Dear FBI contact, (FBI agents working with us on this case); all counter terrorist forces available:
We need to move on this and they are attacking; my trusted partner is also goofing off and messing up badly. They are attacking on this end and on all front lines; so here is what I need to ask from you... they are putting up a fight upstairs and their legal defense as well. I am going to change the date on this. Why do I keep writing these elaborate raid plans and arrest complaints? I set a deadline of two months; now I am spewing off what? Take a close look at the records; what is said and what is not said or even mentioned. I said we are closing up and pressing charges; why do I keep going on and on? Can anybody explain why or how their life is changing while ours also changes? Why only them?
Why am I writing more about this? We are moving to trial and it should have ended there; what now? Here is one, Hassan sounds like one of us or we have a lot in common with them? That will help their defense; if any. Everybody can see how it boosted their confidence; the problem is they are in my residence and have been in "ours"; the problem is they are spewing this daily when there is no access. We set a trap and here they are now trying to fight it and shut us up. It is not as if we are amateurs and it is not as if they are either. They claim we are in their trap and life. One day, Ann has to look me in the eye and face her problems; look what they did to both of us and why. She does not even have the power to look at me right now, why? How powerful am I and what did they do to this female if she was my best friend for over 20 years? Look what they did to her and me; then look at what they did to this nation and our future. I request all federal funds cut off the minute this trial begins until it is concluded. Look at how they act up until they were in custody and what we keep writing or have to beg for. Please cut off all of their federal funds and let them know clearly we did not enjoy the chase or all the obstacles and hoops.
I need you to file a case regarding 911 and trying to recruit us back in the 1990s after college. I had reported it once before. Now we caught the people red handed and set a trap; the recruiters are upstairs and we have the ring leaders. I will be coming in shortly; before the Christmas deadline I notified you; they are saber rattling on this end and calling my bluff. Also, they are spewing legal defense after being caught and captured; they claim we have gone insane and lost our mind when millions of people will ID the suspects in a line up. Millions of people witnessed this over the course of two years; so that is all the probable cause needed for conspiracy. The problem is they were and are still watching us closely and I can test them or do a probe.
They know I have warned the raiding and arresting party of how dangerous and clever they are; yet they still press onwards and attack; thus my warnings to shoot to kill. I can probe them as they will seek advantage or cheat profusely; then blame how they are victims. They will watch you also; beware and probe them. I can promise you right now, knowing of their pending arrest, they feel they are in control and on top of it; not even fearful or worried. Security is access and right now, that is their access and how they are doing this. They do not even listen to warnings or the charges for 911 and terrorism; not a blink or worry. The raiding party needs to be alerted of this and take caution; as I said, shoot to kill. Take them serious; they have a lot on the line. I am trying to draw in their police or security; then I will explain to them of the threat and pending arrest. They will go into court and say how we never indicated any resistance or effort to escape; to fight them. They will also ask when we knew and why we did not resist, scare them off, or if danger was posed. So even when we are filing charges; they are resisting and have us under close watch; stating how they are following our lead now.
So I have to do whatever is necessary to escape them or this preventive arrest plan they have in work. Not only is it illegal, they are fighting and shooting off legal defenses; they are using the access to create doubt and confusion. The law says "without reasonable doubt" and that is what they are attacking. The primary attack is from upstairs and whom was their bull horn for the past three years. So 911 was about "without reasonable doubt" and so was the Exxon Valdez. I need to take down the bull horn and the access first. Then I will probe them constantly to determine when we hit the nerve center or when they abandon their post. I had death threats from Israel daily and hourly with a technology called the APS high frequency ray; which induces severe pain. They hit both Ann and I daily with it to shut us up. Then claimed credit for it and said to shut up via normal channels; I document this. So these probes are important but I need a license to conduct them; to hold off their security and police.
We are being watched closely as I have indicated and describe. Through the years I have learned how to test them, detect them, and put them on a wild goose chase; to see their face when needed. You will recognize the crafty trap we set and how we caught the 911 masterminds; we knew they had to show up and face us. We threw bait out and they nibbled only. We finally set the hook. They put up a two year fight and we document this. They tried everything; short of murder. They will deny they did it or do not know who did it. They used it to recruit us in the 1998s and forced us in a corner as holocause deniers. We need to take them to court and get the details out of them; we made sure they cannot escape this or lie out of it. It has to be brought out when and if they ended this close watch on us as if we were or are captives; they claim they do not wish any trouble. So they knew and know we are pressing charges for 911 but they refuse to let go or be scared off. They are very polite about it and subtle.
The entire nation is watching and they did not know or cared enough to act? Do you see how they use victim hood or probe the nation with terrorism? I can do the same while arresting them or filing charges; they will continue to attack until we surrender, give up, go insane, or blow up from fear and worry. We test them just as much as they test us; however, look at the differences in the charges. We cannot fit in with them and we are too honest and intelligent. They refuse to leave or remove this grip on our life. They refuse to answer one question honestly.
Do we pretend to be communists or do they pretend to be Americans? Who is lying and who cannot fit in; an infidel? Did anybody notice how they cheat and steal everything? They claim we love them and did not put up a fight; if we do, we are arrested for opposing the will of the people; this is their home. Their behavior while getting arrested or charged says it all; we trapped them and have a bear trap on their leg. They use terrorism to probe for surrender and if we are watching them while they watch us. Who is watching who and who is avoiding any trouble? Look at their counter suit or allegations with Fort Hood; do we have anything in common with these people or are they following us and watching us closely?
They now claim they only want to follow us and have approved us; accepted us into their power existence or control. We nearly failed their test and fought out of their dangers; now we join their ranks and it is a period of mutual respect. They were only following us now and working together to fix the nation. There is a lot of fixing going on. The bio-terrorism now is only doing laundry at the same time; they do not want any trouble or problems. They refuse to stop and are only following our lead and us even when they know what the charges against them are. Then entire nation is reading it and identified them in a line up; millions of witnesses. They like the crowd were just fooling us and never meant any harm. We got hit with every single form of terrorism from 1998 to 2009; every single form and we are trained in counter insurgency and are the professors of this topic; it is no novice and uneducated fool. We can even describe how we penetrated and caught them to a science. All they can say is how they only wanted to help, it is their home, and they refuse to leave, and meant no harm.
I will come in and file a formal charge; less than a few weeks; my warnings are ignored and I am spit at daily still. They are standing me off right now and trying to push the envelope to call my bluff such ass, "If you are prosecuting the 911 terrorists, why are you living in a run down $350 apartment." Then I get the ring leaders legal defense by the only access to my life; upstairs. Read my report about the home invasion in 2006 and ask why they did not call the police or ever wake up when screaming and yelling; a fight was downstairs? They never once came outside or spoke to the police, strange. Even more strange is the access and where the source of death threats, harassment, bio-terrorism, vandalism, and surveillance was from. Also the reports to the FBI and who we are; who are we? It is called no respect for others or human life. I want to charge them for the principle contact and recruiters for the 911 plot which dates back to the early 1990s. I have prepared all of the legal briefs and trying hard to tolerate the resistance and fight they are putting up; they push and push onwards with this as if they are invincible and can fight out of it.
So I will come in and file formal charges. We have prepared the entire case for trial; it is not only probable cause. I would like them detained and arrested until this is over with; for this to finally end. If you can call them in, question them, and have an arrest warrant drawn up; we can begin the trial for the masterminds and the political recipients behind the terrorist plots in America for the past 50 or so years. I also need federal lawyers to read the legal brief and questioning already done and in progress. They confessed but claim it was for a good reason or in the name of the people. They claim we are their children and they are our parents; national coaches. They continue to attack and I called off the Christmas deadline; they cannot even wait two months; claim they do not want any trouble and when the military will arrive to fight them. They are in my apartment spewing off legal defenses; so if they lie under questioning; I think you will know for sure how they wish to proceed. They claim I am an accomplice because they bugged or had bugged our homes and offices. So you must also be an accomplice of theirs also because they bugged your home and residence or kidnapped your family. They claim we lost our minds and do not fit in; thus are angry and jealous of their power or prestige; they are superior.
Everything about this case can be reviewed and analyzed; when we confronted our attackers; what they said; what they did; and how the exchange went; we wish to press charges for 911 and using it as a terrorist recruitment trap for communist spies:
As you can also see, my predicament is similar to the victims of the Exxon Valdez oil spill in Alaska in 1989. This is not Exxon behind this; it is the unions, left wing, and communist; the people's court. It is the will of the people and their secret police. It is also related and you need to read why they did this and to whom; my life is undergoing the same experience and exact similar financial wipe out. The recruiter for this is upstairs; they work for Israel and already verified this and solicited our recruitment day after day. They showed up and showed up their weapons; then ordered us to back down and shut up. They are watching and have us under surveillance; I can test them and probe them indiscriminately. I have learned over the years how to make them scream or appear; how to make them attack or silence down. It is a people's revolution.
In summary, the people behind 911 were the communists; however, people are more likely to work for Israel or the Jews than they would the KGB or terrorists; they kept claiming to me how they were the police and I did not want to get in trouble and played along; then when we sued them; we got blamed and arrested for being an accomplice; which threw us completely off their tracks. Now we set an elaborate trap and surely, all of them showed up and admitted it. They still claim we made no effort to escape despite their harassments. We need to target specific sources of this opposition and cut off their federal funds; this was for resisting arrest and driving us insane when we gave them 2 months before bringing it to trial. Maybe that will send a clear message and a big ENOUGH! They are all suicidal, worthless, and think it will help their future; why should it? Please cut off any future funds and strangle them until they cooperate and give us the full truth; the entire plot; all the future ring leaders and conspirators.
I need you to draw up the arrest warrants; ask them a few questions; determine if they will be honest or cooperate; and then begin to squeeze them or contain them until this investigation is complete. Some of them do not want to go down alone and seeing how badly they messed up; all of their work is laughable and such a joke; I was able to neutralize and humiliate all of the efforts. We have prepared the entire case and posted it online; so any effort to stop it is impossible. This will be the third time in ten years to try this. We have learned how they behavior and how outrageous they get. Also, what lengths they will go such as terrorism and cold blooded murder.
When I reported attacks and attacks on DC in 1998; I blamed the unions. I believe that office was attacked by the DC sniper. I could not give names and describe the fog of agents and spies on me. I contacted every lawyer in the yellow pages; only 10 or so would listen to my case. I had no idea and could not control the entire wave after wave. Now we can come in and give you names, places, who, what, where, when, and why. I need your help to arrest them; please help and understand we have been through a hellacious experience also and how dangerous it got and became. There is a revolution going on in Congress and this is just a small bite out of it.
Upon posting this, I had a face to face with both of them. They were making loud noises, screaming, and threatening to call the local police. I said I have the FBI on the line and they have 15 minutes to clear this up and establish communications. Why they hear 911; have suspicious allegations; and do not notify the police or clear this up is a mystery. They will get 15 minutes and we will go on attack until they cease or end this stand off. I also identified myself and said I have the FBI on the line and wish to establish a line of communication; they said nothing and began singing; then said to get out of their face. I will inform the local police they are preventing a raid and gathering information leading up to a 911 terrorist raid; not to infere and we are probing them until they cease this surveillance and illegal spying or psychological warfare; reasonable doubt campaign. After 15 minutes, it is clear what is going on. There is no reason for local or state police to interfere or watch us; we are moving to raid them; not be blocked or killed in doing so. We hear and heard what they said already; and how they say it. 15 minutes is the deadline and last chance before we go on attack until they are captured, killed, or in custody. Also my escape and kidnapping charges. They are not in control and if they wish to resolve it; then this is the deadline. They are hacking in our systems now and attacking; some signal they wish a stand off. Maybe that is why the surveillance and obstacles or attacks; pretty serious charges to be doing this but documented heavily for trial. They do not take the charges seriously, which to verify or establish contract, or heed any warnings; how do they get out or end this? The local police came and they said they will check up with the FBI and will send someone over tomorrow.
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- My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.
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