Dear Ms. Rice: You may want to test out your theory of sanctions on the increasing black males who swear loyalties to North Korea instead of talking over their head at the horse's ass. As you can see in the picture, the first strike capability is Congress and Democracy. Are you against due process of the people? Sanctions do not work with basketball players or madmen who lie profusely. Do you want to give them a chance to talk or first strike? As I said, that enemy has nothing in common with us and we prefer they suffer than admire us. I am sure you understand how those sanctions all lead to the same ending. You are willing to punish powerless people for the lies of their leaders? Hmm, is that the voice of the Congress talking or the Pentagon? Remember, the battlefield today is a much more dynamic arena; indigenous people do have money and they do get justice. Have you considered justice and money or lawyers on their planet? Exactly what Rand Paul just said.
Two billion, 2... not 1 but two: The Jodie Arias Trial "CLICK HERE"

I know people are going to be fired and even killed, their fate and guilt. Feet tapping and eye blinking is not good enough. All I hear is drones or US citizens killed by drones; excuse me, but drones do not operate at this level; case closed. Drones have never been used or deployed to ensure attack or first strike is eliminated. Nation states do not deploy drones in the advent of attack. Miranda will not be read if a specific case has been made for the Pentagon to deploy weapons of mass destruction or to ensure attack and invasion is eliminated. Furthermore, drones require a human operator. These weapons do not and all that is needed is a coordinate. The rest is automated. If they want to play these word games and make love taps, go to hell. I got much better things to do with my time such as deploying. Surrender the espionage equipment and network or face shutdown. Illegal surveillance and espionage is a federal crime and warranted by acts of war; military retaliation. Failure to surrender on US soil may warrant severe and harsher punishment. It is deemed an act of war and so is the possession of these espionage instruments. Surrender all illegal surveillance, espionage, and communication devices used for Phony Jihad or to keep us a hostage; or face severe consequences. It is considered an act of war. Do not try to talk to us or work this out; play victim or shout back.
We are here to help the Pentagon or Justice Department nuke this enemy, not help them. We want to hurt them, not help them. What we need is to cap this Phony Jihad, not debate or discuss drones. We need to cap Phony Jihad immediately, tonight. Realistic? They are reaching new levels and expert levels of phony. Yes a total annoying fake and dumbass. They are fantasizing of new ways to be phony on the hour, no zombie knocking, just phony. Their DNA and politics, even their leaders and representatives; grow phonier by the DNA day, it is their fate and in their DNA. We are here to help and get the people stuck in the middle out of this mess; not make a total mess or a total disaster; jackass syndrome. If they want to nuke each other or terrorist enemies, do not include Phony Jihad; they will need first strike capability. We have prevented this and verified it. Love taps or gushy ass squeezing is just not protocol or good enough, shut up. It needs to be written and analyzed, verified for authenticity. Do not try to pull a Limbaugh or Levin on us. Do not be a dumbass about it, be professional, no Phony Jihad. Do not call. Do not bother. Do not appeal or tell us how you feel hourly. You must provide a clear and concise 100 per cent verification method. No tricks, lies, or phony need apply. Interference is not welcomed, nor zombie addicts. You cannot tamper with personnel or interfere with evidence; get caught and you are dead. Time is short and I have not deployed yet, but I am still trying and not giving up; never. I cannot have zombie apocalypse at my doorstep saying no or weird shit hourly. Who wants it more? Surrender all of your communication equipment and illegal surveillance equipment used to facilitate or conduct criminal activity; otherwise, the Pentagon and Justice Department will get the green light.
These Phony Jihad people are straight up wrong and have been. We would appreciate they die and prefer they suffer than admire or send a love tap. It won't work with a hot boy either. Do not admire or bother us; no dumb parades or staged props. We would like to set up a procedure and send out invites. The Pentagon needs the opportunity to invite a written process if any nation-state feels attack is imminent. This is what nuclear deterrence was invented for and there are strict protocols. I see it as an opportunity, not a curse; shut up will you and leave us alone. If the written chance arises, that opportunity will be capitalized on; verified and authenticated. It is best to prepare early. I will make clear, we have nothing in common with this common pest and enemy; nothing. We prefer they suffer than admire or secretly toy with us. We do not need to keep this rolling or going on and on. There is no reason to be mad, it is written and verified; shut up and go away. People are getting mad about nothing. Every time they interfere or show up looking stupid, we become enraged by their DNA or total insanity. It is an allergic reaction to their DNA and fate; politics. Nobody wants Phony Jihad or some retard throwing phony grenades daily or hourly. Phony retard and Jihad will never end, they only want to die or tell us how they feel; that is all. We had and still have nothing in common with them, nothing. We will never have anything in common; interfering makes it worse. Interfering will not be tolerated. No input is needed. There is a written process. We want to see them suffer without proper protocols or written verification. This Phony Jihad mutt face is always in ours or interfering. Is that so hard to explain or put in words? Exactly. Do I need a female interpreter or public relations? Exactly.
All of their lips are sealed and this is very suspicious. Ann Coulter was fired for several specific reasons, I will list them for the record. First, Ann was not only fired, she was dumped. She is capable and as a woman, is powerful enough to do good, traitor or not. It is up to her now and her sidekicks or mysterious circle of fire; to decide how it plays out. Who is more guilty? Who is the scapegoat? Who will pay? We already caught who and those whom owe damages. Regardless, it remains a mess and I still cannot deploy; not allowed. It is DNA junk and gets more phony like their Phony Jihad. Goals are still far, unreachable, or not deployed. Some good results have come in. Time is essential and still wasted, inefficient, already wasted. There is already too much on nothing or junk. This plot was designed to make things more difficult. It is still hard to deploy. The resistance is gargantuan, a fist class ticket to nowhere. There is a huge problem called Phony Jihad. They continue to sneak in or utilize first strike; regardless. The threats on Ann Coulter were and already have been eliminated but her stalker and attackers are still on the loose. The resistance by law enforcement is astronomical and unsuspected, a complete surprise attack. Both sides are quiet and traitors in the midst, total insanity and DNA fate total mess. Ann had been fired before but the objectives were still not met, still. The interference and chaos in our life are plots still on the loose. The matchmaking game or interference is in a state of chaos, total insanity. It remains under the radar and irrelevant love taps or unwanted prostitution. We know the matchmaking was traced to a large criminal communist ring. Failure to turn over all espionage equipment is an act of war. It is already deemed an act of treason. Ignoring the written word can go on for so long. Repeated encroachment or first strike can only be ignored for so long. Surrender all surveillance and espionage tools to the authorities or face military retaliation or police intervention.
Why they owe damages and should be fired? The DNA problem is really annoying. We are allergic to their leaders, politics, and fate. All of them enjoy showing up late or after the battle, after the fact. They call it "fake accomplice." They always show up after the war or battle, some with our blood on them. Most if not all of them are easily fooled, easily tricked, and gullible; Phony Jihad Syndrome. We had to conclude they were not only blind but deaf and maybe dead behind those eyes. Most of them are failures who undergo a hire-fire cycle. Their women are dumped, blamed, mistreated, and even raped by barbarians. There is always a mismatch, never perfect. We believe it is intentional when they show up late, total disappointment. Our society will fail and disappoint as result. They are after the fact addicts. The fake accompli indicates they felt superior and even a prize; no guilt but with hands out for the rewards. Their DNA damns them as totally insane or a damned mess; but they find some comfort in excuses. They do make excellent targets and are an easy target. Their leaders trap their own feeble and benevolent nature by dumbing them to an uncomfortable or incoherent level. I describe them as inevitable. Most are just phony, there as stage props, toys, or for a puppet master. Telling people to leave, move, or hire-fire is how they act out their frustration or fantasize about power. It is more drama to make them happy. Shouting people down or shouting at them is how they win wars. Trickery and deceit is part and parcel of their DNA, in their blood. They hate warriors and despise honesty. They always kill their lovers over insanity and enjoy lying about it. We want them and demand they turn over all instruments and equipment used for espionage or commuting a crime; otherwise, face severe consequences or even shutdown. They were tools and instruments used to facilitate Phony Jihad and murder innocent Americans.
They should be fired because it is always too late or just too much worry, so they cry like a baby or distraught female. They show up after the fact or too late for battle because they are lazy and scared. They really do not believe in individualism, especially when threatened or at war. They find security in numbers and lying. They would rather kill you with Phony Jihad then with real Jihad, a phony murder. They are totally insane and a subspecies of misguided leaders; whom make our world and life a total hell. Politics or constant interference is how they play act this Phony Jihad out, as props and as an organized phony political power. They enjoy and even find comfort in boldly proclaiming helping out each other or their family, to get their life back in order and on the right path. We are of no help ever. We have nothing in common and would rather see them suffer; but they have first strike capability. Like a phony DNA clown, they are a liability and burden; a phony wet hole always losing money but proud of their accomplishments. The money holes, when transparent are so disgusting and nuts, they decline quickly and combat it only by redefining, recreating, re-birthing, and undergoing a change. Thus, it remains under the radar or secret. It is the interference and inclusion that hurts, not helps. First strike capability is a repellant. We do not define all humans by their standards; only the Phony Jihad. Like pigs, they eat anything and are easily fooled. I am allergic to this subspecies, not in love with it or ever had been. So far so good, but the list is endless. Sex is in their vocabulary constantly. Scandal is always in their life. They always want to be daddy and mommy. They are argumentative. They live by phony rules. They would rather be servants and slaves, than take the initiative. They are hairy. They expect us to take care of their phony kids. They breed immeasurably. They are radical and defensive. They fight on their back. They are frustrated 24-7 and always saying we drive them crazy (sexually of course). Homosexuals love them. They are really into mind control and witchcraft. They are beyond criminal and feel our house is their home. They do not respect property or rights and just your common communist or Phony Jihad problems. Americans love it and the smell of it, thus they fail.
I will say it again, over and over, even write it. Shut them down. The guilt level exceeds 200%. Do we need hurricane and earthquakes to do what mortals have a duty of in the fight between good and evil? Do they want to make this about money or them? I am sick and tired of screaming, shouting, and pulling my hair out for some pussy or nincompoop who is always in the line of fire or telling lies. The malice and guilt levels will knock out a pig. Is this enemy the energizer or just the labor unions and a mob of idiots? Shut them down, they keep going on and on, to no avail; always in the line of fire.
Does anybody suppose the goal is to get hired or steal a company, extort from it, or even steal patents relating to satellites or future technologies? Does anybody suspect the interference of the police was the result of opening a door; to a new location where weak on crime is the theme? Does anybody suspect the goal is to close certain doors and open them; so they have total control and can play God or pal around? Does anybody suspect these encroachments are about weak on crime, the process of take-over, or the process of leading someone in a direction to their HQ or base; even a staged town they control? We know it is about gangs, drugs, and espionage; military related. We know they are totally nuts and have nothing in common with us; but they create this opportunity. We know they continue to direct or try to direct us in specific directions, suggest we are the same, suggest we share a lot in life, and suggest we have some partnership; yet they remain weak on crime and totally out of this world insane. I believe in individual rights and feel humans have rights or liberties. These people have no respect for the rights of others, none. They are nothing short of a barbarian of the idiot kind. They remain desperate and still looking for a job or being hunted for the Phony Jihad scams. This is about espionage and weak on crime locations where they hire or fire; they want this element or piece of the puzzle. Again, we have nothing in common with them and we have no intention of sharing life or involving them in our life. Do I need to send a female to be their interpreter? Don't act like they do not understand or cannot hear either. Does an idiot and Phony Jihad need an more interpretation or sign language?
With or without Ann Coulter, they still will not let me deploy. I am paralyzed. They claim I am their employee, subordinate, they are my parents, they are partners, they are my masters, they are healthy, they are better, etc... Apparently, I do not have the staying power. I am too injured. I have no money and look horrible. I am not as good or marketable. I do not fit in and are an oddball. I have a felony record. My assets were seized. I am mentally ill. I need medication and am mentally ill. I am not a conservative. I am not a real Republican. I am this or that and they are this and that. We have a totally insane communist and enemy. It is identity theft and extortion. It is far worse than just racketeering or felonies. Even without Ann, they want to deploy and market this. I blocked this and deployed but extreme costs and while injured due to battle or their first strike capabilities. They also claim to be the police or the voice of America and these terror plots prove it, they are in charge. It is Phony Jihad and not working. They are still knocking on the gates of hell, still.
I now have to deploy under their terms. I lost two more years and my car in Florida as a result. I lost Ann Coulter whom neutralized and shut this Jihad mutt up finally. They refuse to pay any royalties or damages, none. They claim seniority or a legend of this being their home and control, here first. They claim we are psycho, scary, creepy, and nobody likes us. All kinds of mind control and games in their first strike capability. The question is if it worked? They are still calling and talking to us; even in our own home. Everybody knows they did it and tried; but did it work? We know we did deploy but not on our terms; extremely painful. Just total insanity is our story and strong immersion or emergence. They are pretending to allow us this or it's okay now. Does anybody think we can do this and deploy without them or a fight? They love us. They want to help. They are there to be partners. No combat or war whatsoever, no communists or resistance force to invade our life. It is their home and they are just making sure. They want to make sure we are honest and not up to no good. They are the police. They are in control. They are not racists. They only want us to leave or move; eviction not war.
Question: I do not know who they are or their identities, not yet. The question is will they bug out finally, even their veterans who fought the Nazis. Is shut up and leave us alone too much to ask from the communists or do they need God to wage war and hurricane them? Why do I have to ask this in 1990, 1993, 1998, 2001, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2013? Why? Why are they totally nuts and in our life, hostages and prisoners? Why can't they shut up, go away, do as told, and leave us the F alone? Why? Why is it always a first strike and paralysis or lies to match their total insanity? Does anybody think they will allow us to do this with them and no fighting or battle? Really, just open the door for them and let them have everything in our life? Why does anybody need first strike or nukes, why? Why do we need a hurricane or earthquake, I do not understand? Are we totally insane and a Jihad mutt who won't shut up? Why? Who deployed? Who refuses to allow us to deploy or draft, who? It is voluntary isn't it? It is freedom, liberty, and happiness isn't it? Do they deserve it? Let them have it? Why do we hear the same thing day after day, 24-7, and trying to drive us crazy? Are they saying one of us is mentally insane and totally crazy, Phony Jihad? We need to end this on our terms, why theirs? We will deploy, it is inevitable no matter what they do or try; inevitable. Are they too stupid to realize this yet? Yes it is a photo op, another one.
What we got is a whole bunch of people, enemies, who live life according to strange rules, preferences, and peculiar habits. They are not results driven and have learned how to survive on confidence and numbers. The government, who is supposed to be results driven, instead prop them up and give them more power; and similar to a military system, they seek out a pupil or some kind of a shell to inject their disease or belief system. Of course it is lacking all reality and is based on what they want, demand, or some confidence in a horde of lunatics. We then get this mob of crazy zombies and communists, a labor and labor union like mentality lacking any communications and living precariously on their confidence and self proclamations that result in us getting ambushed or listening to one foul gesture after the next. This confidence is also based on tripping us up, to suggest we do not belong, they do, they are powerful and charismatic, etc... utter trash lacking reality or results. Again, they are not results driven and have a belief system which has put them further away from God or the trash they fill their minds with. It is confidence and doubting courage, almost a street mentality where the bigger bully will win the day but will never make it past 18 or get a decent career. We caught so many of them in government or military positions, legal insurgents. How in hell did they come to the conclusion they were our employer, in control, or can hire or fire us on a whim? How? I throw back every single grenade they throw at me, every single one. I never get money, liberty, or freedom thrown, only imaginary grenades. They keep wanted or demanding jobs? Who has the bigger and sexier imaginary grenade? How does mere mortals throw imaginary things at each other?
It is really strange, I keep getting nose bleeds, bloody noses, and I complain incessantly about weird people in my life or violating my rights. The culture I was from does not suggest any of this. My resume does not indicate any reason. My life story or biography has no sign of why or how. It is a very strange mystery. It must be Jihad. The plans to test this Jihad against human labor or computers, is a gimmick. So is the plan to blame California, blow up California, or invade it. The state is about to collapse and if it does, jobs and labor will be lost. Even if the veterans there were sympathetic to Jihad and God waging war on these people; taking California out or blowing it up will not impact the final outcome. However, shutting down New York, Florida, and traditional organized crime hubs will put a nail into the coffin of those under the radar or whom already are desperate and totally nuts. Even Jihad did not being them jobs or fix Detroit, manufacturing, or the labor unions. It did achieve a lot of pissed off assholes in our life trying to feel us up or order us around in the most ridiculous Middle Eastern manner possible. Don't try to hide, we know who you are and what you are up to. We already know what has to be done, when, and why; the outcomes. This idea of being sympathetic to our cause does not mean reciprocation, ever! Their giggly failure to minorities does not mean they can get away with anything. In other words, the gauntlet has come down on them. There is no doubt about it, they are totally nuts and still in our life searching for something they will never find or get. Being my landlord, watching me 24-7, violating my rights, and pretending not to be racist is the biggest glob of shit I have ever seen. Meanwhile, they don't shut up, keep circling me, have to be medicated four times the legal limit, God hurricane and earthquakes them, and this goes on and on with a total dictator and nut case; they are totally nuts and very comfortable with it as addicts or criminals. This piece of trash is constantly trying to make us puke and if it is not their religion than it is about Jihad and hatred.
Does anybody suppose the goal is to get hired or steal a company, extort from it, or even steal patents relating to satellites or future technologies? Does anybody suspect the interference of the police was the result of opening a door; to a new location where weak on crime is the theme? Does anybody suspect the goal is to close certain doors and open them; so they have total control and can play God or pal around? Does anybody suspect these encroachments are about weak on crime, the process of take-over, or the process of leading someone in a direction to their HQ or base; even a staged town they control? We know it is about gangs, drugs, and espionage; military related. We know they are totally nuts and have nothing in common with us; but they create this opportunity. We know they continue to direct or try to direct us in specific directions, suggest we are the same, suggest we share a lot in life, and suggest we have some partnership; yet they remain weak on crime and totally out of this world insane. They remain desperate and still looking for a job or being hunted for the Phony Jihad scams. This is about espionage and weak on crime locations where they hire or fire; they want this element or piece of the puzzle.
Unfortunately, we have to punish the people, organizations, regions, immigration plights, and people who are behind this Jihad and entitled this total nut case to come in our life and come into our country. Now our National Security is totally mismanaged, our companies and businesses are being strangled, and we have an underground government who can tax, avoid tax, and is behind both the drug wars and the addict zombie culture. Even if we get closure or slowly become closer to the zombie apocalypse; we have to punish the people who opened the gates of hell and let this Jihad into our life and then tried to fire us to suggest it was a small claims suit, a tenant landlord problem, or a fire-hire employer problem. The police problem or abuse of authority is out of my jurisdiction and must be handled by the FBI and those who repeatedly Baker Acted me and tried unsuccessfully to force medicate me insisting I would feel much better when they were circling me, tripping me up, shouting at me day and night, and stressing me out to the point of no return or total insanity. They waged war or this Jihad, used terror plots to cover it up, robbed the hell out of us and the most privileged class; then then pulled out or did a disappearance act. We need names and they obviously failed to meet this test or this litmus test; so we know they are the conspiracy and a saturated wave after wave of zombie apocalypse trying to utilize the addicts as political power and taxing benefits; even jobs or capital investments.
Oh give me a break. We imagined it all and everybody imagined it all also. We hated every moment and every bit of this; down to the seconds. However, when it came down to getting the ride of their life and the biggest surprise our enemies could never imagined, they got the delivery right in the gonad. So we all hated this but I hated it far more and they got the ride of their life. We provided and using scientific evidence, God was waging war on them and their religion. Terrorism did nothing to reverse or change this scientific fact. Their violence, blame, and terror plots did not change anything, our life, our power, or our confidence over the matter; God truly hates them and wants them gone. Yes we too are learning more about each other. We also know this is how they express themselves as a lesser breed and a total mess. I imagine people are a little scared of learning about them or what they are up to; yet they claim they are not scared of this world even if God is waging war on them. So either they are a total emotional wreck or they have somehow come to terms with being a lesser breed or their fate. Nobody on this earth is this stupid and this delusional. If you have no future, got walloped, and can't get up; most warriors would have common sense or rationality; this enemy doesn't. There is a huge gap between what they want and what they always get, nothing. The more they loose and the more they are leveled, the less rational and the more barbarian they revert to; homeostasis lesser being. Powerless, they cry and say sorry all the way to the bottom; no sense of justice whatsoever. Just take a rock and drop it in water; now try to explain to this idiot the same reality. They claim they have no fear and I am not sure if this is true or not.
Have you ever seen a pathological liar take the first strike and run; then come back and take another first strike while you are in total chaos and trying to figure out who did it, how to get medical aid, and how to repair the damage? Exactly how I feel and my twenty year ordeal. Now they make threats about first strike? Let me tell the world something, it was I who worked on the Internment of the Japanese with their top lawyer in DC in 1986. I got them that decision. Did I do it or was I the totally insane and erroneous people who did this? No. Who did? Did I or am I the totally insane Jihad mutt who did all of this or who continues to this day to take the first strike and run off as I describe making it very hard to prosecute them or bring them to their knees? Do I care about the addict culture or the addict real estate scams? Do I? Did I do any of this or was it I on the end of Phony Jihad and their first strikes? Now they despise first strikes and forget how they got here or who they are? If the Democrats want to nuke the Republicans, this is national security policy to use nuclear arms to avoid attack and ensure security.
Even Cheney recited my "American Posture" thesis. If the Republicans want to nuke the Democrats, also to ensure security and to prevent attack; then do it. I am only mortal. If they wage war on me and do a first strike, I have to fend off the first strike and get rid of their junk or totally insane Phony Jihad also; do I get billions of dollars for security or peace? Exactly. Where is my story in this? Don't I get to nuke anybody or address this first strike problem? Do we still have a problem with first strike capability or grenade junk being thrown at us at all hours of the day? Who exactly is behind all of this monkey and street bullying in America; monkey Jihad and this first strike I keep having to fight off? Who? Nobody? Somebody? One or two people? First strike on America and we cannot take them out? Man, kiss my ass and F off; more Phony Jihad and total junk thrown back. I would rather fight it out with this enemy under our terms than live in peace under theirs. They owe 2 billion for first strikes. If God nukes them, then they deserve it. It works in my favor and it works. It gets results. Be more results driven and the answer is simple.
We have to credit the Southern Baptists for the "First Strike Capabilities." Ever since the American Civil War, the Baptists have felt the federal government set unrealistic expectations from them under the surrender conditions. However, the growing storm and the enemy list was piling up on them. Soon the Asian economies will creep up to their localized models and collapse their foolish intentions. We see this in the 1980s. Furthermore, the Southern and Republican First Strike Capability overlaps and is identical to the communist forces; thus, giving them creed and bold conviction. In the 1980s the American corporations became so liberal and so Democrat; everybody feared their first strike capability or retaliation. The trend to fight off the manufacturing sector and business sector was to vow loyalties to competition overseas or Asian economies. Thus, the unrealistic expectations divided the political sides; also sneaking communists among the Republican sectors. Soon the schools and high tech will be hit and crippled. Dumbass soon applied to everybody. High tech was now not worth saving and loyalties spread to Asia or European countries due to the Southern Baptists, the 1960s, and their first strike. We see this in two specific areas following our lead; California and Virginia. They sought a coup and while the brainpower was there, the faces were changed or replaced; so were the voices. That was first strike capability and in 1999 to 2001, they almost got trapped had it not been for September 11, 2001. We end up not only trapping their leaders and obtaining their road plan, we throw all of their mind control grenades back on them so they can enjoy it also. The Republican Trojan Horse is manufacturing and growth of government. We saw this deployed in two specific areas after the Vietnam War; California and Virginia. It had devastating consequences to our life. It was their first strike capability meant to clam us up and paralyze us. The empire has struck back and responded to their first strike capabilities.
We have a pathological liar and serial killer. How do we shut this Phony Jihad mutt up? First we had to defend their attacks and neutralize the threat; they tried to stop us and arrest or harass our life. Years past and Ann finally takes out their first strike capability while I deploy our first strike capability and we have the written record of this. They lied and furiously. They were the communists and the invasion force; not Jihad or whom they wanted to blame. They lied and fabricated a sorry ass story, mental illness and total insanity. They lied and fabricated a defense, Republican Party. They lied about first strike capability and what actually transpired. Only in 2008 we finally caught up and deployed. Until then they had us paralyzed, blocked, and in prison or defeated. They lied and they are ready to die or face tremendous punishment, still waging war and refusing to stop; gaining and closer to the zombie apocalypse. High tech is collapsing and it is the fault of capital and the CEO problem. They are too liberal and too Democrat. They shut down all of our critical projects, technologies, and plans; all of them. The high tech sectors were so liberal and so Democrat; the loyalties were unrealistic. Meanwhile, the academic list piled up in favor of the Asians. Soon high tech CEOs would be pressured to do the right thing and shift their manufacturing base; kicking and screaming because it tied their hands and crippled the first strike capability. In other words, manufacturing suffered an exodus and that same problem with American business did not fix itself. People were scared of them pushing their money and testing loyalties in the favor of totally nuts. This circle of fire also had a monopoly and high tech really crippled them in terms of brain power and capital. The only way to stay in the game was racism or debt. We see the 1980s and the Southern Baptists leveling America with these unrealistic expectations and why they looked totally nuts. Again, the enemy list was growing on them and Christians along with the entire capitalist world was even more belligerent and belittling than their little voice. All of them were stuck in this first strike capability and their localized insanity would collapse the moment of truth arrived. So they scattered us into tiny pieces and invaded the rich and fertile lands; America's bread baskets. Soon there was nothing left and nothing was sustainable. Enter me or us. Enter my work. Enter satellite warfare. First, we had to defend their attack; get medi-vac and regroup with no support or retaliation of first strike; so they arrested us as punishment. Second, we had to deploy and drive them back or pull all their teeth out; but we have not reached closure or the end of this yet.
What I had described in the early to late 1990s is the same invasion plan launched on California. Schools that had been in the top 10 soon turned into a liberal experiment and the state blows up or goes to hell while they run you off, penetrate the police force, and begin to make demands or hold labor union negotiations. We see the impact of this invasion plan in California; both were the Pentagons former strategic prize or model. Who to blame but the liberals and the Democrats for this second level experiment. They drove me nuts trying to sign me up or draft me for this invasion and second tier plan. All of them had migrated from collapsed manufacturing ghettos around the US. In the DC-VA area, the communist invasion was also met with elections and massive new spending; on the back of real estate and government expansion. Now we know what they had done or was doing; but it is too late for those communities and they refuse to pull out or move, they want us to leave and will do the first strike plans on repeat mode from the early 1990s. So if the Democrats want to nuke the Republicans and if the Republicans want to hurricane the Democrats; just leave us out of the junk and total chaos. A first strike on our forces is suicide and will be met with definitive initiatives. This was how they stole technology and what they did to the capital and our technology; dumbed it to death. Thank those in last place and the worst students; the usual suspects and religions. Dubbing our life failed and we will retaliate. It was mind control by the communists, all of this; and it also numbed us up.
Do I really understand the needs of the poor? The evidence indicates several Republicans getting caught in the trap and several communist leaders around the world doing the talking or speaking on my behalf. Oil is involved. His career is involved. Imprisoning people and taking their property is involved. A failed coup is involved and the President pardon. The Republicans and Phony Jihad is involved. Do I really understand the needs of the poor? Who then understands my needs?
Hmm, I am only a mere mortal; however, if this asshole wants to play with the mind of the greatest war machine on earth or do totally crazy things only an imbecile communist spy would do or consider; then maybe the greatest war machine on earth might reply? Maybe the greatest war machine on earth will bring them to their knees and make them pay every measly dime in their pocket for the soles on their feet. Maybe it is time they pay. You don't just wage real or imaginary Jihad on people and do not expect them to throw the junk and trash back. Again, God has or is waging war on them; the greatest war machine on earth is merely mortals. I left evidence and every single verification method possible, every. They just cannot be pleased or have any standards, none. They are barbarians and animals; acting like victims or sorry. There is also a paper trail, are we dealing with D and F students? We left every single piece of evidence imaginable, every. Verification and authentication, I left every single one imaginable. How long has this gone on? What have I reported during that time period? What next an internment camp or prisoners of war? Wonderful. I will say it again, God is waging war on them and we do not want or need trash and junk from a monkey's ass. They throw stuff at us, we throw it back; but now they got shut up or the mutt is dying of their wounds. That is what it sounds like and what the evidence clearly indicates. This asshole, teacher, communist, or sexy bitch is almost dead or beaten to death; but she and they keep lobbing imaginary grenades and trying to scientifically prove why it is exploding on them? What a parent and what a landlord we have had. Nobody wants their trash and junk and will throw it back. What a genius we have in our life; a Jihad mutt who has to be silenced and medicated ten times the legal limit. Life is much better this way, isn't it? One of us is on a tight rope and walking on ice; but nobody knows it. It must be a big secret in this world, top secret communist propaganda stuff. Look how powerful their mind control is, not even results driven!
I never hear anything about how the first strike capability got dismantled in the worst way possible, just horrendous. Thank God we have finally shut up and stomped out that Jihad mutt up. Now they can take over twenty years of watching us and use it to set up their defenses; instead of ours. They are not the voice of America or the allies; not less the leaders of the Cold War. We finally caught our mole, addict culture, total failure, and labor union spies. How long did it take and what did it take to shut this Jihad mutt up? Well, let's see. The asshole has to be nuked or medicated four times the legal limit. They should blame God, not Arabs or communists. We know they are communists. They do not even have a clue who they are, what their life is about, why God is waging war on them, or what terrorism really is. They are so delusional, they cannot even explain their own biography, life mission, political goals, or history now. How in hell did they become the media or the voice of America or the allies? Terror plots? The zombie apocalypse draws closer with each addict and this asshole in our life winning by lying, cheating, and stealing power. What is power?
Rush Limbaugh on Tuesday, March 05, 2013 claims he felt as if he was being tazed and he also claims that his army of zombies and phony Jihad also felt they were being raised. He does not state the reason why but I got the impression they felt the Pentagon or someone had used drones on them and such a lethal force has to be met with lethal force; something on that nature or level. They claim they are going to pass bills to address prevent others from shutting down phony Jihad and if they do; they cannot shut them down by making them feel dazed. Yes get those lovely people in a room and ask them to raise their hands if they felt dazed, they make a wonderful jury. These people truly know justice and they truly know legalism or how to pass laws. I got a better idea, stop throwing imaginary hand grenades at me or pissing me off. Stop throwing junk and trash at me and I won't have to throw anything back or match your mind control; shouldn't have done it to begin with but now that you have; we see where this phony Jihad going. Do something constructive such as changing their names; not trying to change us or use mind control. Again, the answer and the solution is very simple; they shouldn't have done it, they shouldn't have kept on doing it, and they should have stopped when they were ordered to or when told to stop it. Now they have their hands in the air and their body is not able to put them down, a malfunction of their brain. I guess God did that and waged war on them or did I? If anybody believes anything they say or do, then they are truly dumb; dirt dumb. Put your hand down stupid, we know it is you; everybody does. Stop trying to talk to your own hand also genius. Haven't they had enough yet or do they want more? They are the jury is like asking for death or a repeat of this phony Jihad where they throw junk and trash at you all day so you trip up or try to ruin your life. I bet he has real monkey feet and big rough bunions. Even the communists are crying and saying, "you really should not have done that phony ass Jihad." Remember, he and they got caught trying to break us up into smaller pieces; also corrupting us.
I don't know if I sleep better knowing who is doing our security or who this enemy is. I don't know if I sleep better if this enemy got or will get a hurricane or an earthquake. I leave the nukes to the officials in the Pentagon and their protocol. When a superpower dukes it out with another, they know what to expect and they know the results. The answer is they should not have done it; now they will regret it. When are they going to fire these people and all of this mind control or false information, when? Am I supposed to accept this royally? It does sound like someone is trying to trip me up while they lie, cheat, and steal; to become a phony Jihad contractor or educator. Regardless, there is missing information, missing verification methods, missing pieces of the puzzle, only the small picture and missing big picture, the contracts and government funds are missing a road map, future direction, and their education or college degree is in psychological war and propaganda or mind control. I do not think these people deserve public funds or military contracts. I do not think phony Jihad should be used as mind control on the police, Justice Department, or Pentagon. I do not think communist moles and spies should be allowed to do this or spread this cancer so far and just sit there and say "come and get us, we want to die, we are sorry, we are at war, we are sorry, etc..." Now they pretend to be the voice of America and even the Republicans? Is this some joke? They just deny everything and refuse to pay damages? They blame others and rip them off or steal patents? What next blow up or take out California and the technology state? Think about this, what if there is a God? What if there is something not mortal? What if there is a guardian angel and a super power, a real one? Yes superpower. Would we ever get phony Jihad? Would a superpower do this to me and get away with it? Of course I am right, it is called insubordination and ignorance. Again, on whose term; phony Jihad or justice? If someone takes one step closure and makes a threat; it is self defense. If after they were informed and they take not one but two steps; when the police arrive, their footprint is clear evidence. The answer is do not even take one step towards us, not one or two; you F'd up repeatedly.
The same debates have already been discussed during the cold war. There is no need to revisit the same security posture. What if God came down to earth? Would he try to shut me up, trip me up, or make me poor like the addict culture? Would he? What it really sounds like is they deserve a hurricane and earthquake for throwing these phony Jihad grenades at us and making a fuss when we throw their junk back. How confident is their reality and information? How much common sense do they truly have? What is their IQ? Why are they teaching? Why are they in our life? This is the best mind control they can throw at us, phony Jihad? The only thing they have not done is blow up California. However, flooding it with left wingers, political power, taxes, illegals, and jacking the real estate, is probably going to take out America's technology breadbasket. You people are something else. They want to see me suffer and show respect for the Vietnam War? Really? They don't have to do anything? Pay anything? There is no accountability? I imagined all of this and the past five years? How do they mess with the greatest war machine on earth this way and manage to walk away unscathed? How? Now you are going to take out my number two engineer or the DoD number two. I hope you are happy with all of the Democrat-Liberal CEOs that state has now produced. However, the state was good to the Vietnam Vets and the military. I am sure the communists will figure out a way to destroy the state. As I said, when are these guilty people who have no verification or authentication methods going to get it right? When? Of course I am right, they are a complete and total mess. On whose terms will this end? We do not need to know why they did this or how they feel, do we? Why do it at all and try to trip us up? Why rip people off or be a complete criminal?
If the Republicans do not like them, nuke them. If the Democrats do not like them, nuke them too. This is how the Pentagon and all superpowers operate, I did not right the rules. Do as we are taught, nuke them. Do as military manuals clearly print and clearly teach, nuke them. This is the nature of superpowers and what all superpowers do in order to ensure their security and the peace of this world; are they denying this or saying it is not true? Have I lost my mind or have they? Pony Jihad and mind control my ass; I am merely mortal but this is total dumbass and crazy. As I said, I can only compel them to Justice or surrendering to the authorities, I am a mere mortal. I am only able to say pay 2 billion in damages or else you will regret it; this was a complete injustice! It was such an injustice, they may incur the death penalty and get nuked by the superpowers, phony Jihad is now officially dead. We are mortals, how do you want to shut them down or make them go away? How do you want to get rid of this or them? We still wait for the answer, nothing but garbage and trash. The correct answer is they should not have done it and should have stopped when and if ordered to. It goes on today. Why didn't they stop a long time ago? The answer is very easy, why in hell did you do it and try to get away with it? Are you going to pay 2 billion or not as ordered; whose terms is this going to end? Whose? The answer is they F'd up repeatedly and won't shut up. (Yes you F'd up Paul and Kentucky should be ashamed of your phony politics; how dare you and your addict culture! You asses sit there like a log and take this shit; me I would be all over their ass for phony Jihad and addict politics. We know you all are monkeys and out of money, we know. F'in libertarian drug culture and real estate addicts in this phony Jihad!)
Fact: I lost two years and my car in Florida. They lost the contract due to the culture of addicts and I have never heard one thing from the Republicans about this culture of addicts or ripping off seniors. Am I supposed to be quiet about this also? The state looks like Democrats in Republican clothing, no standards and anything goes. I had a lot of years taken from me, Florida took two more years from me and I am not able to achieve my goals or objectives. What did they loose because of me? None of the Republicans are on duty. They are on the verge of taking out our technology breadbasket, California. It is a total mess there too.
Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and all of them are lying. Like all liberals and communist moles, they will change their position and never reveal who they truly are or what they truly did. To do so would mean suicide; this is the standard in all espionage or terrorism cases. None of their leaders are ever taken alive and they always take the cyanide. However, they will keep changing their position and stealing the ground we stand on. In order to get closer or gain, they must steal and change with the environment; that is a mole and that is what espionage is all about. It is the same methods used in drug wars, gang warfare, and penetration or infiltration. They will never tell the truth, never. This is why they are so dangerous and serial killers. They will kill and murder before they tell the truth or seek justice. The evidence is consistent; leave, move, and shouting at us or throwing grenades. They are phony Jihad employers, they run the war, they make the hiring-firing decisions, they throw money around like a war zone, they are always envious; and they are totally nuts, totally. He and his addict culture are still telling us to move and leave their home, their state, etc... They are still lobbing these grenades and this phony Jihad at us; feeling us up and acting powerful or in control. Typical of this monkey trash.
It is kind of strange how I am bleeding and hurt, over money or jobs. It is strange how a person of my caliber or capability is struggling so much. It is strange how this asshole is always my employer which led to one firing after the next. It is a little peculiar to get so many complaints from someone who did all of this and rewrote history. It is also a little suspicious how I was arrested, forced medicated, have traffic tickets left and right, was Baker Acted 4 times, has so many financial problems, has one incident report after the next, etc... and all I am doing is throwing their grenades back at them and on the verge of becoming rich and powerful. Does this excuse them or make them less guilty? No. Even the most corrupt government official or mental staff puppet has to agree; it is a little conspicuous and unfamiliar. I did take it like a champ and made nothing out of something. I know who my attackers are and why; I can identify them and everything they did! They are the professors and I have to go back to college if I want a job? MY WORK AND MY EDUCATION, MY COLLEGE DEGREE IS JUNK, SO ARE MY GRADES? REALLY? THEY WERE SO HONEST WITH THEIR STUDENTS, SHUT THEM DOWN! THEY NEED TO READ MY BOOK AND GO BACK TO COLLEGE, THEY FLUNKED!
Well, if I had insulted them before and shown disrespect; now it is ten times what they had imagined. However, it does not change the ending nor does it really shut me up or make me pliant to their wants and needs. In other words, this asshole needs to be medicated ten times the legal limit now. As far as what I can do and what they can do, I have shown vividly I will do as I damn please no matter how much authority they place or exert on the matter. If they want to challenge it; then leave some evidence. If they do not, then eat a hurricane and earthquake. All I have to say is go to hell and if they are trying to piss off God himself, then I am sure he is reading this and will eventually kill them or earthquake them. Me, I am a mere mortal who will say to their face, "I will do as I please and if you wish to say otherwise, then this is your chance." You either get another one or you will lick your wounds; for shits in your pants and giggles as usual. If people were injured by your retarded behavior and how an asshole who will not shut up needs ten times the legal limit of medication, then don't ever blame anybody or say it is someone else's fault. Nobody got you in this predicament and only you can get yourself out of it; on other people's term this time. Note, this is on other people's terms, not yours. Keep avoiding jail and trying to make it look like Jihad is being waged on your loser ass; God is truly mad and truly at war with this asshole. It is really annoying, when are they going to die and when are their people going to get a bit fierce about the matter? Then go away if they have no fight and are not fierce; broken and beaten like a retard imbecile. You stupid ass, we will do as we please in this war; you have lost all control over us or our life, all total idiot.
If you want to throw another imaginary grenade at me, I will do as always, throw it back. If you throw one, I throw one back; it's yours not mine. You own it asshole, I do not want your junk and monkey trash. Then we will throw one at you this weekend; stop crying, mine is bigger and sexier. You have to prove we watched you 24-7, harassed and shouted at you at home or around the clock, refused to write anything down, lied and cheated to evade capture, made up one conspiracy plot or terror plot after the other, was playing with our minds and will not STFU, are a total loser who wants this on your terms, God is waging war on you and we are mere mortals, I am blessed and my resume disproves what you are proving, and everything I said was true. The judgements against me or what was tried on me, was 50-50 and the people who did it was totally blind and imbeciles. They cannot even do security and want to be the voice of the allies or America. They claim one thing and we know they are pathological liars, who to sue or is liable? We have a 50-50 judgment; which side are you on and which verification method are we talking about; clandestine, surreptitious, and asshole; or The Justice Department and Pentagon? Take your pick traitor and stick your Jihad mutt up your fury ass. As the public can see clearly now, we verified every step and they refused to very any step; but it is 50-50 in our favor. Who exactly owes 2 billion in damages and refuses to pay also? Not verified. Not willing to pay. Lazy and left a mess. Minded their own business and got here and now? Throwing imaginary things at us like a kid? So what if they are poor and stupid; guilt is not measured by that standard. I will say it again, pay the damn 2 billion before you get crush, cracked, and broken to pieces over this. As far as the government, they have a lot of work ahead of them and must document everything; everything and verification methods. If they wish to play the same Jihad hiring game, fire them. Leave some evidence so it is a fair war against us!
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