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They are employing a bankruptcy strategy. The landlord missed court and said an emergency in Michigan with his daughter. Chris and Sue did not say a word. I will find out later what is going on. AAA is willing to tow my car to DC and I got a ride to clear up more paperwork in VA. Haru has done it again Anh, he has cleared and escaped the super warrior once again. I will crush him and destroy him; wait and see.
Ann, before I brief you on TOP SECRET HURRICANE DUTY or brief you on TOP SECRET ORDERS that I have just deciphered reading your new article "STRANGE MEN GROPE NANCY PELOSI OR THE TERRORISTS HAVE WON"; I want to make this clear to you. First, your article is going nowhere; Osama will never fire Janet and they will never change the staff that blows right by super Israeli top secret airport security. Second, if you want me to believe Barney is a homo or enjoys male on male sex; you have to show me either an airport security leak of his anus or an anal wart. If you cannot show me or if someone cannot show me, then do not bring this up again or try to prove your case; it is all speculations, fake, and rumors swarming around all of you all. All of you need to stop gay bashing and come up with hard evidence or a boner of truth. Am I clear on this? No more Barney accusations unless I see the size of his airport pictures in pure and truthful form; I am tired of this and I do not want to deal with it. You and these people just will not put the brakes on and I need more to go on; am I clear on this Ann? No anus proof, no more bashing or speculations; end it now and stop this sulking or feeling sorry about yourself. I am done with my updates, now read my TOP SECRET AND DECRYPTED messages I have written to you. READ THE NEXT BLOG WHICH IS DOUBLE ENCRYPTED WITH EXTRA SECURITY FOR YOUR EYES ONLY! BE QUICK WE ARE ON EARTHQUAKE AND HURRICANE DUTY NOW.
First off Ann, the TSA and DHS are the problem. They are the hairiest, fat, slob or repugnant police officer I have ever met. Can we shave them and put their hair in a turbin before you ask if they even know who their bosses are and why only this club of communists and Jews can go through airport security without a pat down or cavity searches? Yes it is just routine and do not take it personal; but for these people the FBI is investigating each of them and have 24 hours of surveillance on them. Yet they go right through airport security and do that "nay-nay-nay-nay" finger on the nose thing. You would think FBI agents are not on to this and how many times these politicians, their family, and certain people slip through or past this Israeli super security. Imagine what would happen if they began to wiretap phones or maybe require anybody who was under surveillance or has bodyguards to get a cavity search. The reason why they have bodyguards is? The reason why they have power or need to win elections is? So I read your article, "STRANGE MEN GROPE NANCY PELOSI OR THE TERRORISTS HAVE WON" by Ann Coulter on November 24, 2010; and I can tell you that it is going nowhere. It is a dead end Ann; they will never fire Janet Napolitano and Obama will never get this right; trust me. The police right now are the threat; they are the bodyguards for the poor, the desperate, the corrupt, and the spies. As far as groping Nancy, I would not mind. Even men with little more than a balls of licks can go by a airport scanner before they can tell what religion or race they are by their pant size. Imagine if the anus of a gay man showed up on airport scanners; where is the ACLU or your buddies HomoCon?
What they could do is screen out females with AIDs so if the plane went down or exploded; there is noT hazardous or spread of AIDs; but the conspiracy continues. At least I would use my training and safety procedures before giving mouth to mouth as I run into the building with no fear and save people. So Fox News is correct; they got to do something Ann or give them a reasonable Israeli solution so we can share terrorism secrets with our friends from Mossad. It is like safe sex Ann; only abstinance works. Oddly, military soldiers on military planes have to go through cavity searches by TSA civilians. Why? Robert Mueller and Nancy Pelosi are not military and they do not have this elevated secrecy level; why are they excluded? I have had over 30 men looking at my anus and nobody can give me an answer why or how that mysteriously was avoided by these lousy immigrants and slaves. They do not even have top secret clearance and listen like thieves while reading my books. Why do I get the cavity searches (Not 1 or 3 but 30). So your piece of hairy ass Barney Frank is not going to pimp any body's ride Ann, sorry to let you down. I think why iRush and iHannity talked about this for two weeks is to get someone to grope you, tease you into clit hell, and get someone to leak a picture of you in your best ;-) Tell them to let me see it and I can ID you from your airport scan okay. They got a boner listening to this on the radio for two weeks and salivating. I would love to see the hole Demi has between her metal thing down there and wonder if it was a threat; now that would be a bad day.
Imagine if Nancy had pooped in her diaper before the plane lifted; do they flag her down? How about anal warts; can they add a feature to detect explosive anal warts on non condom wearing promiscuous humans? What if that was a bomb and exploded? Get used to it; I was falsely imprisoned and mistaken for Nelson Mandela; then they made me do a strip (almost cavity search) at least 30 times since 1998. Did I get $300,000 or $30,000 for each time they got a boner? So you see, we all suffer and are oppressed in one form or another; we are all guilty, a threat, and a terrorist in one shape or form. In the case of people who fly 100 times a month; Janet Napolitano will be fired when they end up with skin cancer with that much Xray or radio active exposure. That is almost 100 Xrays a month; no SPF danger there is it? At least they can practice liberal safe airport sex if they are all molesters and retarded. Talk about carcinogen and cigarettes imagine a child getting 100 Xrays a month. But do you expect them to do nothing Ann, give me a solution besides firing them and throwing the lousy immigrants out of office or couping them as I did. So don't sweat it, I had to walk around like I was in Auschwitz and have horny prison guards stare at my anus while I complained to them about how I was going to sue the hell at them. They got pissed off and said if I did not shut up; they would make it harder; I did not shut up and they did make life hell. I kept on complaining about "do you have to do that." They will say it is only procedure. Ann do not hate America; it is just like traffic; you will get used to it. You will be used to a 2 hour commute eventually. How about going after the people who gave me 30 cavity searches a 600 megaton retaliation or solution to retardation? Do I see any of them or even 1 of them stepping down?
Look Ann, you go on the iHannity Show and I turn it off now because I think I am encouraging you. You tell me stuff which makes me compliment you and you make me eat my words. Then Bill Bin iMaher takes my compliment and says it about you. I am always in the dark and everything I say is either turned into insanity or I am embarrassed by you. Now all you do is apologize to me and I keep saying or telling you to stop making excuses and wait until we can talk in private. I am sick of this and I want these people out of my life. You are the one going to dinner, cruise ships, weddings, cock rails, getting groped in jpg land, need an AIDs test, and sulking to me about how insane this got or is. Now you go on iHannity and I turn it off immediately because you are like a kid who grabs one detail and makes them eat it. They love this Ann and they love making me eat my words; do I have to tell you to shut up or stop also? Remember, I do not go to Restoration Weekends, invite them to my house, go to their weddings, go to their cruise ships, go to their retreats, and take lewd or happy pictures to hide the malice and insanity. You both do it and I am sick of it. Ann, they are trying to mess with our minds and make us go crazy; do you hear me, keep away from them; they want to be united and partners. I am very sympathetic to them now and the safest place for them and their kids is jail naturally; I want them off this planet and this will reach the right commander eventually.
They are nuts and mentally unstable now Ann; lost their mind and getting worse. I want them out of my life but you seem like you enjoy them more; so I have stopped complaining and I just ignore your sulking and tirades. I got sick of that also and you still gave me no idea what you were up to. There are statute of limitations and I sound stupid now; even discredited. I sound like I am making excuses for you or am spoiled; a arrogant bitch. So I am not going to egg you or them on; I have my case and if you feel good about it; then you let me know when you are ready. I am sick of it and a warrior; I do not show or have emotions; I destroy enemies; I am champion; I fight to the death and am cool as a cucumber in combat; I do tornado kicks and the wildest moves on a wrestling match; and I hit tennis balls as hard as my body can while in the air. This stuff is not in my mental fortitude or character; but you are much better than I am so go with it. When you are at peace and when you are ready; then call me but do not call me unless you have something to say or something good okay. It eggs on iRush, iHannity, these girls and whores, and I have the hottest bitches trying to shake your world now. Even Katie Couric likes me and Catherine Kennedy; thanks Ann. I need these people in my life and I want to see you go to dinner, their homes, drinking with them, and more. Do I need to listen or watch as goofy, chubby, ignorant, arrogant, rotten as hell, buffoons, and liberals express their love for you while stalking you and telling me how united you are? What about me Ann? What about our unity and partnership? Do I have to pull off your skirt just to get your attention or get you to respond? Is that where we are now Ann?
Their mental stability and sense of reality is slipping Ann; while you sulk and complain. They are loosing their minds and are unstable now; ready for a shrink or a counselor. Why do I have to put the nail in their coffin? Why Ann? I hate their guts and I want them dead; now they are in your life and I have to chase them off; F them Ann, I hate them and they are now so mentally unstable, they fake it. So you tell this MF how I feel about them and what this has done to my life; they stink. I am not united and they are some dirty Italian or Irishman who is always seeking a minority or black person to hide behind. Now I have you to deal with and you hide behind me also; thanks. Now here is what I want you to do. I want to read my new chapter and the new masterpiece by the father of satellite warfare and the legend of US military history. I need you to study it, tell me how brilliant I am, and how much you love me; got all that you goob? Stop giving them attention and shower me with love and attention; feed me grapes and when I clap; come running in a night robe. Are you retarded or just another one of their jackass breed? Why are they so jealous and hate me so much Ann; did you hurt them or did you do something to them? Now I have to get rid of them and they won't go or leave me alone; are you happy? Let them do it! Here is my new masterpiece and probably the best Ann Coulter scenario I have written with my felt and suede mind:
UPDATE: Look you little fart, I don't care why you did it, if you are my buddy, if you know Ann, how big your vocab. is, how rich you are, how poor I am, how you and Pelosi are Nazis and with the Japs on this, how you are fighting terrorism and know Jews; you either fix this or make sure there is 1.5 billion dollars so we can get started to fix this. Billions of lives are on the line and you are trying to start world war 4 with your ridiculous show and marriage. Also we do not care if you like us or not; we are not united so stop calling me a nig you MF. I don't care if you are the police, 911 terrorists, or if your head exploded in your ass. F you. I want this fixed, my life fixed or put 1.5 billion in my bank and I will hire the lawyers asap to fix it. F you. I know those who hurricaned and earthquaked your ass is laughing at how stupid and united you sound. You stink! You Cali Nazis are not minority loving honkies. Also, I said do not talk to my girl or lay your broken finger again; are you trying to kill billions of billions of people? God is an alien and he likes games too!@
Guidelines for UCMJ will be written as a guide. Essentially double jeaopardy is possible. Justice is swift. Desertion or abandoning a unit while in combat is punishable by death. Touching or laying a finger on an officer is an offense. Then there is insubordination and other Article 22 reasons which falls under the UCMJ. The FBI and police are forbidden from interfering or obstruction of justice. If answers or an explanation is not provide; one is. Certain offenses do not require detainment; only a witness. Article 22 can be expedited if a trial is not requested. Treason and other offenses including spying or police offenses are severely punished. So go and study because unless you are notified of some charge or offense; you cannot be held liable and an acceptable answer is provided.
If you accuse me one more time of: 1. Not being thorough 2. represent my family or loved ones (guardians or labor unions) 3. being a terrorist 4. waging war on you over hate, Jews, or blacks 5. have to yell stop or go away again 6. F with my female partner and love 7. do any harm to my life or do not provide me an acceptable answer; I will wage war on you, God, and a whole lot more. Right now you are a public safety and you may want to read the below. I will make sure the right people get this and hurricane or earthquake you until you are finished on this earth. It is not because you are powerful, helping, our buddy, staff, voice, Yiddish, or anything you claim; trust me. Now you either give us an acceptable answer or we will destroy and wage war on you anyhow, anyway, and in any means necessary. This is not terrorism it is justice and if you want justice; then you will have an acceptable answer and rebuttal which we can add in the book. This will reach the right party and if God himself is a problem; then he will be challenged and subjugated. It took time to get a grip of what you did to Ann; it may take longer with God himself. Do you hear me you SOB and MF... I want you and this enemy off the planet earth. You can also confess to how God fearing you are now and what you did or started; it is not terrorism and well beyond strategic thermal nuclear war. The highest strategy on this earth and the mightiest military orders ever encountered you draft dodger and communist liberal. Oh, the snide comments is going to get you fired or in real trouble. You and your spies; face much more than the death penalty, trust me.
STOP means there is MALICE. The government needs to unplug Fox and NBC or MSNBC before liability is faulted. They witnessed a crime and then ignored or were not helpful. So more of a disaster from the disaster and now STOP means malice.
Ann recorded STOP on TV... they refused. STOP means they are malice. We have told them to stop 100s of times, now it is criminal malice. I would love to see these people rot in hell, sorry for the frank words but they are the most rotten immigrants I have ever seen. They mistake hunger for power. They are fat and think it makes them more hungry and powerful. They make snide comments about how flawed and screwed up they are. They cause disasters for companies such as USPS and the FBI.
Ann, can you believe how lousy these immigrants are and how retarded they are? They think it is party time and the dinner bell has sounded. This rattlesnake and mouse of a lousy immigrant only wants to take pictures, go to dinner, have a cruise ship to hell, dance the night away, go to socials, and act like a retard or lousy immigrant in America. Have you figured them out yet or are they just desperate? Here is the worst part, they think we care and say this is about sex. The story of Kathy Bush losing custody of her daughter was because she kept making her sick and when she got in the room; the child would become angry, upset, start crying, and thought a dirty smell arrived. So these human beings do live on a trash heap and they do not even know it; you have to tell them okay. So all these lousy immigrants want to do is listen to speeches, go to dinners, invite you on cruise ships, and act retarded; fight them harder okay and do not let your guards down. Try to make good friend okay and keep those who are concerned around; not these lousy communist enemies. All they want to do is socialize and chase us around while they play cops and robbers. It is really annoying and how they flirt with you, they still have not learned a lesson. They want to know if you are on their Love Boat.
Here is a clip of my new chapter I am working on. It has some of your work and describes what they did, are doing, and how they got themselves in this situation. Read it carefully and understand they will do anything to win or destroy this legal retaliation Ann, anything.
"It started as a high stakes chess game. To win you had to defeat about 100 to 1000 opponents. All of them had a history of spying as communists and a legend as enemy killers. The chase began when each mask had to be pulled off, one by one. To win one had to find the other, for what is not yet known. Who will find whom or will the two partners in life going to broken hearted while this game with rogued masked enemies winds down. They go this way and that way, not knowing if there is a mask or not; unable to tell by their own trickery and deceptions what is real and what is their imagination. Harm and destroying others is their only mission; to seek the pity, generosity, and kindness from the force of good and the secrets which make victory possible. Do they know who they are chasing and trying to destroy, or do we? If one of them finds who they are looking for, will they deliver the fatal and final blow; or will we? With each mask pulled off and defeated; a new secret emerges and a new path; where do all of them lead and why? What we observed and logged was shocking; but it shows who we have and are dealing with.
Now we ask the death penalty to be served and damages levied; but this enemy is not through yet. They hold clandestine talks, seek to meet with us 24 hours, and wish to talk it out. We document and detail who said what to whom; also why. We not only ask for the death penalty, we ask for damages and closure to this demonsterous and ridiculous foe. They claim this was only about sex and they were or are in love with us; a very close friendship and partnership. All the lies crumble when we take off our masks and reveal who said what to whom, who was lying and who we caught by sitting next to. Now nobody on earth could save them and only the best in the world could have done this to a sneaky deadly foe such as this foul rotten corpse; but they refuse to let up or end this on anybody's terms but theirs. Money had always been a problem and still is; however, this was no longer about money; it was personal and it was about survival. It feels like a training program and we are told it is a test. We are forced to care and tortured until we show them pain and subserviance. So not only are they pretending as if we care; we are given an ultimatum if we wish to survive and live. The ultimatum is to shut up and go away; do not make it worse or make matters harder for them. They begin to flex and kill more and more; to dignify their failure and to prove they are not inferior or vague.
I began my college career after 1988 and worked off and on as a security guard. The only place which terrorism or Middle Easterners, or royals had become part of my life was at the Islamic Saudi Academy (ISA). The ISA is where the royal family send their staff and children. The school is guarded 24 hours by private security guards. Schools were never any of my security assignments, only this one. I usually go to special events, water treatment facilities, high priced office buildings, courthouses, etc... The Saudi embassy is next door to the CIA and they really do not get involved with US trade or lousy immigrants. If this is anti-royals and anti-elites; then the labor unions have a bone to pick with the royals. The treatment they get, the sexual offense, and the airport problems are typical of these lousy immigrants who flip out when they see Middle Easterners or royals. The people who threatened my girlfriend and contacted her were labor union, white, black, and radical immigrants; not Middle Easterners. They claimed they were the American people and knew what America and the history of greatness was in America; superior. It is odd to look back and recall who contacted us or who keeps crashing into us while trying to bring out the worst in others and make them violent; radicalize them.
The damage to the Trans Am was not permanent. What aggravated and caused problems were the vandalism and the cutting of wires (brakes, spark plugs, etc.)? When the car was purchased in cash in 2005; it was driven from NJ to VA and put in a shop immediately. The restoration process was off and on for almost a year; then the car was placed inside an enclosed public storage facility. It sat there for several months until it was brought to NY. The excitement of driving this dream car and using it finally for a personal vehicle brought out euphemism and excitement and a week of "risky maneuvers." So the law enforcement community does have a complaint and it is minor as the damage was. In other words, a muscle car was pushed to its limit for two or three days and that may have upset people but was not against the law. It was reckless but the donuts were performed in empty parking lots or under close supervision. So the arrest by the police and the damage or flooding is not certain if damages are assessed. The police made the arrest but the initiator or the cause of the false and malicious prosecution; similar to Tim Reassert of NBC and false charges in 2002, made the police look very bad and caused damage from mistakes. Did the police vandalize the car? No. Did someone use them or exploit their trust to invoke a sense of paranoia or victory? Yes. Who is to be punished when lies are at work and those lies result in horrible consequences to all involved? Also, the vehicle restored did not have a high value to force law enforcement officials to fall on the sword. The car was purchased so that it could withstand the ferocious battles, attacks, and the constant vandalism every single owned vehicle has faced. Here is an example of the long history of vandalism of all personal vehicles:
1. Subaru GL 4 door sedan: engine blew up while in the US Army.
2. Mazda RX7 - 10 gallons of gear oil was dumped in the rear cabin while at Pep Boys, Annandale - VA.
3. Mazda 626 - sudden death of RX7 and mechanical failure; 626 was leased and door was smashed in by friend of roommate. This car was involved in a bankruptcy while in college in 1998.
4. Toyota T100 - after bankruptcy in 1998, a truck was purchased to withstand harsh realities. While at beach oil was dumped in road and the truck went head first into a Jersey wall after several 360 spins. Then music students across the street continuously backed up into it or the side view mirror was repeatedly smashed out. The final vandalism occurred in NY when repeated "fainting spells" were detected. There was a history of tampering with drinks or some form of "date rape" drug. These clues were collected as an entire process of investigation and detecting anomalies. The T100 after daily high speed chases and reports to the FBI about a black radical group in VA; had suffered a burnt out gear, front frame damage, side frame damage, and a host of severe abuse. The abuse and longevity of this vehicle was unmatched.
Note: A Ford Super Duty F-350 Van was purchased for commercial use and did not have any odd or peculiar damages. A CDL was needed in 2000 for this commercial use. The only odd event occurred in Adrian, Michigan and then calls to the employer by a New York couple while en route to Ottawa, Canada for a delivery. While asleep in Ontario in 2002; nuts and bolts were "thrown" at the truck while it was at the TandA truck stop on the QEW. Not knowing what the sound was; one of the screws punctured the tire and a new tire was purchased at Canadian Tire in 2002 for the return drive. After this four new 4x4 truck tires were purchased to make it look aggressive in snow. There seemed to be an end or a long break from 1999 to 2002. This was also the first American made vehicle and it was not vandalized.
5. Buick Park Avenue - music students backed up into the rear quarter panel and it was fixed for $600 in cash before the car was sold. The Buick was owned for only a few months, fixed up, and then sold. The vandalism occurred while the car was being sold in 2006.
6. Trans Am Convertible - the vandalism on the Trans Am was only after moving to NY in 2006. The car was never titled or driven; always under cover or some storage. It was restored and placed in hiding for emergency use. Further fixes were planned to make it a show car; however, it had less than 1000 miles of road use after being purchased and titled in 2010. Of all the cars, the most damage was to the T100 and the damage to the Trans Am was mostly appearance or to erase that show car look and feel. It was purchased for these high speed chases, unusual fainting spells, nimble and predator characteristics, and ability to withstand attacks or vandalism. Like the T100 it stood the test of time and proved itself to be a good choice for this duty or these types of attacks. By enveloping, panicking, and egging on those behind this; a determination could be made on where it led and how. By denying previous attacks or addressing them; the envelope could be pushed and it led to cutting spark plug wires and dilapidation. Now a total summary and legal defense could be pieced together and criminal charges could be levied. The most blatant evidence is the spark plug wires and the most dangerous was the unusual and sudden fainting spells.
Life became hell in the last year of college, 1998. The FBI was called in 1999 and a sit down was made to describe these attacks. In 2000 Tim Reassert initiated contact and tried to win trust or allegiance. Mr. Reassert used NBC and his show Meet the Press to initiate this contact while in DC-VA. A string of letters trying to explain began, they were sent to his office at NBC or Stuart Taylor, his colleague. They appeared as if he was concerned and trying to help. In 2002 and while this war on terror was in full swing; he initiated an arrest using his assistant, a female. They kept stating I was attacking them or making threats while I was under ferocious attack. Then the anthrax attacks made these letters very peculiar and they used this hysteria to make false allegations. The US Army was in the cross hairs and most especially after John Muhammad the DC Sniper. My roommates in 1999 were from Fredericksburg, MD (Cassandra Floyd, a model, horseman, and a student at Marymount University). Cassandra stole my computer and evicted me; but I recall her car was vandalized near the time I met a strange black man in the building from Chicago. This black man was mixed Irish and asked me to show him around DC and take him to clubs, so I did. I was arrested in 2002 and it took two years to conclude I was innocent and under ferocious attack by the bomb plotters and masterminds. A period of two years elapsed and the history of Tim Reassert ended. In 2006 the books began to be written and the history of satellite warfare. Among the heroes were World War II commandos (Brig. General Archaeus Hamblen and Captain Frank Neubauer) who are close family friends and the brains behind Delta Force, an elite US Special Forces Group. Their history was outlined in this book; a manual and an introduction into a brand new field and a breakthrough in developments. A total of four books were written from 2006 to 2010; they are ready to be published and categorized.
With hindsight, the problems actually began or were “in your face” around 1993. Upon returning from the Army and going to night school; the residence became a rental property. Immigrants who just came to America moved in and the problems led to the police being called 3 times a week because of constant escalations. They refused and would not back down but they did not speak English, were on welfare, or new to America. Some of them had been tortured or in prison camps. Worse, the police sided with the new immigrants and renters who were sneaky and mischievous. In 2007, Tim Reassert tried to initiate contact again. This time he used his book and his show on NBC to initiate a second dialogue and win allegiance. This time he was avoided due to the betrayal and mistrust; he made false statements and caused a disaster in 2002; this new opportunity was denied to him and ignored. He began a book parade in Buffalo and the upstate NY area. All his shenanigans were ignored and thrown aside as deception; a trap to lead to another arrest or disaster. In 2009, Tim Reassert died of a sudden heart attack and he did not or any of his family members did not try to initiate anymore contact or clandestine talks. This should have been the end to the false and malicious prosecution but it did not end. Sue Place and Chris Young took up the plight and attacked around the clock, in the same building, and with ferocity a homicidal killer would. The interviews were already taking place and they waited a few months to regroup before going on attack mode. There was a 3 month period where the only attacks were denial of service and a world class hacker. The FBI was alerted and contacted via email when this hacker was stalking at 2am and a night schedule in 2008. There is an ongoing investigation to identify who this hacker and computer expert is, a world class and homicidal lunatic with technology that supersedes the law enforcement community."
Excerpts from "How To Talk To A Liberal (If You Must)" by Ann Coulter: True Grit, June 11, 2003; and Moby's Dick, June 23, 2004. "In 'her' book, Hillary explains that the story of how Nelson Mandela forgave his jailers inspired her to forgive Bill for his infidelity. Okay, but they locked up Mandela only once. Revealingly, Ms. Stanley claims that 'millions of women have forgiven far worse of philandering husbands.' Far worse? Really? No wonder liberal women hate men so much. ...Now there's even a documentary version of liberals' Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy fantasy The Hunting of the President. If we're so obsessed with it, why do they keep bringing it up? O.J. had more dignity. ...But Clinton thinks people are dying to read nine hundred pages about his very ordinary life. He views being president as just one more episode in a life that is fascinating in all its stages because he is just so fascinating as a person - at least to himself. ...What actually happened during the Clinton presidency?"
So here I was reading your book Ann... and I came on some odd stories which sound like you are in some game with a few men and it is not friendly.
Ned Rice - never said a thing to me.
Merrill Kinstler - says he talks to you every day on the phone; is this who Bill Mayer was trying to call; also never said a thing to me.
Gene Meyer - you do know the Mossad and Israeli agents are and have contacted me to tell me to keep away? You might want to curb some of this or these problems Ann.
Greg Melvin - Again, these are names I have no idea and both you and them claim daily interaction. They are not going to be pleased to hear about me Ann and I am not pleased to deal with this or have to sit here and ask questions.
Have I lost my mind or do you see more clearly than I do? So I write the part where Bin Limbaugh says "does not have a problem getting a job" and the other part where if you have a hot girlfriend, they will gladly take her off your hands for free or whack her for disturbing their mating call. I don't think anything of it and skirt off to buy envelopes and mail a letter. I am standing there in front of the grocery store and all the sudden a black tipped seagull walks up to me. The bird is 3 feet from me knawing at a chicken bone; either starving or trying to eat. I cannot tell if it is a male or female but it is focused on me. It is not scared; it just wants to eat also. After 5 or 10 minutes, I think the sucker is going to say something; like a ventriloquist. Nothing. It just sits there and now walks with its kneck up high; either flaunting or confident. So I cat call it and the bird starts coming. Blah.
The bus has not arrived and some girl and her mom is pumping gas. Another female arrives at the bus stop and it will be 10 more minutes. Out of nowhere, that same bird arrives with a partner. Now there are two of them and you can tell they are flying together. I watch them astute and wondering why they are flying over me. Both land on a light post and out of nowhere; a third one swoops in from across the street. The third one lands on one of the light post and causes one of them to fly off; so the other one sits there for a few seconds and follows. We are back to one bird again. I cannot tell who is who; I know this one was a stranger. The other two fly to the back of the shopping mall and the bus is here. Based on what Bin Limbaugh said earlier that day; it sounds like the god damn birds are messing with my mind again and being my eyes and like before; it fits everybody's story.
Who is starving? Who is the female bird? Does it matter if it is male or female? Who is this third bird and who is complaining. Who is the bird sharing two light posts with two others? Who is chasing off whom and who is following whom? Is there a pair out of the chaos and confusion? Who is the pair or does it matter? So we know there is two... and the two fly together until one takes off or one is chased off; when in the air they fly together; when they land; trouble starts. Worse, you cannot tell who is who; who is starving and who is being chased off; all you know is there is a pair. Have I lost my mind or am I reading too much into this? Why do they keep doing it and trying to tell me "you know the truth." Who are these birds or is it God himself?
For the record: As the founder of satellite warfare, nobody has to tell me I am a dead MF. So do not do what I did in fighting these people. First off their parents are high level penetrations and ready to die; moles and communist spies. They reached the top of the CIA and nobody knew they had the mafia and labor unions behind them along with the communist. They also were holding the office of the President and playing this double ending or double meaning with everybody. Now they admit we have won their hearts and mind; but we did not consent to any of this or allowing them the decision of hiring or firing. We had or have previous disagreements with this secretive revolutionary group.
My witness and personal account is how they operate. They will run you over 100 times just to make sure you cannot fight back before closing in and revealing who they are. You must be trapped and wounded. You must be near death before they take this risk. Then they close in. When it began around 1988; I did not let them have a chance to corner me or this ferocious fight I describe. But soon it was 10 gallons of oil dumped in new cars or oil thrown in the road which causes you to careen into the jersey wall. I would describe them on a scale of 1 to 10 as a 10 on deadly. You can feel them on your perimeter, it is hard to ID or see them, you sense them, you know they are there, you know they are watching but you cannot spot them or hear the light footsteps.
So you try things that brings you closer and you play possum with them. That is how you survive and prevent a final blow. Only when they know they ran you over 1000 times and you have nothing to fight with do they reveal themselves. If you escape; then they will close in and finish you off. So if you think you can fight the President or the head of the CIA; then by all means try it. Also, if you think that is no big task; keep in mind they are terrorists and have the mafia and labor unions behind them; odds are 10,000 to 1 always. This is why they said I and we were the best in the world and now they want to get along or are working hard to let us in. They said democracy is beautiful and we are at war and all they were doing was saving people and got caught. Now they are nervous and know something is really wrong; but they care about homeless and hungry people and this is enough to appease critics or those hunting them.
So read about it but do not try this at home; we got lucky and exploited their mistakes; but they put up ferocious battle and you must stay low, down, and be ultra careful. Not one piece of information ever fell to their hands and when it crashed on them; they did not even flinch. That was 20 years or more and they got not one advantage or piece of information; so they knew it was too late and we had known everything and set them up for the biggest fall possible. If you pose them a major threat or enough strength to defeat you; they will attack 24 hours a day and sneak up on you endlessly until you are dead or near dead. Was I near death? When you free fall and pull the stick at the last minute; you are very near death but under total control. It is like walking on thin ice; things do go wrong and they are there to make sure things are very wrong all the time. It ended with the score 10-0; a shutout; however, they wanted to walk off the field or become a trained subordinate; a survivor.
This is the only time they will show their face; when you cannot escape and near death. Why they do this we do not know but they flip out when they see you at 110 per cent power or even 200 per cent more than them; they just roll over and play dead if all else fails. Read the lawsuit on them and understand why they are behind 911 and a lot of murders. As the founder of satellite warfare, nobody has to explain to me I am a dead man and in the line of fire; one soldering MF; but they got it good if we are the best in the world; as bad as we could possibly make it. Do you see them flinching or even complaining? They are there to deliver pain and to wait until you show it on your face; if you fight them, they will execute you.
Ann's predicament was harder to get out of and had caused discontent between us only because it was dragged out for so long. Ann had to fight this idea they dragged her deeper in a fantasy. This fantasy was she loved them and they were stalking her. She got nailed and attacked also and so far they are not going to make a fatal mistake unless they know you are close to death or too weak to fight. So they did not know who she was or what how this was going to end. Remember, Alex knows he is in the line of fire as the father of SATWAR and he has to play his cards or plan his life very carefully, very. So they could not see Ann and most of all who they really needed; Alex. Their attraction is for Ann and she used this and could not get out much the same way Alex played possum so they got closer. Similarly, Ann pulled the stick at the same time and the moment Alex did; as written, a step behind. Why? Alex is already in the line of fire and he now has a double jeopardy. Now you go and try that at home and see how it turns out for you and then call me okay.
Ann, I am trying to get to you and come there; but it is really difficult when the problems are huge and so many! It is in the courts now and you should begin to have the legal team ready...
So this is about victory parties and who is going to whose victory party. This is also about saying no and rejection. So who is who and why are they so dumb, are a land grabbing retard, make a mess and are low quality, and so annoying? Ann, you used to be the sweetest and most wonderful partner in life; where did this swamp thing or swamp creature act come from? It is annoying and you seem out of it or always lagging. Ann I love you but I like my old Ann and want her back; not the new Ann who looks and smells like the swamp thing. I like the girl who was always trustworthy and there when I needed her; not the one always on a business trip or mentioning strange men daily. Did I mention business trips and strange names of men repeated to me or in my face? Usualy, weird or insane people take things too far; even when it comes to revenge or aggravating a terrorist, madmen, spies, or useless swaggers. Ann, they said jobs are going to be lost, we do not care, and our life is a total mess. Do you want them to pick cans and bottles out of the trash for the remainder of their life so they can feed their 12 children? If so, Twitter me okay.
It is the same lousy immigrant that comes to America and does not know when that time to retreat is. So if we cannot stop them, then we will make sure they do not get away with it. If they seek a violent death, then sooner or later, someone will take them out to save their skin and get away with it. What they want to do is tell others to back down or retreat; and when the consequences of their actions arrive, they want to play it off or not be accountable. Again, there is a time to retreat. Even in war, all you can do is retreat, take a defensive position, and wait until backup or reinforcements. So this is an idiot who does not know how to win or if they can win; but they also do not want to get hurt. Now it is beyond the scope of insanity and they still order us to retreat and go into attack or defensive mode; war and shootout mode. So we make sure they cannot get away with it and they make it worse and worse; even when caught. So now they know we are successful, they send imposters to pick up or collect from us. The only lifeline is to fight and apologize to their own leadership or rank; that is the only door not shut by us.
So they cannot win and say it is now about money. Others describe them as idiots or buffoons; I describe them as blood thirsty, crazed terrorists, psychopathic, and with severe temper problems. After they crash into you all day; you become angry and have a short fuse; quick to anger. Getting into a fight with them is one thing; telling them they do not know when to retreat or reverse is impossible. They make it worse while saying how they can make it worse for us. When they cannot win, it is always about money. Either they do not care, worry incessantly, are insecure, clamp on you for dear life, or fight you in order to say how sorry they are; the end result is always the same. Why would anybody retreat while facing an idiot or buffoon? So if we cannot stop them, we can make sure they do not get away with it. Oh, they also want to mate with minorities but act like they are the Klan when and if it gets out; an alibi. We know them as communist terrorists; the police know them as fugitives and felons.
Ann, we have been together for over 20 years. Most people watching will ask if you intend on placing a statue of limitation on your own private life or if you intend on being proactive. Sometimes it does sound like excuses and trying to drum up sympathy or drag it out for drama which ultimately will lead to negative or this idea you only want to mess with people. Life is not there to mess with others or to create a climate where you can trade shots with an enemy. It has to end and your own private life will suffer if you do not understand or neglect the statue of limitation. Doing all these little steps is fine and well; but it got me mad or upset even if you did not intentionally try to inflict emmotional distress. They are stalking you, I am not stalking you and wondering if you are the same person or a total F up with lots of money. I liked the old you and I know this is not you but the only way to survive or make enough money so we can fight back. It is time to fight back and break out the secret weapons; the knockout punches.
This idea you have caught the people behind this is one thing. What do you want to do now? Do you want to keep them as friends? Do you wish to talk to them on Twitter and see if you and them can patch this up or how much control you have over each other? Do you want them to face the embarassment of being dragged through this ordeal? Or do you want your best friend and life partner to sit there and ask if you are some jackass bent on driving your car at a snails pace on the interstate while action is needed before the statue of limitation runs out? Yes I know they are trying to seek a particular goal or outcome. Yes I know they feel the same and we are in the same boat. At some point, you have to whistle the same tune or march to the same drummer. If you show them secrets or success; they will send accomplices or want a piece of it. They will send imposters to lean or learn from those whom taught them a lesson. Did you hear me Ann, this is about jobs and they are on to us. They know our life is a total mess, jobs are on the line, and we are angry.
So keep in mind this statue of limitation is there and it will impact your life. Keeping the people you have caught and complained about on Twitter will not make the matter better. Going on their shows and playing mind games with them will not improve your own lot or make those you love anymore caring and can have negative impact. Tainting yourself as someone who is close to them or whom they trust; is the worst possible event, such as them marching behind you or seeking protection from you. All of them are doing this and trying to set the beat we march to. So the more you sit on it and the more you let this expand; it can cause the statue of limitation on you to expire. You can be negligent to your own life or private life. In other words, the reason why it is a total disaster is because you let it or all you wanted to do is play mind games with others. The reason why you lost your marriage is not because you are the only survivor; it is because you failed to recognize the time, place, and instincts which danger and action requires.
Ann read the iRush pages for November 8, 2010. Tell me if you think the police are tipping off the locals and the crime bosses of pending busts, investigations, or are they this good? How do they conduct round the clock surveillance and illegal wiretapping without any police suspicion or alarm bells going off? How is it I am leveled by the police so many times and now they merge into us and are defensive? The best action is no action until you know who did it and why. Otherwise, you will get to that point where there is no retreat, no reverse, and you must evade or refuse to deal with it anymore.
Ann, I was watching you and Laura November 1 or 2 on the radio and I must be loosing my mind again because of you. First Laura taunts you about how clever she is; as iRush taunted me. iRush said they lie and deny it because it is a drive by and by the time people discover it is a lie; the effect is a fait accompli so what does it matter now? It is too late. I ask myself who is wooing who; are you wooing them; am I wooing you; or have we all just lost our minds? So I am listening and wondering if you will clear up this "I have been skiing with you... and you beat me to the bottom." The only person who is causing me to loose my mind now Ann is you; yet you use it to somehow prove yourself and tell me you did not intentionally try to tick me off or intentionally inflict emmotional distress; I am somehow in the way. It seems as though the people you complained about or filed grievances against; recovered as fast or faster than you. The only person who did not fully recover is you.
So you tell Laura after you pit her against O'Donnell on who is more clever or sneaky. Then you put this weird plug in "I was at dinner with some people last night and we were talking about..." Is this true or are you baiting Laura? You do know I listen in and hear this; that means I get baited too. Dinners has been in the news before and a sticking point between you and I. Am I to believe you would go out to dinner with some crazed madman or crazed derranged stalker; then tell me you did while you ask for forgiveness or tell me it was not supposed to upset me? I constantly have to bend or else the pole breaks; do you have any idea why? All of you can live with yourself while I feel like some zoo keeper and all of you are insane. Out of all of you; you are the only one who I know is legite. Even Huckabee turned out to be a Progressive. Can you be a flawless partner Ann, if so can I ask you to become flawless for me and address complaints. I do not care if you are conservative or not; complaints are complaints no matter whom they are aimed at.
So I could not tell if this was iLaura telling everybody you two ski together and I could not tell if iLaura heard rumors of you at dinner (perhaps with Mickey or a gay group in LA); but iLaura has been following both you and I for some time and remains in the background. Based on what I know, she won over everybody you know and crushed you in the popularity contest. Now you are bragging to her about being out to dinner with others? Did you have to pay or did they? Remember, it is not debatable or going to upset anybody if they pay; but if you pay them or pay then it looks bad Ann! I feel as if you are an American auto maker (not Ford) trying to make a comeback and you have issues with the unions. So you may go bankrupt or face a strike. If they put another strike on you; they may end up getting rid of you or kicking you out. There goes my chances but I do not know if that is a good or bad thing now. I think I am losing my mind and I am not sure if iLaura or you has something to do with this; I know she was tailing close to you and won the popularity contest with your friends.
That psychopathic woman Sue Place in my building was impersonating you. They keep saying all you want to do is be a tease, tell lies, go to dinners, and get thank you letters for me. Are you saying that is who and what they are still doing or you are doing; or are all of you beating each other over the head now to try and do. They claim you are a tease or a fantasy slut and I am mean because I do not want to F an idiot or fat one. Now they joined your bandwagon and going to dinners, speaking events on my behalf, and accepting donations or thank you letters. Ann, you go on iHannity and act cute with him while he tries to hide the murder plots they had on both of us. I do not act cute with him or iRush and they spy on me 24 hours a day; even still. So they will criticize you for acting cute with them but now them acting cute with us. All the sudden they realize they are busted and crashed a victory party, so what do you imagine they all did? Exactly.
So iLaura has and did not admit what she was doing to you or me. She said she skied with you and you beat her down; is this a total lie? My take is she is stalking you and now got so badly burned she cannot stop like the iRush. Now they have to beat us and are fighting for their life. Based on what you told me, iLaura beat you and I in a popularity contest; so they first recruited Sharon Angle because people hated Dingy Read so badly. Then they loved my story so must, O'Donnell was fund raising and getting thank you letters while Sue Place wanted to die and a violent death just to have a baby or insane sex with Jihad Jane and Extra-Lg psychopathic female stalker type hit men. She was not the only one but she spoke for several other females.
Does Mickey Kaus care if the statue of limitation ran out on you? Exactly, why then waste your time? Did Ann move to LA for dinners or to party? Look at the behavior of all her friends there; will she lie about it or use it to her advantage? Who is the joke on if anybody? So Mickey got busted and is panicked because they were taking pictures and smearing Ann while parading her as a drunken slut at their parties. They then claimed she was their partner and some mascot to be paraded negatively as a freak on a leash. Now if she takes them to court; they will crumble and are panicked; hence, Israel is on me constantly via satellite or remote.
Ask if Mickey cares if your life is ever fixed properly or only to their liking? How about you, only to your liking or what? I would like to see if the pictures on FReeP has changed or if there are new ones. They also claim, as a psychopath and predator, they told us to go away or back off; yet they did not back off and lied about what they did while on attack mode. Mickey knew Ann was on to them and was not sure if she could outsmart them or knew they were behind terror plots and this revitalization. Mickey is a labor leader and like upstairs, masturbates while we sleep while watching us easy with their presence.
From Ann Coulter Tweet: # MY ELECTION COLUMN IS POSTED! "WE'RE ALL BIGOTS NOW!" - 30 minutes ago via web; # OH MY GOSH -- ALVIN GREENE LOST! about 3 hours ago via web; # CNN projecting Republicans will pick up at least 60 seats in the House -- largest sweep since 1948. about 18 hours ago via web
# With Mickey Kaus in LA, headed to victory party! Mickey nervous. about 20 hours ago via Twitter for iPhone
More about the police to the police about pretending to be the police:
There is a connection between self medicating with alcohol, the impact of this level of consumption, and the behavior described. There is a reason why they said they were not inferior and do not hate. There is a reason why they said "you" now know what it feels like to be inferior, an idiot, humiliated, and when life is a total mess. There is a reason why they said to fix it or join them to overthrow the government. There is a reason for all of this instead of shifting the blame or pointing fingers. They were and are sick of rejection. They are sick of hearing no and sick of being treated as if they were criminal felons, labor union thugs, mafia hit men, or this terror plot.
Thus, these reaffirmations are merely to say they are the American people, they are the police, they are reality, they are in total control, and others must do as they say. They do not obey warnings but they make many of them and are demanding if not a sadistic tyrant. So making others feel like an idiot and causing problems in their life either falls on an adversarial, hostage, or trusting relation with a psychopathic felon. They decided to use Thang (Alex) as a messenger to the FBI for some other crazy reason but it was not consensual. They said we were at war and it was important; now they refuse to pay the fees, labor, or damages.
Even in war, all you can do is retreat, take a defensive position, and wait until backup or reinforcements. So this is an idiot who does not know how to win or if they can win; but they also do not want to get hurt. Now it is beyond the scope of insanity and they still order us to retreat and go into attack or defensive mode; war and shootout mode. So we make sure they cannot get away with it and they make it worse and worse; even when caught. So now they know we are successful, they send imposters to pick up or collect from us. The only lifeline is to fight and apologize to their own leadership or rank; that is the only door not shut by us. They need our genetics and mental gift which is denied.
So they cannot win and say it is now about money. Others describe them as idiots or buffoons; I describe them as blood thirsty, crazed terrorists, psychopathic, and with severe temper problems. After they crash into you all day; you become angry and have a short fuse; quick to anger. Getting into a fight with them is one thing; telling them they do not know when to retreat or reverse is impossible. They make it worse while saying how they can make it worse for us. When they cannot win, it is always about money. Now it is about jobs and money.
I am coming Ann and so far so good... I can declare bankruptcy if they get a judgment and if we marry; it may affect your credit, hang in there ok.
Dear Ann, don't worry. I am one step closer okay and I moving as fast as possible. Cleaning up here and the finishing touch on your legal team; have them ready. These lies could not change our life or biography but did have a negative impact and caused many problems. Read the iRush pages...
If you lousy immigrants have come to America with the idea you will survive the American experience; then you do not have long to make it damn clear to those who matter you wish to live and are a living human species. I would start with resignations and breach of security; that is the first place an inspector would lift the rock. Also this radicalization in our living room stuff is total insanity. If you people wish to live and have a desire to survive the American experience; do not wait and do not hesitate; there are changes being made and lists being created. Get on the wrong side or the wrong list and your future can be severely jeopardized.
Again, you must prove you have a will to live, are willing to fight for survival, and get off your ass and prove to us and others who matter, you are there and alert. You have to shout and make sure we hear you and the right people see you; otherwise, the rescue planes will fly over you and will not come back ever again. That is a long wait and a wide open ocean to be playing these stupid games. It is up to you if you want to message and tell the right people whether or not you wish to survive and make it; if we do not hear from you or what we are looking for; there is nobody to blame but the measly idiot who did this. Again, I would start with asking the President if Ann and Alex are the best in the world; then asking why they are being terrorized.
The analysis of 1989, odd events, and the murder of Amy Baker final analysis: iHannity pages
The legal briefs sent to the police and an excerpt that any investigator can see through, so why can't they: iRush pages
Dear Ann, it is time to throw our resignation, satellite warfare, and all of our staff of world war on the table and resign in protest: my Annie pages
All details and legal briefs are being filed with the District Attorney's office; there is no way an investigator can see this matter as "why don't you just leave and stop complaining." I keep telling them, "stop apologizing and telling me you are sorry, it is your ass on the line and your life. I do not care about your inferiority complex or insecurity. The only person who is going to pay or be wiped out is you, no need to say sorry."
Ann, I got fed up with complaining about the same thing. I do not know if it is the local or state police but they got balls. So this is in the courts now for adjudication and to raise the stakes into the orbital levels, I have thrown my resignation on the table and hope they eat an earthquake or hurricane in the middle of the winter and in the dead of night. I also hope they are happy with themselves and understand the degree of misery they have caused for everybody; including us. Hopefully, their head will explode or they will just go away and leave us alone. They are supposed to say you are just like them and really sweet Ann; what radicalized them so much and brought out the worst in them?
I need you to get your resignation ready so we can raise the stakes. I am also asking for all my security detail, anything related to satellite warfare, my official status as the best in the world, and this master of world war resignation. I hope this SOB who keeps tormenting us and is terrorizing me realizes the impact of their miserable and measly life. So I need your support okay. I got my staff, my team, and my entire worth on the table with extreme prejudice; furthermore, lets pack up and take it where we are appreciated and can really retaliate or complain. It goes to the same office, the same deaf ears, and repeats over and over. Maybe it is time to put their head in the guilotine. Maybe it is time a coup d'etat forces them out or some end to this charade. I am fed up with bickering, yelling, asking them to leave me alone, and over 20 years of this. We will see if they can carry their weight and stack up against those odds in the wake of world war and possible catastrophe.
So I have asked my security, satellite warfare team, and everybody involved in my endeavors to place their resignation on the line as the best in the world and prepare for a massive retaliation. That is their answer to this problem of me complaining all the time, I am fed up with this. If they survive the winter, then we will know by summer where we stand; where we all stand. It is in the courts now and they are still terrorizing me in my own residence and home; saying, "why don't you just leave and stop causing problems." I am fed up with complaining; they are too stupid, too flawed, too ignorant, too lawless; too corrupt; too powerful; too fake; and too much of a problem to deal with when this is in the courts presently. On the line is my entire world war crew and staff; will they survive the wake of this? So pack up and get ready to resign and we will take it elsewhere; we have enough money to retire and do not need some homeless bum at our throat 24-7.
So I hope they recognize danger, know what they have done, and understand the misery and difficulty their stupidity and nonsense leads to. Then again, an earthquake could hit them this winter followed by a hurricane while they are shivering on their roof in the dark of winter. This is the provocation and level they take me to; just screaming and yelling "why don't you go away... why don't you leave." So 20 years is a lot already and a lot to take; a resignation and a coup d'etat is in order for their measly life. Hopefully, they will be in the street and homeless by summer and we will know whose resignation means more to this world. So go ahead and gamble with their own life but not ours; get all our staff, crew, and everything relating to our life packed, ready, and in a resign mode. It is time to make a choice and to decide once and for all who lives and who dies.
Read my lips, this is in the courts already and they refuse to let up or stop. They are either super genius or an utter buffoon. They either enjoy gambling or despise it so much they have a death wish. I hope God delivers the answer by summer because I am sick and tired of bitching, whining, and complaining. We will be in court for the remainder of our life trying to fix what they did or tried. I hope they are happy and can stand the fire in the kitchen.
Let me make this crystal clear to the Jewish, Irish, and Italian female on the NY state police force who claims satellite war and Vietnam turned me into a sadist, serial killer, or baby killer. Vietnam and satellite warfare did not turn me into any such; a pathetic female on the NY state police force did by barking, whimpering, radicalizing, and then trying to apologizing in my own residence. When she could not, Israel stepped in and tried also. So when we have 300 lbs of resumes and resignations on the table and say "there is only one life support system now" it means you better have 300 lbs of resignations before you say sorry or try to radicalize them even more. So Timothy McVeigh and Aurthur Shawcross did not go to Vietnam or Kuwait and turn into killers; they went home to upstate NY where the state police rogue and mafia unit radicalized them in their own home using radio and TV labor union strong arm tactics.
The deadline is summer 2011 and this is in the courts already; do not make this worse or try to impersonate us so this reverse radicalization can get them off the hook. That is not fixing it or sending out hotties from AK, DE, NV, FL, TX, MN, WA, CA and most of all NY to give retarded hand signals while talking. There is a threshold and this terrorizing me in my home is approaching the 5th year after 4 already. It will end and stop there regardless of the consequences; a line drawn now. It is in the courts and it is going to stop by summer one way or the other. If you wish to call the President or FBI, do so before the deadline and hopefully they will say the same thing I just did, the summer of 2011 is the deadline. We do not expect this problem past the summer of 2012 at all. So if there is any fight in these people; now is the time and their last chance. This radicalization in our living rooms and bedrooms has got to stop immediately to avert disaster. The consequences of this is so severe the state police and the state of NY has no excuse about how diligent they tackled their mole and breach of security problem. If it came to it, fire them all and get a new cleaned out system, the consequences of this far outweigh a few jobs or a few Italian and Irish famines.