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Thursday, November 26, 2009


I also told her to avoid the Restoration Weekend and do not make this worse; no more chances and no explanations wanted; I do not wish to talk about it any more. I do not want to hear it or anything until this is over. I see it as a cold case and even a murder plot on a stripper I do not know. I have told Ann and taken her aside; as a little sister, and asked her how many 2nd chances so far (at least 20 to 50 and she admits messing up and not intentionally pissing me off or business only); I said no more second chances; even cats only have 9 lives; are you a cat? I will finish this and if she wishes to find me; then we will discuss it then. This is not Ann Arbor, MI and the founding of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) in Palm Beach, FL; nor the most secretive terrorist meeting in thou would. Ann needs to control her emotions or behavior as well. You figure it out if 100 models are lined up end to end.

Women love me; I can do much better and have before; Ann tires too easily and tries too hard; but still I was best friends with her. To me it is no longer about who is right and wrong; how much she hates them; or what her or my intentions are; I tried my best and she made it harder for me when I did; but I refuse to let that affect my feelings or this case. If it leads to a divorce or me never talking to her; so be it; who dares wins. I also asked her to stop telling me she loved me and she did not agree to this; which caused severe mixed emotions. She is getting to old and I know this; plus her problems has to do with friendship and taking advantage of it.

Dear Ann; Sweetheart, let me tell you what upstairs and Tom Bauer of WBEN, Buffalo said to me about the lady upstairs; Sue Who the powerful union leader and concubine. Bauer said they do not like you and want you gone; are behind this harassment also, and have sent the girl upstairs to beat you down or address the complaints against you. The complaint they have is how you use sex to manipulate men and they said you deny sex to your husband. I state for the record I had been with you for over 20+ years and am intimate. When I said this and wrote it, they said I had to show your and my private parts or some sexual evidence. I said WTF; show me your mother and fathers have sex; I want proof. This is how insane they are; they said they want proof after I just wrote it. They fabricate all these lies and show no proof; I write it down and they know it is true and want proof?

Bauer admitted he was in a conspiracy and linked to Al Qaeda. Both he and upstairs (Sue) said they were ready to die; he said or referred he was ready to die today November 26, 2009. Curtis Sleewa knows who I am on the B. Sean Hannity pages; I show him why he and me are fearless, telling the truth, and why true warriors do not think about getting hurt when in war or a fight. If you are military and think about getting injured; you are in the wrong business. Bauer has admitted he is a Rush surrogate, union spy, and linked to the Buffalo, NY police and Al Qaeda; I knew this and he, Laura, and upstairs had emerged, then submerged or hid, then came back when the fight was ongoing to see if we knew it was them. They do not swear allegiance to the United States and consider themselves conservatives. If I listen to his show; Sue upstairs starts banging, rattling my nerves, and begins to act very agitated; here is what they said on November 26, 2009; this was absent for several months; they know we know it all.

He knows this bunch is charged with every form of terrorism on domestic soil since the 1960s; it is their new invention; something of their creation we have never seen. They are charged also with hunting down Delta Force and the murder of Delta Force operators in some secret war to see who is better and can get away with this. Delta has not responded and we are trying to take them to trial and justice; they are behind all of this and all of them say they are ready to die; they have several options. All of them are communists or linked to communists and terrorists; they kidnapped me and my unit; tried to do very bad things to murder enemies. I have and did serve with Delta Force, US Rangers and they ruined this; the Army offered me a medical job and an option to be retired or go through therapy or treatment; I thank them. I went onwards with my mission and this matter; not taking any focus off.

They were the ones who made contact in VA about terrorism anonymously and did this in NY in an active Al Qaeda cell; there is only two ways to contact me, two; email-internet or in person; so I do not read any email. I use one email heavily monitored between myself and the FBI. I use it to talk to the FBI only. They claim they “have always stood with us and are always there for us” (Rush Limbaugh Show 11/26/2009 1:23:47 PM) and Curtis said they will take a bullet for each other and murder enemies. This bunch murdered Delta Force units and creates so much pain and suffering not necessary on people who had nothing to do with this; slaughtered or butchered human beings. They also want to blow up Delta HQ, what Rush calls his SOCOM. I do not care how much they wish to be friends or if they will take a bullet or murder for me; I do not want or wish them in my life; they stalk and kidnap everybody; hijack the nation; and do not even ask or go away when asked to. Then they lie about it and claim they mean us no harm; we need them, their help, and their votes.

They claim to be conservative and lie pathologically. They complain about Ann and all the grievances they have on or about her so I dump or give up on her; they are trying to destroy her and myself. Sweetheart, they say you denied your husband sex for over 20 years and use sex to manipulate other men. I keep telling them to wait until trial arrives; your or our sex life is not on trial. I keep saying to wait for trial and do not keep attacking or contacting us illegally; we do not wish to hear their grievances about how Ann manages her sex; she is close to being heartbroken and asked for marriage counseling; they refuse her demands. I said Ann better hang them at trial or show me more fight; look at Curtis Sleewa.

What this bunch and these 911 supervisors are doing is carrying a toy plastic baby doll and pretending to rescue or keep it alive; it is fake and some media stunt or rewards; profiteering. They claim they are always there for us in bad times and will say and do anything; even murder; they continue to contact us illegally after 30 years. We had to catch them; they refuse to show their face or who they are; we asked for ID many times and they only throw out dead bodies. If they demand or need health care; then some form of program can be designed but the cost must be rock bottom. Those ailments which are known to cause bankruptcy can be addressed or subsidized. We understand that rich or poor; some illness may lead to bankruptcy because of cost and ability to pay.

Bauer was linked to both Al Qaeda and this bunch, add the knob; he also admitted it and being one of their warriors ready to die. Others do not know who he is and if he lied to them; a secret life. They continue to suggest Ann uses sex and withholds it for 25 years; we are on a mission and they prolong it and make it harder and harder. Also, I state this is not true; they claim she is a whore, slut, hoe, high priced hooker, etc… I asked her and she told me the story. Ann and I are intimate and have been but I do not say anymore or less; that is degrading to ask to see or grabbing someone’s private parts for them. They want to see us naked or have sex; on their order. The legal case is not over but they are claiming to be there, fixed it, and cannot put back or make us whole. They said and pleaded, whimpered and begged; even offered their own child for us. I could also have a kid and they fixed it.

We are capturing them and on a mission; they have sex and demand we show our private parts to them to prove we are intimate and she is not a slut or whore as they claim. They use the messenger upstairs (Sue) to get close, spend time, bond, and to dispel the problems Ann has or they created; they created these problems. They claim Sue (upstairs) was to be my wife or some cheap hooker; they are always there for us. If I want a man hooker or a kid; both of them are there for us also. I had confirmed all of this and what they did or said; they were exposing and showing their private male parts during the 1990s in the most disgusting manner and would not stop. They claim we are never there for them while they are always there and will take a bullet for us. I always confirm they are into child abductions, kidnapping, killing, torture, rape, and horrendous crimes. I do not know if Sue is a hooker or a wife-consummate concubine; she portrayed both. They know Ann cannot have kids after their attack on our family; they claim they fixed this and cannot be charged with anything. We refused any of their fix or help.

So they are complaining for these suspects who Ann caught and lured in. I passed my data to her and she was fly paper; they circled her and tried to be her staff and support; friends of this family and wild bunch. Ann denies she ever had sex or was interested in them; they know it because they are sinking and near rock bottom; they claim she let me go to the bottom and rock bottom; not true. I cannot say why or what; it is not true and she did not. I also admit for the first time and in written form; Ann and I had been fiancé, a couple, partners, and was intimate. That is not a lie and I will swear to it in court. I refuse to give details. This is a military-private investigation over 30 years long; a chase and cat-mouse game between terrorists and anti-terrorists forces.

This bunch is behind the murder of all Delta Force operators and we caught them on our soil hunting us and kidnapped us, our family, and trying to take a bullet for them. Every form of terrorism on US soil has come from this bunch; it was the effectiveness during the 1960s and exploded in the 1980s. We have confirmation they profited each and every time; there is massive profit; and they have never lost or have been caught. We confirmed they confessed it was for propaganda and credibility. They are behind communist plots, overthrow of the US, conspiracy to commit all attacks on the US; we fixed this finally and caught them in the process. Terrorism is not all they are behind or up to; I describe how they perfected abduction and kidnapping and identify rape and murder of females.

The problem is their allegiance. Lacking any truth, they claim to be conservatives while herding us to the left wing and liberal side. They claim this is where the best go; it is not a club on the other side; it is private and exclusive. Their allegiance is not to the USA or the respect of other human beings. If they wish to show their allegiance, they can quickly end this or wait until trial so the truth can surface. We know they do not swear allegiance to the US already and they told us this over and over; tortured us until we did also in an effort to re-educate us. Bauer was one of the NY contacts; he walked into a trap. He mentions Rush and Sandy often; the radio state. Bauer is linked to Sue and Chris upstairs, they do not like attention on this level; to be left alone. Bauer confirmed the complaint about the use of sex on us, denial of sex to them, and over 20+ years of this. They were behind this in VA and now NY; upstairs is their messenger and this club and bunch. They refuse to wait for trial and moving to evict us or more terrorism-retaliation. What we can do to them is much worse than what they can do to us.

Ann is not a nun, trust me. I am upset with her but she has not given the full story. I am not complaining about sex or lack of sex; I am upset they messed up and screwed up both of our lives. Ann and I cannot have kids naturally now. Ann breaks down and is hurt and they want me to demand sex from her or accuse her of deny sex to strangers or her enemies? In war, you cannot be scared for you life or this “designed to frighten, panic, terrorize, or scare people.” True warriors do not scare easily or lie about it. Using terrorists increases their coward credibility while slandering their enemies as buffoons and victims. I never had a problem and can get a really good woman; they want me to just walk away from Ann when she is bleeding or hurt. Who will have sex and demand sex if she is injured and in pain? I try to help her and told her to let me handle it and do not make it worse; she sort of listened. They tried to mess everything up and block us; to cover it all up while framing us so they could charge us with the same “death sentence.” If we are a couple, they attack and say she denies me sex or denies her husband sex; that is not even their business. If it was, why are they arguing my side or feelings? Also, we know Sarah Paling is doing the exact same and knows more about the Exxon Valdez.

Nobody was authorized to contact us illegally from 1989 to 2009; nobody. Why they show how they know us since childhood is odd; or each of us. They claim this; do not know that; and it is insane. We were undercover and on a mission; now we had to catch them and fix the nation. Then we have to put all of them on trial and stop this killing spree and crime spree. Women desire marriage and are fooled to have sex. Ann and I have been together for 20+ years; we have links to the Pentagon and FBI. I do not believe a word they say but a lot of women get in bad relationships with these men; now their life falls apart and we wonder why? So virgins sometimes are good and bad; not all women who are not virgins are whores and sluts; they emphasize this repeatedly. In the case with Ann, her reputation with them is suffering; and I restored her name and for the record. It is war with these folks and we cannot worry about what they will do to us; they need to worry about what we can do to them; correct? Nobody is authorized to contact us and if they do; they must give a proper and full explain. If they had a problem with us while undercover; fine; nobody said to talk to us or contact us upwards of 20+ years. When you are undercover and they clone us; that is their problem and life; not ours.

Ann said she was a virgin when she was married and do not believe in sex before marriage; I confirm this. She said this after we were reunited in April 2008; I have it on video and on Fox News. They lied badly about this fantasy she is their wife; all of them. They tried to lie and destroy her because she rejected and would not have sex with them; they went so far as to auction her virginity to the highest bidder. Trust me, she cannot go through life without sex or intimacy; but circumstances prevent you from being with your husband or wife; so you wait patiently and for a good reason. Ann tells me all the time how madly in love she is and how she would never ever do this; it is a lie and unless they write it down as I have; ignore it and how they are cowards and fear a legal suit. Look what B. Bill Maher did and got laughed at; nobody on his show ever said or claimed his claims; not even a nobody girl. All of them contacted us illegally and had been for over 20+ years; they are behind the attacks on the nation and linked to terror plots and much worse.

Here is what I do not understand. They claim Ann uses sex and denies her husband sex; I disprove this and state we are intimate and she came to DC in 1998 to get married. Then all hell broke loose and the nation was attacked. I had told Ann in 1990 I wanted two kids and would not print any books until they were old enough or on their own. She said she would work and we planned this. Then she got a house and we were looking for each other. Now we did not know who did this and it takes a full decade, two arrests and prison terms, and four pages of felony charges. At the end, Ann and I cannot have kids now, must adopt or artificially inseminate, and we cannot be angry or file any complaint. I am lost for words when I tell them I have injuries, need surgery, and delay medical care until this standoff is done. I am not abandoning my unit or asking to leave the battle; I will fight until I need life support.

In addition, if they prolong it and lie or delay it; harass, intimidate and take us out; then how do they blame us or suggest we must have sex with them, they fixed this, and mean no harm. The record shows I have asked if he is ready to end this and the sooner he and they do; the sooner we can go on vacation, honeymoon, get married, get medical care, and finish up. Are they suggesting scrapping that and we are in trouble and cannot? If so, then what are they suggesting or implying now, death? Is that a scare, care, or death tactic? We are back to the 1990s again and how this began; we could have resolved this a long time ago; why is this November 2009 and still not over? Why? Did they turn themselves in or did they try to get away, hide, and conceal a massive conspiracy? Can they prove this? Can they show us a time line of events and what they claim occurred? Why not end this so we all can move in or on?

B. Rush Limbaugh addressed this on Thursday, November 26, 2009 and we were only listening. He made only four comments; that were all and all four are time stamped. He also claims these terrorist plots, murder-rape-kidnappings, and felony charges are merely “11/26/2009 2:21:01 PM designed to frighten and scare people…to terrorize them… to put them in panic more than a scare tactic.” He already claimed people fall for these hoaxes or not all the time whether or not they are directly involved, asked for it, and takes credit for it. All they do is profit and exploit them but they are involved in the cover-ups only. They only use them to recruit and use it to increase their power, profit, membership, etc… they just did not do it over and over again or admit to it.

The police are the last line of defense; their eyes-ears; and power-authority; it is an instrument of oppression and corruption. If we did all of this, then we establish we are the last and final line of defense; is there any other out there; use it or loose it? I do not blame people and understand they are mad; I blame them for being mad at me and demand an explanation and confession of what they did or tried.

When I describe the wave after wave of them in VA; I also describe similar in NY; almost like a police and following you everywhere. I believe them to work for the police and their effort is to say "go away" or "mind your own business." I would not double is they working for the police or some street intelligence; an eyes and ears for the communist; almost similar to a neighborhood watch. They used to make sure they beat you to intersections; every single one. The degree of games on the road is immense; almost like harassment. Mostly, in VA it was primarily blacks in and around the VA-DC area. In NY it is all white and if you are on the interstate, they play games in their car and box you in while riding on your wings. Sometimes they sneak up on your blind side. In NY it was mostly how you are driving too slow and then the police watch you really closely; if you try to follow the speed limit, they honk and harass you; confusion. It is some illegal surveillance and harassment and it is not intended to be friendly or for any good.

I also describe the type of contact they did and how. So when we describe or list out the type of attacks and what I called wave after wave; the same thing happened in NY. Then when I describe an almost secret police and how nasty they are or the games they play; it is a form of harassment and they team up and bully you all day long; just to drive you insane or make you very angry with them. When it comes to injuries; the degree of bio-terrorism was much more severe than it was in VA. Then just when you think the coast is clear and no more commuting nightmare; they hit with some form of inert gas or anesthesia inside the cabin. If you are drunk or had been drinking; it might feel as if you passed out. If you are not drinking, it feels like you fall in and out of sleep with your head bobbing up and down. No matter what you do, you cannot fight it and they regulate the amount to take you to that point and stop. They do this and if you are too strong; they soften you up and then do it again and again. The idea is you will eventually give up and soften up about them. It is either you go or them; an existential threat; us or them mindset also. This group is a collective unit and collective effort.

It sounds insane but that is what we observed and it is very subtle. They harass the hell out of you and just when you think it is over; the killer one comes. After we caught them and they were busted; they simply wanted to say they meant no harm and would wave us by or let us have the right of way. The idea is to go to a four, three, two way stop sign and test you. On the highway, they want to know if you will let them in or cheat. They ride you and cut in or always ask for permission to cut in. So when it is day long, one after the other, you know it is intentional. The idea is they will support you and push you; then you let them in when and if they signal you. The other signal is they order you when and if you must leave; if they say go you must leave or else they punish you for no reason; that is the point, they want total control and you do whatever they want no questions asked. You must be promoted and they must pull together to blow your sails until you agree to let them in. It is a subliminal game they play with you in cars and they will cripple you if they cannot weaken or soften you; no less kill you when you fight them or try to take them out.

They will only single you out when you are a threat; they leave others alone. If you have something they want or they see how to max out their credibility; they take it and steal it; they will take a bullet for you. They will do and say anything for you; even kill and murder rampages. If you see that as love, murder, terrorism; then it is. That is how they show love; it is not war it is murder. It is hard to figure out who they are and how to stop them. It is nearly impossible to catch the person behind it; you must set a trap as we did but that is who called us about every form of terrorism imaginable, what impact it has, and how they can benefit off death and murder. They are behind all if not most of the domestic and international terrorism from 1960s to 2009; we saw the last two years what they can do here and abroad. The police are the only way to win and cover up or remove evidence; to form this slanderous or reasonable doubt. It is also excellent intelligence and a great way for surveillance or authority. Their last line of defense is the police; if global then it becomes the military and global policing. That is 911 and life and death emergency; when the police are needed; the response time; and why it either goes wrong or ignored. Without the police they will loose every single battle and the entire war. Everybody is innocent until proven guilty; thus the legal system is a business and criminal enterprise.

The charge of DUI is a hoax. I have an allergic reaction to hops and beers. I only drink beer when I go out. I time out drinks on an empty and full stomach; I have seen every kind of drinker alive. I have seen reactions to pure grain, all liquor, and the effects on my own body size. I have studied the rate of consumption a liver is expected based on size and weight. I have a lot of knowledge and this DUI charge was a scare tactic. If I have a beer; they did not say whether I drove for 30 seconds, 2 minutes, 10 minutes, 45 minutes, 2 hours, or slept in the car. I can write a book based on scientific research conducted while we were in high school; even the effect of grain psycho=echohall and death. I also am allergic to hops and it varies; I get sick first not drunk; so I have a natural defense unless I am on medication to address this allergen. I get sick before I am intoxicated and am never drunk or intoxicated. Also having attended two parties a week in high school; I rarely ever drink more than 3 beers in one night, very rarely over 3 to 4 hours. In the eyes of the state, one beer per hour is not a crime but it is also not recommended. The formula if you go to dinner and drink 3 beers at dinner or a wedding is to wait 3 hours before driving home; but this is not recommended; find a designated driver if you can. The only way you can accuse someone of DUI is to give them a sobriety test or breathalysers; that must be immediate. Slander or humiliating them as a drunk or offender is a scare tactic. The use of anesthesia in a car, plane or ship is a murder attempt and assassination attempt; terrorism.

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My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.