The reason the Bush Family is terrified of hurricane season is because 1. George Bush, Senior - dead hit by Tropical Strong Andrew (1992) 2. George Bush, Junior - dead hit by Tropical Strong Katrina (2005) 3. Jeb Bush - dead hit by Tropical Strong Charley (2004), Wilma (2005), Ivan (2004) and secondary by Sandy (2012). On the whole or the cumulative, the Southern Baptist are most effective and impacted by bad weather or the wrath of God. We cannot analyze the impact of weather on the Republican or Democratic Party, only those groups. Within the Southern Baptist controlled territories, the African Americans are the most terrified of all because it makes their white political leaders look bad. We also correlate the relationship between rape, theft, looting, crime, and drugs with foul weather or hurricane season. There seems to be a spike in crime immediately after each storm and a fibrillation before the storm. The propensity for communism occurs by and large after a storm instead of before one. The impact on the state is chaos and the migration pattern of Southern Baptists is halted due to transportation problems or shutdown. In other words, there is a valid point to make for the spike in chaos after a prophetical storm and the use of military drones armed with Hellfire missiles or even special tipped high explosives. We need good sound policy, that is the bottom line. I love to talk military and I love to develop good sound military policy but this is no rap song about the police and drones are serious business.
This brings us to the Bush Family, The President, and Governors. Can a governor request drones to prevent looting and robbery and is due process Constitutional? There was a total loss of business estimated at 220 billion for all of those storms. Consider how much the Bush Family spent from tax dollars and this is a drop in the bucket. Hurricane and earthquakes impact Southern Baptist more than any other religion. However, it also creates a migratory movement to other areas escalating the already existing fear of attack by a Southern Baptist. Few communities are willing or able to adopt displaced storm victims after a hurricane or earthquake, this is certain. The reason is the fear of attack by a Southern Baptist increases ten fold and is permanent. The data indicates that if an office of hurricane or earthquake existed, then it was under the auspices of the Bush Family but the Southern Baptists were the most impacted. In other words, if the Pentagon had hurricane and earthquake technology, a gigantic gap exist with the Bush Family or the Southern Baptists. We are not sure of the full story and none of them care to tell us what exactly happened so we can trace it. We were also inundated with terror plots and getting ambushed daily on US soil. Again, drone policy exists on the experience and tutelage of the Bush Family, they have the most experience of all other politicians. The application of lethal force under three separate wars gives them expertise in lethal force or Pentagon policy.
History of Westboro Baptist Church:
All of them know we are going to get much more miles out of this. In the case of JFK and RFK, all data indicates the Jews and Southern Baptists. Therefore, the Catholics owe this Phony Jihad some payback. We know communism is about slavery. They do not represent Cold Warriors or Vietnam. The communist forces USA are both the Baptists and New York criminals. More rapists, murders, and drugs came from this church who says they are free to worship how they want than any other. Baptist also believe in slavery, welfare. How many Americans have been attacked by them or radicalized; look at Westboro Baptist. They think they are superior and the voice of America; but they lack the brains and the technology for this kind of police work or warfare. Do you trust their police or their tolerance? Southern Baptists and Methodist look for opportunity and jobs; jobs and opportunity do not come to them. They are known to spy, steal, and fight police to the death over this. Southern Baptists are behind more domestic violence and child abuse cases than any other religion or group of traitors! Look it up and the crime rates. How many Buddhist and Presbyterians are guilty of radicalizing or raping other human beings? It does look like rape. Phony Jihad does look like a recruitment, imposing their will on others, radicalization, indoctrination, and a sexual crime. Are they saying the Buddhist and Presbyterians are too stupid and got in this mess because of a sexual offense or rape charges? Who is the barbarian and who has a long list of Supreme Court Judgments against them? We chase opportunity and have a record of such? We hire-fire or see this all the time? It has to be by their hands or God himself? His-story or indigenous?
We know they are annoying and dumb. They should have called their preacher and not us. I am not the bomb squad, there 24 hours to entertain their stupid thoughts. So how did I become a gaunt, emaciated, lanky, and frivolous stranger to the world if the communists did not do what they are charged of doing? This choice. This college degree. This career path. This mission. This little game of strategy. This case. This terror plot. These suspects. This total mess. These attacks on me. This effort to shut each other up. This political game and our future. This debate. This game of stalking. This cat and mouse game. This war game and intro to satellite warfare. This cyber romance. This level or high up. This much on the line or risk taking. This anger level and danger level. This stalker and criminal we have to engage with or embrace. This radicalization process or our schooling. Everything is going to one day fit in place or be perfect. Is going to kill one, both, or all of us. Usually the stalker and those arrested do not win in the end. We know how the ending should go or should be. Who will be killed? One of us, both of us, or all of us? Worse, the government is completely feeble to address the problem with communism or Phony Jihad; until now. God knows what they would have done had we not struck fear into them or were hearing. I did not enjoy one moment of this abduction or what followed decades later. They felt we would come around and see things their way, things could be much better. Eventually, they will see it our way; things are much better, always had been. So if the US government can shut them down; then we can finish them off in damages. They aimed high and they took something from us very priceless. How can such a low achiever aim so high? How did we become a tool of a web of lies?
They do not use traditional methods to kidnap, abduct, or watch people closely. You cannot tell if they are the police or not, it is informal. They use technology and information to get away with crime, corruption, and to become more and more phony. To these people, there is nothing wrong, ever. There is definitely something wrong. I was able to see who they were. How many people they had hostage. I counted their heads and comforted them. I told them a rescue team was on the way and I gave all of them as much water as I could and comforted them. I then called both the Pentagon and FBI to alert them of what happened and who they had. Someone replaced my dossier and records with one of theirs; a dumbass. It took some time before anybody knew who I was or believed me, someone wrote "escaped mental patient" on my file. They took us deeper into this and it began to settle on me; it will take a lot to get out of it. Eventually, they began to see it our way and felt God hit them with a sledge hammer. We still have not come around, even if in the end they caved in and did around or see it our way. As they were getting shut down, they just kept on attacking. We hope the real pain settles in after we get what we want or get back what we had; and the war is brought to their doorsteps finally. Again, stop using me to communicate and call their communist preacher. Getting the wrong number and calling repeatedly until the other person is driven crazy, ready to commit suicide, or is completely numb; is no mistake. The ending would have ended better had they called the Pentagon, a newspaper, or even the FBI. Call us and I will send a hurricane or earthquake of a response until those weapons are dropped and surrendered to the police. They know what kind of mileage we got out of this and how many more miles we can get out of it; with or without them.
People do not like to hear Neanderthals doing these things. Will they finally shut up and just go away? These rogue police officers who keep adding me to one suspect list or the other. Please shut up and go away. If I have to repeat myself it will sound like STFU will you. We have major problems. Do you have a plan to meet their communist armies or their Jihad? Probably not. Can you please shut up it is a little distracting and really annoying. As far as the Baker Act, have you considered the Southern Baptists? I mean the entire church. Look at their statistics and the data in America. As far as mental illness; are you blind or did you just wake up and realize you have been around the block several times? Now I am numb and I am really not in the mood to have these people on our side or in our life. How about shut them down and raid their political offices before they radicalize more people, produce more crime, or put us in a Phony Jihad look stupid and re-educating all of our life plans. When you shut this church and this Phony Jihad down, your pocketbook will be much fatter. This damn church has been a pain in the ass and a nuisance ever since they were created or given freedom. They have sent an passivisation squad and used us as both bait and a trap. We know and can identify our attackers and we know exactly what they did or tried to do; to us and using us.
If you want to see Phony Jihad psychopaths get in our face like a man, then it is exactly like the Southern Baptists. It does not matter if they are male or female, they are evil. To suggest they represent God or come from descendants of Americans, is comparing Neanderthal people to the statistics radicalizing people this very moment. These women get in our face and try to bully us far worse than any man would even try. As far as us giving the Southern Baptists and Phony Jihad police tools or the weapons to fight crime; how about shutting them down so we do not have to get more angry or frustrated? Look at the cumulative judgments on these people. Look at the lack of justice and the totality of this disaster. Shut those assholes down so we do not have to fear attack or hear this anymore. I am sure they had no idea or was just doing their job. I had to sit there and take this crap, look at their history and the numbers. Someone told these assholes they were descendants of Americans, not traitors. Do they have a plan to eradicate the communist or restore the entire totality? Get the money to the right people and get the wrong people out of our lives; they are spreading like a disease all over America. Is there any place to brag about left in America? Exactly, we are trapped and surrounded. We do not like Neanderthals doing this stuff. It makes everybody look bad or inept. Shut them down. We end up using our own money and life; to save all of their asses. Had they done some homework and shut that damn Phony Jihad mutt down or their church, we would not be here now. They crawling all over the Republican side also. Bring the door to their doorstep and church. It is a good start. Consider it a secession. Consider it competition. Consider who is the jilted admirers or why we would be jilted about a Neanderthal.
I do not think lethal force will make anybody sexual or horny. I do not think we are trying to have sex with them at all. I do not know why one call after the other would suggest they are or want to be our mistress or partner. Most people can put two and two together, most. Getting hosed down is not strong enough of a response for the Southern Baptists? Imagine wave after wave of media people calling us surreptitiously and telling us they are communist and do not care? Imagine they doing this endlessly until we become frail. All of them ignore the problem with the Southern Baptists, all of them. I cannot imagine why anybody would have an allergic reaction or mind any of the events going on or described. I could not figure out why anyone would be angry with the police or those behind all of this corruption. I could not even imagine anybody whom would put themselves in such an embarrassing moment or live like animals. Did they make an effort to leave or tell someone? Did they tell their preacher? Did they take any proactive steps and measures to indicate what exactly was underway or who was doing it? We do not need to know what we have done or did, it isn't written. Do not call us about being a communist or a conspiracy (Chris Plante keeps on dropping hints and almost having a heart attack). Don't try to talk it out, write it down about trying to have sex, have babies, rape, murder plots, etc... We know the voice of the Southern Baptists is a black female also and their goals are in accordance to communist indoctrination.
If this was a murder investigation, the degree of libel and malpractice would give a seasoned investigator a heart attack. We could not even measure the level of lying. The product was so poorly put together and so artificial, you had to ask who was blind or dumb enough to not notice. The people involved, if we put them in zombie costumes; would be identical to zombies. Not a word made sense or this lack of cooperation and how scattered the evidence was; suggested a clown or a monkey tried to color within the lines but did not have the intelligence or the vision to notice the magnitude of mistakes. The age and the lack of professionalism; along with the creepy overall way they presented their case, made people keep feeling an animal was passing gas in front of their face and would not stop. This is how I described them in the army and after someone tried to place me in a federal penitentiary; a Super-dump roller-coaster designed to make you barf over their feces. Nothing made sense. Nobody saw anything. Nobody was accountable. Nobody could tell the truth. All of them wanted to suggest this case or the entire matter was about race or racism. On the flip side, the phony Jihad and communism problem fit like a tee. Their greeting party paralyzed us also. I wonder what a butcher feels like losing so badly? Who in hell could do this to us? We are smart. We are cautious. We are not easy targets. Who out there is professional enough at this level and can make us their victim? It is very baffling. If you had the perfect crime or the perfect alibi; but was guilty of the most heinous crimes, is it possible to be so busted worse or be stuck in the center of it and have to either lie out of it or fight your way out of a total maze that does not even exist? They claim competition and the truth is Jihad on them; an association is justice and liberty? Everybody is a terrorist and guilty, never them. They are special and they are a God. How do they get the power to do this or be a butcher? The impact on the communists and Phony Jihad when this is finally done will be life ending; can we speed it up a little and begin the firing?
Their messengers and recruiters were so messy and so inconsiderate the way they handled the entire matter. How it went on so long was the result of two factors. First, while the shoplifters were doing this; surveillance cameras recorded their every move. Second, the owner of the store was putting the item back on the shelf or counterfeit the moment it went missing and then recovering the surveillance tapes for doctored tapes. When the police arrived, they saw nothing and could not tell the entire store had been slowly disappearing and replaced by the owner of the store. It was a great way to break out of jail also. Had it been a murder investigation or war crime seen; the massacred would have pointed us in the wrong direction. Phony Jihad is a re-education camp and we have reversed the re-education. Feels good now doesn't it? They even claimed they enjoyed the excitement of battle and being butchers. What happened? We have tape of them and recordings; nerves totally shattered. They are as white as a ghost now. Show me how many psychopaths would even stay on the job for a week. To hold on for so long and for so high a scrawny imbecile; we would like to know if there are any tendons left in their hands. Describe the sensation of combat with federal forces for us and the world. Was there a moment you felt the tide would turn or felt any enjoyment? The fight we have in us and the level of struggle provokes they are full scale butchers and psychopaths. Someone went to elaborate planning to make sure the crime scene was in their favor and they had solid evidence and an alibi; even the confidence to pass a lie detector. It was such a well thought out crime, they tried to pull the wool over everybody's eyes; that is at least six different global intelligence and federal police agencies. The communists want to be our appendages, our muscle or re-education camp administers. They want everybody to believe they are descendents of great Americans or was born in the USA. Yeah, take a hard look what they did to the USA and us. They continue to play this game and wrap the flag around each other. Can we be less patient and speed it up a little? Do we want justice?
If they run re-education camps or torture people like butchers, I am at odds to find out how their nerves are shattered and why they are so paranoid or broken now; did they see ghosts? Why are they white like ghosts if they are so good at brainwashing and Phony Jihad? To brainwash on this scale and have their nerves shattered like weak cheap glass makes no sense to the claims of communism or the communists. They have the confidence and the insanity of terrorists; but as hateful and psychopath as they are; it makes no sense how they claim to be paranoid, reprogrammed, or have PTSD and shattered nerves. It sounds like they shot each other in the foot or clubbed each other to death. Can they offer their followers clues or offer surveillance of how they got those injuries? Maybe these communists are ashamed of running a re-education camp in America or Phony Jihad? Maybe they got a taste of their own medicine finally and do not want to admit it. Maybe the wounds they got are so deep, they want to die or cover it up? Maybe the crimes are so egregious; this is all they have to stay alive on this planet? Well, it still does not change the fact they are on US soil, got busted for running a re-education camp, and have not turned over their surveillance or espionage tools. They knew who exactly to call or target; which doors they could open or shut. The investigators know this was an inside job by the staged crime scene. The impact on the communists when this is done will be life ending. They remain primitive and informal waging Phony Jihad on the world. They cannot compete, there is just too much brain power against them and they are butchers, barbarians trying to be the boss.
On a scale of 1 to 10, what is their fear level? On a scale of 1 to 10, what is their pain level? On a scale of 1 to 10, how much fight do they have left? How do they hide being a psychopath day in and day out? It is amazing and so is their pain threshold. They do admit they were running a re-education camp don't they? A POW camp? They ran into a POW specialist and did not know it, agree? They got caught at their own game and do not want to pay 2.5 billion dollars. Now they are in a whole world of trouble and ask for the death penalty before trail and arrest? Anybody caught behind enemy lines doing this has to feel some shaken nerves, don't lie about it. Only a butcher would do this or get caught so deep in enemy territory; but the rewards were worth it, well worth it; had they not been caught. They dug in and are pretty deep. I have never seen so many communist moles homeless or with their nerves shaken; broken to bits and living like animals. They are butchers and they do bleed easily. I have a feeling their communist or Phony Jihad forces will be trying to bend over backwards and bleeding like crazy for many more decades to follow, completely done or shut down. Their nerves are shattered and they are choking on the leash. It is a sad sight but it is the life they have chosen as terrorists and butchers. What else can they do but gush and admire us? When this is finally done, they are not going to be on our side and they are going to be hunted down, much worse. I don't know, do we want justice? Keep in mind the level of brain power against these barbarians globally, immense. To win they have to set up a re-education camp. They do want justice and the needs of the poor is immense; far beyond our power to escape. They are landlords. All of them are landlords now.
We are aware of your low achievement statistics and why. We know all about your books and teachings. We also have written material about what your Southern Baptist Church is all about and why you are in last place. It surprises me such a low achiever could manage to find access or build such a pile of junk and trash. It numbs the mind how high up or what kind of a wire-walk you are doing and trying. Do you have any idea who you are and who your opposition is? Do you realize how odd you look and feel, such a low achiever? Any evidence of this or not? Special prosecutor and access? Police? Church of the Republicans and slavery? We see a lot of problems with your parents and your children; a lot. What do you see? What will you admit to? Did you try to apply those standards to our life or impose your will on us? Are you ready to surrender? Are you ready for war if no surrender is needed? Can you even stop yourself or not? What is it you want, to be us, look like us, or to be verified as inferior and a total nut case? What is your goal here if any? What is your politics and power about? How do you see national security or military politics? Us? You? Them? Phony Jihad? How many worlds do we have here and who created it? How many voices? You admit you are chasing ghosts, don't you? It is an imaginary enemy, not even real; don't you? How about us and what you are reading? What is your school verification method? None? Silence? How are you verifying any of this bias or Phony Jihad? This is, if you are not totally insane and guilty? We need to know. We have a verification method, where is yours? Write it down if you do not want a shut down of your slave world view. You are slaves right? You admit or accept the shut down of the Southern Baptist Church, Phony Jihad and church bombings? There is a huge gap in Republican Party here. Do you see the total mess or only demand money?
Are you on drugs or just totally insane? We can turn this up on your again and you will not get up or feel paralyzed with our psychic powers. Are you saying you can take it or do not care? Why hide it or refuse to break out the drones; we can help you get drones if you word it correctly. You do want lethal force don't you? Your police want to hold up a sign, "Loot and We Shoot" don't you? I don't get it, you get high, crash and burn; and are back at it again. Can you stop if we open up the avenues for you to get help? Do you want help? I am not going to kill my family, spouse, or anybody on your command or on your demands. Give up on that pipe dream. Nobody told you or put a gun to your head and said nuke them or else we nuke you; nobody. If anybody will or does, it will be legal and by official means, Pentagon policy. Why do you keep fighting back, mouthing off, and asking to die? Why? Can you stop or stop yourself? What is it you want besides wasting our time and ruining our life and world? You admit you ruined our life and world, don't you? Only a protest? Only radicalization or psychological warfare? Only a POW camp and re-education camp? You have a right to organize and we do too, without you! We love our family and do not abuse our children, what are you suggesting?
You do have a religion don't you? You do have a belief system don't you? You are landowners and we pay you rent don't we? This is free? Or are we free and slaves? Why be scared of your own work and life, why? Why be ashamed of who you are or have become? You want to be us now? We have nothing in common and wish you suffer, why? Why would you lie about all of this or to our faces, even on TV and radio? Why? Benefit? Consequences? Drive us crazy? Want to die? Dealing with a mental patient? Trying to write his-story or be our God? Impose your will on us and run as quick as you can? Competition? Justice? Legalism and proof? School or apprenticeship program? You do admit you are dealing with a mental patient don't you? You do admit the statistics show the Southern Baptist lead the charge in communism, radicalization, lawlessness, taxes, negotiations, competition, communism, crime, rape, and violence; DON'T YOU? You do admit that is Phony Jihad and your protest or competition, don't you? You admit we saw our attackers, what you did, and caught you; don't you? You do want to stay don't you? You do want to live don't you? What are you willing to admit? Can you stop or not? Do you want to surrender or not? You admit you cannot have your way with us anymore? Still? Okay so you are embarrassed and we know all about your history or fake accomplish. What is your goal here? Is this about slavery or your religious indoctrination?
I never said anything about killing your own family, partner, or followers. I never said anything about what you want or need, for us to leave and shut up. I never said if you want to be nuked or for the Pentagon to go nuclear on this. I said if you can stop before lethal force is needed? You do agree lethal force will be needed right? I never said on who or whom, only if lethal force is needed and why your nerves are shattered. Is this part of the problem? You cannot protest hard enough, violate anymore crimes, and lethal force will be needed? Is this your voice or your people's voice? Is this God's voice I hear? We can shut your church down if you intend on killing all of your people; I have the FBI and Pentagon on the line. It does not have to end like Waco. Are you saying you are daring the FBI and Pentagon or only wish to hold up signs for us? What are you communists and Southern Baptist saying? Do you agree it is "radicalizing" the entire world or only America? If this is a nonviolent protest, we have options to shut you down, is that okay? Why does the FBI and Pentagon need lethal force? Okay then, why can't you address the drug wars, hurricane, earthquakes, or crime? Why? Lethal force? Why can't you all stop or help us stop you? You are helping us stop you, aren't you? You do have information for the police, don't you? You admit we need to shut the Southern Baptists or Phony Jihad down, don't you? Drugs?
Dear Mark Stein: Let's not worry about what you are doing. Let's not worry about how you are doing it. Let's not worry about trying to explain or tell us how you feel or see it. Let's not worry about who is guilty or not. Let's worry about one and only one thing. CAN YOU STOP? Can you please stop before you drive us crazy or start a war? Do we need to hear a speech on psychopaths? Do we need to know about schools or security at schools? Can you all stop yourself? Do you want war? Are you asking for war? Are you trying to stop or start a war? Let's not worry if it will work or not. Let's not worry about anything for now. Focus on one and only one thing because the evidence indicates you cannot stop and refuse to stop. Let's not discuss your guilt or when if ever you will be raided. Are you voluntarily able to stop and if not why? Are you a marked man? Do you fear for your life? Do you fear the consequences? Are you suicidal? Before the war and the police knock on your door, can you stop or shut up? What exactly is the problem? WHAT IS YOUR TOLERANCE LEVEL OR IS IT DEATH? GIVE YOU FREEDOM OR GIVE YOU DEATH? WHY ARE YOU HIDING THIS TOLERANCE FROM THE FBI AND PENTAGON? WE KNOW YOU ARE DEFEATED AND YOUR NERVES ARE SHATTERED, CAN YOU STOP OR NOT? ARE WE ABLE TO SHUT YOU UP OR STOP THE LIES?
The evidence is very clear and the recording of them is illustrious of who we are dealing with. We caught and stopped the communist and Southern Baptist invasion, called Phony Jihad. How we did it has not been proven. The investigative work was beyond poor. When it came to competition, they had cold feet; a pathological liar. When it came to rape, crime, and murder; their confidence and religion was guilty each and every single time. When it came to serious matters such as Congress, Taxation without Representation, Revolution, War and Peace, Justice, and the Administration of Justice; they were the last in the class. The wheels feel off their product. The vehicle they drove was a rusted out bucket of junk. They looked off key or odd, always trying to sleep with us or be some secret partner. There was never any evidence because it was always a setup, abuse of power, infiltration, secret society, etc... a communist spy ring rang by communist espionage agents and the Southern Baptists. The amount of propaganda they used also helped to eliminate any doubt or competition.
A scam is not the correct term; war, treason, sedition, and vague national security goals is a more accurate analysis. Those on the job were completely blind but their guilt was hidden each and every step by very clever conspiracies involving how we get our information or competition (schools, universities, books, TV, radio, etc...). On the flip side, when it came to privatization and business matters, civilian work; they tried to inject paranoia, fear, chaos, hire-fire failures, etc.. until a human being went crazy or lost their mind. We see this repeated in the most insane manner possible, right in front of the police and investigators, why? Because in their world of justice, there really is no cop-petition. Similar to Phony Jihad, they become the voice of God, the communists, and even our voice; identity theft is not strong enough to do this. Suppression is not strong enough to do this. War or psychological war is not strong enough to do this. Terrorism is not strong enough to do this or get this result. What is? We have to ask the police if competition is present or a serious problem. The evidence suggests that even while they took the shape and form of the police or otherwise, they still could not make this work or hold their position. Nothing they tried suppressed us or could ruin our life. Waging war and Jihad on us did not even work and this is how it got this way. Yet the mystery remains why they did not discuss it openly or tell anyone; such as their preacher or God himself.
It did not exist because the competition and voice of the opposition is not present. The only political operatives there is the communists, how can anybody detect this? If the communists are the Republicans and Democrats, then how can anybody, even the FBI detect it? How would you prosecute or take down the Southern Baptist or communists? I do not even hear a transparent dialogue or any discussion; what we do see is a re-education camp, a lot of legal judgments, a lot of guilty people, and a cult of communists who are sitting there waiting for something. They cannot make the case it did not exist, was a dream, only a fantasy, or how we are mentally ill and made all of this up. Why didn't they tell someone? Why didn't they document anything? Why wait until someone said "busted?" Why delay the damage payments or circumvent the laws, even put other human beings in danger? Is that professional? Is that how they keep their job? They want no opposition but when they are busted, we still see no opposition. They are right, nobody cares if they die or not. It sounds like a racketeering plot for both communists, moles, or anyone who can pay their fees; ran by the communists and Southern Baptists. Phony Jihad has given them lots of material and shut up the cold war; all the oxygen was turned off intentionally. Oxygen is the demand, not the supply.
Internet Stalking Game and Cyber Warfare:
Husband and Wife Kidnapped in Mexico, The Desperate Hours:
For years, I held back the pain and the anger. I numbed myself in a trance and thinking of the future, what I would do to them when and if their identity was known. I never said a word and the pain was unlike anything I had ever felt. It puts a warrior into a new world where their hands are tied and they must bow or scream when told. One day, the war will arrive at their door and one day their identity will not save them or what that war will do to them. Now the tide has turned and their nerves are shattered while the storm comes closer; the strong and the stronger will and has survived. There was never a doubt in my mind, not once. There was not one second of this ordeal I had not thought out or toughened up to. All numb, I planned out how my cavalry would attack or how my ground forces would flank them in the end or when the curtains were lifted. I used my finger like a gun and I knew the day would come when their hand would be the trigger to their own death. I knew their leaders would be blamed. I knew a lot of them would face their own firing squad for this. I sat there and reloaded, then kept on reloading until I woke up to a new day. The war on the communists will come and when it does, they will know what they did and how wrong they were. Like barbarians, they will cannibalize their leaders as we expected. After they are shut down, they will be finished off. Am I dreaming or are they? We finally catch the Southern Baptists and the communists at their own game. Shut up about how I got every mile out of it, please; people are not stupid and everybody can see clearly. I will rejoice when I see their church burn and the Phony Jihad up in flames.
This idea they are only helping is hurting a lot of people. This idea they are the Republican Party is phony Jihad. They just make no effort to respect our rights, insist it is about racism and blacks, they are our leaders or partners, and they turn out to be a new communist enemy who has swarmed around us and have us surrounded. It looks identical because they are identical, but when it comes to us and them; it is always about them or how special they are being a dumbass. Just pay the damn damages and face whatever justice is coming to you before more and more people get hurt. That is why it is so frustrating, this is all they have and they are one step from the cliff. They will attack, obviously. Who in hell is able to make us a victim doing all of this? Who? That is like saying who is smart enough to win the cold war and implement this level of communism on US soil? Was it us or them? When it came to justice, the bottom fell out on them also and the wheels fell right off. Look at all those Judgments against them and how they utilize materialism or land ownership; natural resources and indigenous politics. Does anybody doubt how they shoot themselves in the foot or how they play this frustrating game and call it racism when it is about the needs of the poor? They throw themselves at us like prostitutes. This was a re-education camp and they met real military POW camp specialists or fully trained college educated professionals on the topic. This is why it was so bad for them or was a slaughter. They were trying to sell junk and were talking to the real deal all along; an empire of trash now or about to get trashed. The cold war did not surrender. It became a bigger re-education camp by the needs of the poor. Let's talk about their college and professors, shall we? People are uncomfortable with a psychopath or communist spy sitting next to them playing this game 24-7. How do they get the power to do this or be a butcher? They want everybody to believe they are descendents of great Americans or was born in the USA. Yeah, take a hard look what they did to the USA and us. They continue to play this game and wrap the flag around each other.
They could have told someone or wrote it down; even monogamously. Ignoramus has a choice here to do the right thing. STOP saying you do not know what to do or surrender, then "MOVE, LEAVE, GO HOME" all day long. The entire case and every detail is written; you cannot decide or want to? We have to file a complaint? It is not our responsibility? Yes, keep that game rolling on. If you want to surrender or do the right thing, it is being recorded and filmed. I had to go to college, so it will be impossible to lie about this. Yeah, like anybody got training in this, secret war, or our world. Who was your professor and how was it certified? You must be smarter than the allied defenses? Show me how many psychopaths enjoy this much pain or grief? You have to be a complete psychopath to even be doing it every day and record yourself crying, weeping, or nerves shattered. Yes caught on tape gushing and blinking at us all day in public.
1. Surrender all espionage or illegal surveillance used to conduct, implement, or create this POW camp; Phony Jihad. As you can see by the news, The FBI is waiting for you to pay the damages and surrender. This includes the illegal surveillance and espionage equipment. Confused? Not fully sold yet? Hard to please or not perfect yet? Full court press now? No punches thrown? Only fighting words?
2. Do ask requested by the book and with the FBI intervention; stop complaining about being raided, push to the cliff, or being trapped and have a right to self defense or gun rights. Don't even act like the police or a Judge. Do ask told. I admit, it is powerful mind control and deception. It does cause hesitation and pause. It does turn your life upside down and force anybody to tell the truth, nothing but the truth; no bias or fabrications. It is a very good murder mystery book; we must be dumb.
3. Pay the 2.5 billion in damages and end this Phony Jihad immediately; look at that mess, who is going to clean it up, the zombie apocalypse is near and I asked the Pentagon to go nuclear or deploy a secret war. Don't keep talking about how you are bashing our head in or how the police did this to you when you got drafted, protested, and are not anti-war any longer, Phony Jihad.
4. We want security and solutions. We have the right to fire you or remove trash from our life. You are asking us to live as animals or like you, barbarians and animals. Stop making it about you or money. Stop making it look like I drive a beat up car, hit an IED, am a Jihad veteran, have brain damage and PTSD, was handicapped by your forces or friendly fire, you are so helpful, you are not a serial killer maniac, it is verbal judo, and you are the voice of America or the allies, call you. It just goes on and on, new ways to think up of new phony Jihad or total lies. Support the solution and ending. Do as you are told so we do not have to do the heavy lifting or think up of how to stop you or remove all of this trash so we can have a normal life. This was never about you, never.
5. Your actions hurt, it did not help or ever did. To this day, there is not one shred of evidence you supported the solution while all the evidence suggests something else or Phony Jihad. We and the authorities, even the defense forces of this world now have to labor and sort through this mess, not going to happen in our lifetime. I promise. You will lick up and clean every piece of trash in our life, every single piece or face your own fate. Don't try to present it as self defense or a Waco raid, Oklahoma, or about Iraq and the Middle East. We know it is communism. How many CIA masters out there or Pentagon Generals got training in this? How many? How many public officials or public citizens? It can be verified and authenticated; deny it? Two billion is the price tag; outsmarted and must surrender or face the consequences now. You are the problem and have been; you tried to shut up, block, extort, kill, and kidnap the solution and his-story. You implemented the next tier of communism; Phony Jihad. The bodies are a wall you use so the truth cannot get through or any rescue. Now if you wish to make people go through hell just to catch you or clean up all of this phonier and phonier world you have now created out of our life; then we will let you have it. Here it is.
We will gladly accept their resignation but we already know we will not get it. If you look at the military the same, will never get their resignation. Their police are a total mess always, never enough money. They don't care. They are too busy. We need to calm down, etc... We will gladly accept the resignation of all these "conservative" political movers but we know we will never get it either. As we will find out later, they are losing power and control. Their natural resources are drying out. Their jobs are overseas or gone. All that is left is real estate or being a landlord, investments. If they loose control of the politics and the courts in the USA; they will get one judgment after the next against them. The consequences will disrupt and wipe their plans out. Meanwhile, their slaves and prisoners will arm and finish them off. If they do not launch a race war; if they do not impose heavy sanctions or restrictions, if they do not take out the good guys or blind anybody whom knows or is watching; both their power, their future, and their war against America and justice will end. At most they can make a few bucks and retire. If they play their cards right; they can mutually benefit or make some money until a rescue arrives; Phony Jihad and this re-education camp. However, to achieve this; they must take out or put to sleep the allies and then imprison them. If it works, they win. If it doesn't, they loose and in the worst possible way. The machines will defeat them in battle eventually. The first problem is race or their race; not our race and others.
They claim they had nothing to do with it, all informal and deception. Never anything written. However, I see the bandages on them and how shattered their nerves are; torture victims. This implicates them and their own re-education camps. From the get go they did this; as if we are stupid and always wrong. Their wounds suggest they were in combat with us many times and they were making contact to suggest they were not in combat or had anything to do with it. Any seasoned investigator will say they are lying and covering it up. They truly feel they are going to die, have no way out, are ready to die, and are going to be executed or meet some form of violent death. However, they will fight it out to the very end. The record shows surreptitious or illegal communication 24-7 and the denial of it. It also shows endless pressure tactics, even arrest or being framed. If they were truly innocent, they took no effort to prove this, none. You mean as Christians, they did not know or bother to tell anyone, not even the FBI and Pentagon? Really, and they claim to be the professors of America and experts on this topic? This is an F student talking or screwing up our life. Now we know how our life and career got this way!
Do not believe their fact finding or police story. It is informal and not even written down. They will deny everything, everything; even refuse to pay damages. They seek to bribe us using jobs, drugs, sex, or anything we need. To find out what we need or value, can afford; they will watch me like a hawk. They will screw up and trip up any plans or good news. They are more slippery than slick Willie himself. If Jihid and Phony Jihad invasion is to work; we will be prisoners or hunted. We will be in re-education camps; similar to Vietnam. First, they must ask questions, violate our rights, make us pay to talk to them or set up communications, and then deny it every occurred. A quick exist is required for this ending. If they do not; they will face major problems and the Pentagon will be alerted and interceptors will be sent; Deafcon levels. They feel they sufferred enough and have to live with this now. They were never dealing with sweet, likeable, or cooperative people who had their best interest in mind; we set them up and ripped them off.
Keep in mind the only thing American Jihad is about real estate, natural resources, the understanding of the poor, Phony Jihad, and a lot of problems. They cannot compete. They do not fit in. They want to only be the boss or order people around. Their women are completely nuts. There is a list of problems but when it comes to us and them; they have only a handful of value or opportunity. Yes they came to the US due to religious persecution or penal flight. Yes they have new communist surveillance and espionage equipment. Yes they have worked hard to get here. Should they turn around with nothing or surrender without any fight? If all they have is a lot of financial woes, the ear of the poor, and real estate and authority; that does not leave much to be competitive about. As the zombie apocalypse is approaching, they want to be ahead of the curve and we risk attack by them far more than drones, firearms, or all of this nonsense. As the evidence clearly indicates, they are playing a game with Jihad similar to the games they are playing with us; yet they continue to claim we are lying to them or their authority. There is a degree of justice and manipulation with their political and legal structure but it defines why they cannot compete or get jobs. The list of their skills and talents shrinks while the intelligence of others begin to skyrocket. In order to assess their problems, they must kidnap a genius or a professional and take away his opportunity or intelligence. Maybe if they trap him, they will be able to determine if they are doing something wrong in waging Phony Jihad or American Jihad. This is about their re-education camp, we are being re-educated by communist butchers whose DNA is a complete juvenile delinquent mess. As the evidence indicates, the end of the cold war was not a surrender; it was an attempt to win it; to make us or the world to surrender. They are not going down without a fight. The judgments against them continue to stack up and pile up more. Yes we want justice, do they? Everything is so informal in their world, primitive.
If you let these Southern Baptists and Democrats into our life. If you let them into our military units or rank system. If you let them into power or companies. If you let them spread all over the US by playing this federal game with checks and welfare. If you let them into our schools or our life. If you let them into our families or any part of our communities; you will end up looking at what we are; total disaster and a legal mess while they lie pathologically about who is God, who is Republican, who is scared, or who is who. We are dealing with not only a dumbass and a total loser, we are dealing with a complete and utter psychopath. Now I have to sit here and face the choir 24-7 about "what are you doing her" or "who hired you." Furthermore, they are going to bomb any answer I give or try to kill it. They are Al Qaeda. Look at the legal mess and what we have to dig out of; buried by their lies and deceit. Force the states to pay until the Southern Baptists are shut down. They lied about that whole list of who made this total mess and want us to pay for it. What are we doing here? I don't care for their white slavery or black slavery; not even the Phony Jihad, labor camp, or this re-education camp. Look at the mess in America and our life; this is about them. They managed to bomb our school and put the teachers in a mental ward or ruin their life. We know who the communist and these slave traders are now, radical total messes and a violent dumbass.
Clearly, trying to shut their ass down before they do more damage or trash our life and Constitution. Why are they even the police or asking questions, why? You let them into the military, police, or government and they will label you mentally ill, on welfare, unable to hold a job, unable to do this or that... not able and slandered yet? Is America slandered yet, then why not shut them down? I got to listen to their guards or captors 24-7. What am I doing here? I saw what they were doing and I saw who attacked me. I saw them write one check after the other and deny me any and everything. All I got was a cell and some phony Jihad paper about how mentally ill or a threat I was. Did I produce or create all of those judgments on the USA? Did I create all of those radicals and communists? Who is this Phony Jihad and why or how did they manage to stay open or get in every aspect of our life? Do not let them into office and do not let them into the military. You will have a disaster as far as the eye can see or a phony manicured lawn until your wallet disappears. Bombing their church or Jihad will not work either; they are totally insane. This is who is radicalizing and pissing off America. So what, shut them down. How did they do this? Who let it? Send them a clear, concise, and hit them right in the bulls-eye. They still keep asking who hired me and what I am doing here, when I am going to leave or move. Their leaders and those we caught still refuse to pay the damages, capped at 2 billion; we also saw what they did or try to; stop them or stop it.
Give them the shut down orders. If the radicals or this Phony Jihad fires you over the Southern Baptists; then sue the government. The statistics and the data implicates both Republican and Democrat in a Southern Baptist conspiracy. The statistics clearly show they refused to give up power and was conducting Jihad on Americans to cover up or suggest new and more ridiculous enemies. You can also site my book, work, and career; a liability the government refuses to address but is willing to fire you over the real culprits behind this. It was not a matter of need or merit; it was about guilt and who this war is really about; American Jihad or Phony Jihad. Their targets are focused in on the DC-VA are after Vietnam and the 1960s. For doing this the Southern Baptists will have a very difficult future ahead and the statistics implicate them in both police and criminal resurrection. The first shut down needs to be delivered to the door of the radicals. We will be vigilante on the Republican radicals and the Southern Baptists at the EIB or otherwise. They want war now, they will get it.
Who is this war about? Who won't shut up or leave? Why? 1. Radicalized more Americans than any other religion. 2. Brutal people who are a total mess. 3. Violent, look at the crime statistics and murder rates. 4. Rape, look at the rape and sexual crimes. 5. On both Republican and Democrat side; yelling back. 6. Worst students and poorest of the poor in America. 7. All over the military looking for war or more $$$ 8. More left wingers, more criminal drug felons, more violent sex offenders, and more decline has come from Southern Baptists than a communist re-education camp or the Mario Boat Lift. So who owes us 1.5 billion or was spying on my high school and relocation?
All of them are angry about communism or slavery. They all have to move or relocate, start over. All of them lost everything, even after the Civil War. They claim to be following us or only trying to help. They are in search of jobs, a home, and opportunity. They are looking to marry or make a quick buck. They claim they only want to talk, nothing else besides admire us. They deny trying to radicalize us or their true identity; radicalized Americans who only want to help. They claim they are our God or student, we decide. They claim Asian competition has caused them to wander off the plantation or reservation. They don't care what we think. They feel they run a Southern Baptist radicalization and re-education camp; even for military people. They claim we are racist. They need direction or guidance. They refuse to shut down or leave us alone, not sure if they want war but they keep knocking and have shattered nerves; putting on a bad show. They are terrified of hurricane and earthquakes. They do not admit to butchery or being butchers, only being wrong and admiring us. They demand a kid or a child. They deny trying to turn us into a dumbass or angering us, radicalization and bad customer service. They deny being hateful or even violent, anti-war and our partners. They claim to be both Republican and Democrats, the voice of America. They are all over the military or took it over, radicals. Shut them down and shut them up, do we need to repeat it? They are looking for food and jobs. I am sick of begging for money and want my 1.5 billion in damages.
This is about land ownership and indigenous people. It is about their religion and competition. It is about kidnapping, harassment, and radicalizing who; what does the evidence show? They claim they cannot be a mole or communist, they have land and are landlords; we have to move and relocate before eviction. They want business and military contracts for Southern Baptists, landlords. They deny producing or radicalizing more Al Qaeda and communist citizens than any other organized criminal group out there. They refuse to shut down and want to remain competitive, either we leave or suffer. They claim they are God, confident, and run everything; a re-education camp with butchers who will make a door to door visit, the police and Big Brother. I said to shut them down and their leaders said they need money for this military goal, extortion. They claim they pay their bills, we or I can't. They write the checks. I need my lawyers to get that 1.5 billion in damages; half my life is missing now. I have at least 100,000 or more radicalization attempts or tripping me up. They are butchers and I am fed up with this re-education camp and revenge by the Southern Baptists and labor unions. They are full of guilt and terrified of military action against them. They refuse to stop, leave us alone, or shut up; but terrified. They refuse to shut down only want money or guidance; run America and took it over. That is who American Jihad truly is, a pandering radical dumbass who wishes to radicalize us or turn us into one using money and frustrations. They are a total mess and are totally imperfect; not Christians at all.
Our communist mole, whom is responsible for radicalizing more Americans than any other Soviet threat; is the Southern Baptist. This is exactly what they are trying to do and how their nerves are shattered far beyond water boarding. If we look closer at the labor unions in the Great Lakes; we see their homeless ancestry leading back to the Southern Baptists and how the communists and radicalization of the blacks occurred in Michigan; beginning the revenge in the 1960s and leading up to Vietnam or this mole and re-education camp. Our internment camp and radicalization is nothing more than the same re-education camps the blacks went through and they are not Christians but a Phony Jihad. When we look at the crime rate in America and the boldness of these thieves, it points to only one religion and one region in the world where this Phony Jihad has plagued the natural resources of this world. There is a major degree of deception underway and the shouting 24-7 is a radicalization process, they all went through the same thing. Whom or which religion would violate or trash the Constitution on such a scale and complain about concentration camps? Where else do we see this bizarre confidence or total insanity in butchers? New York of course, the mafia, and the labor unions. They are overcome with guilt and fear.
When a room full of people were asked if they fear death by the Southern Baptists, robbery by them, or becoming a slave of communism; every hand in the room went up.
When ask if they feared a drone attack, nobody raised their hand.
When the same people were asked if they feared death by Republicans, every hand went up again.
When they were asked if they feared death by Rush Limbaugh, nobody's hand went up surprisingly; only Obama.
When we got the Southern Baptist in the same room and asked them if they were sick and tired of America; all of them said to move; it is their land.
When we got the Southern Baptist in the same room and asked them who was the smartest in the entire world; all of them said Rush Limbaugh.
When we got the Southern Baptist in the same room and asked if they feared death at the hands of the Indians, Asians, or blacks; all of their hands went up.
When we asked a room of UN Representatives if they feared Southern Baptists; every hand went up except Israel and a few very poor nations.
When we asked a room of UN Representatives who was the voice of America, they said the Democrats; not Republicans. Odd.
When we asked the labor unions who their hero was, they all said Jimmy Carter and Newt Gingrich.
When we asked the US military who their hero was, they all said Newt Gingrich and Bush.
When we asked whose face is the hero of terrorism; they all said Jimmy Carter and Iran.
1. Who in America is interested in stealing nuclear secrets? Who in the past did? Who would try to steal or have interest in hurricane and earthquake technology, even satellite warfare and sustainability?
2. Who in America dislikes the brain Army and is the root of poverty, decline, and crime in America? Is it the Southern Baptists or the state?
3. Who in America have taken on, beaten, and has a dislike for the Presbyterians? Is it NBC or New York, the history of the media? Who wants to be our wife or partner, matchmaking chaos so we suffer decline?
4. Who is Phony Jihad and this re-education camp? Is it their looks? Is it landlords? Is it their IQ? Is it the media? Is it their courts? Is it decline and losing everything also, starting over? Is it their enlisted men? Is it the flow of drugs, south to north? Is it poverty and the needs of the poor?
5. Who in America despises competition, wants to be land owners, hates the government, and is this phony or informal; lack professionalism? A zombie or primitive existence? Who exactly are the communists and the zombie apocalypse seeking natural resources and hunting indigenous people for re-education camps?
6. Who in hell has all of those judgments against them and it just stacks up more and more while they demand money, kickback, or payment? Who is seeking surrender? Let's ask the British, they were invaded in the 1600s. Who are these people who claim to be descendants of great Americans but cannot compete or hate brain power and this much of a religious mess?
We know of psychic powers and can test this special powers. Let's see if these liars can pass a lie detector or the ultimate test on this earth, Phony Jihad. Give them a chance to surrender and turn over all written material ordered before letting them have this. They cannot pass a lie detector now, confident, totally nuts, or more phony. They do a decent job on radio and television, even acting like they are descendants of Americans or the media. Oh I see, I am in love with Middle Easterners, that is a true lie. Worse those political whores are on tape and recorded; busted already. Show me anybody who loves Middle Easterners or their Phony Jihad. We will need all of the illegal surveillance and espionage equipment turned over to the authorities who administer lie detector test or verification-authentication processes.
The world now knows I was always good enough and a little rusty at this, but my head feels like it is caving in. So if I want to push you around and push you down, don't take it for granted if I want to take you for granted or rattle your nerves. She keeps on saying why I would ever lie about this. Like I am a little entrusting when the truth is, the truth will hurt and nuke their nerves. I am gonna hurt ya but rushing it is going to turn this around and I will, I will. I will take it for granted. You can't even stand to be near me but all of you stand there and say nice things to me, as if I believe it. I been cheated and I been wronged but you know you will never change me. I am not going to do anything at all, nothing. Oh but don't push me over, just wait a minute while I kinda fell apart, totally crazy. Talking to God in public and dodging glances on the trees. They all been talking about me and it makes me think there must be something wrong with me. Somehow, I lost my mind and I'm not crazy, just unwell. Stay awhile and you will see a different side of me. I know you don't care but this is how I used to be, talking in my sleep. They don't want to come and get me; just take me home. Right now you just can't tell but soon you will see, I'm not crazy just a little bit unwell. Yes, how I used to be. How far we have come is very clear, concise, and evident. While you were sleeping I was sleeping and listening to the radio and wondering what you were dreaming. It came to me, I didn't even care. I could end it quicker or loose my nerves, are you listening? I thought heaven is when it ends quicker. Are you listening or do you hear me, or have you forgotten? Don't try to leave, the light is shining on the radio and I could barely see anything. But you know all the words, all crumpled up as I opened all the doors. Yes while you were sleeping I was listening to the radio wondering what you were thinking or if you can hear me? Can you hear me? Huh, can you hear me? How can it be over, I don't even care so I better end it quicker. - Lyrics by Matchbox 20 -
Ditto: You already know the song and dance. Stop acting like a Goo Goo Doll, we all know you are a Goo Goo gas-hole, can't even pass a lie detector and have nothing to negotiate with; all broken and in fear. I did not break you and I am not the one who should fear. Nobody bent your crooked asshole, it was your ridiculous phony love letters and your phony matchmaking game, pretending to be an equal opportunity human being. What you are is a gutter snipe just sitting pretty on a stool, waiting to die. Yes just waiting to die! - Lyrics by The Goo Goo Dolls -
Ditto: All along the doctors could not figure out or diagnose why we were unwell. It turned out to be your ridiculous presence and your long history of child abuse or witch hunts. Insisting we were in the way or always driving you crazy; it was you and only you whom fantasized about masturbating to child images or porn; a beaten jackass liar. Yes more of your phony love letters and Phony Jihad. You know the song and dance, why do I have to sing it for you? There is no way to put you back together but you keep bribing me in. If I could not see what you see, could you paint me better off, now? Would you sympathize with my needs, even if I did not need a lot? Would you help me if I was bent, put me back together and keep bringing me in. So this is how we must live? This does not have to be so complicated with you and me bent. There are some things in this world you just can change and then there are just some things in this world you cannot see until it is just too late. Why won't you turn your ass around and just go home? Now I got a hole in me now I can brag about and she still keeps a picture of me in her NY apartment. There are just things you just do not miss until they leave you and if the bright lights do not receive you, then just go home before the city spits you out and takes you down. For God sakes turn around you asshole. You may find something bright enough to keep you; yeah, do that, come on home. You are killing us. - Lyrics by Matchbox 20 -
It was nothing. Yet I could say so much. But I don't go there because I don't want to. I was thinking if, if I was lonely; I could leave here and nobody would know. Sometimes it is better to just think of somebody else and keep it under our heads. I could tell, people were thinking the way I do; but I was lonely now and I don't know how to get this back to good. This does not mean you own me or owe me, it's no good and always hell. But it works out the way you want it to. If you want to stay and see me out, just turn your head and give me some room while I figure out what I am going to do. If everyone here, hates everyone here for doing what they do; then keep it quiet instead. They keep doing me like they do and I am sorry now because I don't know how to get it back to good. Everyone here is to blame, caught up in the pleasures of the pain. Without eyes, they are ashamed to shame; we were not the same. But now we are all grown up and putting back together; hell everyone here has shades of shame when they are looking inside but they are all grown up now and we don't know how, to give it back to good. Everybody here is thinking about somebody else and feeling the way I do. It's over now. There is no getting back to good. Just remember that if I had fought along the way, pick me up and dust me off when I get too tired to make it. If I am too tired to make it, be my breath so I can walk. If I need some other love, then give me more than I can stand. Then when my smile gets old and faded, wait around until I smile again. Remember if you are gone and woke up at the end of the world; wondering if the feeling was like any morning before and if your life had any meaning. What did my life mean if it was gone. I started staring at the passengers who're waving goodbye; I was waving back, can you tell me what was ever really special about me all this time? I know the world is headed for hell so say your goodbyes if you've got someone you can say goodbye to. I guess we are going to find out so let's see how far we have come. It can get crazy, so crazy. Yes, friends with shadows on my wall and all headed for a breakdown. - Lyrics by Matchbox 20 -
Let the Pentagon and FBI do the drafting or recruitment. Remember, there were moles high up and they swore allegiance to Democracy, not the truth. All Generals know better than to trust politicians, the police, or the political system. So if Phony Jihad suspects want to call it a form of lying, than you can. Just get off of us and leave us alone so we can look presentable and professional about this. Do not, for the sake of logic and scientific proof, call it propaganda. In Limbaugh's world and Phony Jihad, they would rather feel us up or strip search us into believing they were true descendants of Americans, thus label us a liar or frame us for anything imaginable. However, in reality they just are holding back the truth and refuse to disclose the truth. It is a form of lying but their loyalties and sympathies are very biased. If they want to call this lying, they can but do not call it propaganda or trying to draft them for any kind of Middle e-Sting-King War.
Do waste my time while I bleed. Have some written material or something to negotiate with; not what we know or have been ambushed and surprised. Yes one of us does have a right to be mad and the other does not. I think the proof is in the propaganda. Labeling people anti-war or reversing reality is one thing; trying to lie about is another. Trying to recruit us or coax us into lying for them, even taking bribes and jobs, is a serious federal crime. We cannot fire them fast enough while they cannot keep trying to recruit us. Is that lying or propaganda worth 2.5 billion dollars? Sounds real to me. Besides wasting our time and annoying us; do we need to write a book or call in experts about medicating them ten times the legal limit? Again, we have nothing in common, nothing. We would rather they suffer and leave us alone than admire us and claim to be helping when all they are doing is interfering and hurting us more and more. Have we seen this kind of behavior before? Exactly. Do we know who this imbecile and phony is? Yes. Do they? Yes. However, they want to shout us down or engage Phony Jihad. Did they bother or even intend on alerting the professionals and professors? Well, I did and I was not trained or paid for this either.
Drones: There may be a case for drones in case of Katrina; The Obama Administration and the Justice Department will guarantee due process or the use of any drones against non-combatants or unarmed civilians. In Vietnam when the communist attacked; chaos was everywhere and we did not get any due process either, none. A lot of police officers were holding up signs, "Loot and We Shoot." Yes pull a Limbaugh or another Republican Phony Jihad. This is not a Republican Jihad. God and Christians have waged war on those who hurt us, not help us. The risk of being attacked by phony Jihad is greater in certain areas than by drones. Again, the solutions are lost and stolen while the problems are embraced. I do not see the solution, only the problems and the people who either caused it or made it.
I have a plan. It is not fake accompli. It is a test. We will know if they are trash, the solution, or the problem. Here is my plan. I have no resources, none. Crippled. I have major legal problems. We have very little time, very little. We have two options and I am not or have not had training on it; the nuclear option and a secret war. It is a gigantic rock rolling down the hill, get out of their way. It was about National Security and Natural Resources, Jihad; solutions and not more problems. This is my book and life masterpiece, my resume. The drug wars, addicts and real estate, is how to get the rock rolling down the hill. Demand the surrender of espionage or illegal surveillance; fire their leaders. They have paralyzed me and my life. I am trying to deploy and get ready. Can you shut them down and estimate the time frame? How about the Pentagon, can they begin to prepare and get into positions for armed conflict or much worse? Go to college and stop trying to make me your damn phony apprentice or legal aids. You owe two billion, do you hear at all? Hello? Nobody there and nobody listening? Ignoring me and do not want my business or books? Okay phony. Do another fake accompli or interfere, rewrite our history. I am glad they hear the audience and are on film or recorded; ignore it and block all eyes; their ears only. Stop acting like God or doing only as God is allowed; serial killer Jihad.
So you got your head bashed in by the police or head bashed in for anti-war and Vietnam War protest. So what. What something even worse? You want to see or learn nuclear brinksmanship or policy, I had to go to college for this, lazy ass. How many US Army Presbyterian Generals do you know of who use drones on innocent people? How many Presbyterians do you know are wackos or attack people? How many Presbyterian authors do you know need medication or is mentally ill? What a prank and very funny. How many Presbyterians do you know walk around America claiming to be your parents? Address the problem will they and stop being such a major problem; nobody wants to trade or do business with them. However, it is about our economy and it is about our natural resources. Just tell the truth. Stop trying to make it about money or losing their resources by competition. Stop faking it about guns or terrorism. You made it and you must eat it, not us. Why keep shooting at me and then making false accusations or Phony Jihad? Can't I throw it back or nuke you? Why? Write it down, all of it. Stop being a phonier police or acting like Phony Jihad is under attack. Shoot back and level them, that is the solution; do not talk it out or give demands.
We have very little time, very little. We have two options and I am not or have not had training on it; the nuclear option and a secret war. It is a gigantic rock rolling down the hill, get out of their way. It was about National Security and Natural Resources, Jihad; solutions and not more problems. This is my book and life masterpiece, my resume. The drug wars, addicts and real estate, is how to get the rock rolling down the hill. Demand the surrender of espionage or illegal surveillance; fire their leaders. They have paralyzed me and my life. I am trying to deploy and get ready. Can you shut them down and estimate the time frame? How about the Pentagon, can they begin to prepare and get into positions for armed conflict or much worse? Nobody said, "kill your commie leader" or wrote it, nobody. All we heard was hurricane and earthquake technology and how we were on the end of first strikes and Phony Jihad.
I have a great idea, don't hire and bring more of this problem into our life; there is going to be major problems if the government does. Address the problems, not the solutions. All of them claim to be fighting Jihad or terrorism and they are the zombie apocalypse charging us of threatening America or individualism. Even today, they are totally nuts and they actually believe their freedom is in jeopardy and have a God given right to self defense or weapons; even espionage, illegal surveillance, Phony Authority, Phony Jihad, etc... we risk attack by Southern Baptists than we do from drones, Arabs, companies, or Indians. A lot of people will be happier when their freedom and junk is gone; not be our leader or an enemy at our throat 24-7. We know they are communists and they have not provided one written concise verification method, not one. How did they get in this mess or on the side of the problem? How? Who attacked the solution and how did they do this? Killing Americans? Slander or libel? Who is always doing this and this phony drama? The solution? How long has this been going on? How long? Twenty years? Forty years? Two hundred years? Not the problem and their freedom is in jeopardy? Self defense and have a right by God to self defense? Why did it turn out this way or how did it? Are we the solution? Stop acting like me while trashing me if you are the problem; I want two billion in damages.
It is like a rock rolling down the hill. They grow phonier with each sunrise. The disappointments stack up. The laws get more corrupt or paralyzing. The solutions become farther and farther. The gap between doing business or natural resources dry up or become the solution and the problem. Meanwhile, they get closer and closer, circling us, and trying to make solutions hesitate or retire and bury the outcome. Is this something new? No it is just their justice and court system in total cahoots. Who exactly do you want to fire if they have invaded and surrounded us? Why can't they be fired? How did they do this and why can't we either prove it, fire them, or stop the hesitations? Why can't I deploy? Who exactly is waging war on them and why are they throwing imaginary or fantasy nonsense at the solutions? Why are we crippled by traitors? Why? Is it their guilt or is it their IQ? Either you address the problem or you will become the problem. Either you support the solution and not become phonier and arrogant about this; or else you will become a zombie traitor. Get rid of the problem, not cripple the solutions.
How many places in America is worth bragging about? Liar. Now they are the voice of Asians and American Indians? What a phony. Look at their neighborhoods, how do you get rid of trash or make them talk? How do you position yourself, win the fight, and stay out of their line of fire? Trash is trash, end of story. Why can't we fire them or get rid of trash? Why is the solution farther now then ever? Exactly. I had the solution when it began. Bingo, they are now a ingenious. They must be a special investigator and are ready to report to the public. They will follow the evidence wherever it leads or what solutions have to be implemented. They will support any and all solutions; not the problem. Now we can fire them or dispose of trash, right? Their first strike capability has to be addressed now. Left's begin with 2.5 billion dollars and real solutions, not Phony Jihad. How about "The People of the United States of America v. Phony Jihad" or these leaders? Is there surveillance or espionage equipment they must forfeit and turn over so we can fire them or remove all of this trash? No, none? Nothing illegal or unknown about? Any theories how this happened or what this is about? None whatsoever? Here we go, pull a Limbaugh on us. Mr. Identity theft and psycho wants to pretend he is us and cares, wants to help, or is our voice; our leaders and nationalist parents.
What does the evidence show or indicate? They are growing phonier by the day and thinking of new ways to engage Phony Jihad. Second, nobody wants to trade with them or hire them, lip service. Third, they are stealing natural resources from around the world and place this war strategy on Phony Jihad or bipartisanship. We are surrounded and they are the problem, we are the solution, and we are under attack or in some Phony Jihad internment camp where they feel others are mentally ill when they have to be medicated or carted away as a criminal and human trash. Zombie apocalypse is approaching and closer and we are surrounded because they want the solutions and are the problem. Let the problem stack up. God is waging war on them and we are not chasing a ghost anymore, it is clear and present. This was about Democracy, Supreme Court, Natural Resources, Solutions, Anti-War, and Indigenous People; Civil Rights and Communism. It is a blockage and invasion plan; we are surrounded. We can test it and verify it. They are throwing dead bodies and using it as a wall; Phony Jihad and mind control.
How many cases do you know in America, at a cafe, and people report a drone flying overhead or robbed them at a cafe? How many do you know involving zombies or this enemy? So why pick on drones? Pick on terrorists and this bias. How many reports, daily or hourly, about drones? How many about Mr. or Mrs. Phony? Do the math or address the bias. Why would Americans worry about a drone and not a felon? How about African Americans? How about Southern Baptists? The likelihood of the threat is clear and evident. What it sounds like is Phony Jihad doing their dance and toying with minds. Do we need pages and decades of this or the problem? Do they think a small magazine in a firearm will shoot down a drone? Is there sufficient firearms for Americans to defend themselves in case of a drone bothering them? The courts suffer from a serious case here, a serious one. Is background checks going to stop a drone attack? How about an attack on me as reported by Phony Jihad? Sounds like we are surrounded by zombies and we are being attacked or paralyzed. When I say zombies, I really mean communists and Democratic enemies. Who would you call if it was not a bias and true? Congress? Look at Phony Jihad below. Is that on their mind? Is people totally insane in their vocabulary? Fix the problem, not the solutions.
This enemy is 100% phony. Why the hesitations? We need the solution today. We need the solution next week. We know all about them and how guilty they are. Who opened this door and did this? Who is waging war on us or trying to attack the solutions? Communists? Imaginary ghosts? God? Clearly, God is on our side; why go against him or hesitate by attacking or stacking more problems on the solutions? Sorry? Regret? Religion? Money? Authority? Transformation into phonies? Indigenous people or natural resources? Firearms? Look at the list of Supreme Court problems, overwhelming and too expensive? Can't afford them? Want to marry them? Want the problem in our life or 24-7? Firing them is the first step, not imaginary drone attacks. Our problem is a human being and how phony this war is.
Ladies and Gentleman, here is the score sheet against the Communists and the Mafia Phony Terrorists. I just got the first judgment of $50 ($120 filing fee) and I can sue for ulterior motives and my refund from the landlord and the court fees! I am happy. Only 2 billion + 50 bucks to go! Wish me luck. My apprenticeship and resume to the Supreme Court cronies is going outstanding! I want to personally thank Jeb Bush and his Florida cronies. They are the true voice of the greatest generation, old people, senorita, and wealth in our nation. Their vision is Florida and always lockstep with us.
Summary Phony Jihad and Phony Assassination-Kidnapping-Extortion - $0; Alex $50
1. Alex v. Detroit Gays and NY Bush Cronies - Judgment in my favor but lost money. Can refile for harassment or refund (criminal conspiracy and perjury). I castrated them in court for this rape problem!
2. Land Disputes v. Indigenous - Judgement to Indigenous and Natural Resources (criminal conspiracy and perjury)
3. Democracy v. Communism - Pending
4. Timothy McVeigh v. Oklahoma - Judgement to Oklahoma
5. New York v. American Indians - Pending
6. Republican Party v. American Indians - Judgement to American Indians
7. New York v. American Indians - Pending
8. New York v. Phony Jihad - Judgement to Pending
9. New York v. Jihad - Judgement to New York
10. Oil companies v. America - Judgment to Oil Companies
11. New York v. Police - Judgement to Police
12. New York v. North Hollywood - Judgement to New York
13. America v. Gun Manufactures - Judgement to Gun Manufactures
14. New York v. Casinos - Judgement to Casinos
15. New York v. Vietnam - Judgement to Vietnam
16. New York v. Alex and his family - Pending
17. The United States of America v. Alex and his family - mistrial, counter-suit, false representation, taxation, legal malpractice, false imprisonment, false judgment, criminal conspiracy, etc... (a right to malpractice)
18. Alex v. Democratic Party of the USA - Judgement to Alex (criminal conspiracy and perjury)
19. Alex v. Republican Party of the USA (aka Democrats) - Judgement to Alex (criminal conspiracy and perjury)
20. Alex v. Libertarian Party of the USA (aka Democrats) - Judgement to Alex (criminal conspiracy and perjury)
21. Vietnam Vets v. United States of America - Judgement to United States of America
22. Anti-War and Peace Activists v. United States of America - Judgement to United States of America
23. The Police v. TSA - nobody cares
24. DHS v. FBI - nobody cares
25. DHS v. Justice Department - Judgement to Justice Department (criminal conspiracy and perjury)
26. Bush Family v. Coulter - Judgement to Coulter
27. Clinton Family v. Coulter - Judgement to Coulter
28. Congress v. Coulter - Judgement to Coulter
29. Coulter v. Fox News - Judgement to Coulter
30. Coulter v. Sean Hannity - Judgement to Coulter
31. Congress v. Pentagon - Judgement to Pentagon, criminal conspiracy
32. Florida v. Books and Authors, Teachers - Judgement to Teachers and Authors
33. Florida v. American Indians - Judgement to American Indians
34. Israel v. US Banks - Pending, criminal conspiracy
35. Israel v. Poland - Judgement to Poland
36. Israel and Poland v. People's Republic of Vietnam - Judgement to Vietnam
37. Israel v. United States of America - Judgement to United States of America, criminal conspiracy
38. Israel v. Republican Party of the USA - Judgement to Republican Party of the USA
39. Israel v. Pentagon - Judgement to Pentagon
40. Israel v. American Indians - Judgement to Indigenous
41. Britain v. United States of America - Judgment to Britain
42. God v. Communist Party USA - Judgement to God
43. God v. African American Party USA - Judgement to God
44. God v. New York - Judgement to God
45. God v. Republican Party or Satellites - Judgement to God
46. God v. Vietnam - Judgement to God
47. God v. Legal Apprentice and Legal Apprentice Program - God, criminal conspiracy
48. God v. Rush Limbaugh Et Al - Judgement to God, criminal conspiracy
49. God v. Republican Party Et Al - Judgement to God, criminal conspiracy
50. Southern Baptists v. Presbyterians - Judgement to Pres.
51. Alex v. Coulter - Pending, criminal conspiracy, TOTAL INSANITY
The most amazing part of the story is how guilty these people are. Guilt is on the levels above 10 on a scale of 10. Furthermore, they are so unemployable that even the military is getting into trouble for hiring them because somebody has to deal with the back-end and fire them. Imagine a human being whom the military cannot even hire or will get in serious trouble if they hire them. Yet the hire-fire cycle comes in waves. There are so many of them we cannot fire them fast enough or get away from them. It is disgusting when their labor leaders talk about decline or jobs, to hear all of this good ole' boy feeling about people struggling and without jobs. Let's talk about how guilty they are and how insane this is or has been. Even the military is in trouble for hiring them and now others are coping with the difficulty of someone making these decisions or wave after wave of them in the most insane way possible. There is a relationship between guilt and absurdity. As far as a labor force, this must be some joke. Let's talk about espionage and illegal surveillance before we talk about Jihad and phony Jihad.
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Thursday, March 7, 2013
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- My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.
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