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Sunday, October 24, 2010


Fact: iHannity said you were on his show yesterday Ann, so I tuned in and he was making death threats with Dick Morris on you about legal teams to finish them off. I said then lets not play games and I will go into hiding immediately and you can read about it.

Note: The psycho lunatic who escaped from the mental ward, Xtra Large, has made new incredible insights, "there is nothing to steal... how do you expect me to feed my kids... its over (love affair)... stop laughing at us... why do you have to be so mean." So that is what you are reading and what this was about. Oh and she also said and wants everybody to know, "you are the one who got kicked out...why do you have to be so mean... we are sorry" on October 22, 2010. Sounds like I moved out with a 4 grand laptop, kick ass Trans Am, 2 grand worth of computer equipment, 4 books, and a criminal and civil law suit on the most disgusting human beings that have walked this planet. Oh and a hot wife who is rich and now a legend.

Face the reality: So all of this violence and cupid faggot kink is about the molester and pervert upstairs who is trying to have a kid. One of my babies and sperm sell now sells for fifty times what it used to. "Make up your mind if you want to watch me dance or jerk off. You have to get your rich Jewish girl to show off your tits and collect cum for you, that is how poor your Irish ass is; always talking to the hand. Oh nobody likes you either because you are not a Jew and fake; always coming to shows without money or hope of a sexy man like me. That is how poor you are and the only way you can get a big fat boner, watch me in the shower and thinking it is your droopy dirty purple titty. You are obsessed with me and so mean also!" Go eat yourself loser.

Ann, I need you to prepare the notes and the legal case and get that five million retainer ready. The moment we are ready with this; I want you to begin the process of taking it to trial or settling out of court. I have done as expected on this end and have finished the briefs and notes; they are wishy washy. They are playing games and saber rattling with the legal system; so a 20 million legal team should wake their ass up a bit. I was on my way into hiding and destroying them anyways; so I am not planning on sticking around if and when I destroy them. I have destroyed them and then some; I will do it again or at a new "legal" level if they push us to the brink or mess with us again. So small claims court is one thing. A rent refund is another. A million and billion dollar legal suit in civil court is another world; especially when it is a legal team of 20 million dollar young turks trying to make a name for themselves. I can prove I live on only $400 a month and was reduce by 50% or more.

Now I am almost 200% and mad as hell. They got to go, if they stay, then they want to fight. I am telling the FBI and law enforcement now; they are this stupid and total retards to take this to another level. All they want to do is put a gun to our head, make us look stupid, or humiliate us and force us to battle them until we can chase them off. How long do they expect to survive another fight if we refuse to be an honest broker? Beat us up or constantly trying? If they need some help waging war on America, let us know and we can help them.

I am one of those people that have no fear. I will turn their foreign nation or military into rubble. I will just remove their regime and wish they were never born. Bring me to the point, I will go into hiding and tell them to go to hell; I am out of here. So now they face a 20 million lawyer team; get it ready Ann, I am in no mood for messing up or making us look stupid again. So breaking us and keeping us apart has caused more anger and my decree to destroy them all; get the legal team prepped, chosen, evaluated, and let them know this is a chance in a lifetime. You are fighting with and for legends; do not come with your game face. Come with the idea we will crush them for what they have done, keep doing, and these constant attacks or desperate infliction of emmotional distress or civil rights violations. Regardless, they still have not learned and even if they say we are the best in the world; shake their booty and saber rattle more and more. Let these lawyers know what they do for us will take them to new levels of their life and careers. I am the best and I promise them this reality; ask Ann. I suggest they settle this out of court and step down and go away.

Ask iRush or iHannity if Alex will laugh if you point a loaded gun at his head? Now point a satellite or some other weapon they are trying to hit us with. The death threats and the gimmicks or deadly lies; will be destroyed, flee now and back down or face legal war and total destruction. Choose now and in front of the public. So get them ready, prepped, and geared up Ann; I am heading down there after I get this cleaned up. They want a fight legally, I can grant them this wish. They want to test how easily I can destroy them with my eyes shut or along the stratosphere; be careful, we did not start this. I have ripped them apart and then some and taken them piece by piece; if they wish to test this out of court; then do not expect me to be fearful or show any of this giddy feelings they have. After the stratosphere, there is nobody out there and no oxygen; zero gravity. If I position and push you out there; do not expect to find me or hear me whimper about how you put up a really good fight. I hope they learned this lesson about playing or toying with matters they do not understand. If they do not know, then do not mess it up.

Also, the psycho upstairs says they are counter suing me for $331 dollars in wages. I have asked them to file charges with the FBI and let them know if I did anything illegal. They were talking about DUI, internet dating, and just nonsense. I can prove how many drinks I can drink in 24 hours, only 4 due to allergies. Then I can prove the duration I am at a bar (2 hours to 4 hours). How do you compute a DUI out of this formula? After 3 beers I cannot breathe and must stop. I never drink hard liquor even if it is my favorite and choice. I can prove it and this intimidation was ludicruous at this level; but it shows we destroyed them legally and took them apart scientifically. Do not make me loose faith in the system or cause me to become an illegal person who fights unfairly; I do this extremely well and never loose. I am verified and it is documented. There is nobody after iRush and unless they wish to replace his communist and terrorist leadership; they must understand he was destroyed very easily and a joke. Do not cause me to go into hiding again or consider it. It is time they go. Do not stay unless you want a fight and the worst nightmare of your life. This is no longer up for debate or consideration. Maybe they are too stupid because only a dumb ass would put themselves or get themselves in that position.

Read what I said to the iRush and iHannity about world war and what I can really do; how do we start world war with them or do they just beat us up every single day? That slut iHannity says he wants to see us in action and XXX. Wait until a 20 million legal team cross examines them; they did not write anything down, nothing.

Thursday, October 21, 2010



Exactly like a robbery or an armed heist, they repeated hourly and at all hours of the day about surveillance on them or some camera they could not dodge. They rushed us and attacked before we could call for help or sound the alarms. They tried to overpower or seize control so that the ending and the outcomes went according to their plans. We were at times under either gunpoint, some remote threat, and under constant watch by some guard or some form of security. The sensation was a perception of having mouth taped and hands tied behind your back; powerless. This constant watch and around the clock guard made sure you were powerless and was scolded heavily for any wrongdoing. It felt like a button was pressed and cars would come around or show up to show they were in control and knew everything being done inside the residence.

The question once all of this security and surveillance was bungled or defeated was how to walk out of the predicament or cover it up. This is where the mastermind and the landlord became useful. Ignoring the repeated lewd, harassment, bullying, bomb plot messenger service, and other complaints kept power and control over the eviction process. All they wanted to do was sneak a peak, select what they wanted to steal or how much money was being demanded, and get out or get away before the police were on to them. It got crazier and crazier as their plans were messed up or disturbed more and more. They wanted to figure out if they had to destroy any surveillance or this camera they felt was undefeated. They felt there was a secret backup or safety recording device which eventually caught them and revealed all their plans.

They kept on saying "we" or "they" knew everything and they were ready to die. They were very professional and left little evidence until we cornered them and interviewed them. Instead of writing it down or saying it, they acted it out and repeated the crime over and over. One minute they appeared normal, the next they were raging madmen or crazed lunatics. There were days and months where it was all day long; no transformation into a normal person whatsoever. It was difficult to tell if they were real or faking the psycho and madman act; they lie incessantly. It was hard to tell if the death threats and threats about this never ending were true or not. When they could not get an immediate reward, they used services, suggested accomplices, racked up labor and other fees of business, and then tried to escape paying these labor costs by saying they wanted to only help. This game of lying continued into court and after the police was involved; always misleading and causing others to mess up or get confused.

All of it traced back to a job in 1986 and brush up with the labor unions; this Revolutionary Command in America. They said this would never end but we have won a major battle; broken their blockade on our life and could identify them for other crimes. They had layers of security and backup. By getting close and befriending us, they could walk in our life anytime and also walk out; not leaving any trace. They fabricated and made up bizarre stories and fantasies involving sex, kids, parents, and what others consider to be normal courtship or family. They did not fumble with material or information; when threats of getting caught were disclosed to them; they felt it was a bluff and were certain enough to take greater risk. They were convinced we were fake and could not get away; information did not take time or have to be analyzed. They had cased us for years and knew everything; every detail.

They could recall small details off the top of their head. They could describe meetings ten years ago or one single conversation. They were so confident; they used us as messengers to law enforcement and the FBI, to inform them they were for real and not to be taken lightly. They made sure none of the labor costs could be charged to them or traced to them; anonymous. They made sure a jury would believe them or others had lost their minds, crazy. They said one false step and it was a death sentence; they did not want to get hurt or any trouble. They said there was resistance from only two people; not two hundred or two thousand of us. Therefore, they only tried to overpower two people and did not know if more trouble was coming.

Already a death sentence and disaster, they kept compounding more and more crimes. They kept saying it was getting worse and worse; more and more problems until it was "undeniable" or "indefensible." They said the two people never get kicked out; hence, they sat on a treasure trove far beyond bank accounts. They knew something was recording them to a partner or suspected some form of bust imminent via another partner. They tried to impersonate this partner or close relative; speak on their behalf. As things winded down, they refused to turn over their crew or accomplices; instead made it appear the guilty party turned them in and was complicit; shared guilt for all that happened. They refuse to assist or help solve the case. In the end, they made it look and feel as if we were either a test tube baby of theirs or they were a test tube baby of us; yet there were so many of them reinforcing how legitimate it all was.

What they had taken or were caught with was determined to be linked to the same crime, a security feature which they were not aware of when the robbery occurred. They made it appear as if they were investigating us and we were now clear and free to leave on our own volition. They denied any attempt or act of malice. They claim we were cleared of all malice and this was how it was supposed to end. Although it was a take over and a robbery; they pulled it off by sworn secrecy and acts which appeared to be police tactics or some form of investigation. What they stole or got they hid cleverly; much more than money or valuable goods. Then they claimed they had a trump card on our life, nobody could link them to the same crime or prove they were crazed maniacs and terrorists. They did this to seek pity and when this was denied or not available; had to get rid of and plot a murder to get away or flee safely. They were neck deep and the stakes were too high.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Ann, WTF. I asked you to tell me who was doing this to you and who was trying to kill you. Why the hell are you sending me Bill Maher material and more of Lisa DePasquale dressing up or wearing your clothes stuff? Why is this race problem white and black but Mafia and labor union? Why is this about the Catholic Church and land sales? Why does it all focus on Asia and the Cold War? Why are they all construction companies, electronic surveillance, and home improvement terrorists? Who is doing it Ann, tell me sweetheart....

CLICK HERE for De Pasquale’s Dozen: Eric Metaxas by Lisa De Pasquale
CLICK HERE for Bill Maher Uses Brett Favre's Penis Sexting To Bash Sarah Palin and White Men by Noel Sheppard

Ann I have charged Sue and Chris Young with attempted murder and the landlord. I cite them using me to bait or lure a rescue; to try and have me scream for help while hiding to ambush whom survived. So they ambushed you and then fabricated some bizarre sex, rape, and insane plot on you. During this insane plot, they were tricked into thinking you were higher up or more powerful than they were; so they hired you. For what they never said or made clear. So this charade focused on you pleading for fighting for me; against my orders. You were to go and tell the authorities who did this and what we saw; mostly what I told you. I said I will shut my life down, wait, and to hurry up; I will try to blind them and anger them anyhow or anyway I can; good luck. You took so long and picked a fight with so many people Ann. My God I had that many people chasing me and after my ass?

So once they confirmed you and I knew each other; they lured you or tried to chase me off. Then you were told one story, I was told another. They told me they were going to kill you and then used Anne Pressley so I would call you and panic. They doubled the pressure and captivity on me while you began to attack them even more against my orders; so we were arguing and I said to just let it go for now. When you attacked or exposed them; they doubled the attack on me and harmed me to make you shut up and go away. Then it was this bizarre sex scandal iRush and iHannity made up. They tried to seduce you or were so delusional; they felt you wanted in on this murder plot and were a 911 terrorist also. So they moved in and got close to you. They moved in and got close to me; even more than 2005. You kept insisting we are at war, there is a conspiracy, you are a victim, you are the police, you are in total control, you were superior, we had no rights, etc...

First you were a hooker and pimping me. Then I was a hooker and you were pimping me. Then you were auctioned off or a bride for their leadership (communist and terrorist); we were their solution to stupidity, obesity, and all sorts of imperfections or flaws. We were always and constantly made to feel like a prisoner, in a vulnerable position, not tough enough, not strong enough, had to follow orders, and constantly struggle from attacks. That is how I described the nightmare and this ordeal; 10,000+ attacks. When asked, iRush said he wanted us dead (suicide or malice). They refuse to stop until we are dead, a total disaster is no longer moving, or nobody can move. Every single second of our life was watched and we had surveillance so they were constantly in a stalemate or behind them; odds against us. So that was the murder plot; to use us as bait and to keep the pressure up until we are dead. If a rescue comes; they were were hiding and waiting to ambush them.

To defeat this ambush as I had warned in 1998; I free falled without any safety line and pulled the stick at the very last minute. I hit all my thrusters and everybody can see how strong and fast those engines are now. They had tried to pull the same Gs and hit the stratophere. They used this partner, buddies, or best friend gimmick to coverup the murder plots on us or using us as bait. They figured once they used us as a worm and hooked a big fish; they could reel in this conspiracy and win a legal law suit once they cased and targeted their opposition. Then they used 911 to make it clear they are going to kill us and to hurry up. They used since 1990 shootouts, bomb plots, etc... to communicate to us and the rescue. These crimes and media terror plots were intended to sway the jury and the police; to judge wrongly.

When things lined up; they struck to secure a witch hunt or inquisition. Like 911; it floated against the current and was so strong; they motored up the rapids. They were so careful and so worried we were blackmailing them or someone was watching; they missed it all and got cornered in the end. I document this and began the interview immediately; including 911, a gambling plot domestically, and what they can do if and when they controlled the government and police stations. The odd part is 2009 when planes and cars began to wreck and it took awhile before I could figure it out; but they had hit me so many times by then; I knew how they were doing it and why. You took us hostage for a very important reason; moreover, that important reason was what you needed to steal or else you would be in a dead end. So the police was your plan. The police controls the planes, cars, and response times; it allows you a lifetime of protection and you can sell it to other criminal groups. Once you had the police; you could now move in the national security levels. If anybody grew suspicious or was on to you; a crew came in and made it a racial matter. Now it was about hate and hysterical or insanity; disturbed.

So by terrorizing us or using fear; you managed to win your way to power. The gambling plots were only to keep your criminal organization and labor unions alive and no glue was strong enough. You kept gluing one piece on the other and it wsa retarded. Essentially, your uppity business enterprise and drug wars were dead and dying. Your soldiers were neglected and a social disaster. Nobody made it to retirement. After decades of this we grew used to being prisoners and daily attacks; to be watched, to be cheated and attacked, and destroyed. We learned by out cunning you. We were so used to it when you attacked us to silence Ann and I; we did not panic and it was just another day at the office. Everybody was freaking and we were not hysterical or in total panic; total copasetic and acclimated to this terrorism and stalking. I then began questioning you daily; after 20 years as if I had lived with you or could smell you in the bush. That is going to be hard to explain.

Then you raised the bar on how weak and retarded you truly are. You said your spy ring of terrorists and communists did not know what to do, this was your only chance by attacking us, and how others were living your American dream. You had to get power and keep your soldiers alive if you were to have a chance; so you racked up trillions in national debt. No glue was strong enough or good enough. You came to America to loot it and leave the continent a total natural disaster. So by peeing in the water, everybody sufferred and got sick. You could come around and play doctor, care and show this arrogance. Now it has all come to an end. What you did got done back on you but twice as worse and strong. If you hit the ball 10 times; you got tagged out 10 times.

In all honesty, this would have worked well and you would have taken over the US and possibly the world, at least a world war and many killed, had you chosen two other human beings. However, by chosing Alex and Ann; you made the world's worst possible mistake. By using them or even exposing them to your mannerism or ways; you put a loaded gun in their hands but the head you told them to aim it at was actually yours. At least that is how it turned out. Your greed and your tricks; in the end, became your worst fear and worst enemy. Furthermore, your lies to make our side our own worst enemy by total lies and rumors; was just a rotten slander case. To some human beings; evil and crime can be a worst enemy; how you trained us and what you wanted was just how must rumble you felt in the end. I had no idea a human being was this evil or this criminal. I have never seen a human turd or such a sub species.

But wait, they are like the Terminator and does not die. When all else failed, they tried to portray themselves as fans, best friends, helpers, staff, and even lovers. Everything was to help us but never harm us. You kept telling us how you did not know what to do, wanted to die, and was doing this for your rancorous family. You did not know what you are supposed to do or had to do; but whatever it was you dedicated it to your family. This went down a new road you had us explore with you; kicking and screaming. We were so used to it by now, we played along and had a laugh on your behavior. If the FBI or police asked; you were our friends, our biggest fans, and could not think of any reason why we were so angry or would have a problem with you. The ransom was delivered to Ann in the form of real dead bodies and a cast; a proxy. The test dummy trick did not work and got you in more and more trouble; this was only a safety valve, a crime.

I would describe you as a certified retard and a jackass; the fact you were a psychopath and terrorist covered this up or perfumed it. You and your followers, the labor unions and labor movement are absolute retards. The drug wars and these mafia wars weeded out the retards from the strong; while the weak were an air hump. I would not say you are a class act but a class study; a case study. Any spy catcher or investigator has to hear your legend and then ours. We will let them judge and find out who they are or want to be; you are a death sentence and a human disaster. You claim to be a media expert and we need you because we need a psychiatrist, am hysterical, and nobody believes us; always going uphill and vulnerable to another attack (10,000+ already). So harassing someone is 10 or even 5000 times. When you attack someone more than 10,000 times and for over 10 years; that is murder. Worse, you are a jackass and a retard with a deadly streak and want blood.


These smoldering lies and endless scams included treating us like a political slut you were pimping and investigating our own murder plot. The idea was to throw us in a tizzy or make us hysterical so you could act calm, cool, and collective; then parade us as too emmotional or distraught. Then everybody had to succumb to this idea you were powerful and we were just a piece of property a street pimp was worried about; nobody would care about us or believe us. If that was not all, you even disclosed 911 and the plots in a final gesture of frustration with us. You felt if you answered our questions, we would just go away and leave as ordered. You then said we are the ones in the vulnerable position while you were sitting next to the fireplace, nobody believed us. It all came down to the Mafia and labor unions, who were the leaders fueling the left wing, crime organization, Democratic Party, and communism. Naturally, the mafia were the group or ring of spies fueling the communist and this white Revolutionary Command that hides behind racism and street crimes. Now with the compounding of 100s of felonies; you tried to make it appear as if we were the problem, safety and the law was inseparable, and we had to leave or be punished by some political pimp for reacting too emmotional. The Unabomber look alike and the murdered hooker in a trash can "double act" was just more grandstanding.


From the iRush pages and local upstate NY problem or eviction hearings:

So you want to trade my sports car for drugs or have me become a smuggler for you eh? Well the Unabomber in the back with the McVeigh Indian land grabber bomb plot in Beirut can kiss my ass. Your Jewish pain in the ass keeps coming around and refuses to understand nobody is interested in you or the labor unions. Regardless, you keep these bomb plots at the DEAFCON 4 level with the gambling and Lebanon crap. Tom the Unabomber said Lisa Joseph was Lebanese and I said, yes I know. So now you are trying to say not to trust a minority; your white supremacy plot has now a major problem; I called not one but two cops on your ass. Home improvement business my ass, more like DVD peeping tom audition.

Narco Trafficking and Narco States go by the Maoist philosophy of "rule of the gun." Politics is by the barrel of a gun. Mao said himself this change is not centralized but in the farms and rebellion of the peasants. Therefore, drugs and immigrants buttress a larger problem. They seek the same things. They have the same dictionary. They abide by the same rules and laws. If you want to blame immigrants or drugs; then you have to do it in politics. It is much larger of a problem than imaginable. Also, when they want the government; it is a fight to the death. They will not stop until you are dead or driven out of town; what is going on now, a coup. To curb or buttress this immigrant and drug problem; supply side economics is not possible. One egg produces 10 more and so on and so one.

At the center of this case is a car. The people, all total, who came up to me about the car were:
1. A random stranger in the neighborhood who wanted to know if he could buy it for his daughter in 2006.
2. Tom the handyman and his brother in the back, staff of Rick Johnson.

Those were the only two people who wanted the Trans Am or ask me how much. If you review my notes, Tom the handyman is trying to get me in the drug business. Chris Young kept saying how the tenant in the back was busted by the FEDs for having dope plants or an indoor operation. So I reported smoking something, dope laced with some other powerful ingredient, only once to prove I was not a cop. I am not a cop. Then his daughter Angel comes around and tries to arrange a large purchase or let me know she is there for me. She even begins hitting on me and is trying really hard to hide it. The dope is a low grade type laced with some substance to take it over the top. It makes your heart feel as if it is going to explode; and then makes you feel sick and hungry. It is supposed to be a high money maker and they love it from what I saw.

I told them (Tom and his brother) I had problems with a girl beyond the scope of God or human powers. All the sudden a girl named Jasmine Fiore is found in a dumpster and her BF is the culprit; murdered and desecrated. So a trade was in progress over the Trans Am; for a large amount of drugs. It is highly probable this was the original intent; to use the Trans Am as a car to smuggle or win a chase. The rear window busted out shows someone is intending on shooting it out or vandalized the back window for this. Oddly, the back window has to be fixed now. They felt I was working on my car to prep it for smuggling drugs or border runs, I was not. I am here and was to begin the final leg of what I describe as our life being invaded and I used the area and had planned to use it for security while I utilized the Canadian government and border for protection. These people had terrorized me in 1998 and I had reported it. Now they had to finish what they started while I had to find them and bring this to an end.

So the car was a trade for probably a pound of high grade dope or some weapon to facilitate a armed robbery; a means to help or make money. I sat there on the internet with Canadian women galore and they must have seen this or my ability to get along so well. So they were highly impressed by my talent from 2006-2008 working at 12am-6am writing four books. So they see one thing and I saw another story altogether. By compounding the problems, they made it all about rent payments or ransom; not safety or whether any crimes had occurred and why.

This is not about a Trans Am, not about gambling and smoking problems; not about smuggling. It is not able to legal funds or self defense, not able cherry picking immigrants, not about expanding drugs and prostitution, and not about break downs and plane related dangers. This was about the police and what politics can do to the police department. It is dangerous but has a face of a retard who does not know what to do in life or when problems compound. This is about a bomb plot and 18,000 pages of terror related material; this is the sole reason of being in Niagara County. It all traces to the same people and has a long history. It is about black liberation and indigenous rights; a liberal moniker of hate. It is a test to see who will and can stop them or if the police have been taken over by politics.

Gambling plot, separationist, State rights, or land sales:
1. Whitewater Scandal
2. Oklahoma City
3. Waco, Tx
4. Beirut
5. WTC 1 and WTC 2
6. The Police and Legal Defense Funds
7. Love Canal and City Hall
8. NY elites and families


Based on what I know about this bunch, the NYT will probably report that Clarence Thomas and Anita Hill were complicit in a conspiracy to reaffirm their hope and desperation. Therefore, they needed support and well wishers because nobody believed them and they are not media experts. Similar to the iRush, he said women cannot be guilty of rape and can initialize this hoax when they want it. The police will believe the female and it proves nothing but racial profiling and hate. So they do these hoaxes to leak information or talk through others; but it comes down to The One; a religious figure they call their leader. The One is being hunted down for at least 7 plots to kill and steal in the name of the poor and labor movement; now natives and indigenous female dogs there for the taking. They want to be beheaded and they are not fake, very powerful sex and metaphysics.

Friday, October 15, 2010


All I know is ever since Ann has been younger, she likes to brag and boast. Mostly it is how close she is to me and how we are close friends. Why we argue and why I am not able to love her is still a mystery. They say one thing, she says another. They say she lies, she says they lie. In the end Ann won or has not been proven to be a bad wife. She is a bad friend and a good partner. I have made this clear. So her last step in life is the first one, why is it so hard or why has it been so hard? Does anybody have the true stroy or just total lies? Who is more powerful and more life changing than Ann Coulter, in other words, who out there does she fear in debate or identical? Is it a man or a female? Is there impostors and impersonators and can we get to the bottom of this? Will the real Ann Coulter please stand up and tell your story and life journey? Do you expect to be punished or rewarded?

Ann, I cannot create a Twitter account or there is a problem with my internet. Give me a few weeks okay. I also got court and am fighting uphill with this eviction; in a very negative and vulnerable position; an open target. They are saying I am the problem and do not have money; they do not have to worry or do nothing, we do. Also, the FBI has to brief their entire force and restructure for a war; they are coming and with no breaks. They are now us and we may have won the battle so far but not the war. So I am trying also Ann but it is just chugging and uphill; no matter what you do or I do it is uphill and we are always kept in a vulnerable position; so is it all lies or a crime spree? Are you to blame or them? Why is marrying you such a disaster or being your boyfriend so awful and a nightmare? Can you tell me and when you are going to get back or destroy them? Can I? How do I destroy them and tell me who is doing it Ann, stop protecting them, do you hear me? They told the FBI we are blackmailing them, are you or is this just total lies also? Why is nobody stopping them or are they all at religious camp for the evil and atheists? Good lord... we are dead.

Thursday, October 14, 2010


The analysis of Amy Baker and Michael Jordan's father on the iHannity pages: CLICK HERE

Ann, everybody knows I love you. However, I cannot or am not allowed to love you under these terms. We look poor. We look defeated. We look desperate. Your career looks like a train wreck. You look like you don't care. You are made to appear as if you are always in a sleazy affair or industry. They insist you are fake and not our friend. Under these terms, how do I find peace and how do I love you; true or not? You must show these men pain and give some fight; to make them scream and hospitalize them; that will clearly show a rape or a murder plot. All I see is flirting and nonsense, hurt them Ann; make them scream, not me. Now I am screaming and they claim you are a bad girl. These stunts have led to a big lawsuit and a lot of problems; maybe our own life ruined.

No matter what you say or do, they claim they are risking their life to expose you and risking their own careers to get to the truth. Then we get total lies and this media stunt, conspiracy. Now I have the Mossad telling me I am forbidden from speaking to any of their agents. I can loose my life and was warned. I have the State Police enforcing this Mossad decree; so I could not speak my mind and talk to you normally. They claim they could not see or know who you love and did not know why; we all know why now. Worse, whatever you do to them, they do right back to me. Please be more careful Ann, okay. You are now the mirror and the gateway to hell in my life; not a blessing or heaven and the people who regulate this gateway are the same people; the Camelot crew and elites. They inist and are gambling their own life; saying you had or were trying to cheat (with them in a sex scandal, have proof now) and you are lying or refuse to say anything while they spew out nonsense daily or continuous. Now they are taking up my side against you.

Ann, I heard the NY Times and State Police/Attorney Generals have waged war on you. They are upset with you also. I want to ask NY and CT what the hell they expect the Pentagon or the military to do? We caught and captured them toying with us and have a 1.5 billion dollar law suit on their leaders. Do they have a 1.5 billion dollar pain and sufferring case? Has the State Police spoken to their personnel and said, "Look, get the hell off the force. If we catch you, we will shoot to kill. Your lies have caused us to be the enemies of America and the Pentagon to ask if Stealth bombers are needed to fix the police?" It is the labor unions, these rotten immigrants, and these powerful families Ann. They think they run and control the police. All you have to do is look at the 1960s and Vietnam. Now they want to be us or like us. Now they want to be our partners and sex slaves. What do they expect us to do? If the Pentagon was face to face with this dirty bomber, terror plot, or mafia war with rotten dependent immigrants; what would they do and when is the breaking point? You waged war on them, they are coming to me, they claim you lied, you claim they lied; GD Ann. Ann, do you need them? Can you prove you are a good wife or partner without needing the suspects or whom we caught? Why do you rely on the bad guys to prove you right?

Ann, you did wage war on them. You did wage war on the state of NY. Now they are holding court and coming to me; in my home. Cuomo, Patterson, and Spitzer did not demand the truth or sought to solve this. What they did was tell me "this is a conspiracy... we are the elite... why don't you leave... why don't you shut up... we only want to help... we are ready to die." What or how does the Pentagon handle that? How or what does the State Police or the state of NY want us to do about all of these tentacles on America; drug wars; immigrant problems; smells of the homeland and this strong smelling salt; and all of these slaves? They feel liberation is the key and freedom; what the hell does the Pentagon do? Do they expect me or Ann to give a speech or come down off our ivory tower and be kidnapped and nearly raped? Shall we reproduce this on their family member to see what they would do or if they are strong enough to break it? So how are we expected to? Why do we have to leave? Why don't we deport them or send in stealth solutions? They are the ones who got caught red handed; they are the liars and scum ball; why do we have to clean up, shine their shoes, get ordered around, and have to sue them for 1.5 billion dollars? Ann they are guilty and from the "I love Ann Why" state; all you lie; you tell the truth and need them? The truth can be hurtful and can be dangerous. Are you a rotten liar also? Ann everybody is turning on you. Why am I the only one who has not or did not; why?

It is not 10 or 20 per cent of the population either. How about if they stop lying and put some real pressure on them? How about if they stop investigating us, trying to give us marriage counseling, be a referee where they are not welcomed, and go after the real problems? Focus on the real problem and the fake or people who we know are lying pathological and serial killer co-conspirators. Power and corruption leads to this ending; now peace and anti-war is leading us? So what do they expect me to do with Ann, another NYawker? What do they expect the Pentagon to do with them? If an enemy or psycho spy ring was face to face with you or had your family, what would you do? Would you wage war on each of them? Would you kill them? Would you make 1 million suffer for their bad decisions or allowing them to be leaders? Why are these dictators and spies allowed to use the people as a shield while they act like the police at home and domestically? What are we supposed to do, deport them or smell their strong smelling salt? At least Ann waged war on them and at least I cleaned up; now they refuse to leave or surrender; we have to. Ann this is not a joke or a mere game; it is a conspiracy and we are on the threshold of World War and even civil war. Do you need them to speak for you? Can you prove you are a decent, good, and loyal wife? Why do you depend on these people so much Ann; why can't you be self reliant or just say it? They lie; you tell the truth and need them?

Now to make it up they want to wage war on Ann for not telling the truth or leading us down this road; good job Ann. Ann is telling me they are lying about her and is a good spouse or partner. Are you sure about this Ann? Can you proove it? Then why do you feel you are such a sure thing and will always win all your fights? They even say you are a Jewish female Ann; can you prove this also? Can you prove anything besides lying, betraying, and waging war? Do you at least want to have a real marriage before you leave this world or turn 70? Are you even interested in marriage or maybe a normal life? Females and the police tell me you only want to meet 1000s of men, go to bars, use me to win your political battles, and claim you are giving me this life that is still hidden and unspoken of; your story? Yes, we know you messed up and you keep forgiving yourself; over and over again; it is all a total disaster, and it is getting bigger but now has been plugged; thanks Ann. At some point Ann, your mess has got to be weighed with their mess. Also, stop repeating stuff over and over like you are rocking back and forth and reading nonsense. I am getting sick of you all; all of you Ann and it is not because you are decent or fine American quality. I also do not need to know about how you hate your race or how you wish to be like us, them, or insanity. I kept saying you were insane but I did not know who or what drove you to this point; so what drove you to this insanity? Me? So you waged war on them and so did I. Now they are coming to me, for many reasons, claim I lied, claim you lied, claim they wish to help, we are them and they are us, and we are back at insanity again and 1.5 billion dollars in punitive damages, suffering, and a huge gigantic bow on our ship.

Ann, everybody is turning on you except me. Why? Now everywhere I look, it is CT and Voter fraud. Your article is even about voter flunky-ism and the problem with America:

Annie. So what if you have more men than an average woman. It is embarrassing, humiliating, and you are constantly fighting one sex scandal after the other. They say you enjoy this. Then you cry, complain, and tell me they are trying to cover up a rape and murder plot. You of all people should know they will lie pathologically; and then turn around and say "nobody believes you because we are media experts." This is not a typical case, this is guarding a terror and murder plot with their life; terrorizing others. So yes, it is nerve racking, scandalous lies back and forth, and really aggravating; done to inflict personal injury or emmotional terror; why do you wait for me and plead? Do I have a show or share the stage with you? Do I go to your events or call you on the iPhone? Do I come over to your apartment or home in FL? Do I show up at any event with you ever? Then why complain about them trying to ruin you as I have done double or triple the levels you have; you have a bozo security. Do you know what I have? I have a dirty governor and the State Police giving me marriage advice, about you of course.

Now read this, is this why the iRush says you "don't care... have a chip on her shoulder": (Your Twitter account is being plastered around the web and blog-asphere Ann!
5. Yet more on the pedophile -- about 3 hours ago via web
6. More on pedophile posing as a conservative from red state -- about 4 hours ago via web
7. COULTER ATTACKED BY ACTUAL PEDOPHILE! (how did I miss this story?) about 4 hours ago via web
8. Paladino Support Surges! about 4 hours ago via web
9. Unemployment may be skyrocketing, but at least we got that African genital washing center out of the Stimulus bill! - about 4 hours ago via web
10. Another lie about Christine O'Donnell exposed: Zoominfo allows anyone to "verify" a profile - about 4 hours ago via web
11. OBAMA APPROVAL RATING SOARS: Al Qaeda calls for attacks on government workers in D.C. -- about 4 hours ago via web
12. .@ohheybill I wanted to make the NYT buy me drinks. 3:26 PM Oct 12th via web
15. which reminds me: perhaps you foulmouthed liberals could take up a collection to buy the NYT a subscription to nexis. or even a computer. 2:44 PM Oct 12th via web
16. .@jaqobjackson yes, if only the NYT had an internet cnxn, they could have read it too and see that I haven't changed any of my positions. 2:43 PM Oct 12th via web

I have husbands who call or make a pitch for their wives; as if they are getting the baby Jesus. Do you think I want their wives? Do you think I want 500 or 1000 of these high prices hookers so they marry a younger and slimer female? I even have a few of your so called friends calling me or contacting me about how you are engaged and sexually active. Yes they are pederast. Yes they are predators. Yes they are luring you for more danger. Worse, they are a terror group and cult group who do this all the time. Then if you complain, they will say "why don't you leave, nobody likes you" or "you don't even care... anything you want." They tell me you love attention, adoration, and stakers; some game to make you focused and care about them, is this true? Now your life and mine is a wreck because each time we turn the corner; they are laying in wait. So yes it is a murder and terror plot; worse, the impact looks like you or I am a cheating spouse or an adulterer. I am not and have never had a lurid affair. I am strictly monogamous and in HS also, ask around. With 200 drop dead and stunning females, some straight A students, I was and remain monogamous. The point is to ruin both you and I first; and then inflict more or a deadly blow. They had position repeatedly for this deadly blow thinking it was arriving.

Here is the problem. It is not what they say or do anymore Ann. It comes down to the impact on your life and mine; they are crazed lunatics, did not use a gun or knife yet, and want to die. You must understand they will sacrifice and throw away their business, careers, and family over a secret life and pederasty. They also say I have an Oedipus Complex (sex with mother) and this is not true; you just happen to be older and subservient; super sexy and a love slave. So I am lost of words to explain this to you and they keep lying about you and I and saying nobody believes us. They do it to me also just the opposite sex. So that is or was why the State Police was keeping tabs on you; a ring of fire and protection like a crazed lunatic or retarded liberal. The black men and homosexual "jew baiting" was not a joke; I want you to focus on what is important and your own murder or terror plot. You cannot even have babies so they cannot use you any longer to steal our kids. This was about watching us and "trying to help" or "they don't care"; to use females to have kids or steal our life and ruin it. They will not stop regardless of how much proof you show or what you do; now they claim you are not asking for it. So who needs who and whom is only trying to help or hunt us down? Is it a terrorist group as we caught and have now?

Monday, October 11, 2010


SICK OF IT: Dear God, I don't care anymore. All I want to do is get high and take off my clothes. We are all innocent and we must give it up because it is hateful to be rock crazy; is that what Ann wants? Maybe if she does not care anymore and only wants to get high and make sweet love; then take some pictures in domineering positions; its all hate and not good. Ann, can't you tell I love you and if we are innocent? You have such a dirty mind, CLICK HERE TO SEE NAKED PICTURES of girls who like to show it off.

Warning: iFox News is playing the usual Catholic and Jewish delimma; "you hate your employer, don't you" game with Ann. The management at Fox needs to be fired or transferred.

Greg Gutfeld: I don't mind people making fun of me and it is part of life. Greg Gutfeld needs to be fired from Fox News and be banned from the industry altogether. That will be very funny, when a hurricane is steered as iRush Limbaugh puts it. So the Greg Gutfeld firing party countdown has begun. Hey Ann, how many thanks do I owe you now for bringing in this MF?

Fact: the reason Ann does not tell me is because if she does or did, she cannot say later on, "but I did not mean to upset you... not done to intentionally piss you off." Now Gutfeld is making jokes about hanging out at your apartment Ann, google that and lets see if you score 1 yes to DQ all of you. Let me guess, Christmas parties at your apartment too? Even better, happy hour every Thursday of the month at your NY apartment; did they even think to google that? Ann, the war is not over yet so you are on sacred ground until then. At least you cleaned it up for me as I had asked.

Dear Ann, there is a lot of truth in my grief with you. I need a girl that brings me more happiness than grief, if any. I need a girl that does not bar hop more than college kids. I need a girl that does not conduct business with alcohol as a standard or practice. I need a girl that is true to her word, not always saying "don't worry." I need a girl that does not need excuses or always saying, "it's just total lies Alex." I need a girl that does not meet 1000 men per month. I need a girl that I feel more comfortable with than without. I need a girl that does not mess up and ask me for forgiveness. I need a normal basic girl; nothing fancy or too easy to criticize. Wow, Ann you work so hard and so fast; you are really getting a lot done by traveling so much. How do they stalk you?

As I tried to explain, it is embarassing and humiliating to be with you. It has always been since around 1998 or 1999; it is much worse now. You are always slow or never there; always somewhere else or doing something else. I know your heart is with me and rightfully so, mine is with you. As a partner, I could not ask for a better one. What you are asking from me was too much, way too much. I know you tried your hardest to make it work or as easy for me, but messed up. I know you kept me in the background, away from danger and the peril of fame. I know you took the punches for me and are able to get along with those who kidnapped me; to figure out what they were doing or up to.

As I said, it brings me no joy or happiness to hear about your dating life. Whether it is to get back at Bill Maher, to quiet critics who break your confidence or self esteem, or appease those who fill you with blind hate; these total lies and stunts end up as ammuntion shot at me. Some of it hurts. Some of it leaves a permanent mark. You give them more and more regardless expecting a different outcome. You are too trusting, what I call a slug with others; but women are very good with kids. I do not enjoy fighting your battles whatsoever. As you can see and everybody clearly knows, you love fighting mine. You love my life more than I do. You love me more than you love yourself. This is why it is so difficult with you and without you.

What I hate most is when women talk about you. It is true. You can say it is not true or your intentions were much different; but the pain did impact both sides. You meet too many men. You claim and dare anybody to look up maids, bell boys, hotel clerks, etc... just to prove you are worthy of love. You travel more than anybody I have seen; yet you enjoy kicking back at bars or strangers. This tells me something about you and it is bad. You are running from what most people consider responsibilities. You are running from the truth. You know my mental powers and how I can transport myself to different dreams and places. we both share in pain and sorrow; but also winning and the process of being a champion.

Twenty years is a long time but this is not what I had wanted in life or signed up for; it is your dream and you want it bad. You want it bad enough to wreck our friendship many times over. You want this dream bad enough to weep and cry when I get angry at you for causing so many permanent problems. One of your dates last forever and is used back at you 100 or 1000 times; a curse. Yet you stack em up and dare others to take their best swing, a fool. I see the change in your body. I see the change in your looks. I see how you became yourself again in 2009 and are much happier now. But you are not happy, not inside. You are worried also. So you cling to strangers and the warmth or admiration they give you. You love to travel and escape the reality you must face eventually.

It is embarassing to hear about you in a bar every week. It is embarassing to see you always with a glass of wine or so social. It is humiliating to hear men call me or talk to me about you. It is humiliating to hang on the edge of "oh my god she went on another date" or dinner. It was the most humiliating experience in my 40 year life to defend a woman three men claimed to have sex with or were engaged to. It is humiliating to be the 20th man you were engaged to while you refuse to say I was the 1st and 2nd. You seem very comfortable with this and do not worry. It was embarassing to sit there and watch as friends, Fox, your circle of glee; set you up with one man after the next; somewhat powerless. It is very embarassing to hear about men calling you or texting you; as if you are okay with it. iRush and iHannity says you talk to them in code or encrypt secret messages to friends in your articles. I know you always write me and have.

To me, most women dream of your single life while you claim you are such a great choice or make a great wife. Why sell a car if it was hit or broken down? I had to read reports of you having a new beau or spotted on a date here and there. Then it was groups of people coming to your new home or your "close circle of friends" at it again. How do I return the favor? Your crazed maniacs are angry at you or me. All of your boyfriends and ex boyfriends are angry at me. All of your dinner dates and potential husbands are angry with me. The only person okay or not worried is you. If this keeps up I will need smelling salt for the remainder of my life. Now I have a cursed life but it is not as bad as before; and it is a rule to share in life with your partner. Why was it so hard for me forget the past, any ideas Ann?

Of course I do not think you would do anything bad or betray me; now I am not sure. I am not sure because betrayal is your middle name. They were telling me you are sneaking around and either cheated or will; a bad choice. It is humiliating even if it is a total lie and abstract. Ann ask a female this, "oh by the way, your husband slept with another stranger the other day; it was all over the airwaves." This was super humiliating also, "oh your husband was caught with another girl, in his arms." Hey Ann, Alex showed up at some event with some hot chick; how come you are not with him? That is the story of Ann Coulter through the eyes of Alex. Ann did a lot of begging and crying to make it this far. If people want to know why Ann is worried or not; then walk a day in her shoes. Alex's story is heart breaking; to have evil and rotten bastards trash his life and try to rob him of everything. Maybe I will point a satellite at them one day? Maybe I have already? Who knows and who cares?

The person who can speak about you the best is the one who knows you best. You have events and violence done to you which is not strong enough to erase the past; though you seek danger to erase it. A very dangerous signal and way to change your past, but you are running and one day will have to face reality. The reality is you may not be as happy as you claim and not as smart as others think. Did I mention you cause a lot of jealousy and angst? Lucky for you, you have another life to love, mine. I hid it to protect it; to wait out the storm. You love it and waited all your life for the storm to pass, didn't you. The secret is only you knew or know. You are the only one who knows how to use my Matrix and virtual satellite warfare strategy board. You are the only one in my life who will also; it remains at two until our death. Like war and combat, I am doing this for the person next to me; that is all.

These women talk about you and how you are still searching for a husband. Then they make me feel left out or how they love your life. They are the ones talking about you. They are the ones I had to save you from. You all are strange creatures, very imperfect and weak. You give life few meanings. You are best left alone, to admire. I do not know why I stay, it must be for a good reason or a strong force; most people do not understand. I understand. I am able to transport myself; leave the reality of now and travel as I wish. Out of all this you must make some sense and understand it Ann, it will bring you peace and comfort to know the worst is over. Because I created the satellite warfare virtual matrix; you are kind of stuck with it. You cannot use it without me and you cannot find anybody to replace me; you are just my biographer and partner, there to help. By the way, these women say I am in denial and you do not care; I am sugar coating your dating life. So am I in denial Ann or is it that bad? Read everything above and tell me if I am in denial or is it that bad. Did you really do this for me Ann, for us, or some whacked out reason you do not wish to share? So transport yourself Ann, into my world and into my being and look at yourself or what you have done; how do you fix it or do you?

Sunday, October 10, 2010


On the side of Ann Coulter most of the time: the problem is not whether Ann responded to my rescue, it is how she handled it. Ann needs to not care what these people think of her and stop squabbling about their image. First, Ann knows much more about these spies, terrorists, and liberals then they know. She knows what they did to Alex and how deep he was taken into their den and dungeon. So she went that deep and got stuck; both of us could not get out ourself so we sprung our 20 year backup plan. It was how she handled it or her attitude at the entire matter. They are predators. They lie incessantly. They have a web of deception to snare enemies. Ann is telling them to F off, repeatedly. This F off I do not like you caused them to retaliate and punish her. They were and had been telling Alex from the start, "we like you a lot... you are our god... we want to get close... we want to be your friend... we want to get along and be partners... we want to work close... we want to be there at all steps in life... we want to interview or get to know you... etc." They think we are dumb or cannot see them for who they are. They care put they do not pay the bills or damages ever. They are fighting over who is guilty or did what to whom. The truth is nobody would waste their life over a loser or a liar; ask these girls. Would you waste your life away for a bully or a psychopath? So why would we? Why are the police asked to? Why are we asked to? Do we want them to survive a nuclear war or Armagheddon; if life was rationed?

In the end, they will talk to you one moment and take you or open doors into their underworld and dungeon. Next thing you know; you are abducted and taken deeper or fall in some trap door; stuck and a prisoner. Now the torture begins. Nobody can hear you. Nobody knows or can prove what they are doing. If you scream, nobody cares. Essentially nobody believes you, not even a kid. They do it all the time. So how Ann handled the situation and how she told them to F off; led to them taking it out on Alex or using it against Alex. They all grown on you and even if they are male; there is a point where you grow so sick and tired of a female and her persuasions and ways; you seek new and want to shut it off; a sense of belonging or a sense of power. There is a point where the lies of a woman make you so mad or so fed up you grow skin and get sick of it all; overkill. So you move on and start over; look for someone who is younger and can lie a bit better before they grow old and weaker. You look for people who are vibrant and inspire you to new levels. If you meet the wrong person, you will be stuck on one level and become miserable eventually; no room to grow or escape the hell. They use these lies like a web of deception and a trap; nobody can escape them or they set you up factually. It is a string of lies and indicates a battle or chasing them off constantly; stalker, labor union, or derranged fan mentality. At this level they are on their own; but they cannot accept this or who they are. Is Ann telling them to F off? Yes. Do they get it? No. Do they complain? Yes. Do they attack or retaliate? Yes. Have they taken us as hostage, yes in the worst way. How deep in their den or can we climb any higher, no?

CLICK HERE for TRACY, CA baby case; CANTU CASE; and CAYLEE ANTHONY case of mommy killers (how we saw it):

When this war is over Ann, you are going to be questioned. You only need to answer yes or no, I don't know yet, it is strange. If a yes answer is present; you will be given a severance, court martialed, stripped of your Rambo status, and told to leave the program to live your life in disgrace; disavowed. Risking your life and running into enemy fire is not strong enough to erase facts, merit, or will every earn you the highest form of valor. Insofar as disobeying officers or your leaders; your story is stronger than the enemies under adverse or severe dangers. So hold off on the celebration, dating, and dinners. Also, I hate wine, coffee, and cigarrettes now; thanks for the compliment and screw ups. I do not take is lightly or need explanations after the war is over but I am not going to say or do anything until then okay. This is about kicking us out or an eviction; a take over of our life. Rambo is excused until the war is over and they will give you all the ammo you need or want; so make sure your phony or rotten ass points it at them or down range. Understand jackass? We are in the middle of a war and it is not over yet; thanks for trashing our life and careers. These females a guilty. They are lying. They are total criminals. They are not forgiven. They are all predators and thieves.

The truth is they used these fantasy dates or events to suggest they were trying to help and set males and females up for marriage; this 911 widow plot. If you accepted an invite or RSVP; you were a spy target and was tracked. It would last 1 year or 10 years; the key to the scam was they were making a purchase and you were being bought or in a cupid and mating ritual. At the heart of it was a terror plot and the core of the communist spying activity. It has gotten to the point of suicide, murder plots, terror plots, etc... The truth is buried under lies and not reported because it exposes those behind this. Alex had the same marraige proposal and effort; still ongoing upstairs. So the ring leaders keep saying nobody believes us, they are media experts, etc... It has gotten so insane. Behind all of this boyfriend and girlfriend is a terror plot as we report; how the communist spy and recruit using terrorism. These people need to be fired immediately for clandestine activity and this game before being caught. So they are hiding the rungs to a terrorist plot leading to iRush Um Bin Limbaugh. They claim nobody believes us. They claim they are evicting us. They claim they love us. They claim they are dead or in total control. All you have to do is look into the private life of Alex and Ann. It should be only Alex and Ann, the rest were caught and evading capture.

Ann, I am going to give you my honest opinion, so try to bear with me. We are going to make it to the end together okay. It feels like you are as slow as a Democrat and one of these political slugs who wander and we are always having a problem with. It feels like you date too much or should not be; but you say it is total lies and nonsense. Why are these men in my life Ann? It never goes away, you talk to a man or go to a dinner; it sticks to you for life, why? So there is something wrong with your life. Also you wait so long; I even grew impatient with you; almost as if you do not care or worry. Do you expect me to wait my entire life? So a woman is now telling a man to wait his entire life? What annoys me is it is only about you and me; why are all of these men and strangers in my life or ours? One date or dinner in your life lasts 20 maybe 40 years Ann. I don't have time to bleed or resources for this Ann. Stop wasting our time and sounding all the alarms. So they care and want others to pay or pay their bills. They claim you do not care and are never there; have nothing to offer Ann. They want to be close, follow us, and invent crime so they can help; suicidal bombers and terrorists. Worse, nobody believes us and we need them. You give them all the ammo they need to make me disgusted at the human race Rambo and Ms. Dater spotted again.

It is your responsibility to crack down and fix this, why haven't you? It sticks to you. You go to the movies or one date and I hear it your entire life, understand? Now it is just overkill, overload, and you tell me it is all total lies; you messed up. The knockout blow is they got nothing on you and hasn't even got a kiss, hand holding, hotel guest, skiing, vacation, etc... it is so annoying but are they trying to destroy you or be objective and report the truth? Now you got all of these losers in my life and I hate their guts. All of you are so weak and pathetic but you claim to be so wealthy or smart; so American. So what is it and what's it going to be? It is back and forth between you all and I am sitting here saying, how long do you intend or want to wait Ann? Haven't we wasted enough time already? Haven't they wasted our time and life enough? They do not know what a dialogue is; they invite or wander, a monologue. Ann is also using Alex to debate these communists and terrorists; to exploit the jackpot and treasure trove. Ann says she is going to share it with Alex or did it for him; for our future. Ann does have 50% in this and is entitled to 50% no questions asked; a bonifide partner of more than 20 years and sexual intimacy. We will win our personal battles or war; but may loose our friendship.

Ann, from what I have found and what you have told me; it sounds like you are covering up this dating hijinks with Guccione. Worse, I think you got dates that were worse and worse when you messed up or made a bad move. Why you did it and why you were scared of being grilled for it is still unknown, but it has a look and feel of being scared and knowing you will be penalized or affected. I sense you being very scared or embarassed of senseless or aimless dating but nobody can use it against you. Even if it was chaperone or platonic; it looks bad and worse, you have no answer but to seek forgiveness. I was mad at you then also for wasting so much time in the 1990s. From what I know, Maher is the one who set you up on this "date." You did not tell me directly Maher set you up but I found out the two were linked then. I think you are just too weak to be my partner and a pansy; if you want my honest view. I complain so much and they parade weak or outcasts to take over your spot. Ann, I think these people are a sore spot on your life and I do not understand why; you let it ruin your life or make you look horrible. Why don't you retaliate or sue them?

Rambo, it is beyond annoying to have a partner who has a secret life, constantly dating, reduced to tears, men claiming to have dated her, her crying about whether she dated this or that person, listening to her ferocious and vigorous debate about what constitute a date or cheating, and all of this fun and kicks being written and paraded throughout the media. It is the most embarassing feeling to defend a female who is constantly bragging about dating and doing photo ops; asking others if they are crazy or hallucinating. It is dishonorable and humiliating to listen to other women talking about your partner who does not give her husband enough attention and is always out, at cocktail parties, or at some bar having wine and telling jokes with men and women. Then it is annoying to listen to her cry all day long or say don't worry; as if it is any comfort or not humiliating already. It is worse when it is tried on me by a stranger; then done to me by my own partner; and to hear her say it is total lies.

So yes, I do sense a little disgruntled business and a lot of explaining. Now her dating life is about dispelling she is a racist; as if that is another proper excuse. Do you care what they write about you that much or care about your image that obsessively? Do I or others care if they are guilty and a total whore? Do we care about their image and how they lie incessantly? Do you really care enough to think or use your own life in a suicide plot and murder plot? If so Rambo, then you deserve the worst in life and to eat your own treatment of other human beings. Does it matter if it is just total lies? At the end of this you have to choose if you wish to be a good partner or a good wife; because you are horrible at both; yet I do not know who you want to be yet. You want to be a legend and you will not make it Rambo; danger does not grant valor or destiny, fools gold.


The articles says you were Catholic and then went through a reformation or conversion to Protestant. So they said you dated (few times) Guccione but did not date Maher; only made it sound sexy. Ann, if you refuse to end this pain and suffering; then I will. When will you rip their heads off or fight; stick them, kick them, but do not lick em. You women are weird, a waste of time, and pure disaster. Are all of you like this or just most of you? I think they associate beauty and stupidity; if so then this nonsense is pure stupidity. I have no idea why you surround yourself with immigrants, horrible rotten law breakers, and expect sanity or a normal life. Worse, you should look at me and my life. Why are you people so weak? It feels like I am in nut ball land and the little and stupid people are in control. Even in battle with you as a partner; it feels like I am stuck with people who are so weak and so pansy like. The complaints stack up so much and it leaves this feeling the world is total upside down or messed up. Furthermore, you are the strongest of the bunch and with good looks. My god we are surrounded by slaves and cockroaches. They brag or write how you date them or how strong your relation is constantly; it is so ignorant and annoying.


Ann, here is more of the usual and why I am burning for you. I trust your war on liberals and the left wing is reported accurately and so aren't the stunts of Bill Maher, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Lisa DePasquale, Mickey Kaus, Free Republic, and many others. Look Ann I am fed up with this and really annoyed already; I already have zero tolerance; let me guess, it will take 10 more years to debate if you dated Bob Guccione or not? The NY Times is saying, "if she does not tell the truth, then we will make it up."

You need to keep me out of these squabbles Ann, I said if I ever hear about you sneaking around behind my back again or more lurid stories about your dating life; the negative impact is on you, not me. I said you better hope those reports are incorrect, don't let me find out. Each date takes ten years to clean up, ten GD years. So don't go crying to me and I said if I find out you dated them... you said no. Then you said you don't even know them and then you said to forgive you because you messed up. So let them squabble and keep me out of this. One report Annie, that is all it takes; how annoying you all are and how worthless all of you have gotten. It comes down to you lie, are sneaky, are rotten, betray each other, and we need torture just to save your marriage.

I am going to be very clear on this; someone was messing with my mind using you and is trying to burn me up about you. I am fed up and sick of all this, true or false; the news and your friends should be taken outside and shot. They are quiet little mice who have no business in news, making news, and should be fired for rotten behavior or poor professional conduct. It will take ten years to figure out now whether or not I should be mad at you just as Bill Maher had lied through his teeth and kept this going for over ten years. Lying and hiding the truth is a big problem with people who squabble over such small matters. I am ready to get up and leave over one stupid date Ann, one. That is how annoyed I am, wait?

Someone kept trying to mess with me. A street and intersection in Beverly Hills kept showing up, a residential neighborhood with your name on it while you were in LA. I do not know who did it or why. So if you want me to date and end this here Ann, keep the foolish and cloud of suspicions ongoing. My exact words were "If I ever find out... one date" and you said to forgive you for messing up, it was frivolous and chaperoning or proof you are just a jackass. It is just like Maher and Hannity; the truth will never come out and proves what your problem is also.


Ann, why do you spread superficial things throughout the media and hide important or valuable things? They are pinning Guccione on you because you refused to get rid of it. So did you lie to me or cover it up? You said you never dated him. I heard Maher set you up with him. You said you never dated him; can you even make up your mind? It is getting annoying Ann. Is this another F up of yours or one of Maher's tricks? Like I said, I heard Maher was behind it and if he was behind it then Clinton was too. You said you would stop making me jealous or trying; a loaf who waits too long. You have to stop tricking me also. The NY Times is a nest of spies and fact finders, investigators.

Rule of thumb: you better keep this crap out of my life, never again; never bring up your dating life or men, it will be your death. Get me in this stupid mess and I will howl like a wolf... a man or a date will be the death of Ann Coulter, trust me. If they want to make you go away or really get you good, do not hesitate or wait any longer. This is dragging out way too long. It is a challenge or form of a duel. I will say it again, I have zero tolerance and have ripped Ann's head off and reduced her to tears; pure nonsense.

Q: Why is Bob Guccione so important or was so prevalent in your life Ann?
Q: It did not say you got the LA apartment in 2009 due to ongoing problems and safety concerns. Who is this "circle of friends" you wake up at 4am to consult with?
Q: Were you dating a Jew and a married man? Keep it at a yes or no. Who keeps saying this? Stop bringing Jews and Mossad agents into my F'in life Ann. If you do not, then I will get rid of you; I do not want this or asked for it, understand? How did all of these Jews and rotten Catholics get in my life?
Q: Do you have your shit straight or is it just to annoy me and make me look small? A date in Beverly Hills? I hope that was a joke or lie, don't let me catch you Ann, no joke and super antagonistic.

Super funny: "She wakes about noon and doesn’t like to talk on the telephone. “My boyfriends never get it,” she said. (Even her brother said he doesn’t know her phone number.) If she has a steady, she won’t say who. “I’m kind of like Jack Nicholson in ‘The Shining,’ ” she said. “It’s a little bit weird how utterly, laughably solitary I am.” That’s partly because her schedule is so demanding." All they have to do is check your phone number list and nail you. You cannot charge someone for stalking if you call them constantly or lie incessantly. Why do you still wish to advertise with me you date, dated, or have a secret life; sneaking around Ann? Do you want me to take the initiative, this is so annoying.

Now you are asking to be dumped or humiliated: “I was dating a Jew when I was writing ‘Treason’ and I was very busy, and his friends asked if he went to church with me,” she said. “And he said yes, because he knew it was the only time he would see me.” Indeed, dating Ann Coulter Inc., it seems, can be a little intimidating for prospective suitors. Ms. Coulter said a recent date in Beverly Hills ended with the man blurting: “I was so nervous. Could you tell?” (She reassured him.) Ann, not to be rude... you are annoying and do not deserve happiness in life if you pull this with me also. If I find out any of this, you will eat your words. I have zero tolerance for this or these lies. If you wish to piss your life away or wait until you are 80, then do it without me. If you want to date aimlessly, then do not include me in your life, end of topic. No need to make up stories or lie. Eventually, you will have to end this or this charade in your life; good or bad. It will not fix itself, do you hear me? The pain and suffering is not worth it either.


As I said Ann, women have been warning me about you. My problem with you is you always disregard my frustration with you and expect to tag along in my life. To make things worse, my life is in ruins due to this terror plot and kidnapping. I did tell you if I ever found out you were dating or screwed up your life; I would not be sympathetic; this is just annoying and getting more annoying. The minute I said "if I find out you were dating" you disappeared and got like a mouse. Why don't you call me when you are 70 and retired? It might be more fun then. I want to have fun with a partner, all you seem to want is grow old together. Are you also worthless and full of nonsense also? You keep saying you are doing it for me and you will end up spending your money on yourself.

On a sane level, this I understand: [Ninety percent of Ms. Coulter’s income comes from speeches like these. (The Wake County club paid her about $25,000, said one of the organizers.) She spends 6 to 12 weeks on the speaking circuit each year, divided equally between the busy spring and fall seasons, ramping it up if she has a book to promote, as she will next year, on a yet-to-be-disclosed topic. “When I have a book out, I will do anything,” Ms. Coulter said. “I will do garage radio.”] So they say you do not care, only you are having fun, and they are doing me a favor. What is it or will it take ten or twenty years to figure this out? All of you are rotten to the core or just so weak and so pathetic it is suspicious, overkill.


She said if she makes it sound great, it becomes a crush or a curse on her. She has men trouble and a lot; so many the FBI is involved and terminal levels. So if she makes it sound confusing or negative; in the long run, she is protected by these lies. If a nosy reporter is out to get her, then they fall for her web of deception. Already there are at least four assasins in this web of deception. There are at least 7 stalkers and men inside the home of Alex. So what Ann is saying is, "I am damned if I do and damned if I don't." Her goal is to be with me but if she messes up anymore or brings more trouble; I will retaliate or blame her. So based on that response, she is saying she is driving away men while protecting a small center which is supposed to be me and her. Do I get pissed off, hell yes. Do I take women serious or view them as ridiculous, yes. Ann says if she paints herself in a particular way, she invites problems. I know Annie worships me and memorizes everything I say or do, everything. She will say stuff I said 12 years ago; and that is why it is such a shock and so hard to believe. It is just too out of hand and too wacked out to fix; one or the other has to stop. So give them the noose and as much line needed to get their fat necks in it.

If she makes it sound like what everyman dreams of, then it is hard to prove her case or this stalker problem. So that is why she did this and waited so long for me. I just think she waited too long or put herself through too much; to prove too little, suspicious. She has a lot of male stalkers and no reason for it unless they spy on her as they do with Alex. Why stalk her? I am asking myself the same questions. Why waste your time or throw your entire life and career away for someone you hate? Did Ann tell me it was total lies? Yes. Did I believe her? Yes. Was I really annoyed? Yes. Ann said she did not intentionally do it or wanted to anger me. I said, Ann you are smart enough to know that if you want a relationship with another person you must sell and market yourself in an honest manner and present yourself a certain way. Why am I so pissed off? Why do you have so many problems? Are you selling yourself in the right way to me? As I said, it has gotten to the point where the FBI is involved, indescribable. There is no evidence, a professional job, and you would not believe it unless you were her or me. However, there is a point where no matter what you do or say; your actions speak for itself. It did not have to be that way or go that far, end this way. So Ann could have avoided problems.

Friday, October 8, 2010


Dear Ann, I need to discuss your case with you and was attacked. Can you message me or call me? I have not been able to get in touch with you for over ten full years, how come? Your stalkers and murderers are claiming they have stopped; it is us who refuse to stop fighting. They also claim we are mean and refuse to leave them alone, they only want to help. They claim they are in charge and we need to work with them on this. Now, your stalkers and plotters are claiming we refuse to leave them alone and are making their life hell; do they get any protection or a self defense, a chance to defend themselves? So they do not know how they got here; only danger is present and life ending. They claim this is the most embarrassing thing ever in their life and they are terrified; yet they refuse to tell the truth, explain how they got here, and continue to squirm out of this communist and terror plot problem we uncovered.

Ann, are you telling me you had to use JJ Walker because of the problems in my life and the ongoing battles you had with the Clintons and the Democrats? If this is the case, then the labor unions and the communists doubled the pressure by not only taking me as a hostage, but they created hell in your life using Maher, Hannity, iRush, and all of these men. Which then caused you to set them up and led them down a road they never wish to go back. Furthermore, your stalkers are contacting me and trying to run me off the property, town, and even the United States; so I left for Canada and to start over. So these dates were a form of repellant, while we were doing this undercover work, and in this ferocious clandestine battle with the communist forces USA. You told me they tried to pull you into the labor camp and make you commit to hard labor all of your life; no chance of escape and needed to break you or domesticate you. So they grew more angry; the same with what I describe and how I set them up or used female friends to destroy them.

If you had so much problems with these men, why didn't you go for help or ask for any? I describe them as not stalkers but 911 terror plot conspirators, part of this 911 widows and new left wing that is cropping up everywhere and wrecking everything. They had murder plots on you, they said and located my office the moment I stepped foot in NY. They shut my life down in 2006 as a result of all of this; not just your life but also mine. Now they act as if we did not even know or recognize each other. I had all my phones turned off, all my finances wrecked, every police agency on me, and could not go out of my residence because of this crazed stalker and problem with the Democrats and communist terrorist. They claim they are still on our side and are now following us. So upstairs is following me 24 hours; around the apartment. Maher is now following you. Clinton is nowhere to be seen but set up command center upstairs. Hannity is following both of us and is upstairs. iRush is following both of us and is upstairs. That is just half the story and just what we have to deal with day to day.

The iRush is saying or bluffing; either way blaming us for steering hurricanes. If we were steering hurricanes I would probably kill every iRush jackass in the phone book by now. After the ordeal, trying to get rid of them, chasing them off 24 hours, chasing them off at work, chasing them off online, chasing them out of our home, chasing them off America and off other people; you have to ask why we do not steer hurricanes and kill all of them rotten and worthless F'ers. Worse, they are still playing games about how smart, clever, and obnoxious they are; we will never catch them. All they are saying is we are steering hurricanes, they are dead, they are sorry, we are in charge of them now, and they want us to leave. They no longer want anything to do with us and we have given them a lifetime of protection. CLICK HERE to listen to iRush talk about steering hurricanes and his cyclone analysis.

Ann, you are supposed to be my love and sex slave, what exactly happened? Why is it so hard to be friends now? So are you a hoe or just one sick MF? What is wrong with you Ann? Don't you know that your relationship with others affects your relation with me? I am not sure I want to go any further or be with you; there is just too many problems, too many stalkers, too many scandals and rumors, etc... Let me think about it okay and stop crying or going on TV and pleading to me; everybody is watching.

"# .“@Carden122: Carden122: @AnnCoulter hate blacks during the day. At night, date black men. J.J. from Good Times” Because he's dyn-O-mite! about 2 hours ago via Twitter for iPhone. # On plane-- How does this seatbelt thing work? Push until it clicks? about 2 hours ago via Twitter for iPhone."

Also, I read the stuff you wrote on your father, mother, Ron Silver, and now Joe Sobran. Your new one really sucked, bad. CLICK HERE to read Not Your Average Joe by Ann Coulter or crappy whiny stupid Ann Coulter material to clear up your sinuses.

What part of this story has changed over the course of 2 years? How about 5 years? How about 10 years? How about 20 years? Now all the sudden, we have to bend and flex to accomodate them; the worst of the worst. I am still trying to make it to FL and get my rent back; they claim they did a good job watching me and putting all of this pressure on me but could not break us or ruin us any longer. They also are mad and claim we ruined them; I am ready to lock them up for life and ask for the death penalty; not steer hurricanes or kill them. So your case and problem is almost identical to a rape and murder case; surviving it is one ordeal; moving on is yet another. Have you tried a new profession or a partner, say a super pro or the best in the industry? I personally am scared of communists and I am rather perturbed and scared off by your problems. Most people think you are an oddball or an outcast Ann; part of this insane plot and the communist spy trap or terror recruitment plot.

If what you say about JJ is true, then it had negative impact on your own life and caused a tremendous amount of grief, suffering, and pain. Your case on iRush, iHannity, and all of these media and derranged fans is based on or revolved around benefiting off your grief, causing tremendous hardships or life ending scandals, harassment, and pain and suffering. We clearly see this and you are lucky they could not go through with the murder plots. I am glad to help and proud of my austere and super quality work. I regret not punching out or showing them what a real man is and how fights are supposed to end. Now let me ask you about my predicament now that I have ignored mine and focused on yours. I am still a hostage but they are still on me and trying to keep this pressure of captivity ongoing.

I am still being used as a messenger to the FBI, to call in 911 and all of these bomb plots. They have not strapped anything to their crotch or my body yet; so be fortunate. Ann, all of this had an impact on my own life and even if we won and came out victorious; there is a lot of work to recover and get better. I have not been to the doctors or dentist in over five years. My entire life is shot; gone. I do not go outside but I have 24 hour guards and driven to the point of insanity in my own home. There is nothing different from start to go on this case and worse; all of these people are going to get additional conspiracy charges. This is what they call clandestine or scams to defraud; worse it led to a clandestine murder and kidnapping case. They are trying to conceal a terror plot and murders.


Ann, I am going to send you my phone number. The iRush is going into detail about steering hurricanes and I want to make sure I am near you or can help me in case of trouble. CLICK HERE to listen to the iRush go bannanas over steering hurricanes or a really crazy idea. He is saying the US government is or the US Army is because I know I only live on a few hundred bucks a month. The FBI said they know professional jobs and this is a professional job; not even one shred of evidence. I also have info on the Mario and iRush boat lift. iDick Morris said he was getting a lobotomy; is he or did we?

Keep in mind, iRush Um Bin Hannity would rather face a death squad then face justice. They keep and continue to insist we are at war, they are in total control, we do not have any rights, we must give them kids or leave, we cannot sue them or seek justice, and send as many death squads as it takes to eradicate or fix this problem with them waging war on America and our liberties. That attitude will problem be the reason why they all perish together or have the government send death squads to knock some sense into their ape like existence. These are wonderful Catholic liberals and communists who continue to preach human rights. So ask them, would you rather face a death squad or justice? We are charging them; they are not charging us or living our life.

This was and is not funny Ann. It can have a negative impact on our life. Shutting down a home team or a world series batter is one thing; but this is not funny and can have tremendous impact Ann. As far as AIDs, they were pricking me with a needle or something on my butt; when I sat on a car seat. I had three welts and pricks; mostly from my bike seat. I did not get Chlamydia, I got pricked.

CLICK HERE if you are a female and want Alex's cell phone number or want to talk to him? CLICK HERE if you would like to go to dinner or spend the night with Alex. CLICK HERE to share you story or adventure with Alex.

Ann, I need to have a serious talk with you. People know we are ripping each other apart and you are being blamed for all of this. This is so messed up Ann and I am worried. I know I did not do it and it took a long time to trace, catch, and corner who did. My number should be in my Twit to your Tweet and my voicemail. Write it down for emergencies or tell me what you are thinking. This is messed up Ann and a lot of people do not even believe you or know anything about you; the iRush even said this is so fake or he did not even know. He knew and lied; knew all along and felt you were a pimp and I was also; so this is how it got this way pimp. So you have to stop blowing me off and begin to take the initiative Ann. People think you are fake and I am out of my mind; worse, these men put the blame on you and it has a negative impact on me. So you must stop blowing me off at some point and make it real.

So Ann, tweet to me or whisper in my ear why you returned to the scene of the crime if I am in a ferocious fight with a jackass deadly F'er whom should be at the bottom of a lake instead of giving me an infection on my tail bone that has lasted like a tattoo after over 4 years. I will let the military doctors and the military take a look at this wound they gave me in 2006 at the prison jail. I was there for less than 30 days and some fag put some scar on my tail bone, two inches still a scab today. I also have filed attempted murder charges and will make sure each of them hang or their family does. It will be their choice because I am out of Justice and worse, out of patience. So can you please stop pissing me off and stop triggering my PTSD with your totally secret life? I have been cut out of the picture completely and yes I know everything they are doing but am having trouble explaining it or getting justice. These clowns would rather face a death squad then justice for this war on us and murder plots.

Ann, on Wednesday October 6, 2010; iSean Um Bin Hannity mentioned you on his show. You had been commenting on Mark Simone. I have stopped listening altogether because it is hourly back and forth with Sue and Chris Place. Now they demand I listen to his show and even wake me up for meetings; on Sundays as well. I would not do as iHannity wanted; to lure you into Las Vegas. If you go there and they get your address; they will mug you or rob your hotel while you are gone. If I pick up your cell signal, call you; I have your CDMA code. Once I have a CDMA code or GSM or TDMA; I can do anything with it. So do not go to your enemies, always let them come to you if they have a problem. It does not look good in court also. I read your twitter about the HVAC and iRush; so I added it. I did not understand the rest or who you are writing to. Who the hell are you talking to and why am I always freaking out about twits.

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My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.