Tuesday, August 25, 2009 Based on what Ann has told me, I will enumerate what she told me and the exposure I had with Both Bin Limbaugh-Hannity and how they nearly rewrote her life and made her a pariah by circling her and creating lies while Ann took care of her mom and dad; plus had me to worry about as I was recovering from a vegetable state and trying to be that Olympic athlete level once again. I honestly was aggravated by rumors and attacks on Ann; this persistent effort to suggest she is juggling several men at one time while in a relationship. Bin Hannity has only presented very flattering photo ops and not something real or concrete; but he is using it as a weapon and against Ann’s wishes or behind her back.
So Bin Hannity is trying to record and get her on tape to cover his tracks and build his legal defense “it was consensual.” While she tries to build her case “a calculated effort to harass and inflict emotional distress by being polite and lying in a gross manner to suggest…” He is trying now to catch her on tape and she is not biting because he did already and hung himself. Most of his claims were one or two appearances (one by FReeP and them promoting her by driving her to San Diego in 2006) at an industry event; she was on a book tour and was set up to make it look like a private event or vacation. He got caught in the act and trying to bop her over the head and steal her purse; guesses who caught him? This guy is a god damn kidnapper and kingpin figure who is linked to the 911 plot. God knows what they will do to save their skin and career.
Ann said that in a few instances where there was private or off camera matters; it was a phony and very platonic; nothing ever lasting and to indicate she was not interested (ie: random dinner with Ann’s mom but Ann; she said she would come into NY to visit and her mom and her would go out to dinner and Hannity sort of invited himself; the other one was some tennis match and the guy was emailing her mom and they were spying on her ailing mom; and I would say 90 per cent business or industry related event intended on establishing a secret life, hidden rumors, and wild times). Then they were messing with my head and trying to lock me out and I just got fed up and Ann got frustrated because she had at one point three people who needed care. Now it is down to one and things are in need of fixing because of who she claims is most important. I do not like the fight Ann put up but she drove them insane and gave them a lobotomy of her own. I am the fighter and duke it out or am so used to this terror plot and kidnapping.
So the strongest and most damning was Maher; then some fight erupted between LA and NY where Ann played one against the other. I would think being around married people would keep her out of trouble or hanging out with liberals. Again, it does appear business or industry related as she is investigating and studying them; as they did to us. After the drinking buddy and Maher hanging her (she does not deny non business related but says it was because the Clintons were trying to hang her and she led them on a goose chase and made them hot and steamy over nothing) she had to neutralize it or bring it back down. In came a few events and dates to dispel what that fight was about or why. I haven’t seen anything like I do but I take out my frustration and anxiety which appears to be raging jealousy and a homicidal tirade by insanely jealous people. They want her to look bad and feel humiliated by the years of attacks and smears. Their career and life is nearly over and they face legal destruction; so all they can do is cover up while the punches are coming and try to record her or plea with her for mercy (record her on tape to argue for consent or special access; protection and guardian status; even close intimate friendship off camera.)
So the NY-LA involved several of these men. She and I were aware of them and what they were doing as I fed her intelligence and events on this end so she would trap them on her end. Bin Hannity did not have dinner, any dates, or a single event where he came over or spent time with Ann outside of business, shows, or industry related events. Albeit, she did many shows with a lot of men; none of them claimed she was their girl or had some secret life with her. Ann knew she had been targeted by him and he sounded exactly like my biography; they cloned us and now he was after her. He has never offered stuff like “I call her daily-weekly” or “I come over her house and drop in all the time” (very dangerous and how murders always begin) or “we get together and discuss… go on vacation… do things off camera… always try to… “And something that would solidify a solid and concrete real relationship. Instead it is all phony and made up lies. Bin Hannity is a total fraud and a con man no less terrorists for a foreign nation.
Ann has cut me a lot of slack as she waited and waited until the attacks ended; which never did and resulted in a 7 year hiatus; it was a trap to lure another victim or manager into the fray and then pressure them; like island hopping or escalating to a supervisor. She was told to hide, stay behind the tree and do not come out. When she did come out, she had to pick me up and get help. I admit this and I admit getting wiped out; I was outnumbered by at least 1000 to 1 and was wiped out but did manage to deploy every defense and learn a lot. So I kept ordering Ann to hide and stay down; then they took a life ending final blow while in captivity and Ann was forced to disperse and come out; not saying a word till years later. I got very mad at her and she broke down because I was disappointed. She could not fight and did what she did and it ruined her image with me; it was not a fight but she injured them badly and by using her body and life as a punching bag and a buffer. So that is their legal defense on this entire matter; isolate us both so they can destroy us or try it again and again; another decade of this.
To much exposure to a parasite and such a menace daily for ten years and every waking moment while they attacked all day long is bound to damage your mental health and cause brain trauma. To watch who you love be struck down and to hide or only come out so you can carry him away and get help is not what I call a pleasant experience. To get near those who did it and not have the same fate or be carried off also is her victory but in the eyes of soldiers and commandos; she did not come to a fight to fight; that is her story to tell. That is what got her in hot water and caused her trust to slip or go up and down as she would be more and friendlier with them. They had no clue but were losing their minds thinking she knew or saw something; so they made her their leader. As far as how these stories and rumors or gossip breed and fester; it is because it is hard to nip it. It is intended to make her angry and push her buttons; to see what she can or cannot take; what angers her or drives her insane. She won that one. All of them do not sleep well and experienced stress on the level of a near nervous breakdown or will. It also shows they came prepared for a fight and are well seasoned.
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