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Thursday, February 14, 2013


Excuse me but is their propaganda and so-call brain washing suppose to address white flight or Asian flight? Well, do what they know how to do best, leave and leave a crumbles behind. I have never heard of such ridiculous people and such ridiculous tricks to elaborate or define who they are; trash. What next anti-war protest or a new peace movement?

They have instructions to turn this in and turn each other in, they refuse and will wage more war on us. As you can see with the data, they are going to fight it out and wage war, not surrender or turn themselves in. You can see by my own career, we are preparing for armed conflict and even war with the communist forces who right now are merely street thugs and criminals. My analysis and the data suggest they will fight this out to the very bitter end, get ready as I have and observe who they are and where they go. They were in the government and I got hit by them too; I do not want to see them abuse their power as I had to fight my entire life to escape. You and the FBI are walking into critical mass and a war zone; expect them to ambush and be hostile, you can see what they did and tried on me. I am compelling them and trying to win this for everyone, I think I have but they made it more difficult and much longer. You can see what I did back.

Who are our 911 terrorists? It is the return of the 1960s gone haywire idiot on royal commode duty or dug in from the cold war and Hollywood crowd of the 1950s and 1960s. Along with them is their stable of trashy women dressed in royal gowns and pranced around like an exclusive country club. They are trying to get a foot in the door with the high technology crowd or the smart people. This is their empire, scumbag central. Who else mimics southerners, racists, and what they hate the most, the victorious?

These people need to figure out if this is what they want of their life and from their life; because if it is then they can try to keep this little charade afloat. But if it isn't what they want out of life, then it is time to strike a deal with the police and turn themselves in peacefully, to find and end to this. I am sure the forces of good can take anything they throw at them, and much more; but until they realize this, it will be too late, as always. Ain't nobody on this earth going to take their trash or crap, nobody. So eventually, they need to ask if they want to STFU or be silenced at their own evil deeds; refusing to turn themselves in and waiting for an army to go after them or a raiding party. We know who they are and we know they cannot change who they truly are; a total malfunction of human kind. Do we have a problem with them? I don't know, do we? Do we have a problem with their sales pitch or what they keep peddling 24-7? I don't know, do we?

Okay, so what, they are throwing everything at me, using their last and greatest brainwashing technology on me, and are testing their latest brainwashing methods and techniques on me. It does not mean I have to sit around and take it like a champ, does it? Also, they of all people should know the noose is tightening and we are getting closer, gaining on them. So what, they failed and the best of what they got is just not enough when they throw the kitchen sink at us at his level; who cares. A day of reckoning will come eventually and by define intervention. Is this supposed to be some kind of warning or warning device? If so, it did not turn out the way they wanted or expected. Things have just not worked out the way they wanted or expected, not the least. We hope they do behead their own people and get totally fed up with them; now they know how it feels. They need to stop playing this game or toying with the laws; turn themselves in and end this legal chase.

STFU about "who hired you", "nobody likes you", and the endless loony shit I keep having to listen to or get interrogated about. Is that clear enough for a monkey's asshole? Let me show this alley cat the door and where the other side of the tracks are...

Open you mouth wider, I won't fit:

Even better, let's cut through the shit; you know who I am and you know I am so much better:

A gateway to dirty tricks and mental illness? Are they trying to leave? Considering all of them are doing their bait and hook gimmick; creating total madness and control using purse strings; and then sitting there and trying to strangle us while they prostitute themselves and wait for people to knock on their doors. In the past four years, this is exactly what has happened during the day and at night; one story is while the lights are on, another are for when the lights are off. In the end, they try to use control and strangle people, to seek control and dominance. Did they make things so much harder then it really should have been, really? As I see it, they took 100 dying steps backwards and we took 100 more forward; but nothing has been documented or verified yet because closure and prosecution has not taken place. I wonder how they feel now fighting themselves? How do they feel fighting their own evil? In public they claim not to be Nazis, now we know who they really are after we strip off all the shellack. I guess the leash they keep jerking around is actually around their own neck; but it took some time before they actually noticed this. Eventually we will get them, once and for all, eventually. The hunter is no longer the hunter or wanted. There is a reason why they were thrown clear through a wall or always end on their back; beaten of course. There is no reason to keep coming back for more, none. Whoever this woman and female is, as I report in my life who feels she has some type of tie or relation to my life and my families life; she deserves to die. On her mind 24-7 are black people and doing anything possible to torment and harass my life. I have done everything possible to get her out of my life and keep her out of our lives; however, she is a predator and a psycho who deserves to die and wants to make sure this is impossible or I look like some attacker. She may be a black female, they change the females often on me when I trap them or ID them. Clearly, she is making no effort to separate from our life even though I have healthy relations with other women or a healthy life.

We have not seen those female communist spies since the Vietnam War. This psycho stalker and annoying pest keeps saying they want to die or do not know what to do; so I have taken the initiative. As I said, I believe her to be responsible for the false arrests and possibly links to the Clinton and Bush families; an arranged marriage to a piece of trash. Hiding her identity or identities has made it very difficult to take legal actions or call the police, but she deserves to die, wants to paint me as nuts or her attacker, and won't get the hell out of our life. A mutt and a thief. A piece of junk and trash deserving on the street corners of ghetto America, she pretends to be some prize or gift and it is the most annoying and difficult matter imaginable. I hope she suffers to the last minute of her life and eternally; she dare show her face or GPS co-ordinates. As I said, this nut feels some link, tie, or connection to my life and our family; when there is none whatsoever. In the end, it is her crazy wish to take us down or obtain an prosecution; but taking legal action on them has strained this case. This gimmick or scam about how I won't leave, keep knocking on their door, etc... is a street hooker and pimp trick. Keep trash like this as far as possible from my life, please. How dare them. Her time will come and we will get her, eventually. Will she obtain help or call for help; if so, the clock is ticking on this communist pussy who continues to case us. All serial killers pretend to be police officers or justified; all of them. The hunter has become the hunted. This piece of trash is so full of rage and malice, she has to cloak it with some cosmic connection or victimization; a total nut case. I am not sure if this is a joke or an attack, but it has gone on far too long; I encourage the communist forces to surrender before worse things happen to them. What a cosmic connection we have now. Again, are they trying to leave or not? I am also asking for 2.5 billion in damages, with interest. It is one long nightmare and gateway to dirty tricks and mental illness; and it is starting to make people really angry.

Movie Gran Torino:

UPDATE: Okay it is embarrassing. Just answer how you ended up on your back or why people saw you flying through the air? Was it a Kung Fu movie or one of those Navy Seal movies? How in the hell does someone land on their ass or their back and manage to go on TV and describe how they feel? Could it be a symptom of not wising up or refusing to explain any of this? Then we can expect some more and we can expect even worse. You know what the FBI and what the Pentagon will say, "STFU and GTF up, you aren't dead yet and have the right to remain silent. If you give up those rights, anything you say or do can be used against you in a court of law." Yes I have been embarrassed and humiliated; but I managed to create my own future and save this nation, didn't I? I saved it from a bunch of corrupt barbarians who claim to be good Christians or even good non-believers; all looking for work. Well, I have been taught they are no damn good; I confirm this. I also know how they are, overly paranoid and very bad students. For people who claim to read the bible or worship it, they are a total mess and must only look at the images. So not only are they overly paranoid, they also are suspicious and accusation-ists.

This aside, our society has let us down because it granted special or blessings from a higher being and entrusted barbarians to be the steward of something sacred. Luckily, our wise nation has allowed us the liberties to express one self and enjoy our liberties by business ventures and creating our own fate. We enjoy our own lives but we have miserable nasty people in it whom try to trip us up or watch us like a felon in disguise. Yes I do know they are all no damn good and crazy as hell. I also have high expectations and understand exactly how crazy these leaders are. Keep in mind, I wrote the book on economic sustainability and satellite warfare; two of the most important factors when you arrive at the gates of hell. If you are among the chosen fools who bring an army of stupid crazy nothings to the party; or try to inch a budge at the gates of hell; it won't go anywhere or very far. The entire area has been mapped out. An effort is underway to sort through the remainder of the 80% who are stuck in the middle of all this. I see these people as stupid, bad students, always looking for work, annoying and getting more annoying, and people a company would not hire or ever would. This on top of their paranoia and constant ambushes to trip me up, or do some kind of harm; well, when and if the fight is there; I will be waiting and ready.

Can anybody imagine what must be going on inside them if we did hurricane or earthquake them? Imagine that, it would be a Hollywood movie where they lunge or charge at us only to meet some kind of yin-yang throw that lands them on their ass or back. Imagine how hard they would hit the ground and the look on their face. How many times would they lunge at someone if they did get a hurricane or earthquake? Imagine the possibilities. Also what if they tried to be like God, imagine the punishment and consequences. But like all bad hair commercials, they told two friends, and so on, and so on; until millions of people told two friends. Imagine what must be going on with them or inside them. How ridiculous. They must be going crazy or driving each other mad. If their goal was to lunge at us or use their brainwashing in a manner where nobody can shoot back or retaliate; imagine the anger they feel inside and imagine how a fly would feel if a sledge hammer was coming at it? That is some powerful crap. If they were intent on blackening our hearts, messing up our world, making our life and mission so much harder, or tripping people up and making them feel clumsy and inadequate; imagine how full of anger and rage this fool must be going through right now. They think liberty is arriving and will be delivered for them to feast; but can they change who they are and what they are up to? Can they manipulate their genetics and DNA to cooperate as we instruct or program like a computer? Will they ever do the right thing and pay the damages, it should be more than 2.5 billion for wasting so much of our time and life. What did it get them? What did it get me? They did this out of the kindness of their hearts, right? Well, so did we; so did I.

This was never about American Indians, false bank notes, or even world war. It was about who we are and who they are. It is about bad karma and how God punishes the wicked. It is about how lies lead to fragile endings. It is about a miserable species who is doing a dance before us; to suggest they are not the problem because they are not struggling but want control and to ruin us. Oh they got it wrong alright. Oh they told a lot of lies or live out many fantasies. Do we need to also? At least someone finally stopped this or these barbarians from growing and getting bigger. All along they were creating poverty on a massive scale; but we had to listen and entertain this lunatic as they just would not stop and manipulated our environment to suit their wicked soul and ruined future. A fool we have and a monster we have to fight. This idiot is still rambling about who hired us, who hired them, who is going to hire whom, etc... as if it is some piece to the puzzle or will have some impact on our life or theirs. They just keep demanding answers while they have none to offer. They have no direction in life. They have no future in life. They pander and beg to get ahead. They cannot do the right thing. Yet they demand answers and keep asking questions that have no bearing on anything. Even to this day, they still blurt out or let a random stupid thought; which makes no sense or has any logic whatsoever. If you try to shut them up, they lunge at you or want to die. It is totally nuts but we got them now. Instead of telling these people to shut up or leave us alone, they instead try to make the case I am mentally ill. Why are they sneaking around? Imagine what would or could happen if they got caught? Imagine what the consequences and what our world would look like if someone did shut them down and shut them up.

The solution is very simple and practical, shut them down immediately. It is really simple, shut them up and make them go away; how difficult can this be? The SOB will not and does not shut up; they just demand more and more. Even today, with the enormous and devastating dangers they are in; they just refuse to shut the hell up and leave us alone; always some trick or trying to trip us up. So look at them and read what our life and theirs amount to. It is like a total mess of a religion that does not or will not shut up or go away, but the mess just keeps on getting bigger and stronger, and even more crazy or psycho. All the SOB wants to do is say "leave" all day and all night, while they invite themselves of course. Then they want to make it appear as if I am mentally ill and they are innocent. Then they try to parade their religion before everybody as caring and even well thought out. Then we get the false arrests. Then we get the corruption and abuse of powers. Then we get the financial hijacking and these hooks everywhere, all day long. Then we get this super-turd trying to hire-fire me as if they have reached some pinnacle in their dirty tricks or rotten life. No they are not the problem, but take a look at what they are going through now and claim we are also sharing their pain. They act like us and we have to share this total loser's pain and agony? If this was really war, as they claim, I have a much better solution. Meanwhile, they still feel they are managers, the leader, the boss, and can see clearly; a dirt stupid blind moron is all they are. But credit them for getting away with this for this long and evading capture or worse; so far so good, right? I worry too much? I am not whole? They have no fear and are not fake? They are the real deal and will die for their cause? I worry for nothing or should let go and not be so frustrated? What a liberal retard we have in our life trying to act like God or trip us up. Oh, I get too bent out of shape? Really? Nobody likes me and I am a weirdo or psycho because they are so much better?

All they want to do is criticize people and defend their own position. It is total chaos and the politics of barbarians. It is always how paranoid they are of others; never how awful they are or what they have done or are up to. How about treason? How about felonies? How about a traitor? Yet they do not want to explain anything or keep playing this game with us or trip us up. The question is can they or the human race change who they are? Will they do as told by the truth and reality or just be the trash, waste, and slum in our life? To be so psychopathic or such a lunatic and then see both of their feet in the air and twirling with the sky is bliss. How can they ever say we are angry or do anything to make us unhappy; the results make even the meanest people on earth smile and cheer. So what do we do with them once they are defeated and nothing? Do we feed and clothe them or do we rip the shirt off their back and give them a final farewell? What exactly do we do with this enemy besides compelling them to surrender and making them understand they owe 2.5 billion in damages for annoying us and the world? They feel they somehow had a hand in this outcome or this final result; our hero and partner right? Imagine what we could do if we could hurricane, earthquake, or do more to them? Imagine if all the pieces just lined up like an invisible bridge to our future and every piece fit perfect; except theirs! Imagine what life could be and make it happen. What if they were paranoid and like to watch, illegally? Imagine what we could do to them or how we could make them feel; to teach them a final lesson about who we are and who they are? Wow, this is some powerful stuff. If I were them, I would be more than pissed off.


From what I can see and what I know, the Democrats, liberals, and communists know things are getting much harder for them. Technology traps them the moment they commit a crime or ambush us. They act like they are fed up and have a valid reason to hate this world; as if their politics did not get us in this mess. Keep in mind they are blind and they see their power and pride as far reaching; much farther than war or defeat; even getting prosecuted and shut down. But their intelligence, buisness and corporate spying, mimicking the message, and watching us like a hawk has screwed their minds up royally. Already half of them smoke crack or meth all day and try to push this on us or make us smell their product, which nobody wants to buy the usual junk and lemon. As I see it, Congress was and had been the problem; but they are far too blind to admit it or realize it; so we get an enemy sneaking around or some phony police force.

Furthermore, the blacks have such overwhelming problems it literally covers up the blindness of the whites or how bad their world has become. It was their politics and decline which got us here because it was their power and dollar of blindness that got fat and then went nowhere with our future. The jobs they had were menial but their pride in this battle is far beyond rationalization. They are blind. Their power and politics got us in this mess. Everybody knows they are violent and keep pretending like they are with us or know the problem; even the same. They are not. We have 20 per cent who are old money, the pride and joy of America. We have another 50% who spends the day tripping up others or smoking crack and meth; waiting for liberty to arrive. Then we have the 30% who are in some capacity the moving engine between the good and the bad; stuck in the middle and the mess. Their politics got us in this mess. Their greed led to a dead end and the loss of fortunes; even the life savings of others. Half the seniors in America have lost their wealth and they promise it is coming back or the recession will bring back the good old days. It is depressing and our nation is really sad.

Now the Democrats pretend as if they are not the problem or the violent half of our society while the Republicans do everything to suggest they are and worse. I don't get it. How did the disease get so big and such a problem and how did so many crazy fools impact our life with such stupidity and lies? Now they sneak around pretending to be employers and suggesting others are the problem or they are telling us "no thank you" and "we do not want you." Whose sneaking around, a thief and a liar? Who is the real culprit and the criminal who violated the do not call list repeatedly? How many felonies did they violate in calling or trying to communicate and prove senseless nothing? Exactly. Now they owe 2.5 billion and they act as if they are fed up or had enough of violence? Maybe the cold or a storm will kill them off or make them disappear because I have no clue on how to get rid of them; any ideas? Oh, do not send them to Florida. It is really sad; and I am done with it, shut them down and teach them a final lesson.


When we say to shut them down, does it take a hurricane, earthquake or freezing weather? Does it? Does it take endless lip service? A simple goal and a simple request, stop them; is all we ask. Somebody needs to get on top of this and shut them down, quickly, in a hurry, and with no problems such as ambushes, creating doubt, lip service, or violation of a DO NOT CALL AND BOTHER list. Unless or until the damages are paid for this mess, that is in effect and that is what needs to be done. This idea of sneaking around, not wanting to explain, and trying to make me look a certain way; will fail. It will eventually fail as it has failed. The stupid little mind games to confuse the investigators and open doors or F with us; is and going to be dead. Shut everything down. Shut anything down. Make sure they know when and if we order them to surrender, they do it and with due measure. Also when they are told to explain, we do not mean ghosts and goblins who come out of nowhere. Maybe somebody is living in a fantasy but if they are; welcome to reality and welcome to the world they despise and want to be part of or change. As far as F'in with us; the bad karma will come back and haunt them for life; F off and stop F'in with us about how you are or what you want. It got and get's nowhere, not even one step forward. What a miserable wretch trying to put on a side show and trying to change the world they despise now. It is going to get ten times worse, shut everything down. Whose sorry now?


I do not care if they do not know what to do or if they want to die. THERE IS CLEARLY A DO NOT CALL LIST and it has been violated upwards of 100,000 times. Meanwhile, they are not even writing down or making up some do not call list, so they do not have to explain. Can they furnish a do not call list or is it more of their fantasies and lies? Obviously, nobody wants to listen to them or talk to them; but they do not want to explain anything or get busted for the obvious.

As far as these murders, plots, and witch-hunts. We know there is a history of a witch-hunt and also child abuse. The objective of those involved is to confuse the investigators and to prolong an ongoing history of a witch-hunt beginning in the 1960s and lasting to this day, leftists and Democrats. There had been legal problems in the past and child abuse. Even with forensic and surveillance video, they almost could not prosecute those involved. We look like we are feeble and poor, unable to even defend yourself. The police look like lazy clowns making one excuse after the next; a witch-hunt. The bad guys seem like they are the only rational or voice of reason out there; meanwhile, the science and forensic data to capture or stop them; cannot even produce a single 2.5 billion dollar damage suit. How lucky can they be or get with this?

Does anybody suspect this is about family or mental illness? Does 2.5 billion in damages sound like a case of honor killing or a scumbag? Who is this enemy we are constantly fighting or who keeps an eye on us and ambushing? Their honor and not ours? For what honor or to get away with corruption and crime? There is sunlight and joy in this world. Trying to shut people up, deny them liberty, watch them like a hawk, string of felonies, scumbags who are psycho or violent, making a total mess, not being accountable, negativism, attitude problems, and the list goes on and on:

Honor Killing and Family:

It is because none of them wanted to surrender or explain, none of them. All of them are no damn good and do not believe in individualism or liberty; they believe only in greed and decline. This is why they despise my economic sustainability and damage claim of 2.5 million. To suggest they will open the door again or have a chance to open the door now, is a fantasy. Let's go out drinking after they all die and the problem is solved, I am buying! This matter is in the hands of the FBI and the courts; no more good will come from partnering us up with barbarians or fools. People just do not respect individualism or liberty anymore. I am not saying death is right or wrong, I am saying it is a solution to the problem when nobody knows what to do or can do the right thing. None of them are in the position to talk to me, tell me their grievances, or keep this on and on. I am accountable for my actions, not theirs. Their silence and their inability to solve problems, is their guilt and their true identity. I am here to solve that problem also among many others. They are similar to a very bad family, break them up and shut them down. They are trying to stay together and it is criminal. If they do not want to solve any problems; if they do not want to end this; if they do not want to explain or be accountable; God help them and their future. It is time to hunt and to ask the FBI and Pentagon what is right or wrong. Maybe these problems will go away and life will return to normal when they are shut down or driven out of power? Maybe.

All of them have this wrong. I am not here to extend the life of these people or listen to their grievances, I am here to solve problems and the problem. Why an idiot keeps trying to judge me is part of their syndrome and the problem. I am not happy with the military. The junk in the military today is worse than any time in US history. You can't even make a decent career even if you come from privilege and are a straight A student. I have proven how junk has floated to the top and it gives a lot of real decent vets and military people a bad name and a black eye. As far as this media embed or all these barbarians trying to pull a South Florida Royalty scumbag or NY organized goof; keep the barbarians at the gate or solve the problem with them. Nobody cares who is right or wrong, they want the problem solved. If the military cannot protect their own personnel from junk, crash, barbarians, or scumbags; then keep them out of the military. The government, it is all decline. Teachers, it is all decline. The trend in the military, it is all decline. Keep the junk as far as possible and the barbarians far away from our life; instead of opening the door to try and ambush us or trip us up. Clinton's War and Bush's War did not fix this decline, not the least. Why they are doing PR now or inviting themselves to the victory circle, is the real sad sick joke. The problems need to be solved and quickly, I am not hear to suggest if they are right or wrong. All I can do is compel or pressure them to surrender, so far, it has gotten nowhere but more attacks and tripping me up.

The drug empire and south Florida royal commode has overflowed. Now it is a real estate empire. Royals? Is this a junk joke? Just because they live in Camelot fantasies or the 1960s, the present day indicates a major problem. If I cannot be a nobody and have a nobody life; then retire me out and stop the ambushes or stupid tricks to trip me up and humiliate me. I know I am in the line of fire and have been and I think I have handled it magnificently. Nobody can criticize how I have maneuvered carefully; at times only to embarrassment and humiliation. But this does not solve the problem or address the real problems. The result is there and it is written. Either control these scumbags or get them as far away from us as possible; forget their quest for gold or jobs, nobody cares. Look how many seniors have been ripped off and how many wallets are missing right now, buyer or employee beware? It is a simple request, stick with high quality citizen and military personnel; dump and forget the rest of them; problems solved, no lip service or judgment needed. Some good is going to come out of this or these barbarian sacrifice?

We have ordered them to surrender, all of them. That is all I can do. Ha. Maybe if we can lure all of them into a cabin, we can watch it on TV. Everybody knows they do not want to explain anything or face the cameras. Everybody knows they think some good is going to come from this. Scumbag central just does not want to face brutal and harsh reality about their behavior or what they are up to. They would rather die than face judgment. They would rather hide, lie, cheat, or try to ambush us. Have we even gotten a written explanation or are they just sticking to their story? Give up you moron, do you not comprehend English? You will face harsh and brutal questioning; already we got a taste of it. Don't try to put this on me or anyone and do not try to play the "we care and want to die." Yes I am mean and they are in a position to judge me; what a scumbag. Yes they are so full of good and doing this so that something good can vindicate them because they are stupid and do not want to explain. Does this barbarian want relief from the courts or play this game? Do they feel like talking or explaining? Mean, this isn't mean; wait until this nation is at war. You will see mean when and if combat or war is present. I am not in their shoes or position, so they can F themselves. Their fantasies have come to an abrupt end. Problem solved, now everybody go home, shut up, and get back to work. We know the problem with this idiot has gone haywire; we are hear to solve it, not judge who is right and wrong. Spare me all the lip service or trip me up stunts; it has to be written only. Any fingerprints on this and they will be fired or worse, hay-wired goodness. I am sure pairing us up with this scumbag will lead to some good, haywire sure. Anybody full of joy over this? The police and Pentagon need to understand until or unless this is written down, they are good as dead. They do not believe in liberty or individualism.

I have to say that for a little A-hole who was saying to me how I know what it feels like now to be molested; I would kill them if they ever tried. Furthermore, a little fag like this with such a criminal mind acting big and bad; is the most pathetic excuse I have ever seen. If the police and if the Pentagon did not exist or had some grip over society, I would show them what it felt like to be nuked. I mean I would level this A-hole and SOB and would not stop until they were either dead or their body parts fell off. Then I would tell them the same thing. I did not get molested and somebody kept telling me how I now knew what it was like to be your little faggot or lived the same ridiculous moron existence; to glorify why they promoted it or turned a back on it. It is so far from reality, it has become a common joke I use on them. But in their little mind and all the failure their life has brought them; the last experience on earth they will feel is the sensation they feel now. It is almost like a mushroom cloud permanently in their little faggot mind. I am not walking around trying to tell people they know how it feels to be molested by a total A-hole who actually thinks he is a man and can win a fight. The experience they feel and the path their life is headed; brings joy to the faces of all human beings; but reality has not arrived because it has not changed them yet. Now they know how it feels and what is going on. Everybody just laughs at them and tells them the same thing; but they just do not want to explain. They are so beaten and defeated, they just want to be left alone now and to crawl up in a ball and wait for that sensation they dream about; knowing how to be molested. What kind of a total loser would prance and ballet around with total strangers and tell them if they know what being molested feels like? They are supposed to say "yes sir can I have another." Rambo is going to punish them badly.

If someone is this delusional and creates this much of a mess, shouldn't they be behind bars or in a mental Constitution where they can explain who they are and what they did? What is possessing them, a turd? The ghost of a monkey? A reptile? A pig? How in hell does a human being get away with this in broad daylight and wonder what in hell is this A=hole trying to prove? Exactly how delusional are they and how badly do they want to F with me or have already? How wrong and how delusional can a human being get and become before they rack up 2.5 billion in damages and have to be shut down? They do want world war don't they? Let them explain, they are searching for and seek world war aren't they? They do wish to explain why they want world war or how they did, don't they? Who let an A=hole this delusional govern our life or open all of these doors which led to a mob of morons and totally delusional but secretive fools seeking gold and power? Who? I just hope they take their little penny act somewhere else and keep it away from mine before I give them the gift of retaliation. They do know what this entails now don't they? Surprised? Still feeling manly about molesting people or implanting this experience? Two can play that game, right?

The A-hole likes to harass people, trip them up, abuse them, and F with them! Almost like the past labor union wars; until or unless they walk away only with the clothes on their back, they do not back down or will leave others alone. Their supporters or the egg which laid this mess in our life, they too have nothing or a future. Their life is full of fear and scare tactics; there is no security. Their life is completely bombed out. It is them who has to leave and go, as always. They are not the teachers or ever will be; a miniscule little communist existing in our life and trying to fill us with stupid fear or whatever their problems are. As I said with every single standoff with these fools, they get leveled and they feel blessed when they only walk away with the clothes on them, others did not. I would also say they are the survivors of the Apocalypse and not wishing to take care of themselves aids in their recovery. Other than this, there is nothing really special or good about the left wing. They follow people around and try to trip them up or aggravate them; then when it is time for them to leave, they fight or ambush like felons robbing a bank; to hide the obvious. The truth is they are barbarians and their politics suits this. They face shut down and much worse. They also need to pay the damages set at 2.6 billion dollars for this entire fiasco.

Nothing Special, Always Sugar Coating It, Never Go Away, Always F'in With People, Control Freaks, Emotional, Bad to Have Around, Can Never Give a Straight Answer:

For the record, if they keep getting in debt or slip into decline as their life story is about; Asians, Latins, and even Europeans will buy them and turn them into what exactly they are, nothing special. Don't F with us and we won't have any problems at this level! F with us and surround us and all hell breaks loose and the lies of a scumbag turns into a national harassment and World War. I come from an affluent family, I know how they all of them are. We are not sure if they are scared of being bought but they sure run their mouth a lot; far too much to explain what exactly is happening to them or their worthless life. They are barbarians. Their politics are barbarians. They know and laugh at the jokes directed at them. They want people to become a barbarian like them. There is nothing special or worth talking about when it comes to these people. We have sent alerts out to all defense forces to prepare for real conflict due to this barbarian path. Eventually, they will be bought or made to go away; but they will kick and scream every single minute of the ordeal. The statistics show they are nothing special. The finances show they are nothing special. Their fantasies always involve sex or leisure, no work. We know how all of them are, no need to debate it. The media only makes this desperate disappointment far worse than it is. They are barbarians trapped in a changing world and they cannot escape. They know that step we put before them is a trap and will always be a deathwatch. The Pentagon and FBI knows we have given them the noose they are searching for; this is why all of them are preparing for real and massive conflict. Do not push this wagon further off the road, no matter what their barbarian fantasies tell them. There is only one way out of this, only one way left and it is documented for those who make the decisions and those who are witnesses. Nobody is judging if it is wrong or right, they want results and closure.

Keep in mind what exactly their trap and conspiracy was all about, opening a door. To open this door, they had to trap someone. After they are able to trap someone, they intentionally and maliciously assign babysitters. This means a door is open to dirt-bags and scumbags who literally watch over or monitor their enemies. This door and open door then allows 100s if not 1000s of people to come in, ambush us, and do as they please while we try to stop them or prove our case. It does not take a genius to figure out what they are up to or was doing; opening a door, trapping us, weakening us, and then trying to bleed us with people who stalked and targeted us by watching over us. Good intention or bad, what does it matter; they are guilty as charged. What does it matter when no means no? What? We can say the same thing, do the same thing, look the same way, and bleed the same way; what does it matter when an asshole is totally wrong 100 per cent of the time but that same asshole is trying to say they are not and will not quit or let up? It is not a debate, it is a simple asshole in our life. It would be even easier if they just admit to being an asshole rather than paint themselves as super crusaders or even heroes. An asshole is an asshole; anyway you look at it; even if you paint it black, red, or yellow. Their rule and the rule they instill when and if it comes down to survival and fighting to win; is an asshole is always wrong. We clearly know who the asshole is. Why can't they follow their own rules? Of course I know how they are, I had to sit there and take notes or document their life; rambling on and on about nothing. The videos below are just the tip of the iceberg, they will see it to the end and it will get worse.

The Woman At the Center of It All, Hell on Earth:
They Follow Us, We Do Not Follow Them - Creepy-ass People or Victims of a Madman:
Idiot or Genius, Mental Illness-Control or a Stranger Who Does Not Belong:
Everybody Knows We Got the A-Holes, Look At the Facts:
We Are Always 14 Mins. Behind, Except This Time:
Trap is Set, Let's Wait For the First and Last Dumbass To Show Up and See What They Say:
Was Grieving, New Lifestyle, The Pain Was So Horrible, Wanted Companionship, Just to Get Away and Escape:
Idiot or Genius: The Ultimate Drug and Addiction, The Ultimate Control:
Maher is Investigating -Whose In and Whose Out:
The Words of a Killer, You Decide:
Producer of Survivor A View To a Kill, The Interview:
Doesn't Take A Genius To Figure Out, A Complete A-Hole Getting It Wrong:

I am seeking relief from the courts and trying to compel these people to either give up, turn themselves in, pay damages, or end this legitimately. They have no way out and everybody knows what they are up to or how far they want to take this. They do not want to take care of themselves but they want to trip us up anyhow or way they can; and here we are now. All the lies, all the deceit, all the watching and goofy tricks; got nowhere. Sure they want to sell us real estate. Sure they want to know what we can do for them. Sure they are angry and trying to get me to settle or take one of their junky-trashy females. Sure they are jealous looking from afar and more than jealous now. It still doesn't float and the BS is rock bottom. We have ordered them to surrender, all of them. That is all I can do. Maybe when they are finished or when they are shut down, these problems will finally go away? Maybe unless decline raises it's head like they always do.

Insofar as fat people, I am with the Pentagon on this. Loose the weight and get in shape or loose the job and your medals; it is a no brainier. As far as fat people being the boss or the leader, don't judge me or hate me for being better, faster, and more smart about life. I am here to solve problems, not create them or let them retire so they become bigger problems. Spare me the lip service and the dirty tricks, I am solving problems and shutting them down.

Let's cut through the chase. Hollywood crowd and Drug royalty? Scumbag central and real estate? New York trash in the South? Why strip clubs? Why 911 terrorists? Tougher? Better? Why Vietnamese? What exactly is the FBI looking at before them? The reason why they are targeting Vietnamese royalty or counter-intelligence forces is varied. First, the Vietnamese people in the past century has fought every superpower on every continent, to a surprising outcome. They have fought in combat every evil empire known for domination or military superiority. Second, communism is plagued with famine. Forced conscription and labor were known for famine. The Vietnamese people have never faced famine and are known as highly industrious and successful farmers. The Delta region is some of the most fertile silt based land in the entire Asian continent. Third, mix all of this with the intelligence and industrial pursuit of the Asian race and we get a potential murderer; an enemy. Therefore, everybody knows they are coming or will arrive soon. By erasing the identity and history of the Vietnamese; we have an identical problem with the American Indians or indigenous people. The only ally to this conflict are the communists; the rest are no damn good or criminals. Placing cold warriors on welfare or the plight of the 1960s crowd is how the Democrats operate. We also see this neutralized with the emergence of Asian economies and business.

The way or method they used to subjugate and even enforce welfare on the Vietnamese surrounded sabotaging the Vietnam War. As former royalty, we were kept abreast of the developments. Putting the Vietnamese on food stamps or denying them liberty, even immigration to America; erased their heritage and history. Corrupting them with alcohol or drugs is the typical method of the liberals and organized crime; thus, glamorizing the bad boy image, strip clubs, and various religious tolerances. By corrupting or by conscripting the Vietnamese immigrants to welfare; those objectives of the 1960s crowd and the anti-war leaders were met. Also by hiring-firing them or putting them into a system designed for reptilian humans; this enemy could use control and purse strings to persuade, influence, change the mind, or compel brainwashing. By surrounding a target with bad people or bad characters; this corruption process can take place. By pretending to be close friends or allies, a solicitation is made financially and a suicide pact is formed by demented and utter failures.

Though 100s of thousand attempts were made, evasive steps were taken to stop them, shake them, or confuse them. It did have a 20 year effect. It was the same story with the American Indians. It comes down to scumbags, scumbag central, money, greed, enemies, corruption, civil war, and communists who do not believe in individual liberty or liberty. They believe in greed, evil, crime, and most of all decline. We see this decline now and the utter failure before us on their knees. They are guilty and the door has been slammed shut and locked; we have alerted all law enforcement and Pentagon officials to prepare for armed conflict with the communist and evil bunch.

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My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.