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Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Ann, let me explain why I hate your white trash ass guts and even worse is your whore like stingy bitch syndrome where sloppy seconds is a fixture of how or why you love others so much. First is how you violate every single safety precaution imaginable. If it is not one dumbass violation, then it is another. Gloves. Safety goggles. Hard hat. Warnings. Signs. All of you F up everything and it is one safety violation after the next. Second, you poke your own eye out. You get your arm cut off. You get yourself blown up. It is just one safety violation and injury after the next. Like Limbaugh and Hannity, they shrug it off as part of the territory or collateral damage; a total jackass. You all could blow off all your legs; you still would pick a fight and act dirt dumb. There is no way to hold you down or get rid of you all; your affection for others just pours over. One side doesn't mind losing an arm or an eye; the other is so scared they get lazy or become a welfare leech. Third is how you accept life and live on a flip of a coin. Life is a road that winds and deals out what you can muster. There is no improvement, it is all a ghetto and a slum. You love it dirt dumb or dirt poor but even if it hurts you like hell and are scared; you just don't want to hear or deal with reality. The safety violations stack up. The injuries stack up. All you want to do is fight and get pounded like a tender meat. You get slammed. You get ripped to shreds. You piss and vinegar soldiers are so useless; you get God himself laughing while he earthquakes and drown your pitiful ass. It is just the road less traveled and fate; no regrets and take it as it comes. Half of you have eyes poked out or missing limbs; horrible conditions and situations but you seem to be very comfortable and enjoy it. All of you feel protected or special, for real. Are you on some endangered species list or being stupid and useless? Cops? Leaders? Untouchable? What kind of communist are we dealing with? It is like a disgusting baby factory with you all. If they have a soul; if, then their conscience is being tested in purgatory right now.

Even if you had nothing; nothing means something. I am allergic to you Neanderthals and how strong you present yourself; if not a savage then a beast living in the woods. I cannot stand you. I cannot stand them. I don't even like working with you or knowing you. Furthermore, you feel you are the boss or leadership; there to tough it out. You expect others to suffer from your condition; this independence or toughness. Even as the boss, it is one safety violation after the other until you self destruct or loose another limb. How do I love or cope with this? Do I think about it and your dumbass problems? Do I need to get to know your dumbass kids? No matter how dumb, the safety violations, or the trash heap you F on or F up on; I get dragged down this road. Am I supposed to love you or destroy you? What a total mess and you all have nothing; except to impose this jackass on me. This is Limbaugh, Hannity, Fox News, CPAC, and your beloved YAF. Now you give me this swinger life and internet slut campaign and I cannot stand your guts; tell them this, not me. Am I supposed to make something of your stupid religion? Are you serious or is this some cruel hoax and a total joke? I would hate to see you all at war and what the end result would be, for real. I can imagine if you all were cops or in some leadership position; total disaster. Am I supposed to be a prisoner to this or abducted by this state of poverty? Even you are drowning me with this and I cannot stand your guts; the worst mistake in my life when all is said and done. You gave me the gift of nothing and regrets; but so did they. Who do I side with and make peace to? You feel guilt or are sad of doing this? Oh go to hell and die. Now they are claiming to be special and nobody can threaten you all or wish you death; drop dead and die. This is how insane you jackasses and dumbasses are; nobody can threaten or wish you death, an utter SOB F'er full of tricks and a disaster. This proves they do not have a soul and do not have a conscience; no less a voice or religion. Even under torture, they refuse to speak and I do not see any merits whatsoever; do they? This proves they are another creature or not even humans. Humans communicate and talk; monkeys see and do. Do they have a soul and can we prove this? Can they? Why are we spending all our time and money on a monkey who under extreme torture and public scrutiny; is quiet and always hiding? They must be very special and very expensive.

Ann, are you stupid or just playing one on TV? All you talk about is bars and men; I am so sick of it. All of you should be fired. Let me make this clear to you; I hate your guts. There is nothing in your life I appreciate or like. Why is your mind always on men or bars, why? Why do you get a new boy-toy every month and make me watch or grow disgruntled? Why? Does anybody like you short of trying to use you, have sex with you, get drunk with you, or do something crazy with your insane life? You and I are incompatible. I am allergic to you. There is nothing I like while there is no change or any improvement. You try your best to be an internet slut; just no sex. You are 50 years old; a testament of the kind of F up you truly are. You F up everything. All you think about is men and bars; nothing else. You are never there. You tell me to move 6 miles from you; then leave me stranded; no place to stay or no means of employment; but you expect me to keep trying or trust your psychotic people who you market and try to sell. You think money is God. What about you am I not allergic to and why would I spank your ass Ann? This is how insane and nutty you truly are. You get me to work for you and do not even pay me; not a cent. You do not even say thank you or appreciate it; instead, stomp on me repeatedly and make me watch you pick up men. Now you claim you are hurt or sensitive to my needs; only want me to like you. Not even a red cent from you and I end up risking my own life or putting my body between your mess and stupid swinger life. Do I look like a swinger or want this Ann? Do I? I hate your guts. You keep telling me you had nothing to do with this, no fault. Odd. It feels like you would prefer if I was desperate and could not make my own decisions; at least I would dump your ass and move on to better things. My own wife has turned into my oppressor and enemy? Is this some joke or another one of your gimmicks? Let me guess, you want to subject yourself to all the evil in this world to prove you love to me? More bars and more men, try harder being an internet slut, and do more gimmicks and it will prove this? All of you are jackasses, for real Ann. Who the F would go on RedEye or Fox News, who Ann? Shut them down and this circus; it will make the world much better. You are the reason why they are still open; stop going on there jackass. Had it not been for the debt and you Ann, they would loose their life savings as punishment. Only then can we curb all of these illegal evictions or malicious bias.

Ann Coulter had nothing to do with my demise, nothing. Instead you keep doing this and make me struggle more with my own work and what is mine. I don't get it but neither do you Ann. What now Christie or Perry? How about Limbaugh or Hannity? Did I mention Maher? Did I mention other men Ann? Does an ignorant stingy bitch hit the mark with you? Does it Ann? Who in this world trust you? Who in this world likes you? Had it not been for me you would be the internet slut you try so hard to be or the prostitute your reputation earned you; but you fight the currents and the strong waters. You tell me Ann; is there anything you can offer or is it just lies, deceit, anger, and a whole lot of heart ache; what an ignorant stingy New Yorker would impose on the world; all of you are like this, even you Ann. Do you agree? Have you beat them or destroyed your life? You had nothing to do with this and only want me to love you? Oh really? You have to be a retard; we know you are chickenshit and a dumbass who cannot behave. We know you F up everything and cling on to others, especially men. You are so strong and powerful Ann; all of you are. Blind following who and you are helping them using me or my life? F you too. Don't ever pull that shit or show your face; but you owe so much debt to me, you have to figure out how to pay it back now. Of course, bars, men, boy-toys, dates or dinners, living with men, traveling and meeting men, or get a new home in a new state. Ingenious. I would kick the crap out of you also; anyone like this deserves to have the shit beat out of them; hopefully, they will kill you and this nightmare will be over finally. I won't ever have to worry or deal with you but I loose my god damn paycheck; still trying to get my paycheck and get the hell away from you stingy ignorant bitch. You cannot even do that correctly and right. This is your bigot life and biography. Why can't you even stop flirting, why? Is it because you are a swinger? Good luck convincing me otherwise you jackass. You came to me on the wrong terms; very wrong terms jackass. Did you do this back to them or to me Ann? Choose. Look at this circus of thieves; all quiet and trying to hide behind anyone. Take a hard look how you make them stronger and weaken our life Ann; happy and proud again? Who asked you to expose their secrets, report what is hidden, and use your life to show who they are or who is hiding behind our life? Who? Your life is a mirror into their secrets and what the media refuses to report? Jackass. Complain or be quiet? How about shut their ass down and throw away the key. What an SOB and F'er you turned out to be Ann, take a bow.

Let's do as Ann Coulter does and F up everything or make things 100 times worse. Extreme, rude, and crazy gets ratings and allows people to make a claim to fame? Does rape and murder have any limits; how about suicide? Your Twitter and Tweets makes you sound juvenile and like a teen on Your appearance on Fox or RedEye affirms that internet slut who wants to give out her number and email; watch the videos and what the message is. Even though I am allergic to you and hate your guts, you make me part of your life and I cannot stand a second of it. This is love to you F'ers and how this began; why do it again to me stingy ignorant bitch? Why bring me to the point where I hate your guts; but you love me or want to be partners? I work for you or do you work for me? It comes down to phone numbers and emails. Question: How many men met Ann Coulter or ask her for her phone number or email? How many men does she give out her phone number or email to? This is the question and also the problem; care to answer this one Ann? The law says that if you provoke a situation or an attack, you may forfeit the right to claim self defense. Every side and all suspects cannot declare self defense erroneously or at the same time unless they are hiding information. The secrets and the damning evidence is how many men did you give your email to and phone number; why brag about this? How many men were picked up by her or in a business relation due to texting, internet, or flirts? Tell me Ann. Why would you do this, you are not that hot and losing it as you age, why? Why am I always asked to take you back and forgive you?

Dear Ann Coulter: I cannot wait to see you with Johnny and I cannot wait for the next time you are on Fox or with Hannity. Oh please do tell me about dinner or your boyfriend; I love how sassy he is when he tells you to shut up or else he will talk about your fiancee. Don't shut up, talk; all I hear are threats and gossip, talk! I cannot wait for the next one and 3 bars! Holy shit can I drink with you and buy you drinks if I attend this ultra conservative events Ann? You are a stingy bitch and I hate your guts; driven me to take you back because it is all lies. They should torture you instead of raping you or plotting to kill you; I would get more sympathy and money; agree? Who looks like a witch?

I am glad everybody realizes what is going on now. The goal and the target is the Pentagon; the core of the Pentagon. The attackers are Israel, the Jews, and the communists. To accomplish this, they need 911 and a war against Iraq. Why Iraq? First, they are militant and threatened all Arab nations due to their oil conquest. Second, they were socialist and had every evil against them. They make the perfect enemy. Third, Arabs praised them for removing Hussein and the Bath Party. Where it blew up and where this failed is making Iraq in the eyes of Israel; and it goes on and on and on. This surrounds Israel, the communists, and the blind bastards we call the weak. They feel America is their home but they are always at odds with the Pentagon and fighting the system. They are always trying to take down the government or overthrow it. They came close with Bush and the Jews. Ask the Asians, the Europeans, and others what place the state of Israel has and they will always say America. Nobody likes Israel and had it not been for America and military might; the communists, radicals, liberals, bankers, etc... could not expand or do any of this. Capture or take over the Pentagon as they had tried and they will own the world; by military force. This is Israeli politics imported to America. They base all of this on military aid. They base revenue on military sales. They base power and greed on conquest and war. We are the core of the Pentagon and we stopped them in their tracks; now they follow us like the blind and keep on trying while they are literally ruined and destroyed. Who is their hero or rescuers? Who are ours? The first part is to break their solidarity and get them off the police force or away from any authority; no victory until then. We are not safe until they are expelled. The government is liable because when a nut case has the death sentence or faces arrest and this degree of charges; they will go to extra ordinary lengths. The US government is guilty.

Capture the Pentagon, take them as hostages or cut their funding, use bait and destroy a bigger fish; all would bring them closer to this goal. It all blew up on them and is a total mess. Satellite warfare is what they want but satellite warfare is what fought and destroyed them; the designer of it. They face coups. They face expulsion. They are ridiculous and claim everybody does this and everybody is guilty. Power through superior firepower is how this turned out; but to figure this out, they attacked and realized they were being watched and on the wrong end of the stick; the wrong side. Now they try to patch this problem and fix the errors; but we know who they are and what they are up to. Take the Pentagon using political or peaceful means and you will conquer the world; by military sales or aid; similar to Israel. The communist, the blind, the damned win. This is also how we caught them and how it got this way; the core of the Pentagon. They took it hostage, attacked it, tortured it, destroyed it, banned it, held it down, and now sit there asking who knew or when they will be arrested. Meanwhile, they are being finished off; in the most heinous ways. They use the police to further this; abuse of the laws and authority based on 1960s political strategies and goals. How do we fire them before they cut off our finances? They did cut it off right? We did loose our life savings didn't we? Crime? Try the death penalty and a death sentence; all in the name of Israel and the communists. 911 and Iraq was a ruse to force this down the throat of the world; but nobody saw the military might and superior firepower. They will force extreme combat and war on others; as they did us. We will impose whatever is necessary on them; until they surrender or are destroyed. If the FBI can arrest them and take them down before then; we will gladly praise them and their work; so far bankrupt. This was the entire plot and they play this game with us as we are blind or let them off the hook; the blind following us. Nobody in their right mind would let these people run free or do this to us; nobody. How do they explain it or fix this, how?

Ann, keep going on and on about doing 3 bars or drinking problems. If I ever find out I will smack the hell out of your ignorant stingy bitch. We will call it the ghost of your mom and dad spanking the F out of you finally! I hate your guts and you are a total mistake in my life; why are in still in it or telling me you love me or love them? I also think you are a slut; who cannot behave or stop flirting with men; you admit you are an internet slut also? This is your biography and how people view you; accept it. Now it is the parade of blind following the blind; you included and you all are a total F up. I hope aliens nuke all of you and remove you off the earth, drop dead. I am plotting with other women to have a great life without you; they know and feel my pain. You people are retarded and a total mistake; mess, F you. You heard me Ann, F you fat ass.

Fox News is guilty more than any other network of being sheeps following the blind or the blind following the blind. This is what we keep saying and why Ann Coulter keeps sending them on wild goose chases or mucks up her swinger stingy bitch life. Get rid of the sheep and make sure the blind never make us follow them again; this is extreme combat with them and we will win. They know what they did so stop acting tough and so above it all; shut them down and get rid of them like a drug cartel, spy ring, or terror plot. It is annoying what we have to go through to shut them down or get rid of them; there is no leadership and no authority, what little there was is full of corruption and stupidity. Using us to act tough or gain power was their worst mistake and then engaging us in extreme combat became their last mistake; all because they are monkeys and so blind there is errors everywhere. They refuse to stop it and bully us; so we have to take extreme measures to get rid of them and this dress like cops, talk like cops, head up their ass problem. We do not like or want these immigrants and illegals. We spend too much resources and time on a traitor and dumbass. They keep trying to be a thief, bully, and abductor. Starve them. Shut them down. Send them a crystal clear message. Give them the extreme combat they want and deserve. Let them know they are not invited and to get the hell out of our life; misery and hate. They are not leaders. They are not authority. They are not welcomed. They keep pushing us to our limits and labeling us mentally ill or unfit.

This is what they did to us because they know it well. They despise how others treat them and what they deserve. God and the forces of nature will finish them off; I guarantee this. That is their warning and what they face. Send them on a wild goose chase and the depths of hell for this blind following the blind stalking, spying, kidnapping, bullying, and so much backwardness. This SOB needs to understand this is no game and those wounds are real. We will, have, and must impose our victory on them; this dumbass will not get away with this but they are rude and fully aware it suicide. They can take their shit and eat it; all of it until they explode eating their own poison. They will be tortured for the right reasons and until they surrender the evidence and end this conspiracy or plot to take over the US. We busted them and caught them in the act; why are they still here and not shut down? Knock off the blind following the blind phony act which became a heinous Florida elite scam, they are not the elite or the rich at all. Take a look at what they did to Florida and paradise; another invasion. We are allergic to this dumbass and jackass, end of story. Meanwhile, they need us for survival and much more. We win. They are the psycho, terrorist, threat, and problem; agree? Now they think they are included, have a ticket, are getting a job, and are professional; good job Ann. Keep hitting the bars, hanging out with them, and living the swinger life. This is our thief and traitor.

Ann, I will say this again and again. You don't put the time in but you expect the rewards. You are a swinger. You are an ignorant bitch. People hate your guts and I am not far from what is obvious. You are the biggest mistake and trojan horse I have ever had in my life. I hate your life. I hate what you stand for. I hate your lies and stupid games. I will say this again and again, I am convinced you are an ignorant stingy bitch but I am sucked deeper and stuck with you; I am trying to resolve this but change is impossible with you or them. You have boy-toys. You get new boy-toys monthly now or is it yearly since I got here? You don't even know if you are faithful or not; a dumbass and chickenshit. You keep saying how you are a virgin and there is no sex. I keep telling you to get professional help; all of you think you are my doctor or even guardian; how we got in this paralyzing mess. All of you think you are cops, talk like cops, and are out of control. All of you think life revolves around money, greed, and your ignorance. You are never there because you have a swinger life; constantly going to dinners or out drinking; if not then with men. I wrote your biography and 22 years with you; even intimacy. You will never fix this or never make it right; never. You are as slow as a snail. I have lost all respect for you, obviously after you hide so much and ignore any warnings. They say you refuse to behave and are also out of control; I agree. We can go on and on about your genetics; what is yours and what is mine; etc... it is hell on earth with you and I hate every second or waking moment. What do you not understand, have mercy won't you? Are you such an ignorant stingy bitch you refuse to have mercy even on me? Stop emboldening fat people and telling them you love them. We don't really need the same Civil Rights crowd or this scam. They are not elites and it is racketeering; stop telling them you love them, blacks, Jews, and the Irish. If you want to be drunk and get drunk; do not include me or have me watch. They are the psycho, terrorist, threat, and problem; agree?

All of yo F up everything, you included. You New Yorkers are rodents who infest our world; even you Ann. You need to be a better person but you think it is marketable or what I want; more insane shit from you slaves or F'ers. None of you can fight, it is all lies, deceit, backstabbing, and games. All of you are a total mess and pathological liars; we could call an airstrike or have Delta Force invade your life; you all would be a total pain in the ass and a F'in monkey in our world who bath in money. All of you are the worst mistake to our nation and you do this to enhance your credibility or to make a buck, survival. I really dislike you and do not think you have a place in this world; not when it comes to power, authority, and worse love. You destroy the family. You drain all love from humans. I am allergic to all of you; most especially you Ann. It's your swinger life and stingy bitch problem stupid. Don't you get it? Still not yet? Still no change or ever? You make me watch you flirt and pick up men; like a total slut. If you had kids, you would do this to them also. You need to put on the brakes and all of you need to go; you all need to quit, you especially. Don't leave a mess and do not make my life a complete mess or disaster. I am seeking damages and you are of no help. It is time for war; it is not time to be a swinger, dinners, or partying you idiot. How blunt and how honest do you want me to get or be with you? How far will you take me on this expedition to hell? I hate every waking second of it Ann; still no change but I am told to leave you alone or leave. Still no change and no improvement from you Neanderthals. Why can't we deport all of you and let you fight it out in hell or the homeland? Did you want me to invade Florida and paradise also; screw that up or make it a ghetto also? How much more do I have to take this Ann, have mercy on me will you stingy bitch. We are at war not at a dinner or party you idiot. It would help if you were there and it would really help if you could assist when I was 6 miles from your home; but now am 200 miles; good job Ann. Is there anything worth saving? Is there anyone worth saving? Are all of you like this and with blinders on, copacetic? They are the psycho, terrorist, threat, and problem; agree?

Ann, tell me something honestly. How often do you get a new boy-toy even if there is no sex? Once a month? Once a year? Why do you need me around if you never spend any time with me or do anything for me? Do you even know what my needs are to be making such wild claims or such ambition? Limbaugh says you have people write your books for you; is this true? They want me to write books for them; you write books for me, etc... round and round we go. I wonder what more you have in Los Angeles that will piss me off. You are trying to piss me off aren't you? Hannity actually shuts you up and touches you? Men actually pick you up at your residence for dinners or to go drinking? How can you have a swinger life when all these problems are just my imagination? Once again, I am made to look like the person with the mental illness, jealous, or schizo. So let's talk about New Jersey, Chris Christie, and Rush Limbaugh; Rush is your primary antagonist and the ring leader isn't he? He is the one culprit I caught and could not escalate; so I picked his mind and gave him a warning, but he never heeded it. He has the Palm Beach government, police, and County under this belt and on his payroll; no less New York. Palm Beach is in competition to beat VA-DC in real estate and land values; government versus private money. To pull off this scam, they must take it over and make it an old folks home or hide-out. There is no industry, only guaranteed government checks. Your life is still hideous and I told you to rapidly change; still no change or improvement you stingy bitch. I am tired of the nice guy routine; it is time to crack some heads. Decide if you can do a good job or fight; you people suck as leaders, working with you is difficult, and you are super messed up; why not just fire all of you? Your hair brain idea for me to move to Palm Beach to be close to you blew up again. Your hair brain idea to trust New Yorkers or these lunatics you call your fighting force is suicide. They are not the elites and moles; all of them are spies you idiot. They are the psycho, terrorist, threat, and problem; agree?

I meant what I said and still no change. I need results. I need to feel at home with you. You will ruin what we have and become that stingy ignorant bitch I describe. I need change and immediately; not feet dragging and a climate of jackasses who are upset about jobs. Ann, you know better than to let them get the better of you. I compare this to a used car dealer. They are selling cars nobody wants, are lemons, or ones they have massive surplus of. The Democrats include biggie, fat, stupid, slut, dumbass, sex offenders, and your long list of internet psychopaths who use other's profile, identity, and pictures. Therefore, you see Corvettes, Ferraris, BMW, etc... but it is actually a beaten down piece of junk trying to make you feel jealous, inadequate, and stomped on. They did the same thing to me repeatedly, up to 1000 times to sell some fat ass female nobody wants or even wishes to meet. This is how they show their power; this kind of sale and miracle which nobody can accept. This is their new sales strategy and marketing; take over the elites and stomp on them to sell some junk or pile of trash. Look at where you live and told me to move to Ann, why in hell would you do this? Stop playing games with them and destroy them; I got a coup on them and demand they be gone; but they refuse and are not easily scared. Now I have another problem with an ignorant bitch or a stingy media swinger. Does it sound like we are dealing with normal and decent people? Ask them. Right now it is all gossip and twisting of facts, all lies; they have to show an email or love letter. All of them (Fox, CPAC, MRC, etc...) has to get to work and quickly; I see a lot of letters and correspondence by Ann and by Alex as this gets worse and worse. Get to work, they are facing kidnapping, attempted rape, and attempted murder; plus the FBI wants them for conspiracy and terrorism. They are the psycho, terrorist, threat, and problem; agree?

For you to use sex and complain to them or stop them in their tracks; is not going to work. Limbaugh is this end product and sale. Christie is this gimmick they repeatedly utilize; advertise the elite and stomp on anyone who poses a threat; then come around for the recruitment or pickup. Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, and Bill O'Reilly is a prime example why Fox News should be shut down for much more than attacks, conspiracy, and toiling with the life of others when they do not have the answers or know anything about their life. We see this over and over as they play matchmaker and use image or looks to lure people to this "elite" before stomping on them so Limbaugh and Hannity can do a recruitment. I compare them to the devil; they claim their intentions require no explanation; full of merits and lack hate or malice. They are a thief and a liar expanding their horizons; but repugnant terrorists and spies. Paying damages is not going to fix them or vindicate their evil. Look at them and how they act while others suffer; it is them who deserves it. This is the Catholics, Jews, fat asses, and Democrats posing as authority or dressing up as the police. Why would I want a fat ass loser because the elites abused me? Look how they wrote your own life and the case against them; shut them down or let them carry on? All they do is use the media to sell this malicious bias; sell and do not look back; just like the housing crisis. "It's not that bad" or "don't worry" means they are dead and much worse. Much worse means it will be very difficult to prove they are guilty when they are guilty as sin; pure evil or psychopathic. People have told them no or stop thousands of times; thousands. They do not understand extreme combat and fights to the death; this is satellite warfare and before them. It is nothing more than suicide and a suicide plot. Their problem is they listen too much to other people when we ignore them or do not want to even listen to them. They give us too much attention and we hate their guts. Single parent or not, stop having babies and adding more dumbasses to our problems. They are the psycho, terrorist, threat, and problem; agree?

They are not elite and gutter trash. That is their racketeering plot, kidnapping plot, and murder plot; but they feel money will fix this and doling out damages. They did this to me before getting caught; a spy ring and terror plot. It was done over and over while some fat psychopathic bitch; similar to the problems I have with you; would just keep saying how I still was not pliable enough or cooperating with them; working together. They were butt ugly and disgusting looking; but stomped on you until you reached out to them; and they waited patiently. We have implemented the coup on them and they are making a run or escape; but under the ultimatum they will not get far and this can get 1000 times worse. My problem with you is how you slut it up and play this game with them; it has reached a boiling point and I mean what I say. You do not consult me or worry about my own feelings for you; I hate every second with you now and wish for another place and dream of another woman. You play their game and become them; I will treat you like them and even worse. You are ignorant and a stingy bitch who should count her blessings. Yes they are even worse and should be finished off by now; but look at these forces; who the F would fight with them or let them survive, tell me who is this dumb to let them pull this off? You? Me? The public? They do not deserve to be fired, they deserve 1000 times worse; but they toy and tinker, set us up more and more, and do not even have the answer or come close. If they bring public any emails or love letters you wrote, fact or fiction, I am not going to be so happy with you Ann and will know what to do. All of you have me paralyzed right now. Right now it is all gossip and false information, twisting facts to fit their story. You do it back which is even worse. Then Fox, CPAC, YAF, etc... gives you more rope or tries to get a piece of your destruction. They hate sex and are dirty as hell; I doubt they wipe their butt or have the ability to. This is how we got here and why I am paralyzed momentarily; did they write it down or take false actions to cover up a plot? Are you such an ignorant stingy bitch you refuse to have mercy even on me? Stop emboldening fat people and telling them you love them. We don't really need the same Civil Rights crowd or this scam. They are not elites and it is racketeering; stop telling them you love them, blacks, Jews, and the Irish. If you want to be drunk and get drunk; do not include me or have me watch. They are the psycho, terrorist, threat, and problem; agree?

Playing God and abusing authority is why God and authority has turned it on them; the only problem here is it is 1000 times worse and earthquake levels. You want to play the dumbass, then do not bitch when I treat you like one or a swinger; I don't want to hear it, see it, or complain about these matters ever again. Why am I getting repeat and the same crap shoved down my throat? Fox News claims you are all among friends or kissing cousins; they know nothing about war and extreme combat. They know nothing, that is their problem and how they got in this mess of being shut down. If it was not so, they can write down every detail as I have; but they want to police it or pull this terror plot further. These idiots do not even know when they have been defeated or destroyed; hence, they await being shut down and are pathological liars out of control and in damage control mode. One day they will get it right or have the truth; we are still waiting. This is not what I want and I need change; not one or five years later; I need it overnight and immediately. They will loose their life savings in this war and they know this; but it is too late. They know they will get a coup, over and over; so they watch every move and illegally like the mafia casing the police. Like the labor unions, they feel it is their home or they own it; like reality they get the death sentence or destroyed. F the communist and these radical terror plots; no less their inability to police the truth. What a fat ass piece of crap trying to be the elite and bully or stomp on us; did I mention forced medication, placing me in a mental institution, false police reports, false imprisonment, legal extortion, slandering my military record, painting us as the threat or problem, etc... They cannot even accept losing or an end to this. Everybody knows this is a suicide plot and terror plot. By the way, they made up a story how Asians love or adore fat people and old people. Asians viewed them as royalty or special because they were fat and Asians were rail thin and aspired to be fatter. Now they created the Ann Coulter monster and even I cannot control that one. Stop listening to other people or luring them in; otherwise extreme combat will arrive. Stop being a dumbass parading as power or the elites. Stop having babies and stop being a dumbass adult. They are the psycho, terrorist, threat, and problem; agree?

You are a butler on steroids, they are a butler on twice as much steroids, it never ends. Hannity says he is your boyfriend and fiancee; now you tell him Christie is and email this to him. It gets worse and worse for you Ann; meanwhile, you are the worst mistake I have ever made and I live to regret this day by day. I wish I had a real woman and someone I can love back or find true love with; I hate every second and waking hour of this; don't you? I hope the enemies of this world nuke you so I do not have to work so hard on all of you jackasses and traitors. Maybe an earthquake will soften you up and we can send in the cavalry to finish off your forces; teach you how to panic when facing a coup. If they dare look at me, I will coup them and much more.

Ann, in order to exonerate or go to heaven; you have to prove or furnish evidence you hated every second of this ordeal. When you go on the Hannity show or Fox News, you must show or convey you hated every moment, second, and the degree of an ordeal they put you through. When you have to respond to their emails or be forced to listen to their stupid lies about how much you adore, want sex, how close, how you have a secret relation or special relation with them, how you dragged your feet and ruined your own marriage for a dirt bag or nonsense, how or what the negative impact on your life was; you need to show each second was a stuggle and how much you hated each and every second. This is why you are going to hell, this is why you are viewed as an adulterer, this is why I honestly feel you are a stingy ignorant bitch, this is why you have so many problems, this is why you hate their guts, this is why you block everything out, and this is how you exonerate yourself. You don't ignore their flirts, let them touch you, let them have their way, travel with them, live with them, or become their internet slut because you are interested in them or want something from them. This is how they see you; you are willing to do anything because you need or are desperate. You are their prison bitch and they do not enjoy knowing how whipped and what you will do for me; even if I hate your guts and honestly feel you are an honorable ignorant bitch who is beyond stingy and repugnant. You let me do what you do day after day; have my way with women and see how you feel. I promise you, you would go ape shit if you knew I was emailing or flirting with women online; for kicks or nonsense. So far and after years listening to you; I have yet to see you display or show how you hated or despised each moment. You show me when and if you hated your own rape or being a prisoner; using sex to get your way and the civility of a Stockholm princess who got her way every time. All my complaints fell to deaf ears, all of them. All of theirs got your attention and you literally spent your life with them; you are their internet slut and have the credibility to back this up. Now it is time you prove it and stop using me to prove you are decent; they are trying to prove it and win. You let them win but we can make this 1000 times worse; up for it? Oh, you tell me why I moved even after you asked me to be near or needed me? Tell me Ann, was this another one of your total screw ups? There are a lot of them, a long list; agree? They got you beat and Hannity has you blackmailed; even you are unsure and keep things from me Ann; even you lie to me.

Honestly Ann, what are we arguing about? Are we arguing about being a slut or not being one? Are you going to hell for being good or bad? Am I upset and mad at you because you are faithful or not as faithful as you could be? Do you think there is room for improvement, honestly? If you were in my shoes, would you say you are a swinger, an internet slut, or just a foot dragging traveler who refuses to put out? Do you think 10 reasonable people would believe you or listen to you and your own rapist, "I do not like it when I am in the studio and you put your hand over my mouth." The worst part is how you stingy bitches fight; for love and when you get raped. It is pathetic and ruins your marriage; just no sex. What do you think 10 reasonable people would say or agree to? 1) Why am I mad? 2) Why are you so comfortable? 3) Is that all you use emails and the internet for? 4) Why are you complaining and emailing these men? Do they have any evidence on you or emails to prove what kind of person you truly are? 5) This is just how I feel and my personal experience; do they have physical evidence to incriminate you or establish you are a horrible person? I have evidence to prove I hated every second and truly feel you are a nasty stingy bitch who would starve her own kids or family due to neglect. All you know how to do is take and lie. How long does it take to get to the bottom of this Ann, ten more years? Is this what you are trying to accomplish or did you mess up? Can you prove any of this or pick your scrawny stingy bitch ass up and make life with you a little better? Can you? Have you even tried or given this a thought? Honestly Ann, would you like to try it or get some help from professional doctors who understand who or what you are? How will you ever make this right; ever? Listen to you and Hannity; no wonder you refuse to take this to a lawyer or take this to the police; they would laugh at you also. Do you truly think you make a decent leader Ann; a good steward of life, honestly? Most people would say, "something is not right and I know my gut feeling." I enjoyed every minute and watching you in action Ann; even the pictures of you on dates or picking up men. You are such a stupid, angry, and stingy bitch; you expect them to save your ass, no less me! And you ruined that and made it ten times worse, didn't you?

Ann, I am tired of listening to your problems. First it was you living with men. Second it was about chat rooms. Third is how you use your web site to meet men and then build up to the first meeting or dinner. Then it is the little surprises; how you lived here or there for a month. Fourth is the constant and terminal problems you have with men; especially married men. Fifth is the level of experimentation you have with men, just no sex; who cares if there is sex or not. Sixth is how insecure and scared you are of losing me; just constant nonsense. There are the dinners, drinks, show hosts, speeches that turn into internet meet and greets and all of this lurid gossip. When it is game time you just piss it all away; all for nothing. Is this some internet experiment or are you testing the limits of our relationship? I am sick and tired of this and you are going to drive yourself crazy for nothing but your own stupidity. No wonder all these Jews and friends of yours own these social media sites or dating web sites. No wonder there are so many problems with dumbasses playing cupid or match-maker in your life. I got this problem also. You live with people you don't even know and hide the fact you are a swinger or live this lifestyle; how it brings you grief and harms our relationship. All of you keep it secret while you swap partners, spouses, or fag each other up when it is a kidnapping, rape, and attempted murder. There is no end to this and all of you are insane or out of control; still not convinced yet? Still resting on the comfort I am not mad or really pissed off? There is no end to this or your bad habits; hence, I even think you are a stingy bitch and your stalker or attackers are very sick bastards.

Look how negative you made me now Ann; thanks partner. Even worse, you think this is how you prove your love to me which convinces me you are either deranged or also a dumbass stingy bitch trying to fit in. Shouldn't your parents spank the hell out of you all and listen to your stupid tales; that is what it is isn't it, a lot of stupid and deadly tales about your swinger life? You are so messed up because you have an internet dating life also. Are you not the strangest, stingiest, nastiest bitch I have ever met? Then who is Ann? My problem with you is easy to figure out; I learned you were a swinger and felt disappointed or not interested but you jerked me back and filled me with your stingy bitch tricks while making me suffer or accept how insane you have become. I hated every single minute and second with you; admit it. Admit the truth Ann, I hated every second and wished I was with someone else or somewhere else. Can you handle the truth? The truth is you asked me to come to Florida because you are so special and then refused to house me or let me stay with you so I just moved and said; good job King-O-Sabe; mark down another Coulter screw up. Now you are parading Christie around so you can win over the fat votes. I am sure a date or dinner is up and coming; which makes me want to puke or hurl; stoked are we? I am not sure who you are trying to annoy; but it is working. Also, it is obvious you are considered a swinger on the internet and use it to uphold this reputation. You truly do have a secret life, are strange as hell, and you were not joking when you said you did not know if you were faithful or not.

You people are dirt dumb. You see a tsunami, you take pictures. You hear a tornado, you look out the window. You have the common sense to live a swinger life but expect a healthy marriage. You cannot live without a close call, always seeking more or stranger endings. It is not thrill seeking, it is dirt dumb. You do not realize how things fall apart. You act like you do not scare easily but it is retarded. Who would cry, bitch, and have a fit; then go try to have an affair or uphold your street credibility? What a dumbass and stupid situation we are in. Who the hell lives with men and then lives their life on the internet like this? Ann Coulter? What in hell do you say or can you do if stuck with this kind of human being? It won't ever fall apart or break; they are all forgiven and psychiatrists; if not then they dress and talk like cops giving weaker people a hard time. Nobody has yet to show me an email or love letter, no one yet. However, I am aware you chat, tweet, and email men; and even set up dates and dinners via email. I am not going to let you off the hook about this single crap or your swinger life but if you want my honest impression of you Ann; my observation is you are an annoying, ignorant, stingy, horrible bitch; the truth hurts but you have fewer options than I do now. Passing love letters and flirts with men via email will get you in deep hot water and uphold you are a swinger, remember this. The truth is I hate every second of this and have; admit it you ignorant bitch who wants to be a slut to everyone. You think they transformed into a new creature, look at you Ann and where your life is taking you. You want me to sit here and enjoy it, love you, and jump through your stupid bitch hoops? Are you serious? I think your mom should have and would smack the shit out of you; I could convince her if she was alive. Keep sweet talking them Ann; especially Hannity, it got you on suicide and slut watch. Your rapist and attackers feel you enjoy it; and so do I, need evidence ignorant stingy bitch? Another job well done Ann, take your time. It also sounds like Hannity has you beat, cornered, and that slut act is for real. A lot of fight from you Ann, a lot; but he has not shown any swinger emails or internet love letters; not yet.

Ann, you people are very difficult to work with and you all mess up constantly. Worse is how you paint others mentally insane. You do this to them and they do this to me. So both you and I won this but it has not been cleaned up or cleared up; still pending arrest and exoneration. I am owed damages for all of this harassment and gamesmanship. It is too difficult to work with lunatics and politics is full of them. Yet they pound out book after book. They claim they are there every step of the way. They make it known how they love their country but there is still dishonesty in politics and business. It comes down to harassment tactics, talking like cops, acting like cops, dressing like cops, and abuse of power or authority. Now that has become a rape and attempted murder case; along with agitation, propaganda, harassment, and terror plots. They merely call it compromise, I do not think any of this is compromise and if it is; they are awfully quiet about what they did or how they sought compromise. Clearly, you jackasses and F'ers need to quit your job and are very difficult to work with; yet you paint me as the mentally ill person while trying to be my partner. Even you did this, for mocking them or not. They also think this is about killing "Lincoln." They are getting more desperate and morphing into another species; the slaves have gone insane.

Furthermore Ann, your swinger life has got everybody crazy or yourself in trouble. You are nearly on life support seeking objectives that are not delivered or arriving. You were on suicide watch. Your dating life is full of lies, deceit, and secrets. Your ghetto is very unhealthy and it appears you do not bathe or worry about hygeine. Your work ethics has everybody up in arms or exhausted. You expect me to understand or love you; how you mess up. All of you New Yorkers are totally nuts, animals, out of control, hated by the rest of the union, and some odd breed of liars or cheats. You see no end in sight and they see no end in this and it almost got you raped and killed. Is it fair to say both you and them are difficult to work with? Is it fair to say there is a lunatic dressed up as a cop, talks like a cop, even has money like a cop, but the work and good deeds that must be put back in place has not arrived or stolen? Who stole it a cop or a criminal? Who are these people slaves or the winning side? They act so normal. What next love? Love and marriage? Kids? Happiness? Sex? You have a lot of work ahead of you; all of you do. You need to fix yourself and stop spreading your disaster or mess in the lives of others; segregate the outcomes.

Ann, even I think you are a stingy bitch who is concocting more clever devices to destroy this enemy. I think you are covering a swinger life style where you claim there is no sex; we know this is not true with me. What you are doing is experimenting with men and giving me all the privileges I want or need. Can you live with this? It makes you look good while you live out this fantasy or accomplish what you set out to do. Obviously, this is not what I want and you are full of tricks; hence, your constant stalling strategies and strange men phenomenon. I have to deal with this constantly. It is very difficult to work with any of you but you seem to make others look mentally ill, schizophrenic, or even jealous. Even worse is how you show this to the world and shove it down my throat, even me Ann. Look closely at the negative impact you have had on my life and the good. Is there more good than bad really? Have you been Godly or forgiven? Why? Was it for fun? Was it for the money? Was it for friends and your survival? Or was it for greed and power? Nobody has the answers, not even me but there are those who claim to know all. They do not and they got slammed on their head repeatedly; and we are still slamming them and fighting them to keep their hands off or stay out of our lives. I cherish you destroying all I hate and fight every breath trying to stop; I hate you destroying what I love and what I cherish most for survival. Do you understand and realize what love is and what survival is? Do you know what you have done to yourself, us, and our life? Do they? This is why they sleep under this death sentence they remind us off; if and when it gets out, the public will be shocked and so will the authorities; but they hide and claim they are only liars.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Ann, why do I keep losing my life savings? Why do you keep getting new beaus or boyfriends who are only strangers? Why have they tied the two together now into murder?

Ann, why in hell are you having another panic attack? The truth is you place your trust in New Yorkers and they never deliver. All of you are hated and nobody likes you; but New Yorkers flood to Florida in order to take over paradise or run your little scams or tinker with others' lives. It is almost like NYC with sand and the same nutty insanity you urban city and savages are well known for. Why in hell did you ask me to move to Palm Beach County under these terms. Then why did you refuse to house me or sat there flirting with men and trying to pick them up, set them up, or expose them as completely out of control and nuts; when your own husband needed a place to stay? Why? Now your New Yorkers either chased him off, denied him employment, or fagged him up again to evict him. More lies, more guns being drawn, more dead bodies, more drugs, and more of the same from you all. Why in hell didn't you house or offer to give your own husband, past or future, a place to stay? Now even you admit you look like a mean, stingy, crazy ignorant bitch who refused to let her own husband stay at her place while she never lived there. Thanks a lot and more of the same from you Ann; this is how you are and how you always take and never give back. All of you are like this when it is the economy, rivers, water, streams, or natural resources. You take, you pollute, you destroy, you never act responsible and expect an outcome others are unified to or prisoners' of. Are you convinced yet you all are insane and mentally ill? Stop labeling and slandering me about how I am schizophrenic, paranoid, and have a grandiose delusion when all of you are hated, ignorant, stupid, and cannot act normal because y'all so special and above all this. All of you have lost your minds. How do you explain this invite to live near you, asking for help, and then refusing to let me stay at your house in time of crisis? Would you rather I was homeless Ann; is that ignorant and as stingy a female can get? What have you done to make our life better, what? Called Fox News? Called Hannity? Went to Los Angeles? Called CPAC? Have they even been there for you? Who coddles them and why do I coddle you?

You excel in one particular category. The only help you give is to make it worse; so make it 100 or 1000 times worse. I have said and asked the FBI, DHS, Pentagon, and any official military out there to make this 100 or 1000 times worse. I even wrote to and asked the office of hurricane and earthquakes to make it very clear that when it is on; don't even think about it or try something stupid. Yes we are suspects; but you are the guilty party, beyond any redemption or probable cause. We get more of the same; so destroy them and make this well known and crystal clear. Thank you for inviting me to Florida and then refusing to house me while you were flirting, doing live debates, going to dinners, and refusing to even help me find a place to stay. Clearly, you would rather live chat then help your own partner and husband locate a place or stay at your own house. During war isn't that a federal crime; not housing your own soldiers? Even I think you are a stupid ignorant bitch who just does not get it. Do you get it at all or wish to even respond? Worse, you call or run to Sean Hannity; as if he is going to make this better or fix it. Listen to him brag or chide you about him stalking or being obsessed with you; a fool who will take anything, a scrap or bone, and how he refuses to give up. What a pest. He even thinks he is your boyfriend and you don't want to admit it; but you call him an adopted fool and gossip bitch; total insanity. Now look at the cops with their heads up their asses; messing with us or me. Make this 1000 times worse and make sure all of them are shut down; now. I will not accept any other answer. They want to play this good cop and bad cop with authority; so authority will always win, destroy them. F their compromise and trying to make a buck off us.

Okay look, it does not take a genius to figure this out. If they kicked them off the police force, had they denied them government employment, if they would have been more diligent or careful instead of bringing this to the point of shutting down, if they would do the right thing and not play this game with authority or power; maybe authority and power would not be needed. If they wage war and are wrong but wish to be removed by force or revolutionary ways; then let's get this political circus over with. They can swim for their freedom and tell the public after questioning what they did. Shut them down and get rid of them before this gets worse and worse. Don't sit there and make excuses or act like an honorable man or woman when this has been persistent for decades. All they had to due was be more diligent. Instead what they did was shift the attention on us, act condescending or with no evil, and continued this fight while taking the suspicion off of the real culprits. Hence we get another and more WTC or 911 suspicion trails where facts are twisted and the police end up as an arm of Israel or the Democratic Party. Am I supposed to go before the public and tell them how I used to be an honor student and varsity athlete but regret ever joining the military because these people ruined my career and life? Did they overlook this or does the coverup, mental illness and grandiose delusions, fit their wherewithal to bring this fight to the public and media focus on their criminal behavior, demented and psychopathic mannerism, and also their true ability to hide the mental illness or delusions of getting away with this? Who has the power to do this and the power while we break their backs in two resisting? Swim for their freedom or pretend to be God while forces of nature wipe them out because a greater power is watching over and our guardian angel? By the way, I got spit on again. Not a cop but an Air Force Clown. The Jews and the Italians learned the hard way we gave them nothing and they made this ten times worse. Lets make it 100 times worse shall we? How about it? Do they want to step a foot or dare even look at me so this can be 100 times worse? This is no joke, speak now or have it imposed; do they want 100 times worse or not? We have the way if they have the will. There comes a point where this will bottleneck and it will show who and what is behind it; imagine if it was 100 times worse for just looking at us and daring authority. Clearly, this is not their profession and they have been locked out and expelled; why are they still open and not shut down? They fury and the escalation continues. Do we need to repeat it over and over, why are they still open and able to do this? Shut them down or this will get 100 times worse and the public will have to demand answers. We do not need to know their story unless they do not want to be evicted; decide. They know our objective is to destroy this evil and nasty political foe; do they wish to find out if we can or not? We had to accept their attacks, will they accept our retaliation and our fight against them? We need them shut down and that is it; it is not up for discussion. They do not need to be on the police force and we do not need to see them ever again; ever, I am clear?

Ann, even Klavan is bragging about how you took him to dinner or he took you to dinner. As I said, all you have to offer me is money and security. With all the men you either went to dinner with; it clearly shows you want to be pampered while I sit here and suffer for working for you or even showing any care for your life. All this had been my work and that is what makes me upset; you are being pampered at my suffering. You have lied about these dinners and events; and worse you want to be pampered while someone is there acting as if they adore you. You cannot even be faithful but claim it is business or just friends; come on. Do you think I am this stupid or this dumb Ann? Do you? Klavan is bragging how you may have taken him out or picked him up at the MRC; are you happy and do you love your marriage, honestly? Do you? You destroyed it if you ask me; would you die for it? Would you Ann? Go and see a doctor; I swear you have some major league problems and a normal girl who is a nobody is fine with me. Want to test this theory? What you are is stupid and you wonder why nobody appreciates you? I am just so frustrated but I know why you are still single. You need help Ann; before it is too late okay. Do it and show you have some common sense; not even a plan when I ask you to tell me the next year or two. I moved away; you have to find me or chase me now; end of story. Do you want to or give this more effort; you know you messed up? You do not know what to do and it is up for grabs? Here we go again Ann; we been through this how many times in the past? You spend more time with men and strangers than me; you will burn in hell for this, admit it. You drag me through all this and want me to think you are picking up men, texting them on the internet, and taking your time or "waiting it out." I love seeing my wife or girl with other men; why not make a porn or sex tape Ann. You need help, if anything for utter ignorance and fantasy.

Ann, please do not tell me or bother me anymore about CPAC. It is the same thing each and every year. First, there is five or ten lucky men who get to meet you. You come there early and do get togethers or dinners, VIP events. The first night runs late and you all are drinking. Second, the next day you rest for the socials, all day long called "book signing." Shall I go on? The real events are after hours. You end up dating one lucky man; used to fend off attackers and uphold your reputation. Then it is more dinners or a final night; possibly a few invites and private hotel parties. Each and every year you do get togethers, socials, this crowning of the King, and a future date. The first night goes late into the night. I have moved, find me if you want. I don't want to be bothered by this anymore. I have a legal case to win; not a private life to swallow me up. Yes I know you messed up. I personally think you all are ignorant and have a horrible personal or private life; you may disagree. I came to you this time and did as you asked; I got nothing out of it but regrets. What now? Your fault? My fault? All of our faults? Who cares. We may never know. You want to debate everything. I wonder who they will crown the King this year? An entire year of flirting, tweeting or texting, and now the big day; drinking, socials, and mingling with your admirer. Wow. I am really impressed and excited Ann. What next, do you want to invite me or raffle out a dinner with you? How about a date at 10pm or the weekends? Shocked? Each year it is the same hoopla. Do you need to show me around or do an tiny intro to CPAC; I hated every moment, no intro this year? Shall I chase you around also Ann? Shall I pull a Hannity or Limbaugh? Oh I see, I am a runner up as King for the second or third year? I bet you the tweet and meet is in effect as always. Yes, you were guilty of this with Klavan and a few other men. None of them furnished any love letter or proof; there are a lot of claims from Hannity. I love it, let me write this down and see if you can explain it all to me, in detail. Who the hell would fight with you all and who the hell would work for any of you; completely out of control and doing this. Do I have a real reason to hate you or do you? Who has the sloppy seconds syndrome and who is pampered? The three of you can come over anytime; even better, all of you can.

This sloppy seconds syndrome is demented and an asylum. I have never seen any group of human beings so out of control. I have never seen human beings this stupid. I have never known they look back at us with such confidence or admiration. I have never known a human being could make so many errors out of life; in ours and in theirs. I never knew how much pain, embarrassment, destruction, and pure nonsense they can take before fearing an outcome or the punishment of God. How do I feel about serving in the military or service for our country? Is this a cruel hoar or prank which is to rekindle the Vietnam Era mess? The Teresa Heinz and John Kerry story is now the Ann Coulter and Alex Nguyen story about how he used to be an honor student and varsity athlete; but now almost homeless and on skid row. Want to know what real insanity is, read the Ann Coulter story. I have moved away and they are still not shut down, still. You are going to have to find me again. It was the Jews and the Italians again; trying to negotiate and get what they want out of this. They got the surprise of their life and now are underwater and still not shut down; what do you want me to say or do? What? I cannot even find work while this is going on and waiting for you is unbearable game to give you posh five star hotels and the best money can buy while I get the trash and junk society does not want. Would you be upset with these people or would you hang out with them while they did this to our face? Exactly, they have not been shut down, this is the bottom line and the reality. You try to fix it and restore it back to health Ann, see what you can do. You try to rebuild our life and put it back together; now ask why they are still open and doing it? Why are they housing you in the best hotels and pampering you while you act like a sex crazed woman seeking a political beau to mix it up with or continue this? You tell me why it is still happening, won't you? One of you will win and one of you will be destroyed; one of you. We have gone from live tweets to traveling, meet up or do get forgathers. Your love life and single life is total insanity Ann; why did you let them sexually harass you so much and then emboldened them or boosted their confidence to a point of meeting you exchanging secret messages? Why? Is it because they did this to me or is it because you don't want them? All of this can be gone overnight; the clock holds all the clues and the secrets. Who was desperate and acting female all along? Even you do this Ann, are you desperate red herring or not? Do you want to debate this or do we have to take this to the public? Who is desperate here? Who is the sloppy seconds or beaten up? How many times do we have to bust them or get it on with them? Did we get it on with them or is the messed up hair just a joke and cruel hoax?

CPAC 2011: This sloppy seconds syndrome is not what I had in mind Ann. You continue to fight it, I think. Whenever you go to CPAC Ann, the first thing in my mind is what you told me, singles club. Is this the once a year gathering where you party after hours and into the wee hours of the night and then brag or pretend you sent obscene photos to one another via your cell phone and then blame it on stalkers? Or is this the yearly gathering of out of control people where you rub elbows, pretend to like each other, and then pretend there is chemistry or some physical bond which far exceeds human understanding? Each time I hear CPAC, I think one and only one thing; an opportunity to date or go to dinner with Ann Coulter. Each year you arrive early, go wining and dining, stay out late, and tell me not to worry or want me to mix it up also. I find you all pathetic and how you expect to be happily married or have a healthy love life; even more absurd. Maybe this year you will get raped in your hotel or one of these men will knock on your door late at night and undress as they talked about and you are so drunk you pass out. You don't know, I don't know, nobody will ever know. This is how I see you and CPAC; a gigantic insanity that gets more insane. Had this been strictly business and not a yearly singles meet or the Dating Game; maybe I would feel differently. But the live tweets, the meet and greets, and this constant effort to sex you up or turn you into a slut has ruined your life. You even pretend it is true and wanted me to just roll over. I am not sure if I am proud of you anymore or too disappointed to tell you how I really feel. You try having sex with Joan Rivers and you tell me how you would feel. Something has to change Ann; I was hoping you would honor your commitments and end this. We cannot live like this and for the rest of our life; every time you go to CPAC or have this wonderful career; I have to file separation papers and wonder if you will ever come back. I think they compromised your life and mine; also this investigation and our victory. It didn't have to be this way but all of you are out of control and we are spiraling down a very messy and dangerous road; a very precarious one. I don't enjoy this idiot protesting in our life 24 hours, do you? They are inescapable of just acting normal and always selling their beliefs; if not, then it has to be a debate or constantly parading it before the public in the most exaggerated manner. I cannot even get you to act normal Ann, never could. Why am I labeled the mentally ill or grandiose delusional one; aren't you all the problem? They act nice for money, hoops, or to protest; other than this they must be desperate to the point of deadly. You are so desperate and so much of a female; and them?

I am not sure who this sloppy seconds problem is aimed at? I know they put you in the best hotels, fly in sloppy seconds fanatics, and you enjoy their company or like it when the liquor flows. You conduct business under the tone and with the full power of a well endowed sloppy second syndrome female, a culture among friends. I think you exonerate it and take it way too far. Ann, keep in mind that window of opportunity has closed and now gone. The work load is on you and your good acts will be on your shoulder. As I said, Palm Beach is not my cup of tea. The question whether it is yours has not been answered. I cannot live like this or with these people; the outcomes must be segregated or they must be interned, obviously. They just accept no accountability and are lawless; right to the end and their own destruction. What do you want me to tell them and then what do you expect me to tell you? Do you see how stupid they are? Do you see how much they cling or stalk you? Do you see the impact of their life on mine or ours? Do you know how to segregate outcomes? Both of us has a similar problem, them. Why do they seek control over you, me, or either of our lives; why? How much longer do you think they can hold out? How much longer do you think we can hang on? All of this can be over in 24 hours; all gone overnight and in one gale like force. Blow them all over or blow them all off? Pretend you will blow them away? I see you all as mentally ill and all of you sit there in the most condescending manner to say I am inflicted with "grandiose delusions?" I reject this compromise and malicious bias. I reject how out of control and so messed up all of you are; with no care in the world and no respect for anyone, not even yourself. How do you expect people to live with you or live life? How? All of this can and will be gone in 24 hours eventually; how much longer do we have to wait and how much pressure does it take? How much Ann? Who is in control? Who is going to win this? Whose victory is this? Who is trying to segregate the outcome? The question is who is getting shut down and who has lost it all; mentally and physically. They should know when to quit while ahead or don't even think about pushing ahead when all indicators tell them to stop or shut it down. Is that your biography or ours? You tell me Ann, is this what you are trying to teach or is it what I am? All indicators show damage unrepairable or an inability to function properly; the truth hurts and damages for this slander and malicious bias is real. I did not enjoy or like this protest whatsoever. This is who we are fighting, a desperate, demented, stupid, and phony enemy who is beaten up and used. What are you fighting Ann? It sounds as if the human species is undergoing and genetic morphing into a desperate female; an evolution.

Ann, just more and more insanity from you and them. How or who do I choose when it is all insanity? You tell me. Do you want a private life, a public life, or just a pretend one to sell your entertainment? What about what I want and what I have to live with; have you given this any thought?

Ann, first and foremost, I just biked across Florida in sweltering heat. I do not think Palm Beach County is for me; however, it might be for you. It was just one big flirt and one problem after the next. People were nice to me for one and only one reason; either to rob me or take my money. I had to take it to the Sheriff's office and they ended up pulling a gun on me because of another false police report. So I do not think your clan or lavish life is my cup of tea but I find adjusting to your life extremely difficult if not impossible. I hope you get out of that hell hole and ghetto. They are still trying to evict you and run you off; a clandestine witch hunt or what I call a Nazi eviction. It takes a specific type of human creature to make this big of a mess or get here. You think the media looks bad, look at the police and all of this coverup.

Secondly, I am going to spill the beans. I am worried. I do not want to loose you. I rather not have you then deal with losing you. I scream and shout only because I think all these stalkers and arrangements are going to place a wedge between us or somehow water down our special relationship. I was hoping you understand; but you kept telling me not to worry, you are fully aware of their tricks, and you are working very hard for the both of us. The truth is I am a bit at odds when left out of your life and ask why I am here or struggling. It is embarrassing. I am not jealous. I am loosing everything and feel you included. You are giving me everything and telling me not to worry or how you will never be gone; life will never be without us. This is why I am screaming; not because I am mad or upset. Well, I am mad and upset; but it is because I do not want anything to hurt you. I felt by antagonizing you and being what you feared most, the same game you were playing with me, you would stop or understand how it is no game. You are a nightmare to people; I did not want you to be my nightmare. All you would say is you messed up, there is no sex and you ignore them, and you are sorry or are in pain.

Thirdly, I just watched a movie; a stranger I ran into let me stay with him while on the road (turned out to be a gay guy trying to hit on me or spread kindness and joy to my life); he showed me a video of Joan Rivers talking about her life. She talked in the most vulgar way about her daughter, not getting calls, how nobody calls her, her jokes, and her career. I understand your fear but it is not for us Ann; neither you or I. Make the most of what you have before it all disappears is the rule of the industry. I think it has come to a screeching halt for these enemies; why did they last so long? Do not expect honesty or kindness from them; it is futile. After listening in for 30 minutes of Joan Rivers, I understand your point and what you are fighting against. It will come to an end one day Ann; ask what you will loose on the road of life and on your career path. That will be your legacy and your legend; your own sacrifice. Some people will agree and understand while others do not. I do not; I just understand. I think you made life for you and I hard. I think you made life for this enemy and these suspects unbearable and 10 times harder. They deserve it. They got what life has to offer and nothing out of it; all a waste of time. With all these trade-offs; they pretend as though they worship you. You play along and it just gets worse and ewww so happier. At the end of the day, they lost 10 to 10 but you are all bloody. This is about power and evictions; we have won 10 for 10. They are the problem and rotten to the bone.

Fourth, I just read a story about a female "business manager" who works for the police department whom was beaten to death by her husband. He then went to the police station, asked them to arrest them, and told them he hit her with a bat and should be locked up because she is hurt badly. He basically based her head in with a bat and told his son he was going to make things right and fix matters so he will survive or get through this. The public relations department at the police department said, "She was very special to us all, we will miss her dearly." The story freaked me out and sent a shock reading it. We get bombarded with this back and forth, I get twice as much, but I just turn away and don't even want to see or hear it anymore. Call it cowardice but I do not know how else to describe it. Even with me around these people will brutalize you. It takes a specific type of human creature to make this big of a mess or get here.


I hate to say it; but the police here suck and need to be fired or else be removed. We know about Florida and the Bush family. We know that these malicious and biased evictions, what I call a slum lord syndrome, is completely false. We know it is hate and we know it is the culture of New Yorkers. We know Israel is trying to do an eviction and used the American system to be the henchman. Clearly, this malicious bias is a Nazi eviction and lacking any truth or wisdom. We know it is the police and we know they are behind it all; now trying to pretend as if they were "objective" and this was a civil matter. Let me make this crystal clear, a lot of people got hurt by this scam artist and liar. These evictions, forceful eviction, and what I call back and forth gamesmanship did not have to reach this point or could have been avoided. This idea we are being evicted by some psycho is totally nuts now. This idea we are attacking New York over an eviction is even more nuts. This idea we are Nazis and conducting raids or evictions is wacko delusional. All of them need to be deported or interned; make a conscious choice and stick to it. Don't even play this stupid game and let it reach this level.

Using the American government to do this or indoctrinate us was the most stupid idea I have ever heard next to getting busted for it. So that is and now this is what they are guilty of. Fox News is the most guilty of all. NBC is guilty. The police are guilty. Shall we name off a list of them or do they want to get a forceful eviction and escalate it? This is being escalated and it is no Nazi or criminal thief doing the eviction; we are combating and battling them. The truth hurts and worse; their hate only ends up hurting them the most. This is who and how they got in this position from the start and why they have drawn this out or reached this level. I want them fired immediately or else there will be malpractice and other lawsuits for this "grandiose delusion" or "mental illness." The worse part is it carries over into our careers and is an illegal or malicious eviction by this same slum lord and propaganda thief. We busted them and for WTC or 911; get over it and eat slap and die. We do not need this crap to spill over into America or the 13 colonies; eviscerate them or get rid of them immediately. We are far past a shouting match and we have a completely ineffective government full of thieves, scam artists, and psychopathic lunatics. It takes a specific type of human creature to make this big of a mess or get here.

Ann, let it go babe. They want to evict me, murder you, or brutally rape you. Until we can get rid of them; let it go and stop trying to stop them or end their evil plot. I am scared of losing you and they work very hard to pamper you or win you over, too hard. All I want is a normal life but I know who the SOB was who was maliciously and illegally trying to evict me or call me a Nazi. It is their culture and the way they are; look how ineffective and lazy the US government is to all of this malicious or illegal eviction. We are trapped in the middle of their stupidity and moralizes plight. It also goes to show your Tweet and Greets are ridiculous and led to you being the most sexually harassed woman on earth; odd for the investigator to be in this position literally. From what I hear, you love it and they love you. Read below what your buddy did after the MRC Gala Ann and what they joked about all day long, all day long to your face. Do that to me and you will see Judo and Hapkido throws. Take it further and I will get really mean and rough; too rough. Where are the police and what have they been doing for the past, oh twenty or so years? Trying to catch us of course; odd how they are on the wrong side of the law and this fight. Is this the guy you had dinner with or tried to pick up as your next John? Well, listen to what they are saying and why. How did you get in this "position?"

"I’ll blog about it when I’ve read the rest. For now, though, those of you who are accustomed to my sober and steadfast maturity of perspective will know that I’m not going to make any inappropriate remarks about the SMOKING HOT author photo on the back cover. However, I can’t say with certitude that I won’t spend the rest of the week tweeting Ann lewd snapshots. I mean, women like that… right?" It takes a specific type of human creature to make this big of a mess or get here.

Ann, take a look at this case in Ontario. This is the case of Russell Williams. Search NBC "Crime Mystery - Conduct Unbecoming." Ann pleads the police to investigate the incidents and connect it to the events in Tweed, ON. The police on this case is abhorrent, I had to get the FBI and State Attorney involved and they could not even stop it or get to the bottom of it. It felt like a full scale attempt to quiet us and stop us; not solve this case. The curiosity with other people's sexuality and the extent a stalker will go to find gratification or self serving objectives is just copy cat. The way Russell Williams has a high profile government job and how he prowls around, a prowler, in the homes of people is how I describe it also. Worse the police cannot do anything about it; regular normal people have to catch him. He rummages through people's belongings. He robs them. He violates them. He video tapes himself. I describe all of this and more. There is a sophistication in these suspects unlike your typical case. What they want. How they fight. How they lure others in. How attractive their women are. How they leave no fingerprint and lure people into traps.

Ann, do you remember one of your neighbors who wrote about you? He was a Canadian named Conrad Black; met you through Rush Limbaugh. He ended up serving time in Jail and is linked to the Israelis. This stuff happened immediately after 2008 and some of it has a chilling resemblance. There are intimate details only you and I know about. It takes place around 2009 and entails a brutal rape and murder of several women. The perpetrator is unimaginable. The one case most striking or similar to our case is Ann Marson Cooke. They were writing stuff on my computer. They were hacking and inside my apartment. I had a home invasion. They are looking for sex toys. They were trying to steal all your underwear. It was just repugnant and disgusting. The Niagara Falls Police did not take any of it serious; even after you mentioned Niagara Falls on TV. There is an intruder in their home, listening in, and playing a game; meanwhile, females were getting killed and raped. Now watch this case and tell me if the same thing did not go down in 2008-2009? I had met a Jewish Canadian girl who had an Air Force father, Jackie, and she kept setting me up on dates or not showing up. It was them. This case is almost identical to our own case.

There is another case in the radar. It involves a Chicago football star and a girl named Ronnie. Take a look at this case, "NBC Crime Mystery - Dangerous Liaisons." There is something about it and what you told me which resonates. Recall how Hannity would always bring out a football and throw it. This case has a star studded photo shoot of women who resemble you Ann. It is a dangerous blend and combustable mix. I get this gut feeling and even pictures in my head of "snapshots"; from one case to the next but one woman living all these lives. Of course none of it is true; but in the minds of these people it was true and a fantasy. Now the pictures leave them with an image of their own folly. This guy Sean Gayle is dating or with a lot of beautiful models; but it is the murder of his one true love which haunts this case also. That guy on the screen is not me nor am I like that; but the case has striking similarities. Marny reminds me of a hot 40 something female politician who was involved with firefighters and 911. However posing in seductive clothing and poses got her in hot water; even in Washington state. I met her on myspace briefly while I had an account and we talked.

I know you are whipped and would never leave Ann; I know this. I know no matter what I do; you will always be there. Now make this a reality and forward a plan so we can be together before we get too old. Everything in life has gone by or slipped away and it pisses me off Ann. Life will pass by or we will grow so old we cannot enjoy each other or life Ann; your planning did this and I am very upset with you slow poke ways. I am right about this and how your life turned out. Stop arguing with me and fix it; I am fed up with looking in or having to take this abuse. Make sure those who did it and acted like they are welcome; are homeless or fired. I am sick and tired of their voice, their tricks, and their scare tactics. It is time they be made to swim for their freedom.

We caught them so we can earthquake or hurricane their life; serves them well. I did all that and much more; while living on public assistance, job hunting, and barely scraping by as they watched me day and night. Tell them to go to hell and when it is on... it is on forever. There is no way and nothing in this world able to turn it off. Go there or push us there and they will be sorry or pay the ultimate price. This is no game and they are not welcomed whatsoever in our life. To continue this is suicide and much more. I know you are whipped, in love, and would never leave; the problem is enjoying life and our company. There comes a point where you have to walk away and enjoy life; what it has to offer and reward you. It looks really bad Ann; on my end and yours. They got us arguing back and forth now; even if we are stuck in this together and whipped. I know this every single day; but it is not the same as being here Ann, serious. Change your ways and get professional help; it is a shame to throw our relationship away because you got all these problems and so many negatives.

By the way, I am working on my next book. You need to work on us being together and not breaking us up Ann. Go and get professional help as you told me; at least it shows you recognize a problem and on your end. At least you have the care to take steps to fix or repair the things you messed up or ruined, intentionally or not. All of you need to get help; but it is only I whom is labeled mentally ill or with grandiose delusions; very odd and twisting of facts. Did they manipulate the laws and get a judgment on me? Is this why they are being sued also?

Ann, let me tell you what exactly is going on. Someone or a secret group has me under watch. Here is the problem. 1. They are on the invite list or put themselves on it. 2. They claim I do not have access, you do not have access; and if or when I get close to you or you get close to me; they circle us and try to appear as the "police" or security. 3. The wrong people are coming in and out; having their way and pretending as if they are the police and we are under their power. Now they have turned into your fans and are your security; imagine that, you have security now and so do I. What and who have both of us been fighting and trying to destroy? The police? Why are these people on the police force and why are they granted access to our life? They overstep their duties and then fail to do their jobs repeatedly. They let the bad guys in our life to do this and then deny access to both you and I; even in our own life. Are the police under the payroll of crooks or drug dealers? Who are they? The Palm Beach Police has to be shut down or dealt a severe blow. The problem you have and why all these attacks is security and the police; clearly. The police force, in Palm Beach and in vast other places, has been taken over by this enemy. They are on the payroll. This is why crime is rampant in America and why our life is racked with problems and 1000s of reports of attacks. To get rid of this enemy, we have to destroy the police force and it is not because we are outlaws and lawless; they are. Where are the police and what have they been doing for the past, oh twenty or so years? Trying to catch us of course; odd how they are on the wrong side of the law and this fight.

I don't get it. One minute they are all over our business. The next they want nothing to do with it. It sounds like you Ann. I do not know if you enjoy acting like the Jews or running around with them but this is not my cup of tea. See what your stupid stuff gets or how it garners their mob like mentality? These people are stupid and as dumb as dumb can get; why do you think they hide and play this game? They know the law and they know when they cross it. I told you to get rid of them, why is this still ongoing? Why are they on the VIP list and have access? Can you tell me? Who said they can be the doorman or the gatekeeper? You? Me? Prove it. Why is it when we need the police they are nowhere to be seen? Then when we report 911 and 1000s of attacks or even being a prisoner; they run us off and act as if they are protecting you or giving me great advice? Do they get paid to do this? Do you actually pay them for this and if so; do they realize that is actually my money also? Take a look at how insane these people are and what stupid games they play before being destroyed; it is almost like trash self-cumme-busting. I am not sure how these people got in our life or this situation; but I hope they end up homeless, without a pension, and destroyed by floods and earthquakes. Next time, don't play preacher or best friends with us and nobody will be upset. If we retaliate and stop their attacks; they will be homeless and underwater with debts. It is up to them and how much they can tolerate. We have all the time in the world when and if it is on. They better knock these attacks off because when it is on, it is on.

You claim it is the Kennedy's behind this; aren't they all dead yet? Whoever this was or is, their state of origin has been destroyed or near underwater for their follies. It is best they remain hidden and keep this game ongoing; the consequences are severe and brutal while they are on the police force or doing our security. Obviously, we have major security problems and this MF grants access to our enemies and denies any access or scares off anyone who is not. This is what happens when this SOB and dirtbag comes into our life or is granted permission; and I know I did not and you did not because they are having a difficult time with reality now. Your home in Florida is being cased or watched and it is not security; it is your enemies. You claim it is or was the Kennedy's; also Rush Limbaugh. That fat bastard is still up to no good or paying off the enemy police? Destroy them will you and hurry up. If this keeps up, I am going to be so frustrated at how they run me off or deny me any access to your and our life. I am tired of this and this enemy who is the doorman or some bouncer to this singles club. They are the threat and they are not on the invite list or the access list; how did they get in? Was it you? It was not me. Who let them? Who let this filthy pest oversee our life and act like they are on the VIP list? What a weak living human piece of shit aggressively seeking jobs. You have security problems in Palm Beach County Ann; so did I. None of them got what they want; nothing.

This sounds like the hallmark of the Jews, furthermore the Bush wannabes. They are rogues and not wanted, what do they not understand? Who let this enemy have a revolving door in our life; one violation and complaint after the other? I have reported 1000s of them. Now when I try to come and see you or work this out; they pretend as if I am under watch and am given a warning. I am fed up with this secret police. I am sick and tired of them on the access list or creating this revolving door for enemies, spies, threats, and drug dealers to do this. They may not like the books we write and might want to write their own books or get their own life; but stay out of ours. If I need the police I will call them; typically, they are never there. Here we go with the "mentally ill" and "grandiose delusions" game where I get Baker Acted three times or this game ensues. We need to sue them and deny any pension or ability to do this again. They need to stay out of the police force and knock off the VIP list where they grant access to all the wrong people and nobody is allowed to bring us comfort. It is all about jobs and being an aggressive dumbass with this pest and enemy. They are not the police, they are the enemy; stay out of law enforcement and stop taking over police stations. Maybe then we do not have to destroy this dirty enemy, how aggressive a piece of filth became, and this ridiculous clown we complain about. Soon they will be homeless and this nonchalant chicanery can change overnight. Don't play that good cop-bad cop with the people who have you beat and want you homeless. This SOB comes to America and pulls this stunt and look where we are with them now. It takes a specific type of human creature to make this big of a mess or get here.

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My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.