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Saturday, September 3, 2011
A business dinner on Friday, Saturday, or even Sunday night? Why choose an expensive place known for romantic dinners or dates? It all makes obvious sense to me; pickup at home, romantic dinner, call me the next morning, and how insulted. It's time to come home and end this Rambo.
The last two weeks has been really strange:
1. I am threatened with eviction and move out. I face incredulous odd and hardship, still and worsening.
2. Tropical storm Irene destroys New York, Vermont, and floods the entire east coast.
3. DC and the entire east coast gets a 5.4 earthquake.
4. Tropical storm Lee finishes the job on New York, Virginia, DC, Maryland and other places.
These people just get bolder and bolder. They get more and more crazed attacking us and trying to act like a colonial power or some imperialistic piece of trash looking for a meal. Any wonder who is the boss? Any wonder why this is happening? Any guesses on who is in charge and what will happen next time I am attacked or evicted, ran off? These people do not even want to resolve this or go to court; all they want is retaliation. Obama said it best when he said it is like killing a fly with a nuclear bomb. Don't even look at me or think about it; understand. The more you think about it, the worst it gets. Don't think about any of this unless it is in my favor. Fear me. Fear God. Don't go and misjudge me again. Don't waste more of my time. Do not even look at me or try to act like the police. Go ahead and make my day, I am sure you will be happier and satisfied with the results. Who is this piece of shit who keeps making our day or keeps thinking about attacking us or thinking about us? Who the hell is it? Bring me their head and let me know when they are done. I have to clean up now; I have been attacked a lot. I am on the move and nearly broke. I got kicked out and almost evicted again. New York I hope you are happy. DC I hope you learn a lesson, it can get much worse; knock off the nonsense and games. When and if I demand the truth; you bring it like a servant. Do not sit there and feed me more lies, attacks, and play this stupid game that ends up hurting so many and humiliating us all. You follow the leader or tell him what to do? You decide and when you do; you make sure you fight for the right people and are on the right side. You knew I wrote to the office of Hurricane and earthquakes, I even printed it. There is your god damn Katrina, are you happy now with what you have done? We can end this now or we can prepare for the deadline; I will bring you in to justice; dead or alive. Someone is listening to my SOS distress signals and is gaurding me; keep pissing them off. If I say I will bring you in dead or alive to face justice; what are you guilty of? Exactly. Don't play games with us and we won't play games with you or your imposter style. You have more fight? You will weaken us more? You want to smear and paint me even more negative? Insult me some more will you.
This is what can happen. I hope you are happy now. I hope you learned your lesson, still not yet? I hope you are ready to surrender and provide all the details and information we asked for. We want the people behind all of these attacks behind bars. We want these groups shut down. We want this cleaned up, no more messes in our life or roughing up our feathers. Don't look at us or even make a threat. Stop lying about how I am mentally ill and cannot make my own decisions. Stop acting like my leader or boss. Leave my wife and girlfriend alone. Stop ruining my life and put each piece back; lick up the floor if you have to. You broke it, so you pay for it. If you keep F'in with us and trying to destroy us; you will be destroyed. You weaken us, we weaken you. Eventually, one of us will go away, eventually. Now are you ready to play ball or just sniffle, walk away, and pretend as if this never happened? What did I say and warn you; stop F'in with us and attacking our life. Restore it and its glory. Any other blocks or stupid tricks will garner twice or three times the retaliation. Attack us and when a rescue comes; attack more ferociously? Back at you now, how do you like it? Who is sorry and who is winning now? Who is full of regrets? One of us will win, only one. Decide. I will bring you in and I will bring you to justice; if not for 911 then for ruining my marriage; do you hear me SOB? This is abuse of authority and corruption; you have very little time and you will not get away with this or these tricks and lies. Are you so bold and so full of insults now? Always blocking us or abducting us? You enjoy surrounding us? You will keep up the fight and the pressure? Oh really, says who? You knew there was a deadline and you knew a line was drawn in the sand; do not step over it. All I have to say is you are a stupid MF jackass, go away or die. I told you God was listening in and watching, didn't I? Didn't I MF? You are a god damn SOB who needs to just die and go away.
Ann, how do you expect me to explain all of this each time I have to apply for a job or explain my life to an employer. They either look at me as if I am crazy or think I am a complete liar and are hiding something. This began with the Catholics and the Jews. From here it is a cascade waterfall into the police unions, the government employees union, the teacher's union, and various other labor unions or radical groups. It is very damaging to a prospective candidate when applying for a job. This unions including the police and government employee union; refuse to tell the truth or get to the bottom of this. All they want to confess is they are only liars and their self interest is at stake. Worse is how they blame you; you could make it better or fix a lot of this mess; but it is they who created it and left it the way it is to save their own skin and escape punishment. How in hell do I explain to anyone each time I fill out an application what is going on and not sound like a total imposter or phony? How do they? When both you and I confronted them or their public relations; they would not even mention what they did and claimed it was a death sentence. It was murder and a terror plot and avoiding a negligent or malpractice lawsuit against the federal government is going to be very difficult because their security or barriers to keep these people out are utterly insufficient while they are under the radar or telling more lies. Even the Veteran's Administration has been penetrated, the CIA, and the Pentagon. Do you even trust the police force in America when it is controlled by the labor unions? Exactly. Who did this and why did they wait so long before fixing it or retaliation; shut them down. Those who allowed them to do this are liable and negligent; the federal government.
Question: Try to answer this honestly Ann. You like to F off and screw up your life? You love and are happy with your screwed up life because you had all the fun a single woman could possibly have without walking over that line of infidelity? You have a genuine relation with these people and put your heart and soul in their political career; which you sacrificed your marriage for? Is this what I heard or was everybody mistaken? You don't want to come home and never want the fun to stop; it only gets better and with Twitter or this singles club; it can only get better? You don't want to quit or for this to end; nightmare or not? You exonerated them, forgiven them, made up and are now friends, and your war with them has ended with negotiations and parties? You have moved on and let them off the hook? You like and love being the bad guy and screwing up your life? Is this what I heard or saw; or was it something different? Lastly, you work fast and can tackle difficult situations immediately and never let them linger on? You want a meal, a medal, and recognition for this war? Everybody is divided, hated, and guilty? Ann Coulter never makes a mess or is sloppy when she is at war; this is why we cannot tell who won; who are allies; who loves who; and who did a good job? Who is beng judged here? I can see a lot of mistakes made and a lot of mistake will further be made or revealed. All of you are real human beings and I am mentally ill for complaining or pointing these errors out to you? All of you are off the hook? Do we have a right to attack them or defend our life? These people think they are the judge and the jury; nobody gets a fair trial because they are so sharp and so superior. All is fair in love and war? Obviously, you are trying to stay married or want a relationship but having a secret life makes it complex.
Ann, your life is so miserable and screwed up; I am not exactly sure how you deal with it. All I know is you admitted you messed up and dated these men. However, you also told me you did so, once only; for all the wrong reasons. They refused to admit how they lured you and tried to trap you. Now you are trapped and I had to sort through all of this mess while you either walked me through or had to explain yourself. They did not have anything on you; but what they did, you claim is completely untrue. It is getting to a point where I cannot stand you. However, I know how life was hard for you and could be different. I know how hard you worked to catch them and what you had to go through. This is worth something. They still have me locked on or in their sights; still unable to achieve this self destruction; yet they keep trying to lure me or plan these attacks. You admitted to men picking you up. You admitted to men taking you out. You admitted to men trying to marry or shower you with gifts. You admitted how they left you alone afterwards. You admit how it was all superficial or intended to smear them or fend off attackers. You still flirt nonstop but this time, nobody is paying attention because you burnt them so many times or slammed them on their head. I am not going to judge you unfairly for that. I saw firsthand what you told me and then how Limbaugh and Hannity treated you; even O'reilly. They acted as if you were their best friend or buddy. Whatever you did and whomever you were forced to date; was intended so that nobody shared or entered your secret life. Obviously, they want to fight and avoid court. The fatal risk is how we extinguish their fight and attacks. I was told these written grievances restores our life and we do not have to spend our life testifying about a mob or being outnumbered. They made no effort to report it because they want a fight. Why did they let it go on so long? Why didn't they quit or stop the attacks? Now they are under attacked or being investigated; tell the truth and stop saying how others are crazy. They are not the judge and not the final word here. Who is?
Clearly, I am the only person allowed to enter this area and you have not ran to anyone to tell them what I did. You did run to Dr. Phil, told me you needed sedatives at times, and when it got bad wanted to see a doctor because you could not take it. The bottom line is you did make mistakes. The bottom line is you really want this and to keep your twenty two year relation with me. The bottom line is you have not given your side of the story and I am indecisive. I have given you the reasons I have to judge you by and what love is supposed to be for. You had a hard life and it is time to go home. Maybe one day you will be my dream girl again; I doubt it. You have to show me you have the forsight to take precautions and the behavior which prevents accidents does not trap you in mistakes. Whatever you did, they fear you and leave you alone now; a total waste of time. Except recently Perry, a few Los Angeles people, and Sean Hannity; all of them are back in the saddle and did not learn a thing yet. I came to the conclusion you said, "Don't even think about it"; a date or sex, and even much worse. This was your message to me; but you made sure I always knew you loved me. Some people feel you are superficial and thus, our relationship is superficial and just a fascination of theirs. They have no idea what it is like. I am glad they forced us to destroy them and weaken them; like a home invasion, they sneak in or try to climb in our bed and we go on attack. Obama said it was similar to killing a fly with a nuclear bomb. He said it best, it is like a killing a rodent with a Bouncing Betty. I want to work this out but the question is will you ever work this out or do you have so many problems; you are unfit to be a wife and a life partner to anyone? As a matter of fact, look at my life. Did you know I am mentally ill and this mental illness prevents me from becoming a real person? I F with these people any chance I get because I know they are holding me prisoner or stalking me and they shrug it off as mental illness? We cannot avoid suing the government and firing these people; the sooner the better.
Ann, you cannot deny I have a right to be mad at you and I have a right to be disappointed. Even if nothing was going on and it was all for business or to fend off these attackers. This does not matter, it is time to go home. You have had a hard enough life, do you wish to suffer more? They weaken me and demand I surrender my power and knowledge to them; subserviance and demands to obey. I tell you this and you go and do this to them; as revenge and expose them for whom they are, imposters and psychopathic losers. Now they want to use the both of us to gain or increase power; but to do so, they must weaken both of us or hold one of us down while proping up the other as a puppet. This is how I obtained their plans and pieced all of this together; I was forced to be or become their puppet; they tried to make me in their eyes and make me their leader. This is also how they got destroyed and are nearly defeated. The only thing left to do is throw them out and seek damages or rewards. I think this lack of forsight, this lack of ability to see into the future or prevent bad events, this decision making skill to take precaution and avoid disasters; all prove this scam with pill doctors, pill clinics, rogue hospitals charging the taxpayers $800 per night, and now this clinical judgment I am mentally ill or am not capable to use weapons or handle firearms; has gotten so criminally insane or obnoxious; several billion dollars might give this jackass a reality check and stop them in their tracks. All they had to do was tell the truth and admit fault. One of us is a complete pathological liar. One of us is a scam artist. One of us is the WTC bomber or plotter. One of us is hiding a severe flaw and mental illness, which they copy cat or invent characters to hide. One of us is a traitor. One of us is going to get sued for billions in damages. Remember, all they had to do was tell the truth; not play is game, use double talk, copy cat, tic-for-tac pathalogical lying, or this political mole who is scamming the public and the world of trillions in dollars. That is their death sentence and what they face in hell.
You know these people are imposters. They are not leaders. They try to leech from the other side and others. Let's recap what happened. They weakened me and revoked or placed some lock on my life using this doctor, drug war, Dostoevsky pain killer, and imposter mental illness scam. By doing this or keeping me under the microscope, my life is locked. I have to sue the federal government and those behind this; to unlock this. The damages are tremendous. Those behind it are not liars or pathological liars as they claim. There is no accountability and it all sounds the same; spies or imposters, racketeering, a scandal and robbery under progress. People look the other way, look at your own life. You are still running Ann. You are even running from me. I knew what they were up to and witnessed it; as part of their pitch or recruitment campaign. Without you I could not have caught them but I gave to you both my work and what they were up to; thus, you trapped them in the most masterful way. The more they attacked you, the more you dated or played this game which ruined your life or increased your negatives. Now we have them and we also have what they are up to or trying to achieve. The FBI and federal forces have not given me the okay or signal; to take them out. Maybe they are going to kill them, we don't know. Your fascination with them is superficial and their entire being is a genuine fake; a mental illness called a flake. In the perfect world, these problems would not happen and if they did; the truth would fix itself immediately. This is no liar or corrupt official; not the least. This is a hardened communist spy group who had penetrated and was in position to inflict heavy damages. They want us to take all of them out; a sign of solidarity. Any ideas because I have a few crystal clear ones and several hundred I know are proven effective. There is a point where you can weaken them and they will disappear or go away. This is also what they tried on us.
What is the threat? Who is the threat? How did they try to murder us? They have a license to steal and a license to kill because they are a flake and do not hate? Is this some cruel hoax or evil plot to control our lives? We are not lying; they are, so this must be a cruel hoax and their brinksmanship. These people are loud, hostile, thieves, weak, liars, frauds, totally nuts, and they are pointing the finger at one of the most powerful Asian men on earth and shut down his life because he does not meet their approval? Who does Ann and I laugh at or destroy? Why? Who is the power and where is the power coming from? Who is the leader and who is the man who destroyed the communist forces or this evil SOB? Who led the FBI and federal forces through the forest and trap, saved their ass? Who led them to victory? Tell me this powerful being and master strategist is feeble and mentally ill again, inflicted by "grandiose delusions" or "hears voices"; and the world will laugh in your face. Who feels like an idiot acting like a smart ass or master burglar? Explain how a mentally ill man is married to Ann Coulter and how stupid they look. How did they come to the conclusion I am mentally ill and need my national security license or license to kill revoked? There is stupidity and then there utter ridiculous or absurd. They can stick to this story but when several billion dollars is demanded in damages; the truth really hurts, it kills. The truth will kill this SOB and piece of shit; how good life truly is. Perhaps they will go home, leave our country, get off our land, and be gone for good. Who is Ann Coulter? Who is Alex Nguyen? Who are the communists and this terrorist group? How in the world did they inflict all of this damage and who let them? Those individuals need to be taken down and taught a lesson. A mentally ill person must look really good in the eyes of the good guys. How did he make Ann Coulter look so delightful? Did he go grandiose delusional or schizo on your ass too? Maybe we caught a dangerous liar and a mud foot liar. This must be a cruel hoax or some scam which has not surfaced or been revealed; a grandiose one. It will reverse the WTC judgment and decisions; the truth not only hurts, it kills. Catch those who did this and it will reveal who plotted 911 and made these false judgments. Why? Because the truth is worth nothing to them and the public is their victim and toy; a cruel hoax of a psychopathic SOB domestic enemy.
Read my books. Look at my work. Is it world class or can anyone beat it? Who is this hemp loving judge or jackass doctor of pain? A person with forsight and precaution? A person of integrity and utilizes a moral compass? A person who recognizes right from wrong? A mentally ill person did all of that and much more? I know this much; some people do not have the forsight or the skills I possess. It is difficult for the federal government to even suggest I have a mental illness when everybody knows I have the forsight to make decisions or take precautions that prevent bad situations or get me trapped. Most human beings do not have this ability and are helpless; feeble. We do not know if it is parenting, education, psychic ability, character, fortitude, or other genetic superiority which allows certain people to make these decisions and take these precautions ahead of time so that they can avoid the predicament they are in. They claim I am in this difficult matter because of "grandiose delusions"; this is their story and it is full of lies, deceit, and this use of hate and a license to kill. They feel they are superior or more deserving; thus, they are in this trapped mode or pressure is exerted on the extreme levels. Regardless, they refuse to tell the truth or hand over the guilty; constantly exclaiming how they are ready to fight and to die, a vigilance. I think this lack of forsight, this lack of ability to see into the future or prevent bad events, this decision making skill to take precaution and avoid disasters; all prove this scam with pill doctors, pill clinics, rogue hospitals charging the taxpayers $800 per night, and now this clinical judgment I am mentally ill or am not capable to use weapons or handle firearms; has gotten so criminally insane or obnoxious; several billion dollars might give this jackass a reality check and stop them in their tracks. All they had to do was tell the truth and admit fault; and this could have been over on day one. But no, they had to carry it to the end and take all of this to the grave; which clearly indicates and prove they are mentally ill and a danger to both themselves and others. All they had to do was tell the truth and this imposter and liar kept lying and lying to scam or shove all of this down the throats of others and now the entire world. That is a traitor and that is also treason; to be sentenced by death. Lying about this is a gross exageration and a grandiose escape plan from a very demented SOB and scam artist; they are weak and a thief.
Do you think if I had a real girlfriend my life would be better right now? Is this all superficial or does it indicate our twenty two year relationship was real and genuine as humanly possible? Ann, your plan to quit has to be mobilized quickly. You have the dumbest life I have ever seen. First I give you all my work and ask you to check it or possibly partner up so we intersect. Your life goes to hell. You are constantly running. In 2008 you tell me who these people are, what they are up to, what they did to you, what they want from you, etc... and then ask me to help you. We destroy them. Then you force me to relive a period in your life where all you did was run. You used new friends against old ones. You used strangers to quiet men who made up stories about your love or sex life. You ran around as if you were having as much fun as a woman can have while you had sick or dying people to take care of. You had to work on our life plans and satellite warfare; still waiting for the introduction in 2006 and then in full swing by 2008. You forgot the world existed and created this imposter life so that nobody could interfere or ruin your secret life; this is it now being revealed. You go back to the scene of the crime and try to put the best face on it; then try to walk me through each footstep. Why did you attend all of these events. The hell or circle of fire you created for anybody who entered. Only a few brave souls and total nutcases did and they got busted in 2008; they came in for the kill. I cannot say you did a bad job but I cannot say you did a good one either. You need to stop running, come home, and worry less about what they have on you or can they blackmail or surprise you in the future. I have stopped and placed a cease and desist order on most of what you told me; the rest is yours to decide but you keep running and running. It seems as if I am the only person who brought you peace and you could not return the favor or wanted to bring me any comfort; an unfair trade. However, we both had a hard life when we were not supposed to; but you have hit it on the head again.
Keep in mind you do not listen to me and all of you are at each other’s throat. Meanwhile, I work in national security and security; both law enforcement and military tangled up in a big mess. A lawsuit against the government is unavoidable and it has to do with race, using racism as a political tool, and trying to ban or revoke my ability to carry arms and weapons. As the father of satellite warfare, my license to become the author of it and to utilize it has been revoked due to “hate” and some mental illness nobody can put a finger on except psychiatrists who throw the word “grandiose delusions” around as if they know more about this world than either you or I. Nobody is in charge and there is no leader in America at this time. This enemy and the weak are allowed to run free and act as lawless as they can with the government as the cosigner of it all. The entire matter is a complete scam and all of it is untrue. Therefore, there is negligence and then there is gross negligence. There is medical malpractice and then there is gross injustice.
All of this is compounded and like the illegal designer drugs and narcotic pill industry; these doctors are completely out of control or unregulated. This is about drugs and doctors who are of no help except to those who misuse or abuse the laws. Until someone or something stops them in their tracks; this case will linger on. What if nobody was looking? Who allowed them to use race as a tool of assassination or a political trap? This is our terrorist and those behind all of these decoy attacks. They are constantly trying to push this junk and shove these lies and deceptions down the throats of others until someone or something stops them in their tracks. Clearly, the government allowed this scandal to fester and compound into a murder and brutal rape attempt; then blocked all attempts to ameliorate the situation while trying to eliminate the threat and put the best face on it; public safety or probable cause. Clearly, their license to kill has been revoked and terminated. Will it take a criminal or civil lawsuit to defeat them and end this?
Ann, we have had a hard life. You included. I been there at every turn and it is time to go home and pick up the pieces. I think you know as I do, love is forgiving; hatred is less forgiving. We have fought hard and we have each other. This enemy and this war is awful. It is horrible to our life but legends are made on the bodies of the past. Both of us have had a hard life; you deserve better as I do; cherish this each night you go to bed and when your back is against the wall. You will only find it once in your life so know who to call and who to trust. Feel good that I am always there if you need a helping hand; mostly when times are bad. I am not totally dependent and we still have a few more books to write. I am going to begin the drug wars and the strategies behind communism eventually. I had planned to write the book on beaches and vacation or travel destinations with you (bike, plane, motorcycle, RV, etc…). I am not completely defeated by this enemy; not yet. Neither are you. You have a thriving and robust love life; just get rid of these men you told me about. We have wasted an inordinate amount of breath fighting those who claim to love us or care for our needs. I think most police officers will understand how it feels to be trapped by this human species.
It’s time to go home babe. It’s time we give each other the love and attention we need and have waited so long for. We cannot run or fight the rest of our life. I have plotted a new course, made changes for our security, and added insurance based on what you told me. Love is forgiving and when you have what we have it is impossible to walk away unchanged. Let’s go home and let’s work on each other. These people don’t know if they are staying or going; unsure they will do anything to stay or cause us trouble. We are made to look awful and the threat; this is their scam and scandal which has to be repaid in damages. This is what I want and I know now it is what you always wanted. It got this way by no fault of our own; but we both have the power and ability to make our life better. Don’t take their shit and execute them on TV if they F with you. The bottom line is you needed me to become who you are today; Ann Coulter.
After twenty two years of hard work, I needed you to follow my lead and catch this SOB who did this to us. You even went and called for help as I instructed while I put them on wild goose chases or was a sitting duck. I no longer see it as valor; my eyes turn bloodshot when I remember or think about it. You are who you are because of me and I am who I am because of you; the sweetheart of my entire life. Had it not been for my work; you would not be Ann Coulter extraordinaire. Had it not been for you, I would be a down and out fool right now and possibly longer. The options are much greater now. You tell me who I am today. It is enough to fill the entire bookshelves explaining but that is it in a nutshell. Who you are today is because of me and who I am is because of us my love. It is tough to deny the pain and grief; sometimes too much and not even worth thinking or reliving; other times unavoidable. I have been by your side from the start and you have been by my side even longer, how do I deny this? How do you?
Ann, you knocked on my door twenty two years ago with your wild dreams of being my life partner. We had our share of good times and bad ones. You have had some crazy ideas. Are they as beautiful as you expected today? Do I make your dreams more beautiful or not and was this what you expected? I am still a very basic and unchanged person; the one you loved. If they surrender as expected, than we can move on and have kids; and even start over. They use this to inflict more pain and suffering. They should not have come between us; for any reason. These people hated it when we were emailing back and forth. They refused to let us write or be together; even communicating. They constantly hacked or banned me on websites; blocked my entire internet. I had to take this to the FBI again and again. Now they hate us publicizing this and doing this live or via public airwaves. Is it my fault or our fault? It is in a raw format. Nobody is jumping through their hoops anymore. Nobody wants to listen to their games. Nobody wants to hear their complaints or their problems. All of this was their fault; action and reaction to stop our life and career. How do they communicate with you? Exactly. How did they communicate with me? Who would believe me; they are completely nuts. Now they deny it and try harder. They came to our home to make their point stronger.
Ann, you know I love to travel and wanted to see the US on a motorcycle or an RV; even by train. I also have gone up and down the coast, from Maine to Georgia, stopping at each beach. You are the one whom asked me to come to Florida. We were supposed to do the RV trip or an EV trip across America. I told you I wanted to live at the beach repeatedly. I like working on the water and playing in it. I like the outdoors. What happened to our books and what I had planned? Why are you on stage with these other people whom you tell me about? How am I going to afford any of this, how? I planned all this at age twenty. I wrote all of this while in college, in my twenties, now what? Why are there so many doubts after all we have been through together?
Had it not been for these people; who are not backwards, they are a mess. They are such a mess and are complete disasters, they do not even know if they are coming or going. Don’t judge them on progress or material things; they are savages and animals. Judge them at the end of the day and why they are full of regrets. All they want to do is get government or others off them while begging or demanding money. It is not backwardness. What about the plans I made with you or the books I set off to write? How will I ever pay for all we planned together Ann? Tell me. I want to work this out and have been trying to; but they are at my throat constantly and now it is about you. Heckling or evicting me, I am not longer your partner because you sit next to them and go on their shows. Imagine that, who is on whose show? We need a Katrina level counter-measure to stop them and in their tracks.
All they want to do is become a mental savage or hack people to death with anything they can get their hands on; just to steal, lie, and cheat. It is not backwardness or a lack of courage. How the hell do we live out the remainder of our life as royalty and legends now? Can anybody answer this mystery and give me a concise answer? Tell me how we survive this attack and this enemy? We need and deserve a category 5 counter-measure. They need to be stopped and shut down. The get rich quick American dream needs to be a pile of smoldering ashes and regrets. This is abhorrent behavior and it will not stand; never again. It is nowhere near freedom or the lies and deceit the public got day after day. Your job is to make sure they do not get in the way or disrupt my missing mission and plans; ever again. They record over our words, life, and our world; a copy cat of real human beings and impostors. Now it comes down to security and public safety. It comes down to hate and the ability to utilize lethal and decisive force. It comes down to my permit to carry arms, my military expertise, and my imaginary mental illness which is preventing me from becoming a real human being. Obviously, someone who administers justice is trying to topple the justice system and disarm the good guys. They want lawlessness and criminals to do home invasions, make false arrests, and everything I have described; a complete abuse of power. If there is hate in this world or pain; they will feel it and it will be decisively directed at them from here on. It is them who lacks a moral compass or integrity and it is them who is the problem or needs their license to kill revoked; not us.
Of course I know you love me and you want to work this out. However, when I came by your house; all I saw was your Seebring; the same one that sits there for years on end. I also know you never drive. By the way, the convertible was my idea and I have a Trans Am; which keeps on getting vandalized. I restored it. I am trying to get a job and print your book. I would like to work this out and I grill you because I know how you are and how to motive you. Tell people to stay out of our private life and stop messing things up; on either side.
So I did go by and you were not home. I need a place to stay at, end of story. I have to go and get a place and had you been there; I could have knocked on the door or asked you to house me. It is the least you can do. Your neighbors even saw me and I like the beach down the street. Other than this, you need to hurry up; I know you are crying and really hurt by all this; but it is not excuse to condemn them, become a work alcoholic and ignore your personal life. It is not a proper excuse to destroy them and waste your time, life, and throw everything away because you want them to know how upset and how betrayed you feel. This makes two evictions since Katrina; both illegal and full of gimmicks and malice. I need you psychic partner; hated or not, do you understand Ann? I need you; as upset and pissed off as I am. Stop crying and telling me how you need a doctor; do your part.
I had warned these people to stop and to shut this pest enemy group down. Did you see Irene and the wake of this tropical storm? So far the estimates are 20 billion; and I had warned the wrath of God was around the corner. I had a feeling and I was right. Same time and same place next year? How about try to benefit and make it all work out between us; benefit from our grief and bungled assassination plot? Tell me what you want to do; I went by your house and nobody was in; not even a light. I need a place to stay and am under heavy attack. I also have put aside medical, dental, and other things which I really need to catch up on. My body is ripped; I am at full power; and I am back in training mode. The beach is in walking distance to your house and it is not bad. The neighbors are rich and they are well accomplished. How did a priest live next to you? Nice cars and spectacular homes in the area; from all over the world.
I am done with your biography and am moving to print it; are you going to help me or go on vacation? How is the weather out there in Los Angeles?
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- My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.
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