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ANN, CLINTON AND HER CRONIES STILL THINK THEY ARE OUR MOM: Clinton or her impersonator keeps screaming in a whiny, not threatening, and annoying manner "MUUUVE." Additionally, someone today said, "You are not her man"; implying or replacing you with Clinton and the liberals. She surrounded me with liberals and left wing idiots (Irish, blacks, drug gangs, etc...) then acted as if she was in charge of my life and my mom. When the brainwashing or the abduction failed; they kept the pressure up and sent waves. So the emotional grief of what you did to them is now being turned on me; as if I am the unwelcome one. She still thinks she is the caretaker or my mom; a village raising a single kid. I cannot express how insane they are and how they reacted to you chasing them off and frustrating them. So she was playing mom and setting me up with psychopathic females cut out of a mold her own daughter created. I despise the chubby, redhead, and the meaner than hell bitch they are; but they think they are some bigger sister or even your lover. So they are trying to either scare you off or hook you up; if not then lie like hell. With me they play the game replacing you with them; so I am the target of how you smashed them. So Clinton and her helpers (blacks and Irish) still think they are mom and we are under their authority or a hedge they can trim anyhow they want. Even if we have destroyed their fake and phony forces of evil; they still insist on being part of our life. So that is the female voice I report and it has not hit home with her; still not convinced we hate them and refusing to leave; they expect us to and are using numbers or probability. This enemy over emphasizes money, are dirt poor, is a human trash can, has OD on testosterone, thinks they are hot, and does not believe in individuality because their life sucks and they need someone who is living and respectable.

MOMMY THE PSYCHOPATHIC COMMUNIST NUTCASE AND DANGEROUS MOLE: This is who keeps setting you up and how terrible of a liar they are and were. She thinks she is mom and we crack so many jokes and abuse them; but they still expect love and some reward by surrounding us both. I call it a hostage; she and they call it helpers or their surrogate son. A Knewish kid keeps saying, "You are not the man"; as if I am in a competition to be flawed and a total menace. So this is who is the puppet master of all these black problems and the constant probes; Clinton. It is also written all over their face; guilty as sin and busted so blatantly; we got everything including the silverware. This is who this family of thieves and rotten to the core idiot is; everything is a lie and they are dangerous moles; alert the FBI and our forces for some wave of attacks. Tell Clinton to STFU and go away also; nobody likes a fat loser trying to force themselves on us; stop hiding and playing a mind game with us. Replacing Sarah with Hillary was the worst trick I have ever seen or witnessed; total psychopath and idiot. This is why Sarah lives through you and thnks she is superior or your mom. I think God is going to unleash hell on them and keep them pinned until they surrender. Sarah Palin is a Clinton mole and spy. To quote Shinedown, "You think crying to me... looking so sorry that I am going to believe... you been infected by a social disease... so take your medicine... because I created the sound of madness... wrote the book on pain..." Let's ask them how many times we have to kick them when they are down and out? If they think I am the Emperor, then they are trying to bully him around and radicalize him; thanks village psychopathic idiots.
ANN WE NEED TO TALK: Do you realize there is a 350lb gorilla on top of me, talking to me daily, and banging on the floor to get my attention as a daily routine? The guy bangs on the floor all day long to get my attention; then says something like "we don't like you." Worse, he claims this is about money and is trying to pin anything on me. Also, the Irish mafia is on top of me and they are beyond retarded; always saying how they are being held down and they do not have anything against us. Nothing against us does not rule what what we have against them. Instead of just moving or leaving quietly; the Irish mafia want to make as much noise, trouble, and communicate with other normal human beings. That is difficult and a big problem. So I want you to understand what your both our links to this certified idiot is or has been; now it is still about control and staff; but the tables have been turned and we are in control of them. Can they make life any more miserable or make us more unhappy and disappointed? I am close to you in case something goes down; they claim they are there to keep me in check and keep the pressure up; a suspect. They are the police or some rival and they are on top of the matter; still. Your guess is as good as mine; but this is one hell of a certified idiot moment we are in. Whoever they are, they twist reality and the truth like a pretzel in order to use it back on me. I guess the question is why the hell are these people in our life; why they keep calling it hate; and why in hell do they surround their idiot life around us? Are they trying to stay or go?
McCONNELL, LIMBAUGH, HANNITY, AND THE ROGUES: All of them are guilty as sin and spies for the communist, labor unions, anti-government or bad government, and the same enemy we speak of. They are untrustworthy and expect us to disregard how rotten and evil like deceptive they are. I and others are unenthusiastic with these spies and plotters; however, they feel they are leaders, our leaders, and we must accept them. Guilty as sin they insist this is only about America and the future of the country; this is not about them or what they have done and did.
SECRET WAR: One attack can condemn their forces to 50 years of slavery or slow social security death. The longer they express how angry they are with the truth or how desperate and frustrated they are with us; their social security is cut in half and more. Worse, these secret attacks and war has consequences; they do not know it yet and are not aware of it yet and the range exceeds a 50 year sentence. So the 1000s of attacks a week or the 100s per day; is what we want so they can feel the long term impact of how insane this is or how badly they have lost.
MEDICARE AND MEDICAID: There must be a fool in the room and the root cause of it are the Democrats. To sit there and tell me how someone living in East Hampton, one of the most exclusive beaches in America, is reaping a single payment per capita and per individual for each time Medicaid serves them; is the same as the joke we are in. Laugh it off because times have changed; stop telling me "This is America and what America is about." Who said this is America and what America is about? Me? Them? You? Who? If it was so respectable; they do not need to attack or rack up so many charges. If it was really America they could write it down and it would match our reports, observations, and account. If this is America and they can actually seek their goals or achieve their objective without violence, fraud, cheating, scams, or breaking the law; we would not have a lawsuit for 1.4 billion dollars and a demand to clean it up and end this secret war on us. So the root cause and problem are the Democrats and the damnation of their deeds can last 50 years and impact their social security. Denying the truth and playing a game with the justice system will push them closer to the edge and condemn them to slavery for the remainder of our life. Similar to the bully on the playground; all that certified idiot can do now is wash cars or beg for a chance to prove others wrong. The only other option is crime or the drug war; but that proved very unsuccessful and very damaging to their social security and health benefits. We invite and dare evil only because we can level it and make it pay for the next 50 years; devise intervention and the power of thought; but do they realize this yet or do they know what long term impact the Wrath of God can impose? We seek the proper adjudication of this and seek the death penalty. This is why they are certified idiots and a ticking time bomb; more so than before and when this started. Tick, toc... tick, toc... the joke is on you and it is a great laugh.
DEAR COLONEL BOSTROM: I understand you are the father of a fallen soldier. I am saddened to hear your story and how your son died in combat while in Afghanistan. I am also aware of your distinguished service in Vietnam. The misfortune of your son is not welcomed. Yet I have a bad story and a critical situation also. I kindly ask you to let this matter go because it will be a very difficult and arduous fight. Your fire is directed at Bush cronies and leftovers who vultures on the Obama regime. McChrystal was wrong about Afghanistan and he was very stubborn about how we saw things; as usual. However, he finally stepped down; amidst your tragedy and my continued fight. It was hard for me to throw out and get rid of this problem with personnel. Bad soldiers and bad officers do not define what the military is or what it has become. Regardless, they get in my face and scream on the top of their lungs at me; for nothing but failure and illogical outcomes. Then they play a game as if they are in control and we must leave because they refuse to leave us alone. So I too have become a victim of circumstances myself but have fought back hard and was victorious. My advice and kind words to you are to enjoy the remainder of your life, let this matter go. Cherish the memory of your son and let my forces awash the landscape with the needed pressures to cope with this evil and headless idiot we repeatedly describe as nothing but a nuisance and pest to life and careers. Trust me, they pressure me; yes my status and fate, 24 hours a day not even realizing what they have done or what it will lead to. Now all they seek or want is to save their skin; more evil and an even worse tolerance for them. Let the forces of nature destroy them; they are certified idiots who only feel powerful and are very able in scamming others into believing they are leaders. They know the world views them as weak and failures now. Let this go and enjoy your life; they infest the military and government service and we have a plan and are combating this with the utmost diligence.
BUSH AND THE LIBERALS - THE CASE OF THE VETERANS ADMINISTRATION: The recent ruling against the VA is a prime example of the damage George W. Bush is behind. Not only is he linked to the 911 attacks; the appointment of West and then a Jewish liberal to preside over the psychiatric and medical secrets of the US Army and US military; is about as insane as a President can possibly get. Although not provable yet, the incidents from privacy problems, identity theft, and how they are now hunting Army Intelligence and are a dyke that cannot be patched; is how grotesque this got. This led to the Fort Hood and the use of Major Hassan as a scapegoat. You do not appoint these people to key positions or to administer psychiatric or medical care unless you want to cope with 1000s of errors; need an example? They also think the satellite warfare program and my work is some new Manhattan Project; thus, some female psychopath who does not even know how to act or whether or not she is a man or woman. The insanity of this SOB and their duality with ignorance and arrogance is why they garnered the death penalty. We have never seen such evil, such hate, and such stupidity from a human being let alone a pest and a nuisance in government. This certified idiot continues to explain how upset and angry they are; as if being a certified idiot is the fault of someone else. A certified idiot needs to go away and understand who they should be upset with; the certified idiot. Instead they decide to make us look like a humiliated and defeated foe; beaten down and beaten to the point of death. We seek the death penalty for them and the proper administration of justice; they do not want to help anybody get to the bottom of this; only cover it up.
Now the problem is government and the anti-government sentiment is out of control and unstoppable. So who do you want to blame; the drugs, the communist, the agitators, or the stupid fool who keeps plugging away and talking to us as if we are their equal? This problem is the result of the 1960s and until those reforms are reversed; the complaint and the problem will repeat and will invoke the wrath of God. For this we blame the Jews, the Irish, and the blacks; their mental health is seriously lacking and the dangerous game they play with the truth will push them closer to the wall and total ruin. Even worse, they look outwards and rationalize how we are holding them down, we are a threat, and we turn down or are hostile to their constant annoying invitations. It is their IQ and how cruel their stupidity is. The barbaric academic standards they life by and the humongous joke they turn life into only pushes us closer to a total mess that someone has to clean up and seek out this enemy; for destruction. Terrible and psychopathic does not come close to describing this lesser species; evil is before us and that evil does not want to leave or leave us alone. Now our record is totally fake or phony and theirs is also; both sides exposed and the truth is before the public; for adjudication and 1.4 billion in damages. The malice is in the records or how long they decided to wait until fixing anything; never once wanting to exonerate or vindicate anyone; they are guilty as sin and are burning in hell. They will tear up the military and make a total mess; no less cut off funds the moment they have a shred of evidence someone is holding them down or how they are threatened. Now they face the wrath of God and we must ask them if they are beyond the delusions of some eternal punishment? I am fed up with this idea they are constantly mad at us and must attack or break us; so we side with them and accept them.
ANN'S NEW BOOK -DEMONIC: One of the basis of my research in college was to evaluate the existentialist movement and describe their reality. The quintessential existentialist is Jean Jacque Rousseau. Rousseau based his ideological bearings on "an eye for an eye". So if someone uses a sword on him, he draws his sword. He never yields if he draws his sword and demands complete subordination to his passions. The reading of his work will intensify a pounding headache as his thinking is abstract and annoying. The existentialist movement was the precursor to the communist movement and the radical left wing. Even worse, the Realist camp consisted of primarily bankers and large European groups. They were hated and very flawed; however, their wealth accumulation did most of the talking. So while I had a major problem with the Realist camp; known as a military industrial complex; I had to side with those who were very flawed, ignorant, and discredited the right wing. The best example of and the quintessential Realist was naturally Thomas Hobbes. His thinking is the basic fundamentals of the Cold War; during times when Britain was attacked from domestic and foreign powers. The Realist camp are "anti-Christian" but they are devout religious followers. Typically, they are viewed as smug, cruel, stingy, powerful, rich, intellectual, ignorant, always deprived of love, sympathy seeking, and even victorious. Although Ann knew about my research and every detail in 1995; I released it in 2008-2009 and as usual she followed up with the research sociologist Gustave Le Bon. They were flooding to America to celebrate this new world order. I tried to describe the phenomenon as "Urbanization" and the differences between small town living and large urban areas or high density population political power. In summary, they are the mob and some of them do not even realize it; certified idiots. What they seek to achieve cannot be fulfilled unless violence and force is applied; we only smash them and apply it back; this time four to eight hundred times more until they learned their lesson and stop attacking us.
LIMBAUGH, HANNITY AND A FEW OTHERS: The damage and smears they did made it very difficult for Ann to please me or instill happiness in me; thus, I put the brake on at or around CPAC in February 2011. It was the actions or lack thereof of any actions by Fox which caused so much damage while they stole all the credit or awards. So a theft did take place and a major fraud was pulled off and exposed; now a coverup. Although Fox, Hannity, O'reilly, and others got burned and betrayed; they put in new and fresh faces. Red Eye took over where it was left off and they were finally stopped but have not stopped. How many insane serial rapists calls up or contacts a boyfriend to tell him they are engaged or even married to their girlfriends? How many whackos would do this live on the air and think they could get away with it or all the other secrets we let out and exposed? There is your culprit and who we captured as 911 treasure hunters; the puppet masters. Why? Elections; to use attacks, ruin, and disasters to win elections and seek profit. It will be very difficult to deny assistance or close this unless they commit suicide; they must talk and compel surrender from their leaders. It has been three years and those three years were nothing more than hell; it can get a lot worse than hell on earth. Limbaugh and Hannity owe the FBI a complex question; did they contact Ann's boyfriend and tell him they were either engaged or married to her? Did they fight him over this? How did they contact him and when? Who or what compelled them to do this? If they lie; then it shows how serious of a matter this truly has gotten. How were they able to contact or communicate with the significant other? Are the records accurate or do they need revision? What killed them and caused their career to crack, crash, and fail? Did they take any illegal actions to recoup or try and recover? What was it and why did others accuse them of gross injustice; even serial killer mentality? Why are they sending out all these invites while attacking them?
CONTROL: These "rogues" and this mysterious "police" we are coping with have claimed this is about control. So now we are in control of them and back to being their leader. This is not the outcome we sought. Furthermore, we are not in control of them; now or before. They are charged with this and we are seeking the death penalty. We are in no way "victorious" and now "their leaders." This marketing and forcing themselves on us has gone far enough and we seek the death penalty. It is impossible to divorce or compel this certified idioit to leave or leave us alone; now we are their leader, they are robots, and we are back at this idea of "The One." It sounds like some fairy tail romance story about some spouse or The One.
GOD: It says in the bible that God was angry with mankind and he sent his only forgotten son. Look at what these savages and certified idiots did. Now take a hard look at what they did to us or the satellite warfare program. Take a hard close look at what the records clearly state and prove. Worse, they cannot find an equilibrium and do not even know who the hell they are. So not only did God send his only son; they now try this on us and the satellite warfare program. God will seek his vengeance and unleash hell for this. As I said, keep messing and toying with mother nature or God and both will seek out their vengeance and unleash hell. If this certified idiot has any instinct; then they should know when things are very wrong, when danger climbs to extreme or maximum levels, and when it is time to surrender or do as the winning side asks.
MILOSEVICH: The FBI's top wanted list has to include Milosevich. This is how the left wing infests the world, expand, and sell arms or weapons. It takes fear and it takes repression or control. So by ethnic cleansing; a surge of weapon sales was supposed to take place but did not. When people die or when there is a tremendous threat; these vultures make profit. However, the world is not as crazed as they made it; so they manipulate and tinker with more insanity and chaos. If they crack Milosevich, if he decides to help and unlock this plot and mystery. If they can crack him; then they can climb that ladder and how the sale of weapons made this a more dangerous world. Fear is how they spread the disease and become arms merchants or the merchants of death.
IT TAKES DEATH AND DESTRUCTION TO STOP EVIL OR THESE LEADERS: Keep in mind that when you fight evil or a psychopath; it takes death and destruction. These leaders are so bone insane and full of errors; they would rather destroy the world then change their ways or fix their ignorance. When it came to the left wing and the poor; the problem was their goals. If their mission in life were respected and written; then no force or civil conflict would erupt. However, they cannot go up to another human being and rob them; nor steal anything they can possibly get their hands on. What they can do is harass or badger the situation; as the written record clearly proves. As I have said, it takes more and more death to stop this enemy and public enemy number 1.
KARMA: If these certified idiots are so stupid to mess with mother nature; then it is only fair mother nature will mess with them. Cut down all the trees and you will regret it. Burn all of the oil on earth and this world will pay in many different ways. Pollute the water, streams, rivers, and oceans and we will pay dearly. All of this is called Karma. Mess with God and he will seek his vengeance; in more ways than one. So do not sit there and tell me about honesty or the truth when the truth is merely Karma. Human beings are certified idiots and the world is shrinking into a smaller place with a larger population. Expect mother nature to trap or put a curse on those who irresponsibly do not care or are too stupid to manage the resources on planet earth.
MILITARY, GOVERNMENT, AND A RESPECTABLE CAREER: Makes this enemy and certified idiot even more derranged and delusional. Apart from the increase in anti-government or the double trouble of participation of a certified idiot; the mere fact of military service or law enforcement duties profoundly warps this certified idiot into thinking they are heroes or welcomed. In the case of McVeigh and the DC Sniper; their delusions intensified with military service and individual power; what the military instills. Furthermore, war and combat did not turn them into baby killers or mafia hit men. Finding their equilibrium and not coming back down from a heightened reality or increased awareness; caused them to become violent and radical. They are certified idiots; how can they ever find an equilibrium after combat and war? At most, they seek out disability or are welcomed into the world of beggars and frustrated dog and pony show.
WHO IS THE SLAVE NOW: This is and was the question; who is the slave now? Are we the slaves to the machinery or is this pile of junk a slave to us? Who can prove their case and deliver it to the world? It is not about whom is a threat or who holds them down; it is about what they seek to achieve and how they seek to achieve it. The violence, death, and destruction will naturally take place as they are blocked, held down, made to go away, or caught and captured.
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