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Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Obviously, it is not their decisions to make. Obviously, this is well past their pay grade. Obviously, they need to stay out of our biography unless they truly want to sleep with bigotry, danger, harm, and extreme risk taking. Obviously, when it is on, it is on; it was never their decision to make or impede in our life. Obviously, they had to find out the hard way and we had a surprise because we knew they were coming and inching past us; we knew who they were and what they are up to. Obviously, they are not our advisers, not our partners, not welcomed, and overstayed their welcome; obviously this is as clear as day. Obviously, they still have not managed to turn this around and got nothing; zero, notta, and zip. Obviously, all they got was heartache. Obviously, they are all over Ann and she is trying to get them off Alex or out of Alex's life. Obviously, we are asking why they here to begin with? Obviously, this can end overnight and when it does; will we be alright or will they? Obviously, when it is on, they need to understand it is on and for the worse. Obviously, they are the problem and they are the threat. Obviously, they need to shut up and sit down; before they go away. Obviously, we do not like them, want their services, and wish them dead. Obviously, they have better things to do with their time or a more meaningful way to waste our time. Obviously, this is an utter pest and a complete nuisance; but a near death experience for everybody involved. Obviously, they are not as "objective" and "omnipresent" as they thought or claim to be (malicious bias). Obviously, they have a major problem well past their pay grade. Obviously, that major problem is well past their pay grade and small little existence. Obviously, they feel they share this house with us or both Ann and I. How can a human being so powerful convince themselves of such nonsense or an outcome that is nothing? Do they have any brain cells to answer or stick up for their actions; any balls and courage? Obviously, Katrina and all these natural disasters have put them back in their place; the question is are they ready to give up? Obviously, that is the score and this is a suicide mission; not mental illness or a grandiose delusion; that is a conspiracy and dereliction of duty. In the end, will it matter?

But wait there is more. Obviously, they do not house us (homeless shelter). Obviously, they do not feed us (food stamps or public assistance). Obviously, they do not share our bed or know anything about our personal life (hit them like a ton of bricks). Obviously, they do not employ us (financial records clearly indicate they do not pay our bills). Obviously, there is no explanation. Obviously, they do not want to get caught, sued, or be arrested. Obviously, they view this problem as a "mental illness" or a "grandiose delusion." Obviously, they do not house, cloth, feed, or share any kind of home or housing arrangement with us. Obviously, they are not welcomed. Obviously, they are not scared easily. Obviously, their fantasy did not come true. Obviously, they are worse than this. Obviously, explaining this is worse than doing it. Obviously, there is very little benefit having them in our life or even having this conversation. Obviously, they are playing a game to see who can kick out who first. Obviously, they feel they are the authority or the police. Obviously, war is headed in their direction and when it is on, it is on. All this begs the question about who they think they are and who they truly are? Maybe hidding is safety and a way to prevent others from knowing or furthering this embarrassing life they live? Maybe it is truly a death sentence? Maybe in their deepest hearts they feel they won or got the best of us? Maybe they got robbed of all their life plans and now are so sad and ashamed; showing their face is the biggest insult? The question is what allows them or makes them feel they share this house or this is their home; that is the question and where this case is headed. If they cannot come up with an answer; then their worldly possession will be taken and they will be disposed of properly. Why are they coming into our life and doing this or trying to give us advice when it is clearly past their pay grade and much more? Why are they even in our life and making these kind of decisions when nobody asked them, wants them to, or even enjoys their presence? Why? The answer lies in several billion dollars in damages and a total ban on them from any form of power; from heretofore. They actually think we care or this got them somewhere. They actually think we both will write for them or allow them to use us as a pen name.

The mystery is not totally perplexing because we know more about them then they think. Obviously, this is why lynching was invented. Obviously, they are justify a lynching is needed or in order. Obviously, the food on their table has to be taken away, discarded, and they must be starved. Obviously, they can play this game with themselves, but will it make their food greater or go away? Obviously, Katrina answered their prayers but they do not scare easily. Obviously, they have turned into another kind of human creature; one which cannot be understood, supported, and must be disposed of. Obviously, the Jews, Italians, Irish, and blacks have made a transformation; they starve themselves and it makes them become an even lesser species. We can debate this in the open or otherwise; end this game. Obviously, they will be fighting this and the stigma they leave behind for decades and centuries; we made sure of this. Obviously, the more quiet they are; the worst it will get. We can plot the course when this began and when it kind of ended. Obviously, they do not have a clue what love is or what the hell they are doing; obviously. Obviously, they know they will pay dearly if they prolong this or the pain. Obviously, we have to draw a line and place a deadline on this; there is a fine line between putting food on the table and getting yourself killed. Obviously, this was why segregation was invented; but can and will they debate it so we can properly administer justice? Obviously, they are nothing but phonies and frauds seeking freedom; with nothing to offer but this attempt to put food on the table while they transform into a new human species. Are they even aware they are a new species and considered not human? Obviously, this mental illness and grandiose delusion is a tactic and malpractice to incur surrender or to remove a threat; but are they ready to surrender or are they prepared to loose it all. Obviously, their freedom, peace of mind, their future, their allies, their homes, their jobs, their ability to seek freedom; is all on the line and in jeopardy. Obviously, they want to take this nation there and push this to the very end as the wheels fall off and their clothes ripped to shreds. Obviously, there have been attempts to starve them before and this time; it is for a very good reason and justice for all. Without a home, none of this will be available or there for them in the future. Is this what they seek and what they want? Then shall be it, it will be granted in one form or the other; poof, now go away and never return unless you wish to sacrifice more than your honor and pride.

So what is the problem with Ann? You get what you asked for. All of this can go away overnight. Is this what you want or are trying? All of this is untrue. Who ended up with my work and who won? Who is going to retire really happy and rich? Do you want to debate segregation, segregating outcomes, justifying lynching, and rogue or phony police from the legacy of the Irish and Italians? Where is the Democratic Party today if they are a whole other species? They took the biography of Ann and Alex well; let's see how they take it when we put the nail in the coffin and ride off into the sunset with everything. Was it worth it, really? Is it worth it now? How do they make it all go away when the real damage and punishment will arrive 10, 20 and even 30 years from now.

Worse is the result of this stalker and pest in our life:
1. The frustration of 1000s of attacks, problems, and daily misadventures.
2. Painted with suspicion by a rogue police or a criminal thief who faces arrest, destruction, or even being homeless.
3. This VIP problem and how the door is open for them to enter into our life while we shut them down or do everything humanly possible to get rid of them.
4. It feels like there is no police or any leadership; no accountability and chaos everywhere. It feels like the government has to be toppled, the bad guys removed and kicked out, and some form of leadership and order put in place.

How does this make you look Ann:
1. Lack of commitment.
2. Lack of honor.
3. Lack of reasons.
4. Lack of care.
5. Lack of time.
6. Lack of a human being.
7. One of them.
8. Powerless.
9. Doling out jobs to the wrong people.
10. Lack of fidelity.

Essentially, it is every negative you can imagine. It makes you look inhuman and lacking a lot of basic and important things. Clearly, you are with or have been taken by the wrong people and the wrong crowd; hence, they are all quiet and hiding so none of this gets out. Where are the police? Good question. I guess they are too busy fighting the bad guys because clearly; they are or have been on the wrong side of the fight. Worse is how they keep overstepping their duties or what is asked. Nobody called them, get lost. When it is on; then it is on; run faster and do not toy around with reality. This is what happens when you let fat asses, whimps, losers, and clowns on the police; and it is annoying enough to destroy them or see to it they are homeless. What next, wrap their body with a flag? Stop watching me, labeling me delusional or mentally ill, and go after the bad guys or this pest. This is the end result of this gatekeeper and VIP list. It feels like they penetrated all over and took over the government before getting destroyed or pushed back into the gutters. Always trying to scare people or use scare tactics to send warnings or win. I think they are a little intrusive and may get arrested or sued. They may have gotten a job but they are in serious dire straits.

They need to get with it and stop this "objective" or "two sides of the story" problem; good help is hard to find but this is ridiculous. They show up when not invited or wanted; then do not when its on. It is on. Even worse they stand in solidarity or act like we embrace them as brothers. These people are ridiculous and should be fired. See to it their payrolls are destroyed and they never do this or play this game ever again; small minded creature who caused a hellacious amount of problems for everybody. If needed segregate them from the rest. It sounds like the Kennedy's and it sounds like the Irish. We have to put up with this trash ball and clown in our life? Here is that ridiculous Amanda Knox case again. If they are so threatened, how come we cannot get rid of them and how come they protest incessantly in our life? They are going to loose their jobs, why try to be secretive about this? I should have just parked my car at your house with my phone number Ann; they can't do anything about that and I want to know why you want to stay together. I need answers too; not this stupid game with a bunch of jerk offs. I could have used a place to stay but this can end overnight and things can change in 24 hours; why even think the worst?

Ann, I am moving, the entire east coast is underwater or destroyed, foreclosures are twice and three times as bad now, drugs are all wet or shut down, there are no jobs and not going to be for at least four or five more years. It is time to end this war, not make it worse. They are still tinkering and this is what happens when they try to be helpful or involved. Obama is talking about jobs and more stimulus packages? Is he nuts? We have to segregate the outcomes and this total disaster; both you and I. You can intervene right now and end this; but they are still attacking and using our grief to unify or benefit. Look at the east coast. Look at Texas. Look at California. Look at Japan. Is there anyone standing or anything left? Jobs? Stimulus? Is this a joke? Now I am evicted once again and I am moving. You told me to come to your home and I did; they watched and had me under surveillance. Now look at it and what they did? New Yorkers and out of state people are rushing to go home or back home? Better to stay in Florida; the entire east coast is going to be underwater or nonexistent soon. Meanwhile, look at the foreclosures; at least the drugs are wet and dried up. They keep thinking they have us on the run or keeping up this pressure; yeah okay right! They actually find joy reading my diary... read on.

The communist and the left wing are using the media as a tool of character assasination. They have a malicious bias which has yet to be released or unlocked; still duking it out with us (Ann and Alex). This is getting worse for them and we are annoyed because it is wasting valuable time and mission creep. 911 and WTC was just part of their show. Since the 1960s, the failure of the Democrats has led their leaders to believe a conspiracy was underway to undermine them; steep decline and lack of employment. They associate the lack of growth and oppression with their own failures and lack of truth; always shifting the blame. It is a trap and this malicious bias is hidden; hence, they are always on the wrong side of the battle. The labor unions have formed a clever trap; to lure in opponents, to study and analyze them, and then to either forcefully take them over or attack them. In the case of these conservative organizations, the Catholics, Jews, and labor unions have used their power and influence to form this trap; to exploit any threat or opponent. I worked for the National Right to Work Committe in 1986 at age 16; they pulled a Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity; thus, how we caught them. The media and police agencies are their biggest weapons. Anti-union or legal defense funds are their next major weapons. It comes down to a malicious bias and unable to segregate the horrendous outcomes; a suicide mission for everybody involved.

They use these front companies, draw in opponents, and then exploit them before trashing them or do this assasination. This malicious bias is abuse of authority and a racketeering plot. Worse is how they impose marriage or themselves on us. Since segregation was ended, the impossibility of segregated outcomes has led this aggressive enemy to newer levels. To hang on to power, they must wage war now or be expelled; failure will do this. Real estate clearly shows this; they want to fight the eviction by waging war or scamming the public. If you read the bizarre courtship; it turns into a deadly chase and stalking case. Yet layer upon layer has to be peeled, what they call "the onion" before we get to the core and the inner tier. Can we strategically beat them or see the course they are headed on? Can they? This is why they abducted us or kept us under surveillance; to plot this course based on our strategy and career. Most predators when engaged in this will form a bond or admiration of their prey; hence we are here today to tell this story and how they had intentions of disposing us but in panic fled and tried to put the best face on it. We have to end it there and Ann if you are reading this; hurry up, I cannot wait forever and this does not last forever. You need to read how I feel and understand you do not understand; making it worse for them is fine but it will not save our relationship. It can be gone tommorrow.

Imagine if it rained each and every time you went outside? Would you go outside? Imagine if a ghost like group, a clandestine terrorist group; circled your life or kept you prisoner in a ghetto. They bully you and set you up each time you go outside. Imagine what life was like or how the most important mission on earth would turn out? Now imagine WTC and 911; each time a POW or prisoner tries to escape; a bomb goes off or a plane crashes into buildings. What is the result? Exactly. We have and are fighting our terrorist group and they are in government and penetrated. We are captives and each time we escape or almost; we get an attack. Solidarity? Marriage? Unity? Partners? It sounds like Ann Coulter dating problems. Hate this SOB yet? It sounds like the same report I am writing to the FBI; but another authority is trying to block it and label it "grandiose delusions." We have our terror plotters. We are their prisoner and they are stalking us. Each time we leave or try; they attack. Ann, I need you to call for help or get help. Keep in mind Ann, I am not your enemy and I do love you and given you everything; this is all I have. The problem is you do not understand love and lack something which they call resilience or patience; I do not have it. They labeled me mentally ill or with grandiose delusion because I cannot stand their guts; you tend to enjoy their company. I am not your enemy, this is the bottom line. I have done all I can; but can I make the most out of it or not?

This time not for 911 or any terror plot; I do not think you know what love is or what marriage is about. I think you are too stubborn and too thick headed to understand this cannot last forever. You need help Ann and have to stop hiding or running. Sex or no sex, this is headed into deep waters and you do not know how to swim or even care about the warning signs. Love will challenge you and so far you have made it clear how badly you messed up or what you have had to do for love; fighting for your life or ours cannot be used forever Ann. Also, I know they are 911 and WTC terror plotters; I have said this from the start; totally demented. All of you are in a state of denial because this is so serious and so damaging. You have them on the run and they had you on the run and trying to win it back. They got more clever on my end and are using proxies, double secrecy, and more layers than ever before. All evidence points to the Government; a lawsuit is impossible to avoid; a clever mole and a psychopath with a double life. All I can do is warn you Ann; do not play games with our life or throw your lifeline out for the wolves. The conditions you create are miserable. You even admit this and are so used to it; you know no other way or life. Right now the government is squeezing me; a game of attrition. They feel you are at fault and know they will be sued for liability, negligence, and malpractice. This bunch are filthy, their leaders are the filthiest, and they are aggressively job seeking or looking for money. This is how they got in this pitfall and longevity. They are not authority. They are using this malicious bias to benefit off our grief or circumstances; similar to the labor movement. We have no choice.

Ann, I just moved away from your home even if you asked me to come here; I have to find employment. You now have to find me or determine if I got married and moved on. I am tired of this game all of you are playing. I honestly do not think you know what you are doing Ann, nor do you have a plan; and I also feel you are chickenshit or too scared to do anything about this. I know you intimately and you must listen to me. Getting rid of these people is a joy; but not worth it if nothing is left. They are not and have never been a healthy addition to our life; none whatsoever. Yet they circle people, abduct them, and try to force this marriage or unifcation process on others simply because they are a communist threat and a very demented SOB who thinks they are superior or the authority. When it is time to fight and lay it on the line, they run and hide or disappear like a ghost. Even after we busted them for terror and bombing plots; they pull this stunt and made it ten times worse. I asked you to go get help; now I ask you to get help so we can save our partnership. I cannot survive this without you and I need you to do this if you care. It is too messed up and you said you did mess up or did not know what you were doing; constantly in battle or fighting for your life and mine. It is worth something Ann. I need you and I recognize your acts. You have to send a messenger or have someone be here on your behalf; immediately. The government is on the wrong side of this battle; they must be destroyed or shut down. Take a look at the financials and what they call home; all underwater or destroyed. They do not learn and refuse to step down or shut down; just go away. They are negligent and also 911 plotters; we are their prisoners and attacks arrive when we escape or fight them.

This is where you messed up; a lack of help and trust, it is too secret. It will not last anymore if you are too secret about us and leave it the way it is or give nothing. If you keep taking and taking; soon there will be none; you must give back or end this secret life or secret marriage problem. It is teetering on failure and a major vicarious stumbling block to your goals and career; stop ignoring it and stop playing games with the public or your enemies. Stop jeaopardizing it and acting like you have won or have no worries. Most women are stupid and do not know what they are doing; you included. I think you are losing your sanity and so preoccupied; headed for disaster. It is not going to last forever Ann, do you want to make the best of what we have or not? Even we look stupid chasing ghosts and this all mighty being whom forced both of us into this marriage of convenience with a human piece of trash and junky SOB dumbass. You even look, sound, and smell like them; which is a major turn off; major. Had it not been for our mission or your heartfelt explanation; this major turnoff would have overtaken you. I am not buying it and I told you this was unacceptable; so you made it worse. This is just how you are and who we are fighting against; a complete MF who deserves to die; stop cloning them or doing this back. You need to call for help, not rely on them or debate them about your love life Ann; this is stupid. They almost shut down the FBI but then the FBI acted on behalf of Tim Russert who is not even around now to explain what happened. Now nobody knows what happened but the facts are all twisted.

We are desperately trying to make a bust; but our life energy is being drained daily. This is the problem with it all. Those who draw a salary are protesting or on strike. Those who are in jeaopardy are fighting for their life for no salary; the government union, labor unions, police unions, etc... Why? They are all over the government and the most aggressive job seekers; how do you throw them out or reverse the 1960s? The left wing cannot segregate the negative outcomes and demands unity or this marriage. Do I trust the government or trust the police? They have a volunteer force now; on the police force. At this time, no. All the evidence suggest the government is behind it and using us or this disaster as bargain chips. Even playing a game of brinksmanship. Are they winning? No. This is not authority and we know we are dealing with a demented or psychopath who has a double life. They hide it well.

Marriage, unity, and solidarity while they aggressively steal or job search? The attacks have not ended and this game with mental illness or labeling others is abhorrent; really annoying to employment and careers. I have lost wages and severe life problems in my own marriage as a result. This is the reality and this is where we are at with this; it has to be sent to the FBI headquarters because they have to assess the damages. Similar to the Vietnam War, the Pentagon took the blame for it all. Communism has always had the Pentagon and the FBI beat; now more so than ever. This is what we have and where we are at; but it focuses on pain doctors, drugs, self medication, making a few bucks, and taking down the system of government. They have penetrated everywhere; how do we prevent more damage? Even the government cannot segregate the disaster of slavery or communism; hence, this fantasy marriage with a spy and psychopath. Everybody who was involved with slavery is now dirt poor; each and every one of them.

The FBI has a record of battles and it is not champion levels. You are fighting the communists. They are the toughest of the gangs; layers and layers. You have to try to shut down the Catholic Church. The Jews are your bosses; how do you expel them? How do we? To win this, you must shut down the Democratic Party or prevent them from becoming the authority. To end these attacks, you must expel them from the police force; prevent them from employment. Has this ever been successful? If you Ann want to arrest them for 911; then you have to look at our marriage life and private life. How do you segregate our life from those who cause this negative outcome; who in hell would fight with them or stand beside them Ann; all of them are quiet and total losers. I am not the enemy, but I want to win this war. The left wing and the communists are the enemy and they are shutting us down left and right after the Cold War. They almost won this and made us homeless. This is why they are on the wrong side of the battle now. It is over Vietnam and the Vietnam War. The FBI failed to stop them in the 1960s and they got payback. It is now up to the Pentagon or us. They are all over the police and local, state, and federal government; I mean all over. The labor unions and the Catholics have their tentacles in everything. Who will take out this enemy, who?

Ann, here is another one of your screw ups. I am not your enemy. You asked me to move to Palm Beach so I could be near you; similar to how you came to Washington D.C. after I got out of the Army. It would have been very helpful had you given me a place to stay. I could have really used a place to park my car because I do not have enough money to drive it and it was vandalized in New York when this blew or got out in 2008. Essentially, you asked me to come here and then like usual; you leave me stranded or hanging. Albeit, when you came to DC; I did not house you but you kept on refusing to meet me and insisted you had some super plan which would make everything alright. How long are you going to play this game and how long are you going to act like a dictator or despot in our love life? Answer me Ann, how long? I try to make the best out of it but the truth is; this is the way you are and how you always have been. If it was love, then it is becoming convenience. We cannot live like this Ann; at least I cannot. I cannot live with a woman who is unfaithful or does not know if she is or not. I asked you and you kept saying, "there was no sex." Then I kept pressing you and you burst out about how you did not know and were going to hell. Actually, nobody knows; not even these men.

I need you and want to be with you Ann. We put too much into this. All the sudden you are with 100s of men. There are too many of them right now. The government has been taken over and penetrated. Like usual and like always; you leave me hanging and I bend over backwards to do things for you or as you ask. I am not mad but I just want you to know how you are and how detail oriented you truly are. I get what I paid for; but so do they. It took you two decades to get this far and you have a long way to go. Keep in mind they are doing an inquisition also; back and forth, back and forth, etc... Ann, you have F'd up, do you want to fix it or not? By the way, did you drop your earring in Los Angeles? I love how Bill Maher said, "By the way, your hair looks great! I will see you in New York next month." Earrings? See you next month? Sounds hot! I have and had black women pulling a Bill Maher on me time and again; just so you know. I never met them or even knew them; but they did that Hannity and Maher fiancee scam on me. That was 911 and WTC; unity with this lesser breed. The terrorists are actually sheppards and we are the flock. I keep on saying this and I keep printing the same thing over and over; but they try to super glue this "gradiose delusion" on me. Not one report of Maher in New York or one sighting? Dinner? Movie? Odd. I honestly do not think you know what you are doing. I am worried Ann. You are too stubborn, too messy, and you do not understand people or lack something which is conducive to a healthy relation. It is time to get some help before you mess up your own marriage. I am not joking Ann, there is something wrong with you and this cannot keep up forever. Something will break and it cannot last forever.

All day today you have been telling me how you need help and you recognize you have a problem; you do not know how to repair or snap your fingers so we are together and safe. The evictions continue. The problem with living on the fringe or nearly homeless continues. Oh wait, where is Ann? She is out on the town and doing live tweets or drinking it up with her buddies! Ann is having the time of her life fighting this secret war while the table is set and everything is neat and tidy for her. If this is our biography, then this is what it should read. Did you attack me or put me in this difficult situation? No. They use me as bait once again and you did not take it once again. They got destroyed 10 times over again and again. Is there a goal or a point in any of this? No there isn't, just more trouble and more problems. These people have a serious problem called retaliation and justice. You would think they learned their lesson by now or have some clue. This is your biography Ann, can you accept it or are you too good for you own life story? You have a good excuse or a really good reason; yeah okay.

I am writing to the office of hurricane and earthquakes again; they still have not learned anything or still think they are the authority; still up to no good and on the wrong side of this game. Your enemies are forcing your hands and the government is allowing them or egging them on to seek the truth. It is time to wage war and destroy them. They know you hide your cards and keep it safe; they want you to play it so they can attack. Right now they are gagged; forced to be silent. All of you are in a state of denial because this is so serious and so damaging. You have them on the run and they had you on the run and trying to win it back. They got more clever on my end and are using proxies, double secrecy, and more layers than ever before. All evidence points to the Government; a lawsuit is impossible to avoid; a clever mole and a psychopath with a double life. All I can do is warn you Ann; do not play games with our life or throw your lifeline out for the wolves. The conditions you create are miserable. You even admit this and are so used to it; you know no other way or life. Right now the government is squeezing me; a game of attrition. They feel you are at fault and know they will be sued for liability, negligence, and malpractice.

All day I asked you if you think you are chickenshit. What I should have done was just park my car in your driveway with my number on it. I bet you would tow it and not even call; want to bet on it? You would play this game with me if it benefited your career and made you look so above it all. Do you admit this? If I parked my car at your house with my number; you would not call and would tow it and impound it. Then apologize and tell me how you messed up or how sorry you are; you did not do it intentionally or did not know what to do. This is who you are Ann. This is who you have always been. You keep trying to change who you are and use me to further who you truly are; the compass in your life and now my only lifeline. This is why I think you are going to hell and you have told me already you are aware and agree you are headed to hell and want to change this or make it right. Did I mention how you are going to luncheons, dinners, and drinking still? At least you have the common courtesy to stop the aimless dating; even if it was to fend off your attackers and prevent them from stalking you. I don't have the answers for you Ann, only you do. All I do is try to make the best out of it or make the best out of nothing. Do you think this is what I am doing or trying to do? Have I throughout our life, have I Ann? I have never heard you say this or how you are trying; at least you finally realize you need help and are getting worse at this. You will end up destroying our relation and grasping for anything or reason you can find. The truth is you did not attack me, you did not set me up, and you are always there for me regardless of how things turn out. Is the FBI or the police? No. Is the military or those who try to get a job from us? No.

Special alert and bonus biography entry to Ann Coulter. You are doing a horrible job and messing a lot up also. They have us under special watch and surveillance. They know we have destroyed them and now they are ruined also. Heads up Ann, all of you are doing a terrible job; no wonder it is free and no charge. You see, they are not very helpful either. It is no joy to go to battle with them or for them. You people suck and I hope satellite warfare, God, or the demons finish you off once and for all. You I need Ann, for security and for my peace of mind. It may have been their fault for this disaster, but you did not have to make it worse and worse. This is how they beat you and won. The more they attack; they more it makes you look worse. Like WTC and 911; each time we escape or make a run for it; they attack and it's one happy family again. You may enjoy and benefit being united with them; but I cannot stand it whatsoever. They are a lesser breed and a rotten traitor terrorist. They may be the police or authority; but in my book, they are nothing but a communist and a rotten piece of shit acting helpful or powerful. Telling your wife or husband you were chasing bad guys or being raped does not work anymore. They made it clear it does not matter what our feelings are; they are out to win this and get away with murder. It seems like you are the only one who got all the treats or were taken good care of. I honestly think you are slowly turning into a dictator as things begin turning on you or not going our way. We know they are and beyond evil; must you be also?

Ann, what is it this week? Are you pitting the NYC people against the FL stalkers or are you putting the FL fans against the new Los Angeles stalkers? Meanwhile, here I am at your house and you are heading to Orlando later this month and I am headed out of town this week. There is way too much crime, New Yorkers, drugs, and crazy people near your Florida residence. All the sudden, Los Angeles lights up with a flurry of Ann Coulter events and none of it is reported. I guess from here on you truly do have a no worry secret life. If you could just hurry or lend some assistance to your own biography being published; I would also appreciate it. As I said repeatedly, I am reluctant to work for you ever again and after seeing how you are; am trying to make the best out of your relationship with me. I am not going to survive this unless I keep this partnership and our marriage. I have too many legal battles and twice the enemies before. My grievances have not been resolved and so far; there is no closure. This is why I am upset or complaining to you; closure. Read this entire blog and you tell me; you tell me your new plan or is this the plan you had all along. Now its CPAC in Orlando and more live tweets pretending it is a romantic date in Los Angeles. I am sure these people hate this ten times more than I do; their face is in it. Why do you play along or should I ask, why do they play along? Who the hell would fight or go to battle with CPAC, YAF, or these people Ann? I now question your fastidous ability and vicarious faith.

Ann, obviously Hannity is coaxing or coaching you to say he is your fiancee and boyfriend. He has everything to loose based on where this case is heading. Here is the problem. After reviewing a case called "Star Crossed" involving the car bombing of a prominent Arizona real estate investor; a female named Pam hired her next door neighbor to manage a web site. Then she went to the police about him embezzling money. She never returned or responded to any follow up calls. When they searched his apartment; they found love notes she had written to this guy. Meanwhile, Pam had denied any intimacy or romance with him. It all came down to a 2 million dollar insurance policy, the murder of Pam's ex husband Triano, and this so called lover of hers. You tell me, suspicious? You said there was both a brutal rape plot and a murder plot; all of this surrounded your biography and who had secrets to tell about your love life or dating games. This is a major league motive as I will prove and use to catch this clever SOB who did this to us. "Star Crossed" is why you have these helpers and accomplices before you turned them in; they are assasins or hitmen.

Hannity and you are in a similar "star crossed" game; but what he tells me and what you tell me are two different stories. He is a psychopath and according to you; is your attacker and serial rapist living out a demented rape dream or fantasy where he is in total control of your life and you are some kind of prisoner who faces abuse if you resist. According to the last four radio interviews; he is upset with your "obsession" with Chris Christie. Furthermore, he wants you to stop chiding him and toying with his heart. You have done and did as ordered; and stopped. Therefore, there is some evidence of what he is saying or his story. Go back and read the transcripts, what did Hannity say; then why you backed down and admitted fault. You stated you did not know if you were guilty and then you said it looks bad and you have to discuss this with me face to face. This was two years ago and going on three; still in limbo. I know you best and have a lot of complaints myself. Do you deny that? Do you expect a healthy love life or marriage? Hannity and this spy or terrorist group would win if they rape you, this is certain. Do the ends justify the means? Yes in their boat and predicament it does. Achieving this rape is much harder than they had expected; but it is still ongoing and subtle. Furthermore, you up the ante, egg them on, and flirt with them; you even pretend to pick them up or go home with them.

You had admitted you messed up but would not disclose the extent or what exactly; but it did involve Hannity who you claim is your attacker. It begs the question, does he have love notes or some proof, joking or not, that you were his lover or exchanged romantic notes? Is it made up or is it your signature? If he does, then you are going to have a very difficult time explaining yourself to me and everybody. Google NBC Crime Mystery "Star Crossed" and watch it yourself. Hannity claims he has no reason to lie he is your boyfriend or fiancee while you claim it is all untrue and to keep all of this off the air and off of his show. What I saw and witnessed is some power over you where he orders you to do something and you do it. What I saw was you picked up a guy or came to the MRC by yourself and left there with another man. Imagine what others would think or someone who does not know you or understand your life Ann. Revenge is sweet. They know if anything happens to you; who the suspects are or why. Raping you would turn this loss into a victory; nobody wants you now. All they have to do is provide a love letter and you are done. You keep adding more and more beneficiaries on this biography or movie deal list; thus, it gets worse and worse. You keep recording this code like language you all have; listen closely to Hannity. His code language does not surprise you but he claims to be your boyfriend and fiancee; it is recorded over and over and you are the least bit surprised.

Hannity keeps on saying he got set up. Then he keeps saying he has to go; but you go on his show and change his mind. It sounds like you are manipulating all of these men including me. I have told my story; nobody else has. I have told our story; but you changed it because you kept messing up. Take a hard close look at how you treat me and what you want me to accept or believe; then ask if I would ever work for you or put myself in this position ever again? Face the cold hard facts and the reality; would I work for you if given a chance to start over? You must feel I love this and you delivered everything I have ever dreamed of? Are you serious or is this another one of your jokes? You have not read what I wrote and I am trying to work this out with you while you play this game with me also. Have you ever seen someone who never washes their hair, cuts their lawn, fixes their car, always plays along, or does upkeep on their property? Imagine if he produces a love letter Ann or is hiding one.

Do not support these people? Ann you tell me, would you go into battle with these people? If your life and honor was on the line, would you choose them as a partner? Would you? How about a friend or even a date? Exactly. Read on about Andrew Klaven and the video of the MRC Gala. Are you telling me that I am ecstatic with you and would choose to work for you had you been an employer? Are you? Maybe you also lack some brain cells, trust, and are a little wacky in the head? Maybe you are also the problem but you have a very good partner and someone who has a moral compass. We know why you keep me away; now tell me why you want to stay together or be together if this is all your sick games and some fantasy you want to make true? Why would I work for you and why would I choose you as a life partner? Do you offer security, peace, and trust? Do you Ann? Do you work hard for us and are always there? I know you are wearing me down and I have lost faith in you; now asking you to just come home and end this horrible war with nothing and nobody. Do not support them? Who in hell would go into battle with you all? Who?

Either you are extremely innocent or extremely guilty; choose and find closure. That is your problem also, closure; none of you want it and all of you want to drive each other crazy or get each other in more and more trouble. Read on it gets even better from here and this analysis is as good as it will ever get. Keep in mind, every law enforcement agency in the world is reading this and they also have the best eagle eye vision on the planet now; thanks to yours truly. Do you want to join the ranks or just wear the opposing side's uniform Ann? What is your plan now that our life plan is completely out the window and gone? What is it? Maybe you have convinced yourself and hypnotized your being to win over good and evil? For example, who goes on business dinners in a limo, on Friday or Saturday, chooses the richest man to brag about, or erases all of this using a guy who is nearly broke and trying to defeat this god forsaken enemy and traitor? Do you want to be extremely guilty or innocent; who chooses?

Dear Ann, I would like you to watch an episode of NBC Dateline Mysteries called, "Trouble on the Hill" and "Internal Affairs." Forget the Amanda Knox case or all of these terror plots for now. We know it is modeled on the Vietnam War and dragged out to win the hearts and minds of the public; a communist conspiracy. This friends search or your friends’ network (singles club) has become both cataclysmic and deadly.

Your typical veteran or military POW who lost out while his wife was wooed and coaxed by rich men or playboys. The classic injured or POW story or wife breakup while the government tinkers or impedes the release. Did I mention blocking any chance of employment, certification, and a normal life?

Ann, we can debate your life or my life and how it evolved this way. It is the way it is today due to an ongoing battle to save the ghetto from thugs and evil while they trample on our heaven and our rich resources. Exactly why are we fighting to save the ghetto and gutter from thugs, thieves, and evil again? What money? Therefore, let's face the cold hard facts I will lay out. It will explain the history of America and it will explain what is going on in our world and our life right now. How did we get forced into this predicament and how did this spy ring or terrorist organization force themselves on others lacking any truth or pure malicious bias? Did this enemy and traitor come to the right place or find the right people if they were looking for something valuable or secret? They are either very guilty or very innocent.

First, all of you are in a state of denial; a mental blockage. All of you are a breed of savages and most if not all of our labor and resources are devoted to either holding you down or destroying your kind. It is a happy culture built atop trash or a trash heap. America was once a pristine and beautiful place; as with your life and mine. Perhaps I am in a state or denial or you are; but our life was once rich and pristine. Now it is a ghetto and we have to fight off the thugs, thieves, robbers, and evil trash hourly. How did we get here and how did it get like this? Who put us on this road to decline or surrounded us with this lesser breed?

Second, most people are reluctant to work for you. Even you Ann. Even you hide it and all these secrets. Most people are reluctant to work for you or with you because they understand your problems. However, I was with you from the start and ever since I was 19; I know no other reality or woman. I know no other existence; so I am more able and more capable to cope with the scope of your disaster or problems. Naturally, it brings me to joy to think about how pristine and enjoyable you used to be. Nevertheless, we argue constantly about how special you are to me and how pristine you used to be; now mucked up and by your account, all untrue. The truth is I am more reluctant to spend life or enjoy your company now than ever before. This is because your life is in the gutter and on a trash heap; I personally do not like a ghetto or trash heap but some people do prefer this existence. Even you hide this or these secrets Ann, a sense of being trapped or escaping something or someone very undesired.

Third, most countries have no knowledge of who you are or what you all are up to. Most people would be reluctant to work for you all. You make horrible parents and we fight constantly about how you are never there, how you nibbled on our love life, and how you could not get it right or fix any of it. I have to accept it and how your life rose out of New York City; the black hole of America. It feels phony and unsatisfying. You seem to be a breed of living dead; more occupied with work than simple and basic needs. All of you live for the moment and exploit resources until they are gone or depleted. All of you deplete your own marriage, without any thought, until it is gone or self-destructs. We can sum it up by saying you all cling on to absurdity while scaring the hell out of others who are aware and know what you are up to. You seek to scam others or foreign states by hiding your existence while covering up how measly you all are with material goods; a reward for them.

Fourth, the cold hard facts indicate I would choose a different path or different life; now trapped in the one I have. Had I known there were so many jackasses, lunatics, losers, sluts, and this utter mess; I would have paved a new path and never would have put myself in this position. Naturally, I complain daily and bitch at the smallest things. Why? Even being with you has become very painful Ann; we began as best friends and chose life together. It is painful to think this or to reflect where we have been and where we are now; constantly fending off thugs, robbers, clones, lunatics, psychopaths, rogue police, corrupt officials, drug addicts or dealers, etc... from our heaven. Meanwhile, they push or shove down our throat their ghetto and measly existence which always loves us to death. This is why we cannot do business with them nor have them in our life; a thief, a robber, and a wombat that refuses to segregate the outcomes of our life or respect it. It is a huge black hole and steep decline once the door closes and is locked.

Fifth, we are here today because of a gigantic ghetto that sucks and traps everything in; but we did everything to avoid it and fight them. Ann, you win everything and got all the glory. But the problem is you are still never there and you expect unreasonable rewards when the work you have done cannot be allocated to your love life or marriage. It is all a secret and you claim it is untrue. Are we supposed to debate it or seek closure? Do they seek closure? When? Why wait? All of you expect others to throw themselves at you in the most awesome manner but are so weak and feeble. What is wrong with this star crossed ghetto existence which got us here and now? It sucked us all in and refuses to release us or provide the keys to our freedom; kidnapped or abducted by something and someone. You are either very guilty or very innocent Ann. Based on what you told me; I am upset because you are very innocent.

Sixth, this is borderline insanity and absurdity; however, hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis, tropical storms, tornadoes, wild fires, mud slides, floods, and this huge cliff are real. It is a one way trade or steep decline because nobody wants to work, talk, be studied by, be cared for, deal with daily, or listen to a measly thief trying to squirm in their life. There is little benefit or happiness when it happens, as such. They even try to apologize now and that throws you overboard each time. Thus, our property did not go up with them and getting rid of them caused our real estate to become priceless and legends. They were good for something. Furthermore, look at their rents now and how their real estate is more depressed and suffering. If anyone was thrown out or destroyed; it was them ten times over; yet they keep trying and never learn until death peels it out of their cold reptile hands.

Seventh, the truth is I feel overwhelmed and trapped by your ghetto existence, politics, and dating habits. I did not say it was true or not; just trapped and unhappy. I do know the truth and it is even worse now. This was obviously a one way trade; I got a lot of material reward but nothing spiritual; hence, I am on public assistance right now. I live below the poverty line but I am with Ann Coulter and she claims to be a virgin outside of our little world. I feel trapped by this ghetto existence and politics. Even your politics sucks Ann. You do business with thieves and robbers who lie after they get caught; not before. You waste your time and spend all your social life with their criminal economics; a kleptomaniac addiction to defeat or win over this living trash heap. Life is now measly and business sucks; especially with a thief and robber in it. We are constantly fending off this thug who adores us but won't let us go or free our priceless existence. We even caught this mole and SOB red handed; they lie after getting busted and even tried to destroy or subdue us again, and again. How many times did this thug get stopped in their tracks? How much power and wasted energy did it take to stop this SOB?

Eighth, I wish I had a new life and I wish I could be happy with you finally Ann. Even in battle I am dreaming and wish I can find closure and am happy finally, but I cannot. I must accept it for what it is. You told me you messed up and you said you were not absolutely sure if you were faithful. This was all you said, the rest is imagination. My life and existence is now cursed; slandered by the existence of a measly enemy and by a political psychopath. As I said, your politics sucks and is poisonous; one gigantic ghetto that never goes away and sucks anything in. To repeat, either you are very guilty or very innocent; but based on what you told me; I am upset because you are very innocent. Lacking an explanation does not mean you are guilty; unlike how they judged me when arrested. Unlike this label of grandiose delusions or mental illness intended to quiet rivals or threats. I need a salary for all of this work performed. Do they want to get sued for billions of dollars?

Ninth, all of you suck and your politics has to be a close encounter of the worst kind. I describe it accurately and honestly. Regardless, you all feel powerful or think you are the authority; all of this clandestine. We have to destroy and rip your authority to shreds, until you barely have a shirt on your back. Even now you all think you are the authority and the law; even without a shirt and stemming chaotic disaster. You think you are the law and the judge; until you are judged fairly. Power and authority has destroyed all of you repeatedly and then some more for retaliation. You must be the worst living creature on earth to bring us to this point. Truthfully, my mind is so sharp now that war is the last thing this enemy will want; the demons have been released and they need to avoid anymore wars or attacks. It will get more ferocious and more devastating from here on; I am here to warn them of what is possible. I am here to tell them they will never get away with this, never. I am here to tell them they suck and here is why. I am here to give them that reality check they have been lacking and need. I am here not by my own choosing, but now I have to survive; and this is their worst nightmare if and when I have to fight to survive; ask Ann Coulter if this is not true? This is what they went up against and got destroyed by.

Tenth, I do love you and I know how untrue and how life has been hard for you fighting them off. I know what they did, how they did it, why they did this, and what is more; why you did it back. You stuck their nose in the pile they made. You forced them to expose their rotten and measly life to the world. You beat them repeatedly at their own game and now; they have no choice but to go away or thug this out to the end. We have won this one ten for ten; if war is what they need. You had crazy ideas twenty years ago and even more crazy ones now; but I cannot let go of who you are and what your life mission is. I cannot forget your devotion and sacrifice. You check to make sure I am okay and then slug it out; even when injured you tell me you are okay and you only need a little help. You hide me in the cave and when they enemy finds me; you guard it and me with your life. This is our life, how can I deny you or live life with anyone else? How do I get rid of our life and our existence? How do I separate the you and me from the us? It seems like we approach this ending the more we fight for each other; you are still standing and so am I. This is all that matters when the smoke clears and the battle is over. We came into it to win and we won, why worry about anything; let the enemy worry. So worry now all you SOBs; we are closer to winning everything and anything; a catastrophic victory. The question is will you be standing when all is said and done; true or untrue? Your politics sucks Ann but so does being their leaders or helping them; what a sorry and pitiful trade we chose; power sucks doesn't it?

Suspicious? It is hard for me to believe you showed any of these men a good time and furthermore, they are full of regrets. Worse are the numbers from Hannity on down; there are so many of these men and it is never ending. It is hard for me to believe you are trying to preserve their relationship with you; after just leaving them hanging or tongue tied. Even worse, this was exactly what I was fighting or being bullied about. I had no idea we, no less I, was buying into their power. You are on top of it and I am now buying into it; how about this idea they are now buying into our power? How grotesque all of this truly is. This idea you shook hands with these men and either went home with them or showed them a good time is preposterous; but they made it very believable. I can roll off names Ann; Maher, Silverman, Oreille, Bowling, RedEye, Comedians, Hannity, Limbaugh, Johnny, and a few others. All of you need to stop yourself because it did not have to be this way. Is this what you are selling Ann, is it really? What is your core or true purpose; what are you selling? Is it us? Is it me? Is it you? Have I been tricked yet again?

Ann we will know whether you return to the Media Research Gala ever again. In May of 2011 you did not go there with anyone but their live footage indicates them joking, bullying, coaxing, daring, and overall getting you in more trouble. Then their footage shows you left early that night with someone you had been talking to prior to the event via the internet or your twitter page. It basically shows you in action finally. How you get in these awkward positions or these predicaments is contained in that video. Furthermore, it is hard to say it did not happen and even harder to say it did. Therefore, showing me receipts at the most expensive hotels, parading men who throw themselves at you, or taking pictures to prove you were at these events served no purpose. It is the same people, the same baseless clandestine junk lacking any truth, the same spin and political games, the same baseless suspicions, and the same lack of closure we know so well. You are not supposed to have these problems, a well planned love life, why are you racked with them now? We had a robust love and thriving life together; how did it get like this and why are there so many intruders with nothing to loose while we have everything to loose? Why are all of them red faced and hiding; fearful of punishment or demise now? Nobody pushed them overboard or bullied them; nobody wanted to get robbed or face demise.

All of them could have stepped down. They could have stopped this earlier before the truth caught up with them. This clandestine game they play and this cloning process where they embarrass or place suspicion on us is intense. It is also deadly and the FBI was alerted of this attempt. It points right at all these people and all the clandestine attacks. They feel they are the authority and America is theirs to do what they wish. They lack integrity but yet, they press on until a coup or some powerful force removes them. The process of being thrown out is what this game is truly about. All of it are baseless lies; a total lack of clarity and integrity. Safety is the least on their minds; so is the safety of others. Those enemies are a threat to both themselves and others; it took attacks on us to clearly prove this. Henceforth, they need to be removed, shut down, and even destroyed. They could have prevented this and lessened the impact. They could have stopped. They just want more and more hell until this is over or until everybody is dead. This is what the facts indicate and prove. It sounds like we have our clandestine spy group whom forced themselves on others from 1990 to 2010; a malicious bias lacking any truth. When you lack truth or explanations, you are either very guilty or very innocent. We are victims who were pushed overboard repeatedly; up to 100 times daily.

Am I full of worry and doubt? Yes. Do I have any choice in this? No. Am I your man and have I been the love of your life? Yes. Do I waste inordinate amounts of time making sure you are safe and not mistreated? Yes. Do I demand or care about the outcome? I can live with some of it. Do I care enough to see it to the end? Yes. Do I care enough to stick my head where it does not belong knowing many have or tried and it was bitten off? Yes. Am I red faced also? Yes. Do I trust you Ann? Oddly, yes. Do I know or have some special knowledge of you, a close intimacy which goes beyond facts or suspicion? Yes. Do I believe in you? Yes. Do they? Oddly, yes. Do I try to always be there and place love or our friendship above all else? Yes. Am I lying or is this just a horrible war dragged out to the very ends of hell? It is time to come home Rambo, you had a hard life. This is your biography Ann and it is chocked full of bigotry and hate. I am trying to help by clearing this up or making sense of it; I too have lost a vested interest in this. I am the one being excluded or told to leave, by whom? How did we get in this difficult situation and how did this spy ring and terror group force themselves on us? Did they make any effort to fix it or stop? Who is getting destroyed in the end? Who forced themselves on others? Who did 911 and the WTC? Who made all these financial disasters? Who tried to stick us with the bill or the blame? The question has to rest on whether or not they found the right people or got tangled with the right people to get this kind of ending? What is their story?

How do I know you had a hard life or how hard it was; you are Ann Coulter? Did a bird tell me? Did you pick up the phone and dial my number? Do I have a cosmic bond or some inter-stellar connection with you Ann? Yes. We are literally one person with two physical bodies. Most parents would spank you or ground you; do I get this choice? Why? Ask why I did this and how it ended this way. Am I mentally ill or have grandiose delusions as these pain doctors and all knowing psychiatrists claim? Perhaps I too am just fighting for what is mine and until this is over; they see a different story and a different side. There is only one side to this story and one winner; but these traitors are always on the wrong side of the law and in war, the wrong side of the fence. Their authority lacks any truth and is full of lies and deceit. Even in love, they make it a deadly death defying war. Fire them? Damages? Liability? Malpractice? Abuse of power? Criminally insane? A death sentence? A lesser or inferior species? Destroy them? Once again, how did it get this way; from start to finish? How did we end up busting them and exposing their plot or clandestine efforts, none of which was reported? Nobody ever said they were guilty or innocent; but at this time, they must be beyond the death penalty and accepting it silently. They were busted and accept punishment; even if they do not want to get hurt.

Dear Ann, I would like you to watch an episode of NBC Dateline Mysteries called, "Trouble on the Hill." It takes place in Carmel Valley, California; where a few of Obama's staff is from, a (Roman) Catholic enclave. The case involves a woman shot in the back; a couple tormented by a psychopath; back and forth feuding; property or land rights; pathological lying; a French wife; dark kids who love Caucasians; and a few other twists. Forget the Timothy McVeigh, DC Sniper, 911 or WTC, Anne Pressley, and all of these Cold Cases. This is the one you need to see and it builds upon this theory of either the shooter is purely innocent or utterly guilty. Listen to the children and the family speaking on behalf of the accused. There are a few other ones such as cold cases and female murders that take place during narcotic crime wave periods (1980-1995) which has not been solved. One of them was a female police officer in Los Angeles, the case is called, "Internal Affairs." Odd we are now dealing with internal affairs and abuse of power or police duties.

NOTE: Because of this SOB and phony police, every outlaw in the US and the world now admires us and is trying to help us escape this deadly lock and trap. The people who are in charge are completely out of control and must be shut down for being this evil and this criminal. If they make it to the bitter end, if they take a bullet for each other, and if they can lie, cheat, and steal to the bitter end? We will find out and the pressure is now on; it's game time or Armageddon. I love how they try to play it off and sit next to us or move in closer; to benefit or give us a reward.

Ann, you have turned me off to politics completely. I do not even pay attention anymore. You watch the debates and hang out with people whom has similar interests while you fight me about how we do not have similar interests. This is part of the problem and why this gets worse. I am not the bit interested in your career or these people; why keep me around? All I want is to get paid or for you to come home and finish this up. It is your damn biography, I wish you put more care and comfort in it. You said you want to get married and spend life together; well, what is your plan and how much longer? It is a really long wait Ann, honestly. You hang out with and work closely with complete lunatics who need to be destroyed.

I still have not gotten the truth from anybody. I get arrested and when I return, I find out you were living with two men, one married. Then you write some long obituary about one of them as if you are best friends with him or had such memorable memories; close to surpassing your own parents and your own life partner. Like usual Ann, you will probably take your damn sweet time and I will probably get some crazy insane crap I do not want or will make me completely disappointed. You waste your life away with these people and then come running to me. Then you make me sort out your own personal life and sex life; while telling me little if not nothing; but you challenge your enemies to get you on something or dig up any kind of dirt. Why did you tell me Matt Drudge was gay? Obviously, this was why Limbaugh and Hannity paraded him around in 2008-2009; and he said you were banned from NBC. Obviously, you all are playing a game with each other; the question is if your relationship with each other is superficial or some genuine fascination that has not been uncloaked. It is very strange, you act like best friends for a week; possibly a year, and even live with each other. Then you hide it all from me while you tell me your deepest and darkest secrets. How about a normal simple girl? All of your pictures showed a big grin. I save all your pictures; one day, you will tell me what actually happened (ex: sitting in your car with your "bodyguard", RedEye gang appears, Breitbart and others, WeinerGate, etc...); there should be no more pictures or reports of bodyguard problems, total closure. How long does it take to seek or ask for closure? Ann, you have had a hard life, do you want more pain and suffering? It is time to come home and work on your own life plans; where do you want to go with what you have now? How do you want to finish out the remainder of your life, disappointed and full of secrets? They lost every move on the chess board; not one ever worked; additionally, there was retaliation and revenge. What a sorry story they have to keep them warm at night when the ghost and goblins come out.

It is time to end this war and come home; no matter how messy it is and no matter whom won; nobody won yet so just pick up the pieces and go home. They have nothing to loose; you have everything to loose and so do I. All you keep saying is none of this is true; how do I know this Ann? You had a hard life with these people and so did I; its time to come home and plan your future Rambo. "As Ms. Coulter walked out of one of the Ritz-Carltons in the area (there are about a dozen), a middle-aged woman with sun-bleached hair stopped her and did the opposite of what usually happens in Manhattan when people notice the provocative pundit on the streets: she praised her politics and asked for a picture... Mr. Drudge and Ms. Coulter were frequent visitors at Mr. Limbaugh’s gated oceanfront compound, staying in one of his guest houses (there are actually five separate houses on his estate, including a 24,000-square-foot main house; but almost none of it is visible from the road because of high hedges). Mr. Drudge eventually moved to Miami, and Ms. Coulter followed. In 2003, she moved into the penthouse in his Miami apartment building." I am not sure who is lying but I know one or more of you are; it's time to go home and it is time to recognize you had a hard life. The question is do you want to make it harder or cash out? One of you has to seek closure, eventually. Keep in mind that over the course of two decades, they had to had set me up at least a thousand times, just back and forth chasing us and us running away or ignoring them. Obviously, it blew up in their faces and soon 100% failure. The FBI has the reports of all this from 2006 to 2011. All of this coincides with everything that occurred; will they deny all of it or just some of it? The transcripts are there to verify the facts. You had told me they set you up and you kept walking into it purposely; but to silence you they had a murder plot and a brutal rape which carried over to your biography and all these secrets. If they have anything to say; I suggest they say it before it is all over and all busted. What a complete waste of time and a big hole in all of our lives.

Obviously, this unfair game indicates the Jews and Italians behind it and they have penetrated the most inner sanctum of government including the CIA and police agencies. Obviously, they clone us with some jackass to smear or make us inadequate; a suicide mission. They cloned both Ann and Alex and are totally insane. Obviously, they feel they won the cold war and are bringing back the Vietnam War; counter-intelligence, Ho Chi Minh Trail, Drugs, arming the criminal elements, and telling the world we do not want progress or love money. I have asked the FBI to shut them down; including the CIA and all octopus they see squirming or with tentacles. Worse are the wars and the hearts and minds; which slip past us every single day; the longer they drag this out, the worse for us. Ann, are we ever going to get married? You seem to miss that window of opportunity each and every time; almost scared or distracted at times. Is this what you really want or just to have something so you look more normal and alive? The problem is you are never there. Even worse are the smears, slander, innuendos, and your secret life. It has got to end sometime but I am in a very bad situation; and I don't know how to do this without you either. You have to have more courage and be more decisive; not this fake or not problem. The enemy has penetrated and they have locked onto the inner circle and sanctum; our own private life and business careers. They are in position to inflict severe damage and get away with it; unless destroyed or stopped in their tracks; stop them in their tracks and make them pay dearly. This is how they ended up on the wrong side and with the short end of the stick; they are the problem and antagonize all threats to remove suspicion or utilize diversions. Now we have locked on and they cannot shake it or deny it anymore; waiting for a kill shot or arrest from either side. Someone is also implanted the idea we are mentored by the Clinton's or doing their work; this is obnoxious and the most ridiculous crap I have ever seen but this inferior jackass is so annoying and ruins everything. They will empower us? We will work together and empower each other? They do not want to leave and keep trying or coaxing us? This is one sorry MF who got destroyed and deserves ten times more retaliation.

Ann, why are you debating Iraq and Afghanistan? Look at the victory of Qaddafi. Compare Ghaddafi with Hussein. I cannot disclose classified material about Afghanistan; but the FBI HQ has my analysis. Afghanistan is Vietnam. They are chasing ghosts and killing civilians in the process. Do you understand now? I have written and made these decisions; go back and review them. Afghanistan is only a 12 month war, no more and no less. Now it is a war of nothing because it is no longer a 12 month war; a hole where money goes and nothing happens. Did you see the victory I led the rebels to under the guidance of the allied commanders? Now that is what the world wants; not this crap. I have cracked their core strategy and tiers; the FBI has the plans and also my analysis. I asked them to take them out and shut them down; whatever is necessary. I am tired of this hand to hand shit; it is time to bring the big guns and the real deal. These Catholic Generals suck, make a mess, and they are weak; get rid of them. Do not replace them with a Jewish General either, this will make it even worse. We have managed to push back the infiltrators by a huge margin. We have managed to stop their advances and total lies. All of them are just job seeking; that is all. This was a major communist push; a major attack and advance.

They have penetrated the Pentagon and taken it over. We are on the verge of bankruptcy; wait until this world slips into chaos. Tell me now what the price of freedom is, how much? You F'ers are stupid and need to shut up and stop screwing off while getting a paycheck. Also, you F'ers need to pay me a salary for all of this work I did. The jackass gets the check and we complain about stalkers and imposters using us or stealing all our secrets. Again, the Catholics, Jews, and labor unoins are just looking for jobs; that is all there is to it. It has nothing to do with war, national security, reality, or any truth. Bush sold the "Arab Israel" to the Jews and to line his pocket with oil money; it is called kickback. They did not plan it; it came as a diversion to 911 and WTC. Where did all the eyes, men, material go to? It came back in 2008 and they took off for the hills. The TSA is similar to the ape on steroids or the valet who goes through your belongings when you are not looking because they look like cops. Most cops have better things to do with their time for so little money.

You can see what can happen when you put the morons and communist moles in power, disaster repeated endlessly. This was the work of the labor unions; the FBI has the classified material. Most of these people model their work on Israel. Therefore, they are overpaid and have an overblown sense of importance; but they dress like cops and talk like them. Ann, you are right; they were working for Osama Bin Laden; they abducted and tortured us and it got them busted. This is and has been what I was describing. I keep saying it over and over again; but the government has labeled me "mentally ill" and suffers from "gradiose delusions." It sounds like they do not want to get busted and are panicking. The guerrilla movement is losing their footing and know we have them beat; once and for all. I did not like getting tortured by communist moles or jackasses either; fire them and shut them down now! I really despise the labor unions and this ignoramus; shut them down or else we might get rougher with it; let them swim for their freedom.

Ann, you better open your eyes. This election is not about the President of the United States. The election of 2012 will be about the next head or leader of FEMA. Stop knocking my cut bait; I happen to love fishing. Laura Ingraham is in love or has a crush on Chris Christie because you made her or coaxed her? Are you serious? Who else is in love with him; how about on NBC? ABC? CBS? I cannot stand you because of your fans; not who hates you Ann. Laura Ingraham is guilty; we have already been here and done that. All of your Divas and fans are now red faced over Christie; you implanted something in their little mushy minds. Even the Clinton's are listening in and watching their fighters, "Americans cannot live in fear." Odd, we had to for a very long time and was attacked repeatedly for over two decades; then we got tortured and separated as part of the rescue. Did I mention the evictions or home invasions? See what happens when communists get busted for job seeking on the anti-communist side?
Ann, not to be too harsh on you but becoming a regular on RedEye has to be the worst career decision you have ever made. You sit there with rank amateurs. They act like they are in your league and drinking buddies. You pretend to be this gang and you are so normal and have such a calm life. You shrug off all your worries by ganging up or ganging up on each other. The woman who is the world's most sexually harassed female trying to get married or cherish her love life just waters her life down to a cheap facade. There is constant tension and total lies; most of the time it worsens my relation with you. I hope you have a plan for them; because if I am in your life; anybody on RedEye will never be seen or heard around you again. I am so fed up and sick of their guts. They have something to prove; or you do and it is like a Fat Albert moment. You all act like you are drinking beer together; similar to Cheers. It is very cheap and makes you look very cheesy; more and more problems. This show did nothing for you or your life; it made your case against them weaker and neutral. How do they force you to date or how did they force you? Obviously, they are hiding something and was executed on national TV. If something happens to you, they are in deep-deep trouble. They probably put date rape drugs in your drink Ann; so you would not even know if you cheated or was faithful. I won't discuss if you are a Virgin; but you better be a virgin in their fantasy. Do they really film RedEye at 8pm (ish) Ann; and Hannity is filmed at 6pm?

Why are you telling me your complaints? You like or enjoy your own victim hood? That is my conclusion and final word; make them go away and be gone. It is a cheap show and the people on there are amateurs and trouble makers. Each time you go on RedEye, it makes you look like you are picking up men or trying to go out drinking afterward. It is really cheap Ann; truly. Neither you can stop it or them. The show is poisonous to your life and you want to take it further and further; this singles club and picking up men or you hooking up with them. Goon on Fox News has to be the worst career decision you ever made, truly. Fox News has to be shut down; shut them morons down. Every teenage girl who knows you will watch this frat like idiot while you just sit there and giggle. None of you have any comprehension of reality or consequences; horrible show. The question has got to be why you go back and return to the scene of the crime? Listen to the RedEye crew react to their arrest; they feel it is only being fired and they are moving on. It is their money and their show; make good use of it. Go wrong and it will never go away, "It is against the law to compete against... special... just sit around and do nothing..." Ann, they are not the family dog; more like a stray cat whom wandered in from the cold. Who let the stray cat in? Now the family dog and stray cat are fighting too. What you should have done was taken this to a hotel room, just not while the cameras are on. All this shows is how insane and out of control Fox News truly is and how corrupt; take their SOB ass out and make them swim for it. They want decline, let them eat it.

These filthy flea bag actually knows they are going to be arrested; conscious and aware of what they did but hiding it. Do they understand their life is over and how much trouble they are in? Honestly, do they? Listen to them plot how they are going to get even or get out of this. They claim your brutal rape and murder plot is actually a clever money making scheme which you dreamed about. Listen to them say how they had no idea or was not aware; and then how they side with Asians who are subjected to this kind of abuse. Who said I had a mental illness and is being sued for malpractice? Sounds like a tool to silence people; as Fox News has proven with their extreme narcissism and bias. Okay, say it Ann; the Catholics and Jews plotted our demise and then turned around and said we dreamed of this moment with them. They plotted this mental illness excuse so we cannot call for help, backup, or a rescue. Once they got busted and everybody knew; they tried to play it out to the end, even if totally guilty and psychopathic liars.

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My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.