because it’s not always clear how different topics relate.
  • Tu Quoque:        fallacy is an attempt to divert blame, but it really only distracts from the initial problem.
  • Causal Fallacy:   is any logical breakdown when identifying a cause. You can think of the causal fallacy as a parent category for several different fallacies about unproven causes.
  • Fallacy of Sunk Costs:     is an economic term for any past expenses that can no longer be recovered.
  • Appeal to Authority:       refers to irrelevant authorities
  • Equivocation:     when a word, phrase, or sentence is used deliberately to confuse, deceive, or mislead by sounding like it’s saying one thing but actually saying something else.
  • Appeal to Pity:  appeals to the compassion and emotional sensitivity of others when these factors are not strictly relevant to the argument. Appeals to pity often appear as emotional manipulation.
  • Bandwagon Fallacy:        when something is accepted because the relevant authorities or people all agree on it.


When it comes to the copyrighted material, the FBI-Police claim there was no tug of war and they do not know what the problem was.  Not only has the copyrighted biography been prohibited for use unless consent is verified, they pretend as if they are policing it and it is their money and their judgment.  At the same time, they do not know how it got this way; nobody wanted to leave and it was a tug of war that magically disappeared once the mental illness scam exploded into thousands of pieces.  They are not hustlers of the truth and scamming nobody with “it is too late, we are in love, just move out, we are family, they are not lazy, they are sorry, it is their money, they had enough, we are inferior, we are too hurt, everybody is terrified, we do not know what to do, who wants to die, they are angry, he is the devil and she lied, he is not our leader, he is not one of us, he is not a Nazi, he is not an awful person, we were wrong, he only wants us to go away, he only wants peace without us, he knows we did this, they had enough of us, they are angry, we know what the problem is, nobody got this right and everybody is crazy, we are totally crazy perfect, we are at war now, we pulled out, there is no more clandestine war in America, there is no more hostile climate here or there, etc.”  We have a problem with blood money and terrorism, a serious global problem!  It is aimed directly at the 1960s and some of the most violent groups in the world, money.  There seems to be a tug of war after the collapse of the 1960s and the collapse of the cold war, communism.  This tug of war means we are ruined, everybody knows we did it, we are in so much trouble, we are totally destroyed, and we must take over the world and start a nuclear war or else we will die.  After reading this strategy and copyrighted material, does anybody totally crazy want to help us if we are willing to come to you and become your dwelling?  We are going to need oil if this is about nuclear war and world war, taking it over.  Why is reading the start or end of this strategy so copacetic for our allies but hunky-dory for our foes likewise?  Who is writing it?


Apparently, meddling in national elections and fabricating evidence is the control of money!  Is kidnapping a process of money also, a voluntary process?  None of this is their copyrighted material yet they claim it is their money and they know what the problem is and how to make it better, solutions.  This is how thirty years expired and how it got worse each year, they know what the problem is and it is their money, they are sorry but one of us has to be lost and just cannot win.  It seems when this started in 1989, the copyrighted material was perfect and in heaven; already won.  What has changed since 1989 to 2020?  Did they ask the other part of this copyrighted material, my alter ego Ann?  The material should be mined blowing and paralyzes the mind, it has no effect on the devil?  Has the devil ever seen their image in written form or in prohibited copyrighted material?  Do they know the material already?  It is just business as usual for them, see no evil and hear no evil; no criminal stalking, no hostile climate, no clandestine war, and no closed-loop encirclement.  When a General or military has encircled you, this is when you pray to your God.  The devil is not in any part of the copyrighted material, it is just their money as usual.  Are there any syllogisms or ambiguity now if they were busted for meddling with everybody in the world who is also totally crazy or crazier than they are?  If there is a master plan and an author, then nobody even knows who the author is.  If there is criminal stalking, a hostile climate, and a clandestine war; then nobody even knows if there is two or more master plans?  Who wrote it if it is prohibited copyrighted material?  How many biographies are in the copyrighted material and how in hell did they get in it and did not even know it was a master plan?  How did thirty years of experience produce a master plan, a clandestine training or terror plot recruitment?  Did they ever make this worse and worse or only helped and is helping, if it was their money?  Money means the white guy did it, nobody else writes a master plan, especially trade wars and race wars.  This sleeping giant is not only annoying, they got totally destroyed on paper and now can expect to be ruined, very hurt or crying obviously.  We know this is extremely threatening and we know how it grew to such enormous price and money, their money and their master plan now; our biography and copyrighted material.  It’s just too late and they are terrified, kryptonite!  Even farmers know why they use a scarecrow but does terrorism or terror plots know how to use the same scarecrow?  I wonder whose scare tactic that one was, the white guy who did this or their money?


Have you ever seen a master plan that dug their grave, the sleeping giant?  It is a clandestine war, who will ever know; the one who wrote the master plan or the copyrighted material?  So who won the tug of war this time on paper?  Have you ever read the other half of this copyrighted material dig their own grave, a master plan partner who sabotaged the master plan, it is their money and this is the most important part of the copyrighted material.  Nothing else compares.  So they dug their own graves by being a sleeping giant or dug their own grave because it is too late and their master plan dug their all of our graves with our own copyrighted material?  Is that possible or impossible if it is their money?  It must be a dinner or real estate, the white guy who did it money.  What is really annoying is how their judgment is poor, even if it is their judgment.  It might start a world war but we are in this together now; they do not get any credit for ending this nuclear war; poor judgment money and more real estate taxes.  So real estate and taxes are part of their master plan but oddly the real master plan, the copyrighted material, got kidnapped and has no property or control. Only real estate and taxes have total control of the police and wiretaps. 


This is really annoying and so is the clandestine war master plan, the psycho-babbling on the FBI-Police illegal wiretap, $80 billion now and still talking about their own master plans.  It is not our copyrighted material that is the problem, it is the 911 terror plotters, their master plans did nothing but build a wall and say “how do you like our money, this is our home now.”  It was never their master plan; it was our master plan real estate!  So where is the tug of where?  Boy that master plan can deck the halls of jolly and have you seen how many people got killed by a sea of corruption and crime?  Getting decked is offense, not defensive strategy; our strategy and money now, property.  But hey, who cares, it is now closed loop encirclement and you know what that means if this is a master strategy or plan, no worries.  Can any human being tell this many lies on paper or only in a hostile environment and clandestine war, criminal stalking?  Do peasants get decked by defense or do kings and queens get decked by offensive copyrighted material?  Property damage is a hostile environment.  A broken marriage is a hostile climate.  A bunch of phony photos is a terror plot, for sure.  As a terrorism authority, the police have a duty to observe, not tell us jokes that will scare the living hell out of the average American; please be more diligent to observe the devil in the prohibited copyright material, which is where they called their home.  Please continue to yield to the truth and the master plan, it is copyrighted.



This is a game to the people who are encircled and facing criminal charges.  It is about how big of a bite they have and what we have to do in order to win back or take back everything they have stolen or wrecked up.  A list can be made of what they stole, what they wrecked, and what they have not tampered with or have no access yet.  To them it is a legal game.  To them it is about being in the right place at the right time.  To them it is not about refunding money or fixing what they broke.  To them it is about stonewalling others and denying any relief.  To them it is about trying to bury other people alive once they destroy them.  It is similar to treatises.  It is similar to crime on the street, no big deal.  To them it is about what they want and how much trouble they can make before you find out they are above the laws.  Even today, they think it is just too late and the harping and sniveling is about spilled milk.  It is about what they want or need.  It is about their politics and how we have to share life with them regardless of the laws.  When we make a list of everything they did, everything the stole, everything they wrecked up or destroy; they just don’t care for anybody’s rights or liberties; you are all on your own!


What they do care about is a lot of babbling and lip service.  What they do care about is covering it up or blame.  What they do care about is stonewalling and acting like they did nothing wrong or ever did, infallible.  They act like a rubber band that is elastic and this is how they live life or meddle into the life of others, then call it help.  It is not help and has never helped, look at the math.  If they got kidnapped or stalked, their finances will feel the pinch or some kind of irregularity.   They act like they never saw any evil or heard any evil on the other part of this copyrighted material, Ann.  So their legal game and how they pretending to solve crime instead of manufacturing it, is the futility of entitlements.  There is no logic here, only nice or mean.  It is about charity and being stingy, a cheap-skate.  This makes them cry and grow very angry, blood-thirsty.  They also buried all of the criminal stalking, the glue of the 911 terror plot, and told everybody they are shovel ready, help yourself if you have access.  This is how they expect to win the next Presidential election.


Telling the truth and seeking the truth is a single event and they are overlapped by the transparency of the copyrighted material.  The material and the event are far more powerful than any of the humans who have placated the truth and replaced it with their ape like paws.  Now the single event is distorted, contorted, tortured, a caged animal, mistreated, falsely imprisoned, not even respected or obeyed, a bashing and banishment, a punishment instead of honor, depleted and sick, and a slow death that waits only for more stalling or new personnel to storm over the demarcation lines.  In these revolutionary times when terrorism and the collapse of communism have become a single event, telling the truth and seeking the truth become two distinct events set with peril, pitfalls, endless accusations, a lack of mental faculty, and a lot of impunity and relentless lip services.  Does it feel like a clandestine war yet?  It is corruption and cronyism trying to be larger than life or speak louder than what others can see or hear.  The tricks and the clandestine war are buried under decades of mismanagement, strife, different address, different states, a stalking or continuation, a landlord or dwelling problem, a partnership or romance sabotage only at the ending, and things that exist only in the uneducated or misinformed underground river where events simply mean accidents repeat and become debilitating and crippling to the truth and the search for the truth tellers.  In the end, corruption has an impact on the consumers.  In the end, the resources that corruption consumes are squandered and valuable time and resources are wasted.  In the end, the tax payers and the reputation of those who allowed this or who pretend they were on duty; are left to the winds of change.  Why is the truth and why is the road to ruin so difficult to find when it is finally cornered, injured, bleeding badly, and just trying to keep the lights on?  Telling the truth and seeking the truth should be the same road and not the road to ruin and constant peril. 


Is anybody stalling or playing feudal games while we are sitting on a ticking revolutionary bomb ready to explode and is reaching critical mass during revolutionary times?  The old desperations of the past meet up with the exasperations of the modern when “desperate times call for respectable solutions, not more desperate measures.”  The extension granted to Ann Coulter in 2019 was nothing more than a demarcation line and cease fire because she was trying to arrest and take down the FBI-Police forces who were trying to hammer the copyrighted material, with impunity, until it reached critical mass or split into two or more pieces.  As vultures and bottom feeders they expended an enormous amount of time, money, and human resources to a problem that was only getting worse and becoming more threatening, leading to their total failure, total meltdown, total shutdown, total ruin, and even their total destruction.  The demarcation line was granted because Ann saw who did it and they put the best face on the terror plots so the split in the copyrighted material was neutralized or half the threat, united they could not defeat the truth but half-truths created doubt and escape.  Ann said the FBI-Police are sabotaging the copyrighted material she was guilty.  She took this way too far and she admitted it was all her fault, she was on duty.  However, she also said her objective was only to arrest and expose them, trap them in her own web of deception.  For some reason, mistakes repeat and the extension granted became a demarcation line between two enemy forces using the copyrighted material to hide while they destabilize and undermine it by splitting it in two.  The guilty party is the lack of truth or respect for the rights of others.  This bottom feeder and hostile environment is how the tax payers ended up stuck with the bills, already $80 billion and a state of chaos and mayhem while clandestine objectives drained and defrauded the public.  The resources could have gone for natural disasters, COVID recovery, or even the morass of victim recovery.  They radicalized the population while they also drained the resources in order to remove any rival or opposition, still a mire slap on the wrist.


A system that is racked with corruption, enemy combatants, a climate of hostile politics or workplace crimes, a rigged system where the public gets it news and stories from unofficial sources, and a policy system that does not respect the rights of fellow officers or the inalienable rights of the inevitable; is being occupied by cronyism.  This cronyism when a sea of violence and crime is prosecuting the same system becomes a system of warlords and cronies.  The system is now rigged by propaganda and crazy stunts that shoves misinformation and misleading milestones down the throats of the consumer, whoever that is.  Now lost in the rubble of the police stations or illegal wiretaps are the copyrighted material and the events that are supposed to take place but were killed by other misfortunes and mistakes.  It is a sea of this and it is with impunity, not a simple hostile climate or work environment.  This cronyism exists on the surplus or demand for protections.  A fist always must get a reciprocating fist.  A gun will always get a reciprocation of a gun.  A terror plot will always get the diminutive but crippling search for truth or conspiracy.  Therefore, the bottom feeders and vultures have the objective of splitting the material among several races, several religions, several 1960s cast of characters, and most of all a sea of cronyism.  In order to hire, you must formulate the demand.  In order to sell a product or an objective, you must create the consumer.  Therefore, cronyism is doing this in order to keep the lights on while it is spiraling into the nether and both destabilizing, reaching critical mass, and splitting from a lack of police and a total police, thereof manipulating the outcomes for a system of cronyism and corruption.  It is now a suicidal warlord system and the structure of what was once communism, a new clandestine war in America and the world.


Therefore, the extension was only for what Ann described as her last and final attempt to tell her story, how they sabotaged the entire copyrighted material, how they were confused by who owned it or could pull it out from underneath them, and who was the boss they had to kiss up to if they wanted to survive or sabotage it.  That demarcation line then turned into the usual, a total waste of time, as Ann diverged from her promises again and began radio shows, articles, Tweeting flurries, and chit-chats with the same people she vowed was going to be arrested for this.  They in turn sunk to the bottom feeders and began to post doctored or phony photos the FBI-Police forced Ann to take if she wanted to avoid arrest and charges of defamation.   This demarcation line or extension became the line in the sand and Ann, like usual when on watch, allows anything and everything to pore over until she is completely overtaken and has to be taken out.  A surge and insurgency was revitalized by the extension and the demarcation line became Ann’s last stand, a line in the sand.  If she crossed it and wasted more time, it will be the end of Ann and her ownership of the copyrighted material, revoked and disqualified for waging illegal war on the copyrighted material while the occupants of it suffered and scrambled to defend against her attacks; wasting more time on leisure, brunches, dinners, phony photos, protection hustling, radio shows, wasteful Twitter and political events, charity and giving ammunition to enemy combatants, and claiming she is too messed up and this is all her fault.  This is her watch and she is allowing this to happen without any residual liabilities and resistance.  This is how Ann became a participant, a leader of the sabotage, split in two by her motives or objectives, and was caught wasting more time and repeating the same mistakes.


It is not certain if Ann is fully committed to the copyrighted material or traces of cronyism because of her deepening reliance on security and male affection.  She claims there is a surplus of attention and she bankrupted their demand for affection, a form of rape and harassment.  However, she is engaged to a system that is plagued and rigged by cronyism and warlords that are only trying to keep the lights on by using the FBI-Police to protect their internal struggle with the truth and justice for all.  The problem with Ann was similar but not identical to the core of the copyrighted material.  She allowed a lot of these abuses to occur during her watch and it eventually divided the relationship she had with her partner because the hostile environment fed on her leisure and how much they pampered her while they were trying to actually murder one or both of the victims so they could get away with the terror plot or control the matter of government and wars.  They ended up getting both civil war and world war very wrong and for the wrong political forces; foes and domestic moles.   By allowing so much to storm over the demarcation line, she now claims she is arresting them when the result is destabilization and a total waste of more time and resources on radio, bad planning, dinners, photos, shows and events, new tours, university speeches, and old allies pouring over the demarcation line once again.  Ann claims they did this and allowed it, she did not.  It is about a system of control, warlords, the cast of the 1960s, and cronyism and corruption.  Leisure and entertainment is their objective, an image of persuasion and success.  Their image is courage under fire and the might or protection of the FBI-Police who seek cronyism and this rigged system over the truth and justice for all.  That is and was the result of the 1960s, a state of demise and catastrophe; especially with the police and resources.  The resources go to mend and repair the failure and demise spiraling towards civil war and a prison riot.


Because Ann allowed a lot of this to occur on her watch and she sought refuge under the guise of the mayhem, a lot of it was directed at her partner and she was guilty of being a co-conspirator.  However, she eventually returned to see if he was okay and things began to sour.  Ann sought forgiveness for being too stupid, weak, incompetent, and even too messed up by past battles and being overworked.  The fatigue of battle is how they undermined her privileges and created this notion she moved on or pulled out as they ordered.  Defying them, she made a dash to get away but were stopped by law enforcement who are behind the hostile environment and this need for crime to keep the lights on.  Again, Ann sought forgiveness because she was the only one on duty and the only one who could rescue her partner as communist methods and perverted hostile tactics turned into a full scale home invasion and eviction.  A lot of property and planning was lost due to the corruption and the perversion of the FBI and police forces, another of many failures and cover-ups already.  Now they blamed both her and him and claimed public safety and dangers tied their hands, so they focused only on two fingerprints and the guilt of two people, a total loss of nearly twelve years.  Now the total lost years were accumulating at a very dangerous rate and level, stall tactics and the appearance of incompetence and not crime or a conspiracy to bury mountains of crime and mayhem.


The FBI-Police illegal wiretap, what used to be a constant supply of home invasions, turned into a very hostile standoff with national security personnel.  Plagued by internal hostility and an internal game of couping rivals or overpowering them, the hostile environment was now divided and trying to coup each other, resulting from a legacy of bad culture and immigration.  The politics of the FBI-Police were more focused on race wars and who was the umbrella terrorist group than truth disseminated from trade wars.  Their culture of mayhem and political opposition was born out of counter-culture and the 1960s cast of characters.  Now they created a hostile environment where spy games and home invasions were one in the same, an overt legal kidnapping that disregarded any rights and liberties for their human captives.  This is when the incidents began to pile up in hundreds of thousands of numbers, one hundred to five hundred incidents per day.  Most if not all incidents were some form of an assault with the intent of injury, crippling failure, or emotional grief; brain damage.  The dialogue and chit-chatting on the illegal wiretap was full of radical teaching and race related material, brainwashing and coaching witnesses.  Therefore, they created a hostile environment and got recorded deploying failed communist methods such as brainwashing after the period when the communist forces vanished and magically reappeared in a terror plot investigation, now full of radical and law school teachings, home schooling.


The tenure of the abduction now was approaching the second and third decade!  There was no oversight or any form of checks and balances to administer proper care and solutions; only additional chaos, mayhem, and crimes with extreme prejudices and this idea rights and liberties are secondhand to police power.  So at the same time the 911 terror plot confessions were pouring in and an eviction conspiracy was unfolding, the hostile work environment was poisoning the well and deploying totally crazy employees who have striking similarities to the Manson family and their close unit cohesion.  The Manson family of investigators were now constantly hustling and saying outrageous things because they are pitbulls and predators trying to keep the lights on for hope.  They deployed counterproductive methods that had a slime of honesty but were just another hustle in the endless decades of dialogue, another way to destroy any foe and human being who cracked or crumbled under superior force and the laws.  This is how they bring human beings to their knees, hustling and ruses as police officers.  The only difference is they claimed it was for the greater good of the public.  Again, the road to ruin and the events that take place begin to separate into two or more events.  Why is truth telling and the road to seeking the truth fraught with pitfalls and a division of agreements, perspectives, conspiracies, and a total lack of mental faculty and a digestive problem with total insanity?  Telling the truth and seeking the truth is a single event and they are overlapped by the transparency of the copyrighted material.  The material and the event are far more powerful than any of the humans who have placated the truth and replaced it with their ape like paws.  Now the single event is distorted, contorted, tortured, a caged animal, mistreated, falsely imprisoned, not even respected or obeyed, a bashing and banishment, a punishment instead of honor, depleted and sick, and a slow death that waits only for more stalling or new personnel to storm over the demarcation lines.


This poisoned atmosphere and the continuation of poisoning the well for more than two decades, refused to fix anything while resources were used to conspire against the copyrighted material.  It is a way to antagonize or create doubt in both humans and facts, antagonize it and harass it around the clock.  The objectives were few.  The truths were already known.  It was only an echo chamber and regurgitating the same material in a circular firing squad, who could withstand it longer?  Instead of seeking the truth or reading the path of truth, they poisoned the well and anything seeking the truth, sabotage.  They also did this for a span of several decades claiming the material was a surplus of greatness and nothing in the past worked because the copyrighted material and central characters were too powerful to be defeated by their clandestine units and home invasions.  This confidence in material and truth tipped off the insanity of surplus taxing until the neutral or balance of sanity was the same; non-threatening.  The truth is supposed to be the truth; however, this was an expedition to collect facts and to neutralize the truth so it was not threatening to those in the line of fire or danger.  Therefore, the taxing of the material surplus was the deficit of a moral compass and the inescapable problem of lacking a right and wrong; only a respect for being non-threatening or danger.  This is why the totally crazy and hustling was around the clock and unrelenting with impunity, it is their protection and legal superiority, a state of total chaos and crime where the rights and liberties of others are completely buried and lost.


The legal game is futility.  This entitlement with little or no resources competing with the police was introduced to a partner who was pampered and showered with leisure because the system is rigged in a particular manner that favored outcomes by those who had control of the police.  Meanwhile they expected people with superior truth but no resources to do their office work and become the voice of the poor or the messenger for the terror plots.  It caused them no worries or injuries but it eventually blew up in their faces as total chaos and mayhem, a mere accident again.  They fill the atmosphere and illegal wiretap with the same propaganda and legal demands or excuses.  I do not get paid for my services and they do not have any right to utilize my dwelling for their cronyism or corrupt enterprise; what the illegal wiretap has been doing by flooding my material and 24 hours with, free labor and services about their demise and worries.  I am also not their legal office or communications officer with the public or any public relations, I have rights and liberties they are not supposed to violate and enforce.  That is what a demarcation line is for and why enemy combatants are not allowed to cross it or claim they were threatened, fired upon, or charged with some criminal repeat offender.  I am not the office or the personnel they tell this to, never was.  The material is copyrighted and the biography is not for them to add more false imprisonment or propaganda because they need to get their employment confirmed in writing or for the records, cronyism and terrorism.


While this home invasion and pervasive surveillance was a gross violation of all US laws, it formed a dual head by establishing the demand for cronyism; their warlords ran amuck and terrorized the population because nobody had the resources or freedom to do their duties.  There was no prevention except after the fact, typically a little too late and confusion.  The truth got buried because it was conscripted or forced to labor in a remote dwelling, paying rent to the propaganda as it was being made, or doing the office work that exceeded the academic faculty of any college or any professor chosen to be the messenger of this topic.  This idea they would kidnap him and force him to attend their radicalization and legal schools is preposterous if not a cancer of the mind.  In a police form or the resources of authority, it is now an espionage plot, a terror plot, and the many ways to kidnap or conscript human beings by abducting them for many decades and forcing them into squalor because the office work has to be done by someone and not those paid to do the actual police work.  That is how the blockade produced so much material and so little results.  That is how it got this way and now they seek to destabilize it and split it into two halves so it can be the corrupt crony system in place already but facing a total shutdown.  The electric bills are now the objective of the illegal wiretap and their attempt to justify or subjugate the evidence and facts, to their own version of the story.  This is why someone has crossed the demarcation line and has refused to shut down or close down; force is needed and possibly civil war.  They are stealing the copyrighted material, stealing the mental or academic faculty that invented it, and they are hijacking it with hustling and ruses that come from the system of cronyism and politics, the authority of the police and their control to enforce whatever they want or need to keep the lights on.  They cannot fend for themselves but they banish and bash those who are being forced to because they have been locked out of the copyrighted material and seeking a new way to sneak in, a co-conspirator or romance story.  How else do you end up in the copyrighted material if there is no inside job not even worried about the terror plots, who sent him, and who hired him?


Hence, bashing and banishing with impunity or in a relentless way is the inescapable feeling of being kidnapped and murdered.  It is a slow death and one that is hard to cut off or police.  One example is stealing the police or the lawyers.  Without a skilled legal professional, it is futile to resist.  Without resources or the amount of fight when and if needed, the phone lines are cutoff.  All you have to do is get the female daughter to fabricate a complaint and the entire family is a hostage to the police; they now control everything down to the office work or public relations.  That is all they did and had to do, police the copyrighted material and split it into two halves for the bottom feeders to manipulate.  Without the means to steer or reclaim the true objectives, they are able to avoid danger and buy more time while they wreak havoc or wreck up more copyrighted material.  Now Ann is in the hotseat and has to explain why she allowed this to happen and why so much abuse, mistreatment, torture, poverty, squalor, evictions, loss of property, etc. occurred while she was on duty!  Is a termination or replacement needed or is this more of her broken promises and stall tactics?  She obviously is not the author of the copyrighted material and she obviously has trouble defending the copyrighted material but with the resources and legal skills she has, it still is futile and in a state of despair while Ann claims she has no obligations while others are forced to fight her wars.  Does she have an obligation if the copyrighted material saved her life, brought her down from the cross, or is fighting her wars?  The Constitution says she has an obligation in times of war to house and feed soldiers of the copyrighted material and cease all attacks or damage for war purposes.  Who else has broken this obligation and decided to hammer it nonstop and around the clock for upwards of two decades?  Ann says she is going to expose them but in the messiest way possible because she takes it too far and is too messed up or incompetent to do things with authority, only dependence.  Therefore, the demarcation line is enforced so Ann does not deplete any more valuable resources or allow anybody to storm past the stall tactics or poor work of a crazy woman.


When you look at the copyrighted material and how it was distributed during revolutionary times, the distribution point was Ann.  It shows on the counter and the measure of payment for ads, how many views and how much Goggle owes in gratuity.  The counter reads only a handful for a terror plot case that every single government is aware of and has already passed to their intelligence and highest security offices.  The only people who is behind the curve and thirty years behind, is the United States of America and this FBI-Police problem.  Therefore, there must be some coordination and distribution point stealing or embezzling the monetary benefits and depleting what would be the escape of a kidnapping plot.  Did the kidnappers have any help or was the situation worsened by the police who covered up and squandered any relief, financial payments, advertisement royalties, college loan repayments, etc…?  To this day, the total number of problems, theft, property damage, home invasions, etc. exceeds the total number of relief or the price tag.  It does not take a genius to audit the calculus of crime and a conspiracy.  In laymen terms, they have not fixed a damn thing; only a blockade and sanction is being enforced from 1998 to 2020 when it began to fracture and reached the slippery slope.  Was this a gladiator ring of mental faculty or the impoverishment of the copyrighted material so that foreclosure and severe duress could be applied along with severe intimidation around the clock?  If this is beyond any scope of colleges, legal schools, or scope of any present academic faculty; why are all of the resources stolen and left to fend for themselves?  Where are the life lines and crucial safety measures?  There are dangers, pitfalls, and peril throughout the entire thirty years, from 1989 to 2020 when the ending standoff was depleted.  The effect of the bashing and banishment was now a slow death.


The evidence is the creation and the continuation of a hostile environment, a dwelling.  The dwelling is stalking the main characters through life, from the 1990s to the present.  The evidence indicates an improper use of resources and a counter-productive objective, to create a bigger and more formidable hostile environment so escape or survival is impossible.  At the same time, this clandestine effort is trying to survive and keep the lights on, cronyism.  This corruption and splitting of the atoms is for warlords and cronyism.  They also are racking up a price tag and are trying to stick it to the tax payers, like any wars or clandestine wars, war bonds have to be sold.  When those atoms collide, they explode with violence and massacres globally.  We are watching and witnessing those war bonds being sold for a clandestine war on US soil and the world.  It is beyond the fathom of the imagination to audit several decades of records and not have one problem fixed or in closure, meanwhile, there are escalating costs and problems.  The forensic science also indicates the objective was not to solve crime but to give the impression someone was on duty that was tougher than crime and the truth.  There is no story or character in this stronger than the truth, not even tougher.  What is tougher than thick skin and fancy luxurious handbags?  What is tougher than leather legs that cannot be closed but are man-hunger and man-hunting?  What is more debilitating than to forge your measly daughter or son for that fancy ancillary leather acting like their leather legs are closed and off limits?  So the second string humans are feeding the copyrighted material with forgeries and a very thick tough leather type of skin in the game.  That is how you keep the ball rolling and how you keep the lights on when it is nothing more than a rigged and corrupt system full of horny cronies and a hostile encirclement based on romantic habits in a dwelling between opposite sexes.  Over time it is a complete waste of time and a total waste of valuable resources.  We know the crony system and hostile work environment is stalking the material and has not been properly investigated, it is racked with sexual harassment and poor quality.  So how did the blockade or these clandestine pieces, arranged in a manner to produce so much material and propaganda when nobody was on duty?


There had to have been some oppressive force or life problem that prevented the propaganda and office work to be completed but untraceable.  This objective has to be in place, the right time and with the right people; in order to get the results the way they are.  What little objectives there were only reinforced the need for office work, a clandestine war, a story, and escalating problems that had to focus on organizing or proving the data was not mental illness but a criminal conspiracy and a web of lies and a web of deception; the boy in the bubble.  A blockade has to be forced on a human being if they want the propaganda or the office work on the professional level it is.  Once that was discovered as the 911 terror plot confession, a counter-measure was deployed to flush out all of the insurgents and test their data and skills at global strategy.  If they are going to relay information or propaganda in a clandestine form; they also need a cover story, such as mental illness, in order to cover the broader objective.  The objective was not to solve crime but to give the impression someone was on duty.  Furthermore, taking the fight to the bad guys was actually the hostile environment and the illegal is of labor laws or inhuman treatment.  Some form of blockade had to be in place once they recognized the talent of this individual to be their messenger or to conceal the matter, strength or weakness.  It blows up on them and they underestimate the copyrighted material, a fatal mistake and bad planning.  Now we can ask how the pieces got this way and what kind of a blockade was in place to incapacitate or cripple this human being for thirty or so years; and gradually led to this ending and the capture of the terror plot and a gigantic sea of corruption and cronyism. 


The mistakes of this blockade were early on.  However, the talent of the person they chose to become the central character was also not known or not disclosed, a fatal error.  Things do not get this way without careful thought, especially how their forces are totally ruined or crushed in a counter-offensive.  An encirclement of this size and capacity requires careful planning and thought.  An escape or ability to remain anonymous or clandestine also requires careful planning and elusive tactics, such as mental illness.  They chose this person or that person for all the right reasons; but got the objectives totally destroyed.  There is no way this much corruption and crime can exist in a clandestine form without some trace or some prior knowledge.  Furthermore, the varying degree of good and bad tells us a match or standoff occurred between opposing forces.  We know the origin of the terror plot but we do not know how the pieces got this way and how they deployed the blockade and then tried to put an end to it without a trace or the police not even noticing a problem.  We also see the plans surface and who placed their fingerprints on those plans in order to continue the blockade and the final objective.  What is that final objective?  If it was a sale of a crony system or kidnapping someone to teach them the ropes, then their objective was more destruction and mayhem.  Therefore, someone had to facilitate the sale or promote the products.  How did the buyer and the seller converse?  How did the blockade or those on duty, facilitate the matter and then coverup any fingerprints it ever took place?  The objective was clandestine civil war and clandestine global warfare.  That is where the convergence of home invasions merged with espionage and global clandestine war or civil wars.  So this crony system running amuck in America wanted to establish the same crony system abroad in order to wreak havoc and destabilize other regions.


The objective was not to solve crime or break the blockade.  If the blockade was broken, we cannot have the facilitation of destruction and mayhem, some organized criminal profiteering hustle and the coverup of it on national television.  So a hostage or a control factor was needed, a partner or swap.  In order for a kidnapping to begin in the 1990s and end with a 911 terror plot, you need control factors and measures.  This blockade was in place from the 1990s to 2020, clearly.  In that time span, there were approximately five hundred fist fights, at times five to ten daily.  In that same time span, more than 850,000 encroachments and assaults transpired, control measures that made sure a state of chaos or destabilization racked up more problems.  The moment relocation was tried, those control factors and the blockade was at it again.  This went from one state to the next, a ghost stalker able to use technology or surveillance methods to track human beings.  They did leave clues of their presence, such as bars and strip clubs.  Therefore, taking the fight to the bad guys was actually using this person for something that ended with race wars, trade wars, and terror plots.  There is no way a seamless match and no discontinuation can wreck up so much planning, thinking, and material; beyond mental illness.  There has to be an ending point or closure, a breaking of this blockade or audit.  Are there any further control measures or access to the dwelling and copyrighted material?  Are there any further objectives or blockade in place to deny a proper ending; the two central characters and the copyrighted material?


Taking the fight to the enemy was a kidnapping at the start and a terror plot at the end; also an election.  For this start to end this way requires a lot of talent and skill; also money; thus, taking the fight to the bad guys was actually the hostile environment and the control measures, failed communist perversions and methods.  The method is recognized globally.  To the trained eye, they see the high level of skill.  To the untrained eyes, it is all anger and failure; a blockade and control measures.  They also erased the fingerprints with mental illness and got captured.  Then they used their own creative mental illness, paranoia and false accusations, to create more control measures and blockades.  If you open one door, then we will open five more.  These increases in yield and quantity are why the control measures or blockade is never interrupted but said to be mental illness and failure.  It is the same atmosphere of the trade war at the beginning, “who hired you and who sent you… help us fix the system, make America great again, and restore our power lost.”  That is the same objective in the 1990s and now in 2020, coincidence or well thought out?  Was anybody on duty and how did the blockade escalate yearly until it was the 911 terror plot confession and bust?  The answer is the audit, the blockade and control measures.  These little pieces will line up and when they fall, will be a chain reaction all the way to the beginning.  This will put an end to the blockade and those who were tinder or chess pieces that enabled the crimes. 


Was the objective systematic?  Yes the objective was systematic.  This hostile environment is a system of corruption that had the intent of reorganizing and expanding.  They had to fix it and understand it.  They wanted to hedge their bets.  They did not do this so that money would be lost or civil wars will be totally ruined or destroyed.  They did it so the hostile environment was more ferocious and deadly, unstoppable murder and mayhem.  They did it so they could restore their home.  They did it because they are broken and on the verge of being defeated.  They did it because of the prison population and the impact of drugs and violence on American soil.  They did it because their real estate and banks are on the precipice of diminished or redacted returns, nearly insolvent.  They did it because someone is going to figure out the pieces did not get this way and the blockade is closer to their objectives.  As those objectives become nearer, their risk taking increases.  Someone is going to figure out sooner or later who is behind it and what exactly their objectives are, the 1960s.  This was about trade wars and a crony system.  One was domestic and one was foreign.  These perversions, systematic exploitation, corruption, poisoning the well, poisoning their patients, expansion of crime, looting and hustling, ruses to conceal crime or concoct more control measures, concealing hate crimes and terrorism by audit and misleading information, blame and trumping up charges, and other predatory methodology only the devil would or could deploy; is how to untie their hands and continue the blockade.  The blockade is a wall.  They were and began building the wall in 2013; the funding began around that time.  This is how they untie the hands of the devil, the road to ruin and destruction is only by the propaganda of violence and mayhem.  That is the terror plot; the road to ruin or victory is paved by the bricks of propaganda and deception.  This is how we got here.  The devil is giving birth to a new age of corruption and terror.  The chain reaction now is the same bricks and pieces used as the blockade and control measures.


So there is a lot of perverted thinking taking place clandestinely.  The perverted thinking is a predator on the hunt and placing a human being on the road to ruin or some type of ending, a masterpiece.  It is not mental illness or failure, it is a blockade and control measures that are passing messages about the past and fear of the future.  The objective is the fear of the truth.  The objective is to deny the truth.  The truth and the road to the truth will end the blockade.  At no point was relief administered only a hostile worksite and endless OSHA safety violations, no prevention, deterrence, oversight, or reduction.  This is why the tax payers were ripped off and got stuck with the bill, clandestine civil war on US soil and nobody was on duty except agitators who claim they were recruiting and cherry picking key players that would alter the objectives.  So the road to ruin is actually cherry picking or a fatal mistake, kidnapping the wrong person or persons.  Do we know if it was a clandestine civil war?  We know the tax payers are stuck with the bill and we know nobody was on duty except Pentagon personnel whom they mistook as one of their own.  They kidnapped him for many reasons and personal failures but it was to reinforce a depleted crony system and trade wars on the brink of extinction and the destruction and mayhem that would put them back on top of the world.  One crony system of corruption was domestic and the other was the expansion of trade wars and terror plots.  The blockade was about jobs and the right personnel to further the blockades when these objectives took fruition.


Another blockade occurred with Ann.  Ann was used not only as a blockade but a control measure.  She can identify who did this.  However, over the years her craziness has twisted and contorted the copyrighted material in a way that expulsion is the only way to put an end to her gross input.  Ann’s ability to allow all of this to sink its hooks and tentacles into the copyrighted material shows you how the perversion and exploitation were a systematic blockade, well thought out.  Is it going on right now?  The gross perversions and exploitations are still ongoing and still a line in the sand, still on her watch.  Is she addicted to the blockade and how it nets her more leisure, work, and paychecks?  They throw themselves at her and buy her dinner, drinks, vacations, and all the happiness she could fathom; why hurry to end the blockade?  If anybody was fighting her wars then she would be obligated to house them, feed them, attend their parties, invite them to dinner, or even pose in photos with her.  Then again, if she is in the copyrighted material then she is protected by it and immune from prosecution; shouldn’t she house Pentagon personnel, feed them, take care of their dog, wash their car or store it for safe keeping, or spend a dime on her Constitutional duties?  Now these wars are a line in the sand.  It is on her watch again.  What makes anybody think it will ever go away or fix anything?  Is Ann going to put an end to the blockade or will the police?  What if someone is now forced to be on duty?  What if a conspiracy is detected, a crony system of corruption?  What if Ann refuses to fix anything and goes back to causing more injuries and wounds while she benefits from having her wars fought and won by a Pentagon personnel?  It says clearly that in times of war, it is the duty of the citizenry to house, clothe, and feed all soldiers and care for them if they are not able to provide comfort and aid.  However, the blockade made sure Ann cannot survive or can fulfill her duties.  Is she a bad wife?  A worse lawyer?  Or just a terrible human being?  The evidence is in the blockade and the small pieces that were built up over time and moved into place for the objectives and the ending.


We know Ann has proven there is and were a blockade.  She contacted them in the 1990s and they exploited her while they hid behind her career.  Now they cannot hide anymore and are trapped in encirclement and what was once a blockade by the communist forces.  If Ann is too corrupted now, then the only way to survive is to use Ann as the key to open the blockade and take her out along with her plotting her own destruction.  The FBI-Police have spent most of their time on the blockade so the only escape now is to aim at their weak spot, the only way to put an end to this blockade and escape the kidnapping is to take out Ann when and if she walks over that line in the sand or tries to trade in more benefits and leisure by mistreating or exploiting her longtime partner and the copyrighted material.  The key to unlocking the terror plots and how it got this way are the little bricks and became the chain reaction of a prison system, the exact same encirclement.  Is she too weak or too ignorant?  They are seeking the copyrights to the terror plot and are trying to use the police to trump up false and misleading evidence; already it has blown up on them.  I saw them with my own eyes and documented it.  Now the question is the blockade and the systematic corruption that is the basis of the 1960s movement and the radical left’s agenda.  If I was kidnapped to become their messenger or human billboard, then they had a Supreme Court case in the works using the material.  Once Ann exposes it and their plans, the chain reaction will flush the blockade out and prove this had to be in place to obtain the same terror plot ending.  So the blockade has been proven as a criminal conspiracy that took decades to build and enforce.  The source of that enforcement was the FBI and their illegal wiretap.  For some odd reason, the FBI also identified Ann as a co-conspirator in 2008 while I was used as a messenger, one of my stalkers.  All of this occurred while she was on duty and it is messy and getting messier each year Ann is on duty.


When it comes to paying the bills, they are shifting between my partnerships with Ann and trying to hide behind one or both of us.  The truth is not going to keep the lights on, fuel their retirement, create more jobs and cronyism, and line their pockets so they can throw a few pennies in our hat.  That is not exploitation that is grand theft.  What will pay the bills for this crony system is chaos, mayhem, destruction, violence, the craziness of a boom and a bust, and the same insanity of immigration from 1800-1940.  These are the pieces this terror plot is trying to revive or bring back, what led them to control and power in America, a system of total insanity and mayhem.  They do not need the truth or any constitutional merits; instead they need job growth and job security.  The truth is not going to be any blockade, mayhem and control, any form of kidnapping, or the power of glory they seek from the old days when they were roaming the pastures in their war wagons.  They want to boom back and are sick and tired of the bust; the final bust was the 1960s and the Vietnam War.  They want cold hard payback!  Oddly, the foreign wars have become the same bust in their immigration boom and once again the violence in America is racked with greed and corruption.  The truth is they do not need the truth or any constitutional merits because that will not revive their home or their totally insane form of management, a superior fight and clandestine war; evil always wins.  Their mental clarity is now the machinery of war and stealing the victory by hustling those exploited to fight their wars.  In a clandestine war, you are not obligated to house, feed, clothes, or protect those who are fighting your wars.  Clandestine wars are about forcing them to fight your foreign wars so that they fall in love with your deception and tricks; a blockade.  Their predatory perversions and tactics are so they can keep the lights on so they can turn the lights off on others, a blockade.  There will be more blockades, more control of the courts, and legalized kidnapping by rogue police forces.  Their methods are the same methods used by communist forces around the world, and no different is the total lack of legal rights and manipulating the rights of others.  They have a total lack of respect for the rights of others and are infused with selfish greed.  With a blockade in place and the absence of true legal rights, a lawyer, or any support system; the wrong ingredients and people begin to contaminate or fulfill the blockade until it can be broken by some external force.  That is what the terror plots were for, a blockade and the advantage to pick and choose what they want without any resistance.


A lot of the hustling by the FBI-police were in the form of lip service.  This propaganda is the same mysterious kryptonite used to wreck up plans and business careers in the past.  The illegal wiretap knew what did the blockade in the 1990s in the DC-VA area.  “We are not inferior.  We are your new family.  She is gone and it is too late, inevitable.  She is too crazy and too much trouble.  We care.  We heard enough and are angry.  We want payback.  This is our home.  We do not know what we are doing.  Please do not go.  Just leave or move.  She did it.  He did it.  We are on duty.  You are amazing.  Whatever and whomever you want.  It is our money.  This is our home.  You are not our leader.  You are not our leader.  We don’t take orders from you.  Stay down and shut up if you don’t want to get hurt.  We are in charge and we decide who gets what.  She does not care, trust us.  We are dead.  Everybody knows we did it.  He did it.  Everybody knows he has it.  He is lying.  He doesn’t care.  We are friends.  It’s the white guy.  They are the problem.  We know what he wants or needs.  We are sorry.  It was a mistake.  We do not know what we are doing, sorry.  Just do it.  Everybody knows we are crazy.  We cannot deny it now.  Just punch us.  Why don’t you just leave?  It goes with the territory.  You should have known better.  Why didn’t you tell us?”  This is the hustling that goes on while the FBI-Police pretend to be investigating or collecting facts wherever they lead.  It is an atmosphere of total insanity and corruption, an ruse to exploit the material and use us as a messenger for their politics, church, religion, and the 1960s cast of characters and their predatory failed communist methods to exploit humans and keep them as a prisoner. 


Hustling was kept to a minimum in the past.  To keep this scandal and ruse superior, they must gain access and do home invasions, without detection.  Manipulating evidence or intimidating witnesses are signs of organized racketeering and organized planning.  Those plans have objectives and those objectives are based on careful planning and endings.  This is why nobody is or was on duty to slug it out with them, the bait was to use a kidnapped person to create a demand or relief.  By forming a blockade, the relief can be crushed or stolen; as with the lawyer and partner was.  A police coup or internal jockeying for position, a ruse, was used to detect “us and them.”  To keep the ruse strong, they sent messages about how it is just too dangerous to fight their own or the hand that feeds them.  They were only willing to arrest two people, not the entire system of cronyism and corruption.  This inevitably blows up on them when government employees are nabbed and defrauding the public is certain.  It turns into a giant fiasco and catastrophe that poisoned everybody and everything, a human disease and parasite we cannot escape or stop as it already burned our house down and destroyed everything we worked for or believe in.  Their goal is anger, resentments, strife, disenfranchisement, chaos, instability, uncertainty, lack of merits, a total lack of any rights, a lack of property rights, and the total domination or kidnapping in order to change or blacken the soul.  They steal and stole anything just to fuel their terror plot and invasion to take over the government and replace it with a duality nobody can detect or stop because nobody is on duty to slug it out with them, not even the police.  They claim they are not inferior and it is their home.  The ruse and the terror plots are only to keep the lights on and control the outcomes, the courts and laws, methods of legitimate control.  Now the only way for me to survive this is to take out Ann, she is too weak and allowed all of this to occur on her watch with the promise that she is going to arrest all of them but nobody wants to help her or is trying to destroy her; including the FBI-Police on duty.  How much of Ann Coulter can any human being take before they are poisoned or succumb to injuries?  They too want something out of nothing, a piece of the pie and some percentage!


When you have witness intimidation or tampering with evidence, you are trying to right the ship and you are doing it clandestinely.  You have plotted and planned to sneak up on someone with the intent of blockading progress or victory.  There is an objective and long term planning, an organized crime is underway.  When you see it on the TV screen and then see the police attack a loved one, you know it is the terror plotters trying to steal or tamper with the copyrighted material.  The copyrighted material is the heart and soul of the case.  They are trying to beat the good guys from obtaining the information or taking any police action that will produce transparency, a footrace.  That footrace blew up on them and exposed an illegal wiretap and the terror plot.  Like water, the truth will find any crack or crevice.  Like communism, this clandestine war will claim they are the truth and will find any crack or crevice.  They have been tampering with the copyrighted material since they were born in the 1990s.  They too had a plan and those plans clashed, many accidents resulted.  Now they claimed my copyrighted material has ruined or destroyed their master plans!  Odd, how does the terror plots ruin or destroy your master plans, why only my copyrighted material?  Oddly, the Constitution says that if I am fighting wars for America, I am entitled to be housed, fed, well taken care of, my partner not corrupted or prostituted, and my plans or defense of the nation not sabotaged by the FBI-Police on duty.  How about the blockade, did that help?  We have recorded and arrested all of that and more.  Are you still looking for an office, plan on blowing it up, or planning to kidnap or kill the personnel busting a terror plot and ruining your invisible FBI-Police master plans for communism?  They are still bent on someone stealing their power and doing a witch hunt or some clandestine search for the people who destroyed their master plans.  So their long term objective do not coincide with my copyrighted material busting a terror plot, a system of cronyism, and this blockade that refuses to protect Pentagon personnel and instead pays them house visits and attacks them around the clock!  The damages supersede $80 billion but are still in hiding or invisible mode is that defrauding the public or an internal struggle between good and bad?


This is the core of the scandal and ruse, an atmosphere of severe exploitation and perversion at the FBI-Police.  It is an atmosphere filled with guilt and poisoned by a lack of respect for the rights of others while relentless hustling tried to persuade, destroy, mislead, burn down maliciously, inflict emotional stress, deploy sniper fire, or turns into a fiasco that has poisoned everything so they can chant, “it’s too late now!”  The problem with defrauding the police and who is stuck with the bill, the tax payers, and why there was no legitimate force on duty to curb the ruse and hustling which only sought to cover up the terror plot.  The blockade was a long term bubble that has not burst; severe exploitation, kidnapping, endless home invasions, brainwashing, and a slew of failed communist methods of subjugation and false imprisonment.  Now the entire landscape is poisoned and the only way to right the ship is to start slugging and aim for the ruse or the people doing the hustling.  They too have not paid a cent and they too are poisoned by this atmosphere of perversion and severe exploitation so that they can obtain more funding, more tax dollars, stick someone with the bill, and obtain more opportunities or future funding.  The ruse is to jockey for position and poison the well so they can become the winners, a bipartisan ruse and an internal coup, a power struggle by up and comers who are willing to do any sexual act or fill-in for any form of sexual need so they can avoid shutdown and a legalized raid.  It is an atmosphere of pure rape and corruption, defeated power that was trying to keep the lights on.  They poisoned everything with the illegal FBI-Police wiretap and hustling 24-7-365, a home invasion.  Now they claim the copyrighted material has defeated or destroyed their master plans?


This long term blockade has spilled over into another person’s life.  They are using a false public image in order to hide the clandestine ruse or clandestine war.  They know Ann and I was intimate and had romantic plans, damaged property.  Ann has been a less than perfect partner and she has confessed to this only because she tried to hide it or conceal it while she focused on dating and leisure.  Even Ann has taken the matter way too far and is not timely or fully committed.  All of this damage happened on her watch and she claims nobody was on duty while the FBI-Police tried to enforce the long term blockade or conceal the terror plot and used Ann to inflict massive damages or near death altercations.  The only way to stop the long term hijacking or police ruse is to shut down either my material or the career of Ann Coulter; they have sunken their octopus tentacles all over and poisoned everything in order to stay open and obtain more overtime and funding, at the expense of our demise and partnership.  They have finally figured out a way to steal my right to a lawyer or steal all of my legal rights, a defeated human being whose material was also almost stolen by illegal evictions.  Ann wanted me to fight her wars while she said I am not going to see a dime unless we are married; this led to severe mistreatment and torture until our relationship broke down.  As usual, Ann crawls back in the saddle and begs for forgiveness and understanding while she leisure and expects her wars won.  Ann wins her wars magically even if she serial dates, is always at dinners, waste time doing radio and shows, takes humiliating pictures, and claims she is a really good person to take care of her lazy war-winning days.  Therefore, my partnership with Ann is in severe jeopardy and Ann is handling it in a nonchalant way.  Her claims are all based on theory and how they use phony photos to subjugate or try to enforce this long term clandestine blockade and clandestine war.  Therefore, Ann tried to conceal how her wars were won when all she did was focus on leisure; she is worth the gold at the end of the rainbow.  That is the upsetting part; her behavior while all of her wars were being won magically and by cosmic forces.  All Ann wants is for someone to win her wars and she claims that nobody will help her; their claim is they pamper her and give her whatever she wants, a close friendship and unbreakable bond.  They took pictures to prove she was well taken care of and her claims were false, a murder plot.


This legal claim and conspiracy about pampering Ann with men and all sorts of mischief, has caused many altercations at my dwelling.  The altercations are with the usual suspects, the FBI-Police illegal wiretap.  The pictures they posted on the internet were humiliating and used to torture me; Ann was pictured as an accomplice and a co-conspirator to this long term blockade and altercation.  They were in the homes of others and staged, used as false or fabricated evidence.  Ann was terminated as a result of this long term five year hiatus and the usual leisure photos that depicts her in the homes of others or rejecting all of her copyrights to the material.  Oddly, all of Ann’s wars are won but these pictures are all fabricated evidence and used as a torture method to either steal the copyrighted material or broker a clandestine sale of mayhem and destruction of military expertise.


Furthermore, she did nothing to win her own wars but participate in photos showing her in grandiose bliss and freedom.  Ann acts as if she has no obligations as a high priced partner or involved in intimacy.  Due to bad behavior in the past and using me to win her wars while she stalled and continued to stall, “you are not going to get a dime unless or until we are married,” Ann has damaged her future while she was hiding behind the long term blockade and terror plot.  They did have a murder plot on her and it did spill over into her life and my life.  How Ann conducted herself and what she did for survival is documented, however, when it came time to call it quits; Ann was very obstinate, uncaring, and even sluggish.  She seemed to be protesting or thinking about herself only.  Her actions were not crisp, clean, decisive, and easy to decipher.  Like usual, it blows up on Ann also but she ended up having her wars won and destroying all semblance of friendship or partnership with her lifelong planner.  This is who she learned everything from and who did all of the long term planning or strategy.  Ann has damaged the long term planning and strategy tremendously and in a nonchalant manner.  Once Ann is shut down, she is not allowed to come back, zero tolerance on this atmosphere of exploitation and perversion.  She was ordered to submit and subjugate herself if she wanted to avoid expulsion and copyright retaliation.  Ann has not paid me a damn cent and is exploiting, mistreating me, and allowing this atmosphere of fraud and perversion to embed or harass me 24-7-365 at her leisure and entertainment, she is the beneficiary.  All of this happened and was allowed to happen on her watch while she is collecting more checks and turning into lemonade.  They claim we embody the two party systems and they are bipartisan, that is who hijacked us or the nation.


So how did they create such a hostile climate and run everything into the ground?  It starts with stupidity and control.  They do the exact same thing with companies.  However, it is ten times worse when this despot is using accusations to run your life into the ground and acting like a lunatic who does not know what they are doing and why.  They too have objectives and there will be a chicken game until they can break you into a million pieces.  This is how a kidnapping, chicken games, and terror plots became a hostile climate where the rights of others do not exist; pure warfare.  Did I make a house call or intimidate them in their residence?  How did all of this happen in my dwelling and has it happened before in my dwelling?  How about fist fights?  It must be a failed revolution or very revolutionary times.  When you start stalking people, passing them clandestine messages, brainwash them, wreck up every facet of their life or marriage, or creating 850,000 incidents; you have a hostile climate and a standoff.  They never reported anything other than mental illness and clandestine war; look at the history of police reports.  Look at the pattern of stalking and incidents at the home dwelling; how it all ended.  They claim they are angry and totally destroyed as a result of their clandestine war and stalking; use your imagination.


This hostile climate and predatory stalking for the past several decades is starting to end.  The tax payers are going to get a bill for $80 billion because females at the FBI claim they manage the sex life of others and I am being mistreated while they manipulate both their funding and overtime pay with these crazy thoughts plotting and scheming until it turns into a hostile workplace and climate.  Do they know how this hostile climate got this way yet?  A problem has to be diagnosed before a solution is proposed.  Do they know the problem and how this hostile climate started or the root of it?  Where did the hostile climate turn into a clandestine war or is it one in the same?  How about a home invasion, is there a marriage of home invasion and espionage?  It all happened in the dwelling of one or two human beings?  Let’s ask the people who took phony photos to suggest Ann is being pampered by the FBI-Police on the illegal wiretap and claim their clandestine war was totally destroyed and ruined and now they want payback and are angry!  I am looking at a bill for $80 billion, everything and everybody they use better are plated with gold and there better not be one incident or outburst, not one.  The quality of their work is embedded in their human values.


The hostile climate-residence-workplace started with two healthy human beings and now have wrecked up almost every facet of their life trying to manage or mismanage their biographies and life partnership.  They still claim they are mad as hell and not going to take it, incitement.  They were encroaching and clandestinely messaging violent plots all day long before they occurred.  They are convinced nobody is spying on them or was reading their mind; just an outbreak of violence all around the world.  Regardless, their master plan is now totally ruined or destroyed by the copyrighted material.  The most annoying part was waiting for the moment to spring the trap on them and do encirclement; it took years of hit and misses; decades to build the little tiny clues.  Now they claim they just did not know what they are doing, nothing malicious or any clandestine war, only the President would know if there was or not.  Did they ask the President before they formed their conclusions?  We need to know more about their crazy clandestine war and why my copyrighted material caused them to get so violent and so angry they defrauded the public of $80 billion in tax dollars.  Does the President know yet?  Why didn’t they put $1 million dollars as a down payment and shut the illegal wiretap down as ordered; why subjugate a human being to twelve months, or thirty six months, or seventy two months, or more of any illegal wiretap?  It says in the Constitution soldiers are entitled to housing, food, clothing, and care during wartimes.  Take a hard look at the financial audits.  The amount of theft and burglary is phenomenal.  If you create a list of all things wrecked up or not wrecked up, was there anybody on duty during this clandestine war on US soil?


Not only did they defraud us, they now stick the tax payers with a sticker price of $80 billion because they want to be the middleman and hustle us 24 hours a day with an annoying criminal ruses aimed at staying open, funding more fake or fabricated evidence, blaming mental illness, and collecting more overtime pay or future opportunities by misusing illegal wiretaps.  That is a lot of lying and cheating, a lot.  But wait, in order to defraud this case, our case and our relationship with Ann the other part of this, has been squandered and mismanaged badly.  The FBI-Police is managing business accounts for rogues and corrupt cronies while predatory tactics exploit the material and oppressive labors for their perpetual cronyism and survival.  They were taking fake and false pictures to suggest Ann was pampered and they did not report any of this hostile climates; nothing!  Are they concerned or terrified with violence and race?  How about total destruction of clandestine wars on US soil?  Is there a clandestine war and is my copyrighted material destroying their clandestine war on US soil?  They are caught in two biographies and are claiming they are the kings of both so they can remain open.  What happened to free will and accountability? 


Ann is the other part of this being attacked or mismanaged by the FBI-Police wiretaps.  When they mismanage my only life-line and steal my lawyer by undermining her public image and placing her in the homes of men or sitting next to men on what appears to be infidelity or fraudulent dating excursions, it has a very negative impact on the psychological health of the two parts of the copyrighted material.  Is this an orphanage?  Are they our parents and guardians?  Who is on duty and accountable?  Who is ultimately going to jail for these vicious attacks and the inability to survive them?  Due to this long term ruse and hustling, I am forced to take drastic and immediate action on Ann in order to shut down the source or the fraud.  If there is no policy of containment and the mismanagement is severe and out of control, then it will be impossible to survive their attacks.  The wounds and the injuries are just too much violence inflicted.  They are forging signatures.  They are passing on or shoving misleading information down our throats.  They are abusing official wiretaps and a lack of respect for our rights while they claim they are policing the matter in order to solicit sex, funding, future opportunity, and cling on for survival.  I have tried to chase them out of my life.  Ann says they refuse to release her from custody.  They have defrauded the public and lied on a daily bases, 24-7-365 harassment and embedded in my residence and life, now caught between two squeezes.  Now I have to take action on Ann and destroy her entire life because the exploitation and fraud is so perverted and widespread.  In the end, they stick the tax payers with an $80 billion sale sticker so they can stay open or obtain more funding for their political hijacking and takeover, all an FBI-Police ruse still acting like they are policing the sex lives of others or are fill-ins. 


I am shutting Ann Coulter down because the perversion and the exploitation, a ruse and fraud, is so pervasive and her refusal to police it or shut it down in a professional and timely manner.  They appear to be females policing only female perversions, total fraud committed against the material and backed by the FBI illegal wiretap and surveillance 24-7-365; a police ruse and invasion of privacy, false imprisonment.  The only way to stop the hijacking or ruse is to shut down either my material or the career of Ann Coulter; they have sunken their octopus tentacles all over and poisoned everything in order to stay open and obtain more overtime and funding, at the expense of our demise and destruction.  Once Ann is shut down, she is not allowed to come back, zero tolerance on this atmosphere of exploitation and perversion.  She was ordered to submit and subjugate herself if she wanted to avoid expulsion and copyright retaliation.  Ann has not paid me a damn cent and is exploiting, mistreating me, and allowing this atmosphere of fraud and perversion to embed or harass me 24-7-365 at her leisure and entertainment, she is the beneficiary.  All of this happened and was allowed to happen on her watch while she is collecting more checks and turning into lemonade.



The old guards are slower than the new guards.  When it comes to the high speed and high caliber of the current security models spanning the global security forefront, the emphasis is on high technology and advanced degree of application.  In other words, the world famous Unabomber is only a boogeyman.  it is the poor man's cookbook of explaining a world of midgets instead of college degrees and innovative application of technology at the fingertips.  True the Unabomber terrorized the world for a short span of years but these computer networks and enumeration of digital networks are now automated.  They can be located in remote environments or deep under the frozen ice or tundra of unpopulated uninhabitable territory.  The Unabomber cannot walk to these remote locations or sneak up in world class nuclear submarines for a chit-chat.  The magic of robots is there are never any personnel problems.  There is never a conspiracy.  There is never any chit-chat or illegal human conflict.  However, these security relationships are not aware of how the old guards and the new ones differ.  Therefore, defense dollars do not go to the old guards, they go to the new ones.  Is God a computer or is God a human being and form?  The new security relations are not based on religious or the World War II model.


From the time of the 1960s, the emergence of multi-national companies has led to a rise in turmoil, old boogeymen.  These boogeymen defined the turmoil of that forward movement into the global economic age of the internet and also vast networks of security relationships.  The old stockbrokers and the new are also trying to understand it and capitalize on it, hence, they will merge, takeover, hedge, or form protection relationships.  We see this period of turmoil bore an evil enemy of the past and the blockade years.  It is the middle ground of the 1980s and ended with the 1990s, all out clandestine war and a hostile climate.  The regional characters of the past were now occupying the DC-VA area in the old cold war.  Their neural networks are midgetized by the advancements of the computing age and now economic tender of these computing networks, goods and services.  These goods and services will resort to the movement of goods, products, services, and security relationships.  We saw this globally and we saw what this transitional period has done, poisoned the well.  Sidetracking and derailing the restructuring process of World War Three was a very crazy but also very desperate measure during very desperate times for old enemies and new.


Therefore, the transition period focused or forced this compliance to a blockade of new relationships and security relationships; market values and market trends.  Those security relations were wiped out by human sacrifices and market trends.  In other words, their economic future is now worthless.  They are dependent on defense or security relations dollars to police the transition period but in terms of global market trends, they are midgetized by the increasingly dominant high tech trends and the inability to transition or keep up.  This is their burial ground and we have no blockade except new markets and competition that tends to stress market trends than security relations.  So what happened and why?  Why were we taken to our knees and stiffened by this transition period of tremendous turmoil and clandestine wars?  Technology has created a very somber and difficult reality for the police models of the past, a changing of the guards from old to new.  They struggle to hang onto power even if the bad guys are doing the dirty work for this clandestine war.


The answer is at the final period and in 2020.  There is a restructuring process going on.  This resurfacing of old enemies and new enemies; did not curtail the restructuring process.  What they had and what they are there for, is not withstanding.  They are totally ruined.  They are totally destroyed.  They are an encapsulation of time and space, written down on copyrighted material.  They now are trying to fix and restore those security relations in the DC-VA area; however, it is a byproduct of the market trends and not the security relationships.  It is less dominant at the State Department then the religious turmoil in the democratic process; a combination of market trends and security relations; the old Axis and Allied system of the World War period.  That is the same transition period we are looking at and the resistance fought was strong enough to be encircled in 2020 and the election of a new security relationship.  The market trend model died in 2020.  To sell females in a market of technological trends is a difficult task, the same holds true for the music industry.  In all nations, females are typically considered to be the government domestic logistics and men are the famed butler.  It takes many years to become a skilled butler or domestic logistics.  The conclusion of this clandestine secret war is the obvious.  The new security relations globally are not based on any religious model or any previous World War model.  Instead, the period of criminal stalking, hostile environment, and clandestine war was a real model that ultimately modified the old security relations that was created in the 1960s global wars and was hugely modified in the 1980s by Pentagon restructuring. 


Therefore, this bad guy and good guy model is the clandestine war we saw, human sacrifices.  It was a protection ring and a lot of money was on the line as the restructure period of the cold war was not able to force new security relations.  For starters, technology is an open market and security relations are a closed market, a musical chairs game of up and down market trends.  Furthermore, posthumous to all justified wars or war tribunal are the evidence collection process and the autopsy of the clandestine war.  It was a blockade and a protection racket, a hustle and now a dinosaur of the cold war and the democratic process.  There is a list of people globally who are savvy enough to launch strikes inside America and also outside.  The communist forces are the most flexible and skilled when it comes to the careful details of crime and systematic corruption in both the police and national security fields.  For the Pentagon and other violence based lethal force systems, they must study the threat and they must find solutions to advise the President and Congress.  This is about money and defense dollars.  It is about new products and new methods to combat "this new enemy."  One such commodity or product is love and the sex dating game.  Apparently, this was about females and not males; however, in war, it is always about males, especially clandestine wars and a hostile climate.  This was only about females, logistics. 




Someone is experimenting with a recruitment system to fuel violence, murder, mayhem, drugs, crime, attacks on the police, and terrorism across the globe.  They prefer military veterans.  However, all they have to do in the 1990s is obtain my resume or military record and exploit the information for the next thirty years.  This appears to be the entry and startup of this terror plot.  They are angry with what they see or how I was retired, wishing to sue the government in a class action lawsuit and other “Nazis” who dominate the world with military might.  They appear to be organized crime, a system of murder and mayhem, and their recruitment has access to vital classified or private information only the police had available; such as a legal class action lawsuit on the government stemming from World War II and the Vietnam War.  This prolonged standoff and kidnapping turned into many attempts to cover it up, “we do not know what we are doing, sorry…”  They are using criminal elements and violence to fuel this clandestine war and terrorism across the world in order to terrorize both the military, civilian, and allied system of military alliances formed in World War II.  The source of this problem appears to be female and they know they cannot break into the castle because the female is already my partner of thirty years.  So they have access to my military records in the 1990s and right before I began a job; it leads to the 911 terror plot and how I got kidnapped on US soil and attacked repeatedly for decades.  This was an organized crime, not a global terror plot.  They know the system very well and typically it is the communists who study and know the democratic system.


The evidence indicates that prior to my entry into the work place, someone obtained vulnerable information on me or my military record.  This is when I was pulled into this clandestine war and hostile environment.  This “standoff lasted several decades,” however, they claim there is wrongdoing everywhere while they ignore the real problem and the coverup of their plot or “His God and supervisor” in this clandestine war on US soil.  They knew it was Ann and they covered that up also.  I talk to God and they claim this is why they were wiretapping me because America destroyed them in some clandestine war they were encircled.  So my military record caught them and their clandestine war.  They probably do this frequently to veterans because there are a lot of them all over the USA and world, targeting the same military record and claiming “he is violent and he did it.”  Therefore, ssomeone is trying to suggest they are desperate and is turning the military into some form of work camp or a system of welfare.  They are advertising similar to all employers, they prefer military veterans.  This criminal network wants to keep good relations with the US government and the FBI-Police is the contact point for this terror plot and clandestine war, a hostile climate also.  If you keep bombarding the government personnel with bad or unfit people, they will wreak havoc and wreck the system.  It is or was some type of spy nest in the DC-VA area and it is following me around the country, as it is or was my long term partner in life.  They covered up the terror plot because of financial reasons and their own version, used to coverup or prolong the kidnapping from 2008-2020; gold diggers or sexual harassment (Baker Acts or attempted arrests) so they can pretend to be life partners or the police.  How did this jump from Virginia, to New York, and then to California or Florida?


One such example is affirmative action.  With the illegal FBI-Police wiretap, they are using it for selfish reasons but they know everything is so messed up and getting worse for them.  When I retired from the military, they only gave me three options with no timeline of any kidnapping or additional Baker Acts because someone is using it to "trap me" into circumstances of a clandestine war ran by the FBI-Police wiretap.  They must have gotten my military record or kept on saying "who sent you... who hired you" back in the 1990s because of what they found or read.  These led to the kidnapping and how they used mental illness or Baker Acts to say “go away” or control both the kidnapping and terrorist attacks while they claimed "he does not care."  It is very similar to affirmative action, it produces bad results.  Therefore, nobody said to me "if you retire, you are signing up for a terror plot and you allow us to kidnap you and hound you for the rest of your life about terrorism and who is a threat."  It is some form of mental health profiling that begins with how sorry they are, how terrified they are, how they refuse to do the right thing or stop, and what wiretaps are used for.  As sharks and bottom feeding vultures, they must have obtained some information "vulnerability" and exploited it in order to turn this into what it is now, a total and complete mess.  What someone did was got either my military record or vulnerable information and exploited it for a kidnapping and then used the FBI-Police wiretap to confess to the 911 plot while they said it was mental illness, “he is the one who did it.”  When I retired, it was just three options, no craziness or affixed small print.  When a predator starts nit-picking and looking for vulnerabilities, they chose things to control and exert pain on a subject in case he takes it to the police.  In the end, the military is not the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) typical of the Great Depression days; furthermore, the police is not a welfare system where employees are terrified, demanding an address, in some hunt and clandestine war, or using me as the face on their milk carton.


The problem with Virginia Tech compared to the solution at George Mason, is the student professors.  When it came to world class ranking, the professors of computer sciences were typically non-English speaking and this presents additional problems for the students.  In my case, I did not go to class and was already a sophomore in my field.  When it came to 1989 or 1997, we have two Indian males and two white females, one in my economics class who is drop dead gorgeous also and whose pants are on fire.  I describe how she undressed herself in front of the class and began to "twist her ring afterwards" as a sign of what she was thinking of, it was not sex but some dating game.  Because she said this was a long term matter, I sent her a secret message back about my long term relationship with Ann and it ended there.  However, I got very few female interest at George Mason and endless "window shopping" and blatant flirtations around the area that gave me a headache and forced me to try evasive measures.  So if we compare the two problems with Virginia Tech and George Mason, two of my colleges, we get opposites attract.  The flirting was coming from the student population only; then it switched over to only the professors, one was a competitive match for Ann; however, it was not a long term relationship or commitment.  George Mason had hired a student professor that was slightly inferior to Ann, blew me away my final semester.



My point and my story is the same story I have told since the 1990s.  You are the guy in the Orange suit in Guantanamo Bay.  Do not ask them for honesty, it is a fatal mistake.  They will take your search for the truth and apply evil.  You will never wish for the truth again in your life.  A typical day is running them over 100 or 500 times from sunup to sundown.  That is perfect to them.  They will be back at it again at sunup.  For them it is only about “we do not know what to do or what we are doing, sorry.”  If you say no, they will make sure it means yes; yes means no and no means yes.  They will not accept no.  All they want to hear from you is whatever they bombard you will all day long on that particular day, no is unacceptable.  If they hear you say no, they will attack and punish you with impunity; all day long or all week long.  They want you to know they are watching every single move you make when you are at home, at work, or in your little bubble in life.  Odd things will happen while you are in that bubble and if you try to get away or escape, they will not accept no for an answer or a reason.  However, do not try to challenge them, especially their cops and their clandestine agents.  You will have the devil embedded in your life and you will have to share every single part of your life with them.  They will nit-pick and find some way to either break through your defenses, ignore your booby-trap, or use whatever success you obtain in life back on you; competition and dogma.  Their bottom line is not about truth.  It is not about lying.  It is not about success.  It is about their bias.  It is about their bigotry.  It is about their life and only what they want to see or hear.  It is about them, never about us.  The only time it is about us or what they did not approve, is when the word police is used.  Other than policing this, they want nothing else or to deal with anything you may have seen, heard, or know.  This is what they want and why they did what they did, total subjugation of the human character and spirit until death do you part.  You will notice this pattern of behavior and why things get worse and worse each year.  They do not want to hear the truth, they want to scare you with their reality.  Nothing you say or do is good enough regardless of how hard you try, how much you pray, how strong you are, nothing.  They have no sense of joy or freedom other than what they wish to share with you.  Unless you share everything, then do not expect anything back.  Even if you called the police Ann documented everything, do not expect freedom or any closure; the end.  It will never end, regardless of anything; it is still 24-7 and they are still doing this on purpose, “it is just too late.”  Too late is their legal excuse for doing it, telling lies, and just expect more of the same.  They are the devil and they do not respect anybody’s rights, it is all a pretend act and hustle.  That is their perfect world and what they wish to turn America into.  They want to remove the good and bad; mostly good if not all good if you can afford it; a way to escape.


My copyrighted material is very simple.  From 1990-1998, I invent the method to win nuclear war.  If you are a learned scholar of nuclear war strategy, then you know it is not winnable.  Therefore, the only strategy that is pertinent to my field or my field manual (FM Series of Pentagon Field Manuals) is Mutually Assured Destruction or (MADD).  This is where the movie Terminator and Terminator 2 comes in; only those two and nothing else.  Therefore, I set out to write the solution for the Pentagon, can we survive a nuclear war and holocaust and if so, how.  I am going to not only write it, I am going to teach it or develop more on the topic when and if my career advances or the finances are better.  Therefore, the official title I have earned is “A White House Military Attache.”  I am the individual with the paperwork or the contingency plans for nuclear war, I wrote it and invented it from 1990-1998 using everything deployed in 1992, the Persian Gulf War.  My FM manual is for Special Forces and the “fog of war” I also created for the Persian Gulf War.  Therefore, the FM manual on how to win nuclear war is for the Special Forces and it is labeled Satellite Warfare or (SATWAR).  Everything after 2008 is completely new and outside of my realm of jurisdiction.  I call my title a military attache because I don’t want to discuss or explain it.  This is why I have to understand every facet of war from conventional to guerilla warfare; an expert level.  Other than the FM manual and the nuclear football, there was not much to my life or Ann’s career life plans; we do not know where my life or hers will lead yet.  I might land a job at the Pentagon or even teaching the topic.  Instead, I get dragged into a spy game and nest in the DC-VA area and I did not know where it came from until the 2001 terror plot.  This is where and when things take a turn for the worse; my life was ended on that day.  It will take me upwards of two decades to stabilize and understand the tragic events that nearly killed both Ann and I.


Another facet of my author and book plans is to teach the use of SATWAR and possible advancements when and if they show up.  After 2008, it just takes a turn and becomes a highway, a pathway to the brain.  I am trying to determine if there is or are other ideological facets to nuclear war if I am able to root out and contain the cause of communism and the cold war.  Therefore, I delve into the cold war and begin to dissect the overlap and intersection points where it splits, merges, or leads to the demise of communism.  It is relevant because it leads me to my other development, economic sustainability.  By containing communism, I now can teach the topic of how to prevent it, economic sustainability.  However, things in the secret world just grew a head and a new head and new ones each passing year.  My goal was very simple, to author the FM manual to a new approach to nuclear war and then prevention or cold war analysis of the mutation or emergence of a new cold war.  That is all there was to it.  Nothing I created in 1990-1998 had to do with terrorism, the Middle East, Africa, Muslim, Judaism, etc.  That was all there was to my obsession with satellites.  However, in conventional wars oil is very important to transportation.  When you are in world war and the enemy cuts off your oil, even prolonged and enduring nuclear holocaust where oil is a problem, the end result is nuclear war.  When world war reaches a point similar to World War II, it becomes nuclear.  Therefore, nuclear war is inevitable had this been World War III and the same period of World War II, a neutral stalemate.  Therefore, nuclear war is a zero sum game but the secret is I have the nuclear football and nobody even knows this; only Ann and I.  We never-ever delved into Muslim, Jews, Middle Eastern politics, etc.  The FBI-Police illegal are completely wrong 100%; a coverup and conspiracy while they shove more and more down our gullible throats.


So when this began to get out of control around 1998, I did not know what it was about.  I did not have any control of the communist world or the events in DC-VA.  All I know is my hometown and now it changed for the worse.  If it was a spy nest, then it became a disaster area.  I do not control or have any knowledge of any terror nest, terrorism control, or dirty bomb threat; but I also know how enemy forces in Vietnam operated if it came down to base security.  This too is in the FM manual, base defense against guerilla forces such as the Viet Cong.  It is a very scary topic, very.  Did I work on any material that derived into the protection of embassies from terrorism?  No.  Nothing I did was related to this unless it was a counter-measure and after analyzing all the terrorist threats around the world, I concluded they were not an immediate threat to any US base or SATWAR base.  Keep in mind, my job in the Pentagon or my MOS in the military has to do with bases, employees, and base protection.   As an expert, I am best served in DC-VA and this is where I am headed to, back to my hometown to report and write the FM manual to nuclear war, survivability, and the best strategy the Pentagon has ever seen, the nuclear football or leather satchel at the White House.  Now we pick up on 1997-1998 when all hell breaks loose in my life and in the DC-VA area and I have to call on my partner Ann for help.  All I was doing was trying to get married and have a bachelor party with a few old girlfriends before uniting with Ann in the DC-VA area.  I never get the chance and my life never settles down or normalizes; someone keeps on shoving stuff down my throat and I call Ann for immediate help and an SOS call.  I reported heavy fighting and enemy combatants circling and encroaching in a wanton and unexpected way and I am going to have to collect more evidence and report back to her for documentation and backup.  I begin to conduct mobile security and tactics such as one way streets, staging points in the DC-VA area to detect enemy agents, entrapment tactics, encirclement tactics, line of sight, careful chase, etc.  They end up saying “he did it again.”



I have the very first entry in my biography on December 24, 2007.  It recaps and sums up what I am or was trying to do, a trap.  I set up a trap and my morale is not able to withstand the failure on a daily basis.  The home invasion in 2006 was deadly.  It involved tire irons, bats, and audacity.  What if I had a gun?  How did they know if I had a gun?  My despair was very high and I was blocked from relocating to Canada.  My only option now is to start printing my books and material in the US and not Canada.  While writing the first chapter of "A Day of Reckoning," or a Terminator satellite warfare type of equipment; the Virginia Tech massacre occurred.  My writings keep getting the country in wars.  Here is another example of how my copyrighted material has started another world war or has become a powder keg.  When that event in my dwelling occurred, it was not more than one day apart and I flipped out.  When did I have this “instinct” before; could it be around 2001?  Could it be on June 15, 2015?  Gee, this is starting to get old now, could it be once again in 2019 and the election of 2020?  I realized they are on top of me and a serial killer is inside my dwelling, watching every single word and movement I do.  They are pounding me into the ground.  My car is badly vandalized and someone pissed inside it, it was full of water.  My condo deed and several things are missing.  They stick me with a $5000 bond and a $200 gas bill in the hottest month in the summer.  I purchased a kerosene heater after reading an Israeli website about which one to buy.  I find the exact one on sale for half price in San Diego, CA.  There are mice all over the place.  Due to the violence level of the home invasion, I knew I had to get more eyes on this immediately; this was a fight to the death and I had to figure out how to neutralize it without being seriously injured.  The attacker was totally insane, totally; as was the FBI-Police wiretap attacks.  This is the end of the cold war and a new age of détente, why is my copyrighted material or my college academics always tangled up with the past, I had no idea we were at war on US soil.


In 2007, my despair is very high.  So I know a serial killer is inside my apartment in 2007.  I decide to write nonstop for months.  Once I am done with the first book, I was staying up late at night and decided to join a site called Politico.  I did not know Ann was there and I told her to hurry up and contact me because they are on top of me and I am playing it cool.  I become very quick friends with a female on the site, this female starts to buzz me with things only Ann and I know.  I asked for a password from her to confirm it is Ann.  She does not give it to me, danger.  All of the sudden, she quotes or starts talking about Ann every time I asked her for a password fish-on.  She tells me go to her web site because Politico is booting me every single time she and I are talking; they know it is Ann and I talking or a messenger.  I do as told and look on Ann's site for directions and it says to watch her live on the Rush Limbaugh show.  The point is they know Ann and I were talking on Politico and I also did not know if Laura Ing... was my mistress, a two-fer.  Who do I contact?  This is the first encounter inside my residence with the 911 terror plot and the way the Va Tech shooter did it, I knew he was mimicking a few of my traits.  He was cloning me and trying to embarrass me.  I had seen him before and know where I met him, Northern Va Community College.  Now I remember him and how he got my attention.  I did not know if I could choose between Laura or Ann because they arrived in DC at the same time.  I was awaiting instructions and a password.  To this day, Laura has never sent me any clandestine code or word.  So they saw me talking to Ann in 2007, whoever the 911 plotters are.  It is in my notes almost exactly the same.  What did them in was how to explain to their bosses or shareholders they got busted and the next bad event was coming to get them all!  If they want any relief, they must disclose all criminal stalking!


Next is the Limbaugh and Ann meeting.  I would ask Ann a question and she would brief me on what she knew.  My first question was "who are they."  My second question was "why did it take you so long."  So Ann prepped me before I spoke to Limbaugh.  All I did was go to her website and she would have the answer for me, or coded it.  Ann was encrypting everything I needed before I had a meeting with Limbaugh.  Based on what I knew and what I learned, Limbaugh was linked to organized crime but Ann said that is not what this is about.  Regardless, the rule of thumb is once you are busted, if you escalate it or keep going, the matter has to go up the chain of command and a council.  If Limbaugh makes this mistake, it will be fatal.  He answers the questions in less than a split second, i know he was at the scene of the crime; similar to the 911 plot confession.  The time I ask the question and the time they come up with the answer tells me something, fake or real.  I will also repeat them to see if there are any lies, scapegoating and disinformation.  Limbaugh reaches a point where he does not know what to do and is paralyzed, I tell him I need to talk to his supervisor or boss, "now!"  I said he is violating the rules of all clandestine organizations, publicity and media coverage.  My plan fell right into place as I told Ann in the 1990s.  The key is media coverage because you cannot outrun a radio.  Over the years, I had many TV meetings.  A few caught my attention.  One was in New Orleans, LA.  Another one was in South Carolina.  The media pressure and the encirclement terrorized those busted because they were now a major risk and liability; they were paranoid someone had penetrated their organization and kept on doing security checks with bomb plots around the world.  I told them there was insurance on them and someone had to have seen them do it and record it, don't even try to fake it.  I covered all the bases, did they?  If they want any relief for the poor, the communist forces, they need to play ball; they suffer the most.  That is how I forced them to play ball and used their bad reputation back on them; play ball if you want anything to stop or end.  Instead, they deployed deception and lies; but so did I, so did I.


When the hurricane steering machine became a topic one day, I did not disclose a TV contact from New Orleans, a hint something was there.  They contacted me after Katrina and expressed concern and request for comfort and aid.  After, I considered driving there for a face to face and helping with the relief efforts; however, I had to hurry up and pack for Canada.  Now I threw it out there for Limbaugh and he hyperventilates and cannot talk.  It tells me he is in a world of trouble and if this grows bigger or meaner, the publicity and media will crush them.  It is similar to flicking a light in a dark room; who exactly is in there and what do they want.  Ann then walks me through her life and points out who did what.  I confront them and I record it as Ann wishes.  It is in the records.  Once I get enough on them, all I have to do is crush them with exposure or total number of people pissed off with their clandestine war and doing this on the TV and radio.  Now they are totally screwed because they have to go on radio and TV the next day and reply or ignore it.  They want to talk, badly.  So when I say they got billions and billions of complaints, it means they are about to be boiled alive by the clandestine war and the damage they are doing to it.  That is all I know and all I need to get more information, the longer they carry it out, the worse it gets and the greater encirclement.  I began with playing it off while a serial killer was in my dwelling.  Around 2015, I had the same serial killer but this time they claimed they had to surrender because they are being blamed and getting in serious trouble due to the giant encirclement.  Everybody knew they did it but now the cast of characters are supposed to be their top dog, not their chopped liver and trash.  So that is when they knew Ann and I were together or she is my rescue, 2007 when I joined Politico and was talking to Ann at 2am at night.  It was not as if the meteor threat was real or not, it was weather or not they believed it.  If they did, then I gave them more.



The following was recorded and entered into the records on December 24, 2007.  It highlights the past ten years from 1997-2007 and an inability to identify the people who did this.  Furthermore, there are no details and no “illegal wiretap” at this time.  This illegal wiretap and the information-propaganda transmitted by the FBI-Police on duty will indicate they not only tried to use me as their puppet and unpaid messenger, they blocked all efforts to seek wage compensation and unemployment benefits while they tried to evict me.  How do you evict him if he witnessed you do this?  How do you destroy his testimony or written documents, he saw you do it and you contacted him from 1997-2007 about the terror plots and the details of it?    As it turns out, they begin to escalate the matter and raise the punitive damage claims in a wanton or reckless manner, no supervision or oversight.  In the end, they are encircled and caught in a trap, defrauding the public of $80 billion and it is still going on and lacking the proper ending or outcome.  The source or the disease is the FBI-Police illegal wiretap and they made it impossible to identify them, conduct a cease-desist, make an arrest, and ensured they had a hostage to do their office work or was their messenger while they created the conditions to retain or preserve this hostage situation perpetuated from 2007-2020.  Now the identification process is conclusive.


Tuesday, December 24, 2007 THEY SAID THEY WANT WAR


If you take a look at the written record, you will see the repeat of the past ten years. On December 24, 2007, in violation of requests and against all instructions, the left made another clandestine contact. They said they want war. There is a reason why we are missing fifteen Christmas’; what is sixteen going to do? We still do not have our protection order and we still do not have any feasible change in the situation beyond what the hostage takers tell us. We are trying to turn it into a prosecution and they said they want war now and refuse to follow the instructions to adjudicate the matter or seek justice. They said in a nonchalant way “whatever you want” and our record or written life is still a mess. They made no effort to correct any errors and said “whatever you want.” That just makes your head go in a tailspin or throw your hands in the air. How about rewriting our life again and removing all the errors they put on it? Why is this so much to ask, they made the mess and want who to clean it up or pay more? What about the physical harm and injuries? We have marks all over our record and you cannot get any worse on paper, how do they explain the fact this is as high as you can get? You cannot get any higher, yet we cannot even get a job besides minimum wage and the left wants us to be the running man who fights all of this. This is total madness and the handiwork of whacked out people who have hijacked our life, spirit and terrorized our life by calling themselves Americans. This is not about working with the left; this is about getting rid of the left so things can work properly or perfectly. How did that formula get so messed up while they claim they wanted to help or were protectors?


We know the left and the people we are dealing with are whacked out. We know they do not even think about fiscal responsibility because they have some master plan to solve the debt which we know is impossible to pay off. We know they have some plan to put us in some high office against our will. We know they come to this nation and terrorize it like they have terrorized everyone else and us. We know they turn around after terrorizing everyone and call themselves Americans. We know they are in a suicidal state of mind. We know they are running around like a secret society and blaming their handiwork on the right. We are stressed out and miserable as it is and they want to drive us even more crazy on Christmas Eve, classic.


Now they say they want war. Does anyone disagree when we say these people are whacked out? Does anyone disagree or want to argue the fact they have lost their mind and are completely disconnected with reality? Their little clandestine communications has said clearly and made it know they want war. We do not know how accurate or how truthful that is because we have been tricked and sucker punched so many times. They never write anything down. We assume their leadership voted on this and know about it so we just pass it on to the authorities and the leadership. We also want the public to know that their leadership, after reading this book, voted on their behalf and sent this fax to us clandestinely, they want war. We honestly think they are whacked out and have lost their minds, but we have no choice in the matter because they were instructed to not fax us anymore and also to speak to the real prosecutors who are waiting patiently.


We will pass this message about wanting war on and see if the prosecutor’s ad the leadership knows what to do with it. We do not have a clue either; they just said they want war. They probably did this to make us insane and also try to produce a military leader for this war they are speaking of. They know and are expecting it war, this must be why they terrorized our life and trained us for some leadership position. Keep something else also in mind; this is happening under a so called right wing administration.


It is not like we have a choice in this matter. We have tried to get these people to go and speak to the real prosecutors and turn themselves in. The public needs to know what these people are up to and why. They are telling everyone they want war or inciting it. They all agreed to it and we gave them 7 days from December 23, 2007 to double check their answer before we put their names on it. We told them specifically again, do not call us or keep pestering us. Then we told them we will relay their message and also give those seven days before putting their name on it. If they are not exactly sure and done all of this so far, then they can make sure it is correct before they put their name on it. We know they act in utter error or incompetence.


We also received some video footage from an investigator named Alex Jones. He spares nobody and says it is an elite dominated society where they jump around from job to job with each other. That is how they keep it going and how they are so powerful. He says that taking on this mammoth would be taking on both the right and the left who intermingle quite a bit and think they run the show or sit passively by while gross injustices are done.


We are going to restate this for the one thousandth time, we do not have prosecution power, all we have is the ability to make a citizens arrest. If they want to give us prosecution power, then maybe we would be more effective. We have had our life turned upside and made to have the biggest fall anyone can ever have. How you get prosecution power when you are a hostage is unknown. We are forced to send this to the real prosecutors and cross our fingers they can do the right thing. So far, we have been arrested twice on trumped up charges. There is a deficit in logic and these people are cruel, nasty and manipulative, they have lied about the entire matter and acted in gross error. We do not know if this gross error will ever go away but we had to begin moving offshore, that is as far as we know so far. They came here to terrorize everyone with their politics and we took these punches. They call themselves Americans and say they were here first so they are the masters or above the law. Simple fact is they won’t leave or tell the truth because they are pathological liars. We are as high as you can get with this and we even had to throw our ID card down for scrutiny.


All we do is defending the nation, we are not prosecutors but we seem to be the only one on the job and this is very frustrating because we get zero funds. We are not allowed to work or be employed unless we give into this consumerism of the right and left. They say they run the entire show and our finances, that is why they get all the funds and we get zero to defend the nation. There is a logical disconnection somewhere and it is rather obvious. They also tried to steal it and take everything we had; we were attacked nonstop until we gave up something they could steal or of value to them. We have had property damaged beyond belief and our entire life destroyed. Now they say they want war and have voted on this because they are stuck and cannot go any further. They cannot pay the debt nor have any solution for it, they cannot tax further because the right will not let them. So now they are saying they want war and we are not even allowed to move offshore; how do you stop being terrorized by people who come to this country to terrorize you with their politics? Anyone have any ideas because it is so outrageous and ridiculous, it hurts too much to laugh anymore. It hurts to laugh now and we just forward it to the real prosecutors; they say they want to help and next thing we know our entire life is messed up and upside down. The people who defend the nation are a hostage to those who came here to terrorize others with their politics. We told them to cooperate with the prosecutors already and they are trying to communicate even more.


We are going to recap all the communication and observations they are giving us while keeping us a hostage:


·         it is the largest spy network you will ever witness

·         when we give an order or instructions, we get terrorized, so we have stopped

·         we always get attacked in our strongest hour, in our weakest we are courted

·         they say we are being interrogated as suspects because the nation is at war

·         they fake their own death to profit

·         they are going around terrorizing everyone while they cannot even tell the truth but they claim to be Americans


From our analysis, terrorism is nothing more than grass roots causes who have a grass roots militia.  There is an umbrella to this categorization and it has a tsar who is a pathological liar but claims to be the authority. That Tsar is moving pieces all around to fit a larger grand strategy. Because debt is kryptonite to their effort, they concocted some master plan to blow up the bank when they cannot rob it any longer. They cannot win but they have to give the bill to someone if they are willing. Nobody wants to curb spending or crackdown on spending but nobody wants to pay the debt so they concocted some master plan. Can we prove this? Not yet.  You will never get a prosecution if the prosecutor is doing it, we get arrested and not prosecuted though.


Coming to this nation, terrorizing others and claiming to be Americans gives them this power they need. Then they complain while they stalk you and terrorize your life. They steal everything or try to steal everything, then say they are fearful or mistrust you. We got 6,000 plus faxes, we sent 20 to make them stop and complain, we got a response in the form of a warrant for our arrest and a challenge to protest. Right now the blame is going to the right. We do not know if the right is to blame but we do not know who is better at getting rid of the left because the left is the one behind it.  They are preparing for war while they are using the peace movement clandestinely. They even stated through these clandestine communications they want war and we told them they better double check and get it right because their names are going on it. They are whacked out and lost touch with reality. We told them their reputation is on the line and they better take a vote on it if they did not already. We told them to take seven days to confirm this instead of sending out crazy messages like they have been doing for the past ten years. We will forward their message on; we do not even want to deal with it. We do not know what to do with it or how to respond to this insanity. If their leadership chose this then they should not block our attempt to forward this message to everyone. We told them to speak to the prosecutors repeatedly and they turned around behind our backs and said they didn’t care or they were the top brass.  (Appended)



  • They left the borders wide open and promoted immigration when it had no strategic value, it added to the cost of security and also fiscal irresponsibility
  • trying to relay a message to us about worrying about debt or fiscal irresponsibility, we are strongly for fiscal responsibility and principle but we are also being manipulated by the left who are trying to put thoughts in the minds of others
  • they are winning hearts and minds even if they are turning matters into a police state, safety is their number one concern, debt and spending is not a problem, terrorism is defined as anyone who opposes their authority, and they wish to help and be considered Americans
  • Over the course of ten years, we saw the same thing over and over again. We also were enrolled in some school to prepare us for some political life. They are on automatic mode, an infinite loop with no end. This is all they have to stand on and this is all they have to base their reality upon.
  • the story is changed every hour and never written down
  • They are saying Nazism is a civil war, any comments or response because we do not know. Nazism was a pro labor organization, a worker’s party who stood for nationalism. It was much more than a civil war.
  • they are two hundred year old and plus bank robbers, they spend money like mad and win hearts and minds as protectors; it was so obvious before why they avoided debt and never worried about debt, they always celebrate spending, it was right there in front of everyone. Oh they know what to do and are not the slightest worried. They are using the media to communicate to someone and give them instructions and confidence for strategy. The proof is the USS Cole. The key is protectors of the little guy. Look at the USS Cole that is my nephew’s name also.
  • We do not know what to do with it either, we are trying to turn this into a prosecution, but they are clandestine and keep running. Maybe the prosecutors can figure it out because we have taken so many punches, so many permanent injuries, had so many sucker punches; we cannot tell if they are honest, serious, lying or trying to pull off another trick. They are not helping one bit with the faxes we are still getting.
  • the Popes Christmas message 2007 was horrible
  • If anyone out there does not feel these people are whacked out or they did not come here to terrorize everyone with their politics while complaining, then they are mentally ill or evil. They are flooding here and safety is their number one concern, which is supposed to explain this entire matter.
  • the safety is their number one concern led to us getting zero funding, zero protection, nonstop attacks, nonstop lies, and we are as high as you can possibly go. They keep stealing it and turn around and say it is because of necessity. Why are they also spending so much on the right when the money should have been put where it is most effective? Direct your firepower and economy of mass where it is most effective, not least effective. Popularity right? This is why we have to fend for ourselves and do the work for others defending the nation. Because it will never be done if we did not.
  • They are arguing for consumerism and immigration, both the left and the right are doing this and this bonds them like glue. We have taken punches for ten years about this consumerism. What about the cost of security or good stewardship of government?
  • The right made the left, the left tried to make us with the approval of the right, they can now get rid of the left while respecting our differences. Now the left says they want war and that should be the problem of those who are actually getting executive pay, not those who get zero funding or their funds cut off. We are really mad because we get zero pay or funds while we do the work for everyone who is. We are the hostage of whacked out power and authority. They keep saying safety is their number one concern and spending massive money on security or waging war immorally on others. That is also the cardinal rule.
  • The golden rule is to get rid of the left and the market will work perfect. When the right argues about consumerism and debt, then it gets messy again. There is no cure for massive spending and debt. We get attacked every single time.
  • These people come here and terrorize others with their beliefs and politics, every single mistake must be pointed out to them. They become powerful because they manufacture like animals. They control all the banks due to immigration. This is why we are trying to bring them to court but they control that also. This even happened under a right wing administration that got massive protection for golf outings while we got none. What we got was a lifelong mound of trouble and a mess. We are as high as anyone can get, that is the joke that hurts the most. Since every mistake has to be pointed out, does anybody think they can do the right thing or tell the truth? The hijacking of the nation was under the power of the right, by the left, and they got all the funds while it was happening. Ingenious.
  • Does anyone feel their money is being wisely spent or is there some grand master plan to pay off the debt? This consumerism adds more and more debt while the nation celebrates more and more spending while this exuberance is transferred to other debtors. Who wants to pay it? This is insanity of the highest level.



Every time there is another home invasion, it cost me at least $5000.  Now it was a home invasion and a 911 terror plot bust and it cost me nearly $50,000 and not a dime was refunded or a problem fixed.  It is in a state of flux because the mismanagement is so widespread.  There was an attempt to steal my lawyer and my only life-line.  Wouldn’t it be a good strategy to identify anything or anybody that is trapped or encircled by the copyrighted material?  The whole point of planning a bust is to catch them in the act.  Now the same cast of characters keep on showing up and the material keeps on going on and on, in circles but managed by somebody.  If stalking was never a problem, how did it get so mismanaged on my end and on the other half of this, Ann’s end?  There is no possible way theft occurred and nobody was charged with stalking.  If the entire life span of this terror plot, hostile environment, trade war, race war, 1960s revival, and clandestine war started in one state and ended in another, then the material and the cast of characters are showing up and is stalking the ending, especially the part with the clandestine war and being totally destroyed or ruined.  How do you play a chicken game and mismanage resources or wreck so much, without stalking charges?  How do you fight or get destroyed by a clandestine war without a hostile climate?  How do so many events and so many incidents occur without any form of stalking or report of any stalking?  Something is missing.  Someone has not been on duty.  The only trace of stalking or a stalker is instead an FBI-Police illegal wiretap who claims “he did it and she lied.”  If you are playing chicken games with others, then there is stalking and criminal mischief.  If you came to the dwelling of someone and play a chicken game that Is linked to other states and other crimes, then you obviously have criminal stalking and organized stalking.  So how did so much get stolen and so much gets wrecked up when there is no criminal stalking?  How did a clandestine war or a hostile environment-workplace slip past the radar without criminal stalking?  How many people got killed?  Still no criminal stalking, but the lingering or residual impact of a clandestine war, a hostile environment; drags on.  All the sudden, it comes to a rapid end; still no criminal stalking.  If there is or was any criminal stalking, it is impossible for a biography to turn into a runaway reactor or a chain reaction.  Is there a chain reaction?  Is there defrauding the public? 


We know in 2008, the FBI-Police knows there are two people stalking or identified as a stalker.  One is a female and the other half of this copyrighted material.  How did that chicken game end up in this state or his dwelling?  Isn’t there criminal stalking?  There is a big and giant hole but it is not in the copyrighted material.  Now there is a hostile environment and a clandestine war, a total catastrophe and still no criminal stalking or chicken games?  Chicken games started in cars back in the 1990s, just another state.  Isn’t that a clandestine war and a hostile environment?  The situation will grow worse and worse if this criminal stalking and chicken game is not properly addressed.  A hostile climate and workplace will expand if this chicken game and criminal stalking is not properly diagnosed.  Is it control or is it a chicken game, criminal stalking?  How do you become a suspect without any criminal stalking?  How do you get busted for a clandestine war if there is no criminal stalking?  There is a gigantic hole and a huge management problem here, probable cause and the fabrication of suspicion.  This is how the slippery slope begins to grow bigger and bigger.  It ends up or ends with a clandestine war and the President does not even know if there is any criminal stalking involved?  There is some data missing.  It is not missing in the copyrighted material but the management of the copyrighted material.  Without any criminal stalking, the dog does not hunt.


Why is criminal stalking so essential?  First it is the glue.  It is the glue to piece each piece of the puzzle.  How the pieces are managed will show us the beginning and then the end.  A crime requires a lot of pieces, a lot.  It starts with a criminal or a criminal mind.  Crime does not start with a biography, that is the last place a crime begins.  This is obviously why the entire matter, from start to end, gets worse and worse each year, mismanagement.  A crime also has control factors, especially if it is a clandestine war.  Only an idiot will disregard any or all control factors if it is a clandestine war and a hostile climate; how about a hostile workplace?  That is a good start, the workplace.  How do you protest a workplace or a dwelling if it is a clandestine war and a hostile workplace?  It could be a clever web of deception or stupid pieces missing the glue while sex lube is being used to “pullout.”  Pullout could be a hostile environment or clandestine war, so could “sniper fire” or a “hair trigger.’  If you tap a bomb 850,000 times on the head, it will probably explode.  Is there any criminal stalking?  We can see the chicken game but we cannot see any criminal stalking, “he did it… she lied... we saw him do it… he threatened us.”


If there is a cease-desist order and it is disobeyed, then the matter will begin to pile up and get worse.  It is about $80 billion right now of getting worse and the tax payers are going to be stuck with their bill; that is their bill? Is that the clandestine war bill or defrauding the public because only the President knows if it is a clandestine war? Is it criminal stalking?  Is it the glue?  Is it the lube or oil that the machinery of war needs a show trial?  So where is the criminal stalking if it is also a slander charge; before it grows worse and the patient succumbs to their weakness or injuries?  If following the facts is the forte of the FBI, then there is a giant hole in someone’s head; public safety or too dangerous?  Is ethics or moral compass a part of public safety?  How about prevention and containment?  Why doesn’t the dog hunt if it is a clandestine war and a hostile environment?  Is it because nobody reported the clandestine war and the hostile environment?  Why?  Is it criminal stalking?  Now we have found where the criminal stalking is located and where nobody decided to look.  How about a hostile environment?  Do we know where to look for a hostile environment or nobody reporting it?  Then we know where the clandestine war is and why it is a clandestine war; the glue and also the sex lube. 


We have the ending after thirty years, is there any criminal stalking?  Now we can look for the beginning.  We need to find a race war and trade war; is there a race war and trade war?  Do we know where to find a race war and trade war?  How about an office?  Is anybody looking for an office, trying to kill the personnel, and claim they are stalking an office or the personnel?  Where can we find that criminal stalking or glue?  Is anybody on duty to report that criminal stalking or glue?  So if you break it, you pay for it.  Do we have anything broken if it is a clandestine war and a hostile environment?  Do we know where to find anything broken, maybe out of place?  Did anybody get killed as a result of a clandestine war or a hostile environment?  There has to be some record of this or criminal stalking.  Do we know where to look for this data or record of a clandestine war and criminal stalking?  How come nobody saw anything or reported any clandestine war or hostile environment, only fabricated evidence to suggest the other half of this copyrighted material is well taken care of and pampered?  Oh look, vacation and drinking pictures!  That is just what we are forced to see when looking for criminal stalking and a hostile clandestine environment.  Is there a dog that refuses to hunt or cannot hunt anymore?  It must be off the records and written with invisible ink, official government business!  Do we know where to find criminal stalking and defrauding the public?  What is the price tag?  I would start with criminal stalking and the 24 hour deadline in the copyrighted material in October of 2020.  How about considering a $1 million down payment if $80 billion is just too stupid for the ending?  Somebody has to be the asshole in charge and direct or lead the charge, the counter-offensive.


If all wars are both justified or dirty, do we have enough evidence to conclude what a noble cause is and the moral compass needed to come to this ending or conclusion?  Maybe the copyrighted material is actually a war tribunal, how would anybody know the difference?  Is it that obvious?  I documented the material and my career because if it is not a justified cause or war, then it becomes a war tribunal and tirade.  A war tribunal is not a subjective matter and must satisfy the rules of the Constitution.  Wars of America or world wars are protected by Constitutional merits, especially housing.  A war tribunal is not a subjective matter and must satisfy many criterions.  One such ingredient is a moral compass and the pursuit of perfection or a more perfect union.  Perfection and quality is not a subjective matter.  Death counts and death tolls are not subjective.  All wars are very expensive and need funding.  All wars need training and academic scholars.  When we have a clandestine war, this problem with subjectivity can become pervasive and very annoying.  This has been a very expensive war tribunal but the material clearly indicates a noble cause and beyond the scope of reasonable doubt for the criterions.  We have a terror plot and we have the capture of the war tribunal in a written, verified, and certified copyrighted material.  Is that a crime or is that going to be the next clandestine war?  A war tribunal is a serious matter and must satisfy the merits of the Constitution, The Third Amendment, and the transparency of all military scrutiny.  In wartime, there is an obligation to house soldiers in time of need or in harm’s way.  It is not in my own words or something I heard on an FBI-Police illegal wiretap.  Is the pen mightier than the sword and if so, is this masterpiece mightier than the filthy mouths behind it?  The other part of this, Ann, has nothing to do with any military manual and she has never worked for or is protected by the Constitutional clause on soldiers and housing.  Ann has an obligation and a conscripted loyalty, voluntary or otherwise; The Third Amendment.  Is Ann a bad romance story and just a bad fit or where all the missing pieces will be found?


The problem with a war tribunal and a justified war is the copyrighted material.  If it is exploited by the wrong people, they will interfere with the military basis.  There is a need to restructure the clandestine civil war and prepare for an actual one.  They are a ticking time bomb.  I am surprised none of them could find any of the criminal stalking and help the Pentagon reform their material and duties.  The copyright material is needed for restructuring a clandestine war, not a world war.  It is the military basis of clearances or theft of clearances.  They must know their own material and their wounded duties; this is not a game of chance.  Furthermore, they will make life a lot easier if they just avoid us and not contact us around the clock for ten, twenty, or thirty years.  They are forbidden to restructure the military based on a busted or failed terror plot and conspiracy to cover it up.  The FBI-Police illegal wiretap is undergoing the same type of chaos and moral dilemma when nobody is honesty and everybody is totally crazy and wants to die, “yes sir, right away sir!”


The problem with the FBI goes far beyond the scope of the Constitution and their stewardship of a broken America.  Who broke whom?  Is accountability a problem?  If their gigantic dilemma is only trying to win the copyrighted material, then did anybody kidnap them or did they kidnap each other?  They never got kidnapped by anybody so there can’t be any criminal stalking.  This is why they trump up charges and are lying so profusely and in such a wanton manner, there never was any kidnapping.  They are pretending as if they were victims of a kidnapping.  Can we audit their financial records and conclude they lived a life of luxury or squalor?  The math does not lie but their duties as police officers or the keepers of America’s peace of mind does care.  They are only trying to win the copyrights and tamper with the evidence, not their first time and not the first time they did a home invasion.  All they are or were doing is concealing a terror plot and killing spree, is that a misdemeanor?  Whatever it is, the perjury and the lying have blown up on them, defrauding the public of more resources while they were on duty and ignoring wrongful death charges.  Even their damage control has blown up on them and now they must find a way to pay for the final price tag, will it be with their life?  There is no escaping the nuclear meltdown, it is impossible to run because it has already blown them clear across the oceans into Europe and Asia.  It will turn into critical mass soon and revolutionary forces will get hold of the data and official records.  Nobody can outrun a radio and they violated the Cardinal rule with all crimes, give up before you shatter the glass house.




With the degree of violence and crime in America, you have to perceive a lurking or coming evil, an anger below the surface and a monster waiting to raise its ugly head one day; it is inevitable.  What is also overemphasized is the existing data.  We can take DNA samples and trace them to specific groups and time periods, even regional predictions on where the next crime wave will occur.  Whenever we single out a disproportionate group and ask why their marginal social standing is so dependent on fighting with the government or clandestine governments, the topic of reproduction and prevention tends to supersede all forms of management requirements, such as voting rights.  Each family unit has natural constraints that limit their growth, hence, the problem with over population and the inevitability of catastrophic events.  This family unit makes decisions that most governments or the voting class is not allowed to nosy into, hence, the term privacy.  When you have poverty or crime on the scale we see in America, the prison system becomes a reproduction of an orphanage and those decisions left for the family unit becomes the ward of the state. 


The problem with immigration is not how it contributed to America or the world.  The problem with immigration is how some of these groups lack the mental wherewithal or moral compass to be fighting with those who do.  Some groups like to fight even when they are morally and physically incapacitated.  When it came to poverty and class conflict, we see a period where leisure was emphasized and competition diminished.  Until the rules of global trade or the pressures for academic demands were met, their simmering anger and destitution began to flourish by the growth of this clandestine war on US soil and in the ranks of the FBI-Police.  The beginning of this clandestine war has to be the 1960s and the anti-war movement during the Vietnam War.  This is when the overt wars began to clash with the anger and the built up frustrations of a government who wanted to defeat or displace a certain group or a particular socio-economic class not for their contributions but for their disregard for the laws.  Along with that clandestine war is a sense of inferiority and the pride that crime affords a human who is full of anger and spite towards other classes that either views them as inferior or refuses to assist in the clandestine plight.  Anytime you have a clandestine war or crime, there are lies.  When you detect an insurmountable amount of lies or violence, then you have a full blown clandestine war that is about to be discovered.  Although voting rights tend to favor males, when groups are disenfranchised by their particular distinct set of common ground, it is the males who take to the streets and the females who rely on the votes to rectify this subjugation and marginal social position.


The European diaspora that occurred in America did influence the way America became rich and also spurn the conflicts between the classes.  However, when it came to wealth building, a large majority of the wealth came from apartments and real estate, hospitals and the medical field, and the increase of rival religious groups or the need to take care of the poor.  Therefore, immigration is not understood for its problems, instead it is understood for its contributions only.  That wave of poverty from the 1840s to the 1960s created the political dominance and emphasis on voting and the welfare state.  At the same time, their charity began to reach out to the people impacted by the immigration, such as indigenous groups or women.  In the end, every group did contribute one facet of their American experience or the other, however, the negative impact is rarely emphasized when the topic of immigration is discussed.  If immigration is a double edge sword, does it mean a bigger fight or bite?  What does immigration do to a dog that hunts or refuses to hunt?  A big mouth does not mean a giant fight or fighter, a small brain and a big mouth means more mouths to feed and a larger bill to fight.  This is why these clandestine wars aim at the pocketbook and end up defrauding the public.  In the end, the poor always suffer regardless of the fight or the bite.  In the end, the rich will always see the suffering of the poor as a blessing in disguise.  The brain usually regulates the dirty little secrets of what all this fight is really about, keeping your legs and your mouths shut if you do not want any trouble in life; especially if you are the police and facing the inevitable of violence in America.


Their goals were based on painting a picture of how special they were, how they were victims of hate or not disgusting human beings, how intelligent and honorable they were, how defiant and independent their work was, how special their mission and jobs were, and an overall domination of their protection or wicked legal battles are.  By making the life of others a living hell, they can imprison them and keep them as hostages or human captives.  Furthermore, they use their power to corrupt them or trump up charges by visiting their work and residence and inflicting maximum harm or verbal accosting until their life and jobs expired.  In painting this kind of master-slave relationship they could force recruitment and restrict the lives of human targets while they destroyed them both externally and deep in their heart and soul.  This was the total destruction of a human being by methods directed towards leaving no evidence or fingerprint of who did it or why.  The mistake was clearly in 1998 when forced to declare bankruptcy and protest the endless day to day standoffs with this human pest and mortal enemy seeking followers or new recruits.  They wanted to exchange ten years of academic work for their measly goals.  The legal defense and their legal excuses are even more pathetic sounding, “we are in love, we are terrified, he doesn’t care, he won’t leave, this is not his home, it is our money, she doesn’t need you, we disagree, etc.”  Now they find out the encirclement totally destroyed them and they are all guilty of defrauding the public for $80 billion or however much they tried to stick on tax payers or could steal.  If it was not how they were a wrecking ball, then it was their actions to fix it and how long it took before relief was finally delivered; but so many people died as a result of their lack of duty and lack of oversight, they are just angry and doomed; deal with it.  Their quality of work and their quality of human character is seriously in question and they are also challenging the death penalty and the National Security “invisible fences” instituted by law.  They circumvented all of the laws and said their work is this special and so are they.  At no time did respecting the rights or the property of others earmark the quality of their police work and character!


What they did was took a very strong and healthy human being and tried to turn him into an invalid, a total mess, a contortion of mental and physical disabilities, damage to his brain from assaults around the clock, paranoia about how much surveillance was around him and how angry they are, steal his lawyer, steal or wreck his marriage, make his partner or wife go crazy, make his partner and wife look and feel crazy, made them look and feel as if they are solving crime and were dealing with one of the most wanted criminals in the world with 24 hour guards, and altered not only every facet of his superior life and lifestyle with alarming levels of poison, problems, damage, and catastrophes while they vowed not to fix anything and wreck up more if he pursued them and refused to let them go.  Then they had the nerve to engage in a dating or sex game; how caring they are and how their work was very special.  Now as a result, he has to change every facet of his life and had to work 12 hour days so they could steal the material or obtain some form of ransom.  Every aspect of his security has been changed.  The level of legal paralysis is $80 billion in value or price.  They did not leave one facet of his life intact or normal; if so, list them and describe them and how he will survive this.  Their excuse was “he is convicted” or “he is being arrested because he is too corrupted and damaged.”  Again, to this day they have not fixed one security problem or paid one cent for any problem they have caused, not one damn cent for nearly thirty years of this ordeal with the phony police forces on duty and their phony ass pictures to prove it.  They used my own residence to harass and torture me around the clock and I recorded this ordeal while they claimed it was too late and they would not fix a thing nor pay a single penny.


Their revolutionary arm of the political system became the political regurgitation of the same copyrighted material and the perfect transcript.  They claimed they did not know what to do or how to proceed because they are totally ruined and destroyed but were filled with spite and anger; strike out and try to damage or inflict more wounds and verbal berating or badgering 24-7-365; an illegal use of an illegal FBI-Police wiretap.  The FBI-Police used the material to embed or manipulate the flow of information, quality of information, accuracy of information, and a propaganda factory; it is recorded in the biography and records.  They embedded for the obvious, control and resources; how they kept the kidnapping 100% and how to manage control.  The damage control blew up on them.  The dating game and prostitution blew up on them.  The 24-7-365 brainwashing and solicitation inside the residence or dwellings of others blew up on them.  They also used another embed for a fan site, phony photos, and a method of torture and inflicting a thousand cuts.  All of this was recorded and verified.  They were actually recorded torturing their victims and they used public funds to pay for the kidnapping and torture while they claim it was publicly funded by cronies.  In 2020, they claimed the election was an emergency and they needed us so they could not shut down and refused to pull the plug; a manipulation and now a dependency on the copyrighted material.


Therefore, this copyrighted material and property magically erupted into the election of 2020 because their human resources office decided to match the head with the beheading of the body.  The material is copyrighted but they clandestinely claim they resolved the matter and it is over now; there is no more clandestine war in the Middle East or in America.  Not only was the clandestine war over, the fingerprint lifted only contained two people; not a sea of crime, corruption, and terrorism.  They instead used the tax dollars to derail the process of justice and claimed it was a ransom and they are hostages and victims.  They ran it up to appease the God of truth; also the lunatic they claimed to worship.  This $80 billion grievance was not even scrutinized but now was under the microscope by the tax payers who are the final, the ways and the means.  If transparency was a problem, then the copyrights defined who violated them with a lack of transparency.  They claimed it got this way because they knew what they are doing and they know exactly what they are doing too; transparency.  If this is true, then this must be false or also true?  If this is false, then this must also be false, true?  So the coverup is actually an end to the clandestine war in America and a replacement of the human resources office, a job search or government cheating problem using illegal government and police powers; now a congestion of global transparency.  The quality of the work speaks for eternity and travels much farther than any human being will ever.  Everybody knew they did it and everybody could certify and piece together every piece using the official record and biography, is that the only data set if they are following the facts but not the God of the truth?  Where is the other data set, a partner or lawyer to all of this, a self-defense or prosecutor version?  If they are the good guys, then it is a prosecutor.  If they are the bad guys, then it is a self-defense and national security fiasco.


The FBI-Police used me to do their lazy office work and propaganda while they denied me any employment or unemployment benefits.  I ended up as a slave while they made lemonade by using my residence as some scam to loan and invest in.  I ended up doing all of their office work and this was only to buy my freedom or safety while more property losses occurred.  While property loss, some form of home invasion or burglary took place, they defrauded the government of $80 billion by recording themselves inside my biography as I deployed an encirclement strategy.  I was denied a nuclear family or a normal life as an author and military personnel so they could exploit both my career, material, and undermine my partnership with Ann Coulter; which is now totally ruined and Ann is engaging in suicidal tactics and protest just to survive or put an end to the matter.  That is how they ended up getting recorded torturing me and using Ann’s phony pictures while they harassed and verbally scolded me 24-7-365 about how everybody got destroyed or ruined but needed Ann for their political strategy and survival.  They overwhelmed the copyrights and did not even respect material that was copyrighted, relations or marriage that is sacred between man and wife, and constantly put us in an under siege or hostage situation because the bad guys are managing the good guys, scumbags are managing the superiority of firepower, the God of truth, and the trust of the American way.  They denied the American way 24-7-365 by never respecting and never abiding by the rules because the ways and means is the easy way to the ends.


In summary, they were using Ann to torture me while they took phony photos of her and twisted me into a contortion of endless pretzel shapes.  I ended up getting boxed in again when they were forcing demands and an end to this, a coverup, by suggesting I have poor judgement and did this to myself.  They also said they were very angry about being totally destroyed, totally ruined, and totally humiliated.  They wanted the price of blood.  What they got was a sting, a line in the sand to step over it if they wanted treason charges, and a gigantic global war that is spiraling towards either civil war or world war; a price tag of $80 billion and it is government corruption and defrauding the public, a looting of national treasures while attacking and violating the preservation of national treasures.  My material is copyrighted and so is my work and material, the actual value and certification of how much robbery occurred or how many mistakes they truly made.  Safety was not their motive.  Public safety was not their objective or political agenda.  It was the management and office work, the bad guys are in charge or case managers of the good guys; the revolutionary arm of the 1960s movement and now the conversion of the former communist movement and moles into a gigantic sea of crime and the management of both this clandestine revolt or revolution, and the office workers and storytellers.  They were using Ann and her fan site, FBI-Police were behind it or the illegal FBI-Police wiretap, to torture me and squeeze me like a lemon; witness intimidation, torture, berating, and forcing an admission.  They are the terror plot and so are their methods; brainwashing and all the chit-chatting.  They used this torture as a way to hijack the war machinery before it overtook them and overwhelms them.  In doing so they racked up and logged $80 billion in punitive damages, defrauding the tax payers, so they could preserve some fraction of their revolutionary sea of crime and clandestine war in America; the terror plots.  They are passing the torch to one of the best political minds in the world; whom they claim is mentally ill and a total washout; a cook and butler for their arrogance and ignorance.  They claimed I was waging war on them from my office or residence and they paid me a house visit to put an end to these attacks; it was actually to further the attacks and original kidnapping in 1998; no escape.  The truth is I am not their idiot or boy in the bubble; they did not know who sent me or who hired me; but it has now got them arrested and exposed.  They need that information if they are going to blow it up and put an end to this war, now an $80 billion defrauding the public “ransom” while they overlap the objectives and ending.  They desperately were trying to hijack my war machinery or material, by using Ann or I like puppets, so they could destroy their political and global rivals.  Once that grew sour and blew up on them, they had to come up with a way to end or cease and desist immediately before they got swallowed up by a flurry of factors and forces.  The propaganda killed them, not any action or crime; merely propaganda.  That is called the power of influence, suggestion, and the God of truth and justice.


Note, I became a member of the communist party or an infiltrator the moment I went bankrupt or the moment I was arrested.  That is the recruitment.  Now I have a manager and was their leader.  I got an inside view of their entire operation and could not figure out why it traced to the right wing and not the left wing.  America has a clandestine war raging since the 1960s.  It is very violent and on average, three hundred to five hundred murders are recorded each month in any US city.  This invisible war is the political extension of politics and the managers or case officers.  They need to fuel the recruitment of managers and I was not aware of this until I was recruited or approached in Virginia.  The rank and file means the moment they arrest you, you become a member of their terror plot, violence machinery, or their office workers.  You are their story teller.  So if conventional war is the political extension or appendage of the political system as Clausewitz wrote, then crime and terror plot is the organization of that revolutionary arm of the 1960s.  They must fuel this recruitment and manage it, prison and parole, also parole officers.  The entire system is managed.  Therefore, the actual kidnapping occurred in 1998 but the formalization and finalization became a terror plot or the 911 terror plot.  That is how I became a member of their organization and how my mistake to report it turned into the most harrowing nightmare on earth.  The whole thing as blown up on them and their clandestine global war has come to America and also has blown up!  They are being forced to pay $80 billion to end this war and it blew up on them because it is defrauding the public; the bad guys are managing the good guys now.  We know who is behind it, the poor and their church.  It is a death sentence and the welfare state.  It is also a way to recruit sex workers and fuel their industry.  They are a dating game and a prostitution ring, as well as a protection ring; severe racketeering and infiltration has occurred and has been recorded.  Now it is about defrauding the public and how to coverup the matter when it reaches the courts.  They are a wrecking ball but are not fixing anything; still a kidnapping.


Based on the data, this started off as a clandestine war in America.  Then it became the management of how the pieces got this way and how they are going to fall.  We see it is a trap now.  The kidnapping was supposed to be a way to win the war, to blow up the office or staff it with a match between the good guys and the bad guys, a human resources manager or operation.  Hence, the pullout and sniper firings; the bad guys tried to win the war and use the office work to document it victory.  Instead, it blew up on them and a trap was set on the 1960s communist infiltration.  Now they want to win or cash in, how do you turn this into a victory?  You kill or do something to the $80 billion price tag, erase it or forge a signature.  They have lost the war by selling or manipulating matters so the bad guys are at an advantage by using the office work!  Their sacrifice was blood for the treasure, a martyr system of war by the giant machinery of war in America and the bad guys who do the work for the good guys, the office workers.  They now have to turn this machinery of war off somehow!  It is destroying them and their minds are damaged each time a flood or winter influences their paranoia.  They lost the war and could not hijack the ending or the copyrights.  They got expelled instead.  Now it is the price tag and the entire mess; I am stuck with a crazy woman and this idea I am a ward of Ann while they took advantage of the office work and my free labor.  They defrauded the public of $80 billion in order to win the war and it blew up on them and shutdown their entire war machinery, legal schools, penetration, case managers or financial managers, etc.  Their 1960s church, not the God of truth, is imploding and a ticking time bomb now and the insanity is causing them electoral chaos and race wars they cannot win; they must abandon ship before it sinks.  They must pay the $80 billion to end the war and to get them off the hook; this was the only way to fall on the sword before the saber rattling turned into an earthquake of their cage.


Now we know why things are totally insane.  Instead of the police being in charge of the case, the mafia or crazies are unlocking all the doors so that a stampede of crazies can attack while they try to rack up sixty pages of criminal charges and then cover up any terror plot ever existed.  Meanwhile, there is an atmosphere where all the domestic terrorists, whom they either manage or work closely with, share power with the people who are on duty, and they all used me as a microphone and a propaganda service so they could amplify the propaganda and the political agenda from the creators of this on the street to the illegal wiretap, and then right into my life and residence.  You don’t even need anybody on duty because the people who are on duty are not there to stop it but instead exploit it for their own political benefits and job security.  They more crime and mayhem the worse it is for the victims and the more difficulty of stopping it or solving it.  Hence, they are able to make contact or relay messages through the FBI-Police illegal switchboard because they are also employees of the FBI-Police making a house call and doing a beat down.  It took the public more than ten years to figure out some penetration or infiltration had taken place similar to the TET Offensive during the Vietnam War.  Now they have taken a heavy loss, the good guys have taken over the office work and they could not trump up charges for the perfect transcript; natural disasters are not this cut and dry easy to seek advantage or destroy their rivals with.  They wanted to sell it, get behind it, or exploit it for their own political power or recruitment.  The bad guys are the managers of the good guys, shared power and sharing life.


They seized and occupied our life so they could gain access.  That is the goal, to rob the people who either saw them or could identify who did this.  So they were using their FBI-Police position or the illegal wiretap to promote the mayhem, nearly sixty pages of criminal charges because it was similar to the 1960s riots and they said they were all angry with America and if we did not want to get hurt, stay out of their way.  They claimed they were so angry and so upset with how life turned out for them; they were blowing up in remote locations while attacking us on a daily basis so they could show us the ropes and what they wanted to see from us.  They recruited us to do their office work and are the recruiters for the bad guys.  The bad guys do the dirty work or are matched up with the people who infiltrated or are office workers, then recorded and stored so they can trump up charges or utilize the office work, a biography and decades of being kidnapped, to overthrow elections, trump up charges, create an atmosphere someone was on duty, spread fascism or this sense of hopelessness-futility, and encourage more hero worship.  They do not want to see it and they are using their infiltration for advantage, access, and cheating on jobs and for jobs; penetration and infiltration.  They use the FBI-Police illegal wiretap as a clandestine human resources office to infiltrate and takeover, not to stop the crime or terrorism.  This is why I recorded a psychopathic killer and terror plot almost daily for more than twelve years.  They set it up so the chips would fall a certain way but never the way we wanted, control.  It is a Kabuki theater that closely monitors America through the FBI-Police illegal wiretap.


That is how they keep on contacting me and promoting this recruitment plot by matching the bad guys with some human resources for the mafia machine or the terrorism machine, a recruitment and human resources office.  The two went hand in hand and their church was actually the war machinery.  This is how they used their access and authority to diminish my capacity to stop them, they wanted me to report it and document it for them, it went from the street, to their office and illegal wiretap in my residence, right to my biography for more than a decade and it was nothing more than the recruitment office for the mafia and terror plotters; a church sponsored family event.  Now we know how they did it and then were able to turn off all the security that was supposed to prevent it or record it, someone had to unlock the door so their 1960s communists and crazies could take over and use the eyewitnesses to perform the office work for the bad guys.  Now they finally were able to figure out a serial killer or nutcase is on duty and upset the entire plot and infiltration was defeated by both their victims and the office workers.  They had to match the terror plotters up with the office workers, the crazies with the not crazies.  That is how we got attacked 850,000 times in our own residence; it wasn’t the good guys on duty but the bad guys looking for a recruitment and leader.  This is why the FBI-Police illegal wiretap is so upset and angry with the contact or office work, it got them busted for covering up the terror plot, the use of the illegal wiretap, and the failed attempts that blew up on their 1960s movement who are only trying to use their police position to create the tools for a new supreme court case or political movement globally.  They need to match the right people up and create a human resources office while I have to expend more of my own resources and time to catch them or allow them to infest my entire life and career; just leave or move.  So that is how they cherry pick humans and take over their entire life or keep them as human prisoners for decades and nobody even knows or can help.  It was a “stop us if you can” or “pay us to leave” protection plot and type of business, infiltration and takeover at the local levels; gain access.  They are desperate and will be ruined or destroyed if they do not using the FBI-Police to cheat and gain advantage.


The summary is the office work.  It is a biography they plan on taking over.  The cancer and the patient are perfectly matched; they will never recover or get better.  There is no way they will ever escape this level of power and how they recruit or cover-up the entire recruitment to point of failure; they wanted an end of this war before it destroyed or totally ruined their office work or soured their police managers.  They want the material and will probably sell it to the criminals instead of allowing the owners their fair share.  It is a game of musical chairs and selfishness, a penetration and infiltration so access and organization can take place; favoring the bad guys.  It is a giant machinery of crime and violence in America and the office work is lacking because in order to organize it or manage it, they must put the right people in touch with the right store front.  Once they do this, a takeover and plot to kidnap, recruit, and staff the new enterprise is completed.  Now we have a machinery of war, the criminals and crazies to do it, and the staff or fans to do the office work and record it until they can create something like the 911 plot or the remote location to create suspension or suspicion, hindrances.  It is nothing more than the machinery of riots, civil wars, and a network of managers and forces that are stewards of cronyism; they manage the dossiers much similar to how the power management game is played internationally.  They either had to find the storyteller or a story so they could get behind, take it over; and create forces they could exploit or benefit from; Supreme Court precedence, new legal professors and experts, election material and topics that will win elections globally.  It is actually the bad guys managing the good guys or the storytellers, the office workers and office managers, case officers.


They need to fuel the recruitment of managers and I was not aware of this until I was recruited or approached in Virginia.  The rank and file means the moment they arrest you, you become a member of their terror plot, violence machinery, or their office workers.  You are their story teller.  So if conventional war is the political extension or appendage of the political system as Clausewitz wrote, then crime and terror plot is the organization of that revolutionary arm of the 1960s.  They must fuel this recruitment and manage it, prison and parole, also parole officers.  The entire system is managed.  Therefore, the actual kidnapping occurred in 1998 but the formalization and finalization became a terror plot or the 911 terror plot.  There is no way to escape it until the good guys manage the bad guys.  The protection ring is when the bad guys manage the good guys, continuation and escalation.  This is how the illegal FBI-Police wiretap became the only means to either win or manipulate how the chips fall or how to jockey for position.  Now is the bill and price tag, also how to put an end to this entire fiasco and nightmare; it lacks the funding and resources to seek expedited and a fast victory; permanent injuries.



The truth is when they, a division of us and them, are asked how much good or what right they did.  Their mouth goes blank too and their courage begins to say things their brain cannot withstand anymore.  However, stalking and how it got this way is an easy one even for a jackass with more brawn than brains.  They have twenty four hours to prove they can pay by the rules and not play with their mouths!  It really does not serve anybody accept their God and we know who their God really is now, do they?  Odd, most of the higher species of humans can figure this out already, stalking and dependency; where can they screw economic sustainability or the world finances up badly! 


So after thirty or so wars, they could not figure out the central basis of how everyday life grows into a terror plot or what they are looking at or the $80 billion price tag!  You would think if it was growing out of control or too late because they are ruined or destroyed and angry; stalking or some problem involving residual and illegal continuation of bad behavior or even harassment; was the central theme and basis of a terror plot.  That is the basis of this terror plot but it seems as if the good guys are the culprits and so is a race war!  Yes they claim they love others and are not racist, some family or cosmic stalker.  Not even aware of this problem or on duty, they set out to use their mouth to solve crime and pretend it was some race war and lip service for a messenger of the police.  With increasing anger and suspicion due to a mental incompetence or the inabilities to calculate miscalculations and deception or fraud; they felt deception and verbal services would retain some educational professionalism they can stand or lean on when the lights are turned on. 


If there is some form of war where they lost their power and are upset because they are herded and forced into a state of demise or chaos, then maybe that suspect pool can define the rules of the stalking game by the cops who claim to manage my life and the squandering of both my material and resources.  There is clear evidence of not only stalking, missed opportunities or a lookout, resources that remained under the radar for decades, and now a gigantic mountain of lies and this romantic setting their mouths can play chicken games and solve crime.  So far it caused at least twenty additional felony charges and an incredible bill they do not even comprehend or can yet get a rope around.  So let’s start there.  If they want a job as a police officer or government employee; let’s start with someone really simple and easy, stalking!  Let’s go ahead and arrest every single one of them using the only material their mouths provided, and nail each and every single one for the obvious so the liabilities can be capped.  Keep in mind that after thirty years so far, 2020 and 24-7-365 kidnapping and illegal wiretaps have recorded the worst hurricane, wildfire, flooding, adverse natural disaster, and trillions in property damage than any other year in the entire century! 


When there is an emergency, the textbook process is a contingency plan, prevention, and deterrence; some form of structure that is capable of containment goals.  This plan has goals and stages of requirements, a scientific approach.  Let’s start with the easy stuff, stalking and then we can listen to their illegal messenger services document their frustrations or spite filled political power quest gone awry and bankrupt.  They are not only morally bankrupted, they are also penniless because the audits will reveal and accentuated the obvious, no plan or containment policy when flying blind and deaf.  They are not the least ashamed of themselves but they like to focus on one percent of global events and think of many ways to say God did it or aliens did it too!  Good luck with that one, it is a process of elimination now, stalking.  Why stalking?  Because in my world, God is the truth and reality; not hoaxes, innuendoes, rumors or accusations, mob mentality or this rancor about brainwashing, illegal chit-chatting, stalking, and the power of suggestion or retaliation by so called make believe cops.  Deal with reality before you dive into the imagination with stalking and a witch hunt.  In twenty four hours, they are guilty of stalking and treason, national security merits that outweigh any witch hunt. 


Their superior mouths and access to other life forms does not solve their problems or crime; that is the pattern of how this is growing.  Stalking will not solve their fears, problems, politics, failure, or life and death truth telling.  Their mental acumen is the least secure and mature for this type of business when imaginary plots and real plots clash with titan power and the entire earth is brought to her knees in one stroke of the pen.  Nothing in their measly education can legally or illegally secure the gale force of time and the God of truth.  Is the God of truth imaginary plots or real plots with real lies, lots of them and even more lotsa stalking that continues to grow because of their mental disease and trying to find the easy way out?  Is that suspicious or is it only a few crazies doing it?  So everybody is the world is crazy and making it up?  Ask them what economic sustainability is and they will tell you it is their party, their police, and their lies.  Ask them what national security is and you will get even crazier mental games.  The truth is their mouth does not pay the bills and it does not pay mine either; I have to work hard, earn it, and play by the rules.  Can they play by the rules or not?  If so, do the right thing and remove the checking game immediately, they are writing checks their mouth cannot cash, morally and financially bankrupted.  They do not accept the truth and resort to a Godless approach, a dependence on lies, deceit, and all sorts of mayhem of the wicked.  Their mouth is only capable of getting them in more trouble and telling more lies; not calming their angers and suspicions.  All of them are guilty of stalking and it was a good way to catch and trap them; what will save them now; corruption or the power of the damned?  Maybe their God of lies can save them and win wars too?  Do they wish us to save their God of lies and win their wars?  Then don’t ask me to save their cops.


How do I see you and what is my honest opinion of you?  For starters, life is not about power and control as you have forcefully tried to make this.  Your arrogance smells up everything and your power and control likes to wreck everything but fix nothing; a wrecking ball only.  When I was young, I saw a lot of things.  I understood war and I understood the price of freedom.  It took me a long time before I matured and understood love.  However, I had Generals in my life and people who were important.  I always treated them as if I worked at the Pentagon.  They would not accept it.  They wanted to know more about me so I said can you show me how you want to see me.  I learned that in life, you treat others as if they were that same eight star General or that 12 star General you met when you were a kid.  My dog could be Jesus Christ or the devil; definitely not the devil.  So that is the lesson I learned when it came to power and arrogance.  At any time Jesus could walk into my life or even a Five or Six Star General and I would not know what to say or do but I hope I do not embarrass myself and humiliate myself in front of the world.  I like to perfect myself and I like to see myself when I was a little kid and I had to learn how to be a human being when everybody was either bigger or smaller than I was.  So if you learned a lesson or learned the same lesson I learned when I was a kid, then you  know why I hate your F’in guts for eternity.  I would fire you within sixty second of you trying to steal one more day of my blessed but now cursed life.  So you are the human wrecking ball and you have all the lies, excuses, and feel everybody has to be arrested because you cannot wreck up anymore.  You refuse to shut down your ridiculous illegal wiretap, you feed people disinformation and BS around the clock, your information is so full of holes and so crazy you just feel you are in control and everything is crazy or messed up.  Now you know why God is not your truth and the truth is not your God anymore!  That is greed and power, evil in a human form.  In a police form, it is fear and fascism.  The question is who sent you and who hired you!  You have not fixed a damn thing if this is about the 1960s and your violence or desperate attempted to uphold your legacy and court precedence, a wrecking ball only.


What exactly are they angry and upset about?  Is it one or all of the following?  Why do the people on duty have to be such negative forces and so negative 24-7-365?


·         Angry white and black males?  Nobody cares?

·         High tech and the ability or inability to chit-chat?  Nobody cares?

·         Cell phones and service?  Nobody cares?

·         Cost of cell phones and the denial of high tech such as the internet?  Nobody cares?

·         Cost of high tech?  They cannot afford it and nobody cares?

·         They don’t like their job?  Nobody cares?

·         They are stressed out about their job, hate it?  Nobody cares?

·         They are very insecure with high tech and internet service?  Nobody cares?

·         They like eBay and Amazon?  Nobody cares?

·         Their job is too dangerous?  Nobody cares?

·         They do not have enough crime?  Nobody cares?

·         They work too many hours?  Nobody cares?

·         They need more direction in life and crime?  Nobody cares?

·         They are not paid enough?  Nobody cares?

·         They just cannot pay for all of these problems or fix them?  Nobody cares?


The Case of John Lennon:  Why is he in Virginia?  Who hired him?  Who sent him?  Why is she at his church?  Do they know the password?  Is it a number?  Is it a code?  Are the same case and the same cast of characters?  The term is encroachment.  Can anybody see us yet?  They are blaming my church for events after the Vietnam War; also their own version, Ann us and them game and a purge.  It is another purge, inquisition, and spy game.  “John” is threatening their clandestine group and they know the cast of characters at our church.  They see something they do not like.  It is near the Pentagon and DC.  They are rivals.  They want to know who sent you and who has hired you in America.  So “Mark” is very honest about this.  We are in love.  We are friends.  Whatever you want.  They do not know if he is one of them.  He has to show them.  It is a sacrifice, one of us for one of you; who can stop it?  Stop now!  How?  Will “John” write me a clue or the message, a handshake?  It is us or them, let’s roll the dice.  They know something is going on at our church and DC.  They are from the same place.  Why is that family with them or at their church, very elite.  They too are made in America.  We can send them a clue, hints.  Now give us a handshake, who sent you and who hired you.  Before, we only stood next to you.  Before, we only said nothing.  Before, we were only shadows and investigating, case officers.  Do you know who we are yet?  Now it is time to tell us if you are one of us, encroachment and the canary in the coal mine.  Why not leave?  Just leave?  Leave their church in Virginia.  We see you there too; you are with his family and the Pentagon.  Why?  All of you are veterans of three wars!  Is this about us or them?  I can see the color of his pen and what he wrote.  I can see the color of his words.  These colors don’t run.  These colors are in control.  Show me your colors and I will show you mind, get it wrong and I will use you as a message and warning to them.  How?  Whatever you want, we are friends.  We are in love.  He cares, too honest.  All of them are just too honest with their fans and staff.  This is the connector to the 911 case and typical of this chicken game.  It is a chicken game still, sue us if you want to shut us down or shut us up.  Oh hell, there are two of them, two pilots of this accident!  Uh oh, it was not an accident yet; everybody knows we did this but nobody is on duty; nobody hired him or sent him yet.  We are still looking for this office, he did it.  He just does not care and we do not know what to do, we are going to die, just leave VA now!  You know we are looking at you, he did it!



Note:  These dirty cops know they snuck into a get-together and were stealing jewelry out of the bedroom when they were surrounded.  They also drew their guns and picked a fight.  When I asked them to put the jewelry back and put the guns away, they refused and a massive fight started.  I arrested them for trespassing and they kept on talking trash and acting like they were in control and nobody was going to arrest them.  They still refuse to put the jewelry back and leave the party, a private get together that did not have them on the invitation list.  It is by invitation only.  That is basically the jist and why they are still trespassing and resisting arrest, dirty ass cops who do stuff like this.  Am I going to their funeral, hell no.  Am I going to the BD party, hell no?  Do I give a damn if they live or die, hell no.  Do they deserve any special treatment?  You be the judge if they snuck in a private party and was caught stealing jewelry and our life savings from the bedroom.  What in hell are they looking through or rummaging through our undies and mattress?  Now they are surrounded and still refuse to surrender or keep talking smack, trying to harass, scold, talk bold trash, and continue to pick fights as if they did not get clocked or got the shit smacked out of them.  That sums up a typical weekend party in high school with these F’ers as neighbors or the invasion of DC-VA!  Now they are older and much more sophisticated cops; they got their sights on far more valuables than jewelry.  If you don’t want to get hurt, then don’t make it worse.  Now they act like they are cops and were making an arrest, not stealing jewelry or our life savings from our bedroom.  That is what the chit-chat was for, brainwashing.


So how did I mess this up this time?  Ann is the typical New Yorker.  She believes this is a tug of war and her church is not the problem in America.  She does not think she is an asshole either.  Ann thinks this is about her and I am in a tug of war trying to stay with her or win her love.  This is causing worse problems than the previous day.  Ann has convinced herself she is not the problem and I am trying to stay with her.  She was told not to make this worse or piss me off.  I will state this again, it is impossible to judge her for being a good girlfriend or lawyer, no means no.  However, we are now back to this battle between NY and VA; immigrants and what exactly is the problem?  Do all of them need to have their head busted open or is it only a misunderstanding?  Look at the F’in cops on duty!  Now look at Ann.  They don’t even know what the problem is and their head has been busted open so many times, they do it for spite or anger only.  So I describe Ann as an asshole and she has no cure for it except to keep being an asshole; their disease now; so these lousy ass immigrants are actually total assholes and they need to get their head busted open, the sober reality.  In Ann’s book, I am trying to stay with her and want to be with her because nothing she does is a problem or will ever be a problem; infallible.  However, she feels comfortable with herself.  How in hell did I juggle so much data and mess this up, illegal wiretaps?  Criminal stalking?  Defrauding the public?


He is threatening us!  He is the prime suspect!  He defrauded the public, hardwired wrong!  He is guilty of illegal wiretaps and criminal stalking!  His material sucks and is mentally ill; he sucks as a messenger or ambassador.  He is a horrible author and storyteller, not able to organize facts and numbers, retarded or prone to failure.  He hears voices; it is not our illegal wiretap chit-chatting.  I would not do that if I were Ann, too late now.  Ann claims I feel comfortable with her stalking me or trying to do anything she has to in order to stay with me; the truth is she does not want to even stay with me and has proven this again and again and again.  If she would just settle, maybe things will be better for both of us; stalling.  If all of them get their head busted open, maybe things will be a better melee; now everybody is trapped, everybody is infected, terrified, and the lousy ass immigrants make worse cops then the world has ever seen.  How does it get this way?  A tug of war?  So who is claiming they are not the problem?  Why not admit they are the problem?  When they admit the problem, there will be a solution.  I have all the solutions, all of them.  Now Ann claims it is no big deal and it keeps on happening over the course of ten, twenty, thirty years!  Ann is going to be okay now.  They are lousy ass immigrants and make smelly ass annoying cops, totally illegal!  Now it is a huge bill $70 billion and they fork it on the tax payers who are also well done and burned!  Ann, she is not the least too ditto or the problem.  It is like a hell hole and a ghetto, how the hell do you escape and move out?  All they do is take pictures and act like they are not the problem on TV and radio; the Ann Coulter act also and her church.  I have to love her and have to love how annoying she is, it is a bitter pill I have to swallow; ask the café whose fault that is.  There is a sober reality and a sober ending; an evolution.  Ann has not visited or revisited the sober reality yet, still a fantasy to her and she loves it or will do anything she can just to stay together; including settling 12 years ago or 12 months ago. 



Criminal stalking is when everything you do is futile.  Criminal stalking is when someone is in your home and is sharing your living space for whatever reason, even police matters.  Criminal stalking is the process of removing these human beings and the espionage or listening devices they have setup to obtain victory, defeat, or robbery.  Therefore, we live in a world where espionage and police abuses are entangled and corrupt.  We live in a world that has become a shared community and a governing body that claims they cannot be stopped and has total control over the life of other human beings.  Criminal stalking is the existence of this dialogue or conversation on a day to day basis; not at work or on the radio or TV; however, it is only by police means or an illegal wiretap that is beyond the scope of intrusion and rude, a complete denial of human rights and individual freedom with the intent of damaging the mind and mental health of others.  Anybody who does not hear no and cannot understand the term no; is unqualified to be a police officer or manager of technology that violates every single law in the history of the world.  They must be exterminated if they are operating in America and other very police societies racked with crime and violence, police fascism.


There is a difference between freedom of speech and academic and media exposure.  Criminals are taught to always diffuse matters before anybody takes it to the media because there is a feeling of paranoia when inescapable is sonorous with a radio or TV.  So these rules are being violated due to media exposure or duplication of a dialogue and standoff in other remote locations.  These duplications are police oriented sciences, a form of race war and terrorism.  Therefore, criminals are scared of the media and this magnifies many times over when it becomes the internet.  Can anybody fight back?  Can anybody fight back the God of the illegal police and wiretaps?  Are they defrauding the public due to a lack of respect for the rights of others or their taught manners, control and fear?  Therefore, the national security and the illegal wiretaps of the police are becoming a problem as criminals who are totally ruined and destroyed look for opportunity to exploit human discourse.  If they are scared, then they should not run into a burning building; it will only defraud the police more than their nobility with violence and firearms; a military style of governing.


These are old rivalries that date back to the reformation period and the revolutionary times of the Elizabethan period of internecine warfare in Europe, stress how information can educate or influence the masses unaccustomed to academic warfare.  Governments are unaccountable.  Governments are unaccountable when there is warfare; hence, a war tribunal is utilized to redress the justified war.  The differences are based on how societies govern organized groups and their influence or persuasion on the electoral process, a spiritual vote.  Furthermore, atrocities and massacres are not the highest forms of dangers in the world but in certain American cities, they are.  There have been massacres and atrocities since the times of the American Indians; it is a curse of the land.  Now the prison system is bursting at the seams globally, that is America.  Control and fear is the byproduct of weak human beings.  In a global market, the market decides the outcomes, not the police or any illegal wiretap.


Home invasions are the most brazen forms of robberies and crimes.  Most violent criminals use the cover of the dark to perform diurnal life tasks the animal kingdom is known for.  The use nighttime to search for prey and the police should know this and how spectators are more limited at night than in the daytime.  Furthermore, when a criminal or robber enters the dwelling of another, it shows the brazen and audacious characteristic of the crime.  By trying to seek romance or even casual benefits with victims, the true characteristic of a robber is defined as rape, pillage, and murder.  Home invasions that involve sex, sex tapes, or romance tend to be more violent than all others.  When home invasions and dialogue involve sex, romance, or saying no; this is a sexual offender who displays no respect or manners for others.  These clues need to be expedited with refunds, payments, and timely legal actions.  These deadlines and written documents indicate how detailed these robbers are and how they undermine or circumvent the prevention methods, deterrence.  These remote locations also show how an illegal wiretap evolves into remote locations and the total lack of policing on the part of those on duty to curb, refund timely, or expedite relief; instead we have and get defrauding the public and election tampering on the scale of $80 billion.  Was there anybody on duty at all to blow them away?  Who in hell is going to keep the electric on or pay the rent, the material or the illegal wiretaps and robbers who circumvent matters inside the dwellings and material copyrighted by autobiographical relief methods?  The mere existence of propaganda is slander and defamation, but can the police on duty allows $80 billion to defraud the public and if so, how will they pay it out of their own pocket; stuck with the bill now!


Another facet of robberies that are residual in forensic science is the method of catching bank robbers.  Typically, employees of banks are told to do exactly what bank robbers are demanding and to utilize a dye pack so that the robbers become frustrated when they cannot use the money or find out a tracking method has been utilized.  This means if a bank robbery occurred, then there is a possibility some tracking method was utilized.  However, bank robbers tend to panic when they find out these very advanced methods were used and they were lured back into the bank so that the currency could be exchanged or laundered.  Therefore, a return to the scene of the crime was recorded and documented.  The robbers do not have a choice in what currency the bank gives them or uses to catch them, it is the methodology of all bank robberies.  The question is where did the crime take place?  Is it a hoax?  Is it a perfect dialogue or transcript, define perfect?  A perfect dialogue will be able to trace the forensic science of who, what, where, when, and why; an autopsy.  Furthermore, all crimes especially violent crimes have motives.  When human beings are killed on a mass scale, it indicates a form of gang war is taking place.  It shows the history of this group membership and association.  In America more humans are killed by accidents than any other killer.  Mothers worry about accidents more than any other form of killer.  This is because transportation has become very expensive and difficult to manage, especially security. 


If there is an accident, a pilot, or some lack thereof such as hope; the blame tends to indicate a higher being or a religious belief of Gods and deities.  How many people are involved in the accident?  Did anybody witness the accident?  What kind of car or license did they have?  People begin to believe God has possessed them and given them some form of power over other human beings.  Sometimes deities are underlings of a higher God.  Therefore, some religions such as Christianity place strong forces on destiny, predestination, piety, heresy, the power of suggestion, and even fate.  This type of belief system also exists in communist ideologies and is solely based on democratic means of warfare or the police.  Therefore elite and advanced communist thinkers are able to distinguish the forces involved and the inevitable or how power relationships determine outcomes.  When a God or a deity is involved, that force of nature is far stronger than any civilization or human race; the impact of these natural forces is insurmountable to both traditional religions and unorthodox belief systems.  This is why the truth is a stronger God than any other.  The truth is the basis behind the use of slavery or the need for slavery in any culture or political system.


When the public is defrauded by speech or revolutionary ideology, the truth is the central focus of a management system that either regulates or interferes with that form of speech.  If the material is extremely advanced, then it requires a respect and a symbiotic relationship between the master and the slave, a pupil.  Is the pen mightier than the sword?  When we study certain masterpieces in the world, we see the power of the pen change through time.  In a high tech world, distance and remote locations communicate and exchange thoughts.  However, throughout history the pen is not mightier than the sword and this is why military power is the extension of the political system or form of political management.  In an open society, restricted ideology means the culture is ill equipped to cope with revolutionary ideology such as democratic forces or external forms of funding and capital.  Speech requires an audience and the level of knowledge and skills from the audience.  Similar to the history of religion, books are part of learning and growing spiritually and mentally.  The God of truth is based on subjective interpretation of evidence and facts.  Is there a God of facts?  God and books that describe God are behind armies and nation-states.  However, religious text does not defraud the public, it takes a human being to do this, it is not the material, and instead it is the human factors albeit Christianity was a force and God that had more influence over commerce than any other.


Is book burning common in all societies?  Book burning was the result of persuasion, mental suggestion, spoonerisms, double meanings, and the process of listening carefully and understanding the communication.  Books indicate the power of the elite or educated.  Books also indicate the ability to debate the material or adversarial elites with similar or higher education.  Therefore, book burning or regulating speech indicates a hierarchy of power and elite academics.  Some societies place more emphasis on their ideologies than academic material; hence, the term heresy and a witch trial.  God is a God of truth.  A kind God judges the individual based on how they are stewards of life beyond their own.  Therefore, the God of trust and truth has no foe and is a universal force.  Therefore, when the public is defrauded by revolutionary ideology, we will be able to notice the God of trust and truth and there are distinguishing features that only a natural born expert will be able to distinguish and even manipulate.  Freedom is the lack of movement, the lack of trust, an adversarial problem, a financial problem, a criminal motive, a profit or exploitative region, and many other incentives that mix into accidents and non-accidents.



We do not know who was running me out of the DC-VA area or blocking me from my job and career at the Pentagon; we only know they were trying to corrupt me or recruit me for some terror plot and know a lot or nothing about me or my plans.  It is impossible to suggest Ann Coulter was behind this or the events in Virginia.  Ann came to the DC-VA area and got ran out also.  I was run out of NYC and Ann’s life by the FBI-Police in NY, FL, and VA-CA.  Their story is not the same, the white guy did it.  Their version is not based on our life or our plans together; it was based on their plans with NY or with VA only.  It is possible these two waged war on each other and invaded each other’s state.  Therefore, their version is not based on the truth about us, they claim they followed the facts only and did not bother to verify or certify any of it with us.  They also claimed they had exclusive and total access 24-7-365 and knew Ann was in my residence in 2008 and in 2020 but not in 1998.  Their version is full of holes and they are totally lost now, only a rubber stamp and a menacing chit-chat or illegal wiretap 24-7-365 talking about how they manage us and how they are now only a rubber stamp as our staff and fans.  Their version is a forgery and full of lies, a coverup.  They must plead guilty to slander and pay $70 billion without anymore, zero tolerance of craziness or incidents.  They still claim what won’t kill us is good for us, their management and meddling 24-7-365; done to piss us off and radicalize us.  I do not find any pleasure talking to them or having them in my life!  Does Ann find any pleasure talking to them or having them slander her life or get her in more and more trouble?  One more strike and it is the end of Ann, why risk it and billions for her wounded greed or ego?  This is the problem with Ann and a constant nuisance, just walk away and do what is most important, not what is least important or weakest.  I end up as a slave to the entire machine and the entire story and did not get a dime!  Ann has to explain that one now and the FBI-Police act like her manager and our management; more meddling and more lies or criminal slander as only a rubber stamp now.


The problem with Ann is logical.  She was accused of stalking in 2008 by the FBI and those who were trying to arrest me or stop me.  It indicates Ann was present or in my life in 2008 and dates back to 1998.  They knew Ann was stalking me or was my partner in crime in 2008; but not in 1998.  I wrote our biography and describe Ann as my biographer or record keeper, a legal role also.  We did have plans together but Ann never showed up at remote locations; was she supposed to show up at my work or career, a waiting game?  Ann has since gotten three strikes on her or more.  Ann pled guilty.  She is portraying herself as the toughest SOB, maybe on earth.  She has no military experience or background, not a credible toughest SOB.  Her expertise is needed but she is too busy on Twitter, on the radio, and being a very bad GF.  She claims she is arresting them and they are getting away.  The bottom line is Ann has three strikes or more.  The bottom line is Ann is portraying herself is a false and defrauding manner.  The problem is she is on the verge of being removed as my lawyer and partner.  The bottom line is she refused to settle and walk away, get out of Dodge immediately before she gets or got another strike on her.  This problem is the same problem that is also repeating at the FBI-Police illegal wiretap; some code of silence and FBI family.  I do not work or ever joined the FBI and I do not get paid to do their work or dirty work, they all have this wrong.  If Ann does not walk away and shutdown as ordered, I am asking for her immediate arrest, she is not the toughest SOB on earth and neither are the SOBs behind this illegal wiretap, none of it is legal and none of the dating games are even legal; but they all do it anyhow.  Now all of it is going to blow up on them and they push the envelope in order to blame others or play musical chairs, “he won’t leave… she won’t leave… he has no money… it is our money… we are married… we want to be friends… we are in control and want to die… it is too late, just sue us… etc.”  If Ann refuses to shutdown and continues on this illogical wild streak, she will jeopardize her entire future and erase her past, does she have any brakes whatsoever or is only trying to claim she is the roughest and toughest one out there?


In 2020, the police are still trying to slander the author of “sustainable economics” by attacking his satellite warfare and material.  They claimed he worked for an ultra-secret military unit and they either wanted inclusion or control.  They were using an illegal FBI-Police wiretap, or had been, to expand and explain their FBI-Police religion and how it became the 1960s; or their friendship network, origin was the 1960s and World War II.  They claim we cannot stop them or stop this process of them being partners and forcing us into their friends’ category and sex partners.  Similar to sexual partners, the FBI-Police claim what is ours is also theirs, no end to this; also the idea it is impossible to stop them or put a quick end to this, futility and desperation.  They blatantly use females to suggest sex and very close private matters while they chit-chat about everything under the sun.  According to them, we must keep on moving or relocating because they are unstoppable because they accused me of being a member of some ultra-secret military unit sent to seek them and destroy them.  Now it is some game how they can attack or occupy our residence, still ongoing, while they trump up charges about “us and them” or who is attacking them with some ultra-secret military unit and they are being threatened while paying house visits and rewriting or slandering their biography and life.  They claim we have it wrong and we just do not want to get laid, they are very sorry and are only trying to help.  They claim it is not pernicious or malicious, we have it wrong again.  Now they claim all of their FBI-Police agree and we are the odd man out, over-ruled by numbers and they are going to be alright and are not desperate while they use illegal FBI-Police wiretaps for making friends, seeking control, and sexual goals about how wrong we are or were.  The goal and the control using the FBI-Police are only to take-take-take, and then take some more once they are caught or cornered! 


In 2006, I make an attempt to remain in America by doing another female search.  I am actually looking for Ann.  Instead, I come up empty and I get another “close resemblance.”  I proceed to start over and a new relocation to normalize my life.  I have saved up most if not all of my savings in the form of two vehicles and a condominium in Virginia I purchased with cash as a “pre-construction.”  I expect to get close to purchase price or more.  Out of the blue, I am stopped and the police-FBI does another home visit and home invasion, a violent one.  I have the write up and how I won it by fending their home invasion off.  This led to another contact with the FBI-Police and more home visits or home invasions.  I was not aware they were behind it; nor did I know I called the equivalent of Jeffrey Dalhmer to be the investigators or work on such high level.  I had not known they were looking for a leader or a Pope for their nuclear war or attempt to take over the world by overthrowing the United States.  They now claim the President is on the wiretap and on the other line, it is official business.


Ann finally shows up and surprises me in 2008.  The good news is she has them trapped and was able to identify them.  There are two elements of this, their clandestine and overt plots.  Ann has the people who do their dirty work.  Therefore, when the FBI-Police do a coverup or are behind a terror plot, they must call the criminal elements they trust; otherwise, they will be fingered and end up prosecuted for sticking their hand in the sea of corruption.  We saw this before with the Bulger case and how these FBI agents dig deeper and deeper until they are trapped inside the bubble of organized crime and their violence.  Therefore, Ann has the clandestine units and the people who actually do the dirty work.  They claim they are employees, fans, fan site, and even FBI-Police undercover units trying to bust the organized crime elements; again, it is a coverup and the brainchild of the investigators who used crime and terrorism to create a sweat lodge or a sea of crime and corruption.  They are physically incapable and incompetent of fighting wars, doing violence, and are the brainchild and think tank that manages it; some form of superior manager neck deep in terrorism and organized crime.  Once again, they do another home invasion and clandestine attempt to “steer the case” to some form of ending that will erase their fingerprints and the plot to cover it all up.  The mistake they made are two-fold.  First, they insist I work for a clandestine ultra-secret government military unit that is behind their demise or doom.  They claim I was planning and also fighting them in the 1970s and 1980s while in elementary school and high school.  All of that is a contrivance of their criminal paranoia and attempt to produce lies so they can avoid the truth.  The second sets of lies are the actual events and what should have transpired instead of a conspiracy to coverup the entire matter and the terror plots. 


The coverup starts with the same elements of control.  It entails a clandestine encroachment at either work or a home visit, a subtle home invasion.  These encroachments are to fabricate confidence and certainty.  They are surveillance units that study every single detail and look for vulnerabilities.  The intelligence is then used to attack, assault, and keep a state of under siege constant, pernicious, clandestine, and supplant it with a stronger or more advantageous leverage.  It is a pivot point they manipulate when they are embedded or joined at the hip, inescapable partnership or standoff.  These elements were present while they were on duty and aware of the presence of these attacks.  Instead of curbing them, they instead open the gates until it is so blatant and certain, they must toy with the cards that are the most risky and will prove with certainty it was them who did the terror plots; two parts, the management and the organized criminal elements of the good guys and bad guys.   Therefore, there were approximately 50 calls to the police all over the state, different counties, about drug sales or encroachments from 12am to 6am at work sites.  Meanwhile, there were no incidents at home or at the landlord property, not even a hint of encroachment and attacks.  There are also five 911 calls about the landlords; several involved banging on the door and windows with hammers, screaming death threats and trying to “appear as if my life was in danger,” and reinforcing this conspiracy to commit terrorism when they identified themselves and were confused about the events.  They now put a “white supremacy” stamp on it as the investigators and their undercover units, the landlord, were supposed to be uninvolved.  Instead, they confessed and were convinced I worked for a clandestine ultra-secret military group who were flooding them or steering hurricanes as they informed me as their original complaint for trying to bomb this office.  They said they were very hurt and are facing enormous pressure and anger to turn themselves in by more powerful clandestine forces.


Therefore, this is where they missed the exit and used their bias, white privileges, conspiracy, endless pathological lying, and coverup of the terror plots.  They did the original 911 terror plot confession and claim it was a politician in the news and in power, a freebie.  At the same time, they took his plight about this “perfect transcript” and “Russian meddling” in elections.  That is how they covered this up.  They also seized and had total control of Ann’s side, claiming she was a victim and she was only trying to get away from me or this history together.  All of it is false.  After their confession for the 911 terror plot, they could not tie the ends together with Ann or me.  It was a conspiracy so they broke the coverup into two parts so they could coverup the Ann part with the Republicans and my part with the Democrats.  This came from the dirty black book of Democratic political tricks, a history of demise and collapse in the 20th century that led to the catastrophic doom of the 1960s and the 1980s when most if not all of the left wing in America, now reduced to police fascism, were in a chaotic state of flux and the prison system became the nuclear family.  It became the bread winner for most if not all of this job security and survival.  So this is where they split the partnership in two and claim to be the power of attorney for both of us; one was a Democrat and the other Republican; a bipartisan coverup.  They still claim the President is on the wiretap and on the other line, it is official business.


Once the 911 calls were made, it was clear the FBI-Police were guilty.  Not only were they guilty, they owed damages.  Instead of going down the damages and restitution road, they kept up the attacks and home invasions; making sure working was impossible due to this demand to plead guilty and let them off the hook for drugs, angering them, challenging their church power, etc.  They were and are nothing more than human rapists; but they claim they had a class action lawsuit about the rape and females who were victimized in World War Two by Germany and Japan.  This is the root or the heart of their female dating plots, sex and this survival cookbook they had written with their grandmother and survivors of World War II.  The world now was against them and so were we.  We witnessed and saw who did it but we were not aware of the conspiracy and where it would lead.  Had the FBI-Police played their cards right, they would have pled guilty in 2015 and 2017; not do the opposite and cover it up.  This made garnishing of their government salary and overtime impossible, an overt standoff now.  It became a sacrifice play and both Ann and I became their sacrificial lamb headed off to the slaughter.  They blamed it all on us!  So in 2015 and 2017, two garnishments and asset forfeiture were overpowered.  Ann was now in a ready-position to garnish their assets, property, and salaries.  Furthermore, they confessed to the 911 terror plots and claimed it was “white supremacy” and not their legacy in America from 1865 to 1990; a massive downfall and spiral into the history of crash and burn in America.  Had the garnishments been processed accordingly and had the property seizure been 100%; I would have had total economic sustainability and self-reliance.  Keep in mind, I am the author and the authority on the other part of this book called, “Sustainable Economic Development.”  It comes from the CIA and AID (Agency for International Development) and it is not the same concept or ideas.  It is my original work appended to the SATWAR and the financial parts of internecine warfare with satellites.  Internecine war is feudal period of warfare that was inevitable and proceeds nation-hood or nationalism, the creation of the nation-state.


Instead of garnishment of government retirement and salaries for cash flow and sale of their estate for a unconditional surrender on US soil, they claimed war was waged on them and they were attacked by clandestine military units operating on US soil legally or illegally; they did not know and wanted to know more or else there would be more hell to pay.  They were paranoid a mole or government spy was in their terror plot and organized criminal ranks, sabotaging and disseminating information for this demise or catastrophic ruin or self-destruction.  As an illegal criminal conspiracy and coverup, they felt everything and everybody was a threat and is using violence or doing harm to their cause or being; that is where most of the pathological female lies originate.  It is a terror plot coverup and a conspiracy to continue a kidnapping using an illegal FBI-Police wiretap and trying to gain control or advantage by jockeying for position and making up new lies or trumping up charges.  So they trumped up a new charge.  Before it was a dating game and highly undesirable females; they were forcing themselves on others in the cruelest forms imaginable and using disgusting personal hygiene to display their power or how they can turn on or off the dating game.  That stalking and recruitment, the original kidnapping plot in Virginia and reported in 1998 as the cause behind the bankruptcy, is the advantage or “jockeying for position” they did to defeat or coverup the 1989 plans to marry I had with Ann.  After 2004, it was too late for Ann so she was 100% committed now and they destroyed her chances of having kids or marrying into a normal marriage.  So the 911 plot-confession occurred while they were on duty and on their property, some form of illegal custody.  It must be some form of illegal custody in 1998 that was “perceived as a kidnapping and recruitment plot.”  They are still doing coverups, pathological lying, and recruiting while on the job as US government employees; very-very illegal under these circumstances.  They are also still playing dating games, even in 2020 and had been behind them; now it was only to coverup their footprints.  The goal and the control using the FBI-Police are only to take-take-take, and then take some more once they are caught or cornered!


Instead of ceasing, they kept the illegal FBI-Police wiretap and began to make up new legal power of attorney coverups such as “it is too late, just sue us, he does not want to leave, he won’t leave her alone, etc.”  They forget whose material and clearances are certified and official business.  They forget whose biography this is or is about.  They forget Ann and I was and started our partnership and had a life plan, a plan they repeatedly destroyed, wrecked, rewrote, tried to take possession of, and the financial dependency they tried to replace as “economic sustainability.”  That is how they challenged the material and rewrote the material; insisting they were superior academics and superior human beings with authority or knowledge-skills.  By ignoring this partnership between Ann and I, none of their “trumping up charges” makes any sense; nor their pathological lying.  Furthermore, they are reading the material, which is copyrighted and used to capture my kidnappers and the terror plots, then claiming they did not read the material and did not know or did not believe any of it.  Now they claim they did nothing wrong and are only “following the facts.”  Now the facts and the truth are two separate creatures and two realities; two forms of manipulating realities due to their ignorance and criminal conspiracies to cover up all of this!  The cost now in price tag is $70 billion and they are still using the illegal FBI-Police wiretap to be the voice of their church, political agenda, and a musical chair game.  There are only two seats and the game now is how they can steal one or both seats!  That is how they took a 1989 plan between me and Ann Coulter and turned it into dependency and control in 2020 while insidiously saying, “He did it.  They lied.”  Today, the author of “economic sustainability and SATWAR” looks like one of their clowns and they are talking like a clown 24-7-365 using their FBI-Police illegal wiretap so they can beg, act innocent, pander, claim they are lesser, and commit more damage control.  They also claim they are totally destroyed, totally ruined, and do not know who I am or was.  They claim they are only following the facts while they create more facts so they can follow the facts; totally lost now and not willing to stop even if they are totally lost.  That is how corrupt the FBI-Police are and have been and the question is “was there anybody on duty to blow them away or tweak them out?”  They are in major league pain and tapping out, but claim they did not loose and this is not over.  Again, they avoid the obvious, the plans, control, and why they have not paid a dime so far; all of this is free and charity so they can grow stronger or recover with us or without us?  They now claim the President is on the wiretap and on the other line, it is official business.


The authority on communism and the 1960s claim the facts are on their side.  However, the truth reveals the facts are how they got prosecuted and how they were cornered and trapped from 2015-2020.  Everything was written down, careful details, careful dates and times, and the spoken word on their illegal and pernicious FBI-Police wiretap that had been using our life as some public relations billboard and a warning for others.  They called it a show trial and going against their authority, a form of heresy.  Now with the data, information, and our biography written down and certified; the facts flip their story upside down and the truth is their prison.  They are not only guilty as charged, they are guilty of repeatedly trying to cover it up, forcing or imposing a coverup, circumventing the authentication process or fact finding mission, and then sticking to their story when it was their story and the truth the facts never supported, “Are they friend or foe?” 


Because everything was documented and written down, their facts and word of mouth; based on rumors, accusations, trumping up charges, creating a mess, using layers and layers of deception and forgeries, perjury and obstruction, false testimony and false police reports, etc.  became a prison they had to blow up or take down.  In the end, they wind up on the bad side of the law, accused of treason, and stood there holding a bag full of dirty tricks when the facts turned against them and the truth revealed who was actually behind this.  They wound up at the finish line only to find out the world had conspired against them and careful documentation and certification was already taking place to dislodge their facts and how they followed the facts to the collapse in the end.  They covered up and they added layers of lies and conspiracies so they could weigh out facts and truth while they refused to report or document any of this took place.  Therefore, the finish or the end had two or more copies and they had to decide what percent they were going to give up.  Due to careful documentation and record keeping, their audits could not encompass the “totality” or the entire biography of two characters, the epicenter.  Instead, they used facts in one or the other so they could obtain some form of suspicion or probable cause and then rewrite the biographies or criminal complaint so that it would lead away from them.  It blew up on them because now they were at day one or the starting line again.  Therefore, they are left with the decision to admit the whole matter 100% or try to win half, a quarter, or even suck up the ten percent of nothing.  All of it was written down so everything they refused to document or write down was theft or rewriting the records; meddling and tampering with evidence. 


When they started, they claimed they were engaged in a kidnapping and terror plot for one sole motive.  That motive is the source of their problems.  They claimed an invisible friendship when it was an illegal kidnapping.  They were using surveillance or illegal espionage methods such as an illegal wiretap, to gather intelligence and keep control, advantage and leverage.  They circumvented the laws and began a war machine, to produce facts that steered away from them and not towards their guilt.  They refused to do the right thing or say the right things; facts outweighing the truth.  Now they are still very suspicious and still use the same methods and tactics, an illegal wiretap by the FBI-Police who are the authority on crime, communism, and the 1960s and racism in America; to fight over areas that overlap such as minorities and females.  They claim they encompass the superiority of females and minorities when it comes to global trade and high technology.  This was a depressing issue during World War II and the use of European feudalism to displace a small percentage of the rich and elites; at the expense of the entire whole.  We have that same dilemma now, a few of the proud or the corruption of the entire barrel; a few bad apples.  So they set off in the 1990s trying to recruit and ended up getting drafted while they remained insubordinate and a total menace.  They claimed their evil and suspicions were now used for the greater of the good, not waging war and violence so they could build a better mousetrap.  They claimed heresy; us or them, friend or foe, with us or against us, etc.  Now the facts are all upside down and lost, totally lost.  None of the facts make any sense.  Nothing they did for more than two decades make any sense.  They are left with an empty bag of tricks, facts; while the truth and sworn testimony displaces them; a form of a hollow cause.  It is and was a forgery.  They also place themselves on the pedestal of the FBI-Police for the world to see; the authority on communism, the cold war, National Security, and this 1960s rudder that has either broken or gone haywire.  They are lost in an ocean of corruption, crime, and violence; but they claim “he did it, we saw him do it, we are not the problem, he is the cause of all our problems, they are trying to get away and escape, they are not telling the truth, etc.”  The truth is written and there is no need for any illegal wiretap or finger pointing all day, all night, and more of this standoff at his work or residence; no less his sex life and love life.  They continue to cherry pick and demand a child, however, they claim they are not the problem and only doing as they were asked or told, helpers.


So we know where they went wrong and why the giant sea of corruption and terrorism keeps taking the wrong turn.  After they confessed for the 911 terror plots, they were ordered to surrender.  Instead, they reported they were attacked inside the residence of someone else.  What were they doing there?  Why were they chit-chatting or brainwashing him with more of their race wars; again, communism, national security, and the entire 1960s is not strong enough to railroad or circumvent global trade or invade the world on a scale they claim is the cause of their problems.  They are hated and they admit they are inferior, however, when we look at global trends; nothing is going to change any of the global trade, academic records, consumer purchasing power, wealth created, or their own demise.  Their demise was the result of squandering their time and efforts.  When we look at the records and the biography; we see industrious, productivity, self-actualization, initiative, creative wealth building, sustainability, well thought out and good record keeping, and the mind of a computer scientist or electrical engineer who is also a superior author.  We see these superior traits and the training involved, an academic transcript.  We can trace the source and certify it as the origin, no loose ends.  We can certify and use the law for sworn testimony; however, the FBI-Police are half of the problem in the written records.  Why?  Why are they trying to steal the written records and claim their thirty year war or process of destroying each other, is no longer their own demise?  Did they spend their time wisely?  Did they do anything with their life?  We are not allowed to audit these careful plans and thinking; but they have the control to attack or nit-pick like a psychopathic human being who is trying to attack and steal the written records for their own demise or salvation.  Who is doing what for their own salvation and why are they on the case or using their authority to dislodge the plans, the truth, the time stolen already, and the life they have stolen so much from already?  Do they have a short memory or is it the same “open door policy” or “containment policy” where their efforts become a revolving door of new and fresh faces doing the exact same thing and calling it the 1960s, they care but do not care about our rights and our privileges?  This is how they racked up $70 billion and why they are a total and complete disaster waiting to be jailed, thrown out, prosecuted, exposed, and is refusing to quit or cease immediately.  They want to remove this idea we can call them, call their office, call the police on them, corner him or her, come to their residence or work, etc.  That is how you make human beings feel powerless and inferior.  That is how you make people desperate or wreck their life by rewriting their true value by diminishing and ruining them with your assaults and encroachment; a back and forth communication or duplex system of saber rattling.  So who does their dirty work?  Who does their national security and who does our national security?  Is it treason and did they step over that line repeatedly?  The truth is written and has been audited, however, they refuse to accept the truth and the source of their demise.  The facts stack up one after the next, like a row of dominoes waiting to fall and for the wrath that will set off a chain reaction.


So why did they come to the residence of whom they kidnapped and why did they try to erase what is written with their own version of the truth; when the facts do not support their claims or their autobiography?  If they are prosecuting and unbiased, then the first thing they would have done is established conspiracy or a lack of conspiracy between two or more people; the main characters.  It is a fake and a forgery, another false police report and attempt to coverup the terror plots for this idea they are the authority on the 1960s, communism, national security, police authority, above the laws, are unimpeachable and immune from prosecution, are victims or too inferior, and now have found the magic door to another world.  Why didn’t they surrender as ordered in 2008?  Why didn’t they surrender as ordered again in 2015 or when 911 was called on them for daily disturbances such as pounding on the front door with a hammer or screaming on the top of their lungs about how upset they were with the circumstances; a precursor of being cornered or outfoxed by the people they hijacked or kidnapped.  Why are they at their residence if they see no evil and hear no evil; a clever act and assault to pretend they are on duty or the police and trying to solve crime, not produce more crime!  Yes, they were and are caught producing more and more crime by adding more to the story and to the biography of two people!  However, they claim they did not while they refused to report anything; everything was calm and perfect.  Where exactly did they get this wrong and is anybody on duty to prosecute them and write the ship, a noble cause stolen?  Keep in mind, all of this is documented and written, they are trying to steal it.  They are stealing it by regurgitating the same original things, an open door policy that is similar to a circular firing squad.  Everybody is trapped inside their circular firing squad because they regurgitate it and nobody is on duty.  So the original core of the problem, is the problem.  First is “they are the cause of our demise, they are behind it.”  Second, “they are threatening us and saber rattling, they are attacking us.”  Third, “we are friends and on the same side, we are in control and the power of attorney.”  Fourth, “we are also following the facts and we are also trapped in this and want out immediately, no harm.”  Fifth, “this is about money and this is about superiority or the finish line, it is about life and their life; it was never about our life or our 1960s authority.  We are not the authority on the 1960s or communism, national security, police abuses or death squads, immigration and citizenry, politics and religion, etc.”  Fifth, “we got it wrong from the start and we screwed it up from the start to the end; where is the end now?”



Executive Summary:  In terms of defrauding the public, Ann has not run for office.  Will she mismanage the public in the same scope and manners she paraded?  It is the story of time.  It is the basis of neglect.  It is the boom and the bust of finances.  It is the tragedy of business cycles.  It is the infrastructure in disrepair or squandered by mismanagement and crooks.  Nobody has slandered her and she has not told her story.  The only story so far is his story and Ann was identified in 2008 as one of the people who were clandestinely “stalking him.”  She did not kidnap him.  However, the reality reveals she manipulated both him and circumstances in order to coax or string him along so she could document or expose the abusive and exploitive conditions that wrecked her life and his life.  Ann has debts owed and accounts that need to be opened, closed, or reopened; it is the cause of tremendous bitterness and poisonous rivalry.  There are heavy criminal charges that are inevitable and inescapable regardless of the wars and the legal battles, medals to boast and gratitude to flaunt or favor.  These wars are devastating on the home front.  They will cripple and maim families.  They will paralyze the life of a healthy citizenry who yearn for more and a higher standard of living.


Her material does not plagiarize any before or after her.  However, her battles and wars do.  She is not a pristine paradise island waiting to be discovered and her legal wars and battles are filled with blood and gore.  They are cruel, pernicious, and as worse as they can get.  She fights with a sword that earned a reputation among peers and she swings it with an almost drunken euphemism, which produces collateral victims by the wayside.  Her battleship is one to reckon with modern staff and crew at the helm and guns that are always smoking with mockery.  Ann is also the one man army and the callous of her handiwork produces friends and foes.  She strives for this reputation and her battle parade disenchants many onlookers.  However, her trigger finger has now suffered from the sands of time and wisdom as those around her scramble to conspire while they give her more and more crippling material and expendable time as she figures out how next to escape their noose.


However, they are trapped in a bigger and more powerful story.  The material of that bigger written material is certified and authenticated as the author and the inventor of these plans, ideas, financial strategies, and an umbrella of life plans that included Ann as a partner.  He is the owner of the power and authority that pays the electric bills.  She is his property and she has obligations to him as he has to her stewardship.  She is a coequal partner and has had access, rights, privileges, consent, and the full body of the laws.  These are shared obligations.  She shared in the value and the overall management of those plans, now wrecked or destroyed by various fingerprints and footsteps in time.  The autopsy also indicates a large amount of time has expired and the reality of that expired time reveals insecurities, fears, and other mismanagement woes that led to unhealthy and malignant death of relationships and love.  They are the demons of insecurities, mistrust, betrayals, sacrifices, pernicious mind games, and the prepared or prudence of character.  These wars and these battles are as bloody and full of malicious carnage as the world will ever see a high-wire act with their naked eyes; there is no hiding and there is no escape.  There is only the spirit of redemption and the value of survival, the prudence and the prejudices of the genuine character.



There are two realities that killed Ann Coulter or her life plans.  They fluctuate over time and should grow accordingly to her clock and her plans.  However, the management of her life and the conspicuous simplicity of blaming others for squandering valuable resources such as wars, legal battles, private time, personal trips, and matters reserved for friends and family; are crippling to each of these entanglements.  The reality Ann Coulter must face when an autopsy is produced in writing, does not favor her continuation in any facet of her present existence and the lack of care or concern if she survives the demons of her past or present.  She must produce a plan and measured science to justify two main problems.  The final judge is the material and the copyrights to the criminal proceedings.   The reality is two headed or two faced.  It shows Ann as neither a competent lawyer in scope of size and price tags nor a girlfriend who was fully cooperative with being a good girlfriend because of her lifestyle or the lack of maturity that encompasses healthy relationships after time has seasoned and perfected it.  If Ann is a good girlfriend, then she will show the signs of her age.  If she is a good attorney for the war, then she will show the battle scars and the medals won in legal campaigns with the General who sponsored her and is accredited with her success or victories.  Instead, the record indicates that Ann spent most of her time in the enemy camp and engaged in either battles or wars with enemy forces.  The reality is Ann cannot blame anybody now and the reality is Ann has no more excuses or time to squander on wars and legal battles.  Those demons are coming back to haunt her.  The cruelty of wars and battles are defined by blood and treasure; those are the final judges.  Regardless of circumstances or forces that conspire in the world, the prudence of character will always define the prudence of nurture.  Similar to all organisms in nature, they suffer from ill health or prosper in the right environment.  Some environments are so corrupting and so poisonous, all organisms die and are cut down or exploited for profit, selfish greed, profiteering or a boom-bust cycle, or they wilt and die without the proper nutrients of the environment.


As a human being in a loving relationship, Ann must become the caretaker of her obligations.  As a lawyer, her services or services rendered must revere the same prudence of obligation.  This prudence of obligation can encompass a gap between minimal to maximum obligations.  These risks and rewards perpetuate and are a shared experience, regardless of the conflicts or interests.  They age with the sands of time and become the precious stones others notice and desire.  Therefore, the reality for Ann Coulter is a cauldron of fears, insecurities, and missed opportunities that over time, died by her own failure or lack of care.  She knows and she understands the price tag.  She knows she must face the reality.  She knows she is a train wreck and she knows she has taken this way too far.  She does not know why she is an asshole to some people and not others.  She lives according to plans that nobody knows but her destiny is trapped inside her body and in the life of other entanglements.  The reality is the FBI identified Ann in 2008 to be one of the people who was stalking the owner of the material and his biography.  Now after 12 years, the reality Ann must face is the absence of any person, real or imagined, to blame for her price tag or her failures in life.  She claims she did not fail when it came to love and marriage.  She claims she did not fail when it came to her career or how perfect she fits in.  She knows the biggest fish in the ocean demands her attention and detail, but she too is drowning in a sea of corruption, crime, and terrorism.  She is buried among the ruins and her story is or was being dug up while she claimed nobody would help her.  The reality is someone did help her and she did make the right choice in life or was with the right person.  However, the reality shows she is too old to go on and has squandered the years on frivolous or menial matters while she could not turn back the hands of time or fight the ever so menacing clock.


The question when you do an autopsy on the life of Ann Coulter is documented.  She must now face the reality and face the fears that have for years haunted her life.  With the price tag increasing and her price tag decreasing, the reality indicates that she is not capable of two very basic functions.  First is she must be a good girlfriend.  The records indicate she has squandered so much time harping about being raped and nobody helping her, trying to arrest those who did this, she neglected by choice, indecision, or just circumstances; the essence of being a good and decent girlfriend.  A healthy girlfriend does not live the life she does.  A healthy girlfriend does not squander the time she has.  A good girlfriend has stories to share, not hide.  A good girlfriend knows if she is or is not the price tag she claims to be.  So this is the first reality Ann must cope with.  Is she a good girlfriend and why or how did she allow so much time to expire or pass away on her watch while the bitterness of bad blood and entanglements grew to enormous size and scope.  Did she identify the problem and did she do everything humanly possible to avoid the inevitable or only the minimal degree of expectations.  The answer is she squandered decades running around and acting like she was a teen and living a life fit for the Great Gatsby while she trivialized her life to one of survival.  She is the mastermind of this game that has caused so much bitterness and feuds.  She claims nobody would help her when she could not help herself.  So Ann was a good girlfriend on paper only and because of her five year hiatus in 2015, sowed the seeds of her own destruction by pissing away more time in an ever so decreasing atmosphere of diminishing time.  This capital is how she has chosen to spend the prison she built as the mastermind of a very bitter game of time and capital.


The second reality Ann must cope with and face in a world of decreasing time and increasing price tags, are her legal skills.  Ann is trapped.  She is trapped inside a train wreck.  Ann needs time to fix it and make it right.  After more than a decade, she tipped the balance of time and the convergence of many forces against the pivot of space and time.  Ann must choose if she wants to be a good lawyer or a good girlfriend.  She appears confused with the two or the role of the two.  Due to Ann’s squandering of time and limited resources, she must be the spender of these resources and the auditor of time.  She has a powerful and superior story.  However, through decades of phony pictures and a rumor mills, she has presented herself in a way that cannot satisfactorily redeem her character as a good lawyer.  She has conflicts of interests and has damaged the pristine image of doing things a good lawyer would; such as winning legal battles and legal wars.  Her five year hiatus in California was her death knell.  It shows Ann as neither a competent lawyer in scope of size and price tags nor a girlfriend who was fully cooperative with being a good girlfriend because of her lifestyle or the lack of maturity that encompasses healthy relationships after time has seasoned and perfected it.  If Ann is a good girlfriend, then she will show the signs of her age.  If she is a good attorney for the war, then she will show the battle scars and the medals won in legal campaigns with the General who sponsored her and is accredited with her success or victories.  Instead, the record indicates that Ann spent most of her time in the enemy camp and engaged in either battles or wars with enemy forces.  It is difficult to determine if Ann squandered time to fight her own demons or to fight the reality of time, she fears the truth and the consequences.  Whose war is she fighting and is she a competent lawyer if she is only fighting her own wars and her own battles?  She must justify the price tag and the duties of her obligations.


In terms of defrauding the public, Ann has not run for office.  Will she mismanage the public in the same scope and manners she paraded?  It is the story of time.  It is the basis of neglect.  It is the boom and the bust of finances.  It is the tragedy of business cycles.  It is the infrastructure in disrepair or squandered by mismanagement and crooks.  Nobody has slandered her and she has not told her story.  The only story so far is his story and Ann was identified in 2008 as one of the people who were clandestinely “stalking him.”  She did not kidnap him.  However, the reality reveals she manipulated both him and circumstances in order to coax or string him along so she could document or expose the abusive and exploitive conditions that wrecked her life and his life.  Ann has debts owed and accounts that need to be opened, closed, or reopened; it is the cause of tremendous bitterness and poisonous rivalry.  There are heavy criminal charges that are inevitable and inescapable regardless of the wars and the legal battles, medals to boast and gratitude to flaunt or favor.  These wars are devastating on the home front.  They will cripple and maim families.  They will paralyze the life of a healthy citizenry who yearn for more and a higher standard of living.


Ann’s books are fresh and new, never before seen.  Her material does not plagiarize any before or after her.  However, her battles and wars do.  She is not a pristine paradise island waiting to be discovered and her legal wars and battles are filled with blood and gore.  They are cruel, pernicious, and as worse as they can get.  She fights with a sword that earned a reputation among peers and she swings it with an almost drunken euphemism, which produces collateral victims by the wayside.  Her battleship is one to reckon with modern staff and crew at the helm and guns that are always smoking with mockery.  Ann is also the one man army and the callous of her handiwork produces friends and foes.  She strives for this reputation and her battle parade disenchants many onlookers.  However, her trigger finger has now suffered from the sands of time and wisdom as those around her scramble to conspire while they give her more and more crippling material and expendable time as she figures out how next to escape their noose.


However, they are trapped in a bigger and more powerful story.  The material of that bigger written material is certified and authenticated as the author and the inventor of these plans, ideas, financial strategies, and an umbrella of life plans that included Ann as a partner.  He is the owner of the power and authority that pays the electric bills.  She is his property and she has obligations to him as he has to her stewardship.  She is a coequal partner and has had access, rights, privileges, consent, and the full body of the laws.  These are shared obligations.  She shared in the value and the overall management of those plans, now wrecked or destroyed by various fingerprints and footsteps in time.  The autopsy also indicates a large amount of time has expired and the reality of that expired time reveals insecurities, fears, and other mismanagement woes that led to unhealthy and malignant death of relationships and love.  They are the demons of insecurities, mistrust, betrayals, sacrifices, pernicious mind games, and the prepared or prudence of character.  These wars and these battles are as bloody and full of malicious carnage as the world will ever see a high-wire act with their naked eyes; there is no hiding and there is no escape.  There is only the spirit of redemption and the value of survival, the prudence and the prejudices of the genuine character.


Therefore, this form of self-destructive personality is not unusual or common vices.  They plague certain societies and industry.  It is part of success and failure; success in life and failure at stewardship.  This form of mindset plagues certain societies that emboss themselves with too much work and too little play; family and relationships.  As time goes on, the scales of time begin to tip and they become a slippery slope of age.  The pungencies and the lingering of time sour the mind and it corrupts the purchase of character by intoxicating it with doubt and uncertainties.  Therefore, the reality Ann must face is uncertain and if she continues on the road she has ruined, her doom will be the two realities she has failed herself.  She must find a lender and she must borrow time and the reality is time was bankrupted, shut down, moved to another town, and began life as another person and a different reality.  It is the cycle of life; boom and bust.  Ann is only paying a visit to where she grew up and she does not recognize what has changed, what has moved on or moved away, and she yearns for the infancy of comfort all children remember when they think of their home, where they call home, and that nurturing atmosphere they cherish but lost.  Ann has lost touch with her past and her future is uncertain because she was so lost in the present by wars and life battles that she has not won the respect and the forethought of character.  The price tag is going to kill her as time moves on, she is the story of America.



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My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.