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Friday, November 19, 2010


Ann, can you believe how lousy these immigrants are and how retarded they are? They think it is party time and the dinner bell has sounded. This rattlesnake and mouse of a lousy immigrant only wants to take pictures, go to dinner, have a cruise ship to hell, dance the night away, go to socials, and act like a retard or lousy immigrant in America. Have you figured them out yet or are they just desperate? Here is the worst part, they think we care and say this is about sex. The story of Kathy Bush losing custody of her daughter was because she kept making her sick and when she got in the room; the child would become angry, upset, start crying, and thought a dirty smell arrived. So these human beings do live on a trash heap and they do not even know it; you have to tell them okay. So all these lousy immigrants want to do is listen to speeches, go to dinners, invite you on cruise ships, and act retarded; fight them harder okay and do not let your guards down. Try to make good friend okay and keep those who are concerned around; not these lousy communist enemies. All they want to do is socialize and chase us around while they play cops and robbers. It is really annoying and how they flirt with you, they still have not learned a lesson. They want to know if you are on their Love Boat.

Here is a clip of my new chapter I am working on. It has some of your work and describes what they did, are doing, and how they got themselves in this situation. Read it carefully and understand they will do anything to win or destroy this legal retaliation Ann, anything.

"It started as a high stakes chess game. To win you had to defeat about 100 to 1000 opponents. All of them had a history of spying as communists and a legend as enemy killers. The chase began when each mask had to be pulled off, one by one. To win one had to find the other, for what is not yet known. Who will find whom or will the two partners in life going to broken hearted while this game with rogued masked enemies winds down. They go this way and that way, not knowing if there is a mask or not; unable to tell by their own trickery and deceptions what is real and what is their imagination. Harm and destroying others is their only mission; to seek the pity, generosity, and kindness from the force of good and the secrets which make victory possible. Do they know who they are chasing and trying to destroy, or do we? If one of them finds who they are looking for, will they deliver the fatal and final blow; or will we? With each mask pulled off and defeated; a new secret emerges and a new path; where do all of them lead and why? What we observed and logged was shocking; but it shows who we have and are dealing with.

Now we ask the death penalty to be served and damages levied; but this enemy is not through yet. They hold clandestine talks, seek to meet with us 24 hours, and wish to talk it out. We document and detail who said what to whom; also why. We not only ask for the death penalty, we ask for damages and closure to this demonsterous and ridiculous foe. They claim this was only about sex and they were or are in love with us; a very close friendship and partnership. All the lies crumble when we take off our masks and reveal who said what to whom, who was lying and who we caught by sitting next to. Now nobody on earth could save them and only the best in the world could have done this to a sneaky deadly foe such as this foul rotten corpse; but they refuse to let up or end this on anybody's terms but theirs. Money had always been a problem and still is; however, this was no longer about money; it was personal and it was about survival. It feels like a training program and we are told it is a test. We are forced to care and tortured until we show them pain and subserviance. So not only are they pretending as if we care; we are given an ultimatum if we wish to survive and live. The ultimatum is to shut up and go away; do not make it worse or make matters harder for them. They begin to flex and kill more and more; to dignify their failure and to prove they are not inferior or vague.

I began my college career after 1988 and worked off and on as a security guard. The only place which terrorism or Middle Easterners, or royals had become part of my life was at the Islamic Saudi Academy (ISA). The ISA is where the royal family send their staff and children. The school is guarded 24 hours by private security guards. Schools were never any of my security assignments, only this one. I usually go to special events, water treatment facilities, high priced office buildings, courthouses, etc... The Saudi embassy is next door to the CIA and they really do not get involved with US trade or lousy immigrants. If this is anti-royals and anti-elites; then the labor unions have a bone to pick with the royals. The treatment they get, the sexual offense, and the airport problems are typical of these lousy immigrants who flip out when they see Middle Easterners or royals. The people who threatened my girlfriend and contacted her were labor union, white, black, and radical immigrants; not Middle Easterners. They claimed they were the American people and knew what America and the history of greatness was in America; superior. It is odd to look back and recall who contacted us or who keeps crashing into us while trying to bring out the worst in others and make them violent; radicalize them.

The damage to the Trans Am was not permanent. What aggravated and caused problems were the vandalism and the cutting of wires (brakes, spark plugs, etc.)? When the car was purchased in cash in 2005; it was driven from NJ to VA and put in a shop immediately. The restoration process was off and on for almost a year; then the car was placed inside an enclosed public storage facility. It sat there for several months until it was brought to NY. The excitement of driving this dream car and using it finally for a personal vehicle brought out euphemism and excitement and a week of "risky maneuvers." So the law enforcement community does have a complaint and it is minor as the damage was. In other words, a muscle car was pushed to its limit for two or three days and that may have upset people but was not against the law. It was reckless but the donuts were performed in empty parking lots or under close supervision. So the arrest by the police and the damage or flooding is not certain if damages are assessed. The police made the arrest but the initiator or the cause of the false and malicious prosecution; similar to Tim Reassert of NBC and false charges in 2002, made the police look very bad and caused damage from mistakes. Did the police vandalize the car? No. Did someone use them or exploit their trust to invoke a sense of paranoia or victory? Yes. Who is to be punished when lies are at work and those lies result in horrible consequences to all involved? Also, the vehicle restored did not have a high value to force law enforcement officials to fall on the sword. The car was purchased so that it could withstand the ferocious battles, attacks, and the constant vandalism every single owned vehicle has faced. Here is an example of the long history of vandalism of all personal vehicles:

1. Subaru GL 4 door sedan: engine blew up while in the US Army.
2. Mazda RX7 - 10 gallons of gear oil was dumped in the rear cabin while at Pep Boys, Annandale - VA.
3. Mazda 626 - sudden death of RX7 and mechanical failure; 626 was leased and door was smashed in by friend of roommate. This car was involved in a bankruptcy while in college in 1998.
4. Toyota T100 - after bankruptcy in 1998, a truck was purchased to withstand harsh realities. While at beach oil was dumped in road and the truck went head first into a Jersey wall after several 360 spins. Then music students across the street continuously backed up into it or the side view mirror was repeatedly smashed out. The final vandalism occurred in NY when repeated "fainting spells" were detected. There was a history of tampering with drinks or some form of "date rape" drug. These clues were collected as an entire process of investigation and detecting anomalies. The T100 after daily high speed chases and reports to the FBI about a black radical group in VA; had suffered a burnt out gear, front frame damage, side frame damage, and a host of severe abuse. The abuse and longevity of this vehicle was unmatched.

Note: A Ford Super Duty F-350 Van was purchased for commercial use and did not have any odd or peculiar damages. A CDL was needed in 2000 for this commercial use. The only odd event occurred in Adrian, Michigan and then calls to the employer by a New York couple while en route to Ottawa, Canada for a delivery. While asleep in Ontario in 2002; nuts and bolts were "thrown" at the truck while it was at the TandA truck stop on the QEW. Not knowing what the sound was; one of the screws punctured the tire and a new tire was purchased at Canadian Tire in 2002 for the return drive. After this four new 4x4 truck tires were purchased to make it look aggressive in snow. There seemed to be an end or a long break from 1999 to 2002. This was also the first American made vehicle and it was not vandalized.

5. Buick Park Avenue - music students backed up into the rear quarter panel and it was fixed for $600 in cash before the car was sold. The Buick was owned for only a few months, fixed up, and then sold. The vandalism occurred while the car was being sold in 2006.
6. Trans Am Convertible - the vandalism on the Trans Am was only after moving to NY in 2006. The car was never titled or driven; always under cover or some storage. It was restored and placed in hiding for emergency use. Further fixes were planned to make it a show car; however, it had less than 1000 miles of road use after being purchased and titled in 2010. Of all the cars, the most damage was to the T100 and the damage to the Trans Am was mostly appearance or to erase that show car look and feel. It was purchased for these high speed chases, unusual fainting spells, nimble and predator characteristics, and ability to withstand attacks or vandalism. Like the T100 it stood the test of time and proved itself to be a good choice for this duty or these types of attacks. By enveloping, panicking, and egging on those behind this; a determination could be made on where it led and how. By denying previous attacks or addressing them; the envelope could be pushed and it led to cutting spark plug wires and dilapidation. Now a total summary and legal defense could be pieced together and criminal charges could be levied. The most blatant evidence is the spark plug wires and the most dangerous was the unusual and sudden fainting spells.

Life became hell in the last year of college, 1998. The FBI was called in 1999 and a sit down was made to describe these attacks. In 2000 Tim Reassert initiated contact and tried to win trust or allegiance. Mr. Reassert used NBC and his show Meet the Press to initiate this contact while in DC-VA. A string of letters trying to explain began, they were sent to his office at NBC or Stuart Taylor, his colleague. They appeared as if he was concerned and trying to help. In 2002 and while this war on terror was in full swing; he initiated an arrest using his assistant, a female. They kept stating I was attacking them or making threats while I was under ferocious attack. Then the anthrax attacks made these letters very peculiar and they used this hysteria to make false allegations. The US Army was in the cross hairs and most especially after John Muhammad the DC Sniper. My roommates in 1999 were from Fredericksburg, MD (Cassandra Floyd, a model, horseman, and a student at Marymount University). Cassandra stole my computer and evicted me; but I recall her car was vandalized near the time I met a strange black man in the building from Chicago. This black man was mixed Irish and asked me to show him around DC and take him to clubs, so I did. I was arrested in 2002 and it took two years to conclude I was innocent and under ferocious attack by the bomb plotters and masterminds. A period of two years elapsed and the history of Tim Reassert ended. In 2006 the books began to be written and the history of satellite warfare. Among the heroes were World War II commandos (Brig. General Archaeus Hamblen and Captain Frank Neubauer) who are close family friends and the brains behind Delta Force, an elite US Special Forces Group. Their history was outlined in this book; a manual and an introduction into a brand new field and a breakthrough in developments. A total of four books were written from 2006 to 2010; they are ready to be published and categorized.

With hindsight, the problems actually began or were “in your face” around 1993. Upon returning from the Army and going to night school; the residence became a rental property. Immigrants who just came to America moved in and the problems led to the police being called 3 times a week because of constant escalations. They refused and would not back down but they did not speak English, were on welfare, or new to America. Some of them had been tortured or in prison camps. Worse, the police sided with the new immigrants and renters who were sneaky and mischievous. In 2007, Tim Reassert tried to initiate contact again. This time he used his book and his show on NBC to initiate a second dialogue and win allegiance. This time he was avoided due to the betrayal and mistrust; he made false statements and caused a disaster in 2002; this new opportunity was denied to him and ignored. He began a book parade in Buffalo and the upstate NY area. All his shenanigans were ignored and thrown aside as deception; a trap to lead to another arrest or disaster. In 2009, Tim Reassert died of a sudden heart attack and he did not or any of his family members did not try to initiate anymore contact or clandestine talks. This should have been the end to the false and malicious prosecution but it did not end. Sue Place and Chris Young took up the plight and attacked around the clock, in the same building, and with ferocity a homicidal killer would. The interviews were already taking place and they waited a few months to regroup before going on attack mode. There was a 3 month period where the only attacks were denial of service and a world class hacker. The FBI was alerted and contacted via email when this hacker was stalking at 2am and a night schedule in 2008. There is an ongoing investigation to identify who this hacker and computer expert is, a world class and homicidal lunatic with technology that supersedes the law enforcement community."

Excerpts from "How To Talk To A Liberal (If You Must)" by Ann Coulter: True Grit, June 11, 2003; and Moby's Dick, June 23, 2004. "In 'her' book, Hillary explains that the story of how Nelson Mandela forgave his jailers inspired her to forgive Bill for his infidelity. Okay, but they locked up Mandela only once. Revealingly, Ms. Stanley claims that 'millions of women have forgiven far worse of philandering husbands.' Far worse? Really? No wonder liberal women hate men so much. ...Now there's even a documentary version of liberals' Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy fantasy The Hunting of the President. If we're so obsessed with it, why do they keep bringing it up? O.J. had more dignity. ...But Clinton thinks people are dying to read nine hundred pages about his very ordinary life. He views being president as just one more episode in a life that is fascinating in all its stages because he is just so fascinating as a person - at least to himself. ...What actually happened during the Clinton presidency?"

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My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.