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ANN: This idea I am your boyfriend, fiancee, or life partner is too much work. I cannot sit here and baby sit or wonder if you will ever be there to give me a ride, be on the other end of a distress call, or worry about who you are out to dinner with, dating or not, sneaking around with, or about to get raped and murdered. The time I have to expend or take out of my own life; literally prevents me from achieving other goals or meeting other people who might be able to assist with my recovery and growth. You continue to tell me to trust you and I have been ready to print my books, get married, and get to the next level. Why I cannot step into the next phase or stage has to do with you. On a faith level; I do not want to hear about how you are so in love, how you want me to love you, how much you worked, how happy you are and do not want to worry. You keep creating more and more work for me and I am really fed up. The last time I read your article was 2 months ago. The last time I checked your Tweets were one month ago; I don't even care or know you exist anymore. So you decide if you want to quit or be there for me. If you keep playing this waiting game with everybody; everybody will leave you or play it back with you. You have a serious problem and you need to fix it or get help. Before I did not let anybody hang you; now I don't even care. Decide if you want to be there for me or only for your friends. Decide if you want to stay or not. Decide if you want to be there for me or not. Decide if you will survive the next 12 months or not. Decide if your plans are turning out the way you want it to. Decide if you can live with yourself or can I. This idea you are on the other end; people think you slept with the personal trainer or pool guy; date and go to dinner with 100s of lucky men; will be gone in 60 seconds or else you will hang yourself. (Note: The Koodasian Sisters said they are in a sex competition with you and the pool guy on June 6, 2011 on ABC; they are butt ugly and floozies but thanks to you; I have to deal with this). Your wonderful plans have me looking mad at other women and wondering if I will ever be happy again. Your waiting game is getting so ridiculous and extreme; you are totally blind now or disgruntled; a beggar.
SHOW US THEIR PLAN AND WE WILL SHOW THEM OURS: If this is about control and if one of us in the room has the death penalty; then they must show us their plan and their military strategy. When and if they do; we can show them a better plan; even wipe them out of legal strategies unless they decide to spend the rest of their life in jail. I will offer them the same kindness they did to me. This bad idea blacks do not hate, are not racist, are not oppressors, and stand for freedom; is as stupid as the Irish representing America. Pull them together and you have one hell of an oppressor and hypocrite; ask why their social security is cut in half now and their Medicaid at risk? Blacks and Irish are the biggest oppressors out there and in America; they hate freedom and uphold communism. They are the most violent and the most liberals; thus, civil war. If we can show them a valid and powerful plan to stop crime; we win. Until them, they must show us their plan for Armageddon or ride straight into the gates of hell. When you run into the gate of hell; that is like running into bullets and thinking you can get up or brush off the dirt. It sticks and even goes right through them. So when they decide to show us their violence and their plan; we will show them our military strategy and how to defeat this certified idiot; still a slave and an oppressor. We do not want to die; have the wrath of God unleashed; or spend the rest of our life on our knees and in prison. The question is, do they?

LAW BREAKING: STILL DO NOT KNOW WHAT THEY OR THEIR POLICE ARE DOING WRONG: They keep saying how they want to be better people, a better person, but do not know what they are doing wrong; they need us for this. I keep on telling them to follow the rules while their police keeps saying how I do not follow the rules or break them also? Safety is on my mind. Errors is on my mind. Seeing an attack is on my mind. Seeking the truth is on my mind. Getting rid of this problem is on my mind. Not wanting to have a lesser breed, an inbred, or some low life scream on the top of their lungs at me is on my mind. A spy watching me and exploiting or damaging my life with every move or open door; is on my mind. My 1.4 billion lawsuit is on my mind. If this enemy and their police need it spelled out; then they are a Neanderthal and a certified idiot. We do break the rules; but we also have safety on our mind and this enemy. They do have us on their mind and break the rules; but safety and following the rules is not on their mind or ever had been; they face the death penalty. They refuse to leave or leave us alone; now asking constantly to tell them how to be better people. They also claim Ann spends quality time with them; or loves them; so I must leave or go away. This is not the truth or the 1.4 billion lawsuit. If the police or a government office are responsible and lost a 1.4 billion lawsuit; an international disaster and fiasco; and caused so much fire and damage; a death sentence is legitimate power. So breaking the rules can be for a legitimate reason if safety is or can be proved; an emergency or life and death matter. In this case, we have Armageddon and serious military reasons; no explanations or spies needed. The sex offender and recurring rape dream makes you homicidal; but they keep instilling this torture method.
DON'T GIVE A CRAP ABOUT ANYBODY OR WHAT THEY THINK: We know all of you do not give a F about anybody or anything; do you expect me to? This idea you would go back on the iHannity show or Fox; without a federal indictment is repulsive and saber rattling. I also had to listen to all of you say, "I did nothing wrong" while I was trying to fix my life and repel these attacks. Well, you do not give a shot; you did nothing wrong; they are guilty as sin and still not indicted but was captured; what do you want me to say? How long do you expect this to last before it all crumbles; either on you or on me? You are 51 years old and up to this point; do not have much to show for it. Am I supposed to appreciate you more because you pissed your life away and now I have to accept your terms? Worse, I hate ignorant people and how stupid this got. Did I ask you or the Jews to profess your love or admiration on Asians or minorities? What the F is wrong with you F'ers? We know none of you give a shot; am I supposed to care or give a F about what happens in your life and mine? Yes, they ran loose and were totally out of control in my life; allowed to so I can bait them for a trap. So you took it upon yourself to take up this cause, my cause, and my work and contributed by putting rocket engines on my life and career; notoriety. Now your name is synonymous with satellite warfare and my biology. Are you telling me this is what you did and it is a "take it or leave it" predicament where the weak and feeble are loved even if they screw up or piss their life away? What exactly are you telling me? I want a perfect woman and will not settle for less; if you cannot meet this challenge or standard; then you sorry ass Jews need to go and leave immediately. I am tired of this game and this stupid ass minority loving game you all play while throwing yourself on the road and telling others to ride on your face. Next thing I know life turns into crap, I live in hell, there is debt everywhere, I met the wrong people, I work for evil, it is all about money, I have to catch you all or fix every part of my life, I am a prisoner of ignorant evil human trash, I have to be the secretary for some certified idiot using me to talk to the world, and this keeps going on and on. Then you come along and put a safety net or life line on my own life and career; but the baggage is immense and not welcomed. Who the hell and what the F do I do with the people who did this or are responsible for this total disaster and mess? Did I mention the hypocrite and the death penalty being sought in this case? Also, stop telling me "that is it with these dinners... that is the last one I am going to... don't worry, I did nothing wrong... I have a plan." Even your enemies say, "She doesn't even care" and that is why they destroyed you. You do not care and they do not; why all of you are silent. Do you expect me to live like this or with this disaster?
GO GET HELP: Right now all you are doing is messing up your life, mine, and the enemy. It sounds good and on paper it might even make a blockbuster story. If you do not get some help, then you will destroy yourself, me, and everything we have worked for. Unfortunately, as many chances as I give you and all the crap I put up with; won't save you this time. If I get enough money and if this is not all gone and fixed by that time; expect the obvious. You should be shallow and smart enough to know I don't care either. Why I am here is because of no choices. All you F'ers are good for is money; you bring nobody peace and comfort. This even applies to you Ann; with regret. I thought you were different also; but this is why you said you are going to hell; cut out of the same mold and conditioned for the same outcome. So save and spare me the tears and vocal chords; I really despise repeating myself. Keep hiding behind all of that money and work; also my life or my tolerances. Enjoy the dinners and Fox shows; it will be the pot of Gold at the end of the rainbow; yours to cherish. Other than this, understand I am sick now because of you F'ers; condemned for life. Worse, they feed off this crap and are full of lies and tricks. My best advice is to get some help before you really do yourself in and box yourself in a no way out or nothing left to fight for situation. Right now you are taking me down with you and your money does not float; sorry. Keep this in mind, for the past three years; I saw your dark side and the worst part of knowing you. I have seen enough. You either go get help now or forever hold your peace; a death wish. Your silence and tough attitude can go to hell also; spare me the SOB stories. So if you live by the sword; you die by it also; be patient and be rough and tough with this matter Ann; it will save us both. Did I mention how ignorant you people are and how biased? I suggest you shut out the world and worry about what brings you joy, pride, and everlasting life; not dinners, private dinners, speeches, trips, VIP parties, media galas, MRC, etc... This is getting really annoying and so are you. As I said, you F'ers are all the same; no damn good. I heard your explanation; it was not good enough and very disappointing; so I do not care either. I would love to know who comes to rescue you if anyone; all the time you put into them for nothing. Now that is a fool also and both of you are fool's gold. There are gorgeous women out there with very little baggage or problems Ann; either you hurry or go away. Once I get money; that is it and I am gone to seek happiness. Keep acting like you are kicking it and okay; see if that fixes anything. Everybody knows you are a woman and weak; so even that does not work; incompetence. I will get another woman or women; keep it up.

ANN: what did I say about these dinners and your use of frequency and numbers to erase them? Ask when was the last time you were out or with another man and when you were last out or with your man? You have a very critical and major problem; but nobody wants to hear the excuses, lies, or more of the same. If you do not have a valid and proper explanation; other than "I am in so much pain... I have low self esteem... I am doing this for you... you have nothing to worry about, etc..." You will be eaten alive by both sides. Simply telling me you are forgiven and more of the same to see if anything sticks; the exact method the liberals and Democrats use; is not good enough. Do not use your private life and your love life as a canvas to mess up or be forgiven. I am going to ask you this question, "when was the last time you were with a man and how come you did not come to see me or invite me." If you answer that wrongly; then you are going to hell and will fall on the sword. I asked you politely and then in the meanest way possible to clean up your life and you still have not or refuse to. So I do not have an excuse for you or any fuel left to burn in order to see where we are going; I hope you do and I hope that fuel is strong enough. I have no idea what is wrong with you but it is very serious and very damaging to both of our lives; yes being under attack makes it harder. I am going to ask you how many dinners you had with men; one on one and you better have a really good answer. I am sick of this and the pain you have left me in; tired of yelling and frustrated with you. After 22 years I understand you do not want to start over or leave; no worries. You need to worry and you need to understand my view of you and your people now. You all are a bunch of F'ers; end of story. So you are giving them ammo while shooting in the air and wasting bullets; knock it off. You have no life line left and it will hurt you badly... eat what you sow as well. Are you repugnant and a pariah? Keep in mind, I am watching also; and I am really fed up with this mess and total disaster. I cannot live on a trash heap and dump also; got it? Shame?
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