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Tuesday, January 15, 2013


I am seeking relief from the courts and trying to compel these people to either give up, turn themselves in, pay damages, or end this legitimately. They have no way out and everybody knows what they are up to or how far they want to take this. They do not want to take care of themselves but they want to trip us up anyhow or way they can; and here we are now. All the lies, all the deceit, all the watching and goofy tricks; got nowhere. Sure they want to sell us real estate. Sure they want to know what we can do for them. Sure they are angry and trying to get me to settle or take one of their junky-trashy females. Sure they are jealous looking from afar and more than jealous now. It still doesn't float and the BS is rock bottom.

I am not ordering or telling the FBI or the Pentagon what or how to do things. What I am doing is trying to show them who this enemy is. What they are capable of. How far they will take this. How criminal they are and identify all the felonies on them; which they tried to show me or use to solicit putty-foo. I am not saying to the FBI and Pentagon to kill them. I am not or never have said killing them is the right thing to do or not. I am seeking the death penalty in this case and damages, 2.5 billion. I am a nobody and enjoy my nobody life or lifestyle. Killing these people is for the FBI and Pentagon to consider. All I know is we have a major problem and are dealing with an utter scumbag. Killing them only solves the problems and fixes everything. I am not saying to do it, I am saying to prepare for war with them or solve the problem anyway they can. As far as me, I am completely paralyzed by the entire matter, on both sides. We need to solve the problem and get results, not debate who is right or wrong. Scumbag central is inching closer by the day and they do not believe in liberty or truth; they do believe in individual rights and jobs.

So long as this problem remains unsolved, they will inch closer and try to trip me or everybody up anyway they can; even use arrest, finances, and religion. Those stupid felonies to trip me up or spread one lie after the next is why I am demanding 2.5 billion dollars. If the FBI and Pentagon decides to kill them, that is their problem, not mine. I am a nobody and enjoy this nobody status. Yes I am from an affluent family and I did join the military due to personal problems or bad people around me. Everybody can see where and what I have done with my military career and even teaching career; but it has not shut this fool and enemy up yet. They still are trying to trip us up or do more crazy stunts under the radar.

As far as Florida, it is a scam by NY criminals to invent a new powerful class, the most secure and stable. Then they lure and herd them to paradise where crime and scumbags herd them into gated communities where they loose their entire life savings. Nobody knows what happened, only that much of it. Where exactly is scumbag central? They were lucky it did not snow in Florida, very lucky!

This thief and total utter mess thinks they can dial our number when they want to kick someone around or when they want to test out a new weapon or new attack. It is like a test dummy. If they have a test, they need a dummy to prove it right or wrong. So they dial us up and get a big surprise. All of these tests and stupid theories. A web of lies. Not writing anything down or lying, cheating and stealing. Then it is how they are full of spite, anger, hate, indignation, liquid phony, and just pure selfish greed. They don't even believe in individual rights or liberty, yet they demand freedom and liberation? This stupid SOB kicks us around so we are forced to be their propaganda or have a gun held to our head while they circle us with their wagons. What next some kind of anti-personnel weapon they wish to use on us or test out? Oh great we have to sit here after all of that suffering and listen to a fool in search of gold and power? We have to train them and then listen to them repeat or mimic every damn word and action we do in our measly life? Even better, we have to listen to this fool try to hang on for dear life as they become more desperate and try to open every single door shut on them or locked to keep them out?

Isn't it convenient how this turned out or what everybody now knows. What next we have to write down and document their crazy exploits or stupidity? What we need are people who know and understand the problem, no less hunt them down and shut them down. It is a fool gone wild DVD with all the sleazy trash and a shovel load of nincompoop; all rolled into one. The question is why am I embarrassed or humiliated? Why am I walking in their shoes or forced to speak on their behalf? I have my own mission, clearly. I have my own fate and objectives. I have my own results and path in life. So where is it? Who bulldozed it? Who blocked it? Where are they now? What can we do to both stop them and shut them down? This is not a military weapons range or a shooting gallery where we give lip service. This is not a movie on war games or some comedy about crazy cowboys bucking a another "Little Boy" as they are dropped. I am not sure what it is or what it will take to break them in half and smaller pieces; however, I am certain they will give us a clue about who they are and what it will take to stop them.

Believe it or not, there are actually people in this world who do not believe in liberty or individual rights. For whatever reason, they are also fools seeking power and spread hate, fear, selfish indignant behavior, and screw things up. Liberty and individualism go hand in hand, so does decline and lousy standards. We have seen it all and heard it all, now it is about security in numbers. We know it is a mind game to them and a way to create their fantasies that change from day to day before they are gone. As I said, some people do not believe in liberty or individualism; and some do. I or we believe they are wrong, dead wrong about us. However, I also believe we are dead right about them because the price tag right now on their head is 2.5 billion dollars. That is a lot of wrong. That is a lot of individualism and liberty gone missing. That is a lot of stuff or itchy pieces to ignore or not report. We know they are full of hate. We know they are selfish and indignant. We know they are junk and looking for fool's gold or even power. What exactly did they stumble on and what exactly did they find from us? What did they take and how long will they keep the pressure up or try to change the results and outcomes? Do they really believe in individualism or are they only there to say and do as we do?

It looks like a traitor who is in the way or was in the way and now is very embarrassed about what they did or tried to do. Furthermore, we know they were wrong about us. The question for the courts and the police is whether or not we are wrong about them and can give a witness account of who they are and what they also tried or had in their secret war chest? If this is the case, then why did they wait so long to remove these hooks and the ball of chain, all mistakes and evil attacks they relentlessly put in a fury on us till the very end or until we had no breath left and neither did they? Were we wrong about them or are they just fools in search of power and greed? Do they have any good deeds in their chest or all regrets and sorrow? Who is the problem and whose in a whole world of trouble? Us? Them? Power? Please do explain or try.

For those of you who are upset with the recent events and the bad press which has followed the eruption of violence by criminals and thugs in our society professing to have problems or are too stressed out. Well, we all have problems and we all are busy with everyday life. However, I know quite a bit about the subject and who is behind it all, no less who is inching closer to us and trying to remove or deny our defenses. We must figure out soon if the poor can live with the rich, if the good can live with the bad, and whether or not we all can claim the same rights or say the same words and phrases; when the meanings are totally opposite. Keep in mind that we do live in a world where the fools do find gold and do lust over power. The basic formula of survival has been radically altered by the same people who lack the ingredients to make it their own or to make it in a manner we can all praise. Our nation is slowly slipping into a mentality where the fool finds both survival and power in numbers. I am not saying we all must conform or be great, a perfect world. What I am saying is this threat is imminent with each passing day.

Although their attempts are futile and the attacks are persistent and relentless, they now sound like the dirty-filthy foreigner who comes to America, spreads out like a disease, strikes a pose-vogue, and ruins everything we hold sacred or have to defeat them. This city dweller and this just off the boat Brooklyn thug foreigner, has no place in our life or the future; yet they come and there they go! We wonder who is behind this, let's take a guess? Who do we know throws their fat money, mouth, and stupid attitude around like an anchor and a ball and chain? Now it is about their money, power, and all kinds of junk; never the truth, the right thing, or who needs to go and why. Who exactly is trapped and was outsmarted by their own lies and dirty tricks? Who refuses to this day to clean up their mess and pay 2.5 billion dollars. Who in their utter insanity and "right set of mind" is seeking control over those who are so above this disaster and mess? Who exactly is the fool who refuses to surrender, turn themselves in, and finds the collective power a way to suppress or subjugate individual liberties and even our victory? Exactly, the enemy and the imminent threat who have come here as junk and remain the junk in our life and our society.

Stop hiring me and then telling me I am not the person you are looking for or expected. We know who is behind this and why. We know it is a web of deception and a gimmick; to suggest bad behavior, problems, or even vindictive tendencies-revenge motives. This is about bad people or human junk and the organized groups who protect their interest, advance it, or are an assembly line for communist, traitors, liars, and crime. If you read on, it is very clear they are on thin ice and very unhappy about their life or how mine won everything the world has to offer; I am blessed. They are not. We live in two worlds and there is a gigantic gap in between; stop and end this manhunt, all based on total lies or criminal behavior. Surrender to the authorities because this has gone on long enough, way too long. How their life got so unhappy is very clear and very obvious. I did not train them; they stole it. I had a gun put to my head during the entire time, I also documented it. Don't say I trained them, it was under duress and involuntary. We should call them the media death-circuit or the victim torture dungeon. Death follows shame.

This case is about individualism and abuse of power. This case is about people who are guilty and want to suggest others are as guilty or can be suppressed. This case is about guilty people who cannot or refuse to do the right thing when looking into the mirror of individualism. It is the collective, the labor unions, democracy, security in numbers, brute force, siege or invasion, and warfare all rolled up into one. Sometimes power and authority leads to corruption and a system that is no damn good but too feeble to do anything about it. So they invent a story about how others are crazy or mentally ill; and get away with it until or unless they are trapped and outsmarted. We have a situation where they are clearly trapped and have been outsmarted. The question is why they still cannot do the right thing and surrender to the authorities? Are they this powerful, this above the law, and this corrupt; or merely this insignificant?

We have asked them politely to surrender and end this charade. It is going nowhere and is collapsing. If they surrender and clear the records, my life can return to normal and I will not look so bad or have to scream and shout to get anything done. People won't look at me oddly when I walk down the road or walk into their life because they know I am not one of these scumbags or crazy lunatics. All of these Baker Acts and all of these false arrest attempts, even forced medication and trying to put me into a mental ward; will all go away when and if they surrender and do the right thing. All of this can end and my life can return to normal; that is all I am asking and all that must be done. Look at the state of the police now and how they are trapped or unable to identify who is doing what. Look how their fingerprint is all over this meanwhile, a hunt is underway for the scumbags and the touche trouble-makers who sneak into government and do these drive-by's or abuse their power using a web of deception or lies. Nothing has been accomplished yet they refuse to surrender or fix anything; not even their total mess of a life or why they are so inferior. We know they are the collectivism and we know they are targeting individualism or liberties. We know they are a criminal organization and a religious one who is behind the manufacture of these crazed lunatics, traitors, spy-moles, communist robot puppet masters, and organized leaders. We know and have a few of their leaders. We know what they are up to or how they instill chaos and wreck the work place or the life of others; similar to a robber or burglar. The truth is worth it. The serum may not work for them but it will work for us. Why make this worse or turn their back on their life line and their only chance for a future? Why destroy their image and vow not to be taken alive or refuse to give up until the police come knocking on their door? It is just a waste of time and a complete shock to our patience; do not hesitate by toying with political power or utilize these political games, they get nowhere.

It is very hard to defend individualism when up against the labor unions, religious groups, or the communists. It is a horrendous duty to deny them a victory or stop them from destroying your life; even in America. They abuse liberties and democracy. They circumvent the laws but with military strength and capabilities. Because their power comes from the collective, it was very difficult to isolate, single out, or identify exactly who was behind this chaos, corruption, evil, and crime. We did manage to ensnare a few of them and they have a lot of explaining to do; however, they used greed, power, and money to hide the real identity of their crimes. People such as Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Bill O'reilly, and more; were all Democrats or democratic-communist sympathizers when it was all done and said. None of them could soften us up, instead it hardened us and gave us more of a mission. None of them expected an ending such as this or anywhere near what or how we were able to get the upper hand and demand 2.5 billion in damages. There is a current deficiency in reporting this story but it also shows the tremendous amount of risk and the little rewards this enemy and these spies are willing to undergo; all for money, power, greed, and political control. We see the ending and we see the deliveries. We see their blind spots and their weakness. We can clearly see what they have been keeping secret or hiding. The question is when is it going to end and when is closure going to be delivered, damages? Softening up the defense or the prosecution only hardens them but nothing they try actually works, nothing.

Therefore, the most difficult part was the public relations. They had so much control over authority and the media; it was difficult to explain or make the public conscious of what was underway. The hardest part was showing how they lied or fabricated our life, one to look like theirs or one of failure. We see the deliveries and how wrong their tricks got. They know the door was left open for them to come in, for a reason. Taking them to trial and prosecuting these criminals was the most difficult and arduous part. One was their aggressive offense, smashing all evidence and claims. The other was the hooks and the traps, webs of deception; they constantly lured us into or put on us. However, the spell did wear off and clearly, none of it works. Their propaganda and media campaign is enormous, far beyond our reach and capabilities. This was and has been the cost of stopping the communist invasion in America, to few rewards and to few allies; and finally, to few of an ending, our happiness and our life untouched.As we can see, their future is bleak. The problems they are undergoing now will consume 20 to 40 of the next few decades to resolve. This is about Democracy and our future, not theirs or ever was. They want and will fight it out, but only in secrecy and so their pride can remain intact because they are such a scumbag and piece of human junk. What do they know about power and what do they know about the world they live in? I see victories across the boards for us, not them. If not, then document it and we will begin the debate and the hunt for victory.

The liberals have created a whole other world. By using the collective and unifying their power, they have fabricated a patriotic duty to ward off, scare off, chase off, or injure and harm; any foreign entity they consider not one of their own. However, as we see from the huge gap and the test we put them through; that same patriotic duty was a scam and a bunch of lies which was far beyond treason and the crimes of a traitor. They are a stranger in a strange land, not able to keep up or make it to the crests of where others walk. However, forming these alliances, blocking the opposition, attacking or robbing them, and moving their total collapse into sacred territory; is one way of making it harder or impossible to remove them. This new reality, total lies, web of deception, and new world they sought to create; has ran up against the victorious forces of good and freedom. Now if they just pay the 2.5 billion in damages so we all can move on and return our life back to normal; we can actually take this further than where we are right now. The nails can be put in the coffin. Life and liberty can return to normal again. The work and the world they created for Judgment Day, where they are embraced, loved, cared for and understood; is more bleaker now than ever before in history. This is our delivery and our mission; toy with fate and karma will destroy them similar to an earthquake or a hurricane. Again, it is very difficult to defend individualism when the labor unions, religious groups, or communist forces deny you life, liberty, or the pursuit of happiness; yet they claim this is what we are doing. Therefore, their legal merits have gone up in smoke and their junk has no street value.

We know they are looking for money. It is a reality and a truth they cannot escape, the inevitability of collapse or failure. However, they seek power and control. This mess and disaster, now a 2.5 billion damage claim; was the result of them seeking opportunity, extorting money, or trying to see what I or others can do for them; an attempt to open doors or pull in a new powerful hierarchy they do not understand or know about. They are very messed up people who are collapsing or facing tremendous difficulty. They want money. They are forceful. They will make life miserable or ruin the life of others in an attempt to rob them. What they want and what they claim; are hidden agendas or kept secret, thus the difficulty of suing them or easily prosecuting this organized thug criminal and political power. If they do not get a delivery of money or any doors of opportunity opens; they will block us, hire-fire us, write up bad or unsatisfactory reports, arrest us, use the law against us, destroy our business and private life, exert illegal or hidden authority to harass or intimidate, try to take us out, try to beat us up, try to shut us up, or try to soften up the enemy with gang initiation or beat-ups. This is what is going on and what they want. Who they are and what they want are so far from reality at this time, they are waging war and claim they want to die. They have no future. They have ruined any last chance they have in this country; everything is all gone. So they hide or tell more lies. They try to pretend it was for our own good or some love-hate parent structure. They claim we would not be the people we are today had it not been for them or their sacrifices. They are messed up people trying everything to deny, block, or rob me of any success or life accomplishments. They want money or doors open; otherwise they will shut doors, deny money, or kidnap and hold hostage my future. They also claim it is tic-for-tac; do on to others as they have done to you. This is an extortion plot and they do want money or some type of bribery. Meanwhile, they are dumping screwed up and messed up people all over our society, work place, and God knows where else; maybe in our marriage and solid family structure. It becomes chaos. It becomes hell. Life gets negative and hell. Everything becomes collapse and ruin, a total wreck and disaster. Who do we suppose did this, kidnapped us, held us for ransom, and is this organized or secretive?

Whoever this communist criminal group is, we know they are responsible for producing a lot of problems. They have a factory of human robots and psychopathic spies, being spit out into society from the time they exit the boat to the time they reach the workplace. Whether it is a religious group, a political group, a business or local group, a state power, or even a private entity; they are responsible for producing some of the most screwed up and junk of human beings we have ever seen; and they have no intention of stopping. Instead, their orders are for us to vacate and get out of their way or else we will be ran over, beaten up, or worse. We know they are organized thugs who are nothing more than a political or powerful criminal enterprise. They feel they control real estate, money, companies, and have all kinds of puppet strings on the lives of normal everyday citizens. We know they are using the Baker Act to suggest these under the radar "drive-by's" were a freak chance or factors in life nobody has any control over; a mob of people or Democrats who have political will and staying power. They are behind these violent attacks and also wish to disarm us or me; such the case with self defense or firearms. I happen to have an expert badge and am an expert on firearms; odd how they took this freedom away or blocked it. Now I have trouble getting a job because of their single motive goals or making a total mess. Everybody knows it is a web of lies and a conspiracy by several organized criminal groups who keep churning out these enemies into our society and wrecking the nation. There is no way everything points back at us or our side, no possible way. There is no way it points to the police and the highest offices; unless we have a major terror plot and siege underway; by the underground forces of chaos. Why is everything so messed up and miserable?

This criminal organized gang is throwing more and more screwed up, messed up, stupid psychopathic enemies out into our society than imaginable and they have no accountability. They feel political and property rights makes them less of an enemy. They are the enemy and a very screwed up total mess who cannot be trusted. Right now they have the police guessing. The only fingerprint on this are the police, legitimate authority. We know they owe 2.5 billion in damages and are trying desperately to stay under the radar or add more and more layers of lies or scams on top of what they have done already. This nation and this defense posture needs a delivery, several of them. First is the earthquake and hurricane technology they keep talking about or implying. Next is the ability to wipe them out on a moment's notice. Finally, when they have had enough; we need accountability and damages delivered. Until then, they will try to open doors, sneak in, trap us, thug or bully us, stalk and hunt us, and a lot worse. Somebody is not the police will have to answer, in full detail and in written reports. If they value their job and wish no punishment for the evil and bad deeds outside the limits of the law and just creating a total mess and leaving it there to suggest they are not our servants or legally protected; then this will need to be documented in full and the forces of good must put them in their radar and shoot them down when and if they act on their selfish greed and lack of respect for their lifeline. We know this is their lifeline and we are trying to make sure it is cut off forever and completely. They are done, for good. Until they give up their political power, they seek money, a bribery, or some form of reward.

Radicals and communists, including con-men and organized mafia crime gangs; all operate alike. First, they throw themselves at others in a way to suggest they are God, all powerful, belong, or have control. Second, they lure you into a web of deception and lies, full of deceit. Third, they invent this climate of other people being the problem or have to be removed; invent a hostile climate and suggest change is underway while lies, deceit, scams, and a web of corruption is everywhere. Fourth, cover the truth, erase any evidence, stay under the radar, frame the other party, or win at all cost. Fifth, when all else fails; try scare tactics, brutality, control, extortion or challenges, etc... This will rattle the cage of someone in their radar. Nearly all of them operate this way and even under high duress and a raid, the gap between reality, doing the right thing, and being identified as a dead sorry ass or being shown the door; is impervious to this brutal savage animal. This is why all of them are barbarians, not soldiers, not citizens and certainly not friends and partners. On top of that are personality disorders, incredulous narcissism, and a host of other self-defeating or selfish characteristics that have no respect for the rights of others. Creating a hostile climate, a hostile workforce, or a hostile environment is their mainstay and ghetto philosophy. Then the poverty or low level existence suggests change is underway or control to go somewhere. It is just a way they purify their power or system but it is also barbaric human beings who are a total mess and going nowhere.

The people behind this are not only communists, they are disillusioned. They are the poor and working class. They did do military service in Vietnam, Korea, or World War II. They claim the worst bunch are the Vietnamese and they do not understand what communism is or why we fight them. Furthermore, they see everybody as Nazis. They are a sad bunch who by misfortune or lethargy of grand expectations, have had life not so-so "comme si commie ca." They are beaucoup upset and angry with their own country and countrymen. They are losing power and want to gain or hold on to their acceptance; blood, sweat, and tears methodology of patriotism. Again, they tend to be a sad bunch who are sick and need benefits. They tend to bend and break easily. They tend to be power hungry and dictators; always trying to test people or make them jump through hoops as a challenge to see if they can escape or dodge the magic bullet. They claim they had to in Vietnam, Korea, and even World War II. They claim Asians destroyed their reality and blacks made them real. They feel a unity and even leadership when a mirror world or a dual reality is created from lies, murder, violence, crime, and this street toughness they wish to brandish. The bottom line is they are a sad bunch who wants to feel powerful by saying "leave" or "move" and they are always shown the door but they hide and stay under the radar as a sad bunch who are losing just about everything; including their mental fortitude of corruption and total human trash. They do not associate or claim to be communists; they only associate or claim to be anti-Nazi or right wing. Half of them actually feel a hunt and a right to self defense; to stand their ground even if they are wanted or have been ordered in for interrogation. This is our little hidden mole and communist movement. They tend to be liberals, labor, liars, con-men, criminals, corrupt, and very comfortable with who and what they truly are.

If the Pentagon can get a delivery of the Hugo Chavez earthquake machine or the Rush Limbaugh Hurricane Steering Wheel; we can shut them down overnight, immediately, or stop the barbarians at the gates of hell. They have invented a reality for Judgment Day which is a welcome mat for their communism and politics. They have invented a hostile, barbaric, and belligerent environment to suggest they are in control or evicting people; movement and change. It is a web of lies and scams. 911 and WTC along with many other violent retaliations were part of this web of deception and hostile environment intended to evict and paralyze us. We have sent out the red light, alerts, and sounded the alarms as they encroached and snuck up on us. I was stalked and hunted, targeted. I also sounded the alarm and called for all backups available for this new conflict or war; trapped them finally and traced them. Now we just need them raided or shut down and the rest is history; however, they owe a total of 2.5 billion in damages and restitution. Even under legal duress, they want people to jump through hoops and describe how they humiliate or brutalize others before they are shut down and evicted.

I see the sad ass posse are coming around again trying to get even or take another bite off me, I see the sad ass posse trying to break my equipment or make sure I cannot go to work (no transportation or reliance on the bus system). Then the sad ass bus gang or the same people who are always shown the door or has to be shut up; now have to be shown the door again. Very sad people telling us to leave and not stay. I think they want and are asking for war; also they want to be shown the door and to be shut up once and for all. They are just a noisy, mouthy, despicable, sad bunch who just won't leave or refuse to shut up and exit. Do they need to be shown the door again and again? All the data indicates they want war, refuse to leave or leave us alone, and need a very powerful water cannon to show everybody what a sad bunch of despicable thieves they truly are. Yes they need to be shown the door again! Back at trying to talk to me, bother me, follow me around, scare tactics, sending little clues they did this or that, dropping me hints, bombarding me with transsexual or she-males, destroying my property or sabotaging it, etc...

The Pentagon needs to know they know that they know. They also know that if we get this capability, we will and have to begin shutting them down. It does not matter what they do or say; even if they stay under the radar and steal our mission. They are going to be shown the door and they are going to be quieted. The Pentagon cannot give them any help, hints, clues, or make any noise about trying to acquire earthquake or hurricane capability. This is going to really make their head burst or their bubble nonexistent.

All data shows they want to fight this out, Judgment Day. Everybody knows what we need is one of those earthquake machines Hugo Chavez was talking about or one of those hurricane steering machines Rush Limbaugh keeps bragging about. This way, when they come around and start prodding us or even trying to protest or show off; we can shut them down immediately or trace where it came from and shut them down that night. Sure beats a bag full of lies or even a squirt gun. Who drowns from a squirt gun? This is what we need to stop them or shut them down, how come the Pentagon has not put the threat on their top list and go after these people? They should know what they are up to and should be able to shut them down candidly, why let them talk or even attack; just shut them down and let's finish this case. I am getting really fed up and sick of the same ole faces doing the same offensive ole nothing about it or this request for 2.5 billion in damages. We need that hurricane steering wheel and the earthquake machine; they are getting close! Too close. This is definitely something to get upset about or to protest about. If we had more capability or response time, we could make them really worry about fighting this out. Think about attacking us or just protesting their own junk would do to them or their home base where this factory is. We could and would retaliate, even put them in a headlock they detest. It does not have to be this way for us, who is behind this?

One of us is trying to glorify the gangster and suggest they are the hand that feeds. Also, one of us is suggesting they are business partners and putting stops or warnings about this leader or offering the leader position to the same so called gangster, the hand that feeds the system. If we can shut them down, perhaps put in place new methods to shut them down; we can teach them a lesson when and if they decide to come around and bother us or attack us. It is worth a shot and I want to be the lead player in this field.

What it sounds like is a bunch of really messed up people trying to be everything they are not. This is why they have a look of crime on their face and are acting like Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity among other people we will not disclose for now. Running around in secret trying to act like they are in charge, have something important to say, or scam people into a sales pitch so they can make a recruitment or pull them deeper into a web of deception. Unless or until someone or something rips them into pieces, shuts them down for good, and basically eliminates the trash they leave behind; the real and actual answers never get delivered. Furthermore, they are trying to transform others into a ball of stress, a walking dumbass, and the same creature or barbarian they are, always struggling and doing desperate risky crimes to survive. This is the raw animal and the fundamentalist we have identified and captured. On Judgment Day or when the truth is finally delivered; they revert back to who they are. The world turns on them for real and truthful reasons; hence, they seek to invent or fabricate an artificial world where nobody can see them or they have no fear. This is who was or is hunting us. This is who is being shut down and is desperately seeking answers or solutions from us. This is the pandering moron enemy we keep talking about. Even worse, time is running out for both us and them. How will history judge them? How will Judgment Day arrive for them? How will they ever fix what they have done or the processes underway? We offer them a way out and they live and act like barbarians scavenging for anything they can get from us. Now they complain about war, violence, firearms, and everything which has been instrumental in their defeat and decimation? It was they whom created the environment which violence and war prevails. Violence and war has spoken and it has prevailed. Now it is time for them to go and fix all they have done, or else more will prevail.

This idea I am picking a fight over my own failure or responsibilities, is a complete sham and washout. Everybody knows I was abducted or taken prisoner by the communists and radicals; we even caught their leaders and interrogated them. This idea they are picking a fight over their own failure or responsibilities; is why and how it got this way. Nobody picked a fight over how messed up, unscrupulousness, or stupid their life is or has gotten. Furthermore, what they tried to do is accuse or blame me of being a hypocrite when it was them who were liars and thieves. This is how it got this way and this is why it is a tangled mess or so disfigured, nobody can tell what exactly happened and why. Now everybody is reading what should have happened, what should not have happened, and why this is a complete mess and 2.5 billion worth of problems. No matter how many tricks and lies they try to skew the facts with or how much bias or personal opinions they continue to throw or heckle about; it does not change the story nor what happened. Lying about it will not change the final outcome.

Do we need extreme tactics and weapons? Against this mob and this problem, yes. The gun battle is now in the Congress because everybody knows we live in a nation awash with drugs, violence, stupid no good criminals, and calculated malice on decent people. Everybody knows they are starving, desperate, and going hungry; so they are trying very desperate measures while under the radar. In this type of world and reality; violence prevails. Throw a police officer, military veteran, or even a DHS employee into a criminal world and they will say the same thing, violence prevails. The only effective measure when authority breaks down is extreme weapons and tactics. As we can see, they only have four years to come up with a solution, otherwise we know they will fight it out and violence will prevail. If you put people in prison or around these people, you will get the same result; violence prevails. In civil wars, violence prevails. In shootouts with the police, violence prevails. In Afghanistan or Iraq, violence prevails.

In summary, there is something very wrong with these people and their leaders; whatever it is they need to be fired immediately. They create a climate where violence prevails and then complain about it or disarm the good guys? They let these barbarians run amuck in society and encourage them to be our business partners? They even give them the tools and the funds to do what they do? How about some liability or gross negligence? How about 2.5 billion in damages? Maybe if we lived in a world where these people did not exist or were not integral parts of, maybe then it would be logical and violence does not prevail. However, we are dealing with barbarians. Barbarians rob and steal. They rape and plunder. They are merciless in the way they try to win at any cost. It is illogical to suggest we can erase violence or allow them an open door to do this. Even worse is when they get caught and cornered; told to pay 2.5 billion dollars and it falls to deaf ears or a mob of criminals supporting them. Do I see problems with this, yes, major problems. Do I see any effective or steps to resolve it? No, none. I just see a criminal on the loose and their organizational PR feeding us more garbage and financial obligations. They claim it is because we are not doing enough, shut them out, not enough money, etc... In a world where violence prevails, violence will prevail. In a world of war and combat, war and combat will prevail. When it is over, the loser will pay dearly as we have proven; barbarians. This gun battle in the Congress is more of the same problem trying to impose their will or slip under the radar. We live in a violent world and violence always prevails.

Their politics is barbaric. They fight like barbarians. The games they play are cave men theories. These people are a total mess. Worse, every time they try to help or claim to be helping; they interfere. It is all about control and subjugation and something must be done to shut them down before they fight this out on a higher level or existence. It comes down to a higher existence, a higher order, and forces of nature these people either cannot see or rationalize. When and if they threaten a higher order and a higher existence, we get this. That higher order and existence will come down very hard on them. Their survival will be tested as ours or mine was. Clearly, they have made a new enemy and they still ponder on how to remove or defeat this enemy, but to no avail it gets only messier as we go. Are they narcissistic and can they see themselves? Are they merely selfish and ignorance, no threat to anybody. Oh, they are so valued they must be overlords or teachers of reality, there to be our business partners? Was anything left out or did they exhaust the bag of tricks and lies? Well, now is the hardest part, the day after. Everything is a wreck, what now? Are they there to wreck satellite warfare or just to threaten it until someone or something does the impossible, fulfill their dream of dying? Yes, they are terrorists and that is their dream or deep anxiety, a death wish. Look at the facts and look at this case, trash has no value but to serve a cruel, evil, nasty, and invisible master. Now they do not even understand what they have done or what they have threatened, no less attacked or tried to keep prisoner. God help them because nobody can or will. When you threaten a higher order or existence; you will feel the power of it and what it can do back; karma. The fool before us is no leader nor teacher of life. We have verified and traced this camp of obsolete fools as either criminals or communist traitors. Well, we beat them to the crossroads and they know how stuck they are at the junction.

1. Their junk is piling up on both sides. But do we really want their junk, after everything is said and done? All of it is trash or wasted nothing. They look like hateful Biblical posers.
2. We have not tried the three options yet and we are getting to the blacklisting part via future wars or national security. They do not have a seat at the table any longer, yet they surround us and act like friends so they can pander or get kickback.
3. They tried to fight this out, failed miserably. They tried putting me or us in jail, now they have a world of explaining. They tried financial ruin or putting a squeeze on; it did have some impact but again, their junk keeps piling up and the list of violations get longer and longer.
4. The police and even security forces better consider locking them up or throwing them out. We know their roadmap and we know what they are up to now. We can ID their business partners and how far or the extent of the corruption. This is why Ann is or got in so much trouble, she tried to make a buck off of them or tried to be their business partner. But then they did the same thing and kept sneaking up or gaining the upper hand in my life; now look at it. Look where we are now headed thanks to this crazy, desperate, and stupid SOB traitor.
5. I have alerted backup and security, they know now what to expect and what is out there hunting us. I have trained them. I have done everything humanly possible. Now it is time to get results. Ann Coulter needs to change her oil and get results instead of constantly calling me or spiting me with some hair-brained idea or plan.

So what exactly is the problem or the problem with these people? Is it they are business partners? Is it they have their nasty dirty tentacles all over our life? Is it their inability or ability to gain the upper hand or be the authority, legal or illegal? Is it their under the radar dirty tricks or the legal wasteland they leave life miserable touching? Are they just trying to help or make a buck off each other? Are they actually trying to clean this up or reinforce national security and our future destiny? Do they truly seek a victory or just to paralyze and duplicate everything we try? What exactly is going on and how are they so able legally to manipulate and usurp the laws? Greed? Money? Access? Gross negligence? Real estate and expansion? National treasures or natural resources? Look at all of these companies that have to pick and choose, did they help or hurt national security? Did they block or try to destroy satellite warfare? How do we dispense punishment or seek a redress of this mess? How? So is Ann helping or hurting? She is a lawyer and she claims she did nothing wrong; but did she really? Who exactly are these people in our borders and mismanaging our the sacred ground we walk on? Of everybody in the room, who deserves better or the best? Me? Them? Let's put it to the test and find out what exactly is there or hunting us. Where exactly did this biblical jackass get this from, that is the question? On Judgment Day the world turns on them but they created a whole other world out of what was the former collectivist or communist power bloc.

Once the verification process is done, is there any doubt what has to be done? There are only three options. I did not create this mess. Ann claims it is not her fault. Ann is now out of the picture. Lawyers? Legalism? Judgment Day? There is a tangled mess and a big gigantic hole in the national security structure; we tested this and have the results. Now what exactly is going on or are we going to be kept in the dark and fed lies, a web of trickery and lies by so called business partners trying to make a buck off one another? To me it looks like a desperate fool trying everything possible, even impersonating us or stealing our life. Meanwhile, we know exactly who they are and what they are up to and have taken active steps to sound the alarms and redress this matter the best we know how. Are they all guilty, crooks and criminals; or just some of them? Well, there are three options we have not used up yet. We have completed the verification process, now it is up to those in charge to either do the right thing or be taken out by those who govern this world and watches over this nation. Is there any doubt once the verification is completed? Is there some kind of law or rule we misplaced or left out? We are dealing with barbarians, not human beings obviously. Barbarians rape, pillage, steal, and create disorder everywhere. They have the gall to call it freedom? How dare them.

There are three options here and whoever is behind this mess have used all three on me. Let's recap the options first. First, the nation can fight it out or we can have a small scale internecine war on my level. I am not sure whose side I am on or who is telling the truth, I just know I am the good guys and the cavalry that was supposed to ride into town and put a stop to these traitors. Second, we can lock them up or do something with all of these no good criminals. Third, we can throw them out of their homes or do as they have done to me, keep me running and in a state of flux.

Oddly, somebody such as a phony, actor, pretender, clown, or psychopath has deployed all three options on me. It has made their life a total mess and they are completely tangled in a lie now. Furthermore, I have been verified and they have not, yet they remain below the radar and there is a paper trail. There are only three options; fight it out, lock them up, or throw them out. I have not been able to deploy any of the three options and I am writing to the proper authorities or contacting backup so they can discuss these three options more carefully. Somebody deployed my weapons, even a blacklist or ban; back on me. Similar to a hacker, they locked me out of my own system and mission. This is what everybody is looking at, an intruder whom gained access and locked the security forces out.

Unlike Ann Coulter and a few other people we know as rogues; I did not partner with them, try to become business partners, try to get rich with them, or try to have them shower me with gifts and accolade. We see where and what this partnership has gotten us. We know what all of this greed, crime, and under the radar corruption or decline delivered to our life. Similarly, I have delivered and it should be a powerful antiseptic to cleanse the system while we reorganize or my lawyers can figure out a strategy to collect my 2.5 billion damage claim. Then if they fight it out, I will be strong enough to lead my satellite forces if world war or any fighting takes place. First I train them and I prepare them using my own life and my injuries.

As we can see, the good guys are caught in the middle and the police better get their act together. I suggest the Democrats not blame the Republicans for trying to make a quick buck off these people as they turn the tables on everybody and squirm into our life and hide or remain under the radar. It was this business plan and disaster in front of them and I suggest they throw them out or lock them up; if they do not want to fight it out. All this corruption and nobody takes the fall or the blame? Come on we have a valid conspiracy and resistance here. There are only three options and a blacklist; someone deployed all three on me and failed at the blacklisting. Could this be a game of tick-for-tat or legal jockeying; an eye for an eye?

In Buddhism they say that when the past, present, and future are disconnected; you are in a state of flux and you have bad karma. Therefore, the steps you take are essentially the same steps you have been or will take in life. If you loose touch of your reality; past, present, and future, you will have bad Karma. What am I saying? I am saying life can be rough and hard for some people. Those people have blackened hearts and strike out at the world and others, criminal behavior. They are angry and monsters inside waiting for a chance to strike. If and when you are blessed with these feelings of family, love, joy, etc... you will be at peace and you will have your life mission. Don't get me wrong here, those who claim to help are actually always in the way or interfering. However, the true path and the true spirit will never interfere and will always be there in good and bad times. Don't be fooled by these con men and criminals who claim they want peace or know reality, they do not. They know greed and are engulfed or inflamed by selfish acts against them. Be kind to the world and it will be kind back. Losing touch with who you are or the path you have taken to get here will bring you bad karma, beware.

Life has not been kind to them and judging by the way things are or has been; it is not going to be kind to them anytime soon. They face a more bitter future now then ever. However, they continue to seek pity and strike fear into the hearts of those blessed or in their way. Life is not kind to them, for a real and specific reason, and they seek to injure it or others. Furthermore, the world and their history has not been kind or blessed to their blackened hearts; yet they seek victory and to be winners every single day and it is terribly annoying. Perhaps we do not love money as much as them or not enough; however, being happy with these clowns breathing on our backs or over our shoulder 24-7 is the most repugnant reality I have ever encountered. Having them in office or as authority, nit-picking and abusing their power; deserves a hurricane, tornado, and an earthquake. To hell with these scraggly peasants or smurfs, they owe 2.5 billion in damages now and face criminal charges for defrauding the public and terror plots to undermine or usurp power. Crime is integral in their life and all they think about. Now they want peace or expect it without compromise?

Could it be possible that during all of this chaos and confusion, both the right and the left, whom we know are both losing their power and their religion; made horrendous mistakes and are trying to cover their tracks? Is it possible they are so blind, confused, and erroneous; gross negligence and criminal corruption or fraud is easy to understand? Is it possible that during all of this decline, loss, and self invention; they forget the truth and also forget their morals? Is this the paper trail they left behind which is not able to determine who exactly it is except a few ring leaders and public relations media clowns? Obviously it took much more than one or two people to create this entire mess and all of this damage! Obviously, it took many more than one or two people to wage all of this battle and muck up our life and our mission up so much. Did it also take more than one or two people to make a mess of their world, their reality, and their life? Could all of that confusion and chaos allow them to slip under the radar or acquire key positions such as a spouse or even a weasel sneaking up on us? Then their denial and lack of any coverage is clear guilt for not exploring or finding the root cause of this; the nation is headed to war and the future of the world is at risk. But what difference does it make now that we know what they did and are up to and can link or compare it to death penalty charges or 2.5 billion in damages? Why would they say it is too late when they are just scum waiting to be removed or disposed of? Are they suggesting their behavior is embarrassing or impeccable, thus, they need not report anything or any confusion? Could it be that during this left wing and right wing collapse, the bottom fell out and all of them lost their morals or lost touch with reality? What difference does it make now but to hold on to the last of what they have obtained? Now they want to debate gun battles or the second amendment? How convenient. Get rid of the scum before worse things happen, to them, to us, and to this nation. Whatever happened and whomever we caught but have not been able to prosecute, one is very allergic to the other for very precise and specific reasons. Whatever they did or tried, a tremendous allergic reaction and story has emerged and they need to address it in the open or in writing.

You all fight it out amongst each other. I have too many problems. I also have $4,000 worth of car repairs. I have legal problems. I have people trying to teach me all kinds of crazy or little petty things I have no use for. They even managed to cut off the pay of the commander. Then they managed to cut me off from my family and now I am telling Ann she has to fight this out herself. I cannot keep responding on her terms or keep fighting her wars under miserable or horrendous conditions. I already read this stuff in the sweatshops or books written by the communists, I don't need to know first hand or have it in my life, artfully or pounded into me. These people are screwed up and they will have to show results and professionalism, fight it out. If it is not from one direction, then it is another. Someone managed to take me out and fill my life with paralyzing problems and crazy people. I wonder who it is or was? Fight it out Ann, I need results and I want results. In the end, results drive this world and results separate the rich from the poor, the smart from the dumb, the crazies from the professional, and the us from the them. I am not responding or working this case for Ann Coulter anymore. She has to learn how to win, get results, and fight her own battles if it will make me miserable or angry.

Under Siege II, Part 2 Review:


Dear Fox News: Why don't you consider your interference and life-long legal problems instead of commenting or criticizing about my stellar performance. I am not the labor movement and I do not represent their bad behavior, lies, or test of Judgment Day. Keep in mind you are going down a road you can never fix or escape and the legal problems stack up as your interference is broken or dwindles slowly. Nice try though and good shot; however, in this game you don't get a second chance and neither do we. Consider this before you interfere again or continue to interfere. I blame Ann for getting me much more tangled in this than I should be while she puts you in a similar or identical situation; are you hypocrites or just criminals? This is about switching places, kidnapping, and judging people based on their standards, lack of truth, or bad behavior; abuse of police and religious powers. Your stellar performance is being recorded so do not tell me I am interfering, I have no wishes or plans anymore in this total and utter mess; with or without Ann Coulter. I bet you will interfere with that or my exit also; to pull her back in your total mess and criminal conspiracy. You have a very short memory and a very pliable standard for lies. Also, stop asking questions and playing God if you do not plan on being honest or answering them yourself, hypocrite. All of you are and playing God while you disintegrate or melt into nothing. There is a religious insignificance and a total lack of standards that is leading our life and this nation down a dark corridor we are still fighting and trying to stop. Even the police and military are trapped. You may want to begin or consider a period of confession, even resignation. The crime here is delaying the inevitable. The violations were so heinous, the people who are behind it will be fired but they are delaying the inevitable and the futile effort caused more damages and more injuries than anybody can imagine.

Your lack of religious significance and lack of standards has interfered with every single aspect of our life and it has also led this nation, no less the world, down a dark path nobody has escaped yet; still. Even the police and military are trapped. You all must be judged and this must end or b combated. This was not about technology, hackers, computers, or hacking. Hacking is a loss of wages issue. This was not about schools, teachers, and education. I suspect the labor movement and labor unions have taken over the military and made this about a war on Jews or a war on blacks. This is their core. I suspect they are also undergoing a rescue mission or are the Titanic. All of this focuses on their heroism or future. It is about schools, education, and even computers. They have life long debilitating problems and now we do. The question is if or when all of this will ever get cleaned up or end? The question is if the future of the black race or the white race; has ended or is coming to an end in America? Is this why? Are they now trapped and coming to an end? My data and analysis is they are trying to fight it out, the worst are the most violent and the better shooters against the police and military units. You saw it with your own eyes what they are up to, a secret competition to see who is still the king of the hill. Open targets and vulnerable important strong holds, erode liberty and freedom. Meanwhile, all of these wars and false flag terror plots created a new threat, military arms and surplus; add the training and indoctrination. Clearly, they are facing a shut down and do not want to be taken out or loose their freedom over this. How did they get here and why are they in so much trouble? Are they as special as their sales pitch or a complete mess lacking education, skills, and a future? What has the labor movement turned into and why are so many of them criminals? Can we pinpoint one group, one person, or even one violation?

This was about the labor movement, the mafia, crime, drugs, and even sex offenders. It is about real estate and also liability, who is an accessory and who turned a blind eye. It is about rent, race, and even mental illness and violence; serial killers also or child abusers. As we see, it is also a web of lies and a labor movement trap to ensnare anybody not aware of what is going on. This idea they were powerful, a loose cannon, was stupid, etc... was a deception and web of lies. They were deliberate, they were evasive, they lacked any truth or reality, and they kept placing money on top of their priority or survival structure. In the end, a disaster and a complete injustice was predictable, also the injuries. Notice how a loose cannon withheld, was calm, was deliberate, and was decisive when and how it came to an end. It was a senseless act of evil by human trash and criminals who were cautious about keeping below the radar and preventing prosecution or the freedom to escape. In the end, they could not escape but also accepted their evil deeds, even worse than who they were. They never once had a regret or intention of ending this; even if facing war and total collapse. Having no standards or morals is not our problem but if they are insistent in welcoming their nonsense in our life or taking over America, understand the liability and the implications when it has severe impact on our life and even our life mission. Disagreeing with us, not liking us, or feeling we are attractive is not enough grounds to interfere in the liberties of others nor ruin their life so a sales pitch can be more believable. The outcomes reveal who they truly were to begin with and why they could not stay or keep this up in the end. The false complaints and endless scams were endless but intended to harass or inflict emotional distress, to injure.

On top of this there are the strings of false or misleading information:
1. How many times the police were called for an altercation, disturbing the peace, or to break up a fight. In all cases, they are seeking rent, payments, and even business contracts; it was extortion and a habitability issue. To add insult, they suggest the lack of standards and morals was proof we had to be institutionalized or committed and forced medicated; wow, that is a very big lie. It takes a lot of effort to keep such a big lie hidden. It also took a lot of pain and grief before somebody could break their grip or finally stop this dumbass or scumbag who was on a rampage with no intention to stop. If so they sure missed the boat.
2. The bankruptcy, financial mismanagement, class action lawsuits on banks, and targeting or bombardment with temptation.
3. The hire-fire gimmick and the use of scare tactics or persuasion to make their life more harmless or a more believable sales pitch.
4. The false arrests (2), false police reports (2), and trying to turn a decent law abiding person into the worst nightmare of the court or this nation.
5. The mental illness game and the gross negligence or safety violations; a lack of verification and truth. Their drugs are gone. Their livelihood is gone. All of them are losing their homes and even their future; a lack of standards and endless complaints.
6. The constant "watching", abuse, verbal communication, and escalation to make working impossible or used to inflict emotional distress so that finances were paralyzed or closed.
7. The constant interference, lack of IQ or senseless acts, corruption or corruptible practices using money and power relationships-work; and the destruction of a privileged life to a working man or transformation into a criminal. There was also 24-7 hacking and a complete violation of privacy. The intention was to violate every law or protection out there and to suggest a state of war or a state of siege. Hacking is illegal and in no circumstances was hacking part of any agreement for living accommodations, no less access to private information or the interference with services.
8. The constant use of race and the exploitation of these scams or propaganda to benefit off the grief or staged reality; deliberate insurance fraud and targeting or casing an individual for whatever hidden intentions.
9. The loss of freedom, loss of wages, life-long struggles to legally rectify the mess, the lack of reporting, the serial killer disposal unit and the total lack of cooperation, the continuous and endless attacks, the evictions or hire-fire attempts, the use of sleeping gas or attempts to cause an accident in an automobile, the use of crisis-judgments-legal scare tactics while in a tow truck or serving them as customers (impact on insurance and driving record from 2005-2010); and the suspicious activity while the atmosphere of suspicion was so immense during this conversion, defection, or transformation.
10. The final outcome and all the failed attempts, even after 2011 and 2012. Because no judgment, arrest, or case was yet presented; they felt this was an open door for more and more attacks. Then the abuse of police or power and the pressure tactics of being in trouble or having stepped into their web of lies or web of corruption; full of bad or hidden behavior and a complete lack of policing.

Here is the problem. If we were to snatch one of them or the labor-communist movement; would the result be the same and would they tell us not to judge them? Would they claim to be special or even more superior? Would they claim they are hated or hateful? Would they bring some solution or standard which does not reflect a life of crime, a serial killer, or suggest a lunatic with mental illness and a need to quarantine how much they are despised or despicable? How did things get this way and what are they trying to prove or convey secretly? Obviously, it did not get this way on it's own or on our own. Is there anything they have not tried or a trick to interfere with out our life they have not created? Or are they just recycling it and repeating all the crap and dumbass they can so something sticks or works? Is this what the labor movement is all about?

1. If the police were put into an identical or even the exact same hostage situation; would they lack standards, have a criminal life, or try to wage war and say who are we to judge them? Could they be good and honest Christians with a standard system and a daily regime? Can they meet the test and come out how this legal case is a criminal conspiracy?
2. If we were to switch seats and exchange our life for theirs, could we end the cold war or would they exploit our life and reality to satisfy their insatiable thirst for blood, crime, and a lack of standards? Would they undergo a collapse and a complete dead end, or similar, a life of problems and legal trouble ahead?
3. If we were transformed and snatched so they could keep pressure and yell insults back; would the lack of standards or the ability to turn a blind eye be the same? We are hateful and they are not? We are racist and they are not? We promote violence and they do not? They are special and can shoot this up? We live according to their book and religious insignificance? Keep in mind this is Judgment Day and this is how they will or are fighting Judgment; no less the cold war and terrorism. Who is actually fighting violence or wars, thus why? Who is the police and who is a phony make believe enemy?
4. Let's say they were God, would anything change? Let say we were the working class and even the labor movement, would anything change. Why then is the gap and this outcome so huge? Did they get ensnared and trapped by their own evil acts and lies? Did Ann Coulter manage to do on to them the same test they kept propagating in society by trapping or snatching their enemies. If so, they have no grievance and have not made a legitimate complaint; even lacking any standards, judgment, hate, or truth. Who wants to live in this web of lies and be spoken to by this serial killer and madman, who is testing us and also criticizing or putting more chains, stress, and ripping our life to pieces?

On top of this was the acts of God and the unforeseen events which caused their life to spiral more and more out of control until they ran out of money, lost their job, or were killed as enemy combatants resisting arrest. The entire state of politics, the future of the nation, and some of the most important people, programs, policies, and essential services; were lost or buried under all of this rubble. Naturally, a robbery or looting was also begun so it would be impossible to concisely describe and act on those crimes. The caution and the conspiracy used to remain undetected or the obstructions implemented to prevent prosecution or justice, was immense. On top of this are the damage amounts sought and the destruction of two healthy lives whose relationship got tested. Much more got tested but is not relevant to this criminal crime spree and conspiracy. Given all those charges, they claim mental illness or the need to commit someone into a mental facility so their life of crime can be covered up and the safety violations remain unaddressed due to low standards and a total lack of intelligence. Even worse is how they kept encroaching or communicating to us, "why don't you kill us or do something about it?"

Obviously, there is an issue of wages and salary now. If it is proven to be over 30 years of this; the accumulation with interest is a wage and salary matter. If it is proven their actions were to prevent or deny any rescue or their actions were malicious and intended to strike emotional distress between two people; if it involves kids, normalcy, a family, or even constant harassment using prostitutes or other; then it constitutes gross acts and warrants jail. If that further leads to terror plots, trying to win this or snatch opposition forces, or even trying to trap people in their own homes or their own life; then they are liable for far more than wages, salary, refunds, and defamation. All they had to do was stop when they got busted and exposed. All they had to do was tell the truth and explain what parts they lied about. However, serial killers like to play a game with investigators after they kill or dispose of the bodies. We have criminals engaged in the identical or similar acts, also accessories to it via a criminal conspiracy and the failure to do the right thing. Plus the impact and the negative consequences stacked up such as losing our freedoms and not being able to represent our self or swift justice in a fair and reasonable time frame. Instead, this game with committing someone into a mental facility or mental illness; revealed they flunked every test and were phony or criminals; every safety standard was violated in the worst and most debilitating way. How do they see the outcomes and the final result, sugar coated, positive, skeptical or some other warped way? Was it a result of their IQ and stupidity; or was it the result of their bad behavior and lack of power to resolve problems that eventually became criminal negligence?

Jacob's Ladder Trailer

Good job, now look what you have done!

Dark Territory - Kill Count

Patriot Games - Satellite Scene

Under Siege II - Review

Did it ever occur to you they are going to severely damage or kill your hostages, did it? Did it ever occur to you the exposure rate and how you can be blamed or how it can be traced back to you? Did it? Just remember Ann, I am fighting corruption on a level that is ten or twenty times what a normal human being will ever face. For you to try and pretend you are my protector or make the situation even more complex and more difficult; is beyond me. Ten times the corruption in addition to your problems is a recipe for disaster; but you know they see you as a caregiver or provider; so any opportunity or any chance they get to add more corruption or more attacks on the existing level will be added to my account. It seems to me you wish to max my account out or say I am completely unable to defend myself while everybody including you try to use the mental illness or threat to others defense. All they had to do was tell the truth and pay the 2.5 billion damage because now if they can erase my plans or prevent me from ever obtaining it; they have a stronger case. You could have taken your legal complaints to the police or a lawyer and instead threw it on top of mine, and I am not a lawyer. So every single move you have made appears to be some form of punishment and a hidden agenda, maybe to even worsen or punish me. This could have been taken to a lawyer and even settled out of court; even much better than where it is now. How am I going to produce your legal victory? How in hell do you think talking to them or sneaking around with them going to end the corruption or even stop the attacks, which originate from you. Okay it is not your fault. It is theirs. Do you think this mess was mine? Do you think I snatch people and mess with their life or even try to extort money from them on a daily basis? We we are facing ten times the corruption and my accounts are being drained while I am humiliated and you wish to punish me or pull your insane media pundit drama to add more problems to the already spiraling problems? Do you think you are such a likeable person, they will just stop what they are doing and let the police take them out? Do you not think exposing me to this or on such a grand scale is not your fault or your intentions? Then how do you test our relationship when you should have made a far better effort or much better moves? Yes you are a total mess. Yes your life is a total mess. Yes you are insane or just lacking brain cells. Why am I now exposed to this and you pretend I am your master? Is that magic bullet strong enough to win my legal battles or even the cold war? Is it? Everything you have done is counterproductive but you demand I am exposed to this or walk around with your shield of protection and it is literally worthless. Meanwhile, you loose more money, spend money in a brainless manner, and try to pull off this author or use my work to beat me even to the victory circle. Do I need to know more problems about you or discover who exactly you are? Does everybody need to know so much about me? Was this your plan or your winning formula? You lack braincells to suggest I or anybody is too gracious under fire or in battle. Look, what are we on now the 24th year now? Do you think this enemy has given up and do you still think you can use me to accomplish your goals? Honestly? Expose me to this and ten times overkill and then use it to line your pocket? Now look at my mission and goals. Look how perfect and neat they are. Look how clean, pressed, and in order all of it is; did you mess everything up? Just a sidekick?

2.5 billion, you should know they have a deathwish. Can you tell I want this to end and do not feel comfortable with you? Do you blame me? Being an idiot or by the side of a man is probably more suited for you, not trying to be like me or pretend you are me! Understand? Now you are in a world of trouble. There is a major problem with you people, all of you. There comes a point where you must accept blame and be aware of your actions. I am fighting ten times the level of corruption a normal human being faces and get attacked daily; one lawyer and one good legal battle would have sent them down the toilet and gotten me across the bridge you know I have to cross. Do you think you are any help in me crossing that bridge or how many people spit on me as I am crossing it? You are useless. Your money is useless. They see me as an open target and use what you say or do; to capitalize on more of your stupid legal or life tactics. Meanwhile, the stuff is overkill on my end. You are a total a-hole. You punish those who you tangle in your stupid life or leadership. You want me to be exposed and think you are doing a good job or can ever fix what you have done. How? You see the facts right there. You tell me to stick my hand in a hornet's nest because you want things to be good between me and you; then you did not even let me park my car or consider how I am going to have a place in Florida. I end up being exposed to this enemy and the elements; again. How can that be your fault? Similar to giving someone a ride, how can it ever be your fault if you kill them or if they get killed while you are F'in off? From what I see, if you are my lawyer, you will have no personal life and you will be swamped; from here until you croak the legal corruption and mess is ceiling high and compare this to your mess which is on the media news; do you think they will admit, report, or even take one step to their own guilt? How dumb are you and how much improvisation makes you such a hated and awful person to be in this with? The bottom line is two lawyers could have fixed your life and mine two maybe three years ago and brought this to a federal court. Instead, nothing changed and your situation got worse and they tried to chase me off or take me out because they knew they could not win or could fight this out any longer. Things would have been better between you and I but you people are ignorant, stubborn, and a complete mess. I would say you are worse than the Jews but you criticize them on a level and in a manner that makes your own life twice as worse. You have a very long way to go now in life, a very long way. Your stupid mistakes are radioactive. You should have taken the opportunity while you could instead of trying to make yourself bigger or a dictator; you are a dictator and vile aren't you? You do tolerate corruption and lies; and will even sit there and watch as I am attacked by whom you call your enemies or demons? Do you have any brain cells or are you still playing a game with me, I am mentally ill but you are not? As you can see, I have exhausted the options with you. I have tried to make things work. You have a major malfunction and you are truly a hated human being, truly. Even I wonder if you are a human or just there to make everything worse? We could have taken them out legally and quickly. All this shows everybody is who I am and who you are; which will make this twice as worse now. Now that you have all of that money, fame, and are hated; what do you think the problem is or was? I need a reliable partner and a reliable girlfriend?

Look man, twenty three executive orders will not hide the fact we live with hypocrites, very delusional people, a bunch of goofs trying to act like God, and a dodge-podge of people who are a total mess. You target the drugs and reduce the crime and violence. Stop wasting the public's time with the worst in society out thinking or out gunning the police and military. We have seen how the end of the cold war ended and how the worst was still debating or claiming the same thing. Look at the illiteracy rate and look at the out of wedlock rate. Look at the academic records and exactly how many prisoners are wandering in society or how many do not even have a family to take care of them. Don't put it on the guns or the freedoms of normal society; go after the clowns who cover this up or keep mumbling they want to die or do not want to be taken down and want us to leave. They don't want to leave or even pay up, 2.5 billion dollars right now. Get the drugs out of our life. Get these clowns and people out of our life. How long do we have to listen to a dumbass be a dumbass? When is their plug going to get pulled and when is their money-debt going to end?

Get their workplace violence and dumbass IQ out of our life. Get the crime out of our life and force them to pay damages, 2.5 billion and tell them to stop crying or acting like they are sane. We know the problem and it is a web of lies. They have a lot of proving and verification to do, a lot. Everybody knows the drugs, guns, and violence is the cause; yet look at their insanity or lies. Look at the lies they imposed on my life and how they still say I am the problem and they are not. They have a major league IQ problem; there is the test and they will flunk it. It is a certified idiot and they should blame those behind this. The worst and dumbest are going to chase off, out shoot, and impose violence on the winners or winning side; must we listen to more of this crap or the hatred of schools? None of them have college degrees either and they magically must be God. Care to write down the test results? Idiot? All of them are facing negligence and a host of safety violations; also fraud. But it is "their money" and nobody can do anything about their bad behavior or life of crime. They still cannot admit their mistakes or try to cover all of them up; even as broken human beings who are retarded now. They think they fight better, can out shoot or out gun the police and military? What a certified clown we have trapped. Why do we have to grow patience for a complete dumbass and retard screwing up our life and refusing to pay damages? Why? Don't they have something better to do?

Okay Ann, I am going to make this real clear so everybody can understand but most especially you. You have tested the limits of my friendship, partnership, and patience. As a matter of fact, many times over in the most callous and illogical manner. You have also tested the limits of my satellite warfare forces or future one. By doing this, you have snapped the rubber band called America because apparently you fools feel it bends and you can test the limits of America also. As I see it, you A-holes have to fight this one out and when your Armies do; they will be wiped out, again. Your kind is not welcomed and I suggest you sprinkle some more magic sauce on this mess because 2013 will be the end of your special recipe. Stop shooting yourself in the foot and if I catch you shooting my foot, I will see to it a cosmic meteor lands on your state and burns your house down; call it a high tech lynching. No more excuses. If you continue on this path, your armies will run smack into my hunting party and we already know the outcome, don't we? Did it occur to you that in 5 or 10 years from now it will be too late and this will come back and haunt you? Did it? What did I say about seek and destroy and how many times did I say you were on thin ice? Jackass? Maybe your special sauce or cosmic powder can win wars also? Maybe a process of quarantine is needed for you F'ers? Maybe it will be imposed? Maybe we can skip all of that and go into the hunt part? Even your abuse of power is testing this relationship and the relationship you have with America, even you. May I suggest you do it again? I hope schooling your ass in warfare has produced some positive result and a better outcome for my birth right. None of you want to pay anyone, not even me!

Firearms is not going to bring forgiveness or make you more or less scared of the world you live in, understand? Good the end. I am sick and tired of arguing about birth rights or privileges when I myself was born into this class. However, looks like I may loose that battle. You and your ape creatures have tested my birth rights for some time now and you continue to give them opportunity and they capitalize on it; don't make anymore excuses. Now you are testing the limits of my relationship and I will use some logic and clarity for the big mess you call your life or how you pretend as you shoot yourself and others in the foot. Your birth rights are being tested in America and all of you are testing the limits of this. Nobody is looking for a master and if they are, you are barking up the wrong tree. Let me also remind you that the days of lynching people are long past. Are you and your so called "bugle corp" trying to bring it back? Let me make this clear, the days of lynching people and burning them in their own home has passed. I get the feeling you all are trying to keep the dream alive or bring it back, are you? Then the date is 2013 and you better have all the magic or special sauce you have. Test the limits of relationships, bring back lynching and burning people in their homes, a culture of bad behavior and insanity, etc... what next? All you and they are saying is you do not want to be taken out, say it. Unfortunately, the forces of good disagree; maybe the forces of evil have some brains about this? Okay, they do not want to be taken out and I should leave? You tell these fools and this enemy, 2.5 billion in damages is on the table. DO NOT BRING BACK THE DAYS OF LYNCHING OR BURNING PEOPLE IN THEIR HOMES BECAUSE OF BAD OR HORRIBLE BEHAVIOR. The hunt has begun, end it. Do any of you understand quality or can keep a life not such a mess or full of trash truck driver models?

Are you scared of being beaten also? They hide and know if this get's out; they will be taken out; if not by a hunting party then by the police and security. Are you challenging and telling people to take you out or to leave? Do you know your fate or also a retard? Do you or are you trying to test the limits of people being born into royalty or privilege? If so, you scraggly losers better fight it out because 2013 will be the end of this. My limit has been tested repeatedly. Do not tell me how people with horrible behavior are scared of being taken out by whomever or by their own mistakes, got it? Eventually, all of this bad behavior, callous nonsense, stupid dog tricks, and horny insignificance will have to be hunted down and the real truth replaced or restored. I have watched you give them one opportunity after the next and they do attack while you sit there and make excuses or dignify your love of military, satellite forces, my life, or what in hell ever. You opened the door for this enemy to attack my birthright and my fate; already determined. I suggest you all fight it out in 2013, it will end and you are officially unwelcome. You should know by now they will not back down and you should also know the more they starve or are scared, the more they breed and infest our world. Jackass. I am not here to teach you common sense or measly facts. As for your Timothy Leary Florida escapades, your gossip column life is completely undesirable. Your 1960s bunch is in complete collapse and run for the hills mode. Even wild animals know when a storm is coming and when to stop breeding. Look at you. You a-holes think you know how money works, how this world works, etc... and when the truth comes in, you know very little and made a complete total mess. Now you also test the limits of sustainability. I suggest you people fight it out because after 2013 it will become a hunt. I suggest you consider who will be taken down and consider 5 or 10 years from now when you loose your home, future, reputation, and much more. Being scared of getting taken out does not allow the false blame or violence; nor making our life hell. Yeah right, a puff-puff trying to outgun the best this military can throw at them? All I have to say and do is stand on the mountain, fight a cougar, and say F all of you; enjoy the endless piss of rain. This enemy will be taken out, I suggest they fight it out. Also shut up, taunting does not and never worked.

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My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.