My message is to try and be happy and try to look for things that are positive and real; to block out the evil and understand good people are in your life and they are reliable and deliver. Try to make the best and be happy, rejoice even if you are cheated, abused, or going through what I am.
Ever since the movie "Every Which Way But Lose" I have always liked this man. I still do.
I think everybody agrees, Ann should have never done that or tried to get away with that one. Also, she had a great time supporting her men and was the cheerleader, VIP sponsor, and loves them. Now she is really in deep trouble.
Dear Mitt Romney and RNC: I will give you this warning for your own good; I am and have been mapping this theater and I do not like what I see or how close the enemy is to our gates. The Republican Party is in a sorry state; these are spies, traitors, and all kinds of psychopathic political operatives; swimming around you. Look how close and how high they are in the Republican ranks. This is a disgusting enemy, you have no idea who they are or what they did. Now look how far up Ann Coulter has also climbed and I have warned against her also. Look how much they helped her and paid her. I do not know what is worse; a foe or a friend like this. All I can say is they have infiltrated, they are very close to you, and they are playing you almost as much as they played us or me; until I took them down. Do you see, hear, and feel what has happened to us as we expose them and rip them to pieces? They will take you down with them; while they step on your body or break anything you cherish. Coulter let them and now, she is exhausted and has to work harder than ever for nothing.
Do you see what happened to Ann Coulter, the canary in the coal mine or the lamb to the slaugher? If you have any survival skills, you will know how close this enemy is and how close you are to the gates of hell. Give them the same double talk and game they give you; until they reveal their cards or until I can take a swing at each of them; including Coulter. She is spearheading them and coddles them; but she only told me about them, nothing else. She claims she is scared and in danger; this is and was a lie. She is scared of me and what I do with my life. So this is what all of them are up to; what we do with our life and how we can manage fine without them. They also spy on me with a central power; a communist nerve center of terrorism and crime; be aware and be alert of how close the nemesis is or how far they have penetrated; almost taken over or talked us to death; exhaustion. Let that all be a lesson about how close this enemy is and what measures we have to combat them at. Let all of them die of exhaustion and make them work harder for nothing.
The history books must show how well Ann Coulter throws a curve ball and how slick-willy she truly is because her enemies have still not figured out how to take her out. However, the history books must also show the madness and the meaness which permeates her life. It is almost a little girl inside; overcome by greed and power. She flies around using her own money so she can live out some fantasy of creaming in her pants over irrelevant events that reinforce how the country needs her. How we all need her. It is not only her, it is all of them. Ann can retire and have a wonderful life. She had everything a female could aspire to. Greed set in and madness. The ghost of Madame Bovary expelled her. She choose a life fit for an animal. She chooses the mean streets. Her fantasy, true or not; is we all need her, the nation needs her and cannot do without. Who else do we know is doing this or calling? This time there is nobody to blame and her problems indicate something else; possibly damage or internal.
This is the same disease that ruined Madame Bovary; but has been an excuse in the Ann Coulter arsenal, the nation needs her and desperately. It was greed and power that overcame her; she could easily retire with everything a woman wants; even walk away with the jackpot. What did she do? She played the deck in a totally blind manner and upset the bedrock of this world. What ruined Ann? She is not going to recover either. It was pure greed, selfishness, sick animalism, and the trash we knew so well; concealed into her life that made her such a difficult foe. It now has impacted her normal life and affected her retirement or old age. She does it just to get on TV; as if the nation will go under if they did not see her or heard from her this week. This disease she has is real and it will kill her. It will interfere with her relationships, good and bad; or cause people to shun and hate her. It is almost like a little girl in search of a story that never arrives. You see that search in a female who is over fifty years old; all these other normal and content women in life who can be happy or make men happy. This disease she has will deteriorate her life and make her hold on tighter or more desperate.
Similar to animals, they always revert back to what they do or know best, savagery. This is not what we want in this mission or expected. I did not sign up for this. Therefore, this fantasy about the nation needing her or them; this other fantasy about who they are or ability to be lawless; this psychopathic mess we have or constantly are accustomed to, unreliable people; is becoming more acute and ending. Ann will ignore it also. All of this will be ignored as greed and power coerces and overcomes them. So long as these things (perfect wife, perfect partner, rich and Republican, trophy wife, etc...) reinforces the core or the real fantasy, the nation needs her; she is going to get worse and worse and ruin more and more. Those reinforcements make her cream in her pants and this is the infidelity people report but cannot prove. Ann will claim she did not do it on purpose and they tried to turn her or sign her up; she was loyal. How terrible; back and forth. She did not turn and did not do it deliberately; they did. Yes she only played along and faked her orgasm, sure! You fooled everybody. The nation needs her and the heartbeat is desperate, sure. More grandstanding this? A child is being born, sure. Let's play or play along, sure.
Is Ann Coulter a trophy wife or is this some fantasy she created and could not finish? People remodel homes and leave it dilapidated after a few months, frustrated. She does not have to do anything, only repeat my words and work. Those reinforcements will be delivered or arrive; so long as she can hang on. This is why I report her coming home late, always smelling like smoke or alcohol (a bar), pictures of her with men and in real bars, etc... she is easily excited and it is super annoying. Maybe the country needs her but I have expelled her and for very good reasons. The truth is she could have walked away and she does not need the money; what she does can only ruin her life, not help it or benefit me. Is she really one of them? Now? Are they really trying to kill her for being a traitor? When it is all said and done and when the smoke and mirrors are gone; will the chips fall in her favor? Honestly? Dumbass?
Dear Ann Coulter: very similar to Steamboat; you are so unreliable and screwed up, you go and cheer on your men and spend your own money while you still try to court me. Even when you tried to call 2 days before; I just hung up on your dorky horny ass. Like clockwork, I knew what you would do before you even did it. So when they sue your ass; I will be there to put the nail in the coffin. I want to be paid. I expect to go to war with you soon; you have yet to have your nose bloody or even get in a real fight. If and when I ever do my own thing and get my life back; it will be the end of all this. The history and the documented record is written and stands. You spent how much on all of this airplane flying or hotels? You spent how much while you screwed my life up or twisted it more and more; then used their evil to garner sympathy; and then you even tried to debate me and claim you were only guilty of some things but not all things. You turned out to be one hell of a character. The record is very consistent and accurate. Maybe somebody will figure out how to sue you or take you out finally; I have expelled you from my satellite warfare and mission. The record will be expunged of your contributions or claims. I think this is why you people are not born rich or live the way you do; animals.
Ann, do you remember when I was working on Medical Reform, a high speed underground rail system, tax reform, solving the debt, and a lot of other things? I would have ideas and you would pretend to spit shine my shoes or do my research; even repeat my words? One day you were spit shining my shoes; the next your were emailing, making rounds, and being my worst nightmare. Then you would ignore me and go buy a few plane tickets, stay out all night, email men all day and chat with or flirt with them, and just fill me with anger day after day? Do you? I got so sick and fed up with it I just threw it on the table and walked away, swearing I would replace you while you kept saying, "no you won't you will never replace me." I got fed up with you wandering in late full of smoke or alcohol. I got sick and fed up of seeing pictures on flickr or reading about Coulter's life or her men. How many VIP events have you spearheaded since I tried to help you; give me a number, 10? 20? How much did you spend on plane tickets? Did you travel outside the United States with anyone? Did you cut off or end any of the problems which complicated my life? It was not your action but lack of action and how I could not work anymore and just packed up because you refused to pack up. Do you sense that now? Do you have any remorse for your flaws and mistakes? Indignant? Coulter in Tampa, classic. Ask why all of that all the sudden stopped and just got lost. Enjoy your photo book and how your life has been documented; hell awaits.
You will have to work ten times harder than you have ever Ann; expelled from this mission and my life. You have made things much worse and very murky, a new nightmare that won't end. Hopefully, you will die of exhaustion or just give up. All of you sorry ass whiny traitors. Exhausted? Hell awaits, feel bad now?
You knew defeat and ruin was in your future or blood Ann, knew it. There is so much disappointment with you and anger; friendship is literally impossible. I knew you would come here and screw this entire matter up more; I just knew it. You will spearhead VIP parties for your men, pretend you are important or worked so hard, and come to me about how much you love me and need to be in this mission. You people are nothing but dirt. Heave is not knocking on your door no matter what you say or do; trust me. A medal is not what you seek either. When was the last time I even spoke to you? Exactly. When was the last time you brought me joy or happiness? Exactly. Never. You made up a crazy story and began to hide everything. But you stayed loyal and they did not recruit you; anger was in both our souls. You should not be in this sorry story or mission; wiped off the record and disavowed. Look at how all of you wait with your grimy hands out. I am ashamed of you Ann; completely. You people are so unreliable and cause PTSD in others; a bunch of sorry asses, not even fit to be Christians. To think this game is being waged on me like a cruel hoax and the world views me as the problem or some poor down and out bum; who the law is also chasing or trying to investigate. Is that really my life story or my existence?
Ann, you are one screwed up, demented, and twisted soul; and you coaxed and tricked me for years. I knew something was wrong or very suspicious from the get go twenty years ago. I knew then you were a slimeball; but you keep fighting it and doing crazed things. Look at it now. Has anything changed? All that money you spent? All the men and people you wasted your life over. Are you going to heaven as you keep saying? Well, here is your answer. I one day will draw the line and then have to take your head off; it is written and that is your stupidity. I will give you the fight of your life for being such an asshole. Sure they could not recruit or sign you up against me; and now it is the best time to sign you up or finish you off. Eventually, you will come up against me and you will know exactly where I stand or how I feel. You are one piece of shit Ann; and I have counseled you on this so many times or tried to get rid of you in the past; however, tragedy struck and I was left for dead. I had to do what I had to do; but time has changed and things are different now. I will expunge and correct the record on who you turned out to be and what you did or did not do; very unreliable and one hell of a sorry character. Look at how many disasters you made; totally unreliable. Absolute torment and I hated every single moment of this.
You will have to work ten times harder than you have ever Ann; expelled from this mission and my life. You have made things much worse and very murky, a new nightmare that won't end. Hopefully, you will die of exhaustion or just give up. All of you sorry ass whiny traitors. Exhausted? Hell awaits, feel bad now?
Ann, you actually spend huge amounts to cheer for your man; plus they rub your face in your guilt; dinner with your boyfriend, saw him in the studio, etc... You are a weak, pathetic, and totally disgusting human being Ann; that is your legacy. However, I was left for dead and I was struck with tragedy; but I will shut up and do what I have to. Good riddens and may hell embrace you and your sorry ass life. I wish your parents were here and could read this; maybe they will look down from heaven with the same Godspeak I have. I hope your parents finally realize who you are and what you made of your life. I bet you would lie to them or play this game. I hope you enjoy hell and I hope I can help fix the things you have totally screwed up; including my own life. Including this mission and the standing record; which you lied about or hid. Look at how you wait and wait; use romance and love; and expect the finish line or the victory circle; how this is your mission or your victory. Have I seen this before or am I new to this? Sorry asses. This is what you traveled around the country for and spent so much on; nothing you jackass. Look at the species you turned out to be or have become. There is a big difference between those born rich and those for richer or poor; remain animals.
This is the worst I have ever seen you Ann. I have never seen you stoop to this level or so insane. I will return the favor one day and give you 24 hours of double-talk; when and if on my own terms. Your life is worse than I have ever seen and if they are going to take your sorry ass out; you are most vulnerable now than ever. You think you got what it takes right? You think you stand before and lead all women right? You think the world is in your hands and you have more than six lives? You are almost identical to this enemy and your life is worst now than ever; God help you in the afterlife but leave me the hell out of your entire mess. You got lucky I was attacked, left for dead, and nearly crippled; very lucky. You played your cards just as you were expected; and now look at you. This entire mess and total disaster was all Ann Coulter; not me. She is just a sorry canary sent into the coal mines; and what if she lives? Shall heaven embrace her or shower her with the glories of victory? How sorry our world and reality truly is; but we will survive and do what we have to.
Do you see her or how troubled her people are? Their failure to grasp the basics of male-female interactions? How greedy, despised, and grotesque they truly are? How they cover it up and hide it? They are very unreliable and very accomplish people who have no part in this mission or only contribute a twisted reality full of suicide and crazy stunts. They are nothing more than the canary sent into the coal mines and the real problem is when they survive. We have a disaster no matter if they live or die and our happiness and destiny is greatly pressured by this entire grotesque species in our reality and on our shores. They cannot even get the basics of male-female relationships down; total assholes and imbeciles. Welcome to the biography of Ann Coulter and my mission with her and then without her. Ask her when the last time I even talked to her or said hi; if the door was slammed on her face also, ask her. Ask if she is proud of herself and happy about the outcome, where her life has led. Through trickery and deceit, she has made it this far and gotten away with a lot.
Even to this day, Ann Coulter just does not get it and still cannot make this situation better; a total mess. The best course of action is to let the canary stay in the coal mine and replace a goon with a dream. I want to discover life without Coulter and a life far happier than what I have been dealt. I have been cheated and I have deep scars; so deep I block memories and cannot do my work at times because I am so annoyed. Life without Coulter is a dream and it is a dream that is dying every single day. There are times I think I got PTSD again; it was deliberate. I hope you find your mission in life Ann; it is not here or ever was. I hope one day you will give back and appreciate the good people and the reliable people you toy with or always want to be with.
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- My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.
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