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Sunday, August 9, 2009


In all fairness, Ann did not deserve what life dealt her. That is first true. She has been with me and by my side for over 20 years; sometimes selling a message nobody wants to believe or at the end of the day nobody is convinced of. What she does and tells me is convincing, I sway between respecting her as a decent person and hating her as a dirt bag and trouble madwoman who does not know when enough is enough. She has worked hard to make things right for me where I was kidnapped and forced to join some terror plot and group. It has been only 1.7 years since we busted that and actually ran and called for reinforcements. What Ann has done over 20 years gives me the idea she has another life and a secret life, one of the worst reputations in the industry, however it is all documented by her enemies. She claims it is all lies and trashing her, slander. She does not present a strong enough case for me and msut do anything to sell it or be more convincing. I am not convinced at the end of the day and there is just too much against her. She is not convincing in telling me she is a good person and has a good heart. I wish I had the power and strength to do what the editor of the biggest military newspaper did; however, I am all entangled and the voice of god chugs, trips, and stumbles all the time now.

There is a lot I do not know but what she give me is not strong enough or convincing enough. She wants to sue and drags her feet and takes her damn sweet time. She wants me to respect her but cannot say and do the right things. I feel stuck. I feel helpless even if I give my heart and soul; she seems more interested in her career and power. I am a vehicle and she insists it is for us where I am miserable with her at times and her insane dreams. I think she waited too long, she says she will wait her entire life if she has to. She is feeling as if her life with slip and end with noone there and with who she wants or needs; she knows I am a good person but is she? We don't care and neither do I but she loves attention. I say knock it off she says full steam ahead and has a large crowd who loves it. Maybe she is programmed to self destruct and not give a shit, IDK. She knows I have a good and pure heart; people love and adore me; so she lives her life through me at times. My deal with Ann was one more dinner, PR, social event, conference, or stupid date which leads to one more stalker or death threat and I will never forgive her for lacking any respect to her family while claiming how important they are to her and her life. She is destroying the voice of God and wants to be it; she has the voice of God brainwashed and confused also.

At the end of the day, I am not convinced and there is not enough to be convinced; I personally do not think she has a pure heart and likes to lie or trick others; she says it is for pure reasons and she is totally in love with me; I have a major headache and have given my heart and soul and read seedy stuff all the time or how she likes to hang out with men. She does not deny it. She wishes that I understand her and how much she loves me; that will explain it all. She is fully and totally in love, that is true and forever. It is not convincing and she will not be able to sell 10 to 20 per cent of her story. The Generals and military has taken my side and feels she is cruel anyway you look at it. It is a doomed nation for a reason and the crime rate is so high for a reason. Ann repeatedly insulted the voice of God and replaced it with her own version or a debate. Yes read that again. Her performance in front of the troops was never convincing enough and looked almost like pig face Billary.

I think the representatives of the largest newspaper and my favorite military newspaper, Stars and Stripes, wanted to explain and back me up on this. As I mentioned to Ann when I wrote that I am on the verge of and began a process to have her court marshaled and not to take this lightly. The State of New York said they could not tell if she was being used as a weapon against them or any raid they may have in the near future or may present a threat where they have to hesitate and cannot advance with stealth, pride, and fury. I concur with all of that and this was why I sent a warning to Miss Coulter for wandering off and what appears to be in a terrorist camp and even helping to set up some love connection and romance among them. If someone gives you their heart and soul; show some respect or show some repayment that might be genuine. This is why we live in a doomed nation of misfits who think they are a miracle.

I also said that I felt victimized by her and if someone gift wraps her life as I had and knelt to the ground to give her joy and happiness free of her curse; then repayment was total misery and constant debates about how she could strike me down and cause me severe pain. I did feel she was humiliating me and taking this too far; so I asked her to simply stay with her path and we will consider her a defector and in their terror camp; otherwise, hurry up while the rescue is in progress and the mean men with big guns and painted faces do encirclement. I said, if you are on our side and my side, make a mad dash now and do as I say or else you can debate it with God himself.

So someone (possibly from the Stars and Stripes, which is a huge newspaper for military-active service members) said she intentionally tried to humiliate and embarrass others including whom they see as deserving more respect with her debates and mental challenges; right or wrong. Then they said she would not end the debating as instructed. Then they said she was trying to humiliate or smear the good name of those they saw as representing a higher cut above the military and some of these men come from poor backgrounds and do not take humiliation from women easily as they have possibly through life. Then they said it was behavior that was disturbing and they keyed in on how a few men were trying to joke around during miserable or difficult times and this challenge her debate posed by Miss Coulter warranted a swift sign of disapproval.

Ann is trying to tell me her mind is haywire and there is confusion and misunderstandings which she can explain. That is the point of making a mad dash to the rescuers, it shows you want to be rescued when in the water and we are yelling “the storm is coming, please hurry up and take my hand, I will pull you to safety and please trust me, do not fight me.” She was not able to understand that and wished to swim around more which can endanger those who are putting their life on the line for her already and who made a creditable and honorable attempt to not upset her; the goal was to merely free her and be friends. No need to jump off a bridge or swell deep into hell and the devil’s lair type of rescue.

Having been with Ann for over 20 years, I have utmost respect for her but I did request her court martial and told her to hurry up and make a mad dash, we are here to rescue her and get her out; not to make this worse or get trapped by her. She tried to delay this and present herself as some sort of invaluable guide and it caused a lot of morale and moral support to slip and ask why the men on our side would be laughing and joking one moment and in severe pain and misery by this so called victim and hostage-person being rescued from kidnappers and stalkers of a foreign spy agency. So it was clear she was shouted and told to run and quickly; do not hesitate if she is on our side. It is clear that she like usual disobeyed and dragged her feet while kicking and screaming which pulled morale down more and more. Then the terror suspects and upstairs would come to her rescue and start banging and yelling on her behalf as if they were her muscle and protection.

I hope she learns a lesson and understands that when someone gives you 110 per cent and gives you all that you want in life; at least have some respect and have some inkling to understand that repayment may be a way to show respect even if they do not want it. Now it is “forget it… I am scared of you… I have no idea what the hell you are going to do to me… you always come begging back.” Ann says she wants marriage counseling and continues to add more topics and things to this process of marriage counseling making it sound fake and disingenuous. She claims it is a recurring rape dream and the pain of someone who is shutting her up or trying to stop her work. There are times it gets so fast and furious you do not know what to do, say, and just take cover. Ann basically does not care or give a damn and I can confirm this. She is so focused and so clever, it is impossible to trust her or not feel suspicious; so she thinks it is good people feel this way about her and a healthy thing.

I am just trying to run and take cover to be honest because sometimes it comes from all directions by these people and Ann adds to it also because she is so close to them and they cherish her. They say it is a love story, she says it is a murder-terror plot; but it is okay and she is not panicked or the least concerned about anything; if so we can debate it, just do not take it the wrong way and feel humiliated or she purposely tries to embarrass who the leaders in the military are learning from and respect deeply. She feels she is above it all and all doors are opened for her and have been. Let’s worship that head of cabbage again. You think it is just confusion and not understanding you when nobody really cares and you use it to debate and gain more power or involvement.”

All I am going to say is she constantly steps over or on that line but manages to drop the bomb and slip and slide much better than those chasing her as I try to rescue her; now will less chase and pressure; she just wants to channel that slip and slide to the wrong people and this is why I asked to process her court marshal and begin to shut the door and tell her we cannot wait while she swims around looking good when we know the storm is coming and have to get out of here; it is too dangerous and getting more. The mother ship is waiting and the storm is kicking up; please hurry. She didn’t care and did not bother to consider all the ramifications; only how she looked and how she felt at that time and place. Even when I yell at her or give her a tongue lashing; she acts like a juvenile delinquent who is not hardened but just like to act like the road runner. She loves the chase and I am thoroughly disgusted.

I can be totally joking and laughing and when she comes in; I also run for cover and she tells me to come back and I do and did. I got sick and tired of this and her 40ish act which is getting too old to swallow or get too involved with. It is completely dysfunctional but she pretends it is not and does not contribute to a healthy situation. That ends up embarrassing her and others including myself; it is hard to be her partner and this is a constant reverberating theme of 20 plus years. It is good for a while and then she becomes very excited-over confident and screws up badly; then claims it is misunderstanding or miscommunication and after a while you get sick of it.

I ask her to end this on good terms and her wants to go into marriage counseling and says how she is honest to me and dishonest to others; and it returns to the mess she loves. She loves a total mess and a complete waste of time. Her enemies say she has the Hitler gene also and if so I have not seen it; she smiles and I am utterly unhappy. You get to the point where you give up and ask her why she is not a perfectionist want to be misunderstood or others to be confused; it is super annoying. It is not sexy or smart and most of all conservative or loving; but she gets off with it and loves it. All I said was that is not cool, I thought you would repay me with a more polite and on better terms, maybe she does not know how insulting and embarrassing it is when she is doing this and who she claims to love say “will you please stop it, I am losing my mind.”

She says it is blind hate and the trauma of a recurring rape dream which we both have and I have ten times stronger and triggers. So they trigger it on her, her missteps and trigger my nightmare and torture-rape recurring nightmare. It got so bad I asked her to leave and to begin court marshalling her. She claims it is the upstairs, Bin Hannity-Clinton-Maher-Limbaugh-Gingrich-Moynihan-New York liberals who keep holding us prisoner; both me and her. Who cares whose fault it is, we need them in court and we need this documented and accurate; we have pages of felonies and even murder-terror charges along with foreign espionage charges and possible retaliation and intimidation to conceal it all.

I think it is fair how she creates confusion and controversy so she can win the debate when others are sick of it and disgusted. I and others have asked this, "what do you want, I have given you my heart and soul; what do you want now?" I am the one who asked for your court martial, do you hear me? What do you want others to say to you if go away or leave on friendly terms is not what you want? I have to hear it from the douche bag upstairs also because of you. I feel stuck with a flee bag and I cannot change it or reason with it. I have given you my heart and soul, what do you want from me now? I have nothing else to give you, what do you want if nothing? I am becoming a disgruntled and hateful person and it is not pleasant to have some other person living in me; that is what they did, why are you doing this to me? I feel like I adopted a very troublesome, difficult, Bin Hannity like, rebellious, mischievous, difficult, autistic, and delinquent honky I do not want or like. Kind of like my situation exactly right now and trying to get rid of them.

So Stars and Stripes just took one medal off her chest, would she like to roll the dice again and see if she can win two back? Her court martial is being processed as I had requested; if she is not a mad woman and a terrorist, then she will gladly reach out and get on the life boat before the ship leaves and the storm comes; if she is looking for something, then she wasted too much time goofing off. As I had mentioned, she has leeway in 2005 and 2006 as I was in rehabilitation mode and she finally cut loose at the same time; for me it was to gain my life back and slowly ease back. Bin Hannity said he and her hung out at the 2008 CPAC and at the bar all the time, so this is typical of the sex kitten and her way of proving she is my favorite and anybody's dream girl (streams of vomit). This chick is the biggest nightmare on earth but somehow I have power over her and she can be useful as a partner. She says it is her enemies conspiring to destroy and silence her which brought out blind hate. My god I have had at least 100 reports of lewd, lasivious, and singles swinger lifestyles which I think is true but cannot get the truth from anyone. Ann says she is going to sue them; she also says Matt Drudge is gay (idk... maybe she fisted him or gave him a hand? I read the crap all the time and she says it is all lies and then goes to dinner with some stranger). In her DVD, I think she was watching TV and referring to me in 1998-99 watching satellite TV all day.
CPAC Day 3 - Gossip Sheet
Posted by Kevin
Published: February 19, 2005 - 5:03 PM
CPAC 2005 Bloggers

EXCLUSIVE!!! MUST CREDIT WIZBANG, ETC...Are Ann Coulter and Matt Drudge an item? Appearing before a the Young Americans For Freedom, Ann Coulter responded to one randy students offer to buy her a drinks with, "I can't I've got a date with Matt Drudge. Drudge was a surprise guest of Coulter's during the question and answer session following her speech Saturday. The reports of other CPAC bloggers confirm that Drudge was in town with Coulter the entire weekend - they were spotted out and about together Friday.

Coutler is allegedly dating Ron Silver. 13. Posted by Jeff | February 22, 2005 10:58 PM | Vote up Vote down Report this comment Score: 0 (0 votes cast); [Note: After Ann got with me in April 2008, Silver died and she wrote his eulogy filled with more disgusting stuff. She claimed it was platonic and she was learning what marriage was like; maybe try perfection and not total dsyfunction. She claimed Silver was stalking her and not a friend, but her eulogy descrated his life but now was taken to the grave. I told her this was like kissing a zoo animal and beastiality and she shrugged it off as feeling loved and important; she said she had low self esteem. To this day, I do not know what she made up or if it was more than platonic, I have such a headache I don't even care anymore; all I said was if she can promise no more arguments and to do every possible to avoid one more debate or suspicion as a swinger or a mistress. She claims she is not cheap, sloppy seconds, and I am the only man in her 20 years but had to seek cover or seek help to the top. She thinks I like how famous and a celebrity is! Wow, kick ass! Her reputation is the worst in the industry and cannot get worse. Without me she had no lifeline and anyone to lean on; plus I was in a coma and told her to move on. Maybe she fell in love and secretly married him as his last wish before croaking? Ann claims not to be anti-semitic and says she used him to prove this, that is all it was because her critics were Jews and dirt bags.]

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My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.