In ten years of being a hostage of the left, the single most problematic aspect of their personality is dependency. It is not a dependency in drugs or the miserable feeling of being on or off drugs. The left is possessed by failure and they are also conditioned by a level of dependency unbeknownst. This problem goes back to the time period of the founding of the nation where you had two very different movements, rugged individualism and slavery. When slavery was abolished the remnant and the culture remained, the process of reconstruction never took place and dependency became very severe. Only until the 1960s did some drastic changes take part which addressed the legacy of slavery. Those changes will cause many multicultural groups to join up on the train of dependency, specifically white subjects who now look at former slaves with admiration and even leadership.
During the 1960s, Civil Rights legislation offered opportunities to an already dysfunction in the culture. When the left began to see how successful Civil Rights were or became, they mimicked it. The avalanche of success is now created and repeated over and over. Now you have an entire society who views Civil Rights with the same degree of dependency and the same views of other living creatures. What is this dependency about and why is it so problematic or aggravating you literally want to scream? It is a crisis of self identity and when power is introduced, it paralyzes the individual to this mode of dependency so common to cultural values. There is no power in the culture and it is based on dependency, a process of constant redistribution, primal fear, tinkering, and intervention; the left.
The left is conditioned to be so dependent and it is not a racial issue, it is a cross cultural issue. There are a lot of reasons why the entire political base of the left is conditioned to this dependency; however, it really has a root in white masters. They follow their white masters everywhere while they rebel against them. There is first hand experience with this problem and it is very frustrating, almost like kryptonite of the soul meant to pollute the mind. This is what the
If you go around and expect others to be or view them as plantation owners, they will probably look back with a similar view. If you pester them with an almost futile dependency, they will probably associate the problem to a legacy of slavery where the culture was conditioned to this total dependency. If you have hiring policy in government that is based on necessity, it will gradually gravitate and hit rock bottom. After ten years of dialogue and being a hostage of the left, their movements are almost predictable and obvious. The left is obsessed with the idea that others are plantation owners and if they show this culture of dependency, they will somehow profit. It is a pestering aggravation to say the least because necessity is the mother of all fears and it is also the core of government. Now you have problems all over and it is coming from the left.
People conditioned to be dependent have no choice but to look at others for masters or people who they were brought up knowing as the hand which feeds them. If their master cannot feed them, they begin to rebel or riot because they are not educated towards any other way. An individual who has chains on looks at others they see as their master, then that master looks back at the individual in an equal or a same manner. It does not take a genius to figure out people will treat you how you want to be treated. If you treat someone like a plantation owner, they will treat you like a slave, and the slave will probably complain or feel mistreated. Now the cycle of dependency repeats again and you have constant complaining about the right. A slave cannot exist without a plantation owner; this is the nature and culture of slavery itself. Now you have the hero of the poor model which the left is possessed by because they see the success of Civil Rights legislation as beneficial. How do you break this kind of mindset when it creates so much hatred and dogma to begin with? Do you tell the person who is acting like a slave to stop or do you act like a plantation owner as the person is asking for? Both of those solutions will cause any individual to become defensive and attack. It is not fun to be viewed or called a plantation owner, master, or even a slave but this is how the left makes others feel. The feeling is so overwhelming it makes people flee and escape the insanity unless they are used to the culture of dependency. That culture of dependency is invading government and is taking over in every form and fashion based on necessity. If you want to get rid of the left, you must address this problem with necessity.
Now you can add the dangerous mixtures and the explosion will follow. First are necessity and the government policy of necessity or hiring on the basis of necessity. Funds now go to a welfare state and the incentives are grown to enormous proportion. Second is the flood of dependency into government based on special treatment. It is like a domino effect and one the military is struck with in a very difficult manner. The most problematic bottleneck of this flood of dependency will be into the system which fights the left and hires the left. This is a contradiction in itself and a very difficult maneuver because the poor are usually the people who fight wars. The rich are usually the ones who finance them. Third are spending and the problem with not being able to solve the core issue of why spending is so enormous or out of control. You can apply every possible method of efficiency; economy of mass, economy of movement, economy of repetition, economy of purpose, etc. Again, the policy is based on necessity instead of security. Whenever the left says “safety is their first concern” you can bet with absolute assurance this is a hornets nest swarming. Safety is the first concern is used every single time by the left after an attack. It is used to nit pick and claim authority also while they ignore real threats. It is a way to taunt others.
When the left begins to duplicate the actions of a legacy of slavery, they follow everyone for any bit of scrap they can muster. Nobody wants to be viewed as a plantation owner but the left feels if they can reenact or impress others with this master-slave relationship, then fortune will flow in. It is a form of terrorizing others with dependency and was used nonstop by the left for ten years. This was exactly what the
Who is to blame when you have two cultures, rugged individualism and dependency, fighting for or demanding to be treated with kindness, equality or respect? The bottom line is written down in a professional manner and includes the following:
- It is easy to identify who is who
- It is easy to recognize the divided nation and why
- It is easy to recognize a criminal enterprise
- It is easy to understand why we are on the verge of moving everything offshore where the predicament may be worse, the problem is Civil War and loosing, the left has not taken ownership to the loose. The process of telling those in last place they are in first place is ownership into control and winning.
- The bottom line is this is as high as you can get but there is a refusal of reality
- If this is as high as you can get, then the people behind the charade is responsible to address or rectify the situation to the utmost excellence because they fall underneath it. It is an open challenge for anyone who can get any higher and it must be written and checked for accuracy. We discourage any change or any tricks until this matter has been fully resolved and done so with a degree of professionalism.
- If we move the cyber and satellite warfare program offshore, we know we can make three times the amount the left is offering. If we were greedy and did not feel doing the right thing is important, we would give in to their demands and pressures. So we were pulled back temporary and will try this another time. Try to assess the value of the program itself when trying to assess how much the left tried to steal; it is despicable behavior of the highest power. We were on the verge of kicking them out with the truth and justice. The left has gone as far as they can go and cannot go any further in statement. They aimed at the central nervous system and we knew it was futile unless something big happened. You will never get justice from people who do not know right from wrong no matter how hard you tried; we had tried and exasperated the effort. It led to two arrests which remain unexplained or ignored. We want them to write down and make known their patriotism so that we can forward this to the real authorities and the real decision makers who were involved and why. The cyber and satellite warfare program does not have prosecution power and this is not our job whatsoever. However, two hundred years of legal grievances has been thrown on our desk and we want answers and full closure. We do not have another two hundred years to rectify them. Our position is rather cut and clear. We do not chase the money, the money will come. We do not guarantee chasing the message will produce the same result because there is so much deceit and duplicity.
- It is easy to recognize the fact and the movement of government away from necessity, dependency and leftist rule to one of National Security from here on. Whether or not this is compatible to why they came to this nation is uncertain because the situation is so dangerous and toxic. It is pollution and arson of the mind by powerful political bosses who will have to meet up to their own responsibilities and their oaths. They must live up to the liberties given to them and the oath they took, if they do not then it is clear why they are here or came here. We are not here to define their life or tell everyone what their life was for, all we know is their value is determined by their demise. The situation becomes more and more precarious, might as well get used to it. We were hostages for ten years while pressure came to change it, it does not change unless you want revolution. The left has already stated they want war and we will forward this on.
- At this time, we do not trust the authority to do a complete or excellent job. From the experiences of a decade, we expect tricks, harassment, and policies of necessity, dependency, lies, deceit and a host of other personality failures. Even though the people in power claim to be the authority, we know this is only a claim until a written verification is made which negates the possibility of a criminal enterprise or a clandestine spy network. We are able to recognize the ideology and the dogma easily. This is not a racial issue, it is an entire culture and the essence of this culture is documented in this book. When you have been ripped off every single day for ten years, it warps your mind. The left has gone mad and they still do it daily which triggers an avalanche of emotional responses again. They want to make others crazy and they want to incite violence on themselves and others. They feel if they overwhelm enough, there will be no emotional response any longer and an exorcism of hatred or insensitivity is a gift. After ten years they are not going to give up because they are closer and closer to their goal. No comment about their soul or how it is the same.
- A military system based on necessity will flood the military with personnel who seek necessity and worsening the situation with National Security. Until this can be addressed the situation grows more and more precarious. Even at the highest level possible, there is pressure insurmountable to give into this mindset of dependency and necessity even though it criminal. If National Security has to be moved offshore for security reasons, we know the matter is terminal.
This book has also indicated how two types of individuals have flooded to these shores. One has a mindset of dependency and the other rugged individualism. People of science are usually rugged individuals. The people who wanted to be the heroes of the poor are the ones who opened the gates of immigration and rose to tremendous power. They formed large banks and pooled resources to create more. When things went wrong, their dogma and ideology came out because boomtowns never last. If you look in history and any type of gold rush, you will see the emergence of boom towns and the bust of the boom towns. What do you do now? Do you make it a welfare state when you have two personalities fighting for power? There is no weapon to combat the left at this time and if there was, the cyber and satellite warfare program would either have it or have engineered it. The only complaint against the program is how scientific it is and how truthful it is, it is a thinking man’s problem not an emotional man’s dependency. It has also been attacked daily for the past ten years in the most vile and unpatriotic way. It is the core of National Security and will be the core policy from now on with no end in sight. As we have tried to say and repeated so often under these precarious circumstances, get used to it because it will be here till the next millennia. You cannot go any higher or further with this but we get zero cooperation, undesirable personnel meant to paralyze the issue, tactical delays and legal maneuvering, and a host of personality disorders. If this keeps up then it will be a fait accompli by the time of our deaths.
We have received two clandestine communications which, like usual, are uncomfortable and fall to deaf ears. It is like a game of harassment where nothing is written down or explained, nobody can get any answers. The first communication came from the Niagara Falls Police concerning our second arrest when mayhem and felonies were occurring daily by their people. The message sent to explain their behavior before and after the event was, “He is looking for a new home.” The second message came from Bauerly, the radio talk show host who was communicating with or introducing us to some of the people in this book. Bauerly reaffirmed the suspicion and connection by saying, “Do you like black people.” Write everything down and the answer with proper identification and we will address matters, fail or refuse to write anything down may result in maximum prosecution, note maximum. We are as high as anyone can go at this time unless they wish to write us a letter. These people walk into the lives and homes of others and feel they can do anything they want and without proper identification. We are and have been on the verge of getting rid of these people, what else can go wrong. They feel they can come to this nation and terrorize everyone with their insanity and disrespect of others.
History or the course of human events cannot be changed. If the genie is let out, putting it back will be a tremendous effort. However, understand that irresponsible individuals had kids a long time ago and their kids are going to be deformed by their ancestor’s mistakes and careless disregards. If you want to solve the problems and not repeat history, then you must scientifically analyze it to the utmost integrity. If you want to continue the train of irresponsibility and nit pick about small tidbits or annoyances, then expect the problem to never go away or repeat indefinitely. There is no demand or necessity for denial because it will just repeat itself over and over. The goal of the cyber and satellite warfare program is only to ensure it will never fall in the wrong hands. Therefore, the father of the program has taken a lot of effort and pain; a process of taking punches and being destroyed to get to the bottom of the matter. When you get to the bottom of the matter, then the goal of having it never get into the wrong hands will never succeed even if the effort cannot realize they cannot win or control the situation. We will simply move it offshore and triple the amount of money they try to steal. These are the highest orders and are open to any written format available to identify the people behind this ordeal. We make critical decisions people must live with, not rebel against.
The bottom line to this ordeal is the centuries of open borders and the problem of having all kinds of dogma flood into the nation like a gold rush. Now that gold rush is over and the question is what to do with the ones who flooded here centuries ago who had no intention of doing the right thing while they draped the flag around them now. How do you get rid of this problem when it is everywhere? It will and has taken centuries to clean up this mess but the market is not allowed to work its magic and cleanse the matter. Take a look at what these individuals tried and were unsuccessful at. Then take a look at what they did afterwards or tried. Then take a look at how they tried to use public funds to buy their freedom or use the power of the state to terrorize others so they could become more powerful. We are as high as you can go and we do not even care about power or the menial things which define self worth or identity to emptiness. We are not possessed by failure or madness and even though we are this high, take a look at what the ordeal has cost and what the ordeal has meant, it is despicable.
In short, we are in trouble and also the highest authority on the subject matter. Power and authority is so reckless, even we do not know what to do. We do not have time to spend the next two hundred years seeking closure but we cannot ignore this despicable matter. We do not expect a good job or a decent clean up. It is hard enough to get any clean up and the idea that tax dollars are going to be spent to appease the situation is despicable enough. It is scripted to perfection so that the problem remains unfixed and more broken. When you try to do the right thing or make the world a safer place, this is what you get. It was not about money and it did not have to be about money, that greed is unsustainable; the market will make its own corrections. These people have been ordered to clean this matter up or to write down for verification purposes why or why not, their absence is valued or valuable to the nation. If you are beyond the borders of this precarious situation and wish to assist, please contact the right people at the appropriate time. These errors, lies, duplicity, and despicable behavior is intolerable and has poisoned many lives. It is taking its effect now and we have already lost a full decade of work let alone an entire life full of joy and prosperity. Hostage rescuers refuse to sit here and be a hostage while their life is pissed away at every pendulum swing. Why is perfection so difficult and why is doing a good or excellent job so far out of reach? This pollution of the mind and being a hostage for ten years has made many people very upset and at the highest levels. We cannot even get the appropriate protections or a simple order of protection while others insist we are either a slave or a slave master. This situation brings out a degree of emotions unfitting of a gentleman who is ready to rake the eyes out of the people behind it while they claim to be the authority or in control. Everything they have said and done has been written down because if it was not, then it would have been lost with the cyber and satellite warfare program. They can stomp their feet and protest all they want or begin to de-escalate the situation, it still needs to be written down. Everybody knows what they are up to and what they are after, us. These people have no right to flood here, drape a flag over their dogma and terrorize everyone with their politics and errors. That decision has never belonged to them but the effort supersedes the goal, it failed and failed miserably. Take a good hard look at the outcome.
David Cay
Fresh Air from WHYY, January 3, 2008 · Investigative reporter David Cay Johnston explores in his new book how in recent years, government subsidies and new regulations have quietly funneled money from the poor and the middle class to the rich and politically connected.
The new book, which expands the inquiry beyond tax policy into a whole range of regulatory machinery, is titled Free Lunch: How the Wealthiest Americans Enrich Themselves at Government Expense (and Stick You With the Bill).
Updated 3/5/2007 11:50 AM ET E-mail | Save | Print |
By James R. Healey,
Toyota Motor (TM) took another step Tuesday in its quest to go from foreigner to naturalized American.
The big Japanese automaker, poised to become the biggest car company in the world this year, said it will build a $1.3 billion manufacturing plant near
That will bring to eight the number of Toyota's North American plants, capable of manufacturing 2.2 million vehicles a year, equivalent to 86% of the cars and trucks Toyota sold in the USA last year.
The plant is an attempt to keep up with growing
That's important, as
The announcement Tuesday by enthusiastic government and
General Motors (GM), Ford Motor (F) and DaimlerChrysler's (DCX) Chrysler Group are trying to shrink to fit their declining share of
Toyota, meantime, says it will add more U.S. plants, if needed.
Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour praised
Sen. Trent Lott, R-Miss., thanked
Toyota is an immigrant, not a foreigner, Jim Press, president of Toyota Motor North America, said in a speech in
Foreign-based car companies, including
Highlander is a car-based crossover utility vehicle, a category that's booming even as sales of truck-based sport-utilities collapse.
Last year,
The automaker didn't say whether the hybrid version would also be built in
Posted 2/27/2007 9:53 AM ET
“Back in Black” lyrics by AC/DC
Back in black
I hit the sack
I've been too long I'm glad to be back
Yes I'm, let loose
From the noose
That's kept me hanging about
I keep looking at the sky
'Cause it's gettin' me high
Forget the hearse 'cause I'll never die
I got nine lives
Cat's eyes
Usin' every one of them and running wild
'Cause I'm back
Yes, I'm back
Well, I'm back
Yes, I'm back
Well, I'm back, back
(Well) I'm back in black
Yes, I'm back in black
Back in the back
Of a Cadillac
Number one with a bullet, I'm a power pack
Yes, I'm in a bang
With a gang
They've got to catch me if they want me to hang
Cause I'm back on the track
And I'm leadin' the pack
Nobody's gonna get me on another rap
So look at me now
I'm just makin' my play
Don't try to push your luck, just get out of my way
Well, I'm back, Yes I'm back
Well, I'm back, Yes I'm back
Well, I'm back, back
Well I'm back in black
Yes I'm back in black
hooo yeah
Ohh yeah
Yes I am
Oooh yeah, yeah Oh yeah
Back in now
Well I'm back, I'm back
Back, I'm back
Back, I'm back
Back, I'm back
Back, I'm back
Back in black
Yes I'm back in black
Outta sight
"Dare You to Move" lyrics by Switchfoot
Welcome to the planet
Welcome to existence
Everyone's here
Everyone's here
Everybody's watching you now
Everybody waits for you now
What happens next
What happens next
I dare you to move
I dare you to move
I dare you to lift yourself up off the floor
I dare you to move
I dare you to move
Like today never happened
Today never happened before
Welcome to the fallout
Welcome to resistance
The tension is here
Tension is here
Between who you are and who you could be
Between how it is and how it should be
Maybe redemption has stories to tell
Maybe forgiveness is right where you fell
Where can you run to escape from yourself?
Where you gonna go?
Where you gonna go?
Salvation is here
I dare you to move
I dare you to move
I dare you to lift yourself up off the floor
I dare you to move
I dare you to move
Like today never happened
Today never happened
Today never happened
Today never happened before
“Welcome to the Black Parade” lyrics by My Chemical Romance
When I was a young boy,
My father took me into the city
To see a marching band.
He said, "Son when you grow up,
would you be the savior of the broken, the beaten, and the damned?"
He said "Will you defeat them,
your demons, and all the non believers, the plans that they have made?"
Because one day I'll leave you,
A phantom to lead you in the summer,
To join the black parade."
When I was a young boy,
My father took me into the city
To see a marching band.
Sometimes I get the feeling she's watching over me.
And other times I feel like I should go.
When through it all, the rise and fall, the bodies in the streets.
And when you're gone we want you all to know.
We'll carry on
We'll carry on
And though you're dead and gone, believe me
Your memory will carry on
You'll carry on
And in my heart I can't contain it
The anthem won't explain it.
A world that sends you reeling from decimated dreams
Your misery and hate will kill us all.
So paint it black and take it back
Lets shout it loud and clear
Defiant to the end
We hear the call
To carry on
We'll carry on
And though you're dead and gone believe me
Your memory will carry on
You'll carry on
And though you're broken and defeated
Your weary widow marches
On and on we carry through the fears
Ooh oh ohhhh
Disappointed faces of your peers
Ooh oh ohhhh
Take a look at me, cause I could not care at all
Do or die, you'll never make me
Because the world, will never take my heart
You can try, you'll never break me
Want it all, we wanna play this part
Won't explain, or say I'm sorry
I'm not ashamed, I'm gonna show my scar
Give a cheer, for all the broken
Listen here, because it's only
I'm just a man, I'm not a hero
I'm just a boy, who's meant to sing this song
I'm just a man, I'm not a hero
I -- don't -- care
We'll carry on
We'll carry on
And though you're dead and gone believe me
Your memory will carry on
You'll carry on
And though you're broken and defeated
Your weary widow marches on
(Do or die, you'll never make me)
(Because the world, will never take my heart)
(You can try, you'll never break me)
(We want it all)
We'll carry on
(We wanna play this part)
(Do or die)
We'll carry on
(You'll never make me)
(Because the world)
We'll carry on
(Will never take my heart)
(You can try)
We'll carry
(You'll never break me)
(We want it all)
We'll carry on
(We wanna play this part)
“Black Balloon” lyrics by The Goo Goo Dolls
Baby's black balloon makes her fly.
I almost fell into that hole in your life.
And you're not thinking about tomorrow,
'Cause you were the same as me,
But on your knees…
A thousand other boys could never reach you.
How could I have been the one?
I saw the world spin beneath you.
And scatter like ice from the spoon,
That was your womb…
Comin' down the world turned over,
And angels fall without you there.
And I go on as you get colder,
Or are you someone's prayer?
You know the lies they always told you.
And the love you never knew.
What's the things they never showed you?
That swallowed the light from the sun,
Inside your room… yeah!
Comin' down the world turned over,
And angels fall without you there.
And I go on as you get colder,
Or are you someone's prayer?
And there's no time left for losin'…
When you stand they fall!
Comin' down the world turned over,
And angels fall without you there.
And I go on as you grow colder,
All because I'm…
Comin' down the years turn over,
And angels fall without you there.
And I'll go on to lead you home.
All because I'm
All because I'm
And I'll become
What you became to me
“Fell on Black Days” lyrics by Soundgarden
Whatsoever I've feared has
Come to life
Whatsoever I've fought off
Became my life
Just when everyday
Seemed to greet
Me with a smile
Sunspots have faded
And now I'm doing time
Cause I fell on
Black days
Whomsoever I've cured
I've sickened now
Whomsoever I've cradled
I've put you down
I'm a search light soul
They say but I can't
See it in the night
I'm only faking
When I get it right
Cause I fell on
Black days
How would I know?
That this could be my fate
So what you wanted to
See good has made you blind
And what you wanted to
Be yours has made it
So don't you lock up
Something that you
Wanted to see fly
Hands are for shaking
No not tying
I sure don't
Mind a change
But I fell on black
How would I know?
That this could be
My fate
[1] A disturbing report from an interview on NPR public radio, Fresh Air with Terry Gross; explains the widespread use of business incentives to attract businesses. The author David Cay Johnston states that when this happens the poor are taxed improperly and their tax ends up in the hands of the rich and the powerful.
[2] News brief was transmitted on the USA Today news site contradicts previous article on government incentives and cost to the poor. Many states had placed bids and proposals to obtain this contract with
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