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Tuesday, December 25, 2007


If you take a look at the written record, you will see the repeat of the past ten years. On December 24, 2007, in violation of requests and against all instructions, the left made another clandestine contact. They said they want war. There is a reason why we are missing fifteen Christmas’; what is sixteen going to do? We still do not have our protection order and we still do not have any feasible change in the situation beyond what the hostage takers tell us. We are trying to turn it into a prosecution and they said they want war now and refuse to follow the instructions to adjudicate the matter or seek justice. They said in a nonchalant way “whatever you want” and our record or written life is still a mess. They made no effort to correct any errors and said “whatever you want.” That just makes your head go in a tailspin or throw your hands in the air. How about rewriting our life again and removing all the errors they put on it? Why is this so much to ask, they made the mess and want who to clean it up or pay more? What about the physical harm and injuries? We have marks all over our record and you cannot get any worse on paper, how do they explain the fact this is as high as you can get? You cannot get any higher, yet we cannot even get a job besides minimum wage and the left wants us to be the running man who fights all of this. This is total madness and the handiwork of whacked out people who have hijacked our life, spirit and terrorized our life by calling themselves Americans. This is not about working with the left; this is about getting rid of the left so things can work properly or perfectly. How did that formula get so messed up while they claim they wanted to help or were protectors?

We know the left and the people we are dealing with are whacked out. We know they do not even think about fiscal responsibility because they have some master plan to solve the debt which we know is impossible to pay off. We know they have some plan to put us in some high office against our will. We know they come to this nation and terrorize it like they have terrorized everyone else and us. We know they turn around after terrorizing everyone and call themselves Americans. We know they are in a suicidal state of mind. We know they are running around like a secret society and blaming their handiwork on the right. We are stressed out and miserable as it is and they want to drive us even more crazy on Christmas Eve, classic.

Now they say they want war. Does anyone disagree when we say these people are whacked out? Does anyone disagree or want to argue the fact they have lost their mind and are completely disconnected with reality? Their little clandestine communications has said clearly and made it know they want war. We do not know how accurate or how truthful that is because we have been tricked and sucker punched so many times. They never write anything down. We assume their leadership voted on this and know about it so we just pass it on to the authorities and the leadership. We also want the public to know that their leadership, after reading this book, voted on their behalf and sent this fax to us clandestinely, they want war. We honestly think they are whacked out and have lost their minds, but we have no choice in the matter because they were instructed to not fax us anymore and also to speak to the real prosecutors who are waiting patiently.

We will pass this message about wanting war on and see if the prosecutor’s ad the leadership knows what to do with it. We do not have a clue either; they just said they want war. They probably did this to make us insane and also try to produce a military leader for this war they are speaking of. They know and are expecting it war, this must be why they terrorized our life and trained us for some leadership position. Keep something else also in mind; this is happening under a so called right wing administration.

It is not like we have a choice in this matter. We have tried to get these people to go and speak to the real prosecutors and turn themselves in. The public needs to know what these people are up to and why. They are telling everyone they want war or inciting it. They all agreed to it and we gave them 7 days from December 23, 2007 to double check their answer before we put their names on it. We told them specifically again, do not call us or keep pestering us. Then we told them we will relay their message and also give those seven days before putting their name on it. If they are not exactly sure and done all of this so far, then they can make sure it is correct before they put their name on it. We know they act in utter error or incompetence.

We also received some video footage from an investigator named Alex Jones. He spares nobody and says it is an elite dominated society where they jump around from job to job with each other. That is how they keep it going and how they are so powerful. He says that taking on this mammoth would be taking on both the right and the left who intermingle quite a bit and think they run the show or sit passively by while gross injustices are done.

We are going to restate this for the one thousandth time, we do not have prosecution power, all we have is the ability to make a citizens arrest. If they want to give us prosecution power, then maybe we would be more effective. We have had our life turned upside and made to have the biggest fall anyone can ever have. How you get prosecution power when you are a hostage is unknown. We are forced to send this to the real prosecutors and cross our fingers they can do the right thing. So far, we have been arrested twice on trumped up charges. There is a deficit in logic and these people are cruel, nasty and manipulative, they have lied about the entire matter and acted in gross error. We do not know if this gross error will ever go away but we had to begin moving offshore, that is as far as we know so far. They came here to terrorize everyone with their politics and we took these punches. They call themselves Americans and say they were here first so they are the masters or above the law. Simple fact is they won’t leave or tell the truth because they are pathological liars. We are as high as you can get with this and we even had to throw our ID card down for scrutiny.

All we do is defending the nation, we are not prosecutors but we seem to be the only one on the job and this is very frustrating because we get zero funds. We are not allowed to work or be employed unless we give into this consumerism of the right and left. They say they run the entire show and our finances, that is why they get all the funds and we get zero to defend the nation. There is a logical disconnection somewhere and it is rather obvious. They also tried to steal it and take everything we had; we were attacked nonstop until we gave up something they could steal or of value to them. We have had property damaged beyond belief and our entire life destroyed. Now they say they want war and have voted on this because they are stuck and cannot go any further. They cannot pay the debt nor have any solution for it, they cannot tax further because the right will not let them. So now they are saying they want war and we are not even allowed to move offshore; how do you stop being terrorized by people who come to this country to terrorize you with their politics? Anyone have any ideas because it is so outrageous and ridiculous, it hurts too much to laugh anymore. It hurts to laugh now and we just forward it to the real prosecutors; they say they want to help and next thing we know our entire life is messed up and upside down. The people who defend the nation are a hostage to those who came here to terrorize others with their politics. We told them to cooperate with the prosecutors already and they are trying to communicate even more.

We are going to recap all the communication and observations they are giving us while keeping us a hostage:

  1. it is the largest spy network you will ever witness
  2. when we give an order or instructions, we get terrorized, so we have stopped
  3. we always get attacked in our strongest hour, in our weakest we are courted
  4. they say we are being interrogated as suspects because the nation is at war
  5. they fake their own death to profit
  6. they are going around terrorizing everyone while they cannot even tell the truth but they claim to be Americans
  7. From our analysis, terrorism is nothing more than grass roots causes who have a grass roots militia. There is an umbrella to this categorization and it has a tsar who is a pathological liar but claims to be the authority. That Tsar is moving pieces all around to fit a larger grand strategy. Because debt is kryptonite to their effort, they concocted some master plan to blow up the bank when they cannot rob it any longer. They cannot win but they have to give the bill to someone if they are willing. Nobody wants to curb spending or crackdown on spending but nobody wants to pay the debt so they concocted some master plan. Can we prove this? Not yet.
  8. you will never get a prosecution if the prosecutor is doing it, we get arrested and not prosecuted though
  9. Coming to this nation, terrorizing others and claiming to be Americans gives them this power they need. Then they complain while they stalk you and terrorize your life. They steal everything or try to steal everything, then say they are fearful or mistrust you. We got 6,000 plus faxes, we sent 20 to make them stop and complain, we got a response in the form of a warrant for our arrest and a challenge to protest. Right now the blame is going to the right. We do not know if the right is to blame but we do not know who is better at getting rid of the left because the left is the one behind it. They are preparing for war while they are using the peace movement clandestinely. They even stated through these clandestine communications they want war and we told them they better double check and get it right because their names are going on it. They are whacked out and lost touch with reality. We told them their reputation is on the line and they better take a vote on it if they did not already. We told them to take seven days to confirm this instead of sending out crazy messages like they have been doing for the past ten years. We will forward their message on; we do not even want to deal with it. We do not know what to do with it or how to respond to this insanity. If their leadership chose this then they should not block our attempt to forward this message to everyone. We told them to speak to the prosecutors repeatedly and they turned around behind our backs and said they didn’t care or they were the top brass.
  10. they left the borders wide open and promoted immigration when it had no strategic value, it added to the cost of security and also fiscal irresponsibility
  11. trying to relay a message to us about worrying about debt or fiscal irresponsibility, we are strongly for fiscal responsibility and principle but we are also being manipulated by the left who are trying to put thoughts in the minds of others
  12. they are winning hearts and minds even if they are turning matters into a police state, safety is their number one concern, debt and spending is not a problem, terrorism is defined as anyone who opposes their authority, and they wish to help and be considered Americans
  13. Over the course of ten years, we saw the same thing over and over again. We also were enrolled in some school to prepare us for some political life. They are on automatic mode, an infinite loop with no end. This is all they have to stand on and this is all they have to base their reality upon.
  14. the story is changed every hour and never written down
  15. They are saying Nazism is a civil war, any comments or response because we do not know. Nazism was a pro labor organization, a workers party who stood for nationalism. It was much more than a civil war.
  16. they are two hundred year old and plus bank robbers, they spend money like mad and win hearts and minds as protectors; it was so obvious before why they avoided debt and never worried about debt, they always celebrate spending, it was right there in front of everyone. Oh they know what to do and are not the slightest worried. They are using the media to communicate to someone and give them instructions and confidence for strategy. The proof is the USS Cole. The key is protectors of the little guy. Look at the USS Cole that is my nephew’s name also.
  17. We do not know what to do with it either, we are trying to turn this into a prosecution, but they are clandestine and keep running. Maybe the prosecutors can figure it out because we have taken so many punches, so many permanent injuries, had so many sucker punches; we cannot tell if they are honest, serious, lying or trying to pull off another trick. They are not helping one bit with the faxes we are still getting.
  18. the Popes Christmas message 2007 was horrible
  19. If anyone out there does not feel these people are whacked out or they did not come here to terrorize everyone with their politics while complaining, then they are mentally ill or evil. They are flooding here and safety is their number one concern, which is supposed to explain this entire matter.
  20. the safety is their number one concern led to us getting zero funding, zero protection, nonstop attacks, nonstop lies, and we are as high as you can possibly go. They keep stealing it and turn around and say it is because of necessity. Why are they also spending so much on the right when the money should have been put where it is most effective? Direct your firepower and economy of mass where it is most effective, not least effective. Popularity right? This is why we have to fend for ourselves and do the work for others defending the nation. Because it will never be done if we did not.
  21. They are arguing for consumerism and immigration, both the left and the right are doing this and this bonds them like glue. We have taken punches for ten years about this consumerism. What about the cost of security or good stewardship of government?
  22. The right made the left, the left tried to make us with the approval of the right, they can now get rid of the left while respecting our differences. Now the left says they want war and that should be the problem of those who are actually getting executive pay, not those who get zero funding or their funds cut off. We are really mad because we get zero pay or funds while we do the work for everyone who is. We are the hostage of whacked out power and authority. They keep saying safety is their number one concern and spending massive money on security or waging war immorally on others. That is also the cardinal rule.
  23. The golden rule is to get rid of the left and the market will work perfect. When the right argues about consumerism and debt, then it gets messy again. There is no cure for massive spending and debt. We get attacked every single time.
  24. These people come here and terrorize others with their beliefs and politics, every single mistake must be pointed out to them. They become powerful because they manufacture like animals. They control all the banks due to immigration. This is why we are trying to bring them to court but they control that also. This even happened under a right wing administration that got massive protection for golf outings while we got none. What we got was a lifelong mound of trouble and a mess. We are as high as anyone can get, that is the joke that hurts the most. Since every mistake has to be pointed out, does anybody think they can do the right thing or tell the truth? The hijacking of the nation was under the power of the right, by the left, and they got all the funds while it was happening. Ingenious.
  25. Does anyone feel their money is being wisely spent or is there some grand master plan to pay off the debt? This consumerism adds more and more debt while the nation celebrates more and more spending while this exuberance is transferred to other debtors. Who wants to pay it? This is insanity of the highest level.

"10,000 Fists" lyrics by Disturbed



One more goddamn day when I know what I want

And my want will be considered tonight, considered tonight

Just another day when all that I want

Will mark me as a sinner tonight, I'm a sinner tonight, yeah


People can no longer cover their eyes

If this disturbs you then walk away

You will remember the night you were struck by the sight of

Ten Thousand fists in the air

Power un-restrained dead on the mark

Is what we will deliver tonight, deliver tonight

Pleasure fused with pain this triumph of the soul

Will make you shiver tonight, will make you shiver tonight, yeah


We are the ones that will open your mind

Leave the weak and the haunted behind (4x)


Ten Thousand fists in the air

Ten Thousand fists in the air

"Turn Me Loose" lyrics by Loverboy

I was born to run,

I was born to dream,

The craziest boy you ever seen,

I gotta do it my way,

Or no way at all.

And I was here to please,

I’m even on knees

Making love to whoever I please,

I gotta do it my way,

Or no way at all.

And then you came around,

Tried to tie me down,

I was such a clown,

You had to have it your way,

Or no way at all.

Well I’ve had all I can take,

I can’t take it no more,

I’m gonna pack my bags and,

Or no way at all.


So why don’t you turn me lose,

Turn me lose,

Turn me lose,

I gotta do it my way,

Or no way at all.

Why don’t you turn me lose,

Turn me lose,

Turn me lose,

I gotta do it my way,

I wanna fly.

I’m here to please,

I’m even on my knees,

Making love to whoever I please,

I gotta do it my way,

I gotta do it my way,

And when you came around,

You tried to tie me down,

I was such a clown,

You had to have it your way,

Well I’m saying no way,


Why don’t you turn me lose,

Turn me lose,

Turn me lose,

I gotta do it my way,

I wanna fly.


Turn me lose,


"Rooster" lyrics by Alice in Chains

Ain’t found a way to kill me yet

Eyes burn with stinging sweat

Seems every path leads me to nowhere

Wife and kids and household pet

Army green was no safe bet

The bullets scream to me from somewhere


Here they come to snuff the rooster

Oh yeah

Yeah here come the rooster


You know he ain’t gonna die

No, no, no, ya know he ain’t gonna die


Walkin’ tall machine gun man

They spit on me in my home land

Gloria sent me pictures of my boy

Got my pills ’gainst mosquito death

My buddy’s breathin’ his dyin’ breath

Oh God please won’t you help me make it through


“Flagpole SItter” lyrIcs by Harvey Danger

I had vIsIons, I was In them
I was lookIng Into the mIrror
to see a lIttle bIt clearer
rottenness and evIl In me

fIngertIps have memorIes
mIne can't forget the curves of your body
and when I feel a bIt naughty
I run It up the flagpole and see who salutes
(but no one ever does)

I'm not sIck but I'm not well
and I'm so hot cause I'm In hell

been around the world and found
that only stupId people are breedIng
the cretIns clonIng and feedIng
and I don't even own a tv

put me In the hospItal for nerves
and then they had to commIt me
you told them all I was crazy
they cut off my legs now I'm an amputee, god damn you

I'm not sIck but I'm not well
and I'm so hot cause I'm In hell
I'm not sIck but I'm not well
and It's a sIn to lIve so well

I wanna publIsh zInes
and rage agaInst machInes
I wanna pIerce my tongue
It doesn't hurt, It feels fIne
the trIvIal sublIme
I'd lIke to turn off tIme
and kIll my mInd
you kIll my mInd

paranoIa paranoIa
everybody's comIng to get me
just say you never met me
I'm goIng underground wIth the moles
hear the voIces In my head
I swear to god It sounds lIke they're snorIng
but If you're bored then you're borIng
the agony and the Irony, they're kIllIng me

I'm not sIck but I'm not well
and I'm so hot cause I'm In hell
I'm not sIck but I'm not well
and It's a sIn to lIve so well

"Everybody Wants to Rule the World" lyrics by Tears for Fears

Welcome to your life

There’s no turning back

Even while we sleep

We will find you

Acting on your best behaviour

Turn your back on mother nature

Everybody wants to rule the world

It’s my own design

It’s my own remorse

Help me to decide

Help me make the most

Of freedom and of pleasure

Nothing ever lasts forever

Everybody wants to rule the world

There’s a room where the light won’t find you

Holding hands while the walls come tumbling down

When they do I’ll be right behind you

So glad we’ve almost made it

So sad they had to fade it

Everybody wants to rule the world

I can’t stand this indecision

Married with a lack of vision

Everybody wants to rule the world

Say that you’ll never never never never need it

One headline why believe it ?

Everybody wants to rule the world

All for freedom and for pleasure

Nothing ever lasts forever

Everybody wants to rule the world

“Can I Graduate” lyrics by Third Eye Blind

Can I Graduate
Can I Graduate
Can I look at faces that I meet
Can I get my punk-a@@ off the street
I've been living on for so long
(Can I Graduate)
To the bastard talking down to me
Your whipping boy calamity
Cross your fingers, I'm going to knock it all down
(Can I Graduate)

Echo fading, We can't let go
She goes walking by in slow-mo'
Sell your Heart out for a buck
Go on, Fade out, Before I get stuck
Talking to somebody like you
Do you live the days you go through
Will this song live on long after we do
(Can I Graduate)
Can I look at faces that I meet
Can I get my punk-ass off the street
Won't die on the vine. I wanna knock it all down
(Can I Graduate)
Echo fading, candle blow
Did you flash out long ago
Cross my fingers, I don't know
Someone poked you down below

Can I Graduate…
Can I get my punk-a@@ off the street
Can I look at faces that I meet
I'm not waiting here for you to fly (I mind)
Will this song live on long after we do (I mind)

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My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.