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Wednesday, January 2, 2008


We may not be for the left but at least they know what is going on and where we stand. At least they do not have to take more guesses why things work and why others do not. We also state very clearly they were never included in the book and it was never supposed to be meant for them. It was simply some college thesis and engineering projects meant to be a business plan. Next thing we know, we are enthralled in some espionage game. If the left wish to explain how they got in the book or got in to begin with, they this is fine, but do so with the real prosecutors. That was the inaccuracy they used to arrest others while they terrorize them and even come into their homes. Everyone who knows anything about this says they were looking for something to steal and nobody can quite put an accurate estimate on the amount they tried to steal. That is how they got in this book by no fault of the cyber and satellite warfare program.

The problem with the left is not fear either. The problem is being deceitful, cruel, rotten and manipulative while being fearful and exuberant. As the best soldiers, we know fear and we know the limits of it. We do not know this deceit, cruelty, rottenness and manipulation which we keep hearing so much about. It is common sense and almost selective in meaning; if you come to this land and terrorize others with your politics or aid the enemies of the state, foreign or domestic, then you cannot stand before the public and ask for forgiveness or complain about how you are treated. Naturally, we made this up but it is clearly written down for all eyes to see. It is clearly written down a warrant for your arrest is immediate, but how you turn a warrant for your arrest into trumped up lies or some bogus show trial is authority. Its common sense the problem is authority. It is common sense a tyrant and a despot is behind it playing some game with the lives of the most ingenious way. How a bigot and a tyrant can stand before the public and give a full account of events is the same manner they say they represent the people when they created the problem to begin with. See, it is all common sense even a judge can understand it enough to make a false arrest or play a chicken game with authority. We do not need to be educated on how turbulent this world is. We can even take what they have said and done and break them down further and further until you have an atom of a mess.

The problem with the left is how they go about spreading their disease of the mind, how they abuse power, how they claim to be the police and how they force others to give their money away to charities or others if they wish to keep it. The problem is not how they come into your own home and life with this totality of doom mindset and use it to pressure or control the way you think, behave, solve problems, or make life decisions. They say they want to make a change and a difference and the product they manufacture is a mess of complaints, did we mention the mess itself. The real problem is how they tell everyone in last place they are in first place with an almost espionage agency like mannerism and seriousness where codes and secrecy are supposed to be important and guard the most important secrets of the world. They even try to hurt you seriously and in the cruelest ways. It is like they are possessed by this failure and this espionage like mind is built to make the biggest jokes a serious problem. That is why it hurts so much to laugh; they try to really hurt you. It does not stop with the problem of telling those in last place they are in first place, they take it one step further and make you in last place then tell you to your face you are in first place. That is how ridiculous they are and they go about it with the utmost seriousness almost like an espionage agency full of secrets everyone cannot wait to get their hands on. It’s not gold; it is a bucket of mud. Yes the real problem is telling those in last place they are in first place, but the real indication of a problem would have to be when you make them be in last place and then turn around and tell them they are in first place. That is a double whammy the strongest people in this world will never know or be able to understand. It is like a rape victim, nobody likes anything they touch or even the idea they got their grimy hands on it. However, they put you under surveillance and come into your home, then tell you they want to help while they put their hands all over. They do not do this with the worst of this world; they do this to the best of this world. This is why most hostages or victims receive criticism or are looked with suspicion while the people who did it blame it on the right. Either they were incompetent, going along or were some hostage in hiding.

Book burning

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Source of material)

Book burning is the practice of ceremoniously destroying by fire one or more copies of a book or other written material. In modern times, other forms of media, such as phonograph records, video tapes, and CDs have also been ceremoniously burned, torched, or shredded. The practice, usually carried out in public, is generally motivated by moral, religious, or political objections to the material. Books can be also destroyed in secret, like millions of books in the former Communist Eastern Bloc.

The problem is also how they have stated clearly they want war and when asked to confirm this because their name is going on it, they refuse to respond beyond daily feet stomping and noise making to tell others “whatever you want.” They wake you up whenever they want and say they are in control of your life and in your own home. Have we tried to have them tell the truth or make them speak to the real prosecutors? Yes. Have we tried to corner them from speaking or conducting more clandestine efforts while encouraging them to speak to the real prosecutors? Yes. Did it work or did we get a load of criticism to deflect and curtail this effort? We have gotten nothing but resistance and defiance while they have abused their powers and authority by saying how it is unfair. In the end, the ones with both the bills and the injuries are the best of the right. Now they complain about the smallest detail and nit pick about how they are the police and the authority. They are not complaining about how they are being treated because they are tyrants and a despot, what they are doing is channeling those complaints at the right. Claiming to be the police or the authority only makes it easier to nit pick or criticize the smallest detail while the expense for the huge ones become a lifelong pursuit. Now try one hundred of those and see if there is any end in sight. Claiming to be the police and the authority only allows a level of trust which most people will not believe can be broken or manipulated. The means to spy and enter the homes of others is abused but most people cannot fathom how this is possible or can happen. This expert espionage seriousness is perfect when the goal is to go into the home and lives of others and seek total control over their life. The left terrorize others with their politics and they want others to come up with the answers they mindlessly spent themselves because of a lack of brain power. It takes more brain power to solve a problem then to make it. It takes more brain power to kill a human being then it does to fix them, read this book. It takes more brain power to defend then it does to attack. It takes more brainpower to manipulate and deceive others then it does to get it right. It takes more brain power to be perfect than imperfect. It takes more brainpower to argue about the obvious. What part of this does the left not understand? You cannot simplify the matters as the left has tried to do and blame the right for all the problems of the world and all the hatred in the world.

Escalation and ground war[1]

After several attacks, it was decided that U.S. Air Force bases needed more protection. The South Vietnamese military seemed incapable of providing security. On March 8, 1965, 3,500 United States Marines were dispatched to South Vietnam. This marked the beginning of the American ground war. U.S. public opinion overwhelmingly supported the deployment.[82] Public opinion, however, was based on the premise that Vietnam was part of a global struggle against communism. In a statement similar to that made to the French, almost two decades earlier, Ho Chi Minh warned that if the Americans "want to make war for twenty years then we shall make war for twenty years. If they want to make peace, we shall make peace and invite them to afternoon tea."[83] As former First Deputy Foreign Minister Tran Quang Co noted, the primary goal of the war was to reunify Vietnam and secure its independence. The policy of the DRV was not to topple other non-communist governments in South East Asia.[84]

The Marines' assignment was defensive. The initial deployment of 3,500 in March was increased to nearly 200,000 by December.[85] The U.S. military had long been schooled in offensive warfare. Regardless of political policies, U.S. commanders were institutionally and psychologically unsuited to a defensive mission.[85] In May, ARVN forces suffered heavy losses at the Battle of Binh Gia. They were again defeated in June, at the Battle of Dong Xoai. Desertion rates were increasing, and morale plummeted. General William Westmoreland informed Admiral Grant Sharp, commander of U.S. Pacific forces, that the situation was critical.[85] He said, "I am convinced that U.S. troops with their energy, mobility, and firepower can successfully take the fight to the NLF."[86] With this recommendation, Westmoreland was advocating an aggressive departure from America's defensive posture and the sidelining of the South Vietnamese. By ignoring ARVN units, the U.S. commitment became open ended.[87] Westmoreland outlined a three point plan to win the war:

Controlling the lives of others or putting thoughts into the minds of unsuspecting subjects is a game of sick and cruel people. It is such a widespread game; it can also be encapsulated into a religious sermon. Even though the left knows they cannot win or they will never achieve control over their subject, they mindlessly pursue. While this chapter is being written, it is still going on even if every avenue has been cut off. They know and with full conscience, they cannot win and they cannot control their subject. However, they give it one hundred percent effort and one hundred percent clandestine. Who does this sound like? This is why they state clearly they want war but refuse to confirm it as instructed because they were told it would be forwarded to the highest levels. Since sending this clandestine message, the feet stomping has increased while overt messages to keep away go ignored. The left is trying to tell whoever is in last place they are in first place. This thing about using surveillance and controlled precision stalking to come into the work, home and private life of others in order to figure out how much control they have or can get is what is going on. Even though they know they cannot win or cannot possibly achieve control, they place one hundred per cent effort. Then they criticize the smallest tidbit and argue the most nits picking thing about your life. Who does that sound like because they are possessed by failure? This is what they are using the funds of the state and the arm of surveillance for. To say coexistence is possible is to say things will work well or perfect when the left is gone. This is how they have thrown a smoke screen around legal complaints for the last ten years while holding their hostage in captivity. They have been instructed to speak to the real prosecutors, not go before the public and complain about how they are being treated.

Is it fair to say we are still having problems with some political bosses who are possessed with failure? They have dug a huge hole for themselves and they are still digging more. Like all terrorists in the world, they pollute you mind, body, spirit and life while they take a stand about being responsible. Such a responsible nit pick and environmental policy. Regardless, they keep saying they are the authority, sustainable political bosses and how they only want to help while they slowly fade away. Is this a friend or an enemy or is this some way to win the trust of others or rip them off?

The attitudes are obviously changing and we do not know why. Before, an attack on your life or an invasion of your home was meant to put you on your knees. Now, an invasion of a home or life is meant to ask if you wish sexual gratification. These political bosses sexually harass you in your own home even if you slew insults at them and make fun of them about how they are on their knees begging to please you. That is truly the people’s cracker who is whacked out by power that this is what they will do to keep it. Anything to get it and anything to keep it, it is simply sexual harassment. This is also called begging for pity and this is what they are about; making others last and then telling them they are in first place. This is also why they have a tendency to view real relationships as a hindrance to their goals. Go tell the real prosecutors and sexually harass them as instructed or put it in writing.

This is exactly what is meant when we say they are desperate and will try anything to make others disgusted by their behavior. What is annoying is you ask them to leave and they come right back again. Now you are not annoyed anymore and on the verge of loosing your mind. The left feels that gratifying others who are more powerful will make them more valuable when you are beyond disgusted with their behavior to begin with. It is beyond hell living with these people but they want their hostages to have the Stockholm syndrome[2] where they can sympathize or grow attachments to them because it is the only means of lifeline.

There is a reason why this is not just a civil case but also a criminal one, it is right there in front of everyone. These people will feel better when they do the right thing but they are consumed with misery, hate and are angry. We never said they were not in control, not the police and not the authority. We said they claimed to be and justified their actions by making this claim. We said they are working in a clandestine seriousness manner only found with criminal enterprises or espionage organizations to achieve a sense of power over others or control their life. We said they are looking for answers or trying to get the answer to their own demise. We also said their absence or presence will determine the course of the nation for many hundreds of years, it is a curse. This curse has no sense of right and wrong but has engaged in hostage taking or using captives to attack the right. We also said that they were not born just and have a genetic trigger which forces them into a mental decline where they become a danger to both themselves and others. We said they do not have a sense of right and wrong while every mistake must be pointed out if justice is sought. We never said they were not in power, had no authority or did not hijack the justice system. If they hijacked the justice system then they will have the decency to put it back because they know right from wrong. It is not a game of politics and it is not a game of human lives. We can live with their indecisions but we cannot tolerate their errors or rash to judgments.

Although the entire façade is made to feel like a training program or some educational process, the simple fact is it is hostage taking of a cruel nature by people whose value is determined by their absence. That is the cruel joke we are born into and have thrown on our laps or desk. Is there malice or is it a simple process of quality control where errors need to be pointed out? It is pure malice intended to invoke a primal fear in others who do not have this genetic disposition or problem. It is premeditated and a controlled insanity of trying to bargain with human lives while begging for pity. It is real and those behind it refuse to treat it as a real threat to others. Instead, they nit pick and deflect criticism with meaningless efforts to control or put thoughts into the minds of others while complaining about how they are treated. Others are made to feel they are real captives and real hostages because they are while they ignore real threats. Others are forced to be real captives but the captors want them, they need them, they are not allowed to live up to their own liberty. This is why you wake up one day without any sense of liberty and feel instinctual impulses of every movement. The best soldiers’ key into this and employ what is called economy of movement on the battlefield? They can track and smell threats which are not there to the naked eye and use this to their advantage because of primal fear and killer instincts. You can feel some of it when you read this book, which is how real it truly is.

When you are a hostage, there is no compassion or sympathy. The entire climate is fused with victimization where there are really no violators. The hostage takers are victims and the hostages are victims. However, in the back of the mind is this voice that screams of a need to find the right trading partners. It is difficult to imagine such a model if you have no choice in deciding who your trading partners is when hostage takers also seek this. If the hostage taker is successful, they are able to force you on the lame train with the first class ticket to know where. As a VIP you have a reserved first class ticket and it starts out as really annoying and turns into a terrifying experience even if you are offered the first class ticket. See the joke, it begins as a joke but it turns out different.

The other problem is with the prosecutors of this authority. They are chasing real threats but what is more problematic is whether those real threats are imagined ones that fester because real ones grow stronger. This is where causation is a reality to some and imagination to others. The left is chasing real threats, call it nit picking and deflecting criticisms, but their attention span to real threats is minimal because it is festering and growing stronger. Inevitably, it will no longer be or become a threat because it is so real. It is no longer subconscious or clandestine. When it is real or becomes real, how does this affect the minimal attention span?

Rare Robbery Case Brings Cries of Racism November 16, 2007 - 10:20am

By JULIANA BARBASSA Associated Press Writer LAKEPORT, Calif.

(AP) - Three young black men break into a white man's home in rural Northern California. The homeowner shoots two of them to death _ but it's the surviving black man who is charged with murder. In a case that has brought cries of racism from civil rights groups, Renato Hughes Jr., 22, was charged by prosecutors in this overwhelmingly white county under a rarely invoked legal doctrine that could make him responsible for the bloodshed.

"It was pandemonium" inside the house that night, District Attorney Jon Hopkins said. Hughes was responsible for "setting the whole thing in motion by his actions and the actions of his accomplices." Prosecutors said homeowner Shannon Edmonds opened fire Dec. 7 after three young men rampaged through the Clearlake house demanding marijuana and brutally beat his stepson.

Rashad Williams, 21, and Christian Foster, 22, were shot in the back. Hughes fled. Hughes was charged with first-degree murder under California's Provocative Act doctrines, versions of which have been on the books in many states for generations but are rarely used. The Provocative Act doctrine does not require prosecutors to prove the accused intended to kill. Instead, "they have to show that it was reasonably foreseeable that the criminal enterprise could trigger a fatal response from the homeowner," said Brian Getz, a San Francisco defense attorney unconnected to the case.

The NAACP complained that prosecutors came down too hard on Hughes, who also faces robbery, burglary and assault charges. Prosecutors are not seeking the death penalty. The Rev. Amos Brown, head of the San Francisco chapter of the NAACP and pastor at Hughes' church, said the case demonstrates the legal system is racist in remote Lake County, aspiring wine country 100 miles north of San Francisco. The sparsely populated county of 13,000 people is 91 percent white and 2 percent black. Brown and other NAACP officials are asking why the homeowner is walking free.

Tests showed Edmonds had marijuana and prescription medication in his system the night of the shooting. Edmonds had a prescription for both the pot and the medication to treat depression. "This man had no business killing these boys," Brown said. "They were shot in the back. They had fled." On Thursday, a judge granted a defense motion for a change of venue. The defense had argued that he would not be able to get a fair trial because of extensive local media coverage and the unlikelihood that Hughes could get a jury of his peers in the county. A new location for the trial will be selected Dec. 14.

The district attorney said that race played no part in the charges against Hughes and that the homeowner was spared prosecution because of evidence he was defending himself and his family, who were asleep when the assailants barged in at 4 a.m. Edmonds' stepson, Dale Lafferty, suffered brain damage from the baseball bat beating he took during the melee. The 19-year-old lives in a rehabilitation center and can no longer feed himself. "I didn't do anything wrong. All I did was defending my family and my children's lives," said Edmonds, 33. "I'm sad the kids are dead, I didn't mean to kill them." He added: "Race has nothing to do with it other than this was a gang of black people who thought they were going to beat up this white family."

California's Provocative Act doctrine has primarily been used to charge people whose actions led to shooting deaths. However, in one notable case in Southern California in 1999, a man who robbed a family at gunpoint in their home was convicted of murder because a police officer pursuing him in a car chase slammed into <>

"Only God knows what happened in that house," she said. "But this I know: My son did not murder his childhood friends."

(Copyright 2007 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)[3]

To give a brief example of how the subconscious is asleep and cannot be woken up by genetics, is with environmental policy. Environmental policy is a way the right produces jobs and wealth. It is also the way the left pressures the right to be more responsible or look responsible. The message between the two is subconscious and it is a way to scream disappointment to each other. Naturally, the left wants jobs. Naturally, the right wants the left to be responsible or more responsible. Therefore, the theatrics ends up negating what the original problem was and is junior guerilla style propaganda. How is that for crazy, they both negated the problem and are at a stalemate. We call this collusion and look at it with grave suspicion because it is subconscious still. What is the subconscious in the eyes of hostage rescuers?

Primal fear is this sleeping mode, when it is woken up; it becomes a threat to both itself and others. Usually, the average human being is woken up at the moment of death. Some people describe it as having their life flash before them where they ask themselves what they are doing. As hostage rescuers, the choice is made to wake up or put asleep the hostages so hostage takers can be safely prosecuted. When hostage rescuers are taken hostage, the choice of sleep is deprived leaving only one choice remaining. There is no guarantee on this wake up process because it affects individuals differently and can make them a threat to themselves and others as clearly indicated because their genetics is incompatible or is immune. It does not reasonate like an electrical wave and therefore is rejected by the body. You cannot reverse the process of primal fear as was tried because you cannot put a hostage rescuer into a sleep. They may look asleep but they are not, they are assessing the matter. Unless you have experience with this field, it is very difficult to explain the recruitment process and the ability to identify the genetic resonance. Some human beings are completely incompatible due to this genetic resonance, they are born unjust. Hostage rescuers are very keen to this when they negotiate with hostage takers. Primal fear is simply a fish, a bigger fish and the largest fish; it is like a food chain. Hierarchical structures are based on this primal fear, a process of escalation. Military leaders are very familiar with this hierarchical structure and how the full battlefield view offers a glimpse in the outcomes. An omniscient God is an example of primal fear because the wrath supersedes the effort.

The above might sound difficult to understand and maybe too complex for the super human minds of voters. Nonetheless, the left has been heard giving speeches about how they vote because they are fearful and they seek human rights because they are fearful. In order to be fearful, you must be able to address the central core of the problem in this book. You must justify the existence of this fear in this world because it is only primal fear. Primal fear is part of the animal kingdom and food chain system but it teaches human beings about reproduction and how you must justify your existence on earth. Fear alone is not a lie or a mechanism to attack. Fear can be a reason and a cause to attack the same way mistrust or distrust is. Furthermore, most leftist are fearless. They are fearless to the point of inciting violence against themselves. This is because primal fear in the food chain is aware of the problem and is aware of this food chain. This primal fear invokes a bunker mentality and the need to hide in order to survive. We see this primal fear repeated in nature from birth to death and it is an instinctual part of living in a food chain. Primal fear is a genetic relationship of certain species while it is not detected in others. This is why fear is not a good way to lie or attack. You cannot surmise this primal fear is in all creatures or in thinking creatures.

If this primal fear is needed to fuse the relationship between the left and the right, then the most ideal hero of the left will be infused with this primal fear while he or she is a figure of the right. Now the power is transferred in the primal fear and the reproduction cycle known to that class of species. The reason why it is so difficult to get rid of the left is because this is instinctual and it is a genetic problem of the right. You are not able to see the primal fear of the right or it is very difficult to see this primal fear when it is transferred to right wing figures. It is invisible forces that interact and wound. The thinking creature is the only ones who are capable of this deception and the deception is only a defense mechanism. Primal fear in nature does not have the same tools a sophisticated society has to produce this deception. This deception does have a taxonomy or classification structure which defines all of this primal fear. Primal fear makes the right and the left run unless the science is able to break the dogma.

The bottom line is you do not want the left around you or there to determine who you are or what you do. If you are fortunate enough to break this golden rule, then is aware of this problem. This is how we engage the left and document the primal fear. They are blinded by dogma, culture and ideology; three elements which religion is not able to address. The left uses the instrument of surveillance and government to gain both access and proximity. When this access and proximity is gained, they now use this primal fear against others in the most deceptive way. If they are not able to determine who you are or what you do, then they will now try to block, hinder, or suppress your economy of movement if there is any. Opportunities are pissed away frivolously for consumerism. Now you have an impasse or what we call a stalemate. How frequent is this and how often do the left use government to achieve this? It is their central core strategy. This is why they are in your life and in your own house. This is how they have made it past the borders and are closing in much quicker than the average person even realizes. We set out in 1989 at the age of 19 knowing this and just had to prove it because that too is a genetic problem.

The question is why the world experiences a massive spurt of growth in the market system while there is also a growth in this primal fear? We are and have been in the largest growth period of the market system, yet also the biggest phase of growth ever with primal fear. Why? This book will answer why or how it came to be, there are criminal explanations behind this growth. It is a process of trying to equalize those who create wealth and those who destroy it. It is a process of telling those in last place they are in first place. When you are in last place, you have very few decision making skills let alone decision making power. Your advantage is to outspend and win the trust of others by fueling the growth. If you are drowning with sharks schooling, then chances are nobody will want to dive in. That is primal fear in nature; it is easier to complain about how you are treated and not how you treat others.

If the earth has reached a point where the capacity to support human life has been exceeded, it must now focus the resources to survival. If human beings are programmed to destroy each other, then this resource needs to be focused towards warfare. It is common sense because it is all National Security and a process of scrutiny now. That is the process which is being underway to determine what the best course should be when whacked out individuals take you hostage for a meaningless cause and a cause they either cannot win or possibly change. There is absolutely no way to control national security even if the left has wished warfare for the past two hundred years. It will be the same for the next two hundred years, might as well get used to it. This book is that obvious and that common sense. You direct resources to where it is most effective and you do so in a manner of mass in order to succeed. How this was messed up we do not know but it is very real and not a training course or exercise as it was first perceived.

How you make something that is already tremendously unreliable more accountable is a mystery. It is already unreliable how can you achieve accountability. What do you make this accountable to or calibrate accountability with? The cyber and satellite warfare program set out in 1989 to address this issue. It was not intended to prosecute or arrest the left, it was intended to stimulate change and offer incentives to change. Instead, it got change and change that was geared to sell the brokenness of the human spirit and of the brokenness of authority and abuse of power. It was known you cannot prosecute the subconscious or arrest ignorance, it is only there to frustrate, irritate, annoy and manipulate with the deceit of a flag draped over it. We set out to put this in the hands of the most responsible and most trusted people on earth and to no avail, it ended up in the hands of the worst and our constant arrest.

When you criticize this growth phenomenon described, you have to view it with the suspicious nature of a volleyball game. One person is the setter and the other person is the spiked. When you criticize this growth, you must look at the cause and why people are flooding here; some to defend the nation and some to terrorize others. You have to criticize the change and whether or not this change is geared to make a growth spurt. When people from all over the world are flooding here for this reason, they too want change, they too demand change. So while everybody is changing or want change, you must criticize why you feel no change. You must criticize how this happens under the scrutiny of the right and whether or not they are even proactive. Everybody wants safety and demand to be safe from the left; however, nobody wants to admit it because what they want to be safe from is the problem. As hostage rescuers we are single minded to the problem and embellish the idea that only our safety is our only concern. That process of freedom will follow or whither away when this goal is possible. It is like every military on earth who is a prisoner or a hostage to their own political system; they do not engage in warfare because they want to, they do so because they have to. What we are saying is they do not have to, nobody has to be injured. Everybody does not have to be humiliated or injured, nobody has to. Naturally, this falls to deaf ears because it is the ultimate game in history and how nations create opportunity for the state. Even if the world is undergoing the largest growth phase in the market, it is also becoming more and more left leaning because the change is for this. Scrutiny cannot be placed on the right or the left because right now it overlaps so much and the left does not care whether the right or the left will benefit them. All you have is two people who claim the other is ripping them off and they want change or justice.

Can science bring the subconscious out? No, this has already been proven to fall to deaf ears and ghost towns. Science or beliefs cannot break through dogma. What can break through this subconscious level then? There is a reason this matter is buried in the subconscious level. There is a reason why the characters indicated in this book are implicated for the downfall of the cyber and satellite warfare program. There is a reason why they terrorize others, claim they only wish to help, stated with clarity they want war and feel no explanation is necessary. There is a reason for all of this dishonesty, clandestineness, dangerous and reckless politics and the ability to profit handsomely while this warrant for their arrest is in plain simple common sense. They are whacked out and they have never lost a civil war, this is why they are here with the mentality of ownership. They do not own this yet. You must ask if it will be more profitable for them to cooperate with the real prosecutors if everything they say and do can be held against them in a court of law. Maybe it makes it easier to win the trust of others and maybe it makes being charismatic more of a challenge.

Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Thursday that unless Congress passes funding for the war within days, he will direct the Army and Marine Corps to begin developing plans to lay off employees and terminate contracts early next year. Gates, who met with lawmakers on Wednesday, said he does not have the money or the flexibility to move funds around to adequately cover the costs of the continuing operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. "There is a misperception that this department can continue funding our troops in the field for an indefinite period of time through accounting maneuvers, that we can shuffle money around the department. This is a serious misconception," Gates told reporters at the Pentagon. As a result, he said he is faced with the undesirable task of preparing to cease operations at Army bases by mid-February, and lay off about 100,000 defense department employees and an equal number of civilian contractors. A month later, he said, similar moves would have to be made by the Marines. Some members of Congress believe the Pentagon can switch enough money to cover the war accounts, Gates said. But he added that he only has the flexibility to transfer about $3.7 billion, which is just one week's worth of war expenses. Lawmakers, he said, may not understand how complicated and restrictive the situation is.[4]

If you study some of the most horrible people, groups and criminals; the reason why they terrorize others is to fill their life with pollution and toxic fear. Terror is not a thinking mans game but it is made to be a feeling of either victimization or blame. Terrorists simply use this game to evoke emotions and elicit emotional responses because this is the toxic pollution which fills the life of others. Now, all you have to do is turn around and take a strong stance on pollution or advocate safety against toxicity. This is how you terrorize others and how you come to this country and terrorize others with your politics. Is it truthful or criminal in nature will be left to those behind it to explain in full and in concise written form?

If you read the reports carefully and the evidence collected while a captive of these people, they are becoming more defiant and resistance as exposure to the public is made known. They are banging on the floors more and becoming more resistant to the idea that they need to clean up their handiwork and accept departure. They must either accept the justice dispensed or put in written form a good faith and effort. Instead, the left has chosen to become more defiant, resistant, banging on the floor more and saying they want war. This sounds exactly like the left and exactly like everything we know to be true. Even after everything and even after we have thrown our ID down, the left pays no attention, they continue the captivity and surveillance, insist they are the authority and police, and they insist they are as high as you can get while they say you are as high as you are going to get. It is just outrageous behavior and it is day in and day out, with no chance possible of cooperating with the real prosecutors. They want to go down as some type of martyr while they drape the flag of democracy and freedom around themselves. What can you say about the theatrics when it seizes and paralyzes the mind with pure criminality?

The left truly feels they can win the trust of others while they ruin lives and powerful oppositions. If you are opposed to the left, then these messages they are forwarding clandestinely is for you. This is what they are saying about the situation right now and after everything that happened. This flag of democracy and freedom is meant to deflect all criticisms and seize the moment away from others while paralyzing them with pure criminal behavior.

Tax Dollars Squandered By Air Force?[5]

Is Your Money Flying Off Into The Wild Blue Yonder? CBS News Investigates

FORT MEADE, Md., Dec. 21. 2007

(CBS) You've heard about soldiers in Iraq who've had to fight without the proper equipment.

It turns out while they're "doing without," the military has been ordering, and storing, billions of dollars in other equipment it doesn't need, CBS News investigative Correspondent Sharyl Attkisson reports for Follow the Money.

A slick video produced by the military highlights all that extra property and a program that tries to find uses for it.

It shows desks, chairs, filing cabinets, boots, Kevlar helmets and binoculars - paid for with your tax dollars. The equipment often ends up being given away, sold for pennies on the dollar - or destroyed.

The military has so much “excess inventory,” there are dozens of giant warehouses around the nation, like one Attkisson visited at Fort Meade, Md. And there’s an entire agency, employing 1,400 people, set up to do nothing but manage it all.

Within the military, the Air Force is the biggest offender. That's according to government investigators with the GAO, who found the Air Force doesn't need half of the spare parts it has on hand.

But here's what's even worse: Half of what's on order isn't needed, either!

A big chunk is tagged for possible "disposal" even before it's delivered: $235 million dollars worth, according to new figures from the GAO.

“The idea that over $200 million in spare parts that has not yet come into the Air Force is already marked for disposal!” said Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt. “They’re planning to get rid of it and it hasn’t even come in!”

Sanders wants Congress to cut Air Force funding if it doesn't get a serious grip on its inventory problem.

For example, the Air Force already has hundreds of aircraft ducts they don't need (that’s 214, at $6.9 million). But more are on order. It has thousands of unneeded aircraft blades, and thousands more on the way - 7,460 at $2 million, to be precise.

It costs up to $30 million dollars a year just to store the stuff they don't need.

Nobody at the Air Force would agree to an interview, but told us they're "taking steps" to fix the problems and to "serve the best interest of the American public."

“We have almost $19 billion in absolute waste in spare parts in the Air Force,” Sanders said.

They are taxpayer dollars squandered in the wild blue yonder.

The worst part about the entire ordeal is how they use this evilness to trick others. Once they encircle a hostage, prisoner, or target; they insist they are some protector or friend. They say they are there to give advice and help. This is the door opener which allows them to begin captivity, terrorizing hostages, place extreme pressure and leverage, and even address themselves as spies. Yes, they also address themselves as covert spies and boast or taunt the authorities. They want to hold others hostage and pollute their life while they deflect criticism and safety for their future. It has to do with their future and what their future has in store. That future is as phony as they are, look at the witness account with the cyber and satellite warfare program.

It is just a little strange how they need no reform or need not explain anything, yet they blame the right or others while they tell the real prosecutors they want war. It is all logical. You do not need any special degree or super human power to understand or be like them; what you need is the flag of democracy and freedom to drape over you. This gives you the ability to achieve in a repeated motion instead of a single or brief event. It allows a long term capability even if it gives the subconscious a shock. You know it is there and you know it exists, but it is buried in the subconscious where it is difficult to apply legalism.

The left say they want democracy and bypass the entire chain of command while making clandestine contact and communication. They harass you persistently and say they want to help; the only problem is you cannot turn them off and make them stop offering this gratification they want. They keep coming back on their knees and it is impossible to turn them off because they begin to get belligerent. We played their bluff to find out if they had a trump card; they have no trump card to play with. They have zero decision making power beyond what has been described in this book. You would think that after ten full years and an entire decade, the brightest minds of the world can figure out what turns them off when they are on their knees and refuse to leave. This is why they are a ticking time bomb and a danger to both themselves and others.

Here is an example of how psychotic these individuals are. From 1989 to 1990, before the Persian Gulf War, classes were taken at night school at a local community college while working part time at TJ Maxx clothing store. In one incident, an African American woman who was very friendly and with wealth and tastes, came into the store and presented an under garment at the register to be paid for; when the price tag was touched some liquid substance caused the entire hand to numb. A rubber band was put around the fingers when it became noticeable what had happened. There have been almost twenty warts over the course of a decade being a hostage when this was never a problem. Here is another example of how sinister these people are. While in the military, a pillow was sprayed with some substance to reproduce the effects of dioxin or Agent Orange. Over the last twenty years, even after military service, blackheads and cysts are reappearing on the back of the neck where that pillow was. Therefore, we know this goes back to 1989 and also 1990 while in the US Army. In 2000, a full outbreak of red cysts appeared and was treated by Bethesda Naval Hospital. In 2006 while in Niagara County Jail after a home invasion and being charged for trumped up charges, three large patches of skin rot appeared on the arm, lower back and thigh region. This was picked up while in Niagara County Jail right near the Love Canal dioxin spill in New York. These are just examples, there are more and will help the real prosecutors identify this serial killer mentality who claims to be the authority and friends who wish to help. Keep in mind, there are more and more incidents to include the current floor banging and espionage of this book while it is written. It pollutes the soul and makes you sick to think this same individual would be down on their knees sexually harassing you after everything they did. Again, they claim they want to help and are friends.

They are also using criticisms and small little things against others to deflect the core of the problem such. An example would be on the 930 AM channel radio at WBEN where news reports are obtained. The radio host Bauerly and a caller was using an instance of selling returned items or never used items on the internet while claiming they were new. This was not true but it was used to embarrass, justify and deflect criticism. Bauerly, the radio host was informed these people had a warrant for their arrest which superseded their attempt to embarrass others or scare them. All they have to do is come out of hiding and tell the truth rather than remain in hiding or playing this cat and mouse game. If you are facing a life sentence and you write a parking ticket, there is a total deficit and a total farce about why the person writing the parking ticket would remain secret while the other person is addressing their name for the world. The bottom line is the trick did not work and it may have deflected criticism while a larger investigation was looming and underway. Now that person simply does not want or cannot cooperate with the real prosecutors because it will reveal who they really are and what they are up to. The entire criminal network will begin to crumble. This is not all; they are also going back into your childhood and trying to use little tidbits to deflect the situation. That is going to make others think they began the captivity and kidnapping longer than was even known. Moreover, that is the way around the charges of holding a person captive against their will while feeding them poison and polluting their mind until it was unrecognizable. You cannot use parking tickets or childhood events to fight something like that, it is flat out insane but shows how they “trade shots” to see which one hurts more.

These political bosses, whoever they are, have dug a huge hole and are still digging. It is a political boss who has no part or involvement in our life but the person wants to prove themselves or help in the most unusual way, be some unwanted protector. So by being this political boss or protector, they are involving themselves in everything we do from reading email to love letters. By trying to figure out what is going on and wanting to help, it makes others repulsed even more but it also makes this political boss more intrusive and bothersome. They are not the protectors and have no involvement if they ever are able to accept the reality which has always been in the subconscious level. We do not and never wanted to be their captive, we have never sought any attention or permitted their attention. The marching order instead is to refuse the wishes of others, while saying how they want to help and are immune from prosecution. They put others through hell as their captive and it is a worse hell when they insist they only want to help or did not hurt anyone when they attack nonstop. It is hell being their captive and you just want to rake their eyes out while they scream insults and dig through your life to find tidbits in order to deflect criticisms. When they refuse to write it down or put their name on it, then it is being used as intimidation and pressure.

Most people would be very upset and grieved to wake up one morning to find out a serial killer has tried to adopt them since a child or has enrolled them in a network of leftist spies. Most people would be very upset if this pest has tried to squirm into your family circle and presented themselves as some protector when they are using it as a front to enroll you in some clandestine revolt. Imagined if your biological father had a warrant for his arrest and kept wanting to talk to you, now try this with someone who you do not know or care to know. It is this idea they want to help and bring up the next generation of national security personnel or feel they are some authority as a political boss. Imagine being abducted or made to believe a serial killer cared enough to give you all this attention and you will be able to place a finger on what it feels like. They bring you up to take over some criminal enterprise and try to corrupt you in every fashion possible. It is the left behind this and their effort to raise a kid with a village model. If they wish to explain how long they have been trying to raise this kid and how long this kid has been trying to get away, then maybe some justice can be heaven sent. That is how it feels and what it feels like when you have someone in your life that cannot get anything right and is possessed by failure, someone you do not want to meet or know. Someone who thinks they are so important and what they are doing has such importance, laws and common decency does not apply. They are so possessed by their work and failure, they want to put their greasy pain all over you, then tell you how you must love them. Next thing you know you are in some school for leftist and going through sensitivity training for people you cannot even stand or want to know. They say they want to show you around and you are kicking and screaming not even knowing what is going on.

Although the people behind this matter state how crazy it sounds, it does not escape the mind whether or not it has happened before and at what frequency. The new trend in the world is not to rob the bank but to attack it with explosive force. Even though the word fiscal responsibility is buzzing in the minds of the most responsible, you cannot avoid a new voice entering into the picture and polluting the mind even more. Is the problem with fiscal irresponsibility taxing or spending because we are right on the verge of kicking them out and in our strongest Cold War hours? Now only is it polluting the mind, it is terrorizing life itself. It is like arson of the mind and spirit because we are on the verge of kicking them out only to wake up one morning with a grave surprise. We are so close to kicking out and ridding the world of global terrorism, we are in our strongest hours, then it hits you like a scream from nowhere.


Nationwide survey of local officials, emergency responders says federal government; DHS aren't communicating or providing the tools to succeed. Baltimore Mayor O'Malley joins Reps. Maloney, Menedez and Turner to discuss survey

WASHINGTON, DC - A Congressional nationwide survey of local officials and emergency responders has portrayed an overwhelming sense of disconnect between the federal government and the men and women on the front lines of homeland security. The House Democratic Task Force on Homeland Security, led by Chair Carolyn Maloney (NY-14), today released its report on the survey which, while not scientific, provides an outline of the situation - an overwhelming majority of respondents have never been contacted by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), have not been given specific information about protecting their own communities and do not have adequate resources for homeland security. Overall, only 16% of respondents said the federal government is doing all it can.

"Our hometowns are clearly telling us something - they are merely treading water in the new age of homeland security. Instead of reaching out a helping hand, the federal government is letting them drown," said Maloney. "In New York City, we have closed five firehouses, we have fewer firefighters on the streets at any given time than we did on September 10, 2001, and firefighters have told me they are less prepared today that they were on 9/11. If that's the case in our number one terrorist target, imagine what it's like in less prepared cities."

"Our federal government continues to send first responder dollars to secondary responders," said Baltimore Mayor Martin O'Malley, Chair of the U.S. Conference of Mayors Homeland Security Task Force. "America's mayors have asked for timely, direct and adequate funding, and what we have gotten has been neither timely nor direct nor adequate."

House Democratic Caucus Chairman Bob Menendez (NJ-13) said: "While this Administration spends tens of billions of dollars in Iraq because of the President's lack of a post-war plan, our security needs at home are getting shortchanged. Cities and towns of all sizes lack the information, direction, communication they need from the Federal Government, and don't have the funding they need to protect their citizens. More than two years after 9/11, it's time for this Administration to get its act together. We hope this survey will spur the Administration and this Republican-controlled Congress to start coordinating with our cities and towns, and start making the investments we need to protect our families - now. We all owe the American People nothing less than total dedication and commitment in this effort."

"First responders have been telling us repeatedly that they do not have the training, equipment, and communications they need to respond to a catastrophic terrorist attack," said Rep. Jim Turner (TX-02), Ranking Member on the Select Committee on Homeland Security. "The PREPARE Act, H.R. 3158, cosponsored by 147 Democrats, will provide our first responders the tools they need to fight the war on terror."

Baltimore Mayor Martin O'Malley and Elizabeth, NJ Mayor Christian Bollwage both spoke about federal assistance to communities across the country from the local perspective.

The House Democratic Task Force on Homeland Security and a number of Members of Congress have been distributing the survey in communities across the country since July.

The question is whether or not it has happened before and at what frequency. The following is a case of one of the most publicized spy networks uncouthed in history who mesmerized the world and the field of espionage. Surprisingly, it came from the most intelligent, the most sophisticated and the most privileged who had no links to any military leaderships. The following case is simply a movie, perhaps a documentary called “Cambridge Spies.”[7]

Cambridge Spies

Cambridge Spies

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Cambridge Spies – A Who’s Who . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

The Intelligence organisations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Cast and crew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Cast interviews

Toby Stephens is Kim Philby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Samuel West is Anthony Blunt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Tom Hollander is Guy Burgess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Rupert Penry-Jones is Donald MacLean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14


As early as the late Twenties, the Soviet Intelligence had formed a plan for infiltrating the British Intelligence establishment. Amongst those who were cultivated and nurtured by Soviet handlers were four bright young men destined for influential positions in Government and the media. Later they would rise in the ranks of the establishment in England, infiltrating the highest offices of power in the land, appearing to serve their country in the most loyal way imaginable.

They would become notorious for being the most devastatingly successful spies in the history of modern intelligence, whose actions would lead to the deaths of many British and American people. Their names were Kim Philby, Anthony Blunt, Guy Burgess and Donald MacLean.

Cambridge Spies is a fictional drama inspired by real events and based on extensive research. It stars Toby Stephens, Samuel West, Tom Hollander and Rupert Penry-Jones as Philby, Blunt, Burgess and MacLean, and follows them from their early university days and throughout their careers as spies in a four-part drama written by Peter Moffat, produced by Mark Shivas and directed by Tim Fywell. Certain events and characters have been created or changed for dramatic effect.

At Cambridge University in 1934, the four young men are courted by Soviet agents and recruited into a world of covert intelligence and espionage. Fired by youthful idealism, passionately committed to social justice and to fighting Fascism, they are bonded by friendship based on shared conviction and shared sacrifice.

Peter Moffat says: “This is the story of four young but devastatingly effective double-agents who knew from the start that they stood or fell together. Burgess is the loudest spy in the history of espionage, a gifted gob and wicked wit. Philby is the most successful spy of the lot, becoming Head of Counter Intelligence in MI6. Blunt is cool, viciously funny and clever, while MacLean veers between being warm and friendly and drunk and difficult. Until Burgess and MacLean’s desperate flight to Moscow on June 23, 1951, they live in each other’s pockets.”

Producer Mark Shivas says: “Philby, Blunt, Burgess and MacLean believed that what they were doing was not betraying their country, but serving it. But how long can you hold on to youthful idealism? Peter Moffat’s script is about friendship, passion and conviction – it’s about how far they were prepared to go to realise their ideals, and their unshakeable faith in their beliefs.”

“I was intrigued by these men and how much they were despised and loathed,” says Moffat. “They are just amazingly complex and incredibly awful people who placed themselves under the most unthinkable pressure in pursuit of idealism. I wanted to try to understand why they were fired so much by that idealism and what happened when their ideals became tarnished.”

However, when he started his research for the drama, one obstacle stood in his way. The misinformation surrounding their activity made it virtually impossible to find one definitive account of what actually took place. Producer Mark Shivas explains: “Peter read a large number of books and had to decide what he thought was the most likely story that would make the most dramatic sense.”

A turning-point came when valuable KGB archive material became available. “Vasili Mitrokhin was a KGB archivist who copied thousands and thousands of documents from about 1920 onwards,” explains Moffat. “He made a copy of each document for himself and in 1991 smuggled the entire archive out of the Soviet Union to Britain.

“Interestingly, there were so many young men at Cambridge dabbling in Communism that the KGB used this as a smokescreen to recruit those most likely to succeed as Soviet spies,” he continues.

To put the scale of this information into context, from 1942 onwards Donald MacLean’s contribution on British Intelligence alone came to 45 volumes of the KGB archive. The archive provided Peter Moffat with much new material that was to shape the story of Cambridge Spies. The archive also yielded a number of revelations which Moffat subsequently included in the drama; chief among them that Melinda MacLean clearly knew her husband was a Soviet spy. This information came from a KGB operative working in Britain at the time called “Ada”. More importantly, the main body of the story centered on the fact that, for about a year, the KGB was convinced that the four spies were double-crossing them and that theirs was an elaborate British intelligence plan to feed misinformation to the Russians. The KGB had the spies followed by hopeless agents in Britain who weren’t adept at being discreet.

Finding the truth was a considerable challenge for Moffat. “The spies were so self-serving that many accounts of the same events were contradictory. This made it difficult to discern the truth, because theirs is a world full of liars.”

Director Tim Fywell concurs: “One of the most striking things I discovered when researching the story is that it was shrouded in secrecy and half truths. And because of this subterfuge and secrecy, we had to make a decision on certain issues, such as who recruited who to join the KGB at Cambridge.

“What Peter’s script does so well is balance history with the human side of these men, and the cost of their betrayal to their country and themselves. It explores how they justified their treachery and how it impacted on their personal lives.”

But what really drove Philby, Blunt, Burgess and MacLean so readily to embrace Communism? Fascism was on the rise in Europe and while Hitler and Mussolini had both come to power, the Revolution in Russia was young but growing in strength. “Very few people understood what an evil man Stalin was, and the centre ground between those two polar extremes seemed to the four spies to represent a sort of soggy middle that wasn’t prepared to do anything about Hitler. So they came to believe that communism was the only way to fight Fascism.”

It was during the War between 1939 and 1945 that the spies made their most devastating impact. Burgess and Blunt passed secret military documents from the Foreign Office on Allied strategy. Philby informed the Russians of the breaking of the Nazi secret code “enigma” and identified British agents inside Russia to the KGB – many of whom he had taught in the art of espionage.

MacLean was Stalin’s main source of information about communications and policy development between Churchill, Roosevelt and, subsequently, Truman. Most notably, whilst working on the Manhattan project, he reported on the developments of the US atomic bomb programme, which resulted in the Russians testing their atomic bombs earlier than the Americans had expected. They all played a key role in sustaining the Cold War and continued to act as high-ranking MI5, MI6 and Foreign Office officials while regularly sending information to the Russians. But it was Philby who was considered the most active and most impressive of the four – and it was Philby who sent Burgess to tip off MacLean that MI5 were about to arrest him.

“When they were unmasked and when the extent of their treachery became clear the shock was seismic, not just within the intelligence community, but throughout the British and American Establishments. When Blunt was unmasked in 1979, the weight and scale of hatred and loathing poured upon him was enormous,” says Moffat.

“Blunt’s homosexuality and upper-class background was inevitably the main reason for the level of hatred directed at him,” continues Moffat. “It was so disturbing for the establishment that people like Blunt could be liked, trusted and be the purveyor of so much faith because of the class that he was born into.”

When Tim Fywell was casting the lead roles he found himself with something of a dilemma. After Stephens, Hollander and West read the scripts, they all wanted to play the part of Guy Burgess and Penry-Jones was keen to take on the role of Kim Philby. “Three out of four of the lead actors wanted to play roles other than the ones they were given,” explains Fywell. However, Fywell cast Hollander as Guy Burgess but the other three were more than happy with their roles, as Fywell confirms; “They were all committed to the drama but initially had their own ideas as to who they wanted to be, though they did make it clear that they would be happy with whichever part they were given.”

Fywell, an English graduate of Emmanuel College, Cambridge in the Seventies says that the university’s privileged way of life inspired a rebelliousness in him. “It was the kind of establishment that inspired one to kick against it and, from that point of view, I can understand why in the Thirties they wanted to rebel against the system. They felt Communism was the only answer to the wave of Fascism sweeping Europe.

“Making Cambridge Spies reminded me of my time as a student when there was less to be motivated about than in the Thirties,” continues Fywell. “There was an apathy among students who seemed more concerned with the size of their credit cards than any political issue of the day. And now of course we are entering another very crucial and scary time in history, when students and people want to make their voices heard. There’s a moment in the film when MacLean is being attacked by his wife, Melinda, for being a Russian spy and how he is destroying their family life. His argument is that America has the Bomb and powerful weapons, and is prepared to do anything to maintain that power. I think that has some resonance in particular to what’s happening now.”

Tim Fywell’s directing credits include Madame Bovary, North Square and The Woman in White, as well as the forthcoming feature film I Capture the Castle. Producer Mark Shivas was formerly Head of Drama and Head of Films at the BBC. His credits include Talking Heads 2,The Glittering Prizes, the Six Wives of Henry VIII and the feature film A Private Function.

Cambridge Spies was filmed on location in Cambridge, London and Spain and is a BBC Two production in association with Perpetual Motion Pictures Ltd. The executive producers are Laura Mackie, Gareth Neame and Sally Woodward-Gentle.

Further information about Cambridge Spies is available on the BBC history website,

Cambridge Spies – A Who’s Who

Harold Adrian Russell (Kim) Philby (1911-1988)

Kim Philby, so called after the character in Kipling’s The Jungle Book was born in Ambala, India, the son of Harry St John Philby. He was educated at Westminster and Trinity College, Cambridge, where, like Anthony Blunt, Guy Burgess and Donald MacLean, he became a Communist and was recruited as a Soviet Agent. He was employed by the British Secret Intelligence Service (MI6) and was head of anti-communist counter-espionage (1944-46). In 1949-51 he was posted in Washington DC as a chief liaison officer between MI6 and the CIA, but was asked to resign because of his earlier Communist sympathies. He was a journalist in Beirut from 1956 until 1963, when he admitted his espionage and defected to the USSR, where he was granted citizenship and became a colonel in the KGB (Soviet Intelligence Service).

Anthony Frederick Blunt (1907-1983)

Born in Bournemouth, Hampshire, he was educated at Marlborough School and Trinity College, Cambridge, where he was made a Fellow in 1932. At Cambridge, he became a Communist. He acted as a “talent-spotter” for Burgess, supplying names of likely recruits to the Russian Communist cause and, while serving in British Intelligence during World War II, he passed on information to the Russian Government. He assisted the defection of Burgess and MacLean in 1951. In 1964, after the defection of Philby, Blunt confessed in return for his immunity, and he continued as Surveyor of the Queen’s Pictures (1945-72). His full involvement in espionage was made public only in 1979 after the publication of The Climate of Treason by Andrew Boyle. Blunt had been Director of Courtauld Institute of Art (1947-1974) and among his publications was Art and Architecture in France 1500- 1700 (1953). His knighthood awarded in 1956 was annulled in 1979.

Guy Francis de Moncy Burgess (1910-1963)

Born in Devonport, Devon, Burgess was educated at Eton, at the Royal Naval College, Dartmouth, and at Trinity College, Cambridge, where he became a Communist. Recruited as a Soviet agent in the Thirties, he worked with the BBC (1936-39), wrote war propaganda (1939-41), and again joined the BBC (1941-44) while working for MI5.After World War II he joined the Foreign Office and in 1950 became secretary of the British Embassy in Washington DC, where Philby was chief MI6 liaison officer. Recalled in 1951 for “serious misconduct”, he and MacLean disappeared, resurfacing in the USSR in 1956.

Donald Duart MacLean (1913-1983)

MacLean was born in London, the son of Liberal cabinet minister Sir Donald MacLean. He was educated at Gresham’s School and studied at Trinity College, Cambridge. Influenced by Communism, he joined the diplomatic service in 1935, working in Paris, Washington (1944-48) and Cairo (1948-50) and, from 1944, was a Soviet agent. After a “nervous breakdown” in 1950, he became head of the American Department of the Foreign Office, but by 1951 was a suspected traitor and, in May of that year, after Philby’s warning, disappeared with Burgess to the USSR. He was joined in 1953 by his wife, Melinda (b.1916) and children, but she left him to marry Philby in 1966. MacLean became a respected Soviet citizen, working for the Foreign Ministry and at the Institute of World Economic and International Relations.

Source: Chambers Biographical Dictionary.

Intelligence Organisations

MI5 – The Security Service

Military Intelligence section five; the British security and counter-intelligence service. “Our purpose is to protect national security and economic well-being and to support the law enforcement agencies in preventing and detecting serious crime.”


MI6 – The Secret Intelligence Service

Military Intelligence section six; the British secret intelligence and espionage service. The Secret Intelligence Service is responsible for obtaining secret information in the interests of national security, the economic well-being of the UK, or in support of the prevention or detection of serious crime.


KGB – Russian: Komitet Gosudarstvennoi Bezapasnosti

The secret police of the former Soviet Union. Known as NKVD from 1934 until 1946 (Russian: Narodny Kommissariat Vnutrennikh Del).

Cast and crew

Cambridge Spies

Main cast

Kim Philby - Toby Stephens

Anthony Blunt - Samuel West

Guy Burgess - Tom Hollander

Donald MacLean - Rupert Penry-Jones

Melinda Marling - Anna Louise Plowman

James Angleton - John Light

King George VI - Anthony Andrews

Queen Elizabeth - Imelda Staunton

Julian Bell - Patrick Kennedy

Jack Hewitt - Stuart Laing

Lord Halifax - James Fox

Colonel Winter - Ronald Pickup

Production credits

Writer - Peter Moffat

Director - Tim Fywell

Producer - Mark Shivas

Executive Producers - Laura Mackie, Gareth Neame, Sally Woodward Gentle

Co-Producer - Alison Gee

Director of Photography - David Higgs

Production Designer – Mike Gunn

Costume Designer – Charlotte Walter

Hair & Make-up Designer – Lisa Westcott

Editor – Chris Gill

Composer – John Lunn

Casting Director - Karen Lindsay-Stewart

Toby Stephens is Kim Philby

“He only ever wanted to be a spy.”- Anthony Blunt-

When Toby Stephens accepted the part of Philby, he had only a vague knowledge of the journey he was about to embark on; a journey that would catapult him into the mind of one of the most devious and manipulative spies in modern history and mark his first performance on screen with his wife, Anna-Louise Plowman, who plays Melinda MacLean. Toby’s parents, Dame Maggie Smith and the late Robert Stephens, co-starred in many stage and television productions. He and Anna-Louise however, are not overly keen to do the same.

“This is the first time we’ve worked together professionally and it’s not something I would choose to do a lot, I don’t think either of us want to become an acting couple!’ says Stephens, who played the villainous Gustav Graves in the latest Bond movie, Die Another Day. “I like the fact that people have separation in their lives. You go away during the day and do something different, and when you come back home you can talk about your day. It’s very difficult to do that when you’re involved in the same project. It becomes too claustrophobic. I don’t think we’d ever want to do a play together, it would drive us crazy. Having said that we both really enjoyed Cambridge Spies because we only had about three scenes together and it was novel for us to work on the same project.”

For Stephens, playing Philby was an extraordinary experience. He knew little about Philby other than he was considered the most successful of the spies and worked for the longest as a double agent. As with all the spies, honest accounts of Philby’s activities as a Soviet agent weren’t readily available.

“I knew bits about all of them but the one I knew the least about was Philby. Ironically, we attended the same prep school, Aldro School, in Surrey,” he says. “Uncovering the truth about Philby proved difficult because of the misinformation that surrounded the lives of these four men. Firstly, after it all happened, MI6 didn’t want to release any information about him because the whole episode was an embarrassment to them. Secondly, his own biography, written when he was in Moscow, was vetted by the KGB and proved useless. It was quite difficult trying to find out what was true and what was false and, as a consequence, I don’t think many people know what his real story is. In the end, I just had to play him as the person Peter Moffat had created, rather than a villain.

“Peter’s script portrays Philby as somebody who started out with rather naïve ideas about world politics – an idealistic Communist at Cambridge,” says Stephens. “He did become cynical and bitter, but when he was recruited to the KGB he believed utterly in Communism as an antidote to the Fascism that was sweeping through Europe.”

For Stephens, the four men had little in common except for their mutual belief in Communism. “I think they were very different people, and what’s remarkable is that they bonded for such a long period of time. But what brought them together were their common belief in Communism and the whole subterfuge of what they were doing, the excitement of it and the fact that they had no one else to talk to.”

To Stephens, one of the most ironic aspects of the relationship between the four men is that the very ideal that wove them together was, in the end, to keep them apart when they defected to Moscow. They all made incredible sacrifices during their lives, he believes, and, in a bizarre and twisted way, felt fiercely patriotic to England.

“I think Philby’s greatest sacrifice was having to run away to Moscow. I think that must have been the biggest sacrifice of all, which is ironic in itself: the fact that they were doing everything for Moscow and yet when they actually got there they found an incredibly grim place,” he says. “They believed Stalin’s Russia was this real economic and military power but, when they got there, they saw it for what it really was – a rather shambolic and poverty-ridden place.”

Upon his graduation from Trinity, Philby entered journalism, seeking employment with politically moderate newspapers in order to mask his communist beliefs. When the Spanish Civil War broke out he traveled undercover to Spain to spy on the Falangists rebelling against the Republic.

In 1939, he was employed by The Times as their German correspondent and found himself in an excellent position to spy on the Nazis for Russia. By this time he had established himself as a rightwing Nazi sympathiser. He was later recruited to join the British Secret Intelligence Service (SIS) and, subsequently, MI6 where he acted as liaison between the CIA and MI6. In 1963, he defected and fled to Russia. Philby died in 1988, and was recognised before his death with the order of Lenin, and after death with a postage stamp bearing his image.

But what is the reason for our fascination with spying and spy thrillers? “There’s something very appealing about being a lone wolf, out there doing daring deeds, just you and a pistol,” explains Stephens. “That’s an image that’s been created by the movies. But I hope that what Cambridge Spies demonstrates is that being a spy is a strange thing to do. You can’t discuss what you’re doing with anybody.”

Stephens is philosophical about his experience in Die Another Day. “I saw it as a one-off opportunity. You only get one crack at being a Bond villain,” he says. “I’d never made an action movie before or indeed a movie on that scale. There was a lot to learn. It was a completely new ball game for me and I loved every minute of it. It was hard work but it was also a huge amount of fun.”

Samuel West is Anthony Blunt

“She liked all homosexuals. She liked pansies – queers and such. She said about him, ‘Oh well, one can’t blame them all. A lot of people made terrible mistakes – one shouldn’t really go on persecuting them.’” - Isaiah Berlin on how Queen Elizabeth, The Queen Mother described Blunt after his death -

Samuel West, son of actors Prunella Scales and Timothy West, flirted with Communism when he was younger and was a member of the Socialist Workers Party. “We had two papers delivered to the house every day, the Daily Mail, which the housekeeper would read, and Newsline, the daily journal of the Workers Revolutionary Party run by Corin and Vanessa Redgrave, which my parents used to read. I grew up with that ethos though I didn’t necessarily believe in it – I got used to it. It was a movement that came naturally out of what my parents did. Political theatre in the Seventies was much more widespread and believed in than it is now.”

Sam’s current political allegiances are more personal. “I vote for the Socialist Alliance at the moment. I look at their list of priorities and what they stand for – like taxing the rich to pay for education and hospitals, re-nationalising the railways, defending asylum seekers – and I don’t think any of them are outrageous claims and none of them are Labour Party policy.”

To say Sam West researched the background to his character is an understatement. His first source of information was his mother. “Most of what I knew about the Cambridge spies came from Alan Bennett and my mum. She was in his play, Single Spies, and played The Queen in the first-ever production to be made about their lives. My first piece of research was to ask her to send me the script!”

His research was vast. “I was extremely fortunate that Miranda Carter’s biography of Blunt was published just as I was researching the role and that was a huge source of information for me.” He also watched Corin Redgrave’s Blunt Speaking, (“one of the best one-man performances I’ve ever seen”) and read voraciously the Communist Manifesto, Conspiracy Of Silence and Marx For Beginners.

West believes that Blunt was excited about the ideals of Marxism. “I think he did have a fatal arrogance but

I don’t think loyalty to one’s country should stand above loyalty to one’s principles. But what separates Blunt and his comrades from students today is that there is much more focus on the personal nowadays and much less focus on the idealistic.”

Sam has strong views on the war in Iraq. “I think national boundaries are largely arbitrary. And those of us who are anti-war are not necessarily so because we’re pro-Iraq, it’s because we’re prohuman, and I think the things that make us human are greater and more powerful than the things that make us British. The nature of that loyalty or the nature of that country is largely defined by people who Blunt didn’t respect,” he says. “They were the people who got us into the First World War and they were the people who told Blunt his sexuality was illegal. If somebody tells you the love you feel for someone else is wrong, then naturally it’s hard to respect them. This may be a simplistic argument, but if you’ve spent your time at school trying to define yourself other than the way you play rugby, then old men catapult you into the terrible massacre of the First World War and refuse to fight Fascism when it turns up in spades – I think your notion that the State can never be wrong is going to be quite shaken.”

According to West, it was a source of great regret to Blunt that his mother died before he was unmasked, such was his love of notoriety and attention. She had no idea he was an atheist, a spy and a homosexual. West believes, spying aside, that Blunt’s achievements were notable.

“He was in the palace! How cool was that? He was a complete snob and loved the titles, the knighthood and people knowing who he was, which is arrogant but I don’t think we should sell his achievements in the establishment short. As Director of the Courtauld Institute of Art he turned it from a finishing school into an international centre for art history and it has remained of world-wide importance. He didn’t believe in private ownership and was responsible for opening up The Queen’s art collection to public viewing.”

West is adamant that his socialist roots will remain with him forever. “While I don’t call myself a revolutionary anymore, I’m not going to turn into a Tory when I’m 50.” When considering the actions of his character and the passion that drove him, West understands and, in some ways, sympathises with Blunt. “Could I do what he did? Yes! To call Blunt evil and a traitor is one-dimensional because then one refuses to understand him. That is the real sin.”

West recently directed Cambridge Spies co-star Rupert Penry-Jones in Les Liaisons Dangereuses at the Bristol Old Vic and is set to direct Cosi-Fan Tutti for ENO in September at the Barbican. He is currently playing Dr Frankenstein in Van Helsing for Universal studios. “I get spectacularly killed by Dracula,” he says, “although I do get the first line of the movie – I get to say ‘It’s alive! It’s alive! It’s alive!’”

Tom Hollander is Guy Burgess

“He was immensely energetic, a great talker, reader, boaster, walker, who swam like an otter and drank

like some Rabelaisian bottle swiper whose thirst was unquenchable.” - Cyril Connolly -

Tom Hollander is known for his versatility. He has played parts as varied as King George V in Stephen Poliakoff’s acclaimed BBC drama The Lost Prince, to Logie in Enigma, via Lieutenant Commander Anthony Meredith in Gosford Park, yet he tries to do as little research as possible; he just quizzes his co-stars.

“For Cambridge Spies I asked Sam West questions for research. He knew everything, so we just asked him!” he laughs. “I tend to try and just find the bits of myself that correspond to the parts as written in the script. We had a week of rehearsals together and I did start to do a bit of research in the beginning but in that week I learned that there was a lot of stuff in it that was open to interpretation and that started to confuse me. My intellect starts to fight my creativity. I start thinking, ‘Well, that didn’t actually happen,’ so I’m better off keeping myself in a state of ignorance, and trusting that what they’ve written is true.”

Hollander plays Guy Burgess, a flamboyant and unabashed homosexual who, with the help of his friend and on-off lover Anthony Blunt, recruits Donald MacLean and Kim Philby to help them in the Communist cause. Burgess’s recruitment technique was slightly unorthodox, however: he chose the best-looking young men and attempted to seduce them both politically and sexually.

Hollander believes that Burgess was a “very sad man”, whose “life was most vividly lived when he was in his early twenties – the most exciting years of Burgess’s life were during his time at Cambridge.” Hollander says he is nowhere near as politically active as Burgess was, and says that one of the hardest things about playing Burgess was “committing to somebody who cared so much about politics”. He finds the fact that Philby, Blunt, Burgess and MacLean were willing to sacrifice their lives to the Communist cause incredible. “It would be interesting to know whether at the end of their lives they would have done it all over again,” he muses.

“I’ve never had a part that had such a range of writing. Never, ever,” Tom remarks about Peter Moffat’s script. “It’s a magnificent part. Burgess gets the most fabulous lines.” He thinks that Burgess comes across as an independent thinker and a rebel: “Here was sensitivity and flamboyance all in the one role, which was the challenge of it.” In his view, Cambridge Spies and The Lost Prince are the most exciting television projects he has worked on.

Hollander believes that Burgess and MacLean were very emotional men. He thinks that one of the hardest things about being a double agent is the fact that they are unable to have “relationships with anyone based on honesty and trust”. It could be this detachment from others that led to the strong bond between the four men, as “they were the only people that knew each other truly. But eventually they cracked up and moved apart from each other.

“Burgess is such fun, he’s winging it always,” observes Hollander. “Who doesn’t want to live like that? Who wouldn’t want to do no work and come top of their exams?” he adds. “Burgess had a go at living like that.”

Rupert Penry-James is Donald MacLean

“Donald MacLean is a very nice individual indeed and has plenty of brains and keenness. He is nice looking and ought, we think, to be a success in Paris from the social as well as the work point of view.”

- Foreign Office Personnel Department when recommending MacLean for his posting to Paris -

Rupert Penry-Jones comes from something of an acting dynasty. Both his parents and his younger brother are all in the business; his mother, Angela Thorne, played the role of Daphne in the much loved Eighties comedy, Three Up, Two Down, his father, Peter, recently appeared in the controversial drama, Shipman, and his brother, Laurence, is currently starring in BBC One’s Doctors.

A close-knit family is as important to him as it is to his character, Donald MacLean, in Cambridge Spies. “I suppose the family is my common denominator with MacLean,” says Penry-Jones. “It’s very important to me and would always take priority. There are four of us, my parents are still together and we’re all very close. Laurence is seven years younger than me but we go and see everything that the other is in.”

For Penry-Jones, MacLean’s loyalty towards his father and his belief in Communism tore him in two different directions.

“MacLean is the most sensitive of all the Cambridge spies,” explains Penry-Jones. “He finds leading a double life the most difficult thing to deal with; the fact that his father had been a politician made it especially hard. If his father knew what he’d chosen to do, he’d turn in his grave. He feels that he’s betrayed his father, even though he is dead; it’s a battle he fights his whole life.”

Leading the double life of a spy is difficult enough, says Penry-Jones but having a wife and children made it doubly hard. “MacLean is battling with this sense of betrayal all the way through, he’s tormented. Philby seems to sacrifice the odd woman here and there, Burgess loses his boyfriend, Blunt doesn’t really sacrifice anything. But MacLean battles with his loyalties to his father and has to leave his wife – he is not even supposed to tell them what he does. The others only have themselves to think about.

“I don’t think you can deny the fact that they stood up for what they believed in, especially during those times when you were either a Communist or a Nazi. I think especially in that class and during that time, at places like Oxford and Cambridge, being part of a club or a gang was very much the in thing and they were all desperate to have their secret clubs – I’m sure that influenced them.”

In the first episode, there is a scene that Penry- Jones will remember for years to come. To mark the end of their time at Cambridge, Philby, Burgess and MacLean jump from a bridge into the river Cam, naked.

“We were standing there getting ready to do the scene,” he explains. “Toby Stephens, Tom Hollander and myself were on the bridge and there was a traffic jam of punts queuing up behind us because they couldn’t come through until we had finished the scene. So when we heard ‘action’ we all got our kits off and stood up on the bridge and we could hear about 50 people sitting in the punts starting to cheer!”

Penry-Jones obviously knows how to get noticed. The actor, who once dated Kylie Minogue, started his acting career at school (“I was about 13 when I decided to be an actor, you have to start young these days!”) and later joined the National Youth Theatre.

Penry-Jones has just finished performing in Les Liaisons Dangereuses at the Bristol Old Vic with girlfriend Dervla Kirwan, in a production which was directed by Cambridge Spies co-star Samuel West.

“Crazy” lyrics by Gnarls Barkley

I remember when, I remember, I remember when I lost my mind.
There was something so pleasant about that place,
even your emotions had an echo, and so much space.

And when you’re out there, without care, yeah I was out off touch.
But it wasn’t because I didn’t know enough, I just knew too much.

Does that make me crazy?
Does that make me crazy?
Does that make me crazy?

And I hope that you are having the time of your life.
But think twice, that’s my only advice.

Come on now, who do you, who do you, who do you, who do you think you are?
Ha, Ha, Ha! Bless your soul. You really think you’re in control?

Well, I think you’re crazy!
I think you’re crazy!
I think you’re crazy!
Just like me...

My heroes had the heart to do their lives out on a limb.
And all I remember is thinking, I wanna be like them.

Ever since I was little, ever since I was little it looked like fun.
It was no coincidence I’ve come and I can die when I'm done.

But maybe I’m crazy.
Maybe you’re crazy.
Maybe we’re crazy.

“Far Behind” lyrics by Candlebox

Now maybe

I did not mean to treat you bad ehhhhh
but I did it anyway
now maybe

Some would say your life was sad ehhhh
But you lived it anyway

so maybe
Your friends they stand around they watch you crumble
As you falter to the ground
now someday
Your friends they stand beside as you’re flying
Oh you were flying oh so high

But then someday people look at you for what they call their own
They watch you suffer
Yeah they hear you calling home
But then someday we could take our time
To brush the leaves aside so you can reach us
hey but you left me far behind

Now may ay be ehhhhh

I did not mean to treat you oh so bad
But I did it anyway
Now maybe (carry out)

Some would say, some would say you're left with what you had
But you couldn't share the pain

Oh No No No…
Couldn't share the pain

So they watch you suffer

Ugh hmmm…
Now maybe

I could have made my own mistakes
But I live with what I've known
and then maybe

We might share in something great

But won't you look at where we've grown
won’t you look at where we've gone
But then someday comes tomorrow holds

A sense of what I fear for you

you’re not mine
As you trip the final line
And that cold day when you lost control
Shame you left my life so soon
You should have told meh
Hey but you left me far behind!!!

(Weeping guitars)

No ooooohhhh no no no ough! No!!!!! Don’t tell meeeh No! I said no! no
But may ehhhhhh beee I did not mean to treat you oh so bad
oooh but I did it anyway
Now say it may ehhhh beee baby
Some would say you're left with what you had
But you couldn't share the pain
I said times have changed your friends
They come and watch you crumble to the ground
They watch you suffer
Yeah they hold you down
Hold, don’t tell them
Maybe brother maybe love I did not mean to treat you bad
But you left me far behind
Left me far behind
Left me far behind

Far behind

“Stop Crying Your Heart Out” lyrics by Oasis

Hold up

Hold on

Don’t be scared

You’ll never change what’s been and gone

May your smile (may your smile)

Shine on (shine on)

Don’t be scared (don’t be scared)

Your destiny may keep you warm


Cos all of the stars

Are fading away

Just try not to worry

You’ll see them some day

Take what you need

And be on your way

And stop crying your heart out

Get up (get up!)

Come on (come on!)

Why you scared? (I’m not scared!)

You’ll never change

What’s been and gone


Cos all of the stars

Are fading away

Just try not to worry

Youll see them some day

Take what you need

And be on your way

And stop crying your heart out

Where all of us stars

Were fading away

Just try not to worry

You’ll see us some day

Just take what you need

And be on your way

And stop crying your heart out

Stop crying your heart out

Stop crying your heart out

“One Last Breath” lyrics by Creed

Please come now I think I'm falling

I'm holding on to all I think is safe

It seems I found the road to nowhere

And I'm trying to escape

I yelled back when I heard thunder

But I'm down to one last breath

And with it let me say

Let me say


Hold me now

I'm six feet from the edge and I'm thinking

Maybe six feet

Ain't so far down

I'm looking down now that it's over

Reflecting on all of my mistakes

I thought I found the road to somewhere

Somewhere in His grace

I cried out 'Heaven save me'

But I'm down to one last breath

And with it let me say

Let me say

Chorus (Repeat Twice)

I'm so far down

Sad eyes follow me

But I still believe there's something left for me

So please come stay with me

Cause I still believe there's something left for you and me

For you and me

For you and me

Hold me now

I'm six feet from the edge and I'm thinking...

Chorus (Repeat Twice)

Please come now I think I'm falling

I'm holding on to all I think is safe

“About Mr. Brown” lyrics by O.A.R.

What can you say about tomorrow?

What can you know about my life?

What do you say to your daughter?

What do you tell to your wife?

La da, day oh…

So Mr. Brown about your daughter,

I think I know where she went tonight.

Do you agree that we are lost here?

Well that’s alright?

Well, among the lost we shall survive.

La da, day oh…

(Sax solo)

What can you say about this weather?

We got a nice day today didn’t we, it was nice?

I feel his soul light as a feather.

Oh my man. A long time ago you went flat out insane.

La da, day oh…

Say Mr. Brown about your brother.

Can you see what he is doing with his life?

The more you push your kids out of the front door.

One day, they are going to come back and askin where is my life.

La da, day oh…

What's that you say? When the rain won't go away?

What's that you know? When no one's looking at you?

Where's that you go after the show?

Wanna say what you do with your life?

(Solo by Rich)

Oh I say Mr. Brown, whatcha been thinking?

I don’t know, what have you been drinking? Ayy oh.

I say your wife, is out on her own while your heart is at home chillin.

You don’t ever have a home. I say…

You see another because she don’t love you no more.

But you want to step out, out that front-front door.

I say, you been dropped down to the bottom of the list, just…

I’ll give you once chance, one chance to resist.

I know Mr. Brown you ain’t coming to the show.

You got no life and you got no soul, any-mo.

So get up and get down, bust your ass to get out of our town.

Bust it around Mr. Brown… Yeah!

(Sax solo)

Say Mr. Brown how about your mother?

Do you see what she's done tonight?

She was seeing all the colors,

But the darkness was out of sight.

“Blurry” lyrics by Puddle of Mudd

Everything’s so blurry
And everyone’s so fake
And everybody’s so empty
And everything is so messed up
Pre-occupied without you
I cannot live at all
My whole world surrounds you
I stumble then I crawl

You could be my someone
You could be my scene
You know that Ill protect you
From all of the obscene
I wonder what your doing
Imagine where you are
There’s oceans in between us
But that’s not very far


Can you take it all away
Can you take it all away
When ya shoved it in my face
This pain you gave to me

Can you take it all away
Can you take it all away
When ya shoved it my face

Everyone is changing
There’s no one left that’s real
To make up your own ending
And let me know just how you feel
Cause I am lost without you
I cannot live at all
My whole world surrounds you
I stumble then I crawl

You could be my someone
You could be my scene
You know that I will save you
From all of the unclean
I wonder what your doing
I wonder where you are
There’s oceans in between us
But thats not very far


Nobody told me what you thought
Nobody told me what to say
Everyone showed you where to turn
Told you where to runaway
Nobody told you where to hide
Nobody told you what to say
Everyone showed you where to turn
Showed you where to runaway


This pain you gave to me
You take it all
You take it all away...
This pain you gave to me
You take it all away
This pain you gave to me
Take it all away
This pain you gave to me

“Who Are You” lyrics by The Who

Who are you?

Who, who, who, who?

Who are you?

Who, who, who, who?

Who are you?

Who, who, who, who?

Who are you?

Who, who, who, who?

I woke up in a Soho doorway

A policeman knew my name

He said "You can go sleep at home tonight

If you can get up and walk away"

I staggered back to the underground

And the breeze blew back my hair

I remember throwin' punches around

And preachin' from my chair

Well, who are you? (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)

I really wanna know (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)

Tell me, who are you? (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)

'Cause I really wanna know (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)

I took the tube back out of town

Back to the Rollin' Pin

I felt a little like a dying clown

With a streak of Rin Tin Tin

I stretched back and I hiccoughed

And looked back on my busy day

Eleven hours in the Tin Pan

God, there's got to be another way

Well, who are you? (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)

Oh, who are you(Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)

Oh Tell me, who are you? (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)

Oh Who the flux are you? (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)

Who are you?

ooh wa oo wa oo wa oo x11

Who are you?

Who, who, who, who?

Who are you?

Who, who, who, who?

Who are you?

Who, who, who, who?

Who are you?

Who, who, who, who?

I really wanna know (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)

I really wanna know (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)

C'mon tell me who are you? (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)

Oh, I really wanna know (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)

I know there's a place you walked

Where love falls from the trees

My heart is like a broken cup

I only feel right on my knees

I spit out like a sewer hole

Yet still recieve your kiss

How can I measure up to anyone now

After such a love as this?

Well who are you? (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)

tell me who are you? (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)

oh, I really wanna know? (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)

tell, tell me who are you? (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)

C'mon, c'mon who? (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)

Oh, Who the flux are you? (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)

Who are you? (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)

Oh, tell me who are you (Who are you?, ooo?)

I really wanna to know

Oh, I really want to know

C'mon tell me who are you, you, you?

Who are you?

“So Pathetic” lyrics by Local H
Born to be down
I've learned all my lessons before now
Born to be down
I think you'll get use to it
And you just don't get it
Keep it copasetic
And you learn to accept it
You know you're so pathetic
And you just don't get it
Keep it copasetic
And you learn to accept it
You know you're so pathetic
And you don't
And you don't
And you don't
And you don't
Born to be down
I think that I said this before now
Born to be down
What good is confidence?
And you just don't get it
Keep it copasetic
And you learn to accept it
You know you're so pathetic

“Crazy B@tch” lyrics by Buckcherry

[1] Wikipedia has a brief outline of the fall of Saigon and the escalation phases of US involvement in Vietnam. The above is from that article called, “The Fall of Saigon” and contains a brief history from the late 1950s to the early 1970s during the Vietnam War. Many military historians view Vietnam as a both a turbulent period in US history and a turning point for US military supremacy. The focal point of this turning point is unconventional warfare and counter-insurgency.

[2] Stockholm syndrome is a psychological response sometimes seen in an abducted hostage, in which the hostage shows signs of loyalty to the hostage-taker, regardless of the danger (or at least risk) in which the hostage has been placed. For a more detailed explanation, see the chapter Hostage Rescue 101.

[3] This news brief was originally transmitted by the Associated Press and was found on the web site of the local media in Lakeport, California. Therefore, the source of the news brief is the Associated Press.

[4] Secretary of Defense, Robert M. Gates speech on funds restricted by Congress intended for the Department of Defense.

[5] News brief aired on the CBS evening news with Katie Couric and transmitted on the CBS news web site.

[6] Document was transmitted on the Department of Homeland Security website and outlines a disconnection between local, state and federal authorities seeking funds and funding.

[7] The source of the material was not verified or made known, it was probably published by the BBC web site. It was inadvertently discovered late at night while searching the internet for dissident material and taped interviews of Soviet defectors.

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My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.