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Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Ann, WTF. I asked you to tell me who was doing this to you and who was trying to kill you. Why the hell are you sending me Bill Maher material and more of Lisa DePasquale dressing up or wearing your clothes stuff? Why is this race problem white and black but Mafia and labor union? Why is this about the Catholic Church and land sales? Why does it all focus on Asia and the Cold War? Why are they all construction companies, electronic surveillance, and home improvement terrorists? Who is doing it Ann, tell me sweetheart....

CLICK HERE for De Pasquale’s Dozen: Eric Metaxas by Lisa De Pasquale
CLICK HERE for Bill Maher Uses Brett Favre's Penis Sexting To Bash Sarah Palin and White Men by Noel Sheppard

Ann I have charged Sue and Chris Young with attempted murder and the landlord. I cite them using me to bait or lure a rescue; to try and have me scream for help while hiding to ambush whom survived. So they ambushed you and then fabricated some bizarre sex, rape, and insane plot on you. During this insane plot, they were tricked into thinking you were higher up or more powerful than they were; so they hired you. For what they never said or made clear. So this charade focused on you pleading for fighting for me; against my orders. You were to go and tell the authorities who did this and what we saw; mostly what I told you. I said I will shut my life down, wait, and to hurry up; I will try to blind them and anger them anyhow or anyway I can; good luck. You took so long and picked a fight with so many people Ann. My God I had that many people chasing me and after my ass?

So once they confirmed you and I knew each other; they lured you or tried to chase me off. Then you were told one story, I was told another. They told me they were going to kill you and then used Anne Pressley so I would call you and panic. They doubled the pressure and captivity on me while you began to attack them even more against my orders; so we were arguing and I said to just let it go for now. When you attacked or exposed them; they doubled the attack on me and harmed me to make you shut up and go away. Then it was this bizarre sex scandal iRush and iHannity made up. They tried to seduce you or were so delusional; they felt you wanted in on this murder plot and were a 911 terrorist also. So they moved in and got close to you. They moved in and got close to me; even more than 2005. You kept insisting we are at war, there is a conspiracy, you are a victim, you are the police, you are in total control, you were superior, we had no rights, etc...

First you were a hooker and pimping me. Then I was a hooker and you were pimping me. Then you were auctioned off or a bride for their leadership (communist and terrorist); we were their solution to stupidity, obesity, and all sorts of imperfections or flaws. We were always and constantly made to feel like a prisoner, in a vulnerable position, not tough enough, not strong enough, had to follow orders, and constantly struggle from attacks. That is how I described the nightmare and this ordeal; 10,000+ attacks. When asked, iRush said he wanted us dead (suicide or malice). They refuse to stop until we are dead, a total disaster is no longer moving, or nobody can move. Every single second of our life was watched and we had surveillance so they were constantly in a stalemate or behind them; odds against us. So that was the murder plot; to use us as bait and to keep the pressure up until we are dead. If a rescue comes; they were were hiding and waiting to ambush them.

To defeat this ambush as I had warned in 1998; I free falled without any safety line and pulled the stick at the very last minute. I hit all my thrusters and everybody can see how strong and fast those engines are now. They had tried to pull the same Gs and hit the stratophere. They used this partner, buddies, or best friend gimmick to coverup the murder plots on us or using us as bait. They figured once they used us as a worm and hooked a big fish; they could reel in this conspiracy and win a legal law suit once they cased and targeted their opposition. Then they used 911 to make it clear they are going to kill us and to hurry up. They used since 1990 shootouts, bomb plots, etc... to communicate to us and the rescue. These crimes and media terror plots were intended to sway the jury and the police; to judge wrongly.

When things lined up; they struck to secure a witch hunt or inquisition. Like 911; it floated against the current and was so strong; they motored up the rapids. They were so careful and so worried we were blackmailing them or someone was watching; they missed it all and got cornered in the end. I document this and began the interview immediately; including 911, a gambling plot domestically, and what they can do if and when they controlled the government and police stations. The odd part is 2009 when planes and cars began to wreck and it took awhile before I could figure it out; but they had hit me so many times by then; I knew how they were doing it and why. You took us hostage for a very important reason; moreover, that important reason was what you needed to steal or else you would be in a dead end. So the police was your plan. The police controls the planes, cars, and response times; it allows you a lifetime of protection and you can sell it to other criminal groups. Once you had the police; you could now move in the national security levels. If anybody grew suspicious or was on to you; a crew came in and made it a racial matter. Now it was about hate and hysterical or insanity; disturbed.

So by terrorizing us or using fear; you managed to win your way to power. The gambling plots were only to keep your criminal organization and labor unions alive and no glue was strong enough. You kept gluing one piece on the other and it wsa retarded. Essentially, your uppity business enterprise and drug wars were dead and dying. Your soldiers were neglected and a social disaster. Nobody made it to retirement. After decades of this we grew used to being prisoners and daily attacks; to be watched, to be cheated and attacked, and destroyed. We learned by out cunning you. We were so used to it when you attacked us to silence Ann and I; we did not panic and it was just another day at the office. Everybody was freaking and we were not hysterical or in total panic; total copasetic and acclimated to this terrorism and stalking. I then began questioning you daily; after 20 years as if I had lived with you or could smell you in the bush. That is going to be hard to explain.

Then you raised the bar on how weak and retarded you truly are. You said your spy ring of terrorists and communists did not know what to do, this was your only chance by attacking us, and how others were living your American dream. You had to get power and keep your soldiers alive if you were to have a chance; so you racked up trillions in national debt. No glue was strong enough or good enough. You came to America to loot it and leave the continent a total natural disaster. So by peeing in the water, everybody sufferred and got sick. You could come around and play doctor, care and show this arrogance. Now it has all come to an end. What you did got done back on you but twice as worse and strong. If you hit the ball 10 times; you got tagged out 10 times.

In all honesty, this would have worked well and you would have taken over the US and possibly the world, at least a world war and many killed, had you chosen two other human beings. However, by chosing Alex and Ann; you made the world's worst possible mistake. By using them or even exposing them to your mannerism or ways; you put a loaded gun in their hands but the head you told them to aim it at was actually yours. At least that is how it turned out. Your greed and your tricks; in the end, became your worst fear and worst enemy. Furthermore, your lies to make our side our own worst enemy by total lies and rumors; was just a rotten slander case. To some human beings; evil and crime can be a worst enemy; how you trained us and what you wanted was just how must rumble you felt in the end. I had no idea a human being was this evil or this criminal. I have never seen a human turd or such a sub species.

But wait, they are like the Terminator and does not die. When all else failed, they tried to portray themselves as fans, best friends, helpers, staff, and even lovers. Everything was to help us but never harm us. You kept telling us how you did not know what to do, wanted to die, and was doing this for your rancorous family. You did not know what you are supposed to do or had to do; but whatever it was you dedicated it to your family. This went down a new road you had us explore with you; kicking and screaming. We were so used to it by now, we played along and had a laugh on your behavior. If the FBI or police asked; you were our friends, our biggest fans, and could not think of any reason why we were so angry or would have a problem with you. The ransom was delivered to Ann in the form of real dead bodies and a cast; a proxy. The test dummy trick did not work and got you in more and more trouble; this was only a safety valve, a crime.

I would describe you as a certified retard and a jackass; the fact you were a psychopath and terrorist covered this up or perfumed it. You and your followers, the labor unions and labor movement are absolute retards. The drug wars and these mafia wars weeded out the retards from the strong; while the weak were an air hump. I would not say you are a class act but a class study; a case study. Any spy catcher or investigator has to hear your legend and then ours. We will let them judge and find out who they are or want to be; you are a death sentence and a human disaster. You claim to be a media expert and we need you because we need a psychiatrist, am hysterical, and nobody believes us; always going uphill and vulnerable to another attack (10,000+ already). So harassing someone is 10 or even 5000 times. When you attack someone more than 10,000 times and for over 10 years; that is murder. Worse, you are a jackass and a retard with a deadly streak and want blood.


These smoldering lies and endless scams included treating us like a political slut you were pimping and investigating our own murder plot. The idea was to throw us in a tizzy or make us hysterical so you could act calm, cool, and collective; then parade us as too emmotional or distraught. Then everybody had to succumb to this idea you were powerful and we were just a piece of property a street pimp was worried about; nobody would care about us or believe us. If that was not all, you even disclosed 911 and the plots in a final gesture of frustration with us. You felt if you answered our questions, we would just go away and leave as ordered. You then said we are the ones in the vulnerable position while you were sitting next to the fireplace, nobody believed us. It all came down to the Mafia and labor unions, who were the leaders fueling the left wing, crime organization, Democratic Party, and communism. Naturally, the mafia were the group or ring of spies fueling the communist and this white Revolutionary Command that hides behind racism and street crimes. Now with the compounding of 100s of felonies; you tried to make it appear as if we were the problem, safety and the law was inseparable, and we had to leave or be punished by some political pimp for reacting too emmotional. The Unabomber look alike and the murdered hooker in a trash can "double act" was just more grandstanding.


From the iRush pages and local upstate NY problem or eviction hearings:

So you want to trade my sports car for drugs or have me become a smuggler for you eh? Well the Unabomber in the back with the McVeigh Indian land grabber bomb plot in Beirut can kiss my ass. Your Jewish pain in the ass keeps coming around and refuses to understand nobody is interested in you or the labor unions. Regardless, you keep these bomb plots at the DEAFCON 4 level with the gambling and Lebanon crap. Tom the Unabomber said Lisa Joseph was Lebanese and I said, yes I know. So now you are trying to say not to trust a minority; your white supremacy plot has now a major problem; I called not one but two cops on your ass. Home improvement business my ass, more like DVD peeping tom audition.

Narco Trafficking and Narco States go by the Maoist philosophy of "rule of the gun." Politics is by the barrel of a gun. Mao said himself this change is not centralized but in the farms and rebellion of the peasants. Therefore, drugs and immigrants buttress a larger problem. They seek the same things. They have the same dictionary. They abide by the same rules and laws. If you want to blame immigrants or drugs; then you have to do it in politics. It is much larger of a problem than imaginable. Also, when they want the government; it is a fight to the death. They will not stop until you are dead or driven out of town; what is going on now, a coup. To curb or buttress this immigrant and drug problem; supply side economics is not possible. One egg produces 10 more and so on and so one.

At the center of this case is a car. The people, all total, who came up to me about the car were:
1. A random stranger in the neighborhood who wanted to know if he could buy it for his daughter in 2006.
2. Tom the handyman and his brother in the back, staff of Rick Johnson.

Those were the only two people who wanted the Trans Am or ask me how much. If you review my notes, Tom the handyman is trying to get me in the drug business. Chris Young kept saying how the tenant in the back was busted by the FEDs for having dope plants or an indoor operation. So I reported smoking something, dope laced with some other powerful ingredient, only once to prove I was not a cop. I am not a cop. Then his daughter Angel comes around and tries to arrange a large purchase or let me know she is there for me. She even begins hitting on me and is trying really hard to hide it. The dope is a low grade type laced with some substance to take it over the top. It makes your heart feel as if it is going to explode; and then makes you feel sick and hungry. It is supposed to be a high money maker and they love it from what I saw.

I told them (Tom and his brother) I had problems with a girl beyond the scope of God or human powers. All the sudden a girl named Jasmine Fiore is found in a dumpster and her BF is the culprit; murdered and desecrated. So a trade was in progress over the Trans Am; for a large amount of drugs. It is highly probable this was the original intent; to use the Trans Am as a car to smuggle or win a chase. The rear window busted out shows someone is intending on shooting it out or vandalized the back window for this. Oddly, the back window has to be fixed now. They felt I was working on my car to prep it for smuggling drugs or border runs, I was not. I am here and was to begin the final leg of what I describe as our life being invaded and I used the area and had planned to use it for security while I utilized the Canadian government and border for protection. These people had terrorized me in 1998 and I had reported it. Now they had to finish what they started while I had to find them and bring this to an end.

So the car was a trade for probably a pound of high grade dope or some weapon to facilitate a armed robbery; a means to help or make money. I sat there on the internet with Canadian women galore and they must have seen this or my ability to get along so well. So they were highly impressed by my talent from 2006-2008 working at 12am-6am writing four books. So they see one thing and I saw another story altogether. By compounding the problems, they made it all about rent payments or ransom; not safety or whether any crimes had occurred and why.

This is not about a Trans Am, not about gambling and smoking problems; not about smuggling. It is not able to legal funds or self defense, not able cherry picking immigrants, not about expanding drugs and prostitution, and not about break downs and plane related dangers. This was about the police and what politics can do to the police department. It is dangerous but has a face of a retard who does not know what to do in life or when problems compound. This is about a bomb plot and 18,000 pages of terror related material; this is the sole reason of being in Niagara County. It all traces to the same people and has a long history. It is about black liberation and indigenous rights; a liberal moniker of hate. It is a test to see who will and can stop them or if the police have been taken over by politics.

Gambling plot, separationist, State rights, or land sales:
1. Whitewater Scandal
2. Oklahoma City
3. Waco, Tx
4. Beirut
5. WTC 1 and WTC 2
6. The Police and Legal Defense Funds
7. Love Canal and City Hall
8. NY elites and families


Based on what I know about this bunch, the NYT will probably report that Clarence Thomas and Anita Hill were complicit in a conspiracy to reaffirm their hope and desperation. Therefore, they needed support and well wishers because nobody believed them and they are not media experts. Similar to the iRush, he said women cannot be guilty of rape and can initialize this hoax when they want it. The police will believe the female and it proves nothing but racial profiling and hate. So they do these hoaxes to leak information or talk through others; but it comes down to The One; a religious figure they call their leader. The One is being hunted down for at least 7 plots to kill and steal in the name of the poor and labor movement; now natives and indigenous female dogs there for the taking. They want to be beheaded and they are not fake, very powerful sex and metaphysics.

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My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.