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Thursday, October 14, 2010


The analysis of Amy Baker and Michael Jordan's father on the iHannity pages: CLICK HERE

Ann, everybody knows I love you. However, I cannot or am not allowed to love you under these terms. We look poor. We look defeated. We look desperate. Your career looks like a train wreck. You look like you don't care. You are made to appear as if you are always in a sleazy affair or industry. They insist you are fake and not our friend. Under these terms, how do I find peace and how do I love you; true or not? You must show these men pain and give some fight; to make them scream and hospitalize them; that will clearly show a rape or a murder plot. All I see is flirting and nonsense, hurt them Ann; make them scream, not me. Now I am screaming and they claim you are a bad girl. These stunts have led to a big lawsuit and a lot of problems; maybe our own life ruined.

No matter what you say or do, they claim they are risking their life to expose you and risking their own careers to get to the truth. Then we get total lies and this media stunt, conspiracy. Now I have the Mossad telling me I am forbidden from speaking to any of their agents. I can loose my life and was warned. I have the State Police enforcing this Mossad decree; so I could not speak my mind and talk to you normally. They claim they could not see or know who you love and did not know why; we all know why now. Worse, whatever you do to them, they do right back to me. Please be more careful Ann, okay. You are now the mirror and the gateway to hell in my life; not a blessing or heaven and the people who regulate this gateway are the same people; the Camelot crew and elites. They inist and are gambling their own life; saying you had or were trying to cheat (with them in a sex scandal, have proof now) and you are lying or refuse to say anything while they spew out nonsense daily or continuous. Now they are taking up my side against you.

Ann, I heard the NY Times and State Police/Attorney Generals have waged war on you. They are upset with you also. I want to ask NY and CT what the hell they expect the Pentagon or the military to do? We caught and captured them toying with us and have a 1.5 billion dollar law suit on their leaders. Do they have a 1.5 billion dollar pain and sufferring case? Has the State Police spoken to their personnel and said, "Look, get the hell off the force. If we catch you, we will shoot to kill. Your lies have caused us to be the enemies of America and the Pentagon to ask if Stealth bombers are needed to fix the police?" It is the labor unions, these rotten immigrants, and these powerful families Ann. They think they run and control the police. All you have to do is look at the 1960s and Vietnam. Now they want to be us or like us. Now they want to be our partners and sex slaves. What do they expect us to do? If the Pentagon was face to face with this dirty bomber, terror plot, or mafia war with rotten dependent immigrants; what would they do and when is the breaking point? You waged war on them, they are coming to me, they claim you lied, you claim they lied; GD Ann. Ann, do you need them? Can you prove you are a good wife or partner without needing the suspects or whom we caught? Why do you rely on the bad guys to prove you right?

Ann, you did wage war on them. You did wage war on the state of NY. Now they are holding court and coming to me; in my home. Cuomo, Patterson, and Spitzer did not demand the truth or sought to solve this. What they did was tell me "this is a conspiracy... we are the elite... why don't you leave... why don't you shut up... we only want to help... we are ready to die." What or how does the Pentagon handle that? How or what does the State Police or the state of NY want us to do about all of these tentacles on America; drug wars; immigrant problems; smells of the homeland and this strong smelling salt; and all of these slaves? They feel liberation is the key and freedom; what the hell does the Pentagon do? Do they expect me or Ann to give a speech or come down off our ivory tower and be kidnapped and nearly raped? Shall we reproduce this on their family member to see what they would do or if they are strong enough to break it? So how are we expected to? Why do we have to leave? Why don't we deport them or send in stealth solutions? They are the ones who got caught red handed; they are the liars and scum ball; why do we have to clean up, shine their shoes, get ordered around, and have to sue them for 1.5 billion dollars? Ann they are guilty and from the "I love Ann Why" state; all you lie; you tell the truth and need them? The truth can be hurtful and can be dangerous. Are you a rotten liar also? Ann everybody is turning on you. Why am I the only one who has not or did not; why?

It is not 10 or 20 per cent of the population either. How about if they stop lying and put some real pressure on them? How about if they stop investigating us, trying to give us marriage counseling, be a referee where they are not welcomed, and go after the real problems? Focus on the real problem and the fake or people who we know are lying pathological and serial killer co-conspirators. Power and corruption leads to this ending; now peace and anti-war is leading us? So what do they expect me to do with Ann, another NYawker? What do they expect the Pentagon to do with them? If an enemy or psycho spy ring was face to face with you or had your family, what would you do? Would you wage war on each of them? Would you kill them? Would you make 1 million suffer for their bad decisions or allowing them to be leaders? Why are these dictators and spies allowed to use the people as a shield while they act like the police at home and domestically? What are we supposed to do, deport them or smell their strong smelling salt? At least Ann waged war on them and at least I cleaned up; now they refuse to leave or surrender; we have to. Ann this is not a joke or a mere game; it is a conspiracy and we are on the threshold of World War and even civil war. Do you need them to speak for you? Can you prove you are a decent, good, and loyal wife? Why do you depend on these people so much Ann; why can't you be self reliant or just say it? They lie; you tell the truth and need them?

Now to make it up they want to wage war on Ann for not telling the truth or leading us down this road; good job Ann. Ann is telling me they are lying about her and is a good spouse or partner. Are you sure about this Ann? Can you proove it? Then why do you feel you are such a sure thing and will always win all your fights? They even say you are a Jewish female Ann; can you prove this also? Can you prove anything besides lying, betraying, and waging war? Do you at least want to have a real marriage before you leave this world or turn 70? Are you even interested in marriage or maybe a normal life? Females and the police tell me you only want to meet 1000s of men, go to bars, use me to win your political battles, and claim you are giving me this life that is still hidden and unspoken of; your story? Yes, we know you messed up and you keep forgiving yourself; over and over again; it is all a total disaster, and it is getting bigger but now has been plugged; thanks Ann. At some point Ann, your mess has got to be weighed with their mess. Also, stop repeating stuff over and over like you are rocking back and forth and reading nonsense. I am getting sick of you all; all of you Ann and it is not because you are decent or fine American quality. I also do not need to know about how you hate your race or how you wish to be like us, them, or insanity. I kept saying you were insane but I did not know who or what drove you to this point; so what drove you to this insanity? Me? So you waged war on them and so did I. Now they are coming to me, for many reasons, claim I lied, claim you lied, claim they wish to help, we are them and they are us, and we are back at insanity again and 1.5 billion dollars in punitive damages, suffering, and a huge gigantic bow on our ship.

Ann, everybody is turning on you except me. Why? Now everywhere I look, it is CT and Voter fraud. Your article is even about voter flunky-ism and the problem with America:

Annie. So what if you have more men than an average woman. It is embarrassing, humiliating, and you are constantly fighting one sex scandal after the other. They say you enjoy this. Then you cry, complain, and tell me they are trying to cover up a rape and murder plot. You of all people should know they will lie pathologically; and then turn around and say "nobody believes you because we are media experts." This is not a typical case, this is guarding a terror and murder plot with their life; terrorizing others. So yes, it is nerve racking, scandalous lies back and forth, and really aggravating; done to inflict personal injury or emmotional terror; why do you wait for me and plead? Do I have a show or share the stage with you? Do I go to your events or call you on the iPhone? Do I come over to your apartment or home in FL? Do I show up at any event with you ever? Then why complain about them trying to ruin you as I have done double or triple the levels you have; you have a bozo security. Do you know what I have? I have a dirty governor and the State Police giving me marriage advice, about you of course.

Now read this, is this why the iRush says you "don't care... have a chip on her shoulder": (Your Twitter account is being plastered around the web and blog-asphere Ann!
5. Yet more on the pedophile -- about 3 hours ago via web
6. More on pedophile posing as a conservative from red state -- about 4 hours ago via web
7. COULTER ATTACKED BY ACTUAL PEDOPHILE! (how did I miss this story?) about 4 hours ago via web
8. Paladino Support Surges! about 4 hours ago via web
9. Unemployment may be skyrocketing, but at least we got that African genital washing center out of the Stimulus bill! - about 4 hours ago via web
10. Another lie about Christine O'Donnell exposed: Zoominfo allows anyone to "verify" a profile - about 4 hours ago via web
11. OBAMA APPROVAL RATING SOARS: Al Qaeda calls for attacks on government workers in D.C. -- about 4 hours ago via web
12. .@ohheybill I wanted to make the NYT buy me drinks. 3:26 PM Oct 12th via web
15. which reminds me: perhaps you foulmouthed liberals could take up a collection to buy the NYT a subscription to nexis. or even a computer. 2:44 PM Oct 12th via web
16. .@jaqobjackson yes, if only the NYT had an internet cnxn, they could have read it too and see that I haven't changed any of my positions. 2:43 PM Oct 12th via web

I have husbands who call or make a pitch for their wives; as if they are getting the baby Jesus. Do you think I want their wives? Do you think I want 500 or 1000 of these high prices hookers so they marry a younger and slimer female? I even have a few of your so called friends calling me or contacting me about how you are engaged and sexually active. Yes they are pederast. Yes they are predators. Yes they are luring you for more danger. Worse, they are a terror group and cult group who do this all the time. Then if you complain, they will say "why don't you leave, nobody likes you" or "you don't even care... anything you want." They tell me you love attention, adoration, and stakers; some game to make you focused and care about them, is this true? Now your life and mine is a wreck because each time we turn the corner; they are laying in wait. So yes it is a murder and terror plot; worse, the impact looks like you or I am a cheating spouse or an adulterer. I am not and have never had a lurid affair. I am strictly monogamous and in HS also, ask around. With 200 drop dead and stunning females, some straight A students, I was and remain monogamous. The point is to ruin both you and I first; and then inflict more or a deadly blow. They had position repeatedly for this deadly blow thinking it was arriving.

Here is the problem. It is not what they say or do anymore Ann. It comes down to the impact on your life and mine; they are crazed lunatics, did not use a gun or knife yet, and want to die. You must understand they will sacrifice and throw away their business, careers, and family over a secret life and pederasty. They also say I have an Oedipus Complex (sex with mother) and this is not true; you just happen to be older and subservient; super sexy and a love slave. So I am lost of words to explain this to you and they keep lying about you and I and saying nobody believes us. They do it to me also just the opposite sex. So that is or was why the State Police was keeping tabs on you; a ring of fire and protection like a crazed lunatic or retarded liberal. The black men and homosexual "jew baiting" was not a joke; I want you to focus on what is important and your own murder or terror plot. You cannot even have babies so they cannot use you any longer to steal our kids. This was about watching us and "trying to help" or "they don't care"; to use females to have kids or steal our life and ruin it. They will not stop regardless of how much proof you show or what you do; now they claim you are not asking for it. So who needs who and whom is only trying to help or hunt us down? Is it a terrorist group as we caught and have now?

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My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.