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Saturday, November 2, 2013


NO PROBLEM, LET THEM BE COLD WARRIORS AND STAY ON THE RIGHT WING; BE US AND THE VICTORIOUS SIDE, ROB US:  The federal prosecutors are waiting patiently and so am I.  Do take their time and be more disobedient or less transparent, more of the same.  I am sure the Red Cross survival bag is moving on too.  Let’s just shake hands and be close friends, family, and even sleep in the same fox hole.  Let’s share this moment and keep funding it; maybe expand and put a little spin on it.  As a matter of fact, we got hired or the hiring process is completed.  Emancipation makes sense and is completely logical; take your time, it’s over and they are done. I really do not like to be threatened and do not walk away from any fights, wars, or pitched battle; especially world war.  We can share the right wing with the communists, terrorists, and radicals; not a problem.  We can even share royalty with them or the greatest position on earth.  I remind them I have PTSD and needs, big needs.  Take their time, there is plenty of time and the federal and military prosecutors do not mind at all.  I don’t care either. 

KEEP IN MIND I AM A VETERAN AND I HAVE A VERY IMPORTANT MISSION, MY LIFE STORY, I HAVE A RIGHT TO BE MAD:  Not only am I am veteran, I also was diagnosed with PTSD and the Pentagon said to leave me alone; so did the FBI.  There are a lot of allies who said hands off the Satellite Warfare Program or take a hike.  I have a right to be mad and a human being can only take so much.  It’s been how long, nearly thirty years of this. Turning them off is a complete nightmare and ordeal; the federal prosecutors are waiting patiently and so have I.  

CRANK CALLING AND HARASSING PEOPLE AT HOME OR IN THEIR RESIDENCE IS ILLEGAL:  My workplace and life is not a US embassy to come and go as you please.  My belongings are not there for you to break, frustrate me with, or rob.  Proving this is another thing.  Proving a dangerous enemy or felon is robbing me using espionage or spying equipment is not the simplest thing to do.  Emails sent to the FBI sound insane; “can you describe them?  Yeah a stupid homeless nigger who is a total asshole and they also works at Fox or acting on their behalf.”  How in hell do I fight back or put an end to it?  Crank calling is one thing; the way they do it and the information they have is another.  The federal prosecutors are waiting patiently and so have I; I would like my money and rewards.  It is very hard to shut them up, look at Fox News, endless babble so inflammatory they should be shut down.  They could help the prosecutors and help just a tad; we did win the greatest battle on earth and are the greatest humans this world has seen in battle.  Oh great, it depends on who we ask now; not the truth but only their preference and bias, their power.  What a total asshole and what a total failure.  Oh my fault and I am mentally ill because you enjoy bullying or being a total asshole? 

SAYING I LOVE A HOMELESS NIGGER OR MARRIED THIS TOTAL BITCH WHO NEEDS ME OR A HUG, ANN WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU:  How do I send this ugly terrorist lady a message on what FUGLY is, now that is sexy and how I feel!  I have called her and her radical plot every name in the book, where do we go from here.  It has been almost thirty years and I am fed up with this nigger in my life.  I am married to this bitch or in love with their power?  They are my entourage or family, all homeless and smell like shit?  My life looks like this nigger has her fingerprint all over and I also have their stupid terror plot too; and the mothership.  So they claimed a marriage with me also, but not a female nigger; a white IRA one.  Sex or the thought of it is the most disgusting shit I have seen; and I have major PTSD from this nigger.  Look at my life and my military mission; I want and end to this financial sanction and an end to this Al Qaeda plot; this is going straight to Fox and their leadership; knock it off, with Ann and the cocktails also.  The world has never seen lying and crime on this level ever; this level of risk taking; total assholes.  Do you think the Republicans or right wing is behind it or the communists and Al Qaeda?  ANN I NEED YOUR HELP OKAY, THEY HAVE ME AS A HOSTAGE AND WRECKING ALL OF THIS; I NEED A RECORD KEEPER AND A DISPLAY, A RECORD OF EVERYTHING THEY DID. Revenge, how sweet it is; Justice is almost similar to winning World War III.  Read your life story now you total asshole; the entire world knows!  LEAVE MY FAMILY ALONE OR ELSE WE WILL BE AT WAR, NIGGERS OR NOT!

ALL CONSENSUAL, LOOK AT THE RECORDS AND THIS BABBLING IDIOT WE HAVE (HINT SAFETY CONCERNS OR PUBLIC SAFETY):  No means yes and yes means no, total obedience and subordination.  Now they are on their knees, almost like a slave, are fat and repugnant; and still claim we dig their power or are in love with them.  Really?  When a terrorist and radicalization plot takes risk on this level; nothing they say or do is true, nothing.  Hannity has claimed consensual relations since 2008; they are even in my residence, how consensual is that?  Thirty years now we must be embracing a total loser, a smelly total asshole, and some fat F’er on their knees begging or crying.  Yeah okay.  Are they the police also?  They are racist, but we are not allowed to hate them or their control.  All of them are total losers and dumbasses, imbeciles; but look how they defy gravity.  All of this came from either Ann or I; all of this.  How many books did they print and copy?  There is Al Qaeda and the communists for you; an excuse to be some poor ass homeless goon seeking emancipation or love; our parents!  Want to quit?  Want to move?  Can’t take it?  Last Man Standing?  Fired or laid off?  Angry and disgruntled?  Mental illness?  We are friends, partners, family!  We like them too!  Hannity did this.  Limbaugh did this.  Fox News did and are doing this.  They don't hate and are well intended; our family.  Do we ever get to nuke their ass or slam them?  Ever?  Do we get to fight back or take revenge?  Oh terror plot... they got a spy ring or media control and want us to talk to Al Qaeda or their leaders; doing us a favor too; how about that drug war and a life of crime?  Consensual also?  The prosecutors are waiting and imagining this too!

SANCTIONS, TAKING THEIR DAMN TIME AND THEY LOVE TO READ THEIR LIFE STORY AND THIS EMANCIPATION:  How in hell did we go from here, to there?  How in hell did they morph or defy gravity?  Are the police to blame or do I just hate their F'in guts for being such a total asshole and a slave on their knees begging?  It is how they self love or grow bolder, audacity is a mirror.  They got a sanction on me while they do this or be a total asshole in my life, almost thirty years of this so far.  Hurry up, they are everywhere and taking their damn time while being disruptive, violent, and totally insane.  They also claim I am in love with them or their bunion clubbed footed females!  We don't have much time, they will strike again or come back with more toilet paper!

ANN I NEED A PRESENTATION AND HELP WITH THIS EVIL PLOT, THEY ALSO HAVE A TOTAL ASSHOLE SANCTION ON ME:  It is still ongoing and they do not heed warnings.  Their will have not been broken yet and they continue to wage war, I am their emancipation; a radicalization and decriminalization process.  They want to quit.  They don’t like us.  They want to bully and not be hated, good looks.  Their health is decline because they are so crazy and risk takers.  They are losing this fight and total reality.  I need a presentation and help, okay.  They won’t talk!  They are all over me but in retreat, shaking like a leaf now while attacking.  They claim to have enough toilet paper and we will loose the Last Man Standing Game; don’t get trapped in their web of lies or murder plot.  I need to find their mothership and who did this; rip the face off their leaders and expose them on TV or for the world, can you help?  No it is not an SOS anymore; I fended off their attacks and have federal prosecutors and military forces ready to neutralize this conspiracy.  I am their door opener and they are me; spying on me 24-7.  Most of them are female, using sex and female intuition; very intelligent and bullet proof, a total bitch. I got Al Qaeda but don't let them know okay.  I got the FBI on the other line. How in hell did the radicals and communist win the cold war, or did they?

ARE THE POLICE GUILTY OR IS EVERYBODY?  Here we go with this total asshole.  You know, they are really annoying and a complete total asshole.  When then won’t we just quit or move? We were ordered to 1000s of times now, endless verbal abuse.  I get PTSD just reading my own life story does anybody else?  My mental illness is I hate their F'in guts and they are total assholes; very stupid and disruptive.  Will anybody understand me or are they all the same?

WHAT DOES THE VIDEO SHOW ABOUT AL QAEDA OR THIS EMANCIPATION-IMMIGRATION PROBLEM:  The video does not show the information needed to finish this case.  If the video shows how disruptive, how violent, how insane or audacious, how mean and cruel, how perverted and how ridiculous, how pliable and bending, how cheap and fake, how empty and inconsiderate, and what kind of a total asshole we have in front of us; then there is no way they can claim to be a victim, a victim of violence, investigators, or demanding answers.  That is what the TV and video does not show about this enemy, emancipation, and terror plot.  My diary and records do try to display or form a presentation of what they did or tried, ask Ann Coulter.  Again, Fox News and the Republicans are scamming and defrauding us, a robbery is in progress, and even worse a kidnapping, attempted rape, and murder plot.  Does the video show any of this or how violent and disruptive they truly are?  How about their women; does it show them in their true light or as the animal and filthy bitch they truly are to be doing this and blaming their victims?  How about the rights of their victims and how about talking?  The federal prosecutors are waiting and so have I.  How long will this keep going around and around in circles, a circular firing squad by traitors and the most evil human beings this earth has ever laid eyes on.  Hence, I call them a total asshole and they chip away, more tricks and more gimmicks to avoid legal damages or evade prosecution.  What kind of a human does all this and begs on their knees about how sorry and forgiven they are?  How do we fight back when they claim to be our partners, family, and evil twin; spied on and kept as a hostage 24-7 while being robbed and tortured?  Do you see them stop or even shutting up?  Exactly. They also call it a deadly game called Last Man Standing, finish it or surrender to it; or move, are kicked out of their power.  The truth is they are Al Qaeda and they tried to radicalize and criminalize our life and entire mission; hence, it is the way it is now.  How helpful is our stalker?  No means no.  Do we see this on the video tape? Thirty years and how helpful are they; thirty more?  How biased are they and how much preferential treatment are we talking about; money talks?

DO THE REPUBLICANS DESERVE ANYTHING OR SHOULD THEIR CHURCH BE PUNISHED OR WORSE:  That is a very difficult and complex question.  Do they deserve hell or are they going to hell?

WENT FROM AL QAEDA, TO A GHOST, TO THE GREATEST HUMANS ON EARTH OVERNIGHT!  The federal prosecutors are waiting patiently and so have I.  How audacious?  Talk!  Is our National Security being run and tested by Al Qaeda or the greatest humans on earth?  According to them, Al Qaeda; how about some teeth on that federal prosecution?  How about my money?  Our Evil Twin is now us and the greatest human on earth!  They are rich and I am poor.  Only one last step to the plot; one last plan on the checklist; how do I know?  How did I catch them or describe what they did?  Let’s ask Ann Coulter, thirty years already and thirty more years and counting, yeah baby!  The good vs. evil.  The perfect vs. imperfect.  The winners vs. losers.  The rich vs. poor. The left vs. right.  The dead vs. humans.  

ASK THE PRESIDENT TO HELP US FIGHT THIS PEST AND TRAITOR:  Do that. They are still going strong!  Fox News just identified the Bill Gates of cell phones as my "mentor."  I knew it was them and now they sold it to the Japanese; we are not ready to take them down yet, soon.  This man takes a gun to a knife fight!  He has a knockout of a wife!  I get PTSD just reading his life story, my eyes are now gigantic!

EXACTLY HOW CRAZY, DANGEROUS, AND TERRORIST ARE THEY AND HOW DO THEY DO IT?  If they are Al Qaeda, then how are they defying the laws of gravity or fooling the federal prosecutors.  Do we trust the police or the terrorists?  Do we trust the Pentagon or the communists’ leaders?  How are they doing this and evading capture or detection?  Are they totally insane and crazy; don’t care and are total assholes?  They look and talk like us don’t they?  Not even an accent and strident on the same issues and matters.  They even want to fight or fight our wars, so long as they win and can spy on us or look over our shoulders.  How crazy are they and can anybody prove it?  Can they steal SDI or Satellite Warfare?  Can they steal Hurricane-Earthquake strategy or plans?  Do they know what we are up to and doing, in your face strategy?  Can we retaliate or do it back, teach them a lesson and tangle them up while building a federal prosecution and legal damages?  We are the greatest humans on earth and they intentionally do this to us.  They know this is the greatest war on earth and many lives are in the line off fire.  Can they pull the plug?  Can they get closer?  Can they become us or the greatest humans on earth?  Aren't they F'in dumbasses, all of them?  Don't we look like a F'in dead dumbass, a prisoner of war?  They are the police?  They are the voice of America?  They are our heart and soul; the last line of defense?

ARE THEY SPYING?  ARE THEY MORPHING OR FORMING ON WHAT IS FOUND?  ARE THEY GUILTY?  CAN WE TRAP THEM?  CAN WE PROVE THIS IS A SPY RING?  ARE THEY GUILTY OF FORGIVEN BY THE VICTIMS OF THEIR TERROR PLOT?  The prosecutors are waiting and so have I.  Talk!  Is anything real or is it all total lies, say and do anything to advance or progress, win at any cost?  Why are they in a communist trap and a clever mouse trap designed for a spy ring and enemy traitor, a terror plot?  Retaliation?  Republican revolution?  Spontaneous eruption?  Racism and hatred?  Money and Asians?  Now they are caught and defeated, they become friends overnight; quick allies.  We must have been married and very close.  Why can't we win?  We can't win in life.  We can't win in this mission.  We are not allowed to win at all.  First, they loose.  This is not a win-win situation; it never was.  It was never a two way street, ever; that was the Democrat Party strategy.  What exactly have they stolen, wrecked up, exploited, or used against us?  Are they robbing this victory and the federal prosecution?  Welcome to the world of the communist spies, the left wing, terrorism, and radicals; thieves and robbers also, mafia criminals. 

LARGE SCALE MEDIA RADICALIZATION AND CRIMINALIZING PROGRAM:  Did Fox News and these total assholes get framed?  Was their life criminalized or are they pathological and psychopathic liars, a Revolutionary wing of the Irish-immigrant Church?  The plot and attempts, on a large scale and public defrauding levels, are currently being combated.  It is in disarray and the revolutionary wing of the inert communists is in retreat or on the run.  We can put our ear to the ground and listen.  They grow more desperate, angry, frustrated, and are appealing for mercy; begging on their knees using Fox News and other right wing characters.  Yes they are complete and total assholes who don’t even know who and what they are, they say anything, will do anything, and claim they just don’t care.  We can’t make them and they are stubborn and biased; a sophisticated total asshole in wolves clothing. Fox News and these Republicans we caught are totally guilty and owe legal damages, talk!  Now they are all tangled up and evading criminal capture and prosecution; a right to remain silent or demand proof; in a mind field, they rely on the allies or the police.  How disruptive are they?  On a scale of 1 to 10; they are at 12 now and two billion dollars in damages; however, we cannot shut them up, they refuse to be quiet, and remain vigilante.  We don’t like them either but we are not guilty and did not start this war.  Who did if it can’t be them or all roads lead back to them?  Do they have any suspect list or a mothership?  Did they ask Ann Coulter, 100 per cent sure?  They remain vigilante and unaccountable.  Were they in the same room with Al Qaeda when we set the trap up for this terror plot?  Did they ask Ann Coulter or myself, positive?  Our friends, partners, and fellow American leaders?  Now they question our leadership and criminalize it?

TAKES ONE TO KNOW ONE, THE FEMA OR RED CROSS SURVIVAL BAG:  They continue to drift further from our core.  Based on the data and information we have obtained or extracted, the only emancipation this traitor and felon is going to receive, is a Red Cross or FEMA survival bag.  Their leaders and Revolutionary-Radical department continue to figure out a way to take us out or imprison our existence; paralyze us.  In the past, it was a total failure and the injuries are still being treated or ongoing.  They remain vigilante but careful.  Their leaders intentionally and purposefully conceal this information from their followers who are in the line of fire or may be able to make careful and decisive actions to improve their future or political odds.  If God is mad at them or if they face raid, forfeiture, or even worse; this has and is continuously being hidden by conspiracy.  Furthermore, their clandestine department at Fox News, the media, and even the Republican side (all Democrats to the core) throw their money around, put the best face on it, and try to present themselves with a Sunday dress.  The Radical and Revolutionary department failed to inform their prisoners or volunteers of the risk or the experiences they had.  They continuously recruited and sent them to the front lines or even reinforce a chair that has no legs to stand on.  Reliant and broken in despair, they continue to beg, attack, and remain on their knees; a psychopathic terrorist and attacker.  With their Red Cross and FEMA survival bag in hand, they come at us or remain on the loose; hidden, angry, desperate, and ready to strike.  We have told their leaders and those in our trap to talk, the federal prosecutors are waiting patiently and so have I.  They remain vigilante and secretive; scared, broken, and paranoid about what is to come of their failed attempts.  It does take one to know one and when you are guilty; you have no voice whatsoever and no power.  As the pitched battle continues, they drift further or are thrown out by forces far beyond their control or bullying, moreover, they refuse to talk or end this death grip called “Last Man Standing.”  Instead they feel loosening the choke chain will alleviate the resentment and retaliation on their cult of selfish and criminal mischief.  Can they and will they attack with a Red Cross survival bag or a FEMA bag?  

CAN’T ESCAPE OR ID THEM, THE LOVE AND DATING GAME BY A FAT TOTAL ASSHOLE:  Oddly, when it came to dating, privacy and our private life, they did the same thing; and then when we can’t escape nor end this, they would bombard you with harassment or make every hour a total hell; it can’t be them because they do not hate.  It would chip away and break you down.  They would try to rob or gain, in money.  They get very imperfect; trash or ridiculous people.  They try to match you with someone you hate, dislike, don’t get along with, etc… Then they would chase or stalk you into the grave until you hugged or said yes to some obese, repugnant, and psychopath.  That is them and what they did to me for nearly an entire decade.  If you had money, then it was the highest hookers in the world and always too much or so unreachable.  There was always chaos and disarray; way too low or way too high; then they hit you with the surprise.  Those attacks were the exact same as what I saw at Fox News and this dating game; exactly as I described.  If felt like a psychopath or stalker.  Often it was a black female on the other line or doing it; and she grew angry and defensive on a snap.  What a complete and total asshole; not a victim at all.  They would wear you down until your inhibitions were loose or you don’t care.  It was always about money or some fat total loser.  They demand people break down and cry; a feeling of being a hostage.  Always about them or what they want, communists or Al Qaeda tricks?  It made us vindictive, hateful, and look racist.   They are so gross and imperfect, disgusting.  

ANN, PUT YOUR EAR TO THE GROUND, DO YOU HEAR ANYTHING (BESIDES ME MOVING ON FINALLY RICH) Exactly.  It is the laws of diminishing returns and the fatal mistake of The Vietnam War.  No leader would ever get this calculus wrong, except a complete and total asshole. I can’t shut Fox News up, why?  The trail ends there and no other mothership, or is there?  They have local power and reach.  Put your ear to the ground and listen carefully, do you hear what I hear?  Total perfection talking back quietly and silently; someone is watching this complete asshole.  The eyes of God are the animals in nature; and they know where the footsteps lead.  Your struggle and fight ain’t over yet Ann, not yet; the animals know and will tell me.

HEY FOX NEWS, HAVE THE CHICKENS COME HOME TO ROOST OR DID ASIANS RADICALIZE THEM?  Is it possible this total asshole, which has no hate but does not care and is well intended, thinks the Asians radicalized them or their parents?  Talk!  Whose home is it now?  Who is sneaking up or has to move?  Please tell the Ann Coulter story for us all asshole.  Are you positive and did you ask her, yes or no?

RIGHT TO BE MAD, RIGHT TO RETALIATE, RIGHT TO DIRECT BLAME AND SEEK THE TRUTH:  I am mad someone allowed these attacks to happen.  I am upset they tried to cover it up and put a white face on it.  I am upset they are targeting Asians or trying to sit next to Asians.  I am upset they would scandal or scam us into thinking they are watching our best interest.  I am upset such a poor slave and a total asshole could work their way into our life.  I am upset they act like the police or have this routine down so well.  I am upset they allowed all of these attacks and this emancipation to happen.  I am upset this nation has to be ripped apart before we make those captured talk.  I am upset there is no other suspect list and idiots working the case.  I am upset the level of heroism exists while the truth is abandoned.  I am upset such an asshole would even think of trying this.  I am upset they refuse to turn each other in.  I am upset about the level of secrecy while they expect me to fork up money or some benefit.  I am upset the government is this gullible or stupid, mismanaged on this level.  I am upset the government is being used to emancipate someone who cannot do the right thing or is such a total asshole.  I am upset we cannot tell them to take a side and then nuke them to hell.  I am upset they are doing it daily or would even talk to us.  I am upset they call this their home and was allowed in the US.  I am upset they cannot do anything right or won’t do the right thing.  I am upset they are a failure and expect a solution to death and failure.  Will they talk?  Will they ever get anything or benefit?  They sit there, poor, failures, total assholes in unity; a cult of selfish acts and a list of endless crime; do put a pretty face on it or Sunday dress.  Talk!

WHO DID THIS?  DID THE ASIANS OR FOREIGN TRADE RADICALIZE YOU?  I identify them as Al Qaeda.  I chased them for over ten full years.  Can we make them talk?  Will they rat out each other?  When?  Only a failure would do this and say Asians are radicalizing them or oppressing them.  Only a total asshole would do this for political objectives or benefit.  As a human species, I am upset they are allowed to be born and we have to live with such an asshole in our world or in our life.  Do they have a suspect list or do I have to wait and state the obvious?  They blame the Asians and now they claim they have no problem with us, we have a problem with them?  What an asshole, do we get to nuke this poor slave on their knees?  I am also upset with what they did to Ann.  I hope the Office of Hurricane and Earthquakes gets this and will get even for us; all of us.  I hope I can do my part to fix these people or fire them, throw them out or send them home defeated.  Since I am doing the verification and authentication process, do they have a suspect list?  Ann took me to their mothership and leaders; it stopped there, do they have an answers or a suspect list?  Still no or not yet?  Do they have a valid and honest answer, if so I am demanding it and waiting?  Oh they are still investigating us or their options, will do the right thing after thirty years of this.  Please take your time, we are not getting older.  They did it for nothing, not even a good reason; senseless.  A total asshole and total failure in our life did this; Al Qaeda or just putting a Sunday dress on?  That is just my story; Ann has a story also.  Shall we compare the list? 


WHAT ARE THEY UP TO NOW?  WE KNOW HOW SCARED YOU ARE OR HOW WORRIED.  PAY FOR THEIR SINS AND CRIME:  Oh did you hear this; they want to break up Ann and me also.  I think we are well aware of how scared this asshole is and how they will pay for each other’s sins.  Oh did you hear, they are at the peace table again.  Listen to this one, they are in my residence and they run the Satellite Warfare Program, our friends.  They can’t do the right thing but they can get on their knees and beg while they F with us 24-7; what a total asshole.  Have you heard, Asians are their Emancipation and they are in charge of Asians, our bosses!  They love minorities and are our teachers, our friends.  We like them don’t we?  Talk!  The prosecutors are waiting and so have I; take your F’in time won’t you?  The Last Man Standing Game is not done yet; on their knees and begging, also at the Peace Table again!  Now they are a whimpering evil slave in our life and we like them too!

HERE IS YOUR EMANCIPATION ASSHOLE, HOW CAN THEY BE A RACIST OR A TOTAL ASSHOLE?  It can’t be them and they are not the problem; this is why they are on their knees, begging, and just a dirt poor piece of trash trying to F with us 24-7.  Do we get to nuke the hell out of them for this or what?  I personally think they are trash, don’t give a damn, trash, and full of hate; but it just can’t be them.  So here is the test, do the right thing and side with Ann Coulter you total asshole.  She won’t let you exploit the Asians either; how many generals out there will put their career on the line for this total asshole and traitor?  You Democrats and poor immigrants are the same way; total disarray and imperfect. We see you now for who you truly are, a slave in the land of giants.  Take your F’in generals, get on the other side, and let’s get this war done with.  I have a little surprise for all of you.  We have heard enough of your F'in mouth and how you do business; understand?  Do come around again you F'in asshole; not the problem and our friends?  When I say to take your F'in Generals, I think we are ready for war dumbass.  This must be your 1960s slave emancipation.  We don’t like F’in assholes as veterans, nor traitors who can’t be Al Qaeda or the problem.  Keeps running your mouth asshole, we know you don’t care.  I need at least 30% collateral damage, this is not helping!

FURTHERMORE, YOU PEOPLE ARE TOTAL ASSHOLES AND YOU EXPLOIT ASIANS ON A LEVEL THIS WORLD HAS NEVER SEEN, SAVE ME THE TOTAL LIES PLEASE!  If you were not an asshole, then you would take the side of either Ann or I; but look at how you exploit her also.  This is how the Democrats are too, slaves to the machine; they exploit Asians so they do not look like the problem.  What a bunch of total assholes, I hope we get to nuke your ass one day.  You could admit you are wrong and just take a F’in hike, couldn't you?  Exactly.  Now you have all the Asians thinking you are not a problem or their friends; what a F’in asshole you truly are.  When are you going to tell the truth or show yourself? Let me guess, you are hiring us and we are going through an appointment?  What a F'in total asshole, Vietnam Veterans also right?  

ANN WHAT PEACE TABLE AT THE PEACE TABLE?  What peace table?  Did you ask them?  Will to wage war broken yet?  Back at the peace table again, not in Paris but my living room.  She brokered a peace treaty?  They look like they were bombed to hell and back!  Peace table or cocktail party? Does anybody know peace talks are occurring or what is in them? Anybody?  Nobody cares?  We have to conform?  We have another thing coming?  You don’t care.  You are not a racist.  You hate America and anybody who opposes an asshole and the poor?  What a total and complete asshole, they are not racist and do not have hate in them.  Talk!

WHAT DID ANN COULTER ASK FROM THEM?  WHAT DID SHE DO TO THEM AND DID THEY ASK?  Told them to talk!  Now talk!  Did they imagine this and could it be her? Do you think it could be Ann or is it just me?  Where is the mothership?  Who is behind the cold war, their office and leader?  Who is it on the other line?  Is she better than us?  Best Sunday dress.  We don't care.  Total subordination.  Mothership hierarchy.

WHAT DO THEY WANT?  WHAT ARE THEY ASKING?  WHAT DO THEY WANT FROM US?  A total asshole.  A complete liar or psychopath.  Radicalization.  A felony record.  A suicide.  Massive injuries or death.  A human piece of trash or slave.  Bad looks, bad DNA, bad hair, bad skin, and defection.  Benefits, both among friends and real money.  Access.  Percentage.  Jobs.  A face for the story.  A legend to fool or follow.  Yes, they must be the police and investigating; it can’t be them and it never happened.  A spy ring.  A terror ring.  Media control.  More ammo.  A solution to death and political failure.  A new life.  A new identity.  Our DNA or identity.  Asia.  Economic sustainability.  Domination at war.  Numbers.  More and better…

IT CAN’T BE FOX NEWS OR THE REPUBLICANS; AND IT IS NOT THEM, THEY ARE THE ELITE AND RICH, PARTNERS, HOT CHICKS, EMPLOYERS, REPORT THE NEWS, AND OUR FRIENDS (THEY GOT COPS ON THEIR SHOW):  Have they asked Ann Coulter, yes or no?  Did they ask her about me or Satellite Warfare, yes or no?  Are they 100% sure, yes or no?  That explains why their fingerprint is on it and how we got all of this; is anything true since it is all on tape?  What is the Last Man Standing and can Ann Coulter describe it, yes or no?  What exactly are they up to, can they describe it?  Can they describe what Ann Coulter is doing or did?  Yes or no?  Is or was there a murder plot on Ann, yes or no?  Was I able to break it up or question their leaders?  Yes or no?  It can’t be them and they are not behind any of it; they are fighting Al Qaeda.  Who and what is Al Qaeda?  Ah, that is the kicker.  Who am I or us?  Ah, another surprise.  Is it a cult of evil and selfish criminal acts?  Yes or no?  Are they victims?  Yes or no?  Are they trying?  Did they let the world in on this secret?  Who is the author?  Where did it come from?  Why are they running loose and investigating?  Who are they investigating? It never happened, none of this.

DON’T WANT TO LOOSE BUT CANNOT WIN, COMPLETE IDIOT:  Exactly how stubborn and stupid are they?  Ask why they don’t wage war?  Ask why they don’t talk?  Ask if it is worth it, any of it?  The answer is they do not want to loose but they know they cannot win.  Yet they are closer to loosing it all and don’t even have any exist strategy or even war plans, if they had war plans; then they are very late with it.  They are growing weaker and less fearless, shaking like a leaf fearless.  They also claim they have enough toilet paper for this mission.  Eventually, they will have to surrender or talk, go after each other.  They stand in solidarity still; incredible odds.  Incredible story, let’s promote it.  Let’s have the world read it and learn more about these so-called American slaves.  It is a shame because we have rights and they have rights; but liberty is getting really distant.  Did jobs arrive?  Was a solution found or discovered yet?  Is their plot to determine whether war is winnable a success?  Where is their strategy and imperfection headed?  Slavery and poverty; it is grounds for war and political lines are always drawn on these lines.  How to fight this war against all odds; draw the line in the sand and let the chips fall?  Talk!  The prosecutors are waiting and so are my strategists and Generals.  Nobody will get a job when the line in the sand is drawn; it is an uphill climb.  Tell their followers to talk and surrender to the authorities ask told. In the end, they are accountable to their followers; the truth will hurt!  It will set them free, eventually.  

DUMBASS, HOW CAN YOU DENY IT OR SAY YOU DID NOT CRIMINALIZE OR RADICALIZE US, TRY… AND GET THE DEATH PENALTY OR BE PARADED AS BAWLING SLAVES?  By trying and trying again?  Get out of my face before you are exposed.  You are shaking like a leaf; your audacity is black and blue instead of red, white and blue.  Are you calling me a liar or are you suggesting I have a lack of clarity and coping with mental illness?  F you too!  No, you did not do any of that did you?  Ann did not fool you and exposed you, did she?  You are not hiding anything even if your face is full of guilt and torture; a total psychopath.  You are nothing more than a F’in terrorist, a traitor, and a F’in psychopath; totally disconnected from reality.  How could you be accused of any of this?  Suicide?  Risk taking?  Can’t be you right?  Do you have any respect for the laws or the rights of humans, then show it and stop saying you have no hate, are doing God’s work, are Christians, etc… we studied you for more than thirty years and we know you are a total asshole.  Just keep it on a yes or no level will you; you will say and do anything… anything except a terror plot?  Talk and tell the truth, the prosecutors are waiting and so have I.  I too imagined the Last Man Standing Game, didn't I?  Have you asked Ann Coulter, yes or no?  Are you 100% sure on that?  Oh, take your time then.  Deny that too.  Either you do as told and surrender, or you do not; yes or no.

I DID NOT SIGN UP FOR THIS.  I DID NOT SIGN UP FOR ANY TERROR PLOT.  I DID NOT SIGN UP FOR ANY RACIAL GAMES.  I DID NOT SIGN UP FOR ANY RADICALIZATION SCHOOL.  I DID NOT SIGN UP FOR ANY DUMB WHORE TRYING TO GET A HUG.  I DID NOT SIGN UP FOR ANY RELIGION ALWAYS CRYING, BEGGING, OR ON THEIR KNEES.  I DID NOT SIGN UP FOR ANY POOR MOVEMENT OR LABOR UNION GRIEVANCES.  People do have rights and liberties; now live up to them.  Again, the prosecutors are waiting patiently and so have I.  Let have a word with their leaders and authority for a second.  There is a reason why I am parading these assholes in the street, perhaps someone is asleep on the job or maybe they are very unqualified.  However, we are trying but the support structures, funding, and problems in government are immense.  So don’t give me a wave or tell me about how insulted they are.  We know they don’t care and we know they come here as slaves and will leave worse.  As far as their work or how we grade the level of imperfection and dissatisfaction; it’s an idiot.  It is a slave living in a religion full of emancipation or selfish criminal behavior.  Somebody has to do the work.  Someone has to stop them.  Someone has to put an end to this slave movement.  Someone has to show this world how things are done and why it is the way it is.  It’s like war; some people just do not get it and won’t make it.  Others are not who they claim.  Whatever the case, I won this and will; even if someone or anybody can only mess it up, screw things up more, or be paraded in the street as booty or a slave.  I will parade this enemy through the streets, let that be a warning.  I am doing the work these assholes refuse to or have not, what a bunch of assholes, really. 

SATELLITE WARFARE AND THIS ENEMY, A MESSAGE TO YOUR LEADERS:  People do have rights and liberties.  Again, the prosecutors are waiting patiently and so have I.  As far as your racial proclamation or idiotic scholastic failure; it’s a god damn joke and so is your slut life okay.  Your labor movement is also a F’in joke and if you had the gall, the decency, or the human spirit; then this would be over by now and the medals would be on my chest along with the tribute and rewards.  We are not there yet and even if we have enough evidence to raid them; they continue to say and do anything, anything to get up and shake off the failure or stink.  We will see if they get up or come back; put an end to this Last Man Standing before it is way too late; we are parading them in the streets and the media, as slaves and as prisoners we caught in a terror plot and trying to radicalize or criminalize our worthy life and mission.  There are grounds for war and if they do have the audacity then it will not keep them alive or thriving.  The surrender terms are written and the prosecutors are waiting patiently; perhaps death will arrive quicker?  There is also the world after they surrender, the prosecutors are waiting and so is the world.  We know there is conspiracy and cover-ups in the ranks and we know these people are nothing more than total assholes that will say and do anything; even be our slaves and paraded as war tribute.  Continue to create these lies, another world, and keep disconnecting with reality; it will be in their face and a death sentence.  I hope they go away then or go back to where they are from, hell.  So where did their rights and liberties go?  Where did their power and freedom go?  Are they backwards or a bottomless pit of hell? 

ALWAYS IN CHARGE, ALWAYS F'IN EVERYTHING UP, A TOTAL ASSHOLE, A TOTAL DISASTER, WILL SAY OR DO ANYTHING, TINKERING OR MEDDLING, ALWAYS TRYING TO BE THE BOSS:  what a complete and total asshole on their knees and begging.  Start timing their next attack or nibble; how long until they can come back again?  Are they in retreat, a big gap or quick retreat, hiding; and how much energy do they have left until death?  They claim coming back is to get a hug and makeup; get ready for another wave or nibble! Keep them down and on their knees.  Again, the prosecutors are waiting patiently and so have I.  

THERE IS COLLATERAL DAMAGES AND WE HAVE TO ACCEPT A SMALL DEGREE OF FAILURE:  Who the F mixed them up and allowed this to happen?  What a stupid SOB are they deaf or dumb also?  Now they are enthusiastic to be paraded and on their knees?  What a F'in slave, really.  They will say and do anything.  


OH WONDERFUL, NOW THE SLAVES ON THEIR KNEES ARE THE POLICE OFFICERS AND INVESTIGATORS:  What a F’in annoying psychopath, really.  They come here as slaves and they leave far worse.  Now we have to push them back or put them in their place because they are the police or investigating us?  Where are they on this case?  Exactly, being paraded in the streets or doing photo ops with the enemy and those caught.  The prosecutors are waiting patiently and so are I; let them run around with their heads off or trying to fix this.  They are the police and on their knees begging?  How?  Let this be a warning, we know who they are!  It is a cops and robber game? 

SHARK BITE, NO NOT A NIBBLE BUT A REAL BITE:  I’m okay but let’s rip the limbs off that shark or the school.  By this summer would be nice and even perfect!  Hunt them down.  I did see the shark and the school who did it; I’m okay, no worries.  It was only a scratch and I’ll be back next week or quicker.  They take their damn time, not me.  

IF YOU’RE POLICE DEFENDS OR FIGHTS FOR AL QAEDA OR THIS TERROR PLOT:  All I can say is the prosecutors are waiting.  I cannot get anymore crystal clear; there is enough evidence to prosecute.  I am not on my knees or begging.  I caught them, get the facts right. I do not have a police badge yet or ID, so I cannot take action.  Emancipation and immigration was bad for America, very bad.

IF YOU STOP MESSING WITH MY FINANCES OR VEHICLE, I CAN GET RID OF YOU THIS WINTER!  I am getting really ticked off especially with the begging and on your knees part.  Again, this is grounds for war and if you stop messing with my belongings or coming between my vehicle, I can get rid of you in 2014; even overnight!  Stop nibbling or taking small bites; it is annoying.  As far as your police and investigation; you better have one hell of an excuse, this is grounds for war!  You can stay on your knees until The Last Man Standing Game is dead and ended. You are nothing more than a F'in slave and a total asshole.    We would like to end this and get rid of you ASAP! I work 24-7.  I am trying okay, very hard.

BAIT AND LINE IS IN THE WATER!  TINY NIBBLES, STOLE OUR BAIT, DON’T HAVE ENOUGH LINE:  Total lies.  Those tiny or little nibbles do get somewhere and this lie about our leader or having enough line; is a total lie to boost their audacity and fearless terrorist plot.  Are they fearless?  Who is on their knees being paraded as our slave, in chains and awaiting prosecution?  Who is trying desperately and violating every law on the books to settle or play out the Last Man Standing Game?  They will say anything to boost their soldiers, hide the fear of their leaders, and hang on for dear life as slaves.  I know and I can feel the tiny nibbles, even the small intrusions okay; thank you.  The prosecutors are waiting and so have I; stop shaking will you, this is grounds for war!  Why are you delaying or taking your damn time?

RSVP - IT IS AN OPEN INVITATION, TOUCH MY STUFF AGAIN OR SNEAK UP ON ME; JUST TRY TO NEGOTIATE:  It is an open invitation and I have a zero tolerance.  I do not think a slave such as your welfare state is all that, honestly.  I dare you; it is an open invitation, so just touch my good stuff again.  Are you deaf or just a complete asshole?  Is that why you are on your knees?  Winning yet?  Oh, the Last Man Standing!  Stop radicalizing me also; the prosecutors are waiting and I don’t like to wait, do I?  You better have one hell of an explanation, one big F'in lie; seriously.  Nobody will ever rip it to pieces, it won't happen.  You have superior political protection and legal skills.  This is grounds for war, get the F off your knees and stop negotiating!  These photos and your media stunt is ridiculous.

FEARLESS?  GROUNDS FOR WAR?  WINNING!  STOP SHAKING!  WILL STOP YOU IN YOUR TRACKS, NEGOTIATE OR USE A JOB ONE MORE TIME:  You don’t hear do you?  Stay on your damn knees okay.  We will parade you in the streets again, far worse than the slaves you are now; trust me.  I suggest you shut up and stop coming between every transaction in my private and business life; I will stop you in your tracks and shut your “secret negotiation” down.  Bank on this and come around again if you wish to find out.  All of you are slaves, when you got here, and when you leave; I am going through your stupid Last Man Standing Game.  The prosecutors are waiting and we will crush you slaves.  If you are not slaves, shut up and stop begging or knocking on our doors; take a F’in hike will you.  Do work for us, we will do much worse to your selfish acts, criminal behavior, obstinate stupidity, and your photos and image.  Make sure your bank account can do the time before you do the crime asshole.  I will shut you down in 2014 if needed, dare me F’in dumbass.  Remember, you are still poor and a total asshole.  Stop shaking for the camera asshole. 

ARE YOU DEAF?  STILL AN ASSHOLE, ONE MORE WARNING:  Remember, you are still poor and a total asshole.  No, in your face.  How many times have I told you never to sneak up on me, never try to negotiate your slave position, never-ever come between my vehicle or purchase of a new vehicle, never to educate or touch my vehicle, never ever touch my shoes, jumper cables, auto electric system, battery charger, computers, computer speakers, paycheck, etc… Manipulate it or touch any of my belongings and I will stuff your face in your ass or worse.  Now we parade you in the streets while you look like you saw a ghost and come negotiate and tell me “in my face.”  What a complete and total asshole, no wonder we are parading your head like the slave you truly are.  I am sure you mean well and I am sure you are shaking like a leaf because we stopped you in your tracks recently.  Never-ever touch my vehicle or come between my career, loved ones, or military mission.  As far as your police force, you can see they are banned and will loose their jobs; they need to quit and so do you; stop or we will stop you in your tracks.  This is why you are being paraded and your photos are only a buck, trash.  This is why you are shaking like a leaf.  You did get set up and you did get cruel and unusual language, F off okay.  THE PROSECUTORS ARE WAITING AND YOU JUST WANT TO BE IN THE PARADE DON’T YOU?  Smile, we are taking pictures while you are on your knees.  Shut up about how you are barely able to pay the bills, hanging on to us for dear life.  You cannot escape, so just leave me and us alone; and smile for the cameras!  Come work for me, I have enough pictures of you shaking like a leaf or getting the door slammed in your face.

GOING THROUGH SAME EXPERIENCES, $1 PHOTO OF ENEMY AND TRAITORS DRAGGED THROUGH STREETS ON KNEES BEGGING OR WORSE:  Who wants a picture of them on their knees, dressed up, and dragged through the streets as a war prize?  They are begging for love and affection, nasty and cruel photos.  They will do anything, anything!  Who wants a photo of our slave before the prosecutors blow them away?  More candid photos not available but may be in the future!  Extremely explicit (hint) and in their best Sunday dress; chained up, well bathed, educated, sophisticated, and begging worse than a slave!  Get these photos before they are gone or not available for your pleasures!  Note, some of them are married so your discretion is absolutely needed.  See this rapist and sexual predator at their best, on their knees and begging for affection!  Damn they are hot.  They are not angry at all, loving it!  Look at the smiles on their faces!  Look at their participation and loud willingness to obstruct the police!  They are begging for more and keep calling for more work!  They are worse than slaves and very happy!  This is our war prize, Last Man Standing!  Some of them are actually bleeding!

CAME HERE AS SLAVES, WILL BE LEAVING FAR WORSE:  How obstinate and full of tricks are these people?  They are losing jobs every single day and kept quiet about this?  There is enough evidence to raid or prosecute them; the prosecutors are waiting and so have I.  Tax dollars do not work abroad and emancipation and immigration is totally insane; that is the Democrats and Republicans.  On their knees… stay there while I get some pictures.  Your school and strategies suck balls man, really; expelled from mine.  No still being thrown out!  What a complete and total asshole!  Go labor unions.


WHAT LAST MAN STANDING GAME?  IT DOESN'T EXIST AND THERE IS NO EVIDENCE.  CRIMINALIZING VICTIMS?  ROBBING PEOPLE?  RADICALIZATION PROCESS STOPPED IN THEIR TRACKS:  The prosecutors are waiting and obviously they don’t care; inhuman and risk taking on a level this world will never see; and the best faces on it.  Yes they are totally nuts and do not know where they are or who they are talking to.  How many times did they deny being Al Qaeda or the egg of 1960s radicalization?  How many?  How many times did they deny being communists?  You can see it in their eyes and voices.  They are rapists and serial killers, saw them in action. Yes the mental illness game also!

CHURCH GETTING DESTROYED AROUND THE GLOBE, DO THEY CARE AT ALL, AND THE PROSECUTORS ARE WAITING AND SO HAVE I?  They are guilty of radicalizing, criminalizing, bullying, and much more.  Fox News is totally guilty.  All of them are complete liars and psychopaths.  Now they toy with the people who won the greatest war on earth or who have defeated them all in the past World Wars.  We have all of their plans.  They are cornered and trying to put up a fight, completely asinine.  Look at whom they are doing this to and why, a cult of bottomless selfish and criminal acts.  This is going to hurt them and their future.  This is the easy way out and there is no easy way out.  Pay the damages because the prosecutors have enough evidence to raid them.  We also know they will lie and play these powerful games, to humiliate and embarrass us; now it is their turn on their knees.  It is a test, on their knees; the police and prosecutors are still waiting.  We are not going out with you, even if you drag us, fight us, tie us up, etc… They may not survive this but there are survivors; this is how evil they are.  So what they care, we care and are not letting go!

STOPPED THE RECENT ATTACKS DEAD IN THEIR TRACKS, AFTERMATH:  If they do not care nor had enough, then shut up and hop out of line.  Stop saying you are done and stop begging for food and water, the federal prosecutors are still waiting and so am I.  They are losing jobs every single day and kept quiet about this?  It will come back years later and embarrass their family or devastate their future and career.

IF I CAN WIN THIS WAR AND EMPTY OUT A PANTRY, THEN I CAN PROSECUTE AND DO MUCH MORE THAN CATCH YOU IN THE ACT:  Do they know who they are talking to and why?  Do they know why or how they lost?  Do they know I do not like to wait and this is almost thirty years of this?  Do they know they have no police protection, none at all?  The prosecutors are waiting and so have I, patiently.  I don’t like them either, I told Ann already.  They plug away with her and try to radicalize or criminalize her life also.  Admit there were terror plots, murder plots, and a conspiracy.  Shut them down, empty their pantry, and torture them if they do not come quietly or surrender. Are they really hiring me or trying to appoint me to an esteemed church and government position?  What a total asshole.  They all stand in unity and are defiant, disruptive, and totally insane while on their knees.  Empty their pantries and ask them if this is grounds for war.

NOT TRYING TO CRIMINALIZE ANYBODY EITHER, GROUNDS FOR WAR:  Keep in mind Africa and Israel is co-conspirators.  Keep in mind there is sufficient evidence to prove they were and are trying to not only criminalize my life, but also recruit and radicalize it.  Meanwhile, they put on the best face, pranced around as the police, and said this was about terrorism.  It is about communism and emancipation of inert slaves, immigration and welfare.  It was the same cold war problem when the media began and in Hollywood.  Therefore, these slaves and this spy ring is trying to radicalize or break into the land of giants but they view us as giants in the land of slaves, totally disconnected from reality.  Did they try to criminalize or spy on me?  Were they caught and captured?  What did they say and do?

NOT TRYING TO RADICALIZE ANYBODY EITHER, GROUNDS FOR WAR:  Not only are they doing this and everything they say is not even true; we are friends and they are not trying to radicalize us or recruit us for a terror plot.  Take a guess who and what we have right now, total assholes?  They don’t like us either so long as they are in charge.  Shall I strap bombs to me also before they are finished?  Are they going to pay my family a reward?  How about Ann, are they radicalizing her also?  No, not them we are family and they are my parents; a father-son team.

YOU BLOW IN THE WIND AND HAVE NO BELIEFS, A TOTAL ASSHOLE:  We know you will do and say anything; look at what you are doing now.  Looks and even your DNA is why you hate our perfection and world; the land of giants.  Nothing you say or do has any meaning, that is a mole and terrorist; this is what you ask and from our DNA; total mess and total disarray.  We know you are the Evil Empire, you have no home or beliefs; only selfish acts and criminal existence.  Do you know where you are or who you are talking to?  It is embarrassing and humiliating. You are Al Qaeda and we know it is a conspiracy.  We won, do I have to wait also or quit?

LOVE THEM TOO!  TOTAL ASSHOLES, TOTALLY INSANE, TOTALLY DISCONNECT FROM REALITY, TOTALLY GUILTY, TOTALLY GUTLESS, ETC.   Your looks have nothing to do with the outcome.  What you say and how you say it is futile.  You do not know the right people, not now.  We don’t like you either.  You are always in the way.  You are disruptive and a total disaster, total disarray.  You are stupid and we know why.  You live in the land of giants, always begging, reliant, and on your knees.  Shall I go on?  Are there any grounds for war if we do not like you either?  Any?  Is it impossible to win or win the Last Man Standing conspiracy and terror plot?  Do you also feel you can escape prosecution or will do the exact same thing?  So you don’t like us and want to quit or tell us to quit and move on.  Is that grounds for war yet?  How do you expect me to fight back or seek my rights, how?  How do you expect me to quickly claim my rewards or my Satellite Warfare mission?  Wait for you?  Quit?  Get hired or be appointed by your church or these lousy immigrants in the land of giants?  Do you think you will get away with this or are you completely disconnected from reality?  A yes or no is fine.  Why are you coming around and contacting me, what are you demanding to the death?  We can do real harm to you and the federal prosecutors still wait patiently, it has been thirty years. Get the F off our plane you terrorist and asshole.

DON’T LIKE YOU EITHER AND THIS DNA LAST MAN STANDING GAME YOU ARE PLAYING, GROUNDS FOR WAR:  There are a lost of reasons why we don’t like you, all legitimate and true.  Are you completely disconnected from reality and do you know what an asshole is?  Nothing you say is true.  We don’t like you either.  Is this the problem?  Is this why you refuse to end this or talk?  Is this how you got in this or how we busted you or caught you?  Is this why you still come around after thirty years; you have extreme hatred for the land of giants or the greatest human beings on earth who won this war and very close to shutting you down and throwing you out?  Say it, we don’t like you or appreciate what you did or have done; grounds for war yet?  Why then do you keep coming around and acting like you are in charge and we cannot escape?  Why are you putting the best face and Sunday suit on; honesty or truth?  Well intended?  The police?  A cult of selfish acts and criminal behavior?  Murder?  Robbery?  Intimidation?  Pressure tactics?  Treason?  A terror plot?  A communist spy ring? You are Al Qaeda?  We have to move or go home, the land of giants?  You are a slave on your knees begging?  Can we pin you down on one reason or so many?  Who is this F’in referee or mothership who arranged it or planned this?  Talk!  It was all lies and not true.

GROUNDS FOR WAR YET, STILL FRIENDS OR ALLIES?  I'm not sure if they are hated; God hates them, or if they know what an asshole is.  Let's be friends and talk this out, the federal prosecutors are waiting and so am I.  If it came down to it, they will kick your door down and shave your head, or worse.  Do you know what danger is or how much trouble you are in, any connection with reality?  We know it is intentional and full of malice. 

TURN YOURSELF IN AND END THIS LAST MAN STANDING GAME:  Why do you keep coming around or contacting me, nobody has quit or you do not want to end The Last Man Standing game?  Why do you keep saying totally insane things we know is not untrue or baseless?  Are you a slave in a giant world and are you in the den of the greatest humans on earth, spying on them or the victory of the greatest battle on earth?  We have not reached the grounds for war or have to quit because you are biased or do not like us?  Is this why you are being prosecuted and shut down; thrown out of the land of giants and are on your knees begging?  You will embarrass your family or seriously harm your own career and life; a form of death.  You will loose and already have.  Talk!  The prosecutors are waiting and God hates what you are doing.  Do you know what an asshole is yet?  Do you know where you are or who you are talking to yet?  When?  When will this end, it has been almost thirty years.  You can only start a war, loose it, or harm you family and embarrass the world of giants.  Take your time and do make us wait or be reliant; tell us more lies, none of it are even true; nothing you asshole.  You are full of malice and anger; a terrorist enemy.  

NOT FRIENDS, ARE THEY COMPLETELY NUTS OR JUST NOT THERE YET?  HOW MUCH TROUBLE ARE THEY IN?  The level of trouble and retaliation, even damages you are in right now is unimaginable and unfathomable.  Keep harassing the matter even on a new level or more. Nobody is or has quit yet.  What does that say, we are no longer friends?  Disappointed?  Heartbroken?  Embarrassed? Feel rejuvenated and great around us?  There is the hard way and then there is the easy way. This was the friendly way and the most peaceful way to win the greatest battle on earth by the greatest human beings or infamy.  It could have been much worse. What temper or patience problems now?  Hate each other and are barbarians?

WHO PROPPED UP A PILE OF TRASH, COMMUNISTS, RADICALS, CRIMINALS ET AL?  Who funded or propped up the communists, put a racial face on this, and now is homeless or standing in line begging for water and rice?  Not me.  The federal prosecutors are waiting patiently and so have I.  They emancipated the Satellite Warfare Program and are our rescue?  Whose idea was this?  I have both life needs and medical needs, it has been nearly thirty years; what a total asshole.  How did they float to the top or get emancipated?  Who put the greatest human beings on earth in a prison camp or attacked them, the greatest battle on earth and mankind?  Can they win it or do they want to quit and move?  Do they want an appointment or a job still?  Don’t even flinch or take one step, not one. 

WHOSE IDEA WAS THIS, THE HARD WAY, THE EASY WAY, AND THEN YOUR WAY:  About this game called the Last Man Standing, want to quit, is harassed around the hour, babysat around the hour, can afford failure, wants to get in line and beg for water and rice, is hated and bullied, doesn't like us, wants to die, does not know what to do, wants to feed us drugs, wants to talk this out, does not know if God hates them, does not know what an asshole is, wants to blame Ann, wants to set us up or ambush us, etc… I dare you too.  We are not at war yet but I will make sure all of you are killed by the train load when we are or when the time comes.  Yes, do that. It will get somewhere.  Worry yourself to death, loose more sleep, get paranoid and cancer of the mind, take more risks, declare yourself our parents and family, get a lobotomy, act like the police, bribe us, hire us at minimum wage, etc… tell us to move and move on. Yes, come around again and take your time; your will to fight war or fight us is not broken yet.  Everything is broken except your will to wage war and put the best face on it or a Sunday dress.

TAKE YOUR TIME, TALK IT OUT, KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS, DRAG YOUR FEET, PLAY THE LAST MAN STANDING GAME, INVESTIGATE US, HARASS THE MATTER, SCREW UP ANN A LITTLE MORE, PUT THE PRESSURE OR BLAME ON US:  This is the greatest battle on earth and the people who won it are the greatest humans on earth.  Keep in mind it has been nearly thirty years since this began.  I do have medical needs.  I do have biological needs.  I do have a right to liberty and happiness.  I too have needs and really do not need more advice, legal representation by the defendants, more mistakes and imperfections, more insanity, or verbal nonsense.  Don’t try to put all of that on the responsibility of Ann Coulter or my family; come between us.  Just understand what an asshole is and what they have done to embarrass and hurt my family and my life.  I have needs even after thirty years of this; and I had it won back then.  How or why it took thirty years to figure out who they were and finally put them into a position of surrender must also be an act of diplomacy.  I have needs and I need my life, mission, and money; if anything than for Satellite Warfare.  If anything than for my peace of mind and to get these assholes out of my life; I do have needs in life and am not reliant or a victim of an asshole traitor.  Why should they end this if there is only going to be more pain, suffering, war, and their death?  Exactly.  The only way is to babysit our life or make it inescapable; evade capture and escape. 

IT IS EMBARRASSING AND IT IS TOTALLY CRAZY, WE DID WIN:  Do not take another step and shut up and do as you are told.  I’m calling backup.  Turn yourself in before I get more creative with what little I have.  I don’t get danger pay, I need to get paid, and this has been almost thirty years.  The prosecutors are waiting and I have patiently. Your lies and criminal life has run it's course asshole, look what you have done; it is now the cancer in your mind and your lobotomy.  If you do not know whether God hates you, than neither do we; do we?  Remember, you are the slave in the land of giants and it is extremely embarrassing and now a crisis and ordeal in our blessed life.  

DO YOU KNOW WHAT CRIME IS OR HOW MUCH TROUBLE YOU ARE IN?  Yet the records indicate you have a kit and have experience evading it; I am a bloodhound.  Where did you learn this or go to school, the mothership?  How can you take such extreme risk, for so long, and remain on the loose?  Do you know what the police is or what an asshole is?  Not yet?

DO YOU KNOW HOW ANGRY AND DANGEROUS THESE PEOPLE ARE ASSHOLE?  A simple yes or no is fine.  What a total asshole.  Do I need a lecture or advice on how dangerous or angry they are?  They are slaves and they are poor and hungry.  I have this won asshole, do I need this?  Do I need any help with my creative skills or analytic power?  I must be a one man Army if I do, or extremely annoyed. How do I reply to this total insanity, how?  Write you a polite letter?  

HAVE I KNOCKED YOUR DOOR DOWN, SHAVED YOUR HEAD OR MESSED WITH YOUR WIFE?  Ah, so you are thankful and it could be worse asshole.  A simple yes or no is fine.  What exactly is your motive besides crime, terrorism, and communism?  Are you telling me or asking me to knock your door down, come and get it, or shave your head?  Yes or no? Do I come to your home and do this?  

DO YOU KNOW WHAT AN ASSHOLE IS?  A YES OR NO IS FINE?  Then shut up, leave us alone; and do as you are told.  You are not above the law or immune, pardoned.  Understand?  The prosecutors are waiting and I have also.  It’s a family thing and it’s a marriage ceremony, anything you say. Just shut up before things get worse.

DID ANYBODY EVER HEAR ME SAY OR WRITE THIS?  I don’t remember ever saying make a mess, follow me in life, be part of my family, or continue to be a total asshole in my life.  Making a mess is one thing.  Cleaning it up and covering it up is another.  The federal prosecutors are waiting and I have been waiting patiently asshole.  Get it right and get this right.  Did I ask to have a total asshole in my life or a slave in the land of giants?  Does anybody see a “Welcome Slaves” mat on my front door or embassy?  Has any giants gone to the slaves and said welcome brother and sisters?  How am I supposed to argue or fight back, even reply?  Should I become very creative and very mean?  Look through over ten years of written material, where did the communists get this idea from?  Do they understand what a total asshole is, yet?  Do they need an explanation or some help?  Here I go getting creative again!

OKAY GET IN F’IN LINE AND START BEGGING FOR WATER AND RICE:  I don’t like to wait and I really don’t like what this complete asshole and psychopath is trying to do, not one bit.  The federal prosecutors are waiting and I have waited patiently for my money.  I will do this and take this mission my own direction and my own way; I don’t like to wait or be reliant.  There, feel better?  Get it right will you, assholes!  We could shave their head, dress them up as seals, and lock a ball and chain to them while they swim for their life?  Cruel but effective, just pay the legal damages you asshole and go away will you.  I have a very creative mind, VERY, don’t push me or take me there okay.

WANTS TO QUIT, DON’T LIKE THEM, SEVERELY BULLIED AND ABUSED, HEALTH IS DECLINING, LOSING FIGHT AND MIND, TOO STUBBORN AND WRONG, DON’T KNOW THEM, A VERY BAD EXPERIENCE:  The federal prosecutors are waiting; just pay the F’in legal damages and go away.  You are in the land of giants, not slaves; we are giants in the land of slaves, not giants.  What the F do I do with all of these assholes, tell them to get in line and beg for water and rice?  Tell them to talk!  What the F do I have to do in order to get my legal damages, life back, mission back, and everything?  This is the almost thirty years, how the hell do you get away with this or do this?  What do we do with all of these assholes?  Torture them?  Kill them by the train load?  Starve them?  Insult them or throw them on the ground?  If this was world war we would be stepping on their bodies or sneaking in their village and burning down their food supplies.

ANN, WHAT THE F DO I DO WITH THESE ASSHOLES?  YOU AND THESE LEADERS ARE NOT MUCH OF ANY HELP, SURE YOU HAVE TO EAT; ALLOW ME TO EXPLAIN:  I am very upset and disappointed, a little at you also.  You are inexperienced, never there for me, and need clinical help to get your life right again.  You seem constantly confused about me.  I need the right people, nearly perfect, smart, and who belongs among giants.  This is the greatest war on earth, not a slave camp or prostitution ring.  You do things to upset me or piss me off, even if it is to defend your character or fend off an attack.  You surround yourself with total assholes and you literally share life with them, while they spy on my every move; how long have I been in this situation?  Both of you expect desired outcomes or keep telling each other to quit, brawl off camera and in your private life, stalk each other, etc… we are literally at war with them.  Even I do not trust you and whatever love you worked so hard at, has been either extinguished by you or stolen by them.  Meanwhile, their stable of insanity is running around behind your back and trying to pussy me into more anger with you or shaking their good looks.  If that is management skill, leadership, or how you do business; then I want nothing to do with you or them; a cult of selfish acts and criminal behavior; monkeys in disguise.  I am fighting for my life and in pitched battle for nearly thirty years, almost around the clock.  I get attacked constantly.  I feel like a hostage.  I am a giant among slaves constantly and reliant on their dictators.  The help I get is futile or feeble, sometimes counterproductive.  They try to silence me or block my life, legally, artificially, even financially.  They are constantly verbally accosting me; telling me to quit or move, do not like me, attacking me and giving me a bad experience.  So this is where we are at; you may be part of it or not but they are part of you and also me; they won’t leave and are on their knees begging.  It is total insanity with the Evil Empire.  These problems will be persistent so long as they are on our borders and perfection is not demanded; they are total assholes and slaves.  Do you understand yet?  They are playing little games with your life and mine, understand; a pawn in their slave camp.  What the F is I supposed to do with these F’ers?

WHAT THE F DO I DO WITH ALL THESE ASSHOLE SLAVES?  SAY STOPS IT OR GOES AWAY?  ARE THE LEADERS AND FOLLOWERS IN THE LAND OF GIANTS BEGGING, CRYING OR IN LINE FOR WATER AND RICE:  We know they are slaves and communists, the poor.  Are we on the same page?  Do we share the same experience?  Is our relation with God or giant leaders the same or identical?  We are not in line begging for rice and water.  We are not trying to knock on the door of the land of giants.  We are not trying to spy on the greatest war on earth or the people who are fighting it.  We are not a total asshole in the life of others and refuse to leave or leave them alone.  We don’t have stories of rape or their church relationship with God resembling a slave diary.  If their leaders do not care and their followers do not care; then stay in the land of slaves and do not encroach or ever be caught in the land of giants.  Otherwise, the federal prosecutors will have to wait longer and so will I.  Talk!  Where did they take their followers, what is this experience they have with God, and why are they always begging, crying, and waiting in line for rice and water?  Their leaders?  Do we need to hear more and more about this slave and total asshole? 

A NEST OF SPIES, ANTI-WAR PROTESTERS, TEACHERS, RECRUITERS, and TERRORISTS, AND LABOR UNION LOBBYISTS IN DC-VA:  Do any of them know where they are or what this Last Man Crying is about?  Do they have any information to assist the federal prosecutors or end this immediately?  Do they know what the truth is or who is hiding it in the land of giants or is taking us down with them to the land of slaves, reliance?  What is all this violence and anti-war protest all about?  Where this nation is headed, emancipation and immigration or welfare-benefits for the poor and stupid?  The punishment is severe and the federal prosecutors are waiting patiently to end these lies and criminal plot. They have to be hunted down like animals in the land of giants.  Who is in charge or responsible?  This asshole continues to divide the world up according to race and slaves in the land of giants. It is about race and racism now. 

LET’S ASK ANN COULTER:  Who divided the entire world up according to race?  Ann who did this?  Can you take me to them?  Do you know this is the land of giants?  Do you know who you are?  She will say the same thing and the same people.  I will interrogate them and we will get the same outcome time and again.  They are repeat offenders.  Do they know where they are or the Dragon’s den?  Limbaugh and Fox or the entire media?  Total assholes and slaves always on their knees begging or bullying?  Rape stories?  Spy and espionage ring?  Do any of them know where they are?  Murder plot?  Trapped and busted but still in pitched battle?  Every single time I ask Ann, she says the same thing over and over.  She does the same thing over and over.  She says it is not her, it is them.  She tells me exactly what I told her or am describing; we can run the experiment over and over, the same results will occur.  It is on their face and all over their demeanor, unrepentant and fighting back, a total psychopath and slave with no guts but selfish for the glory.  Who is this asshole who continues to divide the world up according to race and imposing this slave relationship with their church?  The media and Evil Empire?  Who is it Ann, take us to them and the mothership.  Now it is about race.


WANTS TO QUIT, DON’T LIKE THEM, SEVERELY BULLIED AND ABUSED, HEALTH IS DECLINING, LOSING FIGHT AND MIND, TOO STUBBORN AND WRONG, DON’T KNOW THEM, A VERY BAD EXPERIENCE:  The leader of the slaves have spoken to the land of the giants but do they have the guts for the glory, yes or no?  Quitting or retreat is not a winning strategy; it is a path to death and failure; also federal prosecution and legal damages.  Where are we taking their people, to the land of giants or the land of slaves?  Who is in line and who is begging for rice and water? 

A SLAVE IN THE LAND OF GIANTS, REFUSES TO PAY LEGAL DAMAGES OR GO AWAY:  Again, the federal prosecutors are waiting patiently and so have I.  Diplomacy is futile and they are slaves in the land of giants but think they are giants in the land of slaves.  Act this way or try to debate your case in the land of giants and punishment will be dealt in secret, no secret negotiations; written verification and authentication only.  Do you have the balls and the guts to earn the glory?  Come and get the glory if you are a giant in the land of slaves.  Come around again and we will pencil in this weekend, is that okay?  I am not on my knees or begging so I don't need to know your rape stories or church experience asshole.  You want the glory but don't have the guts as slaves in the land of giants; come and get it?  Last Man Standing?

IMPOVERISHED RELIGIOUS EXPERIENCE, THE LAST MAN STANDING GAME:  The prosecutors are waiting and so am I.  Do they know where they are?  Do they know what planet this is?  The Evil Empire is docile, always on their knees, reliant and feeble, a pain in the ass, spying on us, robbing us, stealing something, coming between our family members, disruptive, an opposition, circling us, a cult of selfish and criminal acts, nothing more than assholes; they live in another world, are being ran off and have the door slammed on their face, and nothing more than a pandering slave spying on us.  They do have good looks and they do prostitute each other.  How can we be going through the same experience?  Where is the mothership?  This ridiculous experience or ordeal has been ongoing for thirty years now; they refuse to pay legal damages and want us to feel their pain or sign up terrorism, drug wars, same sex medical benefits, media control, etc… why are they on their knees begging while they use the media communicate?  What is this Last Man Standing Game and do they know where they are?  They are emaciated and want to come to America for greed and selfish acts of crime?  We must be in their church experience and dictatorship; so they want war and are not inert, how about this weekend or next week? We can pencil in "Last Man Standing or Hunt Them Down Like Animals While Begging and Crying."  F your church, F your religious experience, and F your relation with God; understand yet?

STRANGERS IN A STRANGE LAND, LOST, CONFUSED, LOST THEIR MIND, OUT OF TOUCH WITH REALITY, IN THEIR OWN WORLD, PANIC MODE, ON THEIR KNEES, SHOT IN THE BACK, OUT OF PLACE, NOT A GOOD FIT, DOES NOT KNOW WHERE THEY ARE:  Right now you are in America but in the 1930s and going backwards, and if you come around again and try to harass or disrupt our life, you will be taken back to the 1860s.  You are headed to hell already so let’s make a cocktail party out of it.  At least the Evil Empire understands and deserves it and at least they know and understand any questions?  There is no solution to death and failure and this can only get worse.  Soon all of them will be on their knees, begging, and in line for a bag of rice and a cup of water.  Bullying is not the answer.  Diplomacy and crime is not the solution.  Attacking us is not the answer and never was, still ongoing.  Lying about all of this will be a death sentence; do harass the matter and make another illegal contact.  Religious rape is not and never was acceptable.  What a total asshole we have and they are on their knees begging; going through the same experience. This is and was their religious history and experience.  They are not the victims of God, the police, or the military; only an Evil Empire.

NOT ON KNEES BEGGING OR CRYING, THEY ARE, THEY FEEL THE PAIN AND THEY KNOW THERE IS NO ESCAPE, IN PANIC MODE:  They expect us to join or sign up, a recruitment plot?  We are not going through the same experience or life.  Furthermore, I am not on my knees begging.  I am not the Evil Empire and seeking emancipation.  They see the semen stained dress, she does too.  But we are not on our knees begging.  Who is?  What and why are they hiding?  The federal prosecutors and commissioned officers are waiting patiently; don’t keep any of them waiting.  I need my energy and life back, every cent of legal damages.  Who is on their knees begging about this?

(REMEMBER THIS) SMELLY SEMEN STAINED JACKASS COMES AROUND AGAIN:  If your sorry smelly jackass comes around one more time and tries to run your mouth, prove something, debate us, or put some form of annoying tentacle in our life and mission; one more time, I will see to it every single disgusting orifice of your lard body is washed or dunked with salt water every single year for the rest of your life.  We know you are doing it purposefully and intentionally, with the malice of tripping us up, angering us, harassment, or otherwise.  One more time and you will be begging and crying again.

GOING THROUGH THE SAME TEST OF WILL, BLAMING US, AND SAME EXPERIENCE OR DEATH:  They have a choice?  It is their money?  Do they want to live with the greatest humans on earth or be near the greatest warriors who are fighting the greatest battle and war on earth?  Decide.  Yes and Ann Coulter is going through the same experience they are too; yeah okay.  Keep in mind who in this story has falsely been put in prison and whom refuses to; that goes on their record also.  So they put the Office of Satellite Warfare in prison and they put the Office of Hurricane-Earthquakes in a state of emergency; now what, prison and paying damages?  Again, if you were The Office of Hurricane-Earthquakes and they treated you this way or did this to your life, even put you in prison as a felon; how would you treat them or what would you do if they kept on attacking?  Exactly, does it take a genius to figure things out?  They are too poor, too stupid, too secretive, too ignorant, too confident, too full of crap, too worthless, too desperate; and worse their life is worth nothing. 

SHUT DOWN THE MEDIA, CAUSING HARM AND EMBARRASSMENT TO THEIR FAMILY:  I have never heard an Evil Empire tell us they have a choice, it is their money, and they can decide what to report or how they want to make us look and feel.  I have heard it time and again, their emancipation is coming, the cold war is over, the enemies and traitors are inert.  So take a hike, move, and go away.  I have heard it time and again how this is about money and I’m being hired or undergoing some test to determine my skill level.  It must be a completely dizzy and helpless bitch and my odor must make the room smell rosy.  I must wear those rosy goggles also or see the cup half empty.  They even know how to program me and can explain my desperation, poverty, or need to do what I do.  You can see it on their face; they seem very lost and even paranoid and scared of the inevitable.  You know when a hardened criminal is caught and the web of lies they spin.  We also find out they have a rape kit, false IDs, ready cash to keep them warm and panic free, international channels, and just about everything needed to defraud both investigators and the public.  That is a lot of disarray, a lot of confusion, and a very big struggle with mental illness.  To win and fight this war, even be a victim; you must show greatness and strength.  You must show the absence of conspiracy, cover-up, or audacious evasive nature; especially when there is enough evidence to prosecute.  The prosecutors are waiting patiently and this game to determine who is the last man standing, who is in charge, who get’s destroyed, who is a survivor, who is needs their advice or spiritual emancipation, etc… Most nations would rip their face off, not allow them to break our will to resist or fight back.  If they can’t report the cold war, then shut down the media and close off national security to real human beings. 

PUT PRESSURE ON THEM, MAKE SURE THEY CAN’T ESCAPE, ROWDY THEM UP, GIVE THEM WARNINGS, AND THEN HUNT THEM DOWN LIKE ANIMALS:  The Perfect Storm is coming.  You people must be the “Evil Empire” we have heard so much about.  Not only are you intruders, home invaders, foreign invaders, robbers, and some kind of brain dead zombie; you act as if you do not understand “don’t ever come back or we will hunt you down and do worse things to you.”  Hence, you come back again and again to try and get a hug or work things out; very powerful.  The way you manage or do business is supposed to look and feel complex and ingenious; that explains it all.  After thirty years you rack up more charges, come back to the scene of the crime, and act as if you are in charge or the police.  Eventually, the police, morals, the truth, and retaliation will hunt you down and kill you.  I do not see any other solution to death, failure at this level, or your cult of greedy selfish acts.  Turn yourself in the prosecutors are waiting and I have been.  Do not come back or come around, unless you are what we have described.  The perfect storm and gathering storm against you is growing and it will continue to grow and go crazy on your criminal and selfish existence.  That is your talent and this proves our talent also.  Why don’t you just be quiet, sit down, and pay the legal damages; it has been thirty years.  You demand emancipation?  You deserve emancipation?  You don’t like us and chip away?  You think you can win?  You are the Evil Empire?  You have a death wish?  You are one stupid SOB?  Even if we torture you or rip your face off, you create this insane story about being our parents or family, F you asshole.  The Evil Empire is not racist and this is about race, come as you are? 

IN ORDER TO SURVIVE AND WIN THIS, I NEED THE MOTHER SHIP AND I NEED THEM TO TALK, THE FEDERAL PROSECUTORS ARE WAITING:  To win this war and the greatest battle on this earth; I need my money and life back; it costs money to obtain these desired outcomes and restore my life; a lot of legal damages.  This is the only way to avoid war or a resurgence of this emancipation of the inert traitors and communists.  Why and how did they float to the top and do this?  Do we shut down the media or allow them to buy up and wreck everything in the name of peace and terrorism?  Defrauding the public and conspiracy at this level is totally insane and psychotic.  Fox News should know better and the right wing; they are all doing serious harm and embarrassment to their future, family, state, and finances.  How did I survive this?  I had it won in 1989.  2014 is an intersection point.  They want to immigrate to America and unify or join this conspiracy and media problem?  This is their emancipation and our death?  We are violent and have a temper problem?  Who is despised and has the mental illness, can’t git in? 

VITAL NATIONAL SECURITY SUCH A DIFFICULT DECISION, MONEY WILL JUDGE OR WIN THE DAY, SO WILL A JOB:  People are waiting patiently.  If they are dying then they have finally plotted the top and the bottom; no in between anymore.  How they floated to the top or where the survival skills came from, the source; is a web of deception by a very dangerous risk taker and psychopath.  I had this won in 1989 and this was done deliberately, maliciously, and on purpose.  Even in war and freedom, they must respect our rights instead of steal it or bury it.  They should be fired but they want to report the cold war; a media problem or list of enemies.  Do they believe in anything?  Do they believe in America or the Constitution?  Do they respect any laws or the truth?  Decide if they want to report the greatest war on earth or the greatest human beings who have to fight it or wait patiently for their rewards.  Are they mere trash or human beings who deserve to be respected?  They got their warning but they stand unified and in a dangerous conspiracy.  Who has the temper problem?  Who is or has been waiting patiently.  Who is using racism and mental illness as a dangerous game or a game called “Last Man Standing?”  Deportation is one option, treason charges are another, they need to talk and put a final end to this asshole problem.  We are fighting total assholes that are poor and stupid, aren't we?  Are the communist inert or just putting the best face and Sunday dress on?  I’m glad they are reporting his and serious National Security matters.  All of them continue to damage, injure, or cause embarrassment for their families and future careers.  Again, I have heard it time and again, their emancipation is coming, the cold war is over, the enemies and traitors are inert.  It is about terrorism now and unity. 

DECIDE IF YOU WANT TO CLUB THEM TO DEATH LEGALLY OR BE THEIR PARTNERS IN CRIME ILLEGALLY:  Are they inert and emancipated yet?  Dating each other is nonsense and psychotic.  Ann, you need to tell the Republicans to get me my money because the federal prosecutors are waiting patiently and probably want blood.  They like everybody else smell blood in the water, as I do.  Tell the Republicans to win the cold war, get my money for Satellite Warfare, and the federal prosecutors are waiting patiently.  This is the cold war and we are losing it because it is not being reported and I need money to have a desired outcome or victory.  Everybody knows it is a conspiracy and this is a cult of selfish acts and criminal behavior; now everybody knows what insanity truly is when they are reading this and living through the same thing.  You can run but you can’t hide forever.  How about your biography, is anybody going to write it or tell the truth?  Everybody shrug your shoulder, it is the hip thing to do.  The communists did not end the cold war inertly; we have not broken their will to wage war on us. 


TALK BEFORE YOU LOOSE YOU’RE MIND, GET LOBOTOMIZED, SIT AROUND MUMBLING ABOUT NONSENSE DIPLOMACY, GROW ANGRY AND DEPRESSED, AND POOP IN YOUR PANTS WHILE CAREGIVERS TRY TO FIGURE OUT WHAT YOU DID?  Imagine if you lived this, went through the same thing, do not win this, read this or saw it, etc… Don’t even suggest I am in this conspiracy or are partners in crime.  I am not your personal Jesus and you are not my God.  Stop thermo-forming toy dolls of Ann Coulter will you; talk you bastard!  No wonder your life and her life is a total mess.  I caught your ass and I had an escape route, not anymore.  You want to join the military or gain rank in the police force?  You want to win the cold war or report it?  You want what you get.  Talk!  The federal prosecutors are waiting patiently and so have I; thirty years of this nonsense and crap, then trying to criminalize my life or force feed me all of this.  I have a choice and I have rights; respect them, even in war with the Office of Hurricane and Earthquakes.  I need my money and I don’t like to beg or wait.  What is the solution to death and failure?  We caught you, now take us to your mothership; the federal prosecutors are waiting patiently.  I want to have a talk with your leaders and the enemies of the cold war, asshole.  I should lobotomize you and put you in a mental ward so you can poop in your pants quietly. Talk!

THIS IS THE COLD WAR, THIS IS THE GREATEST BATTLE, DO YOU WANT TO REPORT IT OR NOT?  It is a yes or no.  Talk!  Stop trying to control us or the flow of information, even the truth.  Soon all of you will be in a line begging for rice and water; but this does not change who you are and what you did to the greatest war on earth or the greatest human beings who fought it and won it.  Do I get danger pay?  Do I get paid for any of this?  How about the legal damages, the federal prosecutors are waiting patiently and so have I; never going to happen?  Impossible?  Too much defiance and resistance?  Their God and will to fight cannot be broken or forgotten?  Is there a solution or answer to death and treason?  Are these people even inert humans?  Lying and risk taking at this level is inhuman, talk!  Did the cold war end with an inert human or pacification of the victorious side?  Do tell us about those cold warriors and cold war scholars. 

PUT YOURSELF IN THEIR SHOES, WHAT IF YOU HEARD THIS, READ THIS, AND SAW IT WITH YOUR OWN EYES; KNOW IT IS TRUE:  How would you feel and what would be going on in your head?  It does depend on who we ask but what if we ask the right people, what will they say or do about this?  Are they survivors or our potential murderers?  Are they wolves in sleep clothing or a true 501.C?  Put yourself in their shoes and ask what would you do or what your life would be like?  This is the greatest war on earth and the people who win it or fight it are the greatest humans walking this earth; not what we have here.  Talk!  Can we put an end to their crimes and nonsense?  When?  How?  Why? They are nothing more than alienated nothing and their religion is a cult of selfish acts that get nowhere but hell.  Did we change this or put an end to it yet?  Bring their head?  Why are we forced to wait?  

THEY MAY NOT SURVIVE BUT THERE ARE SURVIVORS OF THIS, US OR THEM:  Their politics is nothing more than a cult of selfish acts, crime, and lies; a swirling cult of personalities. What is their selfish level?  Off the charts selfish.  What is their insanity or psychopathic level?  Off the charts but very civilized and puts on the best face and Sunday dress.  How big of an asshole?  Gigantic and huge, we are dwarfs in their world.  How reckless and stupid?  Immense, off the charts.  How annoying?  Off the charts.  How criminal?  Off the charts.  Are they patient and as well intended as they claim?  Their will to wage war has not been broken and neither has their debt and death, there is no solution to death and failure.  This still does not address the lip lock Fox News, the Republicans, and the paper thin right wing is tight lipped about, what is the password and did they get one?  Verification and authentication is almost completed, got the password or not after espionage and spying?  Their religion is nothing more than a cult of debt, selfish acts, and crime.  Their relationship with God is abominable if not horrendous, total disarray and imperfect; based on their preferences and mood.  Their emancipation blew up in their face and now the truth is placing them in a line to beg for rice and water; that is war and their will to wage it on us is not broken yet.  Do I get danger pay?  No.  Did I get paid for any of this?  No.  Did I sign up for any of this?  No.  All of this is brand new, they can only harass our victory and make it far worse.  Outcomes and success, even victory; usually has a reward and a big check; I’m waiting patiently and so are the federal prosecutors.  They are very blessed and fortunate we have not put them in a line to beg for rice and water; be thankful.

PEOPLE PERISHED OR DIED BECAUSE THEY KEPT THEIR MOUTH SHUT AND THERE WAS A CONSPIRACY, COVER-UPUS OR THEM:  What is the truth about their emancipation, diplomacy and patience?  Did they add twenty years to their life?  Will they keep their mouths shut or talk!  Does everybody know what kind of an asshole they are, what they have done, and are prepared to go crazy on their ass?  Is there a change in them or are they lying, a look of torture and guilt darkening a perfect storm?  They do know the debt will do nothing for them, only us.  Do not keep the federal prosecutors waiting; they won’t be happy when the truth comes out.  Don’t keep me stuck or trapped, inescapable consequences of their will to wage war on us or my life, I am very impatient and a perfectionist.  People are going to go crazy on them and it serves them right; they have been drafted again.  The truth is this terror and murder plot kept its mouth shut and people died while they darkened the perfect storm and added more years to their life of crime.  Meanwhile, we had to wait and we got attacked or were kept under siege; yet nothing changed and no influence exerted.  This also does not pardon what they did to Ann, who was my only rescue and escape of this plot and conspiracy.  In death and high crimes or consequences, they choose to remain silent, the burden of proof.  Talk!

GO CRAZY ON THEIR ASS, ADDED TWENTY YEARS TO THEIR LIFE FOR THE RECENT MISTAKES:  Want to amicably make it forty or even sixty?  If you have the time, then go ahead and do the crime but if you don’t have the time to spare, then don’t do the time; it is not helping out and it is not doing anybody a favor.  Adding twenty years to their life means their energy just went down fifty percent and the winter of 2014 is coming; want to get rowdy up and stupid again for court?  Make us wait and see what will happen; contempt of court if you ask me. Soon all of you will be junkies or hookers, add more time to this.  Making me feel your pain or reliant on your crime; is the precursor to famine.  Let’s do the math and ask if the totality will do anything for their emancipation?  Only the greatest humans on earth fight this war, some for false reasons and others because they are the enemy.  We need to see greatness, do not make us wait; that is a stern warning.  Right now, I don’t see their emancipation; I see red and I see war arriving.  This is the verification and authentication process.  Do screw that up also, we have this won and had it won in 1989, it is 2014 now.  Talk, we know it is a conspiracy and cover-up  assholes!  There are ways to make you tell the truth and it is not a crime either; the truth is not a crime is it?  Are you scared of paying two billion or adding more time to your life?  

2014 LET US KNOW WHEN YOU’RE WILL TO WAGE WAR HAS BEEN BROKEN AND YOUR FIGHT IN MY LIFE OR MISSION IS GONE:  The emancipation process is a complete disaster now.  They have not shown greatness or a shred of evidence, none.  This asshole has something to prove, a serious problem.  However, I demand my money and legal damages.  My life and workplace is not a US embassy for these assholes to come and go as they please or crank call at all hours of the day.  I have not even left my house and this is ongoing, they keep coming around or making contact.  The federal prosecutors are waiting and I have been also; who wants to wait longer and slow it down?  I demand the speed of light and lightning quickness, not a total asshole trying to annoy every single aspect of my life to influence my dedication and decisions.  A written surrender is underway and a verification and authentication process is underway.  This is the greatest war on earth fought and won by the greatest humans who have ever walked this earth; you want them to wait for assholes?  Their will to wage war is not broken and the attacks or contacts are in full swing?  A suicide mission now and a total disaster, total disarray; are we in a prisoner of war camp or some terror camp?  This is a win, it is not a win, loose or draw; understand?  Diplomacy does not work and it is written, documented, and on videotape.  There is enough evidence to prosecute; why make us wait or drive us into the grave?  Don’t make me wait and do not make this office wait anymore; especially in 2014.  Did they make any mistakes yet?  Have we made a single mistake, total perfection?  

WANTS TO ANNOY US, MAKE US WAIT, DRAG THEIR FEET, TAKE THEIR TIME, PISS US OFF MORE, ETC… Why do I have to repeat myself or re-live this ordeal, why?  I don’t like any of you assholes, nothing.  Understand?  Hey the prosecutors are waiting patiently, I’m waiting patiently, don’t come around and don’t make contact, don’t show off your audacity or boldness, I am not a US embassy to come and go as you please, I’m not a coke-head or want to be a recipient of your crack-head life, I don’t give a crap about your addiction or life as an escort, etc… Don’t keep the prosecutors waiting, don’t run your mouth or keep crank calling, don’t tell people you will do as you please or come as you are, don’t ask to be shut down or ask to have your will to wage war broken, don’t tempt the obvious and make Satellite Warfare suffer from your will to wage war on the leaders, the inventor, and the origin of the greatest war on earth and the greatest humans that are walking this earth.  Show us something real and show us greatness if you wish to win your emancipation okay asshole.  I want my money and have been waiting patiently for my legal damages; I am getting really annoyed and ready to shut down anything or anybody over this.  Will this break their will to wage war on us or throw everything our way?  I don’t like to wait but am forced to patiently; so be the federal prosecutors.  

BORN ASSHOLES AND THEIR DNA, EXISTENCE IS TO MAKE US WAIT, BREAK OUR WILL, AND ANNOY OUR LIFE TO THE GRAVE:  Do you wish to break the will of The Office of Hurricane-Earthquake also?  Do it then.  I am really uncomfortable by your behavior and audacity, also your will to wage war on us or be so backwards and imperfect; I don’t like it.  I will not be forced into a position of anger or even docility; a lazy flawed nothing that is reliant or cannot take care of myself.  If this is for them, then do not make me feel the pain again.  How dare you.  How dare you do this and wage war on this life or the greatest humans on earth, how dare you to.  Making me wait is your last and final mistake, I don’t like to wait or repeat myself.  Document this and document the problem; I am really annoyed and I am also really blessed.  I have to work and live with you assholes and your audacity; your will to fight?  Why do I have to repeat or repatriate myself and my life?  Why?

WILL NOT BROKEN, THEY WILL COME AROUND AGAIN, BE READY:  The message they are trying to send is how audacious their forces are or how open minded, no brakes.  Furthermore, their message is we will not escape or recover, thirty years of this so far.  When you have no energy and face death, the motor to audacity is both a desired and an undesired outcome.  They know there is no solution to death or failure but they continue to come around and F with us.  I did not leave the house and only went to work; my workplace is not a US embassy to come and go as they please.  The attacks will continue and this will keep going on because their will has not been broken and I am closer to my desired outcome.  The federal prosecutors are waiting and I am waiting for my money.  They are not opened minded, just selfish and scandalous; this is the authentication and verification process.  They will do anything, including evil, if it will benefit their political objectives.

THEIR EMANCIPATION HAS NOT BEEN WON, IS NOT ON THE TABLE, AND WE HAVE NOT WITNESSED GREATNESS AT ALL:  To win the greatest battle on earth, the greatest war ever in mankind, or fight the greatest humans on this earth; you have to show greatness, not failure.  Their emancipation grows increasingly risky, more precarious, and in total disarray.  We need to see much more than stupidity, laziness, secrets or ludicrous nonsense, and what has to be reported because they are inhuman and everybody will go crazy on their ass; a total loser. 

IF THAT WAS TRUE, THEN MY OFFICE WOULD HAVE CONTACTED THEM AND GIVEN THEM THE PASSWORD, HAVE I?  DID WE GIVE THEM THE PASSWORD YET?  THEN DON’T JUMP TO ANY CONCLUSIONS.  So why are they giving away the plans for this new school or the plans for the future of the cold war?  I have won this already and all they can do is steal it, harass it, sabotage it, or break our will to fight back and surrender.  They do admit these are the plans, the military school, what we have worked on since Vietnam, and do not report our victory or their failure.  They are not inert and the communists have not ended this.  They know we do not care about total assholes; treason is the worst defeat of the war; unrepentant assholes waging war and fighting back.  Did my office contact them to give them a password?  Do they have one?  Why are they coming around or claiming victory, to break our will?  Is Ann telling the truth or not? A verification and authentication process is underway, almost completed.  

A FATHER AND SON DEATH? THE LANDLORD WHO IS SPYING ON US, IN CHARGE OF OUR LIFE, DEMANDING MONEY OR A PURCHASE, HAS PROPERTY RIGHTS, TRYING TO WIN THIS, IS A TOTAL ASSHOLE, ONLY SEES RACE OR WANTS MINORITIES, IS HATED OR A CRIMINAL, IS IN POLITICAL DISARRAY, HAS POLITICAL PROTECTION AND THE POLICE, ETC… Are we to believe this is their home and we must do as told?  This is about money, not the truth or perfection?  They are our political bosses, teachers, and God?  They have a superior product called home or no hate?  They are in total financial disarray; need money.  Don’t want Asians, our money, and knows I have a piece of crap in my life?  Full of anger and hate; now they need energy and money to win this war?  Communism and property rights; inherited?  They have good looks and run our home?  Cool ass Vietnam Vets and junkies?  Father son death, the landlord or man of the home; need a wife?  It sounds like the Democrats but this is not who is in our trap or sting, the Republicans are.  The ghetto and property owners are in the trap, not who we think.  

GOOD LOOKS DO NOT WIN WARS.  GOOD LOOKS DO NOT MAKE MONEY.  GOOD LOOKS DO NOT GIVE THEM GRADES.  GOOD LOOKS DO NOT MEAN THEY ARE IN CONTROL OR THEIR CHURCH IS AN UNREPENTANT POOR ASS VICTIM.  What a total asshole and psychopathic sex offender; everybody is going to go cuckoo on them.  This is the greatest war on earth.  The people in charge are the greatest humans on this earth.  The victory is about the greatest people they will ever see or walking this planet.  Admit the obvious and talk!  The federal prosecutors are waiting patiently and so have I.  Everybody will go crazy on their sexy ass, sex appeal, Last Man Standing, or charisma.  They are going through the same experience and fighting the same enemy, but in wolves clothing.  We won, this is our victory, and it can only get worse for them; please harass the matter or sabotage it.  Good looks are not a get out of jail free card but they have nowhere to move to; need this victory and the greatest humans on earth.  What I describe are only pressure tactics, a murder plot, their survivor story, and why they need energy and life after the cold war, too poor now and need a solution, a new life.  So why do we go totally crazy on their sexy ass?  It has to do with crime and rape; family secrets. This is about race, racism, and college.  This is about Virginia and teachers.  This is about mental illness around DC-VA.  This is about their votes or their money, now it is.  There is no middle ground or terrorism; the communists are not inert yet, still on attack and a suicide mission.  Deep down they escape reality and have extreme hate and no respect; talk!  There is no solution to death and failure; only war.  There is no such thing as terrorism; only war.  They cannot buy that either; not even with pressure tactics or psychopathic lies.  

NOT CUCKOO AND GONE CRAZY ON THEIR SEXY ASS; WE ARE THE SECURITY, THEY LOST, NOW IT IS ABOUT EMBASSIES, DIPLOMACY, AND TOTAL ASSHOLES:  Talk!  Surrender their guns and life of crime.  Everybody has gone crazy on their ass.  It must be me.  They have political protection and are extreme risk takers on a suicide mission?  This nation has gone totally crazy.  Don't tell us the federal prosecutors are waiting patiently and I have my money and legal damage either.  They will never think of sex again and never look at us with a straight face, ever; totally nuts and a public exorcism, gone cuckoo!  We will see who is more powerful, smarter, and totally sane; totally grounded and with clear thinking.  Their church is going to be begging for rice and water, not us.  I am at peace with this victory.

TALK!  REPORT OUR VICTORY AND WHY:  The federal prosecutors are waiting patiently and I have been waiting for my money and mission to be returned; intact and victorious.  The story of survival is total lies; psychopathic bullshit and I did not sign up for this, they did.  They are in prison and so are we right now, who will pay and where will it lead?  A conspiracy and they have not been fired or held accountable?  Now they are not alienated and the victors; our partners in crime, somebody is going to pay dearly and the raid is still ongoing. This was about race and failure; whites and blacks (or Hispanics) in America.  What is the solution to death and failure, minorities?  Asians?  The Vietnam War?  Report there is no middle point and terrorism or terror plot; it is victory or loss, no gap in between.  We are victorious not in their gap either.  They are the leader and the ladder, the gate-keepers of terrorism and terror. Is there a solution to their death and will they show up to show us?  We will see and wait patiently.  Do they want to win or loose?  Admit this is a suicide mission and extreme risk taking and secrets; talk!  We will exploit them and their guilt or ability to break our will and fight unrepentant.  I will capitalize it unlike they have ever been a witness too.  Look at our energy level and their will or fight; I have won already.

IN TERROR PRISON, BEING WATCHED CAREFULLY, ONLY SEE RACE, ARE TOTAL ASSHOLES, AND CANNOT GET THE TRUTH:  They are not inert and still on attack.  Keep them in this terror prison camp until we can get the truth and what exactly they have done.  We know they don’t care, we know they are knocking on the doors, we know they are spying, we know they are evil; we know how they think and feel.  They won’t admit to the suicide mission and they demand a solution to failure and death; keep them in the terror camp because we cannot get the truth and we have their leaders.  They are the communists and unified; investigating and manipulating for benefits and more ammo.  They lost the cold war, are escaping reality, are total assholes, live in another world altogether, are alienated, and not inert.  We know they are not inert yet, a major threat.  They are also lying about being on a suicide mission; I won this and had won this.  How can they be the police and seek an answer to death and failure; imperfection and total lies?  How about teaching the science of nuclear war and the greatest war on this earth instead of their survival stories?  Do report their failures, not our victory and why.

WHY?  IF I HAVE THIS WON, WHY ARE THE REPUBLICANS IN THE TRAP OR THE CULPRIT?  WHO EXACTLY ARE THEY?  So who is their boss or do they have any?  We know what to do about them, don’t we?  This is about race and racism; racially motivated.  There is a verification and authentication process being completed.  Are they sabotaging the Republicans, buying the Party, or are they only boosting the Democrats?  Oddly, they work secretly and are unfired, not under the gun; a conspiracy and racketeering scam using the media to control information, news, and facts.  Oddly, they are unrepentant victims trying to fight back; how and why, they are the communists and we caught them.  How can they take a position of war with us when they tried to have us surrender under the power of the communists, now they are inert and harmless?  Now we have inert and feeble liars and crooks; psychopaths guilty of every single violation imaginable?  Where does that leave Obama-care?  Exactly.  They are putting the best Sunday suit and best face on it; all the same, the poor, uneducated, desperate, and they want a solution to death and failure.  Why?  All of them are in self-destruct mode; guilty and in a conspiracy and cover-up.  How did it get this way, we had this won already; they can only make it worse or harass the victory.  Why are they stacking total assholes in our life and circling us, reliance?  Work together?  Re-education camp?  How can they not care about the truth, traitors, liars, psychopaths, sexual predators, molesters, and all this crime; they don’t care?  Well, I don’t care either, do I; still coming around with pressure tactics or to attack?  How did they manage to slap Republican and Christians on this victory?  How did they get on our side, they are the poor and stupid.  Now they are unrepentant and fighting back, wonderful, it must be me and not the total assholes.  They are the liberals (Catholics and Jews, the poor and the immigrants) who do not fit in and psychopathic liars, communists and traitors in our ranks; they are not Republicans.  They are not reporting anything, just don’t care.  We know what to do and what to do about them; do they?  Provocation and harassment; I already have it won.  We know Obama is their boss and so are the communists. 

PREMATURE JUDGMENT, CRYING NOW AND GOT A VERY BAD DEAL:  Oh wait until this is over.   Wait until things get out and they can’t escape.  If anybody is reading this and crying, then they know when it is over they will be bawling and just a taste of what they have done.  Trying to act superior or so above it will not erase anything especially if it is the greatest battle and war on this earth.  They might want to write a little about this victory, the panic attacks, and the trouble they are in or the paranoia.  If it is bad now, then it will be really bad when the federal prosecutors are done waiting and I get my legal damages and money.  Lying on this level and pretending it is only a panic attack or pressure tactics; is completely psychotic and totally insane.  We have never seen this level of risk taking in our life, ever; the world does not have a model to compare it to; false judgments.  They are total liars and traitors.  How can you pass judgments, it is not finished; or is it?


THE GREATEST BATTLE, THE GREATEST WAR, THE GREATEST BUST, THE GREATEST DIALOGUE, AND THE GREATEST PEOPLE THEY WILL EVER SEE IN THEIR LIFE:  What exactly are these panic attacks about?  Where is this financial disaster leading to?  Who is behind it all?  Will they ever come forward or can we trap them?  The greatest war on earth is raging and the federal prosecutors are waiting patiently, as I wait patiently for my money and legal damages.  On the verge of being destroyed too, one step in the grave; Ann Coulter was my only way out, my only rescue!  Have you see the worst or the communist around yet?  How about the terrorists and extreme risk takers on a suicide mission?  They can accept failure and they enjoy living in squalor, poverty and the poor?  Is their state about to blow up and are they about to self destruct?  Ask why not how.  Don’t ask whom, ask why.  Ever seen the Greatest General on earth in action?  Ever read his work or books?  The chicks are in control and in charge, boner?  Who is trying to break our will and who is behind this?  Wait for the answer or go and get it?  Is there a solution to death and failure? 

A RELIGIOUS NATION FULL OF SINGLE MOMS, POVERTY, TOTAL ASSHOLES, SAME SEX MARRIAGES, LEGALIZED MARIJUANA, GUN CONTROL, AND RAMPANT CRIME:  What are these pressure tactics, who is in charge, and what is this prison population statistics?  It also explains crime, politics, and also the drug wars; very rich and powerful psychopathic lying.  Why I am reliant on them and what am I reliant on them for?  Who is breaking our will or “Breaking Bad” with this “Last Asshole Standing and Paying the Bills” game?  How do you break my will to wage war, I won already; haven’t we?  Why is this free?  No results or desirable outcomes? 

UNREPENTANT, VICTIMS FIGHTING BACK, TOTALLY RELIANT AND SEEKING AID OR PANDERING TO THEIR LEADERS:  Why am I reliant and reliant on the wrong people?  Why do I need them?  Why are they in charge?  That is the biggest outcome or damage they have done so far.  However, it is also why they are lying on such an inhuman level; plus they blame Ann Coulter for this reliance, she failed to come to my rescue and they picked up their attacks.  Well intended?  I am sure there are people far worse and in much more despair, but still; how do you rebuild when forced to be reliant?  Do we tell them or do they tell us?  I am waiting for my money and the federal prosecutors are waiting to clobber this total asshole and psychopathic conspiracy; meanwhile they try to start over and move on.  So are the pressures tactics imagined or is there a shutdown taking place?  Who exactly is breaking bad or trying to break our will with “The Last Man Standing and Paying the Bills?”  Is there a book or science out there on the true meaning of nuclear war and are students being taught or is it being suppressed?  

THE TRUE MEANING OF NUCLEAR WARFARE, WE CAN ACCEPT A LEVEL OF FAILURE:  We have this won, only they have messed it up, harass the victory, or force the surrender of Satellite Warfare.  They got a bad deal and are in charge?  The sanctions and process to justice is not finished, they will need a prostate exam for being unrepentant and fighting back.  The truth hurts and it will blow them up and make them much slower and more stupid, paranoid.  Is it possible we have found or accidentally discovered the true meaning of nuclear war?  Are they truly a blow up doll?  

DO THEY HAVE BOSSES OR ARE THEY THE LAST LINE?  WHO IS IN CHARGE AND THEIR BOSS?  The level of conspiracy, lying, and guilt is inhuman.  This world has never seen risk taking on this level; so this begs the question, are they in charge or do they actually have bosses or leaders judging them?  I am glad someone is in charge or knows what is going on; at least someone is fighting them or taking them down; the degree of lying is inhuman.

WAR WITH THE COMMUNISTS OR THE COLD WAR:  Okay we have moved on.  Now they lost and need life, is there a solution to death?  Here is the answer.  We are not married and not partners.  They do not have as much control of the media.  Now it is about reproductive rights, bullying us, how powerful they are, whether they are in charge, Asian colleges or economies, and harassing the victory.  We have this won.  I have not won yet?  They are lying, cheating, and stealing on an inhuman level now.  There is no way out and these are the surrender terms; the federal prosecutors are waiting patiently.  Lying, cheating, and stealing; even taking us hostage or circling us; is not a solution to death or their political disaster, total disarray now.

WANT TO GIVE US "CRACK" AND DRUGS:  wonderful, it must be me?  Oh, they got a bad deal and are still plugging away, we have to move on?  We do not have this won yet?  How?  Who lied and who wrote total lies about me?  The federal prosecutors want to know and I need my money and life back, legal damages!  I don't have this won yet?  Satellite Warfare is being destroyed or bombed?  The Office of Hurricane-Earthquakes is being attacked?  By who?

DC- VIRGINIA POLITICS, MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES, REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS, POWERFUL LEADERS, AND THE TOTAL INSANITY OF HAVING THESE PEOPLE IN OUR LIFE!  HOW CAN WE FEEL THEIR PAIN:  This is about the media, spying on us, and the legality of espionage or harassment?  They hate consumerism, it is about race or racism, they want to be our leaders or in charge, we know they are communists, and we have this won?  How in hell can we feel their pain, they feel our blessed victory and share it?  They are total assholes and lying on a level that is inhuman.  They owe two billion in damages.  The prosecutors are waiting patiently.  They broke up our family and came between every single relationship, even career.  They know they are going to be in a lot of trouble and are only harassing the situation; it can only get worse.  Politics and political leaders let them go and are only trying to help?  They have reproductive rights and felt the pain of labor?  We have this won, they are really in a lot of trouble and they feel the pressure; yet they lie more and more.  As I said, they are still coming around and we have it won already.  They are on a suicide mission.  Take a hard look at the extreme level of risk taking; the damages; and the level of guilt.  There is no solution to death or failure; they are total failures.  They can only screw up the Republicans or boost the Democrats, I have this won.

HATE CONSUMERISM AND BUSINESS, HARASSMENT, PRESSURE TACTICS, REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS, AND POLITICAL POWER:  This is no he said she said game, nor was it ever.  We know they are the communists in wolves clothing, now in need of a new life.  They are lying on an inhuman level.  They are lying on a traitor or psychopathic level.  They feel special and also safe, not worried or comfortable.  They do have good looks and are extremely poor, looking for powerful people-leaders, very inadequate, very stupid, wants to be in charge, is losing control, running out of time or money, uses sex or harassment tactics, is in a state of total disarray, is not educated, is labor oriented or labor union, thinks they are elite, lives through other people or powerful people, backwards and not getting anywhere, impossible to win this now, is a total asshole and complete psychopath, running loose on the internet and business world, is fighting for their life and liberty, is losing control or can only make us loose, is seeking death, knows who we are and knows there is no way out.  Who is this communist pest and traitor trying to rob us or steal everything we have; for life, a new start, and new energy?  Who has control over information or falsified information about us and our career?  Who is this total loser who has good looks or not, is poor, wants us to feel their pain, and is a complete traitor and psychopath?  The prosecutors are waiting very patiently and I need my money, not diplomacy or secret contacts.  This level of lying is inhuman, a win at all cost and a game called, “Last Man Standing.”  They feel this is about their reproductive rights or political power.

LOSING CONTROL OF THE MEDIA, FACTS AND LEGAL PROCESS, GLOBAL FINANCES, GLOBAL MILITARY POWER, POLITICS IN AMERICA, THE POLICE, AND ESPIONAGE OR COMMUNIST SPYING:  They are losing their voice and control; slowly but surely.  I have this won already, who is going to show up and try to harass it or ruin it?  We will wait and we will be ready!  I did not sign up for this but now it is too late and diplomacy is not the method or road.  The federal prosecutors are waiting and I have waited patiently for my money and life to be returned.  This is what can happen when total assholes get in our life or stupid poor people who have political control or power.  They are ignorant, stupid, poor, uneducated, and not the least worried about what can happen.  This is who is in the net and trying to escape this trap; we seek justice and the truth.  They live in a state of total disarray.  Do they have any fight?  Is there a solution to death and surrender?  Are they done and do we have justice yet?  We wait patiently while they come around and make secret contacts-attacks.

SCRAP IT NOW!  ONLY A DUMBASS IN OUR LIFE CAN RUIN THIS.  WE HAVE THIS WON ALREADY.  LYING THROUGH THEIR TEETH!  PRESSURE TACTICS AND GOING THROUGH THE SAME THING, GETTING SHUT DOWN AND IN PANIC:  We are far past diplomacy and the federal prosecution is waiting patiently and I have been waiting very patiently; I won them from the start; only a traitor and dumbass can ruin it now or harass the matter into our graves and old age.  So what happens if they are empowered or try diplomacy?  Nobody likes a total asshole and nobody likes humans who are this inferior, nobody!

DON'T LIKE THEM EITHER!  ASK THEM, HOW WE SHUT THEM UP AND MAKE THEM GO AWAY.  WE DO NOT WANT TO FEEL THEIR PAIN OR RUIN OURS, DO THEY?  Again, they want to share and feel their existence is a two way street.  Now it is only a one way street and they keep coming or contacting us.  The federal prosecutors are waiting patiently and I still wait patiently for my money.  What happens when they get in our life or run their mouth?  Feel the pain?  Who is this pest and traitor?  Who is this communist and political enemy in our homes, life, and stalking us?  Feel their pain?  Share life with them?  In charge or run our life?  Investing in us and into inter-racial perfection and justice?  Nobody likes this asshole or what they have done, nobody.

WHAT IF THEY ARE IN THE USA AND MAKE IT IN AMERICA?  WHAT HAPPENS WHEN THEY IMMIGRATE, COME TO US, RUN THEIR MOUTHS, BECOME SUCCESSFUL, GET INTO GOVERNMENT, GET IN OUR LIFE, GET POWER OR ABILITIES, BLABBER OR GO APE SHIT, INFILTRATE OR MANAGE TO CRAWL TO AMERICA AND IN OUR LIVES:  This happens because shutting them up and making them go away is not an act of diplomacy or the laws.  There is a total mess, endless lip service, all kinds of problems, total chaos and imperfection, and nothing works.  Are they really as comfortable and unaffected as they claim?  We know all about how poor, inferior, inadequate, jealous, total mess, narcissistic, stubborn, etc… and all of their problems.  What is our position and solution to the problem?  I’m not sure right now but they are stupid, angry, and getting worse.  It can only get worse.  So what happens if they are born, makes it to America, or makes it in America; this happens.  How do you shut them up and make them go away?

IT IS ABOUT SKIN COLOR AND RACE:  47% of Asians in California have college degrees.  Only 39% of Caucasians have college degrees.  What does that say about this asshole in our life or the endless provocations?  Is there a solution to death and failure?  Can we make a science of this?

PRESSURE TACTICS, PURSE STRINGS, ANGER, THEIR MONEY, LOSING THEIR JOB, ETC.  Yes this is the third decade of this; thirty years of chaos and a total asshole in my life.  The federal prosecutors are waiting patiently.  I am waiting patiently for my money.  They are either with us or against us.  As far as their attacks, encirclement, and pressure tactics; we know all about them and what they are up to.  Can I create a science to this "Last Man Standing" game used against me for the past thirty years?  I have won it already; it can only get worse from here or where I began.

NOVEMBER 17, 2013 SUNDAY BLOODY SUNDAY:  I think this enemy is a smartass and it will take much more than nuclear arms to shut them up or stop them; we will see.  What do I think about their “Sharing The Pain” policy?  I don’t believe in it and Sunday November 17, 2013 was Bloody Sunday.  They said they want war so talk is cheap and the prosecutors were waiting patiently and still are.  I have been waiting very patiently and this is the third decade, three decades of this. How in hell do we shut their ass up?

HAVE A GOOD PLAN, IF YOU PEOPLE GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER WE CAN WIN THIS AND I CAN COLLECT MY MONEY AND FINISH MY MISSION:  The federal prosecutors are waiting patiently.  I am waiting patiently for my money.  These assholes are still coming around.  We can win this war.  We can win this easily.  We got it won already; only a pest can change this.  If you people get your act together, I can win this war and defeat this political pest and mortal enemy handily.  As I said, they are still coming around and we have it won already.  They are on a suicide mission.  Take a hard look at the extreme level of risk taking; the damages; and the level of guilt.  There is no solution to death or failure; they are total failures.  They can only screw up the Republicans or boost the Democrats, I have this won.


WHY IS THIS ASSHOLE DOING WHAT THEY ARE AND PUTTING THE BEST FACE OR SUNDAY DRESS ON IT?  Politics?  Why is this Asshole in our life?  Why is this asshole and mortal enemy trying to hire us, find us a wife, tinker with our career, babysit us, be our boss, spy on us, act like our leader, pretend to be our guardian, have an adversarial relationship, bully or harass us, shut us up, pretend they are the police, bribe us, anger us to be an asshole also, spread their disease, and continue to be in charge of our life or the Satellite Warfare mission?  The federal prosecutors are waiting and I am waiting for my money.  If they knew who they were, this would be resolved by now.  Clearly it is intentional, deliberate, purposeful, and a complete asshole in our life.

WE HAVE ASSHOLES BABYSITTING US AND KEEPING US AS HOSTAGES:  Obviously, they are poor, angry, and not worth very much.  Their actions and the level of risk taking speak for itself.  Obviously, they don’t even know who they are and claim to be parents, living through other human beings or stealing their wind.  Obviously, they seek to exploit us or benefit, somehow.  Obviously, they were and are wrong; but they evade capture and prosecution.  Obviously, this “Last Man Standing” is some “Fair Game” to benefit the communists or this Big Brother spy ring.  Obviously, after thirty years or three decades; they have no intention of letting up, letting go, or ending this Last Man Standing game.  Okay we have their surrender terms and federal prosecutors are waiting patiently.  Right now they claim they know who they are and they are worth the same as I am or Ann Coulter is.  What is my worth?  They know who they are now?  We don’t care if they are Nazis or Communists; they are guilty and there is no solution to their failure or death.  The federal prosecutors are waiting patiently and so is I. Rowdy them up because winter is here and so is an intersection point.

ARE THEY HUNTING NAZIS OR AL QAEDA: When they see only race, hate, or racism; they become delusional.  The best students and the richest humans are the Asians and the whites.  The largest military are the whites and the Asians; so this is not a race issue.  All of them are total assholes, the army of the damned. All of them are enemies of America; yet there is no solution to death; only deportation or military might.  This is about military might.  It is not about terrorism.  All of them seek an answer to death or failure.  Ann Coulter has proved them wrong; and has disputed and proved wrong everything they wanted to do or tried, a set-up and being framed; all form of imprisonment by slander or false judgments, agitation, harassment, or oppression.  It is what they said and done in the past and it is the financial mess and debts which they seek to keep open or put their best Sunday dress on for.  In other words, war and history is embedded in their existence.  There is no solution to death and failure; but they want reproductive rights.  If the truth comes out, which is the collapse of communism; then they will never recover their public image.

EXPECT NO HARM OR FATALITY:  If this is the Satellite Warfare Program and they are attacking the Office of Hurricane-Earthquakes; are they surprised nobody got hurt or are they suggesting they are did not get anybody killed?  Negligence?  Malpractice?  Take their damn time?  You can feel the tension and the conspiracy; how big it is.  You can get the bad vibes by their actions while their lies cover them up or keep them secret. You know they are terrorists.  You know they owe two billion.  You know they have the death penalty.  What exactly is their worth if they are doing this?  Something?  Nothing?  How can you get set up when we are mentally ill and imagined it?  What exactly is their worth, we need it written down please; there is a verification and authentication process ongoing here.  These are felony crimes; do they expect no harm or anybody to be hurt?  How about two billion in damages?  What damages can we expect, estimate?  It sounds like a death defying escape underway.

IN THEIR MIND, THEY ARE PENETRATING AND INVESTIGATING THE NAZIS, PREDATORS, MORTAL ENEMIES, AND THEY ARE INFALLIBLE:  In order to live a false life, pass false judgment, place people in their trap and murder plot, or keep this secret police status; they have to invent the tools and the facts to allow this false propaganda to flourish.  One way is violence and a victim culture.  Another way is debt to cover up their failure or to fund scams; meanwhile, my Satellite Warfare perishes or is bought by this funding.  Another way is to pretend to be leaders, bosses, partners, parents; anything to invent a model or scale of this false relationship.  Demonizing one world at the behest of another whom is totally flawed and a circus monkey act is exactly what we have right now.  Trying to keep this conspiracy or cover-up in the ranks is a very dangerous job and requires extreme hate risk takers.  Putting the Sunday dress on or a false public image is getting harder now than ever.  In their mind, they are living on another planet; we are in their world and they can maneuver the facts to justify this.  However, we stopped them.  We have them in a trap now.  Everybody can see the trap they are in right now.  Extreme risk takers on this level do not survive, it is a suicide mission.  If they are truly hunting Nazis, then they seek to conceal this, why?  Why if their image is gold or their most valuable dress garb; would they watch as we superimpose our image on them? 

THE FORCE BEHIND THEM OR PROTECTING THEM IS DEFRAUDING THE PUBLIC, PUBLIC IMAGE, AND ALL THE FALSE PROPAGANDA AND POLITICS OUT THERE RIGHT NOW:  If they are all failures and the propaganda they flooded America with is completely false but is being covered up by debt and conspiracy, then they are not the police, bosses, leaders, or what they are trying to impose on us or trying to scam us with.  Clearly, they are total assholes, hostile, and a Trojan Horse.  They claim they are victims of religion, military might, and the police; yet they are the welfare state and a victim culture. We know they are an Al Qaeda group or similar.  They lied about being fired or what is the written truth.  They also accuse us of being Nazis; this hate towards them erases all the false information and paints us into a history of organized this propaganda for.  We know they are the communists.  Therefore, their character and secret impostor status is a pride, very vulnerable.  They demand respect while poor, stupid, angry, and a ridiculous clown.  They seek freedom but mostly are endangered by financial debts, failure, death, and a lot of false propaganda.  We see why they are total assholes and failures.  We see why they hide their true nature, claiming to be hired, the in-crowd, and this false judgment of being a boss or our leader.  They are nothing but an Al Qaeda group.  So it is this image or history of false propaganda, false information, a false resume, or false work; all counterfeits.  A lot of people died for them.  A lot of stories have been told.  A lot of suffering has beaten them down or drove them to America and our doorsteps.  The force behind them is this false public image and a clown act to go with it or this.  They also claim to be well-intended, not evil.  That is Al Qaeda and this terror plot; a false image and leadership at any cost and at tremendous risk taking.  We know them as the liberals and we know they are dangerous communists; but they have put the best face and wear their best Sunday dress.  It is very hard to break apart that ruse or clown act. 

IS IT POSSIBLE FOX NEWS COULD BE AL QAEDA?  Considering how many times they did not heed any warnings, considering how they hide the adversarial relationship, considering how they hide the brutal aspects of this “Last Man Standing” game, considering how long it has been going on and how it is currently ongoing live, considering the reports and how they try to put a nice face or professional face on it, considering what they did to Ann Coulter or the reports from her, considering all these factors converging and how they spy on the most powerful people in the world or try to shrink them down to the village level they are at; it is easy to conclude they are Al Qaeda or even worse than that group.  You can see the torture and the chaos in their eyes.  Is it possible to put the best face on a psychopath and this level of risk taking?  If so, then we have the living form right now on videotape. 

WHO WOULD WATCH THEIR SWORN ENEMY AS HE RIPS THEIR FORCES APART OR BLOWS THEM AWAY:  You have to ask what kind of people they are and the human character they possess to sit there like an imbecile, making stupid comments or telling us how they feel as their forces and armies are blown away or torn to pieces.  How many used car salesman dress up like billionaires?  How many foot soldiers would spy on other Generals or F with their life?  The absurdity of the entire matter just shows how feeble and imbecile these people truly are.  Regardless, they want to reproduce more and more.  All of them are total assholes, stubborn and stupid.  

IF I WERE WORTH A FEW BILLION, THE GREATEST MAN ALIVE, AND THEY WERE HOMELESS OR ON SKIDROW:  Think about this for a second and ask why I have so many financial problems or have so many attacks.  If I were worth a few billion this would be the most ridiculous clown act the world has ever seen.  Furthermore, if I were the greatest man alive; their poor, angry, stupid, and criminal A-hole would be glued up immediately.  So if you put things into perspective, there is a motive and reason behind what they do or why it looks the way it does.  The documents and reports are accurate and so are the attempts to “fire” me or “hire” me.  It is just the most ridiculous clown act the world has seen by a homeless, penniless, or someone on skid row.  What does that say about who and what they are; or what their politics has turned into?  These females would also look so ridiculous it is laughable.  Yet they know what they are doing and how to do it so they look very powerful while doing this.  This applies to Fox News and the Rush Limbaugh bunch; and the rest of the communist spy ring. To be a leader or dictator, you need people below your rank; not above it. People who are rich and happy would never think about suicide or becoming a suicide bomber; but this is a ridiculous clown act; isn't it?  Imagine a dirt poor communist spy sitting there watching us or pretending to be someone they are not on a phone or behind a computer; yep that is them or what I described. Worse is how we turned them into a million bucks, what a joke.  

EXTREME RISK TAKERS AND EXTREME PSYCHOPATHIC:  They hide it well.  Now they wear it well.  Which tells us a little about who they are, what they are up to, and the risk they are willing to undertake; have we broken their will to wage war on us yet?  Obviously, diplomacy is futile and their numbers get worse. Do we have their leaders or HR department?  It feels like a villager or monkey pandering in a gigantic shopping mall.  They sit behind a computer pigging out and does this ridiculous clown act also.  It is not limited to a spy ring or terrorist group. This imbecile and idiot now think they are a million bucks; imagine that clown act also.

OBVIOUSLY DIPLOMACY IS FUTILE:  The evidence is clear and the prosecutors are patiently waiting.  I have waited patiently, even after thirty years.  All the sudden they want to talk it out and exercise diplomacy.  The damages are extremely high after thirty years; they better start fund raising or praying for rain.  We are in self destruct mode and the surrender terms are already in place, diplomacy will not work nor will justice.  

SURRENDER TERMS AND FEDERAL PROSECUTORS:  There is enough evidence right now to do more in one day than they could ever do to us in their entire lifetime.  However, we already thought out the surrender terms and plotted out a course.  I have thought of everything down to the damages, future, and every little detail.  Just keep in mind things will get much worse from here and we can do more in one day than this traitor and spy ring can in an entire lifetime.  Yet they still come around, make illegal contact, and just violate our rights.  The wall is so high right now they are buried underneath it.  The federal prosecutors are waiting patiently for this wolf in shit clothing and I have been waiting patiently for my money and life to be returned.  There is enough evidence right now to go forward with a double edge sword.  They can’t even pay their debts but this does not stop them from creating more victims or denying us life and liberty.  Satellite Warfare needs life and has war damages; I need my danger pay and medals, I need my life back and the truth; we demand justice.  What did I just F’in say about contacting us or me illegally?  What did I say about doing this in my residence or any hour of the day?  How about attacking me at work or work sites?

FEMALE REPRODUCTION AND THEIR SOLUTION TO DEATH AND FAILURE:  If castration does not work on a female spy or communist espionage ring; then I am lost with words.  Ann Coulter also tied up your male Fallopian mouth and so did Uncle Same; now you hate the government, military, police, and will never come back unless you expect a higher level escalation.  They are the threat and they are the lying, cheating, deceitful SOB asshole we just glued up and glued together.  This was their doing and now their leaders’ trapped operatives must pay beau-coup damages, pay up; the federal prosecution is waiting patiently and so am I.  Now it is all a dark, black, puffy little black hole they don’t even want to think about any longer.  This is what we do to a rapist and sex offender parading in wolves clothing.  We will do to you in one day what you seek to do to us in one lifetime and this is why you are a traitor and a major threat.  The worst is yet to come, now pay up and talk!

SURPRISED YOU PEOPLE STILL HAVE ANY SEXUAL THOUGHTS, WANT A PEEP SHOW, and OR EVEN WANT TO TALK TO US:  It feels like we shaved your head, super-glued your ass together, and castrated you or left you in the sun to bake.  This should educate your child molester or sexual predator existence a few lessons.  The worst is yet to come so if you even get any other sexual thoughts or try anything else, without any reciprocation, we will mutilate any desirable image you have or back at you.  It takes one to know one, so your rapist career is probably coming to a deadly halt.  Oh you are just looking for a free meal, dinner, or a date?  The federal prosecutors are waiting patiently and I have been waiting for my money to be paid, please hurry up.


MAKE CONTACT ILLEGALLY ONE MORE TIME THE WORST IS YET TO COME, TALK AND PAY UP AS YOU ARE TOLD:  It has been almost three decades of this.  If you try to talk to us, sneak up on me, try to keep me as a prisoner or hostage of your technological wizardry, try to make contact inside my residence, spy on me or use espionage measures, sit there as a Big Brother, pretend you are friends or family, harass me at work, chase me off, try to bully me, set me up, attack me or try another murder plot, try to put a finger on me or my life, block my internet, sit next to me or act like you are my partner, try to flirt with me while insulting me, try to show off or parade your terrorist (IRA and Other) in front of me, come between me and my family or friends, try to give advice or plan out my life as a total loser and Negro, and basically the past thirty years of trying to keep me as a captive in my own life or Satellite Warfare mission; then you will suffer on a level not yet reached.  It has been thirty years and it will not go beyond that.  I will do and call whomever I have to for your capture, destruction, and total annihilation.  The federal prosecutors are waiting patiently and I am waiting patiently for my money.  If you so even try to apologize or make some secret clandestine contact; I will go on full attack and so will Satellite Warfare or otherwise.  Your sorry ass better be scared because the worst is yet to come.  I see you still have not learned anything or heeded any warnings, so well intervention and loving you are.

EXPERTS AT TORTURE, THIS GAME CALLED, “LAST MAN STANDING”:  You know people have died from much less torture or only a few minutes of it.  This game called “Last Man Standing” has been underway for almost three decades; that is a lot of pain and torture.  Do I get danger pay for it?  How about 2.5 billion instead of only 2?  People have died from only water torture or much less torture and they need to consider this when we say talk!!!  The federal prosecutors are waiting and they need to talk, nobody is going anywhere unless told or ordered.  They will lead us to their world and leaders.  If there is a solution to death; then they better have it ready for a public presentation.  We are waiting patiently.  The prosecution is waiting patiently.  The public is waiting patiently.  Our allies are waiting patiently.  They can only get more people hurt or killed, do lie, cheat, and steal a little more.  People have died from much less torture but we are recording it and the process of verification and authentication is almost completed.  Talk!  Take us to your leaders and mother ship; we have a surprise waiting. My police and military forces are geared up, well fed, and ready for anything.  

DO I GET DANGER PAY OR MY MEDALS FOR WALKING AROUND ACTING LIKE A BULLS-EYE?  I never signed up for this or this crap.  None of it.  Are they this stupid or is it me?  Can they read my mind or predict my ability to prosecute them?  The federal prosecutors are waiting patiently, I am waiting for my money, and I have to walk around without security with a bulls-eye on me while this imbecile and dumbass shows up and keeps trying.  Talk!  There is enough evidence to prosecute and enough witnesses; the prosecutors are waiting patiently.  Ann Coulter is also.  My Satellite Warfare is waiting patiently.  The Office of Hurricane-Earthquake is very patient about this. Do they care about their family or partners?  Talk!  Rowdy them up, the winter of 2014 is here. 

DEEJAY VIEW AND FAKE ACCOMPLI, MEDDLING WITH OUR FAMILY AND TRYING TO MAKE US ANGRY WITH EACH OTHER:  We are not powerful enough or have the finances to fight their leaders or America.  We have to move, our only option.  There is too many of them and they are poor, angry, desperate, tough, and willing to work harder to win.  I never came to the aid of Ann.  Ann never came to my aid.  They bought us and we do not have the resources to fight this.  They are our partner and bosses.  Let’s see, three down and fifty-nine to go.  Who did this to the Office of Satellite Warfare?  Bring us their head and bring me my two billion dollars in damage; there is no solution to the position they are in or the situation; it is a death sentence.  The federal prosecution is waiting patiently and I am waiting patiently for my money.  The intersection point is 2014, rowdy them up.  The Jedi Knight needs a wife everybody. 

THE DAMNED AND THEIR BUSINESS MODEL, MOLES AND ROGUES IN COMMUNIST BUSINESS CLOTHING:  How do they bribe or take over the capitalist system?  From what I have seen and know, in the business world you people are cheapskates, you manipulate the system, you cheat others, you lie incessantly, and you do anything to be a bully or dictator.  You lie and slander people incessantly.  You milk the system at the behest of the rich and privileged.  You stick with the core formulas; too poor, too stupid, a trouble-maker, defrauding others, trying to make them look and feel like a failure, and you try to work them to death so your chances of getting an agreement is easier or better.  Then you do recruitment or start chanting the same thing; this box the poor, failures, stupid, and angry are in.  How you maneuver or become the head of the cold war; how you manage to outmaneuver the capitalists, how you manage to gain control or ownership; beyond understands but it has to do with your espionage and spying capability.  You do everything to not get caught or evade prosecution while you will do anything to win or frame others; play unfair.  It is supposed to turn out like a robot factory and a Negro camp, run by Negroes of course; but it never makes any sense.  It is you all who do not have the resources, political power, the financial or educational ability, or the planning to get anywhere.  So you end up running things into the ground or earning a reputation as a total asshole and a cheat.  We know you are a communist and beyond narcissism; but you claim you don’t care and our partners or some family; total insanity.  There is no solution to your death and destruction.  You continue to plug away as if you are winning and not desperate.  You do this in politics and you do it in politics; than bribe the hell out of others or throw your money around.  No wonder you all are debt ridden and trying to make us solve your problems.  Well here is my solution and here is my surprise for you asshole.  You will starve and wither trying as you are now.  Make sure you have enough to give life back to the Satellite Warfare Program before you bleed to death.  F your stocks and financial scams; like your real estate; it is a defective product and has to be shut down.  Time is running out for you asshole, we own the fate now.  There is no dollar amount you have which can even touch this fate.

WRONG!  YOU DON’T HAVE THE MANPOWER, POLITICAL SUPPORT, VOTES, RESOURCES, FINANCES, EDUCATION, CLEVER, ENOUGH SECRETS, OR PLANNING TO DEFEAT US AND WIN THIS WAR:  Three down and fifty-nine to go.  We are getting there and are not running out of ammo or power.  They come in waves; three decades now.  There are several intersection points, 2014 is one of them.  Rowdy them up, it will be a long cold winter.  Soon their ammo will run out and so will their supplies, we can test it.  It keeps stacking up and they keep coming around with the Last Man Standing Secret Plans.  It is an underhanded way to fight; talk!

YOU CAN’T EVEN MURDER ME OR US WE HAVE TOO MUCH SECURITY, NOT EVEN IN SECRET:  How many failures in trying to kill us or led to your own death?  Exactly.  All you are doing is making us live longer or stronger; a Judgment Day.  At most, you can declare war and make this war formal; and this is my strategy.  I am already a century ahead of you, far in the lead.  If you fled the US at least you can get a little happiness; before being hunted down.  We are prepared for World War that is my strategy and what you are watching subconsciously.  I am in your subconscious, understand?  We have mind reading powers and you already tried to defend this; to no avail.  You tested this and ran around like a chicken without a head.  What is my worth?  What is your worth?  There is enough right now the prosecutors are waiting patiently.  It has been three decades; you can’t and won’t take us out; not without total destruction and world war.  Who killed Satellite Warfare or let it die?  Who waged war on The Office of Hurricane-Earthquakes? 

THERE IS NO WAY TO WIN EVEN IF YOU CLONE OR COPY US; A DUAL REALITY OR IDENTICAL REALITY:  There is no where to run or hide; we have a total lock down and security is at 100 per cent strong.  You have no defenses, none.  You have nothing but the life we live presently.  You can’t win.  You can only get a lot of people hurt or killed.  This can be in secret or a formal war; why choose secrecy?  You have nothing and will not get a damn thing, zero tolerance and ban.  There is no way to win; only the truth and justice.  This is all you have in this world.  You are ghastly approaching World War.  You can't even pay your debts.  

TWO BILLION ALREADY, WHY DO YOU CONTINUE TO COME AROUND CLANDESTINELY VIOLATING OUR RIGHTS CONTINUOUSLY OR PLAYING THIS GAME CALLED “LAST MAN STANDING” OR TRYING TO COVER YOUR TRACKS?  To prevent a victory?  To brag about your murder plots?  To conceal your true intentions or adversarial relationship?  To pass secret messages or keep us in this re-education camp?  To show your audacity and power?  To bully the matter or manipulate the situation so you do not get fired or worse?  To water down the investigation and shift the blame?  To get us to agree or side with your politics and work?  To investigate us or frame us, slander?  To violate our rights and suggest we are second class citizens?  To start a nuclear war or to anger God so that Hurricane-Earthquakes are part of your church, criminal organization, or politics?  To hurt our chances?  To suggest you are family, our wife, our partner, or some kind of underground boss?  Because you are dirt poor, too stupid, a total failure, and the value of our life far supersedes your theft abilities?  You cannot take no for an answer?  The first decade got nowhere, the second decade was worse, and the third will be the turn around or rebirth, a fresh start?  You do not want us to stop you or proceed with this prosecution and investigation; shutdown?  You got a bad deal already and are looking for a better deal?  To exploit or milk our life and abuse us on another level before death succumbs you?  Because you are a predator?  Because you feel forgiven and want everybody to just move on; you lost the most?  You are a suicide bomber, you face death, and there is no solution for death or this communism and failure; damned and guilty traitors?  You want to tell me or us this is your home and to move; run us off or harass the matter?  You wish to chase us into our grave because you are such a failure and so evil?  You can’t take no for an answer and refuse to leave or suffer the consequences?  You want a welfare state and a victim society, it is better if we live in your world than fight you in ours?  Our independence is the victory and your defeat?  You are our arch rival and you are stricken with severe jealousy, unable to watch our success and growth?  We have a ban on you and have hurt your people and future in America unlike any other human on this earth?  We wait for war and will kill you by the dozen or train load, a state of prewar and preparation?  You wish to steal Satellite Warfare or spy on it so you can reproduce it, transfer it, or give it to a rogue nation?  Evidence says all of the above and more; a death penalty prosecution.  So why don’t you just go home and stop reproducing or surrender to our forces?  We have done more damage to you than fifteen armies will; even an entire century, do you expect this to become America or our existence?  The solution is very simple and very easy; yes or no?  The damage you are doing and the speed of your backwardness cannot be measured; accelerated death and destruction. 


A SIMPLE YES OR NO IS FINE:  Did you play a game called “Last Man Standing?”  Are you guilty and lying?  Did you refuse to cooperate or withhold evidence from investigators, even lie to them?  Did you endanger your life and others due to your actions, lawlessness, recklessness, false judgments, and errors?  Did you get caught and did you wage war on the Office of Satellite Warfare, Hurricane-Earthquake, or any employee of such creation?  Did you cover it up or slander them?  How?  Do you owe two billion and do what you are accused of; then tried to blame the victims of your insanity?  Do you have information on the 911 terror plots or try to cover up information that would lead to arrest or prosecution, further this investigation?  Are you a spy ring or a conspiracy to take over the government or the world?  Were you stopped?  What did you do when you were caught or stopped?  Then what?  Did you have a murder plot on Ann Coulter or lie about your adversarial relationship with her to coverup or conceal your guilt and exaggerate hers?  Talk!  How do you expect to survive this?  Tell us before more people get hurt falsely.  

PLAYING A GAME CALLED, “LAST MAN STANDING” AND COMPLAINTS OR DAMAGES ARE STACKING UP:  It is not one thousand but several hundred thousands; the legal complaints are stacking up and the damages are capped at two billion due to this game called, “Last Man Standing.”  The financial problems are a method to prevent an end to this game or one of them.  It feels like the Justice Department is also playing this game due to the volume or backup.  It is now a death penalty case but the financial damages stack up and are not survivable.  They lied about this also to shift the blame.  The game is designed to break us, hire them, or as a recruitment plot; similar to the 911 terror plot. The game is designed to win at all costs.

HOW CORRUPT IS THE JUSTICE SYSTEM AND HOW CORRUPT IS THE POLITICAL SYSTEM:  You know it seems as if there are just too many bad actors manipulating the system and too many conflicts of interests or corruption invading our life and mission.  Additionally, we do live in a land of laws and a nation of Constitution.  So the question is how corrupt is the Justice System or is anybody in charge besides the communists and corrupt politicians?  Why am I living in a welfare state with all kinds of tentacles and why am I constantly a victim of the same people?  Is this the welfare state and the victim society, my family of poor failures facing death?

WHERE IS THE EVIDENCE?  WHERE IS YOUR GOD AND WHO WILL RESCUE YOU?  We have heard it all again and again.  Where is the evidence and solution?  This scam and false religion is nothing more than a load of lies.  The federal prosecutors are waiting patiently unless they have a solution for crime, war, death, communism, and attacking my life and office.  Yes, I also need one of them for a wife.  We need their God and we need their help to get out of this.  Where is the evidence?  Where is their God?  God is angry; no he is on a war path and hunting them down.  They are going to put me in a financial disaster or destroy my technology and good work?  It was their God who did it and their religious beliefs; hence, they refuse to talk?  Talk or be dammed.  It is a death defying escape, nobody got hurt?  Will starvation break them and will they talk?  

WE DID NOT THROW YOU UNDERNEATH THE BUS, WE TORTURED YOU AND YOU STILL REFUSE TO TALK:  So is there a solution to death, crime, corruption, and failure?  Is theirs solution to communism or is it only another world of phony clones who want to divert and spy on us so they can rob or build a new world based on what they can extract, steal, or trap us.  They better have answers, I have spoken and the world can read my books.  If there is a solution to death, this imbecile capable of survival will show us the way and we will be at war with them.  The hunt is on and they think they are God imposing death on us or we are obligated to give them our solutions as part of this hiring process or death.  There are a lot of witnesses; the federal prosecutors are not 911 widows or corrupt.  Does the punishment, surprise, and solution I have fit their crime or not?  If not, then it has to begin with a full written appeal, not clandestine or spy networks or bribery.  We broke all of the Democrats and communists will; but they refuse to talk; what is their worth?  What is this worth?  Satellite Warfare Mission worth?  One hell of a scam and terror plot.

ADMIT MY LIFE AND SATELLITE WARFARE WAS ROBUST, FULLY HEALTHY, RICH, SUCCESSFUL, AND HAPPY:  So what is the solution to the death and tests they imposed?  What is the answer we gave them, a curse and trap?  Is our life healthy and robust again?  Is my military mission and Satellite Warfare back up and running?  What is the solution to death and poverty; this ignorant, angry, stupid, hostile, corrupt, and communist existence they call “The Army of the Damned?”  Are they behind the communist immigration problem or the massive debts and decline?  Why are they still testing our will and refusing to talk, they want evidence?  Did we make this up or imagine it as they planned and plotted?  It is a death-defying escape at this level and a policy of torture is needed to shut them down or make them talk; the prosecutors are waiting patiently.  Do they admit two billion dollars is owed and they face harsh prison sentences or even deportation? 

THE ANSWER AND SOLUTION:  TOO POOR, TOO STUPID, TOO IGNORANT, AND TOTAL ASSHOLES:  Good looks and being a cartoon character is what we are watching.  They are tortured people, trash. It is a good act.  Is there a solution to death, this human existence, this false religion, or their politics?  If so, we have not given it to them; will they give it to us?  Until them, we will continue to test the stubborn ignorance of the communists and these elite terrorists.  You can see the torture and corruption in their face.  It is a death defying escape and they are going to get a lot of people killed; unless they give us the solution or answer to the puzzle.  The prosecutors are waiting patiently and I really need my money for Satellite Warfare.  Is this visible or what everybody is watching?  If they are damned people, do they believe in the truth or the forces of good and perfection?  What is their worth to fight this?  Fighting now and full pitched warfare?  Talk, before people get hurt or die because of this corruption.

TORTURING:  TESTING THEIR WILL, FORTITUDE, STAYING POWER, STUBBORNEST  IGNORANCE, WELCOME CENTER POLITICS, HOW MUCH THEY CAN TAKE, AND HUMAN EXISTENCE:  It is not one or two of them; both Republican and Democrats need to be tortured.  The federal prosecutors are waiting patiently and have not done anything to them, yet.  This level of corruption will never slip by or be excused, never.  It is a death defying escape.  It is on film.  It is a conspiracy and we are testing the will and stubbornness of the communists and the criminals who exist among us.  They can continue to fight it or get out of bed.  Now they have to figure out a solution to death and war.  I am waiting patiently for my money while they keep the pressure up or add more corruption.  The nation is in crisis and this is a test the federal prosecutors need to study about communism, corruption, or false religions.  Their federal benefits need to be cut off or shut down; they should be deported as traitors.  When the federal prosecutors have to wait patiently for a conspiracy to end or the truth behind cover-ups, there must be severe consequences to high crimes and sedition.  They must get whatever they want from us, a marriage?  This is exactly what Ann Coulter described and the vast warnings about how illegal this is.  What will happen to their will and human existence when they break or crash?  We have a ban on them, zero tolerance.  Look at our worth and look at theirs, not communist?  Testing our will and existence, the people’s power?  Do they know why torture needed?  Talk.  We are waiting patiently.

LIED ABOUT BEING FIRED OR WHY:  They continue to pretend they have high aspirations for us and continue to play act about how close or adversarial they are.  That is the communist and corruption for you.  When they get fired, ask them to explain why they got fired or their worth.  Somebody is lying and is desperate about it.  It is their personality and also worth; they have no worth.  They lied about a lot of things such as being our parents or even trying to hire us.  They were trying to cause financial damage and had every intention on firing us.  Now it is being done back to them but in the worst way imaginable, in the public view and under the scrutiny of the most powerful nations.  It is clearly visible and worst than embarrassing because of who or what they are.  They claim nobody got hurt and it was all legal; nothing to hide.  It was brainwashing and horrendous experiences; they lied about it all.

DEATH DEFYING ESCAPE AND A REALLY GOOD BOOK!  Nobody got hurt?  Imagined it all and is mentally ill.  Ann did not warn them?  Ann did not say anything?  Being hired right now?  This is the Office of Satellite Warfare and I do give orders to the military and police forces; what to expect and what is coming.  Please take their damn time at our expense.  Forget the 911 and drug war part, why didn't you just pay two billion in damages and stop when told?  Needed evidence and proof?  Worth too much?  In full retreat?  Had Ann in a noose or as a hostage, a murder plot?  The federal prosecutors are waiting patiently, do take their time.  It’s okay, nobody got hurt. 

KNOW WHO WE ARE NOW BUT DID NOT OR DID NOT GET ANY WARNINGS?  Total lie.  They were told over ten thousand, even upwards of one hundred thousand times to sit down, shut up, and stop causing trouble.  They were also told to present ID or identify themselves.  They used evasion and secrecy to conceal all this information to evade or avoid capture, identification, or arrest.  What is their worth?  Exactly how much damage did they do and why did they keep so quiet or keep attacking?  When did they know?  When were they given plenty of warnings?  That is a death sentence and life imprisonment; right there.  If they had information or could assist the investigators; how come the interrogation and 911 plots occurred in the back room or via secret channels? Didn't know who were?  Could not tell and still cannot?  Got a bad deal out of the whole thing?  How many times do you tell someone to shut up and sit down before they do it?  Twenty years later, you wake up reborn or know your value and worth? Ann Coulter never said anything to them or explained to them what they are doing and to whom?  That is a total lie, completely false.  

ONE OF THEM MUST TALK, IS THEIR LIFE WORTH ANYTHING?  HOW MUCH IS THIS WORTH?  Do you see my worth yet?  Are they the communists?  Do we know who they truly are?  How did they get so narcissistic and evil?  Do they admit they are worthless and trash?  Do they admonish and confess our worth before they write more or swear to the grave they will never talk?  How about what they wrote?  How about what they did?  Are they worth this much?  Are they forgiven?  What would you do if you were the Office of Hurricane-Earthquakes?  How much are they worth really?  From start to end, why am I the only one who had to go to federal prison or jail?  Was that a joke nobody found funny?  Oh they got set up again?  Why are there federal prosecutors waiting patiently for the truth?  We know they are Americans, but what is their worth if anything now?  How did they come up with that and can they write it down for the world to verify? Eventually the truth will come out, do they know this yet?  

WINTER IS HERE, ROWDY THEM UP AND LET THE LEASH OUT:  Orders to my police forces; winter is a good time to fight them.  Let them think what they want and give them easier thoughts or intentions.  The prosecutors are not going to let them get away with 911 or benefit, trust me.  Fox News will lie and keep saying in secret they want to strike a deal or they got a very bad deal out of this; not true.

IT GOES ON YOUR RECORD, NOT MINE:  It is on your time and your record; I don’t care about your lip service, well intentions, or endless excuses.  I don’t even care if God forgave you or if you are a cry-bitching reborn jackass.  I don’t even care if you know Ann freaking Coulter.  When I say talk and the federal prosecutors are waiting patiently, I also mean I have waited patiently for my money and to be paid for this.  Is that too much to ask?  Thank you I been through a lot okay so don’t push me any further than I need to be.  If you are a threat to the public and got a whole lot of people killed; then you definitely need to be off the police force, leadership, or military ranks.  Understand yet?  Now talk…  I am sure you had no idea, are very gentle, and mean well; of course you do.  I also bet you are peaceful, civilized, well educated, and want to have sex with us; get in line okay.

PRETTY GOOD AT THIS:  I know you are pretty good at this and exactly how good and capable you traitors or the wall of corruption is.  Make your bets and make your moves, you are pretty good at this so I trust you do not need my advice, intelligence, or leadership.  I still end up with two billion and I still end up with Satellite Warfare, make your move.  Talk, the federal prosecutors are waiting patiently to take this down and to be in my new strategy and winning plans.  I take them somewhere and give them something to be very proud of; not a bunch of lies, fraud, and debts.

IT COULD BE A VERY COLD WINTER:  If I were them, I would be very careful, very.  Federal prosecutors are waiting patiently and they better talk because their funds are running out and so are their supporters.  How do you recover from that?  Exactly, so I would be very careful and make sure the federal officials can and will collect my two billion in damages; that is a lot of crime and a lot of supporters.  It could be the coldest winter of their life, even if they are sitting quiet by the fire reading this or watching our strategic maneuvers.  What about their strategy or maneuvering?  They better talk because the federal prosecutors know conspiracy and coverup is in the ranks; they are perfectionists and they do believe in the truth; our mission and strategy.

LEADERS OF THE COLD WAR AND SABOTAGING IT, EVIDENCE?  Who is too damn poor, too damn stupid, too damn sick, too damn fake, too damn ignorant, too damn criminal, too damn manipulative, too damn corrupt or criminal, too damn spying on us, etc... how did we get here?  Now they want to take over the Pentagon or The Office of Hurricane and Earthquakes?  Looks like they took over the Republicans or sabotaged them; can we prove it yet?  We know they are the Democrats and embracing this but keeping quiet.  How did we go from perfection to some clone or copy cat that is a communist traitor, mole, and is sitting on top of the cold war leadership?  How?  Who is this much of an asshole?  Who is this dead or brain dead?  So are the communists the Republicans or the Democrats?  Whose fault is it? Who is the mole or the problem?  Who is actually in charge or the boss?  Who exactly is this enemy?

BUSH VS. OBAMA:  How many African Americans died under Bush?  How many Hispanics?  Now, how many Asians died under Obama?  What about the Black Movement, how much unemployment?  What a bunch of liars and frauds that is defrauding the public and misinformation.  These groups remain quiet and they should be tearing the walls down.  We want the truth and we expect perfection.

YOU BETTER GET CORRUPTION AND BRIBERY OUT OF THE POLICE FORCE BEFORE I REPLACE THEM OR COME UP WITH A BETTER SOLUTION:  I’m not going to repeat myself but you better get the bribery and labor union money out of the police ranks before we shut them down.  We know it is in the military ranks also.  We know all of this and their money is quickly running out, also their supplies.  We have a much better solution and this corruption and conspiracy needs to end immediately.  My federal prosecutors are waiting patiently and I need them to collect my two billion dollars and sign it over to the Satellite Warfare Program; since they stole our energy, life, and career.  Two down and fifty-nine to go; time is running out sucka, I pity you.

CAN WE TORTURE THEM?  SO ARE THEY GOING TO TALK OR NOT, I NEED A JUDGEMENT AND THE FEDERAL PROSECUTORS ARE WAITING PATIENTLY:  Keep having cocktails and dates while we try to nuke their sorry communist ass or torture their kids. I need a settlement, judgment, and damages paid and done.  Make up their mind if they are going to talk or pay damages.  Do I need a lecture on how to run my life, love life, military mission, war, or Satellite Warfare?  Do I need some dumb bitch telling me what to do or how to do it?  Honestly. A simple yes or no is fine, thank you.  What is it two down and fifty nine to go?  Wonderful, lucky me.  Talk!  The federal prosecutors are waiting patiently and I am waiting very patiently for my money and life to be returned.

THROW THEM OUT OF AMERICA BEFORE THEY FIT THEIR LIFE INTO OURS, WE NEED A WIFE:  All I am describing is their females.  Wait until you meet their males.  A total stranger and enemy did this.  They also put some fake markings or labels all over mine, ruined it. Who the F let them or did this?  Oh now I am mentally ill and damaged?  They are sorry but can’t pay or be accountable because it is their money?  Let’s get this war started and throw them out; they do admit they did this and are guilty; don’t they?  They will pay the two billion in damages for more than twenty years of this, won’t they?  They do admit we have the right to impose the death penalty and will, don’t they?  They will evacuate and get the F out of our way or stay out of our life, won’t they?  Yet they remain in my residence and spy on me to this day, twenty four seven.  Shut this communist spy ring and network down; wage all out war on them for crying like a little bitch about this.  Now I look and feel like them; what the F and who the F did this?  Immigrants and communists who are total losers or always unemployed, a state of permanent desperation or stupidity in our world and mission; they must be our wife or family right?    

TOO DAMN POOR, TOO DAMN STUPID, TOO DAMN FAKE, TOO DAMN IGNORANT, TOO DAMN CRIMINAL, FIGUREHEAD AND IMBECILE, ETC.  How did we go from perfection to some clone or copy cat who is a communist traitor, mole, and is sitting on top of the cold war leadership?  How?  Who is this much of an asshole?  Who is this dead or brain dead?  Oh now we need a wife, durr.  Does it feel like a stampede or a mountain of immigrants cut from the same loin cloth?  How in hell did this asshole and mole, a complete traitor; get on our shores?  Religious persecution?  Terrorism?  History?  They are the cops and calling us a Nazi?  They are setting us up?  I think it is time to destroy this enemy and threat; please come around again or follow us to the very top and perfection.  Please do throw a wrench in anything or everything so we cannot achieve perfection, plans, or mission goals.  Who is this poor, stupid, and ignorant; and how do we wage war on such an asshole when they claim to be a victim of religion, military might, or the leaders of the cold war?  What the F and who the F is doing this; this is the final warning.  Either we get the truth and justice, our energy and mission back; or they will loose all of theirs.  Decide.  Throw that asshole on the street and deport them; they opened up the gates of the poor and the ghettos; all of them coming here for freedom.  How about that drug war and organized crime; do we bend over also?  If we find any of them in proximity or in the ranks, then it is written.  Good job Fox News and company; yes I need a wife now.

WILL NEVER BE THE SAME NOW:  Everybody agrees what this led to and why.  Does anybody have enough toilet paper for this mission?  They all are ignorant, they are all assholes, and they all need to be killed or worse.  However, they claim they are undergoing self destruction the pussy way.  Let’s make this war formal dammit.  Do I look like a lying cheat, a scoundrel, a traitor, and a felon who enjoys pulling one of those numbers? 

RUNNING AROUND BRAGGING ABOUT THEIR MURDER OR THEIR BEST FRIEND:  Need I say more.  We believe in perfection and the truth is perfection.  But that properly describes this enemy who feels they are the victim of religion, God, the police, and military might.  All I do is document it and put it through the verification process; it is authenticated.

FOX NEWS AND THE LEADERS OF THE NORTHERN INVADERS:  Have commented on this entire fiasco.  Apparently, Congress has the discretion to vote on whether or not this will ever surface, see the day of light, or will ever be addressed.  Given the embarrassment, implications, and the magnitude; I don’t see why not.  I also wonder if some of them are brain dead or all of them are.  The evidence proves otherwise.  Are they brain dead or just a malicious retard that has to or has no control over whether or not they can harass the matter?  How can any single human being be this stupid and purposeful?  They expect the nation or the world to be ran with this level of obnoxious stupidity or corruption?  Are they brain dead?  If our rights are second to their rights; then let’s see who can damage whom more and get this war up and running full speed.  They are ignorant.  They are nothing but an asshole.  They all deserve to be killed but we can’t do this even because they cry like a little bitch also.  Let’s get the war started man.


RESPONSE TIME AND TURNOVER RATE:  We do not want to have lingering or a pile up of work.  We want to be efficient and strive for absolute perfection.  This means from the time of the violation to the time of enforcement; our goal would be a twenty four hour clock.  We want to be able to address these violations and incursions within the first twenty four or forty eight.  Right now we are nowhere near our goals and we are having a lot of problems in our personal life and also political life; also with traitors who claim to be allies or bosses.  I imagine their office is the boss of this office; yet there is no verification or documentation of this so far.  So this is one of the problems and one of the tests the office has been racked with, invasion by outside forces.  Right now they are acting as if we are paralyzed, cannot bring them to justice, we are powerless, they are God, they are above the law, they are a spy group or agency we cannot bring down or defeat in war, etc… Let them cry like a bitch and let their history in satellite warfare speak for it.  If they can find a way out, as Bin Limbaugh and Fox News had tried; then so be it.  It will and has failed but they still refuse two billion in damages or justice and the truth; we demand perfection.  Do come around again, and again; and cry like a little bitch or with malicious defiance.  Eventually, someone will knock the sense out of them or otherwise.  Do put your stinky, corrupt, and piece of trash ass next to me again and again. 

TOP SECRET SATELLITE WARFARE:  In case you are wondering about the police satellites, they are new.  However, my military or Satellite Warfare technology is based on over twenty years of research and development.  Essentially, the combination of neurosciences, bio-metrics, and satellite technology have come together to produce a real time image by a terrestrial satellite unit.  This image also is enhanced by signals sent by a command center that impedes or disrupts bodily functions.  An example of muscle impedances is the finger immobilizer.  A military or police satellite equipped with this disrupts the muscle sequence needed to pull a trigger on a firearm.  This then immobilizes the human subject and neutralizes the threat so that either military or police units can use brutal force to subdue the threat.  That is just a small example but they range upwards of lethal force.  The police satellites are nothing more than images taken in sequences or by a schedule, and then enhanced by digital automation.  Therefore, a car or person can be tracked over the course of any 24 hour day.  Most if not all of this is brand new and I should be the only one in this field since I did invent it way back in 1990.  It is a very simple formula and process, very simple.  This spy group and this other satellite warfare office is completely illegal and also in violation; they will start a war at this level; inevitable.  We will bring them down or to justice, whichever comes first or is most expedient. 

OFFICE OF VERIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION:  It is all the same office at this time.  However, my job is to verify and ensure espionage, proper functioning, personnel, and any threat is eliminated, escalated, or eradicated using the proper channels.  Without a verification process, a written and documented process, eradication and retaliation is immediate.  This means that corruption and “unofficial” attempts face retaliation.  If there is corporate or competitor non-compliance, they are immediately identified, marked, given a repeat offender status, and written up or escalated.  We want to identity and get a clear understanding of who, what, where, and why they are doing this.  Before it is escalated or lethal force is imposed, they will be given both written and verbal warnings.  We do have federal attorneys to handle the legal process before any brute force or lethal force is imposed.  Most if not all violations are death penalty cases, therefore, be mentally prepared to be in pitched battle with serious repeat offenders and enemies such as communist spies and large espionage rings; even terrorists.  We want a good and bad list, one of allies and traitors.  Any violation by either list will not go unpunished. 

SPYING ON US, ATTACKING SATELLITE WARFARE, AND PUTTING OUR LIFE UNDER SIEGE:  The range of actions can span the gamut of lethal force, military force, police force, or other federal legal measures.  In other words, without a verification and written method; there will be no access or clandestine activity.  Without political verification, there will not be any confirmations or verbal appeals.  All transactions are written and documented, zero tolerance.  We want to track them, locate their locations, and place them in a position they will regret and also surrender under.  I am the verification method and office at this time; I am the only personnel at this level and as you can see; they have attacked it and paralyzed it.  What to do... what to do?  Pitched warfare?  Massive retaliation?  Damages and fees?  Be prepared for full scale warfare and even nuclear confrontation; as in my case, my entire career and life; too much war... way too much.  However, I have a plan to alleviate some of the personnel problems.  I may be able to put together a unified or singular recruitment campaign.  Keep the pressure on and continue this spy-craft and pitched warfare in this mission or my life, do that.  The records show who and what they are, what they tried, and why they died by the train loads.  Sorry or forgiveness does not do a damn thing, not a damn thing.  We will knock you out or some sense in your life. 

ALL THEY HAVE TO DO IS START A FORMAL WAR:  All the pieces are in place and they have been maneuvered as I have expertly wanted, expected, or predicted.  One step or one wrong move and it can all come crashing down on them.  All they need to do is start a war and it is on. Everything is in place right now to shut them down but we are seeking justice, truth, the American way, and also damages. Again, they are losing on a level not even comprehensible far more than the price tag they have to pay.  Do put your stinky, corrupt, and piece of trash ass next to me again and again.  Eventually, some sense will be knocked out of you.  I'd rip your eyes and hair out, so don't tell me you are parents and are so aloof or superior.  The northern invaders, who are angry, poor, cold, sick, and a piece of trash; have been pushed back and have lost a lot of ground, however, they were able to organize and form alliances, networks, financial gains, and even spread their tentacles across the USA using Hispanics, drugs, and crime. This northern invader is getting pushed back or pushed out; hanging on for dear life. They continue to come around, harass the matter, run their mouth, or show defiance or spy on us. As I said, they have no idea how much trouble they are in or what they have done; it will have severe or negative impact on the rest of their life. The weak and sick are hiring and they claim to be our boss or hiring us. Doesn't that make you want to knock the shit out of them too?

DON’T NEED TO BE TOLD HOW THINGS WORK OR HOW TO SURVIVE THIS:  I know exactly what it takes and what is required to win this war or to survive it; I did invent it and chart it.  In this war, all you have is the truth and only the truth will save you because we can play the Uncle Same game back and do as they do.  I can do it and lie about it or mimic and harass the matter.  So if they have any respect for other human beings and have any respect for the truth, real humans; then this is the test.  If they fail the compliance process, there is no turning back.  If they are in self destruct mode, then let’s not make a mound out of a mole hill; so are we, stop wasting our time will they.

AGAIN AND AGAIN, PUNISHMENT FITS THE CRIME:  Can anybody think of any other punishment to fit the crime or to match their evil?  Let’s consider who they are before we pre-judge them or impose punishment.  However, doesn't the punishment fit the crime?  I thought so twenty years ago also and to this day; I think more could be done or a tad more hell imposed on their brain dead existence.  Damages are for life, we need the money for damages and life.  They took our energy levels and damaged our important apex and mission.  If it is war they want, than war will be delivered.  They are ignorant, total assholes, and they deserve what is coming their way.  Let’s get the show on the road and kick this up a few notches; I find the cocktails and pussy hunt very insulting.  Do I look like a lying cheat, mentally ill, a scoundrel, or some form of human crap crying like a little bitch? 


STARVING, HUNGRY, WET, COLD, AND ANGRY COMMUNIST-TERRORIST:  We need evidence and we know there is a conspiracy and cover-up; we can do much better, very much better!  Cooperate or starve, that is Uncle Same.  Who is going to move and who will have to, who will flinch first?  Do I look ignorant, or like an asshole, or even a whiny scoundrel telling people to move or bragging about their life being ruined?  There must be a mistaken identity or some mistake?  Why would some asshole or communist espionage ring, even a terrorist group; use me or my career to open doors or fly past a compliance process?  Security?  Then why would they keep this going for an additional six years when they know they got set up and are in a terminal trap?  They are hiring me and I need a wife?  Their WOMEN are also ridiculous and love power or powerful men; meanwhile, their kids or savages or psychotic maniacs who are totally imperfect and aimless in life. 

A FAT LYING CHEAT, A SCOUNDREL, A DOWN AND OUT LOSER, A FAILURE, A FAT LUSH, A BABBLING MENTALLY ILL JACKASS, ETC… Do I look like a liar?  Do I look like a total loser?  Do I look like one of those unemployed assholes?  Do I look like an angry, poor, and cold northern invader?  Does anybody think I enjoy doing this or want to put an end to it and those behind it?  I feel dirty and I feel like a scurry scoundrel.  I sort of feel like a terrorist or some kind of invader; even being hired.  Who the F is behind this… bringing me their heads faster please, we have very little time and only one life.  I am not an asshole or ignorant, I believe in perfection and the truth.  End of story.  Do I look like a F’in felon or mentally ill?  How about zero tolerance? 

FEDERAL PROSECUTORS ARE STILL WAITING AND TRYING TO COLLECT MY TWO BILLION IN DAMAGES:  The bottom line is the federal prosecutors sit in wait to impose punishment, they are charged with collecting my two billion, and we are still in self destruct mode and will be there until compliance is made.  Everybody knows there is conspiracy and cover-up in their ranks and all they will do is upset the people who have to wait or listen to the run-around.  Don’t cry like a little bitch if your ass got nuked either; all you had to do was give them valid and credible information; help us bring this back to good.  We do not care if they are on self destruct mode, we will gladly help them.  Is this what they are doing?  Self destruct mode began in 2006 but Ann Coulter wants to have cocktails with them while I try to level them and bring them down.  Tell her to make her peace with God, not me.  I was never happy by this or her work and I will probably be dead before she believes in the truth or perfection. They actually think their pussy is going to make the room smell better or cover-up all the semen; while we prepare for war.  Do throw your state in chaos, prove it and show us; your state rights and our money.

WILL DO IT AGAIN:  Yes we know.  Yes we are preparing for war and if it comes to war or existence, we are forced to kill them by the train load and we have the methods and the means.  How do they come back or run from here?

NOW THEY ARE DEPENDENT AND GONE:  Don't come back because there is no way possible to come back; ask the Office of Hurricane and Earthquake, zero tolerance. We do not need to know what collateral damage is or how they can benefit, do we?  They got their written warning and the verification process is almost completed; we know conspiracy and coverup is in their ranks.  Why claim collateral damage or wait for pennies from heaven?  Do we look and act this brain dead and stupid?  We need life.  They are losing life.  Who pays the damages and costs?  

WE EITHER WIN THIS OR LOOSE IT:  There is no rewind, out, or restart.  There is no end or second chances; either you are verified and drafted or you join the enemies; there is no in between or gap in my thinking, program, plans, or well thought out course.  Either they give us life or theirs will be taken away, justifiably.  They have no voice or any power in this process, none.  We have forces and allies in the line of fire and there is zero tolerance and no excuses; do or die.  Oh I got fired.  Oh I am a victim.  Oh I was robbed.  Oh my computer was hacked.  Oh my bank was looted.  Oh I am a bad military soldier.  Oh I am a college dropout.  Oh I am a failure with women.  Oh I was evicted.  Oh I am poor.  Oh nobody loves me or wants me.  I need a wife.  They are hiring me.

COMMUNIST, POOR, SICK, UNEDUCATED, ORGANIZED CRIME, DRUG WARS, LABOR OR UNEMPLOYED, WELFARE RECIPIENTS, MINORITIES, PSYCHOTIC FAMILY, VICTIMS OF RELIGION, VICTIMS OF THE RICH, VICTIMS OF MILITARY MIGHT, FORECLOSED ON, RELIGION OF DEBT AND LIES, IGNORANT AS HELL, TERRORISTS, ETC… Take a hard close look at how they managed to turn this around and fit our life into that box or label.  They also claim we are undergoing a hiring process or in their theology school; they are the teachers or professors of God.  There is no starting over and the verification and authentication process is almost complete.  All we need now is the payment process for the work and the endless labor; we do not work for free and their attempts to hire us doing labor or stupid jobs failed again.  Pay up you SOB and stop dishing out welfare, food stamps, social services, and these menial jobs; when war begins and the verification is complete; there will be more and more to come, much worse.  Your northern invasion opened the gates of immigration for so much communism and crime (i.e. drug wars) now you must pay for this and give life to the Satellite Warfare Office and the leader of it.  We have forces and allies in the line of fire and there is zero tolerance and no excuses; do or die.  Oh I got fired.  Oh I am a victim.  Oh I was robbed.  Oh my computer was hacked.  Oh my bank was looted.  Oh I am a bad military soldier.  Oh I am a college dropout.  Oh I am a failure with women.  Oh I was evicted.  Oh I am poor.  Oh nobody loves me or wants me.  I need a wife.  They are hiring me.  Endless total scams to defraud the public and the Office of Hurricane and Earthquakes; they will pay dearly. Ask them if it is worth dying for; take everybody down with them.  

HAVE ENOUGH TOILET PAPER FOR THIS MISSION:  You have to ask and you have to trace the anchor.  To trap them is very easy, collect all of the toilet paper and guard it 24-7 until they come or try to clean up.  You can’t live on diapers forever. 

RUNNING AROUND BRAGGING ABOUT THEIR MURDER OR THEIR BEST FRIEND:  Need I say more.  We believe in perfection and the truth is perfection.  But that properly describes this enemy who feels they are the victim of religion, God, the police, and military might.  All I do is document it and put it through the verification process; it is authenticated.

WILL NEVER BE THE SAME EVER AGAIN:  If this is about change, then Uncle Same has spoken and we all can agree on this outcome; desired and undesired.  So much was put into their change or transformation.  They will and are crying like a bitch, guilty as hell but still…

AGAIN AND AGAIN, PUNISHMENT FITS THE CRIME:  Can anybody think of any other punishment to fit the crime or to match their evil?  Let’s consider who they are before we pre-judge them or impose punishment.  However, doesn’t the punishment fit the crime?  I thought so twenty years ago also and to this day; I think more could be done or a tad more hell imposed on their brain dead existence.  The northern invasion and the invasion of the poor, angry, and cold continues on and on.  Soon they will run out of orifices or lies; we need the money for damages and life.  They took our energy levels and damaged our important apex and mission. 

HOW CAN ANY SINGLE HUMAN BEING BE THIS STUPID OR BRAIN DEAD?  PURPOSEFUL?  MALICIOUS?  CONGRESSIONAL DISCRETION?  GROWING AND EXPANDING TO ENORMOUS SIZE?  ON LIFE SUPPORT?  FORGIVEN OR PRESIDENTIAL PARDON?  Brain dead or not the damages continue to stack up and the lies are getting bigger and bigger.  Yet they still try to harass, annoy, purposely impose malice, etc… No human being is this stupid or brain dead, nobody.  They expect the nation or the world to be ran with this level of obnoxious stupidity or corruption?  Are they brain dead?


  • This began around the DC-VA area, employers and odd immigrants new in town.
  • From employment or employers, it grew to odd people in a circle of friends; in High School.  Then it grew to the college level, same; a northern invader. 
  • From school it followed us into the military and active duty; then it continued to follow us or circled us at first jobs or career; long term goals.
  • Things got to insane and a dormant period began using travel, mobility, and business ownership.
  • It then began to re-emerge; harassing the matter, following again and not being foiled and ruining plans or this entrapment or imprisonment.  A trap was implemented to discover who, what, where, when, and why; a discovery process to interrogate this espionage group, terrorist group, and communist incursion.  Pitched battle erupted as a result of this hiring process or re-education camp; a secret war that was supposed to be an extension of the Vietnam War.
  • First were banks and scams.  Then it was harassment or verbal accosting online and on the internet. Then it was landlords or property owners.  Then it became a formal organization or businesses; things with conflicts of interests, management, and liability or legal requirements.  It because one entity against another, growing in size.
  • Rush Limbaugh was the first to step in the trap.
  • Second were Sean Hannity and Fox News.
  • Then it was Democrats and liberals; a outbreak all over the media.
  • Third it was the entire mafia stronghold or the labor unions; control of cities or regional corruption.
  • Then it became federal or interstate; one state to another, this time Florida was the apex of the northern invasion or immigration problem.  The mighty warriors of the poor were expanding and bombarding the nation with bad immigrants; poor, angry, despised northern invaders.
  • Documentation began and interrogation began, as a formal process of verification and authentication for the Office of Satellite Warfare.


STILL TRYING TO FIGURE OUT WHO GOT SET UP, WHO IS IN CHARGE, AND WHO IS GOING TO PAY DEARLY FOR THIS:  Yes do come around and try to harass the matter or wreck up more, do run your mouth again.  Do what you do best.  Nobody is this brain dead and we know it was done purposely, with full malicious intent, and as described or documented.  Admit we caught them for 911 also and defrauding the public.  You want to test who got set up and who set up who?  Yes, that brain dead.  Will never see the light of day until their approval and terms are met?  The smelly northern invaders from the immigrants grow more angry, poor, stupid, and cold. 

HOW CAN ANY SINGLE HUMAN BEING BE THIS STUPID OR BRAIN DEAD?  PURPOSEFUL?  MALICIOUS?  CONGRESSIONAL DISCRETION?  GROWING AND EXPANDING TO ENORMOUS SIZE?  ON LIFE SUPPORT?  FORGIVEN OR PRESIDENTIAL PARDON?  Brain dead or not the damages continue to stack up and the lies are getting bigger and bigger.  Yet they still try to harass, annoy, purposely impose malice, etc… No human being is this stupid or brain dead, nobody.  They expect the nation or the world to be ran with this level of obnoxious stupidity or corruption?  Are they brain dead?

RESPONSE BY THE COLD SMELLY ASS NORTHERN INVADERS:  Fox News says they want to talk about it and I need a “wife.”  They also claim they are going to change but have not and we are still talking about this.  Do they have any sense in their piece of trash life?  Are they totally retarded or this stupid, is it an act?  Spying on this office is a death penalty offense already, shall we call an ambulance for them or are they still waiting for a ride to get bandaged up?  This is two worlds and some form of an alien human being, do they have anything comprehensible?  You people are beyond pathetic and ridiculous.  It is elation to see you in such a horrendous position and crying like a little bitch; acting like nothing is going on or noting our importance.  We know the northern invaders are poor, angry, cold, sick, crime ridden, etc… do come around and welcome you; welcome yourself is all you can do well.  Doing this and spying on us is a death penalty offense, do you know this yet?  The damages are set at two billion, do any of you have any common sense?  Any?

COME AROUND AGAIN MF AND SEE WHAT HAPPENS:  I dare you too.  We are not at war yet but I will make sure all of you are killed by the train load when we are or when the time comes.  Yes, do that. It will get somewhere.  Do put your stinky, corrupt, and piece of trash ass next to me again and again.  Eventually, some sense will be knocked out of you.  I'd rip your eyes and hair out, so don't tell me you are parents and are so aloof or superior.  

SMELLY SEMEN STAINED JACKASS COMES AROUND AGAIN:  If your sorry smelly jackass comes around one more time and tries to run your mouth, prove something, debate us, or put some form of annoying tentacle in our life and mission; one more time, I will see to it every single disgusting orifice of your lard body is washed or dunked with salt water every single year for the rest of your life.  We know you are doing it purposefully and intentionally, with the malice of tripping us up, angering us, harassment, or otherwise.  One more time and you will be begging and crying again.

KNOW WHAT YOU ARE UP TO AND THE PURPOSEFUL AND INTENTIONAL:  Everybody knows what you are up to, how sick you are, how you watch or are spying right now, illegally defying the office that is shutting your ass down and the endless trouble and damages you must pay.  You may be required to pay in blood or treasures for each piece of trash you throw our way or each time your foul mouth tries to harass the situation.  When it is all said and done, we will throw you out; send you home, or much worse.  If you want to test this again, then do so.  Right now you are an enemy combatant and a human piece of trash in our life, nothing more.  Do it again and see what happens.  Oh the pain you feel or are in cannot be duplicated, matched, or described; keep it up, it will get you somewhere if not here now.  We will slam you even harder and raid you with more ferocity.  Keep harassing the matter.

HOW MUCH TROUBLE YOU ARE IN?  The level of trouble and retaliation, even damages you are in right now is unimaginable and unfathomable.  If you so much as open your mouth, put your smelly jackass in my way or next to me, or even come around and give more lip service; I will make sure Uncle Same either knocks on your door or knocks down your door and give every single orifice of your poor-sick NY immigration; a salt water bath of your life.  Keep harassing the matter even on a new level or more. 



TRYING TO ANNOY US OR TRAP US:  They went far beyond trying to annoy us; however, we are not at war yet so we cannot kill them by the truck loads or the train loads.  Get ready though because if it ever comes down to it, we want to be ready and prepared mentally.  Clearly, they are not thinking perfectly.  The truth is perfect, do you believe in the truth or not?

PERFECT AND RIGHT FOR US; OR PERFECT AND WRONG FOR THEM:  They have a justice now and they have a choice whether or not our life will be perfect and right for us or totally wrong and perfect for them.

THE INVASION FROM THE NORTH:  Clearly, the invasion from the north continues and they are hiring; even if they are poor, angry, and stupid.  At least they are warm in Florida.

PARTY OF POOR, ANGRY, AND COLD CONTINUES:  Not only are they hiring, they think it is their home and we owe them respect or money.  This must be why they are all getting thrown out or foreclosed on?  The invaders from the north are always up to something and always trying to get something for nothing; story of America?  Furthermore, they really bother decent people.  We are so blessed and lucky to have their power among us and they are so blessed to have us in their life since they have no family or nothing.

VICTIMS OF GOD, RELIGION, MILITARY MIGHT, SATELLITE WARFARE, AND THE NEW PENTAGON OR LAW ENFORCEMENT CRACK TROOPS:  We are seeking justice and the truth is not illegal, but the truth hurts and well deserving.  If it came down to war, I would kill them by the train load that is how scared I am of them and the cold-north bunch. But we aren't there yet and I have not begun to kill them by the train load so they should be more careful of the world they live in. That is war and that is where they are taking this nation.  They do want war and we have given them the channels and the methods to begin World War III.  The Americans are scared to death of the communists, why?  So are the police, is it their politics and numbers?  Or is it their crime? Be scared of the world they live in also.

THE WAR ON POVERTY:  Yes that was The Vietnam War or the Television War.  Everybody can see it now and everybody knows I am owed two billion dollars.  They owe the Office of Hurricane-Earthquakes something perfect such as justice or the truth.  If it came down to war, then we will have to kill them by the train loads; this is what they want or are asking.  This is what their leaders want and why we are paralyzed and trapped in their web of deception and lies.  


SHUT YOUR F’IN MOUTH OKAY.  I DESPISE PEOPLE WHO HAVE A SCREWED UP LIFE, CAN’T STAY OUT OF TROUBLE, ARE CONSTANTLY MAKING EXCUSES, AND ARE NOT PERFECT OR NEAR PERFECT:  I despise this idea they are in my life and I despise how they took my life and mission from ultimate perfection to imperfect.  Who is this F’er.  Furthermore, life just beats them down and their life just spirals out of control; a total loser and despised.  I like people who have a perfect life and can judge others who do.  I don’t like the mix-match, opposites attract, or this A-hole running their mouth incessantly.  Perfect or go the F home okay, I am fed up with this really.  They are not well intended, forgiven, or on our side; they owe damages upwards of two billion.  The same with Ann Coulter, if she can’t get her shit straight; don’t count on anything.  If they want war about this mental retardation or how they stupefy us; then don’t hide and be such a damn traitor and coward raiding our coffers.  What a screwball and human trash.  Hate?  We are far beyond hate now.  They are seeking friends and lovers?  Looks like they found war instead; stupid jackass; like vultures they just circle and wait.  What a bunch of fat-ass losers with an attitude and forward-backwards intervention.

SHUT UP ABOUT THE MESSAGE OF GOD AND WHY JESUS LOVES YOU:  God said he is going to starve you and throw your ass out; maybe even drop a hurricane right on your stupid ass.  You do the same crap with us too and I compare you to molesters, child abusers, or even terrorists and rapists.  Let’s bring Jesus here now and have him cuss your stupid incompetent ass off and then do worse in battle with you imbeciles.  Did Jesus also tell you to breed more poor people or spread communism or traitors?  Did Jesus write this down and specifically say this and can you prove it before you defraud us and rack up more damages and charges?  Jackass.  God forgave you and so did Jesus?  Excuse me you communist traitor and terrorist; are you delusional or just ignorant and stupid?  Now you think you are being persecuted and seeking freedom or freedom of speech, right?  Dumbass fake.

I REALLY DO NOT CARE ABOUT YOU PEOPLE WHO DRAG ME DOWN, PULL ME DOWN, RUIN SO MUCH, LIE INCESSANTLY, ARE WRONG MORE THAN TWICE, CONSTANTLY APOLOGIZING AND ATTACKING, CLAIM TO BE PEACEFUL, USE RELIGION OR POLITICS TO DEFRAUD PEOPLE, ARE CONSTANTLY COVERING UP OR IN ANOTHER CONSPIRACY, SNEAKING AROUND, ETC… Can’t we just nuke your ass or take your sorry piece of crap ass to the brink of nuclear war?  You are getting me down and affecting my life, seriously.  You already have impacted the future of America and the Office of Hurricane and Earthquakes.  You ruined my career and marriage.  Can’t we nuke you all at once or starve you to death if we are fighting World War?  Well, can we or can’t we?  How do you plead?  What a F’in A-hole in our life always setting us up or ambushing us.  All of you are too poor, too corrupt, too aggressive, stop it stupid, totally messed up or imperfect, annoying as hell, and the list just keeps stacking up.  None of you are accountable and you refuse to pay the two billion in damages which is giving back the start or bringing the kick start of satellite warfare since you are behind all this.  Pay it you SOB, even I am growing impatient and really angry with this situation.  We want our beloved mission back and we want your sorry ass done and gone; jail, deported, death sentence, or worse, etc... We will take anything and are desperate.

WHO THE F DO THEY THINK THEY ARE?  CHARLIE CHRIST AND THE NY RED-HEAD NAPPY CURLY FLORIDA PUERTO RICANS:  I still have not gotten even with the East Tamp Puerto Ricans and their sorry ass NY red head mutt who tried to pick a fight or trap me in their dumbass road ambush at Home Depot and the side of the road.  I was going to crack a pepper spray grenade and throw it in your car but now I don’t have to.  Just get your sorry ass back home so we don’t have to deport your low-life, scumbag, and poor ass.  You people don’t even have running water and you live like animals.  Then it was the smelly taxi driver who looks like Charlie Christs’ brother; trying to get laid by some Czechoslovakian landlord.  Man you people smell and are little thieves.  I do not have to say anything, go the F back home and take your sagging ass gorilla looking kid with you please.  Now there are more of you all in FL than rich people or the normal people.  Do I have to mention your stupid politics and your even more stupid stunts that bring us closer to world war and even nuclear Armageddon?  We want to make sure you can’t even buy a bullet when that time comes and this will make starving you much easier.  Do try to ambush or trap me again; do try to get into the Hurricane-Earthquake business, again!  All of you can kiss my ass, it will never happen in this lifetime or the next. Who the F do you people think you are?

ISRAEL-AFRICA WAS ACTING IN UNISON WITH IRAQ AND THE COMMUNISTS TO COMMIT THE USA MORE AND MORE:  After the Persian Gulf, we knew bad actors were milking the military and trying to manipulate the Middle East for their own benefit at the cost of US blood and treasures.  Israel is guilty.  Iraq is guilty.  Saddam is dead.  That does not leave too many witnesses or actors in the core does it?  We know and I was in charge of the Iraq War behind the scenes, the final analyst; the final office.  There was conspiracy and cover-up in the ranks.  Iraq was defeated so badly, they overcompensated but were not the only people involved.  Similarly, when my curtain strategy swept to the center of Iraq, the final decision was made by me; sweep south only.  Right here, I am the one.  I also set the escape route and the trap and in the totality of being circled, they made fatal mistakes.  Is this what is going on now? Who is making the strategies and decisions again?  Me?  Them?  Our forces?  Their lawyers and legality?  It must be true if they are reading it?

THE REPUBLICAN GUARDS AND CHEMICAL WARFARE:  I got the call and drafted the strategy.  Let me tell you what happened and why.  I estimated at least two months to uproot and take apart the Republican Guards who were in Kuwait and near the coast.  My plan was to draw them close to the sea, where water was short and little vegetation or urban-barbarianism.  The Marines drew them to the shore and allowed for the wedge and the blitzkrieg.  When they realized this, it was too late and they were not dug in, as predicted.  However, without water or food; I wanted to get their ammo down; even test the chemical weapons.  They panicked and high tailed out of dodge.  This means they had to travel to the far end of the country, shoot up and run smack into the curtain of allies.  Now the Marines and Army came up the coast and caught them from the rear, on the highway.  So what was two months, a campaign of attrition, became a fluke.  The speed and vitality of the cavalry, the armored forces; was beyond prediction and that is how you fight desert campaigns.  Here we are now.  We are facing an even worse situation.  It has been over twenty years and I have been attacked, destroyed, and defeated by this enemy.  Do they know and how much do they know about me, or are they just finding out?  It is time I take them to the edge, how dare they tell me to walk through fire!  How dare them too.  I do not believe in their legalism, superior numbers, or the world they seek to impose on me and my forces.  Now they finally meet who was behind the scene and who was in college at the time; my mission.  It must be true if they are reading this.  

MAYBE IT IS TIME TO TAKE THIS ENEMY TO THE NUCLEAR BRINK?  I am not sure what the answer is but I know a lot of forces who are combating or have combated this enemy is in the line of fire and has to be rescued or helped.  Maybe it is time to take them to the brink and find out what exactly they are made of or what is in their soul, their existence?  How about it?  Does the next President want to test this traitor and enemy at the brink of total nuclear destruction?  They have the legal right to do this and have superior numbers?  We are the ones who want bloodshed or to wreck progress and humanity?  A lot of people are counting on the forces of good to kill and defeat this evil.  A bunch of cowards and traitors.

TOTALLY OUT OF THEIR MINDS:  You are a spy ring, you come to America, you F with us 24 hours in our homes and residence, you trip us up and block our career, and you do much more to cover it up and give is a run around, even railroad the police investigation; and now you don’t want to pay damages because you feel you are the in crowd, we revolve around your career and life, you mean well or have hidden intentions, or you only wish to apologize in secret?  You must be totally out of your mind and whacked; a psychopathic liar and traitor.  Let’s see how far you will take this before you self destruct and explode?  The FBI said they will call you an ambulance, I said how dare you, the Pentagon said they are sworn to secrecy.  That does not leave very much for you traitors or the trouble you have conjured up out of America and her allies.

OH GREAT, NOW THEY THINK THEY ARE THE IN CROWD:  Not only do they think they are the in-crowd or our partners, they are using the Conservative movement, the right wing, Fox News, and other media channels to defraud the public.  We caught them red handed and they are a spy ring but now they feel they are forgiven and the in-crowd.  Is this what they are hiding and trying to use the conspiracy and coverup for?  Is this what Ann Coulter got tangled up with and whom attacked me for the past twenty plus years?  Yes, we will move on because they are the in crowd, circling DC-VA.  How dare them and how dare they tell me to walk through fire; again and again.

TOO AGGRESSIVE, TOO STUPID, TOO POOR, TOO UN-AMERICAN, TOO CRIMINAL, TOO ILLEGAL, TOO MUCH BAD THAN GOOD:  Now we know why they are the victims of the police, the victims of religion, the victims of perfection, the victims of the truth, the victims of military might, the victims of the Office of Satellite Warfare, the victims of retaliation, the victims of the Office of Hurricane and Earthquakes, the victims of The Vietnam War, etc… look what they are doing to our life, our career, and our nation.  Rapist?  Murder plot?  Hostile work environment?  Web of lies and deception?  Aggressive media?  What did we catch them for or what did they do?  We are the same and look like them or have their reputation now?


MORE POOR PEOPLE THAN RICH NOW, EVEN RETIREES AND VACATION-LAND:  If you look at Florida and the politics of the seniors and extremely wealthy; there is more and more poor people.  If you look at New York and New Jersey; they are not really business people but scamming people to accept more and poorer people than rich.  If you look at the religion of debt and the politics of America, we see debt ridden states and foreign governments who are pushing the nation deeper into a state of treason or evil.  Are they really who they claim or just scamming us, they have superior numbers and are the elite?  Look at their F’in politics and this secret war.  Now there is conspiracy and cover-up in the ranks; shut their ass down until otherwise.  Bring war to their door until this conspiracy and cover-up in the ranks is acceptable, combated, and addressed properly.  No more corruption and terror plots.  They are poor and they are too aggressive and evil; criminals and trash.  They owe this office two billion and it is still going on, the attacks and nonsense.

THOSE CRAZY WHITES AND THEIR BLACK HELPERS, SMEARING OUR GOOD NAME AT THE BEHEST OF THEIR GOOD NAME:  Too aggressive, too poor, all junkies and drug addicts, down and out, always between jobs or unemployed, endless welfare recipients, always in the way or in someone’s face, ridiculous politics, think they are powerful, sex offenders or child molesters, spying on us constantly, throwing a wrench in life or tripping others up, can’t get ahead, irate and disgruntled, crime ridden neighborhood, upset with career, lack education, always kissing ass or brown nosing, lurking around DC-VA, trying to pull us down or look the same, always trying to fit in, etc… must I say more?  Yes and now their drug wars and terror plots; victims of what and who?  This is about sex and females?  Teachers?  Aggressive and down and out males?  The sex industry?

STUPID F’IN ASSHOLE, LOOK AT MY MISSION AND WHAT YOU DID; THEN LOOK AT THE PERSON CHOSEN TO TAKE CARE OF ME IN CASE DISASTER STRUCK OR WE GET TAKEN OUT:  F’in MF… do you know what the Satellite Warfare Office will do to you?  Do you have any idea what the Office of Hurricane and Earthquake will do?  Do you have any idea what the FBI or the Pentagon is prepared to do to you all?  .  I am a disabled vet and Ann was chosen to take care of me in case something happens in this mission.  Boy your reputation just gets worse and worse doesn't it?  Where are you at now?  How do you make us move or move on?  How do you make this go away?  How do you continue and not stop in midstream?  How do you fix this and keep doing it? 

ANN HAS AN ASIAN LIFE PARTNER AND IS TRYING TO DO EVERYTHING FINANCIALLY FOR HIM, YET IS FAILING:  For a nomad and a moron who is always claiming racism or crazy ridiculous nonsense, I would think your insensitivity and lack of compassion for the rights of others supersedes your stupid debt and tricks to ruin our life.  However, you are fighting Uncle Same and the death is coming from the rot inside your ranks; so the spillover to ours or the conspiracy and coverup in our ranks has to be stopped and treated; the cancer in yours has to be accelerated, a bunch of legal assholes and traitors.  I am a disabled vet and Ann was chosen to take care of me in case something happens in this mission.  Boy your reputation just gets worse and worse doesn't it?  Obviously, she is committed to the Vietnamese cause and the American cause; both a cold war cause; but here we are now.  This is about the Vietnam War and trying to re-educate us; use our name and honor to sneak in or invade.  You and your dumbass fat white trash or insane male Negroes; total trash and assholes.

INTERSECTION, PATHS COLLIDES, RIGHT OF WAY, OPPOSITION, LEGAL RIGHT, ETC… You try to create a mess or meet up at a stop sign or intersection again and I will make sure your people and your state starve this winter.  Your stupid tricks and existence has ticked off just about every nation on earth and your reckless politics and docile corruption is even worse.  We know you have superior numbers and political protection, do we care and do you care what happens to your future?  Exactly.  Why even discuss what we do to you; we know what you did though and nobody is happy about you or what you have done; to them and to us.  If you want to get thrown out and claim how legal you are, do so.  So far you got nowhere and trouble continues to stack up against your filth and trash.  Stop acting dumb will you F'in asshole?

IS THIS STILL ABOUT POLITICAL RACKETEERING AND PROTECTION AMONG THE RANKS:  If this is and was about political racketeering and protection in the ranks of the federal government, than whom do we charge with the two billion damages?  Do we charge who we caught originally; Limbaugh, Hannity, Fox News, and the labor unions circling around our life and running our life to hell?  Do we pull all the deception away and take on their political entity and our nemesis on directly?  Clearly, they are benevolent and docile, now merging and on good behavior; however, turn our backs on them and they become a raging labor union, a mob of thieves, and a maniac communist traitor.  Sure they ruined everything and stole everything, relentless about it too, but now they cannot take over our bank accounts, our career, or have any financial tentacles because their fingers are broken or missing.  Who owes the two billion and who is facing a shut down or expulsion?  Us or them?  Clearly the Democratic voting base is their protector and they are plugged into those traitors for protection and far worse than corruption.  This is about protection and also racketeering among the ranks of government workers; who pays the damages when they screw up and get caught? Who do we shut down?  Their state?  Their politics?  Their industry?  Their immigration? 

SCHOOLING US ON THE VIETNAM WAR OR AMERICA BLEW UP:  Yes those scholars are now revising and trying to determine who knows they are full of crap and lying about their academic work.  Some of them are even radical communists trying to teach us about the Vietnam War and the 1960s; so they bomb the hell out of us or our life and now they sit in hot water waiting for the feathers to be plucked.  When will they get the axes and teach people the truth?  It must be another round of secrecy or sworn secrecy with the Pentagon that is why they are so quiet?  How much conspiracy and cover-up is in the ranks and the federal government?  They know it is unacceptable and corrupt, we have another year of getting bombed to hell by their secret forces and dirty tricks.  It is all a conspiracy and we are so sorry too, now shut up and go away; then pay the damages as asked.


BETTER TELL ISRAEL AND AFRICA, OR THE DEMOCRATS, TO PAY THE SANDY VICTIMS INSTEAD OF PANDERING TO THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT OR FILLING THEIR RANKS:  If this traitor is not going to pay, then maybe we should ask Israel and Africa because this traitor is totally screwed up and one guilty human being before us.  If they want war, then they can pay for it and shut their mouth.  At least we have allies in this world and people who truly love us for this victory while being the underdog. Eventually they will run out of ammo and that is when they are most ridiculous; when we deliver the truth to their door.

GOT THE SHIT BOMBED OUT OF US BUT WE EVENTUALLY WON THIS, CONSPIRACY AND COVERUP IN THE RANKS!  Even if they did everything and anything to bomb the hell out of us, even keep us as hostages and prisoners 24-7; we did make a comeback and won this.  That is to say much about them or what they are up to and are still doing now, it is still a pitched battle and there is conspiracy and coverup in the ranks.  Regardless, we won the ultimate victory and expect much more now.  They can keep trying or try until they are shut down, bleed to death, or self destruct.  Evil has no place in this world, none; they have no place now.

CONSPIRACY AND COVERUP IN THE RANKS, GOOD THING THE PENTAGON AND ANN COULTER WAS THERE FOR ME OR CAME THROUGH FOR THIS:  Imagine what would have happened had the DoD wisdom did not retire me and I was in the line of fire or active duty?  That would be a death sentence and a very nasty predicament to be in.  Imagine also what would have or could have happened if Ann Coulter did not come through for me or if I was stuck in the ocean of madness without a life preserver.  How dare them all to tell me to walk through fire and then call me a liar when it was all done, how dare them all.  Good thing I was able to come through and hit perfect each time; I did save the world but I sustained tremendous damage doing so.  Do I parade my medals or honor?  Do I brag or keep my focus in pitched battle?  Even nearly knocked out, do I have the wits or experience to put one submission hold after the next and leave a trail of peanuts for them to eat?  Exactly.  God thing I came through and did what I do.  Do they want to fight or keep the superior numbers political pressure on us?  They can try and they can or have failed; do we hire them or fire them now?  There is conspiracy and coverup in the ranks, beware of the Pentagon, FBI, federal and state governments, and anything with conspiracy and coverup in their ranks.  So far so good but major damage, injury, broken equipment, and energy left; too much battle and overwhelming attacks; low energy and life.  These traitors do not even want to pay for our medicine or recovery and rebirth.

VERY HARD TO BREAK ANN AND I UP, EVEN PROFESSIONALLY:  No matter how much effort they try and even if they do manage to break our love or romance up; they are going to find it even more difficult to break us apart on the professional level.  However, it comes at a consequence.  Similar to family, you can take the love out of the family but not the family out of the love.  In politics and world war, know who you can trust and trust who you can love.  When it comes down to a fight, know who will stand next to you to the very bitter end.  You cannot break up the Office of Satellite Warfare or even touch the Office of Hurricane and Earthquakes; you can try but all roads will lead to the same result.  Keep plugging away and wasting more of our time.  I guess this is why they say everybody dies in battle with someone else.  

ALWAYS TRYING TO TRIP PEOPLE UP OR PREVENT THEM FROM GETTING AHEAD:  Is this how we got here?  Is this why the country is in steep decline?  Is this why the factory jobs and the business is suspect or not sustainable?  Is this why our biography looks and feels the way it does, false facts and a stunted growth?  It has come down to this very bitter ending.  2014 is when it all will collapse on them.  Keep plugging away and wasting more of our time.

ATTACK TEAMS DROVE INTO OUR TERRITORY AND LIFE, WE DID NOT DRIVE INTO THEIR HEARTLAND:  The reason why their trucks and raiding party is broken down or facing destruction is because they drove deep into our territory.  We have no intention of going to them, none.  This is also why our trucks suffered so much damage; however, they don’t want to admit it, take responsibility, or give any information to the police.  How do you file an accident report or a police report when it is a hit-and-run, a drive-by?  Also, are they saying we shot back or defended our firebase?  What is the real story and how long do they think covering this up and avoiding reality can avoid prosecution?  There is lying and then there is pathologically lying.  Nobody drove deep into their territory or mission then broke down, a total wreck.

THE VIETNAM WAR AND AMERICA:  Did America, similar to Ann Coulter, use politics or even stunts to cover up something, maybe even look more attractive?  Did Ann use this traitor to cover up her own failure in her love life?  Why is she still not married or happy in life?  Why is she still trying so hard and getting nowhere or going backwards?

DID ANN COULTER USE THESE PEOPLE TO COVER UP HER OWN FAILURES IN HER LOVE LIFE, HER INABILITY TO MAKE HER MAN HAPPY?  The jury is out on this but we have seen this enemy and traitor do this over and over; the blame game and the scapegoat game.  The question is if all things were normal and the tools and the people who obstructed and negatively intervened did not work their evil; would her love life be a failure or total disaster or is she just looking for an excuse or reason to parade her story of being victimized?  She claimed she messed up but she also feels badly about a lot of things; but is it enough or was it enough?  Is the next person who replaces her going to exploit this or try to push her out of the picture?  In other words, what percentage is their fault and what percentage is hers?  Results are not enough in love and war.  Who has the power or understanding to judge correctly?  She or them?  If you do not take good care of what you have, it will go away or die.  If you do not work hard to make it happy, don't expect it to be happy; all of them are pushy, demanding, and totally ridiculous.

WE DON’T REALLY HAVE ANYBODY IN THIS WORLD OR TRUST ANYBODY:  Just remember where we are and what level we are at.  Both Ann and I don’t really have anybody in this world and even if we do, we don’t really trust anyone or they just do not understand who and what we are.  Keep this in mind before they decide to do more damage or rack up more and more damages.  Waging war on us was one thing, forcing us to live with their total mess or burdens are another.  Now they don’t even accept any responsibility for what they did or what has happened.  If they have a death wish that is one thing, but to drag us into the grave with them is another.  Due to all the damages, I have already taken the steps to replace Ann and she is taking the steps so I do not have to.  This is the odd contradiction between her life and mine; also what they exploit or how they make it worse.  Do you think the satellite warfare program is staffed or the Office of Hurricane and Earthquakes is around each and every time I have a problem?  How about the FBI and the police?  Do you think if anybody gave it 24-7 it would make a difference for either Ann or I?  Already I am the only person on duty, other than Ann; I am overworked and underpaid.  I also did not sign up for this, never ever did.  None of these people want to pay for the damages or take any accountability, nobody does; so they claim to be friends, lovers, and even family.

In the case of Ann, they were defeated and got beat badly; but they are not done yet and are still fighting her.  They still claim to be partners and even close friends.
In the case with me, satellite warfare, and the Office of Hurricane and Earthquakes; they claim I have to move or leave and are not done yet or are still in pitched battle (hand to hand combat) with me.  They still claim to be partners and even close family friends.  

THE 1960s CROWD STILL TRYING TO CLEAR HER HUSBAND’S NAME OR HISTORY AND BE WITH UNCLE SAME:  It is all lies, treachery, betrayal, exploitation, and the fault of evil or totally screwed up people.  Now they are waging war on the Office of Satellite Warfare, The Pentagon, The FBI and police, and The Office of Hurricane and Earthquakes.  Who is this stupid or audacious, it is all being recorded and documented.  Get me the F out of this re-education camp and bubble of totally screwed up communists and traitors.

THE CLINTONS' AND THEIR ANTI-VIETNAM RE-EDUCATION CAMP:  I am not sure if they want to meet Uncle Same but they need to throw it in and stop antagonizing both my life and Ann’s.  They have no business in our life and we have nothing in common, nothing; ask Ann.  We know it is about the Vietnam War and the draft; a bubble-hostage re-education program now in it’s second decade, yes twenty years of this abuse and torture.  They also claim I am mentally ill or their employee.  They claim it is their choice, their money, their opinion, their freedom, and their home; we have no rights or voice. How wrong can they be?

DON’T EVER POINT A HEART ATTACK OR USE ELECTRON-MAGNETIC WAVES ON MY BODY, EVER!  I will hunt you down and see to it personally, all your funds are cut off or when World War III arrives; you starve or don’t even have the money to buy bullets; am I clear?  You F with us or this, then not pay damages or be accountable; and you will be the victims of the police, military might, and God or religion.  Read the historical record, they were pointing it at Ann also; not just me in my own residence.

DIRECT CORRELATION BETWEEN A HURRICANE AND THESE WAVES OF ATTACKS:  As we can see, there is a direct link and correlation between these traitors and communists and Katrina or Sandy.  The dates indicate a dormant period afterwards, a 12 month break, possibly to regroup or reorganize.  In terms of terror plots, we also see a direct correlation in the attacks or violence each time the hurricanes strikes liberal or left wing concentration camps-areas.  Data also shows a period of 9-12 months before they are back at it. They are spying and have us in a prison-bubble 24-7 and trying desperately to exploit our life or ruin it until we are dead in hell.  They owe the satellite warfare program two billion in damages and are excluded from funding it or participating-benefiting from it. If we catch them or detect them, there will be massive retaliation and legal consequences.

WAS UNDER ATTACK FROM 2011 TO 2012 WHILE THEY TRIED TO TAKE OVER SATELLITE WARFARE AND THE OFFICE OF HURRICANE EARTHQUAKES:  May a great depression starve them and throw them out; maybe deport them and send them back home!  When told to stop and put their hands up; don’t ask for hand to hand combat.  They did not attack in 2013 but did recently; the past month; it came from AAA Auto Club and the towing industry in St. PetersburgFL.  We know where to put the cross-hairs now.  2013 was the first year in two decades they did not attack or did not keep us as prisoners of this urban bubble.  In 2005 they also took a break but was right back at it until Katrina.  We are preparing for them to come back and are ready for the next wave of attacks.

THE GREAT DEPRESSION MAY BE AROUND THE CORNER AND WORLD WAR MAY BE SOON:  In 2011 they said they were in the Hurricane-Earthquake business.  In 2014 they claim to be the victims of the police, religion, and military might.  These traitors are intent on destroying our nation, our life, and every aspect of our being; just so they can control us or act like we are mistreating them.  They call at work and try to rub elbows or become pushy, demanding, and bossy; customer complaints.  They claim we are not fit for the job and become too stressed with their needs.  They claim they make the hiring and firing decisions.  They claim it is their money and this is their choice or preferences.  They buy people like a commodity and are behind corruption, the drug wars, and even the communist invasion.  Wherever they go they wreck and ruin, then claim it is their home, their money, and their choice.  The only problem is they won’t go quietly and won’t take accountability for damages; even if they face massive retaliation and damages.  They will become the victims of the police, military might, and even religion.  They will get kicked out and apprehended, cornered and pushed over the edge.  They just refuse to surrender or to accept any responsibility.  They are not even fit for military duty and they act like they run the place.  How do we get them out of our life, return them to the hell and the sewers they came from, and how do we put them somewhere so they are not a threat to others or we can contain the communist threat; allow a traitor to take over America and our life?  The clock is ticking and 2014 will be their end. 

CAN BLIND BARBARIANS FIGHT THEMSELVES:  This is one of the greatest mysteries on earth?  It is also what separates them from a barbarian.  Let’s take a look at their options and how they fight Uncle Same, let them fight themselves.  Now they have something to be mad about.  Keep in mind the Office of Hurricane and Earthquakes, even the Pentagon; has what they need for World War and it is being filmed and recorded.  It can only get worse for them and they need to pay damages and resolve it in a perfect way; as asked or told to. 


TRYING TO BE LIKED OR FIT IN:  There is a profound difference in trying to be liked and trying to avoid jail.  Threatening and dangerous felons, who invade the homes of their victims or enemies, are not really trying to fit in but avoid detection and federal charges.  When you screw up someone’s life and tell them in a pushy, demanding, or bossy manner they have no rights; it is not a really good effort to get along or even seek friendship.  But we are far past that point aren't we?  Even if we are friends and neighbors, nobody has a right to defraud, anger and harass, or wreck the life of others unless they are sadistic and orphans who are barbarians.  Then trying to compensate or over-compensate for it is more evil.  Now we have full blown war or worse.

MAY THE SALT OF LIFE ENTER YOUR ARTERIES AND CORRODE YOU UNTIL DEATH OR OTHERWISE:  Show me someone who can do this and at this level.  Show me someone who can do this to us, at this level.  What a pushy, demanding, evil traitor and SOB communist.  I am the author of these books.  I am the person they targeted or took hostage and put into this bubble.  I am the one who is trying to escape this matter or situation.  Now show me who can do this at this level.  Bring that human being before the world and let’s find out, let’s do that. Let’s see what will happen to us and then to them; it’s like a canary in the coal mine.  How it is the enemies are the sane and logical people and the people with the money are totally nuts and traitors?  There is no possible way unless they are communists discrediting and feeding the world disinformation.  Who the F is this backwards and screws everything up while they are smart-asses? 

TELLING ME THIS IS HOW IT IS OR MOVE?  Again, they feel this is their home, their world, and we have to move; constant attacks while everybody is trying to dispose or war is needed.  Are they willing to face war over this?  Will they go to war or the mat for this or what they did, we will.  We have.  Now can they escape the truth?  I have to give all my secrets and work away, just so it is not stolen or damaged.  These were my books and work done when I was in college, why am I giving it away?  What are my options?  Who is going to pay the two billion in damages?  Me?  Ann?  The FBI or the police?  Had they stolen my work, the world would have believed their body double or cloning.  If I gave it away or forced to take it public, as in this blog and my diary; then they exploit it and are able to use new strategies or secret methods; or even move in advance.  What are my options and theirs?  Where are we now?  Nobody can see them so how do we catch this terrorist and murder plot?  


Books and Satellite Warfare:  How do I write books when I can’t get a lawyer and the support system or support is not there?  All my computers were broken or had problems.  All my printers were damaged in a fire due to a Kerosene heater.  My internet is blocked.  The tools I need are destroyed or damaged.  The people I have to talk to are not paid or reluctant.  I look like I am crazy or in a state of panic and shock.  How do I explain this?  How do you win a war with this many injuries?  Now how do I get rich or print my books when I have a SOB telling me I have to work harder and agree with their labor union benefits or protection?  If they spy on me, then how easy would it be to obstruct, deny, or oppress the matter; by being a Negro or white trash?  I have to give my work away or face erasure or even stolen intellectual rights.   I am in a bubble and trying to escape      it but the espionage and illegal surveillance is immense and inescapable.  Why?  How?  Are the communist this powerful and big in numbers? 
Get a job and escape this bubble – I have tried this over and over; only to find myself in a bubble, circled, and attacked all day long.  I end up with failed attempts to make me agree or irate.  Am I a victim of religion, a victim of the police, or the victim of military might?  Am I a victim of America or on top of the food chain?  Data suggests I am the last step and rung on the food chain; it does not take a very bright investigator to know something is not right.  Get a job and normalize my life was impossible when I was a hostage 24-7; now Fox News, Bin Limbaugh, Bin Hannity and this church of fools and debt constantly try to put me on welfare or food stamps.  How in hell do I begin Satellite Warfare on welfare or am I just to give it to them and trust them with it?  The support system is not there and the political pieces are not right because I am in this bubble.  I have tried to relocate numerous times, to escape that bubble.  It takes them 2-6 months to regroup when I escape.  Why am I escaping communists or Negroes?  Why are they following me and attacking; shouldn’t I bee shooting at will and calling strategic nuclear targets while feeding intelligence to the Pentagon or NORAD? 
Ann Coulter:  After more than twenty years together and more than physical intimacy; just look at her life or the entire matter.  How do I survive this when I have to come to her aid and we have to double team her enemies while they do it right in front of the camera or cover it up?  Conspiracy?  Who ruined everything and screwed everything up, then lied about it or tried to back step until they were legally safe?  So how in hell do I continue my twenty plus years with Ann when I am furious with her, nobody is telling the truth, and she tells me she did nothing wrong? That is not the story or the evidence before me.  Is there a judge or a law enforcement agency out there that can find the truth or get it?  They both blame each other and Ann claims she is not worried or they will never make her cry; why then work with them?  They rip each others eyes out, follow each other in life, and then lie or cover it all up?  Who has the truth or the single real story; all of them are sticking to their story but still, no truth in the matter.  If Ann is my rescue then take a hard look at my backup-rescue and what happened to it.
Federal government and FBI:  We know they are guilty on numerous levels.  We know what they are up to.  We have dispatched every single law enforcement and politician on this earth.  Do we have victory or results?  No.  Is the evidence or the support there to seek punitive damages?  No.  How then do we go from here to there if the support system and the tools needed are not available or never arrived?  Complain and write about it?  Raise hell?  Blame and lie about it?  How about let them cover it up and does whatever they want, railroad our life a second time?
Private lawyer or punitive damages:  What lawyer out there can summarize what they did or how they used illegal spying or surveillance to obstruct, harass, damage, ruin, or cause a spiral of decline?  How do I prove it when the resources they have are enormous?  The left wing is merely acting like a Negro and intentionally tries to harm every single aspect of my life, a bubble I am trapped in.  How does a lawyer defeat or get me out of that?  Where do we begin? 
Other:  Other can be relying on friends and family but as we see none of this came together.  Meanwhile, they paint me in the worst manner and it ruins or feeds my friends and family the wrong data and makes them think the worst of me.  Even the FBI had a hard time getting to the bottom of this.  Even the FBI has to send me back into the line of fire because they do not have the evidence to take any action.  Even today and even if I saw and was there when they did 911; the case is not even near completion.  A traitor and a spy agency, an internal mole and threat to the nation, did that and the FBI or law enforcement cannot bring them to justice?  How then will I ever get justice or punitive damages?

WHAT DID THEY DO OR WHAT IS THEIR CHOICE?  Well I have to fight for a job.  I have to meet them at work.  I have to fight them at work and at home.  I have to rub elbows and experience this revolving door where they come and go as they please.  I have to see women try to push Ann out.  I have to watch Ann be invited to dinners, parties, bars, and screw up her own life or let her career screw up my opinion of her and twenty plus years of partnership and intimacy.  I have to watch her raise hell, grand stand, contact anybody she can, risk her life, tell them to stop, go to them and play diplomacy, sneak up on the people who did this or are behind it, get trapped in this racketeering and extortion bubble, witness a murder plot on her and an attempt to print lies about her biography, watch her try to trap them in a web of lies with her own web of lies and secret love life; forced to fire her and seek disciplinary actions by The Office of Hurricane and Earthquakes because the proximity of this traitor, SOB, and communist is so close;  we can go on and on.  How do two people fight organized traitors when their numbers and determination is at this level?  There is no honor among thieves, so their choice is irrelevant; but they do not shut up or go away and their bosses do not fire them or close down the corruption.

THEIR RESOURCES AND OUR RESOURCES:  They have vast resources and even misuse the resources of the US government; meanwhile, they squander mine or steal my vital funds needed to give life to the Satellite Warfare program or protect the Office of Hurricane and Earthquakes.  Traitors?  Communists?  Criminals?  How much farther can they go than the death penalty?  Did I mention Ann trying to duplicate or show to the world what they did to me using the race card?  Then I have to watch it when they claim it is true or cover it up?  Let’s say I was Jesus and God is looking; tell me what he would do?  Let’s say I parachuted into hostile or enemy territory; what do you think the people on the other end will do or how far they will go?  Even if the damages are capped at two billion; how much further will they take this into their own guilt and our own vindication?  Who got framed, cheated, and railroaded?  Who are the liars and a piece of trash?  Who is inferior and wants to die or won’t go away?  Who needs to be nuked and hunted down like Bin Limbaugh?  Even in war, only the truth will survive.  Only the truth is important or matters here; nothing or no one else.  If it means all of them must die, then the truth and our future is worth it. 



IF YOU ARE SUPERIOR OR AMERICANS, TELL THE TRUTH:  it is that simple.  Ann Coulter also.  It is hard for me to get the truth from her or a straight answer.  We don't give a F about your work week or labor problems honestly.  I am here to only win this and declare victory, not argue with some asshole and traitor.

WE NEED PEOPLE WHO WILL WIN THE COLD WAR, DELIVER VICTORY, AND PUT THIS ENEMY OR TRAITOR IN ULTIMATE PAIN; WIN THIS WORLD WAR:  These women cannot please their men and are completely ridiculous and shallow.  These people are backwards and they have an attitude about it.  A religion of debt will get nowhere and never got us anywhere.  Lying and railroading people, especially those who can deliver a victory or defeat these traitors; is an act of treason.  See the problem now?  The right people are locked out while the wrong people are let in or given a green light?  Why?  Because it is a bubble created by a docile enemy and traitor; win the cold war not screw it up or tell more lies by shifting the blame or pandering for money.  All of them are this way and it is near the deadline.  They will fight the wars for this nation, otherwise; go the F home.  Trying to get rich off the sick, criminal, weak, and stupid got nowhere and is a total wreck now; so is their immigration.  As I see it, all of them are backwards, phonies, empty inside, traitors, not who they claim, just shifting the blame, or straight up corrupt.  Congress also got us nowhere.  Can they please their men or powerful warriors, we will see.  You piss off the most powerful warriors and they will come after you and they will harm you in ways only God knows.  These people are all backwards and they screw up everything; yet they keep trying to involve themselves in every single aspect of our life or integrating; even my marriage.  Win it and make it quick; then move on.  I am not here to tell their immigration plight or story of their blue collar or manufacturing history.

WHAT ARE YOUR CHOICES AND OPTIONS?  Your choice is do you want the Office of Hurricane and Earthquakes to fix this or do you want to tell the truth and be accountable for screwing all of this up and this mission?  The choice is to pay the damages before an earthquake or the wrath of God arrives where you truly are a victim of religion, the police, or military might.  Your options are in black and white; very honest, very truthful, and full of integrity and values.  Refusing to settle or pay the damages, be captured by the police; will destroy your life and your future, then it will bring you to the edge of World War where you will fight our wars and pay in blood and treasures.  Only the truth matters at this level and for this victory; do screw things up and keep us in this bubble of lies and deceit; totally illegal.  Do spy on us also.

THE CHOICE IS GET OUT OF DODGE, IF THIS BUBBLE IS NOT REMOVED AND THE CHAINS REMOVED FROM SATELLITE WARFARE AND THE OFFICE OF HURRICANE AND EARTHQUAKES:  The choice is to be accountable or else all hell will break out or arrive.  The choice is being earth-quaked and another judgment.  The choice is we will prevail and survive.  The choice is only the truth matters, not how screwed up they are.  The choice is they deserve to die and deserve hell, guilty.  Why in hell do you want to be friends or even search for friends and comrades?  F off and die. 

WIN THIS AND DO NOT OPEN THE DOOR FOR THEM; THEY ALL WANT TO DIE AND F THIS UP EVEN MORE, CONSTANTLY EVEN THE SCORE OR KEEP US IN A TRAP AND BUBBLE:  F them up, spit on their graves, and deliver victory.  If this means conjuring up The Office of Hurricane and Earthquakes; then butcher them.  They screwed up everything and now don’t even want to pay two billion in damages; then they railroad everybody and shift the blame to the same people who delivered victory and defeated this traitor and enemy.  That is a full blooded traitor.  These people are cheap, trash, and they only screw everything up or lie about it?  Truth or their choice and preferences, then hang up on them and get rid of their pitiful ass.  Their choices got them two billion in damages, pay up traitor.  Win the cold war, F them up, and let’s spit on their graves.  They screw everything up and do not want to even be accountable; where is that going to take us or this cold war victory?  Death?

UNCLE SAME IS IN THE BUSINESS OF DETERMINING WHO LIVES AND WHO DIES:  It better be for a very good reason.  However, the world we live in is loitered with backwards people who are smart-asses, misfits who screw everything up, leaders who shift the blame or cannot judge right from wrong, and a host of corrupt (pushy, demanding, bossy) traitors who just will not die.  There are not in the same business and cannot make these judgments; we can and are doing this right now.  All they want to do is have someone tell the story of illegal immigrants, blue collar workers, those who do not have a college degree, or pin medals on total failures or people life wants to forget about.  In the end, we need to know exactly who lives and who dies; but they will fight our wars and screwing up everything will come to an end; immediately.

DID ANN COULTER SCREW UP HER LOVE LIFE AND ULTIMATE SEARCH FOR A SOUL MATE?  Oh the debate just keeps going on and on.  To no avail, people just keep screwing it up, railroading each other, full of conspiracy and cover-up, and all the nonchalant drama we just do not wish to know about or see.  Similar to the Satellite Warfare Office or Office of Hurricane and Earthquakes; we are in the business of winning the cold war and defeating traitors or enemies.  In war, it is necessary to kill them and butcher them; yet they pile it on and keep attacking.  Yes they are pushy, demanding, fat, ugly, disgusting people, empty, full of chaos, full of lies and deceit, can’t please their men, sick and weak people, and they are here to screw everything up and lie about it or what they did. 

SPIT ON THEIR F'IN GRAVES WHEN THEY DIE:  I'm not running around with my head off about a nuclear bomb dropped on me, am I?  I would earthquake them.  I would throw hurricanes in their pants.  I would throw them into the street and do far worse to their security.  If it was war, I would butcher them.  As I see it, let them do as they please while alive and then spit on their graves.  It can only get worse for all of them, dating or not; drinking or not; going to dinner or not.  At this level, the consequences are fatal and strategic.  Crying like a bitch or nit-picking is not going to do very much; for anybody.  They have one life and politics will rip their soul apart; don't come running to the survivors of this world and beg or plead their case.  Do spit on their F’in graves and keep me in a bubble or acting like they can please their man; will only make their life worse, even the pitiful men doing this.  The bottom line is nobody dropped a nuclear bomb on me yet but my two billion damage claim is keeping me in their bubble and financial trap.  In the end, only the truth matters, the rest we can burn or nuke; F'em all.

BUSH FAMILY, CUBANS, NY-NJ MAFIA, AND IMMIGRATION:  Statistics do not lie unless there is conspiracy and cover-up within their ranks.  America has been exploited when it comes to immigration.  The academic records favor Whites and Asians in one category; African Americans and Hispanics in another.  This record has stood for a very long time.  The economies of the Asians, when compared to the Whites; have more momentum and growth in a very short period of time.  If we compare birth-rate, education, and even income; the disparity and gap is wide.  Cuban politicians are corrupt and even scatter-brained; in FL many different groups have made it clear they refuse to live under the Cubans due to their corruption and lack of American culture.  These Republicans from the lineage of the mafia and the Bush Family are nothing more than corrupt politicians or con-men.  They are stupid but they are ignorant, so that makes them a powerful politician and a horrible strategist and leader.  Keep in mind, needy people have a tendency to work harder or be friendlier; except the NY-NJ crowd who is always pushy and demanding.

UTTER CORRUPT AND TOTALLY SCREWED UP RELIGION:  Look at how many people are sick, disabled, cripple, on welfare, stupid, etc... all of them are trying to get rich or make a buck on the sick; communist traitors!  Yes the religion of debt.  Yes the victims of the police, religion, and military might.  Oh they are so powerful, demanding, confident, pushy, and bossy.

FOX NEWS SAID TODAY 11/1/2013:  “We are back on food stamps.”  Who is we?

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My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.