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Monday, January 23, 2012


Will Do Anything To Survive Except The Right Thing: Remember, these are terrorists and exhausted felons. They will do anything possible to get away or survive; very dangerous, accept the right thing. They claim to be truth tellers; a mere echo chamber and espionage wing of the communist radicals. They have no ideology; they live to win and control. The charges against them clearly indicate a death sentence; however, their footprints suggests an armed, angry, washed-up buffoon. They live for crime and winning; not the truth or doing the right thing. Given the situation, their story or script is to only admit to being wrong or making a mistake. That is how much they are hiding and the level or extent they will lie, cheat, and steal to win this. It is not the events, the attacks, or the espionage that is going on; the environment; it is them. They also feel they have the right to criticize and complain; that is all this is about; their resistance or way of protesting. Very slippery and dangerous; they feel no guilt or shame; none, not even a soul or an end to this. They feel this is how tough they are and our hair is easily messed up. They use feces and how dirty they are as a weapon; to attack and as ammunition; live like pigs or gross tricks. It is all a mistake; nothing else. Ask them what happened, just a mistake and error. For twenty years and back and forth it has been, "You F'in asshat" from us, and then from them we get, "We don't know what to do." This is how we were kidnapped to be their ringleader when they were silenced in the worst manner possible.

Conservatives and Noble Truth Tellers? How many conservatives and noble truth tellers pull people into utter mayhem, pathological errors or lies, and 100,000 open threads (done hourly)? We are talking one mistake after the other, until it exceeds 100,000 and is clinical lunacy and mayhem. How does a conservative, who is expected to have a backbone; lead a charge of retards and ends up trapped by utter lies? Worse, none of them are educated. All of them hate educated people, VIPs, legends, and royals. What is the chance this is a 911 terrorist and a communist saboteur? They got raided or invaded? Why? 911? Hostage taking or kidnapping? Why did they get invaded? Why do they risk retaliation by hurricane and earthquake forces? Why are they scared to death and lying profusely; stealing everything? How can a truth teller or person who believes in God; rack up 10,000 felonies? God not watching? Predator? Psycho? Show me a human being of this capacity; captured already and let's compare the two of them. They did not think it was this bad? It will work itself out; all they have to do is be nice and try to help? Do whatever we do, copy-cat, and hope for the best? Do we have an ally or an enemy; a dangerous terrorist group and a leftist revolutionary one similar to the gangs of Sierra Leone?

The American Revolution and World War II: The history of Britain and France date back to the American Revolution. It was only until World War II that America and Britain united along with other allies. Similarly, France began to have less of an influence on American politics or domestic matters after World War II. If the communist are learning from the American Revolution and World War; then they sought to recreate the same fusion or unity in the wake of 911. That is the only way to make sense of this mayhem and chaos. Meanwhile, the police are pulled into the mayhem of the blacks and the left wing as they starve and cannibalize each other. That is what is going on and we had traced the people who were behind this; they claim it was a mistake and admit they made mistakes; but they demand we move on or leave unless we want more; the door was slammed on us because we had slammed the revolving door on them. Again, their goal is to pull as many people into this mayhem as possible and it is total insanity. They are scared to death. They know they are being hunted, a trap was in place. They know everybody is on to them. What better way then to use the Jews and terrorism to pull off an American revolution. That is what we had been and are fighting; getting pulled in deeper and this mayhem. They are also picking a fight with the office of hurricane and earthquakes; given their utter mistakes and record of failure, they pick more fights and increase the mayhem using surprise and stealth. Jealousy, lunacy, anger, failure, and ridiculous power is in their genetics; a curse of the Gods. They are obsessed with control and becoming God; an utter mess and intoxicating mayhem. They worry and question everything around them and America; however, it is not about them and they are the problem. They also refuse to get an education or change the standards they do business; refuse to write down facts or records. All they write down is what they can steal; books and cloning they vulture, find, or get from espionage.

Dear Ann Coulter Imposing Me On Them, Do They Believe in The Truth: Ann, these are not Americans. They are from another world, total retards. They only admit to making mistakes, but that is it. They are trying to impose blacks and jews on me and the rule is they can do no evil. This started because the liberals were imposing the blacks and the Jews on me and my life; that was the stone cast into the lake. It ended with Ann impersonating their sneaky brainwashing ads tricks; spinning a story. They are still doing this. Now Ann is trying to impose my life on them but they are already guilty; no way back. So Ann, here is more of your raving lunatics whom Breitbart opened the door for as I try to shut it on them. Listen to this doozie and spin, "After finding out that I had just secured a deal to become the youngest syndicated columnist in the country, he quickly fixed me up with David Limbaugh and Ann Coulter, both of who are now close friends. Throughout my career, whenever I needed advice --." Who the hell would put people full of lies and errors in charge of the right wing and conservatives? Who? A perfectionist named Breitbart or a the pimp-pomposity named Breitbart? This is about communists who want change or to question America or VIPs? Ann, who the F are they talking about? It feels like a psychopathic arranged 911 terrorist who won't take no for an answer. All of Breitbarts' eulogy sounded like Jesus landing on earth and he chose all Jews to worship him; and all we get is a foggy window and mayhem; hail emperor! Even Rush pointed out Jesus was before us and what his problem was. Read more at .

Dear Ann, Have You Read Limbaugh's "Breitbart" Eulogy? No Mistakes! Perfectionist! Stellar Individual! "Over the years, the whole thing he was involved in seemed to lose some of the fun factor as the intensity and the seriousness of it picked up. And this loops back to the notion that we all only have one life. I hope that that didn't have anything to do with it. I mean, he was very intense. He was profoundly intense, and at times he'd get very mad, very angry -- as we all do -- and very frustrated. Everybody wants to matter. Everybody wants to be effective. He was far more effective than he probably ever dreamed, but probably wanted to be even more so. So let's hope that the people who were around him, who were inspired by him, can keep his work going as though he were still there." No wonder they study you and I so intensely and got caught for 911; they are the benefactors and the robbery suspects. Everything written is true about them and he knows he is in major trouble; scared to death and adding mo mayhem and chaos. Listen to this doozie, "occurred to him as he began to question some of this stuff that just been inculcated, drilled into him from the time he was born. He began to question it. A lot of it didn't make sense. And then one day, a big burst of reality hit, and his life changed forever." They drill it into each other and their kids since the day born! Wow, the movie Total Recall is true!

Total Mayhem and Fraud; The Worst Kind: The more I learn about your friends, the less I like. We are so weak and inferior to these conservatives; we have to leave! They are selling radicals, communists, and liberals to the right wing and was caught and then some. Read how many errors and lies his editor and right hand man makes, total lies! It sounds like something you would find in Staingrad or a Bernie Maddoff scam; count the errors, spins, sugar-coating, and total lunatic fringe. Who is Little Shapiro writing about? Is it Andrew Breitbart? Ann Coulter? Or Me? Similar to Rush Limbaugh, they only like truth up until they are threatened; then they are 100% evil. There is no end to their lying and it is for survival, security, and not getting hurt; but it ends up getting them the death sentence. The Bernie Maddoff scam is covering up or cleaning up, damage control; can do no evil or full of lies and error. Ann, who hires a Jew to head the right wing or the conservatives, tell me who? Now count the errors, lies, and scams; how many? 100,000? One hourly? 1.6 billion dollars of damage? Who? Read more at .

Pulling Others Into This Mayhem, Read the Little Retard Bomb Thrower and Pioneer (Blacks and Jews) as they try to steal more or kidnap our life and tell us to leave, total lies, count them. He is incapable of evil, count the errors and lies:

Dear Rush Limbaugh, You Only Made a Few Mistakes - Do Not Come To America Unless You Are American! That is a good rule, stay out of America unless you are willing to accept the standards of being an American. Furthermore, do not question American values or the environment when you are a communist and not even part of it; shameless. Stop stalking us, trolling, reading all my stuff, analyzing and studying me, and producing some of the most retarded jackass clones and robot asshats I have seen. It is a communist smear and trick and it is also really degrading and embarrassing. You communist have been doing this since the late 1980s when I graduated HS and when this began. That is what you been doing and why it led to 911. You people are not even American, full of lies and error, and you demand or expect respect? Shut up will you. You continue to try and pull us into this mayhem by impersonating or analyzing every move we make and behind the scenes; inventing a new robot to match us. You continue to pull everything into this mayhem; yet you only admit to having made mistakes and we should move on or leave. For twenty years and back and forth it has been, "You F'in asshat" from us, and then from them we get, "We don't know what to do." This is how we were kidnapped to be their ringleader when they were silenced in the worst manner possible.

Limbaugh On Breitbart - A Clone or Impersonator Stalking Us In Life: "Sometime during the 1990s, the early nineties, Breitbart had an awakening. He was constantly questioning what was all around him, which was really extreme liberalism, and he became, as many of you in the audience know, a bulldog. ...A lot of people get into the business for a number of reasons. His was to effect change. He really sought to effect change above everything else." We know how they got in this position or insinuating now. This is about how evil, phony, repugnant, and stupid they are; but they question their entire surrounding and are a total disaster. Odd, they are on the same timeline as I am; college in the 1990s. Does this one sound like a copy cat, a stalker, or some clone and spy? "He did things that nobody else has done on the Internet where there are a lot of players. He accomplished quite a lot, much more than a lot of people." This is about change; not terror plot, 10,000 felonies, kidnapping, 1.6 billion in damages, lie after lie, error after error, etc... Limbaugh is reading my facebook profile: "You only get one life, and most people don't get as much out of it as they could. Human nature. And one of the reasons that most people don't get the most out of their lives that they can is they can't stop thinking about themselves. And the more you think about yourself the more depressed you're gonna get. Human nature. The more you think about yourself, the less you are aware of things going on outside your sphere. It's hard not to do that, and Breitbart did that." That must be my problem also! Limbaugh even has the marriage timeline down to the tee. Read more at .

They Will Only Admit to Making Mistakes and Seeking The Truth, Not 10,000 Felonies - Limbaugh on Breitbart:

I describe these people as lurkers, trolls, stalkers, pests, total frauds, and people who refuse to leave but are instilled with anger and jealousy towards others. The only word to describe them is evil and poor. They have nothing to offer and only demand respect. To do this, they put people in awkward or impossible situations without any consideration for their rights or liberties because their failure is the source of their jealousy. The internet, family, and friends are a path of escape; so their harassment or shut down isolates a hostage. They try to steer you away or trap you online.

Complete Jealousy and Total Wreck of a Life: Keep in mind they are trying to hack and take down websites; similar to the Una-Bomber. ??? Why? First, is this awkward arrangement where they spy on us or stalk us. Second is the fact they are repugnant or grotesque. Third is their criminal career and pent up sexual repression; serial killer pervert or molesters. Fourth is the fact they are all poor, stupid, blue collar, and their wives want to leave them or expect higher class. Fifth is the advent of the internet and taking prisoners; females are finding out the other side has much better males. Sixth is this inability for a black felon to act confident when he is an asshat and retard dreaming of a buddy instead of a female. Seventh is enumerated and encapsulated at Virginia Tech; they know I have ex's and they do not know why I do not call them, so they know I am with a woman. Eight, strippers vs. Ann? The only way for a felon to get any is to pay for it. Thus this pimp problem and silverback. They want genetics and are tricking people. The truth is their stocks live like cockroaches or grow old and homeless; want their daughter? Their wives cheat or leave them. It is so much better on the other side; but this ringleader or partnership; did not turn out like they wanted. Their females are exactly like the child kidnappers; full of jealousy and acting loyal or happy. Look at the black women in America and the black males; confident? Black males face 60% felony rates, 55% lack an education, and 45% are into drugs. Do you want to marry that or be partners with their power and politics? Force? Kidnapping? Steal? Act totally fake and lurk as a troll would until chased off or arrested? Even black women are reluctant to marry this lackey; hence, Limbaugh and Hannity play on this disposition daily, what I had described as waking up as a watermelon bunny for a child molester. You have to look at where they are heading with this or going; which direction. They said with the internet they had no choice but to wage war; losing everything; then eBay came around and craigslist. Rivals and predators made them easy targets, also robbery. Clearly, they want our satellites and to take out police or the good guys. Why am I the primary suspect or always made to feel like Al Queda? Did they surround me? Did they open 100,000 open threads hourly? Read my diary again and our story describing the 911 terrorists. Who are they after, the internet, satellites, or secrets? History or their history in the USA? A home, safety, and security-confidence? Freedom? A voice or a VIP?

Even The Females are Jealous As Hell: First is their hyperfine, medical problems, and ridiculous life. They lure people with hookers or trash; they keep them by prisoner arrangements or what I describe. In the end, they cannot get laid and worse; their nemesis and so called "ringleader" has everything he dreams of but they do not. Jealousy fills their life and we make it 10 times worse while a hostage or kidnapped. This is what Limbaugh, Hannity, Fox News, Breitbart, and all of them did; pimped Ann, singles club, and this 1.6 billion dollar lawsuit. Ninth, look at how they fight their predisposition. Look how they stalk us and surround us. Look how confident they are. Look at the fraud or swindle. The males are inadequate. The females want more in life; totally greedy or gold diggers. They grow up destitute, drugged out, homeless, or caught for rape-murder. I describe a serial killer; it is their life and the life of crime; parading fake women who pretend well or try to make others jealous. It is them who are full of jealousy. This was the basis of the Va. Tech shooting and the inability to get laid or have pretty girls without paying for it. Look at how they demand we mate or marry silverback; repugnant. Look how Ann impersonates them or their attacks and disproves their gimmicks. They are so loyal and tough; they are best friends and partners; they have it going on and are so business like but lack any education. Now look at the impact of the internet and why they are behind so many hacking and stealing technology; exactly, they are losing and badly everything. They want to help and watch us 24 hours; until they get enraged and full of jealousy; a fag and a louse all in one. Do you think satellites used by cops would help their sex life or stripping career? Do you think the high priced hookers can stay open? Who to target but the VIPs and power. If they screwed up their life; would it end up as a serial rapist, serial killer, or who we describe behind this? Limbaugh and Hannity after 2008 played on our disposition or the standard of living after 20 years of war with them. The question is why Limbaugh did not marry black and is obsessed with sex or pimping us; does he want a white female or acting coy? Notice how robbery cases after Va. Tech was non sexual and only robbery on white women or kidnapping. Look at how they are acting right now or have been. Do they scare the police or are we expected to shut up and do as told? America is changing overnight and the criminal elements cannot keep up or get laid. Their females are even worse off. Now ask, why was this about satellites, police satellites, or those used against crime, corruption, and communism? Exactly. Why then are we constantly fired, thrown out or evicted, humiliated, and our life a total wreck? Does 1.6 billion sound crazy or even absurd, who would pay it? Have you seen them in action or had to be a hostage for 20 years? They are already jealous, angry, insecure, paranoid, and now satellites? Time for a bombing plot or terror plot? Who to target or kidnap? Who to use as bait or a mole, a hostage? Exactly. Who did we catch or get? It surprised me when Limbaugh and Hannity showed up with all their political moles and contacts.

Good News To Cream In Your Pants About Ladies! I am back in the saddle again! The pictures prove this and those who are watching me know how hard Ann creams in her pants and is silent about this now! Read em and weep... you can dream about it men, but only real ladies ever get it; back in the saddle! Those who get it and those who don't; and then there are those fogging up the window.

Fact: If it came down to an ass rape; Breitbart would have ran a story on Michael Moore and everyman's dream of a obese leftist. Rush Limbaugh would fight over it and call Breitbart to let him know it had to be the Governor; who is Rush Limbaugh's everyman's dream! Now you see it, the two sentences do not go together; but in their mind it is a complete sentence and story; an ass rape and a murder plot that thickens as it puts along.

Gawker on Breitbart's Life:

Who Is Impersonating Whom LA Crew - DC Crew? Remember, I am where all of this stops and ends. I am determining the future and their future based on what they do and how they treat me. Ann is my life partner and is trying to market me; not parade me like their dog and pony show. Ann creams in her pants the moment I look at her or talk sweet to her; her Twitter explodes and her web site and events get sweet smelling and dripping. The rest is obsolete. But Jeffers Dodge was impersonating Ann on this site called Pop Modal with the agreement she would be impersonated. Townhall did the same thing on myspace and facebook; but it was not mutual. Ann eventually turned them in. All of them are Democrats or communists; who came to me from the get go with an angry and malicious accusation; Asians, Vietnam, and sweat and blood had to be paid to them for what we did to the left wing, the poor, their image, their power, their IQ, and their power. This is when they began to impersonate me and forced me to impersonate them; I refused 100 times a day and they plowed over that and began brainwashing. Then it got nasty; one felony after the next until they had a death sentence; so they did another impersonation and 911; to cover their ass and seek power. I got arrested and they said they did not need us to begin with; I got fired again and again. I am feeding Ann information and intelligence about who the masked terrorist and the 911 Al Queda moles were; they walked into a trap. Confused, they began to impersonate us even more. This time, not me but Ann. Ann kept impersonating them. This is when it got totally crazy. This is when it got very dangerous for Breitstart and Limbaugh; the two main figures. Limbaugh is PR and Fart is the secret revolutionary. Revolutionary Command kept insisting we were their ringleader as they kidnapped and tried to rip our life apart. They did rip our marriage up and it is partly Ann's fault; 98% negative. I have cut her off and I want my share of her impersonating me; over 23 years.

Breitbart and Limbaugh Try to Rewrite the Story: In order for this to work, they need a credible story. They now must dress like us and say what we say or do. He has messed up the right wing completely and his future. Both him and all the conspirators, all 911 terrorists, do a defection and double their staff. Now all of them are impersonating whom they kidnapped. Meanwhile, Ann is rejecting them and Sara Palin comes in to impersonate her. As she rejects their new strategy, she reveals the murder-rape case on her; Breitbart (Maher) was only a facilitator. His plan was to film her do drugs or having sex. So they did a stake out on my end; which did not lead anywhere before. This time, they cut us off completely; if you want it so bad; come and get it. Ann refused and it was a trap. We set our traps and they tripped over each and every one. Now Breitbart is really in trouble, what to say to us, to his doubled army of retards, the media, the public, and the FBI? He now has left a retarded army with no leader and total lies. They are best to disband. He and that old lady "the sexy one" set Ann up on that cruise ship and huddle with sex conservatives which was a near Titanic that washed ashore. They new then Ann had betrayed them; yet they kept setting her up in the most psychopathic and communist serial killer manner I have ever seen. Even worse was Ann, who kept on impersonating them as if I was feeding her INTEL or describing my end; which quadrupled in open threads and attacks. Now, they have the leg braces, neck braces, and all the money and power to launch a legal campaign; but no story because the story teller is now a fat dead guy whose tricks got him blackmailed by the FBI as an adulterer, louse, liar, and more. Without a story teller or script; they are dead like the late pomposity who had to drown himself with alcohol and drugs in order to live with himself and others. He was best to just tell the truth and how bad his life truly was. Remember, when Ann began to impersonate them; they drooled six times more at us in the 1990s. Also, they never avenged Clinton but got disgruntled feelings now about avenging him; a death sentence they call it.

Michelle Malkin and Lara Ingraham was impersonating Ann Coulter; knowing 911 was about them impersonating an Asian and a white female of Ann's caliber was impersonating me. So Malkin and Palin tried to solve that puzzle and until I exposed them and was the story teller; they hit-miss and are trapped. Malkin had it backwards; Ann impersonates me and I write everything; Ann does only research and PR; my legals and finances. I have no complaints about Ann is bed or even think of another girl; she creams if I say hi to her or write nicely. They are so jealous and look like a complete bitch; all of them. Now they are saying, "we can't win or ever will, do what you have to, we do not care and are sticking with our story." It is now them under duress and we do not take prisoners!

Under Duress and the Gun - Piss Them Off Hourly: Before 2008 I was a kidnapped VIP, undercover, or a hostage. I did not volunteer to be a hostage but felt what I saw was enough to kill my own forces or filled me with rage and anger. Therefore, I was under careful watch and duress as a hostage. To maintain my sanity; I would piss them off frequently to determine who was watching, extract information, and seek their ID; while passing the information on to Ann Coulter. It did work like a charm and we did get them; they are the 911 terrorists and admit this is a death sentence. Do not believe a word they say; it was done to tick them off and make their life hell; sometimes they used torture and it angered me; so I retaliated the only way I knew how. Yet they use it today to suggest we are criminals, perverts, should watch out, step down, etc... Each and every case with them will be before 2008; when it was done on purpose and in a blatant manner. Online, I never showed my face and to get them to send all those nudes; I used a websight that analyzed penises. I DL a lot of "crooked penises" and looked for ones that I felt would make it more believable. I made them take off their clothes and they claim it was mutual; it was not. I had Ann on the other line and she even agreed and said to do this; they are toads and total liars. They also bombarded me with children, sometimes in the most ridiculous manner; it was futile. That is the word, futile; it is still how to describe this. Now they are acting under a false premise!

Acting Under False Premise, Fraud, Harassment, Kidnapping, Attempt Rape-Murder, Etc... since this ended you continue to surround or circle me, you continue to open threads hourly, you are upwards of 100,000 open threads, we have exposed your criminal life and ripped you into shreds, and you act as if your financiers are innocent, not going to feel anything, or not going to be shut down? You circle us, act like we are your ringleaders or God, then you tell us to leave or move on? Is 1.6 billion dollars in damages and a war of retaliation and shutting your communist forces down not enough? How about throwing your asshat out and putting you in last place? Ann is not your ringleader and I am not either; that is how you got in this. We are not uniting you F'ers or even like you. You have 100,000 open threads to close before you eat each and everyone of them. What the F are you doing telling us you love us, we are your 911 terrorist ringleaders, and how you need our power and help? It is clear who needs to leave and who is getting closer to be thrown out on your asshat head. Yet you have the neckbrace, the leg brace, and the lawyers on the line covering your ass (Obama and Democrats). Obama has his finger on the button; so take it up with him as with Bush asshat; we are not here for you, understand retard? You F'in N... what the F is wrong with you? Do you have a death wish and want to die? War? Sign the indictment and let's shut down your advertisers and financiers for acts of treachery, deceit, and treason. We get a silverback woman and that should fix this? Did you hear me N, you are totally insane and now scared to death! You cry like a fool daily; ass slammed again.

Dear Chris Plante and Rush Limbaugh - Losing Ground Everyday: Keep in mind I am a long term strategist and you are an asshate provocateur and saboteur. That is all you are. Your income is outrageous and the revenue of your radio station and TV is more ridiculous than communism. You are in a position of power and I am not; but your fate has been decided and if God intervenes; you will die before our eyes. The truth is you have nothing to live for and are losing ground every single day. You can launch more attacks and open more threads; you still have over 100,000 open ones. When and if you decide to close them; maybe 1.6 billion can be reduced. If I were you, I would not open one more because each one means 10 you owe. Therefore asshat, you have no future and you can make insults all day long. The charade is already over but you just cannot change who you are and how you do business; plus, you are not right wing or conservative. An asshat; the most you are is a Democrat. Just remember who is losing ground daily and who has no future; it is your retirement you gamble with daily. I am sure you will pull some crazy legal tactic and try to claim you are the victim; neck brace, leg brace, nose brace, etc... and sue for damages. I know how you all are, scam artists. What you are doing to your close allies and associates is even worse.

Finish Your God Damn Fight and War On US: Dear Rush Limbaugh, there is one thing about you Africans I have noticed starkly. There are over 100,000 open threads. Yes, you and your Negro forces pick a fight hourly and daily, everyday. Not one of your fights has been finished and we could slam your ass, slam you on your head, or match your evil and quadruple it; you all remain silent and pick more fights. In twenty years, you picked a fight every single god damn day and to this day now; not one fight has been finished or you wait for some ending that will never come. That is the human piece of feces and the punkass you are. That is the serial killer we have to communicate with or talk to professing their love to us. How you feel equal and how you do not feel the sting of inferiority; is beyond me; but you Africans take the prize for the asshat. You sir are a complete asshat who cannot and has not finished one fight in your wretched, broken, and total wreck life. I even recall you were killing police officers to retaliate and shut us up; but that did not even work. There are no more prisoners; massacres, Va. Tech, OK City, schools, police officers, etc... What now asshat? Start more wars? Do more terror plots? Say you are sorry or pick another fight? What... LEAVE? You are an asshat and a complete punk stripped naked and bare by the opposing side and this is what we found underneath you African politicians. You want to unite the Party and unite with us huh? Torture has made you even worse than you were. You cannot even finish your damn 911 and mission, "we're dead... we're bankrupt... we made mistakes... we are sorry... move on... we only want to debate." There was a reason I called you a N and it does not imply you are Asian either asshat. Does 100,000 open threads make you a Kunta Kinte F'in N politician or only a pest in our life? How about a 911 terrorist? Can you handle the truth, really?

Ringleader or Exposing Them? I Cannot Tell Which Bozo Is Honest or Truthful: Ann said that FReeP and the LA Bozos would go out of their way. They keep telling me she is the ringleader. This means Ann is the head of this monster and I am charged with cutting the head off this monster. Furthermore, Ann even told me these people are totally nuts and go out of their way; even with the Tea Party, she says one thing; they say different. Here is her pal Jeffers Dodge, "We were friends ever since. Over the years we would laugh and share stories of our confrontations with the Left, I would tell him about my start-up struggles with PopModal and he would share his stories about Drudge, Huffington and his own news aggregator and the BIG empire. Ann Coulter would bring us together whenever she was in town making waves in the LA Media." Ann, call your god damn brother and tell him to write them a letter that would make them shit in their pants. I have tried and you see my frustration. You tell Patriarch Coyle and Townhall the same thing; how do we get rid of these cockroaches and slaves? It feels like a gigantic labor union or some labor organized cult group into crime and major felonies. Every time I say this Ann, you cream in your pants; as if the door swung open again; so I don't now.

Stupid Retarded SOB - Everybody is Mad NOW! Just so you know, everybody is mad because they think Obama either nuked them or authorized the office of hurricane and earthquake to throw their ass out. So Limbaugh, you go and tell these poor starving people in America what your communism and evil empire has done to us and then to them! Before that Bush was the one who had his finger waving in the air, now it is Obama. You people have some nerve to be picking a fight and at this level; that is the killer part. You got everybody going crazy or ape shit about this, do you realize it? The whole world is ape shit and gone mad now.

Dear Sean Hannity - Hypocrite: STOP talking about your sainthood or good intentions. You got busted and badly; Ann implicated you and Rush as behind the rape and murder plot on her; and Ann was avenging me; which makes you the principle of puppet masters. You are going to hell when and if this gets out and you will take down Fox News with you. You still think it is over for you, don't you? Fox is liable for so many dirtbags. Look at ClearChannel. You are like a serial rapist or pedophile speaking out against rape and pedophilia. Do you get your kicks doing this? I am disgusted listening to you do this; are you a serial psychopath? You did the same thing with 911 and terrorism.

Dear Sean Hannity - You Should Be Fired Also: This is not about only Bill Maher. It is about you also. It is about avenging Bill Clinton and adultery. You learned a big lesson, all of you; about adultery. You felt you could trap or get Ann Coulter to retract her "vindictive" attack on the Blinton. Rush Limbaugh should be fired, he is 200% guilty. Bill Maher should be fired, he is 135% guilty. Sean Hannity should be fired, he is 175% guilty. There are others who are above 100% guilty; but all three of you stand in solidarity. Just admit you deserve to be fired and you should pay damages for stalking and serve prison time; say a life sentence or a death penalty? It depends on what you are willing to admit or sign an indictment for. You deserve the death penalty; so yes we will move on 911 terrorist. You all think you can do 911 and then walk away. You kidnap us or try to change our mind for 23 years and expect us to accept your lame apology and double down x4. You think we are this stupid and weak? You are now fighting God forces and hurricane-earthquake judgment; can you win? You see, you repeat your mistakes until you see and feel the consequences. There is a reason why you are full of fear now psychopath, a raving madman is full of fear and does not want to be hurt? It is clear your financiers and employers will pay and have to be liquidated.

Want to Know What the 1.6 Billion Dollar Problem Is? We should have had my satellites up and running; combating their crime and evil; but instead we are bogged down in a war where our serial killer and molester is obsessed with female reproductive habits and contraception. They keep on picking the wrong fight and with the wrong people. Clearly, there is a conspiracy to annoy and sabotage our satellite forces and the further use of them; clearly. One way is to target or kidnap the father of it or the designer. It began as a political problem; Congress, Clinton, and then Bush. Then it was the Army behind it. Then it was George Mason behind these attacks. Then it was a string of companies. Then it was the Fairfax County Police. Then it was NBC and Tim Russert. Then it was the police again, New York. Then it was back to the Army again. There is one factor that does not change, you. That is the matrix. Now it is erupting on Ann's end. First it is a political problem. Then it is Congress, Clinton, Bush. Then it was military veterans behind it. Then it was colleges. We also got a string of companies including NBC. Who is going to pay the 1.6 billion and salary for this when it all lands on Rush Limbaugh's lap and he scrambles to find an excuse or escape? We have resolved the problem with the Army; kick these people out and fire them for being too ignorant and flawed.

Dear Ann Coulter - A Fag and A Louse: I won't comment on your masquerade ball or what it has done to my life; but your choice of scoundrels and everyday louses who end up linked to crazed communists; has taken your life into outer orbit. I am sure there are more stories and you are full of regrets. Now I know why you did not show up when I told you to go to the beach; you were out drinking and hanging out with a scoundrel and a louse. You seem to have your timing completely off when it comes to important events and unimportant events in life. When are you going to address Patrick C. and his bunch? You like to pick the worst of the worst and expect the best of the best. So you learn about these people and how much they can get you into trouble and never be there for you; asshole. They were so-so to their family also; very selfish people; so you are among peers. A fag and a louse took your life down a road no woman wants to go and when it came down to a rape and murder plot; they bled you to death and gave you all the noose you could handle. Stupid you.

Dear Rush Limbaugh and Communist Forces USA - The Pawn and God Forces: If you were a real American and if you knew what a real American was about; you would not be in this situation where you repeat hourly, "We made mistakes... we are sorry... we do not know what to do... it is a death sentence... you got what you deserve... leave... go home." Furthermore, you could have walked away with only 100 million in damages had you come forward and not attacked us twice as hard, three times, or felt you could erase and steamroll us. It can only get worse and has. We know what is going on in your mind; it is a racetrack and on overload to think of the next scam or next idea; to do your get away. The magic of seeing inside your brain. You better find some brakes and decide is 1.6 billion in damages is good enough for your life of crime. The people around you are going down. Your business assets are going down. All of you are punk-ass cowards and frauds with no brakes or thought of stopping. Worse, you are guilty of 911 and that gives the authorities a lot of power to do whatever it takes to remove you and your enemy forces. Do you see a pattern of behavior yet or how you operate? A lot of people in America are poor; that is not a crime. Why do you keep getting shot down or in this situation; promise? Swear to God? Write it down? You even use us to tell your story and act like God, obsessed with becoming God and a serial killer mentality. Your game was to use us as a chess pawn or toy soldier in a clandestine war of evil; but now you want to be ours in your own web of deception. That is the only way out and way to survive this; and you all are everywhere. Listen to Newt or the other people you are uniting the party with. You want to be with God Forces now? You are obsessed with being God aren't you? 24 hours and for over 20 years now? One more step, don't give up? A lot of people are poor in America and they will survive this; that is not a crime is it; swear you will not let yourself be put in this situation? Sign the surrender and the 10,000 count indictment; let God sort your life out. I think you are going to trip over a trip wire or someone will kick you all off a cliff, why? Karma.

Nice Try and Now Anti-Semenist Slanders? This is my diary and it explains who did 911 along with 10,000 felonies. It is my personal account and meant to expose those 200% guilty. It shows how slippery they are. How evil. How I feel. How I felt through it all. What it did to my personal life or career. Google is not my daddy or behind my diary; those in it are and their silence is damning. Had they merely confessed and surrendered as ordered or not gone down this road; I would be only asking for 100 million and the FBI would be guessing about a 10,000 count indictment. The truth and vindication is all I ask and if I have to be mean or get mean; then don't say they did not provoke or ask for it. You cannot kidnap and violate 10,000 felony charges; or do 911 as a scare tactic or scam; then say it is racism or anti-semenist. We really need H and E forces to double and quadruple it; level them. It is us or them; looks like them. Read on:

The Life of Andrew Breitbart - Death Sentence or Anti-Semitism? The truth was, that human pomposity tried to glorify our life and when that failed, tried to glorify his litmus test of drinking games. Along with him knee jerk funny comedians, he made us angry each time they opened their mouths. The SOB neither fit in on the right, left, or the conservative side; yet they could not be evicted or forced out because they relied on other celebrities and media shows. With this mound of human trash and pomposity on our side; the gap between us and them became too close for comfort, in your face, and smaller by the day. With them on our side, we were dragged down a path and a life nobody wanted; not even that lardass would admit. With his outriggers out like a selfish wannabe, he infuriated us because none of them belonged on any side of a coin toss; but they decided to torment and torture us, for their own kicks and sick humor. For that we made that last days on earth a hell nobody could recreate, not even God. The army of the retards gave more life to the left wing and communist than any other political actor but exposing them was the biggest hurdle of them all. All of them. Do you think Andrew Breitbart had the balls to confess this? Do any of them? Thus, we spit on their graves. If it is a death sentence, then you are a raving suicidal terrorist and throwing it back or playing games like a deranged madman, gutless, and guilty of a 10,000 count felony indictment. F your anti-semen law; its a death sentence remember? Is Iran anti-pinko-semen also or are you just guilty and gutless communist pinkos pulling a Hollywood and still scamming us all? We are here for Jews and blacks; united? Your death sentence is not the first amendment; we need the truth. F your Semitism and fist amendment; we need the truth and justice for your lies. You are like a wet pig or monster we cannot grab or hold on as you get away!

CPAC, Breitbart, Limbaugh, Hannity, Fox News, Los Angelese Whose-Who Etc... did the same thing with Ann Coulter; stuck by her side and stalked her to the end. But there is one problem, did they have her best interest in mind or used her? Did using her ruin her life and all of her goals? Clearly she is dirt now but who has the true story? Did they do the same with Hanna:

Dear Mark Levin - Why Can't We Win the Cold War and Defeat You Spies and Frauds? Yes, we know you made mistakes. Yes we know the government is half of the problem, not all of the problem. Do we know you do not belong? Do we know what the real problem is? Why is your dirty tricks and scams never revealed? All you do is give us more noose and tell us to move on. What do you think is the problem in this war? Us? Them? How do we get rid of you? You all do not belong on either side; too flawed and too ignorant. Who do we get the truth from if not the Jews and the blacks? Whites? Oh you represent the whites and Asians now. Yes, you represent Europe and white culture. It is harder to defeat your mole and Al Queda spies than it is the left wing, communist, and the liberals; even they will agree. You think you own everything? Block off the politics and let's talk ONLY about you and your life. Not our life and our dirty laundry; when, when do we get the truth or your biography? A true, honest, and with no lies and scams? Rush Limbaugh is right, it is a death sentence and you feel it. You do feel it don't you? Don't you! Did you hear me MF do you want to be tortured? Do you feel it and our power? Do you feel the sting of God you raving madman? Do you feel justice and the truth now? You want to be on our side, right you dirtbag? Or do you only want to get laid and be an adulterer? You, Hannity and Rush do not have to go through another four years of elaborate actions and explanations; the truth would be fine with me. This is not anti-Semitic; this is the only way to bring you to justice; and it is 10,000 felony counts. Don't ask for politeness and do not ask for mercy when you are 200% guilty; F your anti-semen crap; truth and justice is all we ask. Oh shit, they are even worse now. They actually are giddy and think they are God again, look at that! Look at jackass go, go Jackass and bomb them! You are God when you are on our side and love it, we hate it! Get the god damn office of H and E; and let's party.

Note: that stupid SOB was out drinking and dining with 1960s radicals and looking for freebies; then he pretended to be their little bitch and doing the right thing; now we all are hated and they applaud his hedonistic life and train wreck family? Nice job B'fart. You ended up hated, we all did. That is the Limbaugh magic unification touch with the blacks and the Jews! Go Israel (to Africa and unite). The dirtbag was out drinking and partying all the time, he left a despondent family and four hungry children to rot in their graves while he was "duking" it out? Maybe this is why the FBI was blackmailing this ass or go getter. Regrets? Yeah. I'm sorry but he was selfish and tought only of himself. I did not get a single truth from his mouth about Ann or Los Angeles; not one from any of them. Rush Limbaugh is the biggest source, second was Hannity. He should rot in hell for his selfish indulgence and hedonistic life!

The Degree of Jackass Cannot Be Measured: When you decide and finalize the 10,000 count indictment; then we will know you swore to yourself and us; you will never put yourself in this position ever again. You swear to a better life for us and you have taken an honor, in death; you have changed and the way you do business has also. Otherwise, go and reunite the Africans; don't bring them here and bombard our life with retards who end up as lackeys and homeless wandering around the 50 states. It is either deportation, internment, or a sworn surrender and 10,000 count indictment. I honestly really do not need to hear more or any explanations; no less total lies and scams. Go back to communism if you do not know what to do or say now.

Iran: I will say it again, Iran is better off to buy nukes than to make them; it is a circus. Until 1.6 billion in damages are done in the name of justice; the Jews are liable for Limbaugh and his communists; they have a blockade now.

Dear Rush Limbaugh: We should send you to Africa and let you reunite their Republicans or conservatives. Maybe then you will stop telling me to leave or go home; and stay our of my residence and life. Yes free plane ticket also. We should send your ass back to the homeland and maybe this would never happen and you will shut your god damn mouth. So consider this your deportation. I would think you would fight harder and explain in detail if your deportation was underway by God and Hurricanes. Clearly you need to change who you are and how you do business. Take your crime with you! We are with you all and the damned, yeah okay. It is pretty damn clear you retarded damned F'ers are coming to America and you parade as a jackass in our life; then act like you do not know what to do. Yet you do not like the solution to the problem and it is a good solution. Is there anything else you want? Maybe the keys to the country or our life? Do you need jets? Do you need backup? A lackey and homeless piece of trash who is still a stranger in America, ghetto-ed and starving; wants to be our bitch and the keys to our life or nation? Good gracious. No wonder you find comfort with the PR, blacks, and Jews. Yes, tell me to leave; why don't you go back to Africa and unite or blow up treasures there? Go rob those starving fools and barefooted retards. Maybe then you will leave us alone but now you have really done it and it will be your last mistake. All of you are pathological liars, total retards, psychopath, felons, and utter wrecks. Military bases now look like Brooklyn or the ghetto; they need a wife and it is based on need!

Dear Ann Coulter: Why don't you get your brothers to go after Hannity, Fox News, or Facebook and see how they react to them. Stop asking me or coming to me about this. Let's see how they are treated and if they document the same thing I did. Ask one of your family members to do the exact same thing and write exactly what I wrote and see how they respond if they do. Will they even write it down or take it serious? Your boys and even Townhall is telling me to leave; not them. Go to your family and do the same thing. 1.6 billion tells the half story; I had to cap it. You live in the same neighborhood as these degenerates; I don't want to F them, do you? Do you want a life with them? You want to be their girl or go-to girl? You want their business?

Use Israeli jets next time. Do not use us as a voice ever again. Authority? Power? Money? It has to be pro_Israel or no Vietnam War? Live in their neighborhood, F'd them, and now they are lackey and homeless? Just say it next time, do not use operatives, spies, and guerrillas from PR, or the ghetto drug wars.

The People Responsible for The VA. Tech Massacre: Is Limbaugh and his forces. They retaliated and this is how they conduct "punishment" on their prisoner of war who disobeyed them. They felt hurricane and earthquake forces originated and was born from the dorms of Virginia Tech; thus they sought to leave a legacy and to make a loud and clear statement. This was one of the designs I have; 100s of them in defeating their armies and if it came down to World War, would be deployed against them. They felt it was the egg and tried to smear it or shut it down; seeking damages. Again, they never use their own voice and Va. Tech is where I learned computer science before switching schools. I went on to get a degree in computer science; along with a few others. It was a North Korean-Labor Union backed attack on public schools.

Dear Israel and Middle Easterners - We Love Retards, Want to F Silverback, Love Smelly Homeless People, and Want to Work Together or Go Toe-Toe! They are so powerful and disgusting; oh go away and behave! You better change who you are and stop coming around to my home picking a fight. I have to watch your grotesque Un-America life every god damn day spewing from the mouth of notorious communist Rush Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin, and all the rest. You need to change who you are and who you want to be; not change us or have us agree. Insofar as making your own decisions; we do not babysit and never have. You are expected to be a normal and respectful person; not parading around America and screwing up our world and our life. Already you are energizing and causing so many problems on American soil; don't you agree yet? We have to listen to your voice in our homes and country now; in the form of Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin and all the rest. Do you want to know what they are up to or did? If your genetics are the problem; then that is your business, it is not ours or our life! Again, we are not babysitters and want all of you to stay out of our life; can you do this? It is now 23 years fighting these communists; look at where we are today. If you screw up, do not apologize; it becomes your genetics and history. We hold all of your screwballs accountable for this and especially our health and decline. Same? Vietnam War? You act like you want to hire us and make us some crazy desperate bitch! It is you. If you have something to say, write it down idiot. Is this what all of you have become; felons, guerrillas, clandestine, rogues, clones, etc... This is what you were born on earth for? This is your mission in life? God is not on your side and hates you; you want to hire us? You want Asian money, confluence, and power?

Weak, Stupid, Starving in America, War: Now I have to deal with PR and blacks all day long you MF. We are up to 1.6 billion dollars in damages and most people do not even feel that is enough; but there is no end to this and it keeps raising its head. It has to be your genetics or IQ. Tough? We are powerless to evil and crime, thieves? You all are cunning, evil, mean, and for real? We do not want to be hired and do our own thing. We have our own life and mission. We do not like the blacks, liberals, or the left wing. We do not like your money or how evil you people are. What the hell is wrong with you and why do you keep connecting Vietnam-Communism; Asians-Liberals; Democrats-Money; and this utter mess? Go away and stay away; do not come back for a job or nickel and dime opportunities of Bernie Maddoff. It has to be your genetics and inability to go one day unmanageable or obsessed with being God. Read the part on God and hurricane-earthquake duty; you all are obsessed with us and we hate your guts. Won't you all die? Oh we are being put in prison camps now? We get abused by the police and retaliation? Keep dreaming and making it up. Prison is a great place for all of you; is this how you live life and exist in hell? Tough and evil? You do know we are Christians and anti-communists; don't you? Brainwash us into a being a little weak person; why? I run this and satellite warfare forces; can't you read yet? STOP USING OTHERS AS YOUR VOICE WILL YOU; SAY IT OR WRITE IT DOWN. We Love Retards, Want to F Silverback, Love Smelly Homeless People, and Want to Work Together or Go Toe-Toe! They are so powerful and disgusting; oh go away and behave!

Dear Ann Coulter - If They Die: Look, I have cut you off completely. I have ended my subscriptions. I do want you to win. If anything, so I can get paid. A lot of mistakes are being made; you have a 98% negative, nothing. You want this three times more than I do. Maybe if they cannibalize their own; maybe if they commit suicide; maybe if God and his hurricane-earthquake forces unleash the maelstrom of hell on them; maybe if I can finally start up my company; I can pay for my own divorce or buy me a new life. They are trying to dislodge you while you torture them. They do this with me also. They drool day and night; some black and white trash gorilla ape. That is all they do, house me with enemies (mostly blacks) by arresting me or kidnapping me; then keep this terrorist dialogue back and forth while Limbaugh pulls off a satellite warfare theft and is destroyed and tortured in the fight. So maybe if they die; cannibalize their own; jump off a cliff; etc... maybe you will have the marriage and romance you have dreamed about since I met you 23 years ago. You should have stuck that fat slob and scared the hell out of his wife and kids; he has destroyed your life and all hopes of you marrying. Like the war on cigarettes; they are enthusiastic about pot. Pray more of them die and more of them are kicked out and evicted by summer; it is our only hope and our honor on the line. I want to see them tortured and sent to their death in this lifetime for what they have done; a 10,000 count indictment is right there if they need an explanation. You wait so long to cut their throats or spend so long in torturing the measly stalker and they drool even more.

Do Not Fear or Hesitate To Cut Their Throat: You should have cut the throat of that fat bastard yourself Ann; seriously, get real; happy warrior my ass. I dumped you 3 times in 23 years; but we always made up and it got much better. You are still fighting me about torturing them and how you have more staying power than all of them; I agree. But I need a girl now and I need to start living a normal life Ann. You are booked until next year and see no end. I have satellites to build for the FBI to F this pest and left wing war up. You are aiding them. I can make all of them suffer by shutting them down and them writing to earthquake-hurricane central to finish them off. Why are my strategies paralyzed? Why are they winning? Where is my 1.6 billion in damages? Where are my books? I need capital and a normal life to make all of that happen; is it? Why are you reading this right now? I will marry you if you stick each and everyone of them; in the gut and for God and country! Ha, it is a fantasy that will never come true. I see them in pain and tortured; but this is chump levels. I need pro levels and biggie fries; super-size it!

Dear Rush and Communist Forces Global, That Is How the Office of Hurricane and Earthquakes Do It: God can shut you up, push you to the gates of hell, and make you beg like the punk ass you are. It causes your brain to think obsessively about what you are and what you are doing. It causes you to do the right thing. It tortures you to laugh at your comrades. A communist psychopath can be tortured and taught manners much the same as a cat or a dog; by midnight and no surprises. Their brain now is always thinking about the truth and never about crime or injuring people who are treasures and loved. They starve but when the ground shakes; they shut up, go into hiding, and run like hell. We can look at the numbers; 100,000 attacks a year can be depleted down to 5 if they are lucky. We can even make them a three strikes candidates if we get mean with this F'er. God has spoken and God has tortured them. They are not in control and not God. If they think and feel they are; the challenge is there for them to hit and miss again. Every detail of their movement and actions is known and when it comes to game time; that cat is done by midnight. I hope they know how to shut up, go away, and stop attacking people with crime and evil. Now was that as good for them as it was for us? Good, they owe 1.6 billion and I intend on collecting one way or the other. Maybe in the end it was a bad dream; but that is how we teach a punk ass manners and respect for the laws and human beings. Can they brag about this or any of it? Then get the hell out of our world or else we will not be so nice next time. Consider it an eviction and the future. Go back home, evil and crime is powerless now. Let's double the humiliation and force; is that what we need for an indictment and an end to this deadline? The more they wait, the worse it gets. Keep trying and keep messing it up more.

Dear Rush Limbaugh - Had Enough: Rush, you and your radical communist gorillas, criminal gangs, and communist negro revolutionaries think you can wage war, kidnap us, stalk and slobber all over us, and make the craziest claims or actions; then when you had enough or cannot get anything, walk away? Your communist and evil guerrillas just want to walk away admiring us and begging we don't open up? It is not your fault and you are not accountable? Your punk ass does not want to pay 1.6 billion and keep insisting we are on our death bed while you sit next to your fireplaces? I am in the same boat and being criticized for being weak or a failure? I am the same and not royalty or come from a different bloodline? How wrong you are even in defeat and total destruction. That is who you kidnapped and attacked! Feel stupid yet? You radicals and communist have missed the bus and the entire revolution Rush; get real.

Justice and America - Crime in America: You can disagree with people and voice your political opinions. However, you cannot rob others, violate their rights, wage war on them for over 20 years, do terror plots and 911 as a marketing scam, and 10,000 other felonies including murder. Understand you punk ass? Nobody is criticizing or debating you on this; you are. We are on the verge of war and retaliation; waiting for the indictment. We will finish your forces off and bring you to justice dead or alive! I promise you and your forces will be liquidated and will pay the damages. Who has the advantage? Who will win this one?

1.6 Billion in Damages What the Problem Is: The problem are these losers who attend fund raisers, dinners, and so forth and get such a long record; it is difficult to remove them even if a 10,000 count felony indictment is on them. In the case of the Limbaugh family or the Hannity stalker case; it is how they drool over others. In our minds they do not even exist or ever have. So they call and they watch us; putting little bits and nibbles out there. Once caught and trapped; they refuse to stop, leave, or end this war. All they do is drool over people. Look at Limbaugh's strategy of not attending, party leader, leader of the world, etc... does it sound like a real male figure or royalty? What did he get caught doing? Why did we implicate him and catch him for 911? He is mimicking every single move we make while stealing anything we acquire; take over. He is using radical blacks and Puerto Ricans to get this in a circular firing squad; we shoot our own. Therefore, the communist are not trying to be friends, they are clever thieves. The blacks are the same way and so are the Al Queda forces we detected early. They are housing competitors to infiltrate or target; a spy and psychopath rolled into one nice presentable package. Look at the time and effort, daily our hourly; they put in. Would you walk away when you put 24 hours into a target 365 days for 23 years? Look at the torture they underwent and are going through; who on earth can withstand it? We are literally on diaper patrol and all they do is drool over other people and choose competitors while unifying and saying we are the negative people or causing trouble. This is why the false police reports and why the documents read the way they do. You get one of these bastards and silverbacks in your life and it will be paralyzed and a complete total mess. Everything they touch is a complete mess or never turns out right; everything. It is their genetics and their IQ; obsessed with our life and sex life and women reproduction or contraception; a psychopathic stalker is thinking about sex or how to seek affection? Is this about sex or 85% uneducated, 65% single parent homes, 55% felony conviction record, 92% born into poverty, and 75% have tried hardcore narcotics? Are they all on drugs or just crazy?

Dear Erica J - if you are one of the insane bitches behind this or on the internet pretending you are 20; for a 70 year old granny in menopause; you rubbing it online or imposing your green slime on another male is plain disgusting! Can you relay that up your chain of command yeast lady? This is the junk they are ready and from a total loon and madwoman. This sounds like my ex girlfriend Linda and her mom; always reading these romance books. Are they copying them also or her? You have a war on cigarettes and are enthusiastic about legalizing dope or getting high?

Piecing Together the Murder Case of Master Pimp Breitbart the Hedonistic Drunk:

Breaking News - Autopsy Report Waiting: It was my belief Andrew Breitbart, based on information that swirled around his life, died of a suicide. He was overcome with guilt. He did not live an honest life and he was behind the prostitution of Ann Coulter. He was facing pressure from the FBI for his infidelity. He introduced Ann Coulter to drug dealers in Hollywood who could and would score anything imaginable. He paraded Ann almost like a mistress while living a double life. I was not told who exactly he was having an affair with (s) but he was a troubled man who spent his days in bars and with strangers. His wife will probably become a victim of his Hollywood machinery and labor union tactics. Suzi Breitbart will probably slip into oblivion and prostitution. His friends will abandon him fearing for their life or to be implicated in his underworld, blackmail, and labor union tactics. His kids will probably grow up to be Hollywood communists due in part to their hatred for their father and the cloud of suspicion he left behind. When they read about the life story of Ann Coulter, knowing the FBI was close to taking them down, there were photos of him during his wild years, and the risk of blackmail and total destruction; he would have been less than a Hollywood communist and a big name in the connection with Barbara Gold, 911, and this buffoon Maher (along with the parties, drinking, free rides, incredulous pictures, and the hedonistic life of Ann Coulter). In the end, Andrew Breitbart was overcome with guilt and he did not get a piece of ass from Ann Coulter; but we will never know either because those guilty have a code of silence.

Hollywood Labor Union and Goons: Asking For Public Assistance and Help: If you are the woman or women Breitbart has been having an affair with or whom the FBI has been keeping under watch or photographing; please come forward and tell your story. He was behind the pimping of Ann and numerous VIP downfalls. He was a facilitator in Hollywood who weaved a web of deception and was in the sights of the FBI for a long time. My informant and source says he was being blackmailed by the FBI so this may be a suicide; sudden. Please come forward with any information and defend his honor, reputation, and family; please. My FBI source says he is the person who destroyed Ann Coulter and I have cut Ann off already. She has ran out of time and friends; yet she is pulling more men into this mess and I am fed up and sick of this. Please defend the life and honor of Andrew Breitbart as I was told he was in a sting and under FBI surveillance. Was he the scumbag I was informed of; behind all of these attacks and stalking?

Dear Ann Coulter: If more of them die and your name clears up; I might let you watch me and my new wife have sex! Or I might keep you as a mistress. Only the future knows but cross your fingers. Why don't you buy some female friends and let females cleanse your suspicious and impropriety full life now? Stupid? It seems like all of you are up to no good wherever I turn. Was it Breitbart behind the DC-VA connection in 1998 and the flight to LA? If so the scumbag did himself in finally! You radicals and communist have missed the bus and the entire revolution Rush; get real.

For the Record and the History of the Vietnam War-Cold War: we have recorded the last battles and words of the same forces and people who not only sabotaged the cold war but caused the defeat in Vietnam in the final hours. It was their political machinery and a racketeering scam. Behind it were the Jews, blacks, and liberals; who in America used their voting power or protest power to criticize and impact the outcomes. This is who they were and who they are today. They claim we are powerless to evil and crime; thus, they attack 24 hours and for 23 years; trying to set borders or stalk us in a political dance nobody can escape. These saboteurs and spies are trapped, we have cornered them; they feel their political machinery will be victorious. For the record, the Vietnam War was lost due to political domination by the communist and we have set the record straight and taught them a final lesson. We have officially rewritten the history of Vietnam, CIA, Pentagon, Special Forces, politics, and the future; this is our story now. This is our history and how the War ended; the cold war also. They did not rewrite it. The have nots and communists are now the haves.

How This Ended For the Communist and Their Civil War: They remain in hiding and fear total annihilation-manipulation. They used immigration, citizenry and freedom as a means to usurp, criticize, sabotage, and criticize the cold war or the war on communism; a unification and political problem. Had the Vietnam War been about Jews or blacks; they would rewrite history; but it was not and they are the problem. The gap is huge between the two sides. For the record, we have recorded their last and final battles on American soil; guilty of 911 and trying to put us on a road of doom. We missed every single turn due to their actions, false arrest, misuse of power, and criminal evil. They claim we are inferior and are being dominated; powerless to their evil and attacks. The results indicate a different result and a final attempt on their part to rewrite the ending. This is whom is behind the communist victory in Vietnam and so many soldiers dying or painted in a very negative manner. They are 200% guilty but demand we leave if we wish to leave; stay and face the ultimate consequence. We have defeated their political machinery once and for all and they are suffocating from failure. They refuse to acknowledge a total loss or a total surrender. They came back for a final showdown and here we are now. Keep in mind, the liberals are bankrupt and the debt is supporting the communist thrust; the modern "have" and the "have nots." It is clear they are not the have and never have been; in last place across the boards. Yet it is edging on the 24th year of this.

"Russian intelligence will continue to operate in the US trying to use whatever means available, in Europe and elsewhere, to play these countries against the United States, and to take advantage of the differences between the United States and others for the benefit of Russia. And this is what the spying business is now all about. No more ideology but competitiveness, the Russian desire to emerge from economic and social crisis as a superpower again. Russian intelligence will be as active or even more active than before." - KGB General, Oleg Kalugin -

Andrew Breitbart - Dear Ann Coulter: Ann, why don't you go and marry Mrs. Breitbart since you all are so close and secretive? "I wouldn't have met these people had it not been for Andrew Breitbart." Go and marry his wife and you can have a respectable family or marriage finally! Breitbart is behind Maher, Drudge, Gutless, Gilleapie, and these skiiers? Does his wife know you were so close to him? Was this another one of your "fantasy" adultery lessons on what can happen if you fantasize or try to have sex with Ann Coulter? I take it he is behind you being raped, groped, Free Republic, Mr. Cocaine, and the keys to the city of Los Angeles and the communists nincompoops in my life now? Get your brothers to clean up your mess or your friends; they made a disaster and you are a train wreck now; go drinking and to dinner, it will make it better! You should have stuck the SOB or their family; maybe they will learn something and you may regain your life back? Don't get me in this crap ever again. I just want my money or what you owe me; that is all. Do what you want from here on; even date Bill Maher I hear he is really horny and will pay for dinner!

Dear Family of Andrew Breitbart: My FBI contact tells me he is a big name in the Hollywood communist plot and 911. Additionally, the FBI had 40 pages of lies and falsehoods spun by that dirtbag Breitbart. He was a daunting adulterer, drug addict, and he lied; the worst sinner out there. I hope Ann Coulter learns a lesson about trusting her close friends and how dirt awful they truly are. My FBI contact says they spit on his grave and hope his kids perish and do not have a chance on earth. One of Breitbarts Hollywood contact has been feeding me pictures of Ann and they want a sex tape or some erotic pictures; hence, those seethy LA hot nights. This guy was a dirtbag and a peeping tom. I suspect Limbaugh's forces (blacks) took him out because he was weak and the web; they covered up their tracks. His forces have been passing me pictures (nasty and embargoing) of Ann's private life and partying habits; hookups. It is some kind of CIA deep throat impersonator.

Dear Ann Coulter - It is Obvious: Clearly your race and your own people have betrayed you. Yet you place this burden on me. Similar to the Vietnam War, my race and people betrayed me; but I learned. Their intention is not to help you or spread propaganda about you; their intention is to kill you for what you have done to them. Myself, I am stuck in a duel with a chicken phony who expects me to fear them because of insane criticism or brainwashing methods the CIA have not even seen. I want to make a movie about our life and this enemy; to depict who they are and what they portray us as. Whatever the case, I have given you a deadline and you have failed again; all talk and no action; a carbon copy of them. Clearly, your race and your people are nothing more than enemies to America. There is your research on the Vietnam War and everything I have taught you about it. As Col. Harry Summers said repeatedly, it came down to politics. They had everybody fooled and we had them also! If you do not want to retire, than stay and find a new partner. Done. You owe me money and I expect you to pay me eventually. Go back to your "boyfriends" they are begging and are destroyed; you are their angel and saving grace. Without you they will loose everything!

Dear Ann Coulter - Contact Me and I Will Rip Your Head Off: You need to move on Ann. I am being sent pictures of you. I just got a video of you in California with your bodyguard. You just bought a house out there. Ask Bill Maher or men you travel with, brutes you go to dinner and drinking with; to decorate your life. You are pulling me in this and I am furious. You are going to get your bodyguard in major trouble with me; and you did it again. Understand? You have your choice and that is to give me my share of the money and stop pulling these men into your train wreck; as I have been. I gave you a warning a long time ago, one more incident from you... what is it now... 30? Do you need to be fired again? How about a Congressional Medal of Honor? You need to move on and you can't be traveling with men, staying with men, drinking with men, etc... at age gradma 50; and expect to have a happy marriage. Understand? You are certifiably insane and nuts; always have been. You are the meanest and cruelest human being I have ever encountered; worse than those guilty. You have all those men and you want to drag in more; what threesomes or foursomes not enough for you? Not erotic enough for dinners? Take your sorority girl act somewhere else will you; you are 50 years old and I have to constantly remind you? To fix your drunken lies, you drink more; genius. I warned you about your bodyguard a long time ago; you even said this at CPAC 2012. You are a dirtbag and the worst form I have seen yet. If you travel with men, dine with them, house them, buy them things, etc... what do you need me for, give me my F'in money!

Give Me Back My Money Bernie Maddoff: Let me tell you how intelligent you truly are. Your bodyguard is causing you a divorce. He gets paid and you are the worst person I have ever met and the biggest mistake I have made in my life; and I am a master strategist. At least pay me will you! He wrecked your marriage and I saved it. They all got paid and I did not get one red cent. Does that sound like Bernie Maddoff or a cruel New York nutcase who is all talk? It is past the deadline, you contact me again and I will rip your head off, am I clear? I only want my money back; be a swinger if you want or get coked up and drunk. I obviously was swindled in this and had no idea what I was getting into. I missed so many opportunities Ann, because of you. Olympia Snow called you a bitch, explain that one.

03/02/2012 Dear Rush Limbaugh: Rush is laughing. Rush has been attacking Ann Coulter all week; they caused this. Karma is on them also. What is he laughing at? First, he is using a 30 year old female to anger Ann Coulter or me because they are kidnappers and try to act like parents or seek total control over life. He laughs and is angry because he says I used Ann to make them scared of me while I said nothing or few words. That is true and I plead guilty. However, understand Ann is after a 10,000 count indictment on them and so am I; they need to be scared if not already. Then he bursts out laughing with the goods. He hints that he "would be laughed out of the room" because if hurricane and earthquake feces hit the blacks; it makes them disgusting and angry. They knock on each others door and enjoy playing in their own turd. The unity would collapse overnight and it is their worst nightmare. In other words, the black community is the communist forces Achilles. It is the thrust of communism and violence on us; but if the God if hurricane-earthquake hit them; something happens where he will be laughed out of the room. So Rush does finally fill in the golden rules as I asked. If the 10,000 count indictment is ever delivered; I expect God to unleash hell on their forces by midnight that day and thereafter until their forces are in shambles and completely destroyed. That is how much trouble they are in yet Limbaugh says they are not scared of me; I need to be scared of him and this goes on in the 24th year; I am expecting this stalemate. Again, they want to say they are dominant and superior, I am feeble and helpless, they are in charge and the boss, and we or I need to fear them or else another year of this brainwashing, kidnapping, and war. A megaton of God or winds of 10 megatons will make any human shit in their pants; but not them or their black forces, they are superior. The force is with us and the empire has struck! He is laughing at how he looks when his fixes(PR and black) are hit by natural disasters; they are the smelliest, stupidest, nastiest, laziest, etc... F'ers you have ever seen on earth.

Rush, we are not obsessed with controlling people, spying on them, stalking them, terrorism, or hurricane and earthquake strikes on our forces. You are. I have given this to you and the way God does business; go for it entrepreneur. Your empire against mine. Your God against mine; too scared to meet the challenge? Afraid we will take you out first? You are the ones in love with the blacks and want me to pay for them or fear them; not Ann Coulter. Ann reversed and made you eat everything you cooked up. @1300 you mentioned how desperate the Democrats are and how you are being silenced for being a critic; 10,000 count indictment is not a critic and the laws will not see you as a menacing critic. Also, your God or your obsession with becoming God gave you a lot of critics and things wrong; agree? You are the communist. You are the one obsessed with us. You are the ones obsessed with becoming God. Not me and not my forces; we recognize God and his power; also his people. You spend all the money you F'ers made in America on being God or becoming communist leaders.

@1425 Dear Rush Limbaugh: yes I have heard your threats, kidney shots, street thugs, heartache threats, etc... what is it 100,000 or 200,000 attacks now after 23 years? I understand you are challenging me to a duel and I have no choice; you are the critic. You have invaded my home, falsely arrested me, and made my life a shamble and mess. You have a 10,000 count indictment and are not even the least bit concerned; only making death threats on the radio at us or scorning us about how we should feel or what we need to be saying. Been there and done that; take your best shot, it is the 24th year of this and I am so sick of it I am ready to wipe out all of your forces; all of them. I have written to the office of hurricane and earthquakes; you should fear us. You are a spy. You are a psycho. You are a terrorist and 911 plotter. You have pissed your life away and it has not affected you one bit. Nothing has changed and this is just who you are. You cannot be that good. Most people after 1 or 2 years can see themselves.

Diaper Patrol and Party: How about throwing their asses out by summer? Is that too much to ask? They are hitting hard and furious now with the bed bugs and I got rashes; they need potty lessons; by summer please. Throw em all out and make sure they never reach this level again or ever get access. We do have a life and I do have things to do and goals to meet. It would be nice.

Dear Ann, in case you are also battling Rush Limbaugh's security or his neighbors; he is known to throw wild parties. A news agency said you and Drudge used to hang out all the time at him home and they said when you went drinking in Palm Beach, your tag-alongs are very loud. I do not know how much of it is true; but you are an idiot and worse you let yourself become a victim or get in this position. Even I am cleaning up your mess on Facebook, Townhall is parading as you on there. I wish your family would get off their ass and clean up some of your mess. You did not meet the deadline nor gave me an answer, yes or no. Maybe CIA or the SEALs need to watch "Uncommon Valor" again with you and explain?

Acting Under a False Pretense: If the FBI decides to indict you for the slightest impropriety; anybody in politics or connected to this plot will be charged with acting under a false pretense unless there is written proof or something which clears you. Even Ann Coulter is guilty of acting under a false pretense, but she has also lost the most and turned in all of these suspects; she is in the most danger of them all. Those who were caught lying over and over; Limbaugh, Hannity, false police reports, Fox News, Townhall, CPAC, MRC, etc... all are guilty of acting under a false pretense and failure to report a crime. It comes down to the ending and the result; pick a side.

Dear FBI HQ and Authorities: Letters sent to FBI HQ on 3/1/2012:

On 3/1/2012 @ 1314 Limbaugh said his strategy is to "resist" and it is no longer attack. The damage is done and he is trying to impact my retirement or early retirement plans. They have forced me into retirement and I will accept it but it comes down to 1.6 billion in damages. People do not retire at age 42 and with this many people behind them or students. How in hell did it get like this or retirement so early? I have already prepared for this and being an open target; no thanks to Limbaugh and communist forces resisting now on this end; not attacking or meddling in everything. His policy is only to resist now, not terrorism and 911. Torture cures everything and they do not feel enough is enough. This is their future and strategy now; a life plan up in smoke already.

Under their "resistance" and tactics of the past 23 years; our health diminished, our morale diminished, our lifestyle diminished, we failed to hit goals and achieve this ending, our life is behind by 23 years, and every aspect and opportunity in life was missed because they feel we are partners and they are customers. This resistance or control improved in 2008; and watching them suffer, get tortured, thrown out, evicted, and God unleashing hell on their no damned good existence; brings so much joy and happiness to our life. The ultimate justice is the death penalty and to see this rotten SOB suffer so much before they perish or get the death penalty; is why people do this for a living. It is euphoric to watch this ending and them trying to resist or come up with an answer to their evil and crime. Regardless, they refuse to pay the bounty or the damages which had to be capped at 1.6 billion; instead they are obsessed with our sex life and women reproduction or contraception; a psychopathic stalker is thinking about sex or how to seek affection? Is this about sex or 85% uneducated, 65% single parent homes, 55% felony conviction record, 92% born into poverty, and 75% have tried hardcore narcotics?

Dear Ann Coulter: So you know, someone (Townhall perhaps) is throwing propaganda and negative stuff all over facebook and their pages of you is not even verified. They blocked me from commenting on their false, negative, or propaganda. Most of the women on there are trying to rewrite your life or cover up a conspiracy; on facebook, which means it traces to whom is behind this. You also hit the deadline and a deadline is a deadline, sorry no excuses. It is about an obsession with your female ex habits and adulterous affairs which seem to have no sex.

Dear Rush Limbaugh - Torture Cures Everything: Keep in mind we are civilized people and not on a battlefield. However, had we been at war and if this was a formal war; let me be the first to inform you that torture cures everything. You keep attacking our forces, holding them hostage, or playing this hide and seek game; you may get a doctor call. Luckily for you; I am not on diaper patrol and I have other things in mind than to torture a little whiny bitch like you or your communist forces (JB or here now). You all may be no damn good and we may be powerless to your evil and crime; but imagine if we were not and had the ability to make you shit on command! How happy we would be right now.

Andrew Breitbard 03/01/2012: Never Forget, never! Strength, Honor, Truth, and Death From Above.

Online Web Sites and Organizations: are nothing more than a scam or conspiracy to put out propaganda, bias, or information in favor of the communist and those no damn good; clearly. The people at Townhall are total phonies; a coverup and moles. I just ran into them on facebook and they are totally corrupt and using celebrity power to bombard more propaganda. Shut this moles down and throw them out; security get on it now! They want a war, give it to them and in the worst way possible; trying to keep the "unity" and avoid the 10,000 count indictment. The question is why Ann's worthless family does not crack down on this or allows it. The question is who they think they are and why are they scamming people's family! This is almost like telling people you are their parents, sister, or husband; and you are not and a communist mole or spy doing an assassination. Even worse, they expect people to take it or put up with their scams; as they crash and burn. It is Townhall also! You cannot pretend to be parents of children on facebook, etc... that is a crime! The propaganda machine is lurking!

Too Tough or Too Sophisticated and Educated? Rush, you and your communist Negro forces continue to bombard us with this insane notion we are Jews. Therefore, we are too sophisticated and pretty for your communist attacks or tricks. Furthermore, you continue this insane marketing or scam about how we need you to do our dirty work when we can take care of your forces rather handily. The moment it rains, the moment you hear thunder, the image of a mushroom cloud, or the slightest barometer change; you shit in your horseshoe pants and crap silently in your home. You also feel we lack socialization skills because you are so street tough and cunning; we cannot exist or get along in America; mere targets of your reckless horde of "shit in your pants again" Negroes and Jewish business bosses. The truth is we can teach you tonight and you avoid it because you know your part rather well now; but after you crapped in your pants so many times, false calls by the way; you have some inkling of pride. We are so weak to your evil. We cannot fight like you all. We are powerless while you attack and rob us day and night. When was the last time you checked your evaluation and your pants? You are past the deadline so there is no retesting; only death and surrender separates you from this world here on. We want to be your officers, join your ranks, and recruit or draft you? Job?

Their Soldiers and Ours? What Was All This War For? We know about 911 and all of these wars. Your cockroach and guerrilla forces want to prove you got what it takes and are fearless? Yeah okay, we are so weak and powerless to your cunning evil and crime; want an earthquake? Want to flunk your evaluation? Take a hard look at the ending and the start. By the way, if you did not crap in your pants; you are a straight up liar and we can test this over and over again. We are too cultured, too sophisticated, too educated, too pretty, too royal, too American, too religious or good, too perfect to win anything in life? Who lost everything and what does that evaluation say? Have you read it or understood it yet you jackass moron? Who is starving in America and soon to be eradicated by hurricane and earthquake forces? False call? God hates you and you are not tough at all, want to crap in your pants tonight? The tough guy act or we want to be your military, police, and officers (leaders) is completely insane and crap. Yeah, look at it now; getting thrown out of the military, gangs, police force, jobs, homes, etc...

You F'ers are infesting and polluting the Republican and right wing. Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin, Fox News, CPAC, etc... this is a racketeering scam and communism trying to taint the water well. To think you are the doorman or gatekeeper is the most obnoxious crap I have seen; stacking the right wing more with this 911 and terrorism crap. We kill all of you; not only the terrorists. You tell us after this evaluation, how we get rid of you and end this peacefully? You face a 10,000 count indictment and military retaliation, why are you all sticking around telling pathological lies? Tough? Too big to fail? Under the radar? Death Sentence? Your intentions? Here we are now and the US government is completely corrupt and feeble, do they know this? Yes we are vulnerable to evil and crime also. All we can do is make them suffer, rip them to pieces, and have them crap on command or randomly. How tough are they?

Seein You All Suffer, Tortured, and Ripped to Pieces: Dear Rush, I have to admit that seeing your forces starve, tortured, brought to your knees, ripped apart by our best and brightest; seeing gunships and military power on such a scale eviscerate and rip your communist and god damn forces to maggot piles of feces; has brought so much joy and happiness to my life. There is nothing you can do; or did, which will ever compare to the joy and delight of watching your N maggot ass pay for the evil and suffering you have caused. I mean that from the bottom of my heart and I am sure others who have been here and done that; been your victims, know what I am talking about. To see your evil and forces of communism and crime suffer so much and tortured before being ripped into pieces; that is euphoria! War with you all is better than marriage. It is better than having a child. It is better than being a millionaire. Yet I have so much more and this is only the beginning of it.

Dear Rush Limbaugh, Unify the Party? You mean you use dirty Negroes and African immigrants who don't wash their ass or consider hygiene important to launch wave after wave of dirty negro tricks; bunions, health problems, bugs, bed bugs, sanitation, work place disgust, etc... to reduce or acclimate us to your shanty African plight or this new bride fresh off the boat and in negro unity? I have complained about your dirty tricks and bombarding us with one expense after the next in order to create sympathy and a disgusting negro we are supposed to love and respect. Is this what you also mean when you say a blackade and unification? Is this why we caught you and your dirty negro lazy ass trying to mess up everything in our life? Clearly your genetics have to be evaluated and is undergoing evaluation in hurricane-earthquake headquarters. Hopefully, they will kill all of your forces and the cost far exceeds what you put into this or got out of it. Write it down; now who is that; us or them? The Asians are a dirty negro living in shantytowns while their American brothers are lazy and newcomers? Yeah okay, 1.6 billion in damages and that does not take into account retaliation by the military. Obama and his negroes were a tremendous help in ending or solving this case. You all got busted for 911 also; and more! As I said, you all are repugnant dirty N's who need to be taught a lesson.

Why Are You Weak on Crime - Clearly It Is Your Genetics: Dear Rush Limbaugh, clearly you represent evil people and it is your genetic pool. Furthermore, you seek after 23 years to rewrite our life and steal our genetics, what Ann Coulter says is Jesus level. Even now you still try to rewrite our story and life; trying harder to facilitate your evil, troubled, and trash heap of sick people. You all still think you are worthy and no matter what the intention, good or bad; you continue to rewrite our life and facilitate your troubled, sick, and evil politics. It comes down to your gene pool and genetics; evil. Your forces are starving in America for a good reason and you lost all of this, what you call a death sentence; on two people you claim to love or like. It helps if they respect you or care about you; but that is what hurricane and earthquake forces are hear to determine. Whether or not you are fit enough to live or your genetic must be rewritten; I can also isolate the gene if you must know. You and your forces have become the devil himself, no matter what the intention; good or bad. You have not stolen anybody's genetics; only sentenced people to damnation. Still trying to steal our genetics and rewrite the story of life! This is why you are evil and weak on crime.

Dear Rush Limbaugh - In The Past 23 Years: It has been 23 years and in that 23 years, I do not think there was one day that has passed where you did not rewrite this, try to mess things up, or tinker with some aspect of our life. Furthermore, you are using the blacks and the Puerto Ricans now to rewrite the ending; which is redefining who the Jews and the left wing is in America. Therefore, you are still messing up our life and still trying to rewrite this; not a day goes by where something does not happen; this has been how it was for 23 years. Everything you touch you screw up and the Jews use the blacks, communists, liberals, Democrats, and immigrants to rewrite their story in America. Did it work? Has it worked? Look at this ending and what it takes; still trying to rewrite it and you don't have a chance in hell. People do not even know what kind of a madman and lunatic you all are, truly. All of you still think you are in charge and this has not ended; you just have nothing to offer but a human pile of trash, crime, and communism.

Dear Rush Limbaugh - A Really Close Call: Boy that was a close one wasn't it Rush? They almost stole everything and taken over; plus would have taken us out. Furthermore, Fox News would have wrecked the life of Ann Coulter, so would have CPAC and her financiers. Additionally, they would have kidnapped me and kept me from or stolen all of my friends; then sent in their people and rewrote this story. Had Fox News allowed Sean Hannity to kidnap or rape Ann; Lisa Dee would have covered it up for the Kennedy and Clinton Families; but this was not about Ann; it was about my family and the Bush family. Who is the leader of the cold war and whose side are they on? It is not about communism at all and was a really close call. They struck us at home, kept the pressure on, and had us guessing. Was that not a close call or what? I'm glad it is all over now and we can go back to being partners, family, and leaders of this world. All along it was about satellites, paranoia, and what we knew or did not know about who they are! I'm glad we deployed police satellites and saved America and the world from a hostile takeover. I am glad Obama stopped the radicals from selling blacks and scamming us more into this black hole. I am glad the Democrats were on watch and on duty to make sure the Republicans did not try this! Imagine what kind of world we would be living in now had this not been detected and stopped. They all got away and its still up for grabs; no winner yet.

The Masters of High Tech and the Boss of All Employees In America: I have to say Rush, you communist, liberals, New Yorkers, and masters of crime are the bosses of all high tech industry and business in America. Good thing Obama was in charge or else you all would have sold us the blacks or sold us to the blacks. Whatever the case I am so glad and fortunate you all are on duty and in charge! You guys must be in charge of the world also; and all Americanization and high technology growth. I am glad I am buddies with my black brothers and my old powerful well connected military buddies.

Dear Rush Limbaugh and His Negro Summit: You have proven what we already know as reality, offensive, or common sense. Yet you still insist it is your money. You still insist you are our parents. You continue to claim you are customers. All of that is total lies; what you are is a stalker and one deranged MF madman; a complete psychopath who owes us 1.6 billion; your employers and financiers owes the victims of your bomb plots and terror plots 10 billion is their stocks and assets. Had enough? I am trying to leave and retire from this industry; there is nothing left to consequent or claim champion to; agree? You are looking at the world's champion and the victor; now pay up "customer." Ann loves this industry and has the pictures to prove it; so she must love you all more; keep her and this train wreck. Oh yeah, they are in charge and the leaders!

Double the Pressure, Run the Clock Down, Starve Them! They continue this blockade, now a full court press, and trying to run the clock down even further; down to the skeleton! They feel security in numbers gives them this advantage of sharing and is the power behind communism; why we must sign up or surrender now. Before it was how poor do we get before we love them and accept a black bride; so business like and a champoon. How disgusting does this get and how repugnant do these people become? Look at them now and what their soul is like; or inside. If you want to see and read about a real psychopath and madman; this is it. Power, freedom, drugs, crime, and money has gotten to their head in a big way!

What America and Ann Coulter Has Become? These people think they are so business and the world is in their hands. Then they pull these crazy stunts or create this black hole we all get pulled into. Now they come wandering in from the cold as if they don't have a hair out of place or God is on their side. I am getting it from all sides now; not just the left wing, liberals, New York migrants, or this money-greed problem. Worse, I am tangled up with all of them and they just do not want to tell the truth or go away! Insisting it belongs to the people or how their life is so business like and civil; it is time to eradicate this corruption and evil once and for all. This was about a female and some business woman; now it is about taking it from all sides. Who to blame? The Jews and the Blacks for trying to sell each other to us and refusing to stop. The 911 sales pitch did not work; but almost did! What they will do for love, business, money, and power! Even Ann Coulter now has a hedonistic life and she trudges in with all of them; expecting the best in life.

Dear Rush Limbaugh and His Communist Forces + Negro Summit: We know you all are no damn good. We know we are sitting ducks and have a bulls-eye. We know we are powerless to your crime and the justice system are all bleeding heart liberals. We know you all usurp and overthrow the government and laws; now pay up the 1.6 billion and stop this guilt and exoneration problem. We also know you are left wing, no damn good, starving in America, trying to re-unify, and take over. There is a 10,000 count indictment on you and I want to see each and everyone of you die; by my actions and supreme laws. Admit you are 200% guilty, gutless, and no damn good. You do not want to be exonerated?

There Are Four Black Holes Pulling Everything In: Ann your black hole is pulling me deeper and I have my own black hole; yours is canceling mine out and vice versatile. It was their trap and their black hole that caused all of this. That is why I cannot get any results or achieve any goals. This relationship or love of yours is pulling me into your black hole. Theirs was a kidnapping and abduction, espionage and robbery.

Facebook or Social Media Challenge: Easily, they could have wrote to me on facebook, email, or some social media I was part of. So far they did not show up and use Ann Coulter instead as the key to my residence and life. It goes back and forth. I could have given them a yes or no in less than 2 seconds, it has been over 20 years of this. Instead, they come back and repeat the same things, "What do you expect us to do?" Do they or must they find out? Ann is also being shut out of facebook and other social media sites by me. They cling on to us like crazy!

Guilt and Exoneration: Let the record show and indicate their guilt and their silence or complete unwillingness to exonerate either those innocent or their victims; those they inflicted or impacted with this evil or attacks. Guilt is one thing; a willing and malice to block exoneration is pure selfish evil. They follow Ann and Ann follows them. Like a little girl hungry for love and affection Ann, you do everything except the right things.

The Real Story Is? Everybody is trying to get rid of them and for legitimate and healthy reasons. They grow worse and worse; begging, stealing, kidnapping, and feeling more powerful and in charge. The truth is their lies are running out and they are becoming more trapped. They do not want war. They will loose badly at war. But they wage war and murder on others. All to share life. All to steal or rob us. All to avoid a 10,000 count indictment that will guarantee they either face internment or severe military retaliation. Is that too real for them or do we have to sue them? Is that enough legal reasons to throw them out and make sure they never beg, lie, or steal in our life again? Is that enough love for them to substantiate this so called marriage and ritual to make babies with the best in this world? Is that enough to substantiate and prove to them they are a separate species and everybody is trying to oppress them or get rid of them? Well then they are living in a whole entire other world and they can now kiss our ass! They face and will continue to face war, hell unleashed for what they have done. Asian money? No Asian money for losers! The Asians need to lynch them and maybe this will stop and force them to put the brakes on. The whites they would never do this on; the Asians they have and would. But when they get lynched; they only have few options before we finish them off for a 10,000 count felony indictment. Is that clear enough for this retard and jackass? Maybe they are more tough than we give them credit for? They are definitely not smarter than we imagined.

Dear Office of Hurricane and Earthquakes: Well, are you going to just sit there and read this or are you going to lynch this lousy SOB who has invaded our lands and our life; taken us hostage and prevented us from life, liberty, and the pursuit of freedoms? You people are a punching bag and deserve to be lynched! Your silence is pathetic and ridiculous! We need to know hourly you are intent and want to win this! We need to know weekly the enemy has not taken you out. We need to know weekly you are still alive and kicking! We need to know your funds have not been cut off. We need to know weekly if anybody has taken you out and are still in this fight.

One of us is a complete jackass retard. One of us is either a genius or completely insane. One of us is royalty, well educated, and the total package. One of us is past the deadline. One of us needs to change the way we do business. Who is who? It is not over yet so it must be up for grabs! Yes, if we copy them; we too get the same jackass and total package problem. Did We Show Them The Way or The Door To Hell and Death? Very Easy, Agree? The USS Rush Limbaugh (Missouri) has been sunk and is belly up from his "divine wind" strategy and utter raving madman insanity. Nothing he did improved his ratings, reputation, or life. Vandalizing my cars did not even get him a cent or any jobs. Firings, evictions, etc... all for nothing and nothing for all. The USS Limbaugh has been sunk along with his filthy negro summit. Silverballs is too proud to admit it or surrender.

1. You want us but we do not want you and hate your guts. One reason why?
2. Offered the keys to your kingdom; offered none to ours. One reason why?
3. How you protect your kingdom and what we need to do. How we protect ours and what you need to do?
4. Your quick way to the kingdom or the gold; our quick way to show you the door or war. One reason why?
5. Death wish and tough? It is now or never, sign? There is only two outcomes, formal war or internment.
6. The quickest way to end this. The quickest way to silence. The quickest way to attack. The quickest way to power. The hard way and the easy way; choose.
7. Dividing line and zero unity; enemy and war. One reason to choose a side?
8. Power? Who leaves? Who gets fired? Who has the money? Who can escape? Who did 911 and why?
9. You were not lying and correct about the death sentence; on both sides.
10. Us and them. Right and left. Black and white. Communist against goods. That is what it comes down to and how this ended. It had to be one of us, too bad it is you this time mole and traitor!

Want It Shaken or Stirred: All of you better shut your trap about how you love us, what you can do for us, how pwerful you are, what we need to do or not, how much this cost or what we owe you, and these drunken lies. The truth is you cannot deliver any of it and your drunken lies have run its full course. Now it is about punishment and being trapped or cornered into a mine field of lies and felonies. Most especially you Ann, you are not respected (98% negative) and still making excuses. Your own drunken lies have run its course and you are less than 7 days until divorce, sworn enemies, and throwing away 23 years of your drunken lies. Stop telling people how much you love us or me; and actually make some change or meet these goals set by SATWAR and hurricane-earthquake duty. I do not need to know how well you treat me, how much you love me, or how you are upset because of me. It is in the history now. If you have any common sense or can defeat your idiot moron genetics; then you will stop telling me about our friendship and love. I am trying to close up and am done with this. Where is the legal team? How do I contact them? You F'ers are all alike and anybody would punch you or scream at you like a retard or an idiot. We do not need to know how much you love us or how retarded you are; etc... That goes for the blacks, PR, left wing, liberals, and the F'in communists. We will crush and destroy you, set by each year that passes the deadline. Nobody respects you and if you can please die; life would be so good!

Yes kill or bomb everybody won't you; protection! I am sure we will reward you with jobs and tribute; sure. I think you have more than lost the account, marriage?
a. You (Chicago and California-DC) have the Asian account and you will stamp out all hate and kill or bomb anybody who messes with us?
b. You have the Japanese and Chinese accounts and control California; can get us a high tech job but if we do not want to be fired... you can get us in only if we become spies, indoctrinated, and communist terrorists?
c. You will die for the Asian account and want to manage our money; its about laptops and Toyotas? Yes the Asians are just barely making it and cannot socialize or get a foot in America!
d. You got an idea to use the soldiers and prisoners of the drug wars to liberate and spread communist-liberal domination?

e. 10,000 felony indictment; we must be dying and love you to death now! What we have no protection and are an open target, a bulls-eye? Correct. When you showing up? We are waiting and set a trap! What a racist nation we live in; KKK, crime, police, etc... look how dangerous America is, we might be kidnapped.
f. Do you want to give us names or do we begin? Such as West, Wasserman, Pelosi, Kennedy, Wilder, NY, etc...

Plotting to Attack: Now or later? 10-30 million per year until surrender to the 10,000 felony indictment; better now or later when you grow stronger and smarter?

The Rules of Engagement in Hurricane and Earthquake Duty:

1. The first strike is the last strike.
2. The enemy (you) never attacks; we attack or put it in neutral.
3. Always keep your enemy far so you can get a better shot.
4. Never ignore a surrender deadline; if so, never offer one again.
5. Keep as many alien friends or diplomats around as you can; in case it is inter-galactic.
6. Always rely on SATWAR for intelligence.
7. Never pick a fight but always end it with one shot.
8. The bigger the bang, the more the dollar.
9. The mole is the one who has changed the mind or position, repeatedly in order to hang on or leech off of us.
10. Stupid pays. Stupid hurts.

Dear Rush Limbaugh and his Communist Forces: you may want to revise your rules. The next shut down will be the Republicans. It is clear they are all guilty as sin and way past the line in the sand. DO NOT STAY IN THIS INDUSTRY UNLESS YOU HAVE AUTHORIZATION! THIS IS A POSTED WARNING AND A TOTAL RECALL HAS BEEN ISSUED.

This Is The Worst Industry and Career I Have Ever Witnessed: I suggest you get out of this industry as soon as you can Ann before you loose everything you worked for, earned, love, or even your life. Those who are 200% guilty; I would suggest you pick up a few pointers from Ann Coulter and leave this industry before you meet the ultimate challenge and victory before your eyes. This is the worst and most corrupt industry in the world; yet the evil ratio is upwards of 98 or 99%. We know it will be a violent end and we are issuing warnings about this profession and the hazards. If hurricane-earthquake forces are taken out; then there is an alien out there and so far; I have not encountered an alien. As far as an indictment and war; a decree of 10-30 million in personnel reduction should start this on the right foot until that evil or corrupt level is manageable. If you are guilty, get out of this industry; there are no rewards left and we set the traps. Ann, you are a very bad and cruel person; at least lead by example and get out before you loose everything; even your soul and humanity. After these security and warning briefs are given; it is at your own risk. You are walking into a trap. You will know each year if hurricane and earthquake forces were taken out; keep an eye on your forces and the numbers. Get out of the industry while you can and stop this war on us or crime spree. I have the contract with the US government and FBI for police satellites.


Dear Rush Limbaugh, The Bush Family, and Those implicated: all you had to do was test this on facebook or the internet; instead you used fake pictures, fake profiles, and all kinds of stupid gimmicks back in the 1990s. Now you refuse to take the facebook test and you even know the answer.

Dear Ann Coulter: I would not marry you if you paid me. You got to be the most cruel, heartless, obnoxious, and ridiculous one of them all. Even in your own personal life, you gimmicks suggest you are a coward and gutless; but your begging and deranged companion seeking spectacles suggest a very troubled soul and person. Even if you paid me I would not marry you and you may want to consider friendship before jumping the gun again; still unable to do the right things in life. God is not on your side or ever was. Ann you put 23 years in this and God is not on your side, trust me. You missed each and every turn; you refused to do the right thing repeatedly. You seek the comfort of strangers and live in a wall of secrets. God hates you.

Dear Media and Biographer of Ann Coulter: Whoever you are and whatever you wrote; which is backed up by loose facts, what you wrote and what you advertised did not help a sale or reinforce her real private life; therefore, you are guilty of this and possibly much more. Your editor should fire you and the damage can be reduced. However, until or unless you have the full details; do not claim you tried to clarify or become her biographer. I hold that exclusive right and am intimate with her; so you really screwed up our life. In the future, I suggest you confirm your data with either me or Ann; in writing before publishing information or a snapshot of the situation. The truth is Ann was being stalked and her stalker called her "fiancee" or "radio wife." She then took this to me and you see the result and eruption.

Dear Rush Limbaugh: You and your people are the worst culprit of them all when it comes to a government check. Although you have learned ways to hide this; we in this business have to listen to your attacks while trying to manage or stop your daily spawn of evil and crime. Do not go on the radio and speak about who is getting a government check when you are in the industry that recognizes everybody as receiving one or the other. At least we do good work and saved this nation. Whatever you all want? I am sure your heart is with us Rush and Hannity along with this raving madman clan of savages; yeah sure it is.

Dear Ann Coulter, Where Is Your Heart? Ann, if your heart is with these people and your mission in life tells you to pursue this after 3 days; then do so. However, I will not accept any excuses, explanation, or anything more from you. All I want is my money. We have been there for each other and in the worst of times; in battle and in victory. You are showing in victory and defeat; the type of person you are and if God is with you or not. Your people are doomed. It comes down to your heart. In 23 years, you were a subordinate and submissive partner; always there. No pressures and never what we see now. Yet you make a spectacle out of it and if you wish to leave this industry; the train is leaving with or without you. I have become rotten and sick because of you Ann; even if you claim this or that. Where your heart lands is where you will call home and stay; three days and that will be final; no fourth, month, or another year ever again. If you do not decide; one will be made for you and you will not like it. Whatever you want or whatever I want? This industry is evil and clandestine services will ruin your life; go and buy a new life if and when you can; do not wait another day.

You Get Out of Life What You Put Into It Ann - This is what you get for wanting to be the leader of savages Ann; adulterous affairs, dinner, drinking, no sex ever, flying around the US, going to their homes or work, and acting retarded. Now they are vultures following you everywhere, even to the bathroom. They grope you. They attack you. They lied about you being their wife, etc... You learned your lesson about these F'ers; now call hurricane and earthquake forces as I have. You are the fool who wants to be with them or their leader. That is why I cannot accomplish any goals with you in my life or as a partner. Go back to being Ann Coulter; but give me my share and what you are holding; you do not fit in and feel uncomfortable in your skin; you hate yourself. Again, you will do anything; just not the right thing.

Wonderful Woman That Ann Coulter: Live from LA on 2/26/2012! God that really helped Ann, really. Who taught you that one? Pictures on iPhone? Dinner? New Friends and hand holding? What next Ann? You define love and we know how you made it past 20 years with a man! Remember Ann, I am not stopping you; you can go out all night, drink until you pass out, go on dates or dinners, etc... I just want my money without a lawyer and more of this game. You can do anything you want when I am gone okay; that is your problem. I am paralyzed; I cannot achieve any goals with you or them in my life; understand? None of my goals, the past four years! It shows you are not a good match and a very bad partner Ann; and there are too many problems between us, bad blood now. My life is worse with you in it; distracted and always painful. You are allowed to mess up and do what you want in your own life Ann; now can I have my money for 20 years of employment and partnership?

Go Back to Being Ann Coulter - Another One of Your Spectacles Ann? When you are in LA, it means you are pulling a stunt on me or going to piss me off; so I just tune it out now. Understand? Every single time Ann. Now you are trying to make a spectacle out of this and it is embarrassing. I told you to hold or watch my money; while I stopped this kidnapping and terrorist plot. It is embarrassment Ann. You could have been driving your train wreck to hell in one week or a few days; the end. You do not think things out thoroughly and all of you are the worst and slowest employees; retards. Nobody would hire you all. Now everything is messed up and everybody is pissed off. A very reckless human being who refuses to think things through or act carefully. Your embargo backfired also!

Day 4 of The Ann Coulter Train Wreck - Dear Ann Coulter "In LA and Fox and Friends": Ann, I cannot and do not know how to get through to you. You and I have been together for nearly 25 years and to this day; you are bragging about photos on your iPhone or how you have to fly to LA instead of doing things that help and reinforce your marriage and relation with me. Yet you expect it to last. Bragging about being in LA and all your secrets will not aid your final 3 day deadline. After that deadline we are sworn enemies. I do not want or need to know about your LA secrets also or all the pictures on your cell phone. I don't care about your feelings, your life, or your stupid reckless behavior in relationships. You have ruined ours with your stunts and your lack of care. If God was on your side; I doubt if this would happen. If you are a responsible person, I doubt if you would be worried. I will say this again, going on Fox News doesn't do anything or will help your life; understand it yet? You should have taken care of your business rather than brag about being live in LA or wasting your time having fun. You are retarded and you have my money; nearly 20 years of employment and this gigantic ending. You have not even addressed if I get my money or not. Why are you in LA and not worrying about important matters? Maybe in LA you will find a more compatible man who will put up with your awful personality and reckless pursuit of marriage and relationships. Coldfeet now? Worse you are a chickenshit pussy; always have been. I have no respect for you anymore; don't you even get it? Why in hell would you go on Fox? You are supposed to do the princess dance and hide for 7 or 10 days before emerging from the cave when the coast is clear. You have 3 days remain Ann; you also have not even addressed it or care to. Don't talk about them; worry about your plans and dreams. Who in hell would compete with these people when it comes to being a moron and a delusional jackass? You? Real genius Ann, take a bow. Ann, don't make me get a lawyer or go through more of this; you will regret it. Don't tell me you have been good to me either or what you expect; ever again. It is another one of your tricks and scams backfiring, again! You will sit there like a lump on a log, watch. Then you will go out drinking and to dinner in LA; to feel better; the pictures will never show up and you will never tell me. This is the type of leader and person you truly are; completely unfit. I will say this again and repeat it, you New Yawkers do not belong and never did, a bunch of retards. Your behavior is heinous, even in 20 year relationships.

Day Four: When Asked About 911 and Why: Dear Rush Limbaugh, when I had asked you or first contaminated you about 911; your answer was supposed to be this, "We were trying to draw you in and take out your satellites because you were on to us." You did not. Now I am here saying, "We are drawing you in now and we will take out your satellites you communist mole." Yet you keep saying where our rescue is and how you keep trying to draw us in to your trap; but it is you inside the trap; nobody else. You lied. You wanted me to say... our secrets? Lead you to our HQ or satellites? Who is on to you? Well, everybody is on to you now if you must ask; everybody. We are not the suspects; you are and also the mole; admit it? You want to fire us. You want us to leave. You failed.

The Have Become Another Species: If you tell them to sign and they are facing war because of what they did; they go into this mental shut down where they "I am sorry... sorry" or "we do not know what to do." It is another human species all together lacking any mental faculty. Yet they attack and launch violent counter-offensives. This is their state of mind and the main problem is a black female I keep describing. She is behind this and the one who demands we marry black; both Ann and I. If you bring a document to them and demand they sign it or tell them why; they shut down. Action has to be taken on all of them and war. They can only make things 2, 3, 4 times or more worse. They did. That is who was behind this and whom we are dealing with; a complete other human species and they are getting more criminal and deranged. They want to steal everything and send us into communism. War is needed to remove this other human species. We will do as we do or need to. They have not let up one bit on this end, not one. The US government is guilty. Stop letting these people in America and they will stop calling and refusing to take no for an answer. Stop this communist immigration and political problem; a total abuse of power and damages were set at 1.6 billion dollars. If anything put them in the desert where they are not an enemy to healthy normal people. First stop them from coming here to America.

a. Parade and 24 Hour Propositioning: Once they get you in this net or you are in the communist net, it is the blacks who bombard you and stalk you. They use the military to do this parade and also trap. You cannot get away and it is similar to Waco, radical LA showdown, or Jonestown. You have to burn the place down with everyone inside. It begins with this parade where they show "power" and it is a lifelong chase to marry or marriage. It is the blacks and they are the ones wishing to share life or power; the rest are their helpers or communist spies. Shut them down or compel them to agree to war. The government is liable for 1.6 billion if they do not shut them down or put them in the desert where they cannot rob others of life. Without Asian money or family finance, they are dead. We are in their Vietnam.

b. They are a crack espionage and terrorist group. They copy and imprint everything we do. This team keeps us under watch 24 hours. They claim we refuse to leave or go home after more than 20 years. Buy copying and imprinting, they can steal or make demands; seek leverage and power until someone or something remove them or coups them. I have them on this end (PR and blacks); exact copy of what went down before. They do not want war, they want to walk away scott free with Limbaugh, Hannity, and Fox News. They claim to share life with us and are some wife or marriage because they do not know what to do. Hence, they force us into some wild crazy swinger life because we reject them 24 hours and throw everything at the F'in silverback. They say we are weak and playing hard to get still!

Dear Ann Coulter - Add More Events, Dinners, Drinking, Fox News, and Seethy Flirts on the Internet: Just so you know my social security check is dwindling the more fill the room up with lies or think is this accomplishing something. Even worse is them. If I get my money and once I get my money; there is no 7 days or warning; I am out of here and gone for good. I got plans and you got cold feet for twenty years now? This is about how we end up in life, not whom we end up with or how long we took.

Dear Ann Coulter: I see you added another dinner in the next month. Just so you know, you won't make it past this month; next month is irrelevant. I suggest you begin to learn how to due business. I suggest you find balance in your train wreck. I suggest your ultra Christian "expect a miracle" or "make a wish" romance acquire some honesty and responsibility. I suggest you not worry about next month or this summer and work diligently in the next several days; use your time wisely. If you cannot get this formula right or are so stupid; then you deserve to be sued and deserve nothing in life but misery and regrets. You people are retarded and I suggest you get out of your cave and learn how to do business. Adding another dinner next month or having Claire Booth do this; will not help your train wreck and stewardship.

Day 3 - Dear Chris Plante and Sophisticated Anti-Terrorist F'ers: Let me make this clear to all of you all. We are not starving in America, you all are. Chris Planet, like all of these liberals, hide their sympathies to the blacks and the Jews; but use terrorism and invented it as a political scam. Look at crime and violence in America. Look at the murder rate and the violence on Asians and Caucasians in America. You seem impervious to an indictment for 10,000 felonies but you speak of terrorism as if it was violence against all of you. We can bomb them all day; they will say "leave... go home." We can send stealth bombers to their home; they will use terrorism and terror plots for the same blinders you all are. If you are truly weak on crime as we have discovered; you will address the violence on us and the crime in America.

Try To Summarize or Describe What They are Doing In One or Three Sentences! Talk about a phony god damn human piece of shit who are starving and doing this to royals. Talk about a bunch of god damn degenerates. Worse you make it sound like I am weak on crime or weak on terrorism; its you, you are the mole and you just do not want to leave and sink further. Feel confident now? The blacks and the PR are so poor, they can't even make it in Florida and have to do this to me; do you think military action will teach them anything? A degenerate retard who thinks they are superior and dirt poor? You all sound so confident and sophisticated like Obama. Truth be told, you are weak on crime and stick together; and to us. We could bomb you all day, nothing would change. What is it going to take until we can live side by side with them? Biblical times? Do you see 1.6 billion in damages? I do.

Florida: Even worse these NY'ers have migrated to Florida and brought their zero tolerance on terrorism Zionism with their criminal penchant to rob, steal, and be a human degenerate in our life. It is their new home and they are no longer starving in paradise; even worse they are in charge and the police. That is just the communist for you and what they did or this 1.6 billion dollar. It is also why they keep putting bed bugs or making me live with cockroach infested people who are used to being dirt poor and a terrorist. They want us to leave?

Day 2 of Mentor or Leader of the US and World: Rush does not offer any rules or wants to; keeping his silence. He made a few cracked or obvious statements in the first 30 minutes and callers made him feel uncomfortable; he also knows I am watching Fox 5 because I disconnected Ann and Fox News altogether. I also wrote to Fox News, Patrick Coyle, and a bunch of others who owe me a written explanation; including Ann Coulter. Twitter? Social media sites? Dating sites or sex clubs? Sex on the internet? This is on their minds.

Dear Sean Hannity and Radio Wife: (@ 1415 Hannity made clear to me...) Look this problem with your "radio wife" or the former Ann Coulter is between you and her. DO NOT BRING THIS TO ME! I have written to all of you and demand an explanation, in writing why Ann and I are arguing constantly. You have 7 days to respond. I have also written Fox News. I am sure the FBI has said something to you also; including your lack of honesty and evasive questions. I do not want to hear your problems with a radio wife or Ann Coulter, am I clear?

Dear Ann Coulter: Are all of you poor, dysfunctional, invented a drinking game, have abusive parents, constantly seeking opportunities for sex or dates, enjoy Twitter chats, and have no responsibility? That explains the predicament, the 1.6 billion dollar lawsuit, my kidnapping, and your divorce. What a bunch of trash I have to be part of, one big happy family huh? All of them are alcoholics; just our luck!

ANN CLUE OR SUGGESTION: Call your lawyer and tell them you cannot afford this; settle in 7 days; as asked.

Divorce and Callous: Ann, 98% negative and this proves you are a mean, spiteful, callous, and obnoxious; not a care or soul in your body. A swindler and a total fraud who is giving marriage advice or trying to wreck everybody's life; including mine! Where is that team of lawyers? 10-30 million of their forces per year after the deadline; now or later, better now!

Dear Ann Coulter: I had repeatedly told you to get a team of lawyers; where are they? Let me guess, you had no idea you are or were getting a divorce, none? Let me guess, you were too busy getting toasted with strangers or flying to LA? Red Eye kept you out late drinking? I told you and gave you an order to get a team of lawyers to begin the clean up and wind down; closing up shop. Where are they? Let me take a guess, you are so well behaved and there is no sex? Man, I am so impressed by you Ann; so well behaved. Do you F'in people live past 7 days or is your existence merely 7-14 days only? Yes, drinking games on Twitter now; you must be the new inventor!

Dear Ann Coulter: go and get married, have kids, and live the life of a normal person. Stop being a train wreck. Stop going on TV and harping about other people. Give me my money you are holding and stop using me as some method to prop up your swindler life or crazy train wreck. Clearly, you should have walked away and had a normal life. You have no excuses. You have the idiot and madwoman gene inside you; always had. You just do not want a normal life or can stand it. You see, you gotta want it. Marriage and kids is the same way; you have to want it. I want a normal life; not a train wreck or a mad old woman who drinks, dates, and only wants to be on TV and harp about everything except her own problems. I see you as totally mad and dysfunctional; unable to live what everybody considers to be a respectable life. The moment you are criticized; "but there is no sex... it's the liberals." All of you are like this; look at the conservative women who are following your train wreck! Any marriage advice for them Ann? Drinks for free and happy hour?

WANT TO KNOW WHY I AM PISSED OFF WITH YOU ANN? I could be in my first tri-athlon right now. I would have hired a team of lawyers to collect my 1.6 billion dollar damage claim. I would have my satellites on this F'er and these felons who are in my room and telling me I want to be on their show or included. The FBI and the police would be forced to clear my name and record; but I already have the contract 100% over 20 years ago. MOST OF ALL I AM PISSED OFF BECAUSE I WANT TO POST BABY PICTURES ON FACEBOOK AND YOU SEEM TO EITHER BE PREVENTING ME OR NOT ABLE TO MEET THIS CHALLENGE. How about me and my needs? How about my best interest Ann? What have you done in the last 10 years? Look at the pictures above and tell me if that does not sum it all up? Shall I post those pictures on facebook instead of baby pictures? Yes, Ann is showing her panties and not a mom or living the life of a christian; yet look at all these F'ers and degenerates. Now they gobble her 98% up and they are 200% guilty; listen to Rush Limbaugh speak about evil and resigning. I say kill 10 million to 30 million of their forces until they meet the deadline for surrender; each year they go past the deadline; too weak on crime all of them and degenerates. Each year this continues past 2012; punish them and let's see how long they take to learn and how far they walk forward.

Day 1: Nothing and denial. All Rush Limbaugh said (beginning day) was how we are Catholic and this is what Catholic people believe. Then he said how evil managed to get in our life and it's time to step down or quit; they made their bets and wager already on our race. Other than this it was the typical raving madman and not even one golden rule. Also, if we do not like it than leave. Why is he linked to the PR and the black communists? This is what we believe and he represents all Catholics? Wow! I thought this was anti-war and anti-Vietnam at it's finest. Rush and his communists have nothing to offer and he shows us how evil he is in the final 15 minutes. We hate them. We do not want anything to do with him or the corruption that infest our life. Had it not been for the law and safety nets such as the Constitution; he and his forces would be dead and murdered today; but we respect this nation and the laws enough to hold fire. So back at you Rush and your communists. We been here and done that 100,000 times; we want war with you forces and to finish you off, read our biography. He is using my HS to suggest it is the Catholic Church and this is what we believe; an attack on all of us and close childhood bonds. It is Catholic v. Jews; right v. left. Rush has nothing to offer and wants us to leave or surrender. They are bigger than the Catholic Church he is saying or doing. This was also about school rivalry and "the establishment."

Counter-offensive or Counter-Value: Rule reversal, never ever let the takers get what they want and always give them what they need to survive. When their masses get what they do not want and try to take; then you strike and surround them with surprise and stealth. Takers get what they do not want and never get what they really want.

Royalty and Power at This Level: I do not think royalty or power at this level really needs a lecture or to hear how they feel. All they want to see is 10-30 million of their forces disappear, an act of God, until they understand we busted them and took them down. Once that indictment is delivered; it will be really scary then. For now, all we want to hear is what they will say when indicted; torture screams, and what you usually hear when militaries defeat an enemy. Yes, screaming, yelling, moaning, and lots more to indicate they are human beings and actually learned something about the world they live in. It has to be like a real war and they have to act like they were in a real one with a victory on this scale! Make sure they know their part and know how to pretend they are being slaughtered and refuse to surrender to a 10,000 count felony indictment.

The Rules of Engagement in Hurricane and Earthquake Duty:

1. The first strike is the last strike.
2. The enemy (you) never attacks; we attack or put it in neutral.
3. Always keep your enemy far so you can get a better shot.
4. Never ignore a surrender deadline; if so, never offer one again.
5. Keep as many alien friends or diplomats around as you can; in case it is inter-galactic.
6. Always rely on SATWAR for intelligence.
7. Never pick a fight but always end it with one shot.
8. The bigger the bang, the more the dollar.
9. The mole is the one who has changed the mind or position, repeatedly in order to hang on or leech off of us.
10. Stupid pays. Stupid hurts.

Dear Rush Limbaugh and his Communist Forces: you may want to revise your rules. The next shut down will be the Republicans. It is clear they are all guilty as sin and way past the line in the sand.

Update: Rush Limbaugh was laughing at Ann Coulter today (Wednesday, February 22, 2012) because he has not been indicted and Ann did all of this for nothing; full of regrets. Worse, Ann plans a few more cocktail parties and speeches so that she can loose 20 years of work and make the worst mistake of her life; but she claims she is now cornered. Well shit aren't we all? The only ones not are the people who are 200% guilty and going to dinner, giving each other gifts, or at these speeches (YAF, CPAC, MRC, Fox News, etc.). All of them put their bets on Ann Coulter and had a blank check until they found out her little secret. I guess we all are in the same boat. ANN LOOK AT THE SPACE YOU FILLED UP TODAY BY OPENING YOUR MOUTH! WONDERFUL AND GREAT WITH YOU IN MY LIFE 98% NEGATIVE; INCREDIBLE FIGHTER AND WARRIOR OF PURE GENETIC CONSERVATISM. LOOK AT WHAT CONSERVATISM DOES TO MARRIAGES AND THEY WILL NOT EVEN TAKE CREDIT FOR THE MIRACLE! DO YOU SEE FOX NEWS, CPAC, OR MRC FILLING UP THESE PAGES ANN? HOW ABOUT PICTURES? YOU AND THEM ARE OKAY? HOW COME YOU ARE NOT ON TWITTER OR OUT DRINKING IF YOU HAVE ONLY 7 DAYS REMAINING ANN?

Dear Ann Coulter - I DO NOT WANT TO HEAR YOUR SHIT ANYMORE: I went through four years of this already. It is a very simple situation; I want my share of my money back and I do not want to hear your excuses or implosive reasons; good or bad. If you cannot give me my money back; a simple yes or no is fine. No need to call a huddle, fly to Los Angeles, break out wine, or go drinking on Red Eye. Also, I doubt if CPAC or MRC really cares; even if you die. You have a 98 per cent negative with me and have; yet you act like you are 20 years old and I just wish your mom can see you and what you have become; a total train wreck and worst mistake in my life. Ask yourself why I have not accomplished a god damn goal; not one goal in the past four years Ann? Why are my satellites not combating this problem? Why are my designs sitting on my draft board when I have the contract with the FBI to stamp out crime in America or corruption. Tell me why? I bet in four more years you will say the same thing. Also, do you realize the extent you have helped or aided this enemy at our behest? Those satellites of mine and my SATWAR is in the line of fire and only hurricane-earthquake forces are on duty; that is the only guards I have at this time beside the guilt of those accused. DO NOT TELL ME HOW HARD YOU WORKED OR MORE EXCUSES; THE TRUTH IS MY SATELLITES ARE NOT IN THE AIR AND NONE OF MY GOALS HAVE BEEN ACHIEVED IN 4 YEARS, NOTHING WHILE YOU HAVE PANTY PARTIES, CPAC, MRC, PICK UP MEN, DINNER WITH STRANGERS, RED EYE DRINKING, AND EXPECT TO BE LOVED. THIS WILL BE RESOLVED FULLY BY NEXT MONDAY (12AM) AS I WROTE. I SUGGEST YOU NOT GO SKIING, DRINKING, OR TO DINNER. GOING INTO YOUR ROOM AND EMERGING IN A WEEK OR TWO IS NOT THE ANSWER EITHER. HOW COME YOU ARE NOT OUT DRINKING OR HAVING DINNER; EVEN TWITTERING IF IT IS SO BAD?

Had Ann walked away when and if I told her in 2009; she would have a perfect record and a wonderful marriage. Right now she would be giving labor and I would be posting baby pictures on Facebook. A true warrior in a war would pick up on clues and indicators so evident; but the moment had her drunk and her weakness and greed overcame her. Ann saw opportunity in her eyes and let that moment slip until the numbers were 98-2 against her after another 4 years. Already a murder-rape plot was on her; and with enough information to close the case and let people who actually were paid to do this; she let that opportunity slip and was drunk. The spirit of a warrior says that you must remain calm in discord; but had God been on her side or inside her; he would have spoken. A warrior has been in enough battles and knows their flank and rear position. They know their men and listen to them; this is not a warrior and it sure is not someone people call a friend or leader. Who would join? Worst mistake of my life and led to nothing but trouble and heartache; but here we are here with the crazy loony ideas of Ann Coulter. Everybody can see what it has done to her; soon her body will be falling apart and already her mind is gone and not coming back. Ann has one week to close this deal and decide if she can be a friend or will be one after 23 years. Again, one of the cruelest, meanest, and most ridiculous people I have ever come across; but not as worse as our enemy and stalker. Weak and inferior the Republicans are cursed by this kind of jackass also who is or will make worse mistakes. We had deployed hurricane-earthquake forces; that already is as high as you can get and there is nobody past this. Nobody will get past this and only they can screw it up themselves. Leave it up to Ann and she will ruin everything. This is a horrible industry, leave it if and when you can. Do not use Ann as a model or a leader; clearly she is cursed. Hurricane-earthquake forces are as high as I can deploy; if they cannot win this, Ann Coulter surely will not. In war, your emotions are secondary to your men and mission. I have never seen a buffoon or a jackass of this nature. I have my friends in life and I chose them carefully so this does not repeat. They follow her like apes. God is not on their side or ever has; but she did win and lost everything in the parade and her drunkenness.

Dear Ann Coulter - I see you are celebrating how you ruined 23 years of work and are taking this very well. I expected you to go skiing or having some gigantic cocktail party or dinner to celebrate your divorce; to torment me and how I have to hire a lawyer to get my damn money back. I also see your Twitter party and did pick up on how you operate. This is the last time and I only wanted to hear you accept responsibility or failure for the first time in your life. There is a reason you have a guilty conscience and are not married. There is a reason why you are a train wreck. 98% negativity clearly indicates you are at fault but are using me to impact or change that number. I got swindled and it might have been their fault but it is you! I think everybody can see what kind of person you turned out to be in the end; none of my goals have or is being met, none. No results, only secret silence from all of you, dinners, panty parties, Twitter reunions, etc... you also make it sound like you are really worried, things will work out, and you are in a real relationship or can buy people. Hell you are bought and paid for already. You let them beat you simply because you are an idiot, guilty, and could have won it all; 100% had you walked away and shut your mouth; and take decisive action. Now you also go down in history as another total failure. We have a total train wreck and mess and you are not helping at all. You do not have God in you Ann, never did.


Ann, I Talk To My Ex or Girls I Have Known All My Life: Do you know what their week is like? They might be off work one day. If they are, they are taking care of their kids, shopping, taking them to practice or classes, etc... On the weekends, it might be out to dinner one night or some little league. Other than that it is not filled and full of secrets, men, panty parties, black men, plane trips to LA monthly, Red Eye and drinking, etc... You are the worst female I have ever seen or known. You have zero responsibility and ever since I have known you; you are reckless. No responsibilities ever, always wish to get fired or try to; and manipulative and cruel, facetious. Who do you think I will choose if it comes down to it? Honestly Ann. If I sold SATWAR right now or my kingdom; who do you think I would marry and enjoy life with? You? 7 days Ann and we will be official and sworn enemies; go past that and I will be officially single and one the 8th day your sworn enemy for life. No second chances or any excuses this time; you totally suck. You go skiing, hide secrets, go drinking, etc... and see where this gets you in life or with me.

YOU ARE NOT A WARRIOR ANN AND DO NOT HAVE THE SPIRIT OF ONE: Ann, You Are So Retarded and Such a Problem: If you have any warrior in you whatsoever and if your genetic code has the spirit of Christ and God in you; it will show in your biography and these pages. If the warrior is in you and not some idiot and moron who is heartbroken; you will jump to your feet and you will storm across life with perfection. If you do not then you will know what it is to fail in life and what being inferior will do to you and those around you. Your warrior spirit will show and if you are a madwoman or inferior; it will show up in these pages. So far in life you are 98-2; very bad if not impossible odds with 10 years left Ann. Already your health in the past 4 years has slipped badly; I have noticed it. You are not a warrior and you are not a leader. In my eyes, you are inferior and did a very cut up job; very. Your mind is and has been gone; a long time ago. What kept you in this is your looks but it will fall apart soon. Do you want to win at life or not? Do you want to be unhappy for the rest of your life? Read your biography; it repeats. Your curse repeats. Your inferiority repeats. It can only get worse Ann for you and for me. If I had a good partner or a warrior; things would be different; but I am not happy and not satisfied. Pedigree. 98-2. Lies. Half-truths. Guilty conscience. A lot Ann. You could of won 100% or 90% and made this right. That only shows how guilty and inferior you truly are. Also, clearly you are not a warrior and never have been; only put in a very bad situation which you screwed up worse or can buy a new one. You cannot buy a new friend or a husband; buy a new life as I am. Let hurricane and earthquake take them out overseas; all of them; 100 per cent and shut them all down. They have to surrender; mandatory. I cannot stand you anymore Ann; honest. 98-2 and you do not care or even have a clue? I have gotten you out of a lot of problems and I always have a plan; but it is you Ann; the trouble maker and the inferior F'in SOB ignoramus with the unshakable faith and ridiculous American spirit we all want to spit on. This is a kingdom for warriors and you are not a warrior and have far to go; this is not the spirit of a warrior; only a jackass and a buffoon.

YOU HAVE 10 YEARS LEFT USE IT WISELY: Ann, I am telling you, forcing you, and ordering you as a friend. You only have 10 years before it all starts falling off. I see it now and it is ugly. I have gotten you out of a lot before; listen to me. You are inferior. You are a bad warrior. You woke up one day out of a snotty-facetious fantasy of princess or daddy's girl; into a mean violent world. You do not know what men and warriors are capable of. You suck. Listen to me, in marriage you suck; 98-2. You convinced yourself you were 100 per cent cool and okay. I have tried to get through to your thick head and fantasies. You suck as a warrior and you need to get out of this industry immediately or as soon as you can. Find someone you can make happy or respect. I know your problem and I know our strength; I do not make mistakes Ann. Get out while you can and hire a god damn lawyer or team. You neglected this and now I am taking action. Listen to me and as a friend. I want my money back and you suck; get out of this industry Ann. If hurricane and earthquake office has been taken out; then our rescue is not coming. If they are they let them kill all of them overseas. You are not listening or ever have; you suck badly and against blacks; you look like Coulter the king. Get out of the industry, you suck and have a score of 98-2. You will loose everything and will loose your mind. They will rip you apart for being so inferior and a train wreck. Why can't you understand now? Your mind is gone now Ann. Your body will be soon. Nobody wants you; not even me. That is the honest truth and your mom would set you straight had she been alive; so I am trying to be your mom and dad. You suck. You are inferior. Nobody wants a cruel, nasty, used up, horny, completely loony, whacked old lady who is inferior and sucks. You are not a warrior and only good at killing yourself or insanity. Get out while you can before you loose more; soon I will turn on you and become your worst enemy for life. You just do not learn or abide by the stars; a total idiot and moron acting like a warrior or superior. STOP. LOOK HOW LONG IT IS GETTING ANN AND HOW ANGRY I HAVE BECOME; STOP! STOP ANN! GIVE ME MY MONEY AND GO AWAY! MAKE A BETTER LIFE NOT MAKE ME UNHAPPY AND MISERABLE! YOU SOB F'ER.

You Are Losing Your Mind? Well at least you are at dinner, drinking, and surrounded by men! Now shut up Ann, I asked the office of hurricane and earthquake to make this quick and check every 30 days if they want a fight or only to tell us to stop. Start taking them out you lazy ass Ann. You went to their event; they did not come to your home. They came to my home and Limbaugh-Levin-Hannity is using the blacks and PR to communicate; communists. This has been 23 years now Ann. You cannot loose your mind when you go to them; also you are very weak in battle. I have complained so many times about your performance, leadership, stunts, grandstanding, and white personality. You are losing your mind as a degenerate? Look at the blacks. They are very simple, concise, and as sneaky as you can get; but they do have heart Ann. You are weak, treacherous, dangerous, full of spite, big vocabulary, going through the motions, and the worst warrior out of us all; the worst Ann. But you look the best and are a poor choice for combat. Your performance clearly shows you are in a kings realm or royal levels and your performance is abhorrent. You are a horrible warrior and so weak; I don't mean any harm but the problem is you Ann. 98 to 2; who the hell has those statistics? That is almost 0 customer service. That is cruel, stingy, vindictive, and the worst old woman in the world. You have how many years left until your face melts off or your hip cracks into your big feet? Should you be acting like this or doing this? Does your mom and dad know? I would say you have less than 10 years before it all falls apart; ten. I am at least giving you 7 days and been here for 23 now; still 98 to 2 score. You are the problem in my life Ann and it is not white people either; guilty. You are the mole who cannot get any goals accomplished. Can I please have my money back before you kill yourself, please! Find someone who is compatible and whom you can make happy in ten years; that is all you have left in life. Your mind already is gone; useless.

Ann, what part of "give me my share of the money and get the hell out of my life" do you not understand? You have been weak and a complete nuisance in my life; constantly challenging me, delaying, failing to hit bullseye, antagonizing my goals, a do nothing girlfriend, wild secrets, jby333 ski partner, Twitter chatter, etc... there is nothing to suggest you are getting anywhere with this. You keep this sexy nun story ongoing. You keep this sexy priest or religious couple crap ongoing. I am annoyed and pissed off by you. You people are degenerates and have a low pedigree. All of you are trouble. My life is fine without you or your money handling powers. I do not want the blacks in my life or wish to save them; no less work for free or the church. Your old lady story is plain sick and rotten. I am sick now. I had enough 4 years ago. Nothing has changed and you do not make me happy at all; none of you. If they want Vietnam all over again; I can deliver it and have. It comes down to the numbers. Limbaugh is saying he had to do this to unify the country and it comes with the territory. The police are a horrible security force. Nobody would be in this situation or predicament if people did their jobs. Had you done your job; I would be out of this earlier. Take your trash out. Do not worry about them; worry about you. Now it is too late for memories or kids, even dreams. You are an old lady and nobody cares Ann. The government is too corrupt and war must be declared by one side or the other; I am waiting on this indictment. You will not last until the indictment and I have a chance; you do not. Your life is done and over; but you keep doing this and they do; all of you. Give me my money and let me get a lawyer, my share. I do not trust you and how you demand marriage. You have one week to decide if we can be friends; only one. After that it is settled. I hope you had all the fun a girl could and enjoyed adulterous affairs without any sex. Worse, you are weak on crime. So many people died on your watch, so many. All of you are F'd in the head and corrupt; pedigree problems and degenerates. I can buy a new life and get me a proper wife who will make me happy and who is not going to do what you have or done. You are too old to be doing this or selling an old lady to me or anyone. No excuses needed this time okay; please. You seem fine and the police have your rape-murder case. I don't need to stick around and need my share of this please. You have one week to decide how this ends. That is that; end of story. We are four years late now Ann, four. We are in our 23rd year and I have never been happy with you; never. You are an old lady now; worse than ever before. One of the cruelest human beings I have met other than these stalkers. One of the stingiest. One of the most in your face and upsetting. This is why you have a record of 23 years 98% unhappy and 2% happy. You can say what you want or use my life to erase or stand on; you claim it is where your power comes from. I think you are so senile and so belligerent now; I would rather not deal with you anymore. Somebody has to change, somebody Ann. I am in the worst position. This is the change I need. This is my last blog forever on this. Can you be a good friend or not Ann; yes or no. I need you to come through in one week, not four years or 23 years; one week. I need you out of my life and your sex nun smear or crazed lover or mistress story. If you die nobody will care Ann; you have proven or spoken enough. I hope you win your case but as I see it; you are only sabotaging it. It is not effective. The only thing you are good at is a train wreck; and you have a gigantic train wreck. We know the blacks and the Jews are behind this; but your people are weak Ann and I would rather take the SATWAR elsewhere to find better pedigree or stronger helpers. You are a disaster and a bad match for royals; very bad. All you want to do is drink, smoke, party, bust balls, and keep saying there is no sex. It does not matter, there is no sex. You worked so hard is why you are a bad steward or so slow. Read what your parents would say Ann, 51 years old. I want this my last blog okay. I need my share, like a bank, I want to close my account with you of 23 years and am relocating and moving; I would like my money and only what is in my account or our dual account. After you can go skiing, CPAC, Red Eye, Fox News, out with as many men as you wish, get engaged, have private or VIP dinners, enjoy your life and career. Learn how to have some F'in happiness or make people happy will you; all of you. I have a 1.6 billion dollar suit and it still is not going anywhere because of you Ann; you F'in loser. All you are is a beat up, worn out old lady, who is no good and bad mouths her own husband because she is so angry and covering so much up for everybody; acting like Christ. You are so F'in derranged Ann; you cannot even write your own story down; I can't it is so nuts and stupid. You and them harp at everything and claim you have political power. Back-Forth total fraud all day and night. Here is the deal; indictment means war. They get invaded and punished; justice. Until then 10 million per year in numbers; I have asked the office of hurricane and earthquake to act swiftly. I hope they are not as dumb or weak as you Ann. You F'in white and black people have some nerves as degenerates; starving in America and acting like you are in charge. Now hurricane and earthquake forces are set to destroy you and we are ordering your to surrender and face the charges of 10,000 felonies; including 911 and a host of outrageous crimes. All of us got molested Ann; but you had to molest those you love also. Only you Ann decided to molest the people you love or claim to. Well, here is your test; do you have my best interest in mind after twenty years? I am getting out of here; you want to fight over hurricane and earthquake or your stupid antics or charges; go for it. Without a fortune I cannot get or claim 1.6 billion in damages. I need to start Ann; without you. You are a very bad person Ann, very bad. You are going to hell and admit this. You are guilty of adultery and other crimes of the heart; but there is no sex and a sworn to silence order. You obey it also. I am not your kind or of the same pedigree obviously; degenerates vs. royalty. All of you can rot in hell; just leave me out of it. Now it comes down to hurricane and earthquake forces. If it arrives and levels all of you; I will consider you my friend or worthy of it Ann. If that is delivered; than I will return and finish them off and claim my 1.6 billion but I have to start without you. Ann you are a total waste of time and my biggest mistake of all; worst mistake of my life the moment you came in my life and became my friend. You had no plan, you got me into this crap, you linger and lurk; and here we are with nothing Ann. You can count your money and dine with 1 million men; or get them to pay for your dinner and the night. Either you lost your mind or are very close to it and have no idea or clue why. Let's try it again Ann, this time really easy; 98 to 2; against you. I hope you win your case and I hope the police will nab the bad guys; I hope an indictment will shut them down so I can invade or order one and collect my 1.6 billion. But this is reality time and none of you are in reality or have my best interest in mind; thus, I will take my beloved SATWAR and all else somewhere else. You and them can now fight over nothing or hurricane and earthquake duty; you did not perform well in battle either Ann. Very disappointing and very drama queen or not worth mentioning. We did defeat the communist and they know they are dead. They know exactly what they are doing; you are the one who is nuts Ann to repeat them or mimic them. I hate to say it Ann, but it was you "whites" and now it is you "Americans" pedigree problem and failure. Clearly it is Americans and pedigree; that is why we lost so many wars or so many died. They cannot pit the genie back in the bottle no matter how many times they say stop; but Rush said this is about uniting the party and it comes with the territory; I hope they reach 10 million soon. There is how they will stop this nonsense; first one to SATWAR and then hurricane and earthquake duty; we beat them; stop. We have to leave it there for now; until surrender or indictment. They will not stop and neither will we; but now it is about happiness and we are losing because of Ann Coulter. This is not going to stop ever. I hope the first 10 million loss is delivered quickly.


A 51 Year Old Virgin Who is a Stunner and Cougar? Either you are getting it daily, some of the hardest and nastiest, have the sex that tops all other women; or you are completely nuts. With 20 million in your purse and you enjoy being a virgin or live like a jackass; either you are a liar, total fraud, or completely ridiculous and need psychological help. Any man who would agree to your terms or believe you are a 51 year old virgin is either gullible or a jackass. Most of the candidates are either dead or nearly dead; so the claim is believable Ann. Either you are getting it daily, the nastiest and hardest on earth, or you are completely a fraud and need to be tortured into telling. I don't kiss and tell but I would say all of the above. Do you think the FBI or anybody who knows human nature believes you Ann? The question is why you lost everything and are insane but claim to be normal? In their eyes you are a virgin; in mine you are extremely intimate and talking to you for 10 seconds makes your pink explode! In court they should say, "did you get the nastiest, most hardcore, and was fully satisfied sexually or not? Why then did you claim to be a virgin? Because you are cruel and stingy? You want to be a sex slave?" I have 19 courgars I grew up with, still smoking hot; use your imagination. I got busted in HS having sex several times by the police; go talk to them and my ex(s). It was a regular thing but after the 2nd year; it sucks. Chances are it is worse than what they say!

Ann If Your Mom and Dad Were Still Alive: They would say, "Ann, you are 50 years old and our baby girl. Why do you care to argue with a two bit hooker and a guido about who owes who money? What do you care or why would you test them to see who is leaving or staying? What about your marriage? What about kids? How will you ever find happiness again in this world Annie? Did we teach you this? Is one train wreck enough already? Why trade in your marriage? Why sacrifice your peace and happiness for a few dollars? You cannot buy a husband in this world Ann; look at your father and I. We were always there for each other; you were never there for anybody but yourself and you expect the world to pick you up or carry you to your final resting place. The world does not work this way Ann and we did not teach you this. You let down your own husband and best friend in this world and you now live with a guilty conscience; but you keep claiming there was no sex. Who cares now Ann? Look at your life. Look at what you have done. It has to stop and end somewhere and somehow. Your life has gone to waste and there is no meaning in it; only those who give you a noose or will pay for your dinner; a night of fun will vulture your life now. You seek the comfort of vultures and strangers who only want to get things from you or take a picture for the evening. It is not worth it Ann and never was. At least we taught you something in this world and some values. Look at your life now; to pick up the pieces and go home so embarrassed. You have given up your kids already Ann. Why would you give up on your marriage by inventing a train wreck? Is it worth a few bucks? Can you buy a new husband and kids?

Alex was good to you. He gave you more than any other woman has ever gotten. He fought by your side; even if you were a train wreck and a cruel stingy human being. Look at yourself in the mirror and ask how you tolerate it. He gave you life. He gave you happiness. He gave you the last hope on this earth. What did you do? Does it matter? You act as if it comes and goes; like a wave or off the shelf. Any woman out there wishes to be in your position or had the chance you have. Did we teach you these values Ann? Than where did you pick them up or learn them from? After all of that, you still are out drinking, skiing, having dinner, and making wild claims only a train wreck understands or can tolerate. Is there no shame or value system in your genetics or life?" You had the most to loose Ann; and in the end you lost it all. Now you are in their boat and the same page. ANN, WHERE ARE YOUR PICTURES?

Dear Ann Coulter - You Knew You Were a Train Wreck or On Your Death Bed : If or had you known you were a train wreck, a guilty conscience; why in hell would you profess your love or act in such a manner? Not only did you come to me in my darkest hours; you threw it aside and went drinking, did CPAC, Fox, Red Eye, and all these dinners under peril and at the risk of total failure. Why in hell would you slap a train wreck on me? What did it accomplish? Anything? All you did was prove you are a train wreck, no sex, and you were guilty. Did you think this would go away or get better? Did you expect some other outcome? I don't even like you and let other people off for much bigger problems; but you are a total train wreck and look at this now. What do you do? Go drinking. Go skiing. Worsen your guilty conscience. Act like a total loser. Made 4 long years 98% misery. For what? All you did was go on Fox and claim it was to talk to me; I shut you off. Now? Oh you have my money and I cannot get it unless I marry you? Four years now, can I please have my money so I can get a lawyer or get my life back? You want to hold my money under these terms? You want to get married under these terms and your train wreck? Look at what you have done Ann. Can any of you accept any responsibility? You only want to insult them? Until? I have a crazed female stalking me. I have Limbaugh and the 911 plotting to take out our forces or my forces. I have you and your madwoman problems. Sex right? All about sex!

Ann, you show me a man who can survive with 2% happiness and a marriage to a train wreck! Is this what you are asking from me also? No not silverback this time; conservatives! We are getting healthier, they are not; but they are also trying claim they are getting healthier and it is all your fault Ann; you did something not nothing right? Keep in mind, I have a female stalking me and before silverback saw me as food or a groom. Glad to hear about your amazing recovery train wreck woman. Why the guilty conscience?

I DO NOT NEED ANY OF THEM ANYMORE: I can buy a new life without them and find or make my own happiness; but there are so many delay tactics and a total train wreck! I would think the first person to give my fair share back is Ann. Then I can get lawyers and get my 1.6 billion back or my life.

Rush Limbaugh Replies to 10,000 Felony Charges and 911: @1444 Rush Limbaugh says: 1. "has to be done to unify the party" 2. "it just goes with the territory". That is exactly how he feels about this and the charges on him. He also blames us and when asked, he says we keep disagreeing and fighting him or they (communists). He made no comment on some form of concentration camp or why respect for the Constitution is necessary; some not all. He has no value for the truth and only wants to judge the right wing or Republicans and business. Here he is judging us and holding us captives and he says it has to be done for unity. Does that sound like a 911 communist or a traitor? How many times have we betrayed him? He just does not want to leave or stop. There is his conscience for 911 and these attacks. He does not deny what he did to Ann Coulter; says it too was for unifying the Party (Communist Party USA). They do not have the military or political power; admit that?

Ann, You Are Not All Of My Problems: Not only do I have problems with you and your insufficient security or this sense of being unfulfilled. I have a crazed female scientist telling me to leave every single hour of the day; stalking me through life and trying to study me and my genius so they can steal whatever or learn so they can produce robots and killers like the Va. Tech shooter or all these raving madmen. Then I have Limbaugh and Fox News trying to take out or do blocking maneuvers; cut off our funds so that satellites are not deployed against their forces and they can take ours out. Then I have you who cannot and will not defeat any of this; all you are doing is harping and playing princess in my worst hours; showing your crotch and leading men on a wild goose chase. The bottom line is not sex or what you did or your guilty conscience; it comes down to whether or not I can be happy or will ever be happy with you in my life. You are a total fraud and a train wreck. You plan far into the future and neglect the present. You make claims nobody can see or understand; but they are merely half-truths; not reality. I have dumped you so many times already, so many. Look at you now running amuck and using me to carry your torch while you neglect my life completely. What about what I want? What about my happiness? Who cares about you Ann, really; die and let's test it. I have all the odds against me; now you are the biggest of them all. Let me buy a new life and make my own happiness you idiot. Stop leeching off us or my life, all of you.

Dear Ann Coulter - You Are Good At One Thing In Life: You can keep it inside and live with a guilty gutless conscience like these people, be condemned to hell. They give me all the noose I can take or 24 hours a day; but I don't play or jump head first. Okay so they gave you a noose and you went to dinner, drank, and lived a hedonistic life fit for a 20 year older. You are now over 50 and life is winding down. What more in life do you have to wreck? Do you want to become enemies? You wrecked our marriage with your insane claims and crazy stoppage or blocking maneuvers; but it did not solve anything but bottleneck us deeper in this. The only thing you are really good at and the record shows this clearly; is wrecking your life and your own marriage. That is all you are truly good at. Your work is based on my work, written when I was in my twenties. You don't even have my best interest in mind; yet you are so capable of long term or crazy faith; you wrecked everything in the present. All the noose you can handle led you to dinner, drinking, wild parties, nearly raped, and nearly murdered; now a guilty conscience? I don't think so. You are guilty because you are guilty; just no sex. They call you a train wreck. They say you have a chip on your shoulder. They say you are a mean and cruel person. Need proof? Now you ruined and ended 23 years; can you keep friendship and seek forgiveness? All I want is my fair share you are holding so they do not steal it or wreck it; stop telling me I need it for retirement or long term; I have enough security and support to take this elsewhere and buy me a new life. They F'd up, let them live with the mess; not impede my ability to live or be happy. All of you degenerates are good at one thing in life. Leading them on and leading me on are two different matters; but none of it matters anymore okay. I am not going to fight another summer or ten more years to win your name back; never!

Dear Ann Coulter - Choose 98% Happiness or 2% Misery and Anger: Like usual, the little princess will go in her room and emerge when people has forgotten her or the coast is clear. The biography of Ann Coulter is she will take you to the limit at a party and will be your intern or mistress; so long as there is no sex. Then she will turn around and tell Alex, I did this so I can be a better wife or get practice. On game day, truth and logic is gone. Total insanity but she also has a guilty conscience and does not want to leave; only hide like all the rest of the LIBERALS and left wing lurking in our life. The man she is with is whomever can buy her dinner or drinks. So long as you can buy her dinner and drinks; you have her for that night and they have the pictures to prove it. I may be stupid but this is not who or what I dreamed of. As far as smearing the people who did this or is trying to do this to the both of us; she is and was far past the point of return. This is also what can happen when you attend too many parties, drink too much, or keep too many so called friends; and stay silent or calm through it all. Ann is guilty of adultery and other embarrass things; but no sex. With me it is totally sex but nothing embarrassing. She claims it was much more than sex and she worked so hard to share life. Share life? In other words, this chick has lost her mind and has always been whacked. Ann has a guilty conscience; she cannot be a good wife and is trying to fix it; still 98 to 2 unhappiness. In the 23 years with her; we had a total of 2% happiness; what a match!

Dear Rush Limbaugh - This is NOT About US: This is about a raving madman who committed over 10,000 felony charges and is behind 911 to exonerate the attacks on the space program and the NY led inquisition by Congress to avenge the liberals, communists, and left wing. DO NOT WORRY ABOUT WHAT WE DID OR DESCRIBE HOW WE WANT MORE... WE SEEK THE TRUTH AND YOU DO NOT. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH SOME FORM OF CONCENTRATION CAMP OR A LABOR CAMP FOR YOUR PEOPLE OR THE COMMUNIST; THEN THROW THE TRUTH ON THE TABLE NOW AND LET'S HAVE AN HONEST DEBATE. THIS IS NOT ABOUT US OR OUR BELIEFS. If you have someone who committed over 10,000 felonies and kidnapped or held normal perfect and healthy people for over 20 years for whatever reason; some form of extreme measure is needed don't you think? You continue to make this about the right wing, us, or how we did this and that; YOU! THE TRUTH OR SOME FORM OF CONCENTRATION CAMP IS WHAT THIS COMES DOWN TO. You have the full story about us; we have nothing on YOU! THIS IS NO LONGER ABOUT US; WE HAVE DEFEATED COMMUNISM!

These are the poets and lawless felons behind the 911 terrorism... the reality is now sinking in, we have defeated communism and they do not have the military or political power to hang on anymore; undergoing collapse and ouster! It was Israel, Liberals, and The Communist Behind This Clandestine Invasion:

Concentration Camp? Dear Rush Limbaugh and ODI or Communist Forces USA: Okay so we caught you and have stopped you. You know you do not have the military or political PR to finish this in an honorable manner. You are a raving madman and stand trial for the charges we caught you for. Let me ask you something; would you rather us let you run loose with evil and no conscience in your genetics or consider concentration camp or some form of internment for your lackluster and pure evil? Look at the evidence and tell me if some form of prison is acceptable for your mistakes, treachery, failure, and pure madman insanity? If not, they why make us wait? We on crime? Winning? Insulting?

Dear Communist Forces? Angry Are We? You heard it, no Toyotas and no laptops. What you will get is an earthquake and a hurricane. Military to back up your plight? Yeah, steal our planes or life won't you? Hate America and follow the money? So this is about laptops and Toyotas for the communist to fight this race war. To hell they go; and indignant and 200% guilty. The bottom line is they do not have the military force or political power to continue this war or fight on us. They are getting slaughtered and do not want to pay damages for the charges.

ANN I HAVE AT LEAST FOUR GIRLS I HAVE KNOWN OR DATED SINCE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: Why in hell would I like you when I can have four women to date and even marry, or have kids with; who are smoking hot still, and I have known since elementary school? It makes no sense Ann what you are doing and how you do not even want the best for me. Yes they are guilty of this on a worse level; but you and I have a real problem; theirs is only a fantasy of some dumbass loser. Everybody said your life was a train wreck Ann. You kept on telling me "no its not, no its not." For some reason I gave you the benefit of the doubt and you turn out to be a fraud and a swindler. Look at the carnage you have done to us. Look at the days of unhappiness stack up more. Do you remember this, "there was no sex... you have nothing to worry about." Ann you are full of lies and are a total fraud. Worse, the question is whether you want the best for me or ever had my best interest in mind? We know their story already. Now it is about yours and mine. The sex with you is not all that earthshaking either Ann, really.

Dear Ann Coulter - DO YOU WANT THE BEST FOR ME OR NOT? It comes down to the most simple question, do you want the best for me or not? If you do, then you will wrap this up and decide if you wish to remain friends or enemies. In my book, you are guilty. I do not think another four years of this will change my mind, do you? All you have to do is count the days; in my diary and blog I am happy. Very few log entries are in your favor and in the end, it led to a bad steward of life and marriage; even worse a pedigree problem. You should not be criticizing people on their marriage. You should not be in politics with blinders; attacking and criticizing like the blacks, Jews, and liberals; the Democratic Party. They are behind all of this. There is no chance in hell I am going to carry the torch for you, no chance in hell. I know those guilty will and they will do anything for you to not take them down or get away. The blacks, communists, and the liberals are doing this now; including calling 911 for bomb plots and evicting me or being the landlord; anything so I will not get away or take them down. But that is settled. Now this is between you and I Ann. I can find a new and better life with a woman who will bring me joy and peace in life. You have not cleaned up or cleared anything; only made me an enemy. Another four years of this Ann? Really must you? I will say this again, if you died tomorrow; nobody would care and I am not taking up your torch; decide if you want to be friends for the remainder of your life or live in hell. You create your enemies and so far you have nothing to show you are even friends with me, nothing. Your enemies demand you show some proof or evidence, nothing. I feel the same way. Yet your earthshaking faith says different. That is what it comes down to; can you and I be friends when this is over given you are guilty and have a guilty conscience. Do you want to go to heaven or be respected by your own blood; your own heart and soul Ann? How on earth can you live with this guilt and live with this? What kind of pedigree or degenerate have you become in life? I want a new life and I can buy a new life; one full of happiness.

Dear Communist Forces USA and Abroad: Obviously you targeted us and did not know who and what you had. What you wanted was laptops and Toyotas to increase your learning curve in Africa. This is a complete joke and now we know you cannot even feed your own people and expect us to give you our whole life. Which has also turned into a complete disaster. The blacks and the PR on this end claim you are in charge. I sure hope so and I know you are 100% correct all the time. As much of a mess and total wreck you are; the 10,000 felony charges and the twenty year ordeal with you in our life, etc... you better have the military power to back all of that up. I will say this again, it is you who is starving and even worse; losing everything in America. You better have the military power to back up your mouth and this idea you are not only a dictator but in charge. I am sure the God of hurricane and earthquake will get my message and 10 million of your people will perish each year. We will see how long you can hold out and how long you are in charge; I personally would drive you to hell and kick you out tonight; all of you and make you float away. You managed to ruin everything Ann and I had together; but clearly, it was her fault in the end and her degenerate life; weak, too nice, a lack of self esteem, an open mind, and away wanting to know what adultery or an affair was like without any sex. You won there. The biggest loser is Ann. The worst is you; in all category from academic scores, crime, etc... name it. You are not really in charge; only a total wreck and a political enemy of the world.

The Brainwashing In Virginia - Greed and Shamelessness: It was the Democratic Party of Virginia and Richmond which ultimately was behind the brainwashing on the DC-VA area. It was ultimate greed and shameless retribution which bombarded our life day after day with this desperation while they literally oppressed people or held them captives. From 1993-1998 they used a door to enter our life and to seek this retribution. They experimented in our life with a ruthless recklessness. However, that reverse brainwashing occurred in the DC-VA area and it focused on greed and shamelessness; to no end. That is what sabotaged and drove me away. That is what frustrated and caused people to call the police about suspicious activity or odd people in their life. The political operatives in this locale used reverse brainwashing to impact national politics and conduct human experiments in reverse brainwashing. One of the impacts was Virginia Tech where they felt satellite warfare was born. It is identical to the same method Rush Limbaugh is deploying nationally. Hence, the mix of LBJ politics and Republican strongholds. Somebody ran me off or out of DC.

Dear Ann Coulter - Clearly You Are Driving Me Mad and Angry: You can keep your unshrinking faith or claims. Clearly when you measure the days unhappy to the days I have been happy; there is a question whether or not you are on my side or even my friend. I need a new life. I am going crazy with this one or the one you have delivered. Decide if you want to be friends in the latter period of your life; you have not been a good steward up to this point regardless of what you tell me, claim, or say. There are pictures that suggest more is going on than you tell me or claim. There are men who claim you have crossed the line, it is not merely flirtation. You are just a bad choice and a bad pedigree; regardless of how conservative you claim or what you continue to bombard me with to erase your mistakes or what I am convinced to be bad stewardship. Decide if you want to be friends because I need to buy a new life and get the hell out my current one you helped to create or cause. No you are not communist and yes you did help me survive their attack and kidnapping; all I want is my share of money in this and over 20 years of trusting it in you and I will make my own happiness in life. No need for you to make my happiness for me; thanks but no thanks. Decide if you want to be my friend from here on or enemies. You are guilty. You defeated my demons and the devil in my life; but you also defeated yourself and badly. If you died tomorrow, none of your close friends; possibly your own family would disavow you; but I had the same thing done to me; bombarded by 100,000 attacks in twenty years. Your response to this is the same; dinners, long trips, skiing, drinking, and more of the same; for no pay either.

What is So So Bad, You Have To Tell Me Face-to-Face and Now? Isn't it a little too late? What is so bad you have to wait until the final 20 seconds to get off your chest? Are you guilty Ann? Do you seek to go to heaven or hell? "I only wish things to be good between Alex and I?"

Dear Pickup Artist in Los Angeles @ The Farmers Market: I read you first article and your most recent one. If you tell me Ann's "routine" I can tell you if you have the real Ann Coulter in bed or just a phony, body double, etc... I been with the same woman for over 20 years and if you even talk to my ex girlfriend; she will tell you the exact same over and over. Maybe this is why you are watching me and trying to get a sex tape or film her; to get this routine so you can start printing smears and phony stuff. Unfortunately, I don't kiss and tell; all I can say is that I never criticize Ann on any sexual or lack of performance. However, as such a young man as you; you should know that sex is best when married and with the same person for 20 years and in those twenty years; a lot can happen. So whatever is in your mind probably did happen; and whatever is in your warped imagination; probably will happen if not already. You are a sick bastard to be doing this to married or couples. But as a degenerate, I do not doubt the level you will stoop just to breath in our windows. If you are that desperate go and talk to my ex-(s) I am sure they will tell you the exact same thing!

Does It Sound Like Al Quesada Training Camp? Because either I am teaching them martial arts; or one of my students is and it is not Ann. They are doing the exact same thing I was doing in 1998 at George Mason University martial arts club; ran by a Pakistan student and teaching Jeet Kune Do. I met Dan Inasanto once and they advertised SEAL training or school. Odd, who taught Al Quesada the exact moves I use and the exact training I perform each and everyday? The blacks? The Chinese? The Jews? The Pakistani? About that stealth bomber we are looking for... yes we have right now and caught; and they are linked to the Italians, Puerto Ricans, blacks, and the Jewish in Florida. Odd, it all traces to Limbaugh, code named Haru.

Such Courageous and In-Our-Face Students - Shall We Teach Them Kung Fu or How To Protect The Monastery? Even better, should we teach or demonstrate who the bad and the good guys are? Yes, so determined and so courageous; but homeless and need our guidance and teachings so they can defend the neighborhood from bullies, racism, and rival gangs? What have they learned? How to be a total bitch? How to float face down? How to get the shit slammed on their head? Yes we teach these courageous and in your face super courageous students who are eager to learn; how to protect the little business and even civil rights; how to beat up bullies, kill them, or even bomb them? Who the hell are their parents and why did they infest America with so many degenerates, troubled losers, and lazy no good laborers who think this is about jobs and some imaginary monastery of blacks the Asians protect or teach them to protect? What a F'in loser! Keep dreaming and keep pulling off that scary nasty street whore act. Straight out of dumbass academy we present for you, The Hollywood Ninja! Yes, in our face all the time and the only thing they learned was how to float down main street face down! Good job Ann, not only are you F'in the teacher, you are also the best student and demonstrating all that you learned. Now you been kicked out of your beloved school and the teacher has disavowed you for avenging his death. Killer Kung Fu movie man!

Dear Ann Coulter - If You Died Who Would Care? I think had your parents been alive and you died; they would not even care or go to your funeral. That is about where it stands with me; I get 2% happiness and nobody cares but they claim they are only helping you and giving you all the noose you can handle. You keep saying bring it on like the sexpot degenerate you are. The more in your hole the better! If you died, I would look like a stinking fool to even seek justice and you degenerates are just about reached that point. If the office of hurricane and earthquake killed off 1 million or 10 million of you; nobody would care because all they have to do is read about you F'ers. Look at you all, drinking and so full of shame? Living for the moment and to drive each other into misery. I am the idiot to even care and I don't think the police, your fans, or anybody with a soul would even bother; not even your brothers would seek justice if you were killed or ran into a stupid tree. That is your impact on others and what 20 years with you has led to. Yet you keep us here and keep me locked into this worship or stupid dialogue with you and nobody even cares. Look at silverback and the F'ers on this end; giving me all the noose I need also and calling the police; tremendous help aren't they? Who would care? Fox News. MRC. CPAC. YAF. Sean Hannity. ETC cohorts. Those who are 200% guilty. Why? It is a celebration for them! Your life has taken a very wrong turn and you keep me here and it is very embarrass; just like they do; it's PEDIGREE!

If They Are Taking Over The World - We Need the Death Count to be 10 Million A Year: Look Ann, if there is a plot to take over the world or use the both of us to take over the world; then clearly they have taken over the US government and we are battling them. So far so good. However, there is one problem. You have to make a choice and stick with it; no having your cake and eating it shit. Decide if you want to be friends or not and take strategic and aggressive steps to preserve our friendship. So far you have proven to be a degenerate, a pedigree mutt, and a bad steward. If they are taking over the world, then it explains their F'in delusional raving madman problem or the total slut-whore dictator in our life. Even worse is their narcissism; I am supposed to marry a silverback and have a mistress VIP stripper the crack gangs have ravished and split in two with their manhood? You are their conquest and still are Ann? You all get along great and have the pictures to prove it because you flirt with them constantly? Your road is coming to an end first; decide. They are not leaving and they have to be removed by force; so call it a plot to take over the world; we have it right now. However, hurricane and earthquake forces are on duty and I have dispatched them. As a degenerate Ann, decide if 2% happiness and 98% misery and flirtatious grandstanding is all you have to offer? I will trade that in for my share in this and buy me a new life; but will keep you as a friend and not an enemy you lackey and total wreck. Every picture of you doing Guilty book signings is outrageous and liquor everywhere. Look at you now, what has changed?

What Kind of A Human Degenerate Has Your Parents Created? If your parents were alive Ann, I would ask them what kind of a human degenerate did they produce in unleash into my life. The liberals and communists, the PR and blacks on this end; now feel we are bonded or have resolved this; you are their leader and a bridge has been made via your life. Look at the men in your life. One moment you claim to be a captive of some singles club prostituting you. The next moment you claim to have a murder-rape plot. Then your inner circle is completely corrupt and full of communists. Then we get your wild-crazy attempt to use your rescue as kindling or a ladder for our worst enemies. Clearly you F'ers and degenerates are lost or have no parents and family. I wish they were here so I can say to their parents and yours; what kind of a god damn pedigree degenerate have you unleashed in our life. First you are forced to be an blusterous love or sex slave. Now you want to be mine or only are trying to get sex and companionship out of this? 2% happiness and this is how you treat your closest friend? I am the only person who came to your aid and this is how you treat me Ann? You are the leaders of the degenerates and begging for any morsel you can get? None of you want to leave and are here to tell royals or the hurricane and earthquake society to leave or get out of your life? You have some nerve Ann and I wish your parents were alive today to see this. Those swines and little corrupt F'ers. All of you are sorry and only want to help? Sex and love is all you have? Take you as a slave? God dammit, you F'ers do have a death wish!

Dear Ann Couler - Decide IF YOU Want To Be Friends Or Not and STOP PISSING ME OFF WITH YOUR EARTHSHAKING FAITH: I have said this over and over again, you have a problem with your personality and making people happy. I am probably the closest living human being who knows you intimately or has spent over 20 years with you in bed, as a life partner, or behind the shadows. You count how many happy days I have had with you in my life and why I dumped you in 2002, 2008, and 2012. Had it not been for my coma and loss of memory; I would not be so nice. I got maybe 2% happy days and 98% unhappy days and look at your consumer or purchasing power; as if you have the world in your hands and winning big! Decide if you want to be friends and take active and aggressive steps towards it. Your pedigree and obviously a pedigree problem is all over my life now; as an enemy and as a close friend. Keep tinkering and F'in with it and I will become your worst enemy; you are lazy and full of deceit. You lie to me repeatedly and the trust barrier has broken down. I take what you say as nonsense now; totally insignificant to my life. Yet you ride the fence and keep throwing those stinkers. What are you doing now skiing and drinking your way to fame and my heart?

ANN YOU WILL NOT BE MY MISTRESS AND YOU ARE NOT IN ANY ADULTEROUS AFFAIR WITH ME OR EVER WILL BE, AM I CLEAR YOU SLEAZY LOUSE? Are you going to keep burying your dog bones so you can dig them up later, they owe you? You have only one life to screw up and so far; all of you have screwed up really badly; at least you beat them and beat yourself in the process. Decide if you want to remain friends and stop harping about how innocent, well behaved, or how hard you worked. All you have to do is count the number of happy days and count the days of misery with you. That is the story of our life and you are clearly the problem. Maybe I will feel differently when and if I win 1.6 billion dollars and rip the communist forces in pieces, care to help or just act like a sleazy intern or an adulterous louse? You are like a kid without a family or a woman without any ground in her life; just wandering and keeping the kindness of a stranger. ALL OF YOU ARE PISSING ME OFF, NOW GO AWAY AND DO NOT COME BACK! SO YOU WANT TO BE FRIENDS? YOU WILL NOT TURN OUR 20 PLUS YEAR PARTNERSHIP INTO SOME SEX STARVED MORON ACT WHERE YOU ARE SCORNED AND BERATED ABOUT YOUR LIFE AND THE MISERY YOU HAVE PRODUCED!

Dear Office of Hurricane and Earthquake: If last year you killed 1 million of their people; hopefully, this year you will kill 10 million of them. Maybe then they will learn a lesson. Maybe then they will know their own pedigree and ours. As far as Ann, I pray for her and if there is a God in this world, now is the time she needs him and needs the comfort of the truth for I am disgusted with her and her pedigree. The best this country could produce turned out to be misery and unhappiness for the remainder of my life. Please make her end this, go away, and let me live again; give me back my life from these evil forces. Maybe all of them will learn one day a little about the world they live in and how to treat other human beings, especially royalty who hold their life in the palm of their hands. Right now, Ann is trying to still argue with me and plead her case; when will all of this end? I cut her off already and am trying to move on. What she is doing is futile.

Dear Ann Coulter - Let's Say You Got Married: Let's say you got married and I dumped you years ago. I call you on our secret bat or what-have-you phone and tell you to come over and do not wear underwear in one hour. Are you saying you would not arrive 15 minutes early or are you saying you would not wear anything the moment you walked up to the door? Exactly. Why you pull this fraud off is beyond me and most of all; your pedigree is slipping and in the eyes of royalty or people who know what the problem is with these people or your people; I know the answer and you know the answer also. It is because I was everything you wanted and more; but you messed it up again as a way to somehow show your love or weaken yourself. If it was your daughters B-day and I told you to meet me in the park at 10pm; you would go there at 9pm to make sure I did not leave. Worse is how you play these men while you keep your true feelings inside. It is different when you come from royalty or come from a different background. You get an explosion in your pants when I mention the word sex with you. But I have not had one happy moment or day with you; not one.

Dear Ann Coulter - How Many Bad Days Have I Had Because Of You and How Many Times Did You Ask For Forgiveness or Say It Was "Unintentional"? Either you have really bad aim or you are really honest to me and all these wonderful people about your pedigree and why I have so many bad days. Let's count them shall we? How many bad days have I had? Do you honestly expect me to believe it? I did not even believe it before and you kept on telling me how complicated it was and how you just cannot tell the story except or unless it was face-to-face. Now I think you are a total phony. I get it from you. I get it from them. All of you have a major pedigree problem; horrible people. You New Yorkers have a serious mental issue; all of you do and it is contagious. We see this crap or how tough you are in Florida also; you do not fit in with the people I grew up with and you are far from royalty; more like a mutt. Yet you and they remain one step behind me in the shadows. You do not stand a chance now and would have been dumped in 2002 and 2008; a total waste of my time and yours. All you have to do is ask yourself how many bad days I have had with you in my life and how many good ones! Exactly! You bring no joy to anyone, not even me and you are a cruel human being with bad pedigree Ann, I admit this and it is the truth. It is not only you either; you got them off my ass and saved my life. This is you Ann:

Faith is Unshakable? What Pisses Me Off - All of This is Based Off My Work And I am A Prisoner or in A Blackade: Ann, you are not even royalty and the outrageous behavior of your people and Americans has reach a complete hilt. I sentence you all to damnation and if there is a God of hurricanes, earthquakes, and tsunamis; let them know I want all of you dead. What pisses me off is you are also a dumbass and all of this is based on my work; why you cannot get it right and claim your faith is unshakable. Faith? Hell, you cannot even serve or faithfully perform your duties as a human being no less a friend and spouse. You people act retarded and expect to have a future in this nation. It is a great nation but with these complete dumbasses who benefit from our work or my work; life is total hell. You included Ann; could not even take the trash out for our family or serve your duties. You are a dumbass because it is based on all of my work; which makes you a complete fraud also. I should have dumped you a long time ago and nothing has changed with you Ann, nothing. In 2008 you said you were quitting; I read how you are playing me and setting up more stupid shit or starting shit in summer, next year, etc... Look how far you and them are planning. Total retards who are not welcomed. Keep in mind this is my work and ultimately I am responsible. The God of hurricanes and earthquakes should unleash hell on your people; that should teach you all a lesson. You all think the world is in the palm of your hands by the dinners and parties you attend right? Ann, you are a certified fraud and a complete dumbass. SOMEBODY NEEDS TO SLAM YOU F'ERS INTO THE GROUND AND ON YOUR HEAD UNTIL YOU GET IT OR STOP F'IN UP OR MESSING THINGS UP! MAYBE THEN YOU WILL LEARN ABOUT LIFE.

Ann, You Have A Chance With Me and They Have A Chance With You? The Pictures and Events Says It All? Maybe I am not the one who is schizo or mentally ill as the US government has claimed I am; maybe you all are totally whacked and covering this up. Let me see clearly now, you have a future with me Ann? Furthermore, they have a future with you? Did I loose my mind or are you, you also Ann; just totally out of control and crazy? Yes and I want a silverback as a wife or best friend! Yes and I am the same or in the same boat as the blacks! How crazy are these MFs? Look at how troubled their life is; and they feel it is all about money or their job! Look at my life, career, bio; who is on top of it all? Someone needs to take you all out; it's your pedigree that is the problem, clearly Ann.

You are a total fraud Ann. You know I would have dumped you a long time ago. You are pulling the biggest fraud on your fans, close friends, family, and the police. You and I know had I gotten that 1.6 billion or my books published; I would have listened to you and the moment you stumbled or told a lie; I would have dumped you. Worse is where this is going and the feelings I have now; which means you basically do not have a future with me and I only am here for the ending or my money; you are a total fraud and a liar; to me and the rest of the world. You will burn in hell for that and you can avoid it for as long as you remain on this earth; the truth is I would have dumped you in 2002 and again in 2008. Do you need proof or pictures? All of you are a total fraud and this will never be reported. Even if they had you down, bleeding, unable to get up, and struggling.

Dear Ann Coulter - Do You Have A God or Are You A Phony Also? If you did have a God and if we were or had been together for over 20 years, this is what you would have said or should be right now, "I just want things between him and I to be good again, I am so worried." Instead we hear about your love Christie, beating Obama, and more of the same stuff I have to read and put up with. Most people who spend a year or two with another person, even only as friends, would say "I only want things to be good again and I pray it is." It must be that "tough guy" in you? DO YOU REALLY HAVE A FUTURE WITH ME ANN? I LOVE THE FUTURE WITH YOU... CAN YOU TELL?

I HATE YOUR F'IN GUTS WHEN YOU ARE GOOD, BAD, PRETTY, OR UGLY: Nothing has changed! All of you are so weak and total frauds. You come into our life and mess up everything; then stay or try to pull off a second, third, or fourth layer of fraud. The truth remains the same; you would have gotten dumped a long time ago and this is not helping at all; missing is our life and 1.6 billion dollars. As for you Ann, you also are guilty of public fraud and you know I would have dumped you a long time ago; along with the Obama crew. They have no future left in America and they are acting like they have us and this world in their palm. You act like you have this world in the palm of your hand Ann; why? All of you are a total mess Ann. You are also guilty; the more this drags on the more you are guilty. You are not and have not been a good steward of your life or mine; guilty. You can use all the tricks in your bag; you are guilty. You know and I know you got dumped in 2002 and the one in 2008 would have been much worse; look at you now; as if the world is in all of your hands. You people do not have a future and are total frauds. You come into our life and mess up everything; then stay there and it just gets worse; all of you are worse than a N; and everybody knows how or what life can be with them. The communists, liberals, Democrats, blacks, and Jews are the real culprits and who is ultimately behind this; as the benefactors.

The Obama's 2012: Everybody knows the Obama's are a complete disaster to their life. If they do not then they are either a communist, a ghetto dweller, very poor and uneducated, or a stranger in America. This game and total lie they play right now, how well they get along and what they have done for America; also the fun they had while in office; is exactly how the 1960s has gone for both sides; a complete nightmare. Look how well they are taken care of and look how well they get along! The nation is like this because none of them have ever been good stewards of life; not their own and not in ours, yet they remain as intrusive as a dictator can be. We have dealt them the biggest blow of their political career and they try to keep this total lie and attack as fierce as they can. Ann also learns well from the Obama's; how to stay and drive people insane! Yet none of them leave or stop as expected; insisting money is God and look at all the fun they have together! Look how well they all get along; like a big happy family.

Dear Ann Coulter - Now We Ski? Not Even Worried Are You? As insane as this has gotten; to say you are either not worried or worried sick is way past. I think it is "what can he live with" and "it is too late to erase my secrets." Keep it up Ann, maybe one day you will reach that mile marker where you will be accepted back or I might just find someone a whole lot better because you don't worry a bit and have silenced your dumbasses critics with your dumbass life. Then we ski! Then we celebrate and get drunk! Then we rub it in your face! ANN, YOU ARE SO EMBARRASSING AND YOU KEEP DOING IT ALSO; BOTH OF YOU! AREN'T YOU EMBARRASSED YET OR NO SHAME? STILL? YOU ARE ON SOME SUICIDE MARCH WITH ALL OF THEM, TOTALLY NUTS AND YOU HAVE MY MONEY AND ALL OF OUR MONEY!

Ann, hopefully you will get blasted and drunk and hit a tree like Sonny Bono; tree wins! Embarrassed now? I am and have been more convinced you are a F'in louse than ever in my life; yet you beg like a F'in dog and keep coming back; that is the insanity of your embarrassing life. Had you been a good or decent steward of your own life; maybe I would not feel this way; maybe. Yet you keep me paralyzed because you are down and hurt; know I will use my share or pay on this and ditch you and buy me a new life! Bingo.

Only Waiting For My Money Ann: First it was only business and nothing more. Then it was all messed up and you want to tell me face to face. Then it was how hard you worked and what they did. Now it is skiing, time for fun? What next drinking? Hotel parties? Dances or dates? Tell me Ann, why am I here and why is none of my money arriving? Still? Yes you... too busy right? Keep it up and cry about it or how you messed up and cannot hide it or erase it; maybe if you doubled it or made it worse; people will get used to you and all of them? Great plan... all of you! Did they get this from you also Ann? What a steward of life you have turned out to be Ann, over 20 years gone because of your stupid nincompoop jackass life.

A Conspiracy in Washington and It Reaches into the Police, Pentagon, and Security: At the time they claimed they were kicking us out and blocking our progress until we paid them or fixed the economics of communism and the blacks. This was the Democrats. They kept demanding a call; similar to holding a gun on someone's head and telling them, "you better hope that call comes through or else you are dead." When Ann responded and called, they went ape shit and did 911. This set us back at least 4-8 years. They had claimed mixing us together was to their advantage and we cannot prove anything. Therefore, where they were once running us off and kicking us out; we have defeated the communist globally and they do not want to report this, why? Congress is the one asking for the calls; also the rogue police who kept the pressure on us; blue collar control of police and military enlisted.

Not About War Anymore, Control: They could not win the war by attacking, holding us hostage, or at warfare. Now it is only about control and this is what is being tested at this moment. Rush Limbaugh made this crystal clear when he ordered Obama to socialize medicine and said it was still up for grabs. Either they will have total control or we will at the end of this campaign; this is where it is at right now and they have ignored all warnings and demands to back down or lay their weapons down. Therefore, when the indictment comes; so will the invasion and shut down of their forces. Bring it and let's get this over with so we can go back and enjoy our marvelous life and what America has delivered to our tables. They are terrified of our military might and do not want to challenge us any longer but Obama is trying to kick start their hurricane-earthquake program and unfortunately; we know the outcome already. Consider this a good-bye letter to the communist and their new enterprise.

We Have Defeated The Communist Globally! One of Us is a Dumbass and Looks Stupid: This is about crime, police, and power; the people and the communist.
1. Someone is living for the moment and has been shut down and dealt the defeat of their life! We have defeated the communist globally and in America; is that power?
2. Your stunt to have the FBI or hurricane and earthquake representatives call you failed miserably; thus, the kidnapping failed. Nobody called Congress either and all of them can now go home empty.
3. Your police looks stupid and so does your power. Look at the Asian society and how they treat criminals such as your raving madman mouth and indignation.
4. You came to VA-DC to pick a war and when this is over; you were the biggest loser who is facing deportation; but you don't want to surrender or face the reality.
5. Yes your blue collar workers and the proletariat is in control and power in our life; harassment everyday and even at the grocery stores, etc... not at Asian grocers only big name grocery stores.
6. Look at the statistics in America and compare them to the manufacturing countries worldwide; you want jobs with that level of crime; kiss our ass.
7. This conspiracy where we steal from the communist or Democrats and give them away to overseas partners; blew up in your face. Your attempt to steal SATWAR and hurricane and earthquake forces was a tsunami in your life. Where are they now 10 and 20 years later? Exactly. Steal our secrets and give them away to foreign partners right? Okay let's ask them and call them; your turn.
8. If the police demanded the FBI or hurricane and earthquake office to call; why did only Ann Coulter call them? Also, when that call comes in; they attack or trace it. Why didn't the FBI set up a dummy or protocol and make these calls so that SATWAR and hurricane-earthquake forces did not become exposed? How about security and real police officers? Now look at their corruption, paranoid about satellites. Look at the divorce rates among the police and how hard they have to work to keep up with the blacks and hispanics. Meanwhile, the Asians are taking them all to the bank. Look at Ann and her crazed wrecked life. No responsibility or care in the world. Police? Tell our police to call their corrupt ones? False arrest? We got them now and they are not getting a pension or medals for this one!
9. One of us looks stupid and is a dumbass. We will see. One of us got satellites deployed on them and handed the defeat of their life.
10. The raving madman mouth and his police forces are completely corrupt. However, we have dealt the communist forces their death blow; if Christ was on earth, he would hold a trial for war crimes against them; to face the death penalty.

Somebody should tell these drunk and dumbasses Ann Coulter is really going to be pissed off at them for messing up her life; good stewards, security, or the police? Try zero or no security whatsoever and winning it all.

In our golden moment and after we have delivered the biggest defeat for the communist forces in the world; funds are cut off and we are made to look stupid by blue collar workers who use a landlord-tenant relationship to suggest we look stupid and do not want to move? Who is right here, us or them? We are right aren't we? This is also the history of the FBI, CIA, hurricane-earthquake program, and much more; yet to be told, why? Who is going to tell the story of Christ and who will reject it? This world can change overnight, do they have any regrets if they can be gone tomorrow or be blamed for another attack?

Timing It and Staged Attacks: I am registering for class and will be attending classes shortly. They are timing these attacks so it impedes or obstructs with my schooling or some form of progress. They are and have been the worst students in this. Furthermore, it is as if we are growing up again; bullies and having them in our life if and when we go to class or engage in anything public (stores, streets, schools, library, etc...) they act exactly like a bully would as we are growing up; yet they are starving and being shut down and evicted. That is the raving lunatic and madman Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity is. We covered the arranged marriage already.

Good Stewart or Bad One - Divorce: Had all of you been good stewards of your life and life; a divorce would not be ongoing. We all worked hard for our dreams; but one of us is 200% guilty. Communism is a fantasy that relies or leeches on others; hence, they are in our VIP life leeching or stealing life itself. This is what the kidnapping is or was about.

Dear Ann Coulter and The Communist Forces - A Fantasy and A Dream? If you are a steward to your own life and do what is expected; maybe that dream will not die. All of you are getting worse and it is because you are not good stewards of life. Your dream is a fantasy and we would not be here if you all were doing what you are supposed to be; not told what to do. This goes for you also Ann. Your dreams are slipping away. You expect others to do what you do not want to yourself. You have been bitching and whining about your dream and a steward to it; no matter what they do; it should not impact yours unless you are a brazen idiot like these people are. The communist work harder for their dreams only because they expect others to do their work for them or neglect what they are supposed to; but you are guilty of this also Ann and this is why your dreams are nearly gone. All of you are nuts. I now am trying to dump all of you; not one or two of you because it is unfair. You all are the same in marriage; you expect things to work out great but have no clue on how to be happy or be good stewards of life. Then it is the excuses; work, friends, commitments, travel, etc... Like fat people, there is no excuse.

Public Safety, Security, VIP, Protection, War, Phony, Lies, Pest, Communist, 911, and Secret Service-War: When the cards are on the table and when the other side is ordered to lay down their arms or surrender; at least they know who is the tool, who has the power, and who is the true loser. JFK and 911 was a single stroke and that is why they are not here to explain; only the masterminds. When we loose 50 cents on the dollar; clearly there is a thief and a war over public opinion and public safety. We would be doing much better had it not been for this enemy, communist, the Democrats or this kidnapping. This is why we are here now and listening to the details of two vivid sides; one is lying and the other is not. When do we get paid for all of this; damages, violations, fines or fees, lawyer costs, property damage, etc...

No Matter What We Do To You or What We Try: Everybody knows you will be lucky to be 50 cents on the dollar or 50% of your money back if you put your bet on the blacks, Jews, or the liberals. Right now it is all debt but everybody knows since the 1960s the left wing has literally blown up and gotten that trash all over us or in our life. Your stuff is repugnant and not even a bath or shower washes it off. Put your money on the Democrats, liberals, left wing, or this problem we have with a raving madman and we will be lucky to get any of it back; even 1.6 billion dollars in damage. Everybody knows that is the truth and reality; what you are fighting for dear life. Even worse is how you copy us; we may get $40 cents on the dollar for the forgery or counterfeit. That is this criticism, stalking and smear you all are doing and have for over 20 years now. You are guilty of 911, admit it and let us seek punishment and war on your forces; shut them down. You demand our secrets or else you will attack, torture, or kill us. You still are doing this now but are scared to death!

Dear Ann Coulter - Keep Burying Dog Bones While I Bury Mine: My old girlfriend is still as hot and loving every inch; nothing has changed in life or last night. I hope you find the right megaton to straighten out your hair or fix your political problems; or police problems. This is about progress and a better life and judging by the megatons of hip thrusting, it's a much better life. All it takes is one mistake and it can be over during this rough sex Ann; one breakage or slip and that is it. Talk about heaven! Now this is the way to have a relationship; a smile on my face every night. Also, my megaton hips tell the entire story! No guilt, no regrets, and Ann Coulter begging like a F'in dog in heat drunk and hungry at dinner. Lucky for you Ann, I do not have 1.6 billion yet or my money.

The Makeup Wars: 300lb suits or Gorilla makeup; 911 terrorists or Arabs posing "colored" people in America dumping tea; what next? Now we not only have to fight demon-head, communists, liberals, PR, blacks, Democrats, and phony Republicans; we have a Makeup War and a raving madman in our life. What next, dress like us? Switch clothing and costumes so the customers will not notice? Dress up and criticize with makeup and fight like a pussy? Yes mistress and sleazy intern to Jesus himself! Jesus wants 1.6 billion in damages doesn't he, or else God will unleash hell?

Dear Ann Coulter: Stop trying to be a sleazy intern or a Kennedy. I think you better get home but you know what; maybe it is best you do not. Let me guess, all of you would do it again? ONLY A CHEAP MISTRESS AND FAITHFUL AT IT? WHO CARES? At least you know your place Ann! STOP WHINING AND STICK THE F'ERS, DON'T TELL ME THIS DRAMA-HELL; STICK EM AND GO TO JAIL, BIG DEAL. The F'in road has split now Ann, good job moron. Even better, throw them in jail and stick them when they are in handcuffs. A bunch of winey pussies who are retarded and fight with toothpicks or female makeup.

Dear Rush Limbaugh, Why Are You Partners With the Communists? I have them on my end. You are the voice of them. All of you keep calling the police on me. The Puerto Ricans and blacks called 911 three times in a drunken stupor to report I was making bombs. The police were not happy to find out or when they spoke to the FBI. Why are you partners with the labor unions, 911 terrorists, radical blacks and PR, and communist agents? Why are you behind or the voice of all of this crime spree and want to know if you are on satellite or if we can defeat you? Yes we know who you are and have; what is your point or test now? More dry runs... ? I have them on my end; and it leads to you, why?

History of the FBI and Major Changes: Wait until my book reveals the history of the FBI and when I changed their future! No they do not believe any of this either; we all imagined it. You go and tell that to the FBI, CIA, and Pentagon who are reading this. They are putting medals on my chest right now.

Dear Rush Limbaugh: I must ask you and have been dying to, how was your experience and how was it kidnapping royals or the royal family? You pretend we do not know who you are and are just finding out you are ungrateful people starving because of your flaws or ridiculous life; and all you can do is leech off the healthy and educated people who are not supposed to! I am not supposed to be but here I am ducking and knocking your ass out while my clock dwindles down or my life energy. Do you have any direction in life or a soul besides ripping, scamming, and stealing everything we have or own? War? Wait until that indictment arrives and what further surprises we have for your ass. Scared? This is the scariest moment of our life and we have never been more scared or paranoid? Medicated is not strong enough of a word to describe you Rush Limbaugh or your communist forces.

ANN, YOU ARE SO PHONY, ADMIT YOU HAVE NEVER BEEN SO SCARED IN YOUR LIFE: It is like someone took 20 megatons and straightened out your hair. It is like 100 megatons of white powder was giving you the high and the terror of your life. You cannot stand it and the mistreatment. You conservatives drink yourself to death but nothing washes the pain away. Like a drug it is in your veins now; all 20 or 100 kilos smashing you into pieces. How phony can this get and how ridiculous can you fill our world of nonsense with? At least you know your part and act like the guinea pig you all are; begging all night and trying to play it off while you could of had such an easy life and easy win. How retarded this has become. I am already making plans with a few girls and have 19 cougars; yes 19 I grew up with and one of two I met. Yes you love America? Well then, America loves you back! It can all come to an end tonight; 20 or 100 megatons of hip pumping by me and my new girl; take that! She loves every single inch of this, did you know that? Look how weak you all are and how quiet through this.

Dear Ann Coulter: Just remember who is winning and who is losing; the prize. Who is more scared now than ever before in their life, and why! Yet the crazy stunts and this "say it like we do" game keeps going on and on. Your scrawny 90lbs looks ridiculous in the 300lb class or the over 300 singles club; really get a life will you! Conservatives are more scared today than a total wreck. Yes beg and watch me have ectasy with another woman while you are powerless to the 300 club and the liberals who have attacked you. You cannot even clean up your own private life or conservative movement. All of you must know how to teach each other how to beg like a dog; admit it, raving lunatics and madmen. The salt and smell of a female embraced by my glorious victory over the communists! You missed out Ann, really.

A Lesson About America and Not Smears or Lies: One of us is teamed up with the PR and blacks. One of us is bad mouthing or smearing America. One of us is trying to fire you lazy, louse like communist and left wingers. One of us got the biggest lesson of our life and is terrified about America. One of us is a fresh boat with a jacked warped sense of narcissism. Can you guess who that one is? The other one defeated communism and is kicking ass left and right.

Dear Ann Coulter: Trust me when I say this; if I get 1.6 billion; I will buy myself a new life and find a new woman to start life over with. Twitter shows you how retarded and gullible you truly are. They rip you apart when you tell the truth or escape; then the moment you go out drinking with them; they toot your horn and love you to death. Dumbest and most obnoxious female act I have ever seen; get some balls and a life will you. You are the worst mistake I have ever made in my life and if you want to test it; we can. They have me paralyzed and in a bad situation; so do you. If I was rich, you are the worst choice and the biggest mistake; total misery and unhappiness; forever. At least you stopped begging like a F'in dog as I asked; but we will see if you will beg like the F'in dog you truly are to fix your total wreck and life. You had it all and then threw it away for free beer, a few bucks, and God knows what else Ann. Happy with yourself or just trying to find comfort now with losers and drinking buddies? Your money is going to buy you a new life? Really; you have no heart and the damage is beyond recovery; a complete waste of my life and time. You think you know it all and got the answers for everything; and you don't. You get yelled at all the time and still do at age 50. We will test it when I can buy a new life or have 1.6 billion. Do you really think I would sit here and talk it over; what you did or did not do? Do you think I would tag along or be dragged more by this insane life you all have? Do you think I will argue, yell, and be pissed off the rest of my life? You must be F'in nuts also or retarded. I would buy myself a new life and have no memory of this; who cares who or what you did or didn't do Ann; honestly.

Who Taught Them How To Beg Like A F'in Dog? Their mom? Their Dad? Their religion? Their King? Who? I get it from every woman in my life; then I get it daily from this crazed communist enemy, wave after wave. Who is teaching them how to beg or coaching them to behave like this? It is the most pathetic shit I have seen from Ann or all of them; and Ann is 50 years old and still a fool going nowhere in life; but she is rich and trying to meet more people. Want to take the test or challenge Ann? 1.6 billion dollars and I guarantee you, your ass is history and I will buy a new life; a happy one without you or these problems. All of them beg like dogs and all of them are raving lunatics or madmen.

We Can Teach Them a Lesson Tonight: If they want to open their mouth again or take the test, I am sure we can teach them tonight! Let's see if they whimper all night about it afterwards. Heck we can teach them every single night until they learn what a proper life is about when starving in America.

The Communist Forces Have Been Defeated: All they have left is their reputation. All I have left is mine. They wear the emblem of a traitor well, especially Hannity and Limbaugh. They may wish progress or even jobs; but their named will be on granite along with Lucifer, Judas, Benedict Arnold, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and the list keeps on going. It was about much more than West Point or General George Washington. It was about our soul and our destiny to become who we choose to be and who we are today. They will try to steal that and much more. This is why they wish to live with the educated and healthy. This is why they spend life in a prison of oppression. This is why they starve in America and are viewed as absolute traitors or failures. They waged war on us and expect not one shot to be fired back or ever. We have defeated the communist forces on our own soil and are on the verge of pushing them back to the gates of hell.

These Starving Degenerates Are Convinced This Will End Without A Shot Fired - Do We Take Their Life or Their Honor? The esteem of their countrymen and the starvation of their desperation; is easily purchased and paraded on film or radio. It was I who saved this woman named Ann Coulter, whom the nation owes a debt of gratitude to; not once, twice, or even three times. Her decisions to pander to idolatry or fish for happiness with wolves deceives her true heart. These degenerates will marry and sleep with any louse without a soul or with the pocketbook of blood and treason. Their lust and passion is false; reserved for dogs and the dogs of war. The promise or prospect of command drives them to acts so easily purchased and barbarian; only Washington could fund such a losing cause. We have crossed that cliff of damnation and the proof in our hands; on both sides seems to only be delivered by one side. So easily purchased they reject any truth for such a prize; a losing army. Ann and I have crossed the damning letters of proof in our hands; heads will roll and their families, their children will read it. Surely they will all fail and the warrior remains and stays to command us? They are stil at war with themselves; only to share this war with us? Do we deserve it? Do we deserve a total phony who only wants to die in battle? A death inside a half man and an empty soul? We feel they deserve to be relieved of all commands; but thinking this is not as easy as our hands show. Living outside of a proper life; allows them to foment more attacks and invade our healthy life with a starving degenerate one. All to be avenged by the fury unlike the burden that cursed us and crushes them. A louse is capable of missing their destiny? We denied them this or a job? They drive us off our lands and occupy our own homes; 24 hours of this and molest our women like a vulture would a corpse?

Instead of Sending Avenging Hell: We get a broken heart and more bills? Demands for money from Congress? What kind of a raving madman have we put into power where hurricane and earthquake power cannot break their ignorance or criminal penchants? Where is Washington when a raving madman has entered our homes, taken our wives, and ravaged our family? How ungrateful of a tyrant they have become on our lands. No valiant man dare right the course of history or this nation; except one of their traitors and member of a stragglers' club? Must we die more of a broken heart reading of their degenerate political hearts? They do this without a fight and not even a gun fired? The only guns fired is to silence us or keep us locked up? Working with degenerates has made me lost taste of this passion and this business. Yet my loyal love has place the taste of defeat into their drinks and in their last meals. Their blind and mindless hearts have transformed this nation into idolatry and an act of treason. We dare not breath a taste of victory until our avenging hell smothers every last one of their starving orphans; to be tested not by a single shot but a test of loyalty? The mutiny spreads. The starving refuse to separate from the healthy and vibrant; displaying their loyalty more until hurricane and earthquakes greet them. It is an insult, they decide to defect and make our life more of a hell? Now their court martial is burning bright again? We cannot devote our life to our own wife and pursuit of children? We are labeled guilty for firing on our own men or locals? Who wrote this book of hell conceived by the devil? They sleep with whomever they choose the moment time and place offers them room for idolatry. Their family genes and their females have no soul; no house of cards except brinksmanship of a raving lunatic.

Ann, This Nonsense with Savages Must Stop and End On Time, Immediately: everybody can see how we both face down the mob and savages. It need not continue or engage in more duels or taunting. Yet the total wreck stays and remains; starving and in defeat. Their lack of direction, lack of a future, and total lack of human qualities; has become dictatorial. We have stopped them cold in their tracks. But wait the games continue. They are the finest this nation has or can produce. Our grace and comfort can cure their afflictions? One picture can cause the world to stand still? They love us too much and our affections; are honest. If you listen with your heart Ann, you will hear our own children screaming at you. End your glory seeking and wild ways. They take their liberties with you because your beauty wounds them and companionship cures their degenerate savagery. If you only allow them instead of allowing me and tease them Ann. You act without worry and refuse to listen to your heart; bleeding it in order to stay. Your career, your friends, your men; all have robbed me of my youth and happiness. Yet you stay convinced of our future happiness. How can I love you Ann? How does your loyalty find comfort in the arms of this glory seeking? You are a thin skinned servant by marriage. Your own patriots denounce you and your female persuasions. They insist and have convinced me you are a lady of the night. I cannot allow our or my family name to suffer; I demand a court martial of these indifference before I fall. The bill and the debt they have imposed on us cannot be paid; yet they refuse to explain in writing or in full. A call to arms is required and necessary.

Their Love of Limbaugh, Hannity, Fox, Clear Channel, and These Fools is Idolatry: End Your Glory Seeking and Wild Ways Before It is Too Late for Everybody: Which are the better drinkers and lovers? Only flattery? They expect loyalists and degenerates to drink from the same well and stock? The wounds we hold and the battlefields we have bled on are of no cause or reprisal for this loyalty? And Ann, in love you surrender all your forces and body for this happiness? Their presence is an insult to every citizen who respects the law or has a dream of a better life. When the country lay bleeding and almost dead; they quit? All they wish to prove is a duel between one raving lunatic after the next? What battle do they claim to have won? Here their nation is near defeat and they hold personal ambition on our shoulders? This duel with a degenerate and filthy rotten communists has no satisfaction except to the menace of a complete retard who lacks honor and discipline. Who lost an entire Army? Who lost an entire Fleet? Who lost an entire war over profiteering? Who answers to whom? The commander who did this or the followers of that same commander? A call to arms is being made; and so is an indictment. This over a personal war on one man and one woman? We do not have our bride or groom unless a call to arms is met? Let them be tried and let them be executed if guilty. They see no world except through the eyes of a thief and a degenerate. Yet the broken heart of a country and history cannot express the degree of evil in their hearts. How then do they remain or stay in a country which sees them as traitors and enemies; starving and beaten by their glory seeking? Be brave until the men I lead in battle arrive? Glory to those who see no reality.

The Story of the American Revolution: We know why this enemy has a blackened heart and is a communist degenerate. A good General does his own reconnaissance, true. A good leader leads his own Renaissance. They believe in the cause and are the best of men; thus, the hand of God is at work? Good lord, they dishonor us and heap all the blame and loss on us. They disobey our wishes, orders, and all laws; but they stay and feel it is an act of God? A miracle or an act of catastrophe to lead us to a better nation? God in this story believes only two people and one of them has really pissed off the other. These loyalties have reprisals and they are not delivered or on time. Similar to the American Revolution, these loyalties to the Congress is an ungrateful act they remain to stay. The greed of these degenerates surpasses bar none. This enemy seeking glory has turned dictatorial and lawless; with no respect for human beings or their own safety; a raving madman. They merely seek reprisals for these loyalties but are the most ungrateful of them all; summoned to death by endless errors. Yet they feed us to the unruly mob and remain ungrateful in glory seeking. We have seen enough of these starving degenerates and communists; is it a miracle or a catastrophe?

Staying As An Act of Faith: give me a god damn F'in break will you! Ann, you also! Glory seeking, act of faith, to the last drop of blood, the greed of the poor, and now our broken humanity because of this communist enemy. Ann seeks glory before marriage or eternal love? Did you get this from a Harlequin Romance or off a bathroom wall in a bar Ann?

Dear Ann Coulter: While you are out drinking and proving why you all are a poor movement or barbaric; you refuse to give me a real or straight answer while you seek glory. You have ruined me and I could have had a life of my own; could have and you have not balanced this servitude. I regret to inform you Ann, you are the worst mistake I have made and you have proven to me you are barbaric and selfish in your glory seeking. All of you are some poor movement trying to wage war or accept the cold hard reality; but regardless, you seek glory and do not starve like the blacks or the hispanics. Worse, you think after glory you will have your groom while he writes you the worst letters you have ever read. Degenerates. Take a look at your leadership and where it is leading; to hell.

How Big is The Gap Between US and Them? Look at their destructive capability, how they fight, and their medical situation. It is nothing more than butchery. Yet look at the poor and their savagery; animals greedy by providence. They starve and fight; but their animal existence and failure has the greed of degenerates or species we usually do not have to live with or feed. Look at their past, how poor they are, the greed of power, and how butchery and destruction far supersedes their ability to fix the human being or the humanity of human conflict.

How To Get a Hurricane and Earthquake for Retards (Hispanics, Blacks, Liberals, Communists, and Democrats who think they are big and bad): Click here... or read and comment! Click here is you read it and are starving! In the end, justice prevails! Not the poor, not the starving, not the communists, not the phony liars, and not the stragglers. In the end, the good guys and the healthy only survive; the rest is throw away or hurricane-earthquake target practice.

Our Sanity and Our Humanity is At Risk: They expect us to live, work, and put up with a complete retard in our life, trying to help, as intrusive and full of malice or errors; day and night for upwards of 20 years; and still have our humanity? These immigrants and failures want the whites and the asians to live with apes and this rotten to the core degenerate; and expect us to keep our humanity? They want to kidnap and do this and expect us to have our humanity about why they are starving or what they are doing in our life? Then they want to call the police, file false reports, make false arrests, claim it is not about race, and sit there and criticize our humanity and why we are cruel, dangerous, and treat them with absolute horror? How do they think hurricane and earthquake humanity is today? How do they expect to be treated? As the police? As a king? As if we were molested and terrorized? Is that what this is about? Worse, they don't even have any story or written documents; we do. This degenerate wants to live with the asians and the whites or become our king, leaders, bosses, and role models? Oh, they want to date and marry us only; have our kids.

What This Retard is Like (Male and Female): The males are your typical immigrant who thinks they are hot shit and all that; but females are the real problem. The males are violent and you just have to meet brute force with hurricane and earthquake terror. They melt instantly and cry like a girl. All they want to do is act like a complete retard who is not the least bit worried until someone pushes the button on their ass. Then we get this retard whimpering all night, "why do you have to be so mean... leave, I want you to leave... go home, why won't you just go... everybody is crying now... you don't even care, we are sorry... etc." That is how it is and has gone each and every time someone pushes the button on the liberals, hispanics, blacks, and Democrats. So not only are they starving; they do not even realize what the problem is or why laws are there to protect the healthy people. Mention war or ask them if they want war and they scatter and only come out when the coast is clear. As malicious and a raving madman they truly are; they stand there and take punishment or a beating similar to a tank that runs them over; do not jump in front of buses, tanks, or the gigantic machinery of life; starving or not. Trying and try to listen to that all day and all night; for almost 6 years now. I describe them as molesting healthy people or a serial sex offender; a pussy trying to act much bigger, wetter, and warmer.

The Whites are Ultimately Behind This (Liberals and Democrats): it comes down to the blacks and the hispanics trying to match-beat the whites and the asians. It comes down to the blacks and the hispanics trying to live with the whites and the asians. They come to America and try to live with healthy or intelligent people and we get healthy people who have crime on their doorsteps or have to listen to inferior and degenerate people criticize, smear, or slander their name. This is about control and taking away the freedom from a raving madman and felon. We have to live with this inferior or degenerate while they attack us 24 hours a day and play this game with the police or as the police. I agree, they want this to work and be better for them; but clearly it has not. We can blame the Kennedy's, we can blame the Irish, we can blame the Catholics or Jews. That is what it comes down to and what poverty or failure has led to in our life; a political monster who is facing death and much more. They continue to suggest we burden them, won't leave, or are too stupid to understand. There it is in black and white and unless they meet the demands; their future is right there also. They bombard us with this and when they come to America; they face prison or severe oppression. Why? Why can't this work or why are we here listening to raving lunatics steal everything? They are behind on everything. Our debts are compounded and in meltdown. That stupid SOB President is one of them; a total liar. We do not get anywhere with this because we are not allowed to make choices, be healthy, or have freedom. Not while they are alive or have freedom. They want to stay in America and starve; but look at what is actually going on. Is that fraud? A scam? A ruse? A lie? Their straggler religion? Our debt? Failure? Or are we all in this together?

The Church of Failure and Raving Political Lunatics: do not even have the common courtesy to document it and we have to listen to their raving lunatic and madman spin, twist facts, and tell complete errors in an attempt to attack or smear our name even more. In addition, to all of that; they have not even considered ending this or even telling the truth or documenting it; but the intrusion goes on. The political machinery is on attack and is positioning itself while this raving madman is in our life doing this. It comes down to the Asians. It comes down to the Whites. It comes down to the rest starving in America or what they are doing in our life; from petty crime to the unimaginable; and they claim our satellites are violating their rights and freedom?

Dear Rush Limbaugh and Conservative Communist Forces: I am sure your intrusion or intrusiveness into our life had nothing to do with this. It was all imagined and we are all friends, no worries ever. This is what a raving madman is trying to convince everybody and what it is all about. We will be glad to take you to the point of destruction and war; how you get out of it is up to you but you better write everything down when your life and future is on the line; everything. Helping someone does not garner 1.6 billion in damages nor does being their friend. Spying on them, wrecking their life, harassing them, kidnapping them, intrusiveness, and stealing does. It is all crime ridden and you will be lucky to get a plea or off lightly; no less avoid warfare. You are the people in debt and whom are starving and this is how you react or respond to it; a crime spree and warfare. You also call it a spontaneous revolution and it is not; it is total failure. Does that make you a raving lunatic who has been filmed, documented, studied, and now a showpiece? Or does it make us? You wrote our policy and hurricane-earthquake procedures.

It Comes Down to Your Police, Your Leaders, Your Prison, and Our Freedom: It all leads down one road and that road is full of negligence, lies, corruption, intrusion, tinkering, kidnapping, and a raving madman denying it or trying to help by stating crazy goals and intentions.

1. The degree of intrusion is so pervasive; there are over 100 felony charges.
2. The antics of a raving madman to help or become more and more intrusive as things worsen; led to a total disaster and continuing long term back and forth; brinksmanship.
3. The truth is you all came to America and are starving; thus, you did this to healthy people who actually have very genius levels so you can steal anything you can. The intrusion or the kidnapping is one thing; the theft and the total wreck-disaster is the goal clearly.
4. With no education or direction, you claim this is the school of life or hard knocks. It is not. You need to do your homework and get an education; not rely on those who do.
5. Our future is determined by teachers, schools, and the creative property or intellectual property we utilize in the market system. You have no respect for any of the above as communist agents or saboteur 911 terrorists.
6. Your prison system or political motives; is a raving lunatic and this is why you starve or are getting worse. Yet the back and forth, the degree of intrusion, and the raving of a madman who only "wants to help" by pushing or dragging us down this road; is still ongoing. The truth is you have nothing to offer; not the long term and very little in the short term; desperation.
7. This case was about satellites, an intruder, an unwelcomed enemy, a felon in our life, and who is determining our future. We have the credentials and education to prove it. We have the story and the written draft of your life; in ours. Yet the intrusion, intrusiveness, and kidnapping is concealed or kept secret as part of this secret police or claim you are big brother and the government. Now we face war and there is a major problem with the same people who are starving or did this.
8. This is about leadership, management, friendship, trying to help, making things worse, getting your way, getting our way, voluntary action, etc... the bottom line is intrusiveness, errors, negligence, fraud, and intentional malice or violence. We give you a chance to tell the world your story and we give you options to prevent war and violence. You have not accepted any of the surrender terms. Yet you claim to be the people and the police; the government or in control. So now both of our freedom is jeaopardize and there is only one winner and one person telling the truth; but it is and has not been you because we are not in the same boat nor starving; you are.
9. Had you stayed out of my life, Ann's life, and our mission; stayed out of government, stayed off the police force, or not been put in this position or kept us in this position of danger or peril; those cards you hold would lead to freedom. But they do not no matter what Rush Limbaugh the raving madman and communist says daily or disputes. It gets even worse the more you stay or try to unite with us. You claim we will be okay and that justifies your desperation or plight.
10. The politics of the poor, the communist, the left wing, the Democrats, the liberals, starving immigrants, debt, traitors, 911 terrorists, and evil; has run it's course. We cannot go any further with this; only stack up more violations, lies, charges, or damages. It is time for war and when that indictment is delivered; it will be too little and too late; that is the god honest truth and the our future by the professor and the school whom taught you and prepared you. Now pick a side and write everything down; no verification and there are no guarantees, none. Expect the worse and ultimate retaliation in 30 days or less after the indictment by military forces.

This is where the communist forces and the politics of starvation and poverty or crime has led or found their final battle and war in America; death. These are the cards, charges, and brinksmanship they play or utilize as they are being shut down. They got the fight of their life and lost by a huge margin or gap; but they hide it and the entire matter; because it leads to 911, a death sentence, and total war.

Dear Ann Coulter: Ann, there is a point where you have to head towards safe ground or high ground. You were supposed to meet me in Canada and instead you said you had a better plan. I was open minded. Now you have pushed every button of mine. You only tarnished them and they are all indignant thieves, criminals and felons who are running the world. You do not listen to me and actually put food on their table while food was taken off mine. That was over 5 years ago and all you had to do was give me my share of our money and I would move on. I have not seen my family in 8 years and in 20 years only 3 times! You? You want me by your side while you share this pain and you lost everything or is trading it all in. Fine and well, go down with the ship; I am not here to argue with you or change your mind. You are! You still are. You still argue with me. Your female strategy is phony. Look at the clock and look at all of the time, money, and effort gone to waste; that is a total wreck. All day I have to listen to blacks and hispanics tell me to leave; and they are starving in America. They go into government service because they are starving in America and are a total failure. Now they refuse to pay any damages or face justice and the truth; to hell with them and they have their written warning. Don't worry about it?

Get The Indictment and Invasion Orders: that is all we need, the indictment on them and they will see military action in 30 days; destroy their forces and retaliate for the 911 plot and this kidnapping; also flooding our political government and leadership with buffoons and raving lunatics. Get that indictment will you and stop F'in off; we have an invasion plan and hurricane-earthquake forces are on duty. That is the cards they are playing with or have right now; look at those cards they play with! This is how we take care of business, brinksmanship. I am retired, I do not get paid for this; only 1.6 billion in damages or my self-employment. I do not have the time or patience for this; things to do and people to meet.

We Cannot Get Rid of Them On the Right or Left: How do we fire them or shut them down? How do we stop the communist when they took over the right and the left wing? How? Look at the right wing. All of the best people left and are so disgusted, they retired! Look at their top leaders; they are completely retarded; I can put them to tears in 24 hours. The entire right wing is a total wreck and these leaders are the reason; but we are not allowed to fire the labor unions while 911 terrorists, flawed ranting lunatics, and communists tell us the right wing and conservatives left us high and dry. No wonder there is a 1.6 billion dollar on the communists and these spies; the person who has to pay is Rush, Hannity, Fox, MRC (negligence) and Clear Channel; and a few more. They also risk military invasion after an indictment is delivered; unless they have the written and full account. Hey their leaders can be buried with all of these traitor secrets. They face the death penalty if those secrets get out; what is their motive?

Rush Limbaugh the Communist and 911 Terrorist is Crying? I say it again, they came here because they are starving or slaves; their politics is to turn us into slaves or starving people facing financial destruction or a crime ridden life. Rush said all of them are brain dead and Ann Coulter calls them drinking buddies. When her biography comes out; he will have a burnt heart and they will be shut down; so they try to kill her while they can or take her hostage down that road also. Ann is too drunk to notice or care; she will probably loose all of her money also; along with everything else she worked so hard for. Our kids were sold for $350 a plate and Ann thinks she is innocent. The rantings of a madman and total lunatics in politics! Came here because they are starving and now this is their politics of starving! Communists. Don't even try to deny any of this again! They still feel they can or will win; even after hurricane and earthquake forces are deployed and police satellites.

Dear Ann Coulter - You Sold My Kids For $350 A Plate: After all that drinking, partying, dinners, traveling, Fox News, CPAC, etc... someone might tell you or clue you in! I went and got married to an old sweetheart; and you drank and partied right through it! Brilliance at work and total conservatism! I blame Lisa, no really I do Ann; also liberals. You have brought so many retarded men into my life. You have brought so many ugly men into my life. You pretend to be doing this for me; so I can enjoy this carefree single guys life, etc... it is total insanity and has been. The picture says it all. You were too drunk and having a blast to realize I went and got married! If you have any friends at all, they might tell you your boyfriend went and got married while you were out drinking or dating men. You will know if they are your friends or not; Fox News is definitely! My FAVORITE was the MRC dinner when you picked up Klavan and worked so hard for the MRC reputable name. They were the first in line to buy your biography! It goes to show that conservatives are rotten to the core and suck, how bad? Enjoy life alone and with a burnt out heart Ann; and your psychopathic criminal friends. If I get the 1.6 billion; keep your lousy money or $350 a plat louse lifestyle. No kids right now because you sold them for $350 a plate; you must be a very proud woman.

Dear MF Inside My Residence (the female): Once that indictment comes; expect military action and an invasion force within 30 days. You keep berating and running your mouth every hour of the day and I will show you what I have in store for you communist MF. 30 days after the indictment on your ass; you have my word, sworn promise, and my honor! Yes, keep telling me to leave and in my residence. Keep running your mouth like a spoil little communist brat liberal; your people will pay dearly and they are also starving! Here in America also. You picked a fight and a war and your traitor ass feels you can erase it or walk away unscathed. F you. You have my sworn word and honor; you have some nerve to be born into this world, really. Let me make this crystal clearer, you better have everything nice and neat, written in that 30 days. Yes, the world really wants to hear about it or your lies.

The Whites Are Not Starving (Not All) - The Asians Are Not Starving: that must make us a failure, in the same boat, schizo, and a total wreck! We better leave and not challenge their power, control, and police. Who is starving here?

GTFO Really: Military and the Police force; for real. I want to be the first to say that.

The Puerto Ricans Said It is THEIR COUNTRY: So when are they going to fight for THEIR country? We are ready for them and the blacks. The entire left wing can either fight for their country or go the F home; yell that across the fence or on their property. It is not as if anybody is evicting them or giving them a notice; are we? They turned out to be a complete lunatic and coward like Rush Limbaugh. You all must be some cheap slut we keep picking up; how did you get there? Yes, and America embraces you as you starve and pester us! Who is starving in America and who is 200% guilty? Who needs to save up their drinking water for the indictment on your ass? Who is done now? Starving in America, won't fight for your country, the biggest traitor that hit our shores; and now not fake?

Dear Puerto Ricans and Labor Union Goons: why do you always drive by my residence and rev your engine or motorcycle REALLY LOUD? We know you all are desperate and starving in America; we also know I am not in the same boat as you, we have nothing in common; and way past your education or class level. Maybe you need to go home or leave because you are the ones starving in America and when the indictment on you is delivered; well done and burnt is a better word for your vocabulary. Who is starving? Who is the communism? Oh Limbaugh makes your case stronger and washes your sins away like Jesus? You are the one who has the problems and after eviction; will be starving more!

The Problem is NOT About You Rush Limbaugh: The problem is us. We have to make accurate and right decisions. Our future is in peril and so are our forces. What you are doing paralyzes us and your moles, terrorists, and communists are out there hunting us, high value targets, and police officers. We cannot make right decisions or crucial plans. So it is not you; it is us we are concerned about you jackass. Ann Coulter said already she does not care and will go down with the ship; did you do that also?

In This Lifetime Please Gentleman: We have military forces waiting to invade and take out their forces. If you can get that indictment and speed it up; in this lifetime and while we are fit and able please. The window of opportunity is smaller the longer you wait and they can plan a counter-offensive; so if you can get that indictment in this lifetime it would make a world of difference.

Dear Ann Coulter: it comes down to you or the 19 cougars I grew up with. You took a shit on yourself so badly; we argue daily about how bad you screwed up and where your single life is leading. In the end, you did it for yourself and got what you deserve. A total mess and a total wreck. In my book, you are one step above this raving madman and lunatic; the biggest loser and idiot of all. My HS is the Red Dawn HS who is under attack! You let them win and beat you; the smears and attacks work and you love it. You still go drinking and eat dinner; heck right on my B-day also. You even brag about drinking with Fox News and Red Eye. You took a shit on yourself and want me to clean it and I have; now you clean it and smell it. All of you can fight it out; the door is shut but I personally want them... myself after Limbaugh. You keep fighting them and loving it. Let me make this clear, Ann Coulter is no longer in this story; only a big mess and war she might win one day. When she is ready to win it; she can crawl back and clean up the shit she did on herself. Yes they exploit and take advantage of you; you are evil and love it.

Get Out of This Industry? Who me or you? Us or the communist forces? The right wing or the left wing? You tell me okay because we all know the answer. 1.6 billion and I retire as a legend; the designer and father of all this. Happy! You? I am deploying US satellites and they want my products and design to fight crime and evil; F off. Yes I am so disgruntled and angry about that; not you.

Life Would Be Much Easier: "Okay, you caught us and we cannot take anymore. I am going to name-names and go to the police and submit the honest and truthful version no matter what the consequences are or where it leads." Yes you will be in jail for the rest of our life and will have to pay 1.6 billion, "go backwards... stop progress... scared and fearful... predicting doom... fear used to squelch human progress... we are inventing our trauma." (on 02/14/2012 @ 1414) Clearly you are a raving lunatic and trying to survive this or talk your way out; but there is none and that makes you a total and complete madman or psychopathic asshole. You kidnapped us and wrecked our life and even our marriage; admit it. Now you keep trying to steal everything and tell total lies; and it is not convincing at all, not the least. The reason you are going to be in jail for life is you are a danger to yourself, others, and this nation. Do the right thing and help your name.

Okay, We Are Guilty: Now write down your version and what you did or not; imagined or not. There is a paper trail and our lives are tangled. How? Unless you have some version, you are the biggest raving lunatic ever on film or radio. What is your story? How did you walk into a set-up or sting? I told the FBI already I set up a trap and so did Ann Coulter; to lure the people who are behind this. They have this version and so does everybody; whoever is tangled up owes 1.6 billion. Had enough? We have can you tell? Sick of this? Oh after 20+ years I am loving it. Whose life is severely impacted or slandered? Either I owe you 1.6 billion or you owe us. How about Ann Coulter; what have you all reported? I have told her bio and am fed up or sick of this. Okay fine, you are sorry, made a mistake, do not want to get hurt, only lied, etc... Wonderful. It does not change anything. You caught us stopping you in your tracks and violating over 1000 felonies; 250,000 strikes! Is that a raving madman or enemy, treason? What did you get from us? Treason? List what I gave you or passed? Therapy? It is hilarious how we take care of business! Do you know how many friends I have? Close ones...

We Caught You Red Handed - More Ranting of a Madman: Rush, you are missing the point. Everybody can go through my life from 1988 when I graduated HS, talk to friends I have known from kindergarten, or read my material. Then match this up to the charges on you or what we have caught you for, red handed. Even Ann Coulter has caught and rounded up your racketeering, spying, and utter corruption. Your initial reaction was total panic. Your cohorts fled and took off. You tried to talk your way out of it. You nearly had a heart attack on the air. The British said you were committing on air suicide. You still are trying to talk your way out of it and present yourself in the best light; but you and your communist spies are behind 911. You tried to steal or take over hurricane and earthquake duty; my beloved SATWAR creation and you got the surprise of your life. It is not funny it is hilarious. You keep saying how your forces do not know what to do, how angry you are, what you feel, trying to apologize (beg actually), and mess up our life even more. It is not working and your life is going in the toilet. The more Republican or conservative you paint yourself; the worse it gets and the harder the fall you will have. Stop attacking us to finish us off or control our life. Stop trying to talk your way out of it. Just state the obvious you idiot, you are 200% guilty and begin to name names. That is what the police want, names and indictments. Stop ranting like a complete lunatic and madman. Do you expect 911 and bomb plots or massacres to help you take over hurricane-earthquake forces? We are going to hand it over to your spies and police? We caught you red handed and even a backup unit, Ann Coulter; witnessed and caught you. You owe 1.6 billion dollars; why do you keep this ongoing and attacking us? Why? Do you have a death wish? You want the death penalty? You are a madman? Why not write it down or tell the truth? Do you enjoy pain? Suffering? What is wrong with you all? Do you think the police or FBI is this stupid? Are we?

More Ranting of a Madman: "They caught us and we all of that" is what we should be hearing. This is a madman and the ranting of a madman. A complete lunatic Limbaugh is. Just admit it and say we did everything he described and it is 250,000 strikes. Your life would be easier and so would ours; maybe not after the indictment and a military behind it. Admit you did what Ann Coulter accuses you of; stop and end this total lie and attack.

Bombarding Our Life and Govt. Personnel With Crazed Losers: This is about the poor and your communist and Democrat forces continue to bombard us with crazed losers who are so psychopathic and criminal; we are here now. The whites you bombard us with (but have stopped) are so flawed and psychotic, they lure you in with their Ken and Barbie looks. Then you realize you have a serial killer. The blacks and hispanics are just poor, gang types, or do not have any sense of being an American. That is how things got the way it did; bombarding every aspect of our life (work, home, shopping, etc...), claiming it was public domain, and looking for any chance to F something up. It is about the poor and it is about people who are totally flawed but act tough or have good looks. Stop bombarding my life and everybody with crazed losers who are dirt poor or have model looks. Then you claim I am doing this. Entertainment business leaders?

So-So Real Life Than Online: They hate us online and they get in our face and want to prove they are better or stronger face to face; dumber than dirt and psychopathic communist radicals who got ripped to shreds online. This is why the tenant-landlord has been ongoing. They kept "frustrating" me online and blocked my communications-marriage plans with Ann back in the 1990s and now after 2008. It is a total wreck now.

Cherry Hill, NJ - East Orange, NJ: We know who that girl was or is now. Also we know why the radicals use that area as a safe haven and been caught storing explosives near Fort Dix, NJ. It is a crime ridden and underground hub. How delusional, troubled, and how crazed is this lunatic? Search the sight for Cherry Hill, NJ; there was a black girl online playing games while this was ongoing in the 1990s. If you want to see irresponsible or a trouble-maker with a screwed up troubled life; check them out online and what kind of an ape they become or are!

The Ranting of a Madman: Do we need to hear it daily or all hours of our day and life for over 20 years? Okay then write it down and just shut up. Stop telling me or others how you feel and your phony nonsense lies. Nobody cares if you are scared or how you feel 200% guilty. Wait until the guilty verdict and the garnishment; that means your assets will be liquidated and I am not a mean, cruel, or a liar either; you are. The dumbass finger pointing game just does not work or ever has. All day long, "then why don't you move." Ask Ann Coulter not me jackass, I just want my money so I can hire a lawyer and publish my books. One of us is completely nuts and a certified madman; can the weak on crime ID who it is?

We Will Know After the Indictments: A test is being ran whether or not they and the communist military targets get smoked, new policy. Yes keep it up and run your mouth; your life is going in the toilet and quickly. We have changed our policy also!

Just Walk-in And Steal Hurricane and Earthquake Duty or SATWAR Secrets: Yes, you must think the door is wide open for you to do this again or keep up the pressure. You must think we are going down this road again and you can steal satellite secrets or our life anytime or anyhow you wish; don't you? I bet you think you can steal hurricane and earthquake satellites and wage war on them when and if you want in the future. No wonder your life is a total wreck and no wonder it is going in the toilet while you try to take us with you or kill us also; get all of us killed. You owe the father of the SATWAR program 1.6 billion and we are learning how you handle the set-up and bust; I really think the communists and radical Democrats need to write it down; not tell us to our face how they feel. In the future, your people will be treated with absolute cruelty and horror, we will not go down this road again!

Dear Ann Coulter: Ann, your stupid political gamble and taking this to the voters is a complete washout. It has not fixed or rescued the SATWAR program, our military, the FBI, our beloved hurricane and earthquake American duty, or fixed anything. Therefore, your experiment with democracy; your political gamble only made it possible for them to escape or keep this going back and forth-back and forth. Admit you are wrong and admit we should have finished them off a long-long time ago. Never again, say it for the textbook on SATWAR and hurricane and earthquake duty. I am the father of SATWAR and my name is still tarnished; not even able to get a job. So you take your little gamble in politics and bleeding heart mentality and stick it; I told you so and you should repent for even having thought of it or forced us down this road; repent! They are all weak on crime and total criminals; they have no value for the truth and only want our money or to steal everything we have or own in this world. You are negligent of these crazy ideas and letting a madman wander in America with this back and forth crap we are hearing and reading. It may not be your fault; but it is your fault why it is back-forth or gone on this long. The record shows how and why hurricane-earthquake policy is what it is today.

Straight From the SATWAR Manual and TextBook On Hurricane and EarthQuake Duty: 1. Never ever go back and forth with them ever again. 2. Give them only 10 seconds and yes or no. 3. Never trust a female intuition at this level of struggle, they are bleeding hearts. 4. Mutually assured destruction is not effective enough (MAD Strategy). 5. Go down this road and they will try to arrest you, get you on anything, be your landlord, evict you, have bugs all over your bed, and rob you blind. Learn from our experience and never ever go down this road again or try to take them alive; or let madmen roam freely claiming we are customers. It is right there in the SATWAR manual and the textbook on hurricane and earthquake duty; plus, they will claim they did not do it or keep trying to implant doubt; as customers. This is and has been the 23rd year of implanting doubt in our mind and we have no doubt whatsoever. Clearly, all of them are damned and struggling and we should have never gone down this road or allowed it.

Dear Ann Coulter: Now will you admit your ideas or this idea to take them dead or alive is a complete and utter failure? I am in the line of fire and all you did was prolonged my suffering and made this more of a total mess. They are already a total wreck. They are already 200% guilty. They owe 1.6 billion. They have nothing to live for and we should have not wasted a total of 5 years on your idiotic idea and gone directly into my 4 plans to end this reckless circus and nonsense. We could have been on high ground and on safety and let God finish them off or cripple them; then come back. They would never recover and who cares if they are taken alive or face trial. Now admit your plan is a complete waste of time, wrecked your relationship with me, and only made more of a mess and worsened this. Meanwhile, you are still their trophy. You New Yorkers are hated. I have pulled the plug on you because you keep doing work for them or are used as a stage prop; and you jump thru each and every single hoop and then throw the entire mess on me; what the hell do I do with all this? Bitch? Wine? Yell at you? As I said, we should have crippled or finished them off; they would not have any teeth and could not injure anyone. Then come back and finished them off once and for all; but you refused to and had some crazy idea. Admit you are and were wrong! Females do not belong in war and cannot make battlefield assessments when in pitched battle or global struggles of this nature. You people are bleeding hearts and so flawed. I told you not to try and take them alive; they are 200% guilty and gutless. Why?

Do Not Listen to That Horde of Human Waste Called CPAC: They still refuse to report the truth and it is nothing more than a frat party off Animal House. Ask Lisa D. and ask her why her bodyguard is going to hang CPAC for being a human piece of shit and a complete waste of time. They live in a satellite world and get the door slammed on their faces constantly, so they invented this doctorate in crime and also this "fantasy customer" game. All of it is bribery, corruption, and racketeering; but Ann Coulter's life is going in the toilet also; so they are in the same boat and in it together. Ann is their trophy and the door to satellite warfare for them and I am trying to shut that door and kick them to hell. Why aren't they shut down and why aren't they fired? Look at everything they have done and continue to do; total lies and political trickery by a degenerate. They continue to say it is money and all that matters. They are losing their life over money, imagine that. Sound like a robbery or a clever communist plot?

Exploiting Or Using Terrorists and Communist Criminals In A Malicious Manner: is what 911 is about and what this case is about. It is a process of creating a madman or kidnapping people to the point of tormenting them into becoming serial killers or homicidal. It is torture and now it is prolonging that torture with total lies and death penalty charges; also 1.6 billion in damages. There is a very good reason why your life is going down the toilet and you face either prison, being deported, the death penalty, 1.6 billion in damages, or a horrendous death. Yes, it does have to do with slandering, criticizing, kidnapping, studying, and pathological lying. Yes it has to do with falsely accusing others or putting them into mental institutions. Yes it has to do with making them a customer or claiming they are a customer. Yes it has to do with you being in politics and the police force. Yes it has to do with the justice system or your legal career. Figured it out yet?

Customer, Doctorate in Crime, and List of Events: If what you claim is true and 1.6 billion is at stake and your entire future in America; then you better make a list of your events I attended. You better write down how or what makes me your customer. This is about police satellites, not a doctorate in crime. Show me and your lawyers the list of events I attended or ever have? I can show a list you attend or kidnapped. You kidnapped our event and introduction; our life and career.

CPAC, Fox, and The Republicans Total Wreck: Are the biggest piece of shit I have ever seen. Agree or deny it? Worse, they are the mentors for the Democrats; cherry picking and bribing us; read below. They are getting rich at it though, so that is true. Democrats are even worse. STAY OUT OF OUR LIFE! WE DO NOT GO TO YOUR STUPID SHIT OR EVEN WANT TO; DO WE ATTEND YOUR EVENTS? SEND ME AN INVITE AND LETS TEST THIS! DENY IT OR AGREE? ONE OF US IS ATTENDING THE OTHER AND WE KNOW IT IS ABOUT SATELLITES USED ON THE COMMUNISTS AND CRIMINALS. I just heard you talk about Houston and her death; I am not your "customer" and never have been you F'er! You are a terrorist, a serial killer, and you keep this charade ongoing; I am not showing up at your events or am your customer you F'er; get that in your head you delusional retard and communist. Stop telling me to leave or firing me! I am not your F'in customer and I am not showing up for your private events. (02/13/2012 @ 1450). Why is this going on is 2012? WTF are you talking about customer? You need to write this down and explain in detail, nobody understands what the F is wrong with you or why you keep denying everything; you owe 1.6 billion, write the shit down so we can understand or have someone explain what the hell you are talking about. We know you are the 911 terrorists and communists; and it is about police satellites; not customers. We are not your F'in customer, get that through your serial killer head, am I clear?

A Doctorate in Crime and Communism: Thanks for nothing. What about my regular degree? What about my satellite warfare and mission? What about my marriage and 1.6 billion in damages? We are your lawyers and you are teaching us or drafting us for a doctorate in crime? I must enjoy being kidnapped. I must enjoy being a federal prisoner. I must enjoy going thru court and being ripped apart by psychopaths sympathetic to blacks. Makes no sense and is the act of a madman and a 911 terrorist. Now they want a thank you? Indictments are coming and you cannot get away, it can only get worse and we can only get stronger. So how is life treating you? Life has sucked from 1991-2012; why? Life is treating us better; for sure! Keep denying it and wasting your resources; we do not answer unless it is written down; write it down you SOB terrorist. STFU with your interrogation and study of us; and much more.

Opportunism: Why in hell would we ask for 1.6 billion and charge you or rip you into shreds, undergo so much risk, and order you to surrender? Why would you? Opportunism? Rewards? Therefore, a handful of groups can be targeted because of this lack of opportunity. Nobody knocks on the doors of those who are poor, uneducated, unemployed, homeless, a hassle, and provides no opportunity. Only a thief will. Therefore, relations and associations play a vital role in a community where random crime is not rewarding. Typical motives are easily preventable. Simple prevention can stop the most sophisticated stalker. When war is declared, it is a test of will between two sides no matter what the opportunity is the danger. To quote Genghis Khan, "The greatest joy a man can have is victory. To conquer one's enemies. To pursue them. To deprive them of their possessions. To reduce their families to tears. To ride on their horses and to make love to their wives and daughters." What is this opportunism? Ann Coulter? Alex?

The Democrats, The Liberals, Fox News, Hannity, and Rush Limbaugh: Let me guess, every company in America either wants me to "leave" or they want you to? Let me take another guess, the Democrats want me to be the lawyer for them, liberals, communists, immigrants, and most of all the failure of hispanics and blacks? Let me see if we can put this case together now and examine why you keep using dummy companies or hiring me; no less setting up this landlord-tenant agreement where I am either evicted or forced to leave? It sounds like the same scam and conspiracy which has netted you 1.6 billion in damages and the death penalty. You just want to deny it, cover it up, and refuse to either pay the damages or surrender while you try to cut off the only lifeline I have; Ann and her millions; no less my satellite warfare and my books. That is what is going on also in addition to 911 and my new police satellites. It is getting harder as you grow old; and it is getting very obvious.

Right Now and Soon You Are Living in SATWAR: it comes down to aliens. Either you have them or not? We can run this test over and over; it is my world, my kingdom, and you PR and blacks are nothing more than peasants in my kingdom. A good neighbor and steward huh? I got ann answer for your disgusting and repugnant questions! You will be in my world soon and unless you fix this; you won't be staying in my world or survive this. Call your aliens and the devil and let's get this over with! Hurry up will you. We actually have a life while you are being evicted and deported; once those indictments arrive; you will be in SATWAR! I am the king of SATWAR and it has been authenticated and verified. Unless you declare war and fight out of it; kiss your NY or weak on crime immigrant ass good-bye!

SATWAR Q and A - Using Gary and the PR For a Dialogue and Settlement-Scapegoat: Is phony and dumb. Why don't you ask something that is important:
1. "How many N's can you drown an hour?"
2. "Do you go crazy and ape shit when they look at you or only talk to you?"
3. "Do they really stink and are diseased?"
4. "How long have you been unhappy about this or depressed with them in your life?"
5. "Would you buy a Chrysler 300 or have these poor Americans cheapened it?"
Ask important questions will you, not stupid back-slapping questions. I am not here to type your stupid shit, use your time wisely! If you have an important question and need answers; then stop acting like a phony PR or watermelon man; it is insulting and the damages are set at 1.6 billion already! A measly price to pay for a repugnant SOB welfare ridden turd like you communists or Whitey Limbaugh the mentor turned jackass and butt-lift.

Eviction? We Can See You Begging Daily: Nothing has changed, still a beggar, still a thief, and as phony as a human being can get or become. Do they F up everything and are they this must of a total wreck? 250,000 strikes and counting; indictment and military action because of their stupidity; shut down by the FBI and satellite police. Go ahead and call aliens, we dare them!

NY and FL Rejects and Transient Immigrants: Yes they come to America and F up everything. Yes they come to FL and F up everything. Yes they come to America and buy up everything they can or tangle up our life. Yes they do the same in FL. I love how they use the Latino cover to erase the failure they truly are buy using the illegals and New Hispanics. How do they like voting rights now?

Whitey Limbaugh's Negro Summit Monday Morning Heart Attack: Yes, and take me to your planet, mothership, and tell me everything. All of this is about satellites, not aliens. But invite one or an entire planet and let's see what I can do to it or if that bitch can even talk. I want Rush to call an alien attack force or the devil himself; and I will prove what exactly I will do to it or them. Take me to your leader and mothership; I dare you. Go ahead and kidnap me and bring me to your cave; hold me hostage. I'll have them begging on the radio and TV daily.

How Do You Enjoy The Cleanup? Flattened. Spit on by Helicopters. Nothing but a foreigner with some homeland lust. Poor and a straggler. You communist and radicals wage war on us and you love the cleanup don't you? All that crap inside you. Oh we need more of that; wage war on us and the cleanup is just as good! Yes we do know and we are very aware of your story. Begging and being a thief is in your blood and genetics; so is stupidity; we all can read your story in America dirt poor and a total wreck. Your freedom and rights are being jeopardized right? Let's ask the communist, how do you like us now? How is the war and kidnapping going? Get in or get out? Stay or go? Now or later? Win or loose?

Oh Keep Running Your Mouth and Attacking: Shot for shot, trading blow for blow; last man standing is your ruse or tactic. Keep it up and when your hurricane ravaged island or state is begging for drinking water; I will be flying my brand new helicopter above just so I can get a better shot while spitting on your grave. I told you all to leave us alone and get out of our life; we are at 1.6 billion dollars right now. Your future and social security will suffer from your crazed hispanic, immigrant, labor union and team America, radical black 1960s revolution and phony tough guy act. America will make you understand who you are and you radical 1960s punks will know war was waged on your poor ass and you cannot do a damn thing but resort to crime or corruption. In the same boat as you all and you only want to help us? Partners in crime and children of the 1960s? Give me a F'in break with this dog and pony show; all total lies. It can only get worse and when we kick you off the police force; the only people who are getting stronger; are the survivors. Clearly, you all will not survive this. Your people are damned and you got the straggler religion and political destiny.

How Do The Communist or Moles Steal Atomic or Satellite Secrets? Similar to the atomic bomb program, they act as mentors or coaches. They try to be bosses who control all aspects of life. Then the government opens an agency to regulate the industry or cutoff-begin funding. Now they took over, was hired, or stole our beloved hurricane and earthquake forces. All the while they might be under satellite security guards or surveillance cameras and did not know it? So are they under satellite police watch or not? Let's ask the NSA. The communist are the entire 1960s gang; all of them. Now they can wreck it. They can sabotage it. They can send viruses and begin to target the most effective way to combat crime, bomb plots, and communism.

Is It Their Religion or Politics: Maybe it is not really their politics but instead their religion? Their religion is one made for stragglers. They are a total wreck and this shows everything about their power or what they are doing in America or to America. One thing is for sure, their people will suffer for their leadership; after the indictments, expect to see military action. Also, they are getting old. They will not be able to work anymore or recover. They are working off their damage claims. The older they get the least likely they will make it or enjoy retirement. One thing is for sure; it was not able jobs. We had that from the start. Their legal defense about how jobs and opportunity keep them down is a total lie. It is them and their weak on crime existence.

Can Labor Make it In America? They have brought in their communist masters; Russians, Haitians, African Blacks, and a few others. Will they end up in pitch battle like the Germans and Irish? Will their success story be like the Japanese or Vietnamese? We are in this position today with a 1.6 billion damage claim not because of jobs or a mental illness; that was their trumped up story and it is a complete lie and a conspiracy to forward a terror plot. They feel we are using satellites to fight crime and communism; and they are testing what is true or not. It is all there is black and white; where is their story? What is their account of it? Is it still about jobs and opportunity or just being weak on crime and a cockroach who is going to know the wrath of this country? When those indictments arrive; expect hell unleashed and their funds gone; deported. They had their chance and a long time ago. They even knew I loved tennis and other passions; hence, the insult, smears, and criticism. All of the 1960s crowd are total losers and nearly homeless; those employed are social workers or kidnapping healthy people to fix their total wreck. This was about satellites and what we use on them to combat their war on us. Their people will suffer dearly for this; but they remain hidden!

We Know Who Can Take Them Our or Down: Let's see if the FBI, DHS, and this dog and pony show can solve a terror plot. Let's see if we log anymore entries about landlords or ex felons who are trying to disturb our career, wreck our life, and inflict more promotional distress; even after they have the death penalty for all of this complete pathological lying and failing to report any of it. We know know this is about satellites and crime fighting; but who else can take them out and get rid of them? Maybe they should leave before something really bad happens!

If Everything Was a Complete Scam and a Lie: Nobody understands why they refused to report anything if everything was a complete lie or a ruse to take over the country or the world? Who they were. Who we were. What side they are on. Police Satellites. Their indictments. Their relationship with us. Kidnapping us. Demands or extortion attempt. It is right off the movie about terrorists who are at Dulles and the husband and wife are caught in the middle of it. They have one of them and a fight breaks out. The military or rescue force are saboteurs. Why won't they report it or tell the truth if it is all lies? Instead we get this secret and uppity quiet retaliation by poor people and felons. Clearly they are the 911 terrorists and are communist moles; not 3 strikes, try 250,000 strikes. Show me a crime and a felon who racks up 250,000 strikes on themselves. Oh our fault? Come to their dog and pony show? Wait, we are kicked out and not invited? Why is our life a complete and utter wreck? Are we a wreck or are they a total wreck? It is right there in that movie with Bruce Willis.

You Will Know If And When I F Up Your World: I have to sit here and listen to them or battle them in their own ghetto while we finish this war or finish them off. Don't ever think this country will just let them or their people off the hook. We have deployed hurricane and earthquake powers so we can begin or initiate the police satellites and crackdown on their well organized revolution and take-over. They can also take their two Party system and stick it up their ass. They will know if and when I or we F up their world. They will know and be made to feel the fury of America when war is declared on them for what they did and what they tried on myself or Ann. I only want my money from Ann and I am cutting loose. Ann says I cannot have any of the money she is holding for me unless or until we are married. Now we hardly talk. She blames her loyal cadre and I blame all of them. We do not even talk now and she runs around like she is 20 years old still going to drinking parties with losers or having secret chats online. I try not to pay attention but I like to see what she is up to now; I just block it all out. I would like my portion of the money; without a marriage but without an indictment and the military invasion of their forces afterwords; it is hard to win anything right now; anything. Those facing indictment cannot win anything and they will feel the wrath or fury for what they have done; so will their people. They blame Ann. Ann blames them. It goes back and forth and it is all lies. I did all that and deployed all of those forces; who is left?

Wishing to Settle This Case: Was the biggest insult. They are offering $5,000 for basic tenant-landlord disputes when this had to be capped at 1.6 billion. We get one, two, three, and ongoing efforts to invent a scapegoat and settle for $200, $500, or $3000.

False Arrest: The credit problems, lack of jobs after 10 years of college, marriage to Ann Coulter, and my false arrest was orchestrated by their corrupt police. It was to bond me to the blacks, introduce me and see how I got along, and like the army buddy system a life long friendship. It was horrific. I was in a coma. I had all kinds of diseases. My hair fell out, etc... Again, abusing us or destroying us to the point where we bond or become black. We are not weak on crime; all of them are.

They Cannot Get Anybody To Do This: So they grabbed me and tried to make me do it or else they would... and destroy our police satellites, which they want and want to find? They keep doing drive-by's to see if we are watching or have them on satellite; a dry run. They did this to NSA and a lot of military bases. Now they claim we are cop killers. They claim we threaten them. They claim they caught us repeatedly. They claim we refuse to leave, etc...

Asians: The Asians humiliated them or defeated them on just about every front. Therefore, they wanted to make sure this sent the right message; it is still up for grabs and not over yet. They did target the best Asian on the planet. As far as Ann Coulter, their search for the most genius and sneaky lawyer who acted like a Jew and scared people the moment she walked into the room; well, there is your New York insanity and Wall Street talking. Total and complete psychopathic mold each of them are created from; and now we know how. They are undergoing laboratory conditioning and are injecting poison or beating each other over the head until it becomes a Gladiator ring and only one of them is standing. They want one person in the world to know they are better at everything; then ordered or used murder to intimidate and obstruct Ann Coulter who was the rescue or my partner is crime fighting. Ann knows all about the police satellites and the dry runs. They juggled the murder plot like a hot potato; if you... he will die; if you... she will die; do you accept our terms? This is where the mental illness part comes in. When an investigator, a real one and not one of these clowns; reviews my plan and what I discussed with Ann while she went to get help; they will know how injured I was and all I could do; it will lead right to them.

Murder, Rape, Hostage-Kidnapping, and Stalking Today: In the end, they surrounded us and kept this secret or under the radar; insisting we were close friends and even their children or some special relationship. Look at it now, a complete disaster and they don't even let up or consider the surrender terms; none. Clear Channel and Fox News (and others such as Bush and Karl Rove) are not weak on crime; try 250,000 strikes and that weak on crime. Karl Rove negotiated Ann's death with Rush Limbaugh; my ultimatum. There were times I could not get up and was so injured; Ann kept saying, "I will go and get help okay, stay there and try to hide or throw them off." I would tell her it is so corrupt, go and get the British and other nations; all of them are in it; I will distract them and put them on a wild goose chase to criticize me and leave a paper trail; so someone can find me. All these are death penalty charges including the terror plot, more criticism by their powerful religion who is neck and neck with us. This was for the Jews and the Blacks; radical and totally insane immigrants who are part of that NY insanity spreading like insects all over America; throwing money here and there. Keep in mind, Ann used to say, "Alex it's going to be okay, hang in there and keep up the pressure, don't let them get you before you get them okay. Are you okay?" She would then go into this mood where love and partnership was the only thing that kept you strong and going; and it helped and worked and I would come out like a hurricane and earthquake again.

These people are so guilty they have the death penalty. They are so sneaky, they want to share with us how they get blacks, radicals, and communists out of tight situations or terror plots. They criticize us constantly and over two decades of being their prisoner. They continue this blockade and claim we are threatening them. Now after we bust them, they claim 911 and these bombing plots were the worst insult to their religion. They are repugnant. They are totally insane. They are like a psychopathic slut. Now they reached the end and they want to offer us $3000 to settle this case once and for all. How generous and what wonderful people.

All of Them Are Communist Mentors: There are white ones who teach Asians how or what whites are about; total brainwashing and not true because we hate their guts and want them dead. There are black mentors, radicals and terrorists, who teach us about blacks, to bond so we defend or become their civil rights lawyers and politicians. Someone kept firing me and trying to put me back in law school. This is why everybody is treating me like a Puerto Rican, a black F'er, or crazed white people. There is a heavy demand for respectable people on their black and left wing ass; and they are the most disgusting and repugnant people on earth. It has been stalking, terror plots, and some of the most crazy crime ridden or weak on crime crap I have ever seen. Then when we try to stop it or escape the situation; $2000 retainer or stonewalled. It feels like a draft and this draft is for crime and what we describe as 250,000 strikes. Yet the government is so corrupt, they keep saying it is about jobs and they are offering me more money than anybody else or an opportunity; what is wrong with that? If we do not like it, run for office.

Other than crime, welfare, health problems, or terror plots; this is about all they have in their measly life. These immigrants and communist are so destructive; we have to make them know the nation has declared war and is preparing to shut them down and invade them; totally clueless. Yes and they are trying to kill or cripple the satellite forces. They said without their approval; we could not do business or get Wall Street support; no work and this blockade. Due to an inability to pay for a lawyer, they are doubling it because "we are in the same boat... no better than them." The only way is to buy into the labor union and their lawyers; a pooled legal defense or legal terrorism. This is where Ann comes in.

Infliction of Emotional Distress: Here we go again. This time it is the Puerto Ricans and the blacks. I am contacting a lawyer and suing for $20,000; for drunken fits and repeated verbal accosting while in a drunken tirade. That is all this is about; intentional infliction of emotional distress and waging war on us; intimidation. It is much worse than petty games; it is a death penalty case and military actions; America will declare war on them; afterward. They must declare civil war and take that step, only way out; we will accept it and have already planned. The government is so corrupt, they want us to back civil rights and become their lawyers; yes lawyers fro the communist, radicals, and liberals. This is who was trying to get me into George Mason Law School in 1999. They are saying I understand satellites and surveillance; they are the Al Quesada terror units.

Make Sure They Know This Country Has Declared War on Them: Shut them down. Ban them. Shut down their welfare and financial means. Throw them in prison. Deny them voting rights. Whatever is needed to make sure they know our fury and this nation has declared war on their crime spree. Not strike 3, strike 250,000; that is an act of war. Blowing up or taking over the police satellites or hunting hurricane and earthquake forces is an act of war; no recovery ever. Clearly, they feel they are declaring war but refuse a formal one; so make sure this nation answers them and ingrains this in their mind. How? I am the father of satellite warfare and this is what they want or worked 23 years to be here for the introduction.

Declare Civil War and Let's Begin: Their best move and only option is to declare civil war. If they do, at least they have a chance to fight out of it or it being up for grabs. However, they are so weak on crime; we are on the 250,000th strike; not 3 strikes and you are out. Even worse is this New York insanity is tangled up in my own life; Ann. It needs to be contained; but watch how they parade Ann around; to spread the disease of weak on crime. If the indictment comes through, now past the deadline; expect a ferocious fury and invasion force behind that indictment. Do not expect their rights to be upheld or war. These charges are death penalty charges and it was intended on overthrowing the government by cockroach immigrants and ex-felons. They expect rights and no harm? Get that indictment and make sure the military makes them pay; anyhow and anyway possible. If this means hurricane and earthquake forces cleaning house; then evict them and make them understand our fury with their weak on crime tirade in our life or threatening to kill us if we do not hand over the satellite police. They cannot stop or prevent satellites being used on them; so they take it over or cut off the funds. That is what the terror plot was for or about; recruitment and some huddle by the QB. Limbaugh is the QB, at least he used to be. Ban these New Yorkers and get rid of their insanity in other states; they stick together like an ethnic group.

Weak on Crime: These people are weak on crime and they know we are special. However, they do not stop. Worse, they are spreading this New York insanity and communism all through the US; specifically Florida. To cover their tracks, they claim they do not give chances. The bottom line is they are spreading this ex-felon, transient, and New York insanity to Florida now and it is a gigantic problem. They are trying to stop the use of satellites or take out satellite police forces; still trying or taking them hostage. They plan on bombing or blowing it up; but now we know who they are and what they are up to. It is the communist and New Yorkers and they set up government or nest areas where this weak on crime becomes racketeering and extortion. The bad guys are in control of the crime fighting tools! How did this get that way? Blacks? Discrimination? White wing conspiracy?

The Evidence Clearly Indicates Who and What They Are Up To: Yes they will deny it all. They will also claim to be good neighbors or ideal employees. They will claim they are Americans, and they are not. They will say they are landlords, but they are not, maybe on paper. They will do everything to throw us off their tracks. When it comes down to it, they are weak on crime and claim not three strikes but only one strike. We are on 250,000 strikes right now, not 1 or 3 strikes and they are out. We also know who they are. We know what they are. We even know what they are up to. They even tried to impede college; thinking one day I would work for or build a satellite surveillance system for the police or FBI; thus, 911 and how they planned on attacking it. They wanted me to lead them to the office or the address; take them to my leaders and they had lawyers to check or invade; shut the place down. They in the end, got shut down. Now they are going ape shit over propaganda. All of these disturbances, intimidation, obstruction of justice, slander, etc... hourly attacks; have been ongoing and wave after wave for nearly 23 years. Even after we caught them and filed charges. They claimed that if we were the police; why didn't we arrest them?

Wonderful Neighbors: One more stupid shit we go to small claims. I filed a report with the police already. A formal written complaint has been drafted to shut this corruption down.

I Hope They Want to See Military Action In Their Lifetime: It looks to me they are going to see military action in their lifetime and so much more. I have never seen such degenerates try to exhaust every possible lead except the right one or the one we need to be on. When it comes to Ann's ridiculous escapades with them; it is every option but the right one. Yet they call these conservatives Republican or human beings. I see them as crazed degenerates but I see them scrambling and in panic; all flawed and trying to climb a wall to nowhere. Thus, I expect them to see military action in this lifetime and to be amazed; that is all a degenerate can be, amazed. Their poor has become crazed enemies as well. Three strikes and you are out? This degenerate is not on three, they are on 250,000 now? Most people abide by three strikes, this enemy is no degenerate (3 vs. 250,000); they make wonderful neighbors don't they?

Fake, phony, toughness, exceptional-ism, brinksmanship, superior, street smart, or whatever you call it; those medals on our chest are there for a reason. The bandages on this communist enemies head did not get there because God put them there. The thought and the memory in their head every single night they go to bed; did not get there because an alien beamed them up Scotty. Yeah, I bet it is their toughness, peaceful heart, and all that rolled up into one. Just remember who laughed all the way to the ban. Just remember who wears the medals. Just remember who hears it all the time. If you ask your momma; if you ask the CIA; if you ask the Pentagon; if you ask the FBI; they will say the same thing. Their momma if she was here; would say the same thing and knows the truth. It does not matter in the end or what the propaganda is; it comes from inside and we wear it like a champ no matter what they do or say. My favorite was, "oh man, no don't... its over; hear me it's over." Yes and the diary keeps on going on and on by itself and our medals keep adding; how about that bandage on their head and ass? Their lies and propaganda to win? Their momma knows our words and recognizes that voice!

Dear Newt Gringo: Here is some really good advice. You moles and rogues need to STFU and get the F out of dodge. Degenerates and nothing more than a degenerate. That indictment is coming and behind it is our military and hurricane and earthquake forces; shut up and hurry up and drink your cool-aid so we do not get more homicidal or angrier. Who is left to get on your ass and this wrath you are winding up? That is the best advice and the truth; you can either embrace the truth or not.

Bodyguard? I said it was a set-up by CPAC. They hired a pro-stalker; like the stalkers I have and my problems with stalkers; for this blackmail and bio book written by Lisa D. Plus they tried to get away with it and deploy a murder-rap plot on you Ann; you ditzie drunk. Here you are going to dinner with him and drinking win? He should take the plea and implicate CPAC; liquidate it and sell it off for the 911 coffer. That stock has to be divided by 100,000 people or more. All was over me and satellite warfare; all of this.

Dear Ann Coulter: keep F'in with me or messing with me Ann. Right now I have about 6 girls I either knew or dated since elementary school and another 19 super hot cougars from my high school. Need proof... I will finish the war and finish them off; but you keep F'in with me or your single life of cocktails and you ass is gone in less than 60 seconds; watch and learn from the master. None of these girls have a crazy life; they got married and had kids after HS, end of story.

Nothing Changes:

Fox News and Clear Channel: Need to be shut down and liquidated; the royalty goes to the victims. They are guilty 200% and it is a degenerate running the show there. All on TV and the media, degenerate and utter felon. All this was over communism and crime; bribes, cronyism, corruption, war, etc... They call it voting rights, feedom, and libery.

Bodyguard: Didn't I berate you and CPAC about firing him or this degenerate situation you are in? Are you F'ers some form of degenerate? Well are you? I have over 19 cougars who are smoking hot from my HS minimum. I find you all insulting and degenerates; what did I say Ann? Why are they still standing? Attack the Republicans and Conservative also? When do we start?

If these F'ers are in a passenger plane headed for our hurricane and earthquake towers; or in a passenger plane (2 or 3) and headed towards a satellite crime unit who has them under surveillance, take a wild guess whose ass gets smoked?

The Wrath of the FBI, CIA, Pentagon, Etc: I may not be a police officer and they keep testing this or abusing this fact; but I even got Ann Coulter on their ass for life! Worse, is my wrath and the wrath of the hurricane and earthquake forces. In no way do we want the life of "The Fugitive." In no way are we trying to hire ex-felons or those weak on crime. In no way are we interested ever in hiring or working with ex-felons or those weak on crime. Yes we have openings and opportunities; jobs, do not expect a crumb and expect the death penalty for this fiasco. I am sure they exhausted every lead and opportunity; perseverance and diligence. I am sure they angered and made a lot of people homicidal in the process. Now they face the wrath of the satellite warfare program and her history. They face the wrath of Ann Coulter. They face the wrath of hurricane and earthquake forces. They face the wrath of FBI, CIA, and Pentagon forces. We are not here to live with them; rehabilitate them, or employ them. That is final and has always been. We are here to shut them down for good. We are here to finish them off. We are here for everything I describe; not live with them, fix them, school them, feed them, pay them, or hire them. I am sure they angered a lot of people and have the death penalty for a good reason. I am sure satellites will be used soon to fight crime and evil; as we can clearly see. I am sure they are going to put up more of a fight; really. I should leave or go home? I need to get used to this or ex-felons or a political party weak on crime?

Keep Picking Fights They Cannot Finish or Win: The Wrath of Hurricane and Earthquake Forces? Did I not put the wrath of hurricane and earthquake forces on them also? They sure are clever and confident about what they are doing or where their life is heading. All they had to do was pay the 1.6 billion in damages; that was all and this would have been over. Now Fox News is headed for shut down and liquidation. Clear Channel is headed for shut down and liquidation. They might as well just go home with their head up their ass or between their legs; who in hell would try this or take it over? What a dumbass.

Somebody is Going to Get Their Funds Cut Off: When this is done, someone is going to have their funds cut off and their people punished. You do not take on the FBI, CIA, and Pentagon; on this level and expose or reveal the amount of attacks or sneaky-dirty tricks we have seen in the political world; without civil war or some military action. Either our funds will be cut off or those behind all of this.

Poor and Want to Be Our Leader or Extort Using Satellite Surveillance: The problem with the Democrats and Liberals is they are poor and evil. They want to use this technology so they cannot get caught at crime or corruption. What is the use if the FBI, CIA, DHS, etc... has them under surveillance or does a sting on them? The way to find out what is going on, who is doing it, and even blow it up; is to harass a hostage or a kidnapped victim. I report 23 years of this and them demanding who is behind this or for me to take them to my lawyers, leaders, or bosses. There was none. The people who are asking the questions; are the same people who want to know if we know what they are doing, if we have a warrant on them, and if they can get away with plots or attacks devised to harm America or our life. Using a landlord-tenant arrangement allowed them to fulfill all of these objectives. As a pioneer in the field, they can stalk me and see where I lead them and what they can make money on or not. If anything, they can steal it and copy-cat it. If not they can match it or become a rival. If all else fails they can do a 911 or try a military style attack to free their leaders or shut down the opposition. Therefore, we had to go up against the mafia, drug gangs, and all kinds of organized criminal elements while their political leaders also had the communist forces harass, belittle, slander, and rip our life apart; even marriage and family. It was all over surveillance, crime, corruption, and satellite or computer technology. The people behind it were the most radical elements of the Democratic Party USA; which means they were also communist spies. Like Congress, they were using any kind of government funds as a control measure and as a bargaining chip or hostage. I could not do anything about it and neither could they; but they tried for 23 years and the effort left a complete disaster and mess in our life. Now we seek legal damages and criminal arrest for their insane tricks and 23 years of pure hell.

I Have Not Gotten a Regular Paycheck Since 2005, Only a Military Retirement: It seems like an intentional effort to finish me off or inflict promotional distress; we are in the same boat and partners in crime. However, it seems as if WELFARE and qualifying is the issue. I am not weak on crime but someone is painting me as weak on crime and using welfare to negotiate their release or escape. They failed to locate the Satellite HQ tracking them or this surveillance; we did manage to track them and expose them. Are they using welfare or benefits as a bargain chip? Are they using Ann or myself; hostages as a bargain chip? Did it work, it wrecked our relationship and 23 year fling. Now my benefits are at stake and the government union is allowing it or negotiating-helping? What? We need the truth and an accurate report for the indictment. Is this about welfare and criminal records or just evil corruption and power? Is it about satellite technology used for fighting crime or stealing it? We are stealing from them and a thief?

Due to the Ability to Control or Limit Damage, It is Either FBI (Civil Rights) or DHS: 911 gave a huge amount of power to what they call the largest attack on their religion. We did not see it this way; we knew it was the communists who felt they were under surveillance or satellite threat; they can match it or beat it. Therefore, the mix of satellites and Vietnam Era Forces threw them in a state of panic and they tried to use us as a guide dog, probe or ID, or match and beat our technology. The phone was connected to Israel and some very skilled computer wizards. It is my belief they set up a dummy agency to assess this police threat or whether or not they were near shut down; they were and much more. All their cards were crushed, all of them. Is the dummy agency or mole; DHS, CIA, FBI, or limited Pentagon (government union) units? They have the political dominance and are weak on crime; that is the problem.

Police Called 3 Times (Feb. 09, 2012) for VA vs. NY (Brooklyn Street) and they are covering up their tracks and making it look like they are not weak on crime when they are. It is about satellites and being weak on crime; are they under surveillance and what do we know and how much? Again, dirtbags or felons by to obtain or make friends with partners in crime; but we are not weak on crime obviously. It will and has gone back and forth; baseless, false, and just total lies. Virginia won the battle with New York and it is not the biggest attack on their religion or reporting the truth, nothing truthful has been reported. (Also, they are rejecting my benefits; my funding is being cut off due to recent developments?) I did not ask to be in this situation or take more abuse.

Is He or Is She Well Taken Care of or Has Been? In the end, they would have taken us out. We pose too much of a threat and the aggressive steps we took clearly show they had no way to win; a suicide mission. But if they can find out the information they need; assess if they can defeat our satellite warfare program; which is still in it's infancy period; they can either match it, duplicate it, or take it over. If you were up to no good and were covering your tracks; that is your worst nightmare. Not only are you on surveillance tape; you will be questioned in front of millions of people and paraded around by pissed off authors who are not weak on crime and who do have a legitimate complaint; these were death penalty cases and it unlocked the door on why they called the shots on 911; they took us to their leader and that is how it ended. But this idea Ann is here and I will be fine; they are off the hook and do not have to help anymore; is false. Look at the disaster and mess now. Ann is further from me than ever and we do not even talk anymore. So their excuse or legal defense; did not stick. All of this leads to one conclusive point; they must be shut down and the truth separates us from that indictment and what is inevitable; hurricane and earthquake forces on our side and the side of good. That is why they do not make the appeal or do not report anything. What if it was answered? They are guilty of 911 and the evidence is below; satellites will be deployed to combat them but they have paralyzed us. If this was a raid by the police; it would be over by now and our superiors shut down or known. How can this be, they are in control?

Final Conclusion indicates satellites and imagery being used to fight crime. They use us to target the office and the personnel. We use them to trace the call. They try to steal, buy, and then take it over. They find out the extent of their problems and our ability to utilize counter-measures. If they cannot beat them, join them. They want to know if satellites are being used currently to combat crime, mafia, felons, and corruption.

It is blatantly clear this group and this 23 year old case is operating under a false premise. In addition to a false premise, an attempted kidnapping, theft, conspiracy, etc... was or has been committed. All of it is to cover up or hide a death penalty case revolving around why we call them cockroaches and why they feel they are in charge or in control; the police. It could be their religion which puts them in a difficult situation or having to fight out of it; but clearly, they are operating under a false premise and have been caught and exposed as both terrorists and communists.

I am back from a disastrous freshman year. My life has exploded and I get a new girlfriend. We make plans and I begin going out with old friends. At night school I work at Vance International. It is good until I get to the Islamic Saudi Academy. One of the co-workers is talking in tongues. An incident and he accuses me of pulling a knife on him or making a threat. What is going on here? I get relieved of duty after this instigation and agitation. The beginning, Vance International, coworkers, and the Islamic Saudi Academy. This is the beginning of the slander: he has a felony record, he is on medication, he is a danger to himself and others, etc...

The scam is if we complain, we get reprimanded or fired. So long as we tolerate the scam; nobody gets hurt. Why change? Women do not like us. We cannot socialize. We have a blockade on us. Everything was fine until 20 or 21. I went into the military, had a fiancee and she is rich or going to be. It did not matter what I did or chose. We had plans to have 3 kids, etc... live on the water. I go into the military and am ran off by blacks. In my unit are people from NY, Chicago, Portland, Birmingham, and the most liberal cities in the US. I have a lot of Puerto Ricans and even Filipino. All the officers are black. I am in a Signal Unit and have both Delta and Staff Sergeants undergoing training. I am ran off and we settle the matter, retirement. I am offered a medical career and opt for early retirement. Case closed. Today I am still getting medals, one after the other and I am not even active duty; explain that one.

I am retired. I buy a Japanese sport scar and a Japanese motorcycle. I do my college diligently; become a legend. My skill and knowledge grows quickly; I study around the clock, nonstop. Weird stuff happens at GMU and college. I ignore it. I am writing books and do not have time to debate these professors; they trash my grades. I get a 2.5 average for the same work everybody is reading today. Therefore, 2.5 changed the world. Some of the teachers are just cruel and nasty; bad customer service. All the sudden my car dies the moment I get a new job. I try to fix it. The black guy sells me a new car (Browns Mazda - Mazda 626 4 cylinder), not worth fixing the radiator or turbo charger. He scams me into $249/month payments with a limit of 1000 miles per week lease. 1000 miles how about telling me? I go over by 10,000 miles; just let them repo it; lost battle here.

I go to work at the Pentagon for a company called Logicon. What did I get myself into? I am sent to conferences. When I go, it feels like a government workers forum or union. I have 20 gorgeous women parading; what do they want I feel weird. Do they want me to talk to them? I try to find out and they are the nastiest, meanest girls on the planet. I guess I cannot socialize. Someone is all over me doing weird things. They are trying to reverse the bond or friendship I have with white people or my old buddies, people I grew up with and are best friends. They jump on me the moment I refuse to jump thru hoops or make a small mistake. The saga of being fired begins, first with Logicon. I do not complain and ignore it; just a weird incident. A lot of women who make me feel inadequate or powerless.

After my finances explode and a bankruptcy, I am stalked. I report it to the FBI. This is the beginning of legal action. I also take this to a lawyer, Cuccinelli. He advises me on slander and Virginia law. I do not know who is doing it or have a suspect; only "black people" and "labor unions."

I lay low and deliver newspapers for the NY Times. $400 a month and 2am-6am work. Not a soul to bother me. An eruption of yellow lights or tickets. Now it was the police doing it. Somebody is messing with my car; cutting the engine off; no anesthesia yet.

Next is a job with Sprint PCS as a customer service call center tech. Now they are on the phone and in my office bonding. One is yelling at me on the top of their lungs from sunup to sundown. I am freaking out due to the people in the office who I try to ignore. They paint the matter as I am a threat and try to humiliate me. They call me in and fire me; then calls the local police to escort me off as if this was the end of the world. It was nonstop hostile climate and harassment all day long; right out of college.

I lay low and work as a driver. Traveling around and making deliveries put an end to this. Then a series of bacteria or medical problems erupts. I go to Walter Reed and the Naval Center in Bethesda and it is resolved quickly. I find peace on the road and making deliveries; it throws them off and I am no longer harassed or set up. So I get a CDL and work for Fed Ex. It is fine until Ocean City, MD erupts in 2002 and a string of suspicious or abusive police actions again. I cannot get away. I am driving 300 miles and back to dispute these tickets; each time. I give in and it is too expensive. The first of the false arrest in 2003; completely not true and all lies. It puts me in fist fights and a coma for 2 years.

I work for AAA and certify as a master tow truck driver. I work with blacks and they must be compassionate; no eruption of harassment or attacks. Then in late 2005; the avalanche begins with false accusations of damage. Then it was more false information or scams; set ups. Then the worst of it all, daily bickering and back and forth with a black girl from Richmond dispatch, not only me but the entire fleet of drivers. Then the state police ticket me. This does not stop or end. I decide to quit and relocate. They change it to getting fired after the ticket by the state police. I saved up and am ready to move. This is going to end and I will be happy again. Ann is planning and advises me. She is close to setting them up and completing our plans.

I am tired of this and begin writing. I am going to expose them and trap them in the worst panic they will ever have and the biggest fight of their life. I am attacked repeatedly and around the clock. I manage to ignore or finish; not easy. I am reporting everything to the FBI. They try to steal my work and deny everything I am entitled to; as reported. They claim I am being ran off or to get used to it. Can we trace the 911 terror plot and who did all of this "lack of change."

I move to New York and it is filed in detail and my diary the events from 2006 to 2012. It is still ongoing and it has not stopped or ended; these are death penalty charges and the Democratic Party USA and the Jewish and blacks will be shut down. They opt to "change" and assist with welfare; not exactly the change I had in mind but until they surrender or an indictment; everything is still paralyzed. I do live on my pension and make the best out of it; mostly happy and ignore this if I can. I cannot, it is inside my home and follows me; as reported and they answer or explain 23 years of this. Ann in 2006 does her checklist and we not only trace it; we surround them and call backup. Who arrives? Will they take us to their leader or do we take them to ours?

They claim we are in the same boat and they only want to criticize us. We do not care. We are being taught how to be American or live in America, brainwashing. We must pay them something; jobs, extortion, cash payment, rent, etc... Right now they got me on paper. If they pay the damages, I am home free. They say it is up for grabs and Ann's fault. I will be okay and they will stop. They refuse to leave and still want to manage our life or keep us as prisoners; subordinate position. We interrogate their leaders and begin to understand their plot and plans. Repeatedly, if you do not like it than leave; otherwise, shut up. They refuse the surrender orders or deadline. A new plan is drafted and we now have triple threats; political, economic, and physical attacks. How many of them will loose their jobs and will the segregation work to end this mess? The Asians and the whites win and end up bonded; friends.

Florida arrives. Every single house is subtle and full of felons, sex offenders, and parolee's on medication. It has not ended. Now we have the Puerto Ricans and blacks on the other end in 2012, sound familiar? One after the other; worst case is Lake Worth and the drug gangs. It is a nest or set up by political forces disgruntled by the ending of this and they know they are done. Can they damage us more and put us in more pain? More than this? More than death penalty charges already? We have a surprise for them and a new plan. They crumble just hearing it and scramble to block it or crush it.

This entire matter began because you all are poor. Someone starts leaving screwed up or messed up babies at every gateway in our life. Not only are you poor, you want to be our leaders or manage our life. This is how it began. Then the Vietnam War and Cold War arrived and makes it even worse and it gets worse. You begin to lurk outside of or around VA-DC; after the Vietnam War. The economy collapses and the only people who hire is the government; the more of a mess, the more money or disaster money you get. We are targeted. You begin to stalk us. We go to work, you become the customer and screw up life. We go into the military, you are our buddy, our leader, or want to follow. We go to school, you have to be the teacher and trash our work. We get jobs and you have to be this cruel boss or dictator. You now claim it is your home or country. You claim you are parents. You claim you were only doing this to help and to teach us how to be an American; an open mind and not to trust the truth. You all are poor and you have proven at every move we make; ten counter or paralyzing moves back; we are going to have to fight for it because you were here first. We go into public, you have to constantly parade or set us up; no second in life can we not be without you. You feel some connection or bond; and even spend your entire life reinforcing it towards immigrants and the poor. Whatever you did, it has smeared our life and led to a false arrest. Who is the one who added the "mentally ill" to our resume? We do not know if you are getting this from your lousy leaders or the way they act. We do not know if you are sick and think we are a doctor who will care for you. We do not know exactly who taught or said you can do all of this. It all begins with being poor. It is the people's military. We do not join because we are poor; we are on a mission. You screw that up. It gets worse and worse. You are facing war; not back to back moves to mess up more. We are feeding out of your hands? Being retrained and challenged?

Is there anything you have not antagonized or F'd up? Now you claim the bigger the mess you make; the more money. The worse you are, the more money and taxes; welfare. The more you fight us; the more FEMA support you get. The more war you create, the more government jobs. Here we are now. You want a best friend and partner. If we do not accept your terms or become your doctor; you run us off. That is what this war is about and what you are 200% guilty for; you are the communist movement and we have stopped you in your tracks. You claimed I was well taken care of and you took care of Ann; it was over. We were okay. Now it is not about Ann or I; it is about what you have done. There is nothing more you can wreck but you refuse to fix anything and lie, cheat, and steal even more. You claim we cannot fire you and are only making commotion or more of a mess. It only hurts our life. It gets worse for you also, doesn't it? We do not exist, but you do? You won't report anything; only stalk us and catch us? We cannot escape you? Lastly, you want us to attack America and the Republicans, conservative or right wing; best friends right? This is the biggest attack on your religion? Not ours or Christians? Clearly this began when I turned 21; after military service. We know the reason and yours also now. You all were in my unit, tailing me. You see the mission and where all of this led; your leader and ours. Are we well taken care of, or are you? Are we all? Why can't you have what we have and why do you offer us everything? You took care of us? How did you get here and 1.6 billion in damages? Read what your punishment and how this will end. The bigger the mess; the less money you will get. We win. That is why we entered the army; but we now hate the government and government employees. I guess you were right with that. We hate the police; maybe right. We are enemies, definitely. We do not care about them; only us. What is this bond or connection between you Democrats and poor people?

It is all debt. Your fantasies are based on debt. That is the financial collapse and this housing crisis. You claim it is government worker's day. We need to recognize your contributions. We need to be indoctrinated and taught about the people and their safety net, do not F with it. We are leaving before you all are. When you make a mess or F up everything; you get disaster money or complaint money. You mistook our complaints as best friends; who are we and who are you? The Democratic Party USA (blacks and Jews) and the Communist Party movement; poor and trying to manage our life or be our leaders. This is how it ended and what 23 years of holding us as a prisoner of war got you, nothing. So far we got nothing but disaster also; but you have no future and face attack and war; total invasion. A suicide pact is in order and it is punished by death; silence and a death committee.

The Democratic Party has opened up the gates of hell and cannot close them or refuse to. It all began with segregation and integration, the 1960s. Now they claimed we sabotaged communism and their are or were invincible but we oppressed them; they did not oppress us or harm us; we want war. We refuse to offer them opportunity because they chase us and spy on us 24-7. They are still 200% guilty and owe 1.6 billion. Get their indictment and we can invade their homeland and HQs. Stop harassing us, haranguing us, and doing it in our homes or when we go into public or travel. Now we are also in the "system" and under government care; combat wounds.

Clearly Your Goal Was to Take This to the Grave: We know who to blame and we know why you keep your people in the dark. At least now they understand their fate and what you did to them and us. I hope they rip you to pieces when US forces invade your beloved country and turns it into a FEMA disaster. I also think spying on us and the US was the worst mistake in your life; any regrets? That is how you got into this mess and what overcame you. Even today you remain unchanged and even more evil or more of a thief. Everything is back-logged while you grandstand and continue to play this game with us or use your communist immigrant power to job place us; wonderful people you are for making such a total mess. All you had to do was tell the truth, that was all. Instead, you decide to use us or me; and you didn't even pay a fair wage. Everything is stacking up and backlogged. Weak on crime is in your blood and what this is about.

Being Tracked and Hunted by Hurricane and Earthquake Forces: Get that indictment if it is the last breath you have on earth. Do not worry if they are making and escape or what they plan. Once the indictment goes through; their ID will be revealed and they will be a hot topic. If they use human shields; I suggest their security or ghetto protection flush them out in 24 hours before the computer tracking verifies they are collaborators. Get that indictment and we can open up on them or invade their country; the right way and really put these bastards in total panic. I told them not to delay or got past the deadline; now they are forming another attack; do it and hurry, we can take them out. Limbaugh and Hannity; along with their media blitz will be blamed for the inevitable and their asinine effort to get away or crush us. They want to play the hard way and make this another Waco or Jones Town. I got a little surprise for them again. I will give them 24 hours if you get that indictment; then it is fair game. Ha, kiss your ass good-bye this time you nappy communist who invaded and ruined our life! Oh, they have helpers and political pull do they?

We Can Invade Their Country and Take Out Who Called 911 The Puppet Masters: If we can get this indictment and implicate the country (s) who called the shot for 911 and all of these attacks; including dumping their bad immigrants here in America and the crime levels; we can begin the initial period similar to the Persian Gulf War. I was an intern then and in the war room. My hurricane and earthquake propaganda has them quaking and in therapy. Here is my plan: 1) sewage 2) electricity 3) drinking water 4) bridges 5) airports 6) dams 7) vital military targets. This should allow our forces the ability to overthrow or demand a change or accountability. Right now they want the world to know how much they care, are buying time, and listen in while they steal everything and try to train their moles and deep spies. They are planning a second wave and a new war. The violations of the last one has not even been addressed; now they are the best right wingers and care more for America than we do, participate? Get that indictment and I can hold them off; they are going ape shit and we can get the CIA and Pentagon to finish them off when we do a final trace and accountability. They want us to take out our own forces or allies; even our friends and family. That is their little circus and charade of nonsense.

Dear FBI, CIA, and Pentagon - Get Them to Declare War: Hurry up and get them to declare war and formally so we can finish them off. There is no way my hurricane and earthquake forces can invade their nations, crush their advance, and make them pay for all of these felonies; if we are not at a state of formal war. Get this or push them into a state of war and sign the indictment. If you get that indictment, it is sufficient evidence for us to open up on their ass. Right now they are listening in and going ape shit; trying to steal anything or copy; it erases their history and warns their forces of danger. Get that indictment and we can get this done with. Also, prepare to liquidate and take apart Clear Channel, Fox News, and their financial or moral support. There are people who are missing parents, have injuries and medical problems, etc... they are behind the 911 and other attacks. We know what they did or not; so we can manage the claim suit and damages. He is doing everything I do not want them to, survive, crawl, beg; and while buying more time and setting up a new attack; attacking us. This has not ended.

You are Better Than Us! Dear Rush Limbaugh and Those We Caught, Cornered, and Ripped Apart: Your goal is not a great country and how you wish everyone well. All you are doing is copy-cat or repeating my life so that yours can be erased. It is a yes or no; did you violate any laws in 23 years stalking us? Secondly, you changed your goal and you still are stalking us. You are the communist and you tried to take over the country by violating every single law ever written. In doing so, we trapped you, built a legal case, broke your total dictatorship and control, and put you in such a state of panic; you are fighting for your life. Did you violate any laws or do what I say you did? Why then are you stealing or copying our life and our goals? Are you an empty shell we fight; then roll over and become us? As I see it; you have over 1000 felonies; and most of them are death penalty. But you kick, scream and holler about how you are being treated unfair. All of you are. Another matter, you go to Clear Channel and Fox News and you tell that to them; their stocks will be shut down, liquidated, and sold for the damages you have done. If you want to pull that one on them also; then do so. In the end, they will bug out and declare you the devil.

Trying to Warn Terrorists and Communist Forces Globally What They Need to Do For Survival: This idea you are sick of this or that... you only want the best for others... you are the backbone of the country; is more stalling and stealing our life. We did that, not any of you. You tried to steal and take over hurricane and earthquake forces; who are now deployed, and you paid the ultimate price for this. Do not lie to me or them. You are trying to send out warnings and inform your communist and radical forces what defenses are in place, that is all you are doing because we crushed you and gave you the fight of your life; try it again? You are now pulling a Tokyo Rose and warning the enemies globally what we have in store for you and ruining my trap; I have a trap and sting in place you buffoon; you are ruining it and taking it down, or trying. I am trying to get more of you and relay it to hurricane and earthquake central. Hurricane and earthquake forces are my bodyguards, security. You tried to steal satellite warfare by using me to lead you to our HQ or depot. Guilty and 200% and the felonies are all death penalty violations. All slave revolts begin this way you nappy fool. Now you are a big whiner and whimper while warning the enemies of our positions. You are giving away our positions in detail, aren't you?

My Service Connected Disability: Is very clear and evident. We are under attack and did not know who was doing it. It caused a bunker mentality and severe discord because a super important mission was underway. We caught them. Congress and the communist left tried to not only recruit us but cut our funds off. We ended up having to take extreme risks; ran through the city as if we were in Mogadishu, the helicopter did not show, and are missing 23 years of our life and personal life. Enough said, how about payment for saving the world and this ending? Clearly, that is a service connected disability or injury; which goes with the territory, not in question. Punishing them and delivering the final blow for victory is where we are at today. Not our pay or government check. This is what the official record should clearly state.

The Greatest Defeat to Communism In Our Lifetime: What do they do? Declare themselves the winner and then double down on us by denying it all and adding twice as much charges on the existing "criticism" and harassment. Did the stalking ever stop or did it get worse? It got worse! Here they are, the greatest defeat in the history of the world and the worst ass whooping the communist spies have ever been delivered; more spy games on US soil? Oh, now it is the biggest attack on their religion and country? We got evicted and our funds were cut off? We were put in prison and re-educated by some of the poorest and dirtiest prison felons on the east coast? Is there any wonder why we asked hurricane and earthquake escort on this one or to end this ridiculous attire?

Stop Using Me as a Tarrot Card or Map: This terror plot was a hybrid common ground between Jewish War Hawks and Anti-War Liberals. All of them are rogues who all other countries dumped here in America. America gave them jobs and freedom; and this is what we get. A total wreck and a failure to surrender when facing 200% guilty. Jobs and benefits for Veterans? They were wrong about Vietnam? We can work together and have a new tier to the 1960s? Surrender or War; these are death penalty charges. Hurricane and earthquake forces are only our escort; they are not primary fighting units. Satellite warfare is not a primary fighting unit; it is an intelligence unit. All the Vietnam veterans did well; non of the anti-war people did. Even black veterans did very well.

The Fall of Communism and The Persian Gulf War on February 23, 1991: The tide turned on them in 1990 and after the Persian Gulf War, we were well ahead of the anti-Vietnam War crowd and peace protesters; aka communist sympathizers, mostly liberals from the 1960s. Then they mistook me as a Delta Force Operative in 1993 and tried to set us up; my unit who did have active Delta and Ranger personnel. I was retired in 1995 and we are not disputing the retirement terms. I was or had been attacked and paranoid at the time, not sure who was doing it or why. Now I seek payment and have a bill of laden to the Pentagon; but it had already been negotiated, case closed. This is the turning point; war and the Middle East. Israel and the liberal 1960s crowd was in deep trouble. Another loss after Vietnam and they would be dead and gone. This time they got even and claim it was the worst attack on their religion, similar to Pearl Harbor. It was not. We knew in 1993 someone was tinkering and tampering; best to exit and not let it get worse while in active duty. I cannot prevent being stalked or this predicament; but I can take aggressive steps and did. It followed us and followed us here today. I have the blacks, communist, and Puberty Ricans; but Limbaugh is calling the plays and he knows it is truthful and no tricks; we are that good and they suck that badly. Evil did not beat us. Evil or their own spirit beat themselves, 200% guilty. Without this trick or terror plot; the blacks and the drug wars would be dead and gone. Do not come to America and try this; or else this will happen!

Do You Want War or the Death Penalty on the Republicans, Right Wing, and Conservatives? The charges you face are death penalty violations. Terror plots and murder are an act of treason. Extortion and racketeering are punishable by death on this level. We have mobilized hurricane and earthquake forces so security is addressed and you do not try anything sneaky. You were ordered to surrender and we have to push you back; you moved or did not budge; no response. You doubled it. War on the Republicans and Conservative by the Obama camp or Democrats will not fix this. War on them will. All the flaws and communist threat will be gone. This is not an egregious attack on your religion or character; your religion and character attacked this nation by suggesting you are a victim and the police criticizing us and compelling us to surrender. War will fix this; sign the indictment; otherwise, your surrender and the sell-off of Fox News and Clear Channel will be enough to ensure safe passage. We are not waging war with right wing forces, the US military, the FBI, DHS, or anybody; we demand your surrender and the truth. The hurricane and earthquake forces are only to ensure this occurs and nobody touches or steals my beloved satellite warfare project which is currently top secret. This is also not war on Ann Coulter or writers.

Take a Hard Look How You Conservatives React to 200% Guilty: Not only are you guilty of all that and a terror plot; your radio network and media barrage goes on full attack and alert mode in a solidarity stance we only get from Eastern Europe. Let's name off some names since 2008: Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin, Palin, McCain, Gingrich, Bush, O'reilly, Ingraham, Russert, Buchannon, Williams, Stein, Plancke, etc... (and there are more) and you bring in more interns so they can stand in coalition and solidarity as we take you down. You claim we are hate conservatives; that is your reading of it. You feed on the hate and meanwhile, we are forced to feed out of the hands of the communist and welfare class where there is a huge demand to fill positions. So you communists and 200% guilty rogue moles; took over the Republican Party and the right wing. You claim we have not paid or paid any taxes; you do or have and your money talks and walks the walk. Sound like racketeering or extortion? Sound like a protection racket? None of you have any education and you go on a shopping spree and steal all of our stuff; claiming to be our street crew.

So not only is this happening; you kick up the pressure with the solidarity and blocking; denying everything we are entitled to in our life and career. Clear Channel and Fox News when this is done with; has to be gutted, sold, and the proceeds go to your victims and our legal fees. The more you fight this; the worse it gets, remember that lesson. Every single day it is denial, living a lie, and flooding the airwaves with propaganda; mostly stolen or so scripted; it makes them look and feel conservative or right wing. They are a total wreck, pathological liars, and stalking the hell out of us to steal anything they can. We have deployed hurricane and earthquake forces to defeat and address this. You can pull back or vow to never give up; this is a losing battle and always has been. This is why we are here now and the damages have not been paid or properly addressed. The FBI looks horrible. DHS looks retarded. Our nation is so messed up; it is backwards and trying to move upwards. The only thing that works is debt. Remove these fakes, phonies, moles, rogues, liars, etc... and all the flaws will disappear overnight. So will they and the ability to do this. The only tinker here is the person in surrender mode now; surrender of perish as ordered by the police.

Why come to America and invade our life? Why keep knocking freedom with your dumb flaws or retarded life? Stop saying Ronald Reagan put you up to this, he is not here to defend it. You came to America, became 200% guilty, and now claim oppression or retarded shit? You people are cockroaches. You get jobs and property. This is our punishment for your arrival and our delivery. Did Christ go through the same events? We know you are communist and have been thru history; certified and verified. Stop trying to be our friend one day; a communist psycho the next; then back and forth of this crap. Act F'in normal and stop saying this is about you or freedom; we also have rights and a life; we had a top secret mission. It has always been a difficult road with you F'ers and now harder than ever; but we caught you and trapped you finally; and you deny it all? Mark Levin keeps saying this is about attacking his religion and the worst hate this nation has ever seen! Yeah okay. (Record Feb. 07, 2012 @6pm said all of that and was the defense lawyer).

Had Enough? Time is Running Out: The reason why there is so many firing, workplace incidents, and constant moving-job changes; is because they insist there is no jobs and so many on the left wing and communist side. They want to erase my college and replace it with a labor or common man's life. Time is running out. You keep on having to retrain. We are right here waiting! The firing and workplace stalking ended; now they are retraining to meet our hurricane and earthquake deployment! They are still landlords, no longer renters. All of this failure and loss of business; has everything to do with you and nothing to do with society or blocking. You people are a failure and it is vividly evident. You cling and leech off us and that is how you seceded. You all have convinced yourself to be right wing and you are not; but we cannot compel you to tell the truth and you are so evil and ridiculous; we are here now. Flooding the media made this worse and made your case sink even deeper. Now you block out all reality and what we say about you. Instead, you wipe off the planet our biography and tell us we have to move out of the way for your career; and you are leeching off us. Ann is the top of the right wing and I am the top of the right wing; yet these are not right wing or conservative; and they call themselves a Republican or club of single lunatics.

The Question is What Exactly is Your Goal? It keeps changing and right now, we are not going to let you get away with this or leave it the way it is. Because you have literally altered our life and this nation. You claim nobody will touch this case and nobody likes us. You had kept on claiming we had to get used to you or get used to this; thus, began the arrests, living with filthy people, renting from us, living with us, etc... when it was supposed to be simple normal business. Now we are renting from you and you act like my father and when you were renters; up to the landlord to decide. You said it was about jobs. You had said we only get security and have to keep retraining if we did not jump through your hoops. When we are nice to you or treat you with respect; we get this. If we are mean to you and abuse you; we get this. We cannot win either or. So we conjured up and have contacted hurricane and earthquake forces. We have written our biography and our obsession with satellite warfare; 23 years in this industry as a victim of communism and now a pioneer in combating it. You cannot escape but you change the story daily or goals; deny everything. How do you deny it all? Is there anything we left out or is this your strategy; get used to it, deny it all, let decline sink in and wait for the bottom. Denying it is your worst mistake. Denying half of it is a start to being accountable. Nobody will touch this case? Nobody will report it? We have to retrain and move on? You would think security is in place to prevent this. You would think our leaders recognize corruption and evil has come to our door and life. You decide what your goal is now and let us know; stick to it and not us. Deny it? For how long?

You Cannot Deny All of it There Is A Paper Trail: There is a paper trail and everything I say is true. Whoever these police officers are they kept pulling me over and ticketing me; but so were the 911 terrorists, odd. You have never even been fondled or went thru an airport, odd. In the end, Clear Channel will have to be sold and damages paid. In the end, Fox News has to be sold and damages paid. In the end, the Republican Party or government has to be accountable and pay the damages of this lawsuit. What about the people who are guilty; no accountability?

Tampering with Grades-College and Top Secret Mission: The reason why I went from a straight A student to a D literally overnight is because you tampered with my grades and felt I had a better chance helping blacks, His-panics, and new boat people from Asia. Also, you claim you had a better job and would support my cause. There is only one problem; you denied us everything we are entitled to in life. I had the dream job, the dream wife, and planned out a course which would make me a millionaire and a legend. Therefore, you wanted to offer me a job working with blacks specifically; making them not as troubled or your ideal negro. I ended up with a severe case of racism or hate; scornful and you keep saying it is a mental illness. Nothing makes any sense in my grades or ten years in college as a straight A student. You felt seniority or your "American" citizenship put you in a position to deny us everything in life; and we are compelled to take a bullet for you. Everybody in my school went to college and got advanced degrees; you only targeted me and we know it was a set up.

Dear Rush Limbaugh, Democratic Party USA, labor movement, Negro Summit, and Communist USA Forces: You have impeded and denied us everything we are entitled to in life. You have even gone so far as to deny us our own marriage and wrecked out career. You went so far as to steal and try to deny us our own life mission, satellite warfare. My account and 1.6 billion damage claim clearly invokes your ability to pay and demands you cease and desist; however, you refuse to surrender and have a suicide pact or a death wish. So crazed, psychotic, and insane; you refuse to report any of it and suggest we keep picking fights with you or putting ourself in danger. Even people who have been in prison 1,2, 3 times for real charges, do not have a problem getting a job.

Furthermore, I have almost 35 friends I am talking to from elementary school to high school graduation who spent every single day of their life with me; and you keep feeding lies and smears about mental insanity, being medicated, and how you will deny us everything we are entitled to in life. We have even recorded you and trapped you in your own game. We have made it clear that you will know what a fight is and be in the fight of your life if you try this; and you did with audacity and no apprehensions. You continue to demand we are the same, we love you, we are friends, we are in the same boat, we need jobs, etc... to advance your cause and create a defection or death. We are beat up, scornful, and almost a total wreck also. Yet your tricks and evil continues. You expect to survive this. Now you claim we are whom you invented and the criticism and smears stick; denied everything in life so you can feel better about your work and life. Your history has been erased for stealing ours; but it has been written. Every trick, you have been beat at your own game and evil; there is no end to your evil.

Whatever your goals; to deny us everything we are entitled to in life, friends or love, material wealth, marriage and family, etc... whatever they were did not take you closer to us or your crime spree. You use terror plots and murder rampages to win over friends and have us love you. You use human experiments to suggest we cannot take you down and make you pay. You failed at all of the above and now you wish to walk away and are so arrogant; you blame us or continue this cruel hoax where we are eating out of your hands? More of your parades and tricks? When this is over, those involved should be banished forever and made to pay with the full force of mankind. You are guilty of denying us everything we are entitled in life, including our own marriage, family, and happiness. You are guilty of smearing our name and keeping this 24-7 for almost 23 years; in some helpless attempt to fix your total wreck of a life. You are guilty of terror plots, criminal sprees, and violence of waging war on this country and her treasures. It will be very hard for you to recover or fix your life now. You have one life and only one life to live; but you keep messing it up and are so troubled; you have taken this country to the brink of destruction and war. How do you plead? Why are you still open? It is impossible for you to recover and even if you lie; none of it will make any sense; you stalk us for a reason. We are here and it did not get this way on its own. You are so arrogant and criminal; you made us a criminal for fighting you and charging you 1.6 billion dollars; but you are getting the fight of your life. You know now what a real fight is and are flat again.

Your feeble immigrant army is beat up, hungry, and in bad shape. We are not here to save them or you; do not expect a rescue. For deny us everything in life; you will have everything denied to you and your forces. When you are ready to surrender to the police, you will. We have deployed hurricane and earthquake forces and that is more history and events you refuse to report or keep secret. It is not my life. It is not my career. She is not my girl. When does it ever end or your evil? Your forces will die for what you have done and waging war on this nation, treason is punishable by death; I will state that clearly and vividly. If your troubled life wishes to survive this; then it is time to surrender. Your history will be denied, ripped apart, and more; there is no escaping this; surrender to the police for all this and the terror plots or violence on us.

The Negro and Immigrant Forces: You continue to use them as a messenger. You keep saying your communist poor forces increase by the day and how much you do not care, are not worried, and live comfortably. You parade Negroes on welfare who are your role model to suggest we can buy into this or how perfect your life is and we can have it also. Your evil is unimaginable. You are taking us down a road even you are terrorized by; thinking you will win this war on us in the end. Let's finish it right now and for good. If you leave it the way it is and stay; we will pick you off and finish your forces off. There is no escape, surrender now!

Wake Up Call: You are in a real fight. You realize you are not very good at it; finally. I find you ridiculous and so do so many others. Why can't you die or is this something we have to also teach you? You finally know what a fight truly is about and how bad you are at it; total wreck and failure. Did God torture you also? Did he beat you down until you went away? Why are you in our life trying to drive the bus to hell? Ha, at least you know exactly how ridiculous you are now. Don't you?

Dear Whitey Limbaugh and His Negro Summit/Communist International: If you want to come to my home, rob me or attempt to, hold my family and loved ones hostage, make demands and use me as a surrogate, etc... I will show you the fight of your life! When I am done with you, you will know what a fight or a real fight is; I might be bleeding, I might be barely breathing, I might be full of holes; but your nappy ass will know you been in a fight with me and you will know what a fight is for the rest of your F'd up life. Agree? No retreat and no apologies please. You also owe 1.6 billion in damages! Pay up you nappy F'in loser.

Apology, Retreat, Help, Minor Fix, Do Not Touch, Smoke and Mirror, Hissy Fit: This female who is using Gary, the Perpetual Rican negro with one arm on medication, to suggest we must accept their rampage and it was a mistake. However, this female is making it seem as if we have no choice because we are in the same boat, mentally ill, and they did not like how we busted them or took them down; the ending. She is constantly observed kicking and screaming; almost like a child about how frustrated she is, similar to Whitey Limbaugh; and how their political experiments were foiled or exposed. They are running communist political experiments on human beings; a re-education camp. They use blacks as a control measure and as a protection force. Most if not all of them are on medication; yet they want to know if we can be programmed to be black, become a negro watermelon man, or am susceptible to their brainwashing and tricks. So they are trying to retreat and apologize and are using rental or landlord power to conduct these experiments; however, they are saying we must accept it at all cost or we will be attacked hourly. There is so much pressure and danger on them; they do not dare make a false move; but try to throw smoke and mirrors up for this retreat. We are forced to accept their apology, delays, and this retreat; while they tell us to move or leave. It appears to trace to Hillary Clinton and her daughter. The question is where the police are or have been on this raid? Watching TV or 911? Listening to Whitey Limbaugh? This is the introduction of hurricane and earthquake forces; where the hell is our backup and security forces? How about Ann's total wreck of a life? Vietnam Syndrome all over again, to save their job and union pension?

The Drug Wars and Drug Trade: We do not know what exactly they are smoking or selling; but it has clearly warped their mind, impacted our life in the most ridiculous ways, and produced this political civil war which they are trying to retreat from. If we trace the source of this and Ann's life; it leads to the conservatives and half of the Republican Party. Why? Find that source and that is their HQ or front line. Right now there is a negro named Gary who is supposed to be on medication but constantly laughing at us and the conduit for this ridiculous plight of theirs. The drugs has made them desperate for medical socialism. Like Gary, they all need to be medicated and using us as some sounding board or surrogate. Look how irresponsible all of them are, even Ann.

The Drug Wars and Terrorism: Another trump card or primary strategy is the drug wars. Most if not all of their politics is based on hate, love, and welfare. Therefore, single motherhood and female intuition is what all of this circles. However, by using the welfare system and crime; the cash-assist program can fuel war on a massive scale and revolution. The money is invested in property and false scams; then it is used to scam legitimate investors; whites and asians. Meanwhile, their Nazi model or sports program gives the feeling, look, and touch of 1940s Europe and Nazis; which fuels the Jews; a secondary threat. The Jews buy up what is in decline after their revolutionary black and ghetto units invade or level everything. The largest mover by far is New Orleans; it would have increased their drug wars and coffers at least a billion or several. That money fuels the revolution and buys arms offshore. Then the same money fuels the Jews who run this prison camp or re-education camp where terrorists or people in the same boat; have to prove themselves or be initiated. We were caught in this and escaped it. Thus, we saw first hand what they were doing and who was behind it. Israel has an adversarial relation with the Palestinians, much the same the police do with the blacks; their trump card. Those two, the blacks and the Jews-liberals; are the primary revolutionary and communist threat on American soil; has been and always will be. Now they are in serious trouble. They are avoiding formal war but pretending to be a copperhead, "Don't Tread on Me" in order to ward off or circle their wagons in retreat; not advance. The drug wars, guns, crime, blackmarket funds, and the welfare system are instrumental to their success. They have nothing else; but in order to keep their spirits, they need healthcare. Everybody views them as disgusting and doped up constantly; disease infested cockroaches.

The Police Trump Card: The Democratic Party and the Communist have a powerful trump card, the police. This is their first move. They deployed it in the 1990s before the surge began. The police and the Negroes have an adversarial relationship. There is back and forth racism charges. The relationship is similar to the Jews and the police; fear. Therefore, the communist set or move the pieces first by using the police-negro model; so they can have the blacks circle their wagons. They tried this on us in the 1990s also; massive police probe and activity outside of Washington D.C. I had to report it to the FBI; which put me as a suspect. Then a smear process began; which then led to slander and false arrest. However, the police is their trump card and still is. When that adversarial relationship is ripe; they move in and circle the wagons and Congress who are the primary movers or forward troops. They continue to try this trump card but cannot; insisting we are in the same boat or situation radical communist are in. This card is so powerful, they are able to launder billions of dollars and wreck the entire financial economy with fake mortgages and scams using real estate. In the end, an adversarial relationship is formed and we all look guilty or sink to the bottom. That is how they move the pieces and what we ripped to shreds also in one move. They were either an online police or some radical black police feeding us hookers, strippers, and teenage girls online. The question was why and where it led. It led to Duke University and the case of some skank hooker at a frat party; an overzealous prosecutor? Really? That stripper case led right to 911 as usual.

Murders, Bombings, Planting Evidence, Intimidating Witnesses, Etc: Prior to the 1960s there were a flurry of staged or suspicious cases involving Jews and blacks. We see the return of the communist and radicals who spend all day and night thinking of new scams and tricks. They were behind the propaganda much the same way they were behind JFK, 911, and so much more. What we did was stopped them in their tracks; but the communist along with the Catholic Church were the principals behind this gigantic surge and labor party socialism. We see their Nazi like dominance in sports and crime. We can clearly see how they are a total wreck and still stalk us like the Terminator; we can rip their limbs off, they keep coming with a flurry. For them to stay in America and live under these present conditions, will be their biggest trick, scam, and obstacle thus far.

War on the Communist and Terrorists - Accountability and Stalking Us: None of this would have ever happened had it not been for the Democratic Party USA, the Negoes, Whitey Limbaugh, This 1960s Reunion, The Nego Summit, and this problem with the communist trying to take over or infiltrate our life. None of this damage would be present and we would be happy in life. Now we have deployed hurricane and earthquake forces to combat the people behind all of this and it could have been avoided very easily. They chose the hard way and to go down with the fury of God unleashing the might of nature on them. That is who the blame should be put on; yet they refuse to stop and refuse to turn themselves into the police as ordered; so the the hurricane and earthquake forces will have to go to town on them and hurry up. We need them out of our life and America. Had they not been so retarded and accountable for their own actions; nobody would rip them to shreds. Now they have no future and ours is wrecked or a mess. Is it worth it?

Media Guilty and Gutless, No Honesty or Integrity: Eventually, they will have to make up something or report some kind of story. Ann is their main antagonist and has done more to them than any other human being on earth; thus, a murder-rape plot on her. However, they are maneuvering behind the scenes and trying to tactically outfox what has trapped them; their own guilt. War is impossible, they will loose in less than one week. Those are not good odds but explain the current lack of reporting and buying time. This history of our hurricane and earthquake deployment is also in history; but they erased it and do not report it. If they decide to declare a formal war and not terror plots, we will maul them and quickly; over 23 years of maneuvering on our part and strategy. Yet they beg and whimper 24 hours while attacking us.

The Civil Rights Movement and the Blacks of the 1960s: Also, the communist after 23 years of this keep saying they are watching, they are blocking us, we cannot get away with this, we cannot escape, we cannot do anything to change the situation, etc... while they cry and beg 24 hours a day. We cannot escape but they refuse to go to war or sign their own indictment and surrender? These Negroes are a kick in the pants. Is it worth it?

Dear Ann Coulter: You are the source of marriage bliss and the source of happiness in my life! Yes and if you believe that one, I will tell you another one of your lies told to me repeatedly. Conservatism is also a source of marriage happiness; of course it is, look at Ann Coulter. You have the best friends in the world, can't ask for any better. Your life is duplicated by so many women; stable, resilient, like a rock. Probably the most responsible person I have ever met and down to earth. I would not change a thing or how I do business. At least you stopped drinking and going out with weird men; then claiming it was to improve your marriage.

Let's see if we can comprehend how big this disaster is and how much damage we have done to the communist forces USA; yes they did do a lot of damage to us and are still attacking. Yet how big is the damage on their hull? Did we sink them yet? They not only did the terror plots, they are 200% gutless and guilty. Yes the communist were taking over and we stopped them dead in their tracks, on both sides; and it came down to the wire and look at the total disaster now! Take a bow.

More Really Bad-Bad News For the Communist Radicals and Whitey Limbaugh's Negro Summit: My security forces double each hour. Your forces dwindle by the day. My forces began as only Ann and myself. We are now if not the entire globe than nearly all of earth and possibly a few planets. Let me see your numbers! This is how much of a failure and what kind of a jackass we have to face or put up with. Who in hell would fight or come to the rescue of such an under-achiever or such a complete wreck? Two people has grown to a gigantic number and I am assessing my own value; 60, 100, 200 billion? Who wants to see us win this war? Who wants to be in my position? Who wants to save the world?

MOVE: Aw, their feelings are hurt! They are ready to cry and they did not expect the ending to be so bad. Their feelings are so hurt they want us to be their friend but we brought them to the point they scream "move... leave" at us or try to evict us. Our hurricane and earthquake forces drag their security and military forces by their hair and they are hurt because they do not have 60 billion to bid and need friends or us in the same boat as under-achievers. They block out how bad this turned out and how guilty they are; how much of a failure an under achiever of a wreck can make of their own life. They need a shoulder to cry on but can only scream insults or harangue us hourly. Half their leaders have lost their minds and gone senile. Their feelings are hurt everybody sees them as lame or total losers. Everybody knows what they are up to and they cannot even lie to each other; so they block out any truth and reality. I guess the ground they walk on or stand on is now gone. Did we reject them and refused to be a failure or a total wreck also? Did we fight them off and chased them so badly; they take a pounding of abuse or is going to be mauled? No way to get away with this and their feelings are hurt; plus they do not have any money to bid on or improve the situation because we are shutting them down and they sense danger; what a sad story. Like a chicken without a head; they run around all crazy bleeding on everybody. What a joke, the source of manhood is the streets of Brooklyn or New York, LMAO.

Dear Rico Saute and Nappy Communist Diplomat: Are you bipolar? One minute you are belligerent. The next you look over our shoulder in the name of multi-culturalism. Finally, you go into this soul searching mode where you break down and are pathetic. Make up your mind who you are today; bipolar? Your grades and your life achievements reflect your personality. Welcome to America!

The Rico Sauce Puerto Rican and Blacks: Based on what I have seen and heard, you people are a ridiculous breed. Do you even know what an American is or how to be one? If you do not, then go home and stop acting like you are grounded and sliver or weasel. The tough or Rico Saute is a ridiculous act; so is the Elvis Gonzalez and Clinton immigrant issue. Do you even know how to act around Christians or powerful people? Stop saying we are in the same boat or how cuckoo we are; you are a ridiculous breed. How long do you expect us to watch you and comment about your life and total wreck of a human soul? Yes, merge with the communist and be the largest most welfare Democratic Party ever to hit the South or the USA. Yes, send reinforcements after the 1960s and invade; ask for NY reinforcements and the origin of man or toughness. You are one ridiculous MF Rico Saute; I will be happy to rip your hair and clothes off. Yes, you handle pressure so well and are so grounded!


Dear Retarded Nappy Communist Female: Stop apologizing to me as if it is working, "sorry!" We know you are frustrated and want us to go away. We know you are full of regrets. Now shut up. We are not accepting your apologies or wish to hear you squirm, weasel, or try and get out of this; am I clear you sleazy sneaky whore? Stop apologizing and turn yourself in.


Dear Black and Hispanic Total Wreck and Peasants: Stop F'in with my health and mental status. We will rip you to shreds. Now turn me off and talk to my hurricane and earthquake forces. You have waged war on them. They watched you every single moment. They have judged you for who you are. Make your final comments to them and debate them; stop F'in with me or my life. All of this is up for bid, 60 billion is the start; shut your mouth and bid if you are this important and this powerful. Like a hot potato you inferior weaklings cannot even fight or finish your own wars. It is time you grow some balls and have some responsibilities. Stop telling us immigration and welfare is a state right or it is our problem. We know what you all are up to and you need to talk directly with our hurricane and earthquake forces. Stop using me as a hostage or a surrogate to get out your message you weakling. War is a man's world and you are obviously no man; a half-breed. It is an insult you would try to breed with us or come to America; where achiever's flourish and under achievers, like yourself, are homeless and a wreck. I am not your surrogate or hostage, in the same boat; worse, I have become homicidal about this; talk to them directly, not me.

Dear Black and Hispanic Peasantry: Now that we know it is you, do you have any achieving goal in America besides pestering us and begging? You have made begging and antagonizing us a lifestyle; can you at least finish your wars and battles so we do not have to put up with a mouthy pussy in our life tormenting us until our hurricane and earthquake forces literally drives you insane and into hiding? We know you are an under achiever and you know you are far inferior than us; but this peasantry on our shores problem; can we respond to your attacks or not? Do you want to finish your own wars or just pester us and beg for the remainder of your life? We have the most pristine beaches, areas of promo real estate; and now a huge problem with your grades, skills, and inferiority. Is this why you are here in America; to hold the achievers as hostage while a peasant class begs for food or wages war because we are homicidal about you in our life? Is it? Even after you wage war on us; you play this game in a man's world. You do understand it is a man's world and if war erupts; we will drag you by your head as we wish so you understand what America is about and we can address the criminal charges you have racked up. Do you? Now it is time you talk to my homicidal hurricane and earthquake forces like the retard you are and let them respond; stop pestering me as if I am your secretary and helper. Talk to them... they will respond to you like a monster. Do you want to stay here in America or head to the homeland when your welfare runs out? Why don't you call your European masters and ask them to feed you? You do understand the deep shit you are in do you?

Your ass has to go. Decide who you want to talk to and fight; me or our hurricane and earthquake forces. I am not your secretary and I do not appreciate you coming to America and doing this to the point we have to teach you how to be an American and not some retard or peasant beggar. You also F'd up New York and Florida; and grew the government so much MD is a total wreck now. If you want to wage war on the British; then do not use America or I as the surrogate for your inferiority and horrible grades. Clearly, all of you are an under-achiever using "America" as a costume. If you want to save your ass, talk to the hurricane and earthquake forces who are ready and prepared to rip you to shreds. You recruited me for the Army? That is absurd. What the hell are you doing in the Army to begin with; a pussy like you all in a man's world? You gave me a welfare check and want me to shut up and not ruin it for us all? What? Are you smoking some form of narcotic?

Dear Little Hispanic and Black Boy: You have a long list of charges for coming to America and waging war on us. You do not want to face the choir and you certainly do not want to fight your battles. You live in a dream world and a fantasy land. Now sign the god damn papers so we can finish you off or surrender to the police. We do not want to hear about how you want us to leave or how your manhood came from New York. You fight your own battles like a man or you will be the little mouthy bitch we call a pest. If you sign those papers we can better address your political problems and how much of a wreck you poor immigrants have become in America. You got kicked out of the military and your industry was shut down; what next war? I do not want to hear it or back and forth what we are going to do to you. You were and are ordered to surrender to the police for 911 and a communist surge. Yes a lot is on the line and you are done; but it does not fix anything. You need to understand warfare and waging war is a man's world; either you stay out of a man's world or we will show you what that world is truly about and rip you to shreds. You do this shit all day long, at our workplace, and you think we are here for you or to feed your measly ass. What a half-ass man you truly are.

The Origin of Man and the Source of Manhood: Based on the communist and liberal Democrat understanding, the source of all this manhood and toughness is Brooklyn, NY. Damn, I knew it too! Let's send our special forces to Brooklyn and New York so they can learn this toughness! Must be really special and a welcome addition to our life. My hurricane and earthquake forces are blood-thirsty, homicidal, and monsters now; this little communist pussy has to go no matter what. If it takes a world war, then it does. Make it happen and make them pay dearly or even better, deport them or intern them in a POW camp. No matter what the truth and the facts indicate, they remain vigilante and at our throats hourly. Let's hurry up and clean house; clean their clock! They will surrender on the terms asked and face the criminal indictments. They keep apologizing and carrying this on and on; want a fight? You Fag-get-about-it.

Dear Whitey Limbaugh and His 40th Annual Communist Summit: In case you did not notice, but you immigrants who come here and have to be taught about America and what being an American is truly about; got your industry shut down and are being dragged by your hair literally; but you all remain kicking and screaming about how tough and sneaky your criminal gangs are. We really do not want you here or fighting beside us, if you must ask. The jobs tell it all. What you did was make everybody watch you in action and your daily rants and homicidal tirade by trying to act brave and tough; then in the most annoying way placing Brooklyn and New York as the epicenter of gang behavior or toughness. You are nothing but a cockroach who is so poor; you turned us into homicidal military people trying to keep their wits and be civilized about this. Furthermore, our hurricane and earthquake forces want to finish this war with you quickly; why are you so reluctant but keep fighting? Your Negro Summit, Anti-War trickery, communism, terror plots, and drug wars; has put people in the line of fire and they must cope or keep their wits about you all. It seems like nothing can break your narcissism, ignorance, stupidity, and communist chanting.

My Hurricane and Earthquake Forces Are Hungry and Must Be Fed: Do not tell me you are a wreck, do not know what to do, are sorry, etc... You created that monster and are such a wreck or so poor and guilty; you cannot even feed the monster you have created or stand for justice and the truth. Yet you keep fighting us with the most indignant, stale, stalking audacity. We know you are a wreck. We know you all are starving and poor. We know you need power and a best friend, a total communist. All of that does not change the fact my hurricane and earthquake forces are now blood-thirsty watching you in action and taking your abuse hourly. Are you going to give them what they want or just play this game and anger us even more? Yes you are an animal and a monster. However, you caused us to become a bigger and more dangerous monster and you will pay dearly, I promise. Even caught, you fight on but are reluctant to let us finish you off. You refuse to surrender to the police and turn around and claim you are the police because the Democratic Party said so. Why do you have to be taught about America and about other Americans? The monster is blood-thirsty now and it must be fed. Are you going to surrender or not? Do you want a trial? You people are just dirt poor in America; we are not in the same boat.

Now I am a Good Man In Tier Book: Now this worthless loser and Whitey Limbaugh's Negro Summit claims I am a good man. So far we did it for free. I must be. Imagine if 60, 100, or 200 billion was in front of me. Are they worth that much? I guess they crucified another good man and just do not want to stop or this to end. For a nappy communist they sure have a wild imagination; very wild. 24 hours a day they try to sneak in every door and stalk us and watch us; breathing down our back about some multi-cultural new development or terror plot and now; here we are, the final showdown. Very strange world we live in and full of shitty people who do not want to die or go away! How about the orders I move or leave, it's their home and I am cuckoo? How about coming to my work and making me a total wreck?

Let Me Make A Correction For The Record and The Final Showdown Since Their Special Clandestine Police Are On Duty: Ass long as their communist forces are attacked by our military forces around the globe; as long as the communist forces of the world begin to disappear or drop off the earth; as long as the numbers begin to dwindle and their birthrate is tolerable; nobody cares. So long as they are not in our life or America; nobody cares. The moment they arrive here; the shit will hit the fan and we will get Whitey Limbaugh's Negro Summit and 1960s revival. For 60 billion, I can make anything happen; but that is the starting bid for the final showdown on earth. How important are they or is it just a phony dream like their parade down main street face down in their own sewage? Their police are still on duty and have not fixed a god damn thing; not a damn thing.

The Final Showdown: based on what I see, what I hear, and what I know about the communist USA invasion; someone needs to drag them by their hair into the ring and finish them off once and for all. This pest and SOB has done so much to this nation and other people; someone should finish them off and give them the war of their damned life. So whenever they are ready, we would like to make it clear to them how we feel and how we see them; what their role in our life is and how they are not made of steel or anything worth mentioning. There is no chance for them to survive this; but they... right now. So maybe one day a champion and a military force big enough will drag them by their head into the ring and make them pay for doing this to everybody else and telling them how we are the same or in the same boat. I personally want them dead and I think this was their worst mistake globally and militarily ever witnessed or on the historical ledger. Do not ask me how they will survive; we are waiting to finish them off. That concludes Whitey Limbaugh's Negro Summit, I think. Also, there is no solution for their people; 200% guilty and facing extreme retaliation for what they have done and the continuous list of charges. They just refuse to surrender and run around the room. Their final showdown is to put me in prison and what I have been documenting; that is our fate according to the communist forces.

See It This Way Not a Knife-Fight: Take a sledge hammer and hit a fly 100 times. The fly is gone and so is the cement around it. That is how I personally feel and I am sure my hurricane and earthquake forces who watched all of this go down. As far as haranguing me all day; that really helped us make up our mind. They are just proving to everybody else what kind of person or enemy they truly are and if war broke out; nobody is going to miss them or feed them. Well, it is up for bid, 60 billion to start; you either got it or not but for god sakes, just shut up and get out of our life will you. We want to test how important you truly are and how much people are willing to see your military forces eradicated. You keep saying how special and the communist or where this is going; so for 60 billion, I am sure I can make anything happen. Exactly how important are you to now be screaming indignation or refusing to surrender to the police? I would say the communist forces around the world are getting a rude awakening and a mind F of their life; all for a 1.6 billion damage claim.

I Was Planning On Mauling You in Court And At Your Trial: You are pissed off and jealous because you think seniority and your plight to America poor and decrepit; puts you in a special class of underachievers called communist radicals and communist moles. Therefore, you blame Vietnam and the US involvement in Asia; which you see is counter-productive because it takes food off your welfare table; responsible for why you are stripping or trimming our hedges. Therefore, your drug wars and dream about floating down main street in your own sewage; turned into the wreck your life truly is. But you decided to impose that fate on me and make us in the same boat while you did what I described and demanded I fix it or take actions; or else you would kill me and a lot of others for your under achieving life. I did not believe you until 911 and the back after back outbreak of shootings; which you blamed on me; double jeopardy. Now you see Asians and Asia; due to the Vietnam War; as negative to your Negro Summit and communist war. Asian wealth is now 45% of the entire world and growing; but the whites are about steady with the Asians. So the world grew but you went into the cave and are still the caveman in our life; saying we are in the same bout and what I just wrote about your Negro Summit. A new communist called the halfrican or the terrorist has emerged.

Who Is Flipping The Bill or Paying For Teaching You Lousy Underachievers, Democrats, and Negroes About America and What American Values Truly Are? Thank you. It was my own money and from my own pocket. I don't even have a school or have a teacher's salary to be teaching a god damn cockroach retard about America, Whites, Asians, Blacks, or whatever half-breed you all are. Who the hell pays me to keep the damn lights on while you claim I am in the same boat or you want to help and give me more welfare? Who? My resume clearly shows we have much better things to do; such as getting inducted into the hurricane and earthquake hall of fame or introducing my new SATWAR forces. The starting bid is 60 billion, do you want it or not? Then shut up will you and bid. Same boat my ass, we have a lot of better things to do then spread propaganda or drive you communist into madness and therapy. Stop criticizing how we keep the lights on and understand you all are nothing but a lousy under achiever in my world; want some more? Had enough? Ready to surrender? Yes, just agree and keep your lousy mouth shut; our hurricane and earthquake forces are homicidal angry now. You better worry about putting that genie back in the bottle. Come and get it, Rambo got a big-big surprise for your ass!

Dear Peurto Rican Forces and Negro Forces: Listen you poor crazy piece of shit; don't come around to the Asians and tell them they are in the same boat as you. You people come to America and then go into the military and caused a total disaster. Don't tell anybody they are in the same boat as a poor underachiever who thinks Brooklyn is the source of street smarts or some criminal penchant so clever; we cannot stop you in your tracks. First of all you all are dirt poor. Secondly, my resume clearly shows we have a mission and life goals; not like you all who keep saying insane shit about your street smarts or toughness. As far as I know, we put a ban on you and if anybody messes with it; they will be lectured by the mess you created in our hurricane and earthquake forces. Never ever say you cockroaches are in our same boat or we are in your same boat; never. We have much better things to do then keep you in our life and listen to your failure or regrets; trying to hurt our feelings or reject us. Look at the complete mess you caused and the people seeking retribution or planning on shutting you down. We have much better things in life than to listen to an under achiever and some phony soldier in the military at this Negro Summit of the 1960s. You will never be allowed entry again in the military or do business in our network; never. Try it and we will shut you all down. I hope that does not hurt your feelings or make your shit stink worse. Same boat, we are trying to close you down and get rid of your 1960s invasion.

Oh Cuckoo Checks and Money? If you think I am cuckoo; take a look at the people in New Orleans. They think the government blew up their levies or nuked their ass. All they got was an ATM card and an indictment. Worse, the cuckoo money they got was condemned to a FEMA trailer; so do not tell me we are in the same boat or getting cuckoo money. That is really cuckoo and they did not get cuckoo money. My money from the US government is fair compensation for some of the work being done now; I saved all of their asses and the debt is unpardonable. Also, I have major security problems resulting from my US military service; considering we took out all the communist forces and they want my hurricane and earthquake forces dead. So it is a very meager gesture to say this country does not owe me a huge debt and a lot of thank you. Same boat, that is the biggest joke I have heard yet. If you want to see what cuckoo money or checks are about, look at FEMA and New Orleans.

Major Hassan and The Negro Summit or Anti-Vietnam War Summit: Clearly, they were tinkering and acting retarded. They had flooded our Signal and Satellite School with the same negro summit and caused a disaster. Knowing this could be a major problem; they offered me a retirement. No complaints and not the fault of most personnel; it is the dumbass who is retarded and keeps calling. Due to liability, GI Bill problems, my retirement, and my precious satellite warfare program (revealed only in 2006); they had labeled me mentally ill to cover up this negro summit, blockade, and anti-Vietnam War. The negro summit is about race mixing; white-asian; white-black; and black-asian. The blacks think we love them and are acting retarded and as expected. They reveal their plot and future plans to us and we mobilize to crush them.

Due to the threat of this getting out; they used the mental illness argument against me to pull all funding. Meanwhile, they had their communist and terror plot forces contact me about managing my accounts; or taking over the hurricane and earthquake forces that other communist leaders had their eyes on. All the sudden, they were not anti-Vietnam War protectors but wanted to be drafted. Therefore, we see the Walter Reed and the Baker Act in use from 2008 to 2011; while they threatened to pull all funding and deny they blocked my NSA career and the introduction of hurricane and earthquake revolution I had been working on for over 20 years. It just got worse and worse for them; but they were already neck deep in taking over the Pentagon, FBI, CIA, and our entire defense force using the Democratic Party USA. They know it is a suicide pact and a death sentence; if caught for all of this; so they tried to steamroll it and here we are today. Their new introduction is a new robot called the "halfrican." It is almost the exact copy of the Terminator. Who else is a POW because of the Vietnam War or Asia surviving?

In the end, they changed their tune in order to cover up what they did and release some of the pressure and homicidal rage built up against them from our hurricane and earthquake forces who desperately waited for us to show God was alive and God was working his magic on his own kingdom. We used the entire situation to read their mind and conduct tests on alien or other "supernatural" beings who had mind reading capabilities; we found no ET or Satan like force; only this negro summit and the terror plot written by a complete retard and fool in our life. They sought political asylum for hate or their own race wars; but were so crazed and poor; they quickly fell to the communist and are so retarded and underachievers; still a total wreck and a enemy invasion force. The truth is my retirement should have been twice as much and with a GI Bill and degree; however, I had to adapt and I did. I did not mind what happened in 1993; but Ann saw it as an opportunity to come to DC rather than where I was stationed; at the NSA in Maryland. To cover this up or continue the negro summit held by Whitey Limbaugh; they launched another attack; Major Hassan. They needed the military because there is no opportunity for the negro summit or politics; how to keep it open? The Bush family showed them how to keep the negro summit open. Meanwhile, they ordered me to fix it or fix their life while I was a hostage and a blockade to make me one of them or their best friend.

Hopefully, That Will Conclude The 40th Annual Whitey Limbaugh Negro Summit and Anti-Vietnam War Traitor Summit: God help us after 23 years of this shit. I hope that is enough to shut down and conclude the Negro Summit and the communist anti-Vietnam War Summit; a 40th Annual revitalization and restoration of the 1960s conducted by no other than the biggest communist on earth; Whitey Limbaugh. Shut the damn shit down and understand they are living in our world and among high achievers. Stop trying to marry us. Stop trying this blockade. Stop acting like a halfrican. Stop acting like a cracker and whitey. Stop acting like a UFC champ. Everything I have described about how animated they get and how retarded they truly are. To cover up this retarded enemy; they medicate and have them on welfare drugs; and that drugs makes them worse and belittle us, belligerent, and even say we are mentally ill after they come to our workplace, fire us, label us mentally ill, etc... best friends? Much in common? Political asylum and immigrant plight? Their lawyers and the same fate? How retarded can this get? Whitey Limbaugh's Negro Summit is still in full swing and it has a terror plot, police officers targeted, and all of us looking like hoodlums and felons. What a MF of a god damn human piece of shit. Apartheid suits them well, not political asylum.


Let's Ask Whitey Limbaugh: You communist are in our life and you are living among high achievers, not some ape or monkey you keep on trying to create who is so desperate, so in need of attention, so hungry for welfare and food stamps, etc... Worse, after ten full years of college and deploying hurricane and earthquake troops; we have to listen about how they are against college education or bettering ourself? How civilized and phony does this communist mole get? I blame the Democratic Party. I blame the immigration policies of the US which brought this slave to our doorstep. I blame the politicians who allowed this enemy and this deranged psycho into our life so they could do this. I just hope they have the will and the ability to clean up their own mess? All of them are silent and indignant about how angry they are and what they want from us.

Even worse was Bush and Clinton saying we had to live under the communist or get prison; for standing against democracy as they put it. Now we get the worst dictator of them all; the head monkey who just spends and gives out money like a sewer nobody wants. How did they get here? As I see it, the best thing that ever happened to this phony was when they crawled and squirmed into this nation and her miracle. Now that miracle is the worst nightmare on earth. Every single day they go on TV and radio and profess their love and unexceptionably? Give me a F'in break; let's get this over with; we are in the final leg and the championship, no phonies please. Why would these people want to come to America and live among high achievers and get this kind of rap sheet or warrant for their arrest? 1.6 billion in damages is a drop in the bucket; but they also lack any accountability; only demands for welfare and extortion. Our happiness?

Why Do You Want To Live With the Asians and Whites? Under these circumstances, shouldn't they reverse what they did in this country for face the charges against them? Why in the world do they want to live with the Asians and the Whites when those two are high achievers and the best math students? Clearly, they are illogical, the most belligerent, and want to belittle us all day and night; kidnap or rob us. Are they stoked on crack or some dream so psycho; we are not allowed to stop it or address it? Maybe the problem is easier to solve than we thought? Now they are doing it to the Asians but had done it to the whites. Furthermore, living with someone and then stalking or trying to conquer their life just whacks. All of them are poor and none of them are going anywhere; why live with the Asians and the Whites? Let's ask them?

Dear Nappy Gary and Nappy Puerto Rican Forces: You got to be kidding me. You know it is killing you inside, burning. All the work you did, all the stalking, all the days and nights we had you up at wee hours to pay careful attention, all the evasion tactics we deployed, etc... Nobody and I mean nobody stalks a target for over 20 years and walks away with the worst outcome imaginable. Shall we recap your work? Tell us your story? You are now in the championship, it is dead serious do-or-die. You can do sit-ins until your ass is red. You can laugh and scream insults all day and night; as you are doing now. You can act like a raging lunatic with a gun trying to rob us. You can pretend to be a crazed N in our life with no care but to make demands. Your dream is nothing more than a parade of sewage floating down main street with your most elite and sophisticated face down; tormented. You did it on yourself and had God loved you as his own; than bone nuts he called you. You also are the biggest joke in the political world; always had been. Now you are the most guilty, 200% and climbing. Here you are marching, protesting, and doing all of this for a better future or life; and you get this outcome or result?

The Longer You Wait The Most Punishment Will Be Delivered, Remember? This is why you did the terror plots and massacres; also target white police officers and possibly asian officers. It is a mind F. Then to insult us, you throw reverse love to reverse your brainwashing and cult like fanaticism with communism? You are some kind of thief and felon, really. But it does not change the real pain inside and the loony mushroom in your head, which you are currently fighting and depression; I am not exactly sure what to make of it but it is one kick of a laugh. To laugh in your face and tell you to F off is the most wonderful and gratifying feeling of freedom I have ever experienced in my life, F off and die! We have deployed hurricane and earthquake forces to combat this terror plot and surmise and surrender on the basis of guilt. Now do you find as much joy hearing it as me saying it? Really? Then why do you comment or why don't you just ignore it loser? Please, you all are so phony and dumb. The only person in the end who was full of fear or terrorized by your race war and Nazism, was you. Every single second of life you question yourself and break down; admit it. You all cannot even swing a golf club or a tennis racket any longer. There must be some form of intercourse going on because the hole between your head is STD infested and gigantic. Yes you got schooled in propaganda and your own game.

Dear Nappy Communist Forces and Liberals On Me Right Now (landlord and tenant): Listen, you all are such a god damn pussy, you are like the phony of UFC or the moron of the military world. I am so annoyed by you and will destroy you; I want to get this over with and god help the person who has to clean up your remains or crap afterwards. So stop acting like you are the champ of UFC when you are the F'in pussy of it and I just want to hurry up and get this done with once and for all. You do not need to keep yelling at me all day and night as if I am in basic training or in a line up; understand pussy? Hurry up and let's get this done with. You are the phoniest human being ever to grace our scope and you are nothing more than a wreck and a cheapskate at it. All day I have to listen to you beg, whine, and say how sorry you are. You owe 1.6 billion for being a jackass and annoying us. However, GTFO of the champion circle and the UFC will you; how about it you communist phony? God help the people who have to clean you up afterwards. Just because you advertised an apartment; does not mean you did not do what I charge you for. I pay rent, I live in the dwelling voluntarily, etc... I did not or ever go along or consent to the twenty plus years of you kidnapping me and now trying to weasel out of death penalty charges. We also did a sting or reversed it; to make you pay and suffer. You are suffering aren't you? Then it worked much better than you kidnapping me. Get the hell out of the UFC championship; is it working or just more of your nonsense we know all about?

Dear Whitey Limbaugh: You better get real because everybody knows you are a phony. "Hey you going to nappy's party? Hell no, that whitey is phony." Or the buzz "Is anybody going to cherish or vote for nappy Limbaugh? Hell no that guy is a complete phony who runs his mouth all the time like a communist mole. I heard he owed 1.6 billion and refused to pay it." Have you heard what the gossip columns are saying about you Nappy Limbaugh? "What a cheapskate the poor wreck is; maybe he should be homeless and in despair?" You need to get real and get a life; maybe even tell your own story or history. How did you get here? What is your story? We are so way too liberal for your kind or type; not special or ultra conservative Republican, no deep pockets. Or the buzz around the Pentagon, "I heard that nappy phony was F'in with our hurricane and earthquake forces and got rocked or was floating down main street face down in their own sewage. What a phony communist friend he turned out to be, go home and get back on the plantation will he? He owed 1.6 billion dollars and was such a cheapskate, we had to launch our 'vast right wing conspiracy' and hurricaned and earthquaked him into surrender." What a joke you nappy communists cockroaches turned out to be. But this is what you get when you let these people on our shores and let them get dirt poor desperate until they are a complete pest and communist mole. Who would F with earthquake and hurricane capability? How dumb.

Dear Whitey Limbaugh and Nappy Communist Partner: You cannot get away with this and your operation is too big to ignore. You are the largest communist mole and spy operation ever caught, recorded, studied, and ripped to shreds in US history. Clearly, you are the biggest thief, the most criminal, the most deranged, and the worst communist mole we have ever set eyes on or have caught in US history. Your nappy female communist partner is obviously terrified of the police and is weak in spirit and voice now. That nappy female partner of yours is calling hits on police officers for the blacks and drug wars. Your cruel hoax and this 1.6 billion dollar damage suit; which should be at 3.2 billion, failed to make us your bride, partner, or best friend. All your efforts to create a defection, all your stupid tricks and violence to create a best friend or marriage; could not in the end combat our genetics and our ability to block your brainwashing, blockade, and political hi-jinx deceptions. You are Al Quesada. You communist are always playing with sports and all kinds of eastern Europe Nazi Olympics experiments. Hurricane and earthquake forces have been deployed, do you surrender or want to shoot up more of our schools?

Now You Meet or Met My Bodyguard: So I am your bodyguard? You could not produce a homeless doctorate candidate to be your personal Jesus and you are full of jealousy right now looking at the price tag. Your hordes of crack or smurfs in nice cars is preposterous considering you all are so poor. You are matching our moves and my HS, with criticism. You think SATWAR was born at Virginia Tech. You know my HS has almost 30 cougars right now; 10-15 married either white or asian. Your antagonist police is a halfrican. You know I like tennis and puke seeing two sisters. You parade Tiger around like you are sports legends and I am paying into your preschool. You know I am a natural. You are terrified of the police and hate them; and in the end met the worst one of all; whom struck fear in your hearts, your people, and for the rest of history. It is still time you give up your spy organization and terror plot you nappy radio commentator; as you can see you are surrounded by military forces and you have no way out; none. Sign the civil war or indictment and let's rock and roll. Your attempt to make us your teacher, nanny, best friend, homeless, a wife, and a nappy homeless communist failed miserably. It was from the Tiger story; began in the US Army. That is when this began after HS. That is what you are doing on the radio and antagonizing right wingers; cherry picking and sabotage; a very dangerous mole. You people are retarded and poor ass dirt.

They Feel Scared Now: Most people who jump off and cliff and finally realize it, do become scared eventually. What did we say about coddling people who are 200% guilty, lying pathologically, keeping or hiding people who are clearly in a conspiracy to invade this nation, hiding a terror plot, and testing our limits? If you do the crime, you pay the time; not keep saying how scared you are or how you feel hourly. STFU and go away. Stop calling and giving us updates about your emotions or how you feel; too touchy freely for my blood. If I knew this enemy or even liked them; maybe things would be different, but they are not. Fear has never been part of this story, never. Be quiet and do as told or instructed; do not tell us or repeat in the most prearranged manner, "we do not know what to do" or "we want to help."

We Can Take SATWAR and My Business To Another Country: Pay the 1.6 billion in damage and we can take all of my SATWAR and constellation elsewhere and finish this up once and for all. Hell, that was my plan to begin with; see who worked for it and produced results. I want to see indictments and a surrender and I refuse to repeat or ask again. We can make my stuff elsewhere and find a much better owner or security force. Why the hell I am talking to New York F'ers and communists; we still do not know. I better see indictments and a surrender; no if, and, or buts. All my work is worth clearly over 100 billion dollars and we can prove it or test it to the highest bidder. Who wants their own constellation of SATWAR or their own hurricane and earthquake deployment? See. Somebody "better" have an answer and sign that gracious indictment and surrender; not arrest me and label me mentally ill. Maybe they want civil war? Sign the god damn papers for civil war and we can take care of business decisively, hurry up. I wonder who and what country would have been the lucky own or the sides fighting for the number one position? What could have been had it not been for Ann. Good job jackass, take a hard look at what you have done and did. Now the entire world is left permanently for the rest of their life with this history. F your funding and Congress also! We should go to town on their ass. I was on the Canadian border and was to meet up with Ann who had our money and escape plans. The starting bid is 60 billion; who wants my SATWAR forces and work? I am homicidal about this matter and have been; understand? That surrender better be produced. If you think you are all that, bid. This should have been up for auction a long time ago and I should not even be here screaming and shouting about some MF and dead human piece of shit. Bid. That is how pissed off and homicidal I am about this.

We Are Sorry: there is a crazed elusive female sitting behind a command center watching every move, commenting on them, and in the most annoying way; begging all day and night, "we are sorry... we are really sorry." All day and night she makes stupid comments and moves the chess pieces or tinkers with our life and everything in the world. Clearly, they refused and will not surrender or shut down their operations; specifically communist central who is behind 911 and the terror plots; our kidnapping, and literally global war. Sorry is unacceptable. Calling repeatedly and saying it over and over all day and night is really insulting. Begging and that annoying voice with no face is as annoying as I have ever seen. Clearly, the communists and this enemy has a lot to loose and a lot on the line; yet they cannot win anything. Read their story and ours. Regardless, they still have not produced an explanation or done as asked; nothing. The deadline for their surrender already went by so I expect civil war and furious fighting in the near future; we are sorry but you all have to go and the hard way. We are talking terror plots, killing white cops, kidnapping, drug wars, welfare abuse, everything you can imagine to win at any cost; even murder and terror plots. I do not know who she is or what she is sorry about; there is so much already. But I would think if she was really sorry, she would blow her head off like Soul Man and then implicate Whitey Limbaugh or the white race for doing this to her black race. None of them want to perish or get hurt; but they hurt so much and destroy so much of our treasures; and so indignant about it. That is her best move right now; best.

Dear Nappy Female Revolutionary and Communist Slave: I am sure when people hear your story; the 100s of death penalty offenses and your effort to make right or tell your people how your life got evil and you did not want them to suffer or suffer anymore; at least it shows you petitioned the court to spare your people or protect them from any harm. Angels do work miracles. Implicate Whitey Limbaugh, tell the world your story; and tell your people you paid for your sins but tried to make things right the best you could. Your kids and your fellow comrades will appreciate your nappy ass and it might make a different. Let Whitey Limbaugh and his labor union communist sink and we will see if they float also. The whites got you in this nappy hoe and total communist terrorist; wake up and smell your own sewage. Only your people suffered; the record clearly shows this. It is your only way out of this and to be at peace. That bio and indictment should be ready in case of an emergency or your own fags trying to whack you before you rat out whitey Limbaugh. Die Whitey Limbaugh you racist! Who and what are you all fighting for? A cause? A race? Your own soul because you have none? What? Evil? Have it ready if you refuse to surrender; it is the only way to save your people for what you have done! Only way. We will not coach you; and we will check your work thoroughly.

We Can Take SATWAR and My Business To Another Country: Pay the 1.6 billion in damage and we can take all of my SATWAR and constellation elsewhere and finish this up once and for all. Hell, that was my plan to begin with; see who worked for it and produced results. I want to see indictments and a surrender and I refuse to repeat or ask again. We can make my stuff elsewhere and find a much better owner or security force. Why the hell I am talking to New York F'ers and communists; we still do not know. I better see indictments and a surrender; no if, and, or buts. All my work is worth clearly over 100 billion dollars and we can prove it or test it to the highest bidder. Who wants their own constellation of SATWAR or their own hurricane and earthquake deployment? See. Somebody "better" have an answer and sign that gracious indictment and surrender; not arrest me and label me mentally ill. Maybe they want civil war? Sign the god damn papers for civil war and we can take care of business decisively, hurry up. I wonder who and what country would have been the lucky own or the sides fighting for the number one position? What could have been had it not been for Ann. Good job jackass, take a hard look at what you have done and did. Now the entire world is left permanently for the rest of their life with this history. F your funding and Congress also! We should go to town on their ass. I was on the Canadian border and was to meet up with Ann who had our money and escape plans. The starting bid is 60 billion; who wants my SATWAR forces and work? I am homicidal about this matter and have been; understand? That surrender better be produced.

Extortion and Terror Plot: In order to understand what this is about, all we have to do is look at the race of police officers killed in the line of duty. You will see more black on cop killing than ever. Furthermore, in order to understand what this terror plot, criticism, and extortion is truly about; we only have to look at the black on white crime, asian on white, etc... and it will clearly indicate extortion and systematic targeting. The same with the FBI agent killed in Falls Church, VA by the DC Sniper. Furthermore, if you look at my false arrest and smear record; these officers are prejudice and extremely biased against asian; not black and not white; asian only. Therefore, it is a system wide extortion by the communist. How many cops have ever been killed by asian? Yet they treat it as if the plague arrived; nothing we say is believable, but everything the blacks or whites say is true. How many black police officers were killed in the line of duty? How many white? How many asian? Who did it? Finally, here we are and we also know exactly what they are up to; take the first move and let's finish the story and the case.

Capital Shooting: Did I mention before John Mohammad and after Timothy McVeigh; there was the Capitol Shooting? Like the Gifford and the Hassan shooting.

You Want Me To Plead Insanity and Surrender to Obama? I see. Well, we are well past your insanity plea. You could have surrendered and plead insanity a long time ago when you had the chance. Do not keep on calling or feeding us lies, trickery, and your shameless indignation. Yes we hate you and do not have a bone of care in our body for your nappy life. Please stay out of it and keep it away from ours; but you missed every single turn in the past 23 years. At least accept some accountability and surrender to the forces who know what and how you did this. It is your F'in ass and politics on the line; not mine idiot. Are you people this stupid or is it an act? You cannot plead insanity nor can you force me to plead insanity; or surrender. As a lawyer, you N's are a total disaster and stupid.

Sorry and We Will Stop? I am glad your communist and radical N police force wants to apologize and claim you will stop. However, we are four years into your capture and raid. We are well past the deadline set as 2012 and the surge is still vigilante. You missed each and every turn in life and want to be forgiven or a safety net. Sorry. Like the Japanese, we sit and wait on the US Missouri; when you are ready and done. Stop F'in with me also. God can and will unleash earthquake, tsunami, and utter hell on you for our parade if you ever-ever try that shit again. Do not even try to negotiate your treason and death penalty case; no more bouncing off or seeing what sticks. Yes none of it works and all of it only works on your own N's. Surprise how your genes determine your fate. Listen here you N, it is past the deadline and you still are scamming and doing this; understand? We do not capitulate on your terms unless you are God himself and winning. Keep up the phony felon act as long as you can; we are documenting every word. F off about how negative my diary and biography is. I loved the one about sitting by your fireplace and not worried, we are. It should be upwards of 3 billion after 23 years of this; but we cut a secret deal with an overseas manufacture; rock bottom price for you foul ass.

Dear Whitey Limbaugh, You Communist and Radicals Have SOME Nerve: You claim I am not allowed to print my own biography and life story; meanwhile, you are in it and it is my own personal account you are holding back? You have some nerve. Also you communist always genetically alter athletes. Is this supposed to make us look or feel small? Well, let's ask your genetically altered athletes how they feel today? Want a fight or a war? Dare me? If I understand you, I cannot have my parade unless you approve or are in it. I cannot print my biography or life story unless you approve; it is too hateful and negative? It paints you in a very negative fashion? You F'in N it is time you float down Main Street for our parade. Who wants to volunteer, say I and let me see your gusto and audacity. Coward ass pussy as we said all along. Welcome to the black parade. You SOB stay out of my biography, life, career, and diary. How do you like me now!

They Invented Electricity and the Computer: Odd, I reported an elusive communist mole and a very skilled terrorist, not Arab either. Here they are still telling me and the world Kunte Kintay on welfare invented the computer and electricity; thus, will teach and manage our career from cradle to grave? It is called espionage and treason; which carries with it a mandatory death penalty; two in the mouth. Open up and say ah! Ah. Now they claim they defected and we have to accept them or their demands. They want to stay because they taught asians and built the asian economy? Bullshit. All of my uncles and aunts have doctorates from both American and European colleges dating back to the late 1960s. That is a lie and their civil rights was a scam for only them to benefit. It still is clearly.

The tally is 60% of your people are impacted by the drug wars or are in prison. Most do not come from a two parent home or a welfare culture. The rest floated down Main Street head down in their own and worst sewage. Good job you all did well and are the most loved and our favorites.

My distant uncles and aunts have science degrees in engineering or computers. Japan and Singapore also did not benefit from the 1960s; they were unharmed by the civil rights movement. Asia thus has an economic advantage; but they always refer to it as "minorities." They have the top 3 or 4 engineering schools in the world and this welfare communist tries this crap on us? Who is the idiot and jackass here? They want to stay and be protectors? What a joke Kunte Kintay has become; why not rack up another 1.6 billion in damages trying to "criticize" us. People are healthy, thriving, and happy today because they do not have the civil rights movement or this modern day Kunte Kintay on welfare in their life; that is the truth so just admit it. Ask the whites and then ask the asians who they seek to conquer and now will fall on their own sword; die MF and stay out. Surrender to the police first so we can intern your people and make sure you never crawl out of the sewage or breath up our windows.

Dear Rush Limbaugh and The Communist Forces Under Him: It sounds to me you do not respect history and do not even know your own history. Thus, a complete phony and do not have a soul. You seem not to know how we got here, here and now. Rush keeps hinting how he does not know how we got here or how history got this way. All you and he want to do is utter how wonderful you are and what kind of a dictator you have become in our life, if we do not like it, than kill you. Meanwhile, your rotten shithead police sit there and say how it is a hate crime. The felon who is 200% guilty is you; for so many things including treason and a terror plot. Yet you do not know your history or how your future got the way it did?

Some historian you all are. God hates you and unleashed a fury on your ass and we were the messengers. Simple. If Christ was here, you and your forces crucified him repeatedly; over and over until all that came out of your mouth was babble and nonsense. Look at you know how happiness has eaten out your soul and your fate is determined now. We have to remind you hourly; but in two days you are back at it again. That is how it has been for twenty three (23) years; back at it again. You cannot bare to see us happy, successful, or our victory. I will say it again, you are not a card carrying liberal; you are a communist mole and an enemy on our shores. It is high time we deal with you and in a swift manner. Everybody is looking at you all and are disgusted; we really need to intern your welfare movement and communist pact with the devil and felons. F your drug wars also and your police scam.

I Have To Listen to Your Stupid Shit and Put Up With 1.6 Billion in Damages: You all are the modern day Kunte Kintay on welfare. That is all you are while everybody is living their dream and you have become the most disruptive and criminal element on planet earth. Your semen is so toxic we are reading about your life now on welfare. Regardless, everyday you wake up, you order us to move or try to remove us off the workforce because you have to eat and want to be our stalker. The modern day Kunte Kintay on welfare is now trying this shit on the asians; who have the top three economies in the world. Are you insane or just a psycho who has a death wish? We have deployed hurricane and earthquake forces to combat your endless propaganda and it is eating your mind out like a mushroom; crippling. Will it be enough to cure you or break your hold on this country and the world? Can it fix this enemy and this stupid moron we call the modern day welfare movement, the poor? Then why don't we just unleash hell and begin the process of eviction; your future is being written now. Do you even know your future or your past? Yes wonderful people you are. The logical step is to have you sign a formal declaration of war so we can begin the removal process and the evictions. Sign the indictment you MF and stop wasting my time even more. Cherish this document as if it were your future and your life before your very own eyes.

Dear Rush Limbaugh: You are very lucky our hurricane and earthquake forces, who have to be deployed now and because of your communist invasion; do not attack you! The record clearly shows you have no concern for our happiness or rights and you order and demand we leave. Be fortunate we do not begin the eviction process or the removal process on all of your guilty and indignant felons, police or not. I hope that scares you off and forces you to surrender to the authorities who know you are 200% guilty and know what you are up to. However, if civil war or world war ever arrives; it will be the same fate. Is this how you wish to live the rest of your life and enslave your own people? That is all you are doing. Why don't we begin to evict you or forcibly removing you from our life, you tell me? That would be the most logical step here.

The Problem With the Military and Police? Is easy to figure out and understand. When you have a mortal enemy and this clown running things or valuable treasures; there is no accountability and we get a complete disaster thrown on our laps. When we get the liberals penetrating and doing this crazy stupid political stunt in the military and police; it ends up as a takeover and invasion by the communists; thus no accountability or the truth. Do you want to know why Vietnam turned out the way it did? Here we are at their throat and they at ours; yes they had kicked me out; now they toot my horn and open doors for me. Strange behavior. This mortal nemesis better be gone from there or any future operations.

Why am I mad or homicidal? I did not go to college, spend upwards of $22,000, studied furiously for ten years; to help the communist or study a gorilla in the mist. Worst, they are disgusting creatures and in a perfect world I would wage war on them 24 hours and begin the vast right wing conspiracy for what they tried or have done. That is why I am pissed and trying to ditch them in such a furious and aggressive manner. That is why they chased me on 495 and around VA-DC. That is why they followed me through the US and into Canada. That is why they were busted in 2008 and are behind the bombing and terror plots. Now they owe me 1.6 billion and I am still running the Moga-ditchu Mile. Why? For their dream of floating in their own sewage face down so their filthy semen does not impact or cripple our happiness? Yeah okay keep dreaming serial killer and communist guerrilla terrorist. If they waged war on me, I would use hurricane and earthquake forces 24 hours and around the clock on them until they are eradicated or surrender on our terms; sign the indictment and your public trial for the record. Let's deploy hurricane and earthquake forces shall we; yeah let's get them homicidal and start revolutions around the globe why don't we?

About "These Men" and "Protectors" They Are - this SOB retard thinks they are tough and protectors over all the weak or human kind? Who in hell lets military or defense forces kill their women and children first; then this rotten SOB uses the dead corpse as a flotation device so they can tell a story about how superior they are or what type of hero their life is about. Who? We have video and see them for who they are. Had this been about our happiness, not theirs; none of this filthy propaganda would eat our mind to a frozen core of nothing. However, leave it to a N and this is what the result will be while they feed on grapes about how they are powerful dictators or on top of the world free. This is a pussy and a political bitch. Nobody lets their women and children die first; they protect them and if it meant surrender; they do it. Even in Vietnam, Korea and Japan; a human species with a soul proves this; if it meant they die. Look at this N. A man or a pussy? Go and learn from history in Japan, Korea, and Vietnam before you even come back again or run that N mouth all day and night; what a god damn pussy and load of shit. Look how insane this N is now, drugs and crack did it to them, remember? They compare themselves to whites or asians? Yeah okay.

Sick N Communist in OUR Life and Refusing to LEAVE: It is clear to the whites and the asians you care nothing about our happiness. All you care about is how much you can screw up or control our life and now your true colors are there for everybody to see. Obviously, you will then blame it on the Asians; the blame game. It is simple, no means yes and yes means no. Only your happiness seems to be all that you worry about; or the next welfare check. Who cares about an education; god knows we cannot stand how dumb and delusional you are; so you pull this "engineer" or "doctor" scam repeatedly while starving. This is about our happiness, not yours. Get out of ours and get your own life; this is what your N ass got in the end. Your dream of floating down main street in your own sewage and a burial at sea; is about all you have to offer. Yet you act like it is New Orleans and you are the police or our protectors. Joke time again. A total mess and evil is what your delusional soul manufactures every second of your communist life. Even today we call you a N and to surrender to the police; yet you still remain the same. The total mess is still the same. You don't change and are nothing to us; but this fantasy or dream so delusional is psychopathic and what a N will do. Guilty, many times over; admit it. Can't even save your own ass. We tell you to get up and fight like a pussy; and you pull this out of your ass over and over until we loose our minds. This is why you have the death penalty you N and F'in communist, do you understand now retard? People are homicidal about how much of a failure you are and your character. Trying to conquer the asians was your LAST mistake. You brought it on yourself; keep it out of our life; b.c. you are a N, flat up.

Your N ass has a Dream We Cannot Touch or Violate? And what about our dream and our life? Your dream must be floating down main street in sewage or laying face down floating down the state river system while your people are sitting on their roofs waiting for God to help fix your dream. You label me mentally ill. Your dream each night is to float is sewage and you clearly are floating in sewage or love it; we cannot stand the shit or your life; agree? Then keep that dream out of mine and everybody else's; that is your problem. I do not think you are bullying or scaring anybody; I think you are trying and failing miserably; 1.6 billion in failure and you are so guilty and delusional, you have no accountability so you invented this dream about how we are in the same boat and trying to fix or save your N ass. Your dream is to float face down in your own sewage while the water carries you out to sea where your semen cannot injure or harm anyone. Stop lying. Is that your dream or is it ours? Than keep it out of our life and away from us; won't you? Enjoy your dream tonight you SOB communist; yeah we will fix you and unite.

The Evidence Clearly Shows They are Mentally Deranged and Delusional: In our life, in our face, acting like we are God or they are; claiming their rights; and forgetting about ours or our power. To their police and half-ass stupidity; stay the F off the force and as soon as this case is over; you will be found guilty and gutless; feeble. To come to me or whites and tell them to fix the blacks or unite with you is what kind of a jackass and dead moron you ended up as; maybe it was a sting on you and this is how you got drafted for hurricane and earthquake duty. You did get drafted didn't you? Then understand your job a bit better will you and STFU and stay the F out of our way. Can you say that? Can you do that? Then what makes you think we can or will? Exactly. F off and die or surrender to the police; this nation is close to civil war and your jackass tricks are the stupid mess of the reason. Yes we know you are a total failure, nightmare and a disaster; can you leave us alone now and surrender or not? Racism must be a mental illness; yeah or a 1.6 billion dollar damage suit and your death penalty trial. How do you plead you N no good human piece of shit. We should hurricane and earthquake you until the ghost of Kunte Kintay returns. Look at the disaster you have caused or did. How do you plead now that you face the death penalty? Exactly you phony failure.

Race War on the Asians by the Communist Forces USA: Well, consider this your graduation and reunion of the 1960s. We all know what change is needed and where your life is headed. Hell, you enslave and conscripted me to fix your total mess and here you are now on hurricane and earthquake duty. Wow, your stupidity is really capable and the joy of knowing your evil can be gone in a snap of a finger makes it so 1.6 billion worthy. Maybe now you will understand how people feel about you and take some accountability for your life and where you are headed in life; the gutter and hell. As time moves on, people notice you at the family reunion, the welfare line, and the college graduations; what school reunion it's the high life prison time as the most hated species on earth. To think your government or vote will change your fate is the most absurd and ridiculous campaign to impose communism and a race war on us. Everybody can now read how it ended and how you graduated to hurricane and earthquake duty with your hair still intact and looking good. Well, let's finish you off by midnight and ask your police what they have to counter? F you and F your police; even if we called you a N; you are still a moron. Understand? Mental illness right? F off, sound like a mental illness? Die you communist human piece of shit; sound like racism or a mental illness? Even if you were gone by midnight; isn't that happy or a dream? A dream? Whose mentally ill? Keep dreaming you psycho liar. Keep refusing any accountability or ordering us to fix your N life of crime; F you and die and by midnight. That is where this led.

Stop telling us we work for you. Stop saying you work for us. Stop coming in our house as if a terror plot or bomb plot came out of the 1960s and we are invited. F off you N F'er and die. Stupid is as stupid does, won't you agree? You did conquest the whites and blew your semen all over them; that is for sure. This idea Asians struck fear and terror into your hearts is completely false; but it is up for you to decide you indignant and indecent SOB of a piece of shit. F you and F off; your police officers can kiss our ass and if the want a war; then civil war will knock on their doors; understand. Luckily all of you are alive to tell the story if and had a crime been committed; now surrender to the police and stop acting as if you are or accepting surrender papers; you are on hurricane and earthquake midnight deadlines. For a weakling fool and a moron; you all have some nerves acting like the police or a dictator in our life; F you and see you in hell. You got exactly what you deserve so shut the F up with the N forces and how wonderful your half-freaking life is. You are on the verge of losing all your jobs; test it. Wonderful Americans you turned out to be; look at us and drool! Your police officers will get their answer by midnight; stop acting phony and a loser in our life.

Dear Rush Limbaugh: A lot of people, not only Ann and I; want to know what your N ass is doing in our messing up everything and refusing to pay 1.6 billion in damages. Did we make this clear to you yet? Still? You are the most troubled and worst human being we have ever seen; unimaginable group of sub-species who think you are wonderful and there for a reason. What reason is it in the end? It is getting to the point where people have to be clear, concise, and even blunt. We do not let your communist forces or your N forces order us around. The world does not operate on the low levels you exist in. Make it clear to your forces; we do not and have never been ordered around or met the demands of any of your communist and traitor moles; we hang them and parade your fat corpse for the world to see. I cannot be more blunt about it. It only proves that crack, welfare, failure, and freedom is a powerful and lethal combination in the hands of a felon and alien species. This is why they cannot survive on earth or are having so many problems in life. We are not associated or ever linked to their problems whatsoever. Only in their dreams and fantasy of others. Now we know what you did or tried on my life, my friends, and on Ann and our marriage. You still have not fixed anything; with or without her.

12 Midnight Deadline: What the F do your N forces have in this; show us by midnight and we will respond to it; just to make this clear and concise to your N forces. Midnight is your deadline and we can get this over quickly; surrender to the police or take it like the champ you truly are. Do not come back or in our life; champ. If you have any reason or purpose in the end; midnight is your deadline on Feb. 01, 2012; after midnight do not ever bring this up again. This world does not operate by your rules or ever will. We do not live life according to your N forces or ever have. It is time you and us; and everybody do the right thing, and fast before more people get hurt. It is up to your communist and rogue forces to surrender and without any more inflated lip or nasty hair. The irony is it is coming from you slaves. You think you own us and the best in the world. In all honesty, why is your N ass in our story and life? Still? For someone everybody is trying to murder and get rid of; you are full of evil and have no soul whatsoever, none.

Dear Communist and N Forces: You keep backing down each and every time we get rid of you; wiley but now trapped. Surrender to the police and our happy lives will be restored and normal again without your stupid failure shit or criminal stupidity. Is that clear enough for you? You F up everything in our life and then rub it in or chide us; hourly 24 hours a day. Yes, F you and keep wasting our time and winding us up even more. Then one day you will be in the exact same position you are in now and you better have a really good explanation or be ready to surrender to the police. This world does not operate on your N watch or clock; are we clear about this and what is going on? Look at you today and your history. This will be your last chance and we see how it is going right now. First conqueror the whites; then conquer or torture the asians.

Dear Democrat Party and Rush Limbaugh: Something tells me you all are from broken families, have loose associations, and a lot of you will loose everything in life. Something tells me the people behind this are or have government positions and were caught or a sting was on them for acts of evil and abuse of power so heinous; this gets worse and worse. Something tells me you all are pulling a Bernie Maddoff. So the heart of all this invasion and left wing surge; are people who have penetrated the government, used terrorism or terror plot to acquire these jobs, and those whom used the civil rights or radical left wing politics to flourish or penetrate government under the guise of hate. Their acts speak for themselves but for a lackey kid who has no family or real sense of being a human, they are nothing more than a psychopathic communist and annoyance daily. Now they have really done it and they are really in trouble; we are talking about well past the death penalty and crimes so heinous they are silent and doing a suicidal pact. It is Bernice Maddoff himself, the stalker and serial killer.

Suicide Pact Underway: There is no way they can ever fix or get out of this; yet the surge remains the same and vigilante. They are hoping we will move on or we will forget; hence the inability to recover and the clock run down and far past overtime. That is probably the worst case of obstruction of justice in the history of the USA; to fulfill a communist surge, a terror plot, and an invasion where hurricane and earthquake forces have to be deployed. I would say that is pretty heinous and far past the death penalty many times over. That is a lackey and a zombie alien for you though, typical. You also have two biographies of the most important people in history; yet the left wing and communist act as if they do not exist or have any rights? There is definitely a conspiracy and something is really wrong. Again, we are watching a Bernie Maddoff in action.

Keep Messing Up the Country and Messing Up Other's Lives: You tried to wind me up and suggest the nation came looking for me but you all were there or need extortion money; clever. You obviously do not understand your position, this country, or the relationships with others; a retard. I made it clear the position you all are in and how you mess things up with a lackey child manner and an promotional attachment problem where you become animated and giddy the moment you meet a new playmate. Your persistence or determination to mess up other people is why you are constantly chased off and caught fogging up our windows or looking at our real family, a fantasy created in your own mind. The more you wind up this nation; the more you have proven to us you are a human disaster that should have never been born; the more you cripple and paralyze our ability to terminate or get rid of your threats; the worse off you will be. Yes avoid war, tell people to put blinders on, and perform that lackey female act where nobody likes you but you are a princess everyday. Keep winding people up and wind this nation up; you have been and will. Guilty. One day that nation will come looking for you and will hang you and nobody will be there to either save you or give an honest answer. You continue to wind us up like a puppet master. You keep winding up more and refusing to fix or address the mess you have created. If the Republicans cannot reverse it or fix it; this nation will be at war. Trust me. As I said, you all are an empty lackey kid with no real talents but to screw up. We know you are communist and invaded; still secretly and quiet.

Even The President, Obama; had this joke of a HS reunion. He is the worst of them all and had it not been for the Asians; probably would be in jail with a felony drug record or some kind of robbery charge. All of them are this way; check out their 10, 20, and 30 year reunion. I am on my 20th and been friends with the same people for over 30 years. You all are lackey children and totally phony. I really think you should surrender and without any more hesitation; the police are anxious to bust your ass and issue out raids and arrest warrants; we are close to civil war. Yes your HS reunion and total disaster.

Dear Rush Limbaugh: Your Puerto Rican blacks on this end keep talking about the good ole days in Brooklyn as if this was some High School Reunion. Let's see your HS and theirs. You all are in a fantasy. All of you are either on minimum wage or homeless. Your HS days preset your lackey child life. You have loose associations and cling to anything or stick to any wall. You refer to how tough the streets are in New York, etc... You blacks attend your HS reunion? What 10 or 20 year? How about 30 years? Are you all homeless, missing teeth, addicted to crack, or have felony records now? Yet you make fun of mine and advertise your life as if my life depends on it? What kind of joke is this? Your HS is a joke and attacking our forces or our schools is not a joke; it got you the death penalty you little bitch. Pay careful attention to those videos; someone knows what you are up to; do you F'in cockroach? Strippers and Duke University? These are the same people doing this experiment and whom labeled me mentally ill. Not one friend and not even a HS reunion; but full throttle with the mouth, criticism, and the audacity confidence. You owe 1.6 billion and face the retribution of our hurricane and earthquake forces; 10 year reunion needed? Shut Duke down for good; teach them a lesson; F you all too.

Dear Communist Labor and Shit Talking Jackass: Best act I have seen since the circus. Let's recap shall we: spitting blood, head up ass, made to beg or trying, broken jaw, total failure, hunted by hurricane and earthquake forces, in our biography, etc... and still running your mouth with the full throttle of your audacity and confidence? If that is not the most god damned stupid act then it must be your reasoning for being on minimum wage or calling us. In my book, your jaw is so broken; you cannot even form a sentence and nobody can understand what the hell you spew out everyday. Why do you want me to know "nobody likes you around here" or who likes me or not? Is it your life? We won back our life didn't we?

Dear Serial Stalker and the Red Dragon Killer: About those bizarre North Carolina and US Army or military cold cases involving spouses, spies, insurance, and just bizarre North Carolina law; Southern State vs. Federal Government?

Okay, so you are not doing that and only want to help. You think you are a cougar black woman, etc... Shut up now about how you are a no good N, your hair stinks, you love us, you only want to help, you do not know what to do, you are sorry, and this crazy shit about how you are a N and do not know better. I am not even listening or entertaining it. Stop wasting our time with your sexy act or thinking you are a cougar with curly hair.

Dear Rush Limbaugh: Your black stalkers and grocery store stalkers just contacted me again in the most inopportune time and said they are going to stop and will tone down how wonderful they are and people hate them or are jealous. Yeah, you are in a dream; we are in a nightmare okay. However, wanting to stop and learning a lesson does not help you or change the surrender orders you face. Your forces will be wiped out and I told you we are not in the mood to hear about your demands or what we will give you. You want to perish with history and the facts this way; then go ahead and declare war since you are so wonderful and great people. You may win.

Dear Communist Forces USA and 911 Terrorists: how can we let you go, give you what you want, or seek closure by you apologizing? We do not know who you even are and do not know anything about who you are or what your background is. That is like going up to a kid and saying "I am your mom" or "accept me as your daddy." Do we know you? Do we care about you? Who the hell are you and why are you in my life? Were you my mom in the past life? Who sent you and why? What do you want from us? Stop asking me questions and wrecking my life; and apologizing or begging all day and night. Didn't you mistake me for Delta Force? Delta Force is one man?

Dear Rush Limbaugh: right now you are between me ad 5 million dollars. I expect my books to gross in excess of 5 million dollars and restore my name. Regardless, you are surging and your communist forces rape and plunder. Had this been you, there would be a bomb plot and terror plot for pennies. Don't give me a lecture about how you are asking the questions; all of you are failures. If and when I prove I spent 23 years on this and you tried to steal it, shut it down, ask questions about who I work for, or paralyze and cripple our illustrious career; then you will owe me 1.6 billion dollars which you are working off right now. It might go to your wife and it might not. All of that is damage control and to save your ass. Just keep in mind, right now Ann looks like the person who is keeping me from 5 million and complete restoration of my name and legendary career. I expected 5 million in 2008 but Ann contacted me. Now I expected 5 million for the books in 2011 and it has not happened yet. Why? Why so many delays and dialogue with you while you put one road block after the next? Should I leave or go home also? You have some nerve. That just shows you who you are and who we had to deal with for over twenty years; the complete disaster of your life.

Who do we work for? Does it even matter now? It comes down to money. Don't even apologize or attempt to, we are keeping accurate records and a lot of money is on the line. You are fighting for scraps; we are fighting for the promise land. Keep running your mouth and attacking; it comes down to money, not apologizes or words. Keep asking questions. Keep asking or trying to trap us, who do you work for? Keep up the pressure and apologizing. You will end up the most beaten and tortured retard ever to hit the political or military world. You are the most important aspect of this. This world revolves around your questions and criticisms. Keep it up and preventing 5 million and 1.6 billion from being delivered. As I had said in 2008, we had the communist forces trapped and they are behind 911, trying to criticize my policies against Israel, the Democrats, and most of all; communist Middle East strategy. It was propaganda they were after in the Middle East. This proves they are the 911 terrorists. Also, my diary is a back and forth exchange they refute and keep hidden or deny; unimpeachable offenses. It took me 23 years to get here and to do this; and this is who we fought or destroyed on the way to this point now.

Who do we work for? Does it even matter now? It comes down to money. Don't even apologize or attempt to, we are keeping accurate records and a lot of money is on the line. You are fighting for scraps; we are fighting for the promise land. Keep running your mouth and attacking; it comes down to money, not apologizes or words.

Who Do WE Work For? Gary the black Puerto Rican, who is the voice of this terror plot, wants to know who we are working for. I was working for the Pentagon or the government; however, for someone who owes 1.6 billion dollars in damage; maybe it is time to stop asking questions and figure out an exit strategy or how they are going to stop this raging war. We know our strategy and plotted it twenty years ago. As I see it, a fool who owes 1.6 billion dollars and did all of this for over twenty years; is in no position to ask any questions and should surrender to the police and the public. Who I work for or not is irrelevant; but we can eliminate them. Can't we? Yes-no? I am poor or cannot be rich today because they need to know who I work for? That is not only disgusting, it is the biggest joke I ever heard. I work for Rush Limbaugh and the Conservatives! This is exactly how their stupid drug war, communism, politics, civil rights, religion, ignorance, and failure led to. Nothing but questions. How ill are they and how ill we ever get rid of all of em?

Dear Rush Limbaugh and his Communist Forces USA: All of you should leave and stop considering yourself part of our life and our family. None of you belong. All of you are failures. We hate your guts. Why you act or pretend as if you are participating and even our best friends is the most phony and ridiculous shit I have ever seen. I guess it is only part of your criticism and this love you claim you have or we have. We really do not know you, want you, and you didn't really achieve anything in life. The question is why you even feel attached or part of our family; that is where your insanity in this is truly rooted. I could respond to this situation better if you were more upfront and put this on paper; but unfortunately, you do not allow us to establish or refute your claims. We have taken every single step possible to get rid of you, torture you, reduce you, or eradicate you; yet it lingers and keeps going on and on. You don't get it and never will; you think we are your children and you can make these decisions. That is how insane you are and how deep you are in this war; embarrassing for you yet? You also think this is one big family and you all are total failures, trying to make me one also. We are talking insanity and how clandestine you are with this utter insanity of yours, a madman. You people are repugnant and disgusting; do you understand? Look at you all today. You are coming to us about saving you and all this crap about how you do not know what to do; total failures. Now that brings joy to my face and others; when will you die and perish off this earth? How do we make this happen? Can I torture you with hurricane and earthquake capabilities, maybe destroy your homeland for attacking or waging war on us? Lets get the war raging and unstoppable okay.

You like the blacks, never give us a chance to respond, you throw it on us and in our lap to see if it will ever stick firmly; it drips off as usual and still. Even at 1.6 billion, it keeps on going on and more damages stack up. You want us to leave and be quiet? Is that a joke or are you just poor and stupid? You hated blacks and communist forces come into our life and start saying who we can marry, cannot marry, who we can work with or for, who we can do business with or not, etc... life shuts down and is paralyzed and you do not let us respond to your stupidity or crazed madman thoughts; yet even today, it is no better than it has been as you look for more scraps. I had reported the blacks to the FBI in 1998 for this disaster you throw at us. You are just evil and indignant; deserve what life is going to deliver you for all of this. Maybe your hope was put in the Asians; but clearly another powerful force in politics and warfare has abandoned you and are trying to kill you. Do you know why or need real reasons? We hate your guts and ten times what a white person should hate your guts; but we seem to be your guinea pig and you act as if you are along for the ride or some biographer. At least be friends with or know someone you claim to be parents or friends with jackass. How much we hate you cannot even be described or conveyed. You think it is a discipline problem or mental illness; it really isn't, it is your stupidity and wish to be a dictator in our life from birth to death. You think the whites will appreciate you more? Let's have you do this to the whites and the labor unions and see if they ever have a home again. It is disgusting with you in our life, serious.

Dear Communist Forces USA: your ship is sinking and nobody even cares about you, can fix you, and you have no friends. This is who you are and who we are, A-hole. F off and die; but first surrender to the police so we do not have to torture you with hurricanes and funny earthquakes; how does it feel when people laugh in your face for being so evil and stupid? You have the most troubled life imaginable and no friends remain on this earth.

Dear Rush Limbaugh: What you all did insofar as terror plots, attacking us, waging war on us, kidnapping us, your evil methods, the human experiments, trying to brainwash us, and all of your felony charges; got you the death penalty. A lot of labor had to be performed in order to not only trap you, interrogate you, and prepare you for surrender; we also have to stop your attempt to escape or orchestrate a second wave to cripple us. If we had hurricane and earthquake capability; you can assure we would torture your forces unlike they will experience due to your actions and theirs. You can expect the blacks to lynched by a high tech lynching. You can expect Puerto Rico to become a trash heap after a tropical storm seeks our revenge. Expect all of this revenge on your forces and to avenge our life. Furthermore, you not only made or created a total mess in our life with your methods of extortion, intimidation, blockade, and criticism; you refused to clean any of it up as if you were apologizing and an apology was enough. You felt by easing up on us, somehow it justified what you do. You even went so far as to convince yourself it was over at the moment you let us go and we put our-self in this position by getting in your way or refusing to leave. Meanwhile, twenty years of this and the credit bills stream in. One after the other letter from collection agencies and I am bloodshot red eyed about you communist in America. If we paid you or given in to your demands, it would not be so bad? We did this to yourself? This is the kind of pussy you all are and why if we did have hurricane and earthquake capability; you would get it 24 hours a day on the hour. What future do you have? None of you lived your dream, total failures. You did impede our life and blocked our way to fortune; but look at the cost to your forces and life. Your problems with the police and the damages of all this needs to be rectified immediately; but you are a cockroach and a human piece of shit as I describe.

You did this and you left a mess. Then you did more of it to delay the inevitable, my path to being a millionaire. You all claim I have to drop this and forget it if I want to make it; I will be okay and you and your communist forces are now put in danger. Yeah and it feels good knowing the extent you will suffer. I want to be there to laugh in your face and torment you for what you and they have done. Why would you talk to, criticize, or attack people who would torture you unlike any human being has? Are you a true pussy and a moron as I describe? You are a military threat or just really poor and desperate, begging for a scrap but with too much enclave confidence? The evidence is right there and we did catch you for 911; trying to criticize us and paralyze our life around that time, a knockdown in the prison. Everything is still paralyzed but for a cockroach, I see you all enjoy it and enjoy people joining you on the bottom or in misery. F you and F your communist forces; we will see you in hell and put you there also. Lastly, yes I too would not go near you all or keep you around. If world war arrived, I want to be on the right side and the good side; no doubts. If we did have hurricane and earthquake capability; I want to make sure I am safe and so is my family. I want to make it clear and concise, no games. I also do honestly want your communist and pygmy poor people to suffer unlike any human has on earth; for impacting ours and those who lived their life and became good decent people with a future. I hope you enjoy your torture and die a very horrible death also; because I will look back and savor every moment when I do become rich and do not have so many delays or annoyances. It has not arrived but it is right around the corner; so is your death and destruction.

Dear Puerto Rican Communist Forces: listen, your communist forces have told me to leave or move since the 1990s. Maybe it is time you moved? Maybe it is time you blacks live out your dream and not be such a nuisance or enemy in ours? Maybe we are sick of moving and tired of your demands. Maybe your beloved island of Puerto Rico is going to be ripped up, so your demands are answered? Maybe winner takes all and you should move or stay out of our life? You got us here now get us out. Oh we got you here and we are going to get you out? We must be in the same boat? You are the failure and dirt poor stupid; why don't you move and stay out of our way? I hope your island is drowned and all your people are killed; you move MF and shut up about what you want from me. When your island of Puerto Rico looks like Haiti, let me be the first to laugh in your face okay. Ha-ha ha-ha so confident and powerful for a minority of the 1960s. You Democrats are retarded. You all live like slaves and your chicks are sleazy with some STD; but out of this world tough and so confident!

Dear Rush Limbaugh: you and your pussy anti-Vietnam communist forces (Jews included); want to go to war with us? Who cares if we had hurricane and earthquake capability; it is game over and you must live with this. If we did have hurricane and earthquake capability, I would torture you day and night to no end until you had the experience no human has ever had. Why would you talk to or piss off someone like that? Are you powerful? Confident? Powerful? Stupid? Violent? As I see it; your pussy military and forces do not have a choice here. I have a choice and you are right, we will be okay and fine. You have no choice and zero options. You all want to wage war on us under these terms and after what you were caught for? That is how ridiculous this has gotten or where your life has taken you. Nothing is going to save your black forces and we know I ignore them 100% and tell your black forces who need a solution to F off and die. Do not talk to us and do not even try to criticize us unless we are in office or holding a public office; but it is too late now and you are ordered to surrender to the police. Wage war on us? Okay, so do it; let's wage war on each other and see what happens or who will surrender first. I bet you do. I bet you are humiliated and tortured. I bet you are a joke and people laugh at you all when they read your story and history. Go ahead and wage war on us; this time it is an invitation. Next time, it will not. Yes, I am holding out for you, really. Yes, my life is a total failure and I will come to your meetings or meet your leaders, sure. Yes, I too am homeless and admire you so greatly; can you tell as I order you to clean our asian toilets with your curly breath?

Everybody from the Vietnam Era is living out their dream. You keep saying move or begging for scraps, our love and body, our soul, etc... nothing works. Why talk to people who will torture you all day and night, why? We are the ones living out your dreams while you are homeless, evicted, and facing this huge problem. The only person not living out their dream or is a total failure; are your communist forces and you all: Irish, blacks, Puerto Rican, etc... and your slew of anti-war or anti-Vietnam crowd. Everybody else seems to have wonderful families and a robust career; why this? Why us? Why do you keep criticizing us? Vietnam? A blockade? A conspiracy? Everything you did to me is what is on your chest? Should us or we scream out how right you are? Where are your grades? Where is your degree? Where is your kids and let's talk about how lackey and stupid you truly are. This is what you teach your kids and what you want from us? You owe 1.6 billion because your life went nowhere and ours did; but you were such a impedance and nightmare; it shut down and slandered our life, career, and prevented us from having kids or a family because of the elements and the dangerous debate you still conduct without any care or respect for the rights of others. If we have hurricane and earthquake capability; I would torture and order my Generals to torture your forces unlike a human has ever experienced for what you have done or are doing now. This is why you need to surrender to the police and ASAP; before your dream and our dreams come true.

Dear Rush Limbaugh: no matter what I do, your forces keep talking to me or trying to "criticize" or have some clandestine debate that led to a 1.6 billion dollar lawsuit and then terror plots, drug wars, etc... First it was the blacks around VA-DC whom I was forced to work with. After I moved away because it was paralyzing and you all are so troubled, chased me out of the VA-DC area with daily attacks; you follow me around the US. It was 10 times less but you seemed to use the police as your reach or eyes and ears. I reported the Irish and blacks early on; the labor unions and communists. Do you think I am Klaus Von Braun the German rocket scientist whom you can capture and force his staff to work for you? If so we would never work or let you live; torture you unlike a human has ever been tortured until you perish off this earth. I thought it was gone and you had enough fun F'in up my life in 2005; not so. It got 10 times worse from 2006-2012 and the source is not strictly the blacks and Irish; it is a culmination of radical communists. In the Miami region, you had the Haitians, Italians, and Jews do this back and forth stalking, criticizing, blockade, and tinkering. Right now I have the Puerto Ricans and blacks doing this; in my own home. I am trying to warn everybody to evict you from their community, intern you, do not hire your people, and unless they wish to suffer or be tortured severely; eviscerate your communist forces to avenge our life and our mission. You put them in danger with your feeble games and stupid remarks.

As always, it is not always when I go outside or am mobile; it is in my home. But I guess this is why you did a false arrest in 2002; to insult me back when I traveled and lived on the road. Your blacks are still acting like you have power over us or are our parents. If or had I gotten hurricane and earthquake capability; your ass would be tortured day-night and to no end. We would make you perish day after day and eliminate your forces over a period of time. Do you know why we would? Do you care if we did? Would you or could you stop us if we could? Exactly. It is exactly the antagonization of my own HS; a reunion of the 1960s. This time it is not pro-Vietnam War; all of you are anti-war and anti-Vietnam. All of you are failures and all of us are successful and accomplished today; prove it. Therefore, your criticism or stalking of us around the US and life; got you here now and this far. I am the best of the best from my HS; you grabbed me to parade me as propaganda, and you got your ass kicked badly a long time ago when you came to our functions and party. Let me guess, we brainwashed each other or were holding each other prisoner, so you had to come along and re-educate us? Indoctrinate the best or the leader of man? It is every single anti-war or peace jackass of the 1960s. All of you are failures today while third world nations have lived their dream. Even China tries to be like Japan, Hong Kong, or South Korea. All of your actions in life cannot be taken back and this is where they led; surprise!

This is who is behind this and why you grabbed me from the VA-DC area or drove me off. You were experimenting with humans and it messed up your experiment. You are very lucky we do not have hurricane and earthquake capability; and if we did, you would never know. However, you will be and would be the most tortured human being and we would do this around the clock to you until you died. Does that make you think more clear? Do you see those incident reports and your constant effort to criticize me? Now you criticize my old friends, "they grew up together... they just accept him at face value... they do not even criticize him or have a problem... he is trying to marry the girl of his dream and lifelong companion." One thing is definite and for sure. First, you are the most pitiful human species we have ever seen. Second, it is on the record and history what we have done and did to you; you are so defeated your dukes won't stay up and we call you a pussy who won't go away. Third, if it came down to hurricane and earthquake capability; I can guarantee you and your forces would be tortured unlike any other human has experienced and you will live life according to the evil you have imposed on others. I cannot describe what I would do to you or how we would slaughter your forces for all this crime, drug wars, terror plots, etc... now this. If your people and your forces come to you concerned about us reaching the end before you and torturing you unlike any other human being has experienced; then you and they will know whose spoke those words and why, it is historical and on the record. You are ordered to surrender without any further prejudice; and face trial for 911, bomb plots, wrecking our nation, wrecking our lives, human experiments, kidnapping, high crimes and misdemeanors, etc... it is a death penalty case. Do it because you are in peril by your own stupidity and crazy troubled life which devastates and reduces ours.

Dear Rush Limbaugh: God knows what you would have done to our kids and what we would have done to you! Please, nobody wants to hear your apologies. I would have tortured you and your communist forces unlike a human could experience; too bad you cannot swim for it. Your shit and mess just keeps piling up more and more. Yes we have been saving ourselves for the blacks or a faggot in Congress. Man you know how to make a human being puke their guts out, for real. I bet you are after our kids had we had kids for you to steal. Steal lurking around our school?

Dear Rush Limbaugh: I love the response. You blacks are so whacked, you expect us to think you are our parents or some force of God. We hate your guts. There is a huge gap between blacks and asians. You smear us and make us embarrassed to be asians. Go away and leave our fine economic plight and story alone; you are weak, insane, and a human piece of crap. If not, then go and actually get a good SAT score or show proof; an economy, car or your own laptop. Then shut up with how you are our father and love us; we finally respect your curly antics. Limbaugh you all need a high tech lynching and you do this online also. Give people a choice and they will kill your ass. Did Ghandi tell you that? There is a huge difference between blacks and asians; especially our wives and husbands. Our destiny and politics is 200% wrong. We do not want such a pussy in the military or protecting our lives. Stay out of our schools and our military.

Final result and what is on everybody's mind: Have you figured out why your forces and people are starving? Oh we or I am starving, not you. Let me ask you who is starving and why you did this again. Do you know or have you figured out your role and position in life with the whites and with the Asians? The idea we are in the same boat does not apply nor does it apply to you, this nationalism or patriotic American nonsense you keep spewing out. Do you know why your people are starving around the globe and face a raid? You have no political allies anymore, let the reality sink in deeply before you speak or act erroneous again. You are here to say our forces starve and do not have a chance against your communist forces and terror plots? Your communist and black forces are doing this in America clandestinely right now? The answer is because your spies and communist moles, extreme radical terrorists; would be thrown out of key government positions, their funding cut off, and your people will resort to cleaning asians toilets again. You have taken over so much of the federal government; this was the nail in our coffin and our final goodbye. Wrong again! Whose final opus did it turn out to be? You think your forces can match the asians and the whites while your people starve and live like cockroaches? Stupid and as stupid does.

Dear Rush Limbaugh: Maybe tinkering with my watch, talking to us hourly, and proclaiming yourself a force in our life, etc... is somehow going to rejuvenate or reaffirm you have political ground to stand on. However, the truth and the reality is nobody wants to be part of what you communist did and they know a raid is being planned. You were ordered to surrender for these terror plots and trying to defoliate the communist movement and impose on us more welfare for the blacks. You used a crack pipeline to ruin Wall Street and the housing industry. This world has never laid eyes on such a complete pussy and a human disaster such as your left wing nightmare; but you continue to stream to America in droves. Your earthquake and hurricane bad luck; clearly outlines your political relationship with us and also what everybody knows. You feed us lies and scams to hang on for dear life and reaffirm what is nothing. You have no political allies. If so, then they will be gone soon. We asked you politely to surrender your communist forces to the police and put an end to this campaign on our lives; to invade it and plumage it. Your black forces are done and too high on crack to realize this. You cannot be going around doing this; surrender to the police or perish. Tinkering with my watch and acting like a watch model is a complete nuisance and what I describe. You can read it and know the truth is not on your side; nor ever was in 200 years.

Dear Rush Limbaugh: This will come up at your trial and also when 1.6 billion dollars is placed on your estate. You will repay us for all that you did and are doing now. Let me guess, you only want to block our opportunity in order to create the opportunities for your communist lies. You want to offer us welfare and scraps to match the real and true value of my once perfect life? You have no political allies and now have been raided; but you refuse to let the truth and reality sink in? You continue to say you mean no harm and only was looking for political allies who would help; but you used a marketing scam of trying to help or issuing welfare checks to royals and the most powerful people on earth? You did all of this to establish some phony fact or tamper with the natural order? You planted evidence that was completely false and so crazy you got the death penalty? You took 23 years to say that simple and complete conspiracy or terror plot? You expect us to sign up or keep quiet about you now? You expect us to accept this and just let you go? After invading our life and this nation, you want a slap on the wrist and outnumber us? There isn't an economic plan out there to save your communist forces and beloved blacks; except communism, but we have addressed that already, haven't we?

Your kill or be killed game has failed and backfired miserably. We know who are bleeding hearts and who has to go. It is plain and easy; either you kill them or they kill themselves; I order you to surrender to the police and we can wipe out their starving forces quickly and easily. I bet these bleeding hearts will send aid and comfort, traitors. And in world war; they will be banned. Do you want to really know why you have no political allies left, it is suicide for your forces, and why your forces are preparing for a raid and shutdown?

1. We did not give you a chance.
2. You do not care about others, only us.
3. We were mean to you and would never let up or give you a chance.
4. We had no chance of surviving this or the forces on us.
5. We hated you through it all, never giving you a chance?
6. It changed nothing?
7. This is who we are?
8. It is about votes and voting power?
9. Look at my life and where it is headed, nothing has changed?
10. You are still alive and kicking; but look how screwed up and what a disaster we are today?

Shall I go on or have you had enough of your evil lies and proving to the rest of the world; who you are and what you are all about? You want us to embrace you as brothers and communist comrades and we want to kill you in your own living room while you are asleep? Are you stupid or just nuts? You impose this on whites and Asians because you are superior and needy, special? Yes we too have a death wish.

Dear Rush Limbaugh: Your communist forces and black forces are inferior and the biggest pussy we have ever seen in the military world. Here you are waging war on us and you are nothing but a child molester. Then you order me or tell me to "leave" as you tinker with my belongings or life. Let's put it this way, you care enough to stay in hiding and play this game you pussy. How many times did you shit in your pants so far? Exactly. If you were not a pussy or the most poor military force that has ever waged war on us; we would not be reading this or writing your words. Pussy, go home. That is how scared you all are and how dumb; no we do not know who you are or what you are about. You care enough to drag it out and play this game with the most ferocious and deadliest military on earth. The public feels the same about your communist ass.


Dear Rush Limbaugh: I just notice this week someone is messing with my pro-level surfing watch. I have a cool diver's watch made for surfers; it is a fine watch and rugged. Why is your Puerto Rican forces all the sudden pulling off one of my bezel studs? It was 3 or 4 days ago I noticed this. More of your message of "sorry?" Are you going to apologize after doing it, why do it? By the way, nice new watch and still F'in with my personal belongings. Do you go through my underwear or drawers also? You are mentally sick, for real and really deserve the death penalty. You and your communist black radicals are such a bunch of pussies; we have to go through this nightmare. Watch model... good one. One of us is crazy; we know it is not me; that leaves only two choices remaining.

You sit here and beg day and night about how sorry you are. You keep saying how your forces look stupid and crazy. You keep talking about how mean we are and why we are so mean to you. You keep telling me to move or go home. You keep doing one thing, then throwing up another front and another. When God comes knocking, you shit in your pants repeatedly. When we retaliate, you cry like a baby and act like our best friend. When we demand you surrender, you F with our belonging or dip in our wallet for cash, even eat my food I have laying around and leave the wrapper. You are like a germ or polio virus; there is a race to see who can get rid of you and destroy your communist forces who are in our life, our schools, our workplace, on TV, etc... thanks but no thanks okay, but it is too late for you all; way too late. You have been ordered to surrender to the police; yet you avoid civil war at all cost; even crying all night long or polishing our shoes. Exactly how insane and stupid are you all? You are the biggest pussy we have ever seen describing yourself as a military. It is not ridiculous, it is failure dumb. Can you even see yourself or where you are headed? Turn yourself in to the police now as ordered, before it is too late. Your days are done; you will die a violent death, all of you.

Dear Rush Limbaugh: Have you figured out why we hate you and your communist forces? So why are you F'in with my new watch and flashing your expensive one around; are you some kind of watch model? Are you poor? Let me guess, it is opportunity for you? My watch is on warranty; I like it and did not ask or want you to F with my watch now. Can any of you control yourself or do you want to F up more things? I take it that you are an over sized watch model now, no thank you. I will call you next time okay; for the 100,000th time. Now you are going on radio talking about my high school buddies or the girls I dated. Dude, what the hell is wrong with you and your black forces? Every single intersection I go to; you block, but now you are letting me through. You sound like the Black Panthers at the poll booth. You did this all in the 1990s; then after 2007 and are still doing it now. Stop blocking stuff peacefully or not. We don't care if you are letting us through and feel you are security. F'in with my watch causes trouble for me; I have to send it in and am on the road right now. I do not have the box, etc... It is the 20th year plus, how mentally ill are your poor weak and stupid communist voters? Do you know why people hate you and want a life without you all? Do you?

Dear Rush Limbaugh: You stupid MF have caused so much war and problems. Everytime I go outside or expect you to be gone; you are at intersections, jumping in the way, and constantly F'in with our life. It is clear to you how you are pushing this nation towards civil war and it is clear how you have been and are back at it again. What is it 1000 or only 100,000 times now? To think someone as stupid and worthless as you would start civil war makes me want to puke; so F you and die. You won't even turn your cockroach ass in; still trying to attack us and push this country into civil war about the blacks again; go and clean our Oriental toilet you piece of shit and stay out of our life and our careers. You still have not even learned that simple rule; so simple a felon can understand. I am glad you only want to criticize us; yeah I bet. This nation hates your guts and has for a long time; why? Society is already ten times more violent than any other; so expect it to be 100 times more violent and we know already who is going to clean your clock and wipe your ass clean. You want war and to ignore the surrender orders, are you sure? Worse, you all are last place in every single nation; dirt last. This is why you are behind all of this; it is your genre.

PS: You are the dumbest, most insignificant, most violent, most hated, biggest SOB loser, the ugliest, the biggest bucket of trash I have ever laid eyes on. Why in hell would anybody want to wage war over your cockroach existence unless you were a terrorist or some communist. It perplexes me how many civil wars we have to fight to get rid of you from our life and how you bring us down to your level or this misery I cannot fully describe. I know I am allergic to you and how stupid you are. But how evil you are and how your troubled life is entangled with ours or impacts ours; disgusts me. I also see you are a pathological liar; one excuse after the next in the most illogical and insane pile of junk I have ever smelled. You live like trash and animals; why in hell would I share life or want to live with you? Who the hell would? And you are always selling or using narcotics. We cannot even measure how stupid you all are; do you know this?

Dear Rush Limbaugh: how much do you want to bet me you are using Wall Street and investment portfolios, toxic assets and mortgages; to launder your crack pipeline and drug money. Then all of you fell, from Maddoff, Spitzer, BOA, etc... this was how you laundered drug money and invested in our future. You still cannot seek control or have any damage to our stocks; that is what you want because of the opportunism and your failure. You and the left wing; the usual suspects are making cash and investing quickly; too quickly.

My value just increases daily, like a really good stock. Dear Rush Limbaugh: we know you are watching and casing me. All you want to do is damage, anyway you can so I am trapped and paralyzed. Do you remember in 2006 when I had $10,000 worth of retail goods and two servers. All I had to do was get a part time job and open an online store. You invade my home, run up my hot water while I am falsely arrested, I order a kerosene heater from a Jewish site (unknown), and it nearly burns the house down and causes $15,000 of damage from carbon deposit. Additionally, I bought a $14,000 condo-time share before heading to Canada because I knew the Canadians liked to vacation in the US. What do you do? You rip off my deed in this home invasion or send a burglar in so I cannot sell my condo. Lost was another $14,000. The condo was siezed by the courts to pay the $700 judgment for the condo fees. Then I had two cars; ready to be sold. You not only vandalized them so they cannot be sold or driven; the person who is watching or storing my pickup truck dies mysteriously of cancer. I was able to switch cars, have them fixed or work done on them; store them, etc... until my brother's HS buddy died at the age of 40, odd. If or had I been a millionaire today; if I had expensive houses, cars, etc... There is no doubt you cockroach, crack pipeline, and communist forces would case me and do the same. Luckily, this trading off shots is in my favor; all I can loose is Ann and you did not do that; she did. Why is her problem. This was about revenge on the cops and grabbing one of their best or treasures. Even our own forces were involved; like the 1960s and Patty Hearst. I do not have anything to loose; only you do and your forces; you face total war. You realize I have automated it and can withstand your invasion force or attacks; up to 1000 minor and 100 major ones; 4 Baker acts; 2 false arrests; and a host of intimidation or threats. You know I am worth; based on military power; upwards of 100 billion. You know I saved up every dime I ever made; and spent it on my own personal war.

Our stocks tell the story. My worth is upwards of 100 billion and everybody knows this. Your communist stock is nearly gone and ripped to shreds. I can always take 100 billion somewhere else and overnight. You?I had 3 laser printers for publishing my four books; gone in the kerosene heater accident. That is why I did not pay my rent and sued the landlord for all of this. I did not pay rent to be cased or have my home and life invaded by your communist forces. You used this landlord-tenant relation much like you used my employment status; a dictator in my private and personal life. I still cannot shake you; can you see or do you need proof? You have been there every step of my life and every step of the way, two decades and counting. This landlord problem is still going on; is the employer one going to continue? Steal all of my work and make me subservient to you? Is that a joke? Get up and put up your dukes so I can finish your communist forces off; I do not have anything to loose, only you do. My stuff is safe and my worth is over 100 billion dollars. This is how I get away with this and how I can crush your communist forces; test it? What is your worth on paper? This is mine on paper and I am homicidal about your people. Will they recognize any of us?

I can always take 100 billion somewhere else and overnight. You? So you see, it is clearly you are out to rob me of all my worldly possessions and the end result is your worldly possessions are completely gone. You face total war for this because you picked on and picked a fight with the wrong people. But it is too late for you and your terror plot. We did get a taste of your "criticism" and how you operate. I had 4 backup plans to make sure I could move or relocate immediately; all four of my financial avenues were eradicated. You put me on food stamps and if I had 1 million or 100 million; you would spend the rest of your life using high tech espionage equipment from North Korea, rogue US companies, Canada, Italy, France, etc... to get what we have here. The only damage being done or disappearing; is you and your forces. Your orders to surrender to the police have gone ignored. Let me guess, part of your drug war problems or crack pipeline cash assist which you were so angry; you did one terror plot after the next to criticize? You are upset you are on welfare and claim we did this to you or the system? Yeah okay. This was not about drugs completely. It is about who you are today and why we look at you with such homicidal battle; your existence. You sit there and you expect life to change on a dime for all of your evil, it will not. You are in deep-deep trouble; if not with us, with the public, with the police, and whoever put your military in permanent therapy. Get up. Put your dukes up. You did this. I thought you had more fight than this; it is time you pay and act like a real communist invasion force or terror plot. It is pathetic the way you act; like an ant being hit by a sledge hammer. That is our relationship and how the table was turned. You cannot feel the sledge hammer? Are you telling me I have or am worth 100 billion and you let that slip by you? Amateur and fool.

Dear Rush Limbaugh: This is why they do not let you serve in the military. This is why they do not let you step foot in our schools. This is why they do not let you near our women or daughters. This is why you are telling Asians you want to unite and work with them; but nobody wants to work with you. You come to work, share our chairs, and do not even wipe your ass and you feel it is funny. You monkeys are out of control. You loot our stores. You think you are Asian also. You antagonize and feel you are bullies or some higher power; a powerful force in the world. There was a point where you communist had your own bathrooms. You F up everything and leave a disaster. So let's be truthful and real here; do you know why there was a time when you were not allowed into the military or even near national treasures or personnel? Do you? Now go and clean our Asian toilets and stop this hobknob junk of yours about who is cleaning whose clock.

Your stocks keep taking a nose dive while mine keeps chugging alone; odd. Remember, there was a time when you communist were not allowed in our schools or the military. I personally think you are an alien, lack a soul, and get disgusted I want to puke thinking about your stupid tricks and criminal rampage. At 1.6 billion in punitive damages; can you be honest and tell us why you should be granted freedom or the keys to America? Do you need a hurricane or even an earthquake to prove you are what we say you are? You even go and make friends with Asians just to antagonize or torment us while you do this. You refuse to pay anything and claim you are too poor to pay for anything? Let's be honest, that is what this nation needs desperately. What are the chances we will get through to your thick head or stupid grades? Did I mention you sell junk and force us to buy it? Did I? Am I wrong or do you wish to surrender now to the police?

Dear Rush Limbaugh: yeah why don't you all get up and show us what kind of or how much fight you have? Why don't you shut up and leave finally? Why don't you surrender to the police and my Generals who know what you did, how you did it, or what is needed? Do you need a hurricane to prove you wrong? Do you need an earthquake to shut you up? Do you need both of them to make you go away or shut up and leave us alone? So why don't you get up and put your dukes up, this nation is ready to defeat you and is homicidal about life with out the burdens or the criticism of your insane asylum or commun-shit invasion. Do you want or need a war to prove that also? Yeah, when are you going to shut up, go home, or die? We have to prove it? Are you nuts? What if we prove it and kill all of you; are we liable? How about our life and what you did or does the world revolve around only communism and terror plots? You must enjoy cleaning toilets; come on open your mouth. I knew you enjoyed cleaning our toilets and refuse to clean your own. Yeah keep opening your mouth and proving us right. That is your destiny and always has been; no conspiracy. Dumb is as dumb does.

Based on the facts and this case or how it has panned out; the only future you have is cleaning Asian toilets. Should we leave or should you leave? Who will shut up first or piss off the other, you? F you too and clean my god damn toilet or stay at McDonald's; this isn't for you or your destiny. That is confidence; don't get smart with us you cockroach. Why stay? You all left a god damn mess in New Orleans, still; a mess in the inner city; a mess in crime; a mess with debt; a mess in the housing and banking world; a mess in college; and a complete mess in our life. Who is cleaning whose clock and being scary? You have some nerves you F'in communist, some nerves. Oh, you want to criticize us, hold us prisoner, and unite?

What do we hear? We hear the communist hourly about how we should stop harping on it, they are sick of it being reported, and if we do not like it then leave. It is their home or their property. What does Ann say? Why don't they report it and they say they not going to and for her to shut up and just leave if she can't deal with it. In the end, you are the loser Ann and the bad guy; for real you are. You are the bad guy in this story; they are evil and communists; your point? Too late don't you think? All this debt and tax is for this insane asylum and to keep them open and comfortable. While we are very uncomfortable; good job Democratic Party USA and a few Republicans. You have the majority and we should leave? Find a new career? Even better, why don't we run for office if we do not like it? How about correcting my biography and name? How about this terror plot to criticize every single minute or hour of my life? I have proven I wiped out the communist and they seek retaliation; but are too weak and can't get up or struggle to stay alive fighting me. I am the legend here. Ann is a total mess and so are all of them.

We know one of us is the problem and is crazy; and it is not me. Could it be the landlord, the employer, or who claims they are only criticizing my life or my career? This is too much and taking it to a death penalty case don't they think? Did I mention the fire breathing criticism you have on people who screwed up their marriage or cheated on their spouse Ann? It feel like America was plundered in the name of barbarians. It feels like the smart, sane, and normal people are working for the welfare of the biggest mess of a human or the biggest madman on earth. All of this money is going to keep the insane asylum open and thriving? America was founded to keep the insane asylum open and feed this hungry beast? What do we get? Arrested. Slandered. Called names hourly. Spit on. Spied on and violated with espionage communists. Etc... everything I have written and continue to complain about; yet they remain in our life, tinker, and claim they are in control. We have to stick them in an oven or figure out how to stop this. Why aren't we in court with them yet or why haven't they surrendered before civil war? Sorry?

Dear Ann Coulter: Ann, one of us is crazy and one of us is the problem; and we know it is not me. Let me outline it or explain since you are too intelligent or innocent to really understand. I been with you for over 20 years. I still have nothing to show for it, nothing. You have benefited from this relation; obviously. You refuse to pay me a fair wage also and keep telling me I have to marry you if I want to collect. We know Rush Limbaugh and his communist forces are crazy and the problem; yet they planted evidence or moved the pieces, this blockade; to suggest I am crazy and the problem; not them. Ann, you ask and are still asking me to help you. I did this with no complaints, never a complaint from you. You felt you were the luckiest woman on earth; yet I have nothing to show for it or this. Then while I am helping you; you complain to me about them. You then turn around and help them claiming it is not being reported and you are stopping them; so I am helping you and you are helping them. Everytime I score or add a point, you remove it by adding one on their side. Then you throw a fit and how you are a princess to both sides. Meanwhile, I got hot women calling me and you are feeding me one lie after the next; about how you are faithful and the best wife in the world. You play princess with rich men and have this single life other women dream of; meanwhile, you take their gifts and claim they are trying to rape you.

You have to be the craziest one of all. Stop writing or using my work before it is released; all of you. Each time I help you; you turn around and help them, claiming once again it is only business. I continue to complain about how you are draining my resources and you see no end to this; not even helping yourself. You bring me to the point where I need a real wife and a woman who will not do all of this. Hanging on the idea you did not cheat with sex; perhaps in other ways, you refuse to get a lawyer; for yourself or me while the FBI thinks I am lying or a phony. Then I am living on the fringe while you selfishly collect from everybody, a charity dish for moral blessing. Now you throw a tirade about how the media refused to report any of this when it was you. Still unable to cope with the destructive forces. If a robber breaks into your home and you run out the back door; don't tell the cops you shot them but they got away. I keep complaining and give up on you; you pull me back or lasso everybody back again without any effort to seek legal retaliation or an end to this. You fill your schedule with dinners and events; as always and claim you are a great wife and I have nothing to complain about. Then you strut around like a nun; when you are really not a nun and desperate to the point of being a sex slave in order to get your way. All of this while you told me a murder and rape case was forced on you because you caught them or turned them in. So what do you do? You fly around and live secretly while walking around or making new friends which further neglects your duties as a good wife. One of us is a total bitch. One of us is the problem. One of us is as rotten as the devil. Who is going around saying I am the problem, I am crazy, I do not deserve a job or material goods, etc... this blockade to criticize every single aspect of my life. How about criticizing you Ann; are they not reporting it or only trying to help you?

One of us needs to suffer or make their peace with God; is it you Ann? I think you are the wife of the year for doing all of that and refusing to end it or set the record straight. Still without any change; you are still up to your old tricks. I am still in a bad situation and bad shape. My medical and dental needs are ignored. My material needs are being ignored. The people you help, using my help and draining me; get together with you monthly to see what my breaking point is or when I will leave you. In the end, you want everybody to forgive you and have no change; I love your logical thinking and reasoning. All of you should be shot and deserve the electric chair for what you did; to each other and to me, so stop lying about my breaking point and how powerful all of you are in my life. You still claim your money is the magic pill or what will forgive and take you to heaven; some partner and friend you turned out to be. It is not just you; it is all of you and you just invade our life with all of this and it is just way too much. In bed, you confirm that you are more of a Jewish woman than girls that I admire or want to be with; yet you claim to be Christian and Protestant, classic. You must be smoking crack or are on some form of narcotic. Your mom and dad would have a heart attack reading your exploits. Then you write stories about your parents and how they were loving human beings and had the most perfect marriage; but you learned nothing or resemble them whatsoever. What have you learned from life? What have I or the rest of the world? After 23 years you expect me to sit there week after week and point out all of your mistakes while you say you messed up or it is a total disaster; classic. What would you do if you were me? Everything you won; which was a lot; you gave back to the people you complain to me about. It is total insanity with you Ann.

It really seems as if you are more help to the communist then to your life or mine; even your own rescue Ann, serious. I do not see how anybody wants to be with you or go through this ordeal. Worse, you claim you do things nobody else is willing to do; you should be honored. So they throw parties for you, hire you, put you on Fox News, give you gifts, etc... while you just exploit and use anything for your benefit. How loving and what a perfect marriage you have created. All of you are nuts and none of you are even sane. Yet I get the written reports, false imprisonment, and the slander; a total blockade that drains all my resources when I am supposed to be a millionaire already.

It is beyond the realm of conscience what is happening to us or in our life; but when it comes to terrorism and your police powers, there is no doubt and absolute certainty, take it face value? You liberals and communist just warp our world and reality for your police powers and how you wish to reclaim the 1960s. Already your crack pipeline and cash assist program, arming the blacks and gangs, and the disaster of social policies leave you either insane or the most ignorant threat we have on this earth. But you face civil war and the "usual suspects" model again and again; so confident. As I said, this ability to criticize us or make us smaller because of your lies, police power, or cockroach existence; is unmatched. But you see the results and our capability to reduce you and really let you know how far you can and will get with us. Go ahead and start war or even world war; we are daring you as well. You are in control and you have the reach and capability to criticize or trap us with your political tricks and attacks? Who is going to believe that one? You ignore or wipe off the case with Ann Coulter; but so does she. She just insist it is only her beloved conservatives and Republicans; throws it all away on nothing also.

One of these days, history will tell it like it is. Since the 1960s the communist forces around the globe had been moving the pieces to favor a peaceful takeover of the USA. At or around the 1980s, they felt they could invade or take us. They launched a secret war in the VA-DC area and we were holding them off. At the same time we were holding them off; we had to assess and determine what they were up to and had in store for us. We managed to outfox and outmaneuver them over the course of 20 years of battle and launched a counter-offensive to drive them back and eradicate their forces. The power of that counter-offensive was so quick and so strong; they could not recover and never was really themselves again. Most if not all of their Generals were reduced to mumble and had therapy all of their life. Thus, the communist forces USA relied on street pawns, homeless advocates, lackey kids, and your cockroach parade. They really never could recover after that and refused to clean anything up; all they did for the remainder of their career was try to polish our shoes and toot our horn; day and night in this retarded unity plight with the worst and the biggest losers in history. They refused to surrender and the nation fell to civil war and a period of total restoration where my Generals, so true and capable; won back the territories and drove them back to the gates of hell and in history. Lets go ahead and pin the medals now. After our campaign with them; after the multi-prong encirclement; I prove once again I am unmatched and unbeatable on any battlefield; even in this one. Lucky for your communist forces, you did not test the might of our cold war forces in 1989 and chose this route; very lucky.

"Gary" the black Puberty Rican and his "RICO" forces says "move" as your response to "SURRENDER OR PERISH ORDER." I do not think anybody is in the mood for your cockroach invasion to get smart or have that smart-ass comment ready on the hour. I think you should also shut your trap and be prepared to swim for your united life. This country is not very pleased with you; so consider our surrender terms before it is too late for all of you; not some of you. You do not stand a chance so consider it for a loser and such a joke as you people are. You are the felon and the one struggling in life; jackass. You are the one in last place and a complete utter joke. Your anger, belittling us, bullying, or tirade will not save you or make this better; it was an invitation to your funeral to begin with you idiot; stay longer?

Dear Rush Limbaugh and Global Communist Forces or (COMITERN): I honestly felt you communist had more fight and we should take you more serious. However, as the world can see; you are nothing more than a baby, a jackass, a crack addict, and get laughed at constantly. You go into these tirades and you belittle us or get belligerent; however, it is more of a child molester than a warrior. I wish your mommy was hear to see your pathetic display of power and what you call global communism. Get up if you can and let's finish this fight once and for all you pathetic apathetic wonderlust of a cockroach; you ain't dead yet and we aren't either. Do you have any fight left or any fight in your measly soul and lackluster body; then finish this honorably and stop running your mouth.

Dear Rush Limbaugh: your communist and cockroach forces think the closer we approach war and civil war with you; the more invitations you are getting, don't you? You think an invitation is being sent for unity and your stupid existence. For someone with grades as you; for someone who is in such last place; the last thing we want to do is unite with super loser and your communist forces. The only invite you got was to a funeral; did you even know this or figure it out yet? But you keep saying the closure we get to war; the more you are in first place and uniting; hey you are in last place for a reason and you are not criticizing or sending out invites; so F your murder, rape, and terror plots you F'in minority fool. You think you are first in the class and the teacher also? I pity your juxtaposition-off view of us, really I do. America is going to give you a high tech lynching and rip you to pieces for what you have done or are trying to do; test it. We knew you were stupid but this is too much! We will give you a free funeral and put you in therapy for the remainder of your life; wanna bet? Let's see if your island sinks and your trash washes away; we have no value for you or your existence, none. Surrender or perish; your choice. I remember you all popping into our HS parties and trying to unite; for the biggest ass whooping of your life. Nothing has changed; still trying.

You must be the biggest joke in the political world; past, present, and future. Come on, have we done a perfect job placing you in therapy, turning the table on your ass, and laughing to your face and much more? Be real now about where this is headed and your ticket to unity. Who in their right mind is this stupid, for real. Yes, you are so powerful and such a political force to recon with; whenever the nation is ready to rip you to pieces; I will rejoice and laugh at you again, the final laugh. You really should have surrendered and on our terms, really. It can be much worse for you; mucho. I do not think anybody has witnessed firsthand how stupid you are or the stupid junk you are trying to sell. All you communist are is a relic of the 1960s on your last breath and being schooled how your destiny was hidden from plain view. I do not think you have a country to return to and nobody wants to hire you; so you invented this fantasy or marriage about sharing our goods and services. What happened to your terror plot or criticism of our life; still antagonizing everything we do? Tell us your story and how it went, will you?

You and the communist should have surrendered, issued a formal surrender, went on TV to complete and shut down all operations, and paid the 1.6 billion in damages. Instead you proved you had no soul and we could use a bit of help to find out or trace the source. It was a drop in the bucket compared to what charges you face or your destiny. But you communist have no soul or backbone. This was the best offer this nation will ever offer, the best and a drop in the bucket if you ask me; stupid pure stupidity and so many errors. Yes go back and relive you life; of course. Make more changes to it now; roll with the punches. You still have not taken us to the source or mothership; all you did was keep attacking us or this landlord-employer problem which is part of your duress blockade. You know the US constellation of satellites got my instructions and were ready to hit your mothership; maybe this will free your damned and lessen this civil war.

You even know the source of communism and that mothership is in danger so you are protecting it while doing this massive surge. Do not lie and do not lie about having no soul. You are ordered to surrender and I have clearly lined out your options. We know you did this for the blacks and your crack pipeline or "cash assist" crime scams; a method to evade tax and loot the government of a soul. You could not even pay the damages and bragged about all the money you had or nothing we had; classic. Your gigantic communist surge and inquisition has failed miserably. You launched the biggest surge in communist history and then claimed a conspiracy on the right wing; and even invented it or planted evidence. You claim Vietnam or your Vietnam (Afghanistan) bleed your forces and led to your eventual collapse, must like the 1960s and Civil Rights. Then you wrecked society and the industrial power with more of the same bad or total disasters of your evil life. Meanwhile, you also robbed, raped, and plummeted the nation of more treasures. Do you think we will survive or only you will? You even lost your slavery case; you are the slave trader and dictator.

Dear Rush Limbaugh: eventually this will blow and it will not work for you. God is on our side and always has been; we know and so does everybody now. Surrender to the police as ordered. You are heading for civil war. You have already passed the first 30 days. How do you think this will go down? You did this to the best this nation has to offer and you continued it for 4 additional years? You are going to get the better of us even afterwords? You have no soul or even deserve to live. Do you think the nation will let you or your communist Generals live? Worse than Osama Bin Laden and the beneficiaries; the real threat antagonizing every single aspect of our life to be our employer or landlord? Ridicule and humiliate us with private property, voting rights, or how poor your life is? Imagine how this will go down and surrender now before this nation rips you to pieces and says to you what I just did below. Yes, why didn't you surrender to the police before as ordered? Do it so we do not have to write about how you have to be stuck in an oven or what your demands are; you didn't even bother to pay a fair wage but instead robbed us repeatedly while raping this country you claim to love. Don't imagine what I will do to you; imagine what this country will do to you and your black forces as a result of this. For a leader, you have led your people to hell and left them there. They are too stupid and poor to even care.

Dear Rush Limbaugh: Right on cue as expected and in every living arrangement. The stakes are too high for your communist forces now. You are not Osama; much worse than that mastermind terrorist. You are taking the best of what this country has; and lost it already. Leave it to your cockroach NY messenger and landlord. We are in our 23rd year of this and you are still telling us what to do or demanding we do; your wish is our command. You still owe 1.6 billion dollars and you need to explain if you have a soul and wish to stay in America. We do not have the answer for you; you owe us. You owe us a debt so large; your life must be taken. Everybody knows why you are doing this and if or why it is still a total disaster. You have no soul. Nobody is going to do as you say and nobody is going anywhere except you. Your communist forces have met their end and you must tell us whether or not we let you come to America, we let you do this, and we let you get away. We are close to civil war right now and your answer is clear. Do you want the wrath of America or her love? You do not have her love. Do you want to rape her? You have raped her. Do you want to stop or kill her so there are no witnesses? It is hard when you have no soul; that is the problem here but you expect us to move so you can stay. We have to do everything you say? For a demon with no soul or a human being in this predicament; that is an unacceptable and has been an unacceptable answer. You face civil war soon and do not have a care in the world. You have no respect for anything; we know about your money or your property, but do you have a soul or wish to only rob us? This is why you had antagonize us throughout life, to determine this landlord-employer relationship and gain access. You see civil war right before your eyes. Understand you are much worse than Saddam Hussein or Osama Bin Laden; far worse. That problem went away quickly and does not antagonize every single bit of our life or tell us to move. This country dealt with Osama and Saddam; how about you? Move? Shut our mouth? You don't want to get hurt? See, they are gone but the beneficiary and boss is not.

Dear Rush Limbaugh: remember, what I do or what this nation will do to you; far exceeds what you can ever do to us or to yourself. Right now, you are proving what we already know, you have no soul. What we want to know is the source, if you have no soul. Is it of this earth? Is it inside the earth? Is it terrestrial. Any military adviser with any sense would destroy that source and determine if it destroys or fixes your people. We are getting there. Right now, we already know what the source is. Let's start with whether or not you have a soul. Your problem and your problem with this girl will be your inescapable problem, your masters. This nation can turn on you. The world can turn on you. Pick your enemies carefully. God is with us. If God sees you make a threat to me or us; he knows you have no soul. So far based on over 4 years of rambling and babbling; you are still not closure to having a soul or not. Heidegger in explaining the ultimate Christian, said it was reason d'etre. Kant and Hegel in trying to prove a higher order; mapped the existence of a higher order. Dante also withstood the human race by condemning what he called a place you existed among us. Be careful with history and what your words and actions speak. If you had a soul and deserve to lie; I am sure you would have seen it by now. As the personal messenger for God, I fear none. The question here is why you do not fear me, Godless? The only man who can save the human race and you challenge the office of hurricane and earthquakes? You slandered my name? You decide how you want to live on earth and tell me because I can make anything happen; even 200 years to disappear in 24 hours or less. You are not even done F'in with us, still. Not one fix or correction has been made; only made it worse or trying to make this far worse than it is. We are babies and never get what we want right?

One of these days the country will turn on you but your momma will not be there for you to cry to. When America turns on you; she will torture you until you cannot stand it any longer. We love being converted into laborers by people who do not have any education or college, no really we do. It is the American exceptional-ism and excellence we all have grown accustomed to. We love the worker's party and what you can do for us, really we do. Also, this idea you are going around and grabbing geniuses and turning them into blue collar workers; again, you don't belong, you don't fit in, and nobody really wants your training. They do not want to love you. They no less want to put you in an oven then you telling them they have to put you in an oven; but for the cockroach and piece of shit you are who relies on welfare and telling everybody you want to mentor or train them; we get this problem with you trying to become capable, F'in everything up, and going around in other people's living room about communism and how you train or empower geniuses or academics. You must love where this nation is headed. I think you all are aliens. I think you are a subspecies and lack a soul. I think deep down there is a huge gap between you and us. I think when your trial and when this finally impacts our nation, they will see you as not even a human being and something inhuman without a soul. Keep reading because it is not a question of intelligence; you are feeding us your mentality and strategy.

Now we are in your stupid labor camp or cockroach stupid game where you continue to tell others you have to be put in an oven when nobody even wants to talk to you or know you. Right now you are only taking on God and the forces of hurricane and earthquakes; relax. You think the white man was bad to you; wait until you do this to the little yellow man. I would kill you all tonight if we were at war, remember that the next time I enter an entry about our story. It took you all, what 200 years to get this minuscule power and freedom? It can all be gone overnight; remember this and my words. Keep giving us more training and not what we asked or demanded; this fixed and you out of our life. Keep stealing or taking my stuff and giving me your junk; a trade. We love you blue collar workers and the worker's movement; can't you tell? You all turned into a bad dream. We love you black people and what communism can do for you; yes we do. We think you all are so blessed and so capable; and we love your secret system of communism, no really we do. Unaware of a trace, we want to know about the mother ship if there is one; if not we need to learn how to make you all go away in 24 hours or less. Trust me, if we detect an alien or source; all hell would break loose tonight. We already assessed your forces; you make the first move. We will take the last and finish it once and for all.

Clearly, you have proven to the world you are an alien, a demon, and you lack or do not even have a soul. Yes, you all are so powerful and we love to be retrained or taught labor skills by your charity. I think it is time to waste your village and stick all of this up your ass and parade you around the globe for everybody to see the "Worker's Party" today. Yes and when the nation begins to start lynching you all again or ripping your arms and legs off; maybe you will read my book and what you have been up to or did. I am sure the nation will stop in their tracks just for you or the police will bow as we are today. Remember, one day you will not have anything left or can take for granted all you have taken from others. Enjoy this while you can. You better have a damn good answer when the country turns on you and rips your body to pieces. We are not at war; but had we been, I would kill all of your people tonight and let that be a lesson for what you have done. All the people in federal or state prisons already who do not have a life or is born into your total nightmare; will appreciate what you have done to improve their standing in this world. Do you think they have a soul or can judge your failure? You do not have a soul and they have to do time or serve in prison for your evil?

This nation would kill your communist forces tonight if war broke out. All they have to do is read about you. I have no idea who you all think you are, really. You act as if you own this world or this country and you are so poor and think you belong or are welcome; take a closer look won't you? Two hundred years can disappear in less than 24 hours, remember that. I would kill all of you and teach you a lesson you refuse to learn easily. You better pray we are never at war; pray hard. Just remember that had this been 1860, this matter would have been resolved tonight and would not drag on and on. What year of this are we on? Exactly. You are living in a dream world and a fantasy and this government is nothing more than a pest; had this been 1860, tonight is as far as it would last. Unfortunately, times have changed and we have other plans for you and it is not good if I were you, not good at all. You can read Emmanuel Kant. You can read Heidegger and what a human soul is. Even if we were to go into civil war; this dominant proof you lack a soul and would do this; just tells the world you are not even a human being and an alien species, a reptile or alien we call a horrible nightmare.

Unaware of a trace, we want to know about the mother ship if there is one; if not we need to learn how to make you all go away in 24 hours or less. Trust me, if we detect an alien or source; all hell would break loose tonight. We already assessed your forces; you make the first move. We will take the last and finish it once and for all.

Hey, listen up you cockroach. Nobody cares if you are poor or weak. You are far past the point of no return. Decide who you are going to cry to when that rulebook of yours is shoved up your ass and you are paraded around the world for all to see. Decide if your momma will listen or what she will say. Decide who you are going to cry to or if your mouth is going to prevent the rules you live by; backflowing. Nobody cares if it is your home or property. It does not matter if you are the boss or if it is your company. You keep insisting this is a basis of your argument. Nobody cares about you and your cockroach existence. You keep saying you belong or this is your world; but nobody is or has or will listen to you. You keep thinking people still or will; they won't trust me. When they see that rulebook shoved up your ass, not ours; you will cry like a baby or run to your momma and she is not strong enough to fix you or bring it back out of your ass. Don't write it; how easy. It is too late for that and for you. Why do you have to make stupid snide comments with a NY accent hourly? Are you loved or welcomed?

Dear Rush Limbaugh and the Communist USA (Left Wing or Democratic Party): I do not know who wrote your rule book but you F'ers come to America and into our life with this rulebook you wrote, straight from hell and the cockroach devil you are; and then tell us to leave all day long. You put the rulebook you write and claim it is your property and we are in your home or world. Is this some cruel hoax or are you just such a coward; you think we would not focus all of are laser satellites on your position? If you want to survive this you will stick that same rule book you wrote up your F'in ass, take pictures and show the world; that is if... if you wish to survive this you F'in coward. We can get this over with today, tonight, and shove that book so far up your ass; you cannot even talk. But you feel so confident to usurp all the laws or reality; warp it and twist it with that cockroach demand to leave when we are in your midst; I think earthquake and hurricanes is not even enough to shower you with hot coals or shove that rule book up your ass. Let's get it over with tonight. So do not lecture me how you do not care or how powerful you are. I will lecture you. You come to America and do this shit and you come in our life and act like you own us and this country; we should really slam your head in the ground or see how far your rulebook goes up your ass. My constellation of aliens will kill you and quickly; so tell me why you keep delaying it? Care? Cowardice? Too courageous? We let you in America so you can do this? We give you the taste of freedom so a cockroach can do this? You have some F'in nerves for a cockroach like your forces. Let me guess you own America and belong? It is your property and we are living in your house?

It is obvious you do not fit in and it is obvious you enjoy or want a high tech lynching. To carry this out and drag this out longer the way you did; "we will be okay so what do you have to worry about" is obnoxious, just come out and say it will you. Why drag this out more? We have ordered you to cease-desist and surrender to the police. What more do you want to bleed from us or want to steal? Is this ending still not good enough for you or your communist forces? You must think you belong or own America?

I take it you find joy or think I find happiness in writing or sending out messages about how you are so communist you have to be put in an oven or you are so delusional the only solution is a high tech lynching. Yet you cannot even write this yourself or pay a fair wage for it; so you use us now because we are going to be okay in life and you obviously do not fit in and will suffer for what you have done. Just turn yourself into the police and stop trying to make us love your bucket of junk life. We let you come to America and experience freedom, prosperity, joy, and what life has to offer; look at what you have done and where we are today. You still send in wave after wave of people who are junk, do not fit in, and are so communist they have to be whacked. Stop will you. At least find the courage to write it yourself and stay the F out of ours. You claim we have to prove it before this will ever end? Prove what? It is only criticism? Prove you are lazy and arrogant you did not write the book about your own life or lies?

Dear Rush Limbaugh: obviously you and your black forces are communist and felons. Obviously, you refuse to stay out of our life and are so delusional and communist, you have to be whacked. Obviously, you all are psychopathic and far beyond delusional. Obviously our life has spiraled out of control and into nowhere because of your actions or lack of actions. Obviously, you remain in our life and still tamper or tinker with it; because our tamper resistant measures have stopped your murder plot and rape attempt. Obviously you have to be whacked and deserve this. You also claim complete lies and hateful scorn but remain in our life. Your crack pipeline or cash assist program is a total failure. Obviously we are not intersected in becoming your courier or messenger; no less a drug cash assist recipient. Obviously, we know you and the blacks are doing this and now still try to push our life into spiral oblivion. Obviously this is the result of being in my life or for that matter; trying to remain in the life of Ann Coulter. Her life is also spiraling into nowhere due to your lack of actions or direct actions. You communist are so delusional and whacked; we have to go to the extra limits or mile to kill your ass; and then you follow us around and say "do it... leave... go home... we do not know what to do... we are sorry." That sums it up and our case directly; unless you have anything else to add. You paralyzed our life with this "criticism" or attacks and used terror plots to cover it up or have us love you; just admit it.

We are getting the word out and demanding action! Clearly our life is spiraling nowhere and you have increased this because we have safety nets, tamper proof measures, and all of these measures to stop your communist delusional life. You still change the story and morph like a communist assailant or psychopath. You remain in our life and keep changing the story; thus, this criticism or your critical effort is paralyzing. The reason why you deserve and need a hurricane or earthquake has nothing to do with jobs or civil rights. It has nothing to do with our tamper proof or resistance proof security measures. You all are so communist we have to whack you like a bucket of junk or stick your people in an oven. Admit this and stop playing us as the fool or the criminal. F your blacks and communist forces and stay the F out of our life before you do get hurricane and earthquake capabilities. This is the lawsuit the Democratic Party USA faces right now and a coming civil war. Also, stop retraining me and telling me where my career is headed; am I clear on this? We are not interested in your crack pipeline or cash assist welfare fraud program; nor freeloading. You already wrecked my relationship with Ann and our marriage but your communist forces remain vigilante and at our throats. You also continue to change the story and remain in both of our lives.

We give you a chance to come to America, to experience the good life, to get an education, to make anything of your life, to value voting rights and righteousness and this is your message to the world? This is your American goal and experience? This is your bucket of junk and political message to the world? You want the world to know we have to up the ante and put you into an oven before you will even consider the warnings or disregard any dangerous retaliation from our military and supreme forces? Is there any reason to not earthquake or hurricane you or is this the silence you expect? You want to die in peace and silent but keep this vigilante? Worse, you tell me nothing has changed? This is your message to the world and you cannot even use freedom and rights to write any of this down so we can stop you? We gave you a change and a chance to end this; you have spoken repeatedly and your forces need to take their own trash out or else we will; but they are so flawed, so erroneous, and so disappointing you make this worse and worse. F you. F your blacks. F your Democratic Party USA. F your constant story about how you are sorry for this. It is a total waste of our time and life. All of you, you especially Limbaugh; are so arrogant and indignant, you refuse to write it down and forces us to be your secretary.

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My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.